OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 29, 1872, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-02-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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V**- XXXI.N? 9,642.
Tio.N?-THF naSaTDt Of __fa_WXT BOARD
Albany, Feb. 38.?The Assembly Committee
aa Kaifroada niet this afternoon to hear argument of
aaaasr-l tu regard to the Erie Itaitroad legislation. Be
larethc pr-rx-ottlingc began Atloruey-Genernl Barlow de
mtre*\ to say a few word? la personal explanation of cer
agio aeeusatious made against him by Thus. G. Sbear
mmAi, uue of tlio ?lunml fur tlio Krie Road, at the last
?aMctiag >.f tlic Committee, wLic.h wore lately published,
afeargtu?; biro (the Attorney-General) with having sought
tfgtitn... v w itli Judge Barnard, and corruptly applying for
? rsniitrahip in the suit of Carpenter agt. The
Msrkrt cUvinffi Bank. Leave being granted, Gen. Bar
?c? read h Militen ?tateruent which he said had been
rajad Iiy Judge Barrett, and also Judge Porter, one ot the
?atan-* l in that matter, who fully acrced with what was
*#ntt. u. The staU-tm nt denies all the allegations made.
tier,. lurlow charaotenrcHl the t. ta temen ts of Mr. flhear
xoaji as ?' willfully untnic." Mr. Shearman bore th.- ini
puuaou upon Ins vi-r.icity with great fortitude, though
as ?ade ?vn < tlort t.i JaatlfjT himself by asserting that bis
information was derived from the friend of both Judges.
Ba liad mudo tho statement at the request of Wm, C.
Bairott, tiao am lo of Judge Barrett, who received hi!
auVriiiHtiuti from that Judge hiropclf, and Judge
Bur.i.nl hud ?aid he was sorry ho could not
??tue here l?> roak?-|tbe statement himself. The Commu?
ta then pi*oc*oded.Ui business. Judge Smith of Elmlra
?_! nc was sent here with Lucius Robinson and others
to n |.n?v m ?? ? lew.? of the citizens of Elmlra. lie ox
peeu-ii Hal Mr l?>binson would have been here to speak,
Bai in tin- at?? Lie he would like to say something hitn
Be then read from a written paper, ta ?uimtanee,
sa follows : We arc Lere us rcpn s.-nfutive? of 1,000
?atera of Uiiura, who feel that tli.-y b.ivi- a legitimate
raf bt lo bo hear.] on Ibis subject as citizens of the State,
and fM-rwitis having an Interest in it? h glclaturn,
prartitularly tbat lull relating to the Erie Iload,
vhlc.li i? Intended to change its preBBBl management.
wtth which they are satisfied. The change in.iv
?"?rk iwrtn. TJndir the old management op to 18C7 the
taatk and the rolling stock were allow.?,! to get in MME
aa niimifc condition tri?t It was dangerous to travel on
a> ro..il, yet il a a? then paying dividends. If the object
af tin- rvml I-e made again only to pay dividends, instead
af serving ike tiublle. we may expect that the road will
tall int.. tin- ?auie duugerotis and unsafe coudilioii i.gtiiu.
gii,<. i?S; the road has been lilted from the worst, possi
Takr ?-?.uilituin to the txwt; it lia? as good roa. 1 bol an.) truck
fas any m the world. Ils engines are equal to any and
Barar? ? .>(. I all others. The publie aloni: it? line luis no
somplaini to make and that is the only public of which
I Bave Hiiv knowledge. Ir ?a-t ni?p?-;;red from a suit In
?fuel. Mi. Hsk Marlene, rued, lliat only IM.OjO.OOO out
gfi.vi i iMulMyMI ?"-1 owned by foreigners, and the
?fcaiige wh? stiltgbt by Ian u'ti? rs, bntnot by citizens of
He? Yoik or other State?. Tbese men were ownera of
like Atlantic .iikI (.liai Weit, in, which Wllll tiicfllcleut
?arid If ihey get control of the road, it will fall into
hkr i!.. ,iv We ii.ii.-i:, l?ioi?a fi00 men enijiN.-ud in the
jsanatuiture ol talll uned on Huh r.uid, anil if these for
<a*ni- r-> git control of It those rails will tie furnished
ll-oi., England. Judge Smltti then proceeded with ?unie
remarks, which look.-d very much as though he dched
to ltnprcM?. tho Coraiaittoo with the belief that
Ac h.',t<. .-iited oi.Jy the puro and undeflled
?aountry dlstu.ts, but r<u!ly succeeded in
allowing himself only too well hi qnuir.t'd with municipal
trl, kt i> JI. .<?: ...i..l b] ( araestly protesting, on be?
half of that vast multitude of "1,000 Elmlra voters,"
against any bill air nig fit a < liango In the present m.in
sgenieut of Erie wl'.icti w ouid alter tho present policy in
tbe mterest of UM pi Lile to a policy in tli*- Interest of
fhtidends -and ?hareholdcrs. To ? qiuajJuii of Mr. 8oulh
rsrayd as to ho-.v many of the thouaaad BlBBldaai
aawd BMalaad tl.? ir livelihood from the Kin- Biiilway,
he profeaaed igmiranoe. In aai-wor to one of the
Osmtiilttee who a-krd, " If you were a stockholder
ta the value of hall a million, and w;mted to
sat nd of the otli, i r? und directors who ware Injuring
you, what would you (loi" UV said: "I should try to
Banke my st.sk iM-n.-tl. it.l to nuself in lue HBBBl way pm
viAed lu the by-Uwsof the cor|*orution; I should not Como
aere If 1 was a defeated stockholder to seek to n medy
say defeat by an net Bl the 1/ s'islature." TUa bit of sar*
aauu would Iii.M l.ien Li tiei aiprt-fiated if Judge Smith
lktaal pointed out BOW the by-laws could 1< imulo to aid
the defeated stockholder. A letter from Lncins Itoliin
?iiiil Elnni.? wur. nail, in.'.'Hi/ ItaalBlluai adopted
by the OBBBBBBB Q?amil of tu it i ?:y, ??ppoc.iii' the rtpeal
If lie (la-simtlon Act.
The CaalnMa daatrad la know, if the convertible
Bouiis BBY? B p!> f???-. n'< Brat la* Btoek, iii.d draw Inter
Mt,?:iat lithe ibiluieiueul to turn these Lou<?n ir<tO
?eckt Mr. Hoiitb.na.yd s^d, in aniwcr : The jiretense
?f ami. iii: eon? rtible bou.is was '.he mi rot-t shain in tlio
?/?rid; tbey hud a riitht to borrow moiuy und Issue
suii.l? ? ir it, :.nd the law gave them incidt ntal pri.i
legvi, waaa they borrowed ?vuo tat lita pal ?"j'<- t? con*
Krudli.g or operating their road, to give the lender
BBtvttotfta! t.u-i.ing It li.tos!i.-k .it an.i tiriir-. the Idea
muni. 1.1 it soi.ii-uini's '.l.i .-;.. I. i ,.\ i'.-. above par, and
M would i-o bi Hi?- int. i ??.it of the 1-n.kr to disjiose of It.
It is ,. j.r'.'i't eva-iou af the law; tli<iy aeWJ borrowed
lnoiiey on t!. ?' went tlitnuirh the sham of
**rct>'!i.lutg to issue bonds, which wcie In na .liately
ti..-,. ?; mi.i *-i"ik. Mr. Siiesnnan ssld: It inuk'.s no dif
l.i. i.e wi..'. : the prOBata was n-ul or a sliAin, tho
V. ??:? raall] lasaai, This vtrj-??uesti.m as to the
?egta !. >if lat la-iue of the l-onds was oousldered by the
tat' g n-.i-i? iti's pirtr.er, Mr. Erarte, ul one time, nnd he
ad i a* d il.at it was proj? r to defend tho legality of it,
Mr. t*o..thii>ai >1- That statement is utterly untrue
Mr rSheanunii?The firm of EvurtA. t-outhniayd ?
ft.i ri ', . i.iU tlCiix from the Er.elUi.w*. Cou.puuy
ta i-K'7.
Mi Taat li not true.
Mr. !-iu'..iriii*? i | '-) pfcrtneT ?greed wtth
till..: waatavertaaj ba taa nioraJity of the transaction
H wns a l.'.gal |oii,\ |Mr. ?-heaiman's vej-iuity having
bBaaa) . t.y call? dial question, be was
aio*A-(i npraeeetl m-lntemiptediy.J Ii jou took tho
feaati ? ? ? at la paj IbIbvbbI year by year you
Wrawkl i , ;i , .i ... ,: . a tie parties vho took the
at ?ouid Bave attataate-i to ic:k-.-t tbeir inter, ?t,
u ;?: ni them, tmtf would have
k ptkid tu put t'io road Into bar-krupicy
?' ??<. ii -.id for ji'st enor.sh to pay the mort
s* ' ..I. Tue stook wan valuable because
si -, lal ve dc ni.id 'or that; it Is
mm of H ., stocks ou t..e strott, since It
?Bno] n. ,\t f.re timo there was a proat
?. it la UM i-to k, and thesf converti
* . at ubnit Ta That was under the
aa > . it-A-iE roni.4 MBluaai H,
??'i i^ . .* , ? ? ravartrbiBbaaAi??
' lUMtafurtl u ? ,? a profit. I
?J<".'' . ? tuer? hua be? .1 a u ?ofchrtrgfs
I i ? ? .i- ana i ir-. :.. 11. then ar?
* - t..? .ul r. it i i-citi p.iid,
41 ?' ? . . lends.
*?-?? '.f pi,, lie i hi Matei i---t aUeady pub
* ? ?- and i : s i
... i fe-etpicdit ir.s from Oct.
*. I.TOB. |?baataaet Baai are geu
. i ?uy in an l..c.T.c'e..t state, and
.. u--;.-? a-.ao*?)?; of monty in
* ?i*,iV.i ??hj.. Th? i??h ;rgel to tau ajaoBBl P*ya
ataaaa? ,. nt ta all ?.i .fl. ?V company
?? * ? .tl oat tw.r'i i; ? 11. in?- .
?ot i.? t. i. -ii,, ? -t h Ib Baal
1 . tli y s
?*? il , tu no
1 '? ?? ? : . ? Il I. The
1 . ..-i iv.d
* ' ??.).?
? ., M tl I
'' ' ? Il ,1 m
W > ' BOB ta laeaai
, BAS, W
' ? . ? i ' .
*>.?". lu,.
i W? ulUi.y tteiiv Un
r""-' ' '. . -. ?-?I(. oi,,
?Jfi ' ' m\ lu...- pecuniaiT_d
?un- lni.ii*?t* id I ioucAUUot tffoci, ton
?*?*-'' ? ...in u?.i ter.
Mr. K?utLi?aiid?a?d: XlMptwpie who eome here to en
\mm%\*klym*.t?\tlX^\Hmmvh\mopl*%i ?t BVVaAHAlUa, lt?y
ran?? it help? their internet*. I Bave known Mr. Lucius
kobineon fur inany >?am, und I tlo net think if he under
sksid their whole object bf wonl?! iivow himself an ad?
vocate <>f prine.iple* aa utkrly dishonest and shameless.
In asking his meaaor? ol rolle! we bare not
?lealt In matters of vague rumor; we havo not
polleel from our poekist? statement* made np by
nobody know* who, but have laid before
You evidence of th? nilaoooiluct o? the managers of tbe
Erie road, and it bapixiis tlmt our caso reata on mark r*
in the shape of legal evidence. We thow von ont of their
own mouth? that there ia a deficiency of Ul,(no,000 in the
capi-il h< count, arid they have used uptboruitre lneoiao
ot tin* rn?d for'our vean?, and made ft prodin-c nothing.
For the |47,(JW.00O we have one discount- it 1* sent by Jay
Gould?and we are enabled to ?bow von that tbe only
autbe.iitic, account w? bave is utterly falac. it is mail?
np by swelling the Item of |??.000,000 in the former re?
ports to the fiction* amount, a^,00o,?joa Thl* )? confessed
by them to be flcUona.
Mr. Hhearmaxi?Will tbe gentlemen aaaert that thl*
t6f.,()00.(i0? wa? ?old at par t Mr. Soutint?yd?No, Hlr 1 it
could not have been sold ot par. Th?s only information,
on tbe subject 1* contained In tbo book* of tbe Erie Com?
pany, which no man is allowed to aoe; they aejid here an
iittiiimy who produced a staterni nt made up tiv nobody
kin.v?? who, and vourbed for by nobody. Mr,
Khearman?Tbeso figures ?cttiug aside tho construct
iva- items were passed by tbo directors. Mr.
Houtb?ayd?Whero tho only acoount fnrni*bed ia
falto, fraudulent and flctitlorm. aud tbe statement
I presented by tho attorney 1* ?limed by nobody, and bears
no marks of authenticity. It 1* absurd tu nek thi? Coin
make to accept that statement for the account which
ought to bave been rendered. You will iM-.ir in mind
Unit a^.UOO.OOOof thi? increase l?in lum ?I*., mortgage, bond*.
In a legal uroocoding last Hummer It v..u> hIiowu that the
(Joinpaoy issued tc.wn.ouo of the?o new mortgage bond*.
Then we have t^OOO.OOO or $8.(i00,?at?o for tbe tlr?t tlO.ono.noo
of bond* issued, and $<i,0Ut>,(?,u ot new mortgage bonds,
which ??r? a il? n on tb I* road
Jay Gould come* here and gays we are not en?
titled to know what the assej? conttist of. We are
only th? owners of this road, and wc Uuvo no right to
inquire ??nit our own praparlgr. Theso shareholder?
rire not, however, only Englishmen. There an- upward
of tin.ooo.ooo owned by American?, but ot course it la
not riKbt that we siiould wunt to know what 1.a* I?'? orno
of our money ! Do these book* and account* belong
to Jay Gould and the director* t What are they
but etc v. as-rt., bound to render an ac?sount of
their stewardship. They Raid, |?erhaps, if any Legisla
ture deiuaiid to know what wo aro doing, wo may give
the m some information, but ?is for you stockholders and
owner* of the Company, what right have you to know
' anything>?hout it I Tue ('?.ininiiu-c will bear in mind
that tb eue people took possession of tins r?ia<! when it
had a capital of I? ,00(1,000, earning #1,000,000 net income,
arid the skick ??lable at HO. That wa* then the proprie?
tary inter? *t of the Company. Wbereliiavo theyiwiiighiltt
By then owu showing they bavis added t.7,(iOO,?*X) to tho
?kick in debt Tlie $M,i?W,i.o(. produced tioo,(?jO^Kri,
Income and ?old at ho, ar.d the tf>'i.noo,ODO producod 118.000
and ?old at 30. Whei her tin? ?tale of things comes iroui
dishonesty 01-incapability, w<j have a right t(. nnl< yoq
foraebanSe. We don't profi ss to he. m doubt winch it
I? I' i? a eombinntioii of both; we olalm that tin? mi?
inaiiiii?? ruent, which begins at tbe head, at caii.nl
througl, all alnug the Hue.
The following amendment* to the Eric ClnaaMttatom
act wcie ml,mitt. <1 to flu- Judiciary Committ?-?: al the
s. ri.it?- ar tln-ir MCsMon this afU-rnoon, aud referred by
tbem for conalderatlun wltbthe bill:
Hiti.u -inri? tar. (ruin tbo pa.?ft of tta. art tb? Chief Jo,tic?
of tlii- ? ourt ol Apyaat* of ihn but. lhall ippoi?t liir.-.
coiDmiBHioiicr? wboar itutv it ?hall b? to rinniut- tb* bonk?
?r-d t.roant. of (h. frit Kailwar Compatir, a? to Ind
?Ota? Dear aa poMibi?, tli? tnsount paid bjr tb? awttliold.rt of raid
ConpaDj il.to il. manir?, and ?r'a-itl. ar.d in ,-i..?t faith .ipenaXI bv
uid ('?oriipaur .it?, i m tie rointnirlion or rqui|ro<iit of It? n,ail. ami
?aid .oini?iairion?r? ?bail rrport to a?il (iln.f.Juat.rr witbiu Ml fan fratt
Ihtrj kn ?i tatil ?ppnintatet a. ?ufb (?omrnliiaioii.'ii th?
araoai.l sn aria? iv paid ,od tiptn??!; aad Ibnrraflar tba ?^?r.cal?
amiionl ot t Im ?ail aJat??? of aal.ll oiupau- ?hall Im- luuit.u Ui Ihr par ?alii?
of Uie amount (aid b? ?aid .lor-klnildrn.. ?nd npcadtS I" ?ml ("oinpaiir
on It? jrop.rt)i Inr thr onblir w.llar^i aad hfrn-afW do ii.i.r.?! a*diri
triiil? aba.; In- i ?.'1 uu any of ih. outaUudinx cuuimuu ato? of lb* l.r.a
i?uiw.r (aiiupany until it baa be.a rirbanp-.] or ror.s.it?-! intuir*
.Ui?of Ii? (oaipaav rrprrarutiu,-?U pratiottiorial vamr aa''.?Uraiinrit
hi ?ail ri>iuini??...D?r?, afin ?aid i.'iu.iaa^inim ?bill bavr made
tbrir rrport and tb.- tino_t of tt? rSSaa 1 r?ipil?l atnrk o(
tbr Bnr Railroad Comrans. baa ba?n drt.rmtnrxl. 1 be ratra on
pmaetuftt tr?n an<l tb? toll? on frria-ht irauiporution or?r itt ruada
?ball lir tu nrslatrd and rmtridrd a? noHo Imrd.n tlie ptblli- rrqainnn;
th. u?r ?I tl ?i r.md, t?i pa. iiiterrtt or diwiru<!t ou tiau.ra Dow ???
pro-"I for lluir t>< urtil. Tli? luUL.w.Cua. brrrb/ prondril to br ?p
j,ii it? i?ll B*?t (H'Wrr It ?r-il lor pttttat ?nd pawn, ailsiilnlat.r
oatba or affinnitiona, ?ooiprl attrudatrr ol vitniaara. aj.it to do all Uunga
?haiaoeTer usfnti or r.iiuin.1 for tl.? ]i.ri,n., , ?f till? act
It i? oatluated that uudei these -ta? Ddnenta, tbe copl
tul ?tock of th?i Kne Railway Compflny would In- rerluc??!
al?.ut one-third of the _DO?il Bon ualB?illna nml iba
annual aavlog tottn- people jIhiik it? lino would in-1,.
|6,0?0,0lX) when diviucudt? are imni ou the t-Uirk ol tli.it
Tin chaBTBI IB tuf MCTAf- (?F'Imrtinttt
I-fiR BDQOB8TIOMB TUB BO?01?Mr? kailkoad
?hi mm; TO BB LOOK?D INTti.
|KBOM TUB BPI.CIAI, 00??_Mfl?fl_T?B THB TIltBl'RK]
Aihany, Feb. 28.?The Chart?I ot tlie lami
ruit'.i- of Heventy now goes ink. tbe hand? of tho Benate
Committee, on eitle?. It i* probable that tliey will hold
th? ir flmt meetliiK for It* <'on*?deration o?. l-Yiday. They
propino to irive M'v? tal tie.irinjr? to all laten-rted in tbo
matter, which will con?uint moat of MSl week. Tlio
bill can ?carcely be repork ?1 for tbe action of tbe Her?ate
before Thur??ia.y or Friday of tlie eaasfag woek. Tlie
following are tho name? of the H-nate Couiniltt.ic : Mr.
1'alrner of Dnche**, Chairinan: Me??r?. Benedict, Wels
maiin und Tieinann of New-York; Perry of Brook?
lyn, Adams of Allmiiy, and Chatll.-ld of Tiofru.
The?e ?-entleraen will utidoiih'edly aflve thn bill
very thorough consideration, bnt it 1* not likely that tfce.y
will alter it* leodi?K characteristic?. At tbe same time
it 1? undoubtedly a fact that a majority of the member* of
tin A?*? mtily are not of the opinion tlmt thi* eharkrr Is
the best thit could be devised for New-York. Horno ob
Jr-ct to one feature, and some to another. To say nothing
of the timo that would be required to perfect a bill
wh.ch would satisfy the opponents of the present one,
and the, extreme difficulty ot Acc?riipll?h!n?r n work of
this kind, the ?uhstitut?'would still lark tbe ?tronp ln
duiM rn.'nt t.liich the ComniIttee of Heventy have se?
cured for their Instrument. As Oov. Alvord frankly con
f. Mi d, the opposition to the Seventy's is without form
i.inl void. The prevailing f?* lin?- I? now undoubtedly In
favor of disposing of the ?'harter at one?, and getttng it
out of the way, leaving the Comralttea of Seventy to
take the responsibility. It now becomes the duty of the
citir? i* of the metropolis la prepare for the coming
election, which can hartlly fail to throw more light on
tbo wisdom and tit m ss of the new charter than ten
thousand such discussions as those we bave witnessed
When the order of the introduction of petitions was
reached in the Assembly this morning there was a i? r
fect flood of rcru'>DBtr.?ces against legislative Inter?
ference with the ?i 'o Railway management. The storm
is clearly approachliif. ind the E-lo King are straining
every nerve. Tho agent* of tho Rlug are constantly in
the city, and they will spare nothing to save thcinselvce
from exposure and ruin. There also appertre?l in the
Assembly to-day the first of tbo merchants' petitions for
B luw io regulate the charges of railroad companies.
Whatever may bo tbo moving jvlnrlplo at tho botkim of
these memorials, tho maiiarfcmcnt of the great truna
Urn?, a? regards local freight charges, is certainly un)ust
and Injurious to the interests of the Ptato. The decen?
nial Increase of population In the State of New-York
Is now confined to tbo great oltiee and tbclr suburbs,
and to the smaller cities and towns which are so situated
a? to have the advantage of compering Unes of traruv
portation-, thus enabling them to secure ruoderak? raJes
of ra? riage for tho article? of their prod?:iiou aud c?u
The Ai-sembly to-day voted to procure 000 copies of the
Clerk'? Manual, provided tbey could be obtained at ?dol?
lar ea?h. The old prie? has Wen ft ami t~?r>, but the
evldeueo taken by the Printing Committee shows that
the ?mailer price affords a liberal profit. Tlio Committee
on Privil?ges have presented a report In the contested
election case of Klltan ?gt. FTear, giving tbe seat to the
tonner. Tbe two tH-mocrat? on the Committee obtained
ha??; to present a ruluority report. Tlio majority report
?In.?? the perpetration of a fraud In the XXVta
Election Iiisuict, by meaoaof which the decision of the
majority of votera waa reversed, and the seat which
rightfully belonged to Mr. Kllian given to Mr. Kreax.
Take* rapeta la favor of Mr. Kllian. who will undoubu _?y
\? liisiakd iu the Assembly next Friday, when this mst
l? r comes up aa a s|?ecia) order.
Mr. Morkm of Urookl> _ Introduced fonr Mil*, which
at?at au eoBat?iplata a thorough reconstruction of tbe
(ovamment ol that city. The?rst creates? a Department
uf OminicM sud Correction, and abollMbes tins urrst-nt
? ' mini?loner? of Charities. The aeccud ??atabllshe? a
Hi partn.cnt of Polloe and Dc_th. The third rt-oigan
vi<-? Um Fire Department, and the fourth the Kin -o Dtv
pai (merit. Mr. F? ley prrav-ritod a bill releaaing tho In?
terest of the people of the Htak- In a certain blind a.ley
t?. tin Fivo l'oints Hou? of Industry. At present neither
th? iluuse of Imliirtrv nor the city has any title to this
all?y-way. Mr. 0?B offers u bill to regulate the cla igei
for the transfiorUtioii of milk and milk-oabi; an 1 Mr.
llialey uiiotlii-r ki |?i? vent tba ssdeoaf mlulkTak-.l milk
In the ? ltle?of New York andUrookltn. Oov. Alvord In
troduced u bill whl( h ailanraeoatracti t?> tu- ma?l?r toi tea
loan of money at unv rate of int.-i? .t mat may be agB ed
?m. it wa? referred to tb? < m i?.t.?.- ol Way* and
Meana. In all, apvart of TB billa wen Introdoo?d h u.i
Aaaembljr to day, most of ? UeB uii^Ul J?it a? waM havu
p. ea put !.. a month .?go.
A resolution was favoralO r rcuorf/vl to parrhj?.> two
C',|.i?-K.r tl.?-Mli'l?-for tin ? .???iri'.ly Ubntf, io im it on
r.n?.i. in,., nt wan soitv ? ?? ikat tbey votad
agsinatth?i excellent re? itlon Ta? ? linde i.noi ?.- Inti I
i.? w ed,Panona? ? ?? Hi Bab4wek'aMil preavrtbinn
aiid l? gslUing the mai .< i ? i rutlBfl at primary ci? ?Il in I
\ ai iipoii'd for ?" U ? ".. m Committee of Ilia
.. wen itiBtittiii-d. om- i'V
Mi fudd of tbe charge* ngi ' ?' ' ? ?' " nb-.r Mart, i ind
l'?lot I'.iiiiiiiis.ioiier?. ul lio- Putt al New-Yurk. and tl.e
or tl' I ? r UK' l?'|i.ii llil' III if l!.?i ( ' I 1?"?4?U?IU l Olllimil ?>r
lhatciti - plilll. niai.} ur i?g I is -Ii?-I rsixsiilllg*. Tbe
reaoliitloii for tb? latti-r wera over, bur tlie ??m.uiltu?? of
Otas men? sud Navigation waa luUuated aitb Ue iiar
l"i ?U-l?i '
. U. ?i.?. ft?_ett U^vWM-atiBaWva?! *?*44. ?4JU4? F?U
?tons, together with three or four for the repeal of the
Classitloatlon ?t. There were also aotue to protect tlio
trading public from the extort ton? of railway companies.
The Druggists' bill to res-ulat? IBe practice of phsrmsoy
and the sale or poisons In New York City was pas**od,
with only a ?Ir-gle vote lu the negative. The bul does
away with the ??reaent Board of Examiners. The Senate
was chiefly oocupled In the consideration of local buis, iu
Committee, of no general Interest.
The Senate Ruine rommttree gave a hearing t<? several
rltltena from varions parta of the Htnt**, amoag them ex
K-.naUir u'lNiiiiii i, on the bills Imforo tho Legislature on
the ll.inor question. Most of the sneakers favored the
proposition for local prohtbltlou?that is to sobn.it the
?in.-stlou of license or no license to the people of the
towns and vdluge? throughout the State.
SENATE ...ALBAKT. Fea. au, lffix
A bill wan reported for Ute protection of tax?
payer? against fronds, embesxlemcnta and wrongful
aoi? of nubile officers and ?a-on ta. It 1? the bill vetoed
by the Governor, and amended to meet bis obJoctlotiA,
Also one relating to Court* of Record and other Couru
in New-York. It author!??** Jndge? of Marine Courts
and Sessions Courts to appoint, ami remove olorks; the
Judge? of all (ViurtsHoappoint officers and stenographers.
A bill restricting tin? power'of the City of Brooklyn to
Ismio lM,nds, or loan its credit for local improvement?,
was also r.p.irt<d. It limit* the amount for local lm
provemcuts to ?2,s0fi.ooo at any time, and for water and
?*>werai*e to l?,200,ooo. Also nun tu regnlat?, the fe.?, of
Countv Clerks except In Kings and New-York Counties.
For Bcrohmg and certifying, five cent? for each ymir,
and ten cents for euch liieiimhraiieo; docketing Judg?
ment?, two defendant?, not leu? ttian 60 cent?; oacti ad?
ditional defendant, ten cents; taxing costs, M cent.; ?look*
etlng and transcribir?/, 23 cents.
^'appropriating a ecrtalu portion of the tncnme of the
United State? Deposit Fund for the benefit ot a?-ml.
mies. It appropriates tl.?uo to purcha**) books and
To regulate the practice of pharmacy and the sale of
poisons In the Pity of NswYork. It abolish??, the pre?,
?it Hoard of Examiners, and confers on the Coll.-g?. of
I'hsrtuacy tho appointiuent of examiner?; the pen-allies
for violating the act to gn to the college.
Tin Care rri>?.*.-town Railroad bill was recommitted to
tM C.imiiiitt.-e on Rallro.-tflH. The bill iu relation to
1-etlt irnos forthe CoealgT Court and Court of St-nsioua
in \V. t.hester County was ordered to a thin! reading.
Adjourned. _
Mr. Jciid prene.ii ted a memorial from tho
shipowners' agents and shipmasters of New-York, ask?
ing an investigation as soon as may be Into tho abuses
and eTtorflo'JS to whi? h they are ?uh|cctoil by the Hoard
of Pilot Commissioners. Tho memorial is signed by the
Pacific Mull Steamship Company ; Spoffbrd Brothers ; F.
Alexindre A- Sons; Atlantic Mall Steamship Coropauy;
Livingston, Fox A Co. ; Henry H Morgan A Co. ; J. Ii.
Spinks; Hovd Hinckeu ?ft Co.; WllUams 4 Gulon, and
many others.
The bill ii.. orporatlng the Manhattan Accommodation
Coniiiitnv wns lost by SO to 61. A motion In recont? '.-r
was laid on the table.
mix! nrnioritNBBO.
Mr. MsC-RAT?To Inc. ruinate the YoOBC Ml O'l l'nivcr
salist Association of New York, which tiarnes ns hicorpor
?tan the Kev. E. II. Chap?n, the Kev. K. C. MMtstt,
Win. A. Mlla-F, Walter Scott, M'iriro? Cram , K. Streiter
Ui-iMiks, VViilaui II. King, Horace Grcchy, ami sou-rai
Mr EASTWATt-focorpor-itiug the Fouarhkcep-iio Femalo
Gunnli.iii Bad) ti
Mr. Morton?To create l*i Kings County a Department
of Pu.lie Charities hi Brooklyn ; also, to reorganize the
Fire Department of Brooklyn.
Mr. Hkai.y?To prevent tho ?ale o? adula rated milk
in New-York and Brooklyn.
Mr. Hammih- T,iii'..'.l!.h imprisenment. for debt.
Mr. 1'ak.e?Brt-ecrtlili)!* ihe iiow.-r? and duties of cor?
oners In the lily and Coumy ol New-York.
Mr. Alvoiih?Kelaf.w to tin- rate of Int.Ti-Rt. If Isa
copy of the Massachusetts law, except thai It fixes the
rate of luterest at 7 rBftaad of ? per cent, aud abolishes
the 1,'sury law. In the BbasaM of an ?grccni'iut, the
iiiti'ist will lie 7 p. r cent. An agreement to pay a
an tel i.Hi of lnuif-t v, ill not Be gisi.l unies? in wrlt
Ing. und when It is in writing It can l>e collect? d.
Mr. Ji nn?To extend the time for the collection of
tax,:* in Ki? liuouil Oiuuty. On his motion the bill was
ri ni ;? t;ill I time, Bad pa--> ?i.
Mr. Jropiilso lntr.,?)iir.-d ?, LIU to provide a suitable,
tnstltuoiiial far each officer mid s..Idler who in-rved diir
mgtaMwai (f lav lb in iiiuti, similar to tho memorials
provided f.-r in Massachusetts.
Mr. Nn.i? To esta bib h ? bulkhead line for the Har?
bor of New-York.
Mr. Hiistbi??To ejiarter the Elevated Arched Railway
Oiiiipuuv in New-Ymk. Tlie aame bill us introduced In
the r?< i,al.- vesterduy.
rim muAN-me?a coirTasniD ssat.
Mr. SiiiaiiA*?, from Uie r.iuni.ittco on Mut ions, sub?
mitted the report on the contested seiat cam- of Killlan
Ufrt. Kreiir, concluding with the following: resolutli.ua:
hrtvlrtd T'.it l'i*0*.-r? B.l.ai,, la? tig r*eei?*si Ik? gr.au.-i a.aab*r
Sf ?atsal Ml ' Marnt-rr of Uw A**rT.rilT ?,r lb. XVt.i Am mhlr Di.
tnrt at !.?'?? m ir ef N*w-Yn.-k. M l! <? g.a.r.1 ratii.ii Ir. a ?e ?ie lfc
if SuTtiUr. IBTI, il u?rUr..l I'M (?oh -*-?*-ct?*aJ airmhe; fron l?i.1J.|
tn? : and M m.k it toti?eJ l.i lb? ttJl now ot?"upi*?? Ii* U.? Hon. Alrt.
(m the motion of 1>. B. IIiu. the report was laid on the
table aad made tiieapeilal order for Friday at 11 o'clock.
Mi. Bill sIbo in .ni.un.i-d that Mr. Moeetey aad himself,
the mlii.'i'liy of the Commute?-, dissented, and would
luomit a minority rt-|sirt.
Mr. ITAKiin offered the following, which was laid over :
?testas*!IWl It* Jjd.riarr ?'.-mu?'U?. Im laatraetad to iBir-rUgal*?
ta? p. i-arti rut ?ft.? loan-r? to tbe ?Jorvoratlou ?f Bin York, fir-.icu
lirlj tl.? livrraii of f'.rr-at 0| -nlui? ; 0 r lpi,.;ntn.mt in,I i,?tni? ..' r ,ro
nia-ion. r. t)irrrf?r. tlir ripi-aa. ? ..f tk? aaar aBd 111. |varTa?Bt tAtr. of ;
awir... mail?. ?-?I It.? i.aBi ? aa1 <\a'.'.rt *t ?II prr?on, r,n:i?!tJ Ikcrrs
wild dunng tLr ?bol*- u-rni of ?fr*-*- of lb? pr?**rrjt lacaait-rut.
On motion of Mi-, Ja. iuis, the report of the Ccmmlttee
on Ways and Means on the charges ?fainst the Couimis
sioiics and hu?s i int'-.'i.'.-iit ef the new Capitol was
made the special order for Monday evening next.
Mr. Jliim oili red tho lollowug, which was adopted :
M*A?rreai, Charge? in.1 runnli o'l liar. Iiren mad? agaiuat II I ?? '. nn
of tli? H a-'.or-.1 astir? ini* Pull l'uiu'aiM..o? ra of lb? part ef N.w-Yirk,
la itii.r oScial tapant} ;
kssalail. Tas I III ra?H'm ?s fl???m id. I B.?igati..i) t?, and
h?r.',* ir? aot'innfif !o inrr*ili|*al> icr*. rhargrt asd trarapl.ii.ir. nritll
p.wer to acad for [trauaa aa? s?pare. Aiboarot-1
To t he Kdito r of The Tribune.
S rit : While yon are elucidatm? the srreat
Red Postage Slump (.nestlon, why don't you Inquire
how many documents of that sort Mr. "K.P. 8." Cush
man contrived to put In etreiiliatlon through his family 1
There Is a firm here In Syracuse which still uses Red
Stamps for Its correspondence, sent them In payment of
a hill two years since bv a brother-in-law who deals in
farm implements In UtlA-a. The amount of the bill was
between ISO nnd BW).
Why don't you also smoke out Mr. Terwilliper's post?
age-stamp defection? I They are far worse than the M
per oent iiii?!ness. Ho Is le ro now, and teems utterly
bioken down, though his friends still prate about tlio
wicked attempt to destroy hi* reputation.
ANTi Bed 1'?.st.k.,' Rtamp.
Ryracute, N. T., Feb. 2T. ls?l.
LOUISVILLE, Feb. 28.?Oho of the greatext
whisky transactions In tho history of the trade was de?
veloped here to-day. It appears that tho flrraoff. P.
BuMt A Co. have effectually cornered the market In old
whiskies. II Is said they have l>cen planning this move?
ment for months, and have at length succeeded In ac?
complishing their nblect. N'Wcomb, Buchanan *ft Co.,
acting ta cornrais-aon men hunts for Suit Ac Co., have
bought up all Uie available stocks of whlsk.es lu the
t'lilt.d MiatAS, ?h!eh, of course, include? shout
all In the world. Tinlr purchas*>* In New-York
(Mty alone amount to over fl.iiufl.om, and tho aggregato
amonut will reach about |a,i>.o,oi?. This pu.-chu?e em
braca ? ni ur-y all valuable old whiskies in the market,
and it will probably affect the price of all other grade?.
It is the large?-! aad moat important whl.kv transaction
ever know B in tins country. Among the heaviest ?)ur
rhuees was the stock of (hunes Bac kman of New-xork,
whli h consists of 1,600 barrels, accumulated since 1867,
together with other stocks u? ?U? State and iu different
paru of the Buuiiiry._
_Tb? st';.uis!iii) I'nrtliia, damaged on Tuesday
IJ gallajie. a.'l I* ?i.'te.i.td in Literpoul aoraa 4a/i for r?p?ira.
....Th?! Murvjand Wornan'? FxiiiaJ Kigtit? As?ocia
tlwa I. id trail s. ib iffiil aora, Mia. Lailaia lh.islor* in la? rbair.
_A iViissiun B|iT lifii been detected at I.einberg,
Aoi- a, itt-rUt..- UM fortUr? .uns, aad eeBdni.B?d W . j**ft i?priKia
....The dwellinsT-bom?? of Artemafl Curnminirs, in
Wr.tioid datare, Baa?., ?oe loncd on TWad.;. L..?a, *o,'-o0, la
?ariaoi, !l>'..
_Tli? Internat ioiiul Society is reported to bo
?molting itr?kea ib V.eaaa, ?Uli ?be oojMI af |,r?irautg lA. iBAtraa
t)vu?l ?I.BOJUO? liltl*.
.. Just befiri baviiir for the F^tst, tho Japane?.
Bat,ra?? p.rara'r-i Ma-o* M.diU ?Ilk tea baadeoau mm. ot ?5,M for
talkl ul ?-?? |?aor ef ? "h. .-*-r>.
,...'H<- report of the Commissioner of AjrriViiltnro
ff>T th- i v Dr:.. 1. ,i )? s )*?? I*???.'. B uakea a tehuaa of Bta/lj ?0
la?. ?, ? irk J ro| >**ui) II --lr,i?-l.
....Five of tho crew of the wrecking tug B. and J.
Bak.r wmt Or..?u..l m ?U-iurfii II. jr lilauj, 1.8 i'ueadajr, wall? rtli
?itiiug u*i?UB'.r W a ??rki oi.rr la ii.J'?.
_Edward Peana, was killed in Philadelphia,
Tutirrv I ; f..'l '.g 'e.ra a *ir?rt r.r darn./ . r-TO**..- b**twr?a tAr?. mm
(li?e ?ad lb? dm?./. Tin M*BnI *"'? nrraU-d.
_A )a'ge inn ibiT of Ar.-isiii'it Aswaeurs are
Balsa 11 inlr.l.iiTi 1 *( m ..? tuet ti latttraal kev?ea Ars ju aad ?W
ta;i, kSSaai.l 0 k? aaaaaawtjl ol t-xar?
'I'pi? l.ni m I'aciiic Uaflraad hi again apes*, aad
tni.iii? ???.!.g r.. . iri. I I li ? ?*?? ".? . I? U.? awllxUi-l la likaljr
u. aSsstSf 11 jllSlaWII'ai aaa-as!a| ?util M*;.
The Aaitralati" .1 .?i Ncituern mails passed
drdr? b-ia- 1 Wra-, at a lest Laa i?' f'..a| Tbii utnrm Ik- irrttal
ai Bail Hn. tbtu .f la? ? all ?e ta. U ?'. Merck la Uflw t*t in ai?aiorr.
The eonsii'i'i-iti"') "f '?"' MemabtoatMi Little
B?i'k'iB' Iit?- H'-rk ann F.. 1 I ara? Baa?, 1 ?? )?-?'1 .a.m. 1 ..
Biu.rBft)'- Mr-;.!.*, I-'I *''"??? >"J ?'v '*' K..iro..ir.m oai.r. *.lb
tl? |?|lr>*,*g H??r,l ..f lsr?rt<.r? Sao. TMfl ? ?.. r^..ll A Mcliou
.14 I? !.. Iia.lli W.U. Kiiri,?U,o, llrarj Ha-i?, AT La?) t? U.
Will.?aal *ad Ju.? SusWafd I I*? Ir?.? nf Ik. ia? irskia la la* s?.?b
aai r-rrarii, l_oaif fe.*? J*J> I '?"-?, ?a. fcg?J Tk??. ?o*?*ll
tur. 1.II..J BMI glu -ec a. '?a if .?ad ??n?.*? a Jinrrl Mk I. Til?.
?ad Um. Ikdoa ?a?W; Ml Tat? ?*? .?tala? K|?r??tta? ?I tb? ???
Fonrmi.?; bfkbch from senator bumnkr?the
WABiimaTOB, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 1BTO.
If Mr. Somner, in opening the long debate in
tie Banale on tbe arma acaudal, disappointed his friends
b; bia failuro to prceent bis eaae wltb his usual force and
ci_mess, bis speeeb today waa equally a surprise for
Ue grandeur of bia eloquent*, tbe dignity of bis manner,
aid tbe strong, convincing light In wblcb bis argumenta
wire presented. Old Senators and babltut? of the Capi
ki, those who remember some ot Mr. Bumner's historical
speeches, when, almost alone, be raised bis voice against
fsltvcry on tbe floor of tbe Senate, and did it at tbe perfi
of bis Ufe, testified today, notwithstanding tbelr opposl
tien to tbo measure he advocated, that they never heard
bin make a more powerful, eloquent, or effcotivo speech,
iefonn was bis watchword, and when, In opening,
he?M?lled to memory tho holy crusade in tbo name of
Reform that has been carried on In Now-York, not only
against Tammany thieve? bnt also against Republi?
can thie rea in the C?itom-bo?ie, ho ?trueit a note that
fouad a response from every ono who board him. His
waj no political speech. Ile pleaded for reform, but
when be had asked an Investigation into suspected
abuses, the Senator from Indiana (Morton) had seized
the party bugle and sounded "To arms." If Senator
Sch?rt bail vindicated tho Marquis do Chambrurt from
the Insult? that had been heaped upon him In this debate,
Mr. Samner ytai.il him a touching and eloquent tribute.
He reviewed bis career since his arrival In this country,
and referred In feeling terms to bis Intimacy with Presi?
dent Lincoln during tbo last few days of his life, and tho
faithfulness and honor with which be had discharged tbe
most Important dutl?-* intrusted to him by bia Govern?
Mr. fiumner's argument on the resolntlon contained no
new point?, but restated the old one* In a striking and
convincing way. Ho spoke about an hour and a half,
and left the question In such form that the Administra?
tion Senators were aa unwilling to vote as at any time
since tlie debate Ik* gao. Mr. Trumbull's motion to
reconsider ('?inkling's amendaient was voted down, and
then Senator Harlan made a most extraordinary speech
In defense, of ex Collector Murphy's administration of
th?- N' w-Vo?k Cu-km house, and Lect ?V Stocking's
rr_nagement of the General Order business. The Senate
adjourned with Carpenter on tbe floor for a
speech to-morrow. The Impression Is daily gaining
ground In tlio best Informed circle? that the investigation
asked for does not go half far enough, and that if an
honest, determined committ'?? wore ever to get Into the
Ordnance Bureau, it,would Und enough to occupy It fera
long time. It is also said that the relations of the Chief
of Ordnance with Remington, soon after the former was
appointed, and the payment of a claim of more than
ll.OW.UOO made to Remington after fien. Dyer's prede?
cessor hud pronoun?'? .1 it Illegal, will be an interesting
srrlject for luqulry.
Mr. Humner, in rending Conkling's letter v?iiichinj; for
Remington, In the debat?', today, remarked that though
it was wrltk'ii an?l dated in November, liefere the meet?
ing of Congress, and when tbo Senakir from New-York
was not iu Washington, it was beaded V. S. PflBlfa
Chamber, Washington, D. C, 4c. Hamlin wa? the Sen?
ator who objected to-day to IiOgan's request that a
fow of the hundreds of ladies who could not get in sight
of the gallery doors be allowed In the cloak-rooms and
on the floor during Mr. Hiiiiim r's great speech.
The iuvetturatlon of the French Arms scandal will be
commenced to morrow by tlie Mouse Committee on Ex?
penditures in this War Department, under instructions
given by a resolution passed In tbe House on Monday last.
The i '?mini.: ti <? sa ill un ot to-morrow morning, to organizo
and agree upon a plan of work. It is probable that the
Secretary of War will boezaminedon tbe same day, as the
flrst witrier?. Tbe Coin?itkse is ordinarily ono of the
Miii.irini.il'-i .u y ? nioiiiit t.-? a of the netise, which are not
appointed with the expectation that tbey will nave any
i.naii.? ?s t?? do, aud wblcb are kept upon tbe list of Stand?
ing Committees" aolely k. increase tbe number of chair?
manships. The Republican members of the Commltk-e
are Messrs. Williams of Indiana, Barber.of Wiseon?ln,
ami Snyder of Arkansas. Tins D?mocratie member* aro
Meir-r?. Acker of Pennsylvania, aud Km.? II.? of New
York. Tlie Republicans aie umlcrstoo?! to he ?trong Ad?
ministration men. Tlie Committee have held no tn? ? ting
In the present Congress, or In any previous Congress
will,in the memory of tin oldest members.
To th? Jiditor of The Tribun?.
Sir : Several articles, ?luring- the laut few
day?, have been published in cerkun paper? of a nature
highly ?salumnlous of our reputation. The occasion of
their publication Is the preseot political debakt upon tbe
French Arms business.
We ucvisr Indulge In newspaper controversy, nod it is
with great reluctance that we feel compelled to ask tho
iii-i-i tiuti of this communication. Vet, a decent regard
for public opinion Impels us to say that these articles,
consisting, aa they do, of documents which were, in tho
flrst instance, sont to France, for use there, In the Inter?
ests of M. riaoe, tbo late French Commil-General, are not,
as a person unacquainted wltb tbo facts might supli?se,
by any means new.
We have met them before in tho Courts of France on
the trial of M. Place, and before the French Parlia?
mentary Comuils?loii on Contracts, and we nave com?
pletely refuted them, in every respect, Ind"ed, a com?
parison of tbelr allegations with our invoices In the pos
sesrion of the French Government effectually disposes of
them, for the most part, and stamp? the rest un utterly
unworthy of belief. After having fall?-d In their object
there, they are reproduced lu La franee, the organ of
M. Place, aud recopied here, for the purpose of effect in
the present political strife. We pronounce theui as un?
true In every parti? ular, and in. tb. .r whole scope and
meaning, and we await, with eutlre confidence, the pub?
lication of the report of the French Commission to com?
pletely eionerate oar bouse from these uutust Imputa?
tions. Yours, ii,\. _. RgB?roioa k Sons.
Aeie-yorA-, ?tb. M, i?2
WasiiiaOTOrt, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 1873.
The Ranking and Currency ?Commltk*? wero again un?
fortunate to-dav. Mr. Merriman's bill to facilitate
Clearing-house exohanges was attacked on both sides of
th. House, and was Anally recommitted, when It was
apparent that II could not be passed. T tie bill provides
that banks may deposit legal tender notes in suma of
tio.oooln tbe Hub-Tn?n-ry, receiving certificates of de
pOBit, which mav bo used aa a portion of their reserves,
and also, In settling Clearing-house balances. Mr. Oar
field objected that this would , reduce a virtual lutlation
of tbe currency, by cn?atlug a form of paper which
would perform all the- functions af money for the pur?
poses of bank exchanges. He al?o opposed the bill aa
granting privileges to tbe banks by making tbe Govern?
ment the cuskidian of tho uiouey, which citizens in
g?ner*I did not havu the advantage of. The argument
that the bill was an inflation raeasure made many mem
ts-rs who favor increasing the volume of the currency,
look upon It favorably, hut what strength it gained from
thu source was ruoro than balanced by the opposition of
the enemies of the banks, who are always wat?shtng to
attack anything likely to Increase their prlvilogea or
After tbo morning hour was over, t*ie House went to
bounces on the Speaker's tab.e, wltb the purpose of
reaching tbo St. Croix aud Uuyfleld Railroad Land (ir_it
bill, which was among the Senate bills on the tabl.?. A
doien bills on top of It were rapidly disposed of by
passage or reference; win n tbo 8u Croix bul waa rs 11,
Mr. Barber ot Wisconsin took cbargo o? It, and propos? d
to allow tbe oppuninou only IS minutes for debate. Mr.
Uolinaa demanded au hour, saying that the bill ga'-o
away two luUllwiis of acres o? publio land, worta from
five to twenty ?Vollar? an acre, Mr Hssolton aud Mi.
Ranks spoke in favor of the bill, and, without ;? Hewing
a word ki be said on ttc other side, the previous qu ?
tton was duo?udod. Whereupon, Mr. Holmsn rece '<? i
to Qliburiksring. It was plain from tb? first tint tr?i>
was no cha?ne of d.-ftsting tbe bill. It hs?l beea Uu>f
oughly lobbied, and the House had he?"3 *odlllg"ii,i?
canvassed in advance, fiat It wu* known how I
every meujlH-r would vote. The argument that U ?
not a in w guiit ii?t men lva renewal of an o ?l c.i-,
wnn ua.il Mltbi T??<:t upon in? :.il)< isiwli" n ade piealge? to
11,. ,: OOnatlt-?ta, when list ??'..'?-ted. to oppose ul 1 .n I
giant. A lnor.r dbiugen?iua argui'.cit wa? ttiv if li? ?
?rant was not reii.ned the .*?. rt'.cm I acflc Ki.r? a-l
would ?tet a l.irg.- part of tbo land, ihe fact being tt'it
tU.-NorUi.-u Pacific, If It daM Do< g?-? ihe land In ? i.?
ti"ti, l.ii*.in.-lriio.e?.elve an "i' ' arnoant elaawl ei .
Mr. lioluiaacmnuued hi* d: MB, BttPP".t?-.d
b, l.ai.ly .noi.gbiiicuil.ers to ">' Teas and N l) .
until 4, o'. lock, when II.?- Boo /urui-l I.
mil uii(|iie.li?.iialih U ?.a-- n ( i ir"m- Certain >? *?
York ...i'.tal. n. an ml-??? :? ?l n tlu mtaaure, and the?e
an. UM n .my p.,*nfui laflU?K*S at work to lenvi a
(Joill't "I it. MB ? > M
Tbe que.Uon of making the o?co of Post???k-rs ? i. t
ivewas dlscu-scd to day by tfcaCat- Hervir? C.minlk
tee of the Houae, aud tbey will probably report lu favor
i ei a? -_?__?, (? U*> wiaawtuuvi. n?i-wJ ?J Ms.
McCrsry of Iowa, which provides that Congress rosy
pa*? laws for that purpose. There appear* to be no a <
lection against giving Congress tnri?dutlon over ino
?utiject, ho that, if publie opinion demand? It, the people
Diav be Dei?Itted to choose their postuiaskT?, as thev
do nfl.crloc.il I'ffl.'.Ts. The right of the people to be
heard wirb regard to the appointment of po?tmasksr? 1*
already re???guized Io a oousiderablo extent lu the Im
portance giver? to petitten*. Comparatively few an
pilntmentH are now made tir.lo** Uie applloants an? well
Indorsed by their fallow-cltliens, and it often happens
that an election is field and the caudl.late reel vuig the
highest uumocr of votes is recommended by the con
grc?srnaii representing the Distrtct. sn?l I? appoint/??..
There Is believed k> be no seri4nis obstacle In the way of
the eloctlou of [Kistiuasicrs, and the friends of uvil
Servi? Ri'form Urlnk It would be a l?ng step In ?he right
direction, beeaase the mnrs the appointing power isnui
ited the leas It can U: abused.
A sclafttno for setting apart a strip of country. Uve miles
In bn-adth, running across lbs Indian Territory, from
Jiortb to South, for use as a road fur military, postal and
commercial purposes, is urged upon the IIou*.- Commit?
tee on Indian Affairs, The committee I? not ?iiiposed ki
favor tbe project, and look upon it as a covert plan for
getUng Uie land .?ud right 0/way for a railroad. Tho
mute of the proposed road Is through tho Cherokee and
Creek countries, west of the nine-sixth parallel.
Tho Comnittk-c on Pacific Railroad* bave the morn?g
hour in the House, to-morrow, and will report their bill
k? give the use of one-half of Goat Island, in the harbor
of San Francisco, to the Central Pacido Railroad, for
wharves and depots. The bill occasioned a sharp fight
In tbe last Contra**, and was defeated by a single vote.
It has u-.-u somewhat modified elnco then, and Mr.
Wheeler. Cliulriiian of tbe Committee, thinks that the
new bill is not open to tbe same objection? urged agaln?t
the old one, and that it will Im- passed. No tille to the
land Is givea to tbe Railroad Company, an?l ltis provided
that If It should become necesjarv, In case of war, tho
(lovernment may rcoccupy tbe whole Island. The prlvl
leg?- proposed to be granted to the railroad is exceedingly
valuable, but It is urged that the gain to commerce will
Ih- no great that this consideration ought to 1)4 given
much weight.
Tbe investigation In which tbe House Committee oa
the District of Columbia has been engaged for some time,
touching charge* against the Hoard of Public Works of
tho District, brought out kxlay the testimony of l?verai
now*??per men of Washington in regard to chargea
mad? for advertising durlug the past year. The editor
of T7IC Chronlrle pro?1iiced bill* for advertising amount?
ing to about 11(1,000, and for |ob work to about *??,000.
no testified that he re.?tved for advertising tbo
District loan, |,?sy:i 33, and that the printing of the
lx-gl?lative Department amounted to tlT.fi?. He did not
think these ?urn? were extravagant for advertising in
oae paper for the District. Tbe proprietor of The ite
publieun priHluterl bill? against the District Government
amounting to t.7,-0, ot v? tucli between |i3,ono and tlt.ouo
ha? be?-n paid. TA? Republican received for publishing
tbo law? of the District, |*i,044. IU terms were $1
pai eaaaia of four lines, agate. Tim editor of
Ihe trening Star, which has bv far the largeit
circulation In the city, pr?)?lu.-?il bills for advertising
?Ion?- for tin- District (internment, amounting to Bf,!:?.
The advertising ratos of The Utararell lier s?|uare for
four line? agate. The editor of The maja] Hrrald has
received from the District Oovernmenf $4,4? 43. These
are nut a few of tbe advertising bills which have been
Incurred by the District Government since Ik? <>skibll*b
ineiit less than a year ago, 11ml are held by those who
rrin. i-e the manag? merit of that Governuioilt to sustain
the charg? ot exuavugauoe which have boen iu?le
against it.
Tbo House, a few days ago, parsed n resolution direct?
ing the Commltu-e on Public Building* aud Grounds to
, make UK(ulrics of tho proper officers m Pli.IaJelpbla as
r<> tin- cost ki the General Government of Independence
aquaie and the stafe-Houi-e thereon, as It now stands, to
be kepr by the General Government as a national monu?
ment comme?orating the Declaration of Independence.
Tba ComauUec, at it> _aa?Dfj to-day, du?-.-t?-d it? Chair?
man, Mr. IInl??'y, to open correspondence with the
Mayor of Philadelphia to ascertain what tUe building
and grounds will cost and the conditions apon which the
sale will be madu.
W. Ii. C?a?IMa, and his associates who restored tbe
Rebel ram Alia miarle, have asked Congres* to allow
them to have their case reotxsued before Uie Court of
Claims, and the Senate Naval Committee vok-d to-day to
report a resolution granting their request. It may be
remembered that tbe Albcmarle was valued, when the
prixe-moucy wa? distributed, at only about |70,iK)0, while
Ciishlug and hi? friend? assert that if at whs after it was
raised wortb several buudred thousand. Tue Commit: en
also voten an amenitiueut to the Naval Appropriation,
bill, ctpiatlxlrig the pay of Naval Constructor? and civil
Engineer? in tbe navy-yard?, by making the latter equal
to the former.
Most of the Senak'Commlttoea are doing little work,
I not because tbey have 110 business referred to th? m. but
beeaaee the Se?ala? la thsaesed to do aa little. It l* use
les* for the Conitntiteen lo report mea-iin -, ro it.
itepu H?iiiauve a rttcveuson and Scolidd will speak in
the New-Uamp?tire ? amp?gn next week.
The Controller of the Currency has called anon the
national hank? to n-port their conditions at tbe close of
hiiHln? ?s on the 'j7th inst
Tin President to-day sent to tbe Renate the nomination
of Robert S.Wallace to be I'nited States Marshal for
South Carolin?, and Thomas D. Meads to be Postmaster
ut Hancock. Mull.
Tin- Chicago Relief Committee had to-day a final hear?
ing, before tbe Senate Committee on Ftuan.-e, In favor ?if
the bill to remit tbe duties on building material? for 13
months. They insist they ?liould not be requin d to pay
dutlf* on new material?, an they paid dutv on those
which were destroyed by the late tire. Senator Kerry of
Michigan pret-entcd to the Committee, on bebalf of some
iiii.iiufu? turer? of Chicago, a protest against tbe passage
of mi?-h a bill, a? they thiuk it would injure their bu..ri?-?s.
ii? ?aid he Ma* nutliorlic-l to offer tu?- sale of lumber
fi ..m that stab- at the average cost of last year, aud 10
d.-tv- Id which to a? ? ? pi tbe proposition.
Messrs. Naylor .V Co. of New-York City appeared be?
fore the ?secretary of tho Treasury, to-dav, id refit ?'nee
to the suit for iW.oOfi, brought agMinst th'em for alleged
violation of revenue laws, bel?g ouoof toe matters which
was a subjected examination bv the Senate Investigat?
ing Committee in New-York City lately. They ilf.im
that tlie testimony taken before said Committee fully
? ?Minerale?! them from tins charge of m.uii.al.tr. aud
apivealtxl to b? retal y Boutwell to have tuo suit dis?
Mr. Schurs presented numerous BMnattala from va?
rious parts of the United state-, wltb lu.407 signatures,
transmitted from the City af Boston, pro letting against
anv amendment k> th" Consflliitiun iLcorporatlng there?
in the recognition of God or Jesus Chi 1st. a* an attempt
to overthrow the great principle of mln-iou* liberty on
which this Uoveroiucnt waa originally founded.
Senator Buckingham has resume?! bl* scat In the Sen?
ate, after several weeks' absence, owing to si. ?Mae.
Tlie New-York Cunto?-bonse Investigating < ommitk-e,
of which he is Chairman, will not moot until Monday
next, by which time il is thought Senator Sk'wart will
return from Nevada, aad Senator Hnw-, now conval
esi-enr, will bo able to attend tbe meeting of tbe Coin
i?ltk-e. _
Washington, Feb. 28.?Tho Committee of
Wavs and Means k?-day beard a oeJegation of siik manu*
facturer? and operstlves from New-York, New-Jersey,
Massachusetts, and Connecticut. They exhibited speci?
mens of raw and manufactured silk* of ail kind?, exwpt
ing drrss good?, shoalnr tbo progresa ?f the man?no
tur.s in this country, both as to quality and quantity.
They want tho tariff to remain a? it is, and say that
under thi protection affo.ded by it, aided as it was by
the operation of the Anglo-French free trido treaty,
this Industry has grown a* follows: The caj.ltal Invented
lia * increased irum tv iV-00 to #5.000 ,u00. Itnowaffjrdi
employment fir 16,01/1 operatives, three-fourths of theui
? uuien and young persons, f'jr whom such employment
is ?)?e.:l_ly ada"t?d, it Ik ing clean, light, and
healthy. Tho wage* paid ih??*e operative*
amo?it to iT.'.fti.ooi) per anrsuui, being a weekly average
for women of ft, and for males i 12 One-third of those
operatives a.-e immigrants from ?mope, r.nd bave ho?
co?e t?'i.che.-sli>r c-ur nallve-tK.r'i op? -raMv? e. As.eo-ii
pare'l wit 1 ?M above, tlie vrages paid in tbo Auitrlsri
1 ol for the san.e kind of work Is from 90 cent? to Ii f.r
aa : -juis' work, ?lie op? lai'vcs having poor shelter and
fooii, in ahlih at ch pujs 43 cents a w?"k. The delcgu
t.ot: ? 'u it in; * s.ll?. g. ?sU.re l.'gh?-r than b? fore lsfi ;
but thi? is uiaioiy owing to tho fact that all raw-ik? in
the ooi.ui.s of p.-f/diicfion we> now more tba.-? double
thi price tl ev were immediately before IM1. One 1 ?
?le! ?^*.:o?? au ob?r?t: ve-in formed the Committee jf
Wamsend Means that b) could save a* much here, after
Its. ig batter, a? L s oiuidear'i In t?i.-oirt e?m try. The
d. 11-?.?u.on mIU atxt be heard before tu<< Plu.uce Coiu
T .-ir.nrtp; 1 a.*?ker was an K&gll?r.nian from Sf.ie
rle.n,-?, now dnoageol In givin?; inatreetloa6 silk cul?
ture lu thl* ?'cuiitry, wbo ?al.i tXiM the Aiig.o-J r< 1 -Ii
l'. . Uado irea'y ln.l luja.-ed ?h'.t :.it.-re-t tp La^lbO
Wli?>n a?ied i>y M.. fink)?? of S, n-Yor.'? vhAt tlie .Ir.'.y
was preioi.? to tua^ ft.in?, ho re, lud: u/It teen nor
. i,r 1. 'l.r'.ii.. -i-to they weie all'.fccu (Hii'ig \.-. ii.* a*
the .nauui .?? or.i and o.Vjvutjv % who t>d.iya?kthat
?nirt.rii' am] r. .,i..ia at H i.>. It uiav bo ?: u.tereat to
atut?; t_ai u j .'.m/ U a? 1?. c ui, wltb rav? mau.-ial Irtsr.
A KVSTJSDRTOb fob bbkatob poxbqot.
Te the J.-t ii'> r of The 'lr .1 u ne.
\ :.'. : Tli? tol'.iuvin" i? a c?ji y of th- l'auio
r"j '.. 1.?It.l-lXK ?t In .->?:
. ?.!?.>. Apr I IS, .
?? n? ?,.- 1 ? ?? tt: I a*?1 ? i,t t..?. - -., i- v t,T a 1 --
1 i <?. at 1. ?...ouoii'i, and 1 I a
s t ?? 1 i-i C ,, la- ,,;,j ,. out 01 i,,v
' 1 i- M .: ?u. . 1 1 nur? r lumx-? oi lie
? t lin it..1.?le, e. n ?r tbe LniM-aebaxnt,
ineoufit ? n riH? ; ,a'?l ..1 gert ug ta no eu, I,- 1
ai i ,.? , n, 1 m n ,i,i>- asyaaco kaai. LK?u* g>.
it 1 ' ?Vfi 1 r.n ' la , ?n l ai ti>- 1 r? ??'!'? I. 1 bt
f??r yon 1 ?1 s.ici 1 1 nr . uic. u?>( Und .ou. Umu tint a i
??oa a.j v.,u bnvo r. au U V? ry r?vp? ?sl.n.'ly,
"?.?. P??BBOt.**
?.\?\'. ; a " 1 ,?e* Poincroy bal ?? n%nUf cl'.vgid
L -..'.-i nitii t.? a? r,? i-, t.. * ?i?Irt'i.I araalatUkal
thit.agb y? nr liai, r wny lt I? tliit the ?ssimU i u??fi
v 1rs tue i'iiutti lualiuU of Mr. !.. a.- H ?,.\eri,or of
Washington XerriUirv. If Uits cl.?go of fvr*. Tf I* tma
wby thould be W. rontlnned I KAJ.SAN.
l+tvenu+rtk, Meine** ?'eb #, M7.
The third daj of Miiyor Halla trial for life,
politically ?.peaking, ojierwd with only half a dosen
jurors in tho box, aaaj m hundred or so waiting gntal.l?
the railing. Mayor Hall came In early, looking brWhl
and cheerful, and his counsel ?f once grotiped themselve?
about him, and throwing off their overcoats settler!
down to the day'? work before them, which everybody
had concluded, from the ?'xhlliit of the day before,
would prove tireaome and nn?aU?faetory. Prtvri?el*f at
eleven Judge Daly entered tbe room and took hi? seat,
gnd t?-n min?tes after, the Court was formally opened,
and the flrsttname ws? called. Tbe result or Uie fl? -t
hour proved diHCOtiraglng, not a singt? juror navin,
been obtained out ot eight, called.
Wm. 0. Munroe, James H. Hnllinstead, Mark? Cnreow
ski, Conrad Frleker, Charles Bett, Thornton M. Bodmao.
Charles A. Kentish, Emil R?mer, /Jame? H. Grobet-teln,
andOeorge A. Croke, were found disqualified by peaAoi.
of their intractable minds, and were compelled to ?land
aside. Their examination?, Wt:h one exception, were
entirely uninteresting. The exception was Mr. Kentish,
the late manager of a museum of anatomy
in Broadway. Notwithstanding Uie unf.rrtu
n ite tendency of tin- Influentes eurroimding
and permeaUng that establishment, tbe Juror
exhibited a mind as unformed and Impression I.-?*
in respect to the question at Issue m an infant's. lit
fact, everybody gated as curiously at this exhibitor of
anatomical monstrosities as Uiey would hsvo done at th?
specimen-) themselves. He hod ?lily very lately even
heard of the?.' charves against the Mayor. He had readt
the headings of newupaper* ; hut aa thi? literary foo<t
wm extracted mainly from The Herald, Sun, and ?Vete?,
the statement was n.it regarded as a disqualifying* on?.
He ho?! never expressed any opinion, and hod not evota
formed one. Ho was then challenged for favor. Hut?
counecUon with the museum ceased about 10 month*
ago. Ho did not retire from It voluntarily, bat ??!
ejected. He had no bias against any of the city offlclul?.,
and was not prepossessed In their favor either.
" Bat," sold Mr. Clinton, " you certainly looked at ?ho
papers 1" Yes; bat he took no part in politic???Uhongn?
ho was formerly a President of tbe Young Men's General
Committee?but be had not opened nia mouth to anybody
and took no Interest In such matter?. "Took no Interest
In the subject ot whether the city was pl?ndere.I or not I"
" No, Sir." " Don't you kuow any of the supposed mem?
ber* of the Ring 1" "No, Hir."
Mr. Bhafer thought that was a pretty broad qnoNflon,
and wanted his friend Clinton to enlighten him as ;?
what King ho meant. "W'liv," ?aid Mr. Clinton, " tho
some King yon referred to yesterday."
Mr. Bhafer?We ma.igu.ated a new theory Una
Mr. Clinton?Yes, tbe law .banges every day on yoar
side. ?Laughter.)
??'or tlie sake of peace Mr. Clinton asked tbe Juror If ha
knew who were Maat by the me tubera ef the Ring.
The latter know nothing about tt, ana had n't botbere.l
his head to Hud out, uodu't the remotest idea. |L?ugt.
Q. Did you ever hear the name? of any persons men?
tioned as belonging to the Taumi.tuy Kuigt A. Not ta
my recollection. 1 Laughter.}
Q. Have n't you heard the name of Tweed I A. Nof
[after some hesitation] y<??, I have h. aid bis oaate.
I Q. Are you a tax payer f A. No, v.r.
When the question was put as to whether be had beard
that a million of dollars was traced to one of the uioio
Itere of the Board of Audit, be thought it " quite poit
MI.le ;" but ho had reavd un affidavit?, only statement?, ami
if those statement*, were made over and over agalu it
would make no impression on his mind, even If uaeou
When Mr. Abater's turn came he at onoe proceeded to
take mlvaiitag ? of the latitude which had been allowed,
despite his oojeetion, in the examination of Mr. Cbuton.
He accordingly asked If the Juror had read tbe chargea
? in the papers about Gen. (ir.int taking brlbesl "No,*
replied he, "hain't paid no attention to it." " Yon h.v e>
no more oroof of it than of the charge? against Tweed I"
"No." "And yon are not willing to foras a parti*.?!?,
.quill?n l" "No." "Do you kuow such a Detuocrary aa
tlie Apollo Hall Democracy, of which my learned friend,
Mr Clinton, was a member I" " I think I Bave heard uf
Mr. Clinton?Areyon a memtierof any tribe* of the,
Democracy of which Mr. Hliatei is a in.mb.-r I A. No,
y. You don't r.-coirnlzehim as among your Utl-e, then t
A. Jin, '?dr. (laughter.)
Q. Did you ever hear of tien. Grant receiving anjr
pr-M-uls nun based with stoleu money I A. No, tir.
Mr. Bioughton here Interrupted, and upon Judg?
T? IV? mild sugcesUon the belligerents subsided, after ra
slu.rt soeeoh from each, In which Mr. rlhiafcr charged thaa
Mr. Clinton was going beyond the proper course of m
prosecution and beyond tho wishes of his osaoelates, and
Mr. Clinton replied that his experience In conducting
prosecutions would compare favorably with that of hi?
learned friend, und that his course met tbe full ap?
proval of hi? associate?.
The question of the acceptance of the luror was thctv
put to the triers, who, alter a short consultation, found?
the challenge true, and this remarkable illustration ot a
made-to-order Juror vanished In Uie crowd.
The seventh Juror was obtained In tbe person ef Ho?
ratio Keed, a slaughterer In Fortieth st., who vtaa, to sir
appeii rancc, ? most excellent and certainly uttsfactory
cholee. He lean elderly, intelligent gentleman, and ha
answered the questions firmly and underatandingly.
ii. admitted that be undei.-to.id the charge*, although
he bad uot passed lu nls mind upon iny specific ?WM :
he frankly confessed that he thought he had sOBM 11 ii
against tue Mayor, which be was afraid It would tnkn
evidence to remove; " bnt," said he, emphatically, ?? t
know I could render an opinion according lo the evi?
dence; I have no doubt about it." He voted tbe Reform
ticket last Fall, but had never contributed a .l.dlar t??
the cause i was a number of no Ref.irtn Ar-sociatlon, aiu]
did not, to his knowledge, kuow any member ot Um*
Committee of ?evenly.
After :? close consultation between Mr. Bhafer, Mr.
Pnilth, and Mr. Burrill, the latter of whom was evi?
dently, from bis gesticulations, declaring that Ibat Juiuq
was a good man, Mr. Shafer rose and said that ?.'.--.i rat
the adiulsstoDs of tho Juror they were pernuaded that ho
was so honest man, and were satisfied with him. Mr.
l'.ii .1 was then sworn In.
James Barbourof No. 201 West Twenfy-flfth-st, a re
I tired wholesale liquor merch in*, had an Idea of this
cl'anre against Mayor Hall from wiat he bad beard in
court; he bad no opinion on the paMicuiui ..barge, but.
supposed ho had one ou the general enana I against 'urn.
and thought he had expressed ft, hut did not think tin rn
was anv bias on bis mind arising from that old opinion -,
when hetreod tbe charge? the v mode au Impression on hie
mind, aud perhaps it would require some evidence to
remove that impression ; he hurl taken no act.ve part tu>
p iltcics except to vote ; he it-ad all the papers oeeawiou
ull.v; In thin cane he thought lie stood iodiff. reut be
twoen tbe people and Mayor Hall. The defense here
withdrew the challenge, and tho Juror was accepted at
12:20 p. m . making eig?t.
bamuet 11. Crook aud Slgistnund Kllnsrensteln were ex
eosed on account of their disqualifj lug opinions. Ran?
?loll M. Rober:?, a Jaee manufacturer at No. AJI Hr.. id
way, wa? aeeepied after a very few questions, hi? uila.l
lodJcating freedom from tua?. Iiefuro he was .worn,
hoviev.T, the deft-use suddenly changed their minds it.it
?h..lU'nged js-remptonly. The'Mayor has now three per?
empt. i-y cballeagea lett, and the prusecuUon two.
Jacob l->. Uiitchlugs, rcmdiugou Thirty ?eveuth ?f..
r. iTtir.-d uiercliiint, formerly In the wool business, wan.
taken a? the ninth Juror. Although he bad read tbn
cha .res. lie a.lmitt.-d that the Impression then form??!
did uot remain long, or " amount lo anything, really,'1
and ...- ?as accept. .1.
Wi-liant Roolusou, a plnmlter of No. ?A? West Twenfy
tMrd-at., aged iu had an Impression that the Mayor w?a
tii.'..i.le.) iu the general charge? which be read In th?
ii w?pap> rs, hut wasn't sure, and tho defense thereuitonr
v.lthdruw tbclr challenge, and he waa accepted and
s .i ii m: -1 8. Wlnne's replies were similar to those of
till predeees -or. The de.iaiou wa? left to the trie-?, who
A.uud tho . .tall? i.-.' not true, and the re*ult won ? p. r
emptory ? lallenge from Mr. Bhafer.
?ioberi r'ost.r, I/>wl-:S. Davidson, Franklin Goodwin,
Wn?. L-'.vii, Htiii-v II. Frey, Albert A. Martin and Lewia
C. Mur Lick v>e*v dispoaed of summarily.
V.u. l.l.ir.Jr , knew what th?' ?rH'clal charge aa-iv.ln-.ti
the Mii.ir wi.s, and bad formed an opinion, but be
m...I.? s ".n.-remelietwee? rtverc m trlrvt to audit account?
and ? i ! I. ul neglect ; and this hint wa? taken by Uw? U*>
? i ti -c and 'he Juror we? accept?-?!, i-.aAing 11 nowav-rranst,
N'.i i re acre obtained during tae day. TBboo ?i
n-. .? m, however, were Wm. H. Willis, John Die?, Wm.
H btate, Daniel Kgan, Philip J. K.-uB,1 lawla H.
.loan J. ?an, John M. Coruell. .IhbiaS ?.
Jl.st'kwcnd, Michael J. Newman, John JL Vaaetrn.
J Fi"ie<, yntiH'li Ir*. IVrrlkld, Jacob Hen-*
?Vill. Thi nuts Hiinsoi,, John Otwlll, James l?rlce, AKmtB
I. ?ailfb.BorsUe l?. Vaiiaykie, John BuUer, l'uii.p?.
DiUaii, Gerne Duncan, Joseph K. Mouaa-hsn, a.d Q.?...,
W. i bbon, all of whom were excused. Wbta Mr. Cor
..ell reached the stand It wu* ?ud.lenly dlsootered lh.f|
. . va ?-. ..tinect.d with the lot-be 11? who baveesuiB
? tbe <"ltv t?i lecov.r I ir Iron w. rk don? ot?
- .rrt h.mae, and be wa? pre. pitA'ely tr?
.u,. ,|. Joan Butler cam* very near rw-Lg lukm
until Mr. ?" Inton, havlug n-celved a timelv hint,
ii led tbe ?iu. Mloii, - ?Vere you in th?
CrotoB Bcird, under Mr. Tweed." Tho ?i ft Impeachm. ut
mud not be deiil.d, und muid load Um .u|. r Ike Jai or
li ft the Kta:-d. The "itBpreseloa" whh-ii Mr. Taras? ...
hud, h- thoughi, would "de u natural ?i.-t*. ?
iUnght.r.) Mi. Plinth asked If he I.ml not seen pi?
in qnentl) m the papen for the lust ?n mmitt..- '
1,., i iroi rtplleU tu?t h ? i..?| not ee.n muea elaiv, ?t
vbicli lin?- *?? in-.p- iHiight.-r. Mr. ?until then ex?
tinguished the Juror and hi? wouI.I-Im- wit at Uve grami*.
tii"?? by i-klug -bow louglttirik lar m, nnirt-aaiAili ut
a!\ month? growtli to ?lie u natural death I" Tti?.li?
ie in tit a i. id the mi. r va,i- i tiiuplele and ui tbe aunit; at
Itoiateiuu? UugbM-r, the Cour i ?oj^ uiawl.

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