Newspaper Page Text
THE KIGIITS OF AUTHORS. fa the Kditor of The Tribune. P.R : In a former cointniininktion, I grave ;? mrtct aetwint of the growth and preeom condition of fJsBjsjlljhl lcgi?laUon. It was there ?hown that laws aipoii Uie subject are of asotlern origin ; that literary jyt-operty was first brought nuderthc old law? of material property, and win eooaidered permanent ; that common law failing to pruLiil It, statute law wo? invoked, m Im li gave prottH-tiou for a limited period ; that slutut.- leiri? Bjjjaa? ?Arming literary property and limiting It, bus ?now I?* owe general ; that International Copyright ?Arrangemeats are ?till lmp<r.cct. and laajalw further ?asuendm. ut ? ?ml lsstlv, that the United Hates should wot be haaaaOBOd by European pretvili-ut?, but ?honld ?fsrwl with the subject Independently, ?nd adopt a policy which will secure tbe right? of both foreign author? and the American reading pnldn . Two things In relation to Copyright may now be eon ?Mend established a? compli t?-ly M anythiiiij can l?e e?et? by the eoncurrent linage of the rl TIM Bid world. By the declaration and the practice of ?ill mit um? It has tHHii settled, tiret, that an author ha? a right of property In his work, which government i? bound lo pro? tect; and, second, that the ptril.c alMi has right? by which tl>o?< of the author art? ixsfrictcd. There m i\ tTesBtst* who maintain that an author'? right? of prop ?wty are absolute and p. r*?ctual. and other extremist? who hold that then- ?-an tie no such thing as exclusive property in ideas Hist a? there arc ttio?e who maintain that "all property I? robbery.-' Practieal legislators aaay well assume that these conflicting view? cancel rskeh other, and might safely proceed to action on the BkB?)? ?if brood exi?ericiu-e and tbe general agreement of nations. But the question ha? N-cn mu? h mystilli.l of hale In the ncwKpai?-r? by the ntteratue df all kind? of ?tUscardant and extravagant opinion?, and it therefore xkeeome? denlrable to make a statement of th? OOBB a? far a? author? arc i oik erne.I. and of the anomalous and disgraceful utUtude of the Auicru an jieople ui re Hard to It. Th.? basa? of an anther'? right of property In tbe book tie makes Is the ?ami- a? the farmer'? right in the wheat Of raise?. They are each the product of and labor. In on? case capital 1? invested in land, imple, ment?, and stock ; in the other It is invented in educatiou, hooks, and suitable arrangement? for literary life ; whin? In both the product is the direct result of work done. Saat pr.i|MTt,v 111 Ma work lieiong? toan author becausa" ib?re bas been expense in it? preparation, and toOBMB be ha? priai ne. (I it by hi? immediate*, personal exertion. It is hi? to i?oK?c?s and to profit by its proceed?., by all the prim iplc? of Justice which confer the ownership of any property. Question? may arise respecting acquired rlghte m property, but the original right of him who called it luto cij?n hl,. .,,, ,?,. ow? -ltnor lr ,.'-,.ttr, ua,? beyond question. It i? ofti ii said that idea? are ethereal things, am! Ik long to the ?pirtuiil world, and tberefore eanaot beeoaae aubjn i to owm r?hlp; that i?, not being material taopiil 1J. they eaaaat i?-, ja*-?', property. Other?, a?-aiii, cunoush affirm tliaf ['eg.? may he property while v.-t in I he think . V**"mind, but toan tobe f o the moment they are sent forth and useful |0 others. An ass.? ?alien of l'hll ?vl. ipliiu piitilmlier.-. prefaced their luto hostile demon Bttatlea ?Auiiist Copyright by the grave etateuiriil " that tliou?lit until axatOaaed er publi.-bi-.1 l! tbe property ad tin- Maker; when given like lia-lit, it is fn-e to all." Now, there i?, of oour??-, a pro* fimuil d.T? r< B. 8 betw.-on Ideas and nuttenal commoiti Hi.-?. Out tber<< I? no ?uch different?' as is bi-ie implied. Ttiiyur. both products of human exertion. A sonnet is ii-> un.i a tin- roaaltof hadllj affntl aa a aorai ahoe. Ttie author works with MM matirlal instrument, tbe anchar:, ?sith another. The m? hinic produces a hat, for example, ti\ lunatelai aettoa, and tin author pro Ui.e-- a beak ay brota action. In both cata the re-uit r<|.?- !.t- vilul power continuously expended; there bo? i? i a eahaaetlon of tin bodily ? n. rales Ib both cas?-? alia? 'i ?i Mood repraoeata the stock of vital power. Bad It Is drawn upon in ?oscalal action by ihe laborer and in cerebral aetlal by the Bather, An author, too, ? 1.1 a targe amount of Mood to m?tala hit think? ing l'h? -I-u"ii?'? t.H u? the bnnii is mon- imrae ?Ii.ialj di "foods' nt ui?,u a ? opious sujiply of bl(?id Lba.i any otb. r part of tin system, Tiny sny ?aat Batbaofh the averna? or?la to oat aae-thfrty Birth ti.i ?elf toi tbe body, it demands of ml Un Okx.d !.. keep it In working order. Id? aa, Um n. :,re bo.l Hy producto,aad ?rent the expeaae of the looori : and tb<-1- ng them i*ep**e?ent Um Ufe-foreea and aie ni ?.- i h of theiraatbora. The ehnacati of blood ?iiiin fciu tin-mark-1 in.?I have tin it pelee. ?,.-. and the eonvenlenee? <-f living,are neithei sent niai" Dorait the? foralahedgratuit oust? !?> I....CI'i.iii. nt. Like other people, thoee who mak. t..??- ?l.-pi-nd upon their labor t.i live, and they huye aa equal right with ailier people t?i the traita* ol Un ir !...'.?? ib... :mi way, aad are widely diffused..- no reoHtm for regarding tbi m a? "Jiaaaa the light.'' to b<-appropriated by anybody without pay lug Un-1- eiigfnatofa, If they arc real and tangible enough to?ti-aj. Iheyareeapabl? ol peoteeilaaaa pr?.|ierty. it lain no sense a question ol the form or qaalityof tba tluiiK prodaeedi lei tb? -can bat bociMVall if au author let?, be robbed becatiae hi? property li Ib an ethereal s?ahi?,?aIi. oat rob tho miUnaai i. emu hu property Ml in a httoid shape. Whether? man devote bis jswers ht th? OlaboraUaa Oi thought or the elaboration ol mat? ter i? perfOCtl] .n.inaf. rial so far n? coin em? the ques hoii ol !-;* property i igbf in the thing produced Hi.t \?e ?nay ,.-o fi.rther and uek what property can have ?.i ??< red a right of recognition a? that which la the product ..f man's highest fa. unies I The creation? aad ?euuatnu in n- of tin br, in. as 1,.ey have a far liiglier valu* to tin world than the mire product- of material au?! i| OlatlOB, bave also a more transcendent and invio lable ? liiiin to the protection of law. The hand is but the aervi.nt ol tbe infill- < t. All kin.??, ledge, art. m k m <-, liteii.ture. dlsi-oMi?. invention ; all that n-doems mail from i a: st-i am! . t. .!???- 11\ il./-'iti.ii). are bnt result? elbraiu-? \<rtion ; and are we to d's. r.-dit this noblest form of effort und outlaw the ?m n who-. Urea have beca ?ruisiimed by 11 wbib al! th. guarda nf I? ?,'inlstion are thrown roaad UM ?Tooaei lonai "i Baalpalatiwi m ?aatry ? Bal it v.?;l he ?aid all fbi- Is clear i-noiicl!?why multi? ply weai ! . .iinmoi.plau-s 1 Mo?| true, and if our l>ia- t,. < i-aii'formed ti. fheoc jTofcsMoti?, nothing m i d to lee sanL Hat our prit, tl.i- i- a ?liie? t l oiitiadiilinii to ad ?uitt.d BBd sell? vidi nt Jn-tici-, and thin is a ?tnte of things that eaaaot ha lot ?i? i.e. Wc aalna an authors right in In-, work, and 'ben we proceed s.? ? ally to rob him Of it. *??'(? me not otilv th.??is. I. it thie??? BaaolalBBhagaaTiOpoa day that w? ItaowtMreelve? to be co. To I? ?are, it i? foreign author- a bom we rol., but this do?-? not ntrei t Un- ease, as th?: r ght? of private projieiiv m?; eooilaaahra arlth tivtliaottoo. it win barrfy d . to oblect to u " 1 ri)cm i " win n we appreciate hi? work so highly ..? 10 m?et it and take it fmu, him wrongfully Bfaeaca Baalaol aa li eloor oaongh. He ?ays. ?? I b..\r j.:<xlnicd n.y lsjok nt much expense and wi i? labor, l luv. mated property in tt; you want it, .'.nd in tnk.i.g It Bttecl its value; jou ap.iiopiiute It to enrich yoaraclves witlioul alviug me ft ,tu?f e(]iiiva'ien?; you Iteal It, ami (ii.v. ruin, i.t pioti.ts you in It a? If It were an u ?et." Tiic lo'-'.e is ah art und deelalfa, aad t lean s tin? ro'iiti? laaoveryt-nvlabli poridoo In n. eomjnantty ?if :i..tii-t -. ' eil ms" lo I? i i\i,.?i .1, eii.u-ht. tied, and ?ven clin?, \?e practice aaothicalcodeiuthis matter ui it vs-outd )-e repadlated cm bpoatraceo, VTeroaar (rovoii :i ent foun led iu usurpation aad LBj i UtX . as wo ?a??, rt it*!-1*. h ui ata tobe, there woald be a kind of coil iM< i.. . iiing this admltli ?I wrong , but While the l' i/.'iati lin il loiinlins luvi , theni?. - - of all eoinpllelty In it, it ,.- reserved for ti.e poojii? who loa-t ef the "boot fovernmenl or, Barlha" und who ?ill the aorld wnb tb.ii swagi?r a'ioiit "haiuanrights,"to matntala aa ergaa land ?ysu-ii. of I.t'rary brii.aii'bige in w hn h private right ?re tin?.Ttipuloorly \.ol;-'i.l, and Ihe hlghaat pi.i-i n >-:? of iiaL.? exerttaa are Uta objecte i**l ladleniliiil aaste plumlr. It i? a case, moreovi r, In r. I-i. h B ? toiuldid lo dishonesty. We take fiom If! OWBOI that Wlilih t.( 1? I? Mirii ?- to protect. Wi steul that whleh la coLfid'iI to ti., jiut.l.i ho.jiii, ami. 00if this were not enough, we aaM bypeerhty to ??onacsi by patttag tart!? BBgOTBaiai pu tills for mil action. 1 here ?re t.n.s? who my tl.e jy ? -t -tiic of things aboui.i i.?it i.e ?addled will, ami roho ap aieaaaa fof ?COJtlOUiLi* It It I I dtO '?? eJ l*lt 1? ilespK.ible to steal rt'tin our tor? who bu;ip?--i t.i I?- eoOBpelled to trust us; but li.ore d( > Jin able sti.l ,s UM sic un les? afeaa'-tii-m ly Which aa lataroatod party ?ill i?.-k to d?f-Ld ?i. Mi.ei. I. lealaf to ih<- sacaaing aieoloflei that i-ie put forward in ? xt. :, latnui af lael I QlkdlaCt, ??e tet'l at- :i the nine thlof aVljthl liaa In aelf-reap Ung Wrath aad kal: Uie p?-ttli.^^-lit' pollXOOB ont of bis amiety. ?Jot gre?s, through He Joint O mm;! t( e. hB! OfDclally ?rri^i . -I tin? question 1? f. re Ib? .itiilitiv v.ln tin I we t-biill bon- t ?y pay the hretM iitltlnie loi t!.' WOT BB W? take Iroiii Ci? ni o? ( onlMiue to ?teal tin m. Ihh? OoBiBiltlCe has had a vd!. y of OWilliliae.Itllili fWBa pal rt-aoluliou . Of bin !:.-i .v, ami Bill.'/."l'y rOPOftl, fUaOd ?? Il b i tor li (ling tii.u' diiat'.ogon . . ;,. ? at, ii.. doui ii aa to what is I'lopirty. ?.mi tin reBcral aa? m rub), n? -? of ?ti li n i.-..od? ami p|. nt> of IhOBB, ?nt waU> mi ttioic tiaiaiOBoti tv rlchl?, in. Btorc rewe-nltlon of any prlnetple of tiintice in the raee, than If the American ?xinselrnie were dra?l. Ha?. It lauen ro **ilv??4l to em laxly r? reut tendencies In thl? country and or-ranlre a burean of lMa_B| at Waahtnjtton wl?i Tweed at it* In o<l, it? flret r. port might fitly eort?i?t oftheeo ?is? ei tic?, led? re from publish? Ts, ie?olutton? of meeting?, rind minority report*, t?i !?.? ecattered lit pulillr ?-ipt-ni?! n* a text txx'k of a.I van. <-?t American ? ? fort be _m? "f Htafe legislator?. Aldermen, Bnd officer?? of traut, and for the guidance of young men who "inns? succeed." and wh<Mi*pirc topositiouB which will trivi- ti. in an*?* to tin,iiey lint their own. Tlie fli*t ?tip t?iwnrd rrdr?'i.*lnif any wrooc i* t?? fltttl out it? rharneter und extent, who I* r? ?|( nsible for It- Irrihii, the Oovenun. tit t* IIm? gnat crlrriiriiii; fea publisher? viol?t?? no law when an sut?or 1* retobad, and Ihr re*iK.ii*iblllty. therefore. rc*U at it*?iwndoor. Created for tlie piot.-otlon of human rights, OU <?('V( rtt rn.nt ?.'. inn to have lora-otten the reaaoli of it* exist? _ <-. Ordan.od by the great Instrument which con?tl tute? it ? t.overniuilit to "BB?bt_l .IllMIc?'." It thwnrt* the mprome Intention ?if It* ?harter hv aataM???g and ?tifllntalnln- acknowledged ln Ju?tie<\ The ??overnnient has palter?'?! with tin' quoaflrm for ?i gviicrnflort, and It 1* time It were ?. It 1* iKiund to guard tho proiscrty of aiilhor* a* the proi? t rty of other men i* trinir?li-?l. The public aleo In.* rieht* whnh muy Be considered In nnother artiiir?but they an? not t?i be so lntV-rprrtcd a?. t?i <-xtniKHieli tin'*' "f the author. An International (tnpyriiiM lu?- should i?e posted tli ?t of all a* a matter of right to the airtboi I who demnnd it : It should be pawa-d to wipe away u national diNirra-c, lira! to relieve thl? eotrntry from the reproach of being behind all civilized nations- inhotiorlnpthi? vocation of lett.'r*: it should tie (illicitly pawed, because tho standard of integrity in thi* ?nuiitr.v is t>< ing dangcr ? lowered, riifri'n (?onset,m???* art being blunted, and tho (iovcrnment cannot aflord to oontiune Iba ?-xitiiiplc ?if moral laxity which it* present practice i?stiy, ihm law niiouid t?e paaaai by the ptaaaal ton gaaaa baaaaaa it la .iu*t aa ?ompt-t? nt lodo it us any f.i ti.n- Oiegraat an '"?. wii.i. (he longer it la <ii lay? ?i Iba (>tr.'iir.'ir win t?- th.- itit? to its panaase i lor?-, un. y. i- Tod?_?a. LITERARY PSOPERTT. To the Kd, tor of The Tr . bu ne. Bisa In Tftr Nation of laal week there jr an artille upon the ?<i)'.vri?-'ht f|uestioii. Tit?? article is in favor of the paaaage of a law ereatin;: nrr Intcrnntronal Oopj n?,-ht. As ? part of the argument In ?npport ?if roch a la?. It lf> maintained that there i* in distinction lH'twcen the kind of proi>erfy bad by an author _ Ml productions aft?-r publication, n* granted by the law of copyiigtat, and any ardi?al y kind of property. Tire writer of the article -ay? tlmt ?( ure jH-rsoi - .i ]>uJ'_?]??li_i????^?.V . -? ? "While conceding t?U ;.n anther own* hi? Idea? n* long as he keeps tlicin to htmaelf, (helare that if he gives utterance to tlifin tiny bt-4-oine, likv light am! air. Hi?- property of Ute iiiiunii race." The writer*! rmHW.T to the ?_Uad?-lphlans is la aubatanre aa fottov * : '?As fur us 'natural rir-lil ? goes, ther?- is no distinction whaiever bet ween literary property ami any 0th* property, If I _tvi a natturai ntAt to aiiythinir, I navi- a aattat? rtirbl to what I moitaac and other people de-ir?? arid are willinn to ii.,\ for, if tiny (armo: oblatai It willitwt,' for it. I?treover, it is not 'Ideaa' In w__I an ootnoi ha? propertj under any tlu-ory of copvi-ivht Nobody .laiio? liroperty In idea- An antbor'* ju-oyi-rty li.-a m the ? lotinnni of Ida ideas in langnaae; it is thi? clot?Ina ff which books are coiii)><im-iI. ami it wno'd have no rnatket vain.- at all If It had aol all the. laridenta of ?jroperty, We have just as mniii rmht to walk Into u publish era stoic. ::ii?i i 1. ar hi- SbelTtM of III- la-t new nnok. on p:> itir.' him tlie bans cost ot production, a* he to take an ?un ?us manase ript, or ins printed work, and reproduce it and w'll it for his own hem tit. Tin natural *< nae of jus? tice, on.- would *ay, would he rjnite as much offended by a man's ? nt une off u bo?ik. which baa vaat aso vean oil labor, and aelUna ii at a profil and poeketlna tin? tnoney. aa by bla rnnnina off arfth my palntlna <vr mi earved eiiiur. aii'Vii.-i-ii-irn.-?'f th< ni m tin lam? manner. Hut, as a iiiatt.-r of fact. so. u-ty docs not a-m t look ? ; rio two act? in the sanie ii?ht. ' Tlit-si- iciiiai' ? wen no doubt (leMrnrd to be la the m t. r -t olliurary mi n. ami to bt foi Ok it Iwni Bt, tm: they are really calculated to injure their camkf They do not Um rtabta of bterary men apon tb_r true ammiida. It i? rni( , as i? -tati??(!, that tin I 0X1 lUSlvl i Jit to print, publish, and-ell hi works is the rliht wliic?i BO author litad? to L.-iiarai,tcc<l to Intn ??i Ins BBBlfna Tlii- l* lhalafffctwblebla aeeared t?y the las'- ol (oi?-.ruht. When an aiillmr ?'iii-h away or sell? a book, ujsiii whah ha has obtainod a i opyrir.'ht. the j? non t" ? bom a? baa sold it, not? lthsf.iiniiiif.' ilic gift at ?ale to him, e ano? ropy, umt?te, or r'-proilu.'i it and Bell the POptOB, i m?a lion-, ?t reproduction? Tit? restriction upon his ao doing lanndend neceaaarj bj tu pcculiai r.a'.ur?- of liteiaty product tor... Now. in r< i-'iirii to oil.i r prop? rtv. tb? r? - no ne?-e*?ity for any tiieh re-tri? Mon. Ae<-(ir?l'.ni:ly, In tho ease of i tdfi 01 ? ..h <?; a pi? aa af ordinary projtert*,J*st tlie reverse is true. I lie |m isoti to wl.'?m such a pie??? of proper ty. ?ay, for example, a pleee of cloili'rrrr, 1- l--? ri ?ivirr or wild by the oriirinal maki-t. can put it to aiiy us? tl:;.r he ?ItiMis. r,, v.i'hout i.nj lui.l;..Hot1 v.h.U.v?T, exaellv as the oriirinnl owner eotiid have done. Aiuonif tin- oil ?r t!se* to which lie may pal it, he i air copy iin.'. iitid r? proiiuo- it, am) k li and make a InnI ' selling ti??' coplea, bah?dons, andrepr<Mlui'tions At.d this Is the (lit!? unc?' b? twctii the kind of property i re ated by the luws of eopjaigbt ?ml ?irdinaty iiro[?<ri.\. Tliey are quite distinct. Llt4>rary ptopertv i- not at all B natural rieht, but, on the coutrari, is p dm it ? r_tl ? vention of natural lighta. TI.e ?lilb-nnM i'liivi out of the paeaHaf aatntt ot literary prodnctleaB, That aeai i* the nature, of coi?yrijrht, and that 1! i* purely the creature ot statut, law, is . \ ident from the oorif-iihratMin that It is irraitted oniy u[m.ii cotnpilaiice with certain Icmiitioii- and for a limit? d period of ttrae. It r* alko ordinarily (rranted tiy a Htate t(s III own cltln-ii* ?'toy. or to those who resida within Its bordan. Una author's exclti-ivc Htrht to print, pBbUaband sell Ids work* exist???! by natural ri^lit. 00|rj?ghta would ha I><t petiial, and would not owe their beiSf to stiitutt.-, or t?? grantfifl only ?m compliance with conditions. Tlie Inter? si-of lili ratlin ..lai liter,-ry na v luve tsif fer cd (TOB?7 in the I'm led Ma!? s.b. < ailse those wbokBVC jsut (tieriiselvi s foiwaid as |llieir Champions have net properly nadaratood the prineipleaon winch tbeyaboold Ik-prot.cted. This is one reaaotj why fbrelgn aotbon kav? not it.ore easily obtained il. tin- country the pro lection to which they are entitled, in I?aland raal stores of ttantteg and erudition have been exhausted lu the investirf.ition ot the nature of eopyrights and ol ?M piindples on wlnali they depend. Tlie . r ?>?..u.i apoa w hi< h (i.|\iislits art- aOCtired r<? authors iri that i ottutry is not that of m bnagt?hi7 aatan1 n,-)it, int oa ?ie poand that tb? gem '.?I iKiiet.T of UK whole coiiimiini: y. u.- wi il us justice to aotbon alernands thar autlrois itumld : ? I It ? such peculiar pro!? ( turn Mita isKiiuar nature of tin lr prodiaftlonj require. Propel and reaaonabh li tin ?riation of an International Oopyrlgbl ?:,, a.., he baaad apen the same priaetpie. .'. ? net. Ar.r York, Feb. VI. IST] THE COPYEIOB1 Ql _KTION. T_efoUowiasletter,drown npbj Mr, Willieni II. App'a ton. Was si-ut |0 Mr. _vei i II, who v?a- ih.n Boentoryoi Btato, nearly twentj yean ago. It will i?< s? ? triii.: itembneM tbeviewi In regard tothecopy riKht qneatlOB that are now held by Mr. AppI? ton. and which me embodied in tin- b_I now befen < n but tea. It laIntaroatiag tonotloealaa that ikoaovlewawen suis ported, al l_at time, by aowal <>t tke leading pobU*hen ol New fork, among otbori byt?ela-ti Charlea Berlbnar? Hew Yonx, Feb. u, is..... lr, the Hun Edward i.vr BBTT, Secretary of Statt lir.Ai. mi?: \s it i., in eonu mplation to prcaent f??r the ratification Ol II.? t?. oat. ;. tj.-atylor an lit. 1 na I ,n, ml eopyriabt between Kaglandand tboUnlttv] Btates,ara d.? m it proper to stateeome points ?if pravctlcal necea rir\ m ."a-siinr riicii a treaty, in order that a Britiob author-ball i? i i i?- Ann r nail protection it shoiinl be it:.-i led upon i hat Um! Ulleaol hi fore Igu work d Ik- entered at th? United Rutea D. trat Court o? the IX partaient of Btate, before it n publication in In.' : d, and if with?i SO daya ol it- pnblication In Engbtnd tin work i- not prinU'd In t.'ii- ooiinlry, tbi'tt anv on" m ? litt v ? have the right of ft printing H jircsi nt. in order to ?bow the pabll.lter'i r *.-iit ot pro ted Ion under this treaty Im muai ? ion in* riftiit i?? the book from in.- aathoi in emting. In in -<? tbe ooprrlKht i* .-.-. un?I aa o??ve. It ?hall be pi-uvldid tbat the typo ?ball be set up ;,u,i y\,r. buok prlnre.l liiid bot?n?! ill tins eon n 11 \ . 1 In- MrOeasIt] ?U r.l- iiioiln, ? iiv mus, lot it an I lulisli pijliliriher or author mai priai utid nuil ? book In England and ur flu- same time at run ? copyright without brin* nqntred to p. lut and bint] I. > I": V lien-, then.n than ori.-li.ilf ..I to?- mechanics and women employed In tb. type foundi riee, prii Una ? pap? rimn?, uook-binderlea, aad the vario?i co_i luali. U.s v, ill U- thiownout o? euiplo, nient, ami . I (ii-tr?>s mu?t follow. Tho people <>f tbia country are ac cuatomod to cheap hooka, and anat can ihouidbaaad io i'uar.i araitist placlug the power In the banda of tbe l ici sii publlsben to force m to but onlj Enirll?h <?.,, wiit. h rroiii theirazpenalve atyle mail w much bltthe; in price,? mu without i?- ?uty, Thl? tuovismu isri/ht. forltprotecl tbe peoph from blgb forclirri price?mimj vim- tbe iMiUiori.ii h. ran ,|1M,, |, uu w!h olljy ,??,.,, ? ion* proMsioris. On tuts pun ,i,.- Lugllah autboi I* pi.ii-? .1 UpUU UU! tame footltlB u.- Ilic A In. ; n all. lu? ll, .t an ' Mil v protect, d, and th.- luvet pmilt u. cru? ? ii ?? Ana rlcan -,iic?r hi?. worH. ? ml, - abb ami.,ti-i j.i?a? Uoi4ii alao'Kivon to ai.,hi ,,. ??? u?liistr.. o il.. luonufacUirlna ... ,,. i,t of btjtak-iuakiu*; Wltbgriiatn poet w< an rourobedient an?ranea, U ai i u tob .v t a, ?? i-, rt (?AM A Co., ( nan. A in ... < U4W r? liilM | . WA,BaTOIUl A BWOBDB. " R-TKOAI 1 !VI ? i'1'Ylll'.ll-i.w A ? "in. -, i iinili'iii iinr ii, ? r- eoncerning the ?i Int. r nation i ' opyrlghi bos a Jaw wnl ?ii. i i ,?,, h wiu ., Cnglii i? < Utions ? (lit. .i In II ? ooi trj loreotyp? siat. m whivh wjut/ha? been Inveatcd, etc., ttc. ttnlgrtea is prohibited from passing tx poet facto laws. No Copy? right law can, therefore, ?it bankward?, ?o a? to diRturh existing property in book?. Existing works and tho investment* they Involve will lie untouched, and the International arrangement, if it 1? mode, will, of course, apply only 10 future book?. N'cr-o JJiibltciittcm?. pUBUSH?D THIS DAY: I. PA/MAGES FKOMTHKFKKN.M ANDlTAMAN NOTE hooks Of RATHAXIFI. HAWTHOBNB. ? ?ela. lorn? ? ?. Mk. On mmnmtm .?d H?gl>.h Nora-Ilr-iki ibe.eTi.lnia?? ?err? I? n aVt r.r? ii.I MMiaal r,l,in? ?? ?a* iath<>r, wh.|? ibey gl?a .l.i.Baant prouf of tbe rlear iaaigtit with whirb he nl ?et.e.1 li ? fellow bel?gt. Ike pr.-Jart? of art. iiel ike arraee af >.il??*>l ?.(are. II. A dictionary of AMERICAN BlOOBAFBY. lit Fr.oo? H. br.-.|e. I toI Urge ?to. Cloth. *?. ib?**"?, 07, llalfCalfnrll.lf Mrrroeeo, OB VI, Kail (lit ?I". Kail Minor.?. 01*. Tin iiuporfii.l ?utl i? tl.r o.nll of je?r? u( Ulsit. .oil matai?, bie gniphleal Ikrtrbe. of iieirlr ten tbouaanl per?.!*.!, '!??.! end Ir-tig. wh? at? ?illirr ?Bienr.B. br turlk. or r<w?e.Wad ?Ith Amen??? hi.'irj bt an?tala mr.ii lib ariirrfiil .r?J irea,.!?- work, aiel ?nil Uke III i l.rr in U rani., pnbl.r WmI a. . il.tslanl ...I In.liap-eubl? D.M.I ol refer? lie? '.'F.rMleht .11 Beak te Ile re. Sent, poetpiul H reeetipt i.t ?a? Pabllaher., .IAMIS It. HMiOOH ?V < <i., luisro.i F. P IUTTON k Co , 713 llr.?.lw.r. New 1 or. ?peei.1 Agenu, for J R. (). ?. (>..'?,,ti. rPIII. ILKMKNTS (IF AGUICULTCKF.. 1 A last I r Ynqng FarTBir?. l.r O.-i. I.. Waiing. Jr.. fornwrlr Agrieol luri' Krgr.e.r ?I tbe Ostial Pii'k in New-York. Author of ' llrainlog for Profit ?til Dralaiag f.t ll??lth " Srtim,) e-Jilinn. rar.-fVIr Till. PLANT. IHK SOU., MANIKK.S MKI'llASII'AI, I 11.11 VAIION. anai.ym-i Tbe f.iregoinp ire all iharuia??! in plain itnl ?imple language thai an) tSrOktri b?| ma- mm?ttmtmi. Tii? ii?.i ii trrlfaa by s MeetaaM ptmtttrel iint.rr. .ml . tu., of giHKi ??liai, -,u,i am.! tandas, OL Pul l.i taa.l poll p.nt. Adoren IHK TRIRINK _ _ Hew York. PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT.?An ?Uno 1 tr.teil ?att I-VI edition), b? P T. Union, a Prietiral llortirnllnilK for many trar? a nurrrarlnl grower of Pr.r? f'.r ni.rkel. Tbe lolijeet ii nil.j.l? a. .1 thoreaghle liate.1 m 'er l; a follow n? lieailr Vanrl.ra, Aa. Beat r.-ebaratUm of the .lull. Ihatanee Apart. BaeratireJ Tr?ei, I'wirfi anil Htindardi. Time of Klanlttit, Planting. IHggiag Tn?a irnra th Narwrr-Ki.w bbiI Parking V.rii-li. a -., Plant, Praning, Or.-I ?r.i Rei-onl Tina Work will lie fourni a complete Prartlrel fit?at' f r the Prar (iiower. whether for pl??aut? >r piol!. I ?ol , l.?i,.|*,melr la rlelb. Pr.t. g-1 Seat fr?e bj n-raloa rertlnt of prlre. A.i.lre?? _ I UK TBIbIBR. New York. HPHK TRIB?NE ALMANAC AND politic ai. hi-:oihtkk FOB IH7U. FOUBT1J F.PITION NOW READY. H er! BOSS U. the n?riel t -tr. t,i,m e?. roulent! o! aa Alminar it girei tbe M seta] Poli?.ral i.i.l ,iiIii*b?*,I.iib: lAV? ASI? JOIST lilX'l l"IHi.N'rl PASHKD IU RIN(. TIIK THIRH naooB of tub xlit ooaoM I'MMLAltAIKlS'S (IN UBX THAI.IT?' ANH KKN'IANISM. AIT HKMM IPO Till. Mil i.Ii.r.NTII AMLMiMKBT. TIIK nUUTI ?Mill ??l.l.AT UHITAIN (?KHrSbAl KS OUTt-TANMN?. PBOP. IBB TO 1 TI ki.curis ?su nisiii Hsi.Mi sr- ?.fiiii: i. s. for h-ti. NTMIIIIU OF POSTOI PICT I IS '. TI- AM' |BTt, IMPORTS AKH TII'.IR ? u-T rrm.ic MST (>y Tin: CP1TIP ptatk?, Pol'l'I.ATl(iy OBBTATBo Bl ( (?INI II S FROM lf?0 TO ITiO. i'opri.ATior? of tu i Piti.Nt ii u. crmstBJ wn: i B I'OPI I.ATION ill'TIIK I'. K AND I'RRRITHBIKH l,?i TO IffTO. IM 1Kb STATE? ?iOVEBBMBBT- CABINET- M PRKME (.'Ol'kT-MINISTI KS To rOUDOJ 'OURTv l.lK'i l-HI.? ONU ( l.?(.lil>-<- I'liLITK'Al.I.Y ?lASSlFIBP. KikMin mi OK IHK a Ml i> < uM.K ::.--. ?-AIKS OK THE I MOM PoPII.AIKS CAPITAl..?-. OO? nPOBB '.. ( ?iVORlSf-tONAI Ari'ORTKiXMKXT. i.i.K rid.v gurronti cjuhcfuu,! i'i.i.i.n.i..' or tajfo nOBB HKi.D IN II1I,(0?IP.?HK1) MIITI POBJIaUl nun. bjow T?> ai'wi'ire ti i m: ro 001 nmuni i lam- ?... ti - - ill bt.oi.eli?'? tari BiaaSaatgT?, P.e. ??0 ('?t.t? flats Dollar, I-.-I (ail .?.?..-reea I III 111.ill NB N. ?. ???AST Ti.NNF.ssKK.-'l ill. KN OX VILLE I ? ?M-.BKI.? ? HhONK I.K for VT.i ?ill bbbIbIb in atan .ntrber rut'ji. pr. rateo ar.rlea ui-on Ihe ? ,malt. Soil Pr.alurU. MiBrrtli ?L i , il.r uatural BB,iu-[a.?f(l *lT..'j.,-ei ?', K.-! Te'.neaaee. ? . tur ta'led " Tb? ?wilretlanrt ef th? ?oath " Then? ar'.irlee ar? prrpared (i;.rr?il> te .'lMtmiBite faru BM u,< i ..uiirjll.on of peraoua looting houlh for llrt???. Aaaaatt to ( ?rt ?t^.t l?n:i wi I be r.r. full? prepare! i.l pnl.-til.rA fur general information -the rlieapeat and r.o.1 reliait??* ib fineali.,ii to be obui.el. ?ulaei-ipti.ia ool. ?>?. art aannia. K,,r farther i.formaiion a>l?r?i. In? i' K.l LE k if 14 K4 Ki ?aulle, lern HISTORY of the GREAT PIR?IS in CHl ( A?i<) and Ihe WIN I, l,r R?t fc. J. (iootxra?!? 1> P., at Chi? riga. Th? onl, rompiere Huttor, of ihe?. goal eienlv Oier fcOC I,o ',:?., tai pri?e Oit 101 outfll. *-1 : :iiOmi iltrail, toil Pu It. f. loinlferer, Ager.ti *??t:. -u II. S. ?.OOIi.-'i'l.KI? k Co., 7 patk-ta? >. ',.... -i v , .i,..,. ,.. f, ,-?.?., Hi Liait atllwaaaill frlRE. F1HK! F?RE?-A fin? ENGRAV?NQ .1 gnu ? ItOoK o, i!.e great Ire. nrii.g S arrouni of Hi, Ire ?I Ckleafi . .n ' a ol'. far *?l,et t !.. ol. .'>.; or eugrariu|, ie?; or r?l'e, 2i , er the ti,*.? 1er r>l r?Bi I? a?r ... ? ? ... BICHSOB. JOBPB k Co.. Ch.eago._ J...I I'm' I lb. WHARTOR on the CONFLICT of l.AWS. II Ali.I 4il-l. ON Till: I (INH.II T OF I ?? - OR l-RIVATK IBTRBBA1IOBAL LAW. li. Kr?n..a Wiart.m. I.I.. p., BMharal " a 'I'riAi.w on thoCi in.nil I.iwt a ? I .. : -? -. ?1 f*\ KAY \ 111.'. 11 111 'I I?? Rooiiell?-? an.I PabBsBer.. 17 a.,! It Barata Mulb-it.. 3neirnrnon. ALONZO FLACK, Ciuvtrrntk, S. V.-'l.-im , |.BM Marri. S ; I? l!. m n ? -r ?.?>?.< r l? malm-tor* A HOME und SCHOOL i?.r TEN LeOlf8,tvfef ?lo 12. Aulreae Mr? (.. A. BUB?. T.rrilow?, N. T. B?Yb'BOARDING-SC'HUOUatWiltxiD.Conri. II,,n,r 11,Infor*.. : Baal i.T atat?a?; unn- reisnnabl?-. AJilrea? Al 0081 I .'- ??HI .LOCK. BRAINERO I?8TIT?TE, Cranbenj, N. J. rV. B. Mi.NAIR Praelpal fhREW LADIES' M.MI.VAKV, Cnrunl, N. \'. i ' Tl.. Bail a? Huai ii? .:-i.- . _GBO ?' SMITH A.M. 1,'iii.T EDWARD COLLEGIATE INS 11 I It'll- ?'?" roi li. ?ni. Pawl, ITarAlBf, aa! romio..? BrajBtfe . . fat Battagltna of 1) w<rki ' ti-i.i ?- ; Mar l. 14. Karl ? ? . ' - - ?? or for I'fi- K.?e rouiiei of ?Iihit. i ???i.n.rrn.l r., ,rae e-?* For ratalngui ?, a.1 Jrera JOHKPIf K KIX. I- H. FortKJ. rrl, S. T 1?'OU l!OVS-Si-.i,iiior ?i.hi.iila^i? ai RIVER VII.W A( ?HKHY I ? '?' V. (MHUiMil) SKM1NAKY.?Bottrttirig s,i.,,.,| ? ? :. ? ??? i ,,?... V ii,.?. Ti na i> flat Baa a. B...r1. Inrlaiiag b. it, ligrt, ai.,1 .??: .*?, *S4 ptr-??el. Per rauher bxfarraaBas ind nr talar?, ??-:-?-, tbe Prianpal 1. I BPBBIBdTUB, Barta. Vt ?OERMAa^ TUItTO?, ( (?yvI'.l?SATIoN ; 11 r.i VJ? (i'WM.llthv a n?ir. a I ,. 1 , .?III," ( iliil>i EBB'!?, :i Vn.Ti-?:t? ; /'M)|.I?KNT "mill SKMIN'AUV F0*RYbU?t? \M HiiU?.llrU-. i rt, Co ?I BMII.T BRLSOB Pi IKVINi; INS'MTI'Th. Tiirryldwn. N. 1. I I ag . r. uIaii ?,.,!, la I?. I l.i)?V- M | r IACKS0N MILITARY [NHTITUT?? ?L? Tarniown *. 1 B.tal.l-h-l 1SK ? -t-.!!- F J. JACaJOB M. A.. Prine-pil. M"l.-Hi;>lnl.-|.LI,K ; CIURBON?Il-IR* I ?K.v? ,1 PKOTRBTABT B.*r?)in< aa-i lur *rau?\ (ur fulln(r ? ?? imtir Hi? Paaalaa BUaua Alkn ager .. i1?,.., .s? *aj j V| n i -i.'iii"t l-i-iii i. i i net i ?,?k MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE; Haverttraw. \". 1 iM'.l.nil. VMI-...N a ?I I' , i :. ? f.milT BoarJ ii... ii?.i far tars ?errs? lora! ??srsta ;?.-. I f-?? a r.rralu. M?ftH Mai ?.HI-treu SCHOOL for Ydl ?G UAPIk?, H.lMllMi. I, I Spr ng er,? ?,?,? Kek J, UTl. MT. PLEASANT IllHl itlltt*.? I'livjltC I'lil-.i - f,r !..??. Aii.ter?! M air l-'v. .??': ?.. H C Ni.h A M. Pnt, L fj>AINE? BUSINESS COLLEGE, 62 liowery. 1 nmvUto?tw MmltMf?msl, ?, ?tiAaim_T, HifiuiJB* i.?u fn.ig*n B>%raji)i; 24 Wriui ?f Jersanf a t Rl.V. .1. NEWMAN; I). I?., of Poaltney, Vt i will ,??*'*.? .Ho kli famllr, for r.rr anJ laillBlBaa. ? lirait?-! rau? bet i.l 111 .1 -, i, r ? lo 16 Taan oil. Aw er t on ih.uld be maile ?,<,,. WAI-NIT I?ILL W'ironL, (?-?i-va, N. V.Z "T A fu.I ci.-i B'.ir.l i,i! s< In?.I :..r li..., Paaib) MS hi aflmiu??! ? I ?nr tun.. ?i.J if ii 1. ,le.0. .1 n.a, i.i?a.u fBreagbaat I ? ? 'I 1 -rtn? *.??J per ?ULIUIL I ,n.> ?,,. b. a?lil ,u llioae llaauitj .utiif.' i-'-' '0 TU08. li. RKKIi. I.,f.i?--e>-ni. Ke? A. ( ('?If, I'atult, of Ilolian CullegT 1I?l|. g"I? n 'i In ,.; ? la. Ni ? . > V?NK?RS MILITARY INSTITUtET" JL A l.liAlill.S-. b. IHI.ll, loi mal? 111 Hot. ml. li.g. at. b??!il., I khatUa kll.N I , .1.1 .. . E.rjui l'ail ?g Catases? ??-..i. ii.iiiig.un ..l PIINJAJUI.? MABOB, IIji No til TmIbi-j y. T. Uf |v PER MONTH. ENTIRE EXPENSE,?. 0 lO Ba-fl Iloatdiag Mist Auimi l'Rul. ut M 'I nDuar oB.e. ?SciHoCrs. ALL wiiiiiiiiit 'I'l-iK-lici-, Behoola. or PudUb a I. r.r. " A Ml.II HH ? A . !o>.ll. I NIo.M.' ". 0 Broad?,. N ? 1,. ratuj ;.. m., ill.. 'i ??.-... Mslual I.lrudaclAea nia. ** 4 mer. Scbool InBtitnt**, ' 11 l<-oQd-Bt.,Bai)DliPfl 1\ trat h) ?Sri fctaU'et wr? rtl ?t'< 1. -..,. TsseWrawi ? / I aae? Ar.liealloa Perra .! ?v liaei-gatrtaani A-tur* PR?PARAI ION lorMAL\'A];|)CO|,I,i;,;|'.-l 1 A ITaeleale ?W , reaklUf la Caiuli.;,. rtlil |?k. s antals DAB ? " ? -,. ' Bl I li : 1. . ,, 4( a..iir?? (.?ADI A . . Baa . 1 M??.. kJf'lttlHl, TEA, Hl.l; lor tin- |)is|;|,t ? t (., ,. ; , ,.,!,.,., ugn ?e- Mat? -,, ,, , , 1 ., , I. /.nr 11 I. . ,i, App.1. ?a al^,,r, i., J u |(ti,|i;> ut J. ? .,..11 ?' H :. YV'i.V.Tli SITUATION ,.s 'II A< nil; ,? p IT?, aMUAI -?1 'ii. .1 ... A. ? IIAIII 1,1 ||, n.., > ., 1. - . i... .,.,: .]'? t . : 1 ....... .. .. II.U?l ?.'.I .I'M HiiiHtina Academics. \T TUENOK" ACADEMY of DANCING, I\ 1.11.11 ii.-.i 1. ;???."?.'. -.. Ill 1,1 .?N IlK.I.'i \T AN? 1IMI . ., .. . , OWN 1 UXVIIBII.HCK. klltll) ??'? ? IB? . i.AU. A 1)01 .WORTH* CI.AHHKH f<?r I)ANCIN(i. a All B?et4 ?I Ba. Ill (/IfUi-a.a., rera?r ot Tarralr aUth ?I < ?w?a for ladlaa. |aa?letaaa, or roiklr?? atonil?f, tniraeon aad ??anlag ?laaar*. Papila ata rmianai tt tat Hat for parts-alar? ?en4 fur 1) K UARMO" DABriBfJ srsnBatT. 13 FIFTU AVK., . (IK1SIKB fill KTRSrVTII KT. BKW t'l.ABHBB ?<iBhTr?BTI.? COB IBIB?. PARTICULAR* IB CIR? t't.SB THE MONEY MAUKKT. ?ALM AT TIIK sTtMK KXCUkriUK?VIR?T CAM,, lOt tVCLOOK A. M. .snlrt ?I Ifrtnm mi Honor. Kl ?OUI!. H. r-jeCaa-r.Ill) 30,(00 1'. 8. it. Il M on p.1MI| MM.Ill, ?ma.? ar a??# 4?ai?_?/-Uro? Mdh- H**? ??I Hstlromd-tmytet? itoek'. ?fi. ?* or?* T??n ?? tt.. ?n (US Phanit B*k....1S0 |J? Nt T.t>nk II ? 10,?*. ?7 441 B-k ?of .?I. Y..1I?I hum Bajlrtad.. 20.UOU Virrinia ?a, ?'43 Ha'h of?om'r? .117) bat. etII_ V7| Br|l It.Ill ?1. B?_in( Bill |n,t?J Bar Car (a, 14?. Oe*?n bank... 8 ! road. 113) ST. 14 S Trat. 5tl BaVHilj'S?! I, Hh k M tU. S.Ono Kol'ir St. a I" ?north N.II'k. IK)( Ra, ,?_.b. e. ?J Jaa It Juif. 30| 13!) Halt ? II? a?.a ' TOO. 911 '?mi. . -tr. I anal. 1? 100 . ?i ISSN. Jisiioil Harria?Coai | 2.J00. M 1.00O. M,\ Co. 1011 ijitl. MMa* .a'f.,,i. ?II I'.nn.v Irani ?"I ?i.M?. Apia ?VI. - i l'impur.211 4'?'. ?,'?ju N I St 7?, B IKKl . oo'rr Coal Co. ?On. . - Loan.rc(.l(l7 | of Mar?laad.37 I 24?. Wl J.UuO.KHJ 2O0 yuirkailr.r M 1 tat?. ?I 1.IW) llroak bt W'r ('?. 3.r?'l20 Irik. Short k Im?n. 96) 21*1. ... Ml Mi?Sut4?rip.... I.cai liro?ik'?B < ?. 2'?!.b. e. 3i.| Ul rail. IS| Park boat. 93|! 200. Jb .ton ChrW* k I1U. I.KKi Lon?- IWk '2rm Mtnpoaa I'rtf. (loar.h. ?. ?>) Hood. 9t| b?t rail. I|!2T0 Cuir k B. W. 11?i Alti.ri? I Mu?. ' l<Xi. Ill KaiIroad.b a. 77| 2<J n?..rt. ?Ill 300. H Vie. ? 2,Oitil Muh Soulh. ?500 PirMSKC... I SOU. 2d avge.100 ?Ok ?eh.... .... Ml] .'4*1. 3,000 ???tr.n.B poo. "ii" m. Oold hdi .1?W|! 300. tOiiUMBaa-JtracC tt 2(?KI..I??;|I 1.1*41. S/.?, B>.Ml* 9,000 L'n P?. Kail 44). S3.?200 Cbira?o k K i mad. lat rr,.9I{! M0. M, Kailroto ....brill, 1.0.41 I'n-en Pa 10? .100 Aia.ncaa ?oai M*l.HI! lor?MM. ?*l I o??iatf....U. ?- 43| 200.Hlj 3.000. M.| 4*0 (aat..n C?i. fiSO.III. 4,000 l'a tt I?.irtia- I ts-L rill.. l.*)|llO liai. U it W raafilbf NtofM 100 S00 VT?.t l'n. I'.l , R. B.I03| jo?o au h T*r li. I he*?eh.7nj! jo.104 ?m r?taWltt.... M 500. Ml I,OOP...?s. r 104) 4,000 Chi * B.W. ??*. 70110 ?hi? k Alton rott. 14)' ??K>. 701' railr.?i.lit 1.04?. Chi?, k S IV i MO. (,!?(? Chir. and Aitoa latnorttaff_ 98?,' 800.4V?) Pr?f?rr?d.1191 5,000 Chir. R. I k | N!". ? j 1(?1 Ht Ual? k M Pa?. I?llr.iad7a.K--4 3 Ain?r. hi?r. In. ' Biiiroa.1. 1B| 1,0.?!.hat ?.Will Kir.r.aa.. ?0 2'?tl.'?* 1,000 Morrl? 4, Ka 10. ?, Wl k Kb?. 2.1 aorta-???. Ki 10 Wrii.iir b_. . K. K.... 53 li.oeo Ml., k ?t Pi , lr?t ?all.til" Pitt. P W h C. *a.lttraiirt.I04S| |(?i t'n. ?latta r., ' ??oar Bond?.9* 2 (??i Mil h St Paul ir?.a?'... n._?t?i I nion I'jutc 7jIUCobi. 931600 Bailara-/.. HaJlroad.b. ?. 341 1,000 Mil fcS Pan! | b.trali . '2| IN". 34) lit, Iowa dir.... K9, I0O. M 20.1 Haa. a III. Joa. 3.000.H9 I 2'?i.. '?? Ktilrolil... .v.r. 42) 1000 (?ar Palla 1500. '-2J 300 Boa Hand k k Mina, lat m... 8.1* ' 3.0. . ttl\ En?.b.c. 31 2,00? Wf.r. to 1VI IM. yil 7'abond?. 9141 3<fl. X!,! SKiilSIl IHMUI?. Xolnot lioiermmrmt Honai. 3,000 t!. ?. S.'O Con '62. ,5 000 I. ? .5?. 10 40 B.fd.I07J ? alM |i?n,l2-l ........ U2J H?? .?I ?'rlork.l'ni I, (?311 li. ??. 5? (oa,, 62.. ll.ioii: H. 5-2'? ?(r.. ts5, b. .. I .('| 21 a'rlork.Ill, 5.(*>H IT. B 5 2tl Rff,'67. I". m I ' ?. 5-20(00. '<i7. I 2| o'rlork.Ill 21 o'tlock.1114 l".t>i0 I . H. ?-2U. Cou'bl. 3rUX).Ill] .'lo-rlo??.U2| sacoifD iKiAitn?i p. m. HtlMor .VlatV llondt? UailronH lionas? Ham a*e Kalltoett- krpntt SUxks. ?W 5,000 ?o ?'ar tu a K*? Writ. I" T..? l,:-i 2(0 Ohio k Mint. Jan I Jory. M 500. I'd Btiliead. 44| MM. ml 2.54*3. Blri 241.1. 44? 1.000. iOj' 100. TO 2141. 44) 1.000 Miaanan t,?. !?5) 200. 70? Id). 444 10,000 Mt??.,an 6?. , t"?i W?llt Ktrjo h. 73j 500 T.,I Wtb k Vf* II. i. Hu?, i??.. 92 3O0'?:rt? Rtilwtr.. BiUroad.79J I.UjUTrlI'ijkW I b?l ?all.M ?tso l'n. Pin Rail 2d mort. ?i ? IM. 3?| road.t.. r. ?4, 1,04.1 l.nlr P? Kl 200. 32) 500.. 34) 'Jo'd HM*.1021 200 Rradina: R.,1- ?usi. 34) 2.0TS0 Cilun P.?7. | raai.S l,IU| 3"). 34) Laid ?irani II'?. 81) 20" Lait Shcr? k ; 5?si. S4| 2.000 Ore lit Mirh Mo K H-,... 2t>> Mil a. M. P?al ?ortdd. ? i, b?? c-l. '?'.') Ilaj.rutl. R ?5?>u Rai l.OOO. O?i 2fo. 57 900 Mjrlpo?? Ml'( '500. RI 2:?1.h. r 5? ? Comptn?. ); 200. ???; 20O.. 5?| MO Manpos? tr.f. 1)' IM.BI.M P.: Kl Wli I. I| 1800.<l\ t,*,?*. 38 Pur Mill ?. S. Ml ?le? k Pitt? 100 11.1 La?. A IVei nBpan.f. 591 Railroad, gntr... ' Ka.lroail..1031 4??3. y< 201 M li.t rail. '"O) K?3 ?t. U,a ? k I. 40. B i M. .i.tain Kailrd TTJ lu?? 4'hi k Ko W. 1".'. 77 KailroaJ . 77) II?!.... 77 .'??j. -.7) H,o Mao k ht J? ?) yiili-t.ilf.r... | bO0. 771 Knln?1.42 or?f?rrtd. ? i .'??i.b. r. 77 50 Mom? it taari 500 Umrkaili.T M ; ???. " i Railr..?.' . 92? Cotnpalf. 3?i TOI. 77| 24?! Colo? C. 1 t < .. . i,. ? :? ,1111.1 J.CaatnIR laa Cil r H . 2.'| ! B?MaM.Ill) Wtl'SKSI.AI. Feb. 2??1-. M. Tho day bai Wn iatCBM ly ?lull ami Hturutl in If all?t. ami in bom ?>f th. aaerheta, _ady er 4x4 leetiM-i.v. waa there any ?iiliMalaa II all to feature, in stock?, the chief c<iii\?r?.uioti turned oa th. i prebablll tb-? of the North-West? rn peel, ami the ?lilflcttlties < n (oiir.t. re.l b> lin- |ire-eiil in? min is in ? ;?rr\ ill? out their Iilans. Then? nre thos?' who aver Mint the sharp rat** in MDOBJ tin* afterno.M w? re entrine.-i. ?1 to BOMfel the ?uitsl.le buyers of North-West? rn to ?nit tin if sfor lo? an the iii.iil.'-f. It t In? la- ??i. it (?rtainl.v inet uith little ^iicci---, as the "toi 1; stood up stiff all day at 77./77J. racine Mail ?va? also ?ustaini'd at pretty nearly tlur best Igaiea of j-e.-t?ni ?v. This is Mreng on the very Liiirely ?OTeaaad tratli?' of the Lino and on I he conltiicnce of the Company thai they will obtain an Hililitlonal Niibsuly fi'iiin Ciiii-'i'?'-.-. ?oi ? BTI] iaa the < luna mail?. Tlii* ad.litioria! pay t??r mall ?.rvi.e is. a-. i?c un .lerstallU it, claimed olrly for propoaed BatdltlOlial HT vi?-.-. Iba ('oiiip.iiiy atopealna ta run s. rnil-nleuthly rust. a?I of inoiithlv Bteameru from Hall I-'ram i-co. We understand further that whether tho company ?hall be VOtei addi tioual I'OlniH'lisatioii BT not. the . lixeuclcs of their iti eraaaad baBtaaai wOTeoaapel thea to send out for tin? month of March two steamers, ButBOd ot one. from Pan l-'raii?isi o to China and Japan. Western I'ninn T>-l ?'rtraph assumed a JlOOflBg rippearance, win!.? Lake Hhoro was linn; but the rost o? the li-t,afteropenlaf pr-tty flrin, sainrcd a fraetlo B, and them .foi waid dur ?111/ ttie day rnlrtl steady at the de.-hi.e. the lata t ran sac tlon? dwiridlini; Into per-itive ni.-.iciiillciilict . llanullial and St. Joseph, whi? h was an i xcptloti to IhOflaMI? rule, fell off 5J jht cent. The investment? w.-ro ueirleitcri. though lirm, Delaware, Lai kawannaand Waatara Mlliiaft at lfcij, Morrl? and Ba? I IB, ami P.amajrll anla ("oui ?16. In the lniscellan.oiis list ?^ulcks?v. r wa* ?tniii,.'. while the ?MlftOB?I were dull but tliin. llvpivss shar?* w> re st< aily. Kor the rest we commend our re?lers to rhe othcial printed list at the head of the < o.aiiui, and the sulijoineil taisle eotitainini; I In- li?tli.-t atid lowest price? of M tl\e M4M ka uiiule I?' day lli.i,' ?I.I.-.AI.. Ilafhatl laatil a.t. C m IU'.a.inCaa. M 17* Boataa. Hart., k Krit.. ?, S. Y ( .k ll':,la..ii?'.rt I j 1(1, Ili.rlc?.KN? 1"; N.? '.-,?. iui-1.1....Ill) |] En?. O, _j I?MParilc. U n? L.-sV? ?bore ?i dir. "| !<1. C. C k In?!. ? .ntral... 22 ) m Uk? ?hor? ?crip. W(? sij'tlaBii-.hal ?. s, j,. ... 42) ;tH, Walarh. ?" 7.-.J W?.t. ISnlon I'.L. 7") 6", l'ittahurfh. b i ?.') I'antr Mail. .V., BM North-W ratorn. T. ,. ?J .1 ?katlvaf.<b J-'-l k.,.kl-land.I. Ill. .,??-. k. ilr. r Prrf. . .. t9| JU lilV.,.i'. . ?. CoatoL t'otl of Md. 17 3.J Milaauler 4. M. I'm,. .. ' U ,.|,-,. .?, ( , :?; ;;?) Mil. L ?(. 1' Pr?f. ?j 77J I mt.-d Mai.a i-:i(-r?r.. Cb| l) orii.i 4. Mia*.. 4(| 44] I ( oie m an Hen? ilici '? cioMiitr ?juotaluma wen ??f.r.i. |aa? ?lltrM. Aittd ?.old.Ill) lllj ?radi?t.H3 - ?urn iK-rlaid. V. - Uk? Shor? k M. s. r?l? rrj CoriBulldationCoal.*>| J7 I.. 8??? h M h, Svr.p.. M 3". Wi'.rn I in...i T. M?] *-?l PitttlioTfa.. '? I 'U kl.u i?? I'rtf. - l)|JI??.JerB?j ??utral.... Ill 114 gu.k?ilf?r. r.| : :.; ; 4.,ru,-W a?l. 7.-1 77 V?iirl?ili.-r Prrf.- ?] Vnrth Wr.t I'r.t. !?'? 1.1, Adtrn? Ktirni. !C) - Kork lilts J. II'! Ill, Wtlla, Fant?. Bt. 7j) 71 -t Paul. Vj :, . Aatr.ttrr.Kt..?',{ fi) ?M'aal Pr?f. TT] r.J BM P?nC? Mai'. 5.{ 5'?) Tulrd.? il V.'ali. Pr?f... trf I'nitrd Ki|rr?. m,| Kl rolnjaa Wlhtth. 7T? 754 Pant? Mai'. 5a| 5') Tulrd.? 4i V.'ali. Prrf.... HI I'ninn Pant?. M) Ml fMt Wava*. ;) Ml Ni?, tnd II. '<,| r.\ ." MlM llj 441 aV.GL_4ILtXB.... Ml nl<?raco tail Alton ..117 ll:t Bfit . r-.'I :.') ?'hif.r-.??i Air. u i'.f. ,iJ ? llarlra.I r.J 110 I Tho ?T"!d marker han Isueri ?|Uict ami iBllgBUl?ia. Bl lliij.; Illi'i llt'l, the rant'?? of >?sterday. There tvaa iiothiiiK in tb?- for? Im tlisputehori to alle, t the pr?miiiin, coiisi.l. ami I'.uiils rullttr,' Bf?-a.h. IheBaakol liaius report? B redueiiotiof 1 paB rent in its ?aaami rate. (?old ha? I? ? ri Inas, icr to rarry since the prepajrnxnta of the March interest ?'ommeuoeil, and ?lie lat? ? to ,,iy w. re 3, 4, 8, 4J, and 7 per cent. The Almer?a Milled lo i;iiy Mill, |:i?j4,c.4h 7i la ap?ela, L_ _i i_?tTraaaarjerpald out in .March inlt-rcat : Mi.tid-jr. 01 TnraJaji. Todaf. Total. t>4.? :o. ?*, In Jauoar. and Krhraarj- lotrrr.t.a> M.3.-,. ?? n To _J?. ? Total ta data.Bil :iM.-hi BisWrnrd la rail?.! KiftTwrnli??.+'?5.40 ?.?j TudtJ.. . 11)4.(4)0 Totti.*-?..?.?> 4,4? Tlie ?lay's In -i in -at the ??old Kx? ha;age Iia'ikw.i- ir f,, Imi II Oold ? bared, |BMBMH] fcOld balan, a ?. ?1,7-1.?X. : currency balai...-?, |i,_*.<rno. -lite foiioivAitiK were the qootatlaaa: laatt.ii''i n ???.ii") i.-aa.uo)> .?-?3.u i l?':3U.II", It:?.Ill ; I ?,.), i. _?-.Il J ll.tii.IK, | . UT ?rJO.11*1 ?.?'.Itt'rtilll-?.. Tlie da] 'a tian-.i. tlon.- in l'n- r. s. lalvcyaeaary w. rr : men MCMfit. ? ma?; tttnaaia... ^I ?,.nl taiiurtlt. ' . ir.n , M :tm?.... b,.''. .'II o.,..! !.,l.ur?. 7i,M i,..' I 'i I ' u.l.iin?. '{.? .?>i*J (O I uri.n. ? itrru.t?. . i I Prnala? VTarhanajn irai o nah al aaallctiid rat.?. We hear o? ?I. ? ot pi inn- .a ?lays ?lerlms: at 1M| 1er- l-lf. ?ih .iitii.t, and of Hist rat.? bill? at l(?.i|. The fo'lowii'.i; aro ti., i,il. ? as nominally ?pli I I ?in? Bata, ri,...r r-.,, Pliai? lui ??r?' .t.rlin? I :l!?.in I ..-.Iiib. I -. 11U4 .'? lat I . WHO i?0 ? <r ? ' . ' . *' law?. ?" . ' , . :. .?? ? . ' . tale ?i < H.L.I-ul?. > i. i.. ? ? i . i i _?< u...?i.. 7.1.4 '.il ... 1 I 1071 no} "13..1?! - ,"?4..I'*4 ? ,TJ..1(>4 - Tueeitra European mall?, per sUarrwr A ll?menle, will clow-on Thursday, at 13.*? p.m., at th? Men riant?' Kx enana*?, No?. SO and OT I'lw <??. Them ha? been a ?hurp demand for money all diiy, and 7 per cent In rnrre ne y has been th? bottom rate about ail over. Th? ?lockbroker? have paid sold lnM-re?t and 1-.T3 and I 10 m addition to currency lnter??t, the ?-toeing* rate? being* 7 jw-r cent in (fold. Th? very tsnat of horrowrrs hav?? paid 7 per MM In eurrenry. Tliere is doubtless some ?(?-e.ulatlve effort? at work to make money difficult, hut the banks are certainly very poor, nier? i? no busi hea? reported iu ??onimoreial [>ap?r. Th? (??iveniinerit bond tuarkut, with the err-eptioo of a slij-ht yU-.ldlnK In price?, more in ?ymtHilhy with ?old than anything* else, has been merely a rcjietltlon of of yesterday. At tho early Hoard only three sales wer? n.iioi f. d, while at the 13:1? and 3:13 eail? the .n*?*r-**afi. dralinft? were not mueh heavier. The tfeneral market cloned heavy on the baa!? of lll|*llli for 1?C7?. Flik & Hatch report as follow! at 4 p. m. (U?r??l. Alk??. ()f?r?l 4.1-! PMnnreth.Ill I I?i 1 ''. B. V?t).'?"S Co?*x...ll01 I'.n.ea. ?I.ltrg.Ill? Mil ' I'. ?. 54?, '? (ew?...lll? I ft. .'NI. (..up.1IM UM i I'.?,*.-*. '?|, l'.*?.S-20,kf..M.AN.Ill lll| t'. K. J? ?f'HI r"d Beg I?. I?. B.62H. *,, (?ao.....111. Iil? ? I. M. ..?.,1.11 <?.up...l ?(j I.. B. 5-211. (.4. (JoA,p....llli lili ? I.M. 104IJ. R?g.laTII t). t. t-tt '?5 Ceaa. ...llll 112 l. ?. KMO, Coap.lllg i:.H.5 2l..'h7t.II?g J.AJ 11. i lili I In Htate bomls to-day tho principal dealings weit? In TftuiceM-.e? and South Carolina?, but taken altogether tho market ?ua Intensely dull and featnrelc??. Price? were almost mirhan<*od. Tho following were the bids : Offer?? Aiked. ' Offerrd. Aakerl. S?. old. ?7 811 < .mneeticatfc.1004 ? T?u.??ae?4. ?.wboud.. !(i, tr. Rh.a.'e liland 6..ICl)J ? VirgiDi?B..oid. 531 r?, Alabama*. ? '?? Virvialafia, aevboiHla... M 51 ?Ark??aa.*??. Fuodad..... - 5? Vlrgii.? ?a, r?g. ?Irl. 44 - iArk. 7a, I..R. k FV S. 1m. ? ? ( oa. Band.. 5f>| 5?V1? Ark. 7i, a A h. B.. ? 61* Virgin..?.. I'et Ren?.. I7| - Art 1. Mira. O. kl. B. 47 ? ?le.irgia ha.- V? Ark. 7a Ark. ? 41 (,rerin.7i, gold be*?li... HI ?Tena H?, 18"?.- 91 NiirihCirelina b?. ea! .. H| J3 Ohio ?h. 1H75.l"l ? *. ('. F. A., Uf?.. le - ltB.ll.na5.. 49 M"?! W ('. F. A., lieS?. 21 U iMkhifBJi ?e. la?). 9? ? H. C. new bondi. I7f 11 M?rbig.nfia. I?EI. 9! - K. rth Cat Hper-i.l Tu . 14 I4| Mirh.r?. 7?. 18.N? ? South CarnliBB S?.5I| VI .". Y Reg. Boon. 1-o.n. .107 V.\ .SoBtbCar6aelaii.andJ?. 30J M B. T. ClaseM ?y. I.<*an..l't7 ?r.j Sara* ?er. April and Ort. **? ?J S. Y. (,?,( anal LmB,'72. .Vf, klMnorirja. !?4 % N Y. ii.?'?n?J l.o.n "*? M ??a ll.and Ht Jo. laeue.. '(? *W, B. Y. fca.Can?' Loaa, I.?... .i.uai.a. - 02 N ?. t..,(? I??n l...iii,ana?a. nwFglleht :.') -- N Y. I?.Canal Loan,'77. 1-7 - I.ouiilana''i !?????, T5.. W .? Y. ??.Canal l.r.BB.'"f? .1"7 ? ? ?!:'?mia 7i .lit - S. Y. Sa.Canal Lo.b'74. ' 0 IOS City bank ?hare? ?old a? follows: I'henix, at par; Hank of Hate nf New-Yolk, till Ba_t of Commerce, I1T|0)1M| OeeiB,H| Central National, 101 J, ami Fourth National, lioi. The following were the bMa : OffereiL A?lr--. Offer??. 4?a?!. Bew-Tork.US UI Cnietrtf. - US Maohatl.o.14? - K??t Birrr.110 ? kt?rr/i?ot?'.117 ItO Mark?t.IJ0 ? ??ekan.??*... .UI - B.T-AO.)<< ? ttioB.1:0 1(0 Mio? and Leat'jer.151 15?! Aserie?'. .H'i ? (?ra Ei'hange. ? 1.5 Cil?,..'. .225 - ?'oanaenul. ? '-<5 Pbemi. - KO ?t. Siebolaa..1H?J 111 5ottb Hirer. - H7jMer.Be.I?? ? FnlUiB.?IM ? l'iirnmonwealtb. 75 ?4 Oallatlo Kational.I'*) -- ilmpoitera'aad Trajera'.ICT ? MerrbaiiU' 14 ?5 Park.I5? MB SrtenUi Wanl.I00 I?? |Ma??fac'ii' ir?l Mer'i'.. !*S |0I huteol New York.II2 II3 !.1. Y. Nal'l Kiet?a(?... 91 - ( omraeree. - IIU 'Cealril national.I'll 1011 Meen.nie?' BsaTfAsas II I r r.1 K.t...n?l.200 ? Or,,n . 30 Xi '. Ponrtk N.tion.l.II? ? Mer-.ntile .125 - I Ninth National.Kr7J im? 1 a*xcaasa-e....ll51 ? Kinrenth Ward. ? 100 Rank of th.- Repnhlic... !1.*>* - ? mental...HO - Hinoter.Hit 1*3, 0?I*1 firtlSJS.103 1"5 Irting.l-'< - Baskag?? k Brat Aa? . ? '1 MelrorolitBB.13? 142 ?iem.n Aioet ,.n.VA ? There was a well-diMfribnted baataeoa In railroad rnort Kai;eH. thouph the tr:?u?action? wore ?mall in amount, (iti' PiU'iflc? cloned at Vt>\? 10"^ : l'iiion I'm ill.- let?, 9l?"a.9lg: l?tnd (inints. fO|?Nl|, aad lacBBBBB '??:? Ms] The followiua; were th?' bi.le ' Offep-il. A.ked.' Oiered. Aaked. H Y. c.ntralSa. l?s:i. . ? Kf Toi. k Wala,Caraa.Cae.. at - N V. CeLtralfi?. Ihr?.... H '?4 Mas t ' ?- Us M-g- .. l?J ? K. T. Centr..l ?a. R. K... 'H - ?it ?V. lea A ?> S. ? l'en.?.. SahH-r.p.. . 'Jl - 0* ??'. :d.?l.. I '?>. - S \ ? tBir*l7a.lS:i...liil - <,'..- I ? II 0 fl Kr:e l?t M Btteraial.. IM 1"( (il. ?8? lowaMtft?. '.'i - ?i a? lOTB . ?o? Cil-m i ?h -ag? Ki?...104| ? ?I ;, 1?N3 . -b %:\ (. R 'i fue. fe . I"H 101 i Kn. 4-.b M.:? laaO. ? H M.irm A y*? i lalMi.rt i"4 MS? Kr. Vh ?1.71.1b?.. - !?0 Murria A R??ex : I M B0| 99 ! ,.?r li?a Bon*.. ?2 Wj.Ctet?. ?t Tat H. PBml...lO0 - Huff N Y. 1 K. IM '77. ?4 - V J, ('-? I? M. n.!0?t |.-l| II. h. 7a 2.1 M B.P. lat?.lrrl - \-w Jer-ev Ce..! .'.M >l ..M il. a.?hiM M - Pi-u, F?. '??'. A ?M?t ?:. - Ml Ba?era 1st M. Ta.I01J l .? l'i-.?. F. W. k C. ?d M..191 10.4 H.rlruiC. M. k ?. y. 6?.. ?5 ?* litre, ? Plus, M ?I . M ? ARhbt k Oss,, la BsaJalwl ? ICVte?. A P. ?k Mor? I su Aman? A Rua. 2.1 Ron.ii. ?I l(?i Ci.ieago Mi Alton B. F.. .HO ? kU.lMlatM.IUI - ,? b.c. A Aima I ?. M.M to*} Mieh Bs 7 p.?. .'.I M. . 9?..; K>0 lOnio and Mm?. 1-rl M . '?; - ?I s.?. M s.F.7p.e.l04 l'-D, ?)hi? and Mia?. C..n. 1 , iinii t.. Ma. " i 1 ? Ijbtoaadktlaa letda.... th n" I entra Par ?inld Ilot,:.?. I'?1 '?'< | l'Oh t " I Ht lit M. ? S l'oie? Partir l.t M. Bdi. -.'M ? '?' M (on).!- 95 1? Ihjiaa PatiM U 0tsau7a ll| Ili.BwLeaba liaaBMatM ? 1 Paeiti l"r. 1" ? ? Mil kH Paul latM. 8?.ir*H - M i?.e? er.tral ,r. e. :>. ? l?r? M1. V M IV.I 1st 1 B. i. S III, R. I?t M. St.. - K* ?l.i. k --t l'.-i l-t ?I-. AI . . A . Il I- ?t .... - "' M I I -? P. I"-?". l'i?- - Bl Anea! T II 2.1 >l Pf?f ? I ?aerare? Mit I I Matt, t? ? Ali. n A T. H. 2d M Isa. o hi eiACoie. I- Matt (bic. A N. ?V. S. Pbb-I.. ffl 101 ( ' r. a, (it. K-.t'n t*t M. - I ? (h.r. AN.VV lut. B.!?.. IT H ' C, ('..-. A lr,l lit M.. "H Vi; Caie AN. W ???n.B'.l?, M WJ,.'??'-. tir-. A !?:.!. 2! BL. 711 :.' ( ir AN W Fi. B.?. 141 Tai. Pe... k War K.I?. - (l..r. A n. W.Ist Mort.. Sa, - 'T..I , l'en. A Wal W. I'. ?! Ilao. ANI. Jo. Cvn.ert.. '?.? ? T L. IVo. A Wir. Dl'n !>. '*J ? bel . I.iek A ?V. In ?J ..lut? - I..I.. Feon.A ?A'ar .MM III h.'. Dtl.l ri ?.w. .mm. lui - S'aw-York k N. 11.6a.. .:oo Toi. It W.? |,| M. ! ,:. . . . . 1, .'. W l-t.M M I, du. 'O '. Boat? II.. A :.?..-.?. 43 loi. A ?v.l.. M M ... '.'4 ..1 Ceda ...... " aa la? M . Toi A W?b. F^;oip. lier - Bt|| At th.- annual uii-etlni? ol tli^ UOt '.?liolili-r- of the Quick? silver Miiiliiir Conipinv lielr? t.i-<lay m,, folioWlatTatetttla* in.-n wen- I Iiom-ii Dir.rlor? for tho toUowlag vtar, \ir: Daniel Dn w. OeotrfjaW. Batta.Bdwn iioyt. Jaaaeo I?. -!i,'.ll . ?.intlow 1'.ill?.n, Lu,? in- Ki'll.v, .Iiiiit--,-. Tlm?.-r, a? B. LeecBe, W. B. Doacaa? -laataa Low? aad Batata? D, Btaatoa, all tae I>iu.-.?.r? betns; rr?>.-t<d e^ ici.t Ifaeaara. Tkoaaa W. reai-aii aui Manhall o. i'.oin-rt?, m waaaa otaeei ICeaan. Drew und Maatea ?ero rhostn. Tbc new Board, to the t-iirpiiM' i'f those ?aha wen not in the M'i-nt, elected to th*' i-r.-'iiieiiry the Totcraa fi?.-, uiat..1, ii.iiu.-i Draw, win? recently Bajjtatg laa eto< k Mlicu tt-?a? e?<-IM:i'? for itltoiiT -:ti nt 'il \nr cent, aad iBMlflll lu enouph to ?renn- toa Baaaaaaaatai of taeeoBcera. it asaaator* Htt.0.1 that ti.- eaaerable ?? bUbomoi aooteagolatea a trly to califona.i wir ii a rtaw >.f aaoaaaBtalaai iha altaatioo al affair? at the ui'tie. T.i.- lioaiil i?l.-.-ted for Vi..--I'i'i?1 ?!?nt GoorajB W. It.itt?; lYi-a?urer. Jain?-. D. Smith of the film of -loaaaoo. taita a.- Cottlait, and for leatotorjr, i?a* > ill MalioiH-y. We an- ?iiilcht tl to 7/'' Herald (money iii.'-'.iti ti el ?n-. tnornlni* tor the folMtWlog ralOOblO OfOCOOf lnforiuation, pcamlslag that the nth day of Mar. h tlu? v.'ui fallr? on Hunday: A BOUDAI or? mar. :i 17. Oat of reaped t<> the uauien ; - Itizensef oitic iiirth or deneeut uiemiirr-.of the Roard?or latereeted In it? di alinga froto da) to da?, aud aa a leattawiiial of nitard fur th? ilium use Celtic contriiiiiiioiii to the railway wealth ol 1I1. c, .intry, it ha? been .1.-? ?J.-.l to close the sto.u Exchanif? an Patrick'! Day,the ntn of Itareh proximo, 'lin? .l.-t.rinmai Ion was not arrived at bf any spcetal resolutions or aetlan of tin- Hoard, but was agreed uimiu informallj amoac flit- ui.-iiit?-i>., and will be mlli.-r <l to none the Icm -tn. ti?-. It will be remr?aibared iiiat last rear the Lea-i?latura proptned ntakinatbe 17th ..i Mar, ii a liolnl.i.v leirally. Tl.i? year theiBtOCt Bt rii i nice ?v -:i rend? rll rae practteally, It i-. :li"ii.-ht that tbe liank?. the ( uatom-aonaa, ami public buildinsa aii-ii . rally wul aulte with the Htack lCx? hauu-i. In this dtc? ron- i'.iiiiplimt-ut to our Hil.i-tiuaii feliow<'ltUens. W? ?t?te offlriallv that the Mai k Kx-'liaiiite, ("us* toiu-hoi'.te, inililii'. bii'.l.liue,'-, and bavks will be vais. .1 on Mar.-b 17?Mindiiy. M.aara, ri?k & Batea, the well known bankers, who are now aettaka a? flnuii? lai agents of tho Chesapeake ?ml ?iliio ('?.?upauy. on tho fourth pa?*? of this ie-ni k t forth vi-ry ..iiinii, tl> and fairly the merit? and ?*(l\ntit.i,:e- of the ?lx per cent bonds of that Company, v. I.i.'li have been recelred with marked favor by capital? ist? In Un- mark. t. Thi? Company is old and well ektab li.-li.-.l. aad h JOM OBOtflottaf a very valuable and lm portant raltn .1 prooortw, whlefe has an uncommonlj* ,-i i,i |.:o-|.e.t ahead. The officers and directors, more > er, are coapoae? of somoof the best knownand i t btuMsaaa asaa and .-apituli-t? of theeountry, ?i, ? i 'nt l.oiie of th? ? any ohll (?aio.n eaa Ban for si.fety and ?ertainty of laBOOBB. The ri.lladelphla stock niftrket wa? to-dav. Peana? ;y?iilaes,tlilriliesue, soldat lft-J; riiilad.-lphia tnd BTle l.'allroad, 2S{ ; Keadln?; Itailroad, .VJ, and l'euusyl I m a I-.. I road, f.l?. (?old elaOOi at 110|. Th? roll-.wltii; stnti nit nt of receipts aud expenditure-, i atanaata for tho (Mrtot ending Doe. U, it?:i, has 1m . n . -i.i .1 frota Iha Tr?tt?c.ry Department : M.r Bncirim. Prow euKtomi.KfiJUO.dis 17 i-.iiii inter lal r.\. im<- . SB.tfB^tBt l? Ko ui -lit ? of hand!. 61*),(a'-J 44 from inlarnHnoroui iownaa. 4,303,??! 73 Total ?et re.-elpt?.teo,l30,s*rrj ?3 Ml I'XIP.MilTl'CCS. Ovil itiiti mlarellaaeoaa.....ti?j,Krr,{i;ie 5? M.i !>? oa'1 in-lit . 7,irts.tno r? N..- -, I), pariiiu-i t. 5,*?7,W? 75 Indiana aad aaaalon?.?o.:1, 1 n.? oj Inter. ..t ou th.- pul.lie debt.U,llt,lM M Tof.l i.t t exp.-ndit lires.taf?*,t80?tai 3? BANKING A??1) FINANCIAL. Br.JtMcjH am? D_n ?k( iiyHaii.i'.oaui'omfa\y's PlBOT Muiai.Aiii: Sivkin?; FtTatPIt_UtQB4M1 i;?i-.:i?. BKAUXO l.i'iin rritCn.T m i?, ci I'ava 111 i: IN (?Oil?. Plata Oaf 1 A X. Am? in DBKOHOfATIOMS OF |H,0oa, $.W, ami ?fldi?, .-. 1.1" obtained tima th? inul-nii-ni'il, or tlirout?li tin pdnoipal Ltaoki ood liaiiLir? LfaroofhoBil tho lull .I :-(.;. ?. 'In- lulu. ti\r feattttto of I hi si* Se. iv i-i-'s are re ? d m :'?,. r,i t. :l,.i?. 1! ami-!i t:.,-,- boro boen inn lAhlio.; tun? un Uto niai'?., t, id. y an noarlr all .. . i'< tl, ami bol a small tmonal are noa l.u ? lo. TLiy ei.-nii nu- a BOrfOCi titurity with a aj?ci?vI ^ofinttjreat. Tliia intereat ^4^1^. __) f-. anrleaeily home by, lhM:om^t^??W operation ?f the Hinkin? P?,.l _32___ th* j*fl.-|.-jVlaa_, which m ,.I__^B*"'?? tereat at the rate, of t?n o?r) p*-r t _t W The aaaaa-ar b? hind them ?? ?rnn__. ? L?? *?"-??.: lar, aa they coriatif ut? a finit and only mJ P*nku tnmk line of railroa?! which will J? '"?***?"* city o? St Jomph. Mo. ?an ^n^ZeT^ t?r,. with the Dai? Pa-A, _52_f?t Kearriey.mat?-ri_lyih4,rt4.|U,utu,|J,Jr ** Kf? the Atlantic an.l Pariftr coaate. I? _?2^,_WN!IM th? honda have a further aeruntv in _Ti ""* therei?n.el?d..lin the ______ ___a?N???| magnificent Land?, amonntintt to l V?_m*^* kDowntvibe ?not,? the he,?,,, th(t ,;__.?,?*? TTieMort(t?Mfein?lent.ireprr)|,1i,1t, lh? .____. J*. Und? at leaa than Four (I- Da.? r^rarr, V^ able to the ?TaB.ll, under the Mort__.' ? PV" _y^.^^/*S_ii-; The amount thnu realir/sd exc?*,_, .1 amount ?rf Bmm. which ca?, U ELT?S lea vea the road, property ami frauchiirt?. tr,?. The Boa* have thirty year? to rot,. with ltl. at Ma* Per Cent, free of tax. p**, ?????T* Anim?t in eai h year. J ?"? i'? principal and laaaaai m pavahi? In ,,,?. The principal in New-York. The _*** ? , ? New-York, Ix.i.don, or Frankfort ?m-the-Main ??tl option of the holder, without notice _id in the ?_ currency of th.- ?iiiiitry in wrii? h they _e aaaaJS I hey are con[?iriH or re_ri?U-re<l. ' Tnuteeo-Farmeir,' Loan an?l Trn?t Compent The pr?sent pnce of the*. bowi? is xt _lfj Zhmi intvreat in current*, from Anim?t 11. i?i_ uof ^ ataiaaeliaMaal par and M-mad inter*? m mj menf for land? sold by the Comnanv. Tk?. ?,-.'7' I rew-rved to advance the prewnt M__f pnf_. ??T out notice. Mai?, circular?, document?, aad mil i_??___fi,v furnished on application. * Though acting m agent* fin- the salt of flu bee n? firm buy and ?11 in thetr regular btttiam ttobnitef Oa A', a/omp* aad ?hater OVsm mmmrmai '.(mm*. kuLiif the Eastern Uitvnon eight per rent gi -, rKM4...?__,W ?a* at 97?, iVnrra a?? ?TiioiVi af *?* 101, to 1054. ?,d_. i erued interest. T_BMb_ _ To.. B__ww? No. 11 Wall-?*. G'li.n Boma M TKK NoHTiir.RN Pacih? Ram Rruri Co. TmrtTY T_UM T?; Kin. iNTKRFSr, fJO IN (??.II?. PaY-U_ Sl.MI-A??! AU.T. Thaf ??? 4 x? rn[t from 1'n in (I stateat?t, are issu?* in Couponi ol $m% la |UDU, and in Reirju..?^ Booda of $100 to $IduOOO, aad bold?a af the Koa<_ ?ire certain t?. receive a ?temlv annnal inr-oDio of ix-ven and tln.e-foritli? par ?-?-nt. in gold, for mbex. Lsb <-o?t them only par in ? -wir. Ley. We belle*e BO more ?af.- ir:\ i srment ran be food, or .me yi.?Jdi?g a lart/.-r i::? i Bat Jav C(i?.kf A Co.. Ncw-Tork, Philadelphia, ami \VML_r;o BcauaofOaT, CaDea ?at?m ash Mrora?-?^ Bavaa m Ci tn Qoto Su*?mo V\ bb* for ?aie at v^? ami interest by ?_U?t1 ( uwt _ Co, Ko. '? Wall-?t.. New-York. THE MA1?I.ETS It'aifial ? Hatmrtnl l-.r ] ?a TuirvE I >v,u??,D?i. p? ? mt A?IIKr?? Th? r?r.,p.. of Unity .rr II _|.?. 1 ?t- a^ .H,?, ?a ?l??Iv. ?te? .'?'? P?rll ? i (iTkiN?Ti.r? aratattvj ? . ' M? to-d?,. , naa tv? n >li? -[ot. -.r.. . . ? - ... .t ...y. ? ? alat.-.? I^.trT-r-og-K.I? I7iiia;.'j. | " .rra I?, ,t a,, _ In-;.-' tiler X? .? ?J 7 lie , not..-? ?' M l..'.?i at nft, Ni' ?' - lata, ?o ?i 100 at 4 It : .-?-[t., lus ? .0 t 4'?r. I, T:.?!af?P?' ruai. 1? ?r M?r? Son ?u ? I i?-i ?t Oi* -"" ?? - ??Bll lo?,?t 3 lit? ? I r. ; Miii I . '7 J?. J t"? ??;'l r> !M tu .1 3 I Ilr , IM M ? M ut in ? - ? ? 1 il .'.'.- ,!??:? ii-'...-: H'?.l?? : ) ; 't itttl '*. tWa) ?3 ? 14-1.?-.. IM a .".,.?.. ." at 2." , >? - , M., t.-i-riL. r, Jai.? 3'?' ?r. ;. -, i'?' . ? .': i.- Ou tu?-j Jm . . . ' trti ?ai n.'ij-. R'fa* l'patl? I '?? - ?.u. tftit oellisirr. m I M .'Il ..( ? !.. ?r M.'.; il*. .'.' ?-. *H M . laa. Bt -J -t ?taad ?...datif. 1 i ?< T), -. ??.?,-._r?t*? mu.? h|lf . ?radr al-m- ?r !.. aa -.1 ? COAIr?Tfca Is-Unar? l.a.i ? . . - ' .? ?ir-r: Ba.n?a4 0at?.i?> ? al t?-?'.ar l??1 *??- ; ?al TWl 'f4? " ? ' lant l?r/' ?i-t I > ,-,, , ?,,i. i.A,?r-r.? ? i ? . - i , . ? ? ?ta?si ? - - ?n 'lu:?. Jai.i. .r< ?l. r- k ' I. uni. r.t- t ' - ... ? ,'j ?H It, )? I? '??. .ir?tr ?t.i .? :t .. 3 '.i . ??i.(?>i ?t.,vu? . Il?'? 4 8 4 ii ? I ':..-". ? ?. J JJ ,/ ? i.. a 'M. .. J 44 COULK?I r?'!r u K.o rru??v i lai ?o-i in tht al?-?, re a i t'iii - - ?i, mira Bal. KLi'lK AND MKAIr-To? lo - . -1- I ?r. "PT I? ?1 . .im l.'irra irrrgul.r ?? '?Hi .ud is at? HMRtjaatti Baaertutaa Nn. .' -??., ? .? lair ??B?tai M" . :.,.? loa fn - : - try tail ? I t?-. ? th* aad t-radr? arr lu fair Wtjattl at .rr> a-nlar fnci.. ..! ? .if '.-?J bhi? Bl i_uo*?: .soar Obbi.a? riaol ao oftio. ino..a:, .aaaal MOM No. i . 4 44a i M Ora? fi.-o?-r. ?,. , ? Sup?rSn?. b y. a ?'? m ism i|;n.-i_ 7 OU au st.--iKura r,r?ndi... o v>4i ? to ol?... Es.Tra?a ?ff?. 7 tea sut?'V'tnri do.1. ? MB ? 91 Writ? Wt?a;. I,- ? s. .ta iMaMM aet. ?. "l" " ai ohw.iid.?-,im..-., i t:v ii MiBb.iot? ISxtras. 7 I5d B 70 llotbl? Bur? .... dj. * 44/(4- ?t (l,,.-i t* ?MM?.not M. ta_hjBhMrhlBala ? tal? fVLeii Kitri?. ?; ?.? " "i bU 1??i. Is... It . 1 li.r I tifa AnkUr lad?tt, M. I"?.?, l.i. t !.. ' "t.i" ?. aicfe.... " s'...' 7 M ...a???. P,i-r.r,r? '. 7 *it li . - ! t rr. 11 ur it io tail d?ausd, ?B'l min IM it* a,,?th. ktaa ar '.ni.. At ihr . .??? tht ?uiart la ?ttad?.wi_ a f?.r ?!? .._id aua?>, W? H.a.. A,i:i.,?DJ li.-utatstrma, M -1 *? * -'..?rt, Bxtrt Ji . >? Il h t I? K.. I ,uuri? in m.urrair ka* ? ?- lOhba. ?I ii'i,,:. . K?r Fluor. tVt?n. ???? l?'l?l' ;.?.? l-iatar, '? ?.nia.. 4 *>?*. ti I '. ?1 ?tal i? ai f? r r-- M kkh? .-?.-! W.-i ?? '- W< .|ir?t>r ?orniaei . J.rt?s..e m s$Ji' (?n'l .: 1c r... ?4 Jl atM* . Corn M?4t.W"f,trRi. J? a 1 M ?IV n Mtal Bt * IK? at II" ? Cn. M?tl.W?.t.W 3 sn * a ? I 4'ir_i;?o n..-ir i? In fhlrataatM, tal kr ?'??1? ; ?t'ntrTtbaa?. F4ailf Kitra? at e? "Jlor Paiailv. _ Horlwhrit Kl "ir ;? iiill ?cd tamr. S'?t? at #3 Xlfl ?? ?ta P?BB??li?tia at *.i :.'.+? 4C. __ . i? ?? -?i w, r.?? TtOt?. aie? Mr... t 1 .-- > ? ? - ?1 ?i Oftatl Put. *'?* ai * PKi:t(itlTS- T. r i!rr. ?ml f.r '.r.t, n. niii.'iMa lifbt, and ?Uli r.ilirr noi? ru.'in ott. riag 4ra.n r?t?? ?r? iaatrhttm^ but ?-.??.i? fur braff foe.1?. Th? rharlrru.?' bu?iu.a w??dtil,k**?vtl ratra I n? _ l.inlat .'(.?., >lv?nt tt t'u- lit: r ? " ??*? -- ?4...40t?a. B??f at 4?. 6.I., sn.l .'.". . .. .;? . .'I H ???? i? Bnatol?IJObi?. Baron ?t .'?v ?u. -. : t r rh?rt?r? ?ar?: Al Aa^ ran .hip of I.I4U r?^i?t?r ? tk > B?tal' ?" t ararlj??*? P?rn, oa prirat? t?rT??. a ?bip with : .V?. bhla. P?tro.??? <?l?a?*?''"" p.irtr.1 for <.r?in) Iront r*bllMa]| hia to . .1 r. r- port ?r. ;ti? l????*? 4a. Tb? ?<sa?rl rumor? yralinl.. to' .. aiur tor or.rri atau Aa** lran hark ? t.bOO bblt. al 4a. Ai .? ?. ?t .o_l ?f It?>. t? ? ?? ? Naht t.HAl.S-Th* inqairr for Wim il UaHaa, tnd ttt ?tr??? 't ? tl?d and r?r? h?if r fur ?prinf M I I ?" ,l ii*"*, ?trktt i? qoi?t, d?ri.?r?i,?i?r?lif aid.- ?pari m U.? r ?Vv? miien? o!f. Spnn? t.?lnal tt ai4laT*l.V. f..r S . . ?? r?. lai ?*?? ' 01 &'?r thl 48 la atora. Btrl.r i. ?orr ?.-u?? ?nd inatr. tw? d( W betk. tt 74<rr?e. ter fo-iaaaal Butt i I ?i ! ,/#1 urwiaaaa? pirn, l'tti?itn- W?at?rn Ira ?t ? ?-'?T. Harlrr M?h it ??* ?" lad MtadVI ?al?t of i.Ml bnah. ?t ?1 .? r. r -,r-.?ar fpar-ratw* f?) Bill?! ?ilii#l Vifor?'tr. Uat* tr. trnirr bu? no? ?-4rttt__tt? taaa la litht : tb ? ?air? ar? %i ?<Vl h?b.. N.? ?lino Mn?l ?? ?*? __? Wl.ical 44r. for omaoa ?a tract, aod ?*,<?- for 'bot??. "J?" Mue.!?! 44J44i?..arloaL B?au ta l?_ted d??ital. ?"?__? _*Ji l.url.. . ?ta;, al *i-i!?K., afloat ?'ora 1? in t"v\ *M*_l_H"I?? ?ir.,u.rr; tl.e iBdn ri u chitfly for ?tp..rt : tb* >*r\ rrt u trtU+utvm . r ?dr?ta?; th? aaJ-a ar? X> s??l ho?b : Han.??t< 1,??T_"!1 Mo-ct W?.?t?rn tfiir.1 il 7'idJ)?. r.a?flf at :? ?.-. V????a??" 71..; Wr.trm r.llow M 71c. ? BAWth?- V.Uow al 7fie.Hi *** ?rlli.w at TU?. ai?e IHY-Thtmarkttll ttttJ?. with t fur iniiinr: w? J?t4l a*il'i ?i w r..t shin-ir?; ei a?h ei ??ifor k?uiiiou.s(),i:tV. r?? *?.???_ ? i.d 74.1 ?v. for t .oirr. ?tria la u _* n^xat ?? ?""L" _T ai a lu *\ l? for LouaR.?, -irAV.for Sbort o. .odTSeMfc*?^ ht()LA??K??1b?r? ?a? a fair dttian-l f?r St- ? rop Por?ai' l*_T n?ra al ??.r r?t< a; lai?, ?4U hbda. ? un. al 4^'. I?*iw ?? Ira ?? fair lirmaBd : ?.ir?, ?4U bbla. B?w-?>rl??u? a; jOU?>7?. ._, MA VAL ?T?)HK8-Ttt? aark?t ht ?Il ktad ? baa b??a dall ?il "??f mrrAb. BpIrtU ha? or* l.BrO aod c?m? U???r. ?Ot <*T Mb? laa-all lott. a?n*!itit.?? al M?ta*c B-_t _*___"__. liait? da?and bal tt?a,l? al Ot 70 ?..r sua.?rd, a-ao? K? H* ? tita?".. Tir It dall Isa? ira ?I ?J J ta?ltO. ___^_wa VILA-4 r?t Whal? i? m liait? d?_?ad and ?K??; w? l*?*!^ tt?_ at TV-.. Bltarhrd ? ha 1? at -ao>. ' ra??a w?r? prrrtlrnu TL* < .K?t? ? ?? I Ln.rpa.1, V? "?*?*. II n?J b.,.b |U!..-tttt ?..!.; hi <t|^,*?Jfk_* f?aaa Mtfa.kf t.ii, mm pkn. Pi ,.? . ?i --J-- *' ?*l *? **i 11 tnd tmaiBtl ,(w? q?ot? Cm? ?para tl * 1 ?" 01 ?7 : In*k"i**tJ^ ?l O l ? 1 BW.i-hrd do. ?t 01 ?* Uaa?4t la qul?l, Ml liar? al ?* - eaak? and Mr. for hhla. Oihar 4)iU tr? wilhott _ta??v . __, J. PBOVTBIOaa?fatt I? I? aaodtiale d*?uaed, ltd "I""J th* atrktl it woak tl fon?? raWa; lia ?_?)_?"_S r?t-ul?r, ?rr W kUa ?? eiJ^IJaiJSO (?? l>-d ?"? 014 10 far M*w do.| aH'or Hurt l'rnv; 014 f?' """" Prim? V.u. tot feiar? d?l?wr fair, ba? t? MBT "T* aal?, of Tt?' r.h!fc Mra for Marrb at ?U Hi l.o? hbl? ???'-P ? e 14 M ; 4041 blila. for Jan? at *> 14 .4. a ad ^0 bblA *??'?*?*-? * _?__L. I- t r?iBlr_1 for M.rrh trim- lo M .r M, ta.1 1.14? ?*_J^7?t f..r July ??d A??-?, al ?It T.i. httt.. in iair ?thbti? <ff*_",/!,.?, aliad.. *?l>. a?. IS) hbla. al *liOl.' It? Pla-M?-.?-! ?';_, fotr-tra Jlr_ TW..* He?f 1? in.|o,r?d aft? t t bttl* atrt ttf? "J i-rlib. |tr.J?a _.,?? art Ir ... a.?? of ?*? *\ _,"'., 7 tel C an. M?a.tisl el?A??.'lf.-r lt-1 M-* B??f MttJ? ?f? ? but o,n?t talca of 70 bMa. ?I *-?'?' ?.? te? V??K?ra. l?? "_? _3 ootrrr? .rflf. ?ud aouH-wbtr lrT?t*u'.r Sat wilhatrl?HO*?? ??? ?? ?*" of 4.1 b.?t?i !>rr HhaaU-l at ?M . 17. . . 11. IW Hat.? ?I H">f " u .-. i-, iird B.II tt .t :?r L...., l.i ^h-jTi -^??;S?5 L..BH ? lr?r?4 7,.-. ;74 (?ira ,.o . .: I *_,_?_??*?? ,;"SS?a?l Cira" al He- : 1"? '"???? ?bort Bib ?. -r . aa.1 >! ^''^^'iASajB at7ll?r. Drraa?.! llof. ?rr ???. s? .i..i,r, ?a q-l? al H?*t*. "t ?.?Hrt, aad ???.r^r. for OaV. Ltr.1 i. .a iajr? tt**?^^ t?a.lf.lfor??ruu,.;J?f.^r..; . >? ?.' I ""? *_ "d.^-^<*< ..r .So. I, ?l^r. f..r ?Mr: *K ! ?? " ' ? ^"?V^-.'?STSbiI K.ttl? K.i'irrej . f.r fttur. d 'i?. ?thl ^~ ^ i^_n) M? mtoTet 1Mb kein ?.<? a?r v.... I.MI t? ? -.?? *? *?rU ? "* ... ter Mai at I? ?. t -??' t--? < ??' - ?? -? ^ . _,_ -<_ iht . , , .. . r. i.aatal. bat ?tri JT? ??? ??.? 1'U.J vl J.v. K.J. B?~| ftltt ?,-Hd tl 4? ?dr?a. 1? !'!????**