Newspaper Page Text
-?_a^_^jp._^_-_J _ yo- XXXI.IVo- 9,643. NEW-YORK. FRIDAY, MARCH I. 1872. PRICE FOUR CIS YIN. ALBANY. ERIE GOING UNDER. ??.i t ow D-i-aaa ov ttik t.ir_ctors?attempt ?TO ailKIKAP TI BUG OriNION?- AN AC?CHATE ??T?MATE OF BABNARI>?NEW-YOKK JUSTICE A? BSEM fmVM orTSIDE. (MOM 1KB Wte.ll AH COtRKSlMKIlKlVT OF TUR TRlBCTtE.) jUnANV. Feb. 29.?Yoeterday the Senat?? Ja _rl?ry (vtumiitce ?nil the AseciuMy 1?llro.i.l Conr.ult amt a m ti?? ifb?M paiarMa aaaa_a?aaai tha mu to repeal mKrU M r?-?t T?'lia?-'flea trou n?,-t and provide fora __,? i-u ? ttea aj Ifea stockholder?, it look? now a* if taa Lflltaaf the ?rie King will bo ?11rectVd to stop legisla mmaD with the simple repeal of the Cl?>slflc4?tlon art? ?Mthey cannot prevent, l?ut they will be sat lifted If I^Q, ,.in secure the defeat of tho atrlngent bill (Wie.l by Gen. Barlow to provide for a new elect Ion by ?Ae genuine owner? of tho stock. As the tnajorltv ?if \Ae llaak, though not owned by the in, still r? mains rcgis ,_?rj "? the name? of Un.*?? who compose the ring, it la mu ttint K'lne additional lejti.iation i? aaaaaaaty to 0_j._i'.eirient the mere rep?'ol of the Clasnlflcation act. fur tome we? k? persistent effort? have been made by ?jBr-nrri. of the Legislature afld otlien? to*tlr up a preju ???aaaalaal ?en. Iiarlow. His bill? aredenouueed by g??nwbo have never read them, and a systematic plan hi earri? J put to befog public opinion. Asan laataiBCO, Irefer la h ihm--col?nmu article from The Elmira l>.ti!y g\irerti*er, which lift? been forwunled to every nn-uibor ?A the LegMature. You will observe that not n single baaest oi?.i? ?-tlon Is made to the bill, the argument? BO ??fin the main those used by Mr. Smith in his ?ippeal before ihe Committee yesterday. The Trie managers sought and obtained legislative al?, i?i<t it is r.ot unfair that the same power should be ajvuked to aid the right, especia0J a? lb? court? have mteM aaad to nullify the intention of the legislature. I? view of the claims of the Erie Ring and lta friend? ??>e i-ei'.tnoiiy iK-fere the Committee should be laid be? fare the public. Continuing the proceeding yebtcrday: ?OH COTLIl MANAGED THE STOCK. Mr. F?ale- laid they elected a new Roar?! of T>ireetors atiaalV till)- classified; they found UiclllF-che? able by this :nou?*roua Issue of stock to control tho elcctl?i. and iaay did It Mr. Ramsey said the large amount of stock thus Issued was standing In tlitlr own name?, Say Uaiild has tesfl Bett that he sol?l the bond? to himself and his firm and aUtri bi-ok.-rs, and they converted it into ataak which w?? rg1?ter.?l In their own naruea. It was, therefore, tke greatest folly m the world for the stockholders to alisar and try to voto, tm-ause th.-y could be outvoted. Mi B?MM man?The bulk of that stock was Issued sat le?s than nine mouths previous to the election of th. It Uuttciii utitnii' up to that time there had be?'n aay refusal to transfer It. The trans?? r BOoka were thirty ?lavs before the election, and the waal ?nine g v? n, and no application was made to trapafer arinr t.? the ? ic< lion. That election of lue? wa? (her. for? perlectly legal. Mr. Ramsey?In MM I?ay issued convertible feou?., which were lega.ized ; after tut- election of Jay (foul?! tiny Issued ?ll.WU?*), and theu t32,000,000, t?? iiig nearly $44,00(1.(100 _aaai UUt-.n th?r artt .lection of Gould and the secoud, and tin Baal of that stork was rtaiUng in the name of hi? fr.i'iids. Tin? total amount subscribed In 18C7 was ??.?X,i>.?>. adding the tlu,Wi0,(JO0 it would be ?I5,000,<i00; before Ins B'cotid ?lection he hasl laaaai f43/HW,O.?0 more, tfci. ox t Ualiiir: lug the |.?,,i?Vi,wai. The sale of tlie-M- bonds was nutl.'.ili.-.l li\ the l.\.-i ntlvi- Comrultroe, of which ?Soold and 1 weed were lucinlier*, Before tha owners of Lbe ?tocl? .-oul.l get it in a condition to vote tiiion it. Un y got up this Classification bill, putting tlieui in live ?cars tourer, and Instead of using the money raised for the use of Ui? n.a.l, tin v used It for stock gambling? oimrations. who I4KIK? ron foanoa is aaw_a_a oonnal Tb? Committee?If the?? people ?lid an ill? i.;nl act, why aid n't the ?Uvckbulden? apply to the courts 1 Mr. Southmayd?If youhad the exp.-rl.-nc?- in th.- Haw? Tork courts which some others have lnul, j aa would not _?ve thaagat of applying to them for JuMl.e. The ob j*rt of la_l MU 1? to secure to the actual owners the tight to have the stuck triinsfcrrisd to th( li own name? ; J ?tattli and Rai>hael were the a?ent? to whom the Knirlish | at?tkhol?I?r- Intrusted Hi? ir c?-r tirlci.f? I : If H stood In j _4vir name?, th.-y oould vote upon It ; the sub aUnre of our ca.*4> 1? very siiuj.le; It I? (lait tke?e nianageia ln?ve Intruded |_mnaalTM into aa of ?>ur prop rty fur four yi-nr*, au?l t? i wt'.tu'ht most extraordinary reaolti t<? Um prejn die? of the actual owuer?. Tliey have ad Jed (? )>ll a!,.Hid |4l?'?,.<''^'l<i the Uiol I if? IT? ?b bl.ainl 11.? u aran i? isirt? do n.?i put? urt t?> show iu?>i?- than tlO.OW.OOO ??i?. n.l. ?1 ou the r<?.I. Thej havelaaot>d tbl??toek atan aaamaoaadlaoo_?. and greatly tin- vaina and the iiKolii?. We at.old to have tl'.s ],i ,i_.e i t.s _iiuiK' .1 any lu?a? ay tareae nun. The proviatoaa of ( 111 m_jr Nitu diaootirteotui to the luanageis of tJi<? road, a? anjnpnatag iiuy would do t_lnga they ought not to do. bol lhe> Iihvc afrcHdi don? trieiu. "t ?,ht es with oi i;<*,??wn MOaai ion VEAr.4." I? a'li.v have n't we ???ne to rIn court?! Well, It would be a good rhlng for the other bide to remain iu poas.-??-i..t? af what they have. Iri the d.rrrrs we should l?e raaebad Mi about eight years; they woi'ld fight us with our own _<?iiey and have ii.lvatit ige* vim h I ?tin sorry to Bay arme of our courts i.fforils them. We all know that _?? power of the r*.;prenie Court is In the O-n ark! Term, whir h is the appellate tribunal, Urn control? tho ndiuluistnition of Justice iu tteClty ol X? w-Yoik, kint that two of the Judare? of that ?oui't are th v N.-ry tu.-ii whoaa oo_rae is now trader la ?e?tu..t:ou. Th.- la a of UU or iwj forlibtdinif urn oilher af the Bndson River oi ii.?iiein becoming ? director of ttlt is lett unaltered. 'I lu.t? a private bill relating tot tie _rst R*ilWHv arnl riotliinar else, so that Ita coristimriou ality lsuiiarl.:. t? d. The dlaon ???t brought oil tha Ann ri? tan tame in the rni?i-oniliu t of the tile maii.ig? r? lias ?aiirisl mull? hiai oi loi? iatii ? ?i'?r_i. A GOOD MAN' IX A BAIi CAt78B. Jndge Seldtu said: I know nothing al?0(it Judge Barnard? action, but I do know that you cannot mnke any law? whl^ h corru_>t )udg.-s will not disregard. I ttniik no one will doubt the wisdom of elaaaUk atioir. Ir a a measure unlikely to meet the views of any one w ?*h ?*f to farubl? in stock? or to get control of eompanies. JV-J ?hcu'i.;.;,%,. tried the <iu<pstiou of the legality 6' ? ' ?riiN'tion in the court?. Tne conduct of tho tuen ha? ne-iugtodo with the act itself. The principle of a joii law t? eudnriuK. Tbi- ( oin].aiiy O?i well aarved the jpui'lic; one which does not cannot lona? be proflt ktie to eithei patrons or owner?. I t t?? this bill berauae of the provlaion that the term of nftiee of th? pri'nut diieetor? ?hall ceaae lu July next That lm Siir? tin- Obligation of the conn act made with them, by lut?-rf?.r.-!n-< with aeontia?! which ehaagei thein in lient ?light a dfgo-e, mi],? .!1 Ihelr obligutioli. Ihe dir.. l"i? hold theli ofhee by contract by accepting ?he ?Oh, e. The> engaged 10 p rioiiu ctrtaiu (]ut.. ?. ?lud that aMi.-atlon cisiiid bo enfoited against tbeni. ThePresi. iVli is seriiriK uudei an eij?ie?s eoutinet with the e?uil*iiy at a salary- The din-clors are wrvlng at a per Jathl. ?CC C?>n?tllIltion provides that U? p?-r?oil shall beasprlved of life, liberty <? property, exupt by diu> ?roce?? of law. Tli?-r? are probably at the present tinte not less than a erertof the active agent? of Krie ut work inthisrltv, Bat iai'l-'duii irietnirKrs (?f ,ne Legislature. (Jen. James Wool tl?- ( h,.nnulln of the K.-nate Judiciary Com mitt? c, ???hi?l, th? Brta Mil? win- coinioitu-4, will be shown by Ike luw-Bt.K.'tniK Coiiiuilttee'a report to have i.orrowo.1 ????y of J?r Gould, which money he still owes, ?et-tor Malneii of the Senat* Rallroaa Commltt?e * known to t?e in the interest of the Ring, t_rj ,t ,s ????KN-ted that Mi. Wirod?i. tire Chairtuun pa???., who appointed both Of them totbeae impor? tant ptaxtiou.. 1? also Erie'* man. Although the majority f. is/Hi ri,, ?v tut? Judiciary Committee and the House Ka.iinad ( uuimitte?.- are In favor of reiieal. this by no ????i? tetll. ? tha questloti. The Deniocrata will have a* axa?h for voting against Bai low'? billa, be 2J4?e Uiry ar. bis bill? Let i>puMn'an?, however, oon J?~r_J**,,'J4*' t? which an ?mied at, and not dltgraie iasuiaW\M b>. laairmjdniin,, tD<j verbal eiitlelam?, for a?..? wui mm a.^eive the public. RED P?)feTAGK STAMI'8. fUt ^lAMI- INVESTIGATION? THE MEN TI. AT ***>* ? I SUMAN ?V s|AMP>y?GI.NEKAL IM1AL CtKRIN. y p| (t'MIMANV TIME. IB! TtLKOBAfll T?> THE TItlBCNK I AuiANy, Feb. ?l4.--Th4' StiiiaU? Sp4xia] Com ?Ittee or. Vimtmrnyr mtl utm\u this evening and proceeded ?"-ih tti* lavesii^uon. The lltUe room wa? Ailed with a?. ?wdiri?r .lulu,,,. to _,Il0W _0 wi___t base use postage ~?J? "W ???"? ?t last. The v itnesaes were severally ???*d ??st, their taalaination ana concluded, if they ??*" of anything eiae whi.'h w-iia throw Pght on the ??j???t. Hut of cour?? thev did not. At the next _Mt? ?8 ?Ittr???*?, iroin D_n and S> ra. u?e ?re exiKx-ted. ?**' M. Mnrdy wa? recalled, and produced the meiiiO B'??a of rev?-nue ?lamia, oi.i.nd b] ?VwilUgW, dBM-iaar at the previous _.?i>t,,. The following Is a _?" u" ?"aBBBa-aaaa! - M la, ?*?*?. u>'*c., to iae? ? * ? raw--.- Mr. M< Mnrdy ^?titled: I saw Terw.l ?*' with that tt-Bsorandum; Mr. hmlih ?J?, linen to Oil ?mi order, All*?.** tbai be had nothing to do wlili ?,,,-h ?^PN Iks-ptthe-rleriwo ?ir three d.i.v?, baattat.Bg -BMaai I ?hould Bli it, a, BUtli order. hlttt u.4.u fl)|, d m aa-'t^r4"1 ?f th* frni ?f Wm,,1'I! * H,,,"?,,*? ? I* ?aa a???.,,. "fle"<,"-?u|'?for n-Muptiou win, h t.? re Ta.. , r< " ! ,""u""1,4"'"-'???: ' -"? '--" taaaara r a. of tbe House -, IrcceHed posta*?? ?tamp? from hltn for goods sold blm ; enuld not tell when it whs, but it was when he was Olerli ; 1 have been trying t<> find out when, from my book?, ?ml can't find out ; don't know tbe ?.mount ; hi- gave no rcasou for,* In stauips ; it wa? g<_ unusual Hint It mude au lui|ii.-?si..n on my inln.l ? Tb.ivo ritT"r ?cc?iv?d postage stamps from other parties In payment for goousf ! never guv?, it a thought where Cut-himin got them; tbev vT.',re. ? ?arger ?li nomination than I could make uw of: they Were ge-d in the poat-offloe ; this wa? a privilege granted mo? the post? master ?;.l,l he would not do It for any one sisa, nor tor me ?gain ; the amount was 110 or wore; they w? ex chanced at the po?t-office for ?Limps,if a smaller tir-noru Inafion: I can't recollect whether It was iu tliv Wln"r or Summer I received them. ?'? T-, U-avI* .v&i'?\ <U I wns Financial Clert of the KotlM In 1W3, 'Cl sud '?? I furnished postage itamps to members ; they were ?old to member? and the money paid to mp; Mr. Cushman wan clerk tlien ; lie instructed nie to ?ell the stamp?, an.l furnished them to me; I sold perhaps lino worth of stamps during the session ; that is a mere ?'oijeeture on my part, it muy have been more or Irs*; render a strict account to Cushmau for them : I think I sold all the stamps sold at the desk, but the postmaster mar have ?old tome; 1 guvr- none away; I did not purchase any stamp-.; all 1 disponed of I rocelved from ( iishman ; I Bars no iM.ek o? ?iieniorundiini of the amount of stamps soldi I had nothing to do with revenue stump?; wc hud 5c. ?tamp.? and Sc. " Can you suggest nothing siorc, Mr. Davis, whit h wnuldthrowlitjhton tbtaaiibjet tl" said tho t 'liairmail. " No, I cannot. Oood ? veniiu;, guntk?_itii," said Mr. Davis, us be hurried from tbe NOB. TTTE LEOISI.ATI.TIK. BXTKHURVU OF ri'BI.IC MONEY?TnK BROOK? LYN OKKICLS?-ALL PAY AND NO WuHK? reOrXMID KKDKKss. [FiiOlt THE RF/U'LAR COBHESPOSr>rST OP THE TRlIlDfR.) Albany, Feb. 29.?The monifig Mnioa of the Assembly wa? chiefly taken up with tho considera? tion cf bills of a local or private character. The bill to limit the expenditures of the public money of the Super? visor? of Kings County, and oue to abolish the County Auditor ut Brooklyn, brought out the Democrats la de? fense of things established. A motion wa? made to strike, out the first section of the Supervisor bill. Mr. Bsrrl oppo.-ed on the ground that the office of Supervisor at Large fll unnecessary, and was only creaU-d to give a pl.u-e and a ?alary to a polltleul favorite. Mr. Mose'.ey desired that all measure? of reform in rela? tion to Br oklyn should be brought up Uigmher. The gentleiunn who now fills the office In question was worthy of It, and had the confidence of the people. Ho ha? stood as a check upou the tax on the treasury. Thl.i Mil wus lbs kind of legislation he liked to be. . Nothing so much contributed to the growth of the Dea*m ratio piirtv. The hurricane of last year had lifted men Into place? In a wag they would never know again. 1 want the people of King? to understand that this I. iglalaturs i? reform only when it helps Republicans. Mi. thought every measure of reform should be ti kei, tip a It comes. The duties performed by the oliL-er lu question could be doue by the regular Hoard of Supervisors. .Mr. Berrl?We do nut pn>ncss to put iu a Kei.ubMciin, but to abolish the offi." entirely. ?. Mr. Morton?The ofllce has never been consh'erod es? sential in any reimet, and was one of tbe r?salos crea? tions of tho political puity in power lor th" past few -.?Mrs. Mr. Jacobs- There wa* no cheek upon the nnthorty r\. rti-ed by the Hoard, and when wo orrated toll we tlii-ught WS were doing something In tin- Interests uf good government This lull wipes out of otliee aman Ju-t elected by the people. 'Jlure has not basa a single mensure pre?eut?-<l this WSSttm providing for the re? moval of a Keimblieau. We rcp'.-wnt u great Di mo> cratic county, und are read) retonns, bai let them nil bs brought up logeth. r. Th? lnoti.-ii to strikeout wa? lost, and the bill tlnally ordered to a third reading. Tii? mil to abolish tho ofllee of (.'uunty Au.lit.,: of Brooklyn gave rise t? a ?Iim ?asMon winch was a mars i ? petition of that on the previous bill. A BUlttoa to r. port progress and ask leave to sit agt.ln was curried, ?ml tin- House took a recess till 74 p. m. The Judiciary Committee of the Assembly will sit at the Fifth Av( line Hotel next Mondav e\. BlBf, March 4, ..t I.. i'eloek, to liear parties Interested in the District Court lull introduced bv Mr. Fol. y. Tin? saiiM- Commit l*)C haie also fixed Tu.-s.lav, tlie lili- of March, at 4 p. in., nt Albany, to hear parties ?ntcrc**. i m tlie Polios Ju? tloas bill, also introduced by Mr. Poley. A Ni.'.nr BBtnOlt? iitr. i.r.'i .ki.vs hiti-*?tiik WaXUAMSBtTBGH ii.RiiY Aiil si.s?Mit.i.i.i:'*) ( S-l?ltOSSA AND TWT.U?. (BY TKLBLRAl'II TO THF. ThlBl'.V ] Albany, Feb. 29?.Midniglit.?At Um erenJiig sersion the discussion on the Brooklyn Mils wa? con. tinned. All the bil's were ordeicd toa thirdrnafllag. Tliey simply abolish the useless ofliccs of Ooaaty Auditor and ?iipervi*or-at-Large, and r. qidrc the affirmative rots of three-quarter? of tho SurTvisors to tasks appropriation of the public isaey? 'Hie '.ill to compel the Williamsbiirgh ferrie? to reduce tlulr rates was ordered ton third reading, and will 6ur?ly puss. A lobby has been s'-nt up heie to oppose tbe bill, but has so far completely fiuled to ?. -con p'i-h anything. It had been arranged to make a niotl.?u to-night tu re. ci.iiimit the bin, but the, person wha asi Intrusted with the work had not ( ourage to ntt. nipt it. Ruperintemlent Miller having failed to comply With the refolutlou of the Assembly ealtaag for u cop-, ot the ti-tliiioiiy taken a f. -w years -line la the invistit/atloi of the affairs of the Mutual Lite Insurance Campan/ Of Maw-York, ? resolution was cat riod to-night, deinauaing Hi. inmediato prodii.-tioii of said testimony. The In? surance Committee want this testimony to Bid them in their inquiry into the conduct o? the fluperintondent. The Joint' Bailway ( omiuittee gave tlie rapid transit men a tlniil hearing this afternoon. A new project was submitted t?. the Assembly to-day,called the Palaier Elevated Ballwar ?Company. Tm- routes asked fa? are HuiIm.ii st. aud Ninth ave..' aad i-iowery aad Third ;.\e. Tin-1... t la stated at BURVWOs in-!.-, ;n..l tl\?> p- r cent of the net Income I? to lu-n *ei ve-! for tue City Tnasuiv. S<-veral local bills were passe,I In the S'liate, ami a? luaiiv more considered in ( omiuitti-u und oiiieied to a third :?? Hiilng. Mr. I'rince, Chiirnisn of the Judiciary Committee, lia? appoint cd tin, following ?un Committees to make lav? .*:. gallons In New-York I'nv : Ou the liisirlt-l-Atloriu.v'? otliee, Me-?r?. Strahan, Vi-il.lei, ?tel Hu'; on tbe ?".unity Clerk's office, Messrs. Flnmnier, Hayes, and Tilden; OB tin- KeglMr-r'? Office, Messrs. Nile?, Foley, and Tilden. The m nute Committee on PrlTllege? at nil nut Ihls , veiling on the contested ?oat case ol RoSSS at't. Tweed. .1. II. I?ewioids apjieared fot Mr.Twnsd, sad i-ut in <?ii answer to Kossa's aiuemled in. iiiori?l, in wliirh ).-? i. tu t .1, ? ven admiUing that ail K.'ss.i tvt.itcd VMS true, there was not enough to warrant tbe Committee in going on to take evldein-e. The Coininilti e ileial I to Like the atiswi r into consideration, uni Uiei-eupou i.d loiu'ued. _ ICEM RAI l_MI IHSPATCII.I SKNATK....AI.DAXV. Feb. 2??. l?7). Billfl were NpOfted to ineoijioiate tin New Rochelle Maennerchor ; to amend the cfinit.Tof the New-Englsnil HiK'l.-ty ; for tlie relief of religious so? cieties in Kings County ; to incorporate the German United Ersnceiii'sl Prnte?tant Synod of tlie Ea?t ; to lneon?orate tne Boaid of Home Mi.slons of the Prestir tenau Church of the United Mates | la soawrai th., tills to property of tin Lvangelical l^rthirun l*t. John'? Church; and to facilitate the construction of the Mid Jeud Kailroad. BIU.S IV'THOIHTFI?. To elevate the stund ?rd of tOmmJc?! M-catloa.?II re? quire? the Ri A-ents oJ tin? VliTverHity to apn- ?nt I Roanl toexamlni? fcTf riandldate? for medical diploma?, five memV-r? of which must vote in hi? fBVST, To cuate a CAjmiucriial district for New-York end a Board of Commei ce therein, and deflue i!? powecsaad diilies. The same L-ill in now before the A?s. mbly. To amend the R viM-1 Statutes relating t?' divrce?.? It makes us additional csuse?, such i poducl on the p?r' ot the husband toward the wife a? s hull without uist cHure deprive her ot tin? society of tier relatives|?~ frieods, or of attendance- upon public wor'-liip, or sliall d? aiAjnedly reudoi ber Jifc unhappy or uncomfortable.; HUB I ?s-1 i?. To Improve Bsnkirr-st. sad l.ilen-sve., Brooklyn; te smeud the (louerai Kailroad a?t: aathoruing the forma tlou of oompanle? when i?-r mi'., has Ik-.ii sub scrtlied; and iu relation to Petit Jur?la in W. atehester County. Tbe bill to renew and smend the act relative to the general Society of Mechanics and Tradesiui n, was f?r ?li n d to a third reading; also, a bill to nun ml the charter of the New York Life Insuiauce ?ud Trust Company. AilloJILl-l. _ ASSEMBLY. AXOTHEX HI.U1M. l?Allli?.*l. 1-llO.IEi T. Mi. Twomii.y introduceii a bill tu huori>?) rate tbe Palmer Elevated Railway Company. It ?...ol J.raea II. How?, WilHita r>i,i.ih?rU*?l. <U?r>? Str.i|bt?.ff. Bo.wrll Bawd, W'iJUa? Palnar, Cbarlaa 11. 1. V\ ill_iii V, altoo. lart s T. Mrr-tter il lli? lu-orBoralon, ilJ lie*, lii? i aillai ?V?>k at ?3.1*0...("d, wltl i omet lo nu r?*** lb? aaro? fro? lim* t.. l?n.r u.,?B ln.iMi.l.a. kfi -e I tin ob? imd Ire ?Bill. Il ?|.|<li.a l_> |>iut?.,?bi ul Ib? ????ral nUtwad art to lb? C?iut?8T. Ob? tvmi ia Is ?tari fi..?a t'-t ju.. t.ooof Iladaui. ?I wltb ?-?a_t>eri it aad aril Bioadr..;, Nrw-Turk . it;. .?1 run alrrac Hodao? al ta Nie tl are. .ad Itimf? t? Im Hiriera Bl??, Tb? ulUr i.?d ai.rti at or ??.r ? h.lriau ?qo"'?' i??bi lhra.fl? II.? Bower, to 1 blrl-a?e., aud theoea? to tbr H.tleu. filler. Tbe imU. r?ij ba?t l?o or bar trad? Tbe sSSSBaal ua of tba road? ?Lai b. fwaaMnaad alUua foar nwa-.h?, aud r?a,platr?l wltlua ?oa j?.t and ? i 1'iotitbi. filiert, rat. uu, br rbarrrrd tin trinai*urt'B( pM*>?>?iri vbe lull lenglb of U.? iva?, a?l leu reala Im Int..raed au rlliuir**. I'.ti i*r <?bi of i..c art la.uia? ?',1 aba'l lia ft v. ia'u IU* tie.?on ol tb* 1'ilj if B? ?Y"rk. The, in OoaualtteS of the Whole, di-poied of tin following entered Mil?, h? noted : Making mon- ?trjiigmt piov.-lon? ngali^; throwing nKal, A-., in ihe harbor id N? w-Vurk beloa ipaytea Din ill ( in k (udeied to a thlnl reading. Authorizing the desce?? of real e-!:.te to femsk) eitl* ?? i -, iiolwith-land.iig liiiiiriag" (Udercdto.i ililru reading. nir UMM i-otsrT wi a it? or ?f viRvisnn*. Hep. .iiing the act lo provide lor the ale? Una ol the flu perrlsors-ai Lwac tor Kn.-'i Coanty, aud reaalr_| a linee fourth:, voto in the le.mrtl ti 6upervi*oi- lo ajipio pliute iiiouev. ?Mr. Mosbli imiM.l to ?triki-out the flr?t ?.?, nun, ?ay iiiif that the 1..II v...?. iitn- . am less. Hl ssld tu hud n>. ot.|.'cti..u? to i-i Hum?' reforms, cud *aii?h-*r***'. <l thatali pii.po?**d n-ioruir, shmiiil be brought m and acted on a' oiu-e. Mr. Hskki iieiemieii the bill, sud >'r. ?or kin also spoke lu faros ot it >L. j??.?-!?* ... .i iu. ..i.. : i ? f th? ' ass, ? -i all ?? i leglslftt* a nemaerat who hod Inst been elected to this office out ofofllce. Klag? County was a stroiiir Democratic county, und If this sort of legislation wa? fair to the. people of that county, he ha<l no objection? to If? twlng put In practice. He was la furor of any good, sound re? form, and would go for any reform that wa? really ?tieh. Ue ho_>erI tho? intended to iH'ti. flt 111? Count) would be grouped and hmiitrht In here In one hill, ?nd Be dl-poaed of at once. This law, which It waa now proposed to re? peal, was pa?ted as a reformi measure. Before it waa P a?-. XL appropriation? could Ire made ou a mire niatorlt v vote. Thl? was r?.n?t lered ?, k<_ SS-JS __?? , ;* -' ?? visor at Kir.?, vom nr. ?mm. "0 w umg. aim tins t>up??r tio.? - IT-vtded for to overcome that objec '."_. .i?w it Is proposed to require a three-fourth vote, ruid legislate an oltli er. Just elected, out of office. Ha would rise and reinirt progresa. Lout. Home further discussion was hart, when Mr. Jacobs mov??! to amend by having the bill take effect at the 01 tlrutlon of the tenu of offiee of the present Incitinheiit. ost The bill was then ordered to a third r? ading. THE GRAVEL IKVESTI.1A i1? IV Mr. AI vori> had consent to submit a report from the Committee of Way ami Means on charge? against the Hon. Ja?Ma W. Husted In eonection with furnishing pavel to la- n?e?l in C_lral Park. Tlie report concludes by saving that Husted ?tand? entirely acquitted of anv fraudulent prtu-ticea in connection with tire ?ale of gravel to the City of New-York or Department of Parks; and that his action as a member of the Ilia?latllia wri? not In anv measure controlled or a flee ted by any corrupt or other barxulu therewith. The report waa ordered to bo printed. Mr. .Urons had consent to Introduce a bill rerjulrlng a vote of two-thirds in Hoard? of Supervi?ata throughout the mate to approt.rl.ito moneys. He tbeu asked con? sent to have the Mil ?inleeed ro a third rending, as the principle had been ?rt'-uted as reirard? Kings County. Mr. Ar vorn. <.ii)"ctod, and the bill waa referred to the Judiciary Committee. THK KING? COI KTY UMTOB. The nonse, In Committee of-the Whole, took np the bill to repeal the act providing for the election of Auditoi for King? County. Mr. Ja? on? again e.-lled attention to tho object of Uii? bill, which was simply to legislate out of office a Demo? cratic Inetinitieitt. D( but?? ?prune tip, lr. which the Republicans took the ground that tlieae ofleaa were ? r.ate.l merely for ix.nt re.-.l porpuaca, and tiiHt they were entirely uunecessury. Th.- ir?-moi-rat?, on the other hand, lnslgted thut the pro]?oslfliiii to ntiolish rhe office? wa? based orr the drain simply to legislate Democrats out of offli e. Without ?iiapoi?tin-of the question, tho Committee rose and re? ported prog t TttK natr_?tea nri?rno.inaar. Mr. LiiFirr, M a question of pnvilege, offered the fol? lowing : MTiemi?. Ob tb? lita ?t tf Vt-nrwtyj. 187J. by t r*to!otii t nf ?hi? Hi?bi?. the 8nt*ririi?"!?tit ?if lb? latsinu?? H?p?rtin?ist wan reqairtd to trtoatuli to tbi? Il m ? Hi? t?tnnonr, or a ?op, tti?r??f. take? .,n th? lBmtl?ratlr.|i (nrulr by Ii m la tt.e ifilrt of th. Mutual Lif? lotnr?.* Cataaaai nf th? Cur ni Ne?-Ynrk, ami ilao to imtnrm II? lloaae of tlit t?u? a? fllr.l in the i.fli.r, and if l?. ?rh?n the unie wa? |!eJ; in!, Whirms, Th-till ^uiitntil.B.lent, iu roaininn ?ititn 10 t Lia Itonut rl-it-d Ptb. 17, I3~.t, at.U-? in r?rlr u< ?aid resolutioa " that b? aa.riBie? aM r-?..aitioB WM aiio|itri l.j- the Ilim??. ?Itho iah oot to iutr.1, ?. ! ?i,l iMttaaat rover? w?j belt?a |.air.'?; tbnt lalt n??ttltliall?l konwi of iio liw rrs_arrir^! It in b? l^d; thit the oriiriaal mor ii opra f..r in ip?-?iii.ii," no part ?if wtii.-l. it d>n,i?t m, a_ IM? fur aj ?iJ retsilat.i.3, bui I? riT.u t? ?aid Surier.nteridfut ?r.tnltoa.l/; ?nd Wkrrrxt, mat ,Sop? t htl wholl? ?unltird and B?tl??t?d to mm rlf with atii, and trim ma te.Liiiouji tad prore??b^i to Uw !i.nar. bo?, u ?nl.irr. ataaaaVaat, 1 ?I tlir ?aid Haperinl?nd?nt l>? tad be It h?rebj Ia?trnr1r| f..rtSiw:tti to ?ttplf ?. tli t1 a i r gititt rriolBliou of the Honte, _i?U Ytb. 11, IHTJ. or I.? dee?rd gnlltj- of Mr. Ja. ??lis, doutitlng whether thl? wat n qnestMn of ptini'-ge, moved to refer it to the Coiniuitteo on Judi? ciary. I/O't? Mr. Hrsiroroso to dl?cnss the propriety of the adop? tion of neb a reeolatli? a? this, cudmlni Um orig? inal n siilatlo_ ?tioiii.l have baaa adopt?-?!, bal jare aay to a motion to take a iBOBai till 7J p. ui., wtiich waa ca? li.-.l. KVlMNi; fB-DOaT. Tit?- qaaation pending at tin? time o{ taking reee*? w.i? ou Mr.Latpnttt'areet?lnt1o_ Mr Hi men t .??k tlie 11.i?a lo IB?? aga.list ??:e original re.-oliiilon, (?ill the Chaib decided Unit the merits of theerigl?ii qaaation could ii??t be diaeuaee? Tbe question waa then taken on the pr< amble and resolution, und adopted The Houae then weal into Couimtit.?.? on the bill re? pealing da r..t ( renting the ofBee of Reciatrar of Arrears of laxea In Brooklyn, and transferring the powora aad (lniie- hi the (?ilieitor of 'laxes ami A?*csstin?uts of salil cilv. Thll bill gave rise to a ?liseitsslou similar to Hint had on the other lirooklyn oMu c ubolishitig Mils under i o?-, this ?i. m. The bill wua ttnally otderwl to a third rending. t The II?mac went Into Cominlu? e en the bill to mppTy th(r .;. n? aney oxpenaea, ordaretl it to anilril reading,, un Mr. Alior?!'? motion, the bill wa? passed. The same Committee returned th? consideration of th. bill to ali'llsh the office of AUilllor of the ( onlitv of Kings. After furttu r debate, the bul w.u. then ord.r.-U to u third leading. The same Committee took up the bill to regnlste the running, and rate of faie of ferries running betwtea New-Yoik and 1110'ii.lyn, near the Nav\ ^ar.l. Oideied to a i?tal raadlnc Ais,., reijiiiring wharves arid i?iei? _ the llr-t Ward of Brooklyn to oe i paired aad rob?It. Ordered ton third reauins- A?'Jo_r?o_ _ THK GRAVEL CASE. Mil. IlLVn-:H ?MTlKaa-T KXOSKKATI.D?N?) KVI DKXCK Of FltAlD. In IIk- \-siitililv yes:, rd.iy Mr. Alvoid pre ?.-lif. ?I the r? js.rf of the CoinrnitU'e on tTayi Ami Mana on the invc'tigiitiou into tliecharg? nngaiu?t Mr.Baatad, a s follows: To the Hiinorobie the ?ttembig.--1\_ Cmimittee on Way? and Means, to wbon was re ferrad for inve.stlgn lb?; ? h. in.-- agali?i the Hon. Jaaaea.W. Husted of tin- Assembly, whereto It Is nlli-ge.1 that he ha? bien guilty of fraudulent practices )u eonnectioti with tho aale of ptravel to It? (tty of N?w-York, arnl thut hi- nii.'ii at b member ?>f tbe Legialatare of WTO waa tMmlIrollei1 by a eorrnnt bargain at taat time entered Into by aim In eonMctton tbevewltb, heg leave at tin? time m .??pectiul'v to report thai they entered opon the di'i'har.-.' of their dutle? In the Clij of Wew-Tork, where 01 iit-ar it?era all the witi ?*at t realde, on FrUuf, ti.? -? ?1 (t.i.i of F. -i?i iiiirr, Inst., und d? irote l two davs t?i tbetavratigation, iri\lntr uii parti?.? Intonated therein full opportunity to be heard, ami to call mil examine ?ueh wltneaaea a? Ihejr might dealre. I'jsin Iboitmgh, can'ul nnd ???BreM^g crimina? tion Into the im fs of the ca-e, your ?oinriitt lee '?sind that the M.iteineiits heretofore made on the floor of tl is oil two ?aparata o((as',oiis, by the Hun. Mr. Hii.t ?1. tOOChlBg?leae ehargl s, were fully and Completel) i urne out bv the teatiimony. Messi-g. Andrew M.Orean,Htebtilni, and IMton, Com??liakwan al 'lu? ir p?riment ol Parka, Mr. Van N'ort. late Control?r. and Mi. na?lter, J'iiK'l?i?ing Clerk thor?_o/, wer?' eaz-n ex arrilrii-il at k-reut length in rill niHtters pertaining to the purchase of grave', foi the parks und boulevard? Of New Volk. We liud that all gravel ru?4-d up.u the pinks and boulevard? in New-Yoik ha- always been boutrhr in the open market m as pinall guautitleV as th?-1r re i.-.-'. tie- would ?How, and that ander evtry a.lmli.'i-trmtlon of tin publie parka there baa been nnroailng effort, on tbe j'ltrt "f the managen thereof, to tlnd and nui-eh.ise gravel of a suitable qualit}', at the loweet possible price; tii't In the CD*e of Sir. ttaatod, who wa- in posees?OB of a l>ed of gruv.-l of a desnabl. and mnarte quality, "" ljM" trom time to time receives ?nd tiled onlcrs for the same at ? jirno und by the commissioners or agreed upon by the partie? al th. t?M of the aale and delivery of each _>ar eel; that the trau ?-actions were in no regard lu tin nature of a preexisting contract for the exclusive con? trol of the delivery of gravel, at a price tlxed und un? alterable by the terms of the contract, but were In all rer)?eers an ordinary and business opCCBtloo, in which lio eoiinrion or corrupt practice or i.i?rj_.jin bad Isft^n ? n ?Me?? ??.? '.et wi ?? any ?? V,\? c?iy o? pAtt officials and Mr. Husted. Mr. Itvder, the gt-utieman upon whom? let? ter, published in The .Vnr- iur k Iitries of the 31st of Jatiu ary last, and the oommenU of tho press tien upon, Mr. Huated f'surideil his demand for tide imestjgi.tlou, teaii lied positively to a want of any bnowle.lg?.- ol any such fraiiuuieut praitiees, or of any influence arrowing out of th? busln.*? trsnsa?ti?.n of Mr. Hutted with toe Com ini-si'iuersofl'niks that in any way alfeited hi? a.-iioii a- a 1? gislator at any time. Mr. Ry?lcr was anxious and pet?aient in requiring ot the Coauaittee an examina tion into the personal ami private diftlcultle? be ti\?eu hintselt an?! Mr. Husted; but the Committee de? cid? .1 that |N'ii>oual and private grievance? and dlttlciil tie-, nrowing out of busln'-s? traii?actlons uetweea indi? vidual?, were In no s?n-e a part of the 1?giumate ?lutv ot the l>iil?lature to iiivestlgnUi and examine, and they uVckI-U not to admit any tvstiuiouy other than Ur if which ix-i taia* d to the act? of publi?: official? and Mr. Uiu,U.d 14-Liing to the Mie and pur.hiMss of fiavel. Yiair Wimmlttee therefore rejsjrt that Mr. lu-led ?i.nnt.i entirely acquitted of any fraudulent prut lues In coMirct ion with tho sale of gravel to tbe City of New York or the Department of Parks ; and that Bleat tlon -? a lutrinUsr of th? legislature was not In the opinion of vour Committee, Irom the evidence, In any manner oi in the aMfhteet degree conn oiled or affected by any corrupt or other bargain connected therewith at that oi an\ other time entered Into by him. All of win? h 1? rctpectfully submitted. By order of tue Ouoiuittee, T. O. ALvOKti, t'lialrman. A LAKE DIPAPTITIi. Mh.wai kik, Feb. ?W.-A for?-and*?ift tbree mi.-t?r wo? discovered thl? momiug about eight mile? out in a hilpleaicoudiuon drifting southward. It 1? sup posed to be the (?en. Higi?y, owned by Hylvesbr I.i ? in andl. Higt.y of Prntwater. It Is nnpo.-'tble to tell if any ou? Is on board. CR?M_R A5D CA8UALTl-~-IiT TKLEdKAI'B. ....Thu Queen City Wagon ??liiip, in Cin?innati. ?at Sara? rtatcrla,. Um. #10,??. ....Brown Brothers' cantriet factory in Union,Me.. ?at l*ra*?l or. Wad rut?J. Lot?, ??.<**, ?? U???kraB?a.| ....Levi Smith, age W, a iwpected ? it iron of Or...b?, M?tt., at? t-?itJ Ud?a.Ul faeltrdar ?I a fall?a?- Ir??. ....Wvgaet'a wliielriRlit abop and MiU-hel? Lj?f _rp??ur ?Ir," . atar Si?a.r. wart bamarl ot> V. aOtaa-.i. Um?, h>0,o*>. TboCeOnloid Mnnnfactnring Company'a sb4?p In ?f-4 r ?., b?d1| i-Jumi b; lit OQ Wnlt^tAl.r. Lc? ?*.<*<>? Ai ?art Wu-pb;-, a IrrraaL. frll turn a Ui*er aad trat t?t?-lr tn?ar?rt. . .Tlie, ?ng-u- refliiery of lUrtou ?St Baker, raoanfly'l f I.i. ?.,J,i ?at li.i_l?l?tit ?at luear-rtlr t*Wi.;b-M ?' llirul ?. btaer." ?trl?r? irluti/ 14 ? I??brll/bra, ?aa it toa it ?A parlv of Indian?, having been furninhed with hOB-rrbj aV-iUlaa IVr-.. Cauat,. CaL tat Ibi?. a t?.?!. ta I i ?.?? s,., r I V. .-a- ttJ atf'.-tTI??at ait? H?i ' bt Biurk-i?. ntt* u.c. Usr m .?t ?. ?. The uiMH-r ?t4?riea nf the tni?ding N'<*. 1?4 ami l.;?:ir..l.t1 >'.??.rl.._. 9*? hu,a?4 .?.Hila..- }b. t.n.l -nairlir 14-??'.. lVa?n.ta. ?l??fi a?a ti??l4. IStlUr ? ? a,?.?- ala. SEgta a???, ?Us?,.a>H ?it?W. ..Frank JLl?aTlaT?. a B__aaaa m a variety -I i? B.-l..n U.? f??r?rrt f-r ,??',ib? I...?wf*.;'ra. Jlas-Ulu-r - . ., tf -, ih. totVi? -??"? I r ' *' ? hemmtee ?r?i.. i'A.?' , '?.?'? ??il? ? ' "a ? ? ?' '" * ? FRENCH AKM8 SCANDAL. F.-ND OF THE BBXATI DKBATE. r>a-?lfll OK THE REJaOLHTION OK IMVE.STTOA TION?-THF OOMMstfU TO BE KI.KCTKD? PAHTING ?HOTS KIlOM SKNATOB*} MOUTON ANO ?AUPE.MTLR?DESTULCTIOh* OK IHK n?uMfUai |BT TKLBORAPH TO TUB TRIBl!?B.| WAfiniNT.TOv, Feb. 29.?The Ion?; aRony in the Senate Is, at last, over, and Mr. Bumncr's resolution, ordering an Investigation Into the circumstances attend? ing tlie sale of arms to Franco, has been passed. The last set speech was made by Senator Carpenter, and is acknowledged by all to be by far the.ablest on the Ad? ministration side which bos been made, and almost the only one on that side which showed a disposition to grapple with tho real question? at issue and dispos? of them. Mr. Carpenter devoted tho greater part of lus speech to the international aspect of the in-; the position which ho took was that any nation may, by the rules of International law, sell arm?, munitions of war, supplies, Ac, to any other nation, whether the lat? ter bo at war or at peace, provided no discrimination be made against a nation with winch our relations are friendly. He even went further, and said that two nation? at peace might make a treaty by which each should agree to ?ell to the other, In ca?e It should be In? volved lo a war, material of auy kind, or open Its ports to tbe privateers of the other, excluding, at the samo time, the privateers of all other nations. Buch a treaty was made between this country snd France, during the last century, and when Frsnce and England were involved in war, and the latter protested that wo were according privilege? to France which we were not according to her. We showed our treaty, made before tbe war, and with no unfriendly pnrposo toward England, as our Justification. Senator Carpenter ?pioted from all the standard authorities on international law, aud cited precedents to snstaln his position, and had our Oovemment laid down no rule for Its own guidance on tho breaking out of the Franeo PruMahin war, it would have been diillcnlt to have an? swered hi* argument, even If it were admitted that our Government dealt directly with the Government of Fiance. Put Mr Schurz, la s few word?, turned over Mr. Car? penter'? ?i i muent, ?o fur as It applied to fhe case in hand, admitting that our Government did nothing which. In the abstract, was a violation of our neutral obligations. Our Ordnance Burean may still havo vio? lated tlie rule which the Government had BBM fit to lav down a? law for Itself in the sale of arms, vli. : not to sell directly to cither lielligerent, nor to the known ?gent of either. Ami anyone who has listened to the long debate, and heard the rumor? about town, must be convinced that there 1? good ground for suspicion that this rule was not strictly enf irceil. Mr. Carpenter did not discus? the right of the Chief of Ordnance to BsU breech-loading Hprtiii*fl'-ld rifles of the model of lav., or any other of fhe many question.? which _rshaeatalaaft dartag the past three week?, sxsept that, in opening, he, a? other Senator? have done before til?n, the motive? of the movers and advo? cate? of the resolution, an 1 drew In the ha-clrosl of colors a picture of what he conceived would be the result If the investigation ?hould proie mi} thing. When the Admiulstiatlun Senator? have exhausted nrguineut on the resolution, they have,.throughout, engaged In throwing mud upon MBSStSi Sumuor ami Schurz, and accused t hem, first, of inn kin g up a case for France, and then for Germany. Mr. Q_p> fmtmml ami Mr. Morton repeated it to day. but their re? peated ai? Baattaas ?cerned to rom luce nobody but them? selves. The reply that ltjtlie conduct of Government otfl BSIB is such tbut it cannot Is- exposed to the light, with? out furnishing e\ id.-nie to BS uaed to our hurt by foreign nations, the quicker we know it and get rid of them the better, sileuces those who aceu-e auch men a? Suiuner and Mm of being nnpatrliitic. Mr. Curpeutcr's speech had many of those good-liu niored, winy pa? nhich bestrew? through B~SB*f ?peer 11 he make?, aud, having oaught Mr. Suiuner i|Uot liiA* Commodore Decatur's word?, " Our country, right or wrong," as "an old heathen cry, which dethrones God and exalt? the devil," he, In relating the circumstances Ululer whlcb Deeatur pronounced the words, and de feudlng the sentimnnt a? ho understood it, made mutiy fiiu:i> references to "that old heathen, Dt-cattir." I Rarely 1? Mi. Simmer caught in a misquotation, aud It is thought by yonngei Senator? only fair that they ?hall " go for " bim when they have an opportunity. Ot the motions to lay the pr. amble ou the tilde, '.fie. the r.-solutioii had la-en adopted, the point? of ?.nier made, th.-appeal? from tlie de.l-.iou of the vica-Prcal dr-iit, and other pm tiaracutary dodges, by WhtShshoat two hours of the evening were wu?'cd, and a dozen senator.?, who h;;d uiado engagement! to ?line, were obliged to content them-Hlves with cold meats in the .-, n ate restaurant,, uol>od> cares, now that the matt, i is di-poscd of. Mr. Sumner ;.itempt?d to withdraw bii preamble, al? though be liefen.le i its BSSSfttOMb and dually It wa? tabled. Mr. Edmunds alone voting iu the negative. After the whole matter had licou disposai of, Mr. Morton, In giving Mr. Sumn-r a parting -not, almost put the whole debate oti its feet again, and it is now doubtful If sonic Senators, having got a taste of political debate, will be nhu-to restrain lliciii?<-!ves, i.-vcu on the Appropriation bill providing for their own pay. Tlie Vice-Prcalilent de? cided that tlie Cuiuuilttee oedsrad was one that mus? la el' ctml, and a can n? will prol.abi? Ire held t??-iuorrow to decide upou its composition. TBE IK USE INVESTIGATION. I.IN. mmXMMAT ON THE ?TANT)?gKNATOK BUM? S'-. 11 BtTMMOVED. |BT TBHUll TO TIIK TRIBl.NI'.l Washington, Feh, 20.?Tlie arms invcwtiK? tion begun this n,"iii'.ng by the House, Committee on Expenditures In the War Depart meut, developed nothing but the Ignorance and lncompeteney of the Committee, who showed a surprit-lux tack of knowledge of tbe subject of their inquiry, and a manifest In disposition to enter upon it. If they had Just arrt\ni from some region where newspapers are uuknowu, they could not h ?ve displayed much grestei Ignorance of the Important points to which they were expected to direct their Investigation?. The ?Secretary of War was Ixfore them as a wltn?M for over an hour, during which time tbe> naked him lew questions, tbe replies to which had not already been made public lu official documents, and did not press Inquiries in any direction ? hich would l>e likely to elicit new fact?. The diapo?* tion of tho Committee appeared to tie to shirk tbe inves? tigation, if they could, aud as If they must proceed to ask a few questions, for form's sake, the answers to which could be readily given without throwing any light upon the tnatt/T in dispute. They concluded to adjourn until a week from Tuesday next, with the hope, as ex? pressed by the Chairman, that the Senate would, in the meantime, appoint a committee, and that tbe House would n-llere them from any further trouble In the mat? ter. It is to be hoped that the House will secede to tue wUhi-s of the Coiuruitt.*-. tor It would be fatel.-al to insist upon tue continuance of the investigation by them-_ lOBKBHAL TKatnS DISPATCH I Washington-, F.b. 29.?The House Comtuit Ue on Expenditure? of the Wsr I>epartment to-dav eom m'lii ?d their Investigation Into tbe sale of arm*. The member? present were Messrs. Williams of Indiana, Bur? lier, Bnyder, aud A. ker. Mr. Klnscll* was absent. Gen. Ilelknup, tM*? :eiary of Wur, having been sworn, an swi-nil, in ii plj to a question, that from the let of June. 1870, to tho year ending June, IW1, the amount rcaUred from the .sic of arms wa? ?9,74*,94?. H? further stat?*d that Executive d.s-ument m, datod Jan. 14. .?Tl, im lud. ? ail lb? principal ?ales from laes to July, 1BT1, the names of tbe partie? to whom sold, and the month [and >ear of aale?,'Ac-. In Die uourse of furtbei examination as to sales to fourtngtoo, he ??id that while be wa? in the Post-OfBoe Department Mr. Keller. Chief of the Ord nanco Tliiresu, now decea?ed, came is and bnudod hnn the folio? n? dispatch : Ii.iob, New-York. Oct. 13. To W. Ctanai??. drNaalsa ri?u?e. Wathington Remington t<-.l..grs|,lia if ,-nu huve not yet tioiiglit tor th? Government rm will i e able todo mioii better ienu?. By deer?-' of tlie <,.,*,. I liment. Issued > ? ?b rday, all *rtu. i-utsrlng Knnireare lialdiAt? be tNken as national prop artf. and paid forn. ?.?r.lmg to apprsl^-uk'-nt. .BaeCttU lois lnarin? .i,i? nded for Frsnee will find fhfir proflt? .mall, (ompetiiloa with you ha? BMI WIN ?"li fictlllO'ls. . _ (Tli-f.'ro-fi.itig t? ? copy ?f s ii-letram )< fl ?I tin OrtBMBS Orb- i> || ? Mquires, op Oct. 14. NHVJ (?e.i. Eelkuap said halii?lruitl5 se?.t word to o. it. I>rsr r,y Mr. Keller Unit the ?file? to Reiiiington niM-l be itn.i e duUb stopped, ...It wus pUiuli ?howi. that Mr. Reta h.aIoi w .? i,L, ?? 'f Hi? I'l'ioh Qua !.. ikt .p lhcaw-MM m h.? santaiw lathi I i:.i ? ', .(..! ' :M.. ? \ ..? I . i o :??? eft ? ' ' an. ' f? i him, and personally told him the ?ale? to Rcmln-rton must stop. Uy referring to the executive document, it would l?' found tlie last, ?aie to Mr. Iletnlngtou wa? hpi i n .field musket?. Tliey were not delivered till Oct. 30, though purchased before that time, and before the delivery of the telegram. Gen. Bclknap repeated over und over ?nain to Gen. I)y?-r that no ?ales should be hmde to any agent of the French or Prussian Govern meut?. No arms wero sold to any ageut of the Pr.-nt h Government to his knowledge. He had already ?fated the amount realized from the sale of anna, &o. It was ?0,748.943; of this sum, iD,iW,%i6 bO had tieen deposited in the Treasury, a? jrer certltlcates on file ; ?120,000 wa? re? ported in the hunds of depositors on the of June, 1871 ; tbe balance was expended for preparing store? for the sale, fitting them up, ?fee. In reply to a question by the Chairman ss to the dis? crepancies between tho account? of Mr. Ward and the Treasury Department, Bccretary Beiknap ?aid ho was aware of none. The close of the fiscal year of the War Department was the same as that of the Treasury De? partment, namely, the 30th of June. As to the Treasury l>ook showing the amount? received for the arms, Mr. Belknnp explained that iu almost every case payment was made by cash checks. Margins varying from S to 20 per cent are observed on large transaction? to secure the United state.?, and .tbe cheek? are carried a? quickly as possible and paid Into the hands ot the Government agents. The full amounts are received by the agents, I principally in New-York and prior to the delivery of any arms to the purchaners. The depositing oflk-or re? ceives from the United State? Assistant Tn a?urcr a cer? tificate of il"isi-it. Tho money is turned over from time to time, and drawn against the Assistant Treasurer In favor of tbe Treasury; the certificates are examined through the Secretary of War, to be covered iuto tho Treasury to tho credit of the receiving ofllccr. Iu answer to a question a? to what time the Secretary of the Treasury closed up his annual report, and whether it is not the 30th of June, Gen. Beiknap could not answer positively, but presumed so. In the War DcpartuieTit the rule is to make up the report of the Secretary to the eud of tho fiscal ye-.r ; but the Secretary Is not required to have his report ready until the 20th of November. Ho nlmed to Inform Congres? of what occurred between the lBt of July and the 30th of November. Although t?, hni cally the report Is made up to the 30fb of June, tho Infor? mation contained therein is lieyoud that date. The Chairman having asked whether any of the par tie? iflstfaaM in executlvo document No. 8J n? pur? chasing arm?, during tho period named were ??rents of any foreign governments, Mr. Il-lknap responded not to hi? knowledge, and not until October did he have any such Intimation through the receipt of a telegram al rendy read to the Committee, when, a? he had already stated, he ?topped the sales to tlemiiigton. Pi tor to that time be did not know Remington was an agent of the French Government. In reply to a question, Gen. Hi iknap referred to a letter of Gen. Dyer, dated Jan. 2.1, 1872, as giving n proper cxplauitlon, namely ; At the close of th? war of the Ib-bcIlion the Ordnance DepaitmeBt found It-elf In poSBBSSlOB Bf URS quantities of cunnon, small arms, and other ordnance ?tores no lot.g.r required, and which It was to the Inter e-t of the l'-illed Milites to dlspOM Of liec.iiise either of their js-rishable character, the constant expr-nao of t!,en? care and Preservation, or their obsolete pattern?. At tir-i tin- ?aie- wen? mads by suction, bal wbseqaenfly? July- 2o, IBM Congre?! pssssd ? law glrlBg the Secretary m war authority to cause to be sold at pabilo or private s de, after due public notice, the old cannon, arms, and oilier ordnance store? which are duinag. .1 or otherwise unsuitable for United Nt.ites military SMI lus, or for tin militia of the Halted states, and to osan the net pro* i cells Of Stich --ties, after paviliif all (?roper expense.- of sale and transportation to the pince M sale, to Is? depos? ited iu the Tr. asury of the United states; and since the pa?s.i/,-e of this m t.'?rdn.inre stuns liav.? bSOQ disposed of to In at private sale, a? provided by law, ex? cept In a f1 w insiiiiici-s, whi'n sales at aa? Inui wero deemed pr.'ieraldo ami to the Interest of tho Gjvern meut. Geu. Bi-lkonp then read a d?talled statement to ?how fhe numlier ot arms at the United State? SfSSBalS at the coinmen.-emeiit of the Franco-Prussian War was 1,131,1???, 'lu- miuii?er of serviceable arm? at thu close of the war aasMSJM. question by the Chairman?state to the Committee if an\ arms suitable for military si-ci.e were soldi Answer?No, Sir; we were gettiii?; rid of unsuitable arms in outer to adopt better ones. Almut l.ono new anas by way of experiment have been placed In the bands of the army superior to those previously mads. Hen. Belkaaa luiviug been a?ked by Mr. Acker as to who Judges of the fltnos? of arm? for public service, re* K bed tbiit tbe duties ?.f tt.e Chief ot Ordnance ur? <!<? n.-d by law. Ho has. with tbe ?upcrvitdon and direc? tion of the !*o,ietaiv of War, diiet tlon of all tuatters eo'inected with oi'dn.iiici and ordnance stores; but Geu. ' Dyer, in a mall? r if this kiud, consults w|ih the Beere* ' tii-ynf War, who givis his Oplid?u a-i 1<J wht-tW lie rhall sell or not. 1 '.. ... Tlelk.'iap also presented to the Committee a copy of his letter, already published, addressed to the Seers tar, of State, iu reply to one from the latter denying tho allegations in record to the purchase of arm? mid,, by K'-mington to the President of the Couiuiis?iou of Arma m. ni at Tour?. G.-n. B.-lkiiap, In response to a question wbethrr some of the arms could not lm\e been -old without furnishing ammunition, -aid the ammunition was made to effect the sale of tbe arms. As far as his knowledge went, it wa? always ooasldered proferto manufacture ammunition t?> effect sale?? to private parti.? : and he further replied, in answer Is a naestloa, thai the Marquis de t'haiubrun came to him with a note from M. Bellouet. French Charge d'Affaires, requesting him to repair to the War Department, to make the liivestication needed by do French Government ? and In response to another ques? tion he said he had seen it stated that officer* of the Gov? ernment were i'iti'i? -ti-.i iu the ?ale of arm?. Tin- interrogatory was put, Do you know of your own knowledge that any Government officers are Inter e-t? .1 m th?- sales of arms, directly or otherwise I Aaswar?1 do not- A very stroug statement or intima? tion In connection with thi? matter was made to mi- by Msrquls de chambran, Jan. 20, last. I asked him to Baami the persons, and then we went togitbertomy private room, when I again asked him to name auch p r sons,'or make a ?tateuient over his ?Iguature, or auy statement by which I could convict of fraud anjr one of these otti.eis or ofhci iktsou? connected with the G?>v raniment. He did not do so. I kept ? memorandum of the statement that he did make to me, but It contains uothlng fr-uii which I can obtain Information relative to any oflicei of the Government. I begged him to give me specific iiiiormatlon, but be had none. Our conversation vent further hut I got nothing bearing on tbe point, The Chairman Mid he had invited Senator Sunincr to ap|H-?r and to give any fact? he might have to offer, but he liad not come forward. In order further to arrange for the examination, and to obtain official ?tatemei.ts, which the Secretary indicated his readme?? to fuim-h, being desirous that the investigation should be thorough, tbe Committee adjourned until next Tuesday week. 81TRIT OF THE GERMAN PRESS. A THOROUGH INVESTIGATION NECK8SAKT. ?ros* The .Yen-- Yorker Journal of feo. li. Tlie Senate debate upon the Fnuch arms question still continue?. The longer it hist?, the ?ion urgent are tlie reason? why the proposed lnve-iKation should tie made, and made as thoroughly as possible. Thoeoaatrj IssathsSVS of a Presidential cuiapaign, and those othnr. v.-ho ts'iran and carried out that trans? action demand from the people a continuance of their function?, which would be eailvaleut to approval of their i ourse of conduct and an authorization to act in the same wav In a similar case. Is It, then, not advisable, out of consideration for tne public welfare, to make the most exhaustive research In regard to this ?ubj.-et, and publish the r<?ii!f, and In this way to place the public In a condition t:. judge whether or not the authorities have abused the confidence reposed in them 1 TUT PEOPLE 8UHPICIOU8 OF THE MOTIVES OF THE OPPONENT? OK AN INVESTIGATION. ??m Hu .Viv ? i'? Irr Dnulr? (RejU.Mi.orA) u/ #'<*. 29. The debut? on the ariuc traunaction, which ?m continued on Tuesday, appears to have entered upou a n.w p" ..-?? which leave? to the defender?of the Admin? istr?t l?n through thick ami thin no course but to vote ??.?inst **u_uuer's resolution?pn?amble aud all?that is, ?A-Minst eviry Investigation of the ease. Unmistakable ?ii-m> of this were given in Tue?day's session. Senator Wright of Iowa declared thi?,asserting that be ws? neither i, liai.. i.,l, an Adiuliiistiatioii man nor an trstionrnau, but ?imply a h*?publieau, that be would vote ?g_lii?t the entire resolution, because he?before an in v .?tlgat lou has taken place?Is convinced that not the lost occasion for it exist?. He further said that it has been proved beyond all doubt that not the bait suspicion upon tbe ofheera of tbe nation. ? ? s x_e more trouble the friends of the Administration take to ?tienes entirely the noise that ha? been made, so much more susplciou. will their meuves appear, and so much Blurewlflths people Im- com lined that som.rthlug He? concealed. TULEGRAPHIC NOTES. ...The Si. Louis Uns Company have reduced the fr <?? st , m f-ntr. t)i :a tji 75 par l.Otai ter:. _The extension of tbe fortilkution? of Metz sud Cu ??burg baa te?. Ir-rraa.1 br ti. ?errais . ?...Ali arrival in l/indon, fiom Mi.iunv ia, report? till Hi? *i I're.. 1? Bi nf tarn B.titil.'.Ae, wao ?.a imai,a<_rsl l.r ui.lpr.s t.,c, L ?.. aSMfSS froai. .-iu?l>. _The Anchor Line steamer Sidotiian, fr.?m the nasal fur Be*-Tail l.a. . ji ui:u ll.lif.i uf '..a!. ba?.l.-? ?lp??T*''t..?'ll b-.?_. ?i. . er 'u.ii.g the rat re pa _Tin* 1-1.1 suit nf Spencer Ball against The St. ? l<*r #i'i.i>?'. o i, a. ul ue publK-ailoa ?.f a aol'.r-* II-c a?e MM *il ? .'lar. Us" ?eMkl t-aiag oaf ? ?I -un.?**. lor '.?. ,-tiiiilif. ....The thinl trial of Jo.i.ih Ward at ('anulen, N. S f?TtB? warier nt Jain Wntri .1 Olaaaf ? r l*tt-. .??-?I two -wara ?lo. lrralLale.1 ?le ni ? l,v ? ,rr,,rt s(ari|i?.iat aruW drei lin-j af tke I itirt Tie. Jut, ?Une! a la, 1B fur M e-iti.' saw ?a? fui ?'? iK.ruoB. ?Tin* Ini.uv Galleas Co. |Miiati??n of I lut ford ?ol**?, ?alar a?, n. t in'?-" th? Cslli|S i." f-i **'?'? Mo?., fioaiid. f..r ??JCulii. Wt-W? i , Na i. <". II?. T..U* an a t a, ...I ?.iJe ' > '.? .he I',,?, ?t,-. il.a i? ant ?.??>aat?".*>.l as eloiiB? la. B?<0 I'.'.MM ....The Nation?'. Toultiv Show in St. Louis cloaed !?,(....- . . . .... . ,., .... ? - I ? ?? (aaatjd *.. Pi urlileB ? , i-. i M ?. I -? . ? II '. ': N-i! A l'a. } C : . . u , la.'Ol s }. ? Mo-a.-iu. s,, I , ?? I.? ? B lle.lua ?.' II i ...*?.' i ' FOREIGN NEWS. AN ATTACK ON QUEEN VI( TOKIA. A M4N PBBiaaU AN KMPTr MM?.I ?.NO ?IK MAND-s PABDoa roa rut ii.M\v,-i.xcjfK ?tlCNT IN LoMKiN, Ixirtnow, Trniraday, Feb. n, |rrl A report thin aftertmon that an ha?t txen made on the Ufe of the Queen ?rente..! Ir tent?e?, nient In thl? city. Extra? of the evet,|?K ,.,,>..?. temmh? lu rapl.I ?ticcesHlon, as the conltr maton det .11? N-cat...? known, and up t.. midnight crowds w.-.-e aaOaaaal In ti... streets discussing the news and awaiting fm-ther twit leu lars. AnofflcUl ?Uteroent of the fu?t? wa? prouiptly made In Parliament evening, which, when It became known outside, greatly relt.-ved the _ail.l ? ni.x? ty. While the House of Lord? was in '.'..inuri!'<e,dl?eo?slng the Ecclesiastical bill, i/rrd Grnnvllie enured, and *..ld bo hoped their lordship? wouM excuse the ,?i.l?ten inter ruption of prooe? ?ling?, but he had an ann...tneeweai to make which It wa? desirable should be ??da without delay. He then proceeded to state that at ty this evening the Queen, returning from a drive, had reached Buckingham Palace. As her carriage itopped at the gate, a young man ran to the side of the vehicle, and presented a prstol within a foot of tho Q?ioen'? head. Tlie Queen bent In r head down to avoid the ?hot, but the pistol did not ex plodo. Tho man, in one hand, held paper? granting a release to tbe Fenian prisoner*, which he shouted to the Queen to sign, threaten Ing ber at the same time with the platol He was Instantly seized by the attendants, sr.d pre? vented from doing further barm. It was then found that tho pistol was unloaded, and that It waa of such prlnd tlve construction that If it hud been loaded It probably could not have been di?.-h:irged. Her MaJ.s.fv wa? very calm, and ?bowed the courage which she ha? oft. u before exhibited. She had dire.-ted that a statement ?if fie a_ cumsfAirces be lrnmedlitoly BBBie In ti?th Boaaea of Par? liament, in order to prevent exaggerated rnrnori. I?rd (?ranvillo said he would not dwell on rhe details, nor point to the contrast between the daataf '!>? a?'t an?t Tuesday "a extraordinary exhibition of tl.o nation'* loyalty. The DakI of Buckingham briefly e?:pr> -e.l th? thank? fulness of the House at the escape of Her MaJ< ?ty fiooi danger. Mr. Gladstone made a statement in lb?- Ilour-e of Com? mons similar to that of I?rd (iraiavilie. The would-be assasA'.n was tuk?>n to the neare??t police station. Us gives his name as O'Connor, and i* about 1? or 20 years of age. His behavior In the station w.-i? wild and his language Incoherent. He boasted th it he tried to reach the Queen on Tuesday dining the proceaudon. Th pressure of the Immense mass of |?ople wbo.ol lected to view the Koyal prooestlon on Tins lay last, ami the full of two stands whereon people had congregare?! to view the rfe_oa.strrtti?n, were attended with much more calamitous results than at first supposed. It Is r ow learned that five persona were kille?! aud jo injured The wounded were conveyed to various hospitals lu the city and properly atteuJcd to. FRANCE. IUIT??M ("?F T!IK BAPPF.I.?ANOTHER RB PoRT COM KUMN.i Til i I'iil-;:. l'A it H.Thursday, I ?'? -b. W.?ITX The Rappel (aawapapcrX tho pahUeat?an o? which wa? ?uspended some time ago, has ?..tin ap pcirrcd. Ir Is reported that I'n>sldent Tltl? rs has ngaln offered th?' I'ojte the hospitality of France, and that Ati?trla hat tendered His Holiness .Salzburg Castle for a re Menee. Tlie Commiitee on Capitulations of the X .Honal As? sembly Is still engaged examining Into the fact? con? nected with tbe surrender of the fortifl. at.out of M? ta by Marshal Bazalue during the late war with Herman r. A delegation from the Muul.lpal Council of Mets ha? arrived in Pari? cu route to Versailles, where they intend to testify against the Marshal. The ("oiirnitr .- wtll bear the testimony of the delegation on the lib of March. The Assembly ho? reaoived to ?djourn o the joth of March. The Count de Chaniisjrd has left Dat?SM?I for Ure.lii. _ ITALY. ARMT r.XPF.N'sr.-s?C.EN. GARIBALDI ANI> Till! INTERNATIONALE. ?MB, Thursday, Feb. it, im. Gen. Magiiani. th?? Minister ot War, has re? quested the chamber of Deputies to vote an appropria? tion of U.OOO.OuO lire to enable him to provide for i ha aaapat traiulngof the army and for the erection of build in .-* for the aei otnniodaft.iii of the troop?. lien. Garibahli publishes a deidal of the report that ha la connected with the International Society. CUBA. LANDING OF THE GRAND DCKF. ALKXT?. Havana, Feb. 29.?The Grand Duke Alexia ?nd ?ulte lande?! here, yesterdav afternoon, an?t were r?v c.-tve.l by Captain-General Valmascla, the Aldermen, and other prominent military and civil gentlemen. Tbe ?tivet? through which the procesi?n passed were dta-o ratedwith banners, and the sidewalks were lined with thousands of spectators. Captain-General Va'.maseda. tho H? guiiilo Cairo, tin- Governor of Havana, and the Kuasi?i Consul dined with the Prince, last evening, and na?to Uiimi-r was given at the to-?lay. The offlcial report of the oi?erations of the ?panl?h force? for tbe last fortnlicht mm? up the lonwson i? th shle? during that p.nod a? follow? : The number of Cubans kill. .1, IM I prlsoie rs ?.ikon, M ; iiersoii? tur rendered, gou; uumbcr of Spau?urd? billed, M; wounded, ?v. __ THE NEW DOMINION. OPENING OF THK NKW-RRINSYVICK I.KGlel.ATUBB. Frkdekicton, Feb. 20. ? The Lagt?M?*t opened t?i-day with the uaual formalities. The Gover? nor, in a speech, congratulated the meinI era on tbe In? creasing prosperity of the Province. H* alluded to the successful working of the new School act, arid he I?d ?i i ing?nient? hau Mien made to curourage Immigration, and also that provision? were made for the rrceptioa of immigrant?. In speaking of tbe mineral wealth of the Province, he said that the Government would propose measure? for developing and encouraging thut branch of Industry. l?vr torete*, Mail Krtrarlton AWoma ?'?..(m ta .?.'? xairf P?tyt. NEW JERSEY METHODIST CONFERENCE. Trenton, N. J., Feh. 2?.?The M. thotliat Con? ference reassembled this morning. The Edueatlooal Report wa? read, showing an expendliu., of il,o? 50, ?nd a balance of tlOT 41. The Bishop remarked that laborers were wanted in Atizona. The n-port?. from the Effective Eldera were made, and the character? of the preachers examined and pawed- Tue R?'v. J. H. Hel?t<-r, the Rev. John Stockton, and the Rev. Dr. Kynett repre sented the Church Extension Society in a v?ry Infer e-tiiiir statement. The treasury had been overdrawn tft.OOO, and yet then- are 80 or ?Ml applis'ani?. Ame? mude ?orne atlrriug reuuirk? on the missionary work and pioneer character of Methodism. The Annual Report of the New-York Uo"k i ?.ii.Hiru waa made. Tin? report? of the clalui? of wora-oir pr.Hche.s were made, aud the moneys for thl? fund wci? ps'd In. A long communication waa r? ?d in re'atton to tbe Vtnelaud Seminary, from the people of VI teUud, com? plaining that the Methodist people had not done w!i.?t they ought for this institution. They have given _ ?en a of ground and |il,0oo, while they claim that MM M?'tb?. dlsts have glveu but 13.000. In all the districts the Church ha? had great sin. <-.->?. The year has lusxru oik of apecUl iuteicst. CATTLE STEALING ON THE TEXAS FRONTIER. Bbownsville, Texas, Feb. 2R.?Cattle at?Mtl lng by armed band? ot Mexicans ha* beeat r u.-w.d to sueb an extent that a meeting ot sttx k-ruiser? baa been convened to memorialize Congre?? for t>roteet..?n. ? -apt. Mlffllu Kennedy, tbe largest ?tock breeder in IVxas, ?re .l.led. Tlie most influential men of the frouller \?ni.i pined, and they are determined to place the fact? before th.- Govei-meut ao strongly eiinported by evidence aa to lusuie action. After apivointlng a Committee to pre? pare a memorial, the meeting wa? a?1Journed until Tuee day. _ CHANGE OK RAII_t/)AD MANAGKMKNT. Denveb, Col., Fth. 29.?An iniportnut ?hitng*? In railroad mamigemcni took place here yesterday, the H<-over ?tockholders of the Denver Paeid? Railro^l hiivlns; transferi'ed their entire lBt>re?t to tlm Kauaavs riiflHiinlinv HI- believed that this move will ??* o-l^rt-?-rarrlly dl"?dva?nf itreou? to the t.'n.on Pa^.n. AnpirTv^lt will b__a "io sp-sdy .-omp.etioM of a _ n-hroiidto Denier H?'in Jule.burg, i?r ???im? otuer ,'u on !.e Colon Pacinc H??ad, which will give the .lonl'oitl. Company a v.-rv considerable ?.ivatitu??? distance o\ I r I he K..i.?a? Pa-Ma. mn KXTKNslVE PIKE. Ifg-at-aatj Teun., Feh. 29.?On Mondaj even? Ing a H "' broke out In the ?fore or Hliuiwou A II in, at Cut lam? station, ou the Mi-#i?sippi aaAlaaaaaaec i_iiro?.i, in-It-.lyiu.| the building and entire coi.teuts. 1 i.biding t i<?) in eiirreney. Tlie Baiiie? ?preifl to the ?ture ?>f M ?.. II.ill A Co., which w*? alao deatmyed ; Wmawt ?a Chapman's ?tor.? aa? also da m s oil. Th.- entire U>a? t? ,.-.iii..'i.-.l at ?'?.woo; .named in Memphi? BBMBMBBI BBB1 punie? for lll.iWO. P