Newspaper Page Text
mx V*** VW!.TV?.Uli.. NEW-YORK. SATURDAY, MARCH 2. 1872. PRICE FOt'R CENTS. FOUEK.N NEWS. THE st'fcA.'LT <'N QI?EEM V!( TORI I? hBBAll.KafKMT OF <?'< <?NNoi:? ins SBTEl I !>l BTI \ CBABT SCIIBbH im: I'AHlx'MNi. 11 glAKS?EBTHVBIASTU l??tll.Ah HFi I l'l 1?>N 01 ruB s," i ?s I.nNlaiv. Friday, M.ii, h 1. im Tin BstaBwal? upon Quitn Victoria, yeMci.l.iv, , , i, ? t i-tl.e tin in of iiiii\( i-ai i oii.ini n1 and i en ..tion la the morning Journale, Tiny dnwaceon ?Hai :?.??ii between ta? act of thi? obi InttlTtdnal sad the m u i n-e .i? n v'l-t'.iiioT. of royalt? made by the entire ,M i.p? of i/.i,'i"ii. aa well as other demon-mitton.? ti.ti.iik'i,?.i < the t alti d Klpgdean, em Ttatjetsav in-t. pi,?,.,- SB SaO it..,, I? moi, li,r M.ii? ?Ht. O'Connor , : .ig. ten fi 11 m bikrlit.wbit h iBBTonnds H \.nd of Hm klitk'tiHln Palace. When he a|i I , ,1 tin? earriage of the ?piteen, he lii-t -aw Lady B-WalUatY, Who WM ruling with Her I traa about to aseanlt lur. t?ut beeooa ??* d his iiu-take, and turned apon tin t/mn., li.t Majesty's pTocssk,?loha Brown, who was riding i^iutid h?r rarrlaie, upon wttaesatng the mtion of . aor, leaped from bio awtree, sad arrested nnd die ?It,,, ( ?'( .tmoi V tM?ll?e bSO been thnr .,at,lied bjf ,1,1. , lue?, nut ootblng whatever ?a - ? .i... to iiTiiuiiiite an> COJM ?itlihiui. I ,1 ol the Cj leen WBS brought bS , I .. M.ikii-tr.ite.- at How-l .al i ??on. l.-dav. . , ,. n,. louit loom and all He approach? - v.i n ,:..-.', crowded. The i-n-mei preneutedaverj ? and not nnplraslng un?aran, e, nnd. i??-d. ?inn t aad aaaasna lag Is maim? r. Be made so attempt ,, brat - ? ? I nmetly to the t?-tiiinmy. with? out seeking to Interrupt or ttBaSiBdlii the Mine?.?.-. Oa :,i, rrogated l.-v the magi-irate. SB Muted thnt hll *aa Arlhur (iCi.tioi. that he wa.- Iiorniiil'.n (iaaaa luit that hie father WSS B BRtlVt "f Ireland. It um? -uii-a^iieiiliy ill, itod that hlN gialiiit'.ithei wn u? BTela-saowa Fe?wgns O'Ceaaot, one oi ilteteaderaol uoMinellt. John Browa, Bei Ma.,?-?>'? .mom. Col. naidlnge, _-.,|u, ii> to the Queen.aad Piinec Leo|?old. te?tlfled to ti.? tii i of thi asaault, of which tbej ?ren eye? Witaeaaca. Iheht Maternent? do not d tii t m.'' Ju'ii. the ?,i-founts already toiasnpbi ?t. e-? of thepoiieemeii latowboet ? ostodj 0 I onnoi was ., .vt'.'d. ?wore thnt the prisoner oald tbe reason he I...,i ' it'H'li ,1 the jn-tol was because it wa-broken; thai I? lOBw-allldlj ? X, laiuu.l. " I Wleh to 0*d I had r-uc i : that he avowed he had intend,?! to pitOtnt the ta Utlosj for a Feuian a nu.est.?, to the Queen in Bt Paul's Ciitu? dral, os Tnredaj. when -he wse lairounded bj her Minister?; lhat he then had asa sad lab ready for her i. ? . it:.? doiuuuiit; that he tvoui'i have made tbe at teatpt, tint the crowd wse so great lhat h* eotiiii ra? get ?nil r 1 ?ii pupers. found on the prisoner ?lan In wa-m red, w.ii produced lo Court aad One,pardoi tin i ? atoa evuM, t-, i- in subatam ?? a? follows : I. Vu tot in. tJi, ( n, by l'i.iii ol (.oil make tbe following ?tlon : n/,?'??a?. There are now rontliud iu tarions prisons throughout the Kingdom a number of Iri-htuin known ?tat? 1 Ft Ulan- ; RAercas, They were Imprisoned witii my sanction, I. .?. lag rt belled and eoii-j?ired agelntl tin ( rown and to weaken atol destroy my povrei . ?, -?. Bj uip.iihi/ers with three men haw petitioned foi I be li pardon, and, Dotwltbotandiug, thev are mi ill un? is ated; now I. victoria, Queen, dkc-, do gruut full i to eaeb and every Knuiiu prisoner aniNMidition id, notwithstanding this my agreement la made ?tr of my lite, I will not depart llieietiom 'I hi-i? dated Feb. '.'J, ISTS, The otber iloeiiment n? a ? ,.'.i ii.utat.on in ?ii van. ?? ,,i tin- pitalahBtfnt of the pris ??ui-! far his pre.-.-ni net frota haaglBg lo ahooting, and i? .i..', i Fei?. it. At the conclu-ion of tin i laaalnatlen the p> i-o ? ?i n i ...;ti | f..i tr a] at Ha A--._. e, aad taken hath to )al, in ,i,r a -trout.' eeeoi I. It hi evidi nt that tat pa] i ?- for.nd on lb< pi torn i are 1,1? o? i wo.-fe. und the Impresadon of ail who beard them read .- Ihsl t?, | are the pawotael oi ;? derm ?-i d miad, Tke Queen left Btiekiiik'h.nii I'iil.i? e, Bo day, ft? Wind SOW i a*!.i Oa ha? arrival at WiiiiImii ehe war met by ;l.< entire ik,i,ii1hiioi, of the I'lace. with the warmest) ileuionstraiioii- "t ktyaltj aad air? i MW Kl.LANKOIs KNGI.lSH >LW<. ?AUt Two lUNintiii iKl;-nv- in i, DURING 1III IHANK-'.IVIM? PK(KK-M(iN?.MOVI - - dl Hll ROI M 1 \M11.Y. LORBOB. Fridiij , Man h 1. \W.l. , . i?'i??? t Rives tin- number ot t;i-jaltitr ,.-t. ,iui,i,i: tlif Thai .?glTtng _wiiioi,-;r,.iion, at BB),only tw,. of wblcb, ii -ats, r? assHed :ntaii> The mont ol t im injuries consisted ol broken ? ,-e and rlba, dlatocatloiis >?i othei liai H. r Majesty'! pro]>oeedrlali to Oermanj ?m i,? of twotteeRs duration. It I?now stated that tin i' mil f. t" the -'Ulli o? Frailee, iii-letid ol to the Itattaa lakee. A ?peclal dispatch fron Paris says i?' it ? i|s-, b m that city on Baaday n? it, en rtutc Thf ({linn has written a h tter to Piiinc Mmi-'er (.'ad. -.ititikt -in la aiiN.on- to ezpreeo publicly her own tl mm- d. ? i? -en-? ol tin i'i-ct-ptioii thai t-he and Ler dear children met on Tneclay from unl?oiit? of her ?uLjeits; word? me too waah to eeat/ej i,o?a ooealyohe wast.iu.'h.d aadgrstlBed by the iimhih-. eatoa_aaaai and affection ?STall, from baf^Matto laweot; -he return?? her beartfi-lt thank-1<< the whale satkia, and di that ?he heiatlf and Uli the iiiemhn- of bet tamily will etti aHectiOLstti.v n lut tnl.i r the I'av ol Thank-giving. a i . ? tobt luid )n Byde Park on bud. ?Jay li j toll -t agaYBrl the i'.irk- Btrgulalloil M I. TERRIBLE ACCIDE2VI l( i Mi I s I LK-uV- Kill in BT TBK FALL Ol I J'W II.I.IM.-ilul -!.. FSABBBOBT, Friday, March 1, |?:v. A r-Luckiitiz aicidint occniretl in this city Un? iiieiniiik' A Inaiding, in which a ? of porOOtM r.?..;. d. f<?ll, Liiniiikr the mm ,ti - in the ruin?, l'ourocii ?lead bodies have tin e fsj] ne. n tn lien from the nina, .i?.'. i,.m at n,.,, ;,,, ytttmgngti u. searching f?,l th? hniin. of Mb, r \ It tl??e. 1 KAJSCE. i'Ahlp, Fridaj, Mai, I, 1. |g]. HIE OBU an- PB1M4 E- ifl ?.ii.RMi T-i i in iu KiR Ukfl lo-IIIov?. IN THE ARMY AND NAVY. Hi l'iiii..- tit- Jiiuivillt? ha.? ln?tu itiiiistated in hi? rai.k u- Admiral in the navy, and the Duke d'Au maie m hisimiltaiy rank at- fHiaisal The CbntdBlttoe of IL? A?w mi.?> laM reonrted m favor of the lc-teiation of _bbbW .noi-ert?, tollo Omul,.- ]irin?-es ??m ij.Ui?,irault threaten- to resign hi? office a? Oov ?nnrnf P-ala awtwoaa thi ?aaasol awwaaas?M has been pi-riMutu to reaojfjtar. MA IN. UCaaawABiaO lili AHMT. Madrid. Friday, March 1, is;.. A i... n Baa beui i-Minl lor the ioruiatioti ?fe? I .'?.mil .a. hattai.oiis ot lntaiilrt. CUBA. SI'MUM- OP (.KANIl Lt'KF ALEXIS?HI W Alii' OIllltEI? Hilt it (?1TIVE fLAVl-. Ha\a.m. Murch 1.?The Grand Duke Alexia ''?the unfinished Vento water-works to-day. He * ??a 'm hoard thi fleet to -morrow to t -elehrate the ;oi ?? ??r?*i| of his father's ?cceselou to the throne of Kiis ?SlB nut. religious ?ervice? will be held on board the '**?*?hip it wbicb H ?oltinn It Drum will be sung. In lb neijlug a dinner will 1er- given to t'aptuin-t.cueral Valu,.m da and about ?O others Abe iouina's publiai! tbe follow itiir decree, l.-ued by '?pUiij <ien?.rnl Valnvaat-du, and dated hi r-aiitiago de '* ubfc Feb. 1 : " A white mai.- or feu-ale. or a kree colored njnl. m U i???i?. ?bo will U'lug in ks free ,,i -lave i,e?. nc no. ?okiuiiug in the i_wiiii!tan,>v to beadtjuaiton. will retjelvs .., full i'i.rdou audgeou rewaid. a atalo nr fnmalc negro )i,?ir*bii will iiiinx in ?/', aegroee frcajn ibi Lasurree I..-?..IV gllstricl? will r.ceiv?. Ine frei ?Rea, if briiigiag in a BBSbhei with armo, t.t will he i>ild for each BSgag so brought. 1 ' ubable to l ?nu g In the n-iiuued n um bei *Lo bling in -?ilAie. B >n. . rid the ?Uli* of fix :t ni il, is ?a ill Im (?ion into la Um ?aattei of r_?r-aapeaae t? .?..-ii ti?. .j??- eaptored aad ? leeuted near fanro I utiar. ador", the Ctibali (Jpl dntixto I'n dr.i and ' ?pi aan_to_lao i i A ' , . \ y ?. , ? ' - H.l.Ll?..\ NOTE? Dl llUMIlJf (liaDciiglli (.?ll.liilllli U, p'llC b'Sadht?!. L to.. hej.iilJii ,t, l'.,.i 'i, ed I ?> PBt Huioajia?, lavt?. ? t..j rsrs Jai? At,-To my ? fi . ods and brothers In arnii ol the Romairn i : TV qae? t , i, I , ft,,"i Ma, /till .,ii(I tn\-el t I'i Ion.? to tu ?toi y. On ) win n T In? t calm -I wln'h i I call' d I lie |ie.,|,|, s?mil be wear) ol Ita burden ami Ludgellnga, be, 1, ami ,.,a friends will be all atoiurpoata. i.ahihai li." Anaong the d_a4lngTa__bod nun who were I'l.-M ni hi Hie (uncial I lie- of M. i mill w. re M. l;,,,il,. r. tin Duke lie t.r.iiiiini'iii, ?f. Magne, M. Val? -it.-, m. k,t radr, Ueu. Flenry, M. la oueironnlere. M, Cletaenl Inivi tii"i~. M. Ncliitoti. M. Sal It?:<"?. M l'iii.iril. tonnt Hen, -,1,'lti, M. Allinilft. lllltl H. ? 'ainliai el c?. Stun, of the rithi-t MPPOT and silver mines in fli-le. tlie proper! > ? "I tin- late Mr. !-;imp?on Water?, have lately changed hands, lliroutrh the agency of B Uuadoii ttrm. Tbey wen the whole of the Ban Pedro and parts i Hi Descubridora eopper minea, and snares of (heJuana and Colorado silver Balnea, with valuable ??.I realized upward er ???0,000. The Fnakfoai correapondent of Wir London Btaniar?, writun-on tin- Ulli nit., >. a] ? that the " Ala iiaio.t ilillii ni t y has ciu-cil a gayad di ?il of excitement at Vienna, whit h >? fa-ily understooi!. a? it would lie ?in ),,i??il.ii to cunt ?nee an Austrian that Ru?-ia would not take advantage of Englaud having her banda engaged. t., pi, sa in i ' 11 in- "ii the Danube, if not to force s direct ntiarri'l (tn Austria. At it recent ?otr?e al Iba Italian ?uibassv. Mr. Ja]. the Am,m, an Minlatei, is reported to bave said t bal the klabama queatlon wMnot merely a matter of asone] that it wn? a matter "i a rerjr innre, imiiiiiiit of money, Jonathan, u- well m Jehu Boll, being a veiy ihn wd hand at tunning ui1 ?ii account." In th?' vote in tli?* HOQM of Lords on Km11 BtaTaBhOpe'l icsolution OBBA?ari_g the liliol tone Ministry for Its coniliict on the Collier affair, sir. hisiinpssiipporlfd the r.'"veitinicut, a,i?.; Chester, ( hit lnsur, Durham, London, Blpon, sini Whacheater. Two pnlatMvoted with the Opposition?the Bishops of Llchllt Id and It... In -t, r. Of the law Linie, the Lord Chancellor and Lords O'Hagan and Romilly were in the majority; Lords t aims and Weatlurry were in the minoriti ; wblle Lords Cbeluisfonl, Pen sanee, and Bt, Lrtsnaf-S t".'k IM pu! in the division, The Duke of -hum ?it. Viscount Oaslngton (the late Bpnakrt ol the House of Commons), and Lord Blachford (better known .,? mi )'. Rogers),voted with the Government; while Lord Bandhural paired in it-< favor. Karl Ore? -ap? port?- the vote of censure, imt the only other Liberal pi 11 m tin ?nine lobby, beside Lord Wi itonry, was Lord Vivian, l?irl De La warr, the mover of the AddrcM to the i r,?w n 011 the t'.th tilt., and his brother. Isml Buck hurst, wi re in opposite lobblea. >,. also were the Karl of Wilt.m and hi- briither. Lord Ebury. The Mai qui.? of Westminster paired for the Government. The Arch? bishop "( York did ti"t vote, while the Archbishop of rbury paired niramst Earl Stanhope's revolution. Tlie nilliibcrs, M cure, ted. ?how that M peers. VOted w ith the .Ministry and s7 againal iheut. After being detained In piiaon _earlj a year, ?nid iiiiil?-r?-oitiK u tedious tiiul, Blaiiqul hau becB convicted and Mnunced to iMprieoamenl In affortreM by a l'an? . inirt-iiiatlial for eouiiillcity in the revolt of t> I. Hl, 1-711. Thi- veti ran conspirator was born at the t.-nr Of the Alps, and ?\as a inoiiiita?iocr in his j outh. At an early ap- he went to l'r.i?s and diaVt_Bgnia_ed htmeelf in Latin, hletory, ami geognphy at the Ooll ge of Charle uisjr?e. \tt?r remaining usa tutor fora towple of yeara ii.u TOBaOBM, Blanqui went to Palis in the ycat 1-...., where hla troubles, toon commenced. One of the moat remarkable conspiracies In which be wu Implicated was thai of tin " seasoni," In IB?. I.mli group ol eoaapira t,.i? w.- subdivided Into year?, months, and weeks, and the null wie days, 1 he poll, e w.-ie quiteoutaitted) and H'ainiui and hii friends,taking advantage of a ministerial crisis, hurst suddenly on Parti .nut seized on ti.e Hotel de Ville and other public haUdinffi Bal forth, energj ol e Lient. Itsseraudand Borne old soldiers, there Ii no knowing; where the ?mute would have stopped. While in Paris Bunqul married a woman tci v, bom be >h devotedly attacha-, In fat I the attachment wus mutual; but Minnie. Blanqnl boon died of a broken heart on heating that bei busband had been condemned to perpetual Imprisonment. Writing a fe*r years .1^' aboul the 'bath of that excellent woman, Blanqnl said; "Compared to that crnahlna miafortune ra of captivity alt Mlightly on me m b feather. And to think that lam sometimes treated like a wild i? i-t win. ha? tumbled Into a pit ? But thronerb all \ lets blinde? 1 have r. niaiiied lace to lace ni^ht and ilat with tin shadow o i bei who Is no more." COMMERCIAL TREATS WITH CVBA. I ? MkBkj , o, Marta I, The following extract of a letter /'rom Mr. Bryant, dated Havana, Feb. _?, will be read with deep inten st ; " About to set will for Vorn (Tur, on the Mexican count. I ait down to write what may Inttreat your readers as news of no little ?DPOrt-aaee. 1 dined ic?t,nlav in .i pauvwitb sever?) gentJeBH_ wlm Ii"ld important post* ' In the Government ol the island, and amona* them was I t he Intendente of tbe Hacienda, an offlce which, In the ! ?tdiniiiistrinioii of public afluir.? here, la ?early equiva? lent t" that Of S'lretary of the Tr. .1*111 ?> . After we , bad withdrawn from the t.inli?lor the Soaniani? do not sit MppliiK at their w 1111?be cnine to me and stud, as near a- 1 i an tecollect hi? word?; ,' Why do roU Americana c-the North aeek to make us jroui enemies 1 Whj do you. with Noiir \a-t p"s-e.--ioii?. i n\ y nu tue laland of tuba l It is rich and rertilt. but it Is oura, und agr?ai nation like yours should b> maguanimoua; a free and prosperous nation should be jealous of Ita repu? tation toi nisti' e. Bpain is anxious to eultPi ate ti i d I relations wilh the United .-tut,-, and at this moment our Minister Roberta i- at WMhlngton armed wiih lull powers to conclude a treaty ol com? me.n ti-, moal liberal and satisfactory terme.' I interrupted the intendente by a-kiun: "?With refer? ence t.. the Island ol Cubai1 'Certainly,1 wm hi? answer,'with reference to tbi laland nf Culta. '?.'? n iin- prodncta ol ponr flekls and workshop?,you w ant w bal we i m send abroad in abundance, the urtowii,? of our tropical climate. A free commerce in thi -. would be for tbe advanta_e ol botta y ou and us ; it would en? courage nod rt?vard our aKrieulture and would give ron all "t crtba that ytw deaire and substan ,;i that yon con;,i have if you annexed her to joui posse slons. Befioi Bobertsls full) empowered to arrangea treaty on tlwtbaala.' 'May] state thai tuet In n,\ lounnii r ? Von may, and you may state also, that yon had it lion' the lutendente d? la Hat'lenda, ai Havana. Boeh ? treaty would give ri?. t<. an active and profitable commerce between the two eountriea. It would lemove raatnetiona ol whicb tlie peopli beri eon. plain as a grievance, and give them a surer market and more certain returna, We -hall ?_? t rid of slavery, and I am a believer In fi?e labor. With a bettei market toi our products, the population of oui laland Will increase, lor more than half o? it, fertile lands urt-lyiiirr waste and uncultivated ? tbey have ,. \, i t. ?t the plow. With siuli a treat? to stimulate our , agriculture, these would be gradually brought und'r I i ultlvation and covered with eropaof lugoi -cane, tobaci o ; i,,i |.im apple.' si.ich waa, la mhetanoe, tin renversa I lion i hasl with the Intendente, In the courMof which be irrew eloquent, eiputlhtniK "'i'he aihantuges of such a ireiitt to both countries, and repeating several times with emphasis that the-pank?- Minlatei at Washington i a? lui, authority 10 conclude it." <K\ TM.EOflAPH TO THE TRIP! NR. | WAffJUaOtOM, KridiV, Man h 1, l*7j. Mi Bryaat- BMettlaa 1U The Krtniny ?'o*t ol liusufter noon lliat the liiteiiilente de la Hut -leuda at Havana tells 1, i tn that .Minieter Rolrerts is armed with full power? to conclude a treaty of connut ice on the most liberal and satisfai tory terms, for free interchange of commodities hi iwt en Cuba and tho United States, in looked upon here as one of the caLards, BOB-BBf of which have their oriffiu m Hay ana. Befior Roberts has never lut imated to Mr. Pish that he bas been intrusted with any such power?, und baa never made an.? proposition* to the ?t?te E-partaen! that would ludloat? that he had received Instructions of that nature. The Administration repudiates any inten? tion of making a Reciprocity Treaty with any nation, ?ind particularly with Spain, fornevcral reasons. Allions them are these: Wa cannot affonl to lose the revenue now derived from importations from Cubit. If we were to make such a treaty, it would be with some nation with whb h our relations are more i ordial than tiny are with fpaln, because the "most favored nation" clause, put luto allot our commercial treaties, would oblige us to extend t he same privil?ges to all?that Is, establish free trade, be . ause it Is not believed that the .-cimfe would ratify or tbe House pass the necessary legislation to carry euch treaty into effect. Tue Spanish Government Is fur more secret in its diplomatie transactions than IBB United States, and it Is not therefore to l>e supposed that the lut, m lente at Havana, who is only a sub Treasurer, would know what Instructions the Madrid Cablnel have given to Mr. Kotiert?. The whole story is probably a Spanish lie, told to tickle Mr. Bryunt's lancy lor free Had. _ NATIONAL BIREAU Off MIGRATION. Philadelphia, Ph., March 1.?The _-?e_u_g of the National Bureau of Migration was held to-nlgbt, W P.Parker presiding. Horace (?reeley, the first President Of tin Bureau, rum a consist- account ol the formation and experience of the Union Culony in Colorado; and also of the ?iliants??' of associated capital and labor accuru iip.' to the working classes of the bUM cities wlio have formed colonies lu new States and Teintoncs, Mr. Orel 1,-y'a address-waa eminently ju actual, an 1 nave evi? dence "? fitinilluiitv With the, suauestini? fator able locations in ncw-Jemey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and tbe West. Mr. J. T. i.isel, iionsb of Kanaas _uve the iblai.? Of uirri'iill lie., prices of land und livestock mid finit e-.olfare. B. R Well?followed in Illustration of the advantage ? ol tue colony as-eeiatlon. Tim next meet in?: will in held at Bort?n, t,. promote < olonintioa alout; the line of ii? Noitheru i',-?m, luiiiosd. Another ?ol b. in Id at I'harleslon |,ia?iloii|,e the Si'lllh, m Slat, - M W?JLRsLY MCIIIul.I.s'i i o.Ml.i;i:N( ? ?|,-s. liaren L?Thfl .Miiliodi?! Confer? einr- met at * o cI,m k this iijorniUk- Tin i{, r. Dr. Ham? ot S? w-Voiki*re?, ni, il tha ?'aleim nl aj t|,, M,. :or the gear. n<- Br*?ad prompt gaayaaent of eol liciioii?. ?ttiii loi.ijiiued liUralily toward law ??'?',<?{ is ,,I rtf.v Th< ?J-IUlsof " ll?l|,,, lit pic, In I ." ,,n |J|, ? ' - ' i'- i u d ,,i ??.._', and the amount ,.,. iw-d'iirf?.,-fin onlj ?as'?- "t.i.-at lu? a <i. fi< f i . ?,,, .en-?, t i,, t m ,'-i.,? i nine law was urgeo*. requiring Jnlsal.e tO pllM.'lliea ,,,M ..!, ,.J I,,.:., 'I i,. M,||,i; n. t,? that ihey have dull eompiietl alt b the law, ana are of A_l agi s ?oiie' debar, tot , , ? I'l'l ?H \ lia al.(? "< 'iill.-M i.lilill filially resulted III i! t ."'").'i. ' i hv??tii*:. f ruiaa tttfitt, A<Ouiailt4ef ipnoillti d ti ? oii'i i ? if ti the L i\ ("onfi rene, .1.1 ,1 en licit their cooperation. Times wtwwtjre on trial last year were continued; tboat who bad continued for fottr ?> in were elected 1 1er?, audth< ri was had paeacd factory examination for two yettt ?er' appointed l>i a HA HBOR PIRAT1 - nil II ARBOR-M ASTEES1 RIBO-- HOW MlltcllxNTs ARE ri.lM'l Itlti---Y.-II.MA1I. HI.?.. KMAII.. The labors of THE Tmni m: BSjaiasI the evil? that hare oapped the foamdaUeae of the aawaaaiw af n, ? York, iii.d drives so much of her trade to Batatosate nti I Ilo-ton, will not cca-e with t helenio?,,! loi thenefari oat Quarantine Hun.'. Otha>rgrate abuses ?till c.l?t and flollli-h. de?iule the excilmtis ?f the inerchants, ami 1 he Bppeakj Width Tin: TBIBBBB. has nisatedty ad ilte-,id to tho i.ovoritnr und the u gislature. Hu? h outrages tuid e\aetions as ate daily indicted on the treat r-Tli]. j.ii. ?< interests of New York by the |H irhor Mti-let-' Ring cannot BOMBS the attention of Till Titini SB, und the extortionate olil ' need not hui*? l??r silence on Its part. BsantaJ tip?,n tin -tat?n,oil--it forth in former articles on the Bubjeet, the aaty^alatara ha- ordered un iBTeotlgalloB ?.f the ?tin.-as of the II,,i bm-Master?, ?llltl the Comuntleo Will shortly convene m tins city. Invested with Ptaa) authority which gives them ?11 inemii'y cm r the einineiee of New-Yotk, tlie Harhor Master? have It la their pawar to entone the . .election ol extortionate fBSB to SB extent uiicqtialcd ptlfhapg BJ liny other set of publie otn,i.da. They have never lo-f Bight of the clause m the law which liinki - Hum flic ab? solute Judges as to whether a reeaal is lawdtag at gnhsad iixr, or whether a berth Is occupied or vacant ; audit k| frequently di-eovei,,! by the unfortunate ship cap tain whose veatel is moon i in a -Hi', that his bc?rt_i saa besa declared " empty" and sold to ?nine out-cl.-c. ll i, not seldom IhSl the loading or unlendlngol \i -sels is stopped before completed, and the ship ordered to .-i ck another jini ?it Which t?> ill,charge. The regular fee? af the Baihar Mastrro. ? stabllsbed by Matute, g?te to each au avojfagje Ln-coase ol '.'.'?*> \?r year. The test af the law Is: BtattJ Si. tule. \,1 II, 42?. Ser. 4.-"Pf llir'.ur M.r? ?'ill hier pewerioilen tul lad rreein- ft,un the eeaa i ? - .n ? ..I tl.eai. ?a ?II ah'|>? ?r vr>- i? ? ? ? w,,irh -lull ? i. I ,.,1 af Bew-Teth ?nrl bad ? dto f?.; la ?to wharl ?? ?!.?? !i..lf af aae pet east per tea, to be i ' ' an Ifl ?????? ??.?1 ti the i..-i.t,r ni . tu,?liment. ,,f ,iu 1, .ln|? rpeetirel] aad .??? in?,rr-, m?l ?I.? all ?that be ga reaaela wbleh atall ?rrn. ?t tad ruer tne a? J satt, * ? ? tlie an.oi,in af f?e. ?lio, -?i.? l.,| This v, ry icspeeta1'!,- laeoane, arlatog out of the rea? soiiahie i hiirge-, laid down by law, the Harbar-Mastert lu?'t? than quadruple by shaiucle.- I? is let/iod for Inukgjl? n.ii \ -< I \ ice-. Tlie.v Snake a pi:uti?c Of taxing ? m ry one with whom they have any dealing.-, and although ?elected from 1h? ranks of oy-teinui. and -hip-curpftit? r-. an a- anxious renanlliik.' the ?? letter of the law" aa the ("haiiei ilor of England. Bo carefully at) they bail I ]. et tlie-taint, thai IhC owners of IhS wharves and .Itk-oagh paying from NelWtoSTrStopet annuin to the i>."k ('oiiinii--ioi)er-, are prtrrented bytheaa, often for ?l i> - at a time, from hating then docks fall: aad that loa ft ? - to win? fa they arejaatly entitled. sun di-snti-tied with the ,iii'?t taxation of ?..?-?.', wlnii they n a? In.I the dock?, the Harbor Ma-ti i - ? n lered into a coinp.ict w it li terenl tow-boa1 rowipanleo lor tlie better -yMctnatifiiiL' of their extortions nnd to t-creen their exactions fresa public know li?dge. The boal linns In qiu -tioti an C. P. Itiivnmiiii. No. gsj ?oiiih -t . William Mar-hall, No 81 Soiitli-t.; I'arker A OlhbS, N". H South -i.; < h.niiiieiiaiii A Bewlett, Beat. M and |M i-oiitli -t., and Jacob Hili.vnh, No. 7'i Wi-l-l. A?e-i plained to a Tribcbb reporter by one of " Ibe ring," the gama ooiiatotatl m charging exorbttoat ratea for the towing, and aftet paying M pet eenl H a mlddle inan appointed to receive the money, turning over the remain i hi; surplus above their t. atm1.i1- ehargi - to this pe?aos fat the Barbor Masti t?' bencflt, For lata extor? tion and enrollment of the nrtli ial- Hi?--.- tlim? Wen t.. ie. it ve tha exclusive right to tow ??, --els to the docks id New-York. The eoiupin 1 \tas duly entered Into, and the pledged tbeneeltae to uphold this direct .intruse upon IS. v. York -hip nwin r?. To explain more fully : If rt raeaal 1- BOTOd trmii Martin's ?tores to 1'ier No. h, E. B?. n.< ????- ?...?, a,?.r,t? aaeul t.. Iba ?u-ticr ii lull of fioin BJB to *".u--varying according to the urgen, y with wlmh the ihip-owneri dc-iie to have their \.Is i?? rtbed. The legitimate fe.-s da not exesed US The tn.-BOat captains pay to the Harbor Masters' agent the whole-uni received, in i ii lies, the ?pi, gad thbk, inltiii the M pe? i'id v, Inch the mid.1!?-nu.n ntait.s, is paid again'?y him to the Bavitor-Maeter la person. TawblUa thae presented do not bear on their face- an) evidence ofcoUu-i.-U between the ll.irbit Ma-lcr- uni the tow? luiatiicti; yel lhc|ptooI em be readllj illtited. The pool season baa abounded la cases of extoftlea, aad tuiis have b,, ti t, ii,|,ied;for amount \ ai fing fnun ?'.?. to *ijo, for -er\ Ices worth from ?io to 180. This extortion, lie if reonemt? red, la earried oa la the fat ?? of a statute dated Apt II ?'?. IBM, whli h declares, In it- eighth set Mon. thai "no Barbor-Master ?ball take ,,i reserve, dlreetlj or Indirectly.anj monej or taea m addition t., iiio-o- pro? scribed bj law." TaMcUttee i- s dead letter, and at tin- inoineiit scarcel] a resaol arrires at "i departa (row in r berth on the Ka-t River wltboul .? uribt totas liarlo.i-Masf.-r of the district. thi .[bel-of the evils trolii whn h Hie nn i. hi.nt- and shlp-otrners seek relief are t.. be -ecu m tbe empty dock-, the deeayiag plata, las irret? bed -tt? eta nein the North and l'.:i-t Liver-, and in thi limiIu,! mI -nie de ellae of tho ahlpplag latetaata al thep.ut. Mea nata? rally objet t to loveetlag then- capital m a bualni -?win, h U to be subjected either Ibrougb mlsgovernment or on wise statutes, to the cxt'iitioii- of nnanaibered Tarn man] rttlturea _ THE -CILIVAN ( OINTY TBTJKI MYtrTERY. The Ciiriiiici's iiujiic-t in the cuse of Anna Royee, the rictta ol the rtwaal Wnit-bom, laQitaa Coaaty, M trunk m.v-tery," shows that aha was taken to New-York by Dr. Geo.F. Perry, in Deeasahet last, ior Charle- Hin den, "to ?ret rid of In r shame," Harden g.\ ima.' him Mat. Perrj took her to a " L> lug-in Hoipltal and Infant's Home," at I.ex.iigton ave aad Wflf tlBl w\H where he left her. Feb. u he received a note from a Dr. lieckwith, stating that Mi-s Boy? WM ?had, having died in puerperal coiivul-ion?. Harden went to Set York on tin-nth, gad to the ho-pital, and oa iuqnirinu hbout Mi-s Royee, was told that she died iu natural child-bill h, and had left a full-grown, liviu? I In,'I. Mar den had her remains brought home. ANOTHEP. APACHE Ma-SACRI:. San FrAM?7U00i March 1.?A ?Hspatch from Wyeket.burg, Arizona, says the Apaches attacked two trains hi twecu that place and I'leiuix, and niurdettd -ainiiel ( ulheuibi-r and Thoa. Harri?. At Mattile / Kunche they ran off the atoek and pluudcred the station af all movables. ( iilht uilu r and Hams were employes of the ?tage Company. The station is but four miles ?outh of Catnap Data Creak, when- are lasted three com. panic? of regular troop??two companies of Infantry and one of cavalry. The ranche is distant about ->.> miles from the scene af the Wyekciibtirg Stage 11111--M, re were Lorlng was killed. ?a? THE Ml'RDEH <JF IMNIEI. KHA.MEK. PlIIEADEI.PHIA, March 1.?IfataC I f 11111 III? 11, Emmanuel Aehenbach, aud Wm. Kramer, nire-led at l'ottsvillc, l'enu.. SB -u-plciou of being concerned in the murder of Haiilel Kramer, and the prohablv tatal wound? ing of his w ife, were released to-day. Joseph Brown, the alleged murderer, was commuted to answer the cbar?e at the April term of the Criminal Court. Mr,. Kramer returned to eoaocloosnea aud is still living, a I though in a precarious coudition. POMEPTICTRAtiEUY IN INDIANA. Cise iNSATi, Ohio, March 1.?A farmei named Willis Williamson, living near Min?ele, Indiana, foUOWOd hi.s daughter to Dah-sville, wheie ?he had gone to marry one Landry. He fouud the young woman at the house of a relative, and tut her throat, killing her instantly. He then shot himself twice iu the inotifu with a r?vol? ter. Hi? Wound-an-supposed tube incitai. He lus a aarga faanlly. TFLEOKAl'HH' NOTE" ... I)r. .John ('. KveiMiii was thrown ti??iu a vehi ?I- la Phlbdelahb aa lliu/.ilir, aad iaitmilr ...'Hit' ilvviliing and outbuildings ol NetaSOB T???pil??. Sl Ti ??? ?? BOSt '.?iriie,i >r-!er In. I..,-. ?>'.'??' ...Ml?. Hayes, vvifeof K. J llavisnt tin- linn "I II? , 1. It .1 gwgarbh . S. T.. was laially baraad yo?bid?j L,r,lo:n lag Lara.;- eeagb t, ,-? fou, a .to?e ....Jamen Falkm-r ai De?twan Vfllssje, 0 ? ?u, a ( ...ll.l It lib I lialn . i- il ??? 11, n ? I ??? ?-?Ite nil.l ,. . 1 . , . a ? ..... Iti..tigl ? , ? _A fire, originating in the has? no tu of V M.'?-.! , SaBl.espiad t,, T. ... Ile,1er a? ?', au.t,..i, i,-in ? , . ?a. ' ?llj ?1, ?,, ? r. ?. . ,1 ,. ; : 1 ?f 1 | ... BSBIJ A. JOT. who had should-r lilailrs s rol, i, iksll fiaitSfSd it' I ?, k lad hip l,ldlr cr??l,.,l III JU 1.1 II Wel' Ma., a? lb? Null!, SlSI i,,.,1,,'.!' ,v ???' ni.- |>|s??sgslsalisalforas?)1 *rfI WASHINGTON. IHK ALABAMA (I.AIMS. ANRItli AN Itf.I'I.Y Tu THF ?IRANVII I.K NOT I ? IIH I MTin STATUS liOVKIINM! NT I lili Nt'lY AND I-IHM ? lliil'KI I I. MlW Of TWM ?AM. IBY Tklht.KAPII To TUB TBIBCBBI Wamiin<.t<>n, March 1. -Tin form of ihr re? ply to Sari t,luil\ llie's note wn- tleteriliiUtd lu tilt i ab im t Uneinig to-day, and the docillu, ut, will, h t overs about live peg, i o( official pa|?er. -aas sent oil tin- I ??_? ing. '1 he im mu r- of the ? ahmet an- unw illlng te make l.iiliiit the content?, ol the reply, but say that it ? - ? n tlnly frlemllv in form and spirit, as much so as OrauMlle's, ami that It will leave with BaV Itlund the entire respe_albllit| of breaking up tin Treat., if it fails at all. It Is unilcr-tood that Mi. Fish'-, h ttei taki-itDe nioiiiid that we cannot Withdraw an> Bait ?kl Mr MM, M presented; that We still hold that the text of the Treaty, and the general linderst,indium on tin ?part of the American Coinini sloin r? (at keaat, the senate and American BtatMBtea ?.?? m rail.\ |, gtv? im the l i_)it to present elaitns for eon sequential damage*; that wo would have no right, in.b .-d. |e i have withheld them, since we should thus have failed tO allow the Treaty to settle all the causes of ilillen ace bt tweeii thelwo'iiatioiis. At the s mu tun' .there i- innlei stood to be a broad hint 111 the note that tin 1 Bated States will not Is-very iiiiiih-urpi i-i d ot diaappolBted If the (, t'ont, renco decid?s that we have no just claim on Kngl.nid lor imlire? f daniug, -, which, after all, cannot be estimated In cash. Beide*, it is held that the (?i lleva Coufi-iclice is the only tribunal that can tie. lite over what is Its jurisdiction extend.? WC i?Tt wlIMng la aland try the award of that tribunal, and Shall expect Fugliilid to !? the same. The I'usiilent and ? a I'l net a?e un. Id -too. I to Jt-.-l hop, fill that, lilil? -- m um new cm!;, un ut alin?a m i-.uniaiui betweei now and the muting of the '..iit\.i Conferenee, the i|iicstlons in dl-potc will Its allowed to _o there, and that the Tnaty will be su-tailied. The fact that no pro? test airain?! MB C_M was inade for M many w,ek?a,'tir it was in the hand? ol the Bliti-h, ami that tlie exciteaaent areas )u-t no Puriiameuf waft meeting, ami stih-1. led w In-ii the sote testing the stn Bgt- of juntas had ?MM laki-n, cotiMliccs our ?Jot ei liment that the w Inde gar?e, edtna was a |H,liticul necessity on the pal t ol the t.!.iilst?nc Minn-liy. and that It will he find Its way out of tlie trouble that it will be ?ucee??!ill. i-_a_a_ii pub? D_n*ATcn.i v? \s)iiNi.iuN, March 1.?The result of nil in? quiry i- that then ate no such selloli? complications 1 it h L uro pi an PaWCffS M MBBBOf Ihc new-pajar? and tin tubers of t onnte?? iliia-iue or a--, It. upon What up BBMKfB to them substantial ?round?. The tn"?t iin|M,rt?mt of tlw pending quMtt-M is that between England and tin l'iiit'd Itatea with regard to th_ interpretation of I In Treat j of W'n-hitigton. The note ,,| Hat, t,ran.Ule ha? beiii answered in tenus. i.pmiiy amicable, so us to leave no doubt m the Kagllah iiiind oi the friendly laellnga of our GoveiBr .m, sad of iu to have a full, perfect and ?nal settlement of all claims, through the means specified in tbeir Treaty, namely: Elthef by arbitrator? who may award a aun In groM, or by BaaeMon, arho are required to subscribe to a sol. inn declaration that they will impartially and carefully examine Mul decide to the last of Unir judgment, and an oidm,' to in? ii.e and equity all matters submitted to them. i if conte?, should the uibiti.itor? cud the Quee 1 tion by awarding ?? sum m groM, there ' will I*- no occasion to reaort to tbe alternative ot aaaea sor?. Thus the United state? Government adheres to it position a? heretofore Indicated, and m < - D.? a-mn to in.?In v ita statement of the case. Having In ..nod faith submitted the queatlona involved to the arbitrators or assessor-, it Will. M raqutred by the Treaty, abide tin re-ul!. Tin- repl.t of the "een-tary of State ill sent to .New Voik by Ulis evening*, mail, ami wi'i be diapatched tin m i bj to-ii.oi i..?'.- -ti ailier. The Cabinet agreed to Bll the point? !-,. --eiiti d, and wile ni MMlOB -cuial hours on the subject. oil? RELATIONS WITH SPAIN AND ITALY. till,III 11.i\ Tu MINIMKK -I' Kl.l.s I1Y IHK BPAMI8H laiVKKNMI N I? Ills BJCSfO?, V.l. 1'KilHAHl.l ? A i oMI'LAINT A?A1NM M1M-IT.K MAItsll F RUM 111! ITALIAN?. li.r.M.HAI. PBBM ttaVATI ii.i WASHINGTON, March 1.?It is ?ititliiuitativeh stated that the Splllii.-h (?overuinelit ha? verbally, throiitli |t "V.1, 111 -T. i BCW this I,,,mi niui-nt, complained ni ni m s.i kit-?? interference m hpanlab pointes, thus making hllii-cll,le a? a Mlliisti r. i he coin plaint whs ronde h, i friendly way, but thawed that in? eolltlliilid pie-em i would Both? aglcenblo at Madrid nur f.uveriiiiii id ha? no di?po?ition whatever in iinpos. ? minister upon any otlier Government ana ?ist its w .she?, and w ill, il l- intimate,1, act m thi? matter as i! acted :n the ea-e ,.( Mr. Ilm linu'aine. who was ap ponded '.\litii-ter to Austin,, bul thai Governmenthav lag expressed an rndWpositioD f.. receive him in that ? ap.n n > own. to n, ? lia \ m... m UM0, w I ule ?i inniiliia . .1 tbe II..U-. Ol llepn -elitatlM -, ollcltd a D solution -how. lng his deep ayinpatb) for Sardinia, he vas tranaferred to tin- mission. The irlenniv Intimations bj ttpaintootu i .mi i i.iucni are not, however, of recent .h i m h nee. The? w, it made about three months ano. Another diplomatic trouble, between the t rtlted 81 u.-s ami Italy, u an objet'tkruable dispatch of Mlnlstei Marsiijto u.e .t?te Department, reflecting upon that i.oti rtitiii nt. There la no doubt thai it bm only re? cently been discovered, though written In Beptetnber, i-,.., ami unintentionally published in the diplomatic , m ie-poiid, int ..t that .Mar. linre mai bave been com m. nt upon il lu diplomatic circle? ben-, bul it has ?ol be, Il blOUgbl .1" tin ,tl> Ol the Slate J)i paltinent Cl'RRENT TOPICS M Uli: CAPI.AL. niK iWi.Niii ARMfl DEBAT] ?BlfKWBD ?i\ Till; .'ivivtii 11 1. (?-E8TIOM--THI LAND GBAM1 BILL MILL l NDI.I ll'I.D IN 1111. II.H -K?Kl - KM N i "N\ |i lin is ALABAN \. lav Ti-.i.m.HAPii TO nit nuai IB.i 1 t-IIIM,ltiN, I'ud.n, March 1. lv.'. Ml. Sulnlici's tri? lids were tlet ply pained, tin? moiiilnn. to hear his atitioiinccineiit that ?oine of tin- ,ii?ti,?sum symptoMM of the iliaeaM which, a year BgO, plo.tlitid him, had ictuiind within the past two davs, and that he would, therefore, 1m-unuble to tcrte mi the I ouiinittee to itivcstiKate the sale of arms to France. Duiing Wednesday nn?ht, Mr. -iiiiiii, i mifl,-ie,i several hours from an attack, which, though Bot very severe, WM ?! a somewhat sciioii? na? ture. I.a-t niaaftit the attach was it-peutcd, anil this in..ii,Inn his phi ?iciuu placed him under medical treat? ment, and told hllu that it would lie absolutely nece sary for hint to refrain from labor. Be did not remain lotlK. tO-daj . Ill hi- seat ill the Senate, hut Is no wo,?,. to-night Hit friend? are tvgasg him to ti-it the West Indies. It is not certain that Mr. fallieron consulted with the leaders of the Administration " Cabal" before piesentinn a list of name? t,, constitute the French Anns investigat? ing Committee, for they did not ?pi in? to its support, hut seemed rather anxloma to let the matter lie over until to? morrow. No member of the Committee, as nominated by Mr. Cameron, had taken any part lu the debate favorable to the objict-of the re?oiuti..u, while Mr Handln, the Chairinau.t'ariM'iiter andtllailan.had lietu very active In opposition, and Mr. Trumluill's motion to substitute the name of rV.'hurr, foi thai of shi t man, w ho Bated to tie ex t ii-? d, was well recehed. >'., caucus of the Republican member? has iH-en culled to arrange this Committee. A ino-t jiainful exhibition of party whlp-cracklng occurred Hi the Senate )ust before the Fxecutlve Se-.?ion thlsuftet noon. Ever] body BBOWa that it would not hurt the Senators if thev did a little more work, but a majority, im 'ladina the Deaiutiati. were in fav,,r of adjournuig until Monday, and, for thi- MHrpMBi voted to-day the Appropriation bill, apon which it hud been at worB, on the table. Then Kdmiind? brought out the whip, and, lu some \ery offensive remarks, accused TTunibull of \<m\ lng tbe opponents of the Republican party In an attempt la Impede the public business. Of course, Trumbull could not sit still under tbts. and retorted that some men could not a, t even ou a motion to adjourn without seeing Bparty movement 1? it And Edmunds replied by say? ing that Trumbull bad n-'t injuied the Republican party lately by acting either in it or tor it. A debate as long I us thatfiiti the ?ale of anus minlit have spruiitr up but for a motion to go into Executive leeeeioo, winch, ander Bd inuntls's \ lg.Toiis purtt ciack?, was carried by one n,a ' jonty. The haste with which the House rushed through the bill irpenliug the duty on tea and coffee has caused ?reat alarm union? uu-rchaiits throughout tbe rountrv, who have large stis ks of these commodities now on hand or soon to urrlve, und lM_kten have been almost otcrw hi lined with MlNtOBI and rcuionsti auce? from person? Hit, re.-ted. Very many of these persona dec?an 11, eu de. in- to s.e tbe?e d-t_ta rrpM I'd, lint ask that - ii. nine, seveial uioiill.s after the par?., go of tbe bill by the Senate, be ti_< d fur the law to go into operation. A sudden abolition of the tariff would lulu main tic.tiers win? h?\e large k?taeki "ii hand. Mi. shcriiian, Chairman of i in- Committee on Prnaner. to di-pei tin? alarm, prom laed that, so tar as that t otninltt. e can control the mat tar, no cllalige in the talc of to ill on thOM at tit les >v 111 take C-feel l'i Ion- tin- 1st of Julv. -, i, ,1 "i Mai aid ? ii -obition. ? -ailing Bfft an official rep] of the I're-idi nfs n,?ii u, inns to I)letn.-t -Ailoinet Hut i?, dir. -i'iliin In:,i lo lite all of those who, fi?m tl, i. ?im,,,ii) ink, ii before llu- IiiMhtlsatlun < IBBBatllllB in New York, ?pi? ,n to Ii.-im- btOhwa Ibe law anaint bribery) IhsMgh it did not pass lodaj. ai-Mghl Ml s, m i il iinpoitaiit ailluisslou- by Senator llu. aVaBg-BB . tlie I hairman of the Coiiiiuiii,?<?. lb- adiiiitled, flr?t, that Mule hate'ti.t-n si. in tin New York CBatOBl biuise, In nhlat oili., in.;.i,r? m w, ii ??, ,,,, chant? have been Implicated. Thi? i? more than any Administration Henator has puhiniy adautted before, n oil at a conclusive answer to Mr. Harlan? cxtraordi narj -iieechof Wednesday, defending the management of the New-York Custom-house in general, and the oeaeral order baaaseaa in particular. Tlie second iataroetlag fact brought out is that the comnait t?. will not report for several weeks at least, and, from Mr. Buckingham'- manner, the Impression wa? obtained that It would be a goad many weeks, perhaps not until lifter the Pliiladelplun Convention, liefere they will lay the result of labors before the P?nate. This idea I? -u?taiiic,l by the anxiety of the? Administra? tion ?-en.ii.irs to get all the business done as -ion a? po-.ible, and adjourn before the l-t of June, home uncharitable people have said today, thai this is probably ?? th? New Departure" of the Adminis? tr?t,?,, t.. order Investigation-, but have no icport.? from them m time t?, debate tin m tin- Maaloa. Tin friend? of the st. Clou Land Giant ball di-tinsted their strength to-dav, and did not make an attempt to gi f a reconsideration, but. with surprising siibii, in BO, p. Huit?n! Mi lloluiaii to add further instructions to the Public Lands Committee, in addition te those ordered j est?-l-ilay, iiiiiitlng the gTalit ?0 ?is lo deprive It of the gnaierpari, If not of nil its value. Perfect good f'-eling prevailed between memii i- ? lo ve-terday brsa? dl-hcd their oratorical tomahawk? over each other's heads in the ino-t aafSgS manner, and although half hour was eonaanted In making the House un? derstand ami assent t" an arrangement agreed toby the opposing leader-, by which the Committee were to have ii ave to report back the bill, .itiieiidcd ac cording to in-trui tiotis, on anv day neat week after Mon? day, there waa no renewal of yo.ienlay's eeeihltyof temper. Boma aaaaataaeat was oceastosod ht a dlBar ence between two Fennaylvaala member?. The delega? tion from that Btato usu.ilu stand together itk. brothers, hut to-day, when Mr. Killiuger wanted to in-tr.u-t the Committal to provide that the railroad should u-e oaly American iron, Mr. BcoBeld ?i? preoated with coualdei able -hll pin ?. .-neb a ''peddling ollt Of IX'ttV Iillvil. k'l?," as In- siv led it, which he said was calculated t?i bring th? tat iff into ridicule. Mr. i-nveii-en vehemently prole-ted agaiu-t putting a ribbon of honor around the nek of pig iron. Mr. Killiuger Bnally witinirew ins demand, and two or torea obstinate objectois to the proposed cotiipmuiiso, hav mg been in turn coaxed an.I placated by groups of earnest and gesticulating members who aurrounded them, the uriaiigeineiii wag at last declared agreed to. The friends of the bill bone t?, gam strength, before it corn, , to the House next we? k, in vote otf the objection? able amendments, and paaa it in it? original ferai aa H rame nom the Ebnete. After the peaaagje of sareral privat, lulls, Mr. i.arttel.l got the lloii-i into ( 'oiniiiiit.-.i on the Del.! teiicy Appropriation bill. The most interest n feature of the wa- tin- testimony giren by si v eral membera to tbe v alne "f the weather progmistii ? made bv the Signal ('?up- The bill wa.- not completed when th, Boaae adjoiirai <t tien. Wetze), engnieei of the faahtlltle and Portland ('anal, ha? anivnl hen- to urge the appropriation of MawXStJ lo complete thai national work. The bill for the appropriation ha? not yet beta con.uleied by either House. Considerable illi--.iti-Lii tion is expre-sed by tu? min i- oi the Committees which will have charge of 11,c matter at tin- manner la Which tins WOtk ha? been pro cute.I. They-t?te that for the last two or three -,,,?.?11? -inns of money have been appropriated which, it waa ?nderst.1. would complete toe work, and the Will be alOW t? make furtlnr appropriation? until they are satisfied of the total am mat ?V,. h will be required to fully ? omplete the woi k. a t? i? gram wns rcceiv, d by th.- Attorney-General, to? day, from Bantawttte, Ala., stating that three perpo ttaf.i-ot ih. Ku-Khix outrages in that State had been eoi.v let,,I in I'. 8. Judge linefeed's Court. These are tho Hi -I trials Which have basa conducted lu that Mate. Senator Wil.-oti oi Mas-aehusett? returned from Bew ll.iiiip-liire to day, and WM ?.irmlv ?lectnl b> hi? col toagaaa fat the Seaate? ll.e -e I ate, ?II Executive -Cr,-|oII. COlltirllied a iittiiiher i t .ii?|,<iiritmeut-, bat adjourned SB soon a? a motion to take up the calaiulcr was made The lit-t Ini-in.--? <m tin- executive calendar, is the Arkansas nomination?, tbe consideration of which will Involv. Clay I q's official oetii.n while Governor of the State. lOBSBBAl PBBSS MSPATI H ! tien. O. ( ?. Howard, at the request <>t the Secretary ol tin- iiiteruu, ha- ooaasated to visit griioaa in ihe ebar oiler of BfaaBkl Agent of the (bivernnieiit, to report upon the spirit of the Apt, he Indians in respect to hos? tilities against the whit?-, in talk with the Indians pen sonally, and Sad out exactly what la the truth of mat lets about which there is no definite otti.ial information, lie ha-a large discretion to take any action which may appear to aim to be foi the interest ol peace wttotheae Indiana Uen. Howard takes with linn a large number of Ills staff, and leave- here next Thursday. The Committee on Ways and Means to-day considered the question ?f iron iu connection? ith the tariff, bul canu? to t..? aoattalnwasst? The f*enat? to-day confirmed the following nomina? tion. : Set h J. Coml v. In be Collector nf Customs ai the poii of Philadelphia; John L. Havin-e, c.diector ol Cus toma at lira/,,- -Htiti.igo. Texas; Jam, s Atkins, Collei lor Ol Cll-toiii- at - iv am,all. (,a. In the Criminal Court. Judge fnrtf'-r. thi? morning, Mr. William 11. Stoke?, convicted of having received money for pros?, tu ing claims against the irnvernment while be waa a Representatlre m Oonari --. appeared on the opening of tin-Court with his counsel, who Stated that uen. Stokes had oonn Into Court to tubject himseli to ouch penalty as the Court san tit to impose. Judge; Carttcr said : " Oem Stokes, the court has eoeae to the i ot.clu-iou to impose on \ ?ii a \? tialty of tl..'??' and the coats ol tbe prosecution. I bate been governed hi my ;I, tion bv several considerations, amemg them, your iiiiiiorm good cbaraeter, your advanced ng?. and the request ot men of ?ill parties in your Mate that v.mi punishment should be light. It i? un ,rv to a person ol your intelligence to -ay moca.'' Mr. Htokes thi reupon paid the amount and departed. The -eeretarv ol the Treasury to-day railed in ?l,?-oo.i??i three percent1 temporary loan>.-. The denoiu Inationaof the certificates called m ?ne: 3,41t to Ojie of is,000each, and M*9 to s.?J4M) of ii.uooeach, oa which bi terest will eeaae April SO, i-7j. 1 In-Japan. - Embaas* retnslnedln their quarters t,. dav , to lee,iv, I troll! their fatigue of travel. The same ?ui?? will be observed with them as with other foreign MlUlstl I-. '11 e Ii.partln? lit of Mate will lli?| be iittieiallv a nail ..t their arrival, and thi n ai ran., in, m- Olli i? n ,i, for their presentation to tbe Pn sid? at, wblch may .... m . n Moada) ?r Tuc.-.Ih.v. XI,Hi- CONORESB-Ub BaMStoB. senate Wasiiiv,,ius, Marcfa 1,1?:.. a rasaovAi i mi iNAiioN. Mi. St MM.l:(l.c|>., M;i->. mst- toa personal ex? planation. He ?aid that a- fata name had been iii'Utiolied limn-than mice in ? oinicclion With the mi mini-hip of the special Cointnittee provided lor yesterday, to inves? tigate the sales of arm? bv the War lit-partim. ?it, and also. aa the possible Chairman of the Committee, he would' now ?tale that his health ?as in stich a condition us not in admit ot his -living i ?n .1 lie Committee. He made thi? statement with relit? tame, as It had never tieeii hi? habit to ?hlrk any duty, but the effects of injuries which he hud -u-'allied 16 .ware ago ?till clung to him. a? be bad been painfully admonished within the last few day?, and hi? physician lut?! Imperative!?, prescribed repose. The VICE-PREBIOEhT presented the credeutkilsof the Bon. A. a. Bargent, tonator-elecl from Culitoruia, which were read and laid on the table. i hi rt a am> i-nrrKE QL'Bsnos. Mr. SHEHMAN ilo p., ( iluoi. Chairman of the Commit? tee on Finance, aald that inasmuch a? the proposition to repeal the duty OS tea and coffee seemed to have ex? cited a good deal ot alarm in -nine quarter?, he deemed it tine to tlie baatoeea men ?f to?- country la state that If the lull for that purpose should pas?, there waa no expecta? tion that It would take effect before the i?t of July. The 1 manee Committee had]v authorized him to make thi? statement. Mr. St OT1' tltep., Peuu.) remarked that the market wa- much affected bj the pendency of thi? lull, and that it would'!?? Beere tattefaetoi) if the sense of tberjeuate could Iss had on the subject at an early day. Mr. CCI.E (Kep., Cal.) rt-]>oi'ted the Naval Appropria? tion bill with amendment?. TBS I'ROFOSKI? HROStl I HOB OF NEW-YORK MERCHANTS. Mr. BATARD (Hem., Del.) offered a resolution asking the l'resideut to ?end the Semite a copy of the instruc? tions given to the District-Attorney relative to the pros? ecution of New-York merchants for giving gratuities Pj Custom bouse officiais. Mr. I (INKLING (Kep., N. T.J a?ked him whether he hud not read the correspondence on the subject in the public paper?. Mr. BAYARD said he had seen the letters, but he wanted tokaoa from the Presldeut whether they were authentic. If the merchant? of New-York were to be sel., te,l for prose.-ut ion. then the main chauuel by which the Investigating ( ouuuittee could discover the ahtBBBI iu the Customhouse administration would he effectively closed. Mr. BUCKINGHAM (Rep.. Conn.i said there was no reason why the men ?ho violated the law should be ex? empt Ihc.ui?. they ?en- uni chant? He did not, how? ever, object to the resolution. Mr. 11AYAKD ?aid it ?as not a question of exempting anybody from punishment. The queotlon was whether the main chauuel by which abuses could tie discovered sin?.Id be closed. The President should have waited until the Committee re|Mi|-ted. Mr. (OLE (Rep.. Cal.) called for the regular order which brought up the Legislative Appropriation hill' and the resolution went over. the ..linn. ii.Miu, i saaswsa. Mr. ANTHONY (R.p.. R. L), from tbe committee on Pi luting, le ported u hill to provide for reportlug and priming the .leimte? of Congre??, and obtained uuauiuious consent for it- Imm?diat.- consideration He -aid that the publishers of JAe tilbU had piloted Hie debates for nearly u year without a contract, M|? hag ?n the good faith ot ( ongri-s? lot compensation, and It was m -c -sai v that something ?hould Im- done to nib v.- them fieiu that rjoaltloB. The Committee on Priutuig bad been for some lane try mg t.. dewlae a plan to reduce the ?"-I andlailk of Ihrl.l.J*, but had had not yet agreed upon on,-, an.', in the nn-ati time, they hud thought it b, -t to i..port tin? bin renewing the old contract until th? end of the preaeBl Congre??, with an aiuemlm, nf |irov iding for ?i les? costly ladea. After some discus-ion the bill Was passed. lilt II ?ItMs INV I ?Tli.AtlNi. i oMMITTEK. Mr. CAMERON (Hep. I'? tin i moved Unit the Vie, President tooald be anihoriaed to appoint tax Committee tu luve-tig,in the all, ge.l -ui, of aim? to Fn-in b .,?eiit it the \in I'lesiiiiiit declined to appoint the Com 11. illee. Ml (AMLIti'N theUeiTiicd a i? ?nlulioii nuuiiiig BBS Wing-, i;..;,.!- as uieiiilwl-i I tin I ..Uiinltlee : M.aars Hum 11 n. ( ai p. nil i.eio ?ii,?n. P>aw)ei Logan, stevensou. and Ms las >i' ??"?' ?aal -" "" w??ilailoti, as at Ibas iiiiivtuii ut tir?:, Mr. foiuiu i Waa ...n,.?. ... i i,.,lim.u,, but. in view of his declaration, he bad substituted Mr. Hamrtn. Mr. SHERMAN (Rep . Ohio) ?aid his time ?.??airead? very fully occupied, and _ek,:<l the Senate to excuse biui ffoin ?erving on the Committee. Mr. TRCMBCM. (Rep., III.i -It seem? to me, Mr 1 resident, that one of tbe Senator? who t.-ok part m bringing the matter to the attention of the Benata ,m| til to In-on this < oinmirtee. Bevenl _,.,,,i, ,?,.? w ,,? tiH?? part In the Investigation, or, at leaat. who eipreraaed very strongly their opinion that there was no occasion for It, ?re named as members of the Committee f,,r in stance, the Senator from Iowa (Mr. Harlan, and the Hen ator from Wis, ,,n?in (Mr. ?'arpenter)?and It ?.em? to me that cither the Senator from BlassaiibBMlta (Ml sumiren or the Senator from Missouri (Mr. Scl-iirii oiik_t tab? upon it a!.o Mr. CAMERON ?aid he would prefer that the (nmttilt te.' should tve organized as he jiad proposed, and re minded Mr. Truim,nil that he ,Mr. Trumbul'i had been the first to .inrgest tliat It would be impropei for eltbci Mr. stunner or Nr.tehun to serve on the Committee. Mr TKt Mill l.l. -aid Be lud made thai ?nggeaUoa In oppoaitioa to Mr. Coiikling's amendmenl directing ihe Commltt? e to liii|iiire into the eondncl of those neaatora. but a? Mr. t'itnn ion had exprcased lit* wIKlngne?? that Mr. sunnier should be C-airman of the OWnaslltee, end M that Senator had declined t" ierre, taten seeaaad t" be no reason whv tin Senator fr.'tn M?ourl (Mr. Bchura) iheuld not la? a member of the Committal,ea neclallywben two or three senator? who hadeypaaed mvestlgntion were to be upon it; therefore, a? Mr. Sher? man had declined to ?erve, be ratoved that Mb Mhnrs should be put In his place. Mr. Sl'MNER?Mr. President, It seem? to me that, In ordinary tenaos, one of the two nun alora who have tak.-n a trading part In Instituting' this Inquiry should be apon this Committee. I rannet is-. I am out of the question. It seems to me, therefore, that the Senator from Missouri (Mr. >< liar/) should is- on the ( ommittee ; ami, initiier, then- i? a special reeeou, when we coii?i.|.r the declared opinions of several of ti.< Lora designated. lor lnstauce, the S< natm who Is named as Chairman (Mr. Hamliui bM u-cil In? stroiige-t possible- language on thl? sitb|eet. I will not qitote his language ; It waa hardly pailiiiiiu ntarv. ami id till* luipury Is to be under bis giiitlatn i , with uu Senator ou the Committee who lu? taken part In promoting the Inquiry. Under the ctrenn siam?s, I think it the lea-t the Senate can do I* to give a plate i II tin I ommittee to the Senator ltOM MUseBTl (Mr.-Chun) WhohM ihoWU inch familiarity with tin caw, and wuom character and talents certain)} entitle him to t) ?? respect of this chamber. Ml. 11? ?REMAN (M p . W. V.I | moved f" lav the rcsailll tion and aniendment en the table. Carried by Tone at ? Na] s not counted. ITHK t.E'.isi ITIVf APPBOfBUTHMI mil. Tic Senate then n-nund the consideration of ih< Ap proprtattun bin. An amendmenl wa? adopted antboriring tin He? n tar] of the Tiea-tiry to employ not ntore than three ptrnan* ta assist the proper ofoceiwofthe Uovernment la dB covering and collecting am money belonging to the United state? win never the sann- ?liai! i?- withheld by anv isrson or coriHiiatuui, upon such terms and con .linon.? m In- shall di i m beat for tb.- Interest-of the United state?, but providing that they shall be paid au i on pi BMttOB exept out of ,he money and ploper'y Sa, se. Ule,I. Ihe aiiii'iidiiifut proposing to abolish the brau, h mint at charlotte, N, (... was ii |e? ted. Mr. 8PENCEB (Bep., Ata.l BtevH that when tb? Ben ate ail.ioiirus to-tlai it .ii'loiim to Mon.lav 01 Was li.a-b to tit'-, -, id, Mr. ANTHONY (R, p , B. I.) 1 1 ' Mr. CAMERON then otoved to go Into Ex? t1vi ses -..?ii. l."-i. w HO Al.t Kl pi m H in? I Mr. FliMI'Nl)- i i:< p., Vu said In wa- DOl ?U pi. ?? d to ,c ti.oponente "t the RepubUcan party ? ith tin h leader,theaenator from Illinois (Mr.Trumbull), voting soiuiiy to adjourn to Monday. Havin?; kept from its legitimate business for several wecBa, the] wished to wa-te more time now, so that the btutlii, -* of the country might be still further neglected, ami ih. He pilblicali paity Injured. The Senator from lunuil? Ihfr. Trunibull) having already aet forth the beauties of tin Cincinnati iilatfon i, he probably wished t.. have to mot low to prepare hi.n-elt for another ater? "l MM Mme i Yira. 1er ii'Xl we. k. fol u wa- i ;car ?Imt In and his Deiiioctatk allP s wanted tO wa-ii as much ftul? u- po? sible. Mr.TBUMBULL fatten., in.) ?aid he wMaerry tb il tfi Edmundsseemed .. tlm.k the BepuMlcan part) baao ib he ate a . oiuiitioii that it would be destroyed the Senate should -;t on Saturday. He bad m aneh 'ear. Mr. EDMUND? Do you ?peak for It t Mi. TBUMBULL I hope I speak b>r H murb more than theSenatorfrom Vermont. If th. Bepabllrai suffer, it is Just from such narrow, illib.-ial saeea-Ses M that which the Senator hM made here tbfai evening, ap? pealing to party on a nueatlon of .idiouriiuienl. 11..- II come to this, thai no vote can he given here, even en a qnMtiOfl Of adjournment, vvithonf the , iv of party belli?! raised! it i? the narrow ?pun sbowa bj -MBtraatoi from Vermont thai bringe the R, publican partj latan proach. Mr. CAMERON (Rep., penn.) renewed the tii'tioi, to ?o Into Executivesatasion, wunh ansa and u? Bra ate.ii ati.-r adtanrned. HOr<*E ??F Bi:i>KE?ENT\Tl\l RETKENlHMENT IN IKIM1N... Mr. BbATTT (Bep.,Obio), from tlie (.'??iiimiil? ?? on Printing, reported a bill to ptoi ble fer publishing the debates and nroooadlBga of Ctrngreaa. and save B-ttea that he would call it up for action on Wednesday next. The btll [nnti.lri f,,r nuiin? * r..otra.t for th? wirk now tt.r Winf M?r,h IS7J, Uli _-riptratioa uf \l- preaaal Ceaaae., .,r i ii?t?? I' ; sedaaa t _, able, tilMheftliof Man h HO, make ottiet pro?:,ion f?r an ?.Manual lena of foer rear? Tb? reparta ire, altar the 44fe at March 1 a7j. |? ke Sftansl iinl.r ?o aearta i..rm. Ii ? aatiifa.torv ri.i/rari ,-ani.ef b? a__S, M ? roatrarl ?tabs aaawBi am? alone. an.1 the patada? i- t., I- .laue at ilf ?,.,.. r.nneat . tti,-.-. ui . .a.T.i, t, ran be _aje for reporte . prll ?Sf i_| t, a I Itelr. 1'ruria.oo _?> la: ma,le for condemn,,,' aad ai ?Ig,a? 11? iri?irta. THE LAND OBAMT S. Kl Ml A. 41V. The bill fOI the e\t< ii-lou ,.l tIn- VV;- ,in?ie land grant came up on Mi. Hulm?n'? motion t., re on ?i,1er the vole referring it with instruction? to lae com mitt,-,- ,,n Public Lantta, to laj that mottou on the tabte, th. parliaments!-? plan of inakiug it ? tinalifv. Mr. ELDBIDOE [Dem . ?Via.) appealed f..r uii.iiilmona ...usent to let the bill be referred, with the rieht of the Committee to report bach at any time text week aftas Monday. Various proposition? wre made offering additional In? structions, and obJectloM were fre?iueutlj made and withdrawn, and for a kmg time it appeared imi>o??ii>io for m. tuber- to . nue t., any definite strange nient Mr. KILLLNUEB fjfiep., Penn.)ofered additional j_ stun ?ions requiring the Committee to report ?. pros i on foi-Hie eAtiUsive use of uou on thi piMj.i-,.i| ra.1. Mr. COX (Dem., ?. Y.i-I Object to that. Mr. SCOFIEIaD (Bep., Penn.)?I appeal to mj Ml bague (Mr. Kllllngeri to withdraw hi? aiu? num. nt. !t. vi ill bring the win,le tariff System, In which 1', niisil v.itiia is so much Interested, into ridicule. Mi. KILLINGEB (apologetically)?I cannot sr, that any ridicule properly attacBea to my proposition. The s un.- proriso is incorporated in the Northern Perl?, Ballroad lull, und if another company is going to have the benefit a. tho?e lasda, I see nothing rtdkntaan or lm ].nqN-r In attaching that same proviso to this Mil. I do not propose, however, to stand in the WB] of tbla ar rangement. The friends of the oui all aaaxre m that ?, ?hail be allowed ., vote on mv amendment.and that I shall have the privilege of ottering it. With that ilnder itandlng I agree to a ithdraw it bow, bul I mean to otter It agaiu, and to press it on tbe consideration of the House. The SPEAKER stated the proposition to tie that the bill he referred, with instruction*, to the ('ommittee on Public Lands, with the right of that Committee la report I i, k at any time next week after Mondav, and that th. bill when reported shall lie open to debate and aiiieiul menta. He aehed whether Usera wm aai objection. Bo oldeetlon whs made, and it was so ordered. The Instructions an-that the bill ?hall be aim ndeil so ?is to grant to the State of Wisconsin all the laud? SBf > i tied which would inure to the Northern Paciti. R.illioad Company, under exl?tlng law?, by any location ef it? road, If this grant were not renewed, and to limit the grant to such legislation as might he taken by the North ern Pacific Railroad ; also, providing that the Bet shall imt tie construed to enlarge the grant of laud to th.. Northern Pacific Railroad Company, or to authorise the. Company to select lands elsewhere in lieu of any land? siiecl/lefi In tbls bill; also, that the extent of thl? grant shall be determined by the Secretary of the Interior and the Attorney-General ; also, that coal laud? be excluded from the ?rant. On motion of Mr. BROOKS (IVni. N. Y.i, the senate amendment to the House lull, removing the stamp duty on canned fruits, Ac, was coucurrcd m. The luli now goes tu the President for his signature. REOt I ATIM. THE C,t AKANT.'ME St STEM. Mr. SHELDON (Rep. IJt.i, from the CoutmRSM on Commerce, reported a bill for a more effective ?\ Mam ef quarantlne ou the Southern and Oulf eenits, auinoiizing tue detail of one or more medical officers of the re guiar arniv, who shall, during th.nning .,-a-ou, v isit each town or post on the Uulf ol Mexico that is BSMkBBt or liable to the Invasion of yellow fever, and to confer with the local authorities with reference to the establishment or a more uniform and effective system of quai-utlue, and to make a detailed report to the Secretary of War. The bill was passed without discussion. THE IiEFIt m. V M I HOI hi II mv Bill The House at .'t ii. m. went into Counnltt'e of the Whole, Mr. -CDPIELD (Bep.. Penn.) in the. ?ir, and resumed tbe consideration of the i*. fielen. \ Appropria Uou bUI. There was considerable discussion In the progrress of the bill, principally on tbe improvement and extension of ihe cap?tol grounds, and on the utility ami Met "' the storm signai service. The Committee ro?e WtthOBt MS posing of the bill. The House then adjourned. To morrow's session i? to i.c for general debate only. l'KRSONALr-BY TELEGRAPH. .. Mr. ?. M. Benedict, a prominent lawyer tu Boel.eiter, .tie.1 jeaterdav. ....A. J. La Fontaine, one of t?ooldeaf job printer? ia t'allforaia, .lie- ?raienla. ....The American Rryitttr. announcing the death at Ouua. of Mr?. Un???ll. atatra rb.i Mr. Onaaell? beallh la faiHa?. Col. Simeon .lohnson. a prominent lawyer, and foraerir S?__ of T>u W _,A,?v'o? ' ??*?? ??? ;?r??_/ In Uatl ol; ?t heart Jiaeaae. _Mr ?IiIiIhiiis, I.'Ti! Mayor of Laiiilon. list been ??.te baroaeL aail the HM ol kt>i|httts?! ka? bee? loufcrrei! apua Siien f? _eaa?tt a?l Trraeott. _A grand ball was ?riven at the (?ernian Km liaaai. la K feterahuri. t,u l'bura?at. ?bleb ?a?; tk? Bauprmr aud tbe Arekkluae. all ?e.n.f tbe Oeriuau _.ii,.n?. ...Harvey H. Byrne, late District-Attorney of Sun Kraa. i_s>. a aativ? of Nr? l..rk I By, a_t :,? ,?,,, r(an , fnm laaal la??ri iu l'al.f..,r_a, ihi. reiterUav. II? wa? Ib? Irai keaeaaat ?I Matlkla llrtoa. ... .(Jen. Sherman ami party bad a special audience ?US Bl?| Vietur B??on.l. at saale?. ea Ikarwla?, aaal aflarwayrd ?UttrJeJ a aalUla-7 renew I,, roral Ufltala,?. Th? Ak____k ?_? a_.eJ fro- Nik ?a tat MM hi v.a__a>