OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, March 04, 1872, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-03-04/ed-1/seq-5/

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[four? article]
Continuing our survey of the Dutch pictui
?re come ?" ?he bttlc Wonverm._n with Its White Ho
??bout which this skillful hut narrow altan MB
nnaMe tc paint anything. Thin 1? another atetan
tree satin sort by a jounger brother, With Bgem
family likeness, called "The Halt " Siiie of the liest
ture* tn th. collecUon Is that superb portrait of a Du
jturgi?tn:?*ter by Van der Heist. It ts in a perfect si
of pr?servation, and Is well worthy the attentive sir
of ?ay one interest, d In portrait-piimtina. It Is ow
??j-ose portrait? of whom- authenticity you are M sun
g ye* had known the subject. It i? the work (
fjiawtr-r who knew thoroughly what he '
gage-, o"1 turn the tnrt from the
e*trititni. It 1? marvelous in its detail,
a not painted 'ike those microscopic faces Of Denn? r,
. ..ic. which eeeflB tir.lv intended to excite the adn
atn>u "f rimil vleltors ami Induce thetn to est?mate 1;
ma.'V BTtaSlaa ?to to tbe s(|uare inch. Thi? plctur
rtaiuttsl for the general impression, aud Its wou.tei
gutsh mciT-iv a-a-tiat? the effect of the en'temble. The be
repreaented that you imagine teat
?nul Um -MI'lilv hair? Hutu v,u try it. The eve i- |
Itivelv alive, and the whole Iiutchinnn la there, cam
and flted on the canvas, by the sal] aawat that e
?cisimplistied anything In art-genius uui'ed with ??
,.u? ati.l in.flinching labor.
.re three good picture? ?if Solomon Rnysda
wtia- : ? nils fur lb. at?- ii i ? i?f ru? brother Ja?
fruiii th? ? "1 " Hon. One of flu ? is a spirited Kermes
ant! Ha otli? r two arc a marine ami a view of the ten
of Alk._i-.sr. Aa admirable Knut piece by Weenix. a
a Iwwer pl.-ce hy Maria Van O.sterw? i k, arc fair exa
- .'. that I'-itie-tt imitiiti.1! of nature which lia- -??
, surpassed and laral] equaled I
The Quay at l.ey.l?-u. by Jan Van (I
ll.-v.1t. la. t.? o. :l.i ?L'.t! r?i-,ui).iutive studies m t
? It i- net a grt-flt paaitmg. bv uny means,but I
princp.il fault latt*BOSl into ?-In,?- thing about it.
la a ?till, tagt bit of true Holland town life?h ?haih ei.
walk, and a little piece of canal fluked with warm go
hght. ? i?t:?lk-<, and Is vi'iid it.? round arch a nsberiui
aattahtag sa BakT. If i- <? peat? fa] und _u_rnioniou? cm
jjostti ?!:, ?polled hy too Baft werk. Tlie qnai
WS tritt linuse? are painted brick by but
Tb? Vital aaaaaata have made a cnlculation of t
uumlier of kkrlaka In the bou.-?.-, ar.i? ?? Lave doggedly s
alatli I'iin-.i.g th?--n and Ailing in the white streak
m<xtar, as if Id, salvation dt pi Lded upon Lavit.g enm
one In it.? place. There- u i- ?l?aryto the ezpeel
ton of the painter. YOB If ?k a: tbe Imcks rather thl
If you can fri t y.,.irs( if fiou? thll
ti.?r. "? an admira!?
pictui.?. L would t?t perfect, if It were nut plunerfec
lhe play of sunlight aud itas-fW is vcrv ?k'.ilful an
;?i?pectlvt* is strong Bad s.iti.-f.n t??r
far... tUatt w_ ?et- a U tier aaatet ".' MXmj
i that of the pariai aten um tranqail Dahermaa ;
.i.e. Tl.* j.? rr- ill ol ,, In?.'.. ! ?.'?titi?
| ting, and Wll
i .n???;? --. aaaki i -u . ? - the banda i
Mi Ja?'.|ii.-tiinrt.
by an anlm]
fruit piece, one of tho?- *??? \ trorki la which i.?
?it which give BO prnii.lse whatever C
the m.tgn-ry of later ycur.. XL? aasitarafJsaBlih aetoi
i! thiii any be ev.id lo !?? ' :?. conti ? ra Lit
red ?ketch of a Jeaeee of Taa
? ;? a. Ttla iitlH a mere atady, bul
? Bongt Ides of th? ?'.. ?1
?mttiter. Two pu I ?? hool h?
1'iiti'ik g'-.e aa half th- hid Prodigal ?Sol
In the tirst the yaaag genth-aian is drawing hi? fund
aaipttoktag hi? port-aaatrau for foreign travel, and 1
Uvtteicon.l !??? is devour ta.ic?-ii: \?-r.v ii'.v ,a?
tn-Opain Th-se quaii I .?tabes foin, asiugula
t,mtri-i la ?p.nt and trt-ati,.?-iii t..
iJUtiUl? , which is a? hltgt and lata, tenting- a- B COO
- V? rill ami Ofl.
Th? ' >v bal j.ri etoaa. The twi
Ven,?- - aa I'.v Frani ?-???' OaaitU, the Blaltoani
., M - ?tur..!..
'.sitli ::i .-?imposition and la ??'.??? attOB. Il m worth wh.i,
?(.e sulicr gray hue
of thi- child ?f V.-tiiee i.n.l tte sui?-rb fanUksi?
? a_oc in which (?:1T . - when he goes t.. t!,
a? fin a subject. The .Miutoiitia of Baaaoferrato 1
anea mpleatthlaaaassar. It la ita convei
t,,nai Vtrgfa Of -b__aof_-TBt-. viith the whitcy-browi
Lead-dn?-? ami pt?tt drapt-r.v, ami tike fact i? cnara. tet
. 1 refinement of ex
? i. ltd i'r??m_neuee on the ? i!.
which it Aeatai ?- H B_l_rt1 frail take ti ?
_ ?:<?? which are hunt
line. The ?eric? of panel puc? ? t.t
AHntit are mere -workman's handicraft, and art? valuabli
otiiv i if work. They rer-resen
>, gr.eap ot children at pl.iy, one at see-saw, one at K.t?
flying, one at Leap-frog, and one at Artillery?the .a?
being ii> tat tn. b..-si. Tie re is a group of Lacc-ianala I.
. and aataral aaaiche? by Tiapolo, lanowayn
tu.irkalile. But out of thi ?, .iris of the g,il.ery i- th?
rail? Dot(_taie. a ] ... of tte r_?oaf Ccrantao
Um Sfori ? familv of Mi.at,. It. i???wer of color, in graot
tniMisltii't., in life an,. !'(.?utv of expression, la thai
tad iu?,re thsu then- i? in the sitte:
? ? ?. turn.
Of the few Kreiich j t tare?, the one win? :
mo??' attention aud give ino-i pleasure i? a mere sk- tet,
Um- heail ,?I the .voting git n, the Ui?eda lu,n 1'atrrnellr.
llus h?auti!ui and touching study, aud far supeii.ii h
nukuv ni th. nuished picture? of Oiaaae. There are some
?nail? nt pi. tur? - bj Let aard ata IT . iy The
Fer|v?., scholarly and t.a-eliai couipo-iUl.'ii by tbe
"lenr " whl.t. caiut from the blnifteatuiic
bat UM v;?itor will always- go back t?, tte
?v . -'iftr-iing f?ee of tt.i- i.v-eiy young girl, lared
!'T ih? ?. ?pattttlc touch of nature in it.
pka( i.i.i ; 8 rULMON.
Then- nit lour pietuies now on exhibition
?:;.,. , i,y w?..ter ll. I.iuk-tr i,t I;,,ston, arlilct will
artaaaeatteaa ttal we po?se?s one of
.-.I n-li iiamter? in th? wuild. They represent four
n.d death of tin fkiaftfaB Inthe'.'r-i.
the u ...tiuj BSpllbldtBa the fly which If float
i lac rapid atd . 1, he i- h.?oked and
atamdering ?n the an ; n, the third, he la curving and
tin- death strug.-? in t_sa?at?r, and in the
Uat he m lvTug in all hi? beauty ?urmie on tL
Like all our specialist? ,n urt, Mr li-ack-ti .?
tirou^ oui.? m on?- directi.iti, and f,.f it., roaaoc
tin? aacanad ?ud fourth of the?, peg.iuia are great lv
euis-rioi t?> Ita hist and tmrtl. 11,e water is pun,ted
w.th a palatal uncertainty, and la? ks ih?- *~af_rirarT
" th? IlU'VeUlfllt "f
it. imr ?he aoaaeat he i- tatas out of the
?vute I with a marv. leas tlg-ot and atdl. Th. toi.rtn
l-tctur? ti,.? dead Saht,on, i.? i,y far the tH-stofall.it. spite
n-it.? la? k ?.f pro|??jrt!i.n und ]wn)i?e,,;tive lu the back
-Tiiun,! Tti, n,h e,,iild scarcely be better done. It I?
severe v. j.t l? ?dly i!r,iwn. and It,, atlfet] -lacle- of
tight aaaa tti ?-??at m tte nataaaa ass icB-tared aim a
Amooij tu m w pietarea to be seen in one
'ft?uj ap-toaa galk mih., ?weiteting, luxu
Tuw Bari ; another lai ?;
?a"- g, ill 0om|kV -t, wo -rreenlV ?.HIi It I? ;
*n,, ' ' and ??!. '.'I, by O Bethel?:, platan
<? ?nnpllcny aud ewe.tti.-?? Tliere i? ul-a, a
'?? ''?.III her?, a bit of w a. and pn ?ipi. ?.
??"' i"'.?-iii-AHliig WtaeB ha? a deal of that
wherein tliu artist ao aaaelaallj
> ?riialUk- o! the alliai! -nc
*ar**-??ie i? that little Im, . of Brlaaot'l
~?l?>lun i:,at open? a Blt-doa latu At? a?U.i, ?o jwuee
'""?? ..diove.y. At H.'.e.i.c.r? la a teoaal
'"iwn-ai.ii. |g tin ?h-i-H?. ? iid B?-atix,"
* ?"" ted and tteuia-d. The
?"''* ... and of tin- two cavalier?
- tH_ \ : MBB, .- m der ri. t.. eyed.
rtclia.r?-,! r.'.ey ?n- n.,' ni their fliat y,ugh. I ,.?
? I<'?-oinai./v, utj.i et.iuir.Hely ?1res?, d, aie!
1 ' ??>iii..a ti?.j t?,ruW U(, ut n,!- fitj a pbaillg ni a?
???i? ?Ud ?au, ay ata llnx a, th?,*e of 'ac lieiiti g-ktanBl tt
i?eUt.H>I;. Ai-nu,?.!? ?ew putui? la t:..- aal
'" '? Kai I _at_Sl lana Sf ?B-Bt always
???d-rtain.Lg atory of l-aust aud Blar.
**? latturt ia painted with th. Btoal ? ?
J*e:.?i_d tu? .i, g,?od. Koller- K.iu-t i- ;.
aadatat? tallo????i hap*?
-?ud w,?r>. -ilt diTi^htfiil.v -ud and anxious expression
~i,, !- i m tu. te arta ??f th.- Margm
a? Tin? Margaertte la ileaaat ami men , but a
? ?aa h ?*1i-bred In feat .r?- ami SSSfaaS f^er argd
st-urse avaideu. Ovtr tin} young faee, aim its
,*"'. laaanttaala luouin, iu large, heavv-iidtied
"?"wat, r.aiaa?La?_ow of willful love and paga ttal in?'
?ralcal MeptiiAUi m the Wkasrouad _-, f-nlaBtl) a
'?dtaialeiijojiag. lieignac lia? ?e
P'<ture.,f twoehildnnfee !.i.e, ?.uaitt
?^??"??Maii> good, but the child avtuiag EttSta
i , ? ?.- pi,
^?wpat-pt? ??_geUrui_c.?fl)in,-',.erab??.T> pi
also h?_re. Tb?_re are eceiae " Normandy Washerwomen
by B('i_4nierf?au, large, sensuous, ooarae womeu ; and t w
pietum by \. Torntjcr??. which aro full of character an
admirably harmonious in oolor. ?' Companion pi
tur?-?'' are usually dreary enoogh, but tl?ese ai
so expressive that liking Is Imperative. In "Ha|
plix-es," a Jolly old Teuton, ooaifortably fliim
hie capaciou?. garments, regarda with tendenie?
a pli?-, fresh, white, and seiidius forth a d?licat? cl,u
of smoke. In " Mlserv" he stands utterly crushed un
wrct?-btsl, eoiit-mplatlng under the desponding- ?hade t
his hat the ruins of the beloved pipe, lying scattered a
hla feet : his very hands mourn, hi? weak, aenile ol
mouth 1? curved lu de-pair. Hanging near L? a pi,-tur
by Jules Ooupll, one of those perfectly painted, modisi
rum positions whose exquisita? textures and aaauasa
piare irroupmg inspire nothing so murh as regret tha
ao much techntque should Is.? wasted upon such ?tupi
At a Jewelry shop Is a llfr-slie model In plaster of an Ir
tiT.-stliitr BtatOS, which Is soon to tan ast In bronze. Th
artist 1? M. De Bleuer, a Frenchman and a pupl
of Clralna-er and th?? flgnre Is that of HtSro*
nttt that -fuir virgin ilrnlght." ClaudUi's Hort), ? 'Lsa
nato'* ?hurt daughter," but Leauder.? Bata, tin- Bee,
whom- love warmed even the wave?. It is abeautlfn
girl who stand? here with her drapery blown lawk b?
Uie wlDd, and with our fair arm aud hand aVkUBag tb,
flaming torch above In I head. She la lithe, dimpled
round, and her pose Is the prettiest, in,,?t BBSOBBB-ffl
one in the world. If the real Hero wer,
half as lovely a? this, her counterfeit, tli.i
are LaaadBB*. cold Laths not at all to b?
wondered at. A great fault in the mmMb 1 M the want o
harmony between the fuce and tlafiire. The far?? is tha
of a woman rather than of the girl whose slender, tapci
limb? and pr? tty ?-boulders are cliartuingly, dein at.iv
viuithfui. Mr. I).- BaSBSr, who has recently totu>? to Nevt
Y'ork. intends to re??an: her?', and has take?, a studio
whan la l, i.? Blasad* eeey busy.
I'iiktii l'nii.iiARMuNir otntcnet.
The ?atora on Saturday Bight had little effect
upon the attendance at the Philharmonie i passai 1 hl
programme was a? foil? ia
Pabt I.
Bra | li'itiv No. 2. in E minor.|- tu>l
AiiaUou? ?'Ipui_iine m Anils--.
Mr. Fran/ K?'iiiin?'rtz.
- rto for the plan" lu A minor..Schumann
Mi- Anna Mebiur.
? ire, " Corlolaoaa''._*)-thov*_
Arm from "?feafl de Pans''.Boieldleu
Mr. Prani K.iinnert?.
in], r?eui, "Las -Matea".Llast
Prof. Kitter's symphony is a new w_r_? and tbte WBI
? ' p. r.orunauc?. 11 1? a musical Illustration of
?at-teo-M--r-aBaikalMj*or lo speak more txareotij it
is BOBpseatl to have I.?-, ii IBMeeaBd by the r<-a?tiii?r of t!i
trii_?-?lr, and the spirit ef its different movemei.'
respond? with the frame of mind Inspired bv the poem,
no sense what is called " programme music,'* and
I'rof. L.ttcr renieinl*ri? the gnat truth which BO man/
ios' tight of, that the function of music is not to Mattete
-uggest, and that a composition win h mint be
? -'?'il b.v an elalHirate verbal tloHcriiitloli l? niu?i.
Ol a Base und imperfect order. Without exis-itlne as,
'la :i lore, to follow in his symphony tbe action of the
drama, he has taken c, rtain paSBB0M as texts, so t..
speak, anil t'Uilr uimiii then im uHtfretto linslerat'i i"!
. ling to the picture ..f the great king as he " loll?
crowned with roses," a sdier?.". symbolical of the royal
is-vi?;-. an initiante BBlgaSBtoi by Aiyrrhae BoUJOqay, and
un ?Ue_ro eon spinto, in winch we catch the furiin
of tue tina! rat.'i-n-oiihc. The orchestra imder Mr. her?
maun guv?- a i-uu-ful aad refilled interpretation of this
work, a ml the imiirt-smii prtHiuecd by it was hivhly
? g. If we say that it ?hows I'mf. Bitter to have
reverent and Int-lllgent student of Beethoven,
we do not un thai he bu- borrow, .1 anytbina
l'ina-t?!' axeept a method of treating hi.?
'-M. ideas-. aad of c mrse he eoul.l not have looked toe
latter model. The style of th?- Bret BMveB_ea1 Beeeai to
aapartteolarlj good, it t.? Btarple, fluent, and forcible.
With a single long drawn note (tbe poet. " woe?woe to
-,?invalid city!", It ?nasse, at mire Int., the charm?
ing BCberSO all? -1,-tto. Tlie ainlunte Is plaintiff and
? r. In tbe Huai alle?--,.?f,, th?' composer has given
. aal.at freer reta te bla fancy.andniadea little
I'paroach toward tbe exuberance of the modern sohool,
bnt he never tucnim-s either coarse or fantastic. The
whole ?? inphi'iiy is characterized by B sort of composure
vihl'ii ndicate.- B wrier sure of his re.ource? aud master
of all his instruments. The scoring Is solid and rich,
without being showy, and aliound. In lieautlful touches.
We doubt whether such a work would r.tptivat.- the
multitude, but It will earn tlie rraMpeet of connoisseurs
urn! Increase the reputation wb:i h I'mf. Rittet already
enjoy? aa one ol the most aeoompltsbod _u,l _cho_irly of
our resident coin posers.
The orcheuti-l piece? in tbe eeeoad part were well
played?the Overture better than the symphonic Posas*
und fur oln??? we can giv" heurt v praise to nil the SObOE
We never heard Mr. Kennuerl/. ?nit,' BO vv?il before; while
Mi--Mehlig'? perform m.?-ot tin- lovely Mhuuiann ooa
eerte was ?imply -slleto-e.
Ti,e pieces announced for the Fifth concert at. Bee
thnvti, - Heron- symphony, Bur.iiT?. ' 1'i'itintlii n?"
ovcrnirc utnl Mendelssohn'? " -lagal'l l'ave " Mi. Berg
? ' ? ... ,, nlayer
The Nilssou Company which reappears tins
.; ?' ha? ju.st closed a farewell seanou iu Bouton
M:?? Anna Mehlig is to give a series of
plano-forte uiatiute? at Stelnwa*, Hall, La-giuLlng next
Miss Laaar, who recently mudo her debut in
cm-erf at stein way Hall, lias !>eeii S-gBged a- ?
???in BO" at i'lymouth Church, Brooklyn, from the l?i of
Henry F. Cliorley, musical critic of TV
Athrturum, and for the ?puce of a generation one of the
liest known English writers on music, died revoeutly iu
London at an advanced age.
At h performance of "The Marring?' of
fi .'tiro" last w??ek, IM Pli?aibipliia, Mrs. 7-?ida rwgtiiu
fainted on the stage, aud tbe ojx'ia was tlu.shed without
tli? CaaSf-MM. Mr?. Seguin had l>eeu unwell ull the
evening, but was unwilling to disappoint the audience.
The fourth of the soirees of charulier music
by Messrs. Pruclrner and Damrosch will lie gives tbli
evening at Btciuway Hall, with the assistance of Mosars.
Matzku, B-B-Seeel, and Berguer (violin, viola, and'cello),
und Mr. W. ('. liaird. baritone. The principal ?elections
un- Beethoven'? trio iu ?1 iiia|or, Ernnt's Elegie for the
violin, a quartette of Schuliert's ID minor), and two songs
of I'l of. F. L. Litter's. _
Mis. l-.LI.ANK<Us MKN'TloN.
Mr. lbiiniun'? fliehest wonder, a group of
.'ai.m cannibals, will be presented to the public, this
a'ternoon, for the ?r?.t time, at Wood'? Miuteum. wbere
they may is ?ecu every atTernoori and evening, until
further notice. Mr Bartium will himaolf Introduce
them, in a formal address, to-day. Mr Wood's dramatic
company present, In tbe afternoon, the drama of "The
W.iiiian Of tbe W"_rld." and in the eveuiug the hurleague
drama Of "?1-uua, or th?, Bov that Cried for tbe
Moon." .. Plav-triRTs are reminded that Mr. Ldwin
Booth'a raflai, and Mr. WlBlaut t'rt-wick'ii
Urntnt will !?? presented for the first time,
at Booth'? TheaUT thl? evening: ami also that Mr?. John
WiHid apirear? ,at Nil'lo's aft?-r a long abru-ni-?' from tbe
country. Tbe company laeltadea Mr. A. W. Yuuliit. Mr
anil Mr?. (?. W. Ansoi., Mi. Julian <'rone, aud Mr. Henry
Cox. Mr. Mark .-m?tli han l?en e?|wcially eniraired ?vo
plav l'mrhaUm_It i? ?uly needful to note the preea-iit
contin?an?'?' Of "Th. Vetaran" at Wullack's. " Dff OT? ?
ut the Fifth Avenue, ?? Marrla?-?-" at tlie St. James,
-Humplv Imuipty" at tbe (?lympic "('m?l?-ralia " at
the Cir.ii?. and vurlctitv? at the Union N|uure
ii>?'?LT and th?? Talrtj-loiirth Btreol Theabi ..
Mrs. ?baiifraii wa? last we?k in flevelaud. Oblo, at tbe
lilailaBiJ of Music ...Mr. rrenwi, k made bis fun-well
i.plK'uiu',,,?.? in tue lloatoii Tbeator ,m? BssNS . Tin
-i~.-ta?i? i>,m "f '? Magnolia" win not batbaso al ?be
l!o-toii Museum till the nth inst. Mis? Kata- koigiiiild?
iilat? there tbl? week in " A ssrap ?,r ?'aper.". Ml
1 ISower? a? led at the Walnut Str.ct Tb.-at- r. Pli
pin?, lant w.?k. as Amy ?iobtfft. Mr. K. L. Dav
, ,-nport, at the ?'he?uut Street Tbe.il? :. played
lintiit Brutut, and also Admn TrutunOtt, in
' Mis. Hawaii- " Eaaliiou."_The VI? nna Ladv On hestra
I may be I,? ?rd at Mr. Paul Falk? 1'av num. on Broiadway
j ?tbe proprietor of wblch n-treat aunouini ? Hint bei?
.,,nng "to ?Upply-ImkI iiiUfiie at a price ? it Inn
ib?- lead, "t ull."... A B?:a Lion, on exhibition ut ?timer's
; ..arui'ii. m . iiniiniaii. bll a uiiin's h tnd last week, bar)
in. li ?a, :.?.li> tbat tl,.-memtM-r bad lo tie cut off Mi
1 Maurice Neville? giv?a? uiioiber ,'iit,rt_ii,m,'iii. at the
1 loamaii. -io,nil ?'?.ill. llil- eveulu_, couialaliui.' of a
nlMluMtloa OB Drama-tic Ail, iliiistt-Uad willi r?-??l
i? ,-:iaiion- . Tli" Maiitiee day? ul tin
r_..ij -;. nub sir.-?-t. Thaal? r are TuiwMlay and 11 el i.?
. S?oti-.Sidd?.LS is a?tingat KflinIn.ijiii.
Mr. Falcutier is playing in liis " Kile? u Dice,"
, i [roui.
Mil?-. l)eii.7.?t has latalv nivea Miieaesaful
|.< i ...i a?aaeasal Sai Ut,
I Hnteimiii iete.1 al Al..iluii latst week,
bu' wUi ,?i't??i al L ..'ip."" l lu?-veuille;.
The ti??-ut?-r nt MHlr. luirt l>et n 1?',' to the
i ', "\'I.,lii?l. .. ,li .illli?_?l ?"Of ?I *1,IW0.
old Open E_as_M at Fleas? has been
i. ii,,it?j'H ale I" l? eHHiU'd OU tile el.
i'lie Ibeatn- It.ilien, si-Use, is ojeeii. Milu
Carlo tut I'alti whiik llaere, at a 40U<?-rt. on Ira? _l ull.
Ml. PeohSp has Iresii sogig-d. by M-Ssn?
W. . -i.r aad ?'?/na.leo loti, lo ?pi??>?u loi *4 nighu, al Uto ;
, L7udou (_?l?lp-.. I
Topeka, Kansas, March .T.?The Secretar.
State has not yet bt>eu furnished with a copy of
current resolution whlrti dire?ita him to forward t.. ?
Vic.-I'P-sident of the tutted State? a copy of tue tes
niony taken by the Investigating Committee, for him
lay bet?re tho Senate. It would ?.em a? though t
organized e.ff?rt to keep Important testimony out of t;
way during the iuveetig?t.(a?u is kept ap to prevent an
thing official from going to Washington. Numero
Sanaa, have been made to get hold of the t-stimnny, on
pretended wish to copy it. ?mec tt w. nt into the l?an,
"f the printer, but it u believed the r? al object was I
de-tio.v portion? of it.
Both Houses of Hbf Legislature aTjounn-.t tine die. i
Saturday. The tax levy wa? fixed at 6? null?, which v
pay ali appropriations aud leave a balance of t.40,t>)0 f
current azpgaaaaaf th?-state-. A large nuuilrer of lot
h?ls failed to receive th.? lieiSlBBII ?igij_ture; but I
signed th.- lull win? Ii pie I Idea ttal persons convicted
murder ?hall 1?; conflue?! in the penitentiary one year t
for?? lieiug hang, and then not executed until:
ernor issue? a warrant Utanfig , ,'ai.. 1 i
reach (he bill abolishiiigcapital r_B_lBBsSflt
CI.O-.I. ,.i nil. ?' ?vsriTi'TioNAi. rovvuvTiov.
Bali Lakb Cmr, March .;.?The rjonvi
fi?tte ailuii-iiiol, Of Uli ,; tine die last evei
o?r, after adoptm?? a ni.?tiu,nal to Congre?? which rrlt
tutes th.? Territorial f?rm of govnrinnenf. claim? an ei
agg-ratd laereaaa in population, aud expraiaes th
lopattj ol tte Mormon people, a reaolagba araa p _aa>
aothorlting Probate judge? to take . ? ?i, r?
f!t"'y '.*?' ?lilil?es, coniinei,' uni on the third Monda. I
Maren, tbe retnrai t?. be -out to Delegate Hooper i
"lie?. An exiig_-.?r.ile.l estimate now placa? tiie p.ipuh.
t.o:i und.-; lijo.Oijo.
lfA88A< HCSETTfl.
Kl M ItV WM. I.I.'.YI? OAltUL-.iN?THE 1111:1.1
\\i. wisr?(min iNTi.xii atim;?OOUUB
CIAL ADVABTAOBrj 01 111! BUM Tlt.vFFi? -
SPEECH? lit: Till Itl.v. |;. k. HALE AM
BOBTOM, Feb. 21?.?The first anniversary o
the |Ma??:i, hllsctt? Total Abstinence society was Oh
served recently by it mas? m.?, tit,g |g Tr??tnoiit Tctnpl.?
.:,;'? p| ..??? Just on.
y. at-ago, Hid ha? f.,i? Its ,.I.;????! f!ie promotion <?' tht
?!'iitnperHnce solely by moral aud religious In
Alienees Ii bag sue. ceded wail, and it include? :
the oi?l,-i. must tnfliieiiti.il Bad "heal pa. .ug" ttltwmt 0
lteSjta-a n,, ?aaakaaawen ?ti. i, i,??i!,> i
lar.-?- le.i., at mon and tmaueai, and _a_eel_eat -?-?aker
coutriiiiit.ii in naaasaU degroa f.. ciaate a raatewod in
t??r??st in Mils great !?'toriiiiitorv niov.-nit-tii. Tl,,- II m
P. Emory Aldriet of Wo. eatax i i at, ami
a list Of SO or more \ ice President? was headed hi
.. CTafltO. Among the sneaker.? wer?' Mr Wax
Lloyd Qaniaoa, tte Lev. K.iw:ir?i Bvantl Ba
the Bon. Wm. B -bpoonor, tte Lev. Dr, ratea, Mr. Aaroi
M Powell "f New York, and oilier gent.einen. Thi
work of the last forty years trat reviewed, and If -
t.. is- geaerall* ?gr.???ii tha?, though l_tte_nperaaoe i
fearfully pi?-v.,letit and lacreaetng in raanv sections,
still considerable at <-i.-n made. Then?*.Ity
Of bringing the old Bfg-UBMBtl for. ltd] befogs tin-, genet?
all ,n un- argued by the President,'Mr. A'.dru h ; and
Mr Powell i hum. ?l ttal Ita lacreaea of tte evilwai
largelj daatottewai ahleh taaght i ? men
liiteiupiT.itc habita, w rather lad them bateotH way?.
Mr. p - , Qattod -? ????- gkeaator,
who li,id .?.im,? difficulty in getting el.-? ????1 b] tb 1- a ?
lature of Ins Stute 09 anount of former drink
lag habits. To set,no his election, be was
: t?. sign t.. ; . . and !,?? had
reontly been aeon drank in a horae cat
in the city of w i?h.:igt"ti. Be alao ijrouag
Mead Of hi? recently toi.I iiiiii that at a reception g roa
r? Ralph Waldo Bmeraon, In Prorldoaca, by thi ?
that city, every guest save two drank Wine, "Mr Emer?
son _____Sr.11 giving, bj ezaaple, hu influence with the
win, -drinker-,." Mr. Hale, a- i matter of, oaUrat, -Bande a
g.ssl sp??? Ii, di'v otiug mmt ?>f the few mom? Sta whi.'h
h?< o?-,Tipi?-i| m showing Uiat minuter? took a deep inter
eat In the temperance cause, aud referred to it frequently
bSSBBn they knew of tte skeletons in the clo-eto of the
people, of father? and son? who ware alduted to drunk?
enness, an 1 he showed by illustration what wive, ei.
dm. 1 f..r the sake ..( ?-rrrVg loved Otkea. Ita on
run- was for bob and women '?? *-iit??r tifx-ri life'? Batte?
at tnaturily With tlu-u bodies ita? pure as In ??hlldlio- ?I?a
re-.nt whi. h could on 1 v t?. achieved t?y tajtal abatinem,
'1 -?aiiiuel C. Knight of Camluldg?), a refOTBU
who baa fat 11 reara Masted tun, h of hi? time in reclaim?
ing drunkards through pinwBBl effort, made a good
Mr flarriaon madr i stroagapeeeb reviewing the his?
tory of Hi?' movement, showing the llil la argument on
aine, and the c-otniiterclal advaatagsa ol Ita run tra__kv
There liave been, said I??, conflicts, though often terrible.
Mr. Oarrlaoa commended Go. Wasiibuni wnnuly for
his word- . oti'Tiriiing l'roiiibiti.m tn hi? tnaii?/ui il in.-?
?age, ni'l. atla-r arguing in f.ivrr of a stringent ProLia?
nt?!, law, gate these figure? ,n reply to tho stnt-tavanta
fre.jueutl' made thai I'rohilutloti Would crtl'ple th
merci.ii interest? of Huston ami tl.? siat?' : Proa Novena
be* to M i.V. lifts, after the election, tbe ?ale of liquor was
unrest n. te.1. Imnug thai fear there was a falling off in
the valuation of 'h>- S'aie, a? ?-o ni partid with tlie two
previous rear?, of nearly t*t,'?>0,i?J0, most ..f w hi? h w,_?
in persona. pi.,p. ity. Iiiinng tn two ?ear? of Prohnn
tion. the personal proper.? of the H-ot? n;,-reused ?jt per
t eut ; in ]s? H un.lor the Linens? law, If increased only _t
par cent, Preaa isso i,? isrj, BaaSoa taeiaaaed imr vaiua
lloa lld.ooo..??) a:i:,u,..ly , vv.'ille, from lv,.U" .
1 w ?. year- of Prohib?U?D, tlie increase rea. lied t)
'iniiiially Danng tita fw<. raara of Protibttnai her In
ereaac waal i??r i .?ut. out last year, aador lloaaai, eatp
1| isir tent.
To the I 'li'ii i of The Tri',
Bot: As tt? any lapses In ,1 b.-g to
refer vou totte proof re id?!. B
gratefully rctogmic, bat who,.
And In raapoct o( ttal denof ttlerea la (titBtt Care
lina, wlatae potaagae caricature anil crninual travesty
of leproseiitalive BBVSrBtBgBtSW a dug; tM t , luodern
civilization, you will know iny opinion vv lieu you ?hall
have read what I some time ago wrote and sent to you
on that subject. The ?copo of my previous remar ?j?, as
you doulitles? undir.t.iod, was to the effect that pail>
division? in regard to who should be auppurted as part.
, aiiilnlati'S BOOld only tg M ''Ssd by t imllig t.? a vote ,
and as I do not supjMise anybody will c<>nte?t tins eon
elusion, I will nut add anything on tais h''id. But ou
those siiiijects to which i dut not Hftn aaiaaly, party
corruption-, party ui.?inatiT';i'meiit, amt th? grave ?viU
eiigen.lcred by long lease- of power in the .inn.. Land?.
and the ullilaatlj of party reform an 1 ??ur-iil.-.t'i,?t. ?yi?u
w?>uld lad It difficult to say anything I shoul I not in?
What I Ikuve written on a fornur occasion has lieen
rathei Itii iiiptiiaabin nf a phi Moptlc raaa__?a( the .-it
u.ili??u from uu imis-r-on.il point of view thuu that veiy
difr.rcnt language wtibh BB ar lent personality lying
behind It Bosald utt-T if It sought to accomplUh n lorn,.
BBd saw any way open by ?huh It could be cff.i? t?'d
Then-is no doubt ulxiut the ?xlitence of taUlMPUtl-k. Is
the V..publl?-:in party. Th- aM t Itself is of smsll conne
ajaeaea. Ilao tl.?' depravity of uuuiklnd is no new thing.
The diiii. ulty of the real evil la th.t these .ornipti.?u* do
not alw i? ? gat reformed, owing t.i tho lnertn?-ss ??! t!.?
refoimiiig peaar. iien. Qraal toss taaaM assa. A aaaa
of entire ?tit.grity, from his own point of vb-w. 1;
Grant is not a man of that sensibilit? which ..?'?!? I -a-SB
llkeaw.iun.l. Tn? i, h.i.? sunoiie!?! !?y tai ala who
at. too sitisrt for him. IfeMSt hi-ua-df, be u ?low to
detect itUholicstv lu others.
Tin? in-eitsii'iiity ?ometiui?- makes htm I
the minor d. rails of ndtuinlHtratiori Tin? B
t, at, ?1 ii. a -is?!, h mad.? in the Senate yettenlav hy ex
Senat.u Harlan. This g.ntletn.ui. who r.a'i,?- h,at
mil is _nd to :'?? away ri.'h. a.-itl who once at copied a
Cti-atlaa pulpll, was guilty of a piece of ?p? cul plead?
ing la ?lei. tiding L-ei and St-siking. and of ? "Ui?e the
a, i lea of fhe Administration ia not >et reaB?'Vnig them.
thai rivaled the lituiui;? ba ,'^.rdy ci-?.-, lu which tlie
cnlprit wa.? en iiaert on tin ground that tbe child wa? a
MB iii one. It i, humillal.ii-'. BaJ U'"?e. U b? an oilrtige.
tli.it the Hetitif'ilratt party at Bald t>? c.ii.l?e:i?-.l I?'
cndui? th. ignonilne of Hurlan'? aanal ?-? 1 M
Int?, hell is ea?y. And ttere '? an BlBB?BHea th*r tou h.?
the verv ?tre of the ?itaallon.
It Is that ,-orrupt saSSlBBSI fl-B and h.roi. t ? ? ? ' m -n*
fmm tin- .tart, ao?l that ?lowtiea-a in pSBSStt lag "'
liiseiisii.illtv In iippreelating them, is a lanieatablr.
es-I in adinlirlstriiti.m.
?? .'withstanding ' n I pitfall? iliat L-e
?r-t i??. ,.,.|, ,f (j,?n (Irnnt and iH-drabble t-te skirt? of
th.- ATtniiils'ratioii. a-SBS I-. nevertlielee-i. a ? le ?I ?1>'
ov. ih? ad. la Its higher ?ml Wider aspect,, in tl
nient ?'f our gnat n?U"iial .|in-stioiin ?nice lie |gg l/rieU
ia (,rant ladeaverviiuruf unqualifl. ?I piaw?'.
He ba? given his sup|kort free., to Ilia groat and iu.j ?:l
ant policy of I'rotea lion SB Amerlean Inluitrj. Ue hi?
iiiauguraUil the trial of a huunae treatment of ti. In
?linn )nl?e?. Ho ba? via-Tiiutiy upiield the nali.ual
cr.diU ?u?l ste_MLa> |.'ne-ur>.l tin- p?...> j o! p?v lug tte
, tu? u ou ?I di-'il, UU uio cry of ptawst?-?. IBBBBB__fll-?s k? ud?
tlr-ly ?ilenr-d. He ha? energetically enfortsed pea?
home, and he has resolutely kept the |>eace with i
foreign Power?, and he has dita? tala beat to paolfl'?:
dUraoas of every national dispute and eompltcatir
Tbeaa are great merits, triumphs even, and they oons
tute a substantial cutios to publie support and con
They are a series of measure? of which any A
m,tiisfmtl"!i iniirht well he proud. In this policy and
theae art? On, Grant has lieen heartily sustained I
the Republican party and by Tub TKinrsr., ami th<
constitute? the record on whl.-h the party will challeio
public support In tin coming election, and In the light
which a lenient Jud-uiout on the fault? that have bt*
committed will be Invoked.
Meantime and at all times, before and efter the d
cisi?n as to who shall head the Republican ticket, if
certainly the business of the independeut preas boldly 1
pursue corruption and malfeasance In office, wherev?
and whenever it show? Itself. This ta a dnty wnlch uevi
intermit.? and never end?. And a party which la U<
feetile f., pur-ur and punish, or Insbrt on the punl?ht_?M
of its own culprits at all time? and seasons and under a
circumstance?. Is a party until to tie truetesl with powe
And a representative of the party, official or unofflria
who undertake? to sheiter or excusa? them, shares in tli
guilt of the original offender. The position of Tu
TKinrvE on thi* point must therefore be adjudge
healthy, strong, and Just. It furnishes stroug meat, tit
the party is bSBllbj and can dige-i It.
Washington, Feb. W, 1*71 J. a. I-.
['.: ; MMbbbj in r man. Demnerat? In italic?)
Mit. ,(,mb c<" ?rr.
?? .ItpfTunr*, Maj. : Tfetra?. Hvptn-itrrrt. Mi
Barker . J. H. P.non?.... ? Kirkwo??!./> H. \tvbvty. ?
!l I S A**ott... 59 l?ale.M S. flarK.
I.W L ?inawoM. !*.' Maine.f C SKnfir....
I.Martin #mtm... 4 Santlenke.Wm. Kllev.
i VV. K. Beata ...517 S-n??rl.J K. Kan'pr ?... ?
i.K.,',?rl t r.?ier. XI Tnan?le.._?rt C?rtwright. -
.14? irAttaev... ?,l'ti,uu.J. H'trntt.
CTieaan?,,.Walter e.r?.... ? V.?ta..J t.. Rmndt.... -
./' Sr __BV__a * Wladaor . ...I. ?. Edaoo.
I ?le*?ille,.B?lwar! H.rTmr . ? I Kep., 13 IV?,S: ?a? ?*e?urj
Peat??.M. ' - Uen It tl.r <_m< a* lait rear.
niAirTArQCA cocsty.
??ur-ie/e,. Mai. I Town*. ?H\perH*rrt M.
.?rlw-^'t.I - Ii -,:?. *' naraoiiv.T G. Htewari.... -
." J. MlflBlaaL.. ?.Eiantooe.Joel Beaalar..
... I. S It.,'. n>..n.. ? Miaa.Qe? Barf.
?Ti?rl/aet- ... H B. Mmatttt.. ? Poland.H. S. lilkin?. .
? bauuu,,'!?.. . M. P. Itemii* ... ? Poafret.FranUtm, Hurntt 4
IVr-ir??..!, S. ffnat- . . ? l'.?Ml*n.l.T K. Mon.
ClvTiier .I._w ?trim?i_ ? Riiile..AJ.Iwm Mam?,.. -
buntirl.(Blee. In .Vf.rea? ) ? Shertilan. J C IM? . 4
Bllerr.VV. (,. Iteaealirt.. ? Sbevman.J.T.'ireen.
.\ r Air,,.? Sl.r-IU/ll./. >? /.?.,,,*?1_T. -
Klua?t,,!,.Sirauel tirl-Ui.. ? Vlllenor?.T. II *e?rl.
Creak II B Cate.. ? W.-ttfieU .T. BBuaw...
Oerr?.W II Sr?tt. ... ? Be?., ?' l'eu,.. E L_?t >e?i
llan,,?er.SraitU.iark. 31 Kep.. IB Dew 7
r./irw?. 'euj.e-'ae.r Maj 7'?>_?? ftwp~-< -or Ma
Colanil,:?.JVC li..-'nn_..l?l Ohio. ?
Daaaiet _ s I, a ,H,r- U lieaea. I.A. M.mu.
....\ '?' y '.41 tuI??h?,' ? W I- BaaaaB.
ffn kferl.P.A. stiff.158 ?Vhiivler.Ja? Il LaJ.l.1"
T? I IBB I Hals L 1. It'??? ....t_J8terl.Ptt* Uoytr.7
I!. ?? mrr . . I V Si, let . ...Warren .J,?w* .Ha*o?-5
_l>. M H-.I*.l.t? Wllm.rt. J K S Will,,?,o -
. .._..../' .1 S?ara?,... .?1 WlaBekl.V. ft Viylnr . I?)
M alLarer... ?I Bep I3? pera.. 6 l_et r-,:
? _ K. K Hn,wn. 41 Rep., J l'-n I; iBBtsa ?
But-war. Uuntim Hvmtll II!
'1 rr'KItSO.M CO-BTT.
T -ti? Hnptrrn.ir$. liai. T',"-?.. fi'ipm-itnrt. M?J
AltHO. .Itor.l Puller. IM Phll??elphla../rre? r?-er ... -
,. Iri?.. W'.kt.Ta-auaia ? K..lman Wat C*_rMI
Antw.pt.I! Ii Eetas... I'- Bn'.l?B?l.W m. South...rtt. -
Bre.wnTille....M. 11 Pat* .let There?* J V Morrow.. I
?-.V. ii .\ Baas?. . '1 W.tertaiwvi. . ?ha?. Rich.nlenn. -
i iiainpi'in.A W. HnritrU.. ? Wat>rt?.'ii tit? ?
? laaina..H. M Ka^lrtvn.. ? Ut Wanl .. C. B Tai-a-art*.. -
/h.Wm Hailwin... 77 _l Want.J ? Kn.,w.
llillllllBfl . I., ?a'.-.ir ... ? 3.1 Wanl .. 7'''. ?'?VMIrT, lea? -
.117 4th Warl....',. '. HrnAUy'.. -
. .m ?5 W?rth.Ii. ? Jen?.
l..-ra ii-.V VV tir.i*.UN Wltaa.H '? llimm<m,t 1
1..B.-.A J t>'>r~i. 41 Kr|, 1',. Pern. |l, la.t rnar-K.|i
f'Haii JVnraa ? IT,D?s ? -K ?? *dlaaDaatahai
l'..ui-.l. .. . .1) VV. II.?en ... 3|
UMiMili.A CillSTT.
Ti??-,?. .Survrv-veiTi. Maj TOmOt, .super? i-.?-,. 51a;
S-ite. - Salina ? .... -
.K %_ flu?H_1^ MBsswH-n V * ?>'
1 |[ -,,.tt. - Spi/Jur:..J. N. Knapp- 1?
p. 'wet, : i, r - . .IS7 i i '
lokm *r?.?*ro.... ? : J J M
? r llu'hell ...II" .____ ? y > ''-c
Uffarefta.. '?.a. _?(___... _ 'f',rl*--'" II M.I,,
rk . ?H 7 ./".? /<??<
.BS I ? ?'?-fh.I9J
..... ...U.I util . S'j Tnllv. s. Willi?. -
_ I | I ,-. ? . //ir-ry 7-feBe-e.l.rJ
l'??. ... ?. ? Hep., ?j D_a, ... _*.t ??Ms
D a., 'j
,,r?|.,.,, , misty.
T,'i-Kt. fh,ptr.u.rt. laaBH tttfl l_UI
. (loa ...S S M.f .. ? '."? ,
, v.- f?ft 1 Bf Ut*'?-"._. A. Le???Bi>.
,, ..Jolm ?Aim:,-I. Pitt* ./'./??
? n M Arm?ipin?t
Bieter, , .. B vv I kirn ,e?l.J. i . lir,..i.
Ilarteick... I B I , '. aU??Ba?B.,,eu /l.e--i'
t.?nr-i.? ... UBeyTaeker toiiaaSsM.9. T. WhUt,
?1 .r.-n i I. Diarfaai. t ?-.lilla.If B. Oiajjri>,
Mi-ll?ll_a.... E. M?M?. ?V e?tf,rrJ.''"''?'?"'
B . . ..f. .Sneerer VV.,ree??er .. S?l""TI,or-r
Erna.N?th?n Urel???. k,p., U . De?., U. L**tr??r,
> Lulrua.B-Pettea-. lie. llj P_a.,E
?, iiiiiAKiK. ciLirrr.
rmeaa?. ft? ?sere?- re.. T?r?"??. *??*n_e<_
BU..keim .HUnt fanat, a-MMaafa-i. -? .?"?"?V.
Ur,.,,m? .W . Hirb_i,o,1?i!l_J H.rn,w?v.
?arliae ... T M. Mate t. Seaohara?-1. <l. faryi.
-A,. ,i.,a>r. :.II. A Warne,.
K'< ioa." .!#*??_????. iWn?_t.... ...J. J- /*?-??-?.
1 Kep. :?. Pem. ?
_ 'be?, fru?. L*?4 Jtti. Kep. j,
Ur-sret.I. M-'?.?X **/*.
C.nlou . Ml I'a.s! M,,rri?t..?-'.UKK...L.
(i?fV?i I me. ?swrr-aa >i>rf?.l?.J < ? Mouli.
aj iu.,rv (I. ?? VV. Gihh?.
!.. _* h i' ? y OtilrMrmri; ? G vv vt ,,-a
|ir p* .? T I? WraBfwB. I *'*- Anaatr-ing.
liwara. ...?;? arter. ..'ebie...S. H. MstaT.
C? . .. K I. w . ..r Parla-ftBa, ...r.W.Basj
ffwwMf i.alael l'eek. l'.er^.ol.4 Le,'t_rL
0,uver?e?or....N EMnai " eaira.\. M. t ?rtvr.
lUaaiiBil ...J S- M.M.re. ___.'i__2
\ t. Scie.?. l?-?-_e.rh.?a. lur. ...
Il.ip, nf ?s ... -J S*ni..rl IU-e|l .h
Liwrer,,*. . .K s I'. -tH,b..lra K S. Irai..?.
. ABflrew T'irler. W.?Hlart..?i.. I < . M..__i>ra?r?
(...ai.? ,1?.J.aae? M ' '"'' -? -?Ia".
.H. O Sweet.
STKIilr..s 'ni BTT.
r-"-_ ?BKf.aui? I* .?7?rirTr-?r<.
.//mrv IU? les?. 'JavTwr.8???*l Denn, u
. Pr?na N. Haraej. Ua_ai.W ?. M,?,re.
i, ., Ba ?a pratubnireh ...M'iean ;????'?
Hra.lfom . Hirrrnl"le Paltes.e. .... O O Obbb,
n.L. '' Its-a? k?i?l??B?.?Ja?. W. ?,/nn'.
I_wb.m1I.I. II B?iiu_ -a,n .L. M.
I , ?tea J,,hn I! Hrnwn ' 1 r.,qr>?trur?;u.. H r
.(??W iMarl. , 1 mwarur?.VA ai. VV?ii.
? ;, .an-i ? . a I r ,,na.Ar?-I"i: Il
CorB'n?.y??l?e ' ?"? "? ?? ?rlarel.M A"?o?e,/l
leaaiwiU*.l-rei. M. Kre?i,rr. |W?fu?.1. K. Mm?r.
'-irle, ?' t ,. VVe? I'm... ...//."?/>_,?. M'ror
K?-il..??-.aSraB tnrk.
or, en?, ?1. ...JuKh .'ai'u WkanVt.L. ?I. Lnru
llartevtll*./.' *' StMaat W ,??it,ui!.. . // B Mil; ?m*
??ret,. J H r-ro,,.,,,,;?. K-p I? 1er:,. Id. Laat rear
Krp.. ITj i'-m., I '.
il ? ,,-. J ,.an , -Aa'-p
i vtks oorrrrr.
fOt su. .tuptr-Uxri. Twnt. s'?;ieri lere?.
Ila-rairtun , I*i? ' e,, . . Tl l'.jtter.'?? *r?tAeV
. ..? Il .lu- ?I! s,,rke? .i ,?rk Sailli.?7
|i,l?.J. U ' .ara. 5 Ti?rr?7.J. U. I 'lark. 1?
? >v l'??l,,r.... ?' -
S ! ?Irr. i Total.. .'/4<>
\; .l? O .?U-arl .. Mil Kep, 7; Ireai., J.
The Hon. h. W. VoorhtM-s h.ia written a
letter to Tht Inrikmmmmpotlt Journal, piibh?br- to-?lay. '!??
enatagte i?-- Ibe Is-uiiH-ratic candldau? fordovemor of
The lim?me J?cjinhliran. whose editor was
lia a recently copied list a? among th? onTce
bohling e.liiors. daabM tin- a*?.'rtloii iieremptorily. and
al it? ro.atinasterslilp wan relluiiUiahL'd nearly
? .,?t"
Alexnmlti H. .SupUeiis is coulitlent "that
no man but i.rant ntauds the ghost of a i haue?-for the
nomination or lus party. It is aln*o?t a? cerUtlii that
? ?i,;, Triimb ill. '.reeiey and other proml
Beal mal? ontenti win ?upisirt him."
Th. //"?fon Advtrtiter, which commits itself
to in opliiiou with painful caution, feels called upon to
declare thai - nenslOT Truuibull has mad?- up his min 1 to
gu will thai lair.'-' body n: BatatbUeaaa who are kick of
c- iiitlon ind are resolved to previ. I the reuouilnatieii
of ?,' aul. '
N.'tiraskn. which luis hail a succession of short
Urrylng .Jovoniors within the last year, now sata-SB
down un l-r the nil" of James the lirst. otli?rwise. I.leiit.
?lov. James, who na? finally n.utt-d hi? usurpiii- rival?,
-??iiutico lb.' 1.,-gulalure, aud lutmucho?! hnuseir m
place and power unUI the Best ela tn,u, uulesa sooner
etrcumv ented i.y hi? enemie?.
The ii.lMteil pei'I'l. ')f South CaroHoa B?. n
rently Incoiivi-iiti -?rt. .hi?! .-? Oad ? call fora BS
viiitionof colored men. to be held at New-? Bris an?. OB
?day in April. Th.- chu mention? no
ear?} . I.ut. as oi., ot the pom:? a.H'o? al.-l im e.iaalllty
tr-.f,?i. ?ne law. there isntfrooui to doubt that tin; Cou
vcutiou will be ha-punai ta.
?he Aihany Lxfireu? i-s a journal habitually
al.u.ii (1 to by Mr. ('oiikluig'* urgau? _? ou the way Ml the
lxiiioeratic camp : and yet tin? ?hamelees papr lui? tho
ell nuit cry lo assert: " That th.- countrv wiU hatea Iv>
put>lic-n lor j-re-iieut during the ??-rai endUig lu lsTT
Ih.'iO .ai. 1-' im... u.,1, but uti.tl.erlie wl.l, b?; ?be nom
I'..',, of tin- Convention which l? tn n eet In l?hilade nb a^
or of the one to tie held In tii.eiuuaU. is still -lidccnleU.
T-__PBS-08 B1M ? p?-rfeet rush of camlnlaterJ
who j earn for th'- i.oveninrshlp. Thai Mosaic ?Ut-?
man, Aiic?- John?un. hoM-rs threateningly on the
,,.?,?., ,:,,! i h? push lniiifelf in it? ita lii-aveB
,!.!. r for the pl_ffA -BoaHSI_Eg MMB BSMllBSSS-W,
a Teme?? ,? paper adde: "??sail batty tete thaaSeyt?
iiinler ?... U clrei.iiisut.?... I..- e.oit.1 . .rUiuly atabeIII
?arasfar Iba ? ...-n. <-.?.' If h. ? da . ,om. oat alt.
., tii.i victorious.he woold eerUl iy we theeaMOf
portiinlti to Ibow th, ?r -MM In cotia.. Lag a rvireat.
A tTeas?? " on:..?.." of t'1?' r,a1 thieh-anil
.1 ;h. iH'lltieal p,?:tl..n of th- < iMlB
liiti ?aflMBiaie. meut; mug the writer? of the
IIIBBll-BtT In parti, ular. whereup?? Tht JTn?/_irer aava
that " Judge lloadly for the laat 1" or 13 y-ara bas had
many otter* of a < ..iterre??? uuniinatiou, ami there lia?
necuii.i Um that, if ba waat? I te Iahe It m? par'y
.'i"la-> faaffb?? ? could
! _av??*4v? way t*ia*-a i _?. -*i ?. ??-te >?? abe gitiot h,-?
party tn Ohio. The sann? atar bo said of Hot. Cox and
of Judge Stalk). .None of Ib-ti? have Ih-.hi offlt-avaueker?
Two of tbem, Matthews anal Hoadlr, were ei?<-u-<l
Judge? of the Superior Court, gerved for two or Uire?
yearn, and then rcalgned, to the-regret of tbe bar and tlie
people. They are each ?ad all re.iogn.ied a? ettl_*-us of
tine talent? and unblemished personal iatecrity."
An Administration orgiin of the fast-ftnd
loose-style, The Rnehetter Bemoemt, a?.?**???' that oppo?
sition to conventions and double terms imp..?- de??-??,,.,,
of party, ami thereupon wash?-? it? hind? of ?urti as
have been guilty of the offense. It I? in t he reeard? that
tbe same paper, which now wees only with an Adminis?
tration eye, once mion a time sma?h.p<1 a very fair Re?
publican ('?invention in Monro.?, and, under the banner
of liidr|Hoi'lence and reform, ?urressfnllv crowded In on
?ie holtiug ticket. Now, the question is?but no, th?
question would be cruel.
I>r. Cromwell, a prominent colored leader in
Loaisiana, Issue? a long addrt-e? to his PSSBSB. exhorting
them to go Into tbe next campaign with?? 11. (?rant head?
ing their ticket, and at least three eatSaad ' ? 11-resstneu
to reptaaent the colored int-*re?te of tlie Sst.it*-. Hi? ad?
dress, whi. ii i- vulunifiioii?, dt ala 'im'? ' ainl.div wltt tte
S?iutherners, who are plainly infon.I that the negro
owes them no favor, and nienn? to brttok no inequality.
He proposes to Bta p?tipll toficct. throughout the Mai. ,a?
many colored people a- |s>s?ilii?-, and join lianil? with tte
"Radical and Yankee Alsilltloiii-tat 10 n?pr?'s.? th? -Ii
cruachnients of tlie Pout-tarn a.
Mr. W. W. Holden, a gentleman who left
Heath Carolina lie? aus..- well, Ixcausc an untimely Im,
saaataaaal aererod in* otii.-i .1 existence ?n that sute
now mystifie?, tte w*aeblB|lirs pui.lic by a " valedictory,"
delivered through the colttmii? of The Wnehtiiytnn rhnm
tele, in which lie take? iHcasion to n?.(?inmend (Ja :
(.rant to the country aa a is r.??ui , ?Ineatlj ?I? tOXTlBg res
nomination. hikI ii?.i Whom uii-.il?, Ito.is of tlia' rmher
I'llestionnblc Ixsm. Mr. Hidden give? no hint a? to ill?
future occup.Ttion, but there cannot I?? much doubt, after
ttal sprat, what sort of ,. mackerel ?u? 'II tatet.
An irrepressible Kansas jourmil. devoted to
the interests of tin- t.-ceiitiy criuiiiiafed officials, airily
snaps it? linger? in the fa.. of the exa?p> rated rssiple.
and, with a "what are you going to do al.out it I" de?
clares that Mr. CalJwell cannot l?e laaaooed from bi?
place In the t'uit.sl stale? Senate, no matter how il was
obtained. Beside, it adds in palllBtloa of the bribery
scanda I. the met? wiio s??l?I I bOBIdM ll. - out tint li'l think
(aldwell w.uiiil li?. to take the pl.n e. und BBS net to
blame .because he obstinately retain? his seeunsi .-cat.
"He will live," ??ys tills ruction? champion of t.?
reputable?, poetically, "and be bomaedand beloved by
the stati w hen tin- tail ptalrte ?Tra.?? refuse? to sigli a
sad Bad plaintive r?'?iutem over the grave? ?it ???tin- of
in- defamei?. This investigation anaiaro? I? tamfoolcry
of the first -rater." It don't boUatt in anooverlng
rogueries, and a?-ert- plalntiti !> that, while tin people
were ini'Tin* "f tie i.tbrr. all went well, and, as to the
inveot.k-.ilioi. iiself, that, M pan? out pi?>rl> "
|/? ,. .,/.... r?ini,?i Mutrr. ?ee -ttoonl /'.lye 1
IIartfold, Man'h ll? The gigmtrney House,
ft large family Is.ardihg-bo.ise in thi- city, was found to
I?' on lire ulx.ut le'ela k this morning. When the names
were eitlugii.-lit .1. it was !otlud that til? h?,use had lieen
set ou ore m live .LIT, r.-ut looms and on three HI
floors. In the dining-room tin- had bejei ?et tl ?everal
different plat ?-. If the flr?? had not !?? ? n dlai ?n red In
til?n , loaa ??i i If?- would very likely ban resulted, as
i.earlv ?o paraona ware sleeping in dlfleront parta of the
building. There i- no positiv? proof yet of the author ??f
tin? tin Mi- Ii, .us, tin? I,???*-*? or the house had n, ',:.
?aranee ??f Is,.??' on her furintur???.;.??.?? m this .-itv and
...I??) in the Pluenix of Brooklyn. Tins !? -a,o lo be
much m exi es? of tte vain. .,r the furniture.
IN SHI TH N ?.TI. k.
I?"-f?i\, M.!-?., March 2.?A fire in South
Battek this laomlaej ileeliiijuwl a bolltllngowned
?h eiipied by J. is. i Talk, a? a dry good ?tore : Win. Ed?
ward?, ch'tliitig deil.-r: F. A. Kings!..ill , pgOf-slOB
inai'kei -, i;. Urnber, barber; and the !? I Nat?
ural History Societ] ; 'he entire collection o! -|>e, linens
?us to the society w-1* consumed. The Ore ex?
tended '., the Elliot House, owned by Gain Baile). which
is also a total loaa. The adjoining buUding, owned by
Qain Bailey, occupied by Pmlth >._ Lew in. grocers, aim
the l'os! Canoe; the itw.-lltiig. ?tor?-and stahl.-of v. I:
Tn, L. .and two dwelling, owned by Ellmf dc Walker,
w,?re ai??. i,,iini?ai. ii..- eu^nie-iious.- na? badly dam?
aged. T?t .1 .
a i.i miiki: yak!) BUBNKD is' rnor.
Tbot, N. V., March l?a lin- was iU_MMvered
bg --inlth aud Cling'? luuiliei ?) aid in West Tn-t at lOCfJJ
o'clock on Batarday night. Loss g;..???: tally taaniad.
Huiiili A ('rug li.iv? -teck on hand to the valu, of SStsISS,
on which i? an ?luirme, o? B-TaB-S. This aft? rnoou tin?
Fire I>.-|..trrrr..-i.; ware still working on the ?Ire. which i
liow under control. Another fire ,??<?.nre,l In Marsh and
w .swan-? yardal 11:30o'clock ou Saturday night, but it
a m . Aunguished with?"it loaa
IN T01.HV1".
TOtaOXTOi March 2.?A lire occurred thin
morning comer of Youg?- aud Kiiig-it?., m a building oc?
cupied t.v Bldaal Brothera, .baler? in hardware, and
Finch, dealer in clot hing. The building and stock were
f.otiHidcratily ?lauiaged. Fluch'? loss Is |5,t?J0 ; fully in
sured m tte London ami Liverpool, British American,
ind Lam aahire Instuanee Companlea. Ridant Brotb
? T's loss , ani.ol is? ,?.-.?.-l-tall,ed, ...It they are tuliv l?-ill? I
in the Royal, PLujuix. and other companies.
iv -w-StAVTOV.
S? KA\Tn\, IViiD.. March 2.?shortly after
midtiight a lite l?rok?-out in Hyde Park (.--,-i_aitt?<ti>. ?1>
-iiovit.- tbe Odd Fellows' Ball, tirm-her'? Botel, Byd?
Park Ilot.:, su.t live ,.tl,.i nuilduig?. The Ore origin at?. I
in i ue ? i.id Pollowa' Ha.i Los?, |"7.i.i)i?i ; luourancc small.
i.<> vi. nnns.
A fire, e.irlv vesienliiy, in ;i range el stables
aitaadhig froat No. 41.5 t>, n,. en West Thirtieth ?r..
owned by Thomas ? .'Reilly. (lauiaged tin? building ll.oOO.
Manning K. F'ul.er loaf a horse worthpjim Several other
oceiinant? lost feed and hsntes?.. Mose? Jackson, ag>> lj,
of ThirtT-tlfth-st. ami Firat-av.?., was ?U-epmg in tte loft
of Nil us, and was ?utr... at??d before he could is* reeeaod.
H-ha?l vis.ted th? stable on the prevmus evetiiug. in?i
a? the night was -lol'lnv, he hud ColliTllded tO sleep
A tir-' m, Satin da? damaged Edward Mulli-Mli'- effects.
on tin- third floor of No. I* . Tinton.place, f..'??). I11
s'lred for f>,st?). ?Mr Mulligan, a sick mail, was re-.u, ?!
witli difficulty. John LimLim's eliileroom. on tin second
tl.ior. was ?lauiaged |i.ia?i. Not. Insured. Felix Latkin
lai.i.ir stor?-. on the rji-st floor, wu? damaged IM*0. Not
insured. The building, owned by iieorge W. Woodford.
was damaged |j.om). Itisure.l. L. Suiui Katl'a stock of
merchant tailoring g??,?ls adjoining was damaged *?_.??.
A Are In the celling of the second floor of the baildina
No. 1 Boud-st., occupied liv the Kot,Inns .V Appleton
vv ,r, i, Baanfaotarlng c.mpaiiy ami aevei ? manufac?
turing (ewelora, ?iainaged the stock? of Carrei?. Hawklti?
,v Isiwd. M ullord it ( o., and J. K. Kobtuus .V ( 1. . |:,'?ai
The building was damaged ll.oou. All the loss? ? are
covered by insurance.
Aarou Prie?-'? ?traw hat manufactory, in Forty-tlrsr
st., was daniagesl |6i?) by fire.
Bernas Brandt'? stock of eke, tn the basement of Ho.
?T.", ISowery, was damaged |.3??o bv tire. J. Hlidnck's
sink of cigars, on the flj-st floor, was damaged 11.000.
I...SS011 building, Iron.
Tin* two-story trame dwelling No. m? south Secotid-sf.,
Hrooklvn. E. I)., wit? damaged 16?) by Ore, yesterday
Fin- Marshal M<-Mp?'?i??u ropurta <Jo fires during ivi,
raanr, with a total loss of W?e??M. of which tOl.-ior. wa? on
building? ami to4,.i7i) on content?. Amount ?)f meuran. ??
on building? pJ7y,_tw, and on ?tuck |174._?-J. total, St.-i." hi.
seventeen fires were caused l?v kiTos.ni? ami inpild ga?
it", by overheated stoves, fouraaeea, stove pii?-?. ,v,. ; 1. by
foal and defective chnnuey-i ; A by defective heating ap?
paratus; 37 by careles? use of lights, matches, Ac . 4 by
spontaneous combustion of rublush, oll-ragu, o.l _a saw
dust, ate? ; J were tt incendiary origin ; 4 not yol aaeei
turned, aud the remainder by accident.
The Phnmix Hotel at Salisbury, CharitOO
Cwnlf. Ba.. ?aa liunu-al Feb. 26. Lot? S14.U0?; iaioratiee. ??i.aiAi
The Tomtieoii Wadding Mill. ?B Illmtrtoii.
C?ua.. ?a? liurnerl Frute ?..til. t.wfeilie,- w:?U 1.0>?' bala? ?,. u.a-ai?.
t.ire.l ijuosU. i??.??, ?.40.UUI)._
l ? l I.Ii IN BLAME.
The investigation of the Legislative Com?
mittee into the charge? preferred against Superintend?
ent Miller was resumed on .Saturday, Mr. Tot.ev pre
Itartus I! Marigatn, I'r.--i?l? t.t of tin- National Trust
Company, t?-?tlfle?l : I ktmw nothing Of a i h?'< k ilrawt, in
blank by th.-Couiinoiiwealih Pire iMaraitn Coatpaay
mi our i "tiipaiiy ? I have iuiibt?lood that llury kept an
a?'?'.?uiit w it Ii ih
Th.odore it. Wetmon-, Vice-president of the "?....?n.?/
Lif? Insiiriiii??.? Compan) , t.-litn ,1 : I have Mb! tte us.mi
charge of one-tlftli of one Bag i ? ?it let tte tratister of s. -
ruritlea ilci>?>?lt**?l alth the Insurance Ii.-u-u-tinent at
Al'.niy . I placed in .videli' ?' the invoice of su.Ti tr ill?
for, showing the fee m is? ??_??? oa th.- U-uaaiac of Itoojau
of tl.?!, and notarial charge?? ?V. so, this was panl by
check;? ?ubscriptlon list had Is ?u pn,? tiled l>y >lr.
LtwreiK ?? m the Opting ,.! 1*7!. and 1 had been a-kedT??
?uimcrils* to it; the list wa? a mere memorandum, und
tli.? -urn required waapjO.iN?), ot which tlie Secumy In*
aasaaea OBaapoay waa aated t?. ?u!.?, rib? Ilioo; I paid a
cheek for thai amount, drawn t.? the older ,,f M
rence ; I nu'lerstoisl the money was raises 1 tn h. cine I in?
paaaage of what was known a? tl.e Milhi I.if? bill ; tbe
tianio of the Security Insomne?- < ompaav wow the last
on tte It?', uji.ui which were the loltovilng: Mutual.
?.?,._.,, Iftialtalrle, St.'-oO: N? w Votk. gi.'aki; Knicker
bocker. I.1.IBW: United -tit?.?..'!,;,?'; Coutlneut il, ?...-?I.
and se. urity, li.jou-, 1 iijii. t-inod tte .tii?,ve rorpori
tiou? wet.-m fav.ir of the lull the p'ini-tpal liaiures of
the bill were raoelved with favor; I ktiew not.ilngof
M.Her in the transaction except, so tat a? the conversa
tion with Mr. Lawroaoe wo? coiictuti??i, I never n?#
eeiveil either threat or Indu, euieut fioui Mr. Miller up
tho ?ubjet. t, and Un? vn Bald him any mouev.
Jame- F H Hidden i,f .\. w Jersey. Has retarv uf lh<
Anuraole Mutual Lid? Insurance I'on.pat))', tesi i:t?'l ; T.i?i
atlalrs uf the Company were e_auiluc?l In Mardi, ls;|, l,y
aieatt- South wick ami ('tildiTdge, under the direction of
Mr Miller; th? iiivi-.iikm'.ihu ,? ? upied iwuor Uiree ?lay?;
Mr Kendall, the Vbe Pi? ei.leitt. istid Sd-tJ for the work
?bine, but lo whom l do imt reeolleet ; Mr. Mlllci was
paid t-toi by check, with ?r- extra tor noUirlal fc??; a
Wtter had been received from the lusuiance l?.-|...rt
uii-nt fot th?* first P?o., but uot fur the otter; t_?alan_B_a
iind mottgagea tvad taaa ricelvt-l from tte C.f_?a
wealth Fi.? inauraocu Curap-iax >>f which sviiii.nn M
i, jr.. hod been apiM.n.U-. lt-*tel?er; William M.
Tweed, si., held fJO.OOO worth ol sl.sk la the Amicablo
tleary K. ?Bd_ft. ciarf. B?r tbe ltAsv-jlver of tb" C'imiuou
ve<alth F.re Inssiranc.? f v-nip-fiy, t*-f iflsd. i __-n j,????
,?f the r?ienrt ?l?rmt ? tt -00 ?d,?, ? having !>*??,i Ma?S la
l,l,.ok, but bave not rotura ?I, ?II rkteck? ?tixild be la
the i. and? of tbe Kertelrer I fhfnk f hi? I? the ?niy ,??,?._(.
drawn to blank in the book (be ?4m> ?In,aid etta-va* iba
p .>???? ?i..' the pur|s>?.', iH-eide th* niiiiiUo and aiaoiinl;
bat there .'_ve baeii erasure? on the aw.ii-, there ara? n
orliPherk? Jn erlftenee for whu-h ?(Tere??- n? corre
Mm-ding entra--, it, ?kin?- a d:.-f. rene/- ot tll,a??l or SIijon-.
In otie i-.ieo i applied for the payment of a ?upimmbI mi
paid premium, ?__ ?a? ?Ima-n acius-k for the ?mourn.
Indorsed bj 1). M Hou-Vrti, th. rofllpt of fbh, m-u-j,
*" "'?'?' fflaoed In the ? vvvlit of tli?' pei-nn frtMki ?trnri
it w?a re?, nesi, n?r oharg,?d t.. Mr. I? Mi-uerty ? ?aatnint:
I ruuiid ? lie. k? Irtwnfor h>ejw_ raised from their ort*i
nal arrroii.it?. a rltew-k for ?Ja? was r*t???<1 to ?1.1*4
.k_?. ,"""'r w? ?????-??? wen? ex?rnri".l. after? wkak
tae ?, iinQiitt.-e ??ii.sit tiexi iirrtlt ia| to d ir
War Dn AitT-rw-,
Oprt(_ or -rar. finar si,.bai. omraa
Wi'lHMiT?,?, March I | g ,1(
tvnontiM for tin tmtl lirtnlo-four hau. t
The liar<unet?.i It?**? continue?! hiirheHt ovor
tue i.alf Slat,-, and ??sithciij to we?r.r!j ?a lud?. wiU?
cl*-tr and pleaaaat weather, prevailed over tbe rtouia
Atlantic ami MidJl? Statas, nid i li'.truM w.vathor ov,vr
the East A' ?:,H'.ii--fui la/ night
Tba temperature bas rise a from Tessa t., Mtchigia
andeaatwar. to the Attae-lle. ver? generally An ii-a
of dll_llil?hed iTcnr, has uiovo?! troui low? aorta
,.r.I over Ijtke liar,.,
Light wind? and ?now have ??tended from Mi?au?,rf
and northward to T.-nitiviar?? and th*. ?Mkn regio? i ..
I.,wed by rising barometer, tailing temp?rai,,!-,., o,rib
westerly winds, and rdaariag weather from It,?' low?-?
Mi.seoun vaUej to Lakes Bapanot au.ifMii_.igaa ??.it*
The barometer will prohahlj eonllaae falling Sanaa
tin- nlghl from the laiwwf Lake? to the HI Id I. aid hie*
Atlai tie roas:, with wenterlv and ?oiitli, rl> wind?, in
, - .? .1 rkmilllBOaa. and llgiit ?now and lig.it i nil oa
1 en and pleasant weather will probably pre Vail oa
Mondar ?iver the Southern st.it.'?. with wesfetly la? *_k
west? riy wind? and rising barometer
North-weaterly wind?, c-uhiik weather and fating
tetii|?Tarure are paTo.iab.e friKu tbe Upper Labs WOtpma
ditriu- Hie niirbt t<? I_tke Km ,i> I rl,.- Ohio Valley and
I'-aiiee-ee. nul over the Middle .State? porutltily liy Mian
day evemii
I) i:i_,?rou. win?]? ?re not anticipated for the At' intia
and t_ult coaat? lo-iiurtit.
THE <Hl(A?.ii HO-piTVL. SOB WOufMM i"D
? Hll.DKKN
A nte?-tiii- wan liel.l Thiirtahty afternoon al
th?'room? of Th?? NVwY.rk lutlrniary for Wotnew BBf
< ,'iiiteu, No. lie, Second a?'-., in aid m th.? rchri ildiug of
tbe EtosplBBl for Women and i hildnti in Chicago. Tin?
institution, the only (me of The kind In fliioa*it>
"T in th.- Borte w???t was tleetrnyisl by l_?> gr??al
tire, and Is now needed nioro than ever. Tin? Iteliof
< oininitei of i luego Is temporarily furnishing it with
room? and supplie?, but Will cniitiuu?' this aid only fora
abort Hate. The oa_een of the Institution are : 1'rtwu
deiit. i: ') h ?ven.d.d. I.I..I. laiiaaaiei. flBImtDab
kard ; Beenster., o sorge BeovOle, attoDdlag Ph/atel tu.
Ut. Marv H. Thompson.
At the uieelimr on Thursday, after an add re?? by th*
att'ining physi?-lau, ?e-ttinif forth Tin- misfortune* and
the aseda ?f the HoapJtal, Dr. Belbt-S ?aid thai
the bast WSW to rahM tin? unite" m? at ?end for tha
llev. Unlit < olly.-t, to deliver a lecture In New-Vork, oa
the fire, or any other sul'tect, the precis-iils to is? Set a?-?l
to building the new bosptta. Tin? I? Bg put in ties
fnitii of a rifi"luti,in, w is nnanlmoualT a?ioi?te?l s.-ven
hundred ind rifty ttrketa wera Unfaeaiatol* tak. ?nd
the meeting then ?diourned. All who ai?> _t_N*ea?a_
are invited to ?a-iid nul,?, riptioiis lo John t. Wiiiiioia,
li-.-id.tit of the Metropolitan Hank, or to In L M Ate
bolt. .No. 310 E??T KotirteenTh-sf.
!!??'??,., Mil?11. Bagar--ataek IB ?? aaa_aa?l ?' Hiena aiw? W.'aay
i*a. !a?i??i l,?t,. ir, : ISOiai lih.ia Kr, aaefc I 11?.?/.?
?Ml kU.aul?. ...I BBV ba_M an.1 B JBS lib., ?i,,.','-! tunii? the weel
fro? liaran? am! M?iaa*w*. Jljail huir? aal ?,.Si?) had-, lay. I?t.a<
I..U0D b-.i'ia ?uJ :/.iaTO u ?la. la _? I u.le.1 sine? n?
limita?!. oeing t?) the acireltv r>> ?laaav? |e
manil.sl f.,r ?hem.'nl inl t:.e a_Bia?aal? !.?????*
wlriee*. N.,?. Irtt.i 1.'?i. s. .?-/I '-e?l, :,. . ?Se: Baa. I? H fa J' |l
11 ??1J4J real? per arnil? M.ilaa?e? s?_,r] ? ,t it-H| r?_a i?r .
Baa. Bte Ml M_?iiv?,|.i 8u?ar?Interior t? t eevB-o irre?_*r. f, fHt
r>?l? ?,er arr.ils;: l'air t,i i,u.?l Ke?mn? |i,et^,t i?W?j real? per
QtotttJ fmitt fallal l.?J -lit real? tier imK? M',ia??ea 'j'i -, ,?J
weak; Clare.!. 5|T5| reala per ko? . MaarovaU.i. .Ij ^S| re?:* patr I??
!l?e?n beavv at +1 :/r.^ei; ? ,''w- lln'ter jn-- leaaal f?/r ?at
iri.e? ?,|?mi.e,|;?*l?*?i lUS-e-^ P|n,nt*L Klonr irreamlar ?? SISW
llam, ,j.,,ei and a?ea,lv; Amnmwii BalBw QIITIII B?
quiutal. L.M rJraaer m kef, Eli r.'.aal?. i? ?,o* al* n>r ?,1? j?
,|Uiut*l C'ltai.e?, +1 :j'/ ?-? P '.is. Tiliow, *IJ 75-?i4 M I? i*e
Ml. ('??1 oil weak. 14 real. t> <al..?n. Laialer, Irm Wkiie I?,??,
Sarao? ?? vt Ptisk fflaa, ev? i/ m. BE,?-, B.?aaat afaalr,
ti...',lieul irr-gnlar Bmpt? ll.?s_ie?,t? el ll.e,a>. piel, L-a? Sl????_.
tfl-Sin?/M. abaft siiiaveal. ?, la p ?4
|?or other Ship Heft Ott Beton t [*aat ,
ARRiVKi).Snntlay. March S.
St.imah'n f??n Mill?, Sainpaoo, Mew Orle??? Pet, /4. with aJav aw?
paaa. to Kre.1 Haler
M/aiuakip liajr.mi?, linage Prrtail. wttli mle ? ..t paa? i, I f.
A mea.
Sieaaalnp Wim.utta P_b, New tte-lfonl. wall .n-lae ?al ?*?? l, f?.
?u?/u _ W.M.I.
sehr. J?h.i B An,|.-?on-Pr.vi l.n ? ? ,' 11., ? ! ? .
Sehr Amertran Sagt?, Sha?? l*?ovi?!o.-e.
Baa* la?.i i Mai Baw-fMfME
>.-?? -?riipmr-iil? of
l?ur _jsai'.,i.? C'Haaeao??
oar? ?rrirt>l t" *ie._?r. BMaal ami Wiat,,???.?,
? MAI. I S. Haler E l'?r?a_
_ _ _ So- Ageat
oa /??a k H?*?u i.i*i,ii M?. iiikb Oo
Hare He?.,??.! ;.,
TW sat 7SS Beowlwa? e?m?'? or Tenth a
I's? Rbxss'i Pai? Eilli?,.? Bull' On. It """ ?- Uke t -arai "
!?)\AT-0\MI.SVRt-At Tamaei, II S. >f e.>ln?r.Va, ex tU? fM>
oltiBu it'he rrai'ie,,,-,.r ine i.ruie ? uroUe-.-. Moaueur Pierre, A I,-?le
Poaat lo Mia. Lleairi. r ,,?_i.,a,a
All S?tiret of ilamaoet mutt be inMortod with /all
name' uni nid? e?t
Uli I)
HI'tl'stM.?At I'happaiiu? N ? , Mirri, .. A'???,I. wits ?4 lt????4 E
111r.t_?r. a.'e-l h'l <e?r?
Kaneril it krienil? Meeinir II.,?- lii?pisi|iia W-iiewl*?. 84* i?*l. ??
ll.irl.s?. I'rau laatM B < ?m??_,
COLLIBS?Oaffl > Mirrhl llaontl K M ??ter* ?a. ?O? oaf
Peler V i',.ll,n? mili. '?Si ?n ?4 h-i ??
F.neral aervloe? al Ber late re?,.!n? . ft., ,,.' V. . Tw-nif tii.el * a?
M,.'M?, 4tli IU.I. tl'.-lavi a! I ' rl.s-a ,, B K-eul? B_ i?'???l?
?:a I? ?r- i?nt??li,i at:ei?l ?rh?ut -',r 8.
Her rei??in. B?I Isa luler?il lu OiaaBBaal I eiu.t.T.'
lil- i AN'TILl.<)M?Aljt.ark.?iMbbBS ao y r ,la, ????inr Ma??4 I,
Marv Sira ?a wife a _,,-!,anl Dr < million
r??i ni i? MiBMr. il 1 i*rifrk T-?u, g Bet?af B I it n leeraaa
, ??aleak.
LBB IsBlSStl)?. on SatiiHar. iM n?, Win Beehe. reiH-wt
,? li ? r M '?"" Satas, ??-i li aeawka
ii il???
Th? relata-? au I lr.e.?|? of the I??, I' are ia?,'e.l |_ at lea.) Ire, r*8rr_h
Irum the reaulene? *l her oarmla. N?. 1,1 ?iiutoo a?.. ror?e? ,?f _,?
i n?, ran a? on SI"*'!? l?b id?! ?? t ?'elnel p -
KKKHIs?tt J.ekaon?,l|e Pia BttaMkal L nil?? H?rra? In?
ot l',?H|hkeeiMie. in Hie tUd usai o: in? a?e
Notire ol louer?, oerei?u-r.
r\ l/l'tTKIi K-in Ur,~ll?ii. o? Pr.la? M?c? I. rU?. tvlwarf <_,
K tapairirk, paator of St. l'.tr-.-'a . Cuir-li Br:?k,rn. a?,?l M ret?
?nil l.i ,!???.
A ?"'eiH. Hiifti Ha? of Hr,|nieia Big lie ,?ferel ua fo? tk? reu-ea? of h?
,i?l ta Bla-hlil's Oaiit. f ?al i.? . Biaallra ta Ta?-ia, Mar_i
5 It IB} e'ehaS Bl? reaal?, wiS a* iale,re-i m Ckulfai CeaeVra
The re?*,r,?| ?era;? .,?1 hia fr,??la are roaprafoBr mvil?111 alte?!
KiiKSYTH-OaaPnla? Mare- I a, Meadh.a. R. J., Will.? W fa.
arih. in the ?i rl fear af hi? api
ffaawial -rrv,-ee a* il ha BaEI at all lata ie?,le.,.-e M-'ilh?i? I I, a
Tcaaatf, Mareh i .? . o eine? p. a.
PRKKMAS-A? .few Haven Ion? >n Saa-iar il la? A IVaSa?
rret__u. ?enwr.i aoa m Ik? l*t ? I ru* J. a- lit) E Presaaa,
?I M .ear*.
N'Ore ?t the funeral li?r??t>er
H ?WE??On Salue!a?, ?i- M in?' at h?? 'ate re? le.ee No rt l?_tr>
aon al. Hnmklvii Or J >bn liawaa. n tli'Sllu fe.r ol tn ?<e
kuneral w-rvire. will uv liel.l al the t'bareh ni lue B i'.rraatioo
i?e. ii-ai I laara,. ou I'm,?l.r MMBb?Bl at ? p a
JE. OUI S-Marr.u J. s.??el HilibeM. roatueet wo ol S.aaml *i.
B?'?s-r? S J?.-?l,ii? ?a- S Vrar? ati'l El _,??.
The relaiire. ?ml fr en.i* at the huailr are r-?ertf?l|r i_,s??t u
tu? tunera!, at the renuienre ?f hi. pareal?. So. ill Baal Thal
. H m.:?? Mirri: I at I oclork p a
LABB?El N.-?.rk. N J.. March 1. I'h.rl.ate I'm, wif- Ait
I.an?, fon?e,U of Ne??ou B. J "' 'S? ?4th .ear ol Ire? >?-"
Puirral ter.'Or? .1 In. real lene? of he, __ i? I.e. W ib. A
I !.','..,': IV. M,. II. |
Nwbunth paper? ptejw .a ?
B, I.ABKS -Ou krirfa, ?lac . I Iv.'r Twephne. si le*4 !*a>ghl?r tt
Jiearpb au.l (?trie J. Meieren.
Funeral w-rvH-e. ?.II I* li-i'l il S BlaB-lra. S*w
York ?re a.,! Ilerkiaer at., oa Moielii iSirafB?, t'h i.-l al la'rlaaE
,.-it~l t.i at???,I.
B-WfllEB?O? M inB. Heuamiu Y Sewaau. _.u ,il H C. aag
l.eor.eu? Newmaii. I?- ' ' ,??!
, a tuBatlfilljr la, lea t? aiien.l the faaaral 'r,?a k,. Ia'?r_a
_B_a Sa ? '4 S".tj Pint?! , W liliainalwrih. Mo-la,-. 41? i.a
ff-TB?SOS Ob Safa??I M.rtti I ol Br, ?m .U-?M,.,, ?.??ee Piase?,
mm *f lb* lat* i.e..,.,. r l'eieraoa aafa- II ???*. 7 ?oil?
I r n, u ,.! ti.r !?:?,. ?re rawuertfalt, invitrsl I? ?itewl ire- <??er?l
?.. at lue ~_?e,_e tt hi? ?arle. Ar<*-<l A. rVieraoo N? Bt
W e.i Tli n? aeeunJ ?t , o? Moalar Marta 4. at J ?'ekerk ?. a.
li ITU-Oil su;: la. m., ."a; 4,1a ?o?,Hi?wt oaeajkte, ,1 Jaaeea W
?n,l Atlalin? 4. I?, tut. ?aeJ I ' i?aetk* aa.l I ttara.
a Bat BMa?I re?.J?aiae. Bo. 1*1 Waverle? fiaef. ?I
JSiu-la? eveinu?:. 4th laaV, ?t 7| oclotk. Th? reUa?-? ft tntmittt*
re.Be. it? ? nollea to ?tem?.
IM I'NAM-A- B >n.e Pal? Pelnoarr 1. of a?miw*?.?i? eroei? Jaa-t
Mmum ff *aaa> nul- .tiikt of Alneet M aa_ M.r?a~< E l*?t??A?. ?I
e.r ?t Ina a?e
T01)b-0o Knl.v raarniB?. Marrt !. Wu_aBl J . *ea of Oeoe*e W.
T'.kt. ?" - ___. _, ?_
B?-U?** aa>l frieiui. ol t_e tamil? ??? u??i_?l ?- '"??'?' *?*?"' ??-k
the nrllSII *f hu lalke?. Me ?_ W?* Tewetr.*??? ?? ***
Ja? the ill, imS ?i 1 ?elect.
TSTS ?lfMsstl BbE ff'h ??? ?*?? LmnM m*u ?? ?" *?*?*
T;:'?.^U- eo ?r-asaal _. I.U?-_-Bt
Special Xotutfl
\. a.-"?.???- l?r>v?S?ea?B 4V t?.. Ol? Braa-_a?.
?re mtm.un74|ree,.l Banff ,* ,a
I'HISA -LAatS, ?~1 .slLVg*, PlaAlkl? WAKE
tweualrt? ffSff-tVCH HUSi DINBEB Sk?,-? ki.fiiaaAi leew-oaa,
S_? tar **4,
V, HITK BOOLIMI lilftSK/. ?arr-, IflfWet
liKt.lBAT-P KSOL.KH .?IP.NKK BSTS. Oho m-, as
Silver n.f-1 Te.aea, ? pae-e? BaV rlfaaoa*. ?T per ?a_w , ff<-rU. B?
pe, ower*. Tw*aaa?sa, O/, _) per oow?, lrverv Haadkat
TaMe Ku.my, 9* ? per ttaata
S. B-ffraaeh P.n.eUi? ?a? ?-,_? t* erler a the aV-haa art? ?4 art
, Mou.igMiu?, Ho 4e,_ Praa*. o> ? ?etuea
"*? T-T^-*.,ii4:"'-' ^aaBfrra?. MaS Mraath. ?re, law

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