Newspaper Page Text
LITERARY MOTES. A oollertitvn of Catalan popular *_.(?* was p?b1t,hed last year In Pari?, a?-? oae of ?^ ro tn>MMt< ??ft?. ?a The tiublieatio" of Ltt-I-W V'.-Mit dietionary I n regularly. The a?th P_ . t r-jc.lle-Bt.usorire) la _t?ii. nianotmced Hint tbe whole work will bo e*on.;pie?-dN f.-r. th, e-d ol l-.0 present year. Madame MttSiTtnOleSi the widow of the emi Bi nt', is at present engaged in writing the life ?f lui h!t?''?>"?l- Th? w ?ik is t?i appear, If iK-asihlC, liiniul taijis'ii*ly in Knglisli .-.ud (.??riuuii. A little Hret??n Almonne for IHT?, " Almannk Bi? Il l/?T." tSS bee" C't up by 9tWt) of theLls'st KelllO ?-fliolarw in France, MM. Liriel, Tl.. l?e PomiH>ry, U'Ar tete fla IBtalatlll?. aaaVsaa. Loala Batet, Ac. It con? ta in?. UsiiH luis ?1 tigriiultoral, veterinary, pbUol?ag> cat. political, and hi-toiiia. lore, same popular lales, proverbs, patriotic poema i'>ke?. Ac. A new poem by Mr. Robert Browning of BaaidiieaTila length and nni-m tance, win shirtiv appear. 1 , verr-e, aud t< modeln both in ?object and renden Inc. The relations ttetween the ???:?,<?? ?re ?it*, n?sed in a dialogue Betweent-abaa-Saadwlfe. She questions, he t_Xj.or.lids. The It'erne Or* deux Mondes (February 1) ?ont lins aa slaliiiialt aad not bbbj nipathetic erlttqai of -i? ttraaaa." by M. v., t,?r chubuiicz. He patata aa. that tte first LcfXH Jesu, written before Ptraiisj. wa? thirty, laeladea ail ttal !? teally original la l.istotitributl.-ii to theology, While ht? temperament was ntlli too exclttstv, !v that of a theologian to allow Ids n ?ear.h.s to take a wide? range. His biographical woiks an .?.mtti. tided for tkelr littruiy mint?, but tit aledas one ?'.l. A "Th.s.logi.iil Translation Fund" lia? ?"?" created in London for the of it-m nring tr.msla tHin oi foreign " lltaratura tl ?' m as _s?i_epea ?tent ami le-s -aaSt-t By dogmatical ptepos fcts.-i.'iis" than the works of Hengatenberg, HSvendck, etc.. that have been already translated into English, rbe works to la? now in. ?I. are those of Hupf eld, P. (. Haiir. Zellei. A.-. IB Lei ui.iliv.'i, Schollen, and atbets. lu ILilland. Ac. Tue B hena is proposed by Prof., DtanSIatil. v. Mi. James Mai tint au, Ml. U. J. Is. ?smith. Mr H Bidgtl M k, gad Mr. John Muir. Kail Bniteeh lias puhllshed lately a very useful isii'k fm at-BttBta "t Piwreneal poetry, M Oraa 4lri?.? zur i.eschichte tet Prov? ti/alrs. h? <i L.t.iatut," .1 liaii.ils.ok containing lists of all the hi ?graphics ?f Troubadours, of M SS. containing Irrte Poetry of all the vSrTouhH.l.iiirs.indail their w.?ik? arranged alphabetically : iii, Brat k ttd r? of theii tint tin?s, with ref-tti-ancea to th. n MSB. and itoboota In winch they have been printed. M (.a-ton l'an-, one of tin nest living Judges. l?r.iie-s the hook highly la til?' lie 1 un ( ntiqut. and quotes gladly it* words "of friendship and peace from Qeruiau eetence t" the workers of Lian, a." The N?rnberger Korrttpondtnt give- a short Megraptj of Dr. Betnrlct *-i hii.-muua. wtoae enthual* n?ui for a i'artit theory ol Tr-ojan topography take? Bt( practical fora Of!-. He wa- tin? -on of B ?n.all ?topkeepeT, went to tea, was wrocVtd, and took . ??b rkstip in an Amsterdam house of beataesa. Half bis franc?) ??,.. ?pent In learmug languages, which be mastered at the rate of alz weeks ape <???. I?, 1M? he went lo Buaaia, aud gradua,ly grew neb, and in owed himself the plea-<IP ol hurtling (.! eek (au* rient and modern) In three month? ; he hadueen afraid iH-iun , 1. ?i the interest of the pursuit ihoald be co BtaarMug ?at 10 interfere with ble 01 1 iniente. from n huh in? witlmrevv in 1MB to spemi g well-earned roi-tune m travel aad its iadalgeaeo ol ins ai?'h_uoiog i, ai taste Mi. Alfieil l?. WiaUaee, the eminent EnfUsh Baturalntof the Darwinian school, lu a recent number of Thi At* ? ? ?? "That there 1? ou leiont a amsaol ;., 1- m atlegja?! ranging through every period ol bl?l ?ry down to the pri sent day, and going t I prove that tl roperaatural la aol si-del Hud that t.ianj of the 'efiiets ,?f all agea classed aa roper* ?it'ioi, ,have at lea?1 a ?auMrftetnm ol reality I ml .twenty-eight ? the pheuomena of in-?-: la pun ni thi ii:?-i,,,u. traue?, attracted nth Kkp? ol th.-i kind ?era ,..?.11 eth.l. i,.??i m u-ttilic. mil most painful surgical -teens ,>'?.i, net formed on subjects; who manifested ,,,,, ,. loa? of ieejti>?. The presen I writei r, members the ni lignitiott at these expei Tin;, were declared to be groe? hupoature or delusion from begiun nie appareul unoonacloiuues? t, aud the medical mea who performed tbe op. ia;...:,-. and gave a detailed at.ant of tbem, were Hi-eii-ed of being parties 10 the hapooturi and even of having bribed 1 e patient?, it ;.?"k many year? to estais ii.-h ihi.- fart.ot i ,-??!-.!>:..ty t-i the most rxctvsaive ?fmm!1 <it:d the mast inteuae pain piidund vvi;h,,.it ilie 1.? ??? fin.v drUgOl alaj, vuilclici . '?? II II vv ia e-;,i'iilsh?tL Ii M-inaiii?. boworer, ,. fat 1 .?( wm. h modern ?cleuoe can ??'v.? m, InteJ.'igiiil.? u'.oimt, and vvhn.'i u therefore gnon ? Tue Aii'jnhur'j O?MtU? for Ftbiu.iiy 1,2,' ? aa Ihterontiag ?vecc-onul ol the int?rieur ?f n.? v, V itrlan poal, who -Med .!? .-1 h of January, ?ml was fout n.iv? i.,',.?!- with great soleinuitv aud a funeral O-ation by II? iarl. h I_aubo? Urillparzer, wo oro leid, wa? natihad otea throng h Ufa and leaded la death 1.y ihre. -I??.? ?????.. ? ( .ta ce- : ttelr namea are Wotti. Eut in. and P.ppi IT'ohlich. ntitl the -;.,:, ol their connection w,tl. tin? ?i ?i i? simple and vety innocent. Tbej were children a .'" 1. lian/ Uriltpanergot hi? tir-t got ernmeiit appointment aad wrot? hi? tlrst ventes; ttelr fathei was k.mi u, tlie youth, and he gradually became almost a menit? r of the Pri?ilich household ; a ally ex p?fated t.. mat.y the e deal daughter when ?be t enough, inn vv n, Hi? r it w.i? that be wished to marry all ? ?i, a- - une - a?. that be preferred tbe eet-oua nod <!..1 no) like lo i.-.i|.p ont ; be other-, or i??-i haj?- be though! hi? little idyl would lose it- bloom in vulgar matrimony, year? weni on. ami be ?lid not propo tii? ? Grace? k-ave le.-.-oiis m mus?, and languages, aud the is? t was uot weil aide to meet the expense? of a houscl ,.1 cu:-? ot time Counaallor 1 I hi? wife died, it ?teemed to all parti??? rigtt end natural tBat (?nl)par/er should tak? up hi? abode with the orphans as their "Zimmerherr.'' Ali nicas of inariiig. were given up, ami the middle si-ter, Kathi, ninailieil in- ttebe Hraut to the end , for the Jas: tvtenty tw,, v ,ars of bis life he tailed her so from habit aud without disguise, and -he nih'-nts all his iiteiary ami ?oher property . but ttlaia a nur.? ferataUiy, lor the ? 1st? r- -I are? ly hive a si '?stritte exi-tence. -Vrto Pnbliciilioiio. ?T-IIf. TkllUXE ALMANAC SMI POL.1TICAL REGIS. lit FOB ISfg. FiHP.TH r.lUTlON NOW BEAUT. la ??Jitioii It it e n?o?i Aili"D',r. 'etl ?*?: teuti of a? S.otiajic it |.t?i tbe ??lk?wiD| Pohtiral aad Sim.iir.l infomin?i: LatWR AND Jdl.VT KESOI.L'TIO.VS rAI-SrD ni.BI.tO THB TBlBP BBBB10S (?!' THE XLIit iOBCULBBS, PBdM LABATT0N8 Og KEt'TBALITK AND P_kBIABlB_C AIT EN FOB? ISO Tllh ltd ItTKENTII ?HBBBMBBT. Tllk TBBAT1 WITH GHIaAT KRITAl.t (.KHMi.i, ks non ir6? to im. ?KBIPIB am. MSBUBSBOBITB (?K mi. 1. a. IOR IITL BIMBBB OK fOST-OPPIl U 01 IIW ASI) 1.7!. IMPOHTS AM? TBEtB 1 nsT. POBLB Di.BI (O TU 1 Mil.!' -T ITU l-Or-l LATI.i.s m ITATBS bl IOI.M1KS 1 ItoM MM TO IW PortTLATlOB 11! THI PStBI II'AI. t ITIBSOPTHI 1 s. ??0111 au...s m- mi. 1. s ?kSOTBBBiToBiBa laaTotns 1NITBL? STATKS (?dl'KHNMI-NT - (AlilNK I - ?1 J'KLM? COfRT-MIM?TKRs In fOBBB-S (?)', His. WOtXl ski i ?Mi (OM,Rl>s I'.iLITI. ALLY I ? AS.-IK IRI). e_a_-alTTBBa ?O TllKXLlIi? I OBOBBSa STATRS OP IHK I Mti.s P< ?PI I.ATO.S. ( ,4 HIT A IS ?,uv BUN?IK? ?, 1 u.M.HLSsmSAI. AHI'OKT'liiNM? HKITION BBTtJBBa IAKKUI.IY I'ltKI'ARKb, (IF BLBO Tld.NS HKII? IS BRI (OMHAKMl Vt I III FORMtK TEARS. now to a(vji iRB Trrts r.? oovbssbbsi lam,. ?. u a?'., bt ill B.?,k??ileri i.J N.wwi.i,,,.. roe? 'a*0 (?III. 1 l?,i Bni'ir, |,oit|?i,_ Itatl-a TBS T-BBCBl N. ?. II L. IHN TON. 744 BROADWAY. IT HI IMI TO-HA1 tPlRJT?ALIHia] AMHWEJUOl BY SCIENCE. SI Ki'W Aid. W. (ox S I. , 1. h 1. .? I.a.. (Telb. Prie? M ('??ti. ( (IN?KNTH; THE I'll! AOMI.SA. IB IT DF.I.t sli.N OR I'BAlb I IH IT l'N( (..NS( TOIS M I'M I LAR ACTION I AHK THE SHKITATOBS BUH? K.IZKD I WHAT is 1 hi. psvciiK FORCE :? THK TIIKOBV Of HFIRiTI ALISM. 1IIK MTKMIII? IliH.nkv ,)i isw Till FOBCB THK AR',I Ml M Kill I HI. Prill 111, | (,;?. y HOW TO INVI.ST'KiAT l;. Tk, Bi ?.* .a fail ?.I rallia? au.l ii,_-rt.ii,,, u.atfr. It la? rwBf.lfle ?????r t?, .!?? ?peitl.ine n,??; ?f Nj?r,?a?l?a ?JTh? a_aata '?'HI. KI.KMKN IS OF A?.KI( ll/l ll.i;. 1 A M?.?,k f?.i Touu| Firme?, hi (?r?. K Wtriaf it..-Wanl|t A|r,fnl ?UtaJ aagi_?aer?f the (?j.lraJ Fir'k in .\??-Y?rk. Author of 'brtitia? tw l'i??f?l .?Hi lira .?.nt fm Hrallli ' Sas ?nal ?ditto.. rarrluUr re,?a.. THk HtaANI IHK rHJIL. BAMKK.S. Mhi HAM( AL Ct'LT I VATIOX ABA1.IM.S TV feie_o nf iu?ije?l? ?re ?Il diK uaa-i iu pltu. id. ? h.j. e ,aa|.i|e ?bit tn. (t.aer'i I?, bit BttdertUBO. TTaU??? 1. wr.t-.o I., ?tweeaful p.. licel farmer, a?. ,t i? 1 el tniaraaiioc ,,-.- ?ariee at? -ow,.d ??. iraie Knee ?1. rVi.l by aa.l ?wat na, I III-! TRIBUMt. 'rilK ?IIGAMIC LAW OF thi: skxks-: atba eontioaa? wLirt. iap?ir wir. lite ? {??taailiea ?B? B?4t?tit? rleetnellj? Lf**a -t** **_* " **ol?,d witb??l a?ie?-egiet of lebaeeo?iB?Beae? ef a ? el"**-*0'.' rt,,l? ????/ii tie?,?etl of aeltir ??tell?! abr,d|e.l tetan laaaaiee-r i?. Se,?_j ?,.?,?,- aa. lea lecUre? to bia ?ntaie awkta-enl rit.,. 1., K!,vv amp h. DlXON U.U .it FifU, ate., B. V. M fjf" "?-?" ' ???da J a BfcftlTBtn 140 Fall?,? it Fa-.UiB,_.?L! ?7.KEJ~A fln? ENOK?VINI. 7a_--?? _5 ."V"1:"11" r"'.!? ?????a. of tt,e Ire wf S__ti?r_; aiva _.'_;; \&i\\\*Tr** ?? ".?? SKBSON. JOSBB h Cbj?, i bwt?. Net? flublic?liona. PEAK Cri/Tri.K FOR IMMiFIT.-An illup I trat.vl w*rk (?.l e i-imi). h? P T. O.ln?, a TraKtle?! H?rtl*Bli?i i?4. ter m**, ?ear? a ?rrewltil prmw? r nf Pear? f*r matkit Th? ?ol ,e I i? alapl, iihI tl?,r..rithlv treated ander th? tollowia? Variwtie?. A? l-'t. I'n-|ar?ti?i:, of finance A|?rt. (seler'iag Tree?. Pwarfa and BtmnUrS?, Time ef |i?nlinr. Flaiiling, I'trH?? T re?? In"? i?? Barren How lad Parking Varini.? Ia> Pl??t, Prainat. Orratar.l Haord. Tin. Work wil. !?? fi.uuJ a cruj. let? l'i*rUcal Maaull M the r?S flmw.r, ?hrdier ft? | k a.ure '?r \ f-I 1 ?o! h.iiitoomel? l?>u?d I? ?Mb. ffrlreSl. Seut.raw tr .ail a. re^r,. ?^ Addra?^^ i^j-ST u.NM>.sKi..-iiifc. ^Nl>XVl!n!;,?; VA 1VKEEI/T CMBOS1CLB fo, UTJ1 will rent.,, in ?'?'{." ?,',r e.ref.ll.? prep.rrsl -TtaaB ?i?-. ?b? C:,m?le B*U, ','"^u_u' ","?,, .rHlotl/erVaturalanauna aed a<l?a..Ure. of Ka.l ?"i"^"?' ,JI f tl. call?! " Th. Bwttrerlauil ot lb? South " Tl.ver SfMslS?^?*tr-gf**_ eiita-a.1? todiMeuiiL.M fact* for the '?fc?,,,?? ?Er_i?_r__jw5 ?' ' U, for Hnma, An.w.,. to C,.rre.,,?i den?. w,i be""Z"''?f^!'~ paBBaawf fo, ?enviil information- Ik. rh?oe*l ?? "??* " XrU*t i.tloa to be olilan?!. Saba-pti.-n e*lv * Vi, VT Km,?.?. ' lr__ ?nat?os aldre*. th. I'.Mi.ber?. Uli V. k HI? Kf KnowUl'. Iv-B. for? Itlc i>ook on srivicrniK, ew^OT'uI^.S l>V r, I,,..-?.... ,.f He ?i.-n. rall?e?H?-.iia,..y llh?lK? A. IIAMI.I-B, M I'. 144 Lvlinfc-U/..???. kloik- l..r .? ?-? i.l?. Jnotrnctton G ALeONZO FLACK, Claverack. N. Y.?Tenu ipauMTtbgj l.i'lh.ete.1 ? ?<i ? ve.r : 17 ln.tror.or?._ a m ?Ml. anil SCHOOL for TEN BOYS, aires A ""li. -b-vss M.-. _ A.KtSK.Tirrrtow?. N.T._ ntDYS1 BOARDING-: Cll(K)L.atW?toti,Conn. Iff l|..VH.e..m?o,t.: brallbr location, teiji/a re_a?t_-l?. Adureaw AL I.U8TT? Wlllli.ui'E_ BRA?NERD INSTITUTE, ('ranberry, N. J. W. S. McKAIR. l'r.n?ip?l._ DIM W LADIKS' SI.MINAKY, Carmel, N. V. TL. Hpriug ?See..?? opera frb. I?. ^__o 8JJTT1( _, f??KT EOVVAbO COLLEGIATE -N8TI 1 TL'TK?*w? f"r ltnatd. Fuel, Wialuug, and ??amir. llranrbe? for SnrlBg (enn nf 17 week?, Wninm? March 14. For Lalir? end Oe-lienwnu, pujare for SsUaja, for boaine*. ?r for lie. Fi?f , ?une* of ? full eoniuicn ?I laealM, S-'i- Foi ratal, .got?, ?J dreaJOSKl'H'H KINO. D. I'., Port Kilwinl, B. T. _ _ 1P?R liOYS?Superior advantage* ot B1V__R VIIVV AIAHK1IY. 1'o.lifk.wp.i.. S. T._ I/UMILY 1><?AKPIM.-SCJIOOL, limrtftl to 12 tat?. Sooth Anu?i? S. J. I II. W I HUM.TOS, A. M._ MlDPARP SKMINAKY.?Hoarding School Ja for bath ?eiea Winter Term b*.:ni l)*_ G. Be*rd. laeiodi?* be?. Iifht ??d waabmf. *4 Mr week. For further information and ?ir ealan add***, the Principal L. L. Hl'RBlS-ToB, Karre, VI /ioLDKN HILL SEMINA?.Y FOR YOUNG " I LAU11.S, Bridgepol-t, C?,nn. M:>? KMIIJ BBtSOB Pi HAsTlNi.S INSTITUTE, MA8TIB08. WBBTCHBSTBB Oa, S T., A BOABMNO MilOliL fur TWK-VB ItuVS, B44M per Arnim, (i VMKTHIloP MARK, Pita_paL riienltn. fcf-, of Tho?. 1!. War-aufl. r?i| . 71 B. ?. _ IRVING f?TSTfT??TE, Tarrytown, N. Y. For ?.rralart ?pplr to ]>. B. RnWB M A.. Prinrlpil. IACKS01S MIL1TABY INSTITUTE, ?I Tanvtosn S. T. Bttlhliab, ! I?t-, A lieu Rev F J. JAt kStl.V M. A.. Pnorlpil. MOUlfrAIlN iNSTITUTE, Hiv?rs_raw, N. !.. LAVALKTTB H'IIaSOB.X ?I . Pru.ap?l, a !?_,lr lio?rd lne ?rliool for ten boys; term? tnolerate. Sen-l for k eirealar. MISS M.\l'(;HI'.(i(iU's SCHOOL for YOUNG I Sl'll.s, Hi sllIMI I. I -8| r :.?? term ?|s;n? Feh. *, 1877._ M T. I'l.l.AsvNT Iii.-tiiiite.- Private Classes for!? ??. Amtier?! Ma?, K???t,-,t?lif?1 |r.4t? H. C Saah A.M.Prail. RKV. .1. NEWMj\n; O. P.. of Poultnej, Vi. ?:!! receive ill? bil fami'v, for care and initrartno I limited num? ber of Kl iYS, fr_n 8 to 16 y.ara ?II. Air1rat on ?houl I he made ?oo?. ?TOE CHILDREN? HOME forGirli and Boys. A e'.iiief witli ot ?itliiitil initr-'tio?. Pannliei arroinniiKlited ??th hoir, AJdree?_iMirf Pt sljL^KCE. Ued-n?. ? otin.^ VVALNUT HILL S( IIOOL, (Jeneva, N. Y. "ff A tr?tela.? n,.ar,i n--S, |?.?| f,,r II, ? Pwpil* r?3 !'?- I linit.e '1 ?t ?nv time ? nJ if it ia ue.ired. mar remain |lir,.u?b?ut tli? ?cluol v?ar. I ?ru.., PJ?1?' l'rr ?uno??, t'ireular* will be wat lo tho-e d*?iriri? Maf m.nii. I l?os. : . B-B??. Kefer.rjeei?Iii. r?er. A. C. foie, r?rtiltr o? ILubarl t'ollege, Mart t'B'-'v TBrava asa., Nt-w-Vork. <?MvLlt.s .Mll.llAi;V INSTITUTE. A BOAKPiN- Si III n il. loi _lk?D| boviiiitellitzeut. b?lllbr, Chnttliii MI..V. LsTAULIsllED I4?4. Rt:.,i! '.??,:. '-? C iiiiii't; aein* mitkteiMiit. BENJAMIN MASON, Hoi .Ne f-? Tcler? NT. ?B |v FER MoMH, ENTIRE LXl'LNsL, aT %7 I O lio,?' Koars.uf School. Aodrr? ?KOl. ?b M., li.baai V ??raclicrs. ** 4\ mer. Scliool Inutitiitc,'' 14 Hond-st., supplies J\ irl.oa!? an-t fivn-i-** with reliable T?arh*ra. lurt,,,?,. , ponliuBi ihouid ha?. Application Fora. J. W. Hebarm.rhor*, Artuar? \N EXPERIENCED U.AiHKU (coll?ge - ? .-? ua'r, ?r,? ?ur .? tu? l-it'i ?a ltutnirtcr asd Maaaeer. dr.irr. tl ES- IUBMBS I. Auur?-? TEA4JUEB, Hoa 153, Tnbi??e Office. Dancing -tcnbcmif?. A DODWOUTIP CLASSES for DANCING. -Be All tieei at No. _ l'_ liftlia?e , ?mm of ,t ( lane, tor lad.e*. tenUenieii. or rbiklrea. Morning, alt*miK>n, and ?reniof claaata PaaUl cau iu_iurbce at in? Ut. For |*rmulari m_1 for enrular. A"-lT^K?>?T01t,s ACADEMY of PANClM?, LTRlC HALL. T'-lt BIXTH-EVa, HV ?I KVuik syl'AI.K. PIPILSCASB-OIS AT AS? TIMB and ATlKND AT llllill OWB I ONVK.NI! Ml1.. SKNH FOB ?Till T'l.AB._ i; GAR.M(J'a PANCISO AC4DRMT. 1? H'TII AVP . I OK.fPR FOI ItrRFNTII BT NEW ( I.Ab-KS (ONbi'AMLT FORMING. rARTl.TLARx IS ?illti'LAR. I) filuauol Jnatrumcnis. A LARGE STO( K 07 PIANOS, b?ai makers, ? \ la BEST or SKI.!, rb??p| vent almwe,! on purriia?,. ? al at M. M MERKhl.l. s. No. h luaon-*i|u?re (I??. Fuunb a.?., _ UAVLN ? Co. AWi; SKLLINO tlnir new and IMPB..VRU 7|-i)Li'AVK GRAND K? ALE PIANOS, Hire. I from Minuf?.-torv, AT OUKATLl PRICKS, 149 Bad III -tiler it one d,?ir from .?rand. PEA?A New 7-C-ctave PIANO, carved ?/""? l.'?? iron frame, ?ta! oventning h?a?. for ?>2i0 c*,h. -e? r-aatjU Ut. HOB?CB VCATKKS Ul l!ro.ilw?T;_ A GREAT OFFER!! Horace 4ff4l Broadway, TB. l .. w? '(!iiv,o,*of OSB HINPRKn PIAKOg, MSLODBOSB. *?4 ORGANS n? ?Il t.t-naa* makera. InrladiBf ?Valeria, al bxtkbmblv low run a? rom (Ala. or will take fron S4 te * if. trainth ? until raid; the ?a.:.- to l.i, aid ?ist applied if purcbaw- Sew 7 tartar? PIANOS, modem iib prorrmriiU, lor e'lV', ,.<h. A ne? I ad of pA.hi.itk OkUAN. la ?.,<: ('?auliful if le aud pirlcct tone *v*r _adr, now on rihihili?I it 481 Broadwav. N.? York. Situations CDantf?--ircinaU'9. ("^OOD English, Irish, Bootch, Ameiican, and ? OenBio Pemil? SKRVANTS at No. 1J7 Horfolk-it, Uiaeeo Rivinrton and Suntoti at?. b_ Mr?. 1111,1). \\rAN'n:i), by a, a SITUATION m TT EBAMHTB-SB Itiniienlai.d? lllfB ?lllaj,). la a faiuiij that wonld l?e w.llin?' to cnaiuer Lei a. oDi of it. _< _l? ra. Injuire.lS i.??t Oasai atiag aaf-ata? it. Oitiiotiona II)nntc?--fnalc8. ALL FARMERS and others wanting Male or 1 emile Hr.l.l', for the rotoiB? aeaaon. ran he iiomisliat. 1, ?,i.t. .1 with different nation? at the BBW-TOBI KMI'leOVMKST llOl'sK, in Wert Kleventli ?t . corner Btlb ?18 K?1 n l.liatie.l 2, v??r_ ACO?CHMAX^ sitiiatinii wanted by a com? petent tingle dub, Pru'.eitaut, who thomniihlv tin !rr?Uud? bl? haslstSS. ran ?nre firalrlaiw refrrenit fioru hit late emploie?. Aodie** J. VV . Bo, ?U Tnlioi.e Dffli-e. I^AMILIKS wishing in niitain reliable and w? :l r?.,,i,e'i,J-l aeriaiit? eilli, r ,,; ttiiiale. of all national, ti?-?, ran I,.- M laf .ima iateiv at WAl.kl-.K'S l.iii Su' t).:ly ieUantco. A GENTS WANTED for the LIFE of JAMES _ FISK.-A r/.n.:,|.l?- ll.atoi? of In- Ufa lad BxpUU from a fat uler -nv to a King ami,',?: Fiuanurr?. 11 a iiimupli? ?i> i Pillar*, ,, * I* Lired aud ho? h? Died. Illoitt.teat. I'rlee l,r mill, .10 <?ijUi tarai lilrrt.l. Aildir-WM. PflNT k ?'.. .'iiii.Ahhi ei?, Penu. fpOACHMAN VVANTED in a pmaie faasily; ?O ? atn.ll? tr.l-rlari u.a. ; uiuM be al.l? la ratal ami know ihe ,-,t,. Applj t.. JASI1 i.K. w V\'Siiain-?i.. I,et*,rn vi an I I a'cloet Ihlada;. rrili; ALDI.VK.-A geiitl. inan" of eiliie.itiini B .nil ple??n,/ ?.lilrr.? ia ,r.|,i,rel ,ci thr ?taff ,,f ||,e ?!o,rw?rk. Noue hut men ul u_! reipeetaliilit, ?ud ?aw? '?? furni.k ?ee?rilr will beIrfata- wltE Appl??i Utter)?,-* nrANT?D?SALESMEN in our HOSIERY AM) VANKEK KUllO.NB I)BPAHIMKNT M,_!a? beiund P.oor. KDWAKI) RlliLPT ?V SON, ?aw? IBS 311 31!) ?Irai.,1 at , ?orner Allen,? WANTED S?X?SMEN in LKATJILli IXMIUH, VALISES, and Till NKS Ai.|,l? i'ueal.v E?WA-IJ BLOlaBI k SfiV. VVANTED-?rSALESMKN in 1'AKASOLS and ? ? IMHRhLLAS. Appli Welneal.i. HiVV'ABIi aiBLBl k BOS. ^ANTED-FEMALE CLERKS in I'AKA SOL?. Mail lpr?| i,rru_u and la*.ml, Aia,,? \V,,'i,,*,? nwiku KliiLk? k BOMB 'ANTKI)-(iKi:.MAN SALESWOMEN (cx rerreneet!) la BIBBOKH. Applr Wedne?d?v. KIlVV ABU Uilil.EV k BOB AN TKD-FK.MALK CLERKS in COI.SL IS Appn T,^;N?-?-?A-Mt.BTa. Ma.? *i?-.k ll*,__, a.ed hn.n.l.. ?ppi inured.? EliWAHl) BIDLKt S B?lN. >V\???^:?,,ALK ?le?kh in plow: Hv TliuraU, "* ' "h""' Mu" ??*_! ?"??-? *'? B?|l.?l, Ap Plv 7b?,*l? inWAKI, hll.LXV 4, SON/ W AAS'[;.d.rSA,'KsMKN '" white(?ooiis. AN I HI)?FEMALE ( LKKKS in sTlttw \V4Sl__?~F?,t7 ?",,Ml T-UMMERH: Ai.iily ? ff f.u.ti, _-?r _ . Fi'? hllil.KV a ?'?is y WANTED-Six nperionced FLOOR-MAN" fff AUBI-?._^l^e.kl!n|i,?,,?a,, ?d?. ?J.? Vio, ffr, (U, ?, belo.e 1.? Irin, U,? I4IIH.KY ? MS MS 311. -Il* flr.Bd?t.,l- M.bB tit. Alle? ,t Fifth bio, ! ...i flt,l0 lq. hcwrrti w w w Priming. w M. F.VI'.ltDELL- SONS. 104 Fulto?.,t - MAs^'rA^???''"', "kA" **? *',UriIW' S*?-MB Pie. Railroad 7i.ll">, ' *_ii A, I. ajoonti rai l?t mo THK MONEY MARKET. IMS* AT THE FTO? ? RXtTllANilK?riBST (All, 101 0\ I.IK'K A. M. >?.,iM,?.,i?nru!??T. ... iooom-. f. h ?tai.Wl ?^\fc'^*?^. 11} , . i si a i". t,".,?....itou ?a-.??/ .?h-a r?-?al?-dw,irta?i Ikm?*- liant ?fi lUtltoai? I 1 -m IJOnoTennO?.?.. MIMO Marri..? Cil |100 U?' ?? ? " ., t.o?j i.i.ut. ?a. '?- i?.5, ?" ?.Si ";,',s?::,'- ?? ?Satn?%? ;',:?.:::::;.?-:;, *|.u im. '?o 1 ?"?'.;"' *"'. 3 '?rllkMi..,1 ?i?,:-::::::::::::W&?^-*.v. i ? h?.v?t.: '? S.g "?""??i,,1.m Park leoa...... . F J|, B?.?*?' ?*?? -ta.. ?? I.'.OJ?' Virginia ?>?. C?1-' ?.'nii-kailter M LJBJ?. ??{ l?. SB ???B. <_ Ma?. KtieKailwa? I 2??>.b. e. J? ?OU. .'_l _7?tMtpkga. ' -'??". ?f ; i,*1". -.'! nS 77..fJ. 7.-l--u,.k?,,rel J!.|' M?.?1 1,1??' ieatr Pa Ud IUU Maniata? M-'t i ?i'"' . - _ (.hm?.lest a *?""? M'-lb- ?i"';.v,._,"n I,?! (nVahst ' F.,,re?. !-?? ?l,l,_4(0 k B. FLIamorl. -I?. I? 1 r?D.,.? SB? ?'??-"??.,.,. MjtN I ?on I'.r7. MO PaTkaSCn | irami. ! Il ?i.llCna.1'4 twi eau. W? I ?HO.. ........??"'1 ijtavAt k' \ ?s.?r___ll. .r 10-? .,,. Iule,,..! ... M , i.:??-'. ? ,?"?'. ?'m?..' ^_?A!.% ^::::::::::::::?!?%::!.^.",M:? m*..?H n..?H yaai. til . ?*l R,,,,,!,.M its'. ?Il M.? ? ?'* ](.?'Mlli:Ml-..-l I _-*.??'. MB ?'???=? h Bt. Jo. 7 I 10 Cant. .??I Mi'. I ?l1 He?ir.? I.?1 M??jMiI kMi'a?. IM.- "1 1"?.n,* Klataait.-3, I WO.Si I? ;..????;???' ?? t,0tOjeaet? CM? 1 J?". ??U l'"' ??k J *? ????? _. ?_,a__ri.107,2.?'.au ?? tin.**i I i-.l CCC k IniL I W?). ?U J'ai l'en l'-rile ' . 9-1 WS. 0"1 .. l.oeo N?rti, .vv i?t .10".' ? a?. ua.rt. ?1J l(i.1 Cniled Slaie? M?'., LOCO Ho H - Lne I Llpr-ai. ?* ' ???". *M ?,n?r .41 ' H?i.ti t -?'. LBB. ??? 1100.). 40 2in!t. Yl'rtikll .'?'. *?? 3,0"0 H,?? ll?k Kr 1 Biier R.iiroad.. &*.. 2"0. 34 lun..,ri. 38 lia fcrtt lUiinii.. ...:| 400. 34 .V pL.-i.ii b'k.l'Ol ??"-?.b. r. 3.11 W>. -??? _O0.ICI ! 1.0III. n 2f?.. M, 16 Meir_t?lik...ll8 ! am. 3 |2.0 Mil _. Ft. Pau! lUllaotTer B'k....ln.4' ?(?J. M l-.eierral. l?St. N_*bol.? nk.1124 l.tkjO.3-i a?..I 23 ll'k W.?f V Y..1I.J 200 Harem Rail lui Marietta k (m, 4'?M?iili?UaB Hank I ?nid.103' llreferrel. brlratL....143, 18 C 1 o C. k luJ. I beual. . ? 1(A) WtlUlkiiulv. 73 , B. | 100.'. ?? 81 , BEClIM? HOAI.I?. Aotnof Uvirrniiiinl Bettt, II (?00 t. F. SI ( ?n.,l,2. .. Ill J-I.'asi I . .-. 7? '<' ?'ou ?7.Ill) sh'COND BOABO?1 Pa M. tialrt 01 Suit rlim-I? /.uilnsl?! (.'.?'!?- /(a?i ?nid Jtoilrood-Krjrrtl Slortl a*i 30? Par Ma.l S. H. V* Lake Fh.ire k TOO (Ti'.e k ?t W?. ,,._,,..,?. Mi.h. r?o B II'?: . 1. ! fret.... PI ,?,,?.ll.. ?I ??O.i Ht .B?! .??; 203.ta aa Pa Pioitaii. ?.?i .6'f We. 9? mal.I?. r. 3?. 71?. SOI .(?! l'inini B K. -J ' Ml. SI Klfl. tl h? k l'.ti. IMS.:?-. Mai. fil Guar. !?l ? ??"". M 1 ll?3. tl ?. f*_ ?SI (?l'infcM'l Tt?. CIJ 300 Coloro. (_ il i H?'f"?'i. 100 I ou d Ci,?! 1 o. Irai. leo. B. B..2.'| t" r-1".Ut oIMartland. 3?H 1100.i, _. .?_, M __'?? t. St. Pml 100 gnirkailter... ,M?' (T'" k .N. VV. , Rt.lrotd.??.,.; rreferied. 40 300 Ne Y ( eat b h Kit l.tilroi.l .... tel tall. 1)7} 100 En? Kailwat.. 3Ji 200. !. . .". 200. 3al 20(1.. all 200. _J| kon. :?ij Railroad.b.c. 77J .(-S Mil 1 Bt. Taui I.IMO. 77| rreferrisl. i.3t?j. r:, tet i?i;.rrt 30t'. :;? ne.77j m. 77? m i c. c k ii.1 2'?'. M anars.lia. ?a. iWO. 7, 103 Hau k !>l Jo? -??o. 77'. Kiilrokd. Ml ?on. 7'.j Me. t.?. j; ??T. 77. 2.?i l'eL La k IV ii" BSeBlil'd ire " MO. 77) I! U (!.?0 ?*i?'?. ??l le:. .? ?. Cl eaca k II I I.CM. 77} rii,:,o?u ....t.?.nu aa."?? f-A?t m'Ai, Man h c?1. m. The week closiiii? to-day bai Inen devoid of lema! kable bUBlneaa ?renla Ste general trade of tte cil.v has been fair, and iLo pi-o.-pccts of tL?- ffpTIBg luisl noss iire regarded ,.? quite I ltlcrmg. Oai unit liante ait? vvithdiavvliig many goad? fioin wan hou-?, but consider? ably less than fot two r- three week? past, though the liniiort entiles nie larci. There has in? ?1 some grum? bling at tte t!i!.,'?e-.iii-,- pa the pail of (.'otigi.-ss in coining to h decision on th.- tin. atened Hub (?ring of the Tantf. If they really In lead to legislate on the n-v? nue question 01 in ref.rcncc to u n Miiiipiioii of ipeeie paymeata tte busiii?-s . oiutinniity V'u.l.l be glad t., kaow a- BOOB as poasitile ?that course such MMBBlatkH) 1- t't.iVe, that they may gt?t?tw-ti tlieioseiv. - ????? I'r.un ptaeeot in 1I1, ations, Vowevt r, Congress 1? quite likely to ?ivcnd llio remainder of tbe ?r??i??ti m making bani-onilie ?|v?i?> h? ? for tTTi'ct upon the fotiht oinlng I' election; and the consolation Is that it is l,v m. m?uiis Certain that euch cuiplrr} tuent of the v aluable time of oui great stat? - nun may not prove ? j ? 1 i t ? - in tiscfiil to the . ountry as anv tariff or other l?w? whuTi they B-lgtl euact, even If they Mete le de vote their tune to l.uei no?? Instead of talk. The foreign outlook i Hppan ntiv aasaaOk th.? Beat of Knglaml not ?.??nig lit to advance its rate uf tlis, ...nit bei und :i js-r cent, Iroiu which teg infer that the manager? of the Hank set 1,0 grave reasons for anticipating any tlnaitruil upheaval giowing out of the Alaba tea dlaoaaal-Bj. ladajed, d. ipltt tte aiiciy teas of the Bagt-fh Preea, abloh peral tala ?' keeping it np,"' there ?, cine to la? a gei ? lai m iitiiuetit that the affair will ta amicably adjusted, und th.? im pi lived und improving loi,, of ?ni..? on the I..,ml,,a '(hange point to that conciu-ion. The outside nioiiey martel lu London, .1., ?-?-v, and hence the roi.tliiin.tioii of the bank rate? at 3 per cut. lu our own mom y market the icverse i? true, and an utiea-y aad nn-ettled f.-,?iinp IbMteenap pan nt all the week. TtiatM grown .on of the low ataaa of bank rcsetv. s ; und Ita BW na. tag attltmle of a certain class of ?peculators. The lai ge amounts of currency re (lulrcd last Fall and Winter at tin- \\t ?t and In tlie iute lior have return, d vet v ?lowly, and in much smaller qiiantllies tbini In f.o tmr eeaifepoiMlllia p( ri? ?!-. Th.,.-. who anticipate cnntiiiiied activity Witt tlgt rates 111 money propliesy a eonsid-i.tblo dials fioin Hilt market for the rebuilding of Chicago, ami in? sist that under the cireuuiafance? money at 7 per cent ?? by no incal?? dear, though the experience of bv_t year taught ii? to rigsr.l a uioncy market above ft or c \ht cent as a ?Liguant one. While there would ?tern to be m. sntti. hit t< .son foi anticipating any long continued ?ttiugeiicy In money, rate? are >?ulto likely lo renia,11 ?harp till after tte let of April. Hiiilng the peel two weeks 7 per cent in currency ha- been the bottom rate most of the tune. Parties hiivine st?ks to .any over haft paid ttal rate in gold t?' 1 H ami I-lf .?f 1 per cent ?lerdicui with and without Intetest. Be iliih.iilt has money btM B to obtain at times, that resort has been had to Iwirrowlug bills of exchange, pre-,mg tlu-m upon the market, ami u-ing the cu?n my pioiicd? of tin? gold for carrying them ovar the 1st of April. It la fit inly believed, how. vei, by IlniM' likelv to in? well lIitonneH, ttat artificial nu ans have lain used to give the money BSBfBSS S ?hakv api-catunce. Viet, 1,|gj the ( liaimg teaaa eea_rateaeed the asa BiTaageaieal of .Tearing gold che? ks as well as currency. Tbe moreiaeal op. rated to a charm on it? iir-t trial, and tbe rirhaagea aera aa* inyed aesiaalf Bremlsatea, Itereaaltof tteopeia?oa fur tWO d?i ? wt's a? folloWBi FridiT IgaMiliinTaja.ft-JaVXa '" ?- I Ita-u'uDi- baUataa. ; i??,,lj '*-. *. ? " 1 he.ului.t liai.w.,,?. . 1, \ i,?.. TTn- gold market ha? steadily tended to lower iptota lion?, until fJlially from 111 iHst Hatinday the price toil? bed 1(?!?|. A fall ,1 1 |ier cent In a WCel ,v it Lout the intervention of ?peculation is rapid, aad k-Herts the scn tj 111?nt .?f the j, in tavor of a low.r ravage <.f pre? mium. The Custom? 111. ijl? have Inn 11.111 h ttgg Hum last vveck, but for tte month ot F? l.ruarv tlie entrain,I nary demand lor gold Irom this noin.e was of liself ?utticiiiit to keep ita priea ?tiff. Aeaa rt> nipt? ikcceiletl Ili.M?.,.??). .mil were (he largest 111 tin? history of the pn?t. Willi tl,isolement vvlthdrawu, wiihllrin inarkei?. ?ml no ag.iainui on Ukg other ?Id?-, and with the mtm\ coming on Ita MlUll ln?m Uie rtileii.p Doll Of llO.IiOIl.OOt) of live twi Title.? this Illolilh, it IS dilli cult to see how n high premium i? to b, mniiitaini tl, gam clallj wiih a cotitiuuid Iicnv> tone lo the foreign ex? change?, riovirnineiit bond? here in ttla decline in gold to a an tain extd nt, a! bast all the ls?u.? haveteearatter teary. Witt taepreeent Baeaay feel iBg in ilium v ovi r and the 1?) uf Apul past, we may ititMiuably look for such at investment movement tl the?,? MCiiiitlc? ;_? will eairy thi in to mm h high. 1 pi u ? w. Tin iiioicuu nl In Male l'on.Is has lacked lite, nor wa? tin 11 during the wei k any not 1,, abb feature 111 railway mortgage? beyond a fair demand from investor?. The ?toek market ha? been during Ihr week, with UM exception of one or two ?pectnlttea, eiceeillngly dull.and the mjti'illation very fume niibwd. Iliinng the curly duy? pun ? wcie held with gi. at tli iiinct?., but 111 later trade ihey Itecame heavy only to react again. The range ol the week ha? Lei 11 , 1,m 1, il I.j iml'iuw flu? tuatioli? SB a rule, as will be loiind Ml loilh in tin? weekly compara live table win. h follows. There Indication? of lively times ahead In tbe stock maiket, ami hcuvy fighting between the bull? und beara In !'..< ill. Mail. North We?t riu, aud parBapa llai.inl.,.. aud Hi. Jo?.?ph. 1 he bulla iseein 10 feel ?trong ?ml n,undent either lu Hie strength of th, n clique? or of fttkif favorite aiest-ai aud in aaBM eaast i.Ttiap- m wmtm, while (In !.. ai- iiieiet thai ?(.at? ara, as a g? n? 1.1I nil? , already tiai high, ami that ?r aie to have 11 fearfully ?mugen! money maiket. I'imifl,? Mail ia l.kelj to ?fand ? the bruut of tbe battle. The bulla in tbl? ?Lock art, ac ? urdiiig to ihtil rtpoit, sl.ut,?- nai a eli.|U. , nod lliey 1 laim alto great atienglh on the in trinan, uieril? of (he attK-b, alleging that tbe clear profit? of Ihe Company for the- pual three month? wem ?_s? .lau mat their China U_rt_e, alirmi), ,? growing in? iff! s_ri ?_-???, - } incnsely. anil that they ar? very tYrnflclertt tiiet they will obtain additional pay for carrying the? f'hliiii mails. Tlio bears In thl? ?lock ?t pr?nent ????in t? liave iilitjiiiii'.l s.v. ral tlKiiiruind ?liare? f cash stock, of wlnt li they jn i|""<' IS carry eome, ami it Untt of which Hr.|'i"t?'t'?l l?y siller's options. The den?otmt,it of. 11,1? l'i.i.l will Ik anxiously Bwult.'d, und meanwhile.?, \u Supplies In f?vci i?lm. ?s iiinl excitement the pla< E>OUM|S vacant l?y the Mil I" 'he Union .?nettle ?pei'ulat'on. The hull clii|iic In N"i th Wi-Hi Is sutil to 1?o very ?irtitip, ami -O-Mleas h ?'>, 1'i.t If will l?e ?-erneniiren-d a -Mag hull Party In tills ffixk came to f-rlcf nut a vrv long tlir.i- i"-"). T>>-tt~y tlu? rem-rul market ?tnrtcd otf strung mnl <?,i rut, ?I until Midday, when there un? n downward in?iv?-inenf of iitioiit i \*-r r, nt. T/iift Was, _-WOffS>, very speedily ''licked, aud under an iipwaid i nit In Ntirtli-Wc-t ? iiinm.'ti f'< IB, IfeS entire list tin tint?n -lied und lull '1 firm all the nftenmoii, Lut nut quite tip !o the highest figures of ttie dav. After NiirtleWcsi the t? :,<1ln<r dealing? In the railway list were m Erie, vvlnrli iiiaiiitiiiiD-il the.strengt li of yeatcrday. ImVp BfeO-S, Wnlia?li, limit l-lainl nnd I'tiinii I'licitic. Hannibal und It Jns'i'b shares were BtSBafj". I'aiilh- Mall W_r) nrtlvr mid advanced to ?If the variations of the day DBtBJtS J ?- ij. Wtvtern Union luid up very well :i? i7'.i| to 70. Quicksilver ?hare? were streng und hiirher, ulule, ?'anfnii iiitv.'tnced nli'iiit two (Kr eetit 'ruin sij loM In the In?, 'sfment ?Mire?, I'unain i tout l-tMB B? to M*}. D??-' ware, J,a< knwanna und Western selling at 10SJ. The ou il stocks Wan steady, and B-fSWB i-liaie? BlTl-OBf] Wells Kargo A' I "? "I IS, and l.'nilcd ?tat. s it f.| Sat, The fut IowIBS tal.le shows the highest and lowe -t pi ir<? of act? ive ?luchs ? ..hl tu dav : EM ! Hirtieat Ira we?, S.T. tt. k ?linlioi, i a Y I '? liiilaollCrt ll?r. . li.aili.r..114 Lett Shore rl Sir. ffJ U.ha.h. -:? PlU?bor?h. ?Si North WraSern. 7B| North W t.trru Pref.... "I Bail Mud .III! Milwaulre k St |'?nl. IT4 Mil. A St. P. Pref.77| ?lino tt M?*.. 44f tdr'e.t L**??t. Baata? II.e. ?. Sri* i- 31 hi. Lara, a, M/aS . la , m. , ,.. Hi i . V |_d i , i 'ral... ?I k St J ? ? III i KaiiDiUiEM. J... i'rrf M ?,.-? Paaaaa . ? ?i Wot. I PI,a, IrL. 7? 77 Pant.r Mail. "J ?M ymekaileer. 17 lllj Q ilaksilrer l'r?f..?W? .'?[ I'. 1...I 1,-1 of ?M. Jot 7 | (Veal Parf, Eto El ",J faj, l'nit-1 Sute? kinr.?,.. ft I M| i M 7 I ???I < ' I'-iniin Htm diet'? dosing (|ii(,tatuilir WEN : ?ITe-.d. A.,?l. i Df' i. .Il?| . . ( mi,, Inlat:..a Coil. - M ?j'.rru I mou Tel... ? ','' (Ju'.rkl.lver. '*', II | W.a.!lri|. I _ Like KbereE M. B i Mr] I.. Shore k M. & On Ai.e.t. 1141 ?-; II. OrSaasUveT l'r A'laina l.iprr-.W| W, , I n?'0 El... . 7.1 la? M-? i . I j Un.leo suiei l.iprr ?? . ? I'ariJr Mail."... *? CuionPa,:' . Ni I . ni II N. I ..?ni II I Bat . HarierB.I I ' II 1 411 ll'l . i1 ?L'.UTtC?. ? ?I New Jrr?.-r t'entrai..... i 1 I ? >', rlvWoi. : 1 VI North IVe-ll'rrt. <*i| t .1 laUnd. IHl M Pa?l. Kj St. Paul Pref. 771 took W*l,??ti.7S{ lata i Wahl?:, p.. r m ?74 l'.rt ?'??ne. BU ano Mi?*. 4>t ??T? -ni A It. >i, -ll'i ? C.'a-go aud Alton 1 r?f.lia Tho following fable BBOwB UM BtS-BEl und lowest price? of active si.ic:.-, Unlti'd State?, ami gold itiinl?' during the wiik, as veil as tllo ?.-.vti??,' i'1 "'' ? "f each nt tlM ?IBvI - B-tJf IBBSaU-BS-! r-Fonh? W?,?'<._ -ei,,,', T?r'V? _ lli*iieat. Low "' 5. Sj r -? ,t I 1. 1I.V| ll'H I ,? ' . , ,:v,.'ip II'.?. HI} I .?. .' .''... cup?n, !r?"'.. , ..._??? ll'l is' ism ....;.?.* I H, 5 .i? ,nnp?n. |.4f>5. new. ... ll'ij I s. .-,.?, r..-,?.?. . 1 Ml. Il| i s. .'. .? . , ?apea, 1 H. 113) I S. I? 40. Coupon. il i l s. l,e? IV.. ltlHJ I g. . urrem-, (a (P?i-|,-?)- l,l| N V . '. ll ' on c?ti?or.l. ' i K ? .'?*l ? H?!,',a IVrt. ic a. ''i; Ha ?::,. Im Sri?-.... BaaaSM l.j.e shore. ''-'t, Bcr>|. ;' I Wil.iih. 71, l':llrl,lir-U. >'. ,\ m in mi n..; nu m uni ! 11 1 ''"', N, ci 1 I"'? .?. II UBI I Il t ?! m, m, ' a.'. tth VVntrrc. ' . I'?. l'r-'.-r.-.1. SI? R.,? lalanl. IUI B ' SI ' . ?1 I . I'r,frrr?.l. i '. MM-aaiilii. ),ri , l.jrk. i. A ?lera ... i ' -.If. ('.,&*>?,. lationl'..*! . St ' I m m ??I _kj lllj Il i ? m i 19 lit i i lit - > i ? a (Ml :i| TJI Bit i mi . I . I'anrie. SE) II , al aud St. Joasfh. 4.1 Han I. Joeepa Pref. l,.i VV,,', , .r.pll. 7l'| P?,,?,-Mail. oil yule?.!.?.!. ... : ,.r Prefe:re,L. ' - Ki|,:e?a. . VI, . I,..,, . i ., i... -- .... 711 At. ? r:i-an M?r. Dale? K,;.:r-, I i neu Suie? Klpr--a. ot/l . 110] - I ? The giild market hfisbeen ?Irung a 11 day nt 11??. ?? llOj. tlie? < li :?-f sale? I?' il:.: it I he in tel mediate SS-TB. Tin n li:,s Im n in in-vv feature to note, and the market hut pBSSSd uff (jtnetlv. In Hie-old loan market the rates paid for hftvltiK bul am e. carried were 1, BE, 4. '.'. und .1 per cent to flat, and I-?14 for borrowiii?r. The disburai'iiient? of over? due coin Interest to-day were *-.'>o,i,>n, making a b'til sin?,- Jan. 1 of ?.o,s4.' The re.teliiiitinii ,,f calle.l bOOtfS since Dm. 1, 1-71, BOW amount? to 111,012,iDO, in iluding tl"7,(??i today. Tin- dajr'a lnisines? Ht tin, Gold Kxi hiiiiKe Baafe was as fnlluw-: CnM t I, : !.!,:i01,000; gold balances, |-.>.3i7,oo:i : 'iirrcticy balaaeaa, t- o;;,;jB. Tlie foQswlOg were the a_kWBtBl_a; I??:. ?1| 11:31 .II | I ''o.l"c| ' 1:V.1001 10:30... IIS] 1-80. liai I 1:31 .ll'J i-no.lint 11:00.uo| ; I..JU.ll", [too .. II ; 1, asa.lio, Tlie da) "| liaii.-ai tiens m tin I'. B. Siih-Trea?iirv were : l? ?eeeipu. SBM.IB V. Cwtmtj haliire.EJ _f r.i, .'.1 I i.rnt*. l.41.'..'?7l .11 I' . t.4J.iA?J tSJ .i U.anc?.., Si l'aui-eled fa I. Cri.i/cr irrni'U..... 4- ? ? a. n: t.. VVaah t urrenr? pavmenu... 77?i,67l Ul?, ington. I.MJMO *4 i'lie BBarkSl for I^BKlgM KxcIuuk?' during the week lui? shown a declining tcmleucv DWlas ?iilell; to tie 11 ?sal?n!; nf tin di mand for remittances ntri!ti?t lioinls Imported from BaiWpS uiulci tin: i,-cent ?iinn arising out of the Alabama ,llscii??iiui. BStSB for 00 days' bills of leading drawers bave dei lined fniiii l'r.'l to ?DOA, and the ililn.uni is ?lull anil lui. e? weak at tin- chise. Till uin haiig?'l discount rate nf the Hank of Kngluud li , ? leiid'il to diminish lln? diffciciice between C'l iais ami short light sti-rliii-, tin? market for the forun-r being supported chiefly by the .-witit-ity III IbI bills, the Illative Value.? of cutfnli on this side and at preventing free export. Stocks of I his stapln appear to l?o iicciinnilatiiig, winch, wfeefl moved, would favor lower price? for -telling. At this ttflM la.t year boinewhat siinilar e.t,i piloual iiitliience??u?taiiii d prices of cicliaiiiri- ut the same rate? a? prevailing here al pres? ent, while lu IHd'.i aud 1S70 hills were mude ut 1'ia, to loaf.. Wc tjiiote tiotdug pnet-s for to-d.i | 'a sleaimr as follows : Bin? I'??? Tt.iee Oar. Prin.e raBkeri'iterMni billi on Lio'l'in. IMM;' !"' I..,,?! liaiiliar.'?nit :.| l/ilaou LaaSfB. MM n IW IVinerom. ?telling do. 1,144)dt pH l'art*. EM. -Etl ?ntwetp. EJB ?...i Barki. 5.*) ,/.'...! Ainrteriiar?._. 4ii,</ to ll?mi..,r?. ?li '? Vrankfott. fU* ?If Bremen. tail 71 liwa.aji Ibaler?. 7l\ti ~.~,l\ Mon, y iliiriiiKlli?' inornnig was very B-tiVSSB? ditTleult t<i ?'ht.,:ii. Tka banks are In very poor condition to n ?j'oiid to any ih iiiand, uud ?ire clutiy in their loans at ? p, r cent in currency. Tin: stock biokers arc, as ., rule, supplied by private capitalists and outside lenders, va ho in i ai It loan- ?teiiialiiled 11? ?? full rate and au additional bonus of tol-lSefoM accooat. Huiisi ?iii. nt'?. the ratea dropped dowa to " gold and7rur n in \. then '.and tlually balain-es were off? red for the tiw, ?lav? until Monday at j anil 1. Discounts are nonil lull. The liaiih statement show? a I.tig?' loss lu local t? l?der , i.inch leads us to suspect the luterfcrcnro with the natural woikiug of money by ouLside ojieratlon?. Tin? sj?,'. Is BTSraaa vwis eliirlitly ImreaM-.d, the coin movement of the week rnviring the payment into the Treasury, In the way of Custom?, of, und tue ilirluiiet mi lit ol rj.i'i'-.l"'J ll( .'Olli illtclcsl, tlie sp< ele il ]K?rts fooling up BriSjSal? The deposit.?, were Sei rea cd I.,"t'.,4KI and tbe louns coutracted Lioiiiimilly. i lie banks now hold |J,444,4M) 111 lawful liiom-y Hlirplil?,, a decrease of I1..I,.',7.''. The following 1? tin) comparison of thu.tvc rage? this wick and last : ffeEz .'4. M.rrh i. Dlfenvneea. ttU.tmt.Vn) Dee. aia?,<?a?J 11 JJ.,.1.1?, Ine. 4IJ.H?) IW Ine. Jl 7?H) IH <7.Mj??i lire. ? 41 '.7H.40U ll?r. )..7.<>?l Tlie followiui; shows the relatlou Wetweeu the total re? st ? ve and lite total llabiliiie? : Feh J4. M.r.h?. Sperir. ?17 fll.'flOO 01 le-iral le?<rra. ?5*4'.'??) 4 i.?7i..4??? Dee 110 .1 1 '', I ll| lid 5.1.^ M 'inl ,v 15 B EM] VIS <t Eta} 41 (t li, 7H|'? 7:? ?|?S 7: loan..* .-.',4" ??a. ?I?, r . UrBMJBEl < rr_?tloa . :n,!4,,7?. i?io.!i-. Lera i nnd?,a. 4.\o4.,??0 Tola! re^Me... C:riw'aiiata. Petswil. TeUlli.laiUllr*. 71 pe, r?*l .eerr.r l.liee. v?rr !.?.. ,?>erv?. Loana. Ot-.S.CI.Jm) ai.',l'i4,i??i |)?r. .'S 14 1,7.4? '-i.l?.4,?ni lui .1, (|s>?l*??. Her. tMI.4SI.<W0.7n.?n,'i_) nee. 0J,?. I 7'W ?<i.-i..''.47_r _i.t-?,a:?j 1 < itijm 3 444 4.'?7 Pee. M.',A?,,i,?j Dee. The t?,m rntiient lioud market lia? liecu ,m tin, whole rather tinner to-day, uuiler the iufluem e of a better gold pile,. Tin ic 1? very little ?Iciuaud, however, as vet, but as the reason advances pno_s are likely u, improve. Pome amount? of the call? d bonds have l-eu ?eut int?. the Ti.-Mir.v for uleconni, the holder preferrlug the usual r, luit? of ?it per ?eut lo carrying the same al a ? harge for the ojierutlen of ?eveu per event. We have not 1? am? d the precis?? amount thu? retncl. The market t-tfisf-d firm. Fi?? a rlairli rrimrt aa tollows al 4 p. m.: OfereJ. ?ale-.. I' B ??rre???S?.Ill M4l P. s a. in her.lit 114] I.I. kf. SI Uaw.US li:, i ? ; :?.k? m ?> ,ii in) D. B. i-tM.'ti. ?ewB... Ill| Uli ' t. a ?to. i-f. Ce?p....|,|a ul] ! t a ? ?>' i.-, ' .so ..nil ml i I .P.?*i ?1?B?g J fcJirt', Hfrre. land III r.fl. Slo. '6J. reap.. .lll)| p. a Mo 'r,: loop...iiij i s. i-tu ui,i ?up...?nf P.B he?"?, F-,i kr* iu,i{ l'a. i*ui'?i. cUUp...i,u,| i. a lot,,, a.?.uni C. ? m ?j. h, i'.-p .|ui| 4 III, l?l ia.| il 11171 nnj The dealing? fu Hlate Irouds t??-day were limite?,!, thoiigli late prit? ? were ttteoaraily mii?i?iuc?I, -lUiuiiewic??? ?el,uif al?Ma4S| ; North Carvliuaa, old, oi ; do. Dew, i?| ?I?; Sor.?,?, f'arorinn?, B?*w, January and July, fl|; do. ?April tA(\ OSfawt-S. 80. and Missouri II. and Ht. Joseph ??."ii'.? at 921 ?*??,,, following were tho bids: ... BSbStA Aale?!. .? 84 (It?rai. Aiked .?siaef-k-e Se. ,,1.|.M ?*?| Tenneatse St new tartsl?. ?B ??I I?, ok!. ? W Virginia St. B?.?w Isirult... ? I", Virrlfi!? Sw, tse. oM. 44 61 VireiaiaO?, re?*., 13.?. 60 V,r?-ltu? ',? reg., laVT.... 5" Vir..nit.a.,?ra?.. I(?,n?i.. I" V.ri.i.ia in, bef atajan. 11 . ? . (>.?tyi,7? ln,|. IB, Ciroliua fa, oU... Vd N (. F A., I.eV,.23 N C K?A.,IS?a. /It B. 0, new 1-M.d?. I.I RarUj ( a? BptdalT??.. 13* .?hit fit. Ill (-.?:?!. ClrCJl?.. and _T. 311 ? C?*. A-irila-dO... 2"| . ?7..?4| Mia? ll.a- .1 It Jo. ?aa?.. 3-4 Lta-l R. Y. Oa.Canai laMaVTl ? ? I": I? , ... .... ? | bebt B? - ,N - - 7..Ill - g. V. 5?,Caaill/?._a.-74..loO t .,ia.ei i mit .tfKj ? I ( ny hast ?li.r.s sold as follows: rheulx, inoja-ioi ; -tet?banla, n-; Hanover, 10.14; -f*. Mrhoia?,11.4 ; Hank of State of New-York, lldj, and Manlialfau, 14 *4j. Tho fol? lowing wer?' th? bhls: untre.: Ail.-?!. Crftra-t A?k?d. A It Kama '? IV | Altliam? ?? . ? 63 Arkinitebi. Vwn?_e.|. ? 67 Ark. 7. I. It k Ft H. ia? (ft II Atk. 7?, M. k LU. - ? Ark. 7a, I. If. r It * Nil, ? _ Aik. 7? M?. O k R. K. ? 5f| Ark. 7? irk (?riR... ? ta| ?il... ?i 1..7*?....?oi 7'J Ke 'i, I ' ?. rj ? Tn.itki?'? . ta 361 m, i . .m . 98 _. [BreJnttann, !' tl. M I. ?S. V K't, ? -<???? lsaa.107 n n y. ( ,.,i?r. n?. i.>s>n..un ? B. Y. i?.Canal L4.aa,12..IO. 31, B. YC ?'anal L?,.n.'73..Iu7 ? S. Y. I?,''?.1 L',,u,'7(..ITT al'N. Y. '??C '.?I La?? '75..K?7 10"* I 0 M '. AU ? .VU ! ;i. [reine, . ? Pe?ales'. ? . r, l.c kanf?. ? . ...illiieBUl. -- N__h4Tka_.111. I'oionionweil'h. 76 ll'iitmrVr? awl l'riiter?.1',7 |l'?rk.i I ? Mtnnfiey and Ber'l'.. ? ?ni N. Y. Nat I Bub lag? 97 "U ??Oa.ll.100 II? Fourth Matloiiil.Ill Nin'h Nitimiai.l"7J lent!, BitlontJ. ? F.lVrerith Wir.l. - I _____a_kBt.SB 11? llai.ker.r' k Bros. Am... 3? 103d, |tIerniaii-Atn.-iirai. ,.., IM 160 id l-H M 1... I ! I") 1?. I'-J a? New-fork. Mi.t.atMti.146 Meiruaala'.117 ?.1.1 I'moil.l.rtj Cur .M Plieiiii.IOO| lu,t..u.LM Oillatin National.II? Mrreiitnta 1-irLa??*... ? .Slate,,! New lorl.Ill ('ommeree.I LVJ M?e,iini?.' liana ?-Am??. Il?l Ilr..?.!wi?/. ? Orean. ?? Ai.ier.ran 1.1? Ii antre. ...liai Hink of lie: llrpul.lir. ..114 HitKiTer.H?-J There was a pretty evenly distributed but rather light business tt railroad bonds. Tlie Pacific mortgages sold n? follows: Centrals, 1024: Union Firsts, 914*91|; land CtfBBta, hT4<_bT|. and lucomes Ufa-SB, cx-lnf. t?-t ; Kno Third sold ?it 0i| et Interest ; Toledo and Wahaab Fir?T>, 97; ?'. ami Lock Island IB, 10-'; C, C. and L 0. First?!. 9-1; 8t. Louis and Iron Mouniam Fir*f?. .4, mid lioetou, Hartford and Lrie ut 3_ for Firsts, and 10 ail for tho guaiaiitccd bond?. Tho following were the bi.I.i: Off? red Aiked.' Oftrt. Aiked. N. V. Centnt??. Itt-k... ? *+ (?t. W. V. M.. US9, - ginnet 4 Tot. Int II , "JO M - ? 111. k .s,,, low? lit U.-.. M - i, - , . , . Est...IS. ? l"l Uni.-.. K. I. ki'.?.k-....I'Tl !'?'| M?rri? k Basel Ii' Mart '?it I !?5i Mon.ik Kaaei MM- ?4 Wi N. J. I e.t. I.t M a.10(4 l"* N Bow-Jene, Central M...101 a.? Pitt?., Ft. W. AC. I?t M. ? ? I'nu, r. w. k s. j?iM..i'sii - P. RVY,|(',lp._t blOO ? (Tete, k PitM. (?m. ?. F. ? I0Z4 Cltre. fc pitt?. 2. M. ?3 - (Tct?. fc Pitt... Jl M.... ST 1. kP. 410 Mart.... 864 T. rentrai tt, IL B... M s. \ . ,.,.?.,. -aI.friii... !ll N. Y t e,.t,.| 7i. U7I.....10J trie lit -I Liieiiled....!") M. 7i. 187..t?. i.'.e'M m 7?. i a.mi Lr:elt_.\l.7?. I8M ..... M Kris 5th M. 7a. l-WI. ? Lou. 1)??-? Hundt. '/J liuf . N X.k K. I .-J..-77. ?4 11. it. 7..1M S Y. lu86.1nS II. 1(. 7? kl M. 1873.PB Hiriera I?' M 7?.[Oll Alliant k S.u., lit 1>?iikI?.1'?4 A-La-r-tr-iui. M-tatd?.. - Alba?? kSna Jd lion.!?. ? (T.. Hur.k (_. 1 p.r !?( M 114 " '. S,, : a, e. M VI i ; 96 P?) M ?- Utos s.' .. Al'en M M.lOTl? IM, ? (Chic k Al;?.n Irioiue... 934 ? Midi S.k NI. ?.r l'.aitr.l P?- n.ii.l H ?t, I mon Paci.e lit M. U,!? i aeicc L. (JranU l ?. ,.n Pa irle lne. 10a.. II. itS.HU. lit M. a. - !l. 1 ri M. '?7 Ahofl kT 11 2-1 M Pref ir| Aban St T. IL M M. i?e. M (,,.._. N. W. S Fon.!.. J8 g, vv c , li :?. - I V W. Kl. 8U ? . S VV. I,? M?rt.. SM\ - Haa. A Bt J?> Cerne.... 9" Hei. Li?-k. kW. lit M... 106 k W. JdiL.xJ"? Tal. k Wan. I.t M. Fit.. '?7 l?,l. I W.latB -t L dit. 8S| loi. k W?b. U M. 944 T..L k Wnii. I.?i'i;?, Bd* - T?,l. ?Will. ( ?id?, c.n.. .i) ll.n A. San, l?t Mtg??... M i,t. VV., I?: M., 1 ,..:?.l : I.'-...:::.?:.;:.?-?? &:u ?H _4a.l?l !"'i '., . M'? ? -i.. "tf ? ltd M:?? -?!?!? K.? US aa H Kl i? : ?i - ??-. Dal), k r??,_r, Ott lit M. ? s:. L?,ir, k tr...? >t. 1 -1 M. 14 M?. k IH. Paal I? M.I. VM ?'?H. lit" J-l' -?t ill .!-.-. I'. ' ' ? M . i j Mil. k. U. Paul. -<1 M., ?d ..? M.,rt.... ? Mea-ro k Mi! I?t M..rt. ? . lit M.106 ol., (tue k lut. 1-tM.. Ml '.,?., Cble, ,V lad. M M.. 71, ,ol., Les. k VVir.K. U. 93 , I-.,l.,l'e?. i. War.. W. il. - 'Toi., Peo It.Vir. lil'n B. tl? lol.Peormk W ir ?J M H?t le? Vor? k N. IL ??....lOO H.?t:.,n, IL. k Kne !.t M ? it Bit? (i',?r. 40 Mal r"al,a -. Slmn. lit U dJJ ?-. ?7 9. ?Mi l'ff, 94 93; '..'. P-7 Ml |fi U ?. T'y ' OOlM A Co. i.'lHirt th- Bnlfl of r-.W.OOOof the honda of the Northers Pacl?c _t_d1road Com|?nBjr. We uii.l? i -.staii?! that tho ro.ul is BO? Umsind a-SO '^?le? from Duluth t?< Fargo, aad ttal regular train? ttj?e ruu alng iiv'i this portion of the rrjed. A'.-<l that work is progreaalag rapnlly tlirough Dakota, tun! that contracts have been imt.le t.? tliiisii tho tract to tte M --?inri Itiver eatlj In the ensuing Autumn. At the _-XMt_U_g of tho rl Blrer the road will eoaaeet altt a lino of sbaiiicr? t nulling 700 miles further west to Fort Bentou, and t.,,? pioiltaiib? cairvlag tradla of Montana and tho (rallie ot the Upper Mi.somi couatrj Will thus, bo sc eaured. The Philadelphia Stock market wa? actly.* ; IYnn aylvanla la, tltlrd issue, soi.i at IBS|? Pauadelptla and Ens Kailioad lafj Heading kaiiioad, 5.|; and r? im lylrsala lUilroad, co?. Gold cloavsd at 1104. The following shows the export? 11:1,Tusivo of specie? fioin the Liurt of New-York to foreign port? for the wook ending Itb. IT, and ?nice the beginning of the year; IS70. isri. 1S7?. F?rtb?we.k . Bt.M4.9ta ei4?.9.l!?. Bl.0i_.113 I'renotitit uoorted. 2J,-..,?i.l _6,0U),0*Jl J_,MJ..oT ?or? Jan. I. *?,117 ,.i t..i'J,477...r3 037,587,344 Itefollowlag th'iw? tue import? of foreign tlry good? an?! getberal m-r?itaadlea at the i?ort of New-York for tbe week ending Man h 1, and since the beginning of the year ; Fm III? irrrk. 1-s.fL iTt <???e|. f , . iieacrai Merrliau.l..e. .'..i Total the week. O?,-?---.!.? Prttiou?it re|>orl?.l.I . S_a,i7?,aa aoj.tu. ?w l.aee lia. 1.*41.6?...t>04 Tin- foUowlag are tho ?Lry good* import? included la the ..hove tig the ?ame paMOd! IS70. 1S7I. IST?-.?. K.i'.r-?! at the port.S3,?tH0,3M S3,4C5.9t)_ gs 7 _".-,. i_ ? t , IWI on market. J,44.',.T7 J,.',7.,J:i4 .,(.:: - fat i. ??slattiie port....*,!*?7 S 18.014.401 BM.K1.4M l!.r,.wnoBtnar|e' . 17,','?' ".-J 18.6k I . Tin- exporta ??/ ?pac?a for tte v eb endlag M net. were a? follow? : T?d I ???rthe week.?JISTS JUS l'revioui .? r> i?,iied.d,__H..?>5 Total ?i,i.e.l?n. 1, 1871.g2.l*?.,?_ Tte fotlowlng is a comparative atatataeatel th? ex? pon? of ?peeM from the port of New-York to foreign ports for .1 years, for the week ending March _, and for the .'onespoiiiliue penod in the undernoted year?: l?rd.|-2.K"8,1K3 H*dI5. #4.197.647 116:1. 09.01.171.' in. a,i:i,m,iM4. 8.91,7.35; \m. 1 l'J7U. ?..'<._ ?4*> l* 1. 9.J--J.IIHI IU56. 1,513,973 1H__. '? ti',..'!?..( H?,?. 7.'.,7,tt9 1855... 3 733.:6J IM .Il.-tf,?? :?? IStJt. 1.2!?.877 1851. -.7:17 4_w? l-Jt.7. ?iMTJUrl I?.'). 2?l-.J.l UM. 2,.r?',7i7 Uoo. I,.171,.1/711859... b,3-l,0.J5 18aJ. ? NEW-YORK D?Sl'RA-SCE COIuT?NIB8. Tin' following t.ible, ahowing (he ronditioa at the beginning of 187'j of all the joint-.-!,., k lire ami fire liianne iii-iiriiiici' companies of Mils state, tea lust beieu iasued by the ?u|m lTUteudent of the Iuauraucc HeiKirt inelil : ? jniNi Mu.K nag ami riBBMISflff ? ottrantes. T?_-l laabll ?i a rireyt snr?i!.u >r ? .,,. De?eieaer. S * ! 7i( .'0 778 82 I ' .'??> Id _;i >l 53 ITS.4M U S It! 27 103.441 .17 li.i "I 1! tA: Ml tie V) "M :i ,,v.l 7. __,t)?.l 41 II" alJ M stjat u 7.i?,i ?.. MJBT ?H H :c_o?.i 7; 17 "'...'.; u 4',?si oo l?-l,J?4 .17 17 15U70 41 _-_.(.'?_ S4 18 911 tl l.'l.r..,, ?, K".*>_4 JO Hu |0"'I77 Iwi r>. 1.1 ? ? .77 14.048 67 I i,.'.v ,o i , 1 ( ? ,111 n 53 Mi ?| H ;?'' H ?" Is.v :?r 05 ..?5 .14 274 ?d I di ?(.(<-? d. 33.144 1.1 H -'"?' ?)4 M.ikil M ?9.4.-1 .17 5831 45 4.,'JIS aj 51 SO 0U 117,115.11 ?i i? 71 'Ir .?i Vi,??? S 201,403 i?.. r.t-ao ?a.. i 285.817 04.. 4??' '?. 1 * -_'.NI IHW1 ?.V? >-J |H, . 341.877 ;?.. i.'..?'1 14 . 3b9.HS?. bd.. ? in" na m.. :--?..?.:! ?.. ?i..??:?! aa.. 4?.7,iH?. a.. 4.-0 m 54.. 2.VI.I40 .?t.. \ i ? ' ? ? . ? ? (V Ittl o .?F.tnt. new. 2,sii?m 4!r?!.,-. 2?0,i?)0 AV'riilttir?!. 1'?IU?J0 A'ba r. 150.?Jl Ainernau..... Alne?ai'IB Ltelian??? Arrtli-. tM.MB Brewer? and M ?liter?. J"" ?M i 1! . w, _in???i Br...,klrB. laJ..i_0 ?ul?lo tier.m. MM ?si ?. 3i??...i(>0 fit?. _!" is?0 Clinton. _.i..,ni?) i ?latida.?10,00? .'?Ik . erre. dls'.iaW ('?.iiauelT. Fill?. -If,!?? r_SM?rtrl?l . _.?j.i??i ('?.ntniental. l.iaaV.a. I Ouru Eirbknie. 200.01?) 30J.93S ?9 h-wTe. >m???i Knu.lre I it- . idl?l ?HO Klrh?n?e . . BKI.Ot? Kar?'J..inl st?,.-k... MMM Fireaaa'a TruiL. l&U.Ua) l'rwiuena. d04.u?J FIreBken'i Fiiad . l.'ai,i?in I.e. in.???. ?i?j.oiaj _aojba OttaiPall. ?itijioo . .?..,?.?, (Ireeawieh. f?'.(?0 (hiar'aaa. _(?_.i)00 rlaaaTloa. I50.??i Haa.Ter. iAtl.Uuo Hoifmi. . 2i?f?iO Holland P.o',a?r. II?' 000 Home.J.'.-i I??? HaM . l'-'.'-JO Howanl. .ViO.rjoO H.iuilw.Mt. .0.1,-110 Importer? and Tra.-wr?. *w?.i?a 1(11.448 ?7.. ?ida-dl I'd.. l9S,dM 51.. _.5.l*>4 il.. M ?U 64.. lltat.ata? 67.. M3.1H3 :K.. l,.'ii.,-U Tl.. ?;; tu 14., JM d??l Jri . 510.410 I?.. J-..155 Jo.. d.i4..-i4 r.?.. 87d.(?d7 91., IW.74I lt., 194..-4II 27.. ijmeo a... ?OJ.II? !?.. (Vil I.VJ TM.. ;., i.,, .?? M.0II 03 ?3H.II3 4o International. 6O0._O0 l.Ott.lII 7d.. rlter-o?. 20.',?10 K,B(t Isaal?. LVl.iuO hi.,, le? l,..,a-T. _?"l?>l I.,I?,.ire. IMl.tOO l.u?i. 150.??) I.| I.'?n!. Me.tM MiBof'i k Haiti, rn... .-.?'..??. 15.1 i??J Mwh.ini? ? and Trade,? dial oto M i rannte. 'doO.OUO Merehaala. Jew'an Melni|..lil?u. 3.k),0ul M.mtauk. l.VVUki Na.aau. BOO 0 tl Nalieaa). dt?i,?a?1 gen-Tel- H-wrr? .??'000 Nrw L?rk I entrai. lai,.?? Nra i.?k |;.|U ?al.e... -.(II 0i?B Ne? lark. ?dOJ.?,?) Nli-t.r?.1,(10(1,000 I.tf_-.aisl M Bi.rib Biter. :i>o.i?un 4-7.513 (H Pa-inr. __?'..?00 471,12(1-0 Park. .'??..flu ;M.',.\r-t ?v People?'. 16o,U_? I'eiwr Caaaei. IM)???) 4-'_,.'?7 ?4.. 2-0,154 li.. t?) ?a .i. 231. _"8 -0. . Hb\_U fi?. . ?it no M.. .61 l-te, n . _..?,.i__. i?7.. 4a.i i.?i ;.i ? J-a 7_?( / ' , :??' ik ? ? u.. idH.HM 12 Ml,Ml *' ?I6M.I IL. fdd.lL) M.. 4M0?. M.. 38-J.?47 ?5.I 171 :?J . I?,n55 !?5. _e,l>T_ 11887? 14 . , ?., ?4 let ?n |iil.4*J ? _tJ.S?9 ?7 4S.I-.?. a 4 'i>-_ 47 m-, 17; 34 2,138 :ci4 52 .?J.?'a 7<3 rnrjmt n i;,d.H .?i 15I.UI4 at 50.271 ?; 77.12:1 II a ,? ?3.4e_ 61 41 ?77 <?> M.7M ?-I 47.25J M l.'i.iir '?i i,:,i' ..i isi 11 IT'i .'.. '?','.. ia ? .Nt -t m ejJM la ??.'?.? ?I tll'l? 2?! ?1,71.1 Ni 6-277 14 MjBS ?7 MTJUa V' 8,315 M irs.81-1 Hi 41.571 (4 .'? ?si M n Ml H T_,k6? -Ad t: ni i? I.6S4 it 7d.(.U ?hi ?I 941 d.1 Il ??a tel 1?-',.?U 77 hO.IUi Ht ??.Ci SS 11.311 9. ?9.-.M 71 ? _ajj74 1)4 ?,..?,ii ..: . , ? . , I ; a. .-. 1 d dt>i M | ;?-?? tl I 0,14 ? ?ft lilJ?U S? 3, ?I7 117 ta m ?.' .?KV.UVI ?7 id!?,?;; 7i :s'id,l4H 58 ?VV,1) V I?) rt.?n ?; so.??? ?o 87,435 ?? I'.irt ?.? t'.iisn so ?l 171 (i. ?'?' ?I S.? Plarl.1l.I OMO.b.1.1 I,??> id. . . i - ???i .?!.. ?.ta 4.'.. Bepo!,!.?...... 3S0,_i)O M.I.7.J M ke-elal?. lOC'IA) dll.o.i *>7.. ,J9?liii? Baleere...?. .?I?',.?? _8u,8_3 II.. , IT. H St Nleholtl. I6aI,.?U 2J..4S4 ?>.. ?taadard . aai.nuo ??Jlei'tl.. ?l.r*Ull Star. .0-i.tOJ nj.adt, 1... Ui',11? M BlU.lBI . llal.U.i 2.'ssd..;i I?? .7? M btaiteta t . Itki.l?) JdlsViJ*.. 41.904 ?4 Tci'e.a.? ?. isiifato 4?t.ae_u.. ii.t-i "i ItUedSU.ra. 160,0?) (>..,_??.. d .11 .?J lavas ?! I"I.??*? VI a,??? m 144 5,14 ?t ITIatTS :?. :'7,_ai j? .?:..! a i? ?? I ' I -.11 7. I.?. 17 IM.I ,? ?? I? I (Ot H ?I.V.1 O 1,7 n i; ?M'ai 7.1 !7.? ?.?: 5? 171.43.1 tVl T "'?1 LUMt iromtofrtmmmt. ?Danml Or-. ,' '\x*j?V?*>, W.rti,.?v.? M.... ???? >, * , * ., J* W?l?rt?.wn. 2' . . ?' We-rhe?,.,. ?,..,., , . '?? ?,?, a i.liaswbar?!. (al,... ?_l,i*i(i wwalf.- ?,W,?_y 41 ?a_B?-* ffoun_aooB bibb am. mi I AMI . 01 ' 1 ?tal I/aEI ?*??? o/ f'oia,r_,v. (-. (| ,,\?H* ??r?,| ?. ? ?" '' ? ' "'? .IJ? ' ? ? __ _?l Arinania Ohio ... J? " " 4T ? . ' " '' " . IS " ,.''-, -?'??,. A? awn. < ?!.!.,. .???,.?? * IBs a I'l. IBB M-- ' ri?e.M???. J"?"?! ?'57 ... ll'.**,,? _,_ Anime?,,, lib????. f.. ,.<? ?? na; ., "? **l?|? Aaenran, Penr,. 400.0,4 111 ?? /' , , , |_ _? ' . ? . 14. elf la ?*???? Cl?, .a?*"? Bar Hi?lesMA?*. i -, ?* ? Se-to,,, M?*,. :?. . . . ? JLmt \ f ? n j.j.?..?, najai . ?3 ??!_ ? l-t Pre ?ml M*- ' " ?-*< t _?*_?? -?_". i-*.?* m.'fl-ijB. m,??., ._ ??.??i?? 70,175 77., ln,?riltT J.'* l-|un.l,leKir*.eilMa- "'" *?< a _' fa. "? 1. -' ? 7a'?-J 1* *?_. - Maw. 1 ?".ria _{_ * ffaltBwM Caaatj, tOaaa M <? vi t j?a i_ , ' ffiNBMa'?MauavlLBJ, I I . '.'. ij-__ ? -,5* 1 r.t.Vjt P?r,M*a.. : 0: . ?.'?A,, "J** lr_..,u MaM. '4 ?,.. EMwaB U il*** Ira-.klin.Pen?. ? ? ? ? ?- - ?J ?**'? ?rerroan Penn. ?_i,i??i ?;,i|7 ll.. ' Bum ? ,' ' i.-rar.l,-,r??_lMiriB?, ?*S ,,,v,"?,-?-.. BWeBa WWC. ITji-e", r__ Hirtfsnl. ? or.?.l.W-OOO 2 ??,'?.] If. | ""a-fl ?, ?? B?f_S ?'??. ?. o. S7|.tMti.. 'a?. 771 77 ae?" lloaart, Maaa. ill, iru ),l,i?? j? Tjjn U l'a , ?f the Sate of . r_ia. 2avr.0 Sw?ll77a.. 1*4 751 ?j Ma.. iB-loolNenbAaer- " *?*" ' fffOa. Wen?,. 121?m ?,.I 7J1 WSM _i_ I*',. ,.te,. p,??. .... ?., HI.I34M.. nu?,? <_:? LawM.oe M?a?. _?>??> WU>40 4J.. "71 .11 a ,-_. Mannfaetore-a-, Ma?*.. ? < , all Baar MrrrJisnt?', Ma.? .... M?i,??> '?,1,'al *7.. 15, UT a ?75". Merr-J,?,.?,'. kl . Xfi,(a -, ym ' Merrha'tl Mutual N I. .- I I ' r ?aw |, ?./?H MuUul IteaeHt. Ma**.. 2t~,ot)0 All,?,3 44.. U r: a _._' N?rr:,K?naelt Fir? a-1 "" * I. i/y, nr? -?;T? ?., St! JU a ,_, ? ?atonal.?:???. s,?,?., U7J04 ?3.. M B* ? *_J ' ?<*?.?I. Me. ,. -,-?., JMJflitt _-i*Z'' *'-??. ? I o4.. ?4S,UII|_aS_ Se?p,,rt Kir* and Ma- ' _?___i:. 2*.or?! Bavas?.. MjMia tat ? N Tin Aii,er._fl. Ma?. In j u jf "" > Oernt fonn. j,?,,?,, MO?*., ? ?' Pi-urlvaaia rTre, p?, fa- ?ai !.*.',7.iSf 2J.. 4_>IM4] _}?. 2 -,?*'". 4< . m ? _5??a rSra'a?,_.i ?? *?? D','t"M,?'. ?"0"0 kwl?*?!*.. ???WM l?4_|_ ?, ,"?i? ""?_?. m0U0 ?'.?i??.. II'EDM ,, M. I'a.l lireEMaro?, ' * i?.?!;?!.;.;,: mm y*?*3- ?h?i 1-f? Ar?,;,"__ ^'^ ::d':ww- ??? ???o B0.'oh'i?1,*". ?*?.? an,??? ??an waa-^-iv;;.: 2? j^? ??S t.:; T" ,: .?_BMa1 4?,3?,?7. ES.????,_? n j"^ liANKLNG ANU FLNA-,CIAL Jiik s p , i. i n'.sT MoirroAoa SlBBXBO Find I.tN.i lilllM BOB-S OF THE Sr. Jim en am. Di.svm t'irv Jlixuw,, ("nVII'ANY, ill ll?iiriIllil.'ati.'_H <)f IMM), fSCt*a, _j| Itg?/ (>l J.'e_is!,'ie,|, cali I.,i\V 1? oht^.j^j fa _ i BBaSS-Bt only from the m 'ler-j-f-gj 0f mLmmt '.. I?iin,ij>at Hanks BB- liaiik'^rt thronghoat m ' i la .-?lates. The safety anil Voli.ilnlity of the* Rntth biet ?I. :. ,-.l in the '?nntintied and increasingdeuiaal: i them by r;'.,i,i,.;it and earC-Ol iDTegtorEwLotnf.:. vested^ m thetn afut a ni"st thorough aiklrtraiei ;i"' '.n.iti'iit "f th?; BOC-ritjrplodfBd fur their p?vm?;:t tnitii ii.!?i?st and prim i pal. TiiL. AKK tai.cimi. li> a firtt and dsJ? awrtfi? on the (Joinpany'a railroad, [ukich tail totn tett. i Hi fntort Pacific ?load at Fort ?'eanei BU City of St. Jo>r?ih. M.., already an importo?) n road renter]? up?'n the ffW-MBBBai ?'f the paaks-ofi tie Equipment .iinl ptrwnalproperty ot every tja_; tion?upon the /.ana" f/Vanf of the C'in.pany b_>, by Special Act of Coiigit.?*, approved Jal* a* amouniiny to l.T'si.i??, utTtv, ttakA sus Itentfifiti earttfiti to the lompany by the Co?imii?_skT ^ia; General Land OAXot tn /?i., o_icid/ x^vit to Cenrts tranmittut thruuyk tht Secretary of tkt ItUrw . jan. io. uni The Bonds are issued only aa they repreanitia pleted and e?|iiipi>?'?l lioad; all prnceeili of h<u? beyond this are held by the Triisteei in in?11 I the nectvseary completion entitles the CV-n/aii? I Ottm pnxi.'eils. The atoad i? built first-class in sisry B_a_B I ami has bsOB ?o received and ac<*?ptcd Ly th?- Hi partuieut of the Interior. The Mortgage De??l of Trust prohibit* tht_> f anvofthe Coinpany'a l-imls at less thin fan V dol?ais per acre, payable to the Trustees and ??r?l*< to tbe payment of the liomls, through the npers of the Sinking Fund. The payment af lbs lit? before maturity is net compulsory upon _M mwl The Ilonds are tin n-fore secured by two ? lu***? property combined in out mortgage, the vu! largely cxceciling the amount of bonis wlikh? irtaued under the mortgage. Tiiistajasra?Faniiera' Loan and Trust (Join, New-York. Tin? HontLs have thirty years to nit. principal ami latai-S, payable in (?tld. Tlaff> pal payalile in New-York, the interest at sip'' ci per eent. payable in Febrnary nnd A'irtM in N?vv-Yoik, Lniubiii, or Frankf<irt-<.n-t*<>>? free of tax. Price '.)'.', and aiciued interest in Cnrrfnry ? I!,,n,Is are r,?<eival,le at par and a. cru, il lafcra? payment fur tbe Company s Land Sale?. Mas ciil.ii s, document? aud full ' *or_uU?rii liiruat? applicatioa 1 he _aSBM_Bo( this Cnmpany hsve alwav? tari ceived with favor by investors and r.-?!>it_lia_ always toniinauded a ready markrf, and a? w* tatitiglv recoinmcnd them? believing this kai rack .-(juaHy with that of the _____? Din?-? su. s, which aie now i-elliug at apremiuaiit?-'"; TaJt-S???? Bankers, Na U^-" PaOOBlfi "I THK N.iItTHKRN I -COK ?*? '" ITH 7-aO _W,Nl)S. Tbe Northern Pacific Koad b iwsil*ff* '? ?? flB-BB-dflB miles? from Duluth, on La-'*r7 to Fargo, at the crosning of the R*d ??? North, on the Kastcrn border of Pak 'SV ?* trains are running over the completed ??**_ work ia rapidly progressing weatwaw ?? Dakota. Tlie track is c?>uu_rted to be ?f early Autumn llf1_| t? the Miaaoun ?"??| erossing of which the K?>_d will coam*J^ HasMI of steamers running 7c0 m i lea ^ttT***,, I'.?it lleuton. and will thus at ones et*"^ _ large carrying trade of Montana, and ?*? I | the 1'pp.r Missouri cniintn-. . In the mean time work has been ?M'*^ nig on thel'aaihc tMNtai A section ?<J* ",, milefl was finished in December last. ?" oiMiration, wbils forty miles mor****?u' siiu.tion-coniietting the Columbia ^ Kalama) with the terminal point on 1?^ , Diiiing the past Jfsaff i^kl-rfol ??"^V^ff Baaaia ol nearly the entire distance *?crl* , neat, which fullv verify ?M*vu>ai **mi\ ._... ?t tot t+ 11,'III. WHICH Illlll vr,??.? ?-"'- a?t? IBIBBilBStr favorable clianvter 0IJJ^ cunt? v. The? work of ?onst-actwn ?u? J . bep.ish.-d euatward and W"^*^T ,,-f r-.ipiilit v ae the intei?a?<ts of the rilad ,'ig tbe B-itaaasI mm?*mtX* l'a. nu Hailioik.1. the Northern j^T^gff now lias under ii> uianaa^a?-?* *"a-jo* s,v,nt v-live lilil?? .'? f.nishcd tract- ^^ let an?t the ua-stlis ptTOI uletl i"f **> JJ^ \* ?evctal bt.iulivd B_-OJ "lore dufU- m ?,,ti?. PalBBta, and \Y_shiuifts-w ?_rr,r^ v lu it? Miutgage 0aU ^"V l'a? Hie Railr.uut P H?l Uimi^L0?> an Inveatment Security ?vhteb '^""?1(11 Nee.iii ibiiitv, M_aC??ai<a?aBBisasai ^ of .1 lirst -flSSa Itmlroad l??>?d. "''""?^f S.ifct.v of BBaal F-tat? M.-rtfT-a-? l,:,st twi.e the amount loaned g| Ihevare otbivd at Par ?'fan*?ijB BANtkBOMB I'Kt.Ml a. Ihoiw eac?-ta^W ^ T_oya-Blr_soiroi^?^f,2>i , ??ti and intest Stt |?ay-*?? ^ ?til. e 01 .lav Osaka ?V C?>. _-_,,| 40* Oaal.rt^^a^*a-* r-ar,.<"l"lU?"*(*^rt? which ,s .oticlusive pi?H.f that iw. With the'ol'bc |fc-ft|-Up* Tbe ted*mn<tooiMbJ?amw**