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ALBANY. ?KIK oriKAriOMS--Tnti WAT Off JM * * { imATVOKiroWAifn woodAtm?*???l MoviMiM--H..W nu *krm 10 1,<llMlM ?l.l.slKAl. Ml MMAKT. Aibany March 2.-Krio, aa rci-rc-ru-nti-il ??> ?___Tw? .S? rf;x^,HnV:,:.:;;:;:^::::n^':;::'<:'". xTm,'?tint .?f mo...<J St Ss?_W__Mff4__i considerations, to -rst-pll.' I"-?' .'s-'"?"""? ?" <'l-r:'ll?'"- t_S III"-?! ,),?ri.._ri? ? lag . m.iini?" si the aft be robberBla ,jM1i ?,??. i,l, ni mu?'?"* m ?iil'eiilirliiir BO-MI >'f USB l"?al ,-rrs-a??"? ??f Il:< BB** aaw-lawfS ?'? .'" -4Mr??a?_-a |_r?' ?n, a ?lis. i,, t ?il. 'tu'.? a? t.. .?oti.icti.'M ?m UM bill. MU .1? t'f ?"I" e..!i.'l.litiv pap?rs , .mu lu tlilliil. Willi ?Mrtmi: BBfJSM?I t.. mciuiu is t?. r??ist M forcU'ii dictation'' antl Ees-va UBS P-SSBOl BSa__*4ff?-B fcB r*t?w< r. l)ele#ratl?i|is, ?JIB-I? l.rvviii.l l.v tli.' Km?., uro annoum <-<l a? ?i> their a-i.v from _EB btWUt tbtOg UBS line ?>f IBS ru,,.l. t?..? prt a. m "' U"' UgiBlBlira tH?? evil* thai BBS-? tni'v ?abrj tall r_?_B the r?aa4 H b__b ? nuncu ? OB Jaj OSBk- SBri Ml ??s?,., mus Bia ?lieplficeil limn tin? walial sf tar irait it ai sol s mattt-a ol tm*our*go m, it to Ihr fr!, tul? <'f B-fkWSB Unit Hi?' committee which i . tn tli'.il with tliis gOB-BOB is headed by rw.i,. i,u JaSBtJB W???.?l. Wim aikiiowlciliH's 1" i"K in -SBl ta? .lay ti"til?l ?ml WiHiHin M. Twee,', maniiKcr.? tt ?*? roiMl under tin? present ini(.ii1t.?!is law, __? char?? s BSjalasI B. in.i.'T Wi?Hi ?ire e?. tl,_r, ami Ifes ?< ? BBS, i i far n? made i'lil-lii, mu li B I'cini.l. !?? (?iriutxTiillcii Ol III? ill, l!.I In? fill'!'? 1 Vdllllil.llt (?lllllllll.lll'l' "ii ?H ,,.iiiii;ittt? is ne! niisiriuil to lu? m.lit by Ins iillovv ini into ?a <'f eillnt Hmisf. I?,.ill llimi-is licl.l sl?,tt BSaBSOM tiv-ilriy. und d tlic nrSBt until M?unlay, the N-nat?- until Tiicrxlii.?. Till? lit'ii.'l vacation Bl UUa .jiiii.tiir?' vv.ts taken, It la i:ivi n out. Hi?' members u?gui OB hsBBS at Hi?' -< B rtal |a_a cirri oaa, w_k_ arc lit id Monday and Tue? lay. Tinrw are tuoot, Boa-fTer,wBjssaj i??al Ubi ?__>_?__ ur, nut aWOialBwr irresponsible f"i __0 0__BTW_et I? \ pMrstlT waatc ?>/ time, it is ao matt, thai tttrj stmtt p ii. KrovviitnlcKislatiM truUsl? rs IstODS put in ''!" ra ti.ui, .?ml il l.t? slii'Uiii c.iiii' cut \tt't?'imiis, Od Wn BBS a 11 lift ?lainl atone in uifainy. aWaab-Ofl in?' aot forgetful if t!???> ar<- ung? ?.. \ tintinan IO.I..V li Hindi d tin? l.,c.islatiue tli:it the two in, Ik ? .-ts?i?;ii('(l N?-w Yoik in tlioold Kcpres? nta ti?, Ball Ib Waahlnjrti a, where cadi B1 it- la aasls-ed a |,la. , lui two Stat-C?, Ba-WaltlBf in? tnorinl?. II?' Ml?. ?., els mi /ii.lii? ilia!. BUI BE of til? luchc?. .?ml mills: " Without wisiiini:to iiit?i(?n' with tlip dlacretioi nf lb? I i 'irihl.ilurt in Un matter, 1 respectfully thai h , ,,mmu? di-i ulc t.i lurnisli tin- iv," Btatnaa,your , i? i. may, with ?n,ii propriety, rail apon Irtsorge CUa toi.. Who ?ii? tlic first ilcvci'tior ol tit*- Stute, anil ? lese l?,il '.le m n ;???.? in tin ri vi.ltitli.iiary lsticl of cur lus Uiry ???' m iiiiirkcil uu-iit; ,iii?l upon Roberl Pulton, a?li?i. in private station, ci'iitriliiitc'l. in.i\?iy enilnenl tleizr???'. ue v.,-,1 to the r? iiown as to the I'rcsjH rlt v oi Nei\ Y.irlt.*' Sticot-t-lcatiln?: lit Ni' may iiit?rist the publie to learn, was th<> sutneet of a rfxilution wltv !i WM t_lc?,|( il in tin AsatllTllilf II il.rcts tilt- ('"imtiitti??? on P .!' lit? H.altii to luv??! lita.?- the workliia of 111? ?tr. et-i I.- iii 1UK loiiinwt.aini ni.??, int,, strr-ct-l?anlos i" ?fonnetl by the I?< I'littiiiei.t cf Public Health in New-York ( itv The Cotuniitt? c ha,, powel 4- !*-__ 1"! l'eiMUis ?tiitl paix r?. IrJiciihiyn "meansbusiness" in it? ?,ni, k transit do alirtis. A bill was introduce! tn.l.i? looklna* to thf? con ?inn tien of a tunnel ttir.?ii*rh ?tlantlc are, t<? Baal >????. V?ik. ?iiiil a iTuricli fu? oiie.v Island. The fi.tun 1 tlii' iirtrt of the rente i? .ilreatli well uudt-r way. Mr. ltcn ?liet's .itv "im Coonty of Sew- York Jury bill came np with a liivoniiii?' reporl rrtimthe Senate Judicial?. Com } raMtie. It is not a part mi ! parcel ol tin < .r.uid Jury bill?, hut oro vides f.T the ?lemptlon from Jury duty of ?an,ist" rr of the SOapcl, TJl-feaaciTS and tea, tier? In c?.l l. n. ?. ???'?il. un?--, or public schools? practlclns phj - nttd d-ntlati havit:? patients requlnns their dally attcu tien, and lawiers in actual piaclice, when not < In ,n.\ ether bnsl-eas. Tiii- lull must net i.e eoafuuuded with th, Grand Jury bills heretofore notictMl. Th< irem rai (',, el ,??_.? ,?r,.>;, v. - a? linlmportBDl as It waa brief, and vet the buslneaa deniaudlus atten lion is luid In als vanre. The ?iriruineiiL* of tlic?. , i, r. - ? - ??i,,! in the Charter will be h? i?nl bj tin- ? otiiin.iiic ill,i in?: III? w?. k; nut whether iti-Iiniint then In I place In the ?woi - an? ol the lu . ? III is I.l'l klU'-A II. |Jc_il_LATIVE PROCEEDING?. BKBATE.MiiAM. Marts? 3, ?-7.-. Tiif ftillowini- liills wire repoitod: Te *?ne??l ?t.e New tork ?11? .nd Ce_ill : .teet th, a??l.tor? of awarie,, ik.i union.: t? (.role. I hrlafl ?h.Mraai ar?*idl?| ?ksre alnrnnit p___HMBI for ll,e rrnie of akertien; ri'. pevtr M N?.i? ? (it, and I'oaiil.r of New-York. K?-|?ert?,i a?1\?i?fly : Tin- hill to reirutate fr?-i.?' rullrouijs. wI.m i r?'|>nrt w,,? laid en the table. The Auditor ol Iht- <'anal DeptWt?laat, IB BBBWeT (OB n ??(?lilt,en :i:-:is|,,|tt, ,| ?, i,j?,ri (if in,.n, \ s ,?.),? nde.l on ?/arlen'-do i? i.?,? ..i ti,?- eaaal, which was ordere-tob? liriiil.t: Ai,; to T.i, Mla.i. aVB-KMBLT. The (?ovenior s.-ut in a cimituiinit-at?on to tli?' l_'Klriliifure cilllrilf iitti liti.iii to the law nf CODETeSS Iiaeeed in Is/,. in\ .Hin.- tin si \ era r-i.ite? tn jila.e ?tatties Of ?II im l.t i iti/elis in the old If.ill nf liejircsciltrttr. i - 'i IfaahlU-iou, each State to furnish two statut? s. 'i,., ??cvetiini ut?.', d ato ' lion to this matter, and BUErECSt? d lieor.' ? R 'H 1 uii.'li as littiiiir 8liliji-cts l..i ??ich s!.:tiies. The |wr|,?ity-?mW riiit.-n.leiit ..! the Insuranee Deport mi 11. :n aoewer k? a retaolatltt- ?>f the House, s, ,,t |.. , ciinii um, iitlmi. transmlftln*T teatiiaony taken |_ the ^\ -tiniiittioii of the atrair-"f tin NeW-Ynrk Mutual I.if, IriMiir.'ii/?? t'oiiiiiaiit. ii_cih, i w ith the report, aatl also MkeltBS lhal it?- lOnnei resclutltui was delayed in Us de? liver}, aid was tndiKtiiiri us to whether the original tt-s liiiioiiy should be tniuainltted ora copy tin r? of. BBBTOB-B. Hi Mr. White?Amln.riziiiK the New-York and Kew II..?eu li.inrobil ' ?iiniieii.? to ext.-iid th? n load; also, the Hudson mid >'? w-Eunaad Railroad. Bj Mi. l/'i imKAN?That the answer received from the Baa Yirk Htr??t Cleaalng lieiiartment i? rneomplcte, ?.in! thai the .'?uiiinitt? ? on Tul.fie Health pris eel t.i in v e- titra ta- th? affairs of that department, with povur 10 ?und nu peraoni .itni papera Aareed lo. By Mr BAJMUI -A hill t?> ii..? adam./i the W, ktcbCSh i Poet K?'b?l. un i ? iSTBonr. 11>. ?g Mt Twomiii ?. 'in abollstj H- i? " ? Coarta In Bow-Tors and ?-ui?s.titiit, Joatlee?' Courts tini. for. hv Mr. WniTiii' E?To chautfe th? Kiadi-of the New York und Hurl? m Ballroad. auu foi the ->-<iuity of Irai i in, the Fourth-.iv?. in J?ew-York City, lietwirn Fcrt? Stiroad at. and ilflrlem Rjver : n-tjuln'S Wie ?.Ok-paoff to ?ink their tra? k it feat, th? eity to pay half the expense. By Mr. Nn. i a in'-'is-To anppreaa lotteries hh,1 th? ?ale of lottery tickers oi policies; __ee rae juininfiirieiit al t.t for from 30 ?lave to two ye??., and a IIim' of from trsi tu ti,.**), prohlhits the publishers of ?.eV/Bp-pt i? ticiu advertising lotterica; airi? punishes any one who la-reuadt-b another to \ifli anv ida.? tt, pur chant lotteiy ticket?, und prohHuis Hny one iroiu rftaslni, his preuiiaes for the luit? rv tuiSitiess. Hj Mr IIawkis'?To profflde for the appointment of a ('a)ilain of th? Port, and Harls.r-Mast? t -of the l'on of Btw-York and to d? flne and retra?ate their powers and dut lee ami i uiiipt-iisatiuii: authorizing the Board of _m_i loisriioner? of I'llutr. t., appointa Captain of the Port. With ell -ven i? i ?une to b. Hu? hor-Masters; the Captain of ii,e Port must bs a ehlpniaefcr: neither the (.'upturn nor th? II.,i le? i Master shall be inteiesteil in ativ sfc.iiii ___*.or mil. i teaaol; the Captain shall arre bonda in tbc ?urn ?f ti(.i?a;th.- Captain ?hall divide the port Into eleven ?liiti k ts, and :issi?-ii a Hiirhor-Masfer to each. Tlic ?hill iisepa? itn with reiranl to (tiitiee ami power?. BAN I) IliASsil at Hit .?iht IN. By Mr hkkhi- i ? lacorporate the Hr,,..klvn Rapid Traiisn Kailwaj Company; t_, iiicorjsiraiors u-jii_ Rob ?tt Turner. Morn? IC-i liiihl?, ami others ; the capital ?toi k ix tU? d ?t ajjotLI?? to cjii.iiictn. with. Tin r.lis to coiiim?!,.. near Bout- Ferry, m Brooklyn, and run aasWIy thmufh Atlantltvave. t?, the evrpatuit? Umita and furtliei t*> Jamaica. The road theii l,r_n? hes iff in Vl.l.ijil* lit? ? KH.Hlel OS RAM.Kl.AU (OMI'AN,) s Mi Ma? Kai called upthe followlng renoluUoni offered laet J;?t.u.ii>, and moved for iheir lulotillon, whitli was out ed. Mmmtrmt. Thai le At'.?-. ? ',.-,. ,,) i>. ,-???. hf ranaialal la f_i a I ii.,a u?-. ?u bia _f al epaaiua aheiBerereol railroad ? er?*!.,-?! mmjtt u ? < , tsrtital uf .?! lb. I i t.?. M.u-? *_! tt?- ( ,,,??, tK.,. ol th? Kui. ?i. I.?? i.,-If ? riel.i ?t ?niitiee, cloioan, a-to ta?. ?""?' I"!" '- '?'. I?'? r?ur? or loli, on ll,i pol.l,? r? a,_,iu* lie? use ol Um rved, ?,. ,: ?_ i.Bt-Bie* r.p,??t?t aaeoal ? t. |,., tt.e Betaaar] ?a|. u??a ol ?uenalBf ?arh ro_il? Baal * MX? oca j??l i? luru "i tl ??' art,,?: <ai. MtmAit.l i'l.t tbe At i tin ??? <.e,?l t* *'?,, r?iu.?t?d to fornlah in, ZbI?i? whether ?., hi an? ?i I of the Lartil.tur? naa be held mon aim, Ml and I,o<: Bj a__a tern i- iWihta-li-Wiaakfanifaalaral l*i ,,ui i. ?w-ian??" n r:r ..',|. ta, ?t??-l M dividend pailiur luk-teiibCH, and IB|K?r Ui'Wi ? i., the plit.ii' to pay llileveat 0, dlliilenl? ,,,, ,u,\, _ _Ba_I ?Bed lull :i.trrKtt i? I?,*e? on (be ?urpina earnir,?? of ?u,|, ,? ; reed*, o, eben ?uet, II. ???? ,e| r,?. i.'? *j urn?,t? ??lue nf privait pro fiert? afl'lil'li? n' !.. ate: I, r<.,?|al,< lor pill l:( u?. Mr S'il inn <n?ie?l a res?,lut,on, which wa? aOo|)t?'?i, ? .0.11,1.''-.., u,e Board of lleaitn of New-York t? BSBOrt WhtMlti-i 'In ? Iioi i?-<- tliat a vaet paaUferoua ma min di (?it h..- is. t csiablialkt?d alonjt th? Baal Kiver from m ?aiii iit.i. iiou. F.iit.v louith i<> l ?ni.? sen mil St., lsiriii, and l>> wlio-? aulhatrity ?ucb ?i?:po1 has la-en tell. Iillehe.l Adjoin nul l?. Moiidiii ITIIFVFJS BFI'DKIl. Tlic atoa. ?)1 Juinc- M. (.'ox, riiilatlcljiliia, an?m toi I H. Jaftray A < o., nujiort? is i,| silks, Kanne, and lacOet, at Broadway ami I/ennaii.-.t m ?n? eHj, was anta h <l h) huit,'Urs on (lie i.lnhlo! Feh. il, ami rotilscd ?et goastla worth *f.<?*7 I???Ucl)v< s iKim-nlierry and I)iiiin rtrently ie,*-iv?d infoi mi turn that the prvu.ils ha?l hin avid to Frank h 1'af.t. proprletoi of a >ewelry store at ffiro-dway and Waahinirton place Proeiirmir a Bnsffrh ?arraak fioin Juetire, HagaO, tli? iletectives fou nil woith of tbe ?toleu i?roj*rty. which aas enlise ?,'teutly iileiiD-?id l,y Mi Coa. Patte wart locket? 4?P at le-ollee HeMd<|iiart?i? lu eatanbiUK tbo l?lao?-, U?e ?leta-ilve?? found a ffalias ronUiii loi; a va.iuiblt fur ?ttirt-, a velvet cloak, aod a black Bilk Paire aalil a boy htMl bmiii/bt the Eoods U> him, but le ?fterwanl admitted that tbev belontreO U> a man who v*?a jije.^nii-1?! by H.? ,i, uactlvea as (?eorE?' Walker, ana? Waller Warren, h wen known prof,-?tonal thief, ?a?*? ?am Um! Wunen /,_,! ?flt-nwl tt, sell the property, _!__ P. ***? ?>?:,,"??^ IS UaEe 11. Warren perelsLetl, how ??t?' ,0.,***"?S the iroods lu ?H- ?Uire. Pa^e ?iivlTno -.-f.-?*,1'?''* '" ""Sard to the p?o,**, v stolen from the y hil-jleipbia atore Wan ? n was arrea_?*l and rocked up S____ and tSey wete committed yesterday, by Jiat _?_? 0*1?' ** yi,?i* ???-?dtiuarlers, to await a further ->??l-atUii, ?park* Browa aad Meary Parksr, alias P?as, ?ecrct-d on HfttilHlny afternoon It) trie water eloset on th? tlilnl flmir of No. 44 West Uroadvt uy, ??Itoittlii. tin? lilcinit.cs of M,.a_,rs. Sioltli A l.ivv nilii'?'. denier-? Ill fm.i v Roods. A stunt time before the ?tore was rim* ?I t tin IT.leves xn>rr ,ii?i?ovi?rt-il nut! taken into custody. In Bkfitr pno-taakiB were fourni ekaletoa key?, a ptaee at aire, aeakaYaaaarb, aad -aate-tea, aad Ib oaa emu.r ot tin? Ititita wrw? h lu?ate jiiniiiv. Tim llncves Intend.?d lo break Inlo lire jiri nils?? of Messrs.,. They wtn-r coinmiited, yeetcnlay, by Justice tn tin- ritiiil.? to await a tt ml. Oe-UTge, vv In? ntt.-tnpti-tl to f?wllullt>.In.v t'iKike A i " . iiii.l tin? Hank of North America bjr n."?n.s of forged ill cks. v?as t.ikcn on i-:it tirtln V liefen- Justice Mugan lit I In? T'.mi'.s. L\ i.leii.c was lacking, mu? 111? mikgisfrate lie. I.Ici t II il f lie . OUld Dot bold tl,"' B4> n-e.l nil tlie U-hII uio)..v ??ri?-.?.in?.i. Before Jotaaoacould leave the Cauri rooin, however, he wits ri arrest.,! (>t. a i'etich warrant In.iii the District Attt'i u.v for ?nut her ofl.nse. In ?'',,,' i uit.v, im. Jotaaoa ? ?tl? t ?-?l ? forgrd rber k lortlSSorawB on the Eighth National Hu.ik in payment for ?.?"?is pur eliastd al Arnold, i'nn-tnble A-Co.'s ?ton- in Hronilwuv. He wasnrre.tfil unit forfeited hi? Ou this atar ff lu? vus commit teil to nwnlt it trial. A burglar who had secured goods worth I?*'. 1" the il?t-iiitiK of 11. Bebtaldt, -t.. BttHatlyD, < arty i? at>r.1?v, was siiiT?:-..! by theowaer, who ehaaed him down stnrs and ttuough the street.,after Bring two abota .t him. Christian ,-inith. nire SO, ws? ntTested in Itrooklj n. on Faint.lay, fm tin-nil.-_-?-?l tht-ft of fSOS WcaTIt ?an tulm? co and )>i|?i?s from tte store No. Ill Grand at. River tiiieves I....II -t.-.t the sii'i? Blrdaton, lying nt l'i.r No. 4?, L. K, on fkUnrday night, und earapsd with u paetago of nib marked "A, A, I.. A n." J.i.-_t>|?h Carroll. John Scnllv, und Jam?-? Ilrolisoti were atre-teil ye.-tcld.iv tot Stealing two c?i|, valued at eso, l?rtMa the v,Hindi factoi., No. 13 Tilfaiiy plaee, Brooklyn. Oeaarge Meehan wn? rnhhed of his pnekitbnok v.-i. r day In the .liiiic.-hoiisi? k.?ut l'y L.ik.? at II...I aon ami Myrtle avei , lirnoklyu. The proprit tur aad two w,ra aiicsteii. AMERICAN OKMOCBACT. i l.( ni:r. 01 MAJOB ?. M. BUBD1 ATCOOFBB IN r- I I I l II.. Major J. M- r.und.v, editor of The Evening Jfatl, lectured in ('miner Institute on Paturdnv? .?veiling OH tt? theme of " Dcinncracy." In the . OUne of his rc tmtiks he said, after alladlng tO the previous icctiuc- In the .?? und lo the llii]'.itilot;?? coininents on free In stitiitiiins of aB-irtrani who have tran ?ed Bawoad, lbs lecturer said: ( Ipportanltlea make neither men nor MtttMM. It 1? the nseof opportunities that detennlnna development and -u. i c? n either cu-?-. And I fear tint? even Americana do not -util? Tenth i?. -ar in mind ttal our history is unique m the fact that here for tte tit st time in tbe world's an? nals there was . whole people earnestly engaged in working out their political salvation, tilling tliiiiisi'lv. s according t" Ihelr ??wn notions of right and Jaatlee, it, discnaaina, and striving to earrj out the pnucipie ol -.ii-aiovciTiiiiciit aud Intelligently cirltiiUaing nil the e\i-tin-' foi ins of or nri.-t??. Tntic nil?'. it was resei ved for this city to make a supreme demon? stration ol the recuperative powara mh. rent in our l">)nii:.t' system. Ls?-? than a year ago tbe situation of oui municipal a (Tali ? . - a- ?!? ?per it? as wa.? ever knoa n ,n i in history ?>t su? city, it is needles? noa to go Into the details "i OU? humiliation Tlie Ilioiiruflll stotv has t.? en toit) t..Ben, and every pha*e .?i n? lievelopmeuta lias lui n to" deep v imprinted ou tlie ?onaclouaueM ol every intelligent titilen. Indeed, the whole civilized world lias become familiar with the black record. Bach an astounding accumulation "f wronga and offenses committed by the trusted servants of a million of people, was never beioie revealed It waa tte crowning triumph ?i our ?ii-iuo. r.iiic InsUtutlona ttal tbis terrible teat found them adequate to tbe emergency, The victor? won bi i>- ou ibe 7tii of Novembt i laal a ill he vlir. Gettysburg of tbe conflict between the widely prevalent evils thai sprung indite, t ly nut of our great ? t v : l wai and loc-d distempers ol a longer growth, and tbe frei institutions thai were threatened hi an accumulation and cornliinatlon of disorder?. The electi-city thai flashed theuewaof uns victory to the end? of tbe earth gave new courage t?. every frieud ??f Democracy, and sbamed th ?-,? eueiulct who rightly counted that fuilure here meal t eventual failure of pop? ular institution? every where. New-York ims borne the ?tame of the development? that led to thi? glorious re? sult. She i- now entitled] to wear the honora of a aelf eSected redemption aud vindication of honesty and justice. Fot those houors, tblrt) ?t__ea _utlllo__? were a ? bi u? and paltry price :?i pay. Cudonbtedly tbdgreaUal danger? ttal now threaten our Institu? ion? are those that anee oui of the very ma? chinery to which we owe most ol .mi material progress and development. I recollect bearlug Prof, I'ai-oua ol tin? i ?mhriiige i.? !*chool make tbe prediction, reara before tbe.-. iv, .e?-i-1- rb'bellion waa Ibougbt of.that the power of corporations would vet become tuorefor midablethan that of tlie Soatti rn slavea-cracy. Ta ?lav, tin.?, mt n in tin.- connu.) iuiitml more mile? ol i Ulan were hull! ;?t tlie nine or t te Philosoph!) pr?dit lion ma,le l?y thi ' ? Law 1'rotesaor. Thei employ armies of men, aud these men ure "i all nades <.r , ,i piiuity aud Influence, from tho ? ma,..n handler ??l a ?pade to tbe moat vigorous indableei m.i affaira In the country. They wield their great Influence, ii?,t openly and irriiaUuaiy, ai did the *--...ii!.. in iwuer?, bul ?.uietl? and through subtle agencie? ui.i h i?? i v,,.i.? Legislative balls, ucwspapci orti,?e-, tbe Courts, and ?ocl u Itself. l'on ? m f.el Col. Scott, or Vanderbtlt or Uould all over tte ( on tinent. They are powerful elstuenta in the politics as w.?ll as in the l.ii-ii.i -s ?.t the land. What the result of lin- ai:no.-t inevitable polier will be no one ought to doubt who ha- studied our uatori to an? p__rpoee< Tte day on which oui people ?tail ne eonvlneed that tte abuse ol oorporat? powers has become unendurable and dangerous to their political Hunts aewell as to their i ? i operty latere?te, will w une?, tbe beginning of tbe cer lain ovetThrow ?.i overarown privileges. Leglalatures , an be bought and newspaper? can be subsidized uuly so long aa tbere la n?. ol inteiiigeut public sentiment to withstand. When tbewateraol the great deep of popular Indignation m-e fairly stirred byatro . ious usurpations ol powei and gros? outragea on private rights, they will no! lie quieted b.i uori-upu?j>gi,ltttlt>u or b. ,u,.v othei lev, ? latol lighting trie wrong? ol tin |ieo|.|e. Our I'l'-cnt da . ill Ix traced to gome depar* ture for democrat ii principles. If wean dlsgracatl aud threatened by corrupi legislation aud a loa tone ?t ni"iai- in public life. ;t i- became we have forgotten that the propel fun. tlon? ol govi rnment are to secure Ju?tli ?? audtoprotecl life and property,and tare undertaken to legislate lor special int. i.--i-. It U lmpoaalble to ile ttne exactly wiierc tin lit,, -ih"iiiil n, drawn practtcally, but oar only safety ia in adterlug to tte prluclple that our Government ba? no paternal function? to exercise over tbe people, They need no auob lutelage. Ailttey wuiii i? trcc'ioiu to th velop ihc.'ii-i Ivea ami to viork oat the full moat-ure of Unit i oerglci and ?ihlittles. No Cuti that ever -it can direct tbe aetlritlea of t0.9H0,<no .tfie.? huiiniu beings BO vatscIv a? llay c ni dilci ? tlleui SClVCS. All. 1 alluiUlig to tin- prOOfl w hieb the AtnCl i( an pi Ople have given of their fltnes? to ezeniae ttelr bigbesi pre? rogative in tbe selection of-their Chief -fagtatrats, the lecturer c.uichi'te.l i.s follows; iievlewiug our ilnllicllal?- Jiast vvilli d.voiit gratitude; .'ouiiiu-heiidliig full.v that nur progresa has been due. not ?..? cnaaec <t temporary causes, but to tbe oouformlty of our institutions with tte ti...-t and moat C?ristlau pbllistopbjTi and with tbe eternal law- ?.f toman nature : urofouudl. nu'ii? ss.'.i with tbe conviction that all u,ir r.nni-<- grcataeaa and prosperity ilepead .?n our hiI? herenoe to tte deujocratk principlca wtieh bave guided our national devebrpment?hH us here nmi now adopt th?? language oi Mr. Liaeoln m hi- immortal d'-dleaflnu apeecb at Oettyaburg, an?! euiiirge its r?f?ren?a t?? tbe heroes who tbere f. Il, s,, as I?' in? llltle nil those wlip ll. OlVtl life 01 OB the flelil ,,f battle l.tiv, li?. 1 and <1?,t1 for tie- Republics La r lissai now. us he saltl then: 'It is for u?, tbe living, ratber to dedliati oui ?elveatotbc unflnl ?bed w?.ik wbli h they wbo fought here lut v. thus fur nobly advanced; to . onsecrate ouraelvei t?. tbe gn at ta.-k n maiiring, and to gatliei from the graves ol these honnie.I dead (i.V..),.m u? t nut cause fm which they gave their Uve?, Here let us r.s.iive thut they shall not bave died In vain: that lids nut.on -hall. Under (?oil, have a new birth of fret-doia; and thai government ol tte iK-oplo, bj tin p?:opJe, and fui the people, not {leriab Ivrevei from the cuiih." ______.__._._._____ DEALEBfl IN 0L8CLNK LITEBATUBE Ai:i:l>TLl). Niniicroiis complaints having teen made again? tte dealara in obaeene literature la Ann aini .N?-sai. st- , Capt. Wuiii ol.tnliied froui Jiistlca- llogau warrantaflof the grreal of Jamea MeDenuotl oi N0.TI Um 1 o -1 . Bad Hain? lu. ( o. of Bo. i. Ana-at Anthony t omatock of Mo?.*. Hioadway was sent lata each of tteaa sinre?, aad pwinkaaed otkaoeaa book/i ami pictures, in 01 ?let that proof might not be WBtllSg. Capt, Ward then arresO'd all win,m in? loimd employed in bott ?torea Tbe prisoner? were sit m number; JameaM. 1" l'lliott of No. 147 i'enll st.. Ml? hael Lilliole of No. iwl stauton-at., Tbouia? Lyon? of No. 50 l-jtodongall -t., Jamea Baman <>f No. IN Mott-eL, charle? and William Brook? of No. .i. si.niii-ei., i;i..,.kiv u. A conalderable iiiuiiiiei of Look- and pictures of the mo?i diaguaung character wen? m lied. Tbe prisoneis vvi r<? locked Up for th.- night, and taken befutre Juur-tloe Uogan yetterilay, at tii? Tuniii*. la. brothers Brook? and were committed lor trial ir. d?failli of t.'-oo ball each. The inhere wn? diwtarged. I'oi.kk CBAXOI - The Bonfd of I'niice on Batnnlaj jMonioieti A? lliikj-l aj.i. Wui. II. Van inmen of the Thud I'reeinct to M-full Captain. Ti.d AetlBg ?St igt. Miihal II. Hwlft of th? Tw. nty seventh t?, be full Hetveant. 'ih,. re- ignatliiii ' I Sergt John K'lly Ol tin IJiirtv (list I'rei lint Waa ae cepied. i'.iti?'iiii.ii Thnma.? Pltuimmou? of tte Big. I" 1.II.. all' 1 Ihu::n. 1- 11. I I,,-sett of the Twentieth l'l?' c;v?t. vAi-ic tliHtii,-,---,1 for willful violation ol tin- mica, l-nt'i in the day Prei-iil. nt Smith, mmlc the IoIIowium tlali-fclH. " e?pi* Wn, H CSaa-i fr??.i, T ?rnlt iftb to l,.?iteet,i!, Prreiorl. A. J.,,,, r,?ixi loartb to 'itein-Sf-l. |-,r,,?.:, J?l,i, J _|,.,...t fi??a F..,,l.entr, U. Se.rntbPreeairl, ?|?t,?|J. Murpb,. tr?u, Srieulb to Bk-TtklL Prt.iort |? g, fkmttmt, Ho:o BlrtenU. to TT.iriirtb Prrr,Brt; J b?rle? MrDoBu? I ti.-m lb rt?t!, to Tbirtran-b l',.."? t ; Wa. H. Van |,o?ei, Iron. T lord ? 1?? P,M,.,, J J. Wif?i.aa... I-.Hilte. ?lb t? Tb,rdPe,.,_-t,J H. p.,,. ,,?, 1 ,.,,,? Mb u, is.,?eui, Pr.,?,_,,, 11,.. tl?, B Ir.rnF.ratiol.iu.e,., M w ,. ,?,.?,??;,?,.,?, ,. a, i .1 a a"''," ?'l,u"w' "'"u lf-a?-W??? "? blllWitl IIn.,tit, Jor,.b A Wrrterieh, I,?a Mileenth u, Ki.bteemt, Pi.iiur?. A?....?. Mi|i. Ilebr.t r-u.1.1,,.,. ,,OMI Kifu, ? IbirtWiU, Pru.tit. THE CXMI OF LKiHTINii THE CITY. Tlie ricHidentKof the Metrtjpolitao and New York Mutual (tutligbt Companies metCommlt.loner Vim Nort, en Saturday, for the piirasat of s?ee)i_g what can lie done to rcsiiio-f tbe pr)ce of the gu? tnriilshed to tbe city. Tbi following ?tatemi nt of Its aast par aaaaai of Jigbt Ingeaib of tbe public lamp? waa submit ti ,1 ? ?e.?ork (>a_li|bl (--lopiBT, ?C, MtkUlUB ?&J; M. Ir?|?liia', Siit "'? Harieib. f-J - lnrludlU| Ib? ?ii-ebu of 1,*tbU_f, tkaii.inr etllDgaktbiiig. tod le|,i.elu- tl,, Irokei, ?!__, il.e rut fi.ri,,?liii.| it' ?IkU lo earb I ,.?,(.,,,, fu, ,|1? parpo*. Tbi? nte? ?., itera?? roll ?f ?W U iwr tauui. ?piere for 4?.??e lirbl?, of nblrb tla-ie were J?t? I. 18TU, Bulla, an a?r?r,.,?.? e,?i of *.J?.i?ii) fur litbtiBf Lbt eil). To lt.?. n.u.l to allied ti,r eiproar of irplatiu?, rtteM?n?. . i.oi-erl.i.?, and -ll..(i aid tad ten Iiiup Baatt Pnrb leap burn, pu tear k-sir?, enaaB_Bli.( per boar 1 rab-e i.?i LoUl oualier ol ?'-?>'. firl of tu lot earb lamp per enana, ll._-j_, ?,,?, per iboaMnd, ? ?. tol.l ?u-,, ,1 ,( ?kiif?) per tbeuuad feet, 034 90 I. up l.?r MaJ'l s| ?i?l ?ilik-rkiebii?! r.fb lamp, ??) #4S", kltl lor ?aeb HOXB NEWS. |a__JB_-U-IB- TFSTBRI.AYv AT H.B.WT-1. NO ilk BSkOAB ?.?. Warn ???.?>. M"_i*hu ??^T" m ST4W Oaal-Ai r__- MV.TROROI.OOU AI, BBPAl,'TMK.NT. MSI-ST raiK 1MB W??? BSI.IX0 ?T 1 f. JE, ???' " * ?ABoaiBiKH. In.'"-? Tiia?ana?-?B. *m*\mmi _ " .BEB-i V|e*n. .*' M.,?n..n.l ?epei. March l.f?.rW w.i.inua III f. ??J^.""___ M,??u_. ?I 4 a. _.. K.h. .'.'....!t41 a Minimum al !,?. n,.. March I. .W.S ?_.?,? .MliKa-f*..\__*S Bkbamb?.-Kel.. ? v.u. fra.a 1 _ m. ?o El? .. m.. ?ne u-.t of water. .01 !??_. Iiotaiire liaveled Uf th? wind d.inn? the ?,*k, I?*E1 l?ik?. rnoMINKNT AKEIVAI.S. Clamttltm ?totl bf?m\ Christine Nilswoti. fifth immun Hotel-Tb?? Hob. Dakes Aiii??. M- < ?. i.i MatvsachusetU, the Hon. Kusene Halft, M. ? .. ?t Maine, II..- Ilmi. G. W. S. "II' l'l. M. ' '.. of Pft-BS? Kama, linv. .lew. II of < .mm client, ?v.iov. HulUsk Bf ??__?_" ehiisetts ??en. T. ?>. ??shorn nf ? 'hieairo. ?len- J?""' H . '??render of Bt- 1-ouim, the lio... Morris Winslow ol \? atar town. N. Y.; lien. Fiehli.f Alliinii, V. Y.; F. H l'ru.nof AlLaiiv, and II. A. Klrhmnnd of ltataiiii, K. T. fin roori //"??.?.-< "I the II.m. W. K. Ildlii- and .Malcolm ).,,w Of Scotland, and l'.-iv .1. B. riiniilmrhaii.. ? H. Navv. ?. KieholOi Hotel- V.. II. Jiulsnn of Hii-cum-, (JOB. J. N. Barber of Arkansas. Jiul?re 11. ?'. Iiiiril, Jud-e L. Burke and BUllman Witt of Ohio. ? rerettlli un Max BtrakfifM h, Henri *'. Jurrett, l."nd?in. and Mile. Dtivall. ? - -? New-York Hoiet?Ctimraoaoroyf. 1. !.. Bnv, T. B, Navv. and CoL William Davis, II. H. A. Hoffman Htnm?Tbt Hon. A. B. Pad?l??ck of Olualin. a_-? Utility -Mir*;. < li <?< W. i??! -Jo.-lier, Albany. _ NKW-YOKr? CUY. I', is from i:*,0 licenses Last w?<k. tKB\ < iiiiiplaltits for violations of city or.linaiiees, HI ; ?VtaaV priiciired ?it UM Free-Lalsir Bureau. 7s*J. A "Canoe ("lull" Iihh been formed in cltv, the nit'inhcr? of which prmnl?c to rival. Mil humilier, the exploits of |_B4*gl?asjOt witli his Boh Hoy. JttdgB Hosworth re'ioilcd to the Slreel Cleaning C__n-SSBkB_-ra, on Saturday, that the ?tri-eis cm be lo i>t cli'.mer by the Hoard of Health than by contracts. Controller Croon ____*_, on Saturday, irr li::.. incuts for tue . iiinnii.seioiuis nf tin- BhlkJag Fund to take Crot?n and Dock bonds to meet the exjsiises of lie|i.iiiincnts. The Rev. Fatter Burke lectnre.l before n.ono piTMUis at Bt Foil's ltmnaii Catholic ( liiireh. Urmiklv n, list evenin., BPOB the topic: " Tin? Unman Catholic Church tlic foster mother of lllierty." The argument on the motion to allow ".?ratz" Coleniaii Eii'.non a? receiver of the f,0,i).1C ?hares of Flic stock stolen from the B-flh-l stm khold. -- i -in liut be had until Ml.s. Fisk Is made B pail?, 1? the F_ie Utliratlon. Tlic Twenty-fsccoinl Annual 1?. port of St. Yiui'i nt's Hospital, at F-lcvcntli-st. and BCTIiitl.-aic., for the vear endlni' Sept. SO* ls71, shows thai B70 palieiits wer. treated durlus the year,of whom -is were cured. isi Unproved, M uiiiiiii'ioird, Ils died, and BT remained Oct. 1. BROOKLYN. ( rne-hoiae cara are to be run on the Grand-st. route, in BtatUttoa to the double cars. The Irish societies tleeted, yesterday after B4MSE, John Connors ?rranil uiar?h:il for St. 1'airickV Da) Tue proceedings were rer_ dlacwderly. The Rer. I. ('lenient FTeneh will l?e installed pastor of the Wc-iinin-tcr I' I'lntnii, on W?'tl i:.s lay ev. Hin... The Bev. l_-t7A_rjn i ? Cmylei __J|pre aide. The General Term lias rt-n_erecl n ?lei-ion In the matter ol the iippll-ailon of|T_eodore Tlltoa, a-r:i ii 11 ?i _; leave fur the examina! ion Of Item y ?'. Boweii, Mr. Tllton Intendlnato ?uel.iii.iiu breach of I tracts made with bira, oneaa ? ?. it ? u of The Union, mid the other aa . oiitniiiitor to The indej* nient. SniTOgate Veeder of Kings ('?unity admitte?. t.. probate laal we? k the wllli of Os-oras Ttlebel, Johanna sliiiilnc!/, .lam? s ?i'Hiiiii, Miitlhcw Itelilhy, .lutin C. 11 -at? lb, Bad William W. Whit., all ot ltronklyn Willie Irartod flnaaa M. Bossa? k, Hi ooklya. _aattt_ra or ad_Un< i-ti,it:iiii ?in' granted ?m the ?? I tea of the follow in?- : Kate I'oi liett. Adilii Wlllllltlisin,. lib ri ___STt, BBMiaSl It. Church. John Cook, inaCni Klltahetb Mc? Donnell, Kelson Ad.uns, Dorothea ? -i? n, Wilbam A. i.nci', Edward Pitspatrlck. Kit hard Ht-uey, Marj si i un \, Samuel BeartlBiiiiHire. Thoiiia? istcphei -..n, and ? i Deer, ,1! ,,f Brooklyn. Letter* ol suardlan ship of tlieiMi-nii ?nul ?state "f .Ihih.-- Flaherty were ? 1 to Tlimna? Fill . rti ; ol Fiiiih l- !.. l'uirli t.. Mai v K. Ht. i.cuve; of John B. Alexander in Charles 1 Da? ton; ot Nellv and Man to William Heath; ol Min M i,r, en t.. ?frorsa W. A. I.veritt. of Erwey ami John Con roytoJobn Hvnn?: of William, Hnrrfetl \ John lt.. and Man P. ConaHyea to Oeortre W. Lawrence, all ..i ,n. i.iim; Eaji New-Yobk.?A boy named Zitnmer in.m was um o\ei by a huts?' aadwagonoB the I'laiik Road .? tterday, sad m rsrely injured_a ?.-encrai nniei i?-,led by the < lni'f of Police of Brooklya, rsa-lrsd all lliitmr dealer? In Bsw Lota to elooe th'-lr Uqaor sbIoobi \cHteidiy. A majority nf tin saliiiiii-kee]ni s slossd tlieir front ?'uti,nicer?, nut kciit tin ?r l?da ilooi? ojien. Proae , tit i.'lis w ill !?? institut.?.I by the I ,, -, lt.. Hd ...The fanccs of the conduct mais, leadlos from the Lobs (?land ?apply i>oiii|. i" the Kni-vw.i reseirolrs bare been broken down tn D-MMfrnus pla?ea, nui the etnbaalorMBta havc been ETetttlj Injured by etUtle. I.ov. lELASt) i in. Early on ratttirday Mr?, j. .?. Polbemas of Astoria was awakeind by sii-an_e Miuuda lu the house and called tin.trbman, Charlea ' arr. who left the In.use in ilic huck dmn hicI loiiinl the ii ..';? door i, i .en aini a mini ?t.i in! I n k' mi the piassa with t bull's-eye lauteru. He attempt. <l i" seise the buriflar, Itut waa stunned by the dlscharse of b revolTer, A second thief rushed by with a baa* in hi? hand, ??via?- rhaae, bS forced tin- ?eeoiiil lun ?ri:, t to hi up tae lu_, bul was llltnlile to overtake Inm.Aliiru? Mi I At. ni died la.?! week ir.'in tin effects nf two weeks' cnii-ueuienl In Lud l'iw-t. Jail, N. Y., wiicie he waa Lmpiiawui Ibyorderuf Jii'l-. Fi.rt. Hi mi ?ii ED.?The eon ?rae? for ImlMlBS flu N. v. -York and Hempatead l :, ; i r. ?,.i lietween Ba? BidgeaBd Val le j Stream haa been awarded. Oui] sin? nilleaof Iheroa?) remain nnflnlabod_-ereral mars nf amaU-POE bavi been reimrted aboul I bree miles south of thl? vliiain A nniss n.Mitt ?nil be h.l.l to-day, al Hewlett'? Hotel, to take action in relation to the ri solution imssed bt. the Hoard Of Supe) vlsurs deciding to I.s at. the f ouit Im'U-" at Mine?la?If i? nnerally belieredthal -obBVa'en inn-, who was fniiinl, un Priday last, 1 \-m_? Intbeflre pi.n ?? oi hi? dwelllas? buraed to a ci_rti, was murdtar?-?! and i'.i.'Ih d, because spots or blood w.-i-, foundoa the tl'iiu m his ilwelllug, uni inoiic., which he war kuown to , ,? 11?--UU. HUDSON BIVEB c.H'NriKs. Tkkmont.?The Coiniiiitte?' appob-ted to ae curc incic-.ised f-.-iiit .? .,i traoattoii the Harlem Bull load, had aiuillni Iiiliivii-A- v. Uli I. ('. BUckOBt, Bttper Intend? at. and i.. .-?? ,,i , r.?t ? aiaanincea thai a. Mit ion ?t I niciiiitunilatloli- will be afforded In Annl. White Plaibs.?The March term of tin Circuit Conrl ami Court of Over and Terminer foi ?s, ?t. h, ?im County \. il be ojie m il to-day before the Hum. JiisUee A. H. Tap pen of the Supreme Court, ti?- Hon. S l>. Olflbrd, nounty Jiid?;e. and .lie tw? JuaUoSa ot >. laioua, M. B. -ailkmaii mu? W. Il H MoRRtSASlA.?A I'nlnn R-forin __ktX-lation has |. .in ,,'d m the Piral Ward. M/ JbB-ET ClTT.?A (ieinian kfnh who, as I "riiicairo rstiri?n !,''gained i mptoyvietil si the houaa of Mrs. Hhei wood in Waat?BBtOB-iTa^ diaspposrcd oa lal nrday inoriilnif with drcaaei and srUcleS worth (40 belolliiitiK tO the fainilv.The hodv ol an liiikiiovvn man was found yeaterday tu a terribly nianitled i.uni,m in UM hold of the fail \'-boat Newark. Tin- icnalns men layin? In the erankroom un i had Basa around by tin- besry eraah m its rcvnititioii? until the liini? ami body helo? Um shoal deis Wer?' i lit lllln small |i:ee.-s. Mow lln- incident m rurred, 01 bo? Ions the leOdy h id ? i u liem ath the i rauh is imi known. I'aih(si,\.?The Erie Railway Company Is Bhoul to lav an . i 'Iditiniiiil track bet ween thl? ell) in.I |.:,|, \ ,,..,, On Baturday, in the Court of tmarter he ??Inn? CharleaUrai waaaenteiiced to the Stub Priaonforfltil years foi bia-waj robberyj Samuel Jack on, colored asaaait, one ^ I KCTl'ItHS. MEET-NOS. ETC. Gres? 0. 0? Howard of Washington, 1). ('., ad? dressed a larga aaografBttSM la UM -arsoklya Aeaftenty of Musi,- la.-t eveiiiiiK, ?ijaJU the BOTt'lSltjl ul faith |_ ?brist. At the Turn Hall u hM-ting of joiirnevin? Tl raliinetiiiakeis ?SBBald. JOStSlday. under the a_MBMa of Um central OoBmlttee of the Btf_t-Ioat IbTbIbtmi t-, lake aeUoo to in.siii?' the raf<rreeuienl ot the Eisbt-Uour law. The Cominitto?' of Orx;.niz?ition of th?? ?Jor inati It'i'iil'liran ('entrai < 'oiniiiittce rBBOtSd B BEI BkU miit oriialii/.atlnll, yeetcidav. hy the elecllon ?f A A Htjh-ldlsr, I'rcslileiit; l? Bommer, VicaB-Prealdent : ami Jobn J. l'oiiix-k, fkusslaij Tli?- Itniiorters1 ami Qroeeta1 Hoard of Tiadc i ailed a si?-rial BMMBB-M- ? ____ra_-. la_____? ?a*?- f(. jrtiit of the ConilDltlee , liurKed w llh |.r? e?*.|ilii,K |,, tb? IJlilted -UlesrV'iiute the petition and resolution? m regard to the proposed chaii-o? In the tariff on tea and BSflbs. ?baa. K. Hill, Clainuan of this ?'ouiiiuttee, reported that he li,id Im, ii assured by the Finance ?'iimniitta'C of tb?. henal?' II,?I the m,il!? t Nhoillil lie, lilounlit I?, a de, l?|i ,? vofe at the earliest |s<iv?tl?le mouieut, und ihm no ?haii-n f in.l mu'lit take place would In nnv event (?Tome op, ,H live iK'fore July I tie ?I. The report ?aa mcejited and the . oininllta-e diw-lia-?-eil with a ante of thank?. ' The ('??rnrnitf???' of Ninety ?m Rapid 'J'raiiHJf, and the litlzens' K? form Aaaticlation. met at No. :.; 1'iilou-rMjiiBr, ,ot, Snt?ir?lay eveiilii?.?, ami Fil?;iir P. Hromi the i h.a, man of the Hob Coiouattee of Hevcii, BBMlatSd let? consider plan? for rapid traiialt, rejioi letl in favor of the (entrai I'inli r?rroiitid Kallvray, which could la? com? pleted at a cost of from si6.L?i0on to |_i,otEj,(ssi, whlcii ?urn could lie rained If the Charier waet atncudul ?nil tin? road tarried tbroiifib liioadway. Mr. (le?a ituarant? ? ?I o. ruis?- r?i',??i,i?iO for ao iindciin-nimil railroad Ibroiudi Broadway in CO day?, if n franrbine wan _iven He would bh'dire niuiMtif for aa.i??,,;iw that evenltur. uud lie had no f.?*itat._ii la ?*>iiiK It wo.ihl be rala??tfin 34 boura It wn? re?-.! v?d (hat a f Vimml???-* of the Whole go to A Ihany in. Wi .in. ?il ?y morning, and prese the bill now boloro ihn L ?J-muro. Vni.KT; fdXylanf. ArrrstH in Ilrooklyn lard weck, UM. An unknown mini fell into tho BMI River from I'.er So JO, on S?t?r?Uj. are! wa? drown,?I trweii llaiiiilt'.i.. an insiitie mnn, Ieri|M-(l on Hatnr ,!?? ia?l,l fron a terntid ?t?uj w.odo? of No. __J VV eat Silteeath-iL, aad na? ,'mi.-' rooiir An unknown man, age 2f>, waa run over, yeatcrdav, U a lln.1-a.ri grVM fr. i. ht trait.. ?I Fill) thirl it ?n.l gb v.oil, ???., aod b? l-sl. horribly in?n?led. J. U. Lawrence ami Lloyd Field?, elninred with re?.r? aei.ta.t tlie.o.ebe? i? internal retro.? i.flrl. era. .1 re held on tiator da; ia thi,?-?? ball earb lit ( niii?ni??i??.irr ??luel.l?. At flu? ToinliH Pallas Court. JuatLce roto anitl.-il J..I11 I pl.r.i.n and tent J ?r..l.? for Inn,.? I ill, r| * ! ? we,II, al .Insa ?to!, 1. Ikii.i 11? It?'"' ?I Joliu Mill.ibal.l, ?t No. Jb. Fourth ?re. Frederick HniklinfT. ;i <>. Timm. BtSS BB. waskiiock. il lava i?.rl> iet.i-r.lai by u.ik.a.Tii nen ?l II.--t? r ai??1 Mott ???.. r??l,l,.??I ? ml left hilpli.? an the aaveatat lie wai found br the polii-e aie! re B?T??I to 14?-II. in. H?sv|>ll?l. Kihv.inl ITietev.iv. at'c ML sTud liimself in tlielie.itl, ?a Bsk__-a? tl hi? lanVlmi, Ita (?i Kmt?t. Inta? wi?. humid mi?? lb. ,..,,?. ,.1,1, beard lu repart ? i la* |.i-'?'l, ttemi Mat d.a.1. IT?, tn. bat 111 asaltb 1..1 i., u 1 ?, t. .lamen .It.lilisiui i|iK.iri led vv itli IhiliuT Hn.klev, ?l f. 1. ? ? arlan rmpin?. .,t la Um Satte? Os? ( "?. .?n'? ?or??, ...i rHtiir.lav 1I1 I tat II???! h.? ta U)? hr?d ?Uli t ?UV? I, ranel?.?* m ?ne woiii.d?. Th. .????liant wa? MtBBkiU. I us'eni.i.? !?? J.i-ia. .H'^'t???. ('(?ruii'i Iveeiuii) i? | n Tirai Isa ling Ihn rirrnmaf anrmg .1 si!, Uteaeatl .,f Sliri.arl Larkln, a labartr, kkktlfOtM bon 1 ,?i .t. ltd I? iri. 1,11 m aa? wa? found on Monda? la-t Irla? n ?? :. '' i? ia lb.? raal ..?er lia ili.l, llr..|?ie Hotel, and lUtferiBg IlolL a I,letal? ol lb. kklll'. 77//: JUDICIAL ISiI.SIlc.ATlOS. TESTIMONY AGAINST CABDOZO. Witk the return of the Judiciary Cniiiinittec from Albany the fr.?mis of the ..111.Tals who?. cm.lint is under investigation tiuinlf? et nu latfBOB -halte to -MOW litithlligfit all of tl)?? sp?. III. cases a bleb form part of the (hinges again-t tte Win. P. Howe, a criminal lawyer, who for B long tt_BdJ nearly aaoaopoUaed the Tombs cases, and who tlati-.l? ted a large -hare Of tin? Lain?.is ciirpil? l.u.-lliess of the HuiTiinc Coin t, has b( en eiib|M?ii:tcil ainl will te-tifv tiefon? the CoiiuiuUee. This witness lately declared to a Tiding., ri porter that the habtaa corpus eaaes artkb passsd IliK.iigh his hands wen? In every In-fati? ?? ngu'.aiTy conducted, and that BO t< ?-llin.uiy ttal he give wuiiid Implleate any ofti? im. In defending one iliense.I person he ackii>>wledged, " I had to light a Judge and Hi?- whole police ring, and tte Judge was my fil.-nd." The eaaS referred t?. 1- one which will probably be itivestigftted by It*. Judiciary ('oiumlltee, and n. e.ui Iiectl'Ui thiTCWlth it i? claimed that B police Ju-tlce, sev? eral otliciais, anda Tammany fugitive were mutually led In procuring th<- conviction of g peraonwbo t'v thretiteiiiiig to put ?nine of his enetnle? on tbe wltneaa -i nul ?o frightened the otvtmt atora ttuM tte matt? t waa i.i . .!r?.ii|..?l. From fi lend? of Judge Cardoso ? baa Im en aa? rtalned that the Committee will not devote more than twodaya ,,i.i-?:ise. Judra Barnard will then be called upoa to defend bit-tacit. ////. I ASTLS OABDKN IMQU1BF. \ BOO. \M> SHOE >\viM)l.l?rill. REDUCTION m HEAD MONEY ? TESTIMONI OF ..t.>-i:-. M vi im II. BABB, LTN1 II, ( ABSBBLY, o'-iOB* MAN, VM? (.1111 ..-. Tlie ..ssciulily Committee, consisting of Ml I la ?illctt, .l.uid. I ?ell?, and BOW inves? tiga til: afafra al Castle (larden, met al tte n oiii? "f an i '.?n.mi--?oner ot Emigration oa Baturday, Mr. Bennett acting as Chairm.lli. Oa vv. |,.i. tea.?.? It tn la? ??i, i rtii I'iite.1 '? liarl.-i , in.I saw in 1 M that tat i.lioa? ...tern wa? rattH I laili ?tail lit wktrbe-tltTtat.weredefranded ibej ? i trenUtpaekaa? i? ? ,.. |. ?? t-.OTed i,. ibe jtrd.a a.? aad?torOTer* w," I,'. ? ' tliev w? re .-l>a:_r.i| I" ??. nl? for ? leaf of bread -n.l me three . ia it ?1 ana l..n. ?...i...!. I bare report, It ua >?*? Hah ?Bl|(BBti lad .... ?!? trailer; it I? ? rate for f-.i_.aa_l to bt I n.ll.r. ?I to ?a-ll I he. r I., I.I .it Ik. . ri.ta. ??en tl.e ,|,io-f.| pn.e il lili,, t (Iri ?ti ahita "'?I lakea I? a bouae el illfuue l.v s m.i i nttne.l P?tier-..-i : I i.-|-.rta-l tina tu Ib? Crmulnnoiiei.. ?lio ? ni ?i.l._ri|i|entli eint?. a? ! Una - u,.. II.a v eatW. t. member ol II Be r_. I - in-l: I ?ni ? Ut. II -..i ..f Internal Id i. .a . I ua aatlated 1 il tt laT.o. 1 ? , , ?? l.oarl. V. i l(. Hirr ?'. Bl ; I? *.???' for tU Bl . R roil. I ' : - - and i! ?? I "lu uni?, o . . tbf rate? for tBiigtl I ? ?.- rof. '?? t flra? ? .-in emltraat 0 |?,,il'i,|-, U, ..._r lia ??, . i ? ,r. ., , ... .'"(ara". ??? il, il ? '' tt a rada i? more Tiloible. a,,? r?|ii,r. - i,. i. ? :... be the Oorrrnor n;.. tf la. Uiftwa Batlgranl I .|?! nal fon-ele: Knit, lia i \.?i' la letitl :.,un; I ?a? nniioii? i ?? i- I rid ?I , ? ' : ere ire lis. ..muy i.Bflili i Ct-tle Oaidea ? aliaut ?i,.??..??. Ulanglaf la eim.rint? ao tiuilb p.??e? tliroo.l. tl.e lian,!? ad tbe _b_eta_tga broker?; 'be t?,lia or tt.e ge. 1,.-? Pri. ca.. ( oapint were vert eitrarieini ; a paid _a_t__b> ?ion ?-..?lio ta* ..f ?irriter '??ii.Il t" tl.e etMgtnatt; r)ie Ciiuannwiotiert ? ollld lio ?I |?T? .,e tl.oe |o tl.e?r .|?|1\ 111.I To..Id dl-?? 1 -? ? ' . .., .1 ? T t!,, oBriilt, a paid coiBiaiuiv? ?.f t.?rbt i?. r..-i?e ttalarrif te lil.i'OHier e?,r .?eh j?i. K. ii.i.. ?. i -i.?.e !e?!i-, t..t-'..'? Th) - iof_ba|. ' I .? did not ? at r- ?..I : a ?'?- lose.: mark, i | rlee . t Sept. - apet rilpptnal M real? per i tk,.-?. w?r? . li ir.? 1 I. Blag to tU <'..?un. ??;...?? r? il ?f I : 1 -ol .,/ U?.:? allSieuta. wblii. nein B?ld lai Ut? C, - I ru ., ,'iie ,,f wonirn'a li.sil., for ?lui. ?, 10.1 wna rh , . ? ? . . s i old to Ou ? ? miaul,,, ? h tl.. Coaatla i ! ?- ,. er? lad O . . Mr !;,,..;, tl I two pr,?.?. Mr. ?iToTlrtn h.r, a??r,l ?leila , r,, ?i i,.,t ,-Jet it l.i? dul r to repart I '.. il. i on m . ?ktatta I bi? lTi?.n,,?l. l t. r, a- 1. a?i?l ?anl .t w,,t iii.tli. lU wil . - lu?? t.. perfora i ? r ,!.. ... J -in. s. ii.ii . ? ?f U iltitin? A (?..i...., leatiled Wepa] I ?.tu ?i... iti li?. . ?,.?i bu imaiiiiii, thepi - a- : ?'-'. i: ut ?m? ? .inn of ?M Il.npinie? pii.l to a ?awn r i,an?*l N'olai. t>. ?.?, t il..? ia.,1 _.o_e) re?)?ee.|, l,e rreeiie?! .'.'? i-er. en. fr ,tn ?-...apea] fui n.< ?jaoaal ol ??!,? vear lit the redietio? Ol llie !,e ,,? ni.?... ?. our tirn, ? |????,??,|rer, inniiala ; M Hist i.? I ,. that lb.? redaella. w..?!.l u. a. ??mUra ?f eaitraau ?ad rai??? tu tara? : Um fana Uienoi m ,*! a ? ??: a- pie?,. . Il .? r, I ., ?;,,|i wi. luadr .lnr.l.k H,e lait Le. ?lalu?e; th. total iiumUr ol rouvrant? irriini. ai kUportofR?. I..'? il ' ?', u Uni it.r -.?lin? m II.,? l?i: T.'.'?.1"? llr. Mol?,, i? ?o|i?'.i?.?,l t,? i". Il ?".It t., I,e i?l,?e,l ?nu fur,her. tl.e louai,.-,, bate la-ll ol ..??l .? ?? t.. 'I ,11 itlll I...I? ?pei.l fir too mor?, inoaei n, their _?_a_ge_kl I. il would U ?lian?, le to baie I trataSti uf um of tl_a it_____bip liaea ia Ibe 1 oaaii.iaa ,,f _?alcral_?ra I 11. VV. Il?, ie?tibi?d: 1 am - . ?? ?T Ward'. Itlaad; 1 i aie f. .. : .1 ??i.| err.?ion ht. r II e k_h_Tl ?f tl ? ? I r . Ml.I U.e .n ploie., .il a ?relierai ,i-?|H,i,eil,il,ti ?udertbt ? ol,' rol ..I tie I : ai'lllil.i o II e I ta_B II'? a II Ii tur ei, llielliiill cal departi?.'?! ; ha?e a kttalftgt ?f Uk- |>air--a-i ?al iufat ?B tap ,'l.e. and ara ma<?e ??ate of the pr.eea pel?) ; krep all Iba bill? Un ir. ai a tiook al tu? oft. r ; lata tH-t'?l Wai.le.i si V'li tt_%T| I... .11.. l Mi f lag. Ib? paWbtalM Sgiat| l ?tl-c .?r. ri .1 Ibal ibe h creaaad u le? ka? t*itt-*r*T*~*' Iba meat ind n,,l? ira l>y rontraet. tbi with lla-e irtiel,?? Ki??. ba.i lutbiag lo .!??; I ...nM n?t helo _r.?n.. lu !,,?kin. ..,-,, tl,.?t_il.- 1. .t tbe prtee- arre inrr? .? ?<l. ?n.l I .nentioned i. i?, ib.? . oii.?.i?.l?, -r. or to -on i .,! their,; in lb? ?I?, of the riothun I ?lid not oIim rve that i ? ?ere lll?.?',er I,nt that ?lie ?| iwlltt ?a- !.??! . il I, | M~ I?? U I : ?'? : ? I tbaik Mr. Iri ?i.- ? ? ? in red ? i, tu, .a kteoaal af la? Itttj urrite ?itfa lha t on,in ??...ii. ? ; !.. 1.1? ?ui.plliil Ihr heef errrj.t for ? ?I urt um?-, ?hm ti.iith? r natty |?l Ibeeantinet, tad be pr..inl ? failure: Irt injr tin???| .,,?-1 in. .1 tn?l wa? prompt la In* ,le' len.??.; a? pa? Uo.b rent? lor ?,,np t<i,e,? tad Se. al? loi ri?.?iii,. pieer?, for Bltlot '? ei-nli. aud poi? - ii-Ltt, l.?t ;? .i u.e prirei riin?i?sl froBi a in ,'u .ei.ita |,?ii..!. I bonril Cinirv tritlflil: I keep a liven atalilt? ; 1 ha?-e i r.mtrmt ??it!, il.-? (',er? la remove ill l-keaaee- manve ewiiraati , baaaagi !.??? a eoatraet for Iva tana, at .?Hier baa it l?i ?aereai ? !.. I,I avert Mr. A Uttnta kadH Uf? a. , - ... I aa?la ?? ?U it la I IB 11 ? I In .on,! that ; I gat tb?-? ?I'tritrt hr mr own i_t?-r, mine; r mnlown.1 ? ?'??.! lb?CoBi...??ii,ni?r? for II, ?loi Lot iill til. u, i.,.t 1 .rat: I IlvI one man thai -TpeJ me. ia. wi,?, i A. Beaatot Bat?an. t/. lib? ill'ere.le.l WTI, 10,1 in tlie !,...' ftt 1 A. 1 ? t.. lb? Ita._a_M it? | rotifal,le Im ?..,?,. ; A. I u a.k a n a, mar nt'ldV a liltie in.e.ey h? it if he i? careful .,'. IV i ,|i? . u luiouiit to I? tla I...H1 ? of ati'trT A. HoaM ? ? -. Ml (J Ik ,.,.. eoheet ib ? from the e.i.'k-rtntal A. Y. ?. V,' VV Oil piohl !.. to? r toj il It i a .?oui I .i.t.t, t I A. Aboat ? ? .?bt tli'?u?a.?i dull r- a rtar. Tl,? l'!.?.,r V\ I ,i, in ei, .m,! tel!, ion h, la.? no rtilniT ?bi? urt A. I donT mi ?iiiiini.? , I lei a,m hat? in? |.i?-,..?r? ? I d.a.T tl.n.k e .1?? niai.e, out of tint ?t 1,1, tlie llr.?t I !o?t lu??t.? ? ? I, . i limier mi ?h?r?ie?, I 1I..1, t iniorr it. but I lute to ?,.,, 11 It la l?*t , I l?ete, ili.r, . , e ..... lor ?luiviliir llo,i(.|,|e Sri gait; the a?_ra_? am-dd? ?111 toU a? laggital that the, v. ill earn I. . I. ?..?.? lo r ti rent. 1 atellgl tad 1 lien, ah, u tla?. ..t Ian, a? tana t .. m??, I, ni pat 71 renlt 1.. I?.r. n <;....rinn. Pr?t leal flbi Ralfratlta Caaariuioa,teelilnd: I have ba I ? aeaUi ??( tl.? Ilo.rdtor aeteuieir?. t!i,??r)ai?a,.t il,. ? ,, o,1.?i,,n an'ii bsttrrIba?everbe-for. Bj??ne?Te?ftUredaction ol l!i, bend mo'i. y ? I tboii.Tit ilnoul.l nrproir the* ?hi-pin?.' loiiiia-? ,n Kew-Totk; I tint Ihe merrhanl* woubl mike ? ?orre... it lii.t.uo lu tbe purr of iiiiaacr.i , wi _b Up? I UrebeeadiuppuiBl I thta (???-.)'?.?. I ,. !??-. a ,f ?u> tdltlUg* to in? l loi? ??.oiialli, in II, ? <?.,lrar, it In? e|ia?,1rif<rreil rttri labor o. nie I ieeepie.1 li,e plire a. a mat;, roi .lut?. an I l-r-aui? I had been ?u e?n?raiil tnia.lf, I ?),,_, t think ?.?t lia- lei1eiallioti.nm.ol .lioul.l lake rl,ar?e i.f tla., I tb*?! it Ul nuit.'ei.?b .a. il? hand? 1? take rare ?f. ?ml ||?[ I! . ?bi.uld U a State iml'rr, wr hat? um la-ru abb- !.. tun the rotiu.ii-ioi. with (he rnluerd bra?! m?aei ; ne l.a-l ? eorplua fu, ?1 ,'l + ' ?' '"? anil bate had to eiliaule a K,e.t pait or Ihtt , I tb 1 k ?blci I??? b?a I een ei.nmmed lor tie napatt >.l Ihe , ,ui,r?,i.a, ai I I lie rr,l for lUlproi? ai' brie .ud on Ward'a I-land ; Ihr Mil? onra Hie r-j-um ??l.n. + .0"..??' 00 taroinit ot t?k..?Ier ?.I |.r??r?*r'> it (?uira.i . te; Dar? 11??? > M Ibal traf**.? to (bit ?n.oniit. m.l Uk| ; r , T il, ,1 ?I .rrrat.le to thi? .oinmiMioo ??? ?.'?'.'??'. wl,.,:|-, bale paid lb? pioperl? waa ..I.I but Its uoTUa?. to uul paid off, ami ala? bal ha,! to pal the ,nleie.t on the whole ihm,ut.I. illho.i;. + I ?11.?? ?a. iiiatb rhariea',1? ob tbe Martae HutpiUI ; it we jet tb.a m ... r from 1:11 we ran 10 on witb lU ieducr.1 brad us.or, I .an.1.1.?lab?,a I.uirt aod ('ae-irriT teitile.1 It lo the .l.n.e. of Ibe Board in prolert.u? rrai?iiut?. Ik> in?etlle;ilion nu Ibrn t,l,. ur,. : the Cbk.rnuo ?nnouoriot that If the Cemaoter -hould deea t furlbrr ? ?I,??,, ne, ...arj tbe- noal.S, tbr t , a?l??aa,eit For Bathing Iufants? Burnbtt's Kalusto?. Wmi.K WAITIMt. FOR A L'O-flil "TO ?,0 AS IT e*"?.'1 loe abb on??! lowine Ta? ?asiaorCoivai am?,.?. Bcttbh Tar at (,<?,? Da. Jaisa't KxisiToaasT, a tras cosa roa all Coc?,??- ??i. ? . , i ?. _ 8kin Dikkahks.?Pkrry's Improvf.d Comf I?.?? and l'iai'i B l.awrBT. tb* Hkla ?eslietae of the a??. I. warranted I?, tata red, while, ami malterale.) plaiplel. leak worm?. talari head*. " ,1? ?mpllor? awl hlotehed itiaBearali??? of ib. tace. Hold b/ l?mta;i?t* everywhere. I)ep?,t, ID botsl ?I. New-York. Ten years1 practical cxperii-nco in protecting 4w, llini-?. aafr?. ??,! vault? l.jr eleetrieitv, with ttto?aar,.)*) ?f , ?, l.iiii. i. aa i?, |. mir aolhority that llni.HB.'. Bi'B'IIA? T-l_M_t_ra ?Mi Vaut PhotbitiiK 1? abto.ate prou?, t.,,_ amamal burglira. E. UouiBf, 7 Murrij iu Neither failing tooth, nor the peepiag wrinkled of time, mi fnreilily tell of idvineini year? a? rran ,r?y hair. At*r'? Viiioh rrat, r?-? it? rolor and *iak?? jioor ?piearanre afrreaM? to oilier*, a? well aa '.our-. If With fr**b, lui'inaut hair, tb? itiUnuiti.? of ?lie are lar loi uotictabl?. Por W atours, .Tf.wki.rv, Li-AMOB__, fJO to B. S S,,',.,? IM I-'i!,i, t , ,,i, .'?re. ?l_ee ii|, ,'a r?. Ile ?rl!? direct from ti,.: ii.,i, af,, trat banda, t!? r> fore vou ??ve at mauiifartarer*' prire?, Th?- hest piare in Now-York to liny reliable Watch**, I- o. In.iin'.i, la rieh fa.bional.le Jesielr?. and Sterln,*- Silver l\ < ,,ii,? IU -, ?ia ,? Bttoiaa's. '/7 KuIiob it. 1)' uBoad* ? ipe< '?It?. PBATT- A.-ti.AI, Oil..?Safest, pur?-?t, and t.. at. _ i.r'.vn.F.MF.N's Hats.?SprinK style for 1872 are ready for it?peetioii ale-l ?*1? ?t h-pen*.-Ji?id'?, mai ?f.rtarrr 11:, N a**??, at. IT HAS BEEN STATED THAT 40/Mio ORGANS, (aiisaaslitj 'l'aHnetOrK?f'')?r? foW ?Btnally-foatrirrVrr; whi<_ we tbii.k ?a asarl) th? "bole suit?/ "f ?II suits of /?eil orgtM snade .n r.l States. Dot off 1 40,000 AMERICAN OltOANS ?re In o?e, and w? arc (?onataotlr exteodmi our f??ililief for manufacture. T1IK SMITH AMKKICAN OKOAN Co. It tb? oldeit itnotg flew i:i?l?.ii1 naker?, hivln? UeB id bo? ..?* OTer twe-tr-on. year?. Our OlfaM are ilntritinted cur tb? ririllieil world, idO are efery?l,ere ;, I I? THE LEADING INSTRUMENTS. Fi.-lie!., -ieLi-ff to ec-u.? _al their wixei, adrrrtiae tl riu iu lanjs Irps ?? AMI KHAN ORGANS I WatLS wt ?busts in BBAIAS, MUSICAl FKEI.I.V?! _S? CULTIVATED taste, _nd husk 1MAT n-, h a cManurn? I ,IL SSI ni BXATKS, IS TBS PRODlXTIoN Off AHT1STIC -<r_EB, Bl AST gi'ASTITT '?? H..INBK?, BIIIlBIl? ASD JIU-I-WS, ?I MKTEBrUK I??S AVAIL itHIELTEf Off STBKT l'R_..TI. Ai. ?Xl KDIIST 10 IAYB iai.ok, nt ?af-rrntV- __f*_?raai to do hth work it doei :?ot hr?sillB? WTBILECT ?CR IT! PEUrE? THIN| _MD ? ?HIT TO Or? P-471-BI WILL IB??V THAT IBSilB ?I NO EIT.tBLIin_S.vT IN THE j COI suit nur t HI to ?ANT INGENIOUS LADOB SAVING M.VCIilM'.s. Our lari;r tipllll fflBSl (? ammtnt M !*"< "/u?y 'om^ling cvmpnny ? . ,ll,i r.a to [tir?Ii?se ample ?uptliei of THE BEST MATERIALS, 4 . .. tl.a*b ?.ikiMualitp ?od rctnplctenrta to eierr p,,' ? ?- And for tb * ci d we m?. rauat INTELLIGENT SUPERVISION il nrry department, ai,d eiperiallr to prisloc? the nto?t i;i;il.l.I.\NT AND lr_EL0DI0U8 TONE. W. imnnfA/t-t Orgini of lurli t ?it?, and with ?neb l volume, tt w.ll loa. If we made the ?nail boin of thin tooea advertiaal for Fifty Dollars, we could report the Bile sf rnni-h larger BB-Safl :ii 'be agi-rer/ate than cow. Bat we require and aie ai niorb t'lAck walnut lumber?which ?a the iiidiapen?able eiainir. of th rh-ma of Ot, ii a?aa any mater? iu tbe eouotry. Oar prie.? at? ?, low ai tbore if any ?n.trumetzii that ft fotDpar.ioB iu ..iiaiitv. VI r h??> ,..-. t.,1 ALL THE TESTIMONIALS ?ve rotiM i?k for ! and ?re efBtwal i ot to innt the Lime? that i'ln I ?ien attnliid to the ptifff .-f all ?orl? of iaa__-?al_ W? il ?H I?? |l*,i U ?? : '? SOI M w BED LINE CATALOGl E , ,,???. i.rot, *t'|l ration. lll_ -hHTH AMEBICAN 0RGA_N (<... 'I'm i oi' ?t , tea?. IValthtfa-al . 11. Mas. QCHUYLBR, HARTLEY A (.RAIIAM, IO ?i JOHN BT. ANl' 1? MAM,. N I A.M. BBOB-BS I'Kl.N? II .T.cii Rs WA TCHB8, WATtTM tii.tiNS, EBB I INK JKVVKI.BV AT I I.tlM I lili I E ARCHER A PANC0A8T MIT!. Co., 1\ Ttl, 71. 14 Woaeter ?4 Ihw/i Bru. oat) BBOB-B, CBTkTAL IMDflll.l iTIAMiELIEBJ?, ut M., .?:., Uu?r> I...? -. I h.HT LOCOMOTIVES POR N?lvROVV 1 J '.?mir BlilroKli, routret'tor*' u*e, r?o*tnirlion, ?, ?ooden rail., fu?are? and ?ilia, quirrl**, mine*, eoiifarm to *teep ?rade?, iharp ' nitvra, li?lii rail? >iar,o?-_au_a?, aud low tunnel?. Herul for r.rruilr and ' .iifor-atiori dr. ,-el. CtikTRH BKLL k I?,, Ptttihurih, P.n*. r/i:i/l/% ENCYCLOPEDIA. #_ Er.l/L B D?SCKIFTIVK HAND ATLAS OF T?IK WORLD. 1, vv BOSP, 5 Bnlaaa M., Saa-Tatt. y i; KO S F. i' I?G K R A TO R?With Water f__ Cuoler-IIErtT IN TIIK WOKI.l' Srn.1 for Hook. A. M. L-SLKY. Maoufartorvr. I.llll' Broadwav. Bills ill's, 44 EastFourteenth-st., Union-square. AND Nos. 116 and 118 Cherry-tt., rjrflTI ATIFSTIOSTOTHIIR NEW AND ?HOICK STO?'E OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, T,?/rthrr w,tb * larye *ul ??telullv *eleete?l line of |<x?a for CCSTOM IIUHK.Iv.s Ell of the lataS ?tyle? for BB**E| ?'"' v'.ma?r ci.oTiiiNi; inn knTWtb. A ffIBB aT0C8 01 KIHSISIIIS?. OOOl'S 1'NDKBVVI'AB AND I'Htv H is?, OITKITB. TIFFANY k D| i ii'ffV-s,., \.e?:, Importers of Fine Watches. I.AIili;?' WAT. IILH, .?l.tBASTKI) TISBf?EEPR_, ?? ?,KADBH AND l!f KVKKY 81 TLB Off ?_4SB, '?u,,^ ^ A.TD HBT WITH (?KM8. OB.ITI.KMEN'H WATITIKH, A CftBAT rVARIRTT BHOM ta. UBi?T MAEKHS. ?TIAl.NS. Lo< KKTS, Eo ,To I Oa?_M|Bfc H. O'NEILL & Co., 327 and 329 1ZZTB AV23., WIM. Ofr_B OB MOX'MY M UK !l ,. A II II. LINK Off NEW SPRING 0001)8 A Ml ?a?r,r-:n?r.t ?' BOSS ET EIBBOBS i* ?11 iWeiiMt ?_?_, 108r.rtnn. 7-iaeb HASH ?IHIKiSs ,|| rolo?, r_, , ,,.. "?"?* M)c?rtoni ?ASO i'LAIH?. R_ ?nd .*>. a yard. RICH LACES. Jl IT RKI KIVKD, AN K?TRA KINK SI-1 .K TH..1 o? REAL POINT, AIFI.1QIK FOIST, BlaACI TilKKA?). ?ml ?Il III'i ?aimu IIIIMMINO LAI Is Ul I '"M. IBs. BLSSTBI IJt tnk* m k-ata I'LAIN ff/IBOaOR -i ?[IKS, <r?e.; aoldon Baal??a? toa- I'L.MIi WISD80R B? IBffB, ff> . . I it, !f.? ?|_i_"^ UB aaata Kib Move.?, . B? . . . I'fldoiei, KUli.LoVK?- ill,"...,, ?i ?j, B. B.-REDI C'TIOS TO TAB TBABB, Ladies go to (>_\4 ill'.s for .Millinery. Goods. GEO. H. KITCHEN & CO., No. 501 HU.IADWAY, ? ' IT-1 K 1 HI ill r.V:IRE ?TO? K I Y CHINA. CLOCKS ANO FANCY GOOOS, TO CaVOBB OUT Tins BB-jr? H OF itieir Ba___BJ BELOW COOT OF IMl'OKTATK.N. DUR GAS-FIXTURE BUSINESS WILL EE CONTIMLL- A RADWAY'S READY RELIEF It RM 'I'll i: M.IIOT F-AlN-a In li-oni oik-I?? lT-4-niv ii'iiiiit??. NOT ONE HOUR A'.-r , -,-?t neel li? ?n? iviTH I ?.IN KADVTAT- RK.ID? Bl Lll I !?? I CDBB KoH KVRHT PADt. 1: ?a? ' e i.r.t ml i? The only Pain Remedy that in.Mi/tlv ?loi ? !',?? iro?t r_-___4a( pain? -Ian In'a-aalua?. ,?B , ,r. ? I .,:.?..!,.?,. ?,rlt..r ai* IB. Lull?;?, .?to: . ?? . I ?lie-? . aadf . .a* appl.ration. is F_OM ?ink To TWBST? Mis no mailer l,?w vo.l.ui oi r,, .h, ..una-the uain i I B-T1C. B?4?a Ir.tiini i ri|.|..e,l. Sereaaa, Nearalgic, or pr'.-ir,:?. eita, imtm B_y auffer. Fifty reut* a Lottie. Bail by all l'rr. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, u.M.'?? >.',|ri'tl. faaww w;th ??retro- [??nie, r??date r>i . mae and ?treniithen. R_l?*?'a Fill?, f..r m? r. re .if a? ... r.o' the stomarh Lirer B?we!., Eldn??,. Bla-le- Bar, IB. SI? Headache. ( oo-tip?ti.m. tu-ti?e- .. | Baa?aa-* i,,. . Id, Freer I iirlam Biatlon of the II Wffc, I' la a?4 ?H l>er???? n.ei.t? ,.f the Internal V i?cer?. WatiaMa? '?? fSBl a |.?,t.?? ?r_. Parti V. L't.l, le. eiilit?! i. In?- BS nierenr? :.. : u -re i- Oi '. ? le, ,.o? _BB, T ?em? tl?r rent? a hoi. Sold hv ilrninnat-. SAFES. MARVIN ?v To.'b ni:\\ roas i'ii?.Ai'RL . , fin tua OTIS 5 Safety Hoisting MACHINERY. Oils BBOTKBBR ' ' I B? II-IH Broadway, ._ e fork. FURNITURE CURTAINS. B. L. Solomon & Sons, 657 & 659 Broad? way, having the Largest and mo3t Com? plete Stock to be found in the City, call attention of those about to furnish, or ?a want of any article, to the advantage of looking through their Warerooms. ALL onr Upholstering done on our own premises, under our own supervision, ana all work guaranteed, Estimates and Designs given tor fac? ing a house complete with FUHNITUBi., CURTAINS, MIRRORS, &c. B. L. SOLOMON & SONS, 657 & 689 Broadway, opp. Bond-at^ "Premium ??^7_l|_i_ FIRE TEST 180 WILL MpffS If h Huh,???! laatp tt ??_*_*? ^H ?el ?1? aa. railroad*. l,rt?,r_.. ___S"E| m wherever *t*?iatf >-!*?? _ ????**?? it?, m f.? ibm K..r ?_?\'"fr_T_t, B. T. Peii.low ?_ MnaB. lai M*"?' WM __ Vy^'t?^^^ l'HIVATE DWEI.LISOS arel other __?_-__ ?? ,1TE*? ?AKKB. rBlTH k ?? . <er Hooaton ?ad Ollllltf. ,?l,T.T_rl_- ,?^4 ta?"* (the oWeit IBil e?Ut,li?,?eal ?I ?> KZaS-aal israerlpUve p.apbleU ._! .^aate. f?m,*krd ? ******* Office of S. T. SUIT & Co., Louisville, Ky. Wc have bought up the greater part of all the old Kentucky Winnies in the world ; WO mean ol f** older than distillation of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. The stock of the character ot *~ smaller than has been known, and we have niitdt? this extraordinary operation mowiy to mm*^ wants Of our own trade, and not with the view of increasing the price, for we offer them to t ie at the same prices they have been heretofore held. We have goods of distillation eighteen hi f and every vear from that to this date. Fine old sour-mash Whiskies, finest grades of Kentucky r Whiskies of real age, warranted. We sell every package under absolute and unqualified IP**"*" . ? . S T. SU-IT t?. Km satisfaction.