\ (JTATE IN Rl >Ns
,,i ,??,..,. uui: ...M"M..N OF -?! TU CA?0
..,..; \\p i_OOYI.RNMr.VI tv ,111 IIAMD8
,,, ', M-IMN.MMI-I' AHIMIi:il>.
(i;t(?. . N,,.,(.KKKM-,.Nl'rM.'l llll; llllll Ml
i,.v. ivb. ?.-The cond.tion of
K. ii, r.n..'n.i li .1 i>i"iaiai.>. iii the daya oi Beeeaatoa
i oCendi r. la ibe daya of Reeooetrae
aet eaffanrer. Tbe OoTernment of tba
,_ forraerlj la Ibe haadi of aa aiiBtoeraoy.
. rn . bodj al men tealooa, wtllfal, dogaaatle, taut
aed and hoaerabto. Tha r..u af it* repreeeata
tlveelacvtngroaa t>T mar Ibreo^aartoraof o eentnrjr,
iiHiit ItBcivtoand adbtary beroea la tba war "f
i . . vi, Bbtae wtth o ln 1.1 timt it- nn.liiiini.a.l lay
iai(ri-.':i aith tha aaeaol aay other btate.
rmr to i'.?? aooYealra ?>f Iteformei haataey, N ptet'Ird
,...,1 .. r-' Kai'i'liia'ii, .1.1 li-d Ita boata to
ihelr daoro. ii aoaghtla Itapaealaoa Moody arbltra
i'i, .ii on i- ne a 11 of'" i"1''- and a bloodjr arbltraaaeal II
. i wiih ooyoee la.t.ra-. aad ao forelga popolatJoa,
-.ln tin* th i'l. The end t-aiilt', nnd
- btaekwilh deeotatton. Tbe'emefce
, ivll waraaeeaded from every boaaehold,
I-,: tbc ?taln of hio.nl i... o-.i tin- g irmenti of en n ran
, iyon n ahadewiftlj now il""n tobloody
,:, ni ontanunbered tbe Urlac Tbe me ina
?(aupi > aptawayaa bar nre and whlrlwlnd.
; ipoil imd ruin wi re lt* oniy Rala.
. ike end af tbc I'.- balllon lefl s.mth (aro
llna. What naa baaa ita roadltloa alnc* i Wbat is its
lion ;i'i. I
ini.it'.'ii of tbe State i- eomcthlng orer 40040a
i, aad eometnlng nnder 100,009 wbltee. Tba reoalt
aar haa .na-ie a yet greeter akapropartton la tbe
t nnmberaof tha roting populatlon. Theae
i io i.e in tho proportloaof *('/">?' wl
ite b* lae o\a r iim.oa.1. lt.it
ature, out of Ul membera, tbere nr" bnl n
intatlvea of tbe white mlaorlty. Tbereetof the
%a?eaabl) l? black, witb tbe ezeeptloa thal here aad
. .; ? repreeeBtative of a black eonetitnearj.
ur eaoagh >.f tkeae, along wlth a (low bateUlgeat
:;. .'. aad tbe great maaa of Ignorance aad
? mof a iu h tb? miin bodj ta eomposed.
iv.ih r . lato nota la, 11- eaoagh to aay tbal tho
, i r.ul maaage the Legifllatare aad tbe Bl ite
rnaarni are th_e*rea aad B-laereanta. Tbe great
bod) "f tbe Legialature nre ibe igaoraai aad oorrapt
i'i-1: nm. nt* wlth whleb tbe leaden woik, aadtboagh
ibe iii.ii> Idnala oooipoalug tblfl aaaaa aro boughl and a,,),\
like c.attio in the market, th-ir renallty iu some .
?I of Tini'-b of lt6 erliiilnnllty by re:i?fi:i Of thfl
leaaenoae of tbelr lgaoraaea. Ifaaabera of ttn i>.<iclv- wbo
?eatfl latbe L?(_i?latniofeeardtbeBaaalTaaoBly
ui th" Ught of oaaploydaof Iba Oovenuaeat. Tbelr pay la
K> a ali\ i.n tbeaeaatonand apeii.iipny f.ar t'nii' icparate
rotea oa every meaaara in which tbeaa 1* money. Tbeaa
Ight an'l aold without even a pretenae'of 1ml
? flagittoaa traaaaettea. The negro blmaelf li
ii.inl!.' of ciiiniiiallty, while be makea his bar
L-.ilii. ii< owa* lil* innil-. II.' aeOfl it. II.? owni hi*
hirken Hc a ll* lt. Ba eeaaMera his votejnel a* much -a
parl ci bb pcreooal property a* hli maleaad hiaebieken.
Why aboaid be not aell it alao t'1 BedooaaeU it, ami ha
v flroadera thal aaj Dotly aboaid oomplala.
Ofcouraetbc aeala of pay rarlee. lt laj tal acoordlng
loeaeh aian'a kntelUgenec an.l rapactty. A few kaadred
..., i.ii gratatttea U aaoagh t.i latieiy tbe de
?aaada of a plantattoa negro. Otbera get mere.aad
more, aad more, One oftbe aaaartei aart waa aeenaed
ibe oaberday, ea tbe ioor of th.* iifi***-*. by u eolb agu.
tben havlng tuvxi ot Btatebondi In hl- ,
ronoptly obtained. Aml the < h tr*;.* waa not dealed.
Bul tba evidenee ef groeeand nolveraal corraptloB la
palpaMf in ibe wai eTarybody Urei who Ium anrthlng
to do wlth tha Govaraaaeat. Tbere la a knppy-go-lacky
r amneg them alL Ifa blaek _r.-t.-t lato the beglalature,
:!,. Ht workanomore. Hebaan.seaaloa.
K,.t,,. eagh. It la tke eame witb the ocen
n ea, All are ileekand f.it wlth
.. n eyan te pii itaa who bare
. , ? , hii-i.ideii lA.iy. Tbeyrlot In tbe plunder,
rartag ii, i ol aii for, aar even tbinklng of, tli" ownera,
iinttiia irr. fi.icib.'e eridence of gigantJc 11.. f t and
n -mi'* .an atandi like a liioiiiinn nt in tbe vaat|li i
i.f ?h*' -. it. di bt, :in laete isc for whleh tbere i-. nothing
loflhoi The State may be aearched ln vain to flnd
? Ibeuwaeybi i lainno publlo work. It
, aeln mea of ] ? ? it. It baa Blmply
Ih . n itoleu. It h.i,- gone Into the pocketa ol tbe blghway
? rhoeomp ae tbe lefialatlve aad tin- ezeentlvi
l: li ild th ifl suiu :
Ibe bonded debt, ac. irdli fto fln* reporl ot tbe
rongreiai ommittee wbo have latelyretnr edfromtbt r
? , waa, ln roaad mn b\tXt, lalMt
1 ? | ,-u. On tbe aotb of Deoember. 1871,11 bad
ri-.-ii fo tb* enormotu aggregate of 115,708^10. It wi.s
rtala tbat tbla sum covered tbe wbole llabll.
ate. f-o iini'li fia-i'l and eompllcity ln eor
n.pt pra l ibyth. State offlclala bad been developed,
Bomoebcbli uiery had been unearthed, so mncb willfnl
,' icoof the amonnl ,<',
o tbe Btate b f"'.- wae ni:.;ii
;,-',,'.. waa no eertalnty tbat eventh I
nrould nol ' i
? d n i tin- plundering had eome to Ugbt
But ,:.'?..! b more or not, we have here anaddl
t. di W ilnee tii" war of near lii.
. ? r tn ii Ivi ? beon, imiiioii by rnllllon, dollar by .ha;
??!? ii by the vlllalni who bare had
'. i in- ezecp
.!_ili (1 b] the
I. I aalif-tlia*
Theai f i beea f.>*. varioui aad
I to ite enumerated ln an expoaitlon bo general
they bave luvolved every
, Uni my acoonnt wbo belonga to tbe majorlty, It ln
of corruption tbnt ikakea under tbe
* ition, There la no chAuce to atop oi
. .iin,. ?> thi t have been eommitted,
outaldeof amerc handfullofrepre
^ r.it i-i*. tbe tax-payera, la lmplleated. Whatever
i.viicxpo' d, ea wbatever lnveatlgatloa la threat
i m i by tbreatenlng the
int- wlth an .?t.-ii.iiiiatii.ii aad expoaure ..f tlu ir
awa erimlaality. It le atmply a baad of robbera threat
raiac to tell ou one not ber. Wai tbere erer aneh abar
, ? on in-. g irernmeatl
r '. iad then aeemn to be noatandln/r*
tjround tor aa effort at i i. And yel it inu-t
heextn ?_ irnmcnl i* i fallure. A^h.^ been
ii tem but ll i;. i.r ?-< i i.Mite.a. aat of Ito
i. ? ? i , tnrewbo are reaarded aa repao
BOBtativen oftbe la payen al tbe Btate. <>i ih.-.s'a,
rlgbl corn fromtwoupper cooatlee adjotalag Q
? > tlred of a bopeleii itruggle
? i !? v. , - [ha >?? i . .- .; tl.- Btate In bank
niptey, imd tbreati - atloa. Tin. tw<>
, ,i. ,i t , i.i - i ,,:r to Oeorgl i. a-,
i ab it > it.i.^rn'.-ii the trifllug
, ,,i tin- r.'v-! I'ni'i' an l leave it a unlt ln Ita oor
ed tbe i orlty wlll grant tba
|.r,l .< ' ~ . ' ? ?I.a.ll.a!
a>f th' an-] ematobfl oa tke polnt of diaappear
It Ifl tbaa tbal aotVOOOwhlb people, more or leea, eoaa
ind property-botdera of the Btate,
an imi* aader tb< heel ol MMxaoo panper blaeka,
fn-b fron a atate ofalareryaad Igaoranee thi i....a*f,
Gadded by naprtnclpli d adventuren Craoi ..tin r
aaeof tbeaa freedmea a* th.ir a^ent^
im tbe iiiii-t io'..ii..' -i.' arbl i aere evereoeamitted
nfidor uie abelterof lepablltaa faraia af foreruawat,
t\ . i.ii,d aud BBlatelllgOttl maaa - preefpttatednpoa
.lu lnta ll,'.'. i,a .- nnd Oealth of tl.O .*-'ti.tt- till tbej ui.
I,iir1'-d ont ef "Ight.
it ia ?.on.' iiini-i fliia.d why tba wblle people ef the
aalli. (la. la'at I tialava*. or ta. lllllll. -l.a a' tbfl blafks bj kllltl
rr atiij'i.t aad paraaaalaa ua to th.ir trac latareota, Tho
unctter Ih. thi.t t)..- JaabMBp of the black af bla oid
jna-tir to protaand, unyl. i.liiig, ainl aalveraet Wbera
tbeUad itpei eoalfalatloaa prevall,wbera Iba fr<-.:.i
ni, i. i- n.i.li .'ii the nld ptaatatlOBa, and woik the land on
akareelaeoateataeal nnd hanaony with the Broprlo
t*.r?, tl.e :i?atinia-iiy n 'hat, tv. far aa votinK Ifl eoai emad,
Um ..id aaaatet u uttcriy oltbont laffia aoa. Ba
cannot olataiu a vote or tbc promi->e of a voto. Iu tbU
u**it. r the bla. k tull liftt n only to tbe unprlnclpl. d
adveatorer wbo rldoi Ibroaab tbo eaanrtry rtataa-ag to
litjoneof thoae vtho gave free.'oni to the alavOO <"t?n
njlooa of ttirti preaeat Bberty, tba freodnia.i'a dread ef
iu paaalbla io***> uiak.v-.him th<- ui.a?t aaaptoleaaaad appr.
keuaive of luoit;.!*. Iu poverty and aicknu?H, ta trlala
i.nd troul.lia*, h<- re?or?H tO bla aM BM -ter, and ?eek-i ItM
uid and aoilllfllil ttith n tliii'lliae foiitid'eiiee. Bnt in
etttag i to Lia advice, aud will dlo ln;forc be
wi;l tuk<- it.
Taat ai ii abilaiai aad holploaa. wbat i? tlie averago
property-bolding elti/.eii to do I II* a.ina fulthfllily to
get upon bii 1 g? and k. ep upon liin lefB, bnl tbo gritnt
,i_g tax-tioii attnallj*hniaaad. aiid atlll i/i'.re tbat whicb
>a tbreateui-d, lnak*-a him A, *\ ,ir .'f OOaaplW YlltaaJ
MSfaaaatM it* woalifal aatol ib. ~iutte if hetvouid,
:>nt tb*-re ia aobodj io buy hi. property, OU a vl-.lt to
? agO, fv.-li.it'it .-],;
I ifted by Ibo great nataral advantagefl
f i w .!? power at tbe eapltal of tbe Btate, pun
I.j.-.it' iy
toitartlngniBiutfii ctorlei there. Tl.o dovloi.mcnt. Bfloa
nfti r. ol the corrtiptloni nnd BWaaBMeaa r..).l>.T!ea .'f
Ihe Btata (loteriiniciif. brouKht Bla opcratloni to Bdead
ind. aad aaa he only awatta the Harloni hope of nu op
poataattj t.. extiiiMte hia reatare ilu.i th.- i inii ii- i:
iin- thlevea nnd vlllalM wha im>?? lha Btate i.y tba threal
nml an aoeklni n- iif**'-* blaod.
? Whl .I.n.-t >mi r.l>i'l iiniiii I" nil;. <l a po.ton rnnn
.iln. traalately tnvallagthfaaah thent.it.'. "Thk* itme
yoa woald bave a reaaaa." Ains, ?hy1 Babjeelad lo
npprtaalTC eoadlMoa* aaal aa ItaBBjaafaUrbeaaldBo
HtBta of .'i.iiiiiiuiiiti in tl.e livllizcd world l.t fo-du.v <"
alniliiir. tl.e \ihile liiiiuu Itt ln Smitlt Cirolliia BW ?BlH
, ud .lum I-. Th.y lmve tu. lif.-. Thrir q_trfl hM BBBB OUt.
Their Inertla' i.nioiiiit.- to d. niornllzutlon. Tlie Ure-. af
warllekedupall their avallable Mbetaaee. t*gnre
eoven a aeaenttaa of th.ir Ightlag aaaa. UatflUme
lapalnthe wante el Uoad nad alaaa loat hy war, then
laaa Btetertal to araaalM Into nalataaee. A1 preaenl
th. r.M-.-.u-ti. Ii.-iio hcnrt for It. BBd BO tbOBght Of lt
Uut (lo B.d the wlld orlinos of tha Ku Klu . y.nitli
of tha Btata Nnahaaaa a paaathla tmure for
tlmt wiat.ii.-.i aaaata that daaaaada th.< aaraeat
attention af thongbtfo) atateaoMBl Bhall wa
too hav.' a I'o!.unl lu tlie Bonthl Can wo expe.-t long
to regulate th.' Internal admtnlatntlnn >.f law and .|mtl< e
in nn- Btate by military rolel Aad,after all,an tim
Kii-kln\ outragei bul n.xpiring emben <>f an ol
teat, oran tiuy ls many loaaea the hladllng iparki afa
tl. W I ,
i me tiiinir I'-emi pliiln to the tno.f nrdlnurv nppr-'- hen
.ioii. The eondltlon of thiiiK* now exlatlng ln Bimtb
Curolinn would not be boraa ;. montb Inany Northern
Btate wlthonl ? tax-paTon' league being organiB. i to
ir-i-t tin- i>:.t nn ut ol ml ti.x.M finpoeed for fraudulent
purpoeea aud a .ti.out Um awlfl Mtabllahmenl ol a courl
of lvm h law, Bo mui h treisi.n M that c u-t. ln lln
Moo'ii of evory Anu rleaneltlien worthj nf hl* Wrthrtalit.
\iiniir everythlng, and hM nol Honth Carollna inll re i
enoughI Adimi tbat iho was a hot i_-d ol aedilion.
A.ltnit that ihe wai tho cauldron inwbien w.i- roneoi fctl
Ibe n ii-iiii t). ,t p .i-oned n nattou. Admll anytblna aml
everythlng. I- tlu re to he noexplatlonl Ke. ollt ci Ihnl
a _.'ci* a-i.tii.'ii la rapldli rlaing tbal ha.l no hand ln tlu ???
tblng*, agoneratlon already moro than haltwaytotti
matunty. I.B.P.
..| Miii-ivnviN..-AMRRICAM GOODS in
Washwgton, Feb. 89.?" See here," Baid
your old fiiniil Juliu 11ill of Kew-Jeney, JaatMflpeakl r
BlalnewMealllngtheHonMto order, jreotarday inirn
Ibjc, " i want yoa to bm what aame of mv eoaatltuenti
me dotag," uinl lir 1. d BM tO tlu- Way. and Meitii! Coni
uiitti i-iiioiii. i t.nitiii there half a aaaaa gaatlamen
from Patereon, B. J., lepieMuUng the BmanfMlaren
nnd weaven of illk cooda; they wan exhlbltlng aome ol
the rfehaal lamplei I ever _uv of. ilk rtbbona of varlou
wldtbaand ihadaa,Bomaa learfa,envata, bralda, Mnd
lnga,and ' tfewanttoabowyoa whal wa :.re
dolng," .md lha flral lentletnan to wbom I wm Intro
dnced. tukiu. np ? roll ol wlda ptnk ribbaa, of exqalalta
tint nnd perfeet textun. "I Mil onr own goodi and Jm
-," rt fonlgn onei of almllar kind -, bal then la a rlbbon
tlmt i- anperior toanyol itmllar pattern made ta Xn
glaud. When v,c tir-t began t<> make it. the ladta * won.
Btraldtobnj It,becauae II wm ot kmerlcaa m%nnfae
lun, though they eould llnd no other fanlt wlthlt. Bul
lha demand for II li now better than tor the foreign
gooda, and n eommaada a better price."
"How imii.' bare yon been maklag aaeh gooda ai
tbeae r i aaked.
" M.iiniy alnee the war. In taci, only aiiout ti.ooo.i...
wai inveated lo tbla lndoatry, In thli oonntry; tbe capt
tii la now i:ri.U'<n,iiuo. Tben ara employed ituttn opera
tlvea, of whom three-fonrthi an womeai nnd fhe
amonntpald to Ihem laa year, m wagea, im |7jaa^eaa.
M. i.. i.-.n, mi i.u average, lli a week, and woamnlT. Of
.., worken earn mora. Iha ralae of siik
aovi ii in Ihia conntry in 1871 wai
\- l. -t j ped here totake I* atb, l managed topet In
n Mi.id: H611kgoodaennnotbi importedwlthontpaylag
a duty of BO per cent; Li tbat tbe leaat protectlon wblcb
y.iu nrcd t"
?? Yea, and 111 tell you why. We ct the raw Mlk free
nf .luti ; itciu'i in- produeed ln tbla oonntryi thal i-,
we fail r.ii-'- tlu- beal illh In the world In Callf< rala, bnl
we bara to aend lt to Europe to be reeledi my friend
ban wlll tell yon why, prtaently. Bal onr nuehlnery
(o,-ts limn tiuii) it .Im. In EoTOpe, .-i i eiMly Bl tbe
loomi imd iplndlei lia\ ?? to !'.? Imported, imd onr
labor coata fur more tban in England, Fnnee, or < ;<? r
niiiiiv. Labor I the great ttcmofexpenae In the pro
dactioa of allkindaof Um gooda, and Mpeelally la tbli
ti'iui nf sil. -v.'.-.-ivinir. S'.iiie of oar fiietoriei hnvi.Ij
beenatartedatnot UielMtadvann ofapareaal la th'
rate of dui\ WMBwdei tho llaeo ?f gooda they oaaha
??(uld not be j.ii.fit.ii'ly produeed before. Bal it'* Ihe
worklngman wbo geta tbe proflt. Here let nu- Introdnee
iou to one of our weaven; in ...n tell yon mon aboul
ilu- iiiiinifa. tn-.- of ti;- ie (." i u t iifiri i ean."
gentleman w.i- n very Intellig nt Bngliabman,
wbo, at tbe tlme, held ln bla hand u aotnple of bla own
, l idy'i 11 i\,'f v.oii-n !n the mi --t brllllanl eolor-.
"Ofcoui .' .id he, "tbeae gentlemen who bave In?
veated ttn : monej In bulldlnga nnd maeblnary an
?::-. iiilv Intereated tn tbe aaeeeaa of Iheir enterpi ?
i.n ii--ii.a.i are we, the workiuin. IWMaweaverin
England before the ln t trade treaty with Frane.
bad cbarge of a lara*e mlll. Bul thal treaty ru;;. d ua,
not only tbe capltallati, 1 mean, imt tbe weaven to..;
lum.li-.-ii- !iiniiiii"i-iiiiil-. werethrown out ofemplovmcnt.
i bave been ln thii eouutry iim e imas, and you'll bardly
,1 l..-vf ii wben i tell yon tbat, though i Hve much I. ittcr
tbtiii ln England. and have eblldreu wbom 1 amadncat
Ing, i -ii-'i mora money oui of my wagea, laat year,
iii hi I COllld eurn at bome."
"Yon mj that tbe Patereon mllliaretttrnlngonl better
gooda tbaa were made in tbe mllli wh.-n juu wiro em
ployed in Enaland; how do they do it I" **
?? ln tbe liis' plaee. a falrly-naid workman wlll alwaya
make better Rtw la tnan one wbo li underpald. Ibenwo
all thlnk tbat thefuture of tbe bnalaen dependavery
inm h on .mi being able to mpplanl foreign goodi in tba
Ameriean market. Yon kn..w tbat Ameriean watchc.
made by eertaln tli-ini ara now mueb mon blghly i>n/."il
than fmi'L-ii onea. The pr^iudlee agalnal tha watcb
at home wm overeome. not by makiug a watcb m
good m tbe Bwlia watcbea,but by makiug a better oue.
uow trying to du the auac for Ameriean allka,
and we are lucceedlug, too. Do n't yon auppoae tbe in
t.niirciit Me.at. r-ute M linu li inleri-tcd in that M the
owni i-1 We are tnaking Improvement-L too, In our ina
i im ? rv uinl ln our pr.ici.--i-. Tbfl dyelng o. tlu- lilk
thn udliM alwayi lieen ndlffleull matt. r, bul we bave ln
Patei -nu, noa, men who produ..- ne brillLint and ai tl(
..ue colonM i . i.r ua iii England, whUethay pui la
iiiiu-l, le-. in w. i. hi .-f '';?', t nl-"
uiichlnory l- Imp.
"Yea, the flral oi evwj l^nd, imt v.-ry liitir ii
brougnt ln now. Ai.iu i iuop once geta on lla feet,
i. .i-;.ii.iitioii .I mui hineiy wiinh it neada to extead tha
bu iln.-w l? made in thi- couutrj."
Eaeryhodj who examlned the aampiei expreiaedanr
priae al theu i" anty, und II i- belleved thal tho majority
of the Waya aud Moaus Committee alll nol t-onaent to
any red tu-tion ln thu duty that vmii Infnn tbla new ana
i.iiaiiifiai induatry.
i ia permitted to eopy from aprtrate latter wrltten
to one of the t'.'litleini-li pla-aclil Ii.i l.l.- hiih t ra Vl- ill ir III
il iu-t year, tbe following:extrnct. li lllui
tbe eii.-a-f of proti otlon la a t erj itrlldna mauner :
?l bave been iiiukiiiKaoiiie mon InouliiM a.* lo ^.i_
labor bere. lu Roverodo, the ehlef illk-manufaoturln*;
town of tbe reglon,flnt-elaaaeoeoon wlndenget,fot :i
bounwork.ll M aweek. They an oniv employed ut
eertaln eeaeona of Ihe year. Raw^Uk wlnderi tlml
regular employment and work rn boun fnr from N ceuti
tn mu- rto.iai a week. Tbey come Into town from tbe
eountry on Bunday nlgbt, or Mondaj morning, aad re
turn bome ob Haturday alght Tbey board ami lo.li:e 'u
tovs ii for IA eenta ? week. Tbalr prineipal artlole ol foo i
i. i ..rn meni. winch lacooked . .mply witn _alt umi water.
ii,-,-a-."?... i -, tbey eat i. little ittliid and aait tl_h. They
epin iii'iVai u- ill;.- loldlera, ? large number ln a room,
foi wim h th. t pay one Au.tnan kreatser a nicbt. n |i
tntcrcitluK to ii.'iiieout iheumoiiiit or money wblcb th.
pooi people li.n. io epan after th.ir board i . pald, and 1.
i (.i.iii.ne il aud their iiaodt- of life with that Wblcb i? pal.
? 1
ou.- handa und tbe inannei lu which tlu- lutter im
lu tke Editor of The Tribune.
Siu: Mv iittditi.ui haa lu* n ealied to nn nr
tl( le wiii' li ii pp. nred reeently m your paper ou Mpper
aud Boppar-amaltlag,aad wlih your iicruii.-ii.iu I wiu
Htate a lew ttn l? I.eariiiK theroon. Kroni iny OWB
kaowladge, thenBaay ha rahwd fiom mlaeeal laada 1a
Pennaylvanla l.uoo taaa af aaapac ore,wo.kly, aaatdlBg
nn avcra. e prodnct of 11 i?*r eent in eopper. The ttopth
tloin inrfaoe need boi exeaed aoo laat. in CBrroll
County ',u., there la i. depoail of i-oj.per cre, tliree unl.i|
ln lengtb,* elght feet wlde, loa feel from aarteee.aadol
un_uov.il di-ptli, Iroin which may l.e rut_i d uu linincnM
quantity of ore. prodnetng is per cent of eopper. Tho
miiii - are already opened, mui the on mav ba raln-d iit
compantlvely amall ooat, Tba above uunerui uniN
only feebly repreaent the exteiit Of e,(>p)M?r depoiltl ex
istlnK iu tlu- M_lt.- uaiu'il.
Tho eoal of mneltltig lu Hwanioft Ih #45 per tun for ea. h
tun of eopper produeed. Iu th;_ rouiitiy it would Im
ubuut t'ao iur tun. 'Iln (,|,. piodiii'iii ln C.rnwull.
England, averagea ilx imt eaan w.pjier, aud ia ralaed
from un average depth of i.iKai feet
lt la beyond doubl that Hiiftlcieiit orei nny be rul_*d lu
this eountry, nnd worked at unud prollt, to hupplv i.ll de
iintiida frmn the .".iniimem at hoino, and, wlth th" Lake
ropper,leavea larjre aurplun for eiport. In met.no
eountry < ?^ compete wui. ui? Ujiltot K^itea m eopper,
prn\ .."i'i* iim iTimun TTT ffu~p(TiJ U.-vcToped aad tho
Bmeltlng . arried on upon ecouomlcul prinrlplea.
Aeic-lork, . ch. 'ii, IbVt. lioilXX __BitTBB.
f./Ireut fti'tn a letter dalei al In-etdte, Siwmy, Mt 11, 1171.
"I muat thaiik you fm tlu- lu-atilifiil Al'miiinic,
iimed bv thei-inith Ameriean Oraaa Uo. ii happily
ii.il.a the o-eful wilh the ia?i. eaole, and la an honor lo
th lioiiMi- ua n.-li na to the uitl-t. It i. BlaaalBB to ien
th--1. udeiii 11 of interpriM und pt.niierity. aud ibowi
that the affatirii of the Coinpiiny are C(ili(lii("te(l |,y a
eo.ind h< a.i uu J n lilieial hand Ai an adrertlaeineut It
wuihuidii neoeeiary, aa eveiy one knowa the firm, au.l
-.ppreelatol the c u cllola. o of tluir lli .liiiiin ni .. It
him -.l.i iie very Oattering io tbe Amerieana tbai I irop ,
nil mualcal art, ia uot able lo pro
,i ,., . itied Oigan wurlby ol belna named In thi
iim unn the Haa.iti.' i i-nii'i-.... I.. .i
, i ? lalloa dlp i" a i.' ?- ?" ? '-,:'-"
ri |-,nt - Bl Ml. ItMil'V, NK. OLAIMTOWK, AM>
nl Hl I.'- lll! l.uVI KNMI S I -I-l AIM l>.
Im tht Mtieh Houae of Commont, <>" lhe
Mb of IVbiiiary, Mr. (rostt inove.l "Tbal Ibla BOaM ttn*
-.-.ii Wlth r.atrr.t tlie eonrao taken bv ller Mttjeflty'fl
i...\.-iiuii.nt in (lioin.. out iho paarWaao ?-f the
Aitof laal aaaaloa ralaUra t<> tbe Jodidal Coara ueo
of tho I'r.vv lounrll; and \a et opinion that tba
cl.-vutlun of 8lr RobeTt la.lller to tho HeiU'h at
the coart of Oaaaaaaa Pleaa for iba parpaaa oniy nf
KitinK iilm a eotorahle gaaUlcatana ia. ha - pald aaaaa
ber Of the Judnlal r.untiilttee, iiiiii hli Imiii'diate tr.imv
f.r to the Jiidlclal roliimitteo n< n.i.lluKly, wero aet* at
rarlaaea wlth the uplrlt and latanttaa nf tho iitntute, aud
of eril exaaple ta tbe aseretaa ai ju.n.iai patraoaaa.M
latbaoooraaof tbedebata whleh aaaaanl Bb??aoadh?"
r.ilinii il. l.ntleil tba Uoverniuont ln a lonp npoeih, and
ni .-,. .1,.? an um. niliiit-nt, "Tbat tl.it Baaaa tin.1-4 no |u-t
<aii?e fm-a ParUaaaaatary aaaaawa ou tha eaadael al Ibe
(ioveinme.it lu the roeent nppolnt.nciit of Hir I..>laert
r.irrett ('..I.l. r to B Jadgeohlp of the (*oinmoii I'lea* aud
tin'Jii.il, i.ii Coiniitlti'-.a a.f the I'rlvy Coum il "
Mr. Haraly aald : lt mity bo a iimtal nnat,li. ation of tbo
(ii.Minintiii tbat thay dld aal appotai aa aall man, aal
lt la na Jnatlfloatlon of thalr eaadael la a lagal poiat of
vi.-iv. Ifttbaeualrary tothe aptnl af tba aol etFai*
II.mn nt ta Bppotal a man a Judtto ln Iudia witliout anv
inieiitioii of aeadlag hia to Ibat aaauatry, tbaa it aun ly
la eqaally wroag la maka a man a Jadga ot tho Oeani "t
Conuaoa Pleaa solcly f..r the ptiri>..->e of np
potatlng huu a aaaaabar af Iba Jadlelal Coaa
BBlttaa ..f fhe Prlry OooaeiL Wbaa my
bonorable aad learaad friead felt hbaaelf oMlged to
i. -.-rt lo tbeae dlattaotloaa tbo Boaw mnal, Itblpk,havn
la.cn ofopiniriTi tlintlie had n RTeat deal on hli tnliul
vithnapaetto Ibk traaaaetloB. it in toaaawbal *mi
oua, too, that whea the Lord Idvoeata eaaae to apeak,
be lald great Btroaa on tbe warda " Parllaaw-atary ceo
anre," aa if be tb.rht tbat the acl ?t Ibe Oovemment
waa not eltogetbei uve from blame. I aaj tae aei of
tlie Oovernroent?or moat II i.o regarded rather aa the
in i of two membera <>f Ibe Oaverament, wlth wbich
tial'U" foll'V-'llfl bad llOt llllll. ta. llot It Itiit*., II.
d.'Ml, Rf'eiii rlili.-r barl thal dnring Ibe receea, wbeB
tbe Cbancellor oftbe Exrheqner la rlding on bia blevcle
tomewbere nr otber |a lanrh] he khonld be made reapoa
Blblo for nn appointmenl which two membera of tba
Qovernment bad entirely ln tbelr ovn hand*. itnt tho
Uovernroeal nn n body ndi.pt.i tba aet, mni it I-. ,|i..r,>
rijrbt we aboul l di al wlth them In their oollectlva capa
eity. "Va. a inu. .tn:. i-' tlie Oovemment aa mucbai
yea like." aayi mv bonorable nml learaad friend,
ti,,' iiiDiubi i- ror Ricbmond, "bnt Ao not erenaeekto
4-i-it them wlth eeBflare." Wby .mtt "Becauae, bfl
ti il- ii-, ?? the Oovemmenl aetad b.-na tnlc, and tbe Lord
Cbancellor la a moat ezcellent man." lt hii*. been aald,
i i,i lieve, alaewberfl thal bfl wai Boexeelleul tbat Ium \ir
tnt'M wen inu..ii-, nnd bv u b.ukI" Vtce [a ltiiii_*lil, and liar
i,i- own part l aa. quitfl willlna io admit t'vit "even tm
railingalean to rtrtoe'a aJde." Hut Mtili tbey are full
inga.aad n la,ln my opinion,a graal faiiin*. tint be
ihould vlolat. tbe law of tbe country whleo it lathe
ehief iinrv of bii I'liiie to maintaiu. Tbe LonlCban
eellor, lt ia qulte olear, knew tbe un ini __ "t tbe aet,
and would bave gone on uftring ibe appointmcnt in
the Jinli'i.ii Cominlttea t'i otber Judgea bad ii nol
been f.-r the. interpoaltlon of tho 1'rniie Miniater.
Ai ia. Blr l>. Colller, 1 troal ba artll nol be rtleplaced
ou a.-.-. nnt of anvtblng which may happen here. If be
li. a.n, oiciv iu naitive on tbe aubjeet, l am ve" Borry for
lt, t. r n.a attack bai been made on hn character, nor ba*
b word l?eu aald to Impngn either hin latollecl or bii
character. llf baa, ln my optnlon, deaervedly
n-tiiined tn a liiyh Judleid poaition. My only
wiah i-. Ibal he inould have got tbere bj ?
..-i-i irbterpatb. Thal u Ii.im been otberwlae waa not, I
Ibluk, quitfl Mm fault. H? aeami to bave ofl. red blmaell
a- a \h i.m in tiut pi.ici.i repoaa wbieb, i hope, ln
nowenjoya I f.-t i. nt all eveuta, tbat nothlnjr la ao im?
portanl ln thia conntry aa tbat tbe Oorernmenl abouid
.,,-, |, faltk tt ith Parllament. [Hear, hear.] lala i- uoi b
qneation of an Attorney oou tructlnKaataiutej in-.i
ii i.r ;i t...v. i iiiiiii t deallna wlto it? iptrlt, and
nnv were bound lo aet with the ntmoel enaatlty of
honor with whleh no fault <? mid be found. i'an
Ibey belleve tbey havo "> aeted whea tbey lln.l
bii ii mi both Bidea ol tbe Houae, iu tbe Preafl, aad
tbrougbonl tbe country. ralilngan onanlntoiu i rv aoaiu il
tbem for violatlna n law which ther tbemaelvea have
i i ij,i ied1 [Hear.] We wbo take tbla view do -.< nol
'i.i, i i i we want to tii ]',..-?? Ibfl Ooveram nt, bul be?
cauae we wanl tai protei i tke law n_..nii-f tlu aatabllah
hm ni ,,r a pn oedeul which ii full ol evil. It la no m iti* i
ibat thw precedent may bave been iai h; men of hitrii
character. We all the more oa tbal accoiinl eall upou
tbell.rtiM ii> li '' r.i '.-(? nml expn leniuatlonof
a step wbieb mai [^ nrodnetlv* ol ?ucb daiurenmi re
-,i.i , and wbieb lt ia Impoaaiblfl i.a )uatify. [I beera.]
Mr. Oladfltona aald: Tbla qaeetloo bae non had a bia
. between tbree and four montha, aad it ramlnda
me very mncb of wbat oecurred ln Ireland a conalder
able t tm,- back. Tba Governmeni ?,f Oeorge I. Intro
.:.n i ,i inte In I md a naa coppei eoloage, nnd. r eireum
ataaoefl ,ii kmim reape* U qaefltlooable and diacredltable,
in.in r*\iitt made aae >.f bla anrlvaled powera
ttiroUKb iho Preaa to dlaeradil tbe eolnaao, u'"i
i.y a ayatem of aareaam, reaaon Ing Invectlve, and
cv.-n miarepreientlon wrougbl uj. tba popalar mind
toa atata of fury, ll- polnb .1 ..vt to bii conntry
ui'-a;, aamoag otin i taiiin.'-., b are ar,- told In tbe " Draplt r
1,,-ti'i -," tbat Mof)Wood'fl half pence aere only < qual to
, ii itlmate pence, He wrote letter after letter, and gol
full posiear lon of the Bold. After three of them tetfera
hnd appeared Bir t ibc Kewton, who wai al that time
m i-tii ,'f tke Mmt, laaaed a reporl on tbe eharaeter
:,..,! qnallty ol Ibe eolnaga* **:i*i ipiTfl iinth .i de
Mriptfoii ol tin. metal and the weighl of tb?
., iii.-ii had been >.-. I to Ireland, Bul it waa too
Iit. ; tbc public mind wn? p,-.-*".-i-.i l.v ihe witcbery
oi tbe exttaordiuarj i.lucttoni of Bwlfi, aud Ibe bar.,
dry, proaalc fitott. oven of aucb a man aa Bir I. Jfi
wero tol .iv. ? i'i the pui poae o
ihe people. We ii ne beard Mewton toalgbt, W?
bava beard to-nlgbt a man wbo, if it may b
Bald ..f any man, wonld b- admitted t.i itand ot
the head ol tbe nobln profeaslon to which be beloaifB, ln
wliee. luterrity and jndgmeal aveiyone plac i confl
deui i', ud ln- lia* Iold ua wmethlugof tlu true oharacb r
or tbe iranaoction whlehwean engagedindehutlnx.
T' ? apneal. I am plad to any. }?? * oot t*. an nnedu
,?,!....!,,] aa. Ited p..].iilm o, bnl Ihe Brltl -ti Douse ?.f Com
moni BBaeml led forajuilictal purpoae. The motion which
loi- i.riii bn.iiirhi forward by ibe bonorable member for
_ mth Lancasl dre li fl motion itricth penal. 1 appeal ta
the Houae, I appeal to him, I appeal to the rl>_'hr bonor?
able ir.-nti. -11,111. wbo baa Juat spoken a betber thia i- nol
Bjudielalqueatton, and whetber it l- dealrable timt it
ihould bava Imported Into tt topiea wbich ara perfeetly
irrelev mt.
My lir-I duty 1*> resp. rlftillv, tiut ttrinly, to pnt Mlda
tboaa allualoui and nilarepre*ientationa wbich the
Ki-hi Honorablfl gentleman biu Introdueed Into tbe dla
ruaalon on tbbtjniOclal qneation. Wbat, I ihould uu,- t<>
know, baa tb livlngof Eweline todo witb tha rondurt
oftbe Govi rnmcut in thin matter t [Cheera and counter
clieen.] wiiat fair and t ? i -= t tltle have yon,on a grave lanuc
r ilaed todetennlnfl whother the Oovemmenl imt.-.. bave
ind vlqlatetl tiit iplnl of uuaet of Parllament, to prejudlce
. oagalual liietn by drawlng Into tbe tflacufliloo
aflflertionfl of your own oplnloni wlth areepecl t'i other
mattera wbleb lt la abaolutely Impoaalble forui on tin.
i?, i-h.i t,< eiplaln. With regard to tbe liviutf of
L'.veliue, I ttm only i iv thta, tbal l th'nk the right bon?
orable ..-'iit! in ui and tboaa who acl with bim wonld
be actlng more falrly. lf they beUeve an aetof Parlla
in. ni iii- been viofated fn thit eaaa,tf thay wonld
iniihaa it tbe Miilaji-.It >.f u I'.rv.-t-ii.-ntiii.v diflCUl
lion, -i 111.? i!11 thoy do aM I will t'!l oiif to the
Hi>u*fl t'f Commona everv ayilable m to what I bare bad
to door aay <?n ibe annlect, aud I am eonfldentthe
Uouaeofl minonawlll dctermlne thal myconduetln
j -'itciut to thal UTttg it.--.rve-*. ik it eenaare, bnl ap
provaL But I olalm aothtaarm tbal polnt t..r mjraeifor
my right honorablfl fii**a,i tbe toet i?ry fortkoH?me
Department, to wbom alao anotber ..i tuoae Irrelevanl
reforencea baa beon made.exeepl thia, thal >ve ,i,, oot .i.k
you to adopt our oplnlona. au tbal weaabof yan lato
re?erve roarjadgmente, and nol to allow tbe qaeatloa el
tin- ei.ua.trii,?.'nui of un nel of i'n; 11 WMBl ii"av iind.-r our
conatderatlon to be pr.-jtuli.ed by tbe Introduetiofl ..f
mattera whicb have notbing wbataoerar to do wlth it.
Allow me to add that lt la aol my fault lf i rlve nnv
offense in tbo courae of tbe erplaaatloni aml defenae
wlfli h I ain abOUl t'i in ike. lf ln tbfl pOflltlOB ln whieh l
atand 11.. x the pattenee of booorablfl sentleBMB oppo
aitc I wili nt leaal endeavtw nol t.. u y tn, ir i. u.|?.tK .
I iind no fault wlth bonorable membera oppoalte, or
on thia alde of tae Houae, wbobareJalaed ln Mm. pro
p...-ai i-.c.-n-iire tbe Oovemment. Tbe teinptatii.u waa,
nerbapa, t.>" i_T.it, and ln aaylng thal I do not meaa to
iin.iiv iiiittiiin^ dlareapeetfnl. Tbey found the ridef
juatlce of Kagland--the Chtef-Juatlce tai tbe Qneea'a
n,mb (.iie,of "Cldaf-Jnatleeot Bnglaad") had written
a letter. II wan ton maek le eapeel thal tae taaa
if a party in Parllemeal aboala not hare bo
i,mii- liri-lt-tlble t. Inn they fmind IbflflBflelvefl
foriilivd by the opinion of ine i;iuef of tlm Com
iii*n Law Jndgea, wfio declared, la eenaortag tbe aetof
tlu-tii.toruuient, tliat he dnl mi lu acoordance witb tbe
.maiiliiioiiti opinion "f tbfl pioraaflioa. Whethor froiu i.
.Seiv-Yoik i.-porter or anv oui' i-l?e, I itm alwaya t_rl.nl to
reeelva fneodly asnoetulaUona. [Laughter andebaera.]
Thaaeeaaattlaaof my othet plaoe m.- m eon-taut eorre
ipoodeacc 4411I1 tha whoifl ..f 1 l?-r Ma)eaty'a aobJeeU.
nedaypaaaea wltboul Impoalag upou ate tha ftatyof
aaawerlug Utteri Ikom aoraoaa t.r> miii-blt-uimportunt'
tbaa tm- repreeaetaltrefl *>t tbe great Aaaai leaa joaraala
bill lhat laa v.-i-y amall matter. I n jri'i't I could not
oller . .ij.inliatii,:.- to tlie t llll I Juatl. t, wi.,,-,- tltle t,. .rl
tlrosa BM that l.-tler I could not admit. I re?{ri't
Im abouid huve found lt m-cenaary to reiacal llvo
lona-111 the ...iii-a- of thnt I'-tl. 1 wi.rdi 44I1I1 li u *.. n-i'
ot iiiiln lul duty had wtuuk from Ium, and u lii, li, from
that dlngular tai llitv of rcpetniou, appeared to uu- to
leaa iomc of tbeir Jmll.-lal vt.i^ht. (if tlie publlcatloii of
Ibal It-tlel I tb" Imi eoliipl.iln. A.- Ui.uiey ll h.ild to bllrn a
hola la tha peebat la aaaaa aaaaa, f. regarded tbat latter
ai eertaln to ?-in. w a hole In any wrlliuK denk lt ml^hi be
placed iu. 1 am uot ben- to accuao uiy aecuaeri; I aiu
lien-ailiiplv t'i nii.-iM-I tlie ae.'UiatioU., I ackuowh>.lK''
fully the elaliii ol tho Cliief-Juatice to Ih'.- e.ntlra- en-dit of
Ihe inaitlvea by wlib-h lia- aoeka tu Juatlfy bla cojuluai,
aud 1'io-aa 011 to tbo in.'ti'iii.
Hut lot me ?ay a fow luons wordi on tbe general aape. t
of tbe Hulijoct. NothluK l? more daiiKeroui, eapaelally
lo a popular trlbiuiul, tbuu thn praetlee >.f aeaamlng
tiiioh tt nat la ealled the apirit of arta of Pai llament, npoa
wlmt you rannot aiipport by well unab-ratoaad prlafllplofl aaf
leaal oonatrua tiou, upon an Bpaoadlffl to acls
of Purliamunt. ln order to meet your owu
vlewa and tiplnlovii- Juaatiee aeaaea to bave eer
taiiity when theae proceaatM are udoptou. InjUflUt
,,,,,. 1,01 1 bavi -'in' timea aeen, Mitiir..?i.iil to tbatHgl
,\i ,i,i'i, ,,..,. m h re ptwflloo h it rreefll acopi , that wh- r?
,?wlhBd projH.und .1 nuiKipulai 01. wbtjte II - >*
found vor* dlfflnull lo luuvlel them upou parlleiilai
propoalUwna, anthoriUaa 01 bodlaa hatu boaatoadyto
iar'Mhoiptrit of fhe ho?k li worthy of the itr'mjreit
.ii.-iiitnitioii." I tru-t thin Baaaa, whatever party
may iway Iti priu-i-edlngi., will never be druwii uh1.1i'
from tha itrnight road of luitlee Into tboM
^liTipory p.itlm. My hoi.oril.le friend thlnk.
wo intended well, bat have bara bd Uj a
inoment of w.-iikne-_ Into unwl.e meana. That
iHjiihi whal WB llilnk uf him. [A l.ui?l..l I know thn
goodi i -. of Ihe end li.? hai ln vlew, tii- ilneerity wlth
t'lini'lie inoke, and, wltli tha elmoat Idolati r he fei la
for ttie Jndl'iiil BeneB, he re/i-.m- Wlth B f.nor and
deptb whlcb reellybiM the Judletel tnith nnd imntyof
bla mlnd. leadlng htm lo u.e nrptiiueiits whleh lio would
not have naed bad nol hia fhellnga beaa ao deaply In?
volved. lint lt Ih not the cnii.iqi.ctic.> to Ihe Govern
ineiit that I eonilder. I have nev.r Mppooed tbal
ihe welfan <-f tha eoaatry wn. bound "b wlth
tha i-iiiiiiniied ezlatenee of nny Oorernmeat,aStll lo**
.luiillal I |u,-iiiu ? to HllV io of tlie (iiini nment wlth
wbieb I um Hpielallv coi.tiecled. Thut l_ eompanttvelv
a -'unii iiiatter. If than nre geathWMa who think
tliat |.ia-i> are < 1.1. i. ult tim.., und that lt la
ala'.ir.blo t-i i.v.ld tha political dl.-turliaiiee of a
crl-l- BTM ln the mlld nnd llmlt. d nenie wn
attaeh ta aaeh terma, l do i.ot i.r.... that. i nrga
very niu.-h hlKlur rrounda. Krouiidi that then- nre
prlnclpiet nf ronatructlon whleh oiurht to he adopted for
the Moaritv of all Intarpn tation of law, und thal if Par
ii. nu ent iiidtiiire ln liiiikinK Into law thon notloni whl.li
bam aboul and attaoh toflawi la tbe niiml-t <>f aartlcular
men, they do miineihlnir of more evil exampte t?. tho eon
.tn.-. of the Ooveriiini'iif of thit. ifr.at i-miritry than COUld
ariM from tbla appoiatmeat, if lt waaMebJacUeaabla m
t mi lUppOM it 10 Iie.
Ono wor.1 on llie elTeet of the niotlun npon . Ir. R. Col?
ller. I Monder how iiiimy gentlemen oiipo.lte havo
welghad thia. They an aolng to rota for thla motlon, of
eourae uiehii.K it to i>o earried, Buppoae it earried, wi.nt
l-a the jio-iiioii of 8ir lt. (.'..llier to-morrowl ("Oh,
oh." iiiiii " hear, li.-ai.") lt bai been inggeated thal
he woald be exaetir ln tha lam. poaition m now. lf
any gentleman holaa that opinion, he bolda It ln com?
mon wltb very few. My bonorable and learned friend
contemplatea bu ji.w-iii.Io realgnation. I know nnthin..
of that. imt l thlnk Blr B. Colller would feel tbat a ahade
re ted upon bla Indiclal fame. lt la Impoailble, ipeak
ing plalnly, to exemat the man who wja a pwtpber of
the Oovernment wmd thla t'ul VrT. naaaed?wno wai
tbe ii__'U_i'i-'r o. tin- Govefnmi -t.t reiponilble iu tbfl Houaa
for explaiolng lt- ebam ter. Rui tbla i-. nol an appeal on
bebalf of Hir Bobert Colller peraonally. lt hiiiiuiiim.iI
npona broadei ajround. What do yon lutend to be the re
l,it|on between the Leglalatun lo tlme to oome and tbe
judgea of tneland i At preaent you an itrietlj reatrelned
fiom iiiteiferciu'c exoepl Iii one uio-t wli mu (imi formal
ln.iiincr. Ymi ii ii not totamper wltb tbe ijifeit lon wbetber
tbe Judgea are on tbla or tbal partlculur aamllable. You
aie not ti liilliet, ti|io|i them il inilior piliii. hluciit. You
have never tbougbt it wlaetoglve oplnionelucritli lamor
In roprohatlou ortbeireonduct when ibej bare cautallv
gnneaatny. Oneeln my ilt*?Imii not Hay to wbleh
portion of tbe domlnlona >.f Her M.ije-i.v I refer- ll hM
io happened to me m a member of the Exeeutive Oov?
ernment to be ealied upon to oonalder tbe eonduct ofa
ludgewho bad moat raably and culpably reflected upon
tbe proeeedlngaof a Leglalature, aud had undoubtedly
expoMd i.lu.ieif to our nevere reproof. Bnl wbat
new .iid wn afterward take ?.f the matterI
We rame to the e.uu ln-imi thal. M the ml
wa- not nn n.t wlth reepeet to whl.h u would
ba rlgbl to mh Parllamenl to aiidr. -. tbe Crown
for bla removal, it was nol aa * t of wbleh boitile nottce
iliould ??? taken nt nll. Are imi prepared tO -laythat
i.-.i v, iii venture upon breaklng down tlu.t fence
whieh hv your own Wladom 11 M nnt bv any a-xtcrnal
power- preventi vou from Intermeddllng with th.
ehain. I. i of the |uiia_c. liy iikmii. "t rotmo whlcb. if
I may mj m, daw nol alm al their removal, imt
wblcb, nt the rame tlme, bara ;. certain tendency
to lower their charaeter and to Impalr tbeir cr.-.lit
and authority 1 l niuil my. I for one Hhonld be much
inn.rl nl if tlie IIoum nf Commona were to paaa a vote
with iuehatendencs aa thla. Tbe IIoum of L rd I
hope I mar My ao without tbe ellghteil breacb of Ibeir
orderi and great authority?have aet ue un example of
wladom. [La.iu.hter.] That Houm In wblcb ibe party
oppoilte counl ? a majority ol M [an Hon. Memlx r ~n\ -
7.. if you ni;.?baa decllned t" pam even bj a .Ingle vou e
jiidgtuenl agaln*! tin- appolntmeut, and I for one am
well i -onvilieeil tlie ll.l'l -l- "I I illll llio.aI Wlll I.fll-.- ti) Iilli
iiiiii tiu- Hii.u.-. (( ii'-ei.. and t ri.- i.f ?? I.n i.ii-!"]
After a torn worda frmn I."rd Elebo tbe Honae dlvtded.
The ii ii tii ln i . wen : I'nr the uiotion, 211 ; BgalUt .'. .
i ,, a majority for the Oovernment of 37 votee. The.
motlon being timi negatived the amendment of tiir
Boundell Palmer wm pnt aad agreed la
tiii: mimsti.v vntri aii v < i:\-i i.t.i..
TU Ltmtm Ttt", llndtp adead ef ftb, te.
A in::i.i,iiv of -'? Bffainal tbe reaolution i>ro
P'l-i-ii by Mr. ( ron, ceniurlnx the eonduct of tbe Q ?
im-ni in .ini"- ntlna B r Roberl Colller ai pald member of
tbe Jiniii ial ? ..inmitti.- of tbe Plivy Council, tuiitlei.-iitly
Indlcatea tha Jndgmenl of Ina Houm ol l
iii,.i,. oa the tnniMtlon. The ordlnary Mlnie
t.-- i.ii in. ii'i rll v Ii ? ."? :ii"..- verj diiTennt ir.-m i:. li
ore th..ii laa, and even now it wonld nol
fail beiow m upon anj i-.ue approvi d hy the i.mk of the
Liberal partv. Thi clrcumatancn oi tbe debate laal
i . .iii wi re all in favoi of an naequivocal iiiiimiili if the
Mii,i'ri-inatti-r of dlacuiilon bad admltted of if. The
Lorde bad ref uied I.idemntbe t.luel oftbe Mln
i-i iv. Our relationa wltb Amerb i are aneh m to lx-uri-f
a atrong feellng tbat notblug ibonld be done lo le.i
Ihe authority .-f Ihe Oovernment whieb ipeaki in
the name o_ tbe conntry. Bii Boundell Palmer led
for ibe defenae, and diiplaycd even more tban b ?
wonted i;,-.'ei. ii ity while - p aklna on bebalf ofa i-.
friend. li" wm aupportod i.v tie Lord Advocate ln a
. pe, i h whlcb deaerved n better rcceptlon tbaa lt ob
talti d, and Mr Oladatnne hlmaelf entered tbe ii-t- al
Ih. eiii-e, and ipoke witb mn bwarmth aud feellng <>u
bln own inii:.ii. Yet ull wm iii-i.tii. i. i't lo produce a
" lelllna. ' DiVI-loll. 'Tlie QoUM lif.i-i-'l, Bl I'teil one
li would, to mppon .Vr. i ,-'--. bul the uilv.r-c
in.ijoiity wm no mon tii... 17!
Tlll: MINT-liiV YIVD1. ATI I..
Prrm tr, /.-. .. /
Nothing eould be more complete ttim Si.*
lo'llltl' II I'lllll' l'i pl ioftll.lt tllei.HVllI.il ln l ll -i ruiui
.--!, nor au) tbiu r moi ? i onelu-it <? th
inode Jof upietting tue . hov > plcai derlved frotn th"
pra. tlce of the Bquity Coi rta ln tl . - .
?.. ira Me aei.. in like nianner be diapoaed of ilr.
i ? latiored allegatlon thal tbere had been a
of f.n'h toward Parllameut. Bbowlna I
? iiA'ii.-eiiu ni.-. bad i <?? ti i ii'.-i.-.i luto a hl. :. h id ii"t b< u
kept. and vindicating tbo bona ;ni< .4 ol the Oovei
be eomended wltb irrciiatiblc lorce thal then wen bo
!"T I ill-lll i-.
i m mi -i-iiTi w. ni ii ' -:: i \it.i v.
Trom Tht Lot ? -'".
Sir I...uud. II i'.iliui.r Iiim-. lf mlniil tbiil he
I-. i.i ei.-e fiom tin- (.'ui;i. r eaae being m.. lo Into a pro
nil. :.i. He would nol Uke to bave it done more than
onee,or"aver nnd orer ttgtAo" H" U onlyMtlafled
tint in thi-i niBiaui.e t.i. if la bo cauM for" Parlla
iiiiiitiry" cenaure. Bome otber admlaalona Sir Boundell
Palmer wm eompelled t.? make whleh leeaa
to ii. tii be rery damaging to hln oaae.
ll" eonfenea that it wonld imt be proper
to make a man ao imli.iti ludgefor tlu-purpo-e of tiliiiu
oue.if the -.at. iii tbe Judlelal Commltti.. Bul where i-i
tbe diitlnction between thli Imnropriety and the other l
ll.,u-..nn lt ln lawful to make a man an Engliekjudae,
i i.n to'imilifv iiim to i. no-.uin r ot tne Ji
Committee when lt i- nol lawiui to maba bim an [ndlan
iudge to t.i- . inu-1 mi t lf the i-ritei'ion >.f proprloty is
leaallty tbe oue would be m proper an appolataient m
tha otber. _
John Mdirs, tbe late Dnke o\' WelliBgtam'a
tavorite groom, ta dead. Be wm in tba lervlce ofthe
Data lic-.i I) toyeare, aud hia portrall li preaei red ln tha
wi il-iniiiwn pn ture of "The Laal Retura frotn Dutr,"
wbere be la repreaented ridlng Immedlatelj boblnduli
tnaMt.-r. It wm be who led the Duke'i bone, eanarlaoned
lu "trepplngaof woe," on the oeearion uf the publie
funerel oftbe greal aoldier lu.-t. Paul'a Cathednu?tba
in--t tonchlBg le.iture iu the whole proceaolon.
Bome _.'ii?aiion hu_ been caoaed iu England
by tha aaaoaaoemeat that a Boailan leeret looletj hM
pat a Boaaian to death In London, for offendlog agalaal
ii - laa i. T.n- linu to whleh ha bei
datc.l " l,.ui.imi," t.ut written In broken Rugllah, Inform
lug tbem ihal their traveler tv i- dead and ?url I aceohl
iii. tothe lawa and regulatloni ofthe aoctety. The Ura
pliiced tba matter in the band ? of tbe police, but nothing
li,, v.-t in. n beard eltber of tba trnvel i or i.:- lujrga ? ?.
The iiii-.-li._- man'i fatherwritca from Moiooa declaridg
that tben la atrong noaon to mppoM that bia mu haa
licen liiiinleieil ii- Htated.
The node ot voting propoeed by the Britiah
Ballot I.IU 1- tii tl . .Ic.-cril)i..'l in the MeOBd ClaBBB of that
neaaatai "In thaeaM of a potl at aael ietloa, tha ratM
HliaiHi" L-lven t.y i. iii.it. Tha ballet ofei .. i
,,i,-i-t of a papi i (in thi.. ad ealied a ? ballol paper*)
hIiowIiik the iiai.ie- and i'..-?.-riptinii of tbe aaii.lul.iti-.
ai th.- tini.- or rotlna it hIiuIi be uiarked al tbe i.a k aith
au ofliclal mark, and dellrered to ti." roterwlthia the
polUug itatlon; and thevoter, havlng aecreth marked
hn vote oa it. umi foldad II up io M to i ouei,., bla i ito,
ad.ajl plaea- it ln a elou.-d box, ln tha pn -a a. i- of tin
oflleer prr.-udiug nt tho poiliuK itatlon (in tbla act ealied
? the pri'-iiiuiK ottic.i'i. after havlng ihowatoblm Iho
otllclal mark Ht the baek."
Tlio Phria TcmjiH pnMiahefl n Imii; nm] elo?
.(ilt-iit lattar frmn the I'eie 11.^ ii' Int hc. iium ii forth bv
the fiu-t thnt th" elo(|uent QBIBMIIII had Ik'i n attai ln_1
by bla own brother, the AhM l..\.-ui. ono n.' Mie l'ro
fe?nonat the Porbouuc. Wia Byaotntha begliaiathla
liioiinifiil Itralu :
A droj. wai WBBttBf. t" my eup. and If 1. nnt tin- leaal
bltter. It uaa reeerred for me ta aea my ?.wu t.rotiur,
wlthmit nnv provocatlon Ofl nn pait, attMklng u.e
tiiiettiv aad ptii.llely. If he f.dt the needof -.-ptirailng.
ln? caii-c from mine, he would havo done ii, in . oletuuly
iidheriug tothe CoubcII wiih iim raat of the Borbonue.
ii,. baabaUeved hlawalt bouad to ?.. fnrther; iregmt it,
aud I pardiiu hlui, for I kno.v that he will niffer men
ttmii he iiierit... I wiii imt eater Into tiu* eontroveny
wbleh ho haa begun wlth me, nnd, baalahed benceforth
fiom tii.. iioiue.t., ln in th, when l am iwcome a domea
tie ki '.'. I ? "I inedltate iu my ezlla ou taa wordi of tlu
Maiter: "Think not that I uin come to aend? peaee on
carth : J enine not to _end .p'-.u i", but u iword ? ? ?
au.l a UiiiU'i foo . - hull bo they nf lli- ow ll hOititeholil."
Iu Um cuho of Ihi United Btatea Ateamer
Ifoutijo?lelnid by ThomiH Hern rn* the i.-adcr >.f thu
fa.llou ln opiMiMitlou to tho uiithorltiea of 1'oluiul.i-i ln
the locent revolutlonarv niovenieiit tn that Btate?tbe
Auierli-un . Ilni-ter ut Bogot.'i BBB reiu-w.-il iii. deuian.-l
for the proK-i utlon nnd puuiihuitnt of the cuptor of the
veaael. Betlor 7_ipHta, tbo Culoiublan Becretary <>f Korels'ii
Belatlou-, 1ms coinniiiiilcated tlietioteiiftheAiiierii-.nl
Minli|er to the fVMiBtaf/ nf fltaUi nf l*aaama. wbom he
ur^. d to lome deolalre itepi lu the mutter. Hofior Kapata
add?: "On aecoBBt of thi.i wntched iflhlr ofthe Moatilo,
Ihe fnlted Btatei (loverniuei.t ha. lafnaed, ui you hav^
niii-a.lv been adirjeed, i?.. oter Into an ai rmigemant witb
thi- Etepubltti, i.? had already iw u aunouneed. eonce iiii*
udi intag.ii .-..udlfioni tor the payment ofthe bal.ine<*
I'i'luullllliK fl.Uii the liiilemuitlfitti.nl allowed for lha rl J
of Panama. Ii noa pn *t.ioe u new rutiui for the unn of
|m, ?' i". ila m . ai i li-1 trlen inaod bj tbe afore d
oMitmo. ilu- ,, auuthi r i-oaaon wbj Ibe Ooverniaenl m
th i -? .t. ibonld 'iiian- ..?. p.ilniln order thal tbeauthon
of ila.it ..?; iom i-i tt,,.-. i hi-H ? ? ' ? 'iu< iii ?? ? t" tbe ? ountry
n,i ha...ii (on "'-I'. ihouldbeaiibmltti ? lo |udj>
in. ut m . ptic.my ai poaalble "
rm afrom cabb what kbzti
A ilci.iv of X) aaja ha>wing bten gianttsd la
tbe eaae of Sdward S. Stokea, Ibr lha pn iparattea af .
blllof .?x.'i'i.ib.ii-., hia eonaeel nre <i* liberallag on iba
eeaiaa t<> baaaraaad. Meaara. Orabam aaad m. Keea ara
di.ubifui wketbaa u. laaa adraataga ad tbaasaaptleoa
iiia.io on tbe iiiiii iif theebaUeagetotbaOraad lagaaal
upon nn appeal under Aa adventn llndiug ot u Jurv, or to
tako tbo caao ln IU preaent HtarnliiifC to tho (i'l.e.nl
'I'-rtn OB eerllornrl. It la claluud Bt tha I>m?rlet-Attor
aay*aeaaofl that the latter Braeaadhtg i? Inagnlaraad
cannot t.? uutalned. and tbat tlie exeeptiouB beretoforo
taken are ouly avallable after tlie innl of tba aaala i-sue,
lf ut ali. Btokea'a eoonael admll fhat tbera la a didlrult
.|ii*'-ti..n of law invi.lv. <i. and B_me doubt bae beea ez
I.resa<i*l .ih to thi' re*_rularity of J.nl??- l'..rd<>/<a'- nti..11 .11
penalttlng tba laaaaa already ralaed to baaaaaa njatt.-nt
of reeord. _
Tht iii'lion of William A. Wnmiwaril .1 j_r;iirie*t
Bara Oem II t uaa wt tttott .1 1 al ?. ipei 1 .i
t.rm of the Klngi < taii.ity baateaM Oaart, reatarday, ";i
a iiintinn of de.*adaat'a eoaaael toobaaga haa plaeeof
tnal. Ia laoaOoagraao paaaed aaaal ajvtag taeai haf t!.<
Statea put.lle laudfi ln the Weef, for thi' pui i-o.v, of . ttnb
lihhliiK Agrieultnral CoOrgea. In tooa, the Legtoletnre of
thi* Htate paaaed au aot I.y wbu b .tbey gave toComell
luivi-r-aiiy iho wholo of the niij. to whu-b New-Yotk
waaentitled.oneonditionthat BaraConiell ihould give
t.. thfl t'nivai-itv t-'W.tW). Tlil-t Mr. Comell .t ' I
afterward he bonabt oftbe Btato all tbe acrip, payiag t?r
lt 60 eenl- au aere, and also _ri. liltf bOttda tltit h
a.<-..uiit t*. the --tato for all tha- procoeda of the land. nnd
nll the proiif-. th.it he mlifiit realiae. In locatlnir tbeae
hiiid-Mr. 1'.rii.il .'DipliAt'l tlu-I'li.iiitltf, wbo D ????
rar&overwJ.Wo *? Tne plalntlffallegea that he
to looatetbe lamlflandpmcnreand eorrecl tha" patenta
f, 11 30centa an aere; that ho ent, ro.'. ln tbe lOoveroment
M Offlcfl land M-rip f.-r SlO.iim n.*n?. and dlmr-eA
4 si; foraervicesln aelllnatbe Inu.I. .uul ln biiylnu
ground ami water-powarat li.nuettPaliH, Wku, baclalmi
-1, , lal coroix naatlon. . _. , , _,_,
Mr. Comell, In biaanawer, n)\rgra tliat tlu* i>.:iint:fr
waa t'i adv.im c tiu- monaj blmaelf m.ary ln locailng
tbe 11 da, and wa. tn wall nntll the landa wero aold for
, mraement; he waa alao toeauae every quarter
h, ,11011 of landa t-a be peraonally ezaminod by corn
petenl in." nt.-, notlng the eharaeter and quallty 01 tae I d
ber and of the M.ii; 1 hat .Ii-I.ildaiit bad taa adv m e tbfl
money, and tbe land wm imt peraonally exarolned bv
Bfrentii ai agreed upon; the <iitr. renceln valneotthelandfl
loratedand thoao thal ihould hare boen aelected, lf tbe
iiu'ic. .iii-iit had li.eii f.iithiuiiy earrled out, ta W?'J,000:
tnal the defendanl hM auffered a loaa by Mr. Woodward a
aeta of 1260,000, for whioh amouiit Iie demanda ludgment.
Tbe motion la to ehange tbe plaeo of trial from Oraniro
County, whero Mr. woodward reakfa ?. to lOmpioni
County. Doclelun reaerred.
At ilu- examination, yeaterdaj, .before Com
i u (i-ii..tn,.'f J. il. Lawreace omi Ueyd Flelda,
revenue oOkeara, * barged with Icvjing blarkmall oa
Franeifl Ootabergi r, tba latter teetifled:
x .n.i b liiiu.ir dealer. al Ko. IM w. -t at.; Lawrraee and
FleldB toi l rn. that tbey bad authority lo uelte my atore,
and Flelda ahowed me a paper aigoed by Collector I>ag
K*-tt, dlrectlng bimtotaki w.salon nf il for yloia
tion ol tbe Intero tl Bevenuelawa; Flelda tben t--, k me
one fldn, and told me that I eould -rt:' tho anair, and
tbal I had better do aoj I t..1.1 Ium timt l bad no money
to settle it wlth, bnt I afterward oflered him | v Fl ???
after talklng with Lawrence, t'.M me to make
ii i-ioo, and .Laa rence Mld, "Yea, yon l.mi t? tter make K
itin-ii mve tbem .1 obeck for lico, payable to
bearer, ou tbe Irving National Bank: Iniadeil pa able
to boui arol Fleld'a auggeatlon: he then told me tliat Iie
had heen muI tomy itore to ?ee lf there wi
lor Mizina it, and that ha ahould report tbat thero rai
nu e.iii.-.-; after telllng me to my notbing about tli
inui-*.i. tion, i- iwrence uml Fielda went awai : there wa
mon. j in lhe bank to meet tl..' check, imt I atoppi i I
p ,' ni,: t; my itore ha-* been under Miiure for nut ?rit
ma up my goveramoat book.
tke (.iniiii-i.i refaeed to dtamlM tbeeomaUiak
aud the mM wafl adjoaraed Ull i p.m. to-day,
ln tlu* United Btatea Cirenil ('ourt. jrester
?lay, the < a-- of Geo. nTaabtagtoa Bowon, th.. u ..-*>.r.'.i
illegitimnte mh of Madam Jumel, ngt. Welaon ChaM ru
adjourni il ou ???? Muat .*f rtn- Btekneea ..f ii jaror, At* tbe
ptalntlff ta not wllllnff to co on witb il lurora, theca ?
will bo adjourned from day to day antll thajaror r.-cov
Iu tho ciie of Olirer P. Vuvy, who irai
coaflned ln Ludlow-at. Iall, aadi i an i rder .<f arreel r.
nulring bim to gtve #10,000 ball to awalt thfl laeua of a
trial lu whlcb lien}. II. Beaaon had sued him t.. recover
damnitefl for - ' ' -'"i "f the * "<?i j ir
of Common Pleaa fa ? i tuced tbe hail to *i."v, au.1
i'..|.'. hu* bei 0 r.ll'ilM ll.
.Juiiii Al-iyui- left at lii- death n will be
queathbsg tttjooo t" rhe Baeiety f"r rhe Belief of ladtgent
Aira-ai l'.in i..'-. and botk tke Aafloclatloa for Uu i: 'i.f
of Re?pectahle Aged Indleenl Femalea aml Bt. Luke'i
ii oia I i- ludijfeul Chri . i ? ? i lalnu d the i? -
i,n.-t. Tba eaa.. waa tried In the Buperior Court, and
jiidmueatwan alvenfor 8t. Luke'i n-ain.-. Itcameup
ii, the i*. in i.u i.'i-ui, ruaterdaj', ou appeal, !>>?> laloa re
aerved. _
At tho Tombs Polico Coart, yeaterday, .Justim
Ibt i ? 11 l ? ? ?
.li.*u?' M- ?-.. a .- ert
a:,|fm(j to bi* .iiajilo/ajr, iliTiii.iB W'.ieulitnd ui Ka "ti Be?l
?!? It
Tbe Kinga Connty Conrt of Over and Ta't-miner
I . I I ainf la'ra,: I ._.__?
IbmbiM: Matt!,-? f. B<l'i-. Korcmnn: J't'in II. Urnneit, l f.a-.i .4.
il I bertl .4'ritu 0irr<>, .laJr.'ir g, Btttwm. CkatUa W.
I ' i U. lllll, Iliai.l l(,.'..-rt?Ar . Ail.ort
.'l--<i, ?r 44 m I.. II ol, 11 r; . H >.- '.; ' ? ?". ? W ' .1 . rl
,- iii-;:,,, ltmm CfBflbflr, J .tm l*.
Worth. A\ ?? A r.. to i, ii '. / ? : ? M Bt
DEClSIOm?HABi ii ?
Siijnnm Cottrt?ChemhiTt.?By Jndge Hari'trt.?
- . S!u o vt:.;.?Ia.ucciiun dna..!reJ. witb _rl I
Huperior t; urt?Snfcinl Tirm.?By Jndge Sedgwick.
-i Iall
irrani-a). . [lllllll Tbl ten* U -rooi.?
J li' HMttr.
Uy Jaflfi Mi.n-'.l.?WtaAam a?t. TLe RiputUo Life luarui-i
Cun.r?B.'??O.'l. r .ri.-.^l
Common I'hm- Syarinl Tvin.?By Jndge T?nl)ltifion.
,,-1 llt. Filii*'^'. -v ? K*i|.ort et tetaetm coalirnwrt; djv, rr.
lintuf; l faraal ] I m tm <i,t.
- Uable to iuipr;i,v:a*.nlfornoa-ri7Ui?nt of iLter
' ***** -
rocBT caunoAia?Tau d.t.
BrPBBMB C i*,ar -1 iK.v n? i'lhrl ? Hmiirr J.?OptBflll 1 1 i. iu.
I.l i .- ?.-? T i.t hl. . ? ' ' ,u it ll.
!j ..Kaakfl .,_'? aarMwkfhafll l-'-'aJ Petkiailfl llirnanl.
rt il. Ub1..V?b tuteoei tgt, Jubt.ion,
9,1..0r:u* ,<'T ygl, V.nuout ( jr.
I.r.41' . .Sall.pann IU'1 maa. ?jt. UllO
M1..K.-' n. t_k O i.i ? iltaafl.
j .-. ItM .Mar-hiH i?t. TmmUt in,! in?.
1018. .MltckrllfltflL llt. Bflflfl, lioj..Urini ikt. iiiKim..) aual
i;il..Pn'tnm nut. Uti-cin.
. DoBB.lI nti- Siritl,.-i.
Plai II.?Bbabv. I.?Obcmat II .
IV Ma", __t .1 Uri"', M,er..f,4Vr. tWt.Jft-flttflt l , .t I'l.fi rtil.
i ...H | A -. il?.--r. | S0..1I.. N.t'l Bi. of Y. I tt,-.,
7 1.. 1-. .ti :i>.,ii._t. Ii o. I<t '1I-- l'tiitii \4.i-c
4 ,.'.. lln. wr.Bir ..?'.. BofflBt-fll I'tla.
gfll.AUwtM Jla.l LK (Jo, i?i. M..B?nkBiKt t-,:,'? r.'.
r?u. Am, Traadl 0a , 1T8..TU A'.'i--;c ilunutl Ini. Co.
. lertil ??t. QBCBtlD. ?'? I
34..Tl tai.Ca i?t , ssnj.Fnr,
\ . 3M..1V .,aa;a. vi s rioaalBMk
flCl.Il'-lir 't_,'i.'l lt<> MaH-hi.iiri'liid) ..f N.-.l-u.aih aet. M
l'rii,rr> ! .na ln- Ao. , 4'.("..Bi.ii'li:l _gt. Leaty iJuli^bl
lR?..??|lu|*a.t M. llt. I.' ? < 'a.
i rry l__t. K.H.i, Slia-riaT. 411..Rtal 10. gktOO,
_ I BMt.Hye| r'r. .ft. P'u?* k otb.-r..
I i, ia. i k>?t'ldD ,/o, J.?aiptm itt 11 .,. m ; Talcjalar calleJ al li la.
.,_?..., an. ,('ll! :_.... t, ti.u et ili?t. 11io?d.
RrBCUL Taaa?Babvabb, ' -Oi-Jiit i.'Ji.b..
Daa unra.
Scrantoi. CorRi-lRUL Tbaa?Taat I? Butwra, Ch. J -Op?M
?iii > '
iialnftigt. HoOnthil. llf ..Vlll* ?trt. Lailnii- ?o.| otbrra.
; ? . ulu.
Iiiiil. an.l i.tli-ra. At.nt *gr. litkrl anl ..tl,. ra.
rn..An.l*ivi a*xt. II..M.-II. . l:'31..Tr,.?nagt.O BtUi .MU'tf 1-.
lii}..Ko>fn:,l! ,gt. Tlir r:'.?-i IMI..Veiy tgt. Tbe M'r<>?ntiU
1! R IT.D?V',t'' u ?... ? I^.an M.I Wareh'ti-r I ...
IJf'l L- tj ?'ij utoiher agi. IJam- i:i:'<M an ,,.t. tgi. fnilic Mutail
ct al | lf Oa
157..II..Imc. *?! .1- igt Rolwrti. 113?~-.Hirriaoa ii... Voa*.
lJI5..CUinilwil..:? wt. Pn-aWn. 1 Ud..?; iilurjt ngt. \\ ftt Sbaro
ii-i.iaa.., 8 u. Ca
ra. U.?HeCen J ?np. oa ?. il ?. ?.
4 ra ???t- b
V.,mit?i I'i.bai-TaiaL laa-t -Paai l.-i. T.BilM, J.-Ojeoi at
II a. ui.
8im? ra>nJ.,r ?a ,r?l?.iar.
I'aHf ll?Taa llBtir. J.?tl.Hint Iia. re.
li:9..S.trii.i.t..nrift. R-th. 1 ll.. ...,l , rt ,,;.. (. rt*
?l .rr.-. 1.(1 Wolti.an. 1 i.t BullHin. .1 al. a_t. Tht Moo
IJ,,...KIrl atl. Anlbo-iT. i > ' -??? ""1 M 4 ...
n..ti. llt iWbHu. Il?l "...I llftBlflBJwi
IJlO..UtnDili(f. Solm.ti *al ? a?l. l'K-ia-*;.
Uu'..l!iir!i.riKl. Mea'r. |-B3..-UflBl *nL ll^kley nJ
13IS..W'i.r?BHit. A.linii t*thati.
1514..llai.iBi.iuliit V..nn#.
WiKi.-aa Coim-lRiii iKHi-fi'..- 1 '?? ' -a>n?itl0a. m
< alrualar callfl lt 10 ? '-.
T^..Ne.terwl S'rln r. |8ilhJ..UrriIkopf l|t- Ktrl,^
a/t Vt.it.r. iVteu agk IV.II.n.lg..
1llu..Uriuln,kr??t.Tb,l.r. H.--k i'i . . A.ron ??!. Kand.ai.
F B'u.ulll lt H i '?? |HHt-i..Motiwt. N. T .'.ntral asii
?^24..Tb?n.r?.a. irt. i:.?' ' ? I H.aJaoi "??'?>- "- ?'? , .
? i Btiaw artTaa Dar Waltaka J..M .aa ?<t. ih. Atue.
?Itii..' Mar?r wt- Ma'-om..!. f.ac tbaa Piateot'ttarf fru.ltj
l?.|.i..Ko.'hwV Ihl.. ..,? lodfliiuali.
ntll? Weltowt. i" ???? "l,n- ti-'i-'bkgi. Xrrmig
_a.i|i..r.?K wt. Airoo. III !.,.."! h.: K.-aMbaV
:.;*>. .lLAt. aft AaraflB |hi?..Wmu. aet. kahmm
PlBI II.-4'l4Tl.,J -<>lla,lltlJ? -I - > lt. B.lir M.laal It 10 1. ?.
_ |...?:, I, a.-t WV>..t.. Illl.ll.m.l.it. K..I..BMB.
b-.,. .Kt. Koeaarll. tHU. -hil-i kgi. lt??
. :,aal. M.xiu. ? J .tttjinact. II.
"._.,, aat CMatloj. ki^..K..U w<--?"?'?"?i; - ,.
II- ,agi Bl aotb. tlll..Waeokamabr w' l.?-rlat.
,, IWUafltWa. U -'? t\*_ *****_***_*?
;i**._U.m,?a i.t i, . , lllfl.Br. et*t:Wr.rtiBg.
_l31..La.|auani.t. KuUKbiM. !?lll. J-innjli Wt. Klrui.B.
V.p-..Umiri.tt. lla.o.. il',:.'..Muir_i.. wt- lailU,..
T**..Ukuu, Wl " 1.4..M. a Mi \l.'4 ali.ia.
mtlllll* **?"" ' k- rn^'., tgr. Hvttb
T*l-..l?ollau.l a. ( _i...ti?ii?i, UM .'?? latala a|t\ Cmkam.
W4..u_al .Kt. ..?:,.i I'.n i.i.v-t..ii... *. .r.. Utaewfrto.
gTaadB r ... K. a..... |iMa..aranflw?>aaw*._
IMT lain.tQi I'Tiarlr ?? n .? *g}. m-jr*?
???' i , < .. Ti... t
ii.'it.r ii;i.
il..ii ...
1" 7 .1 bia-eia!. */,r. 11 tt.
1 ? 1 . .
liJIJ.Iic-aeiUer ?^t. loiirfl rtal
;.1.|' .Al ll a,' Villtr.
?it i|l Mii-k.
II M, I r _fl fr. .,'
ntiA H.rJ.r aat (*tor.<k.
Hl 10. I.ll Mlll.au
Tabv lit.-SrAiu.ivi. J -' iriBiai i"-* ? CWaBaarflaBfllfll
?H.l...l>.!i.i_l I ? ? ! ';"""? **'-J"
?"? .. 1...1- ?_? I-a' ' ',', ''
1 i.n
I, .. I 4. , I
PBiraa atit., r>t.r?i,-r f\,-?- t. , ""*?
" ' l ttm wt. barfc tl,.., 2 l t .,""*"*
'?.mr'i, ,??.?>, ,, , - Le, Utttg^.
.M ***TtllU,H_ E_?'??irl|
*1 M'Mili.r i.a T '" ':?af |*,u
?".inw r iif imi ?:''*'?'? ?????'*** *i
W..TB, -V.""*. ^-V-a^'j^?
w ?":? ? ? ?>"?? at- ai..giaLi _,. __/_
ill FaaalW rtal aft M.ri,,. j ,y, _*? _, "^*
? JL^MiaiHfln ^-^la
136. Ba-iMdae. ?_.'M__..?t?< Sl., ''' ";.'',, ???,?' 'tfumekm
artflgaa. .?. .a.,,, Tw "* fXtxaZ _2H_H r?
.m**9 w]-*-**^*totmptmg_m
III .B< ??? tt ifi. barl Aala :,.?!,
iTorOaaaan Mr,< ,-?? "?'.-? t*...?*.. n
-V," ' ?? ^Ji7Z\***w
J.,1.1. I...... ',. "'**?? ."H.anaj.
Bl rKBM a . ,
Jl..Kb, o_.ii .ji. P|_ "???
' ???r.U
. " ::
l-r.'-l -?-...
?:. i ?
? m.
? a ?..i
J' ?*?' ": '* ? ? a-r-rrtU
'Ofll ILU. H
*??"'?? .? Hj-aaaL
. ,rt I ...
ii...*", I .
\ - -
Miili lor Karop* . a '. . ,-..*gu,
1 rtt. J
H R. .
? .
A P . ? ..
illi i:m.\, >:. ? ?
''''?'? ' .
li . ?
'... t ? ? ! in -?
[All l-tt*-r? depontcd ia.
:ar?. |
A I'i - '
Ma -'-.-. .. ? i- gavaaa ,.;-.-????
Cn Ifl rfflU ??? - i1. m
R...V | ? . ,
.?,*,- i. ?;
?? lr. Ml
t. n tl . .? !
I'lllE-l J ? ' "Il'-lA,.
? ? Jl I I. n.
,-.et 4[_.
?aaa, wil. ? a Bwwb, 1. Biaafcaa*, j. pdg
aixuTuaa aljm
BM r. ?'? - ? 11
h aa watbb ihi4 on-* .
ShuIt Bflflk.... i ? ?' a*l flmhm.m*A
. i iDAT-r i
H Cn- ttrry.. kt
PO'lT oY BW-TOtg .5ln.ll
'I.K VI! I l>
? , -j Ho'f lliia | l I fttm.tln
tbla Kr,n ?? '. BfBft, Poftlai
... ''-.- I. . ? ' ll
T rk k r?
I , ? |, PriDtl. IV.i.V 1
Kr ll-?uul- - ? '* n "->?
- - - Dlik
I , - ? i "a.
i;'-. i, ?
M ? .. ?*?
rara. K. !-? n
a! ':- ......
n ? .
.n, r. 1>. 11. PiMfl, Va.1 New liafB.
? nfcaa.
.wiil ml,.-. ,.i: (J- la _
,i ll-!>!*'? "'*?
.... a - . .?IUl"
rslUrStb, vla Uat ai M.r,.-li I, ?.* insii lu ilr . i-n-i ItaA
M.'inii.'iip I*''. ? .-.?laai.iw
taea. t . 'ii ' '?'? , _ . ? . -j_
,, Il.rkrtl, fh.ir|.|t. D. witl B_e. IMI?
toM. H. M .rjria fc Co. . .. ..
lt. ia Bliken m aorat.
, i.otb j?.n .-?_?--.
L'.-dilv I Weiniahip I .
SteMDUip Z-.'.i*''. I'Upin, Xewbero. >'. L\, 3 mn. ?ita OA.iiatfl
tv,,- ra. W^ilai.* I'J AI?r.aJna. arfl
ni.lw. io*l ;? H ??.? I. M v ? .
t r. a. ?> I - <
WeamalLp Beimm, Urar*. lltektO, w.iai Wmmt o\ I -?? ?? **
batim (Utn.). 1>?'tr.srl. Boflf K;-_* ????,?. ??*_***_. .
llr.?- W. ll. B-rkmof. ("f 8t ',.?-.- M>t">1"
alara, ari:t , ,,..,. IA
Sc-ra.Bapidin.TowBl?a.l; C.irtln. B
'-. fr-n ..... ,/ l,..r>. 1"". WetCMt. .1- I - ?
. aiiutu ?000 roll. *>l O'.uiuyl. _.. i ?-.
. rl. tuiffcirt. Bl Iflhiilf I ...a-**
. f Hirmirtoi!. Me.), iv ' ' '
?CBfl. ?ia??aiTKB 44ti rnaiTwiaa.
M H BBtflfl N.-"- Har-f TflTfflaia, PlfllifeflM,
N -r Y*- U Y: ?? ' ?? '
I'nnk Jan.-ian. !?',.. k'.io 1. .4 >:? 1
I ,, . J,l.a Bnaoka. Ni . II. 'i
31. J. M.i.! l:i.ii.ta''i. .1.-. y- ea. K,o l.a<a.:,>a
fhirle. Cot*. Bi l '? I***, BrwHfl~a
Hattie'M. IL* a l'r....: Me. I\ vlii BaewleB
lliiilaou, B< - I- Malal,ni?_liBflfc
IVISH?auaalowu, ligbt. W.: c'eir.
PoitTLASD Marrh fc?Arr 14 I HelWlMll !>_i_ir' in fra/41 U'tim
IV. W, aoit St. DiriJ. il-a. trM ,
Hoflioa,MartO4_?Arnred rteauubl ? Neptme acd M?j, tno.
V.,r.i Klir. Lurr ll.lm... fr,,i. I' .-- I s ^
l.Kwai,De:.. ilir.U fc faaal ia, illiartl| 1 ???<>. trouitof
BotktetM, Tfln Marrh 4.-The hirk Dorrt.-t-r. B."'"^1*!'!!
llll, blalliei-iil.:i4>?l.roi.u iut, + ?u.m.r
ltt,.5orf,>lkl..rrei.i!r,. I ,
.Naw-UaLEI.M. Jla.cb 4.--,..? ? L
r?ffc. AriavaJJJ, lttA.-sbioUe?. Wi-".'-'? ttott amT-Um.
Pl.TKorrH. Mar*-'. 4-1:^ Biaaflflr*AaMfl-M ?T'f!Kaa?_?
Ha'eb. fr?n. Ke.-I.rk Feb. A), tu, U.miru,, *M'*A ? tli. pWe
^aSrJS?.?^A^A-jl - - AJ***
Len tnm S.-?-UrUF^ IM ? e
PrK.W^WI - .oiiutkikbuW**
TlMiekn .''r.'!"..Hil.?i-i?"V '?
,,.r. li.01kvv.tr.-, ia the it-tui vt ta **** J?
blulololth^ niiarnlrj oftbe 4lb. ,.?a ----?
[Kor.;..tt4Mi< -SAip .Vm w >!>'?' /?'?^?! _
tXhaiicea for CnBinceo tiitv
fAiW? "l^x?
hu.inea. oir,rtu.Mt,-f?ra?.MHl Uwa.r. tv, \-ai
A. B.. -flalK.TribaaoOaei _ rviMMlV
1 lARflES wishinK to eatabjwh bl ^;r;/ ?
J. I I AC rOBIU it. ? tbr.4.1.1 ?V*,;.;.rr.1tS ? a-*1" ' Z
latr ob one of ib. niiio Ut.uk ina eoil n. ??T?- " 'l?ma ** " " ?
Yo*rk. MMO-N im tou or mor. '^.^yjn*i ,
lerot b? a.M.e-.iuf___Z " v. .-? at 1
?mU \ t ii MTtiT?aoroOO.--l'AK r-> ^eSaVi
9'ii),(M MI ,n * mw^kume a_5* -^^ &
?ne wi,,. aill take an ien,e pirt . i^.itat -"*"*'
.ir.aa P tt Hoi I Ol Bfl* 'or> ' >'? __-_-_a-a?^g
(foporii?r8hi|? X-tlcrt
Dissnl.l Hi?N.-Thc ^2KrJ-? ?S
for.e-li.U.BUdaw tb. lr. ??? '
. ... i. iu. .li, Aimtatmmi b, Mtaal eaottai. *? , ^;u. ?, ua
ttriac. CHAB K BM*?? ai*flABrl.O. HAVTBi ^i
of tli I.u. dno. ..ISIAVK A .1 tllf. t HA
IIAk'TKK.-H.?Btkl W. 1.. Il.rtbt !"?-? _^^mommm*_**Z
c 1 /m u jan S^JSBSH- "S
k> l.BJ aui BLANlB.ll'KMANlKAa l ?'. ;#a_^___
BI.A M BDOK1 ntial. to .a* pm?i (
BI.AAfcBOOK1 ntiiatoiBTpii.."- KsTTtOB-* ?'
WM- KVKKI.EU/' **%}_\jjfff****
1 h fciTHOOBAfBIO, nitiAS* Jo? eaiitia
U ISl'KAfirKliKl
S??e .. ..1-eri.BO.of -ot. %tf**~? RGba! H>_?.
aaal bul onla of r-wpeolibl. btmmk ^ nJ,fg. Ja, fa* ^t^
roBiifnojJo tb.? 'or n> _ -P*rv.
li .,,nt.>,-a-tt*t.a'? Bo?i>. "'"""^ _*_**>**.
?hiK^ b. i.UreiuW K 1 tAa..*WWAaW*?J_Zt*9Sl
tAnV BAl 1 lliKM'- l'All:Sr.Vf,,'.t'^T-';
1' i::,v!;;;r,;^^.^7^-^'