Newspaper Page Text
G?? yo... XXXI.W* 9,647. NEW-YORK. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 0, 1872.-TRIPLE SHEET PRICE FOUR CENTK rORKION NEWS. nulles. ?raumTtoN OF M. rUVIEt-flllRlllB ?OKA P4KTI-T sfntimfnt* in the AHMT?A* DNDEMTANDIMti *ITH OltEAT BUTAI? ?K fll;um. TUE ( UMMEKCIAL TREATIES 1M rKiiUAUi K. j ^ is XHe^fty, March 6.1872. ?IV <Mit>?r;?tionti <?f the Cabinet last < vouiiig JL lUe ci.?", t o? Mk IviiverQuertier, Minister of '?,?,:, iinllMTfil-T' a very late hour, aud the IfuUrf t!.. JIU?Mll?r~l I? the withdrawal of the of IZjiog m- ait? r from the Minister. M. I'ouyer-Quertler ?Tv L M i kti imMftlaa to his tonBMMgr Pr?? yrnt Tt'i',r'- nrompanicd with a statement cxplslnine ?? ", (j 1UK la favor of M. La Molt* before u> Orurt ?I mm ?H (. ? ,. .' .'?..irtinf will tomorrow announce the I_lu1 rTdfc-onticnol M. F.myir (}mrtier, taA the ap ???Bl?.i-i.t .d M. Goulard, the jWIMl M1li?W <?' ?** ?!|gl | ,. Mkfc? ?MMMOTflilaarriw Ht?t. ?-?rteil trt:it two r. cnm'Dt? of the line which l?T0 ifcowfl* have becu n uiove.l fren, (ti* rttJTi Y^. Mi"i-trr of Fniinee, to d.iv, sU-ned iV.ifts Wf fjKWf''11. I? part payment of the anticipatory lu-Uil ?gtatof the wai tii.lrniiiity to Germany. Tue O?lHXt of the Assrmnly hfive reported in tgm , g the eV of M. Ronhor to the ajaral v. ?.ml roaoarinjl the conduct of the local au ??or?!? of hi- distrh t. The Dota de Hr.'U'lle. French F.moa?sr?dor at Eondon. avrtiftf!! rd the Mim-?crof Forrlcn Affair? that there l? ?nie In ?!??? if Hii aatllllfafllllg. WH? the British Govcin ^rnt m re card to tbe conmierrial treaty between France UKl I.: -land. M (,-e. y ba? t*cn rejected President of the Asscumly by ?d- ? r- ?!>? '1 in 0' rity. Tti-l'tl. i;>st..nt is appointed for the Ion* ej.j??i ted d< hat. on the Catholic petitions. Tie BaAfM Coiiiriiittee to dar, unable to nsvee with tfcf'-tir of War, reiiue?to4 the attendance of ftaaV Isat Ti.> ir?. The l're-ldent, on appearing before the flmmuttec, complained ?I Its inactivity, ?kiek h "?'"' ?kallftiat d I he Government, and he declared his inten? tai of Mincing the matter directly before the Assembly. ? ayo man ml i*? in prognes for the organization of a itWconservative p.irt\, the main OkjM t of which will ketli ':i>*riitio!i ol French teintny limn t.-rmtii 0 rup Hi ? and the formation nf ? UM0Uf pledged Umk 10. uil i<ui.-!iti?t,oii.i! aaMtlOM t" oe pMtp*Md un? til II.?', t Ml II u. eo?ipli.-;.. il. GliKA'J JJH1TAI.V. TUE ,'AMT? OF LADY MOUDAVHT??TKAMKH OVKKM F?J(?IIN BRI'tllT <'N IHK WANT OF ECONOMY IN THE CioVHtVMKM?Uli: EIH - CATION HILL IN THE BOUSB OF COMMOXS. LliNIiOl?, Tiiemliir, Haifa i, T-72 The rl.iiniant in the TpettofM CAM lia* lammen?! a me< ting of hi? friend*. Ctr Chirle? Mordaunt bMafptttd foi the appointment ef ? ?edic.ll practitioner to exmumc into the sunny af Udy Mord.iunt. Lieut. Fk lerick Oraut of the United HMN Vrrny, m of rn^h'.ei.t Oiaut, I* now in tbic fity. Ve-teiday Vtai'li a v;-.t to boik BOHOM of r.uliatnrnt. tkTnmnn pfeamnhlp t'ity of WaoafeVrtoa. which left *?-Ycik on the 17th of February for Liverpool, ha? not j? arrived at her destination, and some anxiety in felt km ?orne BOeMtoal may ha've befallen her. John Brtubt ha* written a letter to the Antl Income fti Awociotion, declarinir that only in a induction of latiiovrrumetitexpendltureft can he s^e a chunee forthe ?athtuni of the odious tax. Pe despair* of the creation ataftal economical party, and advises the withholding tfeonfldruce from a Government which cannot goren ntbout taking ?70,oou,ooo annually from the nation's in Ontry. In tb* House of Commons, to ninht. there m .i-a l.-nc Oftiateionthe r< solution introduced l>y Mr. Muntz to n in. dy the <i. f< > ti- in the education law. Mi. Forster kff. rrsd an amendment to the effei t that the law luid not yet bad ft fair trial. Tin amendment was adopted l>.\ a ?nU of rot Mr HI.-tinertassetf. the new mendier from Ken v, in tmdneed a 1,111 providing for the puili.'-i hj IkeUOl ?nui.tnl ot the railway s in Ireland. AUSTRIA. TTTf OOHrtTLIOBI XLECnOM nil I IDOTTED l:\ TtiK i ma nouai o? tuk. rek bsrath. Vnonu. Taetday, .March s, ist?. Tf <? ?ppcf Houm o? thr Reiehsrath dm ft*-. | Uh Compn'.sory EUction tall previoa.-ly adopt! i k* H i Lower Homo. It ha* tieen ase. rtnlnid from an offieifil source that Austria has male DO cjt r of M a-\ linu to the I'ojK-. and Ui.t the f loll f :.t His HotflMM late ml- to lia m Koine are diacred;!'-d here. ITALY. OOtPIAl I FI.ATION? WITH OEBMANY. ROM*. ToOOtfaj. Man b 5, 1872. It i? naid Piinri' Frederick Charles of Prnasii, *ku? in this ? ,t\ ?? ii 'M'y, on his way to Eg> pf, du laied Ullif F?ame made an attack u]khi Italy, the latter ?Miitiv ? i? d'fi luit d tiy Oonaaoy. SWITZERLAND. ?CVmOM <'J THE FF.DERAE OOHtTITVTIOM. Jil.KNE, Tuesday, Matok 5, ]X72. Tl.f rerkkn O? the Federal Constitution DM k??n completed Py the ceiitrali/.atton of the eniiiiiion ?ad irimiual law syitemsnf the country, which, having ?lr?-*?ly tieen|adopted hy the National < onneil, wh> fOI VrOay approved \>y the Wate (.muni. The ?MafOB? of both I'vuueiN have ln-cii prorogued. INDIA. ?JMOWNM "f TMI NiiliTIIF.IlN IHIWIONO rlHKF?. I *ii t'TTA,Tne?<ii.T, March ft, \r:i Ghi. BfOWBlo? leltpBfhf^ under date of ?? T?tbult., that the nnrthern (Ilowlon? chiefs, bave. ?JfcBiitted, brtafkfti peace offerings and hindinir them a>l?e? to peace xwth the usual oaths and cert momee ; ?a* ah tae i ?pines have been rwovered. POLITICAL PARTIES LN PRUSSIA TRI OrPOaTTIOM TO i'HI.Ni K BjajfAtCK?THE OOtURTATTTB ANO CATHOUGI OOMJUXI AOAINst HIM?THE BILE FOK PLACUffl THF. * H ? OU I RDBI OCiVEHNMENI M 1 FUINTFN MMB, ?**0,B T''K UU,\ UBCOBtaWOOni OP THF. THIBFXP. 1 Beaiis, Fell. lf,._priuce Hiatnarek, in dati *" ?f being thrown ont of office?^that waa the news ?tart, set Biilin a-tir in the Itajtaalag of the week. ??akMaf last the hill concerning tbe superintend ?? ?I Bcbools had pasieii the flrat rtiniin?r. there iielnj y Utajurity of j6 m it.? favor in a full House. Ttie ?"?"ty <?f i;i formed a motley crew. It consisted of *T ***** "Id ' unsei-vative paitv, more than a hnu *?_"*roLg, of the L'ltraiuoutaue party, and of the ??** a* The Frua-lau (onservattves and f?tei ti, ?i,e MUie ramp is a comlnnatlou ?ftw*? ?** w,,1'l(l bav'4 ?n?icii?ated. That either ???eaaaiK aaaia the help of tbe clergy at elections 'CatkJm?*rV;i,'W'" "f 'tie ,'rot,'?t*ut' ,u? Poles of the !?T**t,t *j?atF. ? xplalus it And there can lie no doubt C2! lr"""f,'f "f "J* tmpmtmttm??mm of achooii from ?2_?** ,(> ,M*' MJ>'. I" tbe Vwuk nm wUl strike _iyr_atalnVi., > mflucm-e. The bill, as I have ex JJ****bia pee?iuiis letter, vesU tV appointioeot of ^??TOteudi iiu of ifaools exoluaivoly In the Govern JT^**4 pat. i?a tu? to tbe lliltherto legal awendeiicy ta._^"?rKyi"*1' ??*? tfce schooliuasrt'-r It Ulierat.s w "l???tnia?ter from dolag the tilddlag? of the re. tor ?^ *"r**h" riM' Ooveuaiuent did ?ot xueau to r?v '? rkr^Tiiva fron the ?jffler ut anjierltteiig had the intent Km taud have it at ill? to appoint rtnau who kltberU tilled tbe oflleA. The> ^???Me tin? p.,wer to p*t a stop ta tbe agttafJon ^j^My tbe ( atho?le tlvricy ajfainst tl?e unl?eoUou or ?y^ ****>? ? F-roU-Unt 4.overmiH ul. Km tbe a^rM,'"tr*fv "uwlllMutt* fk?rt with aa aMthorlty ^^?OM eajoyr d from tbe dayi rt the Kef??iuiat?>i|, ??oowisu? w?th Uselr CkMallt hrethriii. and t%^"'*m*-t?rtitkinaaaTa?IMt tbr Mil ; and tUe Con, tvft'i|T*P*rty'0>>"<t'> r"turata> Wl,1< HH ?ssisU?ce of ^T*"? ?,JU??|u4y,rdl?if|y. aw? ?J**t4>u,i reading af tbe hill the majority bad ?"?Me*!. BUmari k hud used every m au. ut his t)^' '**' ''*d "uoe^aili <1 in ludiuin^r a soi k 11 hunt of ??aim* ' to *1,,'t' "?">*:' Vf t-1"*^ "' ?? lueimiiigles,. kan. hJa^ *'J"', tl" ?1U,?',*? "??inberi of the laiierul aiW- ,U "** " so?M?oa?d by to? tolegrapb. The ? tat oecaaMti of t*e nooo4 rca?ag ?rovoU that the Chancellor ?f Ms? Empire MMMatMi BtBBBMl Iiin loruicr BBBlttaal associate? iv? well an air some members of the Court be could not um, i latter he attacked in the person of the lato Hntiovi Minister. Windhorst, who kM laaTBkalMd tho tr.ncd attack on tho kill with aliilitv ?hrt wdtiess for wlii? li this private political agen tlic Uto DM "' Hanover It known. It la 110 ;-<?< ni that the moat eminent Indie? of the Court, tlic Km] 1n purticiilar, utul tlu> Crown Princess Vlctoila, tun, lutter cneinic.i of the Chancellor, aud have not MM kfl so, although they always pitifoHscd to Hympal with tlic Liberal* niul although, In the present cot m i-y, BlMMMi uns now ranged himself on tbc Lili Kt.lf. It is further known that the Kiuprcs* hau rece a Catholic deputation NMMtMMf with her ag?i the enmity to whirh the Catholic Church, ustliey teiiil, la cxiHised on BMaMMk'a part, arel that the tlclimn. win a?-t. il M UM ?cd'lcr .?ml ?pokesman of deputation, whs a \\cl.*?nowii li:st;uuicnt lu tho kl of tliat shrewd oU man. Herr Windhorst. It ha* I wise not escaped attention that tho Court, a? far a* OOMpOMd of k'?? euchllc*. for weeks had ] a v? i y unwonted attention to tho BBMnbcraef the ( Rer\ mire, of the Komnn, am ven of tho Polish pari .'.-far,s tho Crow u l'rimess v/ictoriu I? MM6JM oiuht not to be forgotten that tho dethroueii Kin Huiiom r i? her cousin, ami so it ought not to he o looked that the reiiiiival of not MM than four r< igt <l> inistie? from tlnlr thioiio?.'tor which, after all, m,ink alone H MMMMlkkl tthougb 11 tuay have creased the power and prestige of n fifth, namely, 1 of H?hthzolicm) 111 tho eye? of ev. ry adher. nt ul h ditary monarchy, and, of I oiirse, Htnl more in i r i ? - aj , nil meuilxTt of reigning lawitlkM. M un unpaidoii; cri mo. Hut it now MM become apparent that, after all, in ?] of Conn intrigue?, nuil la iptte of the powerful par inentary opposition of hi.' OWB former political tnoi hy which lli?uiurk|found klnMBll met at hi? tlri-t dote: iaed attempt to throw oflflbe >oko of Con?oi vative ditions aud to put hiuiMll . pculy at the of Liberal party iu the country ,lie?kopt kM BBBt iiruily, i hi- iisccudcucv oyci tho uuud of the old Empt-mr is si in nth treat to allow him to laugh to scorn any attei M oicitUro-v him. The test of tin- itltingth Ot poalthwi will soon he mude. The Cou.-ervat party ?'<?? aaaHaaa?af an overwhelming ui.yoi in the li. rnabaoa, tin app?t kraaakaf taaPraaataa L ishituro. The hill which now has paused tie? llouw Deputies at kaatwttkadaaaal majority, will ratjM taiiily tie thrown out by the Hi m nhun-, or at least amended m to render it r.ugator). Ui-manl.. iu I courue of the 'dlSCBaBBM ui Iho ol III putics, I tu t he-it.ited to declare that iu such a ?use Um ??um DM nt would not slirinK to NWTt to whatever OTBBdk WM left to ll.eiii to have the hiil cairied. That is ?..>. he has threatened to employ the coio-titiitioi power ot the (|(i\\ ii to nominate luomhcisof (be I'pi Roaaa to a aaaVieal exteat for tttaH'Tklnn Liberal atajoritj la turn House, jkaakl he ka Bbto la that it ?ill he evidence that the Ilobeuznllcru dyuat have ceased to give to cotibtituliomil Covcrumi nt lacrelj reluctaat aaamt. They then will have thrown He ir fate lnvvocalily |with that of the party In Euro devoted to the cause of political Bad religious lihe.II I will not omit to n antion, that, on the evaabmS of t day on which the fioul btiugglo had taken plate in t Iloiisi- of deputies, Blaaiatek made hin uppetir.iiu'c the Court hull, which klmt of fesliMiies h,. kM avoid fora loug time, lending, not hi? wife, hut M? \iuii daughter. At tin? hull, the Crown I'lince Freden William hud taken the plan of hi? father, v ho i? sutli lag from a cold, and acted a? hogt. VMM the inouu that Bismarck eiiteied the, hills, the Crown MaM ma it hi? InusiucRs to ?how to evei>ti,nly that he wa? not i laeaat d bj the antipathies of hi? v. ,fo, and a protr.u-ti conveiisatiou hetwoeu the ,twa men i eald ba Bbaarv? darkaj which their countei)unes mttt Baa?atakeak cjpri ?sive of au larm -t < ordialitv. The panic cnilcd forth in Sarape k| the new nad une pactad turn of the Alahama ililt'i renci, has not faihd visit llerliD, and tin? liay ? week agVi the i;xchain ottered the most rjitnioidlnary si?cctHele. Kvery kli of stock waa offered for [?ale, and nothinir \mis boagl The prices at wkich the same kind ofj stock wa? olh n showed dltfcrenccs of 5 per cent at the same momeii and m close proximity amid the ifaiBM imwil, who we inishiutteach other al>out al Ike Kliekaaae. But tl paule \ i ry soon suhsiilcd. und ut the liecinmn?; of tl presint week the varion? <|iisi lijitions oi stock kraapj all their former price?. The lielief hud htome nem-r that, though it might not be poatlbM ?? et?ect an agM ment ketwat ii Aiuerii a ami i.uat Hiilain which won i nuMo the arbitrators to ptacead with their work, wn at all ?\ents, would not M recalled to in the tv occiiiic ptiwer?. A rumor ?kick WM curicht for a dl or two that the Cern?an OOT? niineiit bad offered it? iu i.?at mu, found but little credence. The foina r refusal i (ire at Britain to ?uc ipt i be Kwperor of i .crmany, \vli.< America had proposed M arbitrator. kM Mil a slim.' i the le art of tin-?icrimiii Cov.rninciit. which \erv nut must precia itismari k [roa adriaiwj tbc ?Mpen tO Oil. I his ll|Cl tccl Hetl HIS. THE NEW DOMINION. nova MdiiA i i i.i-i.v ii\r. OOUXCIL. Halifax, March ~> ? In tlit; LrgiriitiTa ('<>iu ell, today, the Hon. Mi. FraMi pcaaaatadai*>pjtt dinpatek from the Hon. foMpk Howe, datad .lau. tt, asi in? the return of the names oi Ameiteas oltiaeaa anaaat or imprisoned for partlrip:itltig in the Kentuti mnvcnict tor tlic last ten year?, aud ulso tin- names of those r leitwHl. The Lietiteiiant-Oovernor has replied that thei wen- none ?o far as could be aaaartafcaad. ixQtmnr ooucnxao tot dxttt on ajcbsic? I.I MliKR. St. Jons, N. B., Murch 5.?In the Legisla titre to-day, the I'ioviucial Sei rctary, In rcjily to an li <|iiiry,said tiiat the clause in the Wai-hlni?ton Treat lelatlnir to the ahandonment by New-Brunswick of th exim? t duty ou American lumber exported by way < th. st. Joli u Hiver, was under the consideration of tb local and Dominion Government, but that mi actio v..mid lie taken until the result of the Treaty bee am known. \hitr otkrr Fortt?n Vat'trt, if* Sron? and Thiid i'ag'?.\ TBM lUlLAbELVHlA FiMB. lll'KMKt. OK JAYNK's HI1I.1HNO?TI1K OUIGI1 AM? PaKMMUm OF IHK FIKK. PHU.AHti.i'HiA, March 5.?Jayne's iniildini on Che?ttiut-?t., which was destroyed by tire on Moada niKht, ?as u massive graulte structure of MTM stone. geuerally con?l<ler?'d fire-proof. Th? erection of th bulMlug wa* begun In 1849 and completed in 1S31. Th front on Chestnnt-st., was t? feet aud the depth IM feel It Mat 1300,000 aud could not now be rebuilt for lesa thai IKOO.000. The ore was discovered about 0 o'clock by a ui^hl watchman who slept on the fourth floor, in the rear, uu< ?who was awakened by tbe flames bursting up through i hatchway from the room beneath. He made hi.? way t the lower atory, but did not reach the street until th alarm hail tn-en given by a polietwofllcer, who had dir covered the fire from the alley behind the building. Thi flames spread rapidly, until at 11 tbe entire re? part of tne structure rpll. followed aKnost liumedtatelj b> the roof and cupola. Cp to that time it wa? bopei that the front portion of the building could lie saved but, soon after, the flames made their appearance at tb? sixth story window? on the Chestnut st. side. Thn effort, of the firemen wore powerless to prevent the attei destruction of ti?e entire building. At ISO the roof fell und with it floor after floor in rapid succession, until tin mass of iron-girder? and run. - reacrtoit the basement. Th? baUdiag '? luumt for aW.OUU m ib* fullnwing ronpanirt fr.. il.- aiO.uOQ; Mhtui Ar.uriiiir ?'->?*>. LlTerponl. soi Olnbr. ah'.OOUi Hu}*?. a?f?.?W, Ouiu-rrUi talos ?t Lomlaa, * KKXi ' Hof/msa of KawT?rk, aj,'S/'<? BrevtM' aus *-'tn?t. of >.? tuik a??""" toui.aeoooo. i Ta? maarii." os the ?tu- I nf Dr fi*-ij Ja;sa II Ce. anosata h till *n. t. r.lluwf Oeraaa, Phlladalphia Bt,M(i; JftVruo. PhllarIrSpti?, *>.*.n<IO, Ptuic ' rbUaJflpL^. *.\<rf?>. ?priue UanJfii fnii?<i?lpb.a, aMMf; fias. Hart I fard. it.OOu-, PliiMli Haitford. 0iH??; llartlurd, Hanfunt. as,l?<0 ' II??? N?? tort. alU.WSI; lilrni'mii Nsa-Yark. as.?"1. l't.iM'.i V?w-Y?rk, a M??' CilUcsa , K. Y . |)TjBB)j CoInaiMa, N. Y., ??.:?J I A'aaianair Basfur, al^Wi; Ooavrrcial ('moa. Luailoa. B*.*^ , Vomi. Ixibdni. .'? isX., Sortk Bril.?!. I.i.i.itua. ai.'i.ti'sJ: MpnL?trld M?. ??.MKI; Paoub-a Masa.. *2 *? . Ai,.:,a, Hnrtnaati, BIO 000. Awtiwi Jrno (ht, ?Mrs?' Ht*i ?*, Trot., *i.W0, La?.aattr Pea?. a?J00; UUl aii<.Mu ! TV fauiBiBH ioaa#a ?<v? aa followa- Wsrurtf L <Vi , a.<t.M'i. la i tartar.- ?tt.W); i H Caroeattr. BliOlU, litairaat? ? 10,000; A. A. ' Butitr. ??( Coll* dnrnuio'd. itauraurs a?"""" U. O. N. .iuu, litar ?t.rr *3 .i?, kllti-o.1, Miaut?? k ?. n. *:-i,'m0, l.illr luaortU; Ltali Bro?.. ti'ttii iltauKr, ittuttr? t>W0,?nu? L. Wharooa k (o , aiu.OUU, kMtBBM *?S,?xT ^ THE IMoX l'AtlUt RAII.ItOAI) AOAIN OPEN. Omaha, Nab., March A.?The Union Puciflo trains from the W.-st, dite at (be venue Saturday noon, arrivwl therr tin- eveniotT. Hunday'a and Mouday'a ; trains are e\pe,|.-,T th-ie fo-nigbt The road U BOW laparb d ?Mar, ami the wVather 1? wajm. THE NEV. JEitHEY METHA)I)IM'l COXPERENCK. TtUUtTUVi Murch !i.?T?u> MfthtM?iMt Coiifir I closed to-day. 'Irulees of I'ruiiilngU? ?ail Vine laut M. loliinries wrn- i I. clcl. VhtT* Hev?. Hutiier, Il.i?. by. Van Bant, Franklin, nul Tollte were elected blew aro?, i he Eroedmeo a Aid Btwiul/ ?uM?e a ravart ?kiak represented that 3.1100,000 of colored people depended on tin- Methodist Church. .Mm Wilson. B. G. BtOVOBOOB, H. Collins, K. F. Bishop. Jo wpB G. K?od, and Wm. C. Kfrlek land wen ndiuitted ou trial. The resolutions to raise f/.'O.noo fiT Vl.ieland Heiiilnary were adopted. After eev eral other reports, the appointments were read, and the Conference adjourned tint dit. KICllMMBJfT Of MISSOURI, Al EEGF.D ITtAVntLENT ISSTJF. OF BOUDA ?-'T. Loi is, Miirih 4.?An allopod caso of fraud und theft, In ooiineetiou with the issue of county bonds, ha? been in the hands of the police since .-'atur du>, tmt not much wns known until late to-night. It ap IK-ari ?hat in lsfi7 Cass County, Mo., voted to issue ?1(10,00(1 ten per cent bond?, In aid of the Missouri Pacific Kailroiul. Only ?5,000 of these bonds were delivered. It being cluimcd tbut the tlliTOOj Company failed to fulfill Its agreement in tho construction of the road, and the remaining f.'a.noo were linked up iu the County Tie is-. nrer'sRalc at ricusant Hill. Inning the war a raid was made upou Fleasant Hill by the Federal troops, when tag e bande were found and sent|to Gen. Slndlcld, then eomuiamliiiK Ibis Department, who, supposing them to belong to the Railroad Company, turned Uiein over to IU ?Atoara. After the war, Cass County refused to ae. knowledge tho legality of the bonds, and vir? tually repudiated them. The Railroad Company how. \er? retained the bonds; and, with accrued Inter.-t for 11 jcar.s, laid elaiin acattHl ''ass Countv for I259.00O. It kai leiently bu n d. tenninert that the claim of the railroad company is valid, and Itiaalleged n ring was formed cmbiaciug some ineuihers of the Cas? County Court and several prominent citizens bv whom it whs proposed tbe count) should issue **?.? o In bondi bearing iIght ]mt cent interest pavalde in lrom 16 to 10 yean which should bo giren to the railroad eoarmuij and the original bonds bo taken up. It Is reported the proposition waastrongly opposed by tkadtlawM of the county, bur if is alleged the lionds were prepared, and during last week approved by the Court, received the nrrratotr signature?, and Friday night Judgei Bteveneon and l'orsyth of the County Court, Jatee? 1{. Clare, lawyer, of Hnrilsoiivllle, and two or thru' other gentlemen took DOOM salon and then came to Ft. Louis. Telegrams wem n iiml l.y the Chief of the Foil, .of St. Luis from the Sheriff of Cuss County ordering the arroaf of any and all part le? olhruig the himd? for sale, slating they had been Imudiiliiitly issued und stolen. 11,,,11111, 1 Bj tbepollcotkil morning revealed the fac? that ?ereral banks ami banketi bad boon vl-ited Hetnrday. The few boada fosad were MM at several places. The parties having them were to call tO-day to commit retarding their transfer Ot sale. About noun detectives entered the boarding-bouse of Bartholo? mew Lewie A Co. and arrested two tuen, who exhibited is alleged, belonged to the countv record?, and to mm tokave been abotraeted therefrom. Expreta receipts were fi,iiri(l on the null, one for 129 bauds, which had been goal t>. Noithrun, < btekAOoav pany, New-York; another for .ij bead*, -enl to Mr. Btrvena, No. 7 Maasan-at?Hew-Tork. All tkoee boadi were subsequently recovered, ttirougli the agent of the United Mates Company inthlseity. One handled and twenty-nix bsl?lSW BOW ill the poaaMlton Ol the Chief of Police. Judaea btevenaon ami Forsyth earrtedftftof the bonds to Kanai city, Mo.: another party, name un? known, went to Hedulia, Mo. the |H-rsons arrested are attll m jail. ADDITIONAL l'Ali 1II 1 1 JUtf?s| kike of oni: of THE ( I l.l'Klis. Si. LOUli, M<)., Mardi ?.?Mitritt Bryant of Cass County arrived here this morning, and bus been 1 lo-eti d with the police aulheritles most of the day. Ills st a time nt and that af A.c. HotCktnOOB, who Is atoe hete in connect ton with the late frauds In that countv, Is in sub? stance HS follows: ItM Mi-soiirl Pacific It a I Com? pany, after holding tho original banda for tvo.nno for several years from the time they were turned over to them bv the military uuthoilMcs, and finding the people of Cass County averse to paying them, waived their claim und delivered them to the agent of Cass County taking his receipt therefor. Puhae<|ucntly, tin County Court, made an order to destroy the bond? (which now stands on the county rec.crds), but tt apilar* they were not destroyed, and a few months ago, it Ts alleged, a ring was funned, in and out of the County Court,to legalize these bonds in some way and sell them. Into became known and was strenuously epp?od by the people, who regarded the whole thing as a barefaced fraud. New bonds were printed, linwcv. r, to the amount of the origino] toeae, with accrued internal at tea per cent, and, last Friday, after the ftrtjoill 111 III of the regular session of the Court, aud OUO or the Judges, who vas not in the ring, bad left for home, the lenwlhing Judges, Stewn mjii and For-.vth, reconvened the ( ourt| and approved tbolieae of tbe bonds, and Judge Stevenson, Junes CUM,Robert B. Hlggins, aud Eidue A Nichols, who were arrested hero, reeterday, took Um bonds andlm nie.liately left tonn. Pn-vioui to reconvening the Court the el. 1 k was invited out, osteiisiidy on bu-ine-s, by two of the ring, hot rantty to get him out of tho way. and it was daring bu ehoenee that the bonds were approved and the Couit record etouod by a young deputy clerk, who waa perenaded to do 10 on repeated uces that the action ol tbe Court was toga] and proper. It is ?toted that then bow's are in ravot of some laud and true! company, who-- exact name, bow* 1 \ci. 1- not known. It to atoo slated that the/ aie in aid of tin m. Eoni- and Santa W Railroad. Judge Steven son is Known to have < nine to Sedalui, whence it is beinvi d bo went fweel on tbe Missouri, Texas, Mini Kaa ?ee Balitead, Cllne was at vv> ludotte tool night, but 1 In.led the Uffll els. alid| has probably" gone West. J. 1). Iliue. another of the ring, and ('line's law partner, inta also tied, and 11 is suppose.I has gone to California. B. it lliggini wai ..nested ?a-t night, and this forenoon shot bimecU through thebcarl witn a Domngav pistol ami died Instantly. Judge Forsyth did not See, bat, according to telegrams received, has pledged biinaell to remain at home, convene the Court, and, witii Judge, rescind the act b) which tbe bonds were approved. AU then partie- are meu of standing ami bave famille*. ?Fine and < tin were prnataoat towyeraln HarrtoonvHto, and Qlggtnawn a m. rehaut, and has in r. tuf?te borne a good repel 1U011. l:i:rt'BI.lCAN tXWOBBM committee. Washington, March 5.?Tho Cen? ral Con? gress Bepiiiilicau Committee, at a meeting la-day, appointed N nator \S itooa, Chairman, aud the II,m. Ja-, II. Plait, jr., of Virginia, Hecretarv. The following full Executive Committee were appointed: Behator (handler, Chair man ; Senators Cameron, Logan, Cor bett, and Pool; and Representatives Starkweather, Ketchum (N. Y), Cuhurn (Ind.), and Ilalscy (N. J.) JERSEY CITY OFFICIALS INDICTED. On Monday tho Iludaou County tirnnd Jury presented f* additional bills of indictment, the larger portion liciug against Jersey City official! Neurly all of those against whom Indictments were found appeared In the court-room yesterday. Su Indictments were pre? sented ugalnst each of the members of the Board of Public Works, charging that contracta had inen awarded without the rennired advertitiemeiit for bids, and that members had been interested in work done on contracts awarded by the Board. Four additional indu tinenta were found against Commissioner Bumsted, on charges similar to the other connta. Com? missioner! Glllelt, Bumsted, Ingwerson, Welsh, Bray, Martin, sud Startup entered pleas of not guilty. Ball was furnished in each case, in sums rauging from P3,uoo to lic.noo. Indictments were found against F.. L McWIlllam?, Chief of Police, for official misconduct, and for com? pounding felony in the case of the Noyes bond robbery. lie pleaded not guilty, and furnished ft.?? ball, cx Henator Noah Taylor becoming hla bondsman. Messrs. Pnlehard, Edm?udson. Hutton, Oott?e, and Gross, members of the Police Commission, were Indicted for re? taining a jiortiou of the November salaries of the mem? bers of the police force as a political aaacssment, and for holding stock In the WocAf am Hud?on, one of the official newspapers. Commisalouer Eduionrtmm is also chsrged with having accepted $300 from Joseph Acton ai a con? sideration for securing his appointment as Assessor. Commissioner Uoetw is charged with having disposed of property to the nty Government for the use of the new reaervior, while holding an official position. Pleas of " uot guilty " were eutered In each ease, and bail fur? nished in sums varying from ti,W0 to fci.son. Police Justice Keeae Is charged in six indictments ?with fais? imprisonment, with inflicting fines upon iusufiicwnt evidence, with having failed to make returns to the City Treasurer within 24 hours, prescribed bv law, with owning stock In the Varaf am Hudton, and wtth embeiillng the city moneys, lie furnished ball In 13,800. Commissioner Eduiondson Incoming his boudaman. Commissioners Gregory, Tilden, and Dean of the Board of Fire Commis? sioners are charaod on three indictments even with hav? ing contracted for tbe purchase of bouses for the use of the Department without bavtng advertised for bids. They pkaded not guiltv, and furnished tQ.000 ball each. Burveyor Sopar to 1 ndi. ted upou a charge of having made false certificat?? aa to the amount of excavations. He pleaded uot guilty and gave |1,M0 ball. Justice M.riies. iudlrtad for alleged false Imprisonment gava iMWlbull. Chas. Msban, ex Police Captain, is tiidicteTl on charges similar to those again?! Chief McWUllauis. lie is absent from tbe City. Adflit 1011..1 11 da inn ms were found against privat? llllemie, lnclodlng Major Pangborn, and Mr. Dear of or ihr rTtniHti Joumul. The trial of all the ease? in which plans were entered yesterday ha? been sot down for March 18. A HINGCI.AK EXl'I-GHKlN. While LewiH Magn"?? a dni?;iri?t( at No. 87 Eldndge-at., wu engagrd in making opodeldoc on tiie stove lu a room in tbe rear of his ?lore, it exploded with great force, scattering tbe liquid over blia, burning him neverely In tho naek, faek, and band?, blowing out the front windows.sin ishing much of the glas? and earthen ware, ?ml setting ti.r stoic on fin' In Marx Kahn, who waa In tbe ?tore ,.I Um- tune, n?rr,'wl> escaped Injury. Ho rxfliigoisbi-ii ,ilir flames aud ll.eit ?4jUle-d alsgDiis. ?lif leoe f" huiuiiug and stock to about haar MAYOR HALL'S TRIAL. A 81TUUOKN ITaUJMU. FOR THE DEFENSE. ?ran pay'? ntocumiiw iu oativpt WARh'ANT AMUllM) ** 1'VWKN? K?TKPTI ?Omr W WM. f?. (Ol'KLAND?OBJECTION? WIIHOIT END. The trial of Mayor Hall wan ron tinned yen U niay before Judge CharU ? P. Daly, the morning hour being occupied by the di?eu??lou of the objection? which were pending at the adjournment on Monday in regard to aaaaoaaa pal to Mr. Lyne? and going to the real met Its af the trial. At 11:10 Mr. Lyne? took, the stand, and Mr. I'eckbam BgaM offered the Oarvey warrant in evidence. Mr. Hurrill ?aid he understood that this warrant was ofUnd to the Curt iilon? for it-* information as to whether the vouchers en which it wa? Issued were loi-t, and might not to lie read to the jury. Mr. Maaajktaa argued the qu< .?tlon, citing varion? cases. Chief Justice Daly gave hl-< views of those ease?, hold? ing substantially that the evidence was proper to i.'o to the Court, audit Incoin|ietentouthc main iaaac the Court could direct the Jury to disregard It. Mr. B tough ton objected that evidence once heard hv the Jury must have it? weight on them, by the constitu? tion ol human nature, ?mithat weight would be prejit to the defendant. It might be easy iu a <:\il ea^e to reniovc certain it* ins of evidence from their mind?, but it would lie very ditlicult In this case?essen? tially a criminal case. He suggested that the Court could ili.-i.ii-s the Jury and hear tho ii.-i u- alone. Ha was free to say that tbe defense took tbe gummi that no offense wu?. charged by this Indictment. Mr. Tnmain claimed that this discussion wa? out of order now. Judge Duly thought tt would lie more proiier to raise these BJBBCtBBM after the tcstimouy for the pro se i utioii hud closed their B1 uleii. c. Mr. Htoughton asked how they could deiiUe what was relevant evidence until they had ascertained the char? acter of the i barge I The enarl vas disentangled by Mr. Tremaln, who eft. red the warrant for the present an only evidence to the Court,reserving tlic right hereafter to offu' it to tho Jury on the main Issue. Mr. Lyne? then testified: There 1? only one kind of w an .nit used for the payment of ull kind? of claims ; the accounts to which i-nch warrant is to be charged are placed on the margin of each ; these word? on the end of tin- warrant, "County Liabilities," were used for uo other claim? than those passing through tbe Hoard of Audit; my -Icuat ore was out on this at the time I entered it on the audit book ; at that time the voucher? ami the warrant weie in my hiuul?; I personally kept a "recur! of vouchers;" this is the book now before me; from pafM HI to BBj of the book it i? headed "Coiinly Liabilities;" account was commenced and tho catrlM m ole at the time tbey purport to 1m- made ; the date 1? tho date thoe cutties were enbred in the audit book; "KecordNo." Is the number on the voucher; "To whom" iMMMtfcC BBIty to whom the MO Wae made out or payable; ?' For what" BXBBaaBM !? general terms the character of the bill; "Von her No." means the number en the voucher; ?'amount" 1? the amount named in the voucher; the Word "here,'' under the heading of remarks, I think icfi rs to a voucher not lost ; I don't know why It was tu.ule; the figuring ou the foot of page BJb, under the head of "remarks," expresse? tho aggregate amount? the footlnc up of all the account. (/. Emm what were the entries headed "Tor what" copied t Mr P.urrlll ablactad that ye?terday counsel introduced another book purporting to be a book of original entrii s. He could not iutroduce both a? original. Oiietion allowed. A. From the audit boob; the figure? in the record of vouchers, under the heading "Voucher No-1.," refer to the ?unie number In the audit book under the heading "Audit Nos.;" on the audit book the figure? under "Audit No." repn -cut the luimticrs on the voucher?; the number? on the keek and the voucher were made at the same time, first on the book, then on the voucher, Bad) r "In whose favor" and "for what," are the names of the partlei to whom the bill is made out, and the general i hiitiictei of the (barge; I lnukc tho.-e fiom the warrant; the voucher and warrant arc both prcMBl at the BUM tiiiu ; uiuUrthe headiii',' "account" 1? the ?urn named in UM warrant; under the head "total amount" isfooted up the whole day's trims.ictions for each title. (J. How do you cat from Oie warrant what ts written after the ward " for I" A. I gue- ? that is in the voucher; f he character al the ehsfcai is sxafaaaad on the ratal de of the voiichi r after it t? all complete, except the receipt of the claimant; I get this from the indot. ement of tho vom 1 .i ; flu- indorsement was the Auditor's liu-in-ss, hut 1 -omctinii s made it ; I made it fi "in a glance at the bill; I cun't tell whether In this ease Mr. Watson or 1 mude taM indorsement from which tin? particular entry was made ; I never drew a wairiut without a voue her; I never uiude the-o entries without a voucher and a warrant. Mr. Pcckham then offered iu evidence tbe book of au? dit. Mr. BarrlU -aid ho would like to cross-examine, and Baked : Q. Is or Is not the record of vouchers a transi Opt from audit book No-1 t A. It 1?. q. Is not the audit book No. 9 made from (lie aleo luaiie up by vou 1 A. Vis. i?. And from uothing cl-e t A. No.fir. o The warrant gives all tho inlormation that the audit book give? I A. Yes. Sir. Q. is it uol voiir duty to till up warrant? when directed to do so by the County Auditor I A. Ye?. 0. Wa? not the hlank called to your attention yester? day by the cuiiuael for the prosecution, and which is attached to the bill of the creditor?wu? not that blauk so attached by the County Auditor I A. Ye?. Q? It had n printed indorsement on the ouftlde t A. Yea; aud contained blank spaces for remark? relating to tbe bill to wliich It was attached ; there was a blank for a .embused atatenieiit of the ebaruetor of the bill to which It was Attached. ??. ordinarily, the ( ountv Auditor himself filled up the blanks I A .Ye?, generally. q. When one of tbe-sr vouchers came to you, this blank, upon which this indorsement was, wu- the outside pa isr 1 A. Yes, Sir. q. Did you draw warrant? from that indorsement t A. Ye?. q. And In tho?e caae? you didn't examine the paper? 1 A. No?only the indorsement ; I assumed that to be cor? rect, and made up the warruut by its ln?truction? ; I in? serted the claim in the warrant from the indorsement. Q. You only noticed, In a general way, what wa? the chara? ter of the Idiiiik t A. That Is all. q. 1/ooklng at the entrv In tho audit-honk, No. 004, have you any recollection of that particular voucher! A. No distinct recul,.-, i um. q. Can you sav, looking at that, whether it is the right warrant 1 A. IBB. <?( Now, can vou ?t?te, from all your experience Id and knowledge of these account?, whether there wa? or not a bill or account corresponding to thut amount I A. There waa a voucher for that amount. Mr. Pockbam then offered in < vldence for the Jury the warrant aud audit book. Mr. Hum 111 agulu desired to ' :.?-11 i?mine. and proceeded to do so. q. You ?ay you tiliea up the wurraiits from the Indorse? ment of the County Auditor ou the back of a package of panel? given you without any cxamtuattouf A. Yea, Sir. Q. You have m. i.. oiiei tiou of any ?peettlo warrant; In this particular iu?tancn do you know of your own knowledge that there was a bill with tbe blanks attached anuexed to thl? blauk No. 1 fro? which you drew the wairant 1 A. I know of mv own kuowledge when I made thut up In tbe audit book that there wa? a bill witn the warrant. Q. Do you know whether this blauk No. l, from which you drew the warrant, waa indorsed by Wataou 1 A. No, Sir. q. Did you examine to see whether vouchera were at? tached t No, -.i. q. H air. Watson had handed you blank No. 1, in? dorsed, with the blank? on the Indorsement all tilled up, with a lot of papers inside, would you have opened those documenta to see what they were I A. I should leave them at I found them. Mr. linrrlll reiterated hi? objection to the warrant and book, and a question theu arose as to the kind of evi? dence it should be considered?whether secondary or primary. A queer misunderstanding also arose m to the n.eanlng of Judge Daly, yesterday, In designating tho particular kind of evidence?i|ueer. because It was all on oue aid?. The defense thought that Judge Daly meant "preliminary" by "primarv." Judge Daly Dually al? lowed them a? secondary evidence. TESTIMONY OF WM. S. COPELAND. Wm. B. Copland, Assistant Lookkcpcr under Mr. Lynes, was next called, and detailed the routine of busl nes? In his office; Mr. Watsou would baud the bill or t isim to Mr. Lyues, who would examine it, and baud It sometime? to Uic witness aud ?onetime? to other clerk? to ?a? whether the addition? or extrusions were carried out; then be would take it and add Interact, if any wa? needed, ami affix the proper rrrlineales blauks? and than baud it in to the Auditor; lu tbe cou rae of tlruc general! v the same day-it would come back signed by the proper authorities; then a warraut would be pre? pared and tent to tbe Controller for Bis tignatuie, theu to the Mayor'? otllee for hi? signature, and after that to tbe Clerk of tbe Board of Bupervlaor? for hi? ?1 feature. q They would go to Mr. Wataou un?igur.l aud ?ou?e back signed t A. Yee; thea Mr. Lyuc? would prepare the warraut from tbe voucher, and when tbe warrant cante hark signed it wa* entered vu tbc audit book. q. pM yew bave aaythlnf to da wltk the niingof thoae vouchers 1 A. Yet; I died them in till? under the desk in th? office. O. Did yon look at the voucher?! A. Mo?t of them. q. How many of (he Oarvcy vouchers did you look at t A. Nearly au. q What papers composed the Oarvey vouchers! Tai? was objected to on tie ground It WM an In? direct way of getting at the content? of the voucher iu question without proving that tbe witness had seen the voucher. Mr. I'ci kham tried to put the question In .lee? objec? tionable form. q. Do you know of nny ease where a warrant was drawn upon the account of eouiitv liaLillt:ch. except uI?m a claim that had been presente'! 1 Mr. Burrill ratead an objection to this qnest'on also, a? there was an absence of proof of knowledge on the pa ft of thi? witness In regard to this matter. None of the entries in book No. 9 were original or eotemjiovaneou?. I.vnes's testimony wa? clear and distinct that it WM Dothtng hut a transcript made uot from original pap?is. but from the audit book, and book Ho. 3 WM solely copied from the warranf, and contains no other Informa tion. If it was made up from tin warrant, It certainly was no stronger than the warrant itself. Judge Daly sad that he understood the Audit book to be |n already, a? prellminarv e\ idence. Mr Hurrill ?aid that in this Instance whore tbe partie? saw the name? and ?ought to Identify in a general way the paper? loif. when the Court ?hall have fuindthf? particular papar in existence then it will be proper and appropriate evidence, whether or not tbe paper ?ought foi Is lost, hut on the evidence of the exl?tei,cc of the paper it amounts to nothing. There Is, therefore, no suf? ficient proof Ju this case to justify the admission of secondary evidence even ii thi? isacasc where BrCOadar* e\ hleuee should be allowed. Judge Daly held that, a? a mritterof fact, the exist? ence, identity, and loss of this paper wa? siitllclcnt to au? thorize the ?econdair evidence of it? content?. Mr. Stoughton tried to ward off this ?olid blow again-f tbc defense by suggesting Hint the Court did not hold thai secondary evidence wa? necessarily admi'.sllile, al? though, admitted hen-, because that question liad Hot yet been argued. Judge Daly ?aid the question was disposed of tor all preseut purpoat ?. AU lie decided for the present was, It was now for the prosecution to prove the nature and cant?ate 'if these document? M far as they offer any par? tit alar piece of evidence, aud if there was any objection matin to its addition, tbe Court would pass" upon tbe question, Be understood Mr. F> wain to otf>r the war rants aa a piece of evidence tending to ?how the Batare and content? of the account, or whatever the prclltntn wry paper may have been prior to the Issuing of the warrant. Thero wore three-top? In the proof (1) of ex? istence and Ion? of document. That WM disposed of. <2.) Proof, oral and otherwise, ot the contenta of tue document. That was now to be given, aud {li) the effect? or legal consequence? of Unit document. Mr. liuri ill e.veepted tothe deci?iou a? to the suffic'.enev of the preliminary proof, and also to tho warrant, which wa? tires, nte.i in a double osjieet- assecondarv evidence of the original claim and a? evidence In chief under the ?eeoud count of the iudictmeut of the payment of the claim. The dispute a? to what wag evidence in thief nnd what secondary wa? disposed of by Judge Daly, who Intimated that the evidence must Is; excluded In whole Off admitted in whole; tln.t iPit waa found proper only Hs secondary evidence then the Court Would properly direct th.- jury ; aud that a? secondary evidence M waa admissible. The following Is the warrant: ?*f T.'ttr- Cran!. TVa-nry o' BSW-YSfbM th? SV J;J Basal Uru-iilwav lUu?.(111,,'C, il .'__? N?, tjai Ktw-YtTt, las? Cta, im I , 2 Par A. J. liarvti. cr tir.!?r fartt-i = ->k-j ttiousmil irr buntlrrsl tad ?ittr ihre? 0.101 ?5 I c p ilnllar? fur I .isir ana material?.' >?n Couut? 311-9 Cewt ?was?, lie?, lath, 1 H '. , ? '. 5 A. OAikT Hail, Mayan ^'S. 3 iti.iiikii 11. CosM.ii.i, Osatfsttcr. = x ? J li toc.tu, Cl?k Bd. of fojert ...r?. 3 a Judge Daly Intimated that the ijuction bad better M orgueil later. Mr. Htoughton, In a rather exelti d manm r. ib . tared that he did not Uu?u to speak again on that subject. He could assure the Court that bow WM Ike proper time to discuss the question, since tin- other side might not be willing to allow the objections hereafter. Mr. Trcmain expressed the intention of the prosecution not to take advantage of them in uny objections (key might make. J tu COM? then adjourned. aii:.\uj\<; SAJLOM8 WMONGB. THIRTY-TWO l.ANI'LOKDS INDICTri) tl UIK QBJaaTD 11 I.I . Tim tfcorougi exposure in The Timp.cnk. of Dec.ltaf the ?ailor boarding-houses of this city has re? sulted in the Indictment of H of the landlords. The Qn 1 ml Jury of the Court of Over and Terminer, after a thorough investigation and report by th? Commissioner? appointed by stutuic for the liceuslng of sailori' board lug-house?, ha? found iudictmeut? fur misdemeanor against more than one-third of the keep) n of the?e dl?reputable haunt?. The American Heamen's Friend Society ha? labored for years to secure the piniishliii lit of thi-1 la..of robbers, hut It was not until Thk Tkiiu'ne called the attention of the pabtk lad the authorities to the gro.s? abuses and outiages prac? ticed by the?? luiiiceused landlord? ut combined lodging-house? and bagnio? that the Society began to hope for final success. Capt. C.4C. Duncan, President of the Stamen's Friend Society, had s viral lnterv iews with the Dtati ict Attorney, wbolaaanred him that if InfilliBNiiile were found by the Grand Jury against these landlords whom the Commissioners de? clined to lheu-o. ho would use all hi? influence to pro? cure tin punishment ol the offenders. The proof of the facts presented by Tin. Titiiu ne WM furnished to the Hoard of Commissioner*; tin- Presiden", of the Society procured the necessary wltneasee, aad the Qrand Jmv indicted the following : Ralis Ntlann, John ('. Wal'acr, (l.trlet Bol.l. Wm. Ptrkaoti. Thomai Bass, rsottsi Brraat, Tbsaaa ?fsMtts, Jaba HeOtmik, Mar. ?aa BoacuM c'on.'aiitins ?????, V?chala? Lei ?ass, V>'w. CbareblD, fJatm Mrt arih?. W?. Mnnlton, Tli.'raaa Murphr. Jam?? (?alrm. Jona ?toMfkss. TlaaSay rraty,TSMMS OBSNMiI. Kr,ikv. Mrr ar, Itba S. toMii ?. Hritrsi MeKtllap, Josa frisa, alai MavaiDersa.Jtioa Piiett, ISISM Huiilisa. Patrifk Parr II. Ales. <ir.innault,Donii?ifk 1|. ill Jaaw? Kcrifiii alai. Kell?, Wax. Un?-!. Win. Whit*. TMK DEFICUOrcIEd IS THE Mtookl.YN COK TROl.LF.lfs ACCOUNT??. The ('oiitnillei ni Brooklyn, P. A. Bt Inotil? r, since he entered upon the discharge of his duties, |,as Leen oi'cupled in mustering the detail? of hi? otliee, ami ha? made a caretal examination tit the account? of his department. Hi? investigation? disclosed a deficiency of ?W,160 In the account? of hi? predecessor, Evan M. Johnson. The explanation given by Mr. Johnson thai the deficit-m-v waa due to the fa? t that tbe as? sessment and ?ewerage | were sold at a discount, will probably be a? un?a?i?factory to the c.ttzeiis of Hrooklyn as tt I? to Controller flbroedei who presented t lie correspondence on the subject to the Common Council, a? was stated In yerrtcrduy'a Triiii'nf. BU gave at the same time a detailed BBMCBBCM of flac'' das? of bonds, with the date of issue, aud of the amount? returned to the Treasurer. The bond? mentioned are known a? a?.ses?meut bond?, liearlng 7 per cent, in? terest, ?nd haviou" three year? to run. and are issued for sewerage purposes and for regrading and repuirttig street?. The total amount of liouds Issued ley Controller Johnson wa? about ??.non.non. The deficiency is the difference bMweaa the amount of the kaada i??ucd by Mr. Johnson and the amount of money paid by him to the City Treasury. Mr. Johnson claim? that he had the right to ?ell the in.nils below nar, that he did so, aud thut the discount thn? incurred explain? the deficiency. The Corpoiiitlon Counsel dissent? from this view, and denle? that Mr. John?on had any auch authority. Another ciaot of balade bearing the *?Uie rate of Interest, having the ?ame time to run, and MO ?ame ?ecurlty, were sold by Mr. Johnson at par. The law expressiv provided that this das? should uot be ?old at a diMcount. It has been ascertained that many of the bolder? of these Masai bought them at par, and that sometimes Mr. John? son returned par for them. The ?Controller think? tbat it 1? very strange that Mr. Johnson should BBBBBM of a portion of tho bond? at ??, when he wa? able to ?ell other? of the ?ame i??ue at pax. It 1? also aTleged that while eni/aged during three year? In selling the iionds be kept on hand an amount avi r..gius about IBBMM Tbe defi? ciency occur? ou the fare of the boud?. The accrued in? terest is accounted for, or credited to the city from tho sale, i.- i do the books of the late Controller show any rute of discount, or contain any evidence that ditcouut? were allowed to any one. THE RAMTAN BIUDCE INJUNCTION" DISSOLVED. Pkktu Amboy, N.J., March ."5.?The decision of Judge Nixon In the Raman Bridge case, dissolving the iiijunctiop, was received here with great gratification. A salute wa? fired, ami many of the citizens discharged rocket? and other firework? in token of their Joy. FIRE IN MINNEAPOLIS. Minneapolis, Minn., March 5.?A fire la?t night iu East Minneapolis destroyed Wheaton A Rey? nold^? ?ash factory, Barnard a Hhuey'a furniture fae tory, and ?everal ?mailer manufactories adjoiuiug. Loss, ?; insurauce about *?"?.<??. The origin of the fire Is unknown. _ TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. _A tire in M. ist i m Highlands yesterday deatroved tb. bou.? el W. H. EWt Lom. ?iu,<?*!; latent?:?. Si".'-"-. ?The Planter?' Hank, Fort Valley, Ga. wa? robtwu, ?a Moailajr aifhl, tf tlt.OM rarntay, awi S2.00O saawa ?Tho Km perot of Germany on Saturday last made a tttl i!-..'rilxiliua tf doui.ut.i lu ?rMialt uiitia|a.abtu fur tbeir arr.itat It the lau- war. ....The investigation of the charges agaiust Dta tiiti AtUratf War ira M. Bairataa. la Ibt V. t- t'oatl vf Cianniati. iw>. Its rtttatstr. Tat taBaoat ..? ariTti?. | .. Huiall-ptu has made it? appearance on biartl Hi? t'l.'Wst Mild Mettt Pawkttaa. a.? at l'tii!al?l|ib.a A BSSSkW ft twuint. aad ?ai?or? aar? Vaca r??a?n<S I?, th? < I?. Ilw^iiai Th? '. ti? >|-?-?r?-l la i:.? Mana? Barrara* The Secretary of the Treusui v li?s lusl rut. ted tk*l ulU.Wr ut iuiimi at Rrowa.Till. ,T.a.?, aol lo riaataaf tB?T?ari chaoJiM fur t'aaaart? a?4 ?u.?r t?t?tt ?? tb? ?... UnaS* tit?* Malt ?at"?, t. ? It ISt kttdt ?< ?*? MBaBBBaBBBl A GANO OF SWINDLERS. AN IMrTDP.Vr KASCAI.? MORK ABOIT THE Fll*.*. BROTHBH?I'Heating riiK mi: ni? .?? the HUG It A NT?TUB t.l.NKVA W '."-. If HfAI'O. 'I ho fajatwilg hlter graj nreivnl M Tur. TRIBI?SEoblee yesterday I To lAOjtfiler of Ihr Tribune. ., Sib: The artl. le m Tiu. Tumi .vr. of ta-da>] he...t. d .. J ),irl1"K dwindle ( he. k. <l," was will leu l.y a person that evidently knew nothing about what be wrote. I have never been engaged In any busmen? except the pn -i nl one in Dai city, aud haw BOVi r N . n ? ? a-g'd in any illegitimate buataeae. My r?f?renc?e ne any of tho mercantile agencies. I leased the ?tore Ho. :<?l Broad way In my own iMine. I have never been in Barope. There are no oroide, or plated watche? In the store No. '.6.1 Broadway, and as the apod? lit a'.l gold and silv. r, as represented, I want a full and complete refrai tlon of M?o malicious article. Hi ?at p. elu?. Xtw-l'ork, Marcha, is?;. Inquiry ?bowed yesterday that the E'.ias gang, In? cluding four brothers, Is beticr known to tin Petal e than to tho mercantile agents. The ringleader. l.iin II. Otan, who lives in splendor at the Mctroiiolituu Hotel, applied at this otlice for an aiwlogy a year ago. i ml was recoin mendod to go to Police Headquarter? for further infor niailuu about hiuisiif. lie there n und him ?elf set down as the chief of tho "sawdust swindlers," and his three brothers, of whom Banty V.lkj 1? one, were merely his " dummies." A v tim went to the Tomi.s, yesterday, and offered to m ike complaint against the gang at No. M Broadway, for swindling, aud Judge bowling W said to lie anxious to have I hem brought Is fore hnn. The following fact* In regard to the Ellas Brothers have been tOVOalod ?into tho tona of yesterday : A bOgn firm, styling its? If Mann, Morgan A <'<>., and having an ofllte on the tlo>r of No. islumdit., has been for some time pMt carrying on au ingenious system of swindling, whereby niiiniici> of noblemen ami wealthy per'oiis of iharitablo deposition in Euriqm ha ce bei u defrauded of large sums of money. TI h firm Is ?imply Ellis II. Elm?, and tue sein me which the linn claims to represent and which it adver tlses as worthy of supi>ort is called the " Emigrant Pro? tectory Association." Tlio emular? anmiun-e to uiisophistie iteil Batapnaa of benevolent di-position that the Association " has been established |.y wealthy and charitable New-Yorkers for the pagpoM of protect? ing iuexperleiiced emigrant? from the numerous abOJ per? and thieves who watch the arrival of every p.iN.seugrr vessel from Euro|N',and who shrink from no. rime mord.. to roll the pool 1er. i gurr s m every dolls rtl.ey have in their possession. Fr this pin pose the Protectory Emigrant Association employs at Castle Gardeu fea trustworthy agents, who-e sole duty it Is to furnish all m cei?;?ry n,. formation to newly-arrived emigrants, to prevent tlo-lr being robbed by the vultures lying in Aait fef them, and U> conduct WOb Of them as have no money to tho hotel and farm of the Protectory Emigrant A?-o. latiou m tim em iietis of New-York, where the emigrant? Hud good houid and lodging at uieiely nominal rates, and where an oppoitiinity is given them to work ai renniiinative wages until other employment has been provided for tliein." The hotel ot tills, Oktal Ass, ad oui Ing to the engraving which edatM Ella.s's ciicniarw, in a nao throe ?tory baihhag witu two wtag-i au i containing it tent gat rooms. The farm attach -.1 t.. the hotel |g represented "to atabiaeg upward of jg aeeee af the niint fertile and highly-cultivated laud.'' TM circular falls to mention the precise point "In ill'' environs of New-York," whet ' the hotel and farm are siiu itcd . hut, us It states that tln-y are " within two miles of the <iiy Ilali," they must be> very deeirahle places gf residence. After setting forth in glowing colors all t ho ad vantage? which emigrants from England aud ireiinany bavn already dottved Iront thin institution, Elia-'s circular-pro eeeds to si.ite that the " Protectory Emigrant hoaoeiatloan has resolved to antea! Iba leal of its operations, to enlarge the hotel con siderably, and to purchase! ?wo acres of ground adjoin)'.g the farm. The capital, however, of tin A-s.i. i.iin.n is stated to be in.-utllcii lit for nil this, ami the Associai loo, therefore, applies to tho WOUiTBOWa liberality of the per? son to whom the muldic-sed, and r. quints biiu either to forward to Meiere. Mana? Morgan A<'o., of No. U liolltl ?t., N' W-V.i.'.., ?M p" Hid fe| the II, etoead ticket of m. uthei -liiy, or such a sum M ka m.? ne willing to aaatrtbate. Tin- ttobeta are elegaatlj nrlated at Blteo'e fei Tata lithographic i stai.ii-iuui nt, in colore and brenne. Waa Ibonead eftbmif limitera end ttokotowi ta mailed early in January, to the addieeeee eMalaad (Nat ?barn agents iu Eng!.uni ami Germany, and no siraager arrives at tins port from than eoaatrfee wttboat batega Ing a large number o? h tiers, with valuable no leisures, addreaeed to ?? Messrs. Mason, Morgan A i'i., No. te Bond-st., N. Y." Among the recipients of the ? lrculare of the "Protectory Baaigraat aaaoaiatloaM ata (bean. Victoria and the members of tbe Royal family, fh? Bishop? .d irnglaad. the Cabinet kHatoter% Iba Larda, &c; and, 111 (.enuaUV, the Elilper Of William and ottnr mcinittrs of the royal family. The Eoi-opaaa Jour aato, foraaaw tton paat?ban had aaoad aaallaaay about the frauds ?nactteei noon imxp. n. med emi? grants la N'.w-York, so that . dfepoaed perso .a in the GUI World have been the more easily deceived hy Ellas'* misrepresentations. A Mr. Marsh, who manages the ?nVc in Broad cL, I antetai by John U Cuusientiue, alia- B'.bert Earl.-, aiia? ( ha?. W. LaxWBOa, who lias until lately attended the " ?awiUi-C' eflOM 'M idin ted by Elus ??t No. si Cuual-st., and other p!a. M OB the not side. He is well known at Police a ?an accomplished ami ?m mesial iwlndter. The Ellas Brothers conduct their swindling operations und. r legal advice and employ at an annual salary .? lawyer, who informs them iu whut in m.i r iliey can mo-t successfully swindle the puhlio and at the same time escape le^..1 penalties. The law makes it ? intsde. nieanor for any panan doing business to sigu a fl'tn name to a circular or other document when no gggtj ttrtn exist? ; therefore b.meath the dilterent firm name? at? tached to the circular of the Gem .a Watch Company there was written ' Per t*. A. C," slgnif.vlug that some clerk or Irre-spoanble person wrote the names of the tino. Ells? aaBWaagJfei an agent of the Ameiicau Watch Company yesterday, and requested to know if the suit could uot be irranged so as to let bun go on until Saturday, when the le is? will 1 expire. The following Is the nbatJKcn of tbe several 1 affidavits upon which Judge Sedgwlck grunted the lu I Junction : | W ? ?:.? LUssnVii man- the on Feb. tt. 1ST?, be bosgbt t tli?rr I WKrh'tt MS.*sl Hros. wit ; NMI thr o.Ofrai?nt wu ?uil'd ' J*aa KII?rT Boston M??? . PI 9"1." ?ol Ihtt he Dtld *10 .13 for it. H.|w.rJ 8. Ms... '. owan (bat on V*K ti \~1 h? booghl ?I Ho. Ill aBr.^1??' a ?1...T ?? .h nwrkert ' John Kllrr/, Bniwu. ?<?* '?>'?>"'.' ?l.i.h h* I..U O10 .*. Hrnij A. Robbim twsrf thtt h? il SBMraiber of the Ira ot HobbiM a Appl-mi,. (?I? ,f -.t, f'.r the pUintifi is the ?ait : Util be bss ru?m?l the w?(...e? honflit hr I. i/euhers snil Jtewell sad Oitl ihei ?re nul aulU Hirer, but nail? bsat roenl ; ikst nulM aar porting W be tbo awn* fsctara t? Jnbn Ellrrr and sola br dofendsnt? tie not r'sujse, nssf tbst die pernent wboee inmr? sre eigned to the oli.-alir of n.e Oaajve Wnleb Co. sre ureeionelble or bofiu, tnd that there it u? au-b eoataaai and baa bees, as tbe said (toser? Waled Co.. and tlmt be prava Uiat tlie deferslsai aar he enjoined from further dr.itii, Ihe pabrlc aa4 ISrjiIfSDg U.c plllutllV CABDOZO'8 DKFKNHE. .Iiulfrp CaMtJttn beiran, yesterday, t<? infrtrj duco testimony In refutation.of the rharg-'s of the Bar Asaociatlou. Iu order to finish the investigation, as far a? Canloio 1? concerned, the Committee ?at from noon until nearly m id night, but there were then ?till other wltuesse? to be examined. The opening of Judge Cardozo's side of the caae waa the ?lgnal for a general mlly of the Judge'? friends, promi? nent among whom was Francis M. Blxby, who Mr. Tweed had stipulated should succeed him in the Depart? ment of Public Works. Bufu? V. Andrews, Judge Bar nard's counsel, wa? also at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, wat< hing tbe interest? of his client. The testimony introduced by Judge Cardoto waa principally documentary. The habeas corpus eaaea of 1871 were banded In, aud Howe and lluui'm II were ex? amined In reference to them. TK npgfj In the (?shorn suit against the Gold Exi hang? r.. ..r ginatlua in tbe gold panic of 18*0, were also ?.vu m testimony lu addition to the wltoeaaes al'v tdy mimed, W. C. Barrett, Mr. 10-dnYld. and Jude? M? '' Ibxrr?ttwer? before tbe Committee. At t o'clock ex Judge <*--?*??*?? o?e of Judge Cardoau's counsel, m ?o o.>un?lmt ofjum rwsiilt that he ventured tbe aaaertloa thai 'm an aojir the back of tbe whole boaine** would be broken. Tn?) hour passed, however, and the Invswugatiou ?till coo tinned, and further evidoae* ?Hi be put in u -4i?y. Beaide tho exsmlnailon of wHaeaeee In this cace, tho Judiciary Committee have, within the mi?! two daye, i devot?! some trine to the exaailnaUuu of A11 oiu*y-t3et. 1 eral Barlows Corporation bill, bit ?he "ponim. ?snaaure ha? been po?fpooed uutll to-munots . Iu defer wishr? ,.fl'^ Hill, who is now at nt. bow?, in tlnura The Committee have rteU-rmin. .1 to dovon ' aa much time a? they poealbly can to the bu?lue#? before. ' them and their determination la warmly l..uded ai eon i trailed with tbe rumore, which were < lr< ulatlug during their tint week, thai ?aruln BHvmhcra of the Uimatfatn ? had spent much of thel? timo lu a oiestionaWe fevnti g.ti.Ji of the serreta of thl MCgopOlii. Jmlg? B?,' ?sro'e ?ottneel h? Been fnrnbibed with a . opy ?? I?e ' U^ge; itgivBy- thjt cflcjal. hMi- ?hould tho i QmmBm not go to Alblliy t^oWrriueT will tola keuupuext iu ?rd"r. None of the t.-stluionv abroady i febea, or whi.-ai ?ball bo be Janak will be prfutod, a?xf win am m. I* in'.eii until the Ootuudttee shall avaro j flaiehed their work and ttimwmi to Albany iuaiiy.