OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, March 09, 1872, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-03-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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^tTtneemnite, dc ?hio ffticmn$.
TckPEMYovMlMi M 1 Hiklia.i l>l?**r?k: *KrAi.Mt."
v,;,:;;^THKATKH.-At.,."i..?-:-.?.,i....c ?**
Mwla I , .., o . ?? IV
| ., ? lM.M'FT.imFlt-At'1:.^ '? '' V
Ai??nrtat s: "I.'? Balfc **?*
Nlllla.v Ciutven.-At - .ini at
T:v:;.;'n;^KH.rA,,,n.l:.t Si'llnnipty
J rini-n-'i-.'! -rtii-bt. Tiirin.i.- Vaii.-.v f.>,..,,mv. j
r""v?i'i?. rt Ti.Kvri.it.-At 11 uinl '?! ?: " Th.
v.irn. hoamWOBmh
?MwYOM Cin t'?. Vinirt.-cntti-. t.. Ivptncii Tliinl
aaaawa IHjaaatt CWaili"
\\, ot*** Mi invi.- ExbibltioaafCaaotoaa.
Cneineee In'owis.
GBBAl Fiut in ?ELOft G ?0Tt.
Wbat HbrbinqV UtBt ktm I>"iNv_i *
Ban. ? <J_orr, P*a? , Mirrb I, "<~
tt'tw-i KotRBl. llBBBt. a k Oo.. t*AUde*yh?,
l.r. Ttaaaa. Oa tba i.a|hi of tbe 21.1 al ...l.ni.n onr il.-Ml tbli
p..o*. and an*ril otber Ur?. bB.Uiog. idjoiolnf, w*r* dtilr.>.r?d br ln.
Our .t..rr wm i b*i.y, two-atori fraair haiidio*, lllad w.th PrajM ml
o'hrr ,. f inuaitOr ultrrtil " W. bad a fairfal let." Tb* llrrrtfl. Sifi
r?a aald ai i ftw rrara ?o waa Ib Ih* ator* at Ihi Bm. We auccradi .1
la r*?oriBS .1! tb* foBtmli but a Whrrbooti ,1 r*e*',. t >"'-'*?
Jaal a a**k aftrr Iba Ir. w* r?iaoT*d ihe aafe fro. tbe ralB. la tl,?
mm. Th. I.raaa kuob. wrre mrltrd *B Oa oreblag it re fonrnl tha
toak Wii oBiaJBit-i, tbe l*alb*r 1,-ad . _ wu a liule rorled b; tb*
aaa, h..l Ib' imtmi n* prtd-ei. i..d Ih* l.l nbt-td. Tbe wood w..r.
it.ild* Ib* mf, wm il?o ib [-*rf**t rnndifon ihowiog no rpi of tb* la
unv b*i. tkroncb ahub I bad p>w*d.
Waaal *.Bt aaotbrr m:> if'-r i il.o't 1'ib' aba w* .b?l! terlim't
,,.,.* .ou i.. for, ,.b ii m w* bm .?ti-?rd ll.al ?iib yoar riat i-rn-r me
abiiitn-.... aawaa Bai ",",
}>HI. DU 4 Wif.B.IBItIB
<IM* HlNlH.ll' ivn illllMV-MSP- F1IIM9
i mm aaaa ???atabha i"
11 , - R ..->?.
Bl BBtBG ct ''IH' IflO.
111 KIlI.Nl.,-. PATI *-! ' ?IIVMI'll.N . vl i -.
? i br old rt-hal'lr."
Iln;'to - ru i-i l iiAMims BiBgBBB1 BATBB,
BBd, conib.iied. witb piUtit rnnklinita.
raOOl IV IMT Tlll. HlOW l'lir AS WIII, Al Tlit IHillt.
Jio. il.11 Broidair. rornrr Murray lt. In Tork.
1 illll,, Hl.Rl.ING & ('??., Vlilliiili'll'lin.
lu.iiiiiNG A to., Chkaga.
Hbbbuw, Tabbbi a bbbbwab. >e _r-Orleaaa.
, id Wiuo* Bh.ttib.iwi-?!... ii.it Tb'^j! *
. *kV Ho'doi. *!.'pirinrnU .,'???-n'-nth WM
, v fra g ,.1 1 .tii?M?r? itd A(tant? w.otrd. ?!_.'*
.ifitaoa BawiiiajjtAcai- a CoarABl. ?07 Braadwar.
i . oiid AND CoUmt.?TbOBt "lio aie sufltr
i,c rm:. <?-.,..b?, (<?:.'-, Biaiiaaiw, m-i* Ibia* ka., i
? i!,,,?>- Bao. ibiai.Taocaaa."________
\ ? i-i, i\i iv.? I.mT. CrBTAlBB in Stock aud
ao__...>- |i r Ir.iiB nrtfiBal *** ?
., J gi TM and TM ItroadwiT. _
I'. ? ,. .i .- in .li vv i L?I umi W ATCHM?Sdl
1 il .*.. lhaa ?l"'.???!' t'.i-ev
lia.a. I lixaa, 'ilt B.ead . v tMt Pnnrl** itt rt _
I.A'.. nt "tits Haik Drr..?'llie licst id tli?
??? 1 ,L.t. . ui.v.Ba h.rioal,. l_ii'acl. Appiad ll VatUtlf, No. 1C
Uaa- a - ?- i?c.n. _______
\i,ii. Ii i\l li li I ?I'a i mi ii LlVBB.
. I Graat-al., Ro.tor
.'l.'-t \.,iin\r I'.n niii WitiiTh.N tu Jan.
i I'anai aai l im im, l( ia_r lairaiaca I'-o
i'.n ,liv\in:v .'in-l Wii'iu-. go 10 Gua C.
\\ uMin -N*"t.-., Ii.iiii';ir.K Mono rram ,0?1<-t
I'n, Hkiik.i "t M'.h-? ;m-? ?l wm ; tlu-Italf
? ,.k?. : .1 IBI. Li"" '- g* "
li.l.NKINa.-Jl.il 'I "I
F,-K k III,. M,
N . .
Mm . h ? 1 .'.
V...-- ! ?. -l.r I'liinniM iv- "B," lli.! li,,.- ? 1 i.-rM..iT
' m- ?? tb* r.l* ?..< 91 i.i?! ircnird iu
. .., i ,:r in _ ? aia*,0*M aaiB*.ttgm
ll I. ' ? ' ; - '1 ' ?
v . , ,.?...?- ?? , , . , I-,. i Baaaa,
? ., tm (m-i.rj-M! ma Oaa* Baaa n
.. i . ? . aitb Ibl-Ballaa, fur
w ? 1.1. ?.;-.? k:J ili.a i.'.< rr.t it tl_r aa al Iar yet aaal aa
. . . - ia i'-l I'lrtr i.f tl. CUIalr' !.-?ir
? .? i-r*'. t.i-ki'ii, I'.i"
H.i ... .... ? *k * *** B.
Din v TRtntvr. Mail Snhiwri'.ara, J:0 por anmiro.
. iat-lV'ii.i.Y 1 KiBl'vr. Mail Hul>. f rii.era. f.4 pur ad.
Vt ,iki V i kiHiNE. Mail .^ul'scrilit-ia, J.2 j.ei uunuia.
Atlvirtiniig Kataa.
PatLY I MBVBB. 30c IOc., 50c.. 75r.. aod fl par lina.
Sr.Mi->\ tt .1 v Triri vi. ?", and M i*4-nta pei Lme.
V. kkki T 1 itiui ne. ffi- *S. anl fii a?i Una.
Ar< cmliDg lo poaitiou iu tbe papor
Ta.ni*. raab la adraaaa,
Amiit-aa. Thb Thibi hx. Kaw-Tark.
I.n t?if :ti'. oiiiiiKKliiti.iii of iiii-tniin n-siiliMiic,
vii.r.ii. i;i,..-.n baa om>mm1 aa oBe* ?t s" -' v...i
Tblrtj aaonil al. |unrtloB "f Biwulwajf aa Mlitn-aT^.,
ahrrr a.lv. rti- 11..' uta a.l Ult l BIBl M. w ,11 ut rn+ived
ni. tmt a Ibe rvaniag. _^^^^
Tba riaacb ban bWI farta-i Mi.ir.it thr war ladeia
nny t.i I'rnr..im. 'iin eaigrattoB Iraa AlaataAlgeria
ia. iiiiir.i-i..i.'. tr...1,1,rn. wbo attaekag y.i.'.*n
Vii tona mintl.v, ia *hiiI in le iii -minii n.ind. Tim
rtraaably lltj "f Waablngtou haa lainv'.liii Qaeena.
i.ivrii. a fl"; Barautiouiata bava ?.uti. n-.i areral
.l.fi-Hta iu . li vn 0,
fm t?m tj. a. P?amte. v.-i.i'Ihv .. bill waa aport <_I i"
i-t_t.liati tii.' 1 M..V of tlu inlial. <l in, n "t Iba .iniii.
in tin- Baaa. n mB aqaallalag.aaa v. ,. paaaaaV Mr.
Imiwmmail*-a ?t;.ti-ni.-nt ni ti.- faaatlal preBaauU "t
ti,., (,..v<riiin.iii Ba ibe earreiitiaaal raa knai ,
tn.n w?a lUtrixlU. f.l llK.kn.f' t" ?' J'U't'it.'oU' ui-I
...-ii i>y. r f<-t.ti. ,l ?,.f"r, Ib. rh'ont* Famb Irutaln
M?ttitBtimi Oaaaaltfaa, ..? -i.-niny. -.. ? Bavafal iir
M.u- nerr liajur. .1 BJ B ?.? i i i. ? a. I i... ..lei.l ii.-iir .ujni',.
rteld, My- Au nillri- fmiuly vvi-r. Inirn. 'I to deatb
al M m i" ..-i-ii-t. ata. - Tha aaa ol Dr. Baataa v..t?
laaforc llli- M. L. Cuiitinl," ..1 W.irn ul.'l', V.i., vi--l. i
UmaaajaaiavMaaa aaaaaal Ibc Ifcaaag eaasplratori
rtn* girru hy A. J. IJarv.-y ll, th. Ilull ti ..i. - -^ IhC
,11 l'i, liiln ifli-i- ? laiiiiii.il i?..v ul l.uillf.v I i. I'l i'l.'l
Wlll. Orail. : -?^ Ui_il> 1'. i iLii.- I.na lil.ni. Ilt I. lll''-l
... i tur ?_<i,<?iiugaiuHt Tiii: Tiiihim. '. ? ?' ll"i,
ll'l, l:'. TlitiuiouifcU'i, 'iti , iO , J> .
ii..- ???- tiinaii.y aaaM < nraiagi tha *A* ? >l a<5tk?
.?{ Coiitrolk-r IfuH?ur<J, whirh \v<- prinl on tlu
.....tnl jugt. lUa iniiiuiiii.', i- neeedia^|| d?m
: irfaf, lt i>, of courM-, ff jtttrle, uu<l it i? only
inir thnt tii. Cotitrolk-r ahoiM behttH before
lir iu c(.iiil. iiiiii il ; luit | vi'i'.v <l<ai 'BttiWi i will
|.a l|l-4-.|l(l ta. U\U( (ha I tlllill Illll 11 i<?H.
At<-<iii-!.lii;ililrpgraaaja) iu.-ouviuiiiu<? Prinea
iii .unn.'k lun. c.uii.ii tiiiongli tlu- PrmaiM
Jliit llli liill tO plalTC tlll: . lllOOln of tlll killK
(Ihiii iiikNi f.ovcnitiM ut i iiixriiitciiilctioc, tlius
viit'l.iil>' iutio<Iuciuir ?)<<'til..r iiislnu'ik?ii. b
tlii* ha Inu* furnishod i?n exocllcnt oxamplo to
Mr. (.livlstone, who, at tht" haad of ? liberal
Ministry Ifl (Jrwil IlriUiu, in liahle to bit de?
prived of hi* position on aecount of hia t*nto
Bflta adlierenc.e to nuctarian iuHlructiou.
It ihould be'notcd tliat tho l.*tt.?r from onr
I.on.I..n CuntBywakflt, |iullBB?i. to-ilay, eou
nidetabty aotedatea the bbm hopeful roport?
wiii.h iii.* Cablc pobliaheeueai.nrag thacoB
liition of tlm areragc Wtteh mind. Then
there WM llight prosp.ct of nn amicable ea
iiistnit'tit of Un* qflaatkn of tadbwd flaajaane.
now, tht* iB-ieatioM nre decidedly moro favor
i.l.lf. _ .
Mi. Ettfll .httkl THB TfliaUBfl has ibmiftgi-d
his character to the niiiotuit of twenty tlimi
Mfld dollar*. auil ftucs to ftt it back. Moan
tiii.irhe shrewdly eoi.triv.rt tlie RRBB] of I
.-..iif.-.lerate, to wlioui a good ******* hn- been
Bold for n Mind. tliat he nift.v get tlie fldvor
ti.-4tin.nt of a.iewchr's certilicate. Mr. KHflB
..liall have ull the r.piiirs an exhil.it of faeta
will work on his damaged chiuactci. The
" lilufl' giime" has not hithcrto boen very suc
eaaafol with Tiik Tkiiu \k.
Naxl week is likely to bring a crisis in thfl
ufVairs of Krie. Tho Senato takes np tlie
Soiitlunayil hiil on Wcdnesday, nnd the
AsMinhly on Thnrsdny. Between then und
now we cannot tell what f-trane.0 things may
happon. Bat tho country ?for the whole
country rogards this con.lict attontively?hopes
that tho ilatteries and bribou of tlio Krie con
spirators will not be flblfl to inlbience tho
flflfl] action of the Legislature. Fortuniit.ly,
tben are no Winauses iu this Avseinbly, mi lar
a* yet known. _
Senator Trimibull has ollerod au nmetid
nieiit to Mr. Conkling'* "smolling resolntion,"
inqniljflf into recoiniiieiitlations to ofllee by
(cri.iin Senator... Mr. Trumbull is uimons
to find out whom Mail Agent Roewell Hart,
Naval Officer Ltillin, and Sttrveyor Comell, w bo
aro reported to be Mr. Conkling's go-lntweens,
have recommended for removal or promolion.
It lf very natural tbat the Senator, who han
been nttacked in a petty nnd most nnnoying
way by the contemptiblo Conkling resolntion,
should avail himself of this eort of tactics to
??et even with his assailants. llut, BOberiy,
would it not bo Wiae and judieious for the
Senate to broefa aaide ull tbeae prtife-gnem
d(-vices aml addrcss itaelf to real bii.-ines> ?
- mU
The modieal expertfl ealled to report on tbfl
sanityof the would-bfl aaaaaaifl,(yuoflnor,aer?
tiiinly bave au odd idea of mental conditions.
Tbej couelude that the uian is not insaric. bul
is "an entliusinstic. I't nian," as thongh tbeae
types of .inankiinl WCffl somewliat akin. ln
lad, tbe growiog Kntit-h idea is tbat Feaiaa
i-.ni iaa Bpeciefl of insanity. Vet, this sin^ular
pemon calmly explained to tbe modieal inen
that ln did not use a load..! piatol in ht*
attack ob tbe Queen, becaaae h<* only wanted
to BCaW Ii.i Maj.-sly into Bigning the pnrdon
wbieb he had drawn for berl llf wanted
l.ii.cii Victoria to bc tbe last of lier line, nnd,
therefore. could not tbink of kiliiii* her and
making way for the Prince of Waleea ?et|
tlie eoiiitnission, wiili aetoniahing aetnteneaa,
deeided tbe poor follow ouly "ciiihn-iastic,"
inatead Of? "Mad, !-"ir, as a Mareli ban?."
Sohlom has the finnueial coinlition of tbe
country beea more forcihly and siiiiiin tly
preaented than in a brief statement by Mt.
Dawee, in tbe Hooee, yeaterday. The national
expenaee for tbayear. without reforeaeeto the
public debt, he said, are |37S^00,000; to this
st.irtling anioiint, the H0U8C of Ktpresenta
tives, tlie kecpi-r of the public pnrso, has
alreadj added enoogh,in the way of defioienej
appropiiations, corporation taxes to be rc
fiindcd. paid for public buildings, etc., to
make a graad lotal of f?-?f*i*,04f)o,(MHi. Auainst
tin- we have a grogs income, fron, all sonico,
..I' $317,000,000, whicb would leave a balanee
of irilT,78a*>,<J7."), without haviug paid a dolliir
on the public dibt, exiept tlie interest. Now,
if tbe ri-.eiiucs are not inereaswl biy.md tbfl
eatimatefl above citdl, and if the evpeuditiires
are nol btongbt down, it will ba necessary to
boiTOW 110,000,000 to pay into the national
>iiikin;r fnnd. Ol coiir-e, there are not a few
ir.ntleinen who are r.-ady to contradict these
plain and liwatworthj Hhi-ements, and maaj
are wiUing to slmt their eyea to the flawel
c.iin apparitlOfl of debt, clioosing to say that
all is will when all is not well. But WC aro
uiiliu^' to aecept the .-.t att iiiint ol the eautioiis
Chairman of tba Committefl of Waya and
Ifeaflfl before those of llie ing.-nioiis geiilleiueii
who tliink we ean lop off a fow niillions from
tho custoins roeaipti .-ind proaper on it. Mea
-iturs Cungn-<meii! re;i(l and profit by Ihe
afigurea which hnve been Bpread befon- yon.
We mii?t go ontiide of tbe City of New
York to Ond a healthy aad rigoroni toae of
pflbllC Hiitiinciit. The cliaiter elettioiix, the
retunis from which are now neariy all iu, in
dieate tl.at tbe average pnblk eentiment,
deapite the aialadmiaiatntion of the anper
serviceablf*, is still with the princi|iles which
liavc been beretofore idaatifled with those of
tbe Repahlican party. Throngbont tbe .State,
with bnt few antl niinor i-xcejitioiis, the ncont
town tleetions have been Bepnhticail huc
eeaaea aud BepnWieaii gains. Tbii li tnw of
Klinira, Pooghkeepaie, Coboea, I'tict, Bochea
ter, Newbnrgb, and Anbnrn. Abaoe. the soli
tary exception to thia ehain of rfctoriea is
Oawego, which bas reelcct-ad a Democralic
Mayor and deatroyed tbe Bepnhlican majority
iu the ConaeiL Bat in I'tica, wbere
a Oemocratic M;iyor was elected last
year by Mt mnjority, a Kcpnblican is ehoscn to
BUCCeed him by 111 majority. Klntira i6\vn a
Repnblieafl gain over last year of 'Ml, TO
eleetiflg Flood, Uayor, by 8M majority, and
yihihyt tlie lieuviest majority for the i.epubli
Cflfl tiiket ever thrown iu tlie eily. Denio
.latic Ticy eho-es its Mayor tltis year, M
naual,from ii- fovotite party, but by a majority
which it- nearly 1,000 leaa than last year, From
variooa other and unaller plaeaa iiii** geaeral
lone ef vi.-tory is reported, aud tlie ii-jiect of
tin li. Id, as heiewilh biielly sKelched, is en
eonnging to thoae nrbo beliere that Ihpnbli
eani'in, boaeatly iBaaaged nnd BBaaMihly
geiiemhd, is tlie salcst political decliiiii bj
wbich a gn at State nnd a nn;li Nation flafl
bc govt inui.
Wi may (oiint tbc lnain ebargea ?.f Beustat
Sniiincr''- reaolutlon eoaoenaiiig aalca ?>? imna
to the Ficik lt ns now fully ffltabliabcdi Tbe
testimony of C.-n. I?y?t, BOppletneatiBg that
iif lhe Seeietaiy ol Wiu, us ii doe>. i.-iab
li.sheb and niakcs clear iinv patt of this
case whieh was before b ft in doubt.
Hut it Hienifl lhat Gea. iKei, retnrahig from
tin Weat, .ift.-r a brief ahaenee, i.miii.i him
(ii beeteged by woalaVba panhaaan for
arma; timt he aold ^i,381,VN worth within
forly-eighl hoiii-s; tluit u part ot these
iirma aretfl hoI.1 to tho Fiench ak'ont
uiur ho bad been di ?*?.<.> vvmd &*.
auch; that tho wholo ipication of a
construetion of international law wiu, left to a
Biilmrdinnto of the War Dopartioont; and tha
iho Oraaaaaa Bma wa* ho aatiaaa to Mfl
our military store* thut the riMerve siipplies
of the conntry were rcduecd Wyond pr.se
dont. No Huno pcrson c.ild aupposo that
tialc* tti anna, ainounting to over u md
lion dollurs' worth jier day, wero mado
during tho Fail of H70 for the ordinary
pnnioses of trade, ttn u hundred con
demned anny wagons might havo beon tM.
Yet, this whole gruve business, invohing
il.licate points of iuteinational law, as well
u? tho disarmanient of tho Ropublic, was
coolly tunied over to the Orduunee Uureau,
to bo referred to n sulM.rdinate who might
chooso his buyers und __I his own ternis. Is
it not time to ?lop thi_T Are tho carelessly
miinaged Kxooutivo Deparlments of the Oov
ernmont to be tho m>1o goveming arin of tho
nntionT These questions uro more importaut,
jusl now, thnii the iifcoiiiituhilit) ti the oiliccr
who sold tbe aiins._^^____
Two men?we will eall them Nokes and
Strang?eame of Bgfl nearly nt tbe name time.
They were theli worth exactly tho cb.thes
they BtOOd in?nny |M tmm? but had about
nverago intellects, fair constitutioiis, good
bealtb, a deeeat eoanaoa Kbool edueatiou.aad
n tolerablo knowledge of ordinary farm-woik.
Tbey -aoon hiredout for |18 per month eaeh.
with board and wnshing, nnd wore uccoiinKil
g.1 hands. Nokes saietl liis hours and his
oamings, spending nothing for indulgt-nces;
Bttang look a day out now and then, druiik
and lunoked and danecd, as most men will,
resolved to " live as ho goes along." At tho
yoar's end, eacb had more and better clothing
thaaat lhe outset; bul Noko.shad?>l(K)incashliud
by, wilh ten dollats in bispoekot, while Strang
had three or four in his pocket and nothing
pnt asido " for a rait y day." They now hired
again, ata little better wagea, aad aooai Strang
marryiag at **% aad tbeaeeforth being eon
strained to closor culfilation and greatcr econ
omy, whereby, what with cares and children,
he just kept und koops his oliin above water;
while Nokes, marryiug iit 17,had 01,000 draw
ing interest, bcside OBOBgh ifl hand to buy
what he must to lil up a frugal home. Tweiity
years latcr, Nokes Iias a good limn, well
Btocked, wilh lt.000 al interest and every com
f.ut abont him, oo thathe ii coaaidercd worth
g40,000, and ai leagth begisfl tO take tha world
more easilv ; while Str.uig. lhe HUDfl man be
ever was, has ncciiinulaled half a tlozen chil?
dren and their duds, but veiy little fllflO, You
ean flfld jnst such inen as eaeh of these (but
mon like Btxang than like Nokes) in almoat
any rtii.il towndiip, in nn.v riDage or ward.
ln fact, manhind may fai rly be divided into a
r-uiull tla.-s of Nokeses iiiui one ini.eh larg'-r of
Now the ditVeience in these nieti's fletatefl
waa not made by banks, oi taiill'-. or char
ters, or inonopolies, or anythiflg "f the kind.
Any of tbeae or all of then mav have helped
Nokes or hiadered him, flfl you will; but the
gronndworh of his >neeeaa was iu himself;
and so wilh Btrang'fl eoaBparattre failmo.
We know that bad goveitnntiil may discourago
thiift and ho rednee ihe propartion of ihe
thrifty; but it has pleascd God to eadow some
men wilh tho instiuct of suving, which others
nre bora withonti bo the foiaaef aaaaaa weaith
and the latOfll' do not. So it WM from the be
giuning; so it will be, inile**-* huinaii nature
cbangea, to tho end of time. We ure not ar
gniag that Nokes is a wiaer or better man
than Sli;iiij_r. Tbat is not Ihe poiat. Whfli Wfl
<|c. tn uinonsideretl and unicali/od by the iint
joiit.v is this: // is tlu- iittfirat nf ull. iiiilwTui'j
Ih, ptuyrett, ihut there sfumlil bc innre nml i,t->n'
mni likt' NoUt antl fcurr UU Btrwag.
Nokes, you say, is selli-h and purs.
proud ; be mikes nioney bia god, ainl mi--.es
the good of liie in order to arrapc togetbei
weaith which he does not enjoy, aud ln>iu
which his children will derive no real benelit.
AN tll; admit it. Bat mankind are richer for
tbe weaith he has oroated and saved ; his taim,
his bonae,bia itoek, will be left to us thongh
be be taken away. Nny, more: from thehoni
he becaine a capitalist, bfl ecased to l?e a com
petitor for employmeut and beeaBie n pro
vider of employmciit for those who, but for
his rise, might havo soiight it in vain. To
make his home what it is, he has bOBgbt
thoiisaiuls of days' labor from ditohors, stone
pickers, feiice-makers, muck-diggors, tv****, tVe.;
thfl construetion of his better hotise has made.
woik for eeHar-diggen, bri. k-makers, ?aeoaa,
luinbirineti, oarpeiiters, l'uiiiisliels, Ac, &.O. ;
he has tlms (without Jatead.Bg it, if you say
so) been a bonofaotor to labOTJ and niue
tenths of the :voalth he has ama-sed will re
inain to benelit. others after he has dono with
il. Had oil been like Noko-s, the most luckles.
among us would have been bnrn to it more
(le-iiable loi in lifo thau is actually eujoytd
by a quaiter of n-.
lt does ?aaaa to ns tbat tbeae eleaaaatal
iiuths are nol daly eonaldered. Too maay
secin to negard the tireleea irotker and Cragnl
MTerna thongh bewere a public esemy, Too
ni.'iny tidk and aet as tboflgh thiift were pre
suuiplive evitleiice ol WfOPg thflt, Im-ciiiisc
some gei rich by extortion aml raacallty, none
aequira weaith in nny other way. Hesee pro
jects which seeiu calculateil to rednee Labor
to a iniriiiuiim and ti.v a brand npon all who
work hard that thoy may bequeath comfoit
and Opportnntty tO their children. It seenis
clear to us that nol only is this mistaken, bnt
that the class who WOnM siillei iiio->t, it ull
were henceforth to escht w MY-Bg and live lor
the paaaiog day, would be ihe neetlj poor.
The ritality which ntill reaidea in the relkfl
of lln brokon Hing displayed ttarlf in a chat
acteriatks form yeaterday. We mentioned iu
Tm. Tkiiu NK the flight of Coflsotly, tlie
cbarge of his tormer eoarlction in rhiladel
phia for ciiine, and the power ov.i him whii h
these dfadoanrea gare to his hllow-eonspira
tors. Wo spoke of lliese fncts edilo
rially iti tho tone which th.y warranted.
WC did not BBppOee these retnaiks would
be agite.ible to Mr. t'oiiliolly or to his tii.-ii.l-.
it ut we did not conceive that this city be
lOBged lo them, or thnt their plcastire wns to
be colistilled in the disctishion of import.mt
public queetione. lt is antaia] aaoflfh that
they should not share theae riawa, Thay aml
tlu thii vi.-li ifanir of which they are part have _*o
long li.-l'i Ibla 4 ity by tlu- tln-oat, plafldnriag end
tOrtUliflg it nt wjll, thal they havo come at
|flt( l?' iinagine that any dUflH ns.-iou of th.ir
. iun.-, an.v question ll* to the MBOBM of tlieir
siolen weaith, is an iuipcrlim nt inteifereuce
with llicir nnlhority and Iheii privileKes.
Insj.ire.l with this idea. Mr. Joel A. I'ithian,
tho aon-in law of Jtichanl 11. Connolly, tauio
yeeterdaj alieinoon i?? ihiioiiice, and, meeting
the Chief of oui ('ity Di pailtnent ou thfl
hlairs, coiiiinenccd a \ loletit ns-ault upon him,
lueakinK a eflBfl 0?0I his bead* He w i-. im
uii.li.itel) n, i/..] and ch.t.jtuvd by th.) Ldjtor,
who ended tho aflray l>y kicking his (wwailant
down utiiirn.
Wn hare one word for thi* man Filhuin.
And for all tlml rullianly erowd who have been
driven to d?aperatioa l?y thn rtiin of tlu
inaehino of plundor wliich they thought WBB
to _erve them forever. They must h-arn MOB
for ull thut th.-y have no iintnuniry from
niticirtin. They have no uioro rightrt
thui othiT crimioBl.. U may not bt
agneable ttt them ** '*' *u,^_*_*a tu ,
tl.o.r charaeter n. thievc* nnd bnrglar* aml
lo._r.-r_; Imt Ui<ir fi-elinga tBBOBB ?*> <?<>?
...lt.-.l in theae matt.T.. Thk Tuiiu-nk never
ciills aaaea wiihout Jnotiteotton, aud it never
wilhhohl.. iuiportunt pnblic fact rt out of con
sidcrntion for friend. or opponwit*. \>o en?
tered | Io.ik time ago into thin light ngiiin.it
every form of publie didionc .ty, Md we do not
intend toquit the field whilo Biiything *******
10 I,. done, wliie.h il eojiivalclit to BOJing thal iWO
ixpct tu (?..iitiiiiie in the work a great wlule
loBfer. It i.i a wtaym of jfaM ttimZK
Ilil__kNk lillk anM S* trietl by better mon
than Fithiiin, aud eleverer nien than hia con
viet ftithci-in-luw, aud stronger coinbitmtionN
than anv which Tauimuny in itH lx?t day*
eould MU-OgO. Ah long nn Thk TitincNK
larttrt, editorrt may come aud ma.v go, but no
thief nor iwindltt need ever expeet au>
ehange ia its policy towanl them.
Lcast of all can they hope to ..ccoinplish
anything by violenee. lt ig tlie natural im
puhw- of tlie viilgat, iiiiiilueated rutlians who
constitute the in.it'iiiil "f whieh tl.e Bing was
made tONOOnl with the pi.tolor tho bludgeoii
unv referenee to their niisderneuuors. J*ut if
they would consider a niomeiit tliey would 160
how nb.urd in Hiieh n proceeding. DOOB
Fithiun BOppOM that if he had .ueceedeil
in hii f.mli.h utt.-mpt of ye?ter<lay,^ he
would have fared any botter to-day T The
gentieman whom ha Bgaallod had not attoeked
him or his worthles.. reliitivi-. It WBB Tiik
Thiiunk. which gave <? xpression to the- ncnli
inenU Of all hon<"4t people ubotit the wlmlo
corrupt eonepilMf. It ii Thk Tkiulnk wliich
speaks to-day und will npoitk to-inorrow, and
long atter tl.irt vermin of the hour
have been BWOp. nw.iy uinl forgOttflQ.
lt irt n..t without a certain pity
nnd eonpMBiOB that we eOOJldeC the sitnation
..f thaaa aahappt m.-n. They Ihonght th<
.tream of gold whirh lloweil in to thein from
their theftg and pcrjuiicrt wan to lrt.t forever.
Tlie Bilttona th.y havo - tolen sceui pitiiully
little when the supply irt onee cut oft Aml
eveu that, they begta rteiioiwly to fear, they
are to lOflO. Thirt umu Fithian, for in.tance,
i. repated to baw a balf BaUlioaof Connofly'g
money, to which he hart no more riiflit tli.m a
piekpoeket bai to tlie paiae he has Btolen.
Tho reform in which we are engaged will
be n iiii-4?-rubl.) mockery if men bke thia
r.'iuii tha eaah they havo robbed. They
begin to npprccia'o tlie fact, and
ne growlng eoiwapondlngly deaperote. l.?
them, expoxure, puldic eontouipt, social ostru
ci.m, niiiii nothing. They n.-ver luul unv
ehaiMton lo loao. Bnl they <i<> f.-.u
the lo.-v-t ol money, for that meaiirt no 8m
hon.eH, no high living, BO 6MJ an.l
livi.li lnxury of hoirti-B, and clnl.s and
win.??. lt meaiirt the portsij.ility of boneal
wurk for an hone.t lirelihood, to which thej
have ffOWa Uliaeiu. toined uinl whicli till llniu
with ili-iin.'iy. No wiuuler thej ?ie mad und
deaperate. Bot thut emmiiif which thejr poa
,iegg, in roininoii with BOBBfl otbei beaata ol
priA, iboald teuch tln-in tlint tlieir int.: ig nol
t.i Iie uvertcd by KWiigxetiiig liitiiani-.ni.
/ :ii FOI IW H. TSEt. URNCR OF DIN _' K*
Wh.-n Col. J. W. Forney made a audden
tli-invry the othet day that Urant waa loaiag
gronnd in Pwmgjrlm?bi, nnd that olllce-hold
in- waaineoBBiateni with the Independenea of
,i polttiiitl jotirnalirtf, tluro wm, a-* ererybody
knowa, ? BTtBf, dnttering bI the Wbite Boaae,
.-unl i-(.iiitii..ti..ii about the Capitol. Tlniv ifl
no plaee in the Knit'd BtatOfl wlnre a Bln^O
pulitii inn can nmke rttieh a di-.luibauee an at
Waahington. In the .oci.d atmo .phere of that
city imlividual. ?rovv to extraordinary -izc, and
many I ftate..uiiin of indifl'erent abOitieg is
eiitri-ntly supposed to carry whole diitiiet.?
perhapMwli..l, St it.-i?in tho ixicket.i of his
trow,..u .. A.-* go. -i r..rmy, 80 goeg Penngyl
viini.i, wa. a very common b<li<f. When
therefore Mr. Forney aiirreiidered hii Bppoint
nnnt n. Collector of the CottCWM aml set out
homewaid to devote himself " to the energetic
"aupport of the principle. of the great Kopnh
"lican party." it was onh natiual that thi'
Prertident . ltuuld entre.it him to come baek
and tulk the matter over. Bnt Mr. Konn y
hud a bu. inc . . engfigenu nt in Philadelphia,
and wonld not Rtay. Baring fired hi.-4shot.he
preferred to niako ofl as f;i-*t Bfl he eould. and
watcb from ? distanee to . ee wh.it wonld hap
pen. When the Mountain would not come to
Mahomet, Mahomet BBflt e'en go to the Moun?
tain. So the Pre ,id< nt wont to l'hiladeljiliia,
und Bflked <'"!? Foiney to diniier. Forney ae
eepted, aad PennaylTaahi wm MTed.
Thero wus gnothei greal Jonrnaliat?<aa grtait
jieihaprt as Forney?und ho toowint to Wudi
iagton full <?f enthngiana for the great prln
clple-i of the iJepublicun paity. He ^aw in the
Preaident au obttede to the trinmpb of thoae
prindplfB 0 man whoOB rtnoniinatioii must
embitter fuctionul rivalries, discourage liberul
refonnen, und *irt freah luart to the Demo
entio oppoaition; and h<- apoke hiamindon
thirt stil.j.'ct v.-ry freely. Th.y a-?ked him to
diniier at tho Wbite Honaoj aml be got up
from the taMo p< r .tiaihd that Grant was the
mn. t I'.luitiioiirt Of rttatiBmen, the most aft'able
of riikr-i, Wifle in tliy ehoiee of hirt fiii-n.ls,
qniek to Bppredate intellect in Ihe liteiary
profcBBJon. the greateat of adndafBtntoro, aud
the aola hope "i tha aatioB.
There in a third diatingniahed editor who
otif-ht tobe aaked to dinner. Mr. Kob.it Bon
nci has been iccoonted ooo nf the Preoident'fl
frienda. There La i itrong bond of union 1k.
tween the Chief Fxecutive und the owner of
Dcxter. Yet iii a rec.-nt nunibei of The Nt-ir
Yurk f.ethjer WB lind a di-pniuging ullii-ion to
the Military King. Can thi. tliin* b<-T b
ttiend-diip a frand f l.et Mr. Bonnor have a
dllilltl .U onee.
WUI U"t tbe S( nators and K. pn-.entalivc .
in Congreu hoin tho onee ohiybnildingStotefl
ol Maim- aud New-lluiiti'sliire BOO to it lhat,
wlieuever iho Shi-nnaii TiitilV irt eon. id. i<d.
uu aiii.niliiieiit in the woriU "when imported
"in Am.-ri.'"' baHaaaa " .lciii taa paaalateatly
lnovcl t<i ench and every elaaac Hheuiing ol!
ten pei cent. <?f tlu* Piotootioii to Ameriean
Iniii.rf II S. iiuiot Shei'iiiaii's piopooed bounty
t<i Kiiti.h labor bIuiII be Voted by Congic..,
the Beal injury it would do to llio in.lu-.lry
aml cupital "I tho Uuited Stati . woui.l luul
miiiic eenapengation iu the reatornHon of
Auutieail coiniiK rce tli.it would be OVoked
bv a ten P0f eent. bounty to Aiueiican-lniilt
-.hi|irt. I.tvi.il in this form, tlu- boiinly would
not be a eharge on nur Trcu.ttry. li woui.l
be paid bj foreigo Btnnfnetaran Cm .tuv
objoct to thifl mvo ? Hritish PrOO-Tr?der, and
will any rrpresoiitativo to a ship-buihliii?
Stato refiiso to reuder hia constitueuts this
aorvice t ^_______????
ft.nator Robertsou's bill to nbolish Capital
I'unishniftnt deriveo ?ilMllflBfll wei,<ht lrom
the eharHctor aud experiuiic.e of ita author.
Conservativo and cautiotw by nature, he has
for many years been intimately a-Ssooiated
wilh the adiuinistralion of justice in one of
onr liirKest. (Jountics?ono which, from its
contiKuity to our City, i* oxocptionally in
foated with ciiminals. Ib-side serving with
credit through aeveral M-ssious of either Houae
of our LoKislaturo, be lia- been by turiiH Dis
trict-Attorney and County Jadfg, flnd tluu
hn* enjoyed iimiauul oi'po.tunitios for ac
quainting himselC with the inipulses, the cal
ciilntious, and tlie iipprohousioiis, of those wlio
utige wat on Iho, righui of person and prop
Prty. Without profi s.-.ing an.v special intimaey
or tinderstauding with our Senator, we ean
hatdly bo mistaken in assiiming that.
he has beon moved to proposo tbo
aboiitioi, tt, fta Death Peoalgr far ?? jgtti
mentalisni, no hiawkisTi humaiiity, out by i?
profotind conviction that that penalty proll'ers
inipunity to crinufl of violeuce, by rendeiing
eon.ictions of murder so raro that the dread
of them is bardly felt. The crimiual class
note the fact that there is not one capital
piinMiiiifiit for every tweflty murders?(iu
fact, we beliere three baadred peraoafl were
f.lonioiisly kilb-d in thifl City wit hin tbc year
1871, while not more than tive cotivicts wen;
liiing.?so thev "take the chaiices," and
gratify their avorice or their veugeance in tin*
reasonablo expeetatlofl that they will almost
certainly eseape the law's dread penalty.
?"Then you inean that ?Tianging is played
"'out,' beeatise you who condeiiiu it have reii
" dered it odioUfl antl revoliingf
No, we do not. Men are, perhaps, no mor.
bonest, but certainly leafl bloody-minded, than
thej fonnerly were : it would not be poaaible
to etring np petty thleves by thousands as
was done in Euglanil ho late as tho time of
Henry VIII. Hut the real dillictilty ia not that
the majority are hostile by conviction to legal
killing. Hut crimo cowers in darkness; tho
most heinous murders being precisely those
whi.h cau only be provetl by circumstantial
evidenee. Now, cireuuistuiicos may deceive,
just un witaeaaefl may Iie; aad the average
juror aaya to hiniseif, "Tbe aeenaed imn/ poa
" sibly bo iiinocent?innocent men have been
'? bnng ou testimony no stronger thau this?
'? it ifl better that tlio guilty should be left to
"the jii-iice of God than that tbc inuocent.
"beigBomiaionaly BUughtered"?aadao he nyi
"Not GuiltyV?menning only that tben ifl t
poaaibility o? the prisoner's innocenco, and bfl
stiiinks from making ji mistako wbflfCOf the
eoflaequeneea are iiremodiaWe. Were the
pennlty impriaonmeflt for life, he would aay
'? Cuilt.v :,? kuovving that, if fiiture devclop
mentfl should prove this a ini-lakc, the error
could and woubl be correctcd in caso tho
eondemned were expiatiBg his preamaed of
feaae in priaoa, Wo caunot doubt that, if the
legal penalty of murder were other thau death,
nany more amrderen would be convicted,
and nt far leflfl expenee, tban now are.
We Id- Senator Bohertaon to preaa hi- bill
tenaeiou-ly, and to BCCOpt any aiiiemlineut?
even to lhe oMelit ol h.llil'.K' tlll* (l.-Dce
lietween death and perpetual hnprisonment
to lln iiirj ?rather than nllowil to fail.
Tttt I'vtf-Traden in 1870 prored out of
their booka and their imflgfnationa that if the
I.iiiti' on foreign Pig Iroa was redneed fl
a tun, the priee of that artiih- to Americau con
suiuers would be coiTcspoudiugly roduccd, an.l
be "S'J a tun leafl than it then was. We repeate.lly
demonatrnted the Eallaey of this ebttdUke
reaaoning, aml waraed Congreaa of the inev
itable conaequeneefl that would eaaae apoa
tho reduction of the duty. But a stillicient
iiiiniber of BepabUeaaa wero found to Vote
with the Demoerata in their oatpoat warfaro
on tho Taritl', aad the mischicf was doflfl,
Wlmt was tho rostilt! Work WM atopped on
many blast furnaccs iu the United Btfltofl in
proOflflfl of orectiou. Of the many new furnaros
projected, but few were undertaki n. The ma?
jority of those in oj.erittioii were sparinjdy
stoeked for a short, aml possibly unprotital.le,
blast. On the other hand, tho Bflgiiah Pig Iron
inaslers, whoflfl iiK'ents here bad really cl.uted
the intluenee wbich put through CoagfBMthat
roduction of our TtirilV, did what we repeat
edlv prediclod they would do. They quiotly
added tho i*f'l a tun to the priee of
their Iron and iiicroasod tbeir make. The price
here did not Iall one lailhiii*.'. The Ho-seiuer
Steel niakers, who hoped to import tbeir
favoiilo ( iiinbeiland metal $i a tun
ebeaper, aud the Plfltfl aud llollow-ware ioiind
ers. who looked to get Seoteh Fig at
a liko roduction, wero all diflappoioted.
The oid lesson, which our Free-Trade
eeonomiata obstiliatcly rcfuse to learn. was
iaii|_lit iiiii'W?that tho reduction of the Ani.-ti
can duty is an addttion to the Britiah priee.
Bat we also warned OoBgTflflfl that a reduction
of the Tarill' $-3 a tun OB foreign Pig lion
WOflld be foliowed by a large incicaso in the
priee of that artiele, both foreign und
doiuoslio, and a corresponding increaso iu the
priee of all other kinds ot Iron aml of Steel.
.See the fu llii Inu nt of this prediction iu tlu;
priee of Kails. To-day they ure ?*?,. per tun.
One year ago they were |0t, The di uiand for
Kails ezeeedfl the piadaetioB of Pig boa. There
aro not blast furiia.es enOflgfa iu operation to
supjilv the inlling-iuills, and tho mOlaflie Md
.liiiK againal eacb other for Pig Metal, and
will contiinie to Iiid, and the|iiiceol Pig Bara
and Raila will coutinue to gO up till they e\
coed tho Iimit of economical railroad eon
atrnction, or till adfeatoroafl eapitalieta ihall
bo tempted io put up new faraacea aufficienl
to reatore the uonual lalatioa of anpply to
In the neafl time we will iin'iiirc ol Sen?
ator John Sbennaa what tbia dieturbnnce of
markets, eauaed b) the reduction of the Tariff
>'.' | (uu 8B I'i* Iron, has eoat our coun?
try T lt has eoat it, withiu twelve mniiihs,
>n | nm ou tbfl Kails alone aow Ofl
hflfld. Coatneta Pfllfl mado last week iu this
clly for Aineiiiaii Kails, to bo laid a yonr
heiire, on the assiiinption that impoited Bflflfl
would go to $Bo withiu that time. If they do
>ga there, that. one diniinulion of our Tai ill
will hiivt* eoat tl.is coiiniry 111 a lon
for every milo of new railroad bflilt in
the l.'nited Sliitcs in lh.J, and ev. i.v mile of
oid road relaid. Tho estiniate of tliis h.--,
baaed on the construetion of is;i, will be a
low ono Btatetl at tjiil.ilOO.OUO. This on Kails
lor BOW ronds alone. Wo b.-g Mr. John Shei
niaii to consider these facts and ll_;ures, antl
to forbear to push the illusive lleveiiue Kt -
form a liair's breadlh bflyflfld tho udditioir to
lhe Ine list of the eliiueuts of manitfai tures
vthi.li our own counlry does not produco.
Everj other redojcUoa of the TmiH thut he
may offcel will BBMly k* folloW?vl hy M m7"
chievotiH re .ult* nn thoffl w? are now nutfatior
under in reopeet to Kmlroad Iron. *
The llritinh Mrehanit't Magazine, in _,.
uitiele IgggMng at Fnri-ign Ciiiapa tition, tt_.
of the amazingly HOBptmg Irou -[^ J
Dieat Krituiii : " We ure making very nnid
"progrirtrt outsilve-4, while .,tf,.r nation?,
"though not atiimliiig still, aie laboring in ?,,
" -in.i.l a way,und mo far boUnd us, that, p_tn
" we uh Kineroiirt nn we Bfllghl b*\ nur pnnci.
" pal fieling would be <-ommi.eration rather
" than <nv\." Vi t in brhnlf of thia Mgnanah
the Financo Conimittie of Iho Senate haa ra
portgd a ten pei cent. redurtioii of our i:j,.],;f.
at<- 'i ,'inll iate-4 on tofdgl Kur Iron!
Whoarat wantrt _tirTin<. im ideiit, or ilr*,m_,ti?
hiih.ltjiuiw, aaaatge tathaeawta Bawaaay^l^tM
oft.itiatii.ii. VV'.- take it iu turn with mn Knirliah
hr. tlu. ii to fiirni.li ggeh otlur BTtklj with trim
di.i, an.l llwaail ilev.Ii?]iiii?-iit . <?f tiuiiian p_j?iw,
mui ii iim-, v. Imii thrili tiu- blmxj vvitli tho ixiijut
dellghtfOl Loi ror, and make the iL-uli rri'ep't.i'ottr
entire rirttiotiH . ati-f.-u tinn. AI f.ir aarraaa, they u*.
tame and BManingteaa beaida anak Bfategtae aa bbb.
l>f FiiJk'f. can.-er or tho Wharton trial. EurIuI.
pabliaheta aend over iniiiitl.ly hliiiil_ i.f ISritililoo t
nml Trollopc'. and Hl... k'" haagMBgg whi. ]. v,
laperted as atiang wtna al beaaet init which, bvth*
ti.ne theynael "*. are atale aml ii.it eaeagh. wi.i.h
of th. in ever i i.iitiiiiird ?*? plof lik.- that af tl.. Tlrh
bome trial? ThgglgBntk ftiud, tlu- hont of wim
up n iliip. (1 by lli.-hut. her, the mvagaievengjB wbieb
he th ilt on imi,I,1 vMiii.cn or iinioc. nt xirl. who
_t<i.i.i iii bia way, afl maaiBelgaalj aa thoagh,alaBBai
in haii.I. ba vv.-ia- at vv.trk with lha I" h-U jg hin
. himditcr-yaril 1 We nre d.-btort. to Artlmr Ortoa
for a prolotu-.-d tiuifle af aeaaatiani aml
tho nioinent thn rurtain full. BBBB liira.
M {frand tai'itttu, ut rfowgala. tha Basalaa, Bbmb,
Uadlj taki-. hi- plaee, Mr. Baaat Btyetertoegly
iii-aiip. .ii-, in i.niidon, in dayligbt, Lettereof deey
nml tgatiUa in.it.nt .ir<- ii-.iiv.al, eaa faaai liimw-U.
biddidg p.itli.tio far.-vMii to bia (Handa and
ln tniil.i.1, -t.itmt; thut be iiin lln paa H iii ?( uit ai |
leagae cd derfla, aud haa?hagaa deatb ialbectba_i
obodlcnCC fo tln'in ; anotlu-r frum tho Leagae lii
forming his t-iiipli.y.-rs tliat lm is dead. Which t.i).
IgceediledbyalltheBagHah paaaa baaa The nmet
down ; and dark glimpft.-. aro opened to us on erery
atdeef uamelc... BtM ?i.-ti.-s, invi. >hle HaiulcrHiiatrhi*,
that from.th" daya af tha- H.iintrt BBtll now have
dwclt npiiTt in Eniape Hiicking nmn_. bloed, m.l
g| nn Uag their bntie. to make tluir btBBd. Wr cu
iiowsottle down with gnato tetha iifr. -hiiiiiit of an
obsolutely new lu.rror. It is tnm the aldgl Baaai
glaa write. a btt.r statinsr that his aan haa Iba
" wand.r-fev.r," and rau away om .? h< for.', aai
hinting that he would prohahly tum up nll riirlit
bafaea l..n.r. Bat we will have aoae gfthaaMw
Baaar. Be is an baptaetiaaala <?id gmdgriat.
i|.-titut.. of imna-inrrtioii. We prefer to ht.iiul with
Ihe Time* nml Speclatmr in opeMBOnthed horror of
tba Baadaeanatrb. Wi- ahall ba diaeaaefatedifg
Iiuiror bouo ol" the lo.t Banag is bft an tii" enrtli.
Aml if ba raataraa to tum ap agjain all rlgbl, wa
f,-a 11ii.ii w.- ii.iv.ju.t km.md taaaa lagdaaaagaa.
Greal are the UeaUm of alergyaaan, aad eaaatanl
aa they are greal. Haiaia a lletbodigl peaaabaraf
Walthaiu. Ma-.i.. who, Iwinga wulover. !..nk n.tn lu.i
boaae to keep it. a woman naim-d Annie Mathaw
aon. In t iine, he marrie<l ggalfl : aml foi thwith An
nio bagaa to eircnlatc st.u iaa ef bai Bedaetfaa hy lha
wiilowi i nmler a promineof inani.iire. This aeeuarr
hud < veiythlng liei own vv. v, ;n i. iimihI iu stieli
eaaea, and laat nothing hy nol aaking berebarsaa
bcoad aad aaiaedlai.us eaeagh. A church eoauaaV
ia.- im- lieen iiivi-Htigiiiini.' them vvith tba aeaaataaad
regard tbr tha law ?t eridenea axhibitad by aaah
ciiiiinnttiei; aml the whola iniit.-r lus baaa
i'.t.-ii.?l to tha Hew-EagUad Ceefbfeae* '?
wbieb, it aeeaaa to ui, it fluml'l hava <>rk
iuall.v _r.un'. if it was to go aii.vwh.re. Wn
luivi nm ntili.lenee in tlie jmliciul al.ility of ? lf
,..n-tiiiit.'.i Cbarah Coauniataea. MaanwhUa <li*?
piiri-hioii.-ii of thia iinfoitiiiiiite im-tor havo full
Iiui h in tiie put ity ot hi_i hiii'.n I.t. aiiilnnfaitli ut ull
in tbapuiity oi'the woaaaa'aebaractar. Theyaaajaad
tlu- whole transaction as a hir ol" tilacUinailiiiir. aml
tln-ir ptwtur ga ? uiait.vr. Su he mav Ih?. He ti
forced to n-pomi taehaasBBaaaj taaaaikaaBd baad
to dlaprovaj niii theegh he Baaa ba n^ iwntinanBM
Seipio, th.-coiuf'.it of hi-lit'.'is gane. A ph'iily gf
gaaflfsHnangen wiH '..-iii v.? him gallt], an.l *iil
it.it willingly lei tha acandal dla, II- aiaal Ura
bef'.r.- tho ayaa af Bara, or givo aaj bla
pnifes_i,>u. Be eantiot bg l"-t iu llm liiiiltituilll")ni
aad iim-la.-if.-<i eio-.v.i. If li" wera a earaaalar. ha
nightatillouiifoi-uiiiv and prodtably ii.nl,l baaaaa
Ifhawan a eobUer, be ailghl attll aala aad baal
baatai batbelnga Btaaehar of tha Qeeeelaai b.
tho condition of his oidinait'ii B p-tipatotio
preacber, onee In ona ot twa yearaha naaataagap
m tlie Sy-ipliim IjImu of biiililint. up :. BBW . liariK t>-r
Bodof loeallyliviagdowa tha old Ua. Boelalyia
, gaitaa bim t" ba like t'.es.ir's arife, aol only w.thoui
uin, b'tt witliiHit tl." -ii-|'n i.m ot -in : atul thfiiwi
olety, with ita aaaal ahanning eanaialangy, pr-i-u
utir.it-oii.ii.lyingnageeting him. Uader aayatbff
than nur Miluntiiiy aiul Congngatlonal M-t.'iii. BB
aaighl laagbal bia baekhitera and drawhiaaalagy
with periodieal I'lim fuulitv : but tbe lil.. itv vvliifli
BBB made Iii- pai i .limiier-n-liuioi.- D MM r.it.,li*- ui
a 'i rtaia aenae aaadc bfaa their -l.ne.
W.oli-i rv.-tliiil -i veral l'n.t.il; nt raUgtMBMM
paajeia ?re aorroaa, an.l naturullv aa,aboal tlu _pn?
mu aif Koiuaii (athnlie mi-iDii.ii l- ti'iu Hagpagi
to lahor aaaang our rreedmeii. " H-re i.i a "i*'l
ptOBBlaiBg tield," it ii Bflfd, "f"r Koim-h omkm***ertl
tho Blaeka Bia rellgiaaab Baaaaatibla *ui f
graotlj tiiken wilh .li.ivv iiiiii pairiiinl: Iftive B ?th
ralii veiiiice t'm .intlniity; ure u_ ivtimiiint ueveu
the Baaaaa Chmah aonld wiahj araaaa?n__bhta
kindm?." When tha Baptial Cooreatiaa "f Vlf
Kiiini refaaaa to bald fnlamol Cbriatiaa iaonoiBBiB
with tii.'.oioiv.l Baptial CanveatioB,tha B-hnhadB
imt lik,- it, it it|,|'?ais. They will BBtBBJllyM?B to
Koiii.-." when tluv will ha twetMlaaaggaloaoBW
Qod. Wl.ai the,,, it. riew af theaa *_*_****
pe.il.. i. H iii ai laal iaaa to dai Btap *****_**f,,r
one thinir. Ot North. rn and S.nitli.ni MaanoflM
nn.I N..riliei'ii and Southern I'reil.vt.-riiiin. gite ?p
their inteMine f.-uds. Let tliem BlaBkBBB*******
newapaperhetea ga aaggaata,rabw bbbmIobbI*
in.vtoediicate rree.liiien f.'t the ii.iniMry. TLa
field ia oik 1, to 11..- w..rid: nml if I'.oi.Mai.u Maaaa
th,,?..lv,'_ work in it dilurei.tlv. and, Bhe*B all.
biiiin...ii.."-li-. thev hav.' little llgbt ?" **UtJ ?**
uu.l. I u, Komaiii-1- vv ho ean. So fnr a- w!nii*??? ?*
the Bniveiaal and eqnal btnaanityaf ******
eernid. the Bbbmb th.ir. h baa the bettef ******
It baa alwaya t...i..i.i" Ita ..wn wgy.eeyaeRl[W
Bla. k and While ; aad thla i- _aon liaa tl"' tmtm
ii?ttl.ui.!.ii.An'(,..a.iin -ay f.-i it>.U ?nl? ****
k lil.le vi.ltimeha- imt fulbM. into our kflBBh ?
wlu, I, tbe .'XtriKirdina. v itory af .1" "fJ^SjJS
gtraaopeenHw JntMial lt ia itHwd ******
(.Benieeoftha Dorgnt Cbriaaiaa. Coi.u.uiubn^
,,,i most p.tl.v l^nedlaeeelPietyilneedbrteMBO
llol.lv and Dve Uappily. Publ.-lnd bv I- ** ?? -^
..fthehol.v order... Bi Benedtot. WntedA^Q
?,.?,. ?,,? u bdadianted te ' ***** "''?'>"*?
li.nry inehbo...... Berani-I." BB ***_**______]
areeeatpaeaeflaeg <-f tho tiiW'. tmt tbfl *******
,,,i.,lo bv tl.e aakaewa T. V. ***_***?__
r.?,.ti. upoa <l..- bai "t ?' tl.- am* imt *****?*?
Ttehboaraa," and ,-,..,ii.t.y Bttndea te m vm
Dole ln, I.v glven lo all fnr umi i.ear cuiers. tRBBW
aaally diatribaaid aaan the tNhaf ****_[ ' .
|? ,h_i.il.ut.onof ulm? for w I...I. lha t.'"? ***.
Alngtad waa naiad ?wifrilaiBOOBt *****
Ihr (hiiono Mftiaiui. haa rii"ft Uom jB?*JjJ
fu'.h and a. ...at ai alii.de.i-11-. ^____*_Zmm
,.,..,...,1 .dal.le BBBO BOd ?.,...'. aml l."mb" "" JJ"
ratioimof atoriiw and fB try .'...Uabm *****___t
t.??a (lesciptiio arliidra. IhB P*-* __^"2?
un fi.ir iiglnrtn bee ariataaHl ****f* ,Dtf
. ut'.-' U- d ItfWHld.

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