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MsHtM -i-f-r yoi \\\l.....Xl,-<Mi">l. M:\V-Y0RK. MONUAY, MARCII ll, 1872. PRICE I OLR CBNT8L FORBIGN NEWa THl ?.i | \MY ( LAIM& etaKV ftM%t UFL1 i:n rivr.ii lN USXDOB. rfa (Jtmfrtr * ' .t Beentarj I ? ii..ff aaaasrattag tne riaim for \<d, :intl It r\prf?w:? , ?. g ...<?? rraaeatlor a fltml anu 1U11.. r/'< obtrrtr I I.1V.TT1 ? ? .i v- ra yfkVB' . ? : LTloN. ! 1 . I9IS, ^ : t?- u>d Britiib Clabaa Com ?? ,, .? Kt.. aad aft?r r. Tiiaii.ine vMI a<!>,iurn to raaaaaanale ia ^'! ' f<fi r - M r Itt Thu- tai ?bort m , .,!. Ii isth. ??i>imou ?if p'iill?^ kbotU UM Ti.'iit'- of :.-. t of U.-t?rn:i* miw ..? Um i,. th?- expeaat ol ptepar i . caoBaqw i ? Um '? mnber :.' Ml ' I ?nd i. >?! Oorenmat. I 1 ? "f I blBBOiBtlBI tf'b (lOC . xr.ti.lint UM UM -?'??'.- !'..-? .._-. Tbe rtcitalona iu tbe f.w <??? tmoua, both arnaeol Joattee ni n de ? | iisn lli..?<?-:: k-.\f . . - ervreJadMe. ttaOom . will ael opoo Um boai D6M dOI 0* irpnat caaai P*1 ? ? I n< mx< ? .??-? m hii !!? i'ii: nam TaRW. Murcb 3i'. Iu t!i? Katioaal Ammblj, ycstenty, Drpuly MJaiatrj ???' Ft?Wi M. ? apoa rrcatdeal Thirr*. - , .. . : | Bllg ? D .1 li"<! ? i aptn ??ii-i ekaoa. M. ,. M . Motl fw leatttr .. ..-.,. bp< .. .1! iwltbdraw mM M. dr ?M< tta, ?b.< WM r Um ? -??_- -, but \- ?-?.-.?? ? ? ? piw eaUoa of M. , and ln llie r ?? ;k? AVfCBded :).< <.' v. of :. ?: i'"... . at'UT a BMMt ? ?.???..;,??. ? ? af Um I Wax. Tli I ?? ? - i ? Wlllttmoi ? - . -, - t!.rou'.'hu.U C.? rr:. U J . ? \ IIch on tii< 1 w.Jliflrllg aud ?li-tn ?. .i. : . , ? B 'f'liO T'vn of Um : ? ? . dandtkeeCM r ti ? r<> iwoncile :Jif diCerennei . . . ti i Cbmmittac <>f Um ?? Xgm ? *toi7 prew i.t <?? ? .il.rll. . iftor T>ay ! <?f ihf !;:?' ? ? : . . to :<? i"ilt u '. I Eoroj of ibe : ,'r Rome, aad U ezprctad bera fii Vlfra mi boi ? ? ? i ' -liint >!<? Reaaa ?? .?? .? .?.-?? ., . i 'MKI? 4GAI1f?1 T'" ( 'T!!V. P THB MIM-n.I'.rAX, PASTT - . i . . . . ' ? kLu>*n?. Marofa 10. un. ] - : -: Um 6overnm< nt han :j-. It ha^ baca deode't _? .t.l" i dlatrwx at whlek thc ?? 'r ? ?'??. ? . ' >.!'i> r ?' ?:?? M ?' nl:iv 1 las i ii Then wai maeB ?n **? -. . .- M :i ??. r of th<' In : tbe >>?:. oi () ? n ii thal Um h .. ? '....-. ? ??, *;n<i ba "tt't* i : ..:.. prati ? , ? ? ? - }l" f X ' ? k ? ?. ;? red fiie ?Vab axl I UkGot '^lu'nt. r . Mldreaaaa an i | ? , ? i utircak in baaa lakaa ta ian> ?r.t.oii that muy Baflaada. LTnirer? ???^tiu- ary plot waa Taaaatfya^aaaaaaaal -ral of tbe riiitflciidcr* In tUf k '? I tfl?ATTEMPT T<? lACUflCI ti M!M-;i:. 01 WA1 T'? THI (McN UB UiL MIM.-TUy LtCILUKL- HY THB "1L ra?BBSP(iXI)FSTOKTRBTRIIir5E) Feb. ::?.?SatraMit bas laid his rMi^f . Aiuadvua. <im. (>?iuiudc, hJ*Mm> .-.hfd him. On thc 11th BBBC, . k < ver iiaec Ui( Sapiata Mio * I VSad, ha\ ,iig ut Li?t arriTed frow Baxcel(>na, "'?MH'.' rtfakVa. Almost hii ttntt offluial . 1 >n tb<- l?th?wu Ui promote '* ^-gnAietn u, ba Malar^aaMnla and Uaraa c<>iuu?iH ^rlfidier*, aaaw of wuom beioniff'd to the Uoion **^- Tbt i<i*a tluit saxsista and GamJndc ahouM I BBBI to niake a iifw bat<:h of paaanla J***1* aaaroltiiiK i? fon-band the Pnke de la ? aa ??"J rhr 4,-ruv; iatb< n of the Uiuod Ub?rul, B?" ^*^ur*b1*- ?'"' tbe Frontif r Moom flew Uito ? O'sanncei Hamwita aiwl hi? tuterlopiris; MWM not fc>"<f t,u* *l"P*, BM foe nw (>>n?<r\'i?tjv.: iiarty und^-r "?"Otatiou wan rent iu twaln. Toi?te aad Grouaid fc 1*^ **?? Uiej aaal Toud a^aliut theae pronK.tlona ^^???b* nwn BBBJ thetr chauce and ptuhed /of a re ? ?i?ijf Uie CkBBBJBla M m to Irt in an eijual propor ? tiieh-owa i>atn?,tlc, hand iuto tLe MinMry, and ^*taduBdu> f. !. 8a?ra?U *as lndlynant and dt ^y, ataluu- Louruf the uUftit, h* ajcrawl t? ^***Wanita4u, wtio bad don?; tbe obnoxtoun deed at ,]?*?/? awn anrg'ttion, and nverybody went to bed itt Ika ?,_. BtngglB,?Mbb1 bad UHedaJl Kn i: ^tt'; i!i?n?ornin({Of Satiirda/.Ftb. JijT*?V Ukinjf aay p^^ ln y,,. pr()cew<iuiK?. Ur' n Sapmta w;u? ou! of tod, a nirAHfwror brotiftht hlm ? lrt#r frnrn hio fnend Oamindc, t" whioh the lattir ti ah Ml asion to aay tbat. aa the. promotien of ?1m Metaaatf BMaMtala waa ? MMH Wfetak laul Ihcii ij. ci!'-il ?>> fM "' CahOBM ut Ni^iMa- m. .:.-'*? i.n, fet Ci.'im.iii)' ffMH not offor llis leallliattfla OB th..t aeio.iiit, imli'M it WaTC d? ol-i-d tha WhatC CBMaM aaaalel reuis^i Mfadhar. .tUiktioa Wii? ui>t tt (tWOl ori??, and it was H .. k.aad aafevaa/ Ml oYloek tho Kine await.-d ? .? i iattm iwnwf KoeturaiteMtar Stjpati t^:it there w M ti. ni'( ^s.f j- to tn.iu.l.' the Kitii,' ut?out a ?I ilns rit-M.rii>t.(?n. and. aa tho Caiunet wa? rh r'v not m upoMilltiiiii lo troublo ahn aheat aaytbl&f ? alaae I tii< iii. aaaaaawtag thM tkan waaM ba ,cll wrlit.n> Kmjrtiiat day. Thle was tha llM ?i *ifrf? iiudod that the Srturday Coiinc.l ha*. not a**einblcd. tt lOff isipaxta.tlii lofnre, at I oYloek. fted himwlf aloue baMta the Kiujc, wta? ho j u.r.irr.icl that, W the BflalBtan hnd nothiusmf rafflricnl . purtanot artth ahh h to oeeanv Bli Majaaty'a TalaAbk t laaa, thej b:nl (.)i'.:tidod DOt lo trouMo lmn, and toiet tkC I p?o\?T to MOtkpT week. ] ? BaaaaM *raa slrurk anmb wlii n tho Ki:iR repliod m< MInM' r* had nothint of BPpOftaiMH io nub mn totbe k:?.;.', Kls M.ij--t, hadaoaaathiajToi laportaac ? imnalcate lohle aUaJetara, aad Im t* ?->:?d BaAai Bagaett woald to io kimi m t i eaO theai haaather, .r..d . | mjmlj ?Mlllll walt for tlitin. Ki.i.-u Ivora :?nd aaaatre a? aa iaeeeaded tharayal twaj aaare thaa t' .i toan baftratfei n .?. dLI iB !m bnoK ?' top tka ?.. I I I .to tac ?!i. !??. th? Kin^ prodored :. paper oa waicb !.? ??, D \ .,; . . ? !!? ?< I fortl. tti.H. \'u r kdrtec of mny eaotoeui maa,b( ha UPCin Otttor "?!""**. ' !1 t,|,; ??* r?ta:i(li:ic i -, r w.,uld adool -?n !i ? i"'H y ai weoU therapidfonnatlooof twogr M aaoatttotloaa] paitlea, fo arrattre wtdeK. Afterward, t\|k!i t.ic vota ?f i'io Oorta weeumi la .i.iri uury, ha .. io aadttatM '. t!;:ir tho i^; metnban who --. , - caaaawan isitadlDthi boadpfooa ... : >ad eooM aet hanaontonaly to WiththattmdarataniUuK,hc badaoi )???-t.if. i ? etM for tiif duaolnttoa oftha Curtea, Md Qm .ipiwui to the coontrj . bol ?ar (rom avaaonloaa ot '. Une cd <'..n Im t. ha Buuhed thai -. :?..? ?? i I >i? m-t. pomed ? ... i ?>- noe a: ! aConserratlaje poUrj fhe n, xt TI ? ? w i ' ? pl ? ' ? '>'-'?rr^ (,: i? ?'? - ? i ? ha i appan ntl ? ^ Ited (.>r the i .1.- . i' >.i (?? tl.i ?reat Oonaanative partj ka . i lii (l.Mnv! the tiiri ..t.oii (.f two vi '.' <:?'t!ll(d J : i . - . .i teneU wcll uniiantood, ;nid it? i:,?:i? . proeeedJ - tth two ininlit ?:r?niat<' irdins . i fi" '?! detnand i aad iculd im KTupoloaaly thi < it t< i..-. i the reanll '?i tlu "'? l bethe fn ].:< .Tlu-Min lnV r- ?? . Itwai d<M.?? . "r ?l;:ir<.l.\ ni'< r*.i.rd ?.???" iitHi-d'iit!.- ? I).;.. rtraent, viicr. thejr nvaa trrfiice untl! ? .. ...t ".!..( h li.uir ;!.-;? ;.h-r.- ' . ' Ul tndlll ? | :, |, it nnd : ' . ?! n ' i> ' ' -':?- 9< ?? ?' . mthuaftei "i'i Qthath? u id hU Cablnet had (.? .ii \.rv enorti U? i ' l l!'' '?' ^il^ u" otbei pooj-m i"ti bul to ;>rt ...?ut thelr re^icnaUon*. ita wa* 1. ?ii to -???. II ." thai Uaht, ai l t.'iey had hctl r tal tii ft* rrlleetj n. w (i refli te4: nnd Batoiday niKhtpaaai I . i:t.- .'...i tb? j nere rtlll ??:? I ? - c wa?3o'ciock un Btmdaj afttnuKin whcn the ro\ul pr. ?uni I -i" i.iir |. \". tli !' "??!*? ' i ; la uneeruiu, and averyihtog ? verj . ? ?? ')?? '? _ GBEAT J.UiAlN. KX rs armtBSBED r I osial TELEGaura ACTIIOKITIES?BCI DAJIOHE'S OOXFl S?IOM. Lonoi, MBTCh 1H. 1"2. Mr. F. trw Scudtanore, who li:if immcdiate ? ,i tek .-..!>;. ?? -r. :n oi <.r it I .., , ; ? ; itei ;. nen l.c balta U l m lelaye4 dispatebta touehiBf tharaeeol itrtka o.' tbe ,.-??!'. IM thi a o?e of proteel i i-enttsg theapreadol lo aberdtaatioa. ? rtbil ha i" n?:?:;? to M wh ?:? ? ? ix-ualty thf la-w mav : fli uhaowtM tt^t b* ia?h penanry. Tbo ? .tetu4aa m laUowe: ??I beUert that aobodj lamypoantteoooald.lK?petn : ...,..(, ~i'ii\. Vi ?? .i ?? - i er# nlthuoldlng tl. io rou?follow roy example .".ik*- a publl ? ??', .ii"i Umoi i).?* :,Pk n- , f luatiflcation b Irapoasi l<, . ;.i .. the pablie aad preaa have alniii<::.u "u:eaoarda far tha invi ? i lUlty <>f iak . i appoli ?> l to ? ? Bre d Cbicago ha ? i ? . . '.i iniu-- that '.i-'1 ? ina eoattl ut. d ou; tuk.-..i_i) aaaaaated <>? ?MMto, FOBEION KOT1 3. ILJalefl Pavre demes ln s lettei to the Parii u,U:u thai Aoatrla preceded thi Ir neb Bepahtie in I ? ; Klns oi I'.Jy i ? .? tbat rhf .S'Mtr:... .u'l.-d in a. i 0Td ?rJtb I waudori : ? . . BoaMthaaa The proviriona ??f the pendiag mnrifesto of thu ' ?l.^h-.i ' i U '?:?*'' t-' i'r.i'li Nattoaal btyfaTorahle to'th ..?.?' -.. Ooa i laaahord vr- rolkrwai Timt PtaoeeahaJlbeawan . . ... !:..-?: rch* ; thi l i ' ? Phu dtawii up bj . ? ? h un AsaeaihjT and Hooac o( I ??? -. . . ...... fbc pnaeal telat uoi ol the Catbolic Churchwitb th< Btate to exiat, bul wifn r -. orablp lad iim I >othei uj aaa. zrj.trt k ii ondewtood to have sent I Oaanl Banfttwheahaohtaadapoataa Oetaaaa I ? [ttiian, wtta vtvy plata tmi Btn taatnetioai ^ the Lttii.idi W ha ii.a.: ? .. ?? '. t. ?. ird tha ? . court. IUn lailioaaailnT In tn rtorlam fraatlt tUn , : xitb vUth t.'oi I..-I.HI UovHrnmant Ttowa I ? : .n ia Sonlh (,'rmany and Polaad, and the deUsrmlaailoa ??; Prtaw Bt?marck io proteot sttati riaht* . od dntu "t eonacl ????.. inat t tn . n..n- ot tnc r iramuoiaoea "fsnana la aald u? !..?vt napruaiidhcr M ii iu -inillar ur.cotin'fo>a^lD?: ti ru,-. The Attrtxiu Mhuatoi of Pinanoa made his aaaaal rtataaat nt, lo-day, ia the r.wmr i..: Ootaaalttaa i f thi Lower Hataw af the BeleharaCh. lha taaaaial j jur Jf Itn , bjai <l v.tii.'id a d.'fl u. and Vltfe a hahMbM la the n9O.O0O.0M. Be eattaaatedthe deadttot m ( - ii. r. ifipf. naofaoTer, tia.M0.M0 taJten lato .j,.,-,,^,.. ? ... lauou i ? ? eaUdae laJaaaary, ".i Committee adopt*d the eetlinatea for W '- ?et '.? ti..-u-'i.. ? .ti- ,13 .000. whteh It propoaea to i theaurplui thi tn urary. and lf neneaaajy. by aa lanv of ReBaaa m tha aaaoaat of M^OOMO. The BexUo tituifa|na?1int of JAf Lonfrn Ifawaatrea aw baa n itbiaahatch of to< aaaraaoaa araaa nwntt of tha coattacstol IVwata. Oanaaay haa at ticr tti fltapnaal l.fTT Naei ? fiaaeh anay **'! h< mi-e.i tn na f" aad ?? -i ?? vt? artH be doahlad. Ana ?? khaamore than aoaooo meu lmmediately avallatle; aod .i a t.-w v.-arh tli*- Buaaau anny wUj Daasbei 1^00.000 in.?n Thi oonreap .nd?-iit ateotlona, Inr denuiiy, " i ine ?? i-utiri loaaof Uormai v lo tin-fampaiifii tiaa beon laU ly us.1 riu.;nitaaBoaaathtna:l:he MOMO ujou, ratttr uiora tlian ?nt-half oi *1?obq ari- iuvulidiMi." ilr. William Miu:h?ll, preprietor of The KeW fumfx QazfUt, haa rwlved a MMr from Mr. J.-bn lir.ght. M P* in wbioh, TbUning to the preas and VM rt-iH-al of tDf tuies on wnte* : " I tLiiik the j-r<>at revcluiion of oplnion on mauy pnbltc qiuytton* whicli l? now ta-lijjr vitucfsi'd In tblg c ouulry la OVtaj uiainiy t?> th?> freeamn ol tbe Bawapaaat pwaa. Itla Miently wi.iK'.r.k; ? nban^e of the inoat lmportaut hliI. 1 hoiM- of a moM tienencal ? harai ter. Newn-aper i*rni? envtouu a&omoaai exr^ut ba? baaa araatad arex tended tbe \v*nry rhanw Mr ot iit*-<!pai? rn hae ln*en iruoriivrd, and the tou?-uf wrtUna 1* hiaber than it rot tuerly ww All that ??? fotett'ld in our airttatlon f??r a ? frm- praaa ba? eaaae M paae; notbiUK tbattb? aaoal uurnJ m- arlaaa la eou^eiiUencH of our aucce.aa.' Ijtpr.u.Ke. HefpiB La?Tofx? and \>rda!rner, lha tia*<- aaaa aaa baaaaal to d?atn for tbo a*?a?i(iiiatjoii of (rftnu. LaaaaaM and CMaaBBt Ttioma?, woro cll cnttd early ou the womiiijr of th* 'iSd silt., at tfatory. They alJ ai>I*ar M liave Uiliaved wlth linonem, and t>efon. leaving tiulaaMaa M fMaatflM wrote aome lMMta,aaMaaaae by t<i varlou> rrlativea, nwelved the Umt OOBHMlatMaM it wIlKum, and tbe.n amokeci pblloaopliiejilly tint.i! it waa tlme tn ?u?it for the fatel t?ia:n. On di>xc?iiiii *; fr?m t/i. U.1..I....??? vritsroii. 1*?(t.?ijk*- W?a ttn- flx?t t>< ?ak. iif nih pofinoii. aud for ?nnie tin?e be n-foaeu tn u!;ow tnt doetor tobandarivWaeya. IIe aald : "Xttanol bravado, I>o< Uir ywa <aii fe*l tny pulae." V.-rda?n.'ir kni .1 down, bu' H^r'pin .Laerola imltAted Ferre, and ?l??.d !i?i ins aaralaaaty aaBaaai ha^aoat, taaaktag aetajar. tij- .\ ru t)i/ii ?sj? dum-i!' ,ierlonuoiJ?at leaat Vordj?*wer ? -t t onlv on?- ot Ui< ree itilprlt* klllwd outrltclit, hih! )t a ? ou y after a wl deal of hemtation tbat a eouple ut at?rK"al.f^ Mtffad f? tli? frout and dippatchtMl aha oii?:r two ati u^Klma wreK bea. T?r I'TA/I IU9I KOT TO BJt. ABANI>oyEI>. WAJBOMtOKi March 10. ? Chief Juutict' MiKtari ? f Vub lf at'.ll Ui W&ahlua-ton. ou liualneaa ron BOaMi altb Uie Imtlflary of that terniory, aud haa had aeTorai lnUrvt*w? wRh tho iTeaident and Attorncy Oaaaaal WHUama. Tbere H no probablllty -wbatovtr tb*t the crlrulnal aulta already comwenced and pendiiijr wiii be abaurtnaaid a ainaaarr w.n m*.h be intro.i., ? .1 in i\?BKr<-.ia*uppiyinjr toc Bteeaaary peeumary aaeaaa to uiw't tn?- niNiiMr uf Ujo proaecutloaa Houie of tb< ni'inone ol <or.?m-aa are eimatdetlaa lha entjeet of a ?uW4?w:atM aatt-pai> a*BV Ml * ?*? ?? ot,??** prrwnt bMmWi TIip art rannot tw enfnrred owlnjr to tuf acaraegr vttk waMb potycaMk BaaaTtanee an- een> BBfaatad. A remedy l* aaffgeaU'd by making pruof , r eohabttatloii <ir m knowiedjrmenl of tbf ?auic, nt to tlli-tain tha indK'tinetit. Salt i.akec'ity. Harab 10.?Tbo int-iit?ner of Um bb> poiuturnt of (Itn. MmiO M b<- l'nit?-<i ftatf-* BVBBM u tln^r aitoimy voi* liuiled with fjeneral aatWartlon t>y tb'' (lentib-a, tmt tiao a afeameahni efT'-et M the Mormonn. Jaata BteKaaa laezpaotad tarre m afewdara TheDta trut eonrt aaaata to-morrow, Mr. Bttttklaad preaidiax ili th<: pfdMB if Juilk-e MrKt-an. THJt ELU8 OAMO Of 8W1JIDLER8. touot DmnjvucircE i?kmandf.t>?thk ootnrn KMPLOTI l> Bl BUA1 TO D1 I ivi; nit Pl U UO?WHKBBTBB "?.F.n: \ \ BfATl iik.-" h i.kk OBTAOUCD. The polioe satboritiei pretend to b*- anxiom ??? .1.-' bi np i.'n' Baaaeroaa awlndlea vktek they adanii t.u.vkii.iw Um Bbaa aaaaj bn txmdacttac, bnttnny make tio artive nrA honf.?t ejfortl to thal and, M bafttl RMBUMBUelTeeanblMy eMmahtaTata efforta to Bta teet UatBMOlTOB from further expooOTC and ultimatf cx palatsa ffcom Um dty. ???.. Iho pnbflnatton of tha rtr-t Brtiele ba Tiir. TaiBOBB, Tn?irtl a. Batta, jr., who ?a- eCToaeoaaty nnpoaai fo ba t!:?.- nutbority fi'r i'- -ti.ri-i.anti. hai bena amatad on a njaiicioua caargt i DBprlaoBad tn the Tnaalta at tha fatt BaUoa of Um BUm faac>aad on tha aftbi ,vit af the1 I of Um bookkeepe? oftke "Genera Wuich Cobbj atVo.1l BraaMtway. A confed I kata Bfraotad and a siiain trlal hai takaa placi. in acdae tcat tha eor ? -i .?? .>.? fewi erataflDod ????^|,| bbIcM boehealaed by mbnitUna; ba thelr ? a raaUj lataabie watch. Theee trteka wlll decolaa ao oaaiaad artll not ? tha - rtadlcn ttma fuii expaania, BW thefc praweeation i- afl ratirel] to tha nowapapan: tha ? r rta al all Tbtb Tnrinnra baa raereeded, wltb tba belp of one of tbe J ailaraUoo Caaa 111.--1 in ta, ln roakinx "i? t1"' lafamoua Uekat awtadUna k*.!i-,:h ] .:. dingtbe wiiit oftheto t??Btate 1 ? I v.' rrinlia.'-'!. I v tha W <-' tude andnumbet of tbalt nrladllna m bemra, t<> bmUm tbaaa aelvea wortbj of tiit- tame attentlonai aadthaj ihall 1 . .,?',: . ti..- iiio- facth. BhaU im: TaiBcai t.nv. um rooperat) 1 of anyone f tbi Commlaaionera?Boawurth, Barr. Btanlarre, ot ?aalthl A aobordinato ofl erai Polioe |i!aadquartm ?:?'? in'd on Batordaj ta 1 Tbibi m. repurtarthal n any oaa ol Um ?? In Eompa.fkered bj KUi ? Kmli Aaa ?(.?;.ui. 11 oarlndte, eonld o. ind \c*A 1 ? ciium bere and m I..I.H-, ti.oidbacon\Mted wlthoot dlffleulty. I-, any , ? ? r .. and bi b u wmiid t>e drirenoul bj tb polieo. tbe oxenae of tha lattei thal tbej baaa bo aothorttv to taterfarB wtth iiim, ia deeined porrlle by uoaa oonreraanl wlth tha;..r. Tkej h.i\ tdat tha authorltiea bave fnlly aaaiuchncai lo btoak apan/of bU iwtndltncM-beinei I. Uiej bnra t<> rator panet-bon*'*, ai m dona thi> ntb'1-iiivut ta UmFaartannth Ward,and ina<?iUMdo rj and paaala, andrenwaa tha fnn] i" ae, bolb , by aieana of wblcb adiolttaaea ??? aamcii to ther m . r:i< panal tl. vea bad pl o?-<! tlieinn?)\.?- oot .-:.:? Um pali oi tbelaw, by UMlrcflraea, and therefore bad ao rcdreaa Bttaa and hu tanc, it Ii urk;--.!. by tn.'ir earaer of rrlmi dunng a apaoe of fla* m ? . yt rajiart, bavi ii-. jii 11 .-.I UMmaelrea ouip..:.< tli<- protacUon ol Um l.v. \y 111: ritAi d ? "Mr. To uoar. .-?1 ? ttiff awtna^tBc aihoaia nf ttii claaaaitturhleh ElliaH.ZHaa baa beeii - Bthoehataa let (rf otfajtaahM >>r BaoaaotcTi an?l ?i.. ik k ia 1 rohably enam rtin,hM< ?" toBght Clrealan :..'?? beenaeal taall i'art.H of Um country, parporttaa;to aoana (Nbb jenii en, DeFranAOo., laaporten and mannfaorarera of aiiiini.i. Bowari, f. i'tli'T^, and ribbona, at ." Broadway. P.O. l><t >'?> ???''? Tha otrcnJar gfraa a pnce-iiat rtHitliir to Uwaa n ).t <ut bj repntnbli di a ara, tbe artiolca eontainad tinr-m l?-.i< ofnred at prii-ea 1 vin ao U> CBper eent laaa Umm naarkal rat no aaeb Bna aa Ji nntnim, De I'v-m <v Oo. at S v^a^> . nl lb< ? ' ? BTOBOUaea ti.' idle of i, .. 1 . - ai the Ami ri.ini T.?. < om ? 1 ,(, .1. ... 1 lafen daya aaa ta ttn 'ij. i ? ..i iara ara* ni:>'' ooanaa **.?. >-,?,.'. ia . - eoseetaiaa tb'1 baakraptaale of Um ?;;:,i raal Um BMthod of t;.'-' ao "OaaaraaWatab ? QBapanj wao<aUed, hm) tb<' watehi ?< flendhj L.iu.- Udw taileoBU tt\ u 1 k ? ,? -, 1 bic tnada by arttaana ia Baitaanaad of oren ojaalttj aad !? ?'?. oftea by voaata ,j tneli bowea. .iiol oacb ktnd ^f vnu h Ia eonatroctad eithcr by ona workaaaa. m bj two or tfiTiM- tog-etber, and ill-tlnaiilfcbfd ?>y u ?p. olnl l.rand. Ttirro U no liuv<- 01 C'oat rotupanjr la.1:1. T.v- rtoeu waa obtadned by Eltai from a ieweler m II, , wboac name 1- withbeld fortbeM ....:?? , ? l ????? ? ' ' ? foun pl Thii mei bant l'..uifht up and itn the re tn . . . '.? -.. .1 ? 1 ',:' '?? ? '? aa tne iliiriTi-iii aiiop* ??r BwltaerUnd. Thare are * ? nia.l. Uiere4wbiih can belanded m thiaeountry, dnty puid, forW "I tbi* < laea tha toajor part of l >,':.- in toiii] 1 ??? I When thaj aren landod, Eiiaa took [bi : ufftb< inji Ttiup .i.-w.-i.-'- banda and o|iened bli .-!;,.. ,i.'i.-i.- , j>. -j.!. t, ? Eurupean goods, Eilaa baa . ,,, : 11 ? ? ? and pa? kera' >-h pa, aioi i^* pick?Hi up tbe nfuae evorywb***. ^ . , ?,f ,, uraa nunjiwr oi gold v ..'< r -^ bonghl ol Eliaa, ,,,.,..., , , , m t" be appraued, nona i.j.v,. i?, .... tata. Manyof tbemrnn uli ? .1- ii. ? ? and oari irata Tbi e watcbei wir.> . ? ,1 to m from twelTi to etahteceu raxata. Tha ulvor \. .'. Iiea bavi been found, u) 1 u 1 x tunnatton, to ba . . Tbagold rateUe*. wWchpixi on \ fromthrei to ^.x c.r :. - konl-taael er*, .. ,.'.'?! I v 1:. bea, ai d, Ondinn oat tiiat tbay wer< nbamrful l.toob tbeni b* a. ;??.. ? t,.-ic prferred to u largi , ob tha waU, wbicb announoed that "> ?/"? 1- ire exrbanged aflet ,.-.iif-;in ttore." Ow yonnf man booKht a 1 1 1 . Qiriio.and fonnd thal Um ?II,, -a. 1 i mc ratohea u? of 1 ebaxactexi iadn .aaUj madebj apprenUeea. \ I M*B IJWYl R. Thaiapad otaehi 1 it*iaaacaci?dnlonap?i> l . .v.i-.'f. 1 Umol .,.?? & tha Qaaova Wateb i'oii ;.ia;., i>\ bm at- af b Bant ktr Itoai ab lah the :?< p :tiiti.>ii > f III-.- ^ati lu-n in a potle coiii!, w:i- I 111 Tiii. TantTai Of satur.lav. Iu thal Maltha Pliaui ; riM :.(r wiia aaatat* u la bi.- ? ifort* to i>o tai h b 4 ol b> KTatitad ln MuaabiDfl t eaaa fdaaaaf tb?- beuerolent irati b rompan1, bj tbi < roaa^naattontna of a Ja? vrr ior t:i defeBae,anor*veal< la auiajularly tntenaedealn to liivc all tbo facti ia 1 I bh dflent carefolly ?:nr..tto Um Court. A ? aata bartog "'ti exmnined, t K ? ^ lawyar appaaled to tb< aaatttrati tohave merty npon the prlaouer, 1 I ?' ??" infhuned Into bii ??violent coorae" t') Um Mlafatnoaa in> ol Thk TaiaDaa, aaaerUns that Um aratekoi aoid by tha ,,,,,,, Companv" ?ren mada of baae metal. .. j. nai Ii bad "been proTed on tblatria), aabe wa* irbul to' tbat tb' aati b aoid to tba pruoner wai 1 ruetai; aa m effcct of thii uathetk appeal. the ?ma?blBf ol ttit 1 aai *?>>? Corgtvaa t,\ Um feneron Kllaa, tii.m plainl di laniaaed ;>v tha maarintrata and tb< abatnpria ob?t gfveu nio deeoj wateb. On Um followlnx moruiuc tb? lawyerenP re I Taa Taiai ?' ?' that In'i Tkibi m ''? >uld n trad '?? that ' Um .?(.urn-'l for tb*- d.-t. 1 dani bad Ini .nt oual 1 l* trayed Ihh lnTewai in tu.- Biattor bytrytnato brtbi TaaTaiBi aato , 1 fuii ti 1 uai of t:<< ? aai " 'f:?.- ' itj Editor aaked tbe atraaarrto tXn bli panae.wbkb b< declioed to do a.tbougb be acknowledaed that bo \\ .n? tlj?- counw I refarretl to tn Um artirie to arbieta be took exception. Thi-rcportir kenpa a ^lip <" P?P? iBacrlbad aithUM nam. of tha rb-im law\ir. A. Hanfard- >.; Wullan <-\ ? wrlttcn bv bh< own baud at Um timr be artemptrd to n.fliieno. kMRBort lb?- in.^tj of Mr -uii'. M ? iBdlgnatioa ojay 1m- bferred from -n.- tact tut ri not .-an eadeaTored ta bnbe IThb 1 TaiBi ra rt^rtoiaporttka Ellaaoaae ... fnll, bnt heaJao ap OToacbedrhi fleVahfraporterontbeeai 1 ? V ?t.-fln :.* ? pay hia ta adTanee, That tha,Jawy? of a prta onerarreatod on the petty ckaxae .f 1 n*kln? a Klaaj WMldkaTi remnined aueninao neiwjrT. 7?Zt0Z iH-r*oLai Tloionea aaatnat Um repoator. l' tberel?? n nhaTthli oocaalon to aai *miti thut be atterapbad to brliK-ith reporta* aud that Ol Thr Ihrald And mot? nrcr.TBi Taiaoaa aaeaaa to oxnaaoaUBUMBawBi ap ptaaci ii< laaaaaoaiui \-kt "taaaaa. aJOOBal oi x IWDniLBB. .Irthh Roaa, a babofar, ag?- 50. umv.-d iu thk iity.on i\\<. v.: ttcm Balawaia,whaii b<: bad baaa eav p:.,yi-i ln quaiTiea, on bia wuy toPorttaad, Me. He kad Upy, um a?Tta?aa<yaani of lahat. On Um train. ba made the aaaaalataaoaaf Wm. Mampaaa aUaa Joha MMi aad aaa )ataad br baat on tha BaalMthaat at? ^* j^' ? v rtrv-n. i*imp?ou ptupeaail awattt. aad, gatataf aa .?uLarutr repraAiuttd hltnaolf aa a alupplutf men-haiit. mSThad iwoBlTt ahort dh.tan?- when atnan.a.ue Vl i. "l ptCutaTl^ rre.Kht b.ll to MBBpoon for nayruant ?lle utter ba.l a theek for MD, drawu on Um KtBth ?xitw tbe <-b.-fk a? MM-uiiiy. ???t?ik tha ehoaa. aaa? prednrlalg bl* laxkH-book. ??*? to Uk;- out tbe ??" wbaa iSiiBapaaB axatfohadthe b**"*"*** rlT. IwHy wii'. blaaooflaaaata Tne awkadiar aaaar raatad a? ThoVaaaV uni Ko**- eajaa n*~??& BatSmda/ ??'? .<i,-ntibed tb.. laiBBBBr.^yhoiraBW ,iuwni..t by JtiHti.^ Dowlina to await a tital. 1W aTaaaeat 10 tha Bo. m of DehwUoa. Simpaon ?a? aaa> leatodaloaM tJbaa a^Tlahattam'aDotooUra AjaBar, cKrvri anl- runiTimw yi TLimRArn. wJm-u, >i.mSSs h kaaataj, Ba hal ^? oaalBj a? bratWl m t?.a4 i?.r *"*' '*??? Jumen M.Nealr. ?????> bA waa lunnl.i.-.l !a-t nakiaarliatii.rdu.ltr "'???'? ~'?P?1 V '"*?'?< "?*''u ? ajaa Taa i.??"^? bm baat unm-i ?>? ia?pi<?oo. A lire at Lincoln, 111.. on Thurwlay. aaBtrojed -?:-\*.g^TSifSmSLSrihB -m+* m it. hjaaffcaai 2?Zl!?fVZmm*t bS Kak la! ?.-a ai i*VM S *7*'*aEdwar.l n.???n an-1 -Win. Wade quam-l.-.l at ,Kr?.:;:r.?afr...u.Ju. Uuii IU -tl. la, S Pali ananaa . ta l'nt>fi'lil. Haaa., oa Batarday, Jphn f rw BtaST.**"'1%"'?""';*?{?* h^jwioaahaa t^aiiu 4 c. .. .' ? ? a fcl ?' THB KING "80LD OUT." rrs tools and oovnucTCttfl tukbbd STA'iT.S KVIDKM i:. "urTsiDF. rARinV IBOBOOOBLI PMO?Al> 17.r.t>?. OKE9 OF OWMIAU wfio iiaothfik ?ooan nrntu am> pijumud it pcblic aayaauM <>x Tn kvf. of axroauaa? OABTKTi IM.rK-oU,, KITSKR. AND COOKK I<> Al'V Ii? Tr..->TIFr aaaimi TIIK 00!* BFIBATOftt?BtFiJUtlJ OF XMlTMOST AGAIN'.^T a obii oi <ixntna? na m?*** oocKt* BO0H FKACDS?THE PBOOff AOAINST OKKR ?W1IAT IIB HAa 10 IA] Ai: E E IT. The utruorit connt?rnatioa eeized upon the Rititf on Saturday, wheuGarvevs testtmony was laul befbfe the pahlht, aml it wna recoimized by tlm atiilt.v that ho meaii-.. in tha raaieaaanhaTia which be will teatify tm the jieople. t.) ti ]1 all ho knowe. 111-? allusion to Hoataide partiM," who?e bills to tho annmnt of $126,tHi(> he linil imliuli'il in his aaMBBt BfaJnat thfl eity, had atenw to it for scorcaof auhor offteiala and Rnijr adhorenta wLo know that tho receiptn whirli thev hold from him will not thOH from pablie 060X0 a:;d tha penaity which foOowi i'. I'Viti thouvh it ruay navo them from prismi. Wal r Boehe ia tha only ono of theaa "eande uaiUaa" tor ?rboxa Gatray bM dooa aatataaci i ? ru-t., and frewointt at rmhhc Bsaaame, whoae aaBM baa tbuu baaa rcvtaled. bvt all tho ocbara anat beeooaa pobUe eventiially. and the couacqiieneoa to the pnilty ran only bo imnirii.i-d. JaatM H. Ingenon la raady to taO ulno whose boaaaobe hUed a itla tha rnatliaM fnrntrnrr rf-'-g'-g am iuhia billa to tho city. Thara are otbaxa vboaa tha Bfanj kaaw ean do tho aoaao, and tha reanlt, of aoana, is the greatoM ooontaaka of oooomoI ood aeaaantioB of purpow. Connolly was irivao fr it tho eity li.v IhftiOtl of exr-'r'tro <>f aDeged - to prevent his tostimony from beiafftaken agaiaM tl* ?oncher tUeraa and the roneber forgera. Bakfa aad HatJattj are kept in jail. where they will rot walttng fot a trial which will be rui: thaBinf wbenaroe it aballba Earooi. Xhraataaia inakuu- bo King aaaaajHaati aajaiaM Qaraey aad the ?ahan who baYeba ocoe the arthaoaoM ai the paoptoi and all the n.ailur.ery of tho BtajfifataW ia workina t? iniin.ulate aitaaaoM l'v ereiy aaaaaa iatheix aawnr. oTHaa arnaosMBO wom xna motra. Mmotiav . pcoofonproof Bgainsl tho 1 ingaeen tae. Aa waa oanaoanaaad* aa Frlday hart, exelO" m liir Tkrotnot, aegotiationa wew tianaagaopened witb Jansea H-Ii retaoll. I). pniy Bberifl Jarvia wain roaed arriti whoa be teported :in uapurtuntty to eaptoie him ii.<l hold him to bail oa the eivdaaita The hsdlctnuata agalaat Infi - BoOhaYebeea aithbald bj diraetioaof the Attor in \-<ii inrni. "who in thoM MBtfwfa" Mr. Oarria, to do him full Jaatkx (aa Tn Tavron baa aadora oead), baa aaid * ia tha DaatiieVAttornay.'' 1 kgaraoOi aBder the aaaaraaeee from AttoTneyOen* eralBavkra ofpreaent bmnamltyfroaa proaacation, baa held freqaenl batenlewi trrth the gwntleman arho Bfltaiiated artth Oarrey. He bi wiUinff aad i.ia.r totell ailln- knowa, aml hia oai bj t'.i . eution depcada on the aaaation whethat arnothe will t.'.l thawhole trath,aa Oarraj cartainlj m and is eaaamitted to do, It ia aaorally eertaia that IngeraoU will ba need in earh andallaf tbeotbet mdietmaota againat Jlall. and, i; pennitted to doao, will aboa tbattaot bmh ly ha ? laadredaof taoiuaodsof dollaa lorwoTkand tnrafoc oataide partiee ware tneraded in hi.s billa againat the I ity aad Conatj Treoaary. It u ucll kaowa, aleo, thM Mr. Keyaar, the MEing i'hiint .r," bjalao raadl toartahhah thatrathinra gardtoada aecoanM.and t.> abowthatJaft^rdobag ?.M.rk ;?> the Buwwil of liur.dreilH of thonaanda ot dollari fnr dty, aoanty. and pnbUe etaeiala, he, liko the otbex contractota arbo erore not origmaHy partiea to the eoaatnTacy, otm raqaited by Wataoa aad Woodwaxd to baclode the lattei in hia ebargea aajainat the I raaaary. . atmoiin.i n.ent baa 1.B BOBiewhal ; tnxely naade that Waa. Heni eaay, < looke, and ?7o< ?' ward had tnrned State'e eridence. At preeenl thia bj not trnth?only aropneey. They will appear ea-entnaDy for tbe people, b*fh?| eaa k Iraaaat . ;. ? rned from Bnrope to Canada aome waaka ?fo,andiaat Bt Cathariae'i, wbere Petei B.and .imiis-M. Sweany and Hagb Bmitb wen Lately ba biding. Dapnty-Sberifl Jarvia had in eontemaby tionaacinre af bia peraon, bat aoaae aryaterioua intiaoatioa from mme one mdaeed it? abandonment. Cooke, liki' all erimhudaol ln- elaaaand edneation, eiiniuit re.M.-t the fi:-> bsationaof agraat i which be ha* reaidad f r bia whole life. Be waata M a - t :r-j, aad will oome baek oran at th?- riak of Bbert]. oa tli- ofTweed and the reat lo- w-ril bcdd aiily baaaUedby tha proaecntioa aad foreed t.> t.?: the abola atory >?( bia ooaapiraey with Twaed in the rohheriaa m tha Departaaant <t Pubhc vForka. BU8KEL8 OF ETIDENCE OH HAKD. A I i.iiii nb reportex yeaterday called npon Mr. Salnuel J. TUdOB la n-feretiee tn the Kpotad ilfiVal tiealothe Jadtetary OMBacMMa, aad lactdeatauy alln Baa ?-^ amde lo the r. tara M Oartay. Mr. Tlldea iatd ra thla iBtereattaa topte that Attoraey^Jeneral Barlow, Chariea OTawia, Wh4 akr H. Paekhaai. aad anaaalf arata tha only aaraoaa m Vaa Tort wha km-w af it at tho thaa. alr.TUdeaaaya the dtTiatan bacwaaa theaana bera of tha Bhur u coaeloatTel] eatahhahed aitbonttha Tirtinioiiy of Oarrey 01 ly a vi ry Kmall portion of the oTtdenea on tha anhjeet of KM liniK- franil.^ baa Mat toea pabuahed, The fheta darel nped in tha -nit bagaa againat Wi.ium .m. Twred, la the lattei paH of ...-f Oi toU r, eoal ahout l" oa U din ? work. aad th?- Inveatiaation baa oooaumed fi.'iJi that tlate to thepreaeal U l deaaaya to peraonailr . . . . ,ir!\ itn- wlii.ii- nf l>. r.-inniT to ta? InreatiaatioB, at thi laatanee af htr. O'Conor aad oth^r a-entlenien, wbn thiiiu-in tbat 11 a.i~ mora loportanl aoyother matter, bvi n tbe preparatloa of liwa Tbe reault of tbat Inveatlinulon.vhieh baarontlaned lo thopreaanttlm*. Ii thi ? ul - tioo of i \ i-f amoonl of deflnite lufunnati .:i aboatwbteb todid ooteare toapeakal preaent, I loformatloa would im im- Baahela. atr O'Conorbadnotwltbdrawafrom th<- pnblleaerT" iet, tmi for ttw paai ilxmontbi bad beea occuphtdla a ren enaroaalni trlal. wbleb to expected to n durtaR the preaent week, and eoald then to relled opoa, wbenefer neceaaary, to citre h..^ greai abltltlaa to tn. penpieof thla city. Mr. Tllden, alludlnff to aoox remarkH of the aewapapera, aald ba dld aat kaoa wtontowoold return to Alhainy, laaaanwb aa for tbe laat Bx montha be bad i >? wtthdrawn one day :? immth fnr Um parpoaa ot atteadlog to bli prirate or profeaainn il buaineaa. imt had cbo^-n to aeglect hiH priVate ahaira La orderthathe eoald xtve aia andtidded attentton to tbe *.'r?-at publlc work In whteb ba bad toaa eagaaad. Beaald that he raaarved to blmaelf the duerattoa to apply ula tluie aml tflnrif aeeordnijt to Dh owa lodgment, aiol to fuch triin?f^ a^ leeaaed ta ahn tbe aioel Important If to emiid iiiultiply him-i-if by foor, II would !?? Impoaalble for hlm to perfonn the aaaooat of labor aml thmuhr whlch tbepahttetatereata ot tb..i oUy at araaoat re giiirrd. aL that reasataed waa lo atfrad, from ttaaa to Unte, to ihat wbleb wii? uio?t unrent, to lat tho Ti-fi n?. aml to dlarecard tbe crttuimua of thoao waa. i.ot tieiut: lofwraMd upmi tho aubjeot nf what he waa doiaa, aad wbat be wa? eoni pi iiid tu omii. were aot m a po-ition t?> ludg-e of hi* aitionn. Mr. TUdea eoaeladed aatollows: Tbo? peculiar and raaavkahle attaattoo baa axlaMd m thla city. Tho Baacblaery of KoremaMol Iuk baaa adretaa to tbe irn. r ect^ uf tho paopta aad tha Bariiaaltlna M baaaaa aaeletj. Wbata ipaetai a ?bin m.-tropohnot l.uou.ooO iie..p..- pn - aeut?: The Cbief MatflHimt,. of the elty, tbe nr?t exectt IIin uajmii la aadar urlal mr abeaaeh m Uablga tm?t. Tbe law departiueuf, wbleb laptaBBBM thi- CttJ lu tho litiifationa Beeeaaary to proten Ra rlghM. la ander ioa picion of i,ot ?ahi'iaillj i .xii>eratltiK wirh tbe genue aaaa wbe bava beea artiiuc aa vuiante?,r>* tn i?-r thn dutiea that uhould be faHflad by the uBirlal inn.hiii.ry ..f Um gDraraaaent. ?.P2!lr" hare logt the puhlk* eonfldenee.'e-of tbe hlKheut oniirt are umli-rifiMiitt luveatiifation by a lejtli-lative ( oin Uiltt'-e. In a BOBdtttOB nfrlblii?(ii which l? a *Tt of liiuin ourni aaarcby, the wbole bardaa of reateaeatlag uia m tefaeta rutUti, aud nafoty of the pvnpi.- baa beea thrown uiion the ratlll prea. aud a fi-w prlvaM rirm-n*. haviair noli?- of the powern uf Knverniuent to hrlp thelu, w.iikliijc a* v.ilunteera lu the ntraordinary idtuanon wbuhex l?la in thla eity. Tluy h.ive glven their whole tin ? und twat effort U> thla a.-rvle?-. but tlndita difluult uiaiter atiu*rauuot doevery tlnuK. Tnward BM aMaa 01 BET. Tiiden'a reaurka danttaUet kmtmm H. Ojaan aalaaag tbe riKiui aud lnduraed wbat Mr. Tiuleu had aaid. THK LVIIiENCK AOaUaaaT GKNF.T. Ilenry W. Genet waa mciicted on Kt-b. % wnii lleaaa aml athata tb,- Maaaaaay a?raiuat wkaaa baa ulready BOOa putilubed. Th?- prouf of tbem-vi ral Irauda p?fa?nMdtaaaa baaafeag af th-- Harirm OaaMhaaai ?a- r.rulahed hy Mli baei J. yui?tn, who waa Ixfon- tlie iiiuiid Jury.and a aecond witueae. who corrobnratea all that wuitf ?"vrc to, h hia iiatiwr hi. BaaAcr, Uvmc ou Onehundr.'dand-ilnrry-M'cnndst, Ntwan Fifth and ,ve?. Tbe foliowlng sratomcnt is romplled from ., , : , ihadttaA it aaayaalaaaap ahownby oreporterof The TBJBCBa to Mr. <;enef. whoae etate BMtd in defeaea B bibb appaadad a? tteaa Mt ??? Bi?uth, thua pre? Bttng tb-- wBahj bnat i ftii.lf.vmty-e.xfh--'.. at.d, elattr41 nt J?lf ?' \ m tntttBg approprtattoni for tba Crmrt-bonne paaaed ? v the LeBl.?laiiir-, comnaaleated bb? rnture pfaaa withont n asn to a few toUmat* ntenae, whom were MUhnel J. QnUft) to Wbom be atated (ao Qolgg'i partncr, Baater, ?"??" m hu prtHtm-f, that Be taiaadad "to ?? Um r.ew Coart-hoaae bodld bla owo new andnnre tbe Clty Traaanry fool the jdDV* la oruer, t berefom, m?ft etwetnally to t irry otrt tb.* piaii < ? ne appotnted the eame peraona wbo were i ni u ?'? on um c.iirt hoiiko to toke eharge of the i.uild;ng of nia nc-w mansloB. J in BcaDon was tt:e coUriu-tor, and Meaart. Qiit-'i: and Hunkrr whPJ to 00 Um carpeator wort aa bnth buiidiuga. Tbe gronna ror i.otn etrueturea via btokaa about the lamettnM, imi work- eo tbe Oonrt-hon e dragged along ilowty anu feebly, wbilo Oenet'i bonae In a akort time begao a * Doble proporttona and a beantttnl appearaace. Laborerawere trai femdfot daya and errnwei tein ? . ??? .. i o rt-honae to the aew realdence; and gh imn;; progreaawai taade oatkafi "nrr, keni I ?!.?? claima for "la ?r a:..l matertal," amounting to 110,000, and erea fco.uoo at a tfme, were pn - tiic foi rtatlngofWm. M.Tweed, John Mguadeand JoakUi Porter, and bema lefemdw theit "oonneU," ili nry W. Uenet, were epeedilyci rorrei't, anddnlv pald by tbe ftjntroQer. Bntaaea No.. mber, 1970, diaanUai leUon beann to be manrfeat the i rpentera .bowere notpatdnp foily by ScaUonj ai .1 -.\... n IIbbbib (jatgg aad Banker remonatmtea auT.uiHt u part paymentonl] ol thetr rlalma oaa day wbenawamni foi ?vm**1 ln.i |n i been giTen to Bcallon bytha Controiler, U tor repUed that bebaa been eompelled to baad orer all exeept 94,800 to Oeaet, wnii b v, aa inauffl rtent to pav all the laooren In fnll. Whentbe oew boildlng at Ono-hundred-and-twonty ilxtb-aL and Fifth ave. bad beea Inel ned, Um c irpentera Infonned Mr. Oeaetthat tbej woaldneed bbbm Inmber and banrda, and A . .w wnether he or they abouldorderit Mr.Geneti ? ledtbatbew aldattend toil at oik'i' aad hara Itaant on tbe preniiaea ? delay. Amoog the i ptenoua >f tbe Senatore wbo nrgcd the approprl C'ourt-houae waa i torSanfordof OneidaConatr. Thel oatora ia ii. al< i- and a membei of tbe tiriu of Bfilli r ACo. ol I"' ??. v Y. Mr. Uenet . . ? oplored tbe materlai Uanford'a llrm, wiUi InatrucUona to pi Um blil agalnat tbe Clty of ffew-Yaekon aeconntof nia tertal forniabed to the Harleni Coart-bonae. Tbe iuiniier, of lila.k walnnt, waa alnp|K!d from Albany, landed at Ma batta .. oid earted, aocotdlng to tbe Inatractiona of Mr. ?jinrt. tr- ttar* hiredof Mr. rdealai I foot of ShBty-drefrat~to tha r Oenet'a new dw.-:i;uu-, whero ItwaapUed up m tb. Bprlnaof W7Q. Thocarpaatera,aadtrectod, aaedtbe uia ? .. ! aa It waa needed ln tbe ln.uae i?r Ooutlna , and, iu Aprii, \KU Muier n. Co. preatnted thelr b.'.l lor thla material to the CommlM ? ra of U i new Courl I wbo, aaadviaedbj thelr oonnael,H.W.Oanet.oertifled toiia correctueaa, andhtr. Connolly, on april 3a, WT1. . int,uunj ere4 519,fori?,7iaWtoMillerACo. for ''black w i ...! ? Ine lumber furmhe-d to tbi Uariemi onrt bouae." Not a aingte foot ol black walnot ?.n aaad oa that boiidiLa, Butwblli i honne bad been ad1 incinj tnpidi> toward oomnlettoo, ai.ti preai nted a noat tmp. alua appearanee, Dotnia tbe fonndation walla, haxdly b \ei witb Um ttn-i, of tla: Court-b -? bad r* ? prected dnifng tbe aame tlme, . i8bad been paidontol ueClf^Treaanry on ai ount of tb< latter. PnbUc attaation i-e a drawn toward tbe akrw progreaa madeontke ? ourt-booae, and ii." traimferrim: ot the laboren t" f, and Um rttiff"* began ti anapact that rdinciy a ' ommlttee of liariiin t > ; ablchLeTiA^lanMwaaChainnan, rati tbe matter, and afternaany ir diecuvered Um larae amount wbicl bad beenpaidbj tbe clty, and kad aa tatitnate madeoftoe proper roat ol p. rforming ;iie w..?, wttteh snow. il ovir j.... i??> uaaccounted for. Among otbi r i>i ia recordad aa pal I on tbe > ontrolli r' li.M.k-. waaa lalm ot J. ateB. LMTtdaonfor bfonwiMk andtai n funuehed to the Coort-houae, amounl ii,s.. TeaUmouy aaaprodueed befon theOrandJary . :.: -. mest on one ot DaTldaon'a war - r. ii i; Uenri W.Oenet, wbo waa aeoord :y. What poaaible oei , . ,i tmrtnre wboae Ural il ? beeu ia..!. rt D in -:? ry, and ln por tion of Um fuundattun walla the aafea bpb locateddoci u.'t appaar, kfcaara. (jnlaa and Baaker, who had a*n aopald elaim il tbe i ourt-boaee.when theTax-payera' (^mimitteo niade tbeir reportapphed to tb? Couuniaaionera uf the Oonrt-hooaatoalhm thali riiim, nut ruoa* ?BBBttaaaaa i agan t i irrow ttmkl and rafuai d to eaittfy to ic al eferredlU :onalderationtntilthetumultoc . i v thett prei loua a- Uontnould " blow otot." Tbe aBtekav aaaal oa tha inbjeel oonUnned to bscreaaa, and, ooe> trary t?> their expectaUona, dld not abate, and .. Banki rwi l told that tneir eUini illowi A, on rhui ? ? ? t Mr. 1 utki c pi b -1 i.iti. toOootr d itatad tb ti v. . II [ inri.i.bel. i:.d UttUght It wblle large amoui.t- of frandulent cbtinia Ind , ?'.' ?? i by tbe Couu bla damanda tbould i ? tatcd thal be ??uid itter audreport apoi Itlndue tiuM, \M1AT MB. ol.M 1 BATA A T".:;im. repoctei aiie.l apan Kr.Oeaetyi tardar a to obtaia bia Btateuent lu ragntd to the ckargea nado by Mr. Bankar tkat Um tatberwaaaaed iu bla prirate leaadenea. Kr. Oeaet aayt that tta ia | ? of bm ? and tkat Banker U inoaaaad ba ? _ . ig redoced from tOO to PS per day. !).? aayn that tbe lumber waa purchaaad r?>r Um Court bouae ol Mlller A Vo. and deurered aa atated, bM be ? waa uaed Ln bia realdei >?<? it was done wltbonl bia h wl Ige, aad that?Mr. Baalloa, the e bi ..I n iponalble tor any tniaap propriation of material. Mr. Oeaet tayi tbnt hi ? , . . ? ii.a into the matter, and ^taf i thal tbe cbarge of forgery wouid be rulirulo.ia if ir were not for tbe fai t that it Btceoaarily bringa bim into anpaaaoanj ootonety. Tbe reporter endeaTored toaee Mr. Bcallon alao, arter bearingafr. (ieuet't intlniation agalnat bim, bnt bowaa o k found Bia atateaaent wlfl be gtreB bereolter, :? dtad, _^______________ THE WEATBMM, DhTAaniaaTa / Ofucf. or m Cautr Bioxai. Orrii eb. ? a/AaaixoTOM, Knrck U?1 a. iu. ) .'vi/iir.n.tiji fbf tht hitst tvfhlu-'nur hourt. Tli. loweai bavometer, trlueh, on Hotarday nJgbt. ? .a over Oeorgian Bay, ha.s atabably Baovea down the Bt. 1 a rrenoa V.iy. l . irea wkkib waa orer Oaorala baa moved norrh eaatwardly orei and beyond Borth Carollna. and i barometer la now preralUnc nt tbe itatlonaeaat of the l:.. ky Moantnina, ?rii weah rlyto Bottherly winda, and ilear and ilearing weatherreryaanornBy.exeeptoror ?:. Korth-Weat, where clondf wenther, witb ligbt raow, eontin u *. Tbe barometer ia highoat traaa BM b>*vr Mi-ooii Valley to the L'pper Lakaa, aad lowe?t over New Engiand Pretabuintt. Tlie haroriefer wlil rontinuc ?i-inirofi Monday at tbe %tation?< atoftbeBockj Mountalni witb weati itwardly wtnda, fall : terapentara, aad , . , .. rthei rery -??? ? jii mt, loproaeblng bigh, weaterly, and oorth-weateriy . willprobablj extoad, dnring the Dlght, from Lake Ontarioto tfce Jfew-England coaet. Daugerona wtmU areaoi antlcipated for the AUantie and Oalf aaaat to> mght, .\eept on the Weeasra Qatf i oaat AN. TBXB WOW-8TOBM 01 THB fFBBT. Balt Laki: Citt, Maxch 8.?Thew wu ia otb< r beavy fall of anow la^t nigbt. bnt not BBftoaaiy m terfering wtth the I'nion PatlaVi Iralaa. la eon alderable watar on Um bm k betweaa Bt. kfan aad Fort j0i e ' the cniverta ara partly waakad away( but uaina an ntaatag._^^ T11L rBR IIOMICIDE. Tbr iuvestipition into the ciftllBkltinwi ron aaetad aithttM latal Baaaalt on XbaBaaa fatry.Bwaal Foarth-aTa, Bad Oac fcnadinil aail i n ntj* Bnt n, by Iinie- A. ? arri.ll, waa eJOOBd BI fiturday by Coroner Bcblmter. Itwaacbown by nereral wttnaanM Uiat on Um day <>f theaaaauit tbey met uear Perrv'a raaaaaaaa and an^-ry wonl? paaaed : that Carroll took a snial! ham mer and oealt bim a MTen tdow on the head, feiimg bim to tba aronndi and b m tnrlna hlM akull, and tbat be diad from tbe iBnnt of bia wouid. Oarrol ekataaed tbat tha qanrrel bad becun ba Mra. Petry, wlm eaid she rould proToahn a tb.-f. He adaittted bnrfaag atraekPerry, but nai.i be hinl no latcattoa of d.i.iighlm MTiouahartu. a rerdtet agnlaat Carroll waa rendared by tbe jury, wbo ii,!de,i thal tiiev dld not bebere that he uitondad to :^ka Uft. He waa OomaaltBad to the Toruba. A MOHTTOB DAMAtiED BY FlkE. N'orfoi.k, \'a., Marrb 10.?The Mouitor Ma bot?a<-. 1> bkf at the dock at the uavy-yard, flre tbis nierniiu- In the wooden deek from tho galley-plpe. Con nl.leratile diftleulty waa exporleneed la gettiutr to the Uie, wbi.n waa not utbagnlahad untii u eou?uler.ibie portloB or the Iran-puUlng of the deek bad b.-eu M BMTed. IWMahepaekad baaa ordetad aat af anaaaaaa hloii. and W8H to be taken lnio the drv-d'x k ln a lew da] ? to liave her tnrret and de. ? retuoved. Ibt ihtuiage, iu rMwfenl Uu? fact, u uot aaaaldafad ?< r.oua. RUOBAPSI0 .votEj". ?Tli. Caataooial CoaaanJaBtaBan Brifl Ibatl a?ec enJ kaai ia i'bli?lali't.ia. oa tba ?!U af M??. l.atisilowue Plo*. I,hila<leli>liia. lias l>een iit faraaLr h.?'?I ii tha *nr tor tar Kipuaitioa hoil.tmg. ....Oaa tiiitiilreil und fimrtet'n atutlei.ta werd (radaaiMl ..u Satonlar, frum Jrfnrana awflcai Colltf*. PtiiiaUrlpblt. ....It if atated in liruaaela that all the . ?untjien bariaf BMattai "f .auiauoa w.Ui >'rai.c? aatilae to aulrrUia |ji"^??.? Ba l.'lr uu?lii!cMiuB. . .Tba Stoiiecutten' ftrike on the 1'. S. worka aj ? olamb.a. II'., ruiiaank ,i?p?nntrt?i?ni Mhrll acmavla i.-i. u..ur? u iirt .ajlmru.iu. !rm VS ubuvftoa. aad r?fu?*a iu n>??i|ilu7 itrit.n. . (.'..ngratulitorv diaiwtehee have U-en er thaa|f| o-tar^,, |n>;,n TU?rt ?'-a BMBnaWBatal llia lak?w? iIMd.kMIK apvD ,,., roa,,,kUut af hUH'*?"" waaiuaKaiiua b??*?M ' ...^?... uat ataai BXIT LEET AND STOOKING. SEW OEHKBAL OBOBB taWRTlaiTKam DOWBBAU <?F A CRKAT ARtT'E?A UKVIK'.V *>* UDJf |t CO.% KXIoRrioKft?A* IMrOKTANT oiihEH pmbi ootxacroa arthtr. Colloctor ArthuT luw iaaaaaj nn ordrr divid In2th? OaaaaalOrdrr buainea.- of thls eity into diatrtcti. at:d efT*( tii.i'*y dipnv'.r.K Mernra. Leet, ftoeklnjt A 00, nf the protltatilo aaaBBMty which they hav ao l.mjr en Jiyed at the rxpriute nf (aa eorotnerce t?f thia port. Tha i... riit'.- of the ajaajaaaj Ordi r 1. aa U oiiefly aa reilewi: Affi-r a raaaal iaenrered at thi CeaMaaJnanaa awaeaaaj .in gtveal paeaa la artanb topay tl?. daahai aml tako p<H!<e*>li>n of tlu.r rood*. At -.i*-#? ip.ratlon of that tltiie a "p' i.rdi : ' i- uivt-n by the OaBeatat M BM Ptct to aaMbattTga the cargo, and ai'. the mcrrbandiae ri ?mMw^mg ,.., aaari BMaaad aad oMMaaai inm the cue tody of CaaMaa^aaaaai ean Bia Oi od ahaa aaaaargal am knowa m '?' aaral OeaVr eeoan, f/Bh the ?rr->wtb of tbe p-irt ii.any DB I BBB Wffl leajalMi b;. tho ate;.tn-bip eom paahM tn onli-r that thoar w h dulo auillo* Um? uoifiit M aaaaraaA I retal at tha towin lompaahabalW aaax thi ir aharraa Uir,-.; aarabi bUe wbleb Aa ?? bbbj aMahacaad thafff carinna witii t i iad wharataa eaoti waweMaadfoe twodeyafreeefaxneaM te aha ?eaaaaad, thaa s.rtnj; il i thaa i ti aaraaMB* Ti, Mwnmamaaeai kaawnaa "GeneanJOranaatoaeo/'WBBa anear I ? troi of Onited r1:,! - CaaBaarhaaaa offloers. Par ll raara tbe ayaBaa wa? aaafcahwa eosceraed. Bad abeM the naia it waa reaawaed that Thaanu Harphy wonld aaaaaed M Otbv iCoUeeUaref tha Fnrr. tt. wm aM tad M ' Kuoiin ii . I--. aad - ba ? bi te thn waraheoaeeM laM & ^??x-Mrnf. Wbe ean l tata tirui, waa a aaeettea thatfewef UMaae** mid BBower, bat atl teh th.vt tha tam ttpottflcal fkmttMaa had aaada aaoraaahad eonuaerctaliBtarrata and i rbta tftha The advoat ef Leet ? ?- ? taMar aad eartagataoaopety aloeed tuo rofi:y waaaheaaaa ??; BBaaaahtp maipaaBa Tho aaanmrj MveaBno baaaa ately tM-^an tbelr career of extortlon, aiid tbe crievauo ofthe mirchautH rapldlv inereeaed. Bo grrat bJJBB ? BM latter that two Trea-utry offlee.ra aeut nn Baaa ayBahaaajiaa M baveaUaaM bha anajtoaaja ot tue monopoiy reparMdm theaaaal BaajmdfaaiurmaBbM aha I irtajto Baxaaa tane braaih ii' tho aaaaafety) waa a fr..nil npon the meri-Uanta a;id the ca:tu?<';u AUnaM Kha baa ocu ..ii act nf l aeetof Orhaaafl wn^ tho fnr-wardinjc of a peCKtoa fr ,m tbe BaaaahaaM nf n? :.-\orh t*i tbe |a?rataryaf lha xaaaeary raaja atlnst asataref tho "Oeaeral Ordat baaanaaaM a> tae Btaai ihip aaiahaaaaei Tlm. patlttea vuj graatad,bat Collectot Gnuueil waa trat.aforred to aha aakvalOaBaa, and ' '?' '<' Marphj aararScanied out *bo MeeaaaHaaV aie.11 i.r tha aa?l?Ury. Io January, U71, in itiveotijni tion tn.. orderet by tha Bfwatr. ?nu a CaaaaatU ;..;, of ahleb Beut r Pattaraea ?-w tJaBxaaaB, L.?.k a iai>re aaaaaaf >f wtioiony, arhtah went to prove thut tha whela u.aiter wa? eerraat from uo*iu tfi+g tn aad, Tha followiug order la a n-fcu.i ?1 aha aei i am .-v uatn haveeBanfMn aaaaaaeaal hyTni THiBf.Nt., and to a.i aaaeemacetl t. taiiy Igaataa tbe am af L Btoakh .- '. . tr. latMa of aha tieaarat Order baaV ;..- waaf UaMABtockiag rataodM do ujh i? u^t kuovn. i rjvTOK-aocm ggw >. i g > colu . roa'a om s, Karak j, i";.- s i ? : fta Karebia Mfa, all BBrkdaaad %ooi^> ar riv ?_? at tbi- port ?>??' to (loipn-- d i f as faBawa . a:. i gi hiarrirmg i.y faaaaa wtaVea aloeharre BBOnao} pl i fp in I'a r >"o. 1. Nurtu Elver, to ifer Ba. 8. North la\er. laclaatra, etniimeing tha dbdriel ham BatB ry-i'-aa '" Bai tor -t.. iaeiaataa, wiu bo t^.-r.t to th* boaded wan bonaa af ,v. Derac, :<'i a Oraenwk b> .-.. itiddl -?-.?: "?-.:.!bakaowaaaDhdrtet No. i, Noita ai aaek Boedi arrlrtog by reaaala whMh diwrharce uponar.j plerfraaaPB? Sa.fVVaxth Blaaata PtatBw, n. Baaea iu>r Baakaarva, aaabraatag tias db-tnot tw tw n. Baaaarab aud BM north sldo ot Fu!rou ?t.f wili M aacd to the bandwd aaawaaaaai M Oaaataa taataamaeti Baa. ktl aad ih <,reenw.r!i-^t. s^oid uoitnet will bo kaowa aa 1 ?.- ti . t M .'.-. Bortb Rirer. Ait K-.iiii gooda Brrtrlnj ? reaaelawtdeb dlacharaa j;,,,, myjrn rir.iLi Pier .No. '.-j, >' >r!ii F..\>.r, to PlerXo. <.'. Ni rt.'i Blver -m lo?tTe,eaibraclngtbi diatrfc t ix tweea the north atde of BultoaM. aad Canal-at. wiU tta aeal in ? ., d>d waieboaae of Frauk eVralre, Boa. M aad MI \U-r . All lueh roodadiacl rgedst /eraey City will i teal t'? tbe aaoae warebouae, Jeraey City belajr m. rluded in UUa dlatrict, .^-n.l itL-trt.l WtU tn. J:no*u m i. Nn. , Bortb !..vr. Aii su.-ti rfniHi- uriiv.-.p by Teaaela wbleb Atacharaa ;il?... PierKo. *.-..h'oetk K;\er. nr nji north uoreof, will be aeal to the warehon*? of -iiiure- a i . Boa. i'i. U3, aad IM Leroy-et. AJ -i I i oda diaeharnd u: Bobokeu will be aent M Ita fame wareheuae. Ba boken einii i laidered bi aaid diatrlct, ^?:d iiihinct v . aowB aa Diatrlct Ko, ?. Bortb Blvi -. Petroleum amriog by tbe Brle Ballway wttl to ?ent t-? !!.. . uledyard of Boatwtax ATilford, Weehawkeu. i; ?: agbythe Badann Blter Baltroad will be aent to tbe yard a orn, un:; im? A to., at taa tooi oi Blxtv-ffratM., Bortb Btrer. All uncUUned l'im.iI.^ arrirlna by Teaatla ?hn*tj iiii. eharp npon eoy pier lu N- w-York, from i'ir Bo. i, K**-i. tn k'n:i Nn. U. EaHf Kive:- .-.i '.u.^:%( , aBBbfBahlg tao diatrlrt froaaWbiMbaltot. toWall-at., wtubi aaatu tha iHinded warehona oi Mni?r& Onagfr, Bea U aud i , ?? t. Mid durtrhit wUi to xiiy^u w> L?i inct No. i, I... River. Ad fui b L'fMH1.* arrlrtnc by Teaaeui wbu-b rtii<h..rc* m^m i ey pier in BtwYork. A-ori i'ier Ba. Jt, Eaal Brrar, to Plei Bo. ih Eaat Kimt. eatbraatag tae di' Drtci f.i-ii v, aM ft. to Plbe-allp, wUl >r *< i" te the ?.r??i, t warebouaa o:" ii^ser ?c Wliuaaoa.Boa. tlt tra iad .'* w*ater-et Baid bMbM *i^ bo kaowa a?iOiatrtcr Nu..', HuKt Iliver. ABaaebaaoda nrriwr.i; bv resaeii wl i..h i!i?'luu? u;x)'.i au> pier la New-Yoi-K. rmfn PMrBo. ti, t..-:, toPiei So. ii f.a*.' Blver,locluahre,embractBic the dH tri.-t I'.ni. ici?i - .i.leffijraon-at., will to enattt>taa . . oi Miln.rhConaar.Boa. .*-.:?,j. .". tn,273and9liBoatk-at. .*oid dittnet ??!.! baauawaaa Dlatrict >o.... Kuat Blrer. All mcb gooda amvlna by veteela which dhwbarca Bponanypb* nBew-York, uaaa Pioelte 4' ?? r i Bi 60, Ka?t" Rirer. .:.?:ti-l .. embraeina tbe <n,-rl.' I let j &? tmi' -i. ??? taonttfouiery-a*., wi.i oe mat u> tha tM>ndei| warehouae of M. e Dri| n *Co., > ^ 1TB, m. BB, aad SM B uth-at. Haid du-trh.-t ?ill be knowa a* ilibtni t >'o. ?, Kaat Kivcr. AD eaeb goada arrtrlng i>.- reaaela wbieh di* ti.-i-itu npoa Pter Bo. Sl, Eaat Birer, or apon a.y j.-ei- on be Eaat Kirer in Bew-York aortk taataof. emtTraetog tne diatrht Bortb of Moutgomery-awwill to aent totbe ouded warebooae of E. B. Lawwnee, '? . .*., Taa, 780, aud t:a Wat.-r-M. Baid dlatrlcl arUl ba auuwuai- J?iauo.t >?....,. Baet Kivr. All ii.. ?. .rki laaBed npon aar pter Ib tbe efay wl i be feti to tbe midwl j *r 1 m Baker .v Wll lan . i >? uaMdBearOenverneur-at..aaid jur.l !k;:.^ oo:.:..jirti aa In Dlatrlcl No. i. F.i-i Blver. Aii BnoiaJaaed xaeda arrlvtng t.y vr<s<.)a wfcirl dla eharae apoB any pier ba tha aaa -. U Um Baa Bivev, aorta of Bewtown Creek,wdl W aent to tbe buaded aarahonaa ol Brett, .^"ti A ( o , ..f Banbert Helut, tn vn aa tbe HuntorN Poial ?torea. sald diatrt^t will Imi ki.own aa Distri. t No. i. Broukiyu, All auch geeda an-ivir.if bv veaaehj which dlacharxe apaa any pteta la Broeklra enbrac -1 i ? the dUtrtct be tweoB Bewtewa Caaakaad tta BoataaadaoC thaaoaaaa knowii aa Bartoi w> etoriK, will i*- ?..?ni to UM itoree o* Marclu & Fay, knowii on atarUn'i M- Ba, .-?... diatrfcI will to kaawaaaPtatrictKA. a, Br i \-i Al! hucIi goada attlttaa by raaaela whirh dia.-t,;\r';i' at any pier auuth ol thi at?ue.< kimwn a* Uor ?i ? - Hori a aad nortU of WaAat, Veerj. wtQ to aeal M tho <:? r> - af rt. n. Terry,kaowa aa the wa :??. r".ir%-f. BaJ i >i <tr.. i will ba kuowu bk DMtrtot No. i. limokljn. All .-.i:ii ?0oda iwTlvtii^ fiy \ea??? Wklcb dtarl I B upon any pier in Ilrm -..'irr. of \',..n-?.-. i--r..-\ e*<pt a? hnuilBaflin atatial. ?iii toaeM Mthaaaarea ed U.KTdriiff A Kobiuaoii, koomu a^i s< ? *M V ? aaaaae, M th? foot of Jnru.euinn-:., i r thoae a> .ir UM f ??'' ?t ' ou^r> an at., or al (oiiiui.: .'lal Whurf. ? r te the F.rle Buhih Buarea, Balil illalibul *ili ne kimwn laDiatrki >??. ?, Braahlya, AJlaaeh <rooda BmvtBB by reaai i whfebdt* n i npon any pier oi what im (rn-iwu h? < Ilm, n VVharf, wi l Ik- M<uf tn thnaicreaof J. M. UroxaB, ki.o*n u? the Cthv toa w.iro*. laetadtog tiieiniu-vard at BM feet al Bwerat, hald uiaftii t lo tw kaowa im* .??????.. ? No. 4, Knaiklyn. Allexnloalva and daaaaraaa BaaMaMJa aafe y b I ?tnr?il la eMttaar] i?oiiil?il warehiiuae.s. will be M-ntto Aiahar'a Watehoa*? at Ited HiKik I'otut. wbleb wl'l be kaown aa DaBBMt Be. S. I'.pooklvu. hi addiUon lothe ?arvo.niR?'-<li.Tein1rt!iored??i-i>fnateil, t?.>- uth:- nf eu??.'! iine of iteaaaaaapa raaaaMtj piyin?r betweea thla pert ami auv fotetga j?^*t. w.ii .?? j-: tnitted to dtniitiialn.uiy 1 nml'd w ?n i.onae of-i'la^., III . nltuiited la Ii.i- ilir-trict lu which thnir teaaela ragalarly liiiul, .w the* tn ah:rh all uneUuiued . - ?:? m run.K '?> tbOtr v.'k.i la :?< Hpi-eiively will be ennt : hut u<? mcii v?i.r, ii ..-.. wBI ba ?pprt>vud, u? ta?- luEtrl ??r inaiiaio'tueiit of which hi.v aioaoieb.p c^iuipany or uk< nt baa any uitereet WartsheaaaaaaaaaJaaaMadwlBaM to ehauay-.i. exeeat far laaxt Jaa CaaaaaBf aMama.tha ntfbt to ehatiict the distrleta, or any of ttuw, aud to rbaagt '.-.' deeicnetloa ef a waeBheaaa ? any Oietner. and. Ii ra*-nf well foinded e?miplaiuM??r ov? reiurKr* or rtelax *, will e?erclae iliot power. Tho n t laed Miale of ekaiwea i i aaa bnMed gooda aaanarad i>.? tha <bao,iit-r on oiiiumrii aml tlieCollflCtorof tta Port, ii i :j i.-.'i -, IH'-+ wiiluhe.Ce?toii Mare.'l H, l?-X ii wiii appiy to i.: ici^Hia aaan M the waaaaMaaaa toretsbefera deaurnated. aml t?> all im<U;uied goada Which or *uld date i>ha:l tw In any u mvL'ium- !..?n:U>fi M rtaaBriiairl for tne ,-.tnraif? of uaclanned ??Kh?. And rate* to appiy t*i a!i ?:?a?r. %t:CTix:ng afteraueh date. utflfi ra wni i?>- beid ttnetli rnpoa^'jle that guuda are a.-nt irotu th.- pMra ta BM fullowliin order: jirat.gouiU aaaaaed t. tha aajaaa ?tnri; BMoaaL ?rnod* ordrred to UM BtdM u> (>..:.d. d WBfaheaaaei .u. i Ulirdly. Katut* oid.-riii t? tbe warabBBBta BerMa <:ot. ii They will Baaaa thai goaaadaaMreaBaMaa> uec< iwarily upon tbe i icrn. The OtiBaalur ri\it. ? wtirtcii.oraplainta of any ?il.<nl ovcr .'i*'a< *'"' a oi.i. de if ? on lue p..r' i.f '.h." bnbbB> ctora of ? j ^1 u.i. ? .... i. . . a . r u?. < ii gBedn M. A. AAMBta, t,vik?UB.