Newspaper Page Text
S^aBaaVCV \ov- XXXI.N?-9,?53. NKW-YORK. WEDlfESDAY, MARCII 13, 1872. PRICE FOUB CBHT& NKW-HAMP8HIRE ELECTION. ?lll.. OLD _n.AJ.ITI BTATB REDBEMED. _ MVI.KliMl UII IM K'AN VK-IOKi ?1 Alii'.K aUlatf t* *-__? I .BBa-B-AII i:K ? STKAW KI.F.CTi:.) GOVi'HM-lt BI A HBWlWXrBR WA .KiKITY. IIIY TkJ.RtlBAI'll Tl) TtIF TRtBrBE.1 Ciscok'), iiflip. 111., Mnrrh 12 - Thr rot'inn ihn* fctrniiiMil ,unri> than vnr.fy tht iniliiatiiniK nf tbe mfMa rBOB, B*4 BwBVW tlmt tlie I...|ii.hlk-an triuir.;>h iu ?,, i :!. ?< ni.,1 uMrv-hclnung BBbBMBb. i ?*, _aa?Tba 10-w-iiia from 115 towaa a*hre U J..U1. W.-r.i4iii, m\Jhlk\ aml Bgalla-inajiaai. Thi* giveeaB -.nibiii _ui lnajurity ai i.svj. Tlu- total wpt,.nf (\>iR'4inl ahnwH l(."8 J.p]inlilu:m iu-t truiii. It Brvnw OtmmumOi tlutt UM ..<i|*iiMh .inr* bave t!tr?-a- af Un* livi-t'oiiiii 'lu:s. mifht of tho U S-nators, aml alioiit l'i mnjoritv in tlu lliuw. v.i ratM ii.t< Dlganee i?ee_T?ed bera thip r-voninj. ,i, - i ..? Um liV;>tiMicai* cinuhir coiu-.-ruiti-r. tlio ril'iits-.f IVniiK ruf.,- BllanlBHBI to pot on illefral \ waa baaad "it r-ubstantial Co*__a4_atl 'i*. fcat Dft*-h.w. Ikiiii nv-tivcil that Di-iui'Cratk' ltYtin mTi \.. ro t lt-4 ttti in I.itth'toTi, Haverhill, Hi-tli )<i.n'tii, Plymootb, I?i<oiiia, and An.liiM'r. by that iu...UR. aaaiaarlDba CNBBtaated la th.-i.i-p? iBtarc atitl Iboy will I'.nbally be UnoWB mit. Faa jt/um *. ?-?Retarna from Mtoaraa tri. - Btnrw'.'; 27.41'. and BBattaWlng,TD7. Btraw'a in.-i. nty, tJKm, Tbara wa* a irrand jollitiratioii r- Hiiiw iu P-aBBil Hall thla ovenimr. Tlu- Im.l WBB ;. m'm'I in ararypaii by mtliur.ia.itic _2_gfwbl_**am na -rMK- it atl. wbleb __rew tatb roond ait.-r n.-iiui o-Iavplaaaa, ar-d spirit<><l Bpe-eebea weramada b] Jaba H A'.hu., Repn aol i lael | Got. Harri nia.i, tl..' Uon. Patea Bantafn, tbe Hon. l-aiii. 1 Bar Bavr?l, Cel D. A. v. ani. Bi aai a al*> t, and oth. m Oae haadrad aad aarveatyaii toa-ns giv.- .-.;i\\ :i .'.': iVi-rtou. 81.41 **. acattering, 158 ttfaw'a ataraHty. l._W_ II la eetbaatod tbal tba ??aliwtoraawillgtoi Btrawfroaa ? tolr-aMldR' rnV-i ?fB.1 latad to-day, aaw u i -.1 , ? ii .? ..'i !. ' t . - ?'.. Mi.nli I.'- I II T?? I-:. rr. |-,,,:.v_. K: K'ut i- nMtBUkl tB t-MtK-B. mattalaaflli naktoakaRc. Waaati Uttletaa,taal ;,, \,.l.-. Wlli'li n . - , , . ':.v ibe -4-1 whliaotlwn Pi l. aiawa _rt_ii rlBba, outtinpa aeraan BjaaBla _oa ii , i :, , y -iut... | it. eaaaa -tealb. _*a -avw-aaol ai?,fi,iiiii. iu waa liroki-n into Ba4bialifa thwatr rttki ??? i-. v.v lur. ;i.. tB '.'"!,':"S toaraa ? . ., r. ; .:-,.- f ., v :? ..- <:? faaaa ,. -1 ,,i -?;,-?? i.r, poliea A. B, Baoa a. A DXMOBAUXEP COINTY K! (I.-1MI.D. . i ,i.-.i m W 1 i:i: TBIBUBI.) I),,, n M i'i VrafT.inl I'out.ty traius uv. r Bfti r_a*nb*-4B_o \.im. Wa bare __. B_i?blicaB , , ? - - -.. - ii tba Coonty, a .crlaaf year. 'iho Conntywaa aoiae ? 1 ii to-day niil Btrafford : , ,,.. Ii tl.- rit. Btraw lia.l I -.- c ......r. :- tba i:< pnbHeaoa ri.,1. bbbI 4"-n nf __U ll.< D mi'iT.i' y wm ? Hi i Ut iII ? T tllf TfBlllt ?'f IIT1 ( '.iTlii'Il. ha- ;,.. ? i ataaj ni jiiMiii>rn:-ii"rt WM. BTBAW IB KK. tBI>l D AT BOME. ii n i . ara to TBiao_nLi M\?-?'?)? i-ni ?", Ifarcb 1-.?Thiu <ity i? thr i ? the Haaaab-leaa aad Da-nocratic notni . . .-?-. :?;??' ;ti-D tbi beadqaaiieraol t!.i ]t I,..,, :i.:i. ?: : I .'rvl Coiini-ilJu'. h--.u IbacrX .i raa b ajb i.'i 4Bavy, tbo frlonda of eacb cbb tiiiiau i ...? ni.t.i i,-t'LiTlub iiiiiu- riiu.iiii tndajat} him by a t_ara4er_ng now. At tba ofeaiiui of th* ia?::- iLg .kaaaaaaaa aaU that ^tntw WoaJd nol bava 0or BBO iiiaji.r.ty. bnl tbai-aaaM Bbowad tbal Wiaw bad M-Ovotaaj AVfHf.-n. 1.900, witb ;_j i_bm> . 'inc i'iy wi'.l Duui.inratii' lia-t year by B 'v. anfi t'if- rfiiU (<t'i Wl-. t" '? RafDobli ?i ?... Rtraa".- Brten ?- re ext*4*atlinfcly jdti'ant t'v.'i aad tba otber reporta wbleb t, b ?? in m a I itloi i . t- Thi claiaaa 21 ' | . ... iDeiisi ..:?.:. larga gam t.v. , I.i ; j, r.r. W ,.,\; IllLLBI ni" <?< ' v 'N !; -* DOSE. . IpKOBATil TO u.i. . i..i HaamfA, M.irtu ia ? I'.itu-n w.tniaii excitiDti wBateal hn.. t4.-ili> \,n.i-fi IMVlted ma 'i<-t H.-[itihliiaii nain ni ni- la tbe B-brrcbjata rota. 'i'li.' KepuiiliiaiH here. Mkd .r-tu'i.'i'.v ib-rau-fbowt Hillahnto Coonty.aatbs rstaroB alwiar, praatBited a aiilted front. totba tn , i tbal thptl'iviwi 'lisuil;i*4t yaarwara fcn ?' t !? Tha ___*? ta bi throii r*d wlth thla . vr.j.ini'. aml rcinrns BM <.._'"'' K.nirht 1,? , ..iiaiidfuiirLri-iiii- ?? ?' !.'? ; n-*'iit at.t- it : il. have Inou BOodBepub baaa ?aii a Ibnaigbool tba < oaatj. TBI RESULT I* POBTBHOUTH. |BI T1U BOBAI-I TO TBB TBIBOBB I I-..'rn a i rn, Man b I.W?Wi bava aa exrltina tim* ' ?? II day. Tbara waa an neraaae ii tbaaa> ? ? aa wt u ot ItO, nml a fBUing i B ta tt.. !-. .. ? u'tic rotaof-B. Tbe Refrabllean aei naiu n .?-.. Wa BBTa i i,-ht i{i.[i.ili>iia:i and two D-BBO ... ,.u -. ntativi *, Bame aa laal yi :r ICTJIO IN BARTFORD. IF.V rai_BOBArH TO THB ilt.'l'i^l ' II.\KTn.Ki?, Vr.uh 11.?There ia aTMtl rf yirtii,.- i.i.. i.v,! Vtrw ll .itu'i li.ii. Tl.. Rti>ubUcaBa villfln . i f...-.; uv 11 k, to-Benow. a _-*?"" - ?-? g; riir. ;r -c B_ff . 1.;-, . , i. MA..riii--; ?., March __B.-_te?w*B B-tjority in Biii.. .? 1 H\i. i. -i iu. ti .. ? B_ '.. w n*-i ably rlf. ;.; ,Mi ? . i i ' ? tlM I/ ?fiB-AtlUe. i , :i..M..i li :?.- M u. ta Retornaof thr aatefarOorrr nrecelrfal from ?'J Iowbb fdn BtraWi Ki i '.'l.l.i.ii. 1',.? ??; Wi-tun. Oeiini r.t. )..-'; RlatkmCT, a, ,,. , .|, r, 116, BMkttl : Bg, 4.'.. _:\i:.j.* U laa jBTBj .iiliii...|'l-.Jl'Jf.ti..? IB4MB luwii- l:**-t i'.,... i.. ??...'.. ,.i., .ii.-. Mt.toii. .')? ni'Miat, i. ,i.i... Lat-ur Bafeia <* m uga, I-_-_Mraaae, aml - .. tt i .'4-1. 4 ,.. _ ; __>..;.- m .??'. .:-....;.- fllilf.l Ci.V ., ' i l"u. ::jiI.' B-ivDBBI ^. tli-rt arfl . ,,i . liMjn.'itT in UM ? l_vi-..ittuv. ii ?? ii BarcbU. OaaBaa4n4aa-l-wraaBy t-? . . ? -t..,.- Baatoa BMBI; Maabaaaa rTt-iii-: .? ? I 'H.|a-i II. K i, B70; M ult. in.i', TL Hiuv , i i. i it* ii UOU whlcL w,ll jirolaLly ba n ciiw-il aaaawl i ry ntaraa to aaaaa ia. BArifiiKai'i'H. Mau'i i? - 'I'tie total VOta foi (.ove.-tur in t:.,4i:tv i-'.' H '.f aa* h Btraw reei ln i, RTi -u a, j,;ct. aad i-ji-i i h-ifon.ter.-, tt, Btraw'i Btakri'-, 44" Ttie ritnruf fnn, tba BUt4 ur-fui .? ariv. il iiiUmhN tli. B-BCtlM "1 Bl BtTBB t..v i.i o .: 1,M? iuaj<ii it 4. iin i'..-iiu! I'-.ii-intvp _ti:ii? hcf .ir, i.iM t? i RepnaaBta tlt. a iii u,,. i i'v ?i il ii...-. irnl.i.i ??-i'..?,.-. not'u worit lu.-1. ;ni n'.v in tlif 1- gta. .ni' H.. Marcl. 11 Ti.i Vj u .!?:.' -m* an lutilluii: uv. I UM 14 i ii i'f Iba * l.rtioli. aliil |i.ilai-i l I-'-' BBJBSB -.ll ?* BB tio'it ^iiti m baiui ol iiiitm- Mi.r.y fi.-i. i. .iii..,i..; byWaneafirowa, laIbBHcaa-orlal Biauu ? U. BB kaajaaity. KM ? ; ETUBM8 Bl io'.- St ~-k,.? H-. .?. Tl ewt k<|i Aili.uii.l i-i Anil.i . '. '.'.4 AtbaBBJ . 8t Aruioari . 103 Alt-.?.iu J* Iilll ..I . ... 'Jl il. p.-*'*T, IW hi.-i.'-liaa-l iM llr ..!' .1.1 1 .1 i.i . .'J < ? . IH-j 93k .-. !*i 4'*.,ii n.i.u: 041 4_>:.v.i4j ?'(i,fl<,.i tBaiaaM B 4 Iiui 1, aii, wo ... .6'/ Diubun I la. a 1_> rrv 4. J?Ol. 1,1 nt. I -JV Irl. VI. HJ6.-1 I*i,r__!i, !?_. 'il'-'? 141 I U i', i.l, -4Mi tiuokl... XJ LATE8T RETURM8. BTBAW'l PLUBAUTY OVKIt TWO TM'MSAND? rill'V BBPI BLIOAB MAJtiHITT IB THK BOUBB. [hy Ttr____ura to tbb TBiaoaa j OOBCOBD, Mareh 1S~ 2:15 a. rn.?Kftttrns from 1TO ttnvns fivt. Btraw I.'...-.:; Waatoo, BByOlO; acatteriog, TH"). -.traw's plurality, 2.218. The Rejrablicaa tnajority la tha II'.uhp n ill be l_ to 50, iinil SlT.iu ;i in;ij..iity about tlir BBBM .?_ e. tniiut.-d bcdE_a__>1,<M?0 to 1,'"I. The Monitor, tlio RapabUeaB paper hara, will kny to-morrow _MI8_Bg: The. BepwbUcaaa of Vaw-HaaaMhin feava fou^-ht a good fl.tit, iii.l -v. 11. aa oiitn a vii (..ry ur tiii't- vteri- cvcr pennltted to r | iie ovor. All the efforte of tbeDemo t-rtitaraine to iiotlilrip, tlti-ir aaBBnlta upou tb,-> liriin paurtr imvr reboonded opon tlu-lr owa head*. The peopie lii'ar.l them, and huve aaawan d tlum by a _-od Bepablicao nuajoritj. The Pairiot, tha onran nf tho P.mivmts, will any? The re.-uit haa aaonabed the Btaublle mr. IfeaaBaelvea, ainl haa be* n .,. .n-.'i i.y thedlega] rotaa of bbom tbao 2,000 soB-readente, wim nro allowed t<> vota by dalBlag a ri ...ii.'iir.- in Men Hampalilre, Maiuh 13 -Throe a. tn.? Tlie rettinis k1h>w tliat the lCi' liata- iiiuiiiplitil in tbe Iat, Il.l.lllil, 1X tli. Vth. Mltli, IXtli. Xth, an.l in tli." Xlth Sciiatorial _Di._tiit ts. ainl tluiDoflUM iat? havc tha other thvaa Retarnaaod earefnl eathnataa _1k>_' tbat tha K< p ri tentativee by eoantiea will staml as followa: TBE WBVRAXCB TNVE3TIGATJ0X. TESTUIOlfT IN -AVOI. OF ?___IC1NTENDENT MlI.LKii. The InRiirniiee irivisti^ation WBfl waBlfB*_i ye-terday. Blwood Wattt* "f the Mer< ar.tilc Mutual .Miiiiiii- Oeaipaa} t?-. tifled tbat the ri.uiii.tny waaexa.ii taed l.y 0. o. Oart-T, who cbargad for lil* wrvicc* II.ojo. Avtfaataa st. Clair taaUBad that i - a rapcartat al ItM 7.-r?)i< hrulbfTii. iiip'iivciliolitiiit upovidence in n _.<r! ?< the olirir. eR Bcalnsl Mr. Millrr; that BM bad intei wim witk agt. -t nuniiwr of laaaaaaee PraaaAaaa un.i oftii .t?, ?bO coneiirred ln tht vi, w that they had im eaaaa af ooaiplalal a..iin..t Mr, KlUer; baaaMeaaaa. Wtna-oa flii.i De Wltt ba hail olBalaoil aiiaajiaa lo anr t:iiu aTittoa ajaaatlsaM fumi-bed hiu. by The Tttattv thttt aaawara he had aappUed, but they were iii.t pabliated] aaaaiajiionllj ho waa or_?i..i t" ... Thnrlow Weed; be obtalard nn taterrtow with li.iii,ai.d aaa referred t.> atra. Baraaat wttaeaa, wbfla travellna iiv.-r th" New-YorB Central Boad, atoppedat l in.'iiiiitl ottx-r (itii.. nii'l made loqulrira roai-ernlna Mtii i ; ;.; Km i.i M..-i. tbi Buperluteadeal uf Poiife, __ta wboni he wa* acqualuted, Informad him tbal Mlller owDird re nl e?tatewort_i V>".?"0 iu the elty i wbile at K?cb.*>ter he .o.'t Peuber of The Ti****, wbo aupplled tbe iti'.irniiifloii m v igard to alh aad Jodameota recotd-d >i. niii-1 Mlller ; wltw _a InqairedlDto thal m ?' i.i aud fouod tbat aeveral of tbe j_u_fo_eata in quoation wi reagainsl a man namedMlller wim waa oot tbe _np. r Lnteodeot of Itmoraaee; al Elmtrabe rnet Oea. Diven, \.ln.told Iii in tliat he bnew Mr. Miller ai.d ln* fiunlly, and thal thej were repoted t.? i>?- arealttgr; wlf aaa ??i. in All'imy tiu weeli before la_t ; Mr. JniieH, of The r.'/'ir*. waa al.-o thoro Bl the time; with Mr. Jouea'a eoaaeat ba walted on Mth. Baraea, who tnld him that at a party jthen In 1'. ,n.-'-r Mir Miller had wora adlamond nect-aoe wortb B3(M_-. Mra.Bam_a h'ih-i atated that -!.<? bad been Loformed bj ^ W.uilh of tbe Afsemblv that onee wbOM pur cbaalna Jewelry m Now-Vork w bad aaaa Itrvtted t<> i xauiine'it braceU t whieh w?u ai.out to be nreaaated to Mjs Mifler", aad which wa? t\..rth 11,000; Mr*. flari.ei told liim that the li-lation* bf-tw. -.ii Mr. HariH'8 ?n_ Mr. Miller hBiltM.ii friei.dly until tlie lutter hatl refiwd lo mjII Mr. Ui.rnrri the loaaraace libra-7; wttaaaa foiu Mr.* what Mr-. Baraea bad (.ald. aaa ?r. afoaaa told ihin to "pipe and puinp," and hiitit np all the faots; areoidiniffvoa harwtarn to New-York he viattad the i.ailina: (ewelry atorer; from Ihe prupn. tom he c.tild o>> ;.. i douaformatioD.bntfroaa a elerk at Bail, lilaeK & O... in- aaceHala-d that aoaaa jew.-iry aaawaria| Ibe d.-M-rlpticn had been bouirht then. for hir. wife l.y Oeorice H Mlller, tbe**I__i_--_. < kmrt-booae earpeater witue*a koew Btepbea Baallab of Thr Irttitrtmu Tmtti liitlini.tedt..him that it wonld be worth Bmne to " j_et up u bowl" ln the pieen apilnnt .MiHer; iK.n. all wrtnrea could learn from lii.-uriin.-e offli i r- tbere ?;.-ii.. fo.K.'la'i n whatever tor tho eBarae* I'o.itaiueil iu tbe .'ii'.'-I.- -ritl.-n l.y I-iiirllxh lur The Ttmrt. Tba laveaU_failaa win beleaaiaeaoafiway. BALTDfOBI M. K. OONl'IlRKM'i:. W__aBBBTOB, Va., Mnrch 12.?Iti tho Confi r en.e, toaliiy, the Itev. Oeorice (J. Brooko, Sumlay -ehool A>r"ut, preiaented hm reiK.rt. ted from IM HundayMhool Co_uuiUt-.e?a niajorlty aud a ii.inr.ritj rt'imrt-for Wbkb a nubntltiito wiih offered by Mi. BeV. Alpheu* WilM.n. All th".e w.-re dlra. tly aiit_K oniatlc tueaeh other, and prodaced a looa and aultoatea debate, The report of tba tolaorlty, a___irttaa tbo**aaa <.? .H.iiialat-ili.'ol Ak'.'i.t, waa adopt.'d. The Ri-v. w. ... Ooe, - tataueal Beer-tarjr, paaaaaaad bMrapurt, tttuem sinivth M.e ^tr-nirtb in iniinbern and _.iin la tbe Coalei eaorainea laal rear. The aaaiber of r__oniu_i-aatata the Coofereaee a 23.0*-. Blabtrj Paiue will ui-i-e thf ?i polnttaeata to motrew. THE rT.STKX.MAI, I'OMMI. SVIV. I .IH...1.KI1-HIA, Marili 12.-The Comuiittoo in 1 aad Arehileetut- froin tba Uulted HtateAlVu t. i i. ... (?....iiii."-ioii WlU vi-it Nev.-Yi.rk and llostain in a few day* Ui e.infer with nueh arehlteet* a* touy defire to cotomte-neabaaltttact-aafl f.?r ihe laaaaaaaaMiahBa, ui. eli Will eover an ura-a of not ler.* ttiiiu Mi a. re.-. The . i.tnuirttoe oonaiata of the .aHoarlaf aaatleaew The ti.t.ry Probaaro,; Men. William 1 . 1-iM.n*. TeXM Jauirw N. Uaxlrr, i_>q., Ver.i.ont j tlie llon. h. A. Btraw. KeW-HaBBP?l)lr. ; WIllmii.T. K- atl.e-'l.. X-.aware; I... ii.ii,. Atwood.waeaaria; BBa ?aaa.aaaasja ?. lUtelit-lder, Datkut*. _? DAMAGE. KOH THE WIXTFIELH EXI'I.O-ION. ttTBkCmB, Mareh 12.?Tlio. llon. GeOBVB F. . ainKto. k of t in- r.ty, to whon. tlio BtaBB broutht by the eity oBlcutl* for d.__uH|._. rauard by the uplonlon of the We.ttleld w,-r< ref.rred, hee awardwl* a? foi ).,w Cbbf malaanr Plnlip Kekel. lajM; Aldertnaii .Iu. <.' U-vi, |:i.?_.?_; Mayat Emnei* E., WBiW Clatirt Baauoal W. rjlwrlock, |2,-O0; Aldenouu Viilllatu l'hili | |_O0. _ ITlNEIKMED JAIE BltEAKIIW San PbaIi'IM'o, Mareh 12.--Nino af tho B___t arlaaaera wba aaaapad fraaa Oaaaaa, Nevada. Jaii ia*t aud were rei aptured, u-nl who were to l_ tnid tbla \4.-< k foi |irii..n bieiiKinir, dap out of OaraoB Jaii . I. Buada] Bl__t, and have not y.t BBBB r.'.up turnt_ AWAKD <>K THE I ILKINH HKWAUD. AiaaVf, Mareh 12?Juilge 1-parind to-tlay dccMied U ?i.i.ui th. it .fft-rvd for the uapture of Kllfeln*. tbr ;.h-a.-Niti, were dne. The p-r-.n-i are t,ti Iu, and eiiiln-iiee th(__B wl ?> irave linporU-llt l.*tl miMiy, un.l tho*,' who naptllllld Kllkiu.. FOMMJBM KEWE, FRANCE. TMtl Of TBI ri'.INI'E AND IMtlNCESS OP WAI.BS Ti) P ______ MAKS1IAI, I1AZAINE AND THE OA II II I.ATION l.F METZ?AV'.'I _______ BCBM l-N' THE AS. EMBLY?THE MKZ (AN'AL. Paris, laaadaj, Mareh 12. li_9. Tho Prirco ainl 1'rineess of Wales ltiuehed with the Prtnec anil PrlnecM do Joluville, tho Duko d'Aumiile, the r..iint aud OeaaBBBB of Parlo, and the Dtikeof Nemoiir*. They afterward reedved a from I'r. Mdeut Thlers, who wa* uecoinpiinied by hU st-ilf; andlaterin thcd-iy drovo out, unattcnded, ln an open BBBMfa '-'"' weath. r wa* tlne. The Prln. i aud 1 .-liieea* are in ric< lli-nt health; they depart to-morrow for ( aiiiie,.. The deleipite* ftnrn Met? who have been ln attendnnre on the Counun. i-ui on Military Cupitulatlon*, in u l.-tt.r to th.' lirpulitifjiii f'riDirn^r, iintiin.:i<-. tliat Mie <'.iijiinl. slon ha* eoneluib-d< htimoi.y Iu aaajBBd to the sur render nf Metr, and ihat theevlden.e i* stronRly au-lu-t Marshal Bataluo. Tho Af.embly, to-day, waa encaired ln dl*en*?ln|t tho mlnutes of yenter.liiy'* sittini.. l-.puty Vletor Sckoel eher det'lnrinl that. the vote to pacs to the order of tlio day wan adupted, jestaTalay, undi-r clreumatmee* whieh rendered It nuii and vold. Deputy Brlsson acuned M. Vitet, the Preeldent pro ttm., ycsti-rday, of groi* lrreiru lnrltle*, attd fharr-'d tbal the ruiiiiiteit had been fal-ltted. A aeaaa of Indos 11? >.tt.I? ? vlolenue enmn'd; HDli ^e Presl deut, uniible to briiik' the B_B-B-__I Iu order, was nhliirod toaitf-iiriiil the neanl.ti for :iO uilnuti s. Aft.rthe reeeas tha A_*eiubly, hy a larp1 iiialmiiy, p.-i-s.-d B lOOOlalllHI cenxiirliiK Deputy Briaaoa for hi* unjonl uttosatlon* aud lnteuiperat-. LauKuafte. Ameetiuirof the shareholder* of the Suea Canal was held here to-day. Pr.-aldcot Le~_ei_i made a report, ln wbleb ba ataaaa that the Dboetloa of tho Oaoapaai haa no iutention of .ellniK' the C.nal to nny Government; thal the traftlc over the Canul 1.. LarfBty lnrreaidng, and that the rcceipt* ilurlug tho inoutu* of January aud Fi-l'iiiary of the i>re.-aent year aniounted to |_15,4iiO. if i? atated thal tha Fraaeh Qovara-oaal la iu'K'o'.intinK wilh th.' QoTI rniueut at Herlin, with the vlew of aulicl patiiit tho fall pityinr.'it of Ihe war indeiunity, and tberetiy BailllllBB tha eouipletc eva-iiatiou of 1'r.U-h Uriltoiy by (Jeiinan Iroopa. RU881A AM) POLAM). BUWIAB AOBMTI lA-D TO BE NEMOIIATIN <i U'lTlI rOEISH ltl.1 IKil-l.-. LOSUON, Tue-day, Mareh 12,1872. A . iM-eial ?li. from Paria to The tStttnd ,iri *ny* aovaaal pcaaaaaal Baaataaa are now in that iity in fiotiatliiK with the i'oli.h n fup-es thero for thelr returnto thelr natlvo country. Tho dlBpatoh fays tho iiepotlation* look to a toconrlliation la'tweou tha Czar aad Iba dlaaahalael roie*. with gaajaeal aaaaaaity forail paat Q-ftiuara. BlWI tha ap'Kilntiu.nt of tho OruudDuko Ak-xir) t_ be Vkaroy of PaVaad BPAHf. Tl-l.l...l:\IH C?BU TO BB LkTD il'.oM bVkJX To km.l.wd. Mai.hii., T.i. ? i.r. Mareh 12. 1-72. The Otteeta pabllahea ? dca___c aotboriziiig oi-fa ga iai layu direct lelenrapii eaMa aetwoaa B_Mta a..d EiikIuihI. 1'l.IM.E FKEDERICK CBkBLKB AND THE THIU'NE OF BPAIB. lu.MB, IWaadaa/i MBreh 12. i_ti. It i_ nimorod tbat Prin.e Frolni.l- (harloa of Praaaaa, whUa ta thin ettf, laaaBttjr, aaaeatad hU claiius to the .-audldatiiri' for tha tluon" of Bpafa . WTT/.F.RLAXD'. ?BCBST AOENT SKN'T TO WAl'l'll TI1E PIED aoBTEBB PBoxnsBa roa itai.ia.n bbt OLimOB-B-B. . w __ Ilr.HSE, Tuesday, Mareh 12,1?72. The Fodoral C011111 il hati aont BBSrat Bfeatfl tc th" Cuuton of Tl-lno, on tbe IMetluionteai. frontler. to w.t'h tho liiove-uiuiK af Itallaa r. volutloulitn, who are n ported to Ih- very aetfra Ju_t now. HfDIA. CBOLEBA kJtOBO THK Ti:<."!'?> BBJfl AMAIN-T THB IrOOeiL-l-a LONMM-, Tui-mI.i.v, Mar. li 12, 1'7_. A telafraa tran Calcatta anaoBBeaa that aevi-Mi eaaea <>f ehatara have eawarrad aaaoac tha Baa 11 of (,en. liourrhii. , now aa theh ntiirn Irmii a vii -ti.rioii* r-i?iiipiii>ni aaa aat the Leeahala, oa tha nutth aaatara frontier of Iii'l.a. CUBA. i a.MMi'TATIOB or THE sr.v.r'Nr-K Ut A CCBAB?? THI COOBTBT A.iviN BAHl lo BB IN A TBAXQDIL BTATB, llvv\\\, M;inh 12.?Tho .-ontonoo. of ileath, which waa i.ii'ii.'iiiiced aa HoinitiK) Obral,a aaaaaharal tbe I'ubiiii Cbambera, baa baaa aaaaMalad by Oaptaia* Qeoeral Talntaaeda to tavpaoBaaaal for life. Daparla of Bpaalab otteiala ta the c.-ntrai Dapartaaatl rtala thal but few whlrt-Hi't'iiiain ta op. n liostility to the (lovern meiit, the lii.u.K<.!t bands latcly surroiidered ar* their iiuiiiIht ta the ( auiiiftiey 10 b.. lei-n than 30. C'alK.1 Iuh uct" aa Oaptata-Qeaeaal daftag th" ahaaaoa baa Haraaa ?.f Oaa, falaaaala The aaaahaa of aaaaa al Kniiiii-pox m Haraaa in taaaaaaaaNf. The Kus^ian wiil probabljr leava Haraaa on Wnit.ei.iity. mi'UVEB AXD 8UICJDB. k nr.-F.r_.-T-. mvv it-Uf nr* wife and COTt HI.. THItOAT. Ai.nANV. Mareh 12.-A t.rriblo trapody oe earred ta laa rlHafa of Ofaaahwhaj appoalte thi* eity, iMaattaraaoB, aaaa Hich Brtd_a, Aldraaa. (haaalaa;. on Oaceafl btb Oroeahaaha th. re lived, in a smaii traaaa dweUtaa, 1. aaa ?aainfl ..amuei Ffergae, with hi* famiiy, eeaatattaca. wtfoaaddaanhtor, the laMae beiu_ ubout 18 years old. About I o'el.Hik, thk uiten.oou, two Bhota wero heard in r.ipld 6ureei.fiIon, and shortly afti-r, Far. 110 waa Baaa to pa-* into a aaalafnf. biuk from the houne, and Mie flaut'lil.-r eame Mcreamlnir mir of M>" f- >nt *_*. ?.v M,i4til.iei4eMl.lof the lieinhbiT- were to tha iolrt ? ?i, entertaa, Mr... Para u waa foaad [ytaaoa tha f a.iit'r'.a.m iloor, ?t..u" dewEbarlaa beea 4*pt throjiab the head Btroawlea were h.-Mrd in the ahed, whi.-h _____ waa _-.?.' to enter. aad. oa pr? - .dii.- tblther _ So-thernbto iPtawtoW- *"w*T"t ^SS* Tlie r,i,i?.i irrlthtM a,,,,,lt "" ,1)" ?__ ___S__ ? bai 1 elaaotiur a iaaa-d, raatf old Jaek-kalfe, w le ft_Siaw-da pal S bathrart tha Mood waa ipwrt _C ... t. M0..1) afler t?-ii'. d... "v.-r."l hin 4tru??1e* '.i,",i nnd h.- waa -aa-. hMa, wbo womh aWfttaaa i ,-t _r_eta_aaaer.had 1.a oal *i wart.?4%k*t\*aaX, a, ._ ai. _it.-n_-i.m ?.ti. hi* with. aetoad * n-v..iv. r V,-,. ,,...r .,,,,1 rhol ber. He theli at 1.1- daiiKhter. I,.,. ?.!a-e.l her : Ih- u pro.'eedl.lK M the sl.ed he euded hia owu life ar BBWVe wrtii'd. THE i-RS-Tf <TrYRlNDHTMKvTP. PBliea CB-B-BiaalaBrn Huiton aa.l Groetaa uu.l('l.ieloM'oll<..M.WIl!Ul_* ?f J.ire.v'ltv hnve en t.... d pieaa uf not _..lliy lo tbe laad tm-ntr. f.a.ind i,-i?iuM them. .i.i.r-i'.K M..t.i with stcaaaa *? ?__T" ln BBiaaabai aud l>eee,ul)er. and have b. en h.Id 11. II,. n b ?i aaa h 01. aoah lailalaaBat la ad.uti..n ta the ladtrt i_-?la ?.und 1? co.o.n r.K..m-t .11 tha "g^maj ta. ____?Js__?^s_:,-,"'::,"r.";:;"i];i' th.- Atton..'\ t.euirul. Mr. tillch-tet, aud not I'J Mie Ooaaaj Proaoaaloa. Ti:i_-:oi_-i'Hii' notls. ...Tb.- Omaiiiaaaal ..f Prlaaa i-dwar.l Ixi-nd _? toa* _*_**t*8 aad ik* ii-_a? J... .am B I Mott'a pal.ue Gl'.'-rr- l._._. 1 .a-??.ii.r. -".4. _TM9Bl 98 188994048 ... .A def.ilc.tion of MSjOOO *>? ^J',^, '" ?eiaaap__t<?ar. rwoit*ui-.. *_r*t*** a mii ...'H.e weather in Nel.raak 11. now Pfaaaaft.B?l tbr ;_urr llur .* tbr t** t< aaa***i ia rlaaax ol alo?. All ".?" 848 A hoiiaoontlii ont.kirt. of Bm .hanilmi. a | .,, *__. ir.ia- f..r . IIBBJia-l BB-taff-fl -?_.'?? ??* h?ru?l uu M">' _.,. Uaa, ai.<?_ _ ., ....I-iuanu.l Wiaffner. ft Waat Bt*****. Paajj. k.. uoea MfM*. at tbr n,u/..rr ot l.'a 8n. 4*4*844*1. ? a? J..ia Hbrrli-a. tt |. A _..t.r-u ** 1- ?*** H-r . BMMM A row-i_.Ht, while pro-ae-ing. day _forerea ?&L~?a-^^ ?rrr dr?a?n?l. -ai _I _1 ..A (ierman mnaic ta-acher """'rj,..''"^/'^ Tnt-Iii i? 4u_aub. III., __a_m.tl4- a-WiU - M,".;,!J't "' u bMBi__U_. fot aa alkaaft tv BBBBbB a r_l_ _? ? i""'1 * t** oW' __* __t-_J.Va- I.. '..i JAY GOULD 8URRKNDEE8. THE NEW DDOSCIOET IN EtI.L tXbaa_-88IO_i Of nm. A fl.MlT.KTK TRH'Ml'll Fiilt THF WWbaBOlP-tBB ?.IAT OOOlaV milCKI* TO BBBNB TIIK BBBB* IIHM'V-A RIOBf Of NffiOTlATKkMH W1T1I fil 1 ISSIK?liOlI.D'.S BO-rOBB ATTACK AND Hl.liAIN THK l'KK-IDKNr.-i W )<)M ? Nhlii il IA noitj Af.Atv upRMi) with BRRbtBbccxtbbb BBCBBI BRKTOB3 OF THK NK.W MB-tCTOBT ?nPUBTABT COSFKRKMT; Br.TWKKN JAV fintt.H and BBB. BtrJBLRB?r.ot'Ln's IM'OX IHlI')N.\f .-rilKKNtiKU pr.MA.NIiKD?Fl-AK Of tiiiMiNAf. CBABOBf ft?HPi:i..- HIM TO BCO* Cl Mll?TIIK _BDOB OF THE O-'bi-A HOUM KNHKD. Tho siHToas of tho ilarine arhemo flf Gen. EfcUaa tBiaaaBB Erio fro.ntbo naaeaa talaaf JayOeatld was aicoiniili-hiil, y. ^ti-nlay, before tho people had eleaily rompreheudid tba tiaturo "i tba mdvemeiit. Jay (if.iibi kktataa tba day witb dlaaordant aotaaof fir-ree detianee, an.l at ita closo pipetl a ineek and timiil try of unconditional Bnrrentlor. Ho leaves tha Pr* sidency knowiug that ho will ut ouofbo e_> ptlb d tho Dirccfory, and without any ar?n_ranco whatever that hewill not bo prosecutod, on civil suits and criininal cbargon, for oiTuiikos coinmittcd while. in tbo managetnent of tho road. All tho funner iliri'itorn romain for tbo present only, without a siiiirle promjuo or intimation that they will ho re talaai a fortnight lonitt-r, and hartlly one of them expects rcilection. Gens. Pix and McOkllan, an well as otbcrs nevcly eh'etod, declare they are in tho Diructory temporarily only for tbe gmnal gootl, nnd will retiro by agreerttent within a ft-w days. An iiiiinediato i-lcction by tho stoekholders in BBBBNd if Bba LegUlature w Ul tako the proper aetion n-ki .I for by tho new Board in tho repcal of tbo ClsM-sincation act and tho passage of tho bill pro* vldiiid for a fair elci tion. QcB. Sickles haa inntnictod hisagontsat Albauy to tirito thLs BBBeBaaiy laglalB tion ; tlio now Directory haa .neiiiorialirvdthe Eokik latun- on Um saino subject; and Gould and Eldridgn lart night argued to do tho aamo. Wttbaot oppo eition tho two bills oan hanlly fail to pacs, and tho rlection, nnder tho eupi-rviaion of tho Attorney C.:t..-ial, \iill follow iu B BBW days. Imiuiries into tho affairs of tho Coinpnnyhave alreaily been begiin, and a tatinfactory liuanrial report may bo experted inafewduya, Invostigutionii havo also bc-;n re Bolvod upon as to the contra* t.s and openitioiin of tbo iliroftnrri, aad tho lofcral transitt'tious of tba former Erlawainaal] and from tliene nifiny rcvi-lation*, of corruptioii and framl are atitiripatitd. Meantimo Gcii. Sickles emphatically denics tba enrrent runmrs that tho moveinent haa l*c?-n controlloil, or miido ia the interext of the Atlantic and Great Western. Thia is the oxact situation of iifl'air, at this time. The rcsult haa been attained bvth? BBBM BttwBegy wki-B. gave Gen. .Sicklcs inllm-inBJ over tlie Di rcctnrs whoralbd thomoelingof Mmid-iy a::d vot . <1 Could ont. Cenfaganeeabetweea Goold an<l Lis friiiids al tba Opera Baaaa, and with tin- ta b direo tor, and Cen. Siikh-a. at tho IlotTiiian BOOBB,-BBt* nl tbe whole nigbt, bai _*aaa_ttad la aoa-dat ?_<''i>t ?Mrbapa pavingiba wajr to a aieatiag neit BMtnlng nf tlu lout.-nding factinn.4. Tba new Board beld a ?eaat BBaaiaB in wbleb lha BBopoalt-nBB matio by tho Gotild faetion diuinjc tho nipht, BBW ___B*__ae__i aud Gen. Sieklts was authonzeil lo r. nf.T witb Mr. Qoold, bnt iuslruitinl to de niand tho tini'onilitioiial i-urn ndir wbi.h Iba Gineral f.It eonipitont to fore.? from Gonld. The eonferenccs whith folb.wi'd Laatad aearly two hours. Gen. -Ueblaa lald btatea Ckaald, Eldrblta, aad tho lawyers of the Hinu tho tlaims he had _a_B__aat Erie, andHiibmittedKiirb overwhehiiing ftoataot his jinwer toeiilorrotbem a/aiurit the paBBBial i-states of tba <lii octon that they succumbed, and Conbl agrccd torofiign th*'Presideiipy of the road. (I.-ii. Piiklcathen led his captivea from the Preaident'a to the directors' riMiui, and tbo fonnal resiguation was taBaflV red nml Bl?i-eptt-il, and tba now Board reoriraiii/.d.tlK- im tion of Moiulav l*eing in every way ioiiIiiih d. Tba de taila of tbaae liileiiiallni trranta of yaaterrlay an iriven below in a eonnected narrative, to wbiebtbe irjadfTainm rnrinria af incidents than laaalB i_ iw (erred. ______ IN A STATE OF BBIOB. Aftor Oi.ulil's iiii(liii_rht nitiuk 00 tha Erif -afe, with tlie recoril of Wbleb tlie nirratlvi- in j.'it< l .'. ? '?. TiiinrNK tiroke off, the nifle it.iiiit af BBaTC than 150 ?' roii*?hH " from tlif wurst .lurllcun of the BMa n. tinil tn tba rooiua mill held bf the Oould faetion, lay dowti, and aa awalteit the tiext iliinaiul for tbetr terriee*. Datiag the arealaa tbaybad been ttbarally aafaa_ei wlth tohano, ciKars, Biul liiiimr, aml im.l.'r t'.ic 10111I.I1..1I Influences of theso potent B_Beatlaa they wero ln a ^ta1l? of aetnl-*tui?ef.ietiiin, aud siipf. At 2 oYlock |bg Vii-e I'naiilent, with bia frienda, beld all tba BUBB oflii-ea Duanun or raa rcip offfKBB iv thb oraal bm bb O.n'T-1 Eapilr. Vrrifbt I j B-BBB, 11 O'Brral fuprriLtrn't i'rtii.lrat'i I..-.. B_,1 aad S'_i;rrs?e. I-I'* l ? r.i/. ? H. om. IBa l*iiaalial*i K..<__ Brrrrt.M'i K. mt. KyiiUi-ava. on the EiKhth-avr. fronf, the eorriilnra and -ii.i.n ofH.ea BMBC !)? Itlg retaln.-l I.y Ooulil hfiil BB Ituu. WlilIe:-ieliiltr!rwer.>r-l.-.'|>iDg.aTnili'.-S-r:re|)ortei vtallf.-.l aniong them. aa they Uy, aouir) on the ftoor. hoiii. i.i, the deik.t aud tabtoa. ami atbna i?n the i.ioii.i trtattaw allla; BaaBB BBBBBBB MBBraBlty,aa-l othera r..,lin_- fron. Bia la Bta la a balf iiibmiiIb-b iiiibIHT" aow aad tbaa viiitlnganexi.lttive M their coiupaiiion*. They BBga all ruftlaiia of a tvp. s.-l.l.'tn ^eu ou fbo clre. t n. baBBMl duybght-a ina*.* ol BaaRad and hattered huuii.Lltv, wlth MMiaa an atomof the leavea of ?BBbBBll ta tba WbaB hiti.p. Th.y had t.I c.V.led on Mon.luv afi*rTBOOa IBBB ulloya and eellars trum vll?- -BlBBBa, tbtai-W * n?, BBd thereaortaofthe poorest proiiitute-, aml exhal.d the Mor of the gutur. All but a trw weea paaj pa^alaal ggMM In.iM.H. f..r tln-y to hav.- m .tlu i rti- iii^li. BM BBB, BBB liaBIBBB. aml. *?v.' Ul'" aBB-B-B BBl B iball -*MB BlBWBjllI TfT--*? oth.r. th-re mof BO art-MB-BB tt their ever having fougl.t. Tli-lr upi*iarai..e aaleep, lihe th.-ir blaaphruiy aitiike. wan pun-ly 1'.-t.m They wero of UM _-BBB who dtm liot I ven follow untll aome Bakiaa Uaa atru-k. U ftown tt.o viitiin and laul him nt the mirey Bf their ttBaa. TU* waa the throiii; vlBBB, anned with platBlilalfa. Bd Bai. JuvCouliI luid eallfd Ut hia BaaBBBBBa, BBd IbBl WBIB Baaaa. Wttb *\? alllteratloa, "G-.uldV jruardfc.iJ BafBll ' ?? Totniuy " Lynch tjras thrlr leauter, aml tJio Utrlr hitllloa lav .!own iu Ibeir luatlan on iclv, t and broaacla, the W^ger buUy lounged aboul Jay HaaM*. _-_a__aaar t.-ra ln the counaelor'a rouui lawaltiftif the 9%W*1 tm tu? aervlci-a. Tlio aurue leatler uint th' )??"? ?* bMBBB hatl bwn ln tbe aervlce of Ertr b-fore. amt their former aiKee?.f8 had Inaplnd thetu wlth a aaallaara a-birb iuduee.1 theiu to d.-rldr the .K.llre am) laiitfh m Bm*rilltentl4-nt Kolao'a faeo ahei. expnlalon aaa hluted at. BaablB i-_l*. they Baaa BBBal bravoa. amt they ktiew fi tt fur holdllig Ihemnelvea f-r BlaaaatMi thry wer.- to have ?_? |H-r u*a... while their BaBBB waa to reap a fort.iiie in tt.e lieo |BBBBlll '""? " ???? tu'' r-t<' nx? d wbaa tbaaraartlB - atm ur*t boiuht B Mfi BBaeaat. Iu the i.ffUea ou tlie Elghth uva. front. held by tbe uew maiiag.-weut, tUcie wt-n 36 men bnught fruin the Erio paaaaaBBB de,M.t,iijm..f trBal iia_i_aa,wba BaewtbaB BaaaajaalaB of aat, ami did not fear tht BaaBaB wht.h they a-PBaaaa4 At 4 oVloek a. tu. the ijuletuilr of the "rought" wlu) aurioiuidrMl aml guarded (Kiuldlulled theae defaa-kra ef tbe uiaiiaBeuieBt latv a 1.4.1____ of ae-, eurity, and they irrew la* ln thelr duty. It was only aaaaaaaHa to aiipposo that tbis would br, taken advan (OfB of by the a-wallaut*, and, while tho defemter* Mept, ., ntorm wae browliiit outalde. J.?y Ciould had dctcr mlned for *ome reaaon, probably tlie deaire to repoM,-.-* hlmself of linportant papera he had left behlnd him In hls h_*ty fllght, to sel/xs the rreaidout'* rooin, and, to B_kM thi*, I .yuch awoko hi_ erowd. and aaaaaad them iu the Meneial rtiiperlntendfnt's room, from _____ there I* a door leadinjr into the I'renideat'a room. At flve o'eio. k tho men ln the Vle.-l'residenlN room heard a crnsh, the pollee ran from the _aaaad_a_- olit.-\ umi before udefonao could be nuido the HaaBg had l.roken down thn door and l_?hed Iu. A monient lat?r the foldlne door* were elosed and fasfened. nnd, thonirh the rough* had aaaaiai po??---->n ?f Jl?- OaaM- olhi thty were cnt off from the re?t of tho roalii offlees. Thia aut.csa Indueed un attempt to take the raal of the l.inl.l inn. Knive? were tliruat between the M__BB 'l,M,r"to eut tho oords which la_hid the haudle s tojrether, bal the knlves wen: kept away untU tho c?rd_ wero proi. < ted hy plece* of beut tin. Iiinl*.'tor Jaim sou, who wa* ln eommand of n o>tach mtnt of, tho majorlty of wbeaaweca atattaaaa out of _l_ht, luodo no attempt la Baa_ ba.-k the OaaM party. Baveral of hia men giiarded tho aloors communl e_tlng with the. leadlnirofrlec*, and allowed none fo enter e_cept anch as could provo thelr Ideutlty. bnt otherwlse the pollee were usoleiir- At alwut 1 o'clock Buporlntcnd ent Kelao strollod Into the bulldlBg and BB_B8ad the olllc. _f the Vii e lTe*tdent. Mr. An her waa alttinsr at hiadt-ska. tbo woment, and, oulllng Kelao, addre_sed him aa follow*: "Capt. K< Uo, wby lt thero ao mueh 'one cidediiesa' iu thia nmttert" roplled: "Efow cnf-*idednes?, Mr. Anherl Have Dot tho aetions of uiy ui.n gtvaa a_ti-..ictlon 1" Archer replied, tbat they certalnly had nof, and referred to the visit of pollee ofH.iiils to l.ould and hi'- frieuda at the BBBBBj on the pnoodir.(reveniii?t, whenhe (Ara-her) was obliired to gw out and ludlvldiialiy jjl-o ordera for, aud seo to tho pro tcctlon of tho property of the Comrany. KalOB iiavlng no reply to make. Archer oontlnued to the effect, th tt lie would make aawara itaU'tnent to tbo Ooverncrof the actlon of the jmilco ofilcials duriua the aaaaal tnmbles, and intlmated that the next tlme proteetlon was rc uulrod they would have mlitla, and would not have any foriiniunlcatton with the pollee. Kel*o turncd awi.y. evidently very uiiicl. t-li.-.f-i ;:n 1 by Arolier's obscrva tion*. Durlnir tho day Keij-o retnar-. .1, tbat the posltlon of hi* nien w;.? that ot armed ueutrality, aml th.-y would sltnply act to preHervo the peaee. It was a aubjeet of ajeaaral retnark, that Vho pollee B?emed to be aetinK in Gould's lntcivet, otherwlse Lynth's roughs wonld not have been allowed to enter the bulldinjr, or wbaa found Inslde would havo been driven out liirtantly. W'hen Jay Oould Uad thua obtaluod admb-tton to hls own niom ho Iniuiodlately-*t about, dcvlsinir BBeaaa t" reirnln hta lo*t irrotind, and at 9 n. tn. tho foQoirtaa atder wasponted upou tho Twcnty-tUrd-.t. eutrance to Ihe Opera iioiue: PRrairr_n'p OfBICB, rnrp TUtiw.t. t Kaw-Toaa, Mir.-ii n, ta i < Tha nnd'ir. !_m-l rtillrataiaaada poattloo as tba >...:>? hwful head or th.. _____ uny, aaa i_ uow at L.. poal dlrei titiL- Itaa-blra, Tlie clertta nmi i.-uiiilovtis am hereby dlreet. d to reeelre their tattro-tioaa otuy fnaa aaa ta tboee peraoau arting iii.ler uiv arrlttan Btrtborltyof thi* daie,a__d are Btrtetl. forbidden to lutorfere witn any of the bnalaeaa or property of the Erte Railway CBaipaay uuder aay autnonty or dlrt .-tltm o;Uir thau tnltte. Jay QOBia, rre. Ment. Tlie aaaata of the Iteform p*r:y sooii carrie.l the inf< l ll^'i n.e to Vlie-Preniilenr Archer, whofBI. an order ta "t-or iJown every netice paalai ap hy Oould." aad In a fow lOOnada tlio order w:ie tom duwn. an.l (luuld was on his Larir. lejfs. At 10 o'tlock the new Directora and their Meada aoaaaOBOOd to orrlve, aml with ?onio dilB culty BBtaad adii.i_.lot. to the bulldinir. Oould thaa atib .lded, and Ma "roii?rh" nompanions raaaaaad thelr positloiia In tho eorrldor, awtiltlnir the ncxt call for ald froui MaiU-d; but tho eall never eame. A la__ac forc: of pollee wa. plaeed ln the bull(tln?.. and the turn of eveuf* iiniioii'-ly aitfjhad Ther.' po*itlvo nioveuient4 on the partor the K' fonneraconviiiocd Ootil.1 of the funllty of vlolenee, aud h. waui turutd to tsonoUiations aud cou fcreuce*. _ TITE NETfOTlATION. HKHH, Ditrtnit tht- ___ghl prcvioas and nt intcr\;tlI in tho iiioniii.jr tbera were rroquent eaaBheaacea aaaoac Iholeadara on both sldes, many of the new dlreeror* heilif? JT' -< '.1 Ul lOUhllltJt.on With VitC-Pie-aldellt Archer, while Jay Oould held repe .ted ooaaataI of war wtthMcaara. BhuaiiMii. ITIdrtiaii. Fieid, BaMaa, BaaHh, M-t'ljane, ai.d otliers of hls adhtront-. _-_B_8_Bthoaa iwueanl to as*!! the new Uamrd were John (irahani, 3\u\ao\ -___?, Witi. Me.l-'arlond, aad Mr. Tfiompnon, who are ui.wlalcd wiih QaB, W(__e* ao logul adrlBB-B of ihe BacUeh r-t-i'khold' ra, Xha GoaMpaatlaaaa saaaaad to thtak they had tataed atioeid'd advaataaa ta Baearlaf Boaaaaaloa of the Pa t*. deuf* rooca, from they hatl hceu driven on Moutlay. About io oV'ioik oneof tho aafeaaf the Ooaap-Byaaa epi iir.l by H-ori'tuty Ot.*, hy dlreetlon ol the. V.. I', and a r.tuiibir.'f booha aai papera tali.n out for tha infoniiiitii'iiof the new Uo.ird. O-deattaa w;.n made by the polieenian inchar.e, but on appealinft to the pailee aathorttloa the proreediug waa pennitted. The t mpioy.s of tha oiiii'f* aaaaaad to have aathlag t<. do bal wateh operatioaa, wLioh they did mth muth apfanM iiiuic.:. _ , PFCRET HEETDWI Of THE HBW BOARD. Alioat 11. (-_lo_k, flcn. 8iek!i;8, tht- mastor spitit, arrlved.aiul was waruilv irrected by the dlrectors. soon aftaaward tha P-iaataia. ibobb was aaaaaad of aii but the aaaaahara of the new Board, and the meeting was .a'.ied t_ order hy Presidont Dii. Oen. Biekles was invltidioto tho room, whero hereuiauied on!y fot a few uiUiutes, taklnR evident care on tht* occa.ioii. a? nt all other tiui'-1, to avaid attatidance at tho director*' inettini,i?. At thia meeting the fbUowtaB resolutlons were ra.?cd ty the Boaid: RK*OLrTtO_S. PetfArtef, That pnbllo BOttaa be jriven that f 1? the im. i.i.iuii.f thii Hoi.rd that the atoekho.r* a.f thi* fouipany Hhall atall tlir..* h. reaiter hav. and be ?Jtowedto exenl-"' thelr fulland abnoiute rlaht to con trolthe dire. tionof thia C__ipany, aad thal tbla Board will do ull in ita p? .<r to krtaa about aaehaapeedjr ,-la ctioii as ahalla-aara ihta result; aud, tartowol uu* det.rinluation, it I- fui-M.-r . , .. Heanlrfil. That M.i4 Board docs heartlly approve of the l.riin'ipic . embodied m tbe ... receatljr reported to tbe H.'.iate an.l AMembly of .im ataie f?.r tlie r. peal of the lo-clled < iii-H.n.'i.ti.... iie'.i'i I i.Tother imri..._?-, aud tbal Meaaaa. P__tar aad MeParlaad.two.eC theeoaaael oi thi" Board. ba n qaaeted to pweaai u> Alhaay to araja tha- niu>sairaa of the aut. _ , p'nolreri That rhe roaotattoll of tt.e Eieeiitlve ConimlN tee iiioasa-'l laal rear, by which Mr. could wa? aothertaed tn .v?i,e 13-3.0.0,1*10 of eouvertiblo Oa.liilr., unjer whieh au thoi-ity iio.i.-tion baa beeat takea by Kr. Gwald, ataul ba and hereby a reaeladad hy tha Board af Ureotora. aad tbe Btoch E_ch--__re 1_ notitied of thi- deetaloo. IUeoltet!,Thal thaatoall tranafer book . are ordcred to be . loaed by order of the Huard of D.reeti-r*. it wa* aaaaaaead that an aaaailaattoB of the *t<,ck hootatahowedtholotalaaaaaati of commou ataehlaaaed up fai the [iresent timo to bo |7h 000,000. Iu obedieuce to Iheoa res.liitlouD, Judite I'orter and Mr. Ma-.l'ii.l left lu?t nlnht for A'bauy, and will at oeea ana tha paaaaja ot the MU NpaaMaB tha ClaaaMea. Unn Bd Mt. Eldiidge, oui ktt Oould'*ladh'T. ntw, *a!d all oppoattloa to the reiK-al of HM a._ and to the pasnaire of th. Soutliinayd bdl wa* Bbaadaaed i.y the lioiild fae tlon, but not eoutent wltli this Mgatt-0 cout?.-, he aatd tn wou.ii urt-e ,-.. Jay OaaM to Jom . iu a dlapalah t.? th"lr Maada at Aii'iiiiy. ur/lnL- Mietu la BBla tor ihe two biu* allmioa* to .u tho raaahatlaa, OEN. BICILBB DHTATIMJ TKFMS Mfi-tiwhilo, tho he. sioti ol tiu- uow Huard yot ri.iitiuuliiir. David Dudley Field ainl Mr. . henrtuan ap pioaih.'d Oen. Hitklc* aud BBBBBatad B prlvab- ooufer euee with him ln Mr (toultt'e room. (ieu. Hi.-kles eon *ented. and the tbree were clomart IbfBtBBB ror near'y two hour* il.ti laa*- whi?h a *atiefin:tory neitleuieut of t.-rui* w.s ii??r." .1 upoti. Noue ef the partiea to tbi* iui portant eontereuee rared fo state ih" :erm* anke.l and li.-..aied U|l. ... but it 1* tlllall rKf'Kat! tbat (iOUld W.iliteil ;.-ai> .mi i <?? that he tdio'ild not be deposeit from tbe 1)1 rectory wheu tho C'lassifleatlou aet have been re peulrd, and largn eonee^sion* were ileniauiled. All were denied l.lui The i Isttr.- wbi.h Men. Kitkle. ba* i-iraniar tbe Eiie Kond, and he iiwlata c*_i b. en forc.d ai:Hiu*t the privAte eat.aa of ibe Dlrettora, wen laid before Mr lioulrtimd blslawyem It wa. B-BB ru inored Miat John Mraham, who wa* Iu tho buildln_ at th" tiiue, furnlMheit Oen. Hieklea witb prooN a_ai.iiat Oottld of a nerloit. eriiaiual nuture, aud thiit l.ould i.cwirui_4.1 what a aaapaaala *n_it he w?* iu, aaal tow haaylaaa he wiih iu the iiui.ds ol hi. eneiuies. Duriujr, thi* f.inf.reii-e with bis lawyere, Mr. Moui.l was absent tb. BI-.I-r oor.ion of the tinw, .uitkmar hls i.ii- _j?uri- __Jf otttt t-< L-wi? et .vi.t-ui.ut bad oe.o i de. lil.fl on by (iin. Siekl, a an.l Me-nr-. I-'.eld a."l BB ar rnau. After aaaBBBBBtBa with Mr. Could, wbo 9ft*mtat the ternm, <Jf n. Slrkle* to the lllrrefor-' BaBBB, .un! iiimlf. ii rijurt of bta BMBI B B Ihe -B-hT-. by *hl. I>. aftir brief dtneii**1on, he waa iBBBBBBai Beagklpl Bba teiniaon twhulf of the Dtn-etoiy. Wlth a i<ui'.t< ii.inee Waiuing wlth a.if|af,-ii<tlii.i af tbe ncar aifve.i*, of one of bia moat hrillinut wsof dlplnmaey, lh<? Ceneral iua?lo Ma wiiy tiiieg tlirough the rrow.t (,f langba wl... i;' .1 Ihednor i. u.l Ita ap| rtiacliea, to the eiu-iuj'. raiij* .111 aiuiu.iut-ed the ae.eptanre of the , BBBB wliih- a r. port had p| n-.-td thr.n.irt. ihe hulldliig thit Cnl I was ali.iii! to aurrendi r and a rrowil BaBbgaaBB tho luliliy nnxloua towltuem. the c ineliiillug m-rnrp i.f the eampalgn. MBB -3 inp.ifliy Baa aSBBBBBaal f r IBa falten fbi*-f, whoevid.-ntly had not the pewaB B -.m BB afl*. uloi, of his eii,pliii,ea, |M*a.44-r_ieil bv hia ileart 1 niifitl erate IBB There were inany expre.*lona nf peraonal lll-f.i lluk', whUo the nean -?f approv.n1.> fniupathy w'*a from BM BBBB who waa heurd to reuiark lu a half tone, "Thl? la the moat sorrowfnl d;*y Jay QaaU Baa ever aeeu." TIIK BUUUIHBL Wliilf (.en. Sickli'8 was on his w.ty Ui -w-i Mr. IJ.mlil for the Bat time, he pgflBflBBai B a Tiuti Nt: wporter, "JaytJouId will Mirri-utb-r B ton un. . ? aml puiietu-.l toth" tninute tho doorof tho ('o'lmwloiv room ojiened. and Q*B_>-MttM appoare.!. aeiBBBjaabal by Juy Could and T. li. Mi.-iirni.iii. Ia tho lobby BM| were Jolmdby ev-Dlreetor lli-nry ThnliWMOn. Th<- i-rv ran frora une room to anoltu r that Could had n-n. . nml waarontlmied to tho>e wlthln tlie Vi 8 Prtttt room by tho iinuo.iin eui.ut of Mr. An !n r tnat Mi Ootiiii hiid rewilveil to re 1 _ri. All eyea wi 10 tlu - efg .1 B tbesiaaii party, wbieh piatatktel fBBBjty to Um itm :..;t4.lng d'mctly from the lob.iy ta the birectnrt' r.a T11U waa foutid to bo !,u k. .1, ati'l they \,er rnnip, Ib-il t o retaaea their bBBjb. aat aaaaa Bba laaaa "f BB V; ? pb a dent, where a BlflB nuiiibi r of peisons had BBBBPN J 't il A buzz of eurtuitity rari throusrh tho HMBB aa BaaM <-ii ti-rnl, nnd .M ry oue bent forw.trd to en- him. Ba Klant'.d uj-iiiiiul haatlly, a.i.1 th. n ttefOB d hl-1 _M u> th ? lloor, from whli h ba B 1 _BBMBB_y Vttoi H to Bfeg * tiHRti nnrt.-y of Ihe n-^ne. lli.-. faCB ilniii 1 Ird BBB ? t'i.i.i_hi aaa* troabtt, aad ba atcand to be tiigbtlj uei Tima, but otherwlru' he vag parBBBtly t'ool aml ? bU) i Bd. The fol.lliig .liMira haviug BBBB tluown Bfl 11, UM J'.irly pn.e.-eileil into tho i-i rrelaiy'i* rw ui?, und UWaea I B tho Direetora' rooin. lleie, aa by arruusvin. uf, Hl li "llld, atill in-sinuiii',- I" Imj I'lV-ldent of the CBaapaajr, call.'d to order tha old Bonrd of Iilreetiirs, und t.iul. tt 1 his rrriiniatlon aa Prealdent. Thia waa ..t "i" ae. i-pti-d, nnd, to m ike I'oulily BBM Iba artlou of M>m d.iy, Ceu. I)lx waa r.BBBBM-t.-.l I'l. -i.I< i.t, aml th. pr ... | Bajiaftba proviona gaeatlaa wtru fliiplbafad. B Iba rexiKiiaUiiii of Meeteta and the. niiln tion of rli. ir i-urv r-titute.-. Ibkwaadaaa aattlyaa a eaaaaaaBa b tha iligiiitv of the late l're.-ldfT.f, and purflyto BMBOTB any iloiibt aa to Ibn BaaHly tt tho new Itaaanl Mr. Ci.nin. flea. Dix to th<' CbalrBMB'i i" Bl ui a liTi.ceful ai d ,;? oil liiimured in.'ii.n t, .i.d IB teak bB aaat aa D!raelera wbieh ba eiiu ibbmIbb, bbB from wbleb posttBa ba fianiant t?e laawaaal valB BM 1 tatteaaei la in fatee. Men?rs. tidriitge, that mi...!. and Drr.kiJ a'.-o.ti.i'lt tbetl plaien at tbaBBB llmiid ur llircctorr, tblM iaai.ii:a' a lull Uoald of 17 10. u; Ixts. The Clonbl taetBB, eonabf Injr tt Oould, EMrldtf , Slu-. wooil, and Drakc, lie 1. ^,'ave 111 their a.lhi siua to ll.r i,e? order Bf thiiigK, iin.l in tbe eltvtions for 1'r.M.Ii at uml ?aw Dtoaataaa tha aettaa waa unanimoua. The oi.i <*r ganlr.ifiou Waa di-o'lved by its owu BBBBBBl nnd net. After tho buaineaa of ivor^aiii/iug waa aaaapletedthe U'liird iil)ourti..d for half BB hoiir. Tlu-foldiugdooru wi re ataiu thrown oiwn, aai .1 ? Ooiil"! aiipeared, aee'nuii inii.l bvl.eii. l*lx. BaCbanaaaB iba aelBa af uBaaeat lha eia a d BBBcbaeb MgBa tBaa bb BMhaanaetad aaaaaajBi aadwbaa tba PMaMaataaBai in :? bI of BrBiaaeheB IbaaaaaaaarraBaBBatlM iiTimr, thr littl. rfuruially plaeeil I1I.4 aueri-aaor Into the aeal and at the divli ixfii|.it..l by the I'n-nidcut. C' u. Dtg aat In the ehair aud reated his ann* aa BB d. nk for .1 second, and tlif fmnmlity of takltii; pgaaaaalaa havincaaaaaaaaJBai with,bm laaaaaaai ami e_ BaaB (Bai of E.Teretutued to the Dlreetora' room, apiian ut . on the Diost crrdlal tenna. Atter BflBBBJ ?BB. DtB lu tbe l)lrcet4irs' rooui Could n tuni.-.l to tho B8BB < IBaBB >l apartir.enta nnd ajtbit.-d rl.-ht and left, plutViue hOBtB witb tlie leiidnv' en.plovi|g aud atklii;f tllf-ir Bellaa BB the ehauited r-tate of alfalra. Could in*pai>-iitii- w.w m tM^tter splrits than wln-n he the room u Ba nilnul.8 previously, and had reeoiullid liiru-elf to tha Bevttabk' 1 liai.,'. . Fix.-euiutlou waa nfo lhr.,,l_li.iul tho rooma. as to tho eeaaUtBaa upoa wiu.h OaaM Bai *? I111 , i.-tlt<-<t the 1'rer.idetnv, iind not a few approm in"! him witn the vit w of aakiiin for iuformailou 011 iin a.-i jaei BIirtltVAl IMITATI.S liOIIH. Imitatlnir th*- ex.nuplc of Mr. Could, Thotnaa 0. Hluar man, witb a aenaetteal laugh, atea^ai ap B bB um eeaaor, Mr.-S. L. M. Burb.w, wbo Iba fttftUmm daj Imi trb'd, as couuriel for the Compiiny, to _;i-t Bsaaaaaaaaof the room appropnated to the BBB of eoun>el, nml -.. " W.ll von BDOW me aaw, Mr. U.irkm, to BBl ) N in B*_*> M'8.-ioiiof tbe offlei: out lnio" (i?nilitlii?f wlth ln- ti ...-er in that ilire. tion). "No, Bir.I thank you," it-pin ?! ^1 Lar.ow, "TU bco tba Othot d?1 ih-:. BXEUNT GOl'I.D'S GANG. WhfB it bccaiiii: known tlmt B BBjttleBli r.t b:i<l Im <n arrivid uf, tho G011M inlhi-r. ntr beea. d.'ip.iiiilent, aml a taw of the mitior attaabia of Iba tttot who had giveu ln tlieir a!lei;iatiee aaauined an Blrof imitoitiinee that wm aat wurmnti-d. Lyueh'.- r.'ii|.'t.a ttem anajyai in Bba eegrlaaw wlaratat aaaaa IB with ihe poliee and Je-nni,- in the paaallar ithBH Btyh of thelr kind. They had naid tho ui*.'ht before BBy wero Iicputy 6herifla aud had ili-pl.tied ba.lK'i'. bul SberilT Mrennan einphatbally denien that thi-y wi-re . ver aworn in or authtrized by hlnim-lf, or under r"h. rlfl Steveoa, the only pernon authorized to do BB They sUkxI, and waited, and wutebed wlth BBaaa trepulatien tbe g.itbcritija* of the largo BBBBban of lw_BaartabB i*eopb who, at'J oVlofk, had .nteredthe biiililluj.'. I.yn.Ti HN> ferrcd with hia aaso, latea, and Imiketl from umh-r bB eyebrowa at the poliee. At l.inf a :*;,?* annniiiu *d, .1. 3-aoo'c.oek, that Ciihl had ma'le an iineoiiditloual aur nuder. Tho blasphemirn of the uiKht boioro wer tbo pli a-antiiea with wbleb the ruiliaiii I' them-* Ives ln antirlpition of bloodehed, atul Uu-.r thrcafa of doughty ieaaal BBBB BBBl aa aUuiul.iiiia t>, tho nirvea they ftitred would scareely *t;n,ii tbe Bbaakef aaaBBae Mowai boBwbbb they foun-i ..11 hma of pilliij<e Kone, aml i..iliz<-il tlmt thelr ruftluulaiii woulil lo BaajBB bilng ihe price whltbonly (iould eoiild i*.iy. tlieir lurt-.-a were BBBBBB uud veug.ful. They g-.tli. u<: in a iDob andih. n .ti-.ii.-ai-d thelr poaitlon. uud aa tluy r-too.1 in the hiill, glattun at the BBBB. nnd aaaaJkHBB BB ev.-ry dieently ilud man wlthln 1-14.1.1, Jay Uuulti approaehod. The ulirht before, while they were drinking hin lu|tinr, and expe.'Uui; bi. aione> , they BBBB BaBBBBI i?nt BBaaajba but win ti they knew tlmt he waa of no furthir il-. Io tli. 11.. ti.i-i r. ? 11 ? .1 .1- tl,..ii_ii about to full ou Imii atouo for many of thi lr im-ile.-.l* by killlng (he man wh.i4e power to buy them to *lo vlolenee ha<l eeaae.1. W'beii li'-ai thr uiothy throng, Could beekoned I.v ti? h to aiui, and taking bim aaiite, aaid, " Touimy, you BBB lake tbese ffilowa awuy; 1 ilnn't want theui uow." I.yn. 1 looked, and then wulked to tbe rougha and un noiiu.'i'dthrlrfurth.ruM'le-iHueaa. For u luotueut tlie uif ?aaa aaaai abaaa thi-m. Th.- jaiiiee aaaa BBa-ra opiu two Unea, wlth the .Siip.r)iit.iiilrut at their bead. lieuti. 11.111 atoisl ala.iit. apparently aatouuded that ?o uiut-t. Iiriitallty exiated. Ker>i_p.etablllt.v wua iu the aa< < inl.inf. aad tba rough*, ahataacHi .-owed, am-aked away, v, r on. ii.a-iii they iia.i rt-veled lu luxury.atrewli._i thi-ir 1' 1 1 over earpota wortb thouaaiida of dollara, daneiug ol laiiuet tabiea, and kickiug tbeir beela againal r..*. M.....1 and glit, aud 10 lumutew) after thty haa left tho bulldiug they were atrala B tho wr?tobea pm leaa 1-rom which they were i.ronglit, nt-?er to diagraee a i>aia<-* by tbeir preaence ugaia. Ilu* ouly pr. iriiiiein-r into whleh thay will eoou be brwogrhi wim u- _.?* alt4?r they have commilttHl mkim blocaly d.ed durtng the drunken oouraire puroha-**.) wiUt Jay Could'a tuuney. At i\ o'cloek the bwt of the dlnvtora bad goDe, and awe?i_sra were oleaui-WI away tbe wrecb wbiett Uie roiugha had uiHule. Ho ntrfher trouble waa aulinji-tt*-... and iivduy the otHi.e* will have BBBBBd thelr ..rdlnai. a.pi'i t. ^ .iay con.ns KM OV THE WTCmXt. Mi Tboioaa (.. Sbearmao _-r* 11 reauiina tlin Ti.iinfli-pie.-eof Jay Could. It waa reporled, ?uii ln .imi Ii.tMil l> Fi.lil were atill retaimtl aa the t-iii.iiM i of Ki .ti, but it waa oilicially ataled lo a Tkhu m r?i urt.-r, late laal nlg-bt, that thia ta aa error. Mr. rii, an.iuii rt maii.a fur tbe pr. t* ut Aaalatant Bottclttv of