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V6"" XXXI.N?-9,055. NEW-YORK. FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1H72. PRICE FOLR CENTSL TUE BRITTSH JUBILBE. PKErARIXO FOR T11E rAOKANT. ionpon TtAlWftMOntD? porrt.AR skntimf.xt llKCAI.IMM* TI1F Fl.STIVAI.. rytoM tiik BBBtriaa ooean waaaar op thb Tt.iBrH._i LgHIMm, Wh. 9L~ Batm a -.liirl as Lomlon waa in eeeteiday. aad ia la lo day, nnd promisce to be in to-morn.rv. aaifaaaaa aD aatlelpatka, nnd. I believe, fl\ exp, ri< aee. 1 am not tho inLaMtant, and av mamtty of tliia city doea not go liack to any of IU Kr,at loiia, d-t to the Duke's funeral, nor io |haea*__ainf haaaa of tlie Pk-taeeaa of Wales, nor to the Great Lxhibition. Uut evcrybody BfNOi in eiiuitini. lhal to-niorrow would anrpnta them jll yrt BObody rountetl on Biich a thinK in tho ?jTeeaaaawehaTe aaaa before the arrival of the dsv tta ll Thb Taiawaa offico i>. \ng i?y Rood laeh hPaO_ab_llpaadaaawthafoata af the fbayai I'ro eea-ai'in. 1 oaa BBB WtdBMmu of the nrevailing cx eitera.'iit bj mcrely lookinR ont of the windowB. Once ootdoora,Ih"BBeel phlopmatic of men eonld Mlhatfirohiaaaalf aptalha atiauga iutluence of aa aliaaga a i?" Tiadatdajrwaa Sunday, and, if my I'ur.ari fm nilain New-KiiKlaiid will allow me la aay eo,I waa a* thia oflke for a little while on bn.-in.rv- H I had diapfed Into it after a weeh'i ahataeo 1 aheatld aol have known IwaaitiPaH Mai'- Theiiannfinaaalionaf thel rweratefkaof the aalaee-llke rl iba toto tha aeaablaaeaj. of baaaa ahada irta aomethinf, bnt tba .hnnpe iu the of tho it'.,: waa nuie retaarfcabla. It haa baaa a tlmou.i loaaca ti-aa ool of ?ind. Daady oflkers of th.- faarda, dandj clab bmo, politielaaa,iiieaffamana ir, httr* aad art and tnncl an.l evcrythm.. the n:av ba soon uny day ou its eidowalks, ?-;,,;,? tba roadway ia apt of na aftamoaa labefllled wilb eaniacea. aml the eaxrlacee with Terv ). people. Yeeteaday all theae tta laeatera of tbe atately atreel had Taaiahfcd, and I'all Mai] lo. I.- a :'..' ,i M.tion of Whiteehapd Boad. A lotally aew Idea bad eeixed upon Lotadoneaa. thal it arta\ letoba iven in tbe atxecdaoaaSaadaj, Bad Ihry bad co! n ina.l BoHoB that tbere wassome thi-i-r beaide thcnai h aa to he aeea. They ta:ne out la aaa Ihe il.-t,rations. hut yaaterday tha decor CBaaiafrid liiiiinly of roach pine boards at;d joiat* and tho framework of eeats mtatiati tu l.<- eorered a nh red eloth. Tbereal ?],.:...!.- waa Iba paopla Ihaaaariyea, aad I aaa balf laelined to tbink they foand that out nnd enjoyeil it. Tradeemen'a earta,and bnlebara'earta, and fumi tnrt- wagoaa, and brewen.' draya, all loaded down ?itli raddy-faeed men aad over-dreHsed ?omen and eliiMtin. who were too many tocount, lil!?d all l'all Mail. aa 1 ;ill the Btxaad, an.l Fleet-et, -inJ it., aml, I BOppoae, eboked tlio niirrow etreets aaoarl St. PanTa aml tho 01J BaUoy. aml whar* tver the proceM.on is expeeted to pat-e to-morrow. Half Lomlon had Rot an idea that tb* ir only eha:ices t<* have a si-rht of the unaecustomed Rplen &K,r- v.uulil ba before tho truo dny eaaaa, To any botly ** bo knows whal n Bandaj m Loi.don com nonly ia, tl.e oontraet was ataaply delitchtful. It Bn*it have lu en lillHHlllllllj eo Jo tho eabinon, who all tm nt bome vti'.h little fortnnee in their poiheti-. Wh.Ti I wanb <11* (ohoaae, nut a aabwaa to he had ln r..ll V.ill. st. Jamea-et., or Pkeadilly. To-day.the erowd is far greater. There are five linos of carii;i_r,-a in fnmt pl my wiadowa, iiiot-tly waitintt foradiameto niovo cno way or the oi her; now and then surtrine alowly forward a ro<l or two, and then rtoppinir ac.iin. M>* buleony looks both v. ays for more than half amile. All the way fiom Bt James-'s FBlaee, alonf Tall Mail and paal Trafal-rar aaware to the Cbarah Of Bt. .Mariin-iTi-tiie-rielils, the ?treel i*> Ofi ally Ueeb d. At ll tliis niomine I tri< d ao diive fr.'in this ofliro to Kleet-at. Jly cab jaaalllilaaliblnf tbe8trand,and there atopped. I ;:..i.t aa v.,11 have tiiel to ilriyo throitph the Natidial Galb ry. I diovo down WbttehaB aud -..i.v TN..y of tlie new etul,.nik'neiit aud Boucverle it., Baally itached a_y potait Bnt to c.-t late fle. t-et or ont ot it. * itiit r in a eeirlafa or aloot. waa aqaaUy 4iiftl eult fU ai-!;:--' t-ra thtre was .(.uii-tliiiif* to-day to re my an tbe toll, the Aeeenrtloaa belna well adraaeed, hgaaadatNaaaera Bytacand t!;? walla balf eorered aaa awtlace r ipiiaelTfi of IheaMiateltaalra loyalty to Ut- h aee ol Walee. Vbe i.: t eeaeelred the Idea of this Ihaakaidnaa I <u? aalkaow, II Mware atarted iu tho t ol tht : tbi netlon was a elerer one, aml 16 only the aat* i ? i.f tbal ealealati .1 prapaanaa >>y which tt,, j-. - vaataraed lu ,-v.ry one of lla in i / piub excelleat aeeonnt Bnt tlio ? thaa not t.t*u uii.df of it, aml will uot be, fer, t-iiice thr tiwM of lha aaeaaaaalM ia ?u aettled, ono taa .ja ak t.f it aa w.ll to-.lay as to-morrow. Rattaaaeotdd bc bettw.froaathe RoyaUatpcdatol vicw, Uati lha plan uf a grand reli?Toua eelebratloB la Uf-. CMh dral al Sl. Paal*a, witb a proeeaaloa of tl.e Qu'ta ia ptate trom linckiiit'hani 1'alace to the CathO drai TL.a plaa loaehed tho Loadeaae on all liln tcL.l. r. m itdra trmrbfd hlm with rel.ious tarror, tr. if aot r..;. >. ecel MaaMaal, wlucb moat men ttli.k the laaaa Ihlnf loiihnd him ln bia pride of loial dtvotiou, aad touiLcil his pocket, wbi.-b ic aomc tU. m Ihei (bt the ceuter of hia nmvous ajetOaa, -*1"1 Maahed H la aaah a way aa to fili it tiud not ami'ty lt, wbieh ta hlm ae.-i-is a very mat* rial dif Ineace. B. hglad the Priaeeget we-, aad Uheateehaw tt. Ba a Idea a... n. qaeea an.l is aaaeh abllged to h.-r lor irtlh-f t.< w ll ba -- a. He Ihtaka it a most beeoaa _K Ihtaa that UM taaaattlaa l?stweeu the Briticl. Tlirone unl tht Am ? "f '.".i i-h,.iii<i ba thua pui'iicly aehaewb _d_r<(l;it l- i-r.-iIl:.iM? to buth. 1I>- haj. a goood many ahfip-wjudows ou tha line ol the proceualon, and these he MaaBtlaaaata|a1 a iriee whtoh BMaeh eahaacea the itn.-iK'tti olJ.iailev .tl.m. QntbOOthei hand, th.-re are aoro aho Lire t-tata than who let them, and a atill r r aaaabai who do neithtr, lut who will ler.'.. a .tn 'r wori. aad a dav'- pay fer tho p ? m of lool-lug on thla un?ontcd show. Now, to all Waaelaaaea ol people,?bo aii ti>K*<-tli,T muat nntDber n.u.1 iwu ar thr. ?? mll Ion*-, tbe eaeentlal thinp -viiia tlmt th" ?l.ow -h'tu:.l he a tlnt .me. 8t. Panl'a will hold. at ??atawet,aone WMk, Lnwdoa oatelde of si. l'aul'a aa*io;it!i. :,.-..f tbepro i slonwlU aeeoalr tha i?i*a 5??-i.iri, i.i'l tliia in a-i uliMi.u.a that it ia ai.iioat Ineredihle I - ... l aol li..vfi ocnirred to the elevcr and _erUee_-arinded aa. n aha had tbla matter iu at-arj-,-. No f,-ar aht.ut 8t. Pam'a; what la ?aa then ia t,,- ii,a ehaaaa few, muatly arletoerate. ?rhkin^ to tlm k tbetaaelvei .ueh. They aru luyal Meeejhla aay eaae, Ibe ...iiuval reeralt mnu aiti'.i.. ti.. ontaidera; (tlre tbem aoaaetblaa to mak*-, the jMlaaaa bara brtjthicr. They are lu-t iu Ihe muud to Maj -. i f.i.i every eonceaelon niuiio to th.-lr preaent aieaire. fbey woaid hare rehdeed la a rclly aitletidid jaaecaatea, witi. pteaty oi troopa, aad areataaaeara ol ?tat'-. aud tht-tvo Ilotiamtif l'ail.Mru.-iit, and half the ?r.-t?, .-_., \- ol Kiitfland lu rarj-lagea. Nothimr wmilil h?v> beea ? Hri,-. thao t>, arraaae aach h |.r*?ceasiou. I.. aie?u uf ii we .w to hart ?. few h orc of BMoatedtroopa, ? I*. aa.clala.aad aol aten thaaud?/.eii earriaajeala aB,ailod, .avr m^, wlth t;.>- aaoal udaapartaal people in augliturl, tlie i:,.\;ii lli.iiHi-i.old. Whea a...i,n wliuii.a Eid tin f,,i i,,b ai;,t. iiml haa .at iu lt all dav, hai t-t ea i? p?!tr>- t.???pfll?- bv, h?, will I* aj.t to tbink he Ima **ft iiMxinnu-itily mu,- f... hl? tncuey, aud hia llai,-. uml Pfehle, The EnaUabmaB is i.y ou aatnana a praaoa Who ijk.-a to jual.t- nfleetiouH of that, and J* ?ili pn lioim- to iii..rr..w ulKht v.ifh his head j?i of ti.riu. it ,s ai-ipiy aa opportaulty lunt ?. an-iur-ut v.ry Breatly tbe preetlae ?>f a_f*j'*l'v. 8. rloaalv. Loudou la ei*eiidniii k l-'.i.u d'ai ?f ?*w.i.i-iiia v.-r.v luynl ?tate of ii.iud. T<> iiii.nuvv-a f?wi i. < ii awaaaed ...lKht bave beea wortb aaaddt hbaal tr-n yuArn' leaac ef lif.- to the throne, oe t.-:. yeara' aaaa eeetrp?Bey oi it to thia coiuiu^ kiuK- The. Dtbual IHb la ae great tbat erea i-ow it win b?- wertbaome ihj-t. All thla i...i btoed .-.nnot in a aaoment Mja.t?e feeUaa ol tbe naiiou will not Im ^nititl. ,1 aa it ?**__?' eaaib i.a\<- haaa, and tha (...-at api.-ndoror ti.e hpetaela will uftec all be lu th.- muitil'itli- of lli. pt-.ple wa,. aaaa to ?ee. ?. ?*?-. a. TBE PBOCKttOM LN I'.M.l. MAI.I.. ain;A<*ui?iNAKr cfmaa ifuanmi amaE* AVIC <pF THK BTKtKTS? I.OVAI. DKMOS BntATtOHB, irtcni thi. Baaaa ab eanaaraawBa-i op tn thiik m. i Tt'H?.Ar, -Krb. SJ7.?It would Im- hard to aay et what Uaur Uii* ij_?.rui<_ haataa waa natir. Tl.e eitr__?r.liaary pmhI of 8uuday and Mou.lay had iriven ??errtiody tiir noti&e of what lulxht bt eipe.-u d to-drty, ?atluitijot ouly wer* tb** miiitury aud tbe poln.- on tho ttte% but tOttyUaty WEB hoped t<? aee aay |>ait af the wr<n.,i,. waa up b*lu..,p. PjD Mail *?a tt> be eaaaod at io:ao, Teu.pie n.u at u, ??_ t^u,,-u **ouJd leave ?aehhHhaai i ?tlltUo'. Iix-k, al'd the j.tiiaTr had vvit.-n. <I ti,,, aelllf ?atae CHhaiBBl that tmaytttmi not eiijeet io rea<ji ll etali aiiiira they .initti'.i thtlr lioiuea at tlu- *.,| aad h> aa'plocb. l,..,t ?? ?-i?.? n u> tue a very u.odout. eaulioo. ?**?4?J?.--i'i-o?ol (oiug lo the 4 -ttbetlral, i.?. i> na rtgned that duty to another correapondent, tmt I dld not tliluk rt o'clork ln thf? rnorniii . t_o eoon to at.irt for I'all Mall, whieh I* more than _ uiilo WP*t of Bt. Piiul's. Tho bouae i* near Holland Park. Tlie atreeta in all that part of I/cndon and tlit-nce east along KenMiigtou Oar den*. Ilydo Park, and through Mayfalr, aro rommonly enipty . noueli at that hour. TUIs mornlug they were throngod with carriages and peopie all liur rying. teadlly eastward. At tho Mirl.lo Arch, whcro ?o flr*t touched the routc to be followed hy the Queen, fthere waa, e ven. at a quarter past elght, u regular cruah. Escaplntr thia by turnlng down Park lane, and *o on through the quleter etrcx-ts to Picraililly, I found uo great diftlculty ln gettlng on, and flnnlly by ruttlng Into Pall Mall through 8t. Jatnes'*-aquaro, I eot quite near this offlce wlthont Borlona delay. But Pull Mall was a Right. We were 20 niinttte* dri.-ing 20yarda. Karly as it was? Btill beforo 9 o'clook- the great tlilo rpt atmngly toward tlioclty. Onceiipln ruy balcony, I .aw the lu-endth of the street lllled a* It bad not been fllled cither Bunday or Mondar, and thi* tlmo tho eurringea atul the world of f.1 ? iii..ii aud riclics that goea on four whcels had i.Biuued lts Bway. Monnted pollrr and 4_BBMBB_ed urtillery kept thu Btieet, and kept lt rery adiuirai-ly. Tlio aide wnlka were already ao fillcd by tl*e crowd who had cenie altuj'iy to ataud and bpp, that wulklng ln any dlrectlou waa nearly out tt the que. tlon. Tho broiidedng apaeea of Waterloo-place, Btrc tcliiiiKon i-itlu-r Bide of Tall Mall, were Btill vacant, and as you looked fii.thir .cast Into Trafalgar-square, thero wa. hcro and a l'are patch of pavemeut. All elso was Clled three hcura beforo tho Queon could be expe. ted to pMa. A* fnr de.-rations ln this atreet, if BO rlugie hoiiBe wa* . ery aplcnrtld, tho general vlcta was flno. Ou the nll-lm portuut qucr-tion of weather wo wero nearly all the aanmlng iu su.-ptnse. Not to kecp you in tlie samo *trt?, let uionay, onee for ull, tliat it was. on tho wbo1.', a flue day?for LdtuIoii, und aapedaUp for Lu:i,lon at tbe end of F< bruary. Thttt were doada. ef co-irse, nnil there waa amoke, of eonrae, nnd there waa a dull sky wo.-t of tho tluic, of cotirse, and there waa onee a Miik'.on fall of a few dropa of rain, also aliuo. t of eouri-e; but thf old faith ln what luyal Riitona lovo to call Q-.ici ir* waatbar waa not maa? ahahea. Oncoortwlea in the iii'irnltiK tho atrong east wlud, whleb never oeaaed, iiicw cican awajr ibe aahea aaaapp lhal OTorhnaa tho roofs, and pa.i.d aU the leadaa rapoia, aad totta tferaaaktaoadaad padoaa opening.. thutrue aunlight. I renuniler Mr. Qrwla? Bayingin hi ? book on Europo lhat what they rall n 8BB _B EaglaBd looka more lilco a bolled tuniip tban like the Bitn of other emuitriea. It is too often aa sadly as it ia Urolly tni_, but no miaery is quite absoltit.., and to-day the sun trlod as hard as other peopie to be lcyal, nnd t'.iuukful, aud to t-how l.liiipclf sucb. Everybody knowa tlie ebiirin of his quiok llr.. hlnp out ln a great lKiily of darkly-elail pf ujile, a* English peopie?at any rate of the Umi* fcllMl ur. only too aute to be. To-iliiy he h.d aoWiathlBB better to ll^bt up. Right oppoalte my wisdowa were the bc ats that eov. red the front.s of throc clabe, and gr.ily diessed ladies had tilled the aeata, nnd tl cre waa idrnty of color. Bo with Ihe decoratlons. No artiat'a eye had grouped them Into great mriases of eolor, or Baaaaaj-d rontra-ts, or atttdieil afhct-i i'Ut HMMhOW t lie eft'i-eth were flne. Pall Mall 1b a s^Tand ctreet lu its way. Tbe bulldiui;*, aliuoat all Itallan of one kind or anutbtr iu *tyle, lend theinHdves readily to gnod ornatucntatiou. I don't know wliy peo? pie were mo lndiffcrent abnut aaeh a matter. T.vo of ihe p-t ut. st Olnbs lu Loudon?tbe Athtnaum and tbe Tiav eb-rs?we.rc lltcrally without deeorntlon ol any Bort, ex? eept the m. re red eloth that hid the natrdncss of thelr i _.;? tiporlz-d dcal aeata ln froot They did not hung oatta rain.lo flag. Tho Keform had three! A privato bou-e ofpoatta had a dozen, but tt anyth'.ns that in Itily, or, tBdeed, anywhrie on tho Cuntinent, woulil hnvo been callcd boliday drcsa, there was no traea? N. matter, t}*? w, rc U"' paejde. ?d thrrc wero lbina enough to ruaRe tbo _ei._;iu of tii6 .m-ia iif. Tlewed from eitbt-r end of lt quite biiilluut aud iiupro* __.-.. ry mlnnte, or every tnii'uto when the thlehly packed lincB of e_rriaajM eould aaorr). aaaaa aew aristo i-ii'tic pplendor went slowly by. I eould not apead the wholp mornlntr looklng out of the wlndow, und I f' ar I ul aad uiust ed them; but every now and then th.-re ciitu. a uitiruinr frotu tbe ere-vd, aud aaaaatt-Baa B fauit cheer, nnd oppoalte from the C'litt. aeat* nnd but conies there was a fluttcr of whito liaudkerchiefs aad a k.--:;-.'ef Ihattpaof fuir flngera. I contiutie to be in ii'iii.T.iiie.' ef the nauies of nio_t of the RTf-at peraouages wboealUd forth the_-"l.-mcii. tratlon-. If they bad all lieen iu:ir_< .1 and luid niud'- rart of tbe pr.nTMion, tho effcet would bavo been admirable, aud one'n eurlo-ity mlf.;ht bavo been .tirr.d to tlio l'oint of Bndtl-| out who they were. If the man Waaa a fur collar, Wl b. t bim down nn Aldcrinun: if a gold eliaiu ahout his neck like tbat tutueudoua funetlinary who u_,( il to pei'vade the Ifaillllf HMIIII of tho Or?d ilol.l in Paria, BB waa a Mayor ef aome provineial town. There WOlti uul-orms iu plaoatji Just aa of (111 ornaiueiit on eooeheaaadfearaaa taeryea Ihaheaaea there w.-is more than r'-ntj'. Among all th" fiiiietiuiiari. ">, a realiy lu.t'urtaut man Bouietiincs mde by. Mr. DteraaU ira. one, thal daik Aiian faoo as full of Inr^terv as evor. Annther waa tbo lato Einiemr of France, half atolid und all di.i'.i-li, cunniiig uiarking hia faoe na plainly aa ev.r, and the wai an baal 'n ih(1 aada ol i-n ?aalaeha, quite dt_l real from whut lt wa* at _ed.m. But I BBW f? B uien whom I kut-w or whaaa nauiea are wortb ea_alo____ff' Tlic ,1lR' tiuetionof thaaa peopie ?wa.s aooetol dlattwtion; thati merit 1. tu beof tha pcerage, or todwell ln lielgravia and May-mr, and they liold in their hand* pui ti-eolored Ueketa of ndniir*ion to Bt. Taura, voueber* to tagli-f-yf.-d polleaaaaB af tbiir rit,btto heoa tha atreel aadtopaaa Teuiyle Har, ? dlBtauco far beyond our kcn. A good many of tbem. I am very anre, did uot ren< h thut gloomy portal till i>a?t tbe Uour when tho printed law ol Bi-ot liiinl Vard fBIB tbem a tight to int.i ; hut tbat is their Bflatr. BBfaaa I let them oll pa*s I niuat not omlt to t-ay withaccrtalnregiet, thougb wilh no Btirpiise. that tho French e_-Eni|xror wa* in one of the Queeu'a earriii_e-, elearly going to Bt. PuiiI'h BBB-hr/Bl,and tbat _ haa KiliOaaliafl. aa bo waa. by a good many elub-loungcr.. be waa Bi-.iut.'d _tth___faa_i and bia paBBBgBharaldad by a half-. ul-diied ebeer. Ah what it lato IWTOaatOD a Tbrone I l_ie trlu,u? by wbkb you tlitnb to it are a ".ffiWaa on about BBBh tbinga the proeea-ion will hare come aud gono and BM80d _? |h_9 tfcf _09-__8a af my eoUeagiii-8 btfore 1 sbafl bavc Baid unytbing about lt; ono raaaaa ol whieh aatfhi aa that tue day aaaaaa to ine to have _> signifleatiee and un tataiaat of wbkb the mere ofllcial airay makes very aitiall part. Wbttb.-r It have or not, tbla la uo pla.? to morallie about lt, nor la there at this moiuet.t time aa apaee for any sucb undertaking. All the world l-ar heard that the Qaaaa ir. a punctual peisoti. - he ?aa to leave Bucklugbam palaee-a palaco Iu which Hor Maj.-ety ia plOBBBd to rfnide among her faitbful Loudon lii.g. a during iierliap* flvo day* in tbe year-.?t h quar_T before iioon. 1 don't tbink ?be dld. Frotu tbe pahVM to tbo nearoat end of PaU Mall 1- laaa tban tet. tiiiuutea waLk, aud the head ot tbe royal es-oit di.I not tiirii tho eorner part Marlborougb Houae till 10 miiiutea after IJ. A fat-off iheei, tbat eouiided like tbe bum of agreal ewarm of loyai haaa. WM lha flret aoUee we bad of bereoiuing. Tben> wa* a naud. but uot a note of mu-ie could bc br-ard. An orderly etttu_ gallopiug haid ov.r tbe ini aaaaal. und ara Bateaaed ha i?re lha UdtaNH aftha QMotm't ippuaoh. A u.inute aft. rward, tbe bead af tho (?(iiutuii appaarad. i have rwaaiHad ta BBiallialBarp letier lhalpoopla thaagM IhaptuBdaaaf laapaaaaaalaa a very lm.iger one. and I hope n<>t to 1k- tbougnt a btttet eniiii'vof UriliBl. liiatitutiona Ift rtc-oid tbe faet that tttm tha tiu... when we flrrt eaugbt aight of tlie ofMttltt* pBaaaoa M tjje fraaa of the pewaaalaa dawa i? lha Uaa nbeutbi la-tof lt jmsaed my windowa not quite Bve iniiiuie* i_Hi*r?d. fheyaaaaa ou ng*ajadahly,_-_l ihe order of the mmtoaottB WB8 tbla: Cnrruwet of tbe Btn-nker of tlie HoMOOl roiiiiiicua, the J-iiU rliani-ell.ii. ___?Boy?l tbi ll.ik.. of t-Mlirldico. atlainltid bp aaioaaaB-. Bm -iujirti .-.'.n Irirti t'orrouoe?TheUfiilleniHn Iti WatttBBta.Hia Royal MiKiuie-atJii. PiliH- Uopold, ibeEqoorr/lBWeltluaJ* Hia Ifc.yal 11 igline-a ihe l-ttec Artlmi. tlie Kfjiuii i "i W_ltl.igtoDTal.orel Blfhaaaa tha _B__a?d M-BB-igBi ? . - .4*BtlcklnWaltloc. _______ _i m _,,?_. Htr <,_</ Cotrrlmme Th* Fo-ld OKeer ln I_i_ade Warlinif. tbe _,.iitrr> in >\aitiiig lo U:* Royal Higaneee lho l-nu.-i ofWales, tbe 5ro__a la Wi.itiiig t*t httjtoft* IIlgliIi?oi Ihe r.liu 8 of Wai. r, tbe /.quetTJ in Walting. //../</ raiiaaji Thr QrooaB m Waitlujr, ti.e iAen Marabal;ibe Baaaat oi tbe ?BaaahaH ttl*: i?'vott! M'i r..l:,ry io Uie Oiik ii. _ __ , ._ t'.u.thCurriupr The Wotnau of tlie ____4kha_Dher ln Vaaltiiig tollt-j I_.vallJi_bl.-Hr. tlie Pun.ia-i of ?nl"", Mji.i . f llc!_ ii in WaltlUfC, I'"" I outroll" r uud T.-ar,_iv.' i? Ht* Ji.i'ij Hlgbn--* m_i Prmei; of Walm. , t't'li, furrutat !'? K'i-i" . ??f HOT httiottf 'I I rlVV Purae, tiu i l_____.t?_ri_-U_ lo IJ. r Royal Hlglin''** tbe I'i in OCM-M W.,|i-i>. Ibe Woiiuui aud f^idv Hupei inteiNia-iit. tu.- (a-Kouii) Lady of tlu- I.r_c-M_-il_.r. atfH Oorrittgoo TbojUardxa Wa__ttiittahlaBo/al HU* ii.-** tbe I' Walea,lha t~rd!u WtooittB, ""' _?w ?,! Iba li. ??!' Ii..uiluj t? Her Royal Higline-* Um Pnari-aa of Walii-, Ua of lh? KfiUUuiiilt.-i tt.tnth f uftayt fiu iioltl .11'-. )_ ~_lt|aBi the L*)fO Cliamberlaln, tho Ix*rd gtaweed, tho Matreaaef tho Bolara. Mifhth Carrintjr?The M.-tsfer of the n,>rsr>, III*. Royal HlganeaaPrlnee Oeaage ef Walee, Bia Boyal Hi_.-inien. the Prlnee i...,.]n.:,i, Hia it<>vi.i Blghaeaa Ibe Ptince, Hia Boyal ulgbneM tin- Dobe of Bdlaburgb. S'inlh Vtirritt'gr?\\\* Boyal Blehneaa the Prlnoe Alitert Vlrtor of Walee, Hfr Royal llulini-is iti,- |>riut-,-aa Buelilee. Bea Boyal Bbchaeaa the r. ,n,. a. of Wale*, iiis Boral Hl*baeaa the Prlnee ol Walee. Thr (Juren -An Iviucrry ln Wultirxj rl.lea by Itor Ma Jrsty'a earriaire, and a Field Ofloer*! K-curt or thi> Boyal Boraa Gaarde aeoompaalea Ber Mateaty, who proceeda tl.rotiRh Ptalile-yardir.ite lo I'all M.* ll. Cb arlna-eroaa. 'hf> Btrand, Floet-st.. an.l ..inlgat.-liili, to thauraat weei Entraiice to Bt, 1'aul'a (.'iithi-dral. If every cairlago had bten Itaddad wlth dlamond*, and the horsra harneaaed ln gold, th, re were not cuough of them to .uako afMale_het Tlie populaco wanta quantity. And then there wero no*. many dlamoiid*, and not imir-h gold ronld he aeou exoept aa manlfesf k'.K. in n aaaah lhal aaaaaad to have i.e.-n hanaahl over hraaa tho carrlagc of the H.itel Cliiny, in Parla, caine the iyord OhaaaaBaa anu tho f-peaktr of tha Baaaa of Coiniuons; whom had precedi ,1,1-1 me not forget to aay, nn cscort of laucers. I rceotnlitd Lor.l Ilatherlcy aml Mr. Ilraiid; manfully trylng to laah aa If they liked _aaaqaetaahBj la dayiignt, ami weartag their wigs ln I'all Mail. After theiu canio Ihe elght rarriagoa fllled wlth tboso awful ofllrera of Ht^it.v whoaa titl-H are, I hope, eorreetly given al ovo; but iiinoug them no pcrsun at all tntcreatliig to ordlnary mortals lf I exrept Princo Arthur and tho Dnko of Edlu burgh. Tlieu moro troopa; tho n.maobold Ca\..lry tbla tlme, bat, as lf to krep a aombf r hne over all, lt waa the Hln.a wbo had been cboeer*. And Ihrn.the oae Oai* rtega wbleb contalned ihe peraonawhoaa aii lha kT.-at city had c?n." out to aee: tlu* Cairiajn wbleb buro tbe Prlnee aad Prtaeaaa tt walea nnd tho Qu.-tti., ln .nTy, rwelltn|t| loH-t-eontUmed eurer preceded at.d ac eompaaled.andfol'.-tved then.. Tlie Piin.-e looked trooom n.uiiiy well aft, r hia long Ulaaaa pale. eortalaly.bat fnil eaonjth in the tn.-e, aad wlth eUahttraeeol suffi-r ing. The Prlneeaa was ebannlna, ;.a aha ia niways, ln bim- v.-h.-t. IheQaeea roda in blaekandermtae. au throe bowcd coniinually, tho Princo keeptaa hi.* thaa tnrned to the eliil'.-. oa the other sldo of the itreet, atr-eng wboee gaeata he leeognlsed, ao d.m'.'t, rH'4irca of pei-onal frii'iids and aeonataiaacea, Au.ld tbo cheera thero waa aliuoat a Ijtinli. cniue. ua it were in a woment, an Idea into the mind of the va.t IhTOBg that here was a yonng niuii v im had ?,.iiro i.itely and v.ry aearly eacaned d.-it'.h, aad they looked un hia wlth ...-ut "f wondeir. and parbapa eren win. a rt-iigioua, aaa r_iri.n gi-i.uino Ri-ntiincnt mixed Wlth ull tho eon* v, iiiiomil itiid uicnly faahlonablo lovalty Whleh bad been ttppormoot ull dr.y. They paaaed iu a iijument. Thero was noihlng te IMIew; but a greal wave of htinnniliy which ruinn t-urgitigiiTeHiatlMy up the strect and lill.-d lt aud tbreut oii* d t*> roll over tbe prorcsHon Itaelf. but whtih did nt.t, bein* ebecked and all the tlme k< j I well dike.l oui by u hreakwater, huif police and half soldltrs. u. w. a. TIIK TII.WKsciVlXf. BERVIGE. INCIDEM&OK TIIK ___ aCBBBK >N?LOHDOB IllMOR ?THK BCKKB IN BT. I'AI I.V. [trom av oocanovAa ooaaaaroauaaT <>!?? rm: raiauaa] I.i.M'i.n, lVh. ?>.?"I pnrpoee that octTneaday, tho '-'.tb ixist., tlio good and liecHi iug naaga of fonnt-r ilaj m, the bleatlng tlaid rtteived uhall be aeknowledfed onlehalf of ihe natioa hy a Huu_haff-~ing in tho metropolitan cathedrah At this celcbiation, it is my d.-siro and bope to ba preseut." Who purposesf Qucen Victoria. Wbat bleaahiffl 1* it Beoaaaary to aaawarl b not "hl.a.-ing" Hynoii.vniou.s with the I'ritice ofWaWa reatoration to bealtb ? Bach a aalra qracBtfon bbbmb of liviiit,' umler lepoblieaa biatitutiooa. An.l aa BOOB as the Qneen deeided to vinit St. Paal'a in f-t.ite, else waut* d to go. Fioui loyalty do you enppor-e. Aithtir Helpe, who ongbt <o know, de* elare.i ihat Luudonersare binirularly fnll of cuiioMty. When it hca.iiiei. iinpo.v-ilile fur iver.\ l.ody to atti-nd a teltlnatiun,of courso everybody wants to i;o. FoOT humlretl Auv.'Ui'iUls hcyiegod tlio Legatiou lor tiik eTa, and out of tlio 100. eight obtained tho desircd entree. The I^.rd (.'haniberlain la mighty. IIo vvi.-l.l-. his scepter with bliftBBliag despotibin, and (Iims tinto ev.ryl.ody as he would not have any body do nnto liiui. Not only was lt a greal favor to hare aay tieket at all, but tho Oreat Chaaihaafata deerced that on your ti.kets ahonl.l ba writtcn your iiamo bf the t'tiiled Stat*-a Minijator, aad bf nol.t.ily else, aml that no tieket ohoold ho tna___eaaUe I l'eople tlared not oceei?t tiikets from frimds who were detained at bome hy Ubwea, tat fear of belng forced to ptrjurc at the ilonrs of St.Paul's. Ifully expeeted to ho ehallengetl, to take my oath that I waa niys.lf. and that Oou. Boheneh had, witb hia own irtgni haii'l, wrifte'n my aaateOB theen trance card, wliu-li w:is Uf aOOOfhtO ailmit Kii'' ham Toaag nml his entiro family. UiiBfieaflaarj learl Tho tieketa were not ectaarfaed, wero nt.t even taken from up, aud Reveral that I piehed up afi.rtliec.T.uioii.viadwatedaabbbmwhaterer, .^n mueh for abaard adieta af lha Loid Chaflaberiaia, who would have prevented uiiinariie.l memheis of Paiiiamenl from taklngalady had aol Mootagae Qneat atrack for bia " aiatei i" aml his hr,-s. ll.ivi.ig eaagfat my tieket, kiml liiuids who had iioiii- adriaed me not t<> g<>; lirsi, baaaaaa W proba tdy nererreaeb st. Panl'a, as there wera t<? ba ,_? nn). ani eani aea, aad bow eonld I betaaideof lVm i?l,- Bai befwc 111 or if I did get there, h..w eoald Ilimluiy eaniaae after the peiforiiianee?I imati (?(niiioiiy f and tbea wbat would ptercnt my hemg eraahed to by Ihe erowd r " Bat if v?u peeaM in your resf.lution," said the laal adviser, " go eaily." The Timrx ilevoted rolunms lo the same refrain. B0 that laVOOOnaea aad wotaaa paaaedone of the bmmtI wreh h'-illy deepleaa nigbta of their Brea in a fever lahdealretoobey tba mandate of Tho Tbaaderer. InLondoo, gaahvrhl is ku iy aapetrkrlo da_r? light aa to tt-niiit one never t<> g'> to bed?aad m-vcr toget up. ri.-ture, then, l^OoO yawniug human l.eings, anatebedfrOBB an caily nightmare, buliing th. ii hreakfasts aa juggleisbolt swordu. cramining liineheons mlo th.-ir potkeK rimhing iato BBRiagea, aml heiug diiven ofto aee what a repuhliean we.kly here calls the "Great li-iree Show." Uver-anxious tieket-hohlers left their hotnes BB early mt6), the very thought of which honr p.-i.etiatea a LeodoaaB vrith siiieidal b1""1_. Half-past eigiit sees uft OB onr winding way, and tho firtd flaffWB drive umler is the St-tr-Spangh '1 Baaner, (Baalayed in FleeadBljr by the Chriety Min Btrels "An cag* r and a aippiag aii" does uot add to the of lha hear, aad if thla ho " Qaeairt weather," the less we have of it tho better. ll.roiigh LeieeBter-Bqaaie. aallea and aadaoeeatad. through narrow atreets, in whieh loyalty haa BOt hrokeii out. weat lastreach the Stiand. aud lind ourselvea one of an tmmenoe eartafa. Kveryhody aeeaaa to ba g.KKl-ui.tu.e.l, everyhody that ia not in the atreet hl looUnf uut Of winilows; aml when Isee tbeM hMB, ho thankful to ho let Utott from work for outdoor eelehiation. I womler Kt.gland does md .uvei.t a few liolidava to aave her popiilwe froin tho daadeadag **** ot cverlaating griml. "Seott, tho ehampion hillposter, Ihe Daily BtkVt WCB-d-W-de circnlation," " TJ,e Datly Tthmtmh latlBBt cireulation iu the world. tMThJieht la aa haaaaaaa ha-laam la adtertkaag. Th.y tueak out lu every dlre,tion. Aa .ie.orat.ona they aredaagaaaaa rtrala le -Oad Meaa the af Walea " The r.rho, ftraaaad m dark Uaa, ahailnlilf tna laaaaaaaetlilBi lag to st. Wan l0h8,,n;",fhAr("1* people weal the national eolora. bnt th.n- la no att.mi.t al BBBIBaal iidornmcnt. aaeeffl lu a man M^-dovtr.he ******** maaat c. Sharp, who wcar. an IBIIBII wurated annOower in hia buttou-hule. Ou one mde we read acriptural mottuca: " w e pnib_e thce, 0 U.rd " " My 8on waa d.-it-l aad la alive agaiu ; ou the other we aee dreaaed won.en -Ittln* ln the wlu dowr of aiegahepa wilh gin l?ottlea. and ? the I of Walea'a ale, reromtucuded by the fat ultj." abovo thelr l?-4.da. rarloiJallt.p.u.try.-.M.k.haa I" trltn tue toaadaa of i.i- aaaa na ha waaii a wedding aaaa. Il<- -uieeeda. Chlldren i., BKBIlBl dreaa buret ut-rn ua from the plalfor... of a ehureh, aad the croad playfully aak ua to attow our 11. keta. F.garo han_*a out a hBBBBB ad d.c aat-a tothe priBCf of Walea wblchairlkeaineaapeeullar. - ?Maaaaa aa/l ...aay liappy returna," aaya P.garo. Ke turtia of wbi.ll Typhoid fevcrl I wh. ther Ihe ln lt v ever waj< at. patronlred aa on thla occaaloa. We glvethanka, J<?4.h, King uf Kn.?a. for tl--r.iuy ery " Ae Then. as l*e!t.K parileularlv appropnate to thla I*,,.' v. ry, we are told to "Put your truM i" Oud, lw>a, ??il k*ep ytu* powder dry." ''lod ??'? na all" ia ak-ant the ouly generoua n_ott-> 1 dlaeover, every otber ta-lng deU-rudnwl tbat nolxKly BlMll ha aaveu bu' tbe r.,,al f.iully. M ??>??* J?BBBaB eitract* Jroru tbe aat??nul byiua. "iWound tbeir pfilitipa.frnatrate thelr knaviah trlck*," laa great farorite, uiidoiil't.'dly oelected with a vlow to covorlng Republl BBBB with aaafBalaa, Bliould tbey rully from tbla, they are Mttt t'? be friglitcned out of their hcreay if tbey atand lK>fore The Fvn oflke, and see Dilkea toaaed on high by the I'.ii'1-li llon. In Fleet-at. the *ecnc l? really pictur c-que, ln apile of povcrty of Ingrnulty In deooratlon. The flag* and gay co.ur* give lt an alnuist V cuettan look, and Lon.lon prove* tliat with moro thougbt, moro time, and unitcd eutbualaani, *ho pan retrleve her reputatlon for ugllnPBa and want M eolor. Itut tbe peopie are moat lntereatlngtocentemplate, BoyBilanee breakdowna; men on UM t<iDH nf haaaia are told to tako caro of themaelve*. "There goes Bogat I" eereama tho erowd aa a very fat cab drlvcr, r.ot unllke tlio Tlehliorne clalmant, paaaes alon_. A man with a bnuquet of vloleta enaeta tho prima dor na. _ God blca* your pretty faee," says a wo? man with flosvrr*. addresslng a gray-haliod Now-Yorker ln our i anliiLe. I? lt neces-ary to add tbat tho flattery produee* thi d. sirrd effeetl ProgratuBics of the day'a praaaadtap are for aale by everybody, and we bny, nnd buy, aud httj, ti.e lnat seller uasiiring u* that bl* is the be*t beeau?<: lt haa the prettiest eover. When wo arrlve at Bt. Paul's we are preaetit.-d with gorgeotw ofnclal pro granuuea, and dl*. over tbe other* to be worthleas. We pa?a Templo Par, which 1* tratiBforined fron. n grtm old wurrlnr Into a Coliiiiiliine. There, ln a wlndow, alt tv.-o RuHtoniana who have pald II guineaa for their ueata. We drlvc over n fanded floor ; wo are chiiffcd aa evcry tMidy luuit lie ehalT'd by a Lotidoa crowd | we are dc sir.d to rt member them to Wale* and auythey'll call to-ruotiow. " Therii are uo two wuya about iis !" shouta a t.i.iii wbo 1- forccd to go in one dlrcctluii whenho would po ln unotlier. Policeuieu a.e bullled and badgcred ln a manner that paaaeth all uiidoratatuling. But nevermiud them. Englaud expcets every man to do hia dutv ; and hero we are at 8t. Paiil'B, enterlng by tho southwcat door. Witliniit diflicui'y wo reach tlio cornr r devoted to "di.itirgiiiahedfiiK ifBfua.** aad lad lhal. althaaajh tl la bal 10 o'elock, the CBthedral is rnpldly Ulllig. tfahan ln flri ar-onts polltoly aimw ua to our *eata, und then wo proeecl to aurvey the . ceiic. Reiu^niber that tho atruc iuto la tu.t fjothic, tbal wa aaa ta tho houth-wu-t coru( r of the il'iue, witl. u gulli-ry abovo ua d< voted to tbe Queeu'a Ilouachold, witb both navea eut on" frotu vlew, and witb notbing lu sight but tho royal POW, whleb la in front of u*. There aro rowe of chalrs in front of the pew, lntended for roers and Comnionera, aud di..tunt galfcttaa oppoatta tHauB-d with red bunting. Wo know lhal tho Ulplotnatio t'orps ln lu the north corner, conc apondlngtootira.but vvesec i:otl.lngof thelr gay plumage. Tliey eugbt to havo been placod Iu the body of the liuibilng whf ro tln-lr mlfsCBM wonld have produ.ed efl'ecL, but tb.-n, I 'ni not Lord Cbamlw __*___? We contemplate n few uulforma, red buntin. , and an empty royal pew for aome time. On. "diatiiigiilshe.l foreigner," a luily, ln front of uie, reads The, Timea. My ltft-huudueighl.or roiul* " My Wlto an.l I." A K<-utle mun near by is ab.oibed in "Glnx's Baby." lie wun't look at anylliing. Ile fi.IIu it a "bIiow"; bas eomo to ploaaa hia w Ife, and not even royalty dlatracts bia atten tlon. And be ia an Eu^liahman I Opera-glaaaes almund, nnd everybody la tli. a-uaalng who everybody aiaa ia. Boon our corner iaillled tooveil.owliig, and lato arrivala are forccd to gointo a dark hata wbere Ihey ean aee notbing nnd do notbing but eatch cold. Gen. Radeait nppeara ln fuii uuifotin, nnd he, too, is poked Into the bole; but there aro a few Bcuta reserved in front, nnd at la*t he ia pertuitted to oi-eupy one. Tbla cxeltea the indignr.tion of " diatlngul.-lied for.lgnera" lu Uie rear, who mutter lnipreeations on tbe usbera. Tlien eomo tbo Nawub Xiir.ln and bla aon, tho forrner looking like the typieal BhMbaard, BBd lha lnttor atTayed lu enieralda tliat almo-t ttmpt one to cmmit robbr-ry. Emerald dropa, etnerald buttona, emerald everythlug, and all for "one littlo Indian boy I" What a nila.ako cireumatancea are ! Moto "dlratingulshed fori'lgncra," looklng very Engllah and not at nll diatlnguished. A prouiinent writer ou lha Tinut nppeara ln a unrgeou* uuiforni, aa reprenenru tivo of Paraguay. Moro Indinn* aro uahered to the front sear*. A ?olemn inan in pl.-turesqito garb, aud a youtbful womau doM up la gold cloth?ah, tbat clotli, how wcll lt would look convcrted into an opera-clouk! Soiue that tho man I* tbe Mahr.rajab Duliep .-mgh, tho mediatiaed prlnce, wbo bat.-1 tlie (^iieen, an.l wbo onee bad tiie pleaaure of BM ing BBB aarnhmtj Kdorn.?-t ln bia Jewels. but lhl? I dl -believe. Tliey af great uud aolentn peopie, and thia ta eiu.ngti. Peera nnd peerease* flutter about, and Couimonrrs be 1,-in t.i iirnve. Lord R'.pon, ln onurt drea*. louka tlie plc turo of good natiire, BB tliougb tbe Alabamr. re t.d llght.y on bia shiitihlora. Mr. Lowc bihIU'S as idauilly na tho.Uih bo bad not met bla n.atch la the peopie Whe bifsod bim ln hia progreaa to tbe C___adl__. Al. 1 hero .otncMr. anilMi-a. Ulad.tone; BhatB blaek velvet and whlto laee, he iu coiirt unifonn. Mrs. Gladstone kueels for one moiuent, aud peoplo looking on uitilgo one an? other _ itb aurprlrae. "WeU," wbl*|_T8 one grttnde dame, " you know ahe'a tho Mlnl-ter's wife, and thlnks aome IhtBf m exrecteil of ber." Gluilst.ino puta on his v, luie kld gloves, aud bows to bl* frlenda; but hia Is tho moat wo,n ainl tlred fneo I 800. Hingry I how hungry we all an I Bo we pull out our luncbeoua, and niiuieli, a:ul tiniuch, and tiiuncli. Tlie grandc dame ln front lays a, i.'.o her operaajlaaa tn order to alp aherrv; and we con elude, wbaa we Beo both Mr. and Mia. Oladstone, peera, ]i. ei <???.!?*, nnd ((.uiiuonera u-lng tli-ir opera-glufses nnd di-ii(.itfiigt!ieni_eh.-a aa if tbey wero at the theater, thal tl.i" la tiitly a rellgious gatheting, and tbat wo are all deeply Impreaied by tbo gravlty of tbe oceasion. A *.n?:itloul everybody rloail. Opera-glaa . a to the front! I _(? th_ t_p of a gold 88800, BBd know tliat the Bpi ak r of Ihe Hoaaa ha* arnved. General auapenae eu biiea; a man ln the orgauloft, who really baa the beat po Biiioii, wavf-tabaii'lkerebief; "God aave tbe Queen" ia p'.aycd; acboirof 200 men in white robesriae; tbe dia tlugul-hed but tall womoti in front of me stand on thelr i-bnlra, and I ?ee nothlug, Tliia ia too mueh, ao I Btund on my ehalr, nll other women foliowlng tho exainple. llad Ibe royal pew been nlaad four feet lnstead of two, every one eould bavo scen with iierfeet ease; but no Yaukee waa eonaulted. By dlnt of much gymnaatie ex ercise I we tbo Royal fa.nlly, nnd am not iinpres. ed by the apettai le. I thlnk of " tbe cost of royalty," and gazo upon tbe paawtaaara all in a row. ThaQaaia is ex BOOd-BBtp plaln; ber aona aro not it. tho leaat goodloukiug; tlie Prlnce of Wales a__ IK-tirs to better advanlage than bo baa for ?08M time, for tlie reaaon tbat bo ta tbinner and bla faco bas b.rt ita tailaiaaa He i* by no .aaaaaa pale, however, eotiealQB to have been tanne.t by ottt.Ioor life, und ap IKars le*a affeeted'by tb_ aeeno than any other menibcr of his futnily, bia elduat born exeept.d, wbo, being a cl.lld, la aa re.-tleas as a chlld onght to ba, Queen and tbe Pliawaaa Alt-_______ who is really pretty and la.lyllke, bow tb. !r headafiom tbe bcglntilng to the end of the a.-rvi. e, wbi.h, fir_.iuiiti dy, ta but thrcc-quartcrs of au hour long. 0par*_-__B8_a are brougbt to a focua on the Prlnce of Wal.a. A Te Deum is aung, wbicb abould bc Bpelled tedium, tor, eooapOOOd by Mr. Qtttk organiat of Bt. Paul'a, It is aa p.ior a compoaition aa one nilght cxpect, but 1* aung better tban It de sirvea. Tlui-o nre prayera, and there ia n colb ct; ttveio ia a rrayer for tbe Queen'* m.ije _J'. an.l then iBBaul the aaaaXBl |_____-_-0l1a_._-_l theae inaerted worda: "Partieularly to Albert Edward, Prlnco of Wules, who daatraa now to o(l.r up bla ptaises and tluiiiksgiviug for Thy late men les voucl.aaied tobim." "With tbo laat worda," aavsto day'a Time*, "tbe lead ir'a volce ntopped, au.l the porloel pauae of a f.w mo L__i_U. almitf rra~' la ua mmtttthj, waa the polaf at whieh the aubilniity o| tbe aervico culuiinated and NMhed MB _l_l."*t and MMaaal expresaion." I felt notbing av.ful, notbing inMi-e; notbing culminatea; opera-glaraeB go ou aa bcfoic ; a eommonplaee autlu ... 14, but nobody Haaaaa. f"r everybody'a ear? aro eye-. Bt ia nnv cbangc wb.n lha Archbl h"P of Cantci' luirv lat- ina bi_. M -ruiou, taking for bla t'-xt " Memlrer* "'it^ule'old'.tory over ?g_ln. what wo kaBBNaallB tbe lu*spal-ra, how W.Hl.-all tnore lintU'.l 8J8C "for.'. llut tbC A-riuon I* a* brlal ua tbougli lt the *oul of wlt, whleb I* Hometbing; **??*;?*? a comin.u.plu-o bvmu, aud tlien tb. y? n and her e'.ildren l?.w aml depart. JeUewdbj Sa ooid Bttah la Wait...g. tha UMtmrn of tbo Bobaa. ..... _,i__. !_..,.. ..1 II,. tl. il. Iiiilula, I . Ull' Kl'l.lllll ttlh) . brrlllra gl Illlt." fatrnt ol ,:y..*, -Ithougb a pa.nphlet rjBl",.!^-!! abould I..- bathed iu t. ara. Lord* and lad.e* _n?*aanw reniitv, ln decoration. in ___*_...? u, ?-.-,?-.?*?""-?? ?? ni..?ic, und iu aa to blot tbe Jhtm^tBrhtg aai nfaar BBBaaair ! -"' ?__. ^Pf"^1' "d ,t'? "?": ler* to aaaume * vlrt.W (t) wheu 1 bave U uot. Au.l SSaaatla a revnr-.- to th* uiednl of tld* Tliank_.lving whi.-h .nu al.i.ll are later. aud theu draw >our luoral. for wbat 1* ? Tbu.ikMiviua altlwut a moralI K. t. OENEKAL FOREIGN NEWS. GKEAT BR1TAIN. SECltETAIlT FISIl'8 RKPI.T AflKED FOR I* T1TE HOl-SB OF COMMON8 ?8AD ACCTDENT AT UIBRALTAR?ELEVEN LIVES L06T. IvOKnoK, Thnrsday, March 14, MU, Tbe reply of Secretary Fish to tho note of Earl Granvilie relotlve to the Alahama Caae, only reached the Hob. R. C. Schenck, the Ameriean Miniater, laat night. Tho tone of Mr. Fish's communlcatlon la cmlnently paelfle, and an intlmatlon le given of tbe re_ gret and aurprlae of the Ameriean Ooverntnent at the Engllan lntcrprctat'.cn of the Treaty of Waahlngton. In the Houae of Connuone tbla evenlng, Mr. Disraell aaked for the productlon of Becretary Fiab'a reply to Lord Oranville'a note on tho Alahama clalmll Mr. Uladatone anawercd that the dlapatcb had been recelved hy tho Ameriean Mlutster, Mr. Bcbenck, but bad not yet been eommunlcatcd to Iler Majeaty'a (lovernment. Tbe ^Iousc went Into Committee on the Ballot bill. Bevcral ani.-iidiiients wero dlsctiseed and rejected. A teh griiin from Olhraltar reporta a dlatreaslng dis aater ncar that harbor, whereby a number of people l>e longing to the Royal Navy lost thelr livca. A boat be lunglngto the nritlsh eteam frlgato Arladne, at anchor off the town, while golng from tho veasel to tbe eboro, capsized, aud 11 persona wero drowued, lncluding two offlcera. It la understood that the reqnl'lte amount of ball for tho rclease of the Tlchborno clalmant ou the chargo of perjury now pcinliug againat bl.n la ready; but the Court baa poatponcd Ita ocecptanco untll Monday next, Flve new Engllsh war vesaela have been lannched during the paat two w.eka. Tho Eritish acrew frlgate Aurora, which was ashore on Nicholas Reef, tn Plymonth Sound, haa been batilcd off by tugs. The veasel aitatalned ."in" damage, aud, no doubt, will go Into dook for repalrs. Mr. Rlrhard Plgott, the edltor of The ThtbUn Irithmnn, who waa eeiiteneed to undcrgo tbrro montha lu.prlsoi. nient for a llhel on the (Tl.lef Justleo of the Quecu'a Bcnch during tho trial of the Fcnlan Kelly, bai been re leascd froni Jail, his term having explred. Mr. Pigott'a frlenda ina'le a demonetratlon ln his bonor upon his ra l< aai-, and be waa afterward entortalncd at a breakfast. FRANCE. THE COMMERCIAT. TRF.ATT ABROOATED ?THE INTERNATIONAXS. Faius, Thursday, Marcb 14,187_. It is reporteil that Fresidtnt Tbiera yestcr day gara flual notlco to England of the renunclatlon by Fiauco of tho commcrcittl treaty betweea tho two aaftlaaa. The Deputles of the Left In tl.e AssemWy onairlmonaly rcaolved to repmllate the Iuternatlonal Soclety. The hiil fur tho suppresslon of the orgajilzation paased tiie As tembly to-tlay without amendment. It imposcs varlons flnos and terms of impixsonmont for holdlng ofl-cc ln, belonglng to, or baving oonnectlon wlth the BocU-ty, and in Bouic cascs dcprlvca tbe offende-r of civil and domestlc rights. _ GEKMANY. ILLF.OAL 8ENTENCE9 OF EXCOMMFNICATION. Bebli.n, Thursday, Marcb 14,1872. Tho Prusr-ian Governmeut lias requested the Roiuan Catl.oli.: Biahop of Ermeland to rovoko tho aen tences of cxcuiuniuuicatiou prououueed by himcontrary to the laws of tho oountry. The Posen apothecary, who was arre-ted In this city ontbo 2lst ult., on t-uspiclnn of contemplatlng a unir .1. r. .i.r. at t .u k upon Prlnee Bi marck, haa been relcascd fi-oui custody. CUDA. AN ABSCONDINO MERCHAST?RF.PORTF.D LA.ND TMQ OF GARCIA. Havana, Mareh 14.?A Gcrman named Btephanl haa abaeonded, leavlng Uabilitlea amountlng to tlW.uOO. An uncoi-flnne.l and nntraeeable rurnor la ln circu latlon that Oaataa Oarcla aml 20 men haa laadod un tho Vin Ita-Ahajo eoitst. In vlew uf the probable landlngof Oarela, tbe peoi.lo are ou the alort, and the toaata of tbe i.alaud ave cloaely watched. TBE REYOLUTION IX MEXICO. TIIE CAMl'AK.N IK THE IXTERIOR?CAPTIRE Or i.aoos n tme aorawni go-tue ?? ??? BTATB- OF AGt'AS CALIF.NTE3 AND ZACATE CAS l?EC..AIvTI> IN A STATE OF 8IEC.E. 1PBOX TUE HEtiULAli CORBE.-PO.NbE.M OP TRE TBIBCXE.] Mixico, March 1.?The 4,000 men of Gen. Dea Beateaaa Roeha, on thelr march from this eapital to begln the eaaafalgB la tbe lntenor agalnst tho revolu tlonlsts under DouatoGuerra, PedroMartluez, Gcronlmo Trevino, Trinidad Garcui do laCadena, aud othera, ar? rlved at Qaerotaro on the Iltti u!t? aud on tlie following day eonlluuod tlieir route vla Ban Mlguc-1 Allendo, Dolo rea, Illdalgo, and ean Felipo. At tbe lat-t-naiaed placo the highway divides into hronehes, to 8an Lut. potobl via the Jaral, to Zaeatecaa vla OJuetas, and to GuanaJ-* ato vla the Tlachiipicra. Tho revolutlonlsta under Uo nato Ouerra odvanced from Zacatecas, and tboso com mand.d by Fedro Martlnez from Bailnas dcl PeLon Blaneo to OJuclas, to mcet Roeha; conscquently, thia Oeneral, who had been Juhied by 300 men belonglng to Querctaro, and 2.000 well-equipped troopa of tbe Btate uf auauajiiato, advanccd from 8an Felipo to El Vaquero, distant only 18 miles from OJuchis. On tbe evenlng of the 22d, tho outposts of the hostlle foroes wero ahnost in coutact, and a deciaive battle wai ex* ptctcd to tuko place on the following day. Gen. Corella left bls inf.intry In San I.uls Potosl, and Joiued Rocba with 800 eavalry to take part ln tho ilght. Oen. Bancbea Oebea was ordcred to evacuate Lagoa, and to march, vla Leon and the Tlacblqucra, to effect a Junctlon witb Rueba. But, in tho night of tho aad, the revolutlonlsta decamped, taklng the road to Lagoe, at whleh town they arrlved on tbo 23d of Fcbruary. Wben tbll tuove nient becamo known. Gen. Bauchez Ochoa waa atill in Leon with hi.s troops, aud on the moruing of the 24th, he rctreated to Joiu tiov. A_utillou, wbo waa lu Bllao with l.iai. men. Kocha followed the revoltitionl.ta ae qulekly as bls heavy trains would peruut, aud on the 24th, he repurted that a part of bls eavalry, tho bth Regimeut, bad over taken aud eahi-red 200 men of the enemy'a rear guard, taklng aome wagous, wlth ammunition for Infuutry, with clothing aud eqalptucnte, Gen. I,ocba enterod Lagos at io a. m. of the 2fith, with a dlvlsion of eavalry umler tho commaudof Corella, aud aunounced by tele gTanh to thpjdiinster of War that tho divlelon of ln fantry would arrive two bours afterwaid. Tho revolu? tlonlsta retlred in the dlrectiun of San Juan do los I^goa, ou the road totiuadalajara; and tbo eavalry of Kocha, over 2,000 atrong, after a ahort reat in Lagoe, continued the, lu order to endeavor to detaln the revotu tloniits uutil the infantry of Roeha eould arrive and force the enemv to aceept battle. It la reported that tbe rcvoluth.narv forcee are greatly demurallzed, and tt Is generally bellevcd tlutt they will not be able to make a aaeeeaefal staud agamat the paaaalaa troopa. Ou thi> 10th ult. it was aniiouueed that Guadala)ara waa fortltltd by the Uoveruor Vallarta, in comblua tiou with Oen. Curona. The retK-l Dun Mlguel Nein*ete ari?nra to be gaining strength ln tho mountali.ous dt-tiltts of Pu. bia aud of Tlaxeala, aud the la?t-.ian,ed fltate was deelared in aieae by a dectee of the 19th Inaf., and the Oovernor. Don Miguel Lira y Ortegt., was luvcsted wilh the polltical and mllitary rouini.u.d. Negrete has ordcred tho direc tura of the rallway from Vera Cruz to seud bim 140,000 wlthin two daya, or otherwlae be threateaa to cauae greater damago to tbe company, aud to take away their aervanta. Of course, tho diroctora will not aend tbe money, and tbe Federal Governmeut is taking ineaaures to pursue Negrete more t-ffeetually. Gov. IlernaiMlez y llernandez of Vera Ctm repurta that the ehlef of tbe band which on tho Sd of February attaeked the rallway train from Vera Cruz, be twee.i Cameroi. aad Paso del Macho, haa alr.-ady been executi-d, aud that the reat of tlie band are puraucd un teaaliigly. Lierneiado Don Mauuel Asptrez, chlef olfleer al tha Pureigu Oepartment, la al-out to proeeed to Waah iugtuu aa advoeate of the t'otnmlaaioui of Clalma. Ho Is dlstlngulahed lu hia profeaalon, aud had the nierancholy diatiuctiun of bemg the " flacal or uubltc accuaer lu the celebrated trial of Mailmilian tu Qaatataae, .. ._,, ,, Jua?a-z, by deerees dated ou the 28tu ull., deelaiad Ihe* * of Aguaa Calicutea aud Zaratecaa in aleau, agpiBllaa Don Patriclo Vega te exerciae the poUUoal aml u.llltary c.mmaud ln Atrtiaa ( alientea and fur Ihe aame aulhorlty ln 7a,at-H*_a the Provlaiona Gov .-...ur. Oaa. D?n Manuel O. fualo- Tbe r.-vel..tloulat ex I.. ii ix.n MlKurl Negrete, together w th tarrillo, Ai rtafT. Bitaaaia. Uaa, Maraeaa aad Blaaae, ??_?_? the town of Hau Juan de loa Llauoa, l.Ube Jurla.llct.on of Hiiamai.tla, uu the 2ith Pl bruao?. pe flgb lujf con tlnued for two tlaya and a night, bul tbe Wivolutlonlata w, r,- repiilm-d by the garrlaou. uuder 14.1. Tarbe. Ocn Cortmaadvlm-d Wl telenrauh from lluadalajara, ou tbe _*th ult that Oof. Fe_Miueira al Bonora la iu tbe Puerte wilh J.l^O ...en, after hav Ing def, aled PeaOadMlrB (.'ota, aho, witb 400 n-volutlonlata. uef. nd.-tl that plate. . ' 1 , "1 lll ".I ,111- I'. isuntruua evriita afl i) nu' tbat 809998 one* bieu olfered to inir Al*o that OBL T)on flotero Oxnna bad d' feafed 200 re v o iutii..ii.?t?, eonniianiierl by Pami, In "El Umon," uud wiso tlie revolutlonmt Cuiiedo, on Ibe roud to Mi/atiau. noBACE GREELEY TO WM~H. SEtTARD. yr.w-YoRK.Baturday Kvenlng, Nov. 11,1*54. 0 .v. Pkwari.: Tbo ebetlon ta over, and if* reaulta anfltrlently a. certnltied. It neein^ to me n ntttnir thae t'i announce ti, you tbe dl*aolut*on of the politiful flrtn of fewattl, Weed.and Greelev, by tho witlnli.i_:U of th_ Juntor partner,?aaid wlfhdruwal to take ( met on tha mornlng after the firat In Fehrinr- n-it. And, a* lt may ntxta a great preauniptlou ln aaa t.>a-_ime thal any ?uch flrm eilsta, capcclally *iuco the pubiie wa* ad vi.-fd, r.itlur niore than ? yeur aifo, by uu -di-orul rearript ln The EeentngJnurniil forniallv rcadir.g mr> out of the Wblg party, tbat I wa* . no loiicer eitb. r uaeful or oi iiiiuu-iit il in tbe coneei u, you will. lain mire, ludiilge me in aome rtiniulst'cuce* which ... m to bcflt tbe oepMSlon. Iwasa poor yonng prlnter and E<!lt_r of ri Uferary Jourual,- a very actlve and bitter Whig lu a ?inall way. but not eeeklng to be known out of mv eWB Ward ('om mtrtee.-whon, aft.r the great politlealReviMon of MBT, I wa* one day ralled to the. (ity H?ti I, whaso rwo *tran gr r. thi nn. lves a* Thu: iow V aod aud I_)Wla IJenedlcf, of Albany. Th.-y told mo that a <-h.-ap Catn palgn I'ap.rof a p-.nliar at.-imp at Altiany had been re Bolvcd on, and that I had lieeii acleet.d toedit lt. Tho annotin.-'Uient nilglit well be deemed flntlcring by ono who had never even aougl.t the ?oltoa af tha gr.i_t, aml who wa* not known na a partiaan writ.-r ; and Ieager'.y embraeed thelr They ??ked me fo llx mr *alarv for tho vear ; I uauud ll.COu, which U.ey agr<.-_? to ; aud I dld ."be work requlred, to tue Im -t of my ablliry. Tt waa work that made no flgnre.and rr. i.ted no aenaa tlon; but I loved It, and I did it well. Wheu It wa* done, vouwere Oovernor, dlapentng ofllcea worth |:),oonto B_0,_oo p.r year to your filcnda and 0_-8nat__o_B, and I returnel to mv garret and my cruaf, and my deapt-rat? battle with peeuniary obUnanoM hcwpod upon nielir bad parfnera In busiitea* and the dis ' 1R37. I believe It dld not then oecur to i of tbe*. abundant nlacea have b wltbout mlufctleo ; I now tiiiuk It ahould have OOeOB-OdP to yott. If'ltdld o.'i-ur to tue. I wa* not tho man to a.k you for Ir; I tblnk lhat ahould not have b. <n i<e t-eunry. I only re member tlint no frl.-nd .at Albany Inquln d a* to my pecunlnry eireuii.aiancea ; tbat your frieiid (Imt not> miiiei, Bobert C wotasore, waa oae of the cttlel dl.pi i er. of v.uir pafronuge h< ri'; aud that sinti dorotod ooaa* patrtota aa a. h. Wotla aad John Rooha were llfled by you oul of patiiKTism inio Indopemtenoe, a. I am glad I waa not; and yet an lu.]uiry IroBB yoo tm to my needa and nicana at ff nt day 49 mld bavo beeu tiunly, und L.-lil ever in gmtoful remembrance. In the Harriaon ca)iipal_-ii of i_in, I wa4 acnln dn slguatcil to edir a eampalgn poper. I publlabed i; aa well. nnd onght to have BUtoe aoiuching by It, ta aptto of lt* extrem'i Iv low prlce ; my i-xtnine paivcrry waa tlie maitr reaaon wliy I did nbt. It couip.lle'1 ii:e to preaa worb, nialfing, &e., done by the Job, and hl .. ( __r__8 for extra work nearly nte me up. At tlie cloae, I waa atill wiihout property nnd in debt; but thia pup.T b id rath.r lmproved my poal Uon. Now c*me tbe creat seramble of tbe ewell r.iob of eoon mtnatrela and eider-auckers at Waablngton,?I not beliig rounfed in. Beveral r_ ifiroenta of them W08t uO frutii thia clty; butnooneof tbe wbolo erowd?tbuugb I *ay It who abould not?bad done ao tiiiicb toward lo u. Har rlooB.. nomlnatlon ami electlon aa y<nu*a reapeetfully. I naked notldng, expeeted notbing; but yi.u, Oot. Bewtrl* o.iKbt to havo that I b. PootOOOtor of B Your _- would havebeen ln vjln ; but tt would liav* b..<n an uct of eTaec nelth'-r wnate.i nor uiuh -er.ed. 1 aoon after atartod TU Tkiiii .-_, boeaoae I waa urg'-d to do ao by cet'tain of your fiidul*, and befBBaBBBBBB paper waa nt-cded bere. I waa pmalaod eeitafa i-;eu nlarv ald In aodolng;it mlght have been glven B9B witbout eo*t or riak to any ou>?. Ali Iovcr bad war a lonn by plecetneal of |l,o>o fro'ii J.unea ?'oggeaball, God ble*s liis hoiiored memnrv ! I did not a?k for thia ; andt I think It Is the one *ole ea"? in wbleb I ever recetvod .a peeutiiary favor from a polltical aeanclate. I au. very tbnnkful"that he did not die till it was hilly repaid. Ai.d hero let me hoiior one trateful recollectiou. When the Whlgp.nrty under your nlo had ot'.iee* to give, mr* name waa never thougbt of; bnt when, ip P.4.-4.., w_ weie hopeleaaly out of power, I was hoiiored with tho party nomlnatlon for ,-tar.' Priuter. Wheuwccaiuo nitain to bavo a Htntp Prlnter toete'-t as well aa ni.rninat,-, Uie plu. e went to W'ftA, m It onght. Yet it la worth _>mi'tbing to know that there waa oueo a time when il was not aaaaaad aaa *__*_> a aaorldealo raeoalaa mo?? bejoiigfiig to your houseli'dd. If n new olrice bad not ?Ina been e'reared on purpo-o to give It* vuliia.'la iiairnnnge to II. J. Raynmud, and aoable Bt Jobn t.r ahuw forrh bla Timea aa the orcau of the Wblg ^tate Ad uiinl-tration, I ahould have been atlll more gratelul. J In lsta, your atar agalu roso, and my warmot hopeo were realfzed in your electlon to the Seuat". I waa tm laaaer aeedr, aad had no more elalotthaa deatretobei re.ogniied by Gen. Taylor. I think I had aome i l.aini tu forbearauee from you. What I leeetved tbetcopoa waal a iiioiat humlltatlng leeture in the abape of a decislon Iu tbe Ubel-eaaa of Bed_k_d and Priugle. and nnohligatlon toi publlab it lnmyownau'ltheotberjournalof oura-iippoaid flrm. I thougbt, and *till think, tbla hcturo ueedleaaly eriteland mortifylui_. Tbe ptalntU?, after ualng my cdliimna to the extent of thelr needs or d- ?lre*, atouped writinir, and ralled oiw me for the name of tiu ir aaaallOBti I lt to them,?a tbon.tghly roopoa -ible nau..*. Tbey refui-ed taaeeoptlt,?aleaa lt alvuld pcora to beoun' of tho four or tlv. ni?t men ln Batarta l?when tbejr huf from tho tlr_ t who U was. aml that it w.,a ncithi r, ot th" in. Tncy would not BC-OBl tbat whleii they ha.l* d.'niniul'-d ; tbey aue.l me luntea.! for nioney ; nnd mnney jroa were at ttberty 10 td\? tht-m to your heart'a conteuf. I do not you m re at llb.-r.y to biimliiate mn In tbe eyea of myowu und y<u.r* iiublleaa yo.i dld. I think you, exulteU your owa jmiit B-eraaoaa ut <l feorl_o*__8aa uu-, duly at my expense. Itbirik you bnd a better ocu-ioB for tbe dl.-play Of the?e qirilltles when wvi.b llu.-w hliu geif untimeiv upon you iura paidoa whieh he bad daaa all a man could do to d> Lucrit. tllta paper i* p*i ing yu_ for lt liow.) I hnvo publlely ael forth my vlew of your and our dnty With respeet to Fualon, Nebraaka. nnd pirly de*igu..? tlotia. I will not repeat anyof that. I n-terieift al.-oto Wet'd'a readnig BM out oftlu' Whigpart. ,-tuy erime being ln tbia, nalna.nne othertlilnga, of dolnn to -day wbat moro paUtk paMBBB -ill uot be n -.itiy to do till t.-morrow. Let me apcak of th? late eanvaa*. I waa onct aent to rongreasfor nluety ilava, m( r. ly to enable Jflai BrOObB to Becora Bacat tbeiein for foar yeara. I Uiiuk I never blnted to any being tbat I would have likedto l>a put forwnrd for auv plaoa. Rut Jam.s W. Whtte (you hardly know how good und true a tnan lie ia) Mi.rted my name for Pongre-a, and Rria'ka's pnek. il deltgatlon thoiight I could belp him through, ao I was put on btbiml bim. But this lnat _ |>ring, aft< r the Hebraeba <iueatlon badcreateda new Btate of tblngs at the Norfli, one or two poraonal filends, of no poUtloal eouaMeiation, aug geared my name hb a candldnte for Governor, and I dld not dieeoungo tbein. 8<m.ii, tlio petooaa who were aft. r ward mainly iiistruniental ln iiomi.iufin_ Clark enmo about me, and uaki il if I. <uhl 8000.0 ti.e Kno . Nolhlug Tote. I told them I neUber cool- --r would tooah lt,? on the eontrary, I loathed and repolled lt. Thcieupcu, they tuniedniHin ilark. .... _. ? I uald Lothlng, dld nothlng. A httndred pople aak(d me who ahould __? run for Governor. I aoiu. timea IndU eated Patteraun; I never blnted nt myowu imme. Pul by-auil-by Wood oaasa down uud ealled me to him, to toll me wby fie could not . upport mo for Goveruor. (I bad never naked nor eounted on bts sitpiKirt.) I am anre Weed did not mean to biimiMate me, but he did it. Tbo upsb.'t of hia diaeour.-o (very eauflou..ij>t atuted) waa tbla: lf I wero a candidate f"i Governor. I *hould beat uot myaelf only, but you. Partepe that wa* truo. But, a* I bad ln no mauuer aoUetted bla or you* ' aupport, I thougbt tbla mlght have la-en aaid to _Bf friend.., rather tban to me. I Biiapect it ia tru.' tbat 1 could uot bavo been eleotod Goveruor as a Whig. Hul had b" and you been favorable. thei-e trottld havo beeu a party in the Mate. ere thia, which eould an.l would havo eletted .ue to auy post, witbout lujimng myseif or ?u. dangf riiigyour n-elc. ti.m. lt wa* tn valn tbnt I urged that I had in no manner aekoil a unmiuation. At !. i.h.'i, I iraa uettled by bi* laiiguage?well lutendud, but r-ry eutting. aa .i.'.drcs.-. .1 by him to me?to say, in aobataaee, " Well, then, inaka Pntteraon Governor, and try mv name for Li.-utenaut. To laaa tbla i.lace la a matter of no imporUnce, and we oan aee whether I am really wi odlous." I ahould have hated to arrve as I.i. utenant-Covemor. but I ahould have glorlcd in roaalag for the poet. t want to bavo my enemles all upou me ut onee?I aua tired of lighting them pieeemeul. And, although 1 Bhould bare beeu beateu lu the eanvasa, I kuow that my riiuuing would have helped tlie tieket and my paper. It waa tboiikjht beat to let tbe matter t. _?? anothei eourae. No otlier uame could have been put upon tha tieket eo Mtterly humbllng to me a* tbat v.hieb waa ?e l.-.-tid. Tbe nomlnatlou waa glveu to Raymond?tb* flght left to uie. Aud, Governor .jeward, 1 hate made it, tbougli it be poneeited ln me to any ao. What little tlghl there haa beeu, I have atirred up. Even Weed haa uol been (I speak of bia papei) hearty in tlns coutest, wbila tbe jourual <>f tbe Whlg Liet.tenaut-Ooveruor baa tak.-n eoie or ita owa lntei**ts aud let tbo eanvaa* take eare ol itaelf, na lt early deelared it would do. That Jourual baa (beaaaaa ot lt* mllk-and-water aaaoaa) mimn twentj thoii-.iid subscrtber* ln tbla city and it* auburba; and ol theat twenty thouaaud, I ventur. to aa.-.morc voted for fllmann and Berogga than for t lark and Raymond ; Tiia Thliit ?K (alao ?H-tau*c af ita iharnctei) bu* but eigbl tliousand sub*cribers withiu ihe wime rodtoa; Mi I v.-n ture to *ay that, of It* babitual tvadera nine-tcutb* voted for < .ark and Raymond, very few for l llmuun a.ul Herogg* I bad to bear tho bruiit of tbe eonteat, and take a terrlble i-iapon*ibillty, in ordoi to prevent tbe Ofhlara nuttlug upon Jam,?? W. Barker, in order to F.riiundo Wood' Had Barker been eleeted here, neitb.r vou nor I eould walk theae atreeU witbout heing hooted. aud Know Nothluglam would havo awept like a pralrle tlre I atopped Barker'a , le.ttou at tbe co?t of luourrlng tbe'de?dlle*teumltyof tbe defeated gang, and I haro bteu rebuked for lt by tbe I...u_.uuut-Gover>..-,a paper. At tbe critleal aioment, he eauie out agaiu.t J?bu Wheeler ln favor of Cburle* H. Maraball (who woul.f have beeu your deaalliest enemy tn the Houm'); and _ veii toiu-C'olonel-4_renet_r* paper, whieh wa* ev.u with mo ln lnalatlng that Wheeler ahould be returu.d, wheol.d about at tbe laat, aud wr.ut lu for Mniaholt. Tho Tkiiu ne alono ellnglug to Wheoler to the laat. I r-j.-..o that they wbo turu ed so auddenly were not ublr to tur n all their readera. _ _ ____,. Governor Beward, I know tbat eouie of your mo-t cberlabed frlrnda think ute a giaol iBaaaaja.lO/ajOBfg; vanr.mtut-that Johu Kehooleraft. for one, t>.*i?t* that you uud tloeA ahull not be ldent.rt-d witb uie. I truat. after ? tlu.e, you will not be. I trual I -boll never l* found ln Ut you} I have no furtb, r wi _b but to gllde outof the newspai-ej world aaqulefly and aa sixvdily aa po_.ll.h_. Jolii u.y fatuily lu fcur..^, and, il pUalblv, ataytber- .uit? a tlme-loug enough to eool mr ftv .red braln aud ronovate my overUak eil energteo. All I i,ak 1* tbat we ?hall bo eounted o?.-ii on the morutng atter the Hr*t Tue*--. lu Ktbruary, aa afomaa.d. an_ tliat I iii-r theroafUT take. such oourao aa eecut* beal. witbout refereueo to the You liavo done m* aot* ot valued ktudneaa in tlie hue of vout pmfe**iou-lot me cloae witb tbe H_-.ur-n.-_ lhal th-oe will ot or bo gr?_. fully rememtx-rad by Your*, UoiiA.K uaanuir. Hon. Wm. H. Boward, pre aent. ?If I _a _?!-_-___. tbi* MaBBatbdB aai j ipaath, ir-i ?_. .?_!. JaOBBi 9a tha paiklw (a -kwk taa ara* .a.aiial aa) taHMOuW | b.<i_ I *_a. *al 4- lawa 4* ?a*i*rl. ?? a_hl*Q_4 ilaiaaa