Newspaper Page Text
V01- XXXI.N? .M-'--' ?A-*- *? ?v-k ,-V i -Xl--^?>-i-^a NKYV-YOKK. MONDAY, APRIL I, 1H72. PRICE FOUR CENTS. THE COST OF ROYALTY Motion OF su: CHARLEA lUi.KF.. IOBWL-BT BCRMBSUI ?IB nu. sr. Of'??OMB -st-,1, ?u- <T MB ?TUUll- I'll'?i vu ?.i \"-."M -DiaoBACT.rui pboci Rr >x li x MM. V* Ml Lux BBBBBBt All i Ml ' X'a. In tli lUitiah Hota?ae ?of CoBitnoBa, ?an the I or Vu.'!, m aatietfatstw at ii'<* vsvemMmmn oh ?Thru:. ? i'i '.. '.? i tut:?.:? MB the Civil (?>f which ui ?.??r? ' !*een Rlvea *J CsAOt telon'Mi'li), a lar,-?* ?r Atraatti .if' ti.tati.'?*' The ?ttttUaa ?raa flr?t on the Has. u?l. s, : i..?r.i Bor] qa-narstinn oi prl? I* B t li or loa tMtaas of tin* i of ?liefflttti?** taken bj each sat Labor, u* a rtin l?V*il'-i'ii ti.m.if fi 4 ? ' - '?' ?'??' .it N. vv, SStSI ?lia tr??,-, i;, 7.i)!?li<*a:i. la??r?l .?ury ;i?i?e<l Dtt-S v?h?t!icr f- wtl-e I?'! In-? f.'"'i".!. M''. BC at l?v?tkl?t xX'nt'iir Oinrl'? 1'.!?<* ?i: ut tit?! t<? N* . .ille.J on ti? ?!??> Hi it every itrm of infirm i ?ah.? DilRS ttta nl.out la ssava fore? ? '*..:? - ' iineil la the l:Ii:;ir>. In* . oiiAiiler,.,! BBBSttaata B4'ili'tii "t'iolof rt*lH tit ills.' .'. *il ?loi? iin.tcr tli?- , ,' lilt* Il'isf. The ??|?c:l ?tsterr .tiril th.t?. l.vat-ing tit tin- term? of Sir Cha ??H. ri. ra aras nslBluR to m-ii.tat? that i.^iMa-uipl.ii? ! x violation ?if the rule? of the lKm?? N i l H 01 HM ? Matai 1 ?- DU RM, ta il Uta ???ten rose and tv.?*. received wn ' tri Uli? ?.ppo-.'.t.on IhT.'U' ?. His Hin*? '. v.rv ?ie.iMv two lioiirn. tva? dellVI '?. t'ii ai.? t??nt? xv.i? m,?i...ton. " ' ? ' ui-'iitiv asaaavhal TAvariaome. l t.. tlUoilf-Tiout trittl HltetitUHi : -t jvrfttt ?ili un?. He repiidi.ite.l any inl lata tli.* v?!.i'-r ont ittea ralaed by i. :'? it Parriaui ra lata tas ? t, aad tha? ilur- oio-ut tu ??'- :- i ol hit Irai eonl :v of ?.. . i i." urat it the N'iciuulni? of ? prl * wert? ti..?,- ii,;e!e. wert? fu . t...- ptHiple were In t r > the virtues ?.f the m M Ister . une down f?> i ?itlia- BPtHilntaienl of a Civil Litt Ce Uli) lleil. t .'I - ? ? . ' ? : ? ? . ' l???l. ii'i.'i? . . .' ... ! ... I. t,l? ., tbl !.. ? . - ' ? S ?. Illlt ?Il p"? w.,,( ,,,,w t? ? ? late the nexi s i .. i : H ?. t.?; to 1 li -. ' ' ! v?.:- ? ? I II I. .1 r.? t . a. l ! ? *- ? T. ?Tfa?' i M . tbi . r ? r '? BJly :?? br-i . ?rt M ?<? X?. . Blr C a'. r i! h, a-' II - * Uni the lo- L ?: M . ! !" till | i . Il ??H C. . ' r 1' I, but I a 1. f' ! hud before 1 t '? a I ? ' ' - * t. , ..ti at ii ? ? i , . a- :t woui I ? . ' ' . * ' . By Pi ? . ? r . ' ? i ;? ' ' . ! i I ? ,- i. . a t nuit)* t? ?.'..? : - ? ". ?je m. Lut I : . .? - x i . . . , li., it n (lia.' t ,? I ? ? CI - | I ..!'.'. !. ? .- ..I till fat bei ', ?If ? li 4, - ? ' Jl ii-i ??> - - Iitetllui v uilhl n llii , ?',... : Il V-Ou 111 ? II ; v .' i ... ul tbi? i l . ': ? . 1 a - .III.'Ill I ? " . > ' I ? ? ? J. ? Il . 1.U . a raient ;?? i . ' ,|?, ' event? the!? 1 -"th.- I] ? ' ? ? rate i ||,, -? ..? I .a . I lll|?t|'l'l ' l , ? i r. ile i ii ? t in ,. . ? Bp ' ? l?l |H> ia< ? ' ?? *.'?? y ? ??! I I . ?.I |.. ,, I '?! tile I ? ....,."'. , . '! 4? 'li ?... - i- ?:? ) ' ? ? . [. Hlr It v . 11 ? " i . . a, . ? . . I, .,. '. Ul , U| .', lit? '-' IK HI Hi ., , ? ? rti'i- alt tilpti 1 . ' ? ' .1,, i ' .'..,..! i ? ' ' Bid h I ,.,. a,.,-, ,|. ,N,, . I i . i ? in I lie i . i i* ?an - ' ' Uat . . y.., ? i?> iu m?' faeis II - - ii . ,.; a . ? I "??!, f.'r . . I, is nil nul ? B ??" p" n.. '?' .i.? ' i . 1ml ?... ?? ? , I, ,. till il I llOU "I all"' ? ? . . . .' ' .- ... :.,!'. ' . II ?, . . a| I' I'.? 'I - ' li.ll ,f III? ?lll.l.'l.a ?O. ? <"???iii ...I ?a, i, .(iiii. ?I .i.i.l in i WiAid II,. * .' ' " "i i',. ^, ?H,, ,?,1?, li:.:,, n, ??iu, ._? I. '?'??' ' '" " m??? ...i Hi. ?,.?i.,?n ..1 Ule ? .vu I ...i ?s? ..i. Im ?'??'!?? tBaa Otto. Ibe ???'ir ?il Un?.un ?esnta>*as: Tin? .?( rowii r? t- ranisof piublis raou?*r. i ,.- durtn? triS v-...,,,. ,i .,?,??.r.?, u.(1 Bpi,u ?Uiiis,;;l<,,?:,r;7In?,1;1; ofti.4?law. ?>""'. siii'iK.i i, d til a i?i,uk.'i vi.w arrien OS? Mir. ni aiisto*?;!*. Mr. ?;ii?l?;,.i?*. who -ayaka with mu?. n vehcrtvtie?*. <l....Xi,tH.-i'l,_,l,.R|)t||;,. \\!titrar..|..K? IrilttBlUBllaB .?f thcf.i. N OB vl.ii.l, la? WiaSaliBBpiBlaliyM-BS BSSaSBS> H.*-*? af iii.|t,iii,.? talo ,,?. (.ivl. Ulit at th() -t^jja^Bajfag ?? n ralsjo. Th.. Coiintntttt. whirl, M.,t ,,t the I>i'i2ininiu' ?'f thi- BNfll? nt ti'i-n hail Wl*iTms_nSglS-i IBTll IM yyIiI.'Ii -'i.MM',1 ayesS iviltiction? on the civil list of the tAnttfft IWB itniiH.l: itc jiivi!, ,.: ?g?*/*, k+tng le? try tun.o?? than taal ?,f William iv., omt lasa i.* ?_*-.'-.'km than that of i;? "r'2>> IV. ifr iMiintcl ont tin! the inlia-esats in in?, time ?ii Ge- ?-?.,. t\-, were ateo granted annultieaonly ? f.itii.-r from bis civil list, -stoauabsaf tin? in''; mull?,;i. 'Siii-ti for, it ?ras ah? i.iv v. filin tin? kaowl ' '-. ii'i't Im-.louofthc Hot?e? i>:it if Um honorable i'.ii,.tii?t\rotihi apply for 11 lu tbe particular fona In which he icniircti It,there wonld be Dolndlsraosltiontograal it. "Vrswlng tali motion." contlnnad Mr. Uladstone, " of my honorable friend it Is _npoaalble not to bear In inln,l Un* niixiij mu? ? ir.'iiin.-i.iii.. - under which ths movennut of my li?>ti?ra'.,ic Mead to,>k luorlgln. [Cbeers.1 This motion la Inacperablj connected vithwhat iircccded it. Now, what ii ?I prt'i','tlc It I A speech of my honorable h ,,,,?. o? which i know nothing except as reported?i papen ; !,.,! i must say, with n ipeol to that speech, ft \m?*i particularly unfortunate in one respect ai'ovc all, thai n casi aside the t-otatt* , I do not Bay ot loyalty and respect, but of the oommoacai prudenat on this point. ?Che? rs.| i ?ay thai it any man? be be mem l'cr of this Douse or bot any man if eaacatton and ?-? ? -i ?ii nk? it in-, ilntv to ticrtcimt an tiit? Ci\ll latst before it iiii-cclliiiicoii? sudlenoe, the m -t oiiii ration inciiiiii?. nt ?'ii him an obit? .. tion whleh be should never forgel from the be? gluning to Uieendof whathe says- Is this, to produce on the mi mi-' ol in- hearers tbe recollection that with respocl '<? the arrangements of the Civil Llsl ?tars la no responsibility whatever, and there can be no ili-,T,'iiit whatever, attachinc t" the Sovereign [cheers]; tbe Government ana r.irliamenl sloas are n por Ible.iir.t. [Lond clieers.] Ism quite Mir? thai i ; iy h mi .r.l?! ? fi nuil |i..ii?.''it, i i ; 1 am al.- ' HT.-?', ?a ;>. clallj aft? r thi- mo !.? In a in Ii be bas spoken ?' ? particular error luto which be c??m lent he fell, In- v li bliusell admit tli ii he did not ?>n thai ??n: -??m civ,' u full and .??iii!!'. lent effeci to Ihal Intention as mlghl l>e wished. [Cheers and n laagb.] It anv rate, this ad - ? ,? mi framed as t>? make in?* impression on ? | -.? ano re? 'i iliaA .ii the .-i sech was to best : ? personal 11 mom) .,:. 1 i bar?c , ? ? , Mo aUli our Ututio (loud < ind 11 thai Ira ritii il on the publi? m i'ni Ina m itt.r t appeal to d '. . i , ? . -, ? . i nt t \, ? nation to corred i if " ', i? . ?! ba? created this i i - ?, ? and the in* nt motion which wo > .ii.ii >! overlo k in deal I un withtbt qu I .-un bouu 1 to touch In that very same speech in which he np to i. pre? m ;!i" Crown. ?u con. of 1 i >'???. in* thought ii nt"" ?? .. his conscience by d< Iverlng bte opinions i .: ? m the form ,.; ? ? G cruraenl oi tbi? rou try. |Lnud ?re by, 1 thin ? i -, .. ppiuting ta .i i ? ? , ' i ,m \ ,ut ; i Un- ii.nul ? a I views of a sresi majority ol Uta country? nu m ?. ?,,',1 in place an ill-omen l Cheers.) ... t\. re ..n ? ? I- I . - ? ??!> i., ... .' ? ?!i. ??- ot the case, ai I ,.: tbe ? i which 1 . pul ou ii; and 1 ? luto view tl -....ii "i ibis mot .la. m -l could ..| ' ? ?. and i_r:.iit ? th i ?. ? i- : i ? ni ira "f i lie Civil L v.ithot ?. ,i.ii. ,bt. we : . ? to pro] ? I sustain a : i'. . H< ' ? tu lit*- appun n' t ii i : :?m t.f . Till' i Iill.'.t \ 01 :,:, IV.i IBT. latl -it,in- w? nt on tu say t bat he did & ,: ,it v\ tbe . loo ? to maki this ln?i dry, In \ tbe qtn - tion wns wh?. , ?. ' ., ?.. oi?,,' 11 i. v . ... I. r cXPCUSes. It was i.,,.:,!,? I out that the Q oo, bad never asked foi alter Ion of the ( ' bul ha l .,.| to in i i,... i A I ' 111? ?a . ill . ? . : ,| ? ? : ? s ' ' : 'i || I 1 ?i I, ! ? - . ' -. i .... , ; i lie did no| i ..*. : . i. It? . .. ufi 'i .," thai t ? - 11? r -.. ,ti to t . , : '1 | lift,i -,. '?? [Ol . Ill?' I11 4 : i ; m ?? -? - niigi i have ? the Civil List. In < on clti.ion Mr. O ? .i "lasktbe House ?aliitncr it ..a ,. ii ... I hut tin'* ? ir nini ? a with II - ?verelgu i [Hear, bear.] ,: for Hi.- faith? ful i..,-,i \ an ? ,.,n ravi t.? v.'i, u'h l have re* .i .| 1- it, un the othci hand, a pro? ?? .-,;? ti>i>i'i't u? the lut? ?> ? . .i, ,i?> tban titue aniull aums of moii<?y, if, ?i yom imp i> ol? ? i are prepared lo t.i???.-.'? . . ;i, ) ,i r . ible tin? ??oVi r. ? . ? ? ; iritld .1"! ,>!;.,, i> !,t , j un. 11,, i to olit ,. J mir attciilluu froui tliuo to liuic to rcpresfutatlous I what bappcus tbenl Von not only have, In my uuiulon, gn*nl mom ... Lu' j ou raise a?i ippr ? ; of ,.?.t Min: it multitude of conn and Pai lian? ni of the uioal p ' r, .Hill 1 Ilill-t -aV ttf ill, ?'.,,, I III':, I t,, tl ? country, ' : tbe i ,? Ql "i - ".? ? ? |. tin.m n tuai ? . ? : I . ? ' . . 1 . It; ;ul ; Ii was loaae lu i- ?. in n, .nul :-;", 'i |'-it, ug the ""iili I: ' "it a lull r i - m ?i the nal ? , ..? i th. ?>; i the nal ' i the M inarcbj ?I :.-t. -i iii-tv ?, . i . loca that It Is impusslule lo -i|, irate them -the I of in. i. ? ? ? ser. Up a ? ,. ? , RTnund, itu mpting to > 'n. i fuiiii r into de? tails, mi i> "i ?vi,it I,, nit- t all,have littlo bearing on and cannot afie t the m m ?-..--..,. m ..??,. ?round, both .'?;. .? n t.-i,. ? under Minn the mol .,, pi . -. to us and UktiWli.i .ml t,n eral policy, 1 ma) ils?? venture to add al rtntj low -?i ?? ,:;ii who r> i im ? in the beart? ol hei V I earneatly trust the llonae will i, ?i ?? t a?! - whit a ii is, -i idy bo? n si?Ut i ai lor rpose, to meet with ? vo??2t Uic uiotiou ,,f n.y i, utaable frieud." Cla Aili.ill-l <>i YtP.. .tiiai.i'S H, ITSAK. Mr, a .it? ron H ?? .tk, but -A!i upoii tl., members of taa tlouaa, and Mr. iii-*-i?it enooonti ti ,| s the flrst lastsnee wiiii Ki".'"? and ..? ' h cantlnned for al : ?? iniiHi'.-. sad la v. hill were very tltetl atil?; lii^-c-i. it wa* iiiiiM??.?!!,!?? fur linu to Utt?J( iiior?. th..n Olte wnr.lal a tan?'. 1k-c.hi??-, WaMtOevet he .?im-ii. <1 his iiii.iiti,, be was mel by.a rear of **_?lvio>,divide,'1 which mostly .-ajn', from taa Conservative bencBes, Aitef be had thus trnti In van t.? ..- ? for ?? few minutes, a me_iber aaked the Bpeakei whethei the honorable member had n??t .iir. a,iv seconded th- motion bj moving h:*. hat, bat -, akei '.mi he wii in ;?not --?'?n of the Donaa Dp to this tiro? tbe beacbea? on i?,'h Idea of tbe Hoiue i id been full, but t-bepi.:.. rs were now Lnt?nuptctl lij orne bu idn da of . us In .? body ??, tl leav? ing, amid the groat? ,i confn Ion, and Ibere ? a seven "/ ? i?iit oa tin? Conservativa benches and about fifty on the M In tterlaL Tbe Mlala? rial ',. m h \.., - quite ful . a alas \va> iti?- beseli oa that Muli, beton tbe gangway,and Ibera were it???iit twenty* iii?- behind. Mr H? rbert,however, eratiaoad t" stldrass ill.??- tu?t renialaed, ami bald that h<* ?rlaheil frankly and fairl) tosa] In the House, as ne bad said out of It, thai it?- eonsstletatl s repni?ileaa form .?f goretamenl tiettei and Stow laaaoaable t_as the prasent. Tin? ? ii,.i n Bras reoeived wlt_ a erj of inttla-nattcta fsaai las member? ??m bad left tinir ?i-jI? sad cattwded below the Bar, lu taa iiinl?! of a_ich Mi Uuest mores] the H iu-k* be ??.?un?? ?I. Ail ih?? ? um?, r? ,?... m.- n ten I sea lefl sxeeal ihr.-??, hat m aas ?tirredon?bs Mlateterlal basse?, thaagfe ?oatfl f'-* wont away I am Ma i,..n.iic.? beUaa. ?f?e **j>.'.?ti?cr bbb?sgal io, . ,. i ...?i- came erowtlJIng in, bat ?Mfsss Mr. Bat*. -,. it . nu. l k'.i ".?i more tiiun a eo i|>.. "t si ateaoas, imnl i ?..., i . .?? a Lt_ the m??-i ni.i;>irosa ?-raiin ?anl, I amid laagbter and ,i. ?i, a II ipp?eared to aim thai the IIobm bat? ? i '.'- 'aii.h iiiiini. 'I -in?'- ii?? i ml attempt I t?,. tinnti sad m?? v ??? ! i ii a it be again etatated. The glass ,i?.l, anil aftei Ih? la|i-M- ?if lb? USUltl UlM III?. ... , ,,.., :, .in?! fiiiiinl I i j.r. a nt. YIi Hi r tb? n i. ' :| ?' '" ? ?- Ihn tas l-rlme ini.-'.-i ' hat! n.i? ..ii-'Viml tbe .l'-il,n. lit- .if blS fl "Bd, WbeB iitiiii,.: mem tier mov**4 a ?30nat, and thare aMtbawthe .,?,!.,;. ol Ihel. having be? 11 intaiad thn?.- linn?? i- ?????*,ami Mr. 11., ,,? pi-lav .i. iv. ah in? -pecrii. B*tatin*| tun! whoa ? . n, . ? i . ?, a tu i?' rwaatad aal ii vas ? ai liin/;tlii- <| U stlOU of the ?.?Ml??, allnitid Hi , ., iiMlu iii-ll i i:f.< I ?> i .i,,, i.n?!.n ?? 11 .n sal i; " i eapj strangers iu iiu? gaJ ! ???it" The *?'iaiiB?'i? wsta at sata oni.-r???! to wiiinii.iw. and all tho K??liiM-i(va, eveept that reservo?! for ladle?, wore proinpu.v iiniii??i. Tin? ladies tvere the only ?tninirers who were ??Hour.I (ai reinaln iliiroik.' Ihn whole of tl.<?<li*4ciiN?lflii. A? Hooii ?is the n porter? left, the 1n bTraptloti? which hud Ultou place ililtlni tho curlier portion of Mr. llelTiert'H ?pet'i !l, Wi ro redo i.tleil. < '?it? Htrviitlvt' iuoiiiImt? vvlllnlte?v frmn their n?'iul p!a< c? In till* Illlll-e, lilil? tlH.rl lip 1? pilfaillalll lll'lllllll till? tlitT, lit til?' ?Lie entrain e?^ anil behind tlie t-p-aU"!'? chair. At Uli? Unie Mi. llr'iloy, Mr. Wuipol- , und IsfS oilier ?a-ciilh men win tin? uiily infiniter? of the (Opposition oeeiipylnR Uielr usual pi.tee?. Almut M Lili, nil members woro present, xv lio Isafe BS p?rt, either hy sp Ba?MS or lnter.-ioiflon, In the ex-tr.iorilinint-y ?cene ITnin Un? losa pioinlneiit part? nf fio Hulls??, to which the Coiinervatlvo iiiiiiiIm r? had retireil. au i.?Hunt ?Timor arii-e. Oast crovvin?; In every variety, I rum the IsaMMMS cry of the Cochin la tlM f-l?r i ! I miti-nf tho BSSRBSB, uml other faun-yard ?.oiind?, tokfethir vxttlt repeated imi? tations of tli?. n?e ?uni f.ill of Mr. Herbert's volet?, pro Vt ntcd a ?liii-'ln ?''itein'? of the Speaker from ri-achln?/, the ear? of ISMOS who v.? te BSSSBSSd to bo the anilltoii?. When tho ? lauior was at Its hlatht, Mr. Dod.toii, ruihin?, from hi? tiatial ?eaX on I hi Treasury Henri? to the box l-e hlntl which tin? I'liuie Minister onliuanly ?peak?, in.iilo ?in iiiiiniateil atni 8SRSMMI Hrpeal to the Chair, nakin?, whether tho sound*, which issued troin behind (lie Speaker's rliair, Bntl fron b<? lOU the bar, were not RTOM violation?) <?f order. The Speaker, In r? ply, ?tated that tin? sounds which he had liea-.I. uml ?. p'.i.iilv those which had proceeded from honorahlt) ineiulier? behind the Chair, w-re un? doubtedly oui of ?order lu that BSMSS, and he conld not refrain fr?jui S-?|ai*SSStBB tho ?utrein? pain with win. h ho had witnessed the scene had r. . an 11 v taken place. In Ibe alight lull which followed tin? IntcrpoHition of the Speaker, Mr. Herbert announced thai If the Hooaa wonlil listen to him fur flve. minute?: ho xvtiiild und? rtake to tlul-h hi? observation? within that tune. Am.i consider title Interruption?, involving re? pented call? to order on the part of the Chair. Mr. II'r bartwaa allowed to procen!; but wli>n, on the etpirv tioii of tin* Ova niltmt?'? fur which ho had ?tipulalcd, lie inunlfested a ?le?lro to rnntlntio his ?pcech, the iTanitir bm-st furilt al.e?!i wlih ail il? forint r violcnre. Mr. Her? bert said thai tho, Interruption? xvhleh had taten place d"|iriv<ii ll 1 lit of a Initniti' d'ltl a half of the title R?ante I aim, nud that if tos House would give him that minute and a half le would be i oiiien*. Tin* -pt ik. r lien up.iii roaa ??'id i ailed Mr. Herbert to mtUSt, ?tut tin? il Vas in ??-- il-.r ?mil inipiiji r to spat A lo the Knit?, .and that lie a-BRhl to ml.In?? lum-eir t.itlt?? ?'hair. Mr, 1: i .ell Hi *i ri ?in,.eil hi? ?cut aund Hi" giaati it I ? i iti nasal sad Bsataatete, 1111 i iiN-i BTATIVBS m Bl RMB, Mr. Man b il.11 in n roaa sad adsilalatarad a ven- sharp rib.;!, ? to the Ili'ilie. I!y if? dSS-BBBOr, il- n '" on fu* ttlRUity of d? ?nirtiiii ni vv t .?e-:t'oveil. htl? 11 S f" IM a? t.iiai-i placa that nit-lit ha had bop? dcuid only liavili'.n x. it n. eil on the ?1h. r'side at the ciianuel. i ted mi! ti. .t the h' luvtet of e ?rtatfl 11 wnnld bave a most unbappv eteet, in cansa if iron I said thai the ipu -t: ??, hu | Is en ho it? d do ? : . -I . - ? I. lb- '.i 'li -vi-il II,, |ii>? ol ? ?Ulli I ? II IV.' -o t .1. till.!? i ft ?! II.,' I .II-" of K piibiii .?n ma tb? Con rr vat I vea? bad done ?<., t leir conduct on that ? nslon. Ai loth? mala que?tion, t bey found in re??1 i b , the extravairaurc?, aud . '.? t. Ill ' ... ale,I wb'tber Un.' loos place nuder t monarchical or inn i." ul .?"..?lni.i.-iit. It rould t. ?? i. dei led thai ' ai t .n. a ii. tin ni was monarchical in form, tret i In laet, and hut- republican in ?.-? ?.i., tita] Of .11,V I.fill r a'l>',a'lt' J 111 tit' VVal.l.l. Mr. i'a-.*. ' i tt - ml be at-r. ad alta .:i taut hl?h?mnraM>* to ih- liRbl ?.i the IIo:: a to dia ?; ? the ('?vil I.? t, and l-I vear he Wfiilll ha.i enr'li.illy Mlp ported a m-?ion inch aa his biiaorable fin ml had pr.. i n-- i. But to bis mind It w:.? abaolati lj tapos* ble I bal themotlo.old bed - -???-i ited from the BPMch which ii .in!? fr:. n! ?.i i h m ih" ?II,-ir. In ,i j ;? ..' . rabie n li iid bad rt.ueii In .ill ?in? ? ' ut? tii. in motion .' i ' i- -p ?? i were not n< ? , rlly ciiniiiif? i, but in : It oertain that the mot mi bad a - n mit m tin- ,???.. n. mill even tni.rl .i i tBal the motion and th? .-neeeh would b< iutv*i?arablj :: *--<??-?:it*-ri In Id, lll'-iir. In ar.| He ? I limed Its ?ti ?i - In- .': end 1 be . .' '?: i. a :? .I:. -u - ? a uo| ? el pon the Civil ial t, bat upon IBs i..?t lona ?T? ton <?; nu, ?t, ..inl I ?? remorad lo i?*ll the ( .... i-rvatlvt li I It.'V alt- mi'li .1 tu ?top fr. e lllsCUUion ::? I.. ! iti nil'mi ; ti ,'i tin that im ?iin,,' ["Hear, In a.." and ".v.?, nor'] ih.* Kepublienii i i i remi Demo erario p. .;v would .i ouuo feel that In tb???*? ? ... : ? liavl . I tn t tl.i in - iy i.m; i.' i??approved a crest deal of .in' lii.uir and of the spun ol Uie ?pte a Which I ? I i III? In ,'t ?li ! aiT'it in the I \ ? in. ;i!"ar, be 1.1 lu? ft i? aure ol bis :.?? . r? -. n? < i ? tj, when in ?till be tiitl not Intend his tpie?': to i?? a i?-i imI attack upon the Qu?tMtu, bul bo could not cone, ilfrum hiiuseif ih.' i.ut thai '?'?> oui of every lot) pi tons who either !.i .:?! m read the -1?? ? ?? m would feel that II con? ic) 1 upcrsoi dntta . upon Un Queeu. li I >, b i ' pi l??e p" in..n, had i.a! ' ', . ?? - ' id about him thai bis honorable friend ?aid about Ihn (?tie? I si. 'in i have ft it until h?- b ol rleared bimst If from tue reproach h?? eould kcarei'lj venl re ? 111? I' llOW !?" | tO Wall lla'tl! il- H , ? ,1? I .... . . . ' I .V ? I ?111! 1..I..I 111. lUll'ltj.J HIV l-iit.s. Mr. f,i'M"li ?I? nled the ? ? na rrative parti bad it ? n- um. .-n i . Di.i.i' nn ii? replied, g ti i the Prime Mblister had dlaTproved ?.of a divl lOB, i .'.o mi till r? (.-Tr Wil? frid I.?. Mr? And? -mi) vested fortba motion, ' i ..- in - it. Manjrofthe pn i.u.n nt BoAlentsiia no! .!?'?._ Uli. PAVU ?c CO 1ST I all TUQl IKE. iii;,m K iuru!.- ? nami.s OF BOMK "i "tu. \ n i im.- - ?n ACTIVB VOW \N'i ui.iii.iii.;? l.N Mil 1111.BM I \! II OBXIaia BAM Fkami-i ?', (al., ?M:ir?!i ?!l.?|)isp;it?*lie.?i i Irt?it Hi" vnl.'.ii.i.' ili-tili-t lb I*.:.v,.i i . .?i t , |i?i mili i taouthscaat from this citv, give atbiitloi ai detail? of ? bejoal t dlsa. t? r on IUi Ml ?? la ?>. Tha shot ? ?t || eontlane, thonqh with decreaaed violrnce. It Is re? markable that ool; n r ?it'll BhOCk OH Tli' -'!.:>' V,,is f' It laCentrol and lt_rtheni California cyrrot?onki w,t? bail;? danMR) ?i, h.'.vin?: -i".. ni ?.m diaga ihrowa down, uml one mail TnUnJ Loua rme appeart to hat iini ?i r.-.t' v ot/erthaeeo? t? r of the 1.1 i II . in ? . an.I .utiiiliia' the kill'tl Uleiewii? Mi.urev, aged :?. a naUva of i'. x.i?. Iheatanslatler were aU Spanish Atnerteaas? The Irai shock Udaticrlhed i i park of artlllerv, flred dlrectlj bencath the ton n. Col. Whlpple, ? be ?as In tha BBcood Hoif "f ,i:i ii'l'.ii.' Staue, ? (hit lu- !?.!'! I-ir! tni"'In jump fromttasdsad ?? t to the diwnrav,whao tha b?Mueap<! in crumble to pie ea bt?ieath bim. He w.t? inn i<d aiaonR 'he ruin?, but ?ic ei ilctl In ex tricating himself from tin? debris, batiOR is? ciiveti aeveral aevcre bat not dancertm* aouada. A 1? II i I'lr st TM' eii ?lied xvlieli the flrst BhOCk Wii? Over. Nearly the Wlioli? pnliularii were Inifleil Im'Hi;lili ihn ruina ?in? foi help and ?criani? of juilu from Uta wound? d biiiiiitli the riilii? ti! h.I the nlr, wbiio tbn?e v, h,, a raped were culliURifor aid la raseua fathers, itnii.,11 ?, v? ivi ?, .oui t hi.iiriii. The Brat shtieh was fol? lowed in quick ?uccesslou ny three otbere, Over irai dlstlnrl ah'.ik? wen- fall between ?:m> and aurltf, ia fact, the earth was la a ei)ii?t.?iit trcml?le for over time hoars, Achaamwsa spaa*???] extoodius '?'?< ailiatdowa the vail. .. r.iii'-'itik.' from l!tr? a lin lie- ta 4n le?t in Width: roeki wirr ;i!-n tlii.iwii from ihelr pi.te."?, sadrolled ?iiiw n into ttii v.iihv. At Bwanaea,Ca?.TreaaUaaof the m ir- wuri.? ?..a? killed lireal deaolat Ion prevail? ,,, i tie iiih i'il.iiitul l/itie i'me. A dispatch today from Visslla, ..v.? ihorkawere bit lathatclti l.i-t iiiuhl, i?ie I :.l.' 'till COmlnR ?n m i i'ii ' ".'irl ' i hi n ore rumor? of a volcano la active operation har? ina been ? in I ruin Uie ?llln mil of lili eiihooit M m ml. in, SO miles south of Vitalia Ihe lutliui? it? tli.ti vinuiy liave ?ill lett, fi .tlliii?' the Tl elirreliee ?if 111.? lein Till i'??ll v alsion of nature a liich,iiccoriliii??' to their tratdlttaaa, o*> lurit d ill that regtoa smile ?if .Vtitl- a:.-o, liiul crcaled what i- known a? Owea'l Itiv.r Valley, but which was before that lime a chain of i.mi.un?. The section seriouslj aJiected by the earthifoake v? ?? aaaraely, and ma lull people aBRSRM la wt>ta?or the ?liver In.itiMK li.ul unite?. IaATi.u.- Additional ikIv?ci? from Iny o (otiiify place the number hilied by the t mTb.juai.e on Tuetdny at af), Insider| MS wo'unlctl. In the de?ert countiy ?tretihuiB lutin Owaa'a La?U to IBM Mexican Hun art? limiiiiicralil% crater? not Ion?.' extinct, Besides several mud volcano?*-?, ami it 1? MBBOSSd that MMRR uf HM?S Bad vnl? anoet. iiuy be lu eruption BRB?B. I A Rentfeman from IniVpeadsaoa aiatart? that ?nmin? ami amont llnm il volcano Wire lli?tlin!ly men BOUth vv.t'il pliice, iitnl wind ha? heilt biiiil?.'Bt tin- in that lava wa? seen tl.iwiiiL'?low n Uie ni'iiiiit.iin, but tho report i? noi!'d. The shocks continued, de? < i ?ii ? t It K III up to Thin dav BOtTBlUR, When,over i,.?? liiul been ?-mimed. AtITlbttett's raneh?, 11 mllea above i inb j?*lidim??*, ?H ?ere? ol ?.'lotiml sunk t?. ver? leet below the r.iirf.i'1- ol the mirotradlBR iiiunfrv. 1:1?; Owen'sIaakahas risen faut feel ?-mee iba Brat ?bock?. o ?ven'? Mirar ran over Ils baalns.depoaiiinR aboal? of iish ? m Uni ?Imri , :?!!? t v, .ml it icceileil. T Iiii.iikIi Pin?' the i m I II cl ick? il, une ?lite 11 ll,;tl llllik' ? while Un? other soak sevra of alRhl toot, Imv?br a wall of earth i ? liinlitiia nu If three unie? ut leiii/lli, win re fiiiiiniiv w.i? a level plain. Innumerable rraeka Bera bmim Uiimlk-ltoiit the v.ill'.?. Kern .?lid O'a.-Ii'? Uivi IV In) in-.l ami i in up stream for aeveral miaut aa, laavlBR their lid? dry, uml Hn.iilv iii'irind wttii laraWl] lacreaaed x. ? 11? m t-. TTieic i"i? in ' n no parallel to this earthquaks niiii-s? the faai IBU, ahea the Misshios of Hso Jnaa Vs platrsna und La Parlaalma, m Hmitheru CsBfafala, aera ab-stinveil. Of iniirst' the eaiTb<|iiake i? Ihn matter of common ???intermit??M fhriiii^houl I alifniiil.i, hut c?ente? ?ml Ihn ? .slit?--! ?)'pl?ih'in-i'la outsltlv (if lb?) ?iistrlvt affocti'd. QBNBKALFOREIGN HBWfi ObTJUT WUTAIN. FATA!, KX!'l.(i?UiV IN A KltHl. ?ACTOtiT*?f*aTf ri.i..s??N.s am? hi.vk?ai. worsni'.n. liONixiN. Haturday, March:?), PST Inforiiiilfion ?if a HlKickiii/?* iucnlciit, in (a?l wall aaaS Ja?I l>?'?'li rccelv.-il III thatI city. An exp?o? m ?hit. il lu a safety fuse inaiiufn? t?,ry, WhetVJ a mini of female? were employed, ? '?.using a sad loss of 1 H-'Vi'ii women were killed and SM Is BB?tliitf. BwfS other? were ?crloiisly injnre'l, and it Ifl fian il stmie tin lu Uni} lit,! ?ill live 1 KA Nil.. Mtaafta. Of Till: AMSMBLl ? M'l.M II FIK Til U.K.-. I'AlltH, March 31. 197. Taat National Arwnilily t?t?ik a r??:?t?s ycsl? day until the Md of April, I'revmii? to the adjourumr President Tlilcr? adilreescd tin? Asm. mtily. Ho iruiiri teed the maintenance of Internal order, (lectured I army was faithful, and assured tin Chalutier that interruption of peace, wan Ihrouteued frnin ulnoud. tliocourao of his spetch he lutlnuited that Flam?, w not entirely Isolated ; BBS WBS not without allUin.cs, Tin: s'ir.AMKK nsoiNIUS. THF. riZAIlltO WATCIIIMJ IIF.IC AT ASIMNWAI. Havana, Muren :.!.?The Spanish war-steam T.iniiido arrived to-d.iy from AsptawalL Hlin repoi nutters quiet there. The 1'ir.urro was wittehlng t lilorkade runner Virslnlus. The rumors of an expi-cti ll?tlit provu uiiwi?-iuiita?d. Tiie VliKiuius wan only an I'll. U? , -, .. |" ItKHIRTKO BJtCaJB OF THF. VIIUJINIUS. Kfy Wkst, March ill.?NYws lias betn n reived h?*re thai the ttammot f_tiiiIus has Meeaetted SaeanlBg from the liaihorof Aspintkall, and is on li mi.', it, thin i" i ' MSaZlCO. MATAMOROS Tllllf". \TI\ ? Colt'l IN a'.*J MOVI MINIS. Mat .Motto?., March ?51.?A?! vices from Can nrp? to It)B ?Wth lui!. r.;,iirt ?ion. Tnvino at thai i : , pr< iiarlnj?, In conjunction with Qea. Qoiroga, tont,,' mi this i it v with '2,('(U in, n and ,lx pieces of artillery. (it,-. Cniitii. aflat hi-th feat nt llarii'.teria, In Itia'u alii.? to i?... h _cjnosa, attcnipt?d to |<>iu the Oovai m,???: trnnps in the iiiUiior; with what s. know II. Um i ,itii"r, d eapcnrg <?f Oen. Bo? ba hg tat reTolntle i-i -. Baar TaBjsiterBS. Is still wtthaal Boafirta itloa. THE LAST si'Y.\l*?n OUTRAGE A MM WII MAI>F. c.N Till Sl'AM-il (.< >Y I-I.V 5! 1.*? i m: THF. l{l.l.::.\-i: OF 1?K. HOWARD. lOggBB-L I'KK-S OtttATOB ' \V.v-:uv;r<,\, Manh ?51.? Tin- Prc-ul^t \vi to-iiinir,?*,. send to the nouas of th ;,'? **. i? at.. irepl to a n tolntion cat!'fig tor iaftwaiatlon relative t,< tl tiiii, i'Ommi :isa nu,I f, nt? me t,f iir. Bowsrd by tl bh ?iiifl' s int'ulia. Tin* dnciiiiK " t? ;.re fall mi?ona, hi dnnlng with Deeesahi r. 1870. Thi r ihow mne , . thai 11 : a Util dlfU nit? exi ted to?li tel Ine win ttt? the Do t..r ai ? really a eltlsrn of the United State Our Government hss asked for. lint 1 ? copy of i?,, in, ? , i th.uit mu,tu,i befoi which Di Howard wa tried. The Spanish Minister bei .-, ,,i ? i-.i i from ?' iba, thai .i did not then enroll himself as a forelimcr, as I !,, ti, law <>f 1870. There are, however, other pai i ir to ?how bl? Yin-ti.',:i cltlxensbip. It la e video i , . .... -?. retary .,f Stats is not em i on til i He ha?, bo ructed onreliaran d'Affaire at Madrid to bring ht? ca ? to tbe attention of the Span , a <;.i\. ri.ui'-iit, ?un? t,. |.i.itit out the fact tbatBowar i inatlvt : 1.1 Hie IJnited States, and to rcinnu ?trate asalnsl iheproceosUngs ot the Spanish autboritie In I a' I in b \ lola' Ol 'In p 0Y i.> IOI I i ' Tl it. .tl. . IB n !!,< I'tntui blatca aim t-iialli, aw to ask 1.1 iii inuitst?ats release. BRAZIL. III! OOMDITIOM OF OERXArl KMIHIMM? I! l.U.t/li ? v-llim AN -l.YYi HOLDERS. |11 M A SI 01 i kl < oa . . ? Bio i?i; Jaxf.ibo, Jan. 30. ? X?*t-.\>-. the mi' ntli ?i ??f ii.i.if i. ?,-1< in ; led ' t!i in mis nj the i: ' I ? nt f' r al' ; ii,, U? civil code, so I ..:',: t...n ? oilirranl? nos i tat??i ? 11 iv hluiti !?e lic't, i- rsrota. ted In tinir rtghtl IS Is ??aim. d that pettttoaa signed hj Iboaaand? of ?,?.i Bb_os hen have been Lately fen??rded to Oeraatay, re qaeittng f l,ui the <>t<i, rs ma.v ba it -tin?!, ?d which wet, passe?! sgahH Germaa emigration t.t Bras?, Th? .n. horitj for tin- ataternenl i /,,. Angto-BrosUionTinte, nt Ibis eity, wlii.Ii ina\ or ina\ not in He Hea:?,:i ion it act for furnishing 10.o,?? etuiprants Within I .'? tl.ilti ' ?lit' , ?ili-l v. l,.i h n lit..-|y m fall I :?< ;i !i if t?a ?.?m in ?,, ., n. m. nt rssraista in lu preaent eoorae, ; am inclined to ta?ak, however, that there ?purloa? atMmta..B_oaa p??tiii?ui?; f?ir, m emver ?ati?>aa whl, it I have lately had myself ?it! (.,:ii "in i',-i,i. ::i , I hare found snything hut ? favorable opinion of BraYsOla?i law aotl Jtug?ce, ss hoy? odmialstered. Fdrllngs of extUteUon wars also i r? ? i > expn ? praspectof a?.,n,iaii Intervention Ii their behalf, Iiacked ap by a naval squadron in ntoi tbe ''i tab? (,,:n. i,, are iiauniitii-. in Brazil.and, like the Portuguese and tbe French, bave a loarnalol tl.' i: i .-. n, a bleb mil rjcat? s tin ir ?p? elal Interest -. Tail Journal?Ths Otiatswaa, In Itatssneof the31sl lust.,re fern I In a Irinarpaant tone tutiie expected "srrlvalol tin? .-tiuailroii of Cbancelloi ?i-mank,' whh h \ia--' otulnfl MtOglTe a le-?"ii to the li'" y\Iio "need tu It?0 YV that. I,t hiiiil the (i.i nniii- is" their " (.Teat Kill. William, who maki ? tha|voleeaof Blseanaoa ipesk onl m ?apport of th?; words of his consols and his repn tr.i?." IJodge, therefore, that then is little love lost between tbeBraaaUlaas'and ths ?.ermaus, v.heiltortka lalt? r In ,'tt nli In i, in Ui-.i/ili.r ?lui iu 11.e Father i uni ; ami I think, also, la cealaequenci of all this, thai (?trinan ? Ifl?gratloa to UrnSll lia- r? ?.-? i ved a liluwiroui the sfC .i? of whleh it can Besas muy renovar, In.l'r.'sidciit Qraat'i MitsasajBi whioh has Boweowa to hasid. altar ?js*iikit,?r <>f the law s ami regnlatious f,,r the npitann! iiiiK.iiniii ?,f BlaverytB Cabn and Porto ideo, the rii-itiiiit Bsji ihat "eiii/insof the United tKates, m peTBBa? ? in minig to be cltlsensof the United Bl tea, ar?- large halders, In foreign lands, of this species of prop eit>, forbiddeii l,y the fiimlauit utal law o? th, ir ii.iiiitry. I n i'oiiiiii'ml to Congress to provide, bj ?trin ?,','iit hclslaliitil a Miltahl?, ft nit dy :i?ain?t the Bold?Igi awatag, or ?i? aim?: la shbvsBt <>r being mtert?ated la ?i tve IirojM-ily lit i'liiitrn land?, ?ithir as ownits, hirer?, BC umrti; t(2"i-, I<> i ill/'ns of the Dallad Htatca." Thi?, of cour-e, ii|ipli?-r to liia/.il, \vlicit* tin* (Htiiliai iii-tiliition }i t flouiai'i?a lu full vigor. Take ap Journal of Com. inrrrr an)' da} , ami III? r?-, iniiom.* Hie bt_atB?BS ROtlecSi ymi m.?> ?,- ??I ittlv, rilMii,, nt?, by the do;, n, ol b?ivVa oflcrttl ill ?al?-, or wauled lo liny. Mj ?illt iitmn l< fi. (|Uen!ly ilirecttid to the rewards of.cred for riiiumay ?laves, of wlmm there Is always B particiil,ar de-? tlptiott, mi oiiiicuiliil by B diriy little WOOd cut, to eatt h tl I I ft , reprtat ai Uag s woolly beaded segro, half nsked, s ita a fin k an b?ndle Oft r hi? ?houiil, i, and riiiiinqg us if for diar life. I have BOdOOM tin r,- are a !??- ABMrloan? her?' Mini -I.II own ?lave-, ??,.* ?-. Lilly among thOSBWhO eiiiigrut.'?!from tiniSoathera Mates t?. Brasil between the year? IffJ ami ISSb, BSbI Who have all tlnlr lll?S haea aeeaMeabed lo the nse of bIbtc kaher. I say s IWW| Beeaosa tie pt at BaJotitj ?,f thoas eaalgraatBhava now IBMaaWahasjala i?> lha t sited states iimrouKhiy con vinicil, uf'.t r a fall trial, Ihat llia/il ?an otTer theM m? UV ilii, .un lila to SB BBBSSaHl with tlic BStvBaBY?kfN of th. ir old hntiiei. I'liit'it t mu!,', a- ?:.i\e laUnr I" ullim-l the en I v kind to in luid, l have no doubt that americana in :>u ? Besa ba?are ran generally "hirers''of siuv.- ui?er. I km?? t*. il il common ?BJ lag that Ihn slaves li'n to Ikj III Barvleoslth the aVtatuieans, taseanas of Um' unusually Bind ir, .in,, ni they recivo from t limn. I read that in Chill tbetrnuslatlon of Langfi How's " Rvangellne" Into ?nanlsh, i?y thai ?tUtlngiilshed i><" t of that country, r4ephor ?tilo? Molla \ n una. has been well received li) the ?tiliiin pi? sa. On the Mtb Instant the ions ooked. for i. a i.iitli eoiiiiulssloii of .?in. it Prof. Agassis I- Ute ? ti?, i ,iD\i?i in this port. Tm Profesaui n. etsb? taol tin mil, n i, among Mtsding BrasJllaas, as hi!, a. his OWB cmlllr) in? n. POBFalON KOTES, The trriilv t?ajrtwd ii|n?n liolYvm it liu?iu :tn?l J.I...III pi .vi'i? s that, m iht event of s diSaauai n nrtsiag Between ?ne of the two raatiaet?ig Panera anda third Blatt, th, util, i contracting l*owar ?hall m. dial?-, and if tins lui.,-i ? prove n-ie-,. ?hall t*io?a its harbors ..?.Mi n-i tie ahlps ?>i tbe Statt? attacking its ally. TabS MmiI.uiiI T?*l???'r.i|?li, ? iiiiin ? i ttf Uni Imuriif. Au?tinli?, Wath il" t.le^taph bWat? ? of the woiui.har. BBBasambllsh? t IJSOmlloa toward to the north of Aiisiniiu. It la pronusad i>? brMge "\>t tins mi. i M'nin,'iii i., .ml the mi?... praba'ily, oval the whole III,' ??!" BC in SBSbTBbU-B lu four liinnlli?. It i**- iKiw unii?iiiiu-?'il in id? leu??1 lo ili< reo|,t tiinii it h? l,ii?t?,',iil us .? milit?t) hallar ti,.?t liar iscsfi Bitiusl?, ami iti'Mk? foi i< va?? ?m. iiiiivi *uj aie to he eon "fritclcd there, ?ml nil the bay? und Inlefsof the: Cher?oi. kit lo is? protect?..I by forte, bin few, If ?liv, Inland fortlfl? ?Uonaan totmtrnetri on the l-Vnlamilit. ih?' railway lo Heba'afopol will be finish, d m B year. IffiMB. l?vclifiHsliiirii ?nul (?olil,-lnniilt, fix l'uinisiaiiaf;cntH for the Erin Uadwa*, Company, atSSJSd a.Trciihir on Um 2?ith ult. statin?' that. In BaMlMtMJB for ?hare? with the ticket of " I'rote? thin (''ee " at |?U|i d, IaiiiiIoii cirtlllcales wotiid lit nuce I?' i--?'"!. Pol Bll ou,, i shan s receipts Would U? given, but tin ?hare? iinii-l i. r. in to the h, ?al util.?. In N.-vv York for vnlth i llnti I" Is,,, lajU(joa cflTlilcal.?? could lie RlVOB ill ft eaosfB. Mr. (?coi-ro Anderson, M. I'., IBM of Sir Chai I. s Iii!!?e'? f, .. ??,,,M,rt?.r?, wrlbs a? follows to 7/.r ?''""?"" Time? reir.ri?iur ,.?. most ?n Sir Charle?'? moliiiii: " I hive rea..,, fo know that thSSS MTB? vote?! In Uie mim.ntv were, iiy i., ?,, ,,? ,|?. (?,lv memlnr- who desire?! the information. s.??. Vote,l acatntl haviiur if, urougn fear of t.i-ir vole ?.,,.,Il|7, Dilsiaterpreted. The motive may be a iii-et.-et ?me, u>i> i ,au muy ?ay I have no sympathy with it." Prean do Wedel, who liah BBRsj convicted RR the muni.u i t.f OastaVS f.i.iudey, tl,? ?ir?) vntiui of tatafPaii ? Commun", was executed at .-ato-y early on the. monoBROf tin-lltth lilt. He faced death with RTSOl eouraia"?'. Ho wjilkeil steadily up to tho pn?t, took hit ?t.uitl 'icfore it in a llrm, erect attitude, and, ,"ff?r ein iirixiii?rtlie prit?* who confessed him, auv?d hi. bat, and exiTa'tiii d in a lo*ad, alear v?u< e, " Boldiers, I die iu aoriiit. Aim ?ti.tight at my heart. Pire!" He dropped Instantly al the Brat volley, apparently lifele-?; but .?uc.r the Btar?reoa's examination tue final blow was iciv.-i, There were many ?oldiirs present, but fow civilian ?pi c labirs. Rumors of ne'.v alliances aro i?iirrerit in Eu r.i;.e. f ' i? n? ?cried that Count Arnim Las brought fruta Berits S sclinm? uf defensivo alliance, between Italy and <?< rtnany. Italy guarantee? to Germany possession of Al-.ii? and I/iiraiin-, and (ieiruaiiy guaxantces to Italy Boom aa capital. In case of war the two Powers will ar ratiice .1 combined plan of military operation?. It 1? also elated that IM??!.? will Join this coalit; .u and her delei mlnatlon to tear up tin* last rema??nR ?hr-xi? of toe Treaty of Paris by rebuilding tho fort? of (Sebastopol ii MRardedaseonflrmlncthis report. The Berlin eorre ?pondentof ?he Lonaon Times totocrapbi?<! on thi RMS nit. that Ooanl Arnim, I In Uerii'.uI Knvnv, WBO In? Be. n transferred o? l'art?, had to present his ?etter-i of te? ui to Cardinal Antoii.lll, us the pope SUk*peiated him of ha v Ins n - ? inly brouaht to Boom the draft of a detenaive In : a'.e.'ii <n riniin, and Italy. Pris?e i'r("l'.lj_lt '..?re? did not ?-.ill ?'ordinal" Antouelli. In the of Common.? of Groat Britain, on the Mth of March, in reply to Mr. Hor.4maii? re.pi.m\ that, v, i 111 refereaea ta tho Alabama Treaty, no mw da should ha iiinie or accepted !iy tin I. ? ?tniirnmeat as bindingon Qreaa Bailaba until thay ?hail ban i. a m..i'" kaowa t<? Part?taseat, and BaoptMM tunliy aSotde i for an expraealon of opinion upon then, 'fr. Q ?dstoae taldj leaooot hesitate toaavlareRai I to tot li nuestlon, thai w? re it in tin? va m "i the Boom, eve it to be, that it should be ana*? r? i in tin aih n i r.e, it wooId reatttce the position of any Oovcrninent t I h international neaottatlons to such estate thai ii ?ronld !?? ntrb tierthat the Houses of pat li.m,?, m ?bu .M take diplomatie negotiation! out of tho h uni? m Ministers, 8?4put then lato thehaudt of cniiimii't-e-, or perh p4 as an improvement, lato the bands ol ?oinej Int committees. [Hear, be? j Booh a i that would render ne?otiationtimi isslbl?, thenresi nl ? ! ? ilile?tee of err'ir? woul I bo m,;., -.....- m .r r the T ?? n n/Ill bom.rabie friend. I therefore must ripear tlie caution win. h I ?mva- \. ?ti nla.., and B |Ui -t my rtk,'ht hon i friend bi ? to suppose that what I t.. v.- ?aid bas any ? mi .- to an? thing th it It ? thought ?t 'n. du ? t" ?!?- h I ha t ven, which I? founded entirely oa general pria? | k 11 ? ar, la ar.| WASHINGTON, PBOBABLB U3TIOM Of TBB BOtTSR OM TIIR n i?, i i.i.? r it i; in\ i.-i i?: um:?.?- INI,;. IRTB050MI? AI. B.-PBOITI0M PBOFOSRI?. |B1 ill). ,;:.w;i ro rBB 1 SIBDXR.I v. v-:iin rus. M ?reh M, I The tt I !<? Tar.lT bill Will 1 ' broil lit to the QoSM to a_0nwW,i .' Iti ::nit r-l""U Ciaf Mr. Divvi ? ? in |aj n as the '? ih , on tl ?? granad that the Renate had no right to ?ura a bill revising tho satire torta 'and la tentai tax ayetem as aa amendment to a Dti?aa bill to abolish the dut) on ?aii. Memban who have been l?>nk Inguptbe notion ol the Boase li?*r? tofor? in similar : that all the pre?retlenta warrant ! of the Bhern ? n ?iolaUtNi i.i tbi lhatall bills r..r i.ti.-iu:* ? h. BOOSB Of II. p?i .?< atallva-.?. n SSI liait tiny ?.amid have been u;t fo ?train ?i ptiiut and re?'. Ired nail Ntat ta?-lull, i. tha Beaate had atopp d after nuki..- thi rad? leal ?li tad ? m the Tarifr; bat when it went furUn i aad added a tweeptag repeal of atoros] tu?-, there bo longer be say ?tueste?s thai the eoattttaBoaal anv? il . bad m-? :i ii?....!. d. 'i'.>'|,ie?t.'iii h..a bonillirnteiid in theWsytaad MesasComt-lth li is undent) od thst bb tgreemi tit w t? oome to that tho I ii' tbould is iiiiiii'"li.?te.y l.ilileii. Neither the I'ro.,-c lion da nor tl"- Bevenue Iieforniers will rain oi anything by this course, for, if the bill were received and referred to th? Committee, it would n - . it of whatevi r mes ture th? u m the <i"i'",t''' might ttsjraaU a?* the rtault of their Winter's work. A l'.'T'ii : m memi i r of the Booae Special Oamailttoe ".' the n ivy Dep rtmenl laid, , to i*, that the evlileaee tuns tar taken app? aied to Iti-u toprovi thai Bc??ret_ry Kobe on, in i-oj. eoaveaed .? Board of Naval OtAettt to examine aad pass apoa ?ev?> !Il.'^ol i I., .? .1 *?? i ' r .V Co., for extpi w'urk oa certain war veesals, which elahaa had been barred by the expresa terms of i -iitm? passed In ISSB, Xhal is I8T0, be paid these lUegal claim*? apoa the approval of the Ilo.ird, amot?atlng to fll7,0??). a'nl that he pahl them from the appropriation for ronrtrarttou sad repairs of the navy for tlifl current year, which he h:nl bo iiiriit to ose for the ptirpo-io of paying aa old i tini 'f any nature, however proper and lawful II n. y be. The naiiili' r .nl'li ?I that th" for. e of this te? um. tiv would,perhaps, lie weakened by tho discovery of preced? m? for t?. ? ???. :?? tary'a actnm, i? it that be aa? .:? i i odthat .-a?-n tai.? lkolH'Son would baso hi? dellii qnenee upnn a ml?-undei*?tan?ll?g ol the iaw of i?-'i, which appropri?t? d|llS,()00to pay i be ? l ilmaoftbe Becora ?a?j ii t tin- money would b ? receive?! by them a? In fu!? I of al! tin "i 11: ii"? upon thr uovernment. Th? - - ? iniiiitli'iit of coming oui of tut? Investigation wlttioilf diilmige. The .*"t:'.?-Coiiimitf t* of fli" HmiM Coninctfee on C.ini iin n. oegaa the mresriajatloeof the Soutli taprova meut Company oB monopoly aa flatnidaji Tii? aat?_a afternoon v?;?? oeenpli dta the examination of x?/ A delegation ol tea oil-well owner? ami aU tt?attt from \\. tera Pennsylvania was preasot, beaded by ex Ostv i 'in i liiBllnu. i hree in ont ft pt. eentla : the rao* liopolj v?t If Jil-n 111 attelnlain e. It I'm l-i'ipi. ?t of the latter, the Investigation Bras held arlth 11" -d .loor?. Th.v all' -'? ?? a :>.i "it .'"i d) -ii ill?.' IblS ."Ulse (., i.,. taken thai they undereto?od attack? ?rere to be nulo itpmi their t har.n-ti i?, Winch It Would In unjust lo Un in tn have i?'? t into tin? newspaper?. In the I'i-itrlct ??ov i ru tin* tit In vest ??,':i turn the testimony on the side of the complainant? v?:i? .T.s?. .1 on .*? ifiirday, nut 1 on W? dm ?day next the CaainiuiUee will e'innieii. e in ?iri'ik.' evtdeace for the defeaaa. fite Isytttli kB "i has li.ivv b. ?'ii ?ti prttrgresa fur ahaal tw.? nunth?, and appears to have changed oobody*a opinion aboul ?in* bonesty and rapa? Ity of the new TenitoriHl Qov? nuaeal of tin* Di-trii t. The trleoda at the Terntotiil atittion tie. it-iri thai the eviileiiti? taken has not daoiaged then a particle, and their eoemles ntaiutala thai Inci m j. l. i ev ami Corruption hive been i le.iri.V tleilion?itra'ed. Tin* luvestlgatlon haa apread over ao much irromui. ind gone Into ?o many tit tuil? that tea dialntereeted i*er.?. . n.n M," - done would be worth having, bave Pulli! tin time to lOilOW ?I ClOMl) clioll?.ti toiaiincti. Big conclusion. Cre?. Hctuv and other ielenU-e nun eoanet*tedwith tas siiiitii?nur-'ii taatltute aad tha Baval OhssraaIan liave united in an InterestlllR nn iiioual t?t c.'tu-i'?., UIBlBft lllR B|BM0|MBBHBB of lUaSSI to make i xtcii.-lia and Ihatoagh |n?-_>.?<.?ti??n bu <.b?crving the tian-u ,.f Venu? across tin? .-un, which will take phic<? In 1h;i. and t? loohed noon .?? the Basal taportaal aatatastasaleal i venl that h i? m . .11 roil for in mv ?ein?. The htsttiatt sit was m i,:", ami c\i Ited to much lm? rest in the - en title world that aeveral Manmeaa OnTikramnnta.martu liberal a|ipuipri.ilion? 10 ?liable their iistrouoin?rs to take ob??-ri.ill.ui?. lim transit of lH.'i will mil l.rti-ib|.! in Ihn c.iiinlt.v, atitl will In? I?.--; ???? u from the island? i.f II, ?-l'iiili I'.o :i"'.'lid Indian ?) tl lapiopoaad lo ?i ml naval expi ditlous to IhOSO patota. ?letoiilpitliltsl by 'Cleiiiifle partie?. The ?ai'ViiniiieniA of iiuin.v Ol the ? a m ui i h ? ut Europe have airead] taken ?topa to lalaainl, Bad there U HI a- doubt thai ConRreas will enable tbe a-1.onn i? ?it i hi? t ?m nit v to have in?* ?a un- advimtogea a Un ')' for? i-'li I'l'. ll.l.'tl. It bat ' !.i?i 1?? ? n dt ?lib d that C Sickles will PB? ! turn to hi, mission al Madrid, hut that bit ?lay will is-a v.'? brief one, a? it i? hi- pin;.to return jud lake pari ni tin' coming l*n aident) .i eauvasa. Tin? proce. dill'.- of tin Oregon -(.?i.? K publican i ,m Vdilinti licht on IOS 90th lUst. have jn-t Id. ?nil lull-. The ? m.vim.'ii In.-iiiii tel n? delegate? to vot.? fot (?i.mi sad ? nit.ix. uni nominal i J u ITIIaoa aa a ? ?a? ?late for Congres?. Tbe del?gate? t" t1" Nadoiial Cou ?. n, , ni Philadelphia are B. )' I??? ?? '. J. I . Booth, 11.. ill. -ti, (h. I.eo. P. Iloilii.ili, T' l.-OB ??liIt. and .?I ll.allli l-oii. m.i.xi.ii w. i'?i.A.? ni ? v..*ii i Tlie Sen 'in r> ol in?'T'u a?nrv has sntlioii'fd tin* A? ?Olulit Tl'iHeiiu i of New York to pitch.i.e 4l,l??l. Ml Si hotids on . n Ti Wnlne-ala.V. ?Ut.l lo ?ell |l.'X?i,t?ikj tw IBM , id ?... i? lliai ??Ja? liiiriiii' the unmU' of April. POUTIOAL PKRSKCUTION. A lU'I(II OF MVSIKklolJrt INDICTMI^rR. OLD WaiBjjrv rts.'s kf.vivf.d???. v., mi m-M y AM? atOBs-tt HUtaUT Mtfl iniii: i.nkmip.S ?SlNOIILAIt OObVDDOI OP TIIK ?,114*. I, Jlf:y. The, ;nifioii.ic<?rii?*nt in Tiik TbsMOBB tlmt. th. rjaltad . laten ?i, ?it f.,art ?Intel J i?y ,,rrler.-.l iii'lhtmeiits for offl,l?l corrn?itlon n.M.i.-t SI Cnlted BBa-SS DiHtrkt-Attorn-y ?4_rmi<*l (?. ?'??lurim'y ami ei Mar.? liai Kotiert Murray dn?w to that cotrt, SB fiaturdH>, B Bbvga number of BffBBBfakWsJ lotmirers an-l palltNlana. among wh mi wai the Hon. lawtS "???.?"?Ion-, M. C After -t it? BBtag th.? BtlSSa m e.tmviit>?l at th?- BBB1 frm of Hi?; t'oiirt, J.i'!. I'.. ? I let directed a MS8SS int.I tt B-, at which hour he not Basa iuiortueri ti,e Gt*aad Jary wnuld ri?c. Wln it that hour arrived, lie Jury ?? at word to the Juil'r, tint they i, (|iiind f irlli-r turn? r.,r delib iration. Which wan f?r.?n?'-'l them. At 1 o'cln. k tin-, ?tu iioiirieed that they would not riw. for an BOOT ; and. llr?-d of waitl'iif, Judi?e lieneillet went away, iMVlag i lie Jury to present to Ju?U?) Bint, liford, who was t?TBaBBat?bg bankruptcy business, the lb??baa?SB?I ttaSy bad BaWsYat At ahout i o'tkM k they entered Jud??* nil i,'?,,. ?Jourt, presente?! a l.irifo burtdio of I?dieta-til??, ;,ud wcri SaW?a_BT*aai for tin: term. Soon after the preacutitlon of th BSaaWaWs?> Mr. ?"oiirtm y appetrcd in CoOlt and ttlt I Your lit mor, I see If stated in I I, -;i Ifl !' : ? pap r tl...?. toe Qraad .hiry bave orden i ?n i t<? be drawn ai-num inc. aad I w..:ir to ktlOW If I bava l??-"ii indi? ' L Judtm Blatcliford-I have not. looked at the Irv'lcf nicuta., ami, therefore, lri.n'i know whether ron havs b?:<?n Indicted or not ; votitrn obtala tbe ?i niatlon froin the 1 mr ,| -?ate?. I?!itr. t lu.,.u?-y. I have ii'dlunc whrit? ver to tlo v? |t_ this matter. Mr. Courtney? I have bOOO for sen ral renia an officer of th!? Court, and I know of no plsva la whleh ;t i? iimr?. proper to a?k for the lufortuatlou I de . . I*hn lr_|i_g Att??n,ey l? |,re??*ut, ami I repeal mv .?tie- '?? The,">- -Mr. Courtney, th-'. Bad Jur? li.'tv? found no Indu tun lit. u?.iinnl jou. Mr. OoBattsgry then left fthe Court, Fi.rtli- i art Isaes was soon .obtain?*,!, however, in corruboratioti of the Htatennnt that Ihi; 'jr.iml Jury hn l ordere.', an ?t,?li ?? BbSattO tie ?lrawa tgttomkMlr. ?"'?nrtuoy, and that tue Oi.itiit t-Attorney hat! dceliuicd to draw || f?,r take reason til it SB Wa? aBk??I d thai the alleaTatl'ins il'i-m Va-SB Hi?. In<_etateaI hadhosa aWaWMtwara falsa. The cbar_o ? r.'fi rred BgalaSt Mr. ? '.?iir?riay OOtOn IBS (.?and Jury wail that lao riM???i."d, la Baf PTarOfal capa? ?ty as Unit??] BtatCS D b_*tt**tV.tttorfl r, a befas Bf ?Ai,??f; Bl BSBBfl one (,?; m t-ted With the K'-Ptitclry I-otirbouConip-invlorclctiie the Bfw?I ? -? .rure. To refute this charge, Mr. (?lurttirv nt'? ? ( r.. tard? la IkS I?i?!rit?t-Attorn"y'soiB(.!, which ?how that th- sum h?: in c??iir^-'t 1 with receiving as a tullie?* 1.,'oe.lin n li.-itiuiataj manner, and tii.'tl*. was IBS BUS* Bvartatha T.-._?iiry Dt-partiu. nt. Mr. fiiailnsf ?in n ?a , ? (liia intention of prosecuting, if he ran fl-iil him, the pasma who made t!,- -,? sa*?afgaa BaaYtBSt uiiu, aul ? b_IBbbVj__ BBBkSSat a? l'iii*"d ?Via I ? MaY_i ? tittorsay willboar Hie str..-;,at ?.-rutiny. mu li -, ? in? ta ha tin? opinion of all . .. wt?,> J.-src to uiako i-o?ticalcaplUl b? proaticuti::!' Mr. OotBTa? Bey. i:v :,i,i-hai Karrsy was ta BttrinilBPirii am all sss? ,Mi ready, If fa i ?.<?.-? ? :<nr r-'iuin ,1 'inu, Ths J !?/ oi.l ?.,.! ,,..,i toite ??I, la i'.-rta.ii; and taat the in! "lui'iit w.ts to t i I ;?,:,'?! BOB a false , Bflrg. .f ac eeptinga bribe in ?ome;??ld wtiL-ky l_SB,toaaSat prob able. a?r. ICiura' Mpya that duiia'2 the t_si u.? ?>?_ Mu I?al, fr.'iu UM I , ISSJ, over ft.OO.r?)?).??! pasaed throagh hti haisas, sad thai be osa at sanA too svarg doll i?-. He ? mover, t>? dl m ? sa dril" What. ' :.. !?.a Otand Jury, and to " brltii? him t,i grl f." Jud.'.-Jiilaletif -r l.litii'e.l Kenn- t'i O.; V! :* ?. !'. fi. naanilsslniaii sad Clerk of tin-court, I o I fa ihaipsf the iiidJcttii'-n'.?, to hail, oreornttiit In .', f h?: ". . indie ted persons, and to ii leno raats agalaat _*??a until i.i-d.".-,'. it is saidJnpoa apparently ?.-????.i ...i thonty, tint ta. t i-i. I .lu.-y indicted 6) ptWawaa tor cod iplrtag fts*a ysara ago ** to ?te_*aad the Ooverntnent" in <?? rt.-iiti whisky caaes, sad riomn.. nt lawyer? .u-" laetnasSl to the ,,|, ii, n ' pilot these p-dletf-cats an by the Statute of jfJarftatlone. Th iy ar roe an follow? : I lefeadaots arc Inditttnd tor eoasptriag ta deftaad the UnitedStatas. Javdga Nelson has held thai the law ptiuihhiutt ciiusrir.wy applies to all ?_ 'i ? IgS'afl the t't ' SB 1 that, aJt'io'i "'a ". iii?i?e?d sa aporttoaof the lut.rnal pa venue law. it i? aal i ?>.. lln.-d to, and H no ptrt of that law. ?fftvw, ofl?u.?e? apt in??I fhe R"vcuue are l,arr.d by ? period of flv?) y.- ,r?. und all ??''n-r t "a?B - ;. hair. <1 by a period vt two year?; t?toiqunatloa Is, t?**?i*esarel wlit-:hcr th" mere eOBsptracy to violate i ? Ihternal Kfviutio law is an offeaSB .??aliiI it, aVSst \.'i-tlicr, a? i ut h iiffoikati. it m not barred In le-? ?hau las yas-s. tu? -, ' i- . been Jo?Ik'tally paasad apon, but will . . ? i upon the trial of tabeas badletaaents, and fur tattsi*eaaoatney are n ?-arded with ssara than sir?taary lut? r.*.?-. In ?h ir?rin^ this '?rand Jury, alwut tl.?- areaha ago, Judgja Blatd Tiie raraetlee of defraadiag ths Oorernnieat by smngajing is greatly on the increasi', ai "i ?r? 1,,-,',' in, . ?? I - , "Hi aa Jurors and gooil cit i/.. u , proutpl t?? pre Vent f,,r trial .?..r. out shown t>> prvpti have baen engaged in this praetl?2e. * * * ? lib!? et t" which i ?I'-ite to c.ll y.n.r otfi il alt? u tion. It i>? its upon the < u.-umi ? giving and taking ?t bribes by certain i u, ,i - ? ? * i also <!? ?re to call r a mm io w'i.t? la blown as "locking up" and keep ug u out of <. . for thepnrpoae of feet?ng t tie appetite f r ?h ??? gambling, airead.? i.,-? n ?lid ravenous enou ;h to re?|uira no stinaiant. aloncj in withdrawn ti i circulation when national banking i.Lai >ns t.e L'nlted States notes,or ;. not? -, i iritj f? r leaiih. Xh?) :tt'* o? Fei?. I'J.' l-t'.'.1. -a> - that nj 1 baaka?g BaaiaYolatlon ?iiaii her.ati.r . it? ? ur re? >? Unirad states note? or nattonai bank i ??i ? -a- as or as eiilat.rai -< i-iu ty. :?>r .im loan ?>l I ?hall they, l,,r.t i ?u-idtratluii, witl.liuld tue -.mi. :n u aae, No'.witlistandi'i/ this charge, it 14 ?.ml. ami not \m:',i out foumi.itini, thai the OraadJary v oh bo so ,? toa.? if any of the national bank-? un- violan...- in .. : <?! K? b, tS, 1869, m r> ,2ird io looking up BbOBi y ; that ?l > paid do atteutiou to th,-chare?--of bribery ?peal o , : certain? ??.torn-hoilM'i 111,ial-.illi'l tnat th*'onI) SanaYSBjIlBg cases of which th"y !? ok any no!. of i.iiuor iiu B irt.uice, in win. hat." nitcd st.ilcnCt'.iiii.i-.' B? Bad h( Id th?. tu'cim-d t>>await their act;,,n. la speakias ??f the SatBB_ad disrtv?rd '?> thl4?ii*aud Jury of the btstrnet?>aa of tho court, aproiniie ut BbwytbraBad: " ?..;.,.?i Juries are irrtipoili'ibio bo.lics; tue.? BBS I Itbt un?-t explicit lustructinns of tho Conri, sad liters i? no law to reach them. It i? b'cli t.l-.n-. thi ,? ' r. , that troy were BhOat-li?*d,or that a law Be pnSM dt*m| .wenn?: the Court to punish them :<>r eonteiii'.t.'II ( Its instructioii?. IfthaCtoorl dlreetaaivtltalui to Hud BtSattatlI 1? Ixminl to BOO] ; Sadtf th? I ,?iil ??r der? a tir?tel Jury to com- roiag setr?ala cum.-, there is no reas.'ti why ?u ?dietice -Inm'ai not SB cnfircd." T!ie mummjt thai IB? ?. Jury Bad BSt un?SSUsatS the cntne Bf livl.iu.; u?> inoufy lor Hie reaaVSl that one of U? BBBBber had ??.-.-.? ?'??n \ ?et?'d of a like ?t?i'11-e Im incorrect. 1 'lie i ?? ?M I ?-'f the Court ?how t liai BeWMOBtly indi, tc 1 I??*. i, '.?-.i BO pleaded (?iniii , ami that In W.i- ft..? 1 * T_l.!.(;K.\rHIC RO-aaW. _A poatal coiiYctition was c.mcltii?lc?l . i Ilia .? tli -.- ?. ?,, BbbsbS ?" '? lia,.. _The ship Virginia, front I'.atli., l,a,i??l a.l? railmad trua, la MbMI i r?' la?luii Kn I . . _Tin? niacliine^li??!???! tlie K.iM? ni i.' hii-kI Cat Wnflv in BbBBBY, M?a? .|? i? r?.i???? .'a:i) ^lu...., . Tile e.invicted uilti-t ItUaWSM I POttWS "1 lo-Ai' {.-i. . I,.i* tiero ?rnl?-o,?-a la (tuia t?j tu ?il ?ra? ?a B S??at Harr. _Th?? tirst tlirotu'li train of the laOuLsvilla ami i ..t, a. ln??a p?av??i ui, ? . . u? s? ! turUa?. _One of tli.? parsjrat iWyea ?,! I"tr-? evei moto in |l.? r,aii?-,.ta-?t Kl?rr. . -mil atol It BB?I- ? * SSW guiugilaaD. ....Th?? vi.Id of k!<?l?l. silver. YMtil. nipt? .1 ?bill la raiWatall ?Il j lat aiS ?? btaaaaast, t ?? .? al ?ajr tuiui?r ?nata. ....Neif.itlati.'ti- with tit.? IVtiiiiMilat an?! (IritMital i!it- rt.ab'i-bBBtala? B liaa ?il ?MBat ra Iwiarra . . ? ?, a a.r ta ,? " ??>?. A lire on Batnrdaj in Prorideibfe i>ium?t the ? ,. i; .?I it? .nuil a*.. ? ?? !.. ? BBS t?.. 1.,,. - " t (<?*4'. I?. - . a Ira ?I . BBStataa)Veeeme ?? it.-rt.avatrornl il-a ?tal _'Hie Miasoiiti I , ri?.!.it nit? liiii | ?a- - I il .nt ,\ i?nl,'.?- Hi' I m '- ? ' - ? . i!? W.a'rin .fl ^ e ? ? . . ..f tka ,.,, il.-?it??,- ' " ?' ???''?'" ??? ' ? B?a:ij ,', ,, ?riba?i ??. mi ?.,1 invoaiil. a?ii (v., . . IBaBB BaaaB> ,?J a?aWa??at t? it" I In it Itoritoii boaWt-UaJ hotis??. on Priday, the ?a??,if liiomaa \N li '?""'? ?''"'a - " bal at ?? ?? i m ??|>|?rl a?U uitrar mr nf a !.??? ? ?>BamsaBlB ill??aa. tl.?l t? bl? IBBBB I IJ ?B ?B.itrriloarw?lauJai,,:,. i'1'n I" .,'?'? Lr ??' ?r- " J i ? ' "' "'*' "*? liu.hai?i at. utiabl" la r? a !rr aij i.r rill fot ilaiilBu,'.' i*U ? ? k ? .all B?.l J??- M" tlllli.u?. i? ?Bill lu tin? taarn?! ?ataiii?: I.?? ,.??a*at ulfc.-r uatruia-aial'li? r. a_aaBl ?.f Kr?|K?rt. ?1?? rtaS bal ?? ^.l ?hi? I?.in a.r. ?I?,?. ? iriirr ?????? ?Srrtii? It? ??' bM >"?? ?tikk?i?i. ik* liavliti ?an lakr? la .>??r?.il In? :??, u