OVirnCkiHcnio, cit., Chio (Trcnin?i.
\? vi?i MX .t Moste Itali&n Opara : "UTiovn
??m." Mme. afanaswBaaa kaaaarj, aal Wat_( i
Bootb's liiiiviEi',?"Tlio ilm iliiuick." Misa Le
lirrn Avi i? iK TBBATMB. --" The l'iovuk, .1 Ras?
RMABB OlBBl llottsr. ? " E.ill.i Km-kli." Mi?s
ci ?ru.
Nip.it ..s C VEDEN.?"Toll ?mil l'art lier .Joe." M;-.
j B vv
Oi.vwri-r 1 "ll*.r:ii*tv Dnmpty" li'iiiiitl
i r ?
l nui*- Si'.'!;): TiirvriR.- \?i>.rii-iv E.Tiip:iiiv.
W": :.'? TliKAi'i i:.- " The Veteran." E ; .
.*!N E?* 11 D -n:i i??.? Hirtli, WaiiiholJ.ptr.
Rmpiki Pixr. ? r.anniiu's Museum. Mci n.vi i",
N'vw \'??l ? < lit? .'*?. 1 ,mr!( .'lit!*-??.,'.'???'vi'c-i [_ird
? ' ' ?.. Ki .r."
BttftiiUBt -XoCtCG.
T<> tu; ?' i\-r>ipnvp.?Wit M.?i:"?. COMTOUMD
? a. ?
fit"-' '- i r -.'..?" Bat?, I? <*'". ?
a a . -I, ,.:,.,- i ? ,,H ?oasTl elarariou?.
Brttari ? .??-..
,'rr IS S?? loin.. 1,1111 lit Ail, Wll.lillK I ' a ouil ,u,
Colportera say tli?- mosl popular tract is
w usas'i , . ,,
Wood Carp tino, .*?>> ?rontlway.?Hotel
pro; ti. lor? -tr I is ths ... !. :l...i- i!i : will ?Tea I
Inl- 1a. . .-.. ? i n f.aral. _
I - it Limb .
a ? ' , . ?
Daii y r n !'*??. Mail 5 nti i
si ???-W; ? ?,i y 'j r; i ?. i nk, Mail Siibscrili -r*. ?'-'! ? n.n.
V i BKLY kiiiCMB. Mail Hub ribei ..? ?iuinm.
\ i! v c r t i s i n ?: '?' aii
Dain.T Tbikfm '-v.. ?M?e., fidcL, 75c., an?i *st r*r?rline.
Si'xn-\ : i ?:.'.- i lim t .'"?.. *'i '.' c I? per lira?.
WB1 ..; ?.
..i the ,i. per.
i'eriii.?, ??; '?i in advan<*e,
Addri-aa i'!'- ratai sa.New-Torit.
l\ t iv r? o x?t r??ail?? Srib .u:ii\
? :.i;ay, Ad.il i. 1872.
Tin- I .-? ii ?T AssriuMy took a peeasa on S-.tiuiluv.
V. T. . ,.? a ip fin. i ? An BXpllMtoB in u
fa?o factory in Cornwall, Bur., (?.::-?! tho ?osXa of
r.'xeii \, lint II .i:.?l lilt* vvo'.ii'.IdR ol sevt r i! Otbei -
lather i... -i xviil abortly leave Bomc fot tie?
ritjr I Is n ,?ert< il taut the tt?M?let VlrRiaiut bat
er.?':i|. 1 la lil ' pill iV.lli.
'. vrrnmcnl ail] s?^l! Ii.ooo.cot of sold, and pi
? . diuiOR :!?: aiontb ?i April, Pitr
? r? .?f Hi ? Paeite < ?Mat eatthRaake tire
??i n t! .? : ? .i:-.i.ti-. V i ha? d. t iiin-.i
?t Wai?! -at. n. V:i. ssBawa A Naebvilla pe??ee oiliitr baa
tneea tbol . y a ?li ?p? r ...
1 ? -. i - ? ? ?? ?: t' d fii i!i" l.oforc inorniniaT. -r=-r^
i . i,:.-i:v lii?, 1,-u.ii, Mtwlt?atandinR
tu- " Dntcb Deinrich" ?va? ?"u;riici ?i il? tea
ye..t- . \ batchul u.V.?, 11 lotto
tniT.*? ?ra? (?r?--.'!it?'?i i?> Ute I". ???. Grand Jury.
0""1. .. ... T... ::.n ra< ter, "? . : ...
Wo p.- joice to Id ar that tho Hon. Jamea
Wood will not rositru his Heat iu our State
Beaate. He i?'???es liiin.-elf m well qualified
lor t L?- ii...?i"(iii he holds as many ol' those
who are n. alt In jndgineBt ou his detterta, and
will quietly await that judgment. How much
!? : 1 ?? 'i it be po.-tpincil /
Ii is -? ma satisfaction t?? see one n"i"d
rii?iiii 11 put out of the way ol doing farthi i
barm for a season. Tha aentenoa ol ".Dutch
"Hein . '.' t.. ten years at hard labor in the
l'entti ?'?l'y x.i.i serve to lerrify the wit te;.?*??
whost? .;::.? s have ?lefied justict-; it is iif.t too
BCTcre ?1 i 'malty to inflict on u Bum who has
lu.ig Im : ?i peat to poiiety.
ath Dipt to ilcliat'" the cost ol roy
: , ? in Engli nd miouM er?*ato an uproar in
P r' .um 't was to be exp?cteil, lint tho ex?
tent?. From the Loinlon prc-s, wliich we n
prinl 1 -: ,\, show that the counnolion wa.s
h.iiij'i, 1 fil. It may aootho the nerves
oi t? na ol 0111 un-n jtiihlican fcllow-cili/.? us,
who admire mon.irchj, to pencive that row
? l.v 1 . iniital viulcnce are not peculiarly
,\ni' :
By all 11 ans. let DJ have the proposed in
qi ::v into the fraudulent inanufacturc ot citi
;-.-.. ?.?- iSupreine ami >v.y,< :ior Courte In
IM??-?, iv which Hofl-oan waa ?lected t-OT-rxtor,
ai .1 %? w-York State eani'ii fox Seymoai aad
E'.i!. J: is a large und? rtnkii'f?, but om
ht to bo thoroughly ibmo, 60 that
we m,!, ' bow what Jodgea made the papera,
xv.. 1 circulated them anang the Erie employ?s,
?mil who profited by the fraud. The united
Slates Grand Jury Ii.ih been HBaUag some in?
quiry into th.- niiittir, with what r?s?,U will be
known in a few days.
The E?Tunned Charter now goes to the
A ..?1 'tii.ii.i lor conenrrenee in the ?Senate's
amendments. Most of these are approved l.y
publie opinion here, but oue is condemned by
the entire l'ic>s ?that which intrust.-? tho
selection of our great Com m il si? n to two
?Justices of the Super.or Court. Wronfr as
thin is on the face of it, its coneealiMl object
is still worse. We cannot doubt that the
As-.'i?My will eniph.'itically nject it. Do let
aa have a Charter whose object Ii T.ot to pat
A. or II. into Oafflee, but to retrench expendi
taira aad .?ccuie honest, rule.
The troablea of the tea and coiTce i)nporters
have apparently but just beirun. The ?Senate
bill e.'iiiiod.vmg the repeal of the duties 00
thc.s)' anides contains so much new matter,
:i will be renumber d, that the I louse has
pood it '.itou for taklBg Bmbrage ?it an unau
thorized invasion of its sole rij-rht to originate
lulls of revenue. The Senate added a liTcut
d?-al ??! land' ?un'inlnient, and thon provided
in the same bill for the repeal of the Internal
Revenue law. The House will act on the
iniich-aii'Tiili-d bill to-day, find theie is a
Btraag impreasion in Washington that it will
m.un? ni "ti its dignity and N-Baa t<> cousid?r
the action of the Senate aa ?oji.titiitioiial.
Dr. 1 it Ei.'clxov.i/.er, ??ne o-'oiinriost eini
nenl 1 1 I (?cunan biith, who aigaed the
l.'iler to Col. (iio-vcnor printed in our last,
olijiet., to the relcrcnc?: in that ?all as piintcd
to FedCfal ?i\.ition; the WOfda "?or nviiiiie''
?la-iii/ I" " OB?ttod in the copy Kii/m-d by
him, s?? that tin* litter read i "iYdcr.il taxa
"tioii ??iiculd be BO ?ul.jti In! as to m.ike
"the lei;.?ens as lifiht M po.?H?I?|?? upon the
"indr liy ol the country/' In short, I?r. K.
htaoil., tor I'rote? lion, iik we d?. bin a-k s that
i!h Ciud-n.ati Con\?-ntioii (-hall : ;iii[)ly bave
the pe pi?' fi<:0 to di-cid?; Coi l'iilniion or
Free Tr.idc, a? they Mhall m*v. rally prefer, in
the choice of aM?-mb"is of Coi grtsw. we have
u?i ?loiibt that tin- Cincinnati Chiviulion will
talx?: this precise tfiouiid. which i- that which
the l.epubln'aii party L-M alwaj ? BB1 lintaini .1 ;
Hid we is?-?? BoMltni iiKoiisist.iil With tiii.? in
th.* letter io Coi Ofoerraor.
Further accfittnts fioni tin- lit? California
caith'ii?. inilieato that the convulsion was
one of otii'iec? denied severity. About thirty
persons have Oei n hilled antl -vi.-iiiii'd ; sev
botti'iuent-) mo in ruim. : 'he culi -iir
face lins been permanently marred by flsiures
??!? sinkinp?, anil, lo itiuvii all, symptoms, of
volcanic action are reported from several places.
Tbc locality in winch this extraordinary tlisa
tiirliaii,?? <>ce*irr?'il is in Mi?? middle of the.
southern i?art of the Stale, in tin- new Comi
ticsj of Kern and luyo, forme?! from I he * *? m it -
tie?- o? Ifaripoeo und Telare. The region mont
affected is divided l?y the Sierra N.vaiia, Keni
Bivex being on the west hide of tin? ia-lge sbA
Owen1! on Uto east. Tin* country in ?*vi?leiilly
?>f volcanic origin, being sprinkled with son ?a-,
fufa, and other tracen of volcanic action.
Although San Kraneisco is ??omplin-ently rcpre
-i-nl?-?l as ??uiiteiiiplatiiii' the cata.-,! : ? >i j lio wilh
? iinruffled Serenity, it i.s to be hoped that MIM
' Of it- seieutiflc men will feel sufficient1 interest
j in id?- phenomenon to tro down and i:r iti
! ?ran it. _
Up to Last ?reek, we li;??l no serions appro
j lien-ion ?>f radical eluuige in the Tariff at this
: si ?ion. Tested l?y whatever standard, the
country is eisjoying a solid and general ptoo
j prrity. A steady inert* ist? in the import.;!ion
j of Tea. ColVee, and other articles <?f (,'uicial
consomption' a like increase in the aggre?
gate deposits of oar SaTinga Hanks; ?? *aet
extension of mir l.ai1r.?ads in ihti , ex?
ceeding hy hundreds of miles that of
11 rioni jt.ii ; b vciy decided ex?
pansion of our area of agricuUnral production
and an increase of t?ur crops, that of Cotton
except cd; the rapid, persistent r?duction of
our National Debt?these, and many concurring
illustrations of our arenga thrif : andprogre a,
ar,'ii;* so strongly in favor of letting well alone
that we ore sure the judgment of our pe >i ?1 * - is
against any uptarning of the foimdations of
I our industrial ediiice.
A single install''*" will serre to illos*
? irate the perils of the enrrent on
which the tenate lias chosen to that:
In the lasl r? vision of the Tariff, two years
airo, (?en. Si -lit nek was impelled to reduce the
duty OB Pig Iron from $'.) t<? |7 per tun ; the
argument therefor being the a?sertcd ability
of the smclteTS to live under the lower duty,
on the assumption that this reduction of duty
would give US Iron $3 pet tun cheaper. Hut
r first and all but inevitable effect of
;!.t r? -dm t ?oil Was to stop the election
of fi?fnaces, tin? growth ol our Iron
in .ii.-try. Capita] i.s timid; u m w furnace and
it? ace? _ories costs many tiioii.-ands of dollars;
the Free Trade League was calling for free
Pig Iron; su moneyed men concluded to wail
till they could determine how the tide was
rui-ting. We ou^lit to have smelted S.r/Aooo
tans Of Pig Iron in 1ST0, and o.iXW.OOO tuns in
is; I; Me actually did smelt less than l?.O?O.?HK)
tans in either of those years. The price was
feir; the demand was ample; the one oh-tacle
to increased production was a pervading
?lit ail of the effect of Gen. Schenck's re?
duction, anil a reasoiiahle apprehension that
further reduction was impendiiig. We know
th;t other tafineneca have conspired to pro?
?luce the present scarcity of Iron and conse?
quent advance in price; yet we cannot doubt
thai our people aro paying at leas? $10 per
tau more for l'ifr Iron this day than they
?vuuld b.- n CongrtESN had in 1870 Increaaed the
duty .; mi ???'.? to $10, iiisU-jil of 12 :11 : ? i 11 *_* it to
$7. Tie Iron famim la a put of our
case. ; for it has been partly ; roduced by
the check givesi to the espansio- of our Iron
industry hy that reduction. The world needs
moro ami more Iron ; we need mon and
mare; Congi*ess sJaould have steadily incited
our people to enlarge and multiply their fur?
naces ; it ?lid jus? the. opposite; ami now we
an- sullciing the eonsequences of that unwis
So with regard to Wool It is d ?ar; so is Cot?
ton ; tor each is in short supply, es>usi-g
an ad.anee of prices thronclioiit the world.
Bui the Cotton supply can and will he gradu?
ated to the demand from year to year: the
present price will Inevitably Induce a lnrt-c
extension of the area planted to Cotton tin-.
very year. But the production of Wool, though
elastic, is not nearly so much so as that of
Cotton ; at least three years would he required
t" douhle our Wool crop, while that of
Cotton may be doubled in a year. Our
iaiTners have sold one wool-clip at good
pri?es, and have the promis? of ?-.'ill heller
for that soon to ho ready ; they ought to en?
large their ?lock? by at lea.-t fifty pe? cent, iu
187- aril lay in ono'.'?h strychnine to defend
them from the rnva;2,c.*? of dops : hut ConjiTess
is moved at thi*. juncture, to reduce the duties
on Woolens, which reduction is certain to re
act on the prices of Wool. The Object of
cours?: is to cheapen Woolens; we believe
the result will closely parallel that of
the late reduction of the duty on Pig
Iron. It will c!i??ek tho aiigmentation
of OUT flocks, tho increase of our wool
clip ; it may give US Woolens a little cheaper
on the instant, at tho expense of a speedy in?
crease of their cost. This country ought to
shear its own fleece and wear it ; it will he a
grave error to retrograde into a more abject
dependonce on Kuropo lor the chillies which
?hield us from tho inclemencies of our ca?
pricious climate. If Nature had inter?
posed any barrier to the pi oil net ion
of Wool, tho fabrication of cloth,
by our people, as ?he has done to their
proilui lion of Coffee, we should counsel de
ferenc ! to her li?t; hut this she has not, done;
ami we oiif,hl to make a larger and still larger
proportion of tho fahries that cover and pro?
tect us with each uiccccdiii'?' year. So wo
will hope (in spite of ?tho mad dance of the
Senate last week around the witche-.' cauldron
of Tariff destruction) that no radical chantre
will be consummated at this hi** ion.
We see no reason to revis?? our impft -won
that if the Ilritish Ooverniiniit hav? dial ?nelly
announced th? ir intt-iilion t?> willnlr..?v from
tin? Arbitration at (Jeiieva unless our Cuso is
either withdrawn or nod lied, there ii no
prisent prospt'ct of the execution of tho
Treaty ot Wasiiiniiton. There seems to be a
ecm-rul disiiielin.ition onion",' the Administra?
tion ?irrans to Nit Kitislicd with this view.
They all sustained stoutly the Aiiieiiciin Case
when it waa hist jrihlit-h? ?1. and ?h.-laied it
W?S another proof ?if the wisdom ami projM-r
Spirit ?rf th?: present. Cuhinet. Hut within a
few days, ns if ?arryiiit* out the provisions of
I paM tadt convention, they are Iwgianing
timidly to repudiate the doeiiiu?*_? which they
found id iii-t so ?-.ill ?factory. The manner in
which l!.i-? i- ?lone is a*tagula*.y characteiisti?*.
Tin* ? -p?fiai OfSBJUl in this city, which is
always H'inv.iiig th? teat Of tho hear in the
fable, who Kir.itshed his inastei's skull
with a paving stone in attempting to
drive nway u By, seeks to .juntify the
Administration, while repudiating us acta, by
ii. Inuating ihat n was not the -tote Depart
i.iiii which conduced tho negotiations uml
prcpui d the Case, bnl thai depra red ml wraant,
Mi. Mumner, \s\m m rtonic mysterious way
foi.?tl tic v.t.il luviuiiu- 0-ioars. with whom
he was not, on apoafrtBf terms, to put into t
unfortunate document, his own wild n
sanguinary nicas. This set ins so absurd fl
wo OBsat give 'he worda Of SflaB Times: ''T
" ellori.s to -ri/ttTle our dillictlllics with RngU
"are most honor il>h* to a President who
" known to entertain bo .i.Ve.tion for tl
" Power. If they shall conn* to naught, it M
" Im! throagh the iniluences which Mi. Damn
"the leader of the opposition, has bTOBghl
" bear. Tin 'iadireet chums ' did not oflgiai
"with 1,1 ii. (liant, op Sicrelary Fish." 'I
Evening Mail caanot follow m .40 ?idieulou.?
path as this, bat Bnds it,??i* aaable either
.justify the Case or tO Maine .Mr. I'ish for
Gen. Qraat ia, oi .ourse, out ol the njieati?
He is rcspoiisihle for everytliiicr that tut
out well, .1 n? 1 lor oothing that turns oui bad
Dota victim must be found, and Mr. BaJteri
Davis is the vicarious sacrifice, lie in c
of office an I out of the couiitiv, and 110 amoii
of ignominy failing to him will ondaager t
ticket. 80 thia loyal Qraat paper talks
"Mr. ?ancrolt Da vis's ill-adt iaed claim l
M4?(?nso?jii?*n?i.ri ihiinatres.-' There la about
much candor anil alum: as much congruit.y
this expedient aa in that famous inspiration
the Knight ol La Manclta, when be -taime
after attacking .1 iiacTod proceaaion, that it a
not. he. lui! his lauee which eoinmitled ti
sacrilege. Then* is 00 ose ?n falseh?ood al tl
confessional. Neither Mr. Sunnier uor lil
Davis is tin* Administration, and we ?atp:
In al its sins upon their backs. It the Alaban
Treaty fails, it will be tin* fault eillur of tl
British (?ovenum-nt, or of out.-?. There is 1
possibility of liiidiin,' ?my third party to chai,
it, upon. The aea eflort oi the Grant pape
to sustain the English sale .mil exculpate tl
President and Sectary >f State i*? ?1 i?**
was'.* of lime.
The Springfield Republican, 1 few days ag
.se! forth three possible ways ill which II
anppoaad .lead-lock might ba broken, is
I'hal England Should go the Aibilration 1111
await the result?paying it' the award suit?
her, and refusing if it ?lid not ; Bd. That 01
Goveriune&t abould withdraw the claims f?
iadireet damages, .'ml lei the Ai lunation pri
ceetl on the English understanding; 3d. Thi
both sides should ibop the Arhitiation, and b
Ui'ii. Si-lieiicli and Lord Cranvilh? BITaage ft
the payment of a round sum, and the n cipn
Ical writing of reeeipta In full. And thia lai
otT-hand and easy way ol doiog buauiei
Strikes some ol the Administration papers n
the be ;( piVid out of the sloogh ol Despoil
where tin* tmeation ia stoking, i ho fust a
theae suggestions i- tin* only admiaaible on
from our '?oint of view. Eut indi pi inhiitl
of the f.ict that it would be .1 derogation a
the dignity ol Eaglaad to g<> <?? Q-t-ncva 01
any such terina, we have the positive declara
tirons ol her ?fiaistera that she ail
do nothing ol tho kind. Wo eaaao
withdraw or modify our Case without a changi
in the State Department. A Se.ntary 0
State who has bo atroag a aeiiaa ol persona
dignity that he would prefer to insult the soi
?)f a friendly sovereign and the guest of tin
nation, rather 'han recognize an object?onahli
envoy for B single evening, could certainl;
not be expected to remain in offlee alter thi
principal publie BCt of his Ministry had beei
repudia,ed. IV? take it for granted thai Mi
Pish ii not to leave the Slat.- Dopai I meat, ?un
conscijiienlly that our C ISB is not to be inodi
lied. As to the thini BHRgaslJOBj that (?in
Schenek and Lord Cr.tiivillc shall talk it ove:
ami agree on a ?settlement, that ia the idles
and must thou, ?hi less fancy of all. Mr. Clad
stone und Lord (?ranville have both said thai
England would never pay .1 eeot except afin
the deeisioa Ol B competent tribunal, for llmi
would lie 1 ?bur confession of tonsiioii
Is there, then, no outlet from this false po
sit ion, v, hiih would be ludicrous if it \v?ti
not so trade 7 We do not yet abandon tin
hope tI1.1t the Eagliah Covernment, diaregard?
log the first hasty und imprudent utterance!
of their own ministers, muy yet see their wa\
elear to Abiding l>y the deciaion ol tho lii-_-l
Iriliunal at. Geneva, Which there is no reasoi
to fear will be unjust or extravagant. Mr
John 1 bight, i" *? letter to a ?listinguishcij
American citizen, sii_-^rc??l s that our Covern
ment ?should assure the Government of (?real
liiitain that, we do not intend to press tin
claims for indirect damages, But that thej
shall remain in the document as a port ion ol
the history of the Cas?*. While this ar
raagetneat Mould relieve the Britiah Ministry,
it. would huv?' its awkward side for our Cov
?rninent. Still another recent suggestion il
that the two nations .-hall .stipulate a maxi?
mum beyond whieh the award of the Hoard
of Arbitr?t ion shall not go. Hut it would
seem discoiirU'ous in this way to hamper the
freedom of an international court. In the
meanwhile, the two freest, most, enlightened
nations in the. world, both agreed upon essen?
tial points, and equally anxious for a peaceful
settlement, are kept apart, and their final ne?
on, iliation endangered by questions of little
moro than etiquette and form.
Ob the Hth of January the State Senate in
structed a select committee to investigate
t-Mtrgea preferred by Tun Tbibubb ?gainst
Senator James Wood of (leneseo. Tho com?
initteo examined a number of witnesses, in?
cluding the licensed, anil on the Bth of March
rcpoitcd that Mr. VVoOtfa conduct in the afl'aiis
trOmplainod of was ?' ?nc<>nsi?,tcnt with his po
" sition as a legislator," distinctly intima.ing
that he had accepted bribes from Jay Could
and William If, T\??cil. Tho ?Senate novcr
theleaa hesitates to do its plain duty. We iitr
pose, therefore, to recall in a few words the
??hief faits elicited by the investigation.
It appears then that in iBtt Jay C?uld
spent sV^-v? to defeat the notiiinatioii of .Mr.
\V.I as Senator from tho XXXth Di-itrct,
but, ladling in tho cfTorf, BOUght an introdtie
tion to Mr. Wood at Albany, aft??r the t.
turn, and succeeded in frataMiahJBg with h un
tin* most friendly relations. At this or some
other interview?.lay Could thinks it was im?
mediately after the introduit ion?Mr. W nod
iTsI.ed Could to advance a sum of money to
Henry Chamberlain, a f 1 i?ml and former law
partner of his, who wai then carrying on the
liquor holiness in New-York. Mr. Could made
no inquiry into the responsibility of either of
tho parlies, and took no security, but g?ivo
?P'((.iJO 111 currency oh Wood's uoto, which
never has been paid, and which Mr. Could
declares he does not menu to press. In answer
to the inquiry whether he would have lent
this money if the Senator bad opposed any
?eaaara la which he was interested, tho Erie
President replied, " I should not, of course ; I
" make, loans to nono but my friends." It up*
pear? that tho money was paid into tho
Howling Citen .Savings Hank, among the
ofla-arOn of which were Henry Smith, Walter
Roche, the BlBBBBBB. Thomas ?I. Harr, l>. A.
Woodward, Bad Win. If, Tweid, jr., and that
Mr, Wood gave lilatik cheeks to Chamlierlain,
Wllh the 'lii'i.'i ?! .n.Un?,' nul ?m ?Uoulii ?-Ua-sr
out for Ma in the liquor business so much of
the deposit as Wood p_Jght not require for
p. r-onal expenses.
Ahoat the time, of the introduction to ilouhl,
that is to say in January, 1870, .Senator Wood
beOasaM ai'ipiainted in the I,(*;,ishitiire wilh Wil?
li, i m If, Tweed, and it was remarked that, he
; supported many if not aM of Tweed's mo?t
I notorious joba, including the tax levy, the city
'i ?liait. r, and the ai.tendiinnts to the <'o:le.
Kitlier in An ?rust or .-?ep?emh-r, Wood applieil
to Mr. Tweed for a loan of |13jt?Q(a, which was
promptly panted, ajiain wilhoitt in?piiry or
-?????miiy. lie gave his note for the amount,
at three months, and there have been four or
five i pereaaivfl renewala, Ute note being now
overdus and unpaid. This money 9/BS also in
ve-li-il in Chaiiihirlain'.-. LiqUOI business. There
arere fiirther depoaita <>f about il;:,-)?:) to Wood's
credit in the ?fowling Qraea Saving? Hank,
the i ?urce ?>f which the Committee was unable
to trace. There were nmlicy dealings also with
on?. Alonso Bradnev of UvinRston County, a
conlitleiilial agent of Jay Gould's, in whose
hands Oould placed the overdue note of
Wood, " to be lined np there for some
" purpose,'' and who also holds a noto for
?f',,ii 0 (dren by Senator Wood in connection
with certain intricate ti.insaetions with mort
'.Mt'is ia Uringsten County. "It was aaeer?
" lainitl by tin- Committee upon attempting to
"mi,in* the at tendance of Bradneronthtatoves>
Mt?gat?on tli.it he had recently left tin* Stato and
"would continue absent therefrom for some
"time." The obscurity of theae transactions
could not eleape notice, and the suspicion of
the Conrnitti*e s<*i ins also t.> have b <*:i exeited
by Mr. Wood'.; inability to explain his account
with tin* Bowling Green Savings Bank. Be?
tween April, lyT?, and May, 1S71, the deposits
to his en-dit, in that institution amount to
?V't.:? ); the hal.ince due him is |3,160; y?'t ho
could only ?produce cheeks for ahout $18,000, all
except tWO small ones being payahle to the
order of Chamberlain? The rest of the checks,
together with a letter from Mr. Tweed and
other papera connected with this New-York
account, he declares were mysteriously " ab
"stiacteil" from his office in iieni?JOO. It La a?l
milteil, however, that |3,000 was drawnOUt of
the bank for his personal use.
When Mr.Could advance,1 this ram of #10,000,
and Mr. Tweed ihe further sum of $1S?000, it is in
evideiico that Senate?* Wood's bnriness en-dit
was notoriously bad. Hy his own and Cham
berlain's tesiiniony, he is shown to have he? n
worth from |?,000 to |30,000? but in the
Clerk's office of Uvingaton County eighteen
nnaatisfied judgments appear re.-orded against
him, amounting in the aggregate to nearly
|13>900. Anybody who believes that William
M. Tweed and Jay Qould advanced lar*,','* sums
of money to a man of this standing, with no
sort of security, and as an cv?,ry-day business
transaction, has original views of the lin;metal
shrewdness of illose eminent gentlemen which
it seems hardly worthwhile to con 11*0 vert. And
if it be eaked why Wood should be held respon?
sible for loans that were really made to Cham?
berlain, and of which he only acted as tho in?
termediary, the answer is tliat Wood and
Chamberlain were partners. The Senator ex?
plained the loans when t!n*y were first brought
to light? by Baying that tlmy wen* negotiated
entirely l'or Chamberlain, lundi; ami not at
all for hi.? own. 15nt it. has been proved before
the Committee that, this liquor concern was
carried on in the name of two nominally dis?
tinct but really identical companies in which
Wood, by the I xpcndlture of about ?f.'i.Oi'O, had
acquired OVei 080,000 WOTth Of stock. Fie and
Chamh'ilain wen* to divide tin- profita equally,
and all the -lock and property stood in Wood's
Tho ca-to seems to us complete. Senator
Wood takes from Jay Could p)10*000 and from
William M. Tweed ?fl.?,0?i0, nnd puts the money
into bis private boaiiteai enterprise.?,. He Ls
pecuniarily prresponsible, but is not ask?*?l to
give senility. The money has not been repaid
and the lenders do not apparently expect it to
be. Mr. Wood obtains this money from men
to whom he is practically a total stranger,and
be oil'cis th?m no equivalent for it. He la a
Republiean, but he votes for Mr. Tweed'.-, pet
ine;iaMires, and if he does not vote for any
scheme of .lay (build's it i-? because no Erie hill
is introduced at that hcss?ou, laaOUgh the repeal
of the Classification act is agitated Outside.
"What other MMlaavion can reasonably bo ar
" rived at," ask the Committee in cloaing their
calm but damaging report, "than that Mr.
"Wood's eondnet in this matter is inconsistent
"with his position asa legiatator? and moat
"necessarily embarrass his action as such in
Mregard to any measures which may be brought
" betont tho Senate in which these men may
"he interested V And what conclusion must
the public arrive at if, in the face of this report
and the testimony by which it is sustained, the
Senate permits Mr. Wood to retain ,the oflice
which be has disgraced Y
Fuhlicity is, of ?ourse, th? confusion of all
conspiran?*?.. Publication in Tin Tsintrsji on
Satunlay of their purposes spoiled the ?hsper
ato ?,'aiiie of the Custom-house, people to din
tract attention from them .elves and tho cor?
ruption proved before the foveatigaiing Com
mitt?*e, hy indict bag former olliciaU who are
not partisans of the Administration. We are
frank to conf??s that tito defeat of thwaebettte
was a part of ?tur puiposc ; hut we published
nothing (Mlpubm chair, ?l by the papera
which did not get the news),which wot not
strictly true in every SCttSC of the woid.
There bbbj a conspiracy to indict ei Mai thai
Iiobert Murray, who had helped establish the
proof of the frauds of Tiran?as Mnrphj in i,(,
hat and blanket contri, t ?. An indictment pjajj
ordered aey*ainet ex-i?istrict-Ait?iiiicy Hamnel
Q, Courtney ; but the lion. Woah Davis ren
properly i?*fuse?l in his ollicial OBpacitj 1.?
?lraw it, baeanae h?* p_aew the B?Iea^tiona
io bo iiicorrect. (!?*n. ]ti iijamin ??*. It,,-,.
1er, Who was interested or employed in
the matter, did till another ?*\ ?ill|,i,,| t|,?,t
this? indictments, were to he hk*__g-l*, ,,?,'
that he (the said ollicial) would he protected
if ho did not interfere to help his old asao
ciabs and fihtidf.. Tin; Tkii-.i m: also t,,|,i
how the arrests, acoinling to rumor, wen* to
be mado at u late h?nir, that the persons in
?licteil only Bight bo thrtiht into jail to In*
disgraced, not prosecuted, and kept ovet Sun?
day in vexatious confliiemont. It is ?luo to
JihIk'?* Hlatchfoal to say that he broke up this
part of the conteiiiptihl'?. scheme by mercifully
ord? rink- that no heneh warrants iiwuo until
Monday. _
nier? is a " IVnnsylvnnia llYpul.licun
"Association," of which wo ptpoko tho other
?lay, compose?! ?if citizens "temporarily re
" isiiluiji- at WatduiiKton, 1). ('."?tina n to say,
holdinir ollices there. This Association held |
meetin? on the _;itl tilt., and, after in?lorMin<?:
I'lciii. nt Cr.mt for a aeeond term, procsMided
to recomineiid tin, Hon. John Scolt, lr. S. .Senator
from tin n Slate, lor Vice-l'ie.-a.lent ; the lion.
Bitou Caicfini. tbo otUi;r Suimloi. ter a lui
ther KtB of six years ; the Hon lohn IE Pad
Itepresentntive from that BtBte, fot C,?>v?ifi
and the Hon. Uly?*?:?'? Mcrcur. n?ioih? r Mem
for Judge of the Supreme Court. It does H
to us that tiny ought to have I, It otW ?>f tl
?omfortabl?* pla?:es lohe tilled b.yjln* people
The hr? vv.rs .'ind lif|Uor-4l( .?h r? of DaHaota art
badfcBHM?of muni. Thaf la-ddalMata t>mvaa
atS|.riitgfiel.l.?ai the 14th alt, aad poeaed aeti
of three win teases and twelve r.<M 'i.Ii?ns Bga
Probibitary laws in ireneral and the Dllaoia Pro?
tot, law m paiti.iliir. Tho( latof lb? .-n?I"'
it ?4tinii. t..?irv for as to tenant, tot every int.
geat reader knowa what di Miera and bras
would I?- likely to say apon th. -"?''j'? >? Bal a
doea the toteUigenl or? to i the nninl lligi ul rea
think of o|)iii'i;i"n to prohibition bots
"it oi.-inn!4 the prodai lion ol apirii
vviiie-i.ri'diKi.Tg fc'rjin und fruit?, ihcp
??in-uni.-eriliiiii; our agi ?cultural Interval 4. the ?r
Bonreaof wealth in mir?inl <??'.'' Thal i"'" ?"??. tl
vvid lie au ?".".? of tie* piodiicti'iT ?d '.'??'?'? ,;"
aeertain ?portion o? the crop h con v. rted Into so:
thiiiL' which atan do not need and are liettor
without! Crasidering that a targe P?rl oi 11"'
babitaata of thia world has not ? immtgh t.? eat, 1
thai the other part, ..?obliged to toil Hin-- tnlly
earn the prie.- >.f toad, the oo-veroion ?.f edtblaa i
BOMtathingwhich does not Boori h i?:?> l'"dv, f
which i.? a constant BOOXOS of repeat
doea not *???? m to be the btea* naa to wh
Hi?? beat Rift of God can b? pat. Bataaytoaan
nieiici-, which tho Western Itriners may c:??M'??'
filin the lupptiaalon of ?li.-tilati.m anas, wa
in vc, h- merely ttraipowy. As ptr-pnlatioa iacreai
attd as the fa- ?lilies for transpoi ?al ?"ii iii'T? ? i.-<*.
hon.st niarket aaa be touad in sotaa i>art of
win id for all the grata whieb Dliaoia can prodi
if not, then sh ? must produce let* of corn sod at
of KtuiietloiiL'else, butcaa hardly claim the iii
of natataiaing ?i anisenee ha au m ?t bapp? aa to l
<-? in v iiti.-nt and prolitaMi! oil'*.
If matters go on this v?ay wa must s?*t up a spot
natural history depart ment. Iteport fru?a Atlsi
Ca., gires a living rooster without any bead- j
tho character, some will say, to edit an anrco
s?TuctedSouthciii newspaper. '1 hen a man in Wfa
sor, Canada, a tea days ?--tax aras ratting dow
tree, when out from the bowela of tho said t
walked a bear who had been domiciled all Win
t:nii?in. The bear titdected to the dispe ??
them waa a Rallant ?ght, ami Bruin, wdghi
MO pout.i'.s, was not tho Tictor. Talking
i?oii!!(i.,, vxf heir of a Plattabnrg man w
on flit) llth ult. killed i'i the Ailin D it* ka BCB
mount mi BSUring eight feet fre?a bis BOM to 1
tail? and weighing over 100 potUads. This te\ cio
hosat. nu doubt, bii expecting to ?lin?"' m ixt Snmni
upon the Bev. Ur. If array* or, if be h id r ;
the attempt, what a beautiful .".< count the Bev. .*?
Murray woold ?vive givra of bim ! 'Tis rather a ??i
appointm?i?t, lint perhaps tho < at.im'?uiit has a ?J
set adant or two fur the rifl?* of the U?, itoa? lergyma
If wrtiionot say sefaethiBB every day abeatt M
Gtltuore/s ll-oston Jubilee it, is not, becaaaswehai
nothing BOW to -ay. A lady has sent to the Conuni
tee B "Sung of I'lai.-e,'' based upen thoCTth aud67i
l'alms. Here aro three of the lines :
"M?i? thi? Jahtlee af aatieae leava its re hoe s on cac
Slav ir r:.i-e our naplntlan.*? to ctciel r!:r better part,
__d .m ?.ir' iu ti ?uUiiou.? pruvo t!:?' irtti?ipbot tli|
To wbiefa every jcstln tic person wi'l |t_rpoa
"Amen!" While we are upon the subject, we ma
mention that unless Providence and tho Siiprer.i
Court interfi-r.'. tin re will In? no Jubih,, or non
Bach SB We have had rra.":i to expect ; for Mr. C'ai
Z?-rr.ihii i prince of conduc'ors) litis been drawa t
?ni ve as a juryman from April to July ! Wo thinl
under s".eh < 'n-imi.-iaiif*. m, that the tavagtat Chi?
Justice that over growled out a ruling would excui
Mr. Zscnha,
PiTioitsly, is it rifiht to ruin the moral eharactl
of thoae poor JapaaeseiaWaahiagton, besl lei aetth
tin m a bad example aa to manners in t*ompaay1 Th
'Trcspoiideat of The Boston Troasoript i.s authent
for sa via' that they are always eating pickles an
bard-boiled eggs, and diinUng ehampagns ami In
CQ?Ot; ?Hid that they have no regard whatever to
their digestive organs, it beiuir a queetioa wit
many w bethel they have any. ? But this is nothia
to the iniquity of Introducing the fon ign yoangges
th'iin n teahoWaasUngtonClnb,and th.*ro Initiatin
them into th?? niysteriea of hilliards. nuigi-et-i"ii
an.l ilravv-p,ik'T. Is not this an excellent oppOTttJ.
nityfof Senator Wilson to take them iu hand am
?proposa them lor membership ot tho Congres
Temperaaea .s*u?.iety T
We have already mentioned the pelting with b -
of iliuini Bishop Temple, st Exeter, England, whib
he was addreasing a Temperan ? Alliance meeting
Tos?keffieU Tmtesrank, while eooimenting nponthk
low Otttnga, Mtya With palpal.le ironical force
"IVrhaps the pell i tig was symptomatic of repent
anco and herahled restitution. The peltiBg of :
learned prelate with litil?? haga of Hour may hav?
heell sxatthoiical of aile-ue tosend liu> pood I'lisllol
largsc baga of fiotu for tho beneftt of the half'
starved wives and famishing childrin who t? floBI
LBOOey gois weekly to seme Exeter beer house.'
Thero Is .1 touch of Douglas J.n. id's old turn In thi
manner of thia cominetit. which k quite refresh, 11 ?*
ist? -
In all the newspapers wo find notice of CatharilH
Donovan of Bpriagatolta, Mas.?., the peealiartty of h.-i
ease heilig that she haa " taken BO solid food for tw?
years, and fur the last seven months BOt-lng but
water." "No solid food" is perfectly eenatateBt
with iiiinnioiint of niitritioiisaliinentsutlieii nt tosu.-,
tain life ; but that Mis? Donaiail has Bved for reven
months on water alone wa simply decline to believe,
.'sh? is said to have bien l_jnred h? tailing naea a
Boar harr. 1, but not even a hoiueopaihist vx UeoB
tend that falling uiioiiallour barul will muilllh a
patient for seven mnnths.
Then? is a great " revivaE'of laligMM in Lawn ne-',
Kiuit?us. Th.? prayers, seiches, eonfessarMaa, aad
naines of the eonvirts are r.-gulaiiy report?'?! for the
daily m iv ?pap,.:*. One js-culiarity is worthy it
until i>. There i? an out door B-tetlag held every day
?ii 11i <>'? lock 11. in., "in front ??! BimpaOB/l E.iuk."
ih beat speech which we have aottieedaraa tu.it ?t
Ccii. Ot Vf, I lui no?'k, who slid that "a man eould
nui be oonrerted aithool bs laade reperatioa for the
? rang be had dune." 'rids La n?t m , ,.r> uriginal re?
mark, bul H ha? often, r I1e.11 Iliade, ??,? t.in pi?;ml
to mis, Hi.m n led ni'<'ii
Hav ne- Bseatteaed ivrmp-tflaas IhatmeaehMialij tluv
1n1111i1ip.il gratliBBBB af Hoslon an* no mon? upmrht
Hum iiiiiiii? ipid iri?iiil,.|iii?n i*ls?iv\li??r??, ??? must re
.I "'?' a lull ii now penilinir m tin? Loir sl.itare.
by v.iiii,. ?f wlii, h. if i( slioiiltl lu?.,mu? a law, Al-Ur
BMB Bad l'uni., il.rs of Boatea) who lUiuctly or
iiidii.tctlv ?apply the Oltj of BoateB M ul? ni.rch.-in
dis.? will 1?. Iii,,,! Bl.tkh) an.l sent to th? HoBBM of
Corrcitloii for oii.?vi*:ir. TnOtM is a feed deal af
i'i..vein.g ibO-l tho bill, BOOM doubt. WO sh.uild
think, of itspiikssago, and moro 0< \?hg ?nforcoaUent
if J' ix-tl d.
Th? .VorTMfiurn (Pstui.) M ?tmet?, beinn? a cold water
ni*iv?p.ip?.r, is naturally ii.<I?Btmtit at the ?niabiv .?f
that Ihiiil isupplicd b> tho Water Company to the
Norristonlans, the same being cootatiiiiiau*?! by ull
the wiish-siuls mu? other iiliniiiinat inns of Stony
Creek, to the ?rent adult?ration of "the? '?>ar hab
bliag Schuylktll." ?Ar Hitaca? laiighl ; tat how can
it hau? tin? i'.u-i? to nsk the paOBeS to afiviv up tilt ir
beer or whisky, and to Make- Ithsjaaalvaa to tin?
elsResjatss-y lM?v.?rtiKo of Nature, whsa they cannot
do so witiiout 1 isking their liv rs f
WH! it bo any satisfaction to anybixly to know
that the worms which foil in a shOMM ut BaBMBrl die.
Mass., th? other day, und which we hav? alreusly
nieiitiuiied, wit? tin? larva? of a Beetle tMBaOagtag to
the family \m\opkttisSt\taA to a srBOetea Iha <'tuis
tiiin and hiiriisiiii? of which Is CkanotJofnatknt
Ptnnsylranivnst I'bej found Uiia out iu C'ambndge
BOOTH?. TH?_T__.
?vm'm perforniaoeaas of "As Von fa'-ji,
were clvi-ii .il Ho..Hi'? i ? ! f.
Iiili.-i lf< l?-r??| praioed [N,;?>l;ir apt,11. I
spSCf for a u'i'i, of /.' >."/? .7. In ?*???
i m l?orf i.'i' partirai pra, b - ?'?at?
tht* Hint in, ,;-,!,.iliv ?ml |?>< a ,, ^
HlIT''I'll? I) ' ? ' ^
Tf!<: S.'l'lta H ',' I * ?
Df li, ., |
l'.-, ton? b< rl this |>l . an ' bi I?* it hol) i ? i .?ri,
BStflSB?I, I?,':, Of I f.lit a,
sad na . .
f 111'?.. I? l.?a!. i,
tIOII ?? ...
AlllUfllll t.l, - ' ?"< i.
ami mu, I? BtBrB tt ll< s?S I *
skill ',.' ?? * i - . ' ? ???'?? . ?
|,t,,|,, r i i-li-11,".? "? ? .,
teni.Fi, ? of thai art mi -i? . ,. a ,i? ?V
I . ? i,'. In-t, ? t et :? ? ,
ami |,,veii- ii. "' "t pli) ?,
1 t.?a_
tut],, alls, Of . I,,.:,.I m * '' *H
Tin* Iniiit.ittt. i - v-tc t"l , . one ',"?
! I ntfl :i,''T * . ? *??"?
?nl reomi i ? v ? '
tonnant*. Boomt**, all -4-- s.- :?? '?***
n,,. ???.r pasa - wi.?? tV*b ?????*
t.. u,. m Hi?.* ?sa-" i- sta '"?" spaassa i ??* | '.?a
?ho u?*v, rfajl il. \V.? tlmt.fi ' , . *?> -aaaattj
ti.,1, nf a Bjsek ;ii?? ' Sa?
-lliat il? .'.ae" from "As You L I ? ?* a?
??liane?? hH UtS I,' ft" I I B-at, a- o. l! ? ?-,
?dy, that _la>aa : ??'it Mr. I'.',"
aaaquai t?i?'..? i?i. ?. ?'*'? "" ? ' -i
. ? wiui'ii -Bin is- niis.i?- pass ???'
taj ?, ''.?.luc?. The task : ??? ??-<??' ? * ??mm)
I? m?' tine < ! very ... ' ?? ? ?'?kB?
?* in apftear ss /?a? ?.
w \i '.mi;'- tii: n
Mr. Lester WsJlack, tinablf ?*? appi ir a
Montisly, aa waa expected, retan I ? ?-' a
till ;lt?r, I J-Iii-'tlt, ai.tl rv-eilt,. -, t, f? Ji irt of l.r.n ?tlrnm
.,.?1, (?1.1/ ?il ' ill?! '? -a?-r ... 1 IfBBj
ItB - uni fi.titur?:.?? of I?la ta?VtaW <lr:iin:? have ,,r?-vioa?,
befa ?i,.?-.'!.'I. It slas lair to ran 1 ... ?
..It, Mr. GUaaMt, Mr. ITHPtliaBBI. 1
l'i-h<*r, ?a??s Effie Gsrsa?B, Mn .'? ?
.Mr. I?.,:?., Mr Kitliff' ?I. a..<! ? tli?-r ,?' i r i.i %
the ? fu., ?y int- are sparkl?tr; n.e ?? > v r.. i . <:r?*aa
.in? !.a'.?I-. in?- ; a.. J. !? fits i
' " Ti. \, I .
this theater is 'a
BKPSl wav.-of |?,?,iii;trity ; ami. alii a
then is ao at ? d of < '?? is
ni ra avKMUi thkatf.u.
One sreek of "Krou-? 'ion,'al the 1 (th At?
naa riea.r, has eif/t aw islon for ? ? totales
w?o admire the act?is of Misa As . pasj
i ?! eati' i. . ?Ottt
!:., li't.i.t,?" drama ladfUled it? fanstl n? ,~
pnany a preetotia drop of pity tor sufTiag fa nl i?
BIrintsllsts ahouiid m .-very. ,>iiiiiiiiaiiv..unl v ut,iti?nls>
-fttli-arly love las luxury of tv,i. Mr. fl.tiatin?, -. u*t
thisoccasloatameatica,sppeareal toSortnt t?t bas
I, .iml "i tirjuEroii, saaf i?l ly-'l t:.- l'art car-*. - -I
\tiili fores sad t.,.-ie. it la asas11?, aa dira?red, la?s*sjsj
tnat tins a, tor, Vboae ri'cnt ? *r.? fomotan mot ab????* as.
P?atfatas are alasMra aad lof.y, woul l <l;s?*ir,| ?.??rt?is
weak, pSBT??, fretful, ceini'bliun,? inarm, r whit It Its
?ret?a.- to UUiik ???..?eiittal iri the cx??re.?,,?ii of J. ? PS ?ma?
tion. Ttiis maafl i" t:i ?. n-t.1 BilP DSSBBaBs?SB Of awVwVBJ|
Just as, Iu " l?ivor?*e," it vaWSd his t*r,-oiia!ton of -l<tV>
?iiicr*. ??1 i!ij: r? 'I l:':.-l>;i!'<l, mri-r !??? >: ? ?/.-? I t ,-ri'cfB
part t., B*_y, at ta? Im* ? ; but, V. heu Le B hin-. I tie ??a?
tat or loses all sorrow for lus lc-Jury. " Froti-Frou" tra
ah??lwd ou Saturday night. ThaSaVBaa?BJ .,u.?:li?-r a'U?_
will be P?BdS ou " t.'lf* l'rovoked Uu^lnniL" Ta utjmo
tlajtt tlsfi aastas i?_b ses s nualtlTS aurait/ at tin.? t*?a>
t, r, SBd t! -ut,'.!,--- tiic h,,'-.-,? wi,r I?,* crovrleil. " ?rtica
47" Is ta? siii'-'iil ,r aad ?l'trte'ivt? ?amo of tMs ?sb?.
l>leco. It com? s froiu the French of M. be tot, au 1 ?as
l,?.|*iia.lipl?-.lhv Mr .Ac ; H lOal] st-BShl ' f. ."Oita
pa?t, '?.nu?! pij. cd .. m. -? Lara Um H ?? 4?
is th:s :
?,, 't- i, n Gril .1 Ml aa,
Fk?Usai ?i Um i'..?i-t vi a ? ? -. . ta.
At ?. Il i, . - ? l'-?
l.snrl.tot. Mr. O. I?! \?r? The Uai?B<-s. .' M r?'
Dr. !??,.! ?'oiLt?a..Mr. H l?a- _?-!-?< s? !*a? ?nal
ll,nr, Dr! Ils_>lr. l.?o - J SBFI ?HI?. Cari.Vi,.< .r. Haail
I ., B n- - 1 Ibbbbv? Wbbibi.I MibU.H '.,??
Victor liaiUli. r.Mr. <!. i'irki-? Marccll? . ?l'I ? I1*?
Yn t,n..Mr. Jim? 1.? ? .1 .- , .M . i.aBtS
.Mr. W ...... r ??.???,
?i. CSita ?r,I....SIr. ?I?,n i M s? H-> ? -t? .N?rw?S
! ?? aa? al LU* Jal Mr. J. D in ' 9 ?? i ? ?a
....'Ml U.tl?B-l|iMsas...? ils? I. ..?*V?a?
Mr. F. l'hinmiB,
. . , vi'i? rnearra.
A recital of the new iV.iliires ami ,?????? ?????o
ri. - w Uli \?hi, h Mr Fo\'j " Iluovtv Dm,,?it)" t.?B
??\i-i,it, , be |.r?'v atad, at the .......pic l itcr, t;ai
iirt.iiy be ? sjtvea t.? Mm ras da is ai sai ?Jrcnsut
C?!ll?:-.. T!l?' iltlt/ Sf the TllOli:t!it Will DO fulf I
oaos bbbtc dlraetiag attsatleB ta ta? oppttrtiattj 'fit
BaTtssat pttsswre Paare ia afforded ?stsars - , -i mj w itpt
juvcniit? poiipilalian Ail pei ktass ska save u,?t outlita
--or wko har? aaaia groani kits ins i i '?
Will l'-idal-ui.?'laut trial,litatim HP It?S BSHIBBll I I Hk
ii|i;..t!-..tcd,iy III?' !n??t Of <!i,W!--, BBd It PS n ??! I M M ?Ml
by Um .ilr.'it :uf-.i.-i?>n of tuteiy uii.-.-.-iljc,.??,,., at- ? itsa
I'viiviiii'iii \> ,u i,.? new t.?-i,i ,'iir. e_eeptlasj tin? <jt i? a
bftka Muiti-i? l'aiuily, and Mat .v. :ti? ?tiil u, n-itit
i aud Its powei ?|,:.a??-. l_s i bb?Mbb_bb a
any cm ,l t' sa?ire t? leretasaffla aiway
: . . ..:i 1 '.he Cat l>at.t It ., Bt I u 2. moot dial **ori
in thia \v ?ij .
OaUMD ol'r'.m DtMTfati
" Lnlla liookh" entera OSJ its Imit? week si
the Graad ???,.-r.i 11 u-,>. bUsa Oal n all?, ttiu? t?.*i.?*?aj
as.?nun? tin- Bsai ?,f Maker, wBBo Uina Cllaa s?_I t?
tiMn-i. rrad t.> tii.it sf 11nnm, 1_ep ?_[
??l tin rate and ctitireoii? -? ect.u !?? BOB Uraaa?BtaS il 1
o'clock, a coin; ?* ???'u i? m tii? east of aaak katars *?
bctwet n tho acts, t?, Miuein n ?s.i: I, ran '?its to tuet
seats. Tlio attoudauco BBta SOtStiBaSB Pa*S_B? " l?tUt
Book?'* sppaars ta kaes all 'ho tastaaf Its i? sbtle, s_
tx> Uo r,'..i>m?. the raward at us nu-nt.
m:ii.<>'?4 ?: m:i>kn.
An imiiortant ineiilent of tin.?, hnsy t_f .'-<ea
in Swill sM it itn'itt hi to niL-iit at MiMo'a, vi,?s
" IV?U SSnl I'.n'ii, r Joe" \t;lll??> met 1 tOt :!t.'ll.-'' ?
PB lies country. AI! rc|?orts of Mr. l: iru.t? 1'? sat
bt?rleaqae concur in ?les? i bint* it ?t cxtrctucly ?uitiaisi
Min. Wooi!'.- a i?,*'? rauco in au ?u'.u.'y u?w ? I, ? pafj
uliitiiut silthii'1.? draw IOt?.-t!ii r a Baa???TOM I???StmSatBj
>,f vetar.?.? nf '* ?a ait?SB?t?BJ in rth."
sum! :.i.\s- or-t.
Mr. Barnnm's M:imino!h Bhow .?i>i*ns t.? Jsj
at the Kui-ii -,? Kiiil?. W'?? have air?.? I? t .?.???l it? mil
tr,u?;it?ti.4. . al:?.? I^-elcrc?) avIM act in ? I'loi and I''????**
luvt M?,ml?,||. at BOOttft Tht?iil?r La ir ? K?a BS l*citSl
mi cn?*u,-cin. ni, al Wood'? Mnim-.iiii IB Blfkl. IB ' ?ai???
Dl??An".. Mr. lient aiitmuiit I.? tint kiS BBSBSaaj Bkal
Net? York t'lme?, ?will liu-t but tu.? ???. '.- ? -.or I
special Murircc occi-r? te i! iv Ml CYeewieV. as
l':i?-'.;itnl on fastai?l.i\... ?Ir? ?I aft ?i al'l act alJBt
Osawar'a lb,-.tt?-i id i.i...i.,vi next ?? ck, ,t.?r'.?vB
Joknttom... Mik. M.ni.a.iv \? M -??? t .*ti ?o,w.?wSBj
otkarptroleaskmal tour, sad will visit ttaltliike i"f
.- ,' li.u. lieeii ?jiillo Ml?? . Bt
?CBsnn will eautlao? onaaieiitb ? til II ; *
tan Francist*o Minstrels. Th, Paiitontlme ?u v.-""
wiiiu. w.i ;,i ? ? i..,, n,, me? ,1 ft
... Mr. Mil?vov'? II,l>,-ri,t.-nu, |.? ," tl - .-??*
'llitaier .. I.inti K?laTtB'? J'ltat.T tt-4>|?Ba?1< ? C?t*SBa|
wtta "Tl.' l'a a.,,.f inttti.". las ?....no Taaattwa?!
l?v r"iia:tn',l lia,, H?, tutw.ii
1 .?M>t>\ Nt.ri?.
"Notr?> Puni? ' baa l><*?-ii rt*tn??i ?I fross aa
?i psja .,: the Alel?. ,. , i i ???
ii.-iin. ...V,., Rt . Ma . ? v ,., t? .i ? i t. at
till? " blO Ut te-, " I- now ., ii...|iit.ti Ul ' ?'??_'
H i.Mii.oket, piaytBf m ??? m. ,.1.-1.1.? Mi .' '?'-_{
comctlv oi " Forcivi'ii," ji.-,.,iui .-,1 at n t? hi ni? ?I ?' ? *
?til of Mlll.-'.t. I.?, lite li,?.!., ,t ,,, ti ,., ,r ,a .,?,,. I. ?a*
Mr. llM'ou's **? If .mute, l'an , " vt ' , -t
on Apnl i,?t, at tin? I'rrii?.?.? i?. Ml i n - I
i,,i?M-.ir?*ii at the I niuleti Mfin.1. i.? i iht .?a?,,
Dr. OUeman\in ?The l'?K*r <;.-,, ., ?SB
asas ? Mi. Bjreu'? " i.,.
?'li lite elu If, m 1, ,|!i!o?>, u'l, r
atice?....A n,w n BVV ?? Mr. At..ln w II.,., ?>J_'
j.,??Kiiite,l at tilt? A.leljuil on tie? |-f at A 1*4 I 1 ???**
I? to ??HI,., that 11:,,?I,?. I , , ,, . S?*
t'arsoa Mntm? K i l'uckiiTuiiiaslia. wlu? |>i??.4i?i ?~ ,.???*_
M.le of llilulo.i ?tl.-Mi. Hurimiid ? -o ?_
Mr?. t..r,i,.lll l:,-,',l M, !? a t | ,, , ,,,.,? ?if*
"ll.iin. lor tin? lli.iidi?.?. -." .. >,r. t-Miii.i? . ,, , ?<
at tin* A?l??'i,|i*. ?alii.-li I,,. ,,,,., ,. ,,,<"
sad I" ultrlil. Il hi? ?Neu sert ?uceo?-?*?fut IS>*_
tavrwspajtsrs Bieatlou ti..? rovlvai ' ; - ?_.
Ota ,.f ?? Tlie lune l.avci." ahlSk le I
|>r?*?t<>nii*d ? n.? il ? aa, m?! '.livci, m. Dir ,? 19*
?t fur??*, //i?* fail Mull ?,'u.<?:??? aa? ? tl?l it ?, .. ? - **
?|H?.Mtor*iiiull.c?Ai!,it,red the acton We ?iioalJ?***!
|>.??.llial till, would l,o iitveiaalv Hi?, efl,- , l .????*!
??toril? (?t*ilia i'oiiumlie.?? of j?. iminal n, ?,m, t. II, ? ^'"I
vail_aswa local pefaesMMrsa, ?jlvfaa their q .? - ""'"aT
fl.itil i?i tiliuilti,/? ,u ?ih???ii an?! el nil,on, Baal ,l-*^
tliotiirli ihey muy lutvt, '>??. ,i dioll t., *>i?-. ?' "*??
liiievi tlit- oriental?, imatae?? n> |?<-riuaiu" '
l.'nti? h i? been .alli>d ?In? Kn_ll-.lt A?.-??? l? '
would i-.tr,, to m ,. tlm !-<>uie.li<<? uf At ,mi,aa
n?>? . Mi- llalllilay'? ii4?w ?t, ?iti.-i. l?> I? I' '??? ?'?'?_.
A.l.l|,ln. Aim.'. 1. :,, all,f III I .. .?>
,**? )ii..H?iiia?"baa i,-.?' i" " '_______r
t__''_ ..'"?' t"",|_ liou