Newspaper Page Text
>?-? XXXI.N* 9,671. NEW-YORK. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1*72. PRICE FOCjR CBNTR FOREION NEWS. GIvKAT PRITA1N ATTACK ON A RUMPl.ICAN MfFTlVT. TN BtAB* <;,,W?THP. RllVIKW AT BRIC.IIToN?A BBW (,. rRRROR-ORRXRAl POB CABAOA?BB1BU -aat-i-n nt a T.lTION OP BU. Ul-lUtLI AT M kRCBRSTRR. lAi-r>o?. Tueeday. April ". Itr*. Mr. Tir.uiliWij-h BUtBWid in Gl.iHf-ow Iaat Blght. aad m the eatoaa of hl* remarka atated that he waa in favnr of a repiiblioan form of gnvernuici.t _BB Orwit Britain. ."arliamfnt, he aaid. had heitowrd the Ci-own apaa WOImmh and Mary, and what lt hail a BjtR to give lt IMlBtalj bad a rlght to wlthho'.d. Theae utter BBaSB of Mr. Br-dlantth pave r:?e to dlaorder, and an attack waa tnade on the building wbere tn tha taeCRN waa beinj. delivcred. aud a niimber of alRdawi aml BBaal BaBBR RMBR broken. Peveral pottf?*? men, who underrooh M nu.U the di?tiirbance, w. ? Bbaaad i-v the nah ra. Ba one wsta .eno_ly in.iure.1. T ? -r iti 1 military review took placo at Briitbtou yee terdnv, in arcurdumc wlth the pio.-raiimie previ.m-ly announretl. Itntneu-ev MWW-B witwaned Uie maneuvera, wb.eb wetv eondutted on a large aeale, and trttt ru Oered BMBR that: uMialiy Bltcre?ting by a of U.' "Battia af Daa?MC." The troopa in the flcld, inelud liiir -. :_, B RM vuiunteer*. were divnled into twoanui.s. one of iav:iMon and the other of deff use. Tlie cn-my wa* BRf| aaal to have effet t.-d a lundlng in ____aehaa_ lha BaoraaMBt bt-im witb an attaehoa tne BBbaaja and Ba eapture after an obaUnate raMaaaaee. The BaiaaMi -Maa adiBaiaaaii lT-rta*.*-*-.aaal.aftaelaeaderna a bodv of troop*. took up a defcu-'.vc poeltion. Tne aruiy of dct.-nae. belng largely MRfMwod, MeB tbe offeueive unil.n.cii nursford. aml attiukeU?t_. inva.i.r* wBh RBPtiai. aBbraah BM BtBat taaBa thtoafh H.-raford'* rijcht aaater, and areatad great confueu'u for a while. Ihaa-aMreaaaad atiociook. Tbe -oo.k flLyUt wa* mm ? by tbe mareh paat. wh:cb waa imt Mttiata.-torv TBe HlMl on Uie wbole i* .ou-iiieifd a failure-. The weatb. r wo* fluc, aitbouKh tbere w? re ., it-iiniiil tne .,lr was freah aud braciuir. Tbe traina took down larire aamtai r* of ?i>e? tatr.r* from 1> aoai? WhBa the raeaa at Laagaa, _re_ad, were la preareae, a bbbb : rewdad wBh apetjtaRaea, gave way, aad about _?__,(:- UktadtotBe groaad a_aidaaaa> Of Iti _t ll limbMI. ThmtS VA.n- ltAjilTal-, I I .vliona caumt reiovrr. The taatenattfla of tl** Amerna: pri-f-e la rc.arrl to Adruiral Iatlotl, Iil'e niovi mentsin-he DaBed Btatea aave araatad ? -enaatlon aa**k,aa*lari ?rumeuted iat It i* unnouDce.l that tb* K -i.r Boa. Lonl Limrar. QeiBBaei Qliaaral of tbe iKittunion of C.itada. w.,1 kht'Ttly bl ealled liotue, an.i**.. ba MMeeedod by the BlfM Baa.the Earlof DuC, r:n. BOW Ohr.reellor ef the Ilui-hy of I.ancaster. Br. PtaiBBll waal to Manche.ter yeaterday. On ht* antval he wa* met by a laRgR <-rowd who rceeircil __? Wlth eutbuaiaOaiie dcniouetra.iBBd -'Uie. A lart'e deputation of conacrvatiA'ca uiar* bci la paweaaaaoaia day to the Potuona Qardaaa, whaai >*'d ?"' , ri__.n_. the bepathal ba woald aam eou.e into power aaata. In apttaad a beavy tnow aad rain itnriu th. atteadaaeeal the pewaoatatlea was Ita. aittiM-. nini:Mr DMraell waa repoa i I '-i ? bou-A-t :a thc rleiaity wi rc *i*?< taated ?itb I ia FBAKCE. BTATKMrxT OP Tl.; rORRIGR RR1 LTIOWI Bl B. rBUBI THB IK.i.MlN.MI.'i ". niB ?*''!* IM. TRBATT WTHI BKl.i.H B?-RROLAND R*__POX8iB-_E POR IM ,-'.;.- BT i*i 8MA?TWO BDITI Bi tM. DIPRiaOR-tBRT. PABM, Tiie-daj', Apnl J, 181 Tho Aiaembly, befi re -k_tJoan__Bg, appoiat*-* aCon, ttaal : it fR-f?l I n eoa__*__od n tuat offleial n.-un- bad beea glven lo I c . witBla tl.e ataWwlatod Baaa of tbe trca-i ef < n.u.i ? , be b-xt < j. plained t*. Hriiixiu tbal tni- aeBea ?i?- .aseeaaary,aa I Hty to roaaeaal haa eaan__-*reij_l ? I i il. :? r Tht- bit taiifh, be ra.d, woald tf m fl ?... -? ???*? .ii montha lf I to f. r- ?'.. Mbalrahi ? atod that qaaatloaohad at t>ke<-a A -? . Tnni a. -*a?aware that thi ?u_, rainty - be baal eoaatdaawd it _waa_l_*a1 ta treal vUret-tly Wlth tlie Meal l-nverumriit vtltli r- gare to A . , eeet-BM t> ;. -". B tbe lealiRilbiB '.-. . . . , _Baeb - ? Mld Baglaadwaa reapooaible foi thia _aB mllna al tae Ttt aq l i In tae MMBBM uf BB ' ' f the Aaaambly, Pi-afdanl '?' tbe -,.aiiirii Ceawi i - . ot, ? ,. '. r ???? ? raaa I ? orerthiww would li ? ... itareoJ Moatpaaaler or tha Hoheo r ? i ? a. Traeha Baa-ii^at _a itiMirc hmt BBded, KM - BBl and ? ti ol the prineipal i baraa o- nf taaalBae a famrttoaar. ef tha t. ivernuieut. for whtah they were aaataaead to one li, i. , iii.aiit an ! a flne af U R Tbt _k._t ..: baad wbea tbe laaabttaau - ' Bul-waae la AJaBce rini-f i lioo-e a I i .-m ii or i.a-rniiin BatloaaMtJ ll Maaid ll an k erataed loadbi . Ptoaeb aattoaallfy, _ HOLLAMD. k_TLKBR\TI*>\ Of TBR .aVrTB ANM vi.i:-.\ i: V dl THI OI Uii KRTBERI Wl*-. lyoMiKoa. 1 nradarj kpwil a. UW, Th*- BOOtk rbbiti raary of th<- re*-olt of tba B.tii'-r'.arkaa, amtrr WllUaBB, Prlaea of( *-***? wi .-. Ballaad yewterdai Rl Ihe iiag ?> kaagraod i ? ? BMaiwrtewaftaaapooaa by tha Klag. Mr. kloti.- the AmerMaia __at*-r_aa of the Dateh K,, ? blte, waahoainred wlth apeetal itteaMl tb. Klng aad -hi i" opta oa tk KE AAD WOODWA WI." IiROCGHT TnFM RACBt?AGAIItai WnOB wn.i. rm i TtmTanT TIht( l_-**_BB to bc no donlit tliru Elbirl A. WoiU-nl haa coiun MkOk, anl toaOB ei'Inr .u Ri * * , ii- ratarn laa ru ' : !? H pnliile eamiinciit tlian IBe ri;appc:ir:iii?-e ttt t <? ... :.u; ..ii - an* of tbe Rlaa Mhool I - ,, g .,. ;,. v.-rv onntiotiH. aml poWoadlna a?ll for t ?hi m. with < ooiie, in. :h ta aa asad. it wa* geaerally thmiKht tuat Caoka'a v> ti.ra aar fcroni-lit atrfitit nv tbe m?-u oppoaed u. tht- Kiuk. and _hal Weedward would ne eaavsltad ta aet in th.- _aaaa BBtaaaa ? tell ptetoiilleH Tne _r_tada ef Mr. Tweed aud sir Caaaa I . heweeer, ih?heBhanataa Oaeaf 11.? mxt,,, , naic aaaaeMMei laya thal i.-.-b w...>ii waii aad OboBb haae retanaad here at Twrr-Pi Madiaa. _?<. m,.,: aa Twwed rimt i.t. ad*-1. a*. n?- lataeda aew, to ?iaa'- !:;<? ' x < .-ut ,-,., t tin r.,.|??ii;,t fof '.rauiliiali v'a Mfcni i it? .a.-iaiiiie.i lhal Oaeha aad Rtoodwaad ..." arooi* flironirh a eimra* of matraetion prio. ", tlie tuai 9t \ti ? raaa tlnni tk.y enn .-oi, vk t i.iin anu i icar liicir Mr I we.,1. e_,nil(l :t nc ,,, k, Mr. Connolly that tbe teatiliionv of Ctwha, w , , mt Qaa-Bey bi ta ba ..*-<<i BgmlaM Un, Ba *,..) .., - umlB ahraart.aadaoaacof hl fneada .idoal.t of bia ret.iinni_ nu.l. r auy _-t! -^-____^_________?_? FAI'ID IBAR8R l_01S(*B, 1'vi, aew atfpta ta aalaa l?v atedek aaal l-4-Jinaie- tl.e |. ,, m .,t BBBRd tranait have bM B mmmm, Oae of Ibi-M. ir tb. fiotbic Aroh J-invii,-*! R_h1v?m>. At lliOrv., - of iil.oiil M fc-i, vAiaJiKbtlron (iotloi IBBBBI wiil h) .-r'.-ted, tfie bf*a<-nf ,-ac.Ii Jh.iiii.- on fbe M<U-?_dll MBB VhM ? i.rii-tolie. aiwl the u,m-j ovei tlir, . entci of tt** MR-M '. A tliat eiiiptitai iron an-n n.ll l.e tlirouna.r* tM* lUrel Iromolir'.rl.tliel uf I li.-aa- Jkl'.'liea. I "iiii Ma*- i.H'l :->? -.1 f los t.i f bc a|aex(of the outrr BRBh a loiiio _o?n__t. iron traitie prlni ipallv f.up|-_tta tbe, ai.ii .1 by _Jl_i_--r t.-kitacao.) . a* l.i-ldc. Bet vaeemUe ouun !* BT. hahJ ir?,a_J? wbliUl an;.|A-lt __K tlacaa are- u, i? BiMBkBtCd b* 'lU^olittl fcn?*. Tl.e tl ll.a -A-A.iJ- aaUi pl'/lfcUl Ul. .ie. il io uaiii.o! Miovv . - aill .*..*? "*'i "___?? * aRwaa tm M ??, .,,,(1 mmatm il<* ...ner .m-li k''? >.I1 ? e ..f treamkaaa airhaaMtbe -. me _? tli.i of i-lae pMBawl ai. _rilm__y laes.i??ta ?*t.|MH i a aa-rtta ?f JonaiUHIIiiikl liaaaaawbkvh will rior- ., m alde inuU raUwaf aJ.ove _U.l ovei tl.e 1,1.1.1!' nt 'I,, Tin ae tkftWtd tfb* wiil n-ai aaaaafrmada mutui maamari baawa_a tt>. bm BaaoM ma mw!. 'Jn* araBa. aaa l.e ,ia.-ii ??? aa.piaji '?* tm> alraa. ....,.? u.j ll ||, irf lB*lll*lt~f *l" ?-.Ly a.|.l. wiier ti.a* boretak rftci. npnn Iln- >iriu-tnre. aud UMM tbe atle.i of lekgranl inilca i'h. oiif.i ,.nd llaua-r tun li.-a BM < .ii.u, eu-aj Oriiiiy ?-> laii-ion runarti aaaaaaad tm ta ?? mt .., awlaw af Ihi iiu-M... aadaf tla* aara ? pai . dliw-l or peaaaMM of their weia-bt ii.u- t... Maaraf UmgaaalaM Mntrfrff *~ "-? BM Ui i... .-I.,|,,'.ye'i. jtte Huaaamiou -kuadaar i* auppA/iUU i>> p^ain i | eable*, rnnninir aeroaa the airecta and ftiatcned to tho piirrj wmlB ofthe bouae*. I'lihlca or rod* are uaeit to kc4 p the roadwav ui |i?*itinii and tn prevent vlhre torv mntmn. The faffenlnpi ,,f th* maln < ithlea eotiaiat of BaaVtraa plntea 1n the party-walla, th.- ?tcel cablea pirr* uu: the frcnt walla on >?_* ti al.le. In addltlon t*i tlieai eablsa, diagonal roda will be BBM tn IM riBMtwiiv at tiie atrect-eroHSlns-s. Twn Barroa Baaa* tracka are propoaeil?mie for the naat aml tbeoili.i f i tbe Wcal Bwle of the ntv. THE t tiSM-.t Tlt UT BLBCTIOB. tbb T-j-rgJajjici votk?tacaaaflaa m.uokitt IN TIIK I.K.IsI.ATI RK?NAMl> OB THL PBOaf-. INKNT Rr.l'RF.SKNTATIVKS BI.K4.TBn. |?1U)_ THK BgfTfltBB ('0B_-i8P*)BDr_.T hP THB TRtBtlCB.1 HkRTi'iUD, April 2.?Tho eloction hna re ili.tx.iitaa Thb Tbibitnb prc.llcted. The vote for Utilettc. the Teniperanre randldate f>r Qovernor, JUBtl ?bb fuiiy the ertitimte imt ujmiii it, aud Rbowa the incor rectieaa of the Coiuuiittce'a flioirea. A reaerved voto 8-M-B8* un.l ib wrniild luivo been attfflclent to prevnt an election hy the people bad not tbe Deraoerata been fcarfuilr deuiorailzed ln the ntiea of HBilitti an.l Jfew-Havm. With refereti.-..- fo CM8881-8888 of the l_?gir.lature. the reralt ta even BStttf thau the most saturulne autiripated. RepitalioauB talketl alxnit tht- Benato Districta aa doi.t.t ftil ln a sutftrlent mim'ter of ciineB to make lt uncerlatn w_ea_et tiie lapabaeaa BBeeaeaaej would be _m_b tained, tmt here are II diatricta ont of the 21 Republlr.ui. Evldently, Uiird pnrtlr*. need not linpei to tnrn enna away irom their duty concerning thu atatua of the <, Asaoiiitily. Tiie niu)nrity on joiut bailof, thia year. paaaBlaaa t.> ba -reat, r tiiiiu it was li_?t yrnr. Th. whole vot*'of the State wili not rjuite com*- up to tiie vote of HU, II wna mport, ,i m Moudi.y Blgkl tlmt. Henry B. iTam eon. Rcpul.lii-iin. Mi been BBBOMd onc oi the represetita ttraa from New-Haven. A late count ahowed that Jatnea F. Batx-ock waa elected l>y a small majorlty. Cbarlea E. Porkina, Republloan, Ib atetBM from thia city, an.l <-x Mavor Chapman, IVemoenif. bareiy saved himsclf. La taaf returna abow that the K.ipi.h!lr:_)? h?v?- . ? aher.flB m 88~8a out ot the eintit i-oonties, the ainglo ox ception beiiig Lltchfleid (oiiniv. T!i? prniuiueiit men auioinr the RcpiibllfnnR ln the next liouse wffl he Porklns ot li-i.':<'.<' ilmiston nf Enfield, Cowlea of Farniuiclnn, Ton-anee of Iieri.y, Bootb of Danbury, Treat of Wondbrldge, Benjamin Daaglaaa of MlMlaloaa. P,.tter ol E-taex, H_n .<f win.l liam, rhilltpa of Putnam, Talntor ot Hampton, aud there may be othera wbnati nmne.8 have not jet been rapeetag, The DemoeraU wlll huTe ST-nifsbury of Franklin, Wallcr Bf N.-w-Ixiailon. Martiuof, Wood-tBlI ef Litcli llt-Jd, Judd of Str.-itfoni, Whcelcr of Ilrirtgcnorf. E..|t!i*b and HatK-ock of and of Hartford. IM Boa. a h. Trea: M Woodbrblga will prababtj ix atacted Spaafear. BOTB iv ooi KT_M (cr.l___.-rn ? ,-IS7-2- ?irwri ? Uu.- Iii. Jewall, barl, Gi'lrrtr ritsa. kmtk *ba_, Ceimfirt. .(.... /?-,?. IVrnp., Kep. lirm. Hartfnrd. 8 J?i MM ma I8T.. i-.ti. 8.7_* V, v .10,588 10.18BJ 138 14S..P..I.- H.'I'a Ne i l.nndoii. KHfi't t.TVt 2Cfi I.. B.6-. B.1'4 Kilirti, Id."."'I ",.15 IT'J ?!.. 7.8'JU ?.l?t* i.1. 4.IM 4.741 1'Jl II.. l."'-f? 6-J.4 Middlesex. M IMI U.t ?.. :i.i_9 ..if.'i Wtndbam ... UN 2,(?38 Ul . 3.6l.r, i.JOt' IBUaad. i..s_ 1.SBJJ bi ... 2.i".u 2."** TAtiilH. te.-JBC 44.446 1,9-8 _M..47.47:1 17,819 .1. a. il orei Babbard .1.0-fO J.iwt il'* Tiujniity . 3<* BsaAToaa klecti:i). llmlnrt l fh.riea J. role. HartfoH (jratn;. II..I>ai el Wa ..-.. .. ' TTI Addixon >> Vitlt, fbntoa. ??i,?-i Stoddwrd, .Vevr-_.ive_. V /'(..,. ? . VI..Hoa_rd< ' VII..Wl__HB II. 1 oll* -. ..retou. VIII..Laolaa Brow_, I'-. IX..Jo_epbQ. Perklaa. OW Lyme \ Hm-ii. L. Huild. I ...i XI-JBBdtb P, O'i.'.t, N.-wtowr.. .\ i it. W aodward v i XlILJiiueaHiiriifft. Bootjuid ZIV..8. .^torra C itton, P XV.Edward M. CMpin, New-Hartford. X.I..J .im -. Pn s w-M_ford. \V(<iVrt.e. 1.. !l,i,;in,Ti. (rOau_n XVIII. * Au* A. liinU. ( (?-:iili) X IX..Henry M - fea raoa. XX M tr.-iis W'.iMtwai'l. Mmei -. XXL.Ueorge _BXW?il, ...t.ou. Rl publiC .us, V- , I'ellie. ? IM Ilonae Bta:.d-. 131 RepalaUeaaa to 118 r.uiniM-rara. Tia B p :". ai. .t..ij'.ritY, oaJolBt ballot, u 'jo ; la.-t jrear itrVar.'.!. _________________? BBW-JBBBBT. NOBB I~_S!?S_XVA1I_I fV'l'i I BB11 ? THB 0IIO91 Ol BRIB IN BKW-JEBBBT?THB BIPABIAB . .'Vn;. \ B8?TT_aO?BOMB -BCU>XXT_X Ezraaaaa. rpaoa iiti'i BaacXAB coBBBaPMnaaR of tht. t__bcji-.i Taaaroa, Apnl l?The Bffeata ot' the Peaa* lylTBalB Caattal Baibroad Ooapaa*', not eaateal aitfc dotag their own diity worfc, Bggaai unw aa BM_rgl8B- ?f tli. .I'.imoi!'Fr;*-lecr-la*. n of laat yar. T* t.i i on good autbority tliat ut the Mg___BgOf tb* eartBB. of ttiese BBBBtt ma.l. ,i Mintiai t -.vitli Jay Goultl I.. gaaa or _ui su.-h bda as he abeald dii-t-tt, aad the actlon af the _8B8BBbtf to-day couflrmn IM atalaaaat. A MH waa tatiagaeed early in Mie BaatBBB repeallng tiie (laar-itleation a< t piisB?-*l at a fiiriuc-r spcaion. I-'nr B lous- ume lt remalnoU in BOtB ..11, ?? BBd oniy until to-day d-d it eOBM upforflnal l.tiasuire, wh? n It wu^ MleaMd throui:h tho exertioos of tiie PemiHylvania aejBBM One of the meinbers fj-oru I'an.saio aaaarta tbal wbea '_*? asked a memticr from Bur t.i vote tur IM repe il. tii" lattet rapltod tiiat he Md pt-tB-tad grrr8t~* Irlek, son of (i*u. [rb-t, tbe r*-nn svivitina lobbTbrt, to Bgalaal tbe MO; und HMIwMa MaBMdtMtwo BkemMra from eaJeto, tbay MM hlm lliey had pr?mi8e.u tbe Peaaayl vaaui munuitei- to vote a/ai.iBt ihe MO, leeenicg ln retara a praaMe I a a abae* r.-r of a ibort tnicb of ral'ro-d lu thch own count} . Tbe tniinivino; WBB tht- V"t< 1 TsA"-I)airhrr. Purrlrr. Plahaf lia."' Baadriskaa flumjm Jo?. LuftAtrr', M.riiri. Marirr M. I) m.i li. BcKialiy, N ln, l',rs, . ...:i Btaaa, tkjtm, Babaack, BaMB, 8IB*faa, Taataa, WaaaBa, 8 i.r ?23. Si,._Air-nion. Anlr-nm. Bi.nrquis. ('lutrld. rar*?. *'it lrrr. f.olrl. (ii. i. H( B r~BT H.W'lt lilll. II..I-.., LA-Aii.irf. i-rilir, talaaa. M i :?? rn Mur: tn-. Mut. lilrr l(**n.eL, Kuloa, i oru, Haaiiey, TLuapM.u Va_ IUjht, Wbiutsr?27. Mi. Hcinrning".vay and Mr. Caudeld chauged their votea tn the uegative iu order to move a reeonaidcraUon, the latter giallliiman did as aoon aa tho vote wa* atiuniiiK ed, aggtBg the Wll reiK-ul'-d a law wuh v.-ry oppr.*M4.-tn l'..ahiiiii ('ouiit.i. and waa ln ita provision* TM-rfeetly indcf.-nslble. Tbe motiou to reeon thkat 'vah loat, aa f" tr.m_CtnRrld, firilerr, Imlri.-r, Pirrtrr Pl.brr OiHr. nnflit. Hrimarb Hrioi_iTi((wiT. Hca-nrkaaa H..| p?r. Jor, Lriaon, LaeVm. BirBr, MtrVr MiUiboiiIi. MrKialif. Nii*?, Ptrker. Pairrtnn. l-l.mii Ma, liy.M*, BaadcraoB, hailb, nu-.en., TorMt, Waatlls, VA illtli, Wi ,ir _JB NiT.-As-wnsot). AadrrAin. IViurrjniD.JIrwitt. Hill, Ilorl, Latnani. U 'r Morpti.'. Bear.i'.u. Sil?erl_ora,_aallay,Tb?uij?a.B. VaaBit*f-14. luiiiie.liately fullowing thia actlon, a second bill to repeal Krie legialution wai* loHt by a rote of 14 to 3'_ It .4 a Bgraiaaai WB* tb*- ?tbtr blll early Ib tbe Beaalon. a:ul, like kt, helda iong time in rommittee. Ita oiijejt waa lo tapeal a .lauae of a i.lll paaaed on tbe day caJled " lilaek Fr.dray" in N> w J.-rney iiifislalion, givlng fiie I.rie OBBBBB-Bg tiie riKl.t M build a road an.l to e__,r*re tbe aome fragbta aa migbt he charged upon any road tn any county wbich thi- propoaed road ahould enter. The road . utered Morria (loiintv, aud the Krie l otupany flndinn a Tory aburt ilne of ratlroail wlth very hlgh rat.s, appiK'd thoae rates to tbe uew road. Tbe ubjeet of tiie tull when introdueed waa to repciii thia obnoxloua elKiiM-; but tM bill aa puaaed to-day waa entlrelv dif fereut from tb? oriKtBal oue. In aome myBtenoua way a _. -. .t .T-- had takrii ita j.laoe, aud iuatead of o repeal ll waa aimiily a . hnru-r for u lallroad. Tbe frienda of the ...I. flieiefnn- e.iP'l llltlf Utt lt, aml It died uii ii-4 laaJb. Jt ui Tery duubtful if the Umg t-oniroveray tielween tbi- Kipariaii ('orin_i?*il_iiera and tbe N.-w Jeraey C? ntral Kuiiw-a' 1 ompany wlll taa a-iiu-d duriug tha pnraent se* M.m. Jt haa contiuu.-d tliroiijrb tbe j.B?t thr**e yeara. _ud w.iaayided a few wecka b_o lu as agreemcnt upon a bill wbu-b 1" i'ow hefore tbe Aaaembly, uud hy uhu-ti tUf f.'uii.iiasy ib ^iven full titio to tlif land* it t laluia iu rtatB aBBaja Buy, on .ondttiou of payimr iuio tl*e gaBaad fwmt of th. Htate PMO.iao flf ty y.a:* fioai the Brat <la> ,.f Apnl. Jtfi-, wlth inU-raat tberron tlll paid at fie.vfii ptr <vent. tbe bill laiut up ou aeroud :ca<t ma-. laai eaaa-BJ. Mr J.y moved to aaieud hy lm-reaBimr IM BSaaaM t?i |l?a,,0W., and tbe whol- muto-r waa laid on tiie larrlf tlU thia Biorulnif. ThlB inoruinK, lu aja-ah iu. ii|M,n hia j-ieiKlon-ut. Mr. Joy *ui*i be had *ou|>bl in vaiii l?r BM 'a* la in .. t_.r<l ts? tb* blll. Tbe Ripi.rlan * iiniu.ira.uiiera haii iuIa ?*)wer to acll ti.e aml l.e ,?u)aI uol -.. lli. ,_-,. ?*?.!. **f tbeir wiiuiug into lue lai. udiUire wuu .. Uiun Ml ialbarbBM - B8M, TMCauv m. t<< w li.> lj?,l :(..? Uli ni iluiigi ua.l ii.ail.-i,.. reporl, HiTd the Aaa. ...I Iv BBBB UDtlilBK alaiiif IM ta. ta ... tlu tmmt M: iioui.iiiiii .:i?..*liliiie.l i_t bHI M8 aaat BajMr ,..nt?._?' ol ln* BMBioB, anu ytt ibi-y B-cn- acuua uaou it i complcfclY in tbe dark. TIe would Uke lo hear ?ome one atate tbo fa.-ta. Mr. H. riiniltikfway uiovexi to lay the wliole aiikiieel, on tlie t.ilne, aud thc ino'l.-ii prevaile.l. Mr. Nllea inoved ln t,-il,e tbe inntlni from tbe t.uie, and apoke. iu favor nf tha bill. II*- aaid llm Riparlan Coinmiaalonera bad d?-< nl.-d ibe pi ioo lo Ih- fnir and aaa tuiile; thnt thr ->Tnte had not .111 .il>*..!nte fitle tn tin .ami ahaa lha O mpany bad Imarovod it t,, -oaae extent. Hr Ji* a.! nn om* ctail tn tne paaaaRB of the blll, iK-eaii-e tbere Wero 110 n,,i[ia *boWlllg exarfly tha .iMimint of likii.l tu l.e _-r-tlit.'.l. II lha itinda Wi II* worth*B|fi, OttO now, they woithl he wnrtb iniieh more !W feaaa U.-nie. 11 tlie-, lio,.. Liinj 11. .?>:?-I iln- im...??*". l.e Wiwi in af waiAiiik* tiii lt louhi he laereaaad hy mJmwMth ??? ti of Mso.fflxt. Mr Kouniuin acnln ii*keif for Ibe fuet-. but no one irave tbem. Mr. [.-i.iiiiuir -wnl tn- IiimI tbr ari,'uuiHiitr eu me aahjaet, aad eaafaaaad he knew aiH.tit ir. Tin. mottoa ta take from tbe table waa loat. ind the ('ea-ialoa Wtll prohiililv klll the hill. 'iln lucidcnlal li II fnr ihe praaaaf anaaloii wa* reported ou ita iinrlta by tlM Cniuui.ti.-.- i.n InaTadeBtal Expcm-c* fi... aftaraoea, Thc itmoaphen of rafena h;i* bad a siilutiirv rffcei upon the afat nnery and ntber so tbat tll*. WllOle blll Ollly lllni- .IllS ln tlie Ul'llcrt .um >f BMI H A_ear___ig i" tha cbargea f--r BUtiouerv, Uie Banaton tiiuat have beea aaaaaakRy aaa utia in hrtter. wtittnt'. aml 111 drawinK bill*. _**., f.<r whlle the Aaasem l.iv witb It* an ?etBR-BI <-..- und only***"; 71 wortb nf Ktationery, thu Beaate wua only iu uiciulvcn hn'liad Wl* BB WOftb ; nr, M .llviilc it rqunl'v, eaen A-A-inibl maii haa Iuk.1 fn "1 aortli af ati.rloiierv, iimt aaab B-BMtaf 144'44 wurth. Jint thia .a uot all. Th. Aaaeumly Iuah ex paadod for riiin .;.ia-. tn 75, and tbe Beaate fra 7R Tlie entire eoat of atatloncr*. for tbe AaaeMbly, inciildltlff tlmt fnr Uie rlerk.. an.ouuU. to f-tjrt -I, and for U.u -kuuta tha atnouut bi 11.11*4 *5. A aew Baaala Mil rciitilroa the Bew-Jeraey Railroad Company to pay oae-haB af aampereoattaa UJaoli lt. rnli.UB al.iek an.l e<|iili)Uicnte. rilE ALABAMA CLAJM8. I.viii. OB tvvii.M *.- IROORB BOTR EF.FORE TIIE IAIU.M1 TK.-iT_7KI.AV? TIIK DCH I M..M ntlRBDLT IN TORR? IIIK aRUIrit.ATtoN EX PBCTSO TO 60 OB?BO ACXIOR TaKHN Ut TBR ( kttlN'KT. |BT TEJ.K()R.?.rn TO THt~ TniBC*tH | IVA.iliNr.ioB, Tneaday, April _, la7". K.11I >.i:.!.* 'l.'- aaeoBd dJapatah rb_haAlahaaaa arbitration aaa raad hi tba ?"-hiairi Beettaa to-day, and lnionunlly iii~tl'_i The lett_r ia cousider.-Uly lonirer than tbe irtf oommunication of tho Bi.ti.-h Miiiihier nu __da Mdkjeet, but coutains little that w;ia not aet forth. thoafh in tewer words, in the fonner note. Eaaiaod repeati tlitit if bbca bmmR aanaat doire that an aadandai <..tit- mny be arrived at by wfcddfa thc ajaaatkai aowdlTidiaf the two airioi ahall Imi auiiiikhlv- iBMlod, and it ieaaid, on tlie bct authority, tbat the diapaaeh J?t rcceived eontaiaa no threat od the part of ( Britaini to witlnlraw hor cn-e from th<)0i aera Co-ttaanee, if theAau. ican case is aet BMdified. ' Bl the oth'T haad, tt st'.exat to bo beLn v.-d, by lcadinit members of tba Adiniuistiiation. tLat. alkO*B-d BO turtlier corr*-Mponil -rice take plaee, tlie Bntiuh (j. vcrnnient will tjle rtl aaawi r ta ear( bm aa th*- iluy set, April vl, aud allow tha artuUatioii tfl RD on, BU____g at niix-t a font'.al in- tiht that tba Geai ra CoaJareai i haa aojariadie rion over tiic qneet-aa ef c<.i._e-jiiontnd ilamaj-esa Aa aaid batoe. tha body of Gran*. tr_ - teoad di* patcbiaa rapetitioik, t_npl_cat_o_k, aad arguioeBt, af tha poattkni aaairmrrl ia tha Bud cianiBMBleat-oo, and. a_ .uol.. may wilh |_*_fBiety cithor bo fol lowetl by nnoihcr rcply Mr. I', or, if the lTisidcnt aud OabtaM thiak that our flr*t r. ply eover* the wh.-ie Kr'i.'.uii, may _*? allawod te ci -<? lha c-rrr-pouorace. Aa Ui*- MBM n?w rc. uj- to riand, the qut-6tiun bm anaa tbe twoOover-U-k-Btalaaota i i.ngi.uiii ahall p .V aaaaeaaaatlal daawaaa ith. AdmliiMa tratloti di'V* '.mt azpaet them tn i*, au.l will nnt paaai ib'-n.), out whachi i lha Caltad -u.**-* ?u_il bo ul lawed le leave rti>- a_Ita far theta Ir Ba aaaa, undjrtve tha Oeaa~aCeafaraaMi au oapi u of it* owu [tnitdtction 111 thc iireiai.M.s. Thc lu.u.i BtaBa a U 1 -it vviilidraa1 01 moiilfy Ua liinlir the p-e*. nt (--f*-1*??*?*---., bat laauxtau . - __ axlaitMMMMk ai.ajl gr> -n. and la wllnif- to abbtehpthei.-n.f. w Rm BihBtattaa .- bitati therefor.-, U ?.':t ,>?' bf tbt hittt I ?<? ' af tbt Uiittsh Min ihtry, aud it ib th. opinion in oflatal attvloa Bha tweltM?iefthedliaaaMB, allew?a Bm aaaa m .-' aa wltb a fonnai prni. -.' nnnl |ui -tilict.nn over eoii*e .,11. ti*,ai daanaeaa, an-1 breaklaa ap the arbltraUon, i...r. dratnv. le b l .e tbe tormer, aa 1 i>e attendes. -?itii diaaater to the niadatone (???*?-1 nmeat s .1 .,1,1-?'.ei. ro.i.-iicii ne tbe 1 aica-r to-day. aad ... -. n ia 11, t lliliid.i tn 'i 1 l.pv lil'- ltl.11 tloa of tin i' - I ol aad li.? Becreta I - foi teroral Uj.cIUia.- .' , T.i'.lh. BA1LWA1 1 _#__Vi - WITimRAWAX f'l BB. Al? BRR CRB. A. -'. T>I\ 1 \ U.l.ilKl. ViCR-PRR-lURRT?AROTBSB BRW ? roR. The Hoard *it !i."ti.r- o. tin- Ki.e ____3waj rcceived,*. tlie **_k**~_R ' oiiini'ltiieatlun fn.iu Vice-riesidetat 0. H P. Areh. r: Nf.vv Y.iiik, _. \9~1. OBRTLRMRR: By baalm i". lu* my\ nl. n atl. nlli B.COUIJ ' Bl Uii BotJ il oi M.ii,di."-i i.ut of thia i-cM.d. I theretore begtotendei you in . ; - \ .-I Pi l Direetorof tl_e?rie li. i.v.a. 1 .nnt.any. au.l 1 u?i- tin- oppartaa.l ? ui ainoerely tbankiag fou for j om - oo| eratlou witb me ln-a. reeent cbanm-a maile n the maaacemeal of tbe BflMra of tiiia Company. I aai, dearBira.yoara, vary reapeotlolly, " "? P. hMt m.a. l5 the Boa. J-iiui A. ln. Pr.-siijeijr, aad tno Board ol DnTBtora Brla RaUwaj ' Jompany. The raBaaattaa waa aeeepted, aad the following reeo luUon tinaniiiiou-iy adopRed : Baaalaaa*, That thia Board t. uder* Ur thaaka to Mr. Aroherforttk aa latai readared 11 auBag the reeeat ehaaaea of Ihe * nai Mr. An-iier ha* baaa aaRReatad va *ii the aiaaaBfi MaaageRBeat of tha road oaly abkea lart Oaeoaab-a*, wbea bewaa eleetad Tlot Prealdaat, la plaaa "f Ptak, wbo rerdrijed. tb.-. bank'.- iM-mg k.-pf seeret. Ilt ..-liiiin* to hiiMi taken holdef ih>- BtaaaRBM-B eluipl, fortbe parpaeoaf redeeataa ;'"' read from it- .-vji reputailon; and ui/it that lha tmmTXt IB IhB dBeetMR have baaa M tiifaaliy crowucd Wlth MBe?MR.ha retiier- tu look after b.- ptivatc BRHtoeaa Ba alao elaiui* that tlie vu_ue ehargaa which have baaa bm '*? BRaaaat bim from tfaaa to tluie are wltbout foniiUatioti, and Uiat blo tatoB-lt. B aalatpaaaaaMa, tiilsou Iioman, who waa aleetod M Hl! tbe v.ieaney oc ckiaont-d in the Board M Inrector* nv thc lattaaaRtaR of Mr. ArtLcr, 1* a uativu and resihnt of Uu* Etato. a.t!it.iii4h at praaaat to Barepa, Ba ta al?o tha Vtaa Preaad?R of th.- Oiwat Weatern Ra of Caaada. The n?w TloaTlaablibi of theBrta Read la Oea, a. .-., who has bocu eOBBeetod wilh tho r.,ad for tuoro uii.u _a_f-*tra, aad .r fami-ar witb erarytblag p.-rtaitiiuir t.? iL Tlu- Board of fJaU-etan ia eoaataatly nac* ing la foiiiiatluii of reiKirted tmg__*_*__-M lu eontracta. and ntliei aclr Bf tlie <,nn,d ud_-.iiiHll-.itl.JU. all ?I vvlti. b I* ... o ii..- ExeeaBva c.iiuinittoc hafeaaaBaRtlaa. r-lILL. ARO?OR I.lbY.l. -iLIT IJAi.riM(jiiE, .Md., -.?The Iit-v. [...nn/o li. fluHtou, lute Pajitor of Tnnity Meihoiliat CbflRRh (Soiith) of Utl* clty. baa eoninieneed action for libei ln tbe -Aiper.ur J ourt of Ua.tltuore ilty, tho *___inion? re turuah-s on Uie second Mouday ku Apnl. agaiuaf the proprietor* of The Ameruan. Tbat paper, tbi. after uoou, 111 rel-rniikf. to tbe aeivlee uf tbe auunuon*, aay* tbe exaaiinaUon nf J>r. BaaMM'aaaai uv tin- Cbareb .*u tlii.iiti.-a ie al.nut eoinmeiieiui', and recardH the luatltu tluu uf BB inlemledfi. linluce tlie Coii.init tl-.- of,,atlon to leave tn? uiatt.-r loi a<aJU.l..aia, 14 ba-fore a elvil UTbunal. ALI_B<;F1) M.M.l'BAITHT QABB. At the Tombn PaUee (.'ourt, yeetiTiluy afler noon, Mrr. L)r. JulUi A- (inndle, wile of Dr. linudle of Tweutj -ii_th-at., wu* plaa-ed ou trlal on a cbargo of pm dueingan al'iiitiou nu Marla Llien, a Ueruian aervant employed at Ro. 4* Broadway. Mra. (irindie had been arre*te-d in her own bouie, and her biuitiaod waa ineseut durlna tbe ezaiuinaliou. Dr. Harriugtoi. aud Ur. Halle. k tenttfled tbat tiiey had atlelided .Miaa Llzeu, and found ber iu ;t criBtal coudlUoo from tbrj effe. t* of an al>or liaflk The buabund of tbe .u < it-. d waa l__ld to unawtr, aa ? wlle .antiot be beld aivount-ble for a criiue vom u.'.! iu the pi.-aeneeof her butbaud. ? mmt ri-..iHahi.j. Hii.mi. 11.1: Mi.hail BaabjRR and wife nnd HurIi Stcw art, wiitle walkuiK thrmiith K?ir*y-ei?rhtb-af.. tu-ar Broad? way. Iiiat Blgbt, wei- aaaaulted by Henry Marx and Kr.d. ii"). l-.111.pp. Mark atabbed Stewart iu tueruht brciiat, tbe kuittj penetritiiK tl* l.iua aud raualm; a umrtal wouuil. Ma. x and kuuipp ?.-ro ari.aieil, ?nil tbe -auiliid_-l man war aenl lo IM- Weat Blor liua plliki _ HI-BIBIIBBI BPfll ...Herr von Salienrl.ii, Mk.uaUi oi tbi Inteiior. al ll.r Km,.,rr.,l IMMMIf. ->J,a*. A. II. D. M.i'a. ii jirounn.'iit auaar ni. rcliiint of S>. l/TH>a?a. aar- .*aala,l, tkat h m- tl leaal ai-.B a |- -."-I. raier !?? A tire at Me.. veat>nlav. ileatroy-d a .,.._,.., .mi BMI Mil, .ai_- *r toM ??>'"*? -' BBfBMi bRBj aa "?j Ooi Oean baa *iku*'?i tba bill e..n-4.ii.i?tina ,,.11, ial, 1 te.._. aii* 11 e* -li "1 J1iu_-.ll., Ua. ret.j aa-.uf J?,m) U, il* . ..uaiiea THE WHISKY FLOT. AI___*tUED CONSriRATOReS r,rviN<i BATL. RVBoliK- ROnnt.UT OF TTIF Dlr-TRltT-ATTOi. M? v's OIIK'K?WHAT THF. INPHTF.D HAT? NAME8 OP TIIE BAIt.KD? k? INTKRV1EW WITH rX JIIrCK DAVIH. Tho ixcitemeut at the FiiiVral lmilrlinpr in riiainlMra-Bt. over the re.cnt rii.d of the t'.iit.-d St.itM liraml Jury BgM the all. Ke.l wbix-y eonxpiratora BBM tliiti.d vcMcrdcy wltbout dlmliutUnn. IM moat iraport ant ruiucr ..f the ilav waa tbat in the United Hi-tea Dia trt.-trAttorney'a ofTI.-e a rohoery had been rommitted wblch, lf the miuorprove trne, aiil be a j?urallel to the Wew Court-Hoiwe -oucher rhcft It la aald that near'y all of tbo i^iaona induied are charged with defraiidlng the Oov.-rument ln tmnaa. tiona ol whieh there were In tbe Diatrict-Attorney-i offl.-i- indl.-lal reeorda that wonld Mietilaatei many of the aeeaaal al the cbarsce aguinst them. Within a month, the atory goea, theao re- BB 81 buve been aurreptitiniiriy r. moved, in onler thut the Ur dlctmenfM nuirht ba. moro effcetuully tiaed Bhould the lndl.-ted men fall to make the BB8BMMM demanded. In addltlon to tbla. lt la fl# aerted that when lt wo* .letenutnod at a eon* lavc to make the raid lt waa alao d.teruiinedto rob tho Uu'.-d tiUtea Distnct-Attorney'* offl-e nt any n.-t lug thero wblch might teud to exeulpato tbe M8B at whom the blow waa ainu-d. Ha dlsciuwioii li. tbe Ciilf.-d Rafei" CommlHsiotie.r'a n.onis diuing the reeeptlou of the bonda of thoae u dictetl 88BMB8 who 8B8M fo 888188-88 tbemaelvt-a T88 ter.lav, waa thUfly confluod to the aetion of the Uraud Jury, lt* euuae, und thu proleilile reault. Noarly all who 8j)oke of the matter guvo lt a polltlcal aape* t,' and iivern'.l tiiat it waa an AdmiaiHtration nieastin: M wh p iiiti, tlu-rauks thoao who bad openly dcxert. d MfM iiKdiratlii-- -Seerttaa. Thoae of tho a*-cna*:d who ex. -JXllAl IbtBB egtBlIM laughed at the tbreatcued proac cuUon. aud scouted tbe paaatbOlty of saatlCllag them of any of tbe chargea mitde. One, after civlnaf MO, tbat even tben he did not know what the chartr.-B w*-r?. ; be had merely eater-d into baaaa to auawer uny eMiaa that mlght bo brotighi oealnat him. A gentieniaa witb -x.elltnt facllitic8f..ra.<inii ng knowiedge of the pro aaae-Bge, wys tbat whi!*- th.- -_Jo-lqr M IM eeeaaad ara undountcdly tanoeent, aome of them are U havlug uo defeuae. aud -hoiilil have baea eall.-d M 88* wiiint fur their mmdeeda loiiK Bgs. Ib. Da Kay, aaa_B> uut iirt-Attorney, cIioho tn si.y verv ItttlB of tiie ti.iii!. r. int -eatared IM uarcrrion that all the pabtiaMd liatr ,.f lUe uei ll <d 88888 lli'i.l r. . t. WHAT THK DrDICTBD IAT. J...-<-.l. Eniclelinrdi, r.-prcseutiii. tM ttriu Bf MBMbaTB, T)i-?-v rooa Jt <"., Importeia, No. 6H l-Be-et, made IM '< I iOWlng -Uteuifii!. "rt.r.lay, M B TB-BUBB laportari "Tho gaodBBpeawbtcfe the iudietuient agalunt ua waa tlri-.u ij '*-:>? i BOgbl -v ua fr. in another importt-r an.l pald ha*, ns ie asaal aitb all merchunf*. We were ln f.irme.l!Lat IM goeM Md -888 n .ul.irlv throu.h the CBBB-BB-HBaM, and 88-8*8 that t_.-y had. t.pon the auaa graaag, any ?arefiaal wh<> ieala ta gaoda par* BbaaMfraaa latSM lrnporbra wouhl be; for nuv .rr. - ilaritiea m IM , BB -> Bf the good* IBiaagb IM ii-hoiise. The tlrm is .-n^-Ti^.-.l in the m neral eoBB ?lariaa toalaeea, aai the Vew*York agke ia ealy .... agen.-y of the botigo situatcd at Loudon, (.'.uiad.i. I M ? rrtoaali. kaow ot aay of l i bb naaaaBtari ta IM lBd_et_B8Bt I l.avt- ulrrady flled mv ? ott-bt iu IM taa <?! IUM, itn.i Mr. D_ey-808 8B- Mr. BeaaaM-B, now out Bf MWB, wili .!" M BgOB rheir n-titrn." a N- I'iko of S. N. _ Co., No. 7t Broad 8t? Btated " I aaw the IndiiCuent thn* motuiu_, und it ebargaa ?Bb i.r, m ihv-'i, l wt-nt up to a diHiiiler in I'mf. - ; :i;ii-t., aboaa Baaaa ami B-a-raaa i ,a-.:it IBBMBlMl. BBd ini BBM 1 BBT8M MaN ''<! T"-, aud tbat I tben 8Btl rcd Into un arrangemeut with I.jiu t?,1(;,, ; . i . .;.-HUiiverir.i,entoiit of tlu ui Mraal layaaaa tax Bgaa i.-u i.arr. laof whi?ky i rii< ...,! euar.e.l vvuuld bave e.jttaled al tbat baaa abaai Heo. i aawat beard ..f ?M eaaa ba Ba-,aad bbBi8IIbIIb_IjbIbbbpll a? a Ba, ttsBall rmt, arer, fllbar. Ml ^Hl amouut to eoBatd mbit to tin- ...mi i.iu.i.iiT, tor in> wffl bul fo make out hia 8888. and will M BBWd for r.rjiiryontheni-t day I BBM eaa man ta Btata I'nron int iu 4.-I.I- i. r .i Imllarofbaae,ai i i b I bmI Uus aiintli. r M<Tli-nry cum- If II bos to _o tb-Bagb .-vei y court m th.? i-ind. BacbeBaraaa, aaaM i.v trrespooeibte men, win tl.-r r;i>e i i tr-,., irr- itly .tjt.r.-a ? tM tin.,- Baa ee-na wbea th.-.n- la a Aai Idi 'i da ? | t au e\ "u p.e. LargaBaaaaaUM aaaa eaa aaa* : agi-nts in Uie Qorera ln... t BbBBld B88BM 88, BBt IMtB ali- r.r\i rai 888811 I |? r BtarawboaattadaaaigsaBbbbbbwUlMMaaMd .' ? fuiure by tbeae Iad- "neuta." A T.ill.i MT r< porfer BBB '" ""? Mi'ipiaii*.aad Caalbn to abtala tbelr aaa Ib r.-Kiird to tlic lailietni. uta fmiud n.iiiii-t i_, Bk, .f.isfiee i ie aald that ins only Boaneetloa any dla ill'.i 4 VVl..? 4Vli.1I. he .1. le.t .1* trOIldrtlUUl for KOOtl tlU-TT la gaily -acoad-at. abaatflra yoaraago, .1 . , ,,,.it, i Bad M int'Ti'st la IM Porty* atoaaidat dlaUlaary.i 8 88 m .-man, .md M ..a. ri - ". iu UH) OUC Vll.o eall r.l04V Ll 1S i > Ul el I ii .11 t ll, . jioth Jiu-ii. es eapeeaa aarptiaa tbat they abonld Mra b.-. u iii.ii.-tc.i. .md alalmtoM eatlrely taaeeeat of aay aitiian i io .j.iiaud tM 'jovt-riiiii.-iit. THF. IOCCBID <:ivi\-<-> TiAfi.. I":., i v. '..i am.- !i rivard >e?teiit.iy ufterunnl: tO glTB tu.. ie. me i graatly eooeeeaed, wh.-n tbey rea.ihed the I'liiteil glBtee ''oiumiAsioner'a offli-e wlth their 88X8088, at tn the nature of the inili.-tii.niif* acuinat them; aud wheu it waa uunounced that tlu-y were Btdteta I for con inlraey i:i -atraadlag tho Governmcut out of a large nmouut af tax 0:1 wblaky many of them loutlly aaa rtod tbelr intiocen, *-, aad aaid tbey were never conccrucd in au* whiaky traiu-act.onr; souieof tb'-m ftatiii- that "all the whmky they over dtalt ln they bad jirueur* d at the bar, aud they would B8T8I have imbibi'd that lf they had thoiiKht it wan (.-"inic to gM them into .10 BBBCB trou til*-." Aa cnrly aa 9:i!() a. rn. the indlcfi-il petBBBSbagBa to ujijiciir Bataa Cummiarltiiier gkleMe with tho au aaaaeaaBaal that they had tbnr BBearbw, aud vtabai to grra _aO, which waa lixe.l in each cahe at The foLlovvtua were admlttcd to ball: samuel B.x-hin. re.-ntlcr and dist ln-r : mrettaa, 4. ?}. Mursbnifz of No. 43 _>ey-ab, aud Jobu BBBdlBBl -4 Ma, .1 il.-t.r-8t. jntui OsiKirn, Aaalafanl Aaaesaor; aezety, willlaai II. 1! v-v 8f Nu. tf-G I." Xlliatlou BT8. I'l.jilip II. Tuaka ; ?ur.-u . .Murris TbbM of N... tfl East Berrnt* tir.-ti__, Ibe laaliruaent cMrgaa bim witb aaa niuinit to arriat 111 IM reiuovai of .8j,.iki gaOoBB nf wiiinkv irom a diatillery ou F uirtli st.,011 tM l-t of il i- . it-,,:. iv' ibo .iiuv btiiut paiii tberaoa. Ba wa* mut-h iiBtonished winn h.i tM ladletaaenl read, ,'iu.l htate4l |bal liiere must l.e BBBBB BIMbM "Why ta 1;," ".ald he, '-llial I have beeu cIiohcu to stau.l tlu; -algbl of thia ebargBi wh.-n there 818 ao mauy abiakj dnukcra who are uior. .uilty rhaii I um t"|Onltlflis: auroties, Jobn Bulkley uf the ffewena Haaaa, and cbaa. li. ____.g_u of Nu. ibc ?eaaeaatw lii.M.kiyii. Saiuuel Brown, a revenne offleer, who regidea af v... 3*?j E.iai Twenty-llfst-at., auratfea. Jobfl No. ?_17 _a,Mt Niucteeuth-at., and Tuos. Uouubo of No. i__ __at Elglil. entli at. Etlwaiit M. Tvler, a lifhtennan ; BBiatlea. BBnaal Her* 11. ui >>t aa.ll waal flffj artaiBrt 8t. aud Thoa. liouabo 01 No. 168 gaat glalrtTitt. Tf j.u .rn, aui.-ty, Joiiaa Ilellcr of No. C9 TA'eal Fortv-aixlb-at. Baraard KaplM: surety AbrahamSimn of No. xu Fast . Filty BBtaata-afc Mr. Eiipfer was a.-Ued l.y a Tkiiiisb repuit.-r if he knevvu tbo contcntaof IMlBdlMaBBBl aga-BBl li.Tia. aud i.-plii .1 that he ditl not kuow imytbiug a inut ttexecpt that lie rereived a autiiiiiona to apDear wuu Uud yeaterday. He tbouubt tliat they were puttiuK tle luaelve* to u fTuod ?t troilblo about hiui, aud aaid il_-v woidd k?-l noaalUfai-tlon. J.ii.11 A. Mn batlo, 1 BBtjati wilh brlblnr a revenue oltl cen auretiee. A.lelaide Maiinrz and lticbaid 8la.uu.. aaltera, No. 137 Eaat >1fty-uiuth-at. Vt i..iaiu I>. < aae, . luu <>-d witb tbe aame oBcn*e; auieiv. ltn-bard Meiiiltei.1. an ex Alderman uf Ali,aii>, and ftf-cretary uf ibe AJbauy Uaa-UKbt Company. Many otber appllratluua were made, but Comaiia alouer White peremptorlly refuaed 10 take auy more bad untll to-day, aa the buaiDeaa of yesterday bad itiven tbe CommiBaluuera aud their aida ao to do tb.ii tbey were imt to eontinue tbeir laborB longer. Ill.I Nt'Ht.8 Of THI GBABD JUBT. Tiie lir.iud Jurv, ln flnding the lodiotmenta axaluat tbe ...iirpnatorB, made aomt eurioua bluudera, 111 eluditiK the lu.lletineBt of aeveral dead men. Auiodk tbe ludicUneuta ia one aa-.riBt lTmrtea Jobnaoe, formerly liepnty Coilc.'tor of the yixtb Diatnct, who died atiout tbree yeara age. UI.-.TRI*T-AITOIlBEr DAVis'S VIBW9. A Tmihibc n-jKirtrr eaUeU on IBaUiet Attoruey Da?ia, yeaterday, aud ol.uu.ed the folloaiag mforuiatuiu 1.1 t. K-i'i to ibe .ail.-K*-d wbUby evuapir-ey : Keportei How u.aiiv iBdletmeBU baae been found by tbtt imu-d BUteaUranti Jury aa-ai-wl. t_e wlnrB, ooo Bpiratarat Ex Jud^e Darl, -TblrtefB ln all. but aeai ly erery lo dtcliucul i-outaiua cbarr,ea aiiaiual arverwl peraona. lu all Ibere-re hflwetn *0 jail ".0 IfiBOua Imllt-t-Mt. Tliere ata, Macvrr. a targe Biuutrer ef ludictan-au aaan.?t nnlteaptat-i* ofTleiiila. fnr malfea-anee in offlee, which will ba made known wben the time rome*. Beporter?Whal 1* *ba nnniber of trallon* of wbl-By on wbieh the ? ILug" bata defrauded the Oovernt-eut ont of the taa f Et Jndge Davla-Ir would he In-pwHlble to *tate. If ha* been varioualy eafimutA-d at from _*o,0O0 to 300,000 ipillonH; but no e-uo know* how mn* h it would all amount to, aa there are many, I prciume, not yet la dleted, whoarelniplicated In the eon-piracy. there haa lieen euoutrh appropnated tinlawfully by tu. tu to _1ve every man In New-York a gnod drink. Reporter-In Ihe Ilerald't artiele on the niatt.-r I nntleail ecveml BRRRBB af peraona indicted to wbotii uo elue can be obtaiiiad. Waa tbeir Imt "orr*-?-t I Ex Judge DavlK?The aeemiutain The HmtUl i* a mf)*t atmurd on.', and the nnme* are entlrely incorrett, matay of tbeni not belng known to any of ua. Ki-porter? When are theae eaaea la oe trtadl i:x-Judkfe bavia?They will probably be trled in about a month. Judt-e Bhlpuian will then be sitting iti the Ujnted Htate* Crcuit Court. and I ahall order the __? pUced on ealendar imnifdhkt* ly. ASOTIIER Bl.SV I)AT ASTICIPATED. Tlie UnitedHtatea Grand Jury did not ?it ye*t..rd;y, and no more bentb warrant* have Ix-en le-u.-d aa yet aatamat thijae wbo?e Indictmenta have not been made pul.Iie. Until 80'clock yeiterduy aftemoou the PRdtoBl b.uldin? waa crowded wlth tho** who wero anxlou* to know lf they were Indicted, and the action of fbe Com niiiVdoncr* intlie varlouai_mi* wa* wnt<hed with eiik'.-r intereat. To-dav prouii*e* to be even bu-ier tban yea? terday, a* niituy ure ea?erly waiUn_- to ho aduiitted to lJUli. Jtl'DiiE PRATT NOT TT1I-7 MvN. T<? the Edxtor of Tht Trtbune. Siit; I think preat lnjiiHtice has been done to the Iion. Cniviii E. Pratt of Rrooklyn by tl.e BBRRHBRae ment Uiat he ia one Bf the perison* indicted by the late (irand Jnry for whi-ky fraud-. A per*on of that naine ih iudictcd, but he i* dearribed ln the evldenec as a " revenue inapector," and Hfterward aa a " storekeeper" at the Fnrty-second-at. distlllery. Ju.ltre Pratt, fhotigh for a sliort time Collector uf Internal Revenue in B.-ook lyu, ha* uever, that I can learn, held tbe poattinn of in .ipeetnr ar i.t.irc?ieper. Be-ides, the Jitdge's t-irm-.f iiffiri: an Collector etpired on tlie 4th ef Mareh, 18**, w litcli wu* prlor, 1 beiievc, ti) tbe alteged otfeaee* fnr Wbicb ln- i.iiaicilte has r-?-iin inrlic- d. It la due to J:n!-?i l'.att tbat the err-r ihoold t.<- promptly eor rected. >*.__ _>avi_, U. B. Attoruey. .N u- Tnrk. April 2,1*7.. [Befeea fbe artiele atludcd to wn- pnlilighed. a roporter waa sent to Mr. Davl* to aak If thetainn E. Pratt lu rlii Judi;*- Pratt of Brook'yn. Iie returncl ?_** iiiir, on tbe authority of the bt_tricr-Attorney,tuat JurtKe Pratt waa the mau. The error, lf there ho any, la that uf ax-Jndea bavia. Tiik XRibVRB in, of course, g!ad, how? ever, lo eorreet lt at onee.?Ed.] A BEMABEABLE P0I8QNISQ CA8E. A Kl* II lAXOOR-K-CRP-Ot'l ROaOTf RXBUBRB nfO TEARI AafTBB DBATB AND POtTRD SATC RATRD with _J__-_HB_?-ARBRBT uf THt aL LRORD BUBDKBRR. A very curiotirt poisoniug cane waH bron.-ht ta iif-at, *aa_u__yf ia tha Gareaar*i offlee, the faataaf whleh were kept necret until the aOefed _BRI__H r BM BIHlad Fredt-rick Bcigtrted, a harne.?*-_uaker, ttt?B ln Third-ave., betwt-en one-huiidreil-aud-twen.y-eiirhth and Onc-hundrcd ?___k>-W_St*r-B?th ita., allegca that hl* father, lha late Fn deruk J?Mfb Beigfried, who died on ARR. '-"? latR ;l< -v'"- M ?*?" Hou-tob-st., waa poisoned l.;. nadatlrl Beggl aud Koaanna Heggi, his wife. He Itataa a?der uath thRl*aa May l, 1S-9, lu* father kept a .???.r saJoon at No. 119 Flrxt-avc, aud employed ... Mtttar a.s housc-keepcr, that IIik.-_.-i frciueutly liad ior."' aonl BXt-ttRff couver-atlons with his tathei, lhal his father opcucd a BBbRBB at No. 110 f , on Jnly 13. .md thne weaftB afli rward, ua lha d.-roiient l* lnforun d tiy Carollno Miller, Beggl took bim away, aml ntaraed lun few day* and eairtad eff aU the nnmture ln the bewM ezoapl whal wae m tha imr-rootu, *howiu*7 to the haaaahaapar au nnl.-r nikfne.1 Vf Mr. Seiftiicil; that the d.-pcuent. not tn un; at'..- to rtiid In* father, met un Auir. lo, ls.9, J?hn Eaibfeli of 1. Ul, vv hu tulortlied hiUi lhat hl* father waa dfitd ; that Hiiliaaiiiieiitiy ha WBB lnfoiuu-il iiy Jolm Raaeb ofBo.48 Paeaytbat.thal Beggl hudtold theai ?..ut Mr. -k-tgCni ii bad bM a bartad ka N* wark, x. J.; that j.. "atberdtadea Am4. _o, t,-u da*. after the dapaeeaR nnt Baath, an?l w aa Ijiuicd iu thc Luth* run (.'< an-tery on Luug blaad; tbat the di'iKincut asked lleggi fur a cer nii. ate nt tmrial, iu order to erect a touiuutone over tbe BTare; thal Ilcggi Iald hnu be could do wbat he Uked, aa licljiu-e.Ihadg.,t aii tbal ho WBBted, that, aA'contlug :? the raeorda at Poltoa B___loRartara, the hunal-plaee WBI iu ( aitnaii.vilic. aud Uiat the body Uai beea *'X huu-cd re. cntly, wid traces af poi-on have been found. _, Iji-puty CorouiT Baiah BMMta an exaiuinatlon of tho la .'- aoaily t| yeara atter daath. Tha coain wa.s eaeaed ia the ptoaaBOTi of Coruner Youuc, A. B. PofB, PradaetaB aeiafriad, br. Rneal f_hlag an.l athcra, The bo?!y waa w. u pnaanred, aad waa IdaaBied by Ptodartak . .1 bj dafoB-Blt-ea of the lagce of each hiud. rheri; was uo cvidenee of external vtateaeo. Tlie hcart, aiil-.-eu, liver. a ki'tiiev. a luug, the stoma* h.a porti.-n of the hraln. and the batCRt-RRI were to the chem lst af tlie Baarf lf Heaith. Thc body wa* a^-uin ex hiimed on Man h .".. aud several nbi and bones and por ttaaa af tbe liuluir ef the eotlin were gttRR to thc chemist. I',- raRRBa of the i-hetuieal analytu* are tha* auniaied up t?y br. Ilernuin Eudeman: "Thc part* received were all more or les- impr<'_Tiateil with ttj-aanio. Thc largeat auaaBty waa toaad n cbo Htuinaeb aud tateaBnea; a lar^'e amount found m the liv-i-r .md rr.iinev. aml a qa aiififv iu the hrain. l'Lc ii.tai .inaiitity iD.iii.l iu tbooe paita araenaM ra nlue m.Uogrammea ol naataLUa araenie. rbe ? i.ur*- wejgbt of theae parta waaila pooada aad a fra. km. HMavara*** qoautlty of arscnw *vus, therefore, one m.'iloirraniinc iad u hall lui imuhpuuudiif iiiaimlalflTamlned r? detennmo w__ther the wboio i.ody waaeqaalLy tatarated wuhar eeuic oi whether only tbe iute?tine*. outaincd lt.sauiplea ?f .one aial maaote, weLgfalaaabeat 16ouncea,were exam incl aud yiebled tno uiiiio_7raiii_uca ef tuetailio aiaaatea 1 lecea of moeUa (rom the bottom uf tbe cuttln saturaiod Wltb a putnd tlaid cuiauaUng fruui the corp?e. wero inttnd to be neh iu arncun:. a* waie pli tm ot wood taken from tba bottom of tbooe?a. The nuantity of ur-a-ut. i uiit-i.ii.'.i iu a *iiuiplo ol tho *oil uuder ihe collin wa* *u nu iii Uiat no deeided reaction could he obtaiued, thotigh in ai v two uoiiuda of tbii uioiataoil were takeu for tbi* , . liiiinatluu. Tbero wa* evidently ureenle diffuaed by me.uih >f thc fluid wbicb had aaaapod from the body, and iAhi.ii nad ueueirateil tho v\b*iie lower portiou of tbe codlu, yot the body ha* retalnedmorear*emo than isiuf tli ii-u'i to produoe deatb. I tbereforo ?tate that ln my uplulon liedciick J. galgfrtad ta_e tu hta deatli fruui uie etfeaf* nf araenie." Thi arreat ef lic_?ti wasrlfeeted ye*terday by Offlcer ptaemaaef the Tweuty-uitb PreelacL oa a warrant ia h..,-ii i)? Corouer Yuuii;.. H'-tt^i raaaled al tbe boaaa where B-igfnod died, atRo.MJ Baat Bonatoa-rt. H-is a iiiiit-lii-ii"t, ii-**- about 40. Tbe ptieouerdeule* ailknowl inUe oi tbe i-Jl?o_uukr. Caroiltjc Milii r, ttiti hotiaekreper. atafe* that Ilegirl. in eenveraattaaa with tbe deeaaaid wt'i.-h ibe overbeard, endeavotedta projadka biiu airaiuat nn *on. 8he aays that ebo aaked iieat'i, wbcu they lelt tbohouee in BldajB at., wbat be wa* ?{u.u?{ to do wiUi bcUfned. aud wari t?!d thal ,t wati tioue of lier bualnea.-, aa abe wuill.l tell *-B_M >. ikfrtc-l where bia father waa. He Bddad be would tell bi r rouin liu.o vvbat liad becoute of Mr. ^elgIrled. It l* aJlciceil tbat aoou alter t>.?tglrit'd'* deaUl, Ilt'inrl produced a ?iii. wntt.-u iu Baghah, aad parportlag ta nave tueu aiKUed l.y eelkffned,. wbo did nnt BBBBMd EukIibU. Tbo KicitiA. uart of tho proi*erty wiia bo qaaathed U. Ucki-i, and be waa appolntou an exeeutor of tne wiil. He ali.Kcd tbal tbe reiuaiuderof tin- nrnta-rfy waa BMBtoaajad t>> bim. It wa* uot uiiiii .a.t Feoru-vry tiukiyouua: Ratajf-tad appRed toOaeeaof RoaaalarttM .i. i ee'l ol JliAjkli. The (.ur.iu.-r aaked biui wby Uc liad al loweil ao _a.nK a tltue to elapao before making the dia eloauiea. t-a-iarine.i atated that wben ln. -.,-. ., .on> warei ..;?-.-;-. .i, -ii iimiiib* afler the deatb of bi* falher, a fm mi lufoiiued bim tbat an Inveatlgation wuuld be uae 1,-an ae liu-n-inaiua couid ueituci be ideutlUed uwr ana ik /aii. ( .a .imi Toang will boid an tnque?t uu i-1 .day. Hi'iui, meauwuiie, u iu the City Piiaon. LEN. A.HbERBO.VB FUMERAI. Tlie reniaiua of the late Gen. Andertoa will be iemuved at 10 a. ui. to-day, fmui Uie Bai bie Cemetery ?i .-, tuuil-ave. aml becoud-at., aud eonveyed to Waat Poiiit for biirlal. Tbe body will be ac.uuipan.ed to tbe fooiuf __iny-fo_rUi-*t., N. R., by an tnipoiin*; eacort, m.ludluK tbe 7'b. 9th. 71at, aud 7tth Ka _.iu.ute N. ti. ri. N Y., three battenea ot the lat Artlllery, ihe Auderaou ~_iaave*. and aeveral aocietle*. Tlie followlng will aci aa pall-bearera: _ (,_, i. v. Bomfani. (iea. Jedrreen I'. (le.. -aiai_-i W. Oraw fura lun. J.-kB ., f.atrr ll.luu l-.t.ii-. K..-.I0 . Tk. ne HtaXJ t. V..I, _B_.t*iB BetaalkV. ACCIbKNT ATTU. LACKAWANNA BREAKEK. Siranton, Pu., April 2.?Tbe caauulty at the !_, kattiiiiiia Hn-akrr. yeaterday, by Uie breakiugof tbe plane baa reaiiltedlu the daath nf tbree la-i-oue. lli, .im*, Jiabu I'.Uio.-r waa reinmed fi'.ui Ibe Iniiuini: itetnia lil.-rally imra.-U U. a erla|> ln many iiarta of hla body. aml only about an hvur. IivTieht Moraei, the weUi.iuaater, bad one leg brokau aud waa Burned mi terkibly he died lu about rhree heiir* rna( ard Jolm ( ._:'! buii bofb Ifg* liroken aud ln- keu.k < inal.i-al. Ilr died thi* aftef-oou. I_aa . ieu.4- BuiliB waa ac-rervii iUiur*?J, but -...i i.iioPB. TIIE JURY-FBB SWINDLE. I.AWTF.RS ITD HOBr>T rol'RT Tt.F.RKa IBITr. I* BmmWtWtBmt THE FRAIJU?riJK Kl.l'r.AI. ol THE LAW AriKKP. Tho atfention of the ?.ajrislatait* ia agam nrjfently calh-d to tbe bill repea.lmt tbe aef of irro, reqtilrlngadepoBit of Bt aa^advanoe jury ***?" wheu ?tbt a eaae ta placed on the ealemtara of the .-otirta. T,,*> law waa amnggled thronfh, two yeara aa**. to enai. ? Tammany to take eare of lta eo.irt .-l.-rka at the exprn* of lawyera and thetr cllent*. and the tmpnaitlwi abnui't be remov.-d at once. Tiie followtnir r-ommiitieatiou- iu regard to tht* .windle have been recelTed at thia rrBlei HOW THK WB0S1 ib no-K. To the Edttetr of TM TrtoHttr. Pm: The article In ynnr pip.-r Bf BM -Mh ul* , B88BM '? The Jnry-fee Swtndl*-.'' hu* BfeBJgM M paBM BBB 8 one uf the worst Iropoattlotia on rhl* tnucb uhuwd < -om mtinitr. The only won.t.-r la tlutf thia matter ha. nntii now been unearthed. I venmr- 'o aay;th- re ia u?t a pmotlctjig lawy.-r ln tbe city who haa aot etaaplaui.-.l at belmr for<-od fo pay th.'8?: "udvaeee jo, , f.-ea," well knowlng that In many caeee t Jriry would never ree.-ivre them, and tbat eomebody waa Uvtngon tht* u.tlitional otarMrie to ju tlt-e. If any lnwrer baa e-.-er obtain.-d a refiirn of feea him. I Mv*-yet t> 18888 fhat BM8| Bai tf M should apply for au.h, lie would meet wlth ?., many obetaclee that lt wouldn'f puy hirn t? wke ti. i troiilile. The hlll now before tlm Judlelary (.oinniitten ahould beeorae _ law, by all lneanst, and ail luwyerw iad elleata riMahl ibbsb 'be __Mae hv every aaaaa .n M W IHiwer. Allow me to explniu *lie prn.-fi.-_iworkir.ica al thia Taoimany Rln,j la*? 88 B now at_ti<l?. A .-.uit is i.roaijht ro taaaaae bb atgtaary d.-i.:- Tbe a f.-ndanr, for the ni.-r'-p'lrp,.-... of deluy, p'ifs m ,.i. ka swer. This r'-inl'-rs tl BBI ? B >ry for ftie piain' f '" ' the i-aiir-e on the Cfti'" aud'<? do this he bmmB ,- ' ?9??*)-'udvaiice Jury f,-e ?? an,18. for a "').'.'"f M l Perhapa liefnre the ca*e l* r.-iielied for tn'l, wii.-ii aaaf bc twn or three yeara. tb-- 1,88 tM ?.' ? aiif'le.i.riies inanlv-.-iif, or sniiie .,r!,er aaatlDg* ??".? Mp gBMwaarabgtbto faadon'tiro to tM plalnfiff, i. u ,i.? * go to sona peraoa ar penoae aabao wa. i.ii- . tnatu-r ln one, Imi *uen we lo-iii ,*t ine. aaora eales ara ba tbla connty Itla . :..r_- - _, gati. ii.d i eMajre Ib tba law la i _ ich aeeded r foraa artl. .. - rkatMt tbla law **baara ?;."?' aevtireiy ,,n IMae whoae caoaea ur.- ln tM Mariae t'nuri." ?aay .f -in- taaaa la thi* Cbarl ?r,- f..r inaa l cladnka, an.l tii<* law nr pnntiee ia tMtifa party deBbva i j.iry h_ tnust d'-mand -.t at tbe time of Joinina Ibbbb ( Mt u? wh.i tbo enrnpuiut and aaawer are _led>, aad -uu-t j...* adv.ime jury fi-e. Now voiican.-a*.Uv*eerh:.f thi. almn-f nit'iini. tn a l.-ninl of tb>-n.Utof tnal iiyjiiv,:,. aaaay ... IM clai u aate lu tbla (ourt um unaiu.- to par tin. - un i , ,u,iit,nn t? the other !<:>?*. BBeeaaary to bnaa mtb Why shouid a ,-iuzen ii.- r -i nd te :??y tbra farp tintil be Beuttl | veriture to aay tbat Bt aUof tM . ii ui. uf aay at-Uebb aed oau. n roueaaaot Bad ?*_ haa oBtrageoaautw aatbia. t*et tM laryb* pald,aaa haa been beretofon?wbaa IM partiea are broojrh befor . and the triai la had. ijnemnre rniii-r: Tlu- propoaed lBwrequtre* tb. menttoeaeb Jaroref al eenta, er pi I rafuJI hu-v 1 '?u.-h eaaa. Hia la a taflMentij large aaaa. evaa in ibn !ii_h-pne.d cify. TM tn. ? .. ijtu-y a not Uut tM |iiroi-?*liM.I ui:?ke a _>*>d tli -i,- ."tt al it, BM 'i..-r- ? . BBwaeaa .'. r eertalB persaaa to a. into, imt Uiat a jaryBaa ?lmil tw- puid Iha n\mu.~f- -. artendinc rhtM.'oiut. TbaJiHT-MBlataMB fiaatlM it I ?? 1 -it kaJadB?MBtoaata nrltfbhnra. aM tMiBnatat a Bul ?-.i.i...-.1 ipoa to perfurin IM satiu- timy it,, , dury w<- ur-.- reqolred te p-ri..rui ns dtlaaaa, a"i not laa f.-e or n-ward?heui-e tu- . Oltrlagataat in tlila tity tll la ,-ai h e;i*e .. ,1.1 eattagB, uid .-." ului.-t ? .?? eiMz.'ii" of tbelr j'lat -.--.u..u th..-.nt- ..1 todlaeoarage MoeatebdmoBta frota aeekiBg M*a_forea th'-ir d* muuiLi againat wbo a_i u..t pa MmhTmrkt Karcb i'i. \MtX Mi.uui.u oa nu. g_a ACOt'ur i'LJ_ik DBMM I ? - : -' I , Ti> the Ediior of Ihe trthtttat. SIR: I uotiood au aruole .11 the 88888888 af ' 1 TuiBrrfE, under IM .8841841 *>' " tbe Jary-I . BwiMI whuh i* to logieat n,jiieta_> la IMOarM 4 tho lagBaB-a, OaaBaaa I-bbbj an: - a , ByeoaTeylagtMIMa thal tbay ladea 1 ".' I... ? a 1 makiuit i_r.-t'1UU13 nf uione, under ih. la* r* .1 to Jury , tbat tMy bad a h.tnd iu p- >< uriuir tli. paaaaaaaltM act, uu.i are aaaoyad bytMpcag a. i.'.a Ie in' b-tea M egael .ta rageat f t aU bm te *iy tliat when I ent. red upon tlm Jut.en uf 1 , rk ,.f tbe Hu perior loiirt in Jauuary l.iat I found tM BB ?? ul J.iry feea' aystem 88)8 8f th.! in ?? ?? ??' BBB 888" 1 aatod wlth the duii. aof tMa8_8a. aad aol abie, ia the- C-Bfk-teeag.iMkaegaaiaaaaaMattt at lca*t 2,0fk3 aetious, the arunittit. nf wh. :. ;. aa ' ia_o ia only B>. aud j>ay ail lurors aad NtatB IM bmb to tM pat-kaa oat-Uod to tMn, wMnever .1 ? ti.eir coavenience to B-Uu the demand, ? ? itbea. am uor tTtodby iir-.. Oa Clerk oftbi C nrt of Conu-oa FIbbb, aad wilb Mr i.*?. tbe Coimry Ck-rk, I .is.-.-rt-i.ueii tbat tbaix rlewa o.n eided with adaa. Ibeyeach ttated tbal IM iu* * ? paaaed wltbont their Bnowledge, uud thal lt ?< 1* baaa ? coustuut r.or.rce .)f aiin.- 18 I BM u.. '-i- of tlio bar ond theiii.eiv. *. IMaaaertlaa tbal tMrc ir aaue. delaylnmabtnaarepl) totbe i.y Mr. Twou.bly 111 IMAaaembl Tho re.iuirenicnta of the resoliltloD i,, ? ? eomplkd witb, and ail tb .<?... _ retu I .' iMIr i.i^'.ala IM repeal al tM l?w. L^t ui? add that th.- a-..', m.-iif of amounta la ?!.? h.uidsof IM reapoctlVB elerlu .- ..-? a Ij exaaa* aml tii- numher of eauaea allegad to ... i \i to tii .4 . .1 .11 tba article in queafloii, I am of opini approral 01 ru.- mtimhora .,f tbe Bar, andit* paaBaa gratlfy tbe nadcra.gucd an.l bla .w....... bstc id-xaa leajyctfolij', Trf'.Mi-* BOB-B, rlerk.if Bnperloi ? u ? Clerk'l Oytet ?"p, ror C- ur'. B-flfM _8, 18X8 [Ittsouly naturaJ to Und >lr. Baaaa, bb .*.r,vi Kefi.immt at the laat election, repadlatiu/ lor uimseif uml bis Aiit_ ordimites any hand ln ir_tictm*r the Jury-tee awtndi.i on the people. and we are ijiud to reeor.1 bim aa .uixiou* for the repeal of tho law waicb BagBBBBM a im pa ?: fraud. We wuh we could he 8888884 aa well of ibe read ineaa of other offlciala to give up (bia Ubright.-oua lairc of tbeir perq'UAitea, but ar..- by un BBBBBa aa aaaprBMaal of tbeir dcsu'c to K-e tho law iBgealM as Mr. _.ieae ap pcars to t>e. Of tho geueral corrcctueM of (bo article, as furuiohed by our reporter, from uiformaClou obi.iii,. I from the Court reeorda. aud, wtueti Mr. Hooae ,-..l.- lu quoation.we are well 8aliad..'d after a full exaiui-attaa of Uut fu.-ta.-_d.] a REFORM maaon is it ro-MK/rnoi i To tht Editor of Tki Irit>u>,e JilB: Your articl*: on " IlIlBIMB Jury Fatm* ls ev.-ry word tme, au.l asgaaaa 1 Baaal BBraeBMaa awlndie and remloder of Taininan} BBkg iLidiien.-e. w I.i. ? had ita ramiflcatiomi ln every hruueh ofthe <'itv i.overu meat, aa wi-U aa in the court*. I ha??<? Nm uled BM other men who have h.ei fo ??-ek Juatit'e at la*. aml throtiitb your ..-iiiuiuua _.*a, Wii.t hi* 1888888 ' tbe bi.i latrodiioed by a greal Bafueat gaaatat wu.i claims to repreeent the Reform ? to t-ike away uur stinree ,,l pi-otlt fo saiid King ln II uklinf the jud_, 4 the t uooaers 01 tbeir own elBfBa, and lepeaunB Um- Tuiii inauv .a.v _ir.Qi? sueh apj.uuitiueut.i '01 he 1 oiiiroller I Tbl* mea*ure would glve tbe Jadaaa . .liin..- MBtaM irood iipiHiiiitmeiita. au?l inakn tlii-m r. ap inatBIa Ll ua aaar Ocoaa tbi* Rcfuim meaaure t-i.iiiai. ..nui papat 1 >.i WhV tt 1* dt'iuvetl. K *. iVev^Xork, Jlareh 70, IMT.. TTIE MILLER DfUBASGI DbTB 1101 n?.V Ai-UANV, A-pril 2.?The Coiiiiiiitt*-*- *.u Iuanr* ance beld anutber meeting thia aiieruo._i ln uie eaa- nf tiupei-tuteudent Miller. Jauie* F .'ercin- t.-i.tie.l be never had any couveraatioo witb Mr Kr.eaian 111 which ho loid ihat -ciii.iiu.iu tbat au exauuuwlioii of hia Company would uoat ll.CUO. Ue endeavoreil to pi.-v_il on Mr. MiUer to bave tbe ? matle, and aa Ue vvu* al.oui to leave for Europe he aaid M Woul.l leavo tne matter la the hauda of aome one to > v -.unii. >i. Freemaai uame luto tM utHce a doxen timea to ~>-?- aiamt tbe matter, and aaid be would pay 81.?*?> for 'u. exwmuiu tlon. After lt waa maile he lef: tbe -xmjc of tbe aum '_> be pald to "ua." Mr. Miiler ingulred, " t? ??j>.u.' 1 1 whom I" B'ltneas replled to -i.mhwi.-k 8 Bryant. Mr. Freemau pald tbe li.oni and waa eutirel> aauiaBe.i, aaylng ll waa worth lt to Uie Compauy, aud utore to?. The wttneaa aald he banded tbe mouey f? r*. ntbwiek. Mr. PTremaa la wiatakeu wben M aexra Mr. Milier waa preat-ul any uf tMae oonveraaUooa. After aumo t-oiiv. rsaiiou .'.-kui''1iub tM aumuung up, th. * ouiuiiriea went Into ExecMUve seaaiou. TIIE CA8E OF BDHIOP O'HARA AND FATHEIt 8TACK. PmLADELPHiA, April 2.?The Supreiue Court haa rev.-raed Judare Uamble'a deruion upou tka i?a-l pointa mrolved m tM eaae of BiaMp O'Havra, but Ma 44 ltaheld opiuiou on them. Tbe (ourt Ma ouly iiiaatdvetl tbe preUmluary lojonction, which enableB tbe euogi-aia lii.n to worsbip in tbe Churcb of tM Anuuu. .atmu ..c Williamaport {wndlnit further pm. eediiiga iu tM eaae, aml leavea all lBiportaat iaauea of tM . aae to tx 4r.-ide*|r ou a _u_l Ikwiui_. CBIMEB AXD CABUALTIBa-By TEIJ-OKAIH _Tbree dwelliag houBtva on charhaui-at.. l.vnu. ... r' . J...1U . ..i.rr. VV F _.inu ilJ avaa.Ua/nrl BB88 karaad T*a8tr_*y. La**. *_s aaa. 1'he ClwaMipeafce Sugar Retiiu-rv. iu tUitimon*, ovaal 8t 8tiri.u* k _8*rM, wa* BBbbBBI ?>, l,r raawrwa, I* mi maat uf B1...4KI ia**i*_. At tM anoual featival of the colorod pe?>pta, a)