OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 04, 1872, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-04-04/ed-1/seq-4/

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_\i.,nccincnic, cic, Wm Svcfiutg.
Bootb'i Tbba__Bbv?MTho Ht-aehbo k." M ta
KmiT Aneaaa Tai i .rtlclc 17."
C -A.. ('..- \ UoUSB.?* : .. '
1 ? v ' : ?
f t i*a GA1 .1 ...?*'r.'il B-K- l'Hi't.'..-r .!?..." Mva. ,
Ma w.a>i I
(.. \ mi tn Tni.vTn:.- " llampty ?Dainpty " Rciaaw*
. < i
l \i >. .- ,,i v _ Tn. iTi'.T. Y.niiT C'lirnt.y.
\ ., , | . ,. . -"'Ih.' Vot-.-iiii!." l.i*1.r
C . .,-: | i ii '. 1>. !'.. I I ' B.
Baa|_t_a* n-aa,?Blrch. Waialmlil, BBI.
F.mt-hu Rink.?At _ :".':its: Daraam'i Masoara.
Br* srn> , lli, ,? .Ii.'i'f--v.. K
New-Yobb Cnw oa, Ftwrt4*s-?t_r-at., bataraaa Tblra
. ._.,...__________
Cr.oii-cfi. NoiiCfa.
i'iM Goi d Ear- Ri-H * \m> Piaa.
Ftrr,.ra*.? aaeaw > :- 0l'v' ??*
I i. 4'. .iih-t kalu* an! N ? -
i.n'd L_f_*t*.4.-14 Sr?' |
. ,;, A'nl i.imr F..(.t'iirr*.
? Pearihtaad l>.;?. OaU Bhawl PJ ..
|... ii I,Mraio.l I'ins. O. ll Ut ? - _ ._
Jo , 1 .... . lim ll I r ?,4.iy. mr Fourtrrn'ti *4._
" I'iM. (i.u.n VVATCHB8 Of AIX Df-kC-UITIOBB.
.fntsr* at iow j.rirra.
t.i . A-U-f, f41 Tlroiilway. BmFearBaB* -'
I.AT4itri.. ;s iiAin l>_a.??fh* l";-t bi the
liil.iin-? baraOaaa. i*n*<- Appl.i-J *i IbaBaay, ?? B
\ hinipli' liv is lavii:-: down n lialf-dollnr
,. ' |i ? iM.tY.e BUXUII'I F.-tbait J.W4..4 OlBBBB.
.'.i.-iii.-.ALrtTis-Palbeb'b LlMBS.
f--B-.< * N V.i 1 ? ?' fl. -tu ' t.r.i...; M __?"*_J______
"!'v fi i AS-KTS OB 11,919,891 48.?TBATBl
. - 4.1. ... . ii.. -il |B*1 BAS* ..*>.. 11"rltorl.
;. OarpetTno, 480 Broadway. This ta
li _ - 11 vi. u,
Bo. 5 Mssstn-tt.. New York,
Wr a- -BfBl CaaaWBABB am> Om., Ra.l imi. tfOWl M. i.t
- v Pm CBBB t'O-r. Boil"? * -nt-rlsao l-vrtrmt,1 -. ?:? H ? ?
st tb. rstc of Bt -nd s-frBr- int. i-.-t. Th. T ire la BaaailaaHlBa of
11..., jifATo, md 8100, w0W_aea, or i.T.h asaaaaB .tt.?>?'.mt ? '- mnm
y-T.hlc li., .-.1 November ln fnllol BtaMa -"M I _B| 1 r." , I i
tbh ia lfr09, f-so ia |-oU rois.
Deerrip'.iTr jiiuij.-lets, with foll infonnitloa. fu-isiir*. oa *n lir-tioa.
W* bar aai arll Gotbrxke.-t UfD CBBIBA8 l-A-TW BeBBS,
BBf retwitr thea ls eif5i_t*? for OBBBttBABB *>'- BBBB BeBBB st
.|l II P..? Jt HvrfTH.
ll.iBTBT Fur,
A. B iliTva.
Pa-it TBiBBaa, Maii -b____r.ben, ?10 por bbbbib.
M.Mi-\\ bbbj v Tiuni'NK. Mnil Snbacrib*-.*. %i paran.
WBBBXI iRintsi:, .Maii .Subsciibers, ?*_ j?er uuuuui.
AiiYertiaing Ratea.
Ptti Y TB-BUBB, 80c., 40c.. r>oc.. 75c., and $1 p-r liue.
m mi-tVbbbly Tbibvnp. -- ?m! 50 o*-nt> par \me.
\\ BBBXT TuuiVNK, $., S3, and ?3 per Uue,
Acconling to pobiuou in tlic pnp-r.
Tcitob. casli in arlvancc.
Aiiilrf-B. Tht Trtbi-vf.. New-.oi'k. .
fWftiaa Adv*-_t-_e-l residins up-town mav
Hav*. tli.-ii.s, Ivaa thrjuurucy *l..wti-town by l.-iiviin.-th.ir
jiilvcrti*. iu. uo. w.ili Mr. Brown, ut Nu. f>4J W. ?t Tbirty
r_-r.iiul-?l..'.r ut No. 30S W.-st Twinty-third-t.. u).|>? :li
i.i.md oi-.i.i Houae, Mr. liruwn rftiiv.-s advertiae
uu iit* uji to 8 p. m., at tiie r*->raUir offlv-e rul.-*.
AilvrTtirsors in Brooklyn will And it Ttn
r.uivi i i. il tt> lf rv?- their B.lvtrtisciiici.ts ut 44 I'oiiit at.,
. c.iv ii.iii. Tbe offlce la opcn Ull I p. m.
Ti.e Mliii-tf-nali.-t*. bave b*-en successful lu tl.c jno
:> __B8-hBW fur Iha t*l?an_iU Corles. Baaaa 'ilie
l?.in)uii )iiitlit>nti*ri linvr- rt fu*. .1 a llaiBwa t<> Ihe tuvt ru
aai ,1 i.y th. Befahtteaaa aa lhi.lihiaiuBBilina. anil Jubn
.'i.iait Miil ba> writttn a rtruii-lettir .,u the siilid.
Mmmmtm fbj-8Biil is iu Purib. _---? Iha Balftaa.
c-ijaiii.Ts ,ire *>n a s-trike.
In t'i. i B.I i tiT'liv, anuthrr Bt.uT.ty bil! wrts
r> 888-88- -^..u.e BtaBWBa **'_ lu.i !*? Mith tlu- Ii.'lian Ap
i i.ii>ri..ti..ii i.iii. _^^_ iu tlu- Baaaa,ah-B aaa rafe-tad
ib ? uif Uw i.ui.iir laiitisiaaalaaJ 3*-tt:<..?. Iha ?t.a__
I, -,l I'lll IV'ltri (Jl-(.-ll--l.(i.
Tbe RrT'iililU-ana clt'ctcd ttir-ir Stote lirTrct IB -fbBI-.
i i.iii-1, yaaaBB-By, arlth ti.e aaaaatlaaal th.-ir Llaataa
?v. ruur. ____* ValuaMe ttold discuvcric-s bave
ia-*-n u.a.I.- ln Minneaota. .-. There i* a proat accti*
lnui.)'iou uf fieiirbf ui Connci! Bluffs, lowa. __== Nuvi
?. :* .>i'*-u on th<- Ilud.soi) auil Connectit-ut Rivtrs.
A MM.-iit *!** isiuti by tbt-Court of AjijM-als is C-pooted
i . ,.'.t,l io ii paaWal l'*-nit*-utiury de.ivi-ry. -_-__= Fifty
ia ii. h warraaB ha.. beeu laaaad __anist all< gcd tvbl.skv
?..:, j.ir.ii. rs. ?----_ Fi.neial certuionlee w. re b.-ld in
li.nurof *.? ? _B_B_a_8- -= Tbe colored P_aP_a reie
' tlu- a.l. j.tion of tliv r:ft*-enth Arncnilnu-nt. _=
Tli>- l.'il.v of a ii.ur.leri'd mllor was found in It-iost-vt 11- -. t.
_ *,t,i<U 1,0, ll*|. l'.O. Tbf-rnn.iiir-ter, 40 , U , 4_?.
TWagh laai taaa 'hc aaaal interoBt was at
l.wbi'il t*i tho T*_ivt'risity boat-rarcs ou the
'riiaiia-s tlns year, tho aeeount of that ooataat
hy our 1.4*11*1..ii covri-spfiiitii nt will ccitijiiniiil
iniiny n-iiilus. His IcttBB printfil t4)-day
j.-iv*-B ? vi i.l piitiiie of tlio gTBBf afKMtiag
4 vt-nl, it.- BCeaBBOf-_B aml iii*'itlilit.s.
S'Uiu- f4it|M-r> rviocable 4)llit-inl iu ihe aflaploj
iiimji ti tha 1?: v i-h Govtiu'iit-iit baa baaagkt
i.iliiiiu mi hia aaperiota, an i.s tho niinfortiiiio ot
iiii-ii who havo moie _4ial than d_BaaHoa A tav
i-rii a hi* h haa beea, Iai bbbm tiiui', Ihe liondquar
Itfi of Iaoatlou BapahUcBBBj hai baea refuBed
? li**nsi ; .nul ?o ihe reiiilezvoiis is likely to
bo l.r.ik*-!! up as a sc-ditiotis and daaaafBBB
iiui*. in. This is vory small luisino.*-, in*k*d?
Miiail* i' than niorit of our BepBh?CBB John
Taaaaaaai iabbk iai hut it ;vill b?- laige eaowfh
to BBB-M thi ii-'s, by and hy, untOi_f?ita!.l<- te
tho Miuiai .: B.
Ki,.?!.- II..:,"! vny quictly aleetBJ ? Btata
li*-k<t t*n<l i.i.-isl: tmo yoisttrday. Stth I'ikUI
lotd, B-fB-Uieaa, '.van cbosin Covornor l.y a
iniiiy of 1,157. The jire-tut Licut*-iinnt
Ih.v.t.ht, l'.ti.i.'i* W. BtoTeaa, waa aafaalad
fnr ri.-Ii-ciio'.i bj a li.ial fjiaiiel, which mst
Iiiiu J._sJ i.'ti u The r.iiiiiinder ol the I.'ipuh
liiuin st..t?- tlekei araa *i?<(??*!, nnd tlio Legia
1 iiure in, a- ii ? iai, oTfirahanlBiiBifa ij' pabMaaa,
'1 lur* )t ao Beaataf ta el__- tim- Rhade
Lvlaud *,n:> ... t. and no apeetal aatakh U its
i-jitojtwl iiitu tii* eaartraaa which haajaal beea
tvo |x-a*-4-j'4il';. c aelade 1.
.-..i.taiy l. ''?' .oti's ank-BBBlhiw of hia eon?
4'i.ct i.i _____ -i-'Ji ahair has ovcry q j)*.t..'tnce
i?f oa..ii*?i .ii'i fBJnmi Tho d-apoea] of tbe
... ni whleb li. > made so Diaeh Baiae bbbbm ta
,,- ..,-. i, ;t i -, -y fiotu tho ol.aotii: .tjitii:if'<
iti' u. of tlu- .'?' .vy l)t partin'ut by Adiairal
Poftab J':. i pffafBiatk oiii'.-cr h: <1 a way
iH.-uiii!y Iii, own of aetfag us Becretary,
) *-iii. .i., aud Coagreaay Bad -i.-.it eoafaaion
\...fi iataadaeed inU? tbe Dc-partmenl duriag
Jiiisbtief ralfa. The Beeretaij _um. however,
i kic i.ui. a ;:?i. i QBBft reSuteeed, aahe i.*, bf
Ih ii iou of tbe Tii-aisiny DejHBUBBBti
? m
The poiijf which h:w Iately agftated thi- Seii
Btf- _-nM luqiiiiy, i.-ioic thau any oiii. i, i.s tim .
etpfaji.iiion of tbe BJatei-OiM iaidala "li. F.,"
whah aara brauded ou tlu. ?.i.<?-?* oi war n ate- :
iiui w-ut ta Fraaee. The crideuce, yeWerttiy,
iv*?ui<-.l 4-ojji-lii..ive thal t'...-?? *-,.i)_,lie,;.- lottera i
*Jd uot ixjiiaiu " iiej.jii.r,tou 1 *{?" jioi ?? ja- de- ,
? morit-air* FrbH," aa aaa rBgaalaBB lHtaaii
ISftrosi* _CbBt " K.'iniMliV'i' I'lAii'Cai^." Tli.ro
ia no nctd oi furthor inquiry on this point,
g_gt>ly. Mr. C. K. C.arrison'a tcstimony showcd
thal, ns a piiir.iar.er of nims, Ul IfOuUM had
been very graat, aad thal ha atoed ta aaad el
i'i -ii. lngal-. bimUUuhr. auJ iuliutrico in biyh
t ????aa??>
Thc cltrtiotiri in Spnin for membera of thc
if?(.t >i-I * .Ttepea who aro to choo?i> S-.iinti.ra
?ind ptf ii'.' OTCT <hc clf.ii.i'.i ol Ihe l>c|ii'.iiei~.
I i to have reaulted in a deeided vietory
I-. ihe MiniateriaUata. Tha out ire power of
tlio (.ovornii.cnt haa baaa thrown in that
directioR aad haa erideatly hnd greal efV.-ct.
11 lha eleetkma hear oat iho proatiae of thia
prcliminary trial ol etieagth Sagaatawill have
i larga majority in tha eoatiag Cortee. 8o
diaaatrona ia the taflaence of tliis maa apoB iho
politka of Bpala thal tha Bpaniarda could
better eadara a war aad a peatflaaoe i'o?n
aajthiag which would fontiiiii aad atreagthe
him iu power. _
it is not pleaaaat to aoateaiplate r general
dolivcry of Macl-wcH's Island prisoner* wliich
may ba, in BRBie Beaee. supplemenlary to Iho
fre.-and-oasy orders of Judj-os Cardozo and
Baraardi bal a deelaiea in the Court of Ap
peala, at Albanj, auikee prohable the leleaae
(>f a BB-Bbet of eflmden. eewtieted ta the
Court of Speoial BeeBJOBB. Aviiiling him -oil'
of thc deeiaiofl refeitad to, the terauof wliioh
aie uivon eNi'wlicre, oouin-el for ft oonvii t
lu.iv.'il, in tho Court of (.liicial BeeaioRa, jrea
terday, for his olient's diaeharge on tlio gnaflid
that hia aeateaee waa -Degal, the Court wbieh
aeateaeed hfaa beiag __.eg-__r eeaatitated. Tlio
(iciriion in the eaae willbewatehed with greal
tatoreat, as aataetoaa other himilar iaataaeea
will be broagfal ap, if the opinion of Judge
r,,i'iti.il ihoald warraal tha bmB-ob.
Throngb the aanoke aad reek of ealaauiy aad
di-niiii -i itlon with wbieh its propoaera are
aa&ailed, it la at leagth elear tbat the Cin
liiiiiili Convention will he lield, and will ho
Btrongb atteniUil. Whal it will sec fittodo?
whether to taggcet eaj-dida.ee, franie a plat
foiin, appeai tb the Pfadaddphia Convention,
oradopl some other luodc of taaktag ita views
known aml felt?we neither aak nor gneea. And
wc decUne to mako room for Baggeetioaa that
the Convviition ahall do this or refrain from
doiag that, simply beeaaae th( Convention can
aeareely f__fl to hc better qnalifled to Jadge in
tho premiaea than any iuilividual, and oan
better Jadge whal abonld be doae ta May than
nnv oae eoald tell it ta Ifareh or April. To
all who would la 11 our eahBBBa with their
notiona of whal ooghl aad whal onghl aol to
be done at ('ii,ciiinati, we say, "Send delopatos
" that will piv.int your views to the Conven
" tion, or goyoaiaelf and suhmil llitin." Thus
proffered, they vvill doabtleaa receive dae _*_*_
Meantime, the Intoeaanrable rockleaaaeaa
witb wbicb all wlio favor tliis moTemeat
aie awaaflfid is not Hkely to hc abated. Erea
;i aheet onee ror-peotahlo, Thc Botion Journal
doea not heaitate to aaaert that
" Br. Orreley hliaMlf, aol lang fik'<>, pabRely UoelRKd
thal ha naal ba .-t.uiitAr-.i oat efthaC?elaaati BMTemoal
BKJcM if tras farorable to rrotertion.'"
?Wliut Mr. (.reeloy tlid say was cxactly
this : niaik well his preeise laiiijuage :
From TU TYi'jtme of Marck 16.
"Of courfe, we aball all to be eouuteil oui lf tbe
luiijurit.v r-iiuii BaeMa ta Maha Fraairada n plaali la
tbiir pliitforui. Tlie Pri.tccti.in of BoRM lii.liir.try i. of
BB*n iruiM.rtiitjCi1, ln our vlew, tbini tbo MMCeM of nny
j.ariy or tieket. If it ubonld ba AacMad ta iiial.e I'r* o
liiide a corner-etoiie of tlie Cliiciuruitl fl*OY8_B*at, we
Mh i,i;ly that we ba not iiiHiilt-d by tbe BaaaaipttoB tbat
any poaalliM a.-leiilon of candidutea could rcconcili*
ua t*> tbut deelsion. Wc aro qulte airaro that it may
be found advif.al.le to adopt a l_M Trnde platfoini,
despite our repuijiiarice thueto. If tbe BM88M waal
Free iinde, tbey oui;bt to be inatitled, no luatt* r t*******
nt tbe eost of repclllng tbi* or tbat illBMlBtnr Tbe
Cotiventlon will, we Uouht Dot, connider thatRRghlp
and deterniinc wisely on tbi* point as ou otber*,
All we aak?and lt 1* no MMM tban every hoaMl inan
ha* a llgbt to aak?i* plain neaklgf, If tbe ConveMiun
decide* to niake Free Trade 11 plank in its platform, let lt
exf.roaa tbut detennlnation lo plalo, aaanbtgaoRfl lan
ajaaaa, Baeh jRggUaa piira.es M'BaraaM Bafona1
should be ncotited from the votatuilary of the carnc.-t
and tbe trutbful. * ? * * *
" We do nol *rel; nor desire any nttrranee from QUttm
tttM in faror of I'rotrction, We auk only that that freedom
Vulifftr on Economic qitegtion* which has altrayt been
thrrished by Kepublieane may itill be conceded und main
tained. We do not aak tbat tbe eandiilate.. (sbouM any
be pcepoaad) abull ba rrolajctionlsts. We oalp aay tbat,
abould Proteetioulkt* ta vlrtually nile.l out of tbe Cin
rlnimtl Luovcweut, 0 bmt witbout a I.i. I; will .-iiili/c
?That is whore we havo always atood since
thf Bepab?eaa party waa ftaned, as our as-iail
unts very well know. In pif-ninf- the lettor to
CoL i.iosA'onor, we simply indioatod otir iijipro
val of the Cincinnati inovcnieiit, not of every
pfiraae embodiad in thut letter. No aacb let?
ter could ever be inlluentially rigned nt all, if
i?very one were to insiBt on baring it expCRM
lii? awB praeba vi?:ws. We are intormed that
one of the foremost I'i pitblioaus of our City
(Iaaae BhenBaa) deeltaed to ?iini beeaaae ihe
lettor did uot coinmit theaigBCIB to Free Trade.
f?u tha other liaiid, I>r. Kiaekuwi/.er oltje(!le<l
t4i the letter as piintid tliat it Koemed t<? con
diiiin I'roteotion. If wo had drafted tliat letter,
itn taagaage wndd have beea dUEeaeal; bal the
Cincinnati inovonient will he Jtldged by it^s own
BOta and uttorances, not l.y thoso of thiaoi that
aqaad who aaited in eaOtag it.
That the Convention will not rule out thoae.
iittcnding it who are Fn^etioniHts, wo are
al.und.iutly assurcd. It BBghtj pOKdilily, be
teaapted fo da so if it could thetaby arta the
votts of all Fiec-Traders; but this ih inani
featly Impoaaible, Ilalf tbe most conspicuous
and i 111 >y Freo-TradorH in this City are among
the BMM. veliemcnt of our Two-Tenn uiob.
So are Conit Bmith aad Wm. Lloyd (.airison,
iM.th oxtremo FifC-Traden.; so aro many
I oiher aacb. Blaee theae are not to ho won
by any pofldble Bttl ranco nt Cincinnati, it is
plain tli.tt the Convention will not nin ite
bead igataai ? wall by n_Jag out ProteetiaB
lata li'.ni its fcllow.sliip. Each fiiiiijiortor of
the niovenicnt will be loft free to aet
nnd rate aa Eeoaoaiie Queattona iHreeiaely a?
he shall soe lil, as ho 1i:ih always been in ihe
Bapabttaaa party. Tiik Thiium: never op
poeed a Bepbhlicaa eaadidata beeaaae af Liu
ilivo.inti i>. Free Trade; hnt l%a_WaiagPg_A
wbea the Editor al this loaraal was the sol-i
Repnblieau eaadidate foi the prea^rXCepBJrBB,
Ciillcd on thc electois of his district to Oppeee
and defeal him beeaaae (und only beeaaae. af
his udvornry of 1'iotet tion. The St. Louitt
Jnwocrat may have doue tho like iu one or
two taataaeea, bal aot whilc it waaaettagwtt|
tlio regalar Bepnblicnn party, whoao en
li.litniid ralc huij uwayaaeeB toleratioaai
1. o.ii.jijif dilti iiiucs. And this rtile, wo cua
iio( doiii.i, will l.o reeogaified aad reafttnnaal
*?* .**' . ....__.?. '?7
!>y the Cincinnati Conre_tt_on.
Our fri.-nds who ciiiicise our rcprodnctioij of
aii t'"' atl ... ? lt, IniiiTi'it, unf.iiicil, nii-uieat
i ?? |,i. iiiiih in the Two-Term jouruaaa
ihe Cineiuni. i novcmenl aena to ua
1 i u 1 ? oaeeive tho ruiH-tioaa ?'? .1 ucwai loet
ft \a v.?t crr ba__ac_3 ? i f-rtite.- e**r rofl-rB
with Hjflj m_fl opinion., but to give them
tsiit-ii facta nnd uttornnccs as will aflbrd thom
a fuir WrtrcePrioB of oll tlmt jt* ngpf on, and
leavo thcu to mul.o tip their' o.tn Judgiiiente
tli.noa. Wo t-xprcss our own TtoWB very
frnul.ly, and Ihey adopt or rcjct't tltem ps they
from tiwo lo timo soo flt. >Yo paxpoae lo omtt
ao*tbii!,'T that Beemi ta ns calcnlated ta aid
thooi iu forming tbelr own opinioaa, ovea
tbough tbeae aho_Jd diflV r widely from oara.
In ihort, wo meiia tb W^ ourjourual 58
diflovt'i.t ."3 wo cnn from wh:\x is knowh Si a
party " oigan,'' while eipieBBlng our own views
with abaohite freadoai. Beadera whom thi?
dots not Buifc will catily iind "argaBa" tbat
pluy ouly autsh muBic ns they dclight to liear.
Two papwits paaaai throngh tbo Btrects of
th. eity yaahaalay; one was .aaetaal, and tbe
Otber trinmph.iiit. The flrst bore t?> his grave
the moHal part of 8 Boldier of retiown wl...M
fame in b*>nnd ap with n atormy ehaptat el
hia oountry's bietoiy. Tho atbet oelebrated
tho deliveranco of a raee from bomlago.
Tho funeral cortege was fi tribata
of honor and raapeet to ono whoae Bame
is identifled with tho beginuing of n oivil
war; tbe triumphal proeeaaioa commcmoiaied
tho dulivorance ol niillions of mon, women
and ohUdren, throngh tho lito and blaad el
that long stnipgle. It was fitting Ihat liinoh
oi tho pomp nnd oironn)stai)ce of war shuiihl
attaad Andoraoa to his pravc, and that
tho old Uag which be defomlod 80 well
at .Snniler should drapo his coflin H he
was carried beaee, nnd it is well that
tho roprcfseiitativos of a raeo rcdeemod
by the oonllict begBB nt Rumtor should eom
nieniorato with jubilation the day whieh olothcd
lliom wilb tho riuhts of oitizens of tho l.cpub
lic. Wo do not need to look beneath the
laiget meaaiag of theae twa public demon
stnitions; it is not bo nnteh tho man whom
wo honor in bim who fonght nt Baaiter,
as tho BoiitiiiH-ut of whiefa bo waa tlio
illiistratian?tho oatiso whieh he defeiidcd.
And thotigh thoso who parado iu honor
of tho adoption of tbe Filteenth Aniomi
in<nt may not oltogether npprchcnd the gieat
nos;s of thal ovent in Am*?riean hi-toiy, and
thongh they may bear upon them many tiares
Ol their past ntdo estato, no largc, honest sonl
can oontemi.late their genoroiis olVi-iing to tho
tiav withoat a tlu ill of pridc aad triampb at
tho work which has beea done for hiiman
iiy. It was hy a felicitons r-oi..oitlcnco that
tbeae memoriea aboidd be erowded into one
day: they reeall the begiaaing aad tbe aad,
the fit-'i aad laat eliaptera in the record of a
nati*?i) aaved, a raee dclivcred.
It is poea-bk thal we may too iooa teget
to revere the memory of thoso who fell and
to honor (he doods of thoso who foogbt well
in the atiaggle for tho unity of the country.
Tho darh daya when Baarehy, a dismembered
nation, aml social ehaos H-cintd ni.-h nt hand,
aro soon forgotteo] nnd tho time wbea tbe
hiiirt of the whole country, ns the hoart of
one man, was with tho biavo boys at
tho fiont, leemi ahnoet like a dreaa
Bgea old ; we live so fast. Bat, thOQgfa
the o'd irritatioaa of oxti-eino aatioeal lectiona
may be lootbed nnd diaappear, nnd no v*-t
eiiin ol th*1 graad army be loft to ibonldei
bia eriitch nnd show how liclds were won, it
will l.e alwaya well for tho nation tbat it keep
abvo tho amoldi riog firos of patrio-iam by a
reeall oi the idl-sdeaying Bataifleei of the
bravo men who did what they could to niain
ti.in the Integrity of tbo (Jalon, A part ol the
eadatiag frnil ol victory was the abeolote free
dom ol the eolored raee, whoae hnmblc tribnte
to the greataeaa of the aaaiTeraary ao tioga
larly miagled, yeaterday, with tbe recollec
ti'M.s of Siiiutcr, and the lurid begiooiaga of
i coaflict whoae ead ae man could forcaoe.
Wbaterex may l?e trne of taiapaaaing ge_ei&
tion, men will DOt foj'gct tho greal tvcis
Whlcb lie betweea the opcaiag and the
clo.se of that atroggle?botwoen Bnmtcr and
Freedom. Perhapa we need to Btand off a
]>ace and look l.ack on tho porteotooa I
ical Bgnrei whieh emerge Irom our aatiow I
life. Yet, justico need not wait for BBothcr
Bge to give plaee to that which belooga to the
great aagiea aml great evcnts of the paal de
cade of American history. AVe may not have
monmnents and pagoants for theae in all time
hcreafter- but biunanity will, in agos to cotne,
reniemlrer Sumttir, Lincoln, Eniancipatiou.
Thi Bocretary of Btata has ni Inut thon*h'
proper to sead to CoBgresa ? atatemeat ol tue
imi ol Dr. Llonard which li certainly tba
mi), t marveloas axbibitioa ol Impartiality over
geen in the history ol diplomaey. There are
of eoaree two iklea to every iju:-ti<ni,luit tLls
is tho liriit tiiuo wa havo cv:-r kuown tho
.**'fi itii.iy ol Btata to hold both sitlos at th*?
Bame time, and cnergetkally defiTid Imih iii
tbe preaeaee e_ the world. ln the diapatch
which Mr. Fiah aeat to Mr. Adee oa tho Mh
of March, he warmly eapor_a*Ba tbe eaaae <>f
])r. llonard. Be begiaa by atatiag eategot
ically thal "John Emile Ho-U-td la aeitiaenol
'"the I'nited Bteteelxf Wlthi HeWB I lioruin l'liil
??nili'lphia oa tbe Btbof September, 1811, ? ? Hia
"faiher was also a cith'-en of the Daited Btatca
"by ii."..iirali/ation, coiupbtid in 180.!.'' Thn
diapatch fartber goea oa to state tbat wbea
])r. il.inard w?nt to Cuba, he nceived tho
jieiiiii- ion 1*. juactice hil ptrotealOB, which Ifl
given only to fort iirm-is. Mr. Fish then states
that "it doea aol appeai tbat l>r. Hoaaid
" over renonnci'd his natioiulity of bilth 01
" tliat be ever accipted Bpaaiah liationality."
Tho Beeretary of State thea givi? a
biief iranmii of the trinl nnd convii.tion
of J)r. Honard, :t:i?l af tbe Baat-cceaa
fnl eflbita to effeet bia releaae throagh
iipldieatioiis to tho Spinish Minisler nnd
to tho Cflptain-Goneial. llo closi-s with
thoso stroug nnd tinciiuivjciil iiislmctions:
"Tfioaction ol Iho S.iiitii.--li BBtboiitiei in tho
"Island of Cttha in tiying Dr. iloiuinl by a
"cuirt-nii'iitial, and th* ir ri-fusal to feini-h a
"reoud of tho proeeediagl of the Court and
"of the testiinoiiy addaood agaiaal bim, ap
"pear to be a char inftsu ti'.u of the provis
"ions of the BBTeath nnicle.of the Ti.-aty of
"ITW, betweea tbe Uaited Btatoa and Bpaia,
"an infraction of the Treaty agaiaat whieh
"this Clovenimcnt is calleil to _Bte_peee tbo
"most HOiioits iemotiisttaiico. You aro ii<-.*,id
"ingly taatiaetod to briag this caso to the at
"teiilion of Ihe Sp u ir-h Qowi rnineiil. You
"will point out tho faet tl.at I'r. Ilottard it a
"nativc vilhen of llic I'nited SUUtt, Yoa ~Ul
"rcrnoiislmte iigain.-t tbe pioco'-ditn.'S of tho
"Kpanirdi aiiihotilics in t'nha in his eaae, M a
"violatioli of the pro\ ir-i'Uis ol the Tle.ty al
"ready dtod, ?**</ you uill ttktkit imimdiatc re
" kam.*
This is all rcasonaUc nd oonsisti-nt?o\acl!v
wlw.t ahoald be expeetad irom an AawrieaB
Sc-i'i lary of State un I*r tlio circumHlaines.
Uut tbe Beeretary erideafly felt tbat tbo
American i;ido of tho qnest-OB w;is exhitu-led
by tbi. ettbri, aud lu auawcr ty au upvlicHtiou
mado by the Vice-Proshlcnt in behnlf of Pr.
Eatnnrd's friondsnnd relatives in I'hihidolphi.i,
he wroto, only three daya afler the date <?f
this energetic diapatcb, un eloborate pjaa tor
the Spanish view of Ihe eaae. \U- i-eapltBlatei
tho facta of tho dispat.h, but glrei them
all a leantng to tho Spaiu-h h.Io,
and aajRi " It can senrcoly ha deatad ttat
"thesi- cirenmataaeea, ta aaaaa degWBi j"sllf-v
"the Bpaniah auihoiiiics in regardtef wr*
"H.iiaiil aa pui'jeet to tla ir juii-dictii.ti,
"since, on tho other hand, nothini* whatatWI
"le broaghl forward in hia bchalf tafllnatrate
"or I'iDvc hi- aaoriftlofl Rt any time of Aeiin
"can cili/enshii.." Tho .?in'imnt.inoos which
Bo lo ahow that l>r. Hoaard was not an
Aiuoi-can citizen wore that ho has not proved
that he took nny part in our war for tho
Union. This is a new nnd tagenioaa defl
liition of lili/d'ship, and if gencrally n('ipte?l
would mako Aimttii.ms of Brighl and Cas
paria, aad aliaasof many thoaeaadawho havo
ni ver beea beyoad our booada?ea. Tho Bae
retary goee on ta iwftow Hio ehargea iif-uinst
Hoaard and to belittlo his erideoee ta ln?
own d. f.nse, and eomludos with this virtu.il
aaneader of tho eeeei "The atm-ffpotat
" which pi'.viiils tho intervontion of this
"Covci.ini.nl in hohalf of Dr. Ilo.tard from
" beeaiBiBg effleadooa for his rdeaee, ia tha
" fact that he hiiH boou re*-ulaily tried aud
"f?,uiid gaflty by ? 4_y eeuatttatod tribonal
" iu tl.o laland of Caba." Wo eoafeaa aar
aelrea at a laaa to oomprehead tho ateaatag
of this glartog coiitiadiction. On the Dth
of Maich, the Beeretaiy ordera tho lenfeeeata
tivi: of tho Dnited Btatea ta Madrid to proteet
atrainst tho injury done to an Amoricau citi?
zen, nnd to piremp'orily domand his relea.-ic.
On tho l'.ih al Maich ho writes a lettor to tho
Yiee-l'ic-ident, Mkjtag the person refi-rred lo
1x piobiihly not nn Amoricau citizrn, and that
tha "inliivdilion of this Govoinniont for his i
"leiitf ia "iiiHlii.ioious.'' And on the 1st ot
ApriL beforo Mr. Adee has laid time to present
the (Iomiiiid of this Government at, tho lliaia
uyi.r Foreiga AffrItr, tho Beeretaiy of siato
/?i'vos to the preea tha extraoedtaary letter hy
wbieh the eaae b anrreBdered, This cor
reepoBdeaee goea, of coarae, by ihe lirst mail,
or l.y telegraph, to Madrid, aml Ilr. De Btaa
baa aothtag to do I.ut toeopy Mr. Fiah'eletter
to Mi. Colfai aaa full and aofflcieat aaawerto
any dcmaiid which wo can make for rcdicss
to thia ontraged citiiea.
In the liieiii time, Dr. Ilouanl rroes lo the
ehata-gang, lenteneed to hard labor f.?r eigfat
yeara, aad tho robbera of Haraaa diride Ua
property aaaoBg them. 11c ia 07 yeara af ap-o
and already brokon in healih. Ho cunnot
poaaibly survivo his aeoteoeeb. which therefore
iniiounts viiii.ally to a seiitcuce to deatb by
alow tortare.
It will be undeitc'd that we are aot pre
jodgiftg tliis eaae. We elaim toharc no fnller
tafonnation ta regard to it thaa that ta poe
aetaaoa af the Btate Departmeat whaa tho
diapatch of tho Mh Maicli was wiitlcii. It
la i_poaaiUe f-.r aa to decide whether
Mr. f_h was ri^lit when be demaaded tha
"iiiiinetliale rd. BB " of I*:'- Hoaard, or when.
three daya later, he told his frienda that
tbey bad no eaae. Bai oa one of theae
oecaatooa ho was eertaialy wrong. Il ii waa
on tho Pth, he h.ts ioi!*le-.<ly put the Govern
ment in an untiiial.le j)(?ilioi), nnd if i- waa
ou tlie 13th ho has bocii gnilrj of a distlncl
betrayal of his trttat.
do Yor l.iKi: rovB sews salted,
Tht ZTawa of Wedaeaday aaid:
" in'.f.riiiee to tlie stat.iiii-nt tliat r-' aatOT MeCliini
of IViiii-yhaniu WOBld ulterd tlie Ciluincati Couv. n
tiiill, lu- Mld, \e-ti rila.v, to .-a-vi-ial .->. Il ktOTB, t.ilit lie bral
tieva r aiitlini ,zi il tbe i-tiiULicut that be would attoud tbe
?Tho ahovo paragrapb was made out of tho
following diapatcb tothe __iaociated Preaa, the
rcat of which Tkt Timtts withboUa from its
liui vtiintiv, r.t.u., April l?Ib refa-r.Be* t.' tlio
.? Iiawl IMI fcaakti Mifiai* aaaM Mliad IM I . C
? , ,| ... t , r- -- ui :.-..!. I-. I'.a 1.- La.1 i.i.ir i.i.:l.oii/e 1 tki
|f Hl tliat te aoulJ .Itin.l tla-C.-.i. i t . n. II,? aaj.l. alao. that tl e
Haa M U> t-e ? l,'c|,ul,liraB bo-lr. entirel.v v.ithin thr Repal.llran I
aattv, ml our tliat ?tiT Ite|,ulilican cib itt, ni wlth ruiire mRMta**
, 1. onr t!..it Di.r be ? mirrine rrrriidlr, to nve tii- iart.T frmu
. ? italattMa .n.i MMt Il? l*d*iM UM *t*m**um*tMtMmtt*y*tt
vtit Re|,al.1'.rin L.r thoae who anin to rnntnil ttk* Nitl.iD.l Ur
II ,tr,ii a gti .t ...ur.-e of rliarrri in llic imrtv, ?n,l tliat hr all! rn
nwrifi .nr BK-etia* of Rcpulillrana tliat kwll to llu- dia-Blkrallakl nl i.f
Ike onr.ai_.tioa, iad aark aaa-taiti -a m io ihe l'l.'li lelpMa ( ..nn ni -m
i. aill tmrari it t-> ait for Ibe i.frtr aud IMMB of tl.e l-.rtj, rcgariilt..
,,l ***** ml ll.lcr, aU.
?If any readcr likos tho avowals of jmlilic
men cut and earved to suit the cxipemies of
the jonniBkl they take, they now haaw just
where to tlnd what they rc.piire.
Wo pii.iinic it already well known to ino.;t
intclligenl peoplattial in^nt o? the itspectod
aaj i ps of publie men wbieh aro QROtod aul
iii. "i.tiil b.\ theiradTeraarieB_withtotoBt to
hi. ,tct them to o'limii aad hatied, are lie.-..
Tbere was ihe famona apothega attribated to
Daaiel Webator?"Tako eara af tho rich, nml
" ihe i-ich will tal*e eare ef thepooi**?aa aaked
i lie a. imi waa eoneoeteda-yel it was atock
to for yeara, and huadrcdaof thonaanda died
bdieTtag tliat ho had attared it, Rtaialy beeanaa
(iii tbeir ettiniation) itwas "juM liUo hiiii.''
lt la tatereattag to noto the growth of or.o
of theae Uee fron tha tiniy genn uj. t*> its full
growa BBtga_ieeaeei and, bappOy,we have nn
iu.-tai.co iii.tt eaata ;k braad Ught on tho pro
i- i ir? wiil*' since, The TUttt h'tiadly aaaeited
Cn: "Ci.rl Behara beaata tbat hacairieathe
"(?in re Genaaa vote ba hia braaahaa1 podtei."
Coakl any but n very IgBoraBt fool hclieve
this! Y.t iiiiiny Itt it poai as, if not tni",
litill ii "ful in ahattertag Beha_tg_ taflaeaee
aud avi ?4ing him to odiaat, nnd our dotnaad
th.it it be provo'l paaaed Bttarlj aahaaded. At
leegth, Thc Jf?.(.,V WaahtagtoR eorfeepaadeBt
abowfl ex.M'tly bow tha c;.;a waa laid and who
hatebed it?us tollowa :
*? it la aaaeaiirerl tef* lhal ru ?t A-eek Baaataraehnra
will proeeeil i*> Ri a-Torfc fortbfl porpoaoof araalzlDg
tl|- I'i "Ttlt.il . Illl.l tl'.' (.ill1 lllli. li UaIV, U.i 111. ,V ??!.',vll
at llm c.A"?rTii Linilo i- <n tlu proatiimn e, aad u l*
*iid B.li|iri oxpre -;?? biaii if veir enattui i.t *.i i" Intcable
Id nu ri tlie* .',.?? '? ii U .i CB i. ul ..-'ilii-liiiant. !1.- b 'a
] r. uitiii-.i if itM-..i ilii'i!. rgaioat hnbi.ikiai.f aarrrlaa
tbe Ot t ilr Bl IU Ji 1 I l<-et: t ' I'.-ek.!.. AI.-. Hia.in. r, I i l.n
Baa l>..i7;nr,o r]x , tl of 1 .'", ? m. th* flr>.i to yi.iy Imn tu.*
douDtiul < iMpiiioeot. nuiiu Mr, k Biura baa eomp_ar-<Blly
rcated u.i.l- r It ?vi r alai ?-. Mr. Bv iiaar'aoliarM waa tb.it
tba i-ierji.aiit ibi uot ilar* tc Uaturb .Mr Eachura.poal?
tlon <*a li-'' Fi.. iru li. latnu'b CoaualttM bacaaM aa baa
tlieOtrii'au. :it bi' B o.t."
?Ih ro you see oxactly bow tliis spociis of
fal'rii'.'.tion is ganaiaatcd nnd BBBrlahed.
Gen. Bdtar-.it appean,aaid aothtag Ukawhai
ia attribated t<> him; but Mr. tSmnucr is BOW
reperted to havo aaid, in 10N?t_at On Preel
dent t'.aro n*.t onler (.cn. Schur/s ilisplacc
nioiit Iiom tbe CoHuaittee ou PoreigB Ail'airs,
" beeaRae he [tkhan] Imd the Genaaiia ut hla
Kiiii-ti iilhs of the kindred BBBBllloilB that
BenatoC A. or Gen. B. said this or thal wbieh
he ahouiii not baaa aaid, have no bettor towky
daiion tliiin tlj's aaa._
77ic Ihaai eriaeea eeaaerB laat tha BdHu of
thiH journal slii.u'd lolioiiuco his lifoji^p rul
vociu-y of 1'i'otcoti.m to HOBM Indtntiy. [|
has no hiicIi airtifhtiulou, uad tho iili'ict.ition
of it is vi ry ailly.
But bow ttviiatl- Tk* ilmw ? For I'rotoctiou
irnga.nst.tl It Iately told ita roaders Ihat
lotni.l principlf.H of I'olilieal Kcm.oniy woro
u.aking rr- it progrosfl in thi-* country; bul,
ivlion we BBked what thoso principles \v< re, I
trew bita it? -bell und Bwiatained aa obsii
unto nilence. No one doiibta what Bl*the
i??*iwa of The TitiniNF. on this bead. WBo
_n0WB wii.iL aro those of Ue TimcH ?
Whatla thn mnit.r. pray, wilb AaMrlaaa amli
,?? | Aro tbay siiU'lv (-..o.l-i..-.t"re<l.ori'i.-ili"V
ijopaltwdyand to-A-a-rfbahly taBtakaaf Tbeaa wa
i?,Mii..iis ono is drirea to aak after aettog taa
patteaee, n*.t tho ont.-nt, with wfakh tbey aM
tlir.iu_hiutin_wl.icli is noith.-r in-n- norh-i-. tli.'ri
laliafalili) Why, somo even BBf8_8ad it! The ataga ot
wMofoBrtbaatml-wieeaBtly beea theeaaaeof aaeh
riu.ti.i_s. Hn.-h tBowUdaga, Baabeeaaai lgnoranco, as
woald not im taleiated f<?r aa raataat la nny resp*-rt
ibbteelaa tbeater. taPaiiaitelBBwaaaea^a^a-tai
..f bk.- paaa iiitcinpting to taka a leadiag pari
vvoulil r.civ.i 8...I. a r.'istijratirn of Maaea
m i,o v.cni.ii.'t .ii.ro Caaa a -eeeaa tin"*
Wo rnduro it, willmnt nn* cxi>ro8r,ion M
ilisap].roliiiti..n. 0_e Kcircely ICBOWBwhat to WBB*
iIit at most-tho IBB-BBBB of tlio nudienci*. or tlio
audacity of ii manager who prescnts a r..w an.l
lidJealoaapet-ataaafl tba hero ?.f a rhnrndna .Aay.
Bara wa taate "-havo wo iiidopondonroT-liave we
??t l.r.atiiwith whleb to ebaataa aad deB-aaeel
AatetheyaauigwoMa who tl.ink tbay an> arch
wh-at-a-yopaatbatray-a *#ary wlde an.l Beeetoaa
phi/.c I.e-oopid, an.l tln.Be tonipcstuoiiB Ix.ys who
praaea op and down theatagi aad aod evory s.-ntonco
with fi Knort.?what can ono say of tliein that Wlll
*lo any soi t of ju.stieo to tho suliject T
.TohnThomn.*8"rm.s?lofcntiinr<l to funn-h tba baad
*.f bia niiist.-i with tbat pa*rlagatoaa ui his. Bee bow
ha loarlahed it yaetaidayi
" I'lipor* wlil* h havo ln.ulo B8S88 to Inv*-ttrh fUTralnft
the Ailuilnlsti.itlon for allowltiK Dr. Eaaard, BB Ai.rri
rnn, tobn Borjifnciil lo i.ar.l l.l.ur In t'iit>;? for politiral
i.iYi-ti os, v*'ill ju.i bar* Iv Uealowto takeaotlaaof tha faet
ttiiit ll.Mi.ril aaa uoi an Aun-i leaa elUBBB. Hehaaex
iMtiiiiti'ii hluualf by acta leaa Baea telared i>y onr
Oovernment to ba bu tBdeat t" tbat and, viz.: Ity a cob
tiiiiions i" .l?t. ':<?? "!' M.iiiiv v<- .rs iu C'lii.ii. l.y I..-V.-I- Imv
Idu' |i.-rl'.,i ui-'.l iii.V tliitv Of a eltl-CB, BBd l.y -lvli.-r i-vi-ry
liulirutluii lhal bla i.im reaJilepoe w.is .icsiir.... toBa
i.ori.iat,.nt. Beeretary i--i.ii, yeaterday, Uiu tii.;o'j i-aa
before Oo-paM."
To sliow tho injronio.in Rtupi.iity of tliis -Urf-8-BB,
loakattba laat llaa, Tbeaa are aet M_aotB." Bee?
retary I'ish has not " laid them hoforo Coiurress."
AVii.-it ho di.l nnd toOaognaawaa not "yastor
day." 15.it tba wholo stateiuciit ia eipially fiilse and
injuiioes totha S.'.r.tiiry. In hi.s dbpatah of tho
luhof March hn demnnds tho iioniediato wlaBBB of
Dr. Iliiii.ir.l, und Btatoa that ho is a citizen of tho
inii.-.i siat.-s. Befoae John IhoauM ix-Kina to <l<
fond his employors' acts, would it not ba aa weH t<>
i.-i I'it.iin b bal they are ? Iin ahoald beware of aeal
withoat koowledga.
fn in. it Bowtbani L-fftalatarea tho qneetleo of
civil rlghts continucs to be talked ai?>ut. "Ia tho
Beaate, to-dnv.'' writea a con_-iw*-tdtTBt la Jaekaoa,
Itiaa, te Tht Pafetarf HertU, Mthe teadeBeyel tho
aegroea waa aery defiant, one Cellow nouukiiigthat
they aro prepaied for any i-sue whatsoevcr." KoW,
let aaaeewhat they wereMdefteatM about: "Tbey
tliicatcti politieal (l.iiiiiii.iion to tho*. E___Uoa.awho
nalo into placo on tha ?hoBldara ol Begroee.
aud now refoaa to earppert tho -kananrli
whi.-h tlicno Uacka, la th.-ir B-T-gaiiee, are
ni.-ikiiif* ui'on the white jie.-i.!.-." a\im1 what BB8
th.-ir dnmandi thaa _l_a__?-te____d ns Marroaaair
They aak, we aappoae, tfaaply tobe tn-at.-d Jaat an if
they wera White mea aad not BlaelL li ?' Badleala,"
Bftor iiri.iiiisiii). to be f;dr and true nnd homst;
Bfter profeaakmi af frteadly intenst la a raee ju~t
. menriof fnuu boDdage; aftor w b_f tlu- BB-fracea of
.li.- Blaeka to ebtaia pbea aad p*-lf nnd politieal
power, bara aow aadieated a d-apoaltioa to for?at
p] .!?.-. i BBd l'reiaisoM, all we havo t*. say is that
thC" _i-ar.8*a "pt.liti.al iliiuiu.'tti..ii,'" an*l _r*j quite
lik.ly to i;.l wh.itthcy disc-i-ve.
A niec y-une sr,]',',,?;?.-?;. a uraper- Maiataal ?u |
l!i'i_*iii,.n. England, waa lately arreated _orstea_ag
gooda from hia eaiplayi rs in a BMgniflcentljr whele*
aaleway. In atae raoDtha heearried <>ti' iimnth*
ihopSSOpaiia af ki.l florea, 819 eamhrte baae_BB*
oliiefa, _;;.' allk do., 800 m karted do., M bottlce of paa>
iir.ii.iy, 188 silk tin, 8ie., __c?in all, i,.>_ artfcolaa
Cariotialjr aaoaab, tliis light-i.njr,.ro'l panmon kept
ediary, in whleh ba cntered ngalarly the _:oo.1b
atolea nnd tba taone. obtataed for thi rl Bef< ra thc
iiiii'-istnit*' the thief made a re_arkal le apeei __ Hc
BTerred that bo had Htolvu beeanse hc had
beea treated witb Injnatiee hy his eanpioyani
nml notalily on unc oceaaloB "beeaaae he wm five
iiiinnttm late, ln was debarred i_on hariag a > up of
tea.'' " You havo to tteer," he arlded, "betwoea
Bcylla and Charybdia iu trnataeea." Notwithstaad
lagthia hoaiitit'iil and f re. h elaaateal aOnaioa,the
atoiiy-ln'iirti'.l Reeorder leateaeed him to Are yean
jicnal si rv Itode, whereapon ha caat ap his ayea, ex
elalmlagi " l-'ivo yeara ?'?it's timo fur maditattaa,
Imt?it ilitmns BM.*' BoflM of thb dor.key _ ili-Rot,
money must have been Bpent nt tbe miuor theatBBBa.
Xie-n. WaDnr, Suporintendoiit of tho Cenati*. has
instied the BtattaHea af WaaUh, IBbbbrr-, Rai Pni?
lic lL7(lubl>dae^9, foimiag paii of tbo Cca-tis of l^TO.
Tl.e tiuo valao of t'.o u-al and peiaaaal t.stute of the
Unioa is $fljbWJ518fiffl, bein-- nearly daobla Iho
amotiiit in 1800, wbea it waa SH'.l'O.fil.U'^. Tho
t.iic \.lii: of tlio rc.l uu*l por..onal eatata ofXew-'
V. rk is .;.-,W.S:!,'_\H; in 190) it xvus $1.813,:iVi BIT.
Bew-Yorfc greatly axeaeda tnwealthallother 8tatM|
Peanaylvaala, theaaarl higheet, belng i?::,s>-vMt>,n_.
P ii' "Ivui'i has moro than doabled her weelth
Btaee '. 80, whaa it vra.. ?l,41o,r*il,'>18. Tho inereaso
in w :.ltli of tho Union betweeaUBO and 18tio was,
in n.i ndRunbeca, $9,goo,o< OyOOO; ta the laat daaade
i tn rm ' ly |li.o'M.coo.otjO; aad this la, of eooree,
e\<!t_.ivo of any estiuiut'.l mn fot coloicd citizena
wbo v.oi a treated aa < ihattela in tho lormar oanana
Tin- Qganaelearly denaaatrate tha' the naterta]
prcgren oi't lio country iliirh_r. tlie laat lon yean waa
Bxtraocdinaiy and aaparal-i lad.
It i;i ealteai diffienlt, it wonM aeen, te get a Ml
ef publie f.Miin tl fRrWahed ap and ma*!" aeat aad
deeeat in Loadoa aa it Baaa waa in New-Yoak,
h.,,'i -it r Bqoaia, wa ara told, haa laag baea the dm
giaeeof ii.- Brltiah netrepaMj, ThoceatialaraBie
a 6oit i.r ffo-Haa'a-Iattud, eontalntag tha atataa of
ik bow which ouce bi l a ridcr, but bas
aone aaw. 'iho _Vru? tolls aa thal propo
bals witboat c ii*l hi."o beea Biada ta Inpcore
this aaaoa, bal ii beleaga i'i iona way la Mr.
Tulk, w'.i.i .'.ns pcaveated tho Board ef Worka fhaa
deiag imyihii. ? in tba way <>f bapt-Temoat, by
bringiac an aetion la tha law aoarta, XI aaid hoaaa,
lt ia iui tni, ia pablia property, and adgbt ba re
norpd; hnt a e are aal m aan of ihnt. Ihara may
ba Rgethec Hr, Tulk who has a reated tataaaat ta Ihe
hi.iie aapahla of beiag tnarntalned bya Bill ta
C_taceW, s.. we *m t sariana iMnatratieai and vcii
ficii.ioi v\rot:i tinio lo tinie, o' tin oddeel Bad hv-t
eiedibla thiagi la Mr. Diakeae. aoiala. und
eapeeiaDjr of the bliad lere enee paid la Baglaiid to
eotahUahed righaaaad bk Idy tradiBoBR,
Wado not kaow wbea we hara read aaioreeofl
(ortanle erk Bgitatinx predirtioatbaathlai Al
phaoaa AdhaBRRi dedana lhal tha earth laeararad
byadalaga oaeata 10,900 yeeia. Hareaaoaa Lteat
taa way whleh hreibly inpraam aa, alb.-it wada
not in tbi Irant oouip-vhei-.l i*. .\H iv?v kiii.vy Ll tlmt
"a ilgaa i 14. polar glaeior, bv ita dtanyatloB, erer
whehnaa ke_iflphaaa i9 aadto _al*eaialilaiaimbb
ii'.iue, tbaarurid ie iinnltaaeoa_7/o-re-ik___hDedat
oaah aad. Bat. aa tbia la aal tn -ii:i--l a_nnrU_..D.
7:.m, v.-e i'i,d it ii.ip mibla ta gtl.'.,, iho leaat o*1 Itc
naal on the aaht-at. _
"ThoSiiM-is" taC -:'Ui'rj> Mc, hara tolla aaaa
that tban ia aattaiofajfD kiii**r ander hia hn. ...
AiMt-fdiagly, '/ith pii!,*k>7 ;*.! *' il iii i. hefti "?', ogfoe
ii; aa 1 ao bf baa be n I >r two yeai . m ia I Lrl ,.i ,
ly that ii') hai i.tcr,>.l (1-- bowell ' .1. * 1.:i i lo tlio
exteotoftt id. V ui. argna wl i ain on Uwfolly
ladWBRte theirwladi . l,,u_.. I hiiai bat UU
be di"** aod boi dBra p I wl vvh tapitj i t :s
thal i ?'? * ii .1 : uoi ? i'i ite 1 a. to n ?'.
fi Ih liapr illij - j- ... ?, . i iifiif,-*,
ol tbooartu hkjtmu i
l*Kir-ii*rt TiNU BB-TBUCA) ' "?
li.i.M .loltv htiakt mii.i.? " NU OLOBI
Ofl TIIK AMK.Itlf \H ' ' '
LOWDOWi B"< '"? tOf, Afrri! 3. 117..
The will-known tav* m " IJoli-n>-t.ie-V, ..11."
ba-f-BgheeawBBi aa a Baadnaa-tata ai ?apahBaaew
,,i tandta. aai Baea lafBaaa''? awaaaa i.y ihe aatheeiBea
gaw rawaa bbbb i? laaaatfaana beea tmewnt
tor ll.'-ir BBIHMB8J l.y Hu- Uadoa PaB '?< J -<\\.
Tim if'.u. JBha Hi.ii.it m.ii haa atal i Bttaa
to tho I'trsi'i.'iit of ti.o kmmmtkm, Batoatoii tm ttm>
iiiiK-aBitf-o.iirii.iitii.il t'.vvuni taa sapsaasal lUrBaagi
of *iiliilt.rri, ii iiil c.xj.reHhinK BBfBBfBl of tl." '
of tho 88KB8-_al__a to nn 81188888 hy Iha f.ov.i i..n. nl lo
I'l'ivciif, l.y iBllBael 88888-, BW iIixiim ?.?>.. "t "'', BiB
whtehll Btfe-B-aBliaalBBBweawa t.?.,i?lab q ?
llir tili.lir of to-day ealla attel.tloli t" 8 r.iruo.- of afi ex
triior.liiuiry cliiir,.. tor wlii'h hua ol.taliici 88-18881 i?
lai.tidon. thiit the OBB! of IBa esBBWBWB *i.)v(-riiu..-.i.t i>o
tmt ttW 0BB8T8 TllhBBWl of All.ltn.il'.u BBBa8BBM ? W
loasoa of attawaa of tu*. Pattad BBtiea ta
the caj.turo nini __wBftW_Bw "f km n it
hl.iiia hu?1 8888888 89 0BB_-BBrBl8 enil-ora
liuiltorilitcd out on EiiKlirfh watora at |tl,w?,i"8>, ,-,i..|
the aataaeea af tta PaMad Ht.it. i Oavw-waaaB in paraa*
liiK aaid prlvuteera ut f.tXt.imoUf). Thr titohc 8888888841
with Botiio 8.v. rity upon thU Bti.t. BB nt. aad 8ZB8I aa
tho hope tlmt Mr. QIadet-M Wfll -8 ipaaillf BB-M .ii")n
in I'arliauiciit for uu _gp__-HaB aa to N_ trutli or
The Erhoot lli -BT8l-B_BI hii article up"n M>-> *uV
)..,tof thouulonof Caiiuda wlU) ORBl BHtalB, l I
it hiuta atroiigiy tlmt tho aewaeettea betweea ihatwe
oeUBtrBwB morely artificial, nnd liiMn*ato-j tu.it Lord
TDiifrciln I* poa.iiliiy tho Iwit Viroroy of th'- p8B_l>oa.
Tho BBjBt Ho", P.rntaniln tBWNWB, who ls now on ?
vlslt to Mtti?:b?8ter, BilNaaai un tiiirncti->e *i,n?f rv.'.tiva
?BlllBg IB liOll TlBBB Hall, In that t-ity, tl.in ev* nin_.
Mr. Dl.-rnoll beKan hy BBff-MM "We havo oKs*>iiiiile*l
h< ro to prficlnlm ourresolution to ujilioid the *'<?n-.itutl'.n
of the KUi.doni; wo havo como lefe-hof BB t.ikof a
pro-Tammo for futnro actlon, whu li will not deapeB
I'hurcliea nor pliinder landh.rd-i. Imt furthrr tl.<- intcr. ata
of tho kt( ut body of Iha peesds." Bathaa waal on u?
inako uii earucHt def, nse of tho Moniuchy. To tho
throne, he MM, BBBB he BBerlbai tho l.ltB.*ln>ra wMaB
_Bg_8haMaaaBB7. Tho Sovereign d88e8-8**8-88 a real
iBlBBBITI The BTUBaiOhj was nn ln.tltnti.m aroiind
ivlil.li, in pr-rll and adverMty, tho peoplo can rally.
Tho EiigllHli monarchy co.4t lesa than that Bf aay elhOB
nntinn. Tiie BBWaaaa of tho Bovci-ciirnty of tho Tu.t.-1
Btam, whteP*"BBTBeadOaagreaa aad hioHM" Uetf '?*_
turos, ei well aa tho Exeflutlve, was l,otw.cii TB,'
M8.08I poBiBla eterthif itnahU tht tr**-1 "l thu i
Clvil Li.st. Hcclowd wltha vin.li, .iTi-ii "f Iha B-iet-B*
rucyai.ddffen.soof tho HoufcO of bBfdB,80BB88888JtBd
elaa-eal ot the tetaaaMBB.
M.voiiiD, Wedaaaaay, April ??, l-^i
Tho tleotions for nicinbers of tho Klectoial
CBlBaaa, whtai an to <-hoo8*.- Beaaton and d.-jm
the Corte*, took pluce, yctenlaj , thieafhoal t!.<- Km_
dOBB, and wcrc conducted qtu.-lly, SSBBpl tn Cordova,
wh.TO elleht dlsordcra 8808-188- Kull returns of tha
elcctlons havo not he* n recelve.l; hut asfar a* is known,
tho Mliii.sterlali.st8 have ch-ttcd OZO l'le-iidonU
and -,11- S.-.rct.irlca of Elcctoral Oollaaaak
an.l the (.'onlitloiii-sts. or opponents of tho OOlUB-BBBt,
Ml Pr.-sl.lcrits, BBd 1,-Cl B .rctarics. The City of Madrtd
was carrtrd l.y tho Coiilltionl.-ts. It B BBBpaeod thii
tha Mlni.stcriiilist party wUl have IM iepati-e in tht?
lower bcaaah of iho Oastsa
1.ATF.H.?Additional retiirns from tha rtt' tloaa fur
88888888881 the Klectoral CaUBBBB mIiow lhal liu-Mli.ia
t. riiili-18 w. ro Buocesrsful iutlio 1'iuvin.cd of Vului.tiii,
rJiilnmanca, Iluervca, Aiicunte, aml Av Ba.
Tlio BtBBlnlpal atithorities of the towns ln tha Pri-vlnCB
<>f Pr-*jJ-a tagathes with the authorillcs of n iiiiiiihcr ol
to-.vnaln olln-r jrovlnren, have entcred Into 8 coilltlon
which has for it* ol.J.-ct the inithi'.lou of ?88881*88 whi* li
lt la hojiod wUl lead to tho ro.ititutioa *?f GibralUr to
TTIIT" n'-l*T>nP**TTOV TV *HT**ffPO
thi: IRWIU_10flD-l in mkxico.
P.ATTI.K f.r t.a B8TBA BBVOBB /ai;at_4'tas?tj:b
: ...?' il...-. i-i.i PEKKATEI) .'.'D :;. ,'.'K1>?
1 ( >>!'! 1 I- .."a. All -.'I:..... A.irtll I.T Uii.
C0UH1 11.
.: ?: ii::. REOULAR CQRR-BPORI tnt of Till, Tr.:i;T-yk,|
l-ii.xi,'ii,Mareb 18.?The K< rolutioniats, ondae
G'.u ira, T., vln.i, aml .V.u tin. _, li ivii:a tahafl t. - road to
Zj. at Baa, tha Qorerameat torce* uader Gen. Bocba,
foiiuv.ed tbeni n* tpeedilyM peeaible. Oa the Id laat;
Roelia foaad tbo Bevolotloalata la a poaltl n 8ov*tna
tbo aotraace to tuo laiiiml af Eaeatecaa.andreadyaa
give ba tlie. Tbe :;<lvav e c.f tbe lattM to in- ? t bla ln
tijiit- n.i, vritiu'.ti,u aaaa, a.'d their mii.m qui ur retreat to
Eaeatccaa, bad Locn pjaaaed m ardertobi i i: ha
?addealy befen lha poaltlaa whleh they had - I ? ed m
tb* Ir 1-ltl* *J0*I_-1 Tt' y bad lelt in EaoatOOM to
nv.ajt tbeir icttiin 4,<mi lafaatry, wbo BhoaM
bo irr-.li fnr tbo iaht, wl Tli Ir et:_-ir__-ra
iu il n- <ie ditcbe* aad tinnwn ap totNoehfluata to ren
der tnerc forinidiibie thc 1,11's oi LaBafa and Ia J'- Ba,
which eoauaapd tbo eatraaM to ZaeateeM nnd orertaafc
tl, tm n. Tbe MN RMR who fenned tl.o axp rdltioa had
tWladled d0WR to r.eiir ".Ov't", bnf, united with tha *,ooo
laTaatrp who wrmawaitlaa tbetr Mtara la Zicatoea*.
they formed .-tn ormy of over 9 nia men. llmlia urilved
lefore tbeir ehoeeo poattloo wlth ahoal MM troope, at 11
o'tio*;. in tl e iiuiniiij. of tha ai Inst. He ordered din.
uer to be f?rrv< d to bis men, nn.'. r.i; -1.- a thow >'f l.tklag
B aeatBaai aa lf to ptepara for operatloni on tbe f..ii,w
iug duy, nnd tl;il-< thrOW tbe em my < ft tlu ir irii.ird ; but
et ni."ii hia buci-ia aoaadedaloaatbeRaetheonlern
fiM m eohmaa. Xbe ehaaaa cf fatBMttea wm qoickly af*
feeted, and hit tr.oi.s, ROtwBhataaitaa tbey Lad beea
Btarehlng BaM aarirtetha BMra_ag,be*~M the i.-atti-a.
Witboat waltiBf for lha arrlviil of tha divi.-iou oadai tt.o
ci'iniii.ii il of (J. i!. Uoa (i ispar Sani-l.t - Ocii-..i.
Koiiia'u t-tiopa ptOOOOdod to cliu:'.i tha iteep blBaaC
La Uitfu nnd l.a Bul.a. The enuuy bMag aupeitoi la
nuinber, detaehed eolmuris lo Bteet them; bat the "-V
vnnre of tlu.se columns WM lil'cctualty ebeekod >>j tha
artllleryof Boeha, which WM BMMh ..!;?*:.>r to I . f
tbe revolntioniat*. had been ekiUfiil.y placed, iiiiit w?_.
nioat adnihably served. BeTRlthaM?, the iro.-t>_ ot
BoohaaaeoRRtaroi u aiont natat?kee, rhe raroraMeaRB-y
leuder.4, T.eviiio, ORORR, l'cilro Muiii- 88, kkdt ? mmtm*
tm/, Naiiinj), nnd otln-ra, nr.' iiof.irioii.lv bBBTC Uien,
nnd good tBmtn for tbe bnttl. -li.itl. T!.*-y vv. ro well
eeeonded by many l.nrdy vrteiiins froni tbe fr.aiti.r,
wbo liad aerve.l ln Ibo aaaapaigM of Zt-zita
itii.i Vuiaiirl b*r1b*1 tha aoaaarrRthre tnnt *-f Ha.
anl aml MMbbhiii . aad la tbn i of Eaoobedo, Tl vmo,
aad Boeha aaalaM tlie ftoaeh aad baporlaliata. Ti_*
battie rii.ced WlthfRTJ until I oYloel; ln tbo ni't. rnoon ,
la tha naaa Bbm Bocba bad detaehed ronii troup* iu ?
linnk iiu.veinent to aal tha eBenp*a llae of wtreal, aag
ut tbe bour abOVB iiicntion. d, WhRR be tboaahl BM eja
pat tmio mouient bad :n rived, ba reft.iiiied bM coluaiua,
tlaecd MnaaH ut th.ir head,aadeharged vi/uraual?
wilh tbe bayoaot. A '.urire tio: tion a_ thc r. VolutMolaBa
inui no bnyoiiot* to thaarrtgea, aad wbea they wera
prera.-d by Bocha'a men with tbi* wrapon, tluy l-rok*
aad aad. Orer laa wen httlediaboro i,o?j wen uitt*\
pn. liaMB. ul *.ut r.nu) fooad liu ii uiii ty iu dUpt i .iiub
bm I of than raiBnr a*t~_~ tbeir anaa ln the 0I_*ht; _*t
ov.-r'J.i'iiO cnviilry tiin'er Tievino road* un onl r v aad
letaiirtiy retreat, inataiulng a flj-ht with Rocha-aaaf*.
n'.iy until ll oYlocb at niit'at, wben tbe pttreult w..* aaaa
peaded. All their vaaon*, 11 cannou, a largo (-At.uitttf
?f iinns iital BBBBM?illt.n w.re (iipttiK dby IbMha. Tlili
aeaaralnpartathai bekwt orer aa men luktllcdtB_
woRRded, but the biiuf I.' gcoirul taat bla 1ommuai^i^
Prlrata letter* fron Kaeat-fM atate that -.',.;> mr,%
Vfilli ll Mimll (iinnon, lorluding I'revifiu'* ? .V)i!-y *_a
tered TrewUlo on tbe Cd, txiuK all tbe foree r,r tiereri>
tatloatata that had beea Mvod after the 'j^uii.., onth*
filli.vviiikf BBOralHR llny contiiiued tla ,r r,. t r.-:it lu th*
directlon of Bierra Hrrmoia. Gen. r.?;-b;, report* Ur u>L
agrapb lhal the n-olattoolata o_1v UT(I| _,,?,?! wt
men. or les*. iind tbat, on tl-e ftl _ _? t#f ?,..,. m ., _,lU.(i ,,,
tbe toiiowitif- naaaari __a*rtf_aj aad Man.?, viun t,*n
men, took tlie nai forNur-,0 L(,OI,. Oawra, wlth MB Ibi
Oanagai aad OrirIr U(. m c,., ..,?,.;, .M, -?,- t).,
MR *? aJii.bii'ii-, |? |_M atate al laoatMaa, la tht
dlreettoa laRdlna^ t? raBui OaaMqoeatly Boeha hu
<tivi.ic.ib'* iur.rr. ii.. (ic'iiiiini t.i. Ordoaea to paraah
(iniii.l ia .fl t'lktl-nik; l.en. OstelM lo i.i'.ivv Tuvn"..
aad "-...rtni!/, aai paaafj Oaahalla aad Bmoto i.-vrm,
-ai-i'.. Boeha klnaaM paoMeia t? resai r aaal i>.-.ir
liimni'o, rron vviii.ii BtaM ba bM prei -i
Mnzutian, if iii.* aae*poraBoa *hoaldbalaqalital Bm t:.-i
tukiuKof ttmt tov*n. nr ?BjMtbaatatmnf i.
Cilllllllilil. BBd Nuevo l.'.,ili, laivi- lceu li ki i ?.. BUO. r luir
tl.il law, liy i'., i .,...vi, i,\..,i JOBTM, Ui ei'-'ci' .
tin.* tha Mlllb iv,i,,-ti,.., i. i : ...>n of orti i .
tuo raiiie o:.|,..-t i.:? . k tl. ,- y , ? ' , ?.; , ,? ,.? ,
"' " _. ?"' -i ?-'ii. Vl.toi.o lUVI . 1 B - ' ? ;' . .
and rail ? i. -,,, ?, _
'v".;"'.nk' t>. tlkohkleti newa froni Qea. Ri rba, I
"".?)?? i.i.- tbo Rev* ,. . . . i -
rO?.utoDtiranao. und i:.i? Corrlla, -*i , o
lon, waafoliotrln-'Marl.laudTreviil la
Ii.-c lo.i !?' Rltl vu 1 , a. (el. D
?!.-!. tll ll I. .!,,.! ,1,1 I.l ('.? ,11 ?,',.'
. ul bi.lf a l.i^uu ikoiu ,ii.i \oytuot Vi-l.1 Raete
? ?- - . >? _?'.,t il IoiIaU,;. * ?

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