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_r.ii.. aa w wr? vo. (| _t7_l NEW-YORK* FRIIMY, APRIL 5, 1H?>. PRICL FOLIi CU.VfX A.V.M. WABHiyC.TOB. TTIK ri.KMMI AK'MS BALE8. GATUMf <it Ns TBADKB AWAY HY THl IVATt DE PABTBI NT?010,000 PAID To \ IrOBBT Ai.K.vr BfTBB NAVV DBFABTBairf?OBW. IBOALLI A a-TCK-llOi.nEB in thi: BEMIMOTOB OO*? A BOBBBUELL IS Ml AlWlMsTIIA I K>1 C-JaU*. inv .FiFCiuni to tijf TBIBBBII WaaaiaoTCai, _ptil L?floaaeal tha traaaaetlaaa af th.-t't v.-iniii.iit iiui iaa t he Freach *.\ar. which ttr-u\ t.> liiiv.- l.ttu nntfiir.v eoaeealed i?.v Iha Wai Pcfertiaiait. anaaa liu.-ly to bed_aa*ed out ii.ti> tlu- I'-i't. ?! mt Baaata Anwo Oaaa nnti.-*' eeattaaaa its leaakM long fnuugli, an.l ita. is BDowed 88 _? 8W .-v.iinii*niK aml art.f.s Miit-iii nm. wHaaaaea & **w**j lakp-artaai dfah civi-rv waaaaadaal Iha ateitlag <'t Iho CaaBwIttea moiniti-. It B888B8 thal, i? Iha V\ mUt ?'f leTO -uj.iiv.1. Um Wai Departaaaart nM inii*> Gatliaa K?rv*. t.-< iviii-.' ii. I'iivui.nt nino otliers of an iin p?t-.v<.i |.i..n. BBaaat-rtartf nt tii<> Calfa Anaesy iu Hunt.'i.i. hai thal ae aaeattoaal iMBtMaaae?ob waa ?aale la Ite aamaal repoai <>l the Beefotafy of V,-.4i ? i. i ?>f Ordaawee, ai ba tha r-ixs-ial v?? ?x.rt of anaa aold sm..- 188B, aaa! m Iha UoooeJaa. .1. a' il vv Im li thr *>!l..' i* <'l tli*' Onliiaii'f r.iiiiiin Bwofacaatalaed a list *.i "ull Btlaa aaade by tha \\_, i , The t. -tiiiioiiy giu-ti bj GB_, PrwakliaofthoCotfaAnaa Coaaaeny la the Oaaa* ?ittoe, thia ni.iii.ini*, waa a Taailahle beoBbabell ajBtTBa H"' A.ltai.i.stratK.ti Beaatnara ou th?> Comiaittoe. G a. Fraaalia waa rall. .1 at the BBCReaiion al Mr. Oohora, an.l waa aaamiaed hy him H.-,4i..'w:i?."uttii.laaleofBavyriOoahytha Naiy lKI..-i,tti..-iit t<> Pwahoay A Trhablae- BalteBBOtro. Pful'ii. 4 told btat that bo waa aetlof in tlu-matter Ih the R4-_in8jto_ajhowaatohaj tho gaaa ataeer t.-uii prko, aad toiaoriaoaoortaiaothoi arioo?*on Ui" ii.mingtons; the dlaaroaeo waa t*. i.*- hia pmfit. .Ulol tliis wiis kiicwu 1? fore, l.imn.r* beea 1,'i.u.ii bj th" t'.-riiiioiiy of Beeretary BobeBOB,aad ti'ti., i.v that <?? Bonhro. Bat the Btrangeal ihlaBabaBt 4 aa atUl not iv. n .I atonWMr Bobaia aaked iin- vviini.-- it be had beard any otber , . iiiiicil ill COOBOetlOB vtitti tba alT.ilr. He . poeltaeybh-aelf. Tht ftrm katfffeewte % , ,of Omtmden,V. J.,kn thAm$anddoUmrt,ta mmdnctlhei ' tkem al Me Katt Daporlment. -? - un , , is* .,n ti tgeata un rutlralyaew and-ery IWaporUnl _eof htqalry. Tho Beeretary ol tb.; Navy aad Barkley are tow_amoB aad pereoaal frtenda, aad , .,1 ted a 11. Balaeal parl la the ea;... 11 ihe Ka-ry DepartmeBt. Tet bla name d< evldenee of 1 er* tai - ft beaon or ,r iu the eorreapo-d* nec I r* ...i lt 'Hi. Oat ? I - 11111, 1 _tf-lll.ll: rtOB , . told i.n- ii N,\v-Y irkthat the Governnu nr iatTlnggnna wbleh tbey dealred t>> obtala. ? . oontracl tomannt , . , UlnjrCoi paay, and th bi bI it. r the lot rvb b rcfem d t.. abare tbat i,,; i i tbe gana waa ia a letter fnuu t:..- ?i..tiiui- Company telllng liitu the Unitcd ? ..v.'ii.iiu'i.t woald tranafer ta hlm nlne c.i.tiin Ung tbal bB company Bbould i ?:. t'ulted '. eno he? '"* ol a I H rn. FraublintbenapplledtoOen. Dyer for , .. ...,l ;;.',. tii tll.- I.n V. IllIlK-Ilt llll I'fl.T, 111 .I'' und theanna were ,..,.,?,,,., . . pany, Bfter eomebody Bad ? , en-j in'-li.iml* a dcposif of Jli.iHf, t') be Company wbea they dellrered the B ti vviimi'-iit, bo eoat of ? ,- ti:.' tii'w aana ha in Irrt b aa deiiu.'ttii aad pald to tii.- OareraaBeBt. Ihe rarrUaea Ji.r tl.. at aaaa were bo! wai from Ibe Wati rvlb I I ,,: v i- -iiii" i dlrei tly Iroai Ibe ara aai t?.N. w*Yi rk, and Piai klia hadao donbl Ihat th* _*r;.v.i..i ib Kew-York to Bemlnfton. PrankUn foM Teryaarethal everybody wlth whom he dealt la thia aaatter kn. w all about it, and waa aware that Bemlna -, r. PTanklindldnol reinemb* i ba 1I.P t.ii.i D.4 * t.' < i-i r.--i. in-1.4 u. J_-T al thh poiat. Btr. HbbbIIb *_i8Bil*aa ta atum ? the Chlff of Ordnaaoa Bj pattlnghB alereotypod qoea tion. "Vasitia. t >< ' l'-ti"-' *nn\ Geo. Dyei Mt know anytbinc about Beaklngton ia tlnn matter P j .. prompl and de. mh-. aad bo BfamlaB tbal he did not j at another , ".Ni.i ti.. ' ''.'i '" ? "Ihe Ordnanee ,' aaweU wbere they were toaoandall ? , | | ording to Pi ankl u. I'v.r knowlnatbal IU?m thoreal ? t.-r theBecretan ol Wa| . ....'? ft ailnctoo. Ihe whole etlon] -l?.?.,,?, i.l. :,titl!y -la*.-. 4.T".I. l.ut ? Bcetoll haTlng lieen made ln iluiouy ..: a.iv ..:.I tha i -i S, -. .,,i..,'i.i....i....s wbohayeboenealled. ? wexainlm d, to ,..,,.; B Freneh ^tAtkt . ,, 'iu.i.i. *..?.. Ingtilla ??,? , -I..II...I tbe ul hl.ii ,,?,,?. ,|,.,i,??.'M,i.. T.i-?l.ttt.-rba.l-j.i.l , ,-?-,? i, i.i '.'14,1- s.i greal tnat Boiae ol the :,,1 ao ....... e,,. i-i i.t:..i,i'i"l.". ? udtbebatt rl ? were not even fn-, i' -ii. "i.iui. L-' I ' ? ?".'"- bad aald . . '.,i?f iiiBlnfluencewitutbeauthpr uritj Counl Pourta ea. rbla al i,,.i, ,- ulao i.i"....uii.'".l ?;';-?' ni. i iid tii?!' i"- bad no conn* tion witb 1 .? i. ? iKtoua dnring tbe Freneb war. lacallsdidni K.i tbatb* aaw Oen.Djer lu'^wOfurk li, ii, L-iBii r.lHTO. He verj rarely vi ited b m 81 bla ,,r,,." i , waamurton. Ho dldni tbink tbat be aaw _.-,,,.! i: ? iiiiuiit.... duriug the Freneh war. Ali..f tlm Tnet-hl v i'l)-' it besitailou, TbeuBchui. a*n. .1 Imuif lie at/er owfled rtock in tbe Bemlngton ^ruiat omuauy, and _, . V,l tliatl,.* t-tcS ;,?'. aimeol tbal atock, wblehbeob t?i-,.'-1 - ' ortbl.and beld 11 untll ayem and li;,n..i two He didu'l know whetuer :.., . ui ?,f it iu January, 18T1, or n-t; ;;..1.-tn, r it t "i ii"'."' vv_. ? ne ilir'|i'*.(l "f ''? Be ,,i,i mt wlah to v? 0f aliom he hougbt lt, and tae (?niiitniitt-.- il.'1. ,: .t brvaa bim; wae anre bei nevei re riiVimiJii^ ..!. it. and Unaib fjl'l it |o ' ;;i. , (oropany.foi ISiioo. He d?d - ii.i.44l..i-. ti...t . .;. ih^bBwB tu, ? : iveruuiaol beld rtocl m.ii... (?"*;i- '">. ?i_i.i ,1.,.,n. i ta toatify aa to wbat he had beard at ea H^lfeVen tbat Ingalta eoatradkjtod ?*?*?-__?? on. poli t i.i 1 ,i- t.-rtimoiii-. baving euiphatically denlea liiiit i.t v,..- uonntcted aftbtbe Kcmingtoufl durlngthe _,. ,i., i,..i..ii,.I .tli." -4U1.1 adinlttlng tbat n-- own.-.i tli. Couipany'a atocb tn laTp. But ^"oat X_? ,_iu_?liacovorj i* lugBlia'aconti-dlctiouof8*juire'a V ,t tK.i.'it.'Ui. .st...i,i.ui.i',- ln tbeftJiulng tVu C-miViiylBlB. bla refusal to t?U_ wherohogotb-i Lt, t vvi.t i.e bad beard abaal the i-anaecUonof ot-.-', ,. s-.'.it'li tue Remlngton Company. Toahow K,t?ugtbelndlcation8 of deoept oa are,,tba teaU wmv ?.t < 01. Bqulre in i- -ar.l tu tiie Btockboldera of t lo Sp,,m.'|..ii (??..|'...i4-,.iil-70 aad IMI. ia k %-uin tu.l : li" m", Hcl .iiat-</- You are Beeratary of tue Beaalaaj* ^^^.lowtae^iB-. -f the .atoekhah^ ta tha ??.l,ll, -l.'ll 4'..lil|i.HlV .1 tlllR'f A. i)iertO<kt,(.i.l. IH wtrr Pn,.. I;...',!..:'....., gamuel hl?i.balet v. ,, ,i Liitiii W < - nui , T. < *? .., Jolm 14. itlt-i, ?, ,i j u..a.u. >ia-"i;..?.k-.:?..? i am ..nt auVe wbethor tue aavauth perauu la Br. i^;"^-^ Br. DeToe. J B^rfXaB1 BlaoBhaBkn'la 1?0, al the BOrkd m, 1 ,.i, lli, m sui, r- nt a. ns tot.k 1'!..-?' I A. 168, Wr. *i* T .-.ri-!. ??.i..i.).'??. '"""' "' ''"> atocbboWera in ?!.-,.. e, i i appoae. alwaya Jui't t A. 1 - -, Bir. *,. liu,:-! iu'*..ii_i--ii Baeh iu lia BBarhetl a. *u Si?'fh<- waeb of pswt tiaaaaaay aaM aaalhaa Btoetota .v*'r.Vl... ii a \, Bir: it la al owii.d iu tiie fuinlly ; l_.-e'..._L othVi i.n tbeae lartaafilai te IheJamUy, aW-wa^. tbink. oae^BaaaaaehiaBaa to saaala lhaa totl' Aiv'ti!. rt"auy Btockboldera whoae aaaaoe do not ap pjr on iha rooord I A. Not to my knowMaa. ?y Aceordlng t-. tbe arrangeinent of ti,*- }'"'"***: wouii it be jM.s.i !<? tiiat there ahoaM >?? "u> < a. ><>, Uo'M".s'atiy,.- <?.any nf rBMBln?t88J A Boiis. t,a..," .1 bauda aitbla a perlod of three yeara, oom 1-1*1. _ the uenod ol tliose aali-a I A. Nol to mi i.-.'.-H''"' C?^ tt-ak ibTrc waa uae IneM-ee; thero bad beea S_iaC-rl4-tieOl BtOCkaBBd tlio i?ail> WBJ a.i 4 Bad of lt ? Vl'*' 'I'lr.'-Vv.-Vi',- raiade in thia i..,,i.lrv. K, ,l,y BWbMa tb.i alBBOBl iai.iv.-i al toi'..* "I . .in. rsali.-i. ut tbe < . .1 tol and Bave really eaused more .m it.-.m i.t tbaa bbj. U u* wi-i h bia o.. mt. <t aiuoe tbe debate oo BomnePe Si-i-tlou .i..r.-i. Ur. Hamllu, tThalrtaaa of t ,.- oaa 2m,-. <-.?i. Bquire, aud the Bacretary of War beld a long l&aaaaphaa. -?& aay 'tLotoUy. ?^?a caaa-Bb-tweaa bB t*?u_ouy aud tual ?imu i.y Ueu. 'lr_^?_Jr^_i-aa C.BBtlltn beld a __eaB||t_dayMi ?_au.iii**ii w. ll. Cbaroa, the ix?.kk*-. j..-r ?t ^banyiw*isu, 14.-, Ir. ikiU ti, ii.-rarr. anei.t. and the <*'''" ';'"_?,';. Ikbu Ii wlU beremeiubered thal i?' ^nknaa\wkoam ,, .t i'i.,,-.- lo N*w-York,haa r.-j,..ri.'.J tbal >? ' "'? ,1 BewTarh Uuokkaep-r of tb*- K.Tim^t aaa, __u ... :ed ob i*<- Bugkaa and told hlaa tb. t tl.e BfiialuBtona ba.i .-auar-d tb* ir ?,okH B_B8 ie. .'i??u iw. or tbree thaoe la '>r?l. r t? eawiw apeertalntrai_acil?wia, Bortaa, lahta uaaUiaaoy -""" tUy* ag.1. '*! wna, and Uaat 'Jf_?***-___^! j7rii.i?u .i-'B bouae. Chaich aaM. to-dav, Uu., b. < C bai iv ?eau)?ud Ut Bugbaa aUeu.ptod ta folbe W-jJJ"1*,*! ,,, ., .,i,,,.i_ Bia betwe.-u ai,i>-y aad OhBB, BB tliat they ?rrr URBWJ.-iafRI : thRl BBBM dav* tater he ratertatned Hortoa. apendlaa moaey f*.r llic purpoae wlileli l.uil been tel_Bbed Mm, nud Wbea be h ... Morton uader tno InaMaeeot Itauor, tu> t ...u i.ii.i to De Raghaa'a hooae. ChurchMlao aaid thal al tit-t betboaabt tfierewaa aoa-ethtag Irregolar in itriuii.. ten'a i.i<a, bal he baaci kmlaed [haa_,aad ROW ba llevea that they rn uii eontet, THE NAVY DEPABTMENI HfQTJIRT. TBR i.da. lt OtnrTBACT?ARUfATBD DBR-JU-BlOll WITB (Oi'xsKi.?tiik Toitri;no iioats. 1*,1 NKKAl. Iiii M I l.-l'AK 1: I Wamiinctun, April 4.?Iii thc N.iviil Inv*-ti ir.iiam Oaaaaalttoo, teday. Mr. t-hmk aoatlaaoi hB teott tiiunv. ihOW?g that hc BaBORtod to the B__Bf8 of tho aaa. blaery tt thc Toaaeaiae, in ardartRRoeoBiRMMlRte it tatharaaaali eaaapaaRd aagtaea eoaht i-n haBI in th? Waaategtoa, Charioatewa,aad Ncw-Y...- Ra-ry-Tai-a. Mr, liaiiiitt ihowttaoaaatleagthabeat thc aU luaclimi-ry rcinovrd. nnil IhO BOW t-iippli* d, b.v tliccoiitractor Riiath, jiiirtl.ulai'y BB tO thc falRO and 000 of thc formcr. Thr witnr. a made uo c-lininlc of IhO i ilu.' <.f thc vvoiii to i"' done i.v Beaoh : bat be Iheaaht if ii* kaota rb bear, witimtie 8att_a*Bodoaa8*nttet nt? could be -eeared, it would he aa good ? watnet uMtee Qovernmenl e-ei made. Mr. Kln-r, Cbief of Ibe Ruieao of Bteam BngtaeeriBR, was in Enrope wben thc contrai t for the .uactiiueiv waa made i..v lite wltaeaa. me waa tbere examlulog tne antdeel ot eaaaaoaad eaglaaa, Raa r< furne.l rather nii.-xpcctcdlv. _ - Mr. Bartlett wae pi-ceedina to aah the witnr*-* niinut toola ourchi a> <l frmu Jolm Roacfa wheu Mr. a>i-.?l if thi* wa* one >.f tbe chartea iu Tht Bn ?Xeri. mm. Mr. Pii.tlctt tliouirht ao. Secn tarv Bobeeoo rcinuiVrd tbat Ihe contract for toola waa luade lona before bo caaie Into oflee. Mi Peteraaaked Mr Bai_-?ttwbatbelntrnd**dtoihow. Mr. BartleU r<'pii.-d be woald rather not tell, aaleeatRe Comniittee -iioui.l t oaaenl f*>i him i<> n? ou. Mr.Bargeni iald It wae dne to thc coiuiuitfcofnc.r eute tb* leaulatlon ol tho Boaae. They aeeded not the adi ue ot an attorney, who waa bere i>y lateratlaa of tho Comtnittee. . . _____ Mr. Hartictt aaid he did not nndrratand tbat he wai bereby toleration. Tbe Conimlttee deeided thal Mr, ii,n- a abould appear byceaaaelhi rtew ol lha atataaaoRta ut iiiiit time made. .... . Mr. Sarput aaid hr did not ael*ct hl* lan.-iific-c for tbe purpoae >.f pteaelna tb* -"entleman. il<- luaintaine l tbal Ibe proaeetrtiou ahouid *n-oceed te eatabllab tbe 11 ui ii ot the nefarioui cbargea la ihe 8tm, of robblna, kC, aiTiiin.-t tbe f-ccr.iiny of the Navy , iu oni.-r tliat im- Beeretary may have bb oppurtanliy ol abow-oabla luiio. .rn c i.n.I in tin* cvcni tbe BMM* who nanikrcd him be handed orer to pabilo opiufon. Bcoreury Robeaoa aaid if eounael had aaytblna to proTi tbat be had aeted eorraptlr. aad dlvided money Wltb *..-, or, au.l had an it.ta iv. t vvilli Jolm Roacb lu bi* contract*, Ac., wby <U*I be nol ao ou, inatead >.f . .| aliout llu- ol llic olln <? of t lie, aud drawlug iafcreacea from tua; i Mr. tiaiined he had ibown Bacranl rtola in-lia of law l.v the Do***Bto-T in the K cor eave, aml wiili refereoce to tbe contract for Iron un.l englnea ot ihetornedo boat*. and ln tbe Roach contracto. lie bad. aiicil for tbepneea pald tbr toola purebaaed from John Roacb, in order to lurtber proceedlng*. Beveral _. ntl. ua n ol tbe ( ommlttee expreaaed tbeir oplnlou* aa totlM rangeof Inqulry, when tbe oxamluation ol Mr. Bhock waa re*n_ot-d. Tbo wltaeaa, la leply to Beere? tary Robeaon, aaid tbat apeed, room, and aavlnft 01 cnal, were important t i.ii.r-'a wilh ttoamera, nud theae bad i>c>-u itaarantoed hy the contract with Roacb for ihe coinpouiid cii:.ine-; l.r aaid t ie ..ii.ii.,1 in itliinciv ..f tbe Tenne*??e eoal iii-i.i.iit the < iiiii.i.i vtitii Roacb IortoW,?K) nnd me old uaciilnery, for wuirh Roaoh bad been ..ilei-.-d ?.,..,'?:"'. wai nn iii;al to tlie l.i.v. riimeul; llie r-'-iTct.irv bad never uirectod him t-> lavor la a contract or otberwlae,either vrrbally or la wriuag. laauawerto Mi. a,- ik?!-, tbe witnea* aaid lf ho had known tbe dnini hnd been erai-e raii be would L.n .Milci-.i lt l.iri diif.v t.. mt*,-. llic Sitrei iry a., i,iiiii,_!v. but lf a loaalqneatton had rlaen bi would not iiavc done ao j mn naryyarda are mperiorto Mr. Roacb.yurd for buiidiug euRteea,- Ihe olbeera cou accied viitii tbe itoam enjtinceriuB departuten. could intiiiui tbemaelvi aa tbe aubjoot of eugiuci -.- rapidly ut could tbe peraa.ui emplovod by Mt. Roacb, an.i our (,,.*-iiiiiiciit iiuiid have bolli aa good engtuei aa Mr. i;.... 11; he waa aorry to aay that tae B-Robiaery la oar ua* * * .ml.. i. nlle. lu_.piy.oMr. IterUett, be aatd lf the eompouod en ainea afiould tbey will b. u-'-.i -reuerally in the ua* ? ; ktoar Mavy-xarua,be aaid, be properly organ ./i.l". au.l lit u-m i.i t our owu wolkuicii, aud wu lan luili all our lii.niillu I'*'. M: j: ... oo i. aia..i -l Ibal polltlca wonld int.if.rr. Wiluoaa -ai-l, ?'iaat I* tbe irouble. bul I did nol i'i o to i-ay -->: i" r-i-ii- are employed on work they kaow Ut Ue or notnuiR aLiut" _ (Tl'I.r.NT TOPICa AT THE CAPITAL. THI'. BTEARBOAT BILL PA88BD i-\ 111! II*.' -I ? llli. COMB-TTEE OP WAT8 tRD BRAR8 IM' TBR T Mill l?ilil. kROLO-AmiIRICAR *X>M' All--t.lV. ial rrxsoR-kPR to mn TRituNcr Wakotuia-TOR, Thnraday, April i, lWl ii ti,#- lloii.i . to day. Mr. foi lutioiliii-cil 8 r.-.-liilioti luRtbebUl I'.-' Bb i-- onwhicli F'-ruandoWood - 1.iw ii-iuaiK*., ,-ivinc B -datOiyof th-: utM Mm ptraph line whleh I'K.f. Bone _ena*-W_ftod frmn tbB , i te BalBaaore, wlth aid leeelTed from Ooagn tthii. Mr.WoodwoarR-eioberoi the Honse. Th< i luti..n waa adepted aaaalaaooalya Tbe Hteawboal bUl **,,- aml paaaed,aad thc Hooaeatead blll, wlth a aambor <>f ameadmenta, wa. diaeaaaed im a ahort ii.aad weat orer until aeai Taeaday. Tba Bhtpptog CommlH-loneraWRoameap at UMaa theeiiectel. Tbla bill ia Intcudod to protocl lallon In tl.e mcrcbanl servioefromfraudaau.iabuaeaal aea andon ihore. li li inrettycloaetrauacriptof tne Britiab Bbipiiiui. a-t, naditalricndaaai ilial it baatbi approval ol tbe ?..-* ii, iiai-tiucni.tho Ncw-Yoik ( of Commcrcr,and vurioua Bcaweu- benevolonl *o_letlea. Il pt seo thc _, , t_a iu the laat Congrt*-*, but waa nol r-. .ii. i in tni ii ,, ii,, bill provldei for tbe appolntmcul ui HblppliiB Commlaalonera ui nll pori- .-t eamr in ii,.- l u.i. d Biatea by Judaea ol Circuil Courta, All ,n \,-a,.|- aaillna io loiciun porta nml t? ( aii lorula.mual be atepp-- and diaobar_-ed before tin-e ( oiumigaionera, Tberfare very full pru-iaioni ipecuylng tne in mneraand forni-tof airiccineat-, providlun fatill iu . i r ooiop.aint of aeamen, rea-olatinK diaelpline, probibitlng kidnapplna, provldiug foi proper eareol tbe ',, ;, for tbe *ettlciueul of aecoaata, ke, ih.' blll waa uiipoacd by Feniondo Wood,on aeoooul <>f th.1 number oi nitii-i a ii < icit-a, whleh be feared would b ? Blled by uartl-_iupolitltiana; and beeaaae of tbe leea tu be pald foi tbe aliipmeut and dlaebarge ?f aailora, wblj h be - iid would be it Knait burden upon oouiuurce. Be had a protxat th* bill read, which **;.- algaod by a aumbci ol iblpplng meroliauM iu Rew-York city. Mr. ( -in-i-r rcplicdniHiippoii ..I the bill, and, Bltel Wiu' furturi dlacuaaion under Ibe are*>, thc boiia. adlouraed witboal t.-iuu-,' aay aetioa. Tin < ommitteoof Way* aud MCRRB nnt to IWO lin iiortant decirion*, thir nioi-uioi:,"ln tbe dlnethra "f rim pllfylag tii*' lutcrual foRoaaa tyata-a. Thry reeoaald ared IboB fe_f_er iVriaWiR ea the tobaeeo tax, aad agreed tu luali-e ii unifoiui, at 20 ttuts on all t'tiide* of bOtb -lnnkiuc aad ebow_a tohoooo. They alao deeided t.. mau. a ooni .li.l.itt.i whlaky taa ... M ? nte a BWllon, in ouice Ol tho varioua tax.-H now icvicd. iho pi.nciit _x ner aallon la Meent* i but in addlilontAi tbla tbera la a tax ol $i a barrol, a tea of one per aeat <>n jaloa wbea tne bquor ia not aold at tbe di .tui.ry. a *bmmm i > tax oi$'i?'i'di<'iiii(ircv. ry lOhaahelaol B-ralua-uatliieij' ,;,,, uae. a wareboaae ataup taa, aad a tea for ftiuaer* fo. r- and* .iiera' Halarie-.. lt ia aeUmated tnat by thc lfiti Ulato lii-iiilded lo llic ifalloli tl.cliiA vv ill pi.i'lu.1-' ai ininii money to theT-waaar*. aaall tbe varioa* ti".' - which arr t? be repealed. Tne oonaoltdated tax. wiil rave houio ezpeaaea ?f eolleetton. aad bo moph leaa trouuiu Bome to diattllera tban tho old *> atoaa. Thc ^oaltaatJon oi tbe tobaeeo tax wiil, lt i? ertiinat.-d, d_oica_t* tut it'veuuo Iroui tbat wjurco by ubout tii.iwo.iiiw. On? of the uuincrou* inveetiiratiou-i which the Hou-<: has bcen pro-ocutinnihrough itf.Con-Uiitt.ei. wa? kreogh! to a ti.iHc to-day. Mr. l-'.u usworth mado I report, from tn.: Ooanmlttee <m po-.t-ofntei, aaoHMRRtlag Peataiaab t ?;. ik ial ( fioin the charkt*1)* of BOOapt?g fiamlu Mal iidi- for contract* for carryiuft the mail. A larne) amooai of tcatnnonv kMeompanwd tne report. nw tbree Demoorata of the Oammlttee <lnl not mn-n tbe rrport, aml l.avc wkiHBlveutbiiiitoprcnCiitthcir vii-waat .-uiiif'. nt uie time, iu eaae they abeald mWet fromUtoae of tbe'unv i.irity. Th'-y do uot ltnow that they vvill Wl*b lo a miuority icpoit, i.ut deotre to bo free to do *o it tbey Bboaid deoai proper, attar roaatRg me laatBRaay rmbr , aiitillly. Tlie llouno Forclgu Affair* Couimlttre airrccd, to-day, toallow Mi, i.- .-ii.u-i Mytiti to mako a favoiaiilo r.poit upou thr Fitiich Bpoliatlon Ciiiluii, but rcHcrvlna tbr pttrllaaBI of appaa_g it to any ui.-uiber who un?ht cJiooho to do *?. Mr. My*i? will rt-itorl a bill B8RrvB__| for ConiHiikaioncrii to uadit tho claiuia, aml a|)|)ro|)iialiiiK t.,ono,(XiO to pay them. Thcrc 1* not the BUgkRaM probaUlllty lliat thc bill will RR8R, Thco tiuliu* ilatc Iioa k to tho lu.t * cnturi, au.l in uinioat every CeagMae Baee u report haa been uiado by coiuiuitler, iu citiu-r Iho m-uatti or lloiih.1, ln favor of paying taooaj but lt ia *aid tlmt ii. iih.-i Hour.- cv.-r paaaeil a btU for lha Rarpaaa ruo claiBM are .hniiy u-vm d la Bootea aad rnii.ui. Iphla, The (iirn-iicy Burcau luvcriti-iuti-iii will l.e coulluitrd ny aHub Coiiimitt.-c, cualatiiiix of W?rtbin-;toU O, Hmlth, Mi rrlam, and Kaiidull. It 1* the liitcntpjii of thc Hub I'onuniltce to talie furthcr cvl.ieiico BRatBRl Coulrollcr Iluliiuid fo piovc that tlir atiloii of th-' Cainuiltti'i-Iii r-r-commondina bl* <l i.ulaaal waa , J i-uui.* I iif Iha eoiiduct. John Jay K-u-x, tbe CBlel Clerk ol thoOur r.-u.-y Hiircmi, and now A* tlnir ('.niiolur, ia apobaael aa th.- paoatbta aRooaaaarM Balbard, It 1* iiudcratood tbat a bill will bo r.poii. d l.y tlio Houae Commltioi on IMlBMlea eMaHBhlBg a f..nn of Oovcr.iincui. for lndiaii Tcnitoiy, mmilai (., tuut cxi-t kag in t.i iitoii. i ot u.e DaMad Btatea, hal toaTtog iiFi.iie-tuii.4 4i tha tatlaa af tha ladtaatrlhaa t? Iba rooar vatloua wbl/h th-y haM unlur treaty BIpatetbiB*. Tbere aretw* ?tmn_ argRRBeaia tttmmi la r-.i|.|H,.i ..r au.hiibiii. Ihe fratte Uiat il i* ammb .. ...r i.,* t. otee luinof th?wi.ii_-pco|...'in H'i.1.laa BUtea and r*r.lio rk. iioir. tbtevra, mai-V-iwrs. uml ol bi rna_lu__ ii.nii tba ...uuiiy i?,i-.i--...irf uikiii ludian J i.> uow ?,?k.'al...l.,u|- of refmr* of th- ludla-l ,. .(..'..,_>, Ihcvcauu.-t bo-i'l'caicd b> I" "''; . ? !"-'?' aflRW. tbere belng u.i k-v .'???????? "f ,'f- '??'""; "' ', up..u wuoiii a i?-j..i.iitiu.i i-.:. ih- loade foi loeli iialliurr. IhO BOieatl and more Impnrtniit arp-inirnt I* thftt a Trrritorial Bovei-meat weold pioinot.. tho civili/.aii.i.i of tbe Irallan* by lmpo*lnit npon theaa t-w r.ap. nalbill tl- . datlna o'r.iii/. iitbil". Th'-V tVPilld. It I'" clai.n- d, iii eoarae of tlm.- voluntartly iiruaii up tbeir 'eorrvauon*, boid tbeir laada la -everalty, abaadoa_ tboB tribal I.i in. nf 1,-i.vt-iiiiiKiit, BBd ailopt Uie way of Uvlng of the wliitea. A naolntlon wn* rtmhfd thmiiKh tho rinu-e to-rtny, a* rnpiily a* tlu* BfOOlBB cmild tfO tl.ron.-h wlth the Beaaaaaj-f MaaRda of pnttinff thr queation, aaa ].roi>iia(lnc t.,*-," to II. W. N<>rr1*, for bia rxpcTiM1* tn BWteatlaa the ? froni the IIM Alaharua l?i*trlet held |.\ W. A. Ilaiullcy. Mr. Noni* bad MM majority ajralnat biiu, an.l had no proper ktroiiiula for a coula-at. Aa lour a- tla- BOOW l*ni ?** aa llhorally ih they havo Rorria, (.nt. ated eleetioa i-aaeriiaay bo aspoaM to bo ininii ioih. Mlui.-tcrDoIaiiiif: wa* lieferr th* Houi-r For*ii?n f'fnn BBlttaa thi- lairratag adroeatiag MgBaatlaa to aaRhastaa tbe appMoto-eRt of aSeeretaryel Legatlea forJRRRR, iii.'l for the . d.icailou uf 11,i> o Amcricitia lu thc Jan tn eae buuraage, to BOl aa lutcipreUT* to thc Amoricau Lr. iratlon. Tlir j.rlmnrj"?lcctlona ln flio (lHtriot of Mr. iShnnlik* uf Imliuiia ui. ur.* lu- ifii.u.ili.atiiiti. laaBRBAi n_B? _e_a-T_B.i In the liritlrh aml Ajierieati MtZOd Comuilsfilon, to-day, it vv an ordt red that in takliiK dt'iioidti-.n* the rominl.A-iionrr or other olli-'cr _ttag thr *_iue *ball put hiich iBlMiegBlmbia BB M*_aol B__ dlrort, aud take tho an*vvcr-th rt tu whl-li tho wltnc-uA ahall ?lvr, ln Ihcir own lRUKiia,re. He ?hall ln no caae tuideitako to do t.riniii,- unon the proprlety of an lntorToimtor.v or to ii lu-i-tupnt it. orto take tl.e nimwcr of thr wlti.en.-t tin ii to. wben un oblectlon la made fo an Intt-rroj-atory or aa aaawer. be ahall aterely -tato thr fact. Declalona were reached Ia th* followiag eaaea; Johaathaa Bratb wate Hirt. Tho Utdted Btatea, Bo. .1, waa awarded tba ?amofl23_ ln _-?ld ; John Wllkin.-ou a*M. The I'uit.-d B ..!? '. Ro, .'.-. waa awarded ?"?_ ui t-okli BobertOwack aui Th.- DnitodBtatea, No.IT,clalmdteallowedi Wultcr john Dobblaa aa*. The Dalted Htute*. No. 33. riulni dis allowed. The (:,)iii!iii...iou a-Uco_raea te Apni_o. POBEIOB BEYT8. QREAT lal.'lTAi.v. aPEECBRfl ON TBR ALABAMA QU1 _8TIOB? BB II UR 01 l>lt* MINOR ON Till". H.IA Ol 1N LORBORi Thur-diiy, Aprll 4,1S7". Tlie Rijzrbt Iion. l,en.i?iiim DietBeU, in hi* ?peeeh al MaaOheatoc laM alght, ORlogtaod the late L.ul of Mavo, and declaied that, thr.-.U'h his rigQMMO, cour uaje, aad pata**!**-*, the eea_*_*_vaetoa ?f thr Aaaarteaa r.ii'lati-i were d.fciitcilin In latul. <7ontlnulug his com pariion i. etweoa tha RritMh aad Aaaarieaa tanai of go** .?riim. Bt,he aaid tbe Prealdeal of theUalted atotea waa no. a Ek?erelga. BB poMBob woa Bladlar to timt of nn EogUafa Prime Mtelater, aad both wera j..ii.i a aaai wbichwaaabooteqaal t.< tbe bMoaaoofa aoeoad-elaei pioftiaatonal man De thoa ref-tted te the tttk oltk * grewtagoai of the AtabaaM etelatt, aad BroaooM ed tbe preaenl Btaatteaot tbeeoaBomey frauKht with greal daager to tba relatloat ol tho two countrie*. After revlewiag the paM ond preaeat trraty Begottetl i for a f-etticiii.'iit. in- oaaae to thr aoaelRalaM timt tbere waa bal aaa ooaw Wl for England,patnfnlaall mlRbl be,wben ahe l.-ccived tho Aaieri-aa aaaa wBh Ua extraerdlnary dKaaada lio woald have ;.|?-,.< al *_ te tb* n md teolta - aad aood aaaaa of tlu- Am. ri- aat, itated the ___i-elttee, aad lavlted a eonfldeatH. aoBferaaea at whleh they Miabt bo a** plalaed. He_?R^le_B-k8dthaooo--MtRl?abylho_le*rerBa iiictit; Boraa tbeeaueeo. thepabtk alana aadladl*rae tumwhtehoowe-d-ted. Hr ad-alttod tbat Itwaol?? po-elMo 1or Aaterka to reeedo from her porittofl la ra* gardtotbe qoeoUoat to bi BtRooatod te thoOeROTa Board. Hoooaeladedbyexpeaoalag tbebellet BMttho rcnniof MBdatertel tooempetoaee woald beooatedbf tbeBlB-aRteaekaowledgflkOOl <>f tha ptlaelpleol indi rectcla_-_a,tberesnlta a-bereot borI ba fraaabtwitb the ntntoal daaaget te Baglaad, The E.-ni of Darbj bbmI other pr. ??l.iiftii geatb iii.ii toUowod la ipoo< aet ol Bial lar i' itnirort. Tbo ltightHoo. Jatnea Btaaafeld fRadkal), Biembere. I'arliainciit for tba bocoMgb of BalBbB,addreaaad bB con-titnente, laal al kt,la aapeeefe whleh waa awtaly ,,,iitiii.'dtol--(al .| u-ii.)'.-, I"" .b wh"ll 11"' AlRRRRM Treaty wn* tooehed apoa __*r*Ufleaotlya The ri*?iii. r iald that the treaty with Aaasriea Beeaaad te ba la leopardy. lf lt telled, the fanit would i-e*t with lha Am,irican Ooreraai iat. Baglaad had doue her aeolto K-itietuc- >iiii'trooeeo, aad Mt ageodeaR?pte to thc wartda The aaae of Di Wflllam C. Mlnor, (agaaaa ai Latabetb mcm weebi ago, aa l aaa - aee baaa ln i.l mr trial ou B ebar-fOOf munl-r. OM_M b forc tho t .nnt to-div. Tberooeawaa erowdedwith tho trieala of the BBfortaaato laborer, aad with a ?raa BRMborol peraoai wbo bad beea attraeted tbtther by the aeeoaate ol tbe ..'-?? pobBabed la tbe a-rwapapeia. BefMR tho opemngof tba eaaa cont-dorabtotTrltrmeal araoaMM leatodbytbeepoetRtoro. Iba ooaaael for th. prooeea tuui at ouci; put ntn-.-l a'.l doilbt* i.a to tlir lermiual mn af tbe trial by BrUrr hB bellef tbal tho prlooM rwai Ir aaae, aad tbat tho Juryahoa laoaad. Tboerideaoa ol tho kiiiiiijz wai latrodaeod. it wa* rory brtef, aad almply robeoaaed Ibe i i llaaBkea olreadl kaewa. Ooa> clonve OTldeaceot thc p-ioBBer*oB*eataleoodtMoafi* lowed, aad tha eaaa waa glroa te the jmy. Tho rordtet, rrndered olterthortdettberattea, wai "BM .miiity,"on tlu- graaai aflRaaallya Ihe ih.ii-i of Oota-aoni reaaa-wiblod thkievoalog, Mr. john (i. Dodaoa, BMatber foi BaM aaaaoR, raalajBall th*: ( bali-a-aaahipofCoa-B-iB-eaol thoWhoM qoaoe,w_eh puaitu.n ho had boid cluoo l-..'. Mr. iionham Cuitcr, inooaberiorWiaehortor,wai aloeted telU thofRoaaey .i by the realgaatioa of Mr. Doboea. Tho Boaaa an ,t mt i<?niiitiiitito of Bupply, wbea a rooolatloa pto> paaed i>y Mr. Voraoo Bar****_*t, to redaea expeaMUtaraa, ?,v;ih debated and toieoted._ THB N-'UIKIM.AM^. BERIOUS UK.T AT Oo.-ri.BBOtJT? HOROBI T(. M1N IBTBR MuTI.KV. Thr iIa.h i , Iharoiay, Aaril *, i-*"J Tlio ctltbiatioD of todepeadeaee waa ut tcu.t.-d with dteorden aad kiaaibi * oi tho pcaco at \.iti oaapotate. noaaaaleoRiMRRfRblaalBRihBBiili inarrad it Ooeterboat,iu Nottn Drabaut, where a umb aaBoeaad, breka tno wtadowoef keaaaa,aaaloaaaaaltlad other out raaea. l_kB88RaaRaraBoa_ibRaRaRB0o thcoalealaR that thi town aathariHaa roaad M Riniaary to aall upon tho inilitaiy tumippr-sitlio riot. Vpou the Bppeftraiico of Uie troops the uiob .Ljap.-reeit, but srveral aaRRRRB bad pieviously been seilotirly Injnrcd. Thc catiao of tho out i.i. ait B ?Rjayaaad tobod^-atiafattion with tbo Miuiwtry AniouK the tonapicuotis houor* recelvcd by Mr. Motley duting thr tertcnt.'ni-ry anuivcruary of Dutoh IudeiK)iid aaeo wa* tho dagvae of Doctor of l-iwa, coulcrrcd upou biiu by tho fonjoua Univcrslty of Iaeydeu. SPAIN. MAfiKlfi, Thurrvday. April 4.1873. Ofticial ntiiiiiH ki ?a aleetfeaa for tbo CBrtaa ?how that al _a Pietoral dBaaaa rhoaon tuo MinlatcrlallstH bavo ..5,4 BfRflMBRRB and m\ttt ?rfi*o tari.-, nnd tbo CoalltiOOistl 1,933 prc*ldrnti and 7,ltM rci I'ctaries. Thr popular vote in thi* eity on tbr flr*t day of tbe .iciioii atood: For thc candldatc* of thr Coalltlou 13,363; i.,r thoae of tho Mlni-try 1981, Amou| thr mort pronil uetit of thc BBBdldatel for thr (kutc in the eapital, L partcro, BaK*ata, aud Topotr arr all iMateu. MKX1C0. BBCAPR 0-' 00MS1BA?CATTLR TBlBTBd OAT Tl ItKU. Matamokos, April U.-CJitn. Cortiiin. nfti r l.i* defcat ut Ha.|.iena, *ucc4 eded ln evadinn tbr Kevo laMOBllMlB pur-uif "f liiiii,an(ln-arbr<lhi*bradquarter* ot RnjBOOO ycAtrrdiiy, with an eicort tt about tou toen^ Gen (.iilroKttUreiMirtiMlto bavorcviewedhietri-opA at CR-aana. and maiehed out of that plaoo tovvard Llnarc* to ioin tha troop-. -aul to lar irathertuk- thcrc to Bdraaoa ,.i. il.ia.lty, kiivliikj only a amail _;arrl?ou to auard 'iio'M'ata.iiofo* authoritlra havo capturrd|-ov.-r 100 I,,.., ... ,;.-.. Texaaeattle wblta bb roato tatejMeaic... bnc Tbla la thc accoud mld ou catth-tUlcvea ii) t iu iji'.i.oil,,. * b.ic, whi. aro rutited to a a.-..** of th.-.i -luty lu ? oli-t-ipiciat-- of tiica. tion of runni-.1..-. CR1MEH AM) CA8UALTIE8-by TEI-KURAPH. A I...1.ion of Mep Ajuriaa'a pctroloiiin rciin.ry. M il.'v'.BA, aa. huraej ,e,t.r_ar bua.. ?10,1**1, BB:-,.arrrJ. ?..A lil.- un llaa-ett-ht.. Albany nn Wclncsilav, i,??.e. mh i BaaaaMBbBBbaryaA^aajiiaNatapteR?k L*-., ... iBMM <*- Hny, "eH _S *'-** tej&MmmTm Aiie? a . ? , rm ......? ??*.!--.?b. Waaya, tefrntm W* " t*kmatlt I. ,.h I....I.-1 ll_.UA U*rr I- -e. b, Ike ....1 1... He a... .u.n.e.aa-a J mm. William li<awa, ?.?) "t ci lliuii Hlinriil Mnaoa ,.f-, ?'.a ..yi> bli i'".a th raiMaM mktm .i.a.,o? ,1' ?___ i . .. .? .?, _. Ma?MM .l-.l.' MM Ir,'. aaraa. Ulall) , ,,.,,.1.-1. HMiBjiiiiMiaMteaflihaBplaBRBBaMIMI NO JAIL DELIYKRY. a ? THl' DISTItlOT-ATTORNKY TO RBOEBl ita HABEAfl AI'l'IiICATIoNS. TtiHEr; iii;m)i:1'.i. AMD PUTT to uf, b~wbm_UD ?1'iioit PBoaPBcrn of belbasi pob pbib OWa-BI 'llll IP*-CIAt IM*-K>BI TO M EEOB IJAM/.II) IMMtTI'lATI IV - -TIIK Hl'BKlt t'A.SK ?JITKJK ALUX*! DIXTMON. Tli*' Tux I.f-vy of 1870 rippea~ to h.ive been fiami 1 ehleiy lo ba itivali.iat.d. Yaiieaa court* bara ahPiiiiy ndad it ?iBnoaatltBthaial la aoreeal raaaw la und tbo Court of AppealB, iu tlio ileri.-ion iu tlio BahaB imb BBaooaeod yastaaday, drora a eoa-h anil-Hix throngh it. Tha niling which thus doelana Ihe law iin.iinstittitioiial di.w.rarninzeil the Court of Bparial BoaBoaa tanad its ofliccrs ont of ofU*e, nnd rahhad thesa of all Mhwy, aaada nearly ull itH cninmi'.inenta invali.l, and thrown tbo Pistri* t-.Ut<jr_t-y . ollico into a Btato of consternation. Tlio cil'ect of tli.' invalithitioti of tho law, it ia fcared, will ba not only to cnipty the prison* at Blackwella Island of the convhts justly Bi'tit thero after trial, Imt also to bloohthawhaali of faatiea tm a time, and fditi.o jails of th<- city wlth untiieil prisoners. Tho full nl' thia imi>ort:it:t dccisi.m was OOBTOyod io tin-j.ubiio yaatafday aaecaan in IBbTB-BUBB, und very general e_citement cnsuod in the variou-j pahlla ofli.-t a, particularly thoso of tho Pistriet Attonif v and tho Justi*B8 who liavo in tho court nllectcd, and in the private law of.icc.sof the ?li? tiiiguishcd l.-iral liiminaiic* ef tho Sjier.ial BooatoOO w ho have had f<-r :i year or two past, l.y virttio of their great ability or other intliuni-, s, u naoiiopoly of tho " Tornhs iiing" baataeaa Tho legal |?>iiits involvi-d ih the deebdoa are Minie what, l.ut l'aniilinr to all lawyers, an.l u moiiicrit'.-t reviivT may m.iko then eloai to tho geneial re.idei. The SfWatal Sessintts W88 etOBtod in UH, I'rat tically it WtM nn additioual poUeOOOOrt" establislu-d to facilitato bWB?aBW, Tbree JadfOa weta te -it, two t.f whoaa had toagrootoeooTict In ltta, two Jaatlcei from the Boooadaadfllath DUtxteta wero aathotlaed lo hold Iha eaari iu lbTo, tliis prov l-:i)ii W88 r.-i't aled l.y 8 tpeeBal BOtl bal tlu- BBBM LeglaiaW?a, f..r Boataac- -rtartoaeparpaee, aad iBBqoneed i.y rouio aayatertona power, paaaad, as parl ot tba Tht Lexy, u clause, tataggled luto lt, by uo ono know- whom, reBaaetlag tha law of ihos, liaviiig the twe Jastleea wbo were to heofl tha eoart to t>.; appolated, bowerar, by tha Mayor; aad in Bddlttoa, it was deelared legal tbat oBhet aeeol thosa two ahoald hold eoart la tb.- abaenoe of tho other. rjadeathBelaaaaof IhoTBxLe-y tbe Ipaclal - baa baaa Beld BBearaately by Jndgea Dawllag aad Bhand U-y for Ibe i.a.*t two yeara, and a greal .lealof boalneaa haa beea aoae there la a rery BO-tmary Daasner. Ibiito, thero were ao Bea tbaa M? eeaYlethBaa, aadhiian.aa mmmvmtjm. Th- Coertof Appeala now deddoathat thBeoart waa Ulegally beld, becaaaa tbe ebuueol tbo TaxLaryof itBa, eathorlslM it to alt, wae lmproperly ii,-i ii.ilu. a iiii a iii. 'i embraeed more than tbe one aulrjeel tiApioaaod In ItaUtle. Bair, eoaeeoneatly, tbe ald acl oi lanhaeeeaaa agala tha btw, and tbe couit Btaal be reoraaahB tt Tii<- iir, t uml BBoet importanl reeall of IhB deetston la, ,.f coarae, to lnv.iii.i.t?..- tbeeommitmeol of all pr-Bmera by tbla eoart daee llaoi | ia i alon. 01 thol 11 eeartcted, abeal HO, aoeordlog to Jadge Dowllng, of w!..u. imi mv was BB8de,yeeterd8y,oa thB poiat,ro ni..iii at preaenl la prieea,and wlll be afoetod by thB Oad Ba. In theory, all tbeaa eoa-rieto ou?bt te ba t.ti ii. t leeae al aaaa, aad their Jailen ar.- not warrantod iuik-t.iiiiiii-- ti.. ui..m.l t loaaori bnt, pra* tleaily, Ihayate a Bag way fr.rin reBjatalag their Uberty. lt takee nol ealytlate.bat money, to g*-t out of priaoa, .iti a vvii.-u ie. iini.-aiiy iiinocci.f, .md the Bereral haa. died s of the PealteaBary wUl prohably, mr vi-iint -f foada, *-rve BBt tb. ir 888888 DOfOte tb.-y vv ill 88 i-ure tij.ii i. Baaa. tmm of theea an al Ihe aata ? Ij i?)?r .i.i--, bavniK BOtther BMBey i.t Meads, aad win fuii to aaeara tb.- tegal totarpoeltioo aeeeaaary laeaBettbelrrel aaa. Otbera, w?o bave i.otb frleada und IH..U.-4. bave already eagafOd iou..*<?!, Bad, yaatarday, H'm. T. HOwa peeeeatad six ajipii' i ,r of habeae aerpaa m easas aBeetod ?,y x\,i H..,,.j,.? ,,f ii-,, eoart nf Appeala. BbOel I it ba toaiiu tbat iiniler t'iN 801*8888 B Ju-lgo iu Bapromo Ooart CBaa_wra aiil dlaeharge on the mere v.-iit ef thabeaaeerpaa, taaayot the ptieeaera win be ipeedllj i-.i- a, Hr. Howe alono, II la aald, wlll ln IhB eaaa preeeat to-day BB oppheatloaa rot arlla ot baboaaiwtpua. it aaay, bowerar.N beld that i Judge,aittlng ln I i '? ?' iraaibnl tbal ail ra 11..." : be i eaaldi red b* fore the <?> aeral Tarm ol tb- .--ui.l .i:>, < oart. 1 hla i oaxae .-f actwB aiil pr* be .1' ..i;i:.'i'-'i bj D -;.;."? Ai'.'i'.i.v *; .iiiii, aad thoold 11 be adopted 11 v :i! i.t. v.-m theeeeapa ot ti..- audorltyof laoners, owlng to the beary ezp naea eoaeeqaenl apoa - I- blng i. .1 la and prtntlng raeee tor irrcaenta lloaattl.talTorm. lt i* to be boped tbal tba DBBrtet-Attoraey wttl Inalal thatawrlt b i-,.riii'il to blghet eoarta loe de* don, i. a.aaary in .... ii bbbb, and tim* prev.-nt a tf aeral Jatl daUrery. An-iib. i Importaat reeall ot tbis decUlonwlll b i,',,rr.'..n./;-i"ii of tba Ooorl of Bpectal Beaaloaa, whleb, B B andoi atood, w iu be Imtaaiiiately efieeted. Tbieo Jadgea wOl BBta t- 8it, two *>f whoaa win bo BaeeaaarytoeoBTleh ThoPoUea Jaattcaa wlll bave to s.iti,. apoa Boaaa i>!.m ay a*hleB three of thom eaa Bl al oae tbaa, Bad tbaa dlrtde the Beaaloaa betwaaa tbam. Tae dUBealty aador tbis ayatem tor uierlv,iif.Tordir.j,';''I)'"vllm.',wa>t!ieiii'|i.'^lbility af petWthraaJoatleaataatteBd praatptly, aad haaea on? Jadfe was able to do moro work tlnn tbo lline, und )aat U". Hiipartiiilly. Tbt; p(88BBl of.1 eara of Iha court Wlll, of courae, bo dlitiiiMcd BBd forl'.-it Kilury. Robert JohaaOB, tii" tl.ik, aad Mr v.-it.-ii. tbo BtoBaftapher, wha ure thaadlapaw ?aaaod, ara i<' pablleawB, aad aadaahtedly Deeaoerata ivifi 1., el.. t< d in tbelr plaeee. A meeting of tho Btaa> Btratoa wlll ba beld ut eaae, aud Ihaoldotdee of thlaiB aiil peohably be laaamed at ibe ucxi teaaleaal tbo I'-urt. judge i-'-wlliip, of w'.om taowb-y was madi yostet day, aapi tbat aa BBlarybaa beeu aald Iha Jaetteea (hhwaatt und lhaairT*rt, who barahahtthiaaaarlaadai tbe tuw of is;?i. Iheaa B u paaaral Impreaalea aaaaaB tbe i>eoi>lo to tbo coutrary, bal Iha Judgo says tbat tbe estaa werk done ln tbat 88801 888 888B wbolly " axtra pay aayead tbe regalai *wlary al a* PBttee Juslice. jciwiK mmVmft BoamoB. The f-illovrliiK ar.- IhOBOtBB. of tbe deeision reudered i,y /adaa AUaa el Iha Oaaat of AppeaB au.i aawaanod in bf bls assofl.ite Ju.lges. dcelatiiig tb*- Spe.-ial B8aB8M Ulegally ergaalaed aad iimaBu Iha judgment of tbo lotter "nud of tbe BB8B8BB8 Court, In 1S70 tbe EwgBk. luture ei.n. tad tbe aBBaal <lty Ta.T I^vy. '"t* rjiolatirig lt it_a tboMtaeeetloo of the aet.a provisbm tru. tbe fe"_ s.AAi....* (ourt ahoald be beld by two Poliee jVil.-e.*of t'i" < Hy. ?*?'"-' dealenated by tbe Mayor. and i, ca- of ai.v disai.iiify of eUber of tho two poliee j asti.-.-B to ourt, it waa deelared to be leirai for tbo otii.-r t- bold it wbiie aaeh diaabUltyeoattoaee. Ihe aelyqaaatteaUaato thajralMUy of tbla i-rovuion rc eoiistiiuini. Uie Cu.ut. Tiie I'oustltiiti.iiiul problb tion umm the LeajBUtare ln respect to private and local blll* Iihb couie *o often und. r n-view. und Ita pur aataa un.l oblecta U weU aa Its Bfaanttoa uud iM bave C en ao t.fteu iully .leclared, tbat au bmg reiniims nm to BBPty tb.- prlaolploa of tbe adjudieateoaa and ?ive .tl.'ti t..tbe plam of tbe proviaiotasuBthey i-uiue. li ii ii,, ...i, ,1 tbal oo private or UkiuI bill wblcb may bo Mi-- ,| i.y tb?- _"Klsl..f.TresTiiilI einbraoe moro tiian ouo iubjeet, aud tbat sbt.ll la> expreuaed In tbe utle ? thB ta ab?..lui... und every aet and part ol un mt paaaed lu dls i*ward of u I* vi.uf. Tbe aaartewal ta uot maraly iBiwO' toly, tobeobeied or not a* tbo la-glsbiture may tb ul. pn.per, l.ut Ie BWBdBtory, nnd actupllance with it m iier|.-.Hivt..tb.val..lity?.t,iiiyaeteoniiiiKWillilnitsllu.H. lf a bill is iisji iu its operation uud efltnt. al.b.iugh pub |? in.l*, lt U ?,tl,lnibee.,l,*llt.lti....... el.a.-t ineut. Tbe provlslon lu tho aet of 1878 wae pahlla, 88 ll ?..tiren.e.l t/.? ,?,l,n,niMriiti.,.. ol tbe . rln.iual lavva .ind taa ti .ai au.i BBBlahmaal >-t aBbadua, aml a.iovi.le.l tor tn. orgaataad-aaml *a*aatrat*tlaaol ijaarjat ennlsial ... 1*01. tl"l. ; l.ut lt B n- I.K-al tlia.lilll<h as lt rel.iletl 10 8 l-ou.t '?.'.iii-r te tm- * lt. af MawTerk, witb jun-u. tion onlv .-.a v.t.iisivi witb tbe lluiilatif tbaa eliy . Auaet regulatiuit tim dattaa ?.f B jMibli" ..ttl.-er. un. -r tbt if.-ueral 1 awa of tiie Htate, lf lluilted Ul ." ..i..,n of ine*ituteiirto u altudi-couut.v, I* local, uaiit ut-,. lir paa.*.>*tlulb?fi,riiil-i.s..ib?d l? tbe l l|,.?,.iltbu.lglilh?. aiibjeit-u.atter ot th- MBM t aini. H iul, ..-. uud liff-et* pnblie mtrr.-t*. Tbe ui-t ia vvblil, ibe irclioi. rel.itU.aJ lo ibe orgBUIBBtlou of BBaaOBBe lu Bew i* f.und i* a aet la all ita partB, aad l* i.i bb n-siH-ct or lu any ?f Be* ,;.ne,ul, Btlhaugb all lUDroVlaioBtara pubttr. Tun aaaUoa doea not .niier , ,i leriar.soi M.B Ia ibls r. *,?.? ti,e BBt B aui'-aala Buniutlly ui*"."! *?? **'r Uglalature, aiud la1 ki. at. bb Ie Cliv Tax l^-vy. autl ....llil.-d "Au ST ... aaaha Bwlhar bm?Blaa tm Iha Ctg uf New-York " Ita onjeet la to provldo f?.r Saa BBBOBdltBraa ?f tn- city QavanaaaBV thrmt tirii l.vy "t ta*..-*. uml uialio |.i..vl?lon f..r tbe ttabBiaamaBTB al Iba h.m..? r,..?,-,i. Tba iBh * ?< tb" aeta an- api ami.'aaaaaataa aw Hmb bbbobbb wtd aaOael. ...u. mtln. clcarly that thry arr rrvennr acf*. rrovl-lon I* ,?,.t ror Ihe p,v.ii,iiicntiiyi.ia<,.:..tii'<lir.|io..alihe wayaai.d uican.1 for tb* pa.yinciit of Ite Offlcera BBO. 11* B.'_*?*ary . xpeiiae*. It would do vlolrnre to lan-mage to boid tbal aa aet te make provlaion for ihe Clty (iov.-ru iiniit waa aa a.'f to *rci.:,-, to .cor.atnzi-, or tofimi)-*' tlie lioviriiiiK-iitor Ita orcanie law in any raBpeet. iim v.-ry wor.ia reeegntee acity Oovara__ent ,.a m auatence, fnr thc aitpportof which provl*lon ia to be made. Tiieifov ei nml ntai oraanlaattoa tk* it exista is to lio prorned for in tapplylnrlt **ith tbe prn-per meana for ita neeiMary di-buixiiicntn aml cxpeii.itlurea The organlzntlon of tlm Coert of BraBona aaow la the (ity of New-York inui n.i roaaectioB wltb tbe mriatoo for the cov.m miiii of tbe cltv rontemplated by tbe title of the aet.and IBI r.cctioii.l.aiirupdtoRccoiiiolish Hiicli rcorganliution waa then fore v..i.l. It la to l.e regretted that. the rcaiilt of tni. (iiticiii-ioti uiiiv tead to taoonreatoaeo iu the <ii_ charae of aom* who are DudeTgoln* u.r puaiahaaeal waa 1? their enmea, but lt 1* tbe rl_r.lit of all to have the law (iKl.ucil a-it i-, whatov.r may 1*0 tbr<|U* ni.-a, aud it ia a gre-ter cv il lo alluw a pr.ictkal abrogalion or a pialn roiiKtiintional ni|uirciueiit, by yieldlng to a aiip poaed neceaalty. The natnral tcmleui-y of lcgUlatiou is to tnakc certain aet. rc.eptatiea for cuartmcut* of Bli kinda, eajM'cially tor aueh..*- mipht not mrct with favor hlaiiiliiiB by thcniaelve*. Tiic ol.Jcei of the Couatitution ua- topr. v.nt tliia, aud full eilt-ct should be Riv.-u t? Italamruageaadaalnterylateafc Tne judrmeiit af tho Bupn me Court, aml ol ihe Spevial bca-iom, niiiet M re reraada Ui la.n'S CA- r.. Tl.r enno of Wm. Iliibcr, convit ted ln the Court of flpanlal iBaataaa al patM Mroaay, wa* bronght before Judgo llrady yc-tcrday on nn applicatlon for a wrlt of habeaa rorpu* to bring the priioncr into rourt. Ht* eoiiijailurccd that the Court of Appeal* bad held that tlm (..uit of Hpeeial Sesslon* waa illttiil, butJudge Biady rcfuscd to deciilo thr o,uf*tion until he could see tho wrltten opinion from the Court of Appeal*. A little later tho dctision was put into bt* haudn, and he accord ingly itranted the applicatlon. It 1* sald that applica tlou* wen alao inade, but defcrred, iu the casr* of Aun Lyaeb, Jaaaea Wkhth, Wm. OaUoota, Tuos. MtElvalne, aml-iJciiipcnfcldt. TIIE JUDICIABI IXVEBTIGATIOX. TBBRRCR FATtl.F.T EXri.AINS?JCDf-E m*CCmtYm CA8R? BBOTBKBB-IR-LAW AS 11L* tlVJ-.KS? (ItrRgTIOBABLB (Jl'EltATION'3. The Jiidiciniy Committro laaaaaed its inves tigatton, yeaterday, at tho Fiftb Avcnito Hotcl, tho cbargea agBlRBt Judgo Cardozo occupying _ba_MBRBRg ?aR-HRt, Tcrtnco Fatlry, belng ealled to explatn thr i-ingular lotncidcnco between hla drawtng a check for m |ft ea the 21st of Fel.ruary, 1870, aud tb- deposltlng of a liko amount l.y Cardozo on thr 33d, tentined that tl,400 ,,f tin am nnt drawu bybiiu was pald to his laljorrrsand tlu- r.iiinin.ler aeat as a picseut to hi* father, aud that Jadga OardOOO bad no interc-t whatover ln tho check. A letter waa rcceived from Janie* E. McVeauey exou rratlnj? Jii'lr-'t Oardoaa from nny cbargf.s of liurropcr action ln tlu- eaao of McVeaney ogt. Culkin. lu the atteraooa tho cbargea agaiust Judgo McCunn wero taken up. Tht flr.-t caao examn.-d wa* that of Clark aga, Blalagor, iu which Judgo MoCaaa, m Nuvem ber, IMB, appoteted n* roeelTer of tho copartuership property of BlaiagOl it lo., WhOtaORlO Uquor dealers, Daniil H. Ilanrahaii, of the 11 rm of Mor'-au & Ilaiiiahan, aaeceaeoia to tho law practlco of jadga aM.tiiiiii, Morgaa heini* aiso MOCmbb. l-i'(,ili.riu la *. Tho ca-o attraeteil much attcn tmii at the time hy 1*08000 of the confliut between the Bnpertot (ourt und tho U. 8. Diatttet Court, ovcr qaoatioaa between tbe reeelver aad aa aoateaeote baafc rnptcy. it M etaltaod tbat the property waaafRMBdaaae, aml that miilicr of the partics to the euit and n .ne of tba i r-.-l.i. 1*1 ever reeotTOd any practical bcutflt fmm it. UM alao ebargad tbat Jadge MM a___,ln the order* and prooeodiaga before bia. waa aaUty of arbitrary, uiegui, au.l i-orrupt OOBdaot, N. Tituri, couti-cl of Btaiager, t'stlflf d ln rclatlon to tlM eorreetaeoB of eertala eepteo ol paaera,aa4 that tbe pteperty waa waated ta thehaada of the reeelver. Aiir.iln.m BiuiiiA-er, V., relatcl the attend iri_- tbeaelcareof tho t-stato by tho leeeirar, and re paatedeoaveraattoao Wltb tbe latter, in which he wa* giveu to Buderatead that tho reeelroa was reaily a part aer of tba Jadge, aud a man of great influeuco, aud could obtiiin any lnjunction or ex parle order* vacatlng onlcrs of iiijunttion prauted by other JadgBO, who mlght roatralR the roeelror. in-oeaediaga Mr. Biniuger aiso laatiB- <i aa to BaarRhaa. aalfnaai to aet a* reeelver of aueh u property. Jaaaea r. Moraaa, -eether b_-taw ef MOCBrr, deatrod to eiplainaa tocert.tiupayuiout-of uiouey wbicb bo had tu.i.l.- to MeCRao about tha time of the pruding oftho Rb ite* i ?(;,.<*, and partlcularly a* to 13,000 pald April 1, 1ST0, by Oheek te l-oarcr ou the Uallatiu Bank. Thln. he ealil, wa* aftrrward repaid by MoCRRR'a eheek, wblth a.. - O-hnred iu erkdeeoo. Mr. Morgan al*o tcstifled to the WOattb .-f M- (iiiin,r.<.iulrc.l beforo bo wa* elected. BogerAPryor-aadaateagaaaaaRRRl wlth but uttie beartagoa the eaaa, Allea 1>. Miner, au. lloneer, of the late flrm of LecJ. A Mim-r, t.-titied tbat Jaatle* MoCaaa badprooBeedbha tbt -elUag ol lha Blatoger otech, saytug that he con trellod tho matter: afterward ho falled tokerpthe l-rumi-o and gave tho ,ale to Mr. BOttR, a foruituro anctioneer. wh? aad not previously had sales of U.i nor* nnd groeeriea, w btla Mlnert fliui wa? one of expeiienco io aaeb Baiea; thc proeeedl would havo bcen muth larxer bad the aal* booa eoadaeted byaaaastb?aerol ezperieaee la aaeh Bwtfera. Jn.-n. \t ta.-' cx.imiui'il waa that of OetWy ag?HRt, ta whleh MeCRRR aapatatad ll rcteiver of a co partnerahlpproperty,jRiaoa M. baat. deutiat, another liinta.-t iii law of the Judge. Tho order appolatlng tho reeciver, which Is in evidence, wa* origliiaUy drawu by (,,n R. A. liyor, attorney for plaintiff, aud wbea suU mittcd to JadgO MOCRRR for ai_rnat_re, was morcly au order to ahow eaaea wby a roeotrea *houid not ueap ja.iutcd. P.ittaof thc order were struck out, and wben Mgucd l.v Ju.lj,'.' McCunn, it was an absoluto order that J -imn. M. Cauo be reeelver, and tbia, lt ia claimed, wa* aaarbltrRiy RRd Ulcgai vlolatlon of tho rulca of the ?Tbe" BrM wtfaoM was i)r. Oaae, thr raeetwM ln rroo tteo whoteatlflod that be took poeeeaoloa ofjtb^aWOp wortb ot property, but tbat about halfof tt-WaeOX nendod in lawyera' int, keeperf feea, and nfOelteBeoRa J x i'i. 'ea, ta tho car* und lefling of the property. and iu OU. .,,ouii.,i.-i..nAar.r,-ceiver. An a*?lgnee ln bank rij.t.y wa* anbaeqoeatly opnolntcd. to whoin thctv ,-, ver claims to have tnmed over between tU.oPO aud aTflofl fnr the ere.litoi*. both parties to tl.e auit beiog ^it v , mu n...-ir. Thc couum-I for Uf. Oano was Mr. Morg: ) brotl.r-ii.-law of Judge McCunn, aud Burety oi, tb. iccciv.i's bond. Tho prineipal pomt o wbtob tbe aaaadaaBea of tbe ?__*____? waa dii.t'cd waa aa ex tmtrmetktt mado by judge Mc C_ai. ?l r-'. mS mr rcfolver to pay ..ver *3.o of the , ,'v . coun-el & to R. A. Pry-.r. The order la aM ",i doea uot reclto for wbota Mr. Pryor readoifed tte , Ai.???. an.l tbe tigure* arr written over tbe or.giual agurea n the order" The reeerm tcAtlfled to paying tho _,,i,-v iu bank bitla to the young man pre,entlng the "r.ler never havlug ncen him before or ataOO, and taklng fmui 1 iu no voiichrr for the order. tiru. I'ryor's tm count oltf-eewRB aaid not to ahow tbat tbo inou.y rTh!rii.*xt"aar Invr^tlgatrd wa* that of Elllott atrt. Bat l,i ln whlcli It ls Oharged that M< tCaaalaMdl au exparte or.ier appotattaff I>r. Oano reeelver of tbe pnpntvot tlie dcfcmiant, who kept n boarding-houso at No. 54 W. at Twe iiy-foiirlb at.. tbe bu.ldlng being OWBOd by Judge M,('.nii Hou.etn.uble b.tween Mr*. Butlcr aml Mra. Elliotr, wlth whom *he had a cuutru.t for the houae aud to enfowe her, an order was obtalncd from BeCana appotettaa Oano reeciver, Jauies t. M,,r"-aniicii)gh!icouuHel and surrty. Tbo nioncv due Mra Hutl'T forient wa* collrcted by lian*., and her iMiiirdlng-hou-e brokea ap. aub*e.inentlj;tho money. o et ed w-re taken from (iano by order of attachment anl at-i.lled on account of McCiiun- olalmi. Ior reat. (lano toatlfled that ho pald over the mouey without Uliingaiiy icccipt or voueber other tban tbe warrant of "' .t the ereatal aaaatea, Dr. Ebrhardt tratiflrd to meet in_ M-riJRBB.aud Oano. wilh Morgan. at tbo boaae io .' rty,.....i that *myut*ntnkk]*tyn4fo ti.iis conecrtiing thc houae, aud ollcre.Ito let lt to the wUneaa. Joaei.1i laareeqo*. the laat wltues* rx.m ned, t.-.t rl.-d lu relatloa lo tbe ea?e of Braudon agt. Buck. ,, ...i, ur tt. .1 F.tii-kU ru..?t i-ik-***. in wUlca it i* claiuici Judgo' MH'..n.. apiHilntcd Hauraha,. t- vivi-r uu.i t<.ii.p.'l""i a __ea_b*r?*i the lirm of Bel mont ACo t..p)> over p_a,OUO, uader peualty of being ?oal lo iaii. .... - IKU.UBAl'HIC NOTE1. ....Thc Iion WmtBji?bfjIBWIfl frum Bel'li-"" 1,1. The MtcitnrrConiiecticiit ivas uoabla to toree :\ pa.'.._etliro_.h .Ue ire ?b..v? Albaaj, .ad relur-.J lo t.,.1 ci.y rr.tei . Tlir strikr af tlir Ixitulon .?otupimitor* has pr-'rl'm-re. ul li.r BBB?BB- BB k-B? -?';/ ***** ??J i.aUtiUoa uf . tt.)'. ...ta t.? ult.e bottra M*B MaaMM b. 1*4 ttruia. Ailvieeafii.ui Laaa Waa. Cr__IR Kriday laat lllir thal Ih* IBMbaaM* aUa-caa atill c.i,tiBBe. .lib-iuib ailu le*. T-> trurr. Ki.ur aiore tt atlia of 1-J.iieJ periania are re;>-rie_. i'n>f. Watson of Ann Arl.or. Mieh., rrnorta the ,i,.;?;;,v i. .?? r?n,ieii,tu.u.. >??*..?..?.. i.i.?a f< ****** .?*. a , _r ..V tlie rle*.-u.l, i??.iUalr, ?iU ita p--...aa .. r.|bl BM ai.n,. 40. .r?ni- &' B-lBB.e, .lerilBl.l-B. K II MI-'IB* .-.alj W?t lu ..?B. li,,, ibiI aorUi i ,|i, i.u.aiuu. Tbo mrct ing*. of tho Antiy of tho MaaMM, (ir_n-A,rav_f tue Br publie. au.l Niuth LaMB* Av-a i ,tioa. lika pla.-e at H. trliu.1. Ma. 7 a?d 1. ii.i. a.ll br. l> "'*"" ___f_lff_. ibi. hell ___? tla- (MWMl Ibe a.r tlll*alB. M BM la.kin. l.r ti?ii-Aj,urt.:luB en a lib.ial aeale br Ikr r.itiu tt I ..ii>rA?..ra. Tho Bichmoud t;. -s- CiraattCRMil has aB\r_Rod ,|r',irl\...i..1iU li.itr , ilu.rt ,l.-.-Ur..i? tbr Vi.iiui. ba?ia rel._ ,.ir lu-r. !n.ita " uiir.,?alitii i-iul kera__i ll illarniAinal-a ?aatoat ,., ira.l. ..' Ira.i'. Tk* -:e.l..ina.. a ..en l,l ll.r e.iae <> W. II Hiir. ;: lf Be? Imi a!... rt'i-ea ... ua. ...I ib ' .'?. h, la?. 8CHOOL8 OF JOURNALI8M. LAST LICTUSE of Tlir, UAIVUHII'I COOWBE, Mr. WBBataw Beld deBfeeed, Bat Bftahfc in ?*,?* *hap-l of th- Iui4ir.;v of ti.e fjlty of N. w-Yurk, tb- . ln- uir le.tiir.- of tl." Ciiivrr-ity ., -tm. lu Iwglu. Blag, Mi, Keid * li'l la- ivi*b?-(l to bortWW 8 dBTlee fro.n tbe profeeetea at aae cf tbe centlfwen near bim, aad ei,t,r a euveuf. Ife did uot <le?ire to ba lUirier^t'WMl B8 cluiiolug any r-jfctial tbeorl *,-r h* j,r..f.-*>iug t,? ),e ,i, any way an anth-ilty on the profesataeaf whlcb he hud befll Hrkcd f.l8|.C!lk, SHV(! as IV. T) tllOllglltfnl BWB III'. t bave opbttoaa alMiut the baelaeea wlth wblch he la dally occuplcd. Ile ? j. i: I have aaaa aafcad t<> aay eaaaethiao, lowIghB al Jounialisin, and of *?-li.-m.0 <>f BBB. W BwtfBI ii hi tor it. 'Ihe ( haiifvlW nnd I'a. ulty have BBd invi- ? BBWOfW, no absurd plan for turning IOW BOJB it t. traiiied editors by the tktj pr... M of eramming MBM new * tirriciilu_i. WM l'oint cannot ma*.*-;. SaUh r; and tho University of the City ?f .\'? w-Y-ik i ann..t give ns usaurance of an K.litor. Uut \V<-*t l'oint ean give the training, iliscipline, 8p*'<a__ kaOBh*da_B without whieh tho boni Solilur would tind hia be-l efforts erippled, and with which men not born to uiilitary grcatiie** may at.ll io iai nable wrviee. Thero w*-ro thOBMBil ?'l brave men around Touhm, but only Kapaitaa could hamlle tiie artillery. It waa the BBWBtttl trainin-j that gave his warlikc geniiiB its oppoitin.ity and if looll of vittory. W'efit l'oint ?lo*s the BBBM 1< i tl . coiintless Najioloona whom (accordlnt* t.itl.e popaiai biographies) Providence has baaa kind aaoafh te Hendus-and tbla- 1'niversity nay y?t ia a- BWB? for tho einbryo liryants and QiaalayB, Wooda BBd Kaymonda, and Ultahl? and HaJcri wl... ar- to tran form American Journalism into a FBBB?88BB, BBd i-mulato tho laurela *.f thWM aarttaal leadeea, wiiii lurger opportuiiitien, on a wi*l< r ItBfB, to awn l><n>> ti.eiit ends. l'or Joumalism, rhaotie, drifting. ahwoal parpOBB. less na it BBBBB to-day, is l.ut in tho int BIM IJ el Ita development. lt was B?BOOl tw.lvo hiiitl...! mCl afUr Justiiiian -0-8C8 thoLawjOBfaiily wr- "1 ru!o from the Soldicr. It isban-ly a <?< ntury Ba* <? -I inthehightof his i-unllict with the l..w;, ; . ai.?l upecially with L*.rd C'lii?* o Mi.iisliiBa, am.-iul ed the famoiiH maxim ofthe great law eeWBBB -iila'.-t, and pToclaiuittl, imt Hlackstoin-V Tt ini l.y .Imy. bal The Liberty of tbe Press, " the ralladiuni of ;;!! tli.; civil, politieal, and rclii/i-ns li'.'htB of an a-BBBeh ?Tlan.', From his trinmi.h wo may t.iriy data fni good or ill?the birth of gcmiine JtranialfllB An.l how gigantic have been the btii.l. | of n^ BfOgn ll _H__K_B BOOBB u.isvi as it w.v*. In the larg.-st library iu Aaawka, the acenm j.lished Lil.rarian, himwdf an ald Kditor, will ahaw you long lowBof the Knglish papeis >.f the last <-.n tury, anda little way into theeewtoiy luf-re -<lin_f Iiltl- <iuarto voluuies, coutaiiiing u whole year'? Itaae, und in the v hole, bo reely aa wm h bowi a* in this iiioniiiig's llnahl. In BaatBB they will gliow yon a iinmbei of The Bmtm Aeirs l.ett:r, about tli*. t-ize of bome of our play-housc progruiimi. s, 81*. i, in is priuted this j.roud editorial anuoune. ment: At *****h8aa0?jaheget* IhB BeabLbIBb ia Jaamaaj u-t I gave inft.ruiation tliat, after fourt.-.-n ye r*' eapartaaee, w| ii araa _ipoaelble, witb half a aheet a week, tocairy .m all the putillck Barope; to n ika up awBa deflcieBey,aadtoreadartbe newa uewer i?..<i ui re .*?? C< |.tabie,'be baa sint'. priuteJ, every oilur 818887,8 WhaB aheet,?whereby tbat whleb BeeaaedeM lu ibe foaaaaa half-sbeet beeomee new now i.y the theel; wbtah i* eaay tebeaBBBby aay aaa who wlll iw ut the paina to traee l.aek foiuiei-vea'rs. aitdev.n thB ti. twalveHBOBtBA. We were then thlrteaa Btoatha behlad witb tb* t.; news, and now we are leaa tb.n tiv- montba; *o tbat, bv tbe sbeet, wo have roineved about el'/ht mouttii hfuce Januarv last; an.l any on- tim baa tba Hea - L ter to Jannarv ueit penulttel) w.l be i , -mmo iluted witb all tlu- iit-ws fr-iui Eiruj?j n? .--liul to B8 kuovvmu tbe-e paltsl" It was in Augnst. VtlB, that the Icadlag of Boston thiis vauuteil its enterj.ri-.-. I.T us 1,. juat, and admit that they have 888BO, <v< R in theae BOtta to think it aeodfal t?? l>" aoaoa-Bedetod witl, . i. tle more news from Europe. A.MKRRA.N VO-BXA?BB as B I*1. ? ? ? ? * Nev.-r w.-re joiiriiiUiaB al the b.-tterclassprotidcrof their pow.-i.... ttmt B th.-ir .Utieiencies; n.-ver so 88tV viuccdof the greatne-sof th.-ir tiillinp, ?r so anx. ions to make themselv.-s *-<jii:il to ii? *-\ <i -?BpBBdBBJ reritiirements. It is the fashiou of the Bflaaa u> berateoiird<pravedjouinali-m, Bo it kaaBOOB the fa.*hiou of all tim* s, ^iuce joiimalism BOBBa, aml .-vt ry year with bBB reason. There ait- blackgiianij and bla* louailers uow in j.leiity. Tl.i're is int.BBJB r ate deuihieiation, and B88aT8 paaaaaal 8BW08, and the tieicest pai'tisanintolerance now; tho BewafaptM are crude; thenewspajiersaie shallow ; the n, vr* papers are coarse; are uujust; are[?ptafllBOOl | tl. f iiiKldleinprivat -ntliiirs; theydistort tlienewstosuiB their own \i*ews: they wield ftobtlBBIWBllBBapaWBP to fced fat private grudges; they aro laa oft. u in debted, a.s r*horidau isaid of an antageni-t. to th.-ir memorice for their jests, and to tl;. ir iniagina tions for their faetl i-fhargc all thi-. BBd umro if you will, and with c.itaiu naanatliaw I will grant it all. \Vh.-n Mr. BeO-MB had avovd his faith in the advantages of haviug wom.-n speak iu church, and at tho next jirayer-ni.t-titig a pr..*y aister had taken up all the time !?. im l urp.r?o, and at tho ue_t had done the muio, and at t'.ic nrxt tho bame, and at tho fourth had lieen, if paaaihlB, BMBB? tetlious and oppresfiive than 8181 balere, Mr. B8W h> " rose, with solcinn a'r, as ebe took h< r s*:.t, aud observed, in argumentativo tone, " N.-v. ith> 1< ?, Drethren and rjisteiB, I believe iuwonun si^aking in prayer-meetitig!-' Chargo what you will, prove what you will against the pr. ss <.f New York to-day, neverthdens, it la bett. r in IUI than it was in 1871 ;>it wraB better in 1871 than it hai ev.r been 0BW8 Manhattan I.-land was <li-> 8T8BOd : aud, please will ho bettor in l>'.:i!,.. years to t-ome than it ever was before I lit.; ehh.r tirnes were not better than theae ; and the young men, enlUired. able, and conseientibuB, who are eu t.-iing the raiiks, are resolved that the future tim. a shall be WOtthy of the larger oppoitutiities that await them. The leeturer here eouHidered the ot.jeetion ma.le by a good many tultivated jieople o|..-nly and many more in eecret, that the development of tlae newa paper prels, iustead of being a (MBBtaheeaaaaa* aged WBB a nuisance, and aaaswered Dr. Kush'e ob jeetioii to it au a teacher of disjointed ihiuking. Ho coutinued: JO-KNA-I.SM NOT "A PI.4.CE TO t-TTART FHOM." The young meu wbose interest waa **o widely the inaecurate report that Yale bad ro solved upon the foundation of a achool of journaliam believe that the force whieh is wreatiug th*> **. .pter from the proferwion of Law shouhl tiud fonu in a l.ofeeeion itaelf; and that, with tho larg.r intlu. ence it bears, shouhl come amph r pn-paiatiot*. But they bave no faith iu .he efhcacyof ihe niere preparation. They kuow, though I?Ir. Diueraun, Whaa he wrote of ftl l.ondon lime.*, was ignoraul of it, that E*litora aro BBBB not mado. Tbey euter their protest against the dictum, the other day, of ono of the ableat of AaBBrBBB eritite, tliat any peruon of average ability, wh*. iIi.hb*?.. They have seen that tho curue ot jotiinalisiu istho teudency of all manner of fairlv inlellig*nt yiunn meu, who are at a los* for prescnt uieana of tamiug uext week'a boanl hills, tofuncy tbat the readieet way ol payina them ia to icluve aome atarvlng newapaper with tbeir InU-lUctual auateimnii*. The . nrm'. mde*sl, spre-da wider. .Meu who a. ek po? litieal advancemeut; nw-n wbo wleh ? iMinsiK-rt to the ai-uuaiutance of BOSB-I of IteBBaaBW | all manner of meu who si-ek re.oguiti..n of any aoit, anywhero, try to crowd int*i jouiuuli^m. uot aa a l'reteeeion, but a? a atepping-stone. Tbey BBBM to it.not be 80BM tbey love it, and want to nj-end und bo apent iu it; but beeatiM- they waut to mako uiouty.or .itti.-e, or aaaBaaa aai ?f it- *6e baaaa and get u?to sti.ue newspaiBT." aaid a diatinguiabi-d diplouiatiat, |,st vciir, to hia m-eretary. " M. Louis, or l.'hic_4fo, ,.r In.liuiiBlKiliM, or Oshkoali will *l??; hut get mto a u, 44 *ii:i|Mi. 1*00 an- tittiMl f..r p.liticB. and ought te riao, A oewwjepwaoBea - tho Ikbi vImm to atert