Newspaper Page Text
?Y -9* w Vo'- XXXI.N?-?M>74. NEW-YORK. SATURDAY, APRIL ?>, 1872. PRICK FOUR CENT* ALBANY. U'Msl.ATlYK PB0CEEDWQ8. A aasBOBBB BBFBBal Of sv.NMoR WOOD MB? omrAMom n mi tf.stimony?fbobablb VV AMOS' 0? KKMMNSIH11.1TY?HOB! BAIL way nraiBcn?form bill parsed to UBI BBAJHNO. rPBBfl IBB BBUBABOOBBBBNBBBBT of tiik fBOPSBB.] Ai.hany. April 5.?Tho Keforro Senate list*ntxl, thib morning, to an elaborate defense o? Jamos Wood. |f Senator Woodin. anil also to the argument in his favor drawn by ex-Judge Seiden, which was read from tin ( h-rk's desk. There was a very full attendance of Senators, and the available BJBM in tin Beamte Chamber was also occupied by anuiner cms tIMMM "f apcetatora. The latter were no doubt, to a cotiMih table extent, disappointed, H the Senate adjourned without taking a vote; and, inrthennore. nothing was said to break the force of the oulogiuum nnoa the publie and privat.' i lianuter ol the atvuatd Senator. Senator Cliatlield, indeed, ventured a? far as to defend his conduit m ottering the resolution of expulsion, and limited ixti.icis fuuu valions iwwapapari in jnstiti eaiioa of "that brutal act." Senator Woodin's ape* -, h vas faite m powerful, eoMMUnd mm attack M Chatneid, M in any oilier of ?ta purposes. Senator Alb ii hcu'in to make a speech in explanation and eritii :sm of ilu> testimony, luit hail not proceeded far i liurphj interrupted hiui with a pro ?i ' toa ' ' un, und for a poatponaaw nt of Mm further oonaidi ration of the ?object until Tucm1.iv ( . i adoption of tfai liona, pal .i- a Ineaa (or to-day. Daring tbe ?boi. Un?a thai aa itor AJ?? ?> ? 'in that Tweed t ., I .. i! at ! amoui t. and (bal if Cham ? . ? i B oi at, he weald hi them nava toa money, Tweed further *.?>,? that a few daya af tor tbat, Chamberlain < la with Wood a nob I K which Tweed cat y. > Inn a abet k on aba Tenth I , .v ,11 hi fi and CbM U rl iln' I that I. and Wood ther to Tweed's office t that i' ? krwnintl inte-room and Wood went in and saw 1 v. but a very f< a i i retornad Raying that it wm all n^lit and that be (Wood) had borrowed | " . f Mr. Twi ni. The a itn? m fnrthei testinea, detailing eon? \<. ??..oil between Wood and Tweed during th tar>taw, which Mr. [weed naya, alan i .? the eoavernation wbieh took place, waa between Cham .in and Tweed. Wood's testimony, on pa-i. 1*4, also give* the eoaveraetion which he had with Tweed aw thai aaemorable occasion. Wood aweara thai rweed naed theae wordato him: "Now, eee Ban; 1 don't knowtbeaamenj Idoknowyoo; if you want BIO, ? - ;.? hi |p th< i.i I will h t you have it and you can ht then have it : I ??add rather do thai than to lave any dealings with tlxi:i." And Wo >d s.xs. ha W.t* enough" to aseas! to it. Why asnal, nu? ll.-.- he was catjaekMM that ha was being corrupted t Campare tala with the testimony of j.ty Oeald, ea - [asked Beaal r I fa p. asset, who wm s director la ear Ooeapanr, to tntrodaee sm to htm (Wood) ; so be latroduced me to tbe Qem aadlwtd tin- General ail aboutit; I told him what I hail daaa am) l eral ? tld be perfectly Mtuned (this refers to tbe u . Jay ??on i to move the raaeasJaatJoa ai teaatot Hmnpl rey); M far ai he W( : been friendly < ! either at that tune, or sal tu told me t!...t f? ?. i N r going mi itn had easharked ?> - urn h i with the tetara of ltqaora, ta which there waa abu ? js-i ; i.f iiaaaia i alliai, h? s,m h* <HU n<t aval Smyth*! | ; '!'?!. h?t \f I i i </ iv war? he \rould like to /?'<*? BIS da U," Ac. l- ? i iribe-1 ikerl De d ?wai." mytblnj :? i himself, bat he dr?e? f"r the sp it Then fbcrepeney betwoentbe above tesUmony at I that of Wood on page 125. in:: to Ooold, W i won 'l a ? t i havi madetl re mark that "I I ' llj," in i .'a Ooold. B tutor Al points of tiiU kind In tl real ng up of I the testimony will - mi the evidence of Ooold . .11; mself. It alii larther that he Is not tit to sit as a - ??vi n on ti? . ut ais friends. Why should he not i ' The resal? ?.'.! probabl] tx that !(? "luti >:i for bi? expulsion ?ill be com rt aaseadaseat iuto our of censara, and a vote on the .n ai 11' 1. a very injuu.i mur. letter from v; tato! ti i . . repl) to ore from Wood, va* read tu 11 M tmeatakes the antfinshki position thai ta'; s-u.?o" areacUng] ; ???! trial, aijd BO i Vidl : taaa that amBdent to hang a awn for morder can war. rant v> li iwever, the B ? f the qnallfl atlona of its members, and the toflWown reputation. Who knows bat what BWaexti 'rand to hu\e t . i - :. \ erblltl In Iba A>? imbly, tlil?* uKirn'm?. before th?> ? pe?ia! arder ? in variniix swndina sssMslttaM i 'i: dCaaumHtee reportedfhTorahly aawe eight n tea which wera the Gilbert I'm n mat k BleraWd Bailway, which waaawdc tfci specwl seder for Wedw idaj evenuwaext; tht Palmer Elevated, it.i Baw-Teti Archen Bailway, and oaa to pro etia better accommodations foi ion the Third l i m the cuy of New-York. Mr. Burns of that Comiurtwe repotted a ''ill to Ineoraarati the ^tat< ii ?alaadand Kew-Jersey Buspension Bridge and Bailway (in: ji my, * h n h i- iiitfiKietl to connect 8tsb n Island, by tin town of WestneM, ?itu mi<i<ii?m x County, N.J. 'Um Henate relamed, with sows amendment?, the con? corn-til r< -? lutlon increasing the pay of member? ol tin LiWUlatore, Iha resolation now provides thai members M..,., receive an annual saiiuy Of HJ00, CXOCpt ni nn l? .i hment i isas, and t<-n i entK i>er mile t:a\? led in oui a guiut ;>' and from tbeii Ijoiues to the plate ol BWettBg. Ti.- ?? aal Uta -nppiy tau wmraaaawd, aad the it. in Bjpssn pilatmif IIO.ikO as fees of tlie Chatnlierlain <.f the < ity and ('.unity ?I New-York, for receiving aad |M>iii?{ all tin htat'- Treeaarjf the Htate tax levied atid ci.iu ? mi in aastatty aad saawty, wm reduced toti.iwo. BWeah? hsslth moved to ntnke out the item? aapstsstt alase IMM to ? seh ol the cunai Appraieera, sad the ex? tra i umpenaetloD "f ss.?OO to W?lntm Wansou for st-rviees rendered u? Canal Apprakwt (nalMlollB Mr. Al vi id said it hau ioiik' been the rastesa ta vote additional aamneaaatiou lo the ?"anal Aiipraisers, ami area Bnee imi tin elerke had aleo had nddittnnNi'i ..ini? n-ath'ii. hy w?y of percentage. 'I be speaker thought it wat- a Pf?ee it? ni ?atenahould not i?- feUewed. Mi. Jaaaha (Bam., Kins?, slarmed foi hi? D?mocratie friend?, attacked the. amuveeot the hjieak. r m piojhwiu?; to ?trikt- out th?. up profil ..ition, ( lailiil!.? lilt, uetiou WM dlle< ted Bgal?sl ih< i .n,al Appraisers as Demoeraw, TMsaotlOBWai b tt. The H|ieakfr then mo\ed to t-Hike out the appropriation to Appraiser Wuseeo, thjt besag a wparate item. He ljjoiiK-nt if it were right to vote an In reaac of pay to aim for en p.i-t ten roars, it waaeaaelry right to lacrease Ihahaekaaj of everp Jaaai lataeatate. Mr 1/??!> ?nt talaed tl? motion, and ?aid If tbis principle be carried out of Ml ""?' adaitloaal salary to every Hiute ogteet wha aaeaw hlmaeli underpaid rinnu? the last teu year... a ?ill take milUoasef dollars to corei the sppranriatioM that will if a?kcd. The motion was SBStSJaed, and the amHoprisUou te w?wiuii etritkeu out. Xals WheteeaJe reniru ib?re s BepubUcan was coaeerned having sue reeded, the lioase n u encouraged to reaea the attempt t rutilo? n the appropriations to llenn?, and.oii luoilnn uf Mi fiastoa. tas >ote whereby the asotwa to strike out IAS appropri.ilioua to cacti of the Canal Appraimr? waa toot, was reconsidered, and the amount renaced to gadal to each, aad ?2.<mk? for eierk hire, instead at ?i.fxio. atur mui,i! tarthei ameudmeuU Wen- made, one of ?wbnli ftvee the ( 'nut roller cuitei vision of the holldlngol all aejlnuii. ut.d refuriuatoiie? throughout the BU te, with i? wer lo examine und im** upon all accounts thin of, and suuuuou witue???-? to teBtify in rexard tlM'icto, and to nifasc to pay any of the ajipropi.ati0OS MBM W ?nv aaeh institution whenever he ?hall t.nd ti <? ?ff.iii? thereof nave not been properly conducted, the Iwli watt oattoed to ? third readiux j he loll to authorize a tax for new work and extraor? dinary repslr* on causis was reported this uiortiln^r, and mat!, the BBBg lai ordci for Wodne?tlay morning next. Mr. Hawkin?, from the OhahBaahM on <;itk?. reported a bill to the at'tappointiOK<'ommkMtouers of ll>< ord W the CMf of New-York. 'iii?*e Couimi?aluners wcre ?ppoiuted in IBM, to ptepare amoin other thin**, tu dlees of the reoord> in tbe variou? jtublic orhceti In the ?,'H> and County of New-York, and, it i? said, have Iook 4aee Bntshed tneir work, aud have been drawing pay ever state. A bill waa also Introduced from the saute CssBBsUtri for the repeal of the act kuvwu a? " Tweed ? U-atir MM" TW* la the name Mil Viatel wiw< latelv poseed hv thoHeunt?-. in the u lief that then? liiedMWN of ;t w;itcr famine in New York Citv. and that IBM pre? < ut i< t. then ti re, me ri ly aiilhori/.< ? a usy-losa cxi?eiidl turo. The rionso went into Committee, this evening, on the consideration Of varioui Mil?. The MM In relation to the rute of iutcrast on mom y wan d?bat? d am! tin illy killed. It ?mcUmI that ItH nh|i et was to place i.idi \ idiui) money Mm m pr . Inly the same ronditton aa hunk?and other corporation*. Tho law now in forre Provide? that tlie latter ahull forfeit twice the rate of interest where more than 7 inr rent In charged for ttie loan of money, ?Mm tlie latter forfeit both interest anil principal, lint the House. feemed to regard It m a repeal of the I'Kiiry law*, and it wan sent to the Jnrti. larv Cnmiuitt??) with taatrocttoaa to aWUm oat the taattltag tTanit The Mil toreorganise the PoUee DeMrtawrtol the city of Albany, whah was returned with the ?iovernor'? ?eta, Waa 'nought op, ami. after an exciting discussion, WM passed over the vet?) t?v a nearly strict party vote. The Mil to amend the art consolidating Um eitle? of Brooklyn and Willianishiirgli was ordered to a third reading, aa WM al-o the bin mailing UM ilay for holding general Malo elei lions a public holiday. The lnsurar.Committee held n meeting thi? after? noon to hear the summing up of the evidence, Win. II. Harneo, ex-Superintend? ut of the Insurance Ixpartm? tif, Kpeakiiig for the prosecution, and (ii o. w. Miller, the VPMe&l fill? rmtelaient. Speaking in his own defense. he anrnmeata were not oooi laded when the Qoauaittee adjourned. Iftnmui ma dmpatcv.] SKNATL....Ai.i:anv. April S, 1?72. Tlir CAM; OF eCR?TOI wouU. The special order, Mr. OhatfiekFa ret?la lIon for Um cxpahnonol Benator Jmdm Wood, wm an ? ?? d, Mr.?'ii\Tiinnroa*to (hvor tta reeolal on, when Mr. \.''n moved to amend the report bj riding after the word "Tweed" beeworda"und bia aaaoeiatoa,'' whkb H M ai ' I pre 1. Mr, < ii ? 111? i f? disclaimed any personal feeling in oflV h.> the rem iiUod, Init was Impelled by a>aenaeof ilduty. He read extract? from numerous pan rs to show tai* ;1 ?? popular feell ? idvi fo Mr. Wood. In his argument he -.?i ngto do i , i lion was a ! 'ided. Mr. ' for the ii uling ol the 0| i Ion nl iv. Helden, which Mr. Wo? I had submitted ai bia own I' fen* . The < oron ?? n m? then read. ? i opinion had Is i n read, Mr. u ai gnm< al m or of Senutor. He n. ?: a ?> tt< r rom v nntor Ai ? the Con iiitt? .-. .n .'.lii.ii Mr. An K ? I ou created by tin repon upon, tbe pub ..?!'!-. that the deductions were wrong, tl ?1 the Uoniinlttei l ..d never met i * a Commltt? ? tbe testimony bad Im > n :.? u< d, and thai be should not, ir ;!>?-? at, rot? for an) punlahnieut baaed upon thetcsti i I n n ?t. Mr. Woo: i a alluded to tbe Dooraeot Mr. Chatfleld in g the resolution inderthi ireumstanoes, without ; to the accuaed who Ml near enoiurbto Uioeh hin . win n la bad not n ad the evld nee, and added ny toi ? i ready a mosi broken, Hie own ao ijualntauee with tin Penater from thi XXXth bad com? menced two reara ago, and 11 bad Impressed him most ly in the matter of lea lllty, int. grlly, find bis acquaintance with pablli men nud tneasuiea. He l;.i'*, ti?', that tO I? -i:-;hi ed of g 111 v.'in a RUUXC4 ol terrible pala and mortitsuatlon to him. But the |>oli,l now waa for tbe Henal? at the threshold of judgment todlvesi itsell ol nil partit it\ In the matter, and do Just lee w Itl out regard to i lanwi oat ?hie or inside the Senate. Tbe charges came orii 'run Tin. M:\iY?i.R li.ii.tsi, developing, Indeed, a chain i ; circumstances, but ii should lie remembered that a ? '?.?u i aa -.? tr. ngei tban it* weakest i uk. l>at there waa too shadow of testimony that the llo.eoo paid In the Bumtoaet and <oming from Tweed, hadanj connection with the charter bill; so, too, of the gsiow i .ni aoon .iiti i the session i loa? d. Itae Unka w? re *< ak ? d m bit h in oh- ap t!i chati. He had intended to lean l ?.-? arbere Jodge Bebten ft it, but then wereaooM collateral incideuta con? nected with tbt case which hi mustnotMe, The ftdlnre to deduct thi in 1?re M pa; menti irom bis income account i : 11 have i?? i n ?i gi I, and vet gri at etn sa had lieen I upon that fact, aa showing guilt. The defeat o (he Republican candidate tot Judge ol I.i\ ingston Coun t) had also been dragged In aa showing guilt??a Indi? cating that b< had work? la .::.-: hi? party canuidataa because of his connection ?itii the Kew-Yvrk Hue-, and ? ? rof exposure, imt th? evidene? proved t?> tbe contrary, as the committee admitie<l; tbe Denioei ? . dli at? su? .M ded, trf ? : use cd tu ai hi n bo Mi ow n p rtj , wiiii Uh benatoi proved true when otbera were trtach i ro ,-. i ? . hi rge ol i? vrrfy and laeli of financial credll was :i -? op ? t fon I, ??' that, loo, waa ^?lo^vu m im th ..i 1? a? ? " 0 o when 11? i ted. aa en made to appear; and aa to the Judgment? ?o ?;...i one, ami i bat ro? main? d ui ; aid oi I e disputed it- let ridence ?bowed that bia cr?dit waa g?ioU, ? veu .n '? w-V< .-'. becauae he personally oto t ed credit wbei others i.\ii.' there had :,u d. The Coma ''?< Lad hardly <i<.ne him Justice m tin-i respect, atad Mme of ttn-ir lion? had :.'.?.:.*? d great Injnetlce, 'Jh" i , . -t-adi't being made at "the heel of wion/'wasn ti *epl mber?a "heel" of ? \?;... rdii ri lengl Tb .'...??:.., too, show that it waa not until lone aitir the session had clow I W even thought of apidylug to Iweed ???.?i ti.'. he was prompted to It oy other ii .. berUin had been i to gel monej. u ?! in i.a.' Cbauilieriatn a leitet ol Intrtstlu lion to Tweed, 1 led Tweed would bav? t.. d , \ tb hi ni, but i ?owed I a readiness to oatt it to Wood ? d. and on that h *in. itn . irai ail . i? i .. d i ' of corruption. Yi'v acquaiiitaiJ e with th - from the XXXth liegan ?itii the seeahni <t IKO. I haw known bim only In 00 fad Inte, and that tin tin iriei I of two Legislativ? m-hh-. But in that ?inn , by . uf bin iiromioi i.i'i' m ! he ' ? atloii with the more important public ijuistloni og the attention of that body, 1 hid oome i i .ii .bim aa a man "i mon than onllm j merit. HI? legal knowledge, bia mature , idgmeut, I t .? w 'n p i and luea? in -, all eonxpired to auign bttn to position, ae?sind to bo niii.ii r ol the last neuut?. His constitutnta returnul : a .--< e Hid 'elm, 1 ei-iiUKi thi .? '.1 !.,!?. to !r I itt< grity, and because he bad ri pn -? nted tin m dl Igently and inteillgeotiy. Tin resumid too ufa lae?l here was tbe signal for an assault upon nun tor alleged omcial eorruption, wblcn spread lObeternatlon among those who had ?sonfldea in bis integrity, and compelled bim to bow bia head In prolonndest mortifleatiou and Mrrow that he should evea be saspaeMd, by friend or . ,. ,.? being pable ol the crime with which he uugeu in Taz Tbibcxe ol the m. day of I ? . !a-t. He .eiiid i|. mi h .-. and tla Henute eoubl be aauaated wit a nothing tes? than ? most thorough and exnauatlvi Investigation. Um teanitwaa apolntment of a committee to roqutre aa to the truth ol these charges, and report to this body. That uork the committee baa porformod, and the testlmonj and ibeb reportan baton oafoi Una) action. We have now a duty to perform, and It la due i>oth totbt accuaed and as well aaonrselves, that w? meet the respon alblUty and dlaoharge ?nr duty leartetady, unlnlhaeuoad by considerations ot persona regard lor lb? a< um i party on thi uni band, or ?rf the peraisieni chunoT ol his fin i I'l-iit ?ici um r!" on the ottier. Mr, alum, one ot the Committee, made a briel ax pUnaUon ol the pr.>< i edioga ? f the CommltU e, and thi n i thi i I? rk'?- d'-u a rommnnlcatiou IromHenator Ames. In tins Mr. Ami a de tarea that the reaoltttlon to expel Mi. W? od ahooid 01 dei?Mted. Alter the letter had been read, Mr. .Altea at length reviewed tbe lesUmonjr, t.i show the peeautary oondltlon ol Mr. Wood. Be ,i\< .di ?: hi.v i ii n f?-.<iii of opinion. |ir. Atxjoi, after a brief speech in review ol the taafi mouy m which he waa advene to Senator Wood, gave v.'V to Mr. Mriii'HY. who BMved to nutke the question the ape? ial order lor Toeaday evening oext, Oarned. Mr. BoaaaTBon Introduced a i'Uj ro app ml com misaionen t1 develop a plan 1 r rapid tranalt la Mew York, and to trj toraMeawaeytolsaiMlt, Aojouiued. AiSbEMBLY. Mr. Lewis, from the Railroad Comniitteo, i. paariei the roUewlag tjii:- : AuUiirn r.? !!.? MaSBW aoi. < f ? la ri? r.i'rri.l ir Vc or:h iu-1 olkfi Hissai RtW^Tsrti t.i?. il* I'klniT !.). mad tuina. ,,..->. I.. I*rl KtttsMa b.r ?,, mkltk ?.? lnwilf Ui* ?jjcci^I imii for \\?k.?..?.?7 >.-.., Um N.?iu(k i. ? ? ?? \. kslltuM? shs, ssa.nxisj i-t Fuller, -i- RaUrsad C4UBPSS] imii?i.ii >u ?.?*, Ui foB?iiiii*t* tra k>ift?fi*r ulj .N..i.ii? iUii.'i-sii, shs, Msaassljr, fur IM btttstasasaaiasaaaisa afassasagsn ?n Ik* IwsVefs. K?:irf>?ii, w?>? Tsik SglSOl t?; *'m> x-o-rMlf ?utloni.Lti tU SMMSSM?M of ? In ik mlroMl id Tsnavthird it, Nrw \|irr?il lu, ?i-v, ?Ittittit, !ui lit BSSttStfsa of lia 1.U? (ejarti ul r:.l!ri- ??u,imi, le. Mr. IViKT reiKirted a bill pioviding forth?- tax forex traordlnary repair? on Canafa, which was nana tla fj? ? Ml oilier for W?Mlnei-dny hi xt. Mr. CMAnaaaa report?e a bill tolaantoveandrecntaM u,e i-i of Fourth av<., Hew-Yon, or railroada, whanh w. i- ii> ?di th? apecM) order tot Wedaeaday next, Mr. Hawkins Kpertod abdllor?xlendlag the .lurle dteUonol the Para Ooaaariatlooen ol BaaMai asie,te establish a Board ol PelMe aasd Kin rinajmlnsftnen la I'tna, also, adversely on tbe I.ill to lmpiove Fifteei tu? st., lireokl>ii-agrc?-d Mi alu'. M widen part of Ne\?na? ht., BrooaJya; aleo, the Blnghamtoo Water bill; ateo, adversely on the bill extending Deabvoaaeaat. Hew Voik, which waa airned to. alao, adversely eaUm i-iii to regulate aud grade leeea>aVav*H Itew-Yaea, wi... h was Ugrii d to. Mr. HQUUtM rejiorteil a bill to incorporate the New Yoik Loan aim lecaritf lUi.k. Till -I l-l 1 V IHLI.. The ?Ions? tiien went Into <'?niiinittee, and resumed tin iniirideration ol th? Supply bill On im.:.01. ol Mi I'ki.I-, tin pal of the CiiainlMTlalii of New-York Wim re?luc*?l Inm sio.oub to Is,??, in i.iu ol | the foes tor receiving and payinj into Um >"..t. TreMory the state tax levied and codeen d ni New-York. Mr. H bann moved to sinke eel |i.U*i extra allowi d tn ? a- hi i Ha three Canal AppraMi rs. and ti,ooo e4ira lor clerk hin in IbeCaaal Api ralseis' Oaaoe. Mr Jai ?dis said it was well known these Appraisers did more work than any other Male nflic?*. He asked whv this iiiotion was made. Was it beeause liny s/en liemociats I He leaftad uiKin theM motions as bbmU hnsiiiess, mean luslu? ss, ahd ?as ruiiuing xelorm to tb? iMjint of BMauaaaa, Mr. II, faiTM leplied that tbe gentleman might ...Il a motion to sinke out these laig? sums a small bus.nsi-s and a m? an business; but nevertheless he (f milh) was here to diM-i.aigi bis duty as an heuert legislator. A? to politic? be would say they hud nothing to do with bis motion, which tb<- g? t.' would find w< uld embrace the name ol WsMMn, a BepWbUeaah ?hen it was rea< bed. lie uddt d that h< liad not nade bin motloua to reduie sod strike out tnw uppropnulietis for tbe purpose ai securing poUUcai tajuukl. Ho b?*d nu ?Maire lor office. There was no office In the State, that he would aeeapt Be had taken Um otees as beat now in seder to ssaea the peuple to in? bumble way, mid to the tM>?t of his ahilttjr ata time when aoaesl servlee, at least se M thought, waa much needed Tin' motion wm bjafc Mr. ll. HMirit nifived to strike out |S?W extra aempca ?atwn loWUhem Wesson foraervleMMCaAalApacalsi i from Jsci to is7o. 'lin- motion was i srried, II to m>. Mr. Paawroa moved to rcooaatder the vats hy wafeh the Committee refused to ?trike aattheaHewaaMta Canal Appiai.-t-rs. tallied. Mr. I'itKHToN then moved to reduce the approprlarioa to < ach Appraiser from BfJJH to iLgaa, Mr. lACOM moved to make it IxcOO, which wa? lost. Mr. Preston's asotlea was then carried. Mr. FltKSTON then mated to make allowance to clerk? in Apnrahwrr aawa ta?wa, laatead of ti.nun, v. inch was cari M d. Mr. Jcim moved to add au appropriation to the town of Cast led n. BJi Iiliiond County, of ?-j/jou for taxes on the Marine property, exempted from taxation by law. He stated tee eaeeaaataaow of tin; ease, showing the injustice dune by the State to the town named. Lost. The bill wa? thtu tirtlcml to a third reading, BoMM until ',:M) p. m. EVKNISi? I1BH0W The House went into Comiiiitiei un the hill ?Uowing the borrower and lender to Bx tin- rate af tntereel on money. Mr. Boaa moved to strike eat the first section. After Home del.ate, on motion of Mr. IIUSTKii, tho enact? ing tlaiStl ol the bill was Stricht II out: .'?i to 41. The bill to Incorporate the Mcfropohian Boat Club of. New-York was ordered to a third reading. Mr. called up Iba lull amending the Charter ot the City of Albany vetoed by the Governor, and stated that it aas proposed la intro? duce a supplemental lull which would obviate the olijeo tloll- III lile (nivellier, bllt ai the (In lion Wa- -il !?f-al ?it band he asked that this MU is- passed, notwithstanding the Governor's objection?. A long discussion ensued, when the tall was thaa pat on tts paaaaga aad aaawaV> Yeas, o?-; Ha] s. If, The bill Hi clarlng the day for boldtag the- election a pnblio hoiid.iv was ordered to a third reading ; also tho bul amending the Brooklj n Ovnaolldatlng act ? to auditing accounts; siso the bin authorizing the ji mf son Suspension Bridge sud New-England BallroadC. pany to extend iis track; alw tbe bill exempting lite Neu-York Exhibition I ompany's propertj in .m w-York tiuiii taxation. Adjourned. 1SDU8TR? IX LEG1SL IT/Q.V. DIaTI (OB AT Hi" I!!-,: I'M CLUB ? PBOF. PKKR1 u\ I I,i !. tttADE?REPLI "I BORACB UKEK1 I V. Prof. Arthur Latham Perry, regard? ! m tbe ? , ,, n ol 1 ii ? Ii.ii'. . '.nil.', a Urge audience i tb< Liberal Club on fr? ti dred snbjccl .1 i( far same time on en condemned tbe L? -,t\ Trade* err, whlcta be bold Was aawlm awl ml cbh ron Beferring t" ? ion, he contended thai the miller who won ! have a law passed compelling persona to boy hominy aad Boor at his mill solely | because tbey could bii> th< wnwconratodltleaelu apernad bettt r eben here, Is a type of tbe Protectionist 11?? considered Protection crafty, devilish and dangerous, and stated that Itawlealm Is to raise artificial!* the price of dome-. tit i ousoyatsxon foreign, if the tariff does n I create, he ashed, a corresponding rise m the price ol foreign fooda, bow does It afford any pro? tection 1 The perfection of Protection li the death of Beveaue, while a perfect rereana tariff would be the death of ?11 I'r.'tlon. The duties on iia .in.. < ol! ? should ? e ni:iin;.i;i.cil shove all others, as these products ari not raised at home, audtbi lux atlou Imposed on them i? widely distributed. He as? serted, abo, Ptotei tire dui es are lust Ihn e times higher than In tbe timeof Washington an< Jell 1 ou.aud thai they are enacted toauslaiu obi wtahuahed ladm> trica. Horace Greeley replied to Mr. Perry, wymg that the early tariffs were passed to bring ladnatries Into exist? ence, not to laetala any already firmly eatahHshed. These tariffs wen avowedly Protective, showing clearly that they wt re adopted for beaetV 1 ?,t eowmon ends, and not .n tin mti rot ( f ?? moaopoU da," who dkl not axial The Prot?t tlonists always declared frankly the parpt ?? - they had hi view, and won sacreeelve triompha from MM to law, when the most protective tariff wss adopted. The country preneanced emphatically in fhver ol pro? tection in tin ie day-1" eai ->' the questluefhsd been dis 1 u ed at every hearthstone, and the opposing srgu nii ntti bad Is ei, prest ntcii b] able, fort tble 1 xponenti ol their 11 spactlvt Mili s. Xlie Ana rt( .111 people hau- never wnrthtaad Fwa Irada except v. u a deceived by party crus such r< "Pol . Ds -. and the Tarit ai '?3." He ? it 1 .1 ?i-tt. r favoring Protection a* a means of creating ni a lu tluatrit 1 wa? not 1 ompj tely J" ' ?'? Mel v Parr) '? ami ui] '.on tin true i rutectionisi Is ? a who would eompe! people to buy only nl sn exh rtl rates from himself, ll- snowed thai Protection do. s not necessarily increase the prn e ol commodities mi order to be effective, as bj reserving the national market foi the product?of national labor fl imparts rtablllt; to indu? tties, encouragea the investment or capital, slim ulates domestic competition, expands the rapacities ot the , 1 ople, and brings th . -, into ( loser relations, thu I tbe highest reward for labor, and promote the Inl ol the entire community. He pointed out that American intu?ais 11 abso? lute protei lion truni Ion :^u 1 t!,.? Bc-couut cheajier and 1? tor than if their wie was liabu to upeded 1.. the product ol forelgu 11 -. Ha aald thit formai tariffs have Uwu more protective than the preseut becaujM lotvigii competittou was 10I to agi 1 1 tar itemi'iot. 1 turn being incompatible with ro*e ).., ?-. ilteie were larger sums paid anuuaii; into the Trees urj under Protection than in the Fre? frude j-1 od. Prof. Pi rry tu re asked U Protect? u fa ulevei 1 ?ta 1 tubed a self rust dnl g Industry I Mr. the beer mgar ludustrj ol Prance, and Amer? ican edge-tools, winch are actually exported and purchased in to those of J;i ,,.-?1 m.,?.. mi m 1! .1.1 :?. tu ?? of opinion, holding thai in,-1 win with him upheld Protection were no lew wise, nor lass bonas? than tbe Prol.r. ; 1 .? dbu usslon was listened to with great Inter'-*!, and stiuns i- ?1 , uveli I rom lin . . b.lh lut .Nat?o:..11 and Fu 'J'l.nli policies. HEAVY IDTI AOAIKST A NATIONAL f:\NK. tiNciNN.vii, April 5.?Ait.niii-y-Liiiii ral 1'iiiii cla B. Pood of the Btate of Ohio brought a suit, to-day. In the Butler County Common Plow Court, againat tbe Second National l;..nk of Hamilton, Ohio, 111 its cor? porate capacity, to recover H07^n,betag tbe amount alleged to have been deposited in the bank from th" butler I ountj Trcasun In c.\ Trta-uu-r laudlcy ot Hui? ler County, between th. -latter pan of laWaudthebe ginuiiigfof UTO, and, as alleged, never restored to the Treasury. The Attorney-General has alao commenced suits against tbt directors of the said bank at the time the above deposits were alleged to have been made. One suit b? for tWVWO, agaiast the following dire tors: John L. Martin, Job K. Owens, Henry Beardslcy, John W. Carr, William K. Brown,and BsraFotter. a >nd suit is for s//:,?*!, against Alexander (lands, Job 1.. Owens, la Jam lu Kggleston, Wm. L. Browa, Joau M, Wilton, and Jolin W. Carr. EXTEB8ITB Hi:i; in OHIO. LOUBOXSYILLE, Oliio, April ?"?.?A fiic DC cain il la 11 at an early hour tin- BMrafasg, m Inch <> un- i nearly an intire sqaare. Tin- following ?re tin- las es and Cllunni A Sons, dry gond-, lasa, tlO.'MJ ? laaarad m Uta Bh bhwd, Mutual, and I^yaeaatog of Peaa sytvanto, each IMMj the nnper story of this building was i.pc upit-d by 1 he Masot'ie fraterin'ty ; loss, taw/no nwaraaea, n ia??? ???>?.< , ,inni, n.--.; bwaj -d for 1 .'???? m 11.a Howa oi riilamhaa baaaeld a. aoea, wsrw and tlLw.ue, I..--, 6,nno; no insuiancc. J. Youio, irio 111. Ions, M^MI ; iiii-ured fur tl.iiou lu the Amazon ol Ciu cianab. C. Oppenhelawr. cmthwr, losa, IMBI j bwared foi lajioo in the Ninth American oj PhtUaelphU. a. \\ 1. -?. u,i.i>-, ]>hotogiu|)her, loas, MW ; no insui-tu.e. There were gtwa liuuiln-r of ?umllti lo.-ses, uu .; there wert no iusuraiitea. ?AIUbOAO AlCIDENT. St. Lotrtfti April ."5.?An ncoiilYnt occtiircil last ateatog at Bttgbtea, 111.. the junction of the Oaewga BMI Alton, and H?t kford, lba-k Island mid t*t. IsniU K..:!? reads. The roads at Baa polut tun parallel for some dis? tance, and then cro*s at ?cry acute augles. The ??;. gitic* rs utopjM-sl the trains and then started sgain, each KUpjioelug the other lo be ?landing still. As the Chicago engira reached the rteestag, the BeaMori engine ( I.,-In d i,,to and Bpset it, kliiing I In- Iln man. Both eU gnu M WOW badly wrecked. TAMMANY PKAtTICEH U AltKANSA?. LiTTi.K Kix'K, Ark., April 5.?The Coinniis sluncr? of Public Works, Ihnjamln Thomas, J. O. Boti ford, and K. M. Phillips, wore .0 tested to-day ou a war? rant sued out byBBwtB Ilaticroft, charging them with the ssahaMkWwM af aBVBBt levee bondit. They gav? beads in the Mini ol |.',,i m ? a. n for H|irM-arauce before the e tan .1..1,g court at 10 o'clock to-morrow. TFLrOIlAPHlC NOTES. _The lludaon Hiver is rising at Albany, though U 111 1 ??!? kit I.., II. !'?!.,-Ii? Of t II, M rt _A letter front Itniac City, Idaho, received iu ('Im?,'.. aWSS tbt ?1.1. mua ritm.ircli V.l. ul.i ,1 ihil Juba McDcrilt, U.? l.ih.ani ei|*il ii ihre id II,m ni? .... In the unit? of the Boston, Hartford, and Erie loo-t^ij M..I1.? II.?ti N. fiiitrll tod i^uut ?iforirf ?. I.. .., S i ?? Ue M???..iLu?tlli >?j.r?uit- ? ?un Lu uccliliS iu Itiar .,( tM ?11,1111. _The steamer Kic? nnoxrwctetlly arrivetl at UCUtHt Oi.u, i .. i- lu il im? l?> io..n a ,-. aukuif Ow m? I* t?i?n l.,i.r? M:> raiur bT tbt gmth \t*'i' tu.l HMlSaSsi KO lin.If (ron Kt, Tbt l 'it,, i.u-l t-t't bfftD Uttli rtf all, lri| . U, <lmf. _Mr. Maurice of New-York liled a petition it Ifct St I ou? hi,|.r.iui <?M,rl .?ttnii,. fur ? MMSttMt tu k.,.,,... KMi.utl H?j<? M*lt I r,?jiiit, in! Il M lirai*. HUI* Am?eU-r, abo ? o um, i mt u.1?? iirfrt ul lt.. HUI? Siut.u? l-uti.l lo radottt ntttu? hki. bowk It f ?I ?n.-rdi?? tu Un ir (?<? Tho ?litt wen oinVnS n VstbaU* o? n? 1Mb .w?i. Il??- m ? aast of tbe SSB*J ?Stak U.? i*% ?Malt n..all) oiotnS le bo |*ji ta piWW ?* JAY GOULD TO DI8GOBG1 IMPORTANT RITT AOAINT THK OLD EH Ki:a?. ATTOHNKY-cr.VFUAI. BASLOW OAUJ JAY 000 and a. i.ani; t<? ACCOUVT f Till'. MhMANAlilMKSr OF THK MUX It AI WAT?TUB CONTRACTS 10 Bi IVVBBlTOAT ? AN F.FFORT TO Rh< OVKR THK IQDAXDBB MOhTBTB Of THK STO< KHuI.llER.*?THK .?-I BBOCOHT IS THK IMK1IItat OK THK INliM tn<)i'Kii'>i.iiiK.s ami un: m:w DBBOBO MADK A PARTY TO IT. Much surprise hua Wen occasioned by tlie filil? of tlie new ?lue? tory of tlie Erie Knihvay to lie? proet eilings ai'tiin d the immer niuTingemi nt lot I recovery of Hie hirge simia of money belonging the stoeklinlileiM which it waa well known liad lie ai|iian?lere?| through ?outrai ta improperly anatas the aid iliicctoM ?>? tlie ro.ul with tlicvisi I ,i s Contractors;. It ??n supposed that sin li act i would h?' instituted as sioii as d'en. Dix ami tlie nj Oiiirtorauere find* installed in power, hut it I pears to hare been rewired for Atteraey-Qewei Barlow, who baa ben ausroupTueslaingin (in attic apon the F.rie King, to resume afajfatldM the old directory. Qeav Bailee baa rasdttsrted la tlie rmpreoeo Cor at Albany a suit ai-aitint .lay (build ajai Pndert A. Lane to eosnpel then to account for their ma : .. Deal ami restore tbe money which, as allege they have eoiruptl.v I'? eiveil. The following sut moaa in thi- suit bei bei n served oa Mr. Grooid, II Lane and Gen. Joba A. Dix, aad Field d Bhearrna for lame and OouM, returned notice yesterday th?- acceptance of s >z\ ice. tuprtme Court, County of Albany : The Pei State o? New-Yoik, ; . Company, Jay G nid and Pi derii k A? l.n.. i f. To the tiefend t ??? in : loi in hel alutliil -, on, ?. .. ill be m d t ii uni ?? ?a the i 'ii of th? c >'? Hi til of Altrauy, mid ti . ? | of , i the City of AI . I vice; aad ifyou ertl i -v. it *? Hi timo al?n ?aid, i ei- ?. i ... i lion lu the Com t for fin i. I if den U..l< .1 Ml. inj . Ml .. t. ??, 1 ?..?. FBASCI? C I'a l.l.. 1 .,,,:.;...-? ah?. i icy, AT',-',.... mi I'm the Pi pi (ieii. .lohn A. l?i>, ei Preejdeat o? tli>v roa ta included i.i I i i mere formality, ai n la understood tl?.tt tue road aill In realil finally pfaetcBte the cue, Tbe bei that the Ef Road is included m tbe salt as cjo^eteadact wil Qoold and Lane al '. to the belief that An In Eldridge, si- on, and all tbe raetaben of tl old " Ring?" are afiected by it. Of course, if r i .i.l'i.v i? bad iintii tbe road by a raecessful suit, i the tnenben of tbe old Board will bare to pay tl losase wbicb resnlted to tbe Company by their tied gence In eol restraining Qonld, Fisk, and Lane, i by their complicity in any operations a bicta may I proved t> he corrupt? in. on i asauggestodmany months ago by il English sun kbolders, ol both tbe ewana aad of tl Bhtchoflsbeim parties, and Gen. Berner, then Jan elected Attorney-General, at nine promised sew get je ai lion against the men whom he bell? red toi corrupt, As soon as be was in authority be too stops to begin tbe suit, and finally resolved to tal ai lion ander the following law : ?:. i- ". . : a The Supreme Coori ihnll have jnri diction over dire? toi -, managers, and other trustees uu officers ol corporat lone, I. To compel then to sccoanl for fair ofBclal eondu? In the nu.gemenl and disposition of the iurni < a pi. perti committed to their cliargu: U. To d i n '? Hid i ullipel pay lin-lit by them to the eoi i oration ? nom tbej repu m ni, and to its i rediton, of a ioI money, indol the value ol allpioperty wbli tiie\ bare seqidred to themselves or transferred I iv bave lost orwasted, h> any vlclaunu t their dntl - aa inch Inste? ? ; in. i. ? . mi nil', such trastee or offlci r from exet i ig ui-? ettke, wheuuver it ?hall appear that he ha n. iiitri.,1.1 . f ir?.i- >? He r 'r.>nih? ? ? n proof or conviction of grow tnlftroudnct ; V. To direct new.Ilona to t?- held by the body o int..i i duly sutborized forthat parp?se,tosoppl) vj re ite I hj in b t' VI. la oase there bo aoaach body or board, or sll th membera of sut h board be removed, then to report th sa nie to the O" rerooi. a bo Mail be authorized, eith thi , . ' -fill ol II,.- S ;?i'i , In lio -Hi' I V amuele* ; \ II. ii> sei aside all alieuatioua id property made I the tru>pMs or other officers of any corporation, contrar; to the provisions of I , ol loi any purposes foreign ti lbs lawful business ami objects ol suou eorpoiaiion, ii wbere Um person re etving auota ulieuation kuua the pnrjMBM for wnl . tue im? waa made ; and, VIII. To restral sueh alienation Ii . ? \. ben i i .... e thi ol then may ? re i-.'ti to apprehend it may be made. ... .... ml by tin pre? .! I | Hu? i . ?'. . . '. ? hull bo e\i ii I- -d OS in i id:ii..i> i ?es, oa bill or petltiou, m the i ase may require, ot lb Hi i i. nie Court may i Ireot, ai tbe Instance ol the Attoi ni General prosecuUug In behalf ot tue people ol tbi Hate, or at the Instance of inj creditor ol sucueorpora t...n. n i ? log a general sap? r;n.' adouci ot Its cono? i n*. A law of 1870, framed ander l?mmany rate, al the ha al it i e ol the Erie Bingitself.and for Its ownproti ctlon, made it Impossible 1er any ether taaa the Attorn? i i etai to I? .'Hi tacb action. 'l!n Blag thea had lio idea that it would m sooahave to ti?,-bt umii an Attorney Ueaeral a- bow oppoei - It. lbs retaoval sf the Bieg director?, or, at leset, the wonl of tii.-ni, resaltad nom ths opentioeaol Gee. Bli kles on March 11, by which it will be rea* ? imud the Opon Bosas was carried and ths Dsne tnry captured, aad this part or the work tho Attor liey-I.etii nil. of i oui--. f.iii,..l StMiMSpJlshed. iii--* pur pose aew Is to compel Qonld and Laae, who conducted the road, t? divulge all tho rsgaertes and i i-i ihV ties of tho m iiiigi'iii'iif, and to disgorge the rate* v of waleb the King robbed ths toad, If tho suit ever come? to, startling development? will be made. Baeagk svstteaee ass already seeaeot h'.-ti il la lbs El a-1 thi ? 1" bjahV Its teal the half of Eric's lalqalttes have not beea told. What asasaateanben ? o\. rod is, of course, a na w matt, r of apecalatlon ; but it is well kaewa taat,bythe aren or mor.'of tnudo teal contract*, whteh ths varieas alieeten bad made wiih tinm?elvi-, many millions were test to the stock holiln?. The -utt n nues no amount of damages lou^'ht in ia- recovered, t>ur it is probable that the nvelattoaaol fraud and the aaaOBBt of mom y of whteh the has i., in despoiled are equally amaziag in eharacter uni amount. Tbecontraet and teases whieb the Attorney-Oeaeral in beginning tin .-nit aaaaawd to be fraudulent, and into w 111 < 11 he ptopoaea to butttate legal laqulry, an many In iiiiuiiioi. J i.v < loald ? - largelj m the Blwira In.a Works, and Hit i onti.n t- ? Itb the Lin: man are tho rhiel Beam ol tbe Company'a uroflto. He own* ma> trolling intercut lu the Bortbsi s BaUway of Hew-Jenay, \Tliii h has been leased tor yean to tho Kilo load at a rental i f J2 r-r wat l? i aunuin on tho cost of the road. The Nairagausett Meaaaablp Cempaay, Is whteh tin? defoadaate ure Uitereoted, livea on it* fat coatrsets whh the Brie road, 'llie Jetlei-ou Car OaaaBMBy and the I'mon ?ir Cuaapaaj belaaig t<> ooold .i othsaa, and supply the road with car? on proUtiiUle tenu?. The Krle Coal Com p,my has a retinte on all its Heights, ulld siipi'llcs the Iliad with coal at good, puvlng prices. The late Viee l'ii -nient Araber baa a i oatraet, la whteh the otben ;ire supposed to belntenated, for handling the (night of the loud hetwceii N't ?York ami Jersey City. Tin- " Erie oil Cm Company " has it* paitieiilarly Bteitabta rel?ate on freights. The r-leepiiig car and Couch Gaaapaay (liould Burr A Oa.) lia? a pa>lng contract by which it receives 1rs seats a mile tat svary ear run over the road, The pura UouM a rental of sjcjaW lar the Opera Heaae, wkfls las old MaoMeeat < liumlH'r* it. is let at a rental to the Boston K\ nress Coiupauy, lu whu'h oould 1* largely luterested, lie is President of the favored Tewaada Coal Com? pany, has a half hatetaat rs tbr BtessaauwOaslOssspaay. is ioij.?i itin of the Ii" !.. H n -' Company, and has a half liiteii-t iu a Klato Knollug Ouiii paar, all af whnli have tetgS and fia.idiui ni contract? with tho railway. In brief, (iouhl, baas and others are known to have i ??-?-11 intet estad tas twenty or mote coutraotsiby wMsh thsj ttesaselves have planted as Individuals, ami the Era Company has suffered. Indeed, It ha? been uMw-rted by a ? ottkdal at the Eiie heatltpiarters that Jay (build's con? tracts, as President of Lb? hue with Jay Gould und others a* Individuals, will actually number more ttiiiii one hundred. The service of tin- suiumona In this highly important suit was n,,eh on April t, and the couipl.iiul will oa Bate in.HoU in a few days. The uuswer will have lobe hied belore April 2i. THE STOKL8 CASK. II1E MHTHIiT AffOBasV NOT HKADY T?i PHO UBIH IBIIBII Of THK ACCl'SKO KOH A TRIAL?AN K\l'??-l Ilk. OP KitU? CONTUACT8 raBBATBMBD. Tbe lliatrict Attorniy liaa jnat finished hi? examination of tbe voluminous bill of execptiou* sub? mitted by the counsel of Kdward K. Stokes when last before the Court of Oyer and Terminer ; but the answer will bave M be deferred for some days, as tbe pr?para? tion of it Is a lalior of time aa well aa of legal ingenuity. Tbe bill itself include? 1,M0 or J.oui page* of local cap. and tbe points, claiming lrrcgulailiica of various klu?ls. tire almost ?nniimcruin'e. Mr. t?.'.rvln says that MMM M thaw can be aniwctcd (and in the jr< sent pr.f Mstaew in tils ottipo, owing to vartew awapBealtoaa Into wltiih King leg;-:.ith n has led all the the depart? ments of the city and county govi rnment, this will take nine Bawf, the trial of this rase will l>e resumed. The late dl.-ruptinn of the Erie King adds to this rrlra liuil trial renewed liitin-t, for it la now well known that on this trial man}- of the wor?t transactions of the Erie King ?ill i* bteagM to tho surface ami fu?y cxpo-cd. The stilt of the Attorney-General against Oouhl and lame promises to reveal the tricks l.y which the Crie King reeked the Brta Beat, The whole truth af the contract with the Krm.klyn Oil K?-finery, of which Htokes ?\ a Bat t IToprietor, aad in which tiould and Fisk, jr.. wi tc !n len-tted, will, at any rate, come out on the Mokes trial, Irom the commencement to the dual compromise and award made by Clarence A. ?. w.rtd while on Ida way to Europe. A full explanation will also be made by a com? pet? ut witness, In whom Fl.-k, Jr., reponed conttdeuce, of tho mysterious disappearance of the $30,000 paid by Uio I'nion i'acllic Kailroad to settle a suit with James Fisk, and It laaatd this explanation will startle the legal fra? ternity and the Judiciary Committee. It is also asserted that some of the innre ile.-pcratc operation? of tlu'Eiic King Will he exposed hi this trial, and their methods of Indicting ami convicting enemies and otherwise iitittiiig theni out of the way will be fully dew loped. For this teuton the trial 1* eagerly looked forward to by thoso who anticipate that its developments will aid in the gcu ei al reformation hcirtiu some months BBB, ninliia inaialiia. af imiiiw. in his wUal the Tomba, a little d by constant i onllncim-nt. and anxious for tuai. lie ia vihited dairy by his iwother aad other rela? tives, MIw Mansfield BM BOt ? Islted him sin e his eou> tlncna ut, bit rcinain i it: clono roiiivmeiit iu her house In Twi nty-tiilnl-st. aha Will BpMM, MWOTW, at h:., ttial as a v. iIiu-m, an I, of eOBIW, v.ill iw a very impor? tant one, Another of the prtaeipal witwwaw (f<>rti.e prosee itioa, howoTW) Is eonflaed la the Bourn ol Deten i-- n. i n ! the boy to whom Btokw spoke after the ? lling him anua bad been shot, oq tie Boor above, and who cleinied afterward to have mea th? shooting. He Is rery restless under restraint, aM m ted thai ha ww nothing of ihi The ceaascl for Stokes will probably ] -loan carlj Hfii._ TUB JUDICIARY ISFESTIOATIOX. .Il DOE M'CTBii'gCAOS?Yi >TI.i:i>\vV TBSTIMOBY, The Jiiilici.ity CoBUBittee oontinaed, yeeter dsy, its nvestlsetion of the charges against .1 idee Me Cuan. The Bret witness, Oen. Bogar A. Prror, was called by tbe defenw to exp?ala dtscrepaMtw between his seeount books and JamwB.Gano'stestrawny. Pry? swore positiTcIy that eoatrury to tha prerlous d la mi ala made before IheCommlttw, l,chad naTerreeeiTed more than in from Oano, aad that that sum bad I.i In payment of professional serrtem nndered to Oano. in rrew a i amlalng the wttneaai Jadga MeCmn sAtearpted to pn... that the Ban silegi i to have bet p paid t., Prj or wm dlsheasatly retalaad by ate clerk. Au exclt I pa** sasyof werde taUowed, from which, ?t Is understood, wusldwaMe daaaaajagi rhlaaw agalaw Judge tteCuao ? a-? gleaned, Hiram E. Talbaedge testified thai bewosconnwl for the plaintitl iu the case of *PMahoiiy a ;t. i;> :nioi t. Me fully rorroborated the teaUaway af the wltnew, La rot .in--, eonnwl fw the dafeadaal In tha nm 11 ad ?cd that the order appatatJag a reeelTW af the Pealan fund, and the order of iajnecttoa, wew amda by Jad t MeCana* despite the nwat itrenaoui renwaatranew of i nth eoaawL Mr. TkUnwdge also stated that it was gi to rally elaiiiied by contributors to the Fenian fund thai Thoaws J. Harr, In conjunction with ?edge ah l aan aad the "Bug"erenresponsible for tMdiapoaii i tin- BMN, Jan? - N. (?ano and fame F. Morgan,hotb brotb law of MeCuaa, aran wiled to show tha amaeata aad dates of sum? reeelTad from rerelrefjhlpa to which they were appointed by MeCuaa. Owlagtothc eoedttlMof tin ir books, wire. hOWl ver, uabM to give any lu telligeat ertdenw. Aagaahw P. Smith, wM lostlardla rebuttal of ear tala atan meal ? rnadc by Tam w T Margie. swore thai ia- ii oi in-vieeaetril atad toaay eleetlaa fund for Jadge KcCunn, and that no monej : : hi- hands tat nth t pmpose. Abraham if.Clark,recall, d relative to lbs sn?: af I agL Binlnger, testified that the order appointing ? re eelrer wm slgaed,upon bis application, by Jud| Mo cunn, la Ida boase at ntdnigbt Wltnew took wim him ottleaof good i haatpagM, aad a t>ia dayi after t . ? i he Mitt t?. KcCunn t\ - lue brandy. Jodge MeCuaa Mbwquently desired wltnew not io send any man llaaow t? his henee. The Committee adjourned until M a. m. to-day, when ?b ? sow agalnsl KcCunn will i? concluded, and tbe rUgatton iT the charges against Cardoso ? : _ WEJWEB BEPOBI. Wab Di if- r, j On tea of mat iiiks m,..??*:. Orrn eb, ' W -.-ittNt.Ti?', Api 11 ' ? 1 ? m. ) fci/ioo si* fi r Un i ?>? I tir. nli)-innr hours. '['!,(? tarotneter is Dow highest over the South and Middle Atlantie htotea. Iihufalh i from tbe I. 1res to tbe Cuif, and U lowi it weal of tha B .; pi Valley, i r weather has geaeially continued from the Lakes to tho Atlante read, while eloady weather sndralnii k.-. tierallj pnvalllng from the Western Quit to doutht ru Illinois, and westward with easterly winds. YYi babiliUe?. Clear and partially cloudy but pleasant weather will ..n on s,.1 ?inlay, from tin- Lowei Lakes to 1 and eastward to the AllaaUc, *it!i easterly to southerly winds. The barometer \.i l continus falling < ?oit of the Kocky Mountains, The area el rain o??-r toe tower Mlssls*iiipl Valley will probably extend northeastward over the Ohio Valley, and poaoibh to Lake Eric? ibence north w .i.t. inci ised elondtnew, urreatealng weatner, ami possibly rain arc probable. Dangeioiu ns..-. : not auUelpatod. THF. SPECIAL BBBBIOB1 DILEMMA. The Board of Mice afagiatratea u:?-: yeater dayaad el eted Justtoss Dowllag, Bhandl r, end '? to hold the Conrt of special Beaatow today, pre Vtded l?i tin t-Atfoiuey <;a:\in ?cinlcrs Mopiali vising ti? m to go mi with the Court under the o.d law, Tim qasatwa af ntotaiag aha awaaal oaVeraoftbe Bpet tal BWStoM or ?tpihilntlug M w ones, was left nude ti rtniiied, Tl.e Jiii-tii es tliink that the deeisfOBOf the Ciinttof AppaatoeiB empty the Penile:.tisrv, aad thai it-, inmate? cannot be tried ag:tln. Even if hciU RMJ Mel it woaltl be very dillicuit In lno-t et-es to -cento the at tendance of complainants and wltnesws a second t.1 ?c Thlrty--lx ntiplicatton? for release on habeas corpus have already been inaile by a ?Ingle flrin of triniiiul tawyen, and at bast jn more will be presentid without eatey, lite ca.-.s will tome up next Monday for BlgBBWBt be? fore the Supretue Court. The prisoner llu'i r, in whew earn Bat Oeaai of aiuk-.iIs aeaaaea ww rendered, ww re> leitsed on Ids own recogiiUanc? yesterday by Judge Bndy, without appeah?M tnun the DlatthM Att, ine;". AV ATTEM1TEI) PIKBaTT BfJBBEIT. Kichaid Coii?liliu, mvaaenger of tbe Rogers Laeaawtlva Metaa Oawaaay, wWa ou ids way to Pator aaa, B. J., yesterday, at 4 p. iu., with a aaMhhamhhl sum of moiicy to pay oir the hands employed in the Works, was attacked at Chambers and Wasltiugton-sts., by three men, who threw iH-j.jier in his e>es aad at toaaptoi to rob him. He lesiKtcd, and the thlevej., ulaiiued by hiscile? for help, ran off wiliiout WWWtWJ the ubjett of their attack. liltOAliWAY 0WBLBM KO?HKI). Burglar? concealed themni-lve? <m Wedneaday In i la premises No- ?'"?' Kroadway, and Utitiug the night broke into the preiuUes of Messrs. Filman A Ktkstein, on the second floor. Fioiti the shelve? and a large truuk which had been packed with sattniles,'Ihey ttoie gold anil silver wntchi ?, |ewtls. und plated ware uuiouutlug to about III'.OOO._ THK JAI'ANF-K IN I'HlLAIiKI.I'iilA. Piiii.Ai>i;i.piiiA, IVnn., April 5.?To-<lay, on the invitation of the Hoard of Public F.diicatiou, the Japan*?* Kmbassy ?Islted several of the puidic schools, itmoug them the Wyoming Hcbool for tiiri.-, theJHIgh aud Normal s-hools, and tvntral High School, which they thoroughly lusjiected. They also visited the Exoelalur brick-works, aud viewed wilb interest the new uictUod of manufacturing brick?. THE OMAHA BKIIXiE CONTROVERSY. Council Blufi-s, loua, Auril S.?The Iowa roatls iiiiniiiim i d delivering goods to the liridge I raUn? ter i ?injuiiiy to-day. Fieigbt on tbe old contracta has nearly ail been taken across the river by tbe tiuin-fci boats. POBKJQN NEWS. JAi'.W. \ in mit to AEBAaaTBATB tuf. mika-jo ? POBBaOMBSB t?;.NFlNhT? To THK LIMIT? os? Y KDO. Umnost, frafes/i April ?>. i?3. A dispatch lins .Juni In ?:ii Nant?t*] in tlii* city from Yedo, Man? 2i'., atinoiifi'iiig thai an atMi.p* bed hese made by a party Off twelve peignis re asaassl mi. las Mikado of jupan. TtMettwts of Bm arasaM > murderers proved unsuccessful, und tbe guards .1 attendance upon tbe Mikado ajajeSM and In rapturing MTO of the party. Tlie SthSf ten escupid. The attempt to take the life of the IfJkado has caused great uneasiness) on the part of the (?oven.meat, ?n-ders baft I* en laaaajaj forbidding foreigners to p Isyoud tLc li?ilts of the City of Veda. spain. sr.Rloi.s ELXCtlOX BIOIB' LATBW BSTUBJ ?'? MAimin, Friday, gprll , | Tho cl?'?tiona f??r Klnioral CeDgajeg wen? attended Witt gnat dlserdtt In the town of Vt:i. Province ?if Catalou.ii. Numerous ktsOd* SStdBsM fol? lowed by fatal rcfcult* occuried between the Man an ! and opposition partisana IBS IghfS] were not Bag? j.ressed until two person.' had tx-en hided SI d a MOatM r neaivad injuries of ?im<.r lan asveneaaraeser. baBSt hSgSata is returned M 'he Cortes. AnaSJwtag to the int' st returns u.i (?lAernineut aadttOsalulea Dasa> Des have been elected Is the Otates, rOBMAL BBOOOaTtlOB Of Tilt: BBW I'Mil MIXIgTBB ,U WA8RUIOTOX. W.wMNUToy, April S.-?Admiral Jo??- l'.il i iv Bernai ? <t.ittn red ' Uals to Un .".?? Ii.v, a- Bavej Bxtraor .'..?. ad Mia ... potetittary of Bpals. Tin' Adaahral nade ths tbeoees 111 Paawwanrri in bavtag the beaer to ?! Mvai to '.ill.- ... i \ the Royal letters ?jrii a? i. .. rdlnary and Miu i Pli I ? I.lag Alllildi US ?. .;|| -fj.e 1,071!!.... ilL,of tl. I 1 nited States, if Ii ? ? ? I.. 1.1 sling, and o? Ibofcp ml ? ut,I 1 ' the fri :. iv ri litlons wuii i hare ever < . . ','?" " Hin r.t- , , ? ? -a. to draw tbsae n latte i oser. Il sk niv task faithfully Mint? . . id, relying imon y<MU KvccUcucy's good-will an la? -? ' ? " i ? !'l. Ii I Blinll eii,ii-.iv..r in ruiaUl tilla na- . n, I hum that I shall be abb aaUsfactonlj t. the .a sues manifested by ihc king aud the ?ovemui? us -, In. I trust, Mr. Pi lident, that my hopee and 'im. ? filled, ; i is | von '?t um asm i time M accept tin- expression ni my profound respect1 im roataslipersonally, TaMPraableal n sited aa foBowsi aimiua:.: I heartily reciprocate tho wteh whteh gasa a on behalf of yom ?ov< . .-.. and? tb ?'paulsti Uovernment, that-sMin friendly relations whieb have always existed betwxen the United BI I ? and Bpain ma? not only be maintain .1 out roki a, bat mi , ?: dir is. strengthened. It is tab bop d that your disposition to promote this policy mai h>adto rea .s not ,.i.. ? I'.i-iad, bat which for mme tli past bav< ... en tough! bj thia uovernu .at r Itl ; oars. Toa i u.. I in i that foi purpose I shall esp?rate by all the m . u,.iy be in n.j power. OREAT BRITAJX. A LIMEB1CK BABS Bl*BBXD M ir? CAftHIBB, IxiMs-iN. Friday, April ?. 1"?/. The egehler of ? bank at Uraericlt, IttSimd, DSBMdflearv, lu* al eaasted ?vita a large osasaateC mon. >? beteaglag to ths beak, lie la leitend te havo takea peasngs for the (Tailed States, Or. Minor, who was SOgnlttS . > . : murili i sa the ground of fnaanBy, wulbi temporarily ceniaed la aalaaanc aajrhuBi F0BR1OH NOTE?. The rival Erie Cosnanitteea uaotroee in tho Laadon . i oraals that ii>> an i ragen d te bam aartkV , aban i In trie wot . ,. . . blag? ;<?, ttaah las Comnilttis, actlag with the t< 11 tho CompanyJttata thai tnasfentettemwUI "tasan essay trolling majority ol sha i - t>. toe c a mlttee lot the pro? tection ol tbepropiieio,-.and aave the Brie Railway 1. 11 : dn falling uu?ci tua control of juubii.>- <. a| seta .. cliques?" According t'> the Paris correspondent of J.ij,u'<),i ftaaas, it la quiu eertaia ;h.u all with whteh Fr.iin?. Las treattesof sommer mi ben la* fouaed the French Oovcrmaaal that ti:< y neaatoi t'st collectively Of -?" ii.i' , i... t aoj tax tin? i i pi-a:ion ?d which would coustltnt? i bread i .' exist? ing ?ripulattons, especnillj agaiaal a Mi oa raw matar?ais. The Austin u in ? I . -?? hi - formed Ute Fioneb Oeviurumcut that it wUi lauto Um same ooane, In the war with the Ultramontanee, the <b rectlon of Prti to the Bishop of Era lau lie withdraw an txcomiDU i a.'nii an a teh? .1 teach? r, under p? nalty ol : . die* tiaetattempt to prohibit ?puitaal .?? sal ..'d..r ? a-, in Baden ths s:.d., rod r dlreeUoas from n . ha - ,. ue even fuit her, having pi i led all monka aad non-Clermau i rora ?tna m,ii< i iiioviii.-, aud su i' . i i m. . i ii ? .; '.vu a.-vt v the bitlst. Gi ' Britain i.-? rapidly a . 11 it bag reudy uUadned, then-pnta . . itewatd the of theronttaenl ol Euro] Oi ths _i-t ef , In the Bo m m Loi a. Lord Sufteld said, la re? ply to Lard B. CeeU, thai lbs saly MforatatMah the 1.1 f thi f r? Ign ' ??? ? on be ?? ? tortj> ttcation of Sebastopol, is an ei c ct from a Bui hut news? paper, reuaSrsd from tin < ?onaul ? le?era! at Odeaaa. This rxtraet states that a Commleaion had reported la favor i . m i itopol botb a i . ? an i ? ddibm r . n post, und of loriniu^ u separat- town wttb a Governor of tof Admiral. Temj rarj t ?i.i. .?.; ? a-- aro M ba : the ? ntranee ol the ba to pro cl run ?leu asMOlt, bul then an prop? ? ... a tnu port, und tue naval eonstrac?ou ol the Black :-<a Best is io p a..un, SS h, fors, .t ?'?i hi I. : it. i'..e ni tin beat debates iu Use present seo* Moli of tl. ? lilltisli House of ? oii.t a ..i < .ma o.l oil I .,0 llO.h of March. *It was upon Mr. K.i' ?UV ;,M for BftXMV Uhlag teats la Trinity Oultegy, Publia, sad Bm Ifatver rltyol DubBa. Altheagh the general tenet as has bill ia loinmi ndii'ie, it is otji cieii that it would bntvHsM* exciadc Cat bol tea (ram aaj aabatawlial than hi Ihc saaa* agsananl af ska i.iiiver.-.t.v. Mr. Paareest saaji ?ani lu ?lei. a-e ot this that it was a gnat deal bettor than ulli? iug a university by the latresteB of Ouvert.inei.t patroaage. Kr, Glaaeteec ae< bun d H to be th m ssaai i f the OlITtmSjnal to tiipp' rt the | UI u far as It ahSsV Isl ml d ^t^, aid lo vate agiii.i-t the In? hfl b nt 1 laus? ? fot the reform of tbe governing body. Mr. Tas eBntt,the nee Borne Rule meaoher, mai!., on thla occasion, bis maiden apeeeb, which was a very .i'^<- mm. He adv?a cated the endowment of *aaea Catholie college witbm the walla of the Uoivcrslty of Dnbltn. A dlrbooe mksn on the motion for adlonrament showed the Irish Cath ..a. ?? roUng m a Minority of :? ssaiust s psajseugi com? posed of la.. 1.11- and Cossssrvaaves, of 2?l. A coiif?Tfiii'c of the lut'iubcrs o? tlie baaj .iiid Ih el Institute was held on the ?U\ ult, 111 Willis's Rooms, I>oudou, Mr. II. liesaemer pnsidlug. A long ami scenliflc discussion llros?? on the reporta of the Auicricaii Csaasataaaasea sa their i a\\aataaansts with tbs BaaaW rotnry puddling furnace, ltu pun. ip'.e of which 1? to |.addle 11011 without hand labor. After the d.w uss;ou had lasted some hours, Mr. Darks, the inventor, cam? forwanl, and was received enthusiasUialiy. He first. replied to some of the remarks <>f English Ironmitstars, who hud started the Id -a tnat Iren could be made direct from tbe ore by ? further development of the new machine, and informed tbe meeting that 27 y?<ars sgo he had made some of as good iron as could be, din<'l from the me, but not in the revolving furnace. He bad tned. bowev? 1. to aaaaafaesan Iron direct m this furnace, smi behid succeeded; but, owing to so much time tamg reqatead for tbe lutnuluctiou of the reducing ngeut - larboa the epeiaton would ulwaje U- uupn.titable. Alter some further dlsi-ussion. It w .1. announced that the O.iuks tuiuacc at Mnldle-Uiniu?h would be op?u to the iBMMOttoaaf the numbers of the Iu-Ututa oa proper initn e being given. Mr. Bpeacce. a well known inveutor, n-ad a pajier ou the wurste? of the Msshkaa, abswlog the great saving lu irou and fuel the revolviug process will affect, in addition to produclug metal of a sup. nor ?mnlity. The opiuion wus also freelv eipn-ssed thut the doom of tue blast furnaces was approaching. CRIME? AXD CA8UALTJEM?BY TELEGRAPH. .Knottier death is n-port??l in Chicago from tbe at- i.f I?? ir?u ol chlursl?Uiit. ' J?rub .1. him, s Utjn _The extensive flour mill of Henry C. Yeager, !? SI. null, ?ts biifunl t?. Tboi?!??. isMS, OtO.OOU; im?iss<?, geajM _Ueorge H. Folev, arrest?d in St. Louis for rob 1 -. c lb* ?lor? of ?'ro?t>?, Uor?e k i*?, jtstltn, bunk?, ku ot? MS ii a !?'??' bail M trisl. _Stewart Barnes, watchman at the Knicker boekrr Irr t ..mi??' ? lUblM ib I'ui.sJrlptiis. ?a MisfS Is lisstb during lb? ?r? 0? IbswUy ?r?rsU?t. 4c ?ssl isb? UM eusisg bwkl iu? lu mi* hi tuvl? i?1 o?iiM?!. The rniNHTMatea steamer I^eyden, in towing lk* S?Uo? up 10 Um FWimmU, S. H . >??? V?M frais Um si?? tir bor ir.lriJii rs? fiul uf tb? l?i??|iru *t Ole l'?it?d Suwn iIiuki Twcsrur*. n..l ? ?""si tssf tiM BSiusiMt of tb? Utu?. . In San Fraticisoo, on Tueoday, a barber named m 11 mu ?but ? Mrs. BuiiLnJl Iwics ?lib ? mwUrr brssaw ?k* irliuni tu ?im k? Tb? jsasss 1? scw 1? ? ar"C ro?ilioh. WSkls ,uo u rnti w but kiltaS kwwiM. ? u.u^iti. fr, ?mm irai? us.? ?? Yvlk, frss, ?h. rt M brst? JSll **?! tSCSISSl W CsUPStsM