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BOSTON. LITE1.AKY NOTES. ** M1RV.P i"1? THF. PI?OV1 MAI. lU.VlYAl ?A I'VS TORAI. lOVI-STiUtT?PAVI. OF TAlaWI*-MlM VIRGINIA VAl't.HAN. AM' TIIK POBTOT <"" Tiir n tiki ?WHAT sh \kv>pi auk LACKcn ?mh. iif.nhyJAMEfl OB I'Mi'ibaN-rm: la> CKKT Ot THf riHLOSOrilVU-? P?? IFB.-iM A REtU'IAII C(iRRV.s|'(.M'VNT OY THK TRHIT'SRI Boston, April 5.?The booh of Bios, purely literary inlcrcst which Kolverts llrothcrs will publish dnring Ihe pnsi nt BBOBth Is the trSBStlttBB by Miss Harriet W. Preston, of Frclcrv Ml-IimI's rettiarl.aMe BBS m. " MirMo." w rlth n by l.ini in.thc Frovcnval dub it. The story of t-TBrressjal revival, as It Is called lu France, was told by ?saint Bead Taillandier, in the ?" K. vue des Dtux Mondes" for October, 1839. From bim Miss Preston quotes lavishly in lur preface. The story he tetd wa? biictly this. The sen of a gardener of Saint BBwBBffi ? ducfttcd in the Fruicb. schools, wrote,sf tbe age of .."O, seme verses, ,, iv simple and without pre? tension?not the ssvfsas <ln diable, as a witty critic has called the too couti.lcut ventures of ambitious youth. Tbese verses of the gardener's sou were ratherjWrtc de fmnitllt. the smile attempts to BBBBtsBS a simple and aKtauil'itious life for the ple:isure ot his mother, to ?whom he was tenderly devoted. Hut lie found that she could BOt BBsh rstan.l them,having long ago for gviteii the school-taught Prcncli of lur youth. The poesy of which she had at SB the inspiration had for her ao language. The humble singi i pondered iof awhile thtsdisappiinttiicnt in ata heart. Then he wild to him? self, "My mother Is tim? deprived of ihe intellectual plea*ures whit h enchant tue. When she lias finished her ?Ui's work BBSl tunnot solace herself with beau? tiful thoughts expressed iu harmonious verse. In the middle and north of France some few ot . the aeesats of our ports tuny gladden the ?hop of the mechanic, or the cot tace Of ihe labonr: but with us, where is the p.-etry ot the poor I Our Pro? vencal iai.gv.age ha? basa Isa eeutartee rthheaiwed by low singers, tiM it. i.,i< In-, \nlgiirs,p".!?is, or neglected aitogtthcr, WeB tasa, ataco ear saothors de not under ?taud French eiioni:li to cempr? hciid the BBBfS iu which ?are celebrate our lllial tend?mes!?, ht us slug lu tho language of our mothers, Pince there 1? no Provencal literature. 1,1 t.? : i-1n to ii.'iVe , ne" He had wr.tten French ver-, of Bt\int B?my, With Little tion of any BOti ; but he wrote his Frovincul ones with the very a. ialts ihn of aanstttattai ? frank, aealthfnl, yet gaff. aad geaataely popui..r style of i?oeiry for the vulgar songs which had BloBS been f.tmiihr to BBSPnveaeal toBtfae. lit-- verses, bjowerer, tho ?piict rlij tiling of n unit t life, we:. i,.t gri sf tS IhSmBSlVSS, and ?reie chiefly ol Imp?rtanos si tbe tx ginning of ihat I . n al ri vival wbicb the SaCCOSS "I "" has made Illustrions. Jo?i-ph BlIBBBSIllllli was tlie name of Ibis gardener's son of Saint Bessy. He was a country KBOOlmasti r. ; s v.. : as a rastb poet and a loving sob? aad be eeutrived to inspire with his own sathBStasmB tmmOf ?pi and brilliant pupils, the youngest and most iwsnarkableof whoa was Fred?rk Mistral, il i of "M?relo.*' nistu.i?t<r und bis ssBsra?oshad attempted osdy lyrics ii. ti ? ,r r, -, , rat? nanvt tingue,but Miotrai conceived tbe bohler ?Ses 01 making It the medium of a study, Btriiight fivni nature, of the rural yet>.?ue life of Beatheni France. Doubtless his ambition was str..ii?:er than that of his maltet I?01111..1!.. !.-. Flench ?ten? do n,.| hesitate to as-rt that he had bis Pel ?'. from the flrst, and manipulated 1ms itoven?al roma with a trien la> IB kl IS I R more effective. " Min:u " ?ir.-t up 1 ?atr.iii- la September, IS?, basing, bei I'liivcnc.ii, ? encb version of the author's ovrn ?u rrost ti,ii.?,.i!inii. diMiied Into verses to r?o?Treepond ?siihtin iSaasasol tiie original. This?raaslatton ?v rtateiy lui I H ih" very order of tbe Proven?al ?o?d-, and -trance French it is. writes Miss Fit .?Nun t.> one who lino?, s (,n\y the selraowledged Baodels? ariless. abrupt, homely, not to ?ay tawaiie, Bm Blways ; and faselnsAlag. it? very ?traligeucss r, t iiiiiiiu i.l? i'. -a V ? tin critic Of Ui. /.? ?OBtial wa? bni n when f M?relo " flrst sppeared, but iie has pi'.slii, I one Of the in . eti.s ,.f modern tun. - : " .1 i?j. 111 1 11-tn ?11 tin me, unconventional in treatment, full ol the sunshine and the untSBghl gnce of eat-deor Ufe." A very good prose tnaaslatloa of " M?rele " ? ai publlabed la Eaglaad hy Mr. C u. Qraal ; and a metrical OBS bv H Crich'on. The latter to hard and crude, nnd 1! il a relief to turn from it to the ?mi tbly thrwtag Une? of Mi?s pn -tm . who ha? adopted a nn asiin , , ?rlth that used by Mr. Wm. Mini-, In ???- ' Bsrthlj Paradise." "M!i?iu"is ?niphati(ai?> a love story, ItslntentiOB is stated in the Baataahsgt I sing tin love of u Provenca! I H w through 1 ti ? ? in at-fleiitsi f La Crau ah* itrayed, Following ihe fate that drew her to tie -? i Unhaown beyond remote I.? ('ran was sin-; And I, who tell the rustic tale i.f lu r. Would iaiu be H Liner's bumble follower. What tboagh youth's aureole was her 1 nly ero? tit A ni ni\ct gold sin- wort ran dam.ok goarnl I'll build her np a throne out of my ?sag. And ball her queen in our despised tongue. Mine is- the simpa- ?poech that ye oil know, r>!i. pherdi? and faruitr-iolk ol loue La Crau. M?rele was the daughter of tbe Lotos farm, the finest freehold iu La Crau ; and she loved, far Is-neath her, psaeg Vineeu, a baakct-maker's son. Nothing could be more captivating than the simple pictures of the rural lift among which these two learned to know and love sa. h otlor?unless, imbed, it were tho story of the love Itself, as ardent, impulsivo, unconcealed, and alto? gether natural as that of Komeo and Juliet, and, Ilk?- that of the Ituuan lover?, but a aLort day's dream, with dawning of rapture, a inxni of threatening cloud?, and a night Mack with tragic fate. The second canto, "The Leaf-Pic king," am - is the guv morning of their love. Mlr?io picked uiulberry leaves with the rest of the inaid?, and, natu? rally, Vim en helped her; and, as they picked, he told her of hi? dead mother and his ItvlBf sister, and they lingered over their woik till MlrMo took alarm and bade tbi iroy BBBBS bast? , ,iL'l in their hurry somehow their bands 11,. t. Both ?tasted. In their eheehs the Bash rose higher: They felt th<- Beat "f some mysterious Ore. they dropped the mulberry leaves sell a'r.n 1, Aud, tremulous ?rlth passion, the hov said,? " What ail.-th thee, my Lady I answer lia ! Lid any louden Uorutl dale SttBg thee I" Well nigh inaudible, with droopinif brow. "I know not, Vinceii,"?thuc Bureio. And so they tuned a few more leaves to gather, And neither spake unto the other. Hut tilt .1 bright, sidelong glau? es seemed to seek Winch would ire hist to laugh, ami lbs spoil break. Their heartslieat high, the ?rreeii leave? fell llge ruin; And when the time tor ?aeklng 1 ame again, Whether bv chain 1 or by conlriv ing it, 'Ihe white baud and the brown baud always met. Nui ,i there any lack sf bappiaveea Tbe ?bile then labor failed not to progre-a. And then one little incident after another la aklllfully made to deepen the stielt, until at lait a bough breaks and tbej fall together, clasping their arma about each ather in then inght. After they reach the ground she frees herself from his embrace, aud he aaka anxiously ?betber she is bint. Tlie conversation that follows is so Sellcloutly naive that I know you will forgive me for ?opemi?; the first ]?art of It, In which the secret of their love dawns upou taem ? not h having been uuconscioua of it hitherto: "Iim not hnrt : but ai a baby weep? And knows not why- there's something here that keeps Perpetual tumult in my lieait. A pain Hund? me and aeeleaa ine, and ttils my brain, Bo that my blood in a tumultuous riot Course? my body through, aud wout't be quiet." ?' May it not be," the simple boy replied, "Thou fi-ar?,sf to have, thy mother come and chide Tb> tardy picking I As when I ion? haek I...u tioiu the blackberry Held witb face ail black, And tattered clothe? !" Mini., sighed BBBia, " Ab, im ! Thla f> another kind of pan . " Or ixissibly a sun stroke may have lighted I pea ibte !" And ihe ea^er Vlncen cited An ale lent 1 n ne aaMBSJ IBS hill? of Haul, laven by 11ame " WBS on ihe forehead,?so,? A glas? of B?tai s, I? : the ray maliKU Tbe i.iaiti lor the cijsta) Mill resign." "Nay. nay !" imp?-:noii-ly Ihe maiden tried, ?' f'liii.d? ? ; May sunshine m rSJ teinfled Ils Kii Is of Crui 1 Why should I bold you waiting I Vine? n. m reta my heart ta palpitating 1 My Ma-let SSSBBOt hide a BOOM so small : I Ion \oii, Vineeu, love you!?That is all '." - What! thou iu love with me f Mir?io, Mi p*..,! lib' is yet bapn . lio not go Ami make a Jest tb? reofl I might believe Ju?i tat out moment, and then-.itti 1 grieve My soul t?i death. Ah, no ! my pretty maid, Jw?iu'li no mure at no m this wise!" be said. ?? >.,? uia> Giiii ?nul me out of Paradise, \ to?, n, il I ban- ei er told you lie? ! i.oi.i! I luv o y ou I Will that kill you, friend I Hut if you will lie cruel, and so sand Me r 1 oui your aide, '(Is 1 who will fall HI, And at your feel lie low till sorrow kill I" " Nn morel no more!" cries Vinien, de?peratelv : "Tha?e 1? a gulf 'twill thoe aud ?aal 1 >?- stately lyiMi n ol the Lotus Farm art thoif!T?Bj ;,:| How at Ih) loinii.g, hasUu to thy 1 a if While I, a v agi ai 1 weaver, only wander, I'U IHK toy trade from VulabrfKO yonder." " What care 11" cried tbe fiery tn I at one?. Sharp as a ?he?f binder's ?-aoie ber resjsuuse. ? May not my lover, then, a baron he, In s?s a weaver, if be pU-aaea no 1 Mut if you will not bave me piue away, Why look so handsome, ? ven in rags, I say t" He turned and fa?< d hi r. Ab, she was euchaiitiug ! Ami as a ebariu??! bin) falls ?BBS] , iKUitius;, Bo km. "Mueivi, thou ri a soin n s? I Else were I not so ?lurried by thy fas-*. Thv voice, too, mounts tnt4> tnts hr?<l of mine. And makes mo like ? m"" o'ercotne ??Itli wine. ?? Be mueli. that, If MOB 'abist, ? I want a star,' There is do tBreaai aa ?vild. ao ?eu so far. lint 1 would crueei no headsman, steel or tire. That could withhold '??'? Ves. I could elltnl? hlfflirr 'Hum Denle Hist hita the skv. thai ttas to ateB ; Ami Buaday thoa tho-ldet aaai it ou thy assa I " I lm?e stth B Miiuucli space lor tide fascinating lov scene. Hint 1 ha?e little bit In wInch to follow tho r ni'intu i-ttuy to Its elate, through tlio Intel ferrure BtaiiVatsa liTsla.lhs teara aad blttaraett at latflaeal parents, the heart-break and BeSffahTI till tlio very In' ??hen MIri h.'s ?l.vln?; <>?'? ue "it balk without S sail upon ? MSSS like gin t," Bad in it the blessed ?tirs if grasa. Those tusas she taw, while the oihr beheld only "the ml Minset ou the *oa." And, as ?1 died, she looked at the many stars a ?Inning, o" whispered, "Among those worlds sas M??ly may I found win re SWS may hrfS In ]>e;ue." 1 think it a sn prediction that New-York and Hosten will indorse tl verdict of Paris, mul that Ixioro tho BBS-Mf Is ov? whoever cares for what Is true and tender and hem fill, will have read Miss Preston's "Mlrcio." Befee. Prothcrs are also to rmblMi, on the first of May. "Pa of Tarsus." uniform with "Beet Homo." It is an 1 rjulry luto the -BBSS and the OoB?el of tlo Apostle to 11 (.entiles, and Is WttttSBBl B tt] 'c which will be likely win for it ns aatvetaal ahsariag ?s ?es sssestM to pk Bee!, v. 1 have two literary events to chronicle In tho way lectures; the iataf of Mist Virgmiu Vaughan, and tl IIISBIBB. St B-Sa e.'Ugeut's, of Mr. II. nry JSSBM brilliant paper on B-M-SOSU i'<"f? auj dame? ; mid this taSS IhS hidy tertiil-.ily fl_S8m_ her place. Tl upper Hertltultural Hall was Iho scene of Mi Vaughan's tritimph, fora tviutni'h it traa I'nfertuntit. who are not area aaharhaa spokes of lha Hah are? awnro, probably, what a dainty hall this is. It WI mud?' fot Beweis und women, with its mat mirror?, its light and BisttTBfreoootajr,MsaeeuBltaiSB JOtS, and BS general look of Ireshnet-s and piyety. An if tho Hall heeaaaa mips Vanaban, why ts did Ml Vaugbun bSSesst ths BalL Bht wae dressed In a silk t real Tytlati purple, made with a twaasSBBB *? likothi Of I <\.nrt lady. She had briitbt ? yes to match her brigl ??.mis: and iu,inner af sptakiiiK ?as woithyi esiHuiil ni.ntion, for it difiere,I very widely from th: of any other woman 1 have assa upon the pla fonn. Her d-liviiy was something BMSS than tl eloi|iient reiiCering of an ShMjaaal lei lure; It win? tl dramatic c\pr<--ion of powersttOtBBBBll called into me hy a apeS-Or. IT? r recitation, la parti ulur, of ta SM Vetlic lijinii thrilled her iiidii-ccc, as tl lin?, t at treat Boot la her fl? -t "points." "Why. si looks and tpeahl like a li-jl," tald OBS ludy, Bdd-Sg, " have n? rer beard a womaa ii 11 are hi fore ; bol I an em verted." Bei ralrjeet waa the *? Poetry ol the Patare, Bhe i? -i op to it, however,thro igb the pot Iryi i the pai The abaaea of ihe greal angers of nil line Eaarebi by u?, in grand, trlamphal procession, chanting aa tht Went. Sin to.-k the Mldll-est .nilllld BgalB-t till' Idl that poetry mo t decline aa aiviUtatlon advances, at showed us thai all true development of a nation or v. irldmnsl paj tribute to this highest form of ai "N.iiuie." ahe said, " the great mother of tho aniven i- not poor, It uol B-cgardlj ; ihe -- bo towt the lufluli licids of apace aitfa eountlesi conatellatlona of ?' tho bun ly wildernest unseen bjr man ?\ Ith eoDBtellatloi of flowers; she wl O di Ightl l'.l sill Tondent;.,' I" i to ail those who reverently qaeetion her; th Brest, teeming, bouailful ntother cr the ua vi rse able t" provide each _ea< ratlt wtth a Bhaheapefire, a Homert with genius lu a word, ??i ti great men able to give < xpreaalon to i highest thoughts." If gei lus ? ?h? al any epot fa to f il it is because snnio nf Baton's leadlnga are I .. \ie\-1.1 the gr?ai slept of the world'a arl ?the ?edt? hymns chanted In its early dawning ; th poetry of the Hebrews, fen Id with rellgkrat Lnaplratloi Bonier?to whom Gods were but somewhat larger aa stronger men?einging ??. itli simple n allam .md jrel all h iule grandeur, la the prattling i hUdbood of the Oree race ; En bylua and Sophocle?, who wrote tbt pa salon ?f Grecian maturity; Dante, Mthe Bn poet who towers above the dense foe thai settled upo the human mind during the night of the middle age who overlooks lus i .>tt in)e rai u s like tome huge iiiiiin tain naingfrt m a barren plain, a solitary, ib lolate, sno* clad nountaln, hu? whoas brow pieTelns tht 11 . catehea tbe glory of the auni a - md the roaeate Ausbin of the ?unset?; aimvc ail, who gave to the world the eev chivaliii-eon? cption of hive as iISJettBS between ma and woasan. and a new ?ocal of womanhood"?all tbe* passed in review before us, at her _iiinui<>ns. Wit some of tho moderns ?-ho made longer penst She cai'.ed on us to look at lihtfrte_BiBrfl With DM re erll cism and less absolute mrrendcr thaa la the world1 wont la preeenee of her ndgbtiest mind. Bheeonfeest hit tap gn atneea, hls|lnslght, equaled bj? thai ? noue other, Into tho hidden workings of the hasta heart, his anillar tnalght Inte tbe very aoul of natur and its relations with man; but she Claimed thai "h n.vir entert i tha highest domain of thought,neve penetrated, even by ehaaee, in;u the atiene realm wber dwell the immortals. Into Die world of universal Bopei aaptrattaaa, priaeiplee. He walke the earth at I, ho If his ?pint eye was ever fastened upon the lasaot ? isa tasty of the heavens, if thai vail was ever lifted fa him, lie docs not, at least, dis? lose the vision. Althotigl the most (d'jcctlve of writers, he hn? never drawn i elugle character settled aw iy by an Impersonal enthael asm, ?listiii. tively BtTOtl d to an idea. He la the poet 0 hamaa nature, but of traman Batnre devoid of it Liehest,on. .Shakes].. ,11 <? dm s n,it e.-eui '( have writtdi under tho ln-piraiion of any re liglous faillit tills is olio of his niu-i striking pe iiiiaritiis. He is neither Pagss oi Christian; nor, SBtteipattBg the Inspiration of uiodeii; times, (lues his heart throb with the great reBgion of Ihe brotherhood of man." It was BheDey who took up thr prophet cry of humanity : aad of ata the einet reverse of what has been s.ud ?f Bhakeapeare is true. Of all poets that ever lived, they oB r the most i rtldngcon traste and are to the meal remark able degree? a fa tber'i Complement. Having followed the grand1.?- Bowing river ef ??oug thus far from its toorce, Miss Yaagbaa concluded with the portrayal of tho Poetry si tho Future. H? r teateneea were almost rhythnrlr, and they glowed ??.th ILe hajtSStltaeil f< rvor of her conception of the (Jreat Hin-er yet SB OOSae. Who It to thantthenew angaeeeed ghnieaota purer mid moro perfect th iliz.itiou, a holier i-eli-ion, a hitiuan brother? hood such as the peat has nc\oi known?this Bagas who f-haii " tin the ideal world v.iih forauof atsrasl twaaty, BtfSWttS BrSBSaMal vutli spiritual constellations, wltb glorious ?uns and stars, of which the tfBeadort ol the material universe are but a patting symbol." Fi w invitations of tht past Winter htve BWakeaed SO keen an interestas these Which were tins week given oal to a select few to listen to Mr. Henry Jam s on Kalpb Waldo Ktnersoii. Tin- two men differ so widely in faith, in manner, in method of thoutdit; In short, aie ?acli so individual, that th.-re was plenty of room for eoajeeture as to what the one would say about las ether The p,,pcr l>y which this eeesttSahtB interest was ?alisueti was one of tho most sincere, sweet-ternper?d, und rev? erent essays in personal criticism to which I have ever listened. Mr. James besas with the impres? sion which the Concord seer pioducetl upon him when they first met, full 30 year? ago, iu New-York, where Kmersoti *,as reading a course of le? tures. These .Mr. James dlligenlly attended, ceelug the phllohoph? r at the BBStS time of Un la private, und liecoming what he has ever since lemalned, his loving bondman. To solve the problem of Emersou's fascination b.-cume an earnest pursuit; but It was far easier to my what the charm was not. It was not int?-lhetnal mastery, or conventional gra'es, for Kinerson had ;rt command none of the ordinary mean? of conciliating the self leve of other men. One thing only was certain ; Ins Influence was Intensely personal. "If this man were a woman, I should ht suru to fail in In. with her," was the frequently recurring thought which gave the first flue to the solution of the riddle. For you could not know Kmerson Intimately oi even hear him froipientiy without feeling the spell of his Intense personality. And yet his demeanor upon the platform Is modet-ty itsstt His intr?neo _i?ou the scene, bin )?ok of Inquiry at the disk and the chair, his resolut?. riimniuglug among In? eiuburrusHcd papers, his unrrr tatuty and Irresolution as he rises to maiden's shyness ever appealed more |?ot. ntly U) your enamored and admiring sj mpathy. Th? n, as his words flow on, now loud, now low, and you watch his tlssr tlnaanal eye. hie attent face, which seems mi toward eoii.e other world BksaSS whlsixrsof Insjiirittion eaSM to him, ho?v the thai in ot his jieisonality kiows und grows upon you ! The deference of Mr. Km. i son's mind l. a prominent quitllty. Be man of half bis renown wa? ever so gracious ss he to the claims of others. Ill* worship for men of science or knowlwlge is su great thnt h?-1 u n seatuj? to estimate the 'i lentille mind aiiytlnuj;, IhjoikI tho philosophic. Ho is debtor to Ihe man who gives him a new fac?, und lus Indebtedness he ?sill gel forget or hesitate to acknowledge. His Influence Is per soiial, too. You instlnt-tively ?1? sire to please him un you would a beautiful woman. You < annul read hat books, especially when you are young und ardent, without b<lng flr?-?l with iiobl?- iiuibllioii to Is-gni lo lead a |M-rf?-et life. No one a_M so shows you Ihe dignify of clean BelBSj. BaBawlas haa? yea nmy ?.row afshaattsasa, i?y and by, lor he is no BaaaahSMStSr, and If you want ei act BBliaaoS ?on ??ill not /lud || IhsBB LM he msniics I and ?Hninlate? a? no one else does, though hla Influence Is not that of command, hut of attraction. Tbe quality of bis genius Is not moral or dogmatic; It la altogether magnetic, reductive, winning. He addresses you aa a free being, absolved from all allegiance save that to your own nature. Personality la the v?ty essence of his power. His supremo authority consist? not lu his Intellect, not in his cultur-, not In his knowledge, but simply In himself. He has no dcslro to subjugate any other man, but pays to every mnu's free? dom an cxipilstte. unconsclou? deference. We ara both things and persons. I'sually wo are born things and we become persons; but Mr. ICliioisou SS0SBS to have been b.un p.ttSOB. He is purer in and of him? self than culture could BwBBS nuy man; and so we lind ourselves welcoming him as a new aud blcRscd anpuy for the twee. From the creativo power patent In him. we infer the SBSBS power latent In us, and nrinie from this wonderful type of the Incarna tlou-tho (?odin man?a future race-incaniatlon for us all. Hctwei ti laueisi.ii and a man like Carlylo the con? trast is wide enough to be Instructive. C'ariylo Is an egrciriously secular peraou, and ffBB SB to | In Isca as you SB to tho play ?for entertainment or di\ er? sinn. Linersoii, oa tho other baud, la an em? inently sacred person, and you frBtjwaBBt ?"on cord as you do a cathedral, for self-exaniim.taui. Carlylti BBgsajStS absolutely nothing te fear devout lui agmalioli, but SppSBlS with Irresistible vivacity to your sen MOBS wonder ami love of fun. Kiuerson makes a most modest uppc al to your muscs, but he Is brimful of significance to your Imagination. 1 arlyle estimates im n not for then representative bin their actual worth ; not for the light they reflect upon nature divine and human, but tot their (heap nnd vapid private ?ili-eriority to other men. Hmerson, on the other hand, is an Idealist. nnd sees tho man only a? a BSSBBB or mask of a biimauliarv substance. Ills great men do not seem to hlui heroc?, but representativo nun, types of humanity. BM Platos, hi? Bhahl -J? are?, his BaaoleoBs, kta Qeothas. BM h is te tuai tas embodiment of sonic greatness of what h he rejones to find human nature capable. Ills own individuality belongs to tho great race, and 1? but a blOSSOBl of Its sole divinely real personality. " Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow] they toil not, neither do they ?pin"?Hure la tho same diff?rence between Lin. t.son's, unconscious manhood and his ovcnlte Bed cotempotaiies. ns between these lucirable lili? t? and our proverbial Iriciul Solomon. I., C. li BOOKS OF TEE WEEK. waiksin Wan. Pv Anu-t's ,t. c. Bata, Ben tamo pp. i-.s. tnouttedgo.1. A Dictionary or EXOUSH ETTBOLC v. By liens ?.igh Weiigwon'. .-.'.uni liiiti'.ui, etuargea 8vo. pi>. tu. (Meemlllan.)..*3 oo BtJBT DOXBa By Mrs. H. K. Potwln. lJini. i>p. ?M. (Lee h Batopsrd.).- w Thk onvs-c.v <ik Boma. Tmrudstodby Wllllatn Ciilleii llryaiit. BVO. pp. Ul. (Osg.!.) .1 00 i,ii i orBBBBi Ptmsrta.FibstPal tu; ."mi ll\ : VABO Ct)li.i..I. B] .1 i.'.i.i.?i ' ,'iiplili, H. li. ISmO. DP. .1 '.Ta Si.? i . 1 N im F.MH.?v. r? or aiiadaba. B; William Carleton. Lui.?, pp. lie. (SatBler.). Ar Bom AM" Abroad. By John P. i. nnedy. ltaao. pp. AU, (I'rtnail.-.)..'.. .00 Man ANlillts Dhi.i.1 i\.i l'l.v I.. Bj Jam.-.? lllii'iui. Unto, pp. SOL (Appletoua.). 2 00 Tua w'' m.d BBffoai ras U luge. Bj taonia ffiguier, svu, pp.618. (Thi -??<?< >.IM i;:.i iu Borst . Bj Charli - Dlcki as. Umo, pp. a. !. (The Sata.-.).. tn A MABtTAt "i IBB Ami..?fi ? \ LATEO AB? IMAIS, Bv* Thomas li. Bozley, LL.D. IStno. pp. I9L (The Sann .). 2 M Sotrrn mi Bitbblks. By thi Karl and tbe Doetor. ?vo. pp. 310. (Tue Same.). li co I'm: \'i:v. ?i.t Roys. A Ti ipeuaxci Stobt, ?? Content Whipple. tamo. pp. ion. (II Boyt). l oo Foixoarnra ?>>? to Know, isrno. pp. .<;;. (The estate.).i oo AjrawKBfl t<? Pbateb; or. Dobotbba Tbcuki Umo. pp. IBS. (im- Sa ne.). 1 00 Tin: BlBTOBT OF Qbbbcb. By Ernst Curt?a?. Vol. III. tamo. pp. 69*. (Serlbner.). Trav'i.i s in Aiim'.ia. I'oiiij.f.c.) i.\ Ba; ird Taylor. (library of Travel.) lan?o, pp. 338. (TboSa i l i H Mi.M. .ill Of BOM BI ' H ? MBI '?'- Bj W Main t 'bJUB bers. Umo. pp. at i. (Tue Same.). l 5? BUIl I.vtliv; OT, Tilt: BoBDKB OBPIIARB V. innna. By tbi B v, Jam s O'Leary. J> "? lsuio. pp.41. (!'. M'siiea.). 60 at I.tov'? Moi m. Bj Nisi Man Dwlnell Chel is. Umo. pp. ill. (National Temperanei - . i ?o TBS i'.i.'.tll OOSFBL TBK Hi.AKT ui- ('imi-T. Itv Edmond U. Bean. umo. pp. SSI. (Xoyea m ' o.). | Tnoi'.niTs DTOM GOVEBXBBBT. By Arthur Helps. hVO. pp -?a. (Bo'"ll .). Hliu.l: MBStC. By Kraeel? Jin ox. 14 A. Um... pp, Ka), (Tbe Same.). Tin. Book of Protebbs, Bevised Eorrtoa. i. Tin; ABBBfCAB BlBLB O?os, bt 'i'lioiu I - I, ( onant. ?to. (Bheldon ?h ?o.). A PkactI' ai, ami vi. ffBKNi il QBAJIB vu. itv p. lix J. n. Ko. alb r. Umo. pp.-. (Loch ?rood.). 1 ro Tit:. Mr."l: Pol BSOI BOMEB. Wi'h In'r.. Inetlou? by Henry Kelson Coleridge, Unto. pp. BM. (lien ham.). 1 so Sankhui's l'niMvi.y Aitiiiiai ne. lama pp, tat, (Upplaeott.) . r," Tur MvivniVhi.. By the Bev. John Cumni HI), llano. PP. All. K'ailet ut.). 2 00 Till'. AS ?nil.. A N'.'vel. Hy Marion Harlan 1. Umo. pp. ;./i. (T letwme.). i so Till OBIOrfl ABO AMI'jtl'lT Ol EBOBAVIBO. OVO. pp.SB. ((..orge (,,!,' le.). a 00 A ( iiMMi.M Aitv ?iv i in: Boob of Lev?ticcs, s i i m a Ni w TBABSLATIOB. By Jauea U. Murpliv, Ll..n. Ovo., (Draper.). 2 u Thk Pivai. ? di.11.. ii-iN m Paoes AM. Pobtbt. By Martin Larhln. ivo. pp. toi. (Sohermer horn.). 2 00 Tur Bcbjoobbb Mabt abb. Bt Jaeob Abbott, l'.'luo. pp. MB (l).nld .V; 100 PEItMOXS OB BCCLBSIASTtCAL t?liilirTS. By Henry Edward, Archbishop ..t Westminster. VoL I. iBBsO? pp. '..s. (Catholic Public,unm Soi lety)... 1 CO BiSTOBI 01 TBI BlM ami l'Ali. 01 Tin: SLAVB Powbbib v.Mirn t. By Bonn Wilson. Vol. i. Sv0.pp.s7a (Osg.U) . UsiTEii States Digest, Hy Benjsmln Vanghan Abbott? Kon Series. Vol. I. ?in, pp, su. (Dttie A Brown.). Tin. i.ut .?su Tutes of nn: Bar. Jota Waatar, M. A. Ira pp. IIS. (llarptr.V Hrotlier?.). Till'. ABD lllli s (,t |..,i:i? Baoi i.iiavi. Written by Blmaelf, Vol. HI. Umo. pp. a;o. (Tha Same.). Mai:i> Moiiav, By Aanle Tbomae. 8vo. pp. ki. ii he B une.). Notes on Tiir OUlBTBJABB. By Albert Harm? l'Jiiio. PP.MT. (Tue -..une.). Amti.nt AmaicA. By John D. Baldwia, a. m. I'jtiio. j.p. Bjs, Mho (tame.).. Wobdbvj of iii.r.i trkitv. Traastatad from the French of .1 Balle. Bdited by Dr. John YV. Aim ?Iron?, limo. pp. :iaO. <.-( nbin-r.). Tin; BasonaacTios o? Caranrr. a Bbbibs of Dte? ? ?ii.iisi.s. iu Ellpbalel Koit, D. Ii. lamo. pp. 155. (Thehame.). ... Wnirra ash withoi t. By Oeo. Meodoaald. LL. D. ljino. pp. yjBi (The ?same.). OtTTOf DOOB BHTma By i:ii/a SBa^oat Turner, la-mo. pp. is?. (OegOod.). -Vet? ?Diiblicitlioiis. ?? QOOD-BYE, swi;ktiii;ai:? r POSTPON i;mi;nt. " OOOD-BYE, SW i ;i. Tl 11 :a HI I " Bl Kiioi'A id,ni OBTTOB, Autlor ef " Hui ii ? f!o>? n m*," Will b? juilaUil m IdiL Bastmtaf tl? 6th, n ?Urji.Dr.rid. Tie p?it? ?iifiiifBt I r.n rmittrert B?r?,aarj ob .., t.-rnnt of IL? larg? adTibet order?, ?hirli Urn mmmtU (nil ,t ian|..*-ib!r tu t.i ?nUul i.i! 'r a new ? ?! ? ? i " GOODIlYK, riWKrriHIAHTI'vilil U polih.led l? ts? tditl.a?, ?Ml 1 to1.,8io. paifrfeT?ii,prire7.'?TBU, aB.liBl?nio.elotb, si SI iO. 1). ?raPPUSTON ?t <?<?., ITBLI8Mi:itB, _ *? ?", ''"''' Br.,?,lw?T. Hew Vorl. " ? -??lar? of r.?l iiitrll?rto?l ?l<-??t,r? ai,J ,.,.,,.? ?? CALAD fOli THE SOli'lAKV ANIi THE O S?CIAI, ?a?" BY I HMU Hli K S.U'NIll-lRH, AnWiornl ' Woi?lri,'' ' Inlnil ?f Sot?.'' ' la m in?! ??b th? Htcre?! A VOLL'MK ri I.i, OP M'Al?ici.?N?i ??l'MOK A?ID ("fniiitlii IM POBMATIOJl ?iKiuuBin Btti ?? aas Pkic?: Fi?? rnrllil. Cl.ilh plan, ?lfri. g4 fu,. ? aasrli?.- fltfB) ?JBJ fit? ?';."^^<.?,,.'f'ti;:;'u.K,',,'U,?r'M.??m^mTmmYmm) mmnrnm? '["."' " "* fe?7lTT* t?t fft h> m . *?'?' ?j?* ?I.. N. V., ? f. ? di.or? ??al of llr??|,,, HOOKS AND L?HKABIEH ItolJOUT.-" ??. I.'t'? I IHIK" n", IMM, at roya pbick '?'.i.B-fa MAOBIPHUBI iiooKS Al (?I II 1'ilH'K. Ili7.l:i"f HlhlllidM iil'll' PbTI'IHH AT AN1 ei?KK I.ANT ( ATAl.OOt'K, K.. Ba pnKK kkHIi NTAltl? _ l.l(.'.AT Itli.illlKlts, ?... ill?Vm?a.l li'A-l llNNK.s.sKK.-'lllh KNU.WII.irK A. WMurj.Y C-BOBICbl for in? ..II ??ui? I, ,?r?..r.r??, '??.'?li? l?c|..,?.| .ri..l?au?.,? Ui? ? 'n.alr. Soli Frr_?.*?a Miovnli aaa on.?, ?iu,r?i aasaMBsasal ?ai??i?r . ,i i?,i taaa??aBaa, aiach i? lllf rilM " Th. S.lti.illliJ ol lb? (WI, ' 1b^ .,t.?-l? .? ?.,,,,?, ?iprrwl, to di??_ioaU f?rl? foi lb? ,?(?ia.ii?? ,,f nniuT?1_ i-ouiii f?, ii.,??... a...*.i? i., i ? ,.?.i-.u.i. ..i, ?ni w ?aW3? 1.1?i....I and lui ii.i., ? (., r,M?, tu,orMiM? ,?, , k,,,,,^ ,,?, LCCfca? ?onr.iio, u, t. ?ia. t?.i B?tittl?eia art? BlTa?tsaasaa r... r?ni.?, BBBBBBBBb adc/??a IU i-nbl^iis fcl Ll A Hill A?*??tli. 1,ua Ne? Publications. ?l^?H?^m^^ WO? J J-iBt pulilianed lie iiAHi'iiit ?v iiiioriiiiiw, k. T. AROIINI? TIIK WOB1.1?. ?J &}*xri 1?. O. Prlm?, D.D. BBmeroiui llln.lrati.in_ Cn-wn *? ( l,.tb, mX H il l (leliiilid-l Is'olt nf irarrl. It* lnt?naj| doe? Bol depend en. T*nlnrei.rn..aelttoliren?; It? eharm -M rallier la the fresase? eenialit?, the tlireed Isalrbl, andqalck n.ti-llifeat pereep?t.s? th; i, ?re?-? rhapter. K.-r tleiS? who are ?nrtantt? enoueh ti tee. the ans*?' and inrlinatioa f"f fm-if* trtrel, and who dea ?o berond the onliiiar? limit of a Summer tour, Uia book will b* B ?lile and entertalnip..' ralle-, while thoae win?*? IrST.-la ?re ?nnH brniaaandiiirliiir. ei'lfii-lerirli ??ur?e ?f plea?,, and Inrtrneti follawlsa the author and 1.1- fr__a_h tlirlr??nleriiiet ir, Ml ll ,. .hthemanrUrdaaDd urert-e Biaar seas wl,i?_ ha leseril BA_Dw_jrs Ascntrr ami-iuca. ?_a-?KT saaBBD. BOTK-OM IMBBII ?N 4SI II _OLO_T. B? .lohn D. ItaVlwtn, Anlhnr of Tlin-lartB BsSSBB," -?. Wbh lllailriUoaa. , Mr' Hal.IwiB ?hnw? tVrnml dlttist* that tlte m'Irnt rtrilllation ? enntlnei.t frew m? her?, and waa in no war atdtjd from that of th \?..rld. iBi-rerr r-.iiit nt ?lew, wlirtb. r rr_arl he had to the air.? ltif-niitlliis emUlM la und rate rompt?, the t!i.iu?li'iylnr,a wlnrh Hie Ihei.riet ereeiolr.-d from tl? admitted farta, or Ile j a..tilii. il n.ana?r m wlnrh fart? tnd thennea ar*, th* tl r, .ua a |.?rmai.en' ant ralualile ?d-lliou tu Un Important departid? Im.?,? to whieli it il ilere'e I TYERMANR WISLKT. TUR LIFK AMD TIMES OP RKV. JdllS WKI.1.V. H.A.. Pound, r of tlie Method,at?. Bl l.i Treman. Author el "Th? Life of K?? Siinnel We. Portrait*. 3 ?ni... Crown 8?o, Cloth, *i 40 per rol. Vol*. I. at n alVl V.l. III. ilortlr. , . ill We hate be. n IWlnitivi wer bitInterr'tln?-pare*. not mil? hia photoe-raidiir ?lew? of hit her?, tint ?Ht l> ? I fSBU* faithlnl t a of WblUSeM and the r. at oer? of tlieae t?? great min of fhriat.? ?dirt.lieu lt.telliaear?r, N. Y. T,OBD IUtOI'(ll|t.M'S Al'T()ltl(MJIt\I'IIT, LIPP, AVD TI OK IIKNBY. LOItli Itkiil HIIAM. ?? r tt?n I17 tlimaelf. VoL eomplelm? the Work, bow ready, llimi, Cloth. ***. s.,in- orraone Bit? here ?i|... led to ti.JI in Broughta'a perietal Bl?rene, a itr.ini; ei|ir??a|ona of fe. ling a?ainat tb'we who had bi-e opponent?, lint, nu t'M ?..ntrarr. there li th.? ?ni n d hi.mor, a J.idieial to b*, and a ralmmi referrlo? to thote with whom he had mat. mini, that plireabini Ini'h-r SSltMsl of Chrl-Man rharad.-r than he haa i-rrr before ?e.-u Thron ?limit l.e la rerra'ril to at at hit mother laid he wit in hisvt-in ??ainW* l riihtoti. S* w.u. I. r tli.t la U? da..? "f hi? ? rit ti'un.| ha the n, of I.I? ?aue wat ?ult'.i n nt to ilnre molli frtalie with eatbaaiaam fur " llrav.- HrooghaSL" ?|Indeneni|?nt, I*. TUB LAW? Ol' DKSiit.ATloX: III ISO A PRRSO.NAL N'AI TIVK OF (?llsiiKVAIIO.V AMI AI'\'SB I'I SB IN 0B8-MI II. I.aac I. Ha.?a, M. ll . Author of "Tho Open Polar Sea," fcr. I Ufastral .' - I ' ?-. Cloth. SI 75. It haa BSMsa been onr lot to ei.m? ?erot? a more plee/tntl? wrtlti _n .fTi-t-'i ti Tolnine of travel n d ? U.n'nre than la " Th? Land of I Ihtion." Tl ? ?Vetcl-ea mtb ?birh It ?boie 1? are hold tnd eha'arter Anl from etery pirtnt of view th.- lof of Ibt PBB?Nf u aa thoroj ?tool ar..! | !?tSSBl a book ol it? kind aa ?e ret reineu.her to htro rci [BsSMBSr, I.ondoB. 1'AINK OB THR HOI'f. AM) IVSTJ.V?T. a-tTStOtOOT tur mu- _ai) latTiaur, as uiSTtsatuUKi) i-i M.?ii;iti.?l.i.--M. ?v.ii BsMhaiselar* DsBMeetfsSsesof IksW Coiiuunication nf the ga_TSB*SS of 1'irailnn and tie Pin mi. Br M 1 . s, A. M., SI. D . LL.I)., Auti.or of " Tbe Inatitute? of Med.c. le. Dr... Ot ih. *S. Th? work will b- fo-ind rerairkelile, an) oil? aa a at/nal eieept'o tt. (it.f wlileh bSS l'?n ?? ?B ii-iwlv -eeorlisl li _M "l^. t.?*a pin aira, hut for the leariiinf, *afW; tad p" r-iaieui/ w,lh ?hn'li .the; rteal.? [BV-BBSJ 1'oH, B. V. avsio ash MOBAia B*n>?. 11. p. mmi?, m. a. withi Iratmiii and liiagrtma. limn. Clot... at. I ','>. ? ? ? W* i.e.....t | ..Lit an eif rt Uiinkl for hie aontid ?i?h.. t ..ti . f ; r ,- ; le, i:nl III ?Mleaaaw rriti? ? . I ?ith fieat force, ton.? .met with r^al batutr it w* [ .lllilj:... Ill tie?. L"D .0.1. THE NEW NOVELS. I ' ?! el ti, iiARi'iu ti saoTHgaa n. y. .Mm" ' ? '-. ' M'.r? Dicssaa-oLtraa twist. ? ?i lllaatl . ? I -h, tI. MAi.l IN < 11 zutwrr. witt seuu ii c_ t, si s*. M M D 'i D ' TI e a., ?s_>?i of "Onh Psb "... i,.ii -i ? i -m il ...ta Btsks*,'' ha in.?, l':: ta tTSOIIi- TBTBT. ByflM tst-sraf" nrei in )??? Bsas," " ?? .S..- v?ooed,'* " Car:rn' ?? )? r, ' .'.?. _?.,, Past?,IBtssta Tin: i,?i?it ? ..i tanga, a?a.a Bn-t*e, Aoti...r? f?? k.? ? ??/ ? a," i ' .-ii KV i i .r1. ?. .. '? Chirlo) I .1 - . ..'i 11 ntt. POOS MB I PIS 'i '; - ? Islh-rsf " ?I ? m I W ? N . Saw* "\ .. ? . . i , ? ?, c..-. i.: i .i Its. I'.; l'A i 11. 1-.- I. '1 ? r~- I ? ? ? ; : ? .. i UBS ! will SMttl IS? ?I tb* tl I aill : l I ! l. -, r ;"?_ _ \ COMPF.NDIUM o? COMMEBCIAL LA1 _\ An .ti i - i 1 ??! \ . I ? ? ? . C*__i l - ? By t . I iws.r u I. ? -mIt-S ot I I, . -re -, V. - - -.-. ?>-ie v,,'. X\... ?.. d i u .a Prlo*, B*. i es] in I U ? i liit eulijeete ? ? -t SBSIrt i al '. . ' ? pieseabrtret Ooeti i. N- roi ibis Pire?, Ae-'t Partni rthip, Corp. i I I ?.. . 1 r. Lu Hire, lui - ? ? -i ? i e,., . ? ? . r?. ? . g n. .-..s'a .hat hare t. ^? rrateteed hj I.' li ? .- K. I ?ra , - I -, i .?' Hi . V. rV, ?t ?? I . ? ? i' . \ ? \ -\ ?? : , .... I, I l..... , t... ? ?i ? tl ? ... k r..- ih? tr-ire la-r"r, the law ?tn'i ?!?'.. ?? risrast TV - ? n l; ;.ul ihiir bai-S on a l.i i . f?B equal I ;?:' erof I i- -,| . i > ' I li ! is? - ..-V ?!!?'?? ? for a ... ? ? . -?? ? jr. at itetf ol pitient ta>l ( Hl* habit* I . tl I t ' u.a..: il, 3bb.lli-i el, ,r v I l! ?? J,...u y H ! ib. Ja teo? ihe I ?. t ?reuii c, ..: ? r | | ri . la.a i "U tu '. tu n ajBn .-f it. i ?i i . i: halares, the 'i-e of l il I ... i , :,-.,'? (. ? -. i ? i 1 iwr. n in W**t N. -v 'i.iik. a i ? < of ?. - ' ..(; . ' I ! rn' ?.-? fu . i ? ! i ? B-fth? ?bo . . 3 I. ?? l! . ??.'?. ! u-?M,i- ..f I.. i. - It work tu ?hieh in? ?;t l ,,.:,- ' PraatTb? ?,',.,-? I?-? J srwl, Pebrssr? S. ISTti "Tlie Toi i uf ?.-??? k till a. r> seHiSfIfrl?ar. It 14 slaa* wortt t.'? !' I m ?1 , .' Ibe I.--.I profeetlaB. lti?eop:.u fu; i-he.1 x.ih e.ti.t ..n?. ai .1 ihe a-.C'i-e 1 .1 ; . . .-, ever? .- 1 - .. ..- 1 i ?? f .. 1? lea I, la la I I'oiiuoft.i .. i.ieii'v, ?..ill in.uj of lbs prafiaaiiiaals ... -I.ii-t.i.i.i of tli?- 1 re-- 'it dav." ? ,i ? I ' .f th? nrlee. l?i-(iS. Il!.\kl SAX, Tl.i 131 an,I M it 1 I'-.r.ilr'.r BAKKB VOOBHl ? ? 1 l"oi l.Ml'Ulil'A.N'i' l.lU.vHa(i..;u'.Ma WORK. A NCTIOBSai Of i'-(!i-:i RTTaOhOOT. B \\'..!. wool. 11'. i...-.- ..r BaraaSal] r. , ?. I .;?! .-.rnrio-l lir the aullmr. ?:-, I I ? an In" ot L?Lkal.l. li?,i' o.o. Nt )??-??.. ???i'i. ? I'.. C.o.i1: ? .'tew Itonk. LBOBBBS Of Oil! 11 IT-iarST CU-JUCTB1 I Tain ni H d ntln-r t..are??. By the Krr. H. lltrinx Ooutl. M. A., Sett uf ' CunjQi M-tU of t'?? SI. .dl- ? -, 1 ? I'.ovnlliii, ^.', "The lul.j. rt (fsl attfSSttfB SB*. Itarit.jj (i. i.l.l ISSilM an SllrsrS** sal p??; si r e..;er. I ? ! .!.. r. _ n 1 S m!ar w. rl to the ?.1 :i r.. n 1 ' r. . . . I '-?.k. r? ? ?l.i.Ie ?- on. ol lh. in SStiSBS SBt SI .1 lot SV*l lall u uud .m 1 '.. ' [Bs*. 1 Ti u m int Seul ti - - . i(t of fHtt b? MAC.MII.I.AN A- Co., I'llII ?1 BS, Usa BLI 1.1 KKII--T. t*r?. . id ?mm-?. ?'/?(....I'/iy, flail 1 '/.ii. ' ? ? 1 j 11 ..-i i'i as 1 - '.- ? i1-. ' '. - lea, J_ has m te fin v, aVl/ a / lit-a'-i- i'lr riyil'I'WK. (I;. ' <? ' ? '? It /?? ll ?.. ..,,,.. ?..IS at Koufhoht imp'.-IN. V. l.taii.tliit. IUST RKAI)Y. ?* TIIOC-IIT-IIIVSS. Beth? Ker.T. Ia Cn-lrr. !? 'ith oorlrt l.r Itilel. ,-. I;iun. ?rl '.\ Is1 Saul I.) luail 1 otUfe sre-pald, on reee:] : of tbe n-;r? KOUi.ltTCMtl KB k llltonil.lt_,.Jn _r..adwtT. Jll.t I'm!. WAR*. OP TIIK III'CI'KNiii.-'. lir Ur. Iltuna. SI 1 SAIXl' I'AI I, IN IlilMK. Kr Itev. Ur. ?I.tnlutf. 1 ?I aiHlSTSUNU CHILURBS A.MiSKyi 1:1,. Ke.1 Line K.lit ou; nnre reouei\l t..... . ... 31 TALKS OP CIIH1S1IAN LIP-, Bl ll ?? author of the "Sihini kstvColla P.iiiii!..' S**ls.laSMI. it ( Illl'l'l.l. OK ANT.tH II, 'IU??? IMA ?IONS, kUaTTBSOP BPAIB, TALKS AMI) ?KBTCnES ?? AMU U1NCH OVin I'.lltLK I.AN'lw I. Ot XT IIARIi? OP ?? I N>i . 1 IK. A Tal. of I _i?r I'.m.-a. It? Cn.i. Barst Unit. _i ? AIMI.K. A laleol the lia?, o! Jam-i 11. II? Airue? (?l'heiu?. VOVKUaO? ^L^: ' ?L* CHEAP hfUBIO. K(?\ Kl.l.tiS OLBBB, PAltr SONOS, %r. V B0VBUO1 cill'KCll BOSK). i,v. MIVKLLO'H 0B8-J Ml'SIC (ll(K)KN). ?4V. BOTBUOB I'lANoMt.sic (BOOKS). r^,. KiOVKI.LO'S POPIT.AR SOBOS. ?iw, ?OVKI.l/)8 ORATORIOS. |^ So? KU.O S Ol'l'.RAS (Voeil Seor??).*1 M, BOTBLMPB Oi'KKAS (Piano I'oite Solo.). :.",, Aak for KOVEI.I.O S bditiuu?. Rend fer Cl,loquea aud I.. K t? KOVEI.I.O, KWKR k Co., _ _u_ 741 llroaalwa?. Mea.York flUROPE t-AMERlCANa GUI Ml TI1KHK ?BBSBft MIF.I.IK).?! ii ((?., B7? nilOAI??VAY Will UBtllah on WHiNHNllAY NKXT. April IV aamoB pob iw-, ol MOltrOBI) 8 SHORT TRIP OlIDK TO hll'OI'K Maleritll? Bewnttea, PKHSONA1, TBAVKlTiP LAST ?I'MMEB, ?lib KEW BOITP.S IS HOLLAND HKI.OIIM, OKRMANY SWUVFR LAND, ?TALY, TIIK BOBI--SB 00L'BTKlg_ _< <_ ____? DOt-ABB. " Il li rredlUbl? te ear lllerature that in Ameru-an ihiTnlJ hare uader takes aaeb a work aad doae it eo ?ell.'? I Litrrarr ?\orl.1 I I'CKKTIU.SONTIIK NATUliE OK THINGS B .( Tranaleted Into Kujtliah err??. I.r Charlea proalerick JoUo-o. ?hi", intriatu, >i?B and Bole?. Ol? rrown octavo feliuue. laretull? nriated euon luperlBo paper. 1'iloc, SI '"? * Frotn lh* fit! of tb* !?ter**t Uken ?owidari in Ibe thr., e. of Dirwl? and Huile), the p?jl,hiber? thuk that lh.- rraannn ??a of Uu. author one ?f the ?Beat of to? l.alia poeU a.lde Irou. the ?lalTeJ i-.,.,..,, hia Mtb* bold ia elaseieal literaluie, a?.1*1 ...ia___d ro_?.d?rahle a.l.ui.oii l?,ui the laadlBf ? of the preeeal 4a;. Por tale l.j all baokaell.rt, ?i eeut free ef npea.--, ?a reeelpt ,f iat pioeh, u.? awhaaa, il-win C. i.k.nt s ???. _ ?M llio.'.me-.t V1'KnH.?i,!f(',,i::Al,OW WA.STKI) AND HOW ____i a_5-__ ? '_L ?"''"' f? T"" "??'*'. Pts?T...a|.-rh? ?z:;:liz.r?n?!rM,,xtB- ,u?nk* k **??*? ??-tAl?i^_?_VN T ? ""?!__? ?'??""< ?aasT?iiai. ??U,^f?-,'pr?eVl '?* '"lMl ,,r""*l'. ?'?apeno, g?til,^0J .'? f/.1.'.-0 r",U H*"1 " ??' aAlf'te oai.1 eaul P., a__ hi lAMl-f l"' HI'NKY.or*lT??IUp?blle..??ao,, L.ttl. Koek ??'?"?? f. 1 I'hKipci oonsa .f imp. DAIL1 TMiHi A? to ,^'r.; 1 Ht? I* irrfl, aelaalre Addra, g. p. WsTm).1. T?I?M UBe?. ' | A Net? flnblicatiotio. re5a?Tr^liTli FE.'' l.ECOI.r.l-.CTIONH OF PAST LOT. IIY HIK Ili.NHY IKlUiANIl, BART. 1t?U 12ms. Clatb, 3t0 page? Fries, ?*. " Bat th? men ipsst.tla of tuch a Uf? If of itself Intertetlng.'-[Tba Bsttsa " till ksawledg? of meB, of boni?, ?n<i of rosnlrle?, ?wi of ?H?nr,>. make of 1.1m a ?uo?t tntertainlcf and io?r?ctiv? t?thor."-lllc.'.ori Tr?T?ller. " We ran think of a? book of rrs-ent d.ts which better deterrs? ? real drtuLitiiia tb?n ?he?? ' ?Vflolle'?ona of a Past l.if?.' "?IB. V BamM " Thi? ? la an a-a-miBt of a rar? aod happy If? ??ca -a few mortal? cao r<*ord."-lPbil a. Presa. " Ha write? hi? owd rtrollertioa? of other?, aad write? rnnrh alont M? MB, hut he 1? no sgMl.t aor ?p|>e?r. with half Ibe ataBBBBf ?wi BBbBBI thai th? raaiter would i!e?lre."-|l'nr!it, U?gi?ler. " ?y devoting a tospla of monllia ool ofraeh ye?r to it?BbS] ?BM s?w eoontry. he ha? riTerran the whole of Ear..f"". ?onbi.rn A.'rift, Nortn America, ami Weitem Ail?, with trip? to Icelaud and other cuily lug and little fr?K|ne?ted ipota"?(Boiton (?lobs, " '1'Le tone of the ??lam? I? that af ronll.l trait I? the reader. er,ii?llr rtmoted frois chilly re.tnt and inonliuata HlMmalSSBBBB/Wl--? ?"? Tntione. u. apiu.kton & Oo? i'i;nr,isni:iiH, 510 ASM) BROAllWAY, B. T. Peril fr?. hr n.all to ?ny iddre?? ? . " ? ' Ihe prie?._ DAITLETON & Co., __,,_ ? ai? ANO 3.11 IlllOADWAT, ?ATI Jt'HT Pl'BI.MlHi: BTBOfBUB ?VBAbTStB, IM ITH APPLICATION TO TSBB8B HUt Nt'IlHTAN'CKH AND TIIK PTIK-H AI. C'iNsTI ITTION Of THE IIKAVJ.'M.Y JlODIKS, FAMILIARLY EXI'I. UNI.p. By Dr. II. (khellea. Traaalats.1 by Jaao and CarollB? LiMrll. jvllusi. with Note?, by William lluggUt, U? H. Will nnmeroa? Wood en' l'lit??, ?fid Portrait?; al?o, Angitrom'l aad KlrchoTa M?pl. ?V?9 page?, 8to, eloth. Trie? #8. KEI) AH A BOSK IH HUB. By Rbod? Brongblon. A New E !l".ion In eloth, 12mo. Triee ?I 50. APPLK'IONS' IIAMI-ATI.AS OF MODER!* GEOGRAPHY With 31 Map?, exhibiting e.e?rly ?Ji? mor* iinr/orl.nt phy-i? of ihe eoiir.tne? ilelii.e?te.l, aud noting ?II the chief Dlares ..f historical, co?im*rri?l, or ?..el?l Inter??*, 1 rol. foils, eloth. Prie? tl SO. TIIK WOtUaB IwffJOffJ THE Mil I OE By LooU Figuier. Th? (?~.lo;:i-al portio? newly rsTlie.1 Sf II. W. IirMo"*, K.It.S., of th? (leo!??-lc?l surrey of Oraat Br.Uin, Ilou. Kcilow of King'? O.'lege, I.. nl,.n. With iii Illuitrallon?. Bein? the irai Tolmo? of the new and ebet|ier edition of Figuier1? work?, l ?ol , ?m?H ovo. Price, es so. A MAMAf, 0* THE ANATOMY OP flBTIBBATBD ANI? MALS. By Thoimi II. lltul<;, I.L.D., r.U.M. 1 Tul., 12mo. law? aras i. Prl ?, t? 'wi. MAM AND Ii IS DWELLING-PL V( K. Bt Jainea IThton. author ?fil? " M." 1 toL, l.'ii.... CWstaV, Pita*. *l '.? HOI Til IBA III [Htl.KS. Bf tho Earl ?at th? Doctor. 1 vo'.. Sta.111 ?>? ?aa, Clstb Pr>?, ftX ?nu.'!.:, i :..S. i UM Off BBO-IBH taTTStUTtlBI By Cbariaa li, ..... rastra. 1 i A,talfi '-' '' "? ?*? I'Ki.iii un:'.' i t'lEs, ? iliii?'.rji"d ir Aaatatl i:.m.; Mii.ner? ?-il I'nitom? of M'ulern Hange?. B.. Sir J.L:. i Dirt, 1 rol., 8ro, (itO p??e?. lllaitritiU. Price, $1. ??mil ?T IV MODBBB LUE. laraiim iraaaaal in Kt. JiTe?'? ?qmre, Laailas. Hy ihe It??'. Hiaiarl A. ttmm, U. A. 1 vol., li". .. H'. ?agi .. I'rir... i-J. MAI.i.h A I '??'-??' '?' " F I " .vi?r'?ni Btaaa." ha IFltai DlaaUstk???. im!.,,. I ran -M, ? l.tii, tl ro. TBB UFB ABD ADvTTiTtTRBf 0? tUBTTN CBUBLBWIT. By Cbarlaa Diekaaa, vv,:n W lIlsMttattsaa (tke New ii Blllll? ) I': M froiu Lar^n . | i ,?:<?*. Pri?, flu-1 111 ,-'.."h tl M UOBTBD AT LAST. A BaraL Wit? lliaa?atiaaa Iv??,, ?T* riUu.I?papar Battu, t!; cletfc, -'?! ?". A TBBATIM OB r.Vi.t.Y ( ii.M'il!'! tTIOff. m ? ea:?d to Pa?? .it?, lij lb? Ucv. S. M. 1! ikias, I'. I'. I I PrVta, 60 team TUB CAOKD LIOV. A ffatwl ?} I " V- ?? ?? Bbus trated. Pi r, .?i i ".l.e Rttth raaft'a ?Tatka 1 . i-!.ei?" H.-ir I v ...;"!!??. - ... -e." ? Tolf. ; ' ' I vslai UT?? l.uar il; u?." 1 v. I., " Btmmwn?," 1 toi I*n. ?-. irl p- r \. I. ?EAT?iri:. Itj lallaffaiaaaab 1 ??t.. i-'i? .. i i .??vnirl Tahona af I ? '? ?h'luly inabMabod " ?Naihaiio," " Dali y Fvsaas." F rt raf ?M .-lim." n?ct fen ?,.. asil, 'o m- aaVba ?, "n i _ ji'.t Pal HPHE MINOR P0EM8 op homer. i ontaimm; : THE LIPB OP BOOTS. *t-;in:t'.l ta Hi gr?m.? triui?!at..| ^i Ct..,;mAn. TIIK ii.vill.!. OP Till. FBOO? AID Mil ' ' II l'?r . I. ? ' in! \>':tv starVlern'e mmr.. ? ?7.n ri ? shatfe i.?ie isaatastqsaa in it? tr Till-, IIVM.'i' TO AFOIiLO tru.-'i". I 1? (LarmiB. THK liMiv TO BWwtCtTBT, Bamhltf b? .-I w ?t. " One of 'he rr...-t il'v.riiL-joimi In tl,.. ?lr.?k it .".a-? tmir1.. til? t.nim i II ? urn..? of t':e nord. ? ? ? ? lui ,. h-i?u Iliiire? !.. gift? A with the rharac.. r <,f ? ? tiortof I !?? Torinra amongst the god?, ? their ?"ocd-, si ?r.rk? su t BtlaSSjaaal riii.rn-?r? ?ur'.i i ?;.',! I .;.--? from ,'?t?rtii,n. that rcrtauly ro human lui.i,; cul.. ?ver l..i? .. to thi: k of Btalag tue m ob .arli.'' TIIK MYVN TO V'i.M's, t .- ?a, " Bj far tht moat beautiful of Ihe i ' . I ib btaaty is aay part of ths II ait. .'? ? ?iir|i??a??l the ri.hnei ind ?'.iginr?. the ? ? I ' i TBl IIY.M.V TO CI.HE.S. trir.?!itrdl.i II.iV. TOT minor BTITJII, traaal M by Caavaaaa. DTTBODI < i . r, Rtlsaa Cala 1 vlI. 1...... Baa - .;u, ?,, ?listad aa bast I em. ei.l frr. hi u a I i ? r> e. ipt ?,f p? 'e fl N'. A M'.MIAVI J. ( , l'utitishers an,) Im-1 IT M ?r..._. -si. Bmr BlwaVltrSf, Nr*.Yuik. ? PBCBD VATAIOOl'ES of hot Kr.-: .; mil Pttvssja llouka asm fr?? of r'i-r/o to anv allresa. I/VKKV ONE VISITING EUROPE MIOILD IIAVM A COPT OP \\ A I. K S 1 N K O Bal II. BY Al'Gl'STl'SJ. ( 1! IBB. Of ?lu. h Tl:e Wo.Id ?AT?: " Thi? Tolnrae I? niniilj .Ll ion?. 11?. llir, !. "? t!i? ?lory of ii-luil R.11IK- to la to frrabm ein; tlr.ii_. i hi- !? ?Irr ri? it all over ??am." The ETenlng Poit ajTi: " luv ni fjlills?] ?Bal - ?ven and the t..'?t w.iv o: ?..-inr it." The Kienin? Mail ?a-i: '"It I?, fnrtbr-r thin tin.. ... gratrtll) liierest mg that few will liud 1". , tlier tlnu J. Ugh f| ,.,.,. " OB? lu'.Uip.. T1S pp. ? Crown.8m., ntr.1 llt:u?.'iu .-l.xi, l'i ? , a.i .,, .? For ?ale br all Bouhtt'l r?; ur ?ill be ma!fl. [,o?t paid, o? r-c?ipt ol piue by tie ?', '. - OBaOROE BOUTLBDOE .*: s?i\s, . _ 41? HHOOMEM BBW-T0B1 ?WKW AMO IMPORTANT BOOKS. THE IMUCni'AI, BJtTaVb WDIIKKR-S" ASSI8IAXT. Be Olirsr Bvrn?. A nsw. iwiaril ?n.l iai|.rovrd ?slitu.ii to ?hi, h Is a.l.le.1 M ?|i ISM.iliv, eoBUiinng tli? Manu'?, tarr of It.m Sheii liou h? John l'errv. JL 11., P It. ??. Ihe Maiiufii, ture ..f MtllVahl? Iron ('? ? nd Imurotruirnl? in lls.wiaer Stsel. hy A. A K.?,in?t l'h?iuial?ud EB?iini-.'r. with l>09 rnjji.Ting? illuitrating every t.raneb of lhe??l.jeit. ?'i'?A(-ricvi. orjreaj vor the mam .rAOTBM OB ?if TVI.I.IC AI.MIIN: ruiapnaiu^ Huir Oi.' ?n.l l'!i,?i.?l uroijar?.?.? mill th.-lr pr?paration, ri.mpnailtou ?n.l !_??; Iraoalatvd from lbs Kiruuh of A. (Imitier bv A A. Pesasrt,Oaatlil ?u.l Knsiacsr. I.'ino; BJ. THK MANl'pACn R? UK Rt'SSIAM SIIEKI' IKON Ilv lohn lerry, ?ill, illuilriiioni, lo which u id.lid an app?ndn on Ame:1iin M .ei Ir i, 1'amphl.t, '?'.;. aVOraUUfl OE llffj TRAM, AM) POPI'LAR POl.ITK Af. M'oMdMI ?laraiaad hy a Barriiter (Sir Joba Barnard llvlr?. ,lu I.? of Common Euit Am?ilrau from th? .Ninth Knjliah >?iitii.B a? poliII?had t>v (be M?nrhc?tri KeripniriiT AimmiiIiub. Pi|>sr IS et? Spill IIBH, AD1IKKSMIS, AND I.KMKRS ON IBIi'l'STRIil, AMIIKISAMIAI, glKNTKiSS to wlii.l, is a?i lniV^lu.";?.. Ugrtner ?itb ni|.ioua oolra ?ud au ludei. Hy VVIIIi?iu H. K.lle.,M. ?,tII-'I'lilXS UK THE DAY. BOOBOBltO ASH SiX'IAl,. ll Hr. V\ .llimi r. Hv.ii ?n. A MAM AI, UEPIILITK'AI, BCOBOHT, Bi II. I'rtU.ue Ms.ih. i.'.,o, ei ??>. A THKATISE ?IX BAILWAT VUIYKS AXD UXATIOB. Bv K. W. li.i,. in,?,. (?ALVANoi'i.AHTic MAaTPCtVATtOia A PraaBaal Brisa f..r i.i.Ii.hI ?nd IMivci Kle.ii.iflat. r, ?ud t!i? OAltainipla?tie Operator. TIIK mOOt OF CHEMICAL MAM'RKS; Or, Kiasi.TiST lusa- os Tim sa? ,.r FsiiTiiiiisiii i.,.s ? l.'ra... SrBBfJHvtS OB THKAMKKICA.S StSIBH .leliverel in fouaraa? ?'.''?";? A?,liew ?I Paaa yl,.?.?. I? uu? |?-r ?oluuie. The ?Imivp. ?r ?iiv ol lav l,.H>ki, ?. m I,, tu? uf ou?i?(e ?US? P?bln?li..n utii?-?. to ?ay ?d<r?aa Mr?, w ioimsI ?ud ?ni.ra.dCai? Imrvi? ..f Pr?.i|r?l ?n.l SalasMJ? Hooka. !*. lia??, ?To. ?eut fr?, ut uoil ?,.- to ?u, ?0d,?__ BUBI CARKY IIAlKR, ?B.ta?tri?l Publub.r _ _ Bo. ?US WsIbbi-iI., I'tuiadslph'ia pkiVR CULTURE I'OR I'ROPIT.-An illut A lia',,| anrk (M ??lilion). bv r. T. Uuiub, ? l"r ..t, a, IU.uiobIiuii?! Sir masv ,?.i? a auceeaalsl af Pean fur mallet Ih? ?util?. ; n ?oi I I' au,l lb ,r u.til. tleate.1 limier Hie fulluWlB? lira.l. VSltStBM V? g?? J^glali?! af im SaU, tsaasssja Aaarl, Selec!,U| lee?. U..,i. ? nd HUiidanl?. Tuns of riasl.n?, Planlisg, lil|iia? Treei in.? tlie"V.h"w "V l'"'k"'< Vaurllrl In Plant, Prunli,, Oichar.1 He?-or.l I lui Work wih I.? I..UU.I a ?.??).!. tr I'i.elh.l Manual |..v lb? |'??r .?,.?!,? I , r lor |.l?aaii's .?r pr.ili. I ,?| , hi?dau?vlv iwiad i? ?lolb. Pu.? tl r<sul i,i.|. b. ai?ilu.i rere i.i ,,f ..,?.,. ?k.i.t.. TIIK THlBCNh. N?w Yurk. IhYHPKPHIA?Ita Vurietira, Cauatw, Svni??^ ...I .V""".."".1 -,.'',D'-1? "? Treatmshl Wu?,..,l MedW?ne I) K P MII.I.Kl M D. Prisa, .'?(??u A,wr ?. MILI.1K BATBM A Ce. II Wm I ..i, i> , i !, t?, New 1 ?, k Neto publication?. POSTPONEMENT. X On amount of the liefe ?l'irn-" order*, the pi' M'atioi of i ; .?i i? BBS Ml I iaiST.aj latasaTat-ca, an I of FIVKIILNDRUI? HA.IOI'll i , Or.Tue HtTi ??TawattWT, i, ,,... . i . | i ? i -, i ?. .i. ci' PrrwaM ?? nu** 3ii?tracuo?i. A HOME and SCHOi'E top TKN BOYS, afea s toi/, tilt aw ? '. B. r. A FEW BOYS wanted to Ml Taconcdes in ? eel?." 1 taiLI ICHOO ' ' '? ' . i A LO. Z? l LACK !' ' ' ' "'- ?EWEIt-" _ 1 ?i K ? Ol ! BOS AM) HI Ii '< ? ? - I ' Is*.? tek, N. Y. 1'iij.iiiieearitedat ? ^ t a. SJHajaar.17 ..a. \ i \Mii.v i-non', r??(?: won IV ed>-iiU?rt. Address Hi W|fV ?V. MOf.AH. Pnaeli?), ,u, >'r?>,.iriih N. V. poVs'r.OMM'l j ?-H ?inl/''ilion. ? li If ion? ?.ui.'arta i h.-alU.? toce-oa; i? r-_ A/Urtee AI,' (,l i i H '?? Uli LOCK. |M:AINEi?l> INS'lir i *, ? . ..'.??:.-., \..J. It v.. s. M..sah:, Pi /Ml A ITA OTA MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE.-.. \J Boanllnt; ?tool forbaib I -'Prl??-)?. | -i i . ' /COUNTRY HOME and XMoOE lor BOYS; Vj i,u- 1er I.e. i-.l. A Ire* IB I PK -i . I ? I J,-1 III'CATION' (Supcrioij in ItiDic?-? Ueaoliea J Monte Aetdemy. for rotit? p illesti n, at In...,??, n?ar C In?, ?on _ j, i ?r. L Ti ? ?sssBs?. P-.? . . . | '" B'd.'l |?N0LI8H and CLASSICAL BOA KDEV? Jj H(-IIOOL, HTBAIVOPI? ? r_n. a- ? Awl a?. : ilara. tifatm* i B.'....' l< i.A. >!-. Pi ??? V J11N' I >"-?? BOABDINO SCHOOL, Hemp A_e _KS_, L I. Hp-nala.1- . ;- ??'? rEMAEEljOEEI/iE, Bordento-wn, N. J. I Pur tajr.u?, ete.. illr?-t _ l< ?. IOH!? It. BLAKKLET^Pb. D. P.-.*id?Bl. _ 1" ,'Oli BOYS-~.Sup.rior iidt ? igas ?t RiVER ? i ?.-.'. ?' m. . ' _ GOLDEN H?LL SEMINARY FOR YuCNi? VJf I.MjIi-.s, llr. ' tort, (omi. Mutt LMt.T M-L30S, P? I ??ME and SCHOOL for CHILOR?M.?Sain? J J .,.-.-,,. i M 1 ' . IATCU.1 IRVING INSTITUTE,, N. _." _. Por c.r. .lar? a^jir U? . . D. B. BOWS M. A fr tel??! INSTRUCTION, EUHOPI .?A von 1 . .p", W II tjke ? at r. f.-rtueea gr.e... .s (>. P. lL.Tnl " IACKSON MILI i *J Tmr ? ? . ? . I ?'. ?I. A.. PrlsftrS ??I_"INDER(i _R. : ? si HOOL" for Children. I\ ,i i-: ; . aooaa for i . . tal. m t'ai, i y. i ? i ? . H ........ ? MI ?> M?CGkEGOK" S? LI? IL fot YO : I ! I-I!.-. I Ll BllIN- U I ? MIEIJ'.WtY B?ARDI ?tt-Si tlOOL? > pENN iL.AMA MlLIl'A?Y ACADEMY. (For r- i ux a, i -.? Tb M civil BSOISBBBIVO, aiTOT-fATIC-Ii A .1? BATUB-1 CIBXCBS ,t _ .'?. NI a 1 o'hrr eompe". ?.? P '.?".-_, Usai ao-al Ba?Bsj t I...-U. 1 r realm s] ply to STATT, Pisa* ? V ?t A._ ne kiown it r .. . IIAN1 -.'..:.. Ii ". r ? ' _ _p ?VAL.?M le. KO? ! AN'" ?'r: Si I ti . ? , .-!. ph.: roux? s ' _ DEV. J7?EWM _N, i'. UTO Poulti I % ber of Dt l . ? THE HOME imd SCHOOL for BOYH of ?i? Ik..: ' .!..-??? , ... u. Lcaai s , .J . . ...-....- -.o '..? _ r|MII. Soring '1 idam R00RA1 I ? i -it n,i, .. i .. i, t, ,i? U> Ml BOORAKH.B - _ _ _ W'otibl?l'EN' ? A l.:n,??" and Cl s. . I V V ? ' IIOOL f >.- V L'obb. I '. Be*. __U__i__ l. AUDtti r, _ <lk I SJ PER MON I ti. ENURE EXPENSE, ?it 'i? I O Do^? ? .: i .? k.. In. .? Cc iic tiers. VLAOY from tho country, ;;?\;.iiis to oli I IB S | ... He.rr IL, TriliBB* l \EAi)V, fxpi ri.. ' (1 in teaching the En .-in k ,<;a-. ..i. i. . ' - ' l ? ? . BSteo* t., ,r.U L ?? i i'ii :. - liool !?. - . - '?(l?.'f, ..a,l, x I. a Sltuicol 3?ctr_xfiuf. Vi" HAINES V,i:n<? -a *? 21 l'u ?' ? .?-are, THE CELEBRATED HALNEfi PIANOS, ! -'? fcr.. at Tort : i . - ? . ... i i ? . ' J . . - N. '.N- .. I- PIA?? ? itM st ?1 th -al., , i . . ISaVEN A C?7?RE SELLING their near ami It IMI .:..... ... . , i :. ? : I ?"? II agrbat offer:: Harttea ^?titrr??, 4*<l l.rondwny, .^. V., i ?ofOMB Bvanaan pi_aos,itBLODBoxs,???i oaosss ? W .'. ra'a, al i ir ... a. >.? i ? . < i.. . i t- i .-: ? .11 ' k* frota -, -o >IS r... thli ant I raM the ?a.n. to l.-t. ati-l rent applied If |iun_aaail S.-w I ecUtrs PlANo< tmlirn at i i.t.m-:;:., for *??'-"?, csali An a kisd of PABLOK Ottl? A J i Bade, cow o3 ex'. ibiUoa at ?HI i if. S ?-.ora. ?ituat'.ons iX'untc?--Stm?lto. COEOKED HELP cm I).' obtained, well re end'sl. soaks, t?sad -i-i il< latei sssehsMa fca i'" - i tr,.?L... inf!l to tak- i-b:ir/e ... Il ? la .au.l Mllu.l .- :ixu^ : at JOUN.sON S AO-JTCT, l~ W. I? nl- ...i . .. it.-:. ' \-'l :in l SeV *l!t!.-?Te? I ".^^ SECdNO-AVETlvt. light, sc'i.nil I ?**(?? W .....1 r:,^lit,.t. ir! rt*., tap loar?S r,-,?.. _, -i omn? ?jai red ?asas* . U Kl' BUBBBl K?*--4J reltre_ce; rail for ttin?..?.i. at.u .1 ... in the c.ia-utrr. ?ituationo (JOanlc???llalco. i YOUNG EMiEIsiiMAN wants s situation la M l Kit I' l'Util Kit. iu a .tore or hotel, or .a w., i.? la t?ate M-arHbssMm$mf tsaattar. Basais Kreurb and Ko,:-? ?... .. er.-ue, _mn A.?dira*?;. 1?.. Ti !.n-.. U.ti... SITUATION WANTEU.-A yoaaa mai., ? k ? Knil bS*?s**S*rl ?tilitijf a .o.t tituities? hand, a-tli ea>n ''.''.I ?h? WBsSsg-rss?, : -iieaa fiiaati.m aa H(K?KK1 KI'KK oi ASaUSTABT, BsfcfSBSSi ?a I" ...fatilv. ?..-. t m i?- UiBial.t.1 P r e-not n-.|ii-rinu il e et. ii.iv,- aer\iee? .J a bookk.e.s- <<a t..? Ii.i-ii iMHikt uosted weeklv, .,u! I.iljuod r**_l_rl?, et a auiall eaieae? A.l.lie-.a C. (). II., IVliune O?-e. tiflp CUanrti). A CAliPENER W \N TED, who Badctstaads J\ ''i. I.;_!:..-?-. BaaatS ?r Otr-.B?u preferred. Ad.!.-?* > A C But 1 -'. Bswl .rk l'o-t 0?<_,_ W'ANTED?A Man as foinn?u of ?? oar Joh and ll-.s.a I'-;, i... :,: BsaaWl **1 e ?eaenl Bat re I ilile lu.j ?ho bare held .initlar o am u.a Bead ai'jlt _i__ llSUIMi, HARIU'A a Co..til ??.lo- l?,a.'?.i "Agents Wanted Everywhere. To taita., f.r our POIM.AU WORKS, .pa-callr aaitral mMIM TUSOVQU MikMr. r PLAIN HOME TALK A work that ?hoolj be In rn r? faini!? in the I md l.i.e d! ? ,..-?, piolttael? illt?.triied. I'rire. rlikautl> uo-_d, S-l _ THB LOST CITY ; Or, Chicag-o as it Was and as it Is. A ls.?a Iw.mfB'l o? BsflBBfl iatereet lad ?t.rClne laaUeale ?.?'nKlf IK i i-.iisl. in on t.led i? tm n.,, t?,n,_ prk-r. eie.aaif. a i so. - WELLS' EVERY MAN HIS OWN LAWYER, ?su ixrrsu artrsa ra?an s.k>b. A ...ib,-lele tliaalneaa Uab a Cuide for eren state i* tie I a .a llmm. m sasjai rrlee. *.' Wells' Illustrated National Band-book. A ''..ok for ?rerabod? ele?amli SobiaI, t>l MV All the at...,? ire werkt that meet with rapid tale? l??r eaee- ar* ???in? eatraordlaar? well alia t_?iU I?? I il,MTi(.ii,e caataleuiial nr.alar* teal SB apadlrelioa. ?*- ????? rot... a u( either of the worka aeai p.i.1 oa rax^lp? ?f >aM-e. W asflSSSSS lit? A??_ta??_a akora? tell? ?? ?rasuta lt. a? - of our ?oik. aad the feel that Iher lu.el S a?ii?i?_! ?a-l. mgtmtt ?t* deaire lu tlo ?o.kI aa ?ell a. urn/it lauu*? AJUr'?* WKlJji k Cat., ?I Hr?.~e ?I . B*?*-T*r?. 1 >AREOR ami SOFA BEDS.-l'A Y NE* mtCM-B. Ho ?> Bisect,? ?_