Newspaper Page Text
?REAL ESTATE. ?Tara YOBS? FrKltiy, April 6,1ST.. No public trnnftactioiir? took place at the Ex? change to-day ; ilio legaJ sales announeeaA liy Mesura Joseph McGuiro ami JaaBBj M. Miller were, imtlt post? poned for one Blllh 1>. M. Ne??iriaii offered a four-story, brown-stone hum? nml let un west side of Tcutli-ave., list St. Dut no lil.l whs niiiile fur th? property. F..r tlie oemlsj week several inn>ortnnt Sales of New-York nuil Br?t>klrap?BSmrt| will lie oflVreil. cf wbicli duo uotivo ?-?HI M ?.ven, ?TKICIAI, Tl.VNSFKKS OF REAL ESTATL. ? i ? .ml? CTTT. A Ism ?? wilKiftasfl* ??aarloart. ... ..Mir. . M mm tmW (No .'.'). UXatOS plis??illm. S ?. ?s'li ? ol l'i.l -t, a\n",Si.Xo.J5). 2J.00U . ?.?.?> Kliaalielr ?I, e i (No . . . U.UUO ffsasi ?VisaStar, a a ?a? a a ? ;?u?.i.i .av_ l>i?i?,.,n-?l. ??. ;* J ft rsf JraVr .?- it, M 1.114?,.J "?iKV ll-arr ?t. i ?. "A ft e . " -.block. Tl.oOO llri.rv it l. '. /ull.l.?k. tjO'W llsnr.-?!,?? !.. I ft s ?ST Iwillt, 1<?I hissl. 24 (WO Hmti-il ? ?. li.T. ', ft . Hj Ma?!. rs,?oo ?sirV.,1. i i 1 ?! .1 ft . . li?, block. H.iK? )'.it-it - i, 1-". I', n .'1 ?? -it. .'.ili?l/,b?Bl 1. I.' DO ?iba?, a? l?ft ?..IV I |, ami 1. 11,2.M| WS ?l. ? ?. IM ft ? o". -I ?vs, h ?na 1. 31,500 i ft w .c M?,: ?.r- ... .'n.lU'.i. 4 M JM-?1, ?I, I.? ft WOfaM-lT* .ilia?. ?). ?.;**! 3,.I ,.i ?i, 3.7.1i. ft wot Um?. 1..500 1100.1. 30,000 ?"9th ?. ??,!>.'? lio of ..; >. .. .! I?. 1.M0 ft w of 4l:i ?vr ;?". .. . 11 h?TKll> . . .. .?. 11 .Iroortgsand UV?0 11? b-rt. ??. l..Vfteof4t?-?v?,18.: iliv.ll. tote rsSMM Btupertv, sol.tgi.n. 5 ..Ma? )lil?i?t ? ? 4.0 ft? ?f Si a?. 1'i:n. h?ndl. IVHiti laa-aaa, a a, ITA ft a sf I . tt.r.Ta M m, , ? 74.3 11 tot Jtth-?.'. 'Uli ?. b mdl !.So?6lli?ndol." I.! i,,., .. U3 ti ? of .mii-it .?.!'?'.'. h ?Bd I (NoC03). 3?,OUO P?ii?r-.t. Baa M ?at 3K| (1 ?wat??), ? y??r? pet vear. ei.cil i ? s ? ,-. p.r,??r. 2.1.1 1 ? . 1 m I II. 1 .i-Oii M-ate ?ad HUt-.l n w c-r, ?? v ?-. ? .-r ve?r. IJHB l.'rrar?. perieir. _,.??i ? M uar?, per war. I.Jcv All who hare irai cst.ito for salo or to let ??? i?. ?iriiii; to ynrshnss or rent such pvopartv, ?rill and it to their interest to .ulTorti*.? iu Tin; Tkiih se. Its m ?_??? itc SaTeatatton ?mesedl that of any other iie.vs papar, and la addition to tMs advuutat7e,TiiK Tuuinc '. not iiiiiy l'i N. w-Teth an.i all Us titles sal : y s,.!-;iiui Terriiory throughout the i.. ? ii.uld lie us 1>T'<"I as will allow of the | I. ' ein? asaos) rlc rsecbM d?rell an the fa-1 that the sabetslftms fee t?.i- thrco awBt?Vmsof TiinTuiitiM . I sehljr, aud Wet kly, com] rise tadividiiabi iu t v. rjt BaateeasBeslsssIsm eon.?. \ srHseaisntslnnmib are reed by all cismes. Tan Tb-bubi devotas > attaatioa to reports of sa'ics of real cstato l>oth in elty , thus adding greetajr to the value of its i'.l '. Tbn rbsnpisBit idvnr ti?iuc i -: Daily TBatrBB,tBeeats per Uno Boa. V?'i.r.:;i.Y T:.i'.i SB, Uper line; BSsVt V" i- i> T'..'! iiTXB, fa eeats per Une. Aboottea weftls of oai ?:i'... t i'uri? a veraee a line. Terma,caaii taadvaaee. <Ti?ri Bffttl ?Setott for Ci.ilf. A' ' ? 1,11! , M v ?? '1 RATROR, [ : Ai ti th partie ?lare ol vi.1: -h ? t,. ! RT.asa \ K si "V K .. tasad] ? \f i R?< n ? firs class MODERN HOUSE, alatjaat snaati ou M.rr.i . .? ?. , ? . . ".lile. IV. P. rKVMOl R. IT1 Pro-.dwat. 4 1' ,. : -? T I."Allii-'Ieli-.-IVC. f( 1 1V s HI ?p... sALr.-nx ni-ni-Avi:., MURRAY I BOl IB i ?- .-_. Apply to HOMED >1'>K<.."> _ (! fj POR BALE?Eleven LOTS, each 28x100? on I ? ? ' ?.t|'.?l.. ' ? Pit?) ?r1 .s???r,l ?ii-s. ; Mica ; la lira si STBWART a. LAM-., nOT ?lRaniiVl N : ILATHS ? .N,' are rVSMaAcd to i i il ilat-aa, a s. -u.\, i9 r;??? -? v y ?M.r.-on Fifth, Sixth, and ?I". ? i, II. tVODLOB I |'a IP ?t M 0RXI? .. PARK PKOPEUrY I'. : - IL? " ? kVOTS ? nnjtk ?tatst?t M.Niii-Av;:.. ?? , -,i..-; IMSBtl ?i.e. A| _VfB. ?ITCT.AII - "... . '--t., fronting the Park; ?' Km - !?-- in it ? i >-. v; ' I 4oi?-?t. ; S hargsia A_o?a. ? eably. \V. t' M l.Miii R 171 BroadW-IT. ?"_i, i 5th-ave.--A fine modern * fy } ? ?.., .?t.,:, ne: | no? ri .... U-Lti I. .-. w r n mot k, iTi i..-..-,'*??. Cirooklnn Heil (foPle for 5a!r. A BARGAIN.?A m ? HOI *B, * ih e,e-v ? ? ? ? " Am . la BOUT. 6. VVALKt.:. ?V, Broadway, N. ?._ _ BROOKLYN HIOHTS?Large 4-story corner A\? Ho SB 'ut SAX . ????11 U- UA.n ai, t.ri i.? U1.LU 1ULAND i. Vlillii... a ?a ?i_ D?S? RABLE PU >T-150x200 feet, with con . .', b?j?r. ?"?b!r. ilJ aba h sat..." fn u. i.<.th ?art-p aa I s- ? G?l*?-.v?. car., brojkix C. TABU, Tril \.:k. Cong 3olanb Heal tjctalc for Gale. CO M P L E T i: Biimmer and winter RESI III- N? 1?1 m , . [? is ???!?! erdi It? set ?ntb Kruii, e gui from li???..?Hn Icrriss. as I i >-.r r, Iroad gVsol, firi?* 'a._KlL.VMi i VVlli l.'.'i. 3 li.- , i FOB SALE at FLUSHING, L. ?.-A fine BCItaDtffO I.OT.'.'ilV' -: iu>oi ..ut- ci the ?i ? 10 m?nate?' ?ala from atAhataf Its??Vtasla? Brisa, ?>?,^hi: i?ruu, c_?u. Sddreaa J M. (?RKliOR?. Hoi l,S3J, It. V. P. O. t?c?iicljcctcr CotintTi Real Cstatc for Salt. AN ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT for hALK ob ?cronimisl?t;!ig ktnaa, w,"Liu ?n b?nr ?tut a rVr ?f JVew-lork n VV..t. i,c.-..-r'. . inty. eoataislS| 1110 actat, IB II ??at?,,! .'n!l;vati?n; to wa.te lir. I, ?plT, : ,1 MAN810H HO fe*: fr,.i,t. ? ? . v f-?i "r>r '... asewsl . ? ht ru. trraagadlea ? aask-twsaasat acaAaaty: 00 tetct I?t?i gnaal ? for a n,r t'?r k , skat, a Onsl ?nd Mw Mill, H hwt Ic-ad of wat?r, ii?v?r-f?iir.< a ? i.ara ?nd ?t?ble roorn f,,r a huv:r?, haadW ,?',i!.; fom ?|,;. r t ? I'll i: i ?<^r otrl.arl, all grafV.laDd d.oie* liu.t, I . lik-. Is; r-r? all in Sfdcr, aal grimndi ornamental, purs w?t?r in all ?>?rta of the biuae ; !n ?t? rv r?? j?et ? g?ntle_?n'? eilallishment, ?ml a? for bealil., .1 ij uiiiO'pi-i. I ?r /%!.??.? ; th- ?tu ,.>?,U-re dry ?ud ?.!..!?:. ! In avaaa lui?/?. A good boa.? and lot. 'at fast front in tin city, ail] be U*ru m pari r>??n,^uv A?urrw WILLIAM IlAViS. 1 r.buue 0*. e. IrOR SALE or EXCHANG?-^Tbe Homestetad ot it,, h?ta JA' Oil B. BBBBICK, ?.tuattvl OB the Sontbsrn Houle Tard, ?bout les tu nnls?' aviva fn.u. Ilarlera itrilge. wit] in iftv icinute.i.f ffta k-?1ip bv ?teainboat. The i.oirc?i,.j<1 baa 21 ?rr^a of lanlj i.'.um. h terv eown.ial.ou?. u iu fine irlcr; lo? outbuilding? arr large, an I the place I? vtrv jVaira!,!? for S ??Ltltuan'i reaidenc*, bon, h'uii WU ?nd V\ it,i. r. 'i b? I' .m-:-?irsr IL H. li.-jot wii! Im within five siiunie? walk of li,.u?.c aiMling largelr to iu prospective value II will be ?old low,or exeba-.g'-d ,?. ii tt-ntr. Apply to HIGH N. I AMP. (!':(.'? i ^'"'0]? S'A LET "to clcsc an KstuH.-A FARM of i i a. r> ? of c!.o'cs la:,d honae ?nd ?ot-b?iMinr? in t<K?l I.??. frail. *?? . ?? M.rutiOak. VV. .trbea'.r ( uiintv. N \.- on Iniihwiv from esekaki!" ta Lake MthiBM. 6 luilt-a from P?'ek?k:ll. t? ?allaa ?SMS At* , i I. k- Mobetan ; d**Bir?r,l? loc*u,,n in ?very ie?o?cl. Part ol i..r?s??e taouer iu?r lemain on prop'-nv. laasiM ..f W 1 KOAKB. KhrubO?k R, V., or JOHlt ?' UARBOW, W Llbtrty-it.. W. T. ??tTR SAI.K or EXCHANGE?Near Vniageof WV.i J'.rroa. on Bo??..c Baa I ?be RKSIHEN' K of the b.te Thon?? Waiker, ib? |,!?re coninti of llous?. ('?rriige-llonie, tad two ?erei (?f L?"!, BMSri? la.I .'it, will be ?old at a bargain, or eicb?nged 1?;r..v?d Wea'.cbeater property. Apply I? (???j.,, Hj i.ll W. TAMP, If nro?dwa-._ X)B BALI?, on l'ulisado-avc., Yonkcrs, UO'L'-R eoaummg 1? room?, with inn ?iewa, liwn, carriiK? ' "mi-, ?'ab',?, and ?ar >u. wltli ? TtrKty of fruit, ?11 iu food order, ?ud only 40 ?i.uuts? fj..ui New-Turk Citf . will be ?old at ? low atMM, ?tal on!? b?!f, r. iu red A|pr to VARKi.NCiI'l'O.N k ?OCKVVI.LL. Uelty ?- ' _ ?V)R SALE or EXCHANGE?For city or l.i ikiyi i .-.,; rt- -A dein!/. ( 01 M II IBA I ?i.J l'ARH of ?? s.r.? .1 CtiiDa?.iu?. Ji iBiln fxoui Ncw-?ork by llir!ein Bsllroad ; Tilue. g v* * J. R. POWKLL, 3d Piue-?t. I Xcuj-3crefTj Real (P?tate for Sale. A HANDSOME COTTAGE and GROl SB?, taatsaat Mi . kssa?sm mm, at LLI/AUK'? li, ? City ol ueirly 2i,0uM i . ksBj with paved ?treeU, t>olire, ?aa, w?ter, ?tetm lit depaituitiil, j.,,1 .'ici DiirkeU. ?cbool?. eharrbe?, aod a ?Bperiur elm ?if rr?i ? " L ?0 miaute?" ?vi rige tin.? to Kew-York, with frnjucnl Iraic? fi ui I? ?? t?> Biidnight, at cheap fare? ?ud by trtvtl unrarpaated n>y Mfety or sen?ry?all??getber tue molt ac?e??lb!e, orderly ??,; ?SMaaUa ?ul.ur'i of New lork. Ilouie lia? gi?, water, range, fur ?aats, l.?tb cluMU, II room, is eirellt-tit detiga. Lvt nearly one ?ere, girl??, fruit ?0.1 abide tree?, Tinei, le. Loealiun good . : u? of Kro?t_ No aiseaaia??;?. I'nc? S 12.000?one.third : ? ...w ,...: ,a,i., v.r- ?nlSl PKOPKIfl'Y (iWNKIl, P. O. I New-Yw??, or ?pp'y ?? tb? Wert Kliiabttb Il?p<.t, w.tbiB l.OUO . ?' I . ..f the pr'ini???._ AT MAD18? ?N, N? vv-Jcrafv.-I oiler for SALE ? ?? r sta-rsh ? PROrKBTY?a Urge ?ud ?abrtauiallv built brick l???!iui< KrouDdi ?b. >d g?/Jen. gres-a-house, grtperr In full Mat i|,rint ??t?r lot lupplv ol buu?e ?bd fiah-poud, and In to H , ? .?' 'II.? il.. rl?i, i,g ?I t'? r..ut? bribe ( onaolidited ('..m pi?ie? will bn?g Ba>li?on w,ih:B on? b'inr fioi? Kew-Yort Cut. Vor ? , , Lk, .irslrable m?? foi lotat.ig friend?, g!?aaaal by eapilalltU, Uli ir..|?-r!y pr???i.U r?r? ?.l??Bl ., , AI.PRK1) if rBBDWaOI ta Writ Broad any, New-York, T ELIZABETH. N. ?L?Two elegant French tmt BBTBtLUOSi kvaajB ?toop?, BatSwoad laianaS, mih 'I ii,,?lera impr?. k? .? ?uri rstpeel; >?ri pletaaatlt ? iirvl en ti?? In.' of it, ?, i , r i ratal, ?as wi'l, i Its ? BWt?y walk tb? railioa'1 d?|*'?. rrul, ?I'?AJt'id ei,*u". AI?" ?' ?.-ral I-A UM s. lt!i.,,i 1. .u??a I l I ? I .,?.!..'I ?I ? , gool t-.a.,U. Ap, i te ABI.h ' LVuiv lt., Klumbet?. or Bill../? iUtli s?dat?l.. ft. ?. I Reo-Jrrsrn Rcol Gstnte far Sale. A TTl_ACT?VrTlirA ?* * New-Matket, the ?neat ami h*alihlett location ?, ( emtral N. J. B. R.: elioire hmldtn* pinta, teat? rotte-*, and heauufnl conntrr ae.i.. with arre?, from BMOto *,?.?,o6n , heantiful aol?, aofl water, et? lient rliarrho*? eon?enient to depot ; every way ileairable. JAgl'K'4, _.) BroaJwa?. "DKSn.UTlVK LIStS, well ?-astratad aal J ' eomnlete ?Ith tlae Utilea c.-mutation il-tvi r i '? i.; m _e of a 1 the to*B and tillar?a In No?-Jera. ?, ?til the iti!?it l-i. . upen ?tilth ther ire located, and a v?rr eneni'ee lie? of PKOPkl'TY offered lOB !>.?LH, un he had, free of cha-ire, ?non aptilleatlnn to _A. D. MKLLK K. Jr.. 4, Ulli)., No C Pin? i?. ^oH fs.\EE?Adjoining tlie piensan! vil-i? . ol We? Hell, N.J., 19 alle? ?I? Cenlral ltaHroid a rholce PROP kKTV afa ?ere? of birli rulllti? 'and. Mil et? hotli BlJ.-a of Bomb it-, ; -??o? modern btollthoBK .Mo_mi; Inundr.-, en! m. a never la.lijijj ?_H ii.nrc wstafi fitf, ;,*rff |_ ,|1 BStaasrr iitithiilldinf*, It tool order: ?liuu.lanee of fruit. A larfl? portion of the plier ?? rlxihle for huiLl-a* ilota, whlek ?ill toon eoraiatiid food prieea. Addreet ?VIL I.I ?M DAVIS. TiihniisOiBce. B. T. __ j P?fi" SAEE-An rlt'ir?iirviLLA. situated at 1 Rntberfrrd Tar?,, N. J.,43 mina'.et from City lltll, conaiattSf of him'iome harn.too! bonce, and two ?rr?i of ?rrnon.l ?t.H ,ed with eier.t of ?hade and ornamental treee, frnlt?, ?e_, _c For C.icn lari, coi.Uiniug full detehption of property, apply to ____LE. KOKPK.JtJI'jIlt? s.,t, -. T._ 1.7 OR SALE?Two fine Residence?, Hi I.looin leld. N. J.. new. Ir?t-c!??t, all anodern lmprovrinentt: loti, earh MslM ft ? elerated and heanttful; Ba*M. -.MivT ft., with atdltionaJ win* attention each aide. Apply to ?V.M. !'. I.Vii.N. owner. 97 Thoma? it . B, I. TX)R SAI T. ?.r I.ENT-A FARM, near Mnrria 1 town. N. J , large HOCBK, fralt, Ac "4 Oran?."it . llr..okl?B. CM.IITEi'H ?S: PEENT1SS, Xo7_0 Wnlkor-st., n offer f>r 8ALK or to LKT, aereTa) new ard d-'raMe BODS-S, l.^-'ediathel-IKril WARUIa the ( llrof KLIZABKTH. and alto ?? OAKLAND between Cran ford an. \\ elite'I. New-Jrrter. Bl'll I'lNO PLOTS aba tar HALB, at ?sell of ?bove plict IOHN T. JENKINS & SON, *J DKALKR.s IN ItKAL I.STATR O?l v?, Not. 153 Xcllton and ljC ?iiorte ?t.?., ?ad oiipotite tUilrotd depot. ______LE?_5i_fi_iCK_I___ 1 J-WE-&X&?PK m oranceIiVhn' MJ TAl?lFf:?Y, T>*VaTi? a nImTiaLT?. C*tta_? L..u, Villa Bitaa at.d l'irii?, t'titta^ea. Country !<<??_ m.l Koa. lei.e. a, for at!? at no lernte price?. SI Ba**Bl term?, at Orange Montr..?e. and Monl tlalr, .N. .1. L. K. lUSKKLX, No. 7 state it., S. ?._ MIXE OF RICH MAGNETIC IRON ORE for ?..]?? i-r le?*e. Alto, a?rerai mii,iii?r inter.-?;?. A.ldr?--.'. II. Mil J.'HNl-O.N MorrUtows, N.J., or, W?LL1AM S. DU CAMP, Dover, I 1_ MENEO PARK LAND Co. hare REMOVED their Offlee lo 101 BID ?A!??? AY lto"t* 6. LOTS lor BAIS. ? M) f??t ti. 10 fi et fir Stitim to + 40U. -aar ~ru_. I'oii partliulan can ha' ohttinel tt Coinpanv? Ofiee. ^_________________________ A|0..1tlsT()\\ N. N.J.?M inileH tfiie wcHt of 1*1 Ke?-Y?rk : location hi.h anil healllifnl. KartBI. Contitn Scale. ml CotUa:<? foi Suie, from B6.0O" to i- I iKKi. To lot. funoa! el tW n ? fti-,i??e.l. 1 ota *.'?.'to mijtOt, B, 1.1.1.) It (o.. No. ) Part MOlaKIsToWN REAL ESTATE AGENCY. ?Progeny of all klndt ft 8.1e and Rent. Addteii TBBODOBB ATSBB. M*rrUSaw?. ?. J. ORANGE, N. J.?A SEECIAETY-Coinplele l-l *f j.-.].f rt-ra olfetlt,. for ?ale or to rert. HAMILTON - ?'. M.l IS ? Naaaau-n.. corner 1'iue, and apynaltl Orauce Hipol. RrniEKECKD PAKE. X. .1.-Thirtv-liu mirut-.. !.. Bri* B U.. foot ( on ????.' ISnSS. a HOUSE. I? |.1 orvl.-r. Hin? raaatai lot, ?_1uO| tlie- iinin'.ea' walk baa .!? M P*i ' i mJBOt, Apply t? H. K08TBR, 111 ?lurr.T-.t. U'llEEE Al.'E. YOU GOINGTsTR. Tc^-eT i.y lo i.i:i.-..es4 u lui: . I or a l'_(ir o? 0B0D1TD. ??'? I. Sir, ? .. r-k ha? ' e* i -.. t.t. ? tiae projiertiti on t?. J. Central K. R. Pri?e* fi .in | 0 1 I _ J C, FHBKMAW, 18? Broadway SUBURBAN HOMES; P-M tri'ka. v..;h ?!? 1 rail?. w!.?n rom;.'.eiel. n'th c-, ??( f my liait : SKIMS* the value of evert home on lie I r ? I Ik* :!. K. of.N.J. For information SS to llouic?, Lot? i-'aiui?, _c, .... -he live. ai>?.i? to A. I?. BOPB. 11? Lihertr-tt. Cosnirg llcal (?rotate for Oalc. v -^??NTRY ? TOMES, very rT?s?rable, easily _. 1, secaeslble, for SALB us sssr tanas. * t'r.1:.. Bl.soB, *-f*'o. K V. rooiilNO.MSPrnailwaT. A FINE TRUCK EAE ,l, near N. Y? 81 aerea, _V far HALI _S. K. GOODISO. Hi Bro?.l?-t,r. lazuli BALE?At Scarboroagb, on the Hndson J. Kit er K. lt., It in,..? fr->_ N. *-Yoik Cn?, from S sat, a ?plendll COCHTBt SKAT, It) ter??? bou?? lOsS?t, t.rick. O reell t.roed plana?; all modern ini|>r..vc_en?.?; WBaTalaVaal *tsWj oulhuikliuja ln kaeplas ?-...'. ?id ont. ??'ill Ri:*; i' or ?-Ll.I. House and 12 acret, or tell the place e:.t re or in'al.ritc?! lor fu.tier nirtlculiir?, thot, rrtT'is Ae. ipi.t? to E!i\VAKD At'S T1..V :?:; r, ?rUt., 01 BOB'T ll BOORAI \N '? I Cedar at. __ POR SALE or EXCHANGE-CHOICE FARM X In Orange County. Farm on S. S. ot Lea* I-'jtnl, ?' Bill**| BsffSSt 01 ? II : ai 100 Chalea Sat* Lot.., ?.'l.liOO; ileaidencaj below TeDih ?u toi < se np loan. _8. M lili Kl i, III Br?a?|ar?y, Room tt_ ?^OR SALE, or Exchange foi <':t.v Property, al p.-1 ?' ? H ? ?. ib'i rettdecce, ont! ttprored land. Isqaii? at I?. & Pas*. 3*3 Sptiiif-*- oi Hi Crnmli. Peeks-ill_ P?R 8ALE-A COUNTRY HOUSE, contain 1 in,- n ronii,?, B*aatli-)ly ?.tuat.-d, water view in front : in I I ? t '. staten laland, the tenim i.? ??'tn- s| ,i?n Unud Kaiiro. ?.!, he toll ?.-?*-[.. ASS') toMr?. Tl ll.M.Il. I ..f. i.v.lie. OB TBB LINK OP TIIK UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A l-.nd (-rant ? f l'J.OOO.OOO MB-, of '.It !...?'. Fanning ana Mi, . . a in Aroerici. .'i.OUO.OOO tsra I? Kebrssks, in tic Grctt Tlttte TsOsr, Btt UM ?Vi ?t. Li a fonal?. I.amla ire in th. r. -.ral Kirli-.n of the Pi Bal SB Stt 4!?t tletr* ..i Karts Latttads, the centr.i Ka* of ( srat? Zo?* o) the Aniencan ? i. ..i, ?ui tor %tttm gtaWMSraaU alwB taaSss as ?Brpaatel In ?ay ib lb* United Stat.-?. ? Ut IN PBICB.aai* i'V.Tih'e tern:? girru tn.l more con i.u.ent lo naiket t'.tu can be fSBB 1*1 Kill!. HO--8TBAU- POK Al i I AL SKl'I I BBS. Hla. ? >B4 for ..?:,.?-. B* m iBtitlsd to a llo.iriteal of 160 Aeras. PrtaPasststsPsuSassnal !___. s. :..l f. r ;h? new deaciii.t.t? ?siii| ' I. ? t.irS new mip? pnl.liahed in n?|?1li?. tal flaaltt, mailed free ?reu -rl ? re, Aiilieu O. 1. DAVIS, Lsal c.n,i BB.f?T r. p. It. it. Cs , Oaahs, B*?? unction ?alcs of Heal Cctalc. ADRIAN JE MULLER, Aaetioneer. DESIRABLE LOTS, OB i HI KOBTfl BID8 OP ONr-IIl'N'I)P.i:D-.\M> Sl.VTri'N ril IT. AlilllAN 11 MILI Kit, P. fl. irn__BS4CB. v. li ml at tu. t.. n on ill SDAY, APRIL B8, AT NOON, AT I UK BXCaUUtOB SALKSUCOMV, in Bfaalwar. Bew_**_ 1 lll'I'R valnahl?'ull-.' l.OTSf.n ihe tortn tide of On- i . tnd-Mtecnth st.. only HI feet from lut l.rlh'.t paitisalan ar? i. to the Auctioueett. At.Kuv II. M'1I.EH. A-ii linnerr. A UCTION SALE of VALU ABLE PROPERTY 1\ o: TBOMPSOS tnd BlilaLIVAB-STS.?AIiHIAN II. ML'LLBB, P. It. \? II KINS _ Co., will aril at anction, on TU-BDAT, April I, ai Il o il.'k. ai Uie K?i Iian?(t- .-?alearoom, 111 llroadwar : TBOMPSO" and HllLLIVAN-HTS.?The plot of land, irltnate on the ? .??:!? aide ?f 'i'hoinpmii ?t., raBSlsg throu,-.'i to Hol frontil k on ? u'h vai.-ht.. bstvasa Pitas* anl Haa*te?-*-k, and known as Nat? l.i.'. 1ST, Bad OSTtaaisata,aat Was 111, 1U. anl Hi ?BUivan-tt., having a fiout oti each ?tr.. t of M HM I.? 2UV feet in depth. Tie I "K?are brick an I frame, ?ml cover the entire property. (COCo) (1. II. PlBBaoB, Autt o'.e-r. AUCTION SAEE of superb, three-fltorv, fwitiisaf. frtir llfTTtfll l.y A. D. HRI.LK'K, Jr., ABBO..I Pine-it., I" rooita, lull L?.I//.I, all ciuplttr, ?, earriaic-lionae, one air? ih.nre (arden, at Summit, K J.. 17 mile? fioin New-York, Morri? sad BSMS Ktilrotd, no WKOBBSOAT, Aj-nl IB, it 1 p. _., on the pten.i?ee, thiee uiinu>ea' walk from depot; irf ?utifullr ??totted, tne viewi, vi-r? healthy. Huinitil i? hi?rheit i.oii.t In Tir.nity of 20 milea of New Vork; only 20 per cantihrnu, lon< i-iyin.-nt?; ? for r.ndenc* or Bi e l.oarding-lionte : Snaaeailaa, T?k* ll:2?l a. In. train, fool Haicla; or ( Lr.a-.tpli? t ?t? ParUaalan of Anction.-ar?, 5 or ti Piae-.t., W. Y. j. juiiN*(>>. jr.. samaaasi BY .1ERE. JOHNSON, Jr.. ISaSSSSSSf to Jol.'.aon i. Miller.) No. 23 Bsssav-ot., te*. ? Ki'ts rr., NKW-?..?tr. Heal Ealtie promptly Sold and BsdkSafsi, Am tins ^ale? of Mork?, Furnitnte. MenliandiM. kr. Tl SSDAY, Aptil il, at l-o'eb^-k. At Bat-Mfl ."??leaiiMiin, 111 liro.daat, N Y. ANNOUNCEMENT MEANING BUSINESS. -BBAT .?.NU rOSm*_ PAKT! I ION SAI.i: OP ?.no atAOBiPioaar urn oa tii_ JOHN S. BERGEN ESTATE, Pnlendldly (itnatrd in the E'ehth Wird of Ilrookkn, SB Third, F.oir'-h (Ha.lroaJ and ltoulerurl) Fifth, ii d .Sinuate? , rorii-cioud, Inrt,, IhlSt, Korty-foortT, ami Part/ -At ?u. Not offered lo test the mtrket hut poiitirely to lie ?old. Alto, ?t tame time and plarr, Kite B SB-Kraal LOTS otittie hliibcsl crade In Brooklvn, on the toB'h-weat corner of Ninth and P**?" t'-a-t area. Tbeae Iota ebould Coiuioanl th.- attention of all ?ho ?it "ant? ing really choice property. Al?o, the foUowinic dee.ral.l? Iota : Pr.iepecl-ave., a. w. aide. 27? ft. a. c. of P.i(rh_i-a?e., / lot*. Twrllth-it. a. a., ?TJ ft. 10, in. w. of Serenth-ate., 1 lot. tSiitea-utb-tt., a 1., in ft ID, in. w. of Kleveiilh-iTe.,* lot?. Hrailon-i-, n. ?, adjoining lb.- above. .' lota Kletenth-ave.. n. w. corner of Braiteti it-, ? l?tt. Thirir-binth-tt. I I., co__ennr.| 11'. ft. e. ol Kiftb-tTe., t lot?. Tcrmi eaty. Mtpt, _c, tt Olllce. '/.'' Naa??n ?)? S. DifUK?, Aurlioaorr. EXECUTOR'8 BALE OP TIIK C A ft V I I, L K KSTATK, At lll'tit KNOT PAHK, S*?-B?ebella, Wrateawater ?..uni?. N. Y. A Ni.? _lll'?.l... Ui.Mili.1H. sal .0 Al BE3 OF CIIOICK BL'ILDIKO SITK?, At Puhhe Auction. I'UCUSDAT. APttll, lo, 1.(1.', AT I O'CLOCK, P M?, on the ?fiound?. Tk.i dealrtMe Property, tilualed on VVtnytb tnd ('li?lon avei . it iuh dirids.i i'.'" KKillT VILLA PLOTS of OSTt Is POI'R Ai RFS KAt II. The IIOMBSTKAl). a new, handaou.e Ueaideuce, containa 11 rnonu, with all lb? ?(?h rn _M*SBl*_Bsa atal.le, aad be* outhuild:u(l, w.lL awml lOL'U ACUb? of LAWN and OABDKN. TKHMM KAHY. Trvlnt letve the BsB BsiSB K. It Lvpot, T*ent??eTen)b it. ?ad Pourih ate., atSand IliJiJ o'clock, a. ut , lu time '?renle. Mapa, rliru I.e. ?_d fail particular? at the olBee of K. A. BOOUTTtB, Atloniey for Kiecutor. ? Pine-tt, and H. DINOKK i. Co., AuctiuBBtra, JJ7. SB, aud Ml Pourtli-ave., comer of Tweaty-tfth-i- _ 1__-*OBTANT BANKRUPTCY SALE OF J VALL'Altl.K HO'I'KL PIIOPKRTY. ?PRIL 10 AT \2 M, AT KXCIIANOK KAI.BSROOM, 111 Broadway, N- Y.. br KJI. LlOLo?? It... , A,.ct,,.ne?r. ?Bde, the Oraod lloti-l l.ul-t.i?. roll*.??, itor?t. * Tu? ^l?kw.l"'?nclX*wi?hr"tb. abo?e all th?, c.rneU. Btlrrora, (.? Iiture., ?See fnmrture, elevator ?Mine Bad,,., r?, - . csiaa. tlaaa. sad kla a** sraia, I ?<?'?- I "' ' " ' ' * ?? ';' , botel coa.h.^1..? ..I . ,|______t_T ? m ai.'l all the appur'--anca ol lb- I-'' -. m?ln-?.y ?laaa, - I ?tore, ..n l,.n.i .11 ? - ??-?JJ???? V,t< ? ''??, i.t Vi .? a J. ..,?.. -.lUJUU.t U. PLAli.A...,..., in II ?? ?: N ? l.rk. -?ttrtitm Salto of Heal ?af?lale. ??5xT(juto1Fs^ -I-? JABhM M. Mir.I.Rn. Ancl!one?r, __, Re ?? lin? ?t, WILL HULL AT AHC'rioR. ?M \v I.ii.IKUm?. April 10. at II <>'. lock i ...m. ?? il.? i:. |, ',,,.. Htlrarooa No. lit Hruadwav. unter di? re-!,:, of i?MI I'll H.VKKKII, eai.. l.i . n-.i of JOUR I'l'.N \ !.. de ee i-- .1. 100 LOTS O?I TKNTII ANT) ST NICnOLAS-VVF.S".. ONK-IIIRD IU.U-A.N0HlliU?.M.\T||, AND ORI 111 rTDRID-ABD PollTIKTIISTS. r?eT?TitT a?r CSril rn?r remain on moMirig*. Fnrm?p? ?ni pimptlet?, ?Pl'lt to the Asrtiou??., or LOCKWOUli k CHil.sUY, KiocuUir'? Coun ?el, No. 1.11 Sa?.a i rt. I?1 XEnJTOK.S'^?TjC^.state ofllKNKY 1 ? Itr.CKKiT, eni., deceaied. Verv elegrnt COUNTRY HRAT ?ad iAitM, aBatavlar Mansion. im aci?p.?. rxteaalT? pauk, i;rh;n. lIOl'SH. ?n.KiUAP_|Rl'1(?AUili:NKR'rlaad PARM IKll SRH, TKN ANT HOl'SKS. ?a., Borlentown, B. 1. f..nnerlr th? rwldenes of BONAPAITR. On TI'HSl'AT. Mir .. IT?, it t? Bood< will |>? ?,,1,1 ?, public ?ale, at the, Phil? le'pbi? Pichan??. Pull particular? in biudblil?, which niiy be bad l.v writinir ?.. tb? Ann,outer?. M. '1 MOV?AS k SOBS, Auctioneer?. 119 and 141 8. Pourtb ?t, Pbllidalpbia, Pen?. PiiiliuVlpbi?. March, 1(171._ HUDSON'BIVEBFARM AT AUCTION. IIV ORDER OK TDK HITRKMK COUBT, To rlo?e the s?Ut? of Dr. R T. I Mil KIIII.L, drceiw-d. HENRY VV. HART. Auctioneer. Will ?eil, ander th? direction of tb? liefere?, ?t jmhlle ??ctloB, on Till KSPAY. A[.rll II. ?Sll o'clock n?on, it the R it Depot, Crcl.m, We'. ?., ?t.-r i ., . N. Y..HU ?err? of LAND, one third of ? sule fr,.m Croion I), put, and ?iljointnf lb* re?,dcuce of Mtaiuel Hiaclair. exi. Th? Bmnntaln ?nil river ?csnery I? uniurpaued i a view of the lludion for Iwentv-tlT? will'?. AI out Ire >ci?a of riaevarj iu full 1,'innti il?? other fruit. Por further partirulart apply to II. I'. TALLt'OT, CroUiu lat-wasST. Hudaon RiverU. R. lObEril McGUIRE, Auctioneer, ? ? will ?. it at anctinn, on KOBDAT, April ?, liTJ, ?t 11 o'clock, nooa, At the Halrir .?m, 111 llr ndwat, Bv onltr Julius J. Lvom, ??j . If?'. ??? The ?ile?ble ntr? aiie four ?lory RIUiWN-.t'l'uNK IIOI'SB and LOT, Ko. 3.1 Kail I'weiti-M'con.l ?L, Bear ilroadw?v. Sun ol boutc, .'b.j bi ?!i, n'b? |r,t. K.ri'bjr BK.9. M?i. ?t the Auction?'?'? ?Acs, No. ?r. ('e.l?r-?t. Conscs ano -farms C?antc?. WANTED?FOR CASH? from 6 to Ml aere* in Wi'-trhe^. r Coimtr, nit ?horr Jer.mie P?rk? bigb ?r.ui.1 ?r bulMlrg tot? not r?r|.iir?di fnimcili?i? ?ti-ElioB tutu. Apply to C. V. (.11,MAM it (V, If? Krtrtifw.v. Room _____?_?___ WANTED to RENT".,, tho country?A amall PLACE, bavist a ?mull boa?? Hit n?ir the waur pre ferre.l. one ,.r two tatas of land li?ius all that i.? required. AdJrtaa J. II., with tern,-. Bet I ', i r I,.in- ?itScr. Ucal Cclatc to Crrhancje. [?\)R EXCHANGE. I UKAHl'II.1.11 Si (On CAN'T btve? fron ?tor? BRICK FACTORY lu Ki ".m, N. J.; ?ill take in tstaaan ? eiAjtat iirookl', n aTasawasaaa. BRADPllLU ai On. Bata ?.moo w.rih of StSM In ? Cr.l claaa Newark Manufacturing Ca., for wlncli Real K-tat? will l?e taken. llli.M'! li-.I.H k ( ,,. I,?te a j.1.', lj WwIaIc, V. J., Beaidence to eicbaui;? lei Blsshlya R?.iden.-e. liinUI'??LIi i. Co. b.v? Hol SEN to RLNT in Newark, Orange and Tiriuitr, fro-n * J,?i la (r'.'.KiO p?r vsr. IlKAlil k Ci,. Kcal K'ta'ts ?ml Mercantile Nrgot'ator?, of 2TI Hro.iJ??T. New-York, em always ?aSMkrt'Tea wil'i re,I cut? for rub, ri.rrlnii-li??. cr n:bir rtsl e.iatc. ?Vask, all kind? of l.tritiuiate I u?ii.?,a biwtere.l f,,r rial. ?laic._ ?TH) EXCHANGE foi interest-pay in? 8T0CK8 J a_dBOBOI?Tavita Ira flats >.v'(.vts la ur-r,,-. Cu-.i.-. Ad OWN h if, lioi BJ {,,. !,,.,, S). Y. Citn JDiopcrtn to Cet. \ i i\i: l.AUtiK. LIGHT OFFICE ?n seoond J\ ?t.r., of Tttlatj? ?mawVay, Apply t? BatXBB - tKaOSTIB, R? 1 hpnice-it A LARGE STORE to LET or SELL?Mar - 1 ravit., mir Oreen-vi, h ?t. s. _ ?OODINQ. ?I? Braadwty. rp0 LET?'I'lie Ivvo-Rtoiv and liinli-liasfiiient I l.iii-k COTTAOI. wvth?asltrs inpr? and giru'ii lot aaV t,,inu,ir on i..inil ?Ut af Hlitv-srstB-*?., Iltfa bouan weit of Teuth-ar?. Inquire of RultKUl I BROW .'?'. ?M !i> sir._ TO LEA8E?74 Wooitur?FRONT and REAR JL El ll.ji.Ni.-s, with ubaII KTKAMI N'.l.M-i inef or* r. AmIi _RMITII k CIUNK, lfc? Wctt Twenty .. irp(? r.r.l'?STOI.T.. 2!? Heekman. OS (eel deep, X high cciline. I'_!i, an! taHablt f..r in. rcvitiie 1 u? n-aa. ?ppl> tlicreor to Ru.-K BROTUBBM, er. VV illlain ?ml rsmrc n?. _ iT-? LET?Near Broadway, STORK 4 5r?a"t M. Jit,. - ,:.. v. :!i .- .'.i aa 11 il I ? .-r; ?:??, It lo.Mi Ol. IiAVIL n\ . C Tu" I.KT?Tiie Hve-story 8T0RE No. 857 1 VVa-b: ' -i >"., I ?t '.?, i l"rai,U.:, auJ N?,.'., Miguen?. I:. ;.. .? HOBT I. la.o'.VN, VIO Broadway._ OFFICES TO LET, AT MOBBBATI PRJ New ?. - !? r, ttHI n ? of L'ASSENOKK ELEVATOR, i; i? H su:.vm, ai Baa i'i to ?v liruailwir. A;,' i.. B. r.O0ABABTT ABB IRO-MIU'r compvny. r j p. m i.i?v tai Ru fa pERSOlS? GIVING IT' HOUS?K?I I l.\'(. OB OOnrfl ?BBOAD, ('AN Plloi I u BTUKAGE roa SILVER. PLATE Pirrrrtrs. LIBRARIBS, ARDTRC5UOI OTUBH VAL? Ai I.i>. IT I III. BTU\ VI BANT SAIT. DEPOSIT COMPANY, (",,rc?r l'liirJ-iive. s'.-v, nt'j-it.. appaalta Caof r 1st . 111* Drooklrm |3roprrtn lo L'ct. rVO ].V.T in liroolilyn?Elc-rant bcoarn-ltone B HOt'-KS, ntsolJ ami ?itblrawu fr. m t; r?nt porainal lo g.??! f.miliea._i. EPilY k On,, I Pari , ITH) LET, foot Sontfa First-st., \VilIi:iiiiKlnir?;li? J A I* ( K : mi Bt llabUK B, as I iblt fot gw n .-l-vatini? -t . wbi ? ?It !" ?> ? ii. ' feed hi I i i ..f I ll.M'M \.s (' ?Tonntrn propcrtn to t'cl. 10CNTRY BOARD.?fTrS HOUSE TO RBBT.ta VV --t, fa mm ?ount?, B, Y.. 2| hour? from ritj ; * fur ni?b?d rooni?; ?bid? uni. with fruit, ready mail? ttfttssk c?r r?, r*ke?. fael larladed; ?lie, waahiafi ?lulu .Lairs'; S "" i ? r niiiii?i, in ?lian". ? ill on Monilav. April H. bctun n tlir I. i r. ?! 2 ?i.l .'> p.m., at tb? ttatiUVa of kh'I.Lotiti ?V I'Ol'lLH, No. 1. 'I b.rl at.....p.???.:? i ?.??-i Ir-t.. _ IN ASTORIA?Five Minutt.- from the Perry? 1 llol sjj ??ib nine room?, girret. r?ll?y. front tad rear pisua, gi?, ??1er, l.iAl.r. durth-nait'-r, ?nd c,iiiip|.-t.-Stil.l. rent e"d". A. k VV. H. J .ii K-O.N, OoalOfflre. AIaIb-.I . A.iorl? L f^ %?(.TARSl)Al.h-To LET, l'l llMsllKI). ?x. ?pt il ),|a'c aud Bma, Apply ou tl,i |,r, lui .? t,. (JLOUlili UL'ltljLSS, Nir>.|?ie._ DTI IRE to LET.?Large new 8TORE at Am il itvT'l'?>. y* l.v 4'. ft Jo inlrc ,.f Mr. TORTBB, AmltyTill?, L. I. r\\) LET?Fnrnished, the RESIDENCE of the A. nn,ler?icnsd. ?t STAB KOBO, C.rn. Tie l:?n? conialni?5 room? hot aud c./i.i watar,gat, .'.?in bi?'>r. l?l:ii.-o room, with ?ool table, auJ i? cut. i.ieu'.ly .. rlc! in the iniit.t ol no? ground?, near tliunbe?, ?<l,pol?, ? . . Is? t I Ml friit, >b?de, ?nd, in ?bun. ?11 the appoiatii ?nt> ol a inn . a?, ncmliy |,lj,,.,,.' >,f tl,,. ('.'.,. ,,,,,( r..r a?n.e |. nrth of lime it the ouly cause for af 11., t ? ii?., istraat OaO. a. iioyt, (?Bee oi the 1'cBn. Coal Co., 111 Ilroa! ?r?T. ?TOLETal A? fORI A, L. I.?Tbe la?rce, eo?v J assBatal I.WI.I.I.IMi ll??l UK. iitiuted ?a tlie eorner of tbe CavsttaaS taai Oraui!-???., c.ntaii.iiig tu large r.M.rni. BMSMB Im;,rote ne - ...;n, i.i.ul ?table, one ?<ie of lai,,!, choies fru't, ?h?,I?. and ?l.rnli',.-rr, aswas, BtCI l, jj two iin?? of ?t??iiiti,,?t? an 1 hatBt rniln-ad Apiil.rt., _ IQSIAB M VVilUNtSY, A.ioris. r|',<> lii'.NT?In MorriHftnia?Four niintit?-s -1 from ilfiKit, ? Une two?lory IIOI'SK, with Imerurnt ?nd attic fin II... ' .ct.. _ ? ??. r, ? In im -r..., i.i -i room?, liai, m.? Uni,I of ?n ?er? of groaud ; pleut? of fruit ; all is veri I c.l ?i.l r , ?iluiliou uutar putod. lor pirticuiari ?ppli to VV. II. APPI.KTOV, I liai 11 . Itfom 0. r|V>"l.KT?? line brick RE?SIDENCE i? NeW I ark, New Jrraer. I'lie tluee dory brick ilwa?imr kii.i?. contaiBing !.' i".m >. tttmt, coil vault?, and all tb? lnodrrn iinproTeaieut?. I'tutl? is lhcr?ntri! part of the citr ; firat-rlaa? ueiguborhuod ; reut, *l,is?J. lu quiie of KI.NO k BOM?.'7'JI Ilroadit. _ _ rro LET FUliNISUED?Xt'ountiT H0U8E. A. hai.daome, ?pirion?. Kile, with four ACRK.i, ?bundaare of f ui'. ?ni l,?rT???. Inge vrg.tabl.- ??rl'B, r?rri?ge-Lon??. ?Uble-, in ; ? itiMi.?! m Moani'iulb C.iunti N. J., rorainaslieitcuiie wit. r and bud Tiina Kent very re??ou?!,ls. Inquire of Hoi; BsWTHBBB, 1"? Wilii.m-?t. r'V(> LET al Moirist?.vvii, N. J.?COUNTRf 1 SKAT, furni.!s.1. for lb? ????in ?r longer; tute of l.orw, cow, ?ud lajullri; ?ruuul? kept iu o?d -t b> tue owner. K KiaiY I Co., No. 1 P.rk-plars TO LET?A fine large DVVELLlNGi witfi L Ntibl. Ac. R?-,:, Am\ n?mm J- HKMIV Joh.S.siiN, ll??l l:?l?t " Agent. Mnrnatowu, N.J. _ _ __^^ rPO LET or EKASK, low, near lili?? city? 1 Sm, ?1 l'ARM In...: I.,n1. frn,t,.irc'l. nl ?oil. i.iilalil.- for Market (,,,,!.?,, (iKO. .MilliM.lBI'., ?. C?tAr--t . Room.!. (' Coiclo. MIMMON'W i:\I.TII HOTEL, tVashington-it. ,o.r,i...,nit ?qniro fro? VV W ^pnL.ll? II ?l.| rloatou. 11. ii.Kli.v Proprietor. Ijourb nn? lioomo. BOARD WANTED?On the Sound, vicinity of South Ni.rwtlk or Stunfonl prrfrrrrd. bv a f.milv r,,i,.i?uiig i.f ban ?, two ?mall i l.,ldi. n. aii.l niirv?-. from ?l?,ut April II. an ?t Irart,,? bom?, wilb gi?w,l dm? ?iffl br?ltt.(ul ?uirouad,u.?. ?ii or T?iy Seir Its ??Il w?t?r. ttaenlial, with ilabllng fanbtira and place foi coach? man on lb? premiad or i ?.r. AAtTSta B T.. Tril??Be OXce._ BOARD WANTED in off n<?ar New-Haven, ob N. Y. ?ndN II. R. It, ?>? ? f?iiillv of tkrssi f.M?d Uble lull? penuble. Addr-at with full p?r?leul?r? J. W., Trlbase Oiflie._ / ?0??NTRY BOARD WANTED.-Wantetl by V^ ? geutlem?u ?nd ?i.? country binrd lu t Irat-ilt?? I.?'tln>, os North RiTcr prtlrrr. d. A c.mforwble room ?ad jtood t?l.l? Iu a pnr?t? family Mini b' ?itlin ?n? I our r.f Cm lesMioiiib!.- rrfer curs?. Addrtt?. ?latiug full larluuUi?, JAM. TlUUIlLbS, hUtlou Y, B.T.ff.0. ??,_ COUNTRY BOARD in Onuiire County from May I ? Iw.i boon Inns ???w-York <>u Rii? Beltway ; 1?? raluat,? fri.u. Oroul; luge to..rnii term? reaao-ibk. Addieaa 1'. O. Lui M, lll.H.niiuK (Jrov?. rV'.Yora. - *_ pRKNCil ?PAOTMENT? to LEA8E.-Np. a I Kait Iifl.entbit., AI'AHI'MKMM ob Pint, Third, Fourth ml liflh Pl.-.ri I.w p?ru,iu i,,pl< t.. R. R. IIA/Altli. ir., 110 ilr,..d???J ??IJMMER BOA'RD?'R8-?{er?ived May 1st ; IJ rrlereoca. former W?*. BoBT.^^PLAl'jt, Stanford, Coaa. ?| IINIO?^SQ?ARE, next to Foiirtcciuli-at.? ? 9 On? Itrj-a liouM 1? l.RT. us list loor, for baain'M purp.j??? li.ij'i r ? "B | r. in;.?? itli.cellaiuons. CAVE YOUR NKVVSrAl'i.KS. ami m mi In V1 J A toLLl/vs Ba 'AO ??*????>, ?*? P?'t Utl Ui'.libi.V. I'ltli 6 I.I Old iNttttllueH, I'^NflilVl?, B*.!*, ?-c. HORSE ASD ?A?MI??M MARKET. New-York. Friday. April ?. 1171 The run-out demand for low priced hnnint-s, horses, with it l ; ? 111 r ? -, i ?timber of ?iV. ?t tho uansl fljniroa, pompit^.H aliout all Unit caa bo said -bout tlio goneral hsesi itmrkpt of the day. ' Tho shIo held at Mensra. Jotinnton A Van Tnseell's Horno snd (in rloKB Auction Mart, lu Bait TBIl IBBBIB at pro siiii?:U to ?iii i-uiio.iiii-.i, _ pUaudaa eaatraat wit? tin? (Iitlliiem prevuillii- In the lior*) tradn f/oiierally. Tim sti.-niiiiTi,-,. W;W4 laraa, aad tho Wddlna aad tho competi? tion ? ?piriiixl to bring about tho folio .viug su tin fat tory na alt: _ SS? ' I Hindi. Teer*. Pre?. Bricht biy bora?. |..._ 7 $ll?ind Itoati borae. |r, ? 7 le? 'AI Or? horte. m tt lu it) black nor??. la tt |irj ?0 111-.\ ho.a.. 151 H ft. Oil Back po.y. Q g ti2 ? brown k?rw. IA.3 8 1/7 M ?aar s NB? Il.rk hroaa horte. p..l h tvr, to ??SS . 1-..1 g 1 ; 60 ? )ie?iiu: ?addle horae (Kentucky bred), IS B TOI) 00 ?lav irn.l.lel.uiiuaiire.. I? 1 ti withdraw* Ha? toree.. I. g Ion i ai Hay hoi??. IS S US OU br.iwnmar?. IS. 1 7 lio 00 Ilrowu borre.. |J,i ft |H 143 Hay laddle horte.. |S.J J B-. 00 Black hnrae . yj g |gs 00 Hark bay mare. 13.1 g 175 00 A number of second-hand wafsaa, und s lot of horso elothiiiK ???-re al.?..distributed at pretty fair prii-es, Al ?tables No. lid West Twinty-iiliiib-st., the. following boraaa wars arousSt to ?he baanaar by <Jtiomb W. Jen? kins, i?ueti<.i_eer, untl kiioeked doivu at tbo auunxod tii; BtSB ; rvterfpiloii. Hard*. letra. Pr'ee. rk ?in??* . I5j ?? ?ins no MrtMH. .rt'ur.:?r..ri.rttirr l_l Bay bora?. IS"! 7 _J' # Orayhorae. 16 6 Sa_f> 00 At >lesara. Barter ?it Chase's ntv Auction M.irt and New-York Tattei>alli?, tho iihtial BUBM BBIlllj salo of liornas, cartiiiireH. Ac, will be hold to-morrow (Saturdui). Aprl. C. ?it li o'clock. Th? wenl-go trade la Improving dally. Mewtr?. Tlrow ster A Co., emu'r of Finn!, i-nlli-st. mid Flfth-ave., Bra padaalljr reducing their l_r?o Mock of Hue c.irrlu?es sZ-intsd at the Bspoaltorp, mid are oiili^td to run an liurea?ed tinmher of worktnon at tho factory In BrapToeat., with plenty of ordern, particu? larly for UiTlit wasous and brou?rbam* (after the Iaondon style.) Tho deiniinil for fino work la Mtoff?tbar far bot? ter than for medium Slid cheap ?mule?, an?l our flrst class uianiif_.tur.iB count upon _ sati-factory 8_rl__ trade. fjorces, (turringco, {jarness, S'c. AT BARKER Si CHASE* Oil ADCTIOB .MART AM? B-W-TO-S TATTBUSALLS, Ilroadwav tnd Tbirti -niB'h ?t., Maio.C. ST. BABKBB,AaatsBaar. Reaiiilar r?ale? of llorara. Carril*?., i.e. Brain wsmbsdai am? satusoat. Gentlemea'a private e.tabliahmenta di?p..?e,l of at public or pnvtt? M -t.. the beet adven?a?.-, ai .1 a Kcneral ???ortment of Band ' r aaea, Ham. ?a. and everything in the Horte hue, to tut Ibt ne-l? ol ah c.__ea ofputchawr?. r?i,it?nuV oo lian.). A 1. \_(1K 1)111 VINO TlINO In th* Han fat ihatrla* Harstaaa til?. i f iur houri allowo.1 f?r trial en . , r? It. m aold UuJei warrante*, (arriare? taken on ?torare. II - ? on ?tl?. tediad pronipilv attended ?" I- ? ra] Bide ?Bevel If to Ibe II -r- - l!n\ <<y HoRaBs.t ? AiutiA'.i. mi THIS DAT, AT LB (?clot K A -MIME, STEVENS ?_ to., PINE CARRIAGES, U.?iJ SBOAOWAT, lt??j..tfnli; notify tl ? pn''> SmL owln(? to the intend?.! removal of tt? r waren '? -ii? In thir SMtarV, lift to Ul Ea?t Thirteenth-it, r??r I. i' ? ' - Larr* start af nrryd?aid?duaiatC i l..nnahle ttyle awl ale?(?n'. Iin.ah anil of t'jiir ow . i AT 111 i I . :.l) PItICI?s CNTlt. MAY I. AT. DEMAKEST .v c?., a ??'?-t B-OAQR It fini: c a ii i:i AOBS. LABPABIBTTBH.ha *l.n?) '.o #1 ?to 1-?>1?AI ? .f.olB 1(1' t.< I.KO I CLA1U . i ? .f ,.,? |j .. t., I'M olK POPULAS FAMILl CABBUOl IU-KSI asd Paor-eeat RockttTiri or ill l B Ml I'ttk Phietoni, ? i? loi - ; ? ,1 ,?;.,.,.. sao piiai m ?ir ? (i B t rirea lota.-r thin ever olfcred to the r flag pahua. W tea i food throughout li.e I son. A'J MUCH I'NiM'.K MAIiKET KATES. " _\ M- I s.VLK Tt) ('???bit CASH ADVAKOBS, SBW and BKCUBD-UARD TtH' -;l BO-TOP POST PHARTOBB, 'lui* and ROTOP 111 O?IBS. PHAETONS COACHB . anl i LARKNCRB, -PUKS.s, and III ?INKsS ?VA'.'tl.Vs, Hi? KA?? AY anl DEPOT \v |l O.I ?I Ibt tt. ) BALBS ANI? STOBAOB BSPOSIT >RY, .i.i ill Peasta-t**,. ear. Twaaty _ft>-*_. tt. T. CARRIAGE IIOKSi:s_E;ir.-c aaBOTtmen?, ?tjT ii.ii and ?ell loaicbed. frm.-i 15:2 to lti i hand*. B. A. I ITCH, l'l Baal T m ntvfnnrt'i-t. 170R 8ALF.?A luaiiiiliil team of Jet-black A IIUB-B-(BonraB ?tick), l.'.j ?. bAi hi_ !.. an sai SSVSB | terr-ti! h in tan .? m:J Malet H-Ils. C:,.- alepjera. and warrantai is h* net until Kil.l at Mr. OUUbUN _ itahlei, N ,. j ',?.-? ....? '.._ / -l'ODS ?TAMAGED BY FIRE.?We will clos? \f out, itr li.l.eve-. S-Kaiptlaa ?f BADDLBS. UABB-SS, BHI .?AbliL-l?? (;(..)[).:. din.j?el by the re.-.B, Ire in oar _ ?' !.. .'?II III _ ('.... 40 Warren-it, Al{\E>>, Saddles, lliiillcs, and Horse , . . ?rally, at MOB-MAS BBOS., Ill C-t-b?rt-t_ rpiiE SHI I' HUDSON has arrired after s r. - I . r.ably abort pt??a^e from l^imlon. ??tu a choue lot of Aldemey . o*a, Iii.,|a, MsBaal Peaks, Bi itaMr* r t?, MtttiJ ?ud tikye Terri- r ]?.,i QaaaastsaaBBaar-, st HsrttB-SBlTSt _ AVANTEI)?A IIOIWE trained to 117?? saddli fakn Tl.huue (?it--- S V ?i tn.1 c.e.tinfor.1? a nn?lerai? |.n-e or oue ?oe kSSB would he lakea a? ea p ? ?.' .... f..r ?errice. Addreaa, hill pat-SastlS, C. 11.. Dcntistrp. f^LTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION orif V- iBTtrd Ibt laBMlliillr ail rfaHrrn fr'ji gaa, ?dmi'iiter u n il.? - '.at KXTBkCr Tl.Klll.and do that WITH "I I I'AIN?-> ?JOMO BBlIaafa leality. bee their uauiea aa lb? otUee. .Su. I. Cooler iBili'ut?. ?irambout, an? RaifarooH. DEPASTURE of Through Railroad Trains from ffcw-Turk: Nsw-Janaer ('BMTsat^-Kor the Wet?, via Allentown: II. a tnd M* p. in. For Kaatou: ' I. I ? '.. 1-': <". '-'??' * *?> t_S P- ?"? Ui-._, Lu ?. i.vD HTBaraa*?Bread (itua- fat scr^uiou; il a. in and 4 I., m. For F a.ton: Till a. m., it io.. and l:lo i. ui. Kbib: S...??, II a. in . ft:"') and ? p. in. Kate-l'i.K? am> BBW-|IaVB_?Fa* Do-ton: 8 i. m. 11:1.. .1. anl 1 p m New Hit. n- t. B, IlllS- i? , IMS. J, tt4m\itM.fc-B. BBS SjB m. Saw Tsaa Cbbtbas ?m. Brasas Sir sa rat BaSUai <t, i": ?i. lo;?i?. m .ti. ?, ?ad 11 p. ui. Fur Albany: ?, lOtJO, ll:4j in, J.aO, I, S.S. and 11 p. m. Ksw-J*B?Kr-Kur Wtt'iimrtoa: 8:30 s.jn., 12:30 and 9:?) p. m. For the Weal, via Praiiirlvanit H. K.: 9:30 a. in., ti tnd ?:.? p.m. V? e?t Vniladeliil.i?: fcJBaadfcJBa a_I*3a. I,A-JB, BM p.m., Un'<M. a: 1 on Sundavi ?t ? p. m. Philadelphia Tit CsstSMM 7 t. _., tad 1 p la BOSTB .Sipa i.? L >>.. 1st ami: H.rii ia. aal 3:-lp. ?X_ pAssEM.EU NOTICE.?NEW a?d ONLV 1 DfBBCT IIAILRCAI? it'.l STBAJIBOAT K'H.'TK bsttrass <"N COMb. S II ,?M\i l.i: ,N. II., NAMIH'A, N. II, LOW-LL. l.A.Mtl.Nt K. FlTi'HBl'KCi, Mia?, LACOMA, N. IL. 8BKTUK HABBOB, N II.. PLTMOL'TU, N. 11., aud ail loiut? iroui ?VIIIIK Mul.MAINS, -ui SSW-TOBK. WITHOUT CBAB0B OP CABS BBTWBKa. COSCOBD. N. II . ARD THB BOATS. 1? MM tus KAIL DISTAMCB BAVKD Flb??i BASH?A, ?i MII.KS HAH. DISTAMCB BAVKO FlKiM L???Vr.LL, ?1 lloatou. Concord ,n I ?nd ?Vhi'e Mountain H. K., loi.rl K I... .Naatiua aid l.o?eil 11. H , FraminKh m and Lowell U. lt., Mu.. Md and Pramiiiath.iui It. I_. Tauutou llrimh K lt.. Old Colony and Newport K. It . boatoii. ( linton and; lt. lt., and NAK11A QA_lsBTT BTBAM-lltP Co. conn-ctinK at Ne?i-..rt with lh.-ele?,nt at?-a;i.ert BRIsTnL md FRllVlliKN'l K; ill lonning the liiojt direct and cantiuooga It.into, nuler the ?trie of C()Ni'(?Kb. I (?WILL ABD FALL KlVKIt LIVE. The tteanirr? of till? Lin? arrive at tnd depart .from Tier .10, Noitli It ?er. New-York, In the tniracul?to vicinity of tbe imjsmj City i-'erry. thit Line leare New-York at 5 o'clock p. m.. ?rrlti:.i{ at Fall Kiver at 5 a. m. P??aeuiTir? for placea Uyond Hill p. int * 11 t.. railed, and tho?- who ?i?h CBB have Bicjkfa?! )>efore leavin? the b?at. Boat tram lor Lowell, Fitelihurjr. vr pcinla North, will leave Fall H.vfr at .?:S0a. tn., reaching Lowell at ?:45 a. lu.. Naa'.oa at 9:1? a. iu., Man ehe-ter?:'- a. in., Cnneorl IBtSI a. in.. F.t.-l.t. :ii< 9:10 a- m. M. lt. B1MOKS. Manatu* Director S. S K. Co. II. K. ? 1IAMUKULA1N. Sop'.. Csa-M* B. K. JOHN II. ??INSI.OW. tiupt. Naahiiaatid I, .?ell It It. II. A. llLdOD. Ku|_. t?.. ('. and I'.. P. and L., M. aud P. It Raiboada. A. K. 8WA8BI, Sopt Tauuton Brm.-li It. Ii. J. li. KF.NDkK K, Supt. Oil Colour and .N.-?p..rt It. It J. A. DODOS, Sap?. II . C. ?nd M. and ??h le Ml It. IL_ VoUTIl RIVER and XEW-YOUK STEAM ll BOAT OOMPAlTT. -tisatr* ADKI.PHI sat ALHXI.s lenae New York f.n.t ll-rrieoii-.t-, ?lailf. ?I 3 aad 3:'K). for CannatiaviIIe. Kn elsnoot, Yonkerr. Hl??lsa_ F.-rr-, Irvinrfon. N.rtrk, ?H* M?', ? ni ll.vei.inw. _tr*r?loB ticket! tnd ptckatet of .J ticket? at p iluc.(1 ntasi BySSksat T.irjtowu Krry run? lo cunnect with 11. K. R. K trim*._ _^__. IVII.ST Tlill? for EONDOUT aud KINGS JV ItiN at Coj-.n?, Cortiwtll Newharuh. Mil'on, Potigh keea-ir ?nd Kao|i(ia. Th* It. amtloll THOMAS CO-BBUa ?ill I'tve f,,.ii, f.o.t of ll.rri-on at . Pl*i :M. S. K at 4 P. m. on TVBSDAT, Aortl z.aud BVBB1 TCKSDAT, THUBSDAT, sad SATUSDAI tli- r- afUr. TTaBANY AND TRO? EINE HT?M?RS, ?Y la-Sas ?t CATSKII.I., fron Tier 44. B. lt. DAII Y (Saturday? lare. M cent?: Half Stateroom-, 73 eett-. v.-io.-.a VA5DBKBILT sal ? iiNNK.'i b UT, aaaaHMag ?l'h rtumula tu ?U lUliooi )?.-t ?ad North, ?ni leave a? t>>->ve ?I ? p. m. Puja**, al N?sast nli?._C I?. HASIXIS,Oeaeral Ajaat C?TETY, SPEED, AND C0MF0B1". " O N.illWK II LINK. , , ,. , For ?oat-to. ??.?.Irr rt.-l.l.urtr. BfatSB 1? SaSB. I-"?'" ?*? rear?. Na?i,na, Mai .??.ter, Cnncanl, P?!m-r. Btattl-lwro. aal lulerme dl.te iH.ii,ta. Th? new and ?tai.ib ?team, re ( l?? OF BO'Ti.N CITY OF NHWYOKK, CITY OF LAWEKNCK. tnt ' u L cmr or aair-unrooa, ?111 V-ave Kew-Tork dallr (Sn?.l*v eicepte.l). >t 0 u'tlock p. ui.. fru?a lur 4i>, N..rth BI?*?, l.?.t oil .u.lanl ?Vatla-t? For Ne?-LoiidoB au.1 Norwich, there eoiuiectlnt ?'U> KTprea? trdni fot ih? iIhiv? pa.inta, vit New I.ordon, Northern, NorwKb tnd Weite? 1er. anl B.i?t.iu. ll?rtforl, and brie ltai!ro?t?. ..?,,_, D- ,? Fojtbroqibtit-kttainl ni? of, IP?',' ?? h* ?* " .___<*. rUr-bl-ver! j. B. Mlour. jr., A_*ut. Be? York. Oet II. I*>^_ VEl'TUNE LINE BTEAM____J Daily for l'liovinrvrF jboston. WOBOESTBII X ' ?, ?J i' J. froui fm ?, "? K., loot of _..l,in.on ?L Cblafireto DiwTo.M. #? 2*. To PSOTIDBBCB, *X S - k f." ?? bO> POS; It 2i. To PBOVlbKNCK, *i. y trient ?t b?ce?l ratet. Coaaect at Provldeure with Do?t?n anl I ro? aul I'iui. k ??ui. ?? ?. It 1- ? "'? '"'ant W. Kb?, cltie? a-1 towot I TUR UHIDUEl'OKT, and all points ?n Houiai 1 l?ale tnd Ntu.Btitrk Far. SI- ?'???? lear? latberiii* ?lib tt U nooa, (S?B_anetce?ted)__________ l?OR NEW-HAVEN, HAKTEOHI), *<,'-Ki,rV, A ?I 2S. Ht*?ui, r? letr* IV.k-tllp far at JilJaud II p. i?. conneetiar with Ibe lellr.iaA_ PALL KIVEU EINE. nwwm(wr i | <iil ItilsluN ?a NK?? I'liHT N'-Wf'l' OLDCOLOSt ('apt. A ...MMM?N.S. CSS?. B M s.MMi.-t? Fniiul'ier ti ?r.t ., T. ril.era .1 . at .1 M- >?? l o." ti. kfa . ? na-alfSV) i- ?41 ? I" ' "?'?"-:, -'l""1";;r ,?'??" ?a-: 1.1. aul -,o*d..y. aad S*. ? _*iirt ?-. ^ ?',l_tO__"lU*a-i Otisalac. 'amusements. A CADEMY.-TRIIJMPH of PARKPA ROSA. -?- WACIII. I, HA.ITLhY. f.n? ?.Ti? WUBJJTAUAI OPBBJ COMBINATIO?. hA?m^ntnniA-nVHnvo,lWf. ?tiiBai? I). UK VIVl?. .BuiiB??? Matiger MONDAY. A,.rC I Fourth Nah ?rptton !?vht. __, . BIOOtBl ,,.. UUObBTTO, VV nifb or?r? * , . ? ' ? V . .. i.-ro.-r ?11 ..??rwhdmias ???.1 "i.c ?n.t vntsSaaa? ?urifroi? aaBaSaaSaa? with ?he following un reeessated quart?? liaa. PAIIM'A :.,??.?,. Mm nilLLIPPS. Mr WACHTEL. Mr. BANTLHT. a ?rrr.pv-r..A ? ,***'?"-? Vank- '?y?, tnd 11.11 Ib ihee???. A. RR RRDORPP.Vlu.:-?" |, -.., -, r i .! Cnudarti.r W KDNRsDAY (l.v .soiril rsr|ue<o. |L TROVATO'tK PAHU'A Ko.-A. i'I.ILL.IV?, H.MIWKI.. SAB1LKT. HAT! RDAT?ORAiffJ BATlRRK-DOrl rflOVARRi w.thtt-? chani? co'iiiiRA'ito?' H M .tr-?rh..' th? Oaataaaf, three Orcbi tin? on tie it? <?. ?rd ( ? Billet. PRlCK?_Ib,i?a e.3 nl Mm\ Re.^Tcl mmi ?n Pamu. t and Dil Mar, *S; ?eaeral Adiriuion, *>..'. Uenerred 8e?U la ??_?ly (Ji/\lt, *?; Admiiaioa. C rale, ?|,i, N II _S,,i, f.r MATIN, ?;, ? ! ANY MGIIT ea? be ?etand ?I the A??de,??/ of Mn?ile .in I ill Broidwav. BOOTH'1 TIIK VI KI.\-N'|LSH)N oiTiM?nllriT; Ml.Shoy MAIIM.K. MONDAI APRIL a. AT l:3u P. M Mr. BOOIH h?? lb? hasjtf lo lunou-ic- tb?, h? ha? eo?e|ulvj ?a ?rraugeuvest with the M.Aar?. Maurice ?,<1 Max hlr?k*ach fut ???'i.1"' ?sUXD NIL--":. HlMLl.T MAT1SBR, OB MONDAY, APRIL 8, A I' 1 :J? P. M. tdoor. opea at I?;?). U \ M ? KT Mlle. CHRISTINA VOUwsOB iiiber'gT'.lrolenf..OPIIFLIA M?nerai A,lmi_,ion, two !-') dollar?. Reaervtd .V.U. on? ab 1 two dol lin ? itr? j, eonttBf to h>c..t inn. BEATS AT THB ftTRAKOS? IT OPERA TICKET OPFICH, AT Mill IVEBRTT HO08R. conirr ,,f Si rsntesMba?. aa,l Fourt,, ata. FMnway'i P.ano? u>e,l br tb? Mrakwrxh CompaBr. ?mTI?I?1,'?I'A?"'"?-:,?"'m"' BATISE?-BAIiLACKa. Mill ILSDAi. April ll.ii.l PBIDAT, April l.'-lliHs?Kl.i N. \\rAI.EACK'\~N'll,SSi?N MAIINKi: 'f???S ?? ISATURHAY. Mr LFsTKR WALLACK ha? it.? honor!? ta *"?!*.*? SM ..b* bu concluded ar.-.iig'ui. un with tue M'tti?. Lkll. nlK.vh.OjtII tor OVE C,R?wn RfLS'SO* MAT1SRR THIS r*4_aaBli_?, A[?r?l f, at 1 m r. a. .M \ rtTlfr7?*a tin? la law-rsfl i mil*. cnrtisrK;: KlxseoR.??.ladt bib bib m. Mi?? A. L CAItV, M. ?APOLL. M JANET. Ac. Osr?r?l A li.-n-? m , ht? ff) !o I r.. A mriiatai ? ? MSB? n >w on ?.1? at Bm Str.ik.wu-h Ticket Offlce," Krer?tt llous?. eoruir Sereutes?th?t ?n.1 P.iurtb av?. B- B ?l'o ?vol I the ruib at the door, tadiea bid better p?rchate their ticket? in advance. BII_MuR MATIRBBr-BOOTH'S. MONDAY. April A Nil ?BOH m BraskUa, Apt] it aaal IS, ata p. a. ?KOADWAY THEATER; ?OLD. W R ?->?n MONDAY, April ?. rV.e of (???Li coainn-uee? at 8 p. ib., prompt. Oppoelte Xew-York UoUl nl 8, coi It BANKERS SHOULD UK TIlKKK. j BH0KLR3 BHOl'Lit BU THBRl. A ff, fii'sINi HER should iir; in i:i: TvyinYroriT SHOULD UK linii.R, prompt 0' ?.'Olli. BOX 0PF1CB BOW ? ?YMPIC THEATER, 0. L. FOX'S III'MPTT Dl'MPTT BBMODBLBD. ALT. BBW?ALL NK.V'-At.L NEW. POX III M.i'l'llK Yol.Tl BRATS MATTRESS WBUREBliATI ANO HATURDAT?. ?JEW-YORK CIBCU8. , V Fourteenth-it , oppcite Actl?mr of Mujie. IsaVUBl.Dirt-tor LAST VVi:i-K HIT ONK OP CIRCUS SRASOB MATIHRBB WBPNE iDAl ARb SATUBDA1 Al 1?. RVRRY BVBRIXQ AT 8. BRILLIANT l-'KAl'l BBS Fort BArTT-B VTBBX riBST UI.I.K .1 t ht NoVI.I. ?l'-i lAL'LB of JACK TIIK OIART KILLKR. TIIK ORXAT JOHR IIFNKY COUKR, TIIK MARVKLOt S KyiKslltlAN ?nd Jl ?.??LRU, IN HIS hi KI'ltlSIM. FKAI.S (?P SKILL. CHAS. W. KUH. TIIK li.VKIMi BARBBACK UID?R, in ins DASUtKO liiKin.i: ai r. MLLK. CABOUBI ROLLAND. toe molt ?ceompl ?bed bareback Rqstatrusaat Is the tuiirerte, iu A.NToL'Nl.l.Nli KOIITATION. MIL WM DtrrON, TUE rVEQl'ALLIl SOMBBSAtlLT BO?RSTRIAB. TIIK WOHbBRI II. .HE BROTHBRSj AND AM. THB (ilU'.vr . IliiTS ARTISTS of TBK BEST ' lin I ?' TROt'PB IN TFIi: World. IN A Rl'PERB ABRRIO FNTK'?TAIN'MI N I PT. BARISUM'* GREAT SHOW. ? P. T. BARNIMS (iltKVT SHOW. P. T. BARN I M S ( i BEAT 8U0VV. AT TIIK EMPIRE RISK. TlfiniiAVP. AM? hlXTY-TIIIRD-ST. TWO KXIIIUirioN'S DAILY. DO0R1 0PB8 AT l AND a oci.OCK. PEIFO'IV'ANI K CORMBRCBA AT l AND ?. TIIK LlRlvRST MENAI.KRIi: IN TUB WOULD. Ml ,-Ki M ol IOU.0 ?> i CBIOMITtES, MOVINiJ riOVRBS. LIVINO CLBIOSITIBB, ONLY LlVT.Mi OIBaiffffl IN VVIKKII'A. iiROFP OF aoXSTKU SKA LION'S. LIVINO WILD FIJI CANNIBAL'?. DAN CASTILLOS MlMMnTII CIRCUS. JAM!.S Mil VTLLK ARD HtS FVMlL?, ALI. BAUE HACK RIPBBS GRAND ORIKRTAi. BBTBBB PAdFANT, THI MOsT Mt'iNIFK'K.NT P.VKR EXHIHirRD. A.tmlisl'iu to the Entre Shov^ '?*.nt>, fjaliaawa Half pnce. A few r- ?? rr. 11, ?te, V5 i. i.t? extra. Pre ?liai ?ion to ?11 who purchiae tht I -, ,' Life ol P. T. 1! ; ?, r?-inc.?l from ?3 M to j 1 M). VIBLO" GARDENT" JLl TWO I'EIil-OBMANCES TODW MATINEE AI' i. BVBBTBO, AT 3. MRS. JOHN WOOD, GRAND ?TJOCBM OP POLL AND PARTNER JOB MARY MATBl'D.M-? fOBB WOOD with the eel. br?le.l ?ont of HIS Hb.VKT WAs | RI E TO 1' iLt MMMON's V SLOCUMS MlNsTBKLA (II in Burnt ir) will appear in an K1I1I0PIAN SCENK. BBTtBB NKWSCFNK11?. ciiAK-vciKKisTic cosrnMr.s. ?Sal BEAUTIFUL DiVOIlATIORS. 1 a^IPTII AVENUE THEATER. v BVBvnro, i ?? ,., ? p..riii?n Uraaia. " .rBTKLK IT." Mitinee of '? AUrtci.F. IT' SATTJBDAT at l| Seal, may be .ecuret t>?ri> we.-ki ni at__HM_ .PRAND OPERA HOUSE. \J GBARD MMIN'KK TO-DVT AT I'" a ? ? POB I'll F BA8TXB I10LIDA1S. ? ? ? TI? ?.IMNII TRANSFORM VTION SCBRB, with ?rhlei th? plec? cW? will LeeiTcn EVEKY NIIIIIT, ?I KL?VER O'CLOCK! ?ALLA ROOKH I A TALK OF TRIE LOV K CHARMINGLY TOLD EVERY NK1UT TO MI'ITITt'DES OK HKLH.HTED PF.OPLR'!' IT IS AS DKLHJHTITL AS THE FIRST DAWN OP LOVE! ?Sj| hKATS CAN A1.WA1S BE SECfRED IN ADVANCE. u MON SQUARE THEATER. ?rial d i?hln,r. youiiar Burieaiiue Artl.te?, Mil? IKI.IA KLLIS ?cd SAPPHO KUN'ANI RKCONSIKI.CIKI) TIIK UBBAT HERN?NDEZ TROl'PR. THF ZIO /ACS ?ithe MF.RRY FIUKMKN. ALL THF. POPULAR PAVOKITFS. MITINEES WEDNESDAY. AND HAIUHDAY, AT ____ CAaN EUA1SC1SCO"MINSTKELS, ? .VS-? BROADWAY 1 LAST WKKK HUT THRFR >f lb? ?RASOR. Mb? Screamlne Pattomim? of OLD MOITtKR WIDULK WADDLE. IHK OBBAT Ql'ARl'KT DAN. K ', ll'inlre.l? iuxoed ?way after the pertonuanc?. BIRCH, WAMHoLD, BBBBaVBl),' ?as* BACKUS f 20I.D! GOLD I OOLD! A CARD. T!IK |BW?r0lff400BMBTATOal OP MUSIO Li- r -raircl fr?a? B:ji 1*1/ v. tb'ir new roota?. Bs. I BmI 1 m '?. it ' '"?? u'.r Piflh??e.. n'v* do?- t.i lielm?nl.v>'a p,i;,il? iceetrew laUr, fr?m a a. iu. to J p-?-. for Print? an ! ? lai?a lu.tru.'lo.u in all lrauri.ei of Vaaal ?"?! Inltruratu tal M iule. ll?riuouv in I Coin;?..ilion, end M? Liu,u.i_ia. BBOQU.TM HKANCII, Inj. I"l. ind 10b (?urt St , ti'ir SUt?^_ PHILHARMONIC BOCIETY J. KIP ill CONCKKl'. .SATI KDAY LVKMNO, Apr.i S, I o cock ACADEMY OF MUSIC. IIKRll CARL HKROMANN, CouduCor. PRIMiKAMMri. Bnnpbonv-" Eroic? ".. .by B??th.,T?a boiia-?'? Wie kaiu li?".by Prey * ??KRwAt* 1.IBDKRKKANZ. Piral Oaaaatt. for ? Ool>rra?na Mr. F. BER'lNER. nv?rture?" PIb??''? Cat? ".by M?n 1?!??.iha boua-" Kn?<?r'a <i?l?t '".br LafbuSI ? ?BBMAM UUlBBaUtABX Overture?''Proiucibuu? '.by Birrel _1). Si II A AD. N.-.-n-l?ry. PAtB will be held dnring EAST K li W K1 ? K In ?id ?f the BuiM.i.?; I mid ol Us? NEW YORK INPANl' ASY tl'M ?4 Clinlo?, pi?.-?. It will on?? w.tb ? PBOMBBAjll CONChBT, ob MONDAY KVKNINIi Apni 1, at tb- Anai.ry 71al ReijimeBl, Thirty tflh?? , Brofclw?. and riiith tt?. lu- Fair ?nil open tbe foKouiu? i?y. ?tlo...?sk. CORTRIBL'TlORS ?f ?Terr ItaarlaWaa attl be received at the Aruory ou MOND IT, or at ai. Mo? i...!? the week of the P?u All ?re iarit'J to ci.i'nbut? to thu-i.-'lktnt a? 1 nceb ne^led charity. Tick?? way b? bad at tbe Annorv Tlat Remises!, ?r Bluae'i istaic iturs. V. Uuion aqaare. _ , -TSOLTGiaAND FAIR 1 In.'I of the HOMEOPATHIC BUBQiCAL BOBPfTAIi To be b. II la tl?a Armor, of ih? StesaJ Ke?iaioat, Pi.iiil.'. utb ?t., u'?r Siitb-?v? . Will "lien on SATI RDAY. April 11 Tier? will h? ? ine ,1 ?,,1ev ?f Pauryanl U?-iul Aitielct Umh'.!iI H-aa...a!,ic pn-?. TwS 1"! laJ anl Pin' Vrt Drpirtra.-aU will be ee p?, i ,11, ?ttriciv?. Splendid inuaic ?vrr ?vuiu?. I'rouwuad? Coueerts SATURDAY ?ud WKDNK.sDA? EVEN?NOS. _ _ J oilN 11. ?O?GII on CIRI ITMSTANCES. Ai Alt: Ml OP Ml'sic T'Ti. ,\ I ' ' Ti katt ') ttait Re?:rv.>I s>?u, . ".cttitra, Fa? ?sis ?I 11* U???iw?l (icu.i?t Tuakak A*???>. ^Amnccincnio. WALL AC A \ T T I.AHT S10BTS al m too*?in*B(v? of tpproarbmr N,,,.p?,. r.XUTlN? Bi FBCT Til? rVRJfHSL _HUT TABI.SAn. Tii.?-.,S."r..<,K "U ?'AI't.tNO PALACB. TUB CHARO?/. 0P TH_ ll!<*ll_A.NI>___ a ?upo n-ff-.i'viti: ' BTARTLIN') IV''|?i_vi' AVO SKILLFUL BL?fitiI.vCI OF COLOR ANb COBTCMS I. __,''"i'u,li"1 "" r"V,'r'"> <? 'h'1* it nmt? a? th? p.eea wt I -*B bear a~i". iwte? Or Uirlo. _ i:,tr?c? from S. r. lierai I -?J?Sra? ? ?II A. r. Mr. JlillX BJWltl'.HAM Mr -OH* .It.-K'.T, Mr.ttIAS_B*P1*HBR, M, J B p., _ _'r ".M?I _S b'?lK\?r,l.l? MIS. ? I.ARA Jr.VMM,.,, M*. ?u? ?__mV,IL Mm*. POBUI, M.?. HBLP.N TBAt V 0___i?JS. r.VKRV KVKXIsd Do? aotlce will be giren of the pivdaruou uf Mr Henry Brroa't ms> ci aaful courdy, '" ^^ PAPTNKR.-t FDR LIVU whieb wnl h? rreaent 11 wt;h BBW B.SNBBI AS!) APl'.il.NTMK.N'TB tnd la which MR ( IIAKLRA MATtlbWiS will Bieke hi? retppearauce. bi ucoauli', Comedie?, LONDON A.HM.KANCB, tnd l?OW MIR f OVF.S HIM I _v ia rehejrtai. <nl ?ill ?hortl? he or.?.occd, wilb K.'KBT ATT-NTIoN TO I'K All,, anl wl'h CASTS OF BP.MABKABLF. iTl BKSOTII. flRAND OPERA lint'.-.,-;. m boat Bruna, Apm t. OBAB- Ol-BATfO CONCERT, at which MKS K?TK MORHXMI, th? ataaabaj ein'iiric, w;:i ma-- k?r Irtt topearme* ti*?* ser re*?-, from Knrop?. wh> re aba del.?hied _. rlin. 44. PelanSor*. Pan?, a_l oil.? of lU capital?. ?VRfll-f, -M P-own?d Pianlat. AP.HK KI.K the fannd llneina Coraet ? Ma.). IKBZ PABBKI. Pruss Doaas Sotaraaa Herr J M <?B Ml I.I.I R, Ibe are.l Beiltoa?. Se?orita ITboMlNA. Hie t'biliaa Violaiat, I... -'hrr with the RINTII kKlilMKNT H?Nr?. In a promvmme of rr?at ei<-?Uenr? and rum?? -n ? ?eti-eVo-e fro** ITALIAN. ?.KKMAN. anl r..M,UII (.KAM. OHBBAS Baal* eaa aaw ha staasat it Ift? Bat OBaa, Hi Broadway, and Bita Ticket Office, comer Kroadw.y aad 1 wcalythird at. BOOTH' J'HEATEK." I.E ( CEE Proprietor tad Manazrr.Mr. _.*;. ISCOB- \? _Sf of the Knit???nvtit of t1-? Chiriairr inl T?ler.t?d A-t.?t>. MiSS CABLOTTA __C__K<'Q, who will appear for ti.ta werk only in ber ire?, imn?rtoattio* of JULIA, In th* "HIM liBACK " ' III BCHBACC MATINFB. ON ?AJTRbAY, AT 1) O CUM.-. Bot hook open ait dir? in advance ?t the The-le: alto at Ditw-ti Mujie.lore, fti Breadirty, .NFXT MONDAI _VE!rt50, APRIL H, MflM UCtSBOa it HABAlt? FOMTACOS* In Sir. Tom T??l..r'i very Interett-ti? briiaa of "1'I.OT and IIBMIBt ~ ^f?B? notice will he (?ven of the retppetrtnca of Mr BQOTtt I" INA EDWIN* TIIEaTER~ X- Thie? __?t Night? of the Beantifal Fairy Comedy, Til- PAI.ACB OP TBl'TH with all Ita hean'.lfnl ?c.-uery, coetume?, . ff--ta ?ed In* aetia?. SATL'ttbAY MATISKK at 3 o'tlml. MONDAY Apnl I. TIIK ' U.ll M IS SI-TE? and IIKR.SAVI.K/. FAMILY _Is UTT-B POM QlQVARWt. _ TOH?? L?. ?JOEGH on CIRCUMSTANCED ?S A?'ADKMY OF MCSIO, TIB.S?AY KV-NINQ, APBII, 9. Ticket?, SOceata, Reeerved rteata, 5 i cenU eitra. For aal? at 114 Oraadway. Oeneral Ticket A|r**ey. 1 Cectnres arto Aleetings. ECTCRE ?iflf-TTE?S aboal? B?t tel ta ? tend for the "L-iCTLRK SEASON'' of the AMRRICtN Llf* BBABI BI'UKAU. ThilBnreait ks* the iM.t lector? Ma' l| lit coua. u-r. It? Una? offic?, ?t Saataa, N- w-Yora, and Chica_o fire tt a tapea? oritr tl it i? trery.ntre re,o|uiied. aaaaa AMERICAN I.rr-RABV BrRPAW, _ _____ IB Ktaean-lt., Ne?-!??^ ^ALMAGE'* MEW LECTURE. ltOUOII AND TL'MIILF, EXPEHII'.NOB. TO BB RKPEATRD (by Inribtinn). AT THE BROOKLYN TABKBNArLB, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 10. Bn.inKi.vw TtHIBStvlLB, T-iea'av F.eoi .,. March X>, laDI. Ree. T. DsWirr Taimaos. Deor Mr: The anderaijined mnat ?trneitly reqoeti that yon wtll repeat the leetnre to which we bite Jcat liatened with ?o unch ple?a?r* ?nd ^at ?trnctioB. at your earlleit convenience. We feel aaaarrd t.j the pj ,',m% etprettton of the vart thron?; preaei.? tLii evening, that we e?p???? BM deiire of thooaasda of yonr fellow-cititent. Ilopiof for t favorable reply? we remain, with etteem tnd reipeet, Yo?r*. truly. Bar. J. Hyatt Smith. Rev Alfred Taelor, Samuel D. Morn?. hL Clair McK>lw?e, I ii-iaia K. l'aar_ill, Vv illiaat M. Pieravo, O. C. Halatead, J II Cataidar. B. F. (of?well, (ieor*e .slo??, W. H. hetn?ld?. II 11. ?Ire?-..?.. rraMsfcBakar, Bani* BMB-?var, j. ?1 U .*Vl. ' . M ? ' . , T. iXdwerl Fleet. G- or??* P. Cl*/k. B F. Wella, jr.. 0. 0. bunnin., B. B Hobb*. S il T.vlor, II (, Unffiur, V? .linn J. ?U?lata>_. J. il McCoy. A Hi(?rin?. ssri.T o* Tsr. HS*. *it rsiaasa Meitn. J. Ilyttt S:u:th. S. D. >! rru St (lair McKelwtr inl otfevi*. (?KMiHiM I hive received yoar leter iatitla* bi? to r?r?"?4, lb* icctnr* entitled: " My Bor.?rh ti.d Tumble Eiperieacei lo Cal fotnia." I will, in behalf of th? nme caate? " The Tabernacle Free Colega"?1% "?it the leetnre with additional ftcti and leene? on April 10. providtt that tbo?e who had ticket? for the former lecture, hnt who could col roma, be admitted by tboaebtket?! and alao that the price ufac* ticketa be M cent* inttead of Sb Faithfully your?, T baWirr 1 HSBSflk tr, Quisey-ti. Brooklyn, 27th March. The eoaditioBl uretenheal by the latter Utter trill be rosplied ?i?, ao.l tb* leetnre will he repeat. 1 in th? TaUernacie ..a Apnl Ma T-?BEE LECTURES" on "STRICTER!, and X iu INSTANT Ul'BE b.v Cie l'rethrotome with trpe catea or eaat vtrietv, Virteooele, Arreat of berelopaieiit, and other Abnormal C-aS* ditioni. with tbetr Modern Treatuieat, hi KD1VASD H. D?AOS, B. D..4?Pl^-av?. iBcloae 2S cle, to } S. kF.f'FIKI.b, It'J, T'E-LPERANCE.s-There will be a jpSBs Teas I peranc? Meettnt; held ?t ?'.?--...- M. P. Chareh, B*ar rtyi.acey? rt. nnder the aitplee* of N'ptna? Divuou No. .1, B. ?f T., BrNHAT APTBBNOOB, ApHI 1. corn, at 3 o'clock. B?v. T. T.-?ndriea eaA Mr. Madot will ? nn<tin<. Rev. J J. White ?ill preald?. Salt*? bn ^aciion a T THE N. V. SALES nnd SIORAGE RE /\ Po.siroBY, i >', ixt anl _tl NaSBaaa.asssa* i??aty ?BMB, ?. Y. 8. DINOKB. A'i-i.oaeer, will ?ell. Tl'BSDAY, April 9, lTTJ, at 11 o'clock, ? m.. a Urge e*?or._*at of Ptrhr tnd Library Suitee, is hair el.^h aed rap? Bla<-k ?VaiBii? and Cottaat? Chamber Salt??. New and Seeond HaaS B__- ?nd Dont.le B?d?e?l., nureaaa, Wardnhea. Bawkeaaea, ?arbl? T? f?*"er I'.blea. Dak ?nd Blaek Wala-t FxteB.iot Table., B .ff-ta. ?hail* H?.r, Husk aad oilier Maltreat.I P.How?, Bolitert, Carpeta, km, Thr whole'of the ?btive are now on ethlhit.oa. Catalogne* on tb? morning ol *al?.__ ____________________ A. Mbbwi?, Auctivueer. BY BANGS, MEKWIN At Co., Broadway, cor. Ithat.-italetof Book?. Work? of Art. F?nc. Basil?. Fun tore, __ MONDAY, April 1. at 4 P. M-bale *f Nh?V l'tBUCATlOiNS aaS Selection? from Mette Lionne?._ apEO. A. LEAVITT ?- Co. (lato Leavitt, VI Kirebeigh ?V Co.), llinton Hall. Att.?rplic?. For tt* S?.* b* Ai i Ti..x of \iBKABtaa. OsUMttsai ol Boou. Paivn?.?*?. t?l aH Am It of LlTRHAKI PBOfBHrt _ Drn ?oob?. H reat job in wet burlaps. baifKiii?. 14ic canvas. If bartt-m?, etntoB mtt?B<. A. L?STEa _? o in) i h--Urt_v WILSON &OB?IG a^n^-^-WB and SIM M BK WBAB. KUBK'.lbBBB? ?_oAjrwiiDaaasBS kmbkoidbbkd limb p?>^?'s.8sJ__ COilTlMKH. made-np and Bumtde new thadea la BO I Dl|?B??fc bratedKID OLOVES.and a a|ileuOid ?_?orUnent of DOLLY VABDKM gooda, bolh uia.lanp and unmade. ?-.?,. --, WIISO.N & GBEIG. 771 BBO-VWAT. OOBBBB OF HINTII-sr (Commiasioit Cjoneta. C. NEW YORE and B08TOW AOENTA POB I.()\VKI.I. MKC1. CO., l.VI'.KKTT MILLS. IIOOTT COT ION M1I.1.H, YOBK MOl'. co., LAWBSMOB MOP. CO.. Li:\visruN mi1.1.?. SUFFOLK MOP. CO., TB1CMONT aMIl.I.s. WINONA N M.S. I.. X, ?? liray TwIlleS Klaaa'U. U.S. V. ?*?? *?? . Propooal?. ^ VJEALi:i)?ROE0SAES WILE HE UCKIVKO k> br th. r _ - on Btsasl C.,11??.. ^eat ?? *?'?*' *? Clerk of S PeLartme,,. of NMM ?_fS_S___u???XS IU-, -util We-netd.y, the l"th dtr o( *9*J^?~?S?,,'?___! I. m.oB?a'.d.l?e. for Ce m?t>nai. ?ol ?ork s.r a MWJMass ii~^2S__ be erecle.1 oaT?in.?o. a.? befs-n .,?ty ?tthrt _*t SASirshSa ?S_ Plana and ipecilc.tioa. ?t-r-J ?????'?^A___T Bnv""X~*mm Of Butldls?.?! Bepaira No it? -Iraod ?*_?_,?*_?",_ ?,?tUi. mot rrooo?ili ? HI he r-ea-lred (?? ear? br??( k of lb- ?ora t?*tr?way. _ lo?ti !Prop._l i- ^.''^.^l!,^^ "l'iopoa.lforl'.rprut.'r.?ork V,o;h?I ^rPjMiUM ^^ The aaiae? of two reaponolse ?reli??Ja**; *^I*m\m0ii tmi an B? propaaala wit' not b? conulerod. ?nlea? ?a.??** ??* ????..? -p-lTaalufar'ory to UmObSM Ma, ? ,U rf IS? *?l?*aea* ibe CaasaaM riair***Sta?MM*?*gPm} ? aiai.S ?"HOKS. >Soriaal'?'taB* "tlllAMKl. IAJVIS. Jr. I *l? K-iK it _ FANCUSM. I