Newspaper Page Text
Mf Vo' \\\\.N?-9,676. NUN-YORK. MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1872. PRICE FOUR CE-wTK FOREIGN NEWS. ' '?Y ? i. ? i , . ' . LATRST El 1 I BBS. Mai'hii'. April I, . I eleetio-i ft? Electott? Colleges in the t - ' , sseaaspaalsd with , _ mob attacked the aalldlns wht n In the voting waa i:- ? ' fetopped the ? . ? .?'.- - v ( dl Uli.'. I the poll list? wen scattered throaaheat the a? it darlas the attack, ? ,? : .. i '. arai ??! o one ? i t o? Baattajro Andalusia, r., :. 1 attl a 1'' Il R ; ' r in hli ' il?, was srr i-ted, ?s. Sara Ri-ero aad Mon 1, ?.. re candidates for the < rte?, were defeated. ti latest retnraa .show tin followias resal? of the n . or the Corte?: m ( ' i'otml. in. The return from Porto ir.- considered favorable t.. the ?. .t. the/tjaaWadclalaM that ? ? i ireas?, i'. . i . - GREAT BRITAIN. :% oi nil Qi i'i'\-o'connor's raiAL. 1 i s \ . ?ST'.'. . . it tl' t.l 1 n. . i . ' ' ? I Atttnti O'Coan? r lor hli rtei ? on tie ?,' ? i - . -. Tie r tor his it ? it ?ble thai th tri il will ' it . . t.. n the bo. - - m sue ?. 11 1 III 'Ml', ?'W < trSK?TIIK < rilB iw.t'.'hs PROTBCTIOS u>. I IldN.s. ' l, i... Bavais ?. April ..- . .ti? nit. )? : ? .,/?? as iin h |i ins? --.on ?if the i T ? ? . intry, . ,-? Halted Btatce ? toi :i Protectorate over Mexico created no nennation wit , eren with? : I >?;... " n ? ' ' , ? i. .,.. - . . | i i I Mal , Uei ' : - ? . ? . ? ? ? ' i . ? .' < 1 ' > . i Co.. : i... ? ?. ...'.' I - ' ' '. I " '- ? LAB . 7.?The : t to A l l ? - t. i t( . ? ?' . for ll'iolll .-. .!?:>. , -. B ? ... b ' \ a remorse. ? ! 7 I Mi ictlng under fl. ? ?1- ? i ? , ?.. totted these t th? ? r el t.. ? - - .. ,u"l othi r 11 .i i i 1 Mi \ il o I. '. ? '?? ' n li- d . ; . . 'l lit in. ; . -1 tin, . th ?le.'jili- o! . Mexli -, inei' lia H - t anil ether i . md ull classes ?d M? ?I? aha have bought ai I *old rattle, bides, l [i!i? ? I a> , -to i :. i : uni t 'o ) . '1. IUK T tl..?- h. ?I 1 ??> II the < . torn huiise an i v sautii'.iit?< -1 r Mexico have profited n? the piratical acts ,.r Mi i and hl?,hway_i?-u, aua s lax n ?* been ?i-. i. ?: knew bad i" ? < t?v am,' -i ? oui the i .-? , . that th ,..?.. ! . ? I. . ? .i., ni? ein... 1er and tr? at the A ? - ? i i i" i o mtry i? i . ? . the lain Uraude, and expr?s .. ,. ? ? ? Aniel.' aas froni \ i - ..t ?rhii h Un peuple Jnsi > ( om j h.. i. ,- : .m. more Kalliiig than the ?eiidiujr ol , ti ' i - fi ' itlei it n ...t he truly sai?l 11 it h . ta written the history of hl ? i ? ? ?m tin- .. .ude In letters of blood and lire. ; ?Joe criminal lit tunda charged upon th? ua tv..,.. d id true, of murder, theft and ii (-,.,.. , -win? letted i upon t;,. United state?, niurtlnred Its ?-it?' ?. ' robOed it? mails; who laid v. and win. bob .,. .a, i - th* t?oni.'. po*ili.n of ranking officer ol the Mexican arm.? ? r?a.... sud ranking co? ..i"' hoi ?? ii,i. r mi both froutn rs, ha? been retained un doty ..?.misi ? ;,, | .... ; . ; Cook. Which ?SI ? inn in uni. a I a a t to , ? lii- retention Is ?deliberate.willful ?v..I .',,..,,1 ill f., the im?, mim in ot tli. lulled r -'.-?: .. .1 people (?en. <i.:i,a i hi given .o- niliiii- order? U? kill and lob the people of Texas. He haa received a Im _??? aliar? ut the pleader. He baa ?tocked foui ranchifs aiostl] tt-ita i o-? ami laii*. ? stolen from Texas. li .- Im i,.-?.-.i im,in Un-;i-M(li-iii.. nuil frote, i.tuer ri li Jalili- aiittiorit.? . Unit BlBOB lin .,..-.? ..| lin oivil win ni intry, tber< bas bien ?m average ul tjuott tmttle a?t..i' ii Iront Ti xas monthly atei driven lato Mexico, nnd this estimate Is eoliflned lo thi hwi I 111 i'.i.o. Th? total iiiMiii.i i i-1 -t.mated ut latVNtt, aod in? actual valin . , - Thl* ?toe? not incluiti loaae? accruiiis iiom ti? ,i,.? of in. Ki.i..i|.o.i iiMiuralised - ni M'M'o. The h.I laic in. >? us. ot iiiM-i n ?-it ? . t fl? d. ( li a-. ?1 ? ?11? Ol J ?1 < ?I ?-1 I . . III. iMlul.. / 11.1 buMtue-H, uml the moral ?fleet* r< ulttug from this war eaiiuol be estimaU d. Bouisol these ?b-ty the sordid vain* Skin.ii >,t dollars and i. m~. Th? (.i.ii.'i Jurors would resprclfullycs ' ..:i<iitioii to i . . ... h have b' ?< h m.oh Upon often? ol in I United States Government While In timdlschars? ol Ibeli ?lllil.-r., to ihe ' ,K a!- a/,iln-t llli-m, to III' H loi' I',le lb- ' tatntiou, and to the obstructtoua preyentln?, them from ' ik ifoiuiln?; then* dm?; and all these ?*?-?? are ?ho' i t.. 1 beeu doae by raiders, with the ??j?j<i"\ -a. and i>n> U of the -lexh'.m autburlttea. Dur deplorable si ate ul ait.iiis._ii. h..-- u lire and property. s?nd the misfortune? winch have lu s lu.tuuei i'tliis lr.iiitii-i. li.i??- i- Sinti d Hie i\.n i ni an ? forceol oavalr. to eove* .mu j.i?>(? > i iln In habitants ul 11? Rio Oraade V.iii?-y. A iiidiinted fore? iiri|>.:it itlncli ?inild i?il low tiiaiuii'ieia mu? tin raataeaaaa at Ihat ebaparr.ti*, loii^m with I'.iribiaii vigor and nraeveranee ovci ih< ImiiHl !?' ? .' ' ' ( ' Old ?.'.?i I'lul? . tioli and roll I'.n i. U|. ?t, . , . . ? ? iif jBTaaitiB Thai aattaa is laiwrni? aadei the lataraBl?dlseaai of ehraaie revolnUou. ii ?iiiaMr. hi,'.. I., i'UK di lliolull/.e?! I'? ball B < ' li I -H > ol war, and n,t<:iii.. aaavulstSas -ud ihr a ii?,in,r | ,,i aawauM vi ? mttti Ratsa trssfi on the i?uc oi lbs i-j?1 > Bk (u.m le in i i ?. -uitr-.'i m tin Oortias ?rat ? nf acavalrv lore, capable to protect tins t.i has Invtl ii im., attacks of tsar hostile and aj m?' tu min.iirs, .-ni,i iii, piiiiL-p of atarrtb co? i ,.ni wJOAt ?i|ii,iic mi,i.? are the units? i..n. ablaet ?i?. load, oa PTM ig. thai s larac vt es shall be iiiiuti-iii itdy ?. ut in tali bor 1er. Tiic l'icciiL-iii has liecotne cniivim nl tlui! flic on' caauBlUad Ly tin. u? alemas ob tbe BlaOmrAtle tun. rasas so fr? laeat aad asrloos ti ' i longtitt. ?obm .u til?n looktng to tin i .m. B.bas, 1 1 ? !i 1 Secret 11 y l'i?'i In ptfji.ui> ;i s , ,,iii|,|, . ! -I IbettS l'iltril!.-.'? ;i? lie inn p'ilcmv ;c ii?. recne? n in. ?rill tranamll it to < message ic. ommendlng; Imm xliate li ii.i.i.w POLITICS. !?;:< i 1 1 "r-(.?? i\ I'.MM.i \mi:m--i hi: i in \? 01 TJli; 001 N't Iii? i'iil.l'lK VI COMBINAT] -111!' COBDITIOM OF Till. I'i PB. ' v Uhu lau i OBI " ?i'om'LXT ,'K iii 1: nun L'omi. Miircli t.?I'lie PArUamcBl baa 1 on, i:i?niiii:.!i.v, fiticc Bot.37,?vei tl Lut has dose Ltttis or aotblnx in h? Interval v awaiting tas laban of ?1 Coa-adttee ?ppolatod to ei In? the iliiiitnial solution proposed by Minister 8 'ii,'-. w.i? mu? ti Importaal .w.ik tbal lbs body 1 bave pu formed, init I'luctii-iitiiHui'i la .? bvoritr i> m iii? country ni tbe ?olt? fwt nimm pattern, and hi 1,1 in 1? in-, i, tied to ?lull!.-.. in reposte 1 niiioui nun .iH.i mi ?til,iw .birmsnlTrs liolktlsy trips th. ?troattni <i :? -linn Is tbe topis of tBedaff akoal atari. ...;, aad tLc hopes sad expectations In 1 ? - trd to tbe ?lu-?un? of tbe Committal bave been extret during the lasttbrse Month?. Tin' Ooms?tte. has I, tat n |...rt is, iiii'l tbe . upon it at 1 en tbe 11th ? ? up tbe m neme pul foi ?'i by - Ti?. wardy proesss Bis beea liberally sdopted bj Commlttoa engaged open tbe aasnees ft r two l Its report sdvei no --it. faction to th- L 1 . led to tM . ? -, .? .1 ' . tplansiblo vari?t ? minute di tal ..; tboae vim may be > meets with a Mia original m Ik in tbe bands of all exeepl tbeminlMerialorBanaj bal tt ever axtxlety there may 1?' for 1? ttoi tbli 1 , ..i what? ?i tu mii?j.i mi tile rating niiii.c Ion ..; eii. ui'- '? 1 int tbe inj . last some >Im> . bat it la 1 , hhH lias in i ' led, ...1. ,,i;t ol .1 " ? , ?? ? : nf the I ' tu the ... lull Cabinet ; tilt . ' ? ;? ? I l ort to Sel i! :, net . 1 !.. -ell III i .iii tbe ri'lc? >.f ? , .... - 1 1 1' Hin v| later Lanza, i that will repl tbe n It a?ter ot ' 1. , ," ill .!? ?! '., I! - . and a 1 on nli 1 ol 1 III ll . ' lion m i;t <.t t .. ?>, ?? /.. '. , ;. .- .?? p. .?; ?? -i ii in tbe 1.m.mi nl >i ? 1 ' ? : k ' ( Kitnl? I'. I . ' . ? !.. .,:, aee. At . i ? :, i- . 1 - ;. ? 1 in ko, ; ' . rvei But, 1 ?'???,*?? tlliS, ! '.'." "Jl I ?111 . ' - I] lllilt I ? ' : ? ' it] um ' I ? lu lie tin ... 'i- tinlvel ?,'... (Mil.? ,. ? I . I.,.- 1 , .1 1 , 1 1 . tic pap 1 a,ii ereiits over I ? - .? i v 1 -, in : . in it I' 1? I.i '-:i m ? ii,, 1 1 t the archives,. ?. i i i ..- and Une linen of tbi ? 1 i.. ly lu tin .?\111t11 Of !':? i'' ! - '''.?'' ""'? I li n.' . . an ?? int .?r -n- u 1 1 lui,. lu. n actual)} dene In fue Pope'? .... Lut I ha a also 1 arm ?! that n bai t... : ?'i 1 ,".v , t ,1-11 di 1 trick which will not be 1 . ipracl i. I*l<? Nono ?? not? i . , '. 1 }.r e n . ! ..... 1 I now t ipl > iua al -, be .-. ?cure, or llireateulag to loave Rome nt - , ,,.).'t up,evenIbey are nit entirely aware ii . , ? . . ? cltl for l Uii'.m that khi . ei 1er 1.1111 the ;-i.i Idea li .' ' . e ??be Pope should route out . .1. ??y. the Bomatia \>n ild 1 oeral dii tui liani B to lud? ? > the autb ?iitlo? to allot* even lai en ,';??'? u ., u ? tbins vet ?. attempt? 1.1 bey would find nnl tbat theli iilusioi . ski', i,.- people wo lit be ?orrj t., 1 ., lbs i:?.i 1?11 would . 1 down ou Uielr l .. '.-? to . m j.... r. uim to stay, tb? authorities would direct ?,?iii.t-ti.-ii ,1 n.-li act; in??? ?-?i. m conversation .in tbls -i? '?!? cl with is rsonafre? etamentl) pin cj, 1 have been told tbat Victor Eiuauuel and iii- tntire ? iblnil would waive tbeii personal dignltj In tbe patrlotii sel ..r waiting on Tins IX. In the street? t.i advise him utrainst etiendoalns liic Book of hi. Peter and ?Brains trom his native laud; but them wonld i?- no tils" ? ,11 i.'.ui.1.''- m'ni low c i, im otbei .? mi? tban . . rant? Irano heokl tbe pope not llateuto .-..m, tin n m ii. 1 ?mi 1 un would . 1 .i . 'ui aeren pli. IHK M.W UOMIMON. . vNV.i.v'? BELATH)!f9 Wim TBE MOTHER ?JOI N ii:V?I.I.? M UK UV 'I III. lli'N Will I \ M M in t 1. U.I.. II UtlLTOMi Ont., -\tnil '..?Tin- lluii. Wil 1 .mi McDouirall, lortaerlj 1 utembei ol tbe Ottawa <."i . 1:11111..: 1U1I latl l.ii nt. 11 i;.t-(iovciii(ii "f Miiiiil'.liii, l.-criii'tu List Blffbl "Ii IBS pi.sitl.ili of Ciin^.i.i ,1? id'- I? il liv the ri latin?!. ?WtWeiHl Kin-lsiel iiti'l ?M I'lnlnl N iic He statod taat as bad, irBile la laalbad, ?Becanawd ib? qoeetloawttbMr. Osrdwell, with Ksrt (?runviiii. wltb Mr* wnti Mi asMmlsy, ta? 1 mi<i ^i?rc t.iry for tbe Coloaies in lbs previous, sad tin QOlstllnntiin they ha?I .nun- t<> ?asm Ibi?: Tint all jiur tie? icci.f'ii/.c.l the rbSBafT III it bad taken jil,.ce in tin position ol Great Britala,aad w?tOBa-a?sasly pisparmi m ,- v ? ry possiOh WSJ lomen IBS new state of Iblnga. He ha? !.., ;i forced to tbe rtrnclMslon tbat the policy v ;i? 11. il !.. a ? ci ml., 11 the 111 Ion n s. Hol toad ?o a? lo ilri ve tin il. i'.i.i> tumi lll'll iillcKl.Hiee ; In? to |ilf|ii?iv tin-Ill |Ut ? lulo? li '-11' "W 11 Jii?-ilion by U.e.iii? of llieir own ri bt bands, aad i" make I hem consclon? that if au attack arm leveUd aataluat tbem they must <tc l?.|,,| ,,.,]?,, ,11 t,..l in. 1. npon II.. 11 own 1. Hotitce :,,,,. . ? , Hg lu wi.i.'U, Ibey must be prepare?! to ., ,. 1, ?;. ,, whatever ti?y mlirbt be, which followed Invasion and conauest? Bueaalng IW himself, and siM-akiua freely, ?Taualv, and trtUUfullV, be oai el til? "i Dion taat tbe union of the? Pnivuieea irai lb? im iiiiuiiiiv >i>p for tb? e?t ii.ii iiineiit?if a system of ??.il. 1 tin ?nl Hi Bril -ll Atli'lies ? In. h u.niid cnal.ii 11?. wbou im' iiH'imnt srrlved, when Doeeasity prasaed spin u?, In maintain a ? uud lu?J?'l>iiitleat ?Xistt n<? .1 1. u.-lln-11 .tmiis..| t!ie,ii:ii. He I? ic \'<1 thai tliiil i.i. ?,, -.. ,r pie?, li' lo III. mill I- "t most, 11 le.I Oll, ..I tli..?c win. pall In (tai-TyhssiOUl tllat |T1 .1 anil iinpi.riaill political ebauart-, bul bocaua? Itaey foroaaa that arbicl Uni believed moat happen; because tbey took tbe in iiia'i rttep? topui tu? couuii? iu jhniiiou m maistain ,u. if in ci??- .n wi?i. vas n to be clwrgedi i ,,, ?i* mmm "f the public Pleas Ihm cliaraed, Hist tbey bud nii'-nor objecta m .taw; JO? ? had lidiic'l tli? lli-wln?? I? Hi?' molli, i eiillllir>; llial I ln.V ibOSU IbOBMCiVet 10 ne the an tborsol daaaerou? sai nur ^ and that lb?) ?boubitbeTti f?.ie In iiulil.cully opposed sud coud? mm d ? He denied , that they dare opea to sue- condensation, and as r?? ti IT. (I III III?' lilil?, .. ?I l.i.lll Mull.'ll llbll't 11 III-V. I ,'|..'l allty. Bad Lord i.i.??.'it--1!, i laiaflon thai ?Ullauec ?muid now take tin piase of allegiance, un a i ?ate th? n pe ?t ed observationsef ihn leading newspapers of run,uni, to est?bil?)] tin- f.i.'t that ?\ hat th" publie "un of Canada foresaw was based upon eeurred understanding ni the "in >n la the mother countrr. Tin? whole drill ol I ? opinion was, that connection with Canada wa* ?? touri-e ? i embarraasment from ?ihn ii tin- mo-for eonnlrj ?hoeUJ ba freed as boob at possible; end if Engl? and i lie Cul'I'kIi press ulaeu-sed the uncatton so uti ? i . ? ??ill? without being subject to l_.pniat.on? of dl loyalty. It could net be eh?r/red sgainil public mea m Canada that they were wantlos In loyalty because theyrrtwg m/- i id" act nal po*ttlon of aflalrs. The ?? ?I i iiiaik* were treajoenilj interrupted bjrapplan >?. POIEIGM NOTES. li.i-si;? baring granted the deeoratioo of St. Btanlslaaata Monalgaar Mnlni, whs Is latmstai with the negotiation of the appotntaseal of the BtBheaa m Russia, tins iii-tiii.'ioii i- considered at Kiene to radicate t c renewal of oft lal relations between Mm Holy bid and l: Presidea. Thiers reeentlj obaenred in coti veraatloa "that it M quite poaalMa the Preadhaaa. ds tide Upas a return to Monarchy, and It IspsSBtblS that tin} ? m. 11 ? ?t i?i to retain the Republic. Rui f-.r the pr?s ?ut th? re is only the latter, and ta,it m trelr Pre? I ?vi..i h lias .mi . hi ii i.f being accepte 1. A In. Mm arehy would be an utt. r Impossibility." The Rigsdag ?il DetUDarh dosed it< sittings ! at Copenhagen an Msirh St, afb r ? t?salos BvS months. Very little baa lncti dSBS? Bad B BOW Ooo m rvatlve Cal Inel will probably be formed on the k _j ? return from liai.. In. resignation of the Minister of i. i i:, i. ngi i. ii.i- i,ci n a? rented by the I ? .\.n n tii i me of the Kins; and Count Hotstero, the d. -nil : i ni t.a.? on,i.ii ol ?iun.-ti i s, appointed ad in? (errat. The Tichborne elaimant, in his pablk im "Thai i ..m Roger Chart) - Dsaghty Tiehborne I solemnly declare, and1?? huh fact I ain ni?- i i. '..-.i in m witnesses, ami will pceva agsfca by more thai necessary; snd that lam not Arthur t in.m i?i( ...j la . ind iin ih ido . or .i dos knewbotbOrtonandmysctfi A?to tin' | tattoo marl ?t fa i will prove thai i torne, w?m never tattooed i but that Arthur ti un was there will beoonolu i i ?vidence im tbconiiug. ' The ltill <>t> tii?' ReorganiBation of the Anuy, ?ha ?o up ni t: '? i'i< act .N.i ii m?a i Asaemblj bjr Um ? Biltti.i th .i .. ', ? i utalni id i uses. It i labes eompulsorj servil ? between the ases ot IS si uutj mone) and the system of .-lo.-i.ti,'.-, u ud ? . .i uo 1 i t-ita -hui ait li i i obtain di i exemption before the expiration of bia li.niol ,,:. 11 hat men si 11 ins In the u my si trt i lec? tion . T.?' :"?>"i" siatc thai a ill. . i .. ? mid ib? < 'oiumtl tec rcLui , ? -- ll 1:1" . . '. ' Mai have liei u ouni ni abont : ii . lu ' ., ol M? I/. ; nut II ;,| pi ;.: ~ that. ? ?? ' "...m.?ii e . Mai thai Be ? la ? t. "ii" ?if er* loneof 1 I? i ... I ? . ..i n; ni M .. lie Il I I be ! In) ihire i M hall ?hat - toi lo noi union men. r at a critical i be men refu m to : i... ,i .1. Ti,... i I Mr. A ii In rou ?: . ? nul h i i. ? ., i, . i i. . ?.? of the lead? don Time* ut the ... .-.ii-1 : ' . ?e l .in th I " im a hS, t ? ; llli-lll.ll:.: in i have i- their i 1 met I i PHsfiil dishonesty and t n ]>?llll- i S 'lli a I.I '. Il ? '. I lal 1 "l|i . .1. I I .' ? hs ' ..i 11 broa . ., - , ? ni ??. usl. aal In , l'Ire i? li uci um (.i Sebastopol Is the u'i a I rident ly to ? : ? i I ..?. ii to In. : ? ? ?, but the :? ? ; ire to nice, t ' ? oi ihe tibtcl . ... .. i . . . >\, i i ? id ively i u ac? ordanof v. i'Ii the ..' ointa. :??' . ttee In ided ? i. \ ill fleet. Th Li Ion J1':!;/ .'..'-' rUtystnal Prinee Bis* 0 all illii-rii ll ?ir?an .'(-I.': ii.- world: an.i he Is ?rern.l to la] beforeth? ??'.i al? a? a i ? -: ? for ne?totia 'i ' " i of Eg .i. i in Asia, u.l i.Ca? ?'! i. lb< Uni ? ? -, etc, . ? "ii. .-. i bal ; thl* ? il postas ' "' t I ut ?" ' half niiii? .Thal . oui the mi. ? .... i . d< ible .... eratei i ,-,. Tlic uniform r? ?li M?> ? ?' i -"i .il M ru ul the i u I shall I i . Tht /' f?/ ?rift .. ? Ihe -i 111 mi I. li , ami d U oih i nations The Thumb if r, a Uri i ; v,i > ! jusl ed, Is ihii? ib-si'i'iiieii in a London Journal: ''She is., m. ipou the ? i ni li m modi la, but with vuiiiti i with a view ol removing the more ol h i-i - ?turei of the in i. Thus, in rt. ad'? ' i low a freeboard n> possible, ?t high! of four 1 es bs been allotted to the hall abovi thewat i the tor ??-. Instead ol being exposed, are prometed It. s powet tul bn astwork : and, Instead ol I. Hi;; ? . h . ted ,, i Ul ,i - lo ill a -. i li- as I >, is-1 hit, ?llO lias i" i n I'liiH on a scale -une lent to enable her to ? the unprecedented armamenl of foui afl-tun fuas, with iin i... itj .t storlna dnrtng avnyase the exti-ordl iim siipplj a l.T'n tiin-ii.t ."ill. \. lb such capabilities a-in.- Mbe hua a burden of LSOu tuns, a length ? feel, and an extreme breadth w ? 11 feet ; ami, I ?. in. . ii i portion* ate.on, ot Ihe fee di :? I* th? ?'cm U.itle? ol -In?.-' 1>. ?:>.'ii? litnl ill her il tliat sin i? not larire enough, ami that in future aurb ve?sels should be i.i.i.i upon a tat ser ?cal< than ei thai Ihe Thunderer or tin Devastation " A eotrcspondenl of ih?' Augabttrg AUgemeine ttUung state? that the Uervtaa Ueveraaseat has ad dress? d a note to the Porte la ?? bleb two dasisada Basa b. in stroii.i? urged. The Bratet the-??' u Ihst laaaalt and Oakar shall heevaeaated. IheaaplaeM ara sa tha I i .hl bSB- "f the 1)1 inn. an-l S-Mda ft the t.. -i wan teirl toi.v a- the frontier was flssd in 1MB They ?till belong t., iioMiui. win ii the i nrki-ti gasttisa sbaadaaad tha fortressee si Qarrvta la lat? tha lateOiaad Vhdas,AB ?'a-iia, promised alau te ?vaeaale theee twe p?ame] bal this wa? never done. The seeead demand referred to tin- ? h n ? 11<. ii of i be ii. nun i;..uim ?.?m KaUroads. ,?t m. Vu -m.a Railroad Confer? -aee th?- Parta sroadaad t., iterudi a luwllon at Alezlaati or J_n_?T?rl_li?BBra, im ?in. h purpo?? the well-kaowa preliminary trsaljr ?a? made with BartmJHisaeh. salt* ?ju? ntij the IHm iu im nt ot tin- Porte ihowed aa luell i?tiou . i ? keep f? promise. N..?? t.ertia tir?res tin Piilillnn nt ot the uroiiune, a? n i-rtunoi iierniit a!? importan I lnt?reHt ,,i tiervis i" ht eadaageead. ne Grand Visler tptvea t ii,.ii iiiis.x'i m iioth iMiitit?. it waapotl.itevaatvB. lKLKOlUflllf Mill." Mis I aii'H i-'?'iiuil trial i.? st I ioWB toi June'J4. Caapst'a Iob__?fsetorjr in Frankfort, Fenn., ?a, l.urnr.l un f>atu|.l?j. losa. _?U",i?t6? luaarau.r Lu, ari.itaiui ? Hie Hi ?. Mvrunt 1). WtxKl was con?it teil in Atlant?, t.a. m. >? > 'liH-a-lar "I aminctloa. Ilr lia? a ?ii? aaU a-ill Trot. W. U iMinlull of the (?.?iieia Matt I'ni ?rr-il? L.? !<(IWol t.?< JQat S*_M_a*sl lb* atuil) al BsBBSO, *? ?In a?r ?t m _\ .Im ki ?<'lui. has been fonoed In Washing" tn, a 'I. ?...i.. - i BriMSa1 a- l'r??nlr?t ?wl Ailiiiii?! Hurt.. IBB l'ir?..ln.t The I ulliel <.. lierai of the So? ?ft.? Of .leHUS. |, .>,a-l'.: I" ll.l?- II.rill.?,a ?I till- .SiK.r.,, __ l.ll ll?lU?, 11 I. ru ?, ..b - .'. ' I luiaai.i? ir.iu. llir tO?Mtt _,Tiiia<|ili Iiakcr. I prominent ?oiiimisMoii mer *?aa| "I t1?liSSBB ?a? t..uia,l is Si? b.Jf.M,u. un ^^nJiJ BSSB-BJ ?Ul. Ina tlll.,.1 rut It - auj'|.."a?.l I..- roihia'ttrlt a? . I '.. . ... A fount il of war tUthtg BtVstlillss luishcn trn.r.l ll.r Vl.a, .1 haut Klo Ul t?.. aaoaika lapnaMSU-al ful i auau.g ti,. .11. ? ; el? i.'iuJ.ri .,f i.rr?..o?liy lllr*al laraaa. ...Willium Wunier, Alniri-hoiite ke per at New I .. ? ?? ?'?.? -.r ' ',.. a !.<,?!.. ? .1? ?? . ill? tlk "f -fat d rd ...I-n?a. frum lh? sSM Si BS lnjuti'? rrrr.r??!. ion. Merrill Hsthrv?. a ssaadasad fawyst sad . .,, i ..?i BtstsaS,SMLSB Saiiiftlai (to- llir rt?srt of a Bara.jlii' , ,.,. TBsSMSSSSa ?a* Ailji.taul ?LW-ral ?t OUi?. nuna? Hi* ?ar. ... Tere Jutiijiia bald S jiuhlit eonfeieiice at litir ?u Kaiamlai. aau Irln.rri ai. aja_r?a SM .li.(aia ul I teal loblhl int. I !?? ssaSfSas ?.??i.UirJ i,.'?*i ?a.1 _? '???i"i '"?*.> fnaata Ariisfitl? ds la \ ii/ne. a well-known cotton i,: \tr Oil..a. ?'. ISl a I a n sf PlBBSt, a?;.J ?3 frll lulu ta? H,,,,,,,. s 't- bsai Be ?t$ ? a???. Flsaaj ?'i??, sai ??t .rf??t?i. WASHINGTON. TlNKKiiiv; THE TM.i; f A BILL TO il. BsVOBTBO PBOM im. ITATI ?BB MRAira ooMMirrai this ?tbeb?bliuht raosPEt r ?it \r< PailBAOB. |KV Tl.1.1 'RAHM TO TIIK TRIIU M 1 \V\siiini,i(is, April 7.?Thf- prospc?ts for the !? I of ? Mil in:' lag :i l'i revision of the Tax BBd Tin iflT-tvva lire le? en (uiratliii?. Hiicu a men-die, . ich nl| mal lie r. -nit I St f. ir i. si SS* haul ?nul SSBSi i< n t mu ? w?lk hy the Ways un. M. .ins Committee, will t?o ?. perteil to the HoaSS this we.-k lay Mr. Ilawcs, lmt initiier lie m,r any oilier ic ii.her of his Committee ? n tertaln very Ittnag BBBSB >i BSSBBI It become a law lie fore the adjournment. Th re SSI twi ?BlaSJfl which will v.iii . ,;L-,iiii-t la. nlll. iiml elili:r may BfWVS total to It luck of time, ami want of d'rposiUon on the, put of the iBBBBl to -o?piruto with tlio Jl'.n-i" f..r Im pa?.., -, . 'lim I-i! ci.tiiH.t come tij? for BOttOa heforo next ?IS Ir, nul IbteS wei Its will lie a ?nia'l allowance of tinn ftsTIIBlllSBtBBil In BBS Boaos. it win Basa i?c the sslsals sf M ly, with thcriiii ii'leljihla Convention close at haul, and nn almost unl ili?pii linn in hotli Hoiisis to m^journ BBflM tbS Biordtagat* ihi' ii.Miy. The Baattots ooaot feei atodly toward the Boasaahout the tariff, aavtagaad their bfll t.ihled and the imputation tbrovn luto thcr tmtm that tin j? vlnlateil the Ci.mitlliitioii Ii passim: it. It H BBOlB th.ui,ibl? Hi it when they ?as the House lull tiny taaa IBilf ?teas?ay is?aagaaali their own billas asulisti'ute for it. There will BOB he a toBg wrariiilo over the matt? r, and paBBtUy ?TO or three continue.. committees, with the pas*a?e, irobahly, as the rc ,-nit, Of a slmtt lull hastily thr.ivn together at Bddidgbt in th" 1 i-t In ITSOl tin- ?. .nui!, vitli an eye to the pi mi Ingpoliticalcanvassrsttortaaa oUn nniu-u..., intei ?le ci.un!iy. THE BAVjU INVKSM,..\TH?n' MB. DAMA DMABLI to SUSTAIN BIS ciivi.c:- ? t \ri.A\.\THiV ni i nr. ii.? -?i \m i ?at CON 11; M?!-?AI?MII:aI. por.,,.- am CiUEl l.\ CIM.I It I.OHIVi IX AMINKl?. |HV 'I II.KdlUl'll TO Uli. TWI FBI i WaSITOGTOW, A|iril 7.-\Vli;iti vi BJ ,-y Ik the rc?ult of the Holiest.n inVeSfgStlOO, at... Inn ?ci-inh now to be little th it tbe Is tv-tarywlll 131x0] !eiiiins,!r fruni i-v.-i i : i tattern maali ttu lmt one opinion expi ?seed in Wasblngti n by rabile m. s at cveiv abade of politic? laMgaid to tb? 1 (In.s. A. 1'.::i.i, Vho I it ly npp.-.ireil it Hi" 10li? ef piililic pri'-ci?nter. Hi li,.- ?,il nun il. iu his ,,'..ii ti .-tltnoiiy, tliat on the i, poo llilty "? , abose nam he declied to L>ive, and whose n,. an- of liifoi mat h m l,e did B? tavratigato, b civ ui '//.? Bus 11, tl I' i. Cattel . .; -liip-'-hanillcr lo Philadelphia, purcb ?far tbe navy; tbat tbe fmatttary ol ih" V*j via. intei ited in the ' . tii .1 ( i u sud Bol on made s ? ; it Lron, a '? 1 by 10 too ? h reollz. I upon tbat singla- Itemi thai biickavereIwaghl at Philadel? phia sod 1 tfatB 't. to! .i f> nii.i : taat Cattell has been empowei cd P Bob fo?- the x, ? i" i . , . .1 ?iiiicii for, tbe n.iv iteamabli ; tbi bays this coal not by pnblw smpsdtlon, but 1 paying ?oca prlcea as be eltosei sad l l be doubtless U 1 i'ii... ? of vi ii tbi j Hu? rol? min nt] that be aya.01 :' . ?;i a tun ?n i'lut.iiMpll.i, and i ? ? tun fui-i ? ?? "i : that (in ., turned bj the ui In theyeai mated It i-..??.?????? tuns. th?> wo ? on wbicb to Catell and pun roi. tbat B ?! sod Cattel have madi u privat? l tuna f h tes, lo b? ii?<'il ki balldlaii two I i blob Congress bas i tborlsed, and that I ? ? . fot tais irm? tun, wbi n i; .. i.m ; taat lin? ja, , o of I about Mil ': >m the people, and that B.o i- ?? .. i ? i power as a nu rubel of the Executive < I amn ol money li bit own poltet, sad I . with in.,-, a robber as i, ic took He blgbwaj will Wundert? h sail knlfe.aidp ta. Allot tin ? ... ? . i i i . ?in. With He ?' . i : !i five th name of Ida lufun name tingle v. .;,? at vm? eaal I I h i the alleged fsea, aad w< nl day with in- on!.. tbe ? omm I .... to the ?oun ol b the Secretary and ,?:.., , v. i.. 'i v. ,r, ?blly printed foi .. i onth, Th sx A. ?..i .... to ?;>'. u. thai tb? ( !> .11 .nan ..I lie ('.nil . flimsy, aad B be eied to h ive b en m n '1','n- aocuaatlon ?eta apparently oiade In lbs mo r nanu rani without good i lusplclon even. The any oaa o? sil t?u ob i ? 1 IB] t. itimony toadla, btbi pa\ ?...!Dl ? . , t... n Intro ... AI tie' ae i .n of tbe i t, , 11 t crvenlri iced ball a d i i witnesses to show tbit tbjte was ootblni wrong or lr r ? .ni ?f .i ? > ? ' these claim?. It t,,.: i.:.i a the v..-. la bul b? il - ? i I , rovernmi i.' ??bt to turui b th d md . ii./ wen wbenltdld fiiinish ttici soin" of ii,, i.i i',:i,:, :i from irbleb the orl rtai ? onti ?el wa? matle la ?m h ,t iiiiinnei ;,? t.. cause Increi >d sxpi ni e t'i tt." i onl to ;, U'-iile I'll* in'. ... ?:? IJH >d I'V.'ie !?? ? Ol'oi" aad mat rial, which ' i .;,,(, n, ., tb re were .hoc i ? ers nude after tas voik ins done, .-'ii > t Wng lbs bollara, Ac. Ciabas arising ool tas ce u or these vessel? were therefore dived Intol ro classes: claims under the eoatraet, thai . rot wort required bj lbs . bul which is... .. ?,'. ?' or mod .the ? ,. i.i.i le. amblalnn outside of tbe eon iri.i for i vtri wOTEonled by tbe Department,snd uol Inciudi -l m the eontrs? Tbe BOcrvHanr .?? the Nat i I,,,,i- ;,,ni m- has bet ?uatatned by tbe law officers of tito Trossu- apartment, that the -?-,,, na class of ?'inn can be paid by th ffavj licpartuieiit out me proper appropriation, without any i-iieeial act i cuu'i."?, while tbe lormer1 being In the nature of danee? to tbe contractor, grow m out of the iicL.v and aeon of the Uovt rnuieiit.could not in- paid without a aielal act. The Beentsryol the .v.ivv (Welles) thofor.avened s loard, and rererred t" it 'I the clalsss of the tstioat ?lass. It any llalSBS of the first I lass were presented they wet. rued out. Thi* i.i moi. awardstolaarofaevoraieontraetora ?mi rlaitns were paid, h hefoicthe Beeorclais was raaebed,the President otbe Board aMd,and ii was .li?,.!v.,l. Meanwhile, t," law of ]?>'7 wan | .?.?. il, n mit. iritdng tbu Beerotar-o ascertain tttesmonnfef ihe in the Brat cUAVAod bo did It. This Board et clillcil all StaiSBS ?'h"il III?: liep.n ttmiit eolllil Hit pay Wlthoill a BBTi and aw.ini'U 1113,11(0 lo the Secure. (on i"?s passed another law ll lass, satborislng tin ?u i to be paid. Later attl a urn board wMconvessstfoeimBtou ths work left uiiOiusIkiI bv the trat; tbat letO euuddrr the claim of Ihe Seetva OUtside ol the coutnel, aid the .>?.'critary ordered it 0 treat tbe Becor? us tharswhese Minilan laiin? had bem t,l?? v iini-ly settled ere I e.iti d. 'Ulis last Imi.ihI nwardi.l the f'.'. ?0? last pan TV i"Ap:al.,it,..u Ir to >C Mtlsfacioo hy (b?' bal shin tojudi-'e. [OBBBAi PBBBI DUPAT. II 1 W \'iiiN(. 105 A'ril I,??The Xjival Itivistirn tinu OBBBBdStsa B?t-Bt evenliijr ?r f?B o'clock. Mr. DSSS und hl- .o?-i- wen not pVBSUBt. II.MI'N OF HKAK-AliBIKAI. ?o ? niar-AihulrallbW was ?worn, and was rxain lned BJ BSBISialtsSaaSB Hi t.?title.I that h. bus been I' US" navy 45 >?', wj? under Adiuiial ??r?or' diirlii?? tho war enpcftataadtas the coiistiiic't) S_ iron ?.la?ls In PSW Ymt; wan PiaaMaal at r kasid a inch examinad the Soest elstma, 11ml 1 ..ii-lih ritb'Ui fuir ?nul anurilui? <>? the eoutrm t. lie i-XHtiiliii.t id iiiind they had not inen paid ; Miullai' eiaiuis were id b MUCH lir.t.ii.'no.I, Under tin- Wt lie* Bdmlnisteati?of be Navy Department, alter examina I mu Si the |,n?t'f which Admn.-i (iieiroiy was ?leiit; but htAniirui Uregory) did before the Beeer 1 laiius wi re.n.ii, ueted on; the older WaSSS treat all 1 i.?m.- Alike , . . Mr. Ait h.?ir?kil ahethsr the Board at winch wltneaa wan presi*nt leladsd any of the ?Uowanoesof the Marchand sard to which qasetlon wltaeaa replied, be thought niffor mrdiu-t ?riven. 11 BjBsgoa wre os the Board la \*m did you tak? Intoes?aiwatloitho law of IBM which allowedBSoor, I? 1 m?- .v >. in??, in full settlement 1 A. Thecoaolu hlou to w? h thelo.ird caine WB8that the law did not sanear tsppiy t tin? eaas; imi _? they were Bet-lev yi'ls tlirtMis l"l lie I ).|iarl III. Ill I.I ?? 11.. . ' Admit Bo?ffts us luillur e?.nii'iie?l by Mr. Ar. In t a? to thshereetr or the werk donc ihe Board allot?ed lies tinHWiiisl payilieut ettr? to th.- 1 out 1 a. 1 jlv Hi-t-tary Rm-soii The laatue allot?am ?? win math as in IhTlpptltaftt). will? h was S boat r>iUitl..i tS tirite, of the mus. ?un i mm in i?iKiN?ra staikm-M, rbli'Sninnee'Iiorlus. who was on? of the Hokk? bosid "ji i'?-i??eti by Beu'ttary livbttob, kMMtBi that the same work wa* done bv th? BSSSBSSS on the Tlppecanoc ; the lull In the case 01 tho Tn.pecnnoo was aaat to tha Board t<? Baaiparehyi the extra? wen aot in tho bill previously puld to tha Bason ; nii Its ararl wsa extra tethssoa_r_a Hy Mr. Archer-I )id uel ktiow win H.?r ?mv of the bill* presented hy the Mecni? w? re BUU k?-d ''re.1. ? ttsd " li> the former Hoard or not. The Board examined a particuhu in -,v v, iictii, r any of the it?'iiiH ronld be found on tha bill? whicli had been paid Tim it the Bee? Company who appealed aefon tha Hoard wssnotswi rn aa to hi* ncroiint. Tin Board took no deelaratlona otbei than thoae of the ofloera who eonpoaed it. By Bee rotary Boheaon Aad the (set tbatstaul UieiltH .,(.( uiitile oil olhi i uioi.ltors. . i i i.Miisi i it BOM t-SOmBBS Cbicf KtiirinciT Kin_, <'ha-f of the Passas of Btesat* BaghM m in?r, ??at avara, sad was szaadasd by B* i ?sbssss, iin tastlBsd, bs-sbb other thing-, thai the Beard saa authorized by Oaagiss-, sader the Itret tbn sfSserstsry Welles; the Bssid aoaalderad how sraek would be lun to contractor? under their contract. proi>cr ; the claimant the ?"?'?'or* were ruled out, nt not, coming within tho law ; witnet? went to Europe on hit own mo? tion; be bad situe dittieuliy In obtaining leaveof absence, the Kccretary o' the Navy MJ_Bg he did not wl.di hiui to be absent from se Burean. Mr. Archer re narked it appeared from the report of the Marchand Board thai tA.'i.ius had i..-, n p.mi to the Si -ura for work iver and above their contract prtoee. Wltasaa asad that he ptasasBsd that itatesasot to be soi reel Mr. Archer?An?l tbr ferors received fll'uunfSrdSSBa a?/es, ami ?tJMi bSSlde I fll.(.ONI) OOB-BdUBB BSSO-XAIt. Jaba M Brodhasd, Beeaad t aatralk r of tha Ttoas_*y, t'stitled li? ban control of theaecouatl al I-ii; in the War Sad Navy Ih part units aid the Pesaloo and Iinl.ui Barsaas ; hs ?vat tin oiiii si having _M ultimate daetsloa of I In sesS-Btl ; ? In ii the vom hert cauie to him for the payment of ?y !,m? to the Beet IS, hit Impression ?wis that the allovanoe was a mistake; ha te k Ihssi ap t,. ti" 8 , retary oi the N ivy, with whom he had aa latan Is?, andealM bis attention to the law of 1?.:?; he and wit Mea want over the law together, snd both came to the conclusion that the act ol 1867 and 1BU wars completely la part mahwia, aad maat be construed with 1 raid to lach other, and that the awani made bj flu; Board ,i, tig o ii"d acted only on the claim? that could not be al I ? ii-narimeiit outside at the contract, hetsg In the nature of damajrae. Th .-.ii m h became satisfied with the-tow taken by th-.-, cretary, and bad no doubt of lu corre.uier.ia ?nice. The law of UM Mid the tll?.t>io ?.tumid be in full dis? ci arge of all. I.ums aj?..mat the United M it-1 ou 1,1 >uul of these vessel ,ui?ou which tha Board made the allow anee at their reptil I lindel Mm act, of March 2, l")7. l'liri^ ?.?..s mi m, ii m int? i ?i:,i Ion of ? toasreee, as than wa i largo batanee duo the Beoora. Witness waB enttrelj I p ted I .i" ? o h? -. II w ? not n lafto n op. 'i accounts. It was sometimes done if it aa u - i". . d the , i m..s >s. .. Mi i<:i,.i.lliead was ;i,-o liitrrr.,i'at"i| o a Ol ?it rrnfOB. ot i ?. asar b bi mi i Al? xntnli'1 W.'li, r,?y in.-p.-. t,.r and Naval Pay maatei at Philadelphia, teatiBed thai thoBecn ti..'Na :.laid a word to him about business until i i * !*? - to Bight, nor dul hi- hold any baatnesa i omi tlonwl a ? i. ' ECeat in an ollii ,wiy. i i. .. gave an amount <>f obtaining suppUea, never departing from the rale of giving a oontraet, when bids ?remade. to the lowest bidder; goods are obtain? 1 from merchants, without, to his Kim'.. the Intervention of middlemen; be applied for authority to advert! for propos ils when tii" inn "int ?d im ich im li.- ? h 'i '?i .1 ?vas o\. i- ?:, '", i ri. I ii > :: pic? ib In m' ent t i ipplie l l .. 111 > in adv? in-1 lor l,i -i lu is ol c.ii for the T no -i c,. ual before *b ? a ina Ba . hat be ud the coal without advertising, iir... tiered to do so without delay; he never had any direct ion from th larv of the Navy to favor anybody, 1.11 ivcdu n Met rroiutue'l , ? :?n. WAt? ? ?? '.'"!. I ? ? Mr. M ,i . m of tin-?na "f M.o-ii, > ? ' . I -' . . ' r " ? . ?: , .,1 ? lin-un that -u . .. i I. I ? V rr. Arrriarnrii W, H . .h. uo in ddieroen who m ??.?? purcfa Mavy Department In Philadelphia ; there m ? . to ., .in?.?. to purcbas coal from ell . the Col el -, or thai M?. ly should bu - el for htm; ? i<=? m.d purchased Hour from A. O. on tell A Co., Boar and commission.n hunt, at rartoaa ttaa s to send ?h imai 'l nt ship? going to sea or Cor beklag bread in the N.,\ . ? ? i |, tht ? "le amount of purchase* being I I - ilab ; . . is never employed anybody to duj ooal for him ; as to tho letter of Hecretarj Bob? on o aim shoemaker _ Ingham, the i ass th-y never sold i..i, ,n., , ".ii; t.i?'., ui.ido a bid, bat their bid was not low enough. Mr. Archer saked whether be had ever direct.] or Indirectly by the O to give tint a .- ? ; '... ii i iiu ? approached . ( lay avi CUnRENT TOPII - .1 ? BE I r..L. bPI i a ii-M ?KINO is nil: Hi,i >i ? m..i ; .' H ? i '.. rWELL? UOABOIB ? in, i - ?'. ?i\?r ,i; i. :.IAPII TO TH raiBi' V. MBOf-TOB. April f, . eh i ?klag dej in the House, at ; led ofl wttk ? defenae ??. um red t ??.. pagsa of )/. ack i,ist->. n ally aa fat m th? time of JeSei un. __u last part of it was devoted [to in eulogy of Presi? dent Grant and hl-)Adii..i:is ?alum, ai, i a ?' p? i amal i _aracter. The speech li notleeal le m th foi mal Indorsement of Grant that has been mads in the House tbla session, Mr. Moore add. In ooBclnston, that befell that be hau adaty to perform ..s mm or the i;i pi? ?. nt.iti" i tjt the great Btata ?-.hi. h gave thia in.m to the oonntrj, and was i are to stand i him when his next trial sbonld come. Mr. Whitthorne of Ten spoke in favor of sub*t-teting greenbacka for N bank ..oti., and paying honda sndenatoma dalle with ... ,..-. in.- Civil Service ? l'a. tarda De prodaoed some statistics to show that aa waa better Barred byltaetslli any country In Europe, uafar u economy In the coat of collecting the revenae waa eonearned. Eta was In favor of gi?iiig a fair triul to the plea peopueed by the Service Commlasioa,aad tboaghtthai mootof tha existing la the Civil Dei i lee would be naaedied i>? pi" \ Idlng for a Bxed term of ofllee -o arr meed that ?n should not terminate al the beginning or an Administra i mil. The local oiiiccs, be thought, should be m all .-le. ; ly? lu. Mitchell -pike lip."I tile .|lles'mil Ol UO? to revive the shipbuilding Interesta and foreli acei trade of the United Btates. He oppoMd subsidies, aud thought a discriminating ti\ against foreign tunnage would Ut most ulMhlerous, Tha ram '? wbli b he risned applied to revive our declintag ?hipping ??. ,'s to nd i.c Uxatlou on materials aaed in ?hlpbai tuug. and alto? OUT un t. I.ants to PUP ' I neis. A number of other Bpeeahee of less interest n made, rhe aaeakifl la-ting until about 5 o'cioi ;>. Mr. Kenne of Ohm BMds a tpsseh In the House, ? ? ?? terdajr, la defeiiae of Beerstary Boatwell's Bnam . pu icy, and us he Is BBdarstood to Bare spot ? with aaaaa de-re? of sallan If jr. iiit itatements wats of nmro than ordinary interest, lu de fendfalg the hoarding of gold In the treasury, Mr. Monroe haul that he lielleved it wisa- un- l?verai reason?. It had enabled the Government m cheek and prevent unpriiii ilpled conspiracies to raise or ?(? press be Dl i.e ni ?old ; it hud kept I In ? ?oveniinent It? ' ? .01.11 - - lo ri Mim?- specie |?nvmeiiIs, ami It had Uiiii.- much to ?ustaiii the m?dit ot the UnitedBtatea, kaaptag up tha ralas of Hartad f-tutes ssssa aad banda The facf.t In regard to the ecceiif rlc irregtiliii iti' la the I'oiuluct of Judge Wright, formeili of, la BOB BSetlSa ?Ith certain Indian funds, uivolviug about *.v?i, )uo, will roou he given to the public, who Will tin :i i" iblc to Judge whether Judge Wright's conduct 1?_? been PSSPSS? as lie ,?Sh?Tt??, or whether ll BBS SSSB rSM lllj ? it lehl by (ioveriiiueiit oltieert. The catu ha? been 111 ta land? of the Attoriii-y-tien?-ral for neveral mouth , uni . ro?ul deal ?if evidence him been collected, ami thus in in- facts are bv no menus ta.orahje tai .lunge \? I .... iIIIHiaille a. : ,,,, In In. Hi il Hi., tmmtmm 111.11,1 of m_a_a* Placad m his hand- tor payment of Indian stoaBSS has nit been accounted for to the satisfaction of the AMoiin i (ieneral. That otllcer w HI at once appolut uu artSttrator, whose duty will lie to examine all the a. counts niel vouchers ni Jados wriaat. sss ail tin- evidence la p<>?. aesston el the i io\ ernmeiit, ami fix ii|m?ii the sin.mut due li,e ( MiveiuLueiit when trie t will Im> lo ihe Com?, and issjilsi iwiaaasrdlBs? began ??galas! inoi tad his Ntiretles. It i? liioiiKhi the examinai i.m ?HI btSt a mon lb. The troublesome Utah cane, wliicli waut sra>iM>.l '>??( ir* the Supreme Court several week? aten, w?-im? to lie i more dilHcuit BBS In IBS cou?ulti?tloii room of Hist OOui ' thiin It wa? before the President H i? known that ?,v eml Consultations on tlie aOSS hnie lie.n leid lit the ( iiort. luit tliere Is iiolliMli' I?. Indicate I li?t a .1. . .-um i iie.ii.-r at huid Iban ?Ml the Ural da> . Tue tubjee Was diecuaaed on Medneadaj last, and again yesterday, bul nu decision baa liecn round, al leasi none will m ta mmu? ed tomorrow. Whether a luajorlij ol rli? < '??urt will ?iisUiiii Jiul|.'i .VlcKciu 01 i.ol i? a ?uiijecl of much spei il!,il loll here. Niutbcrii orators are fruitful in coinpai!?..u?. Ml in.Hi , i Viriritiia, la a speeoh in,thi Hou e on Saturday, in salogy of the Virginia Judiciary, which bad Inch assailed b] Mr. Platt, said: " I nilKhl a? w. II tall, di feadlag a lion of tin- fore?! from IboattUel el a rblneb i. ix sa to uik iiboat ,1,1.11,tin- the indiciar", ut Virginia II' 111 Hie ,1 ?.?an It s of my 1 ail league " Amoiiir the imi'iu ti.nt lull? iiituxln,, ,1 m baW BOBS., In? I Monda. , und It I. 1 ten u it In.ut tin- knuwl. ^.e ni un one nut Maaataot wasths MtovVlai 10 bTi. aaaUar af Massuctiusott? h? li rs?i. lid. **.. Tkatall I' ri?-r?-|.ai?>ni n?iml :..i ? iwrinat ?' I? )?? ?r?, IS.! V. h,< tl |,|>l III., ?la ILII,,, ?I. Jlilt I IK*,.', ?I r I,, ,,?!,_, , ll?u.|r,l (.a ? isru.?i ,.1 ???h nan Ti?,?i,?..1 h??t,,, t;,?t >u,i,-iu?,....,. ?kill at BM 11? awtaaafl I ?MM <?' IS? cl ?la! m?tic... *r y?t?u'?? hi? ?11. .1. o ,1.1 ,.:u ! .',. . ?? A WAIiIrST. OOirSPlBA?Y. TIIWAI'TlVi; THE 8CHEME80F , I CUQUE. UVF. MILU0BB >>r vi. i v ' i s' i i i I III. II Sill NATION il. BA1 I li? li HUM,? IBBT1TI II.H A(.AI . T IT?H ni' Till; PLOT. M i. h exciten:, ut extatod in ;! I BfttMBOOM atad yi-ti ril.iy, in tip.'in. ial . m ? avia the tlinateiieil panic in tin iiioi;?v in .k ririx of sjM;i.,ilafiir"?. eliieflvof "H!., tonety, win?, licit]?? lartroty short if -"? i- I. ii: ?.I.'iidecjierafe elVi.rt tofSjafleil tin ir im in",, -i "locking up" lafjal tcmlei?, ami 11 cres?ini .. lb y in Mi?. BMurl i m d l lad ? i <'??' ? tn in stocks. To at 'inpli ;? Ho i tiicy are said to have the services of the T.-ntli .National Bank, a ? .'? eftlnir (?petaliiin.i DOgBB to bl i< '.i I B lyiilithepr.i.spcctui'a partial i ?BStitioaol im ' I l-'i i'lay" scenes da-fag t?iis week. 1.. i i Brai itier, a eil vcht'Tii.'iy m i'i ? rnaior b? . ? ? i rent that a prosecution BTonM Is- b. . ,. a" kinsrl tlie 'lentil N itlonal I. .nl? for viol i ?. of the .V.umal Han kin g law -of the UuitedSt km-king up money. A rej?ort. r of Tin. T II I't. it. '1 Slates l?i., y I'm: Bdaad from him thai lbs ramer ? t!,e following eon UnitedBtotesCoBunli lonerDavenp rt: era District of '? ? ? , l.i'i.'iat duly iwora, nays, oa ... (ha! at til? Sou,hi la 1. ?;< I f i i ii'iieit the i.i.mii day of A] check? for the pas > wu i. o miili ? . ???.' >? I lu a certain National Banklne I i,- the letith National Baub ... b Cl ? and thai tie natter, Ivatlonal Baal, v ? huvr aiiMiuni o, , m ed W National Haul- doW ... ?:i, in violation of ta- i t., lint, d State? approved Pebru, ty l?, I W-srefore. h> reatonoi the proa ?iirt tii??t Hi? said Nstlonal Bank ? ?. i i ' . i, | - k i ouiniltted to ?? o- i|. '??and.luii ofthesuid I Bit? I Bl ? ern District of New-Yo k. - .Lp.'ias liave Ix i t: .- ?in ,! ' t] or th?-Truth Nation., I - il 'i'i lot k andtcotify In tell lue hi-tory of th.t. conspirai . ? the Wan-!. .v.'i..:.i'- and i ; N. BaBlth, t.. ,; ,-. i ? . bogaa wltbdta? lug moooy fron in Order i" pBOSBB '? I bail ni s' ( -ledou the Is ar Tai y bin ci i di d very i!...i;', .ad raaalag the i . bat owing to the ?.. i tb m ill'v, . . 1 ..\ of Btag and ..'. : i that ?;..' -, m m an . . i ? '.|ir. .-e ? I tO I ! ' ? ... "'. .- ' ? ? de perati bj l sl> d? ::'??! 1 i . ?.-??: produce a ttock oimrator, D itel D w, Uo bad J on the bu Erie at .'",, " teller ? bis E ill , m/ ipeeted ? ' ? i decUaa iu th.- ?toi k roar I . i ?- ? ? . ? I s -till ?Vssperat? n i iixea than hey l ' i. OaThatodavy butt, H.-i.r. '? of Hk> uotoi'ijua linn m BaBlth, Q ?>. I 6 *'? I l'.d in th. Te:,>h National * ? .. . ? I Btotes h gal lender. At t ?? : : ??? fhs iuineiui o? ab tul M .i at oni ? an I the '" .... ; . '.. n tab ' a Difllton d llarsci . ? ... ' I I '. iced to ? Into lbs op atinar] an : . . . . i brokers, wer! lag In th-lr t . I ?! I of in rnej. i . i : : ? > m."!!, the i ., . ? . i j inability to I r 11 la lai.k-, and ?. , the Coral (almost to a standstill the ??; Is ... ,i ' r .?? 1 ; ? : l. it ? , It isulfo stated that i f t ;- lei i". :, i pn dueul . arrested sad braogb itrlal. Aatbe a an . purpO e !;: ve BOt . I '? bOOB IsSO? ', d I . ittOB ft>" BOOM ?. ? ' ' : . "' aats thai sotten will bo takoa la the i i v bas BOBB scat to bV( Boutw mi jiin u reii'1-c tiie moi ' v market _.i ? evl . ba ... -, . e. . >'i l.i.a.i'ii?? a porttoo of the larpt reaorvi In the Tn OPEXBiti OP THE tVAl LK1 .1 > .: ' " . ;. RoffDOlT, X. Y., Aprti 7?'! .< r <?! train ov. i the w.. l?ill Va toy Ba > .-.i,. ..rated at Boss dale yestei . I p ,.pie were ptosaat, Incbidlng manj i ? i t'.ii.i vartoos poluto la the vie laity. ?? not i roaslstodof aa eimine. teuder, and seven t?irs Tba i -t win, iioiiinleti li latlslactory, the bridge si ... i, , nt we, The brldice .-.i- b a . .id was completed but January, n i balll "i iron, n. Bve i -.-up.ortrd n?' ti.'.i ?tone ptera ,, d abutateuts mid iron column?. It 1? lMfretbjgn. and il? tolsl leui th Istcsfi -t. It..?t |3aA,?0u. Tin vv ...;:: V. n. > Hall? way is m.w c.iinpieie in that point, and lIn raub I? read) forth?rails tothlaclBjr. lbs t ? ?? ui.i be Bulabed to tbls place la aboul t iu -IT'l''i>KH Ml BDI I! EbIKi I'cnti., April T.?A a/ODUiti liBBtrrl I .lac- I'.u. ker, .?limit til veal ? of BBB) WBS BBSI I ?I' a?. M !,.-il in a l.ttle shaniy u ar I. i..d Ughl-li"SSI bl dB] H" .. '.a? iilack from r.pparent ?tr;?ni;il!Htloii un! i llen? ar, mai... like S?ger prims ou her thioat. I,., only . lutsof the abaatywec. her binlaaad siul im little -?m. I ... ' liii?ti;iud has l'un laa< II Uli ? cus.n.ii ?.>.,u.,,t a ' oiouel'* ilupiest. _ COLLISION ON TUB bXHTBlt Pr.ownLNCK, April 7.?l'lu> s. iiuuui r H.v of and for Kast OtOOBWhb h, Wit 11 coal, cam.? ,, ? on on the ismind, las? n|,.-lit, With : lie ttetWBM Bowpoti The - ..??..?. a .?r.-i ?. , ,.,.? my. la _u-. ... .?.? v. .a ? . -??-? -.. bilk; but the oaptatll t hou _-U f lu- .ou.'h Vit? Loi?.ton without assutaiiee. AMHK_-OM-B_B PUVISII-UJ Om\ii?, April 7.?Dr. Marvin .u,,. KbbmmI Boyd Basa i?eeu fosad galltj of as?alas - ? dsali al Mit? . llivef of Wood Kit? 1. Neb., by pu,... | n . ., ?.?tu tinii. Kasetswas Baadaaeed t.? __na am a bail ....i? ami Ko) d to ?n uiontlis' linpritouiiient Is tS I". i.i'a-n ?iur BUILDDfOB BO-UBID D OMAHA. Ot-AHAi Nob., April 7.?"i'?ir pu. hooaa ot David A Hice, rs.ii... ut '- , ".M-.i . ?i... i. , ? ,..,? :" bakei , -bihsnaaa'ajswolerj iture,? pannbrofcersbap, ,,ii staaraal were dsstroyed b) ti.. t.-?..> i?u? I ?oin'i.y aliolit *4t),itt). ROEM CM TIIK PACmO KWl.I.'AI?. Ciikvi.nnk, W?oii..ii". Ter., April ; ? TW worsl ?tonn of the ce i.? u i.s peevaUlas la-dag. Ma mas kaa a rit ad nttm tin- w? -t to-oay. Hta IbbBs ftaai the ..i.! au nid nu time, but is lall U| Baa al?a littk ?l'IClliK UN NKWAKK. lViini'1 I). Hunt, a ltuubt-r ?BfllBI ol Nu. Ml K,riy-tt., Newark, N. J-, eoiniiiftted -um-kI?-. uainiUv, b) h.iuglug hiuiself m the haru ni rear of hi? SSV-S lie aas a ttcliool ?'ouiuiii.-ionei from the Twelfth Ward and ? pi ..initient Freemason. Financial enihan.-oaiiieui is ?aid to have In en the cm-c of tin'tin. ,d, . H, m ?? a Kin I ic j, ..i? ui asv, -u'il'.?\rs a ?Tie ami ia.v__.__M?.