Newspaper Page Text
V^XXXH.N?-9,080. NKW-YORK. FR10AY, APRIL 12, 1872. PRICE FOLIl CENTH WA8HINOTOB. ttif. takut pkatm.ock. UIVfMON OK TIIK WATB A\l? BBAJOO (OMM1TTKK? THK PBBB TBAPBBa on Tili: Wau-I'ATH? MIXU DBPJtTflatOB ANI> NO WtlRK tXl'ttTKH. |BY TaXKf.gANI TO TIIK TRIBliNK I W\, April 11.?Tbo Waya an.l Meaaa ('.uiiinittce ba* at BBflt njilit in two upou ihe Taiill gaeaOBBB, na waa eOBf ngo ivretlietvd wonld be the aaaa. b^bbbImb BBdaaa aatJea in Baahtag af tbe Coinmitfee w itli B majority JNeBJag TaOWB hostilo to t ooo of Iba Chainiiati BBB had ita Ine vltBaaM eflBBdj, The Committoo ia hopilc^ly dnuhd into two fartions. and Pawea la rlrteally dopNaod, ntnl the n.'tnal elinirinauflbip riv.-ii to Hunhatd. The division f.ok placo at a Iraai aad flaaraay aaaaaa, h.-ld la?t oibbIdb, wbea a n i-nber of OJBaBBaaa, which were test-irwuesbetwe, n P oaaetloa aadK< raaaa lbfonn.and which ha<lbeen def, ned itntil the last moment, came to be voted Bfoa p!i-;iat?l??r.v to coinph'ting the Tarill* bill, for rei ertiof to the Hoti?e. On erery one of these Toteo Iho CaaaaalMOfl stootl I to 4. tbe Proteetionistn being LtaNOB, K.ll.-v. Mavnard, and Rolierts, and the BetBTBeBTB, lbir. hard. rinkelnbiirp, Kerr, Rrooks, i . 1 I'.-.k. 1' Mr. Pawea dulairl that the bill ? id aetbrte aaea a ahaae that ba woaMaotreperl to tha>.-. He aald thal be eoald not pal bia> -. lt" iu ilu- aUi.iule ol indor.sing it. without BOKBf aufalthfal to the taaataaOa of bis distru-t and str.te, a: <. to tha eh. lirili. .1 eaarldBBoaa ol ado wholo life. Hiis aaaoaaoeaaaal areated great oaaitaaaantix tl ? Ci.imiiilte.'. Tbe majority BBfJOared to tltink 1 ,.'. had keea aaxfalrb treated by Mr. Daweo. They -.. 1 lat. tl thal the) had aoeitXead n great (bal for the -..?.- , 1 liaiaaear. and tbal their eourse had been ono Bf .'.'ii. iliation thioin-'liont. Tlie bill. Bfl ngrewl to, r m far fr.-m wliat they wanted. aud iu many ? eta woald aeareely aatiafy their eoiuUtaeata. 1.. y had 100. at.dly given way to enable <h Committee to aet liarmonioiisly, and theythonpht ; BWOO BBB in honor ImuhkI to ivtand by the Comiuit tii.l take eharpa oftlie bill they bad perfected. >!? Dawea pdbored inllexibly to biu detemiinatinn : t to report it. and to opiiose it in tbe Houso. i i,e niajoiity thea votwt to make but ono ef the tarlff end tax BBOdllhiflllOBB b> 8tea4ef lepettiag tbo latfer in a separato hill and brmgiiig it up tir-t for nction ei the Profectioiilsts .? ?-iiod. It aaa aVetded that the Tariff ettaafea lin.tild be put firct in the bill, so as to be eaXBOfled ?>f L fore, tbe Ua redotrtlona cenld be reached. Tlie bill w ..- gaYOB in clurge of Mr. Burchard to report 011 Btlay, aaa it in Badoratood that bo wiil hare tbe kgementof it antH ttie Tarill" pertiea i* dk> - .1 of, whflB it wiil be bat.d.-d o\<r tu Mr. l'iuk ,1 "tire. Tbe aetion of thfl Committee, it O ili be neeii. la of .? itImportaaee. Ittadieateethatthere wlll hoa ! ? and Berea litfht over tha qnention of I*if>tei-tion, . t l.ath Ibe mai poaTtJea ta the Hoti^e wiil be : .1 by iiieinlKTS of the coiumit'<<, wb,.se lonpinves tigaliuBa in the Conunittee-rooin have apparcntly wuly inteimiiied tbeir previoue convittionn. It is pi etty aafe, boworar, ta atodkl that 110 laaarl wiil i I'-aar tha krauwd\a^adta thal BBfMBTO imniinent. and !....;. with a divided Waya BJmI Moans Committee, a.. iiii;(.itant Brritffflt.iraa of the Tarilt' eaa be aflccled. ? ' -\ BlORE ATiOlT tlV'lI. sFRVIti: RKFub'-M. r.JK TiiK-ll ;m's pbt pbojkci bxi ekxb Al and DfcKOUXCXB Bl 1I1S IKIKM?S IN TIIK IK>I BE ?m w TBB PXOPLB AKE Tt? BB I'i BBVOGBB. [Bl TI.! I'.GKAril TO THE TB1BPBB 1 WAeBIBOTOB, Thursday, April 11, 1P"2. The ("ivil BervteotaeiBAtewMraflOBBod tatha Houae ,<'. : ; laoaataUrea to-day.ob the aaieodiaeal of tbe beaate la the laajlalaalTO aad Dipleauttia Appropriu tiwa i>a 11 to appiopikitc 990,000 to earrj out tbe Civil MViic rtirtilatioiis. If aaytahtag waa wanting to an. w tbat there is no sinecro wiah aniong the Ad nuni trati >n l.epublieans to offeel any rtforni in the ,--t in Of makiiii,' nppaintmeiits to ofllee, faO-daya - Ion anpplied the preof. Civil Pt-r\ iee Ueforrn was'i.b'd, nibn-pr-Muted, Fneered at and de Boooeed, and in tho OBBM biiath Co n. Grant r.ns lauded to tbo 8ki<^s, and bis Aduiiuis tratien deelarod lo bo erery way adniirable. Tho oiilvivepiil.licans wliohad anything to Bay in de fe*iae! of tbe Prealdeata own attenvt at reform were bfewiitdependenl ?biib.Iubb. who are Boaaeetedof areferring ataae otberataaaa tho eaadidateof the Bepabliean party. Tbe tlebate waa opened by Mr, Laaapert, who aald tbat tbe Civil Berrlee rulea aould nll all the otBeoata Waahlacton wiib roaadaato of the I):-trict of (.'olimibia and Moryland. Mr. riargent bouuded the party trumpet, and rallied the AdminiPtration forces for the grand rbarjre that fol lowe.1 00 Ihepoor Civil Kervite Commission, and the rageraa they baTO tried to make. He rriud the appra priatkm of 901,000 had been put in the bill undcr tbe belief that aomething must beaeaofarfearof 'tbat CriatdaaatJ Conveutiou," but iie < ai.-.l BOihiOB f.-r that Convention, aud took ao niiBBOfil fieaB thoae who were "traitor? to tbe paitv." The oartery aboart the eormption of Grant's Adiiiinir.trati,.n bad lieen oaNOaeted by blaekmailerw, Bnd CooajreflO bad been weak enonnh to give vitality to their BfhtiBBCia by taoloilBJJ tho nnmerous inveHti were iu proirre*8. He eulogized tho Prt'sideut. an.l BBed bis Adrniniotration bad been an il lustrioiisone. Mr. Shanks dcclarid that tbo two irreat buinbiiiTs of the day were tbe abolttloaof ili? Fiank tag Mrikgo aad Cirfl Berrlee Reform. Howould not rote ? dollar to aid the latter. Grant had beea leoeiredlato recoaajaending Uhya OetltlooBanb lk oBatlBBoat, BOttoa ap to eaoberraae the party ta powor. Mr. K, !1..k? aald the Civil Servi,,' waa pnrer than at any ItaM b?r 'M yeara. Mr. Duunell de aeaaeed tha poapooad refoi-m an a grand aelaakaa. H< uaid the Adiniuistraiiou WBfl iuiprei;uable; it coul.l nf be fOted d.>wn, lat it bad BBBM throitKh the hxe ta V\v-Ha*m].>loi"e" and Coujiecticut. Ue liked tbe rini' ?'f SaririntM party voit e. The only K< publieanu who PjMiko In favorof tbe Commirtaion were Mes^ni. I'erry imd Stevenson of Ohio. The latter uaid tlie preseut ByaiaB of uppoint mt>i\t? wa.. eorrupt and taeMfeaaikeO. Mr. Butler clowd tha dlbalT Ba eaid that Civil BaOllot It' form was u BBPOWd politician'a triek, arranKetl by an BliiioisS*'iial.ii aud the lately tnrntd-outiBeerotaiy of th<? Inteiior. The Oefaot was to put the rrefjl dei.t in H'ith u position that he eoul.l l?e attaeked if he did not aaBBhaaBB ihe H>Hteni, and wotild fail if ho did. Ba Baai bis frienda had fallen into tho trap, and the aoaaaBO had remilted in the Cinclnnuti ('..11 ?entiou, aa wa* intended. It hud begun in Cinein aati, and w.nild t-iid there. Mr. Sargent BkOTOi BO rediue aVfl appropriation to ten tbotiaand dol lara, which waa agnnsd to by a r/oBfl of V*2 to .W. Mr. Butler then moved to Rtrike out the whole paragraph, BBytat, "Letunnot throw away lhin f iiij'ajti," i.iit Riiddeuly changed bi.i inind, and witbdrew biu motion, appareutly eom-luding that it woubl be wise to contiuue to deceive the people by k.. pii,.- up a of doin'g aometbing in tho direetion 4>f reform. Tbe diviatoa oa Mr. Saigent'a motion ahowetl only aliout 80 ItepulilieauH in favor ef contiuuing the Civil Wervice Board. Among theae weie Meeira. Garlield, Dawea, Monroe, Willard, Mi' Perry, Ktevenwon, Hall, Hoy, Poland, Halary, aud Maynard. Tbw dehate wiil BBBBeBBtBBBa tite OaNraBBBBB of all the earneat frienda af Civil Bervire Keform that they have notbing to hope for froiu the Adunuibtration Kepublicaua. THK FKKNCH ARMR KAI.KS. CXOSINI. IP THK t'ASE?BEMIN<iTON'? MOTIVE IN POI.LOWIXO B. PLAf:E?TIIK rBYBBOX Or THE BEMINOTOB STOOK AMusi, OftlCBBB. IBY TBMtOBAPiJ TO TBB TBIBt'NB.I Wahunoton, April 11.?The Frencb Ariue OMoniilt"* waa euttaaed tonlav ln gatberiUK up tbe ...|,i? aad end. ot erldeuca, preparatory to cloafcug tbe lnnuiry. BeatreUrr Boulwell waa Brat lalled te glre ble rt?.5oll??^ fjaaofa ooarooaaBaa aaa. tke MajakBp de VkaBkraa ia rrlation to InaBBBBBBg Mr. B'lmner with doeiim.-nti B> . -orpoi iiu-.i ln tlie te lila reaolutlon. The rtoi-nv tnrjr aald that hn weat to tlie M.tnpilx aml reniomttratod with BBB for havlng drawn Mr. Rtitunr-r ltito thla inatter, aml thut tho BaiajMtl PI pllod that ho had not furniahed Hat Keinincton lettt<r to Mr. 8umuer, hut that he liail raabae witbheid iiiforruatum ou the aaagjeet from hira. Col. flqulrc waa then reealled. nn.l expluliiefl at lengtlt tho ua? whleh Mr. Komiiiirton rande of tb<> certltlcatea of ? 'iiiiiutei wlil.-ti li" obtained from blKh liovernineiit ..?iu i.ii. af tbe rntt.-ii Btatea, Laat PalL ai baa trB tttal af I'lacf, BeaabaBtea haaaaaaaal to Ue in I'aiia, aaal aaw ln on.' of tho uewapapers a laaatt taat hia aaa?a bal beaa eailed aa ii wltt-.t-aa, and taat ho hrvl not aarBtMMaa, no taaaaetBateiv wrnt to tho ladga nnd taU aba taat uo aaal roeetved a aunitnons tonppear, and nsked for tho prlvl legeof belng eailed asaln. Ho waa ??> eailed, utid trave hls evidenoe ns woll n? ho eould, belng entirely pared, unprovldod with pnpisra, aad iinable to apeak Ibe Fir tuli laiignotfo. At thla trlal Plaoe waa aei]iiitted, ond hls counael ruado aomo aevrre erltlclania on tbe Houae of B, aaplBjtaa _ fvme. BBB Mr. Ueuilngton declded to eome to Anif rii-a and -i-t BOBMI pup'Ta tO Midaln tbo repatattoBOf hla boaae, wbicb was of irroat lmportanre to the tinu. Tii.-ae pnpers ure now I.ttuiiiar to every one wlio baa fotlowed thla lno.ulry. They dld not pasal tbi-ongb the Hafe Prjiartment. bal were au tin titicatod by Miniater Waahinirao lu PatiK. Tlie piijHTa Wiio tranalated into Freiioh and rrlnted, bat were not uaod lu the te. ond trlnl of Plaoe. Oopiea oi thaaa were atvea ta tba Okaawttee pa War Ooatraeta of the Freoek Batlooal Aaaaaably. B iiiie Beml'itrtoii waa ln Ihe I'nited ritatVs lie was reijueated tn obtelaeoiae aindavif* to be naed ageinat Pbtee,aadbe ti:,l ao, but they were not by Qe~araa?at oiliinK aoue of these paperawera prepored to facllltate tho at-ttle tuent of IteinUikTtou'aaeeounta. TaoBtaa tUcateraeoB, who was afterward rernllod, aut> atantinted the atiiteiuenta made >>y aqaii*ou t'l** Pylnf; Thi- m-xt imporfaiit topli M aucagqalre vafexatblaed wa? in relutlon to the ht?ik ht Id from iww to l?:uby <!<'ii Intrnlls. Hijulre anld tliat iu 1W? Btaae BOW" York oapltolifM and othera, includlng CoBJtno ihre GiinUou an.l JVromo, nuil l|e lulehi ln''' ndded Cetia. ric:i?oiiton, Ingalla, and Piitterileld,fortn 'I a aavjeet te eagage wltk tba BeaatagtoM la tho aaaaa. feetare of anaa i tbat It waa arraagetl that, fur eertala m nrlcea n adereil, they were to reoelva a ta rtaia amoaat of afufk. i'i aeeoraaaee wltk this arraagenMtaa, tba oer* tlfloate wbtrb <;, a. L-galla had waa tssued ta Oea. Butterlit-lil, wtth tho undrretaiiding tbat (>ne ef the Keuilnirtoua ehoald eaaeel an eaalvaleal iiniouut of liin atoi-k witb wbteb to eoaeert thm eertltl cut*'. The WbotB arratisreineut full tbronnh, but, tbroagb Iieifligenee. tho eiitilleate waa never ealieil lu until iu 1970, wlit-ii h.iUirt- hiaril of lt and botlgbt lt of liiKiillrj for 93.(1.10. ThiD, he aald, wa? tlie imly oTenaeiit avar UuhIi-. '?. ! '" " ' Stiulro then t^stlfled ot ROfhe l^nglh In lafaH to nn luterview wifli fWiiatitaiJ llelkiian ln Oetober, IBTa (ifu. lagallt eeated ever bavitiK au laterTleat wiiu Oea. Djer and Mr^. Baeea ou tbe aabjeet of tbe aale ol aaaaa, iti.iiia.-ii he tliinkx he renioinliera l,rt\ii,,- mei ., Bre. Mio-mi iiin- ln a earr_Uje in New-York. Mr.-.. BaaoB la expectedto u]iix-ar on Boadar, and luui-h iateraat ta indBif. 9tc4 in regard to ber tatflBaeaj. .MR. TT.( K AND MTf?. MA80N. Frtna 77.e .4n?p anl .Vntv Journ ?'. Prom tha tpstiniotiy taken by tha Arnm Inves ttgatlagCeauBlttee dnriug tiio j>a.->t weeb it apaaara tbal auionir thoai-.-,. ...n,- to parebaea nruis of tho Ora_aoce Boreeo durinp tbe F.-i-m-h war waa a aentlenan wim Bae beea a eoatrlbator ef The Army aml \ary Jomntmi, mt "an edltor." aa TBI TltllilNE report* lt. Mr. Peek. tbe geatletaaa in qneatloa, la a ehrrer ataa of baalBeaB, and we are not aatprlaad, tberefore, to leara that he baa iiieludrd aneeuliitlou iu aruis aiuong bta v<'iiture?. l'i>r Beaearaaaae, hewerer, we ri-irrct that bo aacaM aot bave takoaBilata hls eoiifideiico aufnt'leuily ulaable ii- te inforin biru in aeaaea that ttie r.-ad to lunneiui with tho Wnr DevariVneiiFls ?6t tbiattgh tba ueviniii of ft inale ii.-k .iiiiinent. It ia banlly BOeeeaary loi u? to add tbat neithi r tho edltor of thin Joiirual nor any one a8i.ori.itid witb it? attttoiial uiiinairenient baa beea engafred ln tbo purehase of at iiia from our War Depart inent, and uo on- hatl any authurlrr to make BBO of tin: i-.,' or inpi oeed maa.uce of Iht Jvumn' iu luitbtr ailT tacbparpoee, CUBJtENT TOPIC8 AT TBE CARTAL. PBOCBBDIBOa IB tX>BOBBB_?TBB CABB OB BX BEBATOB VABCB?BBOC-ATIBO TIIK TRANS POBTATIOM OF I-IVK BTOCB? A LABOB ItK ItiiCM vit TOBT. |lii li I.l.tiliAl'H Tl) THI. TRlllt NK.I U kaaUNHDX, Tlttir-.tay. Aptil 11, Wi Tba Ai-i>ott-V.,uii- eoateated abMrtbai eaaa oeeairtet, the Bveater part ol tbaalteraoaa iu the Beaata to-day, Mr. i.'-l: iu Biaking n aseeeb of two and a lialf bour* in favor of tba niiijoilty repm-t, exeluding Abbott from theRent. This abuk ea<o U fiiraillar to all readera of {'onirreas pioccedliiirs. I"he two tandidfttfa before the L-*tlslatiuo of .N'mth farolina wi-re Attbott and Vane.-. Tiio lafter rereiv^d tlitve-fonrtha of all tho vote* eaat ln tlie Senate aiidtwo-tbinlaof tbeae in the Boaae, Abbottrecemng tbe retnaiudt r. Uut Vanee was ine lirll.le, as hla political di*al lltirii had never beeii reinovo.l, aud Abbott clalmed tbe aeat oa tae ajrooad tbal all tbBTotea eaatfbrVaaee were uulliliea, beeauae those who aaal tlit-m knew that be roultl u'if take tbe oath of ofliee, nnd that be (Abbutt) rerelved ull of tbe le?ral vetaa caM. It will be aaea that, ln order to havo any eleetluu at all, tho rotea fur Vau.-e must hecounted lo make np tbeqaorutn, aad tbea tbey ataat aU be taraara eet to elect Abbotfc Tbla is jiist wh'at Mr. Logaa eoateada eaaaot t-o Legal!y di-ue, aud wbat Mr. Ciirpenter tbiuke eaa. Mr. Loajhii to-dnv r.Tlewed the p^reoeaeBta, botb la thlseouutry and ln Eu'gland, to show ihat tbere wan BOl one whieh ennld be fttirly elted ta aaetala Br. Oa.aeater'a poalibaa, and tbea took np tke law of 1BB regalatlBg the eleetloa of Ualted Piates Senator.i, aud jnoved that if all tue pre, oadenta had aaataiaed Abbntt's pretenalont.Ttbatlaw would ezeiud" htui. Mr. Carpeaterbaa tbe tloor f?r to iiji.iiow. Betweeataad 6 retoeh ttnn afteraooa tbe H- n.ite pausi-d the Con.ular and IMplO?latle bill, tub atantlalty a? it |aaaa from the Boaae, Mr. F.-utmra Ciiatoni-liouao Mii la atttl tbe regalarerder, aatj ta only lnforiually lald aaldo toallow tbo Abbott cupo to be ujo poeed of. Mr. Bill of Georgia attempted to gct the Henafe to pas-i a bill, to-day, leinovlug jiolilieal dlaubilitien fioui a laaii io bla Btate, wbo baa been electod to aome siuall local offlce. No obji'ctluu waa made, and lt wa? ordered to a tliird readJng, and avivavoro voto taken aa ita flnal aaaaafMJ, A ttivi*lon betBg eailed for, Mr. TrunibnH dls co\ t nd what was K0in?r on, nnd aaevea to rei-onaider, iu order tbat he micht olf.r na an amendui.-ut a Oeseral Amueatv bilL <>r eourne Mes*ra. Kdmuuds and Wright obje.-ted, and tho uiatttr went ov.r. Mr. WilHon of Ohlo passod the Houae, to-day, o bill to problldt craeltv to aulinala while m trannit on r i'i'? nt' aml otber tneaua of comniuuhatloD. The Dem ocrBB oppdacd it ou the groiind that lt wns treucbiug ui>on a tield of legl?latlou belongitijt to tbe Btat4>8, aud was fi.llowlnir out the evll t<-iirlency of tlie limea to con eeulrate inore and tuora power in the Oeneral Oovern nii-nt. A long (lebiite oeetirred on the ameiidnient of tbe Beaata to ealarge the t'apiioi grooada, by pnrebaalog tiio two aaaarea whieh lie aortb eaat aad aoatbveaB of tha 4'nj.lli.l. Thla anieiidinent waa llnaily aoaed to w,th tbe paavtae that Ikn aaaotiat of ataaor to ba etpeaibiil nhall not exeeed |400.(ioo. Tlie bill wa-t flnlahed and r. iiorted froni Coiuialttee of the Wholo totbe BoBSt Be> fore ailjoiirnuicnt. A atparute " Yea" aud "Nay"voto will be taken to-morrow on t lii - auicndiueut. Tho Houbc < i.iiii.nH'T- ou Foreigu Atfiiira ajrreed, to-day, to rejiort back aud rvcoinnund th<- paK f-air ot It-udaU'a rcaolutlon derlarlm; lt to bo ihe aenee of tae lfouao Dr. Houard Ia an Amtr kan ntizi-n, aud reQueating tho Prealdeut to tuke ineitsiirei to aeeure hla rel.-aao from the Hpanlab au tboritiea. Meanra. Willard and Ambler diaaentod frmn the view of the raajortty of the I'onnnltU'i-. aud beldthat Honard, hy bln lonjt n-alilence iu t'uba, and hla comjilete Ideutiflcation with tho ja-ojilo of that ihland, forfeitod hit right to be coualdcred a eitlreu of the 1'uite.d Bibtee. Tho i? -umium waa reuoiled by QOB. liuuks Juat bo/ore ,,'H'HH I llll llt. ^. > ' The Lnlior Refornim aBVe'waa artrtory iu thelr oon t<Mtwlth Bujx-rvl?lirg Archltert Mullott atin-it the nuin tier of hoiirs of work to be jierfonned by tho workinen ujKin the, Civemment buildlng at Colniubla, 8. 0. Tbeae workmen demaaded full pay for ei?tit bouiV work, elalininK lt aa thelr right under the i:iv'ht Honr law of Conirreaa. Mr. Miilh-tl. on reeelviiijr thelr n qii,-t, mi medlately diacbai-ged them. They aent B deli-jratlon lo thla eity, aud been tarv Uotitwell, by tilreetiou of tho I'realdi-nt, aeut a apecial Trenanry aic-nt tefOalBBBta t<i niv.-etii- -ti- tbe utf.i-i. The reault la that Mr. Muliett baa li.-en oblljred to glre WHy, aud tbe m?-u ha\e retiumod werBj with the rlghta they iluluied fuUy recoguiiod by tbe liovernment. W. B. I'almer, Pre.ldent of the Trntb Batlonal Bank of New York, waa exanilned to-day by tbe Houae rou'inlt '. i on llanblug and Curreucy, aud waa the Hrat wltnea.a ln the iiiM-etiv'atioii of tbe alb-ired attempt by that bank to aid ln prtiduelng a money pauio by loeklng up a large amouut of eurreii'-y. Palomr U-atitled that be buew nottiiujf about tbe aebenie; Hmtth waa, be aald, a dim tor of tbe bank. Wben he broiiKbt In the 14,000,000 to d? porilt. Palmer oiade no Inquljy about tbe extruordinary ?iii./i itudi- of tbe auui. Aeroidina to hla atateinent, when tbe money waa pald out, I'aliuer admitted tho trauaactiou took pbaee lu the pnvat.- ,,tti, <?. ,,f tbe bank, and not over Ita eountor; but tlu- eloaaat i|u??tionlUK on the jiart of the Coiuuilttce elicited notnliiK froiu him thut eoald 1>e eonatrued Into an adinltrilon of an?' knowl ??di'.- of tbe 1111111',"- of rjnilth, eltbcr ln dejio.aitlng or wltbdrawlng tbe uionoy. He edinlttcd, howevei, tbat the t .Hikt bad inereaaed ita ordiuarv bulaueo by t-ttllniK ln ita tall loaua, ao tbat on tlie uiorniiig when tho a-benie waa to bave lieen eoiiBUinrnated lt bad lu Ita vaulta more than toOO.OOO ln eieeaa of Ita UAital halance. Nloe buudn-d thuuaaud dollara ha.1 l>eeu callod lu, but nuly i r-taerii ttvm.iiriiiiid fAoo.OOO bad 1>" n ohlalned. I'u. mer'aeiplaiiailon of ti.U trauaaellon waa ibuther. t..-< t.d to be .-ali.-.i up?n to j?uv two ?-lty aatBBBBte, auiountlng to between g^iO.iiOo aud Paluier baBaaaaeaTtbeOaaaaatttea witi. tbe beBel tbat be *,,* . oiK-ruiinif more tbau he reveaied. They Bo uot tbluk lt irtwllbta tbat a tiaok dlrrM-tor eonld arjioart in a liank over t*,4ioo,ia?, at one nu.e, aitloul lln- l'r< alcW i.i of ti.t ' i aa/ iaaulry, ?r rapt. a....? *a> atera aor nriae tlnn he would have If a ono bnndred dolhir .'li.rk h...l . I. Ii.ili.l.-.l 111 far I'l.yni'-l't. Uie/?"' ; '"'>. that the tka aaSBM tlme. Htfeinpted t?. MlB aearty n uiiniou of ita tatl ioan?, djaa '?"??? a?""} fec 5a heih-r tkat lt w.-ia la fuii oompiVilty wltb Haiith i hu Bekeaae t?. eraeaa ?> peata by eilaattawkaj a laraa oaaoBBl 2 eurroney froiu tlio market. Thellouao Approprlatiora Committee, to-dnr, derlded to cootlnue tbe work on thot'.ipllol irroiinda. extondlup; nii.1 kiiBllfj baj tlM.tii ln a.-.or.lan.-e with prevloin. lawa, uii.i wiii tBeeflBBead kaiaeBMaaa for kkal parpeaa an approprltitlon of OteaJOO fBT tka next laefll year. Tlie alao agrrad to oppr .iirl .I- Ha.aaB Jor tba Niin.'i-crio.l fortiio baaefll of ikeOaal aad uuiui>Aa> lni.i of thiarity. Tlie oonteated elretlon rnao of Bowen ntralnat D" I.-irir" ef th,' ii.i Dimriet cf BoathOaaaBaa aaa oaaay rccou eldered by the BOOBa Bfc ctloiw Cotninlttee, wlth partleu lai rafaraaoa ka the tJahaa of De Laaaa, thal Boaaa, hav bkfaotapoai ? aaai in the utato |>gtakvkBre, ky reaeaa of anele.tion to thut, waa diai|iialillcd f?r u aoat in ('ongreaa, on tbe fcrotiu.l that It waa uir lawftll for a poi.-on to beM a fewV tal aal a Btalo nIpii at taa aaaaa timp. ItafxaaalakBiaa. ctded aoaalmoualy t'. diaralaa tkal braaeb of tke eaae aa ontenakle, BBd tke taTeaBgatton Into tke aeerlteof tbe pn>te, ao far u- a BBajprlty of lagal rotea Is eonreraed, b,< rontluiied. tlMMuef ln stili apparent that tbe decl* alou wili he in favor of Bowea. The CoBualttee alao de* dded to report Bflataat Dr. Bnrletgk eonteatlag tke neat Of Annatrouv ua liclepato from PBBBtB Teniii.ry. The Hotiee Connulttee on Torrltorle.i wiil t.?kc a flnal voto to-niorr.w nl?'ht on tho hlll to emahliOt n (i >\ein m-nt for Indlm T.-rrltorr. On laaradaf itexf. tlio Monnon doleitutloii wiil ho hearii lu lavoiof the uduile Mi..ii ?f Dtak aa a Btate. Mr. Polter of New-Yorlt wn?;erronronalr repnrt^il by. tho aVaaoetatei fteao oavpateb of yeatorday at kertag oj.poaeit the akoBttOB of tho frntiklnff prlrlleiro. Ho Btreagly larera Ita uboiition, and ?apperted tkokBl far that pnrpoae witk un amendtneet prot i llng i?r a Btatnn lng maeblne, to be oaed by tbe departinenl Ln marking ^pr frce tianaialaalon lu tke niall* of ofll lai lettera aaly. niF.:cF.itAT, pftasa paipatcb.i IV foltowfaag Int.rnai Bereaoe appointmeBta aara iiiii.n>to-da] i .i.iiii'-.-n. BeArtkerto ke Barreyerof tha XHI li DlatrtetofKew-Torkj kbtrtln Oaaar to ho A? aiatantAi.sor of tke Ild Dlatrlct of Bew-York. Ttie iloiiHf Ootnmlttee oa Um Judlrlary to-dar lnrlted riuef JuMho BciCeaaof Dtak to visit the cemnittee to-tii'irrow moralng, aad to t*anBiBnlcate aacfcYleweaa he may iles.ii-.' toespreei on th. rakjeytef JodlclalpoJ l.-ylnthat T.rrltnrv, i.nd tba merlt <>f BepreaentaftrB Voorkeea'abtlL Tbo Jiidit-e baaacceptedtha Inrltetlon. Th.- Departtueni <>f Btele elaltna to be la eararet la Ita efforta for tbe rellef <>t Dr EniBe Bouard, hi,?i tke Otargd d'ABalrea vt t.!* Datted rJUtea, at Badrtd, rtree llini|!<'.ini.nill-?vi >b* \".. ?.' ?- i , grouad for tke bope that LUWSS!2V.IE1~? 1"?'.' 'A U il .?"luiViibi.U'i.'ii t- tho lT.'a^i ^-.rT.aiy Pl -11 ifyY! " whTle ln inv correapondenoe wlth the authori tlea, I liavo BaafjrtOd the fact of Dr. Kinll" Hotuird'a fltUensiiip, I huve, BOTertketeaa, tkaawkt eiwpar ln iny eorre.-,poiiileiico wlth Ihe frit-uila of that Kentletniin, to Indleate the weak polntt in bla eaea in arder that tkey tnlxht he atreagtke.l by a.l ditkmal taelimony. Hoiuo aoek additlonal tea tiuiony haa been taaeaUy nrr-iv.-.i Iroai tke OoaanP (jeneral ut Baraaa, and ha? been traaamltted to tlio Ckarge d'AdBaraa al Badrtd. Mnek <>f Dr. Jeka O. H?u ard'i BtateBMBtla pertlneat to tka bbbm eaart, aad it la tobe raaretted tlat tbeae tnattera were aot commnnt eated dln etly t<> tbe Departaient. Tke Departtuent uiu n..t tall to glTa .-ari-fiil :!ti<-iri"ii to whaterer maybe prr-Heiiteii in hu. h fonn tkal it eaa be naed to adTaataga iu bekalf of Dr. akalto Bonard."_ TBE IMPENDINQ WATEE FAMISl'.. Bl INOIS LKiilSl.ATI'iN THKI. VTINICD?TIIK nry TO BB Li:H WITU OBLl A IWI.Mi DAls' BCrTLY. The Asscnibly Committee tm Ciliis roeently roported ?u favor of rapeoalBg the n^*,.of<_,t,"b *i|1,u glrei tha ButtMtlttea of tkJa ciiypower, ra eafleec Baefl, toib.'tW wat'.r'?rom "pome of tho lakea lu Wtitrtiester und rutuaui OoOBtAea. Tho laeeal BtB haa par.?ed th( Senate, and the uetlou of the Aaseuihly Com BBtttao nives ri' Ior taar that tke aaeaeare aaay ka raekod throiiKh, an.l the clty left with.nt tha rlght to uso tlnse. larK'- natiin.l rca-i voir... la tka BVM of a tbieal.-n liiK?lry aaeaOB aud tho citretuo pruhuhility of a ahort Mipply. That a hl'.l of tbia ehara.tcr eetlld akiatB aa Baproral in kefh kraaakaa af the W kdatare, Bgataat tho pteteata of tho aalted pr.-.4 Of the rifvjatld the p,-litioii8 Of ttkOBBBBdI >'f tbe BMflt iniiiieutiiii.'ifizen-". laaoaaawkatOBtraordla iry, and laada to the tafereaee tbat Bome aakaewB poeer h ut worU on tlie atkaratde. Tiii. TuiiitNi: han Btaeady Bkowa tke laaaaaefdNey ef t!n-< doBai taaarrelra f.>r tka lacreaaed aeeda of tho etty ln a dry t'nic, nnd fhe BeaBflftBflBBB of BBaaOBOBBj th? rigbt to.iiaw froiu tkeM lakea, kywhtek bb bbnb thaa one eaeaaaaa taa clty haa kaea aared frtaa ihe aaagara of a short aapply. A torreepoad -ut, who baa ftrea this Bnkjeet an lateBlgaal axaaalaatloa, praeeaM in tko eonrrc of a lontf couiuiunhaliijii ib..- followinii Biiiiiiiiaiy of fa.-ta, whl.h in lila opiniou outjlit to mttafy tho pablle and the lagMafure thut tho tmpeadlng npeil of the Wtttei'hiu wiil plaea tke etty it. a learfnl eoadltloa of aependeiTee npen thal uioet precariotia aourtaof aapply, tbe Bnmtner raln-falL lt U obi i."i- tbat it la not pnfe t? rely apoa a invater tbuii tbe liiiuiuiiiiu Bowof a rirer Inaeaauaaof droutb f..r a wat.-r bupi'lv, ezoept B infllcleBl porthm of the nur pjua ke atered la aeaaoaa of lood, t" coatpenaate for do Qrlenclea tlurlng tbe lowatage. And as tke mlnloiuin flow ot the Croton Blrer in dry se:i^.,,.is learc. ly exr*oda S'.'.OOtl.oOugalloua dailv, it ;.>!lowa that a atomge luu.-t l.o made to aapply any greater deaiand .'jaai tu tbe dlaar ence between tbia demand and tlu mlutmiua Bow, for a period prtaelpally dependeat on tke raln-falL Accord btgto the report <>f ti.,- Ckief Bnglaeer.tbe nqtteduct waaeaBed n|>ou to.l.-livcr un av.ra^e of )-5,iK>i,(k*i cal lons dmly lant year, wl.ich glrea aaezceaaof 68a300,000 gaBoaa bi tke .laiiy demaad orer tke nlalmam aapplj "f Ihe rirer la a dry aeaaon, wkiea iuihI be oampeaaatad fiain tke ati.iuire obt line.i during perloda eken tka n.iw of tbe rirer ezoeeda the demaad, Kuwarlaea tke aaea tion, l'or kew lonic a period d>"^ aapertenee bbob the aeeeaaiiy ?f prov.dluir tbia ateragal or, IIow many daya aro there In which tkta exoeaa ot the averaate d.'tiiund over the tiatiiial aui>plr may eontluu. 1 ll< re eotuea iu the reeord of tbe raln-fall ln seusom of droatk whi.-ii, u isi to ho lagretted, la aaaV ncut iaeomplateapae tot tho < r?-t<?a waterabed, nn.l Lan i>?eu kept ?.ut ux yeara al th<- 'u<"t laiportaat i>l.w.) of olaNf tallon within It-.lii.iita, aal there have beea Ikrea atparata pataoda within tka i>.i *t two yeara aaea it aaa aeeeaoary to kara reeoarae i?? the aater <>i' tho Lakea dbt Bbargiag lato tha (ketea Blrer, aa a Mppkmteat to tuo reacrvolra, toenai.le't lo mafntalB tho Htiji uly laqaired by tbe elty. Oeaeral prlnelplee. bowerer, have been laid down l.y riuin.-nt untlioi Itl ?!?, t.aned ii|?>n rocoid.-d okeerratloaa In otker loeaBBea for maay aaccae" *ive yeara, aader ooudiBona uot diffeiing taaterlaliy fromtkoae obtalned kera. la Oreal Britaln, for iu-.i in..-, in tka hiiiv coiiutrii?of the weatara eaart tke leaat nt..r age cousldered admlaaable U eqnal to a aapply of l-^o daya; aud oue of 110 days ha? OaOB kBOWB lo fail in a very dr> aeaton. , , , For tbo parpoflfl Of oboaiBg fcoa Otterly lnndeqnate the preeent ktorage ruom i^ for tke Crotoa?qneduet. aeoordiag to tke clty'a preeeat demaoda, opmparr it alto theetorage room taqalatta alaawkera. Eaet Wdayael Bionaa or tka dalty demaad abore tbe leaal dally aapply, at u*< ortiiincd by faaglng and eompataUoa, ho aaauuied ua the preper rtaerrotr rapaelty, aud wo aara 10,440,000,00.1 Balloaa aa ike reomired atoraga, akereaa iho aetual la haa than l,70QaBa\000 BOl one- ixth of that needed. The dt-Uileiiey of tho lultiiuiuui niipjilv, ln ln aoaeoue, of the Croton liiver hciiiir ori.ooOj.JOO galkBM duily to tho averuxo demaad of tbo city, 30 aaya oaall aufilo under tluse comli tiona to exbauat our tutlro prem-ut atoniKe, fttiil dralu the reeerrolra. Tlnw oor atorage, witb tbat ofother cltiea, la aa 2tt to Ito. 'llieao flK'irea akoa iiow daagrreaa a repx al <>i the ad aBtawanalaa tka u-t-of lakea ln tho Croiou ilraluane area aa nataral r?- , i\..iiH, bi aaaaa ef taai rgaary, woul.l be. aud to wbut oxtont tbe llahllitr of a water BBBBM woul.l l?o lii.un.d. Tho repeal of tho aet would, in..r. over, he a hieach of faith with tho clty. whi.h iin.I.-r tho aet baa deepcuol the outlcta of varl.nin l;.k, sata coiiM.leral.lo oxpenae, aud hua constructed ? wi-lra at a beavy cat for the purpoao of retali.liig the BBtj r iit B hu-li ev.-l untii the dry aaafleB, an.l ti.c, drawiui.- it "if, if reoalred, lu nueh onaaUUee an tho exigeaclea of th<- Mueduet oe n.aiid. Ittoaaderataodtkat the prenrtetarf rlghta ?f tkepeopaaorl paaUr katetaated la tho ouOetaol wa lak.? bavo Ih'.-iiextlniriUr.bed l.y purcuaee. UM BM? BJBOaat ol.jcctloa tO tbo bill to rej.eal ln tlial l a BaMBBO would put the city. ln u ITP Bt nanMire, m u BBNaOIOO; pendeiiccui-ononoof hcklo aud uu.ertalu of thoXmenta for IU aata-r aapplys aud that wttk, a J..n daut aaooBtaaa prorlead by fortdeaea within iimr eaay reach, a million of people ?..uld ho ?"!"?*???? ?aater taadae, with Ba lon? Ualu of calaiultlee, by uct or LOKlahllUi'u. _ FIE-IIBT IN NEW-IIAMTOillKE. CoNOoiti), N. II., April 11-?Flao lat rriiiuuk Rlvcr 1* n.lui; from four to tlve Inchea an hourutthl* place, an.l uii iiltaBrtTB freahet la Imiutueut. B. p.irta froiu ahov. on the atreaiua trlhuUry to tho Menltoaek atate thut tbe efl.. t of tBO lato ruln la r.-ry OXaNtareBfltB preperty. A rtrrered rrtlroad ortdpa, aiwot be fe.rin Uatk,oaUM COntooeook Blrej ^h-eadaliWart^Kja Btkef. waa awofd] awayU t iiiyht. Tho lea U raptdly dia "^ATiiK.-The Fo.leral Bildare a. roat the Merrlmao at Baat Conoord, 430 feet long, and BM Montroal lUllnmd hriilKet>ealdeit,tho BBBM 1. nglh, were awept uwu) hy the.fnabet.thiaafternooe. Th. oth.r two brldireawlll aaakeaty i* mred, aa tha water ih faiiimc. B^ryjaaaaBa !,f ,ce af. paaatag o,.t. A brtdga kataaea Beaiaett aad Boaeaak MI aald to l?o ao hadly dutnaired a?. ') i. ii'ier rau roud Uartl bOtWOOB th?,s-o BBBBM liupoaaiLlo. THE KI-KLI'X THIAI.". Ciiaiii.otos, 8. ('., April ll.-I" ihe I'nited gtat. alircuit Court to-day, four prleoii.i* froiu Yurk < ouuty, who wero Indlcted laat term for con.plru. y and BBBBBBPi puiaded attMty ul toaapiraay, aad tbetuurdrr Utargta aara wkVktlrawa. POREIGN NEWS. GREAT BR1TAIN. TIIE -aaaaaraaff gj VNTOHIA SKNTKNCF.D IO IMI'KlaoNMKNT AN11 COUPOUAL l'UNlSII BBBT JOBB Bllli.Ur ItESUMES 111.1 SEAT IN l'AKLIAMKNT. Lokdo*. Thnrsday, April 11, 18TJ. Tlm of Arlhnr O'Connor, tho ftiwu.ilnnt of H?-r Muleaty Queen Vietorln, eame up ln the Old Il.ill.iy, thla lni.rtilnx, Tiio prlaoner made un irn-ffi-etnal uttemjit to wlthdraw hls plea of guilty to tho charjro of aaaaultlng Her Majeaty, with tho mitliratln* ground or luaaiiliy. A Jnry waa lmpaiieletl to Inijiiire Into tlie iiietiiul ronditiou of tho prlaoner. O'Oonnur'a father w:n aworn ln tho dou'h dotVute. He toslilled tbat ho (Ihe father) waa a nephntr of Frrarua O't'ounor, und that aeveral membora of hia famiiy bealdo tbe prlaoner wero lnaane. Tho noenaod waa vory atudloiia when a rhilil, nnd fell Into bad healtb, from whleh ho had auf fered over bliic. Tlie prlaoner waa woiiuded iu tho In-ad m the year lh'A, nnd roeelved lnjiirlea whleh rendered him LaaaaaBea for aomn taaa. Ika adtaaaa further taa* titted that hlaaonwaa never eouuectcd with uny polit il 111 llll IOI1. Tlm ti 1 tl waa i i,,;,. i,t to an nbrupt roiicluslon thla :,:!>? i,,,mi. Tho jury, after boariiiK a uuinber of wlt iii ". -i, reporied that tbo bny was perfoetly a.ino, al IIiiiiikIi an etjiert, I)r. ILirrlnifton, who haa atudleil tho aabjeet of baeaattf for aquarter of a century, toatltled that tbe i'i -.iin-i '?< meiianrotl lt> iiiehea, nnd ho te jrardetl the piia.mor aa, und too d.iuirrrous to bo nt larire. Tho vi-iduf of guilty was tln-ti pronouneed In necordanee with tho prlaoner'a plea, andO't'oniinr waa BBBteaead to baprtaoaiBtat fef twoivo uioutua ut hat-d labor, and to rccelve twenty laahea. Mr. Odpaf Baaaaaaai a pabtta Baaattaf at Varwteh lnat ni>.'ht. Hedeclared a rbani;o of Minlatry waa in-eded. Iba only wav the workinginen could gel power waa to eiiibarr,ia:itho'o who had it. Tho meetlnir WMorderly. In the Honao of Commona to-niirht John lii .t:ht took hls aaal tartaa Itat tbaa aiueo hia laatratttadlllaeaa Mr. lilariull BBVa uotiee that ho ahould iiiteri-o;rutn tlie Oov ernuii-iit ua to eearM n iiit.-udi d to takewttb re fc.trd to the BBtattag or the Board of Arbiiration at tlen e\a. ITRANCE. TIIF. bBBbbTBT OP PIBABCBfl DBCUBBD BY M. OAWBTB PKitn.R. PABBt, Tlimaday, April 11, IHT1. If, Ciiwiniir Fi'iit-r, wlio waa teniler.-tl tha Muii-tryof Finaiin-a, haa poaitively declim-d ai-re|.ting tho appolntmeut. It ia now probablo that tborowill bo norlmngo In tbo f'ablnet for aaaaa tlm-1, nnd Ihat M. (ioulard, tho Mlnlster of A-iiriilruro aud Conuncree, wlio was appotatad Blalatti af Pummmmi a<i tafartaa, upon tho reiirem.-iit of M. roiiyer-Quertler, will eon Uiiuo to oectipy both poaltlou.*. 'J'hero is no truth ln tho n imrt whit h haa beea earreat la tMeettytac tbepaet two iiava. tbal m. aaaaatr took traaaa to tho ex Kiopeior N.ipuleon ut t'hiaelhtirst. The fjennana yesterday arreated the edltor of a nevg p.ijK-r at Vitry-le-Fraui-ola, for wrltitii: au arlielo nm-uMvo to UM rniiltary unthorltles. Tho Bgfeeai r haa ln.taken IB Itlielini. A Carllaf, fornieiiy a eoloni 1 ln tba Spanlali ariny, bm beea captun-d by tho Freneh otlieert tiear tho Bnaalak Baattar. a fmniiy af lee pera na bava been mnrdercd bf gljmlei at Le llaiji, in the Oejiaitiurnt of tho Uironde. RPAHf. A BfW OOVF.PNOR FOR IIAVAVA?TIIE CABIdBI gOVBBBBTI IN CATALOBIA AN'i) BABCBLOBA ?AC1TV1TV OK TIIE INTEUNATION VI.I" I S. >lAi)iin>, Thtiraday, April 11, 1879. EibalBi li gaBCrttad as (lovomor of Havaaa, t > -iiii.,1 BeBoa Boteao Ofaetal Bdvtaaa abew that tba Cuifrt movenii-ut In Cataloulu and Arragon Is uccom.nja in.p- Baxaeaaeed. natawaa asiight oiigagi-nieiit )'<-?? terday betweeti tho troojia and ouo of thoae h.inds iittr(?Iot, 21 BaOea north-weat of (ieroni, ln tho DIs trict of t'atalouia. Tho froutler la cuefiiUy watehod by tho Freneh, and farliata who eaeniHS Iflll 1*1 BBCa ure an-eatotl, dlaarmctl, und Interned. Tho Oaaaraer af ratabaita laaaeta tbal IbaOarUet baad Wbiek api'i-ared in tho Provlnco of Ilare.-lniia, numti'-red Bfaaea, aad Ba taader areeaaaeaalaaal aaeaabar af tiio Ipfmrnf li.nal H.i.i. ty. Tlie Inlirnationallata aro v.-ry aettre in Bpaia, and taete ia reaaaa t,, i< ar tbal the *o fli ty la ergaalatag a movemnit whirii will di-, lara Iteelf naialtaBtxHtal* ht-re aua in aibet atatatrlea of Baropa. IHE DOMIMON OF CANADA. OITNIvr. Of PABUABBBT?eTBBOB OP tiie t-,i,VKlt\<)I!-(ilNKItAI.?IIIS flBWI <)N TIIE TBBA1T OI BAaHIBOTOB AND TIIE DOBEB* ili AITAIItS <?K TIIE DOBIBIOB?'BB. MC oouoaix om the arroAiioB. Ottawa, Out., April ll.?Tiio tlftb aad laat aaakateHbe puaalaaaa ParUaaBealaaaaed ta r,. toda/ altb aaaaa tbaa Uio aaaal a_apta/, a giaat aaauaar af ladtaa iu tnii areaa betag preeaat, aml tho aaatleaaea aii belngatlitodlu b.illiaut uuli'oruiB. Tho (iov. inor t ;.-u eral. aavtaa tabaa hls iwat on tho throne, dellv-.-rod hia spooitt. Ho flrat alluded to the illnea.a of tho I'riine ef Wule*, uudtbe tliankfuiiiosa oxpresa. d throiuhout tho Fini'lre at hia ttcovery. H,t reeommended tho 15th of tba immth to be aot npart tbrtMagbeal tho DaaBatea as a dayof thaukagiving. Htaapofceef taa fbataaiBvaataa ot Manitoba, and tho exiollent roanlt followingtho nieas areeef laataaaaaa aaaadad bp tha taeal aataaaltbBv For tho luturo j.roteelion of tho eolony, bo bad oideied u f,,rceof inilitUto Fort Oarry.who had proved the prui-ti eability of u routo throuv'h Caiiailian U-rrltoty, eveu ln Wtater. A eopy of tho Wushlnxton Tieaty, ho aaid, will lie lald before tho Houae, and aj miich of tho BBBBMB und ii.iniil'tedeoin apondenco ua can be made publiu with out itO'iry to the intereats af the Kinplre of Cunada, will ulaoat once be autunltted ; and the afteutlou of tho Houte will bo Invlted to this linportant suoject. A con raaaaea aaa bald al Ottawa, in BapaaaBbar, on tho aub Jeetof liniulgrutlon, Bt whl.h the (ioveriiinent of tlie DtaalataB. aa aall a** tbeaa of every Preriaee, wero r.-jn.-. i.t.-.l. A m lii-uio f?r loint and aoveral aetlon waa provisioiiaiiy aiiaapait. to wbtab ba tovttad tba altaattaa ofthoHoiiao. Ba addedi " I do aat doubt you aill ba iudiitidto make amplo for th.i ent-ouiiiKe mentof IbbbIjiitbia aflttt taa ?Blataaaaai aad aataav -altu of abtafe Ihe di v.-lojuiieiit of tho vuat uutuial n: aaareaaaf oaaadata vitaiiy lataraavea " l'ho Oovi-ruor-tieneial ullud.-.l to the i-oiiHiiiiitnatloii of tbo tuiion af Urttl-h Columbia with Cauada, and aaid her lapreaaaaaBTaa wiiiuow tuko tiieir aaBa. laaedarte developandscttlo tho fertlio torritoilea of tbe Norih fjaat uad lluk Ililtlah Columbia thcrewith, ho menda that provialon be mado fur tho oonatrui tlon of ? rullway to the FacihY, iu aeeordatieo with Hor Majeaty'a oider in coiiiidl, uuillug liiitish folumbla with tbo l>o ininloii. Tl"' t?'?l",r, ,,f ata 1'arllauientaiy aurvoy will tx- luid before th- Hou<e, aud the Uoveruor-Gmiorul truatn that tbo Houao will coueur ln thlnklng that tho loojr-conteiaplaU-d luipiovements aud extenalon of the canal BPataat aaMTBt to Ite vliroroualy pruaceuted. Tho rapld Inereaae ln tho trade of Canadu and tho liuoor tuueeof i-oiiijM'ting lor and ueioinmodiitlng tho com in. i.e of the lir.-at Weat, reiider lt uoceaaary that the nii'iias of trauajiortiitloii by water ahould bo cht-apeued and, Tao (jovernor (ii-uoral aaid ho had to reaaMBa aerloue conaidoratlon of this atibjeet. aud lu i ouiieetlon w ith tho expedleiicy of iirovldiiu a dlrei t water louimiiui.atloii betwoen ibe Gulf of Bt. Luwreuco and the Huy B Fnudy. Tho Bou. Willlaiii MeDoilgall addreased hls constlttl entaut Aluionto luat ntght. Ue eoiideuined tho aoheiue for a l'acitle Uullway iww belng curried out by the Ciina diau uovvraiuoiit aa lavolvlag enoriuoua expeuditurea, und aaid a bctter routa would havo boen to roly upon water comrounlcaUon by Lako Bujiorlor, thenoe by Atuerlean railwuye to Red Rlver, thonce by ataamboat Aowu that rivv-rto Fort Oarry aud Lako Winnt-pea. Hy tbla plun Canada would bave bud ateam couimunli atlon witb tbe Nortb-Woat at vory llttle exp-uao. Ho uext ro ft-rred to tbe Treaty of Waahlnnton. It waa Juat poaal blo that fireat Bntulu aud the Unltiid Btatea mlght con tlnue to differ about the coin-truction of tbo Tn-aty, lu wblcb caao t'anuda would not bo callod upon to tako any aetlon wlib reeard to lt; b-it rooeut luformatlon ?-.-ii..-,l to Indlcate that tbe ditrercnoa would be aettled and that tberefnre the matter would eonie bafeaa taVOaajadbva I'aillam.nt. ll wmild be a fatal ??^k? r..r Parliameiit to refuae U> eoiittnu a treaty to wtn.U tba l.?ad "f the u,,var.,nient had atiacbed Ma Bbpaaiaia. If tto Itoa latoii reia.l... a part aud pareel o ,^? ^?l?b Luiplre, lt muat aubiult to the couaequeucea of that fo. tiou. and miiat l>e ready to do lu part towart tar rri 'out tho arraagaiueata that mav ba?a leron euUrrtl fnto hrtiraaa tbe uiother eouutry and foretgu eouutrlea .,a.lu7uti.otreuialnaaa parlof the t.uplrt- andart wa?. taXStaabMJaation. tajaaaja ka^tByto?aBew tbe taipartat iJoteraaaaut, ln daallDga arlU tbe UutUd autiTo?atber tare.gii ***?"?> i^***- ?^HE_aa -? tkaw ta tbalx wlaooaa aaa ia aAJCi.r.iaB.a ^UttYaAeaaBta. ef tbe Btaaire m^ a^aeeea aary; and the Canadtana tnnat aequle ece Uke good aah )>-ria. nnd pilt up with Ihe t-oiiaetjiieiitn. He waa f|Uitfl i e.uly to dlaouea tbe proprlety of political obange, If it waa f.iuiid tbat tbe poaltlon ta an enibarraaement to <'uiittda aud to the mother eouutrv : | he wm qulte r>r> pan-d to eon.iiler what waa the betf, wlaeat, and Mfeat eonrie to takc, but I'arliimciit eonld uot dlaeiiaa thla i|iiohUoii ; thinira miist tbere be doalt with m they wero; Cuu-da iiiual bo rooognized .aa part of tbe Brltiah Em plre. Br. MeDongall ur::ued that tbe aiarttluie provlncea were satlafied with tho Flahery elauaea, aud it waa not for Ontario to ralao a dlaturhauce about lt. He con iblered that tbo importuneo of tho conceaalon made .to the i 'mied Btatea la thla mutter bad beea gaaatiy over rntod. Ai to the navhration of the Ht. I.awrenee, he held tbat It would i?- an advantage to Canada to allow Amar tasaa equal rlglits ou It, and tbat, in polnt of lnter natlonal law, thov were entltled to it anyway. Ho inv'ueil that tbe Uoverurnent was alone re aponilblo for tbe treaty, and tbat, In attat-king it, the < aiuiillans were atlacklng theiuaelvee. Ho dllated at aoiuo lengfb upon the auvantages of the treaty, dwell ingehletly upon tho argument tbat ita adojitlou would bo a giuirautee of jieuce with tho Unltcd 8tatea, aud would remove many lrrltating eauaes wlih-h now ex i-.t. d, -.-. i.ii-h mlglit ut any timo lead to serlous compllca tious. _ TIII-: WBECI OF THE DAC1AV. DlTBBf ajBJl FROM IIAMFAX 10 BBaflOUl TIIE OBBOOb Hamfax, April 11.?The Dominion atoamor Ladp Head, with u party of dlveraand eustoma otBtera on boartl. haa been eont to tho wreck of tho ateumtr Da ciaD. Tho Dadan had l.aOOpackagee of cooda for Hall fax, nud 800 forSt. John. Many of the Hullfux dry faedl uiou had inoat of thelr atoek oa hourd. d'.NTRAL AND SOlJTn AMKRICA. TIIE CABB OF TIIE VmOIBIIJS?A I'ROTEST FROM TIIE OOVBBBOB OF PAVAMA?WAR PBCT.4BBB HV OUATBBALA AOADttl HONOritAS AM) 8AN SALVADOR?PtBB IM VAM'ARAISO. KixtisTON, Jam., April 11.?The Govcrnor of Paaaaaa haa protestod aaralnat tho lnterf.reneo of tho Hjianlsh men-of-war with tho BbBBBBB Vinrlnliis. War haa boe.ii deelarcd by Giiatem.ila aicalnat Hotnluras and Hau Salvador. There has been a lar_e flie lu VjIj'.uuibo, aecoiujianied with !??. < of llfe. HATTL NEW REVOI.UTION'ARY BOVBBBBT. KlBOBTOB, Jam., April 10.?Kovolution has brakea aat ? it. Mare, Haytl. Tho tnaips w<-re mas*a ereiag tho Insurgents by wholesale. G'itiisona of tho Uuiuni sutes aaea taatoatoi by tbe Pkaaeb Oaaaaa, FORKION NOTE9. The Kliiui of Khiva, a State honlrring: the Caaplau BBB, la annlng agulnst an expected uttaek by tbo Ktiaaluna. All able-bodled mon are eailed to the etandard.and attempta aro made to drain tho weatern eanal of Amoii Dar Va, or BB render lfa wnter nndrlnka nie. a report, hewerer, eomes from Ht. Petoraburg tbat the KIiiiii haa dia|iatehed an Embaaay to tho Kniperor with n couctllatory measairo. Tiio Itusaiuu tteepa have nrrivetl at Krasnovodak, aa tho OaapjaB They have bceu Jolned bj Atamurut, Khim of a Tureouian trlbo. Tho April nunibcr of BlaekwooiTi Mayazine haa a reviow of the poaiilon of tho Oludatone Mlnlatry, in whieh tho diapute ariaing out of the Waahlugton Trealy flifurea conaplcuoitaly. The nrtlele, whleh ts of eourse wrltten ln tho Intereat of tho Tory party, mukea tho followlng ainong otber remarka on tho Treaty of Waatitngton : " Aint-rlcana may llatcn to our plea, that tho Treaty" doea not aeetire to us the eonditlona whieh wo were mado to tx-llevo tbat tt aecun-d, and that, aa now woi'ded, B doos not oveneti.resa what oui Cumuiiasion era lateaded, if todeed, tno poor ereatarea were aea> aeious of anv Intetitlou bt yond the drawtag up of a paper whleh they could ludtice ihe Amerioau Couimla-douora to alk'ti. Hhould the Aiuerlt ana do thla, and. aa a conae u i.-tito of aaea aettoa diffci-iug (roui tba otber ln inter uretattoaat the Treaty, allow the whole a?r. em. nt ti) i... iiiiiiiil.-.i .ind iiiiotin-i n,',,- framed, then it is ug?ly probaMa tii;?t tbo aocond attempt may bo aaeaaaa tul. Wo muat not, of eoiua.', concoul from our ai-lvea that thero are many eouiaes ora>n to Anierl- a. I>y ptirHiiliikf whleh sho mifc-ht wound our bouor and aBBMP trotialy euibitter tho wholo eonteiitton. Of theen tho moet to be depteeatod te eaa thit haa h*eu tbreateaed by a aaMttoa af tba Traaaaf laatie preaa, vta. i To La* tho elaiinaaa they ataud hefora tbe arnltratoia, leavlng lt to (ir.-at Itnt.ilu tocomo Into court or uot m the may chonae.'' The Ditc (1<! Gramont, in hia work jtiaT publiabed, eutiiled "France and Frusala bateat tho War," ejtvoa the fullowingletu-r from the Emporor Na jioltoii written about four days lK<fore Frai,,?<? tl-iar.-d war BKUliiat Otruinny: "Hf. Cloud, July IJ, lo7U.-My dear Uuke ; On r< lleetinif. ali.nit ourt-onveraatlon.yeaier d.iy. itiid OB av'ain readliii? the dlajiateh of Prince Aa tolue, taaa that It will bo BbbbbbbkV to aaBja_BabB ni-ro atronv'ly tbo dlapatth that you muat sond to Ilenedetil, by aettine forth tho followlng jMilntai 1. Tbat w.- ha\o tadewttb Praaata, und not with Ppaln. 2. rrtnee An totae'a dlapatah addreaaad to Prnu la u aoa otthlal doeu nniii, whieh aobadp baa been eharip-.l to cotnitiunleate lo na. 3 rrliiee laepafd has ue. epteil the landldateahlp for tbe throne of BpaBB, nnd It Is bis father who liui rc lioiineed lt. *. It la neeeaaary that Ueliidetll lnalatS bad an I'fti. iai reply traaa Baaa, we eaaaot be eonaiderrd to have had an unswer to our luat deinauda. 9. L'ntil we havo Ihie replv we aliull coiitiuiie .mr itiinnmeiits. T. It la tbea, Impoatlbta for us to aaaaa a eeaaataabMitlea te tho Clianiber iit.lll we have lieen b. tt. r luformed. Ke eel\o, my dear Uuke, tho asauraute of my ameere frlend ?_,!,, NArOL-ON." A Mr. JajapjfB Hirtl of N.nv-York BBvBtff wrlt? ten a h-tter to The London Timee, rontradictltig BB aaaeral taraat the atatem.iifa of Mr. Ciet.rKe W. smalley, publiahed Iu that Joiirnal, reajieefina- tho qucatlon of linlireit loaees. The t'onlott Ntarufard eomes to the followlng aaaBBBBBBBI " Wo ahould bo glad to belleve Mr. lllrd ; but tbeu lt la impoaalble to deny thut there wero datea, nam.-a, aud di-Uiiito statemeuts lu Mr. Bmaliey'a lettora tbat ean taardtp be thrown Into tho Bhade hy Mr. Hlrds vague atauranee. that every ona whom he uict took a rniVMHiabl.- aud uioderato vl?w of the Treaty. Mr. Iltrd may taa a goutletoaa of exe, i.tionaily reasonablo and enllghtened tI^wb in reforeeoo to torataB altaua, aml be inuy elmoao bis uaiMieiatea, ao far M that la feaalble, uin.-nn aareaaa ef eoaaaabd ebaeaeterbaaca aad eraa imtblea. Manv peopui are dtopoaad to lauvglae th? prattleof tbetrowa uttte eetertaa Baa murinur ef ihe wi.rbl. Leaaiaaal baaaalefaalal abBeaaaata eoai.tad ? nii the break down of tba Oeaeva Artiiiratl.iu. there ia init too iiiiuh laaaoa t<> aekaewbalge tbal Mr. Hmaih-r baa tbebeetef IbearaaaaaataatweaaBBaaan umi Mr. lonl. Tin- tioverninenl and leadlng jH.llllil.tna of Ihe Unlted Btatea ataat eltber aaea be.-n aader tbeatraage Imiii-esaiin tliat we had agie.-d to arl'ltrute tbe iinhrett rlaluia, or elae-an alteinativo 8ti|.jn,aill,in that wo merely pui forwaid to almw that theiibove Raaiimj.tloii ta n.t,|y oae we eaa adOpt? they mimt have ennajilreil lu make a aeriaa of tteiiiwiate miietat.-.n, nt ? anue tho publli atiou of tho Anieriean eivae." TUK MdMMMT ua rilfOM kWLVM, REI.F.ASiE OF CONKI.IV?THE ClIARt.E AOAIN^T HIM MT*?" Mr. Mann, attoniey for the Markil SavinkTH Ilank retunied from Moutreal ye.terduy iifteinoou, and atated to a (BtBOBB Reporter thut be had abandoued all ho|M- af pruiiueing Mr. fonklln. the defaultlnir a.-. rotury, before the New-York Court. Ho had gone to Waahlntr ton, and after prtK-urlng tbe neeeaaary e\tra?11tion juipera had proeoeded to Moutreal and cauaed lonklla's arrest on a charge of fergery ln the thlrd degree. Mr. Maua found, bowever. tbat the abloat lawyera ia Caaada bad beeo enguged to defeud Fonklln, aud that althougb the lato Becretary waa lu prlson, eharged with forgery, the indlettncnt m di-awa wm uulveraally dcclded to corne under tbe atntuteof exeeptiona to the extraditlon treaty. Judge (ouraalof Moutreal, declded ln oourt on Wedneaday to that effect, and Conkliu waa releated ln the aftanioon of the aume day. Mr. Mann statee that there la no meana now left of brlnglng Couklln to New-York by law, aud tbat lt la very linprobable tbat he will come of hte owb aoeord. Tbe depoaltora of tbe Market Havluga Baak, may, therefore, relluqulah the hopea tbey had cherlahed of aeeiag tbo oulprtt hrougbt to luatloo. TKLF.OBAPHIO BOTKB. Catheritie O'Malley waa arreeteil umi heltl for IrlaVla'aoaioa, jeaterUy, for Utniwiaj rtUWi aooa Ja-ea MrUovera, aeierel. lauuiBg Im tara. ..A w.-ulthy ladv, reaidinglu Heacon at., Boatoa, wa.' oa Waaaaaaaj;???_a?. wkiU <-n?wa? BlackaluaA, w|a_?, aod robtjed of t ?.''>' wttcb. A niece of the atono eornie? af the Htate Na tioaai Hini aaaaaa, ia at Lo?u. an. raaaabav?ataaaak J *? Waiaor. ib old .0.1 roiatatad eltliaa, oa Ikt koaa, t.iUaa kla laalaaUr. Tlie achooaer _4laa Harwond, froni Ht. Jugo tio I'Bha'w'tth a earro of bBJBI for B.lil-ore, woal Biliore oi Siulit, ? r?,al, c. M'HtBaaiat.TTa k_? CipV^ wajrtt tae a-kaoaoi l. aa aa faToraiil* poJuoa. TV ca??o i. io.?roA la Maw-Iork. Tbe Hoo. W. M. Piatt, ex Hpeaker ol tho Pena ..WaaU aoaatr wit a bla aBVa Ib TaakbtaBoeb. Pobb . b, Th II Bealtr araa7tat of a otaBo.err/ akoat a aabatl. ta Um tataott-, awat ol ?ti?fc Mr. I'-il 9to latiiailr*. Tbe New-Drooewlok and Caaada Railread, wblcb bai baaa bUoaaaal wBk Mt fo.a-.rlr a ?aalb. kaa a. katt btwa Z_wwaed ika iBa aala ftoaa BVvAaaai Jaateta aaaalaj at aVaaawt. Ba. gWaaaabV r"1*" bat 5SBg ???aiiHtMoB.i.iikat. ju i__niii8i^i-r-1 't-' aal. A OHAPTBB OF HOUROI.S. TERHIHLK niSASTKKOyTHF. MISSIK><J|'|'| EXPLOHION OB TIIK STKAMKR Of KANI '."?1,\ 1 II MXTY laeTBfl M.^T. CiIRO. III., April II.?Af 4 o'eloek tbia mnrnitig the Bti-Hiiier OflBBBflfc, from K<d Ifiver toKt. Loukt, when Baaf Btaalrl Point. BXKBaaoaboTe Cairo, explodcl her lKiilcr, blowing her upner worka entirely nwo.v, Immediately after which th" wr<ok took lire and biirn.-d fo Ihe watora edge. Mr. Thomp aon, pilot of the atoamer Johnll.uin.tden, which waa lying a f. w milea l.< low , on neeiiig tbo light troin the bnrning wreck, mannetl a yawl an.l pio. ??? af,*e| up the river to mvertain tho camv. He foiind iiHinall party of riurvivora on Hoail Ixl.tnd, but pn>aed on to relii vo tboae on tbo wreck. T?-n or 12 were elingiiiK to tho BBeol, bnt the whe.l dropped ln-fore he reaehed them and all but forr wero lort. II I found a de.k pasieni<*er, namo unknown, nrar tbe shore, badly scalded, but he ilied before arrival af Cairo. The utoamer Iblle, bonii'' np, took n. .irly aU the aiirrirors. Thompaou reooned pilot Ilarn*. BBB ruihseqiionfly went to St. laWJBa oti tbo Marblo l.'ity. Tbe latt.-r -t.ito. that Wiirgina, tbeir !.'< .1 Kirer pilot, waa drowned. Ilarry Tripp, pflofl on tho wrtfch, and Capt. Rendrr wero buriotl iu the wreck. and were bBBBBJ .alling desperately for h<lp, but tbo fire had gain.-d auch hoadaai tbat thay aeaU aal b? bbbobbbb, aud were, biirned. Mr. Fiahor, the carpenter of tiie ill-fated atOBBB r, who renehed bero on the Shrere, waa not aeriously hurt. Be Btatea tbat the aerond ontnneer, Alexan.ler Kennody, WM terribly eealded, and ren aVeead ln-lplo-w and blind. Fislior put bim on a Ijtire plank, with other*, tttit the plank aaaa capaized, drowiiing aeveial, imhiding Kennody. aXBBBJB K. itbley, tirst OflbjiBOOr, Ifl supposed to be bat. Heury M. Wor-ham, Urst clork, hai not bcn ae.-n alnco theexplnilon; he OSpaetei to ?o throutrb from Ciln \>f rall hut wast aeeii on fho boat after loavltiaf ln-ro. CaBBfafl Worshum, wcoud clork, Jiiloi boinpewolf, afcwerd, and ( l.arloa Mtiray, cahln bay, were fotin.l dead flaitln* in tlie rlver, alth life BBflflagfrefB ?n and wore broiiuht bero by tho Bteani.r Shreve; it!.? aiipposed they oro oblllod todcatb. Thero wrro BffO lady peaaeajrera, ai. ?f whoui arooaBjBBaaltakolaat. Tho bodiea of four laaaaaaaai B4-enfloatlnKp.vatWat. ?u'a Laud.nir, to-d.iy, hal w.-ro uot rocorere.l. Mr. Fiakertblnk*. th..t tho pi!nf. tlarrl", and hlmaalf wero the only eruployea <>f the boat aare.l, thouarh th? Bello6t.Loulainayli.ivo pl, ked np *..u.e. Tho offleera of tho SUrove etato that there aara alwut 34) .' gad U5 deek pasaongcra, mnkii..', wlth tho orew, atBBtf loo. ol ant vnif wl,..ui are r-llpposod tn li.i\.- I e.-n !..?? Tl." irreatcr tiortlon of the aurvivora holiia: on the BeD> h> Louia, no natnea of p.-iaacngore <?r triirtworthp eatlmr.te of the uuniin-r loat can N* oMatovd ex.ept from her. Fi.-her iaflfsfaaa the aaaaai af the exploaion aa tcrrlflo beyond concr-pMou, th" wliola upjvr Barkaof the aaai kaaag lift.d bodiiy, aad ( I . hack on tbo hoaf and Into tho water compl.-t.-h .bat t.-rcd. Ho s.avo.1 hlmtclf hy aeeurfnar a plank and fl.nt inir until reeeue.l by the yawl of tlio Lumadan. llr w t. iu I.. d it !'.<? ti.-ne, aad, thoiiarh cotcied wiih ru.l'.ah, waa only Blagktly OtBBB Ba The aaaaaaaOaaaaaB ran in akaOarOi rBci Ritcr Mne. 8be cokI. ahout a ytar airo, |>.ia)0, aud wa*. iiiauml for t.t,(tX)iii (luelnuati und BkaaBaBB ofQcca. Latub.?Tho Msaaaaa eBaad taaer,*aal an.i.-i. r. ports Iha flraf eagtnecr aud lui.teand 30 otbrr iwisona on tho BeOa st. taafe. _ A TUOBOAT OLPl/monOt THK NoltTH KIVKU. >ix UTBa LOQT?? QBtl ini'. <lafdPffaJB BB tBBB. ThelMdler of tlie tili,'boat I):ivili|i'.rt expliMl.-d at B o'cl... k yoHte'dHj BtaanbBBO, wfci e the iMiat ?a on ganed ln towlng *oiue etnpty coal hiirg.e pi-i thet uuarl Doek, Jaapay City. n> tho die.iiter eix i.w. Maa .< atuntly loat; otie pi'raon who .1111 earrteea afl pBaaaXdy fatally injiired, BBd aeiirly t40,.a? wortb of pr<>iM-rty waa deatroyed. The Bavonport, commanded hy Capt. Praak Jjv,..\ had lak. ii in to^ BN kaaaaa BlttkMB Paotat, WiilUiu I^ird, A. J. ('., and Kachol Kin*. aml wa* eluwly i>u?li.? tho Uock when tl.. exploaioo ..<-. urred. Tbe ItaaaBBBBB of the bout were thrown fo an lintuen*' hinht. ?l. ? I harite atta. b.-d aaa ebuttered aud aunk. o t men weio on h<urd the L.?ut at tue lui.e, fl*w BfahaBBwaal oaajaaxa. bbo wr.-,ir. ofibe thrce only havo l.cen BBBBa II bBBBbBB DaBOBBj our ncori ('. lu -1. r, lireman, and ( a.i.n.. i, .? ? . hand. The namea of ti?- two ..tho.-. are unknown. Tho rura;e Willi.ain Iau.1 wa* ?d BBafflJ BBaaBBBBl that il eaiik Immediately wlth tho hulk of tho l).iv.'n|Kiri. On board were two boye, Fred.ilo Boekimit. tho .-ai'ait. > aon, and a lad known aa " J'?'." Tlie formor ?u? u-arnwl wlthout liijiirv, but the latter waa.lMwued. lea... I'd on the K.i.-ln I Balng, auOered cou.Ua.lau of l\* l.raln. and la not expeete.t lo r-eovor from th> ?iT. hl* Injuriea. llie BaBBOBgaBewl at the runard .Inrk wi ? put t>> work to reu.lri aa?ietaiu. o lo tbe p?tmji,b ou lo.i.t tbo kaajaa tupt. aaaaaaa ef BM IkpraBBaaX, aBB wa* tartaaak t awn> from bi. poat, and ..r l: ? rkfBB 1 flf th" Williiitu I?rd were taken froui tlio ainbtiig erafi ati.l aafcly land^d on ahoro unlnjiiied. Effuria wero aaado |,> laaOtar the mN?lnK laaliea, but wero au?p.'ndi.| at tha approaehof daikne... To !.iy kkfl BaOfOb BtX ' newod. An flaaaart wlU uehcld after tbe badBaj hare tH>en reeovored. Tho BBjaaaaati waa t.ullt ln Bnffalo t<n or, r*?re BBO, and broitarht to thta civ tlirounh tlu I'n.? lan.. . Hho waa a doub'.e-onirlno boat, witb two 1< larb . flladrto and flue holh-ra, and helougi-d to Eaatmau ao<l M< ? Mahoti, tua-hoet owuera, of liurliug -iip. Tbe> ??, id. 11 la .ui.i'.'.. .11.> have iM-en caiiiod by tbo car^fcoeeneaa . f tho ouitluoor and lr>maii, * !^o won> watching a 'log tlpfbt on ono of the Uar.'OK nnd notflei te.1 tlwu Oultea. K.M'l.o-ION Of A leWUMUllfE OBB BAB kii iiD and two laTatttM Bkl i^j I ' I . BOBTON, April 11.?The lecoaiotiv* Atlaa, atta' h< d to a frelp-ht train on the Bo-t?n and i Bailroad.. xplod.d thla iiioruiur at ilrantilllo, falaiir acaldiug Mi.liaol Mantiern, a bXaBBawBa, and hadly ln Jiirlug tho BBBaaBBf and rlr.-u.aii. I.aier. J. W. aaBBBBBaBa BBO flreman. haaelnrc .11. 1 at tho hoapllal. He bel..D<od t<i Ibitoanfaj. N \ Tho Mauur-ra, wlll ptohably dle | i;.iitiiii.t, the euxlueet, lt la tboua;ht, wlll n-eover. FALL OF A DI'ILDINO. TWO MKN t'NDKB TIIE Kl l>^. Pim.ADKi.i'HiA. Pa., April 11.?Thia uioruiug, whilo workmen were emrmred ln teannirdown tbo biiild Inga Noa. *> ...1.141.i.n Eigbth-at.,a aadacchimtoc.'iirrt-d. The riKif aud fourth floor had heou romovod, when tba gtrder ln tbe lower floor irave way and the wbole tbrea atotiee fell In, hurylna uuder the rulna twn latorera, auppoaed to be BupTh Miillln and Hernard LaAc^y. Two other workmen were allgbtly tnjured. Ban arw tugaged lu remorlng tbe rulna. Latbb.?The body of Bernard Glancy, a<red tfl, baa been recovered from the hulldiua which fell tb.- luarn Ina. He leare a a wife and tlro cbildr.n. It B belkred uo other Urea were Koat. BOATINO ACCIPKNT. TWO BOT8 DKOWNKD OB TUE BCIU'TLBII.L. Piiiladelpiha, PenB., April U.-Thia after noou, a boat eontalnlng tbree boya upaet on tba Bcbayl* ixtll. ln Palnnount Park. Two of tke boya. aaawd Charlea rampboll, aaed 17. and Elwood Meaeiager, ageX lt, were drowned. Tbeir bodiea were reevvared. TIIE MIT)LAJ?n BAILBOAD BBIDOB DlflABTXB. The atlideut ou tbe Midluad Bailroad, aeaP Hackenaack, N. J.. oa Boduealay, waa leaa af laaaa ta Ita rreulta tbau waa at flrat reported. eatbriakie Uaeta. rfeiaa, tbe Aaaoaeor ef Oabland. wbo waa raported M bara dted on Wednaeday eroalac from bla laj irlee, waa alira yeaterday. aad r. iB probably reeerer. Uaav Worteaaxyae waa aot aartoaaly tnjuredL Tbe broken brlda* waa wbat la kuowa aa a Caaaw blnatloa Brtdge, bullt of wood and trva, aad aaa atrougly recoaaatanded to tke eeaipaay aa a aafe aadl cbeap etructtiro. A eontrect waa taadka yeaterday wltla the Wataon Banufactiutag Canpaay to replaae tbia brtdfle and two othora of tke aaaaa ktnd witk Itob rtro. turea Niallar to tboae on tbe Erta BaBway. Thwr a,.w In aaa wlll be atrengtkaaad MinporarUy. aad kaaeaat wltb heavv tlmbara. Tba teooaaotlro attaebed to tke aflernooa traia aa tba Mldlaad Ballread au Wrdoeaday aJVrnoou "juaaarB tbe track at tbe Juuctlon aaar PooiiAoi,. aaat waa wrerbefl. ta. Mtb^wae^aaaa/by the WaaetafalaaaBflawh