IMMI.wk tiATUKKiNt; <>K 14BBBAL kkitiilicanb
BBPOBB VltlN' ll"' **.
A crowil af t-BBBBBlh outaitlo Cooper Insti
tute, utterly utiahle to gain adniitt,tncc, but
anwilling to leave, auil making taa Ntjiuire
riug with old-time ehorus of tho Xution
in its timea of peril aml heroic ef
ft,rt. ".lohn Hrown's body lies nioldering La
"the gPOBBd;"'?a erowd innide that tilled every
Beat and piuked evtry aisle, tliat overtlowed
the platform tili the orator had scarcely room
to niove Ironi one Baia of the narrow ronding
iaaa t<> taa Baaar, and jamnied the great BBN
txliiinl (tili ?graai and inint m were intpossi
ble) with BB audience baek af tlie BJMB-tBtB
far largei than ihe avenige leetuxcr ia
abli to pt in ii-ont ot him ;?a erowd that eoti
tained tlit- l.est i-leinents of the great Hefonn
Mectiaf last Smnnier, whieh begnn the over
throw ,if Tamtnany, bat was as much larper
BBatj mtiit- Unpoal-f than that as the work of
Uatiooal Reforra is grander and more impera
Hvc; that nmnbeit d many of the fore
raost men of Ihe country. and was neither
gnthered BJ the CaaBaB BOBBfl BOf BJ nny of
tlie ordinary nptilianees of party demon>tr.i
tifii.-thal j'iitit ntly waited for an hour for
mt aake of getting pl.u-es at all, and ataid en
nasse, onbily boi enthii"iastie, ta41 the last
?tlm t.f tbe last that followed the laat had died awuy ;?siich was the opening,
bfmi Bight, Ol tha Lil't ral Utjuibluan CBBipaiga
for the rrt-idemy. and the aiiswt-r of the Kin
t n. t'ity to the ?all to Cineinnati. There has
been no aueli meeting in New-Vork aiuee the
war. Tke ipeaJtera, lika the aodkaca, weee
RipuL.li4.ui6 from the stait, neoff-iaed eham
piona in <' aad on the Field, in
lha f day a whea ta be leadiaf Ih-publlcans
nii.uit to !?? tried patiiots, Imt ..stia.isiil BBkOC
by the ahaddj i-'iiitiai tois aud Ciistoui-lioiiM
eiirka wbo now BflBB-M to eontrol the OTBaa*
iratitiu. An?l tha Bpaachaa waw wtBrthj alike
of Bpi-akors, audienee, and Cause.
As carly as 7 o'cloch tha ball of the Cooper Union
-*at. tillt-ti, imd erowda baaaa ta gather ia Eiahth.
?t. ity :::i(i oMotk Ooeaar tTakm-aqaare
waa f.lled with peojiV, whlle thousanda wbo were
anabk to obtaio adiiilamq? to the ball prraaed
lliraogh the%TOWd -atlit-i'f.l aiound tha BaMBw, into
Tlnnl aml Fouitk-iiv.-s..and even intoSeventhijt. At
BntiiHk .it lc;u->t HMWB peepla a-led Oaepar Untoa
aquarr aud its vitiiiity, *hile tboaaaada had (?onc
away, aaahle to ahiaia admlarinrni There waa a
aawaaaj al Biawarh?, i.t.<l ;i baaaa baad, ataticaed
ou tlit- stuui- hatoaap la fT.,nt ef the -Mtttate,
pla.vtd ut int.rvitl -. A lioti-ceaMo ft-ataic
W_s tlie oni. ily t-oudiK t of tin- 888t?ahlaga, whieh
waH aaaipoaad aalalv of peraaaaovef 81 paara af ;ijt.',
ati'l men of apparent bitelllga?ea: aad althoaah
tJit y well kiicw that tluy woultl be iinaM.- to li>t?-n
to tiio reiuarka of the fliHIBtOia whoiu they
iiatl gathred to hear, yet they reniained
on the gjoaiid, appareatly rcluctant to de
part until sunie om- had tn?<l? a aweacb.
Tiii" doaire waa aaaarUhated bp tbe lapaatad ealla for
BBaaehea aaaaa iram Baaa ba w_aa iu diiVtr.-nt pai-ts
of tlit- arjuare. antl at about t<:30 p. in.. Mr. Wolfl
u.oiiiit.d a wajrnii aad inntle au addrtss
whieh wa* laeeivad with favar, .Mniut 9
c't.l(i(k the trtiwtl baajBB to <1 in BM?iht?a,
and at 10 o'rl.H k it gnwlually disperwd. Tlfc nnuu*8
of BirnattiT rTrhnrt, Be_atov Iruuiimll. aml Btaraoe
Gri-t l.-y -v\,-ii iii-iinciitly ajreeled with eheeia, aad
thi- gitatial eathaaiaaaa pi-ev?ilwl.
ix thp: BALL.
T_adet?iattonaaf the hall ranaaaied s<,!-ly af a
aiiiK-ii- ai.'l tii^t.lul drapeayof the natita?ki txdora
ov.-rtlit- iiitraiite to the platfonB. T~o luindr.-d
BMilltiiaaaa. aadnr tha eniumaiid of Capt. Hyraaa of
tbf l-'it ti-i-ntii I'n-iiiK-t. wi re ateBeoed ht and aroand
tl,t i>ttilili11?- to paaserva orAar.
At 7 p. ni. tlit-hall was dens. ly aaeked, with the
aeepvJofl of the alslea and platform, il ? l irm i "1
wl.ich the police wt-n- oidercd to keep elear, so that,
b!tbere aboa?I be any tumult, they minlit bave
room la whii h tooperate. The audii-nc- wa*. courpoaed
lf the BBaat reaaaaetabk and latellife-t 'i'.zins iu
the eity, aud waa partieiilarly BOflooahla for ihe
earnist att?-ntion paid to tho rt-m.trks of the ilis
tiuiriiisbed sjieakers. A large uuuiber af ladiea
laaaaad an attrat-tire ftature of th? asscmblatre.
aml frt-queutly abowed their ai.preeiation of the
poiuts iiiiMlt- hy the BBMM?M88 in hearty deinonatra
tione of ajij.LiUHe. At *:40 p. Bt, Lth&n Allon Bttapod
forward to the front of the platform aad notninaied
for Chairtnan, Col. F. A. Coukllnrf, who wuh electtsd
Uiiauiuioualy and aniid loud aj.plauae. Col. Coukliua
th'ii procw-ded to make the introduc
t<.iy aaataah af ihe avaaa-B, but waa
fmjuently interrujitiil hy the deinonMiations of the
jinpatient throng, who, rt-fuaing to hclieve that the
liull waa lilltMl. ftouktbt to lorce thfir way in despittt
ajha aaaBai of the jKdice. Col. Caatah?Ba ahaaQp di
BaaBaall?aaaahaitaba lilled. und tbaa thasawaa a
irititt nihh, th<- hustle attendinj? whteh laated
throuj/h his Hpeeeh.
At t:t.r>, Beaabara Behara aa^Trt?abuD anived,aad
ftitttd tlnii way through the crowd that lin.-d the
platfonii.Hinid tha nioHt tiithuHiaaticdt-moiistiatioiiH
on the, part of tlit- audience. Men ahouted aud Wavad
theu BBtai lha l_<lifs (lajijied their gloved-handh
and wav.-d tlit-ir hamlk. r< hi.-fa in weleoni*. Senator
ajehaaa, hawavar. vu the cynoenre of all eyee, and
to him Ihi- rni>r?- rharaeteristir greetinga wore ten
deied, the grutlemcn on tbe platform preseiing for?
ward, elasjiiiighim bf the haud. aud congratulatiug
bim upon tha ix-iaaion that had hrought tlieni
WIm-ii the Chaimian introdueed Senator Trum
bull thi-rr-vsas jn-i-at applaune, but tbe tmstle and
noise iu tba outakirts of tha erowd being renewed,
the apee-idi waa iuterriijded, aud Col. Conkling ai>
pealed U? the d?-iuonatrutive meuiliera of the au
8BCa to Jic quiet. Mr. Truiubull procoedetk and
waa BfBBB inti'mipu-d, thia time hy the eiitraneAH
of Mr. Qaaaaay, wbo waa receivad with " tbroe timea
thiif." Mr. Tiuinbull, wbo was theu adverting to
I'tiivt-raal Amtieaty, turtied, and ttowing to Mr.
Greeley aaid to tbe audieute taiat Le Mr. Oreeleyi
deiaerved all thea" cbetMa; he waa the lirat man iu
thia coiiatry wbo advt^ated Uuiveraal Auinoaty.
Ainoiijrtlios? on the platform were Eradeilnk A.
Coiiklina-, f/orive Oroeley, flinclair Touaey, Darid
A. WdlB, Siglaiiiunc' Kauffman, Oea. AngnetuaFnnk,
Ira 0. Milbr. Heary D. Lloyd, Ofti. Oeorge W.
fbhaar, Ethaa Aflaa. David Dudley Fiald. Aaotatant
iiiHtiu-t Feilowa, CoL Oreavenor, Cyrua
bV, Field, K. L Oiidkin, Waldo ILutcbiuit, B. F.
BUnierTe, Koimrt Muaay. Oea. Fitater, JH'.iiw
ftamard, Abraia B. HeMitt, and hundretla of otiiera,
aa idetioely p-fk?d aa ti* ati uggliug t-rowd ia llw
aialafc below.
Tbe.juBA-tn.K ?aa?alt?<l Ia. oi On al a p. ut-. by tbe II,?i,
Etkan AaUcii, who aaid:
P_B-0W4eiaBBBBB_( Aa ??? 4af tbe CaawBlaa wb4>
tiAtu.'i tb. oa" 'or tbialuifaeaaeiuaarii-eutiiiir, mM8w9bb9d
lu IB* mt. reart ot leuliUeaJ purif,v aad ri-foriu. I bave tba
Kiuor to u.iii.iaaU>aay?urw*^?'"e{?9Ti'4-' <-^J Pnxler
k A ( . i-la... tf
Tbt- pt'iioaat.?,!. waa aatkualaaiMall; approted, aod
Col. Conklini; on Btaalaj forward waa groeteil wlth three
heartv ( heer*. Il<' ??;? t.I:
iXUA>W-BBnra_OABB: Woare honore.l l.y tho pren
nn e to-nbrbl ?f t we of tbo taoat dlatlngulak. .1 atateapaen
?f the Rej>tit>!tr--[srr<'..t applaaae)?ene of thom aara ln
NowKiiKlHUd, tl.rotlur. ra.ll.-d on tBe Khino [ebejTBl,
un.t I'.it-i of tii.'in leptweeatatlr? of that Imaeral vjest.
Wktek ln nll o.militK tinK- H to.ontrf.l thedewtlny of our
,-iiiiiii.iti rotintry?I.vman Tnitnl.till of lllmol. nn.l
Carl Ittkan "f MlaeotO- (Prolonired rhrerliiK.)
lt la hardlv nereaaarv for ine lo aay tkat throiighout
tho Icni-th nnd brca.lth of th<* l.m.l tlu* rinin." of hoth nre
ftr-awlaFcd wlth tho <tefr*nae of ronatttittlonal llnertv, and
of the rlaktael loeal ?eif-gorcrninent: witk tke rratrle
tioua of drlepnteil power, aad wltb Ike flnn and aaralter
tng adrot'iiey of tho rliilitri of th.* Baaaa. [Applaime ]
inviewof _eaearappraaekef the Preatrtentiai elee
tion, th.*y have eeaaeated to learo their plae^a ln tne
Henate of the I'nlb-il Htatra for the purpo.o of afldre"."
liiir ua, not BBea thedend laaaa of tke ii;i?*t. l>ut ui>on tbe
iFnaclaaeecif Ba fcear. |Appiau?.e.] I aaa aeerw taai
j ou have c.nne lo?retlier not to Ilnteu le me. hut to liear
them. Ttiuukitii; you, thon. for tbe honor of belnaaa.
le.-t.'d to i>r.M(li> >.ver tlilnvast a?.eml>ly, I BBBaBBB
fiirtlier pleamire of the nieetiug.
Tlie foiiowing 11st of Vire-Preal.lenta an.l Seerctariee
BBM taad kry Mr. Allen, nnd upproved unaiilmoualy:
Viee Prf*ntrnt*-norH<'o Oreeloy. IIiifTO Wesendom k,
(hrlatopli. r 1 John A. ('. Uray, Kinilalr Totiwy. Doherty, laaacBnennan.Waldo Hj_qkBa,Boeee
II. I'.rin i.-ll. Mlrain Barm y, fieorire II. Ma.kity, Franz
Maiiirnon. OatwflB f. Oolilna. Wullaa H. Bnpar. Fn.-.i
rick Sekaoek, Jatua M Boyd.Ckarlea A. LaMoat, Eail
Dnger, Ham.ulJ. Colgate, J. B. BL (iiosv.nor, Emil
Mnu.l, Hetijarnin F. Sebiiffer, John P. Areher Qkt?__r.
Biake. Froa. rtoutnetai?.WBBem Wetteraa, A. M. < aaa,
Kobert W. De Oruake, Daalel T. Boaa, 1.., Bekala, I-..I
w?rd T. Komi... I''k ('? f'aacy. Pkflip Xfoek,
Bdward II. lawreeee, Ckariea Looe. WBUam
H MiKii.nev, Jamea T. Couenhov.-n, I'lnlio
Weber Wa_ilngton Vaa Wyek, ll. Beektadorfer,
Ckariea \ Dana, _ L. Ootfkln, Parke oodwin, Theo. u-.
Olaubeaaklef, Peter V. Mnlrey, Mlatktrrae T.niipkliis,
MarakallO. Bonera,Oeo. W. Palmer, Ali.ert C. Deac.
WIBiatn R Btewart, M. 0. D. Bordea, Bafna F". Aattrewa,
joeepk ('. Jnckaon. gia-le-uiuiiri Laaar, Williain Athiunon,
lt F" Msdaett, Jobn Palne., L<<>i>oi.i l.le?, Oet-cBaa A.
Rrrnkle, John A. M-. Jamea L, Haetle. John h. ijllinor.
E. ii. Jenuoy. Werka w. Calver, Heary Bteeger, Riekard
(i. Haat, George Beaaeay, Paul B.litiltzier, ll.nry
s. J.tinlti pw. Aaker 1>. Atklnaon, Tbotqaa B.
PaaeaB, A. May, Alonae) Maaon, Ckariea T. Blm-Kma,
Jothani Wllaon, lt. Textor, Patrlek Moldeo, tieoruo
M. Miti-hi'i, Heary Bneii, Tkoaaa W. lai\p,
Uordoa W. Bnrnkan, Jokn Bamerty, A'lolph Keaaler,
in. h .rfl M, Btatckfera, Praaaian J. Pltklan, Peter c.?>k,
Willlani II. Bayoor, Bnock L. Fam-her, JoluuK. Porter,
Mlokael Mnrphy,Georae *'? H.itterie.', Btrbert Murray,
Hl_iamand Watermann, Monmotttk ii. WBaan, WlBfatta 11.
Maltlu. Ti.-.l. Plaeetta, Kol.ert F. AduniN. (J. P. L..VMC.V,
Jokn a. Poater,Tnee.T. C. Fetraack,flaphen N. Binipn
n.ii.R. A. All!*-. lloffiii.tii, Fraii'-.lln B. Mill.r,
i E B Lortlly, PklBp Malin, Heary Ooniaock, Darld
D T'lT), laorena BtnaBier, wii'iam B. Haaaa, B. v.
I'li.t.. v, Joliu M.M:.v.r>, JBltMa M. Mci'arliii, Marrla
Uaaovtr.Benl. A. WlBia,BamaelX. LeCotula, Benry B.
Wllltama, Mlcaael Hayea_B. D. Pa-lkaer. Bdw'd Can-oii,
H.iuio Bpi \<-r, Oeorge P. Biadfprd, Audnw w. Lrcfntt,
E. Kraekowlaer, Oeerge WBkea, Jamea l?. Plak, Heary
D. Llot.l, Moritz l:llliiK<*r, John F'it.h, A. J. Plutnl.,
Peter J. 9tty n atant, Baurael Blaclar, Willlani W. str.'w,
Beiiiiiuiiu M.-rntf, Ckariea a. Jaflaan, John Water,
rtaniuel J. Ulaaaey, P. l>. Btargls. J. W. BoBeatamp,
Blmon M.V.-HH, !-:'iitif..r.l I.. .Mae>>iiil>er. Thoniaa T. ( hiip
iii,,n. Willlani Hall. Wbj. o. Flagf, Jeo-e Poada, Iliram
I) F'aulku.-r, Williain T., T. ?'. Diveiiport,
Oeorce Belnlninr. LoaB Bergar, a. w. Dimmoek, Fr?<l.
r Loeke, WBIIaaa DoeeaaaoD. Jokn A. Parker, Btepkea
Holden. Ckarleg E. Bpraaa, Wllllaaa J. Gearr, Jamea
1,1.1, Thounis Baya, Ckariea WiBmot, Jobn *-_nl??
i,v .itdi'.-e W. Olaae. Willlani K. <, T.
iliiiiev, Albert Wood-ana, Peter lt. K?v, John
Batterbero. Anthouv FltireraM, Jamea Freaney,
J.dni, Joat-i.b W.ldrick, tieorifo BoBaea,
Wm. I- BaJ moii.l, Beory Biermaa, M. B, Butier. J.
\evci, II. I'.'in.iii. Leopold BoUaaer, Auit. I* Browa,
j BollaKltlerband, Bobert Oobrate. Etlutn Allen, Darld
Muller. Cyrna Clark,.FraakLeaBe, M.O.Boarke. J"im
ii Morrlt Wm.Nackokwa, A. O. ?ekardaoe, J. A. Cer.
rntttoa, Bavld Marak, Heary Wekle, Dand MUIer, B 0.
Millioi.v, Z.'1'llloli Klv, Walter (iiison, Ia.,ly,ir.l Bill,
BlztLadwlfcK.ipf, ...-.>. i:. K<'?r, BlxtCarl Kapf, -M
mundC. laee.Preo. itaui, QeoraeH. Vat I left, Ckariea
Baekman. H. A (.;. rk.-, Daalel T. Moore, Bll raylor.Oaa.
Theieen, i:. u. Squler, T. *-*. Boaen, Henrj Bteeger, Cbaa.
E Bpraaae, D.B.T.Moore, wm.O.DavBa, Cbarlea H.
Marakail, Ahrakam L. Barle, Alfred r.-.i, WBllaa &
Corwin, A. T. BattW, John Kddy, Setk B. Hiitif.
3ecretarie?? Ira 0. BiB< r, C. E. Wendt, Battriee F'lvnn,
TkumaaLerrnaa, John <.. Folaom,Ptett.__aBtta,rred
erlik mi-. Mi. h " 1 Bucke, Helnriek Marn, D. K. s. F'..r
Bhay, WBliam Wnt?B, Alfred Oouirer. Wiiiiam H. Kuif
f, u" J. M. Oray, Jacoh Helffenateln. Aaker Barnett, John
siraiiiK'U'nuller, Aiberi Blaaaaar, J"hn E. Beuarly,
Oeorge Elliotfc PkBlp K Herrllcb, Willlam Heaeeaay,
(i, .,!>?<? ii(faii.i,.if, Joim W. Heape, Mlekael Qn_n,Jame ?
A CowB, C. T. Haataoad, Jokn J. Bcnaefer, Tkoaaa C
topuiii-. Ckariea J. Baee, BBBaa II. BarreB, Jamea
Britt, Anthouv Allaln*. WlBlam BterBBeoa, U?rae K.
Ilill, Henry B.-eut-y, t-tepli.-n B. F"i?li, A. B. Etoeenbaum,
Williaui J. (leari, Th?nifi'- Donalda, Darld i'eeta, Churlea
II. r-\*i oer, naaela Bnyder, Kol.ert H.*.
1/ t.i.aid Th.iu, Hennan Kroeger, Johii (iolltr, Darld I*
Roblna, Aaam Pali, Pkillp < ooaey, An:.i>.i HlBBlaa,
joim _. liiiliii.i-ii.l. 1>. <?'? ..iinell Mitltey. I'aul Pwttr.ler,
Baltib !'? Dall... ajaie.a mt 1 ..^-..,, ??? ..... m. i....i,iiii.ii,
Fraiu ia K?>e, T....U1HW D. Cta-orer.Ckariea (Jannlck, John
r O'Brien, Jamea P. Walker, Btibert Boddy, Henry Wii Franvla iiei.ei, laaae N. Halladar, 4_aoraa T.
(-.lniiiiitr. Jaama c wklle, Daalel Tyneil. Joalak W.
TboniiMHiu, ih.... V. lluiuim, Bobert Mlller. John 8. l.iii
aon Unatlua Waaaermaa. B.'t.J.iinn Firth, H.-nry D.
Huil. David KHi.iir-UeiK. rtolouiou 'F. HtreeUr, JeeepB
Baaet, Aud. W. Ttacj. Fnderuk t.tiirel, jr.. Jamea 11.
Tow n-eii.l, A1.-X. I'huit-b, Jinuc-- W. QUd. r, 1 mniel A. Au
der?on Euareue Boullyet.Wm. A. Bmaltoy.Cka. A. Clark,
Louih kiihii, Jaiti.8 S. lan, A. J.Btaaor, JakaBt_Bbea>
muller lO.twar.l f;alliiFher.|A.I,l.-oii Baafortt, Ckariea At
kiiirK.ii Ja. ..!> F< n-terer.Jiieol'li. BllfJ ? M iltli.-w Wllw.n,
m C litiiid-ehuef, Joim Deaeaaa, _Tkaaaa. Jaaaa 1.4-e,
J.ihn Nortoi), F. H. Bthen.k, Heary Baaaker, JohnB.
PklBpa Thoniaa w. Van Taaael, Baanial B, I'.tluiei, lyouia
Bei ?< t' C. B. Wkeeler, BBBtey Kaproan, K. J. Moore,
John A. Stanlx-rv, Joa-pb Haaa, Joliu 11. McNcil, Jobn
w Baeea, Benry Baaaer, l_wara Oallawer, Tiu.mua
Beaatora Bekara au.i TrtuabaB aoweame opoa tiu
platlorin. aud thi-.r appeuiati.e Wkl IBfl niKiial for loiii?
i-ontiiiui.i ekaat?f. Pief.lfcea.O.OtaakeBsk?a iht*n
reaU the f.iliowilii;:
l)F.rT4AHAT10N* 01 PBIX0_-_f.
Wemluve tlu.t th' jMiliti. al aeti'.u of m.ii\ MBflB and
retrrCBtleaa f-hould ka BB free from tb? iiifluenee of
ix.iiiifai palieuaaei tha' kataXaaa aaaa -OOO? aot, aaflar
tlie fearel unjust aOat iai laOaaaaaeaeewMktkaaaBaiBSi
kO eowpelli d to pay tiHuite for politieal purpoHcs.
We bi lieve that publie BBBMfl ure, or abould he. ireaf. .1
for publle convenienee, ond not an BaWMtfa for PBBtaai
BBrVMCB, BBB BefkrOaaal \ thal the aaB
of offleiala ahoula beeonflnednith? the striet lttttr of
the lawr creatlng eucb ofUeiala.
We nellere that the triumph of Bepuliliran prinriplea
ie of paramount lmportancc to tbe rotintry; and that tke
aueceaa of thoae priueiplea, in tho B?pr0O0kta_ uatloual
eleetlon, doea not depend on any one indivldual.
We helieve that tbe pro?p( rity of tho couutry .lematols
thorougb, radlcal, aud luiiue.liato lt.lorni, iu ull the de
p-rirue-ta of tko publle oerrice, civil, mllitary, aml
naval; and that the " one-teriu vriuciple " for the l'ri-ai
deutial ofllrii nUlcouduce more to Uiat i-n.l than any
other lueaaure.
jreaeXea*, April l|, UO,
Tbe CTialrtnau-LADiEi and (1f.nti.kmen: I hare the
bonor new to introduc* lo you iBBBtBl Tniinbull, and 1
pteaaaO tbatwe glve hlui thrte OkOOBB [Thiee tiniea
three r.nuilnit eheeni fqllowed.
Beuator Trunihull epoke aa follow.:
BBUaaMBaaBBB: It Ib now BMOtf akHoap yeara
slnte I had tbo pleasure of addrefraluir au audlence ln
tke City of .Vew-York. We were Juat tben enteriug uik>u
wbat waa lrnown as the Freuiont rampalgn. The quee
tlon the.n ueforo the country waa whether fllavery
abould apread Into tho free Territories of the Uulted
,-ti.t-H. M.iuy people tlu na-'ht that the Oorern
ment of the Cnlted BtaUa, then controlled by the
elaveholdiug power, waa oppreeeire and unjuat,
and a party waa tben organlzed vthleb did
not Btifceed ln tbat eleetlon, l>ut the Boe>d then
k, utterc'l bore frult lu IBAO ln the eleetlon of Abra
Lam lalnrxiln to tbe Prealdeney of the Unlted Htat.-a
[Cheer*.] The elareholdlng power, ln Ita arroganee and
fvlly, refuaed to aubnut to an Admlulatratioa whieb
akould be governed by tbe Irienda of freedotn,
tfaough lt waa weli underatood that there waa no
Uittutlou ou the part of tko Rcpuhlkan party,
aud no eonaitutlonal I rigbt. to lnterfere with
Slarery ln tho Baaa wbere It exlatr>d. But tbe alare
holdlng power, aot eatlaflod lo retalu Slavery where lt
waa, MBrterUiok lo dlemeniber tke union. and aet up a
goveninient ln onehalf of It, whleh abould reat npon
Slarery aa Ita corner atone. Then foBowed tke great war
BBtXB- on tot tbe purpoee of tbe maintenanoe of tbe
Unloo, and Slavery went down, nerer more to rlae.
[Cbeere.J .
In tbat m-eat atrnggle uaany a patrlet fell, and many
more are aeen amoug aa, beiaring on tbeir peraona
wouiidareaoelved In txmduux'e cauao; a grateful ?ountry
wlll aaaa oberiah the aaeuory of tbe beroea wko
fell, nnd previde amply for paBslena for the widowa
and erplaaa wko amaiu ain__g ua. Tbe war cloaed;
tke arioiee were diiO>aflt_-l. aud Btavery forerer
uroklblUMl by eenatitutlonal ameadment. Tken the
tiittui rlajkla af aU wero eatahllaked tkrongkout tke
iand Frorltooi, waa made tbat the4ebt Incurred in tke
.nalnta-nnnce tif Ibe Uaton, and tke paynieut of the
Uuuntlea aad p_aWua of aoldlera, akould br) for
ever aaoreal 5 ?*& tbat tbe Aebt ol the
Heltnle aud payment for alavea ahonld tarer
be umde AB tke autae are roatored to tkrlr former
re.tvtU.aa la tke Uaua, aad what tvtiw la tkere a
dtstitrb tho baaaahMBB and peaoaof this pe"!"** rTlio
pretaure to r.nn admlaalon had now berome ao
that the Chalnnan Htitiotincetl to Uie P"'""' om.-f-rs, wlio
wero cn.leavorioa to keep baekthe tbrong. that tl.ero
waa no ol.jerttnn to jiertiilttlnir tl.o ftlllng. Bp of the
aiait-8.1 Ibaaaaaaartbaa laaaaaii
OOai-raABOB or i-oi iricAt. 08811111188. to lnqulrc, when thla lntcrrtiptlon tooli
jilace, what lt was that gavo dbMfaBiBda and
ihrnughouf theeoiiiitry. 18888 are sov.-ral 888-88 for
thedlssatlsfartionof tha |.eo|ile, wlil'-h 1 ran only brlr-Oy
allude te npi'ii the preaeat o,, a-lon ; aad alutll not tomlh
iil?,n many whit-U B8kjhl B bl dhBBBaai beforo tlie B88>
jile ut large. ll"t one i-auae of compluint whleh protlu. ea iu th<- liite In.-iirrertloiiary Btatea, aadBBBai
allvc the liates and nninio?ltiea engendercd hy tho war,
is the eontlniianro of peBwVtal diaal.llity, after
the ooeasion for them hna aaa8d awuy. In aaa*
aaaaaaaa of thia aaaBBBaaaaa the aawaraaaaaB in the
hite insurreetlonary Btutes have fallen Into the Baaaa of
luexperlonred, aud, ln many instanrea, of corrupt udv.-n
tim-ra, who havo pltindered tho people of thoso Btatea
arareely lota than you ln the clty of New-York have been
jilundt rred bp POBI fornier eity gorernment. [_ppl8w88]
Why ure theae disablllties eontlnued 1 Why are they not
remoretl, und ull tlie jwojile oiifranebtaedl I think there
are two t-auses whleh prevent it?one merretinry, antl
the other political. [Applause.l The mcreeniiry ono
tbal theaa advetiturcr? might enrl.-h themselvea by
exrlnding from tho oflleei In nll tlieso Htatos tlie
forim r leadltig men who, althotigh traltora during tho
war, were not thlevea nor plimderors.?[I.ond ehi er
ing.) This exclualnn has thrown these govorn
ni? tits into tho hiiiids of men who have u^d thelr
power to jiluntler the peoplo over whom thoyru'e, aad
Ihe delit ef tho Bouthern I BBVO 0008 swolleu,
lu suiue Instatiros, tweutyfold, from what they
wero Wforo the war beg.n. Tl,e debt of
Alabama was less than BJ80JB tit BBB, nnd
afthajwaaoatthaiBt m"T" i,n'1 ft'1""'"'0 a,,)t lfl
awrttajfnr* Th.- d.-iit oi Fii'ii'iii, wimb eaa bal
ajByBH at tho eOBBBM-iieeinont of the war, has hei-n
awoUeu to 115,001,000; that of Georgia fioui ?.l.OO'.noO to
144,000,0(10-, and they don't even have *hal PM bad la tlie
OBpafBowTaah to Himw for baa aasaap aapeadai, for i
babava j?u bad n<>ui<- earpeta aad aaaa fBraltarofai
your muii.-y. Ibaaa j-oi'le have very littic le show I.-r
these v;im ii. Ma abk ii have aaaa Laaaiiad .,n<i pal Baaa
PABTBUI |BB0oBaTB1 . tiom.
Ani'ther reason for BBBllMBlBB theaa DoUtkal dbMVbttl
tlea is, as l aaid, of a juirtisan ehara.-t-r. Tlie BMMa ln
iiuthonty use tin- poUtleal dlaauOltp aa aa aoeb . apital
uponwhiilitotrade. To UBBBiaB WhBl IBMBB, I WlU
referto what took Bl th8 BBWB Of OaOfBtB 8 few
raara Bfo,wbaaa ?aaaaaaad Balbwbaaa Uovefaar.
Whea tbe latbjBlBia ef Ihat st?!c aaa abaat te i?o or
gaalaad, Ltwaa aadaeatood tbal eattala jiersons had
hBBB Bbatad win. were 1 tboring BBdar p.-litital dis.Vuii
tu-s. Tbe] wt re gtvaa tit aadeaatBaa tbal thoaa ol Um b
who woald Baaaata lha Ooaaraor ooald bara ti? u
jtolitieal tllsalillitit-M removed, aud tlioe.- w-Im would Uot
could not Im- J>cruiilt.-<1 tn takc Itu ,i M ?ta iu tuo ?talala
ture; aud th.irt-siilt waa that the politiuil di-.'l.i.itn ?
were renioved from sucli 88 BOtad with Iba OoverBOV,
aad tha oaasra wara exeladed. Ba Ihaa aatalaert eaa
tr..i of lha beaBalatare, aad aa eeadad ta f-Meabu apea
lha st.tle a ik-lit.the .1 -n,\t-r> ef BBMMB 88a88d hm. tu
Bao the Btate le eseapa Ua iiaalakaaai afcdak woald
liave faUowed the fiumls tounuitti d. Be lt
is with atewwhita ?'f tBagreaa aleeted Iraa
the?e f-uiitlierii rjtutt-s. They j.ninlH t" BBBaera
iMiiiti, .ii Bbaiillllba from adbaaaata tTbrae cbm ra
aara baaa beartflj grrea lav Boraee Oreabrp, wha
wuseapiidoii the platform.] I ain glad M BBBI BBBh
,!?, ia h, n-iu honorof the llret l ti.,iii|,.?i.. I 80-08*. iu
the aaaatq and be prae-iflaed it boldlp? .f aalTereal
iin.ii.--ty. [Baaewadeheora.] Oaearaal aiaaaara tu.-u
whnh ii deinaiid. d ln the naine of iiom-ty, in tlie name
of peaee and lha kaal BBieeB af all, ia
Iba aaawaaa "f a Baaeral t'l'u . retaortBg poUb
leai HbablBtloa i<ir,-at ehaarlagi Aaelhai aaaaa ?,f
eomjiiuint auiotiu- tbe peopta, ta the aaj in watek
tin paareaapaal -daOoaea-BeattoBaeeV-aaed a- if n
was eo mii. h iiioih-v tu , any ? !,. tion- n-tt ln th<- luUr
eet afa i>art\-1 vi n-ii di"i not riso hlfli dlt,-lty
bal bttbe lataraM "f i Laotloa ol a partp, [(.r.-at ap
,.i.....? i i. ia wiMiabaaa s voa nll know it la thr eity of
Ni-w lt haa reeently oeen ui"-i.-'-ii .-> ...? nv
vextiiriitiiiir committii- wlu.-it aet in thi-. iity-tbal Ci-toin-boaae i? tlit.-?t ?nii aaea, wbo, in
ataad of BBTlBI re.tlvfd ttu-lr apjVilntliielit la
emiH.-Mii'-nee of th. ir .1.1,111,. "f tbeir ahllltp
und of tbeir aapaeltp t? dlaabaraa tho datbaoftheu
t.nireH fur th<- beel latereata of the coanBi. are ap
iiulliled heeaiise Of Ihe liifliletiee lt l? Mipp"-' ,1 they , ,m
rxert af souie primarv aleertOB orBbatt DobtobBob, at
Id ?earhlBB voa, tha peoate, wh.ui to roB for at th.
i?,li, [Laajuiter.1 Tbla ?'i\,l Berrlceayateiaof oarata
the pareat of many, rery maay erfla, I caoaot etop to
iii-iit tu puint obI, Tbe otiii er. tn many loeaUtlea are
taxed 8 poriion "f the'r aabniea fur puty parpeaaa, and
rcmovedlf they do not perform tbem. Paaalag from
this queatlon of the civfl Brrrlee arateaii, whleh woald
tiiinpv im liuur to di-, ,i-i proaerlp, i eoaa lo aaatber
laeaaure wlik-h siiiuiiil create alarn Utruaabeat
tii.- lountry. I all'i'l'' partlcolarlj to tbe aaaunip
tlon of unwair.-ititi ,i power by the pr-deral
(jovernineiit und tbe Mpart?leata ol tho l-'ed.-i ,i
(ioverniiieiit. [iheeih.] Iiurlnir tba ?ar exirH'T
duiiirj powera wera ezr-rclacd i,y tbe Ooreraaient?
powera never before eailed laia tieinir; aithnugh,
in my ojiinloti, there WB8 ne\er any oeeusion nf
any titue diinnK tba ?ur m eaarcfcas aareBptlta
ttoaal authority l>y tbe Federal Oorennoent.
1 beUeTf that tbe eoafera upon tbe K< di i .1
(juvi?rnineiit all tbe powi r aeeoaaarp aa i?i exetelsed
even ln war or in a rel'iilloti Mieh B8W8 had, Im t-ansi it
autborlaea COiiaiiaw te aaaa lawa fur paitlaat Bowa
liaaiftntlflB arnl retM-llion; und when ?'onaT,"-a haa thr.
authority to Jiuaa lat^a f,,r ihitt parpeee, all the
power Beeaaaary toglraeaatM le that aataaaitj htafaea
aaa. I will detaluyou a few loument. ln puiutlng out
h?.W tlie I'ed, ral (Juvi ruiinnf has enei?,,, hed upon
tae rlghtH ni tbe Btatea, lt 1- aataa 't hy le?tia
i,,1,1,1, tu aaaM aateat, ai Blateel aaenr aeaaloa
ef 1 tuigtess laws ure pss?e,| tukilik' away froin Jour
Btate tritninals jitristllefion of tbe peraaa arrdproperty
ut iln- eiti/en Htul taaaafnrrlaa M <" the Ketleral ( iiuilH.
i-uiii.- ul these laWNthat liave bOBB Jiai-wd for III'lt pui
iiuse h?\i- beea declared unronatitutlonni. Billaareln
tiuiiu.T.i into Coaareea aaatbur bBaB?aaal .iiein la
tbrouaheat tba trkola eenatry, adtb aow .ludicea, uud
>mi muy soon ha.'o to set-k reilreea for
your BVMrvaaeea n<>t lu the fouris 8888b
Lslii-d bv yoiiraelvth ln your 8WB uini
i,? iiiii.-s, but in Courta pnslili-d ovei hy Ja4c09 uj>
j.tiiiit'-d t,v u iiiitiiil power n\cr whom vou have no
eontrol. KiicroaetiiiutBta ure BBM ina-le. und perbapa the
Uiost iii.ii iiiin s ot all, i. > Ihe uiliitai v j.ow.i of ibe tiov*
t-rinuiiit. Tlie mllitaiy j?.wer hit- eouu- to aaauna tba
tlntli-i belonglna to elvll ufflei r.. of late. nnd that in Be
Baaeeeflaw. I wlUallaBeaaaaa|o Iba stato at Qeea>
afa. I,' ll.l.t ? ?' ? ' 1 H 1 . il, ili 1-I-1. S'-IIH ? ililllfll1
ti.e had arleen iu n-gard tu Its m^.n.i/.iii.u,, and iu
lstiy or IBB Caaareaa paeaed a law deetarlag Ba aa
jieraotia who hail haOO returued us elet-U-d lo tn. I..-.
laiature of Ueoraia bi Oea. M.-atii-, who ut thut b?ta bad
cuiuaiuiid inthat inllifary dl-trlct nliould tuke a oertaU
oath and qaaafy alaaeaaWreaf aae i-i-risiature.
| the law juovided thut ll slioiild 88 a f.-lony punl.ti
ablo bp baprtaoaaaBt la tbe Paalteattarr aet U** tbaa
tw? um iu-'ii ih.ti. li, years for uny pe?M_I to
wilh unv in. ii.liir thiia electatl n: t.ikliu- Iln oath aud
tiartieipatiiiw; ln th?- OWBlaattOn of the U'Klalature.
Would )ou litliev lt, witb aurha law ?an that uj'ou the
auttiti huok the nillltary otflter ln eummaud ln li'-oritia
i-Mu ii im order piuliii'iiiiih' eettala mea to sit lu the
I>,Ki8lature and ullowiiiit oiliers to tuke thelr aeata, lu
dlreel deaaace of tu? aet af OOaaieea, whkh sbould
bave Mihjetted tbat ufBoer to imprlsument not 1088 than
tWO peara ta tha I't-nitentlary. W'ui- any notiee ever
taken ot itl Yes, the inattt-r waa n-ferred to the ( mu
uutiee nn ihe Judliiary in the Beaate of tbe Uojted
Btatt h, iiii.i a report wu*. made by thirt IN.mtntttee drawn
up by s,? iMliiiumih of Vi iinuut. aii aaataat fnend uf
the Aduiiuibtiation, expreaalug ln uuld terui* that the
foiuit.ltt.-4* were ronstralnetl to say that th<- aetlon of
tlie nillltary auUiorltiea waa contrary to Uiw laj.plHiiar),
aud ; I...I In the only ni.ti. ?? ever ta? au of lUut outraiC'.
of that t u. loax-biiu-iit upun tbe ri_bta of tbt- fx-gb-luiurt
and the paopto trf Georgia.
army orrieEnH in THr wiinr itoraB.
A few years ajro Conirress paated another law that no
offlcer In the re_ular army should dlsebarire tbe fitnr!
tlona of a rivll ofllee, and yet who does not know that
the Whlte IIubhi- ia fllled with army oflleers aetlnar aa
aeeretarlrtl [ApplanM-.] Not a day pnsaea duiing the
aeaslon of fVtnireai that we do not recelve meaaatra
rroai tbe Prealdent of the Unlted Btutia. liellveied, not
by tbat BeereUtrr for whom tbe law piotilea,
but by anofUet-'r?a Mitlor In the regular iiriuy. [Ap
Slauae and hl.sei.J Pellow-eltlren*, supjioae Andrew
obnson had aent the armr nnto Albany aud orranlwi
a I^Kialature fnr you, and told you that eertuin peraons
ahould tuke aeats and certam othera ahould not.
Biippoae he had Blled tke WhUe Hoaae witb milltaiy
aaaaara, dia< hargii?r the fuuetiotia of t'lvlliaua con?
trary B law, ilo you think It would have beeu
paaaed over uniiotleed I Mow long BBB thla i>eople)
preaerve their lluertlea lf tbt-y nnietiy aiibmlt M 8888
en. Hia, liin. :it uj.on thla rtght t [Applaose.j 'Ibe ty of the. i-liir.i n, let tn* say to yoa, aud his pro
tevteua In hia peraoo aud in hia property is to be found
ln loeal lawa wblch the jk-ojiIo thems. lvea admin
later?(ajtplauaf)?and not In a renlral Kotet?metit
wbere all tae powera of Ibe (oiveruiuent are
eoiubluod; and lf tbia ayatein of einroaeDmejit
la iiermltted to ko on tae day la not diatant
when our Republiran av.tem, baaed ofi the Idea of a dl
vltloii of powera b?-t wixm tlie Ketleral OuTcrnmeiil aud
the hutes, will be trkiieftitiu. d into one unperUI dcHjw.t.
taaa. wiih all power at tbe Ciiy of WashlnjjUin; aad I
eare uot wbeiber tbat power be exarelaed by a alnaJo
perauu eailed a tuonartb, or by pw la-raona, raJ9M
a t'.iuifi'--i. " '? e.jually a deapoUtni (Applauae |
Tba dootrlae la now boldly proclaiu,. rt i-y uu-n lilch
io auihoriiy tbat Ue Btatea of tbla Cnion bave
aueb uowera ouiy aa are conferred ut?ou tbem BJ tite
Couatituliou of tbe Uuited Btatea, wbtii dirertly tue
reteree ia trae, aad tbe rtaui bava al) pua?reiaeut
aueli ??. the f'onatitiitlon of the Unlted Ptatea ha? OBB
ferred npon the Fiilfed Htafea or haa wlthliei'l
from tho Htatea. Ttie dlfferrneo la thia: Ibe of the l!nlte<l Htatea la a (jovern
m.-iit of <t.'i-lvatlve poweix. That of the Htate ia Inlier.-ut.
They have nll power not rlenn-d them, while the OOY
erumentof the Unlte.l Hti.lee hae uo power exrept auell
ua la giwu to II. (ApuliiiiM*.) fue CoUHtlfiitl..i. of tbo
triiltedHtatea ln terum deelarat, in oue. of lt* aineuit
Abt. 10 TT.e prwera nol deleeete.1 to Ihe I'nlted Ctelea l.r the Coaitl
t.tion u..r .1 by it to ll.-. r-Ute,, ai* ira, r?ed_ tu tu? h-t?e re
errrtiTrly, ur to ibr peoule.
But V paaa from theae eneroaehmenta of the Federal
Uovenitnent to another matter that ia romplalnedof,
and .luHfly, and perhapa more loudly than any other,
I nnau tlie abnxoa and eoiniptlone of the Oor
ernment. Thia paaBB to he a tlme of eorruptlon on
the part of SBBBWB. You here in the Clty of New-York
flrat dlecloaeil the robberte. whl.-ti were belng pri.etlee.t
l.y tkea lu u.iilili it v. aml that awakennd publle aentl
meiit in the ro.iiitry that cauaed tho pee'pB all over
the lan.l to l.iok to their otlktala and a.1. ertalll what tliej
poaltion wan uiiide of the moner which waa col f.-om them. And in tlx* Cityof Chlcigo eeveral of
tka > ity ollulala have iMfii eonvl. led of reealviug brlbea,
aud other otteiiKex, and are now aufferlng the penultlen
of thnr irimea in pri?on. rApplanae.) In the
Oovermoant of the Unlted Btatea althongh we
havo not been ablo to unearth and iBailBM
all. !n fact I tbinlt we bavo only Juxt BB8B
the aurfiee of what exlata below, atlll nniuigh ha1.
baaa aaaaa to ahow tbat akaaaa exixt. i win
ill.ialiate by reterenoo t<. two or tbrefl caaeM. One that
l,a? recaatly occiirred uud been bryugiu W JJK*,..* Uiill
of tho fontrollrr of the f'urreney, BBOBwWwko BBB
.liui,.- of ail tho N.itiiuial Hanka of the ,-ouii
'iv ; withont whofo liat Natlonal Bauka eau
not exiMt: wkoa duty it la to BBBOrrla
and wateh them when orgunlre.l, ao that no fratid fun
l?e practire.l upon the j>eo|)le. Within a few weeka
lt haa l.een dixi-ovt-red that that ottic.r, when he
wax iii.jtilrliiir into the d.-liiK.uem-y of one of tkea
liaiik", r.'felv.'n B prexetif fl,,m one of itn ofnV.-ra. with ihe aad of ihe Bureati, and aa Ma
way paxxlng a carriage-xli.ip, ho ei.-i'i" 'I iu aml
boiurkt liiui a laa earrlajpa aad karaeaa. Tka
clerka. lt ia anrrett, ai-o teeelred preeeata. weli.
what bappeaed i Why, the Committee that mreetkated
t ln?ia eaaatttaa iii.-n.iiy te tka aBaar aad fri.-n.liy to
th.? Adiumiftrallon?reporled that lll th.-ir opmlOO tke
gr.i.ii a_nagement of tke I'urn-nry Boreaii reqoirrd
that there xhoiil.l bo il ihanifo ln tho ut thu
hei.dof tluit Departin. uf. [liBBfktfT ] Ther.up.ili that
aaaeerwM peradtted to maagn ft nirt ?f eaaa keata>
ubly on ri-xiguatlou. A few y.arH nn<> I re
n.iieit wkea tho aaeaBaa was aaked aa the
liiii.i of UM Treacury liepai'tuii -nt what waa
tu ka done wlth tlie man who took down tlx
Ameiiran tl.ic when lt BBB ral.ed on a I'lixtnm -kOBM
in the Kotitli, tne reply waa: " Hhoot liliu on
the epot :" Ihat reply tlirill.d every patnotie
beart. liow wa? lt kera with Ba aBeer eoerlctea
..t taiii|..-rm-.' with the Baak aaara arkeaeaeeBBBtaka
aaa ezaalalBBj Whv, ba ua. penatttad to reatga. Now,
aappoee tkal oflcer kad beea dellaeaaal la tke die.-harge
of politieal rei|iiireuient. Fiifipt.Ho he had r. fuaed
to pay au :i*.*-ea-tii.'iil for p:n ty |>iirp<i??'H, that ka ha.l r<
tMM, ,1 to une bla Inllii.-m-e, to (iiiek B |iru,iary nueting or
I'oiitrol a .'..nv.'iitioti a ike iiit.-n-.t of eoluo lavorif.*,
perkapa of ataa Caaareeaataa aka pal kaa hia Do you Ihink ho woul.l have beea |.<-rinitl. .1 io
reelgnl Wky, tke poBUeal gulBuiae woakl kara eaaae
down "..I "ii woul.l kaea eaaa kB keea, aud kla truak
liha body woald bare InabMd oat of oflkeaaai.iu
tn.tit towarn all aber afBeewoftbe tktt wklck woul.l
trrertaketkea if tluy lattai to couiply with party re
I, .in nn nt.. [ApplaeaJ
Th. r. ie au'.th. r ultlcvr who baa been ree.-ntly Inveatl
?Bted, only BUghllfi a" I tiiink, oue of th.- < afctaet
i.iii.-. t-. ti...-?-'? '-:.n> "f eaaa Ua Dafak?aalBi au.i
akataaa ko kaa dalatfl Bky, ikatfiy thiH. a few
yearaage, dartaa Ika war, ttat Qarraraaaatt aatarod
iiit.i a laallBI t altk I ? rtaiu pert-otm to t.inlil Mtaa war
,,-ea.i-. Att.-r ika eaeBaala were taada, tka Garrera
i,n nt ca_ngcd tke pi.ui tetuewkat, aad, ItlaaUeged,
delayed the roBtraetoTB in tke eompletlon of the
V...-I I-. Iii win. ll Ihri Hilffered lo?4 lll eoli.i .|iien.e nf
ti,. rla Ib tke prtre of aaterkUa aml lai?.r. ln tho year
lea 7 two yeera after Ua war waa over, tluy oompbuned
that tkey had BBBBied irreat WB bv rea- -it
of thi* aetion of the floveinment, and BBBBd to
ba teiui'iiilM*reil. C4?ngn-?a paiee.l a law authorizliifc*
th.? s.-i ti-uiry ?f tbe Naw t<> ooareae a board
..t i ii.. ra to examlne Into th. Ir eoaptalnl aml aee what.
ifaaytklaa;, aaadtatkeaB That Board aal aml rem.rte.l
ihat'there waadneaaaauaatraetora, m eaaeaqaaaa of
the ictlonoftke UaTerotaeat, Bla>fOa Tkereupon C?n
KKM inlMB, pasaedii law dlreellug 111.1,5(81 to be pald
Uteae eeatracfora Ib fuii ?f all elalma grawlag out
,,f |he lon-trii' tion ol the venn l*>. Tliat money
aaa aald aod reoelred. Doa'l you tklnk that ought to
i, .veoeentke end ?t it I Bal it waa not! wlthoutanrlaw
f..r it the preaenl Be. letarrOTgaalaodaaofkfr Boaid aad
10? tlu i" t" lti.|i.'i" ii"" Ua uialier, tluy .li.l iu--,
ind r.-i...rie.l that the eoutraetor iiiiictit to have fy.t,
ia.i tnore i iiii a a* ii Board now of lii? own BabordlBBtea.
Tliero waa uo law dlri.'.'tiug hiui to appoiut thia
Boai.l u? wat. in 1W7 by another He, re
Ut.. But be ot.Inted it of hia ewn rolltlon : and then
___. ..<^e nn t,o . *??_,,. _? i'ayo iu." a?.'i'.">. ewa. ?
.lo you ihink of that t Ba not only paya the BMaay,
bat kfl pay it withont any approprlatioti to pay
it w.'ii Tkecenatttotkaaf ra? uoaalirdeelaiaatkal
in.iii.-v akall ..i.iv be patdoatai tke? aaaar* aperaaaaa
ot aptiroprlatiuaa miule bv law. What aalkorttr
ha.i ii.- tu pay m.m.'v approprlated m iho*j aad 1*70
t?i w..rk doae iu lafU or liefornl Tu.* OB?er migkt
!_at (t~ wi 11 iiav.- taken ?'j-j,iK?iout of tka Treanury witU
out any apetopriattoa at all, vt* araU kera tak.a
?mv money, _ t.i have taken the mon.'V ho did.
lle i.ot only vtolated tho law by pivinic
moner ea aa w.ouut thut ba.t been a.ttie.1,
i,?f idea i>v laklaf aaaejf that lmd aara
beea aetaaprlated lof aack ? aarpaaa What
i, tka iiiir-w. -rtothlnl The aniwer ia tkat HUih waa hia
aonatrw tloaof ti.? law. (l~u--hu-r.f wimt weald yea
tiiink of tho eouetrm tion of a lontruet that ono
,,f vo.i had Baaaa to pay ono of y.uir eapjoyea
81155.10 in fuii of a'l akalaa growtu
out of 8 tianeaction.lf he waa to rome to yoil aft.rward
nml aab OBVOM ""Oia, aud you, oflVruig ymir iBOelft, waa
t..ld " My eonetruction of tlie recipt ia that you pay
_e_a muiT." Tkere i? uo aaaaa for taek a traaaacUoa,
aaad if ihe.'oiintry waa not fuii of UkBM vIolatuuiH of
tl. law aad jilutul. rinira of th.. Tt.aiiiry Huch a traim
..,,,,,;, aaaa araata an ladlgaatka uroairk
tbe Wkek) eountry; but there I" eo Baak of lt that you
oretieok Ikaa brraakea ?.f law aml ataavprapt?ttaaa "f
i.nblic, money. [Ap|,latir*.J lt ia aanl by aoiue,'*Oh,
tliere w:,i< no Inteiitioti to .lo any wrong.' Tbe ,|iioatioii
ia uot one of luteiiti.m. Au abaoiule uiouaret, may astivern
,,. aublerta jiiftly or he may oi.prer-i uud enalavo
thom Tke qaeaUoa ia BOt wkeUa* tka aeretariea
,iv uioii.y or B.'iotiiita whleh are Juaily d.iel Ihe
fiui'Htiou i?, ha.l they any antbority to pay the
inoiu'V I I Ihink notbing wa-dui' in tbia eaae. Llue or
n,it .lu.. waa uo autkority ln the Bccretary to unen
thia atcottrrt aml pay tbiti pje.ouo.
OHEsTioNa 00 thk norR.
I have brjofly. fellow-cltlzeua, atatid to you that
Biarery kaa keae akoUaked. tkal Uie righta. of all the
etuaeaaaf tktoeaaatryBara koafl aatakBaaadi that the
lt, belBon hi'* keeB put down, the Htatea rentore.l to
tbeir foiiiter poeltlon in the Uulon. All tlieao queationa
bav. iH'.n aettle.1. and any oeraon who now uadcrtak.*a
to diriturb thenior tougitato tbe publle mlnd Inreferenco
lo tkeni attal do eo for tho puriajMi of di verting atteutlou
from the llvlng laHiira of thetluiea. [Applau.e] Aml
what aie thoftut I havo trled to Htatt, to you wbat they
?.'r.- Th?y r. lato to the eturoa. hiuetit bv the rederal
(-ut, -'rniu. nt upon tberigbtaof Fitate and loial Uovern
,neiit. Thi-v re?Id to Anineaty aml to aeeiirliig the
...ii il 'rtjtbta ot all?tbe great priu.-iplo Iving at tho
fjundation of tho K.'publl,*aii party They retata Baa
f,,ru, iii '"ir r. vt-uue ayateiilby whl.ll tajtttllou ehall U; re
rttret! and -o at innifd aa to bear e.jnallr aa far aa po?
atbla ueoo al branebaa of ludiiHtry without bunieniug
,., for th. b.uellt uf another. (Applanar.J Th.y
r.-lite to tke p.ititl.atloti Of the (Ivll Soivl.e, and the
iKlininl.tinti'iti Ol <J.ivenimenf by whleh plundereraahall
Tw. dnven from power, ICriea ?f good! good !| aud
thH t.ovctumi-ut he placed lu Ika of koueat iitfn.
N0W, a_iy I'ttimot tbia he donet I had ho.ved, fellow
j.iiiaiiaa.akal all thia coutd ia* aecaaplBkaa Ikroagk the
lu.trumeat.illtieH of Uioa. uow having eoutrol of tbe
tluv.tiiuieiil; but Ihe exuenencc of the prixt aesalon of
ron-reaa and tbe ureaeiit aeaaloii haa aatiMied me that
th.a.) reforma laimot be afeouilillxtred through
the ajceuoy of tbe ruling apirlta now coii
iiollluTthe Uov.inment. lApplauai'.J 1'rofeaaiug to be
for Atiineatv they defeBt everr Anineaty bill that la
ofl.-r.--d by ll'mltutlona aud Ineongnioua aiueiHlmenta.
nafealB. to Ud for Ciril Herrlce Buform, they wlll do
uothiug l.ia, ti.i.Uy to u.complleh it. [A|iplau?_] l'ro
feH?litg wVh loud voiee to ta? lu faror of the full.T-t Inrea
tlk-ation and tbe eurreetlon of ebuaee, they apiMiint eoin
luitteea oouUary to all parliauiniitai-y pr.-.-.'.ient
lai.ulaure), aud all ouiiiuiou OMBB J '' tbe
ii'i.i, .;! in l4> lui'l OBl w-L'etii.-i aliiiHea exiit, ao orgaidived
a? to b?- voutrolle.l by tho fitaudrt of tlp3 a*
cueed, aud froiu whitn every yeraon ln oare
fully . x. iii'l. .i a wbo balievea that abuaea
,-Met, an.l wanta a etiict iuveatigatlou, [_p|.laua<:)
Bad that eaiurao been piuauod lu Kew-Y?rk,do you thlnk
vi.ii would havo uuearthed theas fraudat Hunpoae,
wbeu lt waa diacorerod that williuna of dollara bad been
louaudered In thia elty by corrupt^ofllclala. tboae
ofli. iala ha.l been ealled upou to appoiut a Couiuilttee of
inv cailgatiou, aud had aelecteii their own ( oiunni te,-, do
vou thluk you eould bare iine.iitli.-.t them I Why, It
Ux.k y.'iir ('.iii.iniii.-.- of Heventy, wltb tbe. aaalatance
of tbo aiilt-at lawyera ln Aiuerlea, uioiuba to ae.-.-i laiu
win r>- tlie m.nn v of whlrh you haal Im.-ii ruboed ha.l
uout', and who bad reeeived lt; aml I thiuk It laouly wilb
iii a few weeka thatynti have boen able to flnd out. Aud
I doa'l tiiink tou have found wbere lt all went yet. Ia it
any wou.ler, then, tbal thnae Cuiuuilttoea have ouly aneu
tke turfaee of the curruptlou with wklch nearlr every de
partment of tl,- Uoveruiutml to reaking. Why, fellow
eltuemi, lufore the war tke ordiuary exiH>iiKea of
thia <jovi riitneut, oxrludiug pavtuent uf iuteiAat aud
nluemi, before the war tke ordiuary exiaen
" luiVlA
, .. .... , ... ., _ ...,.-. , .-*. ?__
you auj.poae they were lavt year I More thau I? tbere any naaou for tbia t
ll will ba aald, perbajea, tbe eountry baa
grown, audbaalueaa haa lliareaeed. Trut*. But Iraa thu
poutilatioii lurreaaeil ln that proportioti-haa lt doublt'd
within the laat ten yeara t Hare the neeeaaary exiteiiwa
of the (Ji.r. ruiueut iloui.l'id 1 Ix. you pa> any more, or, ll
tnore, la It uot a rery auiall aiiin, Io your uuuiatera lu for
eign aervice tban you pald before ihe war I De you mr
any thlng more tomoat ef tbe ufHeera ln elrll bfet Do
you pay anrtblug aaore to your Judgeat Perbapa a
tritlt- m.ire, but very liltle. Aud Ua eapenaea of tke
firll Berrlce ayatein, eo far frotn being dooblrd, abould
not liar., beeu Wreaaed 99 per eeut. In Biy Judgtnent.
tbe tiorrrutuaat. eooiiomtcaily adinliuitrred, ueetl aot
e*t?eii.l8to.tOO,uuo a>rar imw, ex.iu.iv.iot what lt yaya
lu Ititere.t Ou tbe publle debt and for penetou.
Plfty aniliiei.a of dollara a year ought to tw narrd by au
" " g^ tomMth Vo%e.
Lowdom. Frlday, April 13, 1871
In the Honac of Cnmmmie, thia eveuing, Mr. Rath
hone, nieinher for Liverpool, asked whether tho Gov
ernment had aent or intend.-.l to aend ita rotinter
raso resneeting tho Alabama claime to the Oeneva
Mr. niadstone replied that tho case had heen pre
pared and diBpatckod to Oeneva. Touclnng the con
tenta of tho document, ho would fiay thero was
nothing relativo to tho elaima for indirect damages.
A noto accoinpanied the caao contaiuing a deelara
tion on tho part of tho Govemment for tho purpose
of rcserving all righta appertaining to tho Qucen in
thia arbitratioa eo that, in tlie tuture, the
Govornment would not he fettered hy
any implied comprnmise. Mr. gehenck, the
American Minister, had been dnly informed of
the coiireo taken, and hojiotitkd to Lord Oranville
that there was no ohjection to it on hia part. Tho
Amcriean coiinter eaae would ho prcsouted to the
lii iievatrihuual without prejudico to the righta of
eitlier party. Mr. Schenck had sinec informed Lord
(iranville that tho Oovernmentof tho United Htatea
eonciirred in the view that tho prescntation of the
eounter eaae would not afl'eet thepoaition osstimcd
hy Great Dritain on the question of the indirect
Mr. DlaraeU aa?tad to have the papers prodticed,
and asked wlu-ther tho Lord Chicf-Jiialicet'oekl.iini
waa to resuine his flattoi as a bmbbImb af tiia <!? Bava
Board To the Latter qaaatlea Mr. oladatone lapUad
atlirmatively. He proniised that the Britiah eounter
eaae would he laid before Parhament at an early
.l.-iv. IL- praised the llotute and tho pcoplo of Kn
gland for their forheaiance, and tho iieoplo aml Con
gres? of the Uuitod States for refraining fajin at
tempta to emharraas tho question. The laet note
whieh was sent to Washington had not yet been
answered. When the n*ply waa reeeived, no one
would l.e inoro willing to make tho Hotise com
plctoly acquainted with the details of the uegotia
tions than himself.
Mr. Disraell said he wanted to irnpress it upon the
Cov.niment that theeountiy waa desiroiis of eh-arly
untlerHlatiiliug the conditions under whieh the Gov
erniueiit ?ent its eounter eaae to Oeneva. Thia very
Bbt aduiitted on the surface tho iuatiee of tho Amer
ican elaim for iudirect damages. Mr. Oladatone
made no f iirtker, but ngain promiaed that tke
tloeumenta would be sjieedily fortbeoming.
Earl Oranville, in the Houao of LorJfl to-night,
imule replies in substance the BBBB e^ those of Mr.
(Jladstono to questions put by Lord Stanhope. Care
had heen taken, he said, to ao frame tho couoter
eaae and Accompanying tlocuments aa to leave to
Or.-at Iirita.n the right to withdraw froBB arbitra
tioii, ahould the ililli nuio ou the subject of iudirect
daaaagaa aal be sctth-d.
Earl Kussell thonght the Oovernment had-failetl
to eseape from the diftieulty. He declared that tbey
oagbt not. unde- any eircumataneea, consent to the
eonsideriition oi the elaima for indirecrtosaee. Lord
Kussell then gavo notiee that on tho aaa instant he
shoitld hring in a motlon for an address to the Queen
praying that instriictiona ho giveii that all proceed
ingHhefore the Arhitrators at Oeneva ho suspeinled
until tlie United States withdraw their claim* for
intlireet tlamages.
Iln- Duke of Kiebmoud wanted to have au under
stumling. ao that there would bo no poseiibiltty of
tin- arhitratora saving to Kngland, " BBB eomplied
with the Treaty: you entereil vour eortnter case;
.i??.iore we snail proeeed to a decision." tan
tIranville suggested that, whether tho eounter case
was presetited or not, the arhitratora might go ou
witb the biisineas of urbitration.
Lord W'eatbury wanted tho juriadiction of tho
Oeneva Trihtinal determined. Karl Oranville reit
BTBted tbal he had been careful to put the point so
that Kngland would uot ho conipromised in the
matter ol the iudirect claims, and ihat tho l.nited
States Govemment had aignilied ita agreeuieut to
thia understauding,
Tho Marquis nf Salisbnry regretted that the Oo~
enimenf hatl ahandoned the last ohnnco of protest
ing against tho exerciso by the Oeneva Board of
jiirisdiction over tho indirect claims, becaaso the
Arhitrators might award a lump eum wltliottt specifi
eations. The Duke of Somerset aaid the Covern
in. ni - eourse seriously imperiled the conntry's posi
tion. Tho Govcmuient sbould have rcfused to ,ire
sent ita conuter-caso uutil the claims for iudirect
damages were withdrawn. This, ho declared, waa
tho intontion of the nation.
Lord Ponzanco gnthercd from what Earl Oranville
had said that the Oovernment was free to withdraw
from arbitxation if the reply of tho Aniericaa Oov?
ernment to the nohlo Lord's last note persisted in
the detennination to present tho indirect claims.
This, Lord l'enzance coneluded, was sufficient.
After remarks by Lord* Denman and Colonaay the
tliaeostjion 888?ad.
PABia, Frlday, April 12,1?72.
The Hon. Caleb Ctiahing, eoitnael ot the
United Htatea before the Trlbunal of Arl.ltratlon, hus
_one to (leneva, to preaent tbe Ameriran ootinter-eauo
ou the day appolutod liy the Treaty of Waabiugton.
IXINDOM, Frlday, April 12,1872.
In the of Commons, this evening, Sir
Wilfrtwt Lawson, member for C?rliale, tnoTed au addreta
to the Crown praying ttiat meaaurea inay be taken for
the wlthdrawal of Oreat Brltain from any treaty biud
iug her to iuterfere witb other uationa by war. After a
protraoted debate. tbe motlon waa negatlved by a vote
of 12? to 21.
Mr. Cochrane, nieniber from the Iale of Wight, de
nounced the Inbtrnational Soctcty, and aaaerte.1 that
orders to biiru Parla antl masaacre the hoetages held by
tho Cotaniune emanated from tho central l>ody of the
Intemationale ln London. He demauded that the Oov?
ernment resjiect the repreaentations of other Powera
tbat Kngland waa the aayluni of tho Internatlouallata.
Mr. Eaatwick, tueuiber for Penryn, alao proteated
against allowlug England to becotne the refngo of the
political agltatora of tho world. He characterU?d the
publlraUoua of the Iaternatlonal Soelety aa revolutiouary
and blaaphemous, aud declared Uit-m liable to eup
preaston ttuder tbe law.
Mr. Henrv Fawcett, Member far Brlghton, defended
the Hoclety. Ita prlnclplea were not revoluttonary. It
waa dealgned to proteet wum.-n and chlldreu ln factoriea
and to deatroy monopoliee. Other membera apoke ln de
fenae of the Tradea-Unlona, witb whleh, it waa ckar_ed,
the luternatloual Boelety waa allled.
It la rejrorted that Buaala contemplatea ralelnjr new
loan of ten mllliona aterllng. A nieetinj; waa held ln
Duhtln laat plajbt to take prellmlnary ateps for ruiaing a
nionumeut to the nu.-ui.iry of the late Earl Mayo.
Mai.hiii, FTtday. April 13,1873.
Seftor Casti-lar, the wcll-koown He
publiean, addreasiMl a mectlng of hia followera ln the
clty ot rvvilio laat nlght. Iu tba ooiirae ot hia reui_rka
ke aaid bla party aaplred to tbe formatlon of tbe 1'alted
Btatea of Kurope aud the foundatlon of a Uulrereal Bc
An anned band of RejnibUraaa baa appeared at Ven
dull, 17 mllea froui Tarragoua. A party of Carllata, -JM
tu uuuiImt, atoypeB a t.raiu oa tba raUwity
aiul pliindered the Booda aad expreea ears.
bat di,i not uiob-tt the paaaengrra. Tbey alao
cul Ibe telef rapo win a, aud ceaiBMBleatkia wltk Barve
lona Ia Interropted. The Oovernor of Oerona feiejrrrtpha
tbat the troopaareoperatitigaa-atiist tbe Itiaurgenta In
thatprovluce; but the 1888-1 Is aa yet tinknown. Tbo
lron workera lu tbeC'ity of Bare* lona bave atrut a wurk.
The landed proprletors of the proviucc have orgaiBBad
pnrtlea to purauo tho inaraudcrs who tnfest the ' ountry
Flghta havo alreivly taken place witb the robhera, aml
men havo lieen killed on both aldea. OBB-BI repurts
from Catalonla aay tho troojia are a.f.ivo all BBBBg
the frontier. When batida of Carllata apjsar, troops an,
limuedlately aent in pursult; and ln qtiict diatricie.
where there la danger of a rialng, flyingcolumns aaaaa
the couatry.
The retaras of the rerent eleetlon are neariy all in.
They show the _Cort?.a will stainl, M.iilsterUJMs, BBi
Oppositlou, lii.
Lomoon, Frlday, April 12, BBB
A liglit occurreil, last Sunday, in the atreits
of ltouie, between tbe I'ontlfloal gendarmei and rltizeua.
Ono of the loldlcra waa kiUed and two were wonmleil
It waa rejiorte.l that AutonelU had aent a meinurlal to
the foreign 1'owera n the outiage, but the n j? ia
Havana, April 12.?The ofhVial report of tin
en-.'iig.-ment ln the Central Departnm-nf. aiinoiineea th>.
klllingof tbe Cuban Oen. Edward AgBBBBBBM a* a po.i
tlvo fact. _
Halifax, >fe S? April 12.?Tho steamei I.atly
BBad retiirned to-ilay from Bba BBBah "f tha Daal .n. Hiie
reporta that tho vessel ls broken into thre, pn-. en. BBBM
broken rases of goods were lluatlrig uround, aad ttvera
wei? employed flshlhg up the r.-iualnder. Ouiy u ipUUtat
of the eargo is e xpectt-d to be savtd, and tk?I H .
damaged coudition.
W_BBBMBOM, Friday, April lt, l~7.
EfTurts have beeu made to-day to hei.l the l.nit.b i'i
tlie Ways and Mcatis Cominitfce, and lt i? ut,,|. i-bu.I
this evening that hannony has 8088 88 f,i R BtwiBd tbal
Mr. Dawea will report tbe Tunff :md Tax He.Iin limi l.ill,
but witb a protest againtt aotiie of Its featur.-. aud a
notlflcatlon to the IIuusc of hls Inft ntlon f<. epaeee tbea.
This is as far aa Mr. I)awe? ean y<> eoaakMeatfy witb M
ideiis upou the Taiiif. He eannut i?: ezpeeted la ebaagp
bis wel!-settled cunvictioiis, und al.ainluii his ProtecUon
prlnclple^ tieeause he ftnda a mnjorlty of bis t'oiiitnitt.?>?
aro Free-Traders. In witb Ma PBBtwi -
tioniat colieairiiea on tlie 4on.riiitt.-e. M. ?i t
Mavnard, Kelley, and Bolierts, Mr. Dawee kaa
prepan-d, lt ls atated, amendmenrs whi. li be
will'.-r to these jiuitioiii ui the bill whieli ?r>
most abJaetloaabB to him; paababip tbe paraaraaB
relatlng to wool aud wooleus, lron aml ateel. and athei
artleles ujwn tthlrli tbe Fn e-TTadera t-hletly direel iiu i
bbbbbBb lt i* Bevatated ttiai lha Brat aaeab B Bba
coiumittee oeeanad aa tbe leal aaeettOB of reportiaa
the tax redactloaa ln a aeparate biil, aml before th.
TarlffbilL A Botloa to do thla aaa lu.t.nini tbe Cwni
inlttee, OB Mil.-uii -nt votes.'il intu l?n lu. tl.
faetiona, the Fre. - J i a.lera ha\ uig a niajority of one. Tlie
raaMratbalaap peraonal bard feeUaa ezlata between
tbaaaeaabera ea aeeeaat <.r their duKiearea are un
founded. Probabtjr Baaal of th.-m fereaaw, rraa the Brei
urgani/atlon of tbe OeeaaaBeo, tbal what ha? aasaraad
would he iue\ itable, an aoou aa teat votea were i.-ai-he.i
on a Tariff bill.
Besido the atrngglc Bt 8b8 Baaaa, 88 day, abaat Oi I
Servife Reform, there wan a eaabBM ov<-r tbe aateaalea
of tho Capitol grounds, whieh r< sultcd iu e.uu nrrlng
with the Baaata BBBeadaaat ta pwrehaim ihe lae aldl
tiunai aqaaroa. with a prnvi-o Ibaltbut bba real ta
1*88^889. The lona eoutest about pni-liRbiiig tbe lawa la
i,. aspapera eaded m n aterlag te ihe bill tim appraBeia
lion to continue the publicatlou.
Beaaaae Carpenter spoke fur neariy tlu.e haara. 88>
day, ln favor of adtnittlng azBaaatar Aliia,ti btaaeat
ln tbe Seuate as a represeiitatlve of Kertfe Cbrailaa. H
wasfollowcd by Mr. Morrlll of Vrraiont, In a Btraea
inati aad Poal will epeak te-atorrow, aad h voteWi
probably be taken by whiththo stuaie will r.f.iee laaaat
>Mr. I!rook?. Of Bew Yurk, wlio has beea tiylng I"i
three davs to otfi r his rtaobatara ealling aa Ihe Praal
dent for infonnation aliout tbe condition of ?Iblreea th,
Mcxican border, .uceeeded to-day, to the gn.-tt r.l.r af
a BBaaber of BMMBhera to arhoaa aa aaa bmMk ih-aaBdia
aureoableby objectingto evervtbiiiK but the retralar <>r
d.r,beeaaaeaeiae oue on the ?iu<> badwh.
;etted to liin reaob?Mat, wbaa bc urt.t b?ad ts aaaa it.
Cklaf Taatlria ktaXaaa ot utab expiaiued ts tu- Baawt
Jutliclary Coaimittce, to-day, the naturv of ihe Jaaaa?J
troubles in that Teiritory, au.l tb.: laaaedj ahtebbe
tbiukabliouldlieapplied. He urged au
for the payru.nt of tho exi>euses of lils Oaarl B th,
polygamy trials. and wanted toajjalatbai to n gulate tl..
tlrawlugof Jurors. He was ln favor of Mr. Vis.rli.-. > t
bill with soine slight anietulmeiifH. Iln aaade 8 BBad lm
presulon upon the Comudttee. He said that he did uoi
balit-ve lt would be alae t<> put any greal Baatbar ?f the
Muriiious upon trial fur the rrluu- of polpgwmp, bill
fhmight that a few lea.lltig men sbould ls- panlabed f?
sbow tbe la-oplo tbat tbe law ia a j.ow.-r aadBBBBt ba
ubeyed. He said that a uuinber of BoiBMBa
renOBBCed all their wlves exeept their flr^f, aml
had mado provlstou for thelr aupjx.rt. It im prebabla
tliat the Jttdiciary Commlttee will adopt the vaarbiiun
bill Tho Murmotis earne-tly proteet u_..1iim it. aa l
jmrtl.uilarly agalui-t the secMon whieh give. the I'. v
Judge the power to appolnt eomnnasioBers In every
coiiuly, to hear complainU and aet as couimitting in.t. ? -
trat.-i. ITiest; comuihu-louers, they aay, would all ba
Oentiles, nnd would have lt iu their power to haraaa and
pertet ute the Bormons, levy blaekniull upon tltem, aad
commit to prlson auy ja-rsou aguiuat wbom tbey tuight
baveaavadpa and coahl get evtaaaaa aftaalrharwp
marrlrd more than one wife.
The Ku-Klux case again came np ln the BaglB?M
COarl to-day, and the qneatlona tnvolved were argued t>>
Mr. Btanbery on behalf of the Ku-Klux. and '..y Aftoi
ney-fleneral Williams, and Uen, Bristow, on fhe jiart
of tlie Oovernmeut. It will be rememb?>red that the
Court a few weeka ago dlamiased the aarae ea*e for want
of Juriadiction m the matter aa lo tho failun- nf tin
Clnult Judges to ngree. The proaeBt eaae 988888 "p 88 a
wrlt of oerflorarl. whleh reqalrea the Court toaend up
the reconla lor couelderatiou by Uie Wiipreme Court
Tho whole eaae aiihtlantlally turus upon the t-ouatitu
tiunality of tbe Enforcement aet. Tbu Ku Klux
ciaim tbat Oaaajtaaa a?a no right aa j?as?
an aet euforelng tbo XVtb Aniendmeut l.y legl"
latloti, punishiug jK-raoua for conaplrtug to preveut
cotored rltitena from votlng. The argumeut iu the eaae
will be r? 8BBB8d <>n Mondav, wbeu Ri>ver<ly Jolinaon wili
apeak iu behalf of tho Ku Klux. Mr. atanbery apoke an
bourauda hulf to-day, aud tbe Ati.uiiey (.,ti,-i.? ubout
the aatne ttme. There ls little doutit felt that the Court
will llifiivorof Un eonefifutioiiiility nf iln aet* in
uiiejUon, when Uio triala will proceod with rcoeaexi
The exlstcace la tbe >*avy Departiueut of an iin
portaut doi-uineat beariug ou the laat pa> im-ut niaUe b>
Becretuty Robeaou to tbe Secora baajuat beeu tuadr pui.
lie. It ia H lettt-r, dated at N?-a-i vrk, J.tii. 0. IsM. ...I
iraaaad to Becretarv Rolieson, and algned by _? of tbe
leadtng bankers aad biisiuesa mui of that eity, uaklug
liiui to aettle, aa aoon aa poaaible, the t-latnt of th.
tteeors, and urgiiig lt on tae grouutl tbat It
waa by tlm extraordlnary exertlon of tht-m-eora tbal
some of tbeae veaaela were got ready for uae lu tim. foi
tbem to beof jrreat aervlee to tbe Uoverniaeut, oneof
tbem bavlug captured tbe KelM-1 raat AUauta- Au B8>
iinin iii.'U ot tbe record of the debate lu
the r*enate at the time the law of in> wa
Juisaed,autboriilng tae paytneut to the Heeore ef
US.iiuo aueUins the lnternretation of tbe law
given to lt bv tbe Heeretary. llowe, ut the tluie. uioved
an ameudmeiit inaklug thia suni a payment ln full for all
clalmaon accotiut of thoae vesaela, but lt waa ep|?<aed
ou tbe grouud that lt would not be nghi, aa ibm bill wa
only for a aingie claaa of claluia, aud tbe aucuduieut
waa voted down.
Tbe Clayton Inveatlajotlng Commlttee ? 1111 draa;N Ita
Blow lengtb along, witb no proapect of a n-jmrt
diirtng the preaent seaston ot Cmuri-a. The erave
accuaatious agaiiiAt tbe iseuator will probabpy Im- forgnt
t.n txifore auoth.-r aeaaiou.
Ihe Army JoH~?.<i! ot tbla clty will paaa from
the bauda of D. K. Colhna, tbe defatiltiuir petisiou ..?? nt
of tbla eity, after tlie irext laaue, mto the of -.%
joiut eteek cenipany, ot whieh Oena. A. K. Buraaiitr aud
t .1. j.uiatt ure aaid to b? lueiulk-r*.
....The frenbet ia tbaHuttaon, at Albauy. raaiih
I lil-i rai I I.r.
... The Kpiperor aud Empreee of Btwil BBBaaai
P?k'.a#a die Ttk all.
The iMitt hesa nnd f uliiinhia aagam
t.~i. Ui IraBV, aftrr a M-.-kaJa tt tww 4avi b,r laat alMaa
The r'rench Connell of Keviaion haTe annnll.-d
tlie .eatra- prei?tir*d igaMil BlMt^l. nd .-.atet klM a aaw intl.
llirain Nlater haa beea arreated in Kingaton, N.
T, aa Um cUnjt ot m?bJ*?b| Wal4_ k-aar ia Baatu law fton .?..
TheSwias led-ial t'oiineil bave ratiliod tbo
ltileiMM?aaleAia>?.lioa?BcKMeAlky kka Tthfrafk OaajMBI MaU al
A nMn-atoriB. rtnalnelnf heary freaihota, haa
_____l___a Mlae i?aa?, IwaMw. bbU liaUi Miwafl-M M.,?a
m,?Iul TltaWiile.B Mailwit Uark. aiar WlBlawr, w ?a?I.I -rl BBbM
waiar Tb* i-*B.B4r> Ulai'i.. wbiek miM fnw HaMMi bm atawa,
kwi a iMara ta PrMiy, Mw waaia.i bmmj Bm U..i