CBtJBCH AVD BTAT1 in Kliwn:.
, iBrofl u !' : T> ? oa riiF. kBeaawMOP <it" xaxw
, r v-,.i w i iTi.i. ITTTBB TBf ClXBOl AXS
PBIB t,;. t ui <ni. B.
Iftii'M f.lB BBtMBeflB <>OKKE<Pt>SPl>NT OP THK TfllBCBfl.)
I'tKi-. 80.?The Archluahoit of I'ari*,
. - - ' -. - r. n..- colle. tion to l?u tak< n . p ln
aa lalai Baat?j. haa artilaa bb t~*?? ~
.1 the riii-lit. of |ha thitr.h. and of our
H?i\ it . tt.< lope. llextvlex lt ? I' U-tler;
. taa pi'litn ul ..rtl. ,e. a pttlpW rtn_nva|*ech.
^ m leanuiiallj aa paa*kkr,B aaaaafla ta BBB
i... .! rh. tori. aaagaaoad aeaai 'he Beayaahaa a*
ikal aaaa -. : i aae Ba ka ttetaaee, of the
. ii ?
? ? hitn i>' wlioni ln ie. tbe % .-.r. he h.a no lorger.
. . atoae ?ii. aan t?. rral i la head, for h
?.:. .-? 1 Ljliioait hi rri a.'- caaUaaalli mea
i i.'io in ibe Bplritiutl onlrt repreeeaa tbe
" about aU pawei baa i?*?-n etvn ln
!,. i.o. - ia< t < \.'? 1'oxxexa* here Ivlow
,, , a "'? I ? ? ?. Ilr. witb tbelnd. ,ienfl
. Bb liilin-'trt ; hi- roynl .-rown ba- ix-.-n
, ,? .-, ot aint in l.t. .lextlllttloa ax
,Bi bi : laadrin. be aeaearaloaa
. ,i ti. Partar m h* paaaaaa; talBe
..-. be i r la tiu Btaa ?f i-oitow.
.. ? arru bim iPtaa IXafl alaa faateaed to
. drtuk oi iniiini. xi.
. i . . m :. i. taa ? rtaaa <>r oerttam l
r ...- aaeerted that tha Bepe aaaflaaaaakii
i i rttaaef paBi ? paaaataaaa aad Iha
. -i ., arbewet*. ..pi*iex.-..1 i.y rtahaaa, aad
, ? .< .I., ahelb i aataa U laaaty.
,. aaata aaata ka ba
. By .-f th> taalaeal a-Maraad
, rtars) '"?" ? -? '? p'lip" 'u kB dteeaa ..u. Iha
i.i aud h.-ated audioneea ax atate
,, t ii-.. atraafa klaOatleal baaaa aaaa ea al
. aai b arhalaia tbat Ihn eaaa af tbn
; . tt. i aaa al CkitaBaalq aal Mt l
. ,? - witk tka af ?u eaaaartaUra
, uat. ?? r.. thj.i*. apaaaeel a B la MaeBIBed wBh
?in. b drlree .ira.gbt to
-.?..',. |.':e w.wx; t! th.-n tx 110 other
, ? . : .: ? rtty thaa ea Ba peeBB
, .... cverihu.w ol wbiebd eloaeeayawatafl
,'i.'i ?t.i fnii. j i?hheedtaaaaad
. up foi Hi'rui.r- aataa lhatthtaaeka
- Tke aktaal i-. rtdaai aaaaah:
I e to reea abllab Um Pept'- toa
,. . i v .' aaek B ti* k ati - aad
? aaaal wnt.i.g aml ptawktaB aad
:? n aad more et ??-* <li?glll-?*.l aetivitv
? . :. .- ii. -? part] aaaatu
u boaeaOa party hB ta iru-t
c.utixx. bateerta_ly
- .re m waa eet?
? eeaerJt, Ladalceaaa La
..Kt Utla people aedear,
... iti.l .a.w.-r o Fr iiii-o io
- ef otker i...' ii- Ikal II Pl -
I le?t. 1 ? .
? i .-.i.i. ihat a aaaa Hke Daaaaleap <l< ?
.. . I'.irwiTli Ita | for tBO r. xitirntiou lo
? . ,. tbrreal _arek__
. laeti.iware f tke
. ? ? .'..:-..
, i ? ? ... :
_ ??,.:..? ? Prencb
. - ? i ... y. i tbe
.. i !
? .: :
B . . - ; -:..l the.*. are
aae_d pa?4
, . I? tbe
I.... r of
. aBre
tad k< < i> ' ? d tkal
? . not to be
i ? i tkla B
, i ?
. t .-??:-?
, Ung between Pt_*? aad Italj
I ?
a l m.iit. r
j . | .-..-. I !..-t!i
i ? ti awUiuta, aul Btaa I
r.t rt Jfeklrt, by
, -? \ ll :?
- ti Ddtag to l" -tatork?l
-. aad,
? ahlck Il.-iie.t aii.l
pagaa, aa ireanly
p- ,i at tha
| . . ' ' !l-lU!"-?.
I . ' ?
. . ? ? - Ilaaaaaloi
1 :
[bia i
, ?? ti .1 with polltie .1
? . . BtVlTOW
; .
..'. oo a
I ?
I ...
?? Ike
oaat t ak d to
? ? i-opl.-. With
i . , r ap aud
a . I BM -? Oa tka re
' .i: > / dept?tdeta <?!. h a
b . :io'.ie ti.'ik. Thaa
; ?:. datof?d aarratloa
...'?t.t.ti food aa Iha
befroi i. . ? . gear ta
wh? h
? - .- for the
Tiu v woakl hare tt:?
: down
' i . ? ul l.-tter, ln
' ' bal Ua
M. . .? Botker .,: uod, dldtralj ap
i .. . I. ; tliia < other p. Bf
17th al Janiuiry. WI.
, . ? ? ... eetafctp ?r tn-r aadet
i i ? . ? _ ? I'o.ltiuaili. aml
' ,
ry iu u_noi ,,; .M,,r> 0,1 UtB 8?] -t?.I .n.ove
m akoald ba utm tor
? .--I'r.ijg to a!l men
? _- aad wrUiug wtinu 'io.-a
' -i of prlaaarj intarattaB m tL.-ir
-.. aarrttaalfid a bim lartaa laaa>
? - w?,.,i ..... laoj.ii exjeft-t. Bal BaB aatbede
taa e tbe ""* -rtTfiillj ttrtaf aad BTa flraiT
.. .? a lavi.r iiotii ot .,,,i/.-ix_i aloaaaaary
.. <m ao-! ..r rataarai in tu. Wata t a bal 'xt,< kaaMta
- ? 11 aaihabk BMBattakta, twaaaafl
t ' ? .1 e_>u4txa only wortkj of
lx-an aa 11'< l*... i_|faa#JBBabja>
.->..'!> aaaapaaaaaftataaaaaneaaaadBaea
.1.. a'j.s-i'. ptaaaaOad by tha ? ?.?< 11. b! aa?.>
? ?-. '- ? ;.?.-?? t. .1 io,,..v< rnn,. ot in favor
- ? 1 ? ti. nax ixeeu wi.te-iy aOaaelaOad
? . and in dalfy aathertaa, aaa ..g
j 4 "(-iUoiK- ('' xoli.-it BBhaerlpe
a.ounter petitioi,. He-r. '. ? of Ita .piallti :
tht-wonl oi.ligatlon 1 Will fh".r go
I . ;:. Iiifamiuo, dlanutitigthe f.itin-r'x
? iii.i. wrtatlnu ti.. fiiilrV from kktcareot
-. k BkWflat I Wnat they niiaii la Ihat tlif
? ? i.< ,'|. f.. k. ? ;. aw.i> t.i- xou fi.iin bat
?* '.? ii, fi,i v _!? ?,i:,k' t,,|, 11 ,t ilii- lii-ail ul
' "!, Th_t be .bal. uot liair 1 w, tl.i- i>o-K.lillUy of
... lilu_ tl.att >x liiir w h<> I-* -1'H-.r to lillll. Aud
. ., p.... Cathollc aoldlng to hia r.-lig.. 11,
. .i, -i.i.ii.'i 1 ? bl in t.i- j. .)? .i? Ib
ii.. . v. t.-li li.ii, : No 1 .a a .oo- ? i* >??'
,'... gl-.. ia. ..''Ul at.L . daXt?I tiiiuov.tl4i.laol'
....., :"
aaktkeO .?? ? i*.-- k *i Um foiiow
?? 11 1- 1.. I tbe B
. -.,, ait. ? n-.r 1101.1 ii. 1
., t...?bir !it. II.. i.ioiii.'lpai .'..niui'ili
. . -... i, ..i.n .it.- of
_Bwaai/.a Oketajea, t_,r baaatatailpIkaaataaaaakBaaJ
a wii'i frneid trMrti, If eenctlone.l by (iorernni-nf Wlth
loree o: law, lt lx not propoaed to pal Into effoet till alter
., year. aiut tbat a year la a largely ttbiiudnnt tlme for
a,.i .me pii't.n.ling to lill tlie dutleaef teaeli. r
of tbe loweat elaaa to maat r the aniull requlretnena of
the examlo.-itloti for a brerrt dr eapetcUe. Bul iiibiniaxlon
to ihix eaaaaOaataaa ky ptflkBa taaBBhaaa, i* b aaaaaaaa
to the civil Beteraaflht, ta tha aattfl, th.* ti.*ah. an.l the
d. * I. T!.o " lotter of Bhadfc in-< ?" fiirniaheil to
thaa abadoaal ia tha ahaaab bp abaaaaBaaa at UaB g.*od
pleaxure. han bitherto beea admlttcd ln plueo of tbe
brevei. It ia often glven. doubtloxx, to weli quallfted
Baa kara, bill alao oft-n t? per-aona moat ntillf. If the
Miinl.ipal Couueil ha.l rote.i an appropriation for
inuaph? archea Ui bouor tbe eoiuing in of antl
i tin-t tiiev ..uiiii naaaa bataa ahaad bv Ika aarioel
paaa tkea they are for thia reaaouahle reaolutton. Doet
>on tUink my *'natnre .x aakdBBd OB what It worka ln,"
BBd tbat my I? toru* hax borrowed foo hlgh eolor from
uiv lati ninlitig. aiiffera hrief quoUtlou from BB uppre
ehiitve itrtiele iu tlux vote, pui.llxhe.l m a ('.u-aTrativo
elty paper: " It would not hare been po44li>lo to eclo
titate, iii a manner more cotifortnable to tbe xpirit of Ibe
inxttir.-. tion of the OPh Mareh. tbe anntverx-iry of tl'.fit
tl.n loux day." And mlnd, thia ia In Le BBBIB8B, ? BBBa
rai.\ m.KleraleJoumal, and ia nitld and >1< lieato eoin
Piir. it with the ftinoua aml xulpburoua BBBJBB iationa of
P Vnierrg and If Unnil,-. and oth.ra of that klnd.
l>?--? He wbiib HkBtaB aad valn Imugtiiing. tbo good eau?*
la ateadBy patataf, ii- ix apparaal by ?Bacieaa <-b. eriui
akfaa aal aaataaBal Bala af taa timo.
Agood liiwon paaaaat taatnalkia B aatba be expoetoi
from tbe prcx-'tit IaataMy. w btah '? IB no haate to pnax
anv new one. Buf It I- rvident that the beaUM
eouimittee which hax the ahupinir of ?ne !:i ban.l la feel
Ing tbe ntittide BBSBBBM for reform. aad the couso
qaeatly kaa aaaap aaataBrraaaaaaal ta ea i kaag Um wor iy
devi.xof a bill that Bfcafl eonfain awniiu*.'lv li'
proviatona, with real on.xfor re?tii.'t.'i- or . -t.i.ling Ihelr
i-m'i uti aa. Meaitfitii". tbe appreptiattaaa in tha kadaal
aaBad for ky Jaaa Bbaiaa were, aiter aaaa n..t very ha*
pettaat radaettoa, teoad tke ahar day wtthaal aetakle
appaatttaa. They give three milliona moro to primary
iiixtr.i. tion than w.ia BB-flOed ta tbe last year ol tne kat
Kupire. A.ld that tbe apirit of Ihe daheOB aa thB pet
tion of tha* binla.'.-f waa, ou the whole, mu.-b larg-'t', more
laaaeaaa aad inteiiigent th.m arer telgeed in the
Baaala or Lefftetattre badp, wu.-n tho laaaa
____'. Col Baaaitl (tha Baaa arho ?>
brarety defeaded Beirort in tlie lat.* warj waa
anaVred to brtefly Aefead hi* aaaaaaaeat aektae for a
idM.'ui aaaaa addlttoaal Iraara la bM of papalar caa>
niimai l:'ir.,ri-. .in.l the am.inlni.'tit lt?H VM rejeer.'*.!
bv a bara nuionty. Aaether Baandateat wklek t!: i-*
anaibk' ?oldi. r wa. anffered U) d( fmd a ix lo an
appropriaUon of -JA.000 iranca tkat h.i l hoea rnt >>ir In
eoniuiittw, orlginallv demanded by Mlnlatcr Bitaon tor
ikeexpeoaea if tweiwe ekcaen youee bhui, wko, hnvlaw
riiiied tbe ilegreenf Doctor la oae <>T tbe faeultl - >?'
law, mcdterne, or arleace aad kHfer", Bboald i> -
ihraad,< -p* ciull) Into Uermanj aad I_ptond, to per
their iit.i'tt. aee tkey eouM -< ?-. aad Uring
,.,.??. ,|?. ,?-,,nt, .,. tbe mothereonutrr. Apuaa.igs.aa
reiMirtod rrxut. tke btate C.nel'a apeacb. If arortta
uotliur aa :? dgu of the nee French utnea ?? 1 i..-i.-\,
t>!,,t one of the prlneipal defeeta of our nntlonal ednca
noii '..-- in "itr i-noi-an. >? <>r w-i ti la p-aatng ni f'r-? n
.-oiiiiti i. - [True, 'iu*] .iinl I am apeelaily eonw.nee.l
that thia ?'.' I.--1 i a- i" en oae ?f tb<
,.r oat r*.'? ra." |.M irba of anpruv l
bo ibe l.-n.i Tbe luneadaieut waa njecteo?
li aaa aotnetulng tba ll waa nrgeJ In fl a
lertua Th. old iwmny-wla noand-foollab ai -iimeat waa
tui-ed ajr-ilnat tlua aa agatnxi the otmr aniendment or
; niitte.' reporter. Whal la aoUeeable la tbat thia
wreta-hed old ar_tuuent *>f < ">n.y?a'.ware nn
aouBU ua agaiual emlnentlj reprtHluctive exuenditurea,
t-ut aingaiarlr more excuaohle ln tbi i itale ?>.
Fi-em-i. Buaaraathan betore lan ia pr entel ,."..i
J..-Ii.-.ii\ a'i.1 with ofiii..n..,l prt_ulioiie ou wulcb Vic -
l.i.i; ,-ii.r Kouli. r waa nol u?-ii U? waatc breatu.'.
I ? ,',., ol th. ? oting li ta m ik.a II .- n il th ? tli \
and lartrely t-wbabbj tke aeeond, ... Dcnlcrt'a
:.n .-ii.iini--.i- -v. i.- it'-i' .i''- i !"? amaloiBy Ihat doeauot
-. prixiiit pn.l.i opiniou at i.n--"-. ii--!' in num r
ttiuioea.the eoustltuen lea tba i edtbem tbe
utber year. aot for tbeir gen ra ca|i?cit . but
, pcawnatking qualittea. w. U.B.
FBr-fi :i'.n rrnE.
- i::i - i! -..n ? M. tainf TO EDITAJI Ol-D uoulv
<i\' THK FBXNCH Bl V.,1.1 TloV.
!'.?: BatK?AB I Ofl I Of IBI T!:ii."Ni |
Pa_(s, ?arcb 27.-?Tbai a Profeaaor io aGer
man i Biraralty ako-1d take fer tke at eetur ,
?? Wbat Geraa_ aay aara from the Prr-nrk," li? m ika
order af Uerat ia tklnga, aad Ba_B?wlB i - neral,
r. tiat the ituiner.t klatotian, Herr ron Uybel. teaebea ln
ar. tbal erery people baa aomethlng t., loorn
from Ua otkara; tkal aatttaal Taalty laa da_?eroaB iad
degrading xubamut- f*>r pa-rtocboa,tkal o.sountry
akould aet ke bbiiobchI ta one partah. I have. sot te
' *l:e tii.-i-ita..f th:- !? - f:n ? i ??<-mpurativ ?
man aad Pteack n ttfcm i ? wkacb
Ua au ' ; lon*
pttrTtoaa atadlea ta Freack hlatory '.'*n<l an cxccp'ljpial
valaa. Enentk t<> x..y tiiath. aaaaa al
ju-t. aal aualy ti>>' ?? ?aarraaa,
what la ta ay parpeae la t?i aa
Mtieal. Off- '
?-, a p.ip: i. aaa atral
ataaa oi tke /oaaraeJ tfc* hrlm't. ii l
log i.? . ? d fr un. t'iit.-il on. t.j otli-r of ?..:
; a. The tranalation,qtinta on ittdeomment
lone te Freack ta tka aame;aplrtl tkal
tierm.iu leettirer. wi'li the -him pa ? ' B I
conreraely applied. The li
. ..f iniiii -. . - ? ? i
.-, pn of tka tka Preai h
are a iaely m ''' "' !l"' ''
akJek - ? ? B keea , ?
faa '??>'? " "'' A.vfe, ejoatr-l
? ? i bei er tantk ney i evrrv
tkere atote dUttael and bvqucnti
eaof Um period
bat?j ? i- il*ra for
?. ? n i .'i.ix r of .mr aorr
,? ... i,;.,ie or .peclal ?:_'. 8 Of e.niie uf
our <!: '" r
.?4.- oftboacbtfaJly
*.,i- ti.-.-iii-. ?? ?.?? th<- Ln
bb of etker aetloaa, aad te recontm.
Uon of wt,.,t i- g.'".i ni th-in to tbeir eoap
Tbe .le.-p i.ii.t. tar reaektafl plaaa aml purp
-.. ii ?. ? i ,,.* i .1 ...I. v.' en I
ui.ui Pranee B aew, tar Um reformn
tu-ii of n ad ' duca
tiotial alde, ate tkeaaea ii"W tot tke F.-.-n. u pi
? r i raaee. Tae aaytaiia aad doima ol Uatde
: K ? ? o* Praaataaad I Pfci aopl n Ple ia aml
.'.ry of Ba
Bl graadear aad pollUi al poalttoo, by inul
1., inoiii! aad iidin.i.i-1: i"ry
ate eeaataatly qooted, leferred tn, aad "taiprattd" aa
i<-tiiai Preaek addreaa, tor daeUlne,
for repreof, fw t-erreeBoa, for k-rtrtaUoe ln ika patu
thit Praaee haa now t<> aalk la. a lan latory aalce Ib
tke feataaof tka Hittelradee Bongroieetit (aa*LUUrty
ture foati'/'if, ky Bd. Bayoua, begBu i
?? U, Imvi h.lurto, iinhaiiiiiiv.oiilvl'it.r'-xtf'loiiraeivea
ni tlu-l.i.loti Oi e\ii.!-thai pax-. in Fl_i., aml fancied
tha tbe wertd t.,rnx aboitl u-. and uegle. i< .1 iin- biatory
ot forclgn natlona. Fortune baa nndertuken to teacb ua
the ii.n.g.-r and error of tbia mwdleaa Igtiuraace; weare
gratefui tkerefore t.* my aaa wko aUaa toatakaaa er
quatated eithetki rpeeploa,Bad wealaraa aarkalaju."
I'rof Br.-.'il of tbe ('o!!ege of Frunco taUea tlila tnne to
put.i.ab the aataa ha baa beea gathertas, m yeara of
readlaaaad ptaaaaal obaarahoa la batk ecaatraa, aa
tka >-. mparative vaiucof adaeattaBBl paeeeaeata I?aaa
a.*i 1 ?. riuany. I
" But for the war," he aal.l. " f iliotild, perbapa, kara
k> |.t them in my portfollo, t>ui ibeaituatien of oaraaaaa.
tn la aaabaa to make It. u,e duty of all wbo are
attai-bed t?> it to put tke lii'ormatioii they an- |X)xaexa'.l
of at ita aervici'. If we meau t.) reui.tdy our def. .:U, now
u the ttuie t., M-t to work. * Lol tlie Ut ate re. nv.-r m in
ti'lloefual xtreiii'tb what it lua bat iu mannal .liengtii,'
xai.i Freilertek Wiiliam IU. of Pruaala >u. tba mtii ?t Au*
gual, lxo7. Thauka to uaen like Wi'llam V-B llumbol IL
tben' Miuixter of Publie lio-truction, :,u . anl
h!. in I'r.if",- reorgaliU.-.l h, r nali Hia. i-'liu ,n ion Ihv
tween lmi'." aud laU. lt la an eXauipie foi ua lo lollow."
M. BaBBl? (JiielHoet M'iU aur I'tnetruetioti Pttlilii/ite
rn oll too pagex. every one of which Is wonh
reading and miat readable. He treata b. order und with
auffl.-i. nt detaii ?f the French prluiary alioola, lyeitM
(. orreaponding to our hlgh aehoola uud colle*;efc) und
higheat uuiveralty teachiuga. andof tbe apirit, xyaicui,
aml Bfaettoaa relgnlng in tbem. Theae are cotupun-d
wlfh aimllar lnatitutlona of Oermany and tbo acholaxtlo
eplril, eyatem, and practlee. prcalcut there. Au expe
rtaaaa i.i tea<*hlnif at home of 20 yeara. freqnent rlalta to
(iermany, and extenalve reaillug of lu beat wrltera'on
pflBBBJBAB <a ??*?<in<'? which. be regreta, la not recog
uiaed aaahbaa euitivated. tn BIbbbbI. aaaaad Judg
uient, and aaaa kaaar,_iTa m. Breni an mia*l"B
aulhi.iny. wnether he atates fucta or expreaeee opluloua.
The kei note of hia lxx.k la a,.auded on taa IhMtl pugo I
? ; lureiorma relatloa B?maltaraof tkeB-Waan*t?p
.. nait latituulliy."
Bal B fcabl ib.-or. Ucal reformer. rre
aaaa u a afvotld afaa tha ... a# al ata eaa ata "?
ia.i..i..x I., au aara daftataalBa aaataat Ika tieaaa
uiriiMHi pi. aaeaa u> ua apim of Bwuu_4:-au4.h _a iuo
teiH-hlngof trnrda rather tban of ttilnga, of f.irts rather
thnn ut ?Maa, the meniory crowded to tbe ru-gl. < t of BB8
re.o?nug faetiltlea, and llterary phr.i-e, eleganee of
rxprcBsion. rultlvated to the tn gleet of Infurtnuig
thotiglit. Bat, rntierilly rxrtmlning. one afteranoiher.
these Tlelons methoda, na lf teiirblng the rlemente of
ptMigraphv ln the prtmary arbool, of the amlent elaaaiea
ln tho l.yeee, ot the lughest branr.hea of learnlng and
aclotiee iu the raculiei (Univrralty) and .peeial bigb
schooK ho pointa out the bearing of the evil, not ouiy ln
tin iu nt] aud tharaiterof tbe. pupil. but ln
the n:\tiotial l.fe. He then propoiea. iu each Inatan.-e, a
reaiedy, and ahowa thntthe reaiedy Is posalble au.lprat ti
cable by preaentlngit ln stiUleientexplauatory detail.and
point Ine out where aud how, ln (iennmiy <?" aome caae>a
ln the United Ptitlef), lt has been put ln pnietiee, and
wltn what prufltable BBpWMMllJ of reanlta over thoae of
Iba prcvuletil mctbiKl here for whleh be would have lt
eu'-ttttitcd. The boftk, waruily coi.iin.inh d by such
men aa Kouan aad Franei.viue Borccy, la well worth the
Im rusal of any one Intereate.t ln ediicatmnal iiue<llons,
and thelr Intluiate reiatiou with naiional cbgractcr and
's liutioua."
Bbtta B. P.rcul proposca ihe atlaptaiion of ilermon re
forms to Freneh M-hools, M.Taine (whose t hrt.-tlau n.ime
BLTLpaaJjIa. lha glven one of Ilenri heing.i puro grat
nity of l nign prlntert) offers to the biglier rctding
ajaaaea a turclgii 1 ason ln their own bistury. Uud.-i th.
l.tlo of Pa tk-j'tur tn >V?n?? de 173'1 tl V.i, he haa
edted, wuli jirelaee and note. a aomowhat ubrnigi -d
truDalatlon of " A Besltlence in France dnrtng tbe rOBBa
i:rQ, ITBa, 171*4. nnd 1T'J3, desenbed ln a Bat?M of Ixters
fmni an _BB?ai lady, with gcm-ral a:.d lu. i.l.-nta118
ti.iiii. mi'lie I-'i.iieb . haraet. r and uiaiiners, preu.ire.t
for tbe praaa BV Jobn (iiflord, nitthor," 888. The origiual
was pabBabod iu Londoti lu IT'lT. and ran thrnugh thr.-.
e ui iuii?. 8o as M. Talne is uware, It has not been r.
fi rretl 88 by any Freneh bistoriun of the Rcvo'utton. Ba
ia p8TB8_di d irotu baaa?al ami 8?aat?al avBabaai af the
goaalaaaaaa or thew leiter-i, aad M sun- tbat they umst.
tn tho iiiain, bave lieen writu-ii by au eye-witne.s. II:m
res. arebaa ta tbe BIbBelhaBaa MattaaaB ami ta the 1,1
br iry of tkre Iirinah Miteeuiti have fai.e.l to itHsoir,- him of
bm ef lha ladv BB-har. Ba drawa thefoOoarbui
cicvt r j>i rtratt oi berfrotabei boob,baaoeardaaaa vttb
bla, r..n .i! lawa af daatga :
?? \ iiigi.r ? t, blgbly ttarehed, BtroaapaB?idad paraea.
v. it it loi i > i ut ratbrr gnm aoral aallaaeiila [flbad
a... um d?i in i l -lioui.i p.iy her tha aoet reapeetfal at
tentio?, ii.-ui iuia*bt eoiiieuiiH-s aak ber adrlce. I ahould
ba\i _MBgroaI ? rrgard for her priarlplea, un,l aiab
that there were aaaj woatea Ubeber la my eoaatry;
bat l tboul i not Beea aay babttaal entertala??at ln ber
a. e. I,. E alltb, Proteataat, polltlciaa, morallat, rery
ti. . ,,ii tl Ln i,, i ,,|i ., . vi r. iiu-uiule lu her Opiolo I -. tbi
is lu.t i..iiii,i eut; in r raillery Im alwaya hurd; witbool
tl.. tir-'ur iu i- luiie, iu tbe 1111.1-,: uf aa Irrepevae?able
i..., .. i ...- i ,.u , I V. ii ll , .m i II,., tn II ul li- ul Ul..-' e\
is tbal cnttu tbt um, k aml l.uvi au on. B Wuuml.
...,e i .tu. ui tu out of beraeif, eater tato tbe -. ? ?
utbera, coucrive a i,,nn of tbongni aad roodnet otner
tii.iu ...t ii-, u. enwdeai?a,aad B*r
ruta ii rr irithnnt appoal Heraa erlseah ilated:
;u, lorco of ber rbaracter aad tbo barab aeTorlli a bei
. oiivici.uHe nre.ik o..i ?irvuga ber ui- -i- uud
0OI .. , , , . I l,i -.
li .: -.., re aot for the aathorltp ? hi b tbe ... um- :. af a
fi:.,, _ka i.ini" leii.ts to i is i -piniofi. aae woald ba
teoipted ' ,\, i.'.iui, m Itb Btr Bacb, " l 'a!;,- aal when a,
. ba - a pa i-ii," and r,, attrlbate a aaaBtcloaaly
iar-,i i>. rl tbaa be dooa la tha letb r> af thi.. aaaaj ?aaa
i ba !?-? ii.ii bj nu ii- peeparerof Ibi a Bat ihe preaa.
Br. Joba Oi.who took tbe Baaaa <>f UlBbrd, was ua
ninlc a T ry and flert-.- ,.i. .1 n Obta BBd v.oieiit i .
m rlter,;. ougb not uf ..? ? ?an a private ur dlatlngulaht d
litorarp i ? atbna ... Wlllh?o Ul?ord. ii<- eaaaa te
I .i -ui -. aad Iim-.i h, n- ,i.
un, ii be retarae i to Raglamt, Uia-Bi igaaf Loala xvi..
aadCompl u n, toryol th. Preaeb B rolutbm''(Loa*
<i, -.i. 1T94. l toL 4t..'., kia "Hletorj ol Fraoci fraai tbe
itotboEadof Iba Bbto?dl_aw(I-adoB,
-. ,-..., wero he.iw, a-> ln.- l,ri. I-r t'M
e.iri aere aaterlallp n-rht. Bba B-fUab Otttiaraaaeel
rewanlad lum witb a peaaJoa aad a pbaeeUi th'- poUea
acrrlce. C inkl the lettera ,.f a lady oa Preaeb aBalra t.e
? 1 at tbal tiiiu.- l.y aat li piteb aad nol be d??edl
Audwkyabaald aa Bajrliab lady. diapaeted witb what
v. a- pntaa oo al., U ber, bara -?- pro . Idea a
ahe ?'dea-rlbea" ba a eoaabrp Lvaat whieh, foraaytblng
tbal appean, abe had. aparl troai the foortei o bm
idetentkia aad la-areera-aa. betweea A
t opportanity ..f i
i.ut, BOtUagaaUle the qw atloa of Uterarp - rk??aa, tl
la er?teat tbat tbe aabjeal aiattor of tbo boob. \
,,i by eaefen?ibtoraorted opfron tbereporta
and otber data, :j ba i?- traated to mi far a*
e7e.f || iony li ,-- - r to L The
,11;.' ,,i iu traaalal a aad pobhoattoB to-day la
Prancc, arltb the editorlal earo, hoproTOBKnt, and
. * mj <?!. ,.n nt a Fi B EBloe, la
Vil,,,i t aa a I r tbe Bioaant apeclally to do with. Cbli
v.-;.. -. i, xmadeaTparcatbyaa t.traoalated
Ipaaat or
(raw bla aa?faeei
?? , i .-, i..t:i .i I'.-> m lmi.iri..iff.-1-r- ii'li-iL-ri
i lui- .11 .il- " ? ? , Ul ? '! - ?
,i, , e - iiue, t i u i- aalul u We bai
? i. . . ? ?
. difl n ut a loi
Uoi aof Furia; ut lt?at.ou great hi.-totians han
ui aaeb pui il I
.. .. r i-a-pe, f..'\ tu,- iiefa.1. and aa tl.. \
.? , in tbe -in '?
,? re wnne?t. li iatb?ttlial '?*? -n ald bave teen tbem
aud we uvi i In tboae ttaya. aod lt la _i readiug aueh U -
tiiuont aal ? uiaj r al y tranapurl
... M ,.. a cn - - - ui, , :- not i
ug him; liiaaiiiucb aa he baa heen wltneta, and
. tayen and h.:>ti ? he baa i i
\> ii".?- inoii.
out, lf joii bla liuj.i
-atioua that are lo la ael t.< tbe u.
? ',, , pera uil aui - and aattonal an
-; bal k? i> iu bi."'1 li '' badj letler
\., ,i, . -uutki r-i kuve ni :
. . ,,.. BU ? iu lOVt-8 Uil'' '
itj .tii.i i.. n... ol 1 ??? ???? ?' r-.liv of
n,d ln ii'-b n ui. d' r
... ol tbe
revi lutionarj
in- trlmeatre lu t*h.
..-.??. iu-.,.': ..: i.i ?'? Aad flnaliy . >?!.
mu. r ik " '?'?' ' ?' '
h in ,... ? itfa Barke, UouTerneur
lioti -. M...H i iiu I'..'. Dami i.t.i, aud all prao
Utailj >?.].. in-..,, .1 au ii. ke 'ii.
tin lutal -. ?' bave
..i uie gover-tueu ? ..." a ? u B,
.\ill.M- lil THB .11 1.1 !'!' II'N- "I' TINA-,
|PBOM A.*tH-li)1,-UivlL i UBBI -? 0B-BB1 01 IBB TRlBi'SE.1
Uavaba, .M.iK'lt -".i.?u tiilc th?- ta-e.fl-ed
by tin , aara fm ttM lappr
:?,n i.- drawlaa a ar, be La.- ba aobUpedBpe. dlly
ti Mototbi Eaatera Departiaaat, where tbo Bepa
grow atroaaar, bp rbboboI _m repeaied rlctorbaob*
ta.nci by the Cnbaa Gtmmii Oobm i aud Oarrldo. I um
Bjohia t" e.''-1' ?k'A a" aaa ,of tho
i.iie.-il iln i.i Ol 8 ii.- A ? . , . Ui Fl-UU
etaaoBaata, arhen tbe ewlaaiB of OoL i aea waa al
i.iiki-iltv the ji.itnots ,. ? Gai_?, this ckli-f
attaaiptejd t" , aaa te tba Jariadletteaof Paerto I'riu
efpe, Beheaaa BaaeoaMM trted t,, prereat, eeeae
, ibe Bpaa?b ebbtf rafaped Oarela ia two oa
roastera?0B8 ia Pepa ai.d the ta ak olaaBa
tn.- ii. uks oi iba itivi r (iinarioiA. Botb raabab?ita
foiight haaTOtJ, bat i.arel.i auccecled in r,,,.:iiK
Baaeoaea, aad raterad tato |the __trtrt of p*>
? rto ri-iiit ipa, whea aaatheraaaBaaaae?I taokptaaa ba>
tu,, ii the aaaae troepa Hara Iba Bu?Bphof Ua patriota
wus Beaac?iva that Baaaaaaa bad B laBra toTunus
arBh many wtiiiuded. Tho d?-adOB tba Buanish slde are
li-jiorted 10 Le BaOM thnn 40, and 1-88881 theCubana
wotau?lybaa, ln tbo iuiuc lurisrticUun athareagaga
meuts havo otcurnd. Tbe aaa aaaaap worth b_99?bariaaj
tuuk pini'? iiiJo^O Suuto, rho lU-jmblicaua klillug -?\-n
and wouuiling 12 men <lf tue SpaiualiI battalion 8an <a?uin
tln, Wln.h nt.r.-il in BasBeBBBB. The ( ulmii (i.-ii.ra..
Igmtclo Agiauionte, Viilaiu:! (:. Si?uninrd 8] tnrthi.ainl
rUngulli. eull hold the DiM'iutof Nusuza.-, witbout tho
Spuniunla aarlaaj to att.uik their cueumpuieuU.
Tbelii-publicttU iblef.Fiaucisco Vega baa bBB tbe j.iris
dta-tioa of Mati-iulllo with hls coliunn for tbat of Haa
Jago, where Bometblug startllug ls B-fOOtOd to Uko
plaoe this | lllll I - Joae Gonaalez and -BBaaa OlBJllll
leinalnwltb tlmu bands operating tbere. Tbe BpauUh
4Jol. Uaaa madi^a aortie.aa lf be were g-omg to atUck
Ceapetloa, but he did not dcem lt aafe to do ao, and re
tiirned 10 IBB8819 TheCubaua find tbemselvea 88SBae|
in .M i*iatri.'t..f Oaaat_aaa?tbat they b^9aaa_tl|
?ohio to tue htitiarba of tue cbief towu. Taey umde *
raiu ou tbe fnru- of La Connania. and carrmd BWapjaB
h. cHttle. witbout belug uioleMed lu tbe ait-t- A uad
,t tJinota ?... attarkfd lo tue valley a? ?? ^. ' - uf thi
h oaniVh ttut.j.a. wuo kdled tbr.e aud wotiuded of tbe
I. imi-r, winiM-illiig the remulndi-T '^,retl1r':Mll, _lrh _..
i.ii? itiria.iu-tiou of Esi'Titn Baiito. J, wirn nis
LtSu-a t!uimi?,ou tuo otu. r huud, ufnriu tbat
tbaVa-l oo.? aa/aaaad lha ripuumrtla w.Ui a kaaol B
t, le.i -ut iu et eed. .1 in traaalng Ibe ir.*h?. J,.-.- Oarrla
B.llt.l, mu .' , ,^n ?Uot. tlm form.-r ln E.v
aud t .irlna A.ouea i?a? t|U_iiiuro. Tuia provea
iiouih ?a tua taaa"'1 ,_.?.,!..,, ana. In Malanxaa Hna luive
l___i,tfilayi-rt i St altaaoab Ihe o.,g,n
l-,'*,n?', .uufl ?rutbfiis 1, utlrlouted to Ctib-iti ay mp.i
',' Ia 7 1 UoV Tbe Ih rti- ... tulnd thut tbla M the epoob
_l fl ll' ,., . eonnt ot tbe atrong wlnd., ragmg ... ht
_i nui t"e year. Tbe Bpaaha ataa M . a.inoiuiy
T,i ?; .im,, t ihe war. bm Ibla Bottap avaaa - to is- naaabl
w^a-ngara TT; VaiaabarrS taaaU^J* ^"JKbl
T-oi lu.y bet-oiAiAj greatiy uriuted.
mi tn i ami BBBB A PXBBBBI nekdT?TWO
rnr.B *g?). ( AMiiwaLroRRBapotPElfTOF'rHr TBIBI'rTR 1
San Mfusaki.ino. F.b. 3.?Sftn Brrti.triliuo,
which la a petal aeldnBi vl-uted by tourlxfa, and but litUr
known to the F txterr. BBtftB or fortnf r, liea alxty roilea
eaat from Loa Angelea. nuder the mouutain range from
which lt taha itx name. It haa aellmate more cbarnuiig
und h. .ilrtit.,! ln W.nta-r tean law Anffelex. aad no hotter
lu Ptimnier; bnt there hare be?u iuhob here, in tke lo**
groumla, of a mil.l tt pe of lutermittent ferer. Thia ia
uot pntvalent. however, aud oceura, I waa tol.l ny au iu
tel!i_ent pkpakBafl of tlie plaee. ebiefly amoug Uie daxa
whodriukthe -trong grape braudy ?f tha BBgfcBBaed
live otkcrwiKc curelexaly. Tue Bcn Bernardino Vall. y.
whl.h rontuna JC.oai m re., waa bought many yeara BBB,
i.y th.- Mormone. lu laaj, Bngham Young ealled hia <lia
Bptafl to Ualt Lake. but a large nuniber rtfnaed _* _o
from berr. and are xtul Uving hero tn peaee. They call
call t?uialvef Joaephites. I bellevc.und are an lmlux
tnoux, quiet people. Tho valiey they houghl la abund
an'ly watered. aod uppeara to m* one of tho uioxt fruit
ful parta at tka *-<,.:thern eountry. All the fruila aml
aaaa aatofl bn Mlaad M Lao aaflatoa growhere a aafl
--,.. | even better. I h.ive ti?.t eeen BBM
thriffy aaBP and <-l v<* tr.-.-a than at oue or two farmx
near thia towa. 'ilie valiey hax not ouiy BhaBflaBBB
of ruimlng W3t. r. < ou.iaut the year rouud, but
a large number of tlowing arteeiuri wella kBM
baaa beradi Bay pM flealag w?t?*r ot v.-r.v
gmnt iiualiry ut fnuu I'J) t? .x? Bl f, aml M U
uati_l to make a eetcii-luch b.ur, wnieli glv.a water
aaeajh la in:^-.ii.* a Bap ipaaa af ground. The aaaaaay
between Loa Angelea aud t-n bernardino rariea great ly
laeaalMy. laaa putta are rery Ib* Abeat B.u*
bottom'e, where you may xtop to diue, tluu . tatflUBfl luu.l: t. n milea beyoud you
reii.-h the famotia foeamuugo riueyard. whu b pta
dueea a ?r.-at daal o' whut xeerna to me a poot and
very apiniuoiix wme, aud abui .1 gixnl dcal of braiuly.
iteyoud tnut yea etoa Mt Ma aaaaa a tru.-i aktok
waaon.e. 1 ix u.'.. t. nn.. 1 ot kaa baaa aarared by a
waxbof bowlit.r-. -t..ii<-, am! gr.itel ftoii: tlie u10.1uta.11-.
Baa you "'f'T Ihe taBay aftaa aatek UUa taaa ix
tuiiie.l. whu h. witk Iha aojoiiilng tooilu..-, aaata
^.Tiat ira t "? flrat rlaa tanabtfl an.l arMaad laml per
beea aa atak at haU a ibIIBob ot ..<t ?*. aaai af U i aafl
vattred. A paadpraputttaaa IhtoB ba ptar-lobaada,
-..nn iiiv.-i..ii IM.1-; bal a laapi parta ,t laCougi aa
1 iad. n*'W aaertad froa eatn aattl tbe BaatB a fat it"
BaUreed ahall bata leaaied Ito alaataaOa eeetfcaa au
i.ueiy to ke apaa Oaeatry al Um deekii alaiaita tala
wiiUiu a ... .11 ..'i 11 aasthe
?? wiuiit oaa 1 ke. i- 1 ur."
In fhe ine.Hi lline I i.ol.i ??<! IkaB li. iii) I? Btl 1' <?? int:
laaeaaaeeaa ti.i 1 i. aad aaiofl H altk
v. ii. at aad kattej lateadlBB te pa aerap afl batati W 1
o|..-i, to 1 iitri, and 10 nn th. Laad, af Uotaaaaaatatef
tn- BaUraadl earpaay, bj aad .}? I abaataaed faraitae
i.imi nejn-!!u tewa, wllk aaaa atatty aetaaalfcto,toaoid
for from *i 1 - a traata ef Baa oa ta iaa i
lapteted tarau an- u.,t r. edttt keBflha, a Baaa aa i?"
ii f.-w. an.l Uny . . . A' " ' "-? |
.- ,, recenl keeahl kktaaaaaa.aaarttB k ra,
aad iai 1 tatalaa 1 ipar_ae, aa wrl
.. tbei bara eapllal, thay atU, no
, 1. aaa parrad, tot i ,
iiiiani laaa i laaB a 1 ? aadl a b 1
1. tarm kenee aal fraa t-6to
Um niaeal attlera m tka ptae .
atetytatelBeeatpraetteal buraaa,tald n.* tkat??g??
t,on aaa aot 1 ' tratacropa. Tkej ara kariry
ii. ra on Iha IfB 11 laaaary, aaa, afterUtk a \ I a erap
of fii.ui 4.'!" f" baakele t<. tke :.-.?. plaal eera
. iad, aml k-. t their aeBBd cr..p (ally rtpeai
,,:ten m maek a a et at knakeM per aaaa. Oaae
aaa m te kaakala 1 f kark ? laa d an aa
eeaaaea arapt aadl waa ikowBalatpB Beld, wktek, for
. v. 11 ii 1 rop <*r harlei aad
aa of eota aery year. alfalfa 1- tal aereB Uaea ta
Ua y.-ar, ta-i rieldB rr-n. ll te -1 taaa pei aea . II
lx f.-.l to b> . ! >"'v- >i"l *o plow bOTBTJ8, ai"l hoj-'X
k,,,, f.,, m 1, ,? ti,,- clkaato. Baera aatara baa
v. u weald, pet?pa, expeel
t,, tiu.: tkal ataa kad aaaa a Lw_a_?
gartk : "i ii.- ralley. I ??? " atld be grk
,;, - I..., , tt? . an ?- - . Bten Ute for
yeara on a pkae wltkoat planUap Ua m-'-i 1
fralttreea; aad Uaa _ ?> laekof BeaUkea ta tki tora
idlapa, ,.nu aa alref perettyaad tkriftl ? ?< ?
Bboattb. kotwea, ekkck dlaappolat aa_taterBBtaa l
Mipi.ii ut n.-; tkal tke people ?,,.?-... 1 ai
t_t_tfc ':?? layoatof Uaaapofaaark?;
? __.>, Baa ' kaa aa Importai l
i.t. j 1..1..1.1 a aUIerwko kaa to bay
. , r_t o to u.-< p kla bbUI raaatap 1 oato,
yow p. rfi ? Uy hi re, w a kre-fbt Irom tke npper
,.?,;,,.; . .,i?. ... .t .11 wkk h I laiin*
, I' berley britt.-- .' eeaft a aeaad kera,aad
., . ind 1 :?? ? aj '?" '?
oi'. BMBfkel --iii'i'.'i' aaai Ua tewa. Uteapk a maa mUtkl
?,.,-, ,, aaall totli?a to a year fraaa rejetahtoa aad
. rrk j. " TB : ? '? fla in ttkel lai a ??a . ? kaa
UolUlUg I" -?'.!." l- .0 "?'' ?
. i . ; UaTATtOB AB0 Bl -1 LTB,
.. aol aulveraal i __ud -
,r Ba lewn i aad tkati ? ? ?
toed deal 1
r I foaad a fauaar altk predae
.aaaa ,- BM kOW l'.a.lll.V ll.- foillul ..
wm,-, froa i.iiii:-.. .- p< ita].,
n aaeb a plaee a tkla;
bal .11?bm tt ? " ' ba ield : ? .ii.iiu.'.. Ior :? t.ot . veii 11 liarrel, over a > old. kt
n tke BBenltrratod part of ta .
? reoo bm ol
aren-ei 1 ao_eda_taed Lato tue mul.-t Bf thix
: taff-ara tkat, wltb
propet liiiii'linu' if kfta Iba Irat ci"i>, tbeir baat
lan 1. Ihey ptoa ta larley-atraw, wktek n-ta aatokly,
aad they Hty, aaa - ' aoll, ur .!? ?. poaeatk
aik.,11, Hia' iai* toBewlaa ayiatartkey may out laaariey,
wlteat, er eera. Ofeeat? wiar.- LrrtokBtoa B pn
Ika tar-MU !- U_atably laa?peadeal ;..f drea?
: tiatora laad ta tkii ? f la aa ln
?ad farin. r- ' <i ni- Bal iu aak i.i'.T ttay eeaated
'.,,..,n . 1 yeara. Th<- r-'taax
bopper, aaa daaatya lea j*-..r la
jjp |i - :-ti .-fiitiitry, cor.ea, it B aki,
after a ii ?> a i wa lea '?
tkal aiaahipiama ta dd aal beead on pleaad laad 11 do
aetkaewbo UUa 1 1 as Baj peha fraa bal a Ba
ued .-xp. ri- ii' ??; bal lt x.-i aa ptohai le, from eaat laaa
t.,1,1 that Un- Btaaape ia letaaaadwhea the aml tofte
qoentryaad UMaeairhrj ealUrated. Iha aetpkberaeod
?f BaaBBB 1 !'-| i" m.-aa adwlTBTda eeeatry
la, tkrUM raraaaa l?nd B akcapa ihan bbbb Loa
__?be,waea ia akaadanli Ikata ? MBI aaaek tery
.,. v aad r.i.ii. a.i laad) lhara B ^ fload
. , ..1 ptadwtoi the eoii ia bBbiwI BBttaaally
fx.'.-ll. ut.aud I de BOt doubt that a thrlfty New-Luarlaud
orBkw-Te?hu-aao aaaBI her.* taim a banja toafli La
eom.ortan.l 11..I.tpaBBa nee on to or at moat flt MBM af
,:?! and if he plai.t.'d 10 or 11 BflBtM iu aBBBflM aud wa -
Mta woi.ui, in 10 raaao, aara .? haatdaaaa baaae witk
, ?,_? -OaVflM tho reatof hia MfB. BY the um. the
S v la tettl..!, the floutkera IXelfla BalSroad. whoxc
i 1,, r/a e I )r.a..y workiug thia . ../. WtB rui. throiu-h
I.;.;. ar ..*. WW m xaaaaa am*, a_ak M akaady pva
aeaeex, it wUl uot laaa.
?kat aaaBaaaaaaaaa vabibd.
1, rr.irk me here aaclaewhere in UUa lower eountry.
,bL,ZoaaOMO. aaaa_B the oeat landa for thnfty farm
.r. The aoU la uauaily locae. though probably of leaa
?Uigfcrtlllty; water comoa from the mottutaiaa: the
vitwe are ; and the oi-ingo wlll cert-luly ,lo
lM,tter there than ou the plain. Tbe old Mlaalon 0.' laa
m.rn a ah.ipelett ruln, Uea hlgh up a_.oa.ffue
f.votluUa und i.000 foot above Baa Bernardino, lu _M BBB
Gorgouio Taaa. U.a a rlneyard which BBBdaBM tue tasat
llnht wtne I havo ta-ted la CalifornU-provtng. ouce
more what la nowgeuerally auapfcted by the tbougbtfiil
vine-irrowora of thia 8Ute, that tlie hiU aud niouuta
ililea wlU produoe the beat wlne here.
K.tx-iera m tbia eountry mu_e two mi.4T?a? not un
,-ouiuion U) Amcrlean farmera, bat leaa excuaaiUo uere
th-u claewhere. They try to own too much Und, and
tuey aro content witb abahlxy houaea. Kigbty acrea
willmavke an lnduatrurua tarmor rlch ln thla climat* ;
hia Uving ought to coat him rery little money after the
nr.t y_ar, for he may h.ato freah vegeUblea out of hia
ganlea erery month ln tke year; of potatoea, 100 buahela
to tlie acre la but a modomte rr?p; the tomafo rlne tveara
for two or three yeara ln aucce.^on; every frult tree of
tb" t.-mperat. aone be-ura here far more qiilckly than
with ua at the Eaat; and when the pepper troe aad tbe
acacle aud eiicalyptne grow from 10 to JU feet lu a a'.ngle
Baaaa, there la no eaauae for a Laek of abade about tlie
bouae. Aa to the boo-e Itaenf-tlie famlly Uvea ao mueb
outof doore. aud tka w.-nther ia eo Ono all tho year
round, that adweliiup appeara, 110 doubt. a aecoutlarj
.onlleraiioii M lt ia al.omimil.l.' bt aee a.-o-fo-do
farmera livlng. aa tb.-y <lo hereabout. ln ahabby little
ahantiea, aml to ttt.d tbe rureat ami lovelieet Bowerx
udornlugwhat looka to an laiatern man BBM llke B plg
u?b il._i. Ilkv ? hoUaW Bv doubt maur of thr i?'..n..
whom leomplain eame hither peor, and hare be-i-eme to llve aa thet retitinue to do , haif a
dnatn thrifty. neat. Nra Kngland famlllea wotibl make
aticb aeh;_uM> iu the itppeeraner of Bun Beruardino a*
woald amaae the old aettlers-nnleea. Ind.ed. they too
fell llito the waya of thelr predeeeaaora. *
a CAt.iroaaiA .olomt.
Fencee and housee are ln-st bullt bj eontra.l. I'lowlug
ean alao be d.,ne l?ji coiitranl. Tbe eouiniou faiui lubor
eri are Indtaua. They are doelle, know bow to hamlie
boraca, and are nsed for every blnd of labor. They re
cclve from 50 eenta Bt ll '13 per day, aud are a useful
people; ttmlr ouiy faalta being a propenaity to g.-t drunk
ou Kiturday night?nof, Irrreuhirly during the week,
how?"ver ?and to ? tnd.r fro-n jilaee to pta.-e. There are
but few Chiueee at .^an Be ra Bwwhb Bun li.-raardlno baa
a Methodl.t. Preabytertan, aud B Moruwn, aa well aa a
Catholic ( hurt-h It haa, also, what yon would hardly
flml lu a town of ita -U<- and ehat?rter onfaide of Cali
foniia. alarar, well built, and weii kept a hooi-houae.
The m hool bouees ln thi. Nfate are a nm?f?nt aurpnae to
an Eaat.-rii traveler. You flnd them every where ; and tf
yon are Intereatett In ediieation, you wfll eaelly diaeover
that tbe people take great latereat an<J pnde ln thelr
t~uh!t~aeiioois. "fbe sclioiil bi'iildinjf at >>an iCrnandino
Woabl ts' . rt ditahl,- t.i an Kistern town of lO.onO inbabir
anta. Arfeslan w.lis are BHMta here by the slinple prea
sure of n Ifter ii|mo a wrnught lron tul>e. The tlouble
.beef lron tube. eereii ln diameter,OBSBtl per
ftX't her, . and for lortng.iu whieb a.and puuipisuaed to
brlng np the cont.-nts.,f tbe j.Ijh-. thet harge i?|i jmt foot
lartba flt>t Baadrad bat, and to eenta per foot addi
tion.ii fnri 888] lBBB.ll f'?-t lower Tbo water usualty
flowa witU foree . nuiigli to eurry lt thfuugb a two-tory
house, r.nd in tii.-h ubundaace ihat it la n-*'d for Irrt
gataBB. BV ir BBB U. ruardluo BBB Bba land of ttM Rlver
-iite r.iiuuy. Th.loaaaaaaj owu-. h.hio _-p-h; m has
i nnighf water tlown in a flume, at eonsttl.-rulrte eoat.
eiioiigh to u.ttei uui aal] BBB trart. bul li.Ono Baaaa 89088
of a piabi ivuig BaaatWbB lower iIowb. Tiie laud bas
1 m'ii but lately ipened to .ettlemenf, and as it i- B large
apeaBaolraaBlala. Trtth tal .? Ba smaii baaaaa aeat Beaa aat baai aarp lavtting. The (i,u:
pai tr. i i.iii-i fur from fjo io 94? j*r aara; aad the
tharge ba aaaM aaaaa, tba aaaa) aaid m<-, ba abeat ti
p.-r aaaaa per a re. tai i",.i M aaaa, ttaaajB t tb?M. a
ll't., I- ki.idiy that tbat of tho vulley und fuoll,
rnardtao, i have aa aaaM tbal U afkadwhaal
.tn i frmi taaa: aud it offiira aaaaa advaataaea to aoaaeaa
whed-*rete aattta ta a eotoay. Time i* aJreatty a
? baaaa, a paa aah i. aad, of eeataa, an Bbaadaal
aappl] oi aataa Bat tbi arta aabad ft* laad is klgb
for thiH r.?g-uti. aad Ibe Caataaaj arepeoa m' n atrletlooi
;iiN',?: ii,.ui-. ;iing. nor. un.liiioin for iti i plabtlaf of
ahaeV treea. or tbe etj ..' hwptweaataal?aor, ladeed,
Bo Ibi f' tbal a part haaer aball bapraea at all.
a i_ai i.?i ' i raan
I aaa aot arrprued ba '?? teldthataer.aralefl
ii, r- bad beagM 11 ,T .s' aerea of th. Daapaaj baai .
i.ut tt.i. ralelogaerop Itow BBorlB aerea of the ad
i.iiiuiiL- OoTetWBM?rt aa I ra baad laad. Ika aaaaI a
naed bm tha? in aerea ao?kl aaapnrl a faatlrj, aad tbal
aawe tbaa 88 aereo were aol aeeeaaarj to a faraa r. Bal
i. m imatakea; bobmb aboabl roaae aatto tiii-pnrtof
tbeeaaatrpta aabe in- uvlag frtao th<- toadaadaal
iraatbai w,oi better yet, aa aere*. Itlatrae tbat wbaa
ln-u, |... orwalBBtei ahaaedorebard roaaeolote
aearlBg bn ~ II ataeoaae froaa bta aerea;
i.ut fui ihi-iu mu h \...;: ..t i,-.t i ei.-hi or ti.. yaara, aad
he liiil-f liv- IU tlie liieau liln. . Tller.- M BodoBbttkal
Blrera?re bae, la eat?awa wllb tbe aarrotiirdia* ? --intr .
aa . aaaaea adraatagea foi uaao?iptlrea aad ,
to broaobMkl Iroabka Tbe u'. m I
ati'i brnelar, aad tbe I.pwrBtara ttalfona and
..|ii..i Oae aaj Ik oat^.? alnioet eyerj day of tbe
>.-..r. m unt- tkmtbara CMBfaiaa, aad i baaa bm a, .m mv
:? um'. tloseaa ef people deepl] awae la eeaeaiaptlua
aaea tbey eaaw bere, wba bad bami reab .i tobealfB
i, roaldinoa la aaaar ma oftbe soai?ara eoaatk -.
. ,1 tpota like ^.tn i>.. ... !. n.-rth even of Sju Fran
. -, ii It wlU, uorbape, oectn to paa, aa lt did ta aae, ta
..,.'?- wb on toeb i greal pbtio,f?rBrewood.
1 , |.,., '? || , falli -. ul tt ,? . ur eullu..-.vuod, wlin ii
., ,. i yeara a aaa m.i) cut
,,,,,, b . ???'. t'-nee ii i ..uly Brewood, but
toaupp, ' ' ''' fi'i ?? ii ea T. > n tbe com
iiioii i.-u-t tn about Mau B.-rnar<llno, wbere anveral thou
-,,n,l aerea have been n, ?. li .: this Wluter?liow
? u i.i l li Wlnter, wblka l aui wi'ltiuglnan
.?it ii porco, aud ln thi ibaAi you aiay areoTerywbere
. i iwa '.f t'in'1' polea, from iiii-ee to alt lucbea in
tl.aiii- i. ? eiii.i. .ni.. tu. irruiiii'. wiii-li tt II preaently
. t IU' utt .ml ....,-., .-. .i i.. u< eiCi.e ?,, Uil ir.-. -.
? ii aui Ba Koai ii ..
' iSADA AS!> Ut l. PEOPLE.
!'R..| i.t Ti'.S TO BOBB UUHBIBt BEV i--?l:V ?
\ UOVEBBBBM1 01 l lUBTBI ?ruiir-ki.i.r
I KI kBD l BsM itl PI l "i ~ LAaTT-Ba.
| ,1 | ;(r h.'titur <, r l i, r 1 r t l, nt,
-,i. : 1 ii(- Caiiatliiiii people -BVB flatiu tO
beaa eoateat ta aaaaLvi tbeir Ideaa of peBUaal toBaoay
in.m ihe i-'r>. iraoe '? booM and piapaajaadlacaaf Oreal
? ? bepan aaaag Ba nra?i la bitter
...; iiiuiiiti' ..ii .ii i*.irai--m-aadarraatad datahtp
i ? abrnab the aaawa af uil thelr-Mtoetrb?,aa
BpoTortabed taboaera an- tlyiug ta
al?ra?ii tbe United Btatea, ta BTObt mevua
: le B I ,|. t:-i .it hi-in, lt M -ut a f>-w nioii'll- BMO
apriHBiaeBtPreBeaaaeatberof tba <,- i ??--?aara
-,. i. a lapoel ii in :i d. -i.-ieii to eiBBoarage caMgra
bt, ? ?- aaaot?il appcaprB
aa d were derot d to ItiditelpB Preaeh Caaadtaaa to re
nmtbi UaltedBtate. ji. potatod with inviu.i
tn me fele ur n .tue uoii,
ithward, aud aafced why Earo
.: i..| r.> ... .-..iintry
, ? , fi ...i ta na -??*? taitaaaVbaa aeopto. Iba
r-iuMan o- Quebet adeuarrett bp aataa*froaaeaer be*
ifomlf'8 a prnlll.l il' iigri.Uitura: euillltrv, but. i-i. by tho
Kiin. bealaa aa-acv. epeetally adapfad t., pradaeitra
n.aiiui.i ',. -;i.g ladaatry. 'f '?* n< a ta alaorala aad
.. aad baa kateo waia poaer eaaagb to drtva
ooaa,bitbe, .trit lor:.. la the lintish laiaadi aad
Bad lt exportiag Ita oroa to ? aaelted laAui.-n
? . r tba hlpb Aawrkaa fevattoa oa
.- ii ,, . a ir-'i, rerBaaeal la rodared
tn ? be wi-.-i.-tn d ' i|N-iin-iit uf aetUag the bb-Uc utada aad
.., ?_ , io ir- Treaoary, bt eaaae
tue Caaadlaa popo ????? ? aad ttra
BM i- ,.)iii| H..I to fullOW Clliuii.tu
.h of ? aple) aeol to BTOtd tc_nra>
ti,.,. Tbla M ti" ' - ' - v- moai, Bew-Baap
eiure. M mi'- aad Baeaaehaaetbi awaraa wUb bardy und
Indaa'trtoua Preaeb Caaad ua eaper for aaap-rya-Bt,
wblcb, whea tbey bave obtataed Lt, eaabba theaa te
brlng ba their fai I aad iiomuu r.,ti?)iio
pariabee, witb Preaeb Caaadlaa Cathelle arleata, aa
?prlagtag Bp Lo ari o eaaatderabta BUoafaetorlag toaa
j? Bew-Bagtaad. Here M M Pree Tra.i- " BhaBaaad.
?. alooe af the Bcortoeea ef tbe Vew D'>
mmton adtetrti d b] thla bBfbt Thefall.v yth.-.t fi-e.-trado
la bow tt. Lal toacrlealtatal uaainflBllha m ah.iwn in Ba
,n ?!. miarJoala . II aaa ?? re baofl and at-raaera
rarorable elkaate for faruilng Quebo.-, and ls
geaerall] aaoa pitMajeiaa- But m caaada tbt mark.-t
?f tin i.trm- r M bba UBBBHJ BtOTO. It ls well enoiich
that be aboabl obb_BBB to? and ee_oe free from im
.?,-.:. bat the pteooBderaaea af what be buya ta a laaae
ureti iratioo of tae nw prodaeta of bla own eaO aud tuii,
witbtbe lnteraal aad extenUI tazea of other natioua
added. It may be urge.l tbai. he enjoya the advautage
of u niarket ut his door. Thu al*> ia a fallaey. Tue
?tore-keeper tnu.-t earry ttaea prodaeB to a forelga
m trket, ai?l the pr'.i e fh.-re |a what aavataa th<- pneo at
wiilt-b the farmer must s.-U witb the eoat of transporta
ri.tu ind all otber ek_rgea dfdaBed. The farmer ln
? tnadaae?e, ln a aarelga market, witb aU
,-ii.irgeaaud tlie prodtsof tbo uiultlfarluiis hordeof middlo
tradera taken out of tbaprleebe reeetVea. aud he buya
from k?e forelgu manuf.i. turer tha urtl, leshe uses, witb
the taxea aud proflts of tno produclng countrv, trans
yortiition, luatir?uce, aud latereat, and tue protfts of Uie
ureedv crewof middlo tr.ider-* r.peated, added to the
jirlee be ptiyi. Tbe fruc market la tbe eeB?BBBBj
tiun ?, and lf aud 888?B?Mrare approxiuiated,
tjaii-|'-?rt.ifion, insurauce ind all tho other Lm ld.-ntal
chargee. whieh are dead lossi-a ln ao far as transuctioua
between producer and 808808888 are concernetl, are cut
off A liu.-y m?mtfaeturlutf jMi|iuiati,.u at humecan par
for what the farmer producea witbout aondiug lt abrou.I.
and a.tlrlty and contentment w_l Uko tho place of
puralyaw uud wrctebedness.
Let me gluu, e at aotue of the reaulta of Free Trade ln
Caaada. Tbe farmer, aa l have said above. ls vlrtually
ut th.- aarey <>f tu.- eaaaarvetaaaaaaaar, who ta Bur. the
u:.iit of tbe liuporter. The former ia almost alwaya
ln tbo debt of the latter, uuleas he llves near a town, tlie
advanu.esof wbiih relation are obvious. The power
aud itujiorUuce of the storekeeper augmeut aa Uie lu
debteducsa aud ounaequent dependence of the farmer
lu. rauM-, and hia taBBB-88 ta ouiy divided by tbe country
lawyer, who haa aleo acijulred power through tho we?k
n.-aa aud em!>arrasameots of the farmer lt may be
oue or botti are agents of tha TTuat and Loau ('.wupany -
unotb.-r of the ingenlous luatlfutlous tbat deatrty tbe
h.tppineaa of the faruier In Cauada. Tbe ludepeudetit
ti'.. r <>f the eoil, who ean pay bia debta to
tuith sforekeeper and lawyer, ia aonieuuiea t<-uipteil
to Bta-eiUate ? ?ay ?i luiuber ? and BOada a ?uiall
I,.?u. Tho generoua Coiupuny l.i ready, through
\t? ageut, the aton-keeper or lawyer, to aaaaaa
modate, taklua* a mortgaae on the noiu?stead. aml
tbua Htands iu the relation of the tnetaj.hor-.eal " unrle"
tu tb<- fartm r. Here t? another eletneut of power cou
frull.-d by the stnrekeejier aml lawyer, ai .1 when tbe
furnier eomea to tbe polli, ta It unllkiely tbat tbe-a- eu
ifiitea are worUed to tin if uttiiu'd lo etTe.-t ibe lHilltleai
reaulte t Here ls dlacovt-rett tbe ?eer?-t of the iifter lask
of euHghteniiient ln the a iv-muental poll.-y uf tlu
ranadlana. We have tlie expl.tuatlon of tbe peipetnallr
recurrtng aeruiuble for tne 088088, tbe dagraduig coail
tioi.B ln wbieb tbe arlaelplea ihat araaaarajtiaail t" uuib't
lie the u.iii.i, of partl.-M ur.- sacrin.-etl whenever
it i.oBaea eoaveab?uB Caaada .? Bovaraad b) aaaa?ap
atorek??*?per. and u_terupulttoa lawyera, w l. jaiwer
will t-oBunne lo ia- mprente uatll tbe BaopB urr eaua l
jj.ii.-: by j'rut. i.tmn t? Uuuii ludu>uy auii I'airoaaal
HillTril|ee B
Acat rerb Mart b a?. 191 a.
T o thr t.'ltl'ir nt The T r i b ti n ' .
h:n: Iu eotnplianee with your rwiuoat. I liaater, to
give yon a few facta showing tlie advanfag. * I bBBBB
aataa te aaaaaaa. TasMateaf Ooaflaa aaflajaaxa a
vaxt tr?4*t <,f laad, an area of ?ver loo.ixai aonare
uiil.H. with a paaadaaafli <u "ni: HuW; aHaalBg, "n
an average, o*,er a xrjuare mil<-1.< eurk individiutl ;
while tbe >t;ite of N.-w York, with au area ot 47,i* I
a.|ii;ir.* mib-a. ha* a pnpiiktriou of over 4,'?ai,ia?i.
Ali.i.'-t Btate foot of land on the Pneiii. e.,aat.
wb-rber bill or ?.ullev. or plaiii, baa a -ol
ri< h, deep, loamy. and ppxineti*.'-. It ta <>ti-of tha
hmat wlieat-ar-'W ing and et.x k-raixitig cuutriea in
tl,. v-orl.l. Tlio fine whiti- wheat. with ita full.
plump kern.l.x. ] leltla from tot.." Uualu Oa to the
aere; inaking iwert, ught, B__8 br.-atl. t.t u>
a. t before a king. or tlie huabuudnian wiio earna hia
lliea.l l.y Tlie xwiiil of 1.1.-4 BBB*. N"f ""?>' '''?" ,,l,*k'
fcat cattle f.-.d m the liixiinant wil.l graMnee all tite
war ronn.l, withont Baaktafl ahelter other
than the broad-apn-adiiig BBBBBI nfford hut
the poor. tire.l. Tliin, worn-out eungrant
tutrle. turn.d out late ia the rall, gain rl.-h ai
Winter, an.l l.y Bgatefl pal rolling fat. Aa thia ie ??
d___d_reM _ee_pe_aaaaaf laaaarfl bbbbbb, 1
f . I ii mv ilurv BB give you an extraet from au ad
.ireaal.y th,-Uon. Wm. I). kVll.y. lle jaaaoa tbe
toiiowinir from th. repertef aaaoaayetaeari
"The fa.'t that twtBBByeahaaab d _laala,jai... <i aal
aWtoMreat-eplaiuaoa th.? uixi of BoreoiUrr.eoaie in tbe !x--l .oi..!lti..u. an.l with the loa. of ?.i ?
the oioxt' eoiom.-utati-y ' ' "' uiake on t_< i|uallty
of f he naaa aed tka character of tlu- WtBtet.
More a?aeaeaa? el tbia. _. aadSasij fertaa re
- Iviiigi.U". only waiti.ig ta, Im; tille.1 bv tba t.. yi. 1.1 tbe riclnxt r.-ward. Tb.- 11?BB
1-a. ni.- Bai?aad B alaaafly tektafa lurg-* aaBaratJaa
to tbe ra.iti.-..'a.-t, an.l tbe < ?r* iron aud Oal t'orni.a
Railroad. nniiiiiiir tbe eritir.- l.-ngrb of tb<: Btate aud
iBBBMllBl witb tlo- 1'tiion PX?8a, wt'l wiO'l
i? ,.,n;pl. i d. A IBad ix lai.l.iuf fr.mi I'i.i?i.l-iid,
aleafl B_ CuluMhia Rfear, t<> eeaaoal wni. th*
\..rtli.-rii I'a. ni*. aad aaetaar, baaa rortland, BflflBfl
Waeihiaptoa Teintorv. to te- BB??aa af tbe
Morth.-ni Peeifle. Aad It aa la pradtetefl, al thu
t.tniiiiux Um lt.'.u lii.tii.m.iix .i tha aoaataaat is t.i
I,.- titiilt. weefcall aitr.-ly r<-:i|i bbm adraatao - i Orcfloa, beiaffM el italy eaaaaetad by ra.i.
StiH aaetbei road ia m pttaaeet, t?_Mettof tlaCea i'a, ni. at .it.oiut whereu apaaaa _a ttaaaeldt
rirer, aith ta lalifbraia aad Orefoa fc??flattata
aUlut ahutii II tioaaoatha Wfllaaatta ris.r, .eiving;
earyeaaB,thrirlafl Btate, al? Ua an<l
delichU . rlir.*.* lo?g Baeaal rallreatl Ic
b.i- iin . \r.-t, ?' !ii'- ai tbe linee-t
harboraia Iha eerld. We beteael a haaaaai-in
Btate by aay aaaaa. Ir ix \?r aay forpaepaeta
ii-et otiT ..I tbe .-..liiiirv ii th. % ii,. n?.r satisrieii j but
tl, trrmlileifl ther ip v.t want t?. laa we \ aiuitkatia
i...-I.-ii. i....,.i' kaew a _ttaeaBaat_teWaaB>
era ti. pe. lt ia !.k>* that etb * " i*"'iiti* btaa wbtch
BO trav.l' rr. um-."
iiii'.r the H.,ine--.:i<l Laa aaj. Beraaa aaerll
ye_a' ' ./i-iiof tbe L'Bited Bl
titled '? I laad by takiag peaaaa. ? ? Baa
ur-. aad - ttlioj ao lt, : . -.. ba <'f
?111 waa '?'.! ami wideaa an- ?? ititted ta
th, t,ii - . - ni- law. 1 bara Ilred iu Oi
in ib.- b iirt ... th, ...i ..i" . i.aad hnow
w ? -.?? ,i i:!.<- tbii,-' it ia furweaaa ta ewn laad La
tlo-ir ewn riphl .in.l title. I aaa oaa "i tboae
fortim.if*' wo-ii.-ii wbo b.-l.l ?fl B'RI un<i. r th?>
Dnnation A* t ?.f 1861, bjoted I". Haaael 1.'. IhanBoB.
I know bow tb< motbera who own laml i.uill
? for themeelvea and ebildret,.
- qaema thej rciiani in their owa d ?
I ??: bm
\n hotieat 1.1.. r. .iiiitii an.l bi** wife, wilb .i fntnh ori
.?tiil.Ir.'i. took a .l.'nutioii < lairn. part ef it Iull-i.imt
nn.l p.irr v.ill.T, witb a beanliaful itreaa <-t waVr
ll.iwuig ti.ioiii.!, it. an.l one of fli*- ti'*-' Bjwinaa
l.iiN;i:l,'-|)?airi.' aml Uiie tiiiila-r
iu fa.-t. ? rery aeali-ble locality. iii.- ie"; a |M
glrla grww i? flaaaheod aadweataaaeoal, tu.ui. >' a ?* on fannaof their own, fnllowiaa tha r/xampla
of their wdrthj pannta. Tne old faiiiu r w.ix thrifty
.i...l tndnati Um ?, andaooa^bad targe berda ol
? ,! hot ? -. v itb I-. >? .? '< t of laml nnd. :
cultivat.ion. II. boilta Baa eountry reaideace. aaaJ
'? I.. nnd .i1" lt if "r. iiar.t. .we.'i.:
Apple aad ,*<?:<' urtt ?? i ? bap.'
He waa a fine old prratlenai bb i^et
a " le.u:...! i.lii. k-mitii;" forl kn."v be aaa one ?!
the franiera of the ' o-atitutioQ of our Btate, A few
? ag.. th< nld man di*->!. leai inga will, in -v hi- ti
hoproviil aanrplj' for hifl -'; ibirea, -."?? init ?
,. -rv to Iii- wife. To be ili-p- ?-? -?.
IDf,,' ? ft itb. Tbe old laly -it- th*-r.- i*i
l?.r ,.:. , , tling with a ftnn tbonpfa g?;nfle
aw.iv?a it "? ti i" ber owu (teoMhold. Bhe ot na the
ii.i.l- au.i i. rdattghteraaadmen-growaaeoa know
j; ,,.,; ,. ,|,'t',rcii.-- .lu. fo aaagedm laer.
I ii.,-.. i . . ;-. ti.. ta S.r-'. '' MoflMT, fltB 1 ou g-.ingt.)
nae your iarriage aad horaaa te_tyl J woubl
i,;v,. t.. take a .Iriv..." Bbe ia n* t t..-*?i|
abont u- many weawa are in tbeir "l?l ag.-.
to iin.l u home in tbe f.miili..- of sons and .I-.u-'u. t-.
abo co_ai-~r the old lady a bnrden, aad -nitr Ue.r
from ou-- to another, aatilal laet -Im iagtad te nnd
_i*i un ahnahooea. Tbiukof Qtia,_eai girU,
before tbe roaeate glowof voath aad beeal
C.l.'.l from yoni? ebeeka. And y.?_,ay aohie
brothera, trl"r\ Ing ia the tot
hiKxL thu_ wbat it ia 1 lay th foondaUoo I
iin.-ii'iui.a. mi voiirowa laad. f'.uil.l towna aad
itart an enterpn'* t-at will eventually i
.- cifiea, wh< r.- vou will be j
m'i.I I,;... k i.nt your owa fatnrr, ina ead - I
deritnga or birelinga, doing tbi bid *ber
Bian; where, if hy accident, atel -*?--. oi
Dfill'V kl!! -I. 1 ' li :""'' "I1* ''-lV ' I " ' ;' ?' llK
,,.',! ... o um-t foed on tue Mtter bn ad of
-buritj . . .
An.l erery man aad woaata wti'' hate c-uerpy
etioiigli to g<.' u-i "t ;l I" B city, Me doiug a - l.r. .
foblactol -?ii.-vol. ii. i'-aetfitiif a goodexaaple t.?r
othera tofollow; leariafl rotafl for th.ea ixlund;
rartingontarawiwayof pruaperity aad pleo
thi iu.-elvex. Why, t-K-y may t_ti.uu in thia .'.:'. f"r
ever, wotking for daily wagea, econoaiiatng, >* li.*m
iiiar. plaani-g*and Boteaira anengti ta bu . ri..m
? - li'tn.-. ot l.-avi- a:competeacy for tlu ii
.Ir.'ti. We .ion t expeet in*:.. .i women i
Weataadliti tahKHated boaaa; we want them t.?
go in erowde, in eM^e-ade peeple ef everj Bade :in?l'igb t<> lay 'be loiimlariDU for a lan ?
city tba t al year.aiad baild giiel luilla, aa* milla,
\'t,-iiiilla. Our boobbb heterite are alnady
doing un axteaatta bu>iuvaa. Tim uool-.h*,
af dregon ior _a year eadiag J.:..-. io?",
na retitrneii by tlie ciisus wan l.tBX\_B immiii.I-.
An.l. a.'.'opling t" Iba >iix, tlo- .!
tiiiite is nx b.-alrbfiil i'..r p.-..ple aa t'.?r -
the aaaaa] deeth rat.-1 eing only one r<> .-s.-rv . B
habitantoi thaa-tal_-4 ii. tbe be_?_M >uit<- iu tbo
The WIHaiiiella raOeyhaa aahal tha afffaUattea
pf tlu* " Or.-biU'd ?>f tha VVi.rl.l." Ap|>l?-.- afi-.w la
B8B_aha___M tbat Ihelifflba have ta be propeed
up t<> prereal tlu'iu tnim bwaaiag aadM tu. wenrfit
of tbeir l)!inl**n brng beftaa the lrnir rip.-na.
" Gloria-mundi'a" ofton meaaiire , 29 taebea in
eireiimfereiiee, leting larger thau BbtBfl meu a lie?dx.
1 abould be lotb le uutke tbia aes, rt lea B?a it uot a
fa<*t well-known to all tieiteta t<> thia lagtaa; aad
let mo aay just here that there ara no BJ-riveted,
woitd-eaten defornntiea t<> tbe ta'r. reaad, t'uJl
ness of the fruit. Laaaioaa peaia, that meit ia reai
mouth, antl aweet. juicy pliiius, ar?-1.?) plaaty ta l?e
aluxury. At thia tune ol tba year. tbe a;.*
in fud bli.oni; the graae is a laol lngb ; the deh< lou*
wild atrawlrernea aro ri|H-uii,?, aml by tbe
laet of April will be in aerflaetieai. ('m-raut-.. n_s'
berriea. gooeern'mea, blackberriea, uud huc_leb.*rrH.-a
Bjrew in profuaion.
Men and wouicti who. by mostfnieal ?_BBgT?MBt,
cuti uever bope to beland-owiier- .r pr.ip.-rry iii.l.l.irx
in auv LaatoruS?t.*. might U-tti i x?\, , \.i i, eeatof
their hard-earued mouey, atarf al OBBO BXT Oregmi.
aud tuke poeiae? ion of tue virgin umuI l-etoro it u. all
in the banda of railroad mouopoliara. A aaall
e-tBrr?1, not BU?cient l'.?r pin-niotiey for a montb in
New-iork, will give you a start; and witb raergy.
porscverauce, and inilttstry in that deligli'fiil
climate, with ita elear aky. balmy air. luiuiut? n
graadear,aaa maguiueent foriaoa, Ita poap, .wiit
rolling rivers, andquiet, nitetliiiif taUeya,yoa <.iu
tiot t.tU |a aaajB?M pnueely fortuuea aud aavaahla
poaitioUB in a verv few yeara.
M. P. -aw IKI.LB. M.U. all Eaat 1'i'teenih af.
Wm Turk, Aptil 10, BBB
THK riALAJtlEW OI>' rnB B-Bf?B T . olBT Jl IH.ES.
To fAe A'dilor* ef Tke Jrttaaf.
Sik: Tbe bill mtr.xlu. .-.1 iu the. Baafltl to
tlx the aul.irlea of Jutllelal ottieerx, i?. 11-. the Iil.ui.'t
Court Judgex at >;,.vm a year. A toiiar je.pi.iiutuu. ?- wftli
tbe Uiatricl toiirM Juatlfl. e uie tn aayiug tbat the aalary
aa tix.-d lu tbe bill la uot onlv entlrely too higb. but ia
contrary to the wlfhea of all true, coualateut and avi;
a.trixed Befunuen.. It la not tu> luteutiou to undurrati*
the OatrU-t Court Judgex, hut it la pat.-nt to eit-rv inh
ligent peraon thut Uie hlgbeat .ent-r of Irit-l ta.eiit kt
not re.|iure.t. au.t ..-rtauuy ta uot |?o*im?eK-tt bf U?
Ju.lgeaof the c.mrte in aaea?a, . Aa.axi
a yi-.., wouul ix- _iuple x?i.irv fi i th. takutl i iiiplovi-'i
amt aerriees reuib-ic.i, aml W'lui't tee_re abaatset .-ni-x
of men thau iu>w iiilliilnlat.T jua-oa tu tl.wa* ate?ta. If
BtaflaaaflaaaaldeeS t?>r . etaieiueii. ?f what Uh* rka
in.l . otntx ci.-t the clty ay.sir, aud of ihe aimuint of
aaa pald tate the CMy Treanarr, tae I. .i-'anit? woald
aare xaiiue .i.if.i to ix* k'ov.-it.-.i i.v ia ita aaa er it
hiilf of ib.-m wi-re .1 ir woul.l ia- an .i,-oi ,.,, to the city rieaxuri aml to llilafanla al..,, aml a
lo-a tO .la,iinnx war.l l?ili:i.-iall?oeal, Jl'Bi l< a,.
.Vra Iwl, A|.i I f. le.i.