OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 13, 1872, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-04-13/ed-1/seq-6/

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Oi? r-rcmcnlc, ftc, Cltffl Crrnirg.
iMi.v'.n.ii-Mr^'. UH.l i '?iO;vra:"Kipo
B P.repa-U,_ Ui. taaBtg. ...J II If Wf MII
r?,.?tit'< TeTBATK? At 1| an.l B1 s: " A Sh.-.-t. in
W..1'? ,-:..-!. r,; " BBd " Ihe H..neTixr.ir .*' M ? la W i.-<|
Hk..i!'W.Y TaBATBBa? At '-' an.l llt H: " (iold."
M<*e 14.
Firin AviM'i: TflSATBB. -At 1| aml at ll MA>
Uauwp Opbbi Hobbb. Ai I aafl nt s: ' Uiia
K.xvll, " M .. l .
iiw Ktvwitre Tbbat_b.?Al landatSi Ltttto
i .......-' Tka t?aaaai Bkalafa.
Nnnaya Gabobb.?AttaadatS: "PoUaaB Part
aer J.*." NaaJeba Waa?.
ntVMi'ir Tn, ami:.- Al I BBd ?"! ?i " Ilnmpty
t. l, Ba?
s -,,t ua; 1 iha ii.it. Ai MaadatSs Yaiicty
WAiiJKTfa Th-atbb.- At H. ItaMaa_Operai
?Paaat- Bta BBaaaa. kt ? *????*
c . *!-i b iN.-TirriK.- Iteetara. BeV. I>r. Baanai
\,,,,,*,., A. tfi-MV O? Pi-d.-.N. Tweiity-thirtl-Bt.
.,,- |-..a-i - '? taj aMBVjbt
.-4S r_ua aoo MiNsiKKis.-'.iucii. waMhnld.ete.
I'Mftiti Rnnt.- M 8aad to B: Banmaa- M?eaat,
Bl. n f ? ?? KiLil.u.eB.
k ,. ;[ ClBCVia, l'oun.'eiilb-st.. between Tbii.l
, ,?? -At .'| ?Blkt8: -.la.-'i tht-lii.nt Fllie.-."
DllSUlCGO IXoticcs.
To Bi uwaa oa Tbb Tbibubbi
TlelJexerU A,ciJ<t-.tr,...ne...f tbe T.iim I k. | ll B_?B Cea
, .,, -, . |, - . !,'.. .,f aar kulLoriaJ a_.Bt, wnbont
. r.n ilu-.i al M??__???i
.'..-. tlie iii.iiitb oryeer.
rtr> , ,. .nji.it ..ieaLilpri.fi-? oaa.
. . .i.eral ai-.lJei.l_
i ., rroall anr_
tl, aame. a'.l eiree from 18 u% to
,.. la to a',1 claaaes of m.n.
. ai I.ur aaa
Hrw-Tark ofire. BTI Bra?war._
A t'M.-t.. FROM Ui:.':V YVabd Bbecbbb AND
n . . tera 'or ? In-f-er or l
. Hi . a 1-iri." ina liave ,)??
|-> .-. .? ? : i- iiTrtea la Ike afeoti n
iiraia. ai-.l ta all eaaae
-.. eraagh raiae. arltk BBta fa
i ? '? uaa.
Wo. Ie,:. nrpntauT.-a,
. " >'? Sj-caoaa,
1'. "n -M "?i..'--.,.i-..
. , ,.t . ? & < 11 U-.AV
, ,:.. i? Nu. aa rn-.ii-.ive.,
. ; tar )?
B I._
\,', i-.... ,s of iill kimlrt repaired
l ae. B-ewataa. B Cert
_ ___
i trciiKLona Haw Dtb.?Tba W in tbo
. k_ra_a, peifect. Ari.li?J at lactorr, Ba lo
AliTlKiriAl.lTIKS-l'M Mi R'fl LiMBS.
, ...ts.i : . .'l i ; 31 ajwea-al
l-'tl/K I'A' KA..K.?A bOttlO VVlIXlABfl- __?
, ? ...kk; prtea, t*> e
Wtwd Ciiriwiting, 480 Broadway, cannot be
foretrl d.ral.lil axoaoaj ! etwtaa^er._
Tbb Cbbsapbakb aiid Ohio IIaii.roadFiijst
Btoan?ea . ii PnCBwt ..i in Baaaa ara aaaaa tlie most roUtiBtik!
, . . ?e tu rix-onmcnJ for lnreatmet-U
Tli. Imh blJ l'i_i loterc-..ti. alofl? tle liuc r.f tlie roaJ ar. k'.lr
waraeti .n t>st m'.ners'J ia tbia eotui
tn i.li.i.a' i:r t.nt, ei.-! ?r.-foi.n! t? la-iu'-r. raliia'.le kixl im(iortaDt
ILan tt...-.- of my .itl.'r feeiiou ol tl.e f... etty.
IV.laaa I ax, 8_W. Tanw-v,aal MBicfMva? Rxoracraof
i ii ?!,.<-li it UkT.rrfi,tr.jet!.er?ith tl.c Ikraaft t_8a t
. iii.nJ a? k lAorl, loir-j7ra??, rnn-. i / laietA Wtk\ TrunX
/.'?,*, a.-iBre ea iaaeBK iBd profitelle bnilti???.
Ui, liniiJi, M i.bJ kccraei liitrrf.l frcra Xor. L Plbtlpalt?
i- laaaal paraM k goU m Baw-Taa Titj.
F.ll iBforwiet.--3 furnlabe.1 ob eppllretioB.
Wa k aai aafl BeraBamaai n-d Batrtau Pictnr Pwta, aol re
ce.re t.e.-a in ri.-'.aiate fur Ckeaip.ake kk.1 Ohin Bn le kt tbeir mrrtrt
II.RritT li?a,
a. s iu u.
Yti* k Hirca.
J)iti> f'-rr \i. Mail .-'libseriliers. $10 pei Hiiniim.
Htrtu Wi i m y l nir.i"-r', Mail 8ubeeribtira, J"?! bmbb,
S\ i i i.i.y riuauNB, .Mail Ltabaaribeaa, $8por aaaaai.
Advertiaing 1. a t o a.
DtriY 1 i:mim . BOe., 4i'e.. .r,o,-.. '.".?.. and $1 P'T line.
Fi -. \-\\ i *. i'. i Rim mt, B and Sfl oenta per line.
^? : . .--.*. >::, aud (5 pei line,
Aecording topo.iiiii-ti iu tbe paper.
Tenaa, i ?). La advaace.
a^ddiiBs. '1 ur. Tr.inuNK. naw-ior?
Tnirt ni. Advertiaera resiflintr up town may
BHveil ? ua . ' ? jonrney down-town by leaviug their
? i, al itb Mr. Brown, at Ko. Hi Weat Thlrty
m ,., ; .t ,? , ., W, ? Tv.ei.ty-thii.l-xt.. oppoalU
?. ...il Opera Houae. Mr. Brown rocelvea advertiM
i,? nix up lo i p. i.i., Bl tbe regntar tdaea ratea
AtTrertiaera in Brooktya will find it rery
, ,?:.;:.?! ive their adverttaeiuenta at 44 Cottrt-at.,
City II ui. Tke offl *e la op. n Uil 5 p. a.
T R I 1* I. ? S II E E T.
Mr.Otadataee,yeatorday,aaaeaaeal ta the ii.maeof
foininoti- th. taraa apoa wktek Ika eounter-caso would
\, adtnltad to tke Geaera Mkaaai Eirl oranviiie
ii oi. aalBdiaraBBtoaaaal ln the IIou'o of laords. The
ll pf CoBueoaa kad the iBteraaltoaal BectotyaadM
1011 laxt n.'ktht. ----- -- BaBorCaeteeai haa ii.l(3r.-.--.(-(l
u aaeaha al Bevflle ea the ain of the Bapaklteaa party.
] I,. laaoireeteuearj aaoraaaaata ta Bpain appear to be
,- (en.U'.ili.
Iu the V. B B l Ba, paatoaaay, a bill waa introduced to
Btaead Iha latila Bailroad aet. ^=^= In the Iiouae,
ClvflBaitoa rcfonu waa de.'< nded by Mr. Garfl.ld, bat
l ,.i trtoadl of tbi Adminiatration redueedthe appropna
l:on tor that parpeM to 110,000. A resolutlou waaiiitro
,i-ue.i ,tafliaa f"r lnformatlon concerniug the Mt?can
aaaaaa ou taa Kio uraude.
K. v.-nty livea were loat by the ateatnboat explosion on
11. Mtoaaappt aaaa A loeomotlVO boiler BBptadad ??
ll,., Mie-o iii laaBto lUiIroad. t^ _a Tbo .StaU; Aaaeuibly
i,i pa aad taa O Btral D-dargreaad ltaiiroad i.ui. aaaai
Ti.'-fi'-ab.-t utAibu*. tot UBag. eaaaaa AWOOtoaB_fl
Baal bm baraed at BprlagBeM, B ?.-.
Sen.itor Beharo aal Iraatkall itilrtrexaed an lnimenx.'
i laaaaUag atUkaaal BapakUeaaM Oeopa iuafi
t oeld, ii"i. uo|. ""I- a-araaaatar, tf,
I* ? BP. ____________
I_?r reporta froin the shoeklag Ktcnmiioat
fxpio-i'it) oa tlu* Miaaiaaippl whow that tha lo*?
ut liu* waa jeBiatin ib;tu at fltat nported,
ISC.irly aereaty peraana wt5iB killed, aml a
frre-l Baatb? lioni'.>ly woaadad. No attumpt
LaM y. t baaa anada to asalaia tbe caune of
?tbia (li.:ifli..l tvlanjgbter. Tben nro awear*
BBeaa aiiniit the wreek <>f tbt- tagboat wliicb
fxploilid in Nortl. JKivcr on Tliiirsday that
ludicatc tli.it tiu- baat a*id lioilcr were rottin.
NVxt to tlu: Ciiiuoii u.'iil tlie* BiK Oriran,
Beatoa aata ita gnai rtora hytha School Ship,
vbich. thoafh U Btata laatitatioa, in m_y
BfaBarhad an ono of Uta j.oculiar fcatureu of
tlie Motlern Atli IBB. Thfl Ship and all tbal it
rarricB with it daaerrea weB d lUa fOBora
tion and of BBBlarity, for it IittH BBtW iiiauy
n UnggliBa reBBg Mfa _bbbi Btlei trnek.
Justwliat. this v.'.ik ll and how it |fl BOBP,
tlu ciiio.is reu.tei will fi"d wt-11 hIaU-H ou the
eecond pa?a oi Tax Tbibp--, to-day.
CiMi Berri B f??t.ii waa -oallj 6_poeed of
5,i tbe I!"" - yeaf r,,>* :,,Nr ? fthl111' "
on |t? bbc- ? by G d. Garfleld. Ui^ ai
?..,*nia to ban heoB a aeriefl of cltationa I
Uie utlcr.mc i ol the 1'joeidcut uud biofrioudi,,
nll |afalf la prow that it was more fushiona
l.lf ia lii^'i Quarteia aaea i<> bvat a rafanaa*
tit.n t.f fxistiii" abaaea tbaa it lf aaw. This
tjIBBllBBiiBB <><' fl><' ii-eonl wns not p.ilutiibh',
t.f ptiitrst-: bat it is plaaaaBl to lmvp thoae old
aayinga broaghl to li^lit. once oaora, aa they
sln.w how virtnoBB tbeae gealloenan r.;illy la
tt'inh'tl la bava baaa.
itiirtii iu tx.HTtiition foi lha ond of Ika
strife over tlit- City Cliniict nnist BB ourbed
Bomawhat Tbe Ceonferaaoe Connnittec on tlie
diaa^raela. votee of the two Haoaaa havajnat
ai_a-iaed; tbej bave al leaat one _aadred
iiiiipiidinciits to ael apaavj aad altbough they
will agree on tha ininor point* in Ihe Baaate
.iiiii'iiilniciits, thera will be many antl radic.il
chaages, probablj. Aml even if tho Commit
tee agree BBd tbe Beaate aad Asscmbly Beeept
their rtj.ort (bath of whieh eoataagaaeko aro
revMrtei), the i?i!i eaBaatpeealbly be ii;i^s4-J l.o
fore the mitltlie of aext week.
It is report ed tlmt tbe Yooihi-cs bill, to pro
vide waya ;iml aaaana t<> carry on the Pederal
COBlil in Ftah, i-^ likch to tcccive tho iDilor-t
nii'iit of the Hoaae .Jndiciiiry Coinmittce. Thk
Tbibobb baak before this, poiated out tbal
whether the atere legal qaeetioo can be BBtla
fitctorily adjnated or not, provision nuist be
iiin.U- for the exponses Of maiiitaining tiio
BBthoritj of tlie I'nited Btatea io lha Tcnito.y.
We liare aa spenal picfi-rcnoe for any aae
jm.jci't, bal Ihe l?ill of Mr. Voorbeea aflbrda tho
only pra.tifal.il' aolntion of tbe diliiculty whieh
has been preaeatad to Coaa^eaa.
Tbe Assomi.l.v baa takaa one atape atep to
ward elnddating the Qnich Tranail problem. H
paaaed, yeaterday, the l?ill to amend tbe Central
Undorgronad law, gtviag to tlie company
wliicli worka under It tho right to tannel
Broadway from BowHag Oraaa to DWon
squaro, aad taaaee coustruct an andergronnd
nilwiiy to Ono-hiindrod-and-twenty-sccond
st. Bnt tha Beaate ia raported to favor a rival
BchcBKi tho Baaeh Paaaaialie aad so thi;
deadloeh is not yet mnovod. In faot, thr
proeped of reachiag any praotical eondoalon of
the whole matter la aol flatteriag.
Vt-iv few of the people who Ure in tbe older
cltiea "t the RepnWie know mnch of the vael
syst in of raiiwaya now randfying through the
heavt of the contiticnt. Tbe rapidly inultiply
iiipr e-igeaciaa of tradc wbich have fbllowed
emigrarJoa and Bettleeaaal in tba Weal bava
eailed into e-htfeaee Bamberleai laflwaj
Bchemca good. had, aod tod-Tereot A Tbtb
bbb roiTeapoBBent, writing ffoai Graelev, Col
orado, givaa a pictty full anaunary of souie
of tlio plaaa that now stir the people of that
regioa, from wliich oae gaiai a fnmt idea of the
wiii.li- network tbal ies. growi-g there.
In the variety of aMraapoadanoe pabliahed
in Tin: TaiBUBB to-day, BOBie it-atnifs de
sorve spccial attention. Onr Far Weal ie
adeqnately Olnatrated and eefebrated hy Mr.
Chaiiee Nordhofl, who Beada sonie eurioua aud
BOggeeUve facta about f-tarJag iu Boatbero
Califoraia, and hy a wiitcr whosc pictures of
ruial life in Oregon will tempt many in
qniring aettlera tliithcr. Another correspond
int discus.se,- the lateet aapeat of the rehgioua
qneatioa in Fraaee, with Ita beatiagB on p?.l
itics; and B sharp iaqaixy into BOBM of the
trnth-ncics of n-i-out Frouth litvratnro forins
the ataple of ;i aeeond h-ttcr. The prasent
eonditjon of the Cahaa -BBuraatlaa is alao
rJialt-d l.y BBOther 'J'kiiii BB t-i.if.-spou.h'iit.
New-Tork gave, last night, the fir-. reapoaae
to Cineinnati. It was BB BBBWai WOTthy
t,f the aobleat causo. Tlio paraaara,
whom Gea. Bebara deaeribed bb " baying
"on the track of the indcpciidout BeBBlOTB
M BO lit-rcely that it would be alarniing
" if tbe eoUara aronnd their nerks were
"not 60 plaiiily bkh,'' have delij,'hted in
deelaiaBg the Ldbaral BapebUaaa tBgaairatioa
" an insignificant movcnu'iit hy a raere liand
" ful of disiontcuted borcheadd." The laifast
lueetiiigr in Coopi-r Institute eiuoo the
war, and one CCJ?al to tho beat in
every ek-ment of respeetnhility, iulluenec,
aud devotion to Rtpubliean principle, is the
litting reply. If any resident of New-Yoik
ever had a doubt as to tho pttrpose of her
best citizens to kctp tho work of BafotBl
from stopping at the city limits, thig
meetiug resolves his doubt. If any ever had
a fear that Administration patronage, or the
ecaeh of tho party whip by tho party
upstarta over the party leaders, could ni
lence or overawo the Keforniers, thia
mceting nllays liis fear. If nDy need
cd tho stiinulus of Beeiag tena of thou
sands cotipernting to the National purificatioii,
this meeting givea him the cheer that eomeg
with the inBpiration of numbers, and elo.iuence,
and contagious enthusia?in.
liosponses to the Cineinnati eall niultiply on
all hands. But we reckon this the niost sub
stautiul inipetua the good woik has
yet received,?tho most atispit ious begfat*
uiug any great political campaign Jias had
for many a year. It means that the (JiDcin
nati Convention is to be a succesa alike in
nuinbers, representalivo eharaetei and g.n
erous paipOBB. Let it be f _ti.illy WBe, Bad it
will name the ne_t Presideui of the Uuited
And now, Frienda in New-York and everj
State! towoik! Of niiiiibeis, ichoIvo, entliiisi
aam, we have enough. Ibit we confrout a
roiiiiiiir-t baad of ollite-lioldeis, with their
uflloe Brahlnt ullien and de|.eiitlents, hohliug
iu their giaap the Kpleudid orK.iuization of a
noble party, whose BBBM has beea for a dor.cn
paata the unfuiiiug watahword of vic
tory. They were already ularmod; last
uight will arouae them to their most despcrato
efforts. W? must organir-e, and at once. Tho
ruii.i'Uign is to lie aggressivc; atta?k |g the
key of the aituation.
The Nntional llcpuldimn nntkes itself iaapOB<
Hii.lt- loi tin- CaOowi-g aqaBia laad lie:
" Duilujj one of bl" trijn to Wnnbiiijcton, Mr. Or.-eley
wa. paoaaal at a aaaaaitatleaol aalf a aaaaa al tbe
icadlutf j olitit Iftlit-tif the Ib|iulill.-.i.i J.arty on Ihe aub
jeet ut 11 e v ,i. i ha Laai ?a? taal of laaM aaB Ba >ui at
tl^ tlaaa. ao t aaaaa tf our r-topB were i/CKinuinir in buif
belleretbal re conld aot eonqrier thia Boath, Br. droa
tbe roeetlap ralarraa to. apeba taa taroi oi letllng
t??? \ j.r<.mii.t-tit aiiite-i.iao, wboaa
furniabed to Br. Oiw k i if ba alu ..id 6a
. , ii., ,i ii,i di Unru - .i, dltaj . ? . ?' -'"?
,,. f| '...:.', ...'.ti l.i- .n^.i.i nl- tbat Br. OreelOf aaa
flnally drlren to aav that ' the war abould atop boe.fiuae,
Thk TltiltliNK waa IomIiik iiioney.' "
ChtataflBla fln uttorly withom oxciise in Mhh
faliriciition that Iho " promincnt, BtatBBBIB"
it apeaka of Iuih bb ualatoaia" whatarar. Wo
notice tha lulM'bood nicivly te lel tlio publie
aote how Ita Mariaaftar a?I akalh aal of
naiiiing lii.s " promincnt Ktnlcsman." Mark him!
Tho stimmary of evidonoo ?gaiflflt Jadge G.
0, Hamnrd, prepnred by tho Gonunittco of tlio
liar Assoriation, BBaBM aiuply coneliisivc "I">1>
uil Iho points which have liereloforo been BTged
agaia- the aeeaaeil. Tho ehane ??? ba eetab
Uabed, nay tbe Committee. ia <>f eithor inal
eoadaet or eofraat eoadaet la ofliee. Of these
two elaaeea of oftana* the lirat bbbbbI
ia tlie inost venial fonn ; bat eitlier ono
is sullici.nl t'? retuler liini lialdo to impeach
niont. Tbi'? dictnm of tbe ('nmniittee will bfl
BBireraally aeeeptable. The Jadkhtrj flaaet
bo BBBtleai BBd above stispieion. If the chnr
aeter af a judicial ofliw'i he erea *o Btaeh aa
taiated, bis hiajli position abo_d ha at aaea
raeated. Theroforo, the Conunittee. af tho
llnr AsKocialion havo made np in compnet
1,11111 ibe v.iii'iiix allci.';!ii.'ns agtUaet barnard,
in order tbat. tlie Lettiskituro imiy e_??M
the whole eaae, witb their argaflBeat, nnd so
l?. taeiated to aa latefllceal eoBcloaioB la the
BMttter af his proposed impoachincnt.
Tlu* Ckanmittee arge thal Judge Banutrd
slioiild lu*. Impeached and raaunred for rarioaa
iciisons, baaed oa ehargea already laade ta
miliar to tbe publie throagh the eotoania of
Tbb Tbibubb. lt is worth while, howevcr, to
rnn rapidly over tha eaae, as now tinally
siiiniiied up by the Cninmittec. It ia chaiged
tliai Jadge Barnard haa BTBBted ordera, aad
deereea eorraptly s aot that be haa been pald
any one MUfl ol IBOBPJ bf ""7 OBB pet>
?oo, for any one order or deoree, bat thal theae
have beea paid for by other tliinRs than
iiioney. The raddea ehaoge of Jadge Baraard
from a peraeeator of the Erie Biag t<> a friendly
judicial oAeer, in 1868, is cited, together aith
tbe loniarkalilc serlofl of ordera and proeeed
i us wbleh followed, when the inachincry of
Barnard- Coarl waa made wholly siibserviont
to the deeirea of Fiak,Goald, and Lane. Thia
is followed liy a rceital of tbo costl.v pres
enis made by tho Eria Uing to Jadge Baraard.
Next followa the Bherwood eaaa, la which
Jadge Baraard, in deflance of all law, graated
an order eompeUjng the [aspeetan of Blee
tii.ii of Ihe N.iW-Yofh 1'ier and Warelioii.se
Compaaj to reeeire the votc of P. A. [aae
on 00,000 flhaiea, by proiy, aad thea arreated
Bberwood, one ?>f the laapeetora, fox alleged
contenipt of Court, and easl him into jail,
villiinit buil, and took from hfan tlio lxx.ks of
the Compaay, of which be was then SetBetary.
The Committee poiatedly c-dl attcntion to
tbe detal_ of 111ih groaa oatrage apoa the
righta of the citizon und tha oorporation.
The avhaaieleea proeeediagfl agaiaat the Cnion
Paeifie Bailroad Compaay whicb drore that
corporation oat of the Btate, th;* virtual
robbery of Mr. Darid Qroeabeek of bia Baa
qoehaaaa atock, the Cbaae and Wilbar Beaa
dul, and the v liole scrics ot OBtntgee there
with loiincctcil, are paaoed ia perlew, addiag
to the fearful indictinciit Of tlii-s liobi,
had man- Several siniilar oll'euses ehatged
Bgainat Jadge Barnard are adduced aml
prored, aud tho eaae cloaea with nn
BBaiyaia af the iBoeeediBga nnder which
injiinctions were ohtained; niost of the
detailfl Of thia thfl publie already know (<><>
weli. oi raarae, ae aamjaary of tha mul
roadael of Jadge Barnard would be cotapicte
withont aone rofewace to the laeeieerabipa aad
the inann.'i in which tlie " (Jratz.-s " i.ime into
cxistenee. Thia part of the chaptet is one of
it.-, darkeat featarea.
The petmaiary Iom Baffered in etyaaeqaeBee
of Barnard'a inalemidiict in olBee ia pal
at un eiioriiioiis .siiin; bal the loaa wbieh haa
been Baatained by the Btate aad the Coaatry
l?y ICBBOB of l'i? almormal judieial adniinis
tratioii eannot be retkoned. ll haa diagTBOed
the judicial system of tho Hepublir; it baa
broaght acandal oa the A_aerkaa Baaaa, nml
has aBpped tho very foiindations of publie
morality. Hifl contiutiauce in offlee is an iu
tOaBrable BaJaaace.
"Betweea us be truth !" Kotbiag e_e can
or should endtire. And all evasive, hi'/pliiit.'
phraaea, liUt- "Bereaae Ilei'orni," whkfa aerre
to conical differeoeea which they do Bothlag
to recoueile or eflaee, are fruitful in miachlef
alone. Liko ft bridge of varnisb over a:i un
fathomable rli.ism, they eau only ruin thoae
who trnst theaa.
Tho People of the Ualted 8tat?fl aro divided
on tho relalive inerits of Free Trade and l'ro
tectiou. This divisiou beiani" nianife-t pd
carly at lenst as 1810, in the reeonstruction of
our Finances after tlio last war with Great
Brilain. No other quet-tion he_g then more
immiiient, they dahated and divided on this,
until an unniislakablo verdict for Proteetian
was rendered in tho paaaage of the _____
Baeeeaair?y of 1*^4 and 1828, aud in tho
Presidontial Election1, of thoso yeara. In the
former of thoso elections, the candidates for
Preaident wero Adauis, Jaekson, Clay, and
Crawford?all decided Protectioniste Imt the
last. ln the election of 1828, tho eandidates
for President wero Adams and Jaekson, Ixith
Proteclionists. The inost Protective Tarill' we
ever had was pasaed that year by a Jaekson
Congresa : MeRsrs. Van Pnren, Katon, bghflaa,
who were ehosen liy Gen. Jai kaou to aervo iu
hi- Brat Cal.inet, all Totiag for Protection,
with Silas Wre_.lt, Michnel Iloffinnn, JaflBM
Bnehaaaa, Rkhard M. John.son, nml other
leadeca af tha boat. Tw.lve yeara of aaiBeat
diaeiission had thus bPOBght Iho Aimiiean
Pet7|ile, tho cottou-planlers, iiBBOltflta, and
Khip-ownerR exeepted, into b piactiiid mianini
ity in BBBBOtt of Protfition.
'T wen long tO t(!l how they were JBggled
out of tlie Taiifl" tlu n (-iiacted?tlneuls of .'*.'ul
liheatiou and Kebellioti baiag BBMBg the
itiians reeotted BO. Airain, in.-liiiili'd bj aad
experieuce, they retiirnetl to Protection in
1^12, and were agaia suindlcil ont of it by Ihe
try Of "Polk, Dallaa, and the TaiilT of *4k%n
iu 18 W.
In 1*51, Proteelion legahked the axeemlemy
in Ceag-BBe, throBgh tha aeeeeaioB of the
slavcholders; and that nscemleiicy haa lucn
maintained till now. Its fruits are vUhla
in a duplieatiou of our N.ilionul Wealth
between 18'50 and 1870, iu fpibe. of Iho de
vastiitioin and IBVBgea of Ihe mi>?liticat, BBBB
(hstnietive civil war of tho last ceiituiy.
Sliall Proteelion be now abandonedT
That it will not ba at thio MBaidB of Gou
I7MSH, is BBB?Ol BBTtaiBe There may be u
majority in the Ilotise leudy for aucli iui isaue,
bflt WO th?k there ctnnot be iu Ihe Setiute.
You can ulways Bfld a majority rendy to repeal
or modily this 01 tbal duty ; bat, when you
xli.ill have amhodied in one bill all ihe redae
h.-ns or alieliuonfl demanded, or so many of
| ih'iu ;vo eaa aaparatel/ aecati a "-jm . vou,,
we doubt, lh.it it can paaa even the Ifouse.
Baaaa Iho partinlity af the Froe-Trndeis for
giit-irilhi wurfiire-for repoaling the duli.s aa
Hall, on Coai, on lron, iVc, hy BrfaBBta bills.
They eOBBi on the fael tbal many do nol. BBB
beyaad iho Uae of t-att aaaaa that taaae
ii.ttBWBted in Sugar, in Kice, in Wool. n-spect
ively, will vote tt? desliny BBBa other, and BO
involve Ihtms.lves in n coniinon ruin. Bat,
Baaaa Ihe net must be sproad in plain sight of
all fhe birds, only Ihe Hilliest can bo ra.ig.it in
ii. its real us*. Ib to BBable theaa who are nt
baavt hosiile lo all PiataetioB lo aebiave its
ovcithiow whih- BfiOBBlBg nnxioiis to shit hl thnt
indiistry when in Iheir eoiisl laWOBtg are, specially
Wa ure irlad that nn open breaeh has beea
Baaaa, aad that tba -iaaey v.til of "BeTaaaa
" lii-Inrin" has bt. n lt.ru to tutlers. rrotn-lion
is citlier rij,'lit Of wrong, umi ahould be d jall
Witb aeeonlingly. Mr. Spcakcr Mainc BBB Bt
lo give the Fivi-'l'radcrs a praclieal niajorily
in the Ways aiid Mi ans Coniiniltei', nnd they
bava reaolvi d to aaaart their power. It la
their cl.-ar righl U?de so, wlielher tho Speuker
was i-juht or wrong in gtriag thoin their op
portunily. Why shonhl nny mnn chcrish a
prini iple, yet n-fii-e t<> .nl upon it T
All ihat we aah <>f Meaars. Bni-hard, Phtk
riabarg m Co. is this, (iivc us a genniac Piae
Trade bill! Lat it eaibady jonx piimiple
willioul conrcalimiit or eoniproinise. Bfaboe
you Bia not likely to pass your nicasiire at
thia BCMBJon. make it smli an yon can justify
on the BtaflBp?sueh ;is will challeiij,'.! srnitiny
and eadata dlBtaiaalon We rioteitionistshavo
thia advaatage avar our advwBa-riea: We al
wajB belleve that our principle is not only
right in the abstract, bal adapted to the prcs
i nl eB?geBBJi We never i-strciii the prcst-nt
nioiiii-iit -unapidoaa for laaagaraiiag Prateo
tion. We tlo make fi 1'rotei tivc TuriiT wlicn
evet we can ; how is it wilh onr udvcrsiwiesT
Do they ever fraine a bill whieh is consistent
with thorongfa Fnc Trade !
Mr. Barehard wt- Baderatoodto dedare him
sclf, in a eonversatioii last Fall, not a I'rcc
Tr.idcr. II seeins elear from his aclion in Iho
Comniittee that ho is not a PpOtectioBiat We
hope BOOB to bn ablo to make out exaetly
what he is. Aml, sinco we seein not to have
niipreheiided ronvctly the ineaninjr of his
worda, we shall heaaeforth regard aad jadge
him by his votcs.
Il is loo late BOW to OBtke :i eh'.ir Fconomic
[eaae in the approaehiag Preeidential ElectioB.
Botb Free-Ti.iders and I'rotcctionisls are
already arrayed tor nnd againat the l'hila
ddphia Coovention and its bregoee eoada
sion, aml whichevt-r |iarty shall umhrlake to
iiiteipuM- a i-lt-ar Fconomic issun nm.st expcct to
loaa thereby more than it will gaiii. Unt this
will not pr.-vetit B very geaeral atbntion to
Ihis point iu the nominalioii and election of
Mcmli. is of Congress. The People will ponder
it, diaeaaa it, dedde it, und aa inggeat that
no aclion of inoment bo had until they be
concbisively heard from. Lat us havo uo
danbiag wilh BBtampcred mortar, but lat Iba
very next revision of the TaiitT be baaed upon
a elear inanitt-<tation of an eallgbtaaed public
eeateBM nt, and made to cn.lure.
Tn the F <l t t ?> r <> / P*8 Tribune.
Bta: What bettct protedloB oonld our Pot>
? Ai-,. Wooba, umi Laaabar havo baaa to plaoe aU laaaber
aad iiiiin.'iiiuitii-i.ired wou.i apoa tba freo Uat i Tin* con
autu|itii)u und deatruetinn of our jrrowiiiK timbor aro
appalllaft winie it la bopaai bbbmb aaargyta restore
tin- io**. Bow -DiiLiittni le a eaBalaat exaaptaa. Beetara
f,,re.-t.A nre J.elrlalilBg lilii- dew. I tiellevii lt to BO the
iiii|i.'iutivo diity of Oeagraea ko t,> ael ta tba Matter
K.nivtlvu JOMtW? uli- i vntiuii bave BOt itdded any
atreagthtothBoplalea. J- r. Bva^BaoB.
luirin tirnrr, nliitr.tiile Co., Ul., Aj.nl 10, 1-72.
CtTBBoaf -Qar friead'a anggeatioo reminda
BB forcil.lv oi" the eonverted giiTs experi.iiec,
as lold in B Methodisl class-mcetiiig: " When
" i lVlt that my rafflee aad ribboaa weregead
" inj,' me slraij,'ht dowa tO hell. I took tlient
" all oil, and gave them to in.v sister."
We are laVBgiag and wpiaiidcriiig our for
estai that is tlm deplorable fact, Oai friend
propoeee tbal we aave a part of thaae by rav
agiag Ukewiae tbe foreata of onr Northera
iit-i-hboi. That ia tbe plala EagUafa of bia
lt-inrdy. We proti st, BgaiBSt it.
lf the work af destruetion is lo go 00 with
out redreaa, the only QaeBtioB is one af time.
Bnt it must not go on. Timber we Btaet aad
will have2 wo must cut it aud uso it; but wo
ongfat to plaat al leaat two trt-.s for eveayoBe
wa cut. That will redreaa ihe wrong, aa our
eont spontlent's uostnim will not.
Every Btate has vnst traeii tli.it might bat
tci ba devoted to growiiig ehotee timber than
ta any other BBB. Almost every l'arm has its
ravines, roeky ridges, hill-erests, or nookfl of
BOBM kiud that can well be simred to grow
timber. Evea tbe most ft-rtilo prahie regions
need to bo bclleil nml chtipicred by
rowo nnd clnmps of tiees, to lm;ik
the. forco of the winds aml wurm the
iidjaet-nt liehls and gardens. Thero ahould
bc full-jrrown groves for tha slielier of ahecp
and cattle froin Htorm tiud cohl. We need to
plaat timber on every account, nml not look
to tho Canadas for tlie neetlful supjily. And,
as iniiking timber free of duty is calculated to
diseourage tree-planting und rearing, wo aro
opposcd t4) \i.?{l'.tl. 'Jrib._
One of tho most ft-iious BBBlgea againat
Judge Cardozo is foiinih-tl on his BBpoiatBBBBt
of ii reeeiver of the tiold Exchanjs'e llank altt-r
tho Blaeb Kiiday panic. Tlie teslimony taken
by the Judiciary (Jominiltee fully Biistaius the
worst conatrnctions whieh have hitherto been
plaaed upon his comluet in thia matter, and
tboagfa there is no evidence thua far of ditaat
conuptiou, no reasonable doubt can remaiu
thnt, this oniament U> our bench has been
guilty of gi??ss malfeastince. It appears that
when tbej bank dosnl on Sej.t. '2-1, 18G9, wilh
its n<'cotmts in iniifiision nml B tnobof exeitctl
ojerntora clanioiijig nt its doors, it wag not
only solvent, but had B BBPflBB of about a
tjtiaiter of B million. lf its exchunges had
beea cflteled in the ordinary way, Fi.sk and
(ioiiltl would have loat so luuvily on
their unwttled conlraels tbat, aaaording
tti KiiRHell A. Ilills (of Hciith <V Co.),
ihey must have been ruined in busines9
and expelletl from the I.old Kxchange. Thero
WBg n inectiiiK of biokcrs and othcrs nt tho
Krie Hnilwiiy ottera, Bad Mr. Thomas (,. Shcar
niiin waa cnllcd upon for ndvice. The resuli
was an npplieution lor ihe nppointment of a
mi iver of the bank, on (Im petition of (hailes
.1. Osborne, who, as it BOW iipjieais, had been
fully paid his claitn, nnd had llnreforo no
rau-^e of netion. The npplieution \\?s promptly
erianted by JuiIk'o t'uidozo, and AiiKUstus I,.
Ilinwn, ?)l the lii ui of llrown, Hall fk Vninbr
ptM'l, wiw nnmeil reeeiver, (lie ollieera ol the
institution lu-inif nt the s.une timo onjoinerl
from tr-iiMiotiiij' the buhincHH of Ihe coin-i in
or ninking nny paymetits. It ali'iuhl bn ob
BBPved thnt ii,i giounil iia.l beea ahowa far
tbla piaeeediBg. The baak waa able tn meit
all damanda apoa lt, aad Un- pei on ai whoae
Btajeg it wii.i Uod up wuo ii,.i evea a crodii >r,
Tho firm of Sniitb, Got.ld, Martin cV Co.. Iiav
ing Ihe bank virtiially nnder their control,
wero now able to foree aettiOBMBltB at their
own ratee. They made their barpains with
tho dealers wilh whom they bad unseltled ae
rotints, and thcrcupon Jadge Cardozo isaned
nn cx-parto order to Ihe recciver to pay out
money to cortain favorod lirms,? to one
*7r>,00<), to another $MoW in gold nnd KMOO
in curn-ncy.-all belng thu biokers of OoaJd
iad Fisk. Atthcsame timeJbowii was ordered
10 pay out of the fts.aets of the bank |1^000 to
bi__aelf as compensation for hia tnnible,
|8tr000 to his "coiuiKel,'' Vand.rpod, (thia eoun
fld beiag hia own partner), .#5,000 to the at
torneys of the pluinti.l, Fuld fc Hhearnian,
$5,000 to the eounsel of thu bank, and 17,000
to a Mr. Ninith who had soim* eonmction wilb
the bank. It is gratifying to know that Mr.
David Ibidlcy FieId refused his a-scnt tO tbia
Hhameftil airangi imnt, and though Mr. Kln-ar
man had no Hertiples in neceptiiig if. the firm
aithdiew from the suit and left tho busmess
to he carried out by othera.
On Ihe lltli of Oetober an arr?ii{.'cinciit waa
maile by which brown tiirned over tha rc
ccivership to Conrad N. Jordan, and Jadge
Cardozo tsigncd a iinal order instructing the
new recciver to pay all clainus againat tho
bank. There was no provision to prcvent
the paynient of unjiist chiiins or to protcet all
the creditors oqually, and Jordan, in aceord
ance with a prcvious niidcrstandiny, gave the
preteanee to Aibm iBdicated by Fisk aml
Qoald. How nmch individual l.rokers lost bf
this outruge the testimony docs not ohow ;
but Mr. Beoediet, the Presidcnt of the Gold
Bzchaage bank, swenrs that tho lOBBM of the
bank thfOBgh Jndge Cardozo's action aniounted
<?. about $100,000, one-half of which was ilue
to the impropcr appointinoiit, of the recciver.
The eourt fees and receiver's feefl alone came
to .is00,000.__,
Tbo Ioiik-I)Ikeil of Pail for the benefit of tho
Hoaieopetbic Bargtaal Hoapttal opeaa to-day in tho
Anaery <*f iho Twentyaecoad fogiiaiknt, lt tota
ifood haaflji BaaabariBgia ita dirction somoof the
baal known nanie.8 iu soeial und artistic cin lex.
Maa J. J. Koosovolt ia Preadeot, and Mr. ftflgfl
11 at tho head of tho Fino Art CaBBmlttoe.
It will bo dariag tho otaaiBg week one of
tho ploaaantnat reaorta opeu to thouo who wish
to aiiiuao tbeiiiselvea, and do good to tb. ir ik ighbors
at tbe sume time. A baiulxoiuely-pniited and livoly
jotirnal ealled tbo " Sitnilibus" will bc isstted daily
dariag the __r, aad aromiaaa usaseriesof articles
from tli.-tiiipni-b.'.l baada. And whilo wc aro Fpeak
blg of <'haritable worka, wo wish to call attention to
th.- Musieal and Dramut ie I'ntortainment whieh it to
bo ttrea onTaaaday amlThanalay, ioth aadtttb,
at KobiiiBon's Hall, No. 18 Eaat .Sixtconth-st.f for
tb. b.nelit of tha Woman'a Hoapital. The plays on
'I ii. .day aro " Anno Carew" and an aet of "I.a
1'iivoiita." Charity, when it lamadaaa ataaaant,
beotmuN little tnore than seltishnefw.
Tketa ia I man, aml an cx-Sonator, in Georwia?
eolornot slated?whoae maritalexp, nenee is what
you may call thriiling. Ibs Bafloaifl awztager, aad
Mrs. Btrtegar tho lirst having left thia worbl, bo
took utito binisclf Mrs. .Striniror thosecond within
six daya af the raaeraL .Sho staid with him just one
we.k, and thon boltcl from his bed and board.
Btriagardlda'l g<> after her, bat placed upoa hi?
boaaa, and tho treea iu froai of it, planka taataibed
m lxild lattota with ohareoal: "Como boaaaf
" Cotne bonie, my dear wife!" .\fl the errant BBOaae
eoiibl n't aaad theaa before coming boaa, we aaepeet
tb.it striagea'aaarpoaawaa aierely toadToattae hia
agoaiaa to the aelghbeahoode
We have no dexire to lill with envy tho boaaa of
.?inv in.'iitl.'ii ef Baeertala a.-.-, bat fldelity taaetoaea
oi 8o6?gy li'ijiiiri'S us toatutothat Hiram P. rkins,
es.|., of Waldon, Vt., has B flBOflt aetooieh?g cat, of a
(loaay lilack aud l.luo eokr, wlth fur from three ta
all inehcri long, with a boa-liko niane. flix b?baa
loag, aroaad ito aeek, aad with a tail Uke aato tha
Mil ol'a fox! Vcniiont ia cl.arlv looking up in the
nataral'?atorieal line, for at Pataey, la Wiadhaao
(,'o., out from tba cititer of B lofl m-.u ly 18 iiiehes in
diainetor, leaped, when tha wood waa epttt, a frog
wbleh uiay havo been iuiprisouud nearly half a cvu
Cathelie Biebopa hare a good deal of treahla in
refulating faaerala. At tha Cathadral la Koch.ater,
iaat Suii.biy, Ui.xbop M. Quaid iafotme.l his people
tbat beraaftar aot more than twalra haeka would bo
allowed ia a faaeral proeraaioa. Thoso who came
with agraatar aonipaga would Had the eeaoetery^
gatea loeked. Haa would fuaerala ba allowed oo
Sunilay if they eould be eouveiiiently urramred for
another day. l'riests will not ba permitte.l in fuu.ral
dhaoereaa ta ladalga in any aalogy of tha decaaaad.
Tboae wbo .li.l not bke theaa regalatteaa, tha Btahep
ttid, miifht have tbeir faaerala oatalda the walls of
tbeehurch. ? _
A yoaag iady ia ono >.f tba tftnitnartftt of
M.isx.ielnisetta haflag heard tbat Oer. Wush
biirn of that Stato would givo $100 to every
pirl collceiinic an.l forwardiog 800 old peetagp
ttamr*. oaat His Bseelleaay foratal notieo tb.it xbe
had eeeuied that iiumber; an.l how was BB? now to
get tha money f Tbo poor littlo woman, of eourae,
has been informed tbat (iov. Waabburn has no BM
wbatorer for old rtiwrirt Bat why could sho aot
havo evolved that faet l'roin tho depih of her hitier
OOBBdoaaaaaaf Pray, what did sho aupposo tbo
(iovornor waated a quantity of wortbless Btamiw
forf If sho had wita, why 'liil n't rflie use them '
Au intereatinfr, ordintition oocurrod lately la Ma
con, Tenn., Mr. lletnleison Maelin being Baada B
deacon by tho P, K. Hiahoji of tbo Dioeeao. Mr. Ma?
elin is a " mati of color," and haa acted as lay
reador for tho eolored peoplo for sovcral yeara, Ho
mado a handsoino hIiow of " lirst fruits," for ho
hrotieht up a iloek of thirty lambs for BOBBBBBtlOB,
makinga total of scventy-threo coiitlrmed iu this
puriah within twolvo nioiitlm. Tho Kov. Mr. Ilen
.loraon Maelin could u't havo douo bettor if tho
Kroat " Camad bo Cauaau " had never boeu uttered.
Wo had Ihoagbt tho Canlitl' fliant hiuiibiig
tharoaghly eaptoded, but wo uhaetta Ihat eaa Mr.
a\bx;iiiiler MeWhotter, with a pertinaeity trnly
Bootch, haa written u solemii essay to prove tbal tho
Btaae baaga is tbat of a E_aaiaiaB 'i?i. aml tbat it
wua IflBpettad into tbia eountry botoro tbo Haa af
Colunibiia. Astbo tbing ba.s, by iadlopntablo ovi
denee, and CBpeeiully by tho coiileasion of the fabri
BBtora, beaa prored of aoadecB maaafanliiia. prrfiBfa
Mr. MuWhortor miiflit have beou btttei omployed.
Wereed afa new orgaaisatioa in Eaghmd?4ha
s...-i,'tv for Preaaolbig the Bettai Ohaarraaea ef
Aataa loa Pay, wbleh beld Ita laaaal naeetingia
Loii.lon, Mureb l'.t, l.oi.l i;iiot in the chair. l! :ii>
pe.in.i irom tiu. aaaael report tbal apward ..i B0,en
loail.ts, paataea, .ve.. ha.l baaa diaartbaM last yaar,
iiii.l that Aaeenxion Day h..l b,.wn ubsoived in many
plaOM vtliero it b:ul be. n ptcvioiixly neis'leelfd. We
Bappaaa that there wiil ba atiood Priday bb Bhatrra
Tiuedaj oeeiety aext,
('otint Pahaaaada, vilh thal bratal i diaaea apoa
larea iiiramst Ideaawbleh ebaraeaartaaahtaB, baapeaa
bibitc.l tha eir.iilatioii inCuba of i..i cfBBO?B liui-,
fmrfd, the . \eelb nt Spatndi pap.r pubiia. d in thia
tity. Tla dall raflUa waa aa laeeaaadbj aaarttahi
piiblisbed by thal paper in reg.ird lo tbe inasriaer,* of
tbo eliiblr.-ii in IfBlBBB. ibul be lui.-i u..nle it u eiiute
for any ono lo be found w ith | eopy af it in hix pos
The CJBftoaBfl /'?',?** is hetieefortb to BBBBB v.< <-Uly
M MBgaaa4 Oattaoaa Chv, SaaoBtOa nm .u. u palili al
ni* ui." bal aa tbe adroeaaa of baduatoy, with.-a
p , mi refetem 'toa raptd d. u l aav nt ..i ih ? r. .1
iin.i lion in w ieh thal oountj aboamla. Wa i a
thlal.,-; aa a ln l ine ? aad |irool ..i a aholeaome
I ,,iudi ney aea ntakinfl iirogrva .u Iba Bouth.
lu iilnneil rrna bTbbB Pmgr.
maa, tu whuiii tbey 0W8 thelr pla.es, BBB
,,? mbera, lo tara, many of ?^._^??5_A,
How,tbea,- a reaaedy to be otaaaa'aaiL__g
nnd to whom thi
Heitfa in f.'oa
nndfuut 0. aeeiifi.,1 power ai waaoiw.-. ...?" ??:/_
then. nt will aml Hounn.l.-r. tbo inomy arnunjr lti.favoriv>*
aeltpleaaoal Vea; then la a remedr. Bul tkalremedy
muet eoiue from tha people. v?u ';'"/"?<? eodata
lf tbroogb raMltletana. Wliyl I'ul.tn iiint are
i.rov.-ri.iitiiy eowarda. Tbey ara BfraM aa
mui, iiiiioiM uliiel. will ?,-. hurlfld at tin m by th<?ae
.. iiti.iiini? party macblaery. If u ?' -., the puoiio
ue n ..r tbe Kepublicaa partv would Uklk oal o|*-r.ly aa
tbey win tnik toyaaprtvatety,talagard to Iba ainutea
uf tbe Oovernt?ea! aad iln- eataUaa atate of tbiaaa,a
n.riei tlnii i o?Id be tpeedily ebtalw i. Bal tbey wiil Bta
,),, ii jt ,,i.-i only be Bccompllabed,aaIaay.thrtMMfh
tbepeopbi: umi it win take a 888?,aaaraat?a, aad raaa>
luto |>e..|>le l? aee.,in|ilish it.
Tin-I'.'-pulilleaii |>arl> baa B nul.l e reeurd. It baa j*>r
f,n in.'.l niiitiv n.i.le a?ad? Partlea nnd party albllaUoaa
Mi.d f. ree of babll ara etroag. b-ad-Olbe t<. beaata Ibeae
f. ..,ii,i modei tbeae h- oclBtlooa, aad wiiioniy do lt
fromaateraeeeaaof laattea. Hut tbere la tbal feeiin*. I
an alad to beUera, tn Ibe eoeattrp, ___ *"i ???'?;"?"?. _?
iiniu-Ht aeatbaeai uud laad to ?? eaaaaaajaa of theaa
uiiii.sea. [Appbvaae j .
A notlce baa beea atrea tbat there will bi a m
of iadepeadeat Republi, ana.lu tbe ( .ty uf (in.. Inaati | .|
plaaaefoa tba Bral dayol axay aext Tbal ?<.. if * BMsetj
Itiif. in.t ..f um,-,? iio.-i. i-. aaaamblod for tbe Pu_Pp*"?_
.1.ivlaing aebeaaea to huodwink tbe peopK and _flan t-i
tbetn by I't-oKtitiitniK tbeimrut; of a gn at party tu tm-ir
vleked acbemee. Hut lt will .*? a meettag of
boaeet, hin.-er.- men, detenalaod tu brtaa about a
rofoni. antl purllliatioii of tbe Govoniu.t-ut. [Appl
I am .,'l:nl ti. say thnt the Ibdlcattpna are that the l.-.t.
ebaaeatof the Bepablleaa party aill t?o aaaeaabledt
that octaaaoa l aotlea Lron my owa Btatt.
dava, that a eall bua Ix-eu laaue.i, algBOd, B8 I 881 told, l,y
all imttwoof the fclct-tora ; aml I beUeva by every BUlO
olhVer wbo was cieeted on tba ttehot with aLarabaal
I.iiit-olii in i?64, excejit. perkase, tbe Qtt-oraor.
Thero ii Miniiar Infonnatu.ii from otber st itea. Dn-t
muvem, ut .au, if y?u will (it la ln your baada), ba aaaa
aaocceaa. Hut to make lt a eacct-a Bepobllcana muat
be projiared to -MM aml pal dowa tbe Bnaloaa of a
j.arty, tbo QaaaagOgBea aml hirelin/s, tlie thievea
und roblx-rs. wbo iduntl-r the people, and WBO
will exenmiiiuuleate, tbMP from what tiit-y eall
tne Bepubllcan j.arty. [Laogbter aad applaaee.J n."*?
pluoderera aad thievea an- bo Bagge Ukee party <>f punty
and bOBeatx-tbaa the derll lniuself ls like tbe tangej
Oabrlcl. [Lauejhter.] TJurlna; the euminir poUtit?J
t'Hii.iiulsfn tb.-i...- ea.ne peraoaa will be eogage_
ngbflng over a/ain tl.e b.tttlea of tbe war, nml
uholbtbii.jr Blavery and i.uttii.K dowa tba BebelUiiB.
To juiii ileiimnd for an boaeat ad_ltalatratloa ol tba
lioverniut-ut, tlu-v wiil reply. " Von are a traltor
to tbo Rrpubhean party." [Ai'i>lau-,?- ] To
juiir ib inainl fur a refurm ln lha 0988?88 "?
Bppolottog and reiiiovina- Iruui 88?88, tluy will
aaawer, "we abollabedBLavery." Toyoor demand for
reform, tbey wlD aoawer, " We put dowa tbe BebeiUoo "
And when you demand a_?ktaty and reatoratiou of -? i i_
lntereoiirHe, und barmouy umoiig all our aeople,
tho rej.ly will bo a neital of tbo burrora
of a wur that wns t-nded aarea year. nir.>.
With tba liviiiif Uoaea <>f tin preeeol they ba-e
uo eoaoera further than to retalo ;a.w.r, ta .-'.Kiii^ to
ie.Aiirn et thosi: wlileh art: tl.-ad. Now, if tb.-rrj l>?, any
llejniblifau wbo bat uot ladepeadeaoe and maabooa
eoomrb to rueet with Hcvrn and coatempt all tucb denaa
ri.itiono ami aobterfogee, lie baa nu lj_-oeaa to ffi to ClB
tinuuti. [AppUtiee.] Let hna wearthoeollaraaabear
tbo biirdeu wbicn tho whippers-in of the p.rty
put tu>ou hiiu. And lf-t tbcao old Hoiirbvn*. of botb par
tie-?tboite who still talk of reeiiaetiiiK the ftijritiy ? -'.a\'?
lawa, aad wbo expeet to vote fur Andmw jaebaon, anl
tboae who are still talking* of puttinjt down the Kwbeliou
and abol lilog Blarery, aad who exjicet to vote for o-n.
liraiit. who i? about a* politkai.'y .load aa Androw
Jackaoo la pbyatcally [great lauKbtor aud aj>
plauael?lel theso old Bourbon* fignt tboir
i.attles ov. r, aml contltme to bury the?e dead laenea.
Hut let the, uitleiH-ndent Kerublicana uil over thu laud,
who believe iu prograaa, ln reform, in tbo livitip lnaue. of
tba preaeat, aaaemole at cinemnati, aad Lel tbeai tbere
ioaugarata -MMkaorea wbich, recciving tho nuimort of
tho good aud live men of all partie... aball reeeaa tbe
QovernaBOBl froui ruiu. [tjreat apjilauae.]
Mr. Urecley theu roee, and apjiroaebed tbe Ppcakora.
etftud. Ilo was Ioudly cbeercd. Mr. Greeley said:
i.ent'.emen,?Hefore hearitiiT Oen. Schurz, wo have a
letter from beaator Pentan, aud .>oiue otber propoaltlooe
lo i.rtsaout to you, wbich Mr. Hthan Aileu wUl uow
Mr. Allen theu rcad the following resolutiont:
BaaaJaaaT, That aOaaa-ataaa of Bba aajaaaajas] '>y tha
Cbairuian of this Baeeting for the porpoee of takiua;
loob meaaarea aa an- n aalred to promote tl.e priueijuca
read this eveuintc dunuir tho eouiiug ITesideutlal caui
'i ?o reaBatteaa wara unanimouaiy Bdepted.
Tlie folluwliiK Jettor wa. tbou read. fr>ui Souator
BBBAtOB FESTOM'S i f.ttek.
CoMMfTTBB <)K P-taaoa. D. J. 9ew_te. t
W?aa^voTov, AprUiii,nm, i
I>F..\8 Snt: I cannot be with you tO-MMVOW ntcht. but
I ,!,.i, .' my duty to say tbat tne BMVeSoeot tor r.etuiia
iiint j> iiitv of Koveruiuiut iu the Btate aad aaUpa. aa4
alaotuaecan at Mu bemt of nffairs aBepab?cahBtatea.
in ui trained iu Bej'tibJican l-i.-a., bas my eoidial ayin
patby. lt B a necoaalty of tbe boar. I aay this aa a Ro
oubUcaaaaxloua for uoaucceaaof heaeatgorerameot
umi tbo revival of frateiuai fctliug tbrnu^hoiit tbe
tu.uitrv. Very trulv, R. E Fknton.
Col. Fredeiick A. Couklinir, New-York.
Tiio lettex was gaaatai wBB iou,i applaaaa
The fullowlug wero appoiutcd a Conituittee of B, under
tb i MolattOaa last read:
Btaelatr Toaaey, BraaM Kraekowlzer, Oea. V. Hratlfurd,
Wm. i:. stewart, Cbarlaa Aliiu.i. Cbaries T. Blake, Pred.
A. i tokllBg, Theodoro tilaulx Ufkl.t-, Wm. II Kavnor,
P. J. Plthlaa, Hamucl Hinelair, Dr. Adtdph Keealer, Ira O.
BUler, t.,u. v. T. Lo, ke, Bartwuf Oereb?-, T'harlaa T l'oi
hatims, lleiiry Mi tl, Dr. P. W. Bowi. l-.tii.ni AUaa, J. N.
He., 11,111, Heiiiv L). l.luy.i, AruolU TBO?aor, Ueoino H.
Vau Cieit, K. C. Autliony, l'eter took.
Sci Btor S> htirz was roostvod witb prolouged cheenujr,
aud sj'oku us tottawa:
Tlus ia uot tlie lir.it time that I etainl up.in thia
j.l.itluriu. 1 BtOOd boro ui 16.0, whtu Alirahani Liu
coln was our Rtpubli.an caudl.iate i.r Ibe I'lesitlcncy,
and wlicu we tireasted tbe onset ot Ibe atavB j.'wer with
tbe battle ery, "Free rioil, Freo Bpeeeh, Free MeuT' I
stood here iu 1881, when the wnrd " E naneipa
tion" was flrst tbrown by a uiultitudo t.f patr ut.o
Bttaeaa taaa tbe eoataatag Baaaaktteaa al thaclvilwar,
I stood here ta ia*>4, wben Abrabmn I.iue, in was ajuala
our etaudard beerar, and Wbaa the talenrity of tho
Bepabtle and Iba abahtloaol Btovaap wara tabaBxoa
as the alin and result of the Kreat coufliet. I stood I.,908
in 1m;-i, wbeu tbo product of tlie tml W8afwa8tob0
aumiued up, when tbe ureat aettlenniit of the t uualily
of rlKhta waa pn-j.ured, aud wben the word,
"Let ue bave ji.-a, t-,'." w.is Ukeu by the pt-ople
aa a proiuise that from tbo bitterueaaea of
civll rtrife wo were to rt-turn t" B BB?ey af t-'ood nov.
crnment. reeoueuiatiou, and eoueoiil. Aud reccntly I
stood here, ndvoeat'.iia: a thoroujth l?bwaa ?f tho t iviI
BarvBO, the abettttn B tbe rorrtiiititiit aud demoral.
_iBBbBliieiiees of tho pationBBB ai.d t.f Bat?Biu iule,
aud 'b. j.uritteatiou of r. i ib?i an gavataaM-nt.
bad BOW I atand bere 8HBBB, not a-. aaowho BB8 rr
Baaaaad any of tbo _reat pnneiplea nutl jmlu us ln- , \.-r
advotated, but as oue who BBB iBBoeVai to eout.uuo
thelr advocaty aud tlefeise wnh a BBMh B-B-f and
8BMagy aa ever. aa ono wbo iu thut athoea. y waa wl.olly
in Baraaal before, ta wboiiy in aaa att aow, aud win ,-tm.
tinue to be au witbout rt-iMtd lo tbe < pj-umM.a ba Wfll
have to eutoui.ter. whether it come frooi Inend or foo.
And lust baaaaaa i alwaya araabaeai?aaa, aad aaa aa
eoraeetaowi Jaatlweaaaalaaaabaeei b deveteataaaa
aaoae I foiuiii i,t, i uow ataad i.< ??- lo lalea my proteat
iijcitiuat :iie perveraabaw_tab thavbrtealaaol bbataaaaa
Bava saflared; my gaataal aa_toattba part?aabtpetrp
wblth aubordinutea the publie v.,H?n- to pt'rsonal
und paity Ititert-bts; my paateat a^itlll^t tbat
Nliivlili BBB8B?m\%B tO party ?ICUttoa and dia.
eipln .-, whii-b, for party ends, atrlvea' to e-itVa
the \oh-( of tnitb, nnd to wblaawaak abaaaa nnd aaaaa^
lustt it?l ef hiiiiestly 8SP088Bg aud ., i u . tinj; ttn ui; my
j.rotrat iijtainat tlio lufattutt-tl wiiutoueoea ef j. \mt '
i 11 ?!-. overrldiagtba lawa t.f tin- l.-n.tl lor a. :iteh
emis; uiv BaaaaI uiiaiiist tba grawtt ot ixr
sonal jtoveriiin.iit ln this Repuilie, tibit). Ibi I'.
. ns to ronvert the pab?I pawata ln'o
jieikOi.al i>r?iH-rt> ; to st.lji.K.ite tbt eoU;i iente o. tbe
peoj.le, aml t>> ronvert Ibe ntdde nritle t,f Ihe t-> ; . , ,u
eitiz.-u into the eiii iiiIkMvo gjiirit t.f tlie atili.lei-l ; my |.nv
teal i.K.tin-t tba tbtepiioiia wbiell i.le Jl.K'tleed U,',lia
eaaae_ag i>t'<,j)it- taaaaBa aaayear ligbl wimt ia wroa^
j.ure Whal ia corrnpt, iit.i.. ? and vatrtotlo what
ia uiean aud BB-kb. I lajH tbat bbbBbI iu
tl.o ii nu,- of tbe giaal aauae you an ' I.
a> ltej.uliticniis, lava so kma fooajhl for ; in tbo niui - of
boueatand couatitntioaal kavveruuaat v...,.), is bt juo
li tt oiu-fi-lvrs nml our ihililren ln Mu Ir nirbts BBd beat
lutiii -Af, lu tbe im mo af tbat publie niorality abkah
must l,o tullivuti tl ue Ibe life ileiiu-iit of Iln lu.-tllll
tiuns; ln tlie ui.iue ul tbe Urtat Anieritaii Kepiiiilio
Wbtah W8 waut to bo the Btildlnjr star of ntankiud
tu Ita Btraggka tor llaaBtv and a hK-her clvili.-it.ui
Ietai'.eilout ln i olit'.inlllfe wiihihe -aaab-ObB j.arty ;
i nevt i betoBged ta aay atber, smi areahei taMaaily ta
its rulll.^ witb baaaal / al al taaat, if aal wBbaflrleaap.
I BOVaa tl< BBi <t la fave li as long aa it renialued tme Ui
Me t? at pilneljilea lt Btar.?Bed, nnd uh hBbJ as Ita poln-y
its BaaaBgaa m .1 its aaaBaat eoaM bagt aaMBd tn h.hhi
laitb lf 1 am piititlt.f tinyikiiiii, lt la not of Mu i u?i
tlon I havo i.n. Iie.l. _u<| ?t u,,, boimra 1 bBvB
ne'i-vei, i.nt it tt of tb'> ,aaeeaaaaaabt tbat,
,-r l endeavored to axerotae aa laBueaee apoa
i ? ? ? t -i, l aave aen . Id aaj Ikiag wbl I i Ud
11 !i-\t ie i, ? uae. Am if I pi 11 ? aif
i a iu eoaBlel Miib tim oi.ki.,1 loadera ol Iba u>

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