Newspaper Page Text
98* \\ ^t4? -__---. _ t^SSrf r> Taf V01- XXX11^.:.N?-9.C81. NEW-YOR1-, MONDAY, Ai'R!I, 15, 1*72. -?y<> iTticr: Fowi cknta TIIE NFAV TAIUFF. CHAB-B- _ND AM).-i>Mi Sis PB0MBED HY | TR-WWA _ MfD MLr-UI- comv.HTI.F.. BaTBBrt. _t im\'<-UATIOB? TBB f-8TT10B OK | Be?., i>\\k-s- PBOB CT8 08 A BOIXOW I \ <. , . |H t, >, . ,:?:-,- ,| - | | | HB I W.v . m, -pril IA?Tka Coanaittcc oa I v, , . atorparl oi y , ioa RBBaborof aaod-ieatta?a tn i ;? r .,; [_s biil. H te aearoely proba la Ihat tka UillwiUbe laporled lo-morrow,thei ri. nalali bloa ar <?( B-al ro \. ,,... > lie il .'lf. .: to efrect ;i com ' will r?a*ore BtM?Otblag liko harmonp a ; i aairmaa Dawea aad tlie FTee TYadera, Bara be u itnf-iilittiagtl k'-j.t np daiing tbe paat i. ,!.,... Bpt?Jur B-doe baa intoi-rtod hiroaelf ii, it- v..?-.',. feell".', na doubt, that much of thi ro tha Bplit in tlo Ctiiiini;.:-1 will : | BB ?i'-"i. Boerotd-T Bontwell baa * tbad laterriowewith tho aaenaheraol both fao . ,(i haa daaa bla bosl t.? ponr oti upon the . li te aadeiatood thnt both tha ; , . - c-r.-'.'.vv liiivt- nrgod tho RtTOUbli , , ..,',. dl ttona L_ , . i. -of the ii.jury tliat mighl roaolt . . ?? eboaeiona aro naturallyenter t;:i!., ' .... I, ad< tbal a bu ath'a qoarr 1 i'i ricao raaka iothe Hooao orer tho TarifT i,:,ii.,t tke onitDoal I eaa a ? ouUdde oi Coatri * ii.;,?l affecting j ia - , ,i hroakiaB aat i? the Phila . : :i. ? te tho earneet flcairo , : \ : ? chicJa i" Coogreaij , the t Btroggle orer Tariff ? ? - ;:s lmpeo?liBB, ahooli] be I edant 11 after the Pn ai lential eltxiti m, aod ..; i iroBii ? ? bill ibi ald h ? paased . in order to nake n Bbow ol red icing ta\.:: i to bo bato the eanva*a. Ii te ..-, i have been ao :..-. - 1 il in'. ? Ittooaa .i that Mr. Dawea will report the ro of it, offering, boa ror, aahi i I -. h bich ara " .i tionablo 1 hia f, 11 rw-Protc itionteta. Sinee dl - ,; n the Ceorainittoe, Speak r Illainc haa 1 a I ? ' ? I - * eon? ., r it i'i tiio way lie did. M,:ii,v Pro : , ? . i ??-...' t t.t to liivc pi D ., , th ? I il ? !? a_tioa ?f preaidiog oroi itj of whoae menibi i 1 to him apoa tl a ,,. . potta ' ? iona to eooia beioretlii tn, and rdid l.iiii.; i .,.-.' hi, i iduenoe in tha Houae aud ? . , extooi tlio leadenhip whieh ,,,.,- ' ? . . the VVaysau'J .'! anaC i Irman i' T ad ? -' '? ire tl I Mr, D bavo I ? :,t :l"' i ,;.-. ...'?? ? leetiou i.,,i'i :\ large , 11 aawaa perfectly mai (., | 8pri " < ii ? ? aall ande wl, andaawaa , ?-..?: i. ...i to tbe Bpeaker when ba ',;, i. Thi y n y timt tha Chairma- ia tha , ; tl i Con aiti a, to praoant Ita \u"s i Houae, aad that Mr. Dawcoa attitnde ?; bill, and boi king to ., Jonaand highly im] roper. Thero , mert?8onoa bothaideaj it ahould lu> , .,. ,;., f,,', li.,--. , . bal when Gob. Bchenekre i. . ...(,. rt ,.>!'.. Dawea oeeoipiod a poaitinn i .. | idof the ApproprialiousCommittee, whieh i' -. i i: ul tt him to the promotion to tho vacant ., b, M ti. the r -.- k. fi'- f the real i . . . ? -, it is n?t eaaj I e. Iwoli i done dlXXerontly i ? ;. !),- -v:s botui 1 to o nk ? il anti 1 .? .1 et i 1 ,??? v. hich he eould i .-.- the in .j-'-.i y oi tho 11,>'i e wt re : i, - | ! .. i, lmv..- ror, tbe moarl ?? Rorenne R form rft," a id i'i thal ? preeanti .?) h e >:-.ltl to prerent tiio '.: :i rnptrtre a i baa hapi ? aod. ; il :? \t of tlie Tariii' bfl] to i . ,i. ittea on Waya and Meana with all chaug b and ameudmenta made nrp to this ? Heitenctel IbytM Benttte tmd V'ttte of bTepregentth ti-n ,. United 8 ' i ?/ Ameriei (a Conyret* <m oo n-..l afk i- i ? Bral i! ir et Jaaaarp, I i . ?l ' ? ' bp law on ? ,f: i , ? : - -l i.i- pi\,\i !??'! for, lm |. rt -.1 ii-.i'u ?'.'! ia?eouBtrlee,tb reeball in-li-vit-'., eob i., -i, ,i. .i.'. "i folIowluK tbillta aad ratea of datr, !..'.:. : y: ? ? . ??? -,.- | er i oapd, Oo '-i ffee of ? j ou i I <>?! all bltuininoaN eoal, oo , u?, 84 pouada t . tl.o ho*bi I. -. oi ? iln ?? il lt, I ,,-, barrola, or , ??? r ? , , ? - , per 109 ],..-iii . .,;, aad on Bjntolaa t-r otber aole i . iij. O.i eall aklt?.tuancd, ;1- . . ,. . ., ,, ... : t. . : -i i". (> ? 1, i n.ii, i 'lli't orlnin ? : . i i . l i r.'i or aiorc ,'. i ? of ;,ii locb or iiiort- tbaa i ',,-., j nf aa laok, not more . . :. ai ?'. Biju rei aol leaa tlian j i ? . I of i cea1 . r. 1...l <.r li.i.niiii ' .1, .?iiliij.i-i.. 3 nt nn lat ii and unt more ... . or i, ? t! -ii i bicb aml , tbaa I lacbea \ii,l", rooada leaa tbaa ? j,,-] ,r i .- . i i incbea Ib dlaineivr,ano ? i ?? fourtua -.f BBlo_b,or uiorethau , .. ?.? eeal per poo-d; provlded Ibnl , loopa, or otber f ?_m, l - aa . in in i.ji- . aud BMwa adrancetl tban pljj - ': be -,it.-U ns ii.,,i ii ban . aad rij-i provlded, fuitln-r, tliat aoae ol ,,;. -...-. . i : - ral ? ,.t dn:j taaa ;m j"r ...,:, . lron Imported Iii i.arai'or , i i: un -, nt.!.!.- t? natteraa aad ii on aaek ra -Nor planea v.-ltliont ifa'ture,60 teaUpei-100pt'unda. Onb4iller , , -a tbaa three u-teeatha of aa ?i. ?!-. on. ii eeota p.-r oouml. <-.i i ,,..,, .-, ni. ..-]-? natlia of aa laea or leaa la i roated witb in.tul or i.oi.ont umi ? . ..iinl. i , er. f ln.iiorr-.ip]) -r.RBdeorered ?i ,%r\ I; ,, I,- i.'ii. riiiaii'M.'.mir iiiiili-i'i-l, |.i-i-part-tl i tx, l ly iu 1.1-iri..pi.y. 1} .-.-litw per . , .foraaet t, loelvt j p i ,?? i Him uil vait.r. in. Oa ii-.-n wiii-, i l.ort ned, drawn aad Bnlabrd, not more , . , i.i -t-i. unt li M tiimi N.i. ie win " - t; over Bo.Mk aad not over Bo.M i ; oua !-; orer Ba. M wlreraaae. |? t?, r i". .-. :'i i ; proridedtbal alra ravered wltbooi ti,n ailk, or ?il" i material Kh.-til pay Bre raata pi r i.oiind ii, u.i.i tion '<> tl.t foregt i'ik ratea; aad prorided,further, Iwirerop aui wlre atraud made of Iroowlre, ii/ii', t-iipjM-rf.i, jfitiviiiii/fi. oreoated witb otber pay tbe ?..iu<- rata of dutv tliat. la n.w , ,,.ii:.r ii aui wiro t,f win, li ai.l-l ropa oi striunl in in.,,'.-? and all wire rope aadwlra atraad, made of ateel i brljrht, popperett, a?Iratilaad, > r eoated aitk otl er ni, tala, ahall paj ibe K..m.- tate ,.f dutr tiii.t i-i aoa i ire "f wblrb ..-n.i rope '<r tlraad is Iral i'ou wireaj.rioKa for f irulture, ii oeuta perpoond. Oaemoothor poUabed abect-iroo, hy what i \.r l.uim il.,,. niiii d, -i?t |wr piiiiiui. tn. abeet-lroB, toiiiiiitiiior i.i.M-k,aot iliiiin.r ihnn Bo.Baire sanjte, 1 itnt j^-r poaudi Iblaaer tbaa Si. w wlie gan_r, ii ni.ta pei DOUBd. _ , Ou tin i'.-i.- ? aad inn,, palranlBad or eoated v. ith any ni<i..i by i-Uftri,- battenea or otbarwlae, I eaaB par iKftind. Ou ;?ll l> ii,.I, li,?,j). s-roll iron, trou. one-half toaix laebee aide, ttklaaertbaaiBo. 20 -Air.- Baaaa, 1 eeal per iKiuiitl. On aii l-ai.,1. beaa, :>u<l et-rull Iroa tliitiiii-r tii tn Bo. 90 arlre aaaite, 1 aad Ueeata pei pouad, 08 tlit roda, 1 jii.d 1|. -i-nta p<r ikiiiihI. antl ot. all Otber de acriptloot ofrolled or kaaaaan Alroa, BatatkarwtM pee> vldt-d for, lci-iit iKTiMiund. on im omotlre tlra or parta tbeieof, 2 eeata j^*r ooaaoj au tuIII lrtma and n.til cranka nf wrntikrltt lron, umi ttrouiciit iron fur al.ij.a, t-li-aiu l-Uifin'w an t loiuiimtivrH ur part. tbereof, u.i.-inir' eaeb 15 pou.di <n- more, ti i-i nta jK-r jKiun I. Ofl aiivlla, 2 08018 J?r poand. On ln.n cablea, ori-aiilfflial I'-.iir jwria tbereof, li 888U per jo'un.i. Oa ehataa, tiaee-ebalaa, balter obal?a, aml ?? n ci,,-i u> liiadf of trire er rmie uoi ll?e^ taaa i "f aa lock Ib dianaeter, l| '-.-nt-. pei poead; baa 1 of un laeb ln iliaiiit-t.-i nml not unili-r U-?ll-'- faaflPi * '''"ta per j-.tiiiii , uiiiit-i Bo.Ba_a aaa_e,88prreeat Bdvalorro OB BSM?aea, oi partn lU.-rn.f, li eeata j><irj.oiiiil. On kemitae' l.iiiuiimi, aml 8M'lt'i?, axlea, OT parta tluroof, and mal!-..i,ii- irou ii. 888?Bga, aol Otbera - jii t,> id.-'i fur, 2 ct-uie, pei j, iui,! On wiuu^lit.. ,>n raliroa.l riiaira, aad wroutflit Iroa .mta aad wanli.-ra, teutly poaebaa, l| t-.-.-i^ pea aoaad. ou badaciewa aad aiouifht iron btaajee, i| eeata pea j.o.uid. On wraagbI board naiie, epiu.-e, rlrela, aad i?,iib, i} eenta \>t r p-.iund. Oa besaeaboa aaOa, 8 eaaB par ponad. Oa i-ut fatka. br-df, or Bprtga, nut <-xo4Mi.iiiiif eixt.-i-n oaaei i to ti_? iiit.iiri.iid, n eaatapar tin.ii-ai.ii; eacaatUaga?t BM II 888888 to tin- tlibilnaiid, J rlilile J.rr poaad. Mrani, aaa, ai. i wat< r tin..-e au<t fl_>a of wriMghl iroa. .| eeata jmt jxiiii.'-i. Oa aairafBj eoaaaaar/ eallad aooi arrswa, ibbTarbaa ttt over la loagt-,5 oanta per dooaIi-l. Ix-aa ttan two mt life ln it-iiKtli, c Mmta per i oun I. Od vi . -. Ie of eaBVtroe, not OCbei wim provi Md for, an,l auoioiitviit. otoLiixLH, titijoia'aadiitttw??' ii.,.--, Bteraa r"fl xt'.vo rvlrtt^anrrnsr Irrn. 1 crnt pAr pmifl. OaeaaV In .. ; ?n, ra ?, au i wat rr plp -. I eeal por p aoad. On ' .. bntt ? ni hia i . l. ? Bta par aoaaa. On o ?? low*. LI.-7.1 i.i- tlum ??'. '.'i ? ?. -111.-- p. r xDund. oi'iill ??? <>t lron kwi t.ihi rwiee iiit ii* <i tor, o ) 1"T .-ntii.i valaeaat. , ? i !<<?,/.i'Iv.-'v l.iirx.t eent per pocn-V mrt on nll r.iii wa bara, ir, partof ateel, t_ree-ionrt_a of 1 oeal rer pound. Onttcelln ingot-,colla i teolwlre, not leaa?unone-foartuol 1 IncaIn4_iiroeter. va uedat .,..-! pound oi leaa, 1| ccntt per pound i valaeaat ai.i.\..T r-? ntx nn l uot auove ti eenta i r pound,:. eenta 11 * nenad ; ta rtefl al a -? ? U oanta por poui tl, t eenta I-,- peand. Ob nli akatea, M per centtun afl valorera. On j:'1 hand-Bawa n?t over i Inebe* ,i, ,.--,, ?.: .,. r rto; ? i, .nl. in atWltlon th ner -ii.'-i-i ai vt-orem; orerM iucneain len li, I per . n ,; 2, per ,...,.- , ad ralon m; on all ran k utwa In 1 h *? uta nerdozen, and, m BiMlrlon tbrreto, ? per t ntmn ad valoren i over io - iu ; ... i.,7,1 ]? r 'i-.-i-'j, iui.i, iii B-dltton Ifearate, ?1 V....H-IU'. , _ Ci_fllra.flleb_iu-a.napf.aadfloataofalld< crl] ii"i exccillng 10 Inehcs lu length, n> eenta ner poiiuu, -. i,il.lit...;i I'l.-r. to, SO nor c-i ?mi '.'I vb , . - ? ,,r .- .. i i-?_( - in i. i. i,.'. c nt-i"'' pound,anu, in .; , rtlil ad vuN.:.-:.-. nn ':? ' ? i?i- Itulttln : oi wwing nincliii .*?. H per ,'"' "Band: and, in addltlon tit.-i *to, 39 percentani ad val.u iai. on *r > i aqnnrea inttriMid ouom Bldr, Bccnlaper itonnd, and on ?'..,(. UU i, i'li-i::i.l. (in . . i Bteel, nt oi wtatc..el aaal Dea , ?ii,i-?i.,' it iart, nol <.it--nvi" )?,'"-. "???? tor, K i- \ ..-:.,?:, ad valorein: prarl I. llutl ili aitlclea nl .. i , ,.ti:,! v i inuiifac ?:-.:. or (,r wii! i al el aball . ul imt, not .a icrwLie provl Ind for, ? liali i.-.v .in- --.'.ifi-itcfif .intv bi ii wboily inaiiitfactorcd. (,., ii,,,, ,i. - . . ..;? ! v li i" i- ? On'...;'or. .1 l ,,, Um. "ti .iH .??"'.- "i tliofli i - -?? Untd by Inw, , nd knownu? tlotliin rweole, tba value al ei?'.al J? luat nort orplaee whei eei aport, d to th? L-niteil 8tai , excludii gcbui il" BUtb port, ? ]' ? n.i- |.,.ii.i. :,.-..< nt- |,i r i-niiml; i... i, in .i lUon taei to, '.'' IMT I'. -lll UU illl V. .!(?-?-. II. 4.4,,. . i,,,, ,..,. K ,. , ? ? .i nt tbe ii'-. lHjrt or plac. trhence exportf.t to tlio I '? .<? In aucb nort,i lall i 182. lii,ui.,t. io.-??:.. . i r pound; ?'. ln atidl un t.. .? ii - routuui ad valorcm. ? >: - >ls ol Uie icon , cl i. ? i i.i laa and knowi ua cowblng woola, uud up ni n!i ii. ir oi ti. ? - ?? i -' il and ?*.-1 r Bulinnlt, tbe vi lue whi r -1 al t- ?? laat porl nr vrbenoe <? tportfd I * tbo i'i. : i Btal , excludUut <-h:,r'.,-x iu aucb port, aball uo M : i- ni . ,l. xi. nt- n. i- ,'.ii.;i'!: ai i. i.i nt ; . ?- >. i.'.i ad viilorrm. O i '?"' Cl: ?. Ui" v.t.u ? ?*. in-.--..! i'.( tiu- l:-i l'"':.'-'.' i 0 wheuco . \i.i-: n-i! tn Ibe i . . < '-. -li.-ni:-' .i.'.i ?" . .. | . ?! .- li. ? 1 . 1- |H? 7! i. 18 Cl - I- ?' |. . md, nnd, ln adiliilon Iher to, 10 pi>r <?? i tu. Provld. .1, thfet up "M v..-..!.-, ,., tliL'ilfica : ? . ii ?'?? lu iidditi i to tho nd va\, i . '.,;'. ?.?.(>- I il Iniporl 'I i'i l, tlu li .ni. . i ? -, wnab ,1 wi I ol* rluaa i ,:;tll la twice, nnd up m -. mred ivool t.,!-.?; tuu.?!?:;. ? xi'.-.-iii ? 'iu!;. lo wliicbaucb wool woald i., -i.i i -,. d if luinort. .1 ":.*... ou \. iwls, and all innnurac : n| wool Oi '?*?? ?'??> -? ; ? ?'? - ' ' ' "'-' i!l lll!. i.| W. nl, lll . il l.-l . - ? : ? .-. - .1 ? iii pound; und,Iniid.llll.,iitnrrtto,CO i -r w-nlura nd \-'i.-'..-:ii. nn i!. un lo, blauki i -. hi taof wtxil, knlt good,, 1. .liiiui-.-;! . \..,...-:. i.n I w i :.' I v.i'iix, it-.i-i .nl liiiir.ll.ii' ?:,:.. ,,i , v,?.-. in ai-riptl :i coiii] " .1 wbolly . f iii |. ,i i -.t m. .1 :, t ,-' ol tha . ' .... ? iM'b aa are compoi illn ?' ' ol i ? t * . . - - i.'.i Ior, valuwl .' ? i ? :' pound, 16 ., uta p r t>oan l; ra m Hwvi" .?' cc il -;. r iiouutl, and nol exc? I ? :,.:,.. l ? . iiud : valuee ni :?"?' ?? M ? ? ' : ,? ei'tTlng H ?, nr-1" i- ," -? '? ? ? ' i ln :.*! liii'.u thcr. tc, upenth ?? ? ? ' i '- - 1 ?" ;., ,-i ;.i .-. utmu . i :' . .1. Oii ,;, ii.-.-- hella or I'cli " ) aporoi ini , U ,-, ;i. |)icr ptl . i i ? ".'. ., i?. ? ii um ad vali. O-. Il'i -'. '??'"' nta n r v.ii-.l, . ? :i ' ' ' ' v''! IVI1'' ',,-i v.ii-ii ti'.- and < Ul drt-j'aiiri ? .- ai ! ? lorl i i ,,,i.i i lotiii,. '11 or ... . .'? 11 -,. tli - linirol ? -...., vi i'H.i. t nui ? ? ? ? am ? rd, Kl un rt* j. rd ; ai ti, la additti n thr-n t.i.aopi'i*, i -. .? . bi iK rc - . i , ? ? i in ? Itl ;'- - ?' "? . " ? '? - , ,,',;'?'.!.'? . i.; 4 ...iu.-.-.. .,,'. ,.v ?; j-i .? x .iii ? i ?' ? ? ?? ' '' mta I''', ',.. n,., ii |, iii ad iiii.i.i i ?.'). Np r-< itum advalo Ob ri itl Ing retvly-B?df', au 1 trcarlng appnrel of < rery rt>t.rrlr<ti< n, and B-i ' '? ;i'"1 6<?o?Ib ?,- nitnliar ,'c-i i: ? i or i : forllkc i;:;,.. "?-, coui i ..-i-,l .sliu'.l}' < r ui part i I wo i, worst. d, tbo hi Ir t.f tb< nii.iicn (,'. at, or otl i ui m '-? u ad . n or .. Wbo Iv or In parl by Uio i Ior, h ih . ?? .. . iu uiu'ractarer, exct pt g ..-.-.). i oun l, and, i.i b< ditlon u.. i ?? i r fonti i.i : .1 v Ion m. On ? . hnini , bcitit . W . - ,,. t| , ?-.:;:.. ... , il .: - -. m'ii. ..' 1.1 ,< -l!- and I IS n-i ? ilrt-fs triiiiinlnga. bend .m-. ruittoiia, or !.-.. ' but ttni' or buiton ? ol > i..< i i- ? im t. . I ? . W] |, ,| |,y buud or ir..i.'-! by ijiuthiuory, m-tdo tf wool Hut- ii-.l. nr mobnlr, oi .1 wlilch wool, wtn -c K or moli ilr la a coinpout-ul un : rlal, nnuilx -l witli ccutt n pound, and, ln addiUou tbereto, 13 i"-r (.-iiiii'u O.i Aiibivaon nnd Axwftnttfjr earpeta, aad rpTTxf???? \v..v. i \. li, ?>? ,"i' '" ? '? ' ,' i eu :' i U'l vi ?? ?',.,; on , Wi lou, aiiil .'-.*, ; . t .. .1 ?-...; .nl 1- r aquui ? \nr.l. :.? -I in .,.'..,,,, ti,. ,.-'". so pei remnm ad valoT*?iu; on Btua - p ?>- v.i<. i ,. !.. ll - Ii ,-[ l.-ni -.- ? '?:".-. " iM i | -..iv \-n.i. nml ln uibiil ? u tbi n to, . ;,.-! . u'l valort-in; onpaie.nt t Ivcl an-l tn. trj vclvel ear I rinti il <i.i t ic i rt' i r otl ? lac, 10 cem ? por \ ird, i.. ad itl n li r . i, : 1 p. r < ,, i vnion iu. Ou ...'?? 11> U ii ? ri rp ta, prlnl td ou the ii 1.1) i"' (ii!"'i'v lac, aa centt peraqn n yard, and, I*. ii.i.iiti.i'i ii; -.I'?-.: iper ceui ui ttd valon n; on trt blo ingralu, three pl . au I -??' ' ?' i li dn .'. n<' :; ? 17 eenta periwi.iare yard, untl, ln wldltlon tben to, BO p< r ,-. ntiiin i"l vi.l.'i-i i.i: on y.n i, Veu. Uiuii, nnd two ,?!.. lu crain earneta, 13 ocn ire yard, nnil, in aduitlon th per c ntuui ad valoretu; itn.i i,n druirget'i nnd boeking . prliiti I. colon ?', <?! oth n i ?-. i r.iiiii-. yaru,and,ln addl i a ?? reto,80percoattto inl i.iii.i.-iu. .... On uil inannntcttu of< i not Mea ??. eolored, Bla i" '!. i ? ??) ? I. :' :' " . 1' ' ; . i '' ' . . totbe Mimi-i Ineh, i nintir.g v. i,. ..n.i ttliing, aud not CXCCOdlUgBl \i*l, ll ' .. ? 1 ?" - | . ?? .'. .ti'.l. 2 r.-Illx i,,-r r,,:?,,..? * ii'.?i; it bl. . :? I, ?.-'.'.'.? i> r ??,!.?!!"? tiir.l; if , *. I, xii.i, '.'I, r;i' *?'?'. "? 1 i ini--I.-. ' ...*..-:? -;iiai <? yard, nnd In addil. thereto J0 por i otuln ad v..|,Mcin. On uil manofactiu-ca of t rtton, .:;, ;t |e ua, tletiiiii", dnlliiii'-, bed i. I.i . gla> '1...11.., ratUMiadea, p_n?loon Bta-t, and ,,f like deatripUon, uot bletvcbed, eolored, atalui i, puinted, or priuted, and nol .-.*-. iingiOu brea .-? lotl.e raiuiroIncu. couuting tbe wnrp und iii.nn., andexe --I Inif in welgbt 5 oiiiit.-(-a per aquare raru, t cenia per atiuare yard; it bleacbed, i). nta pei luaroyard; if , i d, -I..)". .1. pnluti .1. or printi d, i conl ? r*-r ,n yard, and, In Bdfllll a tbi reto, 10 pei cetitumii Ival O i ili, i'i.ii'1 liglit. r.. .'.'.'.- ". '. 'Oili ? ript.on, ?-:.. .. luu tbretuta and nol pxceediug 200 threarh to tbe Hi-.iii'c Ineb,conntlng tho i..nd n .-. unbleacbod, i ,, uta i"-i aquare yard; if bla ed, : - i rard; n n lored, Btaincd, p Int tl, or priuted, 4 eeni aquare yard,_nd,iu BdiUtlou thereto,iO i.t-rctit. ad viUoreui. Ou ,,* .u.!.- -,! lix-- deacription exrecdlng 9 I to tbo ati?are Inob, uubloaicbed, t et Ut per aquare yaru; if bleacbed, ij eenta per x.|iiarc yard; if eolored, atalned, palnted, or luinted, "t eenta per aquare yard, :.:. I. tn addition ti.-r.-t.i30peroenl nd ralorm. OnaBeottunJ aua,deuliii8, diilllnira, bcd-tlckUiga, * gbam , pUid . col unadi , piiutaloon -tiiti-, and gooda ol !.,..- .'.--.? Iption,or for 'iiuihir iiHi-, if ii.ii.ied. and not exueediuir 100 tbreada te tne aqnare Inob, eonnting warii and fliling, i-nl exceeabig Boanceatotbe aiiuareyard, Beentapcr aqiuireyard; ll bleacbed, 6J eeuta per bqnnre yaM; _ ooiore.1, it-lned, paiuted, or priuted, 5 ,, tiix per aqiuire mrdj aad In ad.iition ti.. i ito, 90 per ceutuin a'l vul ?*m. O i tlu ir or l,ght?r goodaofBke dettriptlon oxceedlug 100 ti,rea:1aand nol exoeeding 300 tureatia tou,.' aquare ineb, oountiug tlie aarpand Ulllng, unbleached,6eenta i? r tua ire y. rd; .! lih-a.-iii-U, r,? i- ni4 p.-i aquare yard; il eolored, atalned, palnted, <>r ,.iini'il, 6 ccn - per aquare yurd, und,iu uuuiiuMi thereto, 18 per een un ad valorein. Ong..a of lik.- deacripllou exeeediug 200 tbreada to ili -. aqtutie taeh, eouu'ing tba waruan l tllluig, 11 uubli oelicd, ei ,-.-iitx jH-r aqiuire yard ; II bleaebed, I c iuta per aqnaro yard; if eolored, atitiued, p.ii.iletl, orpriutod, '.jeenta ueraqnare yard, and Inadditloutbernto 16juircentum mi viili>ri-iii.'|.ri,t i'l.-'l Ih ."tt in."'i u'l plaitl v.,,'. u cottOU giMKta in,-uni.'.i in tbeforegolngacbedulea, uut.leaeiied, vitlued ut over K, oeo ? , ?? ? 8<iuaro yaru, bl. ichcJ valued at ovei M eenta per iquare yard.lored, valuedat over 35 eenta per aquan yarVl, and eotti . deuiuia and dtiilinga, anbl ... be I, valued .it over eWoenle pei aquare rard, aud aB otber coi tuu gooda of everj ... BcripUou, tue value of whieh -.ul exceed 38 coiita per aquare yard, there aball bo levied, cullected aud pald a iiut v oi 88 i? r -1 uii.i.i. ad \ ,.!...? i.i. o.i xpool ii.i.-a.i ol ..'?: "'. '* ??' perdoaen apoola, coutalulug ..a eaeh pool tol ex .: li i erUa >.r tiii.ii.l. and, in a.ldition thereto, '^i j.,r ceniutn ad valorem. Exeocdlug 100 yarda, foi ..,. udditlonal 100 yuui.x of tbread on ...... u ... or H n llo i p irl Ih -.. of, in ,?_-?< .-x of 100 yarda, f> eeuta ,- r dozeu, and 2 p< i centum n.i \..ii. ;u. Ou cottoa thread, yaru, warpa, ar warp yara, aot vroead apoa apoola, -wi.ith.r slaitle ?r edvaneed beyond tne (-..iiditioi. of atngle by twlating ii" or tnore yuniH togetber, wb( Ihei i n la an ?? or in biudk a, ali lu iu . ..p-, or in nui "ii' i f"' bj. valui .1 al i.'.t oxc4 .-liiuL* ?:.' eenta per pound, 8 eenta i? i pound; valued atoreru, <'.:.ix per pound, and nol ... ditig 60 . euta per pouud, _; H,id not eaceeding BO eenta per pouud. i!i reni -11 r pound; val uedat ovti )( Di pei i, u. ,1. 33 eeuta i-.r poaud, aad Ib addiUou t" ua i..',.-x of dnty, Bper ci nt uio a.i valoreui. On all borUpa and HKc tnannfaeturea of fliix. lota <t bempaorol v.'iu.!i flax, Jute ur hemp iballb i..<- laoneut ataterlal of cbii-l raitte, ezcepUna Baak ux n..iv be aaltaata for aae aa haggin -, for oovi ring . ottoa, or f,,r taa aaea t" ebli i. ? ich .- iggi-g la auplled, 80 pei oentnm Bd valorein. Ou uil uii ,: fonndatloBa <.r floor .-i.,t!i ciiiv.ix ui ..I. of Bn ., .i i .- "i ii i :*. orol whi.-h n ix, )uti or heuip xi)iili he tbe . .lapeueni iiiuterl .1 < f t blel ralue, 40 pereentuui ad vuloieui Oualibaga. cotton bagx, aud liuciriiig, aud all ' ? . i"; ?'? rt ra oini-rwlaoprovlu4'dfor, uliat.lefor ute aa I???-?? foi lOv.iiiiK lOttOU, c,..*.!|.>.r- -1 wi.'iv Of ili |,art ?.! d.ix, lK-uiii, iu..-, guuuj . I'.io. kiiiiny btiga, -t Btlier, to i,,-r <<-:,tii n :,<l valoreui; ea il Ba -., dn ? U, uu-taa_? li.etuir.1, nii.i.ii.1.- f?r aboe tbread aud BUtora'tbread, \ ;iii,? .i at 2o i. utx per j.ouii.l or aiora, thrat f'.urt_f. oi u i ( ui ix-r pouad. . ., ou lu.ii.ii- r- made ?f eartbenware or other materlala, exeept glaaa, for oaa exclualvely ". telegntpbr, 3fl per ((?uiuii, .ul valoreui. u.i boullloua i*r caunctille aud uwt? tM' ada, ii..- or ge ipluat, 28 i? i oentuui u.1 \,. on eeal tm- radaced, or aapbalt, pl ->? bituni u, or (i-iii.-nt, luiii,ui..- im. 'I in.-.. II i aldou ,,. l.uirth of u eent per pouud. Ctuupbor. crui ,i . ta par i,..iiiiil; reflued, 20 i-enta per pound. Miaoda 1. .1 aaea aaa, oeavfani? .,1 aceut per ponnd. On ??1 ruu ,,i uaj aater, al at ier dtatiBod or eowpoBB4ied( ti ?? r I'liionof flratproof,and m proportlon fur .. ?> greater atreiigth thau iiin 1 roof. <..i rou aaaaaee oroflau I bai nui,,,.,--i.n ni -ii,? r aaaaa on bi.okn aauited and -mi other prWrted paaoi baaaal or ta ?**,jaeept aaw ? papera,mat| r.n 8.aad pertodieala.MtceaUparpoai -. i?i i-i-w ? u, r. mnanzlaea, aad periotBeaie, unri ? !'.',tAi:Vi:li?;.,,l'n, V^**** tlorthlTaetcBtnp Into fol.ea, medlnm eap. aol -j.a , l. tter-paper.aad wrttfejwap. r alaea, Jobainatid. r.1 > ?,.r,-,',.' ?..t.?.M-r- iMDtprintlBB_aai '?{;/.? , . i;, ao-erameatut tho ifnlf*. -i-'?--- ?'' . ", ?,''?,- , , ,, 11, -r-i-o imii belmpoard ln eacb eaae of woutu,.i of tl.i- j.rovi.i.'naof ilu-iurn.vio.b. . Hi ~. .4...1 br. it fwrOter tnaeled, it.'f -' ' aeta a-n partaoract. retjalrlaa dutles 11 be 9aaaawd npoa ur-lt couiuilaaioua, brokeraae, coal ol u...,e, .r..,i...n. , tVn'^kipnirnt.antlotberlikeeoataandch l"^,,;.,-_. .i?,^e,'ff?r'^rr>"rr'-f.T-jt.n;:i'l;.frrt!.n v of ji.u- nctl fi,- InUwrtutloB of Ito artlc.ea t.,,11, .1 ii:i:t .'--in'.-a In thla eectlon aball beea. roi-d-tT.tbatli toaay: Aaatcaanmanfjrtnrcrl. ..... 1,1.i ? la, a uminum. amber beaila, Batb brh k an I j',- ..S . I. rda atuffad, balba aad balbona ehalli whlte aud l re-cb, anl all otber cben -ruB^rtyea; and medklnea; anjrclleAj raat, aaaato ?. j7_ ; ,.,'? .,,,?? ,.- anlllu k. aqaafortiw, a ?.. -,; la. ehroml" ari.l, anlphorte ecld, ?'. J'M.m- i caalta blaektaree, Uraall paate, II111 , ,' m cor-alba, halaiui Mr. t. im ivtuMi". i..l in,; boraz. rrnde: borate ot Utae; elanabar nativo ore of mertury; caloinel; eoball nrejeni r-ow or klne nox or raerlao vlnws curry jrowden; tlii - , rt.-.-|:.!lfM.i?:r: dry.oroxldeofIroa.coll dru-1 couti iverva t. re 1 dowa, .1 aa.r kvaoite drledbua ? ta ne root, flowera, leat ?-. pitail , . . la. mediclaal, lo a crode atale, not otb ,- lae provlded for: ralnnra or pl.-ynirei, nroot.Gu uaarati-,orf-a._*of paradls; ht-iic {;!.,..root. rartnlae, crudeji.Ikiuor ol Iroa. l,uf. .-ni k.cru to; mai ik inallov_, aujpr 1 I iiilnr, 1 i.i.'M'i-v,'; omivv bada aad nowtr,, pellltory r. -. -,,.,., pula, pota b, crudej m neea n , "re, erudc drng, 1 ' irrni. atroBtla or ..ofatronl ? -.-".?i.v nk. 1 . . .laalta, salp! ? ?? ol ao la 01 aal ?. aallelne 1.1 ciuoj pr.-pii ? . 1 . dye, lallo, tin i-iy-i-i-, oxldc .;f Ln or onrnt, ..'.1 uJIna irlail .?-' urledbloo.I,ilrlcdaiidj'r.| .redflowi , 1 uuuianufacturod, Freneh aaad, Iraili ;'".u' ,' ootdnedorp rcda ? ' , ',^ ? .hairol ko tu led for heda aad mat. -., ..!,i u-4 of cattlo mm or nnrurcd wlittbcr Irj ... .;.:.? Laud tklii ,bonca, ayr -?- ;? ? i.'n. .i .", j- ti I or |o . ??;?. ?...'(,,.i- ..:-i acrap. lod. Uii , ? ? J?"*> .mi ciin.l.i. "i," bo'ojnia aanaage. boiit ki ..... vi..-.. ou, ... nml . -. ?-?? rea per ce ? .,. . : 1 -. mt] ? or I...- in.i-... eajeppt, " rar, 11\< 1 f-Tiiu-l, 11 .- T'.ii.iiii.,. !iv >. lor, '?'?!?!>? v. tlij 1; ;l. '??'. | ' *gu - ,-,,-.,,11,?,?.?.?.-. , . io .erudoofcvervd eriptkm.??; all:-.?? . '. ? 1 ?- - '??:''r "? -" *' ? ,i?v, 11 t.cllppl irt.old i'.-i"i'. i'- i- ? ? ?;. > 1r,i;'.' v,i si ? iiiti - .. :. ,-. 11) i .g .-ii ininuj ' -"'?" lorrc -..; .-, ;. , ..? ..??? I fltonlyfo ivcrtl ., 1 ,i rund 1 it 1 ?? - "Bl ttuxo; ] riiiliuc.pebl.l . J ? ?: !?".?";""? r, .,:,?, .raw or ,-1. .1; ? md.i il ,?ui d, - btor, ciiuta, raja aeed, aujrcr cam-, aeaanmiu, ttaii . :..,.;, ,1.1. ,- bat -, -? i....-,<. ? ?'?. I : 1 illow. I .r iiii-l ji J . rlo ttetl . maiiu l! ? ? :,1''"' aud iiiainlacturera of, 1 ? ? ? ? *???'??? "'??'? *"ti?j.t . ? -ca.anil mi - ' rblek nwybe ? ,,.., ?..<:. ,1 Wi?r .. ? rtayol J.i.m;r.. I . i, v.nrii tbla ael 1 naii ue . , ,, her 'iiitt, apoa the ? .??.,-. roi . . if 1. a 1 ? bapt rt , ?? . . .. 1 11 that day. ALBAIfY. LEGI LATTVE PKXM EEDlKGa BT2AX01 ISO '''. i ?: "'?- APPBXM " ' ' ^'~ THE "BED BOOB" FBAITJ AOA1B?1 ... ED r. ? . IE OP I 1 A'i.: SALAB1J '. fFB ?J1 'iii.. tA-ai-AB C B BS1 '.-?' iTO? Tili T Ixbabt, April 18.?The Senate coBtinai I tlruexlea altb tbe Aaanal tr^?xrprlatioB bill for tba , rtoftbe Btate-orcranient, aad abao.; r- .??:. 1 ibe poiatof ord rlnall toa tblrd reailae. Ami Impt rtanl ebaa ? - made ? ..- Ikei iu itat m nl . lat. Eal moloi it, a! a lalary ol Ur1 . tiiatdl* Uajral bedmaaoi learalni nariaa been -ft outbyt! v ..,::,!.-. ?, 1 ? pn ??:.* 1 ? lalal ire, 01 at 1 ? . tlittlot lae onany ipectea of 1 l.i ool taa thi tn tbo eommoa ? - .;. ? ml 1 ?f u, ?- .1 ? ??.1 .l.i 1 1 i.i-. ba . . ? 'l tbe c< romlttc. of Fi : ..:... it:ik.- i 'i'. or i in' I. - ? re !? -f. In ti. ? ?. . ..1 '.- a detei ' '" ; tk Of V., d, . ' ? " i. ! I?, ,\ "for 1 l lUtk :i ii'.i' :?- i'-' T' ' ??' d :-; ,! ' , . -,...- i- .1, . . 1 .. . ? ' - . ?? ' ? ?? waatt-dat eacbce alonuiKm tbla .i....;, rolnme. it la n,,tiy,.f no more \.niie tban a..; almi lae, boi b ma boaad in r .1 batbcr, nml n?-bed to order 8 :ii tbe ,iv. :i..' 1 aa aa la rjltletl 1 ,11 -??? v, iaaaao 11 taa nl lor tba parior. A aaajorltpof tbe membera preaeat, tbla morniua, roted foi I ?? 1 orea ti member, bal tbe Bpeaker ralaed tho pohtt of order tbal rof all tt c ,,;,? ibara ehxtedwaa n - ir lo gtrerall Ity 10 .. teal, la wblcb be waa a?atalaed by Mr. Alrord. Mr. Jaooba appealed from tbe doel kmof tba rbalr, aad b iui.,' v.r.i.--'. ? . :i oa I, ea I bowen .'. bi tba rt heloB ' lt m liiij.i tl tbal tbla ehUdlah aaate of publlo monej will tbla year be omItted. Tbe real t,f Iba llma aaa I ' a ii;, i . ;. ;. i.t i . ! 001 I l !i,:i 1 rtM 11 I ; Of bll?L Br. Tiemann baa latredaeed a bfO for an lacreaae of -,, mea of the 8tate offleera. II alrea 110,800 a year totbe Oorernor, IM a day totbe 1.1eatenant Borernor foreraryday'aattondanca ai Pr doatof tbe Beaate, eraa OommlaatonTof tba Caaal Pand or?aad 0 ? 4., oa year for tbe .- . I - i . i 0 a ?. ar foi .;,. c.n.ii ,l! r, '.'. ' . . ' i '? ? and U 0898 year ea kfor t i 1 r aad Ai Ulor of ;i. . tu i ji.ii.i,; .,,?.!. "..i abore aalarlea ara ;i. jinilfr, :i nn l after Jan.1,1 i. Thd pn ? :.'? are ?-. t ,?i ? ? t -. the Oorernor, ? M i n i l i ll ? ? ? rrctary of . , i ,'.,.;:? . . i 11| i tl ? .'.'? tl,V i to ;?? Ti ? fl Ul .-- i . i- Palai .-1 / ? rl ? I . :i Impm tanl bill for I i .i i pa) .'i n of tbi , l.iluit air.tin t the , Kew-Yoik for work done by coa ractoi -. for i blt-bt'on ii, , i t,r>.-u i.-ni"--. t.i wttle on aeoount of iiiforuiali tiei, r ol in?:? lep il and tecbnleal .Iijet-tii ?- . rhe amouut i : ?!.. - lalins mil.'loi i ? i'itim, .- ? lierland, and V n Vooral ?',?.- naitui-d In the i,,ii ... - .i ?'iiTi-i-i-.-:,'i in hcarand determiue wnal iball be pald ln aettlemeul of aach claliua, rbla la a auli cl v.i:i.ii baa _lreu a ereat 'J-.-'i <>r tronble to tbo n Coiniiiittr-e oa dtJea, tiie tneialiera of whleh bare beea 1 d for tevt-ral weeka p.-i.i i.y tbi eoatraetoi and 1....1 n-pi wiitativea. Ur. Palmer, al tbe aami m rejkortedanotber bill previdinar for a r aaeo ttiicnl nji d prop i -.. Inca i here fort er a >? meal t bare bi u raeated on aecoiiat of Infm allllea. The letiiua a ,1 ? eii -, ? - m ti < i.i- ..; li i iiitui liimii-i i.r tltou uiuda of dollara to the debt of tbe oil . boiipbt a portion of tke au_~ that 1. t may yet bere iren ? II pai DISPATI 0.1 81 \ AYl;.Al babt, April ? J;iilr4 wero reported aa followas Ta rrpra aad cxtend Boutk Kl rentbat., to Brooklro ; rtbktlT. te I--., i-..-?? ? aaa property; to reaulate tb. rnnnli -,( ferriei between New-York aad Brooblrai lta_eatae rata of (are b twi ea Ibe aary-yard aad Baahwlck Creekj ral Ure to dlrlaloa feacoa; lo preronl tba BBrrylBgof alana-ahota; to adjaat eertala aeeotrataof tbe .i'vof i ?;.; i,. ni.-.,. iMi ;ii<- tbe l'ii< lal md Hotel ; for tlm i i ,..i. . i .. i; ia relation fo lo ii linpr.? vi-in. i,i- ii, N. ? York; rolativ. loa - ataln tbe clty ui New-Tork. i oLtrnoaa. By Br. Thma:-n?Tbal a (.'omuiittee, conaliitina of SJ - i .Tiei . .ii, Bi :. !I, t, an l Wt lauiau, bt aj polnicd 10 ? ? .!?' ...- ,.!,'.i:i- of Iln- lni.1,1.,. ; nf II.?, -.-li. . i.i.llsth of tke Thlrd nnd Nlutb Jndlelal l? itric ?, toactdarlna t'i i,., r-ai, .ii , to 11 port to tl,o n. xi meetlugof tbe ?<-k lalature, Adi By Mr. Lobu?Calllna npon th, t am I Board te rejmrt why tbey adopted tbe toll abeet of j?;i for iho jm.-i nt year, Lald .,:. tbe tabte. TbeBenatA tben weal li fo Commlttee oo tbe Geaerai Approjiriailou bill, aml oetupled tbe remalader ol tbe 8 ? loa. Adjooi.. ii to M.-inIui. ABBSMBLT. Mr. Jacobb eailed ap tlio concuiTciit reaola UoaBBtbor?dBgtba Ooreniorto Bppokittwo Coaaibbp ab?n i ^ t.i tbe lateraatlaaalCoaari a foa tbeBaporai i--n ?.f t .illi.-, t.. 1., in i,i in Loadoe Jaly :i, i?t_. Mr. Ai.'..,i.i> li.n.iii iu adil tbal Iba OeaabBalaa aboa?1 be nn < Kpeaaa io 11.< Btote, aaw ar Bt roafler, wbleb Mr. J Aioiia iifiitt-d to, aad il >? reaolutloo aaa adopted. 1-11.1 .-. 1AM-I.ll. Ameadlng tli" rlirirt.. ..f tl,.-1 il. ot N- tt bnrab : eon Brmlaatbe proeeodinaaof tbeBoB_lo forowoat n and aatborlidag tba laaaa of boada ofaatdtlty laatd ?>' tbe people ,,| i bleago -, aioeudina the i bartar of Ibe iiiy nf Kin,:.-tu'i; reuulnng agi mr. nml araideaa ol Btal Pj '"? t.u-1? k,. t. iiriiiii. ,i ht.tti-i.i,-ni* uf tl.t- btalaaaa ,,f i'i"' nii>: amendlag tbe rhartei ol Bocheater; amendbig tba < bart. i t.i tin- New-York lafaat Aaylam ; iiiitimn/iiiK tbe Board of edaeatoon ?,f tbe < ity of Bew-Tork _{ , Itablii !i a fi. , ,i,-aiieiny ili tliat . Ily ; to 8??8 8881 or Bet ni- wt., Brooklya. _, Tbe Ni v. Vi.rk'iwinty-tlilr.l m. Ballroad a^aneblaa l,ili \,;ia liiiii'iuiuT-d, i,ut,un iiitiimii of Mr. Mukir, tt aat ktl l "ii tha tabte. Mi. Bmilbi aerea] atVaacaiieal iraolotlOBtbat tbla I?aialature adjoara ?i;irt/iri>n tboBKB of Aj.rii, !-?>''' ot it uader ih,- r,.l^. DBATB OF A MIr-DIt. San Tjuxcuco, CaL, April ll.-Dr. Wflliam ii, m ar, ..n KBaJktb mlaar, aged a yaara. aaa a aoaad 11, ua. t.-r in Baa Fruu.-iat-o, waa t.i.iiiii aaad "? a pito of raga fca b?i rooa ta ?apaatat Tbe raaaa t"?d boi beea awept la ll yeara. Twelra Iboaaand paaada la Baguab v ., i ? i ; ii ibe ruoiu. JUDGE BAKNAIiP'S PLEA. Ca-VtRE LEr.ISLATT'RE RFMOVF HIM WITII ODI riKTHKIi INVKSTHIATIONf A BeCBOBBTBaUe-B VBOB BAUNAUlVrl COT'NSKI.?A noTMtrt rsoB tbi aocuoBB?tbb law ot IBPBAI IIMF.NT AND KK.MOVAI.? BA INBBD I BlOni TO A lOltMAT, TIMAl.?LIBRATIOBfl OP TBB 1 l...I-1-.MIVi; I'oUKIt TO KKMOVK JLlx.i.x. Tho Riilijoinwl protcst ol JtulrTO Baraard agalaetMaretaaral allBaail afatwtl Blalwaaraai t<> Ha IBdlulaif Oataailllaa af tho Ar>*.'tni>iy, _-__M,at ?a eaae at Ba lateatlgatlaa Baa Bbb aaaaaaa aaade by 11 p Baa laaai?Haa Meaara. CBrttoaadAB_rawa,aaea< x. 1 lat ladga Um, barealaa ixxu.-ti tha foiiow init- <ard iti r.'f.'.i-n* e |B tlieli- ( Mcnt'a caxc aud the protl st in quc.i Uaai A irriiH PBOB BABBABtr- COUlfJEL. To ihe Bdlter at The Tribuma. Bia: Ia eeeaaeeeace of the aaaaaaa of Mr. cur f't ft-.-m t'.ie i-tty tfariaa the paxt weik, tlu. .01111-. 1 ler Jodaa Baraarl did eei ftempUj tahe aetlet ef tha ? \t tet_aarr iatiaaaial paiaaitlaf ?" aa a tapati in.ii* i.y Meaara VaaCatt, l?aaaa, aad B?dtaajr, ta tha Ilar Ax-ii,i!itl,in. ttnd puMMicd on the 10th Inat. It un j ,1 ? Ci-1 ibe j'..*-A...... .itiou votedto prlnt 680 coptca of repoei fer diatributloa aatong ihe mi mi.rrx <.f tne iture, we are mncerned wltb tbat partef ii oi.iy m leh '? ?', '',. J.i.ii.-.' 11 irnard. It aeema to r.n n rery alngular proeeedlng on the p-rt oftbeBarA toclatlonto eadearor t>. ftreetall tbe Be tion of the Jitdlelari Committee, aml to aflVct the opin li [ 1 of :? -uii.. ra ol the Legtslatnre wltb tha tlewt ..1 tha csr-o entertaincd by the proaeeatera, in advaaee of tba 1 / b ' i> ii tbeXrSgi ilatare maat *.*lve to tho aeeuaed, elther uniler tbe Impeaeblng power ar tho power tore 1:11,ve i..- ? oin-'ir ,-n,- reralaiion of the two Boaa 1, We tiiink thal . \< 1 ? I..-! peraoa will axii what the membera ut the 1- -;i hi'tiii.* bave to do with the a. ? .'.a oplnlona rnlertal ned of tha erideaea br Ibecotn nta and proaeeatora, before tha aeeteaotl ean be I,. .mi, tbe Judtelary Committee bara recen> mended nny pr .--- dlng whatever, aad while the aeal ol aeereeyai II reated apoa a moat volamlnoua maaaofte - ; . . amaxlm of the eivll law which ex - t . cnce of uil Inatlce, and which tha Bar Aae-iieiutlou aeem to be doing their la -1 '*. "Who n,i ., i- dr. idea unj tblng, the other party belng nnhe-i-d. allhirueb bemny .1. <....- ngbtly, doea ni f rh-eiff.; luoily." li i< aa great a vlolatioa <.f tbia eaaential pt_elpieof olitdiiee ibe membera ?,i any publie tnbnnul to their ? pliii. naU rm, a ..i e la h< ard, aa it ix to ta_o 11.111.) il* i-ii.i- .1 party af Ibe bi arlag Itaelf. THK <>i 11 ( r (.1 .11 1 OB B-BBABB- t_WBCI TOWB. The pablieaUoa ol thia report, trlth IB aeeeaaaiily P'. 1 il eoneloaloaa aad aafouaded aaacrthma af wbat 1.. .1 praved, raa be aerenah? far aaly apoa tha ?uppoalilon C!.t tba 1 roaeeato. - ezpeti ardeslretbe !nture ao to exertlre Iha power of retaoral bjr eaa ,-. ti. . r 1. -.'.ir.ii.ii. a tn bave tne removal tlecin. .1 upon t..i ? *. by tbe Ji-.ii. iiu.v Coitiiiiiit.'.'. and withont any other "hearlnB" than an opportuulty for the ceuuael m. tb, a 'iiaed lo uuake a apeeeb on 1 1 v ii.-i.c-. lf the I.ciri-.'.atiue ean be pemaadod to put -,.,;, a conBtrnetion npon Art. VL, Bcc. 11 'f Ihe ( tli ion, a publle elamor, gotten ap tbrougb iha ucwapapera,maytloabtleMbelp 011 tlie rcxult. Bntaa , i .. ,ut >, . '1 .11, <? tn C:.' \vi.x,!..ii, and .. Ir i.f both .'- ? ?-. a. 11.1 do not belicve that the jadl Comuili of tbe Aaaembly will adopt tbat eoa ion of the ( o*.i-tiititifiii, ae <io nolintend to be d awn Into any ill 11 loaBi tbe publie priaiaef tbe evl takeu hy t i.i. t Conunittee, n Into any eaprcssloo .. . ur npen any fcature of Jadgo Barnard'a Ita .... be very raay for na u> abow tl. .' r.. ? v.denre before the Committee, iu.i ly rcgurded, rl ... ,,.t warrant lh< pr? ?..... - In tbeir aaanmp, or ti.. 11 i/. 1, :.--?-: aud ll would be eqnolly ; ii. to expreax our Indivldual oplnlona tbal aol , -....- : . orot-e Committee Jtnat ougbl to 1. ...-??, val from offte. Bal tbi re . ntertmportance to tl." people *.. i , ;..-?!.! ntatter, than the oi Inioua of ; . |, . . Uer etdc; aud therefore. wlthout adduo . : . . .- . ? 11 1 1 Bl '.:.-!.>l On I 1. ... 1 ? . i l io il ,-tUl. ll: ?-. t >' liiq_,ry 1. ....: iht- J i<in lary I. -ii:r. itl t! 1 . t i'\:i l BW l< BOBI 0. | ? -. :i 1 ' ??: .....1. . tl Albany te 11 td I.' a 1 aa . larew oUonthattbej eoald not bear gbiiity < r t..t..p.-t. iicy ol cvi r rat tloa al all rule, aaa 1 oui .!-. ' ai atary , . ., 1 pnMie reei ru . .: .*? n to lu : ? ap: 1 . t- eL.'.rp -, i-.. 11 n. ? ??: inul . v. a.l ? . . the Cbairn an, ,.,,. . ? v orth." Al . . ,,*.., what Uie wl i. .11 rr rtle ? profh-l, ty "f .,?,., -, , r ? te ruli-a of evl len, >-, !,,, , i,, .- not to 1 e penulrted t" arsue oiijcrln ai, we 1 .I ? '?" -I their tb "? 1 to '" thatrtb. y tin t ?> merelr pn llicluary Inver-fliratloo, for ti,,.,,...,,.,,.. , tbeui t, dt-termine whi'iher tbej ,.i. hi, pnbllrlv iiit-i forinally, to acetute Uto Jurtgcaof oll , , 1 ??-.,,mi,,it reqiitring thelrremoval orlmiM>ach , , . t. . . r . . \ a ?i ? 1 . li we .- uld 11.,r he hear I ...:,1 we had .... v te a qutosce in *? a ? , bi 1 ound to : a) t. ;,t tbe < 1 nimlttee ?, . ,1 t 10 11- witb falrm . aad ..11 bb 1,, , ; 1 . ? ? than 11 uri.y luh *rem .11 - ??! lnv< atlpillon In whi li im. iital nil< - <-f evidonce kl- entln .y ael i,,i- ,-vvi.x wbo ate diaintcreated, and we ', , .';..- i.i.-- ..:.'. 11. ?? ii -?'? how preposteroaa ir wotld be tn tr>'ehargea of ol citil miaeotidiiel u;<m tee . ..r ii.:.-- I .?.-... t r; how val . Ie 11 re tbe eoncln , or <-j-... "iix ??! ? ???. '..riic-l iipi tt ?? m ni II . . , , pn |i... ion ' I u Ll '1 1 ii*. .1 t : 11 < ?:. ,:'- m ,!i woul.l lll.t a!:".. lo opei mlnd; nnd I. m I He It wu I be 1. t for a eoi r. 11 Vi |.:1 : .... ? - 1 .. 11. ' ?? ? ' if for Un pur ?? .?" ?'?? ''?' : . ? ti.lli ? l 1.71.-4'.1 ll?l ?: |y |l lt . , 1 ...- . licueea de . . ? t reaol itlou. 1 , . 1 ?,. \, e liatbi "t J'i !->? Bi ii'.ml ln e ? -.,,,, utic maui 1 r, hi < .>i oael rmtd ;. proteal ..nml.,:. c. u: .11. ':??'.? .-: the Inveatlgation, aud ,.,,,,, ?. l thal ,'. .. ? ' ? 1 euterci upon tbeir neorda. *j, ;. ,, ,,.,? ., Into ? ,-t- ?..:? raUon, bul :. 1 Biiawcf to it haa y.: 1. n 1 cclvetl hx f"r*i.:il iu iv upon tbe reeorda ol tbe Coiumlttee la nol \, ry liuportaut. aa it can be pres. nted dlreetly I,, tbel.egialatuie. Bul it acemed to ua tlu* moat re .,,( .fn| cotii rtna-x to bave II rt-.n-ii the Aasemblj 1 ,, , en (?,.-.,,.1..ine Aa It dltf not ln any manuer ?,,,;, riatte 1.-. uaa tbe < tld. i.. . Ita p ibU. at ou wlll i?,i, we il sume, be tlu ngl t Inup] ropilute. 1' wllli ita 1 pcopli ..t tlic.-iiii. t.)'<-!? how iniportant to their bt -; inter. ta U thecoirei deteruilnatlou ol one >>r tbe ,,, iuurj 1.....-'.'ii. ojii atiom Involved lu tUia ,i ?. We, there.requeat you, Mr, Kditor, to fctve j; , 1, ,? . v; ircoluu.nx pi. ..11 -n Ly th.s Ic-it.'i-; BBB v.k-'i'. 11- .??:;??- ptcll Uly, vuiii -. Cl.. riCBBOB ' t BT18, I . , ? Y. kl DBBWB, Couuael Ior Jiulgt Baraard. Xftt-Tork, Bpril 18, UVT3. JUDGE BABBABD- PBOTEST. 1 ?;, fJonorobU the Judiciory Committee of the Tfmu ?>' . ... noteiMingat fiee>Tork, inqmring , , ,.., ,. ? uo) Qtoroi 0. Bartwr-i . ? ? ? he Hu Crtnu lourlinandfor tki /.-,.'? M 1 t let jTolret and hltttpieene of tht aald <"<> gt U.lmrwird: Taa UBderalgaed,dariag thia _vaetlgation baa, *viih aarprlae,heard a a-gaaatlaa atade byoneof theCaia mittee tbal tbi nowi r to laBKrveaJitdgi of tbe Bapreme ,,,,it line.,.il.t.. bycow arreat rew I 11 loa tH the two Uonaea ol tbe Legialatara, nn.ier au. vi.. Be-ettoall, ni the Oonatllatli n, But] be exen laed wlthout any other trini than tbe Inqulrj tbal baa labea plaee beforethla i.ii.iii.itc . and ou th evld. u< e tbal baa been 1 ibi n by .,.. ,.n.lttie. Altbongh the underalgued doea nol underatand tb il the < omuilltee bave adopted thia view ?i the power hereln reBrred lo, prthal tbe memberwhu inadethe nggraUon uaa expreaoed a diwlded opin ion .,, deeiua It bla du.y, ob bla own liebalf, aud on of all other Judgea in the Btate, wbo are within ibepnaaible aeopa of thal power, t" raterhUearneai proteat againat tbe adopttoa ol a courae of proeeedlng wbleh woulddemrtve Inui ofa righl -,-. ured i.? bim, aa be 1,',,.,-,.., by horli tl"' letter and tbe xp nt oftbeOon atitutlon He, tb'reforc, reapeetfally requeata tbal thia piotexi etnbrarlug the grouuila on which bi?? -\. <?: t ? ln advance to bucIi a . 0 irae ,.f pro. eetBng, may be entrre.l upon ibe r. I'ur.i oi ih,. 1 ommittee. Tae greuada ol bia liut. -I ai'< : THKIKl.MM tSt.'l IIiY M1III.Y lrWUMINAKV. 1. That the praaaal toveeUgalloB i.y tha OaBaaittea 1-, iu p. mt of law an.l of legtalattra praetlee.a merely prelBalaary injuiry, 1? tha parpaaB of aacertaialng wbether a aaaa .-xi-tx, aaah aa tatghl to <-ail Ior furtber proceedinga under tbe power t<> Imaeaeh or the power to rt-nitrve wlthout ImpeaeataeBt Tlux laenlry i. aot, la Ita i ttture, n tiial "f tbe i-xm (.r teeaea thal wlu bemade uu ,:, r art'i.-ie. ,.: mi ? ?'< hniiiit, or under a rext.lutloit tbal n,ii v ba iiitri'.iti<-.-.l mto tbe Aaaembly, loohlag totbe exei - rlaeof tbe power ol raaaeval br tha ceacartiiai v?te <>f ti,,- tuo Honaat Noreea thlx liupury aad tbeetldence h,-ie taw.-ti ba r.k'iir.ieii iu i.nvaaaaa aa a_ ih.*.ihh el ,, i, deu rmlning wbether tbe -aderalgaed ettgbl t? be r. moted fiom ofnee hy the exerelae ol tdtber pf ili<- pow erabywbleh beeaa bedeprlved of titeofflcethal be I ..1 ix. lt ix aul.iiiltt. .1 that the true al.alogy for tbe lunction of thia Committee ix to be fooud la the fauctlon ,,f aae-_-ital_g_-o_letrate,who latedetertalae wbether ii ,..-. exlata esdUBfl f?r furtln-r proeeedlnga; the Committee haM..- ihe addltloaal powtr nu.l <iu?y ..f i-. commendiug whal tboae fartber proceedluga xli.ill he, II ii.iY.oroi npoiiitg that no fuilhi-r pr.aee.luik-. I< t.lkl u. 1.1 LBB 4>F LVIUEB. B |.Ixl.HiAll|,tl>. 2. T1i!h Inqulry hua, in point of fu. t, ?...?.n.-t tl.. r. ? paaaai raaaaaatraaea of Uta aadattlaaeii laaaeel iiilly made tbr?ugh Me eeeaatI, beea aaadaeted withont nnv regurd to the fund.iui. Btal rataa of evldeaee, whli h are n p.,rt <>f the known aml , r-intiiiI u..iiti- .<f dixeovi-ring truth aad guardliig againat error. The ron.u.iit..* will bear wltaeta f-r Uie uiidrraigaed tbat It waa BUtMaaeed al th* _?nimencc luenl Ol U.i' liivu.-IlL' thal .,.,). .11.'ii-t-'th.* i.diuixxii luiity. Miib 14-iK v. or raleraacy ol erideaea would aol ba allowed te be dla aaa d ; aad that, while eeaaael have beea aetaaBted te BMBe b aaa^t-UiBa te tbe Oorn ii,ni.e, ti,. whole inveaeUfBttea Baa beeaaorondactid Mto BdfltB of Ibe if..-1'tion of arldenre aneli aa could aot be rtcelved ln a 0__l irtal of aay deacrtptlon, upon ?in aj ........ !...._? -u BtcataUkkB, lat( itn.kf iha aae r- i tnlnmrnt of f.tcta, and tho aapHeattaa tf> aneb '.rtiof tlffliiito mloa of determlaatlon. Tba aa-arMened de airta to b< uu.letatuod hh uot now roinpli.InlBg of tbla t-.tiiraoof tbo ('on.tnittr-e, lf tbe actMO aad report of tbe Cuniroitiee aball be eeaBaed t?> tbe qaeatloa wbetber a eaae exieta raiiiuit for further praeeedlnga aader tha jxiwrr t.f Inipoachnient t,r tlio power of r.-inoval, nti'l if tbe fiiial aetlon of tht' Asaoinbly al?.U br, not OB tbe ovl ti.'nro bare tabea, bat oa erldaaoa t<> br takea ?t a tn.ii ofaayebarge that tha Commlttee may report agatnal him, for tli?- .-xi-rt iff of thepowt rof rt-iuovul. BB?MPP?I. WJT?OOT flH?1 wori i> BB tlMtXMUTIin tionai.. If tho 088898?488 ahould 88 itnj>oiu-h, no one will 8888898 to ebklBB tliat tho BBdatBtgBOd can bo refu.-cd B trial. Bat 88 O-k-M aadptataata Ibataa axerahaoi' t-apawarof removai, tho removai to BO do, l,t. d l.y tl.e eoncurr. nf \?'."-f ti,,-! vi. iioiis'-s, on tl.o evldenee takea br tha Comralt tee, aad altboal a trial nnd Ibe applh?tlou tbereln of ! tl.o fiiiid-imeiital rulca of erldieaee, would b< aneonal ? tntliiiial ni 11m lf, mui would be, tnorr-ivrr, uiijii'-t i""l opprt aalre, beeaoi a ot tbe .iba neter of mm-li of tin- ei : dence bero taken aad reeerred, aad beeanaebel aad bare, la the en at of a reraaal t.> aet ord t<> blm a tilal. ao in.i.if of exeepting to hucu. OTfataaoa, aad of belag beard upon Bin-b r-xcepUoa -. ,i. Tb.deralamed ebUau tbat Artb-lo VI.. aort|?n 11, t.f tlio ('..[ by re.|iiirliijr tliat tl.o party wi.oso remoral from e_~a ia r-oucht "ai.aii li..-..! beaa aor red wttb a eew of tbe eomplalnt ajrainat him," aad MBball bare bad aa opportoalry <>f belng beard ln l.i.-. defoaae," iii-reeMull* auppoaeaaBd requirea a trtal befora tba body tbal la to deelde oo tbe removai; aad tbat tbe remoralrannnttakeelace npon tbe evltlenee <n- ib" complaint ottert -t before the exainlB log oiil.-lal <>r ..itin.iii wbo are to reeommeud or not to ri-ri-iiiiin mt funurr proocod-ira, TiU-, . on-iitiitioiiul prorlaloa ia ln tbe foUowlmr' ordat Ai.-ii, i.iI VI . rn' uoi. II. Ji-. ? ? ,.f tkI Sn?>r?n? Court. a? .In .-> ol the t'.iuri i,I .t| p-il". mi- '..' nn . ul br ,T,nr,'rre:,t rtwfatiOB >.. t-o I HoaiMol tli* I?t?latett, if twi.-li.-.nli of a'l Ma bmbJmm tlattttl :.. lii .'.?etiilil-.- irul i niAJontvof all th.. nutntn-r. to 'li* Be lt* r?arnr tlieieiB. All jaliuil rfactt, , i,,a t t - . ? leaa ln ti., MeUaa, i?' aaaaal Ji-t... uf i!.? Paaat ??? i Jmlrj-t ? ii I JoAt.eei uf inferior t'u.irti. Bot of P-<-?..'. may b ?n,..T..i bf tbt laaatt, a BM ra*w?BMMat?t <>f ibe -ty. .... r. ' at no r. Bii.Tal A'lill t,e nilie hrTirtiteof tuil aeetitM ii leis I e taaa ?ereaf i c tatend ?? the Maraab, n-r u->,?t Iba partf e..n, il ii,.'. <.f-i,?il l,?Te l?en ,erT..lw,tb B eopy, ,t araltat I ii, .ml hba.l have bul mi,| i irtaatt. nf i t b( Btanl ii, kii ? ?? ??'?*? "t ti qaea?n uf rtMtral, _t Vi.a __ ?,_,, i_81 baaatte? on tb? 01.1 ki I. i>. r:.iii'i;r.T.\Tio\ OB tiik Tl.i- liihl cliiti ??- of tliti st-eon.l efiitonco of tbU "f, tl. :i rxtenda to erery reatoral tbat eaa t>e awde ander tba aeetioa. iBtbeeaaeaf aJadgaof tba Baateaaa Coart, or n .Ttnt;;.- of tho Court of Appeale, u Con.inittee of tho Aa i mbly may n eelre aor eomplalnt, aad may i ike erl deucc to iniiiiii- tbem to datormt?e wbat eomplalat. il any, ahall ba preeonted to tbe Aaaembly for Ita aetlon. r i bi lua 't"ii'-. il.'-' implolnt nm.ioto tbe Commlttee la dliulinrjredofitafanction; and tbe eomplalnt wbleb lato l>eaervedontboaocnaed, oa wblcb be la to !"? beard in iii.-. iiif.ii.if, ja tbat wklob U reported i>y the t'onnmt t. <? to tbe Aaaembly aod oa wbleb tbo Aaaembly la to ae . Tbe evtdeuce takea bv tke Commlttee for tlie purj.of dctermimog wbat eompUlnl bIijU bo report. d i?> tke Aaaeuiblrand made tba aabject of a "nearlng, baa llitewiae diaebarged Ita whole fan< tlon aa aoon aa a eom? plalnt la before tliat body. Tbe " bearlag," tbal la t-, be liitil in "d.-i<-n o" a_al_at th- aecaaatlona of tbe rmn pli.ii.t win, li 1). cn j.r.-HCiito.l i , tho A -ai-iiI ly. net a.uilv lmpllra tbat tbe acouaatione are to ba prored i tbe one aide aad diaproved on the otber, t>y a tnal otb. than t- ?? prellmlaary in.-uii'v whkeb waa bad for iho n.ilo p ii p -,. of determlnlng what compmiat ahoidd be m i e th, tiibleel of aneb a bearlag. lt is plalnly Impoaalblo fi.r tlieBaeeBaed to "bare had an opportunity of belng beard in hia defenae," oa "tbe eomplalnt agnbiathim, lf no bearlag bi aecorded lo blm itln-r tbaa tbal wlut-b may bare beeu allowed on a prelunlnary _iveatlgatloa eooducted for tae parpoae of determlnlng wbat eoa> i . inl aball !"? tho aubjeet of Ibe bearlag. lt i^ equully pb?n tbat a beanng on a eomplalat. wben aecurcd by u L-ouatitutioaal or otber lenal pro vi ...ii aa a fuudamental peraonal rtght, Iropil t t.i,- right to Ut eonfronted with tho wPu, i i . ,-.! in Bupport of the eomplalat, and ;> ii-'iif to Intioduce witni .-.-? s ln the ?!. tenae, at a trial on tbe \'-n I. mplulut whleh la to in- the aabjeetol floal actb a, aud n hli h, aader tms partbiuhtr aactloo >.f the Couatltuti. n i.;,, r i in ace ibe ranae ol remoral tbal bi to i> ? eatcred on the Joiiraila nf tbe two Houaea. Bnch a trial eaa eaall) ue had befora tbe two Houaea aaaeaibled In con vintion, and the caroe peraouawbo wero eompluln nta hef re Uie cxauilulng Commlttee can bn admittedto , ut, . or tlie i. la?.ture ean apeelally dlreettbe Attoruc) -Qeneral to > o i,.n.-t nn- jtroaeentloa. an DtPOBTABT PBBCBD-BT TO Ili BBT-BI-BRD, 4. Tba iiii.I.-raLiu-il, jirntcsting tbat ou tha erhbiBce tit'.i.-n oo tliiH preU?daary toraatfaatloa, tbere lal ?< ealtlag for fnrtbet proeeadlnaa, doea, Berertbele ., re tpectfully remfad tbe CkNamltteo, tbal if tbey tbai furtber proeeedlugi an noeeaaary In ilw cxerciae of the power of remoral by oooeorreni i i ni, :i pi- - ndi nl will !.;n<- tu be, for the Hr-: tlm -, i al ,?> II ied, wbich trlll put apon Artlcle VI., Beetion 11 of Ihe ito tlon a conatroctlon that wii aBeol every Jlndgt: of tbe Bapreme Conrl and "f tbe Court t.r Appeala aow la offlco, or wbo may avci , :? i,. in i.fil.-o ?niinir tho exlatenro or tim proviaon. Tbat conatru.-tl.iti , ,.i . i .i i un- -.i .m Juiiat b .i .i ; ! I, i-i ... .-n i, v. iiea they are aceaaed of oiHiial iuin-1 noiii t, or it will bo ooo tliat will renderit p,.?-ii,|. fur ti.<-!'. to be n' fr.-ni >,ni., by a proeei l ni-' to wbich tl.o name ol a conatitutlonal trial or bear IriKrannoti.? aiven.and i>y wblcb politk-olpartiea,aa iii- v -ii...- !v.t\ predomluate over eaeaother ln the i.. ., ? itnio, tim". leateerery tt?tnpoa tbe boaebfrom , | and pai t. - .ii liiutivt . QfcOl . D P0B BBMOT-L UMtTSO TO THB PBB8-BT 1_BM t'l-' t.i ncB. r>. Aadtl eaadt n : mod dotb fnrtiior prote I aBdexeepl Bpaloatanyaadev rycoa Ideratlonbytbl Comnnttco cf in- offlolal oeti during tbe tormofoface wbleb bi fi i hiifi na n J '' ' : nprcmnf -i;', \.' ? ,.;,, ,i hv ? iii of biwoii thesiat of 1 . ' ; :,,. .... ? ou thereon bv thi II ? ..i ? ,. |n ,,,'?, -....? o ol ? po ii... i , ? . dit, or ii : Pt .'?? r ol r. ? ? ; electt l;' I nl: o ol tb ? . .. oi, (he on of Novi i.? CO; and ..ur , Vl , | | ? , at t?tt el rii.'ii, ae recelv. d - -. I),, tbe Id of >.'.!'.?? in'.'o -, w#, ho wai electela j, ,.',' ,,r the Buprem" Court for " r .. . intiiii- Jao. i, 1869, uiia to eootlnae foa a pertod "f elant \, ai-i ihi-i- -uoi... 'i'i.o whole nnmberofvol araatat tbia i i i tlon for :i Judge ot tbe Supreme t'onrt waa im.i.'i, ol v i, , ii thounderelKi d r<colved M8.M8. Thonnderaiprned tberefore clalma, not only that bla <|ii dlflcatlona and ilt ii, >i for ti., oill ii. ii whleh be waaappomted toeat. ron the litof Jaauarv, 193C9, reeelred tbe emphatic ladorae* rie-it of tbe electora nf Hhm tlistriet, bat thnt tbeir a-i.ui itiiicii of the un tcnlirnod to the afllee whleh he n'.v in biH W, in p. i.t of aod conatitutlonal right, couelualve upon every qucatlou that .-onlit a_ec1 i,. atneaa :,' rnter upon tha dutlea of tbatofflee, aa ?i-uiii". any exert-lae <>f tli?- power of Impeachment, or the powi-r of removai. ln reapeet of any matter oecnr nna bt fore the conimenoemeBl of tbe preaent tonu, aa a catiae for rcmovlng blm from bla preaeat offlco by im peacbnicnt or other*l*e. An.l berein and borebr_tbe iiiiii. i-iirni.t acKcrta not only bla own Indlvldualrgbta, but alao the rl hta oi tbe electora of ins dlatrlct, to a-boMs unfettered Mlll aad determlaatlon, ha tbe amrointlng power, tho Conatltution haa exclaaive'.y reitrred all mattera tbat evMild affect the atneaa of r a- underalgued to eater apoa tho oilln wblHi be now hold* In ropert io all aiaUera oceurring dui-tng hia [.i-Miiit.-i-.ii ot oilbc, the uuderalgned ad iuit.A i i.i. the liujionchlng or tbe rnmovlngpower eaa mi.'t la i-\i- j.tioii, howorer, tho uuderalgned de lirea tho Commlttee aml tbe Aeeeinblyto nadoratand tliat there ia nooilli ml aet ever perf .naod by bba al aaj i mt.. wblcb he could be unwllllug to bave inado tbe aub i.'ri of the fulleal inqidry; tbal whatover proeeeding may be iwomaioaded by tbla Commltl <-, extendingto aut p. rlod ortermof Juda lalodlee, be baatheutmoal i >n Btleuce of u i lumpbaat vlndiAiatlou from any charae that ean be brouahl aguluat blm; andtl itbla toleobjectiou to aay laqulry ?r eharge extondliig baek to a period anterior to bl preaenl termof offlce, la i.Jed on u eou atltutioual princiole im. ortanl to tbe protectlonof ovt ry ,Iu,i ?-. -, an.l t? tiiv.- li^'in-of v.iy botlylatbe y,.,l(. (,. l.All.NAUll. .\>ic-I'?irA', Mart-hM. 1?:2. i,, o Tiekoor Curtla and Rafu P., of eoaaael with judge Bari .id. _ BBOW BLTDBB I.V UTAB-OM1 MAV KTLLBD. Salt I.aki: Crry, April i:i.?Baaa aTalaucltea DeearredoaTbaradayaad yeHtt-nlay ut Liitio,,., wood, wbleb ar,- it leribed aa tho moat bM-fal tbal havo arer beea _aowa la tbat raghat. A attila at tbe W. Ulaay toa Mii"' 'iui"' fram a abrbt of 2,000taat, e-rrylag away , ? errthlB - Ia Itoeotarae, aad barylagtba cntire for.-i- af ii..? \i ,iln -' workmen. Afu-r liutt-h labor the mea a-ereiln ; out allve witb tba e_eeatJoa of their foremaa, i! :i Murray.wboaebody whm reeorered aud laroiight ln a-lo-.iny. Bevea mea ware eaaght Inaaotber alkle, but were all reacaad. Two aaea al tho Davenpon Mlne were tmri.-.l in tiulr t-abiii, but eeeaped with ?onie. brntaea. Otber aUdeaara annetp-ted. lu tba stonu of tbe laat few days Ibe aaow fell (0 tbe deptb <>f nx leti ?u tb ? level. Mr. Miiriay. who aaa killed al tbe welllng t.ii, Mlae, ?a.- froa h_oda Ulaad, aad aaad Jf. ?? \\-m hlgbly ch.i uiid._ 11:1.1.tiRAi'iuc aoraa E-teaaire ilotto-tita of ctyritalli/.ed salphnr hiTe'le. i, ilUtuItlwil ib t..e lit.Ter Uoiui-.aiiij, M8 i-i.? iruia Ml tike Gl In a aarae ei hana Trall at Boatoa nn Batarday. 1 tue Bii'ira ibJ U-riirJ 4 .aui, lha Maaa ?.>u bj 1 a ? nf tu l. _Tho aebooaer Caroliae Uarah, from Poti Hopa It'li i ciriu uf wliejl, irriTe.i it Oiw*<o ua eauiMiy, tli?? Hut airi.? - - -eaauB. A iliainoitd of ooaaHdei-Me ralua baa I.B iarrat'1 t"'"l uiiu.- in BMtSBtfa 4 uuaty, 4'ai.foniia, ei.aliLg I, I U lu t. ot lii* ..ia,?B. f.lll-.l .niltTI.el |?ki ,1. lt< uie ,t Tbejary ln tlio Pore Ba-rtWr raaa, ta ?"t. Lonla, I ... .,-r,.|. .eil.J raa?aI. I lua lU'.el li.*l lh? IM?M la l.,f iiil?:Ull Lul butl.ll'l i. tUitC li klULU. .. A hi.e, inl dbmateb from Bprinsnold, M<>.. aara iu-.. ngt V. Otaar. Callitlar af laatraal ft i?.ue f. r .U- 1 :.i. I - tnrl. lin-euiel ?f ilrfalraliuii, a i-i Uai kuB lajtilauj a_a,Bat kim Ln lei-untira fur Oi"" '"' '? _A tiio in OawefB aa Saturdnv l.urn.-tl lt:in.l |erielo,|ni.g.t.,re, Kli.n.'i diu| ito.e. Mr?. .4 klM . , I, u, il,.l. ui ....r Mare, B I'ay'i a*ii?.n .??! ?r>- jUluiba'i -.llit.rr.. u--. *..',,ia>.; iniur.tire. 8?vaa _I'ri-ai.l.iit Tblera heM abriUlantrt?optton nt tl,e |-.liee of ll.e KhjmU BB Bal 18*11 I lt .ii itieu.i. ,i ty neatlr I mi t.n..,nA. Ainour llieia ? r.- i.,e ll iae uf Ni mi...r., lbeluui.1 <.f Ii .? t . I-..e nf Al.u,i,i, a?J i.i. I'rui* ..I to'iuii-t.ul.ia. _Tha iiiitieraiti tho Sti.r, I.incoin. antl otln-rtlia trlet. IB I-o-ltberti l Uti, ire BBJMMaj B88BM i|' Blr.t <,,.. I.. u, (,, a* t|,e aec,et ll f.n i.f M Ma ll.-no'ia eaduwuieiit h.,uie. a,,.l :u l> M J"-^ I ,,, ,, ?! .... i- .i.i i..?.r.tnr, ul ti* -uaoIaib M.aiuw ib?iacu-. Oill .t u,.. Iti-I" < 8j ,.ii..9. rOIlielGN NEWS. MIE TBBATT OF WAsiiINfJ'if)'.. T:F. POtJBT-K-CAflBfl Tf) BB BI I.Y BXCtlAMOBB? OPIXIOB i'i TBI -BBBICAB _____ :'... I \ ii\:.i. lefMBBOB, April II, BBB, The EaaJoa Qketrwet aaya l.<:nl TeBtafdaa aad tha tion. (':?:.',. Caabl i will praaaal l i althetr reapeetli <I ? > ? i B G -.--... to worrow. Tba tBttlBg o* Bm Boatd v/lll B) very 1, latt. Matan. C-aahNK, Darte, aad Rraraa, raenael f?r the Aiocrican (i.,v( riitn. i't, itl'.l ptolaag Ihelr t'avl'i PatB ntitll .Tiltie. Tm-y are of apht_B that the BOBT I "f Arbl BaBaa la baeei t? ad|auital ? the aJahaata Bal aaa -,.t a tiu* deiiv.Tf tt tha aaaai i r-eaaaa, aeaa Bheal 1 oaaal Bai Bttfaaaa altMtaw. _ The Lonrlon (Atterver Ix Bl Idaatly labtt?g BBd. t B iai' taki: r.-pe.-iiugthadut'.-x af the a. . .1 .1 . .ti Hraa nt the (; aara brthaat? Iha 1 aaha 11 ?? of the aaaatap?eaaB a.lcty elBeh paapatrtp fleratraa upon Iba agaala ul Oieal BiBala aad__aetieai ..n .mr p..rt tha BflaatBaalfaiih ratblaf. tal J. c. rt. Dat_ in the x.itno dlsp iteli Mr. Iliivla ia ni.ntioai il ua aaa af tluv .Vii.cri'-an cni.ixel, atii.'.ll. c w'.ii.'h hax 11.,t ln Meoal nod upon him so far us la geiicnilly known. akkivai. at oBtfara optbb a-BO-Wab ___*? BK_KBTATIv-_ OBBBTA, April 11. BB? The Brfa_a_ nml Aiiioiiean ireiitl^mr-:i 04111 aeetedwttb the Mbaaal af ArMBratlea bai ? aiiliatl bero, aad tha ptaaaatatiaa ot tlie aaaalaeeaaaa a IH t..-o PltVCe tO_0eTOW, _ BPA1N. ATTI-VBFT TO TBBOB A IMIT.WAY IwAIB PBOB TIIK TBAI K?INOBBA8IBO >A< iTVMV (I Tl.'K i'.-i IK.I-NTS?BILTTABT PBBTa-BATIOBfl or* TBI GOVLl.NMKXT. M.u.!;;!>, A'.ir.l 14, I ?".'. An attaaipt araa B_de, laat nivlit, to tbtaw t!i" tVtat trala 011 tbe M.ulrtdand Sarago.-aa nfT tha trach, e_f?eaBBe ObatneUaaa had ue:*ti paaead OB the ro:*il, whieh could not have been BBBB ln thenight. They were forteaatt?7 fllaoevaeed aad poBtoted i.eforo the ti-.iiii reached BtBeeaoa. The BBWB of tbi. BttBaBtBB eaaaei great ladlgaaaaa aaaa .\.u aa aadl aaa _treata_a_?a haa beea ardarad, The milii.iry *-f Ca'a!o:;!a. Amgatt, nnd tfararre report ta tho naTrraaatal thal tha atetataaata of tho C-rBata ln peerlaaaa aaa aauapertaala Aniplo precau'.lona havo been taken to prevmt nny 11. inir thal may bo attemptrd tn Oteaaaa. OBtflBBMal troopi aoour The eountry ln that proviwe, aai any d.-nioiistrationx whieh miy ba flBB-B will bo apt .^llly nuji preaeed. The Oerataateat has N-aaedtha Baniaaaaaa ihe paanae Piortaa?toba laataaaa L Tbo iberia teeent p.iper) of this city H.iy.4 the aparatlOBB of tlu* t'i is bara beea letBBtaarily laaaeada 1, but they wiil. aaa be leeniaed. in CBtal -ii ara la eleaapart?l of the C-rilata, who bara appeered ln thal arerlaee, T te ^,r,*,, tenor of tha aawt ree Irad taatat?ar h'iiiw- thal Iha iiiit.ihcr oi Cariixt banda thtv-ghoel Iha Kiagd .-?? u in 1 ?:. - lBB. A party of rx tu-dj.v BBtda n:i .itl. r.ipr, wbleh prored Baaataeaafai, tost pa ralleap trala, whea lt was oaly tivc raBaa froai bai Citjr af Madrid. Dtoaatchaa froui the faptahifh aara] of Oat r aaa -uy dlntnrlaanra nro leaiei in Baaeeloaa. OBateB't aaaa. IM6trong, Isln the viclt.iry. A plan la ou foot .. r 2 >.>.' the haud to aater the city aad aal Ira la xomo balliBata. -?, in the confuslon, all their roiupauloaa t-m pa I ii and gala peaaaa ion of th,* .ity. Pra ia of tha bbm aaa ?.i the baada <>f the aaah iBlea. adetaahateatof ttaapa lnis tit-eu B.-nt out to lad CBate-'8 bar.d. Tlie artglaef the ptaaeal tVaaaian B attribat 1 to thn [aterttatleaaMsta, supporte.i byIheC-rttataaad ??pab> licniis. Tiu* Miiii-i r uf Bar baa etdeiedIhaaaap n-i'.n of all uiilit.iry l_rloagha aai the itu:,i> 8 r-.'iiri. of ..lllt'.rsto their petta, Tli.* ftnnDiiin.'tn.i.r y-??;? r.lay addlt?ftal retaraa of tbeelecttonafor nvrrai aaal ehe Oortea nadleated tha eleetioa of :>:<) Ula . waa an error. Ti,o BBtabet ahoaM bava beaaalatadal aa. I . f'i.iir. b ?'f ?? ?? '?' ? ?" " im. ?.??rr?.ve.f l?j-fire. Iii, t -. Boveralpet-? teralnjuredbyfalllogw_lU ??' tltub r-. 'liu! iii 11 -r, Bai *.l ?- 1. a-'. and tbe eltjf anthori 1 uwera oe tba apot, aad aaedi ? : rttortta , . Tbe ;i ri -x rere atarad b. I liaaa t-> pi.-v .i igratloa. .-?;... A| ... 1 '!?].,. <" ,..,? Uot ' ;,i of i'"' 1'iii'I.y of Laa ? 11 tifl redtei .' ?. 1 J.- aa. Tbe 1 I ,; :. - ? c : de, ;i ? lai oeaa aeat In :? lvi.-i.ii, awaitins: trialfor periurvntnl f*.. t?T.B ?' I iu obt-lnl1 ,- iu tha reqol Ke IBMXa, aa B_ed I f Lord ciiicf-juitieoBoviii; bat tha Ja ,1 , eatha prexentationef his boadmtea,declln t ae , Bn rthena, and tha prlaoaer tioaaaaaaallj wlll rtatala iu j al ui.til tlie d.iy of bia uial. ln J iaa aa__ ITA I.Y. AN aBDU-B'?: (iiVKN BT Tiu: POI ??? Bomb, April 1! r*72. Tlio P?pe on Fridaj fava bu-b . ? to mmy ett'aaaa of llom.' aad t? pei ? ? froai I . 'I -u parta. HteBaUaaaa tara bia benedita-? - ti.;,'.! tha leautiBarnj t htad bf IB larly toIrelaiid.Pi.l.iti'l. U.illaiid, nii.l tha I'i. 1 i of Atuei'.in. He paala??'. Praaee, ai_l 1 ??- ib led l ar aaea aad geatleaaaa teward aaaa tea bttoleranl 9 tneh. mon. BopraredtarOertaaay, 1 ' t an anti-catiioiie apirit; aad Aoatrla, ba ..1.1. greatlj needed the pruyen; of tlie l_tthfl_ it?zica BOBB BBvXBBBI TO TBE BBVOLUTTOBI ! ?Qt'l BOAOA TAKIKO BSPUOB Al I ? VIT.I46? OCBBBA BBCAPTUBBO BI TBB GOV_ii-_UtBT POBCBSe Mvrviioitox, Aprfl 14_?Tho Borolatioa appear lo havo ha.l aaotber ebeek iiif..-u rrai metvt-, Thi-ir troop.4 nr- halted betweea B raoea aad thia i ity. Gen. Blaego , lata aeeoad ' BaderQi-fB_a,U la BrowaatlDe, aad woal I a to liix 1 oiuiii.tiid whea aaat ler aj .1 Bpeclal 1 1 Sr. Cliiirrepresenlnig blata '.f .1- ehlBf. Q lery alxo reached Ilrownxvii" y.-!.idav. Bat. ha.x been aet ujaad Bf tha < n nuaa I I 1 lt is runiored that tha Jiu.;-t _*oreraerofl . .1 has atrafilPHI BalttUo, which tha rarolutloale? ara lia--<enlngtodefen.l. There ara riiaairt thal Oea. Par tlrioDnziselth-r bopeb -i.. III i-r.ei!, aad tbal ti." revolutionixtxof all ahad? ...ilu.i.' OB I. ? -B la T -j -. da f"r l'r.xid.'Ut. Adrteaa from CBmargo t.> Bie 1 th annoui a that Oaarraht? leaa reeap ? '? !:''..! inent foreex un ler Cl. M li rBoiaT.ta pleaiapot?that-te raroliil a ta nndor Oea. St are in tho stnall tov.ii.x BO? Vletoria,tb ? Btaet ef-Maaaautpaa, oomiBittiBg depi lat? aaata laalBarea ahnntlat profBiaeal eltlaaaai Baaparatewltbthtaa, Arataer arerafla lo? bttbata portion et taa Vattaaal Baard afl MataaaBtoa I to l-cvoit, hut aothlBj Ba?worthy aaa bt aaaarl _a ?'?? \\:s::7A'KL\. DTBrBTeTrBP btatb OP THB COCIfTRT I I i\ Bl i;.. :-.'is B r PUBBBe CvivVrcAS, Murcli i'i, vin Havana, April 11.? I'l-cxi.lcut liuzuitin-Hhiti, oliil'l.". *i-i.( :?-. '.) Itta '? B. S.'.lazar. The Bpt?tlah Miuixt.rh.t-. baaa MBl Bt ?.?? !> ?* h-ixeapturcd theTown of'ic Baa. BflBB>taa BM i aaaa Baaaalaa. laaaalaal Oaaai ka-Maac 1 ha bapeaaala force.l loutrlbtitlou of froiu *.\i>"i to |1VV' BP ' "'' nicn-haiita of u. livar. letetBl aaa inetteaa h.ive lately taken BbBBB Bl f'i'id.i I Ii.:llvnr an.l <Be?M? It 1< 1. port.-d that the :n-ti. : ir - ar>- xh..rt of c.i .h. :.u : thut they Inteli.l t? t.ia'..* an BBBBBe? I :iir.iii.i,"*rii,-i.t BBb (i../inan B-tBCe. Ittiain.'xx U.l *.ll. A,;>?''.> II ' B tta lathabedgati bettba Pateh Qotaraaaaat, fot ?... aa known naaou. l,a? ..-.-'.uiii-il re.-puualbilaty ior il. UAYH. tiu: inva.xIos i::om B0BT1 ?in.i-Ti?r.aai 114B1 i;\K( 1 mOBa. POBT ai: PaiBCSi April IU. Hiisiuess in par ataaad. Tho Praaadael i? on a triptothe Barthk Tho luvusloii of C.ipe H.iytl from Mouto Chri.ti counl.ted ot ito ui.u. Fourteeu?8tgM Haytiana, flve Dotuuilentia, and oue Frenchiniiiii-- were eaptured aud exceuted. It Is reported that tlu* ll.1yll.1n (iiivcrntncut wlll prol'.i'ily ile ci.iie w.u agalaal n.v.-/. wi.o la . I1..1 _-. <l witb au .1: ? i..pi to uwrthrow 1'realdeui H,.f?ik