Newspaper Page Text
V0I"XXX1I.W*-9,687. NEW-YORK. MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1872. PRICE FOLK CEM'S. FOREIGN NEWS. THF. ALABAMA ( I.AI.MS. eoa_D_ffo_n>sncB laid ssTons pAsxia-nsr an 0-HBw raon the R-X-Ai ooTnnn snr, TaCirnow. Batata?, Ipf' tk IT!. Ail?lition:il elaims beatingopofl .?"' Alabama rl.inn? rontniT? r\v !.?tt.i?.?n Batrtaafl nul BBMllCia weaa BtiBBinlnil la Sots HoasesatParliament Botaia-t, 'nie pafsas?BBsSssaS of tin. (??raial corTv?i'oti.k-n((T trhicJi Baa paassS bet ?sea ths two OaveraaMBta ?in tlio ?ni> i??i t. im: ,i i ? : i T'!'.tf.<l'".i. tin British j-fe-t, tu vi. v . . _,.. \_._it, ?*e coBnpatt.vtrik.'fiif' B-_n_-B asanssi I ,\?-,. : ? ? Tfm DonsNtsasasya: ?' Ii - lb? ? ' .? ' ?.it Hie f Artkitra' i t ?>u?-!:t ao1 to t.ik?- Into ,?.::. \ a ??:??? (?.lain?. \ u? i . u.. t .?ivtm-ii-iit for Uiiii FRA3 a : i- ,? m Tin: Bill - ' I it r.? ? A-NoniBB BPsscn mon oaubbtta. Ta., a, :?"_. \ d'?p-ifi !'. from the French Easbaasadol :ir - ?*.:ii Um .: .irr on a very (rood foot::-.. -a ttv bald i rci-inr of f . ,.;. t ir m? I Paria. Tb? i.,.,? eat 1 __.. . . needed by aaaaent i n oa a . ?? twee an ad'lrcri? at I?.ivre, _fl .:. _t lo .-a- ?ir? tu lit B-BdUlOBOl I'nin.i-, uid tlie Barm of Government? Ho .in- t? r??? adopt.-ti to lasare tbe needed ?...ot.unuf rite jirt-i??-nt L. 4:.slu: ik-e _,..,!}? uf Fra.-.. r. ..tul llie clcetiua of a Kepu!. ?ein A.?.. I I'm- .. : Pana sad urn ral i tSex _bbb ? ili. ?- .iti. . ..?:_?. Bavl-n issaed d-cocres promu tli. Un? t. :.. .f Papal lnfa._bi;.tj,a iiiui)..? i of Hit? in.v.? iiai_?r? u. ii?.? cir\ tlt-A?L?ATt" thi-ir BeSea Illegal 0EBMAN1. wiTn i Mi.IKF. Bl i ? - rda v - ' .'". -".. The North Gen day again t:.. t,r*r:i oi l?.?r ?f"??i?aai i?otiy i. egraph i.ittir'ur n? ut m rt-itard to ?:!(-r< iatititis of 1 rmatry, t'.it t_kk_r? n c?i?Ji _, t?o rein-ili ' l_ic lost If. pretinas to tae m!>iirii:ui-nt at tbe ? ! ..-. ,'.?1 flint tlie c!'r ol lbs , .. w.?r bud-p : . part ol Gar- t eatin?.' inqulab tile pledge ,i?'iit..v tin : ? ?? , B8BB :r?M.p. v . ? t ....... ..... lit- ;,,o Datiana wer? m? n i ? ? ??. ..r..'. aar r:t_*T?-?T)t?.i*i ?n thin attff have n?i? heen aattled. aad tbta ?? ,-? ????:.- eSBff MAIN. A MASiri..-:?' FT?DM IMS CUL"?-A -S-SXSAIa i.!-!>?> kPPSSHl S ?I.D. Mai i -i? n eve ?pa per orpins of the Cattis! party - ? . - g? i? ury una ?t tuitt-r .... IIS tllitt iacllicHiJ'Ui Jiyll proteal alyia tas ?t-iii. Spain . mom. i . prepared to ' . -;?xk la B .. tbe (.fv< rnii.cur. Th?: v<> um. .-r- o Madrid Bl pr'.ffcr th?.: -? ? ? Oovevaaaairt. The : . .. . . L to la ? a ' -. ? ipportsd !?}' : . .." totas ? ... CHINA. ?r_i_B--SIXTI I.IVT.? I.o?T BY A GOCLISlOn AT ?tA. - A ???'.? -Tiiui iruiu -loiirT Kouir (nil ? !:?T.?t.r oi. tin-(?line??-(?(ittEr SOlIistoD W.tli ! .o ? r ". "..i. aad tbe let) I ? I li ' ' ' RICA. IT? .. ?HE LAT 1 ul liii. PA&Att-IAr-JI ? Off ins mm ?y re ? araaroajr, I. : .s here ..? . Banal cot_.ip?*, ? tfignel r 0l i'.il'.lk-': I .' . . b r, i - tlit Eu)".i(T'.r ;??. a:?d A..1 arrive about u.,ar'- Tiiuii ?.kt-iy ti-it the n trill Sela Oil Ibal ttaie. At least ?ui-ii iclaf ?rim d n lev? tSeaa, :n a in^aMir-?, of ?..? ? t?! lasslla thai tbe ?,. :'. .. (roai tauaedlateraU? ? baa nur iM'i-n nui-; ami if nMfinflatiiirna anil ?\ ? .uncl? r to set tira tbe upi>r?v_iyf hau '?( rruiLtlr r?ive Bad tiiat Tery shortly. ..nail o ?le?as?iinre ?:oiu AeuinTou s i... of :ui"Ua.'r:ini!!:m piililiani-ii hy tlie I'ara . to in.ud.y laiiiiua?, iu a il nppablie prcic-t'-d ?trouuly agBBBBttm?BBSS? .ry of tLe < Ti.k-'i to tiiti ? . asaaa at a aaapla anaaaa . .iic f:"iu tbal ?.? ???Tuui.'iiT. It ' ?aiuif-d tbat . _? .. ? ;ii.d. in ?ii!i?__knc?'. Uie Treaty "f ?. by :!.c Baatoaola el Hie 2d af June, . . ?? .liiui-t all quettion? . .o tlie tttSM wliitli ? poem it. - sSSlag il ?u. n h BBBaaaaflBaaa ? ?l tbe arii.m. at :.?? ??i? ?.l'Ut L:._..!-.- to - reaty Tb?* metnor-iridam tlieu i iftsf t__M .r arrvil tin ... ? itbttrew, d ? ..?.'.-??? to waalsvaa Lia two ; after* v.irr! ? utiary of tbu Argfutini" .ii vrtttidii-w, at tlie ?anie'timi- notify.n? ui *:.. i. . iitiii.cut tiiut tliey-lit? . TUi?. bitw/ever, Paraajruay ? ?mill not ? ?? ?:kfl i BVaealaB nnd liidi ptudcut natiu:.. and ? i Tut ai.uioraiiduiii tile ? < - inm iiiic.'itfd tt) tlie ; . m ..b -a? uid ?n- no ???..(mu?,.. becaa. Id. i.i j_. ...:,:- p WBeattd ?lie ,., > i,ft lie ? lier .jiKM-r* anitl ?id tin lier j.??t |?r?*t?'Le.. ?? BNBB re aagatstNl and ?t baa tliere v..? estaaaaded aad ?ci? .ir-i*, .i ? ?it-riii. i ire treatv i.t Baaea, i.e..i?. ?-t ui, aavifatiea and e-tradiu?l, lioi)..mi.f atian t.i batb tm- iinrii BoattaBStaa partii?. Il Un Ai rem. ut. K? ; llblK did un? "leat, tile tanit n* n?.t Parasaay's TV people iwoti ? ry me?i ?T?o?** fniiit it i?. A? tti tbe teirlorv of tbe ?"?ato. it iine l M ?a la lll'id In lt:ll.r|l.t'.?d JM .r?, .?It, n Of I'll rUf.'11.1 V 1er three BBBfrtea i?u? ?, w.inout tlie Ar*:ei)ti))< _-u-]"ui... , .-.-. ??-., asa Sing .my peaasa-wa i 11. Tin- ?me :l jiut lortii IbeBS paaBSBBIMIS wau? in ttif poblieatto- ?.f me Trijait- A.H-unA*, wm.-.ii ni? ? tbf front)?-] of t.? IffBalllia B? pahlill at tlie Bain.i >'?irra. TBa d.|jioiii?ti?t? of tin? Alliaaee, deetr-ta 10 . _-iy nfnuKetiietji of int. i {inunpie. hud mukiideal the primllivi* trt-aty, mid -ail .r.floated witL th- i'.-uv riii'iat. UoveniBBeal ? . thf prellMi aarr in-uiy ?f i? i ....... ,. uUf.n? ?i mr at ??iJ.n,., :a ..iif'. -- ? ?tice-i." i :?i Paraanaj tbe r'ir?. t of dis? :: un?? than ??- ?i - ? vi ??? i m?a.-?.i, .? e*.-e ?i. ? t i.?? ", in- t, ?-.:?::.-, ? *-" '" I* aatluM '??: il .- Mtifu ? .? ?eiy v r-.'. .y ? .u Jirjaiitf. ^:.i larrviiig :t-..n it IbC p't-.: ??! - *n fu .?'.i' .i.1 taill.l llitUluf P_!*T*_f"**l ?Oe* ... !lil ...f|'. ,,i i,,. Ai?ei?__i_- __?? t-tat?-u di.-; ueiit-t n.n__inau-? a (?nvrTTuir 1? meant) a thn-sf ?cain.t its politicsl | . x.?I?-a. ? . .?1, i?'a, mi* ,if It.? rli'llt? I.? ?-mviTi-.tili. .ail. pendrai Bad Craeaatoea, ? dbeel attaeB upon ttstcm loria! Integrity ta flu?- s ikilf iMlaallim I? bbIb Ha end bptBBSS. tat?eabse?.r li_1?iinatc titles. Paracuay. ! poeesaslngproofs of it? riir.tfui proprietorship '<? the (hspo. .??niiilrntlv ?-v)H-ct,?t tinii on the part ft the Ar- | ?_- ? ? r i r 111 ? ? t .itifi-.iei.iuiin. tlm .liii-stton ni liin.i-i would I??' itir.()H?Hioiiiit. iv no well as rully luvi > tuaii'l. I But In view of the deerac already aU__a_ to, timn ,?? BMlna a.:?:? t any ilntilit :u the uii:i.|h nf the Para-] ?uaran people as ?s tbe idea? ol abeuipiiuii which ire bald bj i.i.- \r_? muir Bepabllc relative t.i Pancna i.ihI U ... .....-.?ii i hut Hi.' i."V?.niui?'iit. ?.i.?'i.n_ It? flair, protests aad does nut s*-aaa*slBP, ana will not i.-ei.i.rn.,'!? the ?'luu'ii as Araeatlac lau Huit so Iouk a? it ..m ?in. ? un better tale? tliiui it now po?_i-???_. ?lnih fully th?' text of till? tiii'iniT.intluui because it la tlii- first tiftiuiil ili'fiiui. nt ftt pupl.slicil that pro? fesses to itive any account of what really transpired luv Bg Hu' aaa*Os?Bt_>?I at Assumption, ami l>et'a?i?o 1 think IS Mhi.wi, couclu. Ively th? ovtTpow .riiic Inflti Brastt la tbe paBttaal affairs of that Bapabtte. If anythim: mor" were wauled to prove, the latter fart, , ?SB have only ta not?" the folio?flic '.aniruni. ? or the Par Bgaag in MmiHtir in his address to the Pr?icrst? Bejjeut, - lii-ti prenentinj* his credentials on the 12th tnst.: Th?' Bapablleof Paraflaay im* recently celebrated treat ? i i?'.h??-. ?inn:?. Huf tf.ttiiiii. rummer?'?', ami extraili taiii with tin- Kuipire. of Brazil. wtio?e advantageous rc sulla aro ilirei'tiy ilua to the noble ami ireneroii* h"iii "f 'li-' bapertal ????veruiueiit towaril Hie Para rnayao people, aad to Um atacara ataba or seeing tho Repul? anew frota tbe state of praetratani liitu which h n.i'i siiiu..:. oooeeaueaeeol the ama' ?iru^^ie it liad BUNtiiiut'U tor a period of more than Uve years. Hi? alas took pains to say that the sin-re?* of these B. ? tiatlOBB bad be? u Aas ?n ..Teut part to the con ? - i-lKirai-T'T <?f the worthy representative of th.? empire. liaron .te 'ote(ripe. The P_ra?r_-van rrotest | acaiunt lbs seeapattOB of the Chaco by the Argentine I dm at has, t_ curse, evoked a freth outburst of funou?. aiLiint the people of the River riot?, The !iiinriia,fe ut both the Argentine uiitl . (rtir.i8viln rin'r? 1? ?Mol.-iir. . nme srw>u_ of it a? | i ?ir . latoatioa of war. Others see in it the .:. .1 subserviency o? PBBBf?V -u?l lue iBrBS?BI low? ing, if the Prote .orate, winch Braiil holies to ?? item I, tin y say. over the Republic of Parairnav. A taw day? before tlM arrival of Buroti I uTi-cpc from Assumption, a Btraag prated agataal the rattBaattoa "r ii,.? treat, was Mrwardai to Rio by the Ann-u- j . v'T-imctit. -I uxnlurstaiid that it is now uiiil--.- careful eeaatdcraUoa by the cevaatl efl State, Al the questtOB "f the owii?r?ltip of the (?ran rtiaco has ! begun to lastUB- n ?eri'ii!. Bapaet, Bolivia is a.armei!, and ] to have bar elalaw go iu also. To that end ?he haaoppolatedDr.Jfaitaaa Rage C_rdoaa,bes Mmist.-r I'leiiil" . ir Brazil and the ArpeattM and On -. to look aiti-r in-r laBaiastB .u the matter. ? In th:.? h.iv you m?v s,-f that the faestloa of tbt f'il owner. ii:p ot me urau '. luco t'ius lair to become a : Hut' diplomatic muddle. ACC_DE_r_ TO THF ST F. A M S HIT I___r~_A5. II.u.iFix. \. 8?, April .">.?E.uly tii l murn iu- m ?nu.? ?? . ..-a. ;. nal raakata wars mbb ?"lug up .1* till' :..< u,ir:,. r, .nrticating that a ItSMB r ~,ib ashore. A cis'iu? from tho citadel, lu i. a. wer, ...i.r l'eri-iiii. fr mi L.v Tp... .. I gum "ii T'.tT'.iiu <x.ip Shoal?, and .asiua dangerous pi -iiihu. Tact were sent to Lit BSBtslaaoe, nul St. 1' Miatagtra. iaa in tniml?er. were nut in ,ii..i ?eut on board .? schooner winch Bad pre? imiAlr a_oe to her assistance, The fofl suci-eciioit :u (r?-it.u^ the i -?? nii.ef \j?. BlUl cue "- ? -v ? .i<-? in tue ?irearn ' tcasaus .i.i,....'. i.Artn? T?:e la teat .ear? from the steamship Penrtiaa lakias i .it.,- \tji?M- la bet banker com* m amid-bips, bat bar nnafaa tarp b?T rsadllr ....?ni lueed. Un- mseooonx} ifpaira will ba at .'..??-.::. ? ii. ana she ?*iii procend on her voyage io . . .- i. laj. MEJUI '. J OF III! ?Illll IIIIIBHIB IIIS01III i IT OF i " Mat?t BOS, Aj'nl If.?Arrival, from fa ?ari Intel to the rth lust., r. ?'ort tbal Iba ??- iiiu-d the flrui of lia? k, _i-h?'?Bel?lf _ ?.'<>. of Moatere?, _i.i,i?_ f'.r s-otne ?rrvruiarity in pa Be 'lUtitry. Th,?. w.ih the proceed? of the .... placad tin- ?uMirrents in hin.l?, sud ./? nri to m?ire ?in Mafamoro? in full for e. A ruiiiiT preval?a to-uitht that Qaa. COT??B wa* ..(jain ; w ih M v. :? ;u.?s u.-ar RcyDosa. To-lay. bv way ol : ported tb it the rerolntion I oi;i? ..-i.- control ??! that Bute. '.. . _ .te lucre w.Ui Uirt'i'B inti'uded -.u .e !.. -, April -0.?Tlie -" . dry rrttdtad ?t i'H|..,.r*eri?, yeaienlay, au.l attempted the i ' ' .. ene: a:, who win, reeeued by the 4th I-'in- I ? ? "iniiitr t?. hi- ?lifeti-e. Barata] w?-?? klBad <"i ; u veal ovei ?o ihe ie.alatkadata, ,. H i ul ?'tie ?hot DV uiilt'i of i .ii tlu.i. i . . .t.i.a..,. ,.i-,.t positive!, thai ?.?mi. Qji ? -, -, ? bis cityxvltbaboutS.iwi ?- i-.?, :i tbal i-cy ???... is .. -oiiirrow witb heavy artillery. Th. turttflcM : ?telcnse, aad e ? . ...U. .ul .1 ?. UUIC-. ?F-^EKIi?N NOTE.. ?":. :-; of May, i^n. lia. been fixed ior the u]?-!ii!.i,' nf tin- t i'-iiiia E _hi hit um. The appointment ol Gen. Zaibala :n?t?.a?l ?if , i.-n. "l-"i hex aa M laiater of Wal Bpala i atttlboted to I ? -.. f tbe Guv?-1-11:1-111 to repn - eBcraetl aitiplB at bisairintloa. Ctea. labal? being>. '1. he i ?u...-ia. Hub .*-?;ui):?h election returns, up to the 9th. , ibawed tbal Hi Opfaaltliia SBeasbera wtm aleeSad I .y, C2 Badloals. M Carlist?, 1_ Eepublican?. 32 ?_p ; ? ? ? CsBBerratlTee, ABBaafaioa. MoatpenBier!?ts, ' M nisterlalista elected?namely, 131 1'n on i.-i? ?i.ii . a-ihereDtsol "-|T"?i?i 11 these lient IB ? - ?. . .??a uiuii lu?- Baeead elaettaaa imve In-eli lied. The London Echo says of tin- Alabama Clainu : .??ar t?iitll pt-uiui- that ll th? Treaty m to be saveil. . . we la-c ?ure, u, t_e hope ?..f all prurt? nt an.i re ..- nit L mi sitie? i,r the Atlantic, It can only be iv - ? ? aim? by the GofSt__s_Bt and -? i..?'?-..: Lu- United Slates, or i?y th.-ir dlsan i. be Arbitrators, In oar ahasoei, and .:, our pi it in the Tribunal. * ' * * Bol *? bat in tbe bean I teUlgeut men there i?4 i atraag de?ire tbal Uk- M-rk ,.i peace, ?<i credi. . ;s .:.:, i.t.iui. .?u tar la 'in- pminUi un .?..t,. -,., - m ? . 01 eerTii a, tu the ancua! rare "f which tue eontract nies are tbe .tu'?_? mcmhvi-s, aiiouid i?ut bed* :? atad. ' A Mr. TV. H. Harris of Birmingham, having :,.< Bag?flbpaaplaadaptai t Ppnl'lii an form of Ki.vernmi-iii.t_1r. John Bright would t.. m .cited SB l'rcMiii-ut. wrote to lhat ?ciitiei?a:, m tbe suteet t, .nul rete.veil the following reply: ?? Kochdaie, -. U".'??-Lrear fir: Your Bapab?eaatria?d mut-t nut in- a very despeaste character it he projm-?-* to muke m,- h s am President, though I doubt if feseaabe a ' i to opinion? aa tbeejaoatt-Bul asa. ai republlcaalam, I hope au.: bdieve It will be a ' tons 11,-:ore ?sa ara aabad to grra ear aplnloa ; our an, ,si,,r? de, .iit.i the mutt? r a g.I while aim_.aad I would aosgrat that you and I ibwuld leav* nay fartber d.-isii.ti to our ?Mip-'.-r ?? _?'?. i. trim -...hi latin I i uu ai are ?a iliins ui do 'in.-. and i eaa aaa in- ? mi I i an. m tksM . ig. 1 BBS, tru.y yours, .obn Brigbi.'? In ;he liiiii-h Iioiii?_ of Commons, ou the lib of .\|iril. Mr. W. Fowler moved a reso utiuu con . _? praeaa rtaleal the law of eutali uud strict I M-iliem?lit of iau?l a* a tliM-uuraiDUient to the iuve?t> tnetit "f capital in th?- development of ak-iculture. Mr. 0 l?dst nan ?? ipeaklag ou Ui?- Baajaes, ?aid he .i?:n-??! with Mr. Diaraeil that the ?luesiion had in. 1 m et, ?uffl - -? I fur a etiiii .ui-ioii to t?e iirnir-il at cou cri,.h- t, .i... axh.u- the (*?iv?ruuient wa? under pladgBB to ueai w:m the ti?oatar ?>t and aad tn?- BBoea?Baa t<> Intestate eatataa, they would aal Be wiw t<> uike un ? theios-lve* tbe furtbai iiaeatiua ul entalla. The aiii?iiiiui ? o Mu- pr?sent ?.? sieiu. u<- im.icv.i1. ata?d Bel a_bd the ? ti.Hi- titii'ii of estate?, which depe_dad Bon aa ???? lal aie: . al cauaes, Utkeu in ._unectiuii with the ' limit? -I .ti-ca ol tbe Boil. Bu . whenever the i,.n i rriiii.-nt -... .,,1 lea, w:'h the |aaotiea, II vaadd be t??-iter that it ? liounl nui i?e lettered Of au almtracl resolution, ami Ui? tluii-t,.-! :i i| ii r'.ei: Mi. i-'i.wUr uut to jiria_ hi* luuuou. Mr. in ? 1er i? 'iiue_ thi? pro|K??t_i, anil ?u^g, ?led to Mr. (, ul-l 't,, that, it be Wa? not kl ideo au nj.iniiiii. il war rat. aaap tor mm lo walk out without B a li? -uiu, tue resolution wa? r.-Je, led by no , to ?1 ? ..tes. ________?___?_?. A IIH.IIWAY KOBBEKY. John Umv?i_i ?if Scheme-horn-*"-., Brooklyu, - .,.?*? I'eutf,-?!, laat Ulatbt, Wa* alta l,-i| at Park ?i. bj a puis <>r thieve?, knocked dowi,, and Bibbed of ht? hat atltl a itoul watch aud chaiu. John ' F< rris "f Be ltiT Mill ???--) ?'. ami John OBBBet al No. vi ; ' P:?rk-,t . -v.-re misled, and tbe stoii a |>n.p-rtv waa j I fouad .H lui H pu ?-e?. inn. The, Aile hlS?N l\> la Itle. . rianblin et Faitee siai.oii. AFKAltt?. IN I'TAII .??Ai/: Labi: t try, April ?!t. -Tii? r- ?v,i. ,i _t.-..i _??::? i'.: ?* Mi.nuoiiK to-la. ,n rbe (-'otil'ieuce. tttuta rri?ii aaataibaraMarapeut b ??'.. ?a OBaBtsaaae ? ...,,.... ....... .ci; S_u?_iy Judge t*uusiaul cuu < vr-tie? the I'n 'toil afile? Di?trict Court tn-murrnw, when It it.? .rterted :hnt it motion will Ix* ma-Tp for tbe relca?e of all tbe prisoner? held antler ladlrt-Bnata ?>f the Datted ("i'i.-?' aiirv. Tin- Mormon leailer? ?li? ?.um ?my offenalve exul .itlnn over the Sopraaae Coati decision, iin.i ??iv thiit they <l."?kr?" peeaa aad harmony wiUi tlie ??entile.?. and ill. ir? ti??r:il ?.'..??t of ail. ALBA ST. PASSAGE OS TBS PA-SfflC MUT. STOCK HILL IN' THF. BBSATK? I'.Al'II? rilAV-ir. [PROM TAB BE?,! EAR OOSSSaSOOBSBT OK T!IK TrtinfuK 1 Alitant, April 20.?The PBeilk Mafl Btasss ?hip company*? ?lock lull, whirl! wn* defeated, la.?t weel., in the Ajo-enilily l?y an ov.TwhHming vota-, wa? pa-?ed tlirmi.h the Pennte till? mornlnn without "ppohition. T'.'..- foilowin?* 1? the tett <?f the tlr?t BSaU-B of the bill: The I':i. ?tie Mall ."-team-Tup Company !? hereby ?nthor to redaos Ka capital atocb to t-0,(wn..c(>o up??n tlr-r, obtaining the wrltlaa ooaaeat of stoekboldera ?.wtittiir two-thirds o? ?aid capital stock; aad to ?ad ??..? i.iiy in, I'iiiieei. ?uni t*At4iiffuu?ii ita? abaras ?of.r ?i? t lie aaaae Ban i??' pan baaed al pri?e? not ar?nenlas ""' paa valae tbereof* .uidtiic ?hai-MHo pasefeaaed ?ball be n-> ?radand e-ilngnla-ed la tv-d action s_ tba capital Mask oi : lie ( enpaay, ami ?hail not i?- leaned again Tin- ?eeiind BBSMSB permit?) anv citi.-.en of th?" Haiti ?1 Btataa le tie elected a Uireitor ui the Company, proud? d be 1? a stockholder. Mr. Benedict baa now bSfBN the grBSBB a hill r-xliiclntr t lit* coiupeiii?iition of judicial oilier? In the City ad ? (iiintyof SewT-Terk. The ?Jill, whieh baa beea tavaa ahly n-ported from the Judiciarv ( ?.?niiiitt-c. nv.-? ?.:. ?.(?0 a rear to the Jiiriftics of 'lie BaXB-BM ('curt, trlio-ai pr?sent aalaiiea are ii-,?oo; t?i Ehe Baperi. r Court, .I-ltlaro. llJ.otai. hi m tit i-alaric?. l1S.i?-rr. to the Itfcotut r, ? ? .?ni.'?- un?samgate,eaeh JUJBB.pressaiaalarlse, ?KVMBj to tin-JtiMtlco* of tli(-:M;intie Court. *T.;a(i. ?in ? fill ?.oarv. Il.i.i??); In the I'o?ce ,J ?.?In. -. BM88, areaeflt ??i.iirv. 8l().???i? ro the .I'lv'iiue? uf tlie luatrict Court?, BSjaa, preiteut ?nlary. IMBS In tliu A.-wiubly iliui uit.rnin.r a irreut many bill? wero considered in commit:.-" aad erdeaad to a fhird rr>a<lin_r, tliere helnir an evident maOkaa_*_em 18 KB- ilir?iii?.!i btinl ni w with ml ponsilile ?pe.-.l. The hill to provide for the lioliliii?* of a<'barter eieetion in tht-city of New-York wa? Pi-?eii ci a th?r<i reading, bavlag '''-en tir-t aawaded uo a? t?. tunka ih" data for boldina ?aeb eJertloe ponfam Us tin? proviarana of Tiir? new Charter. Tbe Met? ipol ".ri Taunt Company 'a bill waa al?><> paaeed ta a thtsa read? inir. A lull wns'iiiti'.iliu ?-?I to (.r?vent the ?mploymfnt of female waiters in concert aale?aa, 09either patees of tbe ?aiiif iiafiiii". It i? ii)t?*nilc?l to i-oTtit?"!-act the im? moral teadeney ol tbe Bro-td-vny rind Greenwich-?., gens. AaeSmttraa made r.i earryaresalnflon to ad? journ to Monday BManlna ?'! 10. bUl it w.n? ?IcftraUid, au?l "tt.f lion-.- adjourned to Mvi-laj night at :j. T:.?- evldeaee takea by tbe J kU? lary Coaualttss in thi '.'jil.c Cardozo ?? all printed, and a copy thereof ?fttf to every metnlw-r rh:? morniii".'. II MrVBfBSBI] BetweeaBBaadM vrttaeeaea aaaa exaaSaad, at whom arara laaUaad ta aid taaJadgsa '?..her f..r family aeaaaaa as baaaaaa thsy arssa eaaeeraed ?n tin- *t.-ta oa w..ich the Charge? are based; bat, as la already I arose of tbe arriin_-.??t testlnuiay aoalasl the wa? vvrun^ Ibaaa lalaetanl altaessesa Th? stj which the eaae la printed la admirable. AH the tc?ti niony ri-mriti?,'to tlie uiif. rent ehargra ha? beea tied and placel miner the piopi-r lienl?, ?n Mint .v -. f.-rr HL- ??? the lintel 'li.parate cbartre* and ?i? riSee* bone, tbe ii.iuie? I tbe all ?--? - .?.?i the aa ?B ifl a reai I -1 and. tbe ivldeoe? i I cnae? of liarn-inl and McCnnn will be Saishad early next tv.-ek. at wtueb tiiui! a report Craa the Coma may be expeeted, The Select Committee of the "mate to inventif:'?I I aabjeel of leglalatlva postage daring the _'-?t u-ia yaan ._._..._..-. T,,.. ,?? .,...-...,..._..,.?... ._ .usa irrita thaavldaaes I ! ? ' ' '?:- :? : a Iget lad ' u.?ii:ii.i:i b ? ? larga ajasatltlea of i???' ????? M ? a ? i.-o at the , Tiiti'T la vrhlcb ih" poatag* ha : ???- baa been ? ? ? d . ?!. ? i??-i ?ii:. nal .t pri.ia. r - coiiiitaiuliiy ?boiild in- e?ta.lied to restrain tbe ??? - which an-o frmu th? -? ?.it?, aoggaat: Th.i?. ro Tin- AsBlstsm P ?t?naster of each Hooae should llu luty of ?reiahma ill do. oment* ?enl t?y mail oi exact m ? oitnt aad report 1 .. thai :iif i.:-?.ova roar and Speaker reeoBanead i -1.: .?t.i.- ; n, .ni ? dorument?; tbe ?late pay his ?alary, ?ml that :n BUM r? : T. ? r ??. - ?. ,ii<? i , it -!i?m, each Seas <>r ai.?i k??em ??. hiu? m allnaijd. ?. ?.'roi-r. |a), .ind each tit rk fj??'. for pBetas*. M-BOUSR REFORM. BErnnT C. iHf. t-Hri?rBt..? ? ?'? : MITTKK?IMi'i'ilTAN T III M VI i M I v I I? Iff -. The i liiinii'cr of Comm'Tcc Committee ap" t ,iii:ii?itff in tno Cui-toi:: : ; ? . aeparl r.-!:;i.K' fortk that the latom alraaay latradaeed min tbe G?n?ral Order bnatncM by tbe Collector, .t i i tbe at uaahlp eompaalaa M m Met the.r own waraSoaaea, h.i? gra_t|g favoaad and en, aoaragBd eOflaaaaa-B! that tho arranircmrnts new .Bada wth the Collector in al l ha mu.lti .not ti: 11, M that the Tn-a-ury Depart? ? ittpatote for tr-rtai a. m ; aad that a ' goods, perish* i mgbl - kooatry far ?? auuket, aad S l befeaa they aaa be sold, ?boabl, al rn?- .ii-'nnonof the ? iilleotor. He ??? rmnr.-d '?> be ?eetroyed her?* ami the ? r dnttfB remitted ; tor, a? the ?? ?*? n-m, ? Buch ?u'.tia ?i?i< ui !'??? i '.. another ona or.'..?r " . .nil' to he :?.:?v.-(| t? ?.,..-. ?ItheBKb they are S-Btrored fh.-r?? ?t.? ?.. lauded. It i ?? a: ;ticd -.. it ?-n* m prietor. if ??I beaded warebansea ih? . ? be mad ??..? ? r the pi'opur caatsdy ?f the ?-"?"ii and that praiter ?adsshimld be ?teenti-d In ?-. r that the addItiuaal ?iiit,v. ad valorem, afterwu . i ? where tbe invoice price? rareed the apat \ v Liu- ? in?? i ntin i.v !u?f to tbe tnercbant, ...i dedtrrtiima are asver aaale whera tbi - les? than the ap praised ralua; t.'iat the -iy-.t. m of night in-rmit? ??j??u. t be m.i?lc permanent! that i??r . a i-r f. ii.ire of v?asela Sa any ?moiorllna i?y anv one employed ou the ?!i!p i? very nu |_?l ui :de abipotrner* and dlBennnMttnjr to men ?bo it iah to invest tbeii . ?hip property, kl tl... at rig ??itni.Ti :?? -?.'.: -' an'! the end? of; that < ittotn-hoaaa aalSe ?ho-ld ??? al. liola-U. and in av y .? ?ui ia.a?. uuod a.lopt.?.I ; i tin ti" " i - i : '? ?I . oi ?I ;>.tp? r? ?r... ?tr?an.,, leprecated.aad ?hat -.izure ?it a mere.or ?? : wie only with the areatest care; thai .- ?? ,.f tbe im :.air i? - do? ?ei rniug to should be reduced, and that oompromiaea ?botild be ?". liseonraff L, lad sUcaSM of ?rana hmagut to a ?.-oiiiT of Jastiee. Tnr. nvLi: m ru lu cmal-MO \*_.rtr)KT. Th?- trial ??t Mn*. Fiinny Hyde .'or the mord-T rge ST. via1 on wa? coniiudt-.l on Batarday :u the KlasaGoaatyGoartal Oyaa ?uni SaraSaar, bavlag re aatvad the attention af the Ooart ittr.ti^* tin- eattra week. The court havun; basa f'Tiua.!;.- opeaed, Distrtet-Attar? ncy iintum aammedag ba behalf af the p?'?>pii*. hn ad lires? ?tccupyitii. tally Snaa haan. JaigB Ihpfaa closed hi? iharce to tiit .ir i ,. i I hold here a eomailation of 'a.e? in which life hn? been?addeulytakendurlagUm asi My? ir? arhereno nioiivi: ci.m.i be escribed lor the ?.-t, when* be pi eotnmlt-Uur tin in would lunloiint.? ... :i.i?. e siitlii. tiilf.i'.h utiles? the docron .f the BSnd bad t?"i a llatrnad ta .:i da? teaaa. And yi t ?t ?? a ?leftiiM- which require? great ?i??i aideral-oa. and Jndg? Kiiuoud? ha? Uni dowu many ? vitl? ?a ? - ?.f t ?to? p?-r??.u, ami all of tin-iii if(> an?! .??..te to BBBSa up ???mtv, hut, ?av? tin learaad Jadaa, -the aSeeaee ?>f any one of thctn arove* maa-ity.*- wah rf-i??"'4 to the haraSa of jin??f. I u.i ?? ??ii.l that ti?- pveaseatlea un-tt make ?ut the luir it n ,f i?r?'af against a r??puu?i?iif iicinir, i>ut where the ?irle:,?e of aUnaiaiiy I* ?t-i up aud the killing .- niin :ii-d. I ??.a. My to you that ?f yoahav ? anv doabl a* to her ?an:"?. ?he ? entitled to th.? baneSt at thai itiiiiiit. Bie defense of insanity mu?t tx* ettabiiabed by prafaadafaai ?? .f proof. Byaraathyn mlaplanrtl In the j.iry-iM.x. hut the award af Jaaoca I? the weapon which ir placed .n year banda, ?u?l win-tuer it? sda? late a turnad aw.i? b im hei ..r not. you mu..t renn iui.??r lo do jactifc ;u all tiuiiKB, ?mi muy ?iod defend tlie riafht. At 140 p. m.. the Jury n-tirr.1 to EaSSaSaBSj and at 11 p. m. retunn ?i ?o the court-room and ?tat? ?1. throti.h the foreman, thai there ? .tr not the -...?'hte-.t pro?pet't of an a?;et*ii?fUt. Jiiil?e Tapiion?la there auvthln* the Court ?jando mini ii will aid UieJanea la comiu_( to an agneaa-S I Eiifinaii- ?in.-juior?-av?: a dnersity of "piuiuii, and carui'it nrfrc" The ? unit ?r.itel that thi? wa? a .err important ease, sad owe la a_ieht_a brtaatMl ?>f Mm pri???t?er and tm pulule dem? in If d an agrea-uiftir. The Jun were, thi-n i?>?-.ki_?l 9? ta Hie niKht. At 7 a. m., y? ?U-i?la> . they were rtiauharaji'd. ha tie? failed ta ?aie?. The Jury aass4.taa ???i .? <i?..i.*.. a? o ??. for ........ i.taii uf murder .u i?<? taird iii-i?Ti-e They ?ere out i? hour?. Oaaaael for Mr?. liyde wlli anpiy tin? moruiu-r fur t.-i relc-ae on ball. AN ABSCO.VUlNii BANK-SB AHBK.-TED. St. Loiis, April 21.?William Hinikll, a banker of (rin_r<!. Ill . who la aile,-fd to have anaeomled ,i-t ?? ??t? ..... i witlt a, .aa. belouKiua* :?? the itep?i?iU?r?, Waa iiniUK-t hack ?->_u_ay from .'.illtornia a/ Utrpuij/ hhenff i.T.,1??' -?*?t '?it-t." ' ountv. ? alifoiuia. flrt-gl ? -?' ? ArtllALTlk-l?BY TEI.E'JBAPH. .. .lain?-: '? ii;.? A (.'..'? cnu-ker bakery, on I)u |T?n?tV??r: I -?a'r, WMBa__d?a aainniay. iaaaa, ?'*).???', Wl MB. .. .Unary It. 1 arcon, tii.-iiitk.-r of the Nl:)?e-vrhtiBCtT* E. '?? _? ,|. I? aa?.all?sl la lb. raj* no h? ?af ?????? tr..? lia?..?, ira?), l.y ? ?aa -1 IMiatrna. T?w? a?aira ?ii?ll?m? :?? u*r_ ? . Mi?? N-ll-f .leiv.-tt. of ( lunruont, N. H.. 17 .-? .0? .1 .it. .1 '?_... a ?a.>|...-.l la. u.,r ,1?ia?t?I hrr-rlf OO I..U-?. t_n i k_M ?.?ur nut iBaa. -t-ciaa ?f Brt eMBia? k.t. uaau laaial ?.. tin l.t.r unit?. WASHINGTON. custom ii? )Isf. pouncft t-BX AND CO.':I WIIITKWA.-II ? HASTir. I'l TU: KIN? A CUKIO-8 ?T?)B? Of PoLITH ' Ul' ?M.. IUT TB-M84f_ TO THK TBincss.) W'^niNi.iuv, April 21.?The Senate : treiii hmrut Committee returned, yeMtertlay inornini the Cuptotn-housc inquiry, after i Hiispenslou of ?ev day?. Th?) < ?airman presented tho following lei with accompanying Inrlo?ure? : Obbbbb or Law A Co., Tvited f-TAH.? BoBmn Wiiimiursr, BBW Youk. April J. 1?7.. ''""? w A. Buc_is__a_* Okattwmm of Ooottuttwm Ketrnti hment. Hut: .'.- beg bave to ?tilinilf for the i'on?1'lerat,oi your < oiiiiniitt-e the follnwiug stat? iue_t of facts, ? a.. omptnytng lacloaarat : By aa-reti.e to tbeaa piper? it will be seen that ii.-tpiii steamohtp eoaipanlee _ tbrKorth Hi bare vokurtarlly deeignated our warehouse for the ception nui storage of tbe m a la. meii (Oeaaral Orl ?'.I* ar-ving by their reepaetlrc lines under then regulations p? rmlttlng each iteamabtp i-ompaiiy to sei ran .".us?- "f c,.,?? "t" for I ol such ?a?nda. Ta,'?,- deatgnaUonfl were matte ululer :,- . .l"il!l:?t.,II,es : i? tasa as tbe new regulation? wer. approve! by peerei.,1? of tbeTn.comj, ire e_dn ?*e.i a letter t?i Collector, of which we ir-iiiNiiiit a i opv. The steam? i net n Brred ?.>. la tbe exercise of tbe privilege grau! tin -ui, tmde their Hf'lecfiou af our st r"?, ,? mil bo a? b> ref.mimic, lo 'he inclosed e By of their letter. Btl?le.eut? having 1?, en BUOe, however, 1U ill? nea pipers hm the as companfta bad baaa induced to wi tin? lett-r through mlircnreecnlBlliiiiB ami fear or lac ring tn< dlspleaaure of tba Collector, sbould tbey des Bate other Btoree, we returned it in order that t.ii might eawe their stgnataree, if the letter had nea gl, under aty such impreaaloo at ausundi ntaadlng. They afonned aa tbal thai had no daalre u? attbdn tii. ii u.uie.?, uu lieti-pLou Bhat-Vet btteu BCCd th.- mat it. . ?l??-n,ent1-. ?rter ixn Infe?rl.-w wtftt Mm? full, et, in whiciihe repcaie.i taatba would set dBMriauaata favor ot _ay waraboaae, bat that th?: agent* ut the eu paau ? ruisi .,.. governed in making their lelectlon their bodnesB Interesta sulely, tbe ?aine line? eddraee the Coiiestor letters, of wine? we tociosc eerbfled eopb again fbmfylng li.eir paalaaaaae for our stores, a giving tl. ir reaanns therefor. ? ?? Bteaaateip cmiiiini.? par about four fifth. tin-1,.-iTit. "i-iei charg?e, we feel that thisdealgnatl i-a In.: approval ol our management of the buainei itemente of latareet abo hare, in tin-ir t.-siimouy before your C i auttee, -ileit?'.! unjustly apoa us. -..m.? ,1 a. ?Tltneseea rere men without ehancter i ,a, Whose tesiiniiiny could hate |m-,-m i; .mil. t-:ie,i : i.tit ;he Committee not deeming to enter Into sn examination of character or - - - offered, the stal ??,,? Irreapu Bible perams, to our Injary, bare ?one im-th i.? tbe aou try aa thi evidence of competent and reliable men. f l?ese fact* ?e raepnetfuUy i-iraee! thai, m ji ?tn.l ?i.'i uiiipam nit; papers may placed nain n-eord with the testimou? taken byyoi ?''iiniMtt.. and made ? part ut tba oSdal proeeedbaj eaaiHitel w.ui yoo. report. G-O.K.LBB., W. V, .-TO? Kl.Vii, TV a. _mpanvlng papers ?re ? letter from Lcet Itoekmg ti ''o,lector Arthur, dated M.?iT?i . ..??not tBads?eral Orderbustnea ander t it m-w ralee, no ?u.s,;riiu,uai_m bo made m tbe favor ; a Btter to L.-ef _? Mi eking, Bgnisl bv the agi n' of tin- liman, National, French aud ?V. ,.t. i. -t. i ii-!.??.lines,' Inform.tig them that tli.-ir .tores hfl Ven ?i-ii'i led im the must convenient in lhe riet, au copie? of is-tiersifrom the agents or the sanie Unes t ... ." **"***?? asking tbal they lie at.owe?l to ?en Collecte A?i_..., tJieir goo.!.? to the Loot A -Hocking stores. _. objeatBB i'v Mr,*Osesertr t" tbe aa?daetoa af aa aaawee letter Bflectlog oa the ebetaeterof vl__eeses*aaapai of tu?- rvidence. it irai allow, i te _? m. At li'clock Mr. Ja?. L. Beetle w.m eallad and inv.te make i statement In reply to th?> evideue?? at tut r:.i: oie..(tue art wltaeaaae s?-ut to Washing*..u by "Lu ? ?i ???' B!:??.Jr., toiflnlsh .1 story which he begM in lu own JsstlBMinj "i Has, '? B_d that, .it the rc<iu_tt of P? t? rkis, who was sick and ile?;re?l to make the Jonrnev t ."-vrafiii- for the b? mu? o? his iiealth. he obtained f. bunl ticket Ul qrr,.?" ?? "?nd l,_e_. llr met Petclkin I ByriBaae, aud Iba latter said that he had n :iii'_>v. ?'.tness then aeketl h'm to go to th hotd where hn was ______ ?topping, and pal hi.? board there. ilantie never ask <l Petcrki ui tali?" a front ?'-at 'n tbe '"'invention, to nush in at lb it.i i.?!l,,i:u, or to ol? the Presiden ui ?lie ii.iivi-ui.ou if i. w s ? . ru? ?I. Mr. ll_rti. .;.,?.? that be did not kaow Peterktn was ?n tbe Convent loi : it bis attention waa celled la a d. Ir?aUi J v. ?,n.i br asking rwti Ida t?, rise and nve in- ..-at titilara?si ii. KiiIm!..-. FetiTklli de. lined to give un lus ?eat. Mr Qrldley said, " yna sre n< i lave no rlgti Cs occupy i Mat," when Peterktn replied he waa too su i tin sUiiui i.p. Mr. Baa?a aiat-d that I'oii.m. Ma ??- . ul nut ..p- i a. ua ;... ..- I ..litention. ..r .?en.Lag deugat.-s, or ii iav way at manner Implying ? ?i t, interfere with tue Convention. In short. In tie/, i-i.-illv denied everv BSBBTtloll made '.v pel ,ii r? car i ta h - attendance al the Byracuee Convention :t>''l that :i? .: of II_*Ue DlUBt 1' It. ll.u. ? it .. .-,. .1 :,y ?. nai-r? Howe ,m 1 I. ? ? i ? reatli .- ,.?.T?. Ilarphy bad k . I ..r . a . . . is tin rll a.*?? h.uiseir. shod , - i .oi'.eiition, an.! attempted ^, hir? ? -, ?' ,-v ?!?? name from the list ot candidate? the s_orrventlon, iu rarot of \i -. ted, auil , . - .i :; . t, offering on tin r- ??111 ui -e h?, miKht a?k for. ll" rataaad b i:, ?aim Muiabj*s rru-ii'is subatitnted Mergua'i fur Hint ol II i-t.e ou the ticket, ?eclir'll ? < out of about BBk The o-Ii. r name? on 'lie ticket waretB?nball i '? RoliettB :tnd E.lwatd I'arr pout. _be a I - . .?? :w of othei i kad ????' a approached by Murphy's agents In th? .ames.t?'. Among them ,- . '?I Bullock uf 1 I in. BullocS , ? id tea ?li?le Cusw bouse patronage of Put* t am ' '"iinty if ne would vore ,t.? Murpb> dealrau. Bmlix k bad t'ii'i witness of this hlmaetf. i, - led U 'h TT Istle'? ?*ti?e I? 11_ ir -, ..." 1' terkin, ? o tai teat?mony for the . " side, w:t? rub j Miaei; and ha?t liir, .' \;i? naes [,,.,l.i. ibis menus. Hast?e .a,..o ou hero votiintoilljr, ;.a? ?B| t_. tis- examin?t loa ast.-.i aboat three hoars? aad tbe CoaSBlUee at^Oliraad to meet aa'uiu ou Ule call of the Chai-l?a?? CURRENT TOPIC- AT THE CAPITAL*. TbBirff I'll?'?rili'T.s?Til!". AMI UU LB OOUBTEB . i.s?. T" Bl LAID BBroBE OONOBBBI TO? DAT ?nsrnra bbbbcii-iaiaoixo ahm_? HOW I'l BUG OrntlOB I?, MAN i FA-RUED lOU IHK ADM1M. lilt ri'iS. iti? csumbaJ- ro nia raiBiiBa.1 M'ASHIN'IT"). . April .1, I?*,.. Irifre has b?'en a lull m the Tantf flaetBBBBSal for the' w day?. Me nib. r- ara preparing th.-.r BrgBSBSSB ? ?:,,i aeeeabUng their tedaseaaaa, authorities, tact? aud tlrftgcs lor the long and hard struggle which is exp?-- te l to .???-n on Tuesaiuy or WeuueiMlay, niid rage for three or four weeks, to the ex. lu.-iou of nearly all other business. Ibl Isadan al th" dtBhraaS fa tious into which the Ways ami __-?S OB?UBttSBB is divided are particularly indu. trio'i? m this woig. Mes?.?. Bun h .nl and Fliikeinburg arec-iifldt-iit that iho Mil can j?- got through the Ht m ill ?lM?Ut the sliap' in Whlek it ca::i, tilt, l.'uii.iuiltei-. Tbey say that th. ? oanaeatod te ungutmm modtmommmo li :? to u.i.n ?:p-ngi:i for the flaaaeura. ami Bkal ?t,ev test aasured thai the; haveeoae ao further tu the dlraa tlali ol the ...Tin t:un "f duties Ulan tin- House Will ?US ta.u -aim La. lu ;?'?'. ? '?? iba oi?J?*?*tlon Brada uy Mr. l,,?i-, that ibe bill BiaB-eatotaJ ? lu Uaoofta r - ro'u internal ret? u iu and t ?; bat |:,_.,?? ,m?i, ttii rea? lhe In _l HI v .oll.d ?ell laatala a reilllclliiu ua loi.iso.ouo (<i n5ti.i??i,i~0. they aav that to the reduciion? 111 l-.e Ij IBB I I I. l-t Be .1 I'-'l lll'??M' .lltt-l'led I'V IBB '"X p.ration "f Kit- income aiul other t:ixe?.whie? will amount i ..ut Hfl,M0,a00. T'i..?, ad.teil ta ?he arj.iv?1,1*10 of nxlut lion .trieieil by lii ? bill, will lu-So a total i.t ?__.""?',?>". which i.? the aiuuuni geu Brally ?iet? a? ib.- limit beyoad which it would not be safe to *o ii?r. Mr. Uiiw?-? is at his home :u Mlsaai ii i tta .mi Is BBdereteod ta have peapaead uineiidment? tii eg btsber dafieaapeei ?*"?>i ami w,m?i<mis, iron and ?te-l eolt"ii ?..??ne?. and ,?':er articles than the??' naimd '.ii the 'ill. ami ai-i 'Mila gig tba 'rrr lilt ..?ni rem ?itig -oui' i.-t, une'.,-e? telainadiIb tu? bul. Beeera? ICeUey sad Magnas- nave not laaeh in'i? el r itTv .ig their ?,' un tig', the House al d; ai. nul tin y f?al c n?'l' ut tuai u ?... uuimuti'iv in- adapted m great part??th? only BBeaeasa te redan taxation t.? which Se BoaeSe w..i aaoseaa Ot apuno, tbera a I ??? a gr."..r mini H-r of um? ndmetit? offered 'n tue ft ?use, is-ale those eiuanailug Irotn uicuilx'r?,ol tin- (.'tumultlee. It Is reis.rteu Uial _.?i.ury Fi.?h -ill seft M Con gr? ?a. to-mtiriow, i copy ot Um, American ? ?unter i jae. A g> titiemao who has In-en aUowed to read this ?locu iii.' t ?ays that il Is livoti.1 eutir?l,- to auswertu? the l?.R 'ion* taken .n the British rane. without raising .my aea siantltai. a rafarrlag lu sai way la the atelaaa tot li.iliicir !..mages. It was wholly or? pared by J. C. haut rort Liavia anil Mr. B? iiua_u. aiul i* reptirtetl Ut tOU* '.t. . pttfM-Kea little . u U? niai Ut? pillillc ti u .?u. * an u haa lieeu arouaed m Kugiaud ay tl??- putm calion of our original ? aae. The general beller that the |.pnngfleld, or Allen. h~w. h lon.l :it rl-B will soon he alaindoned liy the W'?r Iiepartmeut lor a better arm et.neos great activity among iba- inventor? and maiiuf_eturerai?f other t?r??*?H IciaU? r?, a number of whom aro here preaaing Uislr gu_s apou tbe aiieim.,11 or tbe Miiilary Co-HnlUe-s or im.i I, ?..IIM* of C/OUgnas. The 8pr:ugi~ld gun was ?ever for? mally 8?lu|?ir.| aa the rss "latitm arm ??r tbe aervlea. It l* . e.,n.t.i...itiua of Ui?, BBiBB-Bl ?I*.vwas o? varlou? iu vi-llura, matte by Mr. A.leu. t__ SBaater nieeS-oie at tbe aimagfleid Aiuaory It la tb? tevoriie ?if tbe ?jt-iiaaso Sana i, which ha? tnanan-rd to keep it In ?ervlee ??nee 1*68, under pn fine? of experiment, to the ?? x. lusion at other inin? which have the preference of mo?t of the jeadtaa officer?. Including (?an. Shenaea. la the r?um ttier of n?7r< a hoard wo* asHcrobtcd at St Loin?, ander the ritasMeacyof Qaa. feboflald.tetest all ?u-eci-h io?.tot? pre?titc.i, and report which niii_ht to i"' nlof?'?-?!. Thl? board irnvr the to Hie Krmunrtou (Hin, hut named five other? a? :il-o k.ot>?t weapon?. Thete were the Hprinirfleltl, the Ward-Sarton, the _e____rpe. the Henry Mar? tini, and thr Morir?n Hfe rn. The Wir Department, about a year a?ro, ?elecfed th. Re?oinaten, Wsrd-Ilnrton,nod Bharpe-and maaatei tarad ?av?rai hundred afaaah at the Hpriitirtlrld Armory, and put mom in rr.. bands of the troops for s practirti r???t in actual wr?'iee> in comparison with the 8prtni*tle?l.l gas. Monthly n-port* of Haeaa tests sava been reeetved, sad it la ?m.i.-r -r?K><i that another liorird will shortly ?w* convened toexaBBtBB the report? .un! make a ?rial aslerfloo of an arm m be adaptad a? the reg ulattoa (Tatted sibbm !)i.Ti-ion.irr. It -mean t.. he trcneraliv ?dn,irt?-?l that th.- Pnrtnirti-.d irun win ltfi.-ii-ct.-d. a? H w.iuh!, donbile??, fiav.? lif?-n Ion* nim. wer?- :t nor tor (he paifliinty of th? Ordnance Office, and "ne object tin- partit-? infer*'??'?.! ?n other ?run? hau? now in vie w In t?i ?cour? u-(Matten r?strala oik.'?lie ?Tilef of ordnance from ?pendiiii* th.-ti.-xr iti iiiini appropriation for 'he mtumfactnire of arm? iu man* Ina this, wnleb tbey assert Isaa hi?nlor naapoa. ?ten. Roberte, the laveator of a ras heal lag in? name, M airo ead-BVorlng to *c< -tre a further competitive trial !>v ?ho troop? |o which In*, ?run ?hall be admitted, and to obtain curiiprn-ariori for the n?e by the QovsrnBMal In the spnnsfleld -irm of several of hi? patented (I?.".'."?, am?,nir ??fhi-r?. of the tapered chamber and cartridge. ? >n Hattirdny the Military Committee of th? llou?? w1tn?-??u-d a trial of ?he Iteminiifoii, Ward-Burton, Roberts, and Springfield rana al the Armory la thl? city. A nittniier ?>f ( "i _-ro?Htn? :i. off!, er?, ami Inventur* were ?.-??-.?tit. The frail of rapid ha-ltiK r?-?illt?-d OH follow?: Bhota per mittut??BFard-Burtoa, i-i ; Ri-minirton, __.; Rob? ert?. 17; Sprtagfleld, :o. Then. ? trial to ?how the time in which the breach1 loaning aaeebaudBM of ...ich )_"i!i ?"(mill ''?? taken to piece? .fier Bring i ?liof. the part? ??'-.i????m'li.ii .ind replaced,and anotber aba! ftrod. In flu? experiment the W.iidliurton caiue out ahead. i'j aecoada. The inaiirierin which the Atl_ii:ii..f ration manu'.acMre? pulillc opinion la. shown hy the following: La?t Winter, a clerk In the rrearuiry Irepartnn-ut. Or. r-vlimnlr. a ?J.-r miiii, wart (.".von leave of 1? reported forth? pun?)?" uf aiTanttini?; with th<- ?ierman newspapers ro support the reuoimnation of (?rant. He ha? not been very ?uccee?ftil, but one renn!? of hi.? labels ;.? petm .nthe | following editorial paragraph, which appears in The, I Itismntri Democrat ot April l.?h. and which is prono need by rtenator S hurz to he entirely ' ?? More than a year aert. Mr. Schurr was talklne in WashiBirt.ooneofbla old Meads, Or. Schmidt, for? merly a :. itl-gulshi .1 German editor ol I Lndanntt, abaat h ? qnarrel with President Grant, which aeemed to blnaa upon the removal uf ai* tambar la laa. MT.Jaaaaa. After a . .."ive r,:it,mi t.n .i ne ra? tupie?. Mr. Sch?TB pilliir.l ?nit or a dra ?ait a pile ut paper? relation; to 'lie E'r? nch arm? ??tie, and explained tncir contents. ' w.-il.' ?.aid the Ii-M-tor, 'you don't sapease Grant had anvthini. '??..tli that I' 'Oh, no,' replied Schars, * f don't think h?" bad : hot aee ?That a ?? .' ?? il It, and how easily I can conimcjl Grant with it.' Por the truth ef this very Smpls yei vent ?isjntdoant stataaaeat, wa refer t?? Dr. Sah midi -tmaelx, who i* our ?moi-mant. lit? BddreM will be turnlahed 11 ui? tact* are r- .? ..un..!.1' The Beaate, at about i o'clock lard evaabta, passed the ?I'.ppiemeiit.iry Heathara PaatSa B__Oraa_ mil. with ?me or two unimportanr amendments. It Is BBdatatsad that T.-iiiiiia.? r? ott will now ] m-h forward ?he work an 'he mad, bnyini, up ai.d aOBSOUdattng all& ..ilnr conipa B as, m.I ..p?'ninir at in early day a ?-oiiiperinir ?ine from Sea Tortr to the Paeiflo. altar the aaa lia i.e., . a? ott moved to take up the bill repealing the duty on tea and cofii .-. On calling the roll ?n. v %t s,-un ta rs wen? found ro ba pr? eeaSj. ?v eaU of the flu?at? ?_? mini?-. Bad tea Sergaaasaa^raM ..rder. <i to re?i'ie?r the atte adaaea "f aheaaSaee. At half-paat io o'clock ol? - ^.i Senaten were in tlic chamber, and an ?d1oux_i_n.nt ?V?Hi carrl.iL 4 cie.ti- i u.r.'7 01 in. HaaaBMM areaeai aaaaaaa in favor of j paMingthe Tea and CoSbe ball without amaadaaent A i p.ii-tion ot 1 in- .?venin?.', while waiting r?.r tu? ,tr: kl .r a .?.-nt -?rraatora, w,i? ?pent 10 debatinz the poweret ?ho I -."?.irt. ?.npel ?'H.- artendaneeof I - Mr. 1 - Howe moved that the Bergeaat at Arm? be directed to brlna in enough abatnt .-???t' to nake a tut ram. Mr. Trun?! ? 11 not ..1 order, astbi .-e:::t:e bad U" riarhi to do aiiyihinaf more than mqarsl US Meaa* l.i-i-s to e.iiiie. The ?iiiriuu, aft.r an hour .?r two of Sabara, was withdrawn, a majnttty of the o?-uau- ap y lustaining Mr. rrtinnn?l'i view. Attoraey-Oeneral nffll-MBa aflO leave V.-morrow even b| for the Pacido roast, to >>?? (cone until the lit of June, 11 hen he will m urn to gtVS S llalli 1 IB BBSBtaaaa he can to the reuDlu.aaLion of btaehlaf ar Ph.lade ph.a. VTbca aaBBsd, tednff, Ma reasons for quitting his pott af rh? ' r:uic, '.vbt-ti both Conirr'-na and tho r-upreuiu ( .??irr are in ????ion, ne replied that there wai arnry imp? rtant campaign folna tor ward in Orsiroa which :?i tolved the election of .1 riiinaior and a member of Con . tad thai hi? friend? iu that State expeoti .?-.-1. ui ? .utile eamp?i_u, ho not huviua partioipaicd am ?BVaBBBM tlic pant two 11.? ?iiiiinituce* that lie 1? nut a nandtdaM far the Baaatorahlff, haviaur declined to have hi? name ttu-d. tfhilaoatbe I'aciu. eoast, it is tbonjrbt, he wfll al?o c-ceret??' w.-iat ?niluence ?..?-c? to prereat a i-ibcra; awvcaaaat in tue .-.neb or California ai.d On - i Iba ? m-. eru-.nent h?i? '.nstrneted its ntflcers on the Rio Graade to begin pt ? . igsfsat thr i-Ttaml MfT ,. . rbo bava lad maaaadlagffaattee aadaaaa? ? : ... many ratraaa? on that fkantler, tke chariro - them b<.nga violai .1 ??f the N?utr? 1 1 , itficera ?in .. beeustotly ..f the United States au tao) .tli??. The ?Tjn.en-r.ce CoaBBlt-M on the L?..?s!at!v" Appro pnatn.n hill held a laag ?e?-ion yesU-nlay aft?-ri.?n.n. and came to in i_r"i".ii--nt ttpou the numerou? dlasgrae mt-nt? between the two lloue.?.?, The report w:_l prob? ably be made to-morrow, and,in the mean time, the Corn? ai tea have earned to keep tbetr bbbm?BaaaaaaeeaeB. it is known, however, tliat la the matter af the Clv.l .-? .-? c Aiii'n'pD.n.on, which la the cuief ?picinon of public tntereat, the Commit'? - aginad, a? a compromise, totnaba the aaaBaaas-Mas The Baaata,ttarlll be re ? :?? ?1. appro-r. I : ', anil th. nonse cut It to IU'.dCo. and ouiv left that ?um in the bill, as a ; dodga 'o enable t':c President to tsep up a ihowof (oingoawith bit expealsanat af Exam? ining Doarda mil Commisi-ion?. Whether there w-.ll !?' any :urth?-r ti^nt over tne .(iiestlou in the Houne will de? pend upon whether Meeiias. Bargaat, Kutier ?it ? o. think thai the rjs.oa.) w..l be emiuith mobay hi ?'nanie tba 1-r?? ?ii. :.t toaxtand tba a it-kiagaot bis"bambaa''bajrond ti)<? ileparnni ui? at Wa-hiiinton. If they bata any tear I that ?1? ?rill u?e tue miiaay to astabliah i-.xaminitiir B??anl? | in m,) I'UMiotu-hoiiM's. th?-y .int uniloiiiita'dly maiic a kttiiie.t Bgnlnal the re|?<irt. and r? ?e.-t it it t?ey eaa. Iba B?sate Coaaaatttoe as __rtvtlagaa and Elections ??: ??'! yaaterd iff to b IgtB on Tues.lay next an exam?:.a : m et 'he .T'.ir?.'e? of bnbi ry preferred agoiu.-it BsaatSB i.aiuweil o? Kausa?. _ bjsissai ram Di?PATcn : AH tba Gaaaral Apprayrlat-aa bul* have been acted opou by ;..t il aaa M SaffrBBtatattvee, with the ezeap* tiou of the F.irti?i'Btion bill, and the bill makiUi" appr? prtaSaasi for laaSry etvtl "x;-en?e?. Tm-?e eoui<i i?e dis paeedSI m a day or two. Not Altl_i?tani!:n-,' tho i'ariif li..l i? yet to ba a?'te?l on. mauy Rafahllaaas think that (,.ri^r_tk? cau a?l)?:uru on the ."Jth of May, and with this view if 1? probaiale that a WaalUttOB wt.i be introdin-etl In the li '??? teBtOSTBW, dxinif that time. The uniiont . of rhe lomnittti?" of Way? 1...1 Mean? decline to act on a similar rsaolattoa ft ?in the Senate, bantofon retened A piumiuiut Repulili. iu rneml-er ?my? that 18 In .u.H-ral? ?lav? prom.nctl to tote with the aS0HbUs_BB wao (aval au atljoiirumeut at tbfl time ?titctl. ffOUTt BRt'TAL ASSALLTJl. .lohn Early, an Irish hilvorer, while ilrtink. on -a: .. ' . i..'ni, leal hi? wife, Ann, in a bruta? uinuuer in tuen tiv?rtment in the tenement No. 384 Ea?r Tblrty n-cuiiT ?i.. and ui?ict.'d ?ev?*re wottudii mi the heat! and fa?e. Edward SaBBh. B fellow-t?-uant, aiteinpie.l tti pro? t?t : her, aad Early turmsd upon him and laSM heavy blow on the bund with a weapon, inflicting a .-.?'. IBB w 'inn.L The :i*??ilant wa* coiunim? d. Junii? Itlack, mt? tk ot *yi,.. ?4 i>utre*?t., wo? BaBB-Msi on r-a tur du y ni'.'ht by John Leamy, a laborer, in n-ont of N?). tit Pi :trl-?f., and tirtitally beaten aud kicked, re ..- co 11 ou.???ion of the brain and a fracture of the it,a?-.-. Laeaniy wa* comuutted y< ?U-nlay ny J lai.c? L?.,M \ug. Joseph Murphy an 1 Thema? ahlelds, laborer*, qnar ?1 Miturilav ntrbi. In the hallway of their re?i B ^Washington ?t.. iioth \*'iiig lnu?xicat?-?l. uni ui" tattarVaaeat iuthe bead mtharator, lour at rere ?. alp wound?. The anaa.iaut wa? cuuiuiiUed, yesterday, ny Justice Dowliag I'.ii li .. 1 ahur. SfM ?. ot So. rn? Tenth-ave.. while piar ma ou th? -iulew_lk, 111 trout of hi* maldeuce, annoyed l'-ilward Burn?, employed a? coachman by Edward Doyle ?if F irtv-t1r?t-?t., near Tenth-awe. He threw a ?tone at the ??id. ?irtUrn. him in the hack of the head, 1 . t 1.11-1... a fracture of the ?suit. The attendant ..?.?mi :_..!?.- he cauuot recover, li-rua fled. S-UMBSJPK MM .. The American nqua-Umi, consisting uf seven ?..- . lit? ?rrtietl at Bar?rtlie _The Satitu b.'iu.ujro Republic i* tminimi Bar? a t)?__!)?r k?? (urua__i ana. Cab al .? m ui? ?ay tu Ua.u oat ?f _Corrency 1? ilepreeiatina at Port-an-l'rince. I of. r 1. ?raere aa* on. m are naacf , da, ying 1? i? ???!?? ?ad Uie a?p pi. laaiU? ....The Missouri State Wuuiaii'* ?"" Am-it?? ti.a hoki la a?.?aal att?| ? ,-?_ Lu?? ou Saianla? nua ravot?! __cer? Ivr lia. e.iui.f ._?t. _A shock of earthrpiakc ?a* felt iu Mem phis, r.i.L alln'rlaet ??? Batantar atarat?!- r'M' "?''??'? ?'?u? ?r?? ? .-rt? aa4 ?walk, an* .<.i.tiau?_ twu _u..utr? .,. ?i.aaj ?MBB???B ?lana. .. The wall? of aybuilitina m wars? of n-et 11.111 ..r tirk?iMt. BBateaA. ?'? a**??im*?, ?_r?.?|, .luir lia. -a. ?er? .1 ?ara ... ?t ? U?._4"ti?T. ttf? ai?i? awl ?a????? ??1? bbBanaa? _I >. .i.t-fion of il.?!? vit.?? ft ?lit il, i ?at. igiUm 1 'it. 1 aplt?al ? v? ba U? Ia4.raati?_..i w*k alar, . -aluna., 1 a- .laaliaa .??.lia* 1. it? BBS?I ?4 MaaMn Im?... Mon a ...a. B h-BJ-NB on* UoaruX liua.ilM? A CHAPTER OF CRIMKS. IB0CK9Q AITIA1 iv THK rnFROKFT. conrrir. A PAR.T OF C. i. Bi_______| ATTAf-tr.D RT DtS PKHA !?<??.? ?T.VKUAI. PBBBQ-B Klilrli Bgg w,,i \dkI)? __-0__D_B rOBM sent r?, tu.'. -? ' Ml. Lema Re.? K, Ark., April 2..? The Fort Snttlk VtWAWWgt tbe 17th lust, co?tait,? Iba -U??offi?ig ?Uft llng news from the Indian eountry : The feeling of jra.uiisy harliored hy our Indian ufigh ?1 the authority of the laoverunu-ut of the 1'u.inl "...t. s BS?SBtaad Sfi r their lerritorv, < uim.ii.Uad '.set Mouday, the 15th ln??. in a fearful deed of bloodehrrl. The following letter was RMatsad "U Tuesday, al ?has United ?late? Marshal'* ofllec, by ?:apt. James M. liou nelly, Chief Clerk: WiiiTFuoio.'?. BaJ-BSBI-U, rnr.Boar.E Natto-. ... ? Iu.Nvr.i.i y-Dear sir. We bav? ha?l a ti . fight. I??t seven on our ?ule killed. Tht-e ?,f their, were ktUad. lucre are lot? of wounded. Wa art-,it m devil of a strait. Scud u.? men and means , WS are with the dead and wounded, md expect u, .t., y with them until the last ?ne ot na goea. nw.-n. * wounded. For '?.ut? aafca -ml heip, and ?*ud ,.u.?., Cometa Dutch town ?ud tbea down lurreu ?oru t?, nor?;-?. Want ?s billed. Barney and I ar- alona with Owens. None m* ;|,e rest a'?* lore with ua W* look fur help to-ruoirow night uv dark, and are Bebte. to be itta, .. I ? very in ,n.?-... The par.e? sn- ? geil., r. Some of th* ?.ii? rom-e? ar? with us, Y b-*.--, J. & I'aavr In order that the circumstances ea?i?1ag th," torn??.o tight above allu?Ud to mav be more fully understood, w?? w?l state the following- ?>n the nth .?st.. a whit*- men named J. J Kesterson. livmg in the Cherokee Nation, near the Arkansas line, about arty miles from this aBpa came here and filed .1.formai .un before United -?(aies Commissioner Churchill ?g_ir_?t one Prortor. also ? white man. marrie, to a 1 her'.?.?, wnmao, for *>risuicug h;m with inreut to kill. He ?rated that wlme in hie ?aw* null, on the 13th of Feb. nary last, Proctor . une in. not without provocation shot bis wife dead. II*. then ?r?-l h;. rev' lver at K.-sterson, the bo.l striking ju?f ai? left eve. Before he could tire aga.n Kest.-rsoTi .?< aped. It la further stateil that Procuir was un?terg?un_ trial for the murder of Ids wife at tbe court-buus,- ,n tho Snake, at about Hfiy-w-ven mile? north-west of hen?. A writ was issued, and the Deputy Mandial? were instructed to goto the Coiir.-house mid reuiaiii t.U the trial waa over, and if he was not convicted, to ... Si -i aim .11 the other -'barge. IT.. for is known to be a iaepera?a, and If being in tbe selgbbesbaadwbsra i>puty-Mar?ha! Beate w,s*,.ie?i , I v,r .1 month ig"--where, .n fact, a Ifeputv Mar -hot almost "on sight." ,t wa? nrs.-*-??rv fh..t ? strong po??e should Be **?nt. The ?.artv ?,??, bad n ta for the munlerers of I'nlt.-d Htate? Depniv Marshal r.entr. who are supposed to be In tue immediate m, and intended to res,Hf arre.r. i?i*t .arurday m<?r:..i: , tiie i3tii lust.. Deputy Baseball J woti ?? Ovase, fBsapb 1, I'l'iivy. William W,,,si. Ju^ph 1, Vanuev. Jam? 4 H.i.skiUH. I';? ,.. J .n,- . anl i-.iig? at Brockef aa B posse, left ttnru for rue -?n" of action. At ?my jatead I y Riu-y VeaaS Sr ..._'u J. Morr;?, and at Lut?:ilt?.wu ny a man naiiied Be.-k. Tbe Indian Ciiuit buaef ? iboal .' miles weal of teal pteee. About 1 p, m. on Monday they ariiv.'d st tho ? tiurt-b?oae. tuey .iisniuouu ?1. hi tilled heir horses, and quietly walked u.ward 'ist ? he 11..use 111 Ble hy two?. They ?topped tt tb?, .?ruer, and Beck ihapped .?round to the front door ami -tobadla. Se?lZ?S -.bagutmtpbtsaeteeana*?. ,.'! lmii.edi.ile:. '?* ' ,~." '-. I I ? ..f ',.-. re hie wae Bred epea sad ?MBgaraaarp oeesaSee. At the aaase time ,1 volley wa? peeped from the i.wur. 1, ,.,1??- Spaa the Maishai ? folie w.tuoill, who Uien nil :,. return tbe i;"- TV/were at great I -a?: ? re, as the afterkteg jrariy w.-re under ?lie,ter in -..Ie :ae 1 our!-hou.?e. it appears Beck bad some friends [naide tin- Coert bous?-, abo, when tbey ?aw hiui fall, ,>t>?:ue.1 fir?- on h s (Beck's) enetnteelact?e, and preeenfiyBbb tig.ting ?a? general, it was brief, howev.-r. but ternnie in Its r< ?11.t. Ot tue Marsha, s lone, ?veil out of lue ? ii-vci, lay lie.!?:, sad 01 the aesa?-uits three, ?unie ?ist-, n . r seventeen are reported il,autled??ome mortaiiy, tai'lud? mg Mai-baJ 1 iw? .... Ike m-?.??iigcr knew tbe uau.? l ... if tbe M..--;., a force rW, ware ktOed Jam? 4 Wart! and Rilec Wooda. Three wer?, mieslng?Jan,? ? Paul* Joui?. a-i?l _ugene BrocScl Mo? ? belyed Ul layout unie beglM on a jnirch aiioiit ha.: 1 unie fruu. th* sen.- ol the ?'-.tdly tgtnj, and tkltbl Federal wowtwliid were alee eaavteA Proctor, tea woin.tu-klilei' was guuidr.l by e!ev. 11 of uta .ll.M.,1., WUu -uU.lliOt see blUI :011V.? ted. lut bberiff ?M killed, and the J -dthi-e buckshots lu the knee? tpiw.n* -.r",in tbe sadden and deadly assault u',i??u tea Marshal'i force, ibai uie i? inside"tin Court-boaat hadb-aaf-tij .?loinn-a ut tin 1 approach? and were pr pared lor Cbem. Tu.- off . bad tBatrnctbmsto n,ak. adeeaaud toi Proctor oulv . , i ase of his aciiuittai. and exiweteg some l-__a_aai should they ati'Mupi ,?, ar.eri Froctar after hie acputL. . But foi . roui 1 ily ontbelrBnaaparaa? i thev wer?' not prepared, heme tb-ir ?.aiignter. Imiiio ?I aiely u|k?ii receiiii of Deputy Mafak ?1 I'.-avy'a leiu-r, il. 1 . Kereus, Chief Dcputi .I..1-1.?.. 1 _j.t. J *' _._? Belly, Chief < :? rk. aad cnited Btatea Coauatastea?. liions-. C-urehill, ratead aad mounted teaBes_aa-?i toiiiiuaad of t. ity Maisliiti C. !? ?j. :,-. 1. neij's I'.t.r, ?lepuii'. Aci "lupaui mg taa axpeilitiuB ace Die. j- ?i C. Fifcl.i and c. w. 1 r..l.r _iB_..'N" tu BB BtOCtX____r?TWO COBtPA? ml- ( r '.sn.vri.? -. CbICAGOi April .I.?t.iciit.-??. n. Si.i riiL_n lia?, oldeled <_eu. ?jin-rsou w.lh two compt.aiea ol .u t.iutry to leiuiup. Fur* ttteaaa, ami captare au.'. .Ii .4 out Uio mmUcr?Ts au?l BsaaSBMB-Bga!? Ia?li.n? 11 it. I it is aspacaadtbal tuis aadaa ?f iue B-Bbsbmbsbb w.J r.'store couUdeuce batweea tbe Beuten and lMpaaea> , able Indians on the ordere ot Arkanses Thar rt tt ,rd, r if 'i.Mi. P'?pe. ?it ? alfrsv rap. rt,-,l intu? PuttBaBUB ?now? ?be ticsatlyot keeping ? i i<-e oi mlite ?_ la iiiai ttt ? OVE M__m AFFRAYS. raro mkv bt-vmnu n v ?iLo?.?r. Tba Caaiao ftBB.BiWj R.-onis. at I I IIi-tT.ton :l_d M"f*-?t?., tl.i- tog baSB i Place wher? 'It* BB0S1 , aedofbaabeexaaher? gatberad. R'i.ntiy, halla bav, basa given tbsn en ? n.t :i.ui..?f ?.::'" 1." .i:?ly tb_t*I ... I'llrvd the .-.?.?rveiitiiu of the pBBSB. OB *v rts nigftf? April 13. "Butt" P.. ??? ?Lar-? ? '.-ii,i-:i., Jam? < M'-N: nn II .'1 M.Citie. J? I.e. CB-dBBB, and oevcral others, were there, and dm lug the evening McC.ilie and C.enien? ii/iarr??.? .1 !.,it w?r ?? ; . .'e?it?. any ?er." .? r d LaetfaSaP?ar evjn'.ng tba MM p?u->ns igalB Met t.e. a-id it was aattdpadad BWBBi vaali aril ? ?? i Bar mid niglir, wh?'n they were !???. ig th- w?r!e wer.- asK-sag-dta th?' ? .:;, .,??. , leffgll. Brad three shut?. ? 00k ef < T Iu the lower parto! cictuen?'- 1' .t.-u..-' ?:..-? laatter etoar I ? uiiiiii'-igs u. tba upper J?w LViaeea M te 'in' .?ir, 'i? rc?t of tbe part? -"?<! ? -' ' to SB*- -t P.nrolmea il. m h,y ?,I the Foiirlee.tu ,': ,n. t. ran au ti.,1 ail? ?I? ,1 M s., who was pointed 11 by rasaes_.Br*. af N>>. ?.?u I Itea-ete -? . ? ? ta ?- d mm ?b.H.t.rv P Sa,,,??? ' .'lid I.l mil W.-Ic Ukeli 'n??tli. ?*l'DUg-?l POAmUtUmttttS, t 1 luumiags was ??_ .-u-.i bj ^* 't;?'. i* to ?.ninit. 1. at Woo.f.M md I'l.,, k.-r ?ts., wh?n- hla won.:. dreeaad b_.Br. Dewolag. Mews? tiw-n ?aBeu home sa No. IS'i West 1 wen',e'ii -I '?iinwbie t.emen* hixl 1 een r??m.?v?"1 t.? pun-?- lleivli'iart.-r*, tie.f as there was aa eangeea UBan Ibearaaes wbJUm er 1,-a ,1 knn to i>?? taken to tlie Barfag-Ot. l'.li.e-.tjl. ,n. an?i he was? socnw t.other 011 a stretcbi-r, at i?Hi,-ni ly .1) ' ag li?"?(,?e-aliwe? wr-a?iiuini?tere?i. nai . 1 ?? red teeeewbeS When M? Nam? e waa taker wt'o?? turn, li? .b'fluretl |H>siiiveiv iiiai tin? was no? tbe man who had teal mm. He ??..I that "?if retch" and hi ? .I '.tend?, and 1 hat the Who aha. bun was ?Ire????'?! ?US. rently With an oath, feel li .1 pressed, he demande?!. "What s the use of b-k .ng .?, tu up !" Nevertheless, lynch declared it.s.tivHy t 1 it McNaiuee was tbe tasaiUnt, and it was the nlateS . 1 ' u s'.wi (at.'rs that 'lernen? knew that Hie |.riNH?r hart shot him. out waa endea? uring ?o ?hienl f Be a?-umhI. McNamet? denied hi? guilt. He and Lt uch wrn- lo??ke.| up, the .utter heing d? laii.ed _* a ??tiw-ati I*urgt_ii?j Wiilte at..I ' ,r? ? nough proi*d tb?? wound, but wert? eu aide tu ilu.l tbe bail. Tt_\v thought Uust the wound wuuld prove mortal. Clemens wa* removed t" Ke?ievu*, Hoepital ni tue miihul.uice I.iO'r tu the utgBt ? apt. ?'Un, by learned of the w.'uiidlng of cumaiiiig*. 1 ?Steei-i xn? ?'li' to his residen.?- lud 11?' *S? l.tuilg-l tti'b?. Station-htoiiw. |He ala?, ub-tititled McNamtre a_ t_p ?tue who liad ?luit bio and ?'lernen?. Mt'Namee ?? ,- taken y???u?rday befor?- Ju?u??e IVtwling at the T?-)?.?, and eoniuntt*-?! u? await the re.uii of ? . 11'pirk *. He 1? aged ?o. live? al Ne. 8SS ICaat ihirt) flith?f. ?ud launa to be a bookbluder but tb* pouce oii'v know evil ot htm. 1 ? men? and be trtnnr* to one ?t .n? g-iugs tha* long b?ve Im-.mi ta* terror >( tual section of the city, aud on many oecoatona tbey bav o Peen cou? ertied in desperate aflkays. It is ?ileaed H1..1 tbey i.?-. ?rt 111 the attacsun Pataolmaa HemuM Tui.? of the Niueteenth Precmet about two _,ini_s age, wkrii ? ; 1 -? 1 officer was -.. aeverely beateu tiiat !?la life ?w de?'..iu- -1 ef foretime. ( lerne ns la age,I 14. reaidBB al No 111 Eflttt Fortf fourth-st., and is the mm ot a weaitby* orewer. at Ie? died-ii?f Utiig ago, leaving bua a fertuut?. which ue b.w ie-11 ??iiitU'lci mg aiuuug tbe ueprav?- _? I i.iiMimir liili . IM-V . ..K11S1.1AL IN- Il.-HTM. An altray oc4'uiTf.?l on Satunlay nigbt h?*-. twc? n Kedar WreUeu and Henry Maier, m Ule Itmsor saloou at Nlueteeutii-St. anil . :ftli ave., ll,o?> .unng which the foi -met was sUbued in the forehead and tbeab, and _m lour.? injured. Mat:,?* ? m a flgbt with Thomas Liwrvv. yem. tcrdai . in tue .1 |u??i aemou No. IBB Tweait Brat .1 , I'.riKikiiii. dtiugeruiuuy ?i^iatxwi hiui m Itts ahttm?ii. lhe a-_?,i. 1 m vt a a a 1 n-at ?t 1. . 10? ..M We.:*, age 10. ?if No. 101 Coneord-s-, Brnebtyo, who ? a? - i??"i in tb? bead ou Turwdav aiomhig i?v a r?.?, i.a.11,,1,, WuliKiu chriali,-. .lied ?Ma H_turtUy Ir.?? Ble IO> mi 1? ?. Y.'.iu ? Ui-tUe la ueid to swan lb? ruauil ot IM i 1 ..loner . >l.ii.,<-l. ?