orvitTM iii?ii?.\ i. :i .-. ?Tirs political
si ' i ATH?\ ?Ql't:-?T IHN.? BKFOKR THS ?.??'
1 Vt-1.??.\TT l.'l?t tPITOL ?T li-'!M;?.
Il 'i ?III. l:l ?.H AU t .-l:l;li .:?"?. . s . ... 11,1. TUBUS! i
H m?t ?'i,-ii, April SO.?The offl '.1 declaration
of the vota casi ?it tha rece?? Btah ? '.. lion mal
portan: has is la tha :' i y were uni
reportad Otrr. .1??" ? n ?iiiv out alHaeal .i???'i?
fiasa il t.? ?s, in caes? .nitm??? of the retara? oi Bcatterlng
vote.? Mint n ?rere aad laclad d ta the return? m ??'???
t?? il?ii neu-paper till,".s. II., plnrallt] ?,v? r Mr.
Habbard remain.? about the BB-ie. Tha nvi r
Ba-8 ii'..i'.?ritv of the li? i>.il?lli'.ci State
(?ili.-r tuan Covernor. I? 111, nmt laelw
Qovaraor.ill Qav. Jew I 111 * sversge
Tata oi.t.lined hyhlsaasc? las oa the State ticket, aad
Btr.BabhatS MB SIB ahead ad the avaraaa t .te given to
the Pe__?aciatts s:at.- Sehet. B. addlag Ihe Temperance
vote, 1?-4., to the nvClaire vote RtveU for thS Rep
1 t, alare tha preaampt-oa la that that vota v,.i? varj
110.11 : i b) Bepablleaas, nul then glvlna
the D.tuu.r.its tiie Labor \?'i<? sad all tl
?.??ink:, aad th" difference In favor ol the Bepab
UeaaaU '??'?? it I* ptcaataed that on a fair dlvlalon of
parti s,leaving ont ?.'?I ontslde Issues, the Democrats
ha tha State art la a minority of some .<">'?. ?
vitasen ga? a certificate of elc? Ion to Criarlos J. Cole,
i.? Saaatoi from thi I?, I . 1 t.. 1 : the
at Station of tbe Senate to tbe fact thai 1
ai y i?. ralas tbe 1 it< of the Town of Soath
?i , .:i th.? Offll ' ?'f t-"1 S .
retary 1 : State. ? 1 . ?? 1
i??>rt? Jaatlfytag .1 new eonnt, ?.ni II la nol
prut?..1.1.? that tha P "nato will gratify the wish'?
??f Mr. l-iil, the ronteatant 11 hi? i*?-<? ti ?
that there waa more to I in appeared when tho
return* were opened, i. ? .- ir lu i shown to tho
i anvs it- thai on the vote for O (vero ir In Mew li ivon
?.nd En Held there wi pan lea eoro*
. .ther ? .m... Utes, and the
whole i ? rr was i on t?.'?i lothe Geni rai A
?ml a recount waa ordi .? d. In I liai
> ?...r rw: ? ? an -? i ?...:t . i : ?
tbe ( '"? ?i I ?it ion "fives the ?> ? i ,? . .??
todaelari elect?*donl.v1 ? hl-rhcit
! ut lut??-. , however. 1
11: r? ;.:t :.s . teil, 1 il ?' belt u*
a, ,\. 'i . : i.ut I to
? i ? . n.l, lu the pi
Pond must appear u* u i-ont il ipt roe rd to
"abal ti? i -
bul one course to 1 t. l?j u.. r -tu .
n pint illty oi ?dr.]
i - ? inte.
in N. w-lla? n un U'cdn ' I? ruble
i tar. display Isproi - H
lion foi th. ? .
Mat. .- ? ? . ill lb*)
: -?I .?t?.? law, by i
'I . . .; in of ca?
id (J i
is -aid ?nme of ti o mi re ci nsi r
-.nt." i\ ill ash, t:.'? j ear, for tt i
law, considerably .liiml.:. 1 iu ii?
- ? . ? r ol
State? taille? t" be employed, 'i ?
ia:,i,?. d a s:;, ?i, tu roui up, n of i be
? lall. 1 :.. ?I projet ' :: n i? :
Lite, vvh!. h, il il s! i
the resource? probat v ol the Sew-York and Sew-llnven
i i -, t . ' ? Hie taxailon ?il
? . able attention, and it?
liier?- may be sume mot
or, He* i: \ ?. ?
similar t?? that Vi ted to an w
) ? t ii. :. nt this t i
vili pu : ibly i"- t"
rumpleted i).'!or?- n?: .....?? In u not her ci p! toi ein .
prit?. Ii a resolution, i
qui ?tlon of a i
Ilaven, thould be
i?????? of ??nv 1 ur:i.?. - .
'jbe ...... r? hire ml
?waa SU 1;. '?? d |.y
1 . ? I ' . . .
throws c inslderablt ;. .
The v te casi for ?
CUl at th* i II fin."! . a] .!.
'j..- fuUoti ?ns; i? tbe i ?
li irtlord.. .. _ ;
ToUati 1.-. : - :
New-nave.1 i 144
Mid ;.??.?,. . . ?_
N( a Loudi. : s :. ? a ?. c, j
Wit.Ti. un... .
Tallin id. '.. ". 1,1 70
lallt Mit id. 4... :, , I,
.Fatal.-t- ? ' !..
Jewi. - i There i
f( al . ring voti ? lor c
i. -u t . : the \. :.- foi I
I. ' ' i" ? . I -' r ? :
Tr? 1*111.7. ; ;,?__ i. i B : ?..
CoatroUei. , -, i,?;,
tone of Tin: indei f.ndent pri
VTliy N.'i DISB '\;> . PARTT ?
In the cun. ut m ? ?" r oi Harper'
Mr. < tn ?
II.It. : ?I [ a i ?
s ? ti im- Kepnbliean pai
It n.l (lis I nd I li hu? i ev( i.vili?,.
by Ita ? i, -. . c_..| ,,??
?i It? I? turning ii use? to
lai.? own private account, ll .vo, -. i. i .
it i? pr. ?'It. g !.. fli.-i tie \?... ? lia ?'. i
i. . it i.?,
ite and fon lot!
a ft,. ?: i.j on ii.. ?i .j... v.
Tbe tvro masa iTork, tli it
I it of 1
Wedne ? u . ...
In Ils way, and we
i arded - dual)} .- i bl? i. ?itun. to
1 -. ? I I . ? . - :i ? ?. : ii,:.i i:
? ??',.'! I.I.*.
bull and (sch?re
i .:?,?? r,,
. '? i ole pro?
i.-.. n ml: (he ..: ired ..<?
' . ? ? |
liot ? nil
T.iinninoy, n? TTie /i'.i < i |?mce|
. In.le? d, -.?r to UtIVf
i ? ..??-* up in u i
: and put the <!.-?
t ;.. ?..,-!,i,?.
/ /
- a ?roe I word : I ratl er like i'.
' !i!" ? li i th?.itit! v ' : )t ?
t 1 . " T : - i\ i - ' ' I '
i.. nl (Irani lo V,. , ?.. hen tho latter
bud l?e_nin to tura a strong ciin-rnt or public
c-i 1,-1:1.? !-? ! : all part? "f the i on il.y . " :
: . fax. " Remove Mi i phy : ? i? ,i
i. ? - ? ' twill,
tbe country. 1 '?tbi onlj t* ir toturu the tide." A
; b force ol Inves?
tigation compelled " T ..-) " Mnrpby to
tbi PrcBlueul v.iut ? ihn r.n autograph lei
Indoi approval; i 1 rhlcli ncvei hap
?i-i.t ii in- m und r .- !"?? i ???? mm li : : there
? n hone.t ? . ? tore of < ??t.ain? s ho bava ra?
bil tii t h ? i- of the country. Since then,
? l ? ?
? ' ? . ? ? i I V. -i in opitOKing
v. n t. vi t r.,11111!? i? rtl reform - the dia
t a vin- uf tn? in. , ??:-??.?ientiir,
it not positive ?liminai ty, pro*?? oiHcial ncgllirence; the
ui eovi ring of ! ? : I to the ?hume of the
j. .it y i:-. pot ?i1: On evil u'lui of the bnm? diate Presiden?
tial . tog? ther ??? irh the : rowlna
Importai ce of tbe < . - :, have n,?..?.'
the m.?--in foi electrify la a the i antry plain
to the Presidential eye. Ue baa undertahen It. An Ex?
it eorder wa?pul?l -h'-d re? ommending ' ml 8? rvlea
reform. Ii islip i. k< the Murphy Indorsement,by
. ?ident. It i- ?tu ? p; It i ''in? ? too i ite
to turn ti.?- ti'1'. Ttiere i-?i?i!v one thin,, left by which
tit? I'm ?ni? nt can "electrify the conn tn*," and that la by
witbdrawlna hl*i idldat? for n-nomlnatlom
Thai aill du .t, and ave tin
', i?, party n m ' ?ion. T !.. non in i?
? ?.laut i.- Ihe ?nit thlna tin I the I:? -
I part. ItcsBi 11 ? audldate by aa
i ? .mi ig malorlt]. ' m ?i ? led him I
Tin, I?! SO KAU? Bl ?BEAB.
Tin* ii'.ost aerioua bbb B?acere ohjection by
Repu bit. m? to ii? - - movement i?, that it ?s
111? in?: Into ?in band* ol the Democracy, and threaten?
to : tore the Demo, rath ??a: ? k ... .1. ? i.e* to power.
T n.ilsi.f K,i?|. D.eii anil ?ti, li.-c.tu-'
i!i . o iiiiitu i? - ol their pult under the leadership o1
. .m.t m- ' ??(.al followera. dad Bympathltlng
v .ti? tn? obieeta proclaimed by these Kepnbliean* who
ara rosna U? CtaclnnaU. feel tbemaelve* forbidden by
tali ?. laou I ' t,.K. bail in the nimm movement. Tin?
. ,??.Molt i- n iural enou.h.peibapi -It certainly ia
one ur ihe Important facti of the presenl political alfoa
t)..n. Ifet we bellevi It will beproved as Ul-fcanned In
, y I i i nia . as it is in, in), ?iii'i nt ami Uli] hllosopbll al iu
reason. Tbepowei ? evil In theiJemocratie
jiatt. lit In il : i" ?' ? ' ' '"" that,
?nd it? capacity for mlaubiel la eartalnly ge a.
i m- l?. n."? ratic i? ? ;. ? ? ? lo 1?? a d
ii..- n c - lo txl?t aa a p'jty,aad it
t as b party tbe moment It uoandonsthe
pr-eaidT . [putsforward no candidates of
lu own. Tuts i ..?' ?i proa ?? todo, or rathsf '<?
?How to In ?.nil', ???' ^ law odd Bourbon? of
the part, ma. try to nalvauif tionandran
a ticket, aaa f' s "f uu old STblKS did In Itno* imt ihe
preaeni prospect 1*, thai thasa arlll bardl. beaaappre
itable element In lb? voting. Without regard t?. tie
nominal numbers of the Itemocraey that may openly
Bupport ??.m. ?.i.?' '. ' I V -tl I? '" "'X raoldlj de?
mocratised under hulead. Th. worst elements aud la*
Buenoosof ths old Uemocrui . party an cloarli re. ia>
la./.ii.i. in He power ol su? ?i men as Butler and Murphy,
.Mui tun ami ? .urn Kali; Hi lin a'.a sa?? in ! In- .\e'\-Ol lean?
and New-York ? uatom-boua ; In the corruption? tust
li.... festered and fattened iu all the Southern Mat?
"s'.e!i:)i-i(.lit-. Undtr the pall?l.a.?: und pioloclioa 01 IhO
! B i-ion A A ??i'ii'?trillion ; In the cold IndtflbfOOee, If not.
i )., a opposition, of (bo allnii Irani i? to nil
I.ans tor reforming the Civil Service! ancL everywben
nd through all.In ihr? growing innteiialla?i mid per
... ol thi'al.aVi'iiilii: .il la Its pM lit baud*.
Tur, i".i!-Tt?rTiir. ahmkmstkation PRESS.
i si; DRMOCH \ i IC Ti'KKT.
I , ., ... I ,.,ner. '
1' .ufumes ?luv liv il.iv im>ii> apparent that
i . its mean nothing by their Halte? of the
? ? i. a ill boll ami it? u. .? ' iii' their Int. rest,
i nd thi Interest ot nobody else, that the breach ahonld
lie made aa wide aud deep aa )"> iiblc.and mi thi
nf Kti-sf imiTtir Hi.- aotnlnees ot ii". Clneinnali incrting,
provided it pleuat. th in Buttborol, ol Ueesra. Schurz,
rut i m .v di has b, it to claim thai tin ? iv. re Is lt. r
i;.i'iiiitit?aii? tiiun Un?s.-nil.? adhere i<> tin. regular or
itii.f the party. The people who go to Clnoln.
tu.; i ? ill i-'i'ii cnl Dobod*. b,it Ci ne'i\rc and their
only hope et g lining public rapport from the it publican
ran ? i i ? enunciation ?il DdvDoeed Repul?
lie ill I'll a?, til" lioiiilii il'i'ii ni ilyr in 111.- wool K.piib
llcau candidates, und tbc npadlal m ol anyt?lug like
n :, onlnp toward n ictlonary Demo? racy. Tlie fluid will
.pro Mil I till I', tin,I I',lllr' III.III.I Tl Will And I'llUM
? i for putting forward a reaulsr Democrat!?
, ti,!,-, i and plnltorni. With oi wllhi it excuse, than Olli
be D? mooraUc cm dldatee in the Reld?
A Ml cil ttBl ? :? I'll! '1'1'NT.
i . ?
The gCrOd people wbo moke mich load j>ro
fe-si,,"i.? in more then ordinary lfberallsm seem to us te
iit-ii, il, u. (iran? with a p rsoual bltterueea and Ii |ni
ice wboUy limit roiintable. Nul ooe ef the oaowroua in
Ytatlgatlnns has touched blm pcraooally; Dol mm hat
?iilriii"! In? lutcgrlty, bin i an I'U in. or l.l- Udell tj i"
m . The chlei poll ' remaining Is thai he has made some
.Inn. . Thai be baa made a mulUturteof
- is i ...t -u,i i.u m . i.tinii, d. In tin in ill, r if
i ,,,i Service nform. it should bo remembered thai bo
?.?. n!> men, even oi those uio t familiar with Ibe sub
, i in agTl e upon fv. a Hie main features of a detail, d
plan ; and thai while the deuiaud lor n beUei system baa
. by a parti m of the preet. n tna
ln li yet in !?? i'" n". . 'l th it any
i-.idlral change lu the system Is needed. A majority of
the I: ?.in. la a, is In Congress are e II In g to nmke the
appropiiailonsnei i. und rthc Prethlent's plan, ont a
i- i.'.i. ..-ni minority oppose :. to i 'ii"' tin appropriation.
Gen. (.Mir stands resolutely witb Irai portlou of tho
party vthn-h i? deb raiined m preai Um ?? lorn
/ . I? ' tepe.
?"There i? no loul li-?'' the <>M fool." II??w
iT. ! ii in In otter thine*, this itateoient lolds good In
politics 'm. politioaI inurements whlcb lead to victorr
..... ol young mans, while the abortiona
. re-inn? blunders ol polltli ? bare a senil
Tac mills of Time have now ground onl :i new botch of
a fient*, li.inn e (Jrecley, | Charles Buinner, l.yman
ull, .1 bu Wentwortn, and mi, rs ol their gi aera
? ? now tnadiug the path of .?? und childhood.
u a spoil iipmi all politicians whlcb li ivee no
. po from this alternative ; Die young or make e fool
r. l ... r. In '. ' i ' r.f, ,'d ii-, If
from II fa eol Its Immediate pn-?iecc sor by sloughing
. . : .h rr |i: < lenx i.i, ou I In 1 l It i I do I be saine.
'. ie party itself la M young now r ? ial the da? of
!? birth. The real leaders of the oi'j ,. iufull
sympathy with the men ami lileu i .. d< . .., lu tho
i i .it?. Bnehit will ever continuo tobe, if, at each
ration ol pu lie i nil | i- s into I lie " h an and
i i" age, ti.c party, biubad-iik , ... ..? oil "the
i... M in."
Tlio Cincinnati faction is an army of Bris??
,,. i. ?. Every rae of the i ames luirade I a? II ? chicl bi
lo a man who I a ?r Ibe l resl len y.
T. . fii.ivr i."t been elevated, a? "onllng in their own
m ii :i mi rile, in the ii publican party, They
Invite the Democracy to Join In a movement to el?vale
i ? .. Each man is willing to concede all to the Democ?
rat')*, if he can have a place, or . m- hobby ran be put
In the Foreground. Tuer exited to I U ?erais and
. ird-bearet-, and asa th? united Di moerai v i i 11
? ivc,and rejoice In il.[xn-tiin tj to serve
i s w 111 ?1 ? I ne 11telr own
, ,. V.'r is. dit ' tl ' i an " ??? lna,l ? to -'II
i to the support i.i Davis or Tnuuinill or (iree'ey.
im i ? ,.f i!ir i., -,.. di . lile will rapport tirant for Pi i
il, iii than '? 'ii h In ? i _d toe n rj i?i I th. i
grand attack only Impost ? upon I. pnb? i who b -
u their principle , ami mean to add re to them, to
r ;??! the i onfllet, : thorough or?
ad i'.-, im systematic ?i. rt, ti in by man,
.. i ii i oium
I.IVIN,, I? i ? . N ,r VB..TBAI I I'.ilM I.i.Ils.
i -iuT.?' im r.-.i-'c . i ii ii will lio aalicer ira*
i ? isti int u piano! m and |i ai
.i uuvaution a bleb wil culi?! the
ilsuppurtol th- Democrats as a psrty. Tbe timid
i.. Un movement, end Ihe evident kn?.wle?lir "l Its
. ' .11 li i i.....,./ mi I soli
the elements oi opposition to t?on. liront lato a new po?
li i alorg iiizallou they will have to satisfy coul
? i . Ix'cu ii mtago : ' ? lor years, i
y i-. Heat? '1 In 1 mill il resolnl.- of
ist week, li -
? ..'? i ? ? n,. in i in";
?1 tin s,, m in :i ver gntln it liter any ?- ice, lui
. a mir , m- | th, j ate ni irr-, in.
Sien want practical. i ucstostuidui >u,
... led ii:.t'i i arm in i ?.js halt-way, hesitu!
?i.rt to mask tho pei .. un ?tionsof discontented pub*
? lorm, ? bj n a ?on of
m il!l:
. a loptrd -a Uiey Bun ly
bj i... NationalConvcntionsof laopohlieaosuud
. rill TTIvr, TiTEIB BBir.l H0CB.
' . I. ' .;
The conflicting element- combined in thi?.
i .n lun . . lack oi auy d< u lite ami i
I . the approvina and i do|m ral Ins o ti
tin li . .u ii i id? i ii?, .m,! the m .
- lining ?mV lui ,.i a ui a fiisl hi ol all Ibc
: f. - to prm !]>:? -, .1. u....
? CHOU a t . ? - : ?: ? all III'?. Iligfl ' in n ihe
in,ivement simply uieans .. reoivanlaaliu the ? i
m o.ary
. . : ? ? i. ' ;? ... th?' p .i";. > I bum lUlly,
lib. i iv. and progr?s ?. A mau cauuot serve two m
. ,i ... I . !.. ... dl . ?', IhOlU - . . ' in pi. 11. e .1
KV, neither Ci ?ele? u?u Tiutubull nor Hchurxcan
i-H'oncile the chuhlug ere? ,- ?.: !;? pu iicauum and
l> m.i racy? They in j atrui ib Ir briol hour up. ? ll
.iic'i tho applau '? ' t personal lollowen and the
1' mi eral ' " o And ]ir .fit la their abuse o
Un |i .?it wlili n i... ? the Dei utors and em Ichcd
I in-, I ; in mi, but thiir luviiallou loth? < uomlos Isa re
pudiatiou ol Un i:.i.- i'? Itepuhll inlsui, ?nul like
Johnson and . mu?l ebooMe I In Ir
? i n the ways .... ul >. i lu uro marcl trail il
i .?..,: l i /..- . .i)i,|. i.i ? ? oi i>r!i,,. ;. . i, n.,,1 th. Dourhon
U'iiii'i" i - a.-. undiug tin uoiesof ?eloome.
! - ! - III \T TUB PARTI CAB .?,.' \M).
/ .... - , ,.
Mbernl Republican, in, us the spiteful oppo
. i . . ' , l IS I . . ..- DU)
;.:.. lie I il i!l r fo] gTOSS rllUp. !.it..'!i a;,.l |"!1> |1
u u lull'!, iv:,,,, i, I. : u : hit fault? . La- :
: ? . ? native gen i?, hone? pall
i iav. i--, from ?m obsei re privat' I itl >u ;
i the glfl Of the )?? op'". v . : i a- i'" '!"' . thi? I .
lull ; in . i -.ii ::: .? . ; | i ?. 1. . u 'i?.i .
pr?t all? >i lu
; ? - ; he c o? i' .i ... t bim. i .ib oi
. ; i ? 1;. ,?.! dl .
pu ...-,'i d alike of tbnj'rosld ut. Urant's mistake, il ir
lake, hi - l? u In nol i ont Itlug i
?.a ?i men n-1? uuint r undGrci u, 1 ; i un i" n
gardthemselves asfathorsol tin partr,and n
? ititli I to consideration at thi banda of tho Aumluisira
llun. I- i.i-im ;i!?-!>? the Kepnttliuau? an independent of
l'iiiy 1< ?l'iri-, au i give nu niun, uoi eveu a?uiuueror
alireeley, wai r,mt lorarsumi d leadership. Ur.Ureelcy's
ture from the parti Is a i , but bj un
i. r,ui- a i. - ti r p?.?t.? will break uinii r, followed 1
i lie i. i - ...' prom ! ; as tali
i's departure I also a 1 ,bu tl ipaitj can
/ ' .' ?. ?
Tho meeting which wan held ut Hi?' Cooper
I: lituti was, we believe, without aprecedeul In our
il history. It was expressly cull I .. agutbenng
? i branch of the KepuhiUaiu party which dealres the
i Domination and reflection ol l'r ildenl Qrant; ??!
when It came together, the < il., ?t - anil ssuuied
tintit was a mass meeting of the BepubUcanaol >. ??
York. That is to say. according to the orgaula i and
promotora ol this gathering, the our toal ol Bepuh ic in
l-m now i? tin political .n|i...i' o odi man sueplra
tions, umi- thai bel re auj nomination bas ueen
Biade by the party. Tin? i? a Ungular
i- ..-.i.mi to receive the approval, ai least
by their acquiescence, of auch toan m
some acorea m tbobe w)."?i! oam? s an promi?
nent In tin report ol the naeeUug, aud ??m', n we know.
Mould linn b prefer some other eaudiibsto than tien.
Grant, if they could hope lo control Ihe Philadelphia
n .,,:..atiiiii. Bui this tueettng bad no mon right than
the Liberal meetlngof li-t Friday t" reprosoni the Be
publicaii party. It waa a gathering o! i) Urant faction
of that party, and nothing mon, Thepn ?abUity grows
i? roug? i every day that the i.n Uou in question will dio
tut? the nominations at rhiladelphia, bul until
in.ulr tlie pl'etehs?) si I up by Ine ipeakCM la?l eveuiog
that Opposition to their pal faction la enough to cut ml
lirpiiiiiicaii? from ihe party, la a Uotion Which,
m ii.i- i.rttcr mid more camel dayi .f Be
publicanlam, would have received no aanc? in from such
un n as moat of tue Vi< el'ii mi.nts Darned la i nlghl. In
the action of the meeting Itaell then was literally
nothing of Tain or "f power? The tpeeohea were en
Unlr beneath the ebaractet of the pearmbly. uea,
B 11,1' ? \ta- ?i. abusive that ii ill hi- ?ui'in ne? i? c.une in?
dignant, and hissed bun. while gii lag lond and ret^Bted
?..riis for the men he nuanpnaented. Menator Brus in'i
?peech waa not strong, nor n.i? it racoes.ful usaua.
t. 11? 11 to anawer Senator Trumbull'i apeccb ol Friday
i Senator Morton aeottered ihr endiooee rapidly.
The reoolntioni were far worse than tin a|>eeehea. Tin'v
an ?? nit p. i--onal. Nut a ai princip?ela eaa_.
? i.ili d In Ihrlii; ii,,l ?,n ;??ur drawn which Will In; tat
?take lu th?: tondue election.
To the i: it i tor of The Tribune.
BlBl It is ('-quieted that the Cincinnn'i Con
vriitloii will make Civil ?mice Urform a lulling aillrlo
of Its platform; in f.ut, this nioim ami the i-tteottn
of eectlonal boBtllltl?-. an? Ihr two Icaturcs ivhlch elm lly
coiiiiiiiii'l ihe Liberal movenuiit to thinking men. Now,
Jit the liberal party prove its sincerity I.y plclt.iig li
s. if at Cincinnati that, ir ut the oosning election ihr Ad
miulsttOttn shall coiue int?, it? baud?, tl,, re ?hall l.n no
w boleaale naooval of pneeat Uieuiabeate of eh ii ofBt...
Let It uiuioiince that at the rory beginning, aa writ at
thinugh the course of It? power, tho ruli shall b?: im
olliier to be leiiiovid ?xcept for laeoopttoacyat di?
boaeety, detanataed by a proper tninuiiti, on formal
? largea. This act, so iioiu-t and fair, will glva ihn
ui'in dm Di great moral strength. It will also l? poUUe;
fur after U?t aooonoeeoMOt a_teo_aUera win have no
longer ? personal Int??st In oppoeing achango of \.|
niiiiistr.,ti..i!, mu! the chief aoaroa will be, destroyed of
tiuii i Dthualaam now displayed for the " regular party."
on the other hand, if the Cincinnati convention doe? mt
take tills et- ;>, it will r-nilel its.lf liable to the In.put ?
I..ui of In lit an aaeembly of politician?, who are. wiling
tu use the rallying ery of '? ic form," bat whoae real m,
Jin i? only to gain placea foi thom?elics. h. W. VT,
bumliilt, S, J., Api-117, Wi,
Till. CO-JUTS.
Judge Brady rendered s decision, jresrajflay.
in tin-en ao! 1 o__as ?-btbob, denying the app-MatloB
Suda nliuiit a week ii-.') fur a iiiaii'lnmus n-:?Inst. tho
Ooatrotler la c.>mpei him Is pay hnXJM ??*., betag to per
cent of the imonnl alleged lo )"? dae la Pleraoa bs i bm -
trad tat paving Seeoad-ave. from Blgbty? tho
II iiT'ih i:?\. r. The 1.1 nis ..r ti..' i .?nn ui provided that
win n um Munis ..f tii? work should Save been i-?**
?.nii'tl the contractor ?boukl receive TO per cent ot tho
rm oust to he paid. Th'-1 iitiirnii. r oppoecd the applica?
tion, holding that tbe ordinance anthorizi n: tin west ?? wa* nm prupi riv advertised before It?final pas* ; timt lb*relator*? elalm waaaever ?uditeilor al?
lowed ??V Hi' l>? I'aiTii? Bl ul I.nance, ?o.T that there WB8
in. fund out of which It should lu: paid, ladfe Lrinl.v'*
III ? I l| .??.< fallow? :
li.un" ? t te ti y thai the rr 1itor"l elaitt li dliptrfed, ?n! tl -t he
I ., :? r- lv at law If 11? elaim I. 1 ?'. Tie r k-lit t.. t ?rit of
'? in tn Ike ti.'i ?!? ? ? i . ..n t-o .'.ement?.
la!, tl..- . ! li ii, ir I. ? i ii. I, |..?i:..|.l of w! uli ii ?.?iiirlit t.i ?a-1 hr rlrarli .-ti'i ?iiri! Strand, Die r-litnr i.n?t I,? rrtn.dilea? ly
a. ti a, (.' ( i.i: : | il I'm ( ', ?:. I I I dl ? perle Lrmek 8, II 11 I.'?,.
In Hi.? Itltlf of l.fDcli. ('?.?? la ?alj: " Util ?la ,, ?! t rr i? a
|i?.n and a.!?g?!?t? T'ineilT ?it arm.:, fa.r Ite |:.rtr ?, I i ariltf tlon not lie. 1 mi not awarrol eue ?,.-. y. ?Lie trtle."
T lirie i?, I... ? i r,*l t'.-r ?' ?? t .n t ? ' I of tliii a ip.lf.ti.ix
TTerr i> ta fund out uf ?h.r!, ,i ran be paid??i bad ..rm.nir.a ?rr-r.|.
1 at .,, ,? m 'U ?? La tl.-a rtawi.I.
A mu ?.ar application ob the part of John Lrverleb, bad the coBtrael for renwvlBg bbs_ Eras ihe loth
avi ., via? denied la tha I une way.
A r.ANKmi'T LAWYl'l"--- TV.VS.
In tin- nutter o? Rflsj L. lI;:iiiiltoii, n li.-mL
rupi. the attorney claim. ?I t" have a Ihn, for fees, nn the
tn',.. j - ). c ivi ?<! by the BSelgB8C on the con.pi omiso of a
?tilt. In B del-Toil di ni ?ni* stielt claims, ?.?ivcn in the
Dallad States District Ooart yesterday, Juden Btatc-r
ford ?ays:
1 ,' ? BBt t?sk It'*? l,r he'! Ili.t 'he ?'! m?T f.?r ?h? b?' Vr-wt hu ?er
l;.?n, a| mrli aiU.rnri. a* Mm i '?'?' a r. ? ? I 1 , ? ? - Mat ".lie
?-..?i.??rai. m af th? tail Bat at I
n.a i.?l I i.i.a* If. ' i ?hick had lake* p. a? la it, I
:: tl,? ?,f (soil* li _. at aaw-H. a c? r! ?it ?ui i a. l! ?? r! ? : -
Ir. It. I ll'ii t!.?i the I*-", tests, ?nd noes ,?, of th?
??' r??T for th? l.anlrupl In l!,r ?u.l, I ?fore it p.iel
int?, i'ie knall of 'lie r-.i.'.rr., r..-? thirty, ?it'.in ?.r:i.?n
ui: i f th? ?rt, |.r ,"'.., . . ? i af ? ?oit arrM aa by
'1 ? ' M H .a r tie ?Ul. ?O a? t?. I.r . I
?alt? Mil i ? ..:i. W? .t ? . :
? ,?n! IIBIMII I? in t! ,?e??-, ir ?i t ?f IM ?ii'ii't
? - ? a??-, 'a a? ar*. ' ? ? ainsi ?it, luuat
: us.:*, nh Ti '.
nn: i-riT AOAinsi mbs. oabvky.
In ihe case of Isadora Worroser Bgaisst ?.-n
bella Garvey, Ihe alia of Ab Ir? a J. Gam i. appllfatlea
v, n Biade yesterday for a further adjoarnaieal ?a tha
ground of the ?nddi nly-renewed innres of Mr-, Garvey,
?'? nn!.nil.".i tl. .i !.. r -? ess waa
a pre ten ? '?? il .. Im Ihi . lin h? .?i ?i ., ? hl? II
(',.?11 for L '..I..'. II" ?il-u pl'ilne. i| ?t le'li r
Mr*, (..uve"? ?it tm t.ev -, requesting thai aphvi lin,
on behulf of tiie plaintiff, i <? all.d to vieil Mr?. Gar?
vey ; i ? ; . tl. Jud?rc Brady, after a
iiis.' ordered Ihe eaa togoctn wltlmul
d. ay. Tbe first witneaa railed waa And? ij.<?
hut Tu. one answered. Proof waa pra?laced t i a
: ,i!,|? ti i i. ?' Is. n i-,.?.! nn Gtirvev. A v nrraat wa.
i-rorrtlufd- I n-d f??i bl? al a? htnent, an l the ? lue wa?
biIJ iitni .1 until 1..-?...V, when Garvey la to b? ?oiapeiied
tu appear. _
[n Um United States Circuit Court, ob Mon
day. Maya, Jadge Bhiptaaawlll proceed with the trial
of the ease? aa the. elvfl Jury calendar. On N
M iv i , Judge Wuu'iiiiit ?ill bear appeals In Adalralty.
After theso are dlsi?o?c ! of he will hear rt?' i T? sand ??.p
p, a s m bankruptcy and Bppcal? from the l>: irirl Court
m i ijuit) . a ? i ol error, du a not bob on
t-. . , ilcndamcai be noticed and pnt on them for May
13. Ja .? W.?? iff ? all? paitl ilai it? ntl??i I ?I
r?i|iilrin? the appeal? l?> ? ? i?rluted,aad glvca notice
thai it all] be aun Uy enforr d.
Application nsi made jri tterdnyon behslfoi
B it i |j t.. et t I m sa a? ? imi nt f. r paving
Forty-sixtb-at., on tbe ground thai tbe ordinance author?
Itlng the araeasmrnl was Bol duly published
r before it? ] _?? i the Common Oo
It i.a? ui.' " y tbi .... , that it Wi.?t' e
. : i thai dctermim i tin
;.,.i''-iti.iit,"|i.!!.ii mi m"? ; ii.?-i", tb
e i . . mi in ? i tit i - ! .n !.. title ?
net; ih..t, ther. ore, i ur th? recent dei Islon iu i he
! - . .1 ?" ?.' .I ' I ? 1 ' .'! Ihe ul
, alld . ??? n i. ni i publli ?.? i in ??n.? p , .-.
i ..o.ruad.
CBD.I_.AL ' m IT-1.
'Hi.?:.!???? Jonrdan of No. :. i Wc t Fil
-' . than lead with ? i
? i i ? ? ||
J aba i'o.u ?tt? tbi? toa.ia.:l. l tot tit
\i ilie Tomba Polios Court, v rtenlay, An.ltr-w
' .,-??... n
! I I I ie .'. I
? Hi ie, m?
. i f.ri'
I ? r ,?
? .
a ..i mn ?v. p . .
m 'i ?.
Ftipn m? Ci I \'i\ ?li ib??? D ltd ..?
! Ill? -?".?'. I II lb? C. .
! . . . '
..t I rti ton rt ?'.?M. ria'.n* lu? i. I'a.?r art I ? ?? I
1 i . - ' : -? I
Si ' S-rir-i'.
?. I. a >i !?. 'Ike Pi ? i : I.? ?? - ! ......
? , "1 ? rt Aries.?A . ? ,. .!..?[ a;'.
' " ? 1 1
? ... opla n). Ilia ? , ? . ?iiei , n
.1 .
art t.?! I ? ? , '
1 . 1 . ; )
..!. la?? r , r .-... K. Ur 11 al. '.. I
? ? :
-.'??iTJ.iia:: .a.
rot (tt Ctl ' BDABS-TaM Pit.
8rr*?BB (. 11.1 --1 n . ? i?-i'?i 1 I.?Va* Barrr, J.? Ott-U tt
r? u - 1.1 ?im. it loi a.a
"?.I .. i."l. I '
r- nail Co. 11...?,.', u;, at?;. ..". Lettin.
.. I ? la ia.1.(? ??ra.l.Sla-r 4l,-.ll| ?? r ! 1 |. ? r| il. ,,-i.
' .
Ill . ?' ..i, ? i -r. (' ?' ? o ?-.
.? ? tatst. 0 . h i ? ? ?si In
til i - - ;
? I - ? ..?.r 1. ,.? ., r I I r ,? .. t ., ?'
?l . .1' I i? r le. I i N V. ?It. II ... I
- i ?? ?:..?..
J.'...1. ? ..,,1 . a ? Ba' i:?'A a. I .. '. ? . ' i.|..
??.4. . :
186..1 ? ti a!, ?st. ?Vallar rt ?'.
! UJCIIoj... a;t. I. i?|.-T,re ?rdico.
. 1 ? ? n ? .
?Rt>, J? '>|,e-? allia, in? ?
. .'. I" ?. n,.-' Ie. .I.r ?-al., .1 ?? la
lM..Wet.l .- a ?
i ? ..?:
:.'..- ? ?.
'?'.. li ?
1i ; . !.. . ? ': at .?: i i. riv.ri.
It?..11 Ml ' I'a'.i
I ??. Il . . :?? I.I. I 'allL
l.'...Wl . . Ile.iai tt ?1 I i ....
? i-lT.iAi. Tbbb? I* .tar I ? M...M.II, J._();. . , ,t
11 a in.
]:.;:..t : ! Broaalirt.Fi
1'J(.7..!'. I,i i ??? o I.r. a, .-li? n:f, l*TT ?h?ck!< inl ?r? I r,.- -
? entier igt Ooodrt i?, IJrt.J
I il..11 i . 1/1 U. it. tl ?! ?I. llTl..lleil ar' v. a?
II'I..I I . ? ... I . I' I ? "eel! ('.,.
i.- ?.. ?.t i: t i. ??
? .? I ? 1' ? I '?? I. ,.t. Catliri.o J.
raw? - ? i?" ?
PastII < can?, J.-Or-r-iat il a. m.
aati no-\. I!,.? Tia in II ? .ii.:., ? ?t -. i. ....
I!. 11 ? a. j I "..?le.t.ia.t. Ill I.
l.'.i ..I .i. k? . .' "-.- ?' ? .,
II ,ii -, Htentnhf?! t ??. ? . , . , ? . ,, ,...
S-,.81 ? a. t. ?..*e,r Nat.onili 'i.ll.l ".??.
1 Pit? ,!.
T3..1 ??..-. (),I'.r'.-.,.S!.rr ff kr. I . ,1. . M iiller et al. ? .". Il.niaa,
! . O Uran, ;.!.er,u. 1011..Ilirjeatgl. Un
1168..Il i il [tot ..." .
>83..Wt)cbt litt. Lveotnln)' l'.r. i; : ??....?t ..... Hall. r
I ie.
' '. i ?. \i. >??? igt v,.. .
. Plbai?Taut Tbbb P?ht II?j 9. i.a.y, J.?)|nLi
il il t ni.- Bei .!..?.?! ?
II ? ..1 ????.. t ..1 ?.?-. I:..rail, 1371, i ira , 1(1. ITai t.
I?! .o T. ig ?. Himpma cl ?L igt II -?,? r?!d.
i ? ? : ' i. ? .i r a a .!?..,.? ?, I i_t H kitaer.
Hui? n Rirer B it. ?'?. a. ...??a ... ?I.r.e-al
v. ,;,:-| |:.a. C... ????. T.I i:..... Uu :. t .. i. i. et l
/ 1 ...
1'1T..II fiui i, airt. I.inl rt al. 1838..? -t. igt i:
IT?..11? a.-. ?T?r?yt. I.i.-.?.l.?r.|i"t.!. I M..I .-,ar an I ?i. . a_i. QmmS
1 ??. ."1 bleui t n Infini) Igt, 11 il. I.? r. ,. url I.
I. !!. C 13.1..VVT... - ? I? .aofC.l-t
. u - ? Il I'll, il N. t.
I . Bel.
Ul_...Vimpfhe_a_rtfl,Bai.B.g IM1 .1 :?!??? i.i, ll.mii.n.
' .?..?'.. ,?.! i.-. Cii.a.
]?;'?...s?.??,irti--r, ?(ri Kra,?'.t,i:.. ::??..!t ,i?a i. i., BnrrtiB,
I i... \leu .n r a.'t. Aironi. I t....llr..wn aal B?w-T?rh tm|
l.'...'..l. ? ? It .'I. I ;....?u.i_ 11?. r..? .-lUi.-n li. K. t ,..
<'"? 1 I ? .H... th, i.iin'i . Sa. a/t.
18W..11 .T..?it a-rt Prlii.te. BtwYat. ?ad ."..H II.,,?
i i : lt. it. t o.
?....(V r?a? rey ?u,l ?n... ?gl lit y I l'J4.. I', la. ? i al 1, aim's., ?'t 41a. t
decker. Ut].
1II-...VV,,!a- agi Trary.
lilii..VV.i|e.a? Inf.r.t, hrruardiit.
?.?t s.,?ia
?nuis? i oiki-r.i'i. Ta i?-i'??T I. Caaim f. tlpaa ?uJ c?i
? la. .;,..! n I . a. u..
? rhwtr-ig?. 11'.? ..Hiahha ai". Mu.
? ? i ...m a?-'. Vin. Stttnaa l8iW..raibigi K.ntrraH
'.IJ . Ilelirernai;!. Ho? i ?. Mf?.Bk?ff Igt C.s.k.
.. ihrirtgt Un ? , ._t i,?__j
:? i..?i.,.,rriou igt. ilariaon. a. .BakntarT agi t.? ta.
? 04 .?!? tagt /ana. 11? i?)..l isi?ul,ar!i aat. Urn barJU
? Il r, a.-t Kl.ll. !l-*ll..?i.?l??heir?al(t ?l.'i-br.
l .1: .l..n'i?|t. Vastar. ..Wattait II.lier
l*)<j....i.,,.la 1(1 I Ol'tta.l WlllU-a.
Il k ?al l___l._a -* . a ..
Il i'?..s,l?r?!t ?.t. l'a
-?_ .Ilerlaari agi. Pafp ?an?.
nit| agi Bll???B
il J'..l-all..|agt. ?__.
.. ..'i. ? igt, i ?? -i,-- -
. I. , iu_-l?aa ait lincn.
iTi.'..T ?la ?ni. Luaiy.
t. il..i.,.ia??l??a ?rt. liir.nrr.
mt..lla? in?.ii iikL Ulan, ira.
l'a? i II. Ma. I.Hiii, J? (?DCit? and ('?Irndar eallnl al 10 t. a
KKi'J .1 :i?.??,ii?kl linii?t,n. ? a,,. tg( M.n.k.
? ..S?i?w ?gi. Tteaaas. R88..Mtck?gt. vai
n?0..lle?itl agi si.? ..DUm igt Barwitk
? ' r-nu.|rrr art. Yming. HT ; l. .I'?ile, ?_t. .?,,., , ,
' ........?..ikr a,-l Krlla-r. I...Tr.Ter.a_t /.?bu
I'll .)\ur/!?nr?.r ?il. W..IU. |K .'*>.. Ir-Trr a?i. Aaran
?481.. u.?it.n. Brak?, I . n .. vi.,. _.,.. aua-a
k-6i..ll .Liait. Iia-r.r. 1(71 ? . .f.. Ila'lmhnrg.
J'?KT III -(.M,,?a, J.?()|?n, ?ni c,:.,,.,, tallad ai m _. _,
-..( trio ?^l l.jioir.?. T**.. .Ilrll...? a.-t. l'err.
M-_..W?tar__*_ B a* ii:i-'...o.!?,ri, ._i. Kii?.i.iir
?.'??..I." __i ' I B .Bariligt Brf?a.
_: i i .Le ('.,?_? a?! Illanrl.inl. ??lt.. II-1 r ?at. Kllu.i-w.w.l
*.. .1 .ria.aie.i .... Niaiirup. ?.'.'Jl..III. Lai.leo? ?<l. H..l?i?.,r_
iM-:..M. ?.! ?l.i.'" -..l'a?.,?ut. II.ait,,.
I)l..'rt..llt.|iai:i ??t. liarlim. a.t, llalill.ri.Tirr
CotfBV ?'? 0b*BBAI. Sfllo-l?-?. fore J,?l_r il.:(..r,i.- | h,,-,,
PuT.. imiilant'liiir. VV ui. Kim re, tun ?!?U|I irr, I'. t. r I ,, , , ,. ,?,,
Ijea , J.i ?! ? . '., ?tahaS**S*I J.'It. I.urirlat. . .,.'
rWlln., I a .l.t . Ja ... i irrall, i? .en? : W i,h..? o I! .. t,. li
?..?,ni?iii'ei?, ?v ,n .,,!,.,,, Matinal taaaah ?adbaitai
Un?an, ?liai IT.ariri gatea, ??aiil l.rnn, Urnrm? u otami
larrru, l Pfcllia liuiatrr, r'al-l I? US i , | ...
Mnl.ael, Urrei.r fr.en tl.? ??.... i ; leaank II,,Il ?ri. al,,a J?__
ranli), Uirri.j It..u. II.? tettm* | Mi.LtuI l'.riani, L-louiona auauH ?lui
bail. 1 ,
to. ?a ?aArrests.? luuttv ??r Tl I '..>'?? u u.ei-?i
tadaxlat Apul.'J. _tv, MB, ??a, 1.1. la . ?Ja.4(41. tVt.ttm,
TUBMIAT Amir 711
Malla far . 1 T"."??. tkt .III" t '? Unul.l- llraril, s?1 PanUli W?_t
1? ? H" - ' ' ' ! ' P '"i.-. . .
mmmmt W?J|| >(. ll;AV All,,,, u
... ?,- ,?. bisH ? . < ""'' I lTe't???e,l. p, r t'eam-'i'"?
N.,'_ . Osas M 'i i- ?? ??? A ""''l '??-*' "' "' ****** on ,l" ?N" 4 ' N
"i'?.,' |,,',.,. .'?'i,.'?.. e!l''in -BSSlwarstSW M.IU uaut SB ?.??paid with
?i?r?I , .., ?
". ' ! , ?-.
Tiiri!?ii\) ?ran. ....
Mil?forK-,r...,l,l".".< ? ?'' "'??'''' ?I?'"'"-?. I" "tea-.
,i . ,\ mp| ||? . l?.r ?I il:ii> ?? m- * Sapt-i-aeUr? as 1. r ?i
f.? t ? f Tla'?: ?1 .'??"..?' ? ! ' n I' ''?
|A1, k..,.. in BaiO iii'i-t Ut pr?t ?ni with
??? '. , a- , II,, V.'.-t I- Se.. , er .ram Mn ClBMiait,
? -' p. ?n . ? bu','j.i.ii"'nlar.' SI-? un lar .?'.. ? ?4. !?-, I? clotol at
:. j I |i in.
F ?UM III'IMI' - In ? ? "??.' Bala. *P ?I"?- I. ? "M M-Mn? It.
B.(.f .:.! IV., rri II --i.e.. WslsaBsaH I " - '?I.'1" ""'
?Klliot. v. ii .>:.?-., . : ?r Br
I i*.l-:i. His, l.'i.N. N -? Urrii.r.. 1 Iiimer, J?. ll_f.niu. _ ? ?
Air?. Fa?-Mga, mW ttltrtt i'i ?<'<.iii! Sal '??
OBUTV-B alma. a?-.
Unit,??. 5:10 I sun M .'?>" BeSBMO. I:??
H"iH Tin? rial-?. a
ftaad? Bonk.... 7?.- | ?? ?ci Itkmi.... _et|__? OeMI rn... 091
n>. n ?it?? m o??- e. n
s_?.ir Beak..... ':*? )9m 1 fa >l Bay ?late Pm/..l_U
POUT OF KKt.-TOIU. .Arnnn.
?i i: \i:i i..
juin?Ils ft ill (Bt i fl I tsX, r. *f. s. nont,
?'i,, i .,; ri lin,in fl r.), Isa asa, UnrpeH jiio. O. DBM
t c...
Hie?,_?t.p P. M*. Prise. F ? -1er. Dalthaai.
p S. C U ,1er. Sa? rr??:. fl, . le '?.
S I, Iran. <i. ... l'i-r' l' ?! I K. .ane?.
Staaastkip Ata Kliia. 1 ,...,! n. i'. :?. I\ ci ,'? fcCa.
r-t.aintlii,. Biset Dtsaasa, M. lia. l'I..'?!'?i'?> ?. A. A '_) t.
! ? i ?imtcrilsa, V. II. Mr..
P.rk Kr ' ri'lir i. I, . ? ? II. J. l'e II ? I S <*o.
I..rl ir Wih.I (>lr.), T..?se S?.-?'
I: ? ? l'ri.iia iM| ?n )./ara?"iti?. Ct !i?. ?I : ' H ?art lai
li-Kl'i.ut-r.aUf?rc? (?r >, Miuu...??, IV.ul .li'nrri. II. A. V?t?tile,
k .?.a
I- llarrrlt A-.'.rer (Br.), Ibl-f?. Ilir'.tlae?, T T ? F A Votent
llr . Pelai le Juba (_M, Mci-iiglili?, hi. Johm, X. K, ?. I. Me?
r.'i : '. lu.
t-r r. 1!. P. .It.i.i'1. Clirli, <-?. AajrsS-BS, B< ntle , ICllar_.Cs.
? ? :, ?. ?Vllii. i. Fr,.
t ? ? ?!'. ?I. ?I e. Mut ,|, ,.,it n.
f. pBaa .-t .??, lia.r.s, R< i ?
. -sni-hp Wrrnilnjt <Ttr.). Minier ,. I, r. r^,ui\ April M, inl (Jor-n?
i n K,.In (N..,.). .r.-.i s ?. I.r-.n.'i A,r.l il, ?i? SaDlbS?pisa
9:1a. ?i n a. ',.-. sut pas?. ' , "r.. ?, I t ..
M- ; i | il..), C.r.. : lian ;! ?i Or-t. H, ?a II m. Ku:i|r ?,. ?' '
l?,r,.1i ? ?'. i- r | ,f Rotten), Bi.oni". -tL?r u I-i U, fisIssdbsf
J I ?.
I ', \'. Halb '? rPilff- r.) Pelle?. M ? . -, ?n'.li Ml
H, - i . Y. 's ib, Hast, '.' "??.
i a. . ?. . - ? !,:???.
I" Ii i i ?alt.
i ? ?,.lit? il, M J, ?)?, g. B.,I ...r.
.?-,... i 111 1 r. J.n ?-. i
fl..?T'.x. A-rl T?.?A. i ' ? I1, ????, ?.,1 1*?'.
.?, .'.? ?-lark| I .? CafibaUi,
I. ?.'. 1.
I.r".', P. 1. Airl! 22.?Arr.fM, bark ?liuntlrt, from f anienii, for
or' r?
! ? -?? Mn ?.?"?t. Atril t!?I'n'.fl In me tla'tiinon?. lark? Fra
. i. i. i - f| -i I r
.???'?.?. J .
., r . I D i UsfrCft "i '
1 \ ? ? 1 -I J I.I I,
fr.,.1 I',- . ? . -..; M !.. ti .. __? V. u ..,'.;:
rrant, ?...UI Hall
I, Anr I ?.?ArrlT?l. ?Ieamihlp SI I. -, v
flUUI Xe?-ll/, ........ I -' . i ' !,.., .. i...
Idil.Ulla I'H'l .
Cii?i?-!i?-??ts-:., April U.?Tk? I! tie L y 11 ?? -
I r lio?, froaN?? 1. i? April.'., f,.r II , urt ) s
-;??. Airll 22.- TTieDlltlel '
f-> m -tetBl fir Ne??-Vurl lis c?, ? ? I -
I I , ".""T'l. An- I "-' ?11 e .'.,ai- -' ; ." ' 'i. II . , fr tu _ ew-Y.j.k
A ril II, I r 'I ?'.i u ? -i'.i ' ? r ? ihn ?on r i
11,, Lalt -I Ship At ' ? ??' I Fifth tage.l
lion.on Slbntrtiseinento.
piSe & LU
HIN', 2 Nr., 1 la I -?.
??Vit! ?
i,).. t: .-.'?
TA. t? I..' -. ; '.'ti rue Viclor,
F.EUnS * >*a\ ..
??^ \_ .,,re; 13 I .rn.'i. '?,
WHTT1 MstsUsdaai
lit- ?. i?-. s. perfaas?. \ ' ?h, Calcutta, ('Al'
MAUXOI11. ?stani..? Um Isasr,
',! e F'tuet K?.^ F ' ' '
AMIIHIt'.lll?. a_? imm tkaa met. ?g
\ IOI.I 1 .?,1.1 f .1.1 .f-r MeiMlBSB. /
).l-s UL. ?41 Kg al?, -??i'. t. f
P A>
N., T'.'-i lia me, 7? .<!* A?
?% .-,., ? ? ./s?,. <.' yT J. ,| |.?!,i?.
^fl^'"",St XrWW^JmW* si Dr. I i ?t Pn?
?*>y__ _a?^*
"??ft^trrrfs**- t ?
^o.??K MAI IlINK.?Tli? i? n contrivance
?. ?.
.- ' ?
i r , e.
; I, ? ?,:n;,: ? p . i fol .. : , .
i : i. ?. K'i - -, -l '? Il , ? il., i? ira, Lot loi Psi ,.,.:? u ??. i
Im ?? ?? ? ?' m;?-.
QSTI?UII _____T??ERS (rough;.
BBWABO i CT' r'. I i i
3 A.'.'D 4 Ji: VIN.tT..
I. >
Ml'il"','IAN'I I l.'.H IMPOri
-TH) Wholeaald sk.rt and Co?t turn?? Monnfne
I i i a a t !.???: ? , ?1.1.1.'.
. I . ;?.:. I I.- ?.. . I ;
.I i ,i: lii... Ci i. r l ni l\ ?i- ?,] . , h - . . ? , . ?il ? n le... .
? . .? .i -?It?ra
?i r i, ? i aitl la -' ' ? ? mi. llil, ? ?i \ ??
. - ? ' .' I si s roi ? ... L lit 1, rt
t? , red ?ali a' ?.r Pie, - I ? , I . i".
J ? i ,. ?
: .
D Ib ?ilk sil t ? ? . .
!,, i ,.?? ?.r l'I -r.| ,.
*v B. 1:1 it'llii: & < ...
JL ? IV. ail.: s- c , r l!W OP
1.1 IT WB-T UK -SUliA.N > :il -i "?Vil (?noils',
J', Li?, !.. Loi
iilll.lllt' llll? ?hlIC ?tU?l'.lC?O
\ I.I..-?I.I.', Steam .MAK?L-:..!,.! MAKBLK
_ 1? IZI.-?i WORKS, I I ,:, 1 ) , , .
?. il ,,.-.. ci l...t
t!A.;i;i.r., .mai;i;i.i;i/.i:d mantels, mon:
-f I i ?1 s,.-. Haatl . lia. Kl.lllhH k.
i ..... . ...
C K?-?B?H t. C.., Mnflil? IV . ... 223
l^a '.V. .'. ?!-?: . 1,1. il .,:...? ,,, 1 I
m ? 'i , et ,...- ,
?!?.!; t.,e li-t- ., _
C i'I'.WAi: l''" shtto Mon
?) , ' . ....
rpHE PENKHYN 8L?T? Co. h?f? r?cn .?? l
Jl t., Itieir :,.'?, ?..r. r...? a?. I ,, ,, rr, !',, r' i -. l ! ReTrB
i ? itk ?. . . ? ? ' j?. r..-. t ..f m t.s il.;. . ..
fcs., tamf isisg BUar Siegtat IM lu..|- ... ?..m. ai ?r..'?.? ri....
? m..i ? ;. i
-_k p, .... , ' ? l.JOB l'lli\ I l.-ll
I, .? II. .-, ?-..! ?.?!-., i .l..aii .l llllb'l.l.'. .?,
\V.\l. BVERI-ELL1? SONS, 1<H Pulton-Kt.
il I l m.. IRAI'UIC, KTKA-I JUli il.i.MIl:.? ... i I
MAM 1 At II Kl......
-Toviioriition Notice?.
FERRY I.i:.\>l.s. M UtK?f CELLARS'
I 1,'IK? AMI or.ll.l! l'"OI Lu. ? ni . UAIIO.N
lu i,:. 1.1.1 Kl) AT AC i IU5.
il,,. I ., i , '... Irr Will aril ,i lia-r-'?? C.iont? Cniir! li.iue. ?
HU. April .',l W, ?tilo lad ,. i.. . i ; ..?
l?.ll.r, ?tilb ?inpiaa, K-cirit?, tur . tirin ut Lie jrasM (["in M?) I.
i wof Ibe Parrr a. ?oweatalillibed frota tl.e foot of 11.
?N,? luil la ti.?- i?..t of ??i.iil-?!.. Il? ?.I,n, 0 b.
i .i ih? Parrj .a? no? ? i . ' . ,f ?i
N'.ali.i... t.. !!,.. !... t ..| ll?.,i?l -t . I.r.?,.l a, I ?'
Tlic 1,-ase of II r Ytrr, frsnrli st- s. Beat ?alabUsket fTi.-n fie fou! ut
|.e,l.r..-_ a ?t., KeS 1 ofa. to IL.- f? ,1 ,.f lr,r ,, . a ,l. . v
l .? 1, se af tin? l'errr friuilnn) bout iht lool >,l Batclig ?t. Nt-a
Tork, to Hoheksa, Rstf-Jan ?
? ?? snurtitatl i .'tt' u! i'
. i, i?l I,.:?, Uuiu.n.t, aul l,,a.,la..s .t. n? M ill, ?itr i>f
,?!?>nll it Le ,'rt nna.1,1 t.i-ill 1. ??e tt'anM or r, i-, r- ri,, ," tl,"
markei? Il l ' ? I far ak 11, !? M ? .,f fia ?1 aider Ih,
|..,... 1 ,r tlir rr.l.ia iilul, t _B BtatketB M?f, ?t ths OpU?B if tl,e l',.|,i
lui..,,.,. r? .a t, ? I-n.,iiy YuikI. lu- .ani? loi, im.l BB l>' lui ,i.,u i.i r.'tit M
O.nni.'r? ?ill I.? illeajefl l.i t!i- Carpa r? lisa tlirir,,r.
M...i.ll i.11) pail uf tlii l.ulkh.'al?, wl.a.t.?, ?i..l p.?ta ,,.i.n?,
an. .1 'h?- 1. r, r. !.- re.|Uirel I ? tl,.- p, p.iln., ut ,.f P,,,?,? nt ??, [i??.
,1?r!i,?? tlie tfiu. for wl i. u tli.- I.???? si. ? leeada, wasrrea,
?i* I i, r-, . r a . i p?.,! m,, .,f tl.e u a, u, ,v 1... i
I.? lb? lessee?, su.l uo .??.lurliou i.l DM ?r iamsget ?lovsd :.r tas
pn.? s?, ttk.ti.
.1 , ,t i.f II >? l nipe-ir to lie 1e??el. with the tatSM ?'il roni'.ltloul of
lalr, tes? he lia.! ?n a, ill. I .m a: t i I 'MBca,
I?, ,,t !? r ?u ?lie c,..,.i?i.-.i..i.ri ? .a ? . na, >
AMilll.W II Ci.l'I.S f. ntptrollrr.
Pepartttient of Mninre?, l'ouij,ti?..l? i? a ill.,. CHJ .: ,S\? lui!,
Apr,.!'. 1 t. _
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received br
1~ O? M.I Tiuatee, ?( the Util W. ,1,,. ,.f
the ll..?i.l of l'uli r laiirarlioa, n,ra?r of (?rai.l ?i..i Kl? .. ? III I
a'rlaet I m , ?n Wl liaKMHV, April M 17.'. loi FaimimJ iba
ue? ?Cllii'il, HOI tl ,,i. I I ll. ?I., i | r I r-t-at?.
fcsa_BBttsaa I? i? I" ??'H ?l 'he util, r of lli.j !? u\ t?_ti'i.i!rnt of UllilJ
In,? ?uil llepa ?-. BB .?','? i ,'ijt.. H...I fl,?,r.
Tita -_0eaa_la i?n:i[. ?.U I?- r.-.|.iireal (ran. (he ?uertssfol l ,11er
Pro!?iesls ?in u,.t k* . "U. !? n I aala?? -...? Del ?r.
Tba Tru?tr?u ttKit. tie ngut to r? '?? I ?ttr i?r all ..f the ir, :o?tli
J"ll, IIIIIM.?.
Ill' IIAKI. V HAH M i r
If.wTork. April 17. IflT?. |?,?r I ?f Trustera 17ih Wsi '
?EALED PROPOSALS will Be recel veil by
II t'.e C ?MB Itee on I..,', .e S, ll?.,l?. a,r., ?t . ' ?. ,,|,, . ,.| |he (le,*.
, I t',r II, ?ni , f l'iihlif ln?lr.iel!.,u,i'.r..r? of Orlad lad Kl?-,
si i i. .A), to. ?tu ,la? el?ai, ??I ant,I BBS oa ... p ,, .1
,1.., .?? the AiTAHU l'S ?ni I -1 X I I i:l.a i, r 111.Ai I ... i,. CI.
II'.'. Ill,, i.tuitej on 1 um:!, .,, ? , ? .. ., . L ' U a.. 1
? ,? itk ?i?.
II,. kaall K t.i I.r r'.srte.l I.? me?n? of radiator? piar. I taaVSMSDHL
ir ; tl..' ??ilitl.T? I.. I.r aStUS I'. S_"l i
?peOtrallaai ?'"I B?BSal lb? '...,. i, ,. ,u,r ha ?? ."i it Iki .-_.. ?? ?>f th?
ti,,., i , test) ?t "i I'? I .i II
| ?,, .u.ll.l? -.lid a,' luie.l a,m a . ?. Il I, , : : e t,|. .
res.1,,1 l.iili.r. Piapaaala aiil u..t l?- .- i.'r. ! ,, , . . larrliissr?
I i,r Cuiiuiltee nsirt?- the I |!.l l. irjct sn? or ?II of lbs pfBBassh
ot.iod. ? III I l M Ml n m
M II.i I i '.KA,
?III,M .
,N t I ilA'-il I. J UlVI.? jr ,
I MOM I la. I ?'?' il? II.
C'uiauiiltrr ua Noruisl ?'?ll. , .
New 1 oik. Aptil 1*. I?7_
Gales bn CAnrtion
V? (, .1 i? and Uni. ?r'UiT, :r, X,.?anit ..-.(?,. i . I'.??-'>fl?_.
i la ?,,i-. i mu i i.not.ii FCh'.u i
?Ttlef.V A.VIi (?I.A-SWAU)
jiin.NMoy s vas rasas] t,
W?lu-Il ?1 mr'i,,, oaWBOSB BAY, April 14, ? I J t/.?!?>.*, il ?II?
prit il? r ? ?l-nrr
?Co. T, I Tir!, ira . |,?t?reen l'wri tj ii.iith ir?1 TUrtUtt et?., thr rirtre
I /I Itir?natt rar. < I i
?ri t?i n. fin?- ?'. litar an I C.irl T ibl ? I ? ? ?. ?rr? f,n?Tr r?r
nond and Chtaber*. im, I?? ? I ? ??? w ?
? . .:? l??.!.-....m Salle?, la? i I l il ..r il ...
tr? ? r. ! . ? ? I ? ?- ,i :!'???.. ?? Ul I ! I . i
I I tri* (l ??tie. .ir . tai
? it 1. ike a.i.r ?rill a?l uierre.
Bay. il . r
Y BANGS. MKI.wiN St Co., f?rtrtedwnr.tjOT.
4th-at?Saleanf Bonk? IVo-a? ?.'Art. Kmr (. I
BOSDAT fid II BMlAT Apr I tt a ?i .'., ?r I -, in , .-. ?farol.
. Il II:-!..'t. T,.e i .,. , , |
i ? rir ? w, r ? r?l t.r.-f to Ain rttai
I KHI Nil IT, IN I." Ir.. ,.?..,I ,?? ,i, ... *,,, .,.?!.., mi,, >.,,,!
24,?t4ll -titlet ..i.", at ?1 ..r..rk.
_IV. IT.I.tOTT. At' trjeer, 51.. n -t.
I ;i.<-. a. it: \ vi r i & Co. (i ta. Leavitf,
?A Sir. I,, ?, i, ?. ,"?.,. i: ??, 11 -, ' 1. .U:?r ??l.'r. i .,? t|,r ?.,,.? M
limit Ol l.llil: , . r .. I ,., lacia,-, i ?l Lau...., I-.-.I..1. ,i, aud a.i ? ,.f I., i .a: u. , I lOrBBTT,
Uv John II. Drapes ?\ c,i, __ni E?on
Tu? Sauwsaa, Lmsaw-bb* ?m? waasaas k*ilu??io Co?
at i*i.h- < i-ni..?, .... naaaamsS) Arau M, st n ???? <?.
s, ?r M ?i.? .n.M.i. I m. i. ?..Ii il, iL
im. "Arto.
17 ? IB I. I*. AVT/V'-t
roRBioi pai a riso ?
fi. ITKITi AVE., CUU3BB loi ?..i..?.?T.I ?T.,
A'o.ii ?.'?'? ..'it-. I: ;?..? Uli? : H. ?i ?ad ana lapnrtaal ??rka,
" ill KE.N ? ASD Hl-ii IIAB ? ? Bit ."'
" i ii?: lux HUSTKB'ri niiKAB."
" i.itt/viit? ro.r "
" TUB TRAVKIil I) f.)X"
?' BAIB Ol' i \i ? 8X0 DOOM."
Tie I'll IT KKS are no? on e?.ton it Sa .. Broil it orer Prl
in?.:, r... anl ? I ' ? "I 1? . \ ? ?OX Till 11 ' . Ii, a! 11
ta'e..H-?. t ne :..?! ? ?i!, i e , ., .... .ooi II.?.: or .- r>
Li..o.n ,a Im?n ?r?in Id to 4 ?.. !.. -.
jotxtd.n k VA? ta .-rr.r.,
(Chaiuea tor tinomcoo film.
A en ; VK STORE, established over
in III? IT'.' I.r?t !o.-?".?Ti ?,!i 11 ' .
? r i ,. ?.., ail i ?
i,.?t.rr. lo.- | art ml ,r. la ,i. t- . ;
I i r ? I i f , - . . |k ! 'rl .. .' ?ta1?
i | : ' - h. -r,... 8? for?
inford l : ', S l IL Ii. at ?, J. lita
t... t I,. ?n Apt If to
_DIETZ-rCo. 1
? U : alao, ? I..?
herd ?. caaatoa and Tei rah haa Bull?
tt. I Caw?) ?i?o, i la* had ef -
,,..?.,... . ||. ..
? ii- igaadi : ? ? i? Cain. Il? t
I aad
.v nr i. ? itaaaof at Iraa #i,euu to S10.okuia capita]
IiiiK i(.\l?l.l?. lit. ?
**?>_. .Will to I"'V?'1--.?I'AIM'Ni.U Wanted
','-???1 i,\r\r\a ? iked W
? ?? i
. . ii. i;..\ .".,..
UJc?Ding Car?o, fit.
IT Vt'.M. KVI'.I.'Dl'.I.i;^ S0XS? No. II
a\ log. L?V. EDDISH CAIiP.l ?ill l'a.M. I ?All", r.!'1..
Dry C-coctc
Kl.T . I ??II ? ?
Mi.' K o?1 KII?..I?
6TRAV. (,. . i] i i ., ii ..?, i ?.!i.v;.;:s,
in mu k mi
. I
:? ? ?. ? i ? . l.i.ilX-sT .
_11; ni l l.oi i. I "T i:.o?l . i."? l??vv?"TV. ___
UICH l'( ?INT Al'.l'll.l-- : SSB APPLIQUE,
ULAC'K TH i.i \i?, < .1 ll'llii:,
si'AMsll LACEO.
T.*. v T?, i' - la SI IT ?? ' I" IB IBlaB PATTFBS I
KIBJOXS, V.i.V.i I IK-l'a? : an: l'l.!..?. 1 l.ui
UI.NU . In .a ??: Ik? .-1 BlSfl . a lUlUS*
.:. 11: lADWAT, h*t*a?a I ..??.? S ?ad :? ... r* hem,
It, un: pith
Tin: EIOPE i ii.t; ixsi bak( ;: I o.
!? I ?I"". . I? TO
? I I !'!' o a I. v. AT,
Park lit
Corner of Johu-st.
(fo UJIiom it m-.iti vfonccrn
ANY (>.!!'. wlio can (jive anj information
.,,.,,n ... INMi: la. I I -iilTt . r Ml. I., .f K i 1 I. H
lii?'a? mix ?i.i .o rr? gtrcalCirsrbr?Altaalaa II?mBBAIBICB l..
ear? tf U'ail? ii T'r... Mail rnaierr, Ala?
A RESPFaCTABLE W01LAN wiahei a few
1\ tkailiea' WABIILVO, either by tkd?aaondl ?r dem. T?
. : ?. 1.1-n.r.- fur Bi Bl'BSK, Sit Tb:r,! tnmm.
ItAXUFAC?? RER.Sof M-rcliinery,Ni-veltic?,
.> I II ?.?::-,?: ipi.d la ?
It lo thi ?r adiaatag? la caanaaia*?? with o. K MA':
i... Win t..n I an i , Mia. ILf.r? !.. I. 8 Wait, ? ? i . .V r
' .iil-o to kit Btr?l?ra?y It. (". P?? Uoti tr *f Si?aii-tip?,t
ItARTIES desiring to l?iiil?l or aso sraaite
Moa? In th.- laagha ? ? , Iratad
.... 1 ta .m ?. .1 l'a. i P. V. How Kl l. :.! . . : ... s. \,
Atlantic Cable.
Tl.r N*e? Y..rk, N. ?r. nn.!l ...I, b*BB*B Te'i'-'rapU ('.. ir.natf?
that, on an 1 ?ft.- M11 1,1 93, lb* t.t.?..rl ?BahBaa, a? a|>],atd to
ii.'t, will he ?lu lulied oa Or On?! Bl B?l? ant
'.kii.iriini in IB? lt:t?d Btaha SB- lintii!. I'roii:.'?-, of M.r?
tit-..'?a and New llmr.??T k.
T lie Ui.J ? II 11? f..i ? nr ?url or mare a? fol'.owat
Trr Wanl.
I'rt-r Ne? Turk CitT NrnKn?. I..... ! Male?, and Itr'ti.ti Trotinrea
. : Bora t-..?( ??ad Ni-w-Ilmniwck.?..81 00
l-'roin Nrw ?..?_?it.it_ ?cire|t,i|' NtwYarli City), Nrw-Jrr?e.T,
rt'Uii?TlT?i.i?. lielii.are, MarylaBi, ?nil l.i?! of Ce'iuti'.;?- 1 . J
Kr. Viikit,i?, UT t V,r?aua, Noith l?r?'lin?, t-tiutli l ?roana,
(?ear?-.a, Klori.lIi, A?A?BB, Sti .?. -
kentutkr. Ohio, lu<!iaaa, IJiuoia. Mnk.?"au, VI i...i.uaiL, anl Bi
L.'uliCny iu.Miiaouri. 1 H
F.oin Trial, Arlauteir, Mia-oiirl (tBMfl 9k l.,.?>. Ktnial,
Se'iratlia 1 ?.t M ..nrv.i.i I?ttasjs, l'aa,,i i, .C.r.-.?'. Nr..
Hi i ..-a rut ihihi n?aiiB?. sii?bb r_a>i?B *m sti?i?i i i
I'ioiii ori'gou, Waal,in?tun Torrttorr, aid B Col u . t N
orrltore, and Hit:.?It ( ?Jam' It ...
? IIKM(\ II. U.VItl?.
-Pec.'it Gtcamcro.
HAVANA. IMMlCiiKSt) ?mil VERA Cl.'!/..
I met Bo. 11 'I...! II l?r al . I?, lai. .1... rt |.a llavaii?:
? i l OPA II! v Plil :,,. [BitBtaaai.l. i I I -l-vi A|
ii.? OP M? Xli o TimiB.-r.iiaa.TMl'SKDAl Mayt
? l.i-.iil'.VlUV. PklilitHi i ?..?.a? oi. u I.?VIT ul. AV. ?la. It
? Ii ? Ol? M l.llil- A L-tatc? .VV LliXI.Sli _,. M?, ?_.
1 i . Iir ,1,1 m |i?>_,r ,, ?la
1. llaBXitSDBB ". 80K8, - Hr,.?o_.r.
t-tl-W f)OMt?(?0LINE.-ll.ol?8ri_??8t_miii-?
I- ' l'l . ? . I I?. . .,, . ?a I Ir.?,- I . . 1 .N let . '.. >r , 1
? ' |.. in.. :'..r l*u- tt a l'a? ?liait*, au! .?a? !.. . I ? .
1 ' i ?. ? ?POPPOSn DKiiTUBU . . ?
1, ;?.. i it I? aii,r ?, l"? ,i i l?i,t,, Hina?u?, ?lad e??n .Po?
li., ?.'.I. i. -uni? '.? ?at |.. i.Tiat r?. lu, ?.le
I r S. MAIL lo HAVANA. "
-V e lil.l'.ll. Mill. MKAMMIII" ('(? _ Sailing ,rf.,!?rt?
' If, ?t I o',',.?k ,,. ,_. if,, , I,, i.,,,, l-,, .>? J,
t .r xr errr. cmpt. s v,_ .^r..>?4__8si
Ml ?"I i.i C " I ?' , i .VI,r t
MOBBil i'?-i LB i . ?? T, IL M .. ..? ... .M.. ?
1 u. ...... 11 ???.,.? t.,.1.? i.i a. ,i DinOCS. l'rr?.Jriit.
ho. a il, ir-ttg |ie?a.
CD rein ?ictinicrB.
POR ST. THOM/ r, ! i:,'M/ff7~
J l Mi i:r> ?- PAT ? ,'IST
He?u ir ' earners Miiir/ ... lie I A at etrrf ?,
MM ?ill
Mil "?' !' I I , tl,, ?J.
NOR I?' AMI '' A i .,,.
-'.??? T"S.?^ea
I? Y at
. i >?>
'? ' . ' ? ' I ? ??.,, torn T .,i
_Mpt--s ?f.; Infor-e.' , . ^
' ' I ? .,
" ' '''I-',-' '.'??/-?,
i. ?. ? . I eat?
1 . ? . ' ' 'ta
I ?. ?a, a-I
at v ntrWA.
I ? .. r
App./ at i... ' en.
BALT?C LLOYD M Ml? 8. i-?.' [SHIP ?
l'A' . ' ?
'.'i.. I. i... Muii't, am ... ? _
I'.?. No. I .. s .? ? I. ,..?.
, iNKLIB.I r!. .. lerer.>? ?
J t .. ? ?
Ii '"H ill i' ' l . ? , -
TIIO'I-' .... a ,f.,a
f'r.,m ?.'??? '.. ; ?. ... i '
1 i . . . *t
' !?re.
I . '
?, I. \
IV! ' U),
m Mtti
TIIK IfVrp'.'Ool, A ' ? a, ,Vir"
?ill? ? ... |,
ROB .IBB ."". 20, V I
m f'i'.io.t:
Ni.V.'., \ i m. ' p _.
vi romvo '????? '??? ' ? ?' ? " ??
Ml a ? ' t
IDAHO ? ??'. I. ? - ... '? ? ? .
M a I i .
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