OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 23, 1872, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-04-23/ed-1/seq-5/

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a??ntlr showering l?-u- ti ?. il, vm? ft.... i .it?i!i<_
gnOU Blel l-eUk'l.i. ilt-tt Utl lia t .... Ik i.i
aSan be wm beul up ? ? a ?BsaBl of J
ta.h?; apart
I'pitn thi? erou-.iil Uic a.
am asaai aaaa tar? arts
atrille ?? very une
ikuiuaonicut BliU pi)Tut.
ctukl m Ins ?rritv?, * uiur?.? ?
who laa la prison, ami s ?
?z?"? on? of Ihe wtir?! p. 8t* of ? -ol.ti . ?
ltiiithnoiue form? ?if 1,1,?
-* lui h flirtea?!..?? it.
hi* play i? tjv.?n mem
far. In IBB. . mm, :
?way t
ebnem las ?hat aa-ted ?.? ? i _
Tr ml ?v. -,
It _? not the ?-Jte
?r et Uvtag ta\ BS-t
?,?nii.: i ,?. ? .
a an aspen
am ??i]?|H)?.-ii ti? a .
am) r.n- laa aa ? piete, ...i.i t.'-.
H I ? ?
pmi). ? ? .
. matter of r?- r : a
? n,.t?Vf
. ?a ??
? aa " . ?
?1 :..n
..rWaat?. A ? ? ? ?
era ?? ?...aa
- .
? ?
baaa and
> ?J tll]>illiie: '
:r\ii ,n ? ?? l' ?
. ? '
u we
. .
-immer" with di-hcioui
- . .?.
? ?
. ?i i ! a a
it the ]
in Jay
be Hon. K. D. Hani?
? -
: . at
? a ?
?r - j a : tl .".. -? - a ?
? - - ! - ?
. tr? an of aura?. ai:r- :r.?Bi Jtpat
U.a.: ?
B m B
? . ?
? ...
. "
Wxr "
OiricE or T'ir i
W i - i :. . ? - >
'l#1i for lb* I'Orl pat
barome.4 r . n? rth
r -? ra 2i<? w-Ytii
? ?. ? . i?-r i...k. -.
#.? rometer
? . .
? ?
, -I ??! ?'.?- LaOWt-r Lalo
b Atluil ...!?. _?
-, -
A:. .
? -: ?i.d iiept-r ._,.
_ .
T."IE . . KLOM
T r of Th e TtHbaas.
rend tie cenununication of the
'- .; a a Sien lag
ta inapt tiling
? i
.. .
?.?m t?a reatan i i. udb?-i
for the Miller 1 | .-,? -.rnlon ?hr?
. . ui be- i.t ;;,.
a ]
,;i__ue? wen- tin U?utiug Biaaair/en ui till?
- '? rr*. a to
i ? u i?. !?? ft: -
? ?: a nieiul?. !.? .tin: :
? i led U.rect,i]
. A:util.
' ? ?-.. Hint
' '? ? I g~ ?? '-;?? BUtrliee tu Ute
? . - Hi iii'iie? ?jiv-t, that "tt,c Iafe A??<-rl?
i ?
. .r ,? .n a trltii Mr.
k m .??line
11 w
? . ? //. Stte
' I.NT
ft" "i Jobs li. Doreanua,
. Ostt Dt at - ______ .
?m Sari . ? - .i ,.r.iii' r /.a
at a_M?Baa tea, I _L Um
g ? - raaanl la . . ?._,., the
' r th? Midland
Uli - ? let! ui ti), r iel.Hi
a .
te -,
f . a \i. nov sai
I . i.: 23.?The Liberal I
< < naaaa. tin
? to amaga
.?, un
- ' c.il'l
? ?? ? mg flic nor..!
8 .: a !? ? .. ?i* a mover?
I* the i.")>ui>:i.
?:..?! b n . !?? I to BB
A 1
? ?.!." 0__act ?a."
? n.BfTET.
I nat:.
.'.; tU :: -': '. .
? a gwial
" ? ? Dea, u
- rasa mal tram ?'. r. Bakaaa, Haba Hfc
j ntiin. Jn'.n A, MltoheU, and otlror?. Taeuty tfi
att. The laaalatlaaa ti?>k His
? ' ' I
. the paapia
leant then t-ttmui ataaaard evea Oa d..i_?" of t
. i .? :i , ,tz Br?>..?, Bataea Ota all
: i
. ! . ? i. .
i: I mm ?
.. John v ,,.
>. i
.. ( t?i. H<),.
. i i
? La-?.
.- luitai.
J\ -., .\j?r:l 22.? \ I." :..'. C nil
' . '
? . IS* ... . ?
"ion, ( .. :. .! -.,.'!
.. . ? .'??;.
l\-t-1T ,.; .T., 1 1.
?? ''?rr-r.t1.
. ' . ?, ?
. , ? ?.
i ? !?.
MllOUl .,
II - ? J. M. .-?..'-..
W. 11
. I i
I '?
I ??: . V?.
... : ?
? noAi
.. ...
? '
. ? .. - '
. 16.??One
.. . .
ration? of the masses tlisl
..t fox all ?. ... i ? .
? :
amply meet the
. .: .
it. if ?? Iba B .a . ...: ?? ?
? : . : ?
? . :
.... .
:a Ulf
... -
.. . ? ' ' DU . ? '
??Brat pieaetil
:. ? - ? - ? .
? ? ; . .
' .
, ?
|? ?: . ? .. - ? *
nrril] y. T . ?
m will
? ' .?
..??.. prt*-c64_-_* ..it.
anounETra sr hexbt l. n.;v-? ??.r?.
u .m i:. ?...w kj:n( ?:. .n:., .nantir :.:l ? _i
?ittkb os invxBTr'a csLanxxn.
Ai-out two n-"!.r!.? ?.??o Henry L. CI
ui.'! .v..riili?ii: 1'.. Lav?:-:.<?(, '!.. . ..
tr-, drew a ly, wblcb waa lotr
an.! refaites to the . -a
i? t*-??? a -tenate. ia_ H- utoi
thtit -_ B ?:.(? ii?
favur of thn ebarl r S hi n tbe ttme rrved Mr. I
wt? eng*?(,???'! as counsel lor v..
..' Mayor h. . . ??? ".at Im was enable to See] .
? ?? : Btlj im
baailag to ftrvar ef tbe charter was had. it la new in
the bunii? of tiiat Camaalttea, _?_ repeal ha-.;.:??" _-__n
mri'lp upon it.
>!. ?rrs. Clinton and Lv-.: aet have lately prepare..
?itnit'.e?.'. to. t_.c <?' irrt.ur yett>-rd?.y. a dot-uun-nt
askib laiMllsna a ?penal _--** *?? -"-? t.Hi-1tt ilrsfttrl
aaaalvaa. aad aa urr-imeEt Bgataat the Chatter el
nin?lttt*e of SerV-Bty, uLich, It 1? ar?n_?d, trlil not
?reare reform, "but, oa the contrary, will can??-.t.ei
tu able MS-Satan, and n_aSaa u-? i?-r*!-*'iat:>ii: at fraud?
lar maea easy ?r?1?1* si praaaata" Fur the ?n_rpo*eof
Ihsartog the ssperietlty el their own (-?artrr c*?rthe
preaent .th-, over 40 p ;nt* ol d!_cr?" nryt. are cited, and
tin* ?idvai.tajrc? preeaBtod. It k aBBBBBBl for their char?
ter that it contain* all tbe ?rood with none of the bad
-ion? of tiie rn-aent ' B?-, and rLat it pr?r?fft?i on
the theory that, 80 far *? UM exi*t;n,_ law ha* worted
tr. :: m pi Biabe. It l* i.?*ttrr tbat it ret-ialn a* ?I i?,
.:.!*' if ?I Cl.angC WOllJd laf" product!VI* Of LO _lrod,
BBS on ? ?ti luiN'hlef and coefuf-iim. Tli? ?-on.
(??union of tbe arrPUSect i* devoted to ?bat are called
to the ChaaSarat ti>_ Commiueeof
r- -i_ ::i -iiii ?
I. Cinnnlal esa-earalaa which tt te aalS:
Thi? ???-en. Ti -.:. . kl limit ??, rirr:,'arc:--ar? ?no tttaeht ??th
Inraira^r.? ??a? 1". ??.? ?.-:.. ? a? rotar a a :laiaaa__
1 ? ?: ,? t ? 'a .mure ikrir o-rro*?. ?u,cli
ami iBtrrat? ?
. ???It? a mai? t
urn. i, ii, taaaata-l ?in ?aa* .?! it ? ?? ??? ;?-l t.. ?.?1
air ii?,>t, ?
It ii ia|-?rt?iat ?<> !?r?r .? u :.' IB
r: ....??, fc'iB.1?' I I a n ? ?
?. I ? ?
? "
.. ... ,
, .?lu .atelier? .-f !"?? I r
n ..?,.,. . ? tm a! !?? l?r|?rt
?. ? ?
e , . r, ?la? ?cal. a I.?? U I*.
a? raiaed srr, first, tin* ?lection ?'
. ? ?
la. |a" ' .. i
... ? ? ?
Se*?**?'. O.S. ot In ??U'le. u IS? Plrinra. ha,.art tort tm of -*??-<???
. ei .?n.< I? ., S"ii ?? 1 r?? *?".<l
,., i r:.?nt? "? ?*.
. | ,: I ,_?"? l??....- -
. .. -.. .
? - ?
?batOJ mes mu am -i- ? si- Bw " *"~~ ?*"
j*rl sB ?es? s?. eMail ? I I <" 'S'en'.'* *-,.ail
. , . re? .i''??'
BBsskis of tl? %?,uMllT wie la?fr-h r --?all -_?''???'a H?t_-l f
.... t?. It .?_??-ail; ????_
? ?
? -
?-?.tea-teal. -BBS - -fl-B?? ? ??- sf tiie T-?s.r?, if So?
. . ._.?<_ I? pr.cl.c-li) W ilrsO-f ?-,
Hon Is _,?..?? to tbe prorl
?iaj.'i, and...
, ??
? ? - '?."?el
. . . r i}t_all?
?t . . . ..flt.rr.
ill.- . a* or? ma'!"' rovlsion
tibe TTMsury.
? . . ?- ? - poal
? tr of Je ram.
?toot this 001 I Of fir?
tin- method of election by en
... g h? m
. ....... . re all -.- ? ..i_
V, in. _u-.e-ef s?T???'-1^ie-1 ? nl ?r.???1 of Csils_?-SB C 11 ?
? -:t ?n i ?troTe ,
? ? i Hl?ol Ms,,
? I'i!,
? ?:' ."r?iH
. . -? ? t _IB>el
r-iiiuir.du,i?i i .. ?n?. I?. tosmmn '?-? ,
-r:iv? la Us- ..
- .???- m? ot "'.ia
it? tit
-?,., .1 ?e
, .?? .-a ??
tut _i_e -n.l, ,1_
? s. Tj?
a U. It ?.?llfTs-,
?n I sf ?I a n ri??ii)Biil,tttj
oS -t. ?
a wi.umI fee ?? <_.,?:.a. Bt of _? mutt
All sorts . ram rs wer?* sflool yesterday as
Bayer at the f?ai omiag
' f, K Of 11
foundation. '!!?.? a ?? i.'.n?.
, ..,1 likely to try their
?i o? the Qov ?
ai'.n-sioii pawvalled that he
.. :_ tli Mil ? ? i-oiil.l have
- ? ttao of
? - re i?. ? n i'i apar .t by
. . ' i:. It . J.tme.1
I!...: DOBM
..?? 1 rpi;7 j
? Itboat
? " . Dl r.iiii_in_?' !? ?
.? tbe most l.keiy nanrtldateo ot thafnia
? ? ? end it waa i
; irte? nf
T i ?>. .i i n v
?ord p-mlers
1 k ? ran,
....... i ? -
? .
? '
? ?
SSBBI t 'a? "
A?, im* .... m?motm
at. i in Tir?
nil Cou
..? ._ ._?
? ? t? . ...
- ? ? ;.
. . Com- '
.- i i.
? ?
: ...
? teenth
? ,
........ .tapiu .:__?
? ? :. cased Andrew I" r
... ............
I ol balL
: John .'?i (. ....? h_ou
Arrangements have been mads witi the
. my for round 1
? ? ?-York .u. .
. ?
. . tote are good
The sie for the ] tos? from
even a
ol lb n. a
gn. The r1' '? - ? ' St*te a
rota, Dr. Corl
1.1 '.al.'l
. . ?
i" i . J I O. Cannon _nd
? ? t ' . A?
Uiere ire, I : Thii 1
lha P iBith, Barrhard n mo
. ?..
-. :. a .7 it?i Murphy of w ,.,:-:.?<_ ??;.:?--;_t
. i . Uic_
Tlie editor Of _??' Hartford Courant, Gin.
Hj.... ?? ? ?'??? levered candidate ', .r
- tel 0-4 : . , ."?.??? '?,..:
ibmo of eolton an bnogbttotl
trout. Ibobs ? ..n gnro laantaatUNU ?. te
pood faitn. l?<- e.- M Oeo. BAwley wae a eomj - :
? " ? 'it the
.-?.i: r ??
? half a ? J;u> kit..a.?:n, man ' blm
ao Srmer r ?
tor of "?ht CatsrwuA ItUobvioas
daks tost, ui'i
whatem , ElawleywlUi rkthan
ti. i.i" ... . ans,?m dona sot know
..:. he ? ?
reaffirm in- i, fu regard f..r lb?
:. ' ?
lapis n
? I
1.. .. Tliat
The neeessity f?r *,|C reBeeda? al Granl Is
mot?as io _ n .ii.tm'.o of invo?Mam fas the ssstpoaa?M
of tliat not Maoijv doatroMe shfoot. Tho most hopt
motlual jot suui^rBtc'd. h.."., ver. com?'? :rnm a i.
Te_an organ, mostly rui. real tha
.otUer?. Tkl. Juiif I . .ii ..;.?.:.?mily, tlie
annexadon of Mrxieo, Bot beeaase ti.at :
? u,;.' . nut h , mis., , v..u :..r I il
? would "ral fmaa? eboaraao-ihost?etoor-at."
to rasa for turn iu the I But th
uru'.iiii' papar?TheAttotln gmtutJootrtsa ?> I
? ? . - .". '.!te. H - i - : " We bel ' s.- i, :.
is s'.tre to th?- emergency wad i qua! ?i ;he oeoaati ?
!. tie eatenl or f..,i..?v:n_- ia?
tiii.'iitiL' M,i. ... i; the Interior ol their eoanO
brlaglng them to JueUce, i- jut _i,a: la aaaded i
? u the inter?*?! of tmnianityandc ? i
latnm. hu? aleo m tue tatereet ul poutteal peaeeamoag
oorativaa. it w.,u,ii do mach tuwrud t.ur..'.:..? I
i-eiis .. ni.il aflord u,..usai,..* uoppo-tnnli
!.. tin" ?UppOl ..i. Ui OU llile lerlle Who, _.tli"ilt
..',. . M. tk o t..' tli us.*.
i. le be thi mate _ene la the eaav?M."
[lor uiArr J- ,. ?... , i p
Tl.I'. Mim HA lil.A'iK.N AT B-IH-MOBS.
Balt-BOMB, Mi!., April M.?Tha bass -ft"
. ban Ihn ifSernooo, with Un i mipwu
?eastwooalBa MousMool BsuTesB aud t1
. . ... i I T. ? ttu woo oa follow?;
lit : M ?t_ _,. , n OS M MS T '?
?nest. i : i ? o | ? o I- ?
2 1 1 ? 3 J | ? ?
i ? ,i '. i-i ..-ju iH'r
; ' i i ,.-. -ad1 i m cd
il. . I I'?il > I I _ir*. I??tu . ,a A u.a. '?"
. , IU He? !)?? -"??'
:?? lit?. III. t)uk, . a?. ??Uric
?"HF. bVsWEt QUniiON.
ITK?tRT W\pry ItlFilllll AI?V(?r\Tf.?l nrrMV.
r,,r I" Kl.IC |.lilUA.il.?.S A.M> BKAI)!.N?.;-K.,i)_J .
' ? nur ?Ar.
The Kev. Henry Wird Beseher sHratned t\
tanaaaaauMa ta tti--irrent h?!' f the O ?sarlaaasnSB
i atas " i- ? of our
1 Basil ' ii?!-?? a? wi'li ChlBB-BB
- ??tarytif lbs
' "'*' ? piiaHbnl. ami lull aimai STi Susiihw abn
?:i).' ?
? ? tne.eet ?r? mat my -?? an?*?*
were wltii the? ?tri ...r? ?>r ?he ?'?tri-cart - r
I'll!" .... ? , ... .1 ,,, ;
1 i t.irgi'x n*e ? nol teas.
? ?
it -li. va, i.nt i ?? ,_?vi..ir. tu u u l__raer ra. fuller arop*.
I a? aware thai la i taattj aha h- Id thst this ta
1'" rribed ft . ?!>, tn.u il?
1 ' -? : . I n | . ?
' ? " i-x ...ii Tier .1... 1 ilinl
' - ?!!lir!i? ?*. HI
wbo'ti w??-m n??t !?'??"-t_ ?1-..; ? ay*? l?r?.it?rtit
?iitl i?la.?'?? vl iSsMTSWa ??nul? I.? our ??cire?,
:ire Diii._.e I Urea antni-sra ?.f
)i t hsring vario?? d?:.r?-? ? of Intelligence, who
III** S...,)?il,i i. Ul.-i'- v ,i l.oI,,l.v.
' ? - . .T that It nu.?.-.! to
head wtal enjoyment, i raaaec i.?
; o. a'.i.'.'1'.'h I do not entertain their senti
nipni?. !>??? -ftiTii! ?oiaewbera iiet reee thsaa t?ro ex?
treme?, - , la, to ? ,.l -i groa .
a'.irh both of tia? a ul, that th. r?? Biayaetbc
utra'her u tho part of laiolllgeat
and bw in**.]
? t'.'l. 1 did nn Seep th ' I D ' vr-orlintr to
.. '
sill- iu ? ? ' ? ' r.i.u .i
? ?
av* aas Bam s strict Puritanical oba
. .. . ...-?:, ai . ...??
II I tiion.'iit iiiat any stop* wa take
imii :.ii- ti.i.1...,' ta.ii on tliat .!.v
? .. i '?i i? .? mors especially n?-.,r to
in thete thi??i_*bt?. thongb set in laeti II I
tit would ?ubtrart one particle from the ?'?uiu
? >f tir?* no' perla "f sei sature, l
never oit? r ? tnnii.? ahalevsr
?? the r.'ar with whlrh ear Porimn
? r , .
BIB .t '"? tint le??? Sal mor,
.')? I "l.it ll.are* lllllal ?a? MB ?it
a ,IW... Jll?ia,,../,
Ulli.-! '
not bolle . ' 'iri ?ic?
en.??.; i,r ..,,. Lord's ?iu-.li it. i.iiiini.ini. Oertalulythe
?? ? - . 1..V ?i (luv ut ?c?l ?
' : i. ?..:.'. !? Tv i? fnrhMSBM * m
?..'s so lb* rasa t*Bh heavy aaUa m hi* run.-*.
. at tiir-' h ?al Bias ol
ms le.
i rentrions ?i ? ?.
. . ? . fr??l i
: ? ? a r In which the
IV.? ?mie ?le: !'?? d .?itr ??..l.titfi fmm ottr P
., to ,.-i mu?
? did ant a. .d'il* o? ?ie
r, ..ui * ai, ,, ,Mir
i ..* n ? other waj ??! ? ?
v. bo i.? tin? L??"l * i! I? that
...'l'a: In do
.all til? - - ....
? ?
-.1 .li! ...
t:ii.?.i. .'-?.?
I.illll.llllt V ?.'. W.la. la .
to take
. l?'ii
g up
I -'??.!'
. -
i .
young n.en who .nuil- tn New-York
?o inrs s eliiu h the} are met vitn?
a ?...
i . ni.it.
? . ?pet lal i. ?or)- intent
? i . -.
..?? .. ...
, ? ? ? a
iloae much: I
? ?:
. . r_ auo luii.
.. .
that if there ba
- : ? ? irte?
? rl
? ?
- . ? p ai tue
? ? . . .
eV? li," It i?
? .
tait. ilOl ' ' ' " ? HI l?
. IU II..v?? lui
; - .
i M. It in ????.!' '?? . "I
? .
. ? ..
: :.
rattier than 1
' ..,?.,?. u t?, ..?
.... - . h
It Hi..:
itliiiran i.u from ?
draws :i' ?ai ? ?
f tbs pa pie it
tu ~?-nd u?iuv mora yotua
n.?-ti :?i tl.?- ?bur ,.
. . '? . ...
?It Ua
. I
be." I" ? ....- ii...? d . u
i tier from A. ' B
V i ?'! 1 j.i.ul? ?, . , '! i ?
? ila. ....: li a
. . ? ? - ru ii.
Id lie
.it. in.:. 1 Hi... Boon 1*1 10
i t?. never did
for the young nu a
? ?-. : i .i. i :? U
i. . .. ? ??i.e i ? . .ui onlj ol
-. ..
i.tt.r ? upon 8 aiu.i. ind r
... t . i . .. ? .
Hi ?-,.-.! then ?laiini.m ?-?1 !...?t th
?.a?: leading room ol the I
y - i ?.. . i- . ,
8 p.m., sod kept opea thus torons i*auex
... .... .i. , .? ?? ?
..... . kept open
a ...... ? EtiBOH.
i. . ..i-! (..- .:.:. rnmoBSsa rson rm <_?
o srr j vit.
About B p.m. on Sunday, aa Jailer Stringbam
of lite OjawaS ? Bei tv Jail, ?t _S ntli Hcinp.leail. wa?
nittakiu- .!'?i?. ha -?a? aar_ ims
r .? ? 'IHK tu ti.? |o?eev . ? i
nrr-.i.i' i thai t. L Bdaauasa .ad
.. Ba m akM
:???*. aal In a ?liort t:rue ?.?-..-.-ii.^?iiirtie ? of
?nii.-<l men ?-..?i-i- !-. ;.llr^u't .?f " ?
? ?ii:, as ri? ? :????'. a arad
? _, ii.ii ?.f gtvtas I"
n. ?,.,.:- ? ? in ?>f
? : ?t fiah?.
a . . ? n-.iiur te in.? mala ball with a
mi ?.?? ? ., laiaSB re.iciui.a
to?- ituiti haii, it wa- i.i? vi. rl. ? .? m < a ti?
in.? i? ?an . n board li
... i Bf a rape
; . ? '? '?"I
?tenes. Tbl? proves ?
in their i ? I ?
i i. ->. 'ii. awaiUag I
t. nt t.. kill, un : i'r'-?'U i .
, . , ?. him. "h ?ui :
.. ? . '
pr!???n?r? l-st h" -
? . i?
IBB BABKT IN'.tT - r-\ ri;: ; T _____fST *
David Barry of Mo. i.c I
a qoori . .
Miirrl??? . ' ?? ; I ?
h* d yeel i. r Toni g, Dsal i Banal
No, 1.1 '., James L'un, the BBhMfl krr?>rr,
? ? I U'.uie nf Bo Ml 1 ? - - .' .. ? n-jihy,
t?o V .
t til?' . - '
pi' Sabed. DBVM Mnrpby trs' : :
. ? , '. .
I am a ear Artvaa .?n the t* i? rnwd, i irly In the
I -an in W
I iftei war . ni kt Uyae -
UllTe I ,: l .1" . .' ?.,;,; '.? ' I. .. ?
i n i-r w
t?,-m,ir ow mnrtiliii 1" H it-rr -!?
?? And nines uu
was luv :,i' 'in ' .an,! II,"
itii'ti stnirk me, we eUaebed, and teen -v\ .
went . a-'.it m (.'i:?i:iii'i.? an I ?',"<-? .ir fu.ir
nun* .,:i in.ir Barry ??? ?? .
; In, ??? , I'll? !? Ill :u-k?..l me : I _...<!. ** Il "I il'.ll'l . . DM
?lie . I pi.l.e I '
.lit ,,f tm al
: na?i no mi. util,in?I ihirrnas Barry . _ i.??-u wenl
lo tli.- ?: itlOO-MBOa.
T..- jBty res lend a verftlei
eaaaa to hie dcaih fium a plotolaBeS hroU by David
The inquest on the body ot Jasaos Coalfield,
indofthei , : .m? i?r ti,,, i ivenporl I
Booed, ???- orda b is ? ? ? set I u ?_i .i jury m
Jeraer ? Itr.
P-trJ'i- --?,,.?..?. t *BB -> SWBSr ti ?ta *
r?is?ir tiie balls' ttlil'ti
he *.? . .. I ... ?b r O I
- ?
lieu?- ! tuna 'r-* :.,'- I ?? ?
r ,
?on I ?.,. ?' ?? .t.. ? ? -
.lit USre Ijerfl |
Jaaia ? i
id is
tmvka a ?< id nor
! H
?..? i irv wbetber they wei . to tr.vf a ?
upon :.. >r would ??
'?oui 1 ?-xatiii .
i ? i.Tiu.-it o:;, .?a 1 the ?? *
.. o', t.) rai?,- .?a tm
tnadi. as .i ebetrucu _a
t AX0TH1 1: 1 I PE
A temporary injunction was * March
?. 'n tin iupei Am
? !
ami u...- ... k to tiie pi ??
? .
.... ?- ?, ?-..-_. u, _u
. . ? uxxr.
I Board o n met yes?
terday B , .. A
.. .
. ....
_ ' .
i . ,
The Board of Aldei
,v<-. fi,r per ?. ?
i _t.i:i parem
loas discussion,auch p? .. rmsa
agin the necal
_ ' t eoflSBinnl
. trom the Coni ? uboobi
..'....?? ; ??
' :." r.Ipl ..-."",. ..: ! .
I!, | - Bl a
. ?- ? ran ' u ' :
thill tbe am. ili.l I'-.e. ...
I. ? . ...
? ll
- _ t .. - - ;-?*! :.au.iu -
rm ..
The Commioaionen of the sinkint. Fond
. . ? . -..if.ti. n poetponli
i.rri .i-,:r ? . Wodaeedoy, May U . :.
says thai le ?? Ion,
. n i.? ; ;?!. ii.i i - > !:.. lea ? ?-. .ia
The ' .un ? ? ? from
the Bew-Jenry Bsiinad and i
? .
.... I be paid ior ?
?I! "?' I* LkORB- STA-T.M.NT.
The following' is Chamherlain Palmer5!
m?i:t 'f !?? ? ? .. nt-, aad ..?i. ?.:. es, for th* week
ending A|
?? .
-.. i . . -
, . ..
? .j- ?? I
I.i e.\:. BtnSG-ASBUfl
\ -inr'v ?af burglars, i l '..ij* night,
i.f V, n,. i ... a, m\ |
- | ippanl? sad Jewelry, worth im?
j:? . ?r store of i.V.. y-i- ,:.
? ?
rr m thohaUway of theGer
. . ,t,i! ?'...? non in mi". ?? and |SW worth of
? ? i
? ' ::.? -'.ir.
n. in who fail?- t<? discover UM >y?'? ?ti?-i?, ?*i.l uv
. u trial by I
The ?ul'-l .'tniiiit.ee of the various East Side
.?en disciioslng tbo ii ropo?. ?1
.?i> and the BM I ? tha PBBrtBOBO. tm
i.. Met BOB, Mr.
M B Ha "?? chair, Mr. BadO?s -ppo-ted that
Mr VeodrrM '? ?-hel ?Bo ?nhtag of Ma
lr.uk- S M - . rty-'Kl-,th--t.t so that Mi
?-? uuU from Flfty-tlith ?t.
.?? hrd MOSUgBsaS,
i ? | '???? of tin??.' : ?
? s?-, thi'tit-h ,.n>- or
. , i tu. u ? ? utoMt-urlBBrShotX^
?i, ?. i- /? i? ..*v.*rT|.ii")i , - e
. ' . .
1 tu
I I...S St | .
a -
. an_
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? -
AY . ? t
i ? .1*
[Por ?O ??
....... ...? ?t t,
US!. . r
lit '. . I
. 11. wttk mite. U MM . a
- ... MH,
? ?... -V?Bl
A.. . .J. ?.
'? T
Bari E'
... .
- "'-,
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IW ?- <"'! ! L'a? I
('??ur i?. ? oi.l". ?_,-., relic? ?-ii If us. 4 I'...!? i t a*.
< - ? ma! nil ?taint. a
CagSataWarrew'-- irai ? ... ? ?
? - r-_
/f/i v.- m ?"*',' ? iii,iortmt a*i' -I
n*_l- ?tn.i .?.',?,>?? _______________
pi?ee ;
I J Ap -.
i :. tn.
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: - ? . , .
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1 ?ex Cue?'? . M?a? IP?.
i > ? '- - .-t ?
I rill i
? turn
... ._ e
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i - , at?
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?L, os lLaskl?), Apr? -
? / of
-il*..!:'! .'i'! .-."3
Toa -' . ' ? I
? . .
? ..: ?at :ot
too, ut a, .i?._r ues
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: 'S a ? .s ? i. ? ... ... n>
-a ?Ble
i?'. MM n. > ? -A'
at mM VW
l'Ile?: Pil, ??
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11 LllX?a ? ? _?y
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??lag ' e? m?- ? . i
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'.? ?J. -JB. 4/J
. - -. v,a.. ?a ? eer*
line, . ' i? ? - - ' ' . .? ? j ^^^
! i. .. Ai'i.r.l. . ! ?... ?r-?. .,, i?? ' ..rt-il ) m t ?I Mi?. , _,
' ? ' ? r
A \T1I_.. r. i ?. "
. ?a IV Csaula, '. ,~:ar?
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M4.re? In ^e
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I?. Uu?lr_a,l )lan_*rra> #
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tus** tt u..ut>iatl by et aro ?-_ ?a O? <-??? .? . ?? , M +m
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paat'suO?-? ,9 ;.n,u?,.
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lU. l?l'?
CABBEJ U -Ai . .... a f.
* ?liant?.- ? . r,, *?????< t_"
?*? ? N T.. alitj
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er:_.a -:??_? ???? '????1? .??lie. tt*-1'
t.__i.i _.?._...._ uOa t__*_r

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