Newspaper Page Text
Till; ALABAMA CLAIMS. Troin t'lr.t Tad-?. tl\ ?.'?! 11 ? ; t HII, 1 ' I '??? 1 ll | ?. i- ted: Il il t?i? ? i* < ?mil H??? ? ?>? rat'?'? t,t the ?? it with et"' lpl ??? f?! .1 tin lilt? i. ..'. r.v.1,1 "i K ? " IBs Unite. K. .in ?i...;. I la tl.i United -totoe. its.:? or a- m h. tature of core a rtandanl which Oiiotaat -l'iiii ?'??'h ?-?'ceotH-B s-a-ruiaoal lathe circuit of the *.'., !x , ? 'i.' as.atvi'iiii-.'.f?it.? ordinarily t tiij'li y l?i d?'? _ m? .? .? ii h,? Unite- Ptatc? liii\(? correetly lotet j?r.titl it- M'tiuv, list vague language ??n page! - li l|,f. | ,. . ;, ,. Dl ?h? 11 1. r.'iii.t.a ta ' ?? .a i??, !'.?? ru; <.f a neuf i .a? i tonu* . ! I s ,. ,?,. _;, lltlM'Il' ? ? t al lo wl ,,l n -. II ?? a-?'?? 'i '<?' y hi ii ...'i ?? t' tiil. i-.. il wu ...i lie i !.. . Il h.. I ;.n?,..;n. ,'.! i'u.'l its i . , i ?ni?; ni! r tin' ?? ' f?ltiil|.'"l ..',,.'iil , a .,?:-!. W '.?. tl.l?1 Sl-Oroiislj IL' ? public* iiungs, ?'ii the i. utmllty ?.i t. ' : .1 III 11,.' .'ti i ,,... ?: . ? l"'Vi - ? itbiUiM, au liiiiia : ,\\y let in. toward -, i , lurla? in?- eo?u??t, .. In i . , . . t for, a waul ol HI] - ".'? ;'"i .. ,;,,.-: v 111 . ??'? i' to '? n nt i i , ? . Dttoltston.? Thi ? .. or natloo? i? ici . . i . :l V i,i, I ? . ,,: 111 .'....1 bCfUg-liM till II I W tin? Inter , ? . , ? ? ?oof fin' , i, : upon il Ii n,i', i' i la '?-? ? ,i,.! Li? ai., -i law prove ti . i'ii' porfonuRnce "i i' :? , 1 i ; -?.,.'.:,.. i i i i> ; ' ?.??:.. "i. I - m t ? to ti'.t? in tun 1 Internai ?l?trl_utl 'ii "'i t . : . 'i:!,"i??? Ii ? m?abiuiu^ lth external oiili^a t eat i " ? ? . ,, i?..' l i., il . ate? .: ?'i.i.iiV.,.! at. Ihe J t-urh a i?r ?i? d I roil " ""? ?. . ,.i njiiiiti principie? of 1UU.T i... . law? tr.i?. ii'. Pafl It. i : - to H1"*? i"1 i. actor; ?ta. Flrsti The ereata whlch foil ?i ' II ri,ii,i:n'li'?ni''i'.t of ti..-ia?;l , ! ?;..-..:. par ?? I by (?real 1 .... i . o: \ bjr other a , owepe la relation tai reto. J' ? : . , . ?,?. ,., ?? ?a ? . ,? . ,.:.;?? I ? ? . _ I . luautlcr and , powers 1 .?tu n i." ] ' ,- I, - i \ BtlllU II? II' i ? ......... i ,,., .-i : . i his ii ? i'i, , : I ...l : .. .:, ? n si,] I!,r Mi i '..?:. ... : ? i . l i... i. 1 . . ? ' i . II , a \ . . , i . ^ 1 '. ni ? ? ? i:i und n t,i . .t May, 1- 1. H i i i.un.?i m i|>? .'.i-i., lit teil out and sen - , .'? tu lead ihe ari . ? ?I, vu _? ..n i . , , : ? . t I . ; t. ., '. bull I Ulli l.i I- ?1. I'll ... I...- i? .ht? 1 .Ute? 1 t? lu tluir ci ? sil? .1 ihe s* ;,.*;, i ... I.? I? uni, l'ortugu!, i . : I'm : ii, wbicli seem to have l?eeu over i , ? of the British ? unuu r ? ' i lime p?iw? i?, ?ni i all tbe oiantime powers the i J if 1er Great 111 pi pal ...m.:, it..' l elevated them u tl.llii.' ill i.'I.I'd ' jt.i tU til ? , ? ? . ? ill. I ,. ? ? . l!i ? Mili--.,;i 1 il loll .iii.ii.;.'? ? ' ' . i l.y tno mm.: ... ;.! . libs. rvc : Govi, is (lid not i . the ln . ' . . i i tor of the l !. ..i ? i ;" ot- o? t : . ,? -,,; i ,. i ..? n Ouvert, a- m .-in.,..- of "thedoubti.;i ?, : ui the United _u?tc* ?>l North A . "ihe ? ?iatlug fircunist-uce.?. Iti ihe I : ,;? . ? ..n elicular . .?. " the Ooufeih ?, ..,..? uu :. . ' 1 page 93 ' " li the r,.ito.I h rs the port? and t?.ui rs of li ? M .. ii?, i'i i uabng Bud . tfl'.T pur ,.. -.i., r- . .,,.<?ty Hi in by vessel? ol the Confed i. .tit?-" If .-.- ii.-ii i- :iit. illicit t.. un, l.i that, I ? i ..nil Of t_o v, ?-? - ? i i',??? ?. - . - .un? i',.,-,, ?i ihe incur ? ........ital i v.' ..t \..Hi tin !...-:.._'?..!.- ti.. ;. | . . ,. ...? ol t .,? Blitieih I'l'i:?, or t:.ii ., ti !.. ;.. ,t il?.-i..,iii... ? , kt-iiued with _ui_ip_ril_) ueutroiit] to euch, the Unit? i .-an ? emphati? ally deuy It, t ??!/.. i . m d ?'ti patee-i that the aets of which the <? . :.. ol the In... i .?i...?.- i? m n i 'i kltucutn J Lull i? li.: - ? a !.. ll !.!, W ! ? I , .? :,l: ,,., \ , , ,, luali- ii " ?? ' i ?.. |'i*?>?llilti>-? :, -_.i-i.n i .n ; nut Tu few ? . lirr, ol'.ii li"l:< .a i .'I'lilii: to ti i-mini i..ii'ii,ii r. ( ,v ?il i,i H, i )...:.ii.ii' Ma.,, at) '? (?m. 1..U.I it, ?lid tbe law ly prohibit ?a? li bi is or make any u? ilulte i rojioai t for preventlnir tuem, at the tinx when t?t? v?:ir bc fl 1. ? 1 t n, li.. i.'liit. il M ilt s ?ii?. t t,i, ,,t BM .1 !'. lia .it. ii_.ii,, ii ol the fi,..? I States un this point doe? nut ?.cre? I II' r ."...j..-;?'.- Government. Tli? y __vetb? : ' q< : lorefei IbeTiibuualtostaiemeutscoi iu i:-:., ...i -. f a i -tua, i?, .,.!.. in, lii liiiuiK', Kram ?., Betherland?. J >iturui, Rtusis, Spuiu, aud Bwodeu ami Nit??... ... ,.? 11 .,il ,\ at' tu, .a : to ::.? )?].".! ol t.'.. Neutrality Iowa Cummi s?ou r: . I:,.-..., in i und ai lie cltiae of the tumi % i..un.. ..i il bi - appendix and la iho fourth vul uii.i- if ti.? A:? ?.. ..a evidence, between , MS. '):?. '? r to '.." tli.i uni i t .,.,1 i \ ,,: with submitted i .. lawa ol several power? In l;.i.,. i for the preservation of tin t .1: ?.'ill appear from ail tu.s evidetict tout aels ?.ii.-ii as tin ? ? : w?ieh thi United .t?te? oompl ilu, have Im ? ti will.-,? of positive Irglal ktlou, .t?-I i .i l,i itain, m :... I :..ti u States it.i . ,t pi n < ..i the i'i..11. t.i il or local lawi are il?. ? ire ol neutral obligations toward other U rera m. :.!-. ? ?m i'-.).'? 29 it 1? .tit-il, ?it!i i. fereoceto the ??<i.- taken '?.- I"r? aident BTasniuitton, ll>al th?" i t? . , ?<.; j i... !-. ? ..n.'. oltlie I u w;u.. ? t.. i "-i i uu ? ? i . i li ? BttiBN ??tit of 1-'|. in a li:i'.?t. .? iiruved i:i,,??;;..? . la answer t?. this, ilia United Bt.ll to the of the Tribunal ti.t tl Krench Mlms tor of that da?, eouteoded ihiil his Uovei omenl denied thi n^hi to com ).-.'. ? 1..,- ?.ilt-ol Iho l'a.., il Mai..s, Jri'i.i tin piovi ousol thi treaty of 1778 between Krane. and the i..... States, . i, ,.t. oiade at a time when <irr*ai ' i ..t war with tl. United Htatea. Th? r?-pn_elre mensures ol Kn-aidenl WasliluKton uett taiitiii lu ii i a ?<_??' ?i the duiiie of tin United SI I s,? u m iitiai m..', r the laws of ?au?os, and la th? laoc ??f their i?' ?in lea oodei ii.. uoaijf ae ;< i by Kiutiis.'. in the memoir ?it Mi. ? . Lord leoterdeu, which will be .it till ? II I 0? M I 111 I. a three, il Is stated thai the reaull of tl.. publicatlou of Ohe rules uf tbe 4th ol August? which were tls mi , ii by the Executive, referred tin lu Ihe Uiitish * -?. i m of privatoeiluK vur, Rcner f? h)* iiUiur, flip..., .??-(J ; though casca ?eemeU to havi . tried until tu?- ariiv?! of Mr. Gen ?'? sticceasor, in ? ?! ty, I'm, who disavowed hia act, aud recalled t..?; n. iiii??n n hi bail ftranted to " pi r. ..!?. i - " ? .,,,:/, j he renuurk on page? -t?, '?i, sud '?a, regarding Kin U...U11. i in v. in B the Lulled tl tale? have .?i uufi rout Uu.-.?- i ?? ' ??? a i > r duties as a neutral Dutten toward ,, . Portugal? and otuei poweray are atated io b? i" "..t'"i.i any luteatioa ol Her MaJeaty'i Govern i ui t.iii-i jri reproach uu the Govtrutucot or people t I - . '. ?'? ..:??, linn? v.l. .iii'iaii'iiily ii. ii sdas'cd f?_r the uurpoee ol uiduciL^ tho arbitrators to i a..?. ? "i. i : '.? ? I' bubm or all of the?? t., ? o uee the uiiigeiiee fur the supi?esojun ?,l i, a.teexpeditions from n.i-ir elior.-n whien ou nit?, j,:, -, ??? :, ,,!.-. ti and which ia required by th? rules on ? '.."..t, ' ? u. T..?,-Lniti .1 Hiaii? would ,.. aa! ?'ail ;.n, ,a as a repruseh, howerei In? tel ? ? ? its :.ui?i,.ii. in., have, therefore, deter? in.i.? < _? aah the aridtiatura to examine tbe Outher ,t..-i a,-, en 't???"'l'oiiii.-, \tiii?'.li they tii?- ii?n, ,i i _ ?.?,??? ?. ??a. ,.r in n a ti.i'v c iiiio.t imi reeogniM t ? B-bJtrator? mnj lustly feel that neither jiany L ,; 'A ... i I" ILi t. wdlUlUa Juliolia li) {ill ? i ? a ? ? ? wholly fi r< ir'n tin the U a . * ??? led to un i ?leciaiou. !,,?? evidence low t:i ., o. ? r ii? t in til Slate? regarding the perform. Of I ' ' dutlea is v...111,1:11, and spreads, ?? "J aserieaol years and a varteti ofincldeuto. li.ii.i,- i ' eat between Bpalu and her euluules ' tu uu ' I and the Artigas Government 4 t u s_-.' - < f 11.?' 1 n. fur independence ; to tbe ? . ,.,, -. Bjauo tat tin- South American UepubUes, h...| |u ? - I., h" .ill ?Sal. In nil tl.) ?. loll 1. ? ,? !.. -..u. 11.?? inuy oi lin: United I.tut? "? (i, 1 ti ta i.iitiui ty ander circum 1 . - ? ten the r.tuijiiiiiiics ot large Buuuea of theli j' ' teu in oppualtlua li? tbe national ol.liv .ii" i-- ??' ' .'?!.'.'''?">''? Ot.n inaii'iit iiioa lliou^iii it ?.u utiocaili ' v ' ??'??? 1?? >, wtul adouttiug 1.. ",.?.,11.. ia Bill ?hiebthe L'aited mhi<? perluruied 1 ut'.esiu **** tryanj eircumalancee. The evidence in.m ,,.i.ii.itiiai oUowi ?.01.. liiemJy Her Malosty'? Goverumenl ha ? **** au__Jo_?-d, the Liuu-d ., ?.. t?. ?1 du lie? <t, a neutral at those 1 c and activity whleB. had they beca , ., i,? ,,,, , '? Hull Bin dunag uie Be helilon, would ..t. laadetbepn <utfjirucoedingooooeeeeory. ; ,' tk 11 ts-0 ite? unit? with Her Hajeaty'a (,' ut u. it? . tBtUs-?1 ?m page 2... asiHug attention ., il.e Uu I Uu '? '1? b' 'I la?: I a""l M.itc. at tlio iiui'st ,.f n." Kuriui B*???s <?"v.:iiuiii'iit, un. ia i _'7, n , , ,., , r% '"i1,'' r- i" w.'.-.'d? i uiMiii the f nimriiiBOBt HiS ,,,? (opuiiiiaD MOBinlcit, bul oloo power to pre eut the ca _iiui_M?u ? ? ?'*>'? ' i:> ("-. e, am. tjj.ti contri ??!, ,1 . , , ,. . '?Hi, l \t 11. V'..? '? X'-l.'.-rt, 1-OUlK- f?li< n po? ?r ,'-,, n, ?* ?.t ?llo-awi?. \lnlA ? Tit? I '""*? ?*"v"' *"' at'" **** lu ?va<ii-rnUts,l , ? !.:tl |.'_'t "" ?" '!l C/J'J"J '''' "".. w"r''-- "" VU** U ? ,.i:-i\i :. ui |n rl'-l'i' lllsi'"? ' dli '? _ _ ?|-n_U_i .??,?./?..'lin- Ii-.IU-Ubial?'*. IUIUB ,,",, "',r '"'J",',} * It ?1.1 i I.I|?. 'V . ********* tVAr***lUg -?? ? a ? i ? i _. a ? Ihn T"niii il Pteioa alatnto of ttta taaaasaaly known Ut?? Neutrality net, it is sta ad en peer ?_ tlmt t I1.'.iiis-.i m i >.r ?aists ?i-ore ?tiincoiit, rtgaroaaaadeei ft citen-i vi t, mit li?t or I lie United Mate-. Her Hal--?!? t...\ rutiieiit does not i .? lu a H re*pe?t Hie aupen ?' cltiL'e'.ie.', Ilk.*??r Snd ?' illlpl 'it i l?iVf?1H) ..a of I In? I it- ! ? ... ni t?. consist. If Un Rrl i I? act iT.ui I have b? ended lyv tin act of the Cn?wn, Whlun Is ?upponcd . lain the ca??, 11 m?'. nt In t be let! tin- |?k i I?. ]? ?1 i....ii, ?it a'l I ((.?Tain i cole? than She law of tbe Unlt?-?l huto?. United Btotee ?liink tbat the auslttlea et ?ti aoncv, i _'<?i' and com;' u : ?vones? mil bo ftwind t i law Tu a ?uperl r de urce, aud they eall attenn t?. tea feUowma palate of eomj-srlsoa : . <\uiui?o. BBTWBBS BBCttJBS and ami it it an i AV i. Enllslm? nt of British suhjeeta only are made aola 'nl Oy Hi?-Ilii -li .it. T.i" Am. :?' u) )?(t. "!) tho ee trary, awkeeall enlistments wtthto the aeetraljarted lawful, sxcept naval enlistment.? of Mt*jeeta ? '..?lin?-In-lit. on-nt. mad.? mi tlio dock of a vo?4*ol ? u? u i ? ? hi i the noun il ?? ?ten?. ???. i.v BseceUve and ladtelrtl cotutruotion, i Moid? ''equip, lit cut, an. 1 flimlsb " liavea much In :e; line ii? Amer. ?i than In (?real Hnt.ti-i.a? the Unit . hove ' i [ilalned ?a t elr rase. , , ,? tiiiii ami eleventh s?riions Of flic. Arne ? ?m ?i.t. eotnmonly kno* n a? Ibe " landlna clauses," n u.imiiii.l not to he m the British sot? and it Is also : ,,'hat tiiiMi c?an i ? .mu mtoaded to be psevoatti ?mi j. imtive. 4. Tin- i ii ITli ?cetIon of tlio United ?state? net ?ii?,? omitted m t-.?' Entzllsh act. Thi? ?eetlon, the on ii aloiteratlouof wbicb i- explained In Uieoaaaof I United Htotea. i? resarded by tbe United ?state? l>v i tbe mo?t efficient part or t!iu act fin1 the inevcutiou Violation? Of neii'ii.lit.v. ."-. ll in.iv not bate ccnocd ?lie fttfetitlni or t Ail ?iatois liait lier Majesty's l.oven.mein lu.? l'a-. furnished evidence if the raperlortty of iho Unli Sta - ?tatute ?.?irtiic British act, "I may reujari ..:v--ii Predi -i? k Bruce, tbe British MlnU-ersI wsi in: um, writing to Ins ( ?overnmeiit, " thsl the Uovci nu nt of the Unite.i Bmtea baa eontaderable adven?as In proeeedius? acralnsl veaaeie under Iho m nave ?;, the ?pot. i.:.- re tbs piepersttona aw bah ma,?e. th? ins rli ? Attenicv, a le si ora ai i ?ponaihle to tbe Government, to wTwin tbe an i.l investi ation is .lili"""-'!- I1"" hod it In ? ? ? o.?"-*. ".-???-??I..K in admiralty lerem, it 1? < ..'.Kl by a judge eonveraant with Intrnnstloaal a , Itlm ? I. ?'. withoul i ?? luterveotlon of a |urj (Vol. 3, Brit? App., litt paper, peas ST. Vol. 4, Am. a -, i?a.<? ) . ) h: Vt'i(boutquestioning in tin- countei case t ( (?li '??? I m .?.? 1 prop? a: 1. .'. :i:.'l :; "f Ki_l;?li enn? ui, ?on a law ou page ...'. n?e United Btatoa think tii tbe; are not mistaken when they ?ay that tbe pnvUe vthl i? mii>....?. a t.. baveof refusing to? -vi,r a queallon i? a i>< rBonal prlviliiste, ..f which Hi" W ntss uiuj tu not avail hlmaolf. it 1? not snppoa to l-e one whicb ?i court v. ?a volaatarily take fee hn euforce against bis ? I -n?s. Thirteenth: loth- ?tat?menteon t>r?rre?rti nnd 19,1 car il '!.:?' ?ol the o.a. i ils of the Unit? istuU's, to keep a watcbtul eye vn whatever might toi i,, elidan it security or Interesta o'the Unit? .-?.;.-. i? ..?not mad ?i lite clear whether Her Majesti lam nt n ..nil these a? du tic? of which it had tl . Uthl m demand toe p -rformance ol them ",n ?.ii-, or i ilntte? which they owed to neir own Govern men . a Hi I.;. .i ..... .ai.ti.i wo.n t ?earn r?> be n reasonable one, tbcra 1? ? une ground to ?uppot i laa! il? r M*J '*tj '? ii .?i ernmenl ba* m ule tho ?; . er sense. Withoul admitting that sentel he I t. the Ui im: Bittes ici t thai |cvc-ni bonld ?u. an u))ll?iition nul lie disputed, Hei M ije tv'* Qoveri ment wou ?l not I .??. i.? be relievo i froi ?l r. of an independent, diligen . and trl i,;.i v\??! Tiiiiiin i i.t order to prevent evil-dl d j.i ?-s n? from ? l ilatl i. 11 o ??< iitr illty ; n< m na1, i be ninlftoi ol ?. bel lia? n ni power (aa Mr. .\<i .'? *.. .s i. the ??.'. I'm Ute ui a i iah Cabinet) be re?|nli i il, aft? ?be receipt . f ? ?l. ial luforuuiUun it* to tin nature at '. :? of tbe .\i ?.. ial . : Bi ? Ofl p I? III? i !J .. ? nt* un, lo ?....Le (iir o?- complained of for n ni ...i i ,-. ? ? of fact to the neutral Uovcri I,til, t\ Opt 1.1 ill.- 111.lilil? T 111 IS irll-ll 111? II. I I Ilia-. I III)! . ? .i .j in.ii.i- them. Tua? (to apply tii ? pi .position), M . . i?l ,i,- iinuiiiti lij tbe British Government tha in order to securi official action on a compLilul oi contemplated violation of British neutraUtj hj 11> ? * i ? ? ? I -, I ?? mti ' ' II .., nt i Wi i t i ?ni ii lion 101 a viol it toll of the Koi en 1 ?u li? li.? tit -..( i,. m. ai n t i.? i barge- by thai Uoverumcul wii ?. ii'ii Hit) i. i ml i.iatkiiii: it . u siiii.Uoiis i matul} it .i I- ? . i u rrce ol proof. ii, 'itnii/i: The United Itates do not understand thi ,[ i? une thai allegation? ibal vessels were being pr pari I foi . :... in., or carrvln. on war wcie m all i .ts. followed hj tel k are ii the v?asela when a snfilcici prima fuete evidence of tbs Illegal pnrpoM waa fm n tii :. 1 rj n, d ml ..i < tact)) tiie contrary to hat be< te; lLal nuill tbeopinlouof tbe lawofttcei ' .?? Crown, liiven on the Nth day of July, 1885, th uu. of tiie escape ? r ih?- A la l?a ina, all branches ol U< Majesty'?Government held thai il ???i? neeesaary, m . ..... toc :..'.,..?.. a |ii'?!i lu forerai lug or ? rryln .i, mi also un actual arming oi the tir.iniii. . :'. . ?... a :?.. . li port,moi 1er U> juslifj aelsure? an ?t..i tu..- pre vailtujr opinion waa afterward ?ua tallied, i ?un!, o.t tho courts oi i- ?.?.'i. ne i in Hie Alexandre eaa hielt 1? ?till tim tti.i. \ ;-i ti i it ta loi construction ol ti? a I . I ltd.. Fifteenth: On page .'J is given what purport* t?ii?o a ? tpia ia i( n of the uieauiiiRul the word* " registry " aa. "Clearance," ol tiie d tie? of ? e officers empowered 1 register ?hipa and oi Hie officer? ol the customs in n ?I'tit loclearance?. Tbeacti ol Parliament preneribin l'e ?'.:.:. * ;t ?,, I rollflTlTll?" tin! power? BTC not spo? lall ret? :. ?i u?, ?mi tbo United Btote* nnderstoo I ibeiu to h " Mrteli.uii Htiiupiu* act," IB*. II sud 18 Victoria, ca] .. ud the ' Custom? Consolidatou act," 1888,18 and 1 Vn loria, cap. it?;, with lb? Ir m vt ralamenduieut*. Tins . !-, .n u.. ?j.?ilion ol the Urn ted Mates, coaler moi ? ((ended |miw rt upon the ?..??;- of lier Uajeatv1 Governm. it t?an 1* ?tatod . tbe Brill 11 i . e, and the; therefore ask the attention ol tbe tribunal to tbe art themselves, i struct* trom wbiofa are suhmittod berewitk IV. Part IV. of the Brltisu cam assamod to state cei Un. i. Unldi lati. li.? pi Opel 10 !'? kepi in vi? vv i v tin- ??I i: .,to;? in u ii renn? tu tht) ca i ' "I the Florida, AU : ? an. ,i. Georgia, ana Bhouamloab. Tiie United ii .vi iilre.nij made it clear, both in tmir case ?.mi i Ibis paper, tbej regard muuj oi these ?tatemeuts aa no proper io tie ? in view by tue arbitrator in to any o? tbeae v?asela Witbont rei*eatini u,, ,i viewa ?ii r. i- auujoct, the. connue tbemaelvea t I i,..?n.- attention t?. a meal cuor luto which lb. arbl lia toi ? ?ua.? be l??l m eon equeuoe of the use ?.f Ina? curate or c?reles* laugusae in th? closing paraaraph li ti.i? .-i.iu?n.ent tu t;.. British cast-, it i* there state? lor interference ol lier Majeaty'a ?iuv er u meut in tbs ease oi these and other reaael? a. r bus i according u? tbo ?tatouent of .Mr. Adam? li i? ,, ,?.1?, t,i i..,i BuHsell, dated ui h of Uctolier on i ? Id. ?i? ?? ? i?. -ui. red by him to anplj i.... tti.i to iulriuaemeuia ot tbe municipal law. a.i.t not toaaythlug beyond it. It i quite puadble, pel lap? it i.? not too uncu to nay that u i? probable,tiiat a I?? ?iiTiiitatiiiM muy <?? i,?? Iiom tin? ?tatemen! tii- i .: l'ie? i a ti..,; ?ill tu od?ela] reprcteiitutlou? ol .Mi a Liiii? la i .peel to these four v?atela were express!) bun.i i i ?l i. ti oy a..m in ?upiiorl ol aUeaa .?.i,? e? Infringements of th? uiunieijal iw, Toe 1 nltei i, i.? lb ,i? ?-T..: coi.iiiii it I hal lie .1 . >'a ? ...?? r.i.m nt will bo a....on- io exclude aeon .ia ? I lias iall-Uart' , VI talk ?l ... ?so lilil?; 111 iH.tOldaun .t.i Ul i..C.a?. Till. ? MSB OB Till. IT.Olill.v. 7. th.- tnitlsb|Caseh entitled "Stateasea of facts relativo to tbe Florida." Tbe evidence in sup jinn ?a Ibis part of the cam inio be foaod la Volume i e? lin- Append! ?:, 1 etWt ? n ;._?'- 1 at. 1 188, i.n in-ive. 'i'lien Bietow disiinctioiis in tin- twe aeeoaata ef the sareet a this vessel. Ihe new evktcace furnlshod by it.i Maiestv'* Government ?istalu.i an'I cotillrmt tbe viewi .a tiio L'liiicii Maier, and attention laealled to aumein atamesol thi* vi?uactcr. 1: now appear? clearly ibal bt fore ihe Fioi .da left Liverpooltbi hiituhliovcnuneut re? ta \ct .n i ni m., ? m.i rrom ibe Goverameul ol Ui? na|c?ty tin kn gi : Italy thutthe pretense thai tbe florida was oonstrncted fortbe lia Ian Goverameul waaafraud. geeead.* Tbe participation oi Ibe legal BUtborities at . ? in tno courpii.icy lor lbs dlttebarge of ti?. Florida, which was cuargc-i by the Utoted Btatoa Oov rrnmeiit.ii estahUshod hv too trfllrml reporta boooui* pai.k lUB Lie UrltUh (?l-.'. Third : Her Majest-.'? Govanunenl Introdaeeooapaa? ? 71,74 of i ? appoudlx evidence which sustain? tbe bIIo ?.'-( nui l:i l it, Aim lie in I care tint! the I'lo?ila was in Butward uppearaace a lir.ti-ti man-of-war,and that in ?m ii aasumed eh meter, with the itnti?ii ri il* flying, ?I e pua? il tbe ii.?. ?.aiii,,. .?(|ii.iiii..i) ol Mobile, and thai !.- r real character waa not ?unpccited uutli too late to ?top hi a. Thi? art na deaerllied a1 Die time b? thedl tin t iiiabed Admiral bho witnessed Uns only an apparent i. ant ? t v ic Une -. Pour?hi u..r oficial repart ef the Governmeal ??f Barbaduesol wtuii i?,o? platte there lu February, tau, ? i..m-1 a. te ha? been evident inlttak? on Ibe pan ??t tbe (ioveraor aa to the s.m jacinto; it also bring* borne to iiao.t.ovi-m.ii positive knowledae ol tbe fa.t that the aet wbieb i.e as* t-ommittiua an? a violation ul toter il.iIi.iii.ii law toward tbe L'uiUrd Btau ?. ttfth: l now appear? m clear ??.lor? that Bermuda wa? mali'ii .m- ..; hostile operation? by tbe Florida, the oommaud? ? ?a tii ?; \? ?*ei ba? n.? i oaled,. ..| having beta a! Harbaduea within h-?- tosniM ia.i ?, nnd, baving tiien eiTii-e.i t ti' ne- poiT ol .s w fork, destroying Amen* t-aa vessel , arrived *t Bermuda and Inforui dtbeGov? er ?mi ?at all these la? i? ; Ute Governoi \ ,,li a kimv? ledge .a un m ?ave a hospitable i c ptlou, and permitted in m to umi repair, in? si- feet* aere officiait, re? ported to Her M:.j. -ii'.- Ooveruiaeut, and ?mi. foimully approved ?1 the K. i.i_n Ulli. . Until now, the United ?lale- have I?, en tillable to tatabllab, Vkiiliinii l lu- lieiiiul _ai. uimpUou, ?..i in? in.i.? m tbe ? bam >?f evidence. Hixth: Itis rt.- ri ?i in tie British raae tbat had the IT-tr.l lacen MT/.1 .1 by lie) Mae -It V ' mi il muent u court ol ?aw woniii heve ordered, aad weald ladead nave been hound to order, tut? lliiliii-u ,iti> i? iiialuiu of hit, tor wiiiiinf evi'ieiite to e-uppoit a forfeiture. It la not for ti.o United States to ehalienge tin sistementsof Her .M.Jialy-? Ctovi iiinient reeiiniiin." i?riti*n mtiiiiiipal law. Their oili.aal? eouaUii diiiiii. tho Bebelilon t? lllllti a lier M:..- -I.'- (x.V.'liiliiiUl to "Up '..???.? eoaatmeted in Greet Britain to erutse i??-'.nii?i tbe United Btotee liny did not sah far their foiii mu-.?. T.i.-v del i...t oili? .t t.? a reatotatioB te their ??v. i,, i , pr.ivi'kd they weraaol to have British waten to earry oa war ?i?.'uin?t the United Mate*. It i? nee?? saip to bring ibe tribuaal bach to till? simple propot-1 tlou Ulli? h line. Ua o t,lint lilt d lay tlie collri.l eiutioiia put f.'itn by Uar Mejesty'a Governmeut, It ir Muni i.v m i.naiy toaay tii*t ihe United Htaic? c. ?,i the uiuj-a-uou? Kgardlag ihe supposed aegllgaaee I.i liai: nav-. aii. Ai.AMS'* BBBOam TO l.ETAIN Till: AI.AIIAMA. VI. The ?LaU'Uientn BMda reafiiidin. Iho Al.iiiaina in tin alxth part el Ihe British i.?,-, cotiStol i.ut iitile vmn Ihsaa inaiie in the iaaabaa aaaa. la Bmay lasaeets Un v r?t i ? ?Haiti, en the Aaenricafl atol? amata >?/_? .' iikt-i? i? iioi-r,? lej.ajiy n? lo ?a bul took place in l.iveipiinl pitar h? til?' "vap.-ef Un: rS-SaL lome BOB f ai U aie in Iit??ma tl, lor i . . iiij-jc: a. That ni n p)> in _iii a.iiau?-'? Irai repsveeatatlaaa. tW IswoOieersul UaeCeowa .???.mi1 u...t i,.? ahouhl U tli tl Hrl M?Jrt*Blt? (i...t'llim- lit Wa- knvrBtt gulln. tbe i ?in-, and the) l_rU-< itttia? auald ut pend upon lue ji..un.- and tbe ?iBBetoiiei o. ?my evhienre >?i a brea '? <> i?? law MliiiTi Un", in.iTit ci,tain. ii. ..i..! in.- oiinv.ii icgaj advMwrs "f ihe Caatesae ?rave oj.iyii.aia.soii ute i tni'm?-. , n. Mr, Adam*'? .???in. ?.?. iS-itlon? v. in? li -..i i a? j;,. .ai.lti't aun the t-piuum? ..? ,'i?i i .w off), m a all in,?, r.iwn. C i...i n a? 111, lounav? i.?. ?.en pporj the ?inwllona 111 ? i ii.? .> i....? 1,,-cii ittiiiiHiu-.i ie, fju lu ?v _SJ Iba ? i o.m, ? he/ore tbe )..\i- li.i.i rendered their o.ala ?i, . ? ? ti.e tnafams D*i??vUmiI ef Ute M.jisty?._ , s present? -1 lu tin u ? see. ,, U appears thai the T.mlsaionera of fustotn? lit.,- . onTue_-ay,theSSth?-*f July.tbaitihoAlabama bad CBeaped thai (hu.aod thai It was not un ll in.lay, tin im ?'f August, thai Ike Oolk-tora ;?t Bojybeod and lisanmiirla received iuelruetlona to d?telo ber. On the 0,1 ,,t ittinisi the Collector al Beaun a.ported tlmi he had attended te hl? Instruction? and nml found tl. n the Alabama had l?-ft P?inl Mil.?? ..n th.rolagof rimrs iibi ii.i'ii?' If therefore, Ute loatra-tlooeal..?the i'ti',1 \tt-usl bad i..'('ii. u? non the ?thol July, too A .i, ?a.-, night i. iv. detained at Kolol l.m.ut ????, ?, ii. r Majesty'? Oovcrnaient Introduced the ,1, mat, ii of Mr. Adame regardln? ins correspondence witli (_ot. Crsvea, apparenilj with a purpose ol saaan* ln_ hereafter I bat Lapl. tia>eu was at Southampton 11,11, a I ?. . 1. Ill'" TU* ar.'l'a," U 1-0 Utilttt Jolyj li'.il ho 1,'fi there lor Queenstown, arri i ? at the latterp a. a o? tin. nah; thai on Ike m-t i... red Ived a telegram In ?.mil ______ tnat the AlabOOM wa? "II I olnt I.iii.i?, Unit ?m Hi.' l#of August be act ?all up Bt ??>"i ?.<?.'? Channel U,iVi,,'lT.I1.'l-!l. Ml'. A'i.t i-."'!". t"l'" M,. , ?.DO II? took, s s bringing him within Briliak aatars. Tbe l ,-th of tbe Tuecarora at mai.umc. .,ii,,.,i,? l.ith.- The BrlU?h Consul'? report of Ike yl?!f of IB* Alabama to Martinique ahowethal ?be waa loti?habit of Mlllng undei tbe British Sag? Tblewaaknownte Hat ,.:,,,, i., n?. advl. ,? oi Um low olBeenel IBs CBowo. (Ap ^gerenth: (jreateteeea I? apparently laid eo Ike roee? and acte of the Alabama in Bratlllan water? Tim United Stales unite attention to the striking contrast between tbe coarto oi ii.rMnj._ty.. Uoverntnenl m the lu?-11 mt'ii.iii? <i ?>f in'ore the tribunal and theeoursi i I lue i .ni., nu's Government, as ?bown la the laclosnre No. t on page I7S of the Appendix, a? ?bown in Hi? Uraillian circular on page _m, ctatina Ibat the Confed? erate ?taiea had no legal exi?l*uce? thai tin;, have t. ? a re?, ../, ,1 . ? i ? iln.."' nl? onl , ??? itti Ibc ne? ? i arj re strleiious, and thai the exportation of warlike article? Hum no" I'.'ii'i "f tbe Empire to the Insurgents, wh? Hi? r under the Braxlb in ui a lorclgn Bag, -as lorbldden ; but a similar trad te tbe porta ol toe United state? waa forbidden only t" Ibe BruxUian Bag?aaahown la Ihe rule a, to ro.ii, and aaahown lathe carefullj drawn... iln, - Una between hospltalltiea like thoee permitted la ii"' Urltlsb Wesl Indian purte for Ike pnrpoae of aiding a vessel in a boatlle rraise,and hospltalitlea given to < uabj| a vessel lonucba In me |>orr. Eighth} it. r Majest?'? GurernO- nt aver ?bal no or, in.ii crew of the Alabama woi out eoliated lot tbe btiyu'ooI Hi?? Insurgents, l"be United Blab? oootend tiait tin' evldi nee show? ibal a large port tun ol the otew ki. a 'l'ut' ' >? i whltl '.- thi ? .'.. re going. .?, n, m : Tbe United Btatca cunt? nu titai It lsimmatei .1 whetlier they did or did nol make any effort to capture iln-a "1'.mi.... The fad ia, however, that they mudo ereat effort? and Incurred steal expense fur tint pur j.,,...-. The United Htatea also n ; rtfully reler tbe ... ,.r ?i, .1iata.11 to ti.-' ' ??in i'"!"" non with Ibi Portugue 0 Government and uuthoritica cou? ?< raing iiii? tesea-i, which is contained in tho doco?tente submitted , lUnte I ...?? Tin: CAOB OF tiik OBOBOIA. VII. Ti.-' 1 ? me offen Ibj <;ii..i Bllfola r<"...n?n?' tiic Georgia 1? la I?1 main Idi aUeol with thai < A 1. .1 by the United Btetl 1, la awny respect? tbe new document? atrengtben in.' eooa of Ibe Uolt? il Blob a. ins': It appeara tbai Her m .... ty*i Qovetauoeolwas offlelallj ini"i .cd by .1? "?n . ii? mis of ibe aaapieloa? rlt-r oi r." Alabama, two day? in advance of Mr. Ad . 'a Information, oed tool it took no ?topelaosass ?i ? a? m '?. becond: It la lnUmaf?*d thai Mr. A.lam? was in ,1.1.1,1 .1,1, un .tu.11 leforc the ?ailing of the (n-orgia which in -laniiii have communicated t.> Her MaJ ty'i (?overunieut, but it 's conceded lhal the Infoi would not bare Justifted conviction under the Foreign Euli-tmeutact, aid tint Mr. Adama tod Imfon then been iiifi'iineii thai Her Molest? ' Governm, nt eould not act on I, -s 1 omplete repri m iilatlons. Third : It apiseara thai orders were given to a British vessel o1 war i" proeeed to Alderney, bnl ltdoea no! iii'l 1 ?.r win tin r those orttera were m were nol obeyed. fourth, Tut report made la Vfti of tbe arming ol tiie < :... 1 _? .1 diff?ra iiiini tbe cot-top raucous acoouut of an O?' ?Ml... I. Fifth: When II- r Majesty'? Government tntfle lbs ?tuteiuenl thai no rot ?ou? endeavor lu tub re pi or eap tun ihe Georgia appeal to have been tuadi u u the pari of Ihe United -tali-, it wa? mistaken. Thi? correction is, however, made ander proteal lhal tbe Uu ; d were ander no obligation towards Great Britain lo re? lieve bei iitiiii the 1 oiiMijui iln* of in r origiual wrung. doin... tii? CASfl ?.r un. soi ; A'Mini. Vilt. Aawitbtbe other reeeola m> with tin- shcium il..aii. Ti. 1 i-, nit' ia ?' in ti.? ? 1 ro coses is largely tbe earn, aud tbe evident-? exclusive!? pre* nted by Her Majesty'a Government etrcugth-na tbe viewi and tkeoriee of ti.? United Hat ?. Pint: It appeara,In tbe opinion of tbe lawofleen '? tbe Crown, pagea it] 2?tbattboBea King waa regar ?ted aaa Brtliaa vesael uuUl after Its arrival at t hw txori , that acta look place there on lie deck which were cr-t? 1 int'.i to !"? violate uaol tbe l "i. ign uu nt .0 1. und that Ibe question a betber in 1 deck was Bul al Ui il time a placo belonging or sublect t" Her Males!, was tbunght to be a serions one, Tin acts which are re? ferred to as bai lug taken place there .tuiuii British Juris? diction were mom ol tbe m t.- ..i ableb tbe I uited t-tat?s lion complain, geeondi Tin- United Blah . do nut admit tbot lbs persona wbo went out in tut Laurel are i" i"- regarded a- ordin?r) pasecngci'... ?ii,/ were pereooa wbo, In violai mu oi the duties of Great fir I la 1 as 1 neutral, were recruited In 1. iglaud tu sei ? ?? on lb. btbeuandoab. Third ? fin mi!.ml report of tin Goveruorol what took place at Melbourne combined tho account riven bj tbe lint? ?1 stab - in Un n rose. Bj lueloaurn No. 19, on page I'.j. ai'i". i.ti.x, and bj loeloaure No. -?,.... 1.a. mo, it appeal ? that iinmedlaiel.v afiei ... 1 arrival at Melbourne ein-\s.i-, koowu ua thebea King, By paragraphS, ps ? ? HAS, it appear? thai ti? commander waa uotpressed tu im in - a until be was quite ready to .-o. By para? graph '.i', on page W7, it appears that tbe Governor wa? eousuntina to tbe coadooatioa of iiiiii-.r, of the ."?...?.1..luit..m agaiual British neutrality. Bj Ha iNilke report, |?ugc .'..., It ap)iears that Ibe Gov? ernment was oftk'lalij Informed bj ita own offleera that the commander intended to ship to men al Mellsourne, ami i.y nu i. .-m,' N... yo, page '.). ii appear? that although ibe stay uf the bbcnantluah ai Melbouru? waa 1..11. 1. 0ly for th? re|....i of the scrcu and Its gearings, that part uf tbe maebluerj was nol teucltcl until the vessel bad been 14days In port. Tin United Hlatescan not .?'lia n Unie waa ni.. ligiiaitoe exer...-, ?1 by the . tin ? i ..t the Colunia! (luv? rament. Fourth : The United Mat? -. for reason* atated in Hi? ir eaar, raunol agree with Hei Majesty's (?ovcrnraenl la tin-rial. .111 nt? 111.o?r .a In, niel paiagraph ..I l'a?.' li 1 "i 11.?- British eaae,regarding tboerea ol tbe8henau tl'.nii and IVuiple'a iBitlavit, nor ean tbar aee?-pt oa I n, the ?lui,im m nt lb? eumiuaudei of lue h b?-naudoah, cited bj Her Majesty's Government un |tage 167, thai on reecivlug intelligcaee ol the overthrow uf tin insurrec? tion he 0. tisted iiiMi.niiii from farthi r ?u 1? ,,1 war, fifth: iln- United H .....-, a- to the Kb? 11 iud?ab, make tin' ? .m? rial? in. nt i,i.i... I bey bave airead uiatteln reply tu lbs ?tateineutol llu Majesty'? (?ovcruineut toacbios attempts to Intercept or 1 apture th?? Ui ui Tilt; CLAIMS BOB lMUitlli 1 DAHAOI B, IX.?? ?i? P0S< ll' "f H" OSS? uf In : Man ?i.. '. OoToro. nu'iit it 1? said : "If the tribunal aboald enne to tbe eonelaaton thai Oreal Brttala Baa loeurred soy liability to the United Btatea, tue question will then bi i -?, what elioulil be deemed lb?? loast measure and lbs extent uf thai liiii.ilH?'. Her Britannic Majesty's Government aii?iaiii m preaonl from entering Into ibat question, and will icr'rt,' Midi observation? a? maybe Ally offered in relation to It, at ?i later stage ol the proceedings. Here it i? ?ufllcient to remark that ?1 iiaiiii on tin- pan ol a beUlgerenl te be in li'iiiuiii.' 1 at the expense of a iiiiiiiai tor loaaea Inflicted or occasioned by any of the ordinary operations of wai on tbe pi >a that r f 1 -- -, - 01 ?era? tion? wen BMtfted or fscllltatetl bj negligence on the pan ot tin neutral Government, is one which lu vol v. ^-i :?'? 1 ?. 11 ?nie ration?, ami requires to he weighed a lib the utmost ? are, loaaea "i hi ii su? h negligence u'tbe direci un?! pro m 1 cause, and it lain respect of socb 1 oil li. a , umpeusation oouidjustl) be awurded, arc eoiumuuli nol eaaj to separat? innu those apiiuging rraa oth r niii-i'H. The United Slates concur mtii li?-. Malcniv's ?..iv. iiiui.'iit in tin- opinion that minim on the part ui a beUlgerenl !" be Indemnifli d al the rxpnusi n. a m utml, for lusaea Inflicted or oeeaslooed byaui aftbeordina ? otieration? of war, "1? one which Invu rea rrave cuu HiiiciatioiH. ami n 'iiii!'? - in lie weighed with tbe utmo 1 can?." w.iin nt Hi?' explanatory observation! ?li ch Hi r Majesty'? Goverumeut rese?es tbe rlxht to raaki In .1 lain hi.ui' ot tiic proceedings, they cauui)t sa j boo far they do or do 001 eooeui la tbe fartber statemeul that compensation ran only Ji itly be awarded by tm tribunal in reaueet to losas? ol which tbe n?gligence ol iln neutral is tbe direct and proximate cause.* It ap? peara to in. m, however, that certain general rouahter ..1 um- may reasonably l?- uasumi .1 by the atbltrators Pirol: That both parti.? contemplate that tbe United Blau? will endeavor to establish in theae pruccodiuga ?nine tangible connection of ibecauae and ? f .1 i" tm. n the inJunes for which they ."it compensation ami the "ueUcoiumltU il by tlio several veasela,"whli litb? ti, atv cont?mplate? are la i><- elu.? n to betbcfouutol tbus. iiijiini'h. Sraend; Tl.? Trii.ui,.-,i ,.f ArMtraBon t..-n,? a |adlclal body Inv.'sted of tbe partie? with the functions unce? ?aryfortbedetermlalugof tbe issues between them, and being now seised of the ?ubstauceol the uiattei li dispute, will hold iiH-if i,,,,,,,,! ,,, s,,,, ri ,..?";?'.!. !,, esubltahed rulea ol law regarding the relation of , ..,-? aaa effect nail mar assume that the nartlei bad In vi. ? nfir-n-*'euten* """ ",! '"-?'-""? si lomoka tins lliutl- 'Neither pnrly ,,.,,,, ?npUteetkal tbe liil.niial oil. eatablUh or bo governed by rulea in this re.ot.t which will eitbsr, on tbe ooe baud, tend to r, 1,?',... f,eu txoit from tlieirdaiy to obaerv? a ?trie! ?entrain, or IcJlo?niribn^;:111 "** " "?" "f ***** ?-' -ewvte? m, a iba laaoea ralead by the c.ia- ;,,?i ,,?ltter cur..* oi Iba t?., soverumeuu la tbe m,,,,,, ?, ?, euunael and to tbe d?cision ul tbe TrtbumU. th ',n, Btetooreiieal with>streu*thenedcunvnUuothe^Umwaro ?Uli Which lluv ilo-.-.l linn l.,..: ?? I, |?,|,, ,_n ?, ater-atafthetwo |tr_a1 Kowen whb-t, ? ,,? , f' ?' Unit lite,aiisiH of illll, i ?. ,?... which ha? ,, . , iweeu tii.iii hboiiid be apeedliy and rorevor set at r t 111.. Iji'l.'IMiili -. utal-ain a coufltl'int I ipe, union 11? r Mi.Je.I> ? ttl.l coocm with Uiem 11 la opinion." * On tie '.f '?tl ???(ir i.l !t. 4,?. r .1, i.JIru ,?.? 11 ,1 1 ,| i ru.,'?..!,.? . ;,u?,.,.t?r n.? .. ,,,?1 ,:.?.,,.,?, j,,',,,,. , ,',',,,',, ?", 1 ,. ......auiaata ..?1.1 -. u.??- .......... 1.,., ,,,???,,?, ,,""? 01,1 ,.f Hi. . 1, ...iiunlte.l I,.. II,. ?fin i-iuisers, tie l,,i,,| Slsui ?atufarl la aa? MajaaaaadaBi ... 1 ..?_.?... ?.?,,,u i? i,,r, __,?,?,,,.*.' ? ...i.l K.eti.J, irsiisl.,:. n.,., ,.? t|? ,?,,,,?..?,,,^;, 1.... .1-..? u.rre 1? ?.. aaabal. ? ?? Cm _m usportaat ???a |? iiallta 1 '" '? 'I " .1. .?in. 1. |-ie m.) ll.? .'.I..!,,,, |?,(?, ,?".'*'." """It.? 1. I ,r. li..1.. ,-. s. il.. ,.Ir-raatQ? i si? !? !.. : n mi tu est .ii i, .. tu- ...... ,. 1,..., ,, ,.,',' ? " U a t llr BSP Ul. ? U,. lui Jils.iluial, u r*U aiuiin.u HOMB KBWB. rt.OMI.KNT ARI-IVAI.r. /.'(.t:- iiiiicr"" Ben, ? . a, Il A T .'l.l.'n'.,f Ne. I''."..?'""). H ' I ir..?"?!...'lJ l'."ia.l B.C.. ?al?? II ILmBfaaanfPhilalslphl. ''.^.T;??-/;,"^?;,?. A It. Ko... nt Bthlm.^nt.,? /),? (-.,.. Martial.UHBrll . *?-_ ?" I "? J1 t*?.1;''""?? Bwrl ??? - liai >? Hi t-r, nt, Altar???"-?? ?rr?l ail. 11. ...a....:.,. I '. , ... t /.ml? J/.-.? ? ' ? ' r ". ? I' ?? '?'?'< ,, ,. iM_ny Mtmsy ?f su?*kip lld?B? ...Astsr Boom _.. P. n taei-aa._ NKW-Y'Ji.'iC ( IT V. A Osnunittas <>f fts Bar Association, bc-aded by Mr. Nici.d?, left fee Albaay leaf BUM t?? Item the cbaraea agates! Umaeeeeeel Jik!-,'!?. It id estimated that nesrijr _ftW0 dotn an owned I in-, and at l_0B_ B-M teatbs of tlien? BOOM under the head afean arases than varthleoB. Efonrfcgian leeideot-h who aro n-i?r. sonted by un Association BBBtberlBg con mein! ?ts ?tre iiia-.Ii>. an atikf.ii.eiitt for o fa-tivail ou May 17. Ou and nftcr May 1, I lie (?ti-'.v.tiiI liiininir.m, MeppBedte Atlantic calilo (lispatiTii t, vvlii he ubol lahed,eaSahertaaaeBBgea am beeeat at H, k-IT. net word, C lui ?lion .Tacolis wna committed l.y Justice Ifogaa. at the Ibmbe _ ? -t? rdajr.on a aharaa of steeling a ??P if tin? Bible worth Hi ITom a beok etaad ut Jaate ? and Chatham ata. Scwiiirf-iiiacliiiid rcIiooIh for Indigent cliilil r? u are iim lalial invention of theoharlfahloaasoeia tteae, aad a serf bibuH?bI aad aaaelbla aadpopalar itiiiovati. n it i? prevmg. Tlic Psrk CoTiittiissiniera arc negotiating for the parrhaas af lha Jny eelleetloa of MySM ? ow bologtcal apeclmeaa, which trill be added lo thaMoaMuaoIKat* ural ii. -1 ? t? ? m Centre! Harfe. Th?' majority ol' iwindlen nnd adventnran lafsetlag lha BMtropella f? r th?) past two or three yeem i ave i" - b, Bad are, it i? aald, Regtlsh Instead el Italians, i'o'e? aad Ui ngarlans, as lornMrijr. Mats penosa ol Preneh nationality arc ro i.mi?.i to heve left their owe eoaotry to reside la this city dtiriag the peri ?I? teouth? tbaa daring any similar period .-im?: the foaadatlon ol th -1; publia. Ifadlaoa and Union-squares aro much en tareed aad Improved i?y tho removal of tbe Iron fences. They are now fi li'ii'l bjr rovt" of Ihe convenient coupe* which have of lalo ?.?imin into ??encrai il'Tii'Ui I i-i Util ? ity. At the Turn Hall ia Fourth-st. a drani.itic perfeeamaee win (.'?ven last nicht, for tbe beooat of a fand la aid of Ludwig Fteuerbacb, the Oerama philoso? pher, win? I? living nadar destitute elwunutanoos to naremberg, Germany. Anoilicr new C'luli, to be compoMd mainly of BTtfatB nid literary men, i?. *." 'i to t? form (1, ami a club-boaae Is to ha rentad la Pllthava. All tbe twees? s...y.?rep? beve been taken. It n mid, to lnaure tbo ? of in l ?'(?;.il .nt? rpriae. The Hationai Hoard of Fin Undenrriten ha* aathorixed the fosmatton ol an Executive Don (af 71 Members, wtth fall power to..nier th.- organlz tlon of io? ul board*, and to ?u.taehlef executive officer tu ...iit out tin; orden ol the Bx? ? itive Committee. Persons engaged in the business say that not inore limn one leetiiro out of Ut/deUveredhere, Bains before some partfaralar organisation orsocietjr, nays any thing h? i?le expeu es, sud tin result le New York enjoya tbe reputation of the worst city to lecture lu in Alucina. City Bsnitary Inspector Morri.. lia.? ordered II ft ??latan! !!? alth Inspectora to visit the teaemeata la the First, I rend. Third, Fourth, Fifth, Blxth, Blghth, Foui ?. nth, and Eighteenth Wards, to ri port ii|nhi tbeir coii.litii.n, and to ?seertaln whether tiie ce? po la i regularly clesned, anil what nnlmaoee i i bo a'.iated. A careful examination liy eminent tawyeri ?bews thst the new charter does not laaaywaj andaa ger the sitii.tiio-i? of tii,- Publie s. bool teachers, the only m? tul., -* of the l)?p.n tin? at removed by it !.. 'nac tbe Conimbudoiiers of Public Instruction, Hie teacher* are fi.rther secured In tinir positions by the general State i.-, o i the maleh Banes of ?? baala Daring these pleasant day., dog-peddlerafre (| n nttag Braadwap ami other erowded thoroughfares have adopted a new ?lev lee toe dttperiag al their eaalnc warm. Tying a rope about a puppy's aea_.thej drag it along until half choked, aeemg which, sumo kind beurteil i? ..manor ?iiiiiiial-Ioviu?.-man take? pity on th? pot r little ein.-! ami buys it, lu order to d.Tiv. r it from ?o u in i a master, Profeaaional mendicsnts of ability, energy, sad expet nil'., can is Bald, from || to M a .lay hy fit: t li fill ly pfyiag thdr, while begg in Of Inferior talent and tint ?ire toned to content themselves with |_ in t? i a day. With very few exceptions our beg? ci sare foreigners, and they all scree thai (few-York i? the best city on tbe globe for their "profession." The result i? thai Hock here from ever, quartei of tbe world,aad their number ateadilj Inereea AngtlBtui Bl-hop, soa of ??ir Henry Bishop, the Bnglh h compos? r, aad Mme. Anna BJshop i?n- weti kaown voeallst, ? m found dead, ) reterday moralag, in a u oui i f bis ninth. i*a haaae, NT ?. _??. Wast Bleveatb-st. Ue was38yean ol .vc ami was sppareutly in cood health when be went to bed on Ibe previous evening. A p.??! i.iiii'chi examination by l)?-i?uiv Coroner Marsh revealed that death had been eansed by dine*** ot tbe liver. He we? ?npcrlntendent of a gehl-beatlng estab? lishment m llmlson st. Then is ?nil.-, one Stage now in this citv, it Is assarted, where 18 yean aso then wenal least Ove. Tu? tin une is a i-i_t.i af ?mpioveiiient; for the cIum-.v, lumbering vehicle is as much behind th? lime aa a t anal? beata An omnibus is almosl the only material thlug In this country superior to the law ol progr?s*. IheNcw? Voikliages, which have Lia u withdrawn from different line*, have hii'ii ?.?id to oth? r cities aad towns, an i mey be found In nearlj every pari ??t Ibe Union ren anti ??y tpectic ??? rviee to tbeir passengers. The Uohoken itorea, oarned l?y the Hobokcn Lead ami Improvement Company, Wm. \v. Bhlppan i-i. ?ai'i.t, wen beaded yesterday, aad an t?> is .i Ig i tod aa Geeerel Order warehouses. Mrs. Catherine T. Ktinhsrdt und Uermann C. von Po?! Just!Bed, a- Bure? nes, in V'."" (oh. The Jersey City ?fores, o wued by Ma n.w.i.i- i Railroad ?nd Truu.purtatiou Company, A. !.. Heini -, 1-n at?nt, hare also be? n bomtod, J ,-. at. Brown, of Brown Bru*.A Co., and .1. Btuerr. >?t .1. .v J. Muait, bel?g tbe Bureties )n Sm^m eseb. TbeCunard line will designate tu? -?? ?tore? ?n? their General Grder warolieaseei The annual repoii <>f the spentibni of tin Pire Departasaat has been prepaid hy order of the ?!.'..rii of Fire CeanalBsloaers, aad Is ready ?or tnaamls* sinn to iim Mayor, bal has tot yel been celled for by b..u. There .-in- si engine snd 18 book snd Udder coui patiirs. Tne iMirkm?. force eonsiets ol i Chief Euglui ? r, i \- i-tant chid Engineer, n Assistant Bnglneere, if? i1 remen, 13 Asttotaat Foremen, (pi Firemen, as Ho men, ami 11 l.i.l'lerineii, makings total of 108 men. During the rear ending <m April it tuen? wen? tjre ffi?s, causing ?i io?? ni tic ..'.?.-'. I; lasuranre, tB.T_7.l_0. Compared ?ith tin- previous year tbe number ot Ire* ha* Incn.a?ed3i p. r ? ?nt, anil the aiuouul of ?ess ha? tin.iiiii-l.,t| .,1 {-ti t-eilt. BROOKLYN. Sev?'!itv-';cvcii eaaei <?f maaU-poi were re? ported at tin Health ?till ?, leal wa ... The whool in Piftoenth-at?, sesr Ponrth ?ve., ?rea? loa i yesterday, an aeceant of the prevalen, e of ?mall-pox m the vicinity. The United Slates EtereatteofBeeninadei raid Into tiie Fifth Ward, it ?lenl ?y, lint their ?esrch for Illicit whisky proved nnaurrcaslal Mrs. I ?iiiiiy Hyde, win? shot Greorge W. vYatSOB, was admitted to ball in Ihm. yesterday, by Judge Tetppca. ii? i1 Bontlea ?.re Bdwsrd Hellowayof So H in, i-ioti .?t., aad George Held of No. no Pr-tldent-ei. The Brookljo City Mission and Tract Soeicty i,., ? B-ployed, daring tin- inst rear, i_ mlt-liraartm and in voiiintarv vi.-itoi?, ?nul e-ttrtbated aii-,un traet*, |..t|i. i?. aad I'ihies ; lsi peronea aren Induced to si^-n tin itiupaiaere pledge. IIIIiSdN RIVEB OOUNTIBA, ConTiaABOTown.-?Work has been begns in the brich yardaeathe weeteldeef Weat-dmaterCoanty. One ii. m employs ?u nasehlaea ami ua tuen. TaaaoBT. -C-___-?deri?bbi Baeeetaam ii*? bbbs aeea? atoned by a earn of small pox. N...V-.I?.I.SI.Y. NiiWACK.?A is>.v, see Hi, naiiicd Krsniahssr, atti nipt?'?! to coiiuuit saleada hy tahtag i'ari? grasa l?? a.iM" hl? father had gl____ed l.lm_Tho followiiiK officers nt the lloartl of Maiini/ers of the Imluatrlal Krt hiiiilion han been eleeted : Freetdant, Manns I.. Ward ? Vi? e Presidents, T. It. Peddle, Leopold Graf, und !? ( ?iiiiplet II ; ?s. rietar.v, A. H. Moll,t,.,,- ; Treasiiri r, Isaac Gaaton_Grahnd baa bean broken for tlirmw Church al Kearaei st. unit BeBavUle-eve....Tha r?signa? tion of Judge FneVriefe li. T??.--?.?, arealdtag ladea of the t mut or Comit? pleas al Bans Coamty, will take t it . t on M..y I_Tin? North Reformed (Tuirdi haanlsed UM??, laward peylag off Ita dabt....T1ta wUlof Owen Mi Kailaint. reptcreniltik* l'??.???!, was atlmit|.?.| |,, .???. hate jresteid-y Jantes IseGakea of ?a. IWPIaaeat., u... i.rrertt.l in llt.liiiiii n yisl.riliiv, mi ?Muaetoa of iieltiK one ?'I (lie lilirglar? ?tlio ?lint .Mr. Siocuiu ill bed, ut Hi?.!) ?mi NaeMttreta., ea Vhanday niKiit. -a i.i ( "nii'i.s. mi:i:tin(;s. etc. Mr. Btnrgia'a let turc on " Ccrainic Art,"' ui. aharaa t.> hen haea delivered ????t aven?an al the M.?npaUtaa Ha? am al Art, wu? ladeSnitely isisiimn d i>? ..Hire .?i the h-Mapaatthm af aha lecturer. FbI-OBI interested ill the foniiiition tf ;i colo iii/ation parts t" ?eitle ut I'ufot la?ad, arUI meet Badea the nnspiie? of la.iliiv ....I In., la room N... U to, mag Institu?a un-ennui?.'- Aaaaaram win bo delivered by Hera? ? On Baay. Tin Minnil uiiiiivi-rHiiry of tlio Hanasofths )? ? ?iiia?listr iu?l its Niahl tlallega lor Chrisliiiu Worker?. will be liclil nt tin?? ?iirch of t!i?i Holy Trinity. In M*?l. ?ii!,, ibis evening. Addrctee? will n delivered by the i.v. Will at??? M. T lor. tbe it v. Stephen B. TftAg, jr., Bishop (lark of liiio'to Island, ami "il- IB. Tho Bi ?lj CoBtsnittOB of Bi ?<-lAy-tvo. nt Urt iiiei'iin loot ? tint, lieti'ii?-I t" sa tolasbibI repet? fr .m tbe ,-Ciii-cotiiiiiittoe ohieB h.-d waited upon I Iloffmnn and ri qoaated Mm to rato th? bill i for n Izin - un police anil Wut? r Commisatona. The Commit i led ii> it tin- (?'.i i xpn ? ' d bi? onpoaltli n n, ? . i . mid be bod dutorroiii-d tbftl lb? v ? 10 ild i ?. ir course, and thatthen (Kinsloilit/should be a* lumed by the matorlty that paosed tbem. Mr. laldtiiai AiBsemhly-? "' xt<>r'"ii was rsapov kbit ; ?IBS death of tin) now chart? r. POLK B BOTE-. Jallas Mille., n_(? BI, was run irrsr by s Third are. rt: M .r . ll I ? ' : I ? '? . . .re . Richard MoGrnthoi ' o.SM WetA Thin wssanasl rettet lay ia IBs Wad sal ????...:!/ ??<?-_.?-1 ??- ? ' Lia to c. Mi" ? .?? John Befaaobert of Wo. MM or? wills i_t tlog a fr?s? la a _?-_? sf a stm ?'.. '?'? ?' ~Sj t.../i ?i. _.. ? i . may, Ml ami rn?i?> I i,t 1 ..iju. ? P. W. H.-'ilin, see ???', resldtnf in TrankRn _t.. t\ ,. ? ? ? . -, r ? '? OB tie? si ,-, lata ti-r NorJi Kit, r froia l'e r Ba Da, a .; a ,i 1 lliiiry Oostof?r, MB S3, <.f No ,80 Oreen a ieli-sf., ilnro. s ?irsrp 1 ?. h Chili?, Kuuk?l. ? fellew bottist, i.?t nt'l.t. ? lb ? 1 m tn let?, i-J...'.,!??? 4 _ Ma? ?ii.ii.ii. l.-.vlii ?a? BI" ?BBtsA Jolm MeBrlde ol PTo. 90 Mnlberrr-st, hsvinaqoar* rele.l ?,t'i Mrs. Harsh Ot I ?' oi r? ? ? ? if ! ?? r, ? ? ? tarda} ?fieraso?, ? listel tel ia the ?LdSMSB, IsAlO?< a tan r? ?tail I. Ile ?a? ?rr. tel. I'i i.l.rif Bosworth listened, yestsrdoy? to .1. o*n r-l.?.?'?? -.'iiii,? .nl.-.m-.. I* Ma n, Wk :.? lad . bash ef the T? -it.'-ei_ii!fi I'reeiiirt ?f? aBBIB'Sl ?Bs ? ? . i / a' ? .????., saleaa-!aaSa( bBB?mS mb stey ?t.? t??.. tut tiiey ? ta? ?liiRilnad. JsobIo o'D'll wao loekod no at Jaflon -i Market, ???terlai. for i!. ? - . _ J'.l.n 1l?ir?n, a ?an ' l lu m, ?.,. M_? il?an Me, oab, ?I iftag a .'?rt frttii Carirli H>i| ? nf B ?'?.?-rr ??....??b?rl?a ICI- i ? r ..f ? .,,.?,,. in I finr'li-??.. r.?ar l.leirtitli-avr., gate a. I . tiiul lor tn?l uu ? marge of , ..', 'tin Board of Poltco made, ysstsrday, the follow I Sf pfBWlll.oSI. tnuufrfl ? ' [I I 111 ?? ? . Iior? of ti.e'f I r'eer.fh, sn.l It', ..' t ' Bias taastb I'.e'.'t ta bs Serf l ? B. Cor. s t,-,-.i tue "?et"n I . , ? t.- !.. r'..?.''i I'r." m [Pall li.? I .une. t!, tOl '??..., ! ,?'!,: I|| | L . . | . l.,e I lo t t ?i.tthi Praal II. BasdsIL from the Clfbteaatb t.? t, ? Thirtr-tnti iv,:' ,?,, Irtsa ti.? Twaaty-thirl to tha Batbthi J. I'. Baaklsr, : . r . ? ?,,-.,!. , ... ' , .- . . ',:,? ; I :: . PI : ? ? I ? '.--tli.rl to :he K - 1 .??.;?? i.-ora ll.? I ..-t, t.. ?'.? 1 ?,-.'i '!? . . i!. I i.l a, . fen tbl l"l?''!i to On ib ? ilnl I'.tr'.', N,,h I.? l?..._is,f tl.? 1-r.ui/a.n.a l'i,?iuet aas ill-mi^.?! fur ne?I. et of ilu'.r. EBFAMTW POOD. A prcp.ticd f?)(i?l for i niants c:tllc<l " Nss ti ?sfoftoons Faii.;a" i? rocoBMBOBood by pbyMelaM of tills S?d Other i i'i, I SB It:': I est aililkial food for Infalitn. Tin? i, r t it -ii? i.? ?al 11<> lie iiii. fly tampeaed "f pin?., ron'? ?Ilk from tbe Bwiaa Mounl Lne?ia eoally pnpored for u ??'. sim] ly rc|i irlng tbe addition of a litte water; and is not injured by being expoeed to the air. Aocordlngto the testimony of a numb? r? f phy alelan?, a large proper tn.n of the Infanta of both < Ity and country do nut obtain tbe natural food - moth?.'? milk?bat are fed ? xi loalvely on artificial preparation?, and in all auch m?'? loe quality of tin* i.? of the greatest Importance. Tin log i.'ititii'a ,. i? selected eut of a collection re? ceived n im phyaiclana abo have used tho foodiu their ]ir:i."t!'' ? : "Hi cur, ?vu Chf'^'? Ho piTtr, Xew TorH'it?, Feb. 8-9, lB7r). " Fr.?Tl en ?i ??? ? ??? ? i -1 . . : il f.o! fer UfsBtiS?1 eh] ile ?.. ?i ?. i. ? i , ? .-. me Ib ibsbwi Bill?? II11 lb? as ! ? e .,( ? . .?,-... i L ?.. ? u-. I It i talotlle aoiirury is ti t ?f intaat? at-l . It It tabs, aith ?tidest laiLsh. ml i? ?tell tolarated la auur cssa? wbefs ?ay athar artil tas . - ? I hf Uta, -, aad w?te bcliartai 1 ,t BaadfSBM r i ?? || ' ' i? '??'. is-n aflisasswd I . ?U? uf Ui? i-a?., ?fUA ? _ [ir? j.? As ':.?!' " J. In; l.KKii I. D'C.ti.ii, ?. IL, Be.l'ent ^.rtl.::in." TIk? ?minion cxprcascd lu ibe abov? certificate U an change- after two yean rx|?erlence in private proetiec. .1. FrtO-lBO?Ui O'c'u?Ou, M. i.. Nem-Torh, April 22, i?._. |A':nOi:iee,[ie..I1.| For the Complexion?BORXETt'fl KaLLISTOV. A piiiT of gnapowder from the nin_zle of a ? , r,-t<? thr las ul mir ? h_nun lires; bat? J.-.? ..f I.\?v'a IIau.BTIC I' .'? frutn tli? mouth uf ? 111?? ll si bsnsiSM m mill its ' ? lecrtatl ll ? U. .a-etj ii.met ? lib ?tli .??-, th? '..:.',]??:.o ?I I. t ui.f r.iine a i^utact. ll l. Hie ou.? saie suit lui'ailitile iuiect sxtHWlaatol iu et.?ten.-. A.?For a .*?nprrl) BPBIKO Dbess Hat gr> to tarer, II? S. t. Bew-Taffc. i, EAVITT AKT BOOMS, - I'liciAl, BOTICBI Mr.mCIS M.O b?._i to inf.,rm : .'??'? sal tlie nn'.'le be ' ?- ? ..?,?., i ,,! :wr, ?. ?? 1 ?. -i ? i - . ?-,-,.-.-ii iba M ,-i>. I.'..!? Ill', a.?.-,t. i' M.s 1 im.? t-rent.) KUBHITI BU, Ac, Oa?,sa thaareaiax? of r*i;l.i.V'i. ia? SATUBOA- Aj rl .., auj ... .Now on eili.lut.un. foe, Bl-M LBAvm .*-It l IHiO?>,?! Uroa?l*ay. FI?_ BOOK- AT AI'tTI 'N. f.i'ilnn lla'l KaleroaaM, CBO. A LRAVIPT A Cn Anet'ore-T. Ti I -11 .v V 1:1 1 MNi; \ i)eot sPIXBCOLLEi*. TIOS OP 1-I.l' HI \ I 1 U ? ??:!' i 'N I.O.IKS n.i.1.11-.- I'l.A.Vil'.ll, 'I'.'i.tL ,.oiii-.?,msojntyamiss. Caialagaaalealy. bsi"ii u, e 1 Ilumino._ W.iTnr? CELEBRATED AMERICAN 1? OKOA.N.S ?p- nu-v I?- In ?aie it K ?' 1,1' II i rl i t ?,. ?. ?. r? el tr-trl.,? i'i l su I' >K . US. |-_| l.lil?u?l..-M . I'rosb? ,_,l ,..ia.,ts , .Se?.lork t.:?. B ti .le.?.r, re *i!. ?uj ui, lastkltei >.t?. rpil? COMPOUND OXYGEN TREATMENT, 1 i,V INH'Ul.t, POB CHI OKIl i'i??. ?BI. ;",; Ll, ? ?. .? ,, .,...-.', st.l'jil llr .. 11.... Hark Bunt BnlMh.. Dr. .1. ??. HITCUB-L, in. U. IS. I'I BI IB VI'.W i?AMPHLET-_ WHEAT a?d FLOUB. It _:?! Biiitioa ' -? 1.i !?? P. H. s.MITll .v. c .. ?.- priai r-1 ? tb? A Ii.AN 1 H M.i'i'H MIII.M. lti.okl'.B. K. 1 ? . -?niraiJ : fact? r.ljt.ini t. tin Qie of \VL> al a? l?uui?n fuoJ. beat free. '-_ l_IEAT Y0?B HOUSE! Save your Fael!!? I I s.,,,,'.-, ar;,..,-. CsllsDieiaa?asKDWARDS'S t'OBBINKB I.?.-.'- A..1' ll -NACB. .1 Wstei-tt. MAMl.. J. liucKiN-. **rn;:"r,.\xri:i: >i ENGINE, 9 to 10 JL II. P. I nr ClRalsf ?nl I' l.'tt. a,l :.-? f?M I' 111 v.,-.I I.. II "aiV-nltce. K. T. CTK??TUBE, Fi?iiil;i,:iinl I iles radical!) ?'iir?'?l 1) vt -, ..: ' I ? 'il i e , - (?Imp?t, ?.. ?? 1 i? , - .,.? On ?'?;?? I' > A. l'i.i.rl?. M 1> . ill I.--1::, rt. nr. /m:.\i>i,i:. RiXBY-TlT-iPEB. and mkskkv V. ? li.tlli ?.m.' -t i. Prier,? 10. M? Broadway, |?BAZEB" AXLE GBE?SE?Best in tbe I World. I ejrit, 'l I M,iil.!l-!::l e. Md ?,.-l ? In r.'. COcbISIB ! I .'?'. _fEBO BEPRTgE??ATOR. \?ii!i water co-ler. MA V, .1 ..a lie w,.:, ,. A M Ll -.? l.ll I . I I '?"> Hi f. ,.r . I :, I l.,r liuuk. MAY OPENING-FRESH INVOICES OF FRENCH BRONZES. ALSO, A -HOtCB ASSOBTMBBT <>V HI At K, OSAT, ABB PABC1 ?lAiii'.l.i CLOCKS, IN .?ill-. Schuy 1er, Hartley & Graham, ???O A.M> '?-J JOBB ST., B. V. DEANE'S WARRRN!S PATENT COOKER Cm k' in-i! al n ?itti,r..-r.'if h."it, in a lioie ili?ml?er, to w!i,.'i r.riiher r. ??f -tr .11 1ms a.'.'?.?. Tin e l- i ,, es,-.i|,,- ,,f :l.n,,r I r . .. ? ? 'I ir., ,n. .,-? ? t.. the ]..> I utel ?nr ?nj ?Itin ?siAn ?f rnnlla? A ?ti-jDier i- ?ilaebad f?r ie/etablet tnl i addian, ?. tli ,t th ssUet ?issti . : nil) li !.. ..?.??-?.' ii ??-,.-. :.., i In- sn-. best tbst s 1 keep t?,. qaartl of ?..ter bo ?tas gcaUl. C ->?. ,i.?r?. nerfeetlr sn.l .Vl.,-.i?nsly ti.iiu ?nt nibtr?sB-ad, it i? ?uino tbsiBaabst?l!. easOag o-a!? ?ro.? Of?la BU. ? ir?"iUr? ou SBpllflSdSB. AK?','.t, want?.!. AJiri?. BBWPOBT I.I. til Ai'I.k-, ;.,?;?..?. |{. |. FRENCH RANGES AND BROILERS. BBAMBALL, BBABB s? c,., lU'.Movni) I? N?. BBWATBB4T. Ball, Black & Co., 505 and 5(17 BROADWAY, AVill sell their largo stock of CHAXDKLIl.I-S and (?AS FIXTUHKS .it much lower prioei than they have ]>reviouslv boon offered, in order that they may be closed out as speedily as poanUe. GEO. STECK & m J PIANOS ' Auk im; til l..\ f?.- r m, u mp uU, REgf AN? IIOtfT DURABLE. Warorooms: _*3 Hast Tourtoenth-at. TIFFANY k ?i, UNION-S^UABE, FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT. OOOD FOB un; seaso*,. M '?'"' Sm IT ; M, TO ?ABO pMtH tns i i:i.T. ivoii, asi .- v. 11 ii IOO00O0 Botmimoi. I A" ? 1 M Fat] AM. PalS-dOlS mai * ib y..~,.:i. fU.'.iH ANiascsn r O N < i K I : PARASOLS, H LA I IBB -I. - '.? II ctl.TOli AMMI-n \) ?.(.' I : I) ST? A .()KT?:d ii.uii ... FIELD OLAS POCHE! ??: (?I.A.- ?i B FOI Kam I i Epi! & Cl., l'or. CM.TO* and V.SSAI .?'I>.. SPRING OVERCOATS POS BOYS AM) (.I.NT1 DRESS SUITS. Henry R. Foote, C. E., i- tSOSACTSSSS ABB E1 nsss OP Coal Oil and its Produc?s. arXHtSBATI vid BOTOS 8B0BSW-OA.MIXE, Bf*tv: BCO i a. PEtoMrCTIOg, jh.'hid DALIaOBa PKii wh.k \v ? V\ MI n. IIMAl) LIOHT, CKF.Ot.orE < ?I I.S .'"r fr- eagWi I [MPI.KIAL Bla.UJK VAKNibll f?rPrr??r, -,|r___ .Si IAI.I. ?ill. ??-r L? ?'_,_ Ku.l. l'olt U NEW-OALILEE, BEAV1 l? CO?, VA. _ti_ LARD Oil? WORKS OP OEST Si ATKINSON, (TXtTNNA?T. O.. O' r fot -.1? di? f..Ili'*iin*: -rv it'. :?r-. ?.,.., l..r Te la . ? ... .Su. 1 L-rl '._ 2.?" hnl? I- rr Mi., i ?r. (Ji!. :? .... ?V . Va. Oil, uni" a "C,<?lr" Brira-L ?. 1. . .?!..?. :, : 1 Ortie, of W. Va ?i .?. . clora?! o? Iba .?ki>..:.J " Miami" I'AT WaJ ?Al? CAP? i. . M OTHERS v rrura la? rBOtn farina The ..lotlifi's >!.ik Subsiiintc, o ?.i'. n I n?e>!tnlr .Tittiti-rndof] t.y i ? ?..?lar?. ,, I i. !e I.?rn_-*[ rt? iu'1 lirottsm II. AB Til. A. ( .... Sole A?, tit?, tttk VV U??? ?t . >?'?'. '.tattt. I. I X F A N T S . PLANTING SEASON! PIHTT TniT?-4i.-i., 1' ir P ??-I?, i i? IViiNi .L iKrlS an: 1 I.? iVVI.iilMi SITBl'BB. KVl ..i.. ..i \- ..?' ill ?:,. ?_?: tart?, A i UK VI i.F. for I. .. rate?. ';.:??.?ill KS-iK?>N?. BAKUT BOBBB ate Ptej-iar?? ..,1, e., i. Hi i ','. r? ?. | ?t ct._,r_e. Kor raiaar?,?? ?4? drra?, _: Fa.-l. u', Nrw Yi.rk. l'A! .?'."" - oa i . GKNUINE VICHY WATER, IT f''.! ?.-.'?? ? ..-.- l? ,.a) . r I. ., I'r. net, l?.. . r ? . . I ? ?. \ir;, .. . . i.:. ,. ... ,. e. .I.r.t?. Pia. ?at a ?tl t.r I.l?err fet, a . ?? . . 1 -, irai goal irr riiK emnsn BOUI FIE, VILA & Co.. 8. BEAVEH-8T., .?Ul-K AOBBTA FllANKFIELD ,.- CO., IBWKI l It-, i -tu -??T I 154. !> I ?i.\" It _V_?, itw ? -t., ?it: :.'! I Ki'i1 II ..V'K, rt.rnrr T?. : ". ? f ?!. ?".. ?IB ?? " I root tori .!.,??.!. ".'.:.-Nil.i:i.l.... .?,L?T,.(. t i >' ?..> 1' ?ILVK.K I'l.AT'Kla B IKI ' ? ?I i" ? -.-.uKS .?l-.a.vs ;,| KuuikS ?(a '. t.! ill ?I aid AVll.Ua.'!.. CLOCKS, to reduir it??.?! na ?r?i. ? tarir ?i...?? au.. fac.oiy. pring, 1872. Starr & Marcus, 22 John-st., up stairs. Offer nt Retail an unusually d?sira ble Mock of Gold?, 'liir?ni(iisc, Pink Coral, and Whole Pearl Jewelry, embracing all the newest ami choicest productions of the pres? ent season. Stone Cameos Of marked artistic merit, mounted in the must novel and attractive stylos. Diamond Jewelry Comprising many exceptionally rare specimens in SintrU Stones, as well as in carefully Mat? lied Paira, mounted or in paper, de? serving especial intejeot irora the daily increasing difficulty of pro . wmt ? * Clfrtng Stones of tine material, intelligently and accurately cut. WA?OHKS fron many of the moat celebrated makers. S A V E