Newspaper Page Text
^aa** Q'*il aW?? V?l. YYY1I rV??fl.?89. M;w-V()RK. WEDflESDAY, APRIL 84, 1*^. PRICE FOLR CENTK WASHINT.TON. -? THK FBEICB hRMa aVAIJW. kw^omPKKSDia ow I TU TBIBUBB,! WaanniGT ot, Annl 3a.-Som? ol Um floeu - kwaftaaah Araaa 1 .. .1 few ,1a-. a.,.1 Whtoh baTO kUTl UM ......,., ,,?,_. iBdacl of ofaerre of tho H aaUaa witn ihe aalo of arma. it ?;ii bo raaaaabered that Um aadaaaee ofBeeaa ;:ivari ably'infcrpr I tha '?i? af laBfcWhlch au ,iu,n/i,. ? raanrn, anua, aad othaa ord nauoe B of the wbleb are "aaaaaged or otherwtea l Sta ttaryeerrtaa.erfbe . um I nitad Btataa," aa B* Mg thom powi r . ::- ,.r ???aalllnw wbleb ghej on band exeept. perbape, the aaw hreech-loadlna rane ..,.!,? withln ? goneoftbeni bnee erer refarrad to anj ? potatbyany - ?T0f War.on atally a lof ooa i >y Judge adroeate llorttdaofan rwa : w iK Dvaaaanarr, Br*ii. * m - .?> J.-nca. j W A-H ? foder Bm ad ?/ Man g . .ni.erM.Moa- ataraa ?.i. laaaIU Mi H IM * be auui, . . _...-- ? ?--?-- ? .... - ,-t *UI *r.l ?ai> eea ,'i-tv. .<??! ar pr ? I ? ..., ? * ???j\?i.i*t>?u. la ~? - . tht ra ta M '.*?i ^r ' - Thero haa ataaw of ? Maaof aay r the a rar. On tho . b Dec. 14, i?ro. t. ? - a:.d Baa Al ?..... aa i UBAXaJ. k Omrr Wu ' - ? ? I |TI I ? . .;.. ri a r - r UlC Uoe ol ... that, by ? ? Innng ... . . ;?..,. '.j. a raretul ? be oi. . . . i Baaca ?'rrrrE W?h T??r*R'-ar"rT i I ire reported to auvc bern <\v idea t iie id. ? .; they ? ? - - I L. A . nr?*r. , G*n A B aiiu. . . Obii^i'- ? mca, Wak liRp.a-" W ?-i . .- - - . t, >UUT. A. li. l)T?lt. i . or:" ? ,,??. a, Bai T .? ? a T . . It . ard to ? ? inori.i r in* i nradav u ue repurl b. arriTedat. _ THE IN.'. LKXT1 '?;?:- '.n i 1 ? .. ri.K.v POB ? [ct n \Y LSBTJ . Z'.? 'l he follo \ ? ? . . " >I.W n?n. Sf' I'l'M:.-, if. C Otar hir: A . . ougbtfu Den Ln ofour ? romlw d by tbe attltude - of mr " oaee" preaent aa be ; . 1 IUlii>t d to tbe . . . itioua. I think I do nol al tr .mvM-.i wbenlexpreaa , . . .u.i patxlotli Auiei ? ply affllettd hy tbe aeattaa nt tba acraaa!o:. ? be pri -ent.ttioi. of tlu*-* .?:.-??. c i.i..?. ? a mi ' m ,'i.ctl yoilT ROO* tattoaa pi ,-..-? to rl .... au I lu not lt i* aoma too ?ai : ? uian of ttaiacountr* rcpard tbewi i- l , i loua, . . illeaeand hepek . t, t in.;.,. aad .. uroadL ao ..r -i..i -: . N al ujin.l oould twiicM. 11 ourown Bupremc Courtat waaluXurton w. !? - wonld award a a. .ai on i I > > uu. axj ? . ..-oi award by n. ? artof Arbitra tlol. of i,em\ ,. .' lu v ^o to Itl uar. Aa you havc |,Ut ;f auohI oiearly la yoi ' LUItT] li: ttifl worhl r ri-a-oti tor uaataiunuc Iro.n raiainif ttn- qaaatton or tt.. eonacquentlaJ reaponalblUtiea of eeutral uatiuD. ttian ou:-, for our paat hiatory ximw Uiat no i?-i>pie on oar'h .tn- more iwaoeptible td aympai.iv ,ui (oceiaja auaanybM, ia aieaa taaiptad lu ClaiirttBti.'.o and ia ,, by th. vory a, i - wi aa proflt 1 ? ootrahaud ooDimcrc l think it B u?.t uio mu. i. to aay, ttiat tbeae conae.,ueuL.aiOia..n>ar.- ooattagtbe t a ii nai bma |M(MI an weeBlj latl I loeha, aud all tboae. aeneiu'.>? .at- raeti tuat Iraw uten if.; ituui aaen, p.ruut-. jicut puiiiu oounaeii.e. The ereettoa of tha Hl^'h ' ourt of A.-hitration at ... ? . a. to oi> iDi/id. W.l '.a. ayaikfVual aot that wa. ever cou.uBiiuuU'l i.y two groal I it.oii* All ataaaaa of the ttaaa enhiknead ita anhltialty. inaacuae, ti,.- whota ehrlUaod world muat * a\> fati that tlua oiin of r'*?oii. humanity, aadjaatlee *'a? ereou-ii in ai?::it of a uiillmu of : ; . thal * btaody wm liad ju.: flUadwltb Ba vitrttaaa ... t: taea aad <?> uiany. li wa.-. a uonie ailU ntly icu.oiihtiance afu-.i uy m tbe view of Uio a aoi. v.o: i a^..lii?t thc ilivnxaro afintritmelit of tae ?worii. ii waa a urtuid au.l BlwailBlf Pharoa. lifhtad llae a v< ry ?'iii >.f reaaon. ictiiriou. and eqiuty, to *mido ?11 tUe wax-waatvd ualiou. luto a l. w *vUil overllUtll.K dapartaia taaa tba ..ui Moody way of brutoforce. Par oue l r.?. mat a we.i wonfi u> the world that ?ajclaad aad AaaerMa haaoaae MtwoH thai they miitht herume "ou." in lhaargvawl )atal watb fnr Mankinil Th... why aa ': thiaa iav t>' er. :- .. Juattoi. ?hv aiioiid wi .<. <: wua o.,nre-?oi! ? . ii.w aad conftt,ui u> ia Woit.'i. - i ? Mbowa that w. deaatezyecl -i atlJ adaut,ac treal a* itaoerc and I eaa Bad do altaiM adequate to repaaaanl niy ai-uat- ad t). i illj. Io eay that it ia tac dknad By ihai taint- t;?- apotliecary'a oun anaaa. ta ta aaa a aaall aania, but lt la taa ..?<?et axpreaa tve eaat l .an ui/piv t. a j,.u< y wbh l. I utual ilcatplj haal toiuLoa .j??' laauuli*. d.?l^.i lu Ui? ^Oi.m WiU, Uk m. vtowalMaktethe reeatt af your reootattoaa with ln toaaeiBtoreataBd aaztoty. ?,_ Verv ivaiiectfully yuura. BLDBO niniiiTT. The IVtera reaoiution. re,|ne?tlng the I'n ani-uf t<. wtthdraw tbe etafaB OM tadlraot aaaaagaa fnwn tha <;. neva tribunal. waa infnrmally diaenaacd by the Il.mne Foreign AfTa.ra Committee to-hi", tbere belng no quo nUB preaent. A letter waa read fmm the S?< rctary of id i laliig agalaat aar aOahaattri on tho part of tbe B aaaa opaa tho aabyael paailagtaM eerreepoadeaoa aataMetatBM. Tho opimon af a taajorlryof theOeaa m.ft.e jppearod To bt that tho reaoltitlon hail lw ttcr be allowed toaleep in the conirniTtee-rooin, now tliat tht i,ov, rnmerit bad ftilly e.nniitted Itaelf by it* counter caae ln maintainlng ita claim that baattreet daBBBgei ahouid haadiudicitod upon. A minority of the ? "tn Datttee, at h aat, rogord the < laha aa ptwpaetaaoaa, and it. ta prohat.le that BOOrtV al! the BMaBlBBB are now of tbe ojonion That it would have t.eon wiae never to have pn MBted it. _ . . ItwHooae Committee on Forslgn Affalrs receivea a letter to-day from the Becretary of Btate, augs tbat, - i ? wol Um poadlac oarreapoBdence, it expedh nt or rlealrable tor Congreaa to make mj d< tion ... <?>?!. aa pi paoed bj Judgi > ? er? arbleb oppooM the c?iim for ooBaoquaaaaa **""'f a. CTJRBERT TOPIC8 AT T1IE CAPITaL. PBOCBBDntGd IV 00BOBB8S? DBCBHOfl IB TBI AJtBOTl CASB?TBB BOtfBfl IB I fTATl Of VIBTUOtra DtDIOBaTION?BBIB1 BT Bt KAB Bjtfl ?TBI nkw-orLEan* tXYBSTlGATIXG . ..MMini.i: bWAES AT LAAT. |BT TBXMaUn ToTHE TUIBl'VR. I WAaauaaroai, Tuoaibiv. a ,r n, itn.'a defeat m tbe Beaate, laday. waa ovara hur, ii, raei red only aaa vateo, four of whtoh were (.u.t by I ajpeWMgaere. Tha aflinBBtlve vote on Mr. i arpei h i - rahotttate eoBrprtoad the laliowtag: Araeg, i baad ar, Cragta, tBlbert, Howe, Vyo, i PattaraoB, Poolaad Bawyer. Boveral Beaatora dodgod, anioug them Conkliag, wbo, wltb tbi ebai uteriati coux , m iya ?!??! ,, ? wheneverparty mi* real u u at> ?rr ict rl rht rlaab. ran iwav when be aaw tbat a v rto waa .,.t to be reacbed. After the Abbott caai B :...t. ..:< u :.M,k up tbe bill. md deliated the Uorrtll amendment untll the aour of adtoumment. Buoh Admlnlatrutiou meii . Morton, and Eiliuiliid? are m-it bitf.r ... never IU rleeialon on tbe u referred to, a: I Moi ? ,?<?-! atnmp ? - ara tbe calair. wer. Mr Thui tbe Uneral ib )"H> licana over Tborman'a back. Bobodj kn.<-va where tbe would have eaded had aat tha dtaaer boor ar> en .... ? .:: ? ttook piaea. .. _ - ,in<l F.'a-rt ? ..? up. at ita bbm ? ag ? ?-!.. the Oalda anoa bavtag beoa apsai ? the qaeettoa of pt reoa the ti relatloa to the ongta af reveaoe Mlla, The Coaaalttoe awfj] ;.: ? ? ? -ji'i.-ct. to-aontra KM to miend a Tui ..- r. : it from the Uotia,. in any ahape it aei s dr. ai.d that. tberefora, Il waa not eaaeadlog ita oooatitntloaal power attaehed an ent;re ut and ur. .. repeoitag the duty ou tca aud eoaTet . of tbe teaftaaoay teh a hel .. ? tbe i do> ...... Lea -...' ..- b.r tbe - tbe < oan I aeettag - ahowl , -? nportant w i ? Bl Of Ulol.e - were allowed to go <.ut ?,f thi ..? - ? itnre !?? fore :. - * ' ? ? ? Bepnblicaoa in K inaaa, <t their w Ulingneaa t>. appeai ? to thur ]>? ? r tbe um ' irge rama of roooi - irrj the Le*nalaturo 1: i doltara to do lt ktr P . . irk, tn tu<- contoM aralnat i .- , ?.... i the affair ;.i a.i. aa be wa .:, whatevi r . -. i imeroy may be gnlltt of, tbere ia nothlnii ??v Biade well'a enei ?' all apon blm, ezcepi b i ?? made by one wltnoaa ;n regard t.. - uti electtoa. au 1 tbal taai - id u. Mr. Poaw roy ha ? d of the Committee a ? rfi a ,_?. bm blm, aad .1 - - .< may uot bc .oaJi d dov, a.-. Tho u naa aa<i ,i BpavBtn of vlrtu<,us lo : gaal d to-day ovex the impntatloa contaiued - when theyrel Dee.aoawttatea dj ._? .. _? - ? . . :: . kdmltted to Um floer, ihoald i?- ra that thi i h.iv,- bo .'... ... . , i ? ?.<. .-. latlun that tbe ' . . - membera of cc.' ... :r bigh OaBcoBj ever ? ? -.... D of ia, r~. Mr. BaUer toid tbe trj Dg bard U' ;- ple ready 1 a wltb :..- i?-i : i bill niak.ti^' lt ? nenlb nl - 6 nae ror . oend a ? ?tigt;:ueut lor otili ? . rare to prot. 11 :.. .;? ? ? no - a bo tim e beld -. . . x aud Gartli Id ex red ei memben to re , ropoaed amendment m ia - ? . .- it t . legialaUon kad Mj -< ? B, Id madi tbe - : rbatoverem urto .mi iem ? < -? Itting era to they aboiud not bo allowed Ufabui ? . . M. T:,< Honai i . 1011 ??' .:? .' Ii wHr - ? ? ?? ommittae <m Ku i ..<?...: - iaoi denuni UUion gAly ainuaiijr ra, ln -. iud no one bettcr t.iau tbe very membera "aiio doM atroagly oppoai ? - i ? . ? lai ? ? ra are a doaea ar an 1 h'-:e aa c;.,un . ta, waoae cluef uatpital .? ttu-ir privttoc* "f when- taey aimoart .., ji aebemi a, L\ ao while tha debato waa ln M irenitotnon .;a:.:.e,i uux.oualy cloak "o lua. After tbe Booaa had and deelarodita vtrtaeproof IL. l,'.at Ia...uil ... Waa taken u] t to roeonalaer the vote by whieh It Bailroad i Jomialttee aome waeki ago. ... on ihe teble tha Baottea to ? !. r waa .o-t, tue vote learly ladl eaa of the t>i!l. 'Die meaaure haa SUned a aood deaJ of inppi rt ataee it waa laal before tbe ?ent ailape, tbe objecUon tbat 11 , . ., | ? .. Bd, the bill 1 roi ..1 ... ii Uoveramentbj tJ<. raiiroadcoapany , .,- ot ttie traaaaia t" >e gram. o. to ba : iined by a iKiard of roiuuiiaaioueia ap|.,,inu-d by tbe ent. Tbi 11 ? rveuiug aceriou, ai *UiUi a numbei cf ;a-naiuti bllla were paaaad. Tlie*-'. -. ' ?: bbi Ibi eattflattag Oiaaiadttee haa flmkliy rp, tad iOaa, iBfghaW hateh af hMteetlMoay tetha pablto prtnter, who haa eadeaad lt to be ]mt m t3"jM- aa rapidly aa poaalhbi The lau-al) exniae of Lbe ?' ?mmittee for the detey whtoh haa oreurrcd a that nta...,-1 in the followtao atatement, nnderatood to la- rnab-on ?heau tbority of a member of tue committee. <jn their retnrn frmu '< , Baadortty Inteaded 1 afavor ,? <, \. Warmotb.aad ...*jopaawaaf Ihateattauka i premptl) aenl i.< the i.riuu-r. aa ihe < ommltuje propoacd loBMake i.. ? ai.y rejM.ri. Booa a;t<-r Qov. Wam .. . iiotiti, i-d ii.ina.if BOOOBOeod to tbe A ltinniatration, and then the Adminiatration membera of tha OaaaaalttOOOt one tiieu kntereet iiimak.uu' an eorl] r>rpott, and, an nob<Mly aaid .inytbing about the matlcr, >-om luded that it would maac litUi aXcrence whetber the report ? aa Ui.1,1'- yr not. dfcreda r*>?oiut;on lu the nouae, to-day, whtoh wa* paaaed wltbom ekjeettoa, aatbnrfrtag the Mllitary * omu.itte* M taveottaate th,- laaaof the re<-onl of tlu praeeedtaga af the Baall Ouart af Im(u,ry, to whlch reforeaee "*a? m,i<ie la Tin Taiacn di-imtchea of yaaterday. Tae CoauBlttoe f a^uraotad, akaa, t..mi*ke i k. anal .. . ,.; aa to lbe ooodltloa of ti,e reonia of tha W ai DefaBrtaMBti ... I to re|a,rt what legialation la ... ..< - ptaSi lt ia raaaetad tha) ertain odteera bave baaa alawwaa to i?mi*r v.'li ti??.,da. ati.i deatroy parttoca whtoh eeataiaod ra . ?:. their muitary lapBtatteOM! aud, BlOB, tbat an oftV-er wbo haa oe.u rattaa tb?- udiitar> bMtani af i.. ii. Oraal hue tak-u a BBMBBf <>f iinportaut ofb. lai ftofiiaittnti tir FnglBaHi H ia prababae tb..t<,en. itueii ia-ar betore tlie i <,'nin t!<??, aod tell wti-ther. trom tn- knowledge of Um rvtttaBaa tahaa o> the Oaan of lui|ii:rv la bla caae, an ofti- r-r could iiuve _ panOBBl habaaai M tk atro] Baj ih. raooraa. Tne Boaaa Uankiu^ aud ' mrern y f*onitnittee di.+euaaed. to-Ouy, the fcu*ibillty of remtroduciug Mr. M.inroe'a bill t>. pn.vide for a 00B print uf XaUoiiul iiauk uoiea. aud Ihe < oiumittee an; in favor of tiying Uie aen?e ,,f the Houa. iinon it agam. with an amendment prnvldlug that IhaaapaaBMol thi i?.i|wr aadprtattBgahall haharaahg I,,.- ...uka l:,al, ad .,f tlu- < ...\> , tnii' nt. .u> waa oila-.n.u > ewtumptoref rytBa MIL U tma iaBaaahBaaal t?. rtgr??-d to. thera Wlll proliablv lae very <ltllc obJm:tiun (o tb, ajkjaaga ot tue attl bj tae Hou*?. Mr. Fitch. H.-nator elaxt frotii the [>rot?oa?"l att-ite of i, n r.-t. m.,d. a laag aasBoa M to-.iav heaaia tha Baaaa . ,.i-y . omniiile. iu appealUuil Ut tue Voorbiwa bill. Mi F .ut rpoke eloqueatly id favor of ? lettin? tu.- Mor umuM *kiun." Bc ?"?'. Uiat yui>a*am> aouid nouu ait awtwedertbc infi.i-n.-e af ^^^JItJ?SEft aud that tbe PoarbeM bill would dofw'*?**** "J* prcaalna U than tho d,y r?odJ by> whlch Mornvon bua banda now have to pay :?r tha IBablaaaabla drataw, , i ,n.rv th.-ir wtre. Tg**- ^SX^ Attorni v i;.in ? f i ? ui anrued the i :?., *t,.,, f.oin tj.o ... iu- i-olnt of vl.w. favor:...- the paaaaae of be bltt, or aayeinh.ati.iii wl.i. i. wonld ena.i.o the Genttlea n Utth to^ceaOoOlttS aftnlra of the I n1'.".'',,', ," Miirmona for thor polyaamooa praetlcea. rbe< ? ?? ^elmaAkoni.oVote upon UM bill. but. frm.. 0| wliiehf lLe.l.!-"a have eipna-od. lt la prohaolo tlutt a luajority Will ba adverae to reportinc it. ConftTcaa ia often BBgBgad iu worae huafncaathan rnf bjg niotiov to aupport .hun h.a; uovortheb aa. it aawnded aaaaewhal Btmnge, ha-day, ta baar iu Um Boaaa tbetil a of a lull, "mitkinif au ..ppropri.iti.m f >r the brnefl >l the PreebytertanChurcb H Uartrw al,on,. I? nn. wlmh waa iatrodneedby Mr. Brlght, audacni to uus coiuui.t^o on < lauaa. Thc raparf of tho Betiretary of War. tately tranaaatttad toconitreaa, oontataaa atotaaaentof theaaaaher I aldtora eallated dartag tb.- brfa war. The toul aaaaher aaJlatad ?- ittvtu, af whtel i*Mai wore alavea. Tlio Beetetary atatwa thatta ease the bill nowpend'.i..' hefon ? Bllltarj Couuulrttae paaaea, pr for the paynentof bountrto rnl iteo ilaTee, tMta,M wiii be reqalrad to pay tne boanty altawed. Mr. Elllott, a eotorad ineinbcr from thc Colutnbla. I, C . Dtatrlet, whokaakMB detegatatathe PhUadelphM Oen i antlna, alahna it ?adaaatoodtaal tawhatha I of bate reapeettng the reawaBinatteii of iraot, be dld not profeai i bla d. ? gal. and thal th. wtivlie deenncd to aquan " tadonaa the prea.deut .11 patobea to thc K. w Torh tneetlna, waa. thal aiteh aotion mbrbi be eonatrued aa i ??? aeh tra an to Pblladi Iphla, 'hc membera of ?Ui..-h aru nniu?.rutt.d and Lndependent. Tho Prrtata Laada Oeeamlttee of the Branta waa in a? Bkaa watfl aftex 1 a'eteeh bxat abrax, llatenlag to one ?f tho aieilaafliig ari Um UeOarrahaa aaa. Thomaa Beotl took the Bcnata Dhwrhi of Co tiiiteo oa an excaralon orer i porthm of thaaew baii iBon .. . Ba n oi tbla an.-::. oa. Coneidoraiiie teovJry haa reeeatiy beea aaada at Ue DepartaMnbi tn regard ta tho Oereraaai U wlth tlie Wcatern UaloU GetBpany foi ollicial tak | tag. lt haaju't beea d ?? n red, by aaeaa who an aated ta thla aaattar, that a aontract waa m..d< I iwi by tho Beeratary of the Troa#>.irv wlth Btraa - . ,r ?' ,. ;,u |,| ag ol a U I. .-? ii a ? ne nom the weateri u.ri. r of Mlaaoiirl to tbe Paelfle Occan. Thlacontn.1 waa roade ln penaance of a iaw autnorixlng th. taryoftbe rreaaurj u enter Into aucb an aaTeemenl i i thelowcat rci ' " aucbaliue, proTided thn r would payhini, for a peiiod of tei ? ?? BBayear. ta return. b. urreed tbat tne 6. ihould at all tlmea bave tbe frco and pr Imary ratei amountad to ato.ou i m ?(,: with any miutary poal ol tbe l uited ? ??? bni w .- i ?? n al ...1 ? f?r tit* .i.- ' ? ? ? '"' ?" irv' "? *mi' [natltutiou, " ' " ''""' purpoaea. T ?'?"" ??*"' -v' venioer Inquiry ln one or twool Ihe Uui i tlieu. the -,.. . .... ? 'V ,r !>.pa:tni-u.. ., tion or allowanca waa made Ln .?? n/, al rn l':; on l otnpauj. t.. wb. i ?ontra ? ' ? ? - Lne. In other worda amenl aa far aa baa v. i . IBfJ a-. ... .... ? ? ratorgBAi nifl dupa'pi b i The - ? " '"''' repi i* tarora .. ra, wlth a few aan odi tbe prtaclpa BJ I I ?-? ? .?ro diunlc ?heu Uwyalgned Tbe'larte tadgment for ft".>?i k-:ven agalnal - favor of Andrew I. ? for the pr ? . ott. ? tbe war. Tbe fiunoua Eluec rotton caa*. -.. lona pj i ,,:? ulnfavoi g, Woudrnfl I ...-,,,.,1 ht H M. orwln of Waabinatun aud. . M. : l.-Iiietlt iic. . roni tated tbat I -n - iprctue BLUCUd . ? . itabllahi d -L**d adjudgctl Conn Tho i oinn ,? ?? nf ("onforcnoc nn tho dlaaBTcetne votas of thc : Uona tor tne I.... ?? ind Judtclalax peneaa of tbi fear radhag wttb Jaoe.1 .t.t at p-i.noo to-n ? Prealdenl a ti forai, i' ?? approprlatton had been eal dwwn IreB ? n iiiiendnicnt litnitlnit the aoat af n . KTound. io **i?...??.. uit. : . ? au aa the Menate orlarna yflxedlt. Tbe followlaa rompromiae - LMUnenl rabunaeabi nexi: . . . ? ? aa. RELIGI01 8 STATISnCS. Washtbi I ril 23.?Tha statiatica of re> lhrlon foi ' ' aaaaa f ehnreh ..i;i. iu.- total uuiniiT ofcbnrebedll ? total ehnrohaocaoa of : | ?iiii.'.lation ' r the prin. | .followa: Bai I I i ' ? ' Roman < athnl ?. . ? 114 ? U7 j::; . Wl.OSl; 1. r.i.n. othi r. 409, **? i.e : ? ? t. I , ; Bapl other. B3JT8.97. LataoUc, Boinan, > .- . ? ?. Epiacopal, *?'.? > laeibodur, 1 '?.?:.*.i:\: I, roir', t-?T-:-. -.J; rr--uyuiia.'i, THE LATX TH.\' EDT !.'? THE DfDl v\ T?RRTT< BT. Bt. I...11-. M.i., April 28.?The Wori >" I - kome faxUier accoant of tbe Io Lian Terrltory. It wfan that Um approaah af the D MdfUataalfai waawellknown al tba 0 ai boaaa, aad ptaaara for roa;ataiico were Bade, tha COarl barlnff adjourned on Um asorulng ol beflahi inm ihe Court-bouae, laon t.|a-ii rronnd. to a achool-bouae ainiut half a miio away, aadwhere II 'a oalte . ioaeiv auili B| Um people tbere were anned, tncludiaa tbe Jnry. Evcn Proctor, Um nrnrdcrer, -, '?? endtwore* ra. 01 tba Marabal'i party eigbt were kllli elndlng Depnty kUrabaJ tud two ae' wound. 'a (our vter.- klUod, inolmlin^ adepiity-ahi ..... r, andaiz were woonded. I ? eae, two men were I <uu'i deed half amile froin the Coort-honae, and it ia ipppeaud th.-y were kllled a wantonneaa ry tbe retreattng aagraaaen. Alettertrom beputy-ltarabal i. ..?-?? ot thc re.-. ilnd partyaantfrorn FortBtnlth,aay*thal ba a;: ad a i tbe I7ta, and foand the wbote cotnv trr deaerted. Thc Proetor party left tha pi w:th tt well araaed aaen, lahlng thelr woonded a ih them bi tbe mountaina, aadpnraalt wlth aakerehaad fulol awnwaaowJ of tne qaeaUoa. The pretn . ..imt ftheBchtwaa uot axaggamaad. Xhaaawere U klUed and 13 wounUcd. ? SUAItrsilu./rEIL- rMTTfAl. Bt. Louig, Mo., Ajarfl 2aV?Tbe rifth Bntkma] ahnocnir feanvai ?f the aaaatteaa bwaTpalkaaaan Ba ety w;i: he hcld at Iliitbland*, DL, 31) u.lioa eaat of ihia city, .onimencing on May 19 and tenninatinit Suuday. ttMSKB. tireat proparatlona arc beiu(r made for the o< oa?:on. Tlio prlzea, valued at tli.OOO, ooualat maiuiy "f fuld , ,,iii, aUver .?oh.ota^and ?nilala fo.iotiea aud d.i aul :,. preaent fr.m. Hew-Yarh, Jeeaey <-'ity. ra ide phla. Baltimore, Waahlnatoa, Ofcarleaton. Uoiiile, miniiiT. Tfna nrlaaaa. BaahTlUe, LaalarlUe, Pltte burah, Clncinaatt, Oaytoa, OBtaaahaa, Haaxilton, Obioj UufL.ui. l.tdlanapolla. Lafavette, Detroit, CWeaapj. Qulacy. Peoria, Jollet, niooiuinirton, Alton. L.t.htloid. I.I.. BeUertUe, Baa naBiilaea. ^t. Louia, and a nuuiiH-r of pbM ? in Mlaaoiirl Majarflna Hatch ?ud at-iit, all uui ttary orifauixatiuaa, aa alaa ?itiKlukt and tarner aoeietlea ted, and Baaay af tben. ?:H i?- pr*> ent. A < .uilTi??? t omniittoe of ttvc, appoiutod for Uiat puruoac, wiii alao he pn-aeut. A UAII.KOAD WAR AT MAf.ARA. Bi rPALO, A;.ril W.?The t'anai.ian aliore. op pt.eito tlim . itj, haa Lm-cu a eceue of .xiltcnient .'.urinij tho paat few day-, in couacquence of an attempti by WlUtaaa A. Iheaapaaa, aa behalf of the owuera of the Brtaaad N.afntra Kailway, to obtaln imaaeaaion of the road. whioh uad U-en leaaed :o the (Jnat Wwatatn Ijafl v.ay < mnpauy of . auaua for rtve ?ear?.. Thc 1.-aae bavin*? c\i,ir.-I, Uic Qrcat We-t?irn atteaaptadta hoLI poH?e?H,[, ,,f Hie r. ad ie woutltv for i.ouda held atraiu^t Uic Kne und MUgam. U i^ riportod thal. utat ultfht. Tbaaapaan'a party torn up a iMirtion of tbe iracB lea.iiu?c ..?ii fjaaa Pan i.i ie., aaaarayad a aalean. and uuru. <i tue battaa at riawaaiaaaa Craek. baaada Baraang taa .,r. ,.t aTaatara'a aaeal mu af taa fraialtt-awaaa. tui? aflern.Miu. ahaai 80 rouitUa anaaad froia thla city to Porl Brta, eha >ui,. ;n.\ men ompioyou at hi,{U wajrea to kcep iKj*wa.iou of tbe road. F\TAL aMHUBI EXP1.OSI05. Pakbeiwiji na, W. Vu? Apnl ? ? Tho boller of a aaoiuotlve on the Haltiuioro aud *>hio Hail way rxploded .eat.rdar, nrar Ihia place. luataiitly kill in,r the aaMtaaar, Parker. aud tue flreiuan, Ii.m . | Nalaoa, and lnjunnx Mioi,i?-l Iv in. a, a<i ?a-rl BWatj ai to oiiuae bt. doatii iu a lew boura- The bollrr waa thrown afto feet. Three cum were throwu intu the crooB uu one Mde uf thc l.ubk. wblle the laiidrr a^id ruu u...fc ajaar uf Ibc vuKUtc Ba ,u .**?. uppoaatc atdc. FOBEIGg NKWB. GREAT BKITATN. TITF. AT. VHAWA fT.AIM?? STATF.MTNT BT TT7R '.'?\ fUNMKVT TO PAKUABTBarT ? afOWAtmO IBBIIItlllOaB 'IBI nCBBOBBB CI.AIM.VNT. la.5t..,!?, Taaaday, April n. Bta, In rarliamcnt. tn-ilay, flarl (Jrauville aml Mr. i,i.i,lr-'o:,e BhMBf that it would Bi ineompaUliIo with tbe BBhUa lnterest M declarc the ln;, ulioiia of IhO ''"?' ernmcnt with ragBld to furttn r paaoaadlaga beforo the Oeaova Board aatfl aa aaawor t>> Lord QraavlUo'i dtapatOh of Marc.u 'JO haa bccu BOOOlVOd from the Uuitod Btaaaa, ta the nouae of Cnmmona, to-nlghr, Mr. Ncwdegnte aaked have to LattVtfSOe a i.ill proVadtag for the ap pointmeiit af a Conimiaaioti to bMJBtta into the charact. r and rapid iBeNOBB of mouaatie Inatitutlona tn OlOOl Bntain. BO exp'.aincd tha ptWVaatoaa of the Ull* and ln the aoaraaofhii Bpeoeh deelared that the pr?> povcriuhed tiieir panahionera. aadaaoarted that waaiea bad !>oen lmninred in BoavaaMB aOBtael their WlIL Mr. Henry Mattbewa, nieinlur for loinirarvan, prmeated againat the afaaaarva liBgwBgi aaed i>y Mr. BewdaaatQi and lahakcd him for endeavoruig to oxetto rellgioiia atrife. Mr. E.lward Oraaao. Meomhor for Bary Bt Ba> BMBada,aapt>artedthobttl.whtoh waa eppooad hyBtrlX J. Corrigan and haOoara. O'BeiPyaad Bhertoak, ail ii ab. niembi ra. l>ave waa gll I u lur the latrodaeUoa af Mr. Newdegate'a bill. A long debafe follnwed on a motlon to expunge tho Btbclaaaa of the Bjdaeattoaal bill, wbtob waa aoteaa rtod. The oaaatdarattaa of Mr. Paweatt'a bUl, whtoh w.,a t, have beea takea up to-Bl*xbt, ?a? paatpaaed, aud tbe Birwea adjaarai 1. The Attorney-fienerai haa conanrifod to the releaae of tha Ticiij Tne elalanMt oa hall, bal t:.,- ?.< i?? aary forma of law to accure Ihe l.i.eration of the prtoaaer have aot yet been eoarpUod with. UtoaowbeUeved that the ataamahlp Tapahaa, whieh left 13,miBO] la Jaiiiiary lor thia elt] . autl ? bii u b.ia aot been heard from ataea leavtag Malte aa tha 13th of Peb. raary. toaaderad ,,ff iireat, Pram a, dartog a terriaV F.fty ucraoua, who wara on tha I rpahaa, are aupposed to .'ine down with the Meaaoar. BPAIH. 01 TBI cabubt nrsrBBEcnoB : OP A BAXO l.N KAt I ?? ? I Ifaay metuben <>t Cadiat juutas Iium- beon . .. : - ? al parta af the eoaatry. T.e i baada ar<- teereaalag tn naaabar ttwwoghoat the k.iu' dom. The nieti < ry "Viva i liarlea Vlltb, Iji-.ulh toU ? ra.a." a BTga BBaBhorof poBoaatata IhePiavtaeoa of Bavarre, Qotamatm, Toroei, Looa, aad Ba f the Piwteader. ThoOovoraa Bctlveta Iteezerttoaa toaappreai ? ng, kad, it .a r< ported, a ?'. adopt a more rtgarooa i a dtotarbera thaa that bow paraaed. II t bew thatDi < laaecy, oa waareportodfroa ? i The Carveapaadrarfa aaya ;o Carli rveoow .. 8| .,.i. the an - I f wk i of 2 Leon. Btovreda. Ihe i overaa Bodta Bavarre aad defeotod ttieni. raptariag their leader, i prieet,whi 11 ii reportod, waa batai I -.but. The i I ar-- tu'-n. ??; ? : tbi i. party have oflared entto leBaoaatratloB of tbe agitatera. . appai at ? ? "' . -. \ of Depatiea aad Bi oati ra, laat tionlii . ? <t lioeaa tut i'rcaidcut of ? ABRE3T A.v " ESCAPB 01 aXl UTU in I K k*< K. .-. Taeaday, Aprl I SoTera] persoBg trern arreated in tbeCityot1 , . ipaalah boider, ta tho DerautBMat of :.iy, w!:o were known to be ? - Bl OaBBOBOtratl 'i I tbal ? oaatry, hewover, ofeipooaaad the poBaa tataa whieh bad m , bii. '. ? ap> .1 teward UM ?| aai .. Tro> paba ??? bea*. THE MEXICAM BEVOLCTIOir. THI noB UBCBAJ . Matab kob, April S.?Gcn. Cevallos, witha mi of ioo mcii aad e8toera aad two ; to-day. v.:v Oeaeral n Oea. Palaetoe, wh..m he oatraaka, and wbo haoeooH mm aad etty laxaMdiately a::er bla arrival. An otber ateamet - " te-BMrrow frooi Vera , rnj wltb aeveral hundred m< i ,. ? tlie eitv bevond poaaiblUty ol eapfure by any - - > RumoreatlU prevatl that Uen ?. '?.?"-' an ,;:.,. k, bal np to ouxk tae aaoag wera joi w.t^.u ua ity. hTrouco, Aprll :s. fvto ffavaaa).?Tha eonntrv Bitag Baoreqnlet La the Oovernment .... . u rei iTtag. Pahtto Bptatoaia !.. < ha eoB tinues rictoajoaa .n tha aortheoat. a vigi mua eaa> ? u.ia begun ,i-.i nat tbe rebeU In the - , ;.., . . : r.f Uw VoraCraa rvocis, li.^i^o ,,,,, f| Z.i,'ateeaa with iii hia forro Inpuraultol I ? ... ,.; nto Sacal " ' He waa then drlven uot and baitlv beaten byCoi i,-ii f, Carbo haadefeatod the Inaurgentaat Acapulco. uango. I Y icatan the .-? ... eratloa, but tbe aupporter* ot L. ..:.?..p nnit a tn- Juariataa. Keeoforcementa ara goi I v icatan, where Gen. Marieeal almwty haa l.ikw roen. Tbe kteami r Tobaa. obaerot irned U vera ' ru^.and wUi re troopa t.eti. Antii.on baarefnaed to ici nl rhe exfraora : rred upon ... ? -^ of Uoaa alaafa Cl UA. Fmr om a r. s. mobttob?ooounai of the CBSw*. BaTAVA, April VL?BmX Ailrniral Inpltfield, ittaohf al tha Brtttoh L gtoo, gbara yeatcrday ou tbe rjalted Btatea Moaltar Terror Be praiaoa the now ftythotreoota ,d < ouraae durtng a Or,- ou board. whi-'h waa ex But'b ilumage waa dooe. rhe a mturoato the Unlted Btatea to-arorrow, and Bill iborrlv for England, bavuig bea i -? eond m cummabd of the BriU kk kqnadroata tha Mcdiicrraiiean. IIAVTI. A BBTOUJTTOB IMM1XFST. KiN.'.aTos, Jamaica. April bj.?Tho bteat ad riceafrooi Baytl laalrate that troahai pravaitotaMtei hat tho aeeoaaH ?re ao contrmLctory that it ia ditticult to aacertata the taeat aa Io thaattaoiloB ttta km.wn tbat tbe :naurg.u;? an- aetlve. and UM-reaaiug ta :iuiu bera, aud tba poaittoa ol i*rteideui aaget la daily bccoui tiig moro prccarioua. _ ixnunoH o? caxada* MEASCKES BBaTBCTOMi TIIE TRKATT OF tfABB tBOTOM? IM.AM. HallKKIl.-. Ottawa. Ont., April M. -Iu the DorjtM la*t nigtit, BMJohaA Maufkoaild iBtethAttateBaOOaariBro latiugtothc Treatyof Waaluugtou would bo aubmittod lrumediatelv after tbo Budget *pee. h, whlch would tako ptaaa on araaodap wooh. That rotatteg ta tho PaciHc Etailway would aa heaaghl Bob i ia a law daya. Mr. TjiIiu aakeu aa to ihe tataatloa ot tbe liovertiment toward tbe laaue of ragnlatlOBB for tbe pi-otectioii of flab ,n tbe iuland lakea aud nver?. aud UMgraBttBSOf b aaaaa tof hatbtag to theai uuder tbe n-aoiutioua proreat ?ng the deatriiction of flab, aud whetber tbe Cbj i would be pennitled to tbtb to f he excluaion of foreign era The n?n Dr.TBpper aaid lt waa not luteii.l.-d to g-rant eoneurreut i.nvilegea to foreiguera. Cauadiaoia ouiy wouid have the rlainug ngtit. FOREKiN MOTE8. The Mihin PaTago*U*BMB publislien a long ar Hcle on tbe Alabaoia ciaima, Uklug tbe p.,aitlou it .. BBBBMlhla to admit the Aiuencan demaad af BaaBBOB' aatlon for .ndirrct daoiagea. It pnipoaea a BOBBBbWOBMB in the following worda: "The Trlbuual of i.enevaahou.d bl eiuiaiwcred to decide whetber, ln tbe caaea alleged by tbr ruiie.l SUU'a, tbere ua? b?eua violatlonof ueatni ity ou tbe part of E.igbkud, d.-tertuiuing in eaeh aiM-, ial aaa a. what thia rtolattea aaeporry and principaiiv con^ atated. Tbla ahouid be tbe true amt n*ai-a-ary om.e or tue ..en. ra Triaaaal. lt ahaaM have aattbarthe pawar uortUe mi-iou t? co beioii.t tbat. It aauiild not, in ?tu*r waatea, ha oaltod apaa to tix iaa.aa?Baat af Ue m drm.iltv . It eouol rafBBi M dO BB U would ha Well if tue t... ilovernmeuta would agrer IBiia to liinit Ita power for tk. aml pul .af to ? juture -tipulatloi, Ihe det.rmiualiou of loc amount af lh. ind,?,.tv, aud ,t tb, urtaciBaea aa wm.b tt would uav. .,, be Med-la tnreveut ol tUe i.eiieva Trlbuual ileclditig rim. ti,.-n reaiia waeavaattetaa ?r oeaa?hap oa tae m af tue Baaikab ttovertiuieui. By tbia arrougeiii. nt llw aridtra ukui wouAU cuiue Ut ita a?u cvuvluauou ? bu aa the arui trnfori mltfht Ive fwJdBd bf >he rulea of Internutional law aot lown iu the'lryaty itanlf." Th* LiimUm Ume*, in vipw of the prownti flon of tho itritiah cnnnter onae at <e> nova. iibwrreil on the 12th Inat.: " We ahall thua have gaaa all that can 1* requlred of ua, leavtntf to the other md*> roaponHi t.ilirv of docldinir whether the nrb.tratl?n la to pf or to tiecoiie ai or'ive. It waa tlir.u.k'h the itieliialon hy thelr draugbtamen of elalma wa aoear referred ta ariu tratlon that tbe dlfflrulty ha* rinaon, aad If tbe dlfflculty i? to ix- re.iiovcd. :t DUai Iic BT retriK'tinir tho fa, whieh provoked tt. wv ann'.i aw:iit th.? ia?uo a anworthy anxtety, leehag ihat we beea not attated any .ffort to reader lt oneel paaeeand fnendahip.' >>-xt d.ty tlu- Hame Journal aaldl "The aaaa oannot be JtJM j r Beebaaa iioforo tbe 1Mb af Jtino, and if on or before that day wa taforni the arbHraluaa thar we iwttre froai ti..-r>r.aa la eewaeeeaa.f the peetaaaaot attenipt .f tbe Aiuericaii (jovernrtieiil to hnnfc" before them out in * wMch w? nevcr njrroed to refor to thom, thelr BUbaa queat aeaa, if taev atle.t to gn on wlth thc arbttratlon, w.ii ba iiT-ituiar and They aro maaters of thelr own actloaa, and mlffht peraerera in the teawi ?.f arbitra tioti after oor wtthdrawali bot thla _ey oouid have : aa aaare than tha ..nttinal caaaa had ewer beea ... We eaaaet tor a ?emeat laaaane 'hat, they rould ln o ? i by the tonna of thc arbttratlon; and if Uu tl.cir dc i-i..!i? wonld uot biud our honor, aa they uoiud uot i.iud ua at law." Dpon the of Arthnr O'Connor for an ? m the Queen of Great Uritnin. Dr. Thomaa Har rtagBoB Tuko toaUfod to bavteg made a very oaroful cx aaaiaattaaof tbeatate of tho prboner'a miud. Hede tailod niinioroua ovul.neea of (/t'onnor*a lnaantty, and ooncimlod : " I think thut li:a waa a vory danijeroiiaforra of 'reaaealng lnaaalty,' aad tbat lt wonld ba v.-ry dan nroua fbr :;.:n to be at large. I think he la mucb bow tbau when f aaw b?i aat, Tbe parosvaina ml,rht :. md ii" -? rry for what he I dc, but they niiifhf return at any nu.ment." Dr. e thou*_t the pr:? n.' . a/eah lntellect, and likely to apee way to anythtnx thal ?>? t." I'r. Hcnry Bmlth tcauned to tbe saiue general effect ffhlle anoth.-r pbyaician waa andar exjauflnatlon tne jnry intorpoaed l.throaxht t, that they bad all n_deap thoir nnnda that the pnaotier waa a rarfectly aatie man. Tbe maa1atratea Baroa Ueant.y, aai.l ae had not rhottcht ??i Bterpoee, but he waa thorouvh.y of tbe aamc. piti on. The eenteaee wa* th?n pronounced upon tno prtkouer by the maptatrate m :,'.<? laQowlng terma: .? ro lanot tha ahehteet donht thal thare m .!,.:;. ia you, lf that expreaaion ia a are.iuiue one, , _ you miy hav?j aetod aadaw e.m.. entbuklaam wbleb preveated you fTom kuowing tbe nature of tbe aot you were doinp. Notwithatandtae; moae'i >ne, auch acrbne nuat be panlahad with -everiij. ieat it ahould appear that tha Importaaee , ladarrated. Tbe aaataaea ii inydutyto i>a.-a npoa you :a, that yon priaoned .md kepl tobard la or fw indtbat time roa be once ehlpped?that roueiv. . ? . luatrun anf . ? ? ILHi COSGRl J8-d_< OND - ' BEPATE. Wa?tiisgtov.Tueaday, kprl B,1BT1 Mr. BrrurcBB (Eep., AlaO asked onaa . ? Mr. Trnuibnll'l remarka made reeeatly m 0 oper toatltute, B Y . bm Mr. H \il I.IN ,,., ected. By Mr. PBKLCfOHUYBEJI 'R?-p.. V. .1 . from the I irtculture, wtthoul i ? ?'. the Houae bill to prevent ernelty to aalm tranwt rotheraaeana >.f traaapurtatlirn witaintiio Mr. POMEROT (Bep., Kanaa ' atior, iirrced l i, caJl ::.? on the Pre ...- i,..? of I Dcpnt " thc Indlaii - nxrag a at '.Vliiitixioic's liarrcu ForfctCb ' On motion of Mr. BOBEXAJ R.-P.. 1 " p,.,v j. - . ?is..xmj for h,a propertv uearFort - Monroe.uoed bythe GovernnMUtof the -? .. ir.wai D?. 'i tahea np. and Mr. BAYARD I'ctu.. Del.)contlnned h. the peudina amen Ln ?' tu" ' eapturedor ned prop. ri ' ,w" ? ion, and .u whicii ?- prove that th. r .Tl "'?' '?? hour, North Caro . . ? ,- ?: bua neaa. " \|,. , , LE (Rep., ? al l ino?ed to Loj It on the (al e f r tb? purpone of i roveeding w:th tne l>- &.. Lency blU. Lont; V...- :< . N..v- ifi. . Httakenonthe m:noriry reportadniit tlna Ur. Abbntt, L11 The rcaolutlon raported br tbe majorlty of the "?m ni. tc . drtClarUW ilr. AUUol: uoU-ut.Uedtotae n-at. waa tben ad. . ... ... r ,.- - .. ite thon r.-annicl the oor.abicrtf ;on of tno eney bill and Mr. BAYABDconcluded nn ibcpeuftl - ? '?"a of ituia. ?.KLiN'; aml FBXLr56HrjTS?S h ... eudm. :it. i or n? rjrwATi lokimiu b M- Mi iRT ?N Ri p., Ind.) ileo a,; .... f the Democratlc parv - ? the oonatitutlonal amend it - ored, diatluctiona between toyal man and -? ... uid '!?? blottcd out v.- Bep., Vr.i took fho ?nw.! v<o-v and ? Uon aa deaiarned I ? f a party whi.-h ifa H ta... thtng but ln n:.::..-. Mr rauRMAy (Dera., Obio) aald ho waa not ono of ,1 been expeetlng jr-enf reaoita from the ? nt, but, froin *ho um auxlcty ln reirard to it, ahownhr the r*o diatiui ? I besan to thluk i iiccti mlataken. I '* to J.-ar ?? numpede from tlto:r ,.wn rauk.-.. and to have taki. I ? iu thmuehout tbe a-atob the troopa leat they abould deiert. thla hypotheaia, be eoald not aeeuunt for thelr in, .1. . *ii timul people. and artaokina thc ( Uall uioveiueiil ili rhc" of Ulum; seuat trs '.... I r lt. _? actton ou tbe amondnscat the Benata a<l jouxueu. _____ B0TJ8X r pppwaaa-WTATiT?i. nii. m;;-;>.j ?.iii BKi oai - >fr. S_oci li Ibin., N. V. offered a reaoLa ttonreciui i the atataanral af Um gaetaaary of aTarthal Jir,.s. ., , a ho :;aa not baaB able to Uml tho ro,. rd of ihe i looaedtaga af the l mrt of In<;'ilry m thc .,on. Doa Carlne BueH. aud anth<- -? t ,. . amniittee on Miutary AC.,r? '.. aemt for nei ami papera.wttb .. vU w ? laatertala B?wba ,.: aucbirecord, and who ia itrpoubiuie for iu loaa, Bc. Mr' 1-l'y .rvm.. V. y i teUedwced t bill gtai ttof t tbe etato of New-York Uerernar'a isiund ta Uea York rhereaoluUon reported yeaterday by Mr. rox /Dcm., ? y trom Um Coutmlttee oa Bulea. to ai lode from thc prlTlleeeaof :ho tloor all ex-membera who are en ta ed in lobbylnc, waa tak.n ap, aud Ur ' OX r-tu ndcl tbe Houae thattne awarm of ex-maa >? ?'?< r ha.l becaaae a aulaanee. and thal aaaae rale a .e ahau* rcquired by whicu tho iloooo Bhou.d pr tc.t ' Mr PCOFIELD (Rcp.. Penn.) aapuettod tlio reaolu tion and .n; .e.i that tbare ihooldbe no dtacnmlwatlou toade between ex-membera of Congreea and oth.-r nea ol equal itanding in tbe commuulty. Ex memher- of -.ted forthia i i ? preier* i d Lawyen from i ?? iam ,- -.,. j bad thc priTUetre ??: the '? a ioU|{ a:*:u?jii/:.. ? *aa laBBtB* mitled. GOAT t?t txp. Mr. WTi;:EI.ER (Bep.iV. 1 . noni fhe Coramittcc on th.- l*a. .n. l_i.ioa.i. eaUad aptae bill irauOag to tne Central Paclnc Railroad Comp?i th iae-hall ba I-iiiid of >ori.a Hucmi actioal totaad.lntha hart^ir of toJi l-raii. .-. ?'. and ofljared a aulxtliuta ior lt,*; ror a commlaaton to flx a et ?<?' on.pany r..r taa araat Ho praaaadad to addit-aa thc Ilouao ui aupport oi um naaaore. Mr. BAJUiEXT .11. t... CaL) snpp?rtcd tho meaaure and read i uUnuaui artdroaarfl n himaelf ind bla n clI rearuea, and algned by a maiorit> ,.f aiv of the ( altfornia -ia.. Beaate?a j*?\v whicii u.ui ? Democratlc maionty? rrxitlna a reaoluOoa p;u>ae.! by :hat bady .n I ,v.u of the ui. .-ui'. IU .e.-:icvod that thia nill waa for tbe beneflt ,,f tu.- kaalneaa u*-u ?t Baa Braaetaaei tfcat it wo.u.i brlDC AataUe cemoterea to thetr ahara w..'< a waa now ,,rnt ny the Buea ' aaal. aud that witnin a :.-ar troui t_a t tue UutI would !?? thc afntbaental San rranebvo. Mr ? (>X (Ib'p., B. Y i aahed to have read a tel. irram froaa'aanl*raa*daeo, ihowiag tU;aen-nc ?iate of tunix* irom that raaweaeafad m iuo toicgTam rcau uy _r. Mr VhEEI_R deellncd to yteld for that rinrpoae. Mr COXexpreaaadthaaataaaathal tno .-,ai? of Cali foru.a -*aa not reitreaouted oa tlua siiiij.-ct. Mr SAROE>T-It ta a? woll rtpreaented a. nay 3tate tUat .au a.-ud bero auch au luaiKUtlcauit persou H ui? * ?i '."X i* ao appeared not to have heurd Mr. Sar ?aafa rotuark) *aid m- made no jici-onai ai, laloii to tl., m Ati. :i he a.ud inat t'aJitoriua ?._ uot repre nouici ou Una auhjeet. Mr BABajEST- l would Uka to know who made tho aantMmen the a. hootma^tiT nf me aml my oaUeagnea. Mr (Xli-1 repeaaant BkydMtrMI hen-a.auieuio.rof CaaMjeaa, 1 ai a tt rtgi?rrt t ????; I da aad iwpawaaal anv ....rtiouof a Ugtalature; 1 reyxvae-ut u? ibia uutii.r the praperty and people of theUaltod btaaaa,WBtal ia u.?? i?iu?rut t.> ba aaapniliid v UBa apaatal Bganatlaa. Mr. eAliuE.N 1 ?lu.- pent.euiau reprewnu i.iiiiin_iy and u< th ua elae. Tha! ta ehal be repreai ata. Mr. < < X -Thal t- . b a. kauard naaan. (ina kwattaalaar) vuui tu*. it-ieoAiaof tho bli. were tu tha BMlortt) a<i '*> "x . , ,, Mr. ilol.MAN (Deaa., Ind.) n.o\rd to !ay tbe bt.i on th.- ume. MeaattTed?Yeaa, M Staya,tw, Mr piPI-Ai K Jxtn . lud.) otl.-nd au araendment rc ae'rMiiK la I au;;rc-? the nuut io alicr, axut-atl, or icpeatl tue act. ggtwaa to. Mr VOX apoko aantnat the bill aa domoralixlug' in Ita taudaiM j Be rcp* at.-1 that, m ola nt, tha uien - u. ra .,f . alUwraia uao aat ? arraatl] rapraaaatad taa yuo lir aeatimenl ?t the:. isate ou tue am Mr. li.vNK- IBcb . wo\ed an aiiieudnient re finlnujt me I'ifai.ient to appawta af the awaraaflBa LuaiiiiiaaliinaiB noior- tho .aiiroud ??o!u,, >an utke Mr. witi;v:LJ-:R ai?aoiit?d to that aniei.d.ueiit, and lt a/iie **tr.'i .1 1" W.luoui awkinic auv faithor arvitweaa ou tbo htlP the Iloi.M- at t o'ti.K k :.<ok ro. m- i'i ','i . lue .? .c:,;;ir- r.'M.uu tu tM lur tlie CMUAUdeiaUoii >.i ia ua.uu n?l. BBOOKLTK CITY FUAUDS. ISVKSTIGATloN OF F.X ' ONTKOLLEB JOBN* -l,\ a \, , 1,1 VJ-. BlXBOBB DBFtlllBJOPiBBj tv tiip. ?\i.r? <>r ?rw bSB BbJBIBJ ?Hall r.< ?<!y-kk*.P!S' ? if'.w Mi 'II A BABB tUBBBBB saTS 11K <;avk Tliu ex-'<>nt::mi.i.ku. Tho invwtig-iti'.ri of ex-rorttrolier Fvan M. J<.Im?o-iN aeio.nita t.v ttM F n i.o-e Cornmlffee | Brooklyn Cornmon Cotincll waa re?umed yeatertar afternoon. Mr Jobaeon reatifl.-d fhat he never reeetve.i il.r-etiyarhatkaaBt/ from any peraon any money on aeeonnf of the aale of honda bevond wbat waa erediu-'t on the lanoka at the C'ori'r .!!' r*a offlee. I lerman Roiiea told Mr. Johnw n fhaf from ar exami ?attoa af tho booha he hatd ?.???? i ,'on *?v i?. 1*59, tbere waa aold fo Kiaaam A Co., BjBhjBB worth of Sewerage bonila, nettlng tlsaS.OOO. Not a dollar ia credlt* <t on the bookaaa havtng been aold that iii<>:.::. ln DoeOaaher tbere la a ercd.t <,f tlWjxa. " Ou Jaa W. . " . ' aaid Mr. Itopea, addrcaaiiig the ex-Controilcr, "y.u aold to KJaaiim A Co., tto.ono of S-werage boude, oettli..* tfrr.JOO, and to other peraona :n Jai.uary, $15,00r>, nett ?? $14,tM), yet the entire rtadtt for January U ouly OJO.nri., aud not untii March following ia fher?; any furthrr erod.t. and then ou!y of $40,000, BMAiBg pjo.uuu for January. F'-nniary aad March, whereaa the aalea la J.tnuary foot up $ig: Ahaoaameatbonda.uTount.i ttadtha: on June 17. 1100, fOB aold Kiaaam A < o. $100,000 worth . on July 9, tlOu.iCO: on J'liy 13, $Lor,..kO?all at '/: r*-r ? ? nt. n.-tting $*as.ia*i. Tat thara to airthtag ftrtdHrf ta -' only $388,000 in July. and the ebtue crcdit BM d - eovera Jaat thaaa naina in July aud June. On I $200.coo worth waa aaid to Kiaaam & < < - uettln : tiae.not but only $17i.o.'.iia MBditad .n I vi.nitier, whereaa Ut? aales foot up $225,<wo, net:. .1 oa May :, Kiaaam A Co. boaght BaOBABBj bett.Lg $247.0CO; yet tN0,(B? ia the whoie tat tbe montb, U eredltod ta June. On Jni.< pj i..<: j i.y ju there waa aout Ul K.a-am A Co. t t I ? MBB tha eattre aredtt for J BBBB for Auguat. IhO at I talltag ahorl .,f tho aaaoaal ?<?? *.u-*. ? Moath laat r, ? >' Oot M am A Co. $3(0,010 of >?? - $196,000. Toar tyateai ->t eatnee, forfaoine raaaoa m ataMB, aeoms ro bava ?' ? afOetabeti teeberalftad rradlta af BBwOBloaOol - ? ii fJetOhat If, at?I Ptt, OJ | OtTteatel ? i BBaalh j;u)t eevt i aoal ???:>cr:!?aay ?'.)"..ajo? uot a ib-iiar en-ditod aa . | ?,..-.???';. Oeteherte. 0 I **> tha ouue r>, mga Uank tlni.uuo for t"jT.:?", aud 0B 'hat very day y-"i iceoOBt wlth PM*Wa, Bo furthrr aaadU *|> paora aatfl Boveaibar V, whon *'-.??? * cn-dited. wnu u correepoadacxactly wl bl I told K.-?aui A < a montii i ? tpa prefieaa.N a lenaaa BopeemadV I - i .<rm.* at to Mr. Jobaaoa, wh.. had piavtoaaiy atat?<t I : ada were aold. Mr Jobaaoa ana?< ? . | , .- , exam::. --* f"r ttBM M UaBBBt ?** JObaUtod l^ I John A.N. i i il ?? ? ? ? ? ? n "? an<: qm a:.i bj Aldoi Baa ? ,.^. w . Banl Bcaaaeal :'.e pur> haaa af haa I - artoaeoaraa] Ll Ipt aeotte Mr j..m, aon a aum of mor.ey on ? a< .dB. y. When waa that I A. A. ? the .imouut of tiuo.iko. i^. What waa t gMtte Mr. Jobnsonf A. T??. h y. what wa- ;?< o ? ? i* p ... haa tha I .N'.rt ai,.-w . i^. iBy Ootpi ratit I ? Wltt). w . mor.ey, ifiven aa a pn a, . t \ , .. foada ol Um baak ol whtoh i mb aaahteaj I aaah tha . fi.-n atiuu by auUionty of t. M> . ? VBB Ptaa dint; [oaaaaitod noother Baai athaot uregaci u> u?. BBatter; Uic tuouey wa? raid .n buuk biila. t^, Do you eoaatdar ll wuhu. your n. I ef powera to make preaer.ta out of tbe '. .nda at the BBBfcl V \ - Mr. M. k i . i t :ba' b? i<ii>.-w nothinK of "be tra johnaoa iiiaaliert iu.- u: a oet patd ini.resr of IhO baakj he pti-<ha.aed o<< la from i.?n:r.xier J haaoa, ;iu'i aa 'tie Beeaatea af ebaataagthaB irooarrodta, tht aaah paafl ,ar t ? ki ap B irtii . bonda ; MayorEa I - . ?" -? ?? - , . tbe bouda. a:ul the bank eoald ?''t n? t q v >u ilid tn i aathiiriaai -Mr. N i aa eut to Coutrolier Johnaon I A. Mr. ' tbat we ouirht to -nake bum a pecaaag IMBJ I taM -Ut do ao: l dout kn.iw ?::<1 lon't unow ?> he put ;: :n hai awn paei ' or to aho? b<- . ;t; Mr. Johriaon BOVOV aBted I aMha Mayor MoBerodpar tae thi h ata .?r..i -..,it... haBkaaadd bavo to more to axd Lbeui aapaad tioj.jou BteatetkOM wort.. of baa ?-. ? i arajw EPSOfg 8PBIB0 I L grx '?? Apfil 2at?1 rii | laWC ina<)r | . d. i .,: taaWMhaa i . . . k aa BBvoi . Umowboto ? ? !?<-ro roaaraaBt *,v ?...-,-. the raee waa w,,u i,y Mr ? 0. K.-.v ?? * y ?*"? "?; torer, aat of MtoaI>WJ ' ? ?' ?' - ,w -.. boraee atarted. tln keraaa waa ia t.? i ? Beld againal . :. ?o t<< 1 ?iia?t I?i-t i W, i ? IU abil (Ttii tbi ra redoaeooad aod thtrd reepei t.\ely. r.?.ti.r' >ad arn bbtjptp m ClTT OF KwcsTOir, -V. \- 'j:l.-TI?r. trackof tbe Bao loa ??' ? " ' ? ' I very bad <oi.,:. i :, L*aod hfcl aOkatai ? ??r at. 1 I trav.-i ta oarl rsaty latari ??"- haaa haa ? iu:,.: uae for the paat tbr r toar dava. aad 1 ? ? ' . : || Um toat aout o: troublc Wlll b?- e-per..-:., < d. aaa* PATAL ACCtTJBBTT0 \ rTATUff IT. \NPER AlBABT, Aptfl 2T?JU'1(T?' CUVaMkB, a wi> knowu citu.-n ut,-n Iaiabd, when Bhaaptag froaj? m Boa>Torktroh I laftetaaaaa tea o*0bbbb*af aaMl Aii-anv, waa itxaoh hy i a*aeaaa Brata aud aaaaaad -lowu a: t raa ?' r, boti I - haa " n *.- . to 8t POter'a Boapttal, where le dled ta about an aadahalf. BereralH ktan I tndera who kappened to M ta tha otty weta wttb htai whaa Jaa ItodL bbilbb b >mau Juud aad MAaara, L>< ua, fc.-a^cr, fia.-, auu ?udy. _ MIlPaPttB AMD hfUUtfllD -' ' i [UBCABAPOI at) Atnl 2-i.?A iiian nanHMl ClBtat ahot and bBtod I ta w Bt iu th-a c:fy. t..-.tav. Afti-r flrtng alX ahota and maklng aure af hia vieftm. he r:il bla "Wti throat. amr^-f J fearfu! woiitet. I ? MBaBd haa heeu dn-aaed, and it la tuougut he will rei over. K*nu.y dJfc cuiuoa are enpp<.n?cd to be hha cauaat. A COTTON ABB WOOLKN M'.LI. D\MA'.EI> BY I1BJ" PUILAI)KLP!IIA. Aptil ill. -Aaron UiU-a'a cot ton au.l aoahBB uml bere w;ia '.aui.iar.-il by flre. tAia eveol'.ig. to tbe ex'.Mit of aMUBBk Ttie flamea ort<rtaaUeU iu Ule pickasl l'uuii, - i-ov.-red by uaoraiii*. TLLKOR-AI'IIIC NOTBB. _The noti iu.i: ou of a t'reui-li Miuiater to W_*h. lBfTU'B UBa kgaaa <ra lrlrrrwl. The d.unage BaahaataaBi by the Penivian at Hal Ifmi * a?? *? arnvaa v *a? a|>prr-wnd><4 l>alr a saal, paroaw * <*? ?argvi*mjarui. iu aaaai**? -? ? "'wkjb*pBaaaaat ??*'?? _io prevetit framla in tne poriUkl aerMce. whieh barr baam fraqacat uf iaia, la* <l??rf? aral af Jaava-.a i*? aWBMl ?**a uiarrr t>, ;a? a ^rra.a? '? a < losat, oal *f arajaA aaaaa k/ **? bvrr aa tawM ,a?i? taalf aiaierd. ...The ?rteamalnp Nyanti. whieh arrived at H?v.' fai tron, Bu.Wa *a aaaaUr. anll iaaal *uA aaaaa *?r L.**rB?al. raa m th* Mna.1 *t- aaaar af Ur B'arr**. tlaa BBI k*? (om Uara *? a *>*??. ..a.aat ta Uw ?*k *l frckfM at gOBBB The H.m. John Jay. the I'nir*xi Statea Miniater k* Aaania, a?| i ..uat AalraaaJ Ua BiaiaUr of P<?*a?B 4aW**. ka.a nrLaaarai r*i-.a<ai..a* jttk*T a* Baik caavaaUaa r***?U> awjou ataal ?*??**? Ba l aaaaa OUbbs aaa Aaaxra. , Iu tbe rYench Aaaembly, y*wterdar. the bill Ihr U* ataaBuaalM *f * l?.**:l af aut* ?a* rafcrraal baak u. Ba ta fc.l rr akirk rrt?.n?l n Th* Arr*. b.1. (aaaau u lr*? iwawa. aiiiwol lanaa* ll praacfiba* *r**ra Braa.-.aa tw jnaakaviMam, Pajajajp, amvtng at portUand. Ornttm, from auaa Abak*. wpati paaa Maaaaaa' a ttej jaaha m n-mt a# >*? Avrurrrr *f rwii ?lrr: alaaa aiUkia ha i a M af '.la Wwa. aaa a* aaB I*M aaa! ?Ji'rr .a Mbrt uiaraa aa tba) aaaaiaal aaaaa. <>n Maaakaa aigbt Oai H. L. MeCornb. Preei ani.i ttrlmllaii kUt>*?*at | aaaj, i .* waa ra, Baai at da bearia 1. raaaoa M^. .1 bia, a gael aakrA 01 -"?!?<***? ?? mmm i cwT*?c?. UM *L?*t u?laat ?aia*?l at asf*atai taaaaaaa BBaWaB