Newspaper Page Text
vol. vvvii.N?-9.692. NEW-YORK. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1875t PRICE FOUR (-I-NTtt FOREIGN NEW?t MAIN. ELECTION OF A fntTjogms or Tnr OOBT-S-* ir Qf THE i\.?i r.iuxrriDN?MAiiMiAi? IXBBAJK) TO H A Aj-i'tiiNTKlk?iVNKKAI!S?lM'i. Maukii?. BHdajr, Sjaflst-isn. Beftor En. ,,.?. thi? Boa-laca of the If-B-Bt-T-al*? 1Mb, Baa hot j? ?.,.??,<, rm-uh _ of tin Cesta? l>v a lan,-? i tj -, ,,. .,">,, r i. ?- chaaM i.y IBs C_?t?eaaa i,p'i!,t?,ii tii?* ,,?,v.-..iMii nt. z.riiiia, Mor?-, sad ttiiT ?.' .. ajr-ta-t. Oa, warn yesterday ?an-scated ta IBs k ? . :. M.U.I-?ila regaidedaael liimii hapert* ? , . ? ,.f ;|,. r. pottl tin- l?-|??* -rf'l? .^ ?,.-.., the iB-unrw ti???. -..--. ...:. ?... ? ?r.,f very aei-toti? IBs Oaten _ ;..,,-.. -Liai",) 1..:-,'?..!'t tlir tui'.st rigO-tN- owttmom )( , il M Ht" irv-t,:l-,-. 1i??u. Ti." ic la VBBt 1? I r i r ? ' ? : i beads throughout l-S BlngdoiB. r ? , ?! thoaaead persona ar? : ? ?i aas _. <i ?" sua Basar? r,. ii n sga????! theOoVa__BBB__t A toytl proelaB_rt-on i - i-,! declaring ni;iiy (dares in Batata?, liege. Ti.- f.!?vor?-v m i- ' i-lehtin prese any tafoe i*. nn relative either t?> 11? or tin? -_?*Bsta' l. nt?. Tuen Is a A**** driiun?! from ti.- provine*, where IBs C_rll?ta aro asoat n ? e tor troops toaaaBala driving earl IBs dtetnrbars? ? tstroapahaa sjaaa to Havana. i. . .,.,?.. at t>i. bead of tlii? foree Baa eheekedtbe ,,;,.?. ?,? of tb, c.tii t? m that i?, i?irttmnt. Marshal no win he a; pointed ??fu. Tiiii-ni-o of IBs loma ,,,,?..: I the laaa_x_a_v Mara?al Oaaeha a_l i. . 'i eonaa-8-, it B i? Neva?, t_al Iba fiitui.' i ; I i la saw depeada apas ?as eenreeof IBs t.. Is, sad If they C-Bps-Bte with the partisan? ,i Dob Carl ? -. lb? r, volution vrtll be aaeoeaafaL of 33 gendarmes Bttaoked aad dispersed ? baa lot Carllsts, _so la number, in toe province of i ... ; it la , Ii i'?- state i Ibal to? nasal, rol Intat grati ; all? ., .. . i . too. DEPARTURE Ol DUB C?BEOS -BOB (?I.MVA. . Friday, A|ini :c. i-:.. it i? now i?'.??.ii\*iv .,,??(?1 ?m Hie heal , it Don i I _ neva la disguise on to? , . ? . mi . ? '? Should i..- be captaved la Bpaia n:. :. i. :n i. - :.'ni . ii?. ?till be abet, He cannot pet liaM reachedtoeSpanish fn.ntlir. CUE AT BRITAIN. IM.V.N \ riOBAL r.ii".>s COBGB1 SS?1 BT1 m.'.r?' M. _TALA_TA < RI W?KELKA8B (?I nil. nCIIUOKNE i i.UM.iM OB BAIL, Lobi o*?. I', -la.?, April - In tibe Hooae of lionU to-night the Earl of c.. liirvon askeJ whether toe Qovcrunicnt Intended to ??.i.,, soy portion of toe expanses In connection with v. a Congress to be held In London ii.. . t'.. .. -t .-, >? "f the Aini-rii-iiu PrisonBeforaa a , i*: a. Tue Marquis of Lansdowne, Junlnr hat lui t .- iry, replied thai an application foi toeassist t.. ?;. . ivrrnmeut had been made, bul !.. il been .1 ... 111 fiirii.-h u b_d l?l? -?.!? lit tt) l_al.c ?a i. u of toe i ui.'. ' m . House ol Comuii us, Mr. Trevelyan, member for moveJ that household? -.* outside of i ?.. .'ary i. .i. ? n ?_ L?.. be g \t ii ti ?? franchise, and Mr. Fawoclt seconded toe motion. Mr. Gladstone and i ..j.; u.-i-i! tbe motion, v. ii. . i by a \, i 'i .....l... 11 at Clllb r.,. .a Lirerpool yesterday by the members ol Um I_m tlou Rowing Club, who subsequently escorted timr ,-, ta to the cara, ami the whole party atartnd 'or ?. I?u^o crowds ol persona gathered ;.t the ? between Liverpool and putney ..?< tlio tram passed, and by palates and Bheral displays ?.f bunting nrii'Mc of tLelrdeaireto aecord the stranger* a w.inn wt. li?me. The un ii,-.. if luv neeeaaary to eeenn tu. releas? aa bail of ihc Tlehhom? elalmaal bavin;,* I?.-, i. ?.,::.; lied B lib, in' has 1? I . Bet Bl UtM 1 ly. ITALY. TUB RBrPTIOS OB MO?BT V! '.t'Vir.?I TUNING "1 A __EBII CRATER?'LOAS OP 1.1!!.. Naim.?. Friday, April M. 1873. A ? . ?. . ..?.s to-day. tun 'at .i ti?'- ?.-.s mi t lie moun? tain-til , ind the Inhabitants are removing tinir ho se !.. - 1 in fiie Hi Id?. Th? rs have been sumnonod Borne, aad nn for the houseless people. The ? ?ii with "-i? ' tatora. The ?? Is t?a n! i mule beyosd description. The il ? t>t up to a great hlftht. aad m rech irtbquake ahoehs whleh ;?re dos t . ,-? tell in toi j ov! Mday, April 2C, 1 ... At the pitting of t?.e Chaniuer :?( Deputl. h t?ii-? evealng, Pi i . Mmister Lauts read a dispatch, dated Napias, this BfleruoOB, >,..:,.. ????ic iriiplion of Vesuvius l? :n rreaslD? aad becomln ? more aeriona. Two hundred per 1 en I urn? il by the lava. Flames burst from t ?? earth under the feel of tli?? tahahltaata. lanada) ? .!??? o I? in .1 in', r of destruction; the people lire flyiuK from the town. Temporarj provialoai? ma.if for them l?. the aatoorlti s." LOMbOB, Brldav, Al?*il 2?, 1872. BtraBora of a ten i.ear Mount Veeavlaa are ram "it ia tin? elty. The repasta ata that, of a aaaaher ui j. iraoi i ??? boae curl alty led iiiem too near the voleaao, IS weit ?i ami wouaded byashawerof lava. DOMINION OF CANADA. BOLD I'll?' o\ I nil ? IB THE BSD BIYEB OOUBTBT. -OBOKTO, Ont., April 20.?Further letters ii n . i ?lUiiHiii. m, in the Bed EUver country,statethst ??I ? ii.t nur ila. ov? ti. - ?f ( lilil??-in?gLltuile i ? . (i.-, and h Bmaber of experts are golnft Mr.-icKellar, ooe of the oldest explorera o. the i ?? - periorregion, pronouneea the minea very rieh. ii,.! i? of if in. on that I hi stiver dlseoverlee willgofar '? <ii. ? if. Bllrer Islel minea. DUpatcbes from Fort thai :i party of Preach balf-breeda, aboat v.. i.i m m..i, weul up Bed River, armed, to prevent ?... a?i .? h ftniii rafting down timber,cat bjr a ap?ela] : ' ii-Mo the Dominionoflldala hare. 1_ahalf-breeda ... th. iimiHi was cut on lands which they have taken ap i ilei ii.i- i lf-breed grant. Tnere ia imiiiiucut danger ..i s . olltslou oa the opening of navigation. BEPOB1 OB THE -ISUEBIES. Ottawa, Ontario, April M.?The ?iiiniud re? pon of the .Minister of Marine and Fisheries, siiluii!tt?(l to Parliament last evealng, ahowathe aaaesal condition of the BaBerlea.lev the Domiaiaa (luringtho pa.-t pear, e.pis iitlly i.i .N't ?a feotia. Tlitt actual value of the pro .' ' of the ilsiierii-ri for the purpoM? of trad? In l 1,-00. being an . xc. h? oier uat of the p_eeedlng ? rol I jr.nsi. It I? estimated tlni? tlie quantity eon : loi ilom, stif ii?<" I?, I?/Ai,oo0 worth. TM? amount of eapttal tiiu? easaaed la estimated at i rae iiui.-ii.?? <,f peiaoaa aaaptajad laahoul ? ? In ma klag comparisons of total valoea It aausl be i mind that the pri?es of eectalB kind? of Bsh ii' a i.ui ii 1. w< r m 1.71 than in lisTO. Mackerel, In 1870, - v? .o ,i ai in to ?if per barrel i?.r the ? ?i?ap?:r K-rmle.., aud i.. 11.1 oiily |4 to ?5. Tbe ui tuul (ju?inllty taken was ??i i iree times greater ia the lattes y?mr tUaulntlie fi raser The total laine w ui'tualty less. T ?- tlslierv it.lit ?tions, such un Bahlog rents, VSSaSSSL fees, tt. - ?, Ac, durnnf tbe la.t ?seal year, amounted t? i . ??- The expenditure fac tbe ?aine period was |: . ... Tin wt.. lie ex[>enseof tue uiarine ikiI?c?? amounts to |r_u,i_i. The usual iiistructious under which the ?.Bii-.ri- commanding the Canadian cruisers have acted in t: " i.a-l _ inton ?lilfer Ik.iiii-'a fioiii those Issued fur t.,? ir gnldaaee during privions seasons. 1.? ? onfuroltg ? lilt lUe ? i in?-_w?l v. l_ti of lier MnJ'-?t Va i. t. nun. nt, Bshlag vessel? t.eiongicg to United _tat?-s ? /.. o? are ntblset to moteatnUoa or seizure solely fur 1 . ,r Balling ?iilnn the three miles huilts. 8( veral ? -aun. or ( anada, la reapeet to u deflnltion of her various nay... I?, Boa-lug ouinlary, arm her iiKlit to exclude all fi.ntiKii ??-seels from her oorts and liar dor? for halt, s-vpilte, Ac, incident to flnliluk', were put in abeyance. CI'JIA. REPOHTtl) BVBBBBIMOI OF A TROVINEKT CIBAN. Havana, April 20.?Dr. Emilio Loares, a ti"ti.rr o? aalaala Laaaaa,wltft soothers who were with limado Agraiiioiite BEB, e the outbreak of the lnsnrree ? loi., ?.av. . urr?ml. red to Ihc authorities near Paarte principe? Tn?' Hpatiinb Iron-clad A'_i_an?ia has arrived Bl boiitiuKo de Cuba. FO-tT.N.N NOTES. It i. _aid that the I'? niiiKulur Naviifation Com? pany is B"lug to SS-BBBsh a new harbor al Venice. tto l'ope has It-en pSBBBadad to in up the SJBSB-M-SS In the <^)llei<e of Cardinals, which now nuiuf. r aweniy-aii or twenty-seven. Arehtushop Manning 1? lu. !.ii.._ad union,' the likely recipients of the Cardinal's hut. Fuii-lgu lui-l-t?'r? ai Kouie an: said to be auxiotn, ti-it th? eouclave for the ??lectn.n of a new iv,,*. hhouid ivlien i.e..__try. I? held In Bouie, but the Curdiiiai? woiiid pn-r_r t?, hold it in Prauee, or Austria, or even in ?he lsJaiid of Malta. lu A __e?tina waa hchl at Nottingham, on April ! 12, to *y _paUii-e with the Tlehborue claimant. The chairman. ? Mr. Legge, said that though the claimant s?as m Kewgate, with all ;be wealth and luSueuc. pf the ronntrv neainef him, thousand? of port?n? thoncht ti liml not lircn fairly ili-alt with, and lunny won? rortei of opinion that he waa tbe rightful ix-ir. a resolut*.? ea* carried thai the claltnanl aad aol been rut? i.v ?t? ? with, mu? pledging Hi?- Bisettaa te nae nil legliiiasi ?acaai io obtain iibacrlptlons for the defaaaa. Asbbsw erabla nun ?if BMaey aas eoUestal in the rooiu. Tho Kiif-rlisli la mien, uto nt last Tcco?rni?in tho lmporlunic of tho ?trik? of agrlrultiiral litli-oi-rr A |__nja meeting o? agri(-ultur..ta nml laud-owner? Wl hall Bt OBSahtUfC on 13, and, after n great deal ?llaraaBloa.IBs lollewtnB raaalaniai was carried aaai memory i " this BMBSag Tasara erlta nitassaaiag?' the Bjhtattoa that lia? be? nitcuipictT bypertttes u cnnrii i tod anil iiti:.(-(|itiiiiitcil with agricultural subie, t with the nileft of Implanting dtaaoateal in themladi tbe an le ni i m ni labores ; and that, la the opinion af tn meeting, ?nch :.cit.itlnii l? not calculated to promote ii inten ?is either "f the employer or tho employed, wh?>. Bollare aiaat .1., :..i ??;. 1... 1.. 1 i? ? 1 -u 1 ?a-,,.?? 1 mi'i and demand." The louden Telegraph of the ICth inpt. thi evlaoedtta appr? elattoa of lbs awkward position ?rent? t'y the nature of tlio American SBSS1 ?' Th? lll-advii? iasertion," it ?alt). " of a claim for Indirect d-imagcs I liai iBSOrBlBB ease I::..? place d OSO. (?runt.. Adtiiiiiisti tion iu an awkward IIISBSBSB If tboy withdrawn ?talais after a faraud espcrsselef (beat, tiu-v lay then ?elves open to the charge ?if having saerlScad It national i-i^iit-ri iitirt intervals i if tin-y lasan ui?iii tin- n tention of tno claims, and thus asaase the wa*hl____to Tn a! v tin nine |0 nothing, tlicv BIT exposed tn t!.?- W eaaatfcmef kavlaa throwaaway m arraaifeaseBt to tl ??ntT'e?.?[nl o?ri\ in* out <>f whirh Bleat importance I-;? ttt.-lieii in the 'Mate?. It is obvious, therefore, thai tli Pret-denl mnat naturally be disinclined t?. preelpltel an laaae which m_j_bi afford the Cincinnati Convention plaoaible s-ronnd of action." lu giving ?imlicnci? to 1 large hotly of for 11| m re, numbering aeai-j) (?A oa tlio uta last,tba Po| bleseed all the nnfii'tis represented. iai?eaaB8iafllM Usb to the Bvayata of Qathottce, Uta HoUaeas praised Hi ?1 i? charity of Franco, and roiiurpli-d certai French Catkolles who have ahartra lhaaasatves las bsto erant.touM umre iteatli doss. Ho also ?aid, "I blot po t Italy, who la not tree. la aha net boaad in chain ay this contribution of blood thai Is ashed from Sor h im. " In the army t I pray for Oormany, now sui |ug*ted anil divided oyaa anU-CSthoUc aad ambition t, t.*. it sin- may remata Armaad constant, Lota pray to the Almighty to rive atrengtli t?> the Oermai Liahops, that they may aphold tint rights ef Ood, tli i hiu a. and Borktr. Let aa pray for the eenveralon _ ? :? ; ... who call themselves old, beeanse they relntn ,1 r, nid errors. Let a? pray for Austria, who stand a 1 . m need of our prayers, I bles? tho Catholics o I.? laud, Poland, and Holland, und the Catholic? o An. in a." Then has hern a split in H;o Interiiationa .-?ei it 1 v, and a iiiiiuber of lite members have sesBded 'ron t. These held a meetlag ata lavera la I?alee_>ter*sqaar( LoadoB,oa April n, u? proteat aaelaat iho aaeoBBtlts iloaal eoadael In Uw maeaicement of the Society. M Bicharde, one of the Praaeh Oommanlata,toob tbeebali and alona Hat of reaolntloaa waa rabmltted. Tbe charge mni in the apeeehea embraced alleged dictatorial au? intuiting conduct, eoUecttona uf money from the workiuj ( lar?? s, and t he want of proper accounts for a aerkid ?a nx -.tai *. There wow also proles:? against the by-lea ? in ?.'. hi? h m? iiitM-r-. ?.re I?. l>.? sworn not to snbsarihe o] Ik h.11/ to any other Democratic association trot tbe In ternatlonala, a:.d charges against m? mhara for resortim 10 unfair proceeding? to it. 1 themselves elected as pal 1.1 retarle? or deli irate? to variona meetinga. Several 0 the seceding memrera of the British section eon? lude? hy declaring thai they had no Idea before ther Join? that a aocletv could axtatin E aland where sueu tyran i leal ??Vkh could be attempted to lie imposed hy one Uiu) over another. Referrioa to Mr. Gladstone's promise to la. the British Conatos Casa aad tba explaaatoryaoteac companylng ll before the House af Comnaoas, The Ton ten kim, of the 28th last, s .i l : "The coaSdeaes af lb? country in the r. solattoa ot the Oovernm? nt to yield at Jet or tittle of Iba extravagaal ahuma of the Aaserlrai 1 a ??, iiko truth, 'e.i;i never be oonflnaed enough, thougl doabtS did ?vet- sleep.'" Tlte Lonilnn Ti?M?i I the ??inn day adapted this ballylea tone: "Wa da net rappoa? that the Ministry would, under any 1 Ircnmstanoi ?, ..11 '.? the Tribaiial of Arbltretors to proeaed to Jadameat 01 the um m reeled and unreformed Amerleau caso; bei wi caaeaally anderstand bow, In the absence ol dcflnlt? ? r, m., the united Htat.??. Oovernment uiiptit held oui i.ii it waa too late, and then turn runnd and declare tba' > had thought tin- English Ministry would havi been Inflexible they woukl have atven way rather thai! that the Arbitration ?houid la?. ?-. Lord Enaaali's addreai ; 1 the (Town, nraying that liistauctloaa i?- liven to sw pen 1 all farther proceedings nadar the arb?tranos if th? m llred ? l lima be not with :r.iv?:i, will prevent any aacl mi.un. We ai? all agreed la this purpose 1 in- M...ii-;i ?,-, it t.'.ev be wi?>,viiii gladly aeoeut an in ruetlou which most areatly strengthen themlamsln ?inn.,- their attltade toward the Oovernment of th? United r-.i'...-." __________________ THEMTJRDBB <'F THE BIONEBS OF CAMCOUKT1 (Mo ) Bosns. St. IrOTJIS, April 2?i.?aV special ?lir-i?atch from Ki.n-1- ( t.. I'm r? the detalla af tho bratal mardarel b:e\i 1 -.i. t . n.. mu? Datte, ?m tl.i railroad train, aaai liol.irn, Mo., Wedeeaday. After the train atopped, foui of the n.nii mena tad i!i<* loooasotiv? und Baaided the aa linear with dratva reteiven. The tram wan then ?ur rounded, and C me and Mavenaaa ari -<- Ballad out. dim appeared,and,after ??lino word.? retriirdtn** hi? .ounce tlOB with the fraudulent i.?j_ua of the OSM Coamty hoinl? was riddled with balleta.aad his body tin-own hythctld? track. Several of the crowd emptied their revolver? lata inn mangled body. Stevenaon ta? in the hmn asssi and had tmired the doom rpilaal tba riiob; liut the mot broke la tba doors with a loir of wood, and poured a voi ley into tho body of tho ?edge, killin?. liiin linsl.intly Btevcnhon'e bt.dy wa? ilrtiKit'cd out and laid Ix-nide that of ciine. Datro, who aaa in a Masamns-ear, wa? mor t illy wounded. The train wa? liien allowed to KtHrt, but wu.s liiitnediately alcaaled to rioj). Tbe dyliiir man, Dutro, was then dragged from the coach and thiown down near the dead bodies of Tliiio aad Stevenson. A 11 port reached Kansas city, last sight, thai Jadas Km ?1 tl', another of the County Ju-flre.-, hud been ?but, nml t)i? bniiy batiifed t??a tree, (?real excitement prevail? tlirouiiliout the county, and fBars are felt that other? will be murdered. Tt??- perpetrators of thi? massacra claim that they have 1.880 nun in their ortraiiizatioii. (.i.v. Brown will laaae a proclamation, to-morrow, call In. on the armed orgaalaatioa In Casa Ooaaty (Un member? of which mnrderod Jude?? Stevenson ami Messrs. dina und Datoo, on the railroad train at (?nun dty, on Wednesday last) to disperae und dl_a_na?aad aiistaiii from any fnrtber act? of trioianoe* ai-o enle'nlna upon the paopta of OSH and the iidlacent countlcH to aid in hi i.i-i).ir to justice ull who huve violated the law. HOLDBBi Mo., April 21;.?The frreatcst exciternont pre viiil? here le Bight on account of the repeated threat? of tho mob in Cass County. Kigual? of Hunpielou? charac ta r? have beoi ?eeii within it few mile? of tho town, and it Is not known what m..tuent tliero may he an attack. A iiiiiiiher of tmtr.ilnien have I.e.n BtatlOBCd at diiler.-iit pomtf, and all the cltlseas are on the alert, and vini de? fend their basase to UM tltinost. W. I?. Nichols, otl" of the alleged bead statuera, live? here, aa wall aa about 25 of hi? bondhiiieii, who BIS the licht of citizen*. PIX PESSOEI B?BHBD TO DEA HI. Albany, N. V., April 20.?A Khookiu.-, aflnir occurred In the town of New Scotland thi? morning. A f.ui.iiy, ? ??n ..t-tiiii; of Mr. Volmer, hi? wife and flvechil dren, Volmer'? molher, und hi? wife's stepfather, oc? cupied a two-?tory liuildini., which took fire. Volmer, his wife, and one child, who occupied tlio first floor, os C-4jKd, but ull the other? iM-rlrhod in the flumes. A tew day? since, the old geiitleuiuu, Mrs. Volmer'? ?tep father, rams to this city anil drew out of a savtegB bans ?otneS??-- or|400, which ho had kept on deposit, Intend? ing, it is said, to take the money and aeaasad with it to V? i ?(thi -lu ut un early day. When i he ?re reached the second story the old gentleman, In hi? ?iiixntv to save hi? money, kept back the other? lu the roam with him. ami would net jx-imit them to ojh-ii the window and Jump to the ground. mi IN THE HHAWANdlNK MOCNTAINS. City op Kingston, N. Y., April 2?.?Aildi tlotiul l.if'.i 111.TI..11 in regard to tbe Ore? in the hh.iw mi gunk Mountains Horn KUenvllle ?ays, thut a large Arc i? now raging In the mountain? )u*t touth of that village. To night it 1? raging with unabated violence, and it? spread 1? apprehended. The tire is Mip^-stid to have in-,-11 aaaaad by ?park? from a locomotm- aa the Hew Wk and (.?wego l_uilr??iKl. Tbe air in thi?. eitv sad vlciiiiiy i? d. uhely fllli d with ?moke from the buralna wood?, (iule A Chamberllti lost about 3.0 cord? ol wooil OEKMAN KVANOI.MCAL I.UTHFUAN FYN'OT). St. LeOLis, April 26.?The triennial _s_S___M of the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod ron?uencod here to-day. Nearly all the Ktat?"? of tho Union and Can? ada were represented, making the largest ?as-tiag over held. The I*., v. ITof. C. F. Walther is Itaaldiiul The My was devoted to reliiflou? exercises, and tomorrow ?S regular buaiuet? of the hynod will SSSBBBSSSBa, TWO EXPULSION-?. A Hinall steam cylinder in John SteuniH'HHilk mantifa? tory, No. ?3 Ka?t lailj BBSSal Bl.. exp!.Hl?a yesterday, and BSfBM-f ?raided Joseph Brabbln of Hocond-avo. and Forty-third-at., and Bophia Janseu, ago 1?. of No. 741 Thlrd-ave. A gasoiliit) lamp exploded la?t evoalng In th? bateinenf, it ., ___L _r*____*Tfc?_, "????-If huriiiu? Eluabeth Naikle about the aruia and body. THE WIHONHIN LtOJDOB LAW. Mii.WAt.KKK, Win., April _MI.?The Stato ll?|Uur law iTKcntly BBBBBl ha* been declared void a* far a? the City of Milwaukee Is couootued, ou m .-omit of a license grnnto?*. tl,, Uy mmgmg the BUtSI law which ha* never be..-., repealed, it is raaaosad shut other utiea lu the butt;viyoy the BUM pt.vH.-i.-?. J//?. liiNGSLETS DRIDCK. ...VFSTIGATION.. INTO THE FRAI'I.? OF THE EAST BIVEB BKIOOB COMPANY D______M_B UY THE COMMITRB OF FIFTT?MEMoWAL TO THE I.?(il_?ATi;K_. Tlie Brooklyn Committee of Fifty, in further vigorous prom-cut ion of the c?irrupt mtUg of 0MB city, BBS memorialized tho Lag isla ture t?i appoint a committee to iB-aetllBtS the alUIrs of the l.?st River linden Com? pany, end it Is rumored that the Grand Jury which I.? called for May wlU also be requested to look Into the BBhJlS BBfl SSISaalSSf the Company, and of Mr. Kings ley's several partners- The Coiniiiltteo b.ivo evidence, it is reported, that moro than t.00,000 has gone to tho several BSBBS In v. Mill IBS various members of tho Ilriilg." Hing are Inferes ted. The follow 'lug 1? the memo rial of tlio Committee of Fifty In the \a-gWattiri? : CBAMM SI UK -UK C?i .UITTF.K OK FIFTY, ! No. IS) Pillion -sf., Brooklyn. Api il 25, ISIS. S To the Honorable the Situate atul Attembly of the State of \i ir-1 ont : ._..., .. At a meeting of the Owaralttea of Fifty, held on the rve-lngef April at, iSThtas following preamble und isolutloa u is adopted : Whereat, William C. Klnrdov. signing htmself "(Jen ?tal Baporintoodeal of the new Tort Bridge Company." m a reply, bearing dato April IS, IBIS, t? a inporl <.f tnln Comini.t?'.-, did assert " that be wan out of |m?-b_i more than a quarter of a million befara a blow bad baaa struck " aa the Brooklyn Bridge: aad R'A.rro?, Tlie ?aid KUMSleJ did implv, In Bald romrntl ..i ation, mid has ? stated tool a large portion of IBM sum was expended la procuring the assent of Oaagreaa ami ol the Legislature of ttda ??tat? to the act Incorporat? ing ?uni Bridge < onipaayt and Bhsraas, lae interest oi toe people of tMCHIesof Hrooklyn and Bew-Yorh require that the means s? im h hue been iih.'iI to obtain BOOB legislation, should be dis? cover il un i nade publie? tberefora be it lUtolretl, 'Hint the BHIinlBUBof Ihfl I-"gl-la?iire, from the County of KiiiKs, be requeeted to secare the appoint? ment of a Committee, to all during the reeeaa al tue Legislature, to Investigate the factsTa refereuM to the means which have beea Bead to oblata the aaaaage ol the acts of the Legislature for the iBoiarperafloa of tho " New-Tort BriihfB Oompany," and the aseent of Osa* greaa to to? ball?ins >>f the bnd ?s ; sad to npoii the re miIi of mich Inveatlgatlon ?it the next session <?i ti.e L?gislature; aad that said Committee be elotbed with power to send for persons and papers, and t<? examine witiK-sses and take teetimoay In the mutter: and that the ?ai.i Coiniiiitiee be also empowered to examine ?nd i be testlmouy In i- latioa (?> aaeh ?f the altura and triuii*::. Hont, of the Board of Water aad Sewerage, and other Commissions of the City ol Brooklya. as shall he ?arulahed for lnveetigatlon to inch Legiaa_ttve Comni.t lec nv this Couitiiitti >? of Flftv. An-we.the said COauBittee of Fifty, therefore ?nr n?"i-tly memorialise your howorable bodv that an Investi? gating Committee, with poweca us iteiluid in lb?' tan goiua reeo ution, to sit during the reeeaa of the l. ? Isla? turo, mai be appointe-before tbe adjournment at your Loiiuruiilo Ihj iy. By order of the Ezeeative _?__ nltteo, K. T. i;a? Kii'ii .at, CBainaaa. Tlli; GAJUUBBAjr. MUBXlKB TRIAL. The trial of Eilibie (Jamil .?mt for Hm* of Ram*"*i F. B?rroag-Bby, psissaiag, aas seatlaaed, yeetarday, nt Meessa, H? J,, ta the i*??.;:ie Goaaty ??ou?t of Oyer aad Ihnalaer. Dr. Qata, th? Oasaaar, deeerlbed tho etreamataaeea of the Inquest, the body when Mr. t seen In him was frozen. He BSW rtaineil that liiirrough?: had SOI beea wen witl.ln tliteo weeks, and that dining that time I.lhliie (?arialiniiit Bad beea fie? quoi tii in ihc heaee. In regard tatbeneletfl Barioughsl pocket, it wiu iisc? rtaiii.-d the pri_>ner w..s aeeaalesaed to write far the deceased, aad she wrote ,,t the dict?t Ion af tbe I oroner. Her hand writing resembled that of the note, und tue prisoner, with a eompaal a, Kale lloyd, Wan bSld SB a WlttMM . An argument w-m be had to determine tbeadmlaal* bilityoi the evidence takea during tbe ex-initiation. The cross i-x ?min.uioii of this and tbe auecoedipg wit? m ?. waa for tbe purpose of proving thai toe examina? tion at th.? in.|iie?t bait not ii?-. n i roperly In hi; that tl a prisoner am allowed neither counsel nor ntlrict, b il va? sharply qaesltoned ; aud thai every eflbrt wa? mulo to entrap her into loBtug contradietorv stories and lato ?u hnowiedglng her guilt, 'i'ii ? Coroner admitted thai tbe prisoner had not been warned thai her t. limony might be Bard against her, sTamea Hand, tbe Coroner"d clerk, corroboratod the provloua testimony. Th? pro c cutlon offered to prove by this witucas, a? an expert, that tbe note found on Burrongha ami that written by the prisoner, at the | ion. r'ri do t.iti m, were v. ritten by the same person. The tiefen ? obi oled, aud ai'sniaval Will I?- In iird this m..nilii.'. Tue Court then admitted laevtdeoee the note found npon the deeea ed, and also tin- paper Baarked " i'"i?. n arsenic." Prof, it. Ogrtea Doremus of Bew-Yorh presented arapotl of a chemical analysts made by him, abowiaa that distinct tracas of arsenic were found m RuneiifTia'a sloiaach aad latee* ti tee. Ad|ouiiiei!. ? ?? IT? Kl'ot KET_ ABBBBTXD. A pant; of New-York pickpockets pUedtheir voeatioB aaTbaraday alghtaasoag ih? passengers iroui Pateraea, at the Brie BaBraad depot m Jersey city. MavoiO'S'i ill of Ji r.-ey City had a ? pin worth tl,.1(0 Molen. E. J. BggellB of Hoboken lu? t a choc, for ISS, IM in currency, and u coiijioii of a devenu? nt head. Another gentleman lost a w.iich and chain. Mr. EVgcli.'i followed the tbleVSSte HiIS side, and iiccostlng one of tbesa,aassed Oearaa Maaaea, deaaaaded the return o' his property. Detective iiutts of the Erie BaBway seised the thief, aad was hneehed down i.y him. IBs thief attempted toeeaape, but raa lato tbe 'arm? of r.-i ti uiiii m (iiahaiii. ami was Inched up in the Chambers it l'otii-e -Station. John Keefc, alia? "Johnny the Greek," was arrested yootentay, aad both prSmaen were taken to PoBoe Headquarter?-, uni there rei ognlaed as ii.,;..,.. oaa pickpockets and members of the gang that was em? ploy ed In robbtog tbe passeagers of toe Pateraea tram. The arlaoaers were eoaamBted to toe Xtonahs to await a a (iiilsitioii from Bew-Jeraey. WBB. Divin, allitH Dougherty, alias " lilg Dock," _r,d Jaaaee Maaday, alian Jasaea Smith, boa weU-kaown plckpoebeta, were captured early yesterday in Stewart <_ Cori.ett'H bobhy-beraa aaaaafactiiry. No. 214 Baal Tweut.v-.util ol. Tliey wero cm ulttvd by laitlfS Kiiandli'y. At tin. Bases Market PoUee ?"'.urt, yeetarday, James dart waa held i..r trial by Justlee Scott for pteklng Denis -iiiiti,'? pocket of ti_> iu a Beeoad-ave. ear oa Tbtuaday evealaa, THE METHODIST BOOK CONCERN FRAUI)-, g The Ifathodiat Book Coaunittoa met bbb?b yeeterday, all the aaeabers hi lag ptiatial. The roper! of Mr. Kilbreth, an BZperl who had been upiKiiutcd to ex? amine the book*, was pic.? nted, coiiUrmiiig, it is said, the charges of lraudb In the Illuding Department. The report will not l.e made public at prenent, and probably not until the Ueneiul ( ou.'crenrc eaaata to pass upon it. AN AC( IDENTAIi DEATH. ratriik Sullivan of No. :W9 Thirtl-ave., while . uffering from fever and ague l?*t evening, took poliou by mistake foi uiiilicluc. and died in 16 i,,.i nu ... MBB Klli.KMAN CONVICTED. New-Haven, ('?mu., April 26.?Mr.. ?Slier nian wan convicted this morning-nf murder In the BBBSad degree, and will be ssateaesd to the Htate Prison for life. TROTTING AT FLEETWOOD TARE. neetweei Park, Friday, April _?, Bwesastakssi ti" ', mil.' h?st_, lait 1 10 I, in 1.,.-?,? a - a..i wa.-.u. V. ?tntt'tr. f. M?tr?r, to wa^.in. 1 1 1 il. Uace'i b. ni. To(,?r?. is banirss. 3 ? J iim??J:1U<, _:.I6. -:._j. Ssio? lsf-Mat-h SMS, ail? lifsts, J ia i, iu ksnifta. I' Msnrr'a r. m. J.ntilr H. | ] j W. Murlhtoy'i b f. ?im. 1 IrVin.'.'.'.'. i t i Tiu.1???i., ?on, 3;U2, TELEGRAPHIC MOTES. ...The iilaiiing mill of Hartrell, Scheiden & Co., It Allt-titoan, r?iin at, I,un ? I . i aloja?. -Tlie AiiKfrian ami Hungarian Governments ... tlaritlad ?o sml J, ... ,?. u, O.? Ist?rt?_ti..ul eri.on ?>,B|r?-?. An nil tniiti on tho Hudson Hiver Hailroad took Ir? on the track ??"it?rili,, nn, Ur??_bu,!i, and ?u t-inmu-]. Lam. ... .Johann SI rana? leave? Vienna shortly for Ros too, wb.ii be will evoduM turn? nt lb? prrfurutaa?? it IS? Peac? Jubilee. The grist and saw mills of Cook Rrotliers, sitti ited on Nasb'? ?'raek, r ?., Morrlsliart, Cauids. wire bant. ,?st?-iar. l.oai. ei?.iXW; lniuraire, eAUOU. j--?-/ ....The KToiit Scotch orator, the Kev. Thnmaa R'.bfrts. ?nd Sut? I'rtur.rof th? (?no. ImxI.? nt (ioail T?m.U-i ?f I'r-u?; itsia?. hi? 1 II rti ?.? ?.i, i ,,,,, t ... ...The Troy Ha^e Hall Cluh and tho Mansfields of MUilleluwa. loas, (I....1 a rUn,-i.,i,al.i?. gis? a? TniT ?t?_ni?f Score as tulluai: Truj?. lo, Maxiatelili .otbiai. Tb? w.uurn ears?- 8 ruca. ?Admiral Al.len, rommandioc the American test, ?lilt?- the Uara.illra Ili.nrs. ?ral?r4a., ?M waa ratnrt.1 with dil liDli.i]ab?d hnoi.ra b? lb.- mrtubtri ?I iLt Clmaber of I .u?ia,ic? t_i aiaii? nf th? iMdui aUieaa. ....Dr.J. M. Da Costa, tho well-known medical wntar, hs? b??a el?rl?d Ptul?.?, ?f th? Th.orr sod l*?selie? of M?dl ?in? in J?_erst.B M??1irsl i aBaf? la -MIiIiIiIIl to ill ibe i-U.? o??ds f.,-ai bj B. daatk of Prof, .an,'! ||. UitAtoo. ....Afiro in Peona, Ill.,on Thursday, destroyetl _". '__"?' "7 _'.',*'*"? "_"*' '" ""-'.I?, ?ml Mrilar.. t?-., Oti.ow. lDsnraiK-, BltASS. lb.?? w.ra ?i??i Ju.uOO i?_b?. of .?.I? ? tl,? ebtilo? owne.l t,| difftrent -juunmiuu Lima Utttt, wbicb >. b? lieteal io b? full, lnsureai. ^^ ? ____'_?_____ 3"n"*<ft PT'"det, was shot and Inatantly lilW I. Mei^lu. J-aierls, I,, p,. w,||lt. ??,?,? f,?,lrrl, ?f ia?,,uniionmy. K?. ill.?*- , ,..1 mitou-, !??.?? jUBe. ?ail _______ * .I'" "" U" ?___ __??**-? ***t ikal laam also tbr??t ai?, i 1? m lisiueroB ?as roiau itt.iiu ?-,?,, ... James Rice of Allegheny ('itv. Penn wa rii_S_a__r____?' S ???*?-.-? S5r ? ___?_!___.'_____ _.":p,u'? -*1**-"" husOknsmi i?IB?m E___ _____ 7^ V"1 Tl ,h"{*' ?*?? '"' --'"i<aaaIs hi,?an#ii rotUg^'mSp' Mt? *^***me .tu* SB was shot ,bl 11? rr?irn?sl U> WASHINGTON. THF. INDIRECT CLAIMS. rO?ITlDN op TUR ADMINISTRATION?OPINION'S of uunnra piti-omaimii iimiiomi Of ?'REPARATIONS FOR EI-TRIAT. |BY Tl:i,KliRAiTI TO TUB IB-SOBS I WaSnncnCBB, April S.o.?Tho lendiiij-. artido iu Tiik TSinnSB, to-day, on tlio attitude of tho Ad ininisti.Tiion in regnrd to the claims fot indirect rtumage?, ci)ii|.led with tlio fact that it ?3 believed liere that tlio Itritish Min.Htiy will ho llMlgStJ t?> lay tlio ...m ?pululen.? on tho sulijtct, in? duit;-ig Hfcretury _____.'? Lint letter to Lord (?laiivill.i, which will nach London to-morrow IS Suii.-iy, before I .irliajucnt, has asSSBtl coiifinlor alile stir among thi di.iloui.-itistsof Washington, thi? uft. rnooii and Dveniiifr*. It L.ts several ?lays bceti stisp?-cteil that Mr. 1 ir-h would attempt to h?.vo tlio Treaty l?y giving tho Hritisli (.ovemtneutprivat? mh Htirancea tl.o IHifcd Htntea does not exi?cct or i ven (!? niro that any award shall b? ?BBSs for our indirect ________ and il lian before been (datedthat Us la.-t letter to (J ran ville contain? d something to IIi?h eil'eet. 1 Inn suspicion h? basa streiifffln-no.1 hy aahaaas i-annan dropped jestcrdajr by one of ths bout infonned diplomatist* in \Va.?i.iiigton. llo paid flint tlio ?dmiiiir?fratioii would reci ivo a sever?-! blew next areak than any it lin* yet maountiroi. When asked what he lU'.ant.if. lio referred totiin?i nati, 1m rej li?-d: "N", though It will receive Injurie? from Cincinnati from which it will not recover. Bat I rsfof to the British Parliament and our claim? Ihr Indlieet ___BaaBS. Tito i?|'l'.'?,-.i?.ii tlier.- will be sun- lo demand an explanation of this m.itter frcm the tiiinlstry. Tho given tlio last tltii? was. that It would b? improper to niulco such explanation until an an-wcr waa lecelved to (?niiivll!?','? noto of March _(.. That answer will bo in their lunilla early next week, ami (,l__d?ton? and (?ran Villa till lie unable to pat Of lbs 8?sees i"U any long. r. K.irl Russell will, on Moii.l;:y, intiodilcy hi.? liit.tloli for an address t?i tba (Town fur de t-uspoiisiou ot procccd laga un th?? piirt of (ireat liritaln bef?te the Ce nova trlbenal, until tie United Ntutcs withdraw tl.i ii- tiaiiuH for lndirtit daataaas,aad tba Ministry, in self-defeaae, will havateasaks peblta tba contents af Mr. FL?tt"e) last letter. That I? tt?r will .how a most lib Jeet ?(iiltiii. down of tin? Administration from our case, and th? I'nlted State? will bo In such a humiliating po riti'a-i, thiit tin) Admim-nation which placad us than win scarcely raoover tba respect af tba pi opte." Atint'.'ir i i'-iiilicitnt straw ir- tl.o l'-ietit declaration of a Cabinet officer, almost in the very words said tu bave bean a in s notary l-'ish'a __apsteh to Minister Hehoacka Ha said that, apralrini flnr him f? If and not as a member of ths Administration, ho li.lii v< tl that our (?oveniint-at had taken tbe only t ?aiiist pii.?.?il)le in pit-Mill tl ng our claiiiiri for iudin et damages in our Case. At the same time, he hoped that Seaward would be made aa th? in. lie iaw this, having in vtaw aapadally the inturo laisiaalsel sarewa laad. The United BtatOB, ho ?ntd, wa? to be the great neutral Batios af the inline, and with our great extent of coast ami advaatareaasae people, it eeeld i?e a ?orry day fur us asa na'ioti when a high tribuna), like that at Geneva, decided that a neutral nation was responsible for Indi? rect dasBisea si-Slag tasa tba act.i of cruisers which tkSBapa brasa h?-r shore?. fc-.v mllltaoa which a favorable award would bring us now WOnM "... u:t dii.1 in the bi'.lai'.e when eoitip.ired With tlio B-BtaVlasinioea which,aadarsacb a iule, we might ba rallad apoa le pay al acme futuro time, it is believed tliat BtheS irnii.tiers of lile Calntiet hold the satue views, and that Secretary Slab baa aaeveyad to the British M ?til-try tho amaraaoo that sacb ta the attitude of oi.r (?.iVl'llll'K ill. TTII. TARIFF HILL. MR. FINKSLNBI lo.'r? DBPBBSS OF HIS BILL? GSSESAL APPEAL POS I a.a'.ri.o.Mi.?.;. t? t iai_sun__Ni so tub ebibbsm Wa.?!I1N(?io\, A[ ill .O.?At ahoiit 3 o'clock, i? -.?a-,, iba i n iu ii bala a a oaeaed In tba Baaas, und. r a.'i uiraiig: nit ill tliat BOaaial speech-making, under tin) oue hour iule, la to continue until Thursday of net treck, abas th? MO will ba read by paragraphs, ami th< live minuto l?KTi.s.-ii.n w IT lu ?-in. Mr. ITnkeliib'.irg led i ft1 in s))ppori of the bill us reported fnm the Way? nuil Mean? Committee. Ha made a apeaao which waaaoto worthy, not only by reason of his pealtlea on the Con. luittce, and tho largo ?hare ? o hits had m ?raining the lull, but Bisa lor its clciuti: ?1 of statement, lie took the ground that tnerc ta a larga BBrgiS iii the pn.?-ni t.inlf duties, over and alxive protection, and that this can be reduced without maklu-* it noces? Miry to BO inlo any ttgCBaalOB upon the abstract limi? tions of protection and free trade. Many of the present dunes were, he said, raised during the war to compen? sate manufacturers for the internal levonoo tasca, all of Which had since been repealed without uny corre? sponding luodi.ii .itioiis in tho tai in. Tba coat of pro uuctii.n atssast aieaafactared article? in thssaoaatry hau great!] dlmlatahed siaec tba war, while the cost in Europe had Im-iii. on.tuiitly rising, tba eili.t oi ing tho ht? a?!> widening of the margin of protection. Prices, he said, of many artille? were complete y under the control of munufa'tuicr?, who advanced Uu-Ir ratet to correspond with every advantojin Thus, pig iron had gone up 50 poi BOBl in Girat Britain, and had been correspondingly advanced In this country, although tin?. ast "f pfi'iiu? ?tag it in re liad : teadlly lacrea aad. no claimed that tba war unties had begun to cripple Impor? tun t industries* they liad ??riven laiiiicl? lo Cai.aU.t to engage in tin- export truno to .'-???.Mi America and Europe. Lamber dealers, ?abo wished to eaeage In ex? porting, were also obliged to go lo the llntiali provir ?.??. Ti?e salt iiuty huti deatroyod tito export traae ; ?nips went lo ?"it. John? to be copper-bottomed, iltth.t-d that nil tho protected ladaatrtos amounted to but 10 js-r cent of the total production el tho country, and that as all i X|?orled ail Icbr. could gel no possible bei.etlt Irom DSO tiction, the UaitadStates wa? preaaatli-g tba (pectuole of a great nation whoso export trade nad largely d_ eraaaad. Mr. Finkeliibnrg discussed tho principal feature? of tho bill, stating that ltn object wua to efficl rodu<-tlou? upiiu the great ?tapies ?at consumption. Oteat r.-ii.-r could he ?rain? d with ..mall reduction? in revenue. The ?20,(?.0,ouo ei i.tIu? i "ii pi - )?"?? 'i ''J un' hill on the BftielOB of cot? ton.?, w.'oieus, ?. atli-r. copper, ?alt, ami iroi., w.nii.l .aye from irir-COr-Sa to |r(0,i"Xi.IJOU to the jh ople. Tins It dllc tlon would operate on the Surg?a of probt?, and would still leave ample protection, lie that a duty which weut bay-Bd protection was a bounty lo uiauufucureis. ll.- dteOBatad the present wooleu tuiifl", which be dial a.Tel I ted a? the most odious iu the whole schedule, lio ovliil.ltt-.l sacipies of inixe.l cotton and woolen goods, win. Ii, be (-aid, paid ?roui 100 to 'Jin per cut duty, and said that ?omo kinds of blanket? were taxed M) .?cr cent. Tho turitT wus proiioriiouuU-ly higher on cheap cloth?, such as uto Wora by the poor. Ten per i?nt of lue present duties ou uiiol.-ii? had Leen given as compensation for internal menue taxes, which had ull been taken off. Referring t.. iron. Mr. FiiikeltiburK Mil that pricea bed uearly doubled Of late, owing to i??? fact that deuiund tlistanc.-d supply. Sud that no coiupe.titloii existe?!, BXCOpt lu t ween tUose win? wanted to buy. lTg iron had ad vuui-i-d from 1-5 lo 150 per tun, und tho turnare? of tlio country had order? lor ? it Tit nionth? ahead. Tin? iuruace-meu were making pigs of gald Ml Of their Piga of iron. He discussed tli? effect of the tana upon wag??. The coat of labor, lie ?aid, rarely exceeded 25 per centof the coat of manufactured products. It was from IS to 20 i"'i cent of tho cost of pig iron, 15 ol wn.,1 ens, 25 ot cotton?, s of palier, und in uiuktng plug tobacco the labor eost leu* than the licorice used a? ?woetening. lio claimed thut where the lalmr re?|iiiied In produce au art leb' ?'OHt but 20 per cent <?r it? value, a Uuty o? 25 jier cent on tho whol?? value of the article attoi?lrd a prelec? tion of I?- per cent to tho luhor employed. laaoSBS caaes labor hud, he ?aid, protection to tin- umuiuii of too isur oeut. He called upon all ?idea of the Houao to ?tipp, rt tho 1,111- -tbe Free-Trade 1)<-uiocrut?, lici-aus? they could get nothing belter; tbe Protectionist?, because it lin-y nul not consent to reaaonablo reductlou?, a reacilou uilgbt come aud sweep all protectlou away, ami Kepublicuu? generally. iHicauso tho people would hold them reapon-i lib" )f they did not relit ve the country from some of tbe unnecessary burden? ol taxation. Mr. ltobcru of N?-w York speak* to-monow from the point of view o? IT?? tectiou. _ CURRENT TOPICS AT THE CANTAL. l'ASSAdK OF THE IlOUARD IlEMDl.lTION IN THE IlurSE?THE AI?.I()l HNMKNT (.1 KMTION?THE l'A? IFIC RAILROAD TBOl'ULE?I'ROPOSEU EX? PANSION OF THE rililitMT. |11T TtLKlaKAPH TO TUB fBISUSSI Wabhimuton, Fiiday, April 28, IST). Tb* Hoiiiird r?solution was passed hy the Hou??*, to? day, a? amended by Mr. langlmm, after an hour'* addl tlonal debate. Tho vote waa 113 to 45. The tetoltitlon recite?, aa tbe opinion of tbe House, that tho President ?iiiiiilil demand Dr. llouard'a rcleaae and tbe re?toration of hi? property, hut there la a saving clause to the effect that thi* la not to be don? unless th? Eiecutive Department la ?atMled that Dr. Houurd baa not been properly tried aud convicted for an ?Ben*? agaliitt the Npanutb law?, In accordance with the Treaty o? 17W. Tbe ailjonmment question, which haa been ?uipcudln*; for a week pant, was precipitated upon the Hous-to-d? by Mr. Dickey, who Introduced a resolution for final ? Inurnment on th? 29th of May. A running ?lehnte of hour ensued, ninld general confusion. Most of the Chi m? n of IkS leading Committees, ______Bg?_-_-Bs, Daw QaiBsld, Famsworth, Coburu, and ?Shanks, affBSSd 1 resolution, and said that the publie business would i admit of the fixing of so early a date. Mr. Dickey si that the sooner Congressmen went home, the more I BSeesS would bless them. Mr. KeBey dee'ar that if Congress ailjounied without reducing taxatli It would bu the .'eatI. km 11 of tita 11. publican par Mr. Dawea trod to impress upon the Boaae the I portaaeeof taking time i noiigh to paaa th? TariB h and .Mr. ?.. n?-id ?ant that there waa wert eaoagh si reiaaii iii: on the Appropriation bill? to take the greal uart oi S ui i ni h ; while Mr. Cobui D K iniiid? >1 the Hot Hi.: tin? business ot ?'. ogress was not alone to p. Tarif 11..I Appropriation mils, ami that there waa yii tu deal of ..'lui- Important legislation undispotM d The :. m 'ill'en Was Ba?il) '?eat.'it lv Y.iis, Bj N-i?r, 1 it won i? i have beea can n-d it Mr. Dtekey had p to a role, w lu ..ui allowing its opponent? to aasaU it. I will try It ,ic:iin on Monday next, Is ut of si c< e'.lng. Tlie C<mfercnce Comrnlftoe on the LfB?lattvS App pilation bill made Its second report this morning, a the report wiiH Bgieei to bv both Ileuses. Tli?" Yeas n Nays were called In the Senate, but only 12, lid by A Carpenter, votid against it. Mi. Carpenter's eppialtl was not because n?:w legislation was now leit In the lu but besases it ?tin eontataed an appropriation tocar out the civil servie? ref. rm rala?,aad heeaasa it d not provide for lncrrabing tho salaries of Iht Unit State? District Judges. Hi.? reasons for voting " n. were probably id? ntlcal with those of the other fc. uat. who voted In the same way. The DsBeteBCy Appropr t...ii lull, Lcltig the BBlalShed buslnc*- ill ti.C Bl i iiti ,'v taken up again to-?lay, having been reported from ti Coinitiittei) of the V.'i'iole to tho Suiate. Co sldi rabio d. bate took placo on a BBStion tho bill ordering the pay meut to uieclianl in the Bprtngfleld Anaory and otter nation workahopa, the amount by winch their pay waa reduc iiy o?d? r of the _?-i leiaiy ol War, when i_e Eight-Hot laa tu??t went into elteit. Tins section had been ? uttii iiiie.l in me iiouM?. ?oui Senate i> tboai oppe ed tie i-.igiit-Hour law aa to rnUrely defeat .t- purposi but, aii.-v several votes, the Senate got it lato im shape that U the Conference Commltte-s u-t. it alon the laborer?, whoso pay was reduced will get the reli th.-y a.-k. TI.e .Merrill amendment, which was agreed i in i oiniiiitiei: oi the Whole, yesterday, was defeat? d i day, by a vote of is to 2S. Mr. Predughuyaen, a ho voh in tue m gat ui-, moved before adiottrnment toreconside and tlie uuestion will ?gain b? before the Beaah t m.,now. The only other amendment on which deba ?.vas OHe otliied bJ Mr. .tcvciibon of K. -ntlii k appropriating |8M,00S to i? .mom-o bis State ti moneys _ jn-itt in ainilug, equipping und aupportit Mate militia wboaa servie. ? aere required by the Unit? States during and uiiiin.liat.iy after the war. It mu b?- r?met.ib? i d that 'in: claim of Ki util? ky for this oil was favorably penad upon by tbe War Department an by the aooouutiug officer? ol the Treasury bepartmen lust June, an i tint a warrant for the payment ol u money was drawn; Udawarraal Secretory BoutweRr i io sign, uud the State went to the Supreme Cou i"i s uni mi,? mu.? directing the .????( retary ot the Treaaut to siga tbe warrants? Tie case was argued during tl pust Winter, and the Court decided that Ibeeecretai i? ui .t right io withhold hi? Signatur? from any warm ui,, never he hud reason.", which <?? emed to him auffielen Aii.-r Mr. Stevenson hud explained bis amant?neut, au Binds an aiguiiHiit in its favor, Mr. Bawyi > Bend a auhetitute directing tbe upiiointiaei or a commission to examine the claims < the State of kei.tu. ky, and to nport how muili was du for sendees rendered before the 1st of Mar, i .w, ? Which time the is held to have closed. Mr. Btevei ton objected, on tbe ground that many of tin se tioo. Wile iu 111?: service ol the United BtataS uiter tun. and read a letter Irom (?en. l'ami? r of Illinois, Bayln ti.e ti, ( i a nail neen under hi.? command _nd tit.. ti.ey v.. re absolutely neoeseary to preeerve arder aad t p: i-i i .if United States trom bamts of guerrillas, ?.. i.ic B?teudment and substitute wire laid upon t_ labl >. The ?imats PBcIls Railroad Committee lias decided t prepare a bill retiairiag lbs (Jalon FaciBc Railroad t 1.1 it.'Kansas Pactfl? (Right f.*oui Cheyenne to Ogdel al tin- i-.uiic piaportiaaatS rate.? which it charges fi.r it awathrough freight from Oaaaba to Ondea,or, la ral r?d language, to " pro rule" irom Ch? yenue to Ogd. with the Kanes? l'a? lile Road. The bill will, howevai i.iiow the Union I'acillc to make the ordinary for heavy grades, &c; that is, to add to tLc true length c the road, in computing rates of freight, one mile f<j ever) M ? tel oi change of eh ration .t? shown i>y tbe pn ii.. ui i m: road. Tins has bei h a \.i > bitter ooatrovcn i. ... i a iin.?. two!.-, and the I omunttee und it ver; ,1 11, 1.1, ii II.?>i:f a bill Vi Uli: Ii, Willie II si....i gtTO tl. i. uedreUef tu tue Kansas l'aeiue iioart, and preven i...... ; against bt. Lo?is and other eitle m ai- lie ti im,mis, wlB alea give to tue Uaton Pacts i?, ...i lia just proportion of In ighf. Tbe Bsnisa Pacifl people claim lhartneir toed, oy the act ?f lacorpon non, was uiii'i? a in'.m.i of the Union Pacific, bu Hi,a as Hit: latter rond charges local rates of treigbl I?. ( a. uven .i to tiiem at Cheyenne, or brought froi ? aliiornia to CbeyeBU for un? lMiut mi tho Kan-.i l'.ii-itlt', Un.' bo si -OSS of the Kansas 1'uclHc is ruiue. i no lull, to ins tan, It is held by the counsel of ti: Kalis.? pat.lie, M lu:?' It Should allow tile Usual compensa tioii di lue bouvier gradea west of Cbeveaae, a_ou_ ai o im any farther extra charge? for Increased cos of cousu in tinii, it ., sun o luos? aro ail in tlii'lcd lu the all,'Watice of a nulo tor etery 2 feet ot grade, ana because, il fHither ???:;. ehargeawenaBowed?tbe Uuwa Pacifl? tout-, on ous pretexts, put up tbe rate? as high as tie i... ..i ran i.ow are. on the other baud, the Union PuciBcCosi pan) ptotc ail...- ii ii?-y ate obliged to " pro rat?" will o.i i\... . im i".e on tnrwugh freight, ou tue basisu tuii.uiiii i..t -, ii,i i oiiL'iit i.oi to be required todlscnu m..te ucai..?t in. ui-.-it- s by "prorating" the loca lui, hl ?.I lie K.iii.-as racine, foi w inch it gets loca rates,on the basis of tniougu ratee, on account o in. i-c milieu i ne?, ii t.s doubtiui if the Boaato CoBimltte. gel lia Uni into . ii.. ai ii ? ) simpe lor paehagu lin.s sen SMB. Mr. Mi rrlam of Vew-Tssk will introduce, on Mond.iv a lull to Uliect the Secretary of the Treasury to call li hII the outstanding three per cent SBS?flsatSS and issu? legal-tet.iler notes in their stead. The volume of th. three p< r edits uow outstanding i., about $14,i 00,000. Mr Mcnlain's lull Woald be a m? usure of expansion to thai extent, aadthla is what he lateada it to be. u? n. i.i. tiiat there is now a acurciiy of cuireiicy in tho country au.l Uiat, unless tho ?ioverumeut luii.i-ln ? roller, i fiieai Stringency Wlfl be fett by ucit Fall, one ol tin clilei causee ... i'i.g the Chicago lire. Fernundo Wood addressed the Iloiife Comniifteo or Banking aud Currency, to-day, in support of his bill authorizing the Bei in tary ef the Treasury to make loane tt sein sad gn ?abarte, to the ssssantat ttMMylMt on pledge of Halted States bonds, the object of the bil being to prevent tin: pes.-.lulny of sj.ecu.alors treat 11)q an arttfletal Btringeney in th- money market by tempora? rily n-liriug litige volumes of currency. 11 was objected, by mi n.i.i i s of the Comiuittie, that the bill would efle.t an eZpBBaloB to tho extent of the whole of gold and currency authorized to be loaned, because it would Slid Just that much to tho uvallnble bo?!y of theeiicu luting uieiiiiiin. It was further objected, that the uiean uie would not aei ompllsh the object deugued, ami that tin- entire amount to .-? loaned would be taken up lu a lew o.i. s, if than shouid be any scarcity of cum-ucy iu the ii, Mr. Cornett has taken every opportunity which has ottered Itself lor several days to ask the beuate to take up and p.o s a bill dcclarlug persons boru lu ,hat part of Oregon lyiug between the Columbia River aud the fotli parallel of latitude, previous to the filial establishment of the line between the United States ond Rntish Coluni biii, to ne Auieileiiii citizens. It seems t?at the United blutes Dihtilet Court lor that Distil? t has decreed that pe? sous born m this territory, the Jurisdiction of which was sa long la iii.-pute, ara not Auiencan elBseaa. Mr. ? it... a? bill has n..-t with siroiig opiKisitiou Iu tho beuule li'oui such lawyers as Mr. Tliurman and Mr. Caa n iii, w im un i -n w linn g l'.i any soi li declaratory aet to auiult that the United elates ever had a doubt that it owned tlam strip of country, and these gentlemen have, therefore, umioruiiy ebjeeied to the ooaaldiration of tu? bul. Mr. Corbett attempted to call it up during the morning hour to -day,but Mr. Ca-Seily internos?'?! his veto. About 0 o'clock tins evening, Mr. Oaeseriy and Mr. Thur iiiu both being absent, Mr. Corbett, moved il as uu amendment to the D? lleieucy bill, theu l? iiiling, aad iiiicei ded lu gelling It adoplod. Tue ? .oat Island bill is likely to meet with strong oppo? sition in tin. .-. i.atf. If Mr. Cole's action to-day in object? ing to a BSSSad reudiug can be taken a? nn indication. Ihe amount of business already on the Senate calendar is so float that there will probably lie little chanco for the passage of any privat?- bill like this, which will causo a long debate, especially if Congres? should utljouru be? f?lo tue lal of July. Two officer, ot the army are still Illegally performing the fituctlous of civil ot!leers at th?' 1 hit?" House, not? withstanding It Is a week since attention was called to tho law of 1U70 forblddiug this. The Clayton Investigating Committee Is holding dally le- -Ion -, and has tuken an Immense mass or testimony. Ouo reason why It has uot SSfSltSfl hSfSBB is that very mm hot (he t?:stlinouy tukeu has been Irrelevant. The i oiii'iilt'i'i? ha- no.v adopted a rule tho coitus, 1 lu troduclng wltnSSBSS must state boforehaii?! what he pro is. ?is to prove. Ui.? most .1 imaging testituouy xgftiuNi Clayton has Im.u given yesterday an?! to-day, and tt is .?aid ttiat if the alii giiiio us. il Un m- last WttB-MOeeaiB siistiiineil. Clayton will eltlioi have to resign or be ei )K-ilcd from the Senate. The tenate Committee on Patcuts did not have a .pi?,re m at Its last m? ?ling, and then fore has come to no ilc-cisiou on the (indication of Wilson, for anexteuBlou of tho Wheeler aud Wilson patent. No application bet?r? tho Committee this sea-Inn has brought to Con? gress half so SBSai NSBSSBBsBBSSS as this, and every day a flood of them I* poitrnl tu upou tli? Comniiiittee. Th? in.inorlulisis geu really s?t forth that if this r?t?'lit Is allowed to ?xplr?, tli.? prie.? of sowingiiiachiiie? will l?e reduc??! one-half, and in MlpiKirt of ilus assertion say, thut the Wheeler ami ? i.?in, ( iiuii'.iuy lead to Bngland mid .?li Uien*. lor t-iuor ti.i, i.'?.-?aun? of w:inii the lineo iu Ulis country la |6A. ALBANY. llci?t-ativi:;.,. PROPOSED IMITA?TIMI NT OF THE Ci)!'Rri1* ?IDDOXS?PIOSAM.I 01 Till CHASTES ? MORE IM.IMI.VIi JOBS? NEW lil.Al.D laF kmm?hatkjn. [t-BOB tub BBSCLAa OOBSn POSBSST OP Tilt: TSSSpi 1 Albany, April 20.?Tli(! A .scinhly was con? ?iderahly agitated, this mortiitir., a_B? tho f|U(?tion "f the Impsa Ittiuiitof tho Saw-TSSB Judge?. Mr. I'miko called up hla resolution to con. ludo the leyTa'ati1??1 I M far as BeaaMSk. try tba .c.'li last?, Bad llrat tho HOBBS then niter iip?.u ?? psei eesNl '* for SBpOSi binent, ' and moved to amend by striking out the Mth and In?? ?'? lug May 1 instead, which was carried. Mr. Al-oid m* ? n.ov. .1 to aim ml I.v makiiii, liio rsoalattOB rcul -?Impl/ thai the Milajei t should be made tde i ?>? i i.,l oui? r f t that day, Which BB8 carrh??!. but iii.u.'-.l.a'.ci. after I . ! on the table, on n...ti..u of Mr. I'i ,ik a, Mr. Pie.'.in tl., i movoil ?.. roioti-lder th.- sala by which Mr. A amaadiaaat wat adapted, whlah sraa aatitadtaad i i SSSSSSBM :it WU net. Mr. llu-ted tiirn t.. .k I... at tba r..|i I si ? f tl. ? Bp? a'cr, w ho BBBSS a BSStlOB lore? C( holder the voto by which Alton!'? ?niendi ? ? w it lost. A ?In it but earn, ?t debate et.-ucl . . which the iBCBIaf and BfrSBIS Alvoid, I'r. :??<-, Nib-, V? il'l? r, nti'l Ti'dt u ?ook parr, inui !i BKdH t< : ? sslvce. Tbetsre femur esjeeted to the leeatatiaa ?f Mr. PrmcOi abb fly bacana? sa report of the j:. Committee has ?at in <-n | r? .-a Bted, and pro? ? diagB fi r Imj.c.K hiij-ut eatiti t ta-ci.?end upon until a rBBSBI B*VS been made on which they . an tic t.a . 1. Mr. PriBOB ci. t? ml. .1 that the r?solution wa? drawn according to pi? eedeaj), Da allBdadtetba paoosc-Maga in Ott ? 1?.'.) for er.i;llri.nit ion, and sh(.wed that in tint < .?*?o prc clsi ly the s:ni;e ; _S_|__ w a - talnti a? 1? pi? ?a?, i .1 la thi?, sad thsl lbs Ifoiias atst ob alth tba arllasiy la I business, in tl"- Intei vela ot action on the in pi i faraboattbraemoaths. He tkoogbtttwao wi:nin tn.? die latloa of the Baaaa le proceed warn su?':i ba nute* not, s? they ?eo lit. The words, "p..? for lBBpee.hB.8av.,' did not si'-iilfy that ar? tielcs o? taBBOS-hSMBti an- to be sttraratea. ?i Bibesalsa, bat ?imply that procecdlBga in relat.oii to that ?utject hli..nid bo entered uu* n ; and a? to the pay of nicnili. rs, tbel l'c?:..n with the entraiu-i upon such .rocecdin;;?. Mr. Nil.-.? and tlio of.... lier? or the Committee BBpf itad th?*- vt< w- - \ I that Mr. Tilden went further and raid It was his i , and that ot certain imlBtlBt jSB-StB, that the pre-, nt il - cussiiaii ami tho la s aal iga i loa af lha casaastttcewaata proceediiit's for hnpc:.( .merit, and that eons? ?pi? titly th.- pay WU duo Iroiu tba expiration of tho BBBdacd Beys at ths regular assaaaa. Wbaa the ttaeaaiBBa b? Haiti .t( .1, the Bpcaber'a motion wa? lost, th S H? BBS BBS. taining the Coiiimiltt o. Mi. I'i lui.-' -, r?solu'.jn, tiler? ? life, remains unaltered, and the Assembly w ill. on the 1st dav of May, enter upon th,??o important piecaedifl -'? tow.tril.wtiii h the pab'.ic have beOBBOBBBjaad arUieiH t looking, and the report of the Committee may I?-?. poetad on that day wirh c?iual ceit.iaty. That eurli )? ? pert will be condemnatory of the JadgOS, Ibsa listened to the debate to-day do not doubt, ni ?pit?' ??t t.. i caution exhibited by such _BS_BSSSS of the Co.-itn.:t< ? ...4 took part therein. Tba ?ruction of peytag tho principal and interest el the Canal bond? In inui was ?etlled tli.? mo.-i.-.n.-, ??) far at least us the BcaeSs L-concerned. The motion tosinik** out tbe com aleases waa daft alad hy the iorlaiea ?ot? of 9 to 17. and the bill paSBfd as it was r< ported In.rn tin? Canal Committee. Tba following naairrt voted la favor of payment in greenback?: Messrs. Benedict, I'owcn. < Tiatli.Td, Dickinson, Graham, l'aimer, D. P. Wood, and Woouiu. Mr. liowen, from the Committee on Printing, re part? ?1 a resolution authorizing tho publication, at the aapsBM of tlie State, of three lurge octavo volume?, babagIbS transaition.'", respectively, of tho Allopathic, Home?? patiiic, and Eclectic Medical las lotie?. The foliowlii-) ? d?inu is provided for : Ten copies for each tm niter cflker, and reporter of tho LegUIatuu-; 5,1? ( of the allopathic transaction? to bo bnndeil .... t to their sock ty; 500 of t.To allopathic transact i"iis ai,<: 2,1X0 homeopathic tnasactk us ;?) be given to the BBSb ft Sktheas .ipa:iilst.J. and 2,000 eclectic ti.ins.icti()us lor di (Tibet (OB amollir lit?* t ei,,?! ir (ioetom. Tiienu book? an- in ba li.ii.'l-oinely bouu.l in blu k cloth atid profils? ,v Illustrated with steel platea, colored lltbagtaabi.? wto?:? at?, it im? I'-eu ti.e custom for some years ps i todo thi* soit of ? .n.?: m ??? at ti.e expen eel Iba lax*fBj ers, and Weed, t ,.i ?. ? ?*.? t o. have reaped a riel Barveal for doing the bthograpidng aud extra wo:?. Tba rea?? lutton bas already p.iared tna Assembly? larthasee* eut it lo-? on tl.i.? tal?le ??t i!:?- ."?? n.ite. It sapeare ?TOM the \? el.? : ? In tlie Cotatn Her'? I'llleO Ilia' (In- t *t"-n?r to the Stats oi Uii* 1res priai mir lor the awdical an i? ? i*from fSS_0uB to ?4o,iiaoa year, 'Hie piiyaicuiii w ?m. il don i> in -.?.i r-et a va Tie mi tbcaa l.txlk? if they paid for ilici.toii! of i in.r own peaBBtS. The ?' r...:o c-a Cirauaeraeand Savlgatlea r. \ :!?'.t the Aaaeml I? blUeieallSBJS new Beard af ?Osa? mi iiver? of i: ..i.r-a ;?>:i. T.:e following ara ths bombs now in the l"ll: Hugh (?ar.lner, 0SS8JBJB Htar. Will? Wallach, Wlaset il -Vaasiaa. Al__zs_aa?f n Harvi Andrew W. I-cggutt and William vmtmWat?, Th? Presi ib nt of tin* (_<"rui m Euiiaratioa Society and tba i'r dent af the Irish Emigration Society are ai?o tarn art? itoaara ex i iiicio. Tbe term of ofllee of the Comml? sioners i? Im-.l ut Ove years. Tho t o-.iUillt.-e on I'tiii. reported favorably tbe Assembly bill to asevide for tl.? holding of a Charter Eicctiaa la New/ Tore, eeaaaraaflas Judaea Bedatrlck and (nrti? of the BeperitM CaartU appoint two couiuils-uner? of (-???tioiie, wi'.ii power id aiiimiiit InapeOtorBi etc., aud bupi rtiao tile holdiua oi electious. Mr. Madien lutroduocd s concurrent resuhiilon, |m-i> posingBBaasSBa-BOat to the ConstlDltion of the t*:.tti>, to make Artillo VIL Section 8, road a* follow?: "Tli? Iaos-islaturo may sell, lease, or otherwise disjit'sc of any of the canals of tho Stale, except the Erie. Chainplaiia. i .?w.g.i, Cayiiga, and .Si-neca, wbicli ?ii.tll r< tu.ti.i lia? projrt-rty o? lac f??n-ver aad under ?a saaaage* meut." Tbe resolution was referred te the manantes on i anal?. There seems to be no good reason wny ton Legislature ?boni?! adopt it. The bill (or sinking the track? of the liai 1 ni R .n. <| and providing asSBBS for the safe crosslnr-of Fourtii in . was reported by Senator Madden, on!?tad to tbe punt? t, ami made a ?peciul order for next Tuesday eveoin.-. Among tho bills paased by the BaSBBta were: Thai pro? viding for an extension of the Dry Dock, i??u m-cting the Christopher si. f.-rrv and the (ernes at th? loot ol (?rand-si. ami Last Tenth ?t.; Ine Albany poli u.-il bill to transfer the iip|H'lii!in_- power from the Mayor to thi- Board of Aldermen, und that niaklag die day of th? Ci -lierai .""TntO election a public holiday. Mr. TT1.I. . ? Over aad Terminer bill, providing that Court? ?>f Oy.-r and Termlaer ?hull be held b] Justices not elect?-.! where the courts uio held, vas It?peeled, und by uiianlniou? consent, on motion of Mr. Lobertson, orderml to i? ooii reading. In the Senate, this evening, th?1 Loo..! Prohibition bill was again dragged through C:e Couimitler of t!ie Who'e. Thi? bill is dead, and it would lie mare decorous B8 let t rest undislurbed. The Assembly bill to provide for th? holding of the New-Ytrk Charter tltctiou lias IBSBBd both Houses, with an aiuendment fixing the BBS of Mat? as the ?lay lor the election. The BppsrtteMaeel udl was ordered to a third reading without amendment. Tim bill foibitlding the employment of children under 15 year? In fHctorb?, unless said children ?ball attend ?eux.I al least tan e month? in the year, was defeated. ll l? now pretty generally conceded that Uov, Hoir* man will veto the Committee of St-veut)'s charier. Ha will not act upon It this week, but it i? reporte?! on good ikiiihiuity that ho wall either sign or veto early next Week, The bill? providing for the appointment of Comint* s:ons of ( !iai.t;es and Correction und Eins.- forth? City of Brooklyn, pussed tho Assembly this morning, and were sent to th? Kennte, and wen* then" I0BJ0SBB8] from tbe Committee on ?Titles thi? afttrrmi.ui. nud. on motion of Senator Perry, put u.i their tmal piwuta..) to -night, i;oiug through both House? by a atricl par. y vote. Mr. Prince of tho A)?*emli!y Judiciary Coin mittee, ha? rt<|K>rted tbe bill fixing tbe rate of c.'tiip. iisafa'ti .?] County Judge* and f a i ru? gate? In th? different eountio? of the r-tata Thi? aud the Apportionment bill wa* made th. ?i?-, ul order for Monday evening. The proposed amen?Imeut lo Art. VI. ?f ib? l'oiistituiion, extending the term of th? Coiuiiilsslouer? of Appeal? two yes rs. and aii(i.i?rizlug the Court of Appeal? to tran.fer to tlteut not exceetlmg loocuuses from it? own calendar, passed the House ths morning. The i_ut-?ttoii inn.?', of course, be submitted to the people. In the, thi? evening, the bill fur the more effectual punishment of fraud and peculation if publie money? or property wa? favorably n-porteit from th? sub-Cnuitnitti'c i.f tue Whole, and met with Instant and urgent ?ppoaltlou from the Tammany remiiant who do not want any additional or more cffe.-fual remedies auainst public wronir?. or any puuUhnieiit for tbe Tan. u...m ci im.nal? already ??? l? ? t? ?I. ?Mr. Moacley nioveil tliat it be referred to the ( ...i.ii.nt. <? ot th* Waole, but the motion wa? lost, and the bill goe? lu It? ortler to a third leadtae Tin? kaeaael tboete which i?saarbed aj th? i?i i'?? i ? lordesti'iiciion. Th? bitlto make provision lor tho local go.eiuincut of th? City sud Con uty of New-Y?rk was I'.illi ,1 up li\ Mr. Twottibly, who moved to aim ml i.v ?hiking out tbe ?th aud ?lb set tloti?, which refer to tl... settlement of ?Taillis aguinrt the cllv or count) i.i.ituriii?. ou t.f lu-fer?- Jiiuii.ii v la-1. ami Miiiliorliuig ?? l???.?i?J. . r Audit of such t Ulms a? ..r? It? t ?.it,?taclia i!-. ?. (ii. ,| it. tli? Coiitiolbr. Tbe motion was ??tried, ami _k__ i?u paosad by a VOte ol Tl to 3, Altkeu ami Boebe !.. u?. italf?, voting in tbe uegatn?. The bin now ..uiiit? u? tln- **.? i ?ate.