Newspaper Page Text
UM. VOi? V _" V1T TVO. (i *>_ I NKW-YORK. FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1872. PRICE FOIR CE\TS. . % . v .? a a. WABHmOTOB. mwctty of oiticf iioix>_...s. rnor.M> aaDCcnoa oa wthb-b-L acvunji i... __poaiTtoa ai tm. ___t__aia IK All- S Ml V. [BT TI'.1.1>.R41 II TO tiit: TBIW nv 1 w v Oae tflrj laa] tttj,uv l blll I- tbat wbleb dtraflatbi | . -v. prlorto Jaii. Utttk, to r.dii,.' Ibfl I r ia ti,.- Ualflad iaflaa le Bfl , _,-.,,,! number, and for tbat pnrpoee aatl ? i.ik two ar aaea Dleaiote, ?r Btatea, i ,, j ui'tHii lt. Iutotnal I tba ist fl J.i'y. axeapl Uroao Talu.h i a l'C v.liUI. aro puflpiBBBd BBtU Oetabcr, la ee_a aabaalaigat.?aBedfaedi __ baad in ty abaafl fl laaai wakaat leea ln iba nflBliia of .aaat dlatalafaateil p< ?> bjbbb, r.-ur montbfl aftfli Ibe now >?-? ?ft t w. fl i beaaaple Ua ' t9Vt*> %I),i _ oae up i'"lr aaa iritiiiK th. ir .Ua. Bereral attaapta mttt : ***** iprciiic ii:,mi-ii!. r?r ' ' Oe|obef l ? wltb Ibe deeJded opp. i ? I rtai af I ?. en fl ti"-- .o.intry wonldbe . blll i.,,\v ataadfl, ?? , afbctara fl ife-fl. bbb ouiitofreve . will u.,t be h.ili ouou;,-h to paj ? toartrldof, .,,.,1 t? tbi wliii-h reduoodth. i,-. tm. ' i' ';"','? ? law autborlzed i , . ? ? . whenever, ln hn opinion, ll ? ll oa! iinpiiiiii;' thi ? ' :. taln one Colli < tor and one a 4 fewmo >., iii, n c..T' ? ? lnt( i ? waa reducing th, of .is I .Udating dis txicta Tne i. -.'-it "t all i i ? .., three Btatce. yr [| . , . moved. thla afternoon, that I. : ? ? ': th, ,?.-( of colle. ting, then tbat ?? uu \--.: ;,: "i ,< t?> ? , . . reBent.pluced blm. :.l as T_,;inj; Bflalnat tl I ion. ? unprofltable, In tbe tt fl Ua : i .iy tbreajtb Iba ei . . i i -.:..:. i tw. -'? boara v ion, au.l . I. cti|,v tbe cntirv Mi - hffl*d tbe j -I ainon.ln ? ? ' tl to I>avid A. Wolla; and then the u.ll ?? porii ite, and v," ? ?i apenl ln con i , rovldini! for th.- * i aml eqiupmenl ol re i,, - bul i for the f, n gu trade. A nuinlx r ol , ? ,.<l |o. II ? th .-. An,,!,, ,iii,iiil! veaaels wbleb were regmer. -i in : i-ouuiries afKr July. 1861,toreceivoi n Aintrl Tbe action of the Committee of the wbole the day and even ,l?ablj t,i. .:i,l tbe 11,? - j,,. i,n tbe I ? ? tbal ,. in BJ db el II to be pi,,.;. _ THE NEW-0RI.EAN8 INVE81 ' . \ . ________ I0N8 l M IVOBABLB TO TBM K,l..\ ; W..TCH.1 W iBHOtoToa, Ua] BO. - R. porta in rc I a_ado la tba Baaaa fl i B_e_nber? ol d to lnqnlre Into tbe >,ri..i_i and HeelaLaah ? ? . ilraaa, aad llflCtaix ? , ? oa iiiopait of Conaraaa ? t!,t.,,, flbaflaaaa Ika OeaarBBaal aad flB - of tho Untt, i, i-, bai batwe. a tke iri. i ?pponanla ot tbe admlnlalTBtloa fl Oar. flanaotb. it daly aiiivi-iou orfljaarrel bbm?a. tl tin- r. pnh "' of tkt i . promlnenl i i m>on oaa __4a and aMM : . r. Tbe lead. n fl tke Daa ated a. it, - ?? an?_ tlOB BBd --ii,I Ul ? ?iliir. a.- ii:i otaflfl-iiatlrri fl awty iBeaaedlarrcjiiIra, Ibe pai i, wbetber vi-e or Itad ontii-.'ly Wt? ton. This v I by tlie i very dlTlded la tion-. __ Bm ',,- v. >.v Yot'lt eonenra ln tbe abore roport, wl ! qualittcaUona, nnd aaya it la n in t: is iu, ii li ive got Into oil ; | - .11(1 10 tini, when they loai ofllee.are not eonflned to anj calpHi-tv. Tbe troubles lu that Btato are aimllai . t_, althougfa ? iter iu de_ree, than sucb --niftioii of i ly an upb( i | S. i. .1 aolely iu th. ? -,. .rmatlon, i.ut th,. iltnauon Ib now , ronfldenre between the t :? ? be uot dlaturb. d, then la no reaaon to doubt that thi enter npon a aew ? j.- rii j and , inla Awher aay tho p.)iit...,i raacali and adveuturera ln ___o_fa?ai i anarrelled among themaelvea, and tbe honeat people __\ d ' . Thal they may get it api i tbe pra naanwbohaa felt or wltneaaed their euti. in;.'- ..ii-. \-1. ? Committe. bare no power , ?! Laoubuaua. Under a falr and I mtbej will relleve tbemaelrea, and lf the i ratiou v Hi lntruM the bualm u and Inten -- i>1 Ihe (lovernmenl ln Louialana to honeat men wi.., i ar, more to perfonn thcir offlcul dutles, and aer\, tbe eountry, than to manase political paulee and contr.,1 Btate leglalaturea, I'uited Btateatroopa wlll not lae aeedad Ib Neii Orleaae. Wltb tbe utereeta ,,i I .na liiifi-t, ,1 nv tbe int? 111,;,"ic nnd ?ii.ii,1,,| l,v ti,*- lovi ol bi r ,,\m, people, and a th Ihe Intereata ol 'ii> ^ ii ..iiv.T.iin.'iit tn, r, in proper hauda, no Oon arrcaxtoual i-eeounueudatloiia will be ne. d. .1 to n store .,, uunuiubered bleealngaol peao. andth. retum al her lo?g-ezHed proaperity. (l BSENT T0PIC8 M THE CATITAL. PU(j< i KDIXOfl IS TM HOU-M ON THB Kl -IL1 X M-I-?POL1T1. VI. Lil-VII. IV llll. -1.NA1K? int. BTSAMBOAI m.'.i l.v 1*1088. [H ji .li.i.i: .'.ni TO iaa TBIW .i,.n. Tbaiada/i May ia. ian, BVaaaaB?B fl tba Haaaa te ad bBtaBbaaj fluidahaii. Mr. Vaa Xtaapaadfl a Banoaa. e__alaiia* tion, d.-iiyiiig tba trutb fl B IBBBfl in ;i ISonth ('aroliua i?jh i tbat, aa a aaaBbae fl Ika Ku kiux Oaaaa?tea, ho luni,.om,:\i-d at tba dlaappearaaee ,,f a wttaaaawkfl bijivs too iiiu.ii. n> ebarged tbat Benata Beott.tbe , anflttaa,bad lakaa _bb?kvttbbba, laat rSiiiiiiinr. .i ],i I IflB tfff, IB wat-h the inovfiu, nt - fl __,,. ..,_:.?-.. r- i aadttaa _r.M-arlBa__,aatlaa BBBajaai i "f Ibe ralea. paaaad bia blll ta faelUtati im h .a- , \,;i.*ii?? -. Mr. Waldron faUed to paaaablll proi.iii.tiiij. railroad aml otber i orporatlont frmu . _(,n - ? ? . ? n ? i - - B i.'in-in membera, ln whoae .-, ? tion i nl*. pi ?? tii ?? Ifl common, roted aj;., i togt't a two-Uurda rote. wblle thi.-. i aa waa truunavtlng. Mr. Butler uat, upon b*B feet tn u bad i,..i: the Por. e iiill -->.i-. n,,t pr wltb. At ia.-t !,<? .1. ...nn,!. <i of tbe Bpeaker why i otln r bualueaa to eoaa la. Mr. BL-iii,. rt-pllcd iii't anj motlon to mirjM mi iln ruiiv- tooh |,i,,.',l<. of Mi. Butler*a bill A ko.h1 o. i announceruont, Mr. BBtler.aaid, ?-I- ? . , ?_i by wii.'ii i o-.n foroe a rote aa my biiii" Tn,' Bpeaker aald tbere waa none, nnleeo be eoald ?et th. j,n-VI..U- ,j , aded, whleh Butler km-w im ii, i ? A-iiiilni-tintioii i.-ader fl tbe Houae tbeu moved to adtoum. taylng. ** lt's fl no ur?H auy.ujr bere any loaa r," aad atarted f,,r tbe Beaate to oeiii. i witn :. ni th. [ilol t,, iu.iko Ui.- I'real dout-ii. utor untii in- - ;m hlmaelf. Bntler i? BBBortt?to have aald later la the afternooa that tbere woald be an .-xtitt M-Mion next week, wben tiii.ii->ii-< ta aaapend tbe rulea euald nol be initdi toprevenl blm from jViu?ai'-'r; Un- For., Mil and tbe Ka Ki.i . l.ill. An evenlng a__.ia_._i i,r th?-ii,,ur? v,ar li.i.j f?i ,|, :?,i, onl . ?f the ? ol twooi tiu.- gentlenieu wbo waul. (1 to -;?< .k am tm l-.-.ra-4- bill. No baalaaa ?a? i U_..| it tm haaa foi r4a.ii_._-_-rT1_.ton'- tii,,.l> ,,l,j ciiun, j__?dy kuowa wbriri- th-j ;.< riu,,.i,i,. . BBbate, atat?-.Jb> Mr. Cotikllni. aud t_.kf-ii u;> by Mi. '1 r-iml-all. to-day. woiiii havo eud.d. Mr. Oonkiiug took ,, to rfler lo tlv- platform of the flaflBBBll Oaa_waattaa aa ??Tin-.BaaB__rt_ablaJafgle,aa i eoa.u, of ono uuau tlioii. .<1 ir,,u,| , f lu'-u." Mr. Ti?xbull lumedlately ,V_u k/iow if it ?a? neoeaanr/ foi th. pecj.l.- ol thi* _x>uniry i4i a*k tbi- permiealoB of th.- Benator from Hew Tork whenever u. to meel for any porpoae. lir, Coakllng replled, ln one oi b\* m-iei ofleualve opeeA-lim alluut aort-heiMU, ottce-Boekera, aod men .wbo bad u-a-u luriied of olti.?-, brlnging d,-wu upoa ),i? aiad a irf-if.-cf Htorii. fiom Mr. Tiiiiutiill, who Svunted lo bnoa ?v-r...|Uu_ about tbc Leeta aud BtiKkluga, aud usiiie Cuitnm-houaea to park ronvrntmna and to wouro Ui.- r.. ;.'. ii"ii ol t. Tbe Ln. i.l. nt, wbi. li 1" -Iven in full in tlie regulai r, port, onlv -, rv,-,i t,. Bhow .m whai a ' vol. mo tb. fl. nate ilte, i.ii.l ii ?a eaev it would be to drtft Into a political debote Whiel- wuulil 8M ouly with tlir MMAaa. Tho fricn.lH ,,f tt* auion.latory Ptoiiinl.orit not eharirr t'.i ? S.-ci.-Ii.iyi.f thrTreaMiry with att.-mptiiiK to dofoat tkan..-..*-iir.'. It haa eaae t)ii?,n-rii i.utii Baaaaa,aai aii paiateaf (iifr,rin,'o liL'twt-cn ika .-.nil,' ,-ui i Baaaa bb-a BBBB BSttttd Ly ;t ('..iiftTi'iHO Couni-itt.f. Tlie rciKirt of tke Commlttee haa beeai agraedtakytka Boaaa.kath. i'|,|i.,.-.-.l in th** Benate. Th.- chief oppoaltlon to th.- blll ootoei from peraoni Intereated in n eortaln i;> iteaui-gaugp, whlch. untlt-r the nrercnt law, the Supenr.ilng Inepectori foroe all iteatnboata to u.-o. The ti, it,-,' la -aald by many ofthe ateamboat men to b<4 wort ulena, und coUuaJon li cbarged hetween the ownenofth. patentaud the In?p4*4*tora. The amcna atorj aetbraaki npthia monopoly by allowlng tne me uf :mv u.1 gaugf, nu.l fnr.h. r li?,.lill," Ihf l nv i.v .. inovlng i) iini. -I.-" in.? r-riri, iloim from uteamboal owneri, witbout leiaenlng tbe effectivenaaa of tbe proviaioni l r tbeee. ui it \ ..I life and property wblle In Hecre Un iti.uiw.ii, it la aald, bal written two letten to -.n.itoi. urglng Ibe defeal of tbe blll. A promlnonl iuin Pltl iburgb -.n'l i" 'li.v tlm' th,- ii-< le 1 rtr.iri.-ti.i_is ol the preaeul law, wbi. li whh lunsetl ? yeai ,ii-.., bave ti-, iitiv d< -'? 'i'"1"..' ludu-trj ,atid if tiie I..-H.I n- ii.ea_.iire ,,l i' lol ihoi Id be d. real -I uy . , orts of tbe Sceretary, tbe Admlniatrauon WOUM loac .'.,??. \,.:,-- in thal city. A i-.']H.i I 1- iii < lr, n!.ii;,,ii, ciii.-iiiatin.'. it ls ttht, fr,'in ;> ? n.i.i-r of tha Utehea ...I'liict, tkal lha laatcaal . ,i.ii,.'t oHi,', r. willlif a-kt-.l for Ly tho I'i.-i.lfiit rt i- tka i bUadelphJa coiiv.-iition, tka - ? Mry of War, ami tiu. r,,.-ti:ias'< r-Oaaanl tl e three. Tin- purpoae alleged la I.? tt.- Admiitl.tratlon by tbe inbatitutlon foi the oul .< o, in,'ii who cancommand more at_vugib iu tbe eanvai -. Mi ti is argued, can de nothing toward carrying New-York ; i r. tarj B, Iknap'a f Iate, li rem id il ? ? - ? toi Oranl ln anj 11* -. and Mai_ land iu ipite ol anjrtnlng Mr. Creewell eaa da, Ika Olaeaataated Quartenaaetare, wko, -4 laat, fai tl .-ir l.ill throuph tho 11. them tke in, rank tkay think Ial re ln danai i ol . . ;,. lo it, on tbe , that the qu tlie rank tbe bill glvea tbem, and thal t>. i<>- It would - ilmllar tueo-mn - corpa and the line, and nuaetUa iho rank af Ihe wlioio ;.i !,.'.. ? on Appropdatloni b - wlthtka i-i.n.!,,y civil Approprlation blll In Ita aaaal i -ii.,1.11,-1, and haa reported it baei totheSaaala wltk iiiiitii-iii). i.t.-t whtoh iii.-i.-ii-f tke agfregataof its ezpenditniea aboat tmjKtjWt, together wltlt Bei-ral i whleb Ind. Bnltaamonnta are allowed in plaoe "f 11. tb M" :- On the othei ilde of the | 1,000 bm I- .ii cnl ..nt ol tii" H" i .?.,!. value of Hi,'..1111111.11- loii ni * ; i y tbe B< nate Comn.l u ? for tl.e paymont >.f tbe Montana Indlanwar , liiim-. .*-'.'!,M>. to reatore to 1 i of 1838 much to wblcb thev are entitled under the treatiei -wiii lhal natlou, tbe new Brancb Min1 al Ban , >r tl." colli < ti "i ol captnn d and prop. rty ol the Unlted Bl k, i,i.-:-cii!.i!i\.' Palmer ol Iowa t"-:,.v i dled al tho imi: ui < .i'ic,, aad reported Ika amrder of one of iiis ?-,,n tenamedDowell,neat Part Lartaile,on thc.tli ,,?, !i, Ly a Luii.: <.' l.i ? i' i'-ii.'ii, wko also tottt ; bundred l., . -'?? ? r. Bad ba mo. Tlie -, j.,, ., q ol Ilr. Palniei repreeenl r of Bed Cloud committed tbe murdrr; and Mr. ],i,.|. -t,-,i . ?.:? ti,.., 1-y Mi- Di partment puulabnu ),t tor I ad reatl tuilon ?,t ih Tho uw.t fliik'ui.u potnl connected ~~.it1! tl?- lnv.-.-t;..;.. timi into th. al i- "f the Ba. U Oonrl ol laqairy in tke t.ut th.,t t. tratton, tlir.? i h.-rc, i- attemptlng to ihow thal Aadp Jehnaoa waa ? ihle tor Ike mlaal-ut recorda tban I , i,. (,i. ut. ii - i, - ii,.it ni the tmif iii, ie oriU dlaappean d, Johnaon waa I for a i term, and waa more eonoerned thal oth. ra ln ih. t ziaten. i ol tbe Bai U C ?rt. Iki iiuinoroii-t fi' iif.'i- B. B. Cox (wko kaa ? ui roi ttn anl dayi wltb pl. uro-pnea ? learn tbal I i ou ..'iiii..u uml.? i..\ "i.ioi, ; ,.- < reniiiff. XLlIo CONQRE8S IId Bi bbmh. - v:i..Ya.iiiv.ion. Maj IB. WT-. llr. BcotTj .i.'.p.. Penn.), from Um Cominit u.- oii Boatken O-tnu I " aaw bUlee-a : ,,f tke hm f) imi, ifl tka BafoTo. moal t* i aad tka ?- l..ii, wbi b 1-. .-i thi , v. AN.. Mi K< tlonalf . j L.i, 1...H andor tuo aetol I Mi BUMNEB(Rei rffered a jolut rc8flnti?n pronoi ,ii.i. uf '.'? thu Conetltution, pntvidinff for tbe electlon ol Prealdent bj flli et vot. ofthe md ahollablnj Ibe Mr. EDMUNDB (Bep., Vt.), from Ihe Conini j., ii ioua, reported a nnmbei "f Pciulon billi, wbieb >? ?' i ? TI!' I 4X BU 1.. At thee-cplratton ol l , ,,n?- up ,i- iihii ? itlon .?A -,, r- um,-ii.iiii.-nt to a.i'i tbe Hi i_e bill anthorislnr tne appolntment. immlasion. Mi.< ...NKl.lMr (Kep.,N. v.) offered a mbitltute for tbe i" li'iin-i i iiifii'iii.i-iii, provldln^ for tbe ippolutment three to bold < iii. e for one year, to ,,.m-ki.-i- .m.l ezamlne tbe varloui plani and methodi ..f , revenue, und report the heil t.\ and larlll iy* tem thev can deviae, bavlna raitai- to the Intereataol .,, ii- re itlon. to tupltal ind otherwlae, And bar to tbe Inten i ni' rce, i ,,f aii (ia--,s ol tbe Amerlean i ?li,.- Mtbl,preaerved all tbat waa va . . tbeoilKlual pron utlon, wblle al tbi aame tlme , ..I tbecblel que.tiou now ii.'itiiiiiiK tbe publle mlnd tbequ-itlonol tbe i,.--t metbod ilng revenue. [Jptm tbla queatlon partiea aud frac : partiea ln thl i ountn w. re dlt id. d, and tbe n ii arkal le iugele ol one u I crowd ol dk b i. oontlyln deaiina with tbe aubj. Ithi i...i.-an,l ? I,-. nil iu .,|.|...,.,,.hiiiK lt. i i.r-ii i i.i. (Kep., HM aald ba .ii>l not know wbal il,,. Benatoi (ConkllngJ meant by an "unautborlxctl ? . t ,,,. n " ii anppoi i tbal cltlxeni ,.i tbe t nlt. d Btatoa bad a rlgbl t<, meel togetber and ezpreaa tbelr .ii the V.uui or any othei .ltbout aaklug h ni tbe -, mu.>r from Sew Mr. CONKLINO?Whea I ipokeof tbem aa aa iiikih thoi '---'I > rowd ,'1 men, 1 kntended to _ay tbal Ibei weri .m.u/..-.1 bj ani " political ' oraauii nion, i h 111 Dodoubl tkal they had authorlty of tbelr own. and we bave hadovldenoe ti,.,t tbey bad authorlty from tbe ti nator from Hllnola, I aay, furtber, tbat when aaaem bled together tbe itreai and dlfflcultyol th, i.i.i: .. ih -i mn. and that tbeyavolded It by a aielgbt of hand never inrpaaaod b] anj party, oc b] aaj "ti.iw.l," u ithorlaed ..r unantbor /..-... Mr. TKUMBULL?---ltbou|rb the Benator from x,-u Vork aeemato think tbal tboae ?i.reoutol oili..? " hoii-hc,,i.-," a- be ealla them?bave no n>rjit to ir.i to? getber wiiDout obtainlng pennlattlon, 1 luppoae thal ih,,., who bave their armala the Treaaury, who boliter upthe and tbe Btocklnga, who wanl toeontrol publlc plunder and oaa tbe money ol the people for po Utlcalpurpoaea, ?h,< wiab t<> uaaofflceaallitwaa -? much mooay Ior tbe purpoae ol earrylng eleotlona and paoklng conventlona i mppoae that tkay bave aiuple atitlioi.ty to <io tbiaie thlaga. They an un.i.iui.i.-.iiv auttioii/,-,1 i.y tboae who proeora thea ippolntmenta, who Uve apon publle plundei and a-.- tbe people- money ftw tha purpoaa "t 4.'.ttiu?c up ? ,ii\.iit:,.iir,. and Iloppoae tbatr aetton mual oa d ;,. !> .'mn,.uo. ii aortof autborlty laneo I elimlnarj requialte foi people who wlab to ,-. i !,,_.? tin i and ezpraaa tbelr vlewaon publle qneatlona, wu\ I mppoae tbat tbe eltlaena. to wbom tba Benator from New-Yoik baa alluded. bad not that autborlty. It lt \.i. likely that an approaching eonvenUon In wblcb be taaea anlatereat wlli bave tbat kimi of authorlty; im! i iio in,t kaow what rlgbt peraoni whobappeuto bold "in,.- and ba aupportedos tba publle bave Co -Uo luii- to tba people ol tin- eountry, who ara aol In ofll ? eitberaato thapoliey ur the eandldatea (hay akalleup ajuiialoagfllatmBBtmi.thn aubatltute ,,ir,-n,i i.y Mr. . g wai agn i d to Jfeai J?: Naj -, 33. li.. Labor Commlaaton amendmeul aaamendedwaa I,,,-ii i.-i>-ct.-.l- -Yeaa, IH ; Naj -. Mi. l-'i.N i <'.?*?' (Bep.,N. T.) tben ,,n'.-r.-.i an amendmenl to tbe laiiti blll addlng to the .mii on aalt aa flxad by .ii j,, i ,,i.( n.l \ ,,i..i,i,i, iiii.l mi .m-.iif.l it. The aalt lutareat. ho aald, wai t ntltled t., tba lame eonaltV ra* tlon aa the Iron. the wotden. th>- ootton, aad other greal bitereati. and tnli duty, al leaat, waa neceaaary ln ord. r to .1.. ii jn-ti.-.-. li.' amendmenl waaretected . itber iiiu.-ixiii). -ut-, io in, i. aae the .l.ny .m salt, wo ro offered and rajeeted, leavlng it as onglnally lix.-.l i.y n..' Hoaae TBeblllhavlegbeen ronaldered ln Commlttee ofthe ira - reported i" tha Benate. whea uii tho amead in, ni ? nol reeerved were i oaeurrad iu. Tbeprovlatoaapplyingtben 18 i?-r oeal r.'.ln<tlon of exlatlugdatleaUt papei ?..- ooncurred In ua tii-i re ported from tha Fmau. ?? < iommlttae m f.,ii.,ws: ?? on all j. ,|,. i ai, i ma.iui k tin.- of paper, Includiag i.,),,k aad othei prlnted matter nol h.-r.-iu ipeclflcally pi-oviUod ln ' Mr. SIIKRMAN nmvcl Iho foUOWlag auxinliii'tit, whieh waa agreed to: "<>n all tUtt au,i gtaad papai Miiit.iiilo ior i.iiiiiniif paper, M par i > Di ad ralon tn. ' Tbe ametufmeni provldlng for an addlttonal duty of i^ pai ,. i,i a-t ralorem on gooda, tha prodnel ,.f Un- oountrj .-i-t of the Capa .f Uood h..j?-, exeept raw eottoa aod i,i'.v . ilk vtlieii liiijioi'i.-.t from i>la<-<-* w.-t of tho I i.]-', amended ao aa to take tJhtct aatkalal of Oetabaf aaa ..,!,, ii red in. im inotioii of Mr. BHEBMAN, tho paragrapb Impoalng a dul ? of i "f a .-. nt j.,1 |..iiniii ,,n Bne Bax, oraaaad, aad \ mi. ,i ai -.'6 ,<ni> jM-i i?,luui, waa iti ick out Upoa , on. iiniiiK'in tha amendment adopted lu Cum ij_iii,-i of ti.< \. bok luiikiii^' ihf daty on aaltpeter. erade, one cenl ;?-i peundj partl _ly retlned, a 11 nt aaa a half, andrefluedtwo eenta jmt pouad, there waaaomedl* ('ii--i,iii. in the oourae >,f wblcb Mr. BAYAKIJ n>. m., i, i i ? tblng in the aii Ju i now whlch ,i,-ii,ii'!.- to provlde i,.i- agoodaupplyof kuu jm)\4i1< r. Tbe amendment wai con. tured In, Mr. VJi (.?? m , Ind.), on beball ol the t ommlt tee on < iimmer. i. oBeri ?! ao amendm. nl provldlng thaj Aiiu-ii'i.n remmelt whl,i) bave beea regiatered abi "i -in, July 1.1881, iu,.y, wttbln tw.i >.-..!>, i?. regi . i loan reeaela mnl'i auch regulationa hh iho i_iaic iiny of the I'r.-asiiit may ptaaerlba. Agreed ta. 'I.i,-othi-r emendmenta to thii Metionreported from the Comu-itttx' ot Ptaaaoe wi rt lomuiietl lu. Mr TRI'MBri-I. offored nn amendment lo thr-wril<.n, aBowlng tbe pavmoiit hereatter af_one-lblrd of tbe dutlea on Importa in lecal t.'ti.lor Bfleo, prnvl. Ung that ono-. Ixtfa of tho dutlea mar bf pald in l.-gal tender notee wbleb wben laeflrad ahall ho deatroyt-d. Loat? Tbe .uno'tir.....'11't'roportod from the Pinanee rommlttee, ?trtklngoul thla aection, waa tbenconcurrea in. Mr. l-KNTON moved t<> non eoncnr ln tbe mmmlmont reported from the CommHtee on Flnanoe provldl ti,- remlsalon of dntic. oa Imported flalt naed fl eartaf n-ii. Loat Tbe anvndment waa theni eonenrred ln. The amendmenl Bxincthetaz ou tebeeoo at m eeata iM-r imuiiil waaconcurred lu. _ _ _ ____, 1 Tho amendmenl reported Itoai tbe Commlttee on Flnanee, alwllahlng moletlea to Informerj and approprt ullng $100,000 topaj ror detectlng anjl oringing to pun uhm.-..t vioiai.-i-. of tbe lateraal Bereaai _bwb,b__ concurred ln?Yeaa, 3* Naya, 14. . Mi MOBTON (Bep., Ind.) oflbred an amendment pro for th,- li.m , ..ll.'.'lioiiof an.v l',r;li"Uii tav ?* on dlatllferlefl whleh hare accrued wben the dlBtilleriea naie been unaroldab. ioapended. ,_____. . ___. ___ ABenatormoredtoamend tbe Bmaadaaat aa ai to prorlde for tbe remlaBl.I Ihe Ineome to*fori8Ti, now ,ln,' i.ut nneolleeted. Agre. d to?Teaa, m, JWJ* . Mr t'RAUIN (Bcp.,N.H.) moved tonmend thearoend ??-,,t k? m loeaeludfl from it- np. r..ti?u ?"?*?."/ Congreaa who hare not paid tbelr lucome tax for ian. \ --i, ,i to -Yoa . 17: Nava, 13. Mr. MOBBIIX (Bep., Me.) offered an amendment are foi the refunding ?f tbe toeorae tax fer i.i.i alreaJypald.and exi.lalned that be okkt.'";'."?; tbe itnproprleiy ol the precedlng ameadineBt torcmlt the iiiri.tin- tax not yet pald. ___, ,, Mr. MOKTON aald i would rather wttbdraw bla amendment tban hare II made the v. hifl -lor auend mentli which would defeal tbla blll, aad, aa ebjafliea belng made, he a Ithdrew it. . .__. Uqnortcewaaplaoed piaeed oa Ibfl w aaf flafl reduc? tlon Uat |Th. rcrxiti aaa _i>t __.i-._- J at th- kfl-B ... ri,iiH'? I>r*?i | BOCBI 01 __PIU_-_UrTATlT_a raa aaa of*ttapw laiaanai??Ba Mr. S.uni.i.i. (Bep*, r.iiii.), 6wa thfl Betod ,.t.-.- tu Air.i.i- ;ii I.. ui-i.,.i:.. i-i.-.'.iN'l th'-r,,?.,t fl I,..,.. .lf .m.l Mi.M,.'..,n,.?uul l_r.B___B fl Na? ?ylraala preaeatod tka report fl flaafll aai Mr. . .. Mr.Bmlthal 9t ! i lapteaeal Ua aaa ti.i .? waa no regular Otmwilttj - report Tbo do. un,, i.t- wi re all ordered to be Prtutea Mi HALSF. (Bep.,N.J I prestnted a report oftbfl (;,!?niitt.-f .fi, I'ubllc Bul/ding. and Oronnda on tbe . ???, whleh waa .'i,i'i,'i to t,f prMrUMERKlAM (Bep- B\ T.J anwed fl maialtti nn ,, _.ii.. 1.111 for the better fleeui ti "' baal r< ':v;;v.';;,,!,- ..,,... _.-i...... - ^? provialonaol the blll are aa followai ____. __ ... , of tll* Tr a'117 I. WrhT a ... ?-.'.i .-., BntMinrlrroal.r.Ihll- Tv ?m* bnl ' " i ? . reaattiaMl l", th1. ttt ? I Ba* aia tbe Mr. i , . Imjuired of thfl Bpeaker wbetherther. waaaiij l.Ibilltyol ronipeUlni i vote on tbe Enforcemenl bUleoloai .i6 -BflJoaitl tktm ad tho rnlea w. re Interpoaed I The SPEAKEBreplled tliat there waa not. Mi. iiiti.i:i: (Bep., Maaa.) Phen l bboti that tbe ll i iae ad] iiiro. [Laui btor.] M DA.VES (Bep., Maaa.) pi I >'- idlonrn tbal ti.,' II,,n-f diOU ,i i.,i.,-.. r. ceaauntil .j..'. lock, tbeerenlng aeaalon tob. ? debata ttty, aad tbe |,i,.|?,..t.oii waa agraed to. At ih,- evenlug aeaalon th. dls. nalon on tbe Ku-Mnx iued until a late liu ir, ? :?? eohi ? nuido by Mr. WOfiD <i> i . N _ l.wboai ..v.-i hlir. ad nean to J- '? '" . andCOBUBX. OEBEBAl TOBEIQS BEWE BPADf. iToam Bcaaaa m t;h coan i?oppcottiosi i.i xi vi:-ii \I. -I RBABO-HU OEBEROI - li.i 1TMEK1 OF TH i . UtlaUn I'IM'1 v ED. Mai,i:ii,, lliui-'lav, M.i\ | At tbe BflBflioa .-f Um Cortafl, to-aaji -\|' liili-alT,,]?'tf, tli< l'rcr-1,1, ni of tbfl QeaaeOi -tal- ,1 iba Mlalatry tacBcalaea Iba raUdlty fltbe CaaTeatlaa aaada bj Ka i altb iba r, ? . aar ,i,in;Bg Uf ot wbe m,'iiiii.ii I.;. aarn nd r, i.i,.i r.-,j ., - ad tbeaaaberafl tbe OppoAUea aol t,, laterpalbttatba Ooti into, nt relatlra tb. i Baaa i aaai Bi ii,T Zorrtlla aro. i ;:??. mt n t aaaaai i Benaao, aotwltbataadlafl Ikc n tjiieel fl IdaUral Teffla la Hfl i.ii.- tbal tbti oppoaitlon tboi i reftaia fr. m lakmg aay aettoa ralatlre to tbe ladereaaMBl bf Ika Oaa a iu. i.t fl ibe f,'ui --? I'.i' aad bj MBrehal BbrbbBj har,iiy i ad ibaezatteBM il whlehwaacaaaed | Ibalaliwrtaillnw of B_?ar Earrllla'a BBotlaa _Ued away, i haa I ? ,'., ,1 bl s ? ' .'V, riitu.'iit. Ika Piafldaal ol tbeCbrtaa r, fiiM'ii to aaawa'. Bean Mm,,-in-i-i. ii i';. ii, irbaa Iba PiaaUkal do(land the ao!i?n fl Ika Depati aaa _a_I_aa M iba. aud loft tho Ohaaiber. .-i al eaafofl. n i,,.i-,-,v, ii tka r, iii. aaat al tba Pn ttdea!. nnd tkt taamli in da C_aa> i? r i>< aaaa |_aeral. The exfll.-in, nt in tin- ? ''?' ""'' i.tii,.'- BMMV0OI tr.-attiifnt of tho ii ? t, aad tbe atomy latbaO ii iban arred to lataaatfy it. it is probable tbal tka Marabal, altb otber Mlalafln who ? eptod pofl?Baa in Iba aaa < aatafl, win KflfB. Hin,ui,i' ,, I aaUag Berraao Piaafla', at it to maared ba la dflpeaad ta do, la i - -Ua ttngnlabad aerrtirrala narlHai tb i . t iu..uri(-ctiun, grarc Me_W4_a a -1 i.r.' fc in d. *??. FBAUCK. .\K in. i:ndiai:y OOWDl mm i> 10 DI vrii. i.'ii-. Ibnrad iy, Ka] Ml UB*. Tlio tiiul of Chatoaa tn Bettiag Bn t<> tha Tullerlea terataflad, j.-: rday, wltb a verdlel fl laJttp. aad thf piieont-r v> -i,.,t. CUBA. THB I1NAM i\i. -ll! ITIOX?AB APFBA1 IO THB 10?11 -. Batajta, May 80.?Th* Bpaaiah Cariao. Uw Captalii-i;. iifiai Vi.liiia', and tbfl Int'-iulont,- havo t, i, grapbed toBpala, BflbM laa Carfla ta tala lata na] n,l, liition thf, laUitiiatiou lu . ub.i at thceuiileat opportunlty. _^^_____________ NATIONAL A(,l:i. ll.Tl K\I. r> .M JP.L.H. St. 1-Otis M;iy :id.?ln the N.m.mal lifti* ciiiturai Oeafraae, taday, aoaalliaa reparta iflbartM to publio landfi, lajlleall-Ufl ed.natioii, railway traunportation, foreit planiini.', .V.-., BBflBd apOB, an,l o--r.ajg woro r.-ail BBBB tl.e ??aBB" tion of Farmcrs, and i:iit.,uioloj_y, as BflBBflfltfll wilh agrioulturo. Twonty thiii.-.unl tttkU fl nn aihlroo-. I.v I.i. nt. Manry,, iiilio,|\ inj{ n for adding general i orpa report* to the i.>ul w. athei aporta f'? tii-in-1 ii> tne Berrlcfl Bureau, were oiden ,1 to b< prlnted. The Convention adjonrned, t.t at ladlaa apolio on tho fourth Iliiir-i|,\ ,.f M,,j aaxt UAII.Ii'.Al) ACrCIDIBT-BSTXRAL PStfOVI l? JXTBKD. WmmoToa, x. c, May :5o.?Tka njuaaain dation tr..iu ou tho B__B_agtoa, ('oluti.lua. on?l Auj,'u-la Bailroad rau off Iba li.i,l. near QftaPB Htation M-day. Tbri-e eara woro c. ||. g_ ____W I i ''horaw, B.0_i BBd Mor.iri Bh?a4T of 1 .-rn- BaBba Ih'l. wcro BMbMaly, and Iffl MbBta ulis'litly lnjurfd. AU tbe wooadad wara BTaagbl t?> tbla e__tp__ad aateedta ti.o boapltaL It 1_ auppoted non.- of tbo injurit-a ure fataL AN IMl'.iKi \m | i.|;i,iiT. N"i:fliAMi-j.-N, .\l,i-_? Mi.y :{.).?A't f.?r FI'XII) IN Ml-vKJlKl. St. LOfJOb Mo., Muy .10.?Mail acc.unts froni a iioND Kan _f___tj!_o, I.i. iim.iMi, M-.y lf>.?Siiinui 1 l'.rry B_afl i', j tin vaaaiai flfli ui>,,n UaaRiral in Ikl11||v iod..y on a ti-li-graiu fnun Ma.-.m, .;.,., ___BIBai with forg.-ry. ii,- paatBd io bi ti" aaaaaa who _aato_aada ___ ,,f BaOr-OI in woreaater. Ma*.-.., aoun- montha nm .. ii,- wur, dlaajaiaed aa aa aU tenaar whan arroated. Be wlll i.i lii-i.i loi aif.juiBiiiou 'ruiu tilber Maaaacbu aella or UoofKia. AN ATTBMPTBD BOIT. mo tiik corcmrATi movemekt deiouhcid BT THI 1-tEB IKADMM. VK.OIiOr. DKMONSTHATION' AT STI.INWAT BALL -ii i CBBfl BT WM. 4'. M.VANT, IMtoK. n-.KIlV. I.AVII. A. WKI.I.S. KDWAKD ATKIS-.'N, -IM.'N sTiitVK, AM) OTBB-M BBTHUBIABM FOR (.1(1.1.1 .I.V AT AV ANTI-.iKKKI.KV MKI.TI_.t_. l'ri.fns.' :i.n.ilisoiiici)tr4 of tho Fr. o-Trado imot ilitf ftt St. in way IIiill, last ov. niiiir, wht-rc it BBI "il? .l, r.t..,,.1 tliat tin- C'im iniinti platfatBB and noiniua ti.niM w.-ro t.> l>f Miinmarily I'j.ctnl, ralhd out a full. tteagh liy no in.-.iii . or..\4.1.-?l aiiili.-in'o. '11'" ..-ats iu tlio body "f tl ?? bpQBB Wero all ?.?ciii.itvl.but tlio ai.-!.? virc .1, ur and the pral loii.s Bomparatively empty. Umloubtedly a large portion of iho nu.lionro 0BBM from iii,.tivc8 of curiohity?I dNbl to "1:. :tr tlio 80MB Hido," an.l to s,,- boa larga i eerpa of aan rteta from lha iiupaitial i.lalfoini lui.l down at Cineiniifiti eould ho pathoreil iindir Hm haimors of l'no Tnulo. It is (crtaiii that a iiniiili, i af fl BliMMB wero lioanl, jii-t jn. \ |n tho opeaing of tho moctiiig, in tim.itini; that tlny, as well M iiiany, ha.l c.iuo f<>r kii.-Ii NBB8B8- 'Iho BBMtttg was clt-aily 4'iithiihiahlic. It was notir. ahlo that namoa W8tB ipplaadad ralher than M-i.tiiiifiits <>r piin> |l'-; aliln ut'li lli.'I.ilt-r t. (<-i\. ,1 lli,-iisii.,1 Bypuial tt Ihoso w Im had ,mi '? Io tvpn* o. Ika iiitr.i.liHlion <f .Mr.'r. BBBM Wtt wai.-luii f.T With 868-88 urixi. ly, aml all w..ii<hi, .1 what il, io.'. ;,in,n voiilil ba. Tha "ii-is BBBM promptfy, an.l tta worda wata acareely uttered whicb raferred la tta " Fanaer of ('h:ii.i>..<iua." wb. n ttare bbbbb wttt Bnrprigiag Baddenaeea and rifor, t iitliiisii.-tio iii.s of "l.i.-.l.y! (ii.-.'l, y '.'' only partially gaelled bj biaaea taaa ttapartiaaaaol tta oiln-i-. i.l.-. l'i. <? Tiaih is o.i tta Bta?8 iiiimil' -i, ,1 .li-. ..iiil'ilnrf BBd aniio.. an.'.' m this .1, ? . tiatimi. aml w. N imt I.y tho fart that erery Baaaeediag aUaaioa t.> Mr. Oreeley wbbib ooiv.-.l witb applause as woll as hissos. Whon Mr. Wella. in his H|i.'.'.-li, Miid that Gre. ley meaot tttaor> Rani/atioii, loml .ri.-s .f " Ci.chy ! Greeley I (ira ii-i,i.,;, . '.' :i i, ??-(', and wh.-n in iln- BBBM .]>'-. eh ho uttorcd tta niitiio- of Oranl aml (.r.-li'V in juxt.i |io.siiii.n tta former l.i.-ivi d DO MeOffBitioO, hut tlie l.-iti-i- waa.ordially approred hy totnt and biaaed i?y ..ih. 1-. A gentlemaa PTominenl In tha Free Trade m.>-.<? inciit remarked yeaterday thal ttameetiiig woald ;. one marfced feature, tuunely, that whilathe platform adopted al Cindnoati bytbe people mighi lit-.1,-lioillii'fd ..Il.l ili.sdaili.'d. im ol I'.ls.'Ilill aiii'.sions would be iiniii.* to tta eaodidatea, Het witbataoduif ttia prophecy, Mr. Atkinaon bltterly eharaefc riaad Ilr. Qredey'a motirea aod aett b, nnd indiilt-. d in allu-huis io iho "iuali_ni iiillm-n. i: " ho . i it, daml liis " ino.l. 11. loin. ? iut.lfflfi.. ?" 1 'ttt .'..;> nhii .si'iitiiii.iit waa .izpri sm .!, how ovr, whea Mr. Atkinaon, ln the aexl bn aih, r, m.nk inu'lliat Mr. On ?? h -y B8W want.d th> in toanpport his platfonn, waa Interrnpted by ;l i4roDft_toi?"W, wa will!" takea uj. by ottec roieee, aud eried down and hi Bed hy ..iImt. ,;ill. Tho nitino of CharleaFn waa irr.-.-t.-.l with lood elap pinf, anda PreeTradei <.n the stafa atepped tot ward aad ptepoaed ttree eheera, whieh wata gtt-fl with a v. ill. aii eriea for Oreeley wata peraiat Intmded. THE PBOCEEDINaSi The BMetlaff bii ealled to oi.l.r by Ifahlon -.. li" NU-1 '? \v,- hai-.-.;.-.-iii.-.i it aaaaaaary '" protcil publlelrour ,ii-.-.,ii r,? ii.ui \mHi the KaulU nl the .lunatlCon ventlon. W. w.-nt thero to ael r< orm. In our oplnlon we fallcd to aet li. We dcem it nwea*ary to make tbla atatemenl In order t<> prot. cl ourcl ira. t< i ua reformera. I u- -1.. nomlnate aa Cbalrmnn <>f Ihia uie. I bohaabeen known for half a eentury aa a Raa 11...l. :, Wm. Cullen Bryaat Mi. ni'.aM i'iiiii' larward aaald paal afptaaaakaad iiitio.iii. ad < bariea n. Marakafl, wko laad tha ftollowlag .... i ,, -i :, !,!. . u i,i, li wa-. iinai?,ii,oii-l> i-l'i'in-' 'l: nCB-1 Bl -ni " 18. -.,..- i - Thaaaan Ito. wvrlt, |? ... ,.,. .'. ln. , - i W I. I s ? . .'.. I on, r?r, > ? "' I'licrin, i I I I i , .. II.. Jokl ,\. Im, P.ri't' I ' ' Juln J ' 1' H. H i J. '?!. < ? M. K. Jr.-|.. .. i> Babc ,-k. I , -,', II \ .rrin.D, V. A. II. r ? -1... ? li I lt M ', : 0(0 l .4. V 1. M?i,l?n . ('Iiitlt. '1 j Chai . ? l M i '?: il Mi .ball. Atfrad i w . W, -i Tbanai II < ? H u r ::.r.i. \ r m .i.t, ? A. >'. K o..l ii !. jr.. I, >-t .TN- .' Wiilura 1< . . f. Dlikr. v. Dt ^l l I'.r. I' I. ,, \ A 1 I E'l-irl M.-ririB, i c i.. iiii-knafel, I . , II A I.1BI. I.. 11,1 ? , M.-. Bryaal tkea addiaaaad th<- uaemhlaBe aa foiiovri: , ,u ,,l WII.I.IAM 01 I-I.I-N' ItliV.vM'. .,i sii imi b : our reveaaa lawa hava (trowa Iate i -v ,,.?',,, _;. ra ui.ii.-.-, an.i wa ua _aal togetkert-tfaetaa iBctoeonaaUlnraaardto tka reaaedy. li yeawenta aak Ive maa Ihen eplahw- al Ikeaa lawa?li yoawereto Ml uinii aktilkar thrj doaotnfari tkaaa aa aajaataad uupbbMtb. aBBTTTt Buaaa aa ika aoauaaattyaadda itructive to manj forma of baaaa ladaatiy-daar oatef tl?- IH.? woald f-ay " Y. -." That ii tho * noral fcluiK; tkal ia tka ?eBeralJa___-enti aad [a_lghtaddi prool that n isM,iii.-.i.'ii._.s..f < aa-anaetortka wkolaof tka in-t Wlatar, pateklag aai ptoetag tkatariBIOaa eobbler ai work ou an old -!'"'?. ^"h this.Iitl'oreuco-that tt?. eobbler would eadeavor te maka Iheahoa better, wblle the memberi ol Conjcwai bavel endeavored to do MUtthTwttb regard to tha tariffaa than tn ublc to do. [ V'u'u^'-'Lve beea mad~ wklob BBato tho t^aaaa lawa v,iv tt'.' better than tbey round tbem. The people Sveaald to Sem, "We are ?ound do~ nby Uxot. Yon have taken mUUona froa tbe m tho itormM ,, ,.,r uttteof whlch bae aonelntotha rna.-ury Youowe a* mUllona m the wa/ol radn. nu to*?*. ?? V.-.y w.-l!," MTl thi- ol.lis-liiR Coiiftro^. th.-r.' ir. six nence: wetender thal to v?u and a-mand a reoelPl ln ful " We tako tho sixim-h. o, )..-. auso wo are rompel o. . CStwewld won to dVmandol Congreai thatitahalj .ru. the i.pla all to whleb tb. r are mttted; tba toto t v an h .... -t revenue t.,nff, and nothlaa Leaa. -aatWB ar ?'-1. t.'iii.'iio.i to bave; and we wUl n.-t flre 0T?thla rff,?t-wo"wm ..... <?< a.- ... aejltate thla inWeel nntUwe ?ball havo madell danieroua foi any Ppfltlcid party, wbateverlta unow nn. Importont <i<" -'""'. and to i.i.i aalde tbe dei tand ol the people for auabroga ttonol theae dntlea, theae toxea whleb are burdenaoma ocvtryclaaaof people,and ablcb paralyaa tbeIndaa rV..f ii..- '..iinirv. Wntlemen,Iwhl not detata roa iivliiui.ra. hi, lli.i.'.l.ut WiU aakthe S.,r,.,,?v, Mr. UarabalL t...l a letter that baa bc.*c. Ived ln rehv tion to tbla mbj. i t.and alao tba reeolotloai praparad tot kduptlon i.y ti.. meetlna. [Applaaae.] Mr. Mar-hall th.-n roii'l iho U'tt-r from .1 I>. OOX, j,,. ..i, Kiiiik.-rhoir, aad atkaaa.pabtlakadla yeataN r*t TBibubb, aad ui.o th.- taOawlag lasalattaasi BB8IH1 HOBBi itetoired Th.t wifn tka dleapaaaraaea of Iba political laauea iriainir ont ol the InaUtuflon ..f Ha.. ry, aad r< wmn? from the war whleb Blavery entaUed, tba aaed haamideltaeUfeltamomrtha thou?htful man of b?th !',,'..", r..ra nowrimifiital poUcy baaed upon tba aaa t.'-iiai luterenta ol the eountrj. and ,?iitfi.i|,iittniK broad nractical reform In tbe eoUectlon of tbe r,-.. aaa, tbeor ranuauoa ol tha elvii a i * iee, aad ln all Braaakaa of tho Koverument admlnlatratloa. ,?,^^?^_ Itttnlretl That wltb the ).'.-ii.-n.l r.-laxatlonof ol.l party ti,. and wtth tbe aro wtogdlatrtwl fell toward tke pr? renUonal pollti4?l leadera. the eountry tunu fiweonnael to tbe Indepenaenl thiuk.-rs m tbe ranki of oiihor n?ny; an.1. therefore, the Iate Conventlon at < .nfinuati, wa* reaarded hopefuU] , tu tho trust thut it would lay down a a-.uu.l an.1 adeqnate platform of prlnclplea. un.l woui.i Ukewlaenomioate a can?daie whoaaf-^a-ganaaaau im lationi wiii. odloaa i-.litl.-al tiuu*, and whoie MM reeord on tbe quaatlona of tho preaenl l*',<.I,th.'- f'l ,. ahould alve aaiuraiice tbat hl* electlon would t.rtiiK witli it ra.ii,-ai chanaea to the better. [i_mhii..i--tic 4ira* for cii.'oi.-v, arltb in--.--. I . , uA.t*. ,.t mmwiuA, ilr." both tbe platfonn and the t9bAlA9ttot th.- < in. iiiimil. onventlon bave o-tueed d??p .u-" ?"' ' 1,,,-nt in ihe i.iin.i ol tbe commualty, .??.i have renutrea ,.,.,r,-il,l.' thut ,.r..ti?.i Ol alltli.rff'.ii.iii./lutlu i-,,,1,: wlthoui tbeui.ioi. of which .ucci.--alalu-i*4ieeiblc. {^**\Z\?m\^^ WZoYitt"^^ Keiil^orodlult" platform, wblle the moat,,i..nt I-. ... . ,,. i he eountry wai named m Ita candldato, no ot-iatln v- mpporl blm reata apoa tboae^PJaa TradenTwho partlclpaled In the ( oui.-u i..ii. und under ?,.?. ,.,1-i.i.-.-M, thf ( onv, tition wur< roiitoK.-.l. j .. 7' h.i ..-.??ih..hat.' lui-Tfd iu the paatto r,? l . I .'? w .1 \W* an.l to abollab tho ul.usf . of onr ?1, n m',.: i.'hl.ul.lM.'t ,H-r....t their oxoriions tobe dlu.inlal.ed Uy tho rtbuff whi.b tbey bave recelyedat ,? ! on tho eontrury, the praoeM dtaaolutton ?f forim-r imrty tlon ?n, r-un oiipoituuity for iu iiiiiny u-itriv-iin vshKiiithaihcrelolvre Won UoiKjltaa to aftempt to broak old party linos npon tho aaaaaalI of lariff K. fonn. lletnlrrii, That, whllo Ihua prop.irlng for nn notlvo oon tett 10 iinlivi Congreaa DtatrlcU, wecannotlfor ,. tbal in a Preatdeotlal __ap_gn taa leading aotlre wliii'h _t<iii!(-B tho eourae of aaaay rotere aaai be found In tha publlc charecter and reeord oftho candldatee for tbe l'r,-i,i,-n,-.v. V*e, therefore, eall npon aUfrlenda of Free Trado and kimlro.l leforini. to unlt? wltb BB fl effortH to leeure tbe nomination of acandldate who ahall adeqnately repreaantour prtnelplea; audfurtber /iv?.,.r../, That for tbla purpoae, ttn. Preeldentot um meetlng be empowered to uppomt a commlltoe of taa, v. hifh ikall bara powar to aad to Ita Bnmber. aafl *aoee datrj it iball be to put themeelrefl in eommnnlcatlon, and to f..iioi-rf an effeeUve eodperatlon wltb all aaaoclatioufl aad ladlrldnala hartaj. tho ilk.- ebjael in rtev. Mr. Hivant iln ii - ,1,1 . ciontiomen, i havo tkaptaaaara ta praaeal toyeaa gentleman wboae rflee baa been often heard - queatlon ol freedom ,,f exeaanae, aad who. ln golng about the eountry and glving leeturea on thla Bubieet, haa attraeted b.rge audleneea, and opened the mlnda of many t,, the falaenea* Bnd oppreaalreneaa of the preaeni rerenue l_nv?. I eaU on 1'iof. lVrry of .Villiauis Col l'rof. r<-rry vvn.? gtaatad with BBaJaaBl am) B_tdl -i'i:!., ii oi not. PI?BT. (_r_Biu____fljri aaara tui la Iba laflwfli fl Tra.l,'. Ir :?!,.. ir, ntlfmon pr, f.-r Hfl llfliaalOB, " Bav euue K, fotuiiV-," we have no parileular BbfafltaBl '"'f f,-r eanatrea, an iberter, aa flreaaar, a.s moro Baaaa, a. l.-slil., ly t, l,o niis.ipp.olietided In Its algTinVatloii. ns invulving?aiaaf Ika prlnelplo of govcrnmeut, "non-liit.rfiron. o ovrywhiro," and ??->ix?rlally as al in ?th, r lamls ln the mouth fl gfflfl pepal ir IflB* era lik.- OebdflBj liavitu: baaa a elogan to rally tl.e peop.e to tlnir own tataraefl. aa arafi t tka tara ?? _naeT_rada," [Applaaae.] A pbraaa fl laa nrUaWea la nmre than twlee aa long aud lemthan balfai itrongaaa pbraae of twoByllab! -. II l couldhelpit, I would never Jn;ni-t __y j-i. al I own, ,,i im-. ' au ?? Ihat I ."\,-1 t,, more m llabl.? tban ire . ? ? ? - irj IVe bw then, Fr,,- 'i ' lnn in on ?mel ln i eU to aee bow we eaa beal pramota tba aaaa near to our beerta. If I am not mlataken, every great m ren nl ..rprog re ? ii. publlc alfali " rough three i i , onaummatlon. 01 these, the r.i-t i termed tbe pbaae ol reflectlon, duiing which thlnklng men, Independent men, ara maklng np their mlnda aa to itaaouudnesa?aa to it-, probable beneflcenee Incaaeof lu adoptlon. Tbla ifl tba Inltlal itep; menwelgh tho ,-m-i ?-, theyponder up"n U; tbey look at It ia all Ita bearlnga; tbey make un tbelr mlnda, aa teatterludmen bere and there, men perhapa unknown to fauu-. Bnl tbe r_?ill ol thla reflectlon U peraonal conrletlon. Thifl peraonal convlctlon wltb refcrenoe to th>- canae fl i -. Trade baa long ago been reacbed ln tbla eountn by many men ln many walka of Ufe. Aml thla conrletlon, the n--.nit of i, llectlon, tbe raaull "f tbougbt and itudy, tbe reanlt of prlnclplea and of experience, h.i- beoome -., leep and eo profound that the everlaatlng hUla aw -i-,n,-.i i.,. more flrmly on tbelr baaee tban it tbfl eonrlo tion aeated ln our mlnda and hearta. [Applaaae.] Mr. l'l, ;'.,?'. l i. I l.l: are aa sure of lt aa you are snm of anything that Ihe Immedlate adoptlon ?f il..- prtn. Iple ot PreeTrade, whleh i- nothing iu the world bul tbe Inalien uf m>'.> I . bt of men to buy?you are m aure thal the Im? medlate adoptlon of that prln. pl. Ihrougboul tbe world, or the immedlate adoptlon of II lu anj pari ol ..:.i.ri? -., wlll ii.iiiu nobody, bni will b body, aa yoa ar. of anything wbaterer. ippl ntn nuoi aaot m n ina - uro u no i. pbaae af reteetioa arttb rflfereaeata ___Jij_iaa1 _d aaa Ih b_ tbi - Wbleb I'hai-.ift, nzos every gr.-.U BBB11 OM nt, aml which may be t- naed tba pbaaa of arflaaa?tatVm Wkea aaa aro prnfoiimtlv B Bl taeed fl any greal truth, tbey umst argne Iti tbey aafl apeab fl it. aad andearor to couvincc otbera. Tbla conrletlon la a Brfl In tbelr bonea, and iii'i--1 hare rent, and accordlngly. wben tni coutinced tbat a movement wlll redound to the beaeflt . ii,:iv, they bejrtn to perauade otben ; they to argue it Th ii are perbupn ? men of one idea, aa linpractlcable men, and treated with - or lau never mlnd: they are lateat npoa a great truth whleh baa persnaded tbem. Por the paat flre jreare thla proceaa of argnmentatton ln thla eountry haa gone forward with great teal und i-a.-iie-.tii..--. Hy frlend,from whom yoa w.n bearlua momenl [applaua. '. baa argued ir ln ofllclal reporta thal have dcterved and commanded tho profound attention of ih,- natlon. Mv frlend, Mr. Thompaon |api>iau.->l, ha. l it with hard raetaand bUII barder flgurea. My frlend, Mr. Harru the manufacturer ol New i ugland, haa thundered bla argumentfl along a I iditug "f bla ma, inii- iv. Mv triendfl ol Tke Beentna tott [applauae] have t-.-t-n conatant, In aeaaon and out of -,-.,-.,ii, argulnglt Mv fnend, Mr.Walker lapplauae], baa argued it tu booba. Bcholarly men bare argued lt; the pn- - baa dluued tt Into tbe ean of lt- readors, Aml, erntl. m. n, ni t en f for Bi ?? ara h ia tbla prtn. 'i le of argumentutlon '" en golng toi ward, bul we ?? , uowlodge [turolug to Mr. Bryanl liiat yoarpenbaa been ouay iu Uilacauae. |.\pp... - third pbaae o| tbll latbe phaaeof aeUea. Iwlabtoaayal thu. pouu tbat tboae gentlemen who make our lawa aml tboae other men who admlnlatei t'.i -m bw tbemselvea made by the people. [Applauae.] Membera ot Congreaa, aa a rule ,u. rai'i. r lni?,.,-ut <>i i-eil.-.iioii. i But, g. utlemeu, there i_ no aet of un-u iu tbe w n ld more aen ?ltive than they to votea. [More api rhe pro . ihat our Chalrman hns ilreadj dea. i .rn at Wuablugton duiing the Wu.tor and Bprln ?eia of uiaklng i nea Carl_f?bare gone forward on the -.'.u? prln. Iplea thal T.ulu m iklni ded on forlOyean the t-lancingof one luteretl against an? other Int. n it. " V":i farormv i?-t plunderand wewlll favor youra." [Applauae.] A iktUfal arrangement of . md intereate haa carrted erery blU for io reara, ikiliful arrangement of tbe tame mtereta and . has carrled or li now joal about to cany tbe i T.inil bill. II i- "ii the -it.ti prtn. Ipb . and Iheee men wUl go forward on tba sameway tbey bare ? . :.i for io reara paat ln plundertng the iiiiloea you and 1 we wbo ara aaaembled Intbia ',:: bl -ear t" tbem In tom - they ean undei ?? Youahan't!" [Applaaae.] Tbatla wbatwa aai to aai? ?? ui: __aa oonra to bolt. iifiiH.-ui. n, ??-' bara Uwagb*-, wi Bara __rfaad, aad a?i arewlUlafl toargaa,U aae aary.-flU. Ifa arawlllb__ to go forward nnUl iberaabaU not aaa aaaa aaywhere betweea tka oooaai. tt baflraaa tba Aia?i iad tbi Qalf, wbolbaU im' ha aMa toaadanlaaA aad aalatata Ua undonbtodrlchl tobayta Ibeebeapeal aad afll totbe ,.,.,,.,. maiket. Argumenl wUl n,,i anawer, thougb we loveto argue Theae gentlemen her,- bave chaueuged tbe wholecampol ProtectlonlaU to bring on their argu meutaBeriatlmTand theypledgethemae ??- to taketbe life out of every oneof them lu three mlnutee Bplece, i vtu.i-iii-f 1 But, gentlemen, we are golng todo bobbb tiiiii-r further. We aro golng toboltHutt thatl fAp nliiiie.] To :l?-" ol my teltow-fltUena, and thcre ara a large Btuabai of tbem, who are contenl \,u)i ti,,. action ot tbe preaeni A<li_iini_ti..ti?n -|lns..e-]-I havo nothing to aay. To th,.-, ln the bail who nro wiuing to tee aa Preaident of the United Stat. - our ITarmer of Cbappaqua [hlaaeaandealla forGreelev f.vliowed by tremendoua applauael, ,,ur l'hi loaopher ot ITinUng Houae Bquare renewed hlaaea aud greal applauae], I have nothing to aay. Bnt11 tbere be i,-ii,.w-oiii/..-iir*of uitiio to go wltb na, and I kaaa tban ure?I don'l B?OW BOW tuanv thero aro, BBd ln OBB NBM we don'l mnoh care, for w.- don'l want aay offlce. marfe routhatl [flllghl epplanaej?we ate wllllng to follow a foiioin h.,pe.ii ii, -.j iv, s yeara, 10 yetu-B, U yeaia, M wennl "/a doa'l Unuli it _o very csneutial to go wilh Bumbera at Brat NKirilKK r.K.VNT BOB OBBBtBT IU i?o. I ?ay thfio ar. lllUaB lIHBBBI oi Btlaa who do not alto ?otbet laBab at?ae of tkesa aBadMalaa, [On?ifl .- ?!?,?. i.->-: Oraaiay '?" toOawad bp uproarionn apptoaa , uilnijlcd with kbaaa, at whk'U souio ono shout.d " Bfl Bba out !"1 There ar,- thoso who ilu not like ln Haaa ,?t peaee to 8.0 a synibol of Executivo authority ln thn aaafl BBtfla ataatbid vvith flawaaaaaa. [Ajrplaaaaaad \ iinhter I There are otbera wbo do not uulte wlah to rm the riik of aeemj; a futui,- Prasldenl of the United ritate-,lin_:iii tlie Kxo.-iinv.. gardi-ii. ptpo ln hand. o,atre..ifi.,l,'i.siy ralny day,waterlnabta cabbag riacation. [Um_|rbter and applaaae.] n "?'?"* ?'??? ""> "ii.'h h. re I vvaul lo ab.UlO tliciu Ihat they wul have .... alleruattve. Th- whole rigBtfleanee fl thia moeting hore t.i-ulgbt U to announce lo yon,and tbrougb roa ^ the whole (,,?nin tbat. eome waal may, tbere wiU be aithlrd caiiiiid_ite in the Beld [loud aroUnaeJ, p-.-'U-e.l i?- ,-..? I, u?i i.iiiiily,!., to.airv our baaaer to tba end of tl.e flght A .*g.- .tl.-n.en-. tbfl Hta...lar.M,,ar-.'. rboan i , ii'iv i? there are Bereral good btinpotooboott from) -w atif.ii.tof themabould beglnwltb "?f ''"' u." aho bave thn.OV llaughterj-lha st?i.,!,.,l b?arer? wll be followed, I don'l Inow l-vhowm .,,;.. "... i know ha wiii be followed bjr Boma-foUowed to tn.; ...lof thetUht; for among the daepael fouvi. tion-,,f mr _2?llaS? that ln our fna.l tlie..- aro at lf art TfiO) ",,ii v, bv have not bOWa__, aud wlll uot how, the kuee to llaal. [OlBM applaiis,?). At this point a Mr. W'olff Intorrupt.'.l !>y saytDg, "I aaanfl Ua aaaltaBBBB- a_flaaaa, ami desire to be <ie mollrrhed in thr,-<? iuinute_, now 1" TbU was followed hy b_m_aaaaaaa?lapaaaaafw?__ai bim! tiii?i*afr.e ni,i-titijf," " aafl op!" kc. Mr. Uryant ttmti th?- meet? lng to order and tbe Hou. David A. w'ells, who aald: _a__0__ Of DATD A. vvKi.i.4. Wc meet to-ulght, fellow-citUcn*, to tBBBflfla_BB?flB aud eucourage ouo auotlier ln hehalf of oue of thoae fundauietilal pnuolplea Of clvllaud n-divldual liin-.ty who*- truth and beneflo.-iire thU (Jovernuiont aud tbi* natlon bave not yet univeraally recogulzed. I do not allude to Bjfc?tj of con*clence, tho rlght of every man to prearribo hl* owu failb and ws.rrhip ut uny ehrino of bia own croatloii; I do not allude to tlie liln-rty of tbe BBBBa. fl BJBBBbi or fl Wk\\ oi fl tho rlght of ev.-ry man to control bla own iK-raon. for all of theae, thank (iod, havo BBBB pur.'ha.ed long ago at tho flafl of BBtaBfltfl exnendlture of blood and treaanre. imt I allude totbat other great princlple ol llbertr, whleh flree to arrry tbe ri^.'Ui to huy and to rv.ll au.l t.i_.aj<.- lu any legltimate buaineaa, anbjeet to ao Interfereaee Irom any government further tban in neeeaaary to prorldefor a moderate uud IndlapeaBahle reraaaa. aad it i* e.r taiiily oae of the BMfl eunou- of unoinallet and -mial pbenomena, llvlng a* \m- ,k> In thia lattar tlnra ,,f tiu- liiiieie.nii. .e.itury, au.l in tt,o mldat of aa aetlre, euiiu. ntly pruatieal, und lnt.-llla;. n' DBOBle, Ihat lt sliotil.l -.v i.-_,i..h Paae, TIIE ALABAHA FAILUBB. ? ? Al IMPORTAVT KF.I'ORT FROM EMil.ASD. from Tke Ifitrbt of tvdtty. I/..M.OV, Thnrs.Iiiy, Way 10. 1871. The Britinh flovornineut ronsidertt tbat ttaBBgfr tiationn with tne Amorioan C.v. nnnont with NgBBl to ihf Treaty of W.i. hintfton liavf f.tih-d. Tho Uov ernmoiit will inf.nn T.irli.uii'h. that it will with <lraw from tta Aihitiation at (Jem.\a. NF.GOTIATIons PBACTICALLT AT AS DO* lli.I.l'l.i-s OOVOmOB Of TBB ADBIBISTBATKM-. ?OPINIOH8 Of i.mimn, -imi m non rBl BffKCT Of tiii; i a i i.t ki? aii. oi i; < LAIM DMBONOBED?__ BBW ABQUMBBT POB A . HAN.ii. 01 ADMIMI8TBATIOB. (BY TBUMBAM TO Tlir. TRlill Bl 1 .Va.-ium.T4>.'. Tlm: . MA Tho oonvi. lion lealnoel aaiTeraal ln Wa biagtoa tO BJghl that th, Treaty haa Cailed, aml, Ih" igb ' <t l. -;.. irli nn' 00 tho BObjed is Imt jret cl ia .(.Iltillile.l with litllo bopa that BBJ BBd can ho arrived at. Tlio Adniiiiisii-aiioii i-to-.!.. m a holpl. -. .olidilioli :i- lagBlda I bal i.-BBJ tha:i at any pr.-viotis lin,,-. tta a.iion ot t1"- Beaata havii.K tio.l itn IiiiihIs. aml pfl v.-nto.l it Irom imliatahllBg any now proposiiioim fi,,m Ihe Uritish ('..l.iii.'t. BeCON tta inait.i WM BB( SeliUto, if un.- |>1 -m af BlIlllBMUll did n " I ' ' t\ uiiothor loiilil havo l.-'-ii tri.-.l, hut aow tlie I Btatea kaa bonnd itaelf ta tta Bom ..i ti Ayttjtooi le hy tta Beaata just aa Inaly a.. tteagh t:..-1 Siitiird.iy ev.-iiiiii, luui ho.-n ou tta IfOt Bth 8 <>f rali ti, ation. Tho fonu BB ha'>' -iilunitt, d 804 - ii"t 8BH GranT-Ba. He will not aeeept it. we.aiim.t.inv Lt, aad, therefore, a. ?ottatlona with aaj i ., - ata beUared to be at aa and. Already haethe pnh i<- atteatioa been tarned frmo the Treaty tatteeffiee-iaof Ita CaOm i ianl Eh imt.,r, irho haa fiVea Btacb atadj ... taternatJeaal law an.l to tta qpmOW _08_8 ou w!ii. h tho I''-.l Sat< i and KiiKland h;r .- 1 .-? n di\ i.L-d. roiid, ihi- evetiiiiK. ihat tho faUareei tada ftaaty vrfll ba diaa n many wa... b th" iii-t pU - dl baneaad tho claims .vhi< h wa bare all a!"":' I aurainst, I'-i)?land. 'Ihi. roinark aimlieH imt only to tho laaBBfae whieh, aft.-r piaaaingbbobI explieitly in our"i.i-." wa baa Ki'iieol'iilly ahaii.loiifl. hut toour eUi-B8 f.>r dire.t t which bare been weakeoed aml trreparably injii.-fd. iii tta aaad plaee,we ba~a broagkl tta principle >.f Bibitntb a, tho aatabliahmeai ?.f whk h by tta lifity >.f \V;isiiin?ion araa bailed witb i, , not only in tta I niti aai (.mif, Britaia, hut hy erery aifffliaed bbWob ou tta floba. -ata diarepnta. Hereaftat it wfl I.,- tta BMBB niili.'ult io Indnaa na'ioim {osiihinit th.-ir (lilhr.-iif, - fo fii.Il> aiLilrafioii, beeaaaa "f tlio dbaetrona teraBinatka ?.f our pan* fietit ati. inj't uiid-r Mieh Eerorabeeaaaaiaaa. Ak-.iu tho nati4.11 Btaada diahaaaaad baaaaa th.- werld. Wo aro in tho i>.>-itiau ot a <-,.v. rimi. nt h;_vii,? aaaaa demanda whieb II araa anahia loaaataia, aml whieh it WBB'O-lifad 1" withdiiw at tlio di. tiitioii of Great Iiiitain. Hat-M Bl tht huinili.ite.l Itanlf. it now has baaaad bbob it tta Baa_a_aaal iadit-Bfty <>f seeing it. r.-j.-.-t, <I by Englaad, aad ita hmiiiiiation aaaaa aa Baagkt. Ih.-eoiuso wo oiiu'Iit to lii.yotak.fii, mii.l tbo **'11 ator, was to bare aaid t<> hfdaadi "Tkaaa i? tta Treaty yaa bara algnad, thoro is ,mr Gaaa Wt -land hy that. Wt shall fO to tl.neva and ahi.h hy the d.Ti.sion af tliat tril.iinnl. W<- ;.n.r<-. 1 ,ij.'.-un?t aajrattaaaptta ehaaBb tta Tiaaty, and bb will aai modiiy our Caaa. If y?n can vith dtaw from the arhitration horaus.* you aro diapleaeed with our 'aaaa' in thi--* parttealar, wo nii-ihl with.liaw hre.ius,. wo wero di-i>h asod wilh youi ni.-ihod of jm-'??1111111: your sid.- of tho ipieation. and trwitie. would have no liimliii-f f"i.o. 1 P8BH then havo hold ap l-iiirliiiid M n fu-iny t<> tmmi hy h raolaaaa a-a. eaaeat, an.l. if tta toaatf bad UM; , ;id bava Blood b< taaa thi waeid i.i aa banae*. ahlaaad digaiAed ii?ht.'' Aneminent puhfi,,.wiii' reaiarhed this eraninfi "I ateaaaae that tbe Treat) haafailed, aad I aaw havo am.' daabta if Ea^aadat-ra> tfiidcd to Becept any proi.o-ition tiut we <? uld make. I an aai Bare," be added, "ttal wa akal aan aaythinffhy thk taflara. TaaTraaty wsj _aada in tta lateceata ot beDiferanl aatieaa, and, a.s ..f Ika M ,. bare beea a Battoa aa havo bbbb sn |ean a mutiai. I deuM if it wiU n.-t ba 1.. ti.raa tta wi.,,1" that thia Treaty .should bb. -taaaV ?| ba >-ih'. t af the failurooii tbe Admialatratien. t\ is 1,,'lif \ ed, will ba v, 1 \ llaaaaflaf With any or.lin ,-ua ia add, naheanldnal raaBada la tta Cabinet a week. Gndertfciai ' niniatratioa aobadp knawa ^hat will ba daaa, A_r.-iin, it ia mM that tlio people miist B8B in failun. a n.w and very aiianf :ir^i;iii.nt in favor ,,f a chaiiu'.' of Adiiiini-tiaiioii. (iroat Britaia ean aarer Baajatiata anottea Trorkj wiii, us, or concludf any sftthiii.nt of tteqa. ti..:is at 1 aalenffaatta peaaan- Adniini.stiation reaaafawal iho bead af tta Qotetaaent, and tka mfli .non <>f Qnal inust tl). r.-foif aeeeaaarily ba t.. aaatpaaM thoir ad jiistm.-nt at leaat Boar yaan -aa_?ar. [CK.sf.hai. BBB BBBfATOtLl WabbiB-TOB, May W.?II ia known tttm an ,.iii,-iui aoaaee tkal Ihe WaiBla#8aa T,...t> a m ptiI, tha iiiit.-.i Btatea kavtaa elaeed apea Qaaal liniam tho wapeaalMUtT ,,f "?* mtEmtty and tho paaah rteut aud NaatS l*finK (lol.riiiiiif.l to 88888 no furtiicr aaaaaaataBB. Tho leMapaaai la^t r.o, ivod (lo not gl?a hopo of an early adjustiiient, a- it 1. xniiiroat Britaia reaairrsaa aaeaalaaeala____aaaal of our elaima for Indieect Damaaee. _ Maxwell B'oo iimil. Aaelatant Beeretary "f l^aattoo at I,.....ion. arrived aara to-day with ilapaaaaaa BanOan. b. benck. _________________ TIIE BntZKB IN I IN' INNATI. CisriNNATi, Ohio, May :.0.?'l'lic istiik.- of thr? boastallors ... ih'.- , nv, Newport aud OBfftBBlBB BfBlBat tlieclo.hieri* invol.fs MN i^rsono. A . ..iiimi.t.-c will Tlalt tha elothlera to-morrow with a demand for li i*4-r i .-nt inereaaa ol waaea. Tht-* huudrfd ihoemakera am r'nUniK for an udvauee ol u p?-r ecnt ou cu?toiu-iua?la Bhaea. BATTVI i:i>L'iation.\I. cosvkntmn. l'liii.ADF.i.rniA. T.iiii., M;iy :;d.?Thf Maptint ffatioaal Bducatloual Coiiv. ntiou , l..-,-,l 11.- m-mhiouh thia evealac. PBaaaawBaaaaadaadap hy rr,,f.?' 11 i/-vy of BoatB luroiina aai tho Bar. t. <. j,,.ifs ..f Baaaaa. eea A itennanetit orpinUation ww .-ff.-oiod .....Ior tl.e li.niif of tho Baptlnl K.l.i.alio.ial f'oiiimiaalon, nu.l Alva II. Harvey, L). lt , ot Massaehitst-tls, haa beou aleeted Prealdent. TKIXi-KAI'lIIC XDTK-4. ...Gov. lloihiian haa -Bgaad tta Ihattlja biii'"' _Eliaha B. Lathar'a earriaae manaf aetory aad L-ic-iiuilt-i ili..p, id Fr..?iJen?, wtrr ImrnrJ. I ? ? r _Tho l.ark Ho.unf r:in_.'. coal la.loii. f roin PietOB t,> tttwmtk, J***-, r?a aaliure .1 Cipa Jicl, tuA w,ll [iruUbi; ba a tota! Ua-. ....A roport prevailcl in Soranton, Tonn., laat nvbt. tbit tb* >.,?1 btKtktt ll tbi Hootb tutl HkaJj ibift .4 PltUtoa ?ll l.un.r- rr.lrrjl". ....The Hon. John Santiold M.Donal.l. lat.i Pre mvrr af Oatartv, liaow Ir.urf d?.i<er? ill lt b.i r.iutriiC* ,t .'?_-, ?all, .'.r.?J?. Ho bopa >? rutertai.aJ ut bl. irtortr,. ....Comman.ler Okaalaa Hrand, a r.-tirod aBBearaf the R..f?l Xi'r. iiadta Eu?l?a4an W>d.r?li-. Ue ?ai pfra?Bt il tto ctuluzt ot Wiibinjtoa by iba Bainil. la 1811. ....Thatldeus S., \sho killed Wm. R. Hoala la Hlrbiboad. on WelBcliy, baJ a br?liauni/r ciaaiBitloa ,r...ri.r. llL. ball wai ftiol al tyii.bvo, taa ok* ol mllirlrtm btityt luitalae-l. ....Tka -haakfe Baak af Hatana bb ttaUtt <?f Janr williMa?Botriorili?Jrm,Bin.?li.'n "I 11 ??- #1. i-J uu4r. ..f tbr JruoamatioB ot tn) ati* uui 10 c?uta. 1-- l?4l?. ?r* W ba j>rtnta_ la tbi. ntr. _An intliioiitial moetini? ~va? hold in I/ondon ob W rl-l-ill' U ml "f ib* tatrrtf Urirlilri la Ho aaaaa. ttrao'o tu.oi wrra iJotilfrl mroli"! ?? M.;a.t. i (i-rrrua. ut W ,ui. tuoor foi tb* prot#?ioB of tk* j*r?ac<-tad raca id lUi coaalr; a|i.ait tb* euU.|M of tbc (Mipalaoa, - omm? _Ata rorent ni**otiiiRof the atnilonta an.l Paealtj of Cataall l all-nHf I'rr.iJriit W l^t* idb?.u<-?1 tbc m, ruii^a ?loa of a*T?B itudmiU of tlw Sopbomore Okmt, wbo bttl brtu t*t*t,oA ta .il* aad oUeeoa " pro?ta__a*i,'' ot ** Ut., .rt f?u?.all) caliad. " aiotl ?> -taea." ....Mi.s?F.lizah4'th II. Tatteraon haa institutiMl a ?alt ?|[?ia.l tb* |,n>prl*t.?ra of lb* Ottttti hutra*! ln Bi l-oaJa foi a-O.UUO daaif ?a foi .Uodrr. T. ? portrr of tba boul .uioranl th* prw prictora tbal iliitwl Mim l*.li?r?.ia'i tooa at u?-r*.? koiua, iu A .b* au onlrrnl tu luir tl,- bot*l Bb* wai .Uo Ii?c4rf.(-U froa a , lu.r.ll'c poillivu mb u..a<_-lul lb? ?til rifc.v.1.