Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK WEDNESDAY, JUNfi 5, 11-72. PRICE FOUR CENTK \m XXXII.IV ?,**>? Tli B A LABA MA^ BLUKDER. mscisMi.N i\ THB BBHTiH PART.IA MKHT. s oi i _BL?1 I UI11,""AW,AI' >M nn iBBITBATI0B?-?-Jt0BBB0l KAU1. QBAXTU I.'.. ABB OTB I.dMniv, Tneanay, .Innp ?. 1""' I, iha Baaaa al ?>-.!? this eteedag t-.c-e **? ? Inll ut;....Im." ?? I**-- ?""' tl10 Ka??T'? ?"? aewwded. laari Baaaall aand hia krag-iinpei addi-aa t.- tbeQeeeaBtajriBg Ha?I-W-atjraa jiiw-i. to l..r r.i'i.-uti.ii rrtiro from the BOBI- "f Arl'itr.ition Bl O-BBTa U ti,,. d.i in- lai it.4i.r- < t daaaagae aro not artlh dnrwa by llu Ouihiiibbbb. of Ihe DaHai -Baaaa Eari Raaa ?-? b"1-- icugtb in t <,t hia motioit. Hatartowa- fka Bvaaa. el tu,- aai ni tbc Uoitad BtaaaaaBd taa eiieum ,(an.'.K..fti.c!i.' Ala-NMaaaad dhtaaiiia tBaaabaaqacai Begeliat-OBa, Th.iGore-i-Baat, be aai.l. ahould t. ?aaabai thal Eaglaod Dcraai BdaBMBB th. jaatka of tl -? Whai aaa tba ..noi thiad-lajr, thiabbjaaaay, thiahiailBtianl ;t, the Bamo ntut<- of uncertainty as Iad. Iha honor oi ttaa | innit r. iiuind that it .houhl r-pe:ik plainly. i.l kiv t.. ti..? ri.ii.-a Btateas "Withdiaa tha I BB ai I'itr.ition." Thero was no I B-aaattahaleaad in ii.- aald tha E-ogUah ne??o iponaihle. He eaatraated th.* eea> I lha Baitiah QuiaaaBBaal ba relinqmsh 1I1B tht l-'i maii rl.litiiu W_fh i,lat ?- ih0 Am,, IBBieul iii atlvanoini? tta n.dire, t. .ntrymust fi-4-1 luimiliated l?y tht iu whl b tha ii, goti.itois l.-ol ii,i-.itianaKod tho haaJBMB Ba coniplimented tho Canadians on (Lo l..,al Mint in ?hkh tht-y had aeted oa tho ,..!.._ aa taOawai "lha niitionmnrt ahuv,. l? taa, that it 18 jealous of tho of iha Baitiah t'n.wn. lt bbbbI Baal the ?ud thea in the'licut eaae." lCio BarlGi-Bt-Defallowed. Hedi-f.-ndid thentfitof CbeAmerica&OoTarDBieol ta placa ltBawa_eB__na> tion on th.- I r. at.v of WaahiogtflB claini.. Theonly ..i Om (,,ii.-(.(i.( BOI I "f tl B oppo : tatiooa pai apoa tho Treaty bf tha twa .-throiiKhai-iiiii'lenieiital ;u ti.h-,an.l of thi-th. GoreeaB-aal hadaaatted itself. Thoa fore ! |'a 1'ioj.o-itnn did not lou. h tho Ba (!. f. mii d t ha < -BBialaahaiaia w ho l'i...ty, thoM Who aeted foi the aeUaa thaaawha m-tedfor ( Dritaia. lt waa bU naj waU to pitk balea la a which, whea AaB pabliehed, waa ireiierally ?pprored. Tba Britlah Commi-H-ioners helieved the ii.iini, ; t-hiiiiin would he wlthdrawn, and tln-y ba iaai -is had aoad I oa |hc (.o.eri.iiient aml the Cuiiini..;.:.. i- wera Bnfoandad nnd aajast Hera hoktyr) ..'.,.ion totheTrent afl'air, deelai-Bg tt-BB it waald he thceauwof ineah ulahlt Should lha TieatjolWaahiagtflB fail, an .V4iit !,y uo m.ans c.rtcin, Eogkod would stand tho Bettai ior haTiag exhaust.-.l tho .BBBBB of reinov iiiK the liiiMind. Jhtaiidint.. 'Ihe (io.ennneiit had l.i-.-n legally advieed that ihe Bupplemental artielo nt. lf their lordahipa arragated to th.i:..-elv.b tha>-iiiaLiiiK pawef, they would h.i., ..:. , aiaaaaa.eepoaaibiHty. 11 thoy ieqnirod the TitM.1- nited Statea to do that whi. h jilr. li -UBC-MBtat BTM'i'cli was im i;im todo, they would d('..troy all t-haneea ofa M-lthuicnt. Ii. warntd th< ir loadehife that thata I. Imt mtit-h harm in irritutini. ex ,,.ii- aad i.^oiutiofis. C.rtty reiriirkod that- if the neirotiation? pro r-V'.li.i ic at pai s> ni. Ihe eountry wonld be ((iiuuiit t?xl to any tiitstake t! ? BBt nutde. Lord Deeaaaa thaaaht they wire neetllesaiy ali^nned. T\. 'i if tht? iudirett tlaiuis wero pa**t>d, he (!< abted ,t the Cobbbbbm waald pay the -*___. r.;,ii (i Dethy diafilaiaaaid party (eehag on fbiaQBcatioa. Hi badheeatold that he ahoaldhe c.r.'dil not tfl oll. nd the Americann. He eoidd con ,,f aa aeorei coaiBUaieBl to the AaaeeieaBa than fho BjrpiaheBI ion that a frr.nk. pl.tin htat< inei.t [Checaa.] He did not ; or tflreah ofl Begat-at-oaa. He wanted t?> kaow a bere they etood. The Begattaten iiiial.le to *-.-. v\ 1. _t waa plnin ta< "i had (Ideirniiifd to nialto a tr. aty with their ahat, if tl.e aaderataadiag la dear that the rctclaimaarc exe.aded.whj arc- tbeyaota__> clml'-'l in pl.iin t< nu<T [CL- I The Katl of Kimlx-rl- I th'it LflfdOraB Tille had <-iiii.-titiit.d himaell an Am. rieaa adroeate. H K(iiK-d tfl be uiid.r ti., ii.:|,i'- ion the nu .1 thal tha Treaty ahooM taii i i realohjectaod rpirit ai hiaapeeehwan ita ,. He miiat know thal w.n.l. wherchy the h-dirort rlaima aoaM i"- dn.oBy withdrawaeoald -,i;.,l ii tbc 'J t? .ity witl the eoTis>ent of tho Am'iii BB liciv.-riiiiii nt. Tho Marqula ed Bali bvxy n-grattad tbat Tatl Qraavillc ahoold throw th. reapoaaibility on tho .lomt Bigb Coiiiini-.Moiieifi. Ilr p:\nii iilarly allndcd to the 8( lection the Crovcrnment had inade of Com |oa I.ic.t T-ntain, and hinted th- v had Immii BTaaBaatehed hy tho ttf-tiit-e Faakeea Ba oaatMBM ho had uo v.m nitivo ri??ard for the Trenty, ?nd deelan ? dt-gatad boatOity to tho iudi utiit-. Iie rfdieuh-d tho idci the Ameii, if th.-y they BBghttowithdlBWthe indi rc, t (-liniim, woald Oflt pl.iinly do so. Ihe dahato waa eaB-haaed hy the Earl of Mnlmes luiiy ;:, fafOt ol the motiou. aud the Marquia oi i ? ' l.oi. annouiiicd that he waadd vote with thi OoTenimeot, baeaaaa, if ihe inoii.m of liurl I it would Ki 11 the suppleuiental aiui ? that had already h.-en done. ThB l'-'ir! of 1,'osehery Klid he tJji-iild, fol l,i w i'i? ...iiit'l'- ot I^'rd Wcat-liury, be ? .; the BBflCka would cruah the pan of the DBttad Slaai - ta aaopported lha aaatii-B Ho di.l ti aald < ii'.aiit'cr (oidial relationa with Aiii.i.i.u. il.. BBBBtlad wnh hittcrneikB the .ii.'.'it-, aod tha (io>.n.uK-t. He ?__.i' . iterrnpiad by Loada Giaoailla and ArgyU. Iha dabata beeaaaa quiui aicitiag, aml th, ra w.ll- i-iiue hviiv b taaaa. ihe LaadChaaaallae aaeaad an adjournment; an.l J-^atl (Jranville. BBPPaBt-Bg lha inoiioii, . liaia, t?-r Indthi ajeaeh alLoad Caiiaa aathaapeeehfll aa AdToeata. An.-r aaaaa aeaafaatea IhaaMMBatBaA' |ourii?;u4 Bagattred hy a vataafSlo IS, An ad jouriiiiK i.t araaagsiB _Baa_d,thlB tt_aaantilThara* day: whuli was agreed to, and the tdttiag eloaed at 1 _>', li>> k a. in ?U'in BOUB BTBIEBB BUOBI **%**> UBBBBDAT. V.iyliltle waa doni. ye.terday amonu the men nr>fr- la tk? ttWhkmt lOOTrrafnt. Tba cabia.t aad furnitura Biikrri ?mi bi aaaal, at Taat-aa Mili, wben tht Ki?-i-i-? l'__i_iitte* of tBa BBJka Houi Uafai wai ilio ib atialoa. To_i?it-f-B "fra I to aaitaa,. ?? wbo mttr aa_d U baie tt rt'.tA trom tbelr ofrrroH-.l to tL* rlf 11 Li-ar ru,r aad U BBBB ttttoit, lf i_>. ottt m* yooA Un .ark aeUaa. Tl.i piaBu f.ntr aialrn bivr aot -rl foaflodfd Ihf ir .trikr Imt ?? ?mtiif tkrnwWfi to arrurt tU (?B-uirrarr ?f ill thi mi'lo.rn ia 8W.r lia.aaia. Tha atrtkf of Ihf ro' ff r. aad ronirr tutttn l* at aa f ud tht trtu,* kttog yarUriUrlf fnor Llr u, (bf r iirBBBB. Tka hoiaa ahaafB haia ntoitri tntootttrmttt lo thf ir'lo . af BB Baaaaa aa tb? (racral jobbiaf won oi tb* triar, wbo han igrtid to bb ******* *t 411(11. Vkf Birtle fuiubfri aod Cuttfri iriaat 1 tln.r mttt.tft it Acadfkt lllll j*oUut*f. Tb* followini Uiimi wrr* r?poilrA ...trnl.f bi tt ttiiog U> tbt iru?nA fot ti(bt bosri: W.J.iaio 11 rt. DtmttJ - , Yuthmj, IVilliiiwa fc 4~o., ThrtJ-foa-lbBt.; ri.rrbi. fc Bro., ..iilf fourth.l.; Wbutoo fc I ll Blik .t. A of Bf w ik.Uii wirr addnl U, ll_f ?rf-.niia._-. ald 8_a?ilU_i "*r? ap|*aia_fd to Till. larb of tb? cia kk.r,. ai iti 1 -*ki oal T..r d'.l _Bikr;i ar* ifll! " oat" aad irr Mif <o t.rn.f ill tbc at.epa Ib Ika tradr lato tkc iaof?n>ra4 ao far wll. >i(,< BMBtas Al 4k? mtri,uf ot Ibt ol.-olat*'? n "' ??? ?,----<?0 ll .1 -?? Irm. b.d _,fi_-??l ?? il .dr l'i 'lf.' I*!1 ki'ht a*-.ifB,?Bl tun*l, U.tir JBirnamK-B kad BJ* rtrark. A m..??niaatlon ol tba Vrketbterenr Aea... taln.o ? eonlemi UtnL ________ ... -i-m IM aaai. a?d blm I makrr. . of nrooklfB. itnek 1*****J '"' ??*? | BW al Haa rm|.l?;rr. ba.e i-^-a- B ll* d-n-aade ot u>, BM %h.*t hope* otmrO'-ot tr* ttn grttk_ moktyt ;on.?. raaa aaaa b. ra ."a fn-?'?*? alaa atrark ,e,iet .1... ind ... uIb, of tli. l,u**** ba.e jleUrJ Ibal tiae al...* u lakrl, t* tu'. .juirklr. GEBEEAL TOEEIQB BEW. BPADf. MAK8HA1. BOOUBO HIMUV!li-ll! I* BWOU >s as nn -ii'l Kl 01 1 in 001 M'H" Mahrih. TBlfldflJ. ?I""0 ?? 1*7,? Tbe rour*o of Mi rslial BflKFMM toward Ibfl In-urgent. in Ibfl Baflflfl l'uv.ia..- taa been opproved by tho iBWfla l.ran.h cf tl..- OflfltflB Thut ?>ody yeaterdiiy. by a voto of HO againat vt. puwcd a molutl.-i. derlni-mg 1 dld tbfl att.ii.sty by berrano to tho Cai Ma wh,, voluntarnv ...n, ..dored. Marrhal Fcrrano haa takei. as l'r< aldent of tl.e < ouncll und M?,i-t,-r of War ln tlie new Minlstrv. TaBM poaitloufl have aaaa un.poraiiiy tfleaptod by Aduw-ai tnmt\ FRANCli. 1 orro?mo__i ov mia iavrf. to thk tax on UAVV UATI'.UI.M.-? V_.RsAiU.ia,, Jnne 4.1871 In th*. Aw.r-m.ily this aft? rnoon Julcs F?T? n.a.'.e a powetfa] opaeeh aaaiaatfl i u-? n mm mtk He pronounoed lt fatal to Freucti trade and Freri. h BBBB ntoetaiaa, BnpradaattTa as aaouree of lareaaa, and ob fm tionable in a (liploin.i'ie aeiise becauae it would alicn ate laaadga I'owera. Maa Haptiste l'hllibert Valll-nt, Marahal of France dled to-day. _ Jciiri-I.aiitistc-riiilibcrt Vaillant, whosedoath la uunouuotd Ifl Iba flbOWfl lelegram, wss baaa al Dtyoa tn 1770. Ba had a tliorongh education in variouB military athooia of Fruuce, and aBtflBBd the Freuch army, whero bo imined.ately nt tuined con_iderablo diatincUon. Ue waa encce-Mvi-ly promotod until 18AS, when ho beeame a I.i, iiKtiant Gaaeral and Itcat-I-Brt ad tba Bapraaae OaBiaalttii ad l-'urtitlcatlona of Parla. DuritiK IbeaMga Bf Kotne, ln 1849, he waa able promptly to r.-pulr tho faults whleh ha I ,;tcd before hls attatning cotntnand of the <? tlonary army, and by an BZCODeat lino of orera tioue, be aa-ured tho capturo of the city. In ctmsenuenco he waa mado a Marshal of flBanala ian. aal rtrir*. ???*- atbai Ibt-BbbI tho now r-Kime, the aafl-tga of Oraal Marahal of ti.c Maaa. Wbea feaiut Arnaud waa piaeed nt the head vt the Army of tbe Eaal, Marshal Vaillant wna mado Mlnl'ter ef War, end dlsjlayrd con ilderable real uud m-lentiflo knowledco of military ?aiaaiaalB Ba iiiafaal this portfoiio aatO un His adraitii&trntion of the mltltfiry affalrs of Wm titedas the most perfect of bla time, aml 1ns WrlttagflflB military mal are IBgatlled as atatidatd woi kr-. II BB deeorated with almost all the or.len.exi_.ting in i raai,. mSCELLAXEOCI BBITISH HEW& 01 nn t>\bt. <?; HHMUU..H at 1)1 I'.I.IN?Tlll. H I? ATHI.ll. LoMii;-.. 'i . -'liv, Jfl M i. un. Tho Duke of Ediafcargh aniTfld ki Dnblin to-day. ucdiovcm bb aaaa catflatfl Eraa Iba raihray atatlon to the ThBBTflfll Laflffl, and vv aa repeatedly and I'uthiiKlaetlcally cheered on the way. Tho WBBlbet ihn.ughotitKnglandio-duy is wet aud unfavorablo to the (.rowlng crops. JuLriMorp.n QflbbflM. a OuflBBIIflllffl, baa baaa re turned to Paittaaeal fiom OMIibm,LaBaaab-M un czcltlng oontc?t. _ (T BA. CAPTDB1 "I AN inUBOBin GBBBBAL. Havana, Junc 4.?A telegnun ?-1 Iwad ben frotn I'uertoI'iTtieipe atmounci-a tbal thr liovemui.Tit troejis havo captnrod the iBBBIfaal Oea. |Yu,-..ii'. for i.ierlv of the '.leiieBn armv, and hls adjutant. The re ?1. ihat lanacio Aurauom't* waa woiindrd In the (ieraud leg ln tbe aetlon of the lo:h antmola toi.ilim, 1, thi: WBR roi.NT i-:xa.minati',nh. WBR 1'oixt, Juno 4.?The exainiiiiiiioii of the " l'lehes," whicb wai complete.l to-day, resuiKd lu Ibfl r, jr ctlon of 24 out of a elaaa of 91. The exaiuinatlon ,,f the (irniliiatinii CbkM wlll eommene.- t,, morrovv. The sauartron drlll, whleh wao to have lakcn P-Bflfl to-day, v. us pefltPflBB-l untiHI o'eloek to-morrovv afternoon, on ac eotint of rie ii.iiw rniiis. Oea. Bettaaa, Baentarj of Wai. wai. K. pn aentatlvea Btougbtou and Barcent, mem t Vlaltora appoli red by the Uoueo, Ive on Tburadaj mornlag. TUE D-UnZL W_EB0___n APl'I.r.TON OASB, Boston, Jnne 4.?Thfl lniiiieHt culU d to inves 'hecauaeof tho death, of Dai,itl WebetOTAppl. ton,after fludluK tbal ba dled from n "-ivi .1 Ifl the pollce lockup ln >'eponset, close tln-ir ver.liet ae follow : "A r-.ri fhl reTirw al I Bfl ,h' BBBBWafl "f tt. fl tnn on thf aft'noor, 1? ijnt.t'.on waa on? that laBaadadaallNlaBB '? BBM) th*t tb,- arrf.t atd kubiequtrst dctealion wrra ictl, idJ tbat oriiiukrr ran- wai nrrr.K-T bf the olirt r Id a art tbf yet Mn aad proviilinr for th* wantk of thf pnaoaar. Tbe endrnrr >lv, ti-r-rl. rlbatU. ?? 11 ?.-,.- i? ???! .. fral bf la baata, inii for tbe por pae- of abtal Tiik- Ina releaa*. Ha i-ol.te-l aituat:u:i fumialiiui ll ? iad u.r ]ui/ aaaaai Ba -.ri?i.a? , ,-,.<__i' a.-..;,i? ?iu, ii \* ? u la ile ? ':?' ajia :',,'? ?'. I... , r,..r?-r ?, ?tr>; !?? .- a . ,.n. .:, ?inrh uul ?Iwayi i - . -a-Hii, Aol ol, nir.cti, iu liiu .laui.t, cukl a lello'a c tiiea lu. lile."_ THK LNTIUCNATlO.vAI, TTPOOBAPHXOAL T'MOV. I'.hiimosi), Va., .iiitifv 4.-'iiie Tjpographleal Pr:.-., met to-diT, asd tran.acled prlBOpalljr ruot'iDf !,ii-:r,n>. A re?olu tioo rerouunenJiMitlie iDtMirdlntle I'nioai to v|ieB their arinooi witb pra_rer w.? Baimatedl; diBcaaaed, aad loallr rr,-rtr.l. A r> -olalion ln atracting tbe sserrtariet of tabordiakta l.'aioii to kbUtb tii* arrr* urr of th* Intr-nati*-il OaioDi witb liitl of eit-e.lrrl m*m! en waa Bdopted. (it,r Walkrraud W?, oi Krii. i. of lha, ;lr, *? -r irtrodurMl ? o.l werr ' lliniiLori-l w,.b a l,r'?f a...,L. II th nrata rrapooded witb ibaaka i, r the eaartaay k.?i walaaaal tkt Oalaa . - ,,f thr cio, ke. 1,? a plar* for u.e ne?t an ..Lg B.ll I.t Ke PPRINd HO l - Ilo-'ioN. Jtine 4.?Tho lieacon l'ark Spritig ine,.t nr .prnetl lt. oaj ?itb thr r.r* for bt,nr. thal lad la-.rr >,ra?_ 2.X-. There wara nlne wtrlei, md aii lioraei itarted for tbe pnr?e of 0800? + 4(_0to gi, totVr wlm*r ? 2.V, t_a thr ae-ond hnrae, aod fll.V) tr, tb* ?li.rd l,.,r*... PhiL BkatMaa waa B thrr* .tr.ijitt-brau, lli.?lol aea-omt aal Paaaii .: -., -'.ri-J. Abkm. Iu:- . Tli. fienir nirrUnf of tbe Ka.tero Pntrbeaa A__?? rialion oprard Ua-day umler tne moat; i- au; na. Ou tl.e |..ur .rar ..:.! iaa* lha B-.-ru af (af a i'i.r?e al * 00, K,ivt:n Thurn'. W\ lOaUwaa. T.,.,r aa fni:..w?: l.Dt, 3:e2, 2;M), i.05. 'ihe tim waa alow on accviiat of a high wiud. I.AII.KOAI) IMI'KOVKMK.NTti AT JEIL-KY f'TTT. 'Ilie Krie Railway Cuinpaiiy lia-> Bblfliaad entiro !?oe*reaion of tbe Bergen tannel, ?ljch, two fttU H". "?' <!>* ""i* "' lenoiudiEeulUei beKees tbe roadi aa.aina ibrongh it At tbit time the Krie Hailrosd rni(.)',T^a, headrd b.? I 'ol. Pfab, t"re np thr tra'k oftbe I.claware and Lackawanna RailroaJ at tlie acuu of tbe tonnel, and rrfuae-i to allow tbe tralra of tb;. BBBMBJ lo paat. and it wai onlj il.r-. ifb tl.r t.mrli :.l-r fr.rncr of i,?v, .:a,..:?lili that praownn i ol il.r li, laata/e, la, kawiona ai 1 Wratern ro.J wi-b tl.r t'rutral,,___! t f Nr? -.1, r.r t lui ladta an agree tbal the trark- of tka fi.rmer r.,ad Ir.tiirt Ibrooab tbr tunnel ahall I* np bt Krptetnl*! or O.Clirr, or aa ?,.on aa tl.r ...nuanr l.aa lotiplrte-.i .iiirraniieu rnti for tranafeiTii.g l> aior-k at,tl umteri.l to i'ouiuiul !,.... 'ihe I'rlaaan, kawairna a-.d Wratern Conpan/wlll tl,rn ure lli'- iaila reai.,1' al M NaUM ,U coubccuoU WHO IB i.n u, Junct.oi nu i ,in ii,iL> Jam ha conbinatlon of the iwo <?rpo.-at.,,u. riietiire ImproTnarnta ln i' ntf (Tt. i.k.r brei. drr, J.rt upon. I( ii uu.ieiatood tliat th* Corn .utruT trertiiir a lapel ai ( ..ra,r?n1t,aw to coat ?? 1 nnOVOO. Il .a al*o rrporl*d that Ii?oth Coe, wlurh la ownrd |,i them will be ireiftl aod wallr! .u li.rrr ,.Jra w.ll. B-ianUs- '> >a a anl* ib Irorth BM a ijBBXt.rof auulr ib w.dth, aaai the tm irrtaklnr. It il raUiu.lrd, wul iu volie an eiprmature of *1 Sul).000. W'brn rooipl'tet a tl.Qa.o_ ablpa <an rla* alan.'bor in tb> I Tbr ( onpaoira, i. ii aaid, ai.o li lr J u_utlM aa Bi Ibiaa illia al laa larg* Iraaraaf waraWaaaa, a] ?'Jw-tliraila ei.r r.r.t'iv witli thr ?iaiu Irirk. Tbe roil I ral ?hi. I, ?i prrarr.i lu.r ihe Haaaaa Lrluw Babakca, will Le larlaa tha HuBiuier and rehailt oa ihe baj, Bitrnding aa far t n.i. aa il.r Ai.t.atolr. -??? TELEOHAI'lIIC -NOTES. ....(Jeii.'Williaiii T. Khennan liae anivediu JLk-r ia. ...Franr Abt orrlvetl at rinfinnati, yesterday afl, rnoou, and waa in.i.rT at the depot bt tb* uoaieal aorittir*. _Satnuel A. Way, vvcll known as thfl af thfl idiMi ilauk of the Meliop.1.,*, aad rtp.lr_d lo bc rttf weallhj, dird in HoatoB jealrnlaj. _A liill will soon lxv preaentcd in the G.-nnan ,' rrrtrd ,? tbe J?a_iil_L It ia under.tood lhal ll will dc pnir u.. u.l.. t. t,f U.i afflBB of Ba r.ghU of C.U/.nahip. _Hiah WBBBTB are reimrted ln all aectinns of I'ul. Twlllll aal l.l. lar. d n grrat dea.mru,.!. of l.ri.lgea, trlda, aud eri.pi. All Ba l.r.lgt, aa the B. ar ha.e imon awrpt twtf. _Oa Mon.lav, thfl mHtk anniversary of tho Ae. enl aod iltitioritle ArliTrrT Ccrapaaj ta. rtIel,ralr4. lt Boatoa, . .r.,e and dmoer Kdarard W'juiao waa llectad Cdplaii fur Uie ,ear. H.7.-7J. The riniior that tlie fleboOBflf Ogle had" l.een raplured bl Ibe oaU.ra of tba ht??u,iri lalauli anl Capt. Bird late of M.rhuaett. aml thr rrrw loaaaaered, haa b*en lo,,) coulimeal b/ adricwa l.-oia Haa I _Ihe Sa-vei.teentl. Anniial rorivention ol the >>? farl Blall Suuda, KI...0I Trarbria Aaa." 1alK.l1 Wlll I.r br.d at Bwrarlch,' .??".-?" Caaalf, i*g,.,, ,u> laai 1 j. Baaalf all of i_. ,v_m Uml aad railroad liuea ba.r a^rrrd u. BBBff drlrgate. at balf lar*. _K'<-|iieH.-iiI;itivi' Williinn K. Hohert.. of New Tvtk ha. a|,|?,ii,.ri il.r a ,1, *f tbr Ial* Uea. Tliiiaai Frauela Beagbrr .0 a .ad.UbiL, at W..I I'.hl., anl thr ,?uiig u.u baa eutried apoa hia iio-l,'-- M, Kol.r 1. otoot tke a|,|,.!uai.ri,: ,,f .ale. u ilal,u____aaa al th. N--, .1 A.mleu,; to IB t Ibe aelert.ou lo k* i-aa. 1 r rt.rn.t 1 ?' fiiadanJaa oo th, MB ,*it WASHINGTON. wgm n.oT to fkka thk foimt. i-ims-thk BBW-TOBS COBIOB-BOI BB BEPOBT?TIIB TAX IIII.L ABBSSD T'-IIOW TIIK AUMINI* ? KAll'.N 4II.I.AN I" *l I'l'l'IHI '>? |BI BBBBBBAPB TOTBB I Rl BfUP. | WABBO-NfBOa. Tu.-aday, June 4.1r~_. HB waaterl HBBBB "f Uu 1 I At BB BBBBdBI und tho Bnawlag aa-jrat j BalaaBay h the fruiiieaa eff.-na of Baaaaa CBfjaatat and Ixipnn to amwer Meaara, H.n.iner'B and Bebara. BfBir-aa, and the alaalate trifllng -vi.i.h ebaiaateftael tb.. ?a-hoio of tal-t-a .? aro Hli auuaatil bb hf th0 taal ***** ha* jiiat beeome known, tlmt Mc.sra. Kcllofwr. ct.nkimic, OBaaaler, raaairar, -Bbbbb-b and other | ??taiaiBllia aappertera baaa laallal on a .,1 ?-"i.p di Ut 10 ii.timidafe tlie B0BA mt. BBB i,.,rt of Orant. and for other pnrtl7_.ii l'''r';? ?" ?' " a,,l,,:,|r. K.-lloeKL.tio'ltic.-d" r. m.I.Hi. n li. ,..?.,I .".,.ii,.?. pulcherUrfowagi-?HlnpoD,prohlbltln?anjr ;nr...i.?i?t fo;...4 meaaare before lhat bedj' aet Ber mane to lt. froaa ael-g plaoa. Bpea H at any tu.,.-, SJd tt- ob].-.'. la ii.- EaM ??? ""--v fc, ?"??: , _i.ii.iM.-d. It i- tl.o ta_*a* mt,., i,.u ol tlie,.1 H.m.t"tH to pb-oe 1 S^? ttot -UHaaaaafUlla?iii_? ^ away -ial ot - ertba a ..?.? aod ipor of ttaeAdmln , . , ,i?,.i and tho rVliato, II Will ""''I11 ,,|p Kiiklnx 'a'^ti.St.idp.a.''biU. "^'-"Sft"* _.- ,,.i,,i_ .i.,., iii.. iii_u__<_ will Hii.uu to the lov.-i Men lliiiLk lhat ibe bUtue Wtll al Hoaaa. , _., The Senate wa8 to-day more MD an.l PB-fltM BB. lf poe .iiiic. timii it haabaca baaaaa lar aaaaaai aaato. Atter tl.oTi.i tr Mll. Mlii'i. waa ttxttltttttd by Mr. Bhermaa aa el.,, "ii. taxea t63.0O0.C0O.bad been>eoaeancglo, i {.ii......r of prwata -Hla "' '?" eeoatal ******* **** Mr l.owr.onbehalfof tlioTti..eriiy of tlio Nrw York < ,. i,?i. baaaa Caauaittee, aai aaatad a rapaal Balattag la the.BUallaai al th.- ceaoatttee Baaa Ihi su tt Jaa uaiy Mr.BaTari aataattti4 a atataaaaal B whi.h II waa abawa tbat tha u.i..?niy bad aol baaa pi.p.riy tn .i th} Haa-aaJaaBi m tbe i n parattoa of tha reaott, aataektBg Ibal be, aa bekattof btaaadl aai Mr. Oaa eeriy. aakckl ba p< i D-ltted to Bere pelab t telagtha ro eeaa aantaorltj repoet Be esah-aad lhal u_a MaM ,,,,-nt aaadaa ta btaeeM aad ee-eagaa baei Iba f... t tkal tke eall koowledge Ikej bad ol tbe majoritj report Ha.l been obtaiued durloa ' " J"*-' t;. daya, and tkat onBaturdaj Umtbi recei ved the fli niati-n wblcb be bad Ibal a reporl bad beeaprepar. ti,,' Bepubllcan men beraol l_~ coinmltn-e, ? lun,- hl. waa lnnted to mcel tl.- wtth bia col leaaue to Bear tbe doenment re ad. Tbe fact* arc tliat the Demoeratic membera ba i ba n led lo keUeve b) Ike AdmlnlatraUon membera th tl n i rej ort -,'i.lii be made tbla aeaaion.altbouirb tb. i ? ?' - -' thetlme tn preparatlon and w waeslu p . m poaaible foi Ibe i. orlti ev, ;i ha,111.04" l""1 "f!l ? t,,.-;,',,.. ?> nco i i.V-? oi teetia-onj aod bave a ? prepared al tbe | ' """ -ba l"""" "' ,i'1' ataietaenl ..f is..\hi<i waa pr, - at. t, ll waa avidt ? j Ibe AdmlniatraUvD beuntora Intended [o allow Inm uo llme ni wbich toprepart the rep. rt, and tbe adoption ol tl,.' Htlit-lli.'tll '-? , How. . I'.att, Bockina-am, Poiteroy, Rdmnnda, and , Mi. Conklinar, aa aaaal, bel-B >'' ""' aa_eB_Toaoa, prompt-na Ui* olb. i Benatora, ln-i-'-.l, ;.ll|th.- Ad. ,,,, ,i i,, i ,? nii.i. .1 nr tbla pnrpooe. It waa pr. poaed II at tbe n portol Uayard ibould tx mltted ,'n tbe Mtb of .1 ne, wbich waa aadefactorj t". tkal K'-iitu man, but Br, l. Im mdi mored te am. i,d by requiriuj. thatllakould be ttled bynexl Baaday. Mr. i;.i...ui Btoted lhal bla pbyalcaJ li nrnny -.-.I ab MHiii.iy |,i, w.i Um. preparatlon >'f Ibereparl br tkal tlme. ' iiif tjoot aalrj b. baa aaly baaa able lo bm nt Bag itit.-iv.ii., i" laa "i FU'ti a , ition a-* to rcn'i' r tb. i ? I ? -?? a ii regular dutlea dlfl-ctdt Br, i Imuoda, nerer raauarl-a i, , loi courteay or ic?m.ro_ity in n?- treatiueutol rolleagoea paldaoattenllon io tbla appeal, bal... m.m.l. .1 iimt tbe i. i'"it aboald be forth-4.?: on Bexl Boadaj. No rota wot taken, aad Br. Bayard wtll a*aln oak tbat tlie qneatloo i?- aettied one way or aaothettto-moirow. i.i, iitiv, ttn- Uouae ('ill toiircrcuteraeltjtAanl mala lu tranalt orei rallroada and otber linea oftrana -, waa lakeuup uodei tbe leaderahip ol Br. Pielh.frbuyaen, aod ,i,i...t< ,i ?? o'?io< ? aled, ? t...._ ,i I, ,trn nntll -,* o < ? | _ttu unt.IT of j,,? i.,II;., thia inortilnpr, i... ii aaaa aaa ai lo tooCoeiet-oee rep.irt apaa IBa Bbi uudTar.a'i.iil. AllegBalaailagJlr. Daaaa wa- ? iion.-u aa aii aidt-a aa ie tho akapa la akBh ll i. it iu. bill ac.l why tha t-jnii.itt'o had laaaaaal aa it did in thn and thut cikc. After all (jueatloua h.d beea put und anawered Beaara. Kerr. Kellay-" aod Braaka aove th.-ir % ni. s of tka blll. Mr. K.-i i la. aaht ll -" ex.. Ileal on. compared wltb 1.???! lejrialation. Mr. K llej runi u waa a 4", <t i' l wblcb woald ito mach toward rerlTina aai i-iiint.i.-i.-.-. Ike TartB wai redaeed, bul _. thoiiiihi it woald not m praaeat M-nuuniy laapalr tbe ladoatriea ol tke eonntry. Br, Brookawaa gIad thatOonjfrrBe bad al laat taken it? flrat atep lo re ducina the 'luif, bal be tboaitbi Br. Dawea bad treat. <1 tbe Uouae ratber ababl.lly m ,-iittin?r off debete oa the total redoi tlon by tl < l.illlaaboal |M,aa,B00, w ?. o'clock tbe Hoaai Bdjowoedantll _a-_Don?w, whea tbe Bpeaker will 8ia_n 'l"i 'lai-I btU, aiu-r vhb baa wiii be tak. n a Ab aaaaldaaoael -bewa-aae inwhirh thoAdmini*' iiati.'ii organ ,(Ikladtj iu paM (or re .iimt; tboae arhaaa jiriu. ii'L.s 1< ,"l iiniii in .'ii'.'-iii- dir. -, iioiia, lt ln only ,it_. to i.<ita tketoDewlaa BBaaalMttt, aklab vaa loToatoO bj Ihe Beaata < aaatttee 8aApf--_a-at-aaBy to tin- Baadry ClaflAparopalatloa blD,aow aefaaa ihe *-, for action. Kie amendmenl i- :?- foliowei ?"fo pay tl.o publlaker of Thr .\utional Beptthtiemm tor piiatiuK liri of apprapriaUoaa ol Ike xxxivtii Coi | im. t oiiMiiciuiK tkat manj of ? idlaanewapapera ol tke oeaatryare lathel ol i>..-. iii__.- <,,,\i rnmenl offleera for merely makina np aad fui tiabloa .. llai oi Uie approprlaliona, Ior i Bbli, ition lu lewapapera, ? .-,, of uiom-y <-a. li . , tbe diatutereatedneaaol ibe orxaa'i aaBB rtefthe latratlon la appar. i i, eap. tbal tbe aerrioe t"i whlch pay_neot ka iia.mcu a aapir i,.;ii.u '.n yeara ? Benator t'hainlltr ,u.,l to laf that tho gpcech of Mr. fiutntK r had'beon ao tlmroti^hly jih-kcil to pli-'-<-_ by - (arp.-iit. r [_O0 g t t.ut bc did not ft-el callid upon to l.'ply to tli,- Mi,f-acbuaett? htnutor ut lentrth und that ho would only a baa opportuinty offered uddi ("8 tka BetuBe for flv aoaataa oa tiu- aabje. t ef ea la ifltaay Btaaton'a oppoelUoo t.. Pn ut* nt Uranl. Fr.'in blm nnd otber AdaalBiatraUTa aeareea n la aaeertataed ibal there wiu be ao aaaaa political apeeckea anleaa tkey araBaa? vokad by MeoarB. Bomner aod Beknrz. Tbe Intter f,i?.k iiotea during Ike K|"-<, ii <if Mr. Cai peater yeaterdajr, but ii la not known thut bo n,U;iid.- to reply lu Iho ti-n.ilr. Inaddltlon to tbc Houae Judlt-l.try Couunitteo n.luv. 8 tlgate tbo cbarifi-g a?uii__.t L'ultod Btatea Jnd^e Iielabay of BBBOBBj and the Henntc t'oinnilttto on Privlicgea aud i;ie.itlaaa telsvea goir tbaaBaajadBaaiaBiB-aa-aatlaB ,.f ,-. tiutor rnldwe.i ,.f Kuii. aa, which are allowed to alt .Iiiriiiir the rerraa, l-t tho t-'oininittee on l'ubli.- li.ilMinjra hii.i oiouud. ..f tin, Boaaa, aaaae a paaabaBaa i )e.t.i.iiiv, nt Ibahaataaeam Uoa.BatlaB Among the r-enator. who have gone to tbe Phlladel j,ln.i I'liiv, atlea ar? Meaar.. Mortoii, N'ye, lx>b'an, Win dom, Can , Na, ''-!> in, Ch.uidl.'i, Clayton. aud I'laua H&u. Othera will dotihtleaa follow to-uU'lit. A lar>_? number of the iiieuil.ors of tlie Houae have ?,'odc. in eladlaa tke eattra lawa Meaatlea, ake p la the lafea* aatof Jaaaea t. Wllaaaof tbait Btate Ior t/iee-PreeMeat Tbere waa a rery aaall attendan,,- m both BoaaaM, aad l.ut little iiitcri.ot aataa 'l t" aaat. r ta tbe biifiucaa audcr 0. t.-ll,i;itloU. Tbe P.nate, nfterwnitlnfr the entlrr* dav'a aenlon roiicludcd tB-ttghl to take up the SuudTy ClfB Appio prlatlou bill, who l haa Iieen ]> 1 ri*c on III table unlo-e.l.d fordaja. I'i,rtutii;,iy, uimt of tka S uutora who are oii-tnn-tinjc -aataaaa for tho purpoae of peelaag-BJ tho Beaelea wr, abeeat, aad. in cuiaeuuencc, touaiderablo peaajn aa ?a- aaa4 _itii the MU, IBBBBBi PHR?H MfiPAKH 1 I.letit.-C,,mn_ttDder Merrltt Milier la aBB-BBl to the re celv1iifc--. Inp; Lleut. MrKeuzIo to apet-lal duty at \Viii,inn.', Del; Enatjrna Ostnini, I'otter, Uowiuan aml Ilr, rk ure drtttclied from tbc CoustelUtton aud placed on V,,, itin.- n. Tke rraalllBBl bae the blll authorlilnp tbe Be-retary of War lo make eertalti apiHilutmenta in the (iniirterinuhter> rftlre, thua removlng th~ cuuse of trouble beretolor* ealatlDK ou tbat aubieet. Tin- fullowiiia -uiiiiuatioua by the Prealdent were a.^nl to tl.e Heuate to.tuv ? Abram ti. Hoyt. to be ReiciaUir of tbe I_and Offlreat Hanta ?*. N. M.; Wm. ti. OrauKer, to LeRegUterof :he land Offli e at Belmout, Nevoda ; Mi.Jor HeiO- be Puyioaater Oeneral and Colonel: I,Icill.-Col. uml Iiejuitv l^iiu: teruiunti-r (i'-neral l*. U liaa tou. to be Aaalaant Ouar^rtuaater-Ocneral and Colonel; I.ieul.-C..I. Hteaart Vnu Vleei, to be Aaaiatant Quarter n.,,-l< r (i, to ral-i?l (uioni-l. Tbe followlDg Ma|ora and quarteruia.tera to be IJeutenant-Col?uela aud Deputy ^tiurti-rinaater-tJenerala: Alezauder Montnotiiery. Inmtwell Moon , Byatl C. Kauaom, Aaher lt **__t -3? lt.ifua Haitoii. Ika followlnif Captalua and Aaaiafant Qaartoraiaeten to t>e Mujonand tiuartenuaatera: wm. ?yeaa, Herbert m. Woot, aud H?nl. C Card. BKH-iir W-Kur hna i, en ajitKiluUd Iutenial Berenue tJauirer for the XXVIItb blslriit uf New York. Tne I.,.n-i:i,i., delejraUon walted on tbe Prealdent, to day, to proteat aamn.t tbe remoral of Col. Caaey, apeaklag kmd worda ln bla faTor, and aaylnj. lt waa the wlab and for tbe Intereal of the Ki-publlcan party tbat be ahould ue retalucd. XI.lIo CONCUKHS-IIi) B-B-BSB. Hl.NATl..Wahii-oio". June ?? 1*"1. Mr. Btnaraa (\u-v., Muas.) paiaBaaa-i a ptkLamW. ofthe lataBBBttaaal Qaaai bo,l^_ at the KuiKbtaot Ht. Crlapin nr.,teatlu?f, Iii tbe name of 100,000ahoemakera, agatuil tl.e'il of the Rlitlit ll?ur law. Mr. Tlll'KMAN (I)eni.,Obloi. from the Commlttee on I'nw.t.tB alid l.i..lloiir, i.t'tiitrda icavluUoa i'ioviiiiii(. that the pay of flenator Ranaom of North OflflflBBM Bhall Cuiiiiiu-iu c Marell 4, 1H71. Wr. t-lll.K.MAN (l.ep, Ohlo) eailed up tho ( onferflnr* reiKirt , u ibe Tanir liii.aiui atated thal ti.<- aggregaw r, diuT.ou made hy tho t.ill, aa apreed upon, waa |6.".0Cf,,,a(l. Wr. TllirRMAN aald thellll waa not what he dealred, t'Ut lt ae. uinl tt, l,e tlie Baflt vm- i ..i.ltl (M UoW.alid Iht i? lora he wi>,iltl vt,te ft,r Itie report. Mr. fa.'O'lT (Rep., 1. ii.-ved that the. 10 per rerif BpproprlatlOO Waa a nii-taUc, hut aa the 1,111 Iuul btt .. (iir, lu-ned in I'oili Hoiim n, aml had ironc to a Cui.f'i' '" ' t'oiiiintiie., he waa dlapoeed tu Uua raport aaau i ,i aeal of itahl ltr,and la Iba hope ihat Congreaa woiild imt ba agaln called upon to rou aar the queaUoaot either redttrlng or ralaing datlea lor jreare to eome. Mr.Al.iouN (Rep., Biaa.) eomplalned tbat iho Blll waaonjual tothe peoph of tno s<,,,tii ln the. dutlea iu_ ].,,-. .1 ui ?, i ',,u. baagiug, amt qulnlaa. Mr. BUMNCR aaldbe would rote ror the blll becauae li aaa Um be t ll nol tbe. nlv, Taiitrtuii that eonld behad at thla tun. aud l,.-t auee it waa a alei, lu Ihe tioi. of taxatlon. Tha report a .<?? eoaeurred ln. Mr. HOWE tl: p . B | ? ibi tti d II <,f tbe (,,iui iitu , ,,f lorcatlgatlon aad Betn di luaeal on the Ni ?? *.,', k i ,i..i,,u, !:,. Mi. BATARD (D. tn.. Del.), aut.initte.l a atatemeBt. aiirt.ctl i-i Mr.Caaaerly and hlauell aa the mlBorl_y of tba < uiuiiiitiee, itatlng tbat ihe kagjorttj reporl bad beea Biade unexpectedljf t>, tbem and betoia all Ibe tee tiu.oiiy un tbfl auhjeci hud been pubUabed, andaaklug tliat, IB vl<W of thifl fa, l.the lui'iia lt)' ba allowed to preaent tlnir rtewa dnrtng tha receaa,and that tbere woald be pubUabed aa m-uj eoftoa i-i lumr report ua of tl.e umi,,: iiy report. Mi. HOWE aald the diffl.-ulflea <if denlinjr with ao larpo p. ltiiir-e ',' te. Iliuil! V i.lul pr. pai iBg B re| ort V.Ttllll. BO ahort a time :,.,<1 been ?-< rr, at n-r tbe in.-.j.>i it> aa for tbe liilnority, ai.d he unil'-i Itood that all tl'tr ue tul?t_i uf Uie r.uiiiiiit.eH bad l?een notlfled aa early aaWedaeadar or 'li,iii -,'av ?,f laai week tbal tbe report waa tobe made. Mi-ir. BAYARD andCAfcBERLY aald tiu v had nol lu aid ui ii.. report until sutuiday aaorulnfc whuu it ?*. ii ad ln th. < lommltu e. Mr HCi KlNdHAM (K'p.. fonn) aald he waa wlllinff tiut tlie ulaorlt] abonid bare a reaeooable tfme, if there t uui,i be an onderetandlng thal tbe prlnting ol tno ma lorltr report ahonld not b< delajrcdtli r hy. Mr. RDMUKDfl (l-'j... Vt.) ,',,.;,, led to w-rnrillus tluv r, ,|,i, -i t,i tiu mi.uu.t>, upon tbe around tbat ll would ti..,k,- tlnir repoi t a uu ie t-v , w ,,i th, report oftbe ma . . ..ii-e lt WM linlir, per to all.iw tho ol tbe report of a Ooauatttee al a tlmowheBthe tteual would uot be l.. aoaalnu io dw 140 wbolbar II waa a d<x un, uf fit ',, i '? rece n i. Mi 1,1 rklM.IMM WB* v.lllnjr fhaf the tnleorlty Klitiii ,1 have uutil I Iie Mtb of .lillu- Iu llle tliclr repti BB. Ml l.liM I'S'lif MOVi tl tfl aiu, ml BO .ie. t,, KQItiM ,1.1 Ul ? M,. T iiri'.M \ s Ibal , liiuply a i- raa il Mi. l.KMI M Ifl - V, rv aeUI Ir It ll -, Ifl refu-al. M.i.,1 ____>! ut tliat U.e pr. p.iratiiui ol tbe report im,,i il ue. eaal uie ihe readlng over ol aome _LQ0O eloaely printed pagraotteatlnionT, bealdetbe otber iai?,r, and aahiaeyctigut waa a good deal broken dowa, be wlehed ,..-.? nal belota becinaing tba varfc. lli.w, \,:, il ti.e i'!.,.iot,t> ,,f th, Benate cUooae to r. Ibe t, ,,:, -l ol ilu- iiiitiuiily of the ('.iiuuilttto, of coiirae tiu-v CuUld do BO, .M'r. l.iiMlM'S nml he WOUld be happy fo a, ,, .lat,-ii,. BcuatorIroniOelaware Ina.i) i, Itimati bul lu- eould aol conaeal t<, iio it l,y r-.u liiie.uga prm (Tl'le. After fitrllierdlaeii?.-|.,ii, ua-tliicon the projio , tbe hcnate toofc up tba bill M pCBVBBl erueity to iy aml THTJRBAN argued agalnai itloi al; aud Ml. tiiii:m\n ii,.... ,1 to poatpotie u? uonaldaraUon uatll I Mi . a-.-i;ki.v u(T. r.ti nn .Tiiieti.iiuetii prorldln tbe aet aball not take eftVcl toi ou jrearafter Ita pu? ,,i,l tbal i' aball nol take < K,, t lu anj Ing eaittu 1, uf - ""- rm the pr, i.iilui, Dt 1.1.. to anlmala wltaln the meanlag of ibia aci. ? aaa rlv'a atu. uduieni * ? Mi. BHERMAN (Rep., Oblo) mored an atnend provldlng that ihe blll ihall 1 im- ,-n. al 1 n ti? Ial a 1N b Ui, ,T lo. Mr. 1 Ai-.'-Klil.V oth red an amendmenl dealgned t,, rompel railroad oompanlea to proTlde bettei.rumoda 1, and lu a.i-. ocadna II b< d. acrlbed ...f ii.<- bardabfpa and 111 treattui al be had a en iin ii.ij.aiii- anbjected toon tbe gr. it railroad Iln ? el the II. t 1 ie amendmenl waa loal Yeaa, U; Raya.sia Thebl I a id tbfl BeaaM Um btookai U.itil 7:_hi [?. 111. 1,; -1 B8ION. Ttii Benate 1 on of the Bundry Civil A| 11 "i-i, ?'i-'ii blll. Ti..- aiiifiiilu.eiit- 1, ported froni iniltie. on Ipproprlatlon 1 wereagn 1 lo, - tbe aiuenduienia In .,.-,.. ibe nppAiprlatlou i..r lurrcj Ing 1 nblk landa In Loo . Irom |a,000 t>> 1 appropriatlng t.,i v.i.. to pai ippreaalng Intlli.ti boatllitiea In Bontana, Rtrlkingoul the iipproprlatlon ol N_t,l Olor ? pedeatal equeatrfan atatue of Oen. brott. Approprlutlng |10,000foi thi ? ? iperiuientai hroeib-load iDgboal . and 1 1 two laat an.Imi nta In tlu 1.1.1, r, 1,111V IO II' 'I ?.t, of tl.e a,?eolllilt. ,.f ilu 1 ami to tlie treati of utrJ vwih Uie , n iu, li were not rea< beu. T he followlug an endmenta were pa -,-.i ,,\. r: Appro ., foi Ibl lll'P' ,Vf !,,'!,1 ? .ii. .i-i' ipproprlatlugl-tST.C-Ul foi ih. jia.v III, - ti r ul i.n ' !t. 1 l ? ? 1 Ai 11 p. 11. . :ie . ??< d. 1 ,. E OI Bl i? ITIYBB, '.Ji 'I v il.itii., \'ji.), from thfl t'oii.initl'. ?i , ivpoiTed :i inii t, dlatrtbati r>> Iba ii,-,., Btatea abelr_|aala U ttmt aad equlpmeuf-. f"r the fflan froiu IM U 1 Bb in 11.11.1-faf. BaaaJ pr. ieBb ,i raaolBlluBaol the \, ? I , Ulll FlBlBflJ A-"" la l"0 a ,|,loilli,.'tlu ? of the i.iiveiiniieiii Inregard (o thi "? ? *? " Waehlug t,,ii and urging tbe importanci ol paaalug tin .,, l..wa to er.rrv ilu tl.Iuul- elauae ol the Treaty Into Ue remarked that tbe membera of tlie Afaoclation were .tural . 11. 1. ..-- Ol ti.e l.-n ? ..I. ii, ir- a,,,l li.-iu-lli.eli. , Ol 1 ?'? Ig : K' I itlona. A blll Introdneed i>> Br. BPRKR (Kep., c 1.1 toremove politleal diaabllitiea waa anwnded and paaaed Boaato . miprlae the namca oi Loclua J. Uartrell and Martin U, ( 1 .wford "'? Ui rgla. David Ciaptou uf AUi>atu.i, uud Martin L, Ummell of Blaaonrl. A meaeag. Irom ihe Heuate bavlng annoanced thal Ihat body bad a.r.. d to tbe Confrrcnce report rariff biii. tbe report vmih praaentad to tn- Uooaa by Mr. DAW l (Rep . Baaa ). Tbe report bavtug beea read, Mr. imwi:m eongratu laied tbe Houae that thla Impoitant blll vv..-. in it.s laat atage. Ibe report preeented the m-aiityniK ipectaeleol lu being iniaiiiii.o 1-, and ll bad Juat been adopted by tbe Benate witbout a dlvialon. He dul bo1 Batter h maell Ibat Uie 111 I WOUld eafl.t.. .-. el 1 l??l v ; liifl.-.-l, lliere wero ?aaw tblaga la lt with which be waa htmaell from la !il|! e.itir-ileri. 'Ill'- 1 e.l.K tlol.-a .-Ite.Tc.l by the blll OB tue 'i.ii .m.l rarlrfl rerennea wereeatlmated af H3,i The. nd,u-ii,,ui made by the - Onthefree il-r. |6Ti..'.'t; on athat aaatomadutloa, tl,-_M,_t_tT) undon al tiiipa. rr,_oo,?i-0: maklng an aagwgaM oi reduotlona for liolh oi tfl3,06.,-_-9. Ile w.-ntou t<> uii-<wer quea,.-.'-. Be UtOtmt d Mr. t.arileid ihat booka in foreign languagi a were nol put <,n ibe ine llat He iniorint d Mr. li.-< k and otbera that tbe taxontolmeco wa- uiuioriii at Ueeata a pouad tiuit ihat would go lnio eii.-et aa iba i-,t "f .ini... ifl Haiegretted that the tax on Irtetiou niatehea waa re Iii reply to Mr. Kellnair (Hrp., Conn.l, he anid he hnd i'm. to hBTing tae aaaaa ot tba Houae teated in ,-, ? tld to til'Tu.i leal- !;? - lu B BepaTBte blll. Tl.e.-.-H l.iJted rovenue from tbat taa wan BMOO.OOO. AU the atauipa in Eohedule B,excepi oa ebacka,are reaeatod, fiiui uii tn. itampa In acheduli < are retalned. togethai with tbe atauipH en bank ebeeke. Iu i-ei.Iv to a qaaatlaaol Mr. HindaM .D.-m., Penn.l, Mr ii\wi> aaid that tbe reducUon wlu.-ti tbla blll would mal., in the number ol collect-ixa aud aaaeaaara oi iceiiue waa from _:;<i to MB ;_ Mi Kl.lill 'Ii, ui., Ind.), another nieiuherof tbe (nn ftl.u.e (-..Uilii.U... , reliiarlaed tbat blB TlBWa el e'ltaiu mattera ln tbe blll and ln* reaeona lar algnliMftbeCoB |. rence report were autti. lently known tu n-nd, r it .111 t ec-H-ary l.,r him to enter Into an explnn.itioii. On ihe wbole iiovkever.t.e reearded tbe blll ??> an ezceuanl one, aa . i.u-pareil with re.eut on tlu ,.iue lUldei l. Mr Kll.l.i:v (Rep-, Kenn.), the thlrd memheroftb. rencet ommittee.gaTethen porthlai ummi n.iat.ei. and aupport aa a matter of touiproiuli-c and >iildlngaii Mr. BBOOKB [PaaB.,B.T.)gt~ttktrtmtn Ut anM>ut ti.-e ui-., endonij i," anae, it m ide a n iat ttou of taxea ll,. .aid be bad never aeen a lull ao Ingenloualj bandted MBruvent alldiaeuaalofl ot Ita detalli. Heventuxedto aay tnut wbea tha MU paaaed to-daj tbere would not b-? M membera wbo eomprehended lt, ami tbal Omgraaa woul.l "O"ii have to luaKe alteratioti aft.T alti r.iliotl lu the tarti part of It aoaato aatlafj tba .ii-u..iii,iHof tho oountry Btlll he congratulated thecoontryon thero dut tion ofthe taxatlon i hiei. tina t.ill wonld , ir,et. That rednction would be aome |5t,ooo,u<jO, aud tl.u eouuiry would drtnand a yet fnrther reductlon. Mr i;i T i.l-ri: iK'-p.. Baaa.) a.-k.-d Mr. Dawea wbal bad beeome ol tbe propoaltlon toreeeiveone-thirdot tbo eaa touiH dutlea la greeabaeka. ?_____._ Mr. DAWB8 reirlli-.I that, on lnvctigation of the la-ar in?H of that pr,,).' t on tl.e .111 r.-n.-y t,f the eountry, 11 1,., ui.,.- e. ldent ihat it would draw frotn the Weatere eountry to ihe rtabo.trd all al the graeBbaeka, and cauae the.11 to ne hoiiided UP m tba huuka of the eiti.e, thua eaUSIUBi. atrlllgi'li. * 1.1 thfl We.-at and everv where. Mr Hl'TI.I.K?Wiure dul }..u BBl lhal inforiuation t Mr. DAW1__1?I do uot kuow. lt cauio wlian we looked Mr. i>AWES, at theconcluaion of the dt .eiianion, aaid tbat Iie had aomo intcreatinir tfgurea whleh he would have prluted ln The (Jlobe, aud whieh aiiowed that tbo rcJiii'iton of taxation for the laat two yeara had been MMBB.M0, whi. h. with the IM.idO.CuO redueiiou in thia bill, would uiake tl-U.uOu.iiuo. The expeudlturea for l_7l, when to a gold Ua_i? aud to a peuee baals were only a?,tou,uoo more thau lu l??o. Tbe rate uf eipenditure per.aplUiul)?Owaa|l 96, lu 11171, tl 76. Tbe toufer eni. ltp.rt waa tbaa agraed to witbout a dmelea.BB? theliuuse, at 1:40 p. m., adjourned to meet ou Friday Ut-xl. _______.???????-????? CRIMEfl AND CA8UALTIE8-BY TELEfiBAPn. ....At.drew Hoikt, age IH, waa drowned wlnle bathiu* ia a p-a_l a fa? uii?a e?at uf BmBBbB. BB Booaa/. . Ou Mouday eveuing, Cha*. 1'erkinH. a fireman a.'tb. Ka^r. Ji.t-.-a .?.?. ?S____S t cte___\_m\ 'tul. _A rod.f tha bi.<HB iaUtUB/alnklTai. moi tbirtaatowa. lUit. M lr l'l buio'td al tha aasa tlaaa. ll ?r^il'.eB)"."aaiaaaiBd. . ..Yeaterday afternoon. a ae.-tion n titft bnomf. lU-baaiar ??. awy.wBb aa-mll| arala aal a aiaablB-. rooiaialag aa.rral lh.,a.aa_l (all Rm'X - E iS y TWf'lT _?!.*_____; ,.. _,? ?,? .t ??rb aa lb? l??r br..?alb Aill.. .fl_ir_B?n MaJUail tei Ibb flgaBB af --? .f Baa. -.11 nak.Ui 1 1 -? aralD ae. tion of a floor in U'.il.r,! buabrla ot on. uf li'.t Iii tad HENOMINATION CONVENTION THK VICE-PHF.SIDKNCY QrESTWN. A | agi BUI BBI ? nrxKOATitiM VBOB BBW-TOBK ?THK < I.AIMS OP 1IK. 4 411 KA\ ?A.'IIVITY Of BEBATOB uii.son'i. rBXKBD* im 01 D BTTB DBAWAJ. O- CoLiAX -i-X-uov. i.lXttl IIIK FIKI.I). |BT TKLKflRAm TO THR THIFil IBE] riilT-Anrr.PIKA, Juno _.-N<_rly all tho il.1j.atrs to tiio National ('oinenfioti, who wero not j?li,..<lv <m the pround, arrived in tlie early train" this moru injr, aecompanietl, maoyof them, by tl' ir fri-nds, theoflloe-hohlere, who, thongh theyaretiot nlw.r. | llie accredited repreBentativea of th.-ir .**tat<-. nre on hand nnd -mannge those who repre .ent them. Iii Bftvoral of the fctatee Uie Federal offlce-hoMcre havo made aueh a bOBgleof uiaiiaKiuK their Stato Couvcntions that (jeii. OMrtr. Meaae tttw wiseiy th.m at baaaa. knowing that prenenee hero eould onlyb_iii? additional disendit on tlio Rathenntr; and that aa they liad pn vioti-dy fixedup the whole matter, nn.'. BB - ntireiy put down all oppo. ition to Gnint ao that no delegato will daro utter a word atf-in-t him, tl,. ir psaBBBOB horo waa not oeede.l. Thia abseneo of tho visible ma.l.inery of tl.o New-York Cuatoni-lioiifu eapecially irivea to tha Iieii.liittiirter. of tlio delegBt-OB from the Kinpin- Siate ;.n air of decetiey aml ret-pe.-tubil ify which haa BO* of lato marke.l u gatboriugof <;, ti. i.ianf.fri.n,!. tkXOB New-York. l-.x-Colleotor Mnrpli.v. "D.-eoy" Miss, jr., Navnl Ofii. < r Lalliu. l.'oMio,, Conklit.K, and all that ilk, aro coDspicuoiis l,ytl,eir nl'iene.-. N..~n>e, who wa. very tui.y about tho C'ontinental Botal thia aft.-nio.'ii liioked almost out of placo. Tho r.-port that ba broaght arer the faaaraet-aaa ftamMarphy, Laftla i ('?., in r.'tMid lo tho vote of tho ialOfB.ion for lha \ i,.- -Pieafdew v, ia wliolly without paav dution. Iba day has been gloonty, with 1.i, nt aad heavy sliowers, to that ? ti.'.-t aafadea bare beaa aimo. t aat of qne.tion. A t. a "i the Ghraal daha -kaa- tha aaaaal eitiaa an.l town. of thla State-have had the eOBfBfB to 1 doVB ClioMhiit-st. Ilirough tho iniid and riuii, but the most of those arriving have at oneo dep.e-it'd tln-ir earpi-t-baits in .ome ronvenieiit plaee, and re pa'red to ihe coriidors of the Contiu.-iital II"tel, where, joMl.,1 |0 and f-B by ''?" CBOwi, they liavo Hp,nt tho day in taHdog ahout tho ii latire ehaaoaaof Coifax ?adWOaoa for IbaY-oo I'n'.idem-y. Tlie calinii.-s with B-Jeh O-il tBtk tion la illanaiaaail ia probab-j aot to ba aoodaiad c, though it of tho f. atures of the IJoiiventioii. Ootaide el lndiana aud itts d.-h pation, in whi. h tbere it i balal BBthaaaaai for Celfax, i aaaaal hy tho beliel that his isotninafi.>ii may po-wibly affeet lha n ult bl tliat State, and BJBBBtOoT. Morfon in his Beaatoalal BgBt Oe?1 l-H, no proat mterest is shown. Mr. Morton hiniself, who has been bere eiuco l.isi BTBtdag. fullyappreciaie. this fact, and thinks that Ihe Coiiveiitit.n BBght BB jrivo it full eon -id.ration. Ouf-ideof lndiana, the frier.ilsof nei tliereyti"!idate..Iaiiii tlmt lns nominatiou or defeat will ati.-. t the ob r.,i:ii \,io of a .inalo Btata, Iha I, a.iintr ai-iiiu.-nt ot" Beaatnr Wflaoa- frieaaa is not that BO ?an carry any Sfate, but that I.e will draw in ti?, BBpport of y.\w ttehet eartala atoaaata in tho Btatea, Uha tta LahaB Baaanaara, aaal athan^wha, tho-gh they mn.v -.veialiy eootn. but a b-bbII nnmiier of vot.-s, may bdg iaereasa Qtaafa miui:ity in aomo partfl of tho county. Ea the South, lou. WilaOB- friei'.ds imanritit- that tie would i?. aoaalar than ObBbb aaaeag tba Begiai uiioiint of BB Bages sorvi.ciu tl.e sl?very cau-,-. - delecatlon ure. of courne, aU in fuvor of Wil-on, "n.l BoaM vote tor Imd they not batBB ,t,,i to ,!,, bo. Btata pnie and ti.e taeltBg tbat tba Vi,. I'nrid.ut aagM to t,o aaBaatera bbbb aaa ataaag aiiuBiaaM ba BhalBfaa vtthtbeaB men. OaaatlanMe r.n.|,ath> iaa Wllaaa baa alae baaa arrrtteil bt bB frl aaaeH that helore tho Maaaai-buaetta Senator ,1 iiivni i.i- iiatne tabaaaai _Ba_B_ea__aeBaBBaa bimsell thal fvifax w,mld not oe a eaaglaatBi Ba imd uot ouiy tbe Biee--aaaalaal- pefeeaal peoaaBaa t.. tin. 11 11, but alao bls letter, whlch had been priuted, iu ? i.i, n (iie followini: paw-aireoeeurrcd: - i intend wtth tlii* tenu to eloee my polltieal life tXmo lu*, ly The pe. ple will want aome baatern or B i \ j ,-, id, t, ,. nd ab."iiid h.ive mu-. I ahallleavi iu Life \oiniiiiiiiiv aad wltooat aregret,and. . ? so Into actlre bualoeaa. Mj brleoda bere ad aaow ol u,y di'tirmluatlon,andIaaauiayaa it ia uop.ui.u_t, huta i. a ;y, aa you aill *,>'?." Benator Wllaon'a trlends aay that, taklnit this deel.ira lioli ln irood faltii, ha eiilertd tbo t-anxu-.-, exprctinx to h.i\e Baat~l*r* h;ui uo promlueut, aadMata , *> (ifl BlaB-M ? !_nti iu tl.odnv, by a itran/o .oiiui'leuce, Blaine v.ith rtr,-vv BBtOUtaa HliniiUaiieously rettppearcl us a eandi ,! ?, , aad that thia waa not trtatinj. WiIhou f.dily. Oaa ,,i tha Btiaagaal B-g-Uaaata of OoLtaz- Maadalatba -ny alaavtag [adlaaa. iu aa-ttlea ta ttaa, Baiaata and aol ta n bob Colfaz woald be hi^'.iiy laeeBBtalaat c.r..i,t has no hl^-lier cliilios apoa Ibe party for a aeeoud term, they . iy, tkaa Col-U baa. Of tho lutt.-r's eaaaael tiuceho haa beea ta aaaaa aa ono compiams, and tothrowiutu overhoii-.l BOW woiil't ho e.pilvaleut to pioelaliulng to tha woi 1,1 that the Vh-e-i're.-idnir. having DOpatnoage, w.ii BBI Ma to se, ure deli*Katea, even tbouph th.-re was xto orpinlzed oppoeitlon to him before tho COBTBB tloti met. The OblB delepatlon held a meetlnj? this aftornoon; th, flea 1'i'rid, utial ,jue?tioii waa UlscU-sed at lengtb. Tbroo delej,*iitee unnounccd that, after obeylng the ln rtnntlons and votlnu for Denulaon ln the flrbt ballot, they ehoula tfve bim no further nupport. A ballot for the secotul a_aatea of tbe d.-le?atlon resulted ln Wllson, yi, - Oatfao.ll Tbe politlclana wholeadtho Aa_egBBaa urKaed iu favor of Btaudiug by Deuui.ou to tho U-t, lu mo Beyathal etther tha OBHBa bbbb bb lha WBbbb aaaa vo.ild c.nio over to him, when lt becomea clear that their caudnlate cannot wln. Auother uieetlug will be held to-morrow to talio flnal action upon the subject. 'I Ue Viri-'iiiia ,1,1,--atlmi will voto aolidly for Wll .,,n, or i,,r aay aaaa i Ba io b'eat CaUBi; a leadiutf aaaaaaaa of lha delegatkW, asplalalag this determiuation, b.iij that Coifax had the VlrKiaia Keptiblh-aua wltb eaa ai"l iii'lillerenre, and lhal th, y had iiothini: ln eoinmou with bim ; tho fact was, ,!, that OeB. tiraut was not tho flrst choke of the d.aagatlaai he had bbbb bbbbbbj Bb -haaaaariag lus Adiuiti'.Btiation, and they would prefer to vote for Hotue other man, but were not bo foollsh aa to do ao when uothini; coul.l bo aceouiplished. but to Insure Graut'a eiiiutty. To tllustrate how little the Prealdent bad done for Virjrluia, tho delejrate aald thata mau named John aon ha.1 re, ently baaa appolnted to an Importaut con,- aud feaafl BfaHBal to that State, but no one there had ev.r heard of lum. A bjatauder remark.-d that poaaB-f tho Jobnaon waa a third cousln of tbe Donta, wiu, h the deleKate thoiutbt waa qulto prohable. Laat uigbt aud thla uioruiug there were rumora afloat ol a defectlon from (Irant among the delegatea, but when traced up they all pruved to be laventiona aet afloat toprodueeexeitement among tho crowdaof dele Katea ln tne hotela who found tt dtill buslneaa to Iouuko aaaal the balla and ddegatlon headijuartera wtth no otber amuaeui.-ut than to canvaaa the Vic.-l'realdeutlal (lueatiou, whi, h moat of tbem care little about. One of tbem atorlea waa that tbo Conaactlcut lueii bad offered to Joln tbe lndiana men aud put upa ticket composed of Coifax and Hawley- Anothar waa tbat tbree btateapoaltlvely refuaed to vote for Urant lu tbe Conventlon, and meant togo for Oree? ley. Tbeae apread from moutb to moutb among the tbrongs of delegatea, whieh the druullng raln kept ln-doore all day, and produoed a niotnentary aensation. Tbe men wbo the rumora aald were trylng to form a nu . le ja of oppo-ltiou to Urant indlgnautly danied the re p,,rt, wbeu iine-tloueu, and proteated their loyalty ln Kood aet pbraaea. After tbeae rumora had been put to reat, a report Bpread tbat Qrunt bad written a letter of jrreut Importanee to ono of the dele aaaai to be read ln the Conveutton, and tbat tta routenta would atartle tbo whole eountry. ThU waa the moat ln Kenioua of all tbe rumora devlsed to beguilo the tedlutn of an ldle day, for It afforded acope for no end of con Ji-eture aa tothe cntenta of tho letter. The aurtulaea aa t? Ka ptirport took a wlde iBBgB, Bome imagiued lt to . onlulu au . xpreaalon of a preference for Coltax for the Vi. <-rrealileuey, and a few whlepei-ed myatenoualy that it waa m deelluatiuu of the nouiluatlou. Tbelatterex pUnalioii waa gauerally aeouted aa t.M, abaurd for bollof. Tbe. efiurU to hnrtuoul-e tin 1'euuaylvaolana upon a tribu-.U-v ii v- thn. HUU) bave Uiua far beea iutlTectual, Tho, K'lley movement waa abftndoned thia morntn^. and a BflMb waa made for D.n .'ameron. aon ef the 8en ator. Anumberof the (!.:,>',? - fr.,-n the weatrrn pan of the Ptatc proteate.1 BfBbMl this. and tlie editor of Tht IltUburgh Commrrria! aald to tho artive men In Ibfl C'ani, ron iuo\r-mei.t t.,..t ha would not aupport him tm lea. Hartranft waa taken olT 'he Htatc ttekrt, IntimAtlnK that, whlle bo eould awallow one of the two, tioth bt Kdherwuuid ha taa aBaat aaaaa I h mbbbmjjbm fore ahandoned and henator Hcott waa hrought to th.. front aa tbo moat avallahle BMB. Vir (M.-cation met to nlglit and balloted twlee, wlfh the ft.llowiPR reanlt: Firtl Itnllnt ,'. Ifai. II; WU'ouof BflM aeta, 10; Hrofle.rt,5; WTIaon of l"wa, 4. Eeeond JlaHol?WiUou of Ma-waehuwUa, B ' 14; Seott, 10. Up.ceheu were made In favor of unlflnir ap oppo>tng sueb a eeoraa Bs tbfwwlng tbi aataaf flbaaaaio away. An adjonmment waa then voted until to merrow mornlnr, to pivr tlme for a efT,,rt to flnd tho Pennaylvaninn who ran unl'e the flateflflllea Tba BfBB peet la, that tbia eannot l>e ,!one, and Ibal Henry 1 H " l will gtt tbe vote of the Htate. Tlie d< tomti'in ia lu gfrnrted to vote aa a unit ln thr- Our. ntteB. The baaaaabtafBtlea ar.- fllapa ad to vote aa a nmt for Henry Wilson fr, ui tl.e nfart. Tiv? ?f tl.e flabBMBM aro fnvorably dlap. aed toward OoBh-dM nr, under etood tobc wllllnn to go the tu.jorlly. Tt:e I d?:, ^ ation will uot make any effort Mt aibBBBtlflfled aetion. A larjro MBjlBllj will \( tB Mt Wi.-on, frohablr all hut elght or ten. Th,- IbeBBfl aaaaag the aaaaaBaa ls that aa llllnrirt U to ) ..... Ibal . they BBBtbl not to take an aetlve part lu the eonfeat for the aeeond plare on the tleket, aml abotild not endeavorto throvv Bflfl aolld vote of the State into tlu *< alee. At a BBB tbe dr'.ep-atlon fo-nleht, nf whicli only about ??? an i'- prescut, an lr.fornial'.ot gBle w.liu <;t\ a. The M:--,,e.rl ileleiriit. ii, heietoforo eounted ou for Jairea F. Wilron, i.ppcar ta repard hini flirht, an.l will ghrfl u n-a-ly BB-M-BBaflfl ftU |,Tll-r'ff- -e| :i'r,r, Ouly 1 aaaaaafl for OflUhx Um aaBaaaafl. of tfeB fltaM ami -, wlli glve WIlflOB B puverfiil llft in ?,| wbfltfl tiohe.i. Braaaxpeeted, aal fljaatljraaeaarafl fririul-in tlu Baat. Wbo fund that tbfl WtU v/oi.ld :u im-. iid utilte upoa ' IBeactive maaagera , t the Mi?ao'irl deiepaMon an. ,',,t. ii, ..:,-.-? ?: ai tl Henry T. Hlow, to Braall. Wl ? Oregon, Callfornta, and Nevada aie eouuted I ii, Mi blgan delegatloo U alao for hliu. togethei Minneaota, Maine, Vermout, Rhude [aiaad, l' lawate, nd,and Bea ? delegatea n,,i, I i,,',,,\. Tm tion wlll glve Wllaoa 11 rotea, and Ooliux. baaaa. Miaelaaippl, Florldu, Pouth Carolim and 'I,-. .? delcgatlona an i tpe ted to go aolbl f-n Wii ?t.n. Tbe 1 ,, wlll ...i- ' alter one or two compllmentarj vofca lor li.a. e Ma> n.ird. Kentuekv will voi.- fur'(i.n. J. M. Harlan, tlrat aud ia-t. North Cecoltaa will vote a- a t.tiit lu i'uii\. iition. hut wul aol le upon a . uni.l to iiioiTuw morning. Wlleon'epaoepectaata ' letiuthle t|,iaiT. r. Loulalaoa voted, tbla eveuiair, to w pport Col? fax. We-it Vliyiui.i i- 1I..-.U ii, t.-.l lor Colfax. T (.New York deleaatloa beld a meetlng, tbla aitcrnooo,and, ome d-nruaaioo, ,-.,-i a rote io. followa: < oltaa, v; W ilron, 14. Xbe detecaiion will eaal a Bivided vaflo. ai the r-allie Ui. elliiK A. ii. ' "I I'll V, a a el'.l- .1 to UU tl.,) vaeaney ou the National ? "l oxAiow. .M,,r_r.,ai to ,,.- ilio uieiu,,. r of llial (.?,... lor tlio nexl four j-ui.. THK I ?ll ' Tue moat BBl Bl 111 Ig r, - tbal 8BB i.lrbt make tlie ],!? re-iiu aftbaflj t | BBBI i,r fniiujc CflJlfon. Delawair.l; ttaarjlB. fli DUnoia, 11; I ? ? M ; *Uiue, 14 ; Maivi.iLui, i.; Bwhlgan, Mj Blnneaota,iO; Biaaoflii, i; Nebraaku,S; Revao ,fl] Mea. . .. J.-.r , ; ONgU-L C; fcUkode lrl.ii.,1.-; V ii. -ul, '? . V.- v.ia.T.ii.i. b. Wlaeonal Fop Wueon?Aliibama, Mj Arkiuuaa, nj Pk>i ? Oeor|rta,l?; Illinola, 80; Kanaa ,10: Maa anhuaetl ??,ii. _-, :-- v> ii iuip .,.,>. 10; aaw York, U; NortnCaroliu-J, 20; i*, a, n ii^aa, IC . W i.-t ollnlti, 11, llil ._!. 'IuimI.-TO*. 1 vi" lieiiintnn uiu,,. 44. For Umrimm?Keuiuckj. M. j w i, T. Wttmu- lewa, t'nr H'lirley Coiiiie, II.-.. Enr llttyniird?Ti'iiht -? <?, 24, for /.. iiT.v?Vlrglola,... l)nuljlfid--V< bli.-j ii.iL.1., IB. On tlie aeeond hallot I'.-nnrj!'. -ui-i -j'.Il, ln alt nrofrir lililty go lor WiIik.ii, if BbaflBflfl i.o_.,u the tn.t. Oldoia expaetad to ^ive m \o.-?.a'>v,' aa and ufor OflUaa after Denni-ou isoutot tliovav. T.-aiieaaue i.i eount. d aaaalld for OaMai on tba taaaaal i,.",t.,and virgiuia M,lid for WTl.iou, uud it ia atabBBi th.t Milne wlll at laat 2 \otea lor WU_ou. Tbeae ihungcs will make the aeeond bai lot about aa followa: Ilenry WTNi",, .'";.,, f.,x, .,.7; Ilawley, Ilarliin, an.U. _T.W 1-BB r,k_aa__Bt_M a*; neceeaary to aehoiee, MB If vnillie WflB bj Iba BBBTBIflBIBB Ibflfl Ibt BflBBBit wOlka Bsaaafl-Bg-f aIbbb Iba aadBaabala i.,t,- h, ur la iilflbl aoiot x IhdaHHBliid perBBBB who aaaaaal ti.,' Mfl t* tkU _Vii<on win iw lioii.iliille.l oil Un- wi 011,1 or liiil',1 ballot. tai.k UfOHCI IBE DEI TIll'i IN, lWA.HAM'il \l -l'l CI .--I li?Vl'ATHT 1,1 TH i.liAM Ml.\ ? l)l-..-lk, MSf ("U'l.lir? AIT'lil-.IM V-loSi OI !'? A I I ! M< iHK - BOMORB INVK.NTIT) TO Hirr.lTI.K TUI TI.MK ? v\ ir.u.voi TiiKUiT-AMi-iiitu D PBOOBABBB |li, 11 L-...I. Ai'll TU llll, IRIiil -NK.I Pna .Dn.i'iii., Janfl A^-Stt-Offl ll it may me ir- ofteni r mcuti. -.,.; aateng tbeerowd oongTegated at tho Coatlaeatal Botel than .:,',. . i- i?, ,,ki _ la tiii-tiu,- ,. tfM-Wfl ntfeaa tkaai tba laatfe) wba aaaa ha<i uot _im; i.ut d_*? aoOIBgOBM nt ut liiiiiiii riaea the <.'.u. inualir?i.aiutlon, and who aeeinto have (BBM t.i lTi:railelphl.i aa luuch to bolster up ti.eir draoptBg rpii-it- as to ctal tbelr voi-ea for Grant. The .^otitli.-t n BMB doii't elaitu to )?> ai lo to kIvo Gen. Grant the el.-etoral vote of more tban ttv.) or tbreo .-rat. | imitb of M.mon & Dixon's llue. O ie of tbc besl known AaMflJBtM f.oin Alahau.a aaid to-d.iy: "Ob, there'a no doubt tbat (.ie.ley wlll wt the eroire Tiemo crntlo vote of our H'ate, aml I ean luia/.uc u eondltiou of affalra under whi. h he would cet a coiiM..erablo votaa from tbe negroea." " I am surprised at that," aald B del<>?..*.<? from a North ern State, who nlood near; " we bave beeu told ihat tbe ue^roea wero aolldly for Grunt, and thal tl.e n preaent* tive. of uo other party eould poanlhly reach them." " The eolored men know more about politleal mnaauree aud men thau iuor?t of u.. irlve them ere.ilt for," waa tbe reply. "They beard of Greeley loiv before the war, when the white p.op.o of Iba fouth hardly allowed bla naiuo to hc prououueed in iho pr.-aenco of a ala*e, an.l they knew blm aa tbelr fi l.-iul long lieforo thcy heard tbe name of Gen. Graut. I aald tbat lt waa poaetble that Gn-eley may get B great many nexro vctea; tbe num? ber will depeud entlrely upon tbe onductof Mr. Gree? ley'a white supportera, If tbey the eolored men with kludneae and conaldcratlon ; if tbey dlaplay uone of the old Kti Klux apii tt, aud do uot alteinpt to lutla euce their vote or keep tbem away from the polla by ter rorlam, the reaultof thia eampaiini, auppoalug lt to Ue a aquare tlgbt lietween Gr?eley and Grant, wlll bolobreak down ln a d.-gree the race dlatttictloh whieh U tbe BBBM Bl Soutberu politica, aud to dlvide tbe eolored vote." " If tbla la ao," aald a I.lheral Rrpublleau, wbo bad been Uateuing to tbe converaatloD, " I wouder tbat you are here aa a deiegate to tbla Couvcution." " The trouhlc with me la tbat I an uot readv yet to trii.*t tbe old Rebel Deuocracr. Yan know that I repre aeut a pecullar claaa lo theSoutb?the origlnal Uumulata. To be Bure a great many of ua were forced to take part ln the Rei ellion, but lt waa agaiuat our eouvlrtlooa, for we alwaya looked to the Union lai tho ouly aaieguard of tbe rlghta and Ubertiee ot the people. But tha majertty of the boutbern people hold eutlrely dltfereot viewa aod bold them yet. Tbey looked upon the Unlon aa a eurae Inatead of a bleaalng, and notwithaUndinc tbe overtbrvw of the Rebelllon and tbe utter deatnictlon of all tbmr hopea, I have no doubt that, were an opportuulty ever to preaent Itaelf, they would agaln attempt what they ao ulaerably falled iu duiing tbe war." ? I don't aee, evoo admlttlng, aa I do not for a motoeBt, that there la a large claaa la the South wko are atltt ta favor of breaktng up tbe Unlon, how they eould expeet ta auceeed any better under Mr. Greeley aa I'reaklent. eleeted on tbe Cinclnnatl platfora, thaa ander Graat for a aeeond term," luterpoeed tbe Liberal RepubilcaB. " Why, lf Oreeley ahonld be eleeted by the aid et tbo Boutbern vote, he will feel lt to be bla dutr te glve to tha Bouth a repraaeaUUoo la hia Cablnet aad ln the vartoua departmenta of tbe" ? But Gen. Orant haa done that.fand ne detrlment to the publlo aervlce or to the aafaty ot tbe Unlon haa re aulted, ttnleaa II haa grown out ot the lacouipetency ef the men selected," urged the liberal Reputtlleaa. " Yoa aurely don't objeet to the repreaentatloa uf the Bouth la tbe Cablnet or ateewbere, provlded good aad eompeteut men can be found, and I Bope yon wUl aol be ee nn ct-__-itable aa to doubt tbe alnoerity of aian who aay tbal they accept the prlnclplea lald down ka the CtnclaaaU platform tn good falth, and to prove tliat tbey are ta -?-?-"---??-?-1-aaaaaa w ?fv faaiih fNi'