voi.. YYYII !_?? 0.720.
IUK ?'KM IS llll . '..NVI.MION ? STATK Ll'AIl
II ???? bbaooi ttn aaw-Toaa i.ki.v
ritlHi.lM 1 MISTAK- 01 ' *-*1
OT| , . | UD || I.M.KMI.N' I W
IliY Ti ll.r.iuril TO THF TTlIliI Rl
PMiMiiaia Jaa* -v -At n tkamk m -aaa be
f.iretlic lllllaf ti the Coovi-ntion. the nall.ii'-i
ot the Arademv ti Miiaic w.-re liw than half full.
-whilt- __ ftw Ot tbc ialiaailaa aiail KtrnK-li"-- innpon
Hm ieear. Betl an haa. later. the lefraaatal
un.l werc r...iv.-d with cht-.-ts fioiu th.-j.m1!ci i. *?
M. w-York, li- hv that vrorthy r.' ...-ontativ.- of
(\iM.,i:i-h..u.*-o atatii-itiiiir-liil'. Cbadea 8. Spi'iic'i'.
filh-dth.-tirst fwosocti,,ritiolth(*i.:4t(iitct(ir(l..,oiitl,i'
l,.fi ,,f tho plalliaai an.l altogotbar, nv,:v. .tbatandtng
Ut* in.f.,rtiitiiit.'li","-of a-T'('V..-Hiiinii. ),i, s. nt.'.l B
v.iv .-i.-tiitai-i.' i ppaaaap a Ita laa4aa\~a-MM-a-aa-l
to fullv nppro, iat<- the a.lvuntafre of hunif n.-?-n tk
ojaoieeaapaay,kfatk eloaai than n hrathei to lha
.1,1.. (i.n.t Sinith. und cinl.d oft tho liouorol
hjtf-gtm/t tha y-tti-ttk befon tbc Ooareattoe, an.l
t.f g_vi__f tha wor.i when th. oiinir WM ti ttiaWi On
ef the (irt 1. fr.,ni tlio New-Yorken*
tka .'.(1. Kati-,11 fioiu ln.liaiia till.-d lt.-am B M 11 imi of
t cir. le. II. ta tol ' OotBtVt
.:!i iu lha C inv?iiti.>n;bnt the iu4.-niH.is <.f thia
.ii.-n made noeepeda] diaiMHaBtiaiiea -O-day,
I ih.ii reieea wai thi Ii itaaMt
nii'il to-niorrow, wh? ii they h.'i'.to MBa tbeaa bdtk
to sv,iiio ailvatit.i-'o f.-r th. ir fa.oiit.-. Ham
miii. fii.i..!- iiioiifr.'.n Mii-i.. i.i,
;. in frooi , f tha MpreeeBtat-veefironili
liic Maaaaohaaette aaaaa, it apfaaiaariri fcadicete
th. .r cli.Uiu 1.i, wi 11 smtaiii tht- li.'titi-tioii of th. ir
Btata for hoIkI rc,-i.?-,'t.u,i!itv. 1 h, v ai,- nio-tlj
eldrrtj men, aml their chief {-pokosinati k Dt. 1-oiin.
.icl.jiatioiis lill ap th<- llooi ol tha h..;i..-.
i ? ;ii?yni_r t!i ti"' pafqael
uui, ii. tii, r.-ar, flaahed ea tha rlfhl ndlaffcbj.
Obio and Jiiin. is whlla tl- i daaag-rtlo-ii
K.nerally aOB_nnrid to Uaa oicho. tra chaiii-.
,,1, Iod I.y (i,n. J_.in.--i.: B tttHtt
. imU- tu tho l. lt of tka i-iatform. Iha 4-_-~
i .1,'t. nniii, d that m-thiiiK .-houhl ba loel
foi wanl of iii:u,.!,.-t.i!ii.us of , iitlnisiasiii, nud wew
i iheal.it l.r o',;>ortiiiuti?'S to appland. Th...
ckfped their tutnda and stamped theii f" I whea the
hamtiataUoned in tkegalkary played "Yaakee Doo
aad wben it hohyti "Joba lha*-- iSo.lv;'
wl., i, it btru-k u-.aii aii from a popular <>i>n.i and
wl., n it pee-oened MGood-by, Cbarlejr.'
(lalliii.in talliiiK tho f'otiv.'iil'uii to _-__--,
r, n itid.-d tba 4l.-l.-Katc-.ol tli- ofthe
lici.ul'li.ati j'.-uty duiiiiK tho OOtt W JtOt
i..,MiN-d that UM promi-. H.,f ;,l?iiu itiui l'
Bfebad baaa faj-hfally -Dled. Ha
4ii,i imt ixii.-vo tbal tho p?oi>_o vaaalddaaaarl lha
B pablkta l.arty beeaaaa otbera had adoTied it*
plaa and pnaada ti adbaa m ?? t-> ,1-- aohty. At
,mi\ Kiifciii-e a loud rap wonld
ka h. ar.1 in a diatani pa_rl ad the hoaae foUowed b] ?
Btonu of appl
a t- tBtajtt hy tha Bar. Alex. H I
l.c Hon. M.-noi, -Icliiobae] <f tbiee-tjr
;-. Ilr. lli
waa a most nn'i-nal 0BM i-r B t. -inporary thiiiniian 1"
. ihotinh ui iui! a. eoi.i vvith tin- Bjeseral Bptrtt
of the Con\.'iiti,,n. BaTing si?ikt-n <>1 tke lato gath
aaiiifkl Cin. iiiiiati aa ?'v.it!,,,ut a coi^-.itu.ii'.v,'
aml tbal booi lo lake plaee at I'.aitiu.??,?
out I'lin. n-1. s," Mi'- M. Michat 1 *-ai.l:
,-t r-on
tltnir to perplez t.
there w.ll 1 ? nu tuy. \
utial oandi-ate ia a foi
1, ,1 ior
,,. Ia ,, re ealj lo pai tn.ir will into
jni.p, r r.;.,.|..? .-v 1....... 11 \? in.iniii.um.: r. B_ Oraat, an 1,
Vjh, i\,, i,ioH?lii_; nf (,..,1, ui--inli ii-.t onlv make that
?MMulaailon wltlio ,t demar, withoai d. bate, -n
? - 11- will
_J1Mli, ..mi al.uu.taiit n.ti-t. hli,,n ut tho i-oi -
!(,tc to lli. ? on. It
;i(k, ,1 politunl K'lttHi iui? thut
I iini.-i't.- ol I
ak-Dfal ty it.. praettea - Weadlj d. le
| paitv , onv. nt,' w-V.iK
, ,-, ih,- Adiiiluietrartun. tlir-.nuli IM ??
i-i--.11. of operaatle
aad ao ? ? 1 tauaHy paeked tke
.1 tliat tka aaaaor deleamtloawho
u.vv, wou'.l Ix-lii'i.tf.li "?? i-lition
and f..r.-v.r ' tke l'.ut.. Wkal
l : ;,. 1 |.. m ot a i">ai n
. ,.tl-, i.l, I
ata waa m.t ln f..\?t ot
Orunfn M-iioiiiinatiori; nu-1 :n that ._< lanmtlon h- 1111
-iv r. 11, ,t.,t tlie M-iitiin.-iit of tl),' tiitire Con
yrbapa th,- AdaalaaatiatleM party ?
Wll<1 11 ; ,',i:ion.?of th.'M ? -'lit. -I,
aadeall Itpeace. Havtoir ata??athro?ck 1
I.,|,,(i,-.:t ,1 ' . 'I tl. V
awa, Badaaa tkal aalad i> d hlaa ta 1
Iraaaaaa aat-aai
.- V.ll!l"Ut 4l< lllll ' I
11, ann ,11 tii-i iiiciitioiici (.??! . Graaat.
. ,-n, nnd ti.
, ,, niinnlo. l',)l"W(-d. Ii l" tfcd
aa tke ?aaaatoa.af the
.-i,i,ii,->- araa toootrot ka attaaaaa, UMiaaaiaa
,.,?(-m-ied J,e,ilv an honr. As
,,1, tke .liain.iali.f Ike* '
aaaaeda. ,!" or"Oaaaa-J,''ea ?? Jiidy?." or
.. Hoa, ' i" i' p? aeal lt, ? ia] "' tke aontleaBaai -
?ataa luoked aroand wiiii awtoadakaaaat, bm iti r before
tiaviui; hoaa iii.i'oi-d wiiu r-ii.-ti -Igk-aaaaadlM
. ii ttc.e tttlee -<-n? mix.'.i .ii> Kome
Ike ?eaa. tiu. E Hott,
| m. iniii- <?: ? -..titli < 'ai-.-lii.il, r-i'i-.-ui-i-d
un ti..- Hata a?.a fall-kleura" 0mtral" Tht t
ot tiu- aoaatea araa maarflrttd bf 2 a'eloBk, aad
after tlio <?? ? "! " ""*% tu* audlt-ut-e VBM m
tu- liiiinoi- to ?ir',, 11 to ai*. < tiea. a iniii.b.-r 01 leaatea
hii.i <..,v. 111..18 tuid L-cn (-ou^picuoualy plaeod where
thev?<(,_;,11..- aaaa h/aU.atid tka Maaiaal ea.-ii ai
aaaaa aaat aaa aakoMl t?r tfcalc tavoriu-. iu tiit- midet of
ti.e .onfiiM.'ii. tiic ctiuiiiiian ptmmttt tka taaaa vixor
oii.lv wul, l,i- 4..1V4-1, t.at %an unal.it-to BBBfaM ""''r
,nilii(..-n. I.._-a_j. wli.-o. ciil'l'd a i-.-ht m u j-i,,-,. l.uui
tX'X, i-ainr out iil-.ti the j.lt?tfoli.i. l-cn. Uaj-BB, wh I ir
look'-.i aaaaa aa AilaaiaieliBiiea rtroieal aa a ataad
tkathmt fi- in Hu- iurnint.'. and who vull cvid.ntly be
tou.i. rcii.-t aaa to w,,ik up aaat-taaakaaaa aaaoa_tka ?ol
,i?l t,. htirup anc- tbt- old wai rj, I., vv., .-'
?y,nr-.. eordially n-c iv.-d. Xt..- (.. nfral M BBM Of tka
-urtu'iate ones of Cnitit'a fri.-udft who nt-en four
tlmo iih imi'li BBtkaaaaBBB Ior (.rant to-day
aa there waa in ciil,-aK<. four yeara <>w.
and the annouueement of ttn- (ll-covcry of hhk
bf-niKlit down tiu-Ihmi" . Il'-vc Cliiirlci H.icnc( r n.rt liin
,. Ito- BB liiil'ri.ve lt. Miii! t',. 111*
r.iHi I,. wa- (ii vOdlj feettetdat-ag oa-er tka raa af taa
l>ai<i.i> t i Inl- , i-iid. .lav.ii* <?
Lf- thOOkOt out tL.it ?' 1.. 'bb a\
,1 -||.atloil, (icrtit I
Oreat cbeeriuic followed,
bla way toward iln I,'-,ti. r?i Mr lf
Bal for Um liaml 10 |l ?> " -UD W tke Ckll V Th
nmi. .-aiid tm ii.i' i""1 "be ' ln
trodm-wl inm Mi r-mith Mij,|K>rt4 Ci'Uit l-caiiK' he
1 Oiiii. '"' >''' ;" '-'''
out,'- aa ,f "'"
KiiKluxati'l ( ivli li'i htf I.iIIh are Ut 1- lowar.lil.. 1.
VIV4.1 ' ?
of 111, 111'
?w..? that of tv ualor Kot I
of u^ - thal ln whieh i"- raft rrod t" '
form of tiu-I'.i i>.il.ii. an pnrty. F,.r llu- tttt tlBM n tht
blBtory of tl.at i'.,itv- BdM aBM of IM lead-fffl fceoa hoM
atiouj-h to nay It had iiotlnii.' BOM H frOBOeO, BO ad
TancouK ot to make.. H.-rc ib lur Ihii^iiuki' 1 " M1
aimii carry out to tin-icticr the peaoaal polleB '
on band, wiii), wahave uoUuna new oa Uia bu
ma/ *a> la i-jjard to tbe platforu, ll ai-e.
aary for tlii*. Convenlloa to adopt on. Ibe nlatforai of
tlie Repabltcaii party Is found iu it. hl toiv f..r n.<- laat
ara, and It 1- le i-c found in Um preeeat jk.Ii.-> of
tbe AdL'-limtraliou "
Tbe preaei.t pollcy o( tlie AdmiolataajUaaA tin n, aald a
Liberal Kepubiu an, tlun uiicri-oou, ia u. I.i- tbe future
jr'all'fni r- Ui-ir-J'i' Cui Ivuiau idaUoua an lv l?c
inanagod lu tbe aamo hiinKllne way tliat tana
tlia.acterl.cd tlie mauai.cuir.ut <>I tho Treaty
.,r Waaft-tairtaa unktn, Tliat ia to bo
tbe forc.Kii jrlanlc in the ue? Bi-publiran platform ;
l.rp*-iit-tuIiliiK ofllctally conipenatUcd, uepotlhin, quar
r. l-oiiicnca*. aro to bc, domcHtk- ptenka ln that wnnderful
alrucf.irc. Mr. Butnner charltable aupponed that lt waa
tim.uyh IrnoraiKc tbat Grant had dono all thla, hut Mr.
M irtOfl wonld ttMttty thcac, which othor men looked <,..
ur i,i(in,|(t?. into tlu- dl?uity ol pniiclplc. npon which
Un 1'iiity iahrrcaftcr to bfl fonndod. Bevrral dclc_r.it-B
followed with apeochei, tho aaaal .-Itiouent belng that >,f
Oov. Onl.'Rby af UlinoU. Bevera! t ,,i.,r.-d MB alao gjflfefl.
aaai tiu-ir ifaaaBaa wcm not at all li.f,n..r lotBMa ,,t
tlnir HghtM.kinuod brc-thren. At about I oYhx-k ta
iv.iiiiiiltu-c ou Pcrnianeut Organlzatloa reported Ju-lc
Haltfe of .North (arnllna fer Peruianent C'.airninn, and
r,,.lui.oter HwfeBaB U l'hilad.-lphla f.r I'( rmaii'i.t
I , ki ?J . XI.. y w cro unanlii.n-ia.ly elc. -led, tuA tho Con
veullou theu adjourix-'l liH to-in.,rr..w.
tiie vici: iRi^inr.M y QU-OTIOI.
(-VI.VAM. l.K.I.AHKrl Inii WH.MIN ?I>I*M
Jt,| I1VAI lr-Tr\ Ab 1'Ol.llK IANK.
I'uiT.Ai.r.i iiiiA. June .r).-'lLo a.tiouof ihr I'. .,.,
fyhania ilcieiratioti ll'i? moming virtu.-.Uy Mttl. d
tho COBtaBt fITW tli> Vi.i PlwMflBCJ. Tbc ll.l' gk
tion beld a meet int? at 10 ..Ylock and took n ballot
wbkll re_.ult.-d?\\ il-ou. N| Colfax, lo; Hcott. t,
A motion was at OBBfl mado tfl iiibtmct lha
cli.'iii.iiiin t?> 8BII the wholo voto of
iii.- st.tr i,,r WDMB. A fleebk offoritioa
lo ti.i1. ?un Tiiri.l^ by Beotft fri.-mls but it waa
eitiied with I.ut two iMMrt-Bf voi. MB. Thfl ca-ti.o.
?,f th. full vote of lViinaylvauiainto tlie BOBlfl fof
Wflaoo, Whi 11 it lK.d alr.-ady begBB t., il-cliiie Ifl
his tkVOT, Uit no doubt of bis mepflBa.
Ika Colfax tnu wnt aoanpal-rd to ?<1
init tliis, aud thcy ccarvd all eftorts for thcir
candidate during tl..- ral of theduy. IMowaBBOt
BD tbc bBd BOBl ihey got. TheOUa dehnatioii re
ceivedat inidiiiirlit bnt niirln dc faDowiag dit-patcb
ft..mr\.(.,,.. 1). UOift-B. willuliaiuinglii. lKlIilcflClli
tbc cont, -i : _, _.. ._.
i vi i vt i ?, OWo, .Tunr 4.
i:r?. Jam. CoutXJ, Okio Delegntlon : Youi U
rcc-ived *:30 p. in. Mylettei provldaa lor tbe eondltlon
you nanted ; tii?i i-. na tbe Ohlo delecaUon wlll noi per
alateDtly support me after tbe m-t ballot auathereia
nol a f.iir ],i.,r-|,>-, t .,i my beinj. nomtnated, n ih ut
vi-Ii DOl to be i>rc- litcl _?> tli, ( ,,ii\ < ntion, and thro.U'li
you I reaaeaJ tli. deleicatlon tt, withboM my .ameand
. announ, e tbal I un nol a candidate. >o coui
ESSShn xwtu und.ra,,. elraamataMM. ..y.^os
This tclrprain was re.ad to tlu- dcloRation at theil
meetlng thia morainf, and it waa igraed thataoek
iiiaiia.b..nl.I Md, :i- bc pleaaed. An iafonaal bBUot
was t:ik.-ii tO UOOTk in tho pref.-ronccr. of tlu
,ir 1.-l-:.i,-. i.nd WlbOB tOOttttA H XOUm
;,n.l ColfhX II. I-:itcr in tbc day two of tlie
Colfaa liK-u r-.dtl thev slioubl ebanga to ^ Pa n. am.
two iiioif uie cliiiiii.'d tO-B-ffbl ior bim. and the
ohio \oic to-inoiTow will l.i- :;i f,>r WDmb to io b.r
Coll'.ix, uul. n- tb,,. Kl -BOW eBBBflOta ''imh IViiii
ayhranit and Obk alone. WHtOB BBIi tb. r.f.-iv.
..aiiicd'.C \.,t, sou lha lii-t hBUoi Wb- ^.linsdid not
.-lopbcrc, bo.M-\.i. A hall,,! ii. the IiliiioiKdilci-'alioii
rrsultcd iu Wil.-on, :?',; Coiiiiv, 16. Eb-v.-n of lha
Nl w-Voik ib-b-ifiitioii wlio had \ofcl in tbo IfllefB
tioii liic.-tiii^ >(.-t, i,li> t,,r Coli'.-.x BMBBd *A :
fiirn.^ thia BTWlBg tb.it tlic.v slmnlil Kiijipr-it liini,
makingthc rote 88 froni tbsi st.it,- ImleBd of 14.
Arauvii-s ?i theWhwaaala men ahawodthatl
,,?, ,; m i,,i Wflaoa. lha Connectieui
delegation f notto preaeat &UL Hbw
?- mo to tin- Coiim nlioii. ih, v ar.-liini,
.eaily di\i.lcd b.tw.-,n Cotfai Mld Wflm.
made in thfl TflBBI Mt l delcgatiOB. and
n.-arly hall tBfl (b-letalc.. will bfl tn V.'ilr- .. aft. r tlie
(ouii.liimiitaiy vote $'t.i -fajnaida Laat BightCo]
f.i\ in, ti.b.iii.ed tlie wlioleori'eiiii.s-,-,-oil tll.-c I ol.d
ballot; tn, v :.ir.o .i.iini, ,1 nll theTepifackfl azeepi
P.ikoti, hut to-nif-bt thfl WtUOB tii.-n have MMU
,,f (olt.ci.b,. N.-w-.M.m.o, W yoniin_r, Ariaona,
[ontana. aiflhini m _____ 10 \,,t,s. Thfl I
ttgrt t!i.iWUflOD ^b.'e correct.'d __p t'> a li.te bour
to-nigbt. Jt /. pi.-.i.t - tbc atrength lu-.ia beliycd
tobecrlain of. after tbfl coiupliin. nti.ry rotflfl bare
gireD. It doet aol indude tha nm <?i lowi,
whieh will hfl thrown ta Jtk. V. WiUon, ob thfl
_4 balleta. if tha ti I I ? ? ""* r*-"" l" ?
ii. ii, i>v i- i '??? laaperl B Ua
ai.,1 laat: Ooaaad - i.inii, aa; ArkaaB
i -....? (,,.,-.rci.,. lfl| nilaaii. I ; Loata-aaa,?) K.iu
?-.?.-.. 1?; Keiiiiicky. s; M.i.-mk lm-' n-. M I'l'i.lC;
rl,?j N,?v,,ik. ?.'..; BewBaapabira, Ifl; >,,nli
ilj Paaaajlnmla, M; __oet__ Qwollna,
]4; X. \ ?. ir-; Wlaeeaata, n: Ma
i; (',,',,l,-,,1,,. ?_; N,.w-M. \i.-o. Sl Ari/oini, .'; WytmtUg,k
T..t-il. ;:'.'-. N.-cestai-.\ to il< lioi,
Tin-ro will paobaWj he. bat a atogle haii-.t,
nt tno aad of wkUk Umm artD ba aanagi
chaii-?, i 10 WUflflH. from ftalflfl bOBBd t-i a.i\f
in.ntaty vt,;,- by fceatraflttflOflt t* Btrfl btaa
thfl m min.'iti'rn by ll IflBOl as largo ma
?tli.-at.d in tlie ____?*( l-BI-aale. To
a groat cxtenf, lha BBONfl-l of Wdaaa
wiii be owiag to the afarta ?,f tin Mtrapapai c.r.
?,??,,|, ...lll. llior-"- Il'Oin Wilrlllllll,-!). Wll-ll
tbey aaai mto Bai aaaaaal aa MaaBlay, Vllaoa was
iiir.-uteiit ti witb flafaat.fraaa irartri aaUvewaefcata ba
^u ________ iba aaaaai tBa gelegataa are aMertjraen,
witli no Rptnude f.,r tlie paoBUaa kmd of
that vm,? bobI Boedfld. tkey _voal mm tt
ilu- tm..- l'. II ? -ir i.aoin, aud coiit.-iited tlieinsches Wltb
OlatribatlBg ;> largfl otfeolar, v hlek wm to,? loag t<> lad
many NadflN. MflBawBtlOk tha ladtaaa tatogatM wero
ludefatigal'le for Cullax, and cv. ry iiuin was out gnUr
umiK or bflaglag BaaaaTuI Baaagatealtfl lha BtaM i.<? i
<Hiarter?. .ul ri- BO. a IflW WflM e.'iiv. ltctl. At thla ciili
eal hnetB-M tBa Ba_w_P-B?iaaBatMawtBa_-BMlaMlBto
the fiay with an eariicMn,-.-1 aii,l p.a. ti_-.il IMMtBal t..1.1
ttoaea in>?n tlio aaa aaaag BakaalBM. Tii.y worted
,arly and late ; thcy (inul.il> d prlntrd flUpa contidniu^
Colfax'a lritcroflaat Jauuary, rflMfltBg laaaa <ai.,i.
date. iind ? few lutliy MfMOBli in favor of Wttaoa)
th.y argMd with r-,t,KH .,f d.KL-ato, aad with
oiit'-i.i.-r-, who had taioaaoa wuh leki
they broui-'lit to l>r..r a UgU, ?lei'ine'-. Mld
Baea tggntmtnk oftii.- potntaia rontiov.r-y, wimh
wm Jio<t what wan waataagta aaai tBaWllaaa m,i\,
luent ah'-ad. Tl.e Collax men v< N M malch f.,1 th.-C
foriiiidht.ic aalagaalaaB IBeeaa?Maaadaaflaa_l the.ii
tui,.tlv.iv i.ral BavaBlleaa papon wbm ahaoatthe
only one'.. who t.H.k m Mal m tm- pewarfaljaawag ip. i
l? 1U i.. i.aif of wii-ou. The la__taM._Waga.ea
,, i ta lo-t h.ait to-.l.'V. tkt} BMfl the only
m.-ii who did any baxd woik f,,r OolfBa \.-r. r.hiv. Tl?
dlacoura?lng "-w" f""" ?'" ?I"-',"'1-- ll,'l;l''l,,;1:l,T:IM.
,,,, ratiout aft, . the Couventlon adjouruod, aud m,,-t or
tbem feit diapoaed f. glve ap tbe flul". Bncouragenjenl
e-ime io them tx-i.U'ht fioiiia remarkable quarter. iln
d, Icimtiou waa eo?vene<l m I v,-l...-k t<> b.-ur ?u importaut
dlapatcli from WaabiDgtoti wbkrb a delegaie i-i...!.... <i
wi& ImpoaHif-traTltr it prored to bo a long dUtnba
ucaUiat tbe ?n-ib.ng.on correepondenta wbo ari aprk
luifor WllHon, -'si'"1 ['> 1.1. Crounae. oorreapondenl
ot Tkt Nr? lnrk limei. Tbe dUpatob BtlgmatlsM me
(anrraapondenta aa oorrnpt joUliera, .... mon
,.f no reapoctablllty, aad nawortby <,r beiier,
wbofalaifled vn wa to lujtne Colfax, aod aa Oreeleyitra
lu dlaaulae. wbo were iry.n.r to ruln tlie Vlc. I realdent
: b-would nol betr..) hi- (hlcf. --,?? Ibem
,,ai_., ,1 wuh aupjKjrtln/. ?...-, !<v becauae be bad
? ?l ,)?? hi-i.ot ,,ii.e for tbem. Tbll atuff, wbleb w?mld
tni hall a coluiuu m pnnt.apwared toj.lv. -.,..?-., n,f?..t.
to tbe IndlanadelegaU .andattbe eoocliulon ol th?
readlna tbey (rive three cbeera f?r Uolfax.and detcrni
Inedtoiirinl ihedlapntcb to rtronlatol.rrowlntbo
,,,? Tbey (ll.l nol appetJ to api?re. late ll
th i loglvi publJrlti t.ui o ; aitjnipl to
,.,,, , ,,.,? i?- Miow-JoiirnallatB for -_._fcr.n-. wltH
"waatotundluatea would mjui- laataadal i? i|> Bn
i.r < oiiui.
,111. ,,M-TIKM l'l.!?? ll'l.i, GKOWlBfl IB
ri.ri-i.akiiv?mai.<a( iu m.i n -tOCVg-EO or
J'liii.Ai.i.l.rillA, June Ti.?Tho chnuly tkjt
with a Mi.art duxti <>f riitn alMiiit iMMMBfll BMO. tli.?
i_,,i-ii1i,?_. diove thfl IWMBtM flfld lh.li Iri.-ndc lii,l? t.
uiial Uu .om-lor.-:.,f the ( uiiliueuUl II,,t.i aud I
lloiiH.-, f..r tl.e tiirt tiu.'- thia week, MMflM
... i.?- of really aiiimated dlaeuaaion. Tl.e
IIouim ut IU-|>reneiii.tt,v. k BflataggMttimmi y.itter.lay,
the in,,n,mi.' kaaagBI i.inio?t tron beBabBaM ii.eumcr,
u;nl thflfli Bl.,' ....< ii MN i-ii.ily flBBM-4 ?'"' ta ? "
_i.tivi_a frvio ithcj IflaaaotlVI ^tatee c?u?a____u? aud
oonsulting on tho Vlee-Pr-ald.-n.-y qtieatlon. The en
tranco to the Conttnental Hotel bad tbe appearance of
a theater lobby half ao bour ln-f..rn the rurtaln rtaea on
the nr?t aet of a popular play. FalliDir Into tbo right
haud llne, whleb U alowly worklng Ua way ln, whllo
a.?'ll..r e-iiially crowded ls movlng outwan), one,
Ifkekeepetteaee oaeafk.al kaagtk laaakoa themain
conidor of tbe hotel. Ilcre, the erowd of yeati-rday
Beeeeaoe a moh, Ikiiail wni.-h tt a ninmat titamtaam to
move. Ono of the tlr-t BBBO UM ? oiv,-|i,.ndciit meets ia
a I'nlte.l PtatOa Baaaaae from the Went who, thouirh a
aupporterof (ion, Orant, ba* none of tbe narrow. Iillb
rral notion? wl.lrb unhnpinly bbve iroverned ao nntny of
Ma aaeookrtee. " How do you thtak the abaaoas aro
lu tlie Vi. .? -i'r. -sld.-nry ra.o tl.ii niornlti- l " la Uie
flrat qiHMl'.n i>tit to .-very BBM BB mor-tB. Tlio reply in
theprewnt lii-tnii.c 1.. "(>h! T thlnk Wllaoo laahead. I
. kOMM not NaaBO Mr. Oreeb-y'i friendi. lf tttey rejol.id
..v.r Wll. on'K iioiniiiation," he ad<K and when eahed to
explitln. rcpllea, ? Whv, yon aee then-1" no a^meiit In
f.ivor of Otaaf- renominntion that M not e<|ui?lly itrong
ln favor of Colfa-Vand I t.-II you," ?>e eirluim-d wltl.
H'tiiowariiilh. "If UM rotiventlon fa"" to Bpply tl.e
t-.M, term prteetpM lotka whaletlehel, the pe.-pin wiu
not nri'lv tt nevt Wtm iot?T. I t' 11 vn ?* ?? a rainUka
t.i taaaa Oattat aiertoard."
N.-ar I.y ls atfrmii'of men aiirroiiti.lluK l'*-'1 who are
lliaaaatactka aaaaa laaaUaa. Oaa* vh>? ?uihm,.u Mr.
ajOaO-t, reiicals ull tlie BHpaaMM-l lu I'I- BBOOB wblcb hit
IHeada haae k. ot h ton tht ? ' ",r,co tnf'lr
kiilaal IkBkMMlllf attaatatk, Me aaa warttt tt kt
parfv-iind, flniillv, appeal.. for Ma BOJf*_> on tlio
gr.,ni..l lli.it ho waa iiid.ir.-d to enter tho
,.,iiv.i. . hy tho put.lle annoinceinent whlch Coi?
fax made th.it he Bhwld not l*o a .-andldate,
for rc.ion.linit. H. re ba I" interiui.to.l. -One
point at a tn,,.., if vou pteaaa. Waa, i *-?y * ?* takk tt
aaa tkal baal ai|.ii-B-al Matael OaMas, and imt mrainnt
Oraat. Tii.- i.,t:.i, jo.ikiiow, before koaaaaeajtaatad,
allowed Ul.iind'i-t.Itkal he_-Oto favor ofti.e
auiikiiaapilailiiKi Maea taal aaaobabaoitoaiaaaaB
toaaaaaBblaa iod, b .keaea?war,Ckil__,ta-iaan
airo. thoiu-lit th. i it w-.uld bO BOM towiil.draw from
pui.iu- Ma, aadaaMaa, if aloee then a-reaaaaeaaeaa
hftvee.i..'i_.d. and he ?rtakee la laeoaaadaakMfaraaaB
,1,-tcriiiinatiou.ii, aa*M toht kaUai BoMbora-lj BakM
Tbe next aaaa-beea the aaaieapnartanl -Boota in a po
naklUMBBI llll 11II """ tr.mi 1'cijUK.vlvaiiiii. not a
delocate totka Oea-reaattoai la baaeeB hdaai-t.-.i la Mr.
(,ic.-i.->-8 pawpoete Ihaa ba tbe Vtoe-Pree-deacj
iitriit, and tii.- b whfit in- aejra, "i taa kq
fri.nd- tbal it eWt took aatl toa Baiahkeaaa to
Ut, (ini-i.y, ttn aaaaa arke has iaae i"f'r''
for tlm Baaj-obBaaa peatj aad BOMfeeeai aaaoa aaaaa ta
i. p bUeaatoOi thn any other. 1 mu..(-*?(. I -liull vote
f,.r tiicnoii.in.cof tklacaavoottoa,bM ?- tentietratk,
I doii't thlnk I Hull im'* anvl""l> to vot.- un 1 <i?>. BOd
I don't now Intend to do anv work B*8_l?8(
(.rc.l.'V. 1 only Wi-h tlmt thi* C"iiv,i?i"ii
would' iioiniii.it,' iiirii; tho peopic would
him such a I - hus n,.t l'-cti known for ycirn.
Nu, nm i aaa ol tim** wi.o toeleo*-eeeel*B_BB_rata
rapporta_Oaeetar. i have fraaaaoaaaaaeokalfceaVI
P'litl.'iuiiii - Int.-vrify. nnd I kohfi heltota hi
li.ukon hi-prin.-ii-lc- ?.t tl'i- latt da). EfJeCDavM
can vote for him. and BOffart ati l-lutfoio., so ion- h Bbp
bctter, If-ny."
M?aatotka kaalM-atw ^ IkaiadlOBi,;
tkaa, the .-, rt?-i,,,ndciit lada tka lapeoeeBlellaaa -f
that Btate coaal-kraMj looaaeallBed and a aaodittal
. .i Tht ooat tt tht aettoa M l i i
,i, i,igattoa boa jaot ooat tatttrot, 0-Mie*aMaa,ollea
WIttlal nt tkt takto for ? few nih.'.t. a
tttriam off iu au eaetted Baaaaaea. aad.
I'l.uuli.hiiiK a pnp?-r. ttjai " '?'??''. **_ J
document for tbe Maaaaebiiaetta rti.-n: JaM took
at Mt. Flri ? fkore M Boelwell. Beeretary of
tl .-Tr. Murv: next,tbi r-l- Dawea.Chalrmanofihe t- i -
ai.d M,?:.';.- c.iiiii-'tt'-c: tli. i. there la Banka. t-airniiin
ot tbe Porelarn ASatraCorntolttee ofthe "onae.OBd Wll
' ''iiriii.ni of tbe MUltary Coruralttee of Ibewi ite.
i -?...,-,., tbat M - "oitiiiiatci i barlea
Humnerfor Pre-l.len( an.l fV'ila..n forVloe-Frealdenl.anil
I ,,1,-dK.- tbe aupport of Ihe lndiana -eleaatlon. n.,v
\ng d.iivci-, d ci- apeeeh, be wi nt oll to Ika thm-toa N
nchua. ti- iic.i.l'i'ii.ttcr-,.
Ihe i.-trloroc, li'il.-d i.v tbe Ullaoll dele_mtl?-i Im
n ibe cv-ciiiiiir. an attra. live eanter, ai.d waa. ln
f i.t' ihe onlj -p"t in Ibe rontlni nl .1 llolel ab. re ??
,! to inp. m de, for a ttane, tba aua
m of lli?- Vi, e-l'i-.-.d, III '|ii'rti.,ii. und tlie
,.< t-banoea of th, -? Here a dele
(rate entertalned bN a.latea wltb I
ni,- aad eatnpeie- aonaa, nntll he had attracted
a ro.-to full, oad tbe balla 1.aroa nolay witii akaaata <>f
laiiL-iii.-i. Appareotly no etj waa toll over tbe
oiie.timi at i--,ie. A dcii ,-,',?. i ni-iiiiiK, aald thal
had deeided on Wllaon, aad tbM aoa a sort ot l.n.ii--"
uw i iur .uui, Ipated -ii." --. .?__.___,
.rh(, ,-,U baa ii.
1,, r.-.l bv iii- dete/atloii I.. I'l.-ent the name ,
(iraiit to the ( ,,nv,itl',ii I.. ",.ir,.u for r tioit.inafi.il.
h lu.vctiiic -?; the B un- i ? ed thla
ioiiii, Inimi .1 ' : i.iiiiini.'iit of tbe
Dtlon. Wii. ti it iii. . toord. r, C. c. Kul
ton of i!:.iiiiii?.ic ara l I bab naa. .Mr.
Onlv . f ... oi -ii' iiiiiuire.l wh.ii lb. Ol l' ' t ni ilicinc. tlii.;
wi-. Boom ,,,,? r. i-ii. <l t it It naa toamu cefeeaouM
rt, ,i i, in,u upon c queetlon. A
,|, i.i'iit,. tben at once if.iv, ti'.'i'i th.ii the South imi-t ba
treate l with - - 1 attempt to i
iinir votea lu advairee l.j i irraaaetnenl
would nol ni, ?--I. Hc then moved Ibal tbe n_e?-ling
ii, ||i,iirn tiiieilu, vv lli, li WM a;i,'d tO. Hi' li l. nd.. if
tiic otiit-r wiiii baaiaf
rl.llt, ll (bla lll'lt. 1414 i.l .
co*v_:mi<.\ no'ii:s
i.. i nKMi.'N- A*i. -ii.i: IBOW?vv "it-nv
aii. i.i.i.inAri?THB WOlttl is iui- iili.i.
? llll. wi.-i VIKGUHAX-Ul
ibt iKi.i.. iMiii Toriip. inami
rnii.ADi.i-riiiA, Jun.- 5.?Tho .I.t(initi.ni. of
tin A.-adctny of Mii-i--, altbeart Maroaiy foaWfflBajthe
, (traaaaaat and _aaaftoatlve fleoertptloai ettkaloeoj
preaa, aro totj pn-tiy aini atrlkfciti Tia- IfeeataCtba
baUdtaa ti i.rof.ir.-iy iraaod with laraa tottt oad a
lirilliiii.t tttptoy , f I'ni.tii a ii- made ly -f n-tclil n _r ropes
acroaa Uroad-ri., from IbotOf "f Ika boftd-OfftOtkrOO
taii i>.,',--, an.t auapeadlBg froa. tke i,,i>e.->8 aaalMtada af
n.i_- ,,f vartoea aottoaa Tkelateiloradaaaaaoal n, ajaaMa
At mpilfllataat f. Um CroataM IkokMeoaj,
family ,it, !>-, aad iiiiii'itli. at< r, la_raja tiann, eoverliiK tho
ciitin- wiKK.'-woik BkaoM fi.iii vi.-w, art- thrown over
aad ' :.u.-ht aa, and thea laed to the pHaia aaderaeetk
?appeattaa Ika tb ta, Baaaaaaaa arkMa BaaaaBal i'.-;iiing
aaaaktoMa tka araoo ofovaaj Btata aai T.r.itoiy in tbo
Daton, nre htint; over caili of Ib.ho Urge Hob;-*. The
?akakaooaaratakaa up tvitb wnotka of laaraL
Btartlna from tbe domc over the t-liaunflicr, lonif Mtnp.
of evercre.n are loopid up, nHM?Bf to tbe cell
ln? ov.r tho tieia and B-BffBk while
aiind the (liandtlicr. BaMBkB_M B_ cavalry
pmdona of 8llk are diati il>u:, ,1 wnti pleasinK 'il" '.
HanniiiK bOBkaOl coiitaiiiliiK iilaiit. nnd tiow.-raare ?ua
liindcd iM-tvvc ii tkt p_baa Jlic vvluleol tbc eapacious
KtiiKe. except a t-iuallapa.-c ln front, i* occuplcd by the
derk?of tbc newapapei corre^MiudeuU, riaina ooe al.ove
aaotkae to ih, hm k of ti,,- hoaaa, i ha "a?ft aaaaaatlaaa
bobb?doi ptotaaoeol WaaMaakMb UaaoBaj aud urant;
llayit, iiowii-, BBd iii.. ii lian, l.tr. Tlm arranxciuetita
made l,y tlie t. :. papk " ini'i.i.i(8 for Ihe trau.uilsalon
ofdi-ipatilitrfri 'int ln- luui. Uag an- udniiial'l.-.-ilarueeori..
,,t aaaaaaaaa Wn. eatablinbed iuroouifeouuiinulfatiuK
witb tka ataaaa. Ika Balaaaiaa ooaaaff lboioaf_aolo-al
f>ii,i|ii< -I-. iriic, ni.il the ,|iiai I.r_ .,1 .... I. Haai d.-loKatlon
ai,- dcr.i4.'tii4ted ly rii.ail pMdOBB "I t.Ulf i-llk Wltb Kl't
i, tt.-r.iiK. Iba aaaai Haaooaa laa tue affootoaaaa, vko
ure adiulttcd B80a tlckets ol.liuiicl (1001 iM-PiBB. ihe
s.-v.ni (kaaaMtCea al ArrHngementB have perfornied
their work wilh mat , fll i.-n.-.v. and tt-i-elve muc_ii.iai?e
OU ull hand.".
Tue .old, drliiluiK C-ilu wliirh < ontluucd Ihe whole ity
int.rl.rtd wltb luauy rln.l doumu^trationa vrbleli
hai i<?n piaaaai. law -i iiaaaa bbbbII daaat Oaka
man i.e-i up .-mi aaa~ CkootaMtak, to Iba toaaaooa,
lo.ik.n_. ili.-iu I,, ,| nnd dir.i.ii-oluie, miJ ? few butidren
cun,.ti- aooffle, vmii. iln,i.i-. iiar, patkaiai m liom el tkt
Aci.,1. m\ lo m , the , ui-ide UtuiouBtraUoua, aud look at
tjie. d.'K-auiloiih aa thi) Uled lu. Tbe uunuroua vendei
ni ,ak, - aml ii, i ake i.i-i i-iaiiii.-i."' tkah Htau.t? apoa
tin. n,i.-.aii.. i?.,r tka AoadeOBi aa-aaaad to Mee
., i.i Iaada. Jimt aaaaaa taa alaael fiou. tke
Ai.ul.uiv. t; .,i, ul. of l.r.iut-* \va-MIi_.t"ti
atgaa, ntokaHaaal ?apuMa-aakafotooaado twOding
wi.i. ii in.) boaa li.iiniM.iiicii aaiiaaaantT-* wlmKtttB onl
-i lu bonor ol llii ,r i-,tioii. ll?i i,, ultural
Hall, -.Ojoiiii-k |ke A, ad, i?j , i. ur, ,1 Ior tl.. u,e?-tlliK- "t
thi- ( oiuu.iti-.. ,,f ti.,- r?i,vei.ii.,ii, i?"J Be-e_l iu tb.
dc. ..ratlou of ll.e Ack.1, my. ihe llne dtofMll of tuiutiiiK
front tbt-4. buildlnaa und tbe fla?ei hoi-ted over bot. ti,
reataurantB. and ral.M.ua, ln the MMk-MlboOd ffOOii
pro.lu.on btaiiilful ?-flt.-t und. r fuvorlun nkiea, hut Ika
ralu kivc to. v.r> thii.tf m OaWOaoBk* **1*_*__** lo?k*
|,rov.H atlvc. of ini-lmn lioly lathei thal. cuthualaiui.
Th. followlng aptMiula lu Uibalf of tb* Wouiru'a Ri?(ht
rrn will be preaent. .1 lo tbo ( ..uvcnli"" Whether the
(onvcntlon. bowevcr, will lytorporaUi M1m Aulbon/^i
?Iaai in the P-OMOraa eaa b4- told better after tbe ad
jourmutut ?f tkc Vvav.nUou ibaa lt .b* *? Xa* ?5rc<H'nt
tlmo. Miaa Antbony and thoae aho repreaonta, however,
aro d. termlned n.,t to let paaa an opportitnlty to rall
?ttemlon to thcir i-lalma, and they have placcl upon tbe
Convrutlon the onua of rojec tin* or MMfwB_| tu? I*1--*
ln qucation: .. . __.
No. 833 Wat.wtt bt.. 61 h month 8, 1*172.
PEARFnir.vn: I am aaaure.l that over aixty of tho
abh-M w.ioii n of the land are ready to take tbe fleld for
tli- ll,?piiblican pn.ty, if the Coiiventlou now in aeaelon
wlll ndi<\'t BOtne plank that wlll allow them thlaoppor
tuiiltv aa honeat, acrloiia wo'k.-ra for human riirhte.
It. low vou wlll tlud a e.py of tho pLank, whleh, tr
adopted. will afl Ibfl eaaaaoi of an antnualaam only
ciualcd by tbat of 1?_C for Fremont. Very reapeetfiiilv,
K. M. Dam-.
To P.obcrt Tiirvli, Delegate to the Republi.au 1 BM IUr
II-.__ix.rART...-* Wo?__i'? Cifthaof Dki koatrb, 1
No. M Waim t -r., 1'Hii.Ain.i i uu. Jinn- .',, 1.7J. J
Tu the Committee nn I'Uitfnrm and IletolHtxOUt of the -VU
Naaiai Ummkliewm CkmotttUttt,
OeMi.i.MKw-. In iKihalf of tlio women of thla natlon,
on. half of Um rntire p>-ople, I aak you t<i put a plank iu
..mr platform ihat ahall aa-aert Iba <l.ify of the Mattonal
iKorernmenl to proteet woeaea citlr.ona in IBa exer.leevt
Ibelrrigbl lo vote. aad tkerebj make lt poa.-oi.io f.-r
W( lii.-ii poar. aaed of a true aelf-reapcrt to iulvocato the
clalma oi tbe Bepnbllcao partv to the auirnwcaof the
peopla*. R.-Hi.ectfiitly, BOMS lt. BMMBT.
I'r.-sldeut National Womai.'i. Huffra^c A imm latlon.
Tlu- Wost Vir^'luia d.-l.-^.tlnn met at the 8t. Ijiwrenco
ilolel at I o'eloek thiH uxottr.iig. w'h. -n lt waaculledto
,i'l,r, ex <;>,v. F. II. I'u tpont roao aud aald that he
ewedlttO lilinaalf an.1 to the eountrv la make a frmik
-tiateiuent. Ile had been one of the iirat to aid lu ortrau
Ixlngand auatalntnjr tl.e Kepublican party: hehaddo
vnte.l llia 1>. .1 t-i.. ikIi-h Io ,1 ill aliliahliio an.tl.lntor.il,
i.ii.i iuul braved everytbtag to Kive aaat. ai M Ita prtncl
ple , ..ml woald do aostlll. ile bad beped, wbM -.-lected
without soliritallon to eome aaa deh-irate to thli Cinven
il,,ii, tii.it tbere mlgbl ba aiill an opportuulty to aavo
tho puity ty ,.... noiiuiiatlon of au _M-c.-plni la
mal candidate oaa aaa woald oh.-y the
lawi.laaapaattM popalar win. iiut. it ia aow <vi
.1. ui tbal It waa boataa agalaat aoaaj "'-' tala lan.da
mootiiig/oi ,li-.ii..-laiiou m io tiu- ii,i,i,-:. of tbe Be
lmiiliean parl f, or ,,f the eountry, imt a meetlng to oin-y
in.-. izeetlag il. ttnaada of aiiogaal powar. M.-iiher the
adiuoinii.ii.a of ( uii lnnall n-.r of hiiuui. i aro h. c.1,-,1,
uii'i it in reaoln >l t,< deotroy tho organlaatlon t?, icratiiy
a nere pereeeal Oovernment. I thireton. withdraw
froiu ihe il. hiration, aud ^'i\e. you tl.la tim. ly nuti, ?? lo
fl'l u.y place. 1 ahall I iu u ho liee lo j(ive my c.ui.ot
t.|l|,|?ll I l'l lltir.K'() l.i.... v.
(,,,\. i'u -rpout't ipeeea wm Uka a botnb-ebeU ln Ut
Ba kaa* Bei. Not a word .tu said lu anaw.-i, aud ho
wltbdrow irom th<' ?ootlna
I.l.-ut.-liov. Mueller of Ohlo, when e|.-,t.-.l Viee-I'ifr-I
dent of the .hl'sratlon, jc-tcrdav, lnf,,im,-tl his f. Uow
Ji-h-Kal.-n llmt ho wa* oppoau-d to (irant, und rlmuld bo
jrlad to aee aome otlo -r .iindiilati: mktOkttX Ov\. Miu-llcr
I. a Ueiniuu of largr inlluencc ln North. rn (>!,:,>. TWO
of tbe Ohlo fi.-hv.ii,-, iu apeaklngof Mueller'a deelai
tion to day, aald that flu-y ayinprithiroil Wltb him aud
would !,<? giad lo drop (.r.tnt aml take up Botrtwell, hut
bopel. ? totry le aeeomaUM g_hjrtBI_ag ta
tll.lt llll, , IK'U.
IBa Oaa al lai ob Ugbl aforaailoa. laat niKht, wm eeae
mande.d by Lleut.-Col. Poraey of ta Marine loipn, who,
lt appeara, haa raotrod tara al aboaoM trom Ut .luti.-s
?a .iiioiti--, r <,f iluii ary t>. argaalaepoliticalclnba?a
iiiiiig nnprecedeuted lo tba blatoiy ol tha navy before
the preaeni Adminlatratlon proatituied uii -kiparlMaali
ol tho Gaiiiaaaanl to political uhch.
A aol.li-ia'an.l n..ll.u?' moctlng waa MM btti thifl
oveaiag. with Ofla. BaraaMa praaNbag?al abtahlatWM
decld.-.l to inaumii'-.te a iiioven.ctit of th.- aaMi-M aml
laBaratfl fa-.,,r -.,f Oaaattaad a Cearentlen waa ar
d to he beld hereearly tn July. Tbeohleel of th.
to . ottntenu t tbe effecl ,,f tbe (fcclaratlana
,,f uuiii roua promtn al ex-offleera agalnai ilu- ra
'-..nii. _
Bl i.i.v. j.o,. w. OBBBJT' SMilii, BKBATOB
MoliroN, .Mi uillKU-ADJOI l.Wll.M 1?
llll il.-D.VV.
[(.l.XKHAl. m M I N'U. II. I
I'lin 'io i riiiv, Juiii'5.?A littb- iit'l. r BOOB
( x (; v. ? latiin of Haaaanhnwttn, fbalrama af tbtt Yu
tlonal Execiitlvc Committee, called tho <'??_..o.tioii tfl
ii,- ipoka M fatlewai
(,i mi i MMIOB llll; . onmmi.'N: Kl-t'i,-,! aceOTdlog
t,. ti.e ii-., ??? of the Bepubllean party, ln Convcnl
,l? people ln every s.at,-, yon bave aaaembled for the
,,,,,...r piai in,.- l-i nomluatlou t andidatea for '
biKberai , Mcei 1.? glft ol tne American people. Yoa
rrprcaeu. .. party founded on tbe broadeat princip - of
fret-doin, ju-ii"-, nml bnmaolty, aiul wboae achleve
i-itni-, bave been the wonder aad admiration >,f the
ii. ii/,.,i world. Th- prooiiaea made four yeara linca ol
proareaa uud refonn bava been falthfullv luiuil, dm tbe
L,i.n..niv by tha Mtlon of eqoal riflits to all; ln the
reductlon ,-f Ihe |?ubUfl expendlturea and the publlc
uobt' iu tbe decreaae oi tbe publlc burdena; ln
tbe fmproremenl ol tbe publie endit; li ihe
,,,.,,,( ol the publlc faltb thal no ael
vt rt-pudlatlon ahall ever atain the et-tnu.
i.i, .-,,,,i ,1. lecuiing i- ice and order thronarhout tue
H, publie You are Bummooed to d. clare your Bdetlty to
thi.re i.i iu. il,l, r aud piirpo-. - whit-h have luoUKht i? I.
bei.-, i.t.-.-riili. to tbe nitlon. We wlll not fear tbal
i;? people will deaert thoae wbo bave been faltbful in
m.l ..tber oripiui-atioua,
. ou. pi.iicipleaai.dpron
I., our polio. laet ua g? forward wltb conOdenl
fi.it h that our cauaewUI triumpb, uotwltbatanding uu
u i, ovi r a.i , omblnations, l
,- i? ita ,?, utluued ?uccean ara
CCBter. : '' L'*-h' * bOgn ot tlio
"'ii'.''...I,. lii-ion he ,.,i!,,i ?n tba Bar. Alex. Beedetf
I'lnl idelphia, who addr. oa ,1 tbe Tbron, of Oruce,a_tUli.?j
a tlivim- lileaalUK Upon tbfl MtlOfl aiul Ihm I
,.','."'( la'ili'n then nomlnated the ITori. Morfon Me
Mi.'ha, l aa U ;.,,- rar) I hall l[ ' "? "?
Lan, .i ii. i- - iula.and itr. LewU ,?.*d) ol
l..-,.i-i.-i,a .oii-i.i. i.-.i luiu'o tba ebalr. rappl-Mfl.]
; , ii ur mi:. m'mi- ii aii..
Martaa m< ICIohMl. oa tflhtag ta ahalr. Mtd:
, 11 mi -s (,i raa Cuiiwnoti 1 taaab yoa tor tbe
reaidiuK,. w !l ''"' ""?' **** l"'r:l"1 ' ?B_U
ii-n'i.iv tbal bonor, ,,\,. aueh ao aaaemblage u i tbla. I atp
tbe more quallncd beeaoae, aa delegaU ttom Pennayl
Tanlaandrealdentol Pblladelahla. K gtrea aae aa oeea
don to welcome yon to our Btate aad eity; teaay to yoa
?:i how -i,,i weere to bave yoa aaaoeg ..-. bow obre
fuilv weuahaU endearorto projaote roar comforl whBe
vou i.-mnin wltb aa, bow dealroM tMI vhea yoa toare
na raa wUl Veare wltb awa hngroaHona u wlll Induce
rouirequently toracurn. Dnderany circuinatonceathe
i.res..,.'.'of a.. many dlatiumilahed men (rathered from
Ln |,-.it-,?f thlsmlgfat] itit-i. whlehgrowtaod?tretcbea
aoratii.ilv tbat ln tbeae recunlna quadreniilal convaea
Uona! n.-w BUtea, nen rerrltortea, an I in thla ,.,-,-. bap
dIIv Ior tlu-. auee ?r bumanlty and pro/reae. a neai raee
_-*,ew at leaai In the ,.,.-.-,---!.... ol poUtlcal rlcbta
and (ivil lunctlooB, an-l aoon to be endowed
wiii. aii tbe attribntei ol eouallty- are repreaented.
Under any clrouanataa-Wf, your praeeaaa would M
fonaaaourreol latlafwition,and lt ta ea].?U> soin
viea i tho purpoae wbleb bM brooghl you bither. XV
ii alcoutenta whorecently met at (riiclnnaU were wlth
,tH en' itiieuci. [ApplaiMP.) The Democrata who are
'. .It . ?t liaiii.iior,- w... be witbout a prtnelple
l Aiiii.il.,. j The foi rn, t, ha_ ln? no motive ln common bul
oV-ri. ,ai dl.iBppo.ntmen-.attempted _?fuaion ofrepeDIng
I Uli'l, ta, loiiii, d ni exploalon. ll..- latter.
demded from the blgh eatate they once oeeuuled, pia
?,?o i u abaii.lonmeii, ol thcir Ulenttty, wblch m*mat
, h i ulike tbe arat,you are tbe autbentie ene
nentaol a arcal national umaui/.atiou baaed upon prin. I
i.?'-iii...aMh.- marble, founded at* tl?-1.? k. aa t,r??d
Sdge"eraua .. , a,,?K air." [Aoplauae.] Cnlike the
Utt v. ur oi.ject la tt, preeerve, aol t? deatroy; aad. awa.
".men. .un. Ing from ""th tbeae ln ebarai i.r and alma,
v,,u wlll dlffer no leaa iu the nature ol your de
Uorahou,. UU IM ~ul?.. t Wbteb b-j^^
niexed und mual couttnue to perplex their
em.n.1.. ln yourw-ratber W me ny * ?**~
tbeie wlll be almolute harmonjr. WUh us the raelcc
tion of a ITealdeniial oandldate ia a foregone eow hiatoa.
>.nt.an.ltu...ultuo..h..i,|.laiiHc.l In that r, K^r.l the
i,-.,ph- have <le, i.i. d for iu ln advanee.aod we Eave only
...mn the will mto proper ahape i>> lonualiy uouiiuatinx
v\llt\>. Oraar' A,- .uum-I And with the bleaalnic
,.f .,?! we ..hall not onl> make that uon.iuatioii without
diiuurV witbout debate. without dlaaent, bat we ahall
make il under aueb au-.pl. ch that will laaara Ita (.oinnle .
aiKlabiiiidai.tratitl.-aiionatthe polla. [Ap|BaaM.I It
dwa not necd, nor. conalderlna my lemporanr oeenpa
non of tWa < hair. woul.l it bo -ultalde that lahouidenter
,,lt? a.,v elal.oialo .ou.iii. i.ta.y M tO tiie l.ierlta of our
candidate; bul thla l will aay. tliat, notwltbatandlna all
la- u.al.i-ui.i.t venom that haa been aplt at him. all thr
,?"??a.aluii,ui. athat bave been heaped upon bla.aU
the diMifracclul Blandem thal bave been elrrnlated ln re
?ard u. bla, <o a. Oranl al tbla Baomeal enloya mott U
tbe coufldence ol bia oountrymen, la believedby themto
Ih mi liou.-ter. true. an.l In-tter man, than any of hia
deiraetorn. [(ireat . ii. .r- and throwiuKof hata an.l
haudkerih___>fa.J No one iu ,.ur <l..y haa b. eu moro
ra. aei.-.rh , more ahau.1 Icaaly v.lnu',1; none wiU be
more ll.orouahlj vlndicatcd. Tlu- _rr.-at he .11 of tlie
Auii'i'icau lieople iH-alnie-i-onaive totiutJ and liuti,.-.
fndoathej iiav.-t.i. ,i.,n.d t,-t.-,l,..i?l t. i.-t.-tt lm.., iad
?a tbi * know that in? -4a>ln-fltratitfa haa been wlae and
iiiihiui Haihii baveaeee the naUou proaper under ala
rnJe ur it baa new. |?oapored belara, tbey wlll itaad by
_mO delend. aad wben tbe ballol i-.x ^i..-tli.-ma.-ii.-uit.
to do a?, aveoire him. [Applaaae.] Bemembertng tba
.?rt ti .1- wbleb alone wltb bta fellow aoldlen h,-uml, r
sM-nt darlna 'he war, bia aaerUhx i of rou and ,,iiir..rt.
bla perll io '...v aml ui ulghl. tbe . vi.i e- b) meana
ot vs i.i. 1. ll...-.- who i.?w revtle him were able toi
luxurioiii i, i?->- bi a aafe dlalanoe from danger, tber aee
ouiif wiiin.K beahuuld Indulgelu "i .!" ;l
. ,,- aiidaea uie lolterlnaa." and th,-.v mean tofurnlab
blm with tbe opportunu. ol aajoyiug "''. ' \<<r li.\^..
fuur \i ua l.i eome. Aa lo the Vic. I ., _*tt ucy.
aoTdoubt. neBtlemeu, it..-.. will be varloua pref.-rcn
,. .-., /..f ?, w.nai Brat toror oaa. mom aaotber,
bul ?.- ahall .ui atrtre to obtala IM beal u.-n. Md Wbea
,?:,,,,??,- li nltlmately made, I troel u. ? ahall aii f.- ?
Uat wr have au,. e.-...-.l. lu regatd to the platform O
i ,, i i, ?, f?r me to a.itl.ipate, but aloiiK with
;,^:.:::.:;;,U-?.',olow, ?_ u^*j wm,^
::' I', 'r h., d -ay. k r. ?.na-,t; of aoaca aowertnl party,
,?l u,,w a7 fr,bW ihat .1 !? cryl? plteouMy to ita . ....,?y
f r ., ,,,7,.r a luciuKruoua alllance of 111 aaaa.rted tae
[lona w.th uo -..nd of unioi. Out thr gpaed of olBre. or all
new foortb l*a?a.
WA?iiLMiTON, June ,..?The d.-hate in the Honae of
Lords, i-oin ciniiiK tho Treaty of W_-.hington.ex.-itea
coiiiinciit in ofllcial and other qnartera. The gencral
opinion is that tho renponaibility for tho sncooas or
failure of the Treaty will now reet with Great Brit
nln, and that onr Government will proeeed
with tho luiBineaa, irrespective of Knglifth coiiiinent.
Thero ia still a hope that an areommodation will bo
rea. hed about tho eonsequential dainag.8, though
there ia no intelligonce to-day that promisea thia
roanlt. _
LoaVOa, Mav -V?If fino worda have any nititi
.11 jjenatorial niiuds, the 8upplementa' Artielo
onKht to Btand a Kood chanco of being approved.
It is aeldom thiit tho Knglish proea havo ao many
OOtopb-Banta to beatow on nn Aiiicrican inatitution
a* tli. y have dtiting the past week lavi-died on the
L-IIud fllal_a flaaatii Wa have baaa aaaaNdibal
itcontainstkahe.t iopre.teiitafiotis of political in
liKenee in Ameiiea. Tho intlueiKV, exprc-e or im
pli. it, i. obviotis to the tnio Kni'lishman, thonph it
may he lcas ol.v i.?us la ffOa, If tbi Beaate Ls intelli
/..nt it must approve a settl.-ment satisfactory to
Eiij-litii.l?which ix tho natural homo of intelligcnce,
aa of all other good qiialitiea. 'J lie only point about
which, at thi. iuoinent, tho iutcllipcut Englishninu
is much in d.?uht, i.t whether he doea or doea not
himsclf approve the now arf l.-Ie. I pointed out in a
reeent l.-tfer certain aigns of heaitation or su8pki?.n
?indications, as they scemeil to mc, of an incurablo
.listrust which miirht bo deeuied inaultiug to
America if they did not nnply in alniost the sanio
degr.-e to the Enjilish and Ain.-riean (-overiitu.-iits.
They have roaebod th.-ir climax for the prosent?in
open azpfeeaieei of hotdihty to tho Treaty itdeLf. At
leaaloM ptaavt oi bafaaaaa imn put tho jaaatiofl
"Whysav.: tho Treaty f* and ha. an-w.-n <l it !>y
proiio'iiiciiiir I'trainst s.iving it nt all. " Lol aat
Troai y ?Ude" is, in siibstance, what The Pall Mall
Gazetti: BBjai if I may venturo to put into the inouth
af aodoeoaoaa a joumal a poraphraoa of ao etprea
ai.ui on.-o famoii- in Americau politic-t. K\.u il yon
a.linit that tho Treaty was ohiunally a good thinn.
tbe d-BpatC whkh baa grown up ahout it hai put
l.oth'iiati.ii.H iii.tl'als.' pot-ition; sothat uo agr.-enient
iu now possil.lo which will not leavo on one or on
botbaidea ? logaegr ti heart baialaja-kad ?wtttal
This vi.-w has n ttrnctcl atui.tion, but has not
gafoed um.h mpi'.'it. Tht naaeatoaaed teaaidH
moiii'.-ut. That bflffOa hoea way of quotiuif
opinion . which it has not yet ..dopt.-d, WhitfA aro not
y< t popular flBimih to bc adopt.-d, but whkh it mi I.
init-- to its own iinp..rtaiit .01, .tit ti.-ncy of readera to
aee arbetbei tbey are likely tobe aeeeffteblearnofc
lf (BOted 1 parat-Taph from 'Ihe l all Mall Oatetie in
thi. aay, bat tba reeaU bm nol eaooaxafed its oea
daeton to foili.w up tba laad ai laa tary ladopoadaiTl
coteaayorary. I" aay?lew Hm ritaatka la full tt
eonttafeaelea (|ll<* thisisn.it tba ?oojealwbeaa
j.uiinal that BMMM to OhBtttt tbe avonire opinion of
iii, ? iiiiijoriiy ofthe. rot-p-:. tabh 1 t,, I it.-4.-lf
, dled iiiioiit.it.ik.anypoMtiv.liic. lt ia known that
tbo Seti.it.- ha. beea aoOod opoa for adriee merely,
opon apfoffoaal nol yet aeeeffted i>> Um Preoldeat. It
iakin.v.ii that II haaaaffgaatod a-Beadaaeata, or nn
aiiii-ii.iiiinit. Mr. Reater. Bfjeal ti foedeaoaajhto
us tlmt the aiiieiitlni.nts ar<- li-ilyver
boL Wbateret tbey bm they will r.-.|iiiiv the aaaeal
,,f tha Kn.li-h C,o\cniui.'Tit, BBffpoalllg the nmende.l
arUcle to larrlTa tho leaatorlal oi.i.al. utnf
?in-icfore, tbe artlcle moal eoaMaaek bere for
.;,, t.'i baah dioeaaaiea iu tl..- Be-_vaaa_a. aud
racyffooaibly fordloeaaaka ta I-rHaaarat. latbe
8liapoiii-Alii.il it I.-lt J.or.l QnaTtDe. h.m.l.-, l.n
waa pledged to it Uodlfied by OMly a atngle
word. sho ifl |leifa(l lo it n? hmirer. Amended in
theSeoateaoakto make it _aoa palataaleletAaaai>
iea-ih.ii ti whai aaaaa laa. baa beea doao tbem la
ii?l!iiti_rt<,i.rev.tit itsheiti!/ fiirtheram.-nd.-d on this
ni.l.'lomake it more palatalile to r.nirl.inil. Tlim
haa beea so naeh mltielaa affea tbe form af it that
it i.i most iiiilik.ly that tlie Enffttak i;..v.-n tm nt
wiii i.-.-i ii-ii aido to aaMal loa _Bod__-eattoa iaa
aanoea__-a--n_ble to tho EafHeh vi, w. Ur.Olad
?teae ia hrmora likely te attooaft aaaaa aakeadBaoal
whieh mav ptobably ba deaarlbad aa aaen ly recbal,
initot'whi.h the eit.ct will ba tO make tl,.' MW
, liuise inoic Btctafaai The pres-rt?not all, hut a
,?,..'., ifui se, imnof if, 1..1 i.y Tkt Thttt baa elaaa
ondforaa eapreaa eaactmenl thal tbeaewdaooe
..liall be baaefbt to tbe aotlee of tbeliMtmbaa
and that, 111 i'i4|'<ct to tho Indirect Claims. it shall
ambody worda of abaolate axelaaki aawall as ..f
abaadomaaai it is rery deabtfol wh.-ili.-i' Mr.
CfUdatooe and hi. collcaguefl will fcel itwgenoafb
t,, 1, -i-i tbe paaaoaie thus pmt u|M,n thaaa.
If. moreovcr. this view should be taken un in Par
liamciit, it will aO'oi-,1 a BOW i-retcxt for l.riiiKiiiji on
ti (let.itte; nor is if O-BBy Id MO how tlie (iovcniiii.-ut
in oaah a aaaa aaali ?fala Mh fot a aaatpoaetoeai
Thcfoil-eariinic hith.-rto shown haa been ta to a
eoarkti-M tlmt pablk dieeeaaloB would imr.-.il Ibe
j.roL'rc-s cl negotiatioiiB, aml that sccrc.
tialtoaaeeeaa Bal th.-reisno ion_.r aayaeeney.
The w bole itory is ta ariai The pca? has ieNted
te a tetalfbt ou tho ptoffooai agBeeaaaat, au.l,
ntaa af tba tatrr?- aaalety felt and expre?sed for?
s, ttleiu, nt "f Home sort, the new urtielo is vi.-w.-d
with dlelike aad atnaobeaBioa Moro than oue
j,,111 iml has callcl uik.ii 1'ai liament to int4>rvi'ne,
and, sinco the House of Comnions resnmea ou Mon
,la\, it is certain that it wiU have time to iuterveuc
betee tho baifah. can ho strmk. It is
hardly nccessary to r.-inark upon the ex
ti.HH- j.alousy which has Im-cii showu
by Pailiameut in respect to this 1R-.0
tiation. It was never meant t? let a new bargaiu
bo coneluded without its auseut, aud, siuce it has
become known that the Senate of the Unitcl Maka
ha.l baaa taken into consultation, thero have be.n
r. p. atod demanda that Parliament should bave a
ehaaee to loeJara ita opinion bea-CO tbe Sapplemen
tarv Artich* should be ratitied by Her Majesty.
" Wbaa we ar.- ta possesaion of the documente," re
i.mik.d Mr. Diitraeli, a fottnight ago, "we ahall bo
able to form an opinion as to the couruo of the Gov
enim.nt." The docunn-ut. are now publiahed, and
UIMjIllIni iMiiutfl to a debatc on a very early day
.ifter Pailiuinent shall have reasaembled. The Lorda,
Indeed,dfl not meet till the 31flt, so that our fri.-nd
Karl BaaoaO a ID have no opportunity to renew the
Hneeaotea ot his amiti.io aaaaaiaaaakai for tht
l'iiit-,1 BtatOO till after Mr. l.ihr.ieli shall havo
Indieated the eourse he nteiin . the t'ouaervativea t,.
\ at, 0 11li all theso jHrssihilities ovcilminfing, thero
uie I'leiity >.f l.ptt w ho asfltirc you that thl S.-imto
wiU ((Ttaiuly gtre a Iwo-ilunU iu;.jority for the BOW
urii.lc that il-.iiii.iidiu.'iits ueof M ooaaa\*\*AWtaa,
an.l iimt the .luii.nlt> is already aa Kuod ua -M-ttl.-.l,
1 his isat l.ast the third fiim- that it ha? been aa
g.l m M-tilcl. an.! BBON thaa Ibe third hosanna
baa beea oaagia tbe jeeHag aaaaaaaa of Tke Daily
Telrgraph. It? hadinif artich* of this morning ia
w.,rth readmir?a litth- ttt its own sake, and a kcskI
dt-al |H th. contiaftt it oll't-rs to Tke Titte*. Thelatt.-r
joumal tl'-vot.'s a l ..luinii BB |>r.?ving that. although
tbe Stippleiiiental Artkle may not be altogethcr aittia
fiietory to Knglaud, the l nited Staten havo every
reaoon to l>e rontent with it; that frtim the Ameri?
cau point of view it ia bard toaeo what obj.-ction
other than at-ntiiueutal can lie agaiiut tlio artkle.
1 _<? obj.t-tion whieb Ike limtm means, I auppoae, to
ilirule a_. si nt mn ntal ia eoneiaaly uninat-'d by Tke
ltlegrayk wh.n it criee out: "Tho oiiemv haa laid
down hia anna," tbongh it kindJy ktidn, "in a generniii
apirit." It relieaon a mktwt di?p?.ch for the aaniranc*.
that tho ratifl.ation of the Pnpplrmentary Article ."
all but c.-rtain. It (.ccJarct tbat "tbe mo-d poten
tial peisoiiage in tbat augiiet and caiitioiii. awvem
hl.iK" which fxerci-. ? au. n power ov.-r tlu action
ol the Aniericaii Govenmieut bar pgaettogOj t<.rii Ina
OWB bnef to pieeca,'' meaniiijf Mr. Suiuuer, an>l
baaiug tbi? r< iiiarkahle _.t..t< m. , t ,,n ilu- wordaof B
(impatch wlii.li iflgl_MB <b?t Mr. Suiiiiirr tuinA*
that he *_???? experled any moiiey for Ihe Indifi.'
Claima. In thia and othnr jonnialawc have, from
day to day, been favored with tlie tnort elah
orate ralenlationa aa le tho prohable vot.a of H.nal?-f..
accompnnicd |y aome diaqniaitiona on tlie <-orap?*i
tionof tho Senate. and OB Americin conntitufioi ..I
law in (Tineral. of a kind which tlie atndenf mltdrt
Hcarcb for iti \aiu in tbe paflMgf tmmT) and Kcnt.
Tbe iudnencc of pnrly apirit, aml alxivc all of flo
rn-aideritial el?-tion. hae U-eii oxplaiiK d in a
ner for whn b cmi y Ameri. an ought to fc 1 wtatef ul.
aince, if bc ia uot alwaya uirtrit t?d. bc u> tarn to Ik
aiiniaed. _______________________________________________ '' w- k
(.RKAT bhitain.
I_.ltl_.Ii I'l.MI l?.
i_a.viM,N, W. du, aday, June n, lsi?
The Haalinpn OBB-BaflJBBlAl and ft pibit wlio
waa travellng aa a paadcngtr on tbe ateamahlp lhiltlnmrn
when that Tcaael waa In colliai.ii off tho alanwe ?irn
tioned town rrecn.lv, deny th? atatemrnt whlrh waa
made at the ti.ue that the appaiatua for lowrrimr the
boata ef tBa ab tuntg aaali n?t i>? worked. Tiie Uuke
of E<linburj,'h opened the exhlbi.lon at ll.ililin. to-day,
with liupoalUK ccr.-u.oiii, a, lu tl.- pHMBM ol an iui
aaaaM aaaeeana of apectatora.
QrKBF.r, CaiifhSa, .June 5 ?Tlio priw Hcbooncr
Euola C. of Glouceaier wa. attned at Trhiiiy I.ay, Ba
mtlca Ih-Iow I'olnt I*-.inonto-i. tlie Wh of May, lu th.
evrnlnjc, havlnirat the tlme two frawla aet atul tv... u? ,
ln tim aet of lal.itif? lh- in. Bcfi.re bUttgtUt -d BM ''"I
two moro trawln in Tri.uty Hav, soiiio 60 to lOdyarla
from the plwre, and t?., m?-n w.-r<- ln tbo aet of ralainjr
thi-m with two live halibiit iu tlu m when ahe waa
baaaaaa, Th.-ir Baaa <-x.?-ude<i au.nR BMaBaMflaaM
tour or tlve n.il.-a. Ibfl a.-lioouer waa towwl np from
Karuourouaka to thia poit hy the .t.-anicr Urui.l, and
now llea at tho Coiiiiui-.alon.-ia' Wha.f. TLe Km la 0 11
owm-dbyBylTgpM Bmltb A Oa, <,f Qtoaeeati-r, Ma.*.,
and has on hoard about 2,000 pouuda of h-IH'iif.
MoVri.llKV BI in '.oVMiNMI \T PO .
.MaTAMuio'S June 4.?ToitIgBBB-g from C:i
margo up tod o'tloi I- tina afteinoon coiiflrm the oecupa
tlon of Montorey hy tho (loverntm-nr fon-.a. Oaa.
Ochoa tsolda tl.at l ity, wlii'.e <icn. Cainllo piiiaued Vir
vlno. overtaklns'him. A acv,-rc flBPP-BflBl -i.eued, lu
which the revolutio.ilrt. aaeaOOdad ln thro?:nj_ a f, r..
h.-tw.eii ('arr.-ilo aad M-.tn, mv, wlil, h r.-nd, red it MflM
_ary for Carrello to |oln the forcea of Gen. Cabelloa,
at .Mi.r, Whi.h piflM ho nached y.at<r.la>
In thia mov. in. ut tho Oovernment fonea
not only oeenpied Montcrcy, bnl have aetually eroaaa-d
the inountam-, r. a. l,:n.' Ut fro-itltr. Bhowlntr Ihat th?
revoluUoolata .,r,- not nufllclently Btrong to h-d.tauv
point on the road. The revolutlonbiti are tmog lo braab
the foree of tbia dlsaater to their raoae i,y r.|,r.-aentu,R
that Oen. Carrello waa defrated, whicb ia not tbe faet,
but, bo tbe fouirar\, be bad united w:th (Jen. Cal
wbo <? forcea are now aeoarlagUM eoaittry iu aaaaaa al
depredatlng baada ef n bata,
M i-iavk.ka*. June fc?OtmXBk mU H-flt ycterday
aaoralag with aavaaal baaflVM aaraky for M,,nter.-y.
Cev.illo. with B full for.Ifl Bf iii'.intry and arf.llery t.,.,k
np the llM of tuartli tbla BMralng. It Ifl suppoaed ihat
bla cavalry wlll isove to ward Xonterey.
The impreaalon prevall* aiuom. aii ll the
mvolutlon north ot the 81erra Madna B nracllcall. ?
!,;,-.,!. I.ai-L-,- quantltlea of mercbandiee an I
i. k frouiT.xaa, i*l.ero th.y ha\c MM rUu.d I .
montha pa-t. mm____mm_______m_____r????.
l.'i, iiM.-M,, \.\., Jnno 5.-11,0 IiiMiiitli.in;.!
.-l.hl.al I'li.-.n in,-f t.. d.iy, and talOl fa i M--'
a- the plaee for hol.liiis' the nnt antual Mfladag. H- ?
t,n waa ihr p.in,i|,nl r,,.i.,a|in_r > ity. M WM
adopted) cmiUiiiniiK the i raeN. a af _m1Bn
political m atliiM nta a qual flcatlon f. r
t -inployii.. -ui. Bubordluatc I'nlo ul-tli..
offlee, alao to admlt fcuial, prlntcra to n.emti rahlp up?n
, .. fiii.tiii.'ua mal.--. Anamendmentt. I
tutioa, propoaluc a dlacontlnuaoce of Uie rh
female Unlona, and atrlklng out the - '
laid over for one year ander Um i-.iu *. Ur r.a-.-i >t
Chkago -i?' ' ? hi regard I
pnntera throuRhout the world lu aenrt'ugn ' ?
brethren ln Cln aRoufterth. great Bre, and, In tbelr b.
balf,retoraedtbaoka Ut tbelr fellow-eTatiamen f,,r.i,_?
if.-ut roua action, The Comnutti.- ou Kuhordluat. Unloi??
din favor ofa reaolution Azing tbe tlmeofap
- ,t rour yeara, ?nd it w?a a.topti d. 1l,e L'uu.u
:,t aeaalon thlaeve l ig, aud to aaaataa ihe ? .
gatea wlll vlall Tt i- rabarg.
I Aiul: 1.1.-..HM.
riin.Ai.nriiiA, .Jiiiio Bw?Al a nn-ciing of
tho liv .-uiivu I'oniinit...- .,r the Hahor Iteform part) <>f
I'oen.-ylvania, hel,i in thi-<-ii> u.i-, Diorulng, tbe follow
hur raaoltltioM were unanimously aud enthualaatlcally
adopted : a _____________ __.?
I, Tl ?>? wahrartik raja.irr .a.rr Oa pr.r..r.l (rln..(ih ?'? -
e aod
.,, ni .New-kork; aa_l ?e Icn-lai lu Ib-iB uar eua?rai-_atuu aud
Ur'bed That tl,a rlih. l,mr pronplr, be'.nt a atrp .a a l.aaa* aa_l a
Tirwin-i'. ? 'Kaily rautliak^l tod
that (be Labor Karform patl; alt,t,<! H p'?lR>?I (o An ao.
Btmleed, That f eall -ion ihr atorkiri^rnrn .,( Hrnr .y'a.r.ra > ?
a, in ini-auraliriK the rigbi h.,ar movr??iit wabm'oi.r ,.wn t'ntrtaui,
a.al.h, rapacialir .a Ine City ufPhiUOfltabia, lor <?al li laaUial tiaBW
af Aaa
THI: l'lBLl. HE -LTIf.
Tlie Panititry Coi.iinitt.o recommended >.afrr(lay
to tbe Boari of Health that no penoili ta-graat?,l to iaiap ?.nird aUaw
aorwhere wilhin tha eltr bmila. for lha reaaoa tbal il ra.l. U raM.nl
wliboat troable. AAoytoA. Tba t'ilr BafliUrr Io.pr.lor ob)?rleal tu
tba tediietloa of tha Taorlnaiiaf eurpi aal to <_.i|i|
tbe Aiiiitanl Health laipeeiun tnm eee ileUbi U
aauher moBtblf, oa the frou__l tbal nich ardoa waal*
entirelr tleatroy their BMfrtlneai; It-.imred at aul tww ttUUt *e aa.
ab'e Ihe loipeet. n lo beroaie foBa-enant arilh tba ial aaaaai lalkelr
._J In manj luitiurei tber ?ara the oalf oaaa traa to%U U.I
whetbrroroot anlaano*. .-a?(Bpl?iBed of b.,1 baen abateJ af ro??t--l.
OnierrJ oa Ilo. A cuB.m .niratioa wai rr.e,?ol froai Ibi afaior, aakieg
Ihat rbenportof tli? Board for ihe jre.r audiaR Apnl ? ltTt be yn
paroJ ind truiaiiUad to hia bf Jane 14.
_A iiro at Selma, Ala., on Tueaday nijrht, de
.tmrrd iii atorea. hoaa abuot flTS.iM) | oaoraoee abowt 0*1,0*0.
_Three of the iin -nicii inj.ire.l at Bevlera brew
trr, Koeheater, oa Taeada.a, bara diad , Uo oUei ikrot tit ia a rnuaal
..Isaae riatt. Editor of Tke EagU, PoiiKlikeepaie.
lie.1. aaaterdar. ia tbat tltj. i?ed ta. Ue a_4abuah-4 To, kaett ti
-eara afo.
....Robert I.aytnan of Rome. Oneida County. an
enploT? of tbe t'entral Railroad, waa raa oror bf a traia aad HU-d .,.,
Ckhenertad', jrwaterda..
_Father Clevcland died in Roeton yeata-rday
?oriaiii|t. Ue waa born ia Salea, Jaae 21, ttU, aad Urkaai 14 da.i uf
Cuaplatunf a ecaturf of life.
_Pbiladelpliia ifl Ihrcatened with darkiu-ae oa
areuuat ot a iloke iu il,e (.a worka. Tbo labvrer. d?aaaad la Iwaaaliat*
lucreaae of wafe. of \b p-r ceat.
_Kleven thou?aii<ldoll.UT.i(. 1'iute.i .^tatealwiii.lH.
whicb aere ia Ibe l.uti/e ul Knrtlenrk IJawflaaa, al Hotktotri. acra
baraad wilh tbal buikliof oa iowtti a,(b(
_Charlca H. .'?taplea, air-d M Mfb haa t?een ar
rratr-l a,.J beld .B *(i UU.I bail. rb.rxed w (? klaatlirf Ur Iwea-at Irea
wl.nb all ar.li affo cauawd |rcat daaUfe la tawa* ia IraakUa aaai Bai
waj ( ou Uot, Uoto.
_A stonn near IW>>(toii yeatoniay nenrly de
?iruiral tl.e wnaale uf t, r l>.,r ..'rla. iba-lr h?a< boaia
wer.- driTra aal..,re in H.,rrhr?irr Uaf. wbere tbey wara .auurad, aaaibei
lug *ua?etb:i.< like Ul ur 1\
_There i* a very general moveineiit amoiig tim
aieebaaiea of boolao au.l iirion; la li.nr af ei|bl bamrt aa a egalai
da.'. w,.rk. T,.e aar ile-wo.kera. alalo a-d Uo :?? frra, a.a ....
aabaa aad otber eratia. b.ie U.U a tt nj. for araaBiaallnn.
....John Roae, a Canadian, cnvietcl of commit
(in? rape oa a \t\r\ 11 roari oU waa Matoaewd, la Bufaio, rraarr^a. to
. i-apnauwaMwt ia tbe Aalaara btala Priaoa. loAfo ttttt m
paMtcg aonlenee, (eareti.ai tbat k* .-uaH b-.I aearawe. bla to deaia
_A tnij-jilaci-.l ..wit, li caii-c.l the engine ol C'oti
doclor V. rau.li ? coal traia lo raa uf Ibe >rark aad aaara aa aai kaa k
n.eat, aear Port Jer.ia. al II a. a. reaterdaj. rwrr;.a| ct(bl*_aal eara
witb it Wonaaler, tbe liwaaa, <u iaotaatl; killed, aad (ww otbera w.rw
l.jaxod aatloaal;.
....A tiro at NVwcastle, Indiana. Tueeday nigbt,
deatro.ad Ua tiaiUiaa-. of Huortr k tt.df.oa; iiJJ.T >., ,
wlih tbelr tooteola. 1 hs tuiwer loee aboul fl 10,000, aaail aaarian ia
Iho rnK-aatiof I-ew-York. toortkia. aaoo 0H.??, Ml- -a*__ro* la
tbo laioraatiunaL Tbo Ire ls bollrwodl ta bo laaaa-Uuy.
_Tbe engine of tbe regular pa.a_.nger traiu
wbleb lofl Jaekooafillo, Kla.. oa Trttaiep aurwla< wkllw Uk.aa waiaj
al (Ua.leiBoB, eipludad ber builer aid araa ooapaotel. iooteojtb. Jaaw
PaiBat, tbe lr??e?. waa laaUB.Ij killed. t?.| tbo w(\ae?r mttot aajfl
ao.eral oibora, woro Mr-rol. wiaaJad. Maa Banr, wbw an Ma.aa
aboal M ra feaa tba traia. bai aar hc aaaaaa.