Newspaper Page Text
t^prll voi_. v \ vii 7V<>. <l 727. NEW-YORK FKIDAY, JUNE 7, 1872. uci: i rs. .X .\ .\ I I. GKAV.'S CONVENTION. tiu: i.ahoi. ?? n< ? H0LD1 KS' ?'"^''> BBBOMWH -TVvm, i','^ l.l-i.V Sl BSEUV1KN. \- INi-NNV LOST LV I 11. lu.n, rn? fax ' V ,-.; . ,,,-.-,;? i.v.i..n " PWCM in Mil ? >NVI N ?: OB UISTOR1 .'l .ni 1 M--n;vr , Pl|,. ,,-iial l.ti'iil.h.'.u. Canvention Philadelph ainatfl (;rant,autlhail >i not been that n wouM not Il.-al, lllU'llt . n doM l.y Km.'.hi .1 i,i;t. liiiicrv ^ i . ...titit.n. -f Bll tl,c il. ll _ Itl ? v^1'., , '?''?'?? *hii thal <?( ii. I better j.|.;l? , ,i\. ,,r thal hifl aiinim ? l, .,f ihe (...v. iiiiii.i t dm -' three i thaa t uf lii.x - ? 11 thi greal ap ii Iiiin- nl the eountry : :it hisnod i lected ot. I tl.' ir ability to , m boee pullen : .,, uu (dil. i ; I phia lipci : ?BBBfl li< : ' tO , , oane woald beal pi dnriog Ihe m sl f< ui yi ara; ilie.v did , mine w bo oi uii the Btat. _onen the ranhi .d the 1 ? would ., utive dni g t( im oi minate rbentiic !, .,f tlie \ ? ? Mr. i ontaide hii (ivm, - bad nol the i ? ly did md di -d Wfl ?holder odtherefore, nt'i nn-.lin . eould be i favoi ' I I ed thal the in In tliati.-l (1. !?< nd( i! keeping the - for bia ? ' - -t liini. theflfl peopledi . boiec and pul npon tbe ti( k? i a i thiiiK : pati nt- the great ma ml,]. ,1 in ' my oi rniprincipl. th, \ ',,l.i . b ? -iu win, I, gri' t< il the namefloi both \ ttinl C ?lfai b !?? i. \x;x* Bpontaneoua; il needed nomnsic,no ? with a picture npon it. to eall forth the ihoutfl of thfl multitu, ich each haa - a_,_,i, v bave been given in the quieter .ii in tlu ;,],-. who (lcn't belie. ? themaelTi . t i<, tli, \ ,i bo fai ,11 i,i, - ,,n. ntr. i in vi 'i -i,-\. ? otion, ?,?! |. ?>,?.!. filling thi Bti. ? ta thal tlu delegatea and ti- k.-t bolih i -?,i,:.iy waa ! to it- mil capacity. I . ronged with memhera of Congreaa aad i minent offiee-bolilerfl. !,, - were nll peenpied. i.,,, the parqnet and ; .-. ,1 iu. Ti ? - . aud in the B] , ? eenpy - ? ihe pro on waa adoptlnathe ippeared to be rm, bnt tbe platform tbat, al , ? ,.f tbe l?,n , 1 then. . OB l.l, ,1 ,<( r i .-i tivc i,v cboUng ullla ... iu...., .. ti applaaae. 'ine poor leUow .. Bpooat t" I,,- > loquenee aitii-i. bnt, ait. i ? to apeak f?.r flvc uhiuii. ? Among tbe ppf^Bei ' ".* i'. wbo tot bmncb better tban ti., ir ???? h ? '? bob of W(.. . ontlnne Indellnltely, f,,r almoal --..t. deli gal ' " w?r ; wbom it ??? , ? ol ohlo t? - ii-i.t, wltboal , ?-, . OB Ra -<-.,il:"ii-. .... aatifht ? ? ''"'? 'eariiiK , otly thal tb. uiti nt,i rbt'.i: >.,th j,io),. r tttoe wben Ibe bobb! , tiirili, i t,,ia, d !? l mloM > harrabfl rin ? anried, mi,,: - loin. '<? BOB BBU (.ittlit. Tbifa bfl did in au eiK. \ ,,;.' ? > ? ?-'> Ot lil" "nohlc tk i nnd lB ih" ...yalty. law, I ...ii., .uul (-evcral otber inn thn,_ i .-.11.11* aii tbe declaratlona be bai ?i.ii tr nn. Oollom i Bl applu,. ! -faiiip.-.l. -' I. .m.d, r-htuitcl. M,j(j ,? bfltfl, and tiaii.lkt ? , B-flt-Bg ? "i" Land tu iri.|, , ui-t:,,n. !> aml nnlform, waa i<,w.,.,i i,?, k of I '"'"'?' ivat.i tnm th. De? picture iu. ?.l iu th* M-Bfl way. nnd recelved -? tb tbi ut.. .iitin ,,i tbal .!? ,'.-( .:. ,.i Un llll! ,, ?, IKl - a Bfltflbli'," BBUlflan Ibal ? el tbe ind of ap w:th ti,. . BeapttflafltflU bbBbowb mn tttnm, wBfl ?avt-() th-1. haadkewblefk and . t,.,r..!...l,|. . the Wfcfltfl b..!a "* """??'' ii.? .i.i. iBipflfllaBl BflVflpBflWf tfl tbi eOWBtl P?HHIj B?BITli Ih. ,:h:,\e | ? iidinx out an un.aned lui? OfBBl l..r fii.nilfie pnrt m< ,,.| , u,.,i,,,,, .-h i - f he, rriol Bepubli. an jom naliete AII H-BBflgb t'" IflBWI Ukgi I. ll-l.l.K t< 111. i,, ? flpflfla. bflfl,tbi .la-l-eo'iand tu ti. iiL.itct tkt TrnkUnYi . tbfl BB?M to.irk. ,1 lmlilT. r.-H,,' wai ob M IV..I. Wblle tl., -I. I, flltlH Wll,, 1,1(1 WOtft..I tli,-III k.-Iv.-k up to :i j,;t, 1. of ex< itciiK ut twrdet?ia oa ? 00 uiany iiiii.htH-ii, hii.1 tbe ta_iI ti.< gaU. 11- r., i.i, iimi: tbe iiifi-.ti.-ii ei ? at?aalaeai, were ahakIng tbo i ? r aboata, tbe eevpe ot Jawrnal kata, Bltttaa iu full v i.w ,if the wbole aaeemblage, looki \ upon iii. oeeae vv itb aa little syinpntiy oa eadteaaeBl tt if tiuy w.i, Bome atrange foreign abow, wiii.-ii oouc.-riH .1 tbem oi.iv ur a aaaalfeotattoaef ? iiinoun pbaee ,-f li ti ti, it ii niitnre. Aiti i Collom'a apooeh, and aa aooa aa ti? Btana al ap plaaae had aabaided, G. a* Btewarl L Woodford ol Ri r . ded tiu- d. n t.n-iitluut, i* apeecb, chleflj deroted to nplylag to wbal ? I'liii.'t. Dt> Mr. r.i-nuk ,-f Callfor-la foiiow,-I, ptalging tii,- Paciflc ' r.-u.t. Aa Orejron d. imn,mui-. .1 tl bad gone v.t |.'iMi, ,,ii ,-ti M"ii iii.j-, i.iiii t Ji ir- waa a m.._-i, , oatbreah ,,f. i." ra ? u called, tbc (liaiiiiiaii of eaeb delegation aaaoaaeed Ita rote tot Oraal wttk a f< a iiitr..i!iiit.'i-y worda Bome ol tbeae itoee-llne epeocbea wero ejolte luti.y, aad al tbe <uii of eaeb tben aali., ..f applauae. tbe roll-cal] bad bo. a eoaapli tod 1 i. nitoiv lo tin Union bad int, and tbe aboatina brobeool ofreab. A i ,,f uui,Mii,- i iiiiiiiufiirtui. ,i for tbe oc aakm, tbe refrala of wbi. ti waa - wiu tbe vu-torv for Prealdenl baad ttu ri atroek np tbe Joba Brown aong, la vs ?,i. i tin ?h nm, h more energy taaa barn ony. . .ii bnmoT bowi rer, . imi-. ii of Mo_tana,who , it. - al tba ? tl.o ,. '?? ln tbe eb< ... I beating ih. time wnh botb arma IbunderoBaapplaaaa tollowed. dential port \ft,r tbe demonatratlona or. i tbat tbe Conventioa eoald no longer be beld back trom namlna tbe eandldatefor tbe i Great confaaton enaned, wben ;. <l< !>?_.<!<? froa ; 1(,.i, ti?. I, ... nded aad tbat tbe ? motlon Bl once, .: te bad vote arei orei tb. Bou* Aftei n rn b poaod .,-.?. tbe ri tbe Hon. Morton McMlena. : wnh tmaaltaona B] v \,y tba frlendi ol Wllaoa. Wben ba miu, npon tbe platform. be begaa a Iong I apeecb wblcb t)i?- Conventlon waa ln ao mood to Uatea to, Cijea eame from all parta of tbe - him," -'>'.iui'- blm," "We vvnut tOTOt. ii-iit -. ? order, and to rcmlnd delegatea tbal !?; tl ,,,, ?,;., rn- f,,r nomlnatlon bad tbe rlsbl i. ten in.uu- ' el, after < a. blnter ? . Inform. ,1 ? i"" li. : Wilaon'i fl I , oewapap. i an a, alt. uaa ?., ... d tbat M. Mii ba. l waa tbe . ? ln bla adberenc. to tbo action ol t!,<- eaueua, and thej ksew nol wba ? . .-nv. ntion. One "f t: ? ? it,w would for Wil-.,-: I \ic y,,ii niif Ml Mll bui 1 bour i ? kietr. aud mii tlie apeaker went. on, and ... be ln-. iiinli.liii,-. Tin?jm???< ii. and whel oae be proi Wl'Hl- ?" tllO -, ' down tbe i, ou r ol tbe ? ,t- nnd liiiiulk, i<->iii-f ,m the -.-1.11,1 i, - < nme Ihe moat <l- afenlnc che. ra. k-gation, Ibe m.-ri "i tbal from from Mi. \ rginla, waitlnj. tbelr timi BiBktil ' * l"1' forward. Bui the ver the houae, were grcatly almoat the entire Bt.utb. 11 l< i,. t, ior there had been ., report in . ,ii- niornlug that tbc Coifax m ? ? i ?? . i ln ' " :,,,,1 |, .... -,., !?< li. - ol the day, i v ih ? ? iii.-lit ?? Ltub. : , It waa now Indiana'aturn,and wben ex fenatoi Henry ti. Lane ,,f t pla. e, Ibe < b. erina ;,o<l Hhoutlng froni Colfax'a frienda waa no leaa in-voluuic, tboupl " nt parta <-f the House, than that wiu. li I,:.-! im*. led t).-- name "f the ftot ?? b i,.i. Htea from all parta of the II ou?e ahottti-d t,, bim i" go u|.,,t, tli, platform ln order I ? ,i thal be eould be beard from bia Dufualon a lhal b. waa . ,,f the beard In the Convention. Wh'tj i idedtb. v- ??? boul from the >i- .-i ll. my Wilaon aaw thal ppou. nt im d -ih ii i i . ni before the roll <-t tbe & ed were t ih, iniiii.-t confuaion. Bev. in- i. whom ' ed 1 ,i ,i t,i -i- , ? ? - ..ii .iui nol iiok, .1 'il before tb. j t. ,,l cotnplet. ocame . ,i,i.;, .i to ihe ln I'.'ti, im <? ? ?! Bp i tatora, i vote, ?? 'I interent ? in>u. ? .,' ; ,1, , . Boutb. ru d. I. irati, ua . on. iln- cin uuiatuui ? : rbo clamored otoit : 1oi a VOtC. im vi. i i aaaioi , elded to < i"-'- <i. bate and 11 mim tn i i . . -. ,M re ii' ni * Wl ion, .*? H.-u.itor ; v . Majrnard ol nd Gov. Da much of any atteatlon t,. Uu -i ,,,,,!. h] tii"-' wbo named tbe laat mentloned and th. U. I. from \ li ginla wln> bad ite.1 i_.wi- i.tii.,1 from tbe platform li ?:,. . oi.t. ul ? I- fu-? ,1 :.. beal blm. Wben Alabama waa called, tbe cbair iii.Ui Of 1 vol.s foi V ' "-; 'V I ll< ,,f ti,,. ..ii.. ? i.. auragemeni Vo : i. iiiuk, 'I upon .,- aolid i"r Wilton. It w.i- wblapercd about, *'Then - .. . ludlanaitbe Boath ? break aurely." Tbe next two Btatea, Arkanean ui.-l Callforma, reuaaured thn ',,?,:- \\il-,ui. eaeb caatlnc B aolid \"t foi bim. i "im-. ti' ui divlded i" i vole, int Iui - roi ea. h , aud Delawan waa tbo OratBtat. tbatyoted i Itirl4_. Ueoraia, nn-i Illlnoia ? i. b divlded ita vote, givfng Wilaon, bowever, Ih, Tben IudiuuH i-am. ln wltb bei 10 votea for Col HiiiKbla uinii" i to 75, wblle Wilaon had alr. idy reielv, lndiana 'i- legution wasalmoHi iuaaue witU ex. it. uu nt. aboutluirand tnrowins iheir bate lu tbe Iowa and Kanaaa lollowe l w Ith .-. rot. - r. i Wi - n, i ;i- before lndiana bad vui. il. I ,,,!,, tbie point aileon conata d. until .s, ? Y,,i k * i'11' ""' form. r ab. .,,1 ao tuat f.'i the flral time be led bj ao i oti - . m ~ .,f mad t-nthu >iaam wbich - Mn i,, i-ption .-f Ui. vot, ot lndiana ? .,, ,| , i... i ..t. i . l? ri- for tbe Emplri' BtaU wenl ui, from th.-, i who aupport4jdOiltax tb? loi ol ludlana waa abort 11' "l. lt coul I . ni, ,i tbal Oolfaa bad caal i. \,,t.- wliilc tb. preat Btate ol Pi-nna)Ivanla dtill bebiud, waltiua to throa Itaell into tbe Bcale foi , ., u iu. ii? '?? ? d, North Larolina, , i.n will. i ulfux and from that point ,.!, t.. tbe .'ii.i Wben tbe roll ba throuah tbe vote - ?? bim, andth. I back the Bl itea oi Virirlnia, whkh had caat lt* 30 votea for Lowla, Ii ? ?? whieb tla,, . .:.! a . omplimentarj vote ol M, A,- wll,,., budthrowuitB i.-. %-,--? i -i (lot Darla Tb< tlmt named ol thow - p|*oaeil tu lie .'i lavorol Wilaon, wblle tbootbi i two wi ? ? .s.i- Ui. iu"-' ' titi. .ii luoment ol tbe wbol. -i. . - anil 14 ord, ,1 tb. ? , umed ovei lo him ln tb. midat ol u ? ul and bi would be nomluuted, i?ut viriciula ? . ? ? ..... uixed bj tbe Vtt ild. nt, and at tbe qu. ion by ca Un? b. i -" fot. - f"i W;i-,,ii. tbuaalvluc blm a majority. ' ' ' '" low.-.i, ..mi lndiana u,.,v.-,i t? make ti? nomination unanimoue, t.i wblcb thera waa noi i dlaoi ntlna . ia. ex. ii.-iii.-nt ,.t tbe t'onveution m ???. ti, :, ibe n-r-ui! waa known would i? Imp4i . i. j. tltlon "i wii.ii --< .nn, ,1 wi,, ii tbe i.' ii,u..iii,,i',l. ex, - pt in tbe latt. ,.: nu ii i-at atill, maklua almoal nodemon . ii Wilaou'au, uilnatlon t<w>k p,.,- e tt"-v . iu , .ni,.it ..r aaj iu tti<- bouat Bome ol ti .ju , luui'"! npon .I. r-kr aod abonted uutll their tbroata wm- parcb. d, and Uie I'onventwn eatchlna ihe entbuaiaam ..*.-...n ii'.'" tbe wild .i.-i..?ii)-traU?i.a i.f ti.i? .i nu, ... .', abouta aad y.-nt. wim-ii -.itiy pruloumd. Tbla iini-.ii.-ii tbe bnalaaaael iventlou, aod tbi beopl.-. witbout cercmouv. hav endetained ror ala bofltn. BBCcreaaontonaly toob tbeli i,..i- and i lt, ool waltlng fur tbe oflielal announcc ineiit oi Um ii,,ti.,uat. ? rn '"i a fo naa. mUo -nnia Bt I IHE ORANT BATKfBAL COMJOTTEE. Ml i | oi nn M W OBOAK1BATIOB?BOMB H1B tt bl li. WHAT V1AKI - A "M,l VI'' KI l'l I'.I.I ( \N -Tlll. MIN 1IIAT (,,MII(,I. OFFICT IV llll l-ol III-( 11 VliACTII- CI llll. Il VI,|N(, Mirs'. |i;\ TBLBOUni to thi: TBBUBI i I'iiiiam um \. June 8.?One dotj ol Uk c, BTflaHoa, t, da]. waa Ifl iflleel Ba ' c.intiiide, tt, -,r\e im tbeeeanlag fi Lceora lOg tfl (i-talill-htt! ) i.i, tu, .??;.. h ?!?:- " ?ti.-_. bfld I'P I ;, t mi. iih - le.t.d the BM Ubt ' Whfl WM lo repreoeBt IU Btate. Early dtarlag tbe day'a i : wa- , :,'!.?,!. Bl d MOM n.clnl ' I Ol tbi d( ? fn m ci.h Matfl BBBOUBflfld 'I- tkt Ut , Tbt Uto Commlttee k largelj BMdeapol mto, wbo ore well ki?,..n in potttlea At tbfl h. ad er 'I"' Ut itaadi Benator Bpeaeer of Alabaa_a, wbofle man Bgement of tbe polltlea ot bla own Utio, tt : , i, DfltbO. ?' '"' f" 0 ;.,, [I ?,.,t !?? r. BB ...I" 'm1 IBBl tbe ? lu*-f r> -uit ,,' i two ;? waa to def eal Benator Warner, ll Ior reeleetion to tl :""' u":"'" ?-.IdtbWBltfl, :> l'-M,""'.'? Ml , ,? ,,f tboae wbo , .,-!.,lil llj to tbfl Adminlatratlon , m r beea queationed, m.\.- wben, ob ? two o ' "'I"1 to ranoT. :'"y "' bim, >,r ', aan to wb. ? exampleaol bia lacl In rannli ? I Abonl ? I ? ?, ured tbi i- ii?"? al "< ? -? ..iiiiin, nt i.? . ot]. i qualll known :,ii,, adlj i,,.-, na ? ?l tkti Um. ? ,, r wrob ., Indoralng h * .i|""' bim for tbe anpporl :in,i loi o : pnrpoaea, bnl waa ,i t,,,i,i in:,. i? :?,_? fortb. , ib. iTcdtbc bob InattoB.and th totbe pi, ,i,i, ? BTentioa Tbi ? ? beeaebarged I fraad ui.ntly glri i. .i ccrt i at< ol ? ?? Uofl 1111 II fer torlal flabt, and ol bavlna lecnred Ibe n moval ol a i blBlndletment tninv. oi man] otb. r irregularltii - wbl. b Qovernbr, li i commltte. ol Ih Bte,? ' tblrd membei ol tbe I ommlttee lathi Hon.< eo.C. Oor ? I well knowi , pan be I fornlapohtl . Connecl i ommltte. I - U, wbo bold toi ol tbi .. "-"i> . wiU witbonl d. very Influentlal member ol tbi nn .Maiiie i- tt* Hon. K i irbo bai eome into tesl fi,-iii tl vi, ui, g ma ii in Malno polltlea, and.? tbougheer. rn, ln ' '".? ' tin adj ..,' ? n froni I land n un, ,| . iitou, ? ditiu "i tbe A.Ii,? tlinore. vt!,,,. ulthoucb nol "I. r b ni ? m , urcil nomi i "" !"r '"' '"'" n "f il uo. ' latliu the p,i-i foui yi an - , vi ,, in, in i;? managi uu nl ol tbe laat national can | Mtnii. \ - .... fr,,,,, ? ,i.. i?,av wrvlng bia iii-' term. Helaa i ?i- among hifl a--, ? ? ?? v ,ii i? | on Ihe ' otnm tt., foi Ihe n. , S'ye. K' nerally known ln tbe i the li,,i,. \v iu E > bandl. r, Ior tbi , ? irabeen tbe Beeretary ol tbe Ht ,1 wbu bafl p-1 forined thi greaUd be ii.inl work wbleb de voi vea upon it, in,th liui. who need do kntroduction to tbe r,.i,i,i-,,f im ii:ii:im. Nortb Carollna will i?- i,|,i,--,mi,,i on ll ,!, u i, .i ., teal ln tii, United Statt ib.iiiL'h I,,- i>,,.-., ,i only aboul one-fonrUi ,,i Iln , .i-i iu th, A--,-iul,l> , and ouc-.bii'il of th,,-, . 'duiinittee an ,, ouinlx , Hoi ? Mal i, ii,l. M> nii,, i ' ' II. M, < 1,1,ke . ll :,l | ,.,.,i,\, rnoi ? i uf ColmuMa, and -- i eral otbera. iin,- it -,i iu Been tbal :> r..; t--. - proportlon of tbe II,, 11,1a. I - Ol th* bOtt t ',. ? |, III ] || ee ., |, ? . I'lnr ,ll |.|e-,lll . il,, .1,1,1.i.r- under Um Pedera A.itnlntatratl chronlo ,,Hi,-,-m ck> ,-. Ibe onlj eotutuenta ibutbave i,t en I, , ? ,'ni.i ihe new C.iltt. ? ? hy mci - ention bave been favt.rat.le, and ? ,,,,- :. iit.-it tbe ,,< u . ..iu,ml.. . Wlll l" mucb -li,,:,_., i than tlu- I,,i i. ? i one. rhU evrnlng the frienda ol tbe tickel b. tt bll b II ll ,1 l.l,,.,,; Kt., ll, III ( lie-I liill in '?? ii-ii,il ilonr*, were di livi red from foui ituuda. 'I be .1 one ai tiu L'nion I Itnji and tbe oiIhtm, perbapa, a abnrl blook dutant. The diaplay ol -t- und a hann. i h ilu ii- aee.unpaiii uientaol mu i, and abouting, qulckl) bruuftbt tovelbfr kiiuuu, added irreal brllliunc) .,, Ii waa noticeable tbal Ibe uatnt ul i: , tt.i-, d mucb ,,:i.i.i tban Orant'a, and waa the alBWtl for > >itl.ii,-..i-t:, ,1,?ii,,,i,-!, ? , , iiliue.l |,t-i.pli-, uf whom 11..111 ? ,,i liotb aexea uilngled ii tbe erowd. tbe i ta ,-f ibe -|? ,k,,- I., . ihij Humner, - , ?> -I foi tb , '? ippi oval, r ,i tlu . i pl ,,!->? waa.a ,., !,. I,,ii-;.. i,. itoWi -l on Ihe pro. eaaioua, i.l.l \MN..> I BOM llll. 1 II.I.ii. BOCTHEBB I i I I is.. <,s un POBl IOM l:i i v I l?,N- l.l-- \ I I-I V, I |,,S w | Hl llll. S,,N < nVIVIII | A| II \SK- \,|,|;| U| N.|,,v-. ,,| V\ AM.I.<,-.-,,l I ill l;s CON8PIRAC. ORPEB IRD Al;lt VN..I vti.v r ,,l im COKVENTION, - ? Ai-ii ro nn. tbi] l',i i iin v. Juni ?,. Some ol the South eia delegatlona, il la uaderatood, are Dotatallj wltb tbe inann. i m \.hi,h ti,. qnefltloa ol our foreign i, latloni waa ,n i" -e,i ,,f iu tbe platfons I at] ,,i WaablagtoB waa -iade, II wUl i, i. int-iiii,, i, ,i., v,, pt ii rarj ragueone In tbe foUowlag M | lon i.'u tii.h.-uiti.--. h.,\. i? - i, j? ,u cfniiy and ooBipoaed. BBd tbe boaoeaBd p,,?cr t,f the ii.itu.n k,|,t in ln_h r.-r.|?-, t tblOBgBoBl tl? world." i \ Ooi ParaoBfl of Alabama wbo repreaeated ,i conalderable elemenl m tn, convention, Introdnced, aorlj durlag ihe leaatoo t,> ,i.,\. a ael "t .'??-., lutitrt.r. wbleb, bad tbej aot beea burried awaj lo tbc Comauttec oa BeoolstioBa, witboul allowlng debate apoa tbem, mlgbl h.i., I ,1 with tbe harinoiu ,,f the r.,nvcuti,?i. Tbe ol tbeae rei .. tbat wbUe Ibe Ualted ? ?.,?' wltk all i,..i...i -. aad t., .,,, ,,u i llab tbiagn itendli .... i,,_ i., mt/tt all prepei eoneea Itmt kt tbe people BBd Governmenl ol Oraul Hritaiii. attbeaaoie tlme, m u,.? of eziaung ctreuai ii la deemed proper to tell oui BngtMi conalni that v., ;??' aaflrmlj reaolr. d to aaiert oui rlgbta aa ka 1776 and Ull and tbat we wlll opbold our Go?erB_BOBl wltb onr Urea, onr lortna?, aad our na, red bonor. -Bd Ilirthei. tbal :?- Ibfl i I.ut .ttl.ui n.,- m ille.l i al e i.t, riiin. ni, even i? ttn tiu tt I . ? ?ii.p.aincd ei tt.i- m.itlf )t,uiuii It, ( litil.iin, Bfl eocnmend tbla example to favorable etmalderBtioB wltb reapeel i,> iba HahaBia Clalaa, wbk h paaal bbbi bt . meana ,,r Btbei i a niiiui.i tbfl r-,iiiii,,.rn inlrgalf bava ab_obefla . ,\. ,.>..] ,,\,r tbfl pre-c,,t eoaBttlflfllof OUI ''"' elga i, ,.it.,,r,- i,,.> huflglBe tbal Ibe laf dlaliryt1 p*-1 i,;. oftbe floutb Mt iu ii,.- e\tnt ,,f ,i iiitii. uiiN wltb , ?? ,- Brltatuaaopportualt] tt, BeeflflBpttak wbal IBflJ iBtled tO fl-fcfll Hl tbfl late Itcl,. IlKin. lu a -. I i">l. durlBg Ibfl lact tm, ?,r thn. fluyo, runii- of thtui luxxe not bflflttated Ifl BflBflfl ih'ir kflttfll tbateflgtata ?.f tbfl flBl ld Ibfll Ifladflffl "f Ihe kBUtb Iuim- t,c_-n and ot tl) ar>- Ifl i BBBIBBk aii"" B ith atr.-nia of the Hrltlnh (invemiii' nt, und thal -lieiild any diltl. ultv l.tvte.ii tht- IWfl BflUflflU arlflflaOraal Brltala awaltaayplpiBt-M-fl flWflfal-MB un uiilimiled liiiinl'.r uf arn.a, aml would Wml Ifl -hflfll a p,,w< iful ally aKaluat Ihe liuveriiinent flf Ut I'liit-.i fltaflaa "Tbe BBaaNMgi of tbi? ">??? ha- ti.cii ctrntigly urg.-d iip,,n tbeM Boutbern tli lOgBBMi Iv ?r.(itlcmen ef th. Nnrth to aliefu l_bfl I M [.lunu-d it. t.'ut (,?,\ Paraoaa aad otbera oowM boI Be eoa v,i,,(.i that tlaa danger waa whoii. laiMiaatl~e^aad DIMUntOd tIit-fla-i r?--.,lutl4i-i? totluy Wltb Ibt liaill^^eif premtirift tl.r-m tiivon Iba f.U.titton of tbe < ..Tivntio i. bome diaaattafaction baa alao beea expn -h, ,1 m "t > er .iu.iri?r- at tbevaguc aUuaiona made to our i"'f- ' * rumpllcatlnaa with Kngbvnd.i tbere U ao doubttbal :,t ir.i-t .-i i.iM, ,i n ritj of tne Conventlon wonld oavi ... .niu, hn.l il,- v li.o I m opportunity tocxpn-aa tu, ir .ui..;,-.,,( puttlng Into tu-- platform arUwrtng i, * lutlon, -. ti ni-.- fortb thal it waa tbe .lutv "> ' "':"'\' entto Btand bj tbc -lr-;,tv Itaelf, and hold on ai li)it.,iu tiriiiK t.- ber own obllgatlona. Immedlatcij afU i Paraona'a rraolutloui werc r, ad a vote wnh taxeu to refer all otber reaolutlona withoul .1.u?, tnua rullngoal ol Ihe Conventlon all poaaible 11 rebi nda. Hu i Itj of Philadelphia la entitled t?. greal rr- mt ror Ih. .- with wbi. i. the arrangemi ntafor the National Oonvi wen carri. -I out. The Acad. m> ol M wblcb tbe Conventlon waa held, will aeal 5,000p iu,.1 notwitbatanding ut leaat Iwlee that numtier dealred, -l.i,, few, ii any. more lli keta were laam 'i thau tbe bulldlng would i-cmfortably bold. Then r<. littl, - n.wdlugor |o?IIIng ahonl theenlr .m.l no unmanageable mob Blllng up the alalea eitber npon tbe lloor orln tbe .... .i.--. Throtighout both daya the moat perfecl ordei waa maintalned both ln and out nidethe V, kl?my,and though tho erowd In Broad ' fllled up the thoroughfan f"r nearl Im-iii- during the whole ? ? Conv. ntlon i, no dlaturbancei looh plaee. Thearraiigem ,i,.,,ii,in--,inti.-i: ..I tbe preaewere probably a? ? ih, i eould be under the rli-<-iimatance4. \ un-beatra and upon tb. pLtl di in, and w. i. ..-. upied bj the ihorl band report. i - of th. IPreaaand local |burnala. Tberenreaentattveaof Di. )'t.'??- from al.i | plu*4l witb --..t- u I veniencea for writlng apon tbc atage bebind tbi I Ideui : be froni rowa were abli t,, foi li ., tbe 11.'????- w iti,,-ut ii,n li trooblc wiu ii ll fualon in tbe ball w.->- nol too great, battboeela tbo . ...ii,.iml li. put iu . ii .'".iiiiuilf' ? i i ? ul --. a ii lupabtn n it, ,?:!.. U. Morgnn, New*York; Wm. Cli.nin, M I I .111,, , luui- v '. ' . ... I'. Ni'H I ! i.l- ' . "? i i i.h . ., North ' i V. Hu ....rli.iin. , ..I.1..I iii; VV. I!. K 1 .11 l be < ommift, i l.i uu et In 1 i Tuea i - ii man i- aill -i'.ii' ,1 io l.i ? i I in, u and . . ? . ipeaklng ol II, . a .-ul.i be ni eded t" - irrj nd thal tbere waa no i ni lu eould io e> TALK ABOl l TIIE I 0NV1 N I 101 A i.n ii i ? i n -.".*.- Ol in.. WOI --i'i O?TIIE COI.PA* -li s ui i-,'-:_ ro ni. COMI OKTKD? ? I] i n'- I'I.a-.K i*. 11,. i-i.v I I ? PlIILADELFHI v. JtllM 6." 1 bl botell I - :.. i tii> evening ? taken plaee. A few delegatea lotmged aboul tiu .,1 ,;, ,l iu tiu-1., idquartcra rootna over tbi eventaof tbe daj. Moal <-f tbe polltloal elob and m ,u> ,i> ? . aad ..ii tbe real w,n * i t,i im : aboat ilr Pr. -I'l.-ii,?>, nmi I nomination npon tbe laeac <'i tb. eanvaaa, 'i'i.plnlon ?? .1 v.ii ied ... - onllng t" tbe prefei Bpeak. ra. Wilaon men wero confldenl tbal tbetlckct badbe. rtrengthencd, wblle tbe Colfai . .1 tbal tbe Convi un,hi li .-I committ. -i a tbal mlgbl work greal mlacbi. i in the iml. iu ih, lndiana headquartera, lu tbe Conttneutal Uot. l, u group ,,i :t il,-/, ii melani bolj delegaU iiii iiutii ;i latc bom. predi. tb ol tn, tliat ladiana woald be loel i" tbe p.ui.i ln tbe Oetobei election, aad woald ?. Another aald be bt lli ? i l Bimon on bad aet nptbe i"i> t<- loae botb Peunaylvanla dlana ln Oetober, and di fi .if Orant, Be bad pre ventod Pi la fr.-m agreeing npon a eandidate ,-f bei own, wltb popularltj enongb to aave tbe Hartranft ticket from being awamped; and, al tbe aame time, he ti.i'i iiniii,,-i tbe Penneylvaniani t" deetroj < ,.i Boloa, ln.iiaii... Otherathoagbt Cameron bad nothing to do wltb tbe aii.hi, bat thal tii<- newapapermen were alone toblame, Beveral ol the delegatea from lndiana aald tbat Coifax would be put up on the 8tal (ongn a w after tbe < onv. n .imi. proeeedlng bad > ?, a iui tbat Uranl ahonld bave been dropped and a ticket madi ind Wilaon nominated Bucha ticket, ho aald, wonld bave prevented all oppoaltion ln i and -w. pi tbe Beld. Coli i .,u, l.ut be '.- ? al t" Dianaae th. Government fulljr aa well aa Orant, and eould do um, l. , ' 'i' ""? whok much Icaa talk of aad latereat ahowa In tbe ,,f tu. \'.? i'i' Ii atlal ii :!,t Ibaa mlgbt bave 1 ? Ifromtae heated cbaracter ol - .t . omp uatlvelj tl?. del. ? i...' Intt reotl eltemeni wblcb raged jreaterdayandtbu mornlng aaa tu tltloua, ai"i tn a onl "i tbe fael tlmt ,1. legatea ? i maaaled aa to tbe it- kdew f, and, aeeklng aome amuaemenl and latereel from tbel toaventlon, tbey wenl wtth entbuaUam into tbe oalj oontrovei n\.,iiai,i.-. ...I Porney,ln an adltorial ioto-morrow'aPreat,will I tbe liii-i-- "t Wilaon, and .iml tbal bl.iiiiuaiKiii will 4,-iv,- greal atrengtb totbetickel amoni lat workingmen ln Peunaylvanla ,in,l 0| . i moog tbe i.l.., ka ,>i tbe Boutb. [action wltb tbe rarla" planb in ; redicta an overwhelmlng triun dj li,,- mu, h ,-i anj tbii ? ni tb. ii i-.-: iur, ? i othera wbo ,,, in ui. ? w. re inul.Ia ,1 bj the pbitionu bulldera i .ni- ,-i ,, i,- tbe loj .,i women ol A ? , ,, ,,i,.'i ,. ,,,,,. ii,,i i naation, and I I ?> the irom. u lnt. reaied ..- ti.ttatorj at.*p abich wll) prove an enterlng-wedge to future wora. Mr( | , Ih-' polltl, . mi tbe Btate of Wta u . ? ? been iml forward >r a reaaon whj jome ? b. i repre onted abould lie Unof M ?' Iiii**. IU, witb tb. i . bave '.,?? u ror Bome timi n,i. -i.-p up,.u Hi- att. uti,-ii "i politb-lai ibe nartof many. nowever, tbere were grave dou ,,, iu rxpedien. ). aud tboae wbo w. re (natni luental in Ita introdu. tlon anxioual> a ? ,,,, iu .ti., i ui. tbe Convention. rb. r,.;l(|Ml!. ,,t tbe reaolutlon, though au gencra ln .,11 it. woi,im.-. waa received wltb mingled ul -? applail . \ , ii'l r.iiilitii.' w.i- ?!. iu,i.,l--.l. wli.-u .. underatandiii -? emed toobtaln, and th. ii-'ii-. , .,,?? down .0 vo, iii i" ia applaua. Ui i i kultiouv w. " aallerj nm ,. ,t ,4. aud freelj dla. uaaed Ibe expe. Ied action. Liveni. waa i v. eediui Ij nuxioll M.imthing Bhoni.l i.une ttj thi ( in tbla'-i tbal -ii- woald be able loaacceiri aa |uatl(lcatlon Ior b?-i eontemplated work Inthecomlng i-ampaign. and would be -.iti-ii,.i with ever ao alight a recognliion. Miaa tutl.y.on be ,-outrary, wholauevei bap|.i? de tbi r.ilool ,.,,? wnai.-eexacttag In ber demamKaud dei-lan.l i? ,'? 'iiuwiiii.i,.',-- lo ..-"I" anythinn bu anaatia and .' i" ' il in ?'- il1" " " -' l"1" '; lb. iit-t i,.-,'nuiii"i. tbe cauae baa evei , Irom a National pollltcal conventlon, and II ia ,-,m,,I tboae intereated in tne cauae, ll il inj -mu ,,i . tt,,,t hereafter will meel wltb maeb gn tt. m. ?ure "! aucceaa. wiii, lar leai labor. Miaa Auu.) la . ..i.-i.i. i a i.i% .-im.v what -i"- porolaU ln denomin atmi.' ?? il,.- uii-aii-t.i,-I..IV generalnwtioua, and lapn parina totrj bei forcea upon tbe Uallluiora_t_^nvention. vi,,,,i -t the woman auffiaici-.! pndi.t that. fouryeara from now.the leadlng iaaooool tbi eaavaea aill ta ,,t womau t" ?"'?? _ RBOULAB REPOB1 OF PBOCEEDINOr] IM+IMMN'AI-.1.1 BPKKCH-MAKiaO?WAITIKG I "U Ull I'l.UH'IlM IMI KI N..MIN VII,-V llll .lltl ..'.I I 01 I K IUI. M' I -PBI -ll'l s. 1-A QKBA1 ? vl vi. ,., NklMI I-IIK-- l-ISI-VT, H I I'I,,, A|,| | lillA. .Inm- 8.?Tb? A,,.l|, 111} I.f u , -u deaaely packed at 11 o'eloek, wben Um l v'..nll., . ,i .vi.mi i.oii,.- were pai aent Tbe enthaalaam waa Imtaeaoe,everj popolai .nr plajredbj tbe tiaad eUt-IUag beart] iwaada .-i obeara. TaeOoar mlttee oa Platform aol bavtaa roaao ta, tben aaa aoaae delaj in "i" Blai Ibe M aaloa it la aaderalood tbora baa l? eBM ,i? wliat M i, ui- , lilt, ni," - '-t opinion iu * . .ii, riitl f *-? 41 iu: ? < ii.iiiiiian ""if1' ,..m,,i ti?- Oaaveatloo to ,,,,,, r aad Introdaeed tbe Bei Dr. Harperol tbe Nortb liroad'il i imi. i."t Philadelphbk, wi?, laveked Divine bletH.i.K iu .loquent anu approprlate t.-ru,- Ue spokr ot lb. 'io aa "U, wblcb W4?uld be memorable lu tbc fu tun a day wblcb waa torecord aaotber page la . natloual niatori adaj ln ai... li eenteradand around wbi. I, ? lualered nol merelj the welfare, bul poaalbl) tbe dt-atlny of the iiatiau He prayed that tb. pUtform t>. i? . -taiiiiriu-.i rin.iii'i be tbe embodinBenl ,,t aiaa and mat .....I humane prlnclplea. aad tbal tbe maato u ae ,,, t. ,1 t,, Im ar tbe l-auii, r ,-f Uw Republican partv aml lo OU tbe blgheat pla<*e of bonoi aad traat lu Ibia [aad ahould be eapecuillj bleaaed, aad tbal tbe efforta ofthe , onveutlon abould be , rowned with glorioua auvceaa. ?mi.i iMiNviit ni m ? Mr lNvo.uf oaaaaai aaM Ibal Oaajaa iiu.i i?*en re .Iriiiinl, au.l li.ui 4--..U.- Ilipiil'li'.u. I.irt M,.i.,la>, at wl,uli lun,, tin- .-I,.Itlon waa beld Por four yeara we bave 'i.-tu uml. i Iniuo. ratl, ruli'. BBal n?* we um- ItApuhli.-au iu naaeaeutatlve an.l U-gialature |TI,?< ibt. rr for i >r. gea l ttt Olivtr AUti* ot Mat*i,4bukttta. friu, (lt- (ViuUiif tee nn Rule* and Order nf RuMncaa, reported : Th I,, l?, , alli ,1 in iln ir :.l|,l,al? t,, al ordl l i ''.,, h Htat. i.e eiiiui, ,1 1,1 dooble Kh Benate ai d <'"' aecordlng to tbe reeenl apportlonmeut; the report. Ihe (',, ,,u (|.l|, lltlfllfl t. f" , ,'.e,l Bl I the platform to be dl poaedol before the nomlnatloua an made: tbe roll-rall iball ""' be dlepeneed wltb on nomlnationa, and when a majoril, aball be prt o for any randldate, and it aball app. ar i tbe Chalrman apati ..ut the queation to tbe Convenl on, "Shall the n. ,,,:? i? nnanliuoual" ln cveof a dlvlded delejmtlon, ri.e t ahall Btate tbe vote ln di lall f,-r. at; ,i?,?.,, proponlttnn; tbe ruleaof the Hou Hinati.e- e, i? , b are adopted, bul onli flye minuto _,?,,(?, ore ullowed exeept byc. llon exeepl thal m noinluatlng candidatea. 10 m f?r,'.ui, I-,-, b laallowd : ti, ' mnmlttflflto i,e n.uii.d ,. tbi n i- etlve Btat. Tbe report waa unanlmonaly adopted. Mr Pendleton ol lowa, frotn the < oi . ported tbal ,, ,.,.'-. uted in full.and lhal tl ,, ? :,,,? Dakota and Utab I UaBota, ,,,. . ,. i ofadmlttlngall rourdelc.nitea.wifb , tween tb. m, and ln the caae ul i tab,la ol ailiniiim- ih, Dolllatei - t' I. i i .,, i,,.i.i oanoB l BOI Bl i - ra. Qentlk da i gatbn trom Btab, wbo .:, Bd-Blttad, matalaed tbeli | ated to th ' ,3 : | ln ..M-I.,natlon of our .lan:. tO fleatb Convention, wi wouldrecall to yon mlndatbe d . , . . -it ,,f [.olyicuii ,.,. and op|M 1 ', ? i. ol Mr. I ? ..,.?.,! t,, nuppori li,, i, y.and '? .. ivea. Mr. Fullei Mortnoi.el , pay. ll,- i a Kepn ? Wintcr, ll ,- hl- I'-v i, ,. thi !? ? .. and be flew ln - ra< k Im , ,1-, be found tbc Prealdenl i -,..-. - I tb< i-.-uiu- I,, eould aecure bla proap tuiK tbe l ? ? . if Utali, the onlj ., ' I -, ii ,, |n cting men in Utuh bave t?eit forecd to l?' Bepublieoufl, and In Hin t-apa. ii ? thiirtuive acted , h tbe '.,? n iti..Ti ii autborit) aa theli i,ii, ,, I,,- i?,.,,ie polygamy (polyKamy and Mormon ,.,,, |, ...u.i, I. iiii-i.. IU .Iie. ' .md ur ? ,?? .ttii, ; witb tbe national authority. I aicaiiiBl Ib. naUonal polk j and ,, ,i in ibe :.," "' ' ? .i?-i,t ol ror tbe time i mona, and ih it embracea them BH |, poaltion party. Ita reliitl well..- itfl !? ,?it mi,,,,]., I, n ',, Ihon, and dui Ing tbc late wai . doiuiuated i,.v tbii ? i, ll,, I., l?i ? ' I ndthc I , W l.l li.lliil-, ilu- Natlona ? li I. too bop. , tion ,,; Bail Lake ' Ity, lu A| ? Uummittei by b di ? unucr who* ' ini -i tl?, proceedinga "i thal ( onvi i I 'u ,,i i platform, I u i- ui ? polygamy and lh( ui,,,n n. and the ele. tl..a TUrritoi al i a-1 utive ( oio ' . i,e, i, i,. id nnd, i the auapur* mtttec, aud the name ol Ita chalrman, J. M. ,,., ,,,,,,,,, i - , uppend.d, i ?l me ' onveutioi. ttm--! ? .. - Convenl t ?,. canuol . tiouul Ucpublii ni Convention - - n./e polyuaun . j tbe admi .ion to - it? of M ainiiii plaelnj a prcmii.u dialoyalty aud ipiaal rebclliou, _. irue Kcpublicuna ol tbe entlre natlon, witboul du Uuctiou ? O. J. noi i.i-n.i:, V - (, LU). -,,,itii ird of < oved ... -ni. : t? aduiil both i ol Ul d. '? ? "? und. . .,,??! ? rliiil, ,1 be. .,'>- ",' ;? " ? re Mot nioua Mr. !?toddard ol .M,.--.? biuetta aald thcex - - w. i,- >\, lud. i.->? tb.) were ooi . ,,., ii bad , ,,u,e ii _n..\, . ,1 io admit and ntarr) ujL m . .. 1 orb aald ., propoidtion b id Im en mudc in Ihe Coiuintttee, and tbat the conipronitite bad i?., ? ,| ... ,1 i,v the M.iiiu umeiulli " v in?\ ti , OMMIl ll , - i:,, cbair ordered tbe roll called formemberi ,.t tbfl ,.ti committee, with tiu following reaalt i v,, i> Bpew er; A I la, U. ( ',,-ii,,,., : ( um,,', in ic, Mai iba l l--i..i...... w. ii. (ib *? 1 inning: llliuoi*. J. Y. -rk-uninnm; Indlana, O. f. Moiton (choer*.; i -i - ?. ,: r ?.!-, Jobn v. Martin Wi, , , oulalana, ll. t'au adnall ; Main. .. Mai > land C. C. Fultou ; M rV'u , Ml. liit-'iiu. Wm. A. Howal . Miuneaota, Johu L. Av. : i ' nn,ii,.-li.nn ; ; N, u Hump?l in , W. 1 i bandler [t bcx ra]; N. w - indi r U. < ., Kdwiu 1'. >'.,,il.,ii loud , b< .,,,-!, ( uroliua, J. < ? Abbol ' I , .i.un, - ... V. i,..,ii ; I , iu II. K, ii, .' [i heoi -I . Ith( ?!- I 'la ? "? Braytoui KtilltlH I ' Mayuurd [.Ik i , Vei..i.t.. ?.., Nicbola; \ rtfluia, || || ... \. U -..?!,-Ill, i i , ob.rado, . \x. i 1,111. ii ;' New vi, \i.... J ,. I ei n . i ' ... v - liould; i. U Aiiui, -.. , v> lomin . w,,, i ,i . ihe N ( OIIIU """" ' iiiatcly afK . Ilu adjourui ion. Bl Mal B I a , ] ? ? -. r,.Li ui Orcat . . . - i latlnn. .... ? : '"?' ar* aill ? ? I Mr. Farkei uioved to refei tbe reaolutioua t., tbe Com ,,,lt|, e OU Ki ,'.ilt:,'ll-. Wilh,,111 ,1,!,. 1. \ 1, ,,' 01 to i.;. tl,,.,,, ,,,, ihe i ri i, d.nnd tben the uiotloi ? tbe Commltte. tleaolutloua waa i (Ni tt ,|, r-, \ i moved tbal all ri _ol I ,?. ,, i, ii, ,i K nii, ui debaU ta. rI.- Commlttee on I ? \li Kobineon (La.) moved to rcfer witbout read Ing. Mi Pai la, i- .i, ( , plcd Ihe ain. iitlliu ut, and tb. lull.,.l tt .- ,,.i,,|,Ie 1. Mi M, Me li.ui I-" -' I, ? ,i .?.mun - ation t,, tbe < on db re ol itlona Irom tbe V.i i ? \ erlea, tbe Convention, by vole, ordered (ben . i fortb Ibe prtni ipb - ol tbe i:- pu , ,-iiie Importunce ol laltblully atandiun l.y aud u,,i?,i,iiii_- tbem agalnai all foea,oppoattloo,or treacb ipn m auataiulnB unlvi cii antl ku Kliu i' _.? dutlon called Mi LoriUB "i llaaaacbuaetta followed tbereadlnaol Iho Unlon Lt-ague reaolutlona Inabrlel -i>- ? - i. approv ii,i: tbem, and movi ,i thal tbe reaolnttoni bfl i ob ?? ,i ? a tl,.- minutea and printed Adopli ,i. I BOMia. I ,,l - -II l.t I. -I (his,, .Mi- piai t.-.-ii ,-t rezaa called ,,.' Oeo K Carterol u ko bad i. d a i bear from tbe i ? Be. eaalon alde <,f tbc bo iaa. Mr. ( ai b i . .,iu. [,, tin platform, bul -ji.,i-, diiiiciiii i" beai i .,, ?' iii ' Bt -1 i hfl hut beea ? I.,!,.!, imt v..i-1.' ..ii-ii'ii-', ,i ii, ? ibm oat el tbe war witb twoplaaka ib l,-. platforui? iir.-t, ,f bfl eould aot ncl wbat ne wanted. to take wbal ln- eould getj -<-, ond, ,in a vvinpp. tl iii.tii. be bad no rlghl to dlctate wbat be aould have. He bad learni ,1 tbal th, will ,-: tbe people tuual i" ?>? -p. ?' icl. Uefernni to Ureeley, be aald ilu people ,,i iin- r-ouiii re i"--1. .1 more a man tt bo wai flnn, and wbo wonld make tbem liebave tbemaelrei [ftbe li.i.ii- i.eiuiii.ii, .,i..i, . ul Baltlmore, be believ.-d ..i.t,,. wouid ^et more U - lo I.- ,i,-,.u,,i ii..iu i.i,, ley. |<Jre il i b< ? M, Btraabw b ol aiabama, lout, addreaa. d IbeI'.iiiM-i.tiuii in itrona <-?:? ui Ue reoited ratiiiie uf tbc t iu. iti. - commitl Ku-Klux t>, IHuatrale tbe Importauce ol ,1,, ni, ,i lexiaiation, aad tbe -truiiic ann Ol (irinl tO . \. ? ulc tlu- law-, and to u'lai.nitcc protection t,, jii cltiaeaa la tlu- cniiiyment ,,f all tbelr p.,lltltul .uul elvll n_;ht-. ln , ,,n, luaion, bc predieted tbal Bebun would aol uiui ter a eorporal'a guard of Gera_enfl tfl atteud blfl ??u pulltll al fiiu.Tal. Mr. Btorra ol Ullaoli wuk .-aiied out, and wnd be raprc ?.nt,, i,in pan, tbe areateal carpet-baa Btate la tin i men Tbere waa only ooe man In tbedelegatlon wbo wm bara la tbe Htate. He euloxlsed the eaeriqr aml . -nti-i pi in- x'< I"" i" upie. ...ul aiaul if a .arpci baa ',. plt ? (1(1. ar rUt ll ll 11,1, lei (l? pli.llt II, foi >-aB> , all ov.-r Un- Uml Ilu- ty, .,ly r w ,ih n.r.-i, upt.- ,1 l,j liupa llt-Ut tr-l-a cf ?? l. llll-,"" tiluc, bUt ll:<? ( ii..,111..ill ll.l. l -.. I . ,.,:L I . ?? FOREIGN M.WS. THB TI.T.Ai V dl WASHINliTOV -IMI-VtISi IU -ll: STAPPOBD VOItl.KOtl - Wt. -, iiim w i-i , LABI niAl nn. II lu.i '-, l.\|, AUII, ii. i.\. ii i'i - mi-. ishikm r ( I VIM-. I ,,m?,v, Tburadaj. .lm ? *. : ? In tl.-- Ht.ii-i-t.f I.. i.i-I-, ni-rlit '1" l"1 (,i Onkf reada letter from Bii Staf-ord Kortbeota eeeiect ; , - : in bia flpeeeb oa Monday oigbl to tbe (bat ' II" llli.'.el-t.illlllllir I.IW.ell thfl IllellilreH el the .Iniiit Hlgtl < ' -'?? that th,- iudin el - re .."' to bfl pri Beoted, : th. ' ."1 N'Tth (-,,t,- declarea poaitivi lj that ilu- Comn nndentand thal rould h. witbdrawn i; nl Granville alao tt ??! i h tb i tron Mr. gchen. Ic, th.- A;,,, rican ifflnoiug thal th.. Supplemental Krtu le iaamply wH ? leloda . | i!.,,!,,.. and autborizi . ? "" aa i. .ii Iho article I ot tlu- qm ition i , . I : . ! : 1 I ? , - ? igb\ iin- debate oughl to Uog, ? i;. il Granville wi ro l ti'" Boaae that the m . ha.l not , ih" ? Uld i" ' ,1 , f i,y !),.. . lil. 111.ll .VI ? il then wi-1 tor aa ad* ? . GENERAL BRITLSl] ! I UU ..IH HADIEB '?' tBI*8 BAXD BOI i" "Ml* l.i AJll.iri' \. L-OBDOX, ' ~i \ diapatcfa from Livcrpool iay> tbe band <.f ..,1 u.i- tt, , i - . oi in ihe Hou .- .,,? Lord , t|,,n ,,f tbfl <.',\. .'Uiil.i.' 'il aatboi ?r th.- band, hav,- edtottv iflfl " """ An iii.i,, lyfrom tbfl QorerBBUBt al Ue BanMflfl Rmpire baa arrived in tlu-, city. Itwlll renuln la Eo. i : ,i :t LonttOO aiul aie BOW visilin..' Y.irnitiiitl, were greeted bboo tbelr arrlral al tbal plaeewllba , ptlOO, a i.'l ll ? ' ? inaiii popublCfl ov. r ti ? I He :,->_tl I '. \M'I.. t.i n. rnocHO on niB in?t bili . ,\t the -.?i..ii "l tl..' National Auenblj, -., debate waa rcaumed ob tbe annyhiil. in tb. ' tm im ilciivcicd it brilliani iad lemartaWe ~i? >?. u. ob tbal 'in..' I 0( gve, by Ibfl ""1. ibould lorm tbetfll a* '"'? ?:i"'1 M'?,, ? :,i, ,i to tbfl Ull redo. Lug tbfl tflffli lo two yearafui meritortoua eooduet. Tbt ipeecbw . with great attentioo by aU tba aepatt .uul ld. ? - of Um Chamb. r. (I HA. BEPOBTED BPAKISH SCCCE-J8?SEDITIOCg HUVJB* vti m- (,r ,i i;v\- ,,'. vmi i:i< an -.,n.. H.tiwv, June S.?Gen. ^ ii. 1..ii h.i- Im-ch bruught to Ptu rto Pnm Ipe. ? ialed Mtya tba! i bodyol Spaalsb caralry, ..m-i-t ingol ei-ht men and a aergeant, en. i.-ua, ?> . t tbe i? id ,,i M raounted bbbb bfltww ? iloupe and T myea. Thfl -? rgi ...t attai bei Akth tougb eogagement took pla I ?? ib loat tbe greatei portlon ol hi- boraea iad re treeted to the meual wbere be encountered anotber Bpaaieb coiaaM, wbflte ni?,n be abaadoned tbe remainderot biaboreea. Tin. teleirram in conelnatoB itatea tbat a number >,f Cnbanfl were i, everal boraea and a quantity ol arma raptun l< red iui.ur_.enta atale I .,,!, Iur tho pn- poa. "I -ancul.-iiiiK m,,,-?,. - ,\ - il i- en- il - ;l'.it tbe W* -. i,l ( ..,:? ,i -i >n< i - tO li.i . .in.i. ll the llll, I , .. |,i,,iiii,(ci atnkea to iraln advantagea for tbe i i Diarw adda I Blardfl will r. i . ..iiion- f,.r tbal poipflflfl BPAIN. a r.vsi. ,,, , vi.i i-i- 0O?( isruvu D vr OD-UG. l.,,M,i:N. A diapateb t<. tbe Govenuneol trom Gcn e, commanding tbe loyal forcea Ib Um Bflaqae I , ,,,,,., uiL.tct at .- (.. ait.e k tli.-.n. ?? UEX1CO. im , ui mi.". BBOOMINQ HOBI rBANQI n WO* HOBfl 01 CAB1HK1 CHANGE8?PBOOBBBB OP l'l V( ill I. I>l V 1.1 ...I'VII.N I. .,. \i i> 30, da ll w vs v, .Int.. | -The : inqull. ruiiiiii, lr ,:, . I,, - . tt iii l..,/.i,la, tlu- mn. - ji.-iiilei,t cbl. f. VII ?-,,, I aiii.tlicr iT.itilii :a i,? i.t,,, wbleb waa generally reeelvfld very esflHy. A , itlon i- m en,-i. ' bj I'a-ttu o - proclalmiug Iaerdo de Vejada Prealdeat ?C tbfl Bepabtb ,. lt la tbe general uptaleu, bowever, tbat tbe I. I.un.-,:...- M IB] peopla iM llll" iv Un. tbat tbfl ti.,. iiui.-nt waa tubrleated bi adbi ? iii.iii-/., for tbe parpoaa b! leatlog Ut i rfllBtlfl?n u,'.\< - lu, Bta in tbi ! _BBflftBB__a Arepon lala elrealatioo,wllboul autbfltttattffl ttm tradletlon, Ibal ael n t ln tbe Mlnietrj wlll tabe alaefl IbelOtbol June. Befior Rouiero otenda to leovo tiu-l',-|,.Kiin, m t,i Finanee and r.-tir.-1,. biaeatal Ihe .,1 ( l.i.lpa-. >?,,,,, Ve..(-,,, ttlll ll,... II,, 1 - uu.- tbe d:r, t tn.n .,f ti? M tional r.iwni.rok:: i tbuu-ut. .1,,-. Muftei, -i|.. .ikei- i.i < e,,-i- aa, and Uabrtel M incerea, a i), puty to the -.uu,- body, an toenter the C ii.inet. .,.:.,,- ih Improvine abiwly, but tae mining lntfli ,.,| in i,ii,i,icti,rii,_; >?!,'. i |,ii.-f-. a-ulTfr .,,, II,e t l.-.-.JII. I 1 la- llll -at t la <t preveuta men han,- froa ofl? tl.-riiiu . , uaaiou on ii, llvely, witb th ? cbaueea bow InfaTorol | ptiou ol tbi ? i.,. vi,,. ii- .ui railroad proji i ti "t ? Plnmb ,i,,,i (nn- Boaecrana aud i' Imer bave been deferrod uutil tbe Ue.Xt s. -M.ll, a.t l ,,l._|, --. Boeba ii,,- i,,.ii,,i (. ii. m tbe tm of tbo ? -. leavlutj a ,.:uii.-,,n to defend Masatlan. A'lviccM iiuiu atate Ibal tbe revolutioni*ta bava eaptured and plundered ,1,, t'l^ttom-tutuae and otber ? ildinm at Alvarado,. iri-yingoB tbe eaaploy^-a . veral ,-f ? i. a, i.. , ,,,,? I, |.,,| t. ,i t,. Juarei baa deelund ma tiallavt intbefltateol Cubabuila, aml baa appoluted Gea. lapada miln.try |{t>\l -I 11UI. ...-I.. Palmei ,in,I Qov.Ilunt, witb tbelr party of en . in. e lefl tbe cap i rlll dti ,,t- into two parti.?one to aurvej ihe rountrv In tbe dlrectbm ..f ind tbe oi ber bj - Tbe Mezi I..-, i-raua i .i |-.i me, bonorary uiemla ??? <t>. ,, ,wi ru,., i.t .,r iie i . |, lauouneea tbat Bfl m i o( iula hav. .--i-, mi. .1 toFrunee, an.l eouaequentlv tb the I ii iu t imi- of aueb ofti e arenull. The JomnuU - ,\ - -, i.,,i Itdiiici'o ?,,'?- tu ih, l aited Btatea t.< obtaln coioulBia i,i bla eetatea lu .,...;,.- A direcl Uaa of -le.lllici- llf ' led Ibfl eonalderation , ? , wion baa been >let.-rr, ,i ontll Ib. u< ll LEORAPHK KOTH _Tlu-, .Lf. :it,-,l tlu Iln uiak Tbe Boatoo nioe yeaterdai defeated tli. Halti '. to U. Iln- -,li,?.l ahip ...-?. lf. vvlii. Ii , ??<-i (., _Sainiicl Beed aiul I. li T.itt'ic. wel_ ' ei an-l LrM to bail ia a ._.-:, aararla ttauefti Ibal UlOB UB thr I l.l, ? a .. ?Tbe l.H-.ii Committee ,,i Arraagflflaeaia for the ' Iii.- .Vrilit ..I ilr ,t.-.t-.,<- ? lr .UlofJull Lrlt. al. lUil) U ir, .,!|,l ..f 1 .1 ? r | allrndUlcr. | . .... ....Tbflfltribeof tbe itoken al tae PbiladelaUa a- .?r. al,, IL. , 1 IrlU auflar t., | , ,.r lr ? ? t t Ihr bti. , .... uitj | . Ili.ui. \t at meetiog of tbc Boal Race Cotaiuittaa oo -.- tiuai arriBffra ? artlra tu li.r aUh.L.,1 .rr. tl.r M . o( |) J,,,,n N ? ,,, ,.,ain h.,1 t?. I?ala at Ua,.!-.! VM tjulla ...? ltlk lLal . Lr fiva, tLa r.m. iu ,< .o NBalai ba