Newspaper Page Text
VOL. VW II TVO. (| *:i? NEW-YORK THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1872. PRICE FOUR CENTO w ._.---*?.as v, ?-?s-. rOLlXlCAL CONVENTIONS. TIIK iMLNNl'.SOTA DEMtOCRATf. tilt .ill i ST? ?-TIKKIN?. UR-ttAL BI-KCHU I MM *IKAIM I* I VTMI ?-IV-M l'Ut ?.Ul n i:v ? KMi'iiAiit UtOLDTIOXI tx> in.,. . t\. isN v 11 11 .TtOSM AM? TM M t? " (,];' ' I ' > *l' 1. LAST, AND AL* MON WITH Till* I IT niai i.i P-WT081 l>. |BY Tl-.I 1 LRU H TO TUB TRIBl'ltRI Ft 1'aii. .<uf 1.'.?A full representation of the, ta IK-iiioi'iiK \ ?nine togatlni ?it noon t?'-?l:iy, it'i tin ptt_Ott not only of selecting delegates to Baltimore, but for the linal tit finition of the 1 taRBO? ?Rrvt it-? ut'titim? nt of the St.ii?'. A full and intelligible lti?< i. : lange ol se miment h;i?l in I'll inii.le last muht ?nd thus ltinrir.'.'K, ami when tlie delegateR convened i'i ? *\.i- litt I.' iluii lit M to the at tit Jile of the party. Tin !??(?..>rtiiz.<l 1..ulers, who have in IBOOB, niiu paiirris held somewhat aloof from a? live participa twui, wi re xntt Ot ba for? ??, H '! 10 I ?eitaii: ?'Xtsiit lnnt'irod the hi'ihi of the ('oTiVcntinii in itsoii' ?ptikeii pro-nm. . ?'i -n for Reioim and LiWrality. A ROOOftB-ROCl lead) r ?if the OOTkJ, the Hon. Kilmund Ku ? th?' Chairman ol the St;it< ?'? utial Cotnuiittee, t_tli??l the iirtKt ??i 11.1.--- into op? t.ition and dcliveuii ??bort addrt\s.s si_nilic?nt of the ft'tuper and ?iispo ailtou of the gathering. Ha IBOOOJB-ROd the gr?at ?shant*?' of Stntmttnt which wan Coining Xiyoit the ?otuitry, and the revolution which was turning tlie Dea o. r.iti- ;.:iit\ fr.m a BOfahlfOt of tha, and intrusting it with a niis-ii.t. "f i? f.'im for the futi.r.-. lit l.a.l felt the pulse o? the party, and he ttmUA testify |o Mr < aa ami h.\a!ty in the irreat OOOrtOOt li?>w opellint' to th?' ili?-I??.I.- of hoinMy. Th?' delegates, bent main!.? o:i one pUipoOR, made no objection to the writt4ii aptx'intiiieiit ot committees, ???., and the Convention made a t<mp?>iary atljouin BMBt until aft? ini.oii, t<. ?rive tlie various (oinmit portuiiitv to arrange th** matten? intrusted to thi'in. Ihe t'oiniii'iti?-. OHI Bf r-.'liitionn had heen ?lis aBRMOOl with a great deal of anxiety, at.d the result \*-o an adlniial.l. miuluiiatnu of the -?cry BtronglOt m?'n m the part*, selected fioni tin* tut in* State. (if .m?ri.' ..led on the resolut ions, and the ri.oie outspoken Colliitiy ?h h K-?t> -s, who avowed that they dare not go hottt witiiout iii(iot-i!i_ Qra ley, wore in ttonal r?*stli'Kritioss tm 1 tl the in.itt.r '..t'.ie to ;.i. I ?'i ba the aflernOBB, in this expectant frame ?>f mind, th? delegates crowded in and listened with (?'im ii,?lifleretie?- to the report?? that (lid n<>' i Motion. The ?election of a permanent (haiiiii-ii. linwi v. r, hnke the ii c, aud loud cheers wi lesiUKtl tbe aiiiiomi00-MB1 of Um naine of tLc Hon. Stiiihu 1 Smith to position, lie has heen ttn outspoken winker for Liberalism, nud hi.-11. ? ?li.ui u i i. .i'. nt ? . a nulicaled ti'.it then- would ne no temp? . the voice of the people or the de ? f the delep.iti's?. He declined hi-? intent ?ti.? :mi.I with vigor. He knew the sentiment of his P?yi* l. 11? BOB the daily l_ONBB?gtida of Liheral uttti in the 1{? ;inl'l;.'an Kiiil-r?. atu'i 1 ?? knew DO ?jwmbinatU _ of men or partms could thwart the jh-o p!c\ v, .11 in making "Horace Oreeley tlie ii<xt l'u-i *l< lit < f the I : . nit? who dreuiucd of a ditl. rent purpose at Ualtimore, Unit ??n. I. ] -cntiment wa? so otrong that if such _na?lfi?H?t? as a strait-tit nomination were attempt?.1 the Democratic party would he split in frBg-ROBtl never to he T<ui.ited. The platfoiin as RBBI by Gro?le; wao Um aobleol political cm Ix'tliin? nt ever ofh red to a great people, and with < liOOO- the known honesty and capacity of ? and H rown tie Democratic part y had nothing moic to det-iic. 1 !i? >?? expressions came when the t? m... i <>f tlie (.on*, iition was evidently desirous.of c vigorous utterance, and eveiy allusion to (?ie? lev was rei. i\? d with loud e\plosions ol d< lijilit. Laut then- mifiht he tlie possibility of misnn.ler rtandiutr, however, Gen. and exiiov. Gorman was detenmnesl that there should Ik? neither suspenso nor delay, and in onhr that theie should he no un r. rtainty m tin |s_l_OOU*10gJ "r PorpOR? "f the resolu ?*h?ti aobmitted to the t". nventioii, he read ibis unmist n ?d the jutvaient senti montof the bin ?eaaJeealj j ,'...? ;:.c'delegates elected by thiii Conven Uoi. t4 ?si mocnitic (i.ineiition at llaltmiore _r? , i ;,, voto for and u.-e all just ami honor:.hi? tn. aus to ronflrfn the neiniii. ? s of the < i. n ii.tti t'uuvtntlon for President and Vice-PreMdeut t?f the I'luUil Matea. 'I ? i \ ? ntion broke into a storm of applause as ?ooii ;k- the retstilutioii had been read. l_e Chainnan of tin t'oiutoittic on l.i'B? lutiotis fell that a slight bad beea put upon tin Committee bv this gratuitous preamnptkm that tho resolutions had tailed to meet the demands ?.f the party, and thereupon read a Klroiit'ly-maik? d res(.lution, instructing tho dele init?-i'vote as a unit for t!.t plRtfon. and candi? dat??, of tiie ( UieJBIIRtl C'oTivi ntion. .Some ques? tions as to the ttdvinahi'ity ('f t) iug beyond recall the hami ..i the delegation ar.??-. and one delegate, who anni'iiiiced that h: waa Qroeley, doubted tho t~_*doni oi the totton on the giound that sinne'! ititt menij tiine to tot-llj ebaage i boottuotioa. "I said h. . "I _ ,?'."?? -1 ? ? i'.UH of J.ii,( rak v QQ ' a ?Tosh to take iic'toti on this v "Ty r'-'ittr-r. "What if Ml should he withdrawn T'' usked tin apoakoi triuniphatitly. Half the Con v?iii,i: ma to ii? f*. t and shouted, "We'll ??till \nte hu Gieel? y'' "What if Ualtimore should y, "W?'11 vote ful Greel? y !*' 'Ih..t B_a ilo ' '? fini )ru?t, and always. Gen.Gor _iai>. in an rflort ad (.'rent power, traversed tbe I .d growl- of sentiment in tlie ?State, all tead inu to < ontirin the selection of Greele.v as a more _1h,\c and beyond politicians, and although his Mip long political opiK?uent, he gladly lent his aid to put him into the Tresideiitial oflice to purify the ptditi. - of tha .oiiiitrv. Tins Utile int.rlude was ei.ibil b] a t harai terintic Wt-stern prouunciauiento fion. Mt Ir;? Hart?n, who facetiomsly announced hiiii*-? If :.s :i i. ).!? s.. ! tative of the rural dislri.t? "W< I i.e. " made up our minds to vote for On .ley. OORRO vtliTit will. We have also ma?le up Our iiiitids to 1'ind the delegates to vote for ?.-v ami r.rov* a ; and 1 say here that if any man returns fioil. tha' Ci'tiventiol. -ith (il. ?ley ef.eated out of tliat iioii.ii. il bang him to the first tree'' Tl.ii- siiiiimiuy disposition excited lively approba? tion 11,. i..-.,?ntion of <v?n. Gojiiiiin wa* adopted. J I?? followiiBf i? the platform: I. ml. Hi it ? ?:.!? Convention tbat the'iin utl'ijit?-.) at Cincinnati, udujitt-ri tm?! <x ine.l i.? I .ley In hi? lcttei <>T hcce|itaiic<-, expresas?? tbe true Deuioorotlo idea uponeveri :i*?ijb pollti Iba ?lay, and ?r tlielefure DUOftll) liiildi?. ti.< suiue aud the (audidatet by the Convention lien hi toiled. That ?ti? Mcleiratc? elected try thi? (Convention to atii'i tba I'-in. .era l it- t'ont ?iitiiin ot Bslfiiinr?- ?ra ? til ju.-t und t (iH.Orin th f the Clucin lusi, (? -ad Viet -I'reaiiicut of tin tin it? room <|U.riiloiis tin opixised the a?lop tion of the i. ?.'.it. which would have also killed the Loot r?t?.liilioii ; and. on this, Jo4?t Atwale/ made a ??.??.h **.',.. i. b.o rooetrod oiit? nk*??iri??- UrCrtoi i ' :.. '1 his brought oui all tlie strong apeakeis of tin- bodj, and tl.?' HMti-imll of tin htat? i.iiiM.l ntiniistskahle illii-tiHtinii. Tlii?, how? vet, . the In ,?t of tbe ? '?lit? st. if it 00 lid be vailed a OOH-IOOl ?_ re i.i :.? 1.1 n-t w. ntieth- BON In favor and tb?- ot'.i t *A.-ntieth against. II??tag tin m !. < li "ti of d. loffOt. ? .iti.iti to'.k R K ty-Mi, and in a f. -. ml.h.l rt??_-fl-a th?- followiiiiv us ?leh, .?'.n .n? . i ..t only MBMRMQi ( t.itor of Gic.lcy and BroffB, but hound by th? n insti m l.ons to RdfBOBtO tin in, and none ?ilheis. as the nonijiie*s of th? DeBMClBtk forty: /ti?i /..?/? | ' i! Bern 1 Bm a I < Wit? N a latte -mi M .i Itopei ? ?. t-i?. . ? . . itu _ II h...., .,: lili i ! .. L L P-rh "i i HttutilL..i ','. v> I _ n^. ,,! (, .,, i,,,, i, j H.i. BOB ?I tMlei tutti kitiii) VV. E.)Ui vl VloViLi. At ? t?male*?M. ?I. ( ome? of I>, J. J. Pkinncr ot Rlee, -i,,i I-. ?,f fill r*?"rrf /?istrict? V,m. I/o ?,f 81. Taul, Oeo. Mirsch of Hi. rani. Win. ______? gf Heuepka, J. J. Kgau o? et. i.?.ni?. l|. le _e |T? Mut t,ni<>, and until tb?*- action at Haiti moro, tin* l.llxriil Kepiibllt-ut | luv?- m ? i ii titln?-?!, and j.r?.j.?.H't.? iniiiitMin t? separate _f__Mlfl it inn. __B __? vcntioii, liiiwi-ver, tlioniflit fit to tllll4- 111?- illltlullM-, Ullll unanimously adopt?*?) the following r? solution: hrtoittd. Tliitt the Oiniocrall?- ('. titra) Committee aro Tlin -liy ?.iitl,?'il7<?l nn? I iin-triit-ti il tt> confer with tin- Lib ? ral Bepabllcu < entrai Ootnniltie. ol tilts Hiatc fur tin purpose t.f orgnnlzing ami onllln?, toircther m t li ?*? htate end la the several Coneieaa Di__rte_ ell tboae wbo eie in tii\ ,r i.f tin- i.lntii.iui'i'if.l i..t tli, Cincinnati Ood v, tit it'll, m:.1 foi "ic purpose 1 f mut in ?i to_*e___T ttir ?ie menta of opposition ?,f tn<* prem-nt oorr-pt national Ad? iiiinihti'iiti,*!! ; mill in promoW lunnoDIon? and efficient action, tin i>< ii..i(ratU' State end Congress l)i?triet t'um nilttee? an- reqaeeted to ??-t in ? ?,i|uut lion -w j t ii ?-liuiiar toes of i.iiti-iiii ElepabUeaaa. Peee_Bj__tag the ?-lection t.r 1 he eleetaeel ticket, ami the 1 ?,, B__ olll,-?-ri-, ?? In, h nn- tt. t. rli,,H<n tin- fOOt, until after the action at Baltimore, tin- t'oii.eiitinn ad 1 .?.1 ni il gin* die. THE !__.____. DEMOC-UCT. A II4.KMOMOII4 << IN VF. NI ION?Kl 1.1. (?HKU.FY l'l I H.Ml.iS TU IHK NATJliNAl. < . >\ ? l.\ I U >N ?___t_OMNKL 1>Y Till I?KI.K.?.ATF.S?KNTill - MA.? M FOI IHK __________ TICKST in i-.aiti MOES?1'KKl'AI'ATIoN.s WOB THE .11 1.Y CON \ 1 N non. 11,1 TKI.H.IlAril TO m TRini ST. ] B__ iiM'iiiK. June id.?Th?. Deneentk state Con ventiun. whiih nut to-day. conduct? d it-s liiiMiit-rvs with entiu- harmony. Kvm.v county in tin- Mat? was fully represent! 1], and among the delegat-es ivas an oiir.t-'ially larire number of solid eonw-tvative men of high character nntl large i ti flit? me among thepeofle wboeenl them, l-weole business of the nu? ting wee to provide for the r? j.t. . ptetteei of the Matte in Um e_r_oe?thii_g National Confen___ It I'lanut .\ 1 ?tei day, from the ? -mm m > 11? 11 of th? delegetee,thai t_w)_____a__e_psiro--_ be praett ?ally of one mind upon the ?jin-stion of t_do___Og ?he Cincinnati ticket, and that the only controversy that would arise would In* occasioned by local and personal pee_eeneeB for the various e__td__tee Becking the honor of election as fl_riget_ to the Natioi IB. Convention. This proved to be the ease as fully as iree p__cted. Only one county sent representatives openly oppoei il 1?> Ore* lc\ . and those nun found the tide niniiinir so sfronjrly against their prejudices that they tool: the discreet course of say? ing nothing and aci?ui. seing in the M-b-rtion _ pro? noun -??1 (?cciley delegates. The four del? gatea ehoeen to lepeeeent the Biete at Urge, end twelve delegates fioin the a-xCeogrece Dietriete en all BTOWed ??ret lev _____ anil will cast the soin 1 v?.t?- of .Maryland for the __d_Ce____n1 "f the Cim innati Platfona. 'iiieit- was a lathee earneel bol geed? natnred contest for delegates at large. The F.astcrn Shore men claimed that they should of riulit name ttee I ! the four, but the- Convention r< fust ?1 to ron eede this, end deputed __n theenrione ami ___oe? ?wbat ahsuid old e_*_? in Mai.\li'iitl pol: dix Idinf ??late ollites lunl honors into two equal por? tions, and giving one-half to the Beet) in and the other to the Western _____ o? the I lu-r-apt ake. The del? x iti'ui at larce was niiiih' upa?ii tWO ballots as follows : Mm I ???uu ry HI air, Philip l' cis'1 hotnas, KobtTt l'i,\ 1*1. antl A. I..-0, Knott. Mr. Hlair is, of DOtme, ?fell known to every one as a ?r of tjLiuct'lu's Cehinet, end a p__K___) o_ national reputation. He hei (teen the tir-t In Id lhat ,'?. nc__nat-_o wee the etrongeat the ( uati (. oiiM-nuoii coiild poeeiblv Last made, and he haeprobehl] done as much hard work a? any man in the 8?te t4> briug the Meiylead Deeetxreey np letheil B-__eeil attitude of cordial wi____eBB to ?with tin-Cincinnati movenmnt. Mr. Thomas waa Governor of the State before the war; was Sec retai'.v of the'JTeaMiiy for n short time ?f tlie close of __-_-_e_n'a Adaleielrethwi. and was elee?ed to the V. b\ S? tiate in 1897, ___ *H l__B_ t_______o_l on the ground of alleged sympathy with the lit hellion. Heiee ie_id.nt of tho Eastern Slim?', and heg for many years stood among the foremost of the public men of Maryland. Mr. low 1er isa prominent and wealthy citizen of Baltimore County. Mr. Knott i? an able and popular lawyer of 11.ilti moreCity. Amoni,' the District de__0__ He Col. Hait\ (iilmoie, who was a d-_liiiiK rat? o?it cr of i-reat personal bravery, John Lee Carroll, a descendant of Onu les Caiioll, the eignet ? the Dm I,nation of Jndepenih nee, J. W. Haiit-Iunan, tlie editor of The Trchri-k <ili:cn, theIfiedhlgTrnmo 11atic paper in Western Maryhiinl, Hoin-rt .1. Danks, formerly Mayor of Haltimore, and (J. V. Hunter, anil WeB.Ha .Tall,'an. 11 bii-ini s nii-n of tin* city. The delcKatioD ns a whole is ?me of nietked ability and hii?h chara? t.-r. A Conunitu-e on BeeolntioneWM appoint? dearly in the day, to whom u'l resolutions we_t __aed without debate. A rep-rt was expected fnun this Committee, buthjrthe time the business of nuking up the delefratiom to the National (-'.invention had been completed, it had gel to be quite late in the afte.ruoon, and Hi- ?l.-b/ates voted an ad? journment in ordt r i" take the erctdng trains for l'?ime. Thelf view, as expressed in eCffiTeteatioo aftciwaid. wast: el u greal cue hud been taken to put none -_rtw-U-____>wii Qfeeley men upon the dtb-^atijii, it w. i? nut u.rth while to sit an hour or two longer for th- ?? 1 p__ingi__u?onsen d listening to s)t.-e? h?.. ?jome of then referred t?. an old DemfK-ratie onstom in Maryland, of selecting nod men BB dolegatee, and never impoeiag inetrne* tu.ns upon them. Ttiei:? tin n.l?*trt of tin* Co?.\en tion, wTio were Overflowing with enthu-iasin, and wanted to do some talkiiiH and ihontingfot (?reeley, wete dL_ppointe_ at U-u e______xT edjonnuncnt. '1 hey tro? one onpoituiitty to cli.ii, however. A resolution ofl'ertilVv a deleirate from a wet-tern county was rea<l bef?te being referred under the rule to the Committee. It ?tronwly favored the in? doreementatGteelejr end Urown, and the reading called forth load and beartT applause, in Which nearly the entire Convention joined, together with the whole body of BpeetetoBBi Ia4_diufc.itj/.eiis of Beltimece einrivss this ereeiiag I'M at satistat lion w ith tin irorkol the Conv? nliou to-tlay. i'hey say that th- unanimity of the dele? gation to the National Convi'tiiioii and its reeeg? tii/.tl ability will ?i-.?- Hat]land en Lnflnenee iu that hotly far lie'vond the mmierical strength of her vote, ??-.?.??ciiillv as the ?leleuation will be support*-?! bv the overwbelmine an.l entbwieetifl ?eutimeut of the p?riple of Haltiiiioie. Never were poUt?clanemore at fault than tho members of the Deino ratic National Committee when they faced niton Baltimore as the place of hfildiiiii the National Convention on acA'ouut of its Boppoeed Indiffeeenceor hostility tow aid the Cincinnati movement. 'J hey did not dar?- s?l?<t St. Louis because of the outside influence tlia 1 they thought would be manifested for Cre.ley and Brown. It turns out that they blundered upon the ?Tronge?tGrwley city iu the whole country. Ilio B_timoi__a are gi eutly delighted at this blunder. Tiny are making pr?parations to receive the Con? tention with hospitality, for whhh they are r? nown??d. Commit lise? of busineas men have already rai??? d ?U the funds n_?*_ary to pay the expenses, aided of course by no a.?_4 ?ssment? upon ofll, e-hdd u?. No doubt is expresoed of the indois? nient of the Gincinneti ticket, and prominent citizens say that will ratlfv the ticket by a demonstra? tion that will entirely throw in the shade thectit e_d*__d .?Hull at Thihul? ?phia. LOITSIANA. (?HANT ntl'l Itl.K AS CoNVF.NTIi.V. Hat?..s liiutii*., June 11?.?The (irant m pub limu Ht.ite g_____e___i 1 ?invention met to flay. T. T. Allee was elected TfcuijMirar) _________ Tin? 1? n teal vote ravoilng Mr. Kellogg?! nointnatlon I A Cnnitintti'.' .tu Credentials wm ap |W_etedi uti'l Ilit ( ohm nil,in B.1.I-.IU ii'-il until 7 p 111. 1 in ran iiHA? k ? o_n g_mo_i. Baton Bocog,J___e i;?.?The Piaehbaek K? pul.iii an hist?- ? (,i,m ntjoii _____?__?_ lu-r?- a Com nit'?? eu ri.'tfuiru v. in. apjMiint?-, wbo ?rere lnitruetsd ? lea ?lit l:.i ation a??iilT,t.t (.t?el?y bus Itrown Tli? lii'pnoHioii pr. \ail- that tills ('? ?ill not * ti, ti,, Qrau 1 t ,-n\. iitiuii, t,ui n.iii bote will ,,4i. M;,;<- l|._.l; ll,,,l K.? ll.iKif will I, lh, .nun. . ni,a' k ft tin- 1,II,er fM Qovei-HM AHKAN.-.A.*? D-_,0_UTI. 1 "N\ IVJltiS ? l NIKM BTKI? IN DOI-Sl Mi.N'l 01 OILBKLKT. 1.11111 Ut-i k. Jum It,*?The De__aoen_k hi..I? < . i.vri.lii.n torn 11 i,- ? ' ? ,, , tt, 1 t?-.i a pe_BB-M_N, axi'l _.?,uiijiu _a_t|| i,ii?i.i in 1 Alioiit :iMI ?lei? irat? s Veta RfOOBBt All the cntintic? were ri'ine?eiiteU. ?recley and brown Will U?doiibUdly Ik' Indorsed. I-IRIKAI. Ilr.lTnT.ICAN ?INVENTION. LiTTi.i; BOCK? June 19.?The Liberal I.cpuli llran Mstt c.nivciitii.ii paaaoi NOOtBHaBi to-day re R_i__g IbaglallaaM atfMM. rRttfrtog tin? Cincinnati pluCi.rin, iiii.l eOfl?M on all trood p? opte to Join them In their ?[Turt? t.. elect tbe Cincinnati ticket. Tin? Conven ttt.n adjiitirnc?! until 11 o'<-lock to-morrow morning. ALABAMA di:moci:\ts 0BEAT IVAMMITV rol. OH ki.kv ash ni.nws. IBV TKLKOB-HH TO TIIK Ililbl NK | M(),st(.<imkky, June lih?The Ihinocrati?' H*iit*' Convention which met here to-day I" the largest ever held in the Htat?*. It is ROO-fOROO* "f "?e -MrM BMO In the p.irty, und iH f..r (ireel.-y ?nul lirown wif, ?treat nuanlmity. Tli?> Hale ticket will Ik* notmnrted t>. The sell ctlon ef the electoral ticket will lie held in utieviiii.e with a view to wake up a tckfit of Iifi.ii'cnitnaii.1 I.ii?crnl Republican?, (?rent ent)iisi.i?i_ and the best id feeling prevails. TKXA8 DEMOCRATIC < "M BOTICA OBI i;v ( ?iMiiiiAii:*- anii l_0-PBOn Cok.-k VNA, June 1!?.?Tlie Democratic C?>n vt-ntioti ailjuiu lied iitnlil ip? lit ?-?it lilii-i.s-iii Ifela afteUiniiii. ?;.n. Kogcr A. Mill? of N.tviii Jii Iga -JB II. Vlllle of tiiihistoi.,|l...tli l'i.elcy men, were iioniinat.rt for ConiVTess. If Baltimore does not make a ?UiUht nonilnatli.n Texas is pood far 6<i,noo mainrlt* fur (in. lev and Ilrown. There la a ?troiig fccllu? iu the l?tala OgRlORl i.'iiln.a.l BOBO.! I BOT. Tli.nU aaartOB, i tardHRtf *wr? tb d b? conea a? bla Mi Ml lu i n ciiiiii.. ted us> toi iiItI - COLLEGE < 0MMENCEMENT8. M U'l-(iN I HIV-MI Hamiik-v, N. V., June 17.?Tlie Cctniaeix ? - ment . m tt?et* B011 very ini-pii iiii-l? niait?.-., i ,u. d, *-in. day BBOmlaaft by the anoint! AMeoOTM bt?OBO I he Itwjst 1 ?t Kiln. al:, n Sini. ti ul tlie Htatc ot N.-W-Y'.rk, by the |'e\. Henry A. Garde "f Mend, h, t BBRU, 0?a f"i MvOMl pnst bus le-iiie.: in j.isey etc TBel r.Di Omette el New-Vuik ( ill .... iipici the pulpit also, and Di.ide tlie opening pra.v er. Tlie sei mon *? si a n.a-tei niece it. evcrv respect; not a sentence In it but wluthad been prepared With studied cat.-, and was deliver. I B BOOl an UnptRRB ive manner us t.. Meara Ifea eMaael RMMrtaM of tin* audience. The ( tv fur I!? UglOtU Inqu? I, tvl.ieh B c..nip..seil of siiidents for the nilnistrr exclusively, be I IU inn:,vet-in? Mat evening. Thenp? es were .'.inducted by th.- Bev. John C. Ward i V Y.. vile. gradu?t. .1 here M rears ago, b\* rttsldenee then being m Brookl* n. 'i he ici mon lie fon tbe above Bootety was then delivered by tb? He*. L. J gattoson (Class ?f IBM) of Brattleboro', Vt. Hi- t.\t n a) : " I idided Dice, though thou bast ti. t knn\? n R?o.H latak -lv.,1. To daj vas occnpled with tbe examination ?I lb? Tbenloj; i by President Podge and Dr. flarvoy,and with meeting! ot tbe ? <n poratlon Boards tt Ti oat aad Bdnea Hon. 'lins evening waa devoted to prlte d? nit?nation hy imii members lrom each "i the three m lergradual -. Tiie speakiiit: was . redilab le, ? ut t ne w-i. i I were most)* sboiuInahle. Btudent? who select extract tiiiui tbe ?lie.-, n?s ..r partisan poUticiaos,aaddccla?a Hi. m tu a ? iiliiiiietii'Ci.ieiit ..u.' i. m .'. l.i lhal t..-le inid Jodgmenl that they mat, II is Rogad.?'.Iren, ? BsTTO-BS, M.w-.ii H * . The conuiienceiii?nt fexerdaeo <>. Ratgfen Oollece, n?*v itritiiswiek. N.J.,'.u' held reeterday. ra conferred and pri?es Ami Ib atad. The foil..wing BTftrrRR-RM was can e : nit : " Lstin Salotiti.'?? ' W, J ' . ' I'Ii.loa ,1, <?l tii.iH . i * Ul?Ml ?ir?'i..n," .4 s. ,,,,,; ?? ?, ,??,, ?f \v.r," n .Upan." .1. S. N. Iiiiiis rea ; " Foet_l?U," J. Pitt Baad ' K. H. ' " Th? liM.I I_?l?f aad I ' W?. II H.'tTnisn; "I'ntmlsr 1" ? ? i: i . ?I .-r ? ? Clsinl ?f B?litf ' 0. A. Kirs; " The I . " Tb? ?Il r III-' ' .lolui , ' Ilion.? s ? ihn i.-s , I I J. : ,,. 1' Af?." C. II. *-!-<l>. TEE INDIANA, lll.l' MtTtl'KIi 01 \S AI.ENT. W_Uaa__fOTOW, June IU.?'1 lie Indian Oflic?' ha? lnformatani that an intent of the Vav?jM has B I I murdered by a part* nf I te?. Th. Utaa BioM Ifea south? west part of ( el.irado, mu! the Nuv:tju- in the seiith-we?t ci.rn.r of N.w M. iko and the iinrth .,f Arl f.nn. The nations arc unfriendly to each nthcr. This dlftliiiltv hnrs no coiine. ti'iTi v, :* . ? ? ? n rt,. Texas frontier made by the Klowu sr_I Comnncbes. llie InfoTB?ilion, however, In r.p .rd t.. tbe ?ordei <>f the linl. .u n?.*.'ii! I>> tlie l.'l? - tu ed- '"i.'.: luutioa. ?OU ai'Aciiks K.v BOOTI in \va-iiim;i..>'. CiiK.vr.N'NF. W? T., June It. flUdll Indian Cuiimii?inner ?ien. O. O. H.war.l fRONt thnntgli tOtt ? lty to-day i n rente for WORkturten, with S dehgatlen of atoe Apache indi,m?, representlna ill <i "? Apache trlbea. 'ti?< _elerat ? left ArBooa Jim. i, trav? I'Iilt * la ??.int.? W and i>i i i i:i:ii. i M H a Mi RtJMOB All BOrta ?it rumors WON in circulation ye?? tatd-l m \* I '.way ilud?. Ono ri'iinrt w a-ti it n aioveaMat wee et Mol t" MaMioJag Gould to hi? f..line l'r?--?.b tit of the road, and that an agent bad ROM M "htgtRRil in Ooild's lafr esf, I? was nt?Of, il a I' o the hsrp.iin of DaoMl 1) rew to sell 50,(?D0 ifearaa a. Etle ?tock at 51, deliverable any time up M l><? ? ''I. IRTt, 1 ??- been conipr.iBi-"'d, and that the Raaaay had feooBttthdnwa tro-rtfeolrnal Compati v. Early in the day F.uc doO-Bol from M|te 50f on a de i hue in IiOudon from ini to f{, caused b> lieary failure? la the city. Later iu the day LeodOB telei/r?_? reported a r.. ..veiy M 4-'t there, whh U eOBOOd a rally here to 63*,. and the stock fluctuated Mr .-ome time bct*n*cn 5i| and 52j. in the ato m....a s ine t,. rataa lwi>tsiaain>aaied|io the ninrkct as buyer? and ran the stock up rapidly, until IS5J was reached. The {?lealingri in Crie throughout the day were large, and tint oooraa of the market was as follows: M|B1gimn|Bmm|BMI Cud c.riilng the approachiii^ election of the Krte Compaiiy, many rumors are aflo:,t, AmOBg IfeoB likely to entei the DOW direction, the Mlovrlnf ?ra nientb.ned : Qeorge B. MeCleUan, B.L.M. Barlow, V-_BM B? Imn caii, Haiiiiiel D, BRbeoek, Wiiiim_ W.ttti Hhertnau, Charles I_?n?inif, Oiboon Hhtiiuiis, ami |. II. 6MOO. Aiiiuii?T thus? DMDtloaod for Preatdieat ef the ?".impsnv ?te Mr. BlaeRatona "f the Chicago and Alton Road, Mr. Joy of the Michigan Central, and s'en. M. Ciellan. It 1? Meerted that ???-u. M.-cieiiau will prob?bg ba the new Fie-lddif, a- he _< in at curd with the HiM-tjiiffr-helm-Mc Hetii.v Atlantic und ? li eat Western party. lOHMOf thnse neutfon? ?I above ai" dlrecton m roa Atlantic und Great trent? ru ? iitnpaiiy. and it is stated that aaloaa i onnMo arruii??i tuent win be nade between the two cotopaolea. and that possibly the Atliuttc and (JrcatWestcru may be leafed to the Krte. -?m_m-,--__ CIVIL RIOHTH INhEll KXIrtTI.N.; LAW-, Hai.timouk, June 19.?In tlie (Hited BtatM Instil? t fouit, yesterday, Judt*.- QIMo in the caae of Josephine Carr (black| ai,'alii?t the tnuMcrof the steamer OhOOMTi for ejecting the pialntlfT frotn th* after or muin cabin to the forward cabin of the steamer, the Court iaatOOd|Mdamages aad cost?. In givlsg his decision Judge (liles remarked that It wa? not in the power of common carrier?, in trsiisportlnx putt-euirer*, to make I disc r nui tut. "ii a? to color. CKIME8 AN'D CASUALTIK3-HY TtLEURAm. ? Elizabeth Ant-.r, a Went I*ittstield (Mass.) ftli?k?-~??. ifKl 71. roaimlli.] .ulr,J?, ?t, Turwlai ?.(lit, by Jrowuio?*. _On Mondav night, the Sluv ernte Indians mtir Jfr?-: ? ma? Basttsl Betlli Rwi.l i? Sa? H?t? t'omit; I tali. aa_ luur BBBRn ? An explosion occnrrwl. yestenUy afternoon, il th? cipl ?I?r n,ai ufarturr .; ?' ?.. Br0,|, k ||roib?r? at North Adama, Ma? A ?iirlii.aa wu till-sl, ml th? builiiaa (?litl s.? lad wu ii? ltro;s4l. m ? Alon/o ftafcer. ?ge r?4. ?lie?!, on fMOd-JF night, in It?w',n?((!, n ,? rmmI '-..i,, rh? i-tsn? sf MB0. 1 ?" ">'? tmas-i J???|.h <i.r?Ti ?u I Kul.trt Oatarae hive l~??r, ?rr-?'.'! " t.?U to ?wait th? r.i.'t ? ' II.?; OsNOST'l iti.)ur?t. .... Miaa .Joaepliitie Heatoii of Iloston. age ? years, l?ll ov.rlKiaeJ ir , si . 1,1, oi ti.? paa aaa;? 'ri.aj J?'?? *..ii<. HI? Ui?a,ht slit imt Lai h*.aa?: ? li? ??I of? ?la-Ios? in tL? IB M rims ?:. 1? .1!. ? A fire in Kaat Bridiiewater, Msss., on Tnesilay Bill.I rtntruvH I l'ait?r? i . , ,j,,n?'? aaa, t. ?? '??. ?T?a?ril n.??-hi?tr ?b?|?- al ih? i?, ? K?.ti, Jt' *? ? o ? ? mm ia:!l .??? l?v' '??'?? kaaara Th? Io.? ,? ?raw asi th? i?tar??r? !if>. ?io? ??a ?i? un,iwt, out ul ?motepoem I* th. ?r?. ...A diopotol ii.'in Carttalo, iVnn.. say? that the ?Oisil l?.i ?t, .irn.ani it DkRBaai CaRtfi hi? ?u's-.rl Hit* hit ?Jl.? ? ?. S!Mtt? III' S' W?? t? asi.-?l U. th' h.?l?UL fl,?r? ,,r uow ?(,), ^,,n f??, is ( trltll?. I'.l atsl mor? it.? B rrM id tssl iilicc. C'laaa atvU coat attkisisaaat dar ail' lie i?l> '.r.i??! ?? aaaal. _The U. S. ('.?nit in Cincinnati, ve?teit1av. in ?he raa? nf ihr '...vrrrianat afn?t Mesara Ko?i-r ?111, ?:. I ** Il BMO? |T?v? s vtrilVI to? Ik? i isioiitf lor ?.Jisi ?s?i, bs-la? h? sns..un'. ?t m snj prallt? used fir it fr.iilsl'iitiv ?iii.t.ld rrota <*.? o..?"!.n,'i.t t, ir. drln, issis air? ' rtiUloj ii:i i IL- ci.- i?t un lito! (Hteao, who an ?RI nf Ihr d?T'o??nt?. wat itiianus?! The n?? linsvl ?nrli ihr?? ?.?ka. .^.As the BBdgranl tiuin from Jertter Titv was ?.so: | < si i n ? ?- r. It Mrloiliili Msllni. ,??! ?vasln?, th? Plj'lrt? and il? ?il ' rtstf? MO ettl Pmk ? nai.un ti r,, ,, .nr i ! l-'Th Irirti. I?.. ... ? i,i? s la,' ?'. na wss ????r? ' . nilas a | ni ? i ?i, ltv w.i s?l ,,l .. ,,? .?? torn "i!. ' ". .1 luiatftl'inrk. It Is ?i|i-tt,?rd i tat tl" i,.,t? ?,,i.t r.?a??.i tenmt if* kishi. FOREIGN NEWS. T11E TREATY OF WA____J_OT0l. ANOTHER AI/JOl'IlMH-NT OK THE OEM.VA TUUU'NAI.. OlKITi, Wrilnesdar, June 19, 1173. The Board of Arbitration met t?j-?lay, and a<l jonmcd until the ?tith inst. It is expected that intelligence will be received by that dat? which will prove favorable to a settlement of differences. TIIK DTTDMI AT GENEVA TO HI*. PUBLIC AS SOON AS CERTAIN Q_t___t_BJ AUK SKTTI.KI? ?THE QUESTION *'K AP.fOI'KNMRNT To gg _______ AT THF. ______ Mil IM;?IMPORTANT D___-___ KXl'Kl TED, i', Wednesday, Jnne 19,1811. After the sitting of the Hoard to-day. S. ? ntai v Favrot iiifoinitil the r? pi? ?*?< -iiiatives if the ptess that tliey would be adinitt? d t?i the ?'ouncil-room a? Soon as cettaiu ?lelicat?. ?|ii?-sliotis were s< Hied There la a vague impression that Ihn indirect claims are causing fiesh diflinilties. It is said that the ailntiators will give a det-isioii on the question of ailjournment at the next sesnion, even m the absence of the parties (?___?_____ Important ?lispat? lus from I/union are expe? ted by the Itt it ish nprt t-entaf iv??s hen-, whit h will de? termine their course of a? t ion on Wednesday next. THF. PAPAL BEE mi I'll it:?,ii ?i? A4AH-R l-fCBOACHB-UTM ON TBg BIGHTS Of THE (.Hli.CH IiY IHK ITALIAN 001 I.KVMI NT. Il'iMi-, Wednesday. .Tune 19,1>t7_. Tlie Pn|ie has addressed B letter to Cardinal Anto nelli deploi ing the apt roe! hing ctitou bomoI of tin law supprt -sing consents in Italy as a violation of international law. He says that the coiiMant en? croachments on the right? of the Church by the Coverninent of Italy, violate morality and justice. On!,- a regard for the highe-t _?_____! prevent tin* h? nl of the Church fioni leaving Koine. The cen llnt betereen the Holy Bee end the Italian _e_ei_ rnent is in? vitahh-, and re? tuiciliatiou is impossible. The rope cannot submit to BUCfa usurpations, and he r"?(iie?ts Anlonelli to pS__el against them to the foreign Peweea. '.I i:\t\NV TO BATI A Vi.K.E IN THE ELECTION ?11 I III: NEXT PORK. ei.i.i is. Bnitnssi?sr. toa* v. i.?t2. The \orth German 0__bB__?, hi a lolling at ml", hints thai l.'ermany will _____ be* inlluciHO felt in the election of the n<xt l'on?-. (.KRMANY. I , i:n HUN Of TIIK II Bl m?. liMti.l?, Wednead_y, Jim? U\ 1.73. The bill pros, rilnng the JeeoJtB passed its third reading in the Bi i< beleg, bu a rote of l_ t?. K. Mi,, s,, r Ii. lbiiu 1; cIom ?1 the BCC-tOB of tlie licit h tbil atteiiioon. \ lOOBOl I I'ol.lCY IN 1UYII. Ill 111 IS. We.In, -lay, June 10, !__, An official tiispat, h (na Pott an I-inee legoile that, on llie Ulli inst., the Cern?an nien-of-'.'.ar V?neta and Gazelle took forcible, posses ion of two Baytiaat orvettee, and beld theea until the Etej?em p_d the iiideiniiity ________! by theOetvaa mer t liants. 1 here was no __e____M d. PBAKCE i:\lii. n_H_t_N oh* the nf.ooti-.tions EOU l ill. BTACUATIOl Off HUN? K. i'Altls, We.In? -,',\ . .lime 1?. 11*73. Negotiations for the evacuation of Fiance are pro? gressing rapidly between Pieeideat Thieee end the Count von Arnim. The 1 ??pari un tits of the.M un? and Haut?'--]lai ne an-1?. Im- ova? iiatul m ;i few n___ eitel the signing of tlie ? <in\ ? ii t ion, t lit.? details of whi'h are rn-aily ? oinpht? d. RAII.ItOAO A< I'll'I'.NI*. Paiii?*, June 1!?.?Two trains came in enlli sinn ai .Inia-v y. t,n the Orleans _______ to ?lay. Thirty persons win- Injured ?nil several kill?*?l outright ; tin number of the lead it* BB. B__? M'A IN. BOBI < ai;LI?t TBOOBIW?Bt_____B M-IIOBA Tins 0<f HIE 00_-BBOB -?.eneiial Of < l HA. mahbiii. Wedaeetegi June 19,1*73. I In Co.? ruinent has raeeived Intt lligetue of the reai'i'earaiice 0. Carlist insurgents in the E?__M_ of T.iii.igona, l'.iscay, and (?alicia,. It leeeid thai Conn! Tehneefide. repteln fiim_a1 ot Cuba, has n _lgM_L GREAI _*______. ItAII.WAI At ' 1IM.N I?IttiATIN?;?A LO< K-Ol T. IsiNO'iN, Wt ?liiesil u , June l'J, 1ST2. An accident gggBfggd to u tr.iiu on the Mid? land Railroad to-<la The London and Atalanta _N__ mtSfg r? ? ? ?v? <l a clial leagl fr<"" a I'ti? Coat ( lub. A "luck-out" wa? ______-_->* I.y the 1,ml,1er? of this elty. Uy this act _n,M. Jouincyunu ?re tin own out of LUipli yiuent. _^ CHINA A.ND JAPAN. EARTHQUAKE Al Ii I MIDA?COLLISION AND LOSS OK I IKE. San Framm 0? June 18.? .'lie st?-anicr Qml Republic, which Blllied yejt.-nlay fr..m Chlnu und Japan, brought tin followiug ,nt. Hi geaee : The seaport of Hamlda, In the Japanese Island of Se? tt im, was ?Beted kg en BSBrttafeebB. auti boo person? lust their lives. Ou the ith of May the steamer Rom? came into collision with the Ere rich et? amer A va near Shanghai. The Rona wa? sunk. Mensrs. M cMcckin and McOjiudc, tin- second and third engineers, and Messrs. Iloole ami Hoyle, the chief und third officers, Dr. Thompson, aud 65 Chinese were _______ _ THE FATK OP A CUBAH FII.IBrsTF.R. FULL I'ARTICTLARS Of THE TROLULE AT _____? WALL. Ai.iiant, June 10.?Mr. Ch.irlps E. Perry, Culled blutet. Osaeal at Asplnwall, who 1? now lu this city, has received the following imp?>rtant information from the L'uited Stutes Vice-Consul ut Aspinwull, In ro lation to the ?tcuuer Edgar Htewurt, which urrivod at that (tort on the 21?t of May, 1873: No sooner had the captain let go hi? anchor than most of the crew ?ppesred at the Consulate und a?ketl for their discharge. After an investigation luto the cu.-,-. the Vice-Con?ul decided It expedient to discharge them ac? cording to law, the voyage ot said vessel having been continued contrary to contract. This enraged Gen. Ag?ero, who assumed to be In full command of the ves? sel and all on board, and tho result wa? ? difficulty between the cantaln of the _H gar Htewart and Oen. Ag?ero. The fact? becoming known to the Vice Consul, he deciiled not to clear the ?hip until he could Investigate matters further; there? upon the remaining part of the crew threatened the Ufe of Capt. Peunell, aud the Vice -Connu wa? oblige?! to call upon the Prefect for s military force to restore order on board ; but before his refjuest was granted by the Pre feet the United Htate? steamship Wyoming came Into port, and at the re?|uest of the Vice-Consul a force Was immediately sent by Commander Liavl? to board the Edgar Htew?rt. liefere this furce could reach tho vessel the offenders made their ?scape. The case of the Edgar Ptewart Is entirely different from that of the famous Virginias, and the Vlee-Cousul ha? decltleii t" di'tuln her lu the pert of Aspinvrail for the present ua the beat means to pr.tect American pmp ertj _ A QUARREL ABOUT A COUNTY BEAT F.L DokaI'O, Kansas, June 18.?Au election was held In this county on the 1st of June to determine the location of the county seat, and resulted In favor nf Au? gust? by ? insjorlty of Juo votes. The people of El Do? rado opposed the ?lection on the ground of It? Illegality, niel applied to t ne court? for an order to restrain the Coiiimi-slouei- from counting the ballots. Yesterday almnt IM) armed men, with team?, came here to take awuy the eotinty effects to Augiistaby force, but the El liuia?!?, people met tliem m force and urmed, .mil the) made no attempt to carry out their purpose Un ut rnTli'Uii'iit preval??-?! Il le {?aud ilia'. _L..tliu r^id ?iU l?u iuj.I? it.?? ?? ...? that i>o*??lbly bloodshed mny follow. The Court be* cide.l that it cannot issue un itijutictlon, aud tbua I matter reato at prenent. JUDGE MtCVNN'S TRIAL AT ALBANY IMI'OP.TANr POINT RA.PF.D BT I ? 'OCNSI-'.I. III.? HUT? Ali tlBST II I M ? THF. Al TN Off Tim OOYXBXO- IN -Xoo_-_ui?_ra 1 ItRMOVAI. rjCtsTAINKD. Aliiany, June lit.?The ??cn.ttf met ngnin tl morntni*, at 9 o'clock, to consider the cases of Judj M.?t'uiin Hnd l'rlt.d!?'. The answer of Judge Prindlc, which Is, in substance dental ti the efeofgi I i" reared eoalaet Ma and read, and the trial adjourned till Wednesday. Ju 2t>, at 10 a. m. The case of JiitUe McCnnn waa then taken up. F? tint Jeliiinon proponed that the MVOOtllMt-00 9* referred t> roniiultti'e of three, to be appointed by the Senate. TI gave ri-c to a h im mid iiiiiiiiat.d _BBBBaM_? in which BOO ciinteiide.l hy Senator Murphy that the evulei. ?honId be taken ?/<? noto, If the BOOOOOi desired, wb Mr. I). P. Wood arirned that to take the evidence ?ma in full would he Kiiiijily M tt P' at what had already be done. BeWM abo opposed to the matter bcinit Ina before a Committee. The printed evidence prewnlVd the r-etiate hud I.e. n taken by a Committee of the II.hi duly authorized to |RBB8 aBfegaMM uni M ,ir wif lies? under oath, and was, therefore, as authoritative au c anim?t loti net could be made by a Committee of their ot hody. Col. A. C. Davis, principal counsel f..r Judge KeCOR ?aid there was a preliminary question relatin?; t<> t juilHilii tlon of tho Senate over the esse, whl. h UM]'i ?n i d to lie heard tipi u Lcfor? BtOtt I illnivr ? irh tho trii If Un ICBOM ?hnuld decide that In their fiivi tm would he no r.eceHsitv for the ebarg? s to be li< Bad bet* a ( nuitiiilt.??? or before the body "f the R,-nate. lie hnpi the f.iither litaiiug would be adjourn, d until e\ Je!: BOMOBOOBM bO BfOOOBl B> RBOWOI Ibis QOeatl?B, ai tin rangea tk Ratoi Murphy e-bred un aaaoadaaenl M ti tu? ? 11<. : i i,f Mr. Joliii-.'ti the v. hob mai: poned until Tuenday in \t. Kx Judge Van Cott ?aid tfea position occui'.eil by hil ?eifiind aeaeelaMewaa aaaaaasaloBi one. IM . an tfeare,aa tfeey aoppoeed,fOa tfea ftapeeeet Btdlagti Si nate in the inv.ilication, rather than a? proaei ut.i Thev had taken the raaponalblllly of bringing chart iiicain-t a .finlire in WbOBO oouit Ihef were ?.I'lltied practice, .nul they d. dr.Sl it to be di-tmctly and th..t the MvOOtlgRtMBOhOoM RO ?"i and go furthe If the motion t" adj.urn should pr.v.iil, ?uni I' taat-HMBj m b "i beea atoaaey tekea iheaM eei ba MB over again, Manlag tfea aeeaoed M Mtrodace sache?, .line? in ributtiil M lie Blight M S tit He hjiju.-i d t! pr.iponiti. n to n.ijourn by which mdliing but .!? M be (.' . Mr. i). P, Wood Bfeetl M tfea proeecatora ?v.! ready for trial I Kx-J.i.lge Van ? ?.? 1 ?aid >? -, I lev !i:i wlttie?s. ?in ott? mi.m. i iii:i. ..i t t.enpj i. for BOBM tine. The pri m Ru rv qaOetlOfl touching tl a luri'ili' tlnn ( the !-'eiiat( . ?'. i I I he i .. e iv a? 11,. 11 ,.. . ,.-? ?? I. Ml mi behalf of Judge Mi Chbb, claimed that : m. jurisdii tinn, fur tfea raoeeo tfeol the (iov. mor ftM bi ai'-i.iuteiv n ? oiiitiieiid feu n ti.nv ni, .is required by _i ?'.'ti-titution. Be tfeooghl that before a mor i an ho pi. ?m his trial to be removed from aflea, ha traa entitled t an examination before a compilent tribunal, and th OofOIOOl ?hould he able to lay, i n tic luv? before ii m, Hint "there h over* rea* n why the m$ should be remorad, and I de ?t*i? terhM removel?" i waa no m. i. proper tee tot leaott M aet aa Iba p tranRiiiitt.d ree.itnmeniling hi? client'?, removal, if tli evideiiie Mist,lined the ?bargee, t>ob tt would be for petit jurv to act in the . a-e ?r a m ,n BhOtged Wltfe bin ginry li} a RTRBd Jury WfeO rlu.p'.y M lit a RM MOBB, *wl, the evidente Matuii: that th'y had i>cl'lnr m o'.e an la raOttgOttOB, nOI heard the ev :d. t;ee, l.uf I tin? petit .1 iry to punish him if th? y found him gudly oi such ?? vul.m a, There ia no in the Covern, r- tthmmmtt that t:i ever Moked M Ifeo ovMaaeos Xko Aaeemhly aenl Um mutter t.. the o..venut, who-?tid? it to tin-Senate. I th.- Seaateafeoaldramera and Ifea florerao? shonM ap j.oiutaRBeooaaar,oad that m Idiad Judg. Mi cm.n in poaaaeatn, aad Ifea latter aBeaM refaaa ti v.-n ate mi the ground that BO had mt been retimed ... Reading M thO lRW and the Constitution?if Hint -ni i e ?or should begin pro. . .dings by gBO uarranti, vvhai could he prove ! Why the IlrM thing WOaM feO that tin (iineinnr had reconnu? Tided Ma removal BeeOTdMfl U the Con-tint . tl. Ill it B something which, We OORtOad bo could mil prove, bill fin? rely that the Q?vet_Of had ii. i ii.n:. mi I t!..' *?< nate to MtaaMgRM the .' Mr. Moak cited the ctice of ItMfeafld ?BR_g?B, JostiOO Ol tlie I'. ,n e of the city of Ba?aaa?whari a -i idgi Brea ?ei. ?u.|] " The .'..'fen.lar.r ?an <>n?.? bi remo i t b] t?.. ' on the ie. Olnlilelid.ilioli of tl Tt Judge Van COM Bud : Ifeere la no diepate between the learned eoancel und niv-eit i.? t i boa the Bonete acta la ? toe* ..f tb ? ? Mr, It ROM RO a part of the Executive hrancb ..i IRe (lev. ru m. ht. I i.i Sen a te ami the Oovemnr act to ib that capacity In tbe appotauneat <?! cert?in onlt-er?, ami ai?o in their removal If the Govern raeod a moo ?age I?) the r. . .nnin. ndllig the appointment of A. Bs an Judge of tbe Supremo Court, If tbe Senate upon inquiry should be satisfied "f bis fltneas for the position. and the S? nul. ?holll.l aet upon the nomination 111 Unit form, does anj one doubt that tfee aoaUaatioa and ap pointu?eut tbua made would be within lb? Hie i?.?iistitiitioiit iu what word? shall the Qovern? put hi? lecoiniiiendatiou I Accoulilig to the Couatittl? i,on removal ota* be mad.- by the Senate II ? things be compiled with, ?iinoiig whi.'h an thai the oe* raaed shall reeelve a copy ot the ehargea mui bava rr opportaaltj ol being heard. The nguuieiit la made that tbe recommendation of tbe Governor was aaaulled by adding the I liiii-e " if tin- S-lrtt Mould Dad the I true." tfea has pampUod both wiui tin* ?pint and tha letter ? letitution m tin? i ,'?'?, and ;n mod?lg the ivld.'i' i- In I] tlie'inuii-iidiitinn for Juigo Met unn's reu he vlilu:ill> lays tfeal he Ineui't that evid.-i... cunt to wairin t the Senate la removlag him. Th? -? ute could not remove oa the arbitran ree..mmeudatl.?u of th? uoveraor without au Mveaogatlonaeeording to tbe Constitution. At the conclusion of Judge Van Cott? remarks the Sen? ate took a recess till * p. m. On the ?eastsembliiig < ?1. A. C. Davis, on behalf of Judge Mi Cunn, ?(?oke on the gaOOUOB of jurisdiction. lie said ho hoped the Senate would divest itself *t all feeling in regard to the sc BBOOd, and decide the ?luestlon solely with MfMOBOOM the law, rem< lulMring that no good can be aceotn pUlfeed by the removal of even abad man If it be done contrary to law. lie claimed that the BMOBRga WBRnot a recommendation to remove, but simply to consider a batch of paper?. Col. Davis continued at some length to ably argue the polut which he bad raised to sir-tain a naturally weak case, aud was followed by Bs W. l'eck ham, jr., who has been retained as associate coun.-el ttt Judge M. < linn. In ?i in ?i.-Ion he made a motion to dis? miss tbe proceeding?, on the ground that till- body has acquired no Jurisdiction to proceed to any tinal Jud,, m?*nt, and that it lacks Jurisdiction because there ha? never been, within the meaning of th? Constitution, a recommendation on the part of the Governor for Judge Mi -culm's removal. When Mr. Psekhum had concluded his remarks In support of the motion tbe Senate went into Executive Sesmon, and when the doors were opened tbe pr?sident announced that the motion was denied. Judge Van Cott then moved that tbe testimony taken htfnre tho Assembly Judiciary Committee be taken as evidence in the cuae before the Senate. The .?.-fendant'? cu?n,-. 1 oiijeeted, but euid they were willing to accept tbe documentary evldeuces If, after examination, they were ?ati?tled they were gen m ne. Some dittcusslon en? sued, which was cut short by a reaolution offered by Set?ttor Johnson that a Committee of Ove be appoint?--! hi the Senate to take the lestimouy in this eaae in tb? City of New-York; that the same bo printed and lui Seuator, and that tbe Senate meet at tbe (apit?l to set thereon at such time as ma) bo deter? mined on. Mr. Johnson stated that he could not lie lad?Bed to act us a member of the Committee. Mr. James Wood offered a reaolution that the Senate ad? journ till to-morrow mornlog at 10 o'clock, which was carried, without any action on Mr. Johnson'? reaolution. leaatof Palmer, vsho wm< preeeat yesterday ami toiUy, was erroneously reported aa among the absentee?. rERfiONAL-BY TKLtURArn. _There is a minor, in London, that Miss Nellie Oi?a ii ?t!????! tu be ?tmsl w ? Scut?- Ls?nJ, _The .1 apa?es?* Emliassy inittle an excursion rlowB llaatun lliri r. ??sirria? n a (J.iv?niBi?nt ta,uvat. Tbry ?ill, Il Jalj, baronic lb. fiwtta ot th? Cu? e! Boat??. . _Ciillicrt W. Flagge, claiming to reeide in New Ti'rt wrst to a Do!.,-? station id <'hlra|o, ?a t'stcadaj. la aa i??a?. ruu ?tiu?, ?ad ??!??! lb? rrotwtliu? of tb? poll?*?, wan b aa? acconjad hua. _'Ili?< Southern e?litort? who are making an m rufsiun Nurtb brlil a _??Ub# at Rlafsr? falls, v??t?r?la?, an I paaaatt raa nlatli.iis t ?s a n 11 aat ? wt > bail rat?-?il?il K? tbsa b?i?|Ht.liUrs, tul '!,[???! i| a il??|i sa.1 ?i?i'?t* rrgri't that tmay w?r? ?ol ?Ul? lu ?Juf all tb? buajiilaJiti?. f???iar?>l f?.r lacas. ' ....Major 9, K. Frith, Huperinteiidendof the Atclii ?a? ai.l Nai rast? Railmad, ?Im waa a?r.?a?lv miara?! bv ?n srriiUut ?a tbtt m?d on tb? ?lb mst jiaJ laat tteuimg ot lit? iwjari-a. H? mm tontet'j Iriis Hust'iu ?sd was runanlvrs-l Co? nf tb? aljlaal aL 1 Boat ?u??(?'ir raili.iad ins?*f?r? in th? V*. mt ...Col.T W HlodaoOB ??? entertained hy the < ?at 1, < ,iit, 111 Itiuiua .u U??la? a.,lii. II, snadr a bn?( sdmtIi taarla?ag mat t-? l?.i 1.0 i??r il .1 tb? .iipiuisiabs- ti' w?al?l .????I in ?:,? 'a In.? ot tli? rival} uf W.?lil ?t,,L b?l?>? wris; t,,ot im?? a.if..,.,,, bat la si-lf? ?I Ibis bust ih.? ?.?? f,.,,.,,. " THE BT0KE8 TKIAJ,. FIRST DAY? |__K___)D__t. AITF III ?Vf K OF THE ?'OCUT-RfMiM??TnKM ASM HIS FATHER?TECHBICA1 I'l ?< I -?ION?TH F. NEW JlTt-Y LAW ? HIE IM: I VA It; ,'OI'NSKI. OK IHK I'lto-I(TTI'iN IH?l"INs||i \SIIII K"K THE DAY ? HI ?OH OE THE THIAI.? fWO .11 H"KS OltrAINKI?. The trial of Edward !?*-. Stoke?. MMMJ? t? shooting James Flak*, |r.,on the iary ?_?*.-?? the (irand Central Bot. I In llro.-ulwav, lit- ..I .'????t begun In earnest. The proceedings against the prisoner sin?? t-B) ___ret_bea__M?tlng have m-4'ii n ?vcrb <f p??t|>on? ments and delay?, win.h have followed each other In rapiil succession until at last 8l?tkr? himself, tiretl uf )i., 1 ____ rontlnemi nt, lias I;?*c<ttne ner ?xtsneto have Ms Mb d. waded, .m,i boolaag f. ?' tl,:it ?my fortune it better than sii-'ieiiBe. Thi? p?Teinitt.'iy tl, . i-hai of Ju.lg,- on Monilay BdmittlBg one mop- adjournment until v,-t<, lull bb___b?agthat then th, 1 i.-.- snsfl sal kaaageege over until the Kill, ,11-p-lted any exp- nil. r il? lay, and yesterday, when all | , .1 it. fin? him. m, Nsjeeeta for peetgoneeBeni wer,- mbtittod,bat at lo_ o'clo, k tin- cour? ,-t _C B .1 ni > !?' Tli?? appearance ?,f th?' court room ;il tint hour r? - mltnled the ob flSTSS ? tl-e -pd-fi.? :?? |i? ? nled tw.i year? ago at fl?' M? Earl.u,?I ti ml. M?nv of those who looked upon the ex, ____g nSBM I of ?, c.u-lou w.rtt ? ar.niid tlie room, again interest?-.! either as spectators or fri. uds. or la ___M professional capacity. The i-rovv?! iu-nle the ba.?<<tn?i?tnig of law? yers almoit wllb< nt numixi. rcp.rtei?, (fee nhorilT and) hi? deputies, Meada ?ths prlsaasr, eng a lew ladies was trebled and ?jiiadrupl'd bv the leBBaSSBM erowtl outside the railing, will, h ! _BBBe_ tin . liok?-d up tlie SlslSSa and crowd? il tl..- I nt : H ? ?. Tlj?*?, ill ?pit?* the Bgee ?ill?!?-*? 1,11 Um ? -ni? s uf tti? loom, In, ame after S time almost In? exit, botvev, i , ?ijuiv.<!? m te lestage ???at, eveiy tit'vv c.u'ier ri tn.ii'i? il, at- 1 -?> I I SSa*__ r neased. Ara?es* wee s___odsbss_j afts*. Ubehsnwtaf sgenlag th?- trial, thai Judge lagrakaea wai h ?. gtti ?? po-tponm? nt would i" :<. t, but the J u _SpeOc_ tin- f? at or hope. ? - ? and brother, .mil pseeeiei and follow,-.I i, tl,? s . f iiml hi; depiitlis, Mas the ?Ignal for u Im/r <>' I t;on on the part of those engaged! In then ?_,___! a murmur of uiiln ipatioii and ____tt" ttom tlit- oj ?-. - latera. The pegatas le,-, options of Htoke? ?? ,,u trial " as they bave appeared from Hms to time on occasions of the BB_BSe_S_ DCCOSaee in court, ha\? I gn itlv B_N__BB> atedthesaoags laths man b_ Itata-i .1" - not ItH.k partlculatly thin, and those WhoBBIWhtBB eat_* befors his __a_a_r_ttaa dtasan but ntno of the : _4_?.|t 1? (lel-teg, have pin. lut _ BOWed lii? t> rin. Bis luir, win? h vv is Btael sai ? :r. v, has, i,n!, _, ..?v.i SMSeWt-d >i I ??? V?OSt : I i Bags ? little, in hie dress. ] , ? ease r, though by bo m,-a ii.4 a ?'. ?poiid? that a fair Jury ?ui'l B fair will h t <? Mia Ms l,l-t-ri y withlii a vt ry ihoi I t | _d : ' .t !,,? ;il?'l I. - , ?? i upon the wesfetag sf the ra__. law relatlvi . i> '..a of pet, t Jurors. IMs h ths Im trial aa?erths iw of sin h laipeetenee Beta theeaagblgh The chatifc'e that ha? !>??? u mad, b] it , ? ,' i. . u 1 potta-at. ! draws __ea the gnands of " principal ebaHoaga" salji the f.o t that o man h.,s ISBBBSd I ? ?I BS1 opinion, and ?till 1<-'? i t. ti r t.. ft te il-. < , ruin? r that opinion ha- | I I to the an i nil of I I proposed fetor; sadaaj i niiheca ?<? in which the ? i ji.cij IIveeegatae the fact the) n tasssd en the pS-BC-Pe] challenge vvouhl p i-s liu- SS-__w ,: Bei seal af the ges?_i a Oistrii-i-Atti.iii? v 's lili..- ai?- known to ?ntertata this view, on the other liainl, the , i,l?rv? ehalleaeas toe lbs pri on . : for the pros , If the u u-aaly IIB1I SSSfBl ill pi'"l. ug:-? t . ,. . in pi..;. e.| In this trial, it is ?loubrri ,1, l>* obtained any .ntoh-f Ihee m the i ? i iiii. r raaaatoed wiin bias tire day. He Is SA) v ?oi Co peen ol age, w.iii 11, bright Bjra wbleh i I The ?ro? ??? ?i. ? r bs Useeasd eta attvalj with 1 liilil up,,li blS can?'. ? ,-ni,;, in tig eej , hui, art -,?? .1 aftasr. The pr! " n't ? hwi , apea ??. eaaeal i ?imp ired vMth tin- . iinn.ii Ilk?- mn' weight?,batthi Tend exp?rience areai . ?.In ollh1,1-, ll WiQ be V ;?,. v.ill. lot Ile s. blor . ;????. iu un i Mil ly j-'.-til II 'in Of Hin pi ! thrnui'huut the < itv win , UtoO) Be w.i- stokes'*. fii>t connu', snd ;?', ,?ii',t s_ss_l \? bee els fon_ r ai Is .lohn I> T ,\\l:?i> lid, a ion,p.,rat vel;.' \, known In the professkn, posset log ., . u..?, 'I h?- third coi:u?el is li, nrv 1'..,.. i: , al-, ., |.g man, to whom en lit for B04_ , 1? due. Mr. Tr? u | it in \H411y, Will coine to t) . . 1 i.-.-ir 11 . : ft. Bo la to Ban or the priaaawt. Tli.? eennsel fer ths the esees? iniitinn of n-r-i v rds ,tfl the fenaol etriengts ich ? -i 1 r, in-; !?'?. iltornoy Oarvtn alaaataetae tin- ? ?'int. The re] Id i __aen_ 1 re SO Widely known as to ni? d no ??,mint nt l"heir appeal ai si he ? ,<i<ntiy csused mu? ii annojau? e-." I for tka mmmtm tion, one of wiiiiui toofe m,'.,?.*?____ajr, toeaj '? it was a liornble-[?eta, :?? to ,- <- nfli-tnen engage?! M private counsel to p___e___e ? n an b] whose eneini?-i the, bed beea e?ptayed.*-* it .- understood sa tho etheraMethat tin-.v are ?imply r,, 1,?ii, saaa?aeeee coni?Ultiiig co-ilia? 1. The Diltlhit-Atl |M 10 hive -tiled that they v ere ii- >t eaaptaP-d oy him. but would aitl the pteaeeatlee a? " Mi ? ta el l _ Eisk.'' mi 1 mi. eantaoa. The jiroce<>?liug-i of tin- .;_> bsassB with the usual motion on the part of the l?l.?lil(t Attoi nev the trial proceed. Mr. Mi K.e>,n pre??nteda 1 _____?_?! ts the aria? on the ground that the Commissioner of Juror? lu_ mil properly prepared tin genual jiry list, and that His drawing and summoning of the p.itiel wa? l,<,| properly made. The District-Attorney demurred1 to the challenge, ami Mr. M? k.-nu Jeteai mut on the demurrer, sent for some book?, and when they were brought, mad? tin- argument that under the revised statute? the law for ?Imwln? Jurors was the anuie in the city and county, hut in mr ? law v\na passed providing ?pecialiy for the Jury list 111 New-York City. Iu ItCO another law was pass??! win. h wa? Intended, no doubt, as a substitute fur the act ot ltt.7, but was, by it? wordinx, merely au addition toll. This act provided for the making up of book? of Juror? iMtli May, ?rmugiug the name? ?Ujiha betleally, and giving tha ward, pl?<c of bust uess, r_ldeuce and occupation of e?> h. aud ?lao provided ihat a certified copy of thi? list sb?nild be Bled w lth the Cotiuty Clerk, ?ml the County Clerk should pre? pare the ballot? from auch list, aud place them In the box. Tbey denied that this had been doue. In an? ?m'uiug this Ust, he had found very few ouiuwlou?, h? must ooufea?, but they were oui1?m1ou?, and the_ wer? violaMnna of law. He had also fourni on the pauel mux. t tiing el?e?the name of the brother of one of the fount?i Bitting iM-aiile the l)l?irl.-t Attorney, who bad beeu alt uug within the bar, apparently desirous of gtno_rou toe jury. Mr. Beach naked hi? name. Mr. McKeon?Mr. Henjaunu Fullertou Mr Oarvlu?We are wIUiuk to ?icuae him. Mr. M'Keou said thi? wa? not enough. Counsel ba . beard ht? name called twice without objection, ap? parently unaware of the lndedcacy of the matter. It looked a? if th'*re wa? ? purpose of veugeanee on the part of? Judge Iu_T_h.nn .licked Mr. McKeon, st-tlug that be thought these per?on?l allusion? to coun??*l ?boold be avoid, ?1. aud he hoped tbey would be hereafter. Mr. McKeon said he ?hould not make auch allu?lo__ except where ho thought hi? duty to hi? client r? <?uircd it, ang he trusted that be should then be sble to ooush Us laa? guage In a form proper to the Court. Mi tiarvln, In ?upi>ort of the demurrer, argued that the provision? of the statute were merely dlreetory, aud when s proper panel had been drawn the omlsaloo of any , "1 the uiudcul? _ii_vri_d (or the mode ul drawiiu would