Newspaper Page Text
vol.. VV VII K?- <? 73ft. NEW-YORK FRIDAY, JlhNE 21, IH72. PRICE FOUR CI'.Nv?. ? .1 t t U. . -'t" "-*" FOREIGN' NEWS. TH! TI.T.ATY OP WAMU.M.loN. : w!. mi t 01 v. km m . ?< ' apt '" ? H a KiMnii-AABITKATOM m*?ii:r in" : i \ i l..s -MOV? Kl B ; "i i in. ? OH? LoJtDOR, Tbandaj. .1 *',.? l.iu.ilun K ?.ay thai iIk 1 iil'iiii.'il ?if wit*- in Batata ?.ne Wo_ ii '- ooafldratty Bald ? .?I. Although llie ? . tii.-?I until \\? >.i. it lii'iy. m i un Um ..i ?if the Board, H:ir??n lb?1 Km? i? ?. Staemp?, iht BiMtaa? t . time !?' i-otiMiif ?a, aa tiny Umbb? ..- ?? ' ?iil'tlV of I oi ?<????ding t?i tii ,? Brttalo t..i ?ii ilion 11 lm-llt ?if tic I lilxniiil (if All.iitiatiaill luv r 1/,-lrt moiitlia. 1 .. toi \ lolls lllslOIt ot till' banal lin? a*4"4'!iit>!. ?! confinm t ? it (.? !.???? will unite in ? . .m I Ik* Fourth of Jul . i* will ft? t?> l'an- .nn1 thi r r' - t.i ; "ii.e tlic ad - ni Um npiriv .?!' tir- liM ! and Auurici. Count .'!?? U . 1.1. . .Ti.iii.m ' m - - -. ?: .. m PO0T? M \Mi RAX .11 AS BOI M? AI.. I. *? ?l lllli!'. til"' l.'i "lit l ?.ii announ? ed, in i?'i?lv i?i a ?iii?'*4ti?ni from it. m coiwoii. ii.?' of tin i iationa m i.-.', h m-? to Hio i - i_Jed to pool ?ne fol Inquiry indi tin' relat i Mr. (iI:M_stonc, i itv-s bj lieaatR. i that Ilio niH?I ? I tit* ? ?f th.- It ?*. , ..i i - i Joan bonndfl_jT. Id 1(1. I I i l( I.AIM?. ' ; - I . i . Till IN ? lie. At tlio next nioolinif a.f ?!'.? Ail.*. vil! I..- aaaoanoed thai the ?{llcetili'. i ' M i?. s.'ttlt.l. I'll.' AlliitlTI d ?'" iln ntli? r pob ? 1? I '? \ l V? ,\s,.I\. .r\. Vi ? , be Ion- dlBpatchea i. ? ??.its., from ' .wii? deciphered?! l * ?-.t i t m? :? t sf.- . i ? tbia Uboraiiur, trntowb \te iiiiin.f.<? _roM*4RtiaskKi ' text ism.. tu-, ? i :? ? peal? .1 ai tl il.. . ill lay. it in km.**, i.. li<.\v?'v.-r. that they | ,..-i and ke,t 1 'i in-Tin tiniih on l'oint, in id. .. in; Dl -*ri.l> MOTION. hi -ii.iATi:??. r??-ninN n>- Tin: PKlTl D RTATEfl - I ? ? ,RR? M IHK RK?,I laABO Tin \: || -I **. *i;.\< I?i||?'li?(l btiC I IKtB m Ii fciVara t, llioiia?!? u :? r I I . I . '. r i > '., i wit..cut ? ? *4r. Urn lit it. . . ink lliii '.: tin.. I? lot- wodap. Tii?- feat year Oe?. mt ?ni:> n nt I ted ta. i. ..l .--.?( ?<;???, ?nii?? ni :i ? win. h were Rot ditroi Bed, liut tl.? RB-wRB] wa-sa BBBfRl lii?(i watched it I...IS'. 11 - v. a palatal i .f \V..s|.|, ton Una heen i Mi. I )-li jii.l many a BK><< .. liny *?? ? .nul thniirti i? la not macy to betra > in.. Haiti It :??.?? i.. .?Ii jour adv. i u ,um. uii kepi witiii'ii dlplea. ?rva -.-.111 look in ?a :!>? ** ? i'? .rtti rtil. ci I', rn. >.r II. tflrveataf ti? I 9M-:. tOm iii' ; ?? - ? Ii.-. i .' . -I Dt w il.ii 111? d't \. rum? nt ...In. i ? the 1 I iii.ii'i mp |K><- ? .ol?r.-l .i be as?ioi.i'l i- . peteoa 01 bj lii-att.-i ettr I i. ? i ktj mu? t ? ati- I vtth nak-Ba o an - Iom Ib cul? i i. n ?btj ' for? it.- Ti il ual aad ? ?s? 11 1.1 nui-. H i.? -i ? ??. i Ii. tin i l Ml?) t."' it sti rtti i > ti. ill?.-? v. n m a ae~rapapai . ! :.' wfeea be retnraed t- I ' ?'..?! RBM HI III' n, ht 1! !.. ? j il* v>. .i- laod, mill, h. .nt. properly declined, i> take Raj fll Lead ??? iU.),,i..iuin ,u the |l ?'*, till!! Ill ?* abolit ? i ? HbMRBB le I - .... I tin 1. IN it. ;i!. l.i Tllli,' to u?. Tl?? v Iiht.. nooftnial rtl.ttism la Un- ??.? i iiiiu.iii at Wtel .uiit?,?-, or to any departuient "f It. Hut w. Bat? . h;iii(id all Ikal II - . it is ii.iioi. a?< , - ity??.vi-i tin? I"r.-.,H ... ,.n> otli.r, but it )i?i- |ii?i-'li. tl.ii nvci (on. | M) l an.i i re-Meal ? Tin * rm ail three, la Cbm I lhaacfe i - to thai ?xtiaiirtirn-i y .. tt.t ai ?i ..itaiy, ami wlii. h Lard ? -jul lo Hi?- II.hi?? of I>ir.'s i .ric which i??'?'ii!Ted on the pi ? uii-- it as " ilranj'itic." I ?a- n..| jn.-. nt. nut I Iihv?-im iloulit i In j-intli. I i? ?i lit ?>De , aun? t?. -.i) to vhleb (ii'ii.utiiii'iit of the iin.Ti ?i it imIoiii;-. ?J- .int loi? itrm i, r i ? ?m a aMMttaJ (Mal?', it i . it k> comlf-al eooURb. Lord (iranvlll ?*? tal(-i?t - ini ? ii' . ' ar?- mull niiiii!? -, Got. .*?( Ii ?'in k i- i??r?r , nppoae, fur the morc^KiriouKtralkaof go, und rmis'ln H - " lu uvy i Right,Be 44,1? ? |i.m wimii Tl.??? lo raj na.trlit d .- in win. ti j , ;? I?? : 'v ! ,i I - . play vsr * I'mii, and .nil it i w_? ?t ii*?- in ana?', i. I'll and ic-ll.rl. ? u? ic w. II flllivd. I . down in tin-?.ii1? \*ae t. laaalat I thai lind ix? ii'fully ?e ! TU?' liflit? wi - R 1 : w. ?n.l ?ssi?. ? i/i i.iaiivilli', ?hohad ??joki'ii al i '..tor- AM iis.?t I . . iiiMke of 1 .ne? Wb> n ?i" Bad i i?.'tt?i,a aeaaaaf ??oiu?* eeataaloa tal lo trad, 'i ' roue a? if todellrai the . lb. ?i .?; iiui tiiai i?..- i Vhatvaa lb. >l> . a tool nu. of 1. | ... ' II.?* '; l-.I .ill .. _ati a i : U i_-?a ?Im.ill ad mil . ludir. ? I I'Imiiii- had In en withtlrawn ? ? to | .Ii! I; ism ?ia bktOkt ? I,111. I ! r?4?JiI. and that ?a? lia? ?hiv? ruinent ?it tin limaM ? 1 IIK'lll Of I III' ill. i- _ltllli|i a . of tin- ?leimt?- ?i. I.?ird I ff Ot Mai?' al lyond .... al?. II.? t ? -ay i? i ..ti ?i'. ?. I tii? N'a-w Hule n final ? ( |he Iml.r?-. i i ? ii;- ?.< n -? In i. . roll, ii- u ill. I .ml ? . tl.. I? i.l f??r tin? purpose of rc-tnnvitttf anil pnttlne an end tr Iiullrect Claim?. How ntauy week-? I? it Awe? Mr. waa _B_-BSBB| 'hat tho ______?_ hud n?>t withdrawn V . iiml could not and would not withdraw th But I don't ?top t?t dwell on mere in-onaiatencle?; wotthl occupy me'too loiiif. The rlsiUK of the 1 III r hrotiia-ht Lord IH'rliy to hi? let t, with th, mark that the r:ch?-tick lettet lut?! put .1 different fm < matter?, ami it le. nine a que?! ion whether It wa? wi while to il. 1 it?- !,;,?1 iliv ?.h OB takte BuSOSll'O mot V.'h.'thct I^.rrt S_BSaJ] luol !>ecn taken Into I/<,r<1 Q vlUe'aeonBdeai laeaot k_?nw| narsoaseIheaXI whether M not < .eu. Sell? ?nk had him?elf ?Miriam. . fioui bOB- Ku?h?ii that hS would Ik? nit i* w ith the teti ictloii etnlKxIle?! in the" i'. Then- h' 11 irv of '? BfBen _ Kilsaell !" and H app? an iljhat Kn? , in the HoiiM-, The eaia-rnes? for hi* ai>p<*nrii m nul have gratified the rain old ma*i almo?! al mu? ?' D ?-th 1? il h.m ht th.- Ameri ????vin, , >.a-In the hnllitlii?. all the while; waltiiii: ami the ?tie? luay S?O hBV. bOOB part the play. In ;, nu uni,t hi- OSflM in, Lonl (.1 xlll. hantle Ihlin (?en. ?*, hi n< \fg lc|t?i, Kliineliutat wl 1-ord Kiiaaell exelniiiied ?, "Mi Lord*, I ,nl Ihe Mililr-TtT el the I ? leil *-! ,ti ? ha?, 111 laiatioii. I thick the Iiulii'tt < lnim? are w ?ir.ivvii by 11." Hut. at> If he .?till 0B-_MM_i BOOM ti he ?dd<vl that, while he thouplit the ileh.ite m t ,1 i" on, he r. m 1 veil th'' ||gM "f hrlag-Bg SSI B-S luol ?rain if __M00Serjr. Lord RiiHrtcll. tu theeonn*** of rt I? ??uiilte lire, has had tminv triumph?, iliploiiiutic i other. I di uhl If any out- of tin m 0V? fSTC him a ?1 ?Xtitiinlt?' pleeOBM than this hi?t. I? i? B triumph o US '?.'M-rtimeiit wlinh he ?hfc.-t- the mi -I. ami which he han twit?- tviltiiu a few WOO-CO puhlii l> tit 1 la :. ? and ilit-tiu-f. it 1? a tiniinjili on a ?|iie?t kaeberetnfoeabranghl hlao nothing imt dtecn ,,11 11 Ticntv which wi- I comh in tlon of hi- foiegn polnv dm in. the Ameiictii W ?n a motion which*.! hoth hi? ?."v, i BOM nt . our?: which Mel ovi riimei t 1. listed, :? "I to Which 0 .oml,?il. Tin vole of Tut-it . 1 t. Un ii in hit of 40 anaiti.-t the ailiouiniiii nt, iiov eil iiy the Ixtrd Cu *?'l!or,nhowf'?l the ? tli n.-th of 1 he I'll tv tmii would have torn with Lord Bnaocll Rml vstelBdt anil the expected , 1er? al of III'- Mn,:-li Iu tin l.-i petal to another .-'litl lint less pnii nl.le explanation the course which ha.? been 1 I lv,,t A,Uni, i-,I i'v 'in.?.' on the-?- I.tKOIiatiolli. ON 1" In imminent peril of ovenhrovc. 1 . imt li the ?ax Inn Ihenit-ilv I have g : . _____ \ h ,| intake stronger ground tiuni 1 to irom i*l, ,1 ilr? jii o! ):iili n ? nt-irv ??i il popular it ol m it i..1 ? i? ,11 , ?,1.1111V plate ? ?ii Hr Ptehhavi yielded t,. Ibo enam?rete! praaat ' Hi. 11 vin .llar and fltiiil tJOTtl I I 1 ah uliilimi v, ?tu icft r oc. in tin- election. ? be _____ k i?-t has all the air uf 11 divi, e fej Whirl two totterinit (J ei iimeiit? ?e? k to lio!- tcr e.iih othei i'p. It-., 111, ?I Ministry hm- S| Il Measen, 01 m, nut to ooearo, for our WaahlngloB ml? -, the lalratl ?if .. Tient v w h ich the.*, have il ? a\ ? h opi I liiii?hi 1 of their v,?.- eoudwetof fen en an_ha, wi otini b?teront had out Ooverameal totoheswrhaatt Tlie r.; ii h (ioveitimciit 1? '? proposai '1 Mipt Aiti- it v To that 1? .,f it win? h proviileil 'or the ahnMoiiiiii nl ol 1 i??t Claim?, hoth ( ?uvi 1 mm-,it- had SSSOWted, th? - ' o II I- .1 IhS "leV le: 't- 1 ' ? !i? j ?ne nt 1 one is ih- '* lint' p_t iiiitH hoeaatf not to ' r th? tun-, r.. ? ? 1:1 ?. mattm t. which Lord __soe-_r____l ii, ami on v. Inch the ?!(?'. I 1. v turned, w then 0 m?rtir mi which ti. ? in?.re WO Ci.oi.l lose. Why lil'.l We .nl?-t\.,i '; 11-1:1, the Lerda 1 Ami ?i that wen the motivo, whnl ' oil, red HO, Hll?l Wll II MM We I - kiu.w tu? tun- ii.*t?iiyoi Una whale ansa? ag nid dots ____K__T I'.khain. LB? "I AN A(.KM I I. I I i: M. 1 Mlir.ll KIN. l.',M,?i\, Thin-, ' 1, . Jill ? The Prince of W ni? h went i?? l.jiin-IJi-fi ?:il:i. .1 ,?l |... ? :-!. 'I : t ll:> ooiimii- ,,i the .i.ii, tut. 1, xi it -it mu. ii- Boyal Iimhi, ??:? o i,y the knhaMte-Bs of t town, who had looked forwaid to 1 ire. II",'. 1 mi it? Bl i I -' S TO 1 m- PABT1 m till. IM' ! IS III; _8?1 Mil i ANi ' ONI 1 ?-Les --III 0TIATION. i'ii: un ? I -i IN UfDKl MTi 0OMPL1 ni?. I'ai"?*, Tho sdaj, Jon) 'lin .Ii Legad ?<> tbe party o? the Uubtiat-beAi . had an Intervlen with Pri 1 Fhten imt w-1.- t m him ..u.v .-on? i-?um*.. I ?lilt**lull?,lit til III III t,'l I i .--ion 01' r..'llt un 'i,-.- '.1Y01 .n; the contlnuanoe ol a repnbttean Cone Tho nogottetionalttoklng to the Bnal (?.lytu.-in of tl Germen li_emi_IVand the evaonattan ul Prenefe u-n loniiyiii. been oompteted. Tho tt p:?V menf of th'-iml' "iilnr.v ____LBl dUO 1.. 1 mi'i., I t-1 liiin'e !>v th, Till if Pohl mil.. . . -1st Of 01 InPI:,il,1 tif f?alo ?. Ti ?? -? ? . .il, S .mu?. immun' Ib t" he mail- I? 1?. 1. tl.c . 1. ..?? o? l?7.i, and tl third p.iv tin nt, a No a milliard 0. rial,' -, tin, in.- the v. ; IBM. 'Hi?-ii'?.attiii. m.? et tie Mnnss mi Beate-Hen are to ho evnmnted no si. I ?-; then tleinlilty have Iteeii iciiiilli ii; ami the |,l,-rwut force I the ems] afeeravetl s II to be irdnred hj one thtr the pav tii.-lit ?it each tiiilliiiKl to 1., 1 iminv . Th dm,: Ireadj noMOtlatlngf? blllsol sxchang to the iiinount of iehSSMBI b ,1. - s\vit/.i;ki.Ai\i>. UIA\('K l'AYINd III.I? llKlli?. Hbbbp Thaiadaj. Inns h, ISfh Tlit- .Swims (iiiM-iiiuit nt Im*. Jiat tt-t-iivci from th? Kn m h Ti?-n?ury an addltlOBial -1.111 of lyM^M francs towerd ],ayii.?-nt for th?- exponac. nu un?-,1 n iii.-iii.talnintr (?.-ti. lloiirhiiki'? army while H *v,ih m .-?v, it .',1 mil ilurtii? the late war. Tin-lemi.imlt-i of IhOSBB line (-.'..???o.ia.11 heaoei ??"ill ho pel I HE1ICO. TDK Klvt.ll llt'Nl-l- PBOPOB1 l.t ?I l-.MII?ul'T' BAMS Bl 01 ii. \ w -?in 1 vit\i. is-, tun ??N \ i___tai at-BOAi. M ata m< ?i?< in, .iiitit- 1!?.?It i- reasaitad, oa ete?ltt:,hl? authoritv. that ??en?. Til I-SO and t'uiii.:? tlriilliiK them.-i lv. unahl?* to oiler any 6_________-S re Histance to the Owessasosw Ihsss ssasss-Beltaa h Mont? r?-y, ami itoweil,?? to htrl-l OS iiu|?,iiaiit a jtoiDt o__e__e of the Mete si Km_ Lsea, hevessaSeenoenli ahoeara te the City of Martes te a_-___e_rfeeo4 penes on ?lit- har*i>> ol tin It paiiloc himI MShSBfSMt ?ul,mi-?ioti tothc Jame/ t;??\ ?i nment Yeater.lav BfW__ I paifv et I", .? to SO he.ol. d h.V the l.htlrtlt (ll , * r.'li'.a:. apjt. ,n-, ,| nial tin? ?ol lol.'xil ?."Viral pOSSOM ami 1 uniuit 1? <l t'-'o lnlil'dei- OB the tOWt, V I thl I ?aiilioli -li.e Bf the , H .n?. Tin- .1111 -, of the lorl ,,p, * . ,1 m, thciii, with i,j oinpellltiK ihcui to leave. The >rir. li-oti I.? 'K with?,ut la-.Hlr.v, tin- Iraniii. FSOnpedWlth out put?-uit. *t 1 -t.lilav . .. |*h . 'l'il l-i.. <>1 tin? ? itv ,.ii?l lii>,v.ii-> .. *'? i n,i-e, uiau of the tchirtapli 111 Hi "vvii?vili* , ami M, - ?1. Ma-.m. .ml Nolle WBI fin-,I upon hv M , 1- on the hank ol the : in 1, ami the BM n 1 nini? 111 ?! io ,ml nul mu?-nili-i h. in-? Ive?. Tht-y vveie tukiti t*i th.- lniiiiaty qnarter?, when- th.-v won aststaei for osBM Hu??'. Tin? 1- tin- Irst testases la which tho Mi autlioi' tine ovt 1 the liv. 1 under tint - lion oi 11iuit.1l la?, sad BM I 1e.1t<-d ctiaul ' , i. it, no nt, a- it wa? stteaaed bj si letoa?i ' .f the live? of -i-, 1 1,11 Amerl. sa 1 it'/? n? in tir,n,. upon thilii win 11 in jiniaii't ,,i I Imw'iI tti.tect 01. tin ,,vti whaol Moiteohnoan nghl t,, autho, MHA/JI.. IM i-.tir 1 - WBAtM M'tliKAl LAIMAB mimvm. ,,i in? QKASO m U 11 BIQ OB J ???! no. w A-111N..1..N .hm? ?.".. it- ai -Adiiiiini Lem? um n ,< .1 >.,' ih?- 1 - a. ,,' p| ',1 :|, II) .11 .lid Ol n- ha?e 'i'ii, h ire, 1 h?-1 lim?t, nf 1 ?m /i.i .1 ?i.. , o, t. n,' iogatlrr arrived at Rio on the 19th of April. Rear-Admlral ii,an ?ilnt? (I! f*tte*Ott ting with 15 (run?. The salute waa relumed with the aaro?* number, and the nasal ofhYiiii vlisiTm were atada on botk -ni.--. No ?pecial ?orcmtmii ? m re tend?'ie?l the Grand Duro, ti?' L>? Ins; the execattra o?oat of tin* flaaraMp Bvetla?a, though the off .i-*i IUor timTeanel ?erapieaeatedto Inni, Tlif Empero] l>i in Pi dr.. si-'.n<l the kusisiaii Uattslilp, aud wan rece i red ".1th the custoni-rj* honor?. 1IAYT1. coli.k? Trv; DHTfl at THK MOI IB 01 tiik . -KNOX--1 n H EM TlK?r.**AM> D0I_-4H PAID A9T9M IHK IKiMHAIlDMIVI Of l'dUI-AI - 1TIIMT AM) THE GUPTOBI Of THE HAITIAN KI.I.ET. KiivofTo*?, Jam-, .?rjne 18,1ST2. Tlis? fiirnmn fleet nrrivcd at thm port to? day. The commander report? that the -????>.l?<led tin? town of Port -Tin 1*1?M for seven h.ui -, ?Tid hoanle.t und ? ??ptiir? d the Huytian fle?'t. Thc.-e act? wer.m milled In r??nr-e?|iience of the Ifaytlan f) v., ninf nt liaviii?,* nf'iM.I to pay a_w Indemnity tot -M li.iiuui in-reliant? of Hnyti (ur Int. ifertnf. with their MBMM1-I and lcv.vln- fon-. .1 loan? durliiK ItW rt|..n. Tue H.ivti.iii ?iovernment paid t-e Orinan I ?mmander >l!t,??fsfion arooiiiit of the elalni, an.l the fleet then wilh dr?*w. __________________ WASHING /"?* i i raw, nui niai lotiai, in i Im- W i. i. ft III Un- H" an ;i|.? ? i Olil ?,it.mi. 'I I pi. ? i ,..:i :.'? ? 'ill. Tlltr .1 THE (;??VM<N*fi;NT A?'CII'KN TALLY IN WABBIX?**? IN ?, 14 ? S ? Wll VI ATTOI'M i-i.lM.IiAL WIL? LIAM** MAVs AI'OIT OBMOV? Ilil II I.hi.KlPII ToTIIK rKini'NP.I* -?ioii'-r.ii \\ il'lani?. returned tin- BMBB %% from ,i tun motilli-'jKililirid loin on the I'.ii'itl'' ?oait. (leu ii? lk"iip ii-iorneil Mai nlis'lit. Mr. Fl-h rei-im.-.l h. t* lifter tit" I'i.l.iiit meeting on amtmaBf, und le.-i.f.nv Dg i m Im? Im i h (oin]Mil(ii to atay on Rocorut of M, Bhaaaaa ..f the laRMaa?* s. gtmetry, ah tin* mm_eta i f t!ie < ..titiiet, tu. >.'nr.', to tlie ?nipii-o >.f ?-t? ri hotly nro lut.-, ex.., pi Ba ?tweii ami ?a?eaan. Tiu-ir Mas? liiitievei. wili I?- ?i luief une. Mo-t of ?MM will leave mi MoikI?v for the HoHti.ii'. , at vviii I 'line the l'r??i tad ai?.. Marta f.n- Laag i'.ramh. tkey*aHI rmbrJr la H ?ton until rifr.-i til.-;-rni.! hall ??'! th.IB Mi, *vli. n t?o Prcaldent ?111 retarn to ?mit Bneee. and aarhof the Cabinet tta hare no oilier pi.ii" t..... in, ?.?ii aaaaahaeB tu tt asi,ii,-ton. Alt.| tii v (i.n. Williams cumi-. BRtl with the fiiii-t BataalR-taa get etxoi - ol the popularlt] al ??rant in ore? aron, wiii. ii ?st ill i-. nut lad to three aatee la lha alaeaeral eoUafe. He ?-.ij - thai Qt_M i? -o ?Mj>ralR> wtth tin pen nie that thej nein- hla brrm vltt eatbaa.aaaa, and that be trill ..,,-. thai Hat like a whirlwind, "H? ranae," aald be, "Oet-OraatlJ m the Kepui? In .m party." _ iMi'd?TANT DBCiaiOM n it i ?. \ i; i ? in Tin. v.y ir.i ol PABDOM (Hi amnksiY? CLA9M (?I lEXAS cK'i- \ P08T-O1 'rn K- un: COS? Off I . s. 001 Kit IN AliKAN-v-. ?Gi.NKR.Vl, r__M Pl-l'.sTi il. I flha (?n.'.it?-ia. ihti i .o n.-ii.i im- haaaR?tted toCaa? troller Btodhead, Im ins iea_?om, i elaiatfraaaa par? aoaed nil!, fur n:ilit.iry ?uppile, faiaialMd in lf-io. It *v;i? .'?iiiii. .1 ly the ap!'l::'.iut kj n ? ? -nt BaOiaBMM of ti.- snpii-iiie ('ou?t, a p.ii.inii or Bmneatyarlaatateea ii im 1 . h.iiii.iiit in Ma ri?,'!it to n i'.iv.i '"i pr.ip.-rty f.-ii. .1 to, or coa?eeatad Bjr, the I' ?i BtatH Oof? m !.."it. Tint ? n-!i an ;nt of pardon ia nat Merely preo ?i. .;.?.?; i,ot mil? r?'t> nu'.* a Dtan i-i "i. .llr tu fiiiuie a t. a i... lut return-BR 10 inn Of .. n.ii'iv- ng hin lof .-,; f? ilil in i-ontl . ?iTeii a? tt ?? ? .i puhiic eaatn.t. The . i ?? , - o, i.|iiinon i ha I an h ??;.? not ?l? diii'iioii from the drcituona of lb? Hutiretni' Cunrt, ?ni i r. mark ?d thai ? hfle d< fen m- ii* i.r ti. it '.'..'?11 Tihri. i, bi tin il ti ? . I? ">iii: irr,.-,?, .1- ol? 'A liii-ll i Inl'ii- ? f Ii :- i ti ir.'.'ti r LOI t arooutitinc and dta>?ralDR ?if ti. i r-, '11 ?? : i ; ? Iple liiat laaaoej or ? *? hieb liare i. v. n.d t?. the I B. Treaa . i law, int. i nal i'iTial, in - oiakuia aatltutloual mad m ii:> ,i.,.ii i. ,. 'lim. m it Court? el >lareli a. irbtu? M i. i n.In .1, ::li.( ** 10. H f." I.i?ls the ( oveniin. nl I i.QRt oltl. - I ? t.. i., the Mill (la* of i ol aoj i ? *..- loyal. ? i.iiiii.tut aad '.i eoni" uiii.ii. Lhe interdi. Itil .:..--. aun uieel?-iin i v ' i . r? so? lution. Even ii the ?i?-. laioua ol tie rtupretae ? oui t w?_e ii.:i?in.?'?l a? iiiil.if.vini' Un- ia in rt- pact of Um l ??I ii'-'.. t.f latalj i ?i '-i i etouitor. Ui i.-uiaiid paj m.-nt i tine i i.? i : ii-n?-:.l In cell?. .|tl?'ti. - if tl'Pii puiilnii of ?m m-?ti, it t? ht ill binding up...h m. Ei fur ..? til? I ?o I ii Ii - ' '?!.. ?. i.. ?I, i.s.i . ?in liny >.u B??I 1? i.i liiat??an. pptata d ?le- Art ol Mareh t, MM, to 'm. ?.?ill m [.Hi , Mifte lent iv Rppean '.'. UM ?tains is- m Ui?--" ?i? ala. .'.Hi ? m-1.. in rea rd la parlaa; oertala Mi iraeli.ii? lui unl.c? lentl t ? ? I t ?: i ? ? i to Mat 11, ? - lat? iv m !?.n i Cbutr. . i i i? ,? J the ?.?nT.rt? rn...-??r (o n. ral, tie r. tor? , in.n thl? cla e... .11? . ill!.el lie pftld out III.Il I in.o!.- .m ,.|.|.i>'pi-i.iiiou n.r that pnryoae; and, ?eiond, unt l ?..nil i ?hall bare reptaitxJ or modifled Um pro ri* on m the .i- Inl - I Man ii 1 IBM, *? m.-ii Ii iK"s it HIT Hie I III.. .1 ? ?..iv.-iiii'ii'i . , Bimniit. rlalnt.arihraaadat ,i icter. Tt... l'i'i'-id? nt Im- ,ij.ji..,i,t. il ex ( ontrr. ??man WM T. ?'lark to I i- Pffttmaatl i ?ii ( ,,il?, -ion, T \.i>, * ii e J .-un - A. M. I?..-, mu ?].. i.I uinli-r ti.e T< mire ..I <)tl?? ? ... t. I ? Il ?u-oli lei tin- mi-) ? ii-?on bj til?' l'l I --i.lei.f of 1^1 ?an u. loat -, M.t-iin1 of tie w. at? ra in-tn. tuf Arha? ?as, was that durliiK one j ?. i ;. . ? ?M-ndcl nearly tun, (ski for in. i -M"BRB " "f ih. ( i.nit, or more tlitn lhaex* - ?i'Ti-iKiim* all the Duted Hlai?M < uiirl" in the il New-York. Hla laat reajaJMtloB waa tar HI Tue 11?'linelil (if .li.sli.e ur l.-i.-il t..'.,(4'i to Im ? ?. nt tu linn,. in allai a aid withheld Um anvat. Tin- Troa- in* liepaiiii.ini lu? <l a -> nleil when a aaptata ?.t a -hip ka_ai M aa > ?< torn et m. a d r. ? aad r. - laaeatopay duly thtieon, the? oil etor ?halllake a flue t ?|.ii*,.i- -.i ?.i tin v .lin- of MMhexaeea, kal in>t Mia lha - T u l'.i-t (irtii- Hep un.i nt ,? uovv exaiiilniiiK various ('<?-,,-n-a for th( poeta! ca?ds ?uitliorizi-il bfti* lecently ii ' T. il law, ?nid iiimui the i|. I? i minatioii (,f llu-ir ?t ? Itt, .*.? .. peapORBla wnl ka puMiely invited for tlirii bmbmAm till.'. Attoiney-Ueiierai William? returned to jPBBhlBglfla n - m. iriink'. The I'n.-iii'iit haa reeaa_aed ffHedrii i. Btakel a? Vic ?'.iii-iil of the (ieiinan Empire lu New York. TELEGRAPHIC NOTE.S. ('apt. t;. h. FafaMaaia haalaiaiatdta Havana fhiiu bit rfi?-nt trip. -Willis Frii/.iei, a clerk, wuh (Irovvned at I.iih '.. I -, .*?. 1 , I" !?y, while thtthir.?. ? A Mrs. (Jrahaiii ami her child were drowned in (,l??r OMak, ?vai ?ieiJ.u ?it?. ?'nl , v?-?t?rilav. 1 'In i.- i- m? truth in tin? reiKirt that the watt r I? l.atr riullrtau C'si?utj, hrwVart, is f?ll.n? frmu ? lutilti rinrsD <iotl<-t. ....The Common, ?meut at Cl.iTer.iik OaO-MB, S. I'.. |ila?. r?at?ela.r. Tlr ettrrisri wrr? vsrj a*?tact.rv t? lb? /rifad? nf lb? iustitulUm. ....Heniy (?itr?inl,a promimnt . itirennul leatlintt ?apilalist of 8?rar?a?, dieil ??-tarda? an?rtiiM>Ti, aat?tl Tlvvaia. II- limit Hie >T?t Mil vat i? r?i rantaar. ...In a trame Ht Lase l.nll tmkfOi in ?BBtaa.T?a* " -"' -"J ibr Krilunl ?la",, I, tlie Iiirru?! ?M? In > tcoiir of ?j lo 4. r-:iiM .h. entert lined fot the aaietv of the ..?lil? ?r.-aiLrr ll?ri?. BdMa? !>? 1-il b.aei ol btr ???? lb? Irft K nt?t?.ii, Jam..,a. un tb? Mi <?! Ms-.. ill. "loop-?.i-\ .\ai,tasi\"t. Call Caaaa-tflB, lti.iu Kt-y Wr.l Juii? II ?ri.s??: ?i M? Sad tten'tg. In? moor?-! i iimaiiiis. ....Tin- track of the Dearee ami Ki.? Grand?* Rail w?.v w?s bni.hud in Arksuss. V.U.? purblo, i.? lu??*., a?d liovvr? I i! i? unw ???sa.m ov?i u to Nrw-M?i.,... Clintoa snp|.|e, ate 9_ % iiaHamiRer, while I tap "f ai. Hi ,;i| ,?,, Ofii.natmr? Kail mtotit ?.? .-,... s . behead I ?in:,? ?I ki? tiuilsu fr?tTin?!, lie ran??! |?'??ii . Ute, Monday luxt Im- heen aplHiint?- B fBBMBal l- ' ' ' "'-'l'l.... iM-ltitT Ibr 111,m ui ti' II.? tir* I't? ?i, ' ,? p,lVra??ni? I.i. h?, o III? tb? MslMSlii? frilfli. !v. ?r,ii -.11 (^ , ?f--J uul u?dr< lb? ? ' ih? ?arw ?.ranal Maa.-r Kot. ...J lie Street IiiMpe. t.n ,,! Hi Hlale ,iii<)?'a BBRf 1 In* ' -'r.lar feusd fSSBCslasd ou..r lb? - ?'? of l.ur?iai'a i.k'Is nil Iwoessiiif tout? tie? tsovcruirsrut .?? ur lsirmsl K?v??u. iff?-?, i?t _)-__ .lohn Wat/ner, a BBfBB, who wn? rital.l?ed hv ? -' tb? ?i?*r??r Kulirrt Harns. i? 1m.ii' Ilii.bUal la Ibat _Rl i.n VV.lit?s_ i nr-i?rs. lb? IraI of lb? m K-uluk , v?r.!,rl ifimtt ? tien. Jaba a Qreei ?i pcoBlaaai Baal well . i,r.?? *? M Ol r? . ? ? n.?a of e ? I. II? ?.? ?. irars old. ih?- anneal rttorting o. tin 'im-'..- "i Um . *i ,.)i?i.?? i lee*, tar Id.? A , s?fVV?is -I ? Ir-.wr.r met ll?rt(.lV- Hoi M-l- ||i ? |. Pun'of s.? Ill ?1 1* ?saw Tilo !.. < illlplull WBB h.'ili-esl ill Toiolil ba .. ? ? !? . . .? I.rr t?Vt ??,,1, |. , . . . II" |.?r.r. ..?I ii.i>|?i??<m1 |?r<". i . ? i lo?' In ? . . .? ..?..' NEW-JERSEY FOR REFOIl. CON\**LNTION OF I.IIIKKAL REI'l IHK AN.*? NI.WARK. an* __ano____ino oan____m_^-?-_?__-__ti__. niTBl Ml Bl Of Till*. Cincinnati nomini ? SPr.KCIIIaS ItY fl-OBa? HARNIM, 0_fl*< K l'ATHKK, SIX. IWaM W. PAIMKH, A ______ Tii?' Raw Jetaay EAaaa- Rapa.-_____aa nii-di theniM-lYe? at Newaik, ye?ter?l?v, to the a up port of Reform moveinent. In mimU-rs the ( ?invention - Htnall, hut In rearteetahillty, unanimity and determl tlon, it wa? la no ?leur?*?? lea?, prophetic of ?ut< than the other Convention? which havu i. oh declaretl for ?Jreeley and Brown. ?ih?ervr-r wholly out of ?ympathv with Reform innvi ment,???? rtod that he considered the ?p of the Convention a rennirkahlo nianlfe?tatlon of ?treiifrtb of the new party. No Democrat? were pr?te the delepatc?, who repreaentod nearly everv eountj the Btate, .??In?, without exception, Litt?ral R, pul,! un many of whom have hr?en devoted atnee It? fotindat to h party which they declare i? now ?haniefully ?nnk self ??*? kin* and corruption. Iilhrary Hall, where the Convention met, waa p tS-B-af hung with flsejS, but aside from the?e ?imple ,1 I'l.itliuis no iippllatieet, w?-iv tit??-,I to draw .. crovvtl, I consequently tbe attendance of ?peciator? wa? i lame. TLc delegate?, however, In? luiled mich no worthy men a? Oen. Judnon Kilpatrlck, John K> Jmlj-i* W. Ilenrv (?ale, J K. PBeSSS. fSSSffe W. De Ahriihiiiu Van lloutcii, nnd l?r. !.. II. Horden, h, after lao'c ie? k Kred.rlck II.Hnvder called theConvi HOB t" order, nuil faftgO (Julo wa? utiatiinmii-ly elect Chairman. He wa? loudly cheered when eomlitet? ?I the Klage hy (ien. Kilpatrii-k ami Mr Hcovcl, and ??id .it i...i. BALO ? ?I'KI? ,i. I i i Htw t mzr-ss: IhOSS arc lime? that ?all for I etiu-hi, i.ttc jiuiitineiii of a nee peepta, Boeat ?ti p|M il ,i i.i, ? flou, our |n?t c,our.?i It l? not ta ho ?> I'.i?. d tl.,.t w,- have cm?? d to he true to the prim I plea the ( ?iiif.lltiitl.iii. I am houiiil ;?? iro w ilii the part', tl: fHiHiut.?? ooaotltetloeal go ro? ?sosal. De-Mtag 8 ?tr SasCffVau'c of tl. jlaw and i otiKtltutlon, I ?hall v. lili the p.irl.v the! ??tlvo, ale?: r-ueli, wl:, th? I from I'l ? or ('nu iiiiu.ti. arnshlngten hat |lvon eh ? iKliiioiiitiuii that w? noi : never follow a parry of di piiti?m. A.? I und? r?l ami the principle? of tin Cin, 1 i?..!i platform lobe baaod upon froudomand nnlvon ami.' -r, , I , on-ul, r It my duty to OOppOI. pi, lorin. | xppiaii?? ,| 1 i?'lu"..? in allowing full si ___ OcOpO to political opinion. Il an- 0 w ant? t" v, te fer (11., ni imipl* 1 .ran-' he i? a Sepal ran lot hha doao,audit any one wlsbeo to vote I Hoi '? ?..lev iH-cait-o le la an honest m 11 ;.. 11 -. | let him ?in .??>. Imilim onrlate tub .-'me war (If Grant did the country rood sor v'ce. So ? l. * t other U enera equally daservlnr. [ .nnlnnse.] < "I. POrnei ?aid, pr?t lo t?, (?mut ? eleeiiou. tnat shonld ho bo olea ted he w_ i... tbe n. il':,. ? ' or bad thai ? unid not lal Htece then Col. l-"?nil. v lias learned thai (?rant can tal .Next No vein he r he will Irani (hat (?lauf will li'l'h- I t.. DO. take, Iloi-ie (,r?-e e) III? lie VilU-d il lifetime to I.? i! oa again?! fraud and corruption, has lived aille puritV and bOOeaty, and II |OSl the man who will leail t!ii..iiphiintly through nil our national dlllh ultie?. (\ p,.,u??.| Our main plank I believe to i.i? civil Bet ?ice Heron beginning aith tho one-term principle, ttii Inexpllc hie t., n.e why iit'iint should bo nominate I for a loeoi i ni, wiiia ("..h ..v, the i?..hones aad roapectaaio tin, two, the Old It- left out m tl.?- COld. ?hat we I in ve in ,? re term, from tbo blgbesi t" rue low? M pabl I'ttiie; wi want I In? otlleial |H,-iti,tli? to lie Blled bj m? do ineir duty to th?: (??iv? j uiiient hoaeotl i i . I Republican muvemrat te aa npitoing of tl ,nl TV?? rhiill find thai at thO coiniii" ?i??ri, ? vi rv m.i i who bao Ih? Inten ste??f tho eoaati i ithoo win voie : "i Horneo <?i- ? i? y. [Loud ap laeno.] ri, m, v? n.? n' un an? reform, ami pan government t v. inn s anas seta late oltee i iball not take hi? whole family in, and | t. m il.i 11, .i-iii >? |..:?i,i??i i-i- ti.eir linine .uite aaa, neat cry hee horn ntndi bj IhoOraal Etrpnblicaaa thi lloran- Oraeloi i? snpp-tti i t>y and oaaocUtes wi> rebels. Way, if (It'll, (?i.nt invit? ? .Mi'flhv, the KU'Tril' lo dlUO with hlui? ii? ho di,I, mil ion/ ac?,:? It any ill grate if Bornee Ureeley shonld diml t. a with a .??out tiiitrt No w,i,?iiiii man will say that it I?. Hot a't-uiietin n, 1 tru?t tii?! all )..ur drlIberaHtm? wnl ? ."iittiu ici m un ot .ci i\, uml that what.-vi i t, ,.,, toil will I.of forget that this movement we Ii..? as* saaod i? ti,<- Indian:, niai starting (or a tutun Atluil i-li.iiiiui il at Will I? ?imarkalii?- alike for 11? haiinoi Bad aoaaaty. [Tremoadaaa uppiauw.l 'I In icllow [ng Vu ' i'u aident? wi ro th( u appointed : Oarer A. Cinto, A. O. Afatagats, J. r Hunt.,m A,|,Ii- I' (1. A. All n. Jtilin iloylati, ?| i:.i? port? r. Tin- fniiowinif w?reappointed iMlolaii<?: Jon'tl auK.iki ii'le ?'. M. filac, I-.,... II. (,? n y, A. La WoilhliiKKili, C. H ll.ltl.ind, Jo.-. Jill II. 11 u. After the further appointment "f it Commit!?', i, l;. - lut i,m-, coliahtlinic of Hauiut'l A. Hopkin?, John I Vit. hell, W. L. Klaff, J. !.. Hv> ay/e, nnd Irederick I Pnj ?-i? i. th?- (?,,-iv? nil?n took a t. osas ??f ?.m sear, o n - . iiiiilitiir, a motion wa? ? fi'?r?-d hy Col. I-'n-c.?' tlit the UhSSal lU-piihlu an Htnto Lxe.utive Cotntnitt? should coii?!?t ot on? member from each county ?i| point? ?lliv the ilciefatioii? rofpoctlvely, ami that ?uc , ? i .t.? - M v*i re unprepared to irivi* the name of a del, ?...te ?hoc.hi wnd it aa ?imiii a? paaB_OI to the l'n -: 1, i at l.ahway, N. J. A hi ??? ? del,ate ?h curre,1 SB an nmen? mint, which va? fiiinlly with irawti, ami ttOOriglai motion wa? rarried. The roll ?.f the Couv? litiou wa then cnlleil, ami the followin. ?-tan I x. cutiv? C_B-Bll t.-e apasenaai hf tin torn | ? Aiiiutir?c. y. ifaah ?i an t . , ?i i ? IMSBS?-. 'Ulli? -. . ii-Aildii Hara. * ? '??-. lari.l, W. Mnrr. ?'??-?? ? ? i ' t ,|.? V|,?--._.jur W ib. ,?tw,?r. ii-ur-lii M.wir J..ln Hy e. I'iimiI,. rl.n.i I'iI.m ?. 11 ? - ? ,,, lobt In, , ? v.l II. il, try -l? Jubn f. i_IB 'el| k. ' i vv ,?. y, ?iarwoel. ? u- ?i-. Saaliia r H fsrlir Vt a?Waa. I., a-ffr u? tOnr;r \. Allfn. Vv ai., a?4'a.d, haaii?. ? l?1'ruf. ?.uatltrj? K.t, A tuet ion WaS ofTeied to ?ttlke from the li?t of I h, 4 >*iiiii.lttit- the tiiinui Of '1 homan Mi,l?lhton, on th pwaai that he wa? A DOSBOOrS-, OCB. Kllpairhk -.,!? he hefed BO man would he ?x, lmlcd from the Commit t?-e for ?uch a BSSBSB. The LiUeral Kepublleaii? . < i ?Inly expected th?- I-ruiocratlo party to Indorse thi (im ininiti ticker. It ava? neceaaary to have Ii.iiio, tain t'i,i.]i<-ration. In reality there wa? no Demoeratic petti lei?, hut only a Urant party ?ml a M% party that ?ai 1.11111111*. t Mr. Hwayxe ?aid the preiv-ut ('?invention h.-loiu.?-,! to the Liberal Kepuhlicnii?, aud while they tlul not inteiul to refuse I>< mocratlc g?i*i?taiice, they were unable f? tell what action v.ould he eprung upon them in the Ral timor? < < ii\eiit'on. The Liberal Ih pul,II, .in? tl, ?lud te ?how now how far they could go alone for the father cf the Republican party. Were they to accept at thl? junc? ture outside aid, the fact would be u-i .1 by Administra? tion m ?an? to impair the influence of thin jratherint?, which would be called Democratic or mixed. He dealre?! It to (to cut lo tho Mat? ?, from Maine to the l'a.itle Coast, that tin? wat? a Itepuhlican Convention. Mr. Hopkiii-oti ?aid there wu? no doubt that the Balti? more Convention would indor-e the Cincinnati nominee?, and would probubly appoint a comiultitaw of it? own party to act w nu the Liberal Kepuhlican Com? mittee m New-Jersey. The dele-rate who nominated Mr. Middletou declared that he hail ?loue ?o iu irood faith, that iretitleuian hav - tnu BSeseei MSS uf hi? _____n_aSS to Mr. BsaaUf. How? ever, he withdrew the liatut, ami the Executive Com? mittee prexiounly named wa? declared appointed. A leholutlon wa? adopt? ?I that (Ireeley antl Brown Club? It?; formed In every ttiwn and villa??*, and that the Kx.iullve Colnmittee ho lu?trilet?d (o RSaSB their fonnatlon. i In* ('otniultt?-?- on Resolution? then re port? tl a? follow?: ??emitid. Thai tho liberal Branbltesao of New Jersey in convention aaoeablod at .Newark, InasM. lfi, i?* lievinit that th?- re? ent I.iU*r:il ( .invention at ( lncli.n,.tl originan d nom a correct jadgniaal of the public foellug an I pui,lie m-, ,1, and that il utteretl the tit protest of an ar?iu?ed jt?mile iii?;iin?t ?i deuiorali.ed administration, do coiiIIhIIv ujipiove uml imlora?* the iMldre?? ami phitfuim of prinelp-M ? num i it?ti by thai Oaav-attea, ami adopt the ?hiiic :i? Ih.' ? irn?-?t ?ciitlmelit? of thta ( ?.nvcntloil. ?{eiotmi, Xhat w.- roooyate. In Horneo Oreeley, the l'le-u', eamlidalf of the ( In? intrntl ('nnvi-iitlnii, the 11 v 111 _r eiii?,oiliiu?-nt of those principies; und we adopt hi? letter accepting the nomination as u food ??uouiih pi itf.rui for all patriotic men de___.tned npon n iBoroagh reform lu the aJiiiini?t_titlou or tin- Wotb ral (i,iv, rnmeilt. BlSSlsfg, That WS w. leoine B (irai/ Hrovati. the eSBdl date fni the Vn ? -l'ie?lil?m > . a? the fit BOSOciatB of OUI lllustrtoui leail? r?for the ehamptoas. rt'' ami asneas Ihe m -t to deniaad amae-t] -,//, Ihm wo Invite all oui I. How ?itu, i.?, with oat I't-aul to past poiu leal dll nun-, to unit.- with ns ami uiake coiiiiiioii cause for ou common oounury, to overthrow s eorrnpl and dlrgrect iul hdmlnlstmuoa ami it? ?vcophiuiiie |iarti?,nii., with the aaauraaoi thst sll W ho ,ile w lin o- ill of II-. re,I. Xhat WO her. I,y aiitlion/e and inatruef our State I.\i ? uiive Cotmnltteo to unit? ind ? o-t-walc npaa no? with any other committee or ori-___ linn in Ihla Mat?-, seohlM lo Bcosespttah i tit- asm?- IBM II*,Im,on? were curried unanlmnu?))' amid pro Inujp-d cheering and peal ? U laaSeal , I.i . m ni BBSS hakm at. .?..n n. a. i.iiniuti. tin n midi?-id the Oaavee tl. ?.ml that tiefor.- ...niiif to Ni w.-.rk he nul ui-hoUHC m Seta Yotk. and had ht 11, th. le told 'I.,,! til? re Val I" t I i-'lt", I..I? lal Ri-piil,iii in iii Neva Jtrtey ef oui t>ioi_ neue? except U?., i vitu Ktlpatrl.k. The ?p.-aki r bad therefore baatened to >.\'.?irk, contrary to hi? Infa utlons. In BVtaf to tie pi -> m at ii.. ('oiiviiiitioii, in pataoo, and aee liar .. af what material it waa compoaod. Him ownState. he ??oiifldeinly pr? dieted, would .uritv of Kai r??ifor ?in.elevaml Hrowti. Th.?("ln< innatiCon . ? had adopted a platform consist?-* of the trn? i i Inclph < of pure trov. rumen!, i.nd the fitet that the Rteat DORH crjti?* party, 11 mooted of nearlr ball the popi'iutum ol lha Untad Blata ..waa ewlftly falling Into linn for its aunport was etgalaeaat nnd inspiriin'. Ttic Liberal Re? publican moTement waaoaurinR a revolution ol partie-, and Qrant, MteriaR In bit acaal le home, did not : the Rfaod prnporttoaa of lha areal h waa Rittlifrlnit to sween away corruption ?'"1 trau tin. ? reform. In fj_oielntra fount*, N. Y, tin' ?l?'.i- r ?aid that tin* I'omifv ?otntnitf. e had been fonnd to he unantmoualy liberal Kcriiit.llenne. while twelve out or tin? fifteen nienii er? rsrrmpoalof the local OOUiniittee of Hyma-iiKp were Liberal Rapul lican-. A lar*? tbt? and city officer? ver?? iUo Liber?t?, and ao inns' of lha people ol tbateeetlon. BoaroeConk? Un- own eodiitv, it ?.as author taMvtrlv ?-fit'il. would if.v.i a tiii.|i.|ltv- of from IJM to 1,800 I'.' If"' .'' Ol iaae.| l.'ttle N- w Jem y would Bl?*otdve a i I. In rul nial.iiifv, and Help to tweep Ih? " North ('urol;a.t, ?it her Htm?? fiction, next Tue-'t.y. would nn.touiitediv proelataa for Llhera?am and relyrro, ???d mo would aiHo'tii. great Mate of rVrnnaylvRnla ai b< i (>? 'Otier ?lection. Mr. fetttty hiuiMclf lind laid that Would be owrwhelllll'li?lv heat, n : and if oiild h- ' im? tx-eti hy ?til that the Impel?] l'.i?;.r WOOld si rtlii.uMi :i .1 -..ic, . ,il. i| l,y lioue-t Hor;>. . I ?ireley . I. 1?. ?irata llrmvn. (?'Ii?-er..] M'l.r.i II "Il ".?;*?? KIIXATRirK. I's.i.i.ow-t lTl/.KSM : We nuc? hi re to da) in u.a.? con ? ??:, not ?is l{< piil.lictn?, or I), m.orrktflt BOl a Ikotaattaaaan et Flaa Tta?ma. bei a? Lahor HafMflMia or nor ,n partisan? of ?my uni! of tho many distinct political orRRIilMltlOBa ill tli" land; hut a? t.u n wim ?no determined for once to trample npon part) dteelpline, and who, forRettinR the old bitterneaa of wa'ii-:...|i-'it hot long -?nee aettlad qneetton of .**tai? aad natloi re rraolvcd thai tue Qovernoienl ?>f otu father? ? .. : be returned tona la all lta parity, und that truth, inste e ,.ml unicv Mhall ..'li.irftcferi/.e in RdMlBM i for the next four reata We won here to-day, Rentlcmen,aanemberaol anew pollUeal organ!Battoa that bat yeaterday had lta birth, yet today Bombera i ua followers thooaaada aad tona <d timu -mi'- of the oldeat aui a!.1.-st iii.iiu.eia of I be Democratic m weU a? th?- BepabUeaa part*, determined aa one man la an boneat effort lor reform. it ti..- were the Brat lime, gtsntlem. a, that i new party had l?e?'ii formed out of old political myani-ifTotn, wi.. i.r.i ?mit ruin.d (or want ol principle t<> battle tot, *?. night, In juali.e t- oui.-ehe?., offer some ?? v.-n.i . tplaiuiti . for the .oir-e we have taken anil tin' n ? ?puaeiblliilea we have et mmed. Hut, my fri.-n.l-., tin? is not the Brat time that th iM-,iiiie have rlaen auperter to l.-a.l. i?., by whom i".* would he no longer Dialed, .in.i in.loij n. t a threatened danger. It la not the rtr*?i time that men have piov d t.'iilt Ho-} hive tin II' . nillillT .nul vi .?nt go?. t ntiu'iit in .?'tliiiii th.v rear llie a..wins of old p..ut >-.iI . he crack of the party whip; tt la not, thank Uod i i- .tr?t, time that the American i lu.s toi u Ii?m i- brine a ?i irty Idol, and broken n in ten tkonaand in.?<?;-.- on tho rock ..f llbei ty and doty, tt. n.iv?- in ie ui ir.?- .vu. ??.?t ?m Lnatrnweut ofpuntaa n ' i i ' n lit .i i '. ' .' i i-ur. n) more pot? at In it^ operation than Ibe ruck or gtilliotl-?*, and one which, on toe 6th of Nu*, m her next, win bw liotn (?.tver the aui hor ol our ?oparatlon. alona with th? aeldah Qoarti rman that bolda vvitn Ii]in utihndl.'.l iwai a' \v.i? I'll..-e of von who have beard me ipe i . elttu r upon the l.. tore plat fonaor befora the people pollrtcally, the wordj ? Bare luat .i- d d lyaatonlafa noi a IIUle.Tbla la not ti:.- Brat time 1 tare apokau to the p pieoftbe ?_atl_Rul?hi3d aold1er who to-day oeenplea t ie hlRheat po-Itiun to which the Au., ne.m .tl/.ii .n. -pre. And I .-?in iaj ll it. a.I ?ine? nt.. thai n .ment of bbi nomination np to the 7th of Nov.-Tiii i ? . >-.. wlieii M WH 11 'iilii.pbalitly ?iii'iii. I tbo-fBI ' ' i. ip< d and worked loraoother ..,. t, ?Ban 1 bul i oan aaanre you, fellow? citw n ., tu.i [bateadlo thin!? and hope and work "till bardei in.* for hlarVcfeaf. (Im.u.i apputoae.] Aalhat ti.-d ne;...e the people fm Oeu Grant In ts, so wUl tie now i..- Uoraee UreeMr. KianttnaedTapplaaae.] I have?idaya Booe i.y ipoien to the people of ?. i-??iit "-i iii.iiruiiie. iit.v-toiitfht batl ??-.of Mi ion Bldge and Look out Mountain, of hla ?rivaled tactical ?kill aad uiiiiiiiiii.iiil?! will us lii-pi.iv.-d in the I Wibleraeaa, l have erea, to the ?-iti.-.fa.-tiou .i i|., m? ' ..'??Unis frienda. pnuaed and ezMlad hi ?oldier, and leverahall; but I want yon t.. rcn thai to-.i.iv l ?m. ? :i*ii * of h id noi - i hla militari at-bievementa. 1 v?....i to hold np ttetm fat*ea hen t day,Oraat the poUUel?n and noi Orant tu. anldl i. [ ask von to kaik upon hIm now aa the leadia al a ri?a of pollUciana wt o claim thai the Republicran p.'ii i> ti ail luailee. all honor, all mercy, and above hon eat crluci in, and that t. ??? with Oran roaatttate the I ?? -1 i.'i '.. .1. ('in l v - and noi U] .in (on. tjl'.iiit tin- lu tal leader M oar great ?rrtoa analea. Amiwha-ni laU ?'??i till? Governmeat haa Ben plan ?icreii midi i Hi *..liii?uiitra' a? no nun..n waa ever pl?ndernd betete alaaa I ie- dayi when Repabl can Home wa? ruled bj a ('a-s,,r and rubbed '.y I Mart Antony; I don't want ? on to ins,,, i, " Ye-, 'tla tr'te, hut then (iiani captorod \ n-k-l.ur,-;" and v. ..'i 'h.- whole coiiiitrv i? vl.iiiioiina* far elvll ten ind reform In Goveramenl _i.iijutik,-iia i'oiu nu ,-:i-t we eaaaot have It under Oma ? I '?? -leur?.I ?o the ? i j,, "Yea, bal the i < .r.iut, j mi kno*?, wbluped Hr.t^ii.-ii Mlialon RldRe." And when we tell thani|thal > ?unit and hla admirera baveii:-'-i.i'i'.l and hninlliatedua bar drUob; bearrocateatobiMaell powera delRRated al?nelo ?Olli;..-; Unit t h. ? lui. teri.t. ..iv >.f i.i.-* Adulaiatra n.u la toward centraliaatlon; and anally, thai he at o ie) i.-.i to for. e H'l.iiiii ConRTcaa the ontrageoaa pro poaitioa to ptace Ib hla banda the pow? i to auapend law, and that, too. In the |_m ol profound peaea, that he rTui" of i,h own at the ballot-box, i i.v Fi.i.i.ii bavonetaln every town and hamlet, tor.? o tin? tiitih .'tile.- he haa ao abflmefully d?_raeed, Il ** H not do for them to ?ay? " >''", we know ail tiii-, hut tin n coi we dol Oral t, ? ou i? -, .lived the -'.void of 1,1" al .ppomato Coort-h. ?? the parti aneot/ trancare poa rleaa to refute Me t'_arRt*aof fi*au<_,of Exi dm D laU'atlon.ot dwhtx eety mid eorrnpUon In in. m the crime? ami mtademeaaoraol their ebiol iniu-.-ii. (ir.nif nul In- partlaana are trampling upon the i _bta a. .i the liberty >.f ti p..pi.; ta awkfUy brinMBR "s "v,r toa military deapotian?,aad tin ir i i v roi.ii s l.:n k, " W h it ui 11 .1-oiiik fo do ttl.oi.c it ; aliilu'l (?rant raptui, Lee ? ApponuUoR Court itnii-i I" They ahnt their ear? to the IndiRnaal mar lumiti." of ?ni awakening people. Theyclo a their eyea to the omino?a atride alreadj made in UM _raU_eatlon o i Qreai'a intirdi utte ambition and tm-t for power, and. herald ui abroad wlthpeanaof eeatatte biamoal laalfR?rant ?chievenaeata, thej U?mita at ii? nod und bend in bumble eubmlaaioa to li> ?s-Kditer.t wi-1j. ?ii nti. im u. lei BR iatlur"l.e do;- und I. j (be moon ' t,,..n be uicb Amerioaaa? What an birmlllatltm to the Am. -i. ?m people waa Uie .? at 'hiladelpblaI W'liut ?m i:;iioiniitii.ui? ?nirreiider of a party'? uianboodl What a but-al of aelt-ieepeet, and all thai the Bepubll? ? ? ji ij ? ii?-1 labed, in .i.i* - Rone i>v, ?.?? i.i-aiii i in* ?1er;, rule ol their military rub rl ??"iiiiemen, on tbaadol Jane,three ?las? i?elore Um Qi ? nveution at i'iu'..ii?-ipi.i.i, m ?i ipeaih madebj me itCoopei In -'i,ii.?-, i inohe of the tendent?m ol the pu Uireeyean aal?Uof mena?'?.' to the future ol free tnaiitutkina,and ...?id that altbooRhwe nor h?u<- ?m, Immediate Rara ol a coming I?tear, -nil Hi s,. eorropt? iUj( Inilii.m ?a wen- ateadlly tendiiiR to prepare i Ughway ovar who h tue mau tir koraeoack iiii/i.t ride into dominion?I little dreamed that th. aptrii ol piophecy wn? then upon me; i !,,tie dreamed the iiia.i on horaebaek waa ao near at hand. Bai 'nu *? ho ?ne familiar with the -i-i-ne at Philadelphia will rttniembei that when they had cheered and ?hooted, eulogised the military .ie. an el U?a. -r_at,itad mhik ihm pluir-ei till tin ir end **ais .ic ouipiish. d, then? from the r?ar of the ?tai?t* of tho IhaaBRI in winen Ins lobtocta met, a drop-eoeoe ?lowly fell, and there ?t. ml forth in ?til the p..nip an.I .in uitin!.tu. e of war, not the Ukeuesi of the I'lesid.tit of our iiieat repulilie, nor of a ..vil Candidate lor re?:leetiou, luit the eon.ine Ca-S?r, the veiitahie iiiiin on horecbach, booted ami aparrad, nahed and ?word?.i i<>r the ovocthrow of our ?aired i If bta. We heed not il.e .1. iniuiiatioiir that <?mi" fru'u those thai have alwayaoppoaed OraaMs Hut when ?ueh bmb a- BehntR, Triiiiii.ii.i, and Charlea Bumn???[applaaae} iii, n vst.1,1-.. Bepob-cani-m datea with the sait* Itaall - n?. m then ii.tiii oiflt iai ?talions, and with the reapoaat biUtyof their Beaatortal eatha reatteg aolemnlt upon them, charge (?raut with BeaanMl which, if proved, ?hould hurl blM from tm- high tMi?itimi la haa alRgnMBdi th. a w?-, the poawle, have a tight to hu. the ahargee aaaweani -not by th? rltwperatlve ai.u-e . f Conkllnga, Morton?, f*wrpftntf rt. and fit gane not I.v the-><opiuiiiti.'prais?'..' I' ik?legatee, .i lubaidiaed pi?m, or Um preeoneerted rep? tu ol paohed commltteea, i>ut hy a vindication a? thorough In every .h'tall a? 111? cbarceji which been i; ?siiint him. QriitleuMB. von well know bow I fiel RbOUl thi" i BR luiivi-lui-nt. I -Ii.ill ?upport the party and the 1. a.lei, and Just M -ui" ?i" vuu ail t* the same, MEBrc will lion eat Horace Oreelei i?iphMad at lha in ?id of the aattea? I'll, nieiidolin appiailise.J . J.iine? M.H. ov.-l of ( ?tu.deii and (?en. fl.-o. W. Palmer were next lall.'d ii|>on, and, the latter -puke ..- lollow? : ?si'tii il nl' o-v P_UBB_? Kt.I.K.w ' ?il/ I do not wl-h to detail. fOmmmmWt. Before ihi-. < onv? ntlon 1? adjoin?? d, however, I wish to exprc?? my qnapaB-BM with the can*??' of Liberal lie pnlillei?i,l-lii. That BBMMB 0TCilM II an hone-t man nuiie of u? douiit. lAi.piaii??'. I iii.ii h" la a capable man for the poettlou for wblcb be baa been ehoeen 1? doiint. .1 ou'v I.y thaaewbodo not know him. *t?uai<* all aware ol the dlttcultj geaer?Ui? experienced by .. new pmt.v In the earlj ?tage of lta aslataaee, ami 1 ....? ir".-1.. aonfeee that I never beard of a eaaa waare r new part] bad RKt with aneh nnparalellcd ai - lathi? Lili.mi lo publican Bartj at?ei n? birth. W? ???( pr?'?? on, and vu tOT] l- NUWlj oui-, llxju.l .ipplalis?-.| Thti-e iriiitv ebaan ?*.n- th.-n ?risen foi Horace Qreeley, Rftei akiehthi OsavaRtitea Rraiaall] tteptt "fd l,roiip? of i!"'i . , . - ..- i nilili-d outside lol.kT after the ?aeet?i wrrovbr? wanalj ?it-.. rbb_bi b_ iNgMM of ih. Lit? lal lt< pnblt. ,.n nu iv i in. m .n t tu-11- i cup? i 'ive loca II ii" Ile- i.i'i -t tion ?a? I'tpre-seal u? to the tttha ?onveniioii, vshii h, iiiHioiiK'li BOl .|iille aa Urge aa ?<>ine, wa? declared h? nuoMBBaa ttOmmXO tt N.vv.ii k to Ih- the uio"t . nlhiisiastii ?ud liurinonioii? ever held in that nl). TllK avAM-iAa iKM.'1-r is \ n vim 1 i licit, a I >? ?. Kiiiisvui-, June '.'((.--SiitiiiB kept oui n-, th?- iiihaliiiint" of till? jilae?- . nu. m .it i o'clock this inoiiiiiitt rtiid tOgmeOtt that Hie Auaru?!. people ???i. close l>), aiuietl and prepared to take the county retords. Au alarm waa ?ri'.?*ii, and ill limado turne?! out en m i?.. .|i ur the alarm gegrtOt f?l"?'. Hiunu "-i, ? ntir.iv-ii pended. TheOoveraer haa beea ..ske.i (or m n.- a wen '-i?' duv sight,bj th? Augoata i? i ? THE BOSTON JUB1LB9. TU! PBRMC- DAY. Ai-Miirxi.i t. .irr.ii.ri. ,\i tn - mxkvki. |bv TH.U.I:\"I M? FHB III, : Boavo. Jana 10.?To-toy t?a par? m Una ?f i ? ol a-B?h__BB. witbnal '.,-.; The r tall WOS mi im ' SOWS, v a? ?till not full. A -.??ill ,-itr I wa* Beert) : U ",?, npa fl, ind there wi re - h ti? ?. a fi w hendrt ,i? if? upan! tlovvn Ihe Mail xvi>? at.d ll.tiiivrh the eori'iitor?, tTylng to go where they had 1 ? to he, and testing to tl? ..' I BS_ s Shir a. The strengt mente ftr ? il the o i ood H Bl seefesten. Kotbli ? '?? i;. f< ?*.. t- ? every V? MiMe cm? igt m y Badl nut-* coto Bitte? SUM I '. ??-'I " tho Coil?? tun ?hould he ?truck I" thunder would turn op, and .-?,?*,,ue ? Tl.. m? n.' 1rs of the] for ? tho ssaat otahor?te n ?y havo a ter*?. eomBort? i.iie meas, attt __-_da ? __a_dath_o toi su who want to write, and :i?-?n?. J.i ? I . i'uu. ham, l'av?on, and ?i.pply ill ti -ir rc.i?oiial?le want? with delffbtfu] 1 tgrnpfe S*?** are brou?ht tale the nom, sad atergeforee ot thi bsatsf oratsse of Ihe Western 1 I phOomaaaylaeea ?lantly as ?iiitv. Then ? i sost__a la the leaait Batea which 1? a? well maniiL'c.! .- .11 th.- re?t of the airaiiK?' nient?. loo-water, tii iiUngnlahsss. seflseal labile* ihtys. fan?, pop. the iii?. ?t %oetatleao ti Ott ??'? meo eter and the gold market In BoW-Yolfe, and ihe priai i|?ttl New-York and _io.?t?ii tl.,.'v peBSCS '?'" SB h.i.i hi ihe corridor? around the auditorium. The keen ol BAsCS alway? open to attliii? the kfl IM tt :ii it.siB| - Sad. m ?pite of the I ?at SBte?O, tl." OoH-MBS m I rather pi a-tant place for an afternoon lOBBfO. The nii?eellanootM portion of the psagnMBSSO r ti i ? afternoon calls for no ext? titled ? rifo ? nt Tl* Oloda from Mozart'.? Twelfth Unas wa? mil In lit!. renrl> Kiitiir. " The Heaven - at.- TiTllnir." however, in? mu,'h lt.ti.-i. Strau?? (tuve two or hi? waitze?.. MadaaM r* -? i?k ? Lentiier appeared airalti fhs lav? Chorno was i out twice, ami un excellent feux M 0101 tail bj I.?*utu?i wa.? played by the whol? on he?tra The tetORBt of tho dux, liowt-vei, ectiteied 111 flu-performal'cc , f t! ? 1 of the French (?arde Bopoblleslne. They ?li.l not appear until the second part. When tiny rime up? the deuiouatratlon? of Bellghl were, If anv '-.i nu-i, c!ithu?ia?"tle than tin?- Which cr? efed the British Bad rni<?.?iau (irenadiei?. Tin* churn?. BOpCdally, Si have unlimited reaer-c? of enthusiasm which it turns on, H Job Trotter dirt hi? w_.t?-i won.?, ai a moment'? i Uhrrahl our all over with white hjiulk?'.rchl?f? upon the multilist provocation, und tv? rondi M teSS, -r'l-t?, firemen and OSlored BeStSSS BSB con?lantly it- lag IB IBB front or coming a way from if, the .horn? i- never with out opportunity for an uproar. The WtOmt ? 'u> a, ot mane, woes liberally welcomed hy __b nable and exiiteil thron.* of riBfP r? ; I uf tiny won* hailed with hnr?lly less heartln, n? h.v tl.? BadtCaOO at : Thev began their ceaeort w;th ?? Boll (_asH>ia.M thay K"t to " Yiiukee Doodl" " .?lid IhS "M-B-yaagled Uan ni i'' before they BAtshed, and ihej performed the ox? i lure to " Wil'iaui Tell " in a tnaum-r that VOS SS loes than mai vel?n?. I eau bave no hesitation i i I ? them above their English and Oonaaa if I seiaetsslslBlMBathe aooplcgoaorall) lors-ed i .??m.i.n ,ju, Ig-BOBt. The " .Mai ?cillai?.-' tsmt pr? .iiueil l-.y tin* , lu.iii-and eannoii, and a'' n?3 French .'.ami alone. The ?iieet wiifl t.-ally glorious. I'twbobty the ilnglng wa? no bettor than on tenner occasiona, bal u i? stirring nymu noedo the mall Itude "f volee?, the '? cannon, the elaagor ?,f bells and tho blnra ol bras?,siad lor thoBnt ti". ?in? tie Jubilee oneaod. Mr. t,iii,loi-e'? patent attachments were pul i? 'id with a r?-?uli winch ooi bl to fully aatiaf) Llm. I ti? - lor? i ?ii baadi havi proi i d tbe great attracii,,,- -,f tin- wooh, ami l tremble to tblnh w_.?tl would havi in en without them, i.btles? i in* x a HI '?? ?t:ni d< mand for the rest of the festival, -mi i ?ha no( i- - ?ni pn?i_ If they kltulle and keopaltve ti, iii.'Ii-ji enthusiasm, which neither Handel's Chorus nor Mi-?nu arv Hymns on ganpwwiler sad anvils, nor , v.-n the -, oii.|iie?t.? of irtl t?, have ret sufllccd to excite. .?** ail? cheaper admission? md i pleut] oj Enrlisbmen, From >? n.? :i. and Prussians, and a (treat deal, ? the divine Htruu??, over whoso in,.,?.!!-, wall - Puritan Bow England i? now raving rraoj. the Jubilee may >?-t svo_ the tliuim I.?I ? ,i ' n ' -. .nu.! in. v - ta?!.? _ I I ... II. WHAT TRI JUBtLEI _____ l?< mi iiMi-n.-?'i Boeron --1 II! Ml -I' XI. HI ?I I I? ? ii nn 11 ?i i\ \i . ? I- H4?M THll ?l'I.< Ill, I t.'tl.I ?l'u?.|,KN|- Off Till 1KIHINI- | Bo___V| .lune %%?The popolai jndga-cal ?>t the .lui,!,?- ot i?7j i? osorthiBg very ?!. It? I.- . ? I.i tin* Here.* and furious i n?htt?ii'-m which rsg-d dorl (.iluiore's flr-t ?real f?-t thearrOT) in . 'vilh tin e\i*i plum ol Mm 9. Dwight, who for hi? here-.v w.i? ?le, li.i".l .? ;.-hetl the city, nnui.v i? tteved thai Ihe l olla em i aaa ? __n_h ?t mur? maate, moro seaatjr, ubm ? graadoar, sad men ? i terpll??- than the win Id i "I ver aeetl be__ ll? ??< the hoflenlef of ttsw Thomn^u ?ienceof -?iioiiioir? Tem? pla v>..,? m OS hegSCSM-. A SOW O?S vT?? to ?la wu iu art : und America wa? tobe fheaooforth the eh ??( am?!."?? I1'? nation?, not only in tbe n.inuf u tute of napuia,- m" ? himf, printing p?ente?, and -o?l.i water, hut in ihe culti? vai.f hiirmoii.v ami : in ?, u-nm lion of Im.?- drum?. How the faithful ?,f Beaten Is Iheos Bam fell apoalho skeptical Bad lote then, (>? tn ,nd mil : M'h it gtebOttl ?I dances of mad ?l?-lihlil thev ,|.?ii,'.-d .;, *m ; ..nation upon peootrato BewTeeh, ?ii rt had u?. JBMtee, no Ol?aiea, no i.i? nrciin, so E_en Tonijeo,ao caaaoa torltaoavt] ? Inru?. no Im IN for it- Hall C_aSBbta1 What howl* Of hopele?.? eiiv.v tiny fain h tl tin Iff , iiild hear -MBlBg fi ?.in the ?bore? of tnr* Ki-t River and the Hiiil-on when the tin:?e oi the fi?tival penetrated, M th.v WSS. ?tit-- it woiihl OtOb trate, to the Kuipiie Ctrj I Hut all rhi? Is ?Sh-SgSi now. I have nut tl man) a-- i oi ?.-ven Ho?ton people,of rt ?petal,le po?ition iu -o? let v. t? ho lu.vt not ln-eti to the new Jubilee nf all. ?ml do M>f meaatOgO. It i?t no louder a HsgyaSS i"'t I" have ?. ii the ' "i.? urn llu're is no lsa?ss ?lanKcr in oritlcislag the portansaaas. Many IIaoSOO critic? have ?ftitat?y iiuetttioin-il in jniut th?- BfHsSh value of tie* In..' 11er? j-e-, anil have vied with New-York MSSaSpoadeatS wi iKi:ntinr oSt the fault? of tin ciuuii? ami the Maadsstag roer of iheOsMssasi organ. This I? tOMNMBBh-g. When the live? of ?few more Nivv-Yoik ?ritic? hav? l>een aacritleed te BBPSBSS the wrath of The Errning Tro OoAAo\ even BootSS ia-r haps will learn to rite Jnlul? e.? if th? Ir trio-value, and ra-ruiit a ?traiiger to t?-ll th- 'i ith atxuif _____ mi tuoli ?ted. That they luivc a gmati ?ml. IB BSBM re?l??*?t?. , nmul intluein ?? epea tin- popular cnitlvntton ol um?i,, ttib Xaiavss Bee nlwaya aerlarea. Xho gathorteg toitethei of ?rentera thousand ?loner? from ihe naaal essssSs parts of the I Hit? d ?tat. -a ? <t?-at r.i? t wliich pit ?iipi?!??'? extraordinary uiuau-al en ttiiihi.i-tu and teag maatral itady. Mess than tvvoihitd? if the MX -ti?-? repu : .-i hen to-day are the nutgrowth of the Juhilee of 1-aW, and that Ihev have worked ililixentlv ?une thin orgaaM-Bltea I? proved l.v th'tr betagah 11 HBdrl -m limn tll'lon- a- SOW ?mi,, iiel th. in N.ithjii. ?nt the e\ |teetiiti?>n o? ;. ti- ? lv ' in? would hate Inspired sfJNS win. ?"?. sai, t im?, it f..r ,-i.iiit.d that the en ahtehthoj havel daito lie u?ed hi n aft? i , ma\ f.-eelv , iiiif?*-? that Mr t. worlf. I.ttt h-r ti? mil in ?ke the in.-tike of ov.-i, .iliiiu ? jiii.iiee r,?i it??-ir ai.*ie . Ii haspredaci Inonaasli teal i? Natty tin- i,. ,,|. exi BBS : o the militai v I,and-. Ill BTI e >i I - ?ml ami moi,' pacB Sffel ?? to Ih _____ S. nxtv win. h plaj i st tie ( Baa Torfe, or es Um.soo_hm ? I tsmyl i ,,,,( ?hi S.'W Vi'i ii llalltlc. ?Mil , l klr Illi . Bl I ni the k' thou-:.-?I i- abstirdh k '? I , IU ll I? th. .:e..',' I t.<| . ?madom ol ?? . h i rlth Hi aim lu?- i? ? '.mut il ih. iniiltiplii .?lion of v,,|,e? can; ,,t <??.ill to tbC -, inr.ll ?aaall P/a ?aw thi more lie., : lv BOB Tilt ,' IStioO Of a ?I:, iiK|.| n. hearins Ihf? choru? ? i-to ? h ment tMl it makes >,-. H lie mu-?, i v Hint 17.000 iti-onlH arefallv ?iiiK'.iia' ' t Kcniatoni ?llf. .'iu?-?i ihrough im ti.-iallj, .f, -? tn Bod Iu the i ? m i ii . ,-? ? , , -MV,. eitcci v, in h .? mm h more tupri |___| [ hare not been a 1 ? i?. i? ??, ?v, h, nur caan i id and anf"1 ?1 ', umc iia?. b_i<.?i irtli-ulsrl) in th. -..ri.-i p;,?-:i., . uttertxl ?, n, mia-iit? multitud?. Tome when tho chorus ?Inga soit h -,-eiiian? if a tn in,i ,t\ iif the ?itin.-n n.,,1 , l?,.t tiieti mouths altogether. K:,-h. r. grnmler, more ___aslve more ?mi?,Mini, and of t > ? ? i r -? ? natre t.e.?iiur,ii e0,, t*. c ,,, i,, pio.iuc.i bj a thousand v,?,,-? m au ar?t?roprlat? hall than by twentj thoaanad In ashed i)_s_ier ?r i mile in ; nnd even Boston i i? ?.inn.? ; to _*ti?it this Important inith, ?, * w. a.