OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, June 21, 1872, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-06-21/ed-1/seq-2/

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? a mi no< BKiiEMT in ??M ( A'n;.fr>ri
?.KBT-B- M ?"? IMV1K.-IT1 AI.1MM
lil XVM. n. M MITIN.
ru* last exe.iing In tho cum ?,,??,-, ,n,K?,1?lllltn
? to be need, not^, lin.,ri,,,.1?-l,t of tue .
.',,,,, ?er?os off tho LnwB.hu.l sai
*_____.___ol>.n? ?ndK01--1- A ?mtlrr. A ?
"i _. M?"* WM ""?* b** K' ** ,B* m 8,UlU''
?h, Wtewiog . tlu . t. ?ere elect? d for the ??-?..Ins J car :
nealdowt. K T. Johnston; f*?*-cretnr.v. John A. Fuaier.
Tre??nrer. W la W\ it | 1 xecntlve Comndtte?, W. f. Un,
W W. Blrveiistm, H. C Utbaoa, and Smith I
,.,1 pal? toi ihe ?venins wa? l-radl
?? a New i_?o.i?_*ment in Ediicailt'u," aa fol
. ..__
HR. VA!*!*
m% mrsu.iNr v- ; no atcna'of hnman
mad f??r ? soatary. Voepfreeeh
*-r. which. an..l the many hard and lu pnii-t! Bhlg
, Hint we h?xe ?<cu o? ???11 be nm-t
rrt] n |tps The K*:,-ntinc s'.ii.t i.? BSSttBB BBW la KhlS
a.vsiK-o I call your attcntiirn to eehar_ai___
pi-?aaal period, and ??ire? t v.'.i SI SB-SA
Tto wins whlih ?unit of cs on? e t-iiw ttrst curled np
tbs hall? hj which we canir to ihls ictotn. o-ul
_.r* tin u woui.il srot nd the lowers ot this h.
N-re sin oc ti.ii Mtind IBiaaejB th, w__? of (?r,g>r,
h si ?ste, natll Is a si]
,, ir, ,* n,? aloha. TheBiotdavoat -Basase*?"What
I , -p.red hninnii haio'.S to _____
.cast what may bo lu a f * _ result. Tho
wll_ v.ll hoOOOBS nnlverssl. Nut
e- ? al eeataroi tbcv atlU roach
\\"i in the wlro If nuce t>tr
c nieiv
?_?__. T?o ?cale of
-rate. Will ervo w.iy, ?nd the
ill,Inn fow years, ac
10 cheap telegraphy a? readily a? wc
rt-iii to ?.oluui.s In a uiorolug
ai ..t t ron which it 1? print'd.
n.ay oh- < coming Beende.
r run to ?oil fro tp?n tho ; at th.
H tal'',
: ?
i ' ,i man,
Mooeaea of seeat.
-...-- i on the Ala
, - j,i. .,tc?*?l by a r-JHvcot
Ul| the clashing of oppi-nd'e
.. i ... , Heel reeaaae,
i so of n whole
? enlni sp?_ t?> toe
.i, snd
with It tho
? >f a i-ropte. The
rapadfti -iQ
. of r?-.?hing ivid weichinr conc'ti-Inns Is
f lilt
e ?? lucation
?i ??'
,i their np
lo?, 0
? _ neu .!, v. , .It? Of
? will follow that It will not be ?in oacr
..- d t'i Hal 'U 0 , U tnat v.: ? t UnlttOd
T ? ti" li
? ' ??? ni.nit
, ??.va by ?v I irn they tut I
? of ell
j. , ta? ?,i e*iM...
-,. lie ?1 nu''
. Jii.,1
i Cm i da;, i t i.r? li?
li h ami
? ? .
! ' '
im - ptadiottuna,
.' ? ? ' ? '
? .
f great ? that sottie*
i 'on i be , leaicr the
., .
I i I ..ot ?til t :? < ":m<to
- .m i ..vo On
? ,i n.'iuioii ami nrtrnmani In de
i<q tue
? i i-i a ?not I Un ae ate I
Apply toca on s . nial lixo
? e?. of hit er
Iwid and willy
? .
? - i
, n i '*. n t ??? i tion of his
Id b. ten i.
, i it_l Be ion of
n, w.ti.out ,?ii or
?i.hlc simitlteneons rxpr?*?slon vrllllea_fo
. .
Istbein. '1 here wl.i lie 1er
- to fildrt-s? the pri-Judle? -
mi. ___or -svi-rriOATU"?.
; ?.sties of the p: sent period li the
. ? nathroug.iou-. tu?.* who? di/main
the eaargotla ertttoal ?p,ru of inquiry tr, ai
.naatloas of sel? ice, history, po! i v, and
I th.at .! le a:?" ' by b feeble?
tml wldene ? it, Its con? lusl _o. T'ero u nerd
B St. to handle the
l? "f the?. lU'lllllleS, Slid v,f iH
. ?n the part ?f tb*> r?< pie to n-, ?-j?, ?hoin. Unlike
. i upwi *d tr-.ni a coral u e
Ley fi i- t, .rat! to or ?i-o
ir higher -alncstlon
. ? M ? 'i??e?iid ulive |tco;
at l?iom ni
B-bbbbo of facts, and to discovei, assort, and icc.iv.
vtith these sids, uBlTersal intellteenee will ?eeompsny
v-', i.,.,,, -i, i_dl._rij : h_t-ury,
? * in ui the soil .j.'
? theory ti.
fi r a tinal -ie?j, rate battle ha?
i ?? ? ?oth
i, more
; -bile."
?|?_), -Ito, thero 1? m m.u
r Ihuti
4" '??.. N?.*- ,.,!.-,. t lose '
I vx ih " * in . i t virtue, we a?.
' ra the t!? 1,1? t" whirl, these
?? allana es, nsi Bars M lot i se p m ??
sh B-hteo____jt SBaeattea Burnt sos-i.
will be, in thai tiny, more
r ?.r saatyalSi paid i
IpleiJ IhC Jiotve; , 1 p|
?in? Lo'tl of the hi art ?,f aqties
' auch men tnr-, ighout ih? land
? ' - of pill,111 , ;
i n to-day
lv they will .,
' '-? 'Of 11..i gr
' neofbiaeui
rsl man m tue wurld at writing dow-.
? '
? al?o bmld up ;? eur ronn.la
' m w( ? ?. I don't i?
ni new
I i, ive the -
?i, ?ml that ,,{ ,.,?
Lire.tneso and mut? eBvcUvmcM than
...ia'. rent n ...?,... . ., fU(te.
? "'"' ? ke* \,i ; U_1, a.
' .
Is to 'i.1.1 , ib? re?
tos?, la any great t oil's wt ?k? whi rt ?he
'1 and fasten In his 4
- 'ra, I think
' ,i.>>o bore
"' d " "?'?t?? ?vxak
'"? '? ? ' r a new lute
IStCI Who o .
er will
- i-?'. 11 IU_> b. to ay-, vv.k'.iw-a i...
_hi * turned Petcr'a eonratre to Miter tuara, or w? a
and a to'ce Ilka? that wblob arreate.?! 1'aul. ?n I to
1 i no living |. ncher ss bo, "having the light, h.m.led it
?*< r to lil ..." Tliu? from tilts um?? artae? '?'" Individual
who rvpn "*s tin* ?pirll of Ida lime "HI* grnaln.^?
i tlicei.v ion i f tbat spirit ?* ?o.'-u la eoiuuiou tu ml.
h w I'll lu colonial..I? ?"11"
?ti??I; tun t:> of Ile mora raw Ri eu'?.i?riw?.
Tic Iatvt School, a.? uovf established, proc? la tH>on
the pil?.ct;'c of a .'.lenity of te.u Ioth. und nul on tin*
prolcssor. Il RlRRBaat almplv at Iti
muclonlnt '..-anches ..f the taw; luit, lu 1U
v ,-nd liApi!ii..)>le?; tint ?imply ut a modern ]>rao
lice. hualed WiT'.i q.|'s!l.n? of pi-eseut tnl-irst, hut aa R
'util varied mmI r
?, th.'tutohe atitdloJ aud t.. Ih-Ira-cd out
astlieypiT' :iii?ji tlo? Willi piili
ruaient und Ihn alustrad ?
et ruht. I proaeut tula to you aa the view of H
u'.ty. Not ill ?*f th' ..i ha*.' ns
? prepttritloQ i- aid toel ; .m-??
bave fairly embaraed la _j.??._k H a%aal to Bay "???
lurry. .,
Beul lutaald: ''The Prosits mldrca* of I* ;
.. l intelligi'iioe 1? mi? raaa <d the world.
?? |, |a -sjoqucville, "i?v winch
tlieeaa n be ?Iropitod into ,-? tboiistud
? iiiif luoii.t'iit." N. ;??.'.' on in. .iMirvfl ?I ? l
s., .p. i in ti.. . ..;..* ?i. in of M.O0B i.ivoti?rta,
t . I'll-?* lu? Ik.cU 1.*'.all d !>>' II e -la ? -mail
? popnlar orator : bul the
,.,i. i tbeu power. Tbay
? ?mired*, with U.o voice, bul to
? . the m.ruing paper, 'in re
n mo uiitu.orv ot BOOM in i", when the
?of Wt-h-i. ran! 11 Clay led p n foi 't
ti*ii, or ;hioiia,ii lie whole duKuaalou ol i>n'?iio
T.iat ilngle c? entra ted octaalonal exprt-fdou
,.? l_m . be i im tin noua
a?...i vie!. 1? ?n- ?< lu in.. I ? ?l vu,?-, s.f the 1'.? bO,
?lKoi , iioiig'.it It all over I? -lore. Nothing
can Lo mora olear i baa that, with unlvora-1 cheap tel?
?Tipiiy, tito ?ditot w?lim *?? publiaqueertooaand moid
;, r than ti u oratoi ..r the paitUelat ;
nod thai <t?? ? ?.? m t*1*_ "" ' '
?uiiiiiisliaiiou ol affaira iinorlinir to publie i ?
? - . ?ri.le : " I H"'. I ?<-'.
edi.ora rutet jttli ; *-'ril'
The piaettea. Q-dBUBu lartad among Bg
whether t:o.-r<* cou?l n t he a
I ho lu.'.iu.
. -c'iiool. like those of law nun -t medicli c, where
thcycoulJ l>o traluid la tire pn,.cip. t nod pi
dntlaaof their prM h jraaagM i
lug,onalded, n..w. each pa-.t- ??cal train.*. ?
lu.enl i .?' ? t
Hun la .. js.t,uic, i.i the history of inu pri
i ...
bel ..'?' , tviiii a i
latineter, t -
\,e ?? -?? ! from
the World, nuc ..i >? u .uiiiun;.
Mr. *?* i i Uw lu*ld git*.?? usa lecture lu oni
.il ...i
.1 lil.Stl.ielloTl. I (..,'iUot Jsl]>.i
Ol lilV (hoiUiils ou II?
torio from a
I,a ist-, Dm ,
? . I writ leu about i ; ?
, . . tit .1 value of
We ?>'-i'.i l.n .; a full n. ? irj or n
'ni t?V e ol
?li? of
kba day rram all the held. Young men need tub
. o? patient habita ol in??yatlgAlh?1, aud logical
lei ? ' ? loua
H a i i..-- o? ?oungrocn ;.o takou oabauatlvely, ii?ii?u?..i
ail the
I <" Ul Dll ? .
tr i .-?i to mak > like (
-. ?r.u tuo tiui trip ut no. t>-i
wutckflta it in i m its roj
Tac emeu, aw hopefully m;krorlng plant
for me ii?' i? i'.>n;,ii te en . ? un o .u
rtv and endowmeatenow nets of higu valiu
. ? ,.i breo I
i ol Art? and of Bciaaoe, for tba tutpau ion
- if l.i-llllcl..
. aud there are sum.' of
. tot be bare, but for our faith tu aerom?
phaliu?eut. Dutntonej la net the oulr enilownttrtii ti t
? IHR tin ir heart? t . It,
to abow In advance thai y t." thoruughuaaa ol II ?r
? ? ?
.'noms young
M< ind that " tba d ??- ??? 11 not i ?
rea Ir i->. it v? rton ol I lu
.. .
Soar devoUva? it ?? ai i_o
,.._ of the wiiole.
in the ectn
a-iv?. it m m.ir u ; . irtaaa,
-. and of BMB. '1 I ? ? M rlflcei lie .il tilu
fouuiiatloii of every trnat lie? adTBR?log to hett-M a
:.i '???? ?, i m nit
un- got aoatBd tnaanrea, and tba live? of raltbful
.re tlr- niiseea hcM-cor.^Cs CrR vi.P-h I]
at. 1.,-d ..tior. I li.'.Vcr M.-1..C
array of a eoinuwaoeBieut wlibottt ?
I..I ;-T.
r . . i tbai
' from oar ranks; yet the j aeem, a th
. to tv.iilt mi-, en I" aide u
Mater, a? me ghidl
te si'luliul." I'rov. i in r a.sii- ol u* our w H? .m i our
? ni.'s we can
-, ..i. ? foro, r ;. ? uga, *>o muatd-y,
perform our dotv.
When at the ohim of the teal century, the revo
? i tul ; ':?... ?
jlw "I l.at? Pel a single* o .nfrvauoii lo I
I, to fo.in I J i? i. - . . . .n.. .ul
I ; ? 1 ? liO
?r." Uhu r> ? I at a we ?land
line es I wa m i toe I? -'.i ol ? II
human il_li a .o? v.i ? ..
eoal ol " for vein' All ,i
ta a la the world around ua tbe ...
wealth, ol power, ol dyuaaty, wkldUiR Rieai rea
a. com |.ilabtng t?>"<'?t reantta, anataloi dm:'. ?Ireujn
: itarrnptioB ior long periuila, -
iuc out our iiiiiul." fur ?. 1.1,
? -.i? t-ii.x wa u?o for ."
Ko ' There are i w bwb in
rea and '..nit ion .
justit e. to truth, to charity ut ... aadthoee
i - . oitoa ?n?..
T?ie con.i ol t'. ?? I'niv? r
?ity of Um City of N?jvv-Ynrk wero held al (he Al
o? Muslo ycaterdny moriiliii;, Chancellor Cbmhf pr.el.l
uiic. Maj hury W. Fltynuig delivered a ?ulutatorv in
ana William _i__an, Jr., delivered an _ugliab
'.ry. Oiailona were also tallTBiad bj OBMlHi TT.
lie. atvel!, Altert A. !.. Una, William II. Aivrood, Draal
..eu, Charlea-f.OcK-lz, William H. liurd. Jr., 1 ruul
hu?-? II, John L. ' - ?i low? 11, K?IMarcuai).
Bucll. ixgices were conferre?l aa follow?:
Itacti?!?- r.f arts-? i? BaaO, a. B. rtaal, Jr., M W. ri"-,ln? II. A.
hur.ig ?.. } IU.<-k??il, A. li. ' ?rlloii, J. . . ? r i, 1 |
bath? ?* a ??.a?, Jr.,C. U. Voe?. st II Ar
* ? Isra.l KnsMll. (? P. h?rin an, J, ?, Vu. lluiti? ?, 1'
?Caasiai. V A Vo? Betu. u, d. W. I'. ,.,,n V. CruwiU.
?Tivil -?f.B??t-VV 11. atnraad, W. \v. ihlai, A^isd Oiiit Y ".
Tapp?? O. W. 1 AI. ?0j. y, _ vu?
Ro?^n Israel I
?r*?-it! CasarM sv?s ?i.nf i-asrl im F J. IT?rr?*t
? ug?e ..? Il?--?* r i.( 1
Boj ? " - B ... 1 l .r??,.f Al-tvai ? i
I?/.S?J UlKl* Js?? i?. 1,1.1 b ?lili J , u.a.
The ICtL nimual coinii.? i.coTiitiit oxv-.rcint'a of
hui OB-Bga, BowthOranfBij >'. J, ? ,
A lurge ?L .... ?s.? lu attendance, aud tlia
f?llowlr K ? .civ* men ?xcnj.led ?eat? on tbe platform with
the fl-juluatine BhMBBBl Blahop Uaiky of Kcwark,
Blahop MiQ'TilJ of Bochaataf, liisliop M.Farland of
Ilu.ifird, Coup., CliaDceMor Deaaa, Putet?utat fxs?ly-s?
*?, TboproRramroa w.ta aa fol * '
.... I-? 1..V.I ?,o. ,t t,f ?V?tlOB,;" Johl
id, 'Pres.ili?,} ?v??.,iiit nia Knln-ri Kn.*t Hurl?
Va-rr?.a. ? i:?j..?l X.jt?.-.' H. 11'i.lM, N?w-Tsii?, "l*s.ut?c_l 1?^
of Bachelor of Art? waa eeatarmd on u
f Maater of Arta on eight lJr ?or
riR?n dlatrlbuied the priiea a_M ttdd inadala. lilshop
?na U(..vti?-l a cougiatulatory a?J
John (HMO? n luidtllc-ii.^il jj.ait, livins- with
In? f.uitlv, at No. Um he? ond-ave., wn? foin d Miflcrlna*
from aplrtol-eliot wound m ?ho bnnst.at ilflj aRMMi
,t* mU<x ??? ? Aa the wound"d
man liad i.? en aten, the ev ..:, | i,r. v ?. ,m, ,? c,.,?,,ariy
with lit. rMi.wah, a aalooirk? .?!.(_, It whs BRapClili
a aaanall I tvaaa ihe-R,4_a_Bc whlefe the
i I-? ?-1? ?l,ot by the oih.r. AapBHM ?i
? . Bad t"0? iiim oefoi- Qm n.wiio did not Identify
hlmaalli. man v.ho had n... 1- the a-'uuit. (;rct-ii'a
Btat<-_?-iit*a m re i*;, ni to ii..- ahoottai RarBBBBaaiiailbi
lory tint.Ciat?'. (iuuner of the Mi,, te.-nth i'n , in, t BBfr
thai he had BltBMpltd !... i.ii,n,it M-CMa. On
' ' l tha?.
? i. Bad UmI I.r. --.. m, l.aviiiit hoiue
ou J "' - ?> >h Jd?. n, Indd.i? thfm
*.I "?i -fd, after aliikiiiflr hii v.ir?'? ahouldcr.
had ?aid " i'o. rold ?vomi-ii " leBU.ll_ lm JafBBBRBtloa
la thai ? mm of the r-'.^tintf. caj.t. oaa
lier foiinl n ?ierinitn woinf-n. win.-aid thai aha Inol beard
api-iti] iH-iteaib h? r window on 'in. ?day
'. iiifow a pUtol Into tha middle
of Hi. ?ti-.t and then run away. Th.r man, trom bel
l?tlou, I? tboii-ht to hava , blmaelf A
derrinRer-piaiiil was? fooud lu tbe middle o? Um
it. Hi? platol w?? taken
V __t Oreen, who InatauUy .v.:...??,i it???!
_\ wee ' ? bnahaod'e. Capi (.um,er then
1 ?.l.enif tin -del
'".""! ? ? .lUiilon,acknowl
",'?"1 ? thai he).mi attemutad
Wtoiuu, - , , ? to,,, ,-x.,l?li. ,1 <,r.a-?'?
el ....i.- lu either
- .ni. bowttvei I.e. II
K'Ti. ?V H .-..., tnal -ac-uat
? ? ? ? 01 . . Will ii lu .. ,- , bot.
"'> '"J nj-t- ? barcBd Uwa
?t. rnitnoat, am? visit to nEsou
D, ruiiaaaiian May 2o.-r??n. Sherman has
.,t la-tt r.m-hed Bt. NSaiabara. altee ahaatf Journey
thm-ic-h the CAB-BOBS, A'1er Bpondlns threo or four
mtg ut I v lOtofA thoU-neral itidbU party drove to
^ 01 , over a mott lovely roa.l. and visited Aluptoa. and
I,, dii. aad nthee ?no satetea in tha rfclnVir. Urn
th? Tfciitktl.osteat_ierwlil.il Seas?. oJMkJ the northern
ihwoefths naeh s ?a. aai ?ttsklaaded them at the
Turiti?h pert si lauses sa seesasd <? lad a-anst, '?it
..viiy aid.? m gel late Ht- ftm rot? the? went
lo Kateii uv raila-r. whose Oaf. ?'?"??? ????v,y_' ?"?
day, ?hilo -tea. Bbiipsa aaafe ?a oa to Tim? is
B sarrteas. The Oovaraos of KatelS ?a? very
polite, sad ent-italii'il the pa^r ?? ??*??'unr- ?J
afterward look thses whs reaa_lasd to? lar*? bail
xxh M HMO aad S rhSaOO of ?tn-l?g ?nrns of the pre-tleM
. Ion autl M.urrolian Lidie? lu their n ..?vu SSaAS-S*
; ,-, ol Iho p-.rty at .'.Uli B_S ah .ut three day?. 1?
whl.h I h.-y bad time lo liiapccl all that was Intercalan,
In the tuvvn.toxi?ittli.?l'.zur?uudi.un?.?niltoKiln?i
laraoftlM prettysaattelalOassete, -fee lioatsaaatal
the Caarasas? the Osaadlt-ahalUeaasl. ??n.tbor ?f fin
..l; .ni.if,,,,'. l'iia ev..'rt.4chaltorrthcnn
??uiiu'ui.iiiiii ihesesshsasl tha IIill a lilil *?**-*???
and ooa?c,,,'Utlytr..,tel .??in *.vnh t-'re.t honor, lie
ride shoaiai tbeai -veo poaalWo attention, h? (?aro i
tona dte-M I Berg at tho pahMS la tat-u honor.
PromTl?ii tho parry ar-eoSd the OBBllSSBS by th?
,.?,., ,,i, tnr.-iiti-x routa to Vtedlkavkaa. and reacln-t
i-,.;-??iu ate dajr-ateara-teanlansoldel ?nd m?ht, sans
. ;,,U1 ),-,* | BUlso a ?ray, Sad lU-SOM?lT a tew hour,
tret the i?"-t ses lose. Tbi? ares tn,
?? Mai-, 11 ' ths Boe" atth s fsasaeare, sad i am hssmi
tuni.-rtheeesBsssad el B-p__saa on thi
iooi tr, v vete trente I with OfB-1
. tea. Maes Dslaseoahy, who had boa
IhsiBssa M un sid de easef bj Oes
H. -_-r.it.*, il. O.vernoi o Oie? a- ?nil who hid
? . ??.,nh,... f.'otii ? ...v ,ii,., -wMOraai
tna-ooawtththe-eiaKheitna. At ererf
tho garriaoa taiaed aal, aaaovary BMfatag a report o
. of thu i?i?-t ??'.i hauiied to Oet
:,n. ?4 Ihsaeh Ih? aase ChA-e-eaeTeM-r-W?
of ti.- ' '
,, .... asase aa the a-a? ?ach, laissd, 1 >th
IBM of ?no parry, who did not enj'.y bOfe-fl I tftOI
,,,.._,,, -..-IV. poparla iv a? then worn ? as
lobs paid te the assert fee lha hsaar. AtVladlk-vks
i aansteMa ? leeri ? ?? ? rs Osa. Bhtresaaa in? ?
,.,..,;, , Bad xvj.,0?, ace Jin., _____ wili
i.i iva i
Kiotu lUisioif, via Ta.-.-uroa*. to Kssoew I? enty worl
n ,w vvi i tho tall -niief.ii vv-is Iho ohaaao K
tin -U- tired LlS-hl t:iatlh"iur;v all maint ?BS I that r.ilt
the roughost and wotst-iaiJ ralla ij la Be -'??, was th.
beateoasfra tod roed thej badeveeseea.
Ajtv roleltea laMoiooa, ?herotheyenlvt?
oui?, ?, ; m party wen ? thj Mr. Bcbnyter,
,?,... r- . Ir. . so i Mr. Toan?, ViooCouoal, win
taiui; th?Mi u? tin? rooms ; pan i tor then, at tha Bat?
Du .ni. Afeara Uttte root sal a good hraahfaot, Uu
i- n ty pu i a visit te the o iretaei Oiawal, Priaes ?'"i
goroukr,aadtheadroveoal t. ?ootheeltraadteohoi
IhO Kremlin, lha OBSOtBO.1 QOBB.Bl ret:.ru,-,l thS-l
call the same day, and pUcod at tlieir rtw
positloa one of his ?ilc.-r-de-cauip, Princo I'
l.'ni.-rt'in.iti lly.lt WSe found Hint 0>n. Sherman Would la
, U>mis? IhO I.nipcior entirely. W.ien ho wa? It
ti;,, i um? ,, nu Un i? ?rof sad |asl I -ft toi at Pott raburs
?i |non?,i mm bo aaaoahla a__'to Bl I-etetabarg.thoBa'
petal vv,i? en rento for tho Q l_eee l?ala. The Qovoraoe
G,-u -nil xva-t lafSSSM tl of till, ?tat? of thin;-?, nul fliiallj
said that when bS rift the BlBpesaf thatBlfhtat tlB
r of hi? pro vlaei ie?i ii-i ?ui.irni hlsi ef the pre?
? ?. m und Mi. ci.-nit la Masse ay ee thai
If he i r _t_f -Siabl BSS rii'-iii at ttio railway
itathre, -jit tu.iieti ?.ut. Iho BaBi-nae reep ssoteMj
Bonaoated la see t.n-tn ot t.io nuvny it.ition a? h<
I Khfvngh. Acoordtegfj*, on Sunday, Iho whol?1
? i Cartl i, prooeah.
th uoelveontthoKaiahstation?whors senesews i er'
jtj-t j for Ibeni, en i i : : '? * ir arrival of i!n laiaertel
t..:.. S.ici man and Ll'Ut. dr.itil
badtheappertanlti of _sss_m t-'"1 twe jreaasjsst eeai
of the Baporor, tho Ornad Ouheo ootgt sad P___.w_a
'?.in ths Cii'i-a tar. nighthotoro. T_ey
?v?. i i ,,1'iy tin? imperial trnta ?p
? o, aad tai rrovt'.'.i i . I tho itslloa
i , i ]>?jror ht on thn jxlatfortn In plain
hli bojn ?nd tehot then i , -1
- ? vcr.ii repollo un,i paekaaes ef pepen. auii
Sppni ? Is ? IBM baita_a Finally ho come?
?;?? ik? a word or tvro with
or f.iiir ? ' . . ?. make? a catmpllu. >,t
|0 I in l vralLj blr.vr^'.it Up to Uov
Curtin ? ,'1'iin, ami ask.? If ??? Hi: .'.? i f
i i.-" ni. Mr. Oartle prai rate Oea. Hher
l'u xv ir nly hy ths Lan 1,
and talks al sows i--u?; i ; Mr. Oraet lo than
. wor i or two. Oat. ajii srled
II ? 1 , -l>!.' "tl tl."lle, to i'l '
train, Jokao with hli ho* , I -?tio old foaerale, aad
l??,ir, hli xvliolo ite/BOl bstagssere than 20 mlnut-.?.
I iota] laMossasrvastabaa ap
adtb ? aad B-aUea sad laaslrtej oiBciai
; r ha aas nnlartolnad bj the Osvoieai
(j.'i-.'t, ! ut ? very 0S(B__Us litlle dinner. Tae SMipaay
In* I'.n -d, 1? : i.i,? tho B-OBobSrS of tho part) an 1 ?>f thf
I ssatteB. the V_e___raar, the M nabal ai tho Kobllltv,
th? Ma'or of ?1 . ,,n, mo i ?ai-n-itnl-.it of ?
sad others Arter tho ooflOo eadetaan ths erhole eas?
'i'.x, la the Parka aad SB a sa szhibltteaaf tho
hm, wbodanoodaadasaathstrheot OaW< I
S__S_ IhS .'.a, the pirty look the r..r- for 9? l?et,-ra
"iij. botar m- t at the station by the VI e QovaraOT ami
other gentlemen. Aspeolalear wa- provfctod tor them,
Tho day ,tu-r tbotr univ.,: m B Petersbu re, Uen.
-inn, Col. Auilciirvld. uml Lie?,.t. Qraal won i
? Oortarnakoa. who la In a verjr foobto
condition and ooarci ly ai,)n to r,?e imtn In.? hod. Ho haa
hul a Hudden and seveto attack of p.ut, and feel? Hint
- tro faillnr bita. Iho Prloeowna vorr cordial
In his ihaanor, and took oeeaaten to oomp1ini?*nt Oov
Curtin by mylna i?i Oen. Bhartnaa that la all bk U?ia
exp?rience m public Hi?- theiu never had boca au Amt u
v.Iiomi ttlatlons vith the Forelsu
Office worn so uleasnat, whaviao ?o ? h h iiko.i hy the
mr, and bad made auch an s_____hle impiesaiou
on ni otesaBBof oootety. Tho Pi?oa a!?o?p?a?of the
lay iillur and said that If Mr. Curtin lud
?o ?hlo to coins te (ieiin.-.ny imd |,,y tlie
mutter before him poraohali/ it would all
have Iteen s? ttled in half an h?ur, sud there
would have I,,-, n no tr"iiMe ut ul!, as the Uu*aiau Oov
eiiiin.-ut in 11 x\irthe.l to impo.r ,, _ laereoablo repre
lerPower, aiu-i- aoiut further oou
teu the l-iii. I .t ?I hi?, chair and
ha?' ll"'1" ood-by. lie rave Orant a most hearty ahako
? . the hand. uuU .?aid,-Thatitinteudeil for your f.thrr "
rhe Prince i sretted that tho ateto of hlo health would
pol How htm to rive thu lar?'- diuBei partv, alth win, ?
be n...i Intel.ti, d to honor (?tu. Bherman, fila, I think
was Uiueh lu the tellef of the (?enera!, who 1? tlie-t wpli
us and f-iUvitlea. 1 have heard it
aald that but tor the absence of the Emperor uu eifurt
r, ' uI : have bl 01 made tOlhOW tho dille: euer, between a
du Bt at. iVtershui'Katid one nt Waahlnrton
The mm?day Lient, (.runt left for t?io.kii ba-oa hli
wny to ( loncnhaseu, where he was ko?iii? I_j pay a | i?n m
hie ancle, Mr. Craiaer, the American Minuter. Mis Ci i
i.jer la ?toon ahout to leave for Ainerloa. and (irant
wi-hed to at., her before she .vent. B___a ula olajrte Bt.
liuia/, (?en. f_?-rinan has rn-.ived tho vin.u of
Various i-watuiiiifei?, niriiidlr.K the Mlnlater of War, and
tte? kUiiiatar o? the Navy, Adu irai I_??s?if?>kv,
well Known na tha eommandor ??f the l{na?,)?iilIoet which
d New-Vork m l___ Tue tue. im? ?a iw??eti the two
veteraii? wa?. very tt tie et In f.. The Admiral ?ia?pe,l Slier
man In his anu? and ki-t-.-d him uur.uli .?:..., k, and, with
loan in his eyes, NOnbod lila viali to the (jeii.i.il
u tho camp Itefoie Vicl?nhurg and the ho.-pltaUy of
ins teat roeetved there. T.. day Oov, Curt?a roce ved
the American ????louy, whlih la small hut eothui
u order that tiny Bdfht paj tin ?t rt-siM*. t? t,, tiu
?ateuentL They wer. nil mere, mea. wounn and
?hiitlieii, and ihe lion. Henry I>. Moore, formerlj of
j liil-ttlL-lphia, uiiKle a noat littlo Speech, to WOlch ?len
BbcnoBU r- -iKiiiiied In a few oseotteut words l,,-n
hhennan w_.? roctived boro b] tha '.raml ]>.i_o
| jN ?i?,i. -, the Emperor's brother, and >? .a invited to
, ' - ko -? , to ii.*-et t.lo lirand Dot? ( -arowit? and
ifeliarmsj*. Uotkaeroni .?d (toiiu? ??
i".- ible, and when the Oonoral taraad to ^-<> bo foand
lui-akfat-t was prepared for Juin at tho palme. 1 n?
Urand Duko Ounateniine sent word thai hn rvcrettod
thai h?: could u.,t miet tue O?-ti? ral, aa he was obltev-d t*t
hurry oh to in-put th. ______ r>, _ in-, t i ,?, UantlUO,
however, sent ?m anle-iio-cuuip tu eoud'tt't Oea Bbonnaa
to I'ro." -l.nli .in,! ?how UIm ail the Kuna, furtllli-atiou?
and ohjiets of Intir.-at. To-morrow tien. Bbormnn am/
(*ol. AuUciir.-iil ?o to Wait? w, w hero tiny will ?pends
day, and tuen ?o on to ilerlln. lii.-ir ?tay hei? haa i,_
i n,i?inilly tpiii I, n? t,i*ii. Hheruian neeuied Ut doalie no
publicity,und poetUvel/rofaaed to snow Mr. ("uitin to
tiier a dinner ,,r i.tepUon while he w it h?re
OOV. ? in tin teOBl] awiiiiiii? tiia return of the l.inpotor
to j,lev nt Ihm lei lera of ronall, when he will gn BaoC tu
A-OBI lea and lako part In the l'iealdeiitial, niiipu^ii. Jl?
??.'. i Hi him tue ie?.r?-ts of BVerr one, Hi,-?iai,a ?nd
i..r. i-ii?i -. it ia seldom thai a Minister repiesen to hi?
c ntrraowoll aa Mr. Oartia hae doao, o___e bee sea?
i muroraal food will and hrteadahlp le bis
C-Ullll*.. _
Jin* Dock Ck?fl_____M-_a_an received A letter
__? the Keerei.try of the Health Hoard, )?-?terday, SB?
., n Mag thut tho ?Up? of the piers between Thirty
B vrtith aud 1 ort) thinl ,1?. be ?lied,, ,1 hy the I>ock I??*
pattiiieut, laeeSM-Oh SB thS he,.UU of that part of th?
ilty wat* sutli-iln? from the iiut-oui. dejMtaita In Ihn allpa.
1 rotary lym/i was d-Pasesi lo B-torei the Health
Iioaiii that, m m ? th? Ha? i-, i (.'.un m i loteuan forbade lha
,,iimp il. nl em Hi 11 inri ni tel., n^? IstO any liait of Ihn
Lu.i/vi. thu Ifixk l>ti(tarlu.ciil had Itnou inuaoollod lo
atopdwsda-tn* tha AllHHB Pi an i at aha ^i-~
"'Rt'i-M* am April 3?, 0*i,m 13? its?-??? tat a?**? rant? d?ri?? Mi
Bll.rsn l?i r?r?lv?at tram Coon-uller flrwt, * itwv.no??; Im.r?..
?a?, er In la? loll? H?ati Traust tiwmpiaf. *?*1 ?, t?'?" s-?s?-?ifj
?nj.Mta <rt. i??r.?w ta? mbh? memt ta.?*? ??? mi* o-t tu ?met ?
trtiil, 0a,Ui tO. lairwil? of Ub.??*?r?, k-, *?.!*? .9 i s.Ur?4
("a_aa'wo?rr? a??l ?irrt?. Bl-Ve* ?i (- C-w?l?ii?ia P?l.?s-? for ? ?
?slaa-ssr. of Ika B???'"? Ks?<l- OU,*-* l?l -**' d-ii?r???-e?
s>IJ3,JU 47. Biltvao?. Mv?l. ?IM'1" ?O- ___ __.
Ordera were Riven to repair the Imlkhend betvfe
tilera Noa. M and M. N. 1-, owned by f, A Bputhiaaj
and to remove th.mal boat Worthy Chief, aunk
Irout of 1'ier No. ft?, _? 1?.
ucvian n?utanir i.i>-i
I'asaua, .Juno O.-The II. ?S. Btoamahip Cnl
fornta, fliicetiip of the I'tciflo Hquadron, 1? now In tl
port, and flying the pennant of Hear-Admlral John
Advice? from Pern to the .Tth nit- at-utat that Sef
I:, !..-nt.1,11' baa gone to Europe with a conceealoB fr<
t'ie ?ovi -riiineiit of I'.r.i for the formation of a Int
navipttn... coiii|..iny IM I'oth steam and ?ail ve?**
under IBB Penman flap, to Hale bofv.cn Tern a
(?reat lirilaln and Krame, by way of the Btralia
Mais'cllaii- T,.? (?ovi ruin, nt baa irlvini a BBWBBBB-BB?.
11 year? lo the company proponed to ha fanned i.y H.-ii
EchenlQue, ?uarantccI-iR a preference, on all homowa
c*r_o, and eveiuptiou from all da*acilptlou? of due?.
cli?iae I? olao to l>e Inarrtett In all new ?.otiiracU wl
P. ru for railroads, _ ., that it la to bo obUjcataiiy
?end out all material.! require, for aaiiio by ihi- eo
p.tuy'a vcoael?. Thoy are nlao to supply the (Joverniiic
?Ithioal. Ac. Ill? uud? ratood that Mettra. Drttjfu?
Co. auppoi I tlie scheme, and will lend Hcbui I. I.ui.|.?
their aid to ?Jdjtn funda lu Europe. Theae couccaaoi
however, rectilro couOrmatlon by CouRreaa, and a? t
prcKcnt Bait- Ooverni-ent retire on the Jtih July, t
grantee? wll. not havo the luflueuoe of that tlawtwaaM
in can-yin- Hie . ontrict ihr mirli 0 >ngrev*.
Advlc.? fr,m (.'hill-ttate thtt a repros'UitVlve of t"
house of Bo'.hacblld had urrlvod there, coaii-l * iloned
Rtiitty the c.ipalillltlca tint rcQ'ilreini tita of Uio count
i .. uteat ailtieaa froM Ooale?ala are ta the _RB n
r ,. ra? i? veefl Hondaiaa aad lolvade? woe drawl
io a > io"<. ii.mi.mu boina aaable to rape wit;, h. r at?
powenul eoemy. On th? 15th ult.Tiwaala waa tak?
?i t.r a Bhart iratataneebyOena Oaono and urlga?
11.e HuiuI ra? l-T-M bBCMBMJ ?Ii?.ii'iiiil7.'*.l, an? t
ufilccri wcnl over to the Un'>n force?. Tu? RR?wa d
(?,iul, lual ?? it la-en. 'J ?n. Rtplooea leaned a proelan
tioo from Macaoine to the Uonduraa neo?lr,la naniit
l'lcsid.-nt (Jaiis.tli'7.. ?tatlaa thai the war ?u Bol n_ flu
t...? Iliuduli* people. Il was r.'iKiiTel Haut Mais,
lio: ' i'i / liai la.et) t>DU?? IHK With? 01 II t?i?? R ?Ilot.
la Untita it waa |s_ported tn-it Pr iluent Gomea, w
wa? n ft In?arce in Bandanui hy Medina, h td lad *u
..Il ti.. Ln.ni'tei j fur irait . ! (.?-lierai, J.
'i'i.liiii, Ibtce da.)? ..i.'?. occupied do na pli ?
?uluoiawai.tlwit.ircb1 _ toward IL I."-',' '
ha* neau i-tofrn'U.a n* ???,'K-fn? clin-f <>. lloi 1_Mr.1l1
n... people, ai ?veil a? by the Ooveruu- utoi *?^?"9l
I ma ail t_i? a la? leartlM ntaationol Ut.1 _ e ?'
,:1 fa voral'lo, ?uni the iujl-i isoaoiU was that tue war w i
Qoaduraa w is about to end.
Mr I* B'Ma", an katartoaa aentleman, who had f
tared lute a eoutract wttk >'r. w, i'. Kelly ta faralak ?
t.-ri ii? for Hi" s.n .lo-.j i? ml Ouiteaiala Cltj kail roa
fell Uowu Mio lKil.1 of UN i'.ui.i-ia luilro.ii Compaaj
?feiner llo'iduiai ?bile Mi.;; m tlie jM.rt of Ai-ajili
?alvador. on i?^: ??.st trip oa tba coaat, and died wtua
knuie afiervsani trom tbe cllect? of tbe U?|_Tlea raar-iva
? apt. 11 tin. id, Cbtol ml the Dalla 1 Btatat i.t;.im
Espeditlea, bai com '?? the ('?ipital t?. vi.?,i thoPi
of tin? i: pueile it Nlaaiaaaas Xataa raalaa aru uo
being e-?mined. r_*eRti*rditloncouaUtauf to .
II ?I vs -li. in 1110 entlnetn**. They oll ?pi? ,,t well ,.itl-.'.i
With llieii I-I.",!.., _?, r?lKT( tally In the bill? of UtUUUI
?o luRfiil-ri-iutt and .:. to * lake ?i that of Skatagnfl?
RrronT op Tn? ?TTiKKT-cr.i'.smn , it: ., ?.
uri'iiAiiiis.s fou <?m: w_1 u ? \kci>.?i 1 x ?
KMuWI.Vi; ?!ir Ol.'KINANCI.S ? CullBl.1
ITOm A s'D Ii;:(?KKM PAM.Ml M.*? AS Ol
TLo hetA (?f the Btreet-Cleai?iig Botm
rlltt" rcudi n I to Hi" l'iili.'.'. lit aid a 1? jinilof tin- ggg
iitluiit of IIiit Luicuii f..r UM tirast tva-s k of tta. lasleut
r.iej coiiiiiiala tl.rst iriaiiy of the rcri?t-i t- ol the ten
ment In-iiMO dUnleti tlnow dirt?ai?BB and aaihBB)B IM
tho etrcet?, und tiny tl.ii.k that the paHBB tOO prcvci
till?. Tim Coin ? i?.? i on. r? f-y tliat tli? evil 1? niuf
a_-,Tiivale.l hi tho Bbw-i?, o of the poln e, w ho ai? coa
pallad to wan:!? ti... Ml 'kvt ?. and wi.. n n ?. ? i ciuploye
are M f> ???. *.' ' I?. ' !?? ni? to this call?" tl .( '.r. ? ll.ci
are ni t t.-u.-ni? ,1 as tl.. . ?i "iild i>", ?lid UM BBaa
??lulu. <l of cniiiiot he ?reveiitcd Tun following U tS
rejmrt :
IVRU "- It' rOOOt I >??. n.uitoesrt Of IS? 'I's/
r? ?
Con. '" We r?s; .i-tul!? ?iil.tr.lt t?? fl.'lowlnf r?VHSr? ?f II
i'i .'???. lu. ? ?SVf I
i. i . ' ? ? u ? ? ?1 ? . m. . . ?Ma?, Ju.e ?' ;
y r i- -T... n i rm .,'. . .<! ?it? o! ibis rll?, w?i
. M 'o Waaaa?_wataaia? JaaelR BasaaaB?Ml wlltaaf dhsm
? . a ? r? r!?.i.-l t a ?. il r.ru? ?v | j, ??. us Imlas, J no i
1 ,.i .1 ? l'-' u.. ,i ? s' t. t a-.?- !?? ??i? ri?.u?.i tl ? Han; MM I.? S p. u
?L rl.lurJay, J in? 1_ I ..?rta.?1" ail?I .if lbs K_M sis?, vi?. R
, K..n tli-??e.. Urti-.wr. . n-. ir.J, l.i.li??va?., w?,
:s?. Ji:s? IB
M Ulll.il ul .?I !>.
r.rst ?l?s?ttir. RVJ Iiiaitii ??'...m-'.M
? ??i?c. '?.I I ?
si?u-i-tT.I'At p Tut*'. .'H
??*. BPI M RMP-OI : n.
Monfl??. M ' Pr.l?.. ?Uli
i??i<li?. BU b.tttnlijr ?s I Min.!?? . i
w.j ?-:./. " i -
II. i .- . .... Tutsi 'Its? irj Is.. . . ,
\??g?rj?f ?w??f??ri il *. .it?. -I?..RI,-?
1.11.il CAUI" ?..ii ,..iv _D,
it.,?'y. ?i- . rrtj
I . "?'?! '. u-U/ vbJ Mikli;.,.. i
W?,u??Ut. -
aliur-i?'. t'-'i i Tot?! tlm? lb ..'?,?. ,
k I.??,.?*, ot Ah? i ratal *< ?art y ?.?i, . j>
ami .??. i? Run ioiu.
MoT?rl?T. ? ? .!>?
i .I'd titarjav . i-I
Tb?f?a?v.IK"l I ToUltlm? I? dav?.. ..l.i RB
1 .,? k ol tli'????rli, at ?4 p?f da;.T4,
I.a m< i.f u testeg .im. ?i i jj
W?,eiuf furriiiia. .
Ms,? of aaiu.csl fiir??.aa . |ji? ISI
1 ital ?gcrauf ?tua???, atalaal s ?I oEum ei
PMaa? ?oil ,?;..r t, . >i,i-?- so.,-,.s . . 19,701 U
a m i: m or mu?.?- uKu.ivi n.
ti-t. rut., ral'?..14.1??
Al,?i - ? '.
Tut si.
O? aaaaaal <?< u.s?s.n?>. teaaaia of i?? ?u?t ?f ekteet rir?uiu| fr.n
til tete eeeteeti J'iiu L. l'n.wn, lo this llurran, ?. ncvis??! obii
l... a.i . ??? i? -.-i .iijc 1 ? s fur.? lo? iu? i^r?.ir-in?. nf i, ? 1-u.if ?i
?.. IM "I it lu cui?tijia. i '? ut l?i? bru-f ?ai r? ?? wrra olil'??.) W ???
..;?! ?ni ?H B.L?.h tr.s nUatilc ruaitr.al ?a,l U ?,| ?loa? i.? b?ai wa
culil wr'.tiout ttrr atar.; t,??!.! ?|, ..? |???, ?uri, ?a wat? im? isrl?
i|niMtlrsia-.-iu, i-K- A, ? i.aui ul rourar, Ui?s, w? ?rr? IhoMM
w?.! n eaeet lank ? _??ivatus-e. a _m? u_?i-?r of Ua? i.?., awaad
din?? ?er? ??ti??lf u. w t.i th? l,u. ? . w .,; ?Tr??l-,-lr?i.,rigi vitncJi
sur; iir a .1 u.?, sorm, tvqu.ua, ?evi.ri_s.oai, atil.rd -a U?_?>1 ujj?r
_?r?l?, ?r? h?T? hsd U?onlanrl wlt? th? 't?i- ?JTSSt "?aulticts?- nf al
ln.u'jjr.?nt uiiiLia- ol tttowi i.,r ib? rs-nova! ot ib? d.rl. \v ? ..i
? ?s i? ?t biii ?rr? cali ? th.-ir Tuja lo .-a ai.m\i.-.ie-\t, io,\\. Mi
luk.it? firU ?lid Iba- mtl C i'.'.ll.f tle-na w?r? coio|?.,?dlu I.L...U .<
si ihr ijuiiiiiir.g ?H>anl?, a?J'.'.a .Lit culU.tesl for ?M parpA?? ol btitg
I ?t iiru ib? r.tli tl.ui . ;!t ' f! ilao lo r?u.?rn I? tl,. alrs?ti, llal.lv lo
b??c?it?r>.J I.T tl?t w ol atl I.; t.i???n ? l.ce*. 1?, ti?w of Ib??? baria,
n.vti, n.? labor? ot tbi? Bar-.u lar il_s- ?s?l r-r?kuii?.) v. rj oaiurslly
4.?pl?v mura o? Iru Jr.'efi ?birb ?ill rlrnii.rar ,o ?tapar?M to tl.?
i?ittr<TU.vJ ?ai tb-s ?all? ifs.? Bare?? ?ui u?? traiDitif o? lia ?aa?ij?o;?ita
U,. ?nrt 11 s|- ra*.i .if ih-ua.
Aftia. Ib? prurit alus d Ibl? Bnrvlili, we otl'?r.t??1 ?ai en tknr?ri;lv
?'?-tu u.? ttoe.i ol iLlacilv il.ai betssll?!, ?ap.j asi d.nv ?Mi j/ ol
Ue urna r.n le ?i.n.;.a.i.t?l? ipoato?. ?a?,I? ?...->__,,:..-.?.J W ? .~
sui.rrl; ?fti.al.d. bow.var. 'hat Iba au ?Ta o?an. I b? pa?t lu lie iTnr.-l
..?, aud ibat ?ol tvaa d?ll? ?. tiiiiag ??11 itn-ur? ??iisrj.tor? r?
nula ao long at a? nriiuuw?? i ?M?dlaa ttia tbtosns^ isto tb? ttsmis ot
??Ma, t-r -s?-?, in'.i'.iu, ?i. i.iii of tbe uiuti uliiei lus.l.ia nud ir? nut
r.ttlils rttfnr.'t- luiniwlii> i afl?r t.-in? el??oe?l bv na ib? iirast? wer*
d?. ?roiu til IBM I itwr, 1st la f.r les? Ra? tb?? It look o? t? r.???
tbrm tLev wer. ?a .lirtv ?i lb?j w?re u?(or? ? l.iwos? l.a.1 looebesi l-eo.
I iUm.iu4.iii lo Iba ?ieOr,'.i.ao Laib.I r.Uwai has* ot lb.oa.uaj
lii.i 0.? ito?u'bs ?rr-^in?ii?.l flim of th-.r ko??.i.ill?. In fart lui.?
of the ei'i.'ei.i ?.'m?i t??p?"iia? in lb? nre.li. snd .Toi? ti.<??v(,r
tin?? j' Uialuf to l.uoj?!^ n| ?ii-?iit, p?iliar?, ti?e; in( ?ad aaakkw
T'i? itour perl .rui?d b; U.1? lru.ta? ui.nal tbe pt.iod ?ttbrn?d Ira t bit
r.-;-itt v tiaa-Maatuaaaaaeieaa?u?ett Im ? rusa-???irai il?m pte
ViJtxi lli? l.wi sis.o?l tbrowiuf aai.ea, f?iT??f? ?le-, I ,to (lie ?n?. a ?-r?
? i.'.irr?.!. W ub.ib? sa?i? uns?o, ,i ?a? tUo ?off? ? i.t .. re . >r rha u?it
r ..m | ni Ua? sirvu aiisA ??lier, ?ad ?unKiiucnil; _.._ Um ?i
p-| ..tm.
N'./?, thf?, '?? we hiv? ?V?? ?tre?UI T?, if th? tbove-nantn??4
orilmaare* an ?oli tr.?l. Mt, 1: l_?v ?r? ?ut ?i,fnre?_ U tb* prapln i?
11.? .alai ?f ?fuiilini ihe ttn? la I. ? ti. Dl uf O?, ir i?iJrut-i lis?, ?o
' larssncv, ?sd canO'.l ha ' luent?1 by iba jiulili? ?is on. if
Ci.a.iliBiM .? fniut ol lL?.i aieiae??, ibaa lb?; ?ho :l.| b? drlveii nut . f
lb? Cl? ?a ulCI lo live aa?<>i*| <i?n Mai 'a*!??- r-paaitiodir rai a will das?
i . Iitiiii? rtfeat ?pon tbeae tltb/ (.esiplt. 1 be? r*?atir? ? daily ?aforr?
?i? aiiova-iaifiiiuwl uf-iiiiii,.-??
I BMI l| W. Tiiua?. Sup?riiiV?J??t
J. W. AnbrnM. Isepralv A?feri?t?Diie?t.
. il'-llTI I 1 III? I (? Mill .1.7 ( I I. AM Si,
TTie lirok.-n condition of tho ?tie. t pavtruiaiit lu many
I'laie?, aud ?epcilally of tbe cm I ?idea tone pavement, la
aniuiiK the gr< ats ?i olitiarle? to ? |>r i?> r | leaiiing of tha
atreel*.. Naarly every iln?'t In thla city ha? one or tha
oilier of the?? defect?, and an lou? aas tin? condition of
??tf .It? laata, It will l* almost lmpoaallile- to keep the
?tr.eu ci-un. Hmm ?t* entire ?trceU t-p town paved
with not! in? hut loiihie-it'ii.?;?, and It is ?imply linpoaal
ble to clean them thoroughly. W?*cond-ave , froui Tweuty
thlid to Forty second ?t.. la pavexl wltb cold.!?* ?tone?,
and, aa? u i aaeee_M net?, i lie ?trect I? lor the gTstut? i |.art
ol the time in a tliliiy ii.iidii.oii. ba-orea uf ?.liier atrneta
are near!) or (|iute aa bad. Bups]rliit?*ndeiit Tli..i i in
one of hi? rt-ceut n-imrt?. call? the attention of the Hoard
lo tula ujaltcr. and, wituoul roIu? Into deuil?, anv? tint
wi.eiover t'fii.-le-?toiie pavcuauia are found, dirt
ao.iiii.il?. Tue . until.dor who la entfacud in raining
thegrud? of orUlii ?In rta Id the HI lib Ward h?a ia.nl
tna pavlna ?taiiii ? taken from the ?li.et ?lunu; the K'liV
tan iu auch ? in.mm r aa to prevent lnxieaa and egreea to
and fioin tue atmet? lu Hie v n-luity. The iirnaeaiMBi B la
thai the ?trc?U at the I'll" PRtRM RMUBR ttta RMBt
Uiiliy in tiia? altj ?are now tn.i l.-aiie.i, ?ud ?s m auatlaiM
??i uutil tlal? voniiai lor can Im? . on.ji.ll. .1 tu cumpl? a ith
Um law.
The Krt'.iter niiinh'r of the strrrt? of tl,;? ?uv WPM
thorou-hly cleaned nil io Bundaj i.oon r? ?a the (list time
lu a ji'in or taorc, and they l an now !ki k.?M In (rood cou
ilill.iii, u is elaliiie.l, w :l li a l.tl los? ex|Mi,.|itiii ? nf time
?..'..1 lali.ar thai? but.ire. I M h IMOeadlBR Week too, the
ion?einiiioyasd in the work win income moca Recae
toine.l to It, tha frt.illtle? Will be greater, and it I? eou
ttil.nll> nriticiji.iicd thai lirftim liililaiitnincr every
thiiiK' will i?e in .-t. client oni, r, and the efficiency of tha
liai.?ii iiia.lt> aiinaicnt toev.rione hy tins cleanly con?
dition of the alieat?. TlioHomdwIllnot revi?,- the re
lliaatee wklck It baa atibmltted, Wni. ectmowy H hope?
to laliiir Uie ni|n ndlinies vviu.iu ih.? |ROO,uu) require?!
iind e?|a??'la. logo thiuiiKh Iba >eal willioui Berlulia In'
convi oil-ill?...
1 iloi.ld of I'iiIIcO |?|.|>?l|ll. .1 John H M?,|l|, ('(u f
? lark of ib.iHUooi (. U'.unug liuruau, id?] i, Uani uui.ola
gKi7ifmK or tub BisajH IBB oouaean ron
,1 UK PHO'IH I 1!'1\ ..l'.ANDOM TIIK CASK.
At thi* resumption, juitfirtlaj. of the'l'ililcn
Btitlercaso, Oen. nutler put lu Slid.ace The WewAork
Herald nt Sept. 19, wi, ?hovvIn,; th. I the Na? an ;
In Nrw-Orloniil, h-pl. 1., imn. Au artiit n ?main.11 VOS
also admitted in ?v..lento allowing thai a 101111nnn.l1; H
i-, n 1 il hat eaolaarre aatborttj la theehatoo ol hl? aida.
BJ-Of) 1. "tie of (..-n. i?iitl?..r-?i.?.l?, bad teatifld that after
Oeii. Battes ha? saass-j hi? sasaati ?n?i esseaasd his
n-Hit'ii it'.on, -'..'i. tarv Btaataa kept him In hi? pmiil-m.
Alexander Pulton testified: I at.1 at pr?*?**-?it InsiM-dor
of Ititcrnn! Rovenne for 1? Inwiu. ?nd -lar.-.
known Mr, Wtejel for UirP veara: I have never beard
hat out? opinion as to I11.4 char.ii-t'-r, ami Ui.ii It In ill ? 1
im 1 1 i.piluii-min , hta ch.ii.nt r I "i truth and veracity
I? very luid; I ?muid n?>t holier? him nniteroath?
um.. Wim .??im 1 orr,tau,? eil this evidence,
Oea, it'itu-r IBea tea-?odl Oa the ii?h Beutemher,
18_. I \viole to lha (.11 .. ? iin.--1.1141*1 at VV?
ton ?lylitir th it li ?.mill n? aboplntoljressential I
?nfety at New (i. lean?, li c..1 Bttaek, ?" liare two or
three llKht-iltaiiirht steamers til to lake losen, tf ner-s
tury, i.inl y? t-Mil'i, 1.1..V ?hi.low to tun uu tin?
1 drain ?I authority lo purebaoa the Mas???, und mid ?he
?oui,I e?e t ?toot ?lo.tili; I r? re red m aiih wer from the
Quai-Bi na-tei ?( ."i"- .1 00 the Both. !? a? 1.sine mo to
purchase tun Naaean: 1 al nute appo-utcd a llonrd of
Sur*, py. hended hy M i|or 1? ivi?, to exam it. 100 Ol
mid aotermlao h?-r worth; theyrapurtedthat 1
not jiirti whut ??1 w. 11,ted, inn tlu,.uht tbul b
! on? tin- would do, aad placed S?rvalas at t.*.ooo
I thenaeotan orderly l?i Mr. li laewcli, who oawata
myed-cai ItaM him lhal I hud apnomte?! iBoardol
Hurv-ey to exainlne hla rttUStl ?nd SX her price; Ibcte
Bai a Strange! m toi Otila at Iho lime; I think It
vv ,? Mr. itiiei: ; 1 added, addro_lns Mr. Il d
"Havayon a tit'?? te roar veaoelr? Im replied Ibero
vvu,,ll,? no liifli ultx* uhoiit the tl. In : I tobt him my
Hoard or riniv, .y bad lix?nl the pri?e at#-?-000? Mr. Buoll
BOd Mr. 111 ? 11 ii- ..ell-.?Id tlii a,1111 vviia 1. o mi ill. I
h 11111. ?1 i'tl nit p 7 him -or the vea ? lu er_ub ic\s. 1 ut
tu?t ho might sol tho cash la Wow-York: lolsotold
1 bad Un i" ros tu teha ti.?. ?? i; ?hat I u.id lonie
fu ?ni 1 .,.11 -i, ? ? i,, nay him - Mili on the _t-i?os- 11 ,nk
of N.-w-ili ?-ana, vil 11 I thon .1 ' was a _____ 'i.ii-k; 1
also iiiiorn.i,?l lilil? tiut tinte would he 11 pOf -ni dll
couut to in.iir'i Uto bilis cipi.-i is i" nhaiko; abeal
Ml. thai, either Mr. Uuell or llr. Bunnewoll r ?
Hi.,? be thought it would bo the t"-?t tblap be eotdd do
Birdertboein -, I told Mr. fliiniiow.ll
bettet cu t.. um Caatom-bo-we aad peifert lu? I
about that tune I had 1- < ii.il*? ,f <-.,?? ? hntiteout; thoy
TrV4.ro I? i...\ '?iii r ..???-?, with (?in. J, if Tooinueon and
(J.-il 'l'av lor ? ?-oil [o br
1 -is? nur Scouts th,
llliit 1 ?out t?t Mr IllltlUevvell, and I think In* I.i
hi li 111 in 1 : ?__r na., eil Unit; 1 *. -I to sir. Iln.ino
-.vi II. ?? UaVS V-.'l ,- if ? ill" Im had;
I 1 In n .o nt an oitlei iy t 1 ,'lr. Cam ?t., .' ??. 1 1 t. ?? ? llltoio
bomo la OOBM 10 BT oUteo 1 h- nt him If the
tillo Ol Ihn M .- 1,1 : . I :.? :i
Ile- 1?, ,;,tl? ?i; I .1 1; ,1 oil l'l-*'.t IB ?11''-?'.I-,
.nd I ii ?fter I
set a la ri.'- foi. n of in. in to wotji bn al-M th* M ?
as ta al bai fora ?aal__ , lotao i, im alter it. ? ha ?
pouter en.?nd 1 orb ,. 1 ?
purpooa .Blend- d. orllu uu -
to teivo liuu U?i( IBS .?n.vi_t_ hp
!_..4..ol thu '"bvt_Ul ? .?i.d iiliu. U>
rotber v Ifh tin idol or r?-;it!r?; he
di 1 .1 he '. dd I"- ? - lid 1 I In !, id luv? ? ! fl
m iniui.o and ananr? *\T.?? -1 -. Mann web und Duell
' b_j oi.tio wiin .1 i.v ,? r 1..'in?.1 Una-, aad on a
1.1 hv Huai ?well ? . trom th ? Ct atom
? 1 ill ?I l.lniv.el' v,
convey tho Uile to tho vaeaal 1 took Iho ttfta and ravo
iir. lli.UUi .veli ., i.h.a:. f?i II.,- ,ii> ?..ml ii'J"? ' ?I B] OB, UM
vv hint- I ? ,! . t>f a I '-1 ?, i.i) ,i.l|i'.i-iiii
c alai tl r, UO dS I llUO IMOd !?> n.ij
an)-or the inter rie wi between Lfun - .-.* .1 ?uu n,u' j
kit. ll.H.i.-'..-? 1 mo? inv.r u i-it nut (inior.* v? eon
?train! Imposed hy 1.1 ?, la- tixly 10 my
"III. c OU tlio l)_lcO 1 ;?_-.. In ?_ -J .1, . , it
I.". . |0 II" l?lltb la." , ? j
i 111.1 it nt r In 1.n-i 1 t?t im iniiy 1 :-ini? matter? ;
bo rame alterward and aanted _.-? lou-t ?im nave ihn
Nassau 1 m 1. i.r Um am?, ni 1 ha pal 1 hin ,"i bar. u ;U
lo Inka piyiueiii In N?? Orloana tuuds, which I 1
t" ?t.,, nut told him I would Itka lohava Lro Bn ,
1. ?? .,.r, aa ?_?? wuj Uko aa elephant ?a my
band?: ho loXI 1..?, m-- ? - ? f at o |o*_o _n.l
frieudlr character ; A<lmlr_l Pnrr.._nit was ,*i .0 S
in,' ins diiiuiB ihe iiio'ln cf _. Btid
i,,'.,,., im. ?.,.! ? ,.: . , 1.., . .? MOB h'lu ut Itiy ollti.0
ut thy laten oa boiaoaaui_aotreUaadlaysoift
o. !.. ?a_cl 1.'..;.'"?? s arretpond Seo iw.wbeB him?
self aad v. i- ?.? 1, in vvi.iiT. Ute ?.. teaed t'.iat he
woui.i got area with Butter, rse foiftsi leterted thjt
U'le.fl w_s the author of the , ?,i.-lie?l nitoti?
h 1 m te r? ?.i;too lo ib a..na' sp -ma ul.? noarinf si?of m
-fea-Orteana At ihi? p_al iu thn prooood_a_B. ex
Judi,e i'or'cr, addtooalne ii.t> Ohart, ml 1 :
1 . ire 1 oaf erred wii ;. -,
'In plaiatU a.?il Ulli :.'..i...rilv if
?? !\ >? ' ? ...
de'..- OJM 1 . ' n I,- ? , I / ' .
?ahii-ii . ...
I . 1 ~ . r t
I ? 1. : -
i". 11 ,_ iMinclol
thai the |?roi ?
(Teltedatatoo Dtetrte^Attoraoy Paris ?aid tl
Oovi rina i.t h.i?i ?oa oatteBod from the -wifttaataathat
in'... i
of tin- ",.'..: BBi.-nt a, .1 ll.it l'or thU r- '
soatlaaod amid >?.catap] _oli ?.
the seaatatals?sas sf bl i frb nda
im: BTOKEfl _______
?! ' "S!> I'AV?riilVATI. ' "1 ? ' \! '?,''' I'-TH'I'
MOBI Ji.iitii.i OBTAIBI l'- v '
The trial at iM'Ani'l 9. Bl >l ? i n i tml
fOotetdar, te tho Coort of Qs - - id two
nil'- j,n,i? w,.f * ? ; four In two
? l.ijS. At thla rule ?( ? <i tehe nnttl Ti-Urnilay I
letaal teottaaenprclattnf t? the ?;
p.-k. Tlie SBI OOI 1er I.
tncf-Attorney la ieeSS_ to the eiclusioa of M ? ?
11.* ii-li anil lullt rum freiii tin poottteaef prjl.j..
tel te the pio.seeii'.'i.n. aad t n> paotpoanaootof iho do?
cUion of the Ciuirt u.'.t . eatrrdaj m?rula^,
mu h . nrlo-tty s? le the n i't b the mfa i ? ,,f .,.?? naan/
speetatort prcHent. ilu* IBBOrl xx.i? ciiiilat.l 1.
judge laftaheai veaM mie ont the *
m feestten, wirh, n -.>.:? boltered, would Lo
ef frrc.it sdvaatsfs for the deft nee. Btokes veeeerl/ m
hi.? fit udod h? ou r' | ' ? by Lis
falhoi ? ??? pi* oodlBas of thoMf vete SuBead c?.ia
parativt-iy nnlatoreotl _t, oont n
m ?on, ?vhh-ii wa? ..j.it in a Cruitieas attempt to 10 saie
UM ?if h Juror.
The two Juron obtained on KhBdsy UOJOl ? mbeig.
er, No. P.4J Broadway, sad Roderick Tto?a ?., ?
cry?took their plai ? .. ..?juror? a.id iriei?, au?l iho C'uint
was formally S|SaBi. A? e\p,, t,:,', J . '?e I.i,-ralinia
had no sooner taken his seat thai 1.4 delivered his da
o?slo-i us follows on the qi-es?iou of the private 1
It is 1)1adtyuf the DiSlrlel Attorney to COBdUCtSlI
?roosi Mi- ai tu the Com ti of tiu? Ilota. 1 u. i. t
when the itt-.it , t Attoraoy * mu"t altead the Court, h?
to dlrectod to appoint n prraon to a? t la bl? oaoe.?-Id.
in Borornl "f tue state? 1* n .1 bean in id tha'. the trial ,,f
erlmloalcaoeam ? .1 byothoi 1
the publie ],i,,?e,iitor. It J..?? 1101 apiwur lu tin? eise hy
whom ihn ?."lintel aasUilr.n th? District Attorney were
Clilployi il, hut tho/ me tuero with tue COtiaOBt of the
I>l?)tn('t Attorney. I bavo no doubt of thoauthe
tho DUtrlci Attorney to employ ooiuMel to anlst mm 111
Um trial of oasoo ?hon ho t_in)~ It uecx.?.iry for t'.
motion of juaii.e.
?if the Act of ill?, linpter ?'.7, the Atto
may etii|iiov additiona eouiMcl tu proeccuttuaouitein
w l,'i h the peuple ate a party. Tin* pructtoe baa I
w.ijki.?ni/, ?I of the itower of the Attorne, 1 ?? n,-r J
to ftiiploy additional ( ounaol at the aspons -of tb< 81
I havi eo lamark to-Sako as to tho propriety ol
reoolvlnf feeo fmm lndlvlduali for tbo pro?_
criminal oaoee. Nasaeb t toe has been proooatod to laa.
I am of opini?n that either the! - . rorAttor?
ney-Oenotal ha* tboantborlty teemylo) adiUUoual couu
101 if tla?-> Mi tit lo do no.
A.? woa as the d?cision was ?nrouneed .fr.'fiKeon
said : Tue coauael admit ly lb, Is ?lhaee thai they ttOtO
n nd i.t prtrnta ladtrtssads for their ,fthts
oase. I am preparod to almw that they were liio paid
counsel of the pn?oiier at one lime.
Judtre Iiiiiiiihan,? Th it |SSS not alter th. I
Mr. M. Ki ou-One ct the .ouniwl went la fou the OlBBd
Jury to Indict Stokes.
Mr Una, h I 1 SUBI permit that ret -irk to pass wtth
S t ?nuii? lilil???* for the purp nu of Jusilf v ltt({ my.-elf. It
la true I was at one tune eoiinsel in s civ il settee lur Mr.
?Stokes, and by consent of Mr Stokes I was afterward
permitted to sppi u In aotaa ?ulaai 10 1.1m. I diu not .in
ft until Ijfot hla cuii-eiii. Si? I i..,?y lie porsaitted to
?aythataartaasomothroeyoaie wn?*n 1 bavoartodao
hi?, 1 oiiO*? 1 ?mi knew hiin In ho.;,; HfOatssro aver bao
boon Um least nnptenosniaaas hutwee.. hbi ami ?? ,t for a
Single in.ment havu I cuivi .aluvd a aiii?la MB?mentof
hostility to him
Mr. It.-.1, li mtt down, ami turiilnr to Stokes, said pleas?
antly : " i nui ia .1.1 riebt, 11, la 11 not t ' Btoki 1 nodile l
Bllabtiy, amlted, aad beat hla face apoa i,u? banda liie
im ideal wu? not l?et upon the opoototors. Ii wi.s u,.<
iii at hi ol 1'illation from in? monotony of 1;
aad oroaaquaoUuu, aad it oeoniod to nuke the eonrl
ri'Otli no'i, , hi.'Hi.I A 1110nil-lit ulteivvtu-l ?I ?la,I ;
ami the examination nao beaun.
Tlie Ural Juror catted was John VV. Weaioti, a Wall ?t
broker, who Menosd to poi -? aa the BMSt a. ? ; 1 ? r niory eon?
dltiou of miad pooolblo, bul ano njooted peromptorily,
i'. H. Iratik aud Jaoob *'un>.-,. nor? I tuud I
'lut foiiiit-r waa ? remptorily 1 i.uii? ugad, sud ths latter
was aiiowo.1 to eiaad aalssb
111? IIIII.lt fl-KOR.
The 11? xt (tat-SSSaa who took the stand pinvi.l f.- he
the third Jesse. Ills name is Jlenuett ('. William?, 1111,1 he
laa late merchant d-SBf hiitlneaa ?t No. m Broadway,
in? eiasilBaiisB sUelled ths salteas fa, i ihm he had
never re?d a w,o ,l alxnit He ShSS_B_| Bltheegb BS liad
b?-en ?liowa the ?tnlrcase where the ?flrsy ?x-curred
Hs reuerall) lead the papers, but avoided the laa-Osi
coluiiiua. I hi? faatlSfl-BB wa? consldoi??l a.lniirshl?
suited, aad wae iwor-v bfatatsel oonaeut, a? the third
) III 111
OBerlss l-eafeMele sreesajeeled Mahetaaafpeeedle
the death peaalt) ?..??? t m !'?? -?. ?. alptor, anai 1
im i.iv m. n decided nplaloa aa to Ihn prteoaor'o fallt
A.ii',,n ' i,;, , |. 1 (at j? similar i,-.?.?,ii .
. I, :, 1,11011t.
il.-,.,) < . boj 1. m mufai Mi'i, No, MM 1. i?t l.i.lii.i-ntli
St. baa uu I 1 lu? ?i __.ii?t th? prbwnor, but had a
rtlsllV ? ' > i i i'lnrpe.?ple. an1 ?flmlttsxl thtt M ha-llbad
dealing? with tue Baffe Itnlway Compauy. He MM aet
smln ilartlvr nnfl l~r<irti*1? P ftrnllard were eeil
walde for la ma Bied opluioiia. Otsoffa W. \Vai?trov?,
? .??!fit. r. , bad >n oidnlon nn the nuca?
Hoi: lui' bad .? .(() lalnfanen with Henry Hiuith, Wia.
M. Tweed, da. (r.nilil, or the ?Un?? family. IS? vsaaJ
al??o ?el.
rnr. rorara hitor.
Nehemiah Ci rniMh, vtooI linn bant, U f "i ird d., on?*e
i, ol ill ..I m ' kl! mir of Ir.-ik, but If did not
i-Bialn, ti.-i-oi.e ha bad beta baarlaaheth ?.!..? . f ti.?
'qru Hoi. fl" was ac iii'r | i,y hoth all?'?, and s- ora m
til" f.lll-lll ).|?'T
T?ilietl.i?iintc,l the panel of juror?, and Mr MrKeoa
atone. BMVedthal the tkmktlE be r- .i'iai.nl to uniiiuioa
an i'ii*.i |.?.
I at an extra pnn.l had alfadr boex
?u ? iinoticd.
Mr. M. Kenn - ?ilrefed to fhtR. Ok the (v-oned t) ?t* the
BXtnp .10.1 till tiio old onu *see
exlia -t? il.
TbB Coin I '.-. tTtvSo 1 the oh], c?i'?n. anil the now ! - t
were p. i? 1 In |_R l..t.
Tlie first iiTin ' J'-d waa Willluiu Koch,cy. who ?aid
that he had Ifots?tOBB ? .'.'?. I ;. bit bowtthd
sliOiatlr..?, hut BR Wttled oi.:ii:o:i u! out t 1
h m not ?uiiieii. nt Isuowiedtro of the Baf) i?b la..
? ?ic.
rtoiotn .n I, .ul? was. allowed ro r? 'ire m BOBBBajMMB of
hail I.
.Ian??-? .?? .?'til, ?ihot >_rar?l?e, bada t\ne*>
tunal leerte which would ku-ueaee bii verdict, ?
w..? ?et a?i le.
U orjreE. rinorln ,'? Uromlway, waa rejected
fo i taai boanettle.
Canatlun Brand, a re'ii?! rtwl mertrti^nt, n.-knowi.
cd,'c?i that be ?aid thai the kiltlea <>i fiaa wae a bad
ti. n if, for i., looked aa Meat aa i i, a good, eaa
ie: ?a i .?:? ?/ i ?hier.] Tin? chuiienjje i ?
I.I'i ??a? ^os' Hi ei|.
The follaiwlni Bare let Raid- in r.tpol aaoteeeloa : J.ie.
M. (reite?, J .:ni 11 t'y, c>. j? lu i.. . '. Lolyaoe
Is.ul?, in,io M.'l-eli.
Mil.... ?ii.. i. bad i und waaaetaatde. Oea
LainoreoR,a aboe manufacturer, abarad aalailiar f??.
jo.m uutiaiiiL'aeknawtodtrad it be could roi I
Impartial ver net, ??> decided were i.i? liaprei '
the ?ilt.ir, and waa allowed Co retire. Wil i im l-U
.1st,: .rnei K.lii and l-'l.i iiiii.i * ? I ?. ,?
a/ ti.O l i lu.?, .Uli s -? IJxi.'inolot.iy ?.LUUcliaO*!
./ the defvuw
'i tie ? oui t, took u reeeae .- t a'
'lh.? iii'Nt iifetue called aft i...? reci ? -.- K
r'.ir. _ i!o waa*, ??..->?? '.. o? i
, l I .i.i'.. .nil 1 "*. .;
po.tjitTiiiu ?'?"atoare tT_3 ? .'.., m
?*. ....Ci.'?,.i ti..-- tLit? Juror Wae a vsltii.'sa .m ihe u *?
t i ?.ho on that gSOOlt?, and U.iai.y ? . ,n *?>
UaahillA.Searte -that be coold not re
. . ? liar, a...I lite i?. 1
..< a.
J.- . s I-.. ivi< n.vo .a;i-factory answers tonl! n i i
lud bad
: D.i*
J ii'j i*, l.c-n-, V.'W . i-M-.:'. i!. ': .' r?-.
.?i ? aid Mi '" I
y. . t f Ko, ?i i .
? ; ???'.. j
. ? ;., .*.?...i". : '. i.i
. i, l'vafi?, -SO?*'I i, .>' J. ?y, Jou?,. ?it;., *-??-s .. -r
Wm. J. Darb?, ?rmggiMt, N'n. Ijktst *Ianrd*-TR., di o? i X
revi to ? . i-i
Bl i : ... I o. : .i a . . 1I-:. al i
, rnted. 1>I. !..
i Cu
over, mu
ai ...'...'.. J? any, ? i ?? ? ?? ?l r, ?.
j'l.t. il.llll.M , ? ..? . i .?l r.ii.l . . roill, - I . l
? 1 b?1. h?t tu? DUttlet A?.oi .
i Tin.
aewp lof too, a* t..e
. I
i.i.? (.o?..; m?u u-sjau m.?l tij I0?..?< a. 01. to
In tl"- ' . i '.w A
i ? ..ti... ? j -, , j .,,
. i. j . .
,..?..1.1 il ? 'tul
1 .1
Jl. ?. . I'. 1 -,
, . S
? 1 ? ?
t?r, !???? - aail .? niaJca ssr- l~?d
tpUem-t ? T?a"*,
THE ? I E?B8T.
GOltUUN si-VJ-?M AM? IS l.VAUIM.l? AVI) ttO?
i : | M I.
An oril t w;?.?< ni.uio v.t ih"* lu t bearing of
the ??? rn-.i.-'.i mder will.di (;.?..In:.
?? i, oil na i
lo ?hi r'X.inri'.i.iti, n J UM
ael. D K. i:,.,r, tad li. 3.
] K'.ut u., i ttaUglf heforu tU?gt I*r .d/
ill tati nni'i -..i" ' i "i.. I ?;?? ui'. Part II., Vi-l RWBll
; of (.oi'duli. who ?o. Ti a.;.vi_, i. . . . ;> tiled li/
.. an . is. r?. J.iliu Qra ?in ami J. II. 11
was ari . UUel t!-.?t 11
MBfipl et Ml i'??* a. ?! i---> ta
i hi? oiii?iai ittiooRrapher, aai uo e.u_i.?tioa iii*sr
bagaa :
Mt Pi?IJ? Mr I ? ,i y.iat moihte
.eit* ?la '?sr?
' -? '
Vir r ?IiL
? . ' ? ? - ? _l ,?.l I . ???,*
... ...
, . il li u ?t. ? iv ? i?H
Cearl aaael Lui? .?? be ? .
. .e. I.? ? < ... 0..U??.i lasi i_s -? tavaira ilabl s rtt
? s waa Ikaa nur? n?, aal n ?aa s'ai*
.. .>' . ? 11 aa) u: I...r s Hi o,.a a i - ??, la.f* I -?^/
? ? I ?al,
.. ? i .iw?- i
w.lliiml aa* r?'?" . . . . , J
lo, a. J (,.r u-,. I? ? .s r to Mr I ?' 1 Ml t_|
BM M_M ? < a. .'??* uf la Ui? ciimijl. il ?i? ?I
t.i? |l ie.'. iua li. ?i. la? ti?il h? ? i.i i? Ici f..?
vrar?. b. ? , il m?
Ik.,,1?. a?T St ...r ?litl-S, '? - 4.... ..J I.? I>. ? -
am., ?i .i : ms fi a. Mr. u'.".; ? rt?
? li ' ?.i i ? esjt ;f|. .
<? b.a ?U.p.alUri, IM I s
g VV'mt m MB f?.r'.c.ir ?.?..,-1 .4 i -,- |
I i.l, mur llu ii r. I ? u - i | ?#
i BM s. . tie uke are kaava ai? e?aoi ? -> ..m
? 1 h? it: i net n?ir.rr? rt Iris or.??' ? th? r?B
??- ? ?f kl? I t ?s? ?
ml. ru I'? ?ml . ? ?c. w.?
bau-.s t t i i un ... ?lui liv?j .
? ?- n ,:,* 1? . ? ...-r lime ,? .; !.. , . . |
l'.ra.T iSsIrimUnrsi'ii Pis.- . ai?.??
? itl? h,m i .? i?.. u in'li r
1 : next a ??l if L? jr.cn 1 t!n lui . , . T si ils?
?' . . .... .;?.-. ...?
' isa Uoi I ui. ? . it ws? r?r?i ?u.- ?u?a
??. ilur.c? (. . ... !.,_, -
. I? I ' si .i.nvr t? <? ? ilal ?. ?i. ... issu .M
RlMI 1-,-iabMhl ???I Vks Ulla? -ui-?i..r?i_, to ?b U i b.?<?
Do| n. Um ? w.w armed ye-tx'rd.t?
tv?hoi ici ? i. ni. rdnn'i am-it.ImmwI byjadni ?Iao_.st*i
Alidll.tri.lt. (i i.t.iu, ho.l.'Vi ., ?va- lu-l.i tV ?<?' tmtmmtgOtS
I I '- I . . M ?er liy taao lut ?al
tu? tieiiiK m>' paaaai a? b wttaoBB, aad tatra .... JartM a
li.iju? tiote aa ball under th I Rthec order.
in:ci"i(iNs-.ii'M: io.
Hiinreme Ccmtrt Ctttttttlt Ht ?Jinltre HaiTetL?
S.u.II. 1,1 l'S- , I.. ml. f... s:, : B Ot
- ??-... a t_c a?
? In tfce i?ilt?r -?? . ..' Ai,a l-raisn.l. -??.,!?. gtemtO?, 1?
tb? matter, io' . ol U.iiui? .Uabuuai -(Mi_ ?t?mt i Fa? i M -? i t? ?b?
li,.sn?r, te. ,f l ? i -,"...r ?r...??4
? i ?ti.ii.^ ?ram??!. l^,?r, , ?_< I..?,?j.? am
i . r pe>?f.
CeaiMOH / ? .?' Trrm ? Dv .Imlire l^*s*w ?
Ilvninf sat Vit-, " ?. nua l?
... ? l m >-_?
liUl.ll lltl ? ? - 0 I r |U? ..
).? raaa ?? ?? u? ?..? uf b? ?tor?, i. in
f? fil?: :?
.! ni?:" Fret .liMan.
. ? l. -0 .? ISS?
? . ' ?1.
... trm
(??Oril-r jrvsutsri. ?lUrt-s? ?_u ?
' ? 4 r. ? ?
ss i ?. H. jra'.sJ. M.a_-a|_ M?.u ?. ?:. ?la
< ni Kl ORtai iMit-t-Twi? oat.
Icraaaa f? -?t . v ?.?, Baen, J ? ?>i?w?i
ai I i c. m. "'-i
irn. o.Hn?"i k ? s?? ??-t. cteik
?' ?I al.
I . 4 ?L
. . ? ?
i. s- r?, ??signai. ???'. *<?.?r (-'.s . IV ?,l?.?rit ?i ai. s?t- lasatv
,b?.i?tal v? .,!,.?_??.?- I>.?._.i?.
? ? I . ?
? .. ?? . ii?.,h..d, mIb*t.
l'.v.I ih. ?:'...t? et a' afl. Hr?n..i -H"?. Raului?. ?aa*i. l-vlsitu??.
?t al. ? s '? ?t
t?ll. i '.?b'ii. ?I al a.t Baa-aaM It?, -?n.u.i. Igt Ki* ? _?a?
?t ?I. ? 1 ?R?. i l.ai.i'.
-'.??? a? .L agi. Ait??- ?-..( ir.?lir ?f> l'.'i'r.
-1 ? 11-.U1 a,l IU> Na.iatial rlMa
. t ?t al ?rt r ? ? a
. ' i : ?m. lls?fir'?? ?l al att. ( p'.R
.li.i..iiua? as'- ( - ???? ^..|?
l'un 11 - lUiii J i' ?n. il 11 a ut
IMl.aalmaratr-. Kt'i?. ?t tl- ? ?? lu.. ?I?. se Mut
? a.'. Dar, n**1 1 ?"' ' ?"?*' l'ara-ll
n.l . 'l.iuoi .?I l'biUf
? a.lui'1, ?ft Mit.'*. ' i? .1 ? si a.." ??". l'.?vir__
i la.i m ?u Davi.i?... cl ?1
v . r ?i ai i??. Arma
Kit. Ha..!
? fl. R,|i, ?? Nil. t.i.r.-iifj liaat H?
W.?i Mal
.tut JRM..aars*aaiM ?_t- ?'pitsiii-?
, ..,-???1 141. l'usa?
?ii|i Miiit ll.td U.i ?tat mcllom

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