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OUT-DOOR SPOUTS. Nt'.W-voKK TIGHT CLUB REG I |\ ll?U'.Al-IM'M,|>in"'KM'lr"IAN , tl-?I-tlB iANTlii: Wl t I TU twenty?_gkt-l l_g____- ot tlio >>w Turk Yacht Cbmm .??oh placet yesterday, over ike _4to_l regalia ??oiirs??. The day w-is pleasant, und ftbe axtata-wiss? br?ete, whl.h prevail-- Id the early part of _i.v, guv*- promise ?>f mi uite?r?rtli_r race. Long before? the bimr for starting, rbo bay oppoatl-> ___-__???- t<'"'>* * With ?nil bout?, tugs still excursion steamer*. Ainoti. tl.r ?teac-crs wpre the Magenta. Bt__ I*?, A Wteanta theW.iioii-i.Fioll ?? ,D R. Miirtin. Ni-*-- 'I'aii'l''""-""1 ,?!'-' "??*' tootmt witii itiviuxi ' ?I \a?-t.ti'iir and sea braies. Tin- t.-Mf v,< r, I dawn the hay by tl" Frolic, ha?i . I: ?'?'son: aud many ot__- ?Jisti-giiirli?*?! people, ?-resident and Mrs. .Irani, wh.trn the vessel hid called I >r at Long Branch. ijjtr- i , ,,ui-l.ii, < i?t_ pa followed the ?xiurae of tlii-vs? "' - ?was a ?urce?.?ion of ?lis? appolnttn.'tif to the upectators, na i I Licor??, Which wss lo Its nii.-f 1 tumid, ________? il or Jini BB-B9 Into a caito. U was believe?! at tlf __g_BB-Bft-t ?lie rar*?*? that the. __r_t wotil.t cent? t iu the smaller ves*? w. or mmM BMMrt likely to ba favored 1;, lilil? _ ____>, hu: v 1,? n a stiff Munin rl. wind sent tin- ? Mil' ,,1.1 (<> M?a from ?In Bel ilit- (iracte. who up to tliftt timo lend, lower? d lift to;- M_ was drawn to the larger _?_*!_. w; i? ti inn1er full canvass, went speeding onward to the litbt-hip. sad lK-i'mi In el ,??? tin-sap tK-t-.??-? ii tin-in iiinl their leader. Aealm en?? < ? dini*. bowe\. ? uilHge to the t mailer v_-?'is, which, altboi!K.h nearly overbaulc 1 i.t HaMt ?when an oreasionnl tftoi of wind compelled them to take tn tli? Ir sails, ?_________! the lead, m-verthelesa, until flu . ?>- of the race. The remarhnhle feature of the rae??, however, snil one illus-iatin? the um? rtslntlcs of t witilili?.'. was thr?. in intu?' ill vluli ihe luiitlie __? __? ta.? -. I ?it tin- -t-fta mi Leen pa__4vl l.v all the oti , n when she reached the South wVest ____*, uii't vsnt thr last vt__l to ruuinl the ligbt l*nt ott n tu tiling to th<- hit".? discovered th? a__a i vessel.? of the %<>t lMtr-almrd. and rnkiuii I long ?ti. ' li southwartl, cauvbt a favorii . I swcei? iri- round the Y.uov fur to the wind ward, head' 1 the i ? t?ntalo?- ttii* lead toft"- ??.-r >,f the mea. The i- unfureaean, tn-d oat ? :v m?,v,.,. h ..' the ' ? rial log ?? would .? atared to prattle.; bal th. a itndoui,;. ill? one as ti..ieh t?. ? killful uiauagi menl on the I | M to t'lf farol- ?t the ? l?rtu<"lilH. tin ________ The folio**:: . I tace: aatsk A.itiv. Oner. Same. Ou-ner. Mur Rear Com. 9. Oa. .J. R. Aliiwell. 1 .'..?. Iaathe.J. U.!l.rre-I_>t l ? lli_j.i,i. Umtob "'?'?.Le?--r ?A rillte?. * U.?o?ste.A. b. HiUh. aiJ-Ot Oteoer. | JV?r_w. OVjier. ? ' ? .T. A string?. ._W. II. !.. i making the nee In the sh?nteat time ?#__? otit time allowance ; one prUe. value ?'?"(>. fot winning n.T with time allot ? without ti.m sllowai _ ; run j?r./?, vsiii? UM. for viumug (-?.op with tluie allow Sll, ? . 11;- eoorae i*a* ftom a line drawn from the ?take-boat . Fort Wrfil-.-01'tb, aud the eteaui? r \ I . in win? h wen, the jitdgi'K tin I loom i ?lull, to ii-.i'i around the baojr Vo. H, ?,., Um ? . Bplt, ke?pkng it ou the port haad in i . ? ? around the Band? Hook light tom..uni-, and ra? lo tin- place uf sluiliug. m Tt.? ?tHi-t wat a I i v\ 'o ti the signal to pre WOO fire?! al lli.i. tin (.it-iie, AdfiW, Vivn, and 1 i _ lo.vfl_)d the line, wrh tlyin- JUm nr i cioasid it a? 1\ aft? i t : n to start hud been ?red at 11:44. 1 .i - alcng, and Mi.- folio? lug .?1,1, 1 : (? S'iXt'U, Peer), ! -Ma'.'ie, Resolute. Tin. d thl? "?* '?' of the T ? fleet, beaded bi il,.- <;r-_ i- .... , _ I._: !?'?*? y.rrm ,n ot^f.^.,1 r,u a ^liort t K. ?. .ml i. V.I lit aient dead ,a<?- f,-r tl.,' BoBth ?iinnt.iiIii-U the while the i ?n.ii.r lull canvass, overhauled and naitrirt the Addle, ?iule the Bva, boandlt. like ? tlnt.K ol tl,. Ui > ? i ' A',,1., . Madgle, a I l.iMl., v. r except tin- Ariadne. As th?> II. et >li> w i? .h th.- o - ?h" a i..1 t? k ni t" dt'- away. and aa Ute Oram rtmaded ,t s_> hauled doara bar sut) r,,muled the buoy slug , lowing o?d . M ,-:,?. Wave, !'? ? . ' ?nine. B|j be .i, t?. pi ? ?it r to -, .t. heading ,!in-< tir for the light thii'. - '?"?? ti bers? II and h? ' pursuer?, ?h?, worki.l alowlj oui to Bandy plaofc I'.tlut. where tint aughl lb? brisk aouUtrweet i-.r. ? /.-. lin nu. ""' ? ?? ni?- inn-? Interesting part ol ? i win ii tin I lOf tl -inp h i_iki,i. ?nil r i, ? ,--, t m, rausta il, aud ??eliding tbi Magie ahead of the Suhl;, , r.-,i,,. I. i. iud rounded tl ? ? , Vlx? D, M r, Eva, Addle, !. ?'uuihiu, mm 1 ,nt!i. ' m iiiitoj.ii'i, hei to low Tidal Va,-, wit'i ?111 p. I h.- v o, li? fl.-et *?< t halh I . t.iwd? 1 all sail ? return thaae. Tn. Vixen began to i the gap ?,. ' i' i ti hei?-? If SI B4_ the ? " * \ Ixed Meanwhile, ,1 t__ agi meiit and .i r??-. . < olumhl. - -till tnt 1m - \- th- :? ..di bed rln . eft tin Oraela, Vixen, and Mr ."? .ii ,, e'.u-tei wi-it ot th 1 - - og them ? ii-,di rubh ? mi ?uni. an! ? ? /? arhk-h i>ui his Beet. The I ? ? ' 'i am, 111 i wlag order V,\. h. Vlii.l, . r..",, I'litln*. Mad? liue. ('oluuMa, Addle, i ] ite. t 'ti '?-ri'^a'' h'-d ea'j^a ?. | he? at??"dof t.. whoieTeet, ana a?Tou.i, ?i ?___ r .tin stak -boat,she main U? 1.-..I '- : ad*. ??, nun ite? ce of ihn (?i.i ,?? ihe Vixeu _ . lUl-We?! I i, nnt the lattei on all i id, and mal t.,...,.i lor position to i nti home wus .i'iiio-tt --. .i- the i . ? ??*?? died away, and the ?t -trf-ia asen ?\ di Ifted wth the tide aerosf the lin, . Tti . oitlei : I.nithe. ? x . Addle, Foam, : umbla, t M ' 'Une bai int; p ,*.-e.t I? iw??n IL- ? Fort, Instead ol Ix lied ?.lit of the ra?.?. The Jadgea awarded t>_ pHt_ K? follows; Tilt vi?.m?.., boat*. I.i-t jtn/o for seb'touen without time allowaiice?To ,th Beeoad pri?t for schoom-is with time allowance?To t ? ? . pu/? tut -,. nu. ..'lowauce?To the " i*. w.ih um? allowaaee?1_ the Vi\. n pai l : IKl. Tuii? lir A, lual ? ?h1?. ht?ke hott. illu??ae?. . ) , > la.?, ??.il ? I ..SU. ? I0.H3 l noalUiwanee 6.11 id ???-?? '.ii.ta I'? .1141.-. ll.l*. C.IVli. ii.U9.16 fj.-ull ? - . ' ? ? -.l_i?_i 4 1.47.1 I I. 0 .. ,!l ? ' . ahoiit l_ when :? Hook. . where - iiknif condition. A I ,,l,in, ?1 Inr. | "T the ' I.-. .?A, ill?.I ?. ?THE i i ' MTBTB r\l:K i: \. i s. ??s. .linn- v.-Tin- lljTBtk I'aik iMat <la> race for h? rs.:? that i. ?.-??.iihv I "in g tfilac, -t Klui), H Hall, Joba Kt< arari ?' i heat. ''''-?' ''? b. S. ''? riN'- ai i'i;.,-i-i. i i-iiiK. I i i ? i PaIIB <''.' I -i !.. !.. .Illlie '".-Mllteli. ? ?rsea?. i ' .10. ' I 11 .'4 III! III.M 11 lf| LIU \ lin I..SII-I POI rfl MAMOKD ?< i I i.t? IHK ! ci < i?r i m m i?, in r. , ' '- . .ilt.i .H lit nlt ,. I ? ' -m the ! ? dent of tbe (Jan.brldge Boat Club. The ?vcond heat xs w??r? by Mr. Smith of the Atalanta Uout Club of N? who defeated Chllllngworth of MieTwIrkentii . lafe bj one !.'I'l'tl'. .nth wi.? < nthu-.ustlcallv cheer-ed by tlir apee met tor m? M.Kn.v ovsr OMnaa*eerfk< The iscisl !.. ..i ? 1 he . outi'-i. 11.. mort o w by ?Siiiltli and Qoldts A Ii.tiifiiv ifl-petiih rapeeie thai at Pnlfcoi leqnoBl Inrn aaaa? agrordtspsshmnri the ?cuiirme !>,?.'?' v, from tli?? 8?J to tliKintti of July. JUDGE AFCUXVa CASI ?l'l.NIV?. (.1 TIIK CASK ItY M?'TON N. 11AKK1M ?TUP TKST1MONV TO BE BKTAKKV, AND I.'.Nd TKIAI. PnilBABLli? ADJOU-NMEST i: '111. M \ 1 II l,si?AT. j\i haw, Juno 20.?The finale met aga this MM-Bg? aud piotcuU-d with the hearing in t case gt Judire McCuun. Mr. Murptiy, from the Comni tac ee K. si'luiiuii?, ri'port?'(i a rcaolutlon confining t dlM'ii.v-inii of all quoe?ona OB the part of coum-cl t" <> counsel ..u ? m 1? nulo, neither to speak mor?* than ?0 mi uto? on any one question, which was iiil?iiitc<l. If Sear? asked to be c-cuaed from attendance, but oi'i>o tlon belnir ebowD, be ?withdrew the request. Mr.-'?ratina. In tbe absence of ex-Judge Vun Cott, t tOktet the argument o? yesterday, aud moved that ti t-emitc ?r. cpt tho testimony as it came from the (?o crnor. n?? claimed that the P?nate was not ?Htiiitc us ?-oiirt, and could nut, therefore, take teatimouy or a minisier oaths, or j.rot eed with the Ulul in- in a court Juatlce, bin must accept tho testimony nc-nt from tl : mutis tho evidence before the Senate, irlvlngtl accused opportunity to produce witnesses and b? heai In hi? deieuM?, He quoU'd from the debute- in tho Ot ?titutioual Convention of 184? to show Ihat the Intent n of the fruniers of tue Coiii-tltutlon ?if tbi year wan, not that r-uih cases a? th ?hould be preaented aa lu a commun lu court, but simply that tho arc used muy be heard In h defense. In the catte of impeachment there la atttl machinery of a ?ourt, and the Assembly Bre Included i prosecutor?, but In the caae of a ?Imple removal, no etc ma. hln.r.? id pr?.tided. In Impeachment, as soon t article? are preseuted, the Judge la suspended froi . In rtiniiviil, no such thliiK* occuis, and no pn * Basa -I OttAt tor tlir* senators ei;licr to take an oath < uiHi uiniiuii Impartially to try the rase, or to nd-alaleU oaths to wNassass as is provided m iiiipea. luixi. Again, we did not uttf nil here until vac had iculwdii Invitation fi??in the Beuato to Ik* psi the only pro.e. iitlon licini." the BOttOB of tli My, xi Inch, through Its OOBM-tttes, n. ide the .\ animation and took the le-tiuinny, und. r oath, win. h i pr? seilt..1 h. t.. J.otli |i:irti. h wei.' pit-sent before tl... ( ..minutie, aud were permitted to lutrodti. <? w I examine and ( ios--( \.tuiiii( them, ami mike sty -cMoti? nnd tli? BBBMSe was represented !?>' < ciai-i I, MMM S v .' arc In re row, aa well an in POSOS. To it examine UM! t. -t BBBBBS now can avail nothing:. The; were examined under oath, and an mirl? tmcut foi i" i Jury lie?, If any were committed; aud if i.ny of IhOS w it ti. MSB Wh* tlii-n testified were inn? dead. __H uioiir would be perfectly competent. The ann-ed in:.. Uu?' preiset .utbuce in re'oiitt..i. bj siBdevll or olhei vise, and he may bo heard orailv in Ins ?left-use ; Inn ' h witiBBBBBS ?antiot Le exHtnitied uinl'i l I Mr. M".i- it'll.nd, ?1.Lining that the right toadri,in -1. : oath? was Inherent In the Senate. The 8ei?ate then went into Executive session, Bad ..ft.-i two heats' del.nte the doors were o(,i mtl, aud tin- In |] dent announced that the motion of the prosa cut iii^ronn a?l to accept the printed tealimony vt.. y dfiled. The l-cnat? was, it 1>) ?aid, almost unanliuous in tliexi.w thetbott . l.iliiie pSBBBBBBd t?-.' POWSI i lne wltoee?tse? und.r oath. ITie ABBBBBMy fcevll irated MSl power, *.?itli the riarht t<? send for j" rsoM and peyera, to its ,jn... .?..,. . u -.?^ heU that It could cot del?g_tO a peVSI 11 did BS .ad It wae thuupht to k moti ? . if not fairer, te the sceasi a te in ?ede to his i(i|iitr-i te Beat lhe BTldSB n U tvas uot. Ii'*?evir. itiTetideil Ii t?row out the juint Aertdee?*. a_el BBSf \.t in part bef.-uii'l ueus-ary m ceitain BBat? ?if the death or dis.ipiJearance of any of the eitaeasesi Bet *\a?. it admitted that the Senate had not the powerte the pii-t?"l evidence as a ?oinia fucu? c.i?C, L ."?' in? the 8?X'Ue??.'d the riirht to MapBOTB the char-?? if in- ? o?a1<4. Me. r>.,v, ?an) h* held il wae Judge Mi Cirri's ii/l.t to r 1 in n , hut lie *\ uwd that rif-'ht, ai..'. SB fflUi-fl lit te lbs ch< i.-. of lhe r-i nate. (1. ?nil'/ only that prepes at-Bce^r?i be Ifcrews are?ad a ceamtta s if one Be apiMiiutid. Mr. Mnri>h\ s i,.l If the ?u< ii?ed dl ("omiiiitt? e, tin gsasta would appoint (.ne. Bb D P Vsood sal.l In? desire! ttie . xmniii itiou to I.. luule t.fote the Henate. Mr. l'amer was williuK ' I I?? r. - ... Mr. Jolmeoii ni..\. d to tal?. ?OBI Ms-JsieselBttsa teteto?yesterflsi relativ? lei w .ij'liiintuieut of a ('oiii.iii'.t. t, win, h \*.,? in-t. Mr. Hen. .In I Ih? n mot.'d th.'t ,'lie .-? uat? fro... d .? trials v li.-n Mr. DaTia u-k.-d that an adjoiin in. Bl S had till Tuestlay. Ho de-ired to leave th?: < ity, in order U? attend the fan. Tul of hit brother-in-law at Medina. He shrunk from! i.e responsibility of proi ? .lin,' m Ih? ' I. gti thmOt tt l.l.'.l. Til?- lequest gygg .(ciiicil. Bartsa H. HsnisaB then feneelly spsaed Nb tki (, ution. )i> I Ms ..--ociat.'S .i.?! not appear as .tor-., but on tl:c imitation of tl.e flauste, te aid m the lut? "tuatinn. After BBhserS-B| the <-iu'e which l.-d m the present proceciin-?., in vihieii tie .1 To the fart that the unaiiimoiislv eon curred in UM ici?ort of its ?'<?mmltt?e. ihat John H b poltti of melts..- .n. i Ige oi th? Ni w-York Buperlur ?ourt, he prsii.aiii.i toi'tpiuin tbechaagea made and ti." i.ature et tin; existence he (?tended folotrodoe? te -Uli!?'.. ,:i". (Hie of the clilel ..liil,?.n. ... tinte?! Iiv tl.e Itinini-cr (lise, wa? tin craBtlBCO? i ni. i. an.i Injunction? mi-iiraril?', both inaed out ol Court, in oppeeltloB to otiiei ordera properlj granted bf other Jedcea i f his own ?mi other Oom is. Mr. Buiieea thea read the e_H_meB _;"tin-t Judge MiC'UIin, wlil. ll ale Bight lQ IiUUiini, aini li;i\e In en pint'd Before. A reo? ?s w.,s t?. leu from i till 4 p. in., slier which Mr. BaniaoB n>sni_ed,and w? nl throashthe ?mu/'/... lin? narralive, which xsits i l. .n- and concise, made an ?vident ImiHSSSlllll on the Kennte. Jadee Mct?nnn was abeeed dan?s Mr Ranieon'a re? mara-. The arsteaee referred to i.y Mr. Herrlaon was thai >.f in? i<. ? .*.. ii-hij,. in the matter nt the Blnlnger und Clark proj.erly, Which ii the r*?iiT-f the tirst ili.'n -,, -, ??J *f ?iC- '' *>r*?nottuoed a c??aplracy oa the part oi judge Mc?tuuu vsliii parties ?In. tte.-ir?'?". to d?'fri?u?l the ? ..f tin u property. an.i he el ni.'.-d thai the- .-),, setuelrj loee at tese. teoOsSQO la? next cuse'was thai of < i?!.>' air.m?.! Laouft, xtliuh is enilniiieil lu the Becoad cbarije, ij?.i?.?i. <:"u?.?.?;.,._, ft_ jjour of | p. m. h.tviu- arii?"e?3, lue BsaalS took n until i n, m., but, ob raeoein-lingj H Bai i laon reeaflMi hi? argument. In whleh he stated that Judge Mi (nun lad appointed hie hroiher-ln-ls.? ?, ? iriM'i in ih< . aae referred to, und tin- reeelver returned in hi? ivconi.t ii.oiievs paid out. for which he could show nereceiptaor vonchera. l?bm that of Mr? ?gainai lira, Botlrr, c?, riiai??>),in which th? Judge appotuted an?, her OPttArtr. Tbe proeeedlngs Is this esse, the cotUMBl laid, were ?ach es lo warfani the rornosai of lhe Jadee. The next .' was that of an at tempt, a? eoansel sad, te ?etrpoll Daaeaa, Huenuan ? Co., (4thSharp-*.J of S larire ?rin. of tiiimi y d.-porila-d xxitii t n. m i.y lhe Henderaon Cab Coupanjr, Thenest waa that ef the "Fenian Fund,'' which eoan? sel "aid eaa aelaed upon through a Kcelver, and appro priated and iiisirii.iii-d bv the Judge to his fi leude mid others. The n.'At <an- wae of _ic_i agi Blahop, m then- wan the elelm for Bl.HS, aud me Jadee had ordered the defendant to t.< ,.n. ?ted and held t? bell m tin sum ol If ."??'? When Mr. lluirison had . en. Imh d, s< n.itor I;ei.(.li<?t I ..,. (I that v. hen th? t-.'.iii a.i.|..uni ilii,. _ttei noon, It a.ijourn to m?-? t sania aa Teeeeayal ?be Mr.Par ?on? atate.l that some of the wltaeSSBBWBa had been M-hpsaeed had (sfled t.. attsat? and hapsd tu. ein, would call the imme?, so that they might BBS B xshntu tin y had t.. depend on. The ( leik cilh-al the | when it WBS found Ihat only six wer. | ,. -. i,t, Bear- It.", lasas* r Msraea? Joci ??. f?t ? ?. ? ?i-, Mtgtt a. I'rjor, I. .in- II (i. t-.hiehaidt, and It. I? (inerBBSf mi awerlUK to th ir nan.?. After some dc-nltorv ?I. cuasloii, Mr. Jan. du is motion WBS eurrlea. Mr. rsiseas ?aid the) the Bermaal si Anns had sr? .1 ? ne on Abraham B. ?V?erhe, whe wai not pr?tent, bal who, ii 'i.i, ii.iil leiiir-e to obepteesammoni on the .oi* n i 01 . ..un-.-!. He i, would ih>- ..Hi adanee ol (in mo tioonfMi. . I. inn- waa t.-.i!'..ii that after due sproofol He . ? of aubpenaa on non-attending uitli.-"?--. aii.i amenta is.-n?; returnable on rueaday next, tat lo.i. m. Mr. 1?. J'. Wood BBOTOd Unit the OoB tioiier ot theetate be requeeted to eaaheprovision for tbe netjeaaar) expenaea ..t theae proceedlnga, lucludlng witatsaaea f. ee, it-. "?ir. Wood -aid the m xt Laegtelatnre would no doubt iiiak?. proper provudoa le meet it, i? weeprepoeed to make the wlti neestsedaif and elebt ettntamileage. Anoiher (.roposiiioii ,i.i" |: ? ii i\ an.I p.. ? ni- mileage, ?- In the snni ii caae; bul with iching an* dociuon oa this poiui, the nn'tinn was .o|..|i!ed. * The proaecutlon thea called Theeaes Itoese, Clerk *f the Nee Ynrh Muperlor Goertt who laettfled that be had te pio.iiiea? certain papers and does iiii-iii? troin the files ol htsCoert, He teen ptedneed s packag? and documenta which he ?eld were Hin-? referred te la the aubpena. iii? |anj?. i ?? porport lagtohavi heenalgned bj Jadee M Cunn or with bis Initlala are aifned la his original hnii.lwnnn?.'. \ i '.f tbe t> tm- ol th.-. .nut wen made lu Deo ml i i i ? ommun pre? 'ti I .r . ke tue plaee tempararily ..f another a? : i it. We hat. two 'lrial I . ?? 1I.-I..1 i> 1 in ro III .1 tin in holding court at the sa tun?, ibm |.< in?.' i., ih?- ??en. -nal Tenu. A i ?a p. i wa ? prod. tli. i ?4?...?..) whe ere regul u \y different breucbei i tbi Bupenoi I'ouii at th?- data - "|i?-i I Bed iberelu mi ea? marked "Eihibti 11," tl??- ?lit;, ?t of the dm nu.enta prodni ? d and number? d -' \ . In. i niiiil.ind |i.i|.. I oi vs.. i. :.. . iioi u. ? n tiled m lhe court,and the .- refer i" the rtNTeapondln? nuiubers on th? ?ubuei . ? . .m mai aed 'noI I sed in. ? found W? never c*?riii i opt? ? ol pup? 1 ? ...?? .i. n?a?-. Ll 'I - ? of ih?? paj ?*i original papers most have been filed becaasc certified ? ? a i ? hare been issued. M this jtoiiil Mr. Parson? rested. Mr. Ttavl? then moved thai 'he croaa^xaminatloa ofttuaw-Maeaaa?Be? ferpd until in it Tin-uliiy, ami the _oUi n ?a*, granted, Mi. I'.iis.nis then otTerod In evidence the paper? it" Uuced l.y Hie wu ne?., hut defend. Bt'l I Bat-Mi oldi'Ctltig, the otfi r was withdrawa for the neaaai, Joel O. Hteven? Wat II,? ii c.illi-il li'H Hi not BB_rW_T. nu?! un- in,m- being lute tho ptueeadinfi we_ adjourned till Tuesday mit ?t 10 a. id.. und the f*oiiat<? went Into extra session to receive m?M?siigi s from tn?. Ooveruor. ?Ill WOBEJNOMBxVB DEMAND. 11IHT OF TUP UK IT ON IHK WMmaXtt IMHI-IA-IK V i I I IV?i ?'F TMK IKON ANH MiT.t. vom?-____.aims on thm in m ant Amos of Tin: roi.i ?F.?a new ni I i I OK TIIK. MILITIA. The lioat yostt-nlny _-_?__ to causft letharpy In nearly all th?. trades, aud ?*o little was done that, with the exeei.tlon of iho iron and uietal workera, there was hardly anything to lrdicato that sttlkei were poudlnu*. Tetttonlii Hall was almost de?, it.d dunlin the day. The ______?__ Coininitt. e of the I'ight-huur 1.? aguo was engaged in preparing for the trial of tho complaints against the police, which are to he brought before the l'olico Cfimnilssioiiers on Monday. The cabinet makers, hehl a i-li"rt meeting, at which It was resolved to resume wollt* at Kotix ? < <> '? factory on tin- |,,?si? of eight hours aud M per ? rl advance, the non-socleti in. n v. ho hnve 1.n BJt-fc-M >" nmkt shop having given their adllf'lon |B the l.U'ht hour I.' ?_*--. with a iir.nni-e to ?hnle hy the tu-tlon of that- MleW? wot knien. I'lnhT flits arran.i*, tu? ?il tfct men Mill letnni to work at Kotix ?t l'o.'s to-day. The Iron and ni? tal worker.- Btli a meeting, which, despite the lit at ol Hit, Oh? ___. the I It? ?in. ti_o<_tlng atmosphere of tl.- loom, WBt l.irn? l> at? tended. The large ball of the ?'ermanln Ass. ____* Itiiniii?, in the llowery, was u*nwdcd wHi a mass ?if patient w01 kitigtiK-u. A i.?-.Tr|lier of addresses were tnaile. aud the speak, tt were earliest lu exhortai,* Unir fellow-w or! In gmtti to hold out again?t ull eon promis??. Tiio sentiment was expressed that, If the shop? should lie closed and It should become urg? nil*, _M IN-1 ftf the men to ohtain work, there were other sources of i : , ploy incut than those winch tl? v had B______M I ; tlM : tin- pii W .uni shovel could he ______ up. t'lil fliat 'he ul nude?.? lmi.-d l?eit.ons of Uie eonn'iv iitT,:,l,| a Bald Itat <\'-rv man. It was claimed,, bowever, thai the men would not I,?- Coned to i un ml: r. 'i'm-v and would If necessary, drive all the business In their line f I inn NewOfOI l?, ,ind b. foie ; out necm :i d ?m nimm facturera, whoa? Interesta would therebj ?,. utterly tinned, wiutd '."" ?.;? ..u that tin _iena?J-_. The n markaof Um ipeakera were enthusiast-call) applauded. iin- tro?!?--? represented In the Iron aud Metal Woi i ?.? -.-m- have probably the beat and moat eon, /..inn .i ii ii v- Ilia; La?,.' stincii. i'iiir .ramant has at aa la in paratu o f ?i remarked th t tbej had deferred their strike Belong, not thai Ihej feared tbe result, bul I 11:? \ n. i-1. : ii ..> - the m,,m in , Uve. 1 b? ' pi-,,,?', ? 1111 *_--> are - 'i' tent -hope and m,n,us at? t? quired to i I ? ? dally reporta, of which ra aids are kept, and Un Ont ral League It tbu? fullj apprieed o? all tat amvementi la tint trades reprei i.i? !. i in - .!?_.-? i ?inpi rot, 'ii,' re ret am i io_____ i" retara to work,bul Um i ?nable to ai ail Itaell of tbelr i i r bu ol lin- r h.uni- .in- ii.-ml' n Ol .'? btctoxiDg. Mo t .i i,,,; g]] if th?- marble worka are de erl d, m the m? ii hase nol 10? <?<?<?,l,?l In bl I t?, ferma. -\ yetth? ttrll bai ocoaeioned the n Hirers in i'. loas? ?. lut n , l |U I that their competitors In other eitle willen il ? benefited at their expente. !__> maaiifaotorera u I il il 1? use!, ? - I,, i \p, ei t..? ni t.i _______ eight I Un , , .il uni lUStalU the !,?-? ti, ni Would en.-Ile. Tn? wire workers of this city aud ?ii vicinity bava struck for ei.-I. I l hate firmed ?hi 01 !? further their strike, rhistradeli nun* ill, ?__ tue einployeri ?aiUL'?- it ? - [ t., take " kei ?. 'i :, -? i ;,, "i the Sim i ? ' -i.iv. i\-, *?, i f the shops iiiiii, nt of a ami. < UMI'I MM .H'4IN?r thi: I",i A ?hngaiiou Iioiii the J.ii/)it-'i,,iu I. ,. ., , ,,i A rcjire-i nfalitts of tue d,fl?r? nt i .1 ratter !,... i"1 .'''.l*:,i'_!'r Smith, ami ' In I tuth'uitv th? uiiiKk? wan tmit on ikt **____ la fr?'t,t "t -t. m v... Vs i i.ino f.,rte tii.ihiif.icroiv la iriv .??.olid-st.. an i al Meiner, i if? l?fy '-"i Forty?, .omi s?. Dome of tbe ipeakers wen quite ti? eiit, nuil denounced the tewoa ??( the rxtU iiuealleii-for und ?m outrage an the working m ,|. i ?n \ ,., .i thai tbe a oi (..?. lio not attempt to for? their waj Into either of tb?_e liuildlnga; that when Httacked tbej aera ta the Btreel ?ndcavoi ,iik i" pi rauade tuen of Um ir aa a ealllog sol t'i -oik on ih<- term?propoae-L i d that .' i bell ii'ui.1,, r acted ditoi i iherelasuflelentaun-berato tiir.-rrt ihem laatead ,?f ii'lug to. tue poll ? rharcedoB Um erowd and ctahbad rignt and left wltboui warrant ot provocation. ild that tin- police ua Ib i day were ii ting under the orders ol tbe Bupei Intendent, i ?i b it th?- lioaid of Police was int reapoti?ible for their i n,. n< - 'i' '. i ?rd,however, bad full i inBdi a, e ? 'h ludgmi tit ?uni '!i- i' ''"n of the Buperinten I nt. .?tn, ihut i,u knew nogroondi foi ccn are. ii tbe ( aumll (he wqrklnginen whom Oiej r?nreeeaied, consi?. tii? ' selvC'd CtfulU-Tii]. lei* Ihem Iii.iKS ?oinpUlh; .iciiii . Um Baperlntentlent, .-1>?l brisa f?rvard Unir v...:,,-'.,. .nul the Ho,ml of Police would try him. Ont ti ?nj/. however, ikw Beard would not agree to ?it the outaet ii would uoi toa i ,.t Io allow t-omiiiiitee*? ol working- ? n r, toree lb .i a i ?hops and u..u.inn? toi i? - and demand with employer?, i to realst all aneh at? tempts aa these, ai i to ?Bord protection to lie ?mpi?,?, ni a-ihe i-ame time tin p,.,.,??? were r ' le usa any ,,'. in '. -?.n -. violence toward workmen, and wen toah slam from laterferiai ? - wert abtolatelj i ?n'y. Btaaloner Manlerre and Buperintendenl K> I-., \,.rt also visited. The delegutel v,,ie Onallj told thai lin v ? " insl vt Inn,-,,, \ ?i I ,* \ pleased, und the case? would Is und. Accordingly, one i,f the deli i; limn, a i'.ii'iiiet mnk, i. bame<lAugust - living at .-? vnitl, in. .iid 'i i irtv-tmi: lh t.. mai iti'ii.ivit ??('.nil?: ii.-| ? ? ., i, Bj i ?. iK -. and Capts Henry Burden and John Gunner fot having ordered tbe [? to elun the complainant and otbart m F?.n.v ec_td-st., on Batuda] turning last. The raea was -it down I bearing before < ou im-- ouar Sim, ? rre ou Monda) at i p. m. It Is lnteaded that _e inattei ihall be rally I i? d nu mu itii | .i. DAB8 Mi.. The million? and > ?uitinuous hiimr in?t?,?i"l of? tin |,o l,?i |tr tin- past month Bat Bad H? ? f! ?.f ? ? n ihi n. tin* gut Hal im- n n? ..s? ,i i.'iiiii.i Ti.?- CBaa__-___M_ata inive niider di?.raealoa Um advlaa-iUrjr "f -? _ M .iflBaiai to I--U-U l.i-ooof n,* a_?mbIObb II do guard duty in proteefitig the lm? home? n.-ni refliMrtea, cabinel and furnitarc naannfaetorles, ma eblne-sbops.and other threatened . . Um police ti> ?; to j>< i l'-rm their regular duUes si h po i to ant stlihleU ?all that inav I? nnnle on Ihem. In ?til?n-?-- lavo ,..i lined ?hete offlcert Hilt pi*tl "Inn M bave not luul more than three ,,r fo?l hour-' sleep out ol U, and it ia thla loat of sleep, combined with the wwtai ' weather or tu. ;?"? IWO W0( Bt, wlileh ?s Imp ri lag the banltl ol tin fen ? ' rilF. KKlin-lltilR MnVF.Ml VT \ I Ml.llil IS ??our .iKiivi-, Pom .Jutvi-, N. v., .linn- 2?>.??\ ?i? i?-.,inn) of eight-hour men from New Y? ik ?md the l.n? l?iilnny shop? in Jersey clt.r attdiipteil a pnhhe ________f| kM hero last night. Hut few or the m I llinne-. I:.. tin,led, and the __t____f VBI at, eiitne fallnie. Tbe workmen nil de, Im, d le tOAXOOT? m lin- BBOVeBM ut. lili MK1KK IN PIIII.AIH I l'IUA M.llll? Al AN IMi. PlllI.Al?Kl.illU. .Finie ?.'(?. ? A BMetfalg (il th? strikers, ni which ahout lui present, was In ld t.? da), (?teat depies-ion ?as i mi 11 lit s?, | .it there?o!uri st.uni taken h\ employiiik' "iihiin t makers In opp,,?:tioii to the strike. Tin -ite.ikors expraaai d mm h imllt.ri.iti. in at the employer?. Finally, the dally meetings wen -,i pendeil, 111 C',ti?ei|nen?e of the I mall attt lid.'Hi ? ??'iiiday uftertiiMui next, ihn, v. ill i" i maaameeting. nil s TA il SENATE. KXTItA si ?"?ION?MiMIWTIOVS? \ 1 l"l?. Al___T, .filiif 'JO.-'l'lic Ciiviiiiiii seul to the St -nute the following .,|,point lueiil - for i -until nniliou, th?s afteiiioou : CniniiiisHoin is to plopi-e :ili,,'lnlnients to the Coli-ti tiiiion 1'iis! ,lu>In oil l>., Juba l> \.m lint', n, Au guattu Bebau, Oeo. Opdyke. aad JohnJ. Townsend; Second District, Erastui Brooks, John J. Armstrong. O ( i,,s.-, und U. 1?. MUtunm ? Third District, W. Cnssldy, O, c liurili it, 11. II. I'm) n. ami ( . L. Tracy : i- ri fi trh i, A, Ii. Waldo, .?*. \s. j.,, tot.lameaM. Dudley, and I.. W. Kost.i; rifth !.. ii. i, DaiUi i r., i rau, la K, i nan, itaiph Molntoah, andPVank iu-?oik; Blxth Dla tint, I. m in? Pol, ins,, n, John p, II,il, )r . Ol dvV Chapman, and Jonaa M. Preston) Bevenia l>:-trut UeorgeB. Bradley. Van Ueuaaelaer Richmond, llonu. It. Howl.uni, David K.-, > . i i. ht n District, Cyrua i: Davia. I.oiiii/.. Morris, Bbcrmao R. Rogers, auu David H. tlolli.?. 'I in- la n iionp.uti-iii i oiiiini-e-ioii, llo-te be_a I?; ___Ms crataand 16 Bepnhliaans Tbe it Republican B-etnbett wi i<- wmaalad to tin- Oovi mor by the Hi ptihlh an Bens tors from the several Judicial ilihtriets. The Governor ? ni t,, tin .*-. n..i.- ii.e following: Commissioner of Appeals, Lewis W. Tbayer of Warsaw, Wyotuluc i.. - ..r l.uiinti, Asylum al Middlelon, Jo tin v. Ostran, Dewttl County, Jayne, Petei ?*. Hoe. 1.iivi H",i b i sen) t" tlti -? ?? i. i.,, i ui Bl ile't .-in. ?? um appgoved; making atetal ol sj bill? A leu hills remain ill lln ( ,o\ ei inn's h.iinl- n,,| .,, t, ,| on. _ nil. CABAL DKR 10 Bl l'Ali? IN (,,is Aimanv, ?Jiiiiii -.??.? _'Ii4* Canal liniiiil has pnri],om d the reception slid oianlug of ptopo-.ii- foi the i IWd loi.ll il It 1 al the 241 ti lli-l , Ihe Ik,.,id rt'snlvltiK tn puy 1I,<- i ill.u a-, in- nt ?I. Id .iinl mil n si In ? ? In, and indi, Hit- thai tile hills llre.dv ??'lit til ?V.-ie m?1?le M II p' -unni that the?.- payments wait lo bt n .ole in legal lendert. I i.i |Hq|__ m the ease i,f A 1.1II ill I l-l II I . '. I in Vrwlturab, ??? rum ._J?I,.!.. - ? ? I ? I ? , Brass sad B?.t*r' 0.1 in ?i^ i ? HOME NEWS. IHItl'AY AT HlllSn ?, It. HROAbWAY la ._-'(. ' Nos?-lb" ?r. a.-!* M: I'liOMlSKVl' AKUIC .1,? Uu int Hottet William PreseottSniitb of l?.i!ti r.'.r?. Hi.raraWMU if 11' 'hitago Trtltite, Hie ll i I ...1er nf 1'oriis.eties,? tbe l|.,a. Wllliim llim'-n?lev ?f Hartford, (ha ('. !? nl I'll la.leliihta, ?Dl 1 Huoi? r of BiaUm.... fifth Aremw Uttmr?Trnt Hun. J 1> ('"I nf (lino. tiV Ho?, ?lake? Am??, M. IT., o? .Masa?'ka?.? . John B. 1!. ilwia ?a! Brasiles T. Ji.l.un.? af *_ r ?|?. V. H. StueirUle of Tel??, ih? linn. ?.. V. rillst ir? of at.rr??. ai I V. !?, laaaaafOW.jftm 1 ',.. I- limel- Biabaa Vs ili_er..f I?atdaa?. (i.-ii XV V Hartli '.. r.f M-nssehneetr?, ?n.l Cart. MVaiil-y . f -le?mahl|. ( ??a.. ' ..Dl. W-?hiiif. in ami K. I?(?nu>ll of I .? irW.ii llo'.-(. ? Hiaaia>|> Hiarti ol(UI..Ju.l~ A. K. Haffen, nf ||?.?r?tr?w, N. T., anal Jot!*- R - <? I? ?it?.??ire Hotel?M. K. 11-n.i, A-rea?i ? Mlnli ? n.Alneinarte Hotel?Leie?e l'onau.i ?f tl?. t?psn istj Leeiion inai |*r?f Hi IB? m ,.f lil? roller?.Ilnfmnn House ? II . . II .1. Iinr?t of Phil.ilei.h.? kasi K. II Wiirc-strr of AlUnr. ' Betel - Th? 11un. <i?..r?? h I'u.t. ..i i ia .. t?.' . I la-tit.- - (iov. l";io of Tern, ?ml Or?n?e 8. Vfinaii?. nf banin s S *. / .,.( // ?e-Hrof Balli.rv of Trlnilv Coll.??.Oremi Dtotr I tteul It-g? I M. Bletti of iVniiivii.smi, J. Uupe 1'i.r, -and, lutni ? Bas* i "I lio'iiivnle. HIW.TOBI Q1?T The yppfenl.iy %_ h?tense, the tbcr? mometer iudieating 90? at 5 p. m. President Grant and (Jon. Horace Porter were at th? A?t?>r House for a short time yesterday. Joseph Coiilii), iifre M, of No. .Wj (in ( nwirli ?t., - i? bitten on the leg? yt-tterday, by u mad dog, and ?eyeP'I.V lljlired. Iwaknfa and Hie other inciii-H-rs ol (lie .faiiatie-eLmbrf?"}-, who have hBSp on BBS-?VI We.t l'niit.M.iK.ira Palls?aed other places ?t let?rest? .. rt :*?<? ii (hl.4 i -it y but night from Ilusi?n, and art) at i i.e Bt Kphotal Hotel. Acidvtl of T-trikers estafad Fondiok'rs btwwt i \ In lot t*-,?-. ?und st., loar Third ?ve,, yesterday, und ilroie tl.? workmen out of the Iniildlii-. i'oli. .inen who were ?ti.JoiiKl In front of the liuildiiiK iiuun di lit l> en? tered am expelled tho iiioh. The 'luilciits (.J tl).. (olleg-e ?if the City of Xni Y... dellveicl their prlre declamations ut ->t?-iu way II,tl hiit P\ci!li)>7, AI?'-under S. W? 1.1. presiding. The Jinlf. ??Allfcrtlon B. Sullivan, iSel-on J, N ..r.i hnj y, and Jolii N. Hay ward- v. ili nnno.ince tin ir iWsiMISBB at the College ConinienceiuPiil, June ?7. A Hotiiil reunion of Um former ??iipi'lf, of the ofsthe Coll? glato Keforroed Dutch Church (which Istheollsel m 11?i?= (? .iintiy, 1..?vint: Im??ii Bssahllehedla 1SSJI,toloinui.'tnoiat?' the thirtieth KUiitveisart nl Henry W. llillijie. '* inline, tlon With Ihn si uool, waft lield Uul erealaail tie. IWlrtet TwsatT alath si ("oil. ? t_'(.stui*H ofliieirt wired the l?get i SSB In. *???! ? of JSSBph lb'for.l at Noa. 621 and ., i-.iiit\ 'inrth -f., .*.-'. rday, ou u cn.irgo I', at It was I'll. I.iv (riii.lui ted. Ni-itly tH.OOO worth of inaclirierv v ,.- foiinl OB lhe ?nenn e,, nuil a .suit waa began for lia? forfeit***. Churl's Ifarmii convicted of ..niggling I .rt. h' v ir.1,1 ihi.? i?ort, wa? m atsassi, ye-ferdat, in the l ledl -, - ?"tri nit Court, I.y JudKe llene.liet, to ,\ ? ut. The ?i Me?ee w'.u m.1.1.- t' i i i .-lit i . Mu ?i n I..' ? ..ii.;..!* M&red letiK Imprla Sl mint. 'rhc annna] Oanminncaaual e*ww?rises ?if the Ailelpln \. i.l. mi | t evening, at the l.nild ini'ln 1 .'! >??. T..e hull waa WSB ilia.1 \. itli sf the papih. Tot i . I i raawe, i" i-i ?. mid sddreaeee were i.le by the K"v. i ?r. ??siiMii. t_'t ?m and other metnhera of Hie Board of Trn-i.-.-e. The nnrBher of papila during the ? 'i i he ?t. rage attend?n< The l'i. <.ni r\ i.en,.i uiidi r t!ie IictkI <?f I . ii. ?linw rt I. diletlon of over fl lfl.oo'i p, r .iTinnii BS eoinpuri-il with tin* aiiioiint of ? i irtment when Mr. Green uesuiicl the dlltle? of IhS ?.fl. I in Hi ti|eiii)i.r li?t. I:i I lie Coiiris. whleh an , .,. part?) aader Mr. Oteen'? rotttr. numb. . in i n reiiu.ed since laatftepttsrnher fnun SIS to i.',. th? u nnai ? irlo| iti Mlsfles that effected Un iiiirtiiiL is ?t?o...??'. The (liginceis ?if the* l>oek Dejinituiciif, - i I,.in the iinality of soil || the -'l. .mi la ttttU kt I'll No. M, ut H." '"n! o' ChT?lophtil ? t., N. R.. ve-tenl!M. -? i u k ,t v.-in of pui?w?it,. ?'"?.ili o, s: MMbelS- lii? lirlae. o'tln? rlv.-r. Th.? tu -h wifei babbled op thrnaeh the ', nn.'. an d i - t.. he - v?i. : ,i?.| cold. A? the n ipting laesfiaieted lloaa n m?nate, ii la rr. ? . utilise it iiv suppivi.'i'.' " al'.r ii ??in tin-? ntidei ginum I voir. lit!.- taps ii.iui ot? 10 Oraajie Lndn-B held a plot .m ti .1 ?..?i.l -?"?ion, l:i"t . vcTiltiir, at N'o Hewer) i ? sropossd leatoal the paseasrisa .*i?m..' ii. i.l li.-f,. i tl- Ps| i saUBdaaBBBBCB?, and then i.fll.'ia'lt .i?en i.. t:..' pablle. lhe Plstelal Master, f/ll m ?. t, !.'?.: imen _ry, W. c r, Rolat? t, . nd Hr. .lohn- mi, " tin- '?> i.e ho:-email" .ii laai jresr'epro . ipbatii m iii tiring to haw It diattnetl) nnderatood thai do order hei been pruaanl ? i t ; ? -1 r ? ? 11.. ? raof lhe eotietr lo arm themaelvea, nor will such aaordtr !?<? jaaned, tboeph if i" not !" i ido .1 iic'ions, ir, r<- pi ; tin -, i hoe . to adopt ??une pi-ec .?:;,.n.. B9Q0I '..:*. Iiiiiilis l:i"i N*ock, IM, including 14 front . n. [xit'ed fever. The PI.s mouth Church Young i*?-?? r? 1 *-" ? i_no? riatlon! vein-, fyhS and! -".-.. T1k* Af-oi i.itioi. releed IBM Ihr Iks raHaf et lhe misasro snlt.n i -. Th? Hiini"li .n.(I \\ illi'i'iir-bui irli Bailtond Coaspafl d ts tin- ? omasa oaaasfl (oi psr mil .i?. < bang* ihe reaii from Fli -t->.c sad "Plnahrlap ?.Vi-, to Ia < la la ' ! M.'li ? ST. *. and Br '.olW.ll . Tin* N? ?. V?uk ?nid HiuoKlvii Bridge Coiii p.'ny ft i.i the Count) Clerk'aOftaise, venter d.i.*. M'ttint. on .* thai Hie BBpUal iSSSh a. Iiinlly f nd ill id that there ire i -t the ? on ? ?. i... ( mp mj iii l !- ii fi ill ?bo t '? Tl a Kin-.'-? ('?unity Ebard of Eatimatoa, eon? ? r, the ( It) n i.l Conn''. ( MtTSllei -. I ,|. M .1 I-ai?.-, Hi. 1 \e-li idny to ii .."i.lei tin i.mi.i .area i.n-.i bj lot gtoAt o? u. el,.I ih-pailinf .'?. 'nit did n .f rom lil.le it- w ?. : k. It.le i'iaied, aowerer thai the rlaitaeof the noardof Bdanv t.on. the jioili. , and 'lie C.iiin --. 1*1 of ? naritles inn-t i-.- reili ...l ?'oi LOXG UaAMD. Wiv'i hi i.- \ (?iiiniiii liiilkni.iii named < latet? Who-e I'hild died Of Mlli.ll , \. on 1 . din -.1 ?? 'I'er.Ul 'Hi,.-?, of t.o w. .-k-,.. ut ?m i ii te bsitb hla eaetoaaeM d i< inform ? phj *i ? ot tli? Ssi, II UBBOIs "" ur: i" the rOSSSrl IseMaa ef 'lie St;iic Hnprriir'lni-'it. tin- BSSH 0? Kducalniii I,a- _ ??'.!< ?I to jMti It no nligimi? exer.lao" In the riiioii rleliH?!. .1 \M <l< t Ps?'il (Hi.I Ki.iniiel Wn nl win- liken t?. sing Ming !'?' on, fraterday, '?* -ii-ntl Henry, tiie formet for ll aeethaaed the lettoi lorl ?. are. 1/iNi.i?; iM.nii Hi? aropoeod to Baaroaae ti.? oi ... employai? on the draw*-rtdfa betweeethisteti sad iii<io.i>ii, Tiivi khi ti..-la?* ( i'i.i.*rei.,if.oni?i Charch him sa leaded .. eall leihe Bee. W. f, Chetassis "f HOW-York. Wn??i. n. -ii-iefs- ?n. de-tio\ing wheel la tni? \ h lint* . Mii'SiiN BIYEB CODNTIEA Wi -i. m "?n:.? H? riry Kii._?lheit, ;iielnte?'l, i- praperiaa ins Haas ior a < sasMstaHs aMUhni la Ms premteee of tht t-thobc Ptute-tsry? aa kashahrial hi H tnllon lor woinrii. I he l'iote.tory i? alc"i?iii?<l to be Mil SBppOlllllB. Ot teSMtSB I.e'iig tauirht ehlrt-iin.kiiu' aa a ape. laity. _'? new i.nildlni.'." **ill N f"ur Msri?I huh, 4" B] lid f.'!. wit!, an SKtSBSlSa H hf M ISSt lW] vuli in- of i.i'.k. (rimmed with brown atone, la the it? laotlne >*i* le. ?mi w.ii eaal sheel toMM nk\y-.ii:ksi;y. JttSCI I ill.?The I'reM.leiit ol lhe Iron .nut Metal Worten' l?eeeee appoiaBai, jroeti-? ?i.?>. .1 I'iiii*. M. John?on, M. M.Conley. T. Morn?, II. Ka*., 1 Uriiv. n. und .1. Cumpton a < ?nn BriMBB to *'? ill SB-lees "hop? and Un men !.. )oin the in.'vcnieiit. It hi claimed Ihat the em pioMi.of steiic'H?hopasa lespeeetUa 1st lha taaeCHIt] of all the moil' r- Bl if ?B t h id loined In Hie mos. n.ent i.l; t!?.' i.-.-t wiiuldliav.' follow, d. The Inin and metal 1, ,-. ,. .,],) .1 l'.l. h n.l Ml| and .lam? s Kleln hil; .n lapatea M ispteaaBd their i. acaa la Ihs Hew York mectiaa. The ?sepers held s ?sstlap yt be du?, und .i.-lei lu lied to maint..In tlu-ii' deiiiniiil-. The BBBBBI rSBhaSIS BMSl (\.r> day, and th. in," in thell detein.Miatioit to remain on atrlke until Huh demand? b* compiled with. Anton Wi?he ?eahyand A-gnal Karaati wer- arreated, yeaterday, forUirowtni atoeeaattha rahaera who are hiTii work in?* The Brat triennial rtr-unlon of the Citj fr*_ '?'} \?.i- In 1.1, v. ?terdav. m ?he i:?i.'i* -!. ?Inn. h The de votional .?..iii-e- wei.ndncted i.v the Be?. Mr. Aiii.iuii.n of Hail:, i. "k- The Preabytery compi ? mi. In? m Berg? n. l'a-".?n . and ll.niton Conntii in ? l: I he I of i oiiiinilt ii .nit- in V. i hnii In- I- . M , in. In1.. i of ?ih ? Ll'?-. HulloKIV- IB Ihe llll'l-'MI I'.'llltV ?oll.t-, I'-' id it, the trial ol r*rf?l?*rl?*h E. Honald, the defaulting (lljr Clerk, waa poatponed unid June M, on .ml ol the al ei-iii?- Of ?Uli --'- Ailed Town < ml, .? ?In .. I. ,; the |. I' I"?' Ol Mi" -'liiini.|.-i.'i. ..t N... 11 .. id.u , and i ? m.' di* ..*. red I from a i ?uu taorj mndow to the grouud, and m. o I.- a at. -p. i . .it'em | it tu i -i ..p? n s callus a feue? m lm ri m oi tin i . n-e, . uiiuht l>* (.'luirles Wright, ?um hold him natll aa attasi aiilisd. N'l.w AHK?The |iii> In tin MUM of B? tint Mill.-i, ?hi? ..i and hilled ni Martin Piiedman? rendered, *? I. i ila? , ? \. i ll.-t of in-? lib n t it I -!ii..,liii_ . . \ |h t it .mi .. In ?-ir. ni,iii. hu. "Hui; iin -in .t . einii.iti..- to mahi a boulevard of the newatreei on the atntthbaah oi the Pai it. in m.1.1.?tie priman meetlnsa Were in I.l i..,i iiinhi to . n 11 delaealas Is the ?Trenton **t.ite ? onTenilou. MOBBISTOWB Ih?' I'oliinieii. i in. nl ,f Hii? Moni? Female Inatltuts were held on W? dm--dm .-v. n im-, m iin- Niiitli ti. Preabyterian iliurcb. An ,,! ? red ni u?- it, t ??*, u. Nll toi .m, i? 1-. of Kewark,on "The Moraittj ..f i. in. jiinn." ?hi i u.n i. Iba-1 iiini.ii i., a o,?ni . \. ?, Im ? ..i the i i.. hold lii-t.tnf. i" I . mutions, lectures, a dlakigne?, and a dehnte, and were ???i ,,w,',l by a piotiii-i?.ile concert on toe IuaUtme e.n,1,0? _ roi.ick R0__-8i An iiiikiiiiM-Ti in.m f?-ll. eiily yi-tttertlny, from lui ?f?. .1 In'n tlie .li.rtli lt.r,r. inl ?a? ilruwu?.. . ri iSliitrkey, ?g?, 12, .inri Rir linril f?mt 13, vert .Iruwteil, ;e?Ur.?;, ?hile -itliing la Newtow? (ri-ek, f, |. Mary ('?uroll, ?ge tl fell, yesterilriv, il?)wn fie liaarmeoi itiirt al i-l?rir in?l ( _r?-_ ttt., mi '?.-eire/l a .????.? _.|;i aaaal .loim Cmtrf,aaa#,-ad liia kuee fi_e____L rog |j-? ?iK'l ?iota a klu'. at Seeontl ?te. ar.'l Batealt Tlit* llroolih ti Police ('?uoiiii -i?,tiers reappointed Cap?, t.tinadra -??lenta., U, th.- He?, nib |-ie?.n, t. in.| ft.?, ? I Baffe M '1,1,,i n,. js?T>ri .Dtrr TboruaH McNauiani, ?t saloon keeper at No. '211 _a__. wWa__hf a?r?-l?| ft_t _l_ae1 tasa?f Nu. Il vi*?i.r- e ?t.arri'.i aly tbat be i? uot ta ?r MrNamtra wa? ir r,s__ reaunltr. It w;im nul ?lie Hiv. Alfi'?l Harria o? II<>lH.k?*n who ?Ifetre-l kafcft ike IsBaissB Msi-et Polie? Coarl. last We-ia an liii.ii , i'.-1 runi|,_?i.iiit, Itut il.. Ilier ui.ll whu ifire lite SMat cms? laata, 1 won n known inen, l.ito on Wciliicsday eveiiiiiir, astend Kile.1, imiior atare il One-banitml-? ara,, lad artn r,.lil?r? the tlh ?h?? dhaatetaJ l>? Wm. Vi-Nutt?. Il? ut.? |.U?i to.le??*? ii?m, ?nrl wia arme,y ?Utiticl la tl.e irita uni b) ont of (hem. 'I lie thierei '-t?-i|i?-i? w,tk t>-4. I lu,tu.!-* Kell, aire 48. of No. ? Ei_st On?- liundreil is.l- iw.ntT-lflb-it . rnnisiit'eil iniciilr. ibMt * i. 11 . .I??,l'i,< lnmet-,1 Ii r,.iiib (l.e i,i-ii| willi ? r??,,!rer. I?i- In.I ,?' a- tarai ,.?r? ir?ir. t v.-,? palatal ?lis-aie, ??.! ii ireiiiiueil la hare ti l-.l bints? II while partial!? lleno.??! ?farln?; an titir. ?I bisets I>e!U!t V-Cnrotier ______? wii-i Ulllllii, moil. \e?l?-:?l;i'.', to il,e Uw-h.iig of Mn. Agne? Porter, ?r -No. ?i Dwasw. - tlireatet,e.? ?lili D?t- ' 11, l.inn?/ ?..,?ri .' ?Ii? I ?.I Ii,!.,-" I ,,,'. A i?w itttt afierwtnl, a? alte w.? Rewa I, Id (-nrUi tea bet hniliaret. in ?. rtiUtjr. au'l ?he felt ah? bad l.c-ea iujaretl laterntll/. Ht. Marita eoaiiJerrtt her eoailitlun ?err prctriutu. ?mmXSBt CITY OFrlCIALS ACi'UTTKI). In tba Radaon County Court <<t Qnattei Bat n,e- Ihe trial of Chief .f polo?, I,. Mi V.T. Il uns and ? -._ ("apt. I hallos Mabou wan resume?! yester? day. Iht ?lefendaut? wen- charnoil with ?.eecptlnir a n w:,rd to recover |.ir.,(ioo woith of homl? stolen iroiu Ja nu s S. Noj is of Piivotiiit-iivi . and Iln.-st. ?ihout a yuar ii-?. it wa- alta ail'-??<! in th, iiniietmeiif that th?* defend? ant? " ere accetsory to tin-1 oneeahnent of the bouda, ? I irf-l.-lVllliaml teillHe.1: I hear,],,' |!i- ?,,',l,,r? aa id.- I..t it etV rn.r-il. tnt ?.-nt o. Xe* |,rl t-?<? ill*- il. I ? i ? . ., ? .1' \ Ii*'wuulii ire, ihe t..iii.l?; I l.,:,| I artatsd tfitratril I met S bstat .Ini'r SSaStS BcDcatM fr?,u St. Loaia ?hn i.le.1 if, ? I'll?, Isei'la i'?'l r, ? ? ' l( I," in?! ?11 toll tliat lie SSaU ret their, for ?S2.0I1, ; X.,rei *at i? 1 this, t?l tat otTere.1 4-1 tl le?, and I m? t ih? in.n in ih' Metr<>p..>liiin ll..-el ?nt piel hlra the ?tl?'; le ?1? lirer tie- 1 ta?. ?' i ??? i BH i?n ?ent il.em -., t?,.- tl.e .i. It day I I kri?-w I,?- lui ii t tastw Hi?- h?nr!. ?h. n I r-?i,l him. hot I Irnik hi? wort f,.r tii-.r , r?r k??w who th? were, ml ue.rcr ??-??, ited t uf MatasestssHeli liMlst Btw-Tstt in the hot? i tea-art t? the beata, bal ?m m>? ?? ?-e.?:-, was ? 'i tn Mr Bon ?M l>.? tba Ctuef ?aa nijlit it Ika t'aloa Bqasat ? t mid thit wti the ii.iu tbtt wit ?rota* to ret i ! r (hii-r ?e?( me |o M. Duoill to t?r that Norei i.lfer?.; f.'."> I rerairteii t?, th? rhirf lhat tl - .1," si "?? 'I ??-rrte.1. -e r_,.. .>!-. : bUnitl.t ai ti..- Metropolitas ?h.lel. ind th,- Cbicf paid linn > ks SSSt BMWaisg a Utils taojr eime In the tuiiuuhouta The .in. retired al I.M p m.. aad at BU rendetad a verdict ?.I not irtnlty, and the (?cr.iidaiits w? re U?-iioriil?ly ' .-? <i. ACyl'ITrAl. OF UK. (?YI.KS. tiiul of Dr. Oaacga \i. Qjto?, chargad Bitfe taaatag the daatfe of Mr? llaij A__a lanriaa by m.ill rn-flit, was coinlude.l >e,t,rday In tt t Court Of I r?ie?-ions, before Jadfe Dad-bed. Mr. Howe, tho aaaatl _h tat prttaaar( _B-i_-itta?_BlafBlffapaatttaa_t whieh he r. .(iie-ted tl?: Coiirt to charge to the jury; n,,'it th? m were the following: 1, 'I l.nt the a. t of 1-7.', lindel v\ hi. Ii, i,n\ icfmil i? naked, in effect and in laar repealetlieattofi i i .'. That tin-act of Is",.', under v. nie h lin- iinli?-?iiient la drawn, In aalar us it ??itern ami Latraataa tba pnnliili meut I? ex ?n,s> furl; ?uni void. Jaffa ___?___< iineii to? inuifeeitiitrof ifeaaa atapa ?irioii?, aad cx?e]?t.,,i,? gjOtg noted. The Judpe, in cliarg I d thai hy tl.e la? , f I??', tir.der Wkld. the pin ini-r Wat Indi? ted, aliortlon ie ?heiared to 1st?? felony nst? i "f>.??t-1, aa ______ by the lawotiatr ri.i i, retired, .-ml at Wo*? !? "k I i~t ev< nlngren flere*. ? fetdlefal n?.t ?uiity,and(.yies waadlacluugad. ? n-. remen tt. | A -in -?. ?lii 1 Kiiii-tliiiia?Win i IKDY. \ ?Nil K. Jjiiuu's neu Cleaning and Pyeinif '.'. n.?ach ?t Il icra g.ora?, kr., beau ils, 'laali. Titra il . I Utas ses Si ? <im is ut i;. nts'cnssiiiii-i;-.m?! s?.it I . -i ?I Str.w I!.?T?. P. Bas \wti-?, Hat M?iiiifi<*tiir?r. lit! BsSSSS .t. u, _r S|,m, e-at. I'vi.i"- 0. K. is the beat bonsahoM Soap in * ?.ere. I Legaol I!?i1Ij. B.aeait& Brand.I_U| with T)oo? n iVrtiT.K i'e^o-, s. RW-t,B. ?, \ KNAVE Bf POOL only will (?n ?a ?ilic ?im -, . os, Pile?, ' >.? ?.o/.//',' ?. Diatom* nf lAa Skia, iitu.i.1. , . ? li.. ?d,s.?or itat;hi lo-luit n . ?'. wart,sit l.icll , ''..'. ' Iksst cur ?I ] to '?i vean. 1 ., N I a -I 111 I'.?i Twenty-lfh-.t.. H*rw-T?_. ViAT.I/I V CARKIAOE. ..V ? llli.l.rl ANi, I AHKIAI.K ru?-l I1IVI.I?. Mil Kl. Tl CBADLB, *? 0. I.KM Is I- I'lllllAI.-. iliBrotdw.r. *.;;?? ? St S T_?_ BAXTER (.TEAM ENGINfii _ to ?. I II. P l-or Circilar ?r?l I'm? Urn t-lfrota WM. H n, ??ill.. I Parit-pUss 5. Y. ?pilK best nlaoe in New-York to buy reliable A IVtnb?;? lasDissMBd?, nrli tuliinnitile Jetrelrr, an I sterlinii S,lr..r 11 ?tu ?indi i iporltltr. CTRNlTl'l.K-Kiili nuil plaiii-"iiphols' I. At ?lr __tri_s_-l, si IBVTBO * BOB. Baaafcstat? tut w?x? ... I?, it] ????iiinil nal l'..:rlire. _jTKfG I I'KI.. Fistula, and Pile* radically cured ?77 without tl-e km'' etQ.n?, or ,i?*teoli.>o fioin buaitn ?*? . !n.|,oten>-e..iti iiMi'l'.ii,. II'? A. Hi-., ii. M h 144 I.eiintlon-t-e. Y ANILLA HKANS, Mcvicun.-Tho host quai v ?t. la .?ir iiu?:.t.??. atUmtttprise, TAFT L TVLKR. 54 ( ^KCONIi-IIAXi) SAFES, Sohl, or ? ' i-li/i ?./-', Bl -il - ( ?* M II r,-.; . Ne? Y,.rk._ Vi-Kt Hcfiiir? iitni. Nowpuit, S.-iratojra, aud Spa _ 4M LIIAl.Hl. .'14 Vi. i' ?t Seed Kir book. y. ..Oi.ooi a st. ,Htomsioo/'0 .??jikx)o?i TAKK ?aoattaon n^mon o, ?oo?, l?jei SB? on. Ol ? Your Choice. 1 oo? > ?too \IITII m (TSTiiMAl-Y l.MI'AKTlAI.ITV, ?mm I Oi.O HKAKTII ?M, HllMK U'lrS II1IS WY.YK .-to ? ?MM , ran ,*_ i ?too Fine Pictures i , ?too ?too lj?.lo<S)?t<S,l_?000<>0<,OOOOOUOO . i . iK-ito OP 00?>?,0?>0?>0?JOO?KtOO?MMtOO,tOO . .m. ,.,K ..._ i?-.oe^Mio.t<VM>..o?too<><i-<i??oo ? ?too Grant, .?..I BBB ,.,,., ooo ?^?i??se?)?)S?>oos?<?s<??*-too?-->o.,,i<i?)oooi_^ .-a, --. *-" '.?.?-X??SSH-?aillJ?)-?tjHlO?t?)0?l i?Ktooo?oo??otsaoaa??o?oo<xK>u ?KnK?>,sio.saoo<ioo . IBB gat _^1 1 ?xto Greeley, .<'>4*l>lK)001M)4i*rM>4M*-t .(.??.OO* .i.,,,...,.. ???? ? ii.KM OU#o?O0--M .UQ.V4HW* l>it?f?ilMaoot_loOa_H? Wilson, 4HM> INK? ?KK. ? ?>-" -I U".l>. ....( 4M.' II ..M? Brown, ?oo \ M ? .>'H'i'iHNN<?ii>iiiMHMiooana \ t.h it (MNl -MHI Many Other ??MM ,<? l-.OIH. Good Things i.\ ma i...i,\ Look at It. Id III I I Mi li.'Mt- . ? i atataa , "it . ,,ir?MI..,i '. . - ?aai ? TMl?? & Ci, UNIO!\ SQ,LAUE. TORTOISE SHELL JEWELRY ran* anaNM and aetu un V)H. ihk ? BROKA?? BROTHERS, LIGHT SummerFabrics BOYS', YOUTHS' & MEN'S WM lili ?VIO, OPl'OHITK tOol'KK INST111 11 LAPAYETTEPLACK, OTN-TI ASTOH t'l a? ? BALL, BLACK & CO, ?363 and 507 BROADII _Y, will continue the gale of theii IMMENSE STOCK o? BILVKR WABE, DIAMONDS, JBW ELRF, and FANCY GOODS during the SUMMER MONTHS. Ail -dods win be sold WITH? OUT RESERVE, at u GREAT REDUCTION, to CLOSE Till BUSINESS. Gas Fixtures of Boat KI.K?...Urt I'i ."-K..NS, BE'ma!??! in varrvty ? . . Bronze Figure??, Ornaments, Gilt and Bronze Clocks ot (la*-i? Mnann *nu v-jousto hot mra? M II', g?, g fXTAcn g_ by Mitchell, Vance & Co, .397 BROADWAY, \.Y . .4*j. meinuia ran, i . . ? . OBUMAS AMP ?,. .1 " ir? Jett?)egteetkmItht Bao?.?? ;'? ? Itetij* H ?rrotniblp in the srorla. i\' /?/??. ?.'?, ike '?-.. .-? ? ine PrtmeA. ire the I ? net '? i* art tot -it If a? ?niiHfriitre tt.nglnh). ?-!.!? h Hit tV?l (n ft* h ori.i. The <j_>i is of i.i irriaar to fa? re'ror.: ? ? ? ? w B. OUbl "John W. ?^viasibf;?? Ael. tmeotiltg 11 ' r*Aa'L I?. TlLLitt.v, <orrt?p..oiiink- a?-,.._., U ? rnriliallr invita? ?a ?itroiDa'i.n ' ."..?a'arivi.r ..::< l< V*"l'\l. I.A? 1 l\ I I .._?>. u-hiih, te ??FI (III. DEHIG1S- * (??icloalv?*. ri .lv?ir?-.I. T..r ? v(f-t_t 4?. I ? p in , M it.<l n . Andersons Hotel, ?in ihk maori ?? pi an. FORTY Fl.l'RTIT ST.. BBTTYKErt LKXI.Ntt uS 4'; I ? i ICI H AVB8., Mr-Ait <?H\M> CENTRAL : ! 1' ? SI'.' P. AMii:i.*-*O.N, lUropT^fair. f7e. SMITH & CO.'S CRUSHED WHITE WHEAT., aacnftcinrrsl at th? ATLANTIC KI.OI'R *J"LLS. BKOOBLIN N *? Ua-sl known prsTparaUou of *A li.a IurHtAL.ll m.?! E?i __laJU*| I for gtMa?j famil? um*. Kor ?al? by (irofftrs j(?-n?-r?rl.v\ THE GARDNER FIRE EXTINGUISHER! Pal.raKsl Frb. 14 ?ad te*e. M. 1371; Ma?, h I!. IK*.' The Last, JB?l B? Entirrly diflfrtn! Brit, rhrap?"*., \tS__iIw froin' -ni1 Sn and Most *.-.,? rfrior t0 oth^r EFFECTIVE. cJjj^Bt-n E^T1NU ,sl?* ?N ABSOLUTE PROTECTION FROM FIRE! It I? ?laavi mtmftai icsta?t dm, pcrfarrtly ai-tplt? >? asp??. > pro-i't ami ??cii-sl in il? artinn. It la in ilails une a*> I4|. aautai |.a, M?rufs.ttin*r? Rai'rs.i.i? I ? Dipa'tm. n'? tlirniiflioat lb? i.iuntrv, *u?l ha. u <-l M wurtb of p?.'|ril? T. ? ?iiiirrum.-nt baa ?Jnpt.,1 it for ?ta. pruiaftiou of Basal l'?l ?u.1 Arniv Pinta. Scad f..r iWarnpl *r rln V. 4l.T?IN HRiil'HF.H".'? I.r'.rt a) il LLY, -AVF,M?OKT4.Co.,rJU M ** M'KK PlllYAiE IlVs KI.I.IJ <1M ?i I o?b?r ?saiMIr,??. ?.* ST I ?'? \KM< "M1IH \ . Car. H .t-n ?. I ?ii-ru .i Basr-Tark (lb? aUaal ?ii-l l?r..-?l -tiii'isliiiii ni <'f Hi? trad la '.'? llvK-n;,iis? piiap?kt? .?.I ?atitaiatr? luinubrsl oa t?>|i ? . ' a ?alca on ~\nuion 1>V JOHN 11. DRAPKH _ Co., Amt? I > mi: Hr.iAV.ARr 1 A? KA*v A.vvt ash kail I.i. II. ? ii\ll ABI ? I I ? io,t >i h i i i n s tHCRANTON ? ? l \ i at m in i. *>. noB oi Wl'IlM'SHW . JUNE -'?.. a 11 or' I I ? SAMI'KI. M <I4N I ? 4 Missis Au uouasT. UY BANGS, MERVN IS tV Co., Broadwi I is....? W? ...i. , m K-Ht\ . 4 Hill'A* 41- IT; INtlON*4, I?. Tl.?* I IIIKUlt ..f Hi?- Kr?. J M. IINO.I. i _i). \. LEAV?TT ?N? I'.?, li?t? I ? . i -To.?, -..???? .i. Ti'iv m Liaaa? i * * ? . , r? -i K.? , no?. ?I iMi.s 1141 L "*l i ?OMi? \ I I s \ 1. T v . * , IIHKMHt I .?!*? 1*1.1 V VI K 1 IBKAHl ..?.pnsia atl*. 41.... ? III- I lollT I.' 1 ?*?' "' "' ,B?a-?. -W.u.i