Newspaper Page Text
? .' ;tttmtte NEW-YORK SATLROAY, JUNE 22, 1?72. '? PRICE FOUR CENT* ? __. . .. L..S ..( V0L- X.XX1I..?..INW- y,74u. FOREIGN NEWS. THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON. IMtWRTKO NKOt-^ATlOWS UPON A TOT, NRW ?HAMS. v;, Friday, ?fntio 21, II Thsj rori*rw*nt?livw? of Groat Itritatn bcfor? Alabama Claims Arbitration Tributa-, have ga Clrimoniii-, wt*?ere they will atay -ntutil trvro ?lio Americ*-s have not left for Paris, at tntendcd ?Wntt, bnt rotrtain in tlim cut. believed that the reason for the <han_o in th. g ramme for the movement of the roprv**sent,?tis that Bup*r4Mnoi!taTy i_rtk***i to the Treaty of V ington opoo a totally new basis from the ont Baitted -a>- Earl Granvillo aie now the ?uhji nisgotiations btstwison the Kngliah and Ame OoTssrntnonts?, The than tro for a _atisii>otor.v froto the diffieultiflfi whioli *iow snmiuud the tiavtio- ar<* believed to be iiercamnir. TO* TIKWS OF TtIF OOIRRNMF.ST AT WA-II -TON ON Tine rKFrTKNT ff ACT OK tt-tSC TKlNv-TIl? AHBlTKATOHS ODMSF.D 'lO INhlKKiT ,-*LAIM9?THB AMERICAN A( WILL NOT THOSE CLAIMS. (ARNERA-FBKSfl DlfcPATOH.I Washington, Juno 21.?From the latent t voitby infortiiittion rrceived bean there ia nor? ?to believe, en stat-rd in a rtscent Genova teVu tliat snpph-uentary Articles to the Trent y of V intrton uptrri n totnlj.v new bauis from tho ones mitt, ?1 by Earl Ql-_1 illo are now tiro eul.j?*rt o Hotitttion between the Biitiah and Amei s?ov?iriiinciit'*. On the oontrn-y, tlierc troth 'ii tho allegation iu eome < ton at (JsUit'va that at the iiK-itinii of tho Arbitrators, the announcement be m_?_'I hat t bo question of indirect d'tmag* iwtth-d. There Is the best reason ?"or bili,\ in? _t their brief sc-_(?n on the ltHh ini-t., the Arh ts>i*8d4-ciiU*l that such claime cannot pro'Kily < hefoTe them, and they moat thereforo be exclu Ou thin announcement being maio on the ?ith i it is mit appr? hended there will be any further culty in pro-eeiliuK wiA bnsiuess umier tho Tri From the beginning of the cotitroven**, the American statement ?f tlie case was submi to the Trihuuttl-the DritiBh liave contend?! none bnt direct claims wtrre known as Alai <Mi-iim, and that the iiidxrert lorssea -ere Bfefe?. i by tho Ainciieati High Commissioners, notas*! hut M grievance?, and were men tinned only I ?withdrawn from discussion. Our GoveiB.r.'ii! the other hand, has always ?sontend? ?1 UbbJ I Claims were within tlv province of ' and it therefore lidiarte to and never cont nij.l thoir withdrawal, it being considered j? > BBBB* piYwrnt theiu In order to have a ?!??? ?.-inn find pre them from beinR broBfrht up hereafter to ili> the harmony of the twi nations. It 1." known that the supplemental -t?. ti? 1p t< Treaty of \Yasbingtou was proposed in order t lievetbetwo nations from their anta.'onisti. ] tions. Bnt while the parties have been in TC??ipondeiice regarding the anieni.? d ptiraseoloc the urtiid?*, and diseus-ing the subject of ]m?."I?> ment of proceedings until tho next s?*sh?oii of < grims, the Tribunal it*?olf has come to a daall which renders further emtroversy ?rn those po unuetxTssisajy, and in fact has settled the ?in?-su,? a manner satisfactory to onr Government. S? l.'iry Fish, in his dispatch to Minister Sehen?* Ai-ril it;, r? iterate? tie views previo i-Iy expr?s anfing: -uat Set??t thai ? fita' not liiil.lafur tin uitliitj t M t ni result? 0 Ha-s'iili-nuii <.r nntiita?Urinal Tlolatk?u Pi It? unitr.i lij.nti.iiii?, the riui?'?l -atea vt ill unb(i?.t.itiipl.v 00 tin il.-eihiiiii. Should t? on the Other tun.I, i!in irle . f .r.-.U lirilfiin 1"* to thin (.?nvcniin-tif In ?saaeaiiaJ resitlts, tern have tliat full laitli in Jinti-ii o..sen.mi 1.r. i?...??-i..ii,, i- 41I it*- ' nffafsment? ? i. ji .'?'iu?*,';' <il ?!i.' Tribu WM1 It a kImu trt??tv 0. crs ?.t.-sl in order t?. Mk_0*~a r.n.l Btlkw. nil .'oiiipi. and ?liilins 011 tli*? pur? *?f the Vuited It?tM." To the jmiguient o? "eh tribunal ol.rii pronom: the Fniteil t*.?tes wfll implicitly lurte. 'Hieve.' tlenlly expect the saiueaubmi-"i"ii on ?M part of great nation with tvhK 1 they enteiod into hu? h ? oblitrations. Of ooarBe Her*4ty's Govi nient must bf satir,S?o? trith the <k?jisiou of Arbitrat4irs, excluding the con-ddei ?ti'in of iudiiiit ?laiins; and it a thon-hi lier?- lhat, in ( stviuence of th? action o_ the ti ihunal. the ndditi.. ?sTtiel?' to the Treaty la 1-odB-nd I Bl and will neeordiniflv lie altogether with liawn fi the i (?1,tin kemakk- ?>k a mann ok t__ ?. imt? rnonABixiti ok a kailike of x TltLATV. |BT TELKIiRAPH T?S TUR TBIBl'SR, I Wamiini?Iiin, 21.?A m?nib? 1 at tu- CaM ., who tv? II iiifunad in BBffard to th?, the Ai ?I.nun.'1 uai _? Ni.'.tai-y Hah lua.? If. ? lo-tlay that there it, no more laiitrer of the fuili ?if the ? 'rent y than ; 1? r? ? ver --vus, and th_t t ? ? p; in inay j-. hi assured *. hat it ?? ill not fail. H? s: furthert'iat he had _i douh! i*ut Fntrland wiL' 1 cept the*,rmi'iple ),c.c down ia l'ie supplement? .?tu h .us ai? ended h. 1_?-t Senate, that, iu the futt, ' 3to cliuius ; 11 totaattoi damaged were to he made jnteieouiK? bel ween t_? Iwim.i?iii nef., und tliatt: >jiaii<i aaa note al ??.t.? la the pri-unt Tiaatj th, ? we have, am! we can ?iliiil to >* :u , v-'lule lb? ?."i BaOt. _ JKANCK. s?HteiB IN I'oi.i Hi VI. AHA-K**?1U T71 III. 01 ?,... IT. LA HOW 11 I WI.IS i'i:i.*IM.\T THlEi:*? A> Of IHK I'!..lit -TUP. Pltf KMU-D I'Vi.ll.NTOK TII? Wan IKDEM.MT?'*. 1'aris. Friday, June 31, 187.. Political ?iflairs are apparently apitronching rra?ta?. 'ILe Hit?i\ . ? nf .ve?U;I<3ay bftWO.'U the dfl K?-*.? <" tin Kiiflu iu.I M. Thiera leada to a ?y?_ipleteru tore iVs-i ?. if, that portion of the A-BBflaMy and the Pre; dent. The j*t?inbei. of the Kislit, to Cue number ol 35 lut ve ?JiKse beltl a uieeUiu', at which n\?urroiie? were mud BBBBBBBBJ? ?? Kreitt k'inatlo? at the ?ttitnde of th ein? I EiaMu?.ve, and it wan re.???1 ved to leuTatM, TUJei to rt-Jy foi aiippiart to In- Adiulniatiatii a ii|*o the parly jji llie Iy-ft. la'iriii?* the (te?i?luD of the A--eu Wj txi-il.iT ili? (Jeli'iTttti? ut Hie Hiifht 1 'in nioTicil tli Toike ii'Auuiili to a coufetrnce in the coanulttee-ruouj The iii?m-t*in?if tin- Mini? ry all tendered tlielr reai* ?ftlon to Pre.i.Ji-n? 1 niera tv fore hla Interview with tl? ?tl'.'etoil? a of tin- Kit/fit. but t'iev were nil persuaded hi ? U?r Pi? .-r.leut U) ssrllnliaw l-(ii l??i?__j?ti01j_ to-day **av?|li tin* ?.iiiirl?' B_*apttBBl ot M I,ar. y, tli? head of th( Jj?'i.,i?rtineiit ..f HMt Ts'i.rkr?, tv ttljoui, It appear?, th? ?Vgliitfav? iiffereil indaeeiueiils t.? p? irsi?t in ni.sdetennl mJ-vl, TIj. <1< IvgitUe ut the I>eft tue ineui lune <?utr\ eprsAuiire i-t lut- ex]??H't?>.l ?ruis 1.1 pui. ?? a?aii?, l?ui nta??t_in an oiiiwrtaut intrilml?'. It _4>)M??rK that the ?ouater prop?sala of France to fieru_a_iy ut the matter of the early paymeni or tbe m ?leiiii.itjr it* the lutter weje not u.? h?| In-en reported ?iii-pHi? lioil u> Berlin *.?ter??1? moi:,.lu, hut neverthe lenB a fat-oraaWk solution of th?- aegoiiutlo-a? laetweeu tha twoptiwera f?Jf tin aiithipatios of payaient?, and th?* gradual leiwl of French ?oil from mined Oscupatlon ia i?_p4<4'iei) <>ii U ri** min h tbe aume a? ulieuil} ?tatted. JBarifuerit?' LflCUan?*, who waa tseutciicctl ti. ,l?ath !,n ?V? luui'dtr of her plataaBa. feat kaaa rafrttfaa. KPAOr. mE jjinistrt baio to fa voit nn ?r.rARATiON ??I ? ilLJ? H AM? ."1 All-. MAI.HIH, Friday, ,Tu:ir 21, 1*C2 It it rt'portfd that the S_?at>i?*h Misiatn Imvc tVBflarvM1 It favor of scpar^t/eii of the Church ond r?tate t_ Bp^in. CUBA. jorrF.RHrPTifi?t <<v ft??Banne ommniCA TION?KEFORTEt? DIBAhTEBS TO THE IN."i H _M Havana, June J7.?Tbe sUtaiuKliip (.'oluinliiu, otktob arrive?! at Raima la Grande short of fetal and oth t-wht? Iu diatre??, hu? left ?bat port ??*504jnjpHi?ied ^y a v. i.r.h Will convoy her oloiji* the <???t of Cubaa.d until -lie Icstm Kpaolab waters, tavaanl ?asacroent? ladween the loiur?*cnt?? and regnlur tr?M.|.a >ava tatel/ (-ken pi^t, la _ta_Mai l>?parU_?wii. The , United Btetet steamer 0_ni?nd?i1?*_a bas arrived at Hilvanas Ocn. Ymlanand Capt. Varonawere ? xr JBM on the l*th, at Puerto Frlnrlpr.. The business of Havana and Matanzas Is paralysed ry the Interruption of cable i-omniiiiiication with tlio TJaited Htstes. Hivana, June 20.?An laniirpctit letter cnrrlcr, while conveying dispatches fro*Ki 1-resident C?spedes, was cap tirrcd by the Hpanlsh troops. On his person was a letter from C?spedes to Gen. Modest? Dlftt, ort?erlng tho Qen f ral tn ennot-n?rnte his torees for the purpose of aiding in a grand movement In the direction of tlolgnin. The Insiiri.<-nt Chief. 1'epilio G_U__a, and M men, armed with Ketnliurton rifle?, suiretidereii to the Bpntiish fortes at I_? Tunas. It it reported that the steamer Fannlo lsnded a cargo of ?men in safety at Cay?.) Romano, and then steamed toward Nassau, and that the Insurgent* cm i led bar ? ?it-v to the inaiiiluud. Tlso report requires _______(__ CANADA. ____________ DINNER TO LORD LISOAR., June 21.?Tho dinner to -_J*rd Linear, lb? retiring Uovvrnor -?cneral, last night, ?a .in a splcudid aBuir, and was attended by person? of distinc? tion from all narts of the Dominion. The choir was taken by sir lingh Allan. American Oamst-t-Gcnera. r>__*tatKl Mr. j__?*-renc. of Bhode island, ex-Mlmster of the United States, were among the gu??t?tB. The former replied in a very lorn? spe.i-li to the teaist, "Tlie Presi? dent et tho United 8-nte*." ?*The. health of Uni Llegar" ?ui very warmly re-ceived. i ? lily his Lordship prophesied a brllli?_t fnrnre for tlie 'Dominion, i_d paid ? high ?otnf liment to the Cana? dian Parliament. Ile illudcd te tho great measures ?nissed ,?iii ?us- ins term cf ol_oe?the entry of British<_ ipnl'l* nuil Manitoba Into the iJHitiiinion, the I*_/ ifie Knllraad net, <ir*. Ho 1 ?U4hat ha sheuld leave no eerl ?< i. i/iilii i.jtii n ?<t his suocttssot, of witsm he spethe in vary ln?:h ternie, sn<I raid his appointnwut was evidence ihst.preat jmins Ihm) been taken by the Oovern tuei.t to seud a worth*- rep resciitative. OUT-DOOR SPORTS. _____ J7KNLK? REQi.TTA. SMITH Of TIIK ATALANTA CLUB A I.O?_H. I.iiNDfiN, June 21.?It is now eaid that Mr. I". .Smith of the > talanU Boat Club lost both heat? if the Hetrh-y sculling matoh, yesterday, lnst? ad of t>-ie only, as was at B-st aupptiRed, that hu has been le elated out of the race. smith's ro?moN. I.-VnON, _____ 21.?Tlic follow i ns* will ex piHintbe poHl'ionof Mr. ?smith of the Atslantas B. the connnit ut Hoi ley far the ?lis nond sculln: Mr. fmith rowed in troth the aet-tond an?! sisth heats on Tbur ?day, winulng the? eond but MtM ?lefetitcil in the t*ir b, by Which as the .'jiter ol a heat ?ie vvasi disentitled to-row In the nual beat, whld- wns re ?ted unlay, ard trmnrom bv Mr. Ktiolh s. Tin t? w?*reten co__pftit<irti in the?,,fit?* f,,i t. !?? si nil?, niirt, until the aaaaloataa ?>f U-r sixth Iio.ii, ,li,' _a eheuii ?___?_ ti? bavo au e_?<ikut .____.. for viuoi). ,-?_? Till. TOBF. II ISTIC i'AUK RACFP. Boston, Jun b 21- The fourth day of tht Mystic Turk rac? mi won attended by a larsrc crowd of (-?ti , i.itoi-s The ?race fo- _:? horses was w_i by Kar gaat. , - e Phil 8 berlitou, be.itiiiK Ht. Elmo, -J? l:r, I:. Hill, C7_t, All-ton, Hi |lea, .Hack Prince, Tommy, snd Lady I older named. Time, '_:_._, _:'_?_ _:..|, r.JOl ,?-t. I.lino iron th< i first neat. The. s in Susi ? W4K the purse of 12,500 for horses that neve.r be it ...6, hnatlin o. m. Hiintriss, at_ a. ?. Baa Koiitii Tune. ____, ?-:.'(,, .:'-6., Mtg\ tttj\ Hu.itr._-. -un tlif tlniu, ami M.i Foum the secuu?! lisaf. IIASK-M.M.Ij. 1_M mati-li fat the Naw**J-__8f champion tBlp. )*? ';iyr.l lit __?_!)* Fair fptOmOAo, a t-terday, bt> twi-en ibeRi-olnf-? of I'ligiiticth and the rh.-iuipuuis of Jersej (it-y, euded :n a victory for the Btsolutos by a .score .f in to 9. _ tuf. i-tati: simiaysciiooij ooMnomoar. i:\vkh, N. Y., June 21.?At tluMat?- Sun? day _u-ho<.>lTi-ach?'jV(:oiiv<-ution, this loreooon, tin MBM Btati ri?ni S-cretj-y reported that 428 at_ao_ liad re portfil for i>r:i : tlrt were tlft.aoo papilain 'aifKK'ls, Htid t?r-,i4_> '.?ailiers; that there kai I? ?n lit.iin <?..,t isions i the ir.niii,? r of volumes In the I hi arles was 7"st-,-!o. it i\?is raaolved by tin- convention t?? raiat bt.ioo tur-t-ie expenses of the AftKoclatiun th,* B__tt ?ftt nioon Mie Convention met In a git vt. rievernl t'mu and paraoni __. preaeat The infant clai ie\ icted bj If, Mortis of New-York. loruiotl it iii.u'r', d f. ?iture of the session. The Coin? ntlon ad ? ,i tins evening wlih the best of foaling. Beaela tioiis were ptiSM'd ?-\pr,-s.-iii_- the olneets ol tiie Ae*ui.i.k ticii. and of thniiks to the cilizeii- of Norwich. TH2 CONTHAtT .tQ-UUBBIOMICBS-OLDCX-M RACTS AITROVLI?. C__a__-_____M-_ Siitlicilaud, Van Vor*?** and JiMiUee met BBBtB lu the Bt. Jame? Hotel last ? veiini* for the purpose of testing the validity of certain (.?lilt?eta for paviug the ?tro.***. The first cl_?m??ille.l m ut .lames Gearty, for paving Fifty-ftth-st. fiotii _.i.;lith i.Vf. to the Hudson I!iv?-r. Mr. Oeirtr teititlrd tbit iie wn a pmc*:ril p?rer. tlif the ?",, hn'i lieen don? am,ring- ta lli-t )l bid l.een l.'?-.l In I ? ,rl 1'ul.l:,' B_tkt| Bt -I...LI the Hitn ?? t ,u wliirh tie work wat Anne ; lie bul l_a_rf_. It [" r ttO\ ?it tit? ptiiriiiit r.t the ??.o tirft r.*ru tie CoslfaBtrj I'.. Waffc l??il ks_l .liirit i?, ?i"._t teu Uionrh?, ?ik* m.i tjeerlv us ?._ it ?ben it wn 6rtt imii ; Us asatiart lat Isgp-g tltfrAura-m. ir,,m ii'oaiiwir to Kifbtb' ?t. liu lieen i-rn|'let?_ MM li_e, but b? hm ant v .'. ie?? ire,l anr pir f..i it h? bad ri?teirs1 *'i |er ?tat <ia bit r.ntrttt tit: ?.n.air Rllr H-.' ?t.. from Il"u?: - . aklek wort htd teta dent ttUaftctbri ly, Ii.rnc bee? rompl?ted fur uri__r. uf nlua in. ?lb-, TrHH-M Oetrtr teatifled tbit b? aria the ?eai/ar? tam Jtinei Pin p?lri?Ji .if the criritrict Uo rsaattafl ?r,_ eur!,in|r flu r.:/jth-i_, from I Litt Hirer; the ?__?- look at.ou? a MSI tari t bilf, ?ud bid Ut-, proDo-ne?-! by the latpt-lort to be all iig',1; he knew of no r.-tton wbr he hid out been p?id for thi work, eieepr ij.i'. there waa . ? in the wty m which tl*a cotitrtct hod b?en atiireniae-. Mitthew Fainl tertild tint the n c -tnrti he htl rac ?ifd frurn Hit ri? fei pirmt bid all l^eo tBSS?M i-rnrJinf to the ipe?_trat?on>, no < on riant I..-1111,'luili-I'?' |.i,,|,?-.t?-i,?'l_.i. _? Is lb? wtf 01 I mot* ?ta J'j_t, ou ?II ii.i uit.-o-<-'.t thart *-? still 110 pet cent____ini_| ( oiurol? Vati Vont here read alt-tiff from Mr. Van If.rt, Com miiiiorirr u' Pabla VVorki, ihl b utieil tuatso reeoul esaH te fotnd if one uf the cutrtcla ?latin,! la Sata hotn ete/uleti l,r M. Iliird, but tbit h?- ?.pputed Uta surk sat June ki.d< r Iba J IM-JSB ul li.e D?ii_iri_iiU uf P.r.i. ?illlim Biilrd teatifi'-d that bit roritri,? f,r pitlni? Fortr ISh _t., from Fourth to Midi*oii ??-?_?.. bid been SSlitltl lulllj SI1 lllll. btllM ; Lean romp?, ted f"r oter i jui, be Ua. Ltreu paid onlj "(1 pet cent ?tf __e ' ?;...'i. .1 ti h,? I'.nlrtci. Tboma? Feiler le?liBi 1 ?at be wn tba M?lgr.?e for Tbomaa Owes, who htd fui m rlr h?M th? ?_?ntrict for pirini/ F.fib ?re., from Oh lui. Ir?! ib'1-iliirti'eth to Oai honilrol iinl-thirt? e?ktb-it ; be had al W-jIj InitUsi tbt tuutrtcl, but bad rastiTtd uulr pail?f b.i pa/ from ii_> C'untiiillrr. itmea IVIlklnt, a Kiflh-aie. pror??r'T-holJer. aaldtt?'l,r theoi-lntne? of 19?57 the propertr-owu'-r? fr,.i? One bandred tndthirtietu to Ou?._-_d red tn(!-th:rtv-thii<l-ilt. bil lined the atrret thermelte?, lud that now tberliid tateated 9IDO {srr lot atom to pt/ fur| ttu Cunl.-icl uf The ?'ornmli.Ionert nid laer would bare tba pttlaf aurwefsd and r?> po?t net? ThOrid?T. Botert McC'briatie tettided tbat be had not jel rec-red paraent tor tour l"??ri ht had baill J. V Mmor teatiloi that he waa aaelgnee fer B. P. Brady, aad bad hallt a f? r in Fifn-th it a? oordiiii tu iba ip?^.a, ?uuui of iira-l, ISM IfS-t, for which be had not jet been paid. I). MeUrith te.iiled that lb? cit? owed bia *iHi;,n?Vl fo? patlntr, and j M f' ?!.'!?'? teit.Bm *17,'<l0 m il.II doe bun lui re.rabu __gbtT aaraslb ?_, from Pint-tie to Ulier. A ? . - ilir.lTi!l,l ?Ld ptmed, with the Hceylkia of i I BU M it HaB-B] eremnii;. niU'TAl. AMAUIM Mi. had Donahue of No. W West Saventeenth-st. qo?rr.lrJ wiih an ??known ?an in Seventh-eve , ?est-id-i?, ml Cnilljr ??4?ultisl tiiu ?lib ? ?Tiiib, l.-ic-rj| tao ?tv?r? ?eaip ?miD 1- I'u.a-u? wii artest- i. Darin? ? ooarrel brtw?en Patrick Flood, the driver of t Seroct-iT?. Amt, tnd Jobo Hmilh of No. M Willelt at, in tbe liower?, litt nifbl. tbe Ijrrnr? ?truck lb? Isttsr? ?it an iron fir nook, Intiirtitg ? aarver? ?alp ?_-nd. Flood iu ?riMte-1, and tbe wounded mtn ?u HUn to Bellen?? It..-?(tal. I (.?ri ?? Hill of No ?n (?liv.rrt. qn?rr?l?rl with I.iwrrtv? Letlrlirer, la?r -,(i.i. arid ??? lirating bim, wb?n Kit? Hnith ?Ir-u. k Ihr ?aullad mi lb? lirsl w.ib au ai. i -ri k time pans aa-vrre aralp wuuirdi lb. woaaaa ?a? milAmlioil, and U?11 wat taken to Btlleva? limp.til. TEl.EfiRAPHlc NOTES. _The Lf'Kislative Assembly of the District of Co.'illlab,a ?.Ijnuiiird linar dit leiterdajr afternoon. _Tlie Kanenil Ball dinner to the firenadier Oaard baud bv t__ Bnlilb r? i.ii.nli ol Uoiion and ridait; ?ill b. file a Jol.? I. _The stenmer Idaho, which was aground near V ia-'or ?. lu? tmm toi ?9 ?tul it i?, tliat lb? ? ?liornl?, ?Lob ?a? tuuk ia Ibr Oo'f o' I,? irn ? ?|'l I? rajsrl. _Saeretarv Fish will leave Wn-hiiitrton. to-day, f.,r gam-Tott, eoi willg?thmm te 11...-I..U. t? attir.1 in ?bat r.u. o?n ? rs-k tbe inesrlmj of lb? Bo?M of Traatae? of tbe P?_bi,djr 1?acaliuoal Fstad. _Msyor Gaston of Bouton, has vetoed the order Jim?-, hi ibe ?it? ?'osinril fur ?i-a-mn? tbr PuMir I.ihiarv on Soudan. Hi. 14 tu.r a.tiierdbi I ? < n? .-.ilirii-.r. tbinkt tbe rarr-ln? oat of l M oMi-r wuul'1 i?i"j?!.'i with SHI. ? nan aient?. _About MO O'clock last evenillU a dr.- I.loke mil ut- lb.- 1 ?I .ni il Wtsaellaf, IV. t'a., il.slam in? in. lalraml ?!?sr ?,,rk< i ?.nui aaVMB. af ?i..rh D-ttitxiu ?i? in niusi.if p?itw?i 1 I.? br. eespeAtei b7 ?(.-?ia Una lb? eupoia. Tese ?.nil las- reuuill It nuce. Robert "Miiiphv and Kdtvard Sweamv, nx*" ?'.?.1:4} were ?I work v.?. -r u. tfteraaoa us lnlnk-?i Iluilnn u a ??in? ?taulnir, paintinf. whr-i ll.r it?*-r r?v? ?iv prr- , |>- taa ti 11 _ ti..- ?roaa.1. ? mmmOta at tt feat Tb'> arte Ukaa in I r I mat ?., ?1er? Jlorpi.? di?. ?no? ?ft?? t?1 N?r?ra?-v is nui l.kvlj |a r?. utt.m. ... Dr. Z. l?.ner?. leeenth fi??m t'liiinuo. iqiin-.n.-d M Frida r la'ifl I #? lb? tt m?n ? Stal r? .??<'.??* ?-nt ou in Kti In.i -? , hi?,1.1 n:.f liaif I. ? ?a. r ? ?\?,, tlae l.i-.i ;i,... I" I...I He ?niiooic .1 that ko d., il m re?o??iti?,ii ol Iks .?. i ti? i ?., a.? .?If mar. nn-l lull wooun. ilr mts lirratl-d ?m! es-ul Iu lb? ,b??n? a?) Ian u? iu?. _A jietition Bfejaai by the Hoard of Tradoof I Ban*? In, ,. ..'?in lia? I..IU . i-ni. mi afaml I*. . leiriii, lb.-i '?> uBi aal?. Ir., saas m lur (>.>??ri..r v.?<rr-?v, | i,, II. .1 Ih- ll.,u Inael'I. Ilali'li. Ibr w.llkla.iaii rl ?u.pivl A llw lir, ihii i , I- .,;..-I.d tr-nc 0? lb? O*aaitUI-**l<'0 *? frttvcst ?MMhawU la III4} .14*4) ( ???MaUsat. 1 THE BOSTON JUBILEE. m FIFTH DAY OF THE FFSTTVAL. TAJiXER MANIA FOB FREE PnOWi*?THF. BRITIHTl BAND AliAIN?IiECLlKK OF TnK POFl'I.ARITT OF TIIK ( 3-OBVa? I'lMMIFfl ON TI1K ?TAOK ?OHKAOFLL KFaPOKT ABOUT THE IRISH IiANi?. IBT TEtRflRAPn TO TUB TRi BUN R. | Horton, June 21.?There lift* liten no very gnat difference between to-day an?1 yesterday In the also of tbe Jul.ilie audience, rerbap?, upon the 'Who}??, tlie attendance this afternoon has faii.n off a ltctlc. This result niivht have lieen eil* ?ted from tlie lutcnsc heat of tho weather, which ha* B_B dnvajn awsy at least half of the patient crowd least? Itself daily on the neighboring streets and brldtet, for the <_Jre ol hearing the maslc gratis and toukirg at the irutstdc epectaceo. Nothlnfr, however, tr?n ??holly _rr?el rtic army of deaiDicnds. Thty will hear htat and ?nee of policemen and the tramplinr of horses, if so they only hear for nothing *-_at is advertised to cost IS. The Yankee pneslon for evcrythin-r thatmay be got free rtrcngthei-B them to stand ?for bears every fore? noon in the burning streets to see the anenagerie wagons go by, and rv_ tlrl.a tin m Into drinking quarts of Ice-asater In the slie-l lu?t outside the Coliseum,?-ecaust the Youui Men's Christian Association there dlpr It out raatls. A nrge circus-tent was pit up on a variant lot tu iir the Colleum, .last week, and every day anil all day ?-ong crowd-.* (mtherod near it waiting for the riders to make their t-umphil appear an?e. Aft? r three days ot expectation the show came along, and It turned out to be a delegatbn of the Young Men's Christian Association, fully ct-u>rt>t_ for a dally prayer-mcetiug. To t_?c crowd, Iiowcto*, It seemed t? uuike very Uttie dlffemncc what W was, 10 long as it w;.h tree, ana tnr teuv in wiiuu^ru j....... ~._-_, .. audience, ?apparently more curious lian pions, bi uevertlieleas, deeply grateful for shade mil u chair Tho only excitemeut In the i?erf orra? nie, tixl.-*- h been tin, second appearance of tho Iiiitih Hand. Th wei. mercifully allowed to le.ive asid?; their Ik?_t? hats eu?d wear fatlgue-esps lu tend. In oth respeta they presented tht aome magnificent nt-pc tvhleth rmpriMisritl the audlcune so strongly on Tuiuli, Th?ir rec?ptlon ** its even nu,rc rordinl than tnfn'i, ai tin ir playing seemed to me decidedly better. T':e an ture to "Beiiilrainldo" ami ui"t pounl ?,i airs Of Mr er?eer were executed with a richness, refinement, ?n high flnlih that no American military baafl f_l prest h, snd the manner, in which the clariomAt and II fitur Rupert, bassoons gave the parts that in an Ml h- B would IBVV t'cen renderod by the violin, .ii.tit to studied bj some of our own buiiditj.ifters. There we enceres, ff? courte, and then follow? d the ? UHtdtnary I tcrcbangr. of ________ air?, "(io?l Suvi the l.ur en" ?u tho " Staa- .Spangled banner" beini.' | laut?4 In turn, w? all tho lelli?, und thociLiKii, und the real ?,f the (_ ?Mtaa ?'InDfor. The whole concluded with "Au I_ing 8jt ic," ning to the sume stupendous ment. It wan full of ?V-arty feeling and tiitl.iiMariu, at all that ?tort of thing. But tas not the reerptlon of these Rrltlsh fircmaH? b?ien Jouta little nuet r I Ilot-tooi ?-?nveii tl:> m <m tl anniversary of the Rattle of Hunker II ni ?nul ??-okpiiii to remind tin-in of it. foo, iiDil miw thi'iits m tlitU fit that ?Id acipialutuii.-should ntt be forgot. Hut in J matrtl_Baa we must ov-rlook alten-atlons of all kind?. Tb? rct-t of the _____ ses. to-day, were of the miseellai e.,u? <-i,inert order, flrauin, us usoul, taking u ad I popular ifavor, and lindiimc I'et ctaka-Leiitnirr comiti next. The lady fully at tisflea theretjnirementa of a cu i-)-tim.-!Udioii<aC, luit tin cannot make us forget the gre? singei win?aaad i?, at aa___,ta is?,thefabOat soprani Her raice latks the as eettu ?.- aal uniform beauty? Mu,liiine I'lirepii-Iliiha'?, mi,l 1 am inclined fo think thi In t cr M c<uircrt-r?'n, the pafc'ic would iiet??-t..U in.mi 1 iiillr. ulin h un uiiiiotic?_ in thi? hug? pla<*, Miii afeaaa Iha naaOaaaaal her srt and the purity i her inUiiiatlnns, tin re ca kl M mim-K?*. Mitdiiiiie Arabella, (.oiUI i,l inaile ?er second HMBI anee ; It must be a wl'ji-ct of get. irai regret that ,* eminent un artist conseiil-d to play where her tilt til could not be ilisceiiied ?mi' her beet eTi.rls would hnv Matad. Ai' he piaiiO ik rfornianc?" Liai bOBB utterly uselees, am! b~\i _lie_ upon reiuuuui ears. The ch(rr_8 gave reniai Waly food vsieo to Keller' National Hymn, and did s_n.- otl.? r thiign not so well but it seen,! la in cr< e| ini.- aal "f its- pi-i-? in the Jubilo and taking a -ul,, r,limite p_siti_, ? nil w ich tho ?ici? ties r-ompofitt?* if are net tat) r wtll pl.-_e<l. They hav, citini; nt tlu ir ?j\w: i-xiH-ti.t.-, tuai y ti _fe__B from gr?_ dii!.iliciis, Inn. ,voil?,il ),;ir,l mi l?'".t. k:u riflceil tin., an 1 money, cit-wr for enthusiasm n art, or I r the sak? of ?rlory or fun. and they tlml tho.uselves baulked oi in .t ly all their niaient niiticlpatl-i.8. They have few opportunltn s to gXmfj g"Od nnulc, and when 'hey have then:, tlu-y do tbaciK-Ircs no great ?.-redit. XmOttttk) Momtkom tBaaaaaatrtial tint?.? ?t d-?.y ; Bow.tfeaj ar* led t.y Zerrahn, now ly Gilmore, now ly Abt, r?,w by Keller, now by False. The organ placed in ha.*, time, and with a rough bold voice put- them out, Iba ?lis? 1 plioe lsttrlct, the frei t;ckets arc- few, thtae l. abu_>_mit discomfort, though I i-jiu-t say ti?to is no diaorier. From the /tout the ctx r_s seems to be always full, and tho long cows of facoe piled In solid irdcr i-lut-v no cliniigt. fj-i'in 0:i5 to day. One Is ?mazed at the patience of men and women who are etippo?, ,1 t?, H1? ?'id the whole of tlieie broiling days on th?ir hard beliebe?, reht.reiiig all the rooming and pcrforsilng all the afternoon. Maoy bring their diuners v.,rli 'l.nn, nnd It Is perhaps l>.\ this ?lrcu_ataMe wo must exfliiin the appalling fact that they l_vt mountnins of aJirt among the seats when they go avay, and it takes a hundred men two hours every turning to twoep after them. But in reality the choras Li not regular, ______ ut paaattat or i?eri?,rn)B,_.c. A eustoa prevaiU, csr.c'_Jy among the ladies, of lending their tekets lo ______? who wuut to try the ia_____a of bit tilg among the singers without singing. II? re again tin- Dttton pmsslon for free shows cmiiee Into piny, and there anhuadreds uDd Hund? reds of young gills Hooping toallnannerof eubterfugea, In puttiDg on society budges that d) n't belong to tlum, and borrowing inttnk books which they can't rtad any more than Hebrew, fur the BBBBJBl gettihg Into the Coilacuro without puling, jii? chtrus is c.aseqoently half rilled with demi wro_. Ev^ryeir-ri Inn* been made to abolish the uucbri.tian practice ?I gi\ ?ng away one's ticket ; but ihe mania tat going n, i< ?, aaa____l with the natural projieuslty of women to ?u wh-ttevir Is forbid.? del,, has proved too EtroDg for tommlttees and their rules. This is one reason wh? the volume of voice coming from those 17,000 men and women so often proves disappointing. There arealwayi many Ijundred? ?perhaps some thousand.?of lummie? on the stage, and even In the orchestra there are nearly 40. There are aiugcra who, when tb4f come to the C'oliaeum, are alwayB faithful to their worl. hut there are irreat number? on the back bencbea -|o can hardly ?ee the con? ductor, and can never hear his virbal direction?.. _\ dun cult paaaagea aiifi quick patf???? they arc geaerally ?llcnt., Pcatteired through the ritt of the body tlaere are hundred? of other? who m ver tritt t-em.elv?-? to ting in the moitfamlliur hymn*- When the "Anvil Chorus " 1? given a multitude of ?Inrera leave tbt-lr Matt and run out door? to ace the trust flrcd. The cavernoua apacea underneath the chorua btnehea arc the reaort ef ladlea and gentlemen with a ta*? ?? ?andwlcbea and nlrtatlona, ?nd there, while " tie heaven? are telling" and Luther'a choral are thundering over baad, you may aec plc-nlc partie? of truant votaliaU eating bread and butter In tbe cornera, and basaas and aopranoa. tenor? and alto?, paring off awcetly for proinenatle or trying private and particular dueu ol their own in the remoter cloak room?. There la no doubt that th? chorua and audience are both getting tired of eaeh other, and while the Instrumental ninth improve? a? the ??rival goea on ?he inaaaive choral effect?, from whlch|?o much wu pre? dicted, seem to be declining. I ?-<> sot believe a chorm of seventeen thousand person? will ever be eollectM in ?oaaaaapa- Rail vaal most of the ?mger? win go I..ine mid tl.e Jubilee ?111 become a ?erle? of inoiiMcr l?,,.nli.i unir, rt-, an.I I ?ball not be mrprincd if the trenail ry benefit frmn the change. A Land of IM i ..?ored m.-u, "no- <Bfenral with buni> U n>rk,'' but genuine trt ?d men, are to chant, t' ? morro?-, the "Battle byniu if th?," and next week we'have "been promised Ci.neral Grant mil the Iil?h Hand. Hut, at?out ?.be IriHhuieii, there la trouble. At first tbey were auiioiiiiisril as the H.iuilof the Irish Conntabulury : but tlie (...uatuliui-ry i? not popular ?meng the lush m Aiiieilra. ?o the BBBBB ??? ?iidilciily rbaugi ?1 t<> the " N_iiounl Baml," which did much better. To-day however, then- i? un alai innig report that no 1 ?ml at all i? t'liinii -..', -uother report ?till more ilrcudftil, that Mr. (ii!,. ?>r?' hu? bean Imitim-al upon by un unauu'.uloiia c.?nlr.?et..r, who baa liouglit green ??.ala for ,s romp?an) Ul r(l jlllUg UaUtltlaU? tiia't'VfCiJ Up ID ItlC elite..- ul Liverpool. 1 ?hall not cMto-ft* th.? story so long aa 1 ?an refrain from believing It; bnt at all evenU there la likely to be a most eharurti-l?*?o row over the reeepttop of the triait, I, B. 0. n. JTJBU.F?*' NsOTKS. frtWKRAL PBRflSDISPATfrnl BsMToi?, June 21.?President Grant la ex VtcPcA early in the coming week, which will doubtless P'.ove the moet popular season of the Jubilee. The Rue-siau, ?pnnisb, and Portuguese Ministers, and the Hei retarie? of the German Legation, were taken on a harlxjr excursion by the Oty Committee this forenoon, Fraiia Abt wae serenaded this evening by the com? bined German Muhleal Poclcties of Boston. The drum of tbe British Grenadier Guards Band Is inscribed with the names of the battles In which the retrlment has taken part, namely: Waterloo, Corunna, ftarroaaa, liikermun, Alma, and bebtutopol, and the motto In " i>t>ii <f mrm Vroil." The British -ul German ?u.d British and French bands fraternise, but between the German anil Kreuch the filling appear* to be (hat of polite civility. Tbe French baud ha? volunteered to play for the Latin anil English High hchoi.l? ltVgluient, which drill? on the Common tomorrow. Thla is In return for tho escort tciiden-rl on the band'? arrivai in Bouton. Prof. Allen's cap'lvn balloon la one ol the sjieeial out ?i?lc altraetiou? ?car the Colbteuu . Mr. J. C. Loughtou, an eiju ru m eil aeronaut, aa-Msta? the Professor. lia-faiTe the clow, of til?' featlvnl eiteh formten bnnrt will L'iied a ?luv to select and pay itn own programme, and prominent Jsew-Ynrk bands will a'.ko appeal. Mi. Gliiiiorc will refcrvc hi? own tiisinl for a flnal perform hiicc, when it will do lucrwveil to60 piece?. WASHINGTON. SI-'.NATOH f-rK.KCI'R NOT TO BE flP-F.-KCTEll? THE NKW POSTAI. OAI',1?*?. |B? TBI.-fiRAIMl T<? THR TRItU NR | VVAHiiiN?;T??t, Friday, June _1. ?SH. Amone tbe Adminiatratlou Ha-nator^^incluillug Mot* ton, Counting, anu now??who n_uu _,, ?__..... _>.-. chance of retiring to privat* life, after the dth of March next, is Heiuitor Kponcer of Aliibaiua. From a careful canvass it appears that the Legi?iatur<: of that State will stand one third Grant Republican, one-third Liberal Re? publican, and one-third Democratic. At any rate, the Lib? eral? will hold the balance of power. The return of 8 pen,-er in any event is therefore regarded even by his friends as ?Imply impossible, as he i? extremely unpopular with nil eluase?. It is reported lhat ex-Banator Winner will airain be a candidat?*, und the fact that he refused sev? eral tenders uf ?fil' i ?Lin th. ri? , 'li-ut, a tul la violently opposed to Grant's reelection, given color to the report th.i* his chiineat are ItOO?. Py se?;ion 170 ?>f tho new po-ttil code, the Postmaster (lein ral if authorized ami iiir'efed to furnish and issue to tho publie po?lai cauls with po-jago stamps Im? press.?! u|x,n thctn, to bo transmitted through tho mails at one o? nt ?a?'h for BMBMfaSi orders, noticet, and other short coinmiiuM'Mtioiis ; and 11 util such cuids can be insu? ?1 t,y the 1?? partmciit, which cannot be done for Solle titne, th?' law ?..liliot go Itil?. lltecf, at there Is no provision allowing of postal r.irfls other than suchas ina> b? furnl.-lied by the Depai ti_ieiit it it n stamps lm plestall upon llielll. Tlie following Post Office changes have been made In Si ? York, during the ?.-. i . Ve ? nditig .lune .0, |___l Mat nmes? BBCiaUBBaa. Castas. QastaaCa-atf . I has. W. II wir! p. M. Kmnllln ftn'i..n ... lie ?war. C__rty.,. Ooatgt llarrli. f. U. ? iiluiui't ItepoL.holJiisn OsasII..?.ILit.l ??iliaiu, 1'. 41. i ,?, i.u. Cllmin. Bo'-It r. ('?matt !?<?_?trT?Ki ipniist-p. Pe Kttti.St l.nwrenee 4'onoir. ..I.?liti P Klnaib-r-. Matt Hire..Wettr.rtter Cownir... J^tn W Oil Bank B_____.. Raassalsst ('?.only.Anirew P. CsrssatST. Hull-... I..-ray-..a ('?unty.I'liui? r ( .siad. IMI'?,KTANT TOI'.ACCO DKCISIOM? INCRKASKIl PKN MO-ia aWlMPIIWO ON Si AMI- ? 1'HIiSONAL. KIINKKAI. PBK_ lllSPAT-ll.l In reply to a letter from a wholesale leaf tobacco dealer m New-Orlc..n?i who states that he buys leaf to? la, co ot iMiious grades, and in hogsheads too light for export, Htnl who has a warehouse, where, aftt-r assorting and classify nig the varions tiadat of letNM. a, he repacks if in m? r> hantable hitgidieads In it? natural condition, l hi ( i'Iuiiiibmoiii r of Internal Revenue any? : If you wi.h to know wheibei und? r tin* new law, you i au coutluue ri it aaastaaaa, ?n.?i -lu-tiur yon can r<i?ick leaf tobaa,, in ball ?. .r N and Kio pounds ?-ach, and seil the turneas well as toiiiiKo m t?i duly ?lllllio li__ deal,!?, in (aal tobacco, I have to say, m n-ply. lhat, uuiler th? new law, at a denier in leuf t,'laceo, von ?ran astort 1? nf tob?ceo and repaok It la hogshead?, ?-ases. <ar bales of any hit?* and weight you plea??'. Pueh hogwh? ads, eaeea, and bales row ?an seli to duly autl_bri_e*d dealers in leaf toba?-? o and cigar liiiiiinf-ctnrers who havi- pai'l tho special tax as euch, and to auch p?r-ous as are known to fea purchasersai 1? al tohiii eo for export. Uut you cannot, andar the new law, as a dealer lu Hal lobai bo. sell to puitiae at bar -baa those just named, at break llufcsbcucja, ca.-?.-,or bui-.uud it,tall, in i,,. It has ban ?lei n'ed that a package of fine-cut chewing tobacco of les? than oiu- ounce tt ill not be, under the new luw,.a legal package, even wiiiiuoue ouu, e stamp attached. The follewing circular will be issued to-nioiTow by the Acting Cotpinlssiom-r of Pens.on? : "Porsons who arc already pensione?! und? r the act of June?*!, Iff? ut ?Hin r of tin-rates ot lis. I.e. or f__, are entitled by t_*t act passed June s, isr_, to un rewseo rat?-?, and aiay secure suchlaenaaa without formal application ami w.thont tin* Intervention ol an attorney. No? will any uitoriieiriMp be reeognired In enea, eaeea. A utter fi un the pensioner, pensioned as above, _____aeedto tit.-s oib??, mcio-iug ins present pa?al?n oertlBaatat, and giWlig Ins pont -lb, c uilijic?e, will lie i ?ulli, nut pre-, n talion of hi? ciit_ui lor the increase. The o rtiBeaitt will receive su, h iiiiiore? incut hy tin? _____ as will aiiiliortzo th? p'vui, ut of tin lnt-i? a.?e,l r.ile, and will then be for? warded to the p.-L-ioii iigi-ui y i.i win, h the |,eiision la payable, and the p-.-._.ou.r will be uotiUc-d of su_h ti_j__ miftilona. Information has reached the Treacnry that paratM In New-York arc cndeavorlngtogwindle manufactureri and hi ewers by professing to be able to sell at very low rates ?obacco and other stamps through the medium of persons bare, ?ho, tber allege, ara able to seeurt stub ttampt without coat. If i? in?,lie-? to say thai all inch nrr the tll'iirt. of ?wiudiiti, j, ,..;,! a to impoae upon the pupjic. Ri ,.r Alrii'titi Joseph I_B___a lia? beeti detached from the , ,'iiiiiiiuid of the HoutU _I__I_______B licet and la placed on waiting eiders. Hci rctatv Houtwell w.11 return to Washington tomor? row lir.lit, and early next Waal Judge I'ieluii'il.-h, at j,paint ii.-ting H.eict.iiy, will icafo W.ii-uiugion fora ?BW Malt tO Kor t..11. DRAMATIC NOTES. A nfv*: comedy, entitled " Bohemia and Hi ?giat ..i, ' i.v Mr. Arthur O'Ncil, L__ bccu produced al the Koyalty Theater, London. Mr. Fechter appeared at the Princeps"?* Thcatfr, Loniton, OB tbe lllh ol June, a? Hamlet, thus beginning a ?ene? of farewell perf..rman. ea in the Eu gliah capital, prior to hut return to Auji m .1. The dramati?? attractions offered in Boston doria, the first Jul.l!?-? WOtt ?! und thus : At tin Mil-. i;.n, "The Vet? run ;" at the Huston Tlieatvr, tin: Vokea Family; at the Globe, Fox, a? Itnuiittu Lmmptg , at th? Bf. Jamo?, the bai, Fi.uu I?. >. Minstrel? ; at the Hon.ud Afheiiauni, "Lark Friday;" on th? Fair oiounils, Howe'? Circus. Mrs. Oute?, Bt the Union Snnare Theater, took a benefit la?t cveung, BUpeBTtag In "An AUiujing Sacrifice" aud "The Frumt Doaoa of a Night." 1 h?* l.tdv l? a meritorious, supporter of burlesque, she va? in taking her benetlt at the close of the im >:? ?i am! butte?! day of the year. The utte iidance. liai??? v? r. ?u go.ul. Th?} ?ame bul will be repeated th?. ail lei lawn iiinl everung. CRIME? ASO CA?*UALTIi:9-BY TELEGRAPH. _William l?e? u m. agi ?I ,"J years, was drowued lut ? wbil? Lathing ??"the Mr.r ?se Rirrr ?i lu??,?, _F. W. Tiet?, a piano mannfa? turer, was rnn over aud ?ills?] 1 j ? it-cuO?u>t at t i?,.i??I cruuitg in Allaaxy, j t?? lenla ?. _TTenry Lalrabee, aged IS ye.irs, of dale's Ferry, Cx. ?rai uruwu-rj wl_.c laiL.t? ,u U.? t?MM? nuit fleet m Tbnrali/ ?~__0 _Mrs. Laura French Itryanf comrnitt<*d suicide l v i'r. ?a.of ra-ar *f??i ni N H , ub ILuis?.?.?. M.? it?sr? a tutlatil ?ad two rL.lilr?. it boater?. ....Oporee Spelman, n?-cil 18 year?, wat killed in ff?r ??f.wn ? m i??t?r- ?v l-j '??-.r.g eaogLl la U.?r n.c.iLtr; ,u IL* Tailor Maria/?? tuner ('< _i| tuv ? w. f I?. ?Jacob Zib, who was shot at a lager beer ?arden :? Aitasv os We-us-ie-v tifli, ?liasl in wria;. w? ia t?p pmti I? ??ve thai Lab. ?lui it louo-i. _The schooner Jamaica, bound from Milwaukee In l'i???. witli wheat. r.[s?ij*l a_u io?k in dree water m ?mie Haioa. Til? ?law wilt l&t niej Hub ot lb? aa-ok ? wvtuu, were aaved. _A larjfe fire uriiirml in Montreal on Thursday ?lybt i? Meaar? bau ra-'l k Sba rj. ? livery itat I?. bur??:? weit bat Ltd. au?? * tar.?,- ? I ???-.iu?. kt. TI.? ??e? u ttCbU). ....(loldsniith B. Watt < 'it 1 Surveyor ami Eiigine.r ilVa? Tut ir?lii?slll I'.ki? ll. i; .1? tlai.r ?r??relv injorr.l. Isr l| Itr? ?ill. * 1-1.1? ?tul ?eC rubbed l.v tu-r | aitv untiown. _A ei'lliMioii occurred on Thiirt?lay night on th? dir.i Wettvr. ??Unid a.' ? ?t??:? l*-lwe?ii a tntget tn.L tat) a tr?i?l Una Tbe rra?ei nei? n~Uici-* Liatl-rr of !?b?rrrt. ai.r! ate ul tlieai ism *Wani ?la :l?_il,> anal ????ral ?lr?r? ?ara kiirI; 1a _r?4. Tie ii.?Mier raLaesi itlj a si |l i dsla? to uaB?. _H. 8. Stebbina'a b?aok, stationery and wall I?|'i ??tal 1 sLa.Lt m aa.ealu (?tau ?at hsjrr.asi nal ?IfH Ueet gil .<?' Ii.?urv?J I ? lit I? ?" wn,? n ?me,: t, ayants: Heui. ef N?w lirk ?I IM/ kaura-c? (?oiiia?.?; uf MairUi Amtt..? et I'Lilaalelpba, g:,l*X Krai.k: n ul I'L Udrliu.a t3,lK~, rsitiu(.al ..I It????.?,. ? 1 M I ?irtsslaa. tawJua a?d ?alula?, *J.OW, t_- 1'taai.ii ul Brueklv?, otjm ..The police of ChkafO ar?-**4<ted. yet-terday, a voafta; a?a aaaaesl Ksani, Irot. J4?.l.?aove ou ?. I .aiic? ti basi ig oti-t aaillaal a r< tii.rv is liai? c.lj ? ?In it luae ?go ?I d anainala tempi ?I ? il ?-'?tu ,? as.?-?? Ks?d? u? ? ?asa?? ?tat. a.1 ?i??I ?tail? _?l bl|llils ioibs?-t4sl A |.rlM*?i I.I tli. ilMa.?UHl? ?rir foul?! iu ?i? | a?a?> ? m s-l i.,.l ul tara. It laasl i|.?i??ar.i ul na-ii.,' ll?? n> oft al n. ui'ia? ?,..11- lua las ?.a vl< II? Ina?} ?u.lsr??? .aalt aaal will be Ukl ?Bill u?.sf" -wist ' im. feaMBMMl I TUE CONFERENCE. THF? MFETLNQ ON THURSDAY. FURTHER DCTA!*-}?A 8CORE OF srEKCnFt"*? ??RF.EI.EY AND BROWN STRONGLY INDORSED ?REMARKS BT I.YMAN TBL'MBULL, JOHN FOBBYTM, SENATORS RICE AND FO-TKR, HORACE WIIITK, EX-GOV. PILLSBl'R?, (?EN? HRlNKERIlOFr, AND OTHERaM. Tlie report of the Conference at the Fifth Avcnnc Hotel, last Thursday, aa presented iu ycaterday'? Tiuiil'.ne. was substantially correct, bnt a? theses eion vraa Beeret it wai neccMarily imperfect. Since then, however, additional detail? of the proceedinna have been obtained, from authoritative tources, and are givon in full below. Previous to the meetinn: It was stated in conversa? tion by? gentleman active in tbe matter that the Conference would probably be conipo?se<l of about 100 persons, including; ?30 Greeley men and about 15 determined and violent anti-Greeley men, while the remaituler would be persons whoee position? were not clearly known, but who wure supposed to be open to conviction. Ilia estimate proved to be nearly, if not ??int.?', correct. The map rity?perhaps two thirds?of those present were men upon whose opinion some reliance may be placed a? iiulicative of tho sentiment of the different localities from which they came. The rest were mostly young men of no note whatever, evidently gath?-rc?l from the vicinity of New York for the pur lone of giving Bupport to those in whose interest they came, and specially distinguished throughout the pro?'ceding? by demonstrative and partisan ap? plause of every thing that wa?s said prejudicial to Mr. (are? 1? v. either Ders4iuullv or politically. The niirht meeting was more fully attended than the aay set sion, but fewer representative men were present their places being more than supplied by the youn m? n brought iu to applaud the seutiments by the members of the FTt*e Trade League. Another noticeable feature of the meeting was th fact that it was nearly impossible to obtain from an: man concerned in calling it any iledaration of it objtrcts or pnrp<>808. They all held closely to th attested call, tmt no one pave a List? ry of the call o its origin, and it only leaked out in the oourse of dis casision that it originally embraced as on? of it? ob jeets the nomination of a new ticket. Ex-Gov. Co: niado a Ion? speech, in which he utterly failed t< state either the purpotjo? of the Coniniittee in callini the met-tins, or his own wish?? iu regard t<> the elec tion. Failing in getting anything from the callen tho members endeavored to ascertain tho views o others, and the first man called up was Senate. Triimbull, who gave some account of the origin o the movement against tho present Administration justifying it, aud advising the meeting to stapd kg it. The piincipal advantage he seemed to antii ipal< from the movement was the breaking down of tli? rigor and tyranny of party organization. At the instance of Gen. Schurz it was agreed thai the States should be called in alphabetical order v. hen the gentlemen who desired to give any in? formation in regard to their localities should hav? an opportunity of being heard. The first who re? sponded was Mr, Forsyth, a leading editor of Ala? bama, who said he wat absent fnnii his State at th?1 time of the Cincinnati nominations, and when he returned there he found the people running wild ?OI Ciceley and Brown. He took ground against such a?'iion, urged caution and deliberation, and finally m? i?.??led in (iiiieting thera somewhat. He was at first dissatisfied with the nomination?; but since then he had concluded that it was a winning ticket, and bhould be upheld. JJe thought that, with the Baltimore indorsement, it would* carry Alabama. Senator Kice for Arkansas next said there bad not yet been any regular organization against Greeley in his State ; the Republicans had held a meeting and ratified the Cincinnati ticket, and sobad the Democrats and Liberal Republicans, and up to the present there had been no demonstration agann-t it. He thought the negro vote of Arkansas was cer? tainly and absolutely for Greeley. Gov. English, who spoke for Connecticut. wa^a very ?le? nl(d In bis opiuiou that Greeley could ami would carry the State, if ho secured the H.-i'ti?tote nomination. Senator Foster of the same Stale, rep? resenting tbe Republicans, alluded to the fact that he and Gov. English, who isa Democrat, bad never before b? en in the same political gathering together. He agreed, however, with him fully at this time. David A. Wells, representing the Free Traders, said he tret at Cm? innati and was dissatistied with what vva.-doue there; that he had not yet been able t?j see what was in his own mind, except that he could not indorse Grant either directly or J_<_?rectiy\ He agreed with tin* two other gentlemen from Con? necticut that Greeley would carry tbe State. David Cl ukejof Connecticut aL?o concurred in this opiniou. At this point it was proposed to haJJtcii matters by permitting only one speaker for eacb State, un Itta after the delivery of a ?peecb some one from the name State desired to bo heard in opposition. Georgia being called, the Hon. H. W. Hllliard spoke earnestly In favor of Greeley, and said there v, .i, no doubt that Georgia would go for him by a lai gor majority than she had given for BBjy one since the war : that she had given 45,000 for tseymour, and dr. ?ley's msjority would be larger than that. This statement was indorsed by the Hon. 13. fl. liUl. *,y?o was appealed to by Mr. Hllliard. Indiana was not represented, hut it was under? stood that a letter had been re? eived from Mr. Cur stating that Indiana was in sucha a_a?_<atf __?__. biasiu lu? ('re? ley an was not often eeen. A recess wan then taken from eix to eight, at wincli lmur the Conference i'eu_e_bl.(J, und the roll-call was resumed. Horace White of The Chicago Tribune responded for Uliuois, and said his State would go fur (in <].y. lie had worked for Trumbull in the Cincinnati Con? vention, and was dissatisfied with the nominations made there, but now b? lievedthat the true _>.___ was to accept tfje ?sJ^ ^nj. "pake it win. Fitz l?enry Warfen and J. B. Giinncll responded for Iowa. The former is a Free Trader, and the lat? ter a Protectionist. Mr. Warren was very decidedly in favor of Greeley, but thought the Stale was doubtful. He would not bo surprised If Greeley ?.until it, however. He waa certain Grant's ma? jority would be until, if anything. Mr. Gnnnell h<i?<1 that whatever might be ?aid about carrying the State f.,r Greeley, thero was a c?-i___-ion upon Con? gr?s? ticket? between Republicans and Democrat? in putting forward Freo Trade men ; and he, though a Protectionist, would support them. Judge Stallo interrupted, saying that waa a conclusive proof of the absurdity of Mr. Greeley's idea of leaving that mutter to the Congress districts. Mr. Watterson of The Louitrill? Courier-Journal spoke for Kentucky, and made an earnest tpeeeh for Greeley from the Southern point of view. He said the vote for Greeley in Kentucky would be overwhelming. Judge Stallo asked if the Bourbon Democratic papera in Kentucky were not claiming that the tucceaa of Greeley will reestablish the power and organization of the Democratic party, and make it substantially a Democratic victory. Mr. WaHaana answered that whatever idea? any editor may have aa that subject, the ??copie of Keu tticky wen? not looking at it in any pBftiaaa !i?tif, but (?ui.-.-.iilficd mere!v the moral enfranchisement and political ei-uali/afion of the S.uiiheru Mat?-? among the State? of the Cnion; and so far a? tin Ill-mi ratic or any other party *t?i?d in the way of that, the people of Kentucky would utteily disie gurd it. Edward Atkinson responded for Massachusett?. He said he wan an earnest Free Trader, and tue Trade was the vital, indispensable tomnium of all party Mi_4Miati?ius; that with a view t?i arc tire that ana pitwerof the l.ilx-tu) Republican movement, he .it,,I ?,them litwl concurred in tlie propriety of calling a meetii? ut Cincinnati upon the liaaia of the Ken? tucky platform, and had reeurtcd to the ojiu-edieiit of requiring every member bet?re ne a?? "?? _?-?? ? adniistrion to aign a pledge to stand by that platform with tho Free-Trade plank included : and that li? re garded the failure to adhere to that in Um? Cincin? nati platform a? a dishonorable breach of faith which absolved everybody from any obligation to it. Some one her? asked Mr. Atkinson If he hlrntell had not participated In the preparation of the ( latuauail plat? form, and If he had not concurred in and consented t?? the especial feature ot It In regard ta .??-??Trade and Protection. He admitted that he had, end ?aid be did mi upon the assurance that men should b* telet-t?-?. who would themselves be exponents of Frp? -Trade, and that the failure to select such men was another brea, h of faith of which h? complained. After Mr. Atkinson came ex Gov. E. F. Pills hnry of Maine, who taldt Ex-Gov. narai. ir____. Mb. Pbbsiiii.nt: The gentleman from Mamta? haactt* who preceded me, says that a? a choice ttetween (irant and Oreeley, he Is for Grant, and this diclaration was applaud?-d here. It teems to me, Sir, that the prop_.i tlon of gentlemen here to place new nomination?) before the country Is perfectly consistent with this de? l?_r?tion. for such action could only enure to tlie in-reflt of (iraj,t I came here upon an Invitation avo\--in-t the oi.Jeet of this meetiDft to be an effort to combine all the elements of opposition to Grant's Administration ; hut Ihi? |en?,r of remarks by several g______-a acema t?i in?li cato a ptitiiose on their psrt to organise an opposition to Mr. Oreeley. That It uot the kind ?,f feast to which I hud ?upp?>tH.d myaelf luvitt-.d. I aoi ? Democrat, and la fiivor of Free Trade so far aa prac? ticable, but I Infinitely prefer the eleetlo? of Mr. (i!_i??y to a continuance of the present corrupt and desiructlrn Administration, and I stsuru you that In this I correctly represent the Democrats of Maine, wtioae eeiitinieiit? upon the question of Pree Trade are In harmony with those of the Kevenue Keferui gt ntlemen pr?s? nt. It is true that the nominations at L_D_____U were un? \ pee.ed tootir people, and were re?eiv?-d st tlrtt with souie degree of eoMaeta; bat it mmu bt-eani?- i*,rf?-ctiy apparent that the only way poseililo to the mm . _-al A.,?.,.,., ?_ t. ...... ,. t.r _!..... ..... U - <1-__>I^. aud It dld'uot require touch time Tur t?e jJs-ii?o4Tr??*y ?n Maine to deti-riuluc trhero the path of duly lemto, ?ml. to-tlar, there la a decree of unanimity ana ?.Untat???! among the Democrat? of our btaU lu aupport o? ?,i?-.-i. y mu? IJrown which i? trulv wonderful lu t icw ut [.?at r*. lation?. This state of feeling in our party in M?4ir.c H not du? to the leader? of the party, as, I n??ure you, the masses of the party are far ahead of th? leaaler? iu Una movement. The fact la, tbe bin-ine?? Interest? of onr State are ? fermg Iu eouan|Ueii?-e ol the In.iurlnua enV-t of Ibt polier of the Oovenniu of. (?iirconini?-rcial Inti-rt-alr?, Hi? lea-lug t_t?r?re?t? of Mi .ne in the pn'f. uro pr> ?ti atad ai.d well ulgbdeatroy ed. The ?hip-yard.? that tonnerlj " Ufe? .1 aiong the bank? of our river? ami extended i aro de?crted, and evideuct-aof decay uii-et u? on ? hand. Our population I? decreasing, ?i.?l the |m <?vl-? ?>?? discouraged aud dlaaatlkiled. Tliey d<? not all un?i> i stand the eonipheated ?pieatlena involved in tin? eontm -eray about protection ?ud J-ne 'i mil?. but IB? re i? BM tliilitf the}' du uuder?t_nd :nnl that I? thai n i bauge M Ailuiinlatrailuii Ciinnot make ruHtter- any won??? than they are now, and tliey arc determined on haviug u cuauge; if not ?uch a change a? they would oreiet, then ???? ii _ nut ?a they tau get. Tier an aged lu thin course by tbe fact tbat all over tli? State liberal -minded Itvpuhln uu? are earning Bp ?nil them to tli?;'iiipoit et tlie (?:nl .mill non ??- HraB minds Bran me inclined to do the aatne and win. usuiuediy, If Ore? ley and Brown are noiuluuU?! at Baltl mure, aas I behove tncy cert-luly will lit*. THE MS-kTBot s BIFECTB OF ? NEW TICKtT. To put a new ticket iu tho field now can on > t- ul t.? dNcouragctnent and dUaater. It would tue? who will otherwise )oiu ua In thia movi'Utet.t, and per? haps drive back many who have already avowed tin ir purpose to support the tin.iumttl ticket. 1 know that such action on the part of thl? aaseiubl-g. of to nil. m< n If concurred in with any eonatder_hle degree ..f unanlm tty, would ilir.eoi.niKe t?ud ?llab'-arten ixith Hie PtBB? cra'le au?l Liberal It? pu' li? un tli of op|* (.. (?rant In our Mat*. Hi? ic laune rU??of BBtB afea WOOl? be elat.d bjr ?uch BsttloOi BOd greatly ie|ol.e ovirit. I mean the ring? ol ofh >--i.ol 1er?, who a?, fut?a uing u\?oii ?polls wrung from tie hard earning? of our iseoplr Whriteyer V."' luta-tiiteil 0tt}_* ul til?' action 0TO\- ?? ? li?fif be, It? Only effect will be to Hid i.raut feM feM I? lower? and injure those who are opposed t?. mm ? cannot ggte* with the gentlemen who say ti. ?t revenue ral? rt_ bus nothing Bran to hop? from the ,,,V< 'J'.P '.'i Vl. Greeley than Croa thai ol ?.rant. [ UBoeratM?. i (liant to be fully conmntteu to Ijact doeti In h of I'r..'. ? tion, and that he i, under flu* tutelage und ooatrolol ?Heb P.otectioiii?;i? u? --i tu ? - , 'Cameron of Pent ?yiv-nm. 1 woul.l like ty ha*.; .flbe di--ai i-fie.l I i. a- Tr.i.l? gentlemen preaeat pob ?,?,, :, _Uglc a? t, i?i? -.i .< . *??? r.i.. ? intimation from Qe*^ Grant thai In- ttiil m>i tet?. taj revenue reform fol _ pojuv a by Congrca-., ? r iliai be win not uae hi?? ltfli'-m-e -a Pi-esfdent, In tbe futura ?t lo tn. piiht. to aldtVuiuti-n-."!." of the Prolcctnu.' I other Uiiu.j, _\. Or? i, , stand- pl< dged tu ? la 1.1?. mis such nic-i?r.-, ami not to u-e th.- patronage ol the (?<??., crun-r_lt?t tin ihei I'm.n-ciion Interests, . :iil .,???'??? .?", ireut nun ( liiat lun.i. . Grt?Icj Will h? luir I.. I ? iileUgoe. Aa iiaut?i aa lia? .< en ?aid and wrtUtti ui Mr. Oreeley, I never yet J.? ul if I - I?? . : ..? ?????-? ?i . >f d'.eboiie.-ly. Can as lull, h l.i MldOfOen. Ul ??? Vfeaflt ele.lion WHIP of the retenue ref..l_.i l? pu is, lit pi.-fr (.. that ol Mr. ?ireeJa'i I In onlei to ascoiiipilsli revenue rc'wrm? we intir-t flrat gelriluiiu lull." ? iifre??. tslti.u man in the Presidential cliaii", p,".:_.'.t ?_? ..,..,,,,?, bills wtien p:i?M?l, bow much better ?if we ?iioui,) he were an avowed ??Tree-Trader 1 Iih nku leu ,, ,. lug n great deal to get the great cfejuupiuu ..i i ,,, ,., i,,, In thin country upon ?vutr.M giuiiiii;. R? iir,|i||,- ,,, ,?,, Liberal mow-mem in turporl ol Mr. (jre. i. i. ,, eueceed Iu -loettag ttAO) mote ii-ii-nn. Congrttaa than we otfecrwiae abould. l i ,, Free Trade apeeeh?*?, und jle gi *4;r\ ol rsltCC.14-1 Will II f _aV? (??HOUIlUrell I, ?r..,U4llce aud pai-kJ.iM.ry. .N.?*?ij,ber? . party will not luiten aucntuilj-aud Bj iiuitiTigou tin- i.,?,i ,,,.,?, ?e.iaa i brt_!*-?ii wu , .y! pi.-j un ut,? and teta oioie imi -At l'Ai hrmrtttti before the people. .. :.- ??"?'. ???tWftien Of that ther believe Free rr? i, priM?. ,, ?lULomoreIlk? 1> t..:.. ll,.., j.. , fiy by continuing r, taut'a AdiuiuUra ion longertban i.> a ectiug ?..,.-1- . i ,? ,? . eu.n declarations troin ?ueh lui*i!i_. ? ? . tomethati?the ?outieUnig pt.ii tion is to liecairif-d on fur four t -i longei ?- n I be litt:.- bop? ??t ever ?--Tai i?b ,, .,'. Other Hue prim iplea .f. . ,.. rsou.t) ?i.otjo Vodeial of" i ?el upuluuas and il. teiiiiin.d, and wLtui tin a.l.led to tn?'kf all t..e .liin? coi.i??-. '. .1 ????-lo?la throughout th? country, ail ,i tlou at every prs-?i:iel ot Um COtiutr?, aud ?I in. , L graph operator?? 1.? il..- laud, ill d?i?eu?liiig uixju ?__> Ceu'lal power for their l t:.i butter, what hoi>e will there be ,.f <.,, heal ?elf-^ovcruuient and t.,e licht? ?t n,/. peoule from ?Uch a ?. dt-in.tian, i Aud, Sir, I am but n >-iru . tu i .?mettno already??iv.xaiedand preaaed b? tl ,(??? to oay nothing ot aew?evi??? tliat inn iM. ??iiKiui?'u-u ouriiig lour years moiv of ?uch rule. 'l.'.i- n ?;i?c. Uou of ?. rant will be hailed a a an Indoraenient of tln? ??? atralia in?i poliey, and us au invitai.on i.j I In- i.t upi, i?, pr-?. on in the ?ami) direction. To uiy unuil thi? ?iiu-atjoii of eeutrallcatiouof powt-r ovci?h.aloMn Kin lr.tal. .nut ill oUai-v queatioi?i, and, in saw nf Hi, iuoii_ii.i.,n. i,,?-..,. iuvoivud in it, 1 most earnestly nope turn u? act urn ?till be taken by tins l,<"ly. or any partita of it, ti,..i ,mU ,? the least tv-iid to increase ?tur danger, in th it i'l,??cti?ii. Parke Godwin--May I ask the geutl.mau a <ju. __i..i. i Mr. Fillebury?Cciium!.. Mr. Godwlu- I heartili agr-e with all the g?-iiieui_n has said against ccutrali-aliuii, hut I .ink lnui H it ii- n,.| true that Mr. Greeley has approved ot ah to?--.- central? izing measures I Mr. PiUabuiy? The Christian world never .not-?? from St. I _nl previous to his couversiou. fl.iuj.iii? ? nu?! up piauae.] At a later period of the meeting Judge Hi inkerhofi said he haa received information from .hove haviug iu charge the Cincinnati plat form that the b_-is bail bren enlarged so that it was no longer a test of atluita-ioo there that a man should be a _.?**_ Trader, sn?l rVuatur Fowler and a gentleman from Peuutylvsula raid they had signed no such pledge. Parke Godwin, for New-York, spoke in upi ? ?mou to Oreeley. clalmiug that on every ground th> On? innati Convention failed In Its promises, and notably In U>? Free Trade plank. In the nomination of a man who did not agree with the platform Itself. In the court? of hi? tpeecb Mr. Godwin presented a serle? of ll ntso'utlou?. Including the ful lowing : 1-tllKL (jODWIVI Bj-SOIXTIOKS. Resolved. That at the close of an exhausting civil war It Is the highest duly of the Goveruuieiit- alter having secured the renult of the conWat, by tuJUble c___liu tlonal provision.'' and amendment?, and proinotcd the r*~ turn of good fei-liiig and peace, by grnerout aiuu_tles and liberal concessions, to d_r_t it? malt, energies u> th? development of the commercial and industrial n-sutir? _ of the nation ; and that am ug the most effective mt-aut of ?.curing this paramount end Is Hie Judicious ?u?l aya? t.mullo organization or it? financial policy; embracing ttriit, the consolidation, the timpllficatiun and th<- gr?.iu_l reduction of the public deb? ; second, an Intelligent and pcrtnaneDt syatem of taxatlou, which shall ra?a* th. rrv eiiiicit ttrietly iiecenciry to an e?-<>nouiic*l eipi-ndiiur. for actual publio servicet, for pensions, ana for the pay? ment of debt aud interest thereon, by method* ihst ?ball be the least expensive aud annoying, and that shall In? terfere the leant With the natural und steady progress of liidustry and trade ; aud third, a achemr for the certaiu and sure but sale returu to the only legitimate and con? stitutional m'?ney, ?Inch Is gold and silver. Remitted, That the fearful and formidable nils that have grown out of the misuse of oflklal patronage, demur alizlug a? It ha? our whole political life, and turnia, th? contests of parties, which should be a itruggli? lor t_ UM-eudeucy of imiicipies, luto a vulgar, laroototst, and , ? *i nipt scramble for the spoils of success, demand an iiiiiiie.ilafe, thorough, and systematic reform of __? ti\ il ?ervice?? reform that shall take the dlstriiutUou of util. ?al einuiuuieuts aud honors out of Um htm? a of u_r. Irsdiug polltu laus, sud reeture It to the laws, aud ibat shall render these emolument! and honor? the rewards of hourat, ?A? leu?, and useful pui lu- servie?, a ad D? lui'ger the sllpeuds of an iguohle au?l degrading fidelil; to parlies, faction?, sud leaden. Ueaoleeit, That a? the uld inode of noinltiallii* Pi_t deutlal ?'?militate?, in a I ulittreseiniiai caucus. De-cause of tin flagiant cuiiiiptiuii, se? ret lutngu., I i-?<__b oafi tbeo Koortm fomtm