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rikf^% rilmnc wii K'O. (1 *AK NEW-YORK FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1872. PRICE POliR CBWT& A A/\l>o*u^ XHB REFORM CAMPAIGN. J( -,?,,? D4TB KITIKKS KROM THE CONTKRT. Cwcaoo, Jum ????!*? f?'Ht>w>?R ?? ?Copyof trV V:-. ; m B?bj theHon. DbvM Dsvitto the Preai deni ?f th. OoVhbVm Convontion. declitiing the toi ru-M.ifi.t. Hlooikiwotok, June M, 187T fkt Ih '? I >? CHA?iBr.ELAU?, iVr#i<f?nl Columbu* Con irntur, Kotlon, itau. Mt Dh-am sia l Th* Natlonal Oonventlon of Labor Re kmm ? " ''" 2'''' ot t'?'bru?ry haat, bonored rne witn a BOB,lr.?ilon a* thelr r&ndldnte for the lYealdency. Hav inf rr*ar<i<.i tnat moTement m tbe iuitietlon of a pollcy aud Wmt** to unlte thc vartooe poUtleai elementa U, ? coinpact oppoaltion, I conaeuted to tb<> a? of iiit naiue befor* the Onelnnetl (VuTentlon, where ? ,i^: i ^u.Kli.d cttlien of New-York wm nomlnated. ?ataMM I doem it proper to retire ab B the Preeidentfal conteet, and thna leare nda ?ho were generoua enough to offer me thelr <ree to obey fheir eonvictlons of duty onl< nen-d by any ?uppoeed obUjration. Hvn.o.tMrtu' carneetly wltb all 1n?t and proper meaa ??'.,? v,i?ti the comlition of labor niay be eievatcd l, I am, wuh fc-reat ????*. >our fellow ?Mtu, t DAVlUMYI* IH OHIO DKMOCRAtY AM BrfflMUm AND HAKMoMOt'S CON WNI|(lN_vNKQriVoCAl IHDOWWltBNT OF (,ui i i kv am> BBOW* ? PMJWhlTM IN I) TO VOfl KOR THK (1M1NNATI t:i m f?JWTHUlUaM ? Tin. CHT. |B? TKIKUBAPH TO T1IF, TKIBINK | i i vni>, June 27.-Tlie Democracy of Ohio havcneTerbeld a ftatc OMNlhi thatwaB?uore mt enthuaiaaUi- than tbat whb b adjonxncd It? nrtion 18 noetlw with the beartieat mpoo*. AnlmiDenae ????* ratlfloatlon meetlnK * mi ta Pro*tr*a in front of the Kennard House, which la rery entbualaatic. 8pee*hea have been made by taM L. V?iundiKhan?, (ien. A. Bririkerboff.tho Hon. Hoiiry B. and the Uou. A. W. Pslnek. The* remarks m ?.,., hed witb tbe wlldeat d.Jiffht and wnthUBlaam. Jud>:, aow???klBfftolka ahoutrng crowd. Every ii'iitionof the name of Orceley call? fortn lm ?Mtnae UfUlit and loud chcerlng. The ??MM protnls. i :.. .ommue tlll a very late hour. ThiB haa becn ? ,l.i> fcr thi Ecform cau?e ln Obio. The Convrnuon met In the <entral Riuk at W o'oloek tMa nuiiiii.c, and v<as ealled to crdcr l.y Cb Alleti. Cbainuan of the JVtnocratlc Btate OWtnl Oo? Tti< t.niUlittc. Trhlrh ls flnely detorated, eeata I.0U0 ]>eri>on?, and waa full to overflowiug. l> ( M ilcutlno of Clarke Connty, at oneemoved that Ool. A*ro J. Dodds of Clnclnnati t>. IM>rary Prealdcnt. Taig vu agreed to amid great enthuBlaani. 1>>1. I)od(U, on takinif thc chair, made a long, well tum <1 ?peoch, thuuktiiK thf OoavattM tvr fr !.?.i,< r jt < <u ujx>n hiin, and warmly Hkftntof Oueley and Brown. H?> vusflatlHMtMUmril] Hpi' Tfie followlng uauinl tMBpwM] tttR UN ? appolnbd: rinne'l. J. C. Keweomrr, R. Ci Wood-. C. H. Malbeu ? Wm. C. t.oiild, 1>. (.'. Jiallt-nune, i. A. Beebe, R. Bt?nberry, J. 11. BnM U. TIh fol.i.wii k; iint of ( oiuiuitt?e? wa> ilit?!. ? ;t rcriiKiniin (irKHiniJtuin, Rulee and I iDovtM ?? U>e SUU; Ciutral Conamittee, as I Wtr J 01f< II ii i. i Bi adiord, ln . v..( ' \i ...Ja*. B. Pt?tin. XII... J. <?? Thonii?>on. XIU....J. < KlrlM I XIV. CralL \ .! l M XV...O. M. MrMilien. VI T B. Bat?a. I ..." N. ABm VII J^uu A.Nii.^<r. , XVII.I V] || I i!I I 1 ix p. , > \!\ t n Hatfleld, I v,,,, Ma;n-,u. XX....J II K. llcv. The Owltillm tlieu twk a recess nntil 2 o'clotk y. m. AVnUKK>> The ('.?iiventii.n was talled to order at 2 t^doek >>y tbe i,t. jc. Keuner, froin the ( oiumlttee ?? !?? rmanentOfganlBuilon. &x., reportcd for i>ermanent Prealdcnt of tb? Coim i?iwu the Ifou. Ilu<h J. Jewett. ttie folloitiug Vico-PrcpidenU were also report?d: ^1 Oforge V. Atkinmi.. XI. Beruord Ka?m. II Cha?e? 8. MeOolr*. XIl..Jonn rhaue>. IH (j XIII J. W. N.-wbuigh. IV l' I XIV. .(i.W. V.TJ.OM I XV.. W. II. Oldbai... VI M Uardv. ' XVI..Jobti W. kwM^ui. VII W. il. H.* imnn. , XVII..K. MK.M.IV. VIII J*a-wTa?u.i. XVlll.OeorKe \S. Crane. IX .1 A B ' XIX..C.YounK. XX. I>. PrentiM. i XX..OeorKeMukerUnp. Tt.. liflfl was airrtfl to, aud the gentlvmt-u nanjed for permanent oflleers veie pn^oiiuoiyily tlu^O- OoL U'ki ?-u, Jiutge Mcjlcnrj-, itnd wm. Parr wtre appoiiited i.'lttfeto" waltTlrTIl'J???e ttlS^ ^^ ^ # lugelectiOB, and ptcMM hlm to the Conventlon. The ..ft*r a brlef aba*!ic<s returned vith the Ji r . who wa* lutrodneed by the tctnporary Presldrnt, and made a brief adijre*8. The C?mmltt?e on Credtn UaU rej>orte<l that all tlie eountiea of the Btate exeept < < :uty wtre fullv reprewnted, and that theie MRMtMlMM. The followiug diapateh wns received >!- MbM 0?TfttBM itnd reart by tlie PieB tdeiit, lai.iua foitu tuuiuituounapplaiwe: OOHORATflATIONS rROM ll.I.I>OIP. Innurau>, lu.., June ?7. Tv thr Pr<M<i<?f of tht OhU/ stuit DemgeraHc Vonvention: 'i in l't luoarataoi Jilinoie irreet the Denooraoy of Ohlo, and iu*ii'a< t htr delrgatea to \ote for Ore< ?> aud Bionmj, Miol utrlk* han<l? wlth all I-iberal Rej.uiibcana. JAMH ' . iUB, rtWldlll of the t'onvi ution. Ttif f> liowiim reply *aa iubaeciuently rtturued : The DemoOTMcy ef Ohmaend gTeeUnjc m> thetr brethren .... v have iu*t adopt4 d, lu on? oi tue tor?at Donventtont ever held lu Ohio, rcaolution* afllriinmc thf Cturlui ? , ainl re<|ueetinpourdeleKatei t<i the BaJtiuji r? < ouvtutiou to vote loi Qtmmg and Brown. THE PLATTOKM. O. M. D. Llo?c, froiu tiie Commlttee on Reaolutlone. rejM.rted the tol!owiu?f platform : k?ol,?l by th* Vrm'X-ruU of Ohio in CanttnUon m**,nbUd.Tl'*t tbe Plltfurm of princ iple? adopt*-d bv tb7ctnetm...ti?.c?. ,.5.thfT the eiear ln .f tb< arniie enuntiated 4u the leitet of H..'i.<. (ireelev, aeceptlna: the. uomluailon of that Con foi the offlre of freiident ..f thc- Unlted Btau -. affordf a eomnoa jrround ui>on which llberal njeu of ali BOUtli . ? 'O cout-lnteLtly UUlte, lli OI.JK.Ki[)oii to Aduduutration aud lts atteudant offlclul ^'iu'^lrr'i' That our delegate* tMs day cbosen to repre aent u)> ii. 'I.i 1" mocratic Xailonal (onvi-oilou to a# aeiiibU- at BalMuior* are i. qu.Mcd to %ote for the tioini ni?iiou of Ureeley and Biown ati our cundidate* lor i'n ?? dei-'t and Vkf* l'r< *)dent. The rei^rt wa? reeeived with wlld cheer*, and when Uie appi?u?e ceaaed, Qm. Durbln Ward moTed the ador> tiou of the reiK.rt. A dcle?rate froui the XVIIth MtttM n.ov.d to ,?y the renolutiouc upon the table. [<*rle* of : 'J The motlon to laj M the tat'le WM flTBt I.utuud lortbyan oTerwhelniinir >ole, the aonoiu.c meutt. " .:?> ieafcataj ciif. The iuotiou to^-i ? <l b> au e?ia-lly tlttieive %oU-, amld f reat entho Tin f- .< ?iui? gentlenien were then narotd a? candl 4u'.f foi the liom.natiou of He< retary of Htate : J. M. M.i*r W 1 Naeharn, Jeremiah WUliatng, J. ti. Van aiKb. Oen Aqullla Wlley, and Wm. A. W11m?ii. It ?oon i^eame apparent ae tbe balloUn* progrc*>?<d y,,, (,. H.ldler who loit a leg in the late \vnr, wouid 1^ i.ooiiiialed. Befoie the reauit wa# announwd ?ji the other tandidatee wlthdrew, and Oen. Wiie.v'?M deelared the Lomli.e* by acelainat.on. Johr. L. (in M waa nouiit.ated on the aecond ballot for Jadge of the ttopretu) < ourt. I?aae B. Riley \aa nomiuated a? mem ber of tht Board of Pnblie Work?. MIM.iTi.8 TO bAn.Monx. Tbe followlnjf gentleliieii ?i le iih.nI) delecaUft at lai?re 10 Bdliiiu??re : John A. MiMahou. llei.ry B. I'?y>'?. A. w uite. and Michati A. Ixmgueity. They are ?U fM iiiu ey und Brown. The ft liowinfc- dintrlct delegatei ?nd aiternatea for> were then announ. ? 1. Alfred Ganhfr, Tbotnaa J. Quiun. II A. B < Laliil'lKii, Ttiok. 8?.ell iL.kcr. III Job K Owena, II. iii> lJaiiua. TV. Kuvid A. Haok, Wm. J- A>xauuer. V. A V Kler. (,.. W. Audrewi. VI. E. 8. I>odd. Jaiue* 0. Haley. VII. J M. Trimble, J W.Bhinn. VIM J F- KeXlnney, JoIjL H- Bi<*ae. IX. A 8 Pjuum;*. Jom | I. WatrUD X. ? Wlllutt i Wllliaii. M A reaoluti..t.. f .l:aok?to the people of fieveiand, n.r tbelr courteay and atu:utiou?, wan adopted. The HUte CentraJ waa UiatrueU-d to e?H? n.aen BUte l^ayenlkiB, aiv? the JBaJUJugM Ui?YW?tK>?, Biv?tlu?( all XI (>a<ai F. Moore. Jol.n L Vai.. <. XII. John O liiou.paon, Newtou Hehleteh. XIII. Wiii H ? (,, o B h/.jthe. XIV. V. B. L'hl. Tljoli.a* < a i?.h..U. XV. W. H. Oldhaio, H. H. W.-' XVI. John Ii. Heaton, (leo. W. Mc< ook XVII. J. J. W?rwltlr, Johu ClarlC XVIII. H.T. Hahii, Jolu. XIX. W. A.Baker, J. II. Ati/ . XX. J M roffluberry, > \a Oitieti 10 partlclpate who aro oppoeed to Orant, when eloetora ut large will be nomlnatod. The CodycuUod Uwu a*l joanoA ? ? ? VIliOINIA. THE OONSEBVATIVK RTATK CONVEXTIOV?"tTTWVO KKK1.IN0 IN FATOR OKfiHKFI.KY ANHIIROWN ?TIIR SPKEOH-MAKINQ ? OMUD AND HKOWN LflMMUlh Richmond, June 27.?The Vir^inift Consor vative Btatn Oonrention met ln thta city to-day. No dif fen noc of opinlou waa manlfoated upon the Prealden tial questlon. Tho Convention tu heartJIy and poal tlvely ln favor ot the Clnclnnatl tlcket from tbe atart with almoat entlre;nnanlraity. It recjulrod 110 canvaaalng or argument to brlng the delegatea "P to ,hl8 poaltlon. Tho.-e who eamc froin the remotc mountaln connttoa of tho Bouth Weat, where a nowspaper la not aeen oftcner than onoc a wcek, were not a atep beblnd tho delogatea from the centere of newa and i?oliUcal lntellUenco. The compariaon of vlewa ln the evenlng and morning before tho ineetingof the Convention ahowcd that all were Mibatantlnlly of onc mlnd?all the .W'legatea were ajrreed that the delegatton to Baltltnore ebould be unqucatlona bly ln favor of Oreeley and Brown, and at leaat tour-flftha of tbo Convention favored a apeclflo mdoracmcnt Of the Cinelnnati tlo.kct A amall fao tious minorlty of obvlona Bourbonlah proclivltlea ob lected to the paasaire of auoh reaolutlona, proteating all the whlle. however, that they fNM ae earucatly lu favor of Grcoley M anybody. Tbla proved ln the end a dlaturbing elemont, of which there waa no Infllcatlon ln tho early part ot tho day. The i .Miviiitlcn contalned a nmnher of the ableat mon ln the Btate, niany of whom were well knownin Natlonal poiltlca before the war, There were alao among the dol egatee a large elcment of youugcr men who aro UkluK a very actlve intcrcatln the canvuaa, and arce very where the mo?t cuergetir and detennined workera for Oreeley. They aro unembarraawd by old polltlcal prejudicea and aaaoelatlona, and they go iuto the campalgn wlth a daah iug eiithueiaem that well nlgh carrie* tho aN a<ty ol<l politlciana (ff thelr feet. Qreat coufldeuce ln the trl umph of tbe I.lberal cau?e was OBfNMOd on all hand?, und Jolned with thlsrontldeuoe were nright antlciputlonH of tbe fnt\irc of Vlrglnla and the Bouth when the rulo of the sword abai! bt reu.ovc <!, uml the relgn of peace and good feeltng Kball bexlu wltu the adiuiuiatraUon of Prea ldent Oreeley. The CoLVentlon waa held ln the Rhhinond Theater, ?wbere the iMfC wmh haudtouifly deeoraied wllh Anicrl ean flag*. Th-.> teinpouiry Chalrman wa* ex-Oov. Wll llani Bmtth, who. waH fauiou? ln Natlonal politlrs beforo tho war under the soubrlquet of Extra Ullly Btnlth. Hn uiade a ni>oeoh full of jrood polnta lu faror of the Cincin natl nominees. He jm rtlcUd that there would be no dl vihum ln the Conaervatlvc party ln VlrKluia, Baylng that no ??ood man could refuao to Joln ln ?uch a cauee, and that all BtrapRlera would fall lnto tho ranK8 before Novembet. Col. Flournoy, who waa called upon for a Bpeech, whllo tho Convention waa waitlnj; for the report of the Coiumlttee ou l'cnnanent Orgauiza tlon, argned very forcibly that the mpport of On-cley ,t a choice of tVO evli?, but waa to aecompli?h a gr?atpositlvegood. He knew Oreeley personall.v, and d that lu? old whlto bat eovered tnc broadest hc:id and kludeat heart ln Amerira. He l.itd \vi iit<n the l.(. t LUtT of ftr"ci)tiiiii't" ever put forth byanydindi date ln the United tmtm, and now he h<>i>ed he would thuns uwny hl? jk'h and l.renk IiIh ink-talid, and ^|?n<! asnauch tmie tilmnilnc hlK trees aahe wi^hed. (imlty had HNNM in settiugthe WgN lrec, and that ca\e ttin. i ontidfin <? he would aueeced lu Mi pNMBl nn dertaking of aettlng tho whltemeu of the Bouth frr-'. 11. spokeof the effeit of the eleeti'm of (Jn-cley uron tho ^natei'ial iuterest* of tho Bouth, and aaid lt would jrlve the llo to the eharge of nnaafety of resldence ln the Bouth and the lil t.nper nf htr fMP**< TlK' Wl'rl(l W01ll<1 nml'? ','"'1 that it ?Mf?)M, aml ? -lnigratlon and i tfttai ?o.,!d pour in. Ile coheluded hy urgin*: the Conventiou to mnd M doubtfol voiee to BaliiiJK.n, i>ot M m Wf*** <;r>ni. cartHt-baggorf, and thlcvee, und make the Wttttt niiK for Cireelcy and Brown. The Hon. .Icdiu Oo.?de. )r., of Xorfolk. wai choaen iK-rma nent l'renldent On taking the <?hmr he turtde a ?pe<'( h which waa a powerful urraignuieut of Orant and bli Ad iniiil?tr*tkd?, d^nounelup wlth eapetlal aoveilty the freat iuaut Uie Bouth had roc? ived. n.' took deelded ground for the Clnclnnati tletet. Ut aaid that old party prejudlces muat be thrown aeide and old Imhuoi! burkd ln the Btrugglo for emanelimtlon from the rule of the would-be dletatora. Tho question wjth all waa "What Bhall we do to tie aaved i ?' The auswer wae i " Baerlflee pre)udice on the altar of the touutry ; ooniolldate all elementa of oppoMtlou to Orant andeomhlne the tMi Ktrength uj?)n the platforui and Ueket preeentM at Cln rliiunti.'' It wiw* too|late to dlsruse that Mokct Ov fortunes were coiuuiitted to U. We could n6t go bock if m .'would; ^,*e^ i*ad onlJr t0 say ln Hic lafiiniftfe 'bt wrlptufe', " tofjrt to thf chlhlren of Irtrael that thr.v may p lorward.' The grnnd Mteral movement led pjr Orerlcy kaA baCMM I tidal wave of popular opmlon, so llnaf that it would l^ vata lo try to stay Itp course. M'hy t.ilk of a Demo pratlr tiekttl The gratid Old T>n)0< ratic party, with allitF glorloui* blRtory, would not atand ln the way of the MfraHoa of the coontry. He pn-dk-ted that Vir glida would he fonnd ln the vun of the liew inoveincnt. No luKimsa other than the appointment of roimolt teee wa* done at the day seaeion. In tbe evenluj: t?u aeU of rcfolullona wert' effered, t>oth indor^inp the (in elnnatl tuket and platfonn ln urn quivoial teniiH. The foi^entJon got lnto a parllamontarv anarl over th<?' rSMtattOMj and much time waa oc <upled in dUcunalng linniaterlal polnta and talaingnpon the propnety of acting upon the reaolutions at once, or aeuding theuj to acommlttee, all the spoakers ing, however, theli hcaity upproval of the Cluiinnatl tlcket. Itwaaa very loouacious aa?ernh)y, andalmont every dilegate waa anxioua u> tell how etrongly lu? eou atituenU favored tbe ludoraenient ef <ireeley and Bi owu. One aet of recolutioua wan CDally witbUrawn. Botne op poaltlou tbrn (tioiud to inatruitliig lk? delegntea, aamall mlnorlty WMbOBg to Hand on the Vn>'lnia pneedenu, and not fonually Inatruct, golng no further than to stronglv deilaie the opinlou of the Convention ln favni of the Cineiunatl tleket. In epite of hia apeech ln the afternoon ln favor of Oieeley, ex-Oov. Bmith ruade a loquaoloua IffOOeb of ohvious Bourhon tendencies agalnat the paaaage of any reaolutiona, and against the Otaokv natl platforiu, deelarlng be eonld not approve the con (.tltutional ainendiuentH. BhlOfMOBWM reeelved with no applauM:. The yonng we'i ln the Convention were detennined to uave poaitlve liiatrucliouf, aud objet ted to auy othet courae. MORE PIRCrRCION. Another que^tlon wae brought np at u late honr. One of the editoif of Iht Uirhmond Enquirrr took the ground that the Baltlmon Convention ought, aa itood policy, to make no nominatloua aud no mdoraefiient of the Clncln? nati Ucket, but Klmply deelare that lt la lneipedient to take any aetlon. On tbla ground he oppoaed iMtVMttM the Vlrginia delegation. Ah Alexan dna Uelegate alao preaented a rewdntlon to that efleet. Cha*. I. Bocotk, onre BjK-aker of the V. B. Houae of l^prea?tative?, and aftiiward ^i^aker ot the BtWi lu the ( onfederate Congreaa, to<rk the atHiid at thiajuue ture and made a very earnest apeeth ln favor of roaolu tionaattougly deilaring for (ineley and Urown. He _u mifoiiMlj upplaudtd. He oppoaed the Oeorgia llllIlT? WMOI Mr. Bmith wuufed adopted. He aald Virginia *??' ??* like (ieorgia. BhehMnoToomUtoaUud ravtng and rantlng * hen the rountry waa golng to ruln. 8he wa* not like Oeorgia ln the tcxture of her party or the charaeter of her leadere. He wanted the VlrginU delegau* U> atand flnu for Oreeley aud Brown, and wanted everybody notltled that they ooukl not be tam jxnd with. He warmly eulogiztd the herolam of tl.e Uberal ItepubUcana lu breaking looae from a powerful party, ~rlch and proap?r l;U>, wlth thouaaiida of offleea and glfta to diutrlbute. He aj.pealed to the Convention to proelalm, wlth no uneertaln aouud, that the volce of Vir^mla waa for Grceley aud Brown. He wade au admlrable apeeeh, that Mrtet the thord of popular fe?lln<:. and m the wave of enthuaiaeiD that followed. the OWTWUW re>t.,red to tl.e p< liding reaolution atrong inatru. tloiin to the delega ti. niii favor of the Ciurlniiatl tlcket, which the inovcr Dad mwlltled to auit the few objeotora A Mr I>aey of Bpottaylvanla detnurred to any lndnrae tueutof Oreeley aa dlagraeeful, but at the aarue tiu.e dedand that he meant U> take the aturu|> for hlra. Mr. Boeoek Haked hlm why it wa* dtagTaeeful for the Ton ventloii to ^ay they were In fav.i of OlMOW and Brown wben they all meant to vote for tbei... Tbla brought out a trreat ?heut, and au attempt waa made to ehoke ?ff LMf, I'Ut he ftmtmi "i ai.eakinK, and tnded by offering r^.lutlona favorlng ln a HlM wu.v ihe ( menaiati tl. ket, aaylng he waa wIIIIuk lo M that fur. I ut Mi o?rt want (Ireoley A Brown luiioed H Lwut. Oov. MouUgu* oppveeU iuatruet?ou* Ue took thc Onclnnati tleket, htit ho took It M a do.o of Qoluine. boldini, hia noso. John T). llaldwln related hla expcrlenco at thc Flfth Avenne Ilotel Conferenee ln a tcuipcratc and eenaiblo apeerh. Ho tald what the Ulicral Rcpubllrana now wnntcd ?M a bold and ont apoken deelaratlon ln the Democratir Hta'e ronventlona for the < inelnnatl tleket. He rldiculed the talk abont holdlng noftca when golng wlth thr Clmlnnatl move nient. Gontlemcn on theother alde had noaee, too, ho begged Mr. Montague to rememher. When he was told that Oreeley had aald thts and a.ild that nu pleaaant tblng, ho anawerod, "Yea, but we have given hlm a general atnneaty." When told that Oreeley eonld not do eertaln thlnga, he replled, we havo removed hla dlaabilitiea, and when donbta were eiproiwed of hla anece*a, he aald we have gone upon hla bond. At the end of Mr. Baldwln's apecch, the foilowlng reaolutlont were adopted at preaented at flrnt by Oen. Kemper, all aubatltutei beingvoted down overwhcliningly. TBE REKOIXTtOXft. Rttohtd, By thc Conmrvativen of Vlrglnla in f'onven tiou aeaonihled, that we jrreet wlth livoly aatlafactiou the roov<uicrit ?/ the Liberal Republicaiia at ( in< luuatl, nnil denlre lo ezBflVM our Hlncro nclii.iration of the moral hcrolxio dixplavcd by thrm in ??iit>or?litiatInp pnrty to patrlotiam, hihI pled^e ourwlve to meet their eour ageoua and patriotle prolbr of wSMnttoQ f<r the puhllo deilvemnce in thc msm oatboih and uugnauiuioua aplrit ln which It la tendned. Ketottrtl, That the delegutea appolntod by this Con venllon to the l>einoeratic ('onvctitioii al Baltlmoro abould glve a vlgoroua, peralatcut, and tmlteC aupport to thc(ireeie\ and Brown tteket nomlnated atCTnetnnatl, ax huldlug'forth the fairest promiae for alla) ng the ftftft (-lonHoftiio war. rcvlviiiK real pttet withlu our bordera, renU>rlng lntegritv- to the public aorvlce. rel.tabliahliin the HtaU'M in thelr legitlmate funeUona IntheFederal Byatcin, prvaerviug intact thc gteat wiitnf jlerty. aud reecninc tbe Il*inil>llr froin the of the (WOM. The Gonvcntion, at 12:10, nd.|Otiriiad uulil to-morrow. KEFOBM IN ILUlfOB. AFTF.R TIIK CONVENTION?UCBTMfl Of THE ?jl, KKT? RKfORI) OV TIIK r,rTiK?N'AToRIAI. WOMIHKMC QEM. S. A. IiniLfiTRT N<>MI MATKD KOR CONGRK8S IN FARNMN oRIIl'd DltTHHT. IBT nUMtfl TO THE TRlDfXI ] ClllCAUO, Jtmo 27.? So far as ranbe lefinird, public Ml>eral aentimeut lndora-a the artian of the com binedeonveiitiona, yeaterday. Thc AdmialHtratlnn peo ple declaro that they feel no ftfBNfc |alM as to the f.nal resuit. The moat moderate of thein admit the alngularly happy aitnntlon of nian. They feel confldcut, bowcver, that nothlng ean wholly nvercouioiho inajoilty of 61,000 rcglatcred at the laat elettton. The vaat Btrength aud growing forro of the Ltbe* ral moveruent 1s, howc\cr, ftoiral wlth Inoreaelng alarm, bo strong an advoonte a? (ien I?*flM adtmttlnif that IMBU are beglnnJiiaT to look rongh. Tlie nomin.?? for Covcrnor on the UNnd tichet !i? very rcmarkal.le man, and greatl.v belovcd by the <i< rmano. If aucceMful in the pre?cnt conteet, Gustavus Ko?-rner will be the flrot Oerinan cver ehcted to IfetSxeWrttTI chalr of an American KUite. Gov. iMTMrt earier in full of Btirrlng romanoe. He wae born at Fraukfort-on-the Maln, ond Identifled hlmself In youth w ith tbi ajdMl r<?volutionary efforta ot the Oertnan MbcraJs. Id |M hc graduated as PUUluf ?f ?!'ll.eig. laHaMtl vear he par tlcipated in the Bhort Liberal ??!*?* "t Prunkfort, h!B nntivo rlty, nml ln MMtMM I'?<1 to fly the country. He eaeaped t<- France. M Inm.edi.itely etn barkedforthi I'nited !-taU*. wht n|bt amved in May, ii, Hcitiin^iii iicii'vi'.ic, nuiioiH. He iftad Urw tmtm A.l.ini W. Mi.yder, itttlWaH atteulel the law mbool iu lOTlMt?. Ify i wT* w:i- i"'1"11'"1 ,0 l"?ctieo in 1S3C. H? waa t lcctcd to the Iz-gMntiirc U1H42. ?nd was . . Jlldge of the f-upieliic ( ourt i? 1?4?, a posltlOU ho held 1111 Mfc He *?* e!"rted by tlie i>. moi ratic party t>? be UeBte?tnW<>T?nct ia IWfl, for h tenu of four ymn, n the early part of the war he wa? anpomted cnfcTtl Of vo'unfccrs and MrigMi to the ftiff of ?;>ti. Pienieiit, al:d afterward of i.cii. H.dlck. Hr ii 'itlgncd, or. acnunt of i!l h.alth, in 1W52. in June of that year l';- -ident Llncoln ap |,olote<l liiiii Mini-t.r to.-|.aiii,whi(linij*lonh<- |M||.1 early ln 18G6. Hc wae K'.ector at Urge for (ien. ?Ji,mt lu 1?Cm, an.! ]>rc-|.l. 1 o\ i r thf E'.cct.Tal College. B* liaw been a rcbideiit of IllinoiJ for BOMtfcMM vears and l? oue of the best knowii aud MMt rfi-pctt.ibl.' cltizena of thc SUte. I H<une interent ha? been eirited here to night by the recepti?4??# ??>? uiXulilgencc of Gva. farudworth'* de feat in tbe IVth Cougtene DUrict The oouteat waa oue of liitenue bltternci, and the General fally expeeted to renew hu term lu CongrenA. On the 60th ballot Oen. P. A. Hmlbnt reccived 25 votesto FarnBwortb's 13, and waa doelared no?lnated. The suc coanful candidute was called on bj hUfriendo, and ln thc MWM of a Bhort addreia took oc.a?ion to warn tho party that Horaeo Greeb y wax a rcni'?ade nnd traltor, aud uuworthy tho regard of honeat raen. It Ia aaid Gea. Farnaworth will announee hlmself aa an lndepf-ndent candldate. Hiillothera rei>ort that Gen. VMMVOBttra ?tonchtcfjgjt Ut? jfiv'-i'-lV". vX th^JfShjBgtoj &i*| to i.Vopltiate Gen. Butler, and that the matfer was the in. ire readlly brou?lit iile.ut, v it w.n ati?i?eted that Farr.f?ort'i wi< not MMba M the QHMl f?WttOB. Wh.therthe Gcn.-ral'e UntefMiVtal caiidnla. y will 1k) acrepted hl not tiiiown. tht chica{t? JimcB will aii].pii t bbl Ifltfl ?IWllfil at Bpiiuilchl vcMi iil.iv. IX1TATOS TRfMBir.I.'s BglCH. Iin nutokura M the naBtm.] 8pRix<;nm>, June 27, 1?T5. Beiiator Trtimbull, ln the op< u ni* ?i>eeeh which he niadc \$0 ickI'I, dcfine.l kj| (oi.r-.-f" I - ' ' -ntueuta he t-aid, iu tbe MMM iniiMlliiig hiuj to revolt fiom the Kepublloun party. He Baid: I have acted aa your renreueutatke in eouncils of the nation for mort. tban 17 fmu. iminK that long l?Wl evetil? Of the ino:.t momentoua eliarv ter have oba.ured the moat reinnrkahle tlat ha\e iver happened in our hiatory, and nneatlon.. upon wheh the K.'pul' party was formed have been aettledand Mtttad I tniet forever. Nothing ia now leit but th- organiiatlon, and that organliation haa falleu lnto thehanda of meu who scok to pioBtituU- the n.iiiie of party <> tln ir own ?eln*h purposea, and to niake it a mere wrty of parti-nii" Durlng thia long publie aervie it waB not to l.c expe.ied that ln my pubU actlou I abould aiw.iys have arted iu axodance with tbe viewa of all my eon.-?titiieiite, and I ean oniv elaiiu that I have brougbt to tht dli> hargu of publio dutiea tho bext abilltbM I have. amihave eudeuvorcd to diacharge my diitbrt!y ,.nl fJthfully to the i>co ple who have ao lrefinently honorc'tno by r.t le.tiona to the poaltioDB I have held. [Tlir?<- Aeera for Mr. Trnm bull were here ealled for and henrtiy triveu.] Within the l.iatifew yeara niany abiioci h;. ' .not lnto the ad ininii-tratiou of the <;overniuil>t. Nuuieroua de. faleatlona have oc( urred, among the moa't nottnl of wblch la perhapa thtt of Mr. Hodge, a paymaatcr In tbe offlce of th? PajBMVM Oeuerul, in the ( lty of Wi(xhiugtoii, VfeMt <bf;i!i*i !<in?. occurring there right undcr the eve of the Oowmment, MMM to more than $4.uoo.uio. Othei defaUatlona have oeourred in other fUU of the country. A lommittee of iuveatn:.j tlon of a i>reviouaCongre!<a rcpo<ed that great tbM*| rii-tcd ln the Cuatomhotue IttteCityol New-York. They reported that ottlclali ln iat QMtOal bOTM were iu the hablt <>f re(?ivlug bribe*. aud that th?: public scr >ii<- wao greatly demoralired. Tlll "-PIRII OV IITV?STI(iATIO? AJT0H?MCWH0W At the (ommenecmeni of tbetecent aeMon of Cin greaa, wlth a dealre to Inrjulre Btu theae , defulcatloua, aud the eauoea of tboee defalcattona, aud the ahuaea that exlated in the Cuatom hoane ln New-York and in other citlex and all departmenta of Oivemroent; to aaeertaln whcthoraupernutni'rBry offleeraaere etnployed; whethcr mouey had lu auy iu?tanr# ba<l becn put out of the Treaaury wlthout aulhoiity of law, I ttitrodiiced luto thc fteuaa? a reaolutlou for the pnrpoaeel aecurlug tbe appalntment of a oonimltlee of i:i\chtlgatlon and rrtreuchfieut, to t>e eompoM-d of mcmtMiaof Gie two hom-ea ot t'otigreaa, wltb power to aend for peraoua and papera. Vhen I oBered tbat r?ae lutb.n I did it ln good falth. for the porpoae of diacover ing aud eipoelug frauda, ?d, If they exlated, of appltiug tbe proper corre<tlve, and wlihout any dl-Mgn Qf Jujurfna the Reputdican party. I w..H almple - minded enoefb t" belleTe that the Kepubliean party to which" had been attacbed. and with which I had been Identifled ao many yeara, would Ih- l.fte.l in pnhlic nctliiiHliiin, would be alrengtheued t>? fore tbe i>eople. II it had tlie nrtue aud boneaty to ex ih>iw, evtu among lta own menioera, wrong. corruptiou, kud fraud, if it exMed, and to applylproper eom-ctlvea; and I a.tinlt that I waa v( n mich aatouiabed wheu that oroiKHUUoii waa met by g..utlemeu in the Benate, who conaUtiiie what, for breviti'e aakc, I may denonii nate as a Benatotial ring, deuouucuig me aa unfaithful t.. the Republleaii p^rty, aud aa throwlng dlrt upon It by ofleiiug a reaolutlou to Inquire Intothe eouduet of puoiic offlcera. [( heeri. I I w?- denouneed aa uufalthful be ( uuae I had ofh led a reaolutlon ot tbla . lura. !er rclhiw eitifeua of Illlnoie, I a?k \ ou If tha! wai ? bn aeh of im?t toyoul iCrteaof-No," "Kor] A public aenUrnent waa an.uee.l throughoiit the coiiniry bv the oppoaltlOB to InvcaUgatioo, un iineatlgatlou not of a novei chaiac Ui foi aimllar onea ha.l Imcii hol ln pn-yloiia ( on rn^UMva The peeplo throughout the laiid, thioiigb the pul l?c |HM and olherwim-, expreaaed their oondotima B?e Vwarth Pa?e. THE WASHINGTON TREATY. THE MEETTNG OF THE ARDITBATOKH. THE UN1TED 8TATE8 TO BE NON-SLTTED ON THE INDIUKIT CI.AIM9. (BT TBLJWBAPH TO TIIK THinmi.| Ge*eva, Thuraday, June 71,1870. Tbe Conrt of Arhitration aat two houre to-day, aud then adjotirocd to Friday. M. Fuvrot, Herrctary to tho Conrt, promiaea to announce the reault to-raor row. But an important pomt ia atill unscttled. It ie believed on bigh anthority that America will bo non-anited on Sir Ronndell Falmcr'a motion in n gard to the indiru 1clainiB, and not by the indcpen dcnt nrtion of the Aibitratore. Gen. Shennan wcnt to Parifl to-day ; Hir Koundcll Palnier will leave t? nigbt, and Mr. Duvia will leave to-morrow, lOENKRAb PRIWS MSPATt II. I Grngva, Thuraday, June 27. 1875. The Tribunal of Arhitratiart reasacmbled iu the Hotel de Villo at 11 o'cloek thia morning, and re mainod in aeeaion nntll 2 o'cloek thia afternoon. A comuiuuication waa made in cloae aitting, and ae rrccy waa agrced to he pretterved for nnother M houra. The Tribunal adjoumed uutil to-morrow morning at 11 o'cloek, when a decisive and favorable commuuication iH expected. The Arbitrators, who were atopping ut hotels, havo left them and gone to private upartinenta. The Eugliah repr(scntativea lenehcd tlie Mttingwith a voluminona colleetion of papers, showing that a tiucation of fact would buc eeed a queation of form. The Arbifratora, upon quitting the eonncil room, appenred in hmH bJ huinor, aud wero joking among thema.lvea. During the Beaaion of the Tri bunal tho talafBBBh WM iu rtquiaitiou almoat eou tiuually. I.o.M.oN, Thun?lay, June S7,1872. A apocial tlifipntch from Lleneva containa the fol lowiug: "Lord T< -nterden, the Iiiitiah Agent, yoa terday lecened tho reply of hia Governnient to the lait dispateh reeeived by Mr. J. C. Bancn.ft Duvia, the Auieriean Agent, from Socrctnry Fiah. It is poMible that tho tiiril adtting of tlie Tribunal of Aibittatiou will be held on Friday morning." PEIUTE IN PlBLUMEfT. ?TATFMKVT BV LOUI) OftAJVII.I.K AND MR. OxVAP* BTOBTC Of TtIK pajOOUMMi BEFOKE THE UKN'EVA TU1BLNAL. LOODOST) Thuraday, June 71,1873. Wken tbe Honseof Lords aiwemhled thisaftenKKtn there VfM alullattcndanceof Peerfl,audthevi>i">M' gallrry was crowded, tho annnuncemont having l,e. n made that Kail Cranvillo would make a :.i * inent relative fa tho Alahama Claima Arhitration. Bhoftlf nfter the uieeting of the Baoaa, Bari Qrao ville aroso and returned hia thauka to their I.ord ehipa for their imiform dlopoatttOB to leave the QOY ernment unenibarrasaed dnring tho nogotiation| rclntive to tho indiivot riaims MWM tho Engli-di aud Aineiira.i Oovernruenta. He tlu-u ^tatedthat he hudju.'t reeriv.d a telegr.un from Gone-va. whereiu lie waaitiformed that the Tribunal of Atbttratfcai BO louger deairod MafBO* during it* daUtOf ithuis. Kail tiranvilh- thcu jBBCMfcVidit* make the folh.w ,i;:! Btatenieut: The Boavd of Arhitration under the Tnatr of WajMagtan bmIoJ Oaaara on the IMBsaai Ifct airetit of the I uited piinti d argu? ment iet.rnug to the pointa whercon hia (ioveni ment rebed. The Eugliah Baaal I'lewtited no art'ii meiit, liut iKBda I .it.iteinetit that, w heiea* diih-n-n<U? htiii tsMad battraan the hraCkrranBMsia, Baejbaad a>kcd for an adjournment of the lloanl. 1 lie l mteil Btaaai afaM wai taaala lo answer, and the kftaaal adjoumed uutil the 17th, and agaiu uutil tbo l?th, the second ti'me boenme tbe Ameriean repre/enta tives were still witlmut iuatruttions. At tbe meetiug ou tho Wth intt.. tho arbitrators made a utatomrtit on the .nieationa at iaaue m-tween tbo two Oorerinuouta, oarefully guardingthemaelves. Tho putport of tloir akata ment is, that, after a careful jieruaal of everythiug aaid by tbo IppicaontoHTfa ol' tlie I'nited Statis touchiog the indireet (laiina, the Arhitratora liave indivnlually and collettively concluded that the Baidiudireet ilaima douot coiiBtitute, upon piinci plea of latenattOfiil law, ? good foundation for Kwarda oi daaaapabatwaaa n -, ioim ujidahouid h? wholly exeladed l: ;a conaia r:.tion, and would luvqbjeeQeveuil 1 ariaeiiaato tfi.', ,;, . t.-ncyof tho tiiiumal i. u ddo thcrcou The Arbitntoi* InfofBwd the afiit* ofbatkOof .niinentpot their deciaiou. They aoked Eord Teu t< u whu; ohaenratioaa ba badaoaaaka, and ao repUed aona< A simiiar faaattoa having bampal 1,, M,. liuv,-, tht Aniein an OffaDt, at M.mi he BM 110 raplj |o aiaaa 11 praaaaii a?d adiad f"r aa adjourn in.iit. Au adj-iiiiiiiieut uutil tho mh waa il.eiv upon agTeed to by the Arhitratora; but the Aineii cans received insti m.tioi..->earlier than they expeet. <!_ aud the Hoard wa^ iuforuied ou Tuceday last that the luited Maieswonld not further itiBist on the indired elaiint h.foie theTiibiiual. and that t!ny inight 1>C exeluded froin all eonaideratioii. At this poiut Bad (H'aiaille waa int-itujit. <1 witli loud dktan from all partB of the llouse. He i oii tmued: Lari Tentorden then aaked for an adjouniment ..t one day. to allovv him to obtain liuai inatnu ti. ns from London. At the meeting of the Uoard to-day. England, on the latituation of the withdrawal of the ituiiiert claiui-. wnhdrew her raqaaal Eora laaf ivljonriituent. and the argument by aaBBOal on the detaila oi the buainoae before the tribunal ia now Jjroi -eedillg. Lari Oranvill.\ amid .-oiitiiiued und heaity I heer iug, concluded with aa expreaaion of hofi that tho relationa of the two gieat kindred natioiin would bt liannonized and atiengthened by the Tieaty of \V;wliington. After the excitement oeraaioned by the statement of Karl Granville hatl atibaided. hoid Cairns ar<?e and congtatulatwl the Hotise upon the favorable deciaiou of the Tribunal of Arl.itiatu.u. Had it, aaid he, boen otherwise, the poatttM of tho tugliah (i,,\erumetit would have aaaa awkward. Eail (iiaiiMlle laaJoi that there wad any giotmd for the iiiainiiatioii indulged in Bf Lord Cairna. Lord Baekhaiat announted that, in view of the ?aaaaaaaal ?raJekbadJaal baaa aiodeayEanOtaa? ville, ho would withdraw the notiee he had bereto fore given of hia intentionto qtieation the Govern ment relativc to the adjourumtut of the Triluuial of Arhitration. ln the Uouae of Comroona, Mr. Gladatone made | atatement ainiilai to that of Farl Giaiivjlh. in the Houae of L?Jt?hi. and m concluaion aaid : " I am at laat pemiitted to aay that the eontroversy between England an<l America, relative to the indire< t rlaima, ia emled." The Premier waa rerwat^lly in terrupted by rhcers during hi? remarka. and, when be had tiniahed. the applauae was lotig-eontintu<d. Mi. Oladatone aloo f-tated that he thought a sbort adjouinment of the Tribunal of Arhitration waa prohable. in order to give tbe mornbors au opportu nity to ronaider tbe argument* ?f tbe Untiah and American Governmenta. Mr. Wyndham complained that. for theaake of the preaeut temporarj' eonvenience, the Goverument had sarritbed the future righta of the couutry touehiug any kindof indireet claima. Mr. Diaraeli put the f<dlowing queation to Mr. Gladatone : M Ia tbe witb drawal of the mdiri-ct oWoai ??> the Aineiiean Oov liinsted to their oouaideratiou bf tho Geneva Tribunal only f Mr. Gladatone, in reply, aaid the eontroveray be? tween the two nationabaa baaB liimted t<> the acope of arhitiationon the haaia of the (ju. eu'a aiaeeh at the o(h ning ot the preaeut aeaaion of Pailia ment. The srgumenta of Great Britain, from the lieginuing of the diapute, waa tuvariahly that ahe could not cunaent to any awaid or procewlinga hy the Tnhuiia! of Ar? hitration on tbe indireet elaima. Wbetber tho Anurioan Government coiild revive thoee eJaims which were now relinf|ui?hi-d waa a point outairle of the immediato inMift in diapnto for the la*t IvJ months. If Mr. Diaraoli meant whcther Amori.? oonld raiae them again nnder tlio Treaty of Waeh ington. ho (Mr. Gladatone) answorod uneqtiivnealh, ?* No." Amcri.a had not aignified nor biltaalwil IftaJ aucb idea. Ho believr d there waa no differenre of opinion among tlie Aibitratora and tho agtute of the two Governrnontu that the Treaty of Wavh higton waaaneirectual har againat thc rcvivul of tho iudirect clairoe. lliis annotinrement wae rc ceived with great cheering by the membora. In reply to an interrogatory of Mr. Muntr, Mr. CJludHtonc miid tlio procecdings of the 'liitmnal of Arbitration on all other niatters connocted with the Treaty of Waahington wonld probahly be contlueted exaetly aa thongh no controverey touching the iudi rect clainiB liad ever an>n. BPBCUL4THWI WUOU WAKHlNGTo.v. A DECJSION FAVOEABI.K TO TIIE r.MI'i I> - I A I ! - KXI'E(TKI). Wa*iii!i<;ton, June ifl.-Tbo following ie from to day's tfontiny (Kronirle, of which Sonator Harhiu, a inetiibor of the Comniittoe on Foreign Kclationa, 13 part proprietor and an editorial eontribntor: " Dis patchea frora England, expressing the fearen'.r tained thr re that the Geneva Board will make an aflirmativo deturion on the Ainerican elaima for dirc-t rlriDinpes, are known ln tbifl city to be woll founded. In fact, tbe Adtninistration ha.s for some montha paat lteeu well aatiHtiod that Mr. St.t.tnplle, tlie Swisa Arbitrator, as wcll as Baron d' Itajuba, tho Brazilian menilier, uro etrong bolieveru iu tbe jui?. be of the rhiirus. Theae gentlenien, with Mr. Adam*, cciiatitute a majority of tbe Board. Aniotig the elainiB which are to be regardod M of a direet ehur acter, will probably bo that for tbe c<iuij.mciit aud mainton.ince of cruiflereon our part." Offlcial information has been nccived here from Genova that the Itritinb Government, having ae c pted tho deelaration of tho arbitratorH that the rluinin for iniljiect rlamaces not involvinga money connideration, are not a aubject for considt nition by tbexn, Lord Tenterden to-day formallv withtlrew hia motioii for an adjournment rif theTrihitnal, and then filcd tho Britiah argmucnt uccordingly. Now that tbe indirect clairofl havo been dixpoRed of totho Hiitinfaction of botb GovoniiricntH, tho otlier busi neefl before the Tribunal will 1?? conaidercd. 9MMMMAI FOKEWS MMWM. FKANCE. TI nr.fl.KNT pemonstrations at bordfafx"? TIIE TREATY FOR THE I.VA< l/ATION OF nUMCB 19 UE HflHD to-dav. Parib. ThurMlay, June 27,1072. "Kaj^ibas," tbe play of M. Victoricn Sar dou, which, upon lta Ia tlu* city hist ?***). ruarv. gave rl?e to eonaiderable exeitetnent, the Ba<llt -al? nlleging that it waaa Jlbelous eorlcature of the ultia" Rcpubllcan party in general, and M. QwrtMlti in par thular, waa | NwM in Bordenux, laat nlght.and aeain ttmmA ili.-oider. eo\ioleiitly dld tlie tnani fe.-t thelr diajipproval of the pcrfornmnco Hul tbafMM 'I'ttrmes were compelled to int-rf. n- and arrest a uuiu 1. r of perfM.n*, when nrder waa reatored. Thedardt Ib-publieaine Band, which m now partir inat llig in the Iiitiinatioiiiil l'eace Ju'ilic. ,it r,? ou, bM i,een autl.oilztd by the Piealdent of Frauee to \MI Chleago. It la (Tpectc.l tbat foimt VM Arnim and PiwMmI Thiera will, M Fildav, aiK? tlu trenty |N?vldlaR for antlcipntiiig the tlme for tlie llberatum of Froneh terrl tory from oecuiiation i.y Ocrman trcM.jw. IH. NMM of the m-gotiationa will be couiuiiiiiuatc.l to HM kMMMj, on Moii.lay. by l're?i.icut Thiera, who will dcinand :m tliorlty tO i'onclude ? loan to rai-r' |bt ne. ? --ny lunda to mukc thc I'ay uieiif? ]>rovide<l for iu tke Treaty. 8PA1N. CIRCri.AR nv SKNOR ZoRIUM.A. Maiiriu. 'Ihurhday, Jiin. 27, 1-73 tt fior Ruiz Zorrilla, tbe Presldent r?f fhe ( , in... ii and of the Inltnor, hM addMHSi a clrcular letter to tho Oovernora of the IpaaWl ttor to uhieh he -:iya ln- reliea upon the unawerving !oj aliy of the army and navy aud tltiaeu militia to combat lnaurrection againat tho Bpanlsh Oo\ (rriniciit. He promlaea to go\ein the eouutiy itrietlyln aerordanee witn the Oonatltutton; eatabllah the syatcm of tilal byjury; abolish conscription, and n orgutnie the aimy aud uavy, rendenug them realiy natloual: ofPff* :l" iut?lri.iu'.c, and, leeura aaiyenal lilierty Of cOiiaviencc ; re<lu.e eXliuditdles, in.r. |M tli ? revciiue, aii 1 i. -,?e<'t the righta of the ereditorfl of the State. He aava the Ooveriinient wi-h.-, all, to crmh tbe fubau luanriecUou aud Uiitiiiiaiu tlu n,t.(iiity of tnc mtlimal terntory at any Mawlla*, wuh out maklng conoeaaiona repngnant to Spaniah paMoMMB and houor. U> announeea that when the lnaurrection la vanrpilehod, Bpail will glco the colonits tho piouiieed Constitutlon and reforms._ (;];ni:i;ai.|Hkhi>ii NEW8. LFFORTS TO HXTRK. AN ABJUSTMI.NT OF THE ST1HKK-. LoVDOaTi Ttmr-dar, June 27,1*72. F.tYortfl to wean m npktbk i4iutmeat "t thc diffcreiicea now exlstiug beiwien tbt uia.-ter and journcynicti n:a.-onaof thia city,and tcruiiuatc the itlllu of the Uttor, aM bclng madc. CUBA. CIBANS SAID TO HAVB HI'RKEM'EKED TO TIIE tPANlAJUM AND HIMED fl' TI1E1K CUM PAMBOm F<'K KXF.CT'TION? TIIK r'AlTAIN .il.NEUAb^ KE.-K.NATION NOl AOCSPTIP. ilwASA, June 2tf.?Popillo Gouzalos, who lately Mirrendeied to tlu- (io\eniment, went with hia ofli. . ci | ,m 1 a .Ictachiuent of Hpaniah troopa to the tnt<:rior, and captured the Cuban MaJ'*s Frauciaco Hiagoand An tonioEcheiuendia.Liciit. Joa<! Aguibira aud aix of Oar< la*l liieii. E< lieuiendia aud Oiagn were exeeuted. Joae Aguilera, the father of the Uiuteuaut, aurrendered the following day with elght men, bringing 31 nflea. Both the At-uibraa have joined the Bpuuiarda, aud will probably lattatl the [other Cuban oflbera in buut Ing up thtir late companlong for exeeution. The lndlgnatiou of the BavaM C'ubana la very great, o?ing to the delci tion of Oonxalea. Vin cente Om la b. ing alnioat Inutlllied. Capt. Aguilera mrt thal (iareJa and alxty-rtve uien hava ?o:w. to H;tiiti jiuo de r uti;i, lia\ ing bt eOBM di>4;uplc<l wllh the ronduct of aome of bla aubordinatee. KnuUau Aguero, a friend and lately a coUi|>iinioti of Ignaeio Agranionte. haa ot ganizeda eompany of firty aiurendeied Inatirgt-uta, and t.iii. ii itai fleld aguinat Ignado Agranionte. Hiacoluum Ii.ia attinked Aco?ta'a eoliiuin. The |MM of amall bank iiot.-s fiiiled to nidUe the preiiilum on gold deelinc. The Hpaniania x.utiniie to aend large auuia out of the coun ti v, tliiirt keeidng up tlie gold piemluin. No UfwW h^< !.??". ii leeened !r..ui M.iilnd relatiNe to Captain-General ValmaaedtV rcaignatiou, but a telegram from the Mln icter of War indieatea that lt la not aceepted. TELKOKAI'HIC NOTI. ...InBalem, Mum.. yeeterday, Mr. H. A. Sher wiMd. a wfllkaonii I tSm ^ul hi? throat ....Ihe Indiana threaten boatilitiea iu tbe Sevier rffiun, lu*. tadtk? t-iaeri ire anmug th<-uj?-.i.i. _The aaaeaament roll of the State of Culifomia tffrrftto (.arai,0>w,iX)a, ?> iu?u< Iiuun. Tbe ralattivB uf fvrmar )rtn rrnmuit. ....The firet ntimlwr of The Datly T'tah Minlnp Jd'.r.ial, ?? ttru.Bt p?p", ?u iw??0 ia Mll L?k? QM TralenU;. fl will b? Unr organ oftb* (irntilra ....The Hteaniship Culifomia, recently aahore in ih? riulf i.f OeaaaU. auJ luiharto rrp?tt?J a total lota, lu fvl ot. Tke ?letwer tlaho fut aS auiae Jav? ago. ....During a reeeut aevere thnnderstorm the Hon. b a. liM.ibiK?i ?f Hiuofn, IU.. loat Vi.'iOU rvaug liuat. rtlurd at ?3,i*u. Il it ixlirTrd tatt th?? ?iied fraaa u.e *B?cU uf tbe Ughlalag. _The Anieriean achooner J. H. Nickersoti. oon sVmiMd .;. thr trtca Aieattak; Oatol ?> fUhfu. N a f, r tioUtiog tht l.lirtT l???. ??? ?<>kl at (luolx.ri) oa Vnitj bj tlie UltiiS, aiMl koutkrJ JjWB te UM- Uuirruuiwt ?t ??' B '? _The Miller Miue, in the Amerieau Park Mining Diitrlet, l t?b, toail) of Kana Uill. kia ehaaged ktod*. Tke rceord uf ,1^1 .how. t eua-i'ltniioa ol ?? Omi.uan. II >u inurbueU Uet /e*f bf Mr A?em?all for alcaly-vtid UtouMo>l dollare. _The Ohio River Improvemetit Commuwionore, at ? mf?tio? ia ('ineiaatrl. .eaterdtf avirilag, adopteO a raaolatuw arg n.g atMi Ike orleeii ia rbat?e of tbat hcarf tb? laaavrtoaM of (aaaaall the ap?i.i|iri?lU?n ut.le for ib<- lniprutravnt of tbe Oblo Ritw Ue Ult ataaaaa MCmqnm fct Ike famwtM of obotrMUoaa aad iatprcrtiaeat uf aaoganoo "ul; ....Tho State Dental AaMociHtion, at Albany, ycs tfnl?j. flwied Uk fnllowiuK niUM^l i.l.>ti. Kiemleai br. ('. A. Mai.ia ?f Hr- ? ? w i' H./rnt of Winu, I 1 ,Sr<r.i?r. l?r. ( lurln Hernee nf Htncv. Irvawrei. br A. (' Ha?aa at JUvfefk i I'eiina?ellag fceiaUfl I'r. a. A Kr?-?mi? of tfuti!.., l^u?or.?t-rrooO Di.iiirt. Iir t I) Cewk "I Hrwikn-i.; Kilth I Irr ralaaai aftliaiaaai I*. imurut Mrnhtra. Pra. W H AUia?o. M. r lU.v , J C Moarw, J. ?. Aiuua, aao tt. M. Bauuka. Tbe luit. lU. o tkra *?!]. 'iiirfi i*a? Jw. LAST WIXTIOTS TKA(JK1)Y. thk 9TOKMM tijial ACTtJAIXT RPOUV. EIGHTIl mav'm im;<m i:ki>is<-?*?< i VE l"? TH* (oi kt-hoom?btju. ru* usnsina to im ftTOBI <>*' tiik ? TESTIMOmr <?F <ji.vki.ks <;. mi.f.. ri ii it eovenum, john ciiamheri.ain, i'.\n<i< k iim; n , am? tiiomas MAHIK?KAXtmi <>F TIIK KWIUN'i:. The mtorrating pnrt of tlie >!<.ke? tnal hia otloot hijaa After m vi ii dayi oJ tanaaaai Ibbh twelre Jnrymen were obtained and wou i*melswer? i Kbaaatl d. The latter part of We.lne-dav wneoTiaumed by the opotdug *ddre*a of t.'.e I i-1r.. 1 Attoru. | tho iwf Ifih Juror had bOCO ae. on d. jinige lagfalaai fcj saBBNdty fataMoaal lo paaaoai tn.ii t<>h.<Btoody u(omdaaka an i - . B>, aailaaMdM up for wiiut he aeerna lo coaaldci a waeU: of valuabl* tiine ln colloctlngthe Jnry. The appearatoe ni the Conrt | ' iv wa* very dtfferelit from tliaf pn??tifcd on Bj Tbasajb n waa riot bmob 11.u Boastartabt] fuii, (1 laaa h tlie litei ventlon af the t'oiirt, v, t H I I aJ laBBBOl antlcipiit on pervaded flnroom, an I tl entlon BBTtod. MeBaaaMaaUMBaahan atttBottaaooathi >cry fr> ut edge of hia cl 'f(ii, ksaatag aBS ?'- ? forwant, hia arui raBtBM OB tliO baek of .Mi. irvin.iio'. > h.iir, and hia thumb at tm.ea Bervoualy rubbtna the w<od. One renjarLabh) featurc ol Moket'l l? tl.e BBCaB> acloua hublt iudiiced by hi? < xtien.i int. BBBt .md a:i\iet\. of bowing or aliakiiig Ula head aa th- quemwun "re a?k< d, aaif he wouJd lalu i;.fh,ja!e ? in 'da own favor. Thia waa uiueli I'.oie MI iitf tbe ex of Jiin rn aa tlie queatiolii ainipter and the anawer* - ye? " or " no." Among BBOOO iu tho coni t-ioom w l:o 1 nve iu lnt?>reat in the trinl, either a witueaaea or aa fri. nda of OH oikt or the deceaaed, w ere Mrs. Fi?k and her i otopaiiJun, Miaa Mitoliell. The lailiv* BBOB ao Blaaely v.nUd and draped In BBBaTBBBf that they BBBBBt BOOOBBd BBaBBBV tion. They caine m at the opening of the tourt and aat througb tbe aeaaion with their hcavy llaofc v.u'a OaSBOtf diawn aiouiid tmir faeea, continualiy fanniug n.der their vallw, nud nr\rr frlnne'nif ot witneax, Jitrj , or BfOBBB himsclf. Ml-a IfttOkOfl BOB BM Mrn. Fiak'a romjianlou for a liumber of yeura, au I ia aaid t<> be a wanu friend of Mr*. Fiak. Bhe took, to all app. ar ancea, aa deep an intereat in the OfBOBadtap aa Mi?. Fiak, and waa elad ln the aame aomher rohea. Thev attraeied a great deal of utleiitioii, und the < urionlty of the apectatora found vent iu frcqucnt BKJBBxBBI aud lu IBOM coiiji i tnrea aie ulw.iya tluutiiig about a ei-iminal eourt rootu. Btutteied aliout the room In gTo'ip.^ WMOBBB promi neut in flelda of levxl eoatrovenj or will known iu jonrnaliatie cirdea. OarOBW TOOOMJ BBBOd BJfB at BOBdL An edltor BBl neai the v : 11 i - -, in hli u.-uitl pBMM diu in?< iiiiportant trlala, eon.-pn tioiiaiy lu fioiit. HottBOWBaaB* nan, the Slni ill, | M o<. a^ioliallv BB4NI kWBifH BBBlaai tho wall near tbe be-.eti, and BKlllai ? BJBM tlHMiowd. At hii* 1< ft r-at Uuunt OBBtaBBii Ifci inUr|in ter of tho Court of (ii neiiU Betniona, ln re.'Mlineaa to tiaii-late tlie vords of nm wltiu???? ?orOBC nilght pro duee. FTve or aix ladi.-- M| within t.'.e btf, tlie apaee helng erowded wlth lawyen, wttaOBHOi andotlmr, Th" preaa aceommodationa . ? ? romparatively m an- i.ol NBBfTBd fOI r. hoiti-r-, a.d II. . || | not allowed taaaBBBaaanleaa a vaeaut aeat cai ? 'i. Tlie Jiiryuien nre looked B] :, lnirualle fair and iiitt il^.-nt i/oily oi ineii, und ^.|f i.< ?adenBOOd to IM Well aatlafled w;th the ^'lectioii. DiufcoB*B aataar wjo aol poaaiai faooaalay'i duriag lao tlr-f p irt of the M-.-aion, but rauio lu afler ikt.h, und reinained uutil tlo- adjoiit ntnei,t of tli,- | Tiie tir.t witnesH oaili IaraaOhartoa <;. Rni.aatatBlU' [Tint BMB. TfOlrtlnff In TTrOl Tmy, N. V., aud BBCBBJBl "' th lumber buaineaa, He had iome to ilna eity upon mattera n lat.lii.' lo hia 1>umu> 01, aliil h.ol BBBBO rooins Bf ?d ' oiitral Hoiei on the fatal day ol the nh<??i mtu Waoa tfce piatol waa flred aakj by lao i .? ntst*! Un 'l Brltfe bai da) 'a trariip. aud irahnng n>r (1m OT to (any hiin np U) klBtBMB. BOlBl BBJ >? ftruck hi? car he, .,nd I :iii <\ dovm tlie slairw iy. Jiirt IBOB Bl hOBtd B VBMB I ? There gOGO the maii tha; I U* l.uoed li.i.k io l.tcp tiie I'li-oin r in al|...t. bdAq iiii apBj-i boBBbBw had l.een BBBk du' the BBBT. Mr. Hill BBVO hia teati tnony in | k : I r?fj llllle liiHiiation, aLd ta a YBf) ' Ml Hill waa followed by FatBf OaagBlBltO IBBai )oan of ii, who waa ?m empluye ul the I,..- .1 BB luotm ot ol tho aliootini; W?a Kett.'tjg niei in !.:? BOOl rmuri. He did iii.t ?i . BBMkBa when UM l.i'ter un. ,ut, l.,u Ma*wVtaB lyniK at the fi-of of the ~t. - one oj IBOBB % M BOBtaaat m eouvi-yiugtao awaadai aaa uj? atatm, Mr. coughliu haa beeij dctaJaed in tli< Iloiu-e ol latieution for a long ttOlB QB l> TfttneMj inii ii:i.-t l < .i ? (BBd H anv , Iii : . \. i .. ii lal p John F. i b.iiiila-rlain. ti.e proprietOT o. the >|Mirtmg hooae Xo. 8 Waal Vwnrtj Ift litthi auiii-einent h lu - .nl. BNJ 'I'e - '.i UbB u.:. ' l t!ui! Ba ??? ?' ' >:' elilt'or;" I.:- !i ??? \v - ??eiiih hoii-i .' '.v ;.? l.hoiiKh ho reluctiililly adliillte Uhat ii . ?. I i-1 ? -i ? moio than " t'..e tiui of IBB tblog." I1 | ffert 'hal he ua~ lt) I'i I '? prlvBti n ? Bl ' Hoiiae on Ji ?? aud laakapal toa wlaaawBi*! FMrt laoaa. nolioMj tia n.ot baaoctaat wii ?> oftbodajaaa TfeOBBM Hnrte, referred to in the tecun.< a ' OUgaltBa Thln l> the olie wlio | iv. BtOBM ?: >". IOT, and walk atealtiiil. ul. 11-', al,d ii'.u. bBaBBJOOBa leathedllie head ot tM ji.ih; - | I. \i ot |u ilo lt nov.." ii.e witm-. laaa .?aw kaa iaiavaa>laaiaaBi l:i.nd. and heaid iwo repOTtB Of I | 1 BttBOM waa lUKtiiiuieiitul in .-e.unng the BBBBBatal Htoke*, baviugfollowed lniii, aiiu I ?? ? . , ?" .w.nllio ni in ta.a ln d tka OBBd PB0CEE9IK08 IN COUaTT. namooTi <'i chablm <;. imi.. Tho lirst witness * .tlLt < 1 Cot tbe linuaM'iition waat'barlea (i. Hlll. who teotitii d m MMbj to Inmrlcl Attorney Oarviu aafollowa: I laotdl ll B/BOtfVjtf?V. Y., and on theiith o-J.iiiu.iry !a>t I waa in thia clly; I slaji dat the I.iaiid I entrai H ' l). I)o y?'U recollei t the OOOBfrOBI e v.hi h f?.ok BBBBO at ih..t hotoi iu oaaaoonaa with t.n MBoodao of CBL Fiak, and the prlnoner at tbe bar; lf no >tate meii iNirtof the transaetiou aa you aaw and heard f A. I went lnto the hotel a little before 4 oYlo, k and went up to tho re< oihI tloor by the front elevator; WBllB ataadtag BBOfO I leard the report of a pl"toI; flrat I OOOM not aay ?>x. a< tly where it paaOOBOdOd fioin, but a NjOBBd nport M* lowe^l in ouiek eureeaalon and appeared '<> BOOM from tho BaUaataaOOeOBd bMeof theelevator; I went t.ithe other alde. and aaw a uian aiaudiug on the lafl of the hall ; I aaw that inan make a motion of hia hand, turti aud como toward nie: aa he pa??cd, I a>ked whar wan un, aml Iim aaid there waa B nian BBOt ; 1 "int on to the -t?ir?, aiul k.iw a uiuii wlioui I ree..gniz<d aa < ol. 1 i?k, dowu. ( tliiuk, apoa the i.iitforui on the italra, kaalBg ou thu rall : at that luouient aome one aaid, " tli^ro l? the m.m that ahot bim." and I Immedlarely followed after iiim: I returned and went dowu toward tlie maii ?t .in< uutil 1 gut to the third Mep, wheu they orliiKiug buek ttn> inm whoni 1 tir'.t siov. 0. Who waa tb( man yotiflrat aaw in the hall. and wborn you aaw afterward in the tiaml" of the othVert A. Ti.m prUoUer, who ait* lookmg at mr now. I* the nian t aaw lu the ball ; wheu I tirid got a tfIimp-?- af tho BffBBBBOO I Mtood Bl the eorner of the ehvator, and he aimxl at ou?? of the room doora ou the h ff, pietty eloaotoaM) tbal waa oll tbe flr.-t lOOC above the oftiee. [The w ituen bere dcurlbcd the poaltlon of the ataira and elevntor on tha diagram, aud tbe platfonn on wluVh he kuw i'oi. 1-lak on the KtHlra.J I think when I flrat aaw Btoken he ?tood ou thia door I have referred to when I aaw hlm makirnr the motion ; after I aaw huu paa* iuto the hauda of the <? rtl eer 1 did not ?;o to tfre rtxuu where Frk wrnt ; I did BoO aee tbe pneoner from that tlme uutil I tuw bim lu thia room. (IroaaaxaBBBaBBl By Mr. MrKron?I am a lumi er dealer ln Weat Troy, und ln?\<- t? < n M engafed for 18 yoara ; I came to New-York on the sd of Jauuary, and reiuaiueii uutil the time of thia oceurrence. Q. Have you talked w ith any of the partiea in the hotel ainee laat Jairiary t A. I tblnk I have . I ha\c no douht I have talked wlth Mr. Powera on the ; I waa not a wttneaa before ttie Coroner'a Jury or the Oraad Jur\; I waa flrat notlfled tbal I woald be required a? a wltneaa here on laat Friday w.-ek wheu I waa aubpeuaed tu uiy liotiie ; I have not detalled the facta I kuow about tma eaae onlv to DUtrlot-Altoruey Oarvtn and Mr. lieacb m the Dlntrict'Attorney'a offlc*- laat Mouday wrek ; I telo irrapheit to niy wife that evriiiutt : " I will n>>t go boiuo ti niifht- < ol. Ki?k la ahot." I made up tuv uiloa to atay lieiauae I had bualneaa ; I had no lutereat lu Eiak, aud did uot aay I waa detaiued for lt; I axrived on Homlay morning before tbe telegraui; I did uot BOOBO to New York for about a uiotitb aubat'queutly, and I di<l not theu i oiniiiuiileate to auy one wbat I knew ; I did uot tell Mr. t'roekett or Mr. Powem what I aaw; knew I had lufonua tionotithe aubteet; I did not te'.l lt m Mr < nakett be cauae 1 did not tbluk lt ia-?t, aa 1 wouid b? deUiucd aa a witneaa. H. Yoit had rea-Mii to know a horaieide waa > uu mitted aud you did not ttnuk it yeiir Uuiy |o loiuniuui i ate it to anvoue t A I thoUKht there waa nifl'n no'. Bl . dcuce without It. A - I.UK I'MIIM OF Tli! MKMillM. On tbe uigbt of the oceurrtnee, I aaw a i?!i. e ortUwt al tbe hotel. but be aiipeared to bo a Wli?J OBBJ than