OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, June 29, 1872, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-06-29/ed-1/seq-4/

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9Ltt.uB-m.nio, cic, ffhic Ctmung.
rVnTTn> Tmkatbr.?At ll aml at 8: "Enoch Ai
8>a." Kdwia Afeaa.
Ol YMi-i. lnr.4TKn.- At il an.l al 8: "fld-Bolder."
I M., Jair
"OitThf Jur.v."
raui Park QaB BBB- Kig-tt'l
oert. Tbevlor* Thoaaa.
QflMOttU MlBaiBBia. UM P-lalaW Tlieator, at 2J
aad at n
Nmi.imi ,AO-_M my Ol D-BBOa, Tw.nt., -tliinl-st.
aad Koartt-t-e -Op*a dalif froa 10 to 4.
Tl | 'i v- Siniiaicr.Ni-lit'* QoBO-ft
Llneutfaa Xotirrs
A Card.
fUm* ai!l*i?8i p*?o* kirlar fir-alaia- the iflpari ti it we woMtlawil
reat, we b r-l.r eap-atieallr d*aj th* B*?e, tn.t Uet t. ir.fo-m th* pnhlie
lhat ?i .re _..?, aad alwtyt hire braa, t**0j to pij *ur ;utt d.btl oa
W* _*!*'.? offrr ? r*witi of lr? kamW dollirt f-r tafomal
' ??ct.oa aad eaa*taB*a ..f -M p*r*on who oriflBB'.cd _??
-. . laaaaaa, ura.-i k . ?... ? -r 1431' B^aaa***
hat?r.or lo tb* laf*rt8d.
kliBofartiired t.y
| i., HAZAJll) A CO ,
. inyeii
- ? .teiUned to exert ..ninnnnite
. , ! hr aar iat*nttoB of tl,? laat I
_w-I__daai ar-iiw tn.nt .1 f-ue
J-ri*?a.na-r ind w.tb aa-p-akably aor,
- pl? a n-T -i*rt
'... * . .' \i. ,,._ nuai aad ? ?... *? Ih* '.'' "''v*
HIK-. tbat I.
.Ni.i-ii ni. ui ">?.
tuis trnt.?The bcal ?? -*??
kirm-wa, i*rl?vl. A, , . i a: Pi -- . . ?<>?-?
,,i u n .- Palmer'- LlMBS.
I ]',,) n ii 8 B. un: MoKTll
ir.iit tn make thi ii
' ? ?
Fi8_f & ll \i.ti, Etankera,
BaaaaaMt, Ba?
.k? iMiOiuu liiiiKOau. ettcadiBji froa tb* Cbeti
Iirer, ind coanecliiig it lu eiatern ternr.Doi witb
B-rop'n li I HBBlBBBl-Mflflf itciafra, a_d it tbe weitern Urmlnl
?am: etof i-liPdrirer rontei, u wtll BB 088
?, Nortb-WrM, ind Booth-Weit, 30,0)0 bUmIb ?rt?nt,
Naaat yeirwil! be preparedfor
baiiB**BlB tl.e trinirorttt-oB of producti betweea Uie prln
We.t ??- tbe Atiti.tif coait BBSfl, PB* wh:CH irt
! vBi^pLowrORATi-siiii-pKa rr PBOItUABKl ?atok_b_b.
i l*w outlet for 11-rje ind auj-erior igrienltnnl territorr,
? roil ind iron dipoiitl ob tliii'
a leinttfal and pictorcaque eouitr- ilio._Jin_ in
, . id i B-nnner reaorta.
- .ir ob be-ilf of tbe Con-piB.r, ind rt'"mniea 1 n i tnb
, .-tment, tbere-itinlrr ..
r'n PrB '"bnt Goi~> Bondi,
. i -.?r'.ige on tbe wtole nilroi. line, 8f8B*l
*t pijitle, ilto In gold,
Mi, . hBaBBBBBBa-a BM0?, 0900, "d < -0, eoopoa or
.at i-croe- inirtct. Fuil i-fonoation forai.^ed
Fl? k HlTCB.
. ? i''ii'.c\r. Maii 6 flOpoo aaaaav
.... h; an extra
. cltib of t.
leatial Caa_paiso wo wiD ro
eairo 8_-_outh SabflO-ipttooa ol
To B
.' .12.
BB -. ' i
? |
IU , -. "? 10 Co] -.. tl
. ? -. 1
. 1 : ?
? toeaca
fp I B-BDXfl durin-T tbp Cam
;? -.. >u ov. r. 1.. Om: AdDBI
' COpJf per tt ?
A il v o r ti ol n g R ata a
11 . and $ 1 pr-r line.
,iinl 50 omtfl pei line.
Wl I.i, , ..!' ..'.
Ai. ,.i.1i.:' to position in tlie j.aprr.
i a drafl "a New-lork, i
/ ii |io__ible. N\ here ni
.1, m ml tho iii"ij'" , .'.i't ohoaj*
TharPei-itiatimi feo baa bi ? d
. and ti..- prasfjnt reijistration
...i 1- .i-i?i l.v tbe pootal aatboritioo to
lnt_ in'i.t,. :i.ni aaainol looooo l.y
maii hgcd torejrLster letterg
orl ??!! i o do oo.
J.iU)., .-li in b-Itbi _. _ ,
Addiaoa. i'm: Tr.iiir.vF: Nfw-.orlt
I ,,ii ,.f tlie (;.?!.(jvh'rril.uii.il Ui'a:n?t theclmioij
BA :,iin...im-. a itstt-r.lay. _-=__=
:..to tha Foiirth of
loaa -!>? K'1'..iu-.i
i - . ..iiitititfl Um wvrk of
tlii-u i't.iiv:-:.tioii vcsterd.iy l.y tli-.-tinif a (ir.-.l.y hikI
Itr..vrri -. rmd an Klt rtor,i! tirki t.
i-iliiin Mih coiitinueB. aaaaaa The Iu
BOl any Ii-kIs
? ntflB Un- t.tl.'K 10 tlii-ir laada aaaaa A tlie
f . .1 k-MBI vvortli of
i'limile begau yes
a.i Bttfl* il orao Btaoa m.
Ji Mi W. Av. r\, tbfl iininl.-i. r ..f
j, ,.-... _. 1 iu Ha. kt nr-i.-k, N. J. _=-_- Tho
I IM-, ..f -llll
t, ir.|. 11JJ Th. r
^ ,
A> iiiiKin be expectad, the Apache ehiefa in
(Ot .iis'iii'iiltiiral ini
/ iiitn-, Hiiiiniiiiitinii. aad
: 1 in BBftana foa (ami-Bg their landa
;.! l.y -*11 meana have ia Bbaadaaee?
t fatdBg in peaca anaa to Baa
;, j.l.iynl a gtttA in.uiy tiini.s
- ii !._v BBl ni liK'tlil' ll.
W. ,? . | bj ni !.,v ii'i.l . xli'iii-t. .1 T.y ;in iin
?i.l.' i-.mt' >t, tlie ini'ii tvlio liavi- l.i'iii i'ii
iri?K?'4l in tlu- Htiki- ior aharl wrothipy hoaia
are (caH-ZB-I] fiTlog tip. Tin; BtftOCtl frofll
Viirio'i-, tt.id. .- i.'iti rt-ti-ii in the dOMOBBtatiOB
Khovv that tht' htiiku h viitunlly nt an cml.
Thi'ic haa baaa i graal h^s ?i time, inouiy,
and good t4ni)KT. Wi- Imiio thera lia^ ln-cn gaia
aaaaaanaaaai imt it i.i not apfBuraat
Xha bM atoay af ili<- aaaa \tlio BudeiBold hia
biiri.in-iiiak.ii/ loiiij.. titur ttill BBCtS t<? iiiany
vho ruinl of (..!. A.iain Badeaat bsc <>f tin
fctolcn W;u 1?< jiiiitiiit nt irr.inU. Hokea aaola
the uiatiriul for Ua bfOOBMJ BtokBI htulit hin
biuonii ii ii<iy-inailc, aml li.nl the niaikct to
M-Baalf. Ji tuniK out tiiat tni. H.t.i.iiu not
tnly uai-d Um public ttu-hiviw, BCBBBa lo wiiii h
waa dciiiod ta avaajrhadf alaab l.ut m\
piofaJ a (I'i\rriinii-iit clirli to \\ nti- uul hin
" lii-toiy" foi him! If ihin \v;ih not n.-xt to
tWrklmt Iv'ik'l)' UiUUt bioylu^ W. WOUld likc ti.
kuow what part ?f the work Col. IV.i1p.ui
aiMiiiill.v did. m
Wilh tlio momory of thfl l*M horrihlo
rm&tMm la the huYunx Trrritory frwdi in
,,(.].!.??> iniii.ls tlio iiiPinoii.il of tlio CfcMteW
delegatae will !?<? read with brtantt. i ?'*7
jnnt.st agaiael M 1'xtiBgiiir.lmiont of thi -ir
tribal ?-xirat, nco, and ank that. their tomtory
?hall imt be ttwv-l <>vor to a mixrd raro. Tho
doc-nten* in forrihlj wiitton, and Ita eoa
si.Ienitiou fol-M g glO*- oloniont in tho Bolu
tion of tho tinliappy W__a .luc.tiau.
Minno-ntii politios nre diily rxplicntod in n
lettor which W? l>ail>!i?h to-rlay. 'lln ro has
been ionc woadet ti.at tho ao-oalled Bcftab
lioan i>its? of thr Stato should BO baf OOtt
tiimo to iiiisn-in-os. nt tho t.'inp.Tof tho pooplo.
Tho dillionlty in understood now WA hnow
thaf tha priiii ijiiil AdininMr.ition jo.irnal editg
four fat Fcdoral oflins in Hi own oditorial
fair.ilv. r.ut tlio pvogKM of I.ihoialisni |g
maaifeet, oeYertbeleoe, and thc people nt
litniiiiK voi-o thlWBfh tho ttOM prcss of tho
Stato. m
One miirtt holrl his l.roalh as hoionlsof ?
jrroat paMllllglil train rushiiitf aloiif? ifl iho
d__-XM--s gpeeding full upon n mhmot tinih.r
liolto.l upOO thfl tia.'k, and stoppcd jus! a( tho
.?.lp. of tlio i.lMtru.tioii hy I ohorh ho Kiiddoll
as t<> ti.r.iw tho pag-wngat- Into the wildeal
confusion. Siit'h an 00CU1 reiioc took jilu--,
glx mileg northof Sprinjjichl, 111., as tho Coii
vintiiiii .l<lc,_atos woro tctuiiiiiiK thon.c. A
i-ii.ii danghtei wm iata-ded; if thew tn
.skillful dotoctivos in lllinois, tho woiild-ho
nuirdorcrs should be fouii.l _H_ punishid.
A cnriouB bolt has been ina.lo hy the Repab
licans of tho Yth COORNM D-B-fsd ia M.iino.
Mr. En.-oiio llalo, who roprcsoiitod tho DiMii.t
in tho XLlet aml XL1I.1 CaMgMMM^I t*OU
i:ilsworth. in HancocU Connty, aml his ronom
iiiation WM opposod bj Holfast. Hocklanil, aml
othor IttgC towns in tho countios at tlio wcst
r rn ond of tho Dislriot. Bat Mr. Qalfl has
hooii ronominatcd, an.l Iho inalcontents havo
holto.l, aml will prohahly mako a now nomina
taon. Tho BepabUera mijoiitv ia the Di-trict
is only iihoiit 2,000?too Biinill to tritlo wilh.
riiind.-roil Xoitli Caiolina ig in tho throosol
ii BtatC ?h'C(i??ii, aml has now no timo to
make readj f?>r the PreatdenHal oanvas--.
Caipat-baggen and eooqptod aotiTee haTe m
inipovciished and dismacod tho Stato that tho
cliiof com.Tii of tbe p.'oplo is to gH hom*\
iiion into ollico, rathor than tako ii latge sharo
in tho National eontot. We aro sony to see
tlwt ov. n th" ooloK.l nion havo in tOmt in
Htan.'os I.. on leagaed with the eatpet-bi
in thi- tjaten >.l pfaadec whieh hM been oar
ricil ioiwiii.l. l'.von the <(.loic(l oratar wha
electrifled the P_dladelph_a Croareiitioa hv _ig
derol on to i;i int waa, ophappilj, u exce_i
foii to tho L'oitoral inh* <>t hon< >ty Bjnong tlio
i-iiiam ip.itod hlaoks.
In th< -. d ? i we beai ;i gn al deal aboat
eo-littau .md bargaiM aml eoo-preaiaea, tho
nhjrct of Whkh is tO inako .>iio ni.in l'n .-i
ilciit, aml othor nion oflir-ois of tho (..o\oni
in.nt. There aro i.uhlio nion aiidjouiii.il
who aro aa far nnahlo to onian.-ipato tlnin
- from the domt-rio- of old an.l bnpl ca
ble I'lrjinlico that th.-y <'.ui s. ?? Mthi-f elae
in the ruit'iin iiioviliiont bat ? iehe_fie oa tht
part of i.rtain ].i.li' '?? ian-4 to olo< t Mr. <:*.?? h v
an.l to gti plaeea l"i thet-eehree, !!'?
the ovils DXtdei wlnrh tho country is <iifl'orin?.
'i'hoy kiMiw th.it tht Civil Siiviri- is full uf
corrnjitioii and ineapa. ilv. Thej neogBiM tho
iajoftiee wtth whieh the AdininiBtcatioa
tiog the S.iuili in Itoeflnrtg to ri e _ro_a
the min wroii^ht hy the war, nml
to rosuino ouce lnoio the p-renita of i
Thoy kBOW how ii.lioii.nt aud ragaidh M <>f thc
ilaiins of law the PiefJdeal i>, and ho
or.inipt and srIf-eeekfa-g __ra who control
him uso hoth the Exeeatire and Legialatiye
powei ;is l nioans of thoir own aih-.m.-niii nt
and r.?toii'iou in phuo. Bol wliilo thej admit
the tiuth of all tlio-o stiitoiiioiits, tin v tind it
impoeaible to riee abore tbe prejodieee nml
ho-tilitiee <>f fonnef y.-ars, aml oonclode bj
aaying that, thoo^h Qiaat ia into-B?rahlo, they
cannot v.?ic fot Greelejj aml reaeoaing froei
th. ir own pi.judi. i s, it is impoeeible _M th.in
to romtivo that thc Doniooratic su]>port of
thc Ciix ii nati tiikot |g a geUUilM and .-I't.n
tamoiis thiag. Not aaderataading it, thej timl
it eaateet ta deoonaee it as a eonopt tN_rgain,
an intorosiod ooalitiou.
Thig il attaOplj hrtai'so, looklog at p'tty de
tails theM TOtefOM havo lost sij-'ht of great
ra] ii'ovoinonts. Thoy only s< o that Mr.
Greeleji i Protoet-0-riet?ii coi-lially gopported
hy FiYO-Tradcr.s; that Mr. Gro.l.y, a Ihjuil.
litan, ib ontliitsiastioiilly aivoptcil hy 1)<mo
or.its; that thc loadintf KniaiiciiKitioiii-t of the
,U'o is tho oandi.lato of nion whoso dftTei he
l.ihond long and ?MeCilMfllHj tO lilnrato.
'I'hoy mo that tho Platinrni of tho Lihoral Be
pablieOM .'nlopted :it Cinoinnati has hcrn
indorsr rl hy tho Doinooralio Coiiviiilion of
noaily erery Btate la the Tnion. rJ'o __iadg
constiiiitod liko thOM to t\hi<h WC r. f.r theM
taetl aio DOt r<.iiil'i<honsihlo, oxrcpt on tho
gTOOad that ontain ooirui.t loa.hr-. have af
iiiOMtd tho I'oinooiiitio _M_M? with soimihiag
liko insanity. Ihit thorc is nothing in tho
fa<is reojvi-iag m rk-C-tf ? holntion. The
ohaiiKo wilcl we Mt in tho attiturlo nnd
porpoeee ?t the De__ocntk p.nty i-. imt n
instaiitaiioous or sml.l.n thtng. lt is tho fiuit
of twelve yeais <?f history upon thal once
gml aml ineigetk party. In th;tt Iiini' tlu n
havo been imporUa. an?l indi.al changee in
tin- oonstitntion of tlio Covoinniont, as w.ll
M in thal of politioal oi^.iiii/.alions. IfoiC
than hall of the roten who will go ta th.'
poQg iu NovoiiiIki hftre attaim.l tlio hallot
within that time. In tlio con.-taiit h_____C___f
Of gtroggk ;.ml <hf< at tliioii.urh a rlozin JtMIh,
it i- oal] i -asonalilo thal thr- JOOIfei ruon of
the party ihtrnV, bare laa* theii iatetaet ia
the <d<l hatiio-^ioumis of the paat,aad should
he readj tr, eotet upon thepolHiea] Weof th<
liitnio witl.oiit loa.liii^- thoniM lv.h wilh un
aeeeeeaij robWah. Toallo- th.so the LibenJ
iiiovoiik nt which i.-.-.iod its ____lfeetoai (inriii
nati <dl?i<<l an oppoitnnily whioh \\;is not to
beaegleeteiL That iaatnuaunt, ?oapleaeated
hy Mr. (Jic.loiV LettOI Of Aoorplaiioo, pio
sontr.l I plilfonn of |?<'litioal primij Lh nd
miial.ly u.Lptc.l ta ? period ol liaiir-itioii aml
ihvrlopinr'iit. The demaade ol that Coavea
li.ui wens '" ehoeti ;i Befbfai of il.r- Qovera*
in.nt, tinamial, a.lii.iiii>tiiiiivi-, aml politiial.
Hut the ooe aeati-aeat whieh orerbort i.il
Otben, and which a?tonishoil hy il- wannth
aml eaneetoeei aU the poUtidaoa who( fn
OM iiason or amrtln'r, Innl gope to I'liiciniiai i,
WM that <>f thr- iirecv-itv ol endlng th.' war
h. twi.ii the N'.'ilh an.l tho South, at oiici' ...id
I in-. was tbe iiimii ' ik ihlo roice <<f tho
pci..|il<. it waa tbal whieh aoiaiaated Hr.
li y. Ii waa the qaiek aad aai* >
raapOBM lioui all .ni;iiioir> ol tlio touuliy,
hailinK in him and ia Oor. Ilrowii Um enihent
nnd muat eniinent ndvoeateM of Fr.qdom be
l,,ii. tha War, an.l PBfMt -**?* it. tbal made
it UnpoaaiMti to think oi othe? candliiataa. lt
WBI M'l'ii an.l frlt that tB-B ll l_M kt-y note Bf
Oa eaaapa-ga. i? la, al aaan* a movement af
Befoita in tthi.b ara an engaged, aml ia
whieh we BBfBBt for a good whilo to BBBBB
10 ,?. Mgagada But tho Biat laqoiaita of
i:.-forin la the ratatahllahnKiat of peaea and
law. Then, when WB have re>r.iiiied our
noii'iiiil atata af Qaran-aaaat, wa bm
icfonii tb* Adinini-itratioii. It ll CoaaB nml
foolioh to -BJ uny one il figWaq
fo, " ihiios." Thi.t eanvass ll one for the
11 -tton.tioii of law, and in thia Uaa Ita pepa
l.tiily, an.l tho (liliiotilty whiek leadinj,' poli
I'i.ii.tirt nml leading jofirnal.s Bad in oheekiag
or dirortiag Ita oomfts. Tbe North aml Baath
have l.reii lOBg IftOUfl kept, iiMiiidei' l.y a
policj of nnitnal ri.>eiitiiieiit, au.l ex.eptional
leghalatioB. Tbore ii bb oppoitnnity now
afforded to brtag th.ni fegathar, tu mn
rlosily than before tho wnr-for tho ehronie,
aaaaa of faanal in now ra-Dorad? aad tha
im n ot good will aaaai au-Boraua aaioagh on
both hitles to ,'iccontplish it.
The ga_ndaBeeaa aad atnagth of thi* bbbto
in. nt ;ire htii as well in tlie iitleiaiiee.i of
ti,,.-. who mppofl it bi of -boae artau oppoae
it. Tho youiitf nml gBBBIOUl P< niocracy of
the \Ve-t imve apokoB in their Btata Cobtbu
lions in Spiin-fielil, Inilianapolis Bad C-OTO
liinif, in language which aaght to till with bope
a'nd eoaiage aretj ono who wiahei aell to hia
lountiy, and tlu y liave met with eonlial and
ehecfiag mpoiiaei from the eit issaa of the grent
Sotithern Coininoiiwealtln of Viiginia, GoOtg-B
aad HJaa-aa-ppi. It in ditihult to ne how any
One t in snrvey stich an exhibition of BM-ff
n.inimity and proprrcMH without plcasiiie and
-ratitude. Bat there BM niiiids too deeply
tiaged with prejudice to focgd their aaeieal
a-d-BOBitfei btbb Ib the preaeace of aueb
events, and Hiieh BPPOfftBB-tfBB. Thi elietioii
of Mr. Qiaalay la hafled by the Baath aa ?
gnaraatoe of FnedoaB aad Poaoe. Bat Mr.
Wendell PhflUpa aml Mr. Bobefl TooaihB r.
fuso lici-tlom and peaoa on uny Riieh tCCBBfl,
and piefer, of all men m the world-On.
Qxaat, _____-___-___?.------?-?
Dming tha waal now eloaingi Daaiooratic
Conveniioiis of aii Btatea bave, with greater
,,r |caa d.-tinetne>s deehi.d th.-ir adheience
tothe polioji pliitfoiin, and lirkil Of the Cin
,-iiinati Cuiveiition. Tin > ;ire QeOIg-B, HoW
jeraey, l; Inoia, ' ? Vii-'im.i. aad OUa
Theae ropraaoal bb aggregate af lf*i fotai la
tha Nat-uaa. Deaaoeratk CoaTentioB ta be
|?l,l i.t B liiinoie, July o. At thia dbtte. tin n,
iwiiiiy-ei.-ht atatea h.ive m theh De-aoeiatie
c.iiv. iiti.iii-, with BaiyiBg aaaphaaia, joined
UM Lil.einl inoveiiient .'ind BigBi-fa <l tin ir
readinc i to cofipfaate with th<' Erieadi af
rona p litical refora erorywhere in the
popiiliirnt'.. inpt toiaatoia tha Nat-oaal Qot
iiiitiniit to (ta noiinal iiutity and tahtt-OBI to
the people. Tbeaa Btatca, with thaii wpta
,.,n in the BaltJ-BBia Convention, Bfl Bl
tna. W .Bf
M . 11 Mi-oiiri.10
?.ia. li N-i-rsAka. ?
?. 11 W
.. ..r.rt-. I ???'. "0
-. IJ <?.i". ?*
na. ?? r.-nimrlvain i. ?
. ... 14
-. M laaaoaBoc.? -'t
ky.i B I . 16
BBO. lo fatooo-B. ia
.UlBfl. 14 . 'H
in i. M B-fl. H
. 10 Wi-r.ni-iii.20
The whole i.'iiiiinr of roteaio ih.- Baltiinoie
('..nvention is tix><l at i:!'.', or twic? that of the
whole vote of the I'.hetonil CoDegO. TWO
thiida oi Ihe rot* of the Coaroatioa will ln
488 ; BO tha Libera] element ahea.ly diiei ted to
1'iiiltiliiore will liiivr 181 TOtea lnoie thiili two
tliinl-. lt i^ j.n tty elear th;it the Lilietjil |no
gnu-uae will be adopted oa the Biat balloi.
Then Bla BOmc qiialiliiatioiis tO ba made in
the abOTC i ln-siliiiilioii, BB in the c:i>e ol
...i aad taiitoinia, where tha driagatoa
;ire not insti mtiil, lint aie known to l.e
almoat B-tanimooj foi the Ciociaaati platfanB
and BBBBiBeOB] or in l*t9mq l\iiniii, whoM
delegab - aw laatraetad to vote as a unit, aml
a large Budoiity of tluin an (a-thu-aat-eaUy
]..i (.iiehy and T.iowii. Uiit, B illi these qnali
fyiog eiiciiliinlaiiees, the talile iiuiy lie aece|iteil
aa i jn-t ,-tateinent oi the atatai af tha dele
gatioiia of the tweatj?aight Btatea aaaaad.
And even llirowinj,' out the TOtCB of <BM Off
two Btatea in wUeh tha paipoaa of tha nao*
lutiona waa leaa eaaphaaiced^ ot the ptefe-aaeei
oi the deliKates WCM not iinaniinoiis, theie
will Htill lein.iin a tuo-tl.iid.-* vote in the
The Btatea yet to l><- beaid baa. wfll un
il.nilitedly aagBieal thia Llbeia] atreogth; Imt
anoogh baa beca doae to abow tbal tha l'e
liii.eui.y ol the eoiintiy (onliidly ainl in |OOd
faith aeeepta tha afaataiaa ba aaiaa ia tha
eaaaa of tafotaa which lmve baea -aadebytha
Liberal BepubUeaaa. ln bobm BtatBBi ia la
Illinoin, tht; coalition h;i> been d.moi^trative,
aml even lioi-teroiis, in it* eiithn.-ia-.tn; and
ihe fraterni/atioii Iiiim boBB eomjih te in
ihe BoUdifyiag of loeal partj BiBehlafity
and uiiion on laea] BOB_BBtiOBB< And
thlOBghant the 1'nion the inoveinetit
haa tiiken the foini of a K'?at popuhii wave,
rathei than of a BBOffC politieal .-..nil.iiuiimn.
1 lu people are in thia WBJ manife-tin- their th
aira to haTe done with ihe wiun-oiit laaaea of
the paat They will B0 loBgCI he kept iijiart
bf old w:ir-erie.s whih bad men fOfa the nation
of good iiiiine, and gfOW lieh on the puhlie
revenne*. TImm graad eoBapaetiog of Ubcfali
of all jiaitOK BMBBB n-loi mation, econoiny,
iind peaee. lt i* p*aetiea_ly ooaaaflBa-atod
alreadys it will be rattfled !?:? ri gffeal tritunph
at the paUa. ________________________
Tlu othei B-ght| at a iliuuer of eollege
graduatea, an Bafoctaaaia faadaaaaai who
v.litMinl to a-igg*Bf that onr hi^'hei r-eni
inaiiei failed to preparc men thoroujrhly for
the biiiii. I Of life and the dulies ot .-oriety,
waa gffeadj -aahbad hy an fcadlgBaal l?on,
who told him jMiint bhink that l.e WBB en
tiielv mistaki n. lf the oflemh i dihiied to
niiike any laplj at thia time to lUfl imputii
tion np.>n hia eoininon BBBM und pOWBH of
i.i.-lN.ition, he lniKht pnt il. I \ dl n. I BOBM
of the r-peeihen niiide wlnn t!i- .ut wii- heavy
wiih raaaf. baaf aml tha _aaal reapectabla
rhetorie, at tba Ahunal Diaaei la Caa-bridgei
i;,-t w.diie-ii.iy. Ez-Got. Waahbuia had
'aaid, and Kiid with tlKAl |.i..|iiieiy ni.il fotai :
"What | gkrioai ojipoitunily I What a
"<oiintr> tO i""ve in ! And v. ith all the ml
"Taatagfi al t*.n<iarion which joaag nun
MpoaaeBBi and W-ddl thia 1'nivei-ity and thia
" Oaaaaaoawealth bbtb gi*ea thaat, what aa
" o|)porliiinly !" And, in loneliiMion, Mr.
W'.t-liliui ii ealleil upon tlie JTOBag BB B tO ni.il.e
"the coLitiuu-Uti-o to which Ihty btlynt, Uio
"roitnlry wlith thoy oull Ihoir own, the
" hnphtor aud happior hy reasou ot their
" livort.w
We ihink tbal Ibe hMring af Meh soun.l
s.nso as this should have naved 0111 country,
4)iir poliiical affaira. out citizeusliip, wbi
niay h<' its foihhs, from tlm olahoi.ilo -m <r
which pro-aontly foll irom a pontl.iimn who
haa been in public life, allxsit ho is ao no
loiiKtr. "A Statt: or nalion." sairl Mr. H. C.
Wiuthrop, "inay chanpe or may try t<. chanpo
" thoir chlef niiiLristiatrs as ofton as thoy will,
" for pood roasoiis, 01 for had reasons, or for
? no NMMbI at nll, at their own Rovorcipu
"will anrl pha.Mire ; hut, Sir, uo hriof t.ifns
" of a.liiin.i^iatii.n, no rtyritein of rotation in
" ollico, no miant'f one-toini prinoiplo will
" cvor conduco to tho pci maii'tit pn.spority of
" a pn-at ropul.lio ol letteis liko oui->." Thi
nailor will not fail to oleOttTQ tin* 0? oe.linp
iglgeaaMy af Mr. Winthrop'rt cliniiix. Bi is
imi talkiup of j.olitiis, it will ho notioed, at
all, anrl yot ho is roally talkiup of
nothinp NN, Ho is thinkinp only of
tho beat iatereeti of the Uuivorsity,
oxcopt, ind.-..I, ili.it ho is thinkinp of DoetOC
Ciant, who nits at thi' tahlo not in the least
tioiihlod hy tho weipht "f his new acadeiiiio
1 uu. Is, and plaeidly sinnkinp his cipar! Mr.
Wiiilhiop ipeokl as if all this poliiical pothor
and turnioil, this feustle of 1'rosidriit-inakinp,
thi- ili-onsiion in thc newspapeis, this path.-r
j?g oi Convt-ntionB, nnd this onwanl nianh
ni a graat people to tho poila- were roally of
uo ooaeeo_oeaeg whea eoaipared with Ihe
acadomic s.roniiy, the phiaOeophical pvopiidy,
and tho dipniln .1 penoral inanaKciiioiit ef
Harvaid I'liivi-rrity in whnh thiagg are dono
so niiicli hcttfi thau tir-y aro dono in
Wa-diinptnn. To ho suro, it may havo
beea exeeediB^y pr.itifyinp to Dr. Griaal
to have hianl ii.o -pcaker indii at i 11 _r his rlis
appioval o! " luiif toin.s ol ollir?<?" aml tho
"iiiraLror ono-'onn prinoiplo;" hut if Dr.
i.i.mt w.'o a rr-iilint Aluumiis, v,c ;itc ccrl.iilt
that ho WOotd lind Canihridpo hut I slow soil
of plaOO. Moi.nvor, we aro not suro that
there wm eoythiag roally eaeo-jaging ia Mr.
Winthiep's gpeech. Dr. Oiaati perhapesWM
hardly hlhd with Joj at the iiiMiniation that
the nation " imiv ihaage ite ehief nagktiate
"as ol'tcii as it will;" he.au-e Dr. taiant's
i.lci il that it in,.y not. Thc wholo jioint o,f
tho riiiladolpliia t'oiivciitiiin was that we
inust ti.ko thc Doetor agala whefhec we waat
him or not, nml that there -ahall hc DO " inay"
iu tho matter.
l'liitiinatoly it id left to tho DOOple aml not
to tho eaten of _Ja__ai diaaen tn decid
whether there ahaO ba "rotition in otli.c,"
OT v.hitlier the 14-i-ni of an Adinini-tiaHon
-hall hc luicf or Iiot. If tho l'n-si.leiit of
iiaivar.l Uairenitj ihoald appoial faiafathex
ProCeeoot of Oreek, 1ns aaole PtofeeeM of
l.atin. hig hrotlni-in-law PfOf00001 ol Mathe
malics, and his irreat .gl,iad_BOthei ProfeOOO.
of EthetoriOi and ihoald bmvooto. eell gheep
skins for his piivate oinoliniiout, we c.m fancy
Mi. Wiathrop wanaiag bta ?omethiag liko
indigaatiOB, aml aotually tOffeotiag .1 " f>
" ti.lioii."
The coiiie-at ia whieh I'linco Bienaiek has
eagagod with a pottjoa ol tin- ( atboUo Chareh
ot Coiniany i- hBOthei evi.leiicc al thc to*
in.'iity which hM always char.uitoffaoi his
inanapenioiii of important politioal prnhletns.
Tho unnr.ini. ? un nt reeOBtly inado hy tcl
cgraph, ol tho iin.il passape ol the hill
agaiael the Jeenh-aj ig ? eleax iodioatioa
thai tho Genaaa ChaBeeUoi hM iaaagaiatod
ii si-ti-m of tepteeeion igaiael i body whieh
is aat-tiag ia iti aethritj bt the pcopegation
of its oode. Tragtwotthy atatietici ihow that,
in l*i-ii ? ia. for maily a QOattOI of I crntniy,
11 ? le^i.istical ordora, whieh bad beea peeri
oiisly alinost i nt in ly lUBpgQMld, have beOB
rapiiUjhJTHTTraaing ia laoibet md iinpoitai.ee.
ln 1888, of the erden which were thea
in exiateoee at leael aiae-teathi had beea
loiin.lo.I in the picidinp 1? ye.it^.. In that
>e:ii then /voro !?? institiitioiis for nioiik-,
with 1*0M nn inheis. In Jlavaria thoie WM IB
< qual niinih.r of iu. ?nil.ers, an.l it inay ho e-ti
n.atc.l that in all Cciiiany there ;irc at lea-t
HO institiitioiis, with OTCC mJM nieinlx'rs. Of
th. -e.'i.rohalily otii-t hii ii aio Josiiils. In a con
toai with the Btate iK?* powoi <>f the JMaitg
w.uild imt be liinitcd ta thi'ir own diioct in
lltieii.o with tho Citholio laynii'ii. Any at
toinpt to cir. uinscrLo their nuthority could
ra-ily hi' trpiesent.d hy them as a crnsade
aKainst all Cathol"' or.lci-.; aml, althoiiph
a very bnge pution of tho Catholics
aro opposod to tho .'<'suits and favor thoir o\
plllraioll, the fasWI ri* 1*111 ?ai;_ ;it lc.^t 1'cpitrtl illl
inonaHtic institiitiois with so liltlo favor that,
lor their own niaiilcnaino, a ooitain hoiid of
unity inust suli-ist hotwi en tlioni. In a.ldiiion
to the Bfooaatk ioMtatioM for nea then tn
at loast livo tiines ns tnany or.lors aml MM*
ciations for woincn a giaal poition of whofB
aaa be brooght to i*t b_om <>r Iom in __e in
t.r.-.-t of Un Jeeuiti whOeperfonaiag the <>ih
ces of charity whi.i their fiygfg piMCflhe.
Tho Jisnits, h<?w<ver,^iro ?till, with a pro.it
poition of the inhal'tants of (acrniany, hoih
Caaholice aod Pioti-iaata. ?oej unjiopiihir, aod,
ha a ooateel IfaB-toa ta thal ho<ly and tha
Stato. aa eadrgetk iovornnicnt niiuht ovon
tuiilly loeceed in Maa_ag tha greatai athraa
tapo. Sii.li n (Joviiiiinont in thiit which is
puidcil hy PrioM Hionarck, aml tho incasuio,
tho pussapc of wllicl hr- has How hoi iircl, is
woll liilculiit. .1 lo so:iiro this < nd. Thc hill
whieh has just beea hdopted hy thc QenM_i
railiaimnt al the recoiiinuiiilation of thc
(iov. ininont doclaiel all lnrinhrirt of thr*
Onler of JcHuitn as alii'iis. Without
h.iiip obUgad lo jiioc.c.l a^'aiii^t tho
.14-u it -s, tlio (lovei iiiieiit all alwiiys iiicnar'c
thrni wilh c\piil.-ion lioin thc tonitory, thus
placiup them ou their pood hohavior; in case
of aaeeeaili there <;?i ho no doobt that thia
lnonaoo wonhl ba i. hlillcc-ly caiiicd into c\e
eatioa without any very htiict imiuiry h. iiiK"
ni.ulc into tho legali ) ri| the incaiis hy which
it is aeeo-Bplifhed. Bbi then aio dreo-oataaeM
in thc pioMiit iclati.'iis beiwaea thc Chureh
and thc Sla(<- v ii.li nill niatr rially a<hl to the
dilhiullics <.f t ? latlrr. Il will ba ronionihii. .1
thiit, ;it thc linic of thc (Kciinuiiical Coun
<il at lh.nio, thoK' WOM no nion.hcrs
who a|)|)i'ar<d nmrc riaOOM in thoir haa*
tility to tho prOP-lllgatiol ol tho dopuia
Of Intailil.ilily than tho IUsIk.jh of
(ioiiiiany; aml so ihri.l. .1 w.ie thoy in thoir
OppoaitioOl that ll Wu.s itssunied hy tnany that,
in ciiHc tho dogfoa were adopted as a doetriae
nt tho Churi'li, they WOOJM plai'<' t hotiisi 1\ gg
al the head of a m-Iu.-ui. Hut ihirie comlusioin
ariwc from a misappii-hciiniou of thc pioiinds
upon which thal hostility uas foimded, Tho
i.iiinau lli-liiiji-t, who tnct at l'ulila to deT_N
nn aiir. foi a\eitinp thr- pioinulpatioii of thc
dogaai at liuiiie, clearly ladieated tbaii eoa*
\iclioii that to iah thc li.iinan, to beHeYo ia
the inlalliliility ol a Inoital liki- tlniii
would hc rnoaipg the ri kol lufli. ing i
l.low upon the * itltolic iul t il lu 0 t nianj ,
iiini to pu C.t'.-oUaiiaj Jn'.nu:)'. oolture would
only dBBlBgfl BB tot-Bflf f? '1"'
eil if.sidf it WBI le Iteved tli.tt BBOSt
Of tho Anti-fiifallibility Biahopa
aimply reaet-oaary pattJaaaa who oppoaod Um
doftua on groftadi af expedieoay, fearlng that
it wfcfl too e.xtiava_"iiit to be ae.epted by their
dioeeBBMi aad thia Lnpreaaion i.s atroBgtheaed
by tlie fiiet tliiif the Anti-Infallibility addffl I
pi. -ented to the Council wns drawn up by a
woll-known Ultr.tiiioni.ini-t, Caffdiaal Baaaeheff
of Vieim.4. ItnC when the plans of the
JeatttUJ were con.siinimnted, tho Gerinan I5i?h
ope bogaa to feai ihat, from oppaaing n ln
fallible Pope, the publie migfatbelod tonttn I<
?.th. i taatttat-oaa of tbe Chaithi nml now
Pihi.'o Bieaaarck, in the pppaaitloa to tha
Popo iuto which lie haa diil'ted, is entirely
without tin- fupport of tho bigher eocleaiaatl
eal aui-BMli.ee,
The auppoil whieh the Biahapa hara beea
ladaead to laakl to the will of the pop<j plaooa
tho lioverntnent under the dftfladVBBtflffl of
appirently OppOB-Bg tlie Cfnin h in the ir'
of a -in,.11 Ixidy of ftchi-imatirs. In this way
in two laapattaat eaaaa tho t.overninent ba*
made a direct attaek upon tho Chaffoh. The
Btahop of Kimelaml having excoinmuiiieated
a reraleitrant -BBlgyiBaa, he WM directed by
the (Jovernmeit to withiiaw the onlor ot ex
(?oinmiiniciition. The apirit of BBtagOBiaai
whieh tbo l'ope haa lately di-played
towaid QOI-BBHJ lOBYflfl littlc pnoiiml foi
the beUaf that the Biahop of BimaUnd willbe
peirnitteil to eotnply with tkt) ro.pie.st. In
auefa an event it is impiobable tbat IbMiiarek
will iillow the iiiiitt.r tO IBflt. Bttl 'he lamodj
at lii-4 eoinmaml appeaiB inade<]iiate to the
B-norgoaey. Tha loooad eaae to wh-th wo
have tafbrred is afmilai La elu-factor. Aocoid
iBg to ;i semi-otlit ial -liiiimeiit, in tlie Kvan
il garriaon chureh of si, Paatalooa at
CologUO, fbvine serviee, BeeOVO?Ig to I he forins
of the Catholie Chureh, lm ^ been performed
for tweiity-t'otii yeai- with geOOffBl BBt-B-fcOtion.
Dobic naonthi ago ;t taqueal waa autde bj tha
old Catholiei of Cologaa that the ebuffch
Hhonhl bo lelt fi.e to tlicin ibuintr. eettain
hoiiis im the eel. liiiition of juil.lie woidiip;
this waa graatod with tho eoaaeal af tha
Pruaaiaa Miiii-t.r oi War. Notwithataadiag
thia ji. imisaion, tbe Catholie iield-piovo.it,
Biahop Niimszaiiowski, without appljiag to the
Mioiatei1 of Wur, prohitdted theCatholk Chap
laifl l/iniiiiiiiiiin liom per-ORoing diriae aet"
v i.. ? any loog-f iu the ihiiieh. The. Iffc
ot w.ir teiaoaattated with the Biahop aud
poiliied otlt the sel'ioils eoli-oipicln e.-t involveil
by his aetioii, and notilied to him th.it the
i itholic militaiy B-TTict shonld COOt-OUO tO bfl
eelebrated in the chureh m kmg as the Minis
tei of W:ir had not deeided *.. tiie i.iiitiaiy.
Tho Biflhop at fitat did not porsiat
in hia piohibitioii; but sub.sequeutly having
ropoztod tba e-toumatanaa t<> the l'ope, aud
his eaarae haviag beea approved, the Biahop
agaia forbade the prieat L-U-oenuuiB from dia*
ehargiag any religioua fuaetioa whatoveff la
the chureh of St. PBUtaloOB until it lni.l
Ito be likewiae eaaployod by the 01.1
Catheliea. In conaequenoe of this proeedaxab
which the Pkaaaiao Grorentinent nudataiaed
WBI not only an eneroachnient on the rights
of tho State, but also a violation by the
Biahop of Mi datiea a* fialaVpiafaat aml a>
au oflieei iu tbe mili! uv -mir.', the Goveip
ment felt Iteelf obliged t<> oadn a diao-pUaary
iBTfaUgatilrB and the teinponuy aaapOBBlOBOf
the Beld-pffOTOBl from hi-- olliee, Bfl well ;is to
intei.liit to his vienr-ireneiiil the dUechaigB of
all his foDOt-ona.
Althougfa thaal aaaaa bbbj ba aattlad withaul
;i terioaa dietarbaaoe oi the relat-oafl betweea
tho Btata aad Ita Catbolk aubjeeta, tbey Berer
tbeleaa affbed an OTidaoeeof the Uttereonf
whieh hai already bogaa -a-twaon the Greraaaa
GrOTenuaoat aml the l'ope, ,'tt d whieh, thara
is eveiy reasoii lo believe, will BOOB e\!end to
the peoplO. Thut the l'ope la l.-letitless ill his
ho-tility to the (iovt-rnnient is ibowu in the J
lUpport that he fiuiiislies to the Biflhopfl
iu their opposition to it. An iinmi-tal<al>!e
BTideOOa ot this is the tn.-t that the l'ope
hiis oonferred Bereral maiks of his approba*
tion upon BiahopMa-BBiBBOwaJd foi his poii
iu tin Bt. Paataleoa aflair. Another aiga of
the aniniosity of the l'ope is the iieiitnonious
Laaguage he naed ;i few day-. ago in addiaaaiag
the Oenaaa Literaiy Clubof Boaao. "The
MperBoeat-oa of CatboUea,'1 iaid the Holy
Father, "h.is begun iii (ienuany; but Uny
"display COUrage under alllietion, aml we
"bave itifoiliied the Oeltiiiili CoMiiiineiit that
??th.. peiM'.ution of the Clnn'eh is folly."
"Lot nI pffBJ to our Father tliiit Ihe stone
"niiiyfall that will complete the oveithrow
"of the Coloaaaa" That Prince Uismaiek,
ii])on wliiiin the Pope evnhntly desiK'iieil to
i-iist this Bt-g-BB, Ifl D?Od -B his deliiilli'e of the
Pope, would appeaff ffoaa the aaefgj he haa
dis|?iiiyed in preaaiBgto ns iiiKii paaflBgathfl
l.ill dopriTiag the .b-suits of theiiichts of citi
/.enshii>. Au btercatiBg probleaB will be
whether any eoiisider;ible BdVBBtBfB <>in bo
olitiiin.d l.y the St;ite over the CIhhtIi without
prodaelng tho diaaJfeetioa to thfl state of Ita
byal Catholie Bubjeeta, who, in Pruaflia for
B-OU-tple, eoinpose one-third of the lotiil lium
beff ot inhabitanta.
Not until tbo Suinmer m.lstieo it well ad
viuice.l is the oatward rmh of eity Ufa at its
hlghflflt May Motiag Day laat many beiiie,
and not a few weie tliiven to inore inviUUK
localitics when the oppretwivo days of early
June liekjan. Dafftag the inoiith now paflflBBg
thouaaada .>f our fdca_da aml nilghbcaa ba~_
put tho snit aaa betweea theaa aml their bbbbII
boaae aaaoyaB-ea. They me laattag the gay
daligbta af Paria, yacht.Bg in the bhu -Egsaa
or in tho liords of the Noithern ?eas, stiuutei
iii? Untei det I.inileii iu lleilin, seiiiinlilin>r
aaaaag the Bwiaa Alps, ereoping down thalaay
Siheldt, or Kii/.iiiK with tbe nil udmirari
aii of you tr.iveled Aineiiean on the iiiins of
Piestuni. oi the stoiied eastles of the Khine. N.>t
ii few, with theflgVOff of Manhattan slill upon
theiu, aie v.xinjr the soiils of e>thetie Hos
toniaiis ;ind Philadflphiaim by ehattOllag of
"N'Yoik" uniler the nhatb.wsof tbe Pyra
niid.s ; an.l I8BBB, WhOBfl buiiied life seeuis to
hara auddealj atretehed Lata aa otanity, axa
prepaiiag to caaaaaafl thfl ilaw months with a
lotaa flatiag boat-Toyage ap tbe Nde. iiut
the.se uie not all who bave taken Ihe Siiinntei
iliirbt beaee. Bobm ile^ant people, wha aa
loagei liud t-xcluaioB aad nftoed Bolootioa la
thfl inad rush to loieti;u DBltB, BBTfl taken
thein-elves to the Rleep parwert of Voseinite,
the foie-,1 p'.iniev.il ol tbe Adiioiidaiks, or
tba .-loiiii-.st'.uied ihOBOfl of int k-l.ouud New
lui-l.ind. The lnl.itid Siiinnni' letie.ils and
near. i ; inn a: d fkOttagBfl rOOBh fl \ is'
ahoala of jaded pleaaure-aeekera who Beefroai
Ihe Ini. k . aml BtOftaff, Ite. .toite ai'.l D-Orblfl
of ihe eity ar. il a pestileme lutketl iu iteiy
blook, aad Boaipael dia ifle weia ihal up in
thfl iii.iiuiin.il i.iilK-e.iu. AJoag :dl the i;ie.it
tal! way iiiie-^, il lUtWBffd t'.ivt I thtob;
uul :' D f.ilteied
.i nl , . 1 tVl atoi a '
ferney, nml iVim-nU-ani,,. A few loginnfl lin
gfll yet, loth to depart, loving houie and dread
ii?K the un. ..u,f,.iiable pliin^e iuto the im
known aaa oi -toeb-ea whieh li.- before *ar.h
Surnmer ti tveler. Wnh -BdepeadBBBB Da.v,
even theaa wiii Ko. a t*w in trboflfl bti
tha fiieaof petriotiea. barn Baorebrigbtlytbaa
,!" Beree bflatfl <>f Jaly, bbbj itay la taa tha
l>iiv Ue filubftite; l.u' I,., praaaoaBBOBy lie.
eiii.ker aml nnfimely 1.. ml. BBlkir then 1..J
rooBB wiadowa wfD aean tway avaaithaar.
It i.s strat./e t|?lt, ,|.-. .', te,| !,;, a|| tlu ex.i.|:i?
?this in .v hfigfca aa do in.t boooaaa aa Fad?
taot in ?:... I ? nat, deaolata aa tha Ci-iaa '.f
the i'litiu. Thounands on thou-riuds I
Kone, but tlo- ?,,,. ,1(lt mAmi\i Othflff thoii
r-itli.lt rOah Ilt Iii'kI.. to t.lin ,1,1 ry
boavea, awtiUag -im ttaiag ti.b obich tou
aud out the f'.eaf hi .nt ot th.i.ty [n moffBinW
aud eveotafi palaatieaa; but tba eity is ever
iiill. Tha IheatflaB aaa falli tha Haw ahurehaa
where the worahiptta beliove Goil'a providi-nc*
bas ao Sunimtr utcation are full; aad tho
inakeepen have vo inoru apare rootns thm
tho KoiKeourt baions whg froWB on WBBty
wayfarerrt from tbo offaflfl oi BaaBBaBI
earavanaaries. Soine mistaken BOala arha
dream of hi-avon at the soa.-ide, but lind eity
life nnich eheaper, kecp np ippoaXBOflflfl ?>j
elosiuj,'their liouse-froiit-i and a_Owiog nio'h
and riist to corrupt door-plate and Ml
ptill while tbey live fmtively in the ba<k
I?arlor aud baseuienf. And in.iny boldly de
elare that they stay in the eity in BaaBBMB
beeaaae it ifl tho naoat pha-ant, ea-Bfortahlfl
aml altogather deairahlfl plaefl of whlci tBtti
is any acroimt. So the eity in full thoti^h
"nobody Ifl in town."
We ihaD, anon, beaf dreedruJ repocti of
tha di.seomftirts of thfl WBteriog-placefl Bad
tbe aaaoyaB-flea nml iatpoeitio-ia ol fofeigfl
li.m-1. Tlio-e who mgffmt ueariedly ba.?'. from
niount.iiii, v.tlley, and Btttl-BN will dltffWftff
of duat, h.it, aiuaketoflfl, bad Cood, ill-v.n
tihited rOOBBB, h.'iTpy laudlords, and iliveis
inortifie.itions of thfl lbsh. And wc who did
not aad eoiild not po will bfl gBBerOttl and re
fiiiin from Baying, "I told you so.'' Well, 4.-t
then co and tec tbfl folly of it. Tbey |
thfl ehaagfl aaoia than the thiagfl they taaey,
l.ut B_l not geti Kveii | flhaBgfl of worry ifl
liettef than no flhaagB at all. N'.ver miml if
they are bitt.n by iiiseets, hroiled in the sun
an.l wearied by Btruggiee thiougfa Hinr trr aaad
They will gflifl BOBBOWhat, after rtll. Bottflf
h.ive buaiaeaa, the bflla aad diaappointiaeal ? >>f
butcher, baker, aud plumber Ixhind foi a ? ,t
8011, even if yoa al-o leave your eool, airy
eity bouae, with all its famili Bff coinfoi
hojiie feelintr, aud it* substai.tial in.se. Vou
aurreadax tha areaiag baeaae froa. tha b.iy
aml the ronvenieut niiiiistiatioiis of the m.i
ehinery of tirhan eivili/ation; but you IB-fl
your eyos on thiiifrs otheff th aa -BBBM whieh
Iiave gffown weariBoaaa by their aterna] f.i
iniliiiiify. Vou will eonie bftdt tired ,it:d dia*
arrayed, perbapa, bat raaDy laated atora thaa
you think by the harah break iuto your ?
i.te. And we, who eannot get aw.iy, will
i'vei b ild that for a eool letffBBt Ifl Sinuner.
safe and eonifortaiile, fiefl from dust, aoaeBi
heat, and nui.sances, there ii no place liko
New-Vork. _
A sinirular and appaiBBtly BB bti i.lioiis .lisiTiini.
nation WB* mailo l.y the -brityinan wha utt. r-.i tho
introdiictoiy praver at tho BoatflO. Jab-I?, The
OaiaaBI Bf that rity reronls tho fact, aa followa:
'" The R*T. I'liilliiis IiiiK.kri"s j.i.iy. r WBB B-Bdo m
ilmnb show to alinost OTBtybody. Wt BOllOIB il
w.s.s IheX. Y. Exyrtai that i>oint.Nl out in iwIvimi.-b
ihat, in so larga a baild-og bo tha CoUaaaaa, ti-i**
prayet pttnld notpoaaiblj ba haaid bj tliosetowhom
it waa addiaaoed, bat imt tlu- i:..>r-t aadaeioao of
S'ew-V..rk 000-Eon COOld haTO atiti.'i].ii:..l that it
(vould ba addiaaaad to only a part ef tba awlif-nen,
in.l niii.i ? "in damb show" at thaa. Ho DaaaNi \*
ilaa ta tteubla ow tha aaWantof tta Baw-Tatkaaa
ttapondenfa. and aecuaca thaat <>f b_Ibb, Ib th.ii
Fabtlaa lettoo*, "a baid a**tca of falaahood." Ii
litiis th.m, boWOTOT, aml it dOC8B*t <;ue. " 1 Im
lubilco," it aayab "willgo iuto hiataay oa Ita _aerfta
laapita theii eiavti to iaabaao aad aaaja n. Um
ita.ill jealousy of lioBton from which this i<>n:.r_ipt
i.:.. .|.iiit oaaa-uttaa ia ta aa taay aaBpataRBt. . .
Wore Etaatou of laaa t otu M_n*Deo in tha ayaa of Ibaaa
leople, they WOUld hav.lly lie .letened from BO oi.l
mi ta BBtha aaadU <>f a boou_bo hriaatph aaoh ;e* w?
iraaohiariag." Pahair.irt BOBBeaBboe, BaakasaaaB>
ion of a nian who noveruttered his own name with'
?ut tak-Bgo-fbla?otaaaaaaafcof leaaaawaa Ior tho
?xiiited aapettat-aoa UaCaaaMttakaa thia f*.*rt ot
?..iiil.ilt nat.iiiilly and paopoai|; and WB are k1?<1 tn
u-e that it is bIbo ahle to b-dulfa ba tha raiatt-aa?
rary daar ta tha Boatonlan oolnd that "tndi
lieeii liiiirh better " donag llii-> JnbfloO than <1 iiinn
iiiiitiist i.D.i, "anda geflaaal 4_?><"i battaf paaratti
aUlOIlgtll.' lll.'li'lKllltft."
Tha eup that tboeia bat deaa n.?t laabtiaBO. aaaaaaV
Ing io i>r. Aiii.k'e, Bfl ragHah phyah iaa, in had a*
poisonous a.s the cup which both cboi M aal i' -flJ-b
Btes. 'Ihe Do. tor is.pi.ited in 1*0 l.amil a.-. lUrUr
itiK thut U-k-tippliag is not a whil lOBO dBBgateBB to
h.iiltli th.in iii.nu .Irinkiiiff. T.-u i.s a tiiu.etie |M>i
h.ui. Ii lalaath*digaatiofl. It eiiu.'.'.les the h.uit'a
aet ions. It nh .tt. m tl... *1W. It 8*0800 the intro
dactionef alargo flpaattty of bei watei int<> tlio
mtMB. thaa btac-atiuf tevriblj wnh BtttiH-oa
i,. ? iiiPikm, to aaa tha awfal taagBagaof Dr.Ar
lidge) ia " as distiuetly aenaual, extravairant, and
t.ei imt-oflo aa baoa drta-d-Ba or tlflawUllag" l _a_db
..f tbal I Baaaaail
BTaaaeewhieh that olagaad Qcaal aapar, Tht rigi*
. in.i Oaooffa oalla an aafaatuaata paaaaa wha wiaaa
t,. IVCMfl-aO i'n'.ioit' that Ciieeley _8Bh WaflViak
Ing ap ln Blgia ? L -ffffoapaaaihla pap ; -'? Igaaiaat
i.ia.'kiru.iid; t, OowBrdly, ?aakiflg, parbage-fod
eontributor; t.Coauaowoahwitj !> Iguatant,tlHt
ei.ue, i-.vv iive.i Bealawagi IThiefi T. Bflaakiag
skiink ; I. PaBff, stiiiud f.?<>l ; '.'. CmMtrdlv ja.JtBOO ;
lwi.oii'ie; ILWhippadear. Thia vigoaaaa wtitac
may l>o iMtlnr I tBokad Ifl b-BfaUtfa s bat ba exlnl'iU
a rigac and (eeaadtkyaf haaguaga whiah aught to
s,.i me 'nun .i paatt-Bfl Bfl .somf inetiop.ilit.iu re
elntloU j.illlllill. _
A wood.-n aoaaflBg-hoaaa wceutlj Ml :> piap to
thaderouriflg tiloaarml [oo-oaltod m Nawbafl.liaaa
To rair-e tlie ilnuo for re'.uil.'.iior. B oahBOripfl-Ofl P?
i?.t Wiis.iiiiie.i ai.oiii,aad th" piaa-iaaaf tho ?
oi.tuiied ; t.at in.-t af tha doaota gaaa ?itii tho
i.r.ivi?i? tiutt tha new taaap-aahaaddbabuiU*ithcB
af aaaaa or btick, another n.uil.._.i;i.n not U<tuf
eoii.-id.ie.l tl.'-iiahle. 1 his i* w h.u *fl i al! - Ufliblo :
und our ;ul\ ue to all who ar. Bflkod BB h*lp ifl th*
l.iii'nliii-'of a nieeti'u'-Ii.'iise is. tha! th*] IbUoU thfl
eaotlouo ezatnplo of the Nawtanla
The I itti?'? Daj S.iints wl... r .....ui fl tfl
Denaaaffh ba?a tha hardaat kiad af tiaaa ni ti Tha
(ioveniineiit hiiM iasiieil au order thit aii Sloimou
prea.'heis-hall he'.nd up an.l OOUndlj iS. ? _'_t. .1, ua
dnr the Mlpt 1'lliteinlente uf \ llliU'e HiaciM i t; .'ul
.me ot the hpaatlaa baa aatuaQi baaa Ipaatad la that
baiah ind un.'i.nipi'oiiiisiiiK way. aVa ttaal thal ho
will a.' oppool t.? onr tJoveinineiit for reibcM. C'uO
linile liin Ig* lll.l.ol'.e wotll.l ]llsi aKout iil.-l'l 1.-*
Tlie Kev. EdWBld ('. T.nvne. wbo mow ro
N. i. iiit.n,tnuit.,aa*aaaoaaooda_*iaooattoa
..i loctartag tho caa-BBj oaaaoa aa *Xhe tuiun. ?t tiw
Woobbo MiNi'iii.'iit." it Btaaarij Bft**a y-*ra_l
I'ownc et uiiiii-iii-i'il liin l.ilun.. ua tu.it huIij.'i t vt Itb au
' appsal f.>i tlu* oojaol riKtit of woata* ta ooflo ... ?
?i repabltr, oad if he Baa ln aome n
i t. 1**81 ln. li.>-llli>!l -..n.e tl.ul UU, -. It In.tV l.?? -< * flOOM
t.. tlu. .iillieii.ee uf iriure r.itiii.ri'li.-ie-ixr Unimi.t an.l B
\ lt. ll*
['?ii.iii' b rat* i rtatfli
?oul aud clonaout U.u_.U-.Imu.

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