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V<Mr, YYY1I 1\0-<l ?r?o NEW-YORR THUR8DAT. JULY 4, 1H72. PRICE FOUR CKNTK FOREIGN NBW8, HMN. UU ivn | ,-.: \ it t RDI t: < \i 1 < IH A l-n rt n D? ,?.,.,,-i.i.-s- ro rui ' uaio* 01 < I M TO t_P t MI ; D -? -Tl - MAi |t_fe?ll_ Abtadd UaaoimUnnitita uml.r Um .aiaiaani. ./ cabci ii aiade m atteatpl IMlMiBI IomMtIm lowaM _BkM,tB tba i-i ? __________! n-pii-d liyiiH- QaiaroMBBt uraepsvaad mmp , wm winadM aad takM ttMtmm, Ti.- E_Mia iMwapaMr) "f ' t?MMMttn| m ., -,e.l ii. Tht /..?</? . ? tor.iie ti.- lalaadof CaM t.. th. l nited IfBlB pail.tif.' with any ot ? ' MI -iu: < i i MI D IO Wl mi n; im I I BM I in ____ i il I II" N8, i. >ib. Wedneaday, Jnly 3.Wl. Thd jnurtuiN ot to-day ri inoilu.??? a lctt.r fnin ti..- lublMMf <f WapbM.Bd-b-QBtboelekTgy* bi. iu. ,h, ? , .rl iu the Adnitn ' ____.CE. dkbati oi na i-aOi-osrno-! ro r__ ut ?AT-QUAL-w l -iu.-. \\. ib i,.itc upcii t-M bill Impoaiaff a> ta_t npon tbe N'nti.'ii.ii -i -? i' I ?, , ? - l: . || > i, , , t il. BMMUfl, Md hope for I BMtartty aa-lBH lt. wltblbi abfl ol bUUvm ' A,,,,, \mrnt obb li b.i\e bMB dll roatj-g-ae- ol IM reaUn atti aot tne appolntaaeat <>f aTilumvirate. to bi eOMpoaed ol M.i' sUbOO, OeB. 1 idaklrault, BBd the DlK de The - I. ,..daniut.-rview with tl.. . , omiKO Of their - ,, . taeed tbal he .mi re hlm to . with tu ii. DI LIVING8T0NE 00_r_] rtt-'Ol i in i DISTA icni a, - Thedl'ii in K.iniiiiiitiiig on 1^4 Berald i -fune .litpat.lien *.i\.n tt BM] Bl tl t Wltl tb ni. ' I ? one who r.|'i. -. nt. 1 - t P . ?orreM.oii.l. Ul ot a fort i_n M lli' : ? ? ? ' . . land ai. .. ? "'"' TBlMbk lli>. 1 .l, :,. -? nio.'i'ht I ?? ' THi ron Xlll i oi.Ki -l-i.M.l v. i BXTWEBM im BKITI8H \M. 1 OBD l IMI i:l.l R. ,.N, Weiiii. *.iiiy, Jaiy li vnx Tho oiiirial e*_-TC-P0-!dt_-*. uliicli luis |waa_ ? il (,.ivi iiiin.-Ii? iin.l l.ord Tetitel'.li '?, . .... v;i Tribunal of Arb:tr.i t it eoiupri-i * twelre dle ? . ; t.f T!? i.Mk_ - .. | v y be. ii i kaowa M the pablie. Hm i "*" n ? ' ?? with a ilitp.f. b fn in Barl 0rM*il1e "|.:. ! :.:id H.r Koi mi. |] Palaai I - ; - aold boI I! ? r ' . ? i I \ \. u tl enran mllea-ue*. The . t.n i. tbald i .. ? i taabn " aetraowl ,ii artaeed by tbe 1. the.V ixi 111 r : i 11 "i TM rw OBTAIM M'Mi--!'iN l" THE COURT Ol Tl UI.'S ? \ IJ - ' ! I >li AMI l.i' iN (.ul NBI l.. (IH'.MA BW-laAB ni TBIBTJirB.] I \ v, .Imi.- 17a ?T_d llft. IIIOliU llie ii.l foaraed aaeetlaB <?' IM Tribaaal ol Arbltratlon took . p.i. after balf m I i,,li,uii .'iiiil tM mtne lionr 00 \\'< dnoMlay ueit il. ..; ..i iimiii ly Intelej . d tb. laat f. l'i,nn r***T bbmII it. u, ot mwiIm] mi. i tlMt ? t. li. -Ii mi i: t hiiln r ffoin l: I aoytblai Wl Inow, Mr. to im Worl ' i c i.:. ..lli..-. I .uu toid, laaab ie na___taaaM repertert who j,et . iy ii,.lljijiL;t 1 . ?-..?, I poiuieed ti].oli >lr. n.'l DoTlata th- MO "f bli botei, .-.mi t" .-;-?? i to flTi rn.- kniiii ? Mt Md taki i. plaee, iMorl-i bln tbal tM w ry ?rii.iitiou woald be th.iiikiu !.v rer(-i\.-d. . ? . "\le bave tl.-ti-Illiitied for tln - ?vnt to k.-e), tin- mo-t abeolatc *-<?< reey. i roaOy t_a My iiothiiiL'.'' i ealled reaterday oa Mr. CMbtaa toaabbli ? abOOt what ne the !.it. ot thl le-tofthe Treatt of, in i : M Ibl M.tbuina aibitratlon lawa. "Tbaab Ood," Mtd ba. "tbatyooMTi -? than cieiiil kttM ToWaHalL Well, I will t.ll you all I _r_ow about ti.. Treaty. i ^Mattb-bftwlkli ?. ,1 II,, f.ite of the lent of theTreuty, ln caae tbe pt. MOl AlbllratbM ibOOM nnfortunately prove lo bo a faJliue. I bave, ?o far, been able to arrlve at uo iinion, not bOT-Bg hati labBBN, as you may wall r.-.|| n.. tl gt~l tl.i tulj., t the atttntion lt II M| th.- iinli li. 'Jlie .-an Juanarbi OOOld 1, *-tand ; that, lu my opinion, ot all it a tOtaDy ? parate MM-MM No mutual m.i.- |b ottier to arrlve at !?___, bot tbe iiiatt.r wbith has been ui d-BBWtl kin<-.' lM'i wan teferred aa it atood to the de ?.: oi ?,. in,any. Ieanaee no reaaon ?wliy that tbould jiot ko ou, it is ao v.-ry eiwple a unittt r. Ti..- -.ii paitad the Treaty whieh lt BBBBM to me ?*_?>-.cleaily iiiur-t fail lf tbla preaent arbitratlon faila. l hr tt tbr ttrrthb TIfllMI OMmbIMM? It would, on tln- fa-1 >,t j'., I thiuk. be iti.-ind Jf the Iintich claiuianta w.ji BjUowed to ei,i.n. tlii.i d. jioiittla at WaahiiNJtM wh,.. i tawetoM liud M recourae for r 'lh> (oiiiii.n nt. .1 part of the queation, lu _j> luiud, is ab.iiit the (anadiau elauacs. Grtat Ilnt_jn, ;l* you know, ini.iiaut. ''1 tbe money for the (..iu'Ii. ii iiiroad, to eoiitolt: the (aiiadiaiis for tbeir aupp/x-.-il :'i. II . aaaMMMM M M .Now,or.-oiir--e, it iB BMlaMMBj th.u the l.iitith (ioveininent (li.l thi.- for a due . ?tii, li tt.ia umler-tood to bo the aettliu. of the Ai.iiiauiit uuentiou aomewhat ut a aaeiifie to Canada in the uiatter Bf tb! K. man la.d*. tba arat_MBtaa? 4kl. But II the yim m\t arbteo?M ibooM aol i*?- ht-ttied atalbw-lltM Ilritifii ... vi j:-ii.nt etill let tbe Cana.llitiiB bave tb. ir luoney I Aud lfJJiey dou't, will in.f the ('.ln.-nliaii* pio te*t uue-1 h.udly ?nd d.-mai.d that U.< P__Ba*J l ahould M abio_'it<it, M that the daJiuh for iaMB?M for tbe reniaii *houbi t*e r. \i\eilt There will M a . al of .l.lUc-iilty ui umljitaluing that part of Uie ? >Ir V'.ij ti, li./nl Btab a Nilnitur, la,,, ,,,!,. n i:i,.l ue t.iike.i almiil the luteiitlona of the ..i,\, n.iii, ul. I wat M.un-vthat r-ui|.i|4eil lo htai baab Mr. Wayta aad Mi C_i__aj bbpobm IM iftalM tbal Ihe i;nl:-h OOOMBBBBBI BM MM U* Bl tt to M?Mtatl U" Tr. aty " Vou dld _ot hold tbat opiuion a auoit dbM back," I veutured to reinui-, "for.vou tolil nn >..? IfeOBB-l the <.ot ejunieut, if jiot Ihe Uritjth jueiJ-ii had bMB f;.J,t?i"l B/lbl BsTMB-l of tiieUuilad ftBlMMMM the I .iiiiJ'. an.i hail, i, ,'o_*,ed the .ltieatJoii of the iudireet tlaJiii. iu MtOtytlOl th. .1 i l oin't. \\h;ih wei- NfM !? , > taOBSta bMM '" "" l'"iti-li lloM iim.iiit. Mi. > . i baoa bmo! th<- ... oplaloo." "Tm bm 1, 1. jl.l '? 1 dld ii,tuk MtUI rerj taaefy. bot II ni* uiiiid, aud 1 um now couvii Btouaai I nvllle are di "Perhapa." aaid M \^a\ a.i-iu it tMTr-ati _? . the) ao to. la."jBtJCMbtif "tft-intj Ta/ftfaj an do,,, they c i.r. to itecp the thliik? alive, nnd I belleve are aln eeraaboata- weaheald aever taqatre taa taaaata luto u.otMfa. Put , i,:> "... k to tueii ar'.a." m* bi-tisb ronca ..?MMI VI s OB TBB ll'.lMDINriAI. c.iMII Dl AMLKIl A?nITBBNATIONAL 1-1 B-TB-kDBOOB PEBBBCB?THB LATK MUK-mi Of _a_B I-.I 11 l>l\t, IIUHE. IJrBOfl -IU liM.i iak C_aBBBPOBBBBT Of THK TKint'NH. | Loan_0-i Jaaa *_*?Wa -aatlaaa ta ba r< k'iilcd. frotn time to time. W?ll itaI BBflBMM in Ihfl ?BgBflll p.iju-f- 8B tl - I'km.I. BBBtBBi Ihfl 1 -r. I p. I t of nn lirraiipiinlital (oneva gtTBfl ?BgUIBBMfli of u , ;?< < nla tivelmti i.p| ortuiiily to ..u.-ul.T tl.e BB?tpabta frotn : polata afl 1 ?> a tbaa iis baartag <?n tba _h> bama dlBpate. Bnt tbey ara tar fteaihaaay.aaat-ta, eiilier ir. thcn . I.-. i \.,! ? n-. ? t in the opmlons fO-BB-d ..l.ciit th, state of parttaB and the curtciit DoUtteal (\.nt- m ti..-11: t.d atataa Tht TUtm baafta baywai ti , " !, tibV al " \i< fl Bl HX. Ot-I aJJT- BBB?BfltlBBi Bfi B ii.. i.ih or ao I'chiii.l Ihfl l.ots. It hasilir.. ,,, rai . ir,nii,.T ?.f iu ii..?i;itic ooaveat?ai aata "m ??? ..ii.!, \ | tba! n V',.' -1,, ht, bb bb n d .. that the Bai?IUO-fl Coliveiitioli W?I UB8BBBBBB ta his fa\,.r; nay. tbal tbbl may "alBMSk" B8 said to be probable, ?? Iheaga taa 1 aa < I Mr.Qreeley atUl heattatfl ta< iaatt?ilmaaaa !iii"-wliati \. r that may 11....11. Ihfl iMiiocrals of Ari /ona (!) BBT/t . il - iiitiiuutcd. d.cli.icl in l',,n\cnti,>u fOC Mr. <5m Vy.l.ut the 1. i.-lmi-MOiiriial .lot - BOl tiiink higb ly of llie Dtino.rats Of WhBl II IBfBBBBfl U) bfl Ihfll , iior wll it uici IBi eve 11 Miiryland an.l K. iitm ky a~ <'?? I Ifl ive. it baa 1 ita l.op. 1 ta i Btralghl aoaalaatb b b! it.iiu N( w-York. The D. iu.-, tais of BUtfl "c?u ? hold .,!,'.,," aai eoatlaaa t,> deaoa-i i any prop roi i..n,line tbe party to tbe wbeeli of?_. Orae ?__aimiiii.iraf rotee," aayi laa Tunet, h ih. n. w-Torl Dc !c gatioa wineo-nai ita Baltf .,!. lai.ic if tl.. y aCeadi j ? , , ? Ur, , VMIl 0\CI- il Milli, icilt of Delegatea fiom athaa Btatai BttD .,.1 to leearc hli ra> .tiou." Of tl ? Boeb -t< i Convention II baaaevei beard, Toaw_lbedtaI to know tbat it wltl?a-daapj-or? fro_ bo_icaadldatea fot?? coal '.u Dothlni but piat Itadt -. and, aa betv lt?-a cboice Um leaal of theae la G< o, Great, ba Ibe 11?itt of ii - ni.'i- aa ki owa," aad be haa Bvoided lb? Rroaa onea, whlch _r. Grteley wonli aot, eoarei thm ,;-. und, thciefor, , iinflt foi t! ?'.H..1 ti., Al... 11, an- 1 Ube oin . li. VI that they wiii not 80*84 t him." li iii.ii-, ,n tbla .iii. 111111.1, v,,u b_gbt Ibivib 1 yoaagat ? 1 , 1 1 i... ..f v, .ii, ? to ruii over yon aaj th. 1 . rj 01 i .? ? brthar, Tta r _aow DOih ?.,,;. ,i. poUtb -. l.ut tbey?bow bi mael a-a uin, 1, .,, in .t- ita If to wrlti ia. h t. n -? aae, aad to wr.-- 1 - raat toltm x . -. Oi,,., 1 .,.. ,.,iiT. 11,1 nt Bpp. ara tl - aa rnlni Tta (. iniiiiit.c of tne Cobdeadab bave deeatoi that, ? . 1 raTi < rc ati.i. eted wlth i,,, Trade oa the Contlnent oi Enrop. aad la tiu United Btati ?," it is deal] ib ? ta I aM aa Interni Uooal . 1,, on tbe aabb 11 ta Lot doa,eartj i axl jri ar, n,, , N. 1.,,, m abk-bll ?? put ta qaotatlea marki . - . ip-aation, i rea Eng-ahnii b t" gla to /, tbal .1 pretty larffl , I ,,,,,. ,i.? I,-i..i.! tta d? n:i 11 - c f . - ? nttfl on ,,,:i!,< rltj wtti tbi a of I o_, ? 1 i.d ihat a _aybei ProteettoelaI wltho-t betttT' ' Ihfl ? .'.Illl ir- ll e >. Bb 1 , f II ? -. ?" "1. w th.. . tba i" ofrapbii al aai mt. i . . 1 cf tlu ui ll? rw . lt 1-im I:in. tlial. 111 coiise.jlteii. e of the " tiave B*/-Bt8" a'ave d. Il c.,t* iy allaaed ta, the aeaal aaaaa] i??< r >,f tim Cobden ( mi. wiii i.e ieferred for Ihe atiiaaBl. Whj tbeCb? fo dlaaa rb m bi i aaaa fraa. ?? aai Aaa rt thi floapel wblcb Mr. Cobdaa pcaaebed u _at paitk _pli aad, "ih,a <ic t.-iiniaai ,.11.1 -)..-uid add,waa ,,,,:, til 1,. fore the tc lc-eiain annOU-4!?ifl the 08_BPSC Bfl ihe Frae Tradera' Preiddeat? '? erenca la HflW-YorJ had 1" < 11 ii.iide pnl.lic. II |. ntui nn.' rta n how coai] ? ? l taa la tba na trade 1 bb be > rgai?K .1. ihe mi -t.-r- ara by aa , ipi.r.c ,.?< ti,,- 11.(11, aad it la alnta. vTbea taa aa d 1. ed nl? houra a day and nlne penee (ll 1 aal ?) aa boui aa tlu ir _rJ?atnai, ti to bave ,.-i,t or run. n,i, r. fTta 11 tbe 1,,,,.(, i.- pro] ? _tratloa wi eoaptad wlth a ;.. inin, both arbltratora, II waa rbcbtly nj, i-i.d, .11 ti.e in. I, I.-;., U d BX-itratlon in pi_ictpla, tbey it, tn.- r Ibrfalb d a l-.-o-i d< al ol popata1 bj mpath]. Tht faet that tbe. fe?stroaf enonjfb t>. io wlthoal it . ... .1 |?4 ii,..-i, r- hOW a'.ioiii; ',,,1 tbey ai r?. At any rate, l ' -hfl ?' ttrVt0, BBB ,.,, y be B?a?aeloaa U lt Li BBBflfa*, aai tht - ,,,. n,,t M-.-lii to h,T\e talk. 11 the tiTiil'!,- |o - ? 1 adraaee wbethei theaaajoi?ymTamaBBri .n a p ,-,t.,,n.oi inaliKiod, toic>,.|? mt.- taaoOba BMBtaB-W, Bd a 110tiou, BBOB-OTI t, Ihat the ln.i.".n-, | . .-'. 1 i?I beaeparated froai tba earpaatcta aai totaera, bat at this BM-rirBl tt"- aalon betweea bB braaehefl .,1 tbe worka_e_ m n>~ parfa t, II ibo pi rfeta that tbe coi.,?,rd betweea tha bmb B iolaa taarfl t,, in:,ike the )oil;-.,iit uiiiv. r-al than unit em. nt betwaBB . . ntraetota )ik.- the Cabrtta, Mr. aadotberawbo asea?t to go on wltb eertalnpor tiii.i tbeDselTea broagbl to a eotnplete BtaadatllL Tiu- great hope nf the auaten lasoehe?? . iiuir-t.ili' es ia Ih* 11 WBBl Of hope. Il tlie.'. A ?ld, II liili-t ba an utii-oiidiiioiiai suin nd.-i,iuni is Bara ta hfl foUowed i.y otiier dcunaada aaaiata whloh tbayw_I tatt? bmb BBeaaaafl taaadiag out than they now have, Ita ume _oat_a BOhBiTnlB will eoon be followed l.y one of <-!_ht. liut tlie current is all 011 the ln< n's si.le. At Ihe time cf ihe vT. ..t BeweaaU1 tari?11 po?dai <.nt tbal Iba B?tbod tlu 11 ailoptcl, and tl.e m. <.-.- gataed by the men, imir-t I?Tgi v ta?ai 11.'? Ihfl rc liilioiiB of eiiiployc r ninl em lilo.M-d all over BagtaBd und in every liiiiiich of hilior. 1 Uid aoiaattetfata bb taaaaaoB bb gaaei? art?a_?? cliate. In not a ainnlc BBBtBBi B_BB thi 11 ha\ >? the cni ],iov< rs carried the day, aad1888 BBiaaaoah) BOfPOOl tbe balktakTfl will Miccceil where others have faili d. C.,1. UiRati naouV BarBfBM ferff cnino to nn end this week with a buiried farcwell to London ; BB hurrled that u put.lie icicption lneant to be Rivcti him Wiii in ,?> -aarlly abnndoned, and inatead of It, n f.-w frlenda inc t hnu at Ihfl BB8BBB Bf the Centurj' C'lub in Ia? h_? i'..:,., ou the invitation of tho tifllccra of the AurIo American Aasotiutlon. After some Infortnal converaa tlon, Mr. T. Uuj-'hea, M. P., (hiilrtnan of the As.aoolatlon, called the niectlng to order, and made a ehort speech, expicBsing the pleneure he felt ln having known Col. HiKkfiHson botb in Ainerica nnd bere, and bla senae of ? the nervice eucb men wero Bhta to do lu promoliij_ good feellng between the two countrlcs. Mr. C'henor, the Becretary, read a letter from l'rof. Tyndall, to much tbe aaroe effect. " Notbtaf." writea l'rof. Tyndall, "more illustratea the fratricidul characU-rof American aud Britiah (?trife than the appearauce among na of auch men as Col. Illgginsun" ? which li all DkM. but guggests rathir t-trongly that the Amerl ranB whoae BBfBBBBBBfl Prof. Tyndall had looked fur, and jrt-rhapa eudurcd iu other caaea, werc of a kind to BBB?Ba_ata?Bfl?I stilfe rather a de-liahlc or natural octurrencc. I?rd Hoiikrhton, wlth a few grace fuliy turned remarke, eHtied u n-soluUon that "the Au glo-Atiieiicaii _BBBB?ittB rnttttt to expreaa to Col. Hig gitifun their aenae of the n-rvices he bas rendered lo the c au.-c of humun fic-c.loin, and to wlsh hlm God-spced as uu unofltciul ?BBBBBBB8 Bfl BBMfl ln ihe twoca ti.,11- " This wa? MBOadai kj Mr. PolliKk, stipported Bf the llon. LHidley 11, and carried unaiiiuiously. Col. Illgglnaon'e reaponae Indicated thal hfl bai b88fl gratiaedbj tbe great eordlaUty sbowa blm by?ngllab ineu duiiuk: his \ i?it, and nol osJ] grutitb-d l.ut aurprlac d at fiiiding how mm h two aatlooa who qnarre?d ao often bad in co?_kon. of tbla be gara lUnattat?_t, add?ia an aaaaraooeol hlsbaljef tbal the partlcalar quan.-i w> )u-t now have 011 halid Would 000*8 to notliliig. The . oin pany Inclnded ?ra /ahaWard Bowe, Mr. Hoiyoake, ?r. Cbanniag, Mr. Ooaway, aud other notabllit?a. I ,1,11. a,i>- (ui HiKgiiisoii wiii have eaaaet??g to Bay about bli i,,uine> when bageta boeoe, aad I aaea only a<i,i tbat he baa been pteaaaotly reeelved by ataa? men rary et_laoal iu wtaaee and ta lettora. o. w. a. (TBA. TIIK IAIK c,t 1MK C?MM Of fBB lANSir ?Dt 11 41 <H A BfAM-BI HANT) I'.V Illl. < I MANs. Havana, July I*?Tka two ac_BOflMffi BBBB ..rt i ,nn Komaiio, BfeflBh aaw siipp,.-. ,i t,> ba i* alv?ta a traai tha taaaaaaa fbaata, aata wtae?tagM En gUahbat? Ui- aaw poalttvaly baowa tbat tha faaata taaded aatblnfl prBftaaata ?Bdtaa h i i arga al Bena .Lua ?eeefdtai t,, tha <i" latattaa al tha pataaaata, laa laadtag-pb?e afl tha faaata waa tha u.,ia.t aa thal part ? i, mvi n B-gaa .i. Lana aad Paarta ia Oa ? ita kUled Ibe galiaafl tta cipedlt??, ? ? ,. tii.i, in pb fhawl ?:<? rb la itj ii ihe Mi-t taaaiMaraaaa Um aawai aaaafl vi MnitrMo I.iaz nml Mntriil OOMM MMBMi a Ppani-h ron. voy, klllin_ and woiindlnir neurly all. The eurvlvora eaeaped ltito the I BBta. Ib_ MtBolsBBBBl woa the most naaaaafBlrartM OBbaMif _tyaaBtt_i n*Mbs__. the tMObll- 1" i"-' ? ? bBbM Md w.iini.le.l. The eoti voy had . hi.i ire of it partv of m H MM*ih. w M M raaaad Um bmm_mb_ "f _? ialMM, Do-taa ttt m MkfBBMMl th. CabOM BOMbetad 1,000 and the hpiitnaid" BM, il botll.B of iinni d Culiati-. ontliiuf U bl niet ottb. Oot. EabolMi arba bim iMBBttj ittMlMdwttb viinito, i- BM i ni of iian_er. THE imi:i;.\at.onai. ___0I 00_?___--? LM90B, Wi liiieclay, Julv J, ia*_ The* Inti-niatioiial l'lison liVfonii Cmgltm ...liMiie.l in MMMO in city to-utifbt. K<-preacuta UVMMI jltlMl fioin e\.ry umIi'kI ...iii.'rj u. tbo wolhl. Tlie l.arl of ( ai uarvtui l?rt nideil. ldiiKKiN Nirrr.p. Mr. ll.],\\orlli EHxoai- ai tion for lihd i.L'ii:n-t //.. inti Man a_oNiaaaM tatan Um Oawt <>f con:.,,,.ii i-i, m iu ix.n.ioi.June 20, aad waapo tpopf* tn llie Mu Imi -ln ? it t. nn. ].;n!.. illari. of Ihe ib feiitULl a plea of luatlBcatloB n?.i barlni b. ea _o_~-Ms_ Tha ei.iiiiiant in tlio 'l icliiionie e_aa ;- 1" llaalaa t? ta1 ""' taia nf ih, tMe. An atb mpt M an ,?? ? deaxma-rattea ta bli favorat jtart-ilj -t_*iytawa miaerablv, Boarei lj aaybodj att-Bdlwr. In addiOon to thia. two ol hla eounael, Mr. Oaborne and Mr. Btreet-n, MTorefMed loact unj loimer aa ti uate? b ot bm defcuae fund. In cdiiM i|iiciii-c (>f the pittMi-g uattiir OT tlie ditbi i.lly WbkB hHt iili-eli iit lleilili of'. i?!ili_ Mom BiuiMBMniatlaa tba vt-t-BgBMB* tM -tMMOM AiiLU-t.i hut taken Ihe niatler m liaml, Md bM aenl to Ibe Cblel Bargoinaatcr doeumenU ?4 ptau ,, intlve to. worklniron n'n dwi 11 ned n London bv Baroneaa Bardetl Ooutttandtbe i ? -uhody lodeinB-MuaM, tontber wltb tbe obaerratloni m tba auiiji, t made by tbe EmproM dBXlBB bef ioo at Waai M Tlie Cliriit-an rviilcncc Bocletj ii t-Ttng l.-eturer. in I-oinloii very hi.h BOUMMQ. Wttb a -Mi lo -i?" I the vanouaforiniof BObt lief pi. vailiiik' aiuoii-lli. '? . hir.-lii'M-L.-btit tl.i v de not apparently ?ueeeed. Althoacb arebbiehop* Md blahopa Uke the andlenmed prof. i leeturea "ot tbe moat ni.-ui- ? character," accordlng to the reporta, but very i.w pei-ona ettend. A_mb? Ibeee ,?..,,? 'al the Meond Wture. bowerer. WM fcr, < i:?. BradlMfb, or - i< .ti..< Ij.-t the weu known athelaiieal i-. tnr.-r. who aaked pennlaalou ,,, rii'v. Ti..- BUhopol Oloueeater, wM oaa eaalnnaa, uroiriiaed to put ti.-- queation to tbe bmmUb*, bul Mr. raiSh waa d.apoied lo leare 'ho matter la.the BiKhoo'a hnnda, and apparently nceepted a n^aUve aiBwer for ho aaid no ni. Wltb unb-liefi.ia .tbe ,. i ,.,.*.-. aduiitted .niiibiitv amoag tbe aorklaa ?,'?, ,??, ????,,. BPlIU andlaaalea betjeen the Metrt to wbieh Ibe mldTlle claaa b. ;? i.l-. < M -ii.t > aecu.i in a bad waj ln Ennland, Md Mr. Bradlauith, lf he WllbM it. iii..y tabl MBM ol thi.- to hi.- 1WI tn-.lit. 'Jhe London I'oi'n Xttvt ol Jvant 81, i? e<b_i iniiitin_ uiK.n Mr. Diaraell- eoadael i-rtaa tbi tMv l,;,ina in L-i'Iiatiol,-. pay* -IM tbe t-OOWlBg tributeI "We ,1? not BOMMM thal .Mr. DiMBOU BMld tfr"* il, iiih blnadera m tbe eondact ol the Am. SUlourfahonld oi*en the waj to hla rrturn to pawer. bnti laonly falr to hiw to admlf Ibal ha haaae-er a.".wi. in h.ui-elf, n,, .-iu ..ira-iilMi hi- lolb.w. ??. any diapoaltiou IO U- CondUCt Ol - ior any inen ly ta" Uom i,;'"'" ?'? ' '," _2u alwara abowa, botfi by Beaaonable !?,,,-), Htid bv tiuiiiv atlence, a atroua and ,,,., , ,,,4i- t.i,,.-. i Ibe v.'lue. not nnlyol peace dipl.allcally rood un. md the UnitedHtatea. 1ml olacordial and ,_|...|weenlb.'twoiii.t.i.1 -. I.iiiii"-tl,i-_i.iit*ti''-'L..'. tlltrhtlnK word earaped bU llpa; and Ibe apWt which aibniti-dbtm dui-n..' tln- war uai evld p v ? Itiated ,,4/n.i alplomatle eoattirerahMal IM MM uo ii.. i. h A-aXfrding t<. Tht VaQn Ketttoi .'ii??- m%utt i.n,. n,l) aiti in Baglaad, m pawta abu a i Haoi M W*om inakiiiL.' a imi for n poUtlral alUaa. i oltti all tbe polttlcal woabiafM b'i aaaoflatlni -. a bm attag bm baea beld la 1,, n.lon.iit Wbleb l'l"' .lit:iliv-?ot tia-let uiiioliir-in ln ;,ii ita i.i.iM heiatbe Uad aad Uboi L afae.tbe Ubtw Rcpreaentatlou Uajrue, Ibe MCtloni wbleb MM ,.,, ,., ?... ni nl of tbe people al beart, r A ? plat/orm" foradoptjoa waa placed before tln ii..' tn:-. i i.'i?. .' ' niodi ?'?( .i. .'I- t. wiiw .,,-, purtion ol the pop ?!,- more or leaa coneemed, and the iratbenua waa aaked todlMuaaUu e.and atrree upon a eonimou pound o ?,,iii,... thnl then >? Igbl b. ?.tvl lon onthcl ..,),.? _ . mi iii.,- subniitti .1 were dirldi tl f.mrhi 1 Und and I_itrpr quei i .,,,1 io roruier'atiueatlona, and "Jorkini uueallona, A ( omiultti e a u apj.iti 'i w con ;,, ,?. bul then u. - _i. al dlvi rsltj ofoplnlon. and ? ,,.,1 to thlnk thal 11 tb ,-i.,l lii-n,-iU. -. ' onh be aldlui partj intefi -i- ou thi i ve of -? iteneral ?i. and thal they would b later ita ol tlie Bl il- bj l.i i I'iu- I'" '' Mr. 1'.. Mnitli nl tlie Atal.mta Rowtog Clnb . o| tl..- ,;.. ii'.,:- a? Um Bi I..- j Bi Ha M .i io, for ii.. Dla-MOd C-M-eaM Bcalk IM MM , 4i. ,1 ii, I e 4a, BBd Hl the lll-t ta '?'-'- in 'I' i" I iii.mii, t Mr. vv. < bUUBgawertt ?f Tw* ki aboM, wba boi ;i,,,:., ,1 i . i. f'ill>, aiol OM Ki BWB t" M 1 :,,,-, -,_.- -, nller. At the k-fMl '" I (t- ,/,. v uu i- niarrelouBl. qnlck ;it dartluir, i on to tbe i. i; '..1. IM mnl-- wore e.r, and, ' rina ot r?r ... Ihe le ru .v,,!!1! in, i,,, ' .,-. i.-.i by the I eople on aliore, aud ad' aed ' Bmlth, -euii Iiik ?ith more freedoni tban tln v hadabownln praeliee, Juat held bis min s. .;i ln hand, and couteuted i,;,.:., ii v ith li Uu| ib. ? ? m.i v innlna by i leiiL'th iiu.l a balf. The vinii.i wa* il......|:,l wlthcrleaol "BraTp, Ata mta," "Bravo, New Vork," ,(. , ainl iei ? i\. .1 i ?.ii io w fouieat the Unlah. He pulled in a aplendld boat, bulll i.\ Boahr, which waa aeknowl i-.iL-e.i i.v all to be a L'.'to. lu bii Beal Mat hiiiiih waa m.iti h. .1 anluat C. H J L?wi. ol IM Vork A?tateiii Boatluft Club, aekuowledinHl to i.m 0I ,;,,. i? i acuii,, it ih. n . iti i, ind a bo altei ward WM aeeond, beloa onlj beaten "y Knollya <?n IM alKual IreinRglveutoatartSojltbdaebed off with Ibe lead, but.failluK to hold direcl advautaae, bo -t.-t i-.-.l dowu to far toward Lawton IMI Ibe umplrea, wb-n avareel] 200 \ wen done, atoppi d Ibe raoe and ordered them to Mutt afn -I, ii.'.o Uii.i polnt Airaln Sinitb daahed away wilb ?> Mad, bal beioru w Btrokea were done Law? ton nral beaded and then rleared bln. Proiu tbla lo IM Hnlah Lawton l"l bj a lenartfa and a balfclear, by which dlataucohe won. TAa Pall Maii thutttt crlilca flrat rate oar, aayaol Bmlth,"He la a rood man i"i hla welahl ; be takea Ubertlea wltb rt* le whieh I.-4A Kna_ah ii ur -t, ?ould ib', .md ).t \mii-." tur Aui'ruin OeWfooMommml t" B .' /''?;'. At i WEXTB Bl UND dND WATKM. 4 C_-OOtl iii r-i "l'i i>?~k\ iv im kii.i.kii. (i.i.Mt Bai-Mi lowa, July n.?On tha t'lii MbO and Nortl.-'.Vetteiu RaU-OOO. toatOMB? afternoon, BM lulle < a-t ol llelle IMiiin, a treii-ht train into a foiif-truetion tralu an.l tehtiopeil tbe MBOOM of Ibl 1 ?' ter, klllluat ouo nmu ibBOBl imtatitlv, and nnutally woiimlini; Blx other.1. Fourof IM wounded ha\e MOM ditd, and the other two eaiiiiot llve. . i;i mWtQ A kaii.hoaIi DBTOT. Tort J__*r_P| July !!.?Tlie mnil train OB tli. Mldland liallroad raii off the traek at L'nlonville, N. Y., at S p. m. last Monday, goiiu: entirely ihrough a nmall milk depot. Eiiflit pMMM were in|ured, but none futnlly The traek wa.* obatrneted until iiiidniicht, when the traiui paaaad au uaual. A WtA'TIii.I'S ( ol.I.ltliiV. I.omkik, July I*?Tha bBTsMj atlH__f Lnv winjr. whleh run.* between Llverpool and Kotteid..uu, eame in M-Ukion with au uukuown v.tsel off the Ith ol Wi_bt lant niitlit. At the MBM the Ia?t dup.ilcb was Btut it waa belleved '_1 MBTMM ha.l p. ritln t, IVIIKi'K (>K TIIK OMAIIA. Lokdi.n, July Ll.?Um *liii? Uniiilia, C.ipt. Wilmott, whieh left Livetpool l'eb. _fl. for Caleutt.i, was wr.cked on BBflB?i Inlau.l, in the II|oo_ly K.iver. BMM pci.toua babBBBtai 1? tbe irew of the Utuaha were drowned. ?loIR BOY8 AND A MAN HBOWNKU BCMO-'i N- Y., July :).?Four Imv-*, Bftd from 10tol2, tianied re.periivelv K.-iineily, Miirtiu, Irotmnl, and Birniitighaui, while biithm_ in th? Hud-on Mn r, here, to-d.-iy, irot bevi.ii.l tbltl .b-plh ainl were drowaed bafot, laalatMfit aaald reaeb IMai, ln Man u in.,' f..r th. ir bo.lie*. a in in Jatue* Colliu?waa also iliowiii.l All IM bodlM exeipt tliat of ( ullliia have Im-.-ii hiorered, OoeooM BooIIbm beld aa laaoeat, and tbe jui t md n rerdlct ol ,n i i.leiitai drowalaa. The Myi Wl" bl burn il at tbe MOM time. ______? ANI> flbTilTfll TT f_*_W___ _Kllia Wall. ii?e 'JS, waa killed. Tueaday, b] tlm 'ai;.,l a Irrri.k, at Ibt llark lalatvl .juarrr. Utklanl kla. . . Tha ( ???th? of tlie tl. ain.tliip Adnlia, wieekeil at St. Paai a lalf, N. 8.. ia MM| a.?r i i i., rr,,. I wii; |,? ( t?tm| Ma _A iiiitn MaBBMBOi t.< l.e D. JI. Miller of Am hfrai. Maaajaaipr,) fraistb* liai tn:u? tiaia al t ..tlrioo, H. t , Tuaai... MM?aaa anl waa lu.t.ntl) B.IJ?u _Jaiiitt II:i-l-iiin. a lalmrer, ilroniied at eui. I'.d: . !??! Bsalsj, eMIeM-s?fta ti.* Nii?.|an.?aL* Kn*r. Th* Iti.lrl ln,. acl ?.a f..ourl yealrntar. _A_aBBB_hr_g tha naaMof Wm. E, DbtbihM l.r-ri. ?ir.>...l .' ( ?'.:'? r.l liuff wkn la is KBrlsfseM, III 11. ??? inunLiiim a? : il.? ? aalb.. i >? .1 r*t_eA _1,'i.liiii.l All. n. un ennineer of tlie 1'iui.n Pa ? . i . ni;..i.r ?a. i.iii orrr l.r a BMStasOfB ua 11,. Iwmrr arwl ki* UrsaBe lailwaf, at U*af*l Taeassl li?l-i, at, i b.a t.-t r. i.|a .ul ?f al?t. i_* imi. UtJi.tJ t-tij a |kvj| U-t fiiti tkt BCtniMk. ( TIIE HBTO-tM CAMPAIGN. Ki:rri)iAHN(J orant. WII.MAM W. BOCEWEU, BBB-BBI TIIK 0OLLBC TOBBHaT Of THB BI1 u i.niii D1STBII T, vvn H DBAH_> fBOB THB BB?BT flATB OOBOITT tkk, anii BBCia?aaa i".i bbbbibt and BBOWB. 1?8 laflbbIbi (''>insp..ii(ii.ii(( axplaiaa lt t | imii'ai'BOn i t hxtii ni ii imbtih. i. Naa v.iKK. Bl?B_ KAija, July 1. l*V.. ) aj_tflJBiaBtaaaj D.I i>kim. fyaafdaal tf ata PBflflal Fik: Haviii-coni ludcd to ifivc-tny .iinpctt to Mcssra. ii,,,i,i Lie-, i.-yuud BaOiata Brewa (tba BasBtaaasafl the Cineiiimati ( .iivc ntion for flBflnicnt an.l Vn > ? 1'realdi nt) at the BBB?BB ehc-ti,.n, I h.-i.-liy risi^n Ihfl offlce of Collictor of tbli Bai?St. IflM i< mn to take effect when my aucceaaor lhall tw appolnted ;ind .luly loinuiissioiie.l. V.ry r.apc. tlully. your obedient aarra?Bj BB. W, ko.-kwi.ii. fj, B, K.Mliil.-Collector XVItb Dislti. 1, B Y (,i.i n'b fAl is, N Y, Jalv l, 1*7.. Tu thr Btaa. A. Ba 0BB8B?U, ( haflraNMi Jepublican Bta* OtaaaaflM a, ft? rerik, r-n;: I b'-r. l.y l, aiirn my poe.non i.- no tn'.et . BtaB ( oiniiiitti-e. Youra very reepe. tfully, W'k II. Ra> khi ? t i I??! EATOB LABO fF maim: 10?ffl THI i.mi. rai. BABBJa |BY TI'.IFBBBffl TB TIIK TaVBtBl 1 r<?HTi \m>. Mc, July ?'<??T_a Hob. Thomas i, I?agafl _flgBBBB) aon of Fiiend John I). LflBgaf thi i'.ii.e Ombbb?taaa, fc'tii'iiy Btata Beaatar, a promiiieut man in tlie B?bbfl Bfl 'he Btate, B out lfl ? hwK 1. Iler todiiv mI whl.-li lie BflflB?Hfl BB fortiim < lfl tlie in,,\c-met,t, and B-_flfl II Bfl Ihfl BB-T ultcr aattvaaf laal?taBisafl bb. OBiataatawt. H< laaaad ully BBVflBl BfBB ln Bpflflhflfl 1,1a,n,-'- dn-in. t, A CO-BXCI-OV. T o f h e Ed i tor of The fr tbaaa. Sik: I notico in your ItaBM Of tliis <l:it. I paiagtaph retattv* ta aq raaaal ratagaattaa ba Depety Baval OBBar, aai aaet?lag II ta btj "aaw?ta% aubuilt to puity dirtatimi ai.d to ol>.-v Ihfl whip of Mnipi.y, _??_UagBOa." Thta IflBiaaai B taaansit, for no auch,.n w - BttaBBptai I WBlgaedBIJ BBBltlflB -MBBBI I B-rired to take an active patt iu the eo?lag potlt?al eaaapabra, and bebered aaab Bctlvlty t<> i.e in, oiiM-i. nt wlth tbe dutiea of I Governmei I offlcial. Keiieved from tlns reatralut, I can froely advocate tbe ,n of Greeley and Brawa. J_a_a HAOOBBTT. Jfew Ttrk, Jnij i, le'.i. IHE SIlTAIloN IN ILLINO-& fACAHC. 01 nn OOALItIoB TICB1 i ?l \< K (.1 QUALII.CAT10B IN THE M.w WLUCTOB ol' CUICAGOa iliV Tl 1.1MBAffl TO TIIF 1 i i . I I I'liir .<?<), July :?.--Th( [ibetal Ii* i.wi.l;< ;? rt < , i :..itt, , BflflB ,i foitni.I 'illl for B BM 18?Bg ta thi COB. iTlttee at i-pniiigBald, on tlic-Mhof ti.i~ inontli, to put tbaaaaaaaa _ ptapet si aaa. Baaa- II?i thaywBlba . all.i'iloiiio-ll th. v... ni. yon the r. e.-ntly iiominat. d ti,keteaaaed by tba wfthdrawal af the h n. i. ? Wcldon, tha liomiii.-e fflt Attoru.(J"0< ti. ln. ? B USB oathaparl ta Bi, Weldoa laeaaead by bad health aai tbalaapoaa-flUtyaf _saMtagta Ihe eaarpaig? a-M:. Wl IdOB B B Bl piibii' BB, Ihfl iippnintm. ht of I M aathattekefl faUa,o< ae-rae, lathaBepabtteaawlagal Um eo8?tta? KoaaeB bb ?ttaaei aa HhBlytareeBtva tbfl BfpOlBlBHIBt. Imt tiief'oiiiiiillt.c. h.iv, fl_| niilni BTOl axeel?al awa to aatoel frum. Th.-re B 11 n-ni. ral.'.e coiijei ture ni to what wi','. fO-OW the assiiiiii,iioii of IheOaUeetac'i OB a by BX-Ooagrefli m.-iii judii, aaata bbbbbBMtaa?U B aali, B bobIb U? pos.-cs.-ioii. Ile ig wliolly withniit BSPfl-B Um foi" the pl.u .-, BBd, Bfl l_t p'ditlcal Intliieiit-e, at thi- t?B Bflhafl aaaa , h. h Um Mi ai >,f Lagaa; l ayaad thal tha pab? i.r. |. fi t.i M in. -, tha BBBTtaf BBBB - polll'tll'llt. _ WA-HIMGTON POLITICAL 0068-P. D-XEOAT-B TO THE BALTTBOBE 009VEBT10B in W_aiilXGTOX?THE FBABK1BG0I PO?ITK tl i?i i oyM-? nn: UBEBAL < kl U in KOBTB . \;.- I is \. [HY TKI.EBBAPB TO THK T??l)BB I \\?\-iiiN..i<.N, July :..?At ilu- Qreeley ;in?t Biawfl Baadqnartera, to-day, tha aeaal aa?il.fle1 tara iioin ali p.rts ot th.- aaaa?ry wea reeelved. A of tha ii.',. gataa ta tha Bai?ibotb i v.)u, are Bl tlu-. . ity cillcl, to d..\. to r. ..--nf tbeLIb , i ,i i: i oau-ttee thal Bi ra i Ota :,y wtTI sitieiy i.e i?,mii at.-.i ti.. ra, BoBBaaaaa taqalriea have l,i,n m..,le nf tbfl ( otninri,.- ... t,> vhat iictioii they pii.p<.-e ia take rahttiva ta fiaaki-d d.K-u ineiit-. eonaidering tbe actlon Bfl the Bew-Yorl Paat in.i-ter. ?dward ii. Bartl,-tt ,,f DartBaaath, Maai,, arrttaei M Iit lflta? when Preeideat Vaa Batea aaaa aaa. ctidate fot i. .'I'-. tloo to tbe'..-.- af Pn -i.l.-nf. 8*8 Bf tha ? . h tlgl - pr.i'. it.-.I iiL-ain-t hi- Adluitii-'rat lofl WBI tbat tbe traaaB ofl aaeaaaaatB! p..p,i-. und patapbleta, Maaed by tbe eppoette parttea wera farblddea paaaage tbro-gh i nit< ,i -t..t. -in,.1.-. Bbea IbeBtatearotedCl b. iiai rtaoa waa elaetad hy aa ov.-i \. halaubg BMkjoi ity. U IBa ptaaenl Adaalalattattoalavitteg a repetlUoa afl tlu ehitioii Of i-.",:" Other , ei 1, ipond, Btl -.i.v that fraakedautttet aeat bj tbe Graat partj raa hea Ita daa tlll,. ..ii Cobara of Oeotgla wrltea: ?"HolaeaOrae i, \ toah i.i_li fitkuada ia CaTaa ..f etiaaUtybefara tba War. 'Ihe li : - uot, at til:.t CTI ly clite, t aaai ttad ta rei-al rlgbta, aad htr. Greeley waa tba Irat di.-tiiiL'ui-ii, ,i Bepablloaa wba pabllely ieelarai _a i? - r-iiii-n to tha oatetei i.pta aflBaiflfe Oanallaa iiis lett.r BBB made a BBBl of the pio.-. c.!m_> of a Bl -puh li. an (oiiventioii, the dalegatafl oi whieh rotad colilld. n.e aml -Uppoltto thoae \\ 88 h.l tak. 11 sllrll a i..,id Btaai ai that aariy pci-i...l." Mr. MadiK.iu of Miuue, wlio pre-id.-d over tlie Denio etatta Oaareattaa afl thal Btata, aad wbo waa alaeleda datogata ta Ihfl Baltiiaatfl OaayeBBtoa) i- n.,w ta thta c-ny. Hc s;n ? that hfl R_U otl.r a reaoiution ln the ('oii\.iiti.,ii BtTOa?Bgaa alhaiieo rith.-r than a fu-iou ln tween the iictiiix't itic party aml ihfl Ubaral Baaahltaaaa taB l.avinu the noinlnatioti-i t<> hB flMtdfl in tlte u ana 1 form under tbe two-tlurd-' rule. BB rtoWB areahly piesenfed, Ibaagh Ba tabjeet ia one upon whtai niuch divei-iiy ot opiuiou prevalla. _ AKKANSA.S. BOW TBB BBDi Of fOfULAB MBlATf-fACITOB w] ,i -.,\v\? KBVATOB C?ATTOB- nr.<OBD? TIIK BLEOTIOM f-AITDI OK 1H;0? BffBOI OK riti.-ii'i.Nii ?L _TT?BfBBBBl B _I I.Of'AL I0U1I1B Bl BBBB III Ol" TBB liukuaj. kk im r,i.ii:ANS. To the Editor of The Trlbune. BflI: Tlio pottttcal BBIBBB in this State aro ao comp'.icated that lt ii lmposalhlfl to preaenl them lu all their iH-ariiipTa, wlthiu the compasa of a alnirle letter. The r.'Kulu ItcpublP au ..riraulzutlou hus united wltb the,. rai whoae deliKiitcs attended tho Cln cinnati ('..iiventnui, and with tho renular Demoeratle orpTiinizatluu whicb luduraed aud ratlfled the uoiniua tloua of Greeley uud Bruwn and the ITuclnnutl platform, aa oppoaed to tbe wlntf of (irant offlce holdioK cana under the coiitrol aud li-adcrshlp of Scnator Cluy ton. The fiision of the three elcmeuta meutloued as eup portlnaT Ihe nomineea of tbe ( Incinnatl Conveution la accomplHlied undet the directioii of fceutor Itice, uud to set forth the relative positloua of the two men, as well a* tbe clruicute they reprtaent, will be tho obj.-ct of thia letter. ?BtaBflBBBhBBhaaa made the fleld of operatlonaby Seuator Cla> (..ii .iiul In-c cli.pic ln ordBB BBBflflflflBBflBfe i,ii 11,11- flbtf??'".i th.- Benator'a ambitlon. Itepubln-ana haMiiK el.i le.l him (O.iernor. the entire wel?ht of hla ottlcial poaltloii und putioiia-e, aiJcd l.y tbe Governiix'ut ut W anbnia*toii, waa t tuployi-d to accoinplUb hia electlou to the l'nited Htate. B. natc. Abd now tbe united efforta of this c lic|ue iut- clirec tel lo th>- aliik'lc ol.Ject of carry lUKtheSlBte torOiaiit. Iu tbl?> tlu-y will uot *un,.,l, for the unlon of the beat c lementa of the State la too BBflBg for them. Durtiix the p.i.t two yeara any one ,i|.p,-ni .to: aa ii riiuilidatc fur public offlce, and knnwn to be oppoia'-d taBaaahB daj ton'sclaluia, ha- liecn atla.Bfli l.y thia cll'iue. Wh.-ii a rt tfiilar lU-publicau OflflBfl?BBM uoiiiiiiatt .1 a liiiidi. late who did uot favor Clayton. lu atalitly a few tn, n would " l.oll" an.l lioiuinate u tl. kct lu the Benator". inlereet. Prec.uently tbe entire welgbt nf efliiial iiiflii. ii. c- haa been tbrowu ln the IiriDocratlc candldutea a? oppoaed to ICepuli'.c :ina, l>e cauae of the offlce boldeta' tervitude I.. ( l.i> toti. thi- . onld he ai.oliipliahe.l l.y talr uu ,m* it m.iiIoik. when this wna linpoa-il,|i', fi ui.d- of tl,. _l M -' pfladaBB iiiituie w. r. pcipc traii',1 luiniia.' the C8ag_eaa aaafalga ot is7n. Baltaa i' Ubi lld fiaultt, au aaa _v_.a_.ud, aaa feaaaa le bt mt pnted to Claytoa, aad mo ataloal a MMM_toB_aad BdWBa_ iii.ii'.iiMSd as ar, independent CO?ildflta, tti.niL.Ii really WOt?Bf ? the pbBM of Renrle*. who tad wlth.lrawn, ih he whh eimxidercd too promlnently Id.-n n:,, | ?.. ". .- | .,; ' |M lo BtOOl :o ? . ft Mo. N"t aittataadlbb tbM ti ib, BoUm reeeltatl .. etaoi OMjew I'V of ..'"" "\.i I i'.v ,1.1-. >'I (:.'. I.'ii, M ..overuor, iM-ueti aeortti ? ?'?? _ i -1 Um m Edt trsteil 11, t,,lt. ,.|,.l Un ( olipre** (' ie linani BM?ty ... i I'l.h'd it to ln in - .-< , Um, when Ibe ('eiiira, OMOOMttM, thmiiL-h if-> iliailli,.,!!, ("? Iiator Kne. i;.I | Mate OMMUMM . OMtdeS the priipr.etv nf ?? ii*lin?f ih lefBBN '" 1'lnltttt 1 phia. ttM- ui. n Ii Um .1 ton -i of Cta] Im batb .i aad pn , . i ,1, ,1 !. .oiIfWw I ? i ""' ? ?""''",:" _...m. IbM < on-t-'itioii of l.olferr. on Mav H. i.ii.l roo .1 to - mi dak gafc - to Pblladelphla. On Maj --?. tM ... nveution Toted ananlmoti ., pbtladi Ipbbk, i.u! toappro I'im iiitiatl 'l ? 1.-I-I. The Coiiventioii also notl Btralght Repu an tieket, and lo iti platform itrongly roudi uue i the parl ' >!.' u ? j <?< a. Qiaat'i Admlai tra iu Arkanaaa i olltiea, The ,1,- it.-ui ii ii with Oen. (irant aeonrae In Arkaa itluated duni gtta eleeOon ol IWO. lathi ? tereat, ballot-boxM were atuffod alth Impunlty, aad lu tbe moat publie manaer, wbile falae nameawere eli' 111 tl.e H'L-l-tlv Uli'ler tlie,llie. t I .1 le I . 'II of tM reciatera who had been appolutcd by Gov. tla) ton. ln < irk .-..nntv. foi instance, wbere there nre onlj t ? -.,, r. i.ii.ii ? .1. I" l hlcoi ( ouniy, whleh baaonlj 1,400uialeperaoMoTei XI yearaol : n.i vi.t. - were returaed. Theeefrauda were -.- apptir . nt tbal iii.y were preaeuted t.. tM conalderatlon of the OrandJury.aad manyoftheaulltrpei-OBa were ind Poor of thoM lodlcied telegraphed to Senator Clayton, al Wiitiiii,_t,,ii, th.-v .in.l thelr friendi were lu eripardv. nn.l that the Distriet-Aftorney WM ready to pi i, m, them. They urged Beoator Clayton to Mve [hi I. ii..' Attorni v retuoved al once. 1 uia ti < waelatd before the Prealdent. It wwfollowed bj ? i.t1.1- ti.,i.i Hadley, argiaa tbal Dlatrlct-Attoruey Whippleb. reuioved and Btepben B. Harrlngtou bc ap poti i. .1 m i. pluee. ' Tbe i, iull wm -bat n. t only Mr. Whipple imi ... .i. JobB < atteraon, tbe Marahal, wim wai taniinoningwlineaat n and aaaistlng tbe Diatrii i Atl t, |,r. i . ui gal Toterewlthvlgor,were bothaummanly remored ai d ii rrlogton,wbomIbecrlmlnalatheniai Ivea had applied ror.waaappointedaeDtotrlcl Attorney wltb [aaac C. Milla aa M.u-ual. Concernlng Mitla, 11 badal ready been proredbefore tM United BtateaCourl tbat behad been oi.t the peraona goUtyol fraudulcnt r. tnttonaod ballot-boi itufitng. Tho reaull oaa tbat all wbo bad been Lndictcd for frau and rerfatratlnn were dlacb.ii edbj flari at the i i '? TM l'-'i ? ra and e- ; coucerning tbeae Iranaactlona were i"i Med ,u th.- Attomey-Oeneral'a ofllce ln Wh too, aad the entire eiae wm laid < tin- Prealdent TbeM irbttmy renoTali made hj UtePr. ?deat, " foreauae," aoeordlnctothe'fen .,, :. What the nu.-e in.iy haw- ... . ,, it rui ' origld ' ii'oii.iii.iitof tln- lawa,Maneverbeen aacertfl nd. Then. wappolntmentaUyln tbe Benate until :,;?,! ii, r.iiiti ation ... Oreeley and Browa by tM Ai ua, 44.,.-!, tb. v wero brougbt up an.l i- iniptly toiitirineil. liiirinK tne Inveatiiration of 8en . irton'a obm, B. M. BaraM ol Little Bock_Ai-_, red aa attorney In toball <>f Bepubllcans of A i il erery edbrt to ba~e wltneaeea examined la be the people, bul wltboot No afbrl wm i to enfon <? ii.. ir attendanee i and, wiili the e_. ep j. .,, i whohappi'iie.l tolie in Wa-hilii't.iii. tmt one nn the part ol the people waa examined, Ontheotber l,,,,:,!,.- M aytoa_ witaMMa were prodoced, Mhe deaired. i ie examiaatlon or tbeae men eloaed more tbanai b belore tbe adJouroiMnt of < ..n-r- - I,,,,, .- made ..t tbe iTtdence and no a tion waa t,lr,,i, . . llie ( .initl.e upon the cvnl. n< ?<? inilil thi cloaing l.ouraol tbe aeea on, wbenaoi.Ided n ....n waa niade, emix dj m*t no e\ ul. oee npon m tln- pretended _ctlonofi1 ii ii.ii.niv- waa baaed. Tne report waa alao made aft. ibeGreelej and Brown ratJfleatlonconven? tion m l inaaa, aad wm ui doubtedly prea nted i-.r tbe purpoae. preventinB tbe peopM from kaowlng ot tjao. Uraut'a - pportol Beaatoi I ayton aad bl* meaaorea, , -, , : ,i fea ol tbe ootraoM to wbk ii men Mra been Bubjeeted who bave iinr.-.i to rn t ai < ording to a bat .: ,ve . onalden d tM bi il _itareata ..f thelr party, m well aa of tbe people al Large, TbeM tiiin*.'s li -|.;i. .1 a .1. tei ll.lIiation 'i Uie beai !t of tbe BOOple tO -I.unt tii'iu ui the approm 1 .iiij.' ''atiipai-.i. Wt IN WOll er. .?< ?! .ni iue ,-ontiiit i.t ,.r eariyiiiL' tbe State by a maforitj ol from 16.000to _i,000fM Ureele) and Hmwu. J.iHU Ui,tk, Ark-., June | . l- j. flBBBIti UL im. i.M;M\N- ..".MIN,. >.vi.i; ro GJtCBLBT __TD I.l.t.H ?? llll WW Al-I'l.lMI'.NMI.N'l? tt-LA* nvi Miti.N'.iii <'i PA-rnn n thb cok OR] -t DUTBIl I-?PBOBABLB CAKDIDATW. ;ih(iil iN .'< ' a_BB*_A_Cs)BIBar_-__sT0f laU IKlBL'.NE.l St. LOtm, June ItV-Tlbl sitibiti.iii iBtab 1- BatoiB-] Mgardad wltb mtereat el.-e wbere, aot Iucbom Itt Uaatiial tom mdoobtfiM, MI ba ,t th.- I.101 ra' i"o'.' BM Bl WM lii-t b Btld Bk*M Re ,,.. tfl ,,1)., 1 - inu.illy li liain Ma It laTeeU IM tbo ttota ual tM aiti iiuie oi jioinii-n! piirin -. ItaM IM cniiiiu.-iti Caarea ii,.n ibeie Mi Meo 1 ktiaefal ifMtwaing in pa TM _-_a__rtloM al tbal 0mm__i were tntm mos* ,? :, ,|, ,,,..! to | tOMtdl'le tluire of tlie libetOl IBRM, 1.., 11 j Bepub.1 aad PimimbIHi mmowMI obm teiy. TM (ii-iinau elennn:. I hi. h loinit *.. l.irc I part OfttM,l Mte 111 l.'.th I'iirti.-, v.:,-,,t lir-t ,.?? ,.,;.,,| (0 OPPOM UM ii'.iii'iiatn.n; but B__ thl ,.,..1 tl? ll,..(ii.7.r frnt, "f whieh pOfM taM tin Beban is ed-tari a>"' mtUk ;tt mm beajM to adraeatc th.- tlebet, a groal dB_fi bM ai ready toin _>*oduced, ^ it u now iImi tbal IM election tbla Mpoctaat ebBodat Mabo MBf .,-. iu ra'.iy uiiii.ii upoo ttM I nn n n;iti uomiri'.-.'. ^\ nny all the le.itlii.L' (tel'in.ll,- II, tbe Btatl ii.ive labM Ii.'-1'I')Q Ayb-Mpportoi tta t: ket. j:-..'(.i Ur. Dm bbbTi WbOM piipi 1, tM A>i:<u;ir, han but little eiri'tillati.ui, Md that BMlnly wltb Bobmb Catbatle DeMoerata, ao aabM Genaaoof __roe_ei lanoo BctlTOlyoBpeBlBCtkaaaBd (l.iiet ii a: t 111 iniiati; an.l hll infl kaoee.OMB \sith his own party, M M ?lObl that to the 1. ,?> nt iB-uio eratte State Con~en_ou onlj thrae delegatei ?-> who oppoaed iodmaeaMot, bm "f iMm one bmtm4mm1 Ul opinioii in .b-ineiiee to tM will of the m;.'..iity, wbile Ur. i1.1 Meti __foiti 'i at the bbbbIM .. t" 0aaa> lay ami lii'owii,ii.-.iiiieii taattood tMOMTMtioa, The I.iberai Bi pablicas fon 1 lo ttM otboi eteoMBta i- larg-ot bvseveiiil tbOMIBfl thH it bM ITM I" 'IB beforo. 8c MrooewM tin- hold ot the paaalM poUcy opaa tM Do luoeraey of tbll Mate, thal IM iiomin.itioti-, tl1.? 11 trh un eapoeted, wen ra__o_ wltb reir ttttte boMtBttoB. aad. ns f have -ii..1, Wltb nlini'-t al'.-olute unaiiiiiiity ; aud tle re it no n MM t" talb W IMI 1.SM I)>?nioerats ::, the Btatl a ni ref?M to mippoit the Ctaetaaotl ih. LogialatOMa ealled In ipeelal leaaion by Oot. Browa for tM p_rpoae ol proi Mihk foi the. hoice 01* au immaaed mbMottlaetOMi ha* ju-t MlaBnai. Thi* ripeiial session was reudered necessary by a sin^nhir eooHetbetwoM twooldlawi whieh left it Baeoctotai in what nianner the llMtMl to vvhn h the Htatt' taMBM eiititled und. r tbe new apiiortionniont could bl lawfully clioseti. Had that uneertiinty reiiiaineil, H was well iiinierstood that a hoatile C'oiiK'resa would _l.nlly take m! ftmUttt of lt, and, uo matter whieh uiethod should have been adopted, would have declared the BtOM-eding im cotiHtitutioual, an.l thrown out the entire eleetoral vote of the 8tate had thnt vote been Btifll.-i.-nt to determlne the renult. I'mler theae (-ireuni-tatieea the (jovi-nior flrst sutr.moneil the I.eLTislature ouiv to pr.ivi.le for the ehoke of electors ; but after lt had as.seuibled, lt MOMM apparent that a nii.Jorlty ln one Houae waa determined to redlKtrlct the Ptate for t'otiffresBmen al?o, and u|hui aeeond pro. lauiation tho LBgbdMBM w;ia MBMBBBMBl for that purpoae aa well aa for aniendlng the lllotlllMBl law. This l.eiri-latiire, ehooen In the election of 1-To, haa ln the Houae a Deuioeratie inajiirtty, whlle iu the bOBBbl tbe Llberal Kepubllcans hold the tiulnnce of power. Ita actioii, th. r.fore, aflords a fair ttat of the teBHOf <>f par tiea uuder the new eontrol. An apportioument for the next ten yearB has been adopted by dcclaivo uiajorlliea ln both Hourien, whleh uieu of all partn-a aceept aa BBMBi iUK'y jutt and fair. Souie eountry nieinbt 1 - i-ouiplain kbat the allow.uue foi- M. I.oiibi ( ounty la a little ln BSaBM of Itn ratio, but it loutt be leuntnbered that tbla couuty 111 ereasea in popnlatioo very mueh fa*ter than the rest of tlie MatB, M that vtithin tln- ten Man Ua repr.MUtatiou will be an imi, h taM than lts proportion of |>opiilatloii aa It la now jrreater. Of the thlrteen diatrleta ihe are de 1 uie,lly 1>i inoeratle; three othera are cloae, but *o eon *titiited that u lieino.rat not objectlonablo to UBeial Ib publieaiis ean e.isily l*e eleeted. Iu three o'hiratlie Liberals hold thebalame of jHiwer. while the Iwo n 11111 liiin_ iliftrietB gave a uiajonty ln lnTO ajralust Urowii. It Is probable, bowever, that all th.-ae diBtrl.ts cau be carried by tl:c Dl nun rats and Llberal _**?__! MI' "O' bliied, If nn h uouiiuatioiiaare Iiunle a? to call out und unite the full vote of both ; nor bl th'.M utireaaouable, for the inajortty again*t Craut lu this t*tate ean bardly l*e IMI than 75.L.i |f the .hole vote ahould M JKilled. That lt may fall belowtlint tltfure m likely, MMMB ln eoun tn* ainl tlltttrletr, wbrie ihe niajorlif is nverwheliuing a m rv li_ht vote uiat b<- polled in rlew of tbe fat t that uo a.'iiie man t. *.ai.l> the resull lu the Hlate ua at all doubtful. Theil^trlets deri.bdh I>. ino. ratie are the II,I, ein br.n li | tin- 1 eiilral portioiiof BtaLaolBI Ihe IV111, ein taraelai iii, _Mlb aaafora part ef Ita Mat?-; Um vnitb, . n.i.r.o uik' Jaebaoo, Platte, Ctayi I --? ">?d Bataa Oaoa tteai tln Xlih. Iviiil" i.lon- tn. irttt r tnroiiKb IM MMM of UM BtatO, . liibrai i.l- 11-.ue. Ilali.lolph, HOWBfd, I 1 uue. Lofayatto, n.v, aad l anotl OooattM and tta Xllllb. tli,|.i.u m_ a II ll.i I Wl ? ' 'he old IXHl I'. -..I .'tl-llil I ... ? STOKi:.S\S DEFEN8E. pboof in\r rtM wa_ aimbd i INTI iifsiiv,. DCTAIU Bl i Bl i -ii. Ol i IT8 tl Tl \r. I IBl i B : \- i BHOOTTBC ? B hy BTOKf- v : i, oaivd . im_a_ rtoi11 ir n that ii-k BTAfl nn. in-r r>. i>i<aw 111 l'l.-T'.l?-I li-hl n s-i. THB PLBa -i III tlio Stokfs tl. 1. \ , ' ','.:? . ' , I tr> atm, nt ,,f I opini, n ,,f Dta Mn ei\. Il ..f 808? b .,' i- I, tllfth, I'llt Bfl t> , ln i.-.ility. Ii mav be rumuied up ? ? i ,f whta ii.- ba n attvadp civ.-n oa thal an Oabflah. h.f-i-'.-r waa latrod radbyt ? i ? ?? i tiou, aud t> itBfa d lo her r lal in- ( aaaaa ?;>" Jfl??a 'i. ta | her npon Ihfl B?Bi .'..i? .1"'.' ,, -.?.1. ii, r t, -tiu ren \, i * eot| but BBflflM of little iinport.,'1' I lfl th, Tuiii.k BeQaw?a, wbo helpad laaaBflta Btobaa alter tha abaotlnr. I ? ? ' Iba priaoiier nli io liiin .i ? h'- i > ,-iiot i.p ata i-, Bai th- y aaiit BattjaatIhaaaaaaa iaaa aai aaUl t<> bl the BMM thal t,, hii,,, 881 ',, .,il . : - w ha . aah i i htaa, ?? Bhal ita* r*a flh 11 < at, i tah fi i Stoke. wa.- aittniK on the p,,it,r - 1>. i , ? . a | | Bnaiihfli hl?. aai. iwaflllBB BB beadaa Sb BB?4 1 he were hurt, an.l stok.s iii.-.v r ?!. BV !?? w.i- p ie an.i i? ?Ibb i. .i, '"it aot ' ? - iii I BOl BaOW tta BHtBa t'p.ti tha foarlaaliiB <>f Bta b I ?aaa tha Dl U?I Itton ? ?? - - I l | , ?ii, reupoa, Bfl i i tiou, Br, >f< Kecill 88*?I 'I -? I was aaafbalbi. aad ata ?flaaai eameBi Bi ? iiusiui ciii.iiic tc-r ?.f tba ataa 11 I privat.. iTiui-i l wlm li ,,l BBi i ? beea ' ? tagalaatftaersaCthaftlaaaartaai Loto whi 1 ttel' iiad poill-ed lu- umB88l MCTI nifiiiusi Ki-k, i.ppe.ire.l a- Bflrl trlet-Attoraey. Tta m prtvate ? tree S M.ia alfeeafroi .me Bf IIleni aaa had a nU tat BMM ? ta, Bf Mi-.Mel(Ceon nair.ite.l. aathey h;i\e B8I I i, froaa Btatats_ pehrf <-f rktm, the n hatwa a htaa aai fl k, tbaa I had eagagc i bha ta a fraadnleal ti..n of b pvaBtahla Bharaetat m. Taaei !.-1 lag af IB, iaaaaatai fl spoil.-, aml fli.e. oiniiKf leal. M af blla paaai eaaaa ta Btaa Baaatali- raffl wlth blas, bai ralaoi him. lt b I tflBlBf Bttataflwaa ptaaBtai throagl tho ton ??.'," ol judp Dowliag,aai Baiaari. I op.iiiti..'isi>r Klsk. The niirrathe i-.i , .? kbaoi .nu m tan tt, ti. i a?I ba raad wlth av_?y bj l i . mt THE Pr_OC__DIrfO_ DfCO Um lir-' b iim aa -caaiiaad \. iterdi. nn raii ??, aai Dr. Edward t. t. Barah, Dapaty Oataai i H , . tornc y : 1 BBB?I B poef fl BTb ? I ? '" -v Of Col. Fi.-k at BBJ r, -.?!? m >? ir, . 9 o'etoeh aa Ihe BTetaagaftbeTth afJaaaarj ???-' ' fflaai ihe woiind ou tha rightaldeofltheabiaaii ibaffl tta aaral aad aaa aai a balf aebaefti hV , :,ne; tli.- illl. ctl.U cf the PBflbt lowaw-ri aai waart tta BBi ti" woaai aail ' im taefe la _aaMti r aad ata a_i ? '? '? '"' the course of the bullet aud found it lod'td li, th< BM ttaa on the kataia al the left tidub; ti.e btal paaaai thi-ough the iniiill mt.-tiu-saiul a BflBttaB B BM ?rgfl inte.-liii.s; u,Bl88BBBB8itB_8Bfffe BM !>? n'oi., um fMB the ir. nt , f theciitraiice to wlienlt ei.t. ie.l. Bfl ? attbi Bpdoflaaa. thi aaaai-aflfflBf aad ahall tai ? ?? and tweaty-two taahafl ta BM ptaai ta w laaaaaB ... tta woun.i ou tne artn the baii paaaai thcaagh Bai tatoa. , r tho unn and throtigh it; the bram aaa haaltby aai welghedifty-eightha-eaBi tta baart waa healtby aai _ ,ix.t.en uiiii'T-; the only thtBfl I aattaei I ha liv.-r; ti. the abdoaMB t daath waa iniawi bi a * k, I m ? < ?afl of tta ibeetlBgi . _ed i.vMi'.Tcvn- ii-1 l ?'?"'' theivenlnii of theetb of Jai uarv, vrhc I i ledto take bla dylna itattment; ihoik alwaya .ui ,.v,t th-, deecriph. the wound intb. LnteetVb. flnd ln_tbatahoeh aeeompanled - u li bd Inji ry. I?aan J" i,r.idualou tbat death reaulted from -.... k aml p-rt tonitl ; Ipresumetne ball.1 throi -h .tw.ym I ,-l il ? ;,?, Iw-n-i,-. tn,- Inalde; bafa_lnchlnlenkTth,and ? -, ",,1-li, -h, i wa reteivedthi e; Ib. rerprl :.r?,?,xa,1i;.i:..:..n.?hel,lr....l....I.. <;--' nuueat, was baaed upon Botea taken at u? tlm i Zl' "now tbal I couTdlind l , ,',, ,i unon to ? \ mine a - ' ," ' iu,',,,,|,,:,.,.i retaln tba parttaataisafl bbbm |ibibb!I| ta uiy owh iata la _BO*_?ttI iiotei. EMPi.oyr IBBIlfUM, I'ltilrk M.i.owa'i, teaftfled \u k_fi| to th. luatnet* AttOtaey 1 I waa etuployed ii: th. Cran.l (Ynfral ll..(.l 881 the 6th of Jauuary laat : I did BOt *< .? ( ol Fi.k ou that (lay.lutl saw tMfl?888 i | I wa- BtaBBBl at tho tline hc- waa am stcd aud hclped to se.ure him I kn ti tba loeation of this italrwayon the- ladtaa' eattt if you auiini tii.-re, aal aii ?ai ibbti waBBaaaa, V eould see a p. r.-oli stauditu.: .a. tba 0BI_ itO? OUtakb . "ik thia aft.Ti.oou when Col. I?I WM ihot 1 Waa k?Blng BB tho piuuiiicr. when tbfl priaoaar, weaxing a whiti paaaed by an.l " There la a man ibol ap mA thev wiiiit a doc-tor;" Tliotnaa Uart jii.t tb. n , aiu<? down italra, and aald, "Yon are tbe man tbat shot hlm, tha priaoii.r was then about l. feet from me -, be wi ut a*t tar aa tb? barber. thop, wheu I w.-ut up lobitn ai?l aald, '? Bv wiuit vou ;" ba ii. \ ar said a word . al ilua tium Mr. All. n ra?ne up and oommeueed awearlng at afr Htoke*. but be aever said a word ; 1 lold bim t<> slmi ui>. mid Mr. Powera, who 'heu ,-am.- alonat, aaked Htukea wbat he ahot Col. Flak for ; ) <? never?-i.l a?.,id, l wanl aal for au oftker, wbo took tlu- unsnuer into .-..?. t<MlV. Ciaaai laniliied by Mr. Tremaln -1 am ln the -< i ? ?-. ot Br. I.W88B, bai I have iu ,t tiik.i. any ia>rt ii. hiiirt ,* up or aeC-I-Bg witne.saea for the prors'. ution . I ga , evldenci ' i f, n tbe Coroner'a lntrnear. andmytrBtlnK? w t.i-ilai latha s.nne as lt was then : 1 .ti.l not beai Btot - aaytoiaaTi aooi hl?, ti,..t ke would g? quiet,orauj thiiiK of ihat Uiud ; lu- m.-le BO r. ; ?!, to Bl .Powera r :in\ one .-I-.-. f..i-if he did I would bave beard lt; when gtokea waa arreeted he loobed pale aad oewilitered not treuibiiiii_; h.- atade no realataace at all; when Btokea said thal there waa aopao ..u< abot up atatn, Mr. Powera aald," Bear, bear,bear;" the prlaoner sat ou the i?,it.i's t? iu li, aad ii maa approac bed bim, and puttiug his h.iml on bla breaat, nim n he v?.ia buii. btokea auawered,"No," and tbal waa all be aabl; I ild aot b< ;.r tbe Bbota Bred i I itaat know the ataa who pul ;- .ii.i ii[...n tbe priso8?r*a kBaaabaad vaaMaai tawa him if 1 saw biui. ANoTHKit BBBB__i f?J-BT. Dr. Frank Wiili- l'i-hei- t.-titl-.t iu an-u.-i to'le lu trl. t Attoiney- I .1 ln Bbfl (,iiiiid Cntui II,t. I for the laat ls iuontha; ontheirihof Jai.n.irj ia^t I i.a.h.d the hotel betweeu 10 und 15 ruliiutcs l,t f,.re 5 o'ciuck. and I beard Fi*k whs shot; I lininediately w.-nt to mv IBBflh where I found a BfltaBBl BBBl ?" a_ taaflfl l" BgBta " ' to coine to 18881 BB, I at BBBB aent down to ih_ parlor; I aaw a policemau out.-ide the door; there were aaawtJl jHTsous Hici", eoine of whoin I i-.i.'.in/>-.l; 1 aaw Mr. Haskina, lleurv Powera, and Dr. Tnph r tiure; I told the i oiouel l w'ua ven Borry to Bad ho waa la thal >?-< dition; hegaToaieht.righthaad; Iknew blm .iiirhtiv before that: l hla P?at and found it:? an.l n-ptra ttoatt: tba palaa waa ?,,.L und aligbtl) irrrcnlar i tav?bhatwaoaaeaaof btaady aai w..tir; i thra ?? uueated tbe gaattaatea praaaat ta retire, and Dr. Ti , r und l n.nd, -mi examlnatlou , al z o'cloek I aaked itlni how be felt, an.l he verj ttimfol but ho hiid a Bflflfll Iu hta bawela; ha i nu r.-iiiirk to bm ahoal I?ll bomlelda; at, B1S the polaa waa T4 aad roaptratloa M,aad bmbi r. _u liir; hc felt lli.ta.ty, and Inair him a llttlat watar; ln coiinteuaaeewaa al tbtotUae palUd,hla -km tuii aaai vt.irm. aad tba paplli were unuaua lj dllated; atBlfl Dr. urriv.-.l, aml we proc .edc.l to ptWaa (it. ai woaai; prevtot?lj .t draw i.iforaa nlB?tered al bla owa reque*t; problaj ,..i BbOUl one and a h.ill or two uiinul.?-, BUd did i, t m-tn to i auae btaa mnehpala; l waa preaenl ?!n n the proWai; vaadoae; ?n ordlaary ptal??? waa aaed foi tbetpwrpoai . theie Waa no BtluB l>l the lm alltj ol l..c ; from tlie ilil. cllon of the piol.e, tlie ball llliiat have passt tl lawBtd, dowaward, aad obllquely t,> tbe I. ti; nt o-.ts* coi.a dtat on waabeld, lu-.w, ed.aayn ,Trlpb r. himI bu Ball Is-liiar plesa-ut ; I I.e I XitlUIIM t lOll Uste.t at l.'S-l balf au hour; after laat the ouaraa al treataarnl uar.^.l up.iu waa aaartoi out: al i a'etoeh OtL n?k waa veiy Utieiiav, unit c otupl.iuccl of it I>aiii ln bia bowetaj aftat tht raaaultattoa ha was glvaa aquaru-r arraiii of luorphuie; be u*t;..u cwaalalaed of pai?,aad aald he felt aa ihuu_h hc butlau " oldfaahtoned Vn belly-ache;" he ask, .1 for a BBaBfBB BBBB tban BB phiue. s.uiiii| tbal ha waa *? Mraager tbaa aa tx, aai ihat it would take four Itaaea more t>> nir,. t him thau iinyor.iiiiairj pataoai bia j.ulse w_? tbaaMaad taapBa tioii-8 a qaartar grala i>f aierphlaii miinu.u wa. ad* iiiii!ia:,-i-i-.i. tbe aa before; froaa tbal ha waarata .1 conlinuall* msb,-,1 f,,r more _edlt lue, aud it w..* _l\, u lo blm ; he va.isuHeii tcn dro|.s ol M i?'.u.Ii< 'i a.-lu i ,[ ln- pulaawaa ~.i and reaplratlou M; be aaked llie lf he l.ll.l . 'lllill .h.meHl.f r.CoMT > , 14I1.I, to U |8B8 Of what he - "lo. I told him to tapeal tbe tpicatiou ,()!? jeeted lo.] Ha ia:.i bm h*- <tid uot waal lo ba left alaaa ; ae atill. oiiipijiiit-ti afl a:r?at aala ta bi* bawi ? aad a. ,1 h. iii.i-i bave .oinetbiiiir to ouict the pala; pataBTIi raaguratlaa flBj Icaveklw w liropaul 1?14^