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~nni*tonce? that N?re npon Du ll rfll ft mt fffl want Ut i:. , -:. ? ii I. witb . tbat in ? had irt'eti repeaUdly folled ln bia a le_apfla M pra i-iip* jurti.a*. lf wa abow tbal taa daeeafeil bad ap pUad to tbt- ctaiii t- i" ..ii<ii to take awaf tb? proji, rtv ol the prleoner it I illowod up hv f-.tit after *-, -ln 'vl??-' ,,n' tip ln evirv ahape Bnd fonn, nml thal decea ? ,.?-. ,t i -. It _,il aml . ? lmri "'-?* pl I1VR him of I. ' ?', l'n ii ?o BTfl BOle t" itupbvthal proof Ol tlu.* .t-, pnmuit ln uriiio.l nu ii, ol lio.-iiii Intenttoua on tbe part of deceaae-. ati oi which were known to tbe priaonei froin bia aaaoclationa with the .1. ? - haa nol Honor toflai-ide wbalproBttn ib Vtthtl An* wc to I , . ? ? , ' mtroiied In tbe.orderof oui preveated Irom i.i.mi". ?ui wlu.ll .ih * -h tlu ' i proof of taeti buei * I thn.r., al-", we ahould l>e < t..-how Ihat tlu-..ii-.'iioi knew tlio fact -T. JTlal waa tiiiv.i wltb bo rd lum. nml tbat bfl entor . U.e ui.,>t \. ' him. * . li ol MII. IihACLi. Vr. iu .tcli. rt) -B l?r the tlist time to ad.Ircs*. the Oaartaap* attba fmefl aadatoqaaBflaal dall imt abaab ? aabalaad Iba allaattaa al tboirowdfor balfauhour: laallaaaM where thi* i?sue has BBBB pi, -. nt- ii ... t., . . int aud nny. the puint of drparturc haa baaa BBBffan al the Haa al Um aiiep4d _*_Mlafl uielitul ctJli.litn.i.. lt wmiii t.c,.j.'c?iai-'.ina im.Bfl :?'?'? a pcr-tiuacrused otacrime, up. n tl.e Mfll 'on ot a disiurbed menUUtatc. shou' 1 bfl BlIaWBd tfl ir...ioliiaownac.sau I.,?.?(!( nt ta tba eti...'* it.-elf. Ifl tbaflfl any poasil . t. ?,, nj .n t rted thal tbu prifl iiu i nm . t thU fatal act wat laborlnf under any Inaanity ? u.u i l- iiu ie m.i pi.'i.t from tbe laat witneaa, wbo waa tbe rbohad an lntorview with uim tbat be w.i.t f-'itl, ring fromia distnii '' ? ?" .,-., ti. thla _..** ].. rt, ti,y t uOL nml. rei it iu tho i-auio uueom-ormd remarka in -? ivrrnpl Ju.t i-i*i, ?? uf tin- prlfom t. Itu ? tberof tbe iii..iii'ii- b * J , yliiiv ? tbe purp ? ?f Fisk ln bia noorn cfc II . . v .-ii tbe Jin'.i , , >ut alao im -c aufoundod.... i al i Mr. _?'..-_. ? , f jUBtlOl . 1 kllt-W IB .ail'i Ifl II) lli- fl-BTfl. t i, aaa .. maa ol large beart, and , ? to-day ln -i ? - , ? *.?!,-., nnd I liavt* DB BBBBM lB D vf hun here w llt u he OBBBOl .;.-.-,,! piifate o..uii" I I un)USl :i--liult Wan lli:.'!'* ? .it vonr lli'iior's faet at tbe : nicii aaa man to be denouaoed be ..... cniiii., ti.m boti thlncaapuD ,.? and h publle bar. aml Ihe aentlmeol wbu b up alkol And .ir. we to be d?n duiinutratlon, v?* :n>i" ar : ,ii.n .nni to a* ertalu tbe truthi i atomed, Slr, to be called a bloodhound?1 nm nol un hand Ifl atalned ?aitub md aimply becauafl 1 appeartoud ti.. ,,,-,,. ?',?-<? rlRhta, l tell tbe *?? nUeiii tn thal i * * i bere vntii a.- -.l autboi l.a,. ? _-ii * duti ; and a . ii...t iiutv I am i.ot ta, i.t told tbal 1 am f... _*. ttln-. citber my manbood or n y pn feaalonal dutv. word In iflfrard to tbla etidenofl nf threaU. I do ii.'t'itnv tlut uml. r proper coadlUona lt_toompetenl f..i tin aicf. i.m topraTfl tbe deoeaaed waa of a rio li ni,.!.i ' mallgnaut * ,,it ii. t- i- Bdniualbh . bal thi - d", time ot tin- Coart >.f Appealfl is that tblaendeac. admitted until .. foundatlon baabeealald; i rciim.-t.iiii t * tbat ral-e tln* 0,000 t ia in in raaard to tht .1 the niiiriici'-r bc miirt BbOW t.'tt \a.t. dangrr of rried H.t'i ? t., t. aad there waa r. ** ? taelleve thal be -t ...l ln Immlnent j.. biaMfi orllmb. I_i oonnaul bara read from , ,,f ib< i ? in iein the (iinrt .ni only be proper i , , ; 1* .?h_>wii tbere was an asRault cniiniti. ,i <>r in ii up.'ii th. prlaoner, aad a doubl m.i- i ii -ai cii wbclhei the hou icldi waa perpetrated firom n, tin . ,01 ,n t of tln tbe time ol tbe klllinit mu-t be itu h ai to raiM a reaaon ption of danaer that tb? tbraata were about t.i be . uu .t i oui upon thc priaoner."] Iu this emt then l_ no pi '- ?" a contentloiu ..? t.f tbe ii."st ati pn inisiti'ii- in tbe admlnlatratlon "f erladnaljaatlae if a in-a 44in. kI.,- i ,.i .lu.-tity blmaell i.y Drotiaa tbal be (lintrustt tl the ttiuptr nr porpoflfl 01 tbfl lu-.n ln* |. : priaonei bmbd to kiii ? n, ii ih tlm preni .Mnti'.ii whlch th.* law reqntree. Iho . g "?'? il ii"in th. caee "t Th. I ' to tbow tbal when apereoniai u_-__ed iu in ndlj '.ill I"* -, it i- in- dntj to retreat, and aaea?Howet t r bumlllaUnfl it may be t" tbe i'i Ide ot m.i:.. i.'n utw dcea not alloa hlm to attack thi liis um ,\ .my human meana be ran es, ipe f. .rn tii.. ti.tit. Graal thal tbla prlaoner knew Fisk t.? Im' bit thn it-. wbal was the poall >n of thc paxtleal Why, Blr, Plak wai , ; inatrapped; be ttood nt the bottom "t theae ball V4a\ op, bound 10 Maml aml lake th.i leaden ll.erjtt I.i; ! uf il. ith. lllll bOW ?-a- lt Wltlt this pll-..lll*f I , 9 lll- 4 11 tim before blm i Wbal dld he do, Blr l I^.d bfl flael to BVOld tbo cntliliat I Judae ii-i ' aaid be waa i.t tO tue illli'stlou iK'tol'O urt. Mr. Heacb?I waa fladeavorlnfl to s.iti-fv your Honor th. ie \4,t- no aneb foundatlon af warranted the pro j i i tbe prool I j,i ini I?'?> I for se!f (i. ifi-.. Tbe prlaoner found Mr. Flah wholly at his in. .ii, and .i-i..ei of n reata BBdaaarrclfl tn t in- d.-ndly weapon. i the -l'lrit of tln* law tbal ? man a_o Um- dellberatelj ilayfl blfl adyeraary can Joatlfy it t.', prool tbal bfl feared tbe character ol hlt i , ttepfl baekward, if h<- feared, and al nf aiffbl uml ln- ot danaer. :? in' :m . tli. r toplo Whlch tieni-H upon the.-e vaiiiiiis onsofth. atlmiKrtibllity of proof. lt i-.-aid hy my la.aiiK'i opi-aonent that the pollcy of tha law la t<. lakfl the blntre from rhe BWteaoi i'i",.f. Hut an there aay i ity whieh conteitiiia s.nii like otuthl to be admitted t Bolea h.ivc been cstnii li-hf.l by tl,, v\ ladou and experlence ,.f the paat| wb ob i.ti.tfi t nllke the accuBeil uml the people who pnrane. V'.ur Hoaof b .- i" en a-ki .1 to aduilnlater tbeae rnlflfl in ii,, rcy '?? '"ie di.l .vour liouiu app-ai to ti.e law offloer of a eonrt .* ui-t. . tn Bdmlnlflter tho law m Mflrryl Way, ?;..? law Is a pni'- und p;ir,-i<julf-s iiitt 1 le. iiiaiit-.; its ruli-s are to t>< adminlttered l.y your Honor without partlaUtyof faror,and ln tbe fplrltol |uatl< e, without any reaard to tboae eofter aud perhajm I -i ntlim tit* of tbe human heart, Th'.-.ei,. I nuniutai'i : iitnl I tlo i.ot nBderatand what thmae Inipaai ? toi thi ... - fense, aml tln- KTOsS aii.i atliiciuli. Iiartativc*, ineati, iii i-to Katner aboat tha bbbi amiatwhlcn ahall Interrnpt tl ' '? ra_paBBlbll n h it-t wltb bearyiwehybt npon the paos. bara; there U pnblii Jnatlee to be conaerred: tbere Ifl the i-iiiit*. ofathouaaml proteotaa. lorif, under tbe ( s of IhiflOBM, thifl iiiirai.ncr I." lofltifled ln hia a t there areatbouaand rufllant ln thla '.iiiiij in-1 a, who will baatento take vont' e ln their u?n haini*. aud make bloodier still theBtreetaot your city. va t.i.!. ui. already ronnlaa wlth blood. lihl'l.V Oi Mk. TKKMAIS. Mr. Treiuan. M .] tt p BBM tbfl Court, it has been mv fortune "i MMfortBBfl to n)ip. .u Bfl i'.-tt n l At;.,riiey, Attoruey-deiicrul, aml toun->cl for the prlaoner in KOiue tliut> flapttal BBBM beta, nnd I have never befop ln Blfl HuiU-UHicJ au aiK'ument as has falbn from the lips of the learued icutlflflfflM who has juiat i_it down. He has Kone Ijayoiid the faaBBBM nuiiii.ittfd for your Ilonor's adju dication. aad | at, Ur, inmtv-uiue oue-Iiuudredtlis of liis rt|,e,', .., int,mii ,1 not for tln* court l.ut for tbe Jury, hnd aalhlaf at all t.. da wnh tne aaaflttaa p>B-flatad, ami noiie baaa U ballflfl than tbe aaatlaaaaa himseif. I ,?,?, , mt f,r lt, tit tu r bfloaaafl tho MBtlei not latead lo -ddretai Um Jury at ttn- '.f tbe evidenee, _nd tberefOre deemed lt ne.. f.?.!?,? to iDjecl it tit thifl -:.... i'i the oaa t |j i. ? IWO .ii-iiunnt- iij.-i .el ofone; '?? Kentlemen knew, when thla wbole ,.s ,,|,; ie wonld be no aae t<> aaake a rpeecb iiiaon ir. -ii. ahat b?Towe t" <lo. In tho dlaouaaionof tbla .| litj-t ti.ti. wltb tbe a?eitlnn tbat Mr. Vtak't beart maa ,'? . ami noble. oi hoa many people were moarainfl oTei Kla death! lf mylearaed ftrtflndwere propouDeiuj-, lun-uloKium, and sbi-.ldiuK tear-auver h.- n ii.aius at the corouer'a ln<_ueat, lt mh-hl be pr<>|K*rlyiu benwecome ; - nur tlied tlus Bb him m.t i.-tr.-it and aay, " i>.'i I not tell thaJnry tbat tbla Mr. Klak waa a ?nerou_, noble. klnd-hearted man, witb-iai-. ie >ut -ml" - umaon that publect Wlll . ".ne with a bttlir ijiaco wheu the proof lt> _tii beiole tb. H'.i: iim; IB BBI I.v -BBBB ? IX. We are ol.iiK* J t" U-ld Wltl1 ""*'" -f""'-c'h to brin? in ftvery j,, , ncc as 4oun*el f"i tlus iri-Kiiier. We ,,..,.. (i , li of our way Ifl ordflfl 11 ?. I in tviry acintllla of tbis l*jve.-ti/.atioti of thia ifruvo aud itn ?ortflfltl ebarffl. QfliaBtfl -b> |tl-fl?flB-Cbfl b-m Kotim haaa bat tbi i baaeaa#vfla Hai bv the proaeention. if th.- oi.ii-ct Ih really t-i admll MaHtaoay tbal ?>11 pn tht prlsoueTa fair chance, I mual aay tbat extra tipllnary niove 1* reaortt .1 10 to titO ell.ct to tlnir |.eiiovi.i.-ni diapoaltlon. 1 have not uttt-red ? WBffl aoalnal tba employment of prlTate *_oa__Ml. Therawafl a (Um ur-aioii m 4j.|ii. h mv learued friend waa uiaoii -iii'ici'; but I am free to nay that I see no nn uruprii-t} iu tln? eiuplov tneut of piivnte couiim-I, noiie wbatever. Hut when you eome to the flaaa* tiuti Wheth'l a Luall v-al... hn* lll liis boroui tbeaerri'ti* depoaited tbere by acllent,'d there ln the holy pn-il. _' of the .oaiiitil chamber, whetber, thaa U la proper that *-uc_ men should app.-ar siram-t tbat Vlii-nt luat, 1 -tay, is a .|uestion of a v*ry ditfereut ihaitMt-er. It m a qucaiiou to tie deuruiiuetj t.y the , otiuael hiumell, under bia own couvn tious of duty, aud I,. refeieuii lu the ultimate |ud?riiei,t of fh. peo] t'.e t,ar Hut mv leanie-1 fiioml. nnartinK'in.lera eenso ,,'f *fle,?kn--4*, shows hla skiil m kuoek-UK dowu a man of l.raw tbat Ue -tu* (alsed up. My ie?r.__d Irleud . .ul. a ??DU_n to th. f* l that flr. Corner was here on s.tur d_y t-ki.i< Botflf of the naruea of onr wituesaea. romer the uitent ot Fiak-Uoiuer, tbe representa Ive _tmtwmn?paTtiy Btrickea aow^ but fltllfabletodoa [rraltOoml Ali around us are the detectlve- aud a?.-uts ?_is_-w.r Mv^learued trieud said that In oj ti a c_-TwT had _ Jt said a woni aboai Kisk bavlni (.real deaJ. AM ar( ot tbis power. My M* buf !___Kuat_ly*7or him. vic have the flMnuaiapb l.' ...'? . a Iv.__. t n.... that my earned friend ut tr ehhim.k\li l<?,I?".rM, wasto CO dOWB ti rt>d these worda: " Hta J_r?l IMU?? , , ,,?*.-._._.? ___Mtw_or three step-, but lu* taw I.r- '!rav,*)ul_>llt-i | lu _ _a he waa iu th'- act of d-flceudiu-r* nnd th. i, _rew bia BBM-. audlirad IwaaBoM OtlhAM." M, J.-a. md fn.uQ could uot have be.n paytnf atUnUoa Uaa, be Oid uvt hwtr th. .i_jpoiu?ui pfllal uiu ? htaaahl forwnrd. li biiv proof by ol an hailurlnation wtoa be Beparated fr.'in Booerl Mr, ll may i.aid tto .artaoner la perftotly BOUUd exoept on thia one MQjeot, an.l tbe HUdden ap_ t> ,n u.e ot Iln. jrcrnon arouaei. all thoae dlaturbed aud dlHor.leredein.itloin; an.l refereuoe bar. tieen made to the Cole eaae; and my learn-d friend glrea hia bapf-B slonof that eaae, and mipirOfleri that toOBOae Mhfld been eounsel tbatwotill chanire the n.le of lnv. I recoiumeml to Ibe defenae a prudenl haabaadr ?.i their v, -.. u thf 1... ta are out, tben lt will Im- t-tne euough to n,o if tin- eaae aa be ha? put It Ib the eaae the lui v ? Ul b it e lo li V ? 1 lOll hiui 11..44 tlutl when tl.. ib completed it will be elearlj prerad lo ba a eaae of, when-in th? priaoner had oo ehoflee m retreal; wtoreln, if he bai not tir.-.i, in* owo llfe woold hara beea eoeriflood. Ibe i Dmtrict-Attorney KtiB whv an. thoaaeoaeali il th;- c,i-.?; aiul, ii,,i*mui-h 88 1 8**8 mu u ui hooeart imt Ignoranl entietBra lu one of tbe ''?_?"?' papen on tbfl course of the pnaoaer'fl ooanael in oie>iiiig proof that li to to exciuded, 1 tt ill ntate our po-itloii. It ta not done out of any (Imrespect to the (Vurt; hut tbe ia- atvee tiie eoaaael a rlghl to except to aii rniingi ui.i'l" l.y theCoart, und your Honor hnowa that lo Uklng tbeae eieepttooa we take them Ib pecleeUygoodfBltb. nn,! wltb a deotre of preeerrinf aml protecting tto of tbe priaoner. llaving that great rlffbt of ex r-eption in wnleh eloaa laythe bope f..r a n.-?v trial tn ronneotion with qaeetlena <.n which coun.-cl nnd judire iiti.r, it tbe eoaaael _d not tak.> i\ n ni .-verv poaslble fonn, we wonld be fl_Utj .-I a groaa derellction of duty. I put tboae qnefltlona then ik . -au..- I oonBldei it my iluty to the pn.-onirr; and l ibail oontlnue to do it wbenever i oonewei it u ueoea mirv?wbettor tto reanli or tbla trlaJ ih le reetow hlm to liberty, or to oonsiffn hia to tba aallowfl or to prlsoa. * Tlu- comt tbenpaaaed upon ttoque-t-onaaabmltte? In reford, be i .i'l, to tbe queetlan ol deiuaion, tbere baa been no foundatlon, and i wlll not allo- evidence on 11 at tint time, Tbe rale wbieb l |.re.i?u*iy adopted I ln tetid to iidopt now. I wlll ii"t admit evidence of that kin.l until B'Uiie prool that wiil warratit tto Buppoeition tiiat thft-c -n.l c-i-t soiii. Him._ night ho eonatrned l.y thi- jurv lnto delnaion. With that rillo l.eforo tu. I tuink 11 wonldtolmproper t- ?<> into evidence. l'ur tli. r. i am of opinion thal to ro bacb to tho rear ltfJ or 1870. and lnqulring into the relationa that Buhalated on tweeu tbe partiea, would n..t ba proper. But if II U tbuugbl deairable to abow u-nut tto Btote of fe iling wa* between tboae partiea, Itbii? Ietoll ad?ll lt.ll ibe , : be limlted I ? '-:" nee, Iwlshthe eounselnol to mabe bucb lonr ol the*,. queattona. II they will bn.lly fltTfl im- tlie pointn, that Ifl ..U I tl. fltre. OIOfl-Bfl'fl KXAMINATH'N ItlSIMKH. Q. Jlad your relutions with Plab hOOB u.timit.? fri u.llyl Distm-t-Atfornc-, ? Wc obj. et. Kxclud.-d. Exeei.rn.ii. Mi. Tt-etnain?Do I underat.ind we may now BbOW tl.e relattoao hetweea laa purueaaomo tiino ___B_od_fle_ir pr, oedlna the eeeoBtoaee 1 The Court?At the t.ine of the ocoiirronno. Q, Vfbal aera TiaVt rolotaiaa toyou at tbe time of tho ii idi i J?i im t-.\:loi-a,-,-I eaJOOl tothai Tour Ilonorwlll per . ITC tl Bl froin I'i it he may BO into partieulur faet*, -lai.. i .-, nii.l . 4. ntfl. -Uo troulile. la tlial tlie i.ulij tion I-. ?.. -ciieral?.-*.. l.roa.l. Hr, I'i. ii nn. at tto ri-.-..iiimetid ition ..f tbe Court, put lt ni anoiber fonn, Were -om relationa wlth PuK .. ..r boat-le ut tbo tbneof tbe oeeaRoaeol A. V.i v boet-le. (i. HOW loiic ba.1 ther l.een ho hoHtilel Kor M?ne ik _i or montbal (Objected to). A. Yea; Ihey had been boatUe alnee Jan. a, ia? DiBtri. t Attoi nej - Stop, itopl Tbt 44 itiies. tin-i'i c'.iiiii.iieii idi -Tadenceanbfltantially ? )o the morning ol tto day in qneation I bad i.i i-i i.u-.- Ju8ticoBlxby_aaa- itnea*; I had nol _e< nFiak Blnoe ihe opeiuiiK* nigul of iim ?? liiack Crook," Bome two or tbree weeka before i bad board ibal he waBaiek th.-n; h a, un- tiiiie. i peaaed tba i?,ioia gooae, i bad ne expectation ..f seelng bim; 1 tbinh we lefl ttoeonn aboal too n'i li <k; we oame down town m a oairtage to u'-ilii r? iJintiict-Attortify PellOWS, Bfr. MeKeoo aii'l niv o ie in wim h Jom pblne ManBtleld \4,n (?-mi].: ui ii.t j abe left the conrt nboal the time the rent ilnl, in Ith i.i i i oii-iu, Mr.-. \villi.un-.. iii nii i tb. i oarri tge; we drove down town to Uelmonico's, at the corner oi Bru-dwaj nu 1 ( ;..,iiii.. i - 11 ; I i-.-uiniiied tii. r. i llhalf-j i tiim; [took ojrateioaad? glaaeoflede \i rn Mr. Bpragot. Ur. Tremuin?Now,Mr. Btokea, .\ill you proeeed BBd . ani. coum ol all in.>4eiiiiiit*il.iwh'u) ? im-' Ibi Bring at the Urand Central Hotel i A. Att.-t I lo.k luiieh at li. .i'i-, I tv. nl over io theoflt-eol Ur.BnfoaAndrewa,rlgbl oppoalte, betoid nn there waa oo chanot ol anjr iniiietment being fonnd ' me, an.l adt i-. .1 l I'n.i id. n- ? ; I . iflcd, bo i wenl orer i" J-dge Btxby, and be told nn i.> all meaxia to go to Prorldenoe; be liid the indict ini nl Lol been dlam-Bwd aen tal Uineaj l tben ii"i Inl > a eonpfl and drove op to tbe Hoffman Uotue; i wentup to my room for flonx i-.j. i Courtol Apneals ln li . .. ?: l then '\.-iit tl'.v. n IntO tto .-iti.-.-; I lutiinl tto tbere; l had e eonvei ation with tbe ctert of tbe t,..ti-:, and Blao with Mr. ?< L ingblin, iu regard to tbe where ibonta "t tbeae t \s o pi i jii-n- ? \ i?l objeot. Mr. McKeon?On, wecan'l gel aJoag a ft.-p without y.un- perpetnai " 1 oble i, i o --t." Witnea. McLangblin aaid he oidnt think I wonld be to go to Pr .t i'l--i-.-f unleaa l lut-l tboae p ipera ; be ...l Ond Powera and -mvn ; l found i bad lefl Bome oftbe pap**"- :it *h** ManflOeld'a. ? .-thll-(l--(.-, I ^'"t IntO tlie .,mi..- aii'l drove tbere; when l arrire- there I found ior bonae all cloaed, tbe windowa aii -imt; i tbonght ahe migM ha i tbonght th.-n 1 wo.ii.l not diaturb her bul k*.> oa down town; i told tbe drlver to tadce ne down tothe corner ol tbe Orand OentraJ Hotel; tbntli wbere i ex pected to aea Bmith; be naed to n .(.<i tbere; I got out, there uud walk.-ii up to Dodge ._ Chamberlaln'B; tlmt eraa a raioon wbere hmiih nn-i Powera often reaorted; i wem In and aaked if be ha.l tot n i-'.-rri- or Bmith: be - .i'l Bmith waa ln ih. ro.>in, :t tbfl extreme end of tbe Btore; I walbi .1 iu tin re ,i ni -.hv .Mr. Bmith, aiul told him my buaineaa; Ianppo-el talked with lum; after I had flnistodmy i onveraation vi nli him, i spoke witb Mr. Ingraham and Mr. I'.illn-niu--, I abould think I WH there ali-.iitl.-u mlnntea; I tben wenl ontaide and noel Mr. Balley; h. i waa |-lng; I aaid to get eome aeata tor tbe " BLaeh Crooli;" 1 a*k.-.| lum to go wlth me; he oouaented te do ?-": we walked aet..-* Amlty-et.; wben w? were about ojrpoalte tbe nudn entranoe of the (iran.l c. ntral I ootleed B lady Btandlng in tho winilow of tbli parlor [pointiug onl tbe window on dlogrom]; sbe wmi lookiog on. of tbe .4 ; l tbougbl II bu a ladj l had nn i at Baratoga ; I tbonght she reocgnlaed om ; I aobed Bailj Ifbe would Comt "4.1 tO ihe iK.le! ; h<- I_fo_ed to go j liuie wewere Hilkf**! aboot hhui' iiuHinenr. ?t mjbrother, Hol i. .- : I walki 1 a part of tho way baiik wiih bim ; I tuink ha!f a hio ).. Tlll FBrilt*" ON TIIK STAinS. I then cross. 1 over to tba __d.Be1 entrance ; the ?treet aaeeiowded atth -Oit-Bfee. i mi.iit toreiaao-tttle in troariii({ ; I walkid into the Lolii s'ciitraiic.-, and up tlie BtB?fl ; a boy was Btandlng on the loddefl 'leaning t!u- aladOWfl 80 the ataira; when I lookt-d into tho pail'.r at tho lady, I found I waa not acqualntcd with ber; aho did not lB80ajB_B8 BM) I 44,-uk. d alona- the maln hall [ya_BttBfOBl the peolllOBe in tbe dlagra-n'l; l wa_ted along tbla oorridor aa far un i could go, it weatbeflnt time I had orer beea ou ihr liuor of tim (.laml OentraJ Hotel; 1 looked lnto tbla parlor; then I walked i.ack airaiu ; 1 roeoUect the l'n nchiiinii iiienry. tiie porter.) perfctiy wellj ho 44 ?- Btandlng ln tto ball; a ladr pfloaad aaa eomlngoni of tbe diniii- room, BBd Weat up ataira; I waofolng dou.'i th.--.-.-ui.i- I had got down tbree or four Btaira wben laaw Fiak coining iuto tht- hotel; beanrang uji to tbli platform ; be nulied out a platol ii..m benlna ; I waa than en tbe aame Une wltb bim; i aaid, "Don't f.r.?!" i lumped aeroee to tbe left baad; i alaeed my Band "ii tbe baniatera: I pulli -l my platol, and iiro.l. i_. Yea were ratendlng to paaa hlm 1 \. Yes, I waa go? lng right out of tbe cnti une ; tl.i- hov ltedmoud waanot itielde at all; ho war ontaide; 1 hml aotdeaatflrsl ll waaMr. Flik; idid uut kuow it tiil I got lour ae livo atepa down. u. why did you tlrol A. Beeoaoe I knew howanted to kill lui-; ho bad hia pistol out; ho had II iu his hand. (,.. You are eonvlneed he had a i.i-toi 1 A. I am con vluced be ba i a -nv.-i- plat. d piatoL i_. ind i-on beliere be ? m poiat to flre al .vou i A. lie hu?i tlie platol cocked; then 1 Sred : I hara bad time to pnii i.ui my platol if )t had nol been in my orer . ....t: be Btaggered a little; be had hia pistol m t.oth hand-; after that, to ctied out, " 1 am nhot : " I turn.-.l bacb; l walked up tbeBtatra; taoro wae nobody tbere: . Bedmond waa In tbe tr. .-t; I dropped my platol between tbe headof tbe andBoomHo.319: it fell out ?.f mv hand; I inet Mr. Hill; he aaid, " Whafe up I" I | da, " There i- ii man;" when I got to tho foot Of tbe r-tuirn I nald," Wlll you go for a doitorl -there in a abol;" tben I beer. lomebody n,,y, " Hese, tbey want you;" (Lie man who call.-d OBl WUBfl pai e- nway ; i taraed r.Mit.d and weat wlth btm: twe or tbree then , ,,,,,. ii;, aft. r that, what took plaee I reallv ili.n'l kn..44 ; 1 kuo4v wheu I wua taken uud cc-nfronted with I i.-k. . uaMMin m nau. Mr. Tremaln?c*tato uh..ut tbat. iier-The onl 'er took me lnto the room wlth Fiak. It. tttt MltniK' lu the centerof the BBtB, ile had UBflOBl i tl .rn-1 was lu hia flMflMflflOOB Bl "aid, " That i* Mr.*," aid dropped hia evta. II.i waa IflflfldBg very bad. I was g"in)? to aak hlm to UBBBB-BB nn.? liiMtrict-Attorney?Stop. Btop; we have nothing to do with your Intentlona, What oecurred l Mi. Trt-main?I>id you underatand him then as charg lm: you wlth RhootliiRl j'riM.ner- ?>'?>; h.- r-uld, "That ia Mr. fl'okc-.'' Tbeeooajeltbeawlabed to a.k the priaonerwbether la- du! not elearlv loeolleot imvinir made ap hi-. imml lf th- prtaoaer bad ebarged him with abootlng he iuteudeil to ( barire him wlth baving ilratin a platol iirHt I DlKtn.-I-Attorin i -AUTthlng enatiag almply ln the mind afl tto witneaa I o-ieel to. (Kaelndedi ezeoptlon.) <^. Wow, toforo yoa want lnto that btnian bad roa any haowledge, laf-rmattoa, or inapleion ttol Plab wa-i there I Z. Mot tbe abgbteat; I did nol aee aajrearrtage nf Plab'a there; [aoppoaadibal he aaa r-i<k: i had oo knovtledge tbal be wa?goiiis' to that hotel thal af t.l - uom, in bi?. errlego. t^. Whi-.i ;,.'.i weal toward the Imlie^' juiviite en triii.c" to _?> out, bad you any OSpeetatlOB ofl iu ' tiiih* li-k t k, aSo. u. tWht'Ti you enme down those Btepa, h?d you any hnowh 'V''- t:ia! Fiah ^. u la tba boooe i a Ho tJ, Did gO B80_-b_Bg aiH.ut ln the hail aud parlora, aroueblngand bendlng abont I A. No. i_. Dni i?<ui -ay BO-OTfl flt ing, " BOW I bave got yoa I " A 1 made. no auch BeBBerb. ti You Orled uut tfl Kiak OOt to flre t A. That ii the only word I apokc; I wai BBorched dowa atairs for a platol; the pi-tol I bougbt ou Llroadwuy, ueit to U_l Iih.UIco'b. o. l-'oi what purjio-i I Uiitrlrt-Attoitiey I obJeet. Mi. Treiualii-What forl We orler to ahow that by reaaon of whut bfl h'ard he WM iuduced to prmide him with tblaplfltal. I.'iel 'ourt? lt I" l"'t mater...' to Khow tbat Mr Treiiiaiii-1 offer to Bbow i hut l.y reaaoa of threata ttot had been oomm-inteated lu bim he get that ptatot Tbe ( ..un I. I. lude il. (_. Didyoubavi acaneinyonrbandl A. Yea; a hght waikiii^' stick; 1 had on u Ufaja pau ofl flagflbui driring K g Wbaa Ttt flre.l 1 A. V. ??; anl i ahe hai an a vrry large drlrlng. ...i al inr-n frl /? ?; l bto U ? idB te flrlre oul ovor the loadii witu iu roUj.h w.aiUci; il waa voijr lar? ? and cl-im?y: lt waa sernn or cl*bt l_c_.calon_.-r l_.__.11 au .udlliaiy VB-k-Bfl flflflB. KI.-K'S TIIKBATt. Q. Had rou been warned or lufortned of threaU to tak. y ur life before thla meetln*I A. I bad. Q. What was -Bfl natup- of the threats eomn.niiiratedl Mr. taaab-i N__M not proof of threats M bfl flrtt t\ von, your Honor t Cau the mere _ayl-_ of a thlrd peraon l>e ""?I .n-'r.iu'rt-It can be made ont on general inforniaflon .} Had "111 li.-iir.l tlut H?l had made threaU atfalnat >Th,\f:;ur.AThat:,ltb!nk:,;s^mUs.ble. But the par "SWttRSlB B SS_SuL*t yon received of hia *_.?___._. ,. i. V u v.-u. l-i"" to the bomlridel rhe $2_S''"ui-ule.. 1 B B_-Sfl or two, aml th.u tcplnd. V u"^hi:\ln'hr-M-'" >"" ,'"< -" "?" *?* >"? hear,loftbattlii.'4i' A. I think lt was. The Court here took ? B On tln* reasteuiblin. "f Ihe Court, at 1:10, Ptokes BgBfl touk tho wituess BbBB-a mi hla dlreet tiuuiluatinn cnu tinui'd. O VVh.-it knowlodire dl 1 you poaac.* nt the tltne of tbis nieetm- I" icl'aioii to the i h.ira.t. r ol th.* doei aaodl The Att.irney objected to the yiicsiiou as lm D*Ttie ('..urt?After the other evidenee ln the e?ie, I think they have the tn tttht the Inqnlry. Of courae it* '*""'' wl" depend npon whatber theotner ,..,,. ,?.. is to ie- i..*lh'\eii. Tii" proper impnry tlr-t would be, wbether bo knew what the abaflBBMfl of tho Mr. Tnm .nn l>ul you kuow what the charaotcr of tbe deceaaed was < Mr. Htnke*?Yes, 8irl l^ WI. it WBfl it I Mr. I..-,nb-Detliif astowhatl Mr. Tn niain?Do yon aaal bm to Icad thc WHflMM l Mr. I*.. tieli?Yes, so fnr. Mr. Tl. lil.titi V- t.i and temper,nn. nt 1 Mi. Btokea?1 knew blm to be a rerj \ imlu tr. i , Bl Brrnpnloaa, deaperata i bara. Mrj a mbb aha etopped at liothin. io .? .ri v ont hit daalam tit all baa irds. o. iinl yoa. for a loaa time ptrtor to thia tiicctinf, traveled Ini i rered tmtrUm -. from feara aml apprehen that ron would be attarked at the Instiratlonof 1',-u, irt.m ii.foiimiiion eoMmanleated to you that ri?_ pul -mii,,I1H ujioti \oiir ii I Tbe in-tr,< r Attoniey objeeted. Mr. M. K...n-i'.ike my ovvnease; I was apprehenstve of I'l-tk, nml told v ..ii so. Tba Diatrlot-Attorney?Ton an- not on trial. Mr. M.'Ketui?Snppoflflbe knowi tbat l*'.rk m-id" i? ? buslaeafl t? koep bimeelf iu IB* backgroaBd, and to pnt forward tbe nx-fl doapi ra:.- t baraott ra, wbo. for M > i or wonld knnck any oaa In tha in ad, or whloh, \ in : her true or falflfl, waa. frmmnnlfat' d Ifl hun. The Couri allowed tbe qoeatlon. A. I ilid: 1 Blwayl traveled in rarriages, nlcht nnd day, ent n'.it.f my troublo with flflb* aud lor tbat t^. state for how loti*.. A. I should tblnk for 12 inonths, ii i, ,i lonjrer. q. imi vou nl Barasafl toflf?I jou and protect youl A. T( -, MT. 1 l.-h'S llllil All OF " KAII.ItOAI.IN-0 TO riTATE PHIt-OM." 'I BBfl Mr. F,-k toM you prmr to the lm-etiuit ln* had I pl.m all laid for"r.uli Md-BflJ you t.j.state Prisonl" A. Y'f.Mr; bfl told me he b ul it all arrauts'e.l with the lii.-trict Attoniev's ofll ?<? to railroad tm* to Btatfl PrUon; and I eommnnl ated It, laai Binnmer, toAaalfltaat-Na tn, t tttorner fBUoai al Baratogfla Q. Did be -iv to V'.i iit any tmio that they had pT.ive yarda for tboae wbo cn.d tbelr tra, .\. Ye..-, _lr. o wte lt at a dlnnit* partj I *? Tea,a_r. o. Where 1 A. kt Miaa M-J-afleld'a. q. win. were preeeal i X Mra. .viiiiatm aud i think a gentleman. Q, Who wat tlmt ? A. (beeltattnaly aml almoit Iua whiaper) Judre Bamard. y. Bow ii.nir ii.*i'i yoo Utbored nader tbflae apprehen ?lonB of attacks yaa bara ipokea afl Haw loaa before themeetin?1 A. 81neetbfl arreat. he bad mc axrested onoe and pal injai,; erer a__M tbat day; l tluuk it was January, 1871. ___. Q. After you wero anaated and taken up to I l.*k s r...'in, Were V?>11 ciriic'l to tbe St.itiuii huii-e 1 A. Wo walked roiiml tn tba Btattna boaae. (_. Dld you sCinl lor Mr. Ml r.' <n imraediately I A. Yt*t, Hir. o. What Ume dld be rome there 1 A. lt waa vrrv ahortly after the oecnrrenre; I atated to bun thefaetfl then, ' Bfl I have Btatfld tlniu Inre. y. Yon bad an Interrlea v\itii hun ImaMdlately aftcr 1 A. Yi.-, Sir. Tllt ritt-niNKK OBOM BX-JI-BBD, Thi* dflflad tbfl ilirei't i \a:ti*;i iti'iii. aml tben Di-tri't, Attaraaj Oarrta praeeedtod witb tbfl eiaaa aaadaatl-ai D, Wln ti ,li.l vi.ii p ii h i-" tbfl pi-tol vou had mi tl.l oc.i-lo-il A. I think about i-U iimnths bfl___B lha Bfl* i nr rain ( ; l I BB tii the flflfl- OtaWmtf lroiu Mr. lieacb's ?aa. Q. Do you re.o'le. t wln tln r you bouirbf timre than onel A. Only one; Iboaght anotlur atthis plac* pn* o. Did you ev.r e.irrv a pi-t..l before aaa or thfl other of theae two platoUl A. No; i earrled i piatol mn il I' afraldof Plak. Mr. Stokes testifled thal be didn't remember the number ol the piatol be bad l bat day; 11 aai a Ofl-t'a, foar-barreled.and be beUeredil waa tha oae ahowB hlm la Conrt; ba alwaya .airiedit iu tbe outatde pocket of bia orerooat Q. You -ia ' Ke.iui" n.1 vv,.-. on tbe ataira wben the flrat abot waa flredI X No; I tbonabt Bedataad waa ha tween the flrei and Meoad d.; l bare aa Idi i bc bbw me, iif. .m.i- be .1.-.'I'lt'i-'i mj tutrtng mi haadaontbe i. inleteraj i raooUeotadaomebody flotaa dowa ntair- .md, aml 1 had au nl.-a it WBfl blm. o, Bad yon arer been up tboae stairs before 1 A. Ibad nererbeenon tha teeond loa. ol thfl Orand Central Hotel before In mj life. (.. -Waa axg word apokenhy FUk 1 X ao,B_r. (,i Bl V'.til A. All I saul t . hlm wa. " Umi't llrc.** D, Wh.', waa tbe flrat man roo apoke to aftrr yoa . Tdr. Hill. the _.*?? iitli-ui.iu who flral teatl-ed; l aaw*blaa in tin-h:iii ..ti.-. i li n the lop ?>: the ataira; be aaked trhatwa thi matter,andItold blm then waa a maa Hlmt; bfl tben r.tli BWafi UM BflZl BBBB l BWt WBfl ll. un-, tbe Ki. in hui i'i . I t,.',,t hnu|th, re wat ? maa aimt, and aaked him to pet o doctor, and bfl tau aiur the otb.-r (,i. Did yoa bear any oBfl My," Ton are tbe man who hlu'it blm I" a. Ne one made aay aucb a reauub M bm, (,.. y,ni hav.-a ptettv ciear lecoin ? tion ol trerytblna that ocenrred until yoo got down atairaI AaTflfl*Mri iilthi.ii.h I wa- M.imwhat bflwlldered, *.{. How far np tha ataira bad -takaol whaathe flrtaa to..*. plaee i X Be wu ea (he flral platfom ; aaaooaai ba nol on the platform be pnlled hi* pUtol ont. tl. iim he tin-1 a. I wonld not like to iwear wbether h_ ilred ln* piatol or aot; if be did, it wat not poiated at un ; l dld nol aee him extend lu- ann at al). o. Yon liitemleil to shoot at tbat time 1 A. Yos. PiB, O. Aud did jahoot t A. Ye_.81r. tl Yon knew yonr piatol waa loadadl A. TaflLfllr, (J. 1I"W l.itflv had vou loai.leil ,t 1 A. Not Mice tho tnn" 1 lioiii-ht it, my monthf iMifore. il. AI tlie time you tlied you iut. nded to hlt Mr Fi_kl A. Zflfl, ml TKST1MONY OF JOSKIMIINR HAM-_-_UI Ml-n Maii-tl" 1.1, who had bBBB ui eoiirt :ill tlav, iccom p.inii d hy hi r nu.ther aml Mi.-t Williaui-, h. r ttOtitt, took tlie stand, an.l was eiamtiii ,1 hv Mr. IBWBMid. tl Whero do you reslde I A. No. a.9 Vflfll Thirty tliird-st. Q. Were yon aequalnted, during his life, with Tunics Fu-k! A. Yet, Mr. Q. Aml th.- pnsoner. 8tok?'? t A. Fflflb-_->l lln** ime Bflaaatflflad wlth Mr. Kisk ln N'oviuiier, i?C7, ani wilh Mr. MafeM in VafflflBbflT, MBb Q. Ou the 6th of last SmmOmtf wero you eniraped n any pflBaaadlaflfl la Bbi Tarkt?i IBUm ('..urt i a. y_?, t* a llhel ?uit iiKiiin-t Mr. Fisk ; Ihe prtii-feiliiii,'s weri t otn inciiccl soiin* tlmn in Novemb.-r, I Islie-ve; IbBBlfl COOIt oa the Ath ol January; OeL Tmh WBB BBI here Ml. Vt.ira there ; on tliat ilnv I very ill 1 hfl tlie Court about i oYloi k, in i oinp.iiiy with my eoi-in. t^. When had you, prior to that tliuc, acou Mi.X'i-kl A. About three wci-ka tiefore. tl. Wlnrel A. At my own house. g Wat the liitervicw hioii.l.t about throu;h his aaraeyl a. Be aiata aaa a aova Brklaa for aa luter naw. (Mr. 'ivjwii?fiiii bara haadafl a aaat M tta wit lie-.-, whii ll rthe Itlelitltled tit the note niiived froUl 1,-1,, Mr. Townaend propoaed to read tm* not., int tba l)i.-trict-Atton.ey objected and the Court Boatalmd the (it.jection. Tbe uote P*a.l?, rribtiliin et litrratim, MCan jou airaii.e to B-B iii" it Ij ?? r early toiiight or ta-inor lov,, it ... iiaiiie time aml pl.i.*.*. J." On tbebBfltll B i,n im.raiuluuj, "iltc li>, 1071," iu a dlflcieiil land WlltlliK) (>. Win u did you reeelre that notel A. Atsmt th. i.ith ol I). .einl'ir, uud Col. Fisk called onme about 10| oiluck tliat ni*.bt. II-K'S t.AST VISIT TO MISS MANTIKI I>. Q. Dld he at that intcrvl'-w make any threiits a,*alnst Ptok'-itt A. Ue naid that unless I returned to liv< w11U hiin bfl thoiild kill Mr. Hflflaa, l^. Dld he ut that time eihibit any rWol 1 A. \r dld ; lt was ii haiidt.une piHt'.l, silver mnuiiti d, with a pearl liiiiulie ; I took it iu my baad .md exaiim.ed it. tx iiid you eoBuaaakatfl 'taimt Mr. Plth .-ui, to the prlaoner,StokeflI A. Idld; adayor two afterrurd, I told Mr. Btakefl that Mr. Fisk had c.illed ujrou nu to see lf I would uot relcase. hun from that BBBfl in th. BaUM cuiirt, and piomlsi d fo K'*"' me all tbo mou?_f 1 was aolaa him f..r, bal i told blm I wonld aotreleoaellM un le-a. bfl woulil piibliclv ai-knowledKe that Kiiik'j. iflidavit waa a irau.l and a lii.el. and he said that, as fa' aa he, jaernonally, w.i- ifiicernc?, he did not care au luich. but tbere were eo iw.pie LarolTed that hec4ulduot mako fiiili a -tat. tn. nt; I refus.-d to with draw tho suit unless he would irkm.wl tim that I w.i- ln the ; he raid ttru tbat I mn-t bear the (?oiitei|i|eli. 11 ; I, " Wliat I" Ie (Ire W hit revoher aml r>aid, " I chall fboe. Htoke*;" I aild, "O iiii, you wou't do aii.ithluK Hke;'' bfl-BB. "Well, 4in i will see; there will M blOBd ahed beforiyoil flfl ibioiu.-ii It; yon had better releaM me: I bejeofyounot ln appnar aaalaalaiB aaala ;** I bbIb* "I im.-t n.+ure.iiy ahall, becaBBB I ahall t.e rlntHnaMd m tln.. attm*;" Mr. li k remuiued about half au hour ; no one eise wus ure Miit when bfl Bpoke oi shootluK Btokea; heflKfeaia a very decided munner, an If he uu-ant lo do wbal Ifl BBid. i^, Uld you ifivi- Mr. BBoBBa any adviee at tlie titiic- vou imi'le thifl Btatament to hnu I A. I told hlm he ah.uld b. more earefnl than be bad beea ; i knew -Ahat a oanaer ou- BBM Fisk V.U4; Bfl BBd, BTHfl to that tltne, Budfl ?I ' of thteats in nili evtry tiuie hc came to tuy houai, after w. sepuratcl. VVUAT 1ISK MO TO kATON*. Q. Dld you flfas tUte toWokea al auy tiine whit (ol. Flr-k bad in refeieuce to hia i.i ihk di,po,, ,1 of lu tbo batne way that Kalon had lx out A. Yea, Sir. Q. What did you tell him ' A. I had ulntady to d hlm what had b-flfl il'U" Ifl Bflflaflf aud 1 told hitu bow eatily lt could be donfl to hlm The ("ourt? Flnk told you and you told that to Hh.kei 1 A. Yea, Blr. Mr. Towusend?Htate all you told lum I a. The way I told Htoki-s i toid blm exaetly us Pltb bad t<,id bm, Inat llrk biad ciiiue lB OBfl B_fM Wlth altldnvlttt utralli-t thn cliiuatt.r of Mi. BatOBj he ai kn.twled?cd to in.) thoy were imt true bal lalee; th ath., bada-raadji n. n.-dtboiu on Mr. taion anl Ibal Mr. ui would not inceumb, tbat la tbal bfl baea they w,-te falae; betald me Mr. Faton uiui an hoiiorable man and tln harde-t u,,,,, m ine wolld lilil.ii.-li.ii.l , tln; aill U.iU-KailiiM blm he uetlloW pcl__C_. uuuuc, -lx. FUltUtfU wvulottl. he wan very miieh exellert; after he went out I wnlted up [ think, natll aboat 19 o'oloek. far Hr. PiaJfi retorn, and I aaked bim what had been done, I waa v.-ry antloin, of courae. to know whcth.r Mr. Katon had beea killed or not- ho waaao nervouri aurteieited that he could not rastaaaD; hewaa rery qulet; be waa alwaya tlrel and wanted to BO lo BBBBf. and that ulght M could not alnep. (J. When you aaw a platol ln Fluk'a pnaseaidnn about the latb of DeeaoBber, aad reo bbbb ono prior lot?I tim.-iii hu iM>aa<<ai*lonl A Yc, Sir. U. On bow many (M-eaaloiiBl A. Heveral. (_ wafl anv p.-r-..11 pre*<nt Bfl any tUBBB when r l*k ah.iwod the?? bt-Mdrayouraelfl A. Yea, 8lr. tk Wbol A. Uf ooaata, Mr*. Wiliiaun; I am rcferring to aiHiut th>- aai aaab ar ?ii-m rnoaar._A.if.ED. Ctn BM-D-flB-BOd by tl"'' D.striet-AItoriiey. Q. You any you si.w him bave u piatol on aaveral dlf f.-r. nt ?...-i4.-n.ii-- ; 44an it alwaya tho BBBBfl pistol I A. I think ao. Q How Ion* do you Bpflflfl. ofl A. Ever alnce we rame from fataaj <'itv in Iflflfl. t_. How many BBBBBB. did you aee hlm havel A. I ahoiild B-BBOOfl or ten I he had 80000 pie-cnte.l to lum, and ih.y 81 OOOB-leled at the houae during the thr- 8 or f.air ft _M - ______ _,_ . , ii DejN know of his earrving pKola. or did he al w ,1- laaVa tbem al homel k. Heearrted them, bnt not ir44.iy*; ha .an i.-.l th.-iu oaeereraii.aalonai on ' Blaci l-ri.l.iy ." for in.-laii. e, li" I HU r..-.l a piMtol for a time ; nml when bo WOOt up to Albauy on tbfl OBBBBBBBBBa lianineaa. u. Iinynu kn iw wbether he earrled a platol on other .... ..-lonal A. Yemrtir; wheu we w.-re iu Jeraey Clty, un.i when we waal nwar traraUag to BBBjaro -uiu? uix.nt ihe montii I lefl hlm. __. Q. 111.uu 1 w a.* that I A. September, ll.O l, Was Oai Ki-k a BBM of I'uiel hablto I kt >VO?l do \-..u ine.iii by qolel hablta I ..... (j. You remarkeil thai he waa ordinarlly n'lletl A. (ii- imanlv (jni.-t? of cour-ie; bfl WOfl imially tlrOdt BB wan .iun t iu th" day or cvening; be eraa rarjrejaleti v.-rv ; ba wa* iB?11.tii v* very tlred at nlght time. t_. how bai l1"1 roa aay you had beea eeejoeanao wiih stok'-si a. Blaee i', ism. Q. And wttb FiakI A. Blnee P-br-uurT, 1B8T. y. How long had you reaided ln that houae l A. Three year* the tir-i .lav .-f (hi* inoiith. ll Wa* th it tiie boaoe wheu. you bbjt you had the con vei -atiou wiib c.l. Fiak I A. Y.-<,sir. i). Do roa reeolla l tbe day jro- weie up before Judge r,i\i.4 1 bow longe time tae bufl dajrl A. Tee.8_r; 1 . 4aiuinel that dav; Mr. liea.-h cuidueteil tbecrtMfl examlnation; I think lt waa atont 2 o'cloek p. ,m. that Wfl bfl there; I think Col. Ki*k waa tbere OW B 'Ir twtoe, l.ut not the ImI tim. ; tbe tlr.1t timo 1 appeared iu Court he waa i?r--M.n.t. (_ 011* flfl v -of Ihe e-riiiiinationdidyoul.itve aaybody ai .'.ur houae ixcepl tbe wrrantal k, Ko, sir; the houae waa eloaad tbal .1 iv, aad wtoa 1 eaaaa bome 1 had a t. rriiiie hiiailaitia ; ao oai ea-ted tbal aftoraooa except beggara ; no TlflBOfffl that afti nio.ui ut all. TIIE BaOOITBfl ' .immi'Mi wi:n to hkii. Q. WkflB f_fl Hr.-l bSBI of the ahootmg I A. About C o'.-loek ; not until l.ctwei n ?'. aiul C, o'i:lock.| Q. How did youhear of it I A. A n.-w-papi r reporter Baaaeto tba baaaa fer batelllgaaaa. aad bbj eooebiwoal tothe iloor: BbO BBBBfl aud told mu of it, and I did not bellere ii then. _, , Q, Hare fOO ev.r Beea tho prlrioncr alnce that day 1 A. N.-v.-r until te Uf. , Q. Did vou ?.?< KUk after the ahootlim* and before his deatb I A. No,81r. o, Did yoa aee bla after bts deatb 1 t_ You nevcr havt BBBB tbe pnsoaer uutil thia day I A. n.-mt. I; -.lir.-ct exan.liisf Ion hy Mr. Townaenc' ? I want to know wbetber on tfc Ith ?t January but Hr. Btok - b ol am pepaie of ln* in v.iur poeaeaaleal a_.Tee.fl8r; l hs> llere be had la tbe -__? tbal wa? Ln tto bouae. Q I will a-k rounow,aaeonnected with auoth.-r por tiou nf th'.- eaae, w_ettor Mr. Plab waa a temperate man or othei-wiae, BB lal aa dxiukiug ia coii-crned I [OtJOOflBd tn.l Mr. Townsend?Ve have In evl lonco that ten OOncei Of hrandy were fivcr to him; I want toknoiv wliat -..ri of 111 n 11 he waa Bfl r.-_u.I I tli- BBB Ofl apirltu-nia Uquora. (Ob lei-uoii overruled). A. I du aot eoaakter tbal ba waa atrietly temperat*, but be wai a aaaa tbat draak rerp llio ler.itely. (.. Who liitrolueed you to Mr. Stokes. and where w.-re vmi mti ..Iii"-.l 1 A. Ai tho Contlnental Hotel, I'fu lul. Ipti .1, by llarry H.trley ; to wa* lutro 1I11. ed aa being In the ofl buaineaa with Mr, Fiak; 1 did imt know what iii. p MlUoa 44.1-. i{. v.iu liave giien tbe occaaiona on T?la. k Friday, alao of ih(..*4ii*.|iiei.a:,-.a ii.iii.-ulty, are tbere are any other nu,.-- of -pecial illlieiilty wheu \..i knew Col. F,*W ear iii-.I a p,-I.., 1 A. Wben ba had tbe duhcuity with thu linlon l'a.iii. K. ir..,..!. i(. Aiij oih. 1 ttot - I A. Nn, Slr; thoae w-ern tho State 011 i.iiiih. rLaagbb r.J );. tbe Diatrii Atl ?i 1.".- -', Are you eeqaalnti -l wltb tbe handwritim of Btokea (letter inown 1 ?witm that hi.i h.ui twdttog 1 l_ That leoka i.k.- h. II.-TII'.NV III' BBfl. M. .4. V4ll.l,l\Vi*. Mra. M. A. WilliaiiH aworn for the gel-BBB Qi Ha.* yourre-idinee ...liwith M *. Man-tlel.I flBT 80888 tt_B8 paafll a_.T-8.ltr; i wa* realdlBgaltb ber laJaaaarp i.i-t; hara bbbb iialdlnc altb ber tm tbree pooia peot. (_. You are a 0B8-B "fl" '?*. BT8 *Ofl 004 I A. V l_. Have y.m .1 any time he 11.1 COL PtSt ? 1-8 thi-.-at* agatnrl tbe praoaer tbal poo havo r?aBMonltTBtrd to liimi A. v.--,.-!-. 1 han (... On how u.i ty ilitl'. rent eoeOB-BBfll A. 000080--] . .IIM. (_. What aaatlM ebaraeteraf Itoeetbiootsl A. Aea tbreota were altt regord te Ui iif.-. I}. I will a-k fOa, Mi-* W-D-OBBBi wlnthr-r you ( ver aaa tbataaperbefore 1 fl_ rLeoklag atfl popec bbowo to Mi-* ManafleM while ou th- ?tand). raa, su-. (/ .ii 1 v-..i aee Ihat, aad ahere, aad ander w-iiat 1 -11 .iim i.n,., -1 A l think a iinv carriod ii to Hiaa , id, an.l *'i>- ihowed it t.; Bto - ild, "I wonder wh.iMiu- i.ieai.-r" 1 in-.k a veii.ii aaawet dawa tothe 1...4 ; 1 h.iie no doubi iii my mind that tbal 1- tbe aaaor; 1 I, ,1 a . unrei ta'.iou wltb Mra. Hanafleld In reterenoe I 1 thal i i-i! ol Mi. Plab tbal erenlng after -ln- recelred lt. iv. D.11..11 kaow wbetberormM w__ttabaatatedtOToa waa eommuni. ..:? ltoMr.8tokefl that 1-, tin- eonreraa tion she 1. "i bad altb CoL l-'i-u l A. It waa eommanl cate.l I" hlm. (_. How I .11 ?; aft'-rward I A. A diu* or two afterward i>. v mi ? 4.1 fleen any platol 10 tbe baada of CoL 1-*i.-k t A. Tot, Sir. I}. How A. I havBBBBB a pl-t-d in hia hand 011 manv oeeaaloaa. l_. I'lea-e -l.ile .i-iw reeelitlv. n* near il* v.aii can, h_ fore bla deatb l A. I think ono afteraooa wh.n ho w;.-. at Mi*- Maiihtii-i.r. houae. (.. Wero paa prr-i-nt ut anv tlmn wben anvthlntr wm -aid 44 1th refereii'.: to Ii.iviiil' Btokefl r.nlrou.b-d to State pi 1 '.ni A. Yea, Bir 1 l va-;iu tbe front parlor of Mlafl Maii.tlt'ld'a hOOOej tbal waa B year before the killiug. TK.TIMO.Y OF KOI'.KUT F. ITABO-U Kobert T, ttOBBr. mtrrhant, renliiing iu New-York, leotUodi Bore Ibowb tha prtwaai ainco wee; i sais him ou the day of Ihe aOeged homlcl.lo about l.'.H), beforo tbeBbOOttOg ln llioa.lway; I waa BtBBdtBg hy tho en tranre of the Suiitlirrn Hotel. ne.xt door to tho Gran.l Central; aaw rttokei ou the 8081 nlde of Bnodwop going down; he croaaed Offlfl tothe Grand Ceutral Hotel and i iit.-rc.l; aaw Fiak'acarrlaKe aft.-r ho had entered, about four inlnutea I ehoull aay; did Bflfl aee hiiu get out of tbfl taxtUutt, imt miiw iiiin after ha gafl eatj wbeo Btokea entered tbo hotel; FUb's earriam waa not In rigbt; aoa lum Iturn to go latfl tba hotel, und 1 took a etagc; I did noi hear of the ahootiun* uutil about 11 u'cluuk tho ue_t day. TK-TIMON'T OF W. F. G. PmukUmm, XV. F. (i. Hhauk* BWeea for the defenao, teatilled ; I am eonnected wlth Thk Tittni.**.' iu tho BOfOflttf ?f <ity BdttOTi and I havj the inana.emout of tho (ity Depart lnent; I kuow tbe prlaouer; havo kuowu him between eight and ton moitha; aaw him iu Octob.T, November, and Decemlrcr laat; ho once camo to The Tklbcmk otlleo tog.'f. an nttdavit publiahod, which I docliued to ,:,i; I left tto ofliru with hiiu. Q. Waa anythiiK aaid to you at tbo time of leavlng Thk TBU-Hm oflB.0bp Stokea ln referoucu to beiug fol? lowed I [OMealafl to.J Mr. Townaend I peopOOB to ahow that Mr, Btokea raino there on a natta-T of baatasea, and BBM leavlng th. r.r with Mr. Sluoka Btated to hiui that no waa theu followed by emi-Btrieaof Fi.-k; that thia geiuleiiiau did not l.'-lieve hlm ut flrat, but after walkiug with hiui aume altrtfl-Ti boeoaaa eooTtaeed afl that faet, The Court?Huch evideoce Bflfl BBM B__-tadfld twnor tbree t-BM a. lf vou can ahow that tBOM peiBOBfl WflTC employed by Fi*k t<> follow and watchthe _er_-BoatB uf can do to. Mr. Town-end?I .an, hy reealllnir Mis? Mau*tl,'M. That ladv waa reuueated to ataud lu her aoat und waa (lUeatloued I (_. DM you evtr Inform Mr. Stokes of any fltateeBOBl 888881 to you by Col. Fi.*k that be had placed 8008008 upon tto traek of Btokea I a. Toa,ttt. tl. Did you cotiimuniiute that lo BtObBal A. TOO, Plr. i_ When, aa near Bfl you . 111 ti-mcmbert A. Durlug the Fall we w.-r.- at Hul.i'a .ourt. U t. Hhanka'a examluatioii rOBUflBed : (111 thia oei a-1.111 tbal lie eaaifl to my offlee I walked with hlm t.i 1'ine *t. and he endeavoi.-.l to call my at U .ll..11 to .M.ra.iii* followii.t: liin.; I did uot aeu auvliodi-, 111..I tla.aiii.tit lt wafl a DOtton of bi-; wo atnppcd in I'litc -t. to Mi-e 11 lawyer'a i-'.crk, but ho waa not in; w hen we came down Htokea nolcted out two men acroaa the hli.-.-t; I itaw them. and amd to hlm we would aee if thry wero followiug him; wo vent toward liroudway, aud the*o two luen iiliuoaf iinmndiat.-ly left tbe doorway wliere they bad I"'' 11 rit.indmg and went tu the aame direction. but on tbe apaoalte aldaol tbe mreet; w. larnod Intoodoorway, in-?r tbe corner of r.m -t.,.-u liroudway; aa tluy HOBOfl th.y aaw ua uud one aadgei the etbar: We th.-n went up Ilroadway, paart Ing tbere iiu-n a few iloort above t<> ltiKlolpb's, aud then had u glarit of aie ; aa W8 wrro Btandlng Ilu-io tln--e two nn 11 paaeed tBB door, aud Stokea agala called uiy attcu tlou to them; we pu.*aed out, ai.d aaw the two men Mituding a few doora BBBM ; wo went down aa far aa Llborty-at.; IbBOB two uien BB-B-dlBtal/ came liack, aud aa w? paaaed th. iu agala, Ht..k. i aaid aomewtortex (itedly, " Hoe, aee, they are followiug BBa ;" tbey aaw ua, aod knew we were notlclng 1 u.-m ; 1 waa tl.. 11 natstl.-.l thut they wero following Bfl ; thia waa aboul tbe miildlo of Deoember, 1871; I propoflcl to taka o atage. and be aaid " No," and 1000008 8. tbe peroona followiug hitn to took ii carnago ; he autd lliey were Mfl (Mectivea ; he went uw-iy iu th.. carrlit.<.-, uud I . i.i.-.-.l io i \.l. Heavcr'a oftl.-e ; aaw Htokea '.wo or throo moutha prc vioiiB ; he wui ln the olll.'e oo?. ilay. i,. Did you ever aoe bnu lu auy other plaee I A. Yea, Bir ; at Mlaa Man-tl.-id'a houao. i_. Wero y..u there fur mattera eonnected wlth your baataeaal A. Teo.fl_r; tobM?p-Jteato_8.8adllbroal oocaalona, aboat bla f.-arof Fiak. l|. Did he ever aUto that l_ would put hlm out of tto wa\ I A. Nothing definlte. t_. In.I bot: ver h.iy auythlug alKJiit Fi*k putllug a prlco A. Upon ouc ...tjmi.ii he _| aoun thlng about tbe Kighth-at. gaug; thut wan about 8 montii or two before. neOBBTOnilii' il by the Diatrlft-Aftoriaw?<). Had the pri.oner any tahle or denk ln \ olh. <? I A. BO, Bir. i(. Youi Intercourae with him waiof a biialui'-aiharac ti i I A. Kntlrely. iw. Ilowolli-n bave you tioen to Miaa Mauati.ld al A. Two or iim i iim.-i i^ im hiiMii.-riM t a. On hafllaaof. Adi.iuaud lu luia uoi-uug. at _<,:J0 o'tlxk. GENERAL POLITICAL NBWB. what movks THI MMOGRaiXIO MASSK.s. VIBW.H M A MUfllllHIflJllH UKMUCKAT. To lAf Editor of The Tribune. Bbi TIioui.Ii it iniy .s'*"in pnaauofl-Olfl in ? imt' tn Dfinocnit, vbaaa tho Dea-aflraaj have always baaa ln the mlnorlty, to express un o|iinlon per t,iiulii_,*to natloiiul politlc*, still, with sonu- little ,.\pori cn.o in ot-.inizln-t tbe I'cmocracy, havinic baaa '?' -'ht youriChalnuaii 0. tbfl I).'imi.*ra!le Centr il ( ..tu iuittee o| Mataa. basatlB, aitb Ifteaa yeara'< as a Demoeratle editor, I ask Just spaco enoafh la thm TBianaa ta aaawar tba | fBa?_B4a_B_a__ad B-Mfl b .in... -How ci:. DflMflflralfl tete tm Ueeom (.nn h-y 1" il BBBB_J flBlBBB H BBTI I." '" lUn N-*_ HflMl Coiiviiiti'in at ('ii, aml BBba-<pi.-i.t y at Bat?Bflflfl Ifl UN. PtaJaT'r r. Batlar aai Obbun i?. Ir-.riuK, iimloltier iu. u, now ffl-BB-fl li.htiiu "the party of th.- rie.ti'h ut," BaBarad wVBom U laaoay ? aaaiBfbflCfl la haaaaa tbal Iba Vflfltbtta PaBMa ru.-y. of whieh tlmy wero tbe lei'lor*, WOtmi Mfliala tbo loatb la abatfliafl i-*>uo they aUabfl MBBB with tb) UbeflBl Ileiii'i.rai v, '"I -J tm plu ti A. Douglas, t vi ti to tho extont of see. s-ion. i-'our yeal-i later, I was Ifl I bt* rineuno Natioiial (.'oiiv f.n lioti ablflb imniiuiitcl Qflflfp ? M'(.'lellan, upon a plat forin dntateil by men now proiiiinent Mipport? i t tt l're-itlent (iiani, whlch BflBiy WflB DaBMfllBl *WBfl eom p' lied to spit upon and tramplo under foot, bal which ti ni bai n i niiiiiii*.:y flariaad ta twaraal tba aaeaaBi at! ti..* DflfltflB>aa]? ?*. IbaaaaaUy. fnw pobm lalflfl ^m, T.iniliiaiiy Hall w;n upprnp* i ii> \f ISfllfll M tba B-BCfl to aaaai aaetbM laaaa, bv leafllraetiafl fl r1 UforM upon wimh notriio DaaMarat ever eaaM or fl.aa aagbl ta s'aml.iiiid then by .leeeption, Bflt to say chn am-sy, to ii,' n maa wha wae aai aaworthy the aapport ol Den '" rai.-, but wl ? "" ' ??' '? "'*' oi blf i.,,:,nti un,u. Blnce thi el. tion ol Pi Grant ther baabeen a tteadyand (mrwln-z deti tion oil the part uf a largl) liuiiilicl of U.e 2,->if.<>'io lila-li wbo v,.t. .11.,.,.:......' lu ; V'l,t ti," Demoeratle leaders, who they beli.l m.i "??' " falsfl to tbe IruBt repoaed in them; and bad tbe Convi n imii at Cineiiiiiati whlch plaeed Mr. Oreeley iu n tnm n.-viT boen eonci iv. il. l'l.'-i'i' nt Oraul would nare iiecu n fii'tietJ, in iptteol ln* generally eoncedfld untlt ?.,!? thc bi_rh posltlon ln* now occ-plee, bj a majority miparallcled la our po.lUoaJ td?*U?ry,?nd ? I nuii uuequ-led slucc the " era ol gootl feellng-, whlcn raaulted Ln Preflldenl Moutjo's almost unauinious re tlfi'tiOll. Bat tbe Clnelnnatl Oonrentlon, orlginated hy no com ii.,* , r aml icp.i Miiteil by iioiud.. bul thep-op I, _,|,,|, .., (.,?!., mi fii tu one iinl nf tbe Dnlon to the other and, lonic before us felf-coaetltnted memb t I i* the barblaaer ot a naw era througb wlioae agcucy the milltary tbacklea whlch, by tln- .ud of tln* '?(ranii Army of tbe Bepublic," tne H Loyal l>ag.," an l other orftanlsatlona eooperating with th. i it, had been fastoned upon the people, er.|i,'t i.ii.y oi tln* Southern Btatea. tren to be broken j uml ii aaa a- mm b t i tn m now a *' foregon i tlmt the nomi.ia oi that Oonrentlon were lobe tup : by onoe pr..ud Democratlo party ijlory had be ? me well-nigb forj Thal the fu mdi of dUfi rent oandldatea for the - tion by thia body of men known only tt " i Kepubllcana" should bare been dlsappolnted roault waa nelther itrange nor un_u-tiir_I; bnt, In ot .\.t", efforl to prevenl It, tbe noiulnation oi Oreeley and Brown baa mei witb b responatre et ? at baa graeted the aorolnatlon ol no maa for tlu I'resl.teucy; and thougb the organuation nominatina this lekel b t- nol eren a party naine, yet thc 1>_ ol the oountry bow ln aoqaleflcenoe, because lt la the in imi ite ..f the peopia. Tin* name ol lf iraee Oreeley, as the ar. hitct ni bu own fortune, aa aJouraalial celled in eltberenterprUeor Integrlty, Uaifamlllar m biiitflioiii worda,and ihou.h Demoerata baveop] him wh.n Ufluea now gona rorever trare allre.they ii verdou t tl hlt ability, or * bonetty of hn purpoae. Wlth such a man In tbi * ,i,i,ii,ti ebalr,there an no teara ihat bawlU nol ttw luiiuil hiiu-eii wltb tln* l?-' aud t, . ruen of .?,iiiii\, reo-dleaf of paat afflltatlona; and v,e may reaaon bly bope tbat, aitb new eharta, tm country mar be broughi bacb to a poUey m,,:,* ln ao or dance wltb the Conatitutlon, and uouee more ln w Ub h underlle *,t part] ' : ''*'*'' Kot the Iinl, and tboae of aawhofeel tha our | as "old polltlclanfl," or aa "organiflug Di .. under a oloud, ttnd lou m knowing any v,ni *it- for tlm beuetll ol tbe com 'iv. I,i. Conrentlon wblcb la about * ? ? :?... iric. ot __natoi H. n Lrlclu. nn '. * i * itu ii ii.ieks upon tbe paat, wlll Lndorae tne ? Ineinuatl m.iiiiiia'i'.ii- w itu .ni eiitu'i*?; t -ui tii.ii will j.i-im. t.,1", ln Noveiniier; .md thfl LrOgant, and Butlert, and i..ii',ii?'-, an i Koflbya, withoui trhoaa oeaaael aaid oo op, ni,... Et lou ha t i ti Inaugur il tm. iaal men, who ahould quettlon tbe i u Democrat -. ? bo are abe il tocaai th. Ir rotei for Horace (,r,.. j, \. i |ualntaui o in the of the foellugB ol thc p toplc, " wlthoni reg .r.l t-. i color," in ti.* on, and the .i make np tbi .t* minda im: th, Oreeley aud Brown tlokel wlll aweepalmost tbe entire Boutb, in iplte "i mdltary latraps, carpet-bag im nii'i'i- oi Congreaa, or Caaeya i" manage tbe gui t .i brother-iu-law Prealdent, .vmi lt. New_nglaud tl .a-.. ia Ju-t at eontaglont aa ln thi Soutb and Weet, Ht public ui- iv. n\4 bore proolaiming tbelr determlnation to ? tbe Beform I ??' Malno, New-Hampabtre, :,,, i*. o i" l md ai almoflt . er i.iin to gtre tht u rotefl for Mr. Oreeley, and eren In Maaaachuaettf, Where the hand o( thi iv denl Ima graapod the throat "i one in . ? ..;?! ? . li,'i- .->. n,.i,,i, tin- '.a. . ? .'ioo-Prealdont ka bejannlnir to ackuoi I ind-wntlog on the wall, a;, i iu . kneea are trembllng arors tta in did thos i stiazzar when witnessinf ihe omiuoiu poi iiiii.i.ii.iii.'ii. Theae are uime al * i lemo cral v. i rote forllr. Oreeley; tbere are ol en wl.nh will be .\. 'i befOTfl No; einber. MOBBfl PtAXtt, BotOtn, July j, is'ii- _ AK5<A.\>AS ?nii: BXMOI __ OF mau-iiai. LOOAM II. WXrT_*? i' .vi. .)i:\i,iii-v and civii. .-i.kvi._i; UfOBM liM -1KAIK1). To t li ? i.ditir a f The Tribune. sik : Btataaflaata have appaaiad aa aeretal ot*. i-ion* iii tiikTkh!I'*-i. r, :n Bmlag tin* oiii,iiai eoaO-M t Bad .-uli-ci_iifnt .-ii-p. n.-ioli of ( ol. I.o_.'.iti II. B i"t.-. BZ. MBlflbal >'I tbfl \V'..*tcrii DL-jtrict of Arkansas ; uml M tbfl ?i li;- -u-j'cii.-ioii b:is h.-i ;i thi 1 ta IM bi* lmprop r und aZttBTBfBat I'Xpetiditure uf publ.c inouey, I will emleavor Ifl reinove MB h ctrone..iis iniprc-.tioiis by re \i.wiiiL: lun tly (ol. Hoot'.-i otli, ul OBIBflT, at the eaiue tltue Kivlu/. tho BBfll flflBUM Bf Ul IBBBBTaL Thc di.-tri. t o-, i r fl Imi. bfl bad raUiM-ivi-ion ? .tt tl iinnieiliiti ly prior to hi-appoititnieiit, so that it ctnbr.iced ncarly or quito one-biilf of blbBBBBBi includ.iik,' the Iudiau Terrltorj', Into whieh railroi-is were then iiitrodu. e I, causiiiir uiitiicrous vioiatioiis of treatns and the laws IflaBBallBj trailo aud Tlie Indians were hrmi .nt into eoiitact VttbahUhJfl fllBM of irresisin-i!!. poople, lu inany cases of tho ino*t despcrate and de gndfld ehariictcr. Iiitermiiiable feuds eiiauid; munlei'S nnd other crunes were of daily oci?iirrencc. I^>_ral Lutc: fflCaaOfl was requind, aml the Dattad States tinops having been rcmored from tho district, tho M.irshal waa obllped to uso exfr;iorliiiary meami, at tini' -, to enforce the laws. BgM or uiue .' wero murdered ln the Ix-Kiuniuir, and it was found Unpo.-siblo for an oflloer to execute the ?.linplest ptocess of law, unless he was aceoinpanled l.y a lorce of aiun-d imn. causes enhanced tho exis-nditure to tho exteut pn ??aeiitt'd in Col. Kiot't a, counts, and no qti'-ti.u aai tver baaa nUaad i.y pcrsous BflarVflraaal with the toetO,n hy thc dtpartmeiit, as to t.'i .i i orrecttiess, flfl flfl tfl the uotuul necesslty of tbe MTTMBfl reiid,*re.|. Most of the accounts avere pro I -nt*?.i atul iii'ted upon early last Wmter, Imt then* ln in. a iletl.l.-n. y iii tbe Jtidirlal Approprlatlou, it became ? irv to bold tlietu over ut.til tbfl Defleleocy blll bad bea ii paaaed. No atteMN te ramore Col. Root* 41 1 - made dnrlng the teaalou of tbe Benate, bnt, Immedlately npon tlie a.ljoiiriiui.iit of that body ba was aujM raeded, IIIIiliI' Ihe 1 iill V t-lt lf Ht eXillv .iT ** foi t all-f." The Tell eauae of btoauflpeaama, bowerei, *_.i- that be took a prom itu nt pai t. 111 Ihe aetion ot tlie Republlcao p,irt> of the Btate, in tbe Lndoraemenl af Mn?ra Oreeley aad Browa, und was appomte 1 a liielnht-r of thfl I.iii.ral K> piihlli aii Lxecutive Committee f..r the approaeblng campalgn. We eoiirtider here that no more elticli'tit otli, flr li i- ,? v, r bald a jhi-ition ln tbla Btate, whlle bia tuapenalon, and tbe appointiuelil of a man who Iinl |,Iim,, heid the s.ime oitice, and wbo to nn- dai baa nerei i*a i-n abli t.. Bettle hi* accounts wltb tbe OoreraMent, for moneyi Irregnlarlyand Ineorrectlyezpendad, farnlabefl a f,i;i tapt?. uiieii ,if ('ii il Sorvlco IUiforui as praoUced bj the pre-. llt A.iUllIll-tl'.ltloll. LlUtttAL. Ptti imidh, Artk, Juue -S, lS7-> MAKVI.AND. Te the Editor of The Tribune. Snt: I Na very in.uty ciicouraging accounts ln favor tt QBBBlflf and Iliowti ___flMB)d t" fBB troin aii tlie ?-^tattt^ In tbfl L'liioii evi ept M.irylaml. Allow uifltosay that the paapai Ki-ncrally of this ftate aro d.-i p!> coti flflraad and Interested iu the sueceas ot (ireelej und l;itiv.ii, ud Mhativei Un- li.ilt.mtiie CoiiM iitiou may do, unless tlmy adopt tbe UflbBt made al Cim luii.fli, the paoalfl al th:s Btata alU aot ba tailrf-d 11 in uj wltb Man: unl wiii be orerwhelminglj f.,i i.ieeifi aad Browa. Bfebara tba atoet able andln H in ut :al men al tin* --iate to iiat". far onr eanae?aaeb men Bfl >*\ ro.-tiiunti-r ... 151.ui, Aliltoii Whltney, bx-Oot. lti'.uifot.i, ,t i;,.v Bwaan, ex-Oor Bowle, and other iirniniiit-iit iiieti. w, ut determlned, If \\,. t ii . io ina-e a ribaaaaiaad i>ut i ttop t>> tbe mlarnle and cirrunttou of tlie pre-eut part) ln power; ami lhank (io.l I can trilly tar tlie _ood work it folng on lii'.at Kioriousiy, aad we reel mre "f rletorv ln u-\t. A I'KlbMJ TO Illk. C-aOAB. Aunopottt, ild.. Jiiiie jj. REW-TOBX BJUiTIMKHT. WKSK lll.-Ii:ii i ill MV. To the Editor or The 1 ribune: Snt: I notiic in The .\cu-Ymk TntOO, ot two or thn-e ilaya. uko, a riv-npitultitlon ..r the politl ,ii pro*. j..-. t-. of tin* -ev.i al cim nt it a ..' ttut Pttht Tin *. ippear t.. me uiitrii.atwoi tliv itateint'iit-. BBd l bfl leTC thal tle-v iM-i-ii wiiitt-n to 1,1,1,1, iu tti,. ,,ui, ,? oi that paper. l aill imt pr. leii.l i.j baoa tuythlna aboul ,n,\ utbei couuti, - thnn tboae of v\. iti bi - i. Kockl ind, and i* -ku vet) little of the two latter, hui l tblnk l knoa rlome tlillli: oi VVe-l'*!.(< .lel i w.i iit io - ,i , th it \4 illi , I,, AXcepUoa, there _, uoi u puLti-i__i iu \UjicU.otu vtuo u not for Oreeley wben I any pollti. inn, I m^n the meu 44,.,. have Im in kli..wn her. UttoTt ..... ,.tr ,i.in_ Ol 'I.n. t InrthepolltlcaofWeateheaN r. Weat. h.-.i.-r ?ii. giv.-s.ooa r,,i i,i.. i.-v.Miie. ..n'i i tblnkltwlllglra i,tm. a. u flmp -flaa. lalt -. Hfl> ononi-aca IM O-tB-Urr. A ..l.l-litic Hemxrat of Ono..<..i?M C.rinti.N. V . wrweat... Ut-KBl II .. i-.l an f. thi* i ity : I am withrou hind andh.-.rt In theOrei '??>? ma-emeto au.l _'...!. V wl..,.,..- t.r- titll. li.-.' _ gatb ro. --...-?-...? " ",_'?, ...,..,! ;1, c-ii. Inn . I haa ? ' < " [tii ,,..,,,,,,. , ,,..,,.._ ..i.f' ' ??. aay ol." wto .at ,,r hia'oountrr al ii.-r.rt. It aliowa that la .,,,1,. ..I poilU. .1 trlckatera an-: ti.- n .1 lf. i- " ' | ,. t..- llll. .' ! end they wlll make any iarr_oe_ .?..,...-.!. If" there e-ri- WB8 8 ...... - i ,.,..- diaUked, that mu. wi. Hor An AboHtlonUt waa tbe one tblagabon all . i tbal Imoat.i. t.'Hi.-.l. out to-day I aet, my error there. and ee dg- inv i.n-r.ike. .uui fraok .. -1 i .a wa* i.ol.le and gr.ui.l. I' ' - ' 1 wip-d awaj ihe bla. keal ipol on ourfs M . ay ami we n ? ?? nileaadcorruptlou. The people are ..41k, and , (,.,,!' |l li. e I* tO ? -T .,!'.' Bt ll.i.l.n. I. one vodt from u6w, hare au boneat man il b.-a.l I .nn uncondltlonalli nol " bto -.,,'?.'a.,,1 ??t" ",-.u.e whal wui" for 1.1 Irown. M 11, v leidmg Democrata ln thia aection bave e mr oul ? I f,,,;.. .1" f 1 <...< "v and Brown. while otbei - - in-entton'-u-tton; hutIaeknowledge. t.ut exoeutaofar a* I think it rlabt. an ttor- oai right, aod tbat la to ladiree OibbIbi flafl Browa. VXBWfl OV A It.U.TlMOKF. HKI-KlAII.. Thfl followiug id M-d ot tht mariy BggpOMdd ,..,. ||,,;i. 1..... r: ii. BM ? '-" -i-OBB-t-BftOl 8 Oflfl 1. eeatlp iiablbibefl taT-tfl I_a_M BBi DBABf-B- Youi -favor of ttt llfltbol - '? '"* ir, ri (fOaee th.-reto I beg lOOre to -,.y that. IO my judg totraoeoaree-oi tba D 1 "? ?"!'<-"" ? - v 17 ptata. Haofporl mlti, now aml f-.i--v.-r, af ihe , au'... r..-.y tt-atnowmtsgorern- It. The p,..p!e aro deatraaaofa of Adminiatration and a return t.. *.?>iH .... au ,1 governineut, and tho n '???'?_ ,,;,.i:,,i?..'i..-, m devon'ly" prayed for, orto t,,-..n npon tbe oountry for an uuilmtte. ime tbe dornl DBtion ol raacala and r.?-ii_- ?"??.wui**Uri''l *'"?,{. \:t* wttb tbe Dernot ratlo. party. lf the Oemocncr^wll dia chanreth. 'rdui> and al tto aame time irivo .-ir-et to tto S-aatl.rit,fy.he...t..,. ?fttoJ^b-imUCjm -.. Y.-ii will thon reo the people r.uiy ng under tbe baaner of nn boaeet fl_aa agalaet tta ?'.-,,.!;?:-,rs with the baaner of tbe areal nepo 1 gift-taker "f the nn,.-t.-. n.h ., ntiiry-hon.-* y aud prlnciple rereoa plaadorera und party. Notoi-.g .l?,,t oftto greal emc-wncj whi.h now1 luduceme to lupport Horace Oreeley. We ''?";???'?" omroaedtoeach olber Bince I have anv r.-< ....... tion of iiolitlea; l.ut wlth few excepUone the Uuea wbltbd} vided ui bare been Bettled, oerer to to opened the great and manlfeal neoeaalty ior tto nnfon ol alipar t.e- ti.oveitbK.w tto eeutrali-ing Adml-datmtlon ..f t 10 .1,,-.Ln.. nr and li-o-e-.4 0I.-.11IHI- now occupylog taa Whltc Houae, existlng, I eaa tbe more readlly support Hoi.,.-,- (im-elev for tbe Prealdeacy, aml e?i;etial_ly wIioib 1 bearm mind tbat bt haa beea Prw^?n,___.55'JUL__! ror 4W years, and 00 man baa y-t dared t?> breatbe ...ui.i biaboneaty,Intoflrtty,and porityofetar ?.,,, j,,.- people I--.-." ueed tu toax an boai il inan, o|.?i,.,ii,l not lii-t-w tooe__Utodaoencomliiui when be called him "the no-ieai work of Crod. B--B. iu I'li.-r. 1* my poaition ; and al B-J-imore my volce w 1.1 ,,,. r--r .':- lej aaa -""'? govemment Falthfully yooro, um, .uaa ifl, i-j._ Ottk ?>? -WtOBa. rnv C0UBT8. TUF. IIOUSE OF BEBVQM HKVOI.T. On M.iy IT I r.'V.i!t ocC-UTfed UMBf -fc- in? ir i'. - ..r ih.- lio ,-> of BBtaajOj flflUBg wbl.h t-.v.. Bflfl? . wero Btabbed. Twenty-thrce of the ofTeiidera pi. aded guiltp in tba Coaafl afl Oeaerol ?eealeae. roa* r .lai.iiii.i i'. 1..- DeoBeeeet. Vfeaae-i BeoB,flad Mhoboel 1 were 0 at totbe PeoHoBt-Bii Ior aaa reeri aet, otbera for tbree 1 jaiu.-i HughM. .\:r,,,! ind John Sullivan, charg. d wita takjagpart la tto rlot, were aegalttod. OOCflrl tlliflBPBflfl Taa nir. srraBBB Oaaaa?I aiaaai flana fl l' a m.-Cai*k*gkOamta, :a..Koi.l.iBtrtll. iia-_I.o.-r_rU__, I- I. ' ? l Bot ....1 I.111.U1 C,., lU..Ml-8-Bl baal ol CLi_a?8 B uaa rt iL ? IbHbL Call 138..Uaha agt.?_---? 1 ..... . . _ 1, ... - - . - EUarken ?An ttot ru.i. Cimnl-m Jirara ?? j |,l Ih,.nl, Pelaf Jaii.uti . - BB-aaOea. T1k> " I'nitcd Btatea I?il aml Poofe-Offica Afl-iataat" nu Jul ad, rlrefl b nine-ooluma .Vi.- of the New Poaul Code, and nearly iiva Columuaol N.-w I'..-lal RegalOtteae- aii ot Krcat iuUr-al to buaineaa meu. DMPARTURE OF FodklGB MA1LS. rthtflOAl Irai n \, .. fortha Otnaaa C ib 1 Hr*-ni?s to laa, ttum ? , .r-.t lir thi -? it Ura .... > ? 4.U WEDITBSPAT. JrtT 10 Mtlu ior F.nrnpr, tn >,- 8-8881 prr atrim.hia 4; . . | i'; r B ? M. ? -nl it 1 l"i [.. 11 I ? '. '-. m. .. 8BSMB_ 111 ??;... ? ? -uut bt prepaiJ triUl _.H,r.!r i..i.tij:e.l A Praii .'ott tHt+m t'-.H ml-. at J l>. 111., li.-ffi I'nr .*?'?. *0 I ?DA..J Ll IL -Enmrir. 4-1I' , I HimSnr.. r?r itrini II a. in. A lMi;.i...-iun.t?rr Maii fr..n (aal af a. , l rout bai >.f H , H..t<oBrn. (AU l.i'.rr. .aji^.trxl iu Sopiilcmrnurr Muia _uu.t be prep-al aifc -?_i.-r. I M..L. Hatim lO'i thr Wert lafl-M. prr ttraajaliiri M.irro I'trtla. ." 4 >'. ll., u cloarj al -.if. ip. m. a.i'.iat ?);.. rn. >| ,',,, .. r .-. I .. hrtl.r itriniil.ipTib**, eJ-BB it 1 p m. 81 , I * s i(. Ior llu n 1:1: 1 urk'i lataa. bj the ticauoli.. \ rCkibturg, cloae al 2 p. 111. Mi-i:u?:.i|. i-lla at J u. B A Maii far H_H_u B. I bfl SCbw-T-i. P-?' o.r-rrarf _l.-_i.l.ip B-U ' B-a *a%, flB flflfi 88--?. PA88EBGEB8 _lff_.fl ED. FROM I.iVi:Hl'()(H.-;n Naa_-_h8j 40* ate, }?'., t?J. rfivir_*a. M.- .r K. II '.-.ii. II. A. Kru.r.- J. Babfrt-OD, Mr. R,'-r.... R. K. Battoa. VT. J K.'.hv, J Perria, l'r B*. J ll. Dd-B.H.1 I ? i ?? M in Law . ' :??.)' J. M. J . *1 -? I, llarn ?.m, J. li. ''?-?: S'. ? tV4__, __-8 .. , . M i V Mir t.a, Mr.. Il.rttulf, Proi. U.l' K.-p. B. C. Ucwrll Dr. Wai (lark, IK C i..j. ii. MiaB Batla U.mtli. G.-n. J. W Hall, Mra.. J i\ IUU, J. LtinUrd. Mr. an.l Mr?. 11. Wara '' ? I - l ' I l ? I . 1 ... 1.. Mr-. ( . U.rna, - .....<r. Ur, aal Un. K. _, M -. V. 0. B88488, Mr. IWnarJ, Artliur 8_rri-i_. Mra. I-Bf M,. rij.u. Al.-t. Krl-ti, M. Z'.Vri.a.u, J. B. Fr.-ru..... Mr. Ba Iri 1. Mias Hirrlct Scbalu, Mlai -N.-Mr tnd M.-utrr (irorcc * ? Vi - ? ?. M. It.r_.-t. P. U. Jlr-i.i att, J .-i . Baflalt, Mr. ibJ Mr_ Jia. Jeliu, J. ilorreJ, E. Bcrr., .v P, H MlSIATL'ttK AIMtv II _.n n??t. 4:37 1 aun .rt.. I ? | Muon irta.kill H UH WariH THI* D1T?,. H flBBif l!oo8....!0-.'ti | t',,,4-1 liltna... ', l* Hafl Ferrr... 0:14 H...II WATBK Tllll UA. . 8 6ibJj Uook.....l?J. I-uv't I- llrll -tt? r'errr.. 0.38 8BIPFLNQ IBTELLIQEM /.. I'OItT OP NbW-VORK..ji-LT I. i i r vKF.n. r>tr_mihip Ba N. 1 ruu I _, K. liri^p. . D laeoaiB. Hr?^.- Portlaad, J P. Aa \ Soa Bl ; r '? r Stai -'?i- i fc C M.ip Ma.ian.i VI , l'.,n i, .-,i r,,. i . ... _ .. fcoaaak fc Oa. fhip Jubn llrnr *. U.l. r . k la. ? ?? ol Baa B. I M . - Suai. l. i , ... _, ?. I. , r 4 V. i r '? Bai- K..M B-ru (Bl '....,. II, ,., lienaadv >l(uJVt.fl fc Oa. E. A. Kaaaady. utftm. 1. . 4.KI.IVKH. Itsaa-klp AUl | ?-KOWB i: lla-. au.l paa.-. i.i .1 11 - lu. PbI . N ' ? . . wa, Hirk Ba__a(Bi. - . ___r, H u .i.Lia (.olliiu (lir., M,li .... tv i .s - lo dara _Bb ' Bi-hr. Jr-l.tle (..| B881 part), T.r. - II - '?- n , lHalin, aitfc ^-laitr-r t>c_r NflB-BB. (-'rockrt. ""urt I IM IMI - 1 1. . R -t -?< lah -.-...,.,. ? ir ui. Ii.i .i.i. M | BBBl .V ? lU.-k. AB .triuaalup iieur... t'n.umr l.'l.'l I .\ 1 ..i.i-. 0.11V1T..WM.J.> | , , . ,,?.,; ,, . Prirr. ?nl Mttionil Uot .l?ra ... Mar l , llrrn, lia. ... . irtilr. I'l 4 m, rn i. ? u.i Btyar fttm Saa lari l.'T l.tltrM >/,.,, | , tonbcin -XbiuTtiGcmcnte. rrilK MMKl l.\l'Ki.-.s_i'lli,l1>i?.1| ,,,., * .-il....... | un .troaiit ? Kuiai ?? --? . . ....,!,. Ar aaafaaaatoi .s,... ? ,,. M ... k.-..,*., * itliiibic anD Slaic ftlamcie. AKI.AliKW.Stciiin MARBLEaail MARBLE ? : r Maiolc ai_t Mai'.!rii,..i MaaUti tt M.-jumruu, ai pr ,ra ttut '' | bl tlrr ir.rr \ -1CIMOVAI.. SI.MK MANI'KI.S, MAK -lai: y, im i.i - i\.. un 4M . , . .,??,_,,_! ?,. ?i uar ue? . ,?j _x| 1 '?? 1 - - I .. (V MAl.l.l.i:. M\i;i;i.l.|/i;ii MANTELS, MOV I Mr.M'r.. Ilr_.i ,i?u-i ,.l , ., - .:-? M tllhK fc ... i, ..| W . -I.U... ln. -i.aJi.j tuaoui nt. Ut-i._i. ra.ppi