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ISf *'?i a ?'! NEW-YORK WEDNESDAY, .ILLY 10. IW* PRICE POUR CtlNTH Vo'- XAAii.n???,!??. BALTIMORE. Tf?E national DEMOCBAC1 D OOOT?IL. RU KIT OK THF. |WI ?OI?H Wl ??ULI l.KY Af OBTXSO Mil?.111 AM> I01 WITH KIHI.NAMK ? GBOWIM HMIHiNT IN FAVOK 0* NOMINATION-INMUM. K kXCl OK Tin; orroamoir. |B? TBLMOUn TO THR TRU'INI I IUi.timouk, July 9.?The mcuilurs of thf Oniiv. ajtsBJ in tlir aBBl of spirits lo-iutrl.t over thrtr ?rtst day'* woik, niul are so nearly BUlMM MI thB? expressions of ejaai fcelinc that there is almost ??(kill? t.. ah) about tin m axent* tin' Muy ""' wJUN wilti NMMmWI appai.nt impatience for t< sionow's IIUlll. B-haa khat 1,0l,i> to Dllve an < wr.rum'ty to vote for (?reeley *'"l Urown. The ta?NHlM Mint M"lf> AdaalaMtratlen correspondents have attempted to nise, that M?o Domo crats of the country l.ok upon M?o BMStnatlnn ?I Mi . ry wttk ulsuust. that they take the (im inrmti ticket r.n.l p?tf.rm M thOa*k ti. I of un iiloasa? t n.c. i. o . . .s wholly .i: I I DOBMaraU who compose ti.I* Co i!\. nt:tii. ?lu? thov form a muro tJattaeUvelj Mpreaental n *'>> other politi? cal . .invention has MMMi for mam hBTBM kOOl i I.!-:? d. in many natiim ('?". kj Mu i (ppC? visits ttiid advice of the leading POli tuians, ?re. wuh Mi) fow ? s. mi imif, IRJHI ntly de ?ganad at the apport nwytaai ?!.. ? t<> pr ft liioir devot.ol? to Mu Union, Bad tO UM BN at principle? laid di ?ii in Mio < int Hinan platfoim. IBB Del party, as n ; Won. is aaiMM top tout of the slouch hf dOBS tul m which it kMMn tloiiiirtoilnit lor tin pa-t II y drsinm to lot the " d.?d past bury Its dead." and to en? list mil? r tl:o tiai.iu r of progressma r.-f.-nn. ft I Ciunuti iii.iv. liant and the nomination t? Bro?'ii have girt n the in this covet? >l ? ppottniuty, and |ti.\t;ni . -rod it. It i- no! at all Mian.'.'. that ?uitior mm etreaaaataaeaaae theaa mut tnaald ka ? fr.? t, The oily wonder M tBBl Mua..-' pi a: ? I of tt. - . m raL it is kaxd for men wl.o )i..'.< ?i'.i lud in Mio l)i inn. ratio failli from Mo ir youth ni>, and taught that to hate Mr. tire? ley and Tut Trii.i v. was one of the cardinal virtue?, to step out <?f the ruts m which they t,.i\. BraYOlod foi a MOM Ol y i'..r> or u on- ai.u t? tarta ai.ow. Moaaorai, no stN have i>. i. hrenght M hear M wvett DcMWiott to the Lit" ral mov? ? U lb? Ufa) |W? rally omh troli' is lave all hem in Mio otlur .lu'oc!ion. The n ntiii i nt in favor of an ex|li( it nomination of the Cincinnati ticket Keimi MNafM M i dial than at any provloiK tin i?in. ( Uo ? a-. :u Mo. Tiieri ;,ro shll MTOHj lOMgaUOM. luail. (1 by tfc?l from Missouri, which would j>n f. r to PCM HMJBtlOM 9t M r . :i.i nt. t*it if the rules romain uuoliai p. d and the m4m eaMy t.> morrow to proceed to the nomination of candidate* for tli? noy and too Vu i Presidency, w rij ererj Ben '!<io.:a Uuns v, im Mr QMslty sad Bwn. Imooaly delofratloi, now known tt> batead to TOM lot 0( '?? I Osadl* date? aro a part of that fraiu I'. tin^j ! twenty. ksM ?0M half of that frtiu) Xnv\, the whole nf DobtwsM ?i:d Umthi. Tin drlegottoo from t I I ? M)?Mil M also probably tit opnosiluui MOadMM iu tho reiiii>\ Ivaiiia i.lid N< fj .1. rs. y .?.'.( t atmiis. Tl.i N may be pi.. ri lecatloM? one or two in a place, who wiil not \ Ka attoni|- | inade to for'>;-'h resolu? tion? to \. tt- ?o.idly win ro UM OBVOsltlOBBMBbOIl have l? en . . s. .is ;t llu^ . ?-t.-11 t!,< polM] 0? ail thf itiuns to allow tla hU]ssj| individu,.1 ?ih.rty. The Delaware tologslioa feel very auxio.iB about the result of the nomination in their Plato, but after the sommation is mude, will do all in their power to luduce their p? i ]i | to a.Ml pt it in (?.oil faith. Bad ?:ive It their cordial su].|.<it. Th. re is nuwh. re any talk of bolting the nominal iu:i esoepl atuuns the few mnl. ontotits who an aactaaartag Um Marj laad loatltaM aftslr. it la the ii that bu', little tpealiiiitt wlU taka | a the ( cmont.oii tomorrow, and that the norni M will l>o ? bave l.e.ii made for l M o? the Rraa?sst ma** nttflc it'oii .. t\t.:.iUK that was ever hi -ni l ?f N> ,y n . okti.VMZVnoN t.i THE ' [OH. AN I ? kl ?NI'WCI?TUT BALI I!! Til) To t)\l.i:i l.nvj IM, - ..i MB. BBL MONT ANi) im. TEMFORAJtT riiAii:>:AN, mi:. liAMx.i.iii- ROI r:>i. Bl 811 . I .NK.J Baltimobb, July :?.-Jho- da; u in ? ? few | ud till up the aaaU M tkeaa. Almost all at thea wort' ?Ir- : ,?ng to tin Oat i . anoe, ? u Her m Um Ttc first kalcoajrwM lllod ta oreriowlaa wltkla a an mit h.. ;.::.?. ;.?:? d orawen opened, sad smti BBM mad than t t !. fi r Um . i.ani orerflot the a - . until hiindri da, and praa of Um ' .i th.- and * ? tbe ten of the boom wen i ? noon e\. tv aaat la t/e aarajaetM and aaiajaatiailHiki had kaoa tilled by D any of wliMii in the nar of lax t" stand. The (, rio. ?p.u.'l on tin Btaaja wire iu>o inor<i thau fi'l d, and it was n.ti'eable that manj? wie. r. ]? ?,. oted bo paper at ??i, n held only a aoaala i < i a wttk awsMin ooimlij araaklj I ataed ap okatrutUaa taorMwol U liiii.i ihoMi while tt,.- oorroapoadaaMof aome of the lead t try wore aaraavTstnd far, Ikaa v . fault of the ( nmmitb e of Aiiitno. merits, who ,i i arerytaiBa in l ?aata Mod to them; ami were,. m ? i M made for ti. '. t?, \eiy a? I the temp?rature vas moder a. .... low/at '.'.'? Jiiact llMd up Ihe h'^t d a drop in the rear of the staue had to he r,(?s< d to aili ; from the stage doors. the enanos] avanjCsBaa. ntion vaaaaUa I M m mm at 12:10 ky Aaiaat Bclmoii!, Ctiairiuan of the National (ouuin?eo. Ilie Bad hern carefully prepared, and was cordially ret or.. 1 IBM *e ?.onion m of it lu which, while he scion!, d t.. Draal all the honor due him for his MIllOM d?nn?; m ? var, ;.' 1 aadaaaatd m the atvataat tenus the 1 ? tka ii<-<nt Adiiiinistratioii, and lUfeiih ?titiititui of a military daaaOMBM for the latga Of law. 1 1 to the Uasral Mareaaaat was kindly in tone aast asstssatt] Judicious. When he mentioneii Mr. Ok ? .. \ V name there was a wild hurst of applause, last? ing ?evcrul uniiutes, during which the whole Oaaroattaa raaa M their feet and wawu their hats or fans, and this was followed, when tka ? BtbaalaatM shouts be?ran to subside, by three, ' ? 11 on tlie e?ll of ex BtaanhM ol Con paaajaasilwsaf tho Xi w-Yurk Oasy dalagaUaa. Mr. i wd this part of hi'- aaaaak by Maaladaag the < iition th it taoj win- n .t 11.on- h- i?, aaotaala only, 1 patriots] etttanaa, with a duty to pttfatat for 1 boaatry. After roferrlii< to his Mag am Cham : aTHnajlln 1 Oaa> niitii e, air. it. imoal propoaed the name of Ihoa. Ja&Vr. son Bsndorpk ol ?trglala f?r laaaporary Chairman. A? l.e aM Basa lo..- ami w.nt forward to th? Chauuian's table, the (\, 1,1 ion reived him With graal applause, which enntimied > ... I. .u ?tan. UiiK there, tow? rimr .?1 ? Who ware about l.lin ?or he ,. BMM Mum || !? Bl ?..'.1 was ,ke ha\li?i? one of the Demo, ratio of i ? kael to pr.'-nio ,u a , Baaaa. Han nt ? N m m 11 i kaaa Uiiiii mue, wh<n lha MBBMaratad Deaaae r?<y aie' frOM Mie ;.a~t iinl !<h.Uii,i? f,,i an r.l M B biixhter aadkettOJ falata. -Not only Aom Ool, Kan doiph, tka oMcst aaaaaaan af the Csairtnti n, brin?' to i! , Btljra of two lllu- ? -, '"'' I ' n...'t , i. ' fraedsM af aay of Virjiii?.. Cortyyeari ago, before AI ism had laki n i. I Mi. kC <> M an aid. nt ml I of the leader* || Me ? :??!!...! . li.I l ? I MMlphia eall.-d la presid? ir.? i it* leiioiijiijuti'in cooroBtloa an cx-<"oiit< derate, WBOM J'apiiilleun an.l I I MM n I md ,s not yet u ii y. ?u o I. ..nil w< nt wild over ??run Hunth, she old AUstauoout of ?a-York, The Uclo/u Deinoc racy do honor to a ninn whose ?????**? of MMBlll dates further back than that of any member of <i 0 'II volition. Mr. Randolph's f\Hcrh was a model of beaut; good tn^tf. and (..niained some very |Mi mtv?iM f j-oiHig tmamli who bjbm bi Bin kalk <>? ""'(,< tioi.. Hi H d tliitt ho (lid Ml remember unv denial campaign in wb?< h w. 10 involved ?no ,?,rtuiit point? toiK-tnnfr tlio personal right? Bf th pM? uihI bo rcmoinhiicd Loai ly ev. i v 1'roM.ii nti.i i,-.,t IMI Ma aw* takci place m ti.iH Nok] ? . lose of hm sp.i.h |M iiitj.iitut-! -.1 IM Htv. Or? Hi ? hitman of this city, and for many year? Infor um ( harCun of (lie Cintel Hiato- MM*?. WM ell. i rrayi r tan Hag im DrrtM ka Mtatrta Um Oawwi and praying tI.e. tune MtgMBBM MM ?heu a turns of the country shall BgBtfl M reunited, m tru \n 0 .in m mi und when IMN shall M HMM I I'? ll..nal iiuisionc. Frederick 0 Prtaeeof MmmAi WH tlicu made Temporary M BU tary. a r*i<i.UMi:MviiY snarl. At this point, numerous eei.tlictitiKreaonit.oi.s . iii'ir-<i, ?mu renaM m nata. Aaaoag reeolatioaeWM on. by < - Mina? McHearyof tucky, ci.?pi.mmtury toM.. Jiclmout, on the su Wttk Wkkk ho bad for H years 11.led the ]ior.iti On?ana ?I Um Nati. n. i i neattra Ooanalitac ay the linn. S. K C>>\ of Ni ?Yuik, prov that the rules of IM ?Ml National Democratic Cot ttM lie considered In MM until other? are ado| TM < oiiventmii aanaadU :\, at this point, to get ? parliainf utary snarl, bavin)? before itsrvcialre llOM lad MOtkMM. all of W? . h <?oiihl not b. ailed i ?I eme, ami from which the Chairman found it In llata to i MM>. (>ov. ili'.lnan arose and I way out of the difficulty. und WM fit with hearty applause. llo said that it ai car tMOoaMattaatado eaj MMaeoa aal waakMwa whether all the MalM ?era raanai ih> it, aud some one, on bis suggestion, lit , DOT? the lo'l of the States M called the tioininatlon of members of counuittees on ere .1 paraMMM ? m. Xkfa motion wa i nee put, and all other n-ilutions and motions w had bun olhi.d were den.'ed to have MM "Ul order. The roll of the Hates was then called, cousid Ua confusion prevailing ia the ball, and little lute MtBff manifest? d in tt.i.-'routiue work. A few ? were honored Wttk loud I I???? rs, OBJOSg th?-in Vir^-i Ncw-Yoik. Mali land, a;..' -fwral others. TM MM id/. H.igkLee. a*l o wai i Mriaatid by Vlrgbna I i a on one of the i BBMattMMk MM received with more Ml ttMH IBM that of anyone BlaB. Ikll Work Ml |B| b M ?oiiin d, Mr. Cox of New-York succeeded in Mtl m hu rcaainttoa la regai l to the ralai for the go\< iiit iit of IM OMTMUHj and it was t allied almost 01 iMOMly. Ihlaaetkw was araaMarad by IM Mead . .lar nomination policy to he a strong point their interest, as M committee M ml.s and order of I baaM WMeelei tad, m i it la probable tkal IM ru., s of ..\inliu:i wi.l goveru this during ils MtfcN : MMa U '. MM ( oli\entlon to !.. ii-makinir, and an udjoiuuun Bl IMNBW li untiU o'clock. inri;\.'.\ si '--to*. TmCobmoI was ratker tard] la com,..; tegetl at the aft< i i.ooii If ealOB. Will it was hall an hour |> tin time whl. h haul MM fixed MfOH IM dak s"nt' I M tailed lo ordir. t.ov. Hoffman at once called for I icpoitof Um ?on.i i.wie on CradentUU, IMCkalm Ol IBM i'oiiimitt' e aiiiiounced that e\ cry frtal?? mfl :.ted, an 1 that tlicre were no con:, Mtta TM chairman of the OMIBUttMM I'eriMant (iicanizntioii WM then at once reeognlscdi and parlad IM rame of ex-Maatoc Jame? K. DooUttM i lu rinaueiit C'haiiman. This noiuinati..n wi w.tli).-rcat applause from all parts of the house, a seenied to give satisfaction to every delegation pr. M except, perhaps, IMM from Ill.noi-, PMflOJ !vanl,i, I one or two other States, which had candidates of tin own. Sa opposition to the nomination was he . .\. F:a;. ..ul and i.m . II. t'in.m lit m ?MOrted Mr.OoollttM to the chair, WMN MVMI eeived with another round of applause. u if k <>* mu. Dooum i Mr. Poojittie's selectiiin was jirohaiily maile as a ro: pDMMl to the l.iherai liepHldicans of the country, ai Ills speech, which was of considerable length and |ve aroaraMtva in Im aMraak r, was devoted m.uniy to a t he iraalatf IM i baaaMtai i m i boV i wktek IM Liberal F publican ca\i "1 lu 1870, and h t.ikeri so strong a hold on the hearts, of the tjieople MB the' lanlBBBtlT*TIBTftntllrntD May last. Had t!i? In at bl i le?Ht,|iprtsbive,Mr Doollttto'l speech would MM MOB 1 tened to with ?rreat intere-t. As it w.i^, MMM was roi ,:vely Uttlfl "ii BMOB in the CoaTtOVOD, "... akcia M WM fwMtawtlj latarrwptad ky oBlkMMitli ? ? aMrtiiM ,'h ' mint, and v.-;ii Mraad wttkuMraatkyMMi af an partie 0:. . . i hair, Mr. 1 upon the platfanai and a lau.:h.-ih^; a . as MM platfom Wai uU' oly '\:^\ and tin who att'-mpt/ <1 |0 Ml tin re WON I rOWMd in front o! tl reportar?' doaki,aad MttrelyakotracBai their mow . lio- Ci.,m i.Mon. Boom af Ute eon ipoaflcioti. wko ?i not feil any rMBMl (Of TlfHi TtlMlMaH wl 1 in finir Ufkt, p-lt.d tinta Wttk ej, M until they fiually all WBBl Ml lions or found BBBta. liuiiii the last h uir of the after BOM ?.n. BOtktHfl M a m tranaai b d. 'i ba i naMi ?. ? ferring all RBOlatlOAl to tin- CODMittMBl allMiil readtacaad without dakato, waa MMaad Mfat ambitious delegates had an opportunity M send to tl, ehulr any of the numerous effusions which had bee prepared to ipi bMl upon the I OBI I MMB. ] .. i i MM I of Um National Coiiimi' a ekOMB.Md m alter (, o'clock the ( ouM'Uiion adjourned uuill loo'cloc to-morrow morning. THi: 1'LATFOHM. ?un: oomomi on m -<>i i nom mon nu .|\(!NN.\II l'IAIKCKM BT A VOn Ol M I' d?,MIM ANIHmNY 'Illlil.All.Ns - NO ONI. J ALAKMKI?, BOWKTBS. [B? TU Hili.W'll K'THK TRIIIfKE.l Baltimore, July 9.?The * '?.uiTinf r-. on i:, ?(, I met th:~ eM-n.lii', at I o'i Y k, lu the | the >'.w York delegation at IM (uiioliton Botel Twenty or thirty delegate! Inside ?MMMBkefl of tin Committee eMBOMd lii the rOOMB. while lr the hall neai by was Miss Anthony and her coin atfucsof the MBaMM'l Suffrage party, kaatagkajl the members of kMOaan :tt. ? us they arrived, and MkBWMMMI M kBMM some one t< praaasl IM reaohrttoa wkkk she had ji < parad, aM move that she be allowed a hearing U fore the Cuinmlt' tee. the said that she considered the resolution passed by the Philadelphia OOBTMllM hs a mere Mdfaataf of the platform, and that unless the Deraooiatn patty, by Ml Conveiitlou MM ta MBtTOW, has the rouriur? to ?.ass | more pronounced resolution, she and her ttMMB) would he oMIf?d to throw tht ir entire iitlmnce for MM BaMUM if (.1 n. OraM. The M mbers of the ( oininilt'i t., whom alie appealed seemed very Uttlo impressed with the daiiKer which would arise from such a contingency. The Committee was called to order by Mr. OkMtdy of Albany, N. Y., who called the roll of states. Abuot two thjrds of the Committee responded to their I MMB, though all of the remainder came In soon uftcr. Alfred i'.. Burr of Connectn ut was then OMBM Chainnau, and the Hon. Samuel J. Randall of IVnusylvanla, MC rotary. BW Chairman j.resent.d tOTM or e;^'ht NMhattOM which had MM placed lu his hands by MMcatCt and i thers. and th< Ml letar;. WM 'lil-cted to re;ul th? M tor the inloimntion ol the OMMMMM. They w,M JJJ laid upon tbe tuhie WllkMt MMfcdakatB. Mr. < assidy aMrad a MM oi rtatilBlkBM MbatMtkUty the same us MMM adapted ut ? Imlniiati, hut clothed in diflennt klBgaaM- HI" MwB wua that IM li'inocratio party should BMM a platform Of its own, and not eoff that wkMk Md l?< I adopt* .1 k| any otlii r ( onvi utlojj, simply because it MwfcuMd the juin? ball s m wMrktkajrkalknad. His raaalatMM vbn Mfad down. kMatot BwyardMakM i- <i to have offered several resolutions muterlally < Ml | lg UM platform In OMM lo nuke it more ad ept abb- to tl e lleinoi rats Of his State. None of tl, - M vailed. Knalls the Cim lliiutl platform Was offered w ill. the subf.titnti.Mi of the foBoWlag for the ptaBMbk) : We. tti< Ji. ii,.,. into el?, ton of the Ir.lti.l -tit's m . Id. d, | H ?' lit the folio? Uli' pi II ? h pi ? lalmcdal Cincinnati, as aMitlal t<> }iut goTeri ment ; ititt Wi reeognlae the equalitt of BU non befen tM di', ul (?ovi i..h,, t in its , - v. ?Hi the people to lint' out . and txiot lukth . lo nil, of whatever naiaitj, i . ... p.-.. Ml I?i0 | . Httoutt : \\. pledge to maintain Um union of "" ?-? ?"' ' i pal ! . utraui blaemenl, ?.n.l t.. oiipuae a:;, reopeulug ol In* oitcattona -. ttici i.v tin 'iinit'cnih, i oori.. ml., and FweMtk AateudnteaU te to. ( ontUtutlon, J/nrjl; We otmand the Immediate and absolutere moval of all disabilities imposed on account of tiie bel lion, which was finally sabdoed aereo years ?ko BBlTorOsI a'mnostV Will result ill conn IM. t.' atlon In all ?ei liona of the country. himrth : Local *< If government, with Impartial fr iffe, will cu 11,i tue right? of all elf l/en s more seen iban am-.. una ,/, ,i now. r. The public welfare n qu it.? snprema y of the etfll over the military anthoi ?adfreedom of person ander the protection of the heim corpus. \V. .demand for the the Ian liberty eonslatent ?mi publie arder i for Um state, i fOft ili'iii nt, ami for the nation a return to the m. tl of peace aaoj the conatitnttosal lindtstloaa of power, fifth ! The ' 'vl Mervioo of the tioveriilin lit has ???m. i m. i, iMtmBMBt of parti-aii tyrinnv ami j aoaal ambition and an object of selfish greed. Il Mandai sad reproach opon tree institutions breeds a demoralisation d anfresst, to the Bssnstuil i? lin?n, an gnwi liment. He therefore roc auch thorough reforma of the civil lerTtea ?'in of th,. must pressing necessities of the hu that hono-tv, rapacity, ami fidelity constitute the t valid t'laiiu to public employment; that the otlliei the t.m. nui,, m n i-i to be a Math r <>f arhttran f.r it.sin and patronage, aid i tu? t publie statinn beet again a post of honor. Th thMaMtttehsneratlTelj iju,r, d iiiat im President shall be a candidate for election. Sijih : We demand a system of Federal taxation wl shall not niiiii..??saniv Interfere with tin ludostr: the i? ople, and ? bl? b shall provide the means n? seaa i,, pay the expenoeaol the GoTcrBBMnteeoa. ministered, the pensions, the Lntoreal on public d? nt, mid a mod. into redaction hiiiiiu , Ipal thereof; and, recegalsiag I til? re ara bu our mklat koaeal bat Irroa cila'.le d.tbronei s of opinion w ith regard to th?' MOW Iveayatemaof Protection and fwtt Trade, wo remit dim nation of the subject to the poo] le In their Ooagi Dittrlcts, and to the ueeltion of the Coagrom than Wholly freo i I l.\e? ii'.lve Intel feri-nce or dictation. fltaewM .* The publie eredll Mast be mihhIIj mi failli?!, ami we d? iinain a it pinlialion in every buni ? gulee. ?ifklk; A speedy return t? spec!.' payment Is mended alike o) the highest considerations of comni ti.ii moralltj aad honest o.t. rnment Ninth: We remember with rraUtuee Um heroism i sa. . .tli et of the so'.dii is and F.uiors of the BepublM, I no eel ..f "ins shall ???,. r ?h tract from their Justly-earn fame for the lull reward ol their patriotism. renta.- We an oppoet .1 to all tint hoi giants of land? railroad? other corporations. Ike public domi ahonld b< i. id sacred to actual s> ttlers. Aireen ft. v. e hold that If is iiu- daty of the (luvei mont, in ItsintercourM with foreign nation*, to cut %..:<? tii. Friendship of peace, by treating; with ;'ii on f; and i qua I ;. rms, regarding it alike ttabonoi to demand \. Uat is nil right, 01 ta submit to ?hat Wrong. Twrlfth : FOt the promotion and sieoess of these vl prim Iph - and the support of the ? Mdldstea aomlaal kj this Com ctitii.ii, ?!? Imit.- and aardlsUy wi leoaae t rodpersUoi ol all patriotic cltiseni, without regard pi ei i'"i- ai Ulstlona. BTsTJTState and the Di-trict of Columbia was rep seated Bad regsKeted Tie result was ;u in vor of tho Cincinnati platform ti four again.-t. T rtates which ratedVo wtro in :.:\ h., in...-??ti,mat si|ipi, and QaatBja. Texas at fii'l latad N", has aft< wani ehaagad. The Oeaaanlttae Bag hi BMafoa aha three hours. Senator Jiayanlwiil far Solapa i sataxdaj/i m the hapaal rooorarhsj ri kaatth. CONVENTION NCITS. CSOWBKD stkkI'.ts? l?n? OBATI >n.s ok tiik BA1 ?MOTTO? AND U.M.- i Hi: WOMAM QUI i ion ? A MODOT UlMiI.i ion ? notTtiio: lil.MINIMIl.NO. IKY IsanNBAfl TdTHK 7R1HINF.I Baltimohf, July 9.?The struts in tl rletnttyef the theater anta Hied ???th waiting crow. fnuii an early hour n.oiiiiig. Jhe iniilniudes hi no hopes of gah?Bg aiilnissioii. but they patiently he Mu ir groin .1 tor hours, BOtwUtsdaaaBBg the ?.ppies*: heat, ndiir.iiug MaidV O PatMBB of tin building, readii the nn >t l iks, and man? fe-t.i.g tin ir aBshasBMM by tin ? lug the valions delegations as thej marched m, ai singing campaign BOBfBi Tlie cxtcrtal ornainent.itu of the building is vi i> kaadaaBM and striking. In fro o? the i',on entrai...', 4 the theater a large and han some portico lilt- be? n < .tended to th? curb, with arch faim? the south, eaata aad west, tDe soutliern an BBtinning the great triple lamp which stands immct atcly in front of tho theater. Tim portico magnificently draped evergreeni and a profusli of national bunting, and Is in? riot ?1 with the im wor hie Wl r Is of J. V. T> M? 'M:ih< n, utter?? an UM oei Bah of the grond old In Mat in liultimiTe : *sT*B1 Miahaa sent lorth Its rill, evt ry valley its stnui ? m iy ii\er its load) and la I tho avalan? he of M iw.'ple is hire." This hpntl odonis the flout of t! portico (aetaefhe aaath. Oa tt.? aaat toward Bawwi at., ami on the western tad toward Ilutayv ;i., arc ti Beads! " Juli "i ?atlc ( ohvrlilioli, lS7i." Oft tho ini.ii ta tin an afthe then) i amtawat. tho taUowtag aaytag of Oeak JackaM pnatadeawal alada a. .i ka ??-? i ? i> fraa* i "laa Oaaatttatlaa htill the objt < t of our reviieno?, tho ls.mi ((f our Unto our dtiense In danger, the aourctol oar ptoapi p. .n e." o\.r thi ' :.. ai.-t Howard at, i- n following Matte fr^m Ihoaaaa J aaeaaai "Thawhe art oi ajavaraaaeal oonal ifca UMattefht on the iiont m the biuiiin.j ahora Um Irai ateryai war qaotatMaa fwaa Waahtagtaa'a Ihrawefl Ai MI haTe already tBttaaatad to yoi the danger1 of pa ?"m.i:. d on i ?i. ?? i loilui turns ; lot tue aiw warn yon ai Ina the baneful efiteel ?? The spli ?' ol enernai I. - late ih i . of all 1 yt . n. t onoer whatever f rmol t, s real despotism. "Likewise avoid tii- aecesalt] <?[ those ovcrgroa military eatablishmen ? 1er any form of goi . ii m. el are to bi i? gard? I loatile i i, publican Ubi rtj " 6That your union and brotherly affection mav be pel petual; thai the in > (.'onsdtuiiou which i? i no work i yoin hands may I* aacrt-tliy maintained; lhal its :.. ii,,:: i i; .in. n n. ? ?. ry department may hi temped wit v, i-.l.iin and \ . The front of the iho.iter is rrow.'cd with nations BSBS) drii-d around the BMtMaa, and frnin tin- M of the biiiidiiig by the a:.| of m ? It and tackle. Thirty seven gay sir? am. i> or badges arc stndeheil on rojas n the foiin of a tri angle. The h.i.lg. s aie of whit? groiiiul Wttk darl btae bonier- and red lath ring ou thu White in.!u almg tlM tiaiii? ? "t the Mat" - "I M.i- L'nlon. The \S eh,in i-ullrug.sis Iuim- giv. n up the hope t getitag. loara for aaa of their BaanhaaMaehlraM th Conyt'litioli. Tiny haM- pu pan (J a resolution win? I they sent to nit-lit M the ( oui mine.- on BssMthtlottl with a letter mgii.g is adaatl.aadBaaaUatach" i aald? the aapport of the "women of Aaaarsaa" ta Orea M] and Hin??, It Du-< oiiM niioii mil incorporate it it Its platform. The r? sohrnu n ad- as follows: Besamrd, That tin- Deaaocratte party.true M ttafaraaa and original punaise ol rscogniiina the aorerolgnty o Hi? fini i\ id nu I. ?has now ?in di.illy invite the sy mp.iiliv Ishor. and y "to of all ritlsena of the Ucltcd BtaU.-, im ipectiTC of aex, color, or eondltl.and pledge* itself t< tin- protection ol womea otttaaaa at the Intiux-baz,ami cquallf with in?.ii. The Hon. l'hllailolph Van Trumi?, niomber of Congrosj fii'iu Ohio, who kaa karatofora been a BtraaaiaadBM sistetit opponent of Bay alliance l'Otw.t n the Denim rath patty and the Liberal Kopubli? an*, has aunouiic . h int. utioii of supjioi ting (iieeley after the nomination Ii made to-morrow. There Is now l/elievetl to he only one Democratic member of Congress, who declare* that ho will In no case support the Qa hBaatJ tliket, and Muit II J. ,i. Davis of Weal Virginia, Wl ?' atttndod tin meot'.i.c of Vati Ail? ii ami Duncan'i kandfal of obscure Bourbons ut tin- Institute to-day. Davis i? aman Without pr.uiil non?'?! m t niigi'i.-.-, ami with little Influence at homo. The only apoeah ha erer mode la the beuaswaseaa B iiuid.i.v. winn n. w.i- discovered Islklng to empty ?hairs in favor of the right of the ktBMsM secede, anil repl\ lug to an article piliited in a HoW-Tm K MWapapor in i-?'.s. He is a ho|s-]'s- Bourbon, and has not got s solitary new Idea about politic* m the last IS years. AN INKOfNDI.I) lilllHOUIJ '!?? (INdNNATI COMMtlK IAI. WILL N<)T ltKXiifM'K OBUUtT. (ill lELKI.KAi'll.Tl) TIIK TUIBl'.IK ] CiNfiWATi, July eV?Thi brillinnt pfory of the Balliiiioie ? ?un spoailcnt of The Wtrt? that The OintHumH (MsMsarassJ awald isBanaaa Oraalaf if he w? ie nntniiiat? ?I instead ol ladataad at the National DsBMCTatlc Convention, la pronounced by Mr. Ilalatcad M " the pi ifeel piodiit t of the mlinl nf an ? nterpi stfasfl icjioit<r, uhcoiitaininattd ? lili a particle of truth." MB. iti-AMftN DUHCAJTI BO?BBOHB. AN ABfDED INIIIIIIIION ? M Hi "HltK K " piiMKitoi? nu MM iiiiii.Ns tupi >?.ic iiu; LAM I'll? ii. |B1 nUBOEiri TO TIIK 1KIUI NK.J ]{Ai.iiM?.iti, July !?. ?Vim Allen ami Dimoaii's ?. rpotai'- aaard ?.( shMraaaj Baaaaaashtad atUMMary land Institute at VI o'clo? k t?> day. ihev had ici t im d i. ? iitoneinonts since jestertlay, and their nuuibus ainouiitoil, ut a lid. rul estimate, to MaswWBaai lietwei-n 21 ami ;;') nn n. Tin m.portant iiccessiuu? ?, r<- ?' ltilck" p.ineioy ..f NewYiik, who i ainc in resinins,- to u trie graaaaaad la-i sight, aad the n,,,,, 1.1. d.ivi*, an oi? -i m.? moiiiii?r of Oasgraai from w?st Vteghahv iii? nth. r r? tiuits a? n' n.? n sltasaihai nnknown. In spite of the fa? that f? v. nf UM UMosBadi of stranger? III town could gain mimic, I,sj tu t?,.- 1 ,,ny? ntloii ut loril's ? jr.? mi Oyera H aaa. m? m w?s m aa?BdafaasMaaaaa? tataraatUbi laatttatai paaaM who had nothing to <i? preferring t.. stand in th. streets around the Oi-era House, and look at tho lunlding and the Oil. gstes ?ee Ftfth ?????. TI IK WASHINGTON TREAT I'IiISKNT STATK DT OllMON ?N OUI HKITAIN. '.iviiiAi. maunaTAonoai un? uf.crft?n T?os 01 mi: OOHfaBVATTVIfl ? DI0CIW1 I\ l'AItl.I.VMF.NT. |BBOM THF. HEliChAttCOBRENPOSDFSTOP TU TRIBt'l LOMDOMi Juno 21).?Aniid tln> sati-larli MMMattBg in some cases to exuitaiioii. our IM M? of the Treaty, which > nu MB take fo. nanti d, thcr a con-i.i. rabie ft. IliK which is not satisfaction, nor ultation, but the contrary. The di-satisfa. lion pat, smh as they ?ire, aro woi?i notice, partly domestic, that i?, English grounds, partly ktM they h i\e something todo with Int. rnational relath I think ii Matt kB Mil tint the Cons? a pal Mi .-orry. Tiny not made, the Treaty a party (ji tion, but they expected to tie so, and there was a tl when it so mcd probable they would take MM B the Oovernmnit on its conducting the negutlatlo and woiihi tin ii it out. It MM*M said to their rrci and particularly to Mr. IMMMffB MBdll. IMI IMrel been more than one occasion when they couhl In done this, or probably could, and when tl s. tin. .1 to refrain from Mr. Insr.ieli's MM sen-e of public duty, fatta regardlc-s of nu party consitl. rations and opiMirtunltics. If the Com. in. tit had gtfl n Way an lilt h on the indirect claims, I Opposition could surely have overthrown thero. If tl had let the I r. aty collapse through their higgling oi the Senate amendments or otherwise, It could have bt done. The saving of the Treaty is likely to prove I saving of the Ministry. Itlsagreat chance lost to t Conservatives, and as the great body of them net much liked the Treaty, they cannot be very grate] for a result which puis th. m out of cou Rail Russell Is sorry, very sorry, probably son 1er th anybody else. Ho hated the Treaty, hated It with i the vindictive dislike of a superannuated and neglect leader whom nobody now follows, and who sees in t concessions of England under tie Treaty the Jnst e< dohitiatmii of his ton ign polity during the kaH fBaia ktt decaying power. Rut to Ear'. Russell the Eugli press has done Justice, and I pass him by. The aristocratic party Is sorry the party which ( lieves In the old traditions M? English foreign patte] which Is not M are that the old MMtHMf hat ab. ? ate.I ; the party Which, thaagk ari-tocrntie, do. ?< not i < bule all the ai istoeiat i, and MM Inclu?!. MM) . b. m and mid.II. tlass nn n, . specially literary und prob sn.nal, und which tlnd-i a iiouthplcc' In The Pc Mull Cazfttt. This is the party which was, I in-fin. t and conviction, M HM side of the 8<ml during the R. hellion, WkMh r<ci ,'ii:zcs Ka tcali.-m under almost any guise, but ahm all, R> pubiicani-iii as its enemy, aud in ih. war on It when It gets a chance. It d<s not think America tho MBBBl of llngiand, nor thi England d.d anv wrong to America, and if it didtlm: so would rather tight to maintain tho wrong than neg Mate to atone for it. Tu arbitration In general It has sincere rep?gname, ami upon arbitration lu this partid lar Instance it looks with uncontrollable loathing. It hi steadily sought to undermine IM treaty ever since was made. I MCd uot remind jmi Of the attitude ( such men pa 1-ord I .ill-bury, Earl Ore] , Lord Bl dMdal i.n.l Lord Cairns, dining the various OMVeTMtMM au ib ?bates of the last six months. There arc a great many men not to t>e Included i . .,? , ..t. gone- who .11.1 not and do not like tli l'i. aty. The other day I aski d a journalist who kcei o.iii.clf unusmiUy Wad infoiturd about public Oplllio ?Ml he thought would be the elle, t of a total hreal tin .mi. " The Iiirt le. ling," he answered, " would ho on of v. ry gi mral r.litf." On my expressing some su prise, he added, " Veil, the fact Is, most men are tire of the dlecus.-iou, and a very large nurntx of sober and thoughtful people disapprove it fioui the I? ginning and ?Mid bl clad to be done wit It." This opinion wu-almost identic.,! with oue I hear uttel' I Ml Btkl agOi B hen the dlfMBll I ? about lmlirci - praagBa. a Mryeaslaeal laheral said the that for his part lie thought England bad .lone no wroni ought not to MM apoloi.,/1,1, ri. \.i .r I in f ICtapolOgta ought Ml lo pay an) iklBft and probably m w r woub As that was In tho first gust of inititioi I did im: think much of It, nor do I agree with t ophii'.ti ?' ove .looted. IM mistake both men ? England ley Lomh ", and in Ju.! Luido tiythal small MCttM of it WkMk n v oil I - about th curt, the clubs, and the MWMM of l'ailiaiu. lit. Bil there B no demiug the tact that the is far M populir than mere surface indications would Cot ati\ body t) supiKxc it to be. Over the mue kBMMBl Ml oefol ktloni aid discussions aud (let us bop? newspaper artiidc-, BMtyMdy. It may h s.,?I, M h- .i i-i - London has bec lutr.l by the indiioct claims M? was mur bored b; am thin.- '??'?. [ fear it n;.i-t M a.lied that oui shin n ..-a lions hascoiillibute.l a good !'?... i. ('in lathing toward making u- popalM M II -p ?ted, Kato ... m "i nloa ii.--. i -o Id??'< - bolellgbUj betareeaagoi . i in., at. and lie nut!, .u w Inch H n-pl?-. n's. Wo ha'., tionght to cmplain, though we h on loin h ciu-e to M gi-t. that the .ots and WOTdOOf the l'le-ideni ail I MM Mretary of Mala aaa looked upon a? tM ... weda "f Um ?MBttaM paaatai bj athaa voada list the M?M I- kaigad by the ,o ! s of ,ts ruler-. I an ? ni joinlug in or oaring foi iiJ.let t claims as such. I don't think our gm ?.-.moc auii. -i Li-1 Had bai ' ? ' at i" ' ? ov. rotated, still Ma di 1 I o ubt we bail a I iglit to put Mum forwuid un.h I tit Treaty. Hut the) ware of a kind in.I will computable in money, and not (a-ily arguable b.fore a court. What wo ha\e a right to com of is the method chosen by out tovt ruinent to aaftMM tlnui. It H that vhich ha- brought t?llenlo arid odium BffM us. The -lifts and nit onstsbruciea and degrading subterfuges ol lr, si.butial diplomat y haie been th.- laii.lun.- -toi k >d ? ??? iv Foi. ii.-i!-< ?Ili. ? and Embus-y m Lui..]>.?. Mr. l'i-h' pvtciise that he put forward the indirect t i.tmis OBly to g.t a deci-iou ag UM t llieni u ? bBI ftfMBotora dOMM hlt.w of i l. MM '<> Ike attet tatiou of a b. lief in the dis h.tie-ty of American iicotiatus. of <;>n. Beheaek'l huniliJting explanations to Earl BBM 11 I kaM MM eiough in a former letter. if it lie oaj ,..n, f.rt to us, we have the sati-fat tion if know |MJ that tho English think but poorly of the i their own liovei minut has cut. />oi funk, perhaps I should pav. Just now the PS I ?coupled 111 distributing praise lather thill Maine. Uwd iranulle g. ts eradtt for great I'atience, Ingenuity, and ;.I tem?"'!". Ho much tor oucivcdlng. Not long ?ig.., then thought he had failed, he WM for too great suhuiissivciics-, too ob\ MM anxiety, n suvo the Treaty, and too little concern about the uing.T of allowing the Arbitrators to get Jurisdiction In ?me way over the indirect i I inns. Tiare M some fear l>t you may say that after all the Ai bitrators did dc e.t. on them, and if that ho mi, Mr. Fish oin-lit to lie ?trim My happy. Eor though the MMBM is ugaln-t tho lull. .1 Stat? s it is i.recl-elv the deci-h.ii u hi. 'i he, as tic representative of the United states, mis been suyiug hi desired. Is I was not in the non." when Mr. (,' id- M I made hii statement, on 'lliurs.l :y, J cannot say how if was re ,e\itl. The r. |...|t , | || with loud ?beers, but whether tbJ House was re lily MtfcMMStM cai.tiot be told from Ihit phrase, which MMM ?Imii'y lii.r th. ?c was a rolling tit* of hear, hours. Ruf neither about the Monse?or atout the country can thero be ai y douM M one point. lMh ale loaWtttj glad to haVt tho lnd.r. t Bl bBB ?'?' 'd ?ul hurled. Not buried, any h the J. I rBBMBV til?n tl above, not even dead ? only suspsnded ; maj be to-night up again kj and by, after we I ? n . ?' the diiit claims paid. If you know anybody ji V wio holds that View, pray tell him that there will al'iayo U. oue l.ngll-li j.uirnal in w hich he . M air his ovlnum. _ u a -, EBOCBEDlHOI BDOBI THI iBBsTBATOBB. DttCDIOl ON Illl IM'IIMa I ( I.AIM-. Tin- following i| tin- text df tin di rl.nation i p.p.-. tng the liullrcct Claims MBM Lv Hie QMBM Arbitrutois on the l'.ttb lost., in answer totMfaapaOBl rf I>ud Ientoidei, that there shoubl Is- MadJaaaWMMl if the Court for eight mouths : COUBI s., loin-, th.- Pr. ablest Of IM Tribunal, proposes to make the following communication on lb. part ul tin arbltratoi s to u,.- part?as Ink reeti .1 : " The Artilii '!e. li-h It t.. be understood that In th. nb*cnations Me] are akoal t.? make Umi Mre a now solely the application of the ageni of Bei Brttaa ale Majaatr'a GoTernaseat, ?kiek la bow ka f.i" Mitin lor an uttioiniiineht, which might ba prolonged tin the month..f February lu next year, aed the motives for Mist appli atn.ii, i ii ? toe dirT, it n ? s of opinion ?bleb exist between Hei Brltanule Majoaty't (...lemm. ni snd the (.oMTiimcut of the I'nited Ht?tes M to the ton,p. le?a) of the Tribunul anil "f bV liruty of Washington to deal voth the ! ' idi-m? adraaced by the i mud etatee la reetwet of losses antler the sevrrnl heads of. first, losses on th? trans., r of the American commercial marine to the British flair; second, the en hanced rat. s of payment of le nanee; third, the prolongation ol the war, and the ???'linon of a huge ?um to th. i os? of the wat and tho suppression of Ihe Repetlloa, aad UM h .no which her tile Majesty's!.ovemiiiey' does not abandon, that if sum. lent time wl re given forth?t pwpott ? (?..m'ioti of th.- dlfflcalty which bas Mm- arisen bj tM i.nation <?f a-uopbiiit i) tal I o uve ni no, i ?.. ween the t ? o Oo vein in. DM migiit be foilinl practicable ; the Arbitrators do 0?| propOM M exrTe??, or embodv an opinion upon Ihe point thus III till. I. lice bet R ecu tM two (?overnioe.'i I - ,. to the Interim fallt n or effect of Um Treaty! but It seems tu titeln obvious that tint subsl.tmlal ob? ject of tho adjournment must lie to give IM two liovt rnments an opportunity of determining whether the? Chums in question shall or shall DO) ho submitted to the decision of the Arbitrators, and tin' any differences Mtweea the two Governments this point may make the adjournment unpro lucir >Of any usual effect, and, Bftet a delay of many months, during winch both naiitiis may In-kept In a state of painful suspense, atay aad la a result which it is to be presumed both (?overnmt nts would eipuilly ?b plor?? that of Making this arbitration wfco?ly mope This balag s.>, the arbitrators think it right 10 state that, after the most careful ts of all that has tsen urged on IM part ol the (ioverriinent of tho United BUtee In respect to these claim-, ib. y have arrived. IndliIdually and t o lei lively, at tlM conclusion that Mu M < hums it.. not constitute, upon the principles of international law up pinabln to such ca.-es, good foundation for an award Of COtnpeoeation or computation of tlaiii.ig. s b t ??. ? ? non-, and should upon smh principles be wbaUj ex? cluded from the coiisideraiion of the Tribunal In making up Its award, even If there were BO disagreeMOOt a- to the eonpeteney <>f Um Tribunal to ?let Ids thereon wttk a view to tti?s settlement <>r the other claims, lo the consi? deration of which by the Tribunal DO Ml Option hS ? taken on the part Ol her Untan me Mii)esfy's (?ovil ntiient. The Arbitrators have thought itd.sirable lo lay b. fore the parties this expreealon ol Um rlews the? have formed ujioii the question of iinbllc laws involved, in order that aft.r this declaration by the Tribunal it m.iv be ronsld end by the OOTOl liment of the United Mates whether ativ co.ii M can be adopted respecting the tir-t-lncu tloneil claims which would relieve the Tribunal Iron tin neeeeeit.i ol aecldlng upon the present application of Her Rritaiuiic Ma)esly's Government." GENERAL FOEEIOE S F ils. GERMANY. IS- '?ASK Of ?MIGRATION TO AMI.KKA? Kl I'olT Of lllllllll MBAdOMBI To M hDOWEO? I NVA I LING OK THE STFIN MOXUMMMf AT NASSAU. London, Tuesday, July 0,18TI. Tho llcrlin mrn -pondent ol The Stun<Uinl writes that the in.r.ariiig tub of emigration frouii.r many I" Auieiiea I MMM considerable uneasiness to the Impon i Govei in.n nf. and measures for the r.pi. :, of the . xodus of subjects of tho Kuip?e aro seriously coiiteinplated. The monument to the great German statesman, Stein, unveiled ?n Nassau to day. The ceremony took place MM of the Lmpornr and I'.iupress of Germany ai !?''ne Frederic k William, and the chief tllgti'tii.. s ol tie urt and Kmplre. The sintetaelo Was grand Md iuipo ... and was witnessed by vast crowds of people from a' tsof Europe. Tho Hon. Qeenjl L.incr.ift, the Af an Minister, who was pre-ent, was invited to addn a ufneinblace. Ba gave an e'o.pu Bl of the roer of the man ?Mao memory (icrmariy to? day celebrated. Btein, he said, first kindled ttMkSMOf German Bl iy, ami time had fanned the iparfe into MMM. To him ' ; iiany owetl the proud poatttM akB BBW kBld atnoii.'t. nations of thoeailh. srAi.v. MOVLMI NT-* Of DON CAfAOti i.oMies, Tnaadaj. Littois from Geneva n:iy Don (?irlos, the Rp.iiiish prcieiider, is expected lu Sv.Hz. il.nid next Week. CUBAS PBlTATEEKnO. IBIXUBI OK THE riONF.KR?SHI'. IS TAKF.N TO NKWTOKT BY/ AN AMIIRH AN RKVKM | CUTTKR. Newport, R. I., July 9.?La-t frreniof', M the Revenue cutter Moo. a-in, StattOBOd a* this p. It, I M on a crui.-e to BlOCk f land, und v, hen otf Point aTadltk, she sighted a aaapietonelookiBgeraft,alad upon laying to and speaking her fouud her to be the Cuban priva? teer Tioneer, formerly the United States Revenue cotter ? rf ti no !.. fore t.. Cubana. The captain of the cutter ordeied her eoM mander aboard, who said he was a Ueotentant-Com n .h..ici of the Cuban \t.i\y. The echooner was broaebt into port, and thii morning the Cuban Sag i. lytag ii'oiu htr. The .row consista "f (our ollicrs and Sixteen u.V.. The OdMCfl aie (apt. F. !.. Norton; Lieutenant C. mmander Y. R. Hat:rick; Capt, K. cam, end Second l.l< ut. J. A. chiurean. Theenw m inane from all nationalities^ The ve-sel la keevlly l aimed, having two M pound I'arrott guns aud, ojyj ,, pound rifled Franck gun, besides large. Bt?cT of .mai .unis, with ainiiiiinition aud prnvut?ns for a long cruise When asked why she was in neutral waters, I r t ? n ? iniiiio.r he ?aa waiting for further orden from a messenger who was pot sshon at chara I in, s. C, bound f. r New-York, a slit rt tune ago. 11. r OfHoen c I al m they nave ?oled as a tie. oy ill dr.I a In g the Spa'.i-li v si ri mou from Cuban waten, aad are v. ry ahxi ret oui of port before tie Bpaolsb fleet hear of tbeii whereabouts. The Secretary of thi '.'? den l tie- reasel to be retained for forthei n into h. i t hai.a Ml and objecta. M i:\ICO. kiii\\ppi\g \ni> hMAfaUMAnOVf PMI ? U r.vr? TBOUBLBg ABOUT III PBOJBCTED BAIL ROAM. ?'t tv of Mf.xico, .Jn'v 1, vin llavitna, July?. HuslaCM throii'.'hoia MexiMM stagnant. Tin-revolu? tionary inovt?tneiils coii'inue In different parts of the country, aad aaaatiMBtMM aad ktdMpptag pmtbU ev. i v where. Miguel Uribe, a wealthy proprietor, WM kidnapped near the Capital, aud taken out of his car? riage in which he was ruling with his family, ami Ml I hid off to the mountains. Juan Corvantes, a prominent cit? izen, WM kidnapped In one of the principal -tr eta ..f the c apitu! while returning to his home from the theater. A ransom of IMM was demauded. M. Uassoes, a Frenchman, was also kidnapped lu the environs of the city. The estab liditnent of Areisuga, In the Town of ,Toc?me, wai cu? ti nil by al ?.tid of W) men and robbed, and a sou aid nrother In law of the propi i. tor were murder. 1. . Km/, has ileciiimd to accept Co Ministry of Jus? tice, anil the position Is still vacant. Complications bav? in.- MMM i" the affairs of the State of Jalis, o, <;,,%-. Val? larte Ma been compelled to resiga. The Mexican jour? nal- in full of com pi tints against the usurpations of the nment. The Postmaster-General reports th it lur? ing the paat year then bare been IM public robb . io( the malls. Mariscal, the Mexican Minister to thi t nlted State?of America, Will probably ?ail tor Mew-York00 th.- 15th In-t., on his way to Washington, to enter upon the duties Ol blS office. '1 be Hon. Tie.mas H. .v, ;.,,,,, th,. r of th. United Slat, s to Me\!eo, will also sail for New-York on IM im h in?t, and win not re i in a to Mexico a- the Ameritan Minister. The Government has imposed extra taxes ui.theeltlaens of Mexico, It is reported that c.\ Gov. lia. i Will soon assume the Governorship of Vera Cruz. The execution of luc?an In Cuba by the Spanish authorities created a great sensation In the Cttj ol Mexico. Inclan was a number of the press prartoas to the year latrf. He joined th? Anrellanoe and was con? demned to death by a protninclameiito, but was pardoiictl by ProatdoBt Jaarea and went to Coba. m. Ro-ccians has published a manifesto c-nsurtng the Mexican journals for having attacked bis projected enterprise, aud complaining that lo spite ol his iuowu predilection for Mexico end Mexicana, there is nobody to defeiol htm. He calls on the patriotlam, honor, and generosity of the mbxbmm to laM tM matter of the lailroad again under consideration. TKI.CGRAl'HIC NOTEH. _Coiiiiiiantler Weld N. Allen has been ordered to oiUiumocr .luir it lb? Urooklra .NtTj-Ytnt ... William Kirk, late of Los Angeles, perished frum Mat ?u.l diinit *bilp cros-iug tlie Ooloniio be.crt. _Three houses in Marlboro', lister County, N'. T., w?r??!nit-k tij liibluiug MuqJ?). Jrxrin.?li Terw,;;??tt ? jM Ihswalr |wi,?u lujurrU. ... .lameh I). Petty, age EL "f ('amelen, Me., lately,,.-1 aa ? .'.rrk iu UuiUiU, uul iuaiK-lt .irtltr .?, ?I Ms WtrvicS ?SON i Ml en/. ?Tlininas Smith, ?t negro, was'l, Mun diy. tt Lotilinllr, tti be hsngi-.l on us Uli of .SfpUmtwr l"r ih^ Ms ut Jom^iIi briden in Mir, lull. ? Dr. B.HabbaO Koon. who arrived at Snn I'ran ? iu Ht* YorV hr tbe U.t aMasr, SSMBlttsB ?nl.-U? bj uIium M o., si. nui iii.ift. M.....ii. tad -The l'oril.ui.l and Ogdetisluirg loan DM DBM inllinrilnl hv Ihr .>. :lUr luir nt uor? lilil? Hors- ?a ,. ir, tM I I'ult ul ?..I aM lii.e ibuiucr ri.!r.?j lite itru^ht to the WMt ? llernlianl Murray, suppoaeil to he a sailor fnuu l>.', .?nil (u.|.trulr ;u ? SMOsa. it llutfiio rntrnli. Hi s rl k'K? hiiiD 1...CI. lb? irrar ii.J ih? li?j u*1 i b<uk buul uu i l>etruit awfeayj i.?ls u l.. io,,.m...u. ? A Bfaatal dMaatah frum Cellaa,0^ aayatibal t-*.. ..t Ms Im asm a - ? iMJslI ti) ?Ui???i il .-'I. <>L ll.r t-liir^c uf "ui',||iu< SgM ?aid. 111^ M^i lit ... Secor, wer? hutnl I.) Ibe u>.b. ? In Men.I. o. Monday, .lohn it. JoMmm ana** '? '? I ? o Ml I.nil..I., Me II. rr. .11 I .ul.' I Bmo ssa M Ms vosda am MS M<?. ?? . . ...ou ,u ? lUKbi. il? saxaawMajss m? MB William Cata, age 19, wan eruslietl to thath at I . -, | ? ... ?i-r?. kl l.nulxll r \.?t?nl?t h ? lt.. IMHiniU 1.1 m? ..L hou ?I. i. b. ?a, m lb" I. u- < | ? .???rp. m ?Lieu ib? U...1.1 aas saMj (.???d. A (Hoax City, Iowa, special mJB ria MMyaV ?l?e of II., ,'||, ||....,,,, , , ,, ; ,;, ri ? ? UakeiU, la j. 11, 11,*. .>,.,? ?ii..., ti Hut |.o . Ik' ?ur?r? in< l*o? at lb? gttMsiS fSSBi Btdttil ?. ul I IMI u.rii ?ob l I'.CIpm yi (?UlL? IU... ,u,| ? tl. Uiktsell ul aj?ut?4 ?u.i.j. ill ?a?*, u. ?eaauttl ?I lieu. MaM j BTOKBS'S DEFEN8B. nStEPHTSICIAJTS s\v PIBK WAS DEI 001 D TO DEATH. DOlMAfl n. katon'm ?FtTDAWtT BOMB oit? TIIK BBI> tnv; ani> li'K CABCP?LLf PsW li? ni< i',Y "oiu;,< riol *"?IbbAXIT] in mi; 1 iMILl OF Tin: nt! -i i:. The- tl? fcfhafl in thd tttokl - I sii'uiiltt? d th B Ucal t ? . ami vary anezpi ? u uiv ins. ....' b? in jires? ni at the LeilsiiV of i , 1 , and I he had In ? n dragged to 4 I "I IBM. T' ? - ling Bl ah n I l M etvaa I ;. i" I Health Officer of the I'-irt, amia BUrgooa of recognised tl but, unfortunately far the prl ?: ,111b" di'i i was sworn, othavwnMaf ill repute, if?- kadi has f >r a long thaa !???? ? m i ? ] city, and this f..< tin | Itl are bound to protect the I . * troM ? zpoaare, from impeaching his t. | i is I 11\>- doae v< i v n 11. -. v i i. ?.... I ?. ?. fM . Jaif.pailhialailj as he ??> .-????. . >i ?i in in? rlow 1 that Klsk d?' ?l from i . aad Dr. ."?!. n ady, it probably Mahal ta tag atiada at ki kjiyaati ad ? ahmeteaaaaafdeath, which wa hat m, ? d. fense hoped fur by the la t ?nil. I .? n.. <n? al U Bthni ny. The < a of th. n ? witnesses,porbaaetheaaaatdlah dl at the to conduct, fell to Mr. Toi Mr. ffnOartaa lor the i r ? ?? in this cap;,! ity for Ma | | dently made i arifnl stuc, ofth. pel tato and conducted the luejalf lea 1 th great ?kill. Mr. ? lartea IM aal ??: i ? ai . . \.m,mitbin, in i i i . ? i ? f his vaxatioa al eraa Altogotli. r, the '. ? i thai or the day bah :?-, . gpai tad .ind Imps. paiaaai r, t.. th. ? ajg, i n,., and that his broth? r had in d ? ? -? PEOCEEDLM JN 001 As soon as tin- ('?'?f o m ' d Hr. a? mm M i apeath a af person ? i ti-rd iy, in UM < BM M of ?? tat i .' , aad j erha] i la the i l ? i n.. i-e iba ?ctica of on?- of i ? other side, on tl..- tup] i so employed by UM i riaoai ; i n otl innke M ? j.i. ah at* n ?'- ?? M him. 1 ?? .t.... sBTt a.-ta rt.ii:.' I nioio fully ,?t my bra ? whom I referred to, nas only cenase! la I ----1?i< k< dM aat la aay BBsBBer relate to re i laatM than f<>re to asaaarate h a , ami toaay that Is. ? siil. i hi- p. ? ;.. .i entirely pl> ? '? glad to make this BBsCBd, fa cassa U n ami f kan beca far i . i ? I ' unid i a uu? Hing to. . : ? ; from the high aaastsBI wl.i.h kit ability re? ieeacTM at th<> kaade af i I. Mr. Peach TfiH your H gratified by a hat my broU that ley character will justify no p taken here. natTMovT or ycooi i>v The dan BM thi a called B i .lu-- m ef the BBpn bm < Coartof M peala, wbo l< itil ?!. la answer to Mr. 3 I appointed Un B ? i - pn n?'? Court on Mu - I the appotetmi ' ' waa perfect I Ula an, tho Nth af Nov. nib? i. I I ??? t I of the Erie Railroad ' B .<? I I BMBM ??'! by my -| ...nn-.-i. Jute? Peak Darts, aad " Pwaa i. Eaton .m?' of the counsel for Mr. Beim? in. i. ?. - being mane at ibis point, Sfi M offered to ahow that ontheTIththi ? - rentwith Mr Eaton m th. i tl:. e ol i a. i . .. man.I d i.? - un ol th.un l papen ul rh? [bat Fisk waa tuero: that he thre. ?? ? there appeared a body of nun; h I I dthero told Eaton to lea m , ami tbreatoued t" ? i lertl thro v bin) out of the window, ? Jl.l_- !' 01 t? ?'. i" ?'' Ol prlsoi excluded. TEeTIMOkTT OP w. l. r.i.M-"- m WUUai i I weal Q. Win :.: ?I?) '"U live I A. I ? opt lin; \\ . ! aarart ol Twent; ?aftk-et, ami F I Q. DM aay turn I A. T< -, MritroMtha? la May. hin. vi. while ha waatl M ' thlagefi ? I A. Tea, Mr; it I Bfa r ?. nuiits i ailed my BBMBtM M the fact? Th.- in ted ta Um - fnrtl. r, an I Um i tba uiM.i'.ui.i Spring, tka place a .? aahrhi ita I adegree thai it l?c?a.ills - Juugo ia^iahatu said he tbOOghl It BSBM ? ....I Alii, DOBMAM P. kATOMn IT1D1 s' ? 1 . | .m,iiatnii" . awdhaavaaaaahaataaai ? ?> ? bj London, <???> ?'? Bi la ??. ? ?? a ,:oh Wiisat o?a t n m ? cas.- aamhMt tat ' sol amj lap n ?ph .1 la km atah m atsf I real .\ir. u? .n b, a Bewpaaad ta read the depoaiUoa. J - '? be ih.i.r ?.. kit wan adi told were true or false, n. r to pr?.\. bht llaii-a? Mr. M? Keon- We oft r euch ({Besti?n ?? pen ?? wer. w The Court excluded it on the gr< in.? t..f. .1. DK. OAKN'.K IIAN'.S InsTtlMOMT, ' Iota M. GsTnwahaa waa than swum. Hat if aaawat to Mr. fhi naasd : i>. Tea aie u pi rah ma aad aarai aa i a ^.? c?. How leaf bare y i u he? a nab I \. i., i a in active plaetlce >.u.'? 1 ."0. Q. What jHisition ?l?i you |..,??| as a medical mai. t A. I am suirg? ouiii I hi< f to th? ktBte t>. And what kBTB TB1 hatIB JBllBg IBMBIBMB I A f bare I.a Profi mm b( I aa ry t. r abat I ;. raun la tka BoW'York MedlcaltCoUega, and i m. Lukes Hoapital ? i bare bald a ?? not wortk wblltt te mention them. Q, Wen \<>'i sub] uaed b> tho pi case t h. Tea, 8 r. t{. Were r?u called to attead Jum - i , . shot ou the 6th <>f January I A. ^ ~.-. ?.?. Who a :.i f . jrou I A. A - : down toHtsten Islaud for me at thai iioe; I .i that Mr. Gould au?i Mr. Tweed aad bom. i t Mr. FUk MUt f..r iuo. i? Did roo moCoL Fi-h f A. Y. s, ?ir. 0. At what hour 1 a. About 1o-.?i p. w. l}. llow long did you remain ?im bun i A. I a..- pawl ? df au boar in th. ? ? 1-..1,. ,. ? Q. Whst examination did you niske ol him I | I arrived ibera I waa met by l>r. Trtpler In th. r... in, and he .isn. .1 me if I .inin t w.ii I l -i? pp. u into 11 e iii ,. r. ?im and - it > while ; he was tii. u in a somnoV nt condition. y. What wa> his pulso theu I a. Hisp?is.' Wa? abtujt mituriil ? :\i oi 7?. C>. What wiwhis resplrationl A. Ti inquil ; I did not takr .t bv my wat. Ii, but I Judge It was a out If er M (4. Prom Um exp?rience rou hare bad, can ran taba readily the respiration without your \?.,iihf A 'i Mr. l?. What wa* his color 1 A. Inflad. WHAT Is su,), k f Q. I ssk vou, Doctor, to dehne what shock I? I A Sh.iclt is the r.sult al bu injury to tka g? n.i ?I uuiual .????uioii.x. a pre] m ii' a M iba bifai j ad Ha economy; the at tending ayMptoauaare ? lowertag of tka g??o?i \italic ; ti.e pbIm baceeai? mm 1 ma ?..?.? bbm, the inMlligea. >? 1 aeoem s torp d, and ; 1 - still turth. r g. i.. i., ? ? , ,|le function ol the hesrt hum s, and vitaiitt 1. .i< troicd ?^. raaanhstMoohnpsel A. It u the m rm of sh..,k, shuck ?l.'ia-esaes the \ lla.ity, the ?hols utnuui sy-r.Mu, down to the orgaah lu: . a At.half-post Ma, wkan you wen there, did roa aa prabendsB) apeedy Mnniuat.ou .?? t e taso I a n 1 uid not; the geuernl condition of M. . .'it* tolndoca dm t.. ask th.?aueatlos ol ? .Tripler as t.. what BO thought he ?ouni ?lieol, ura? to Wht IhiT he thought he would die. G,. Had you determined to cama ?galai A, I ha?i ; f was nsjuested I.un .1.1.1, in utaers, G And did \ou si.ut (,. . I 4, j ,| ,;. ft? m wssnothing -i*-. ;.?i 1...1.,,. .,? buchsnooof rveorary, ami -Line things were fsf n >?? t t.. il. Q. It la sUArd In the Coroner's m , that taara waa ?.'1 l"';I a pint of In... d foui d .1, .111 at tel hole th .: f.. ?of the pua luortenl a. Whoa Use ?sviti of the sbdomea waa opeiM I then wna a -u...ii clot ol i.Io.kI not m... h larger Uuui a a. liai 00 the ?uriac? <>t the oiu.u tUtti I Waat|UiM M ton I a. .1 .tl It. Q Wm u. n more blood Urna tuuweabl aaaaatta Had .hi. ; 1 (? . uoneui 1 A Mn. hi . :?:... .1. ??i Would )ou apprehend an) furtiwr UBSgor from ?bookI A. Wkaa \t? mm ? uath-ui r>corertug ti n, snot k, his ?um ti. DJ ..gain Working naturally, ?e woiil.i later there la uTi iuiuie?iiste appreiieuaioo ef toi lapse; in a at 1 th. ? always more or leaa ? langer of shock to M ? i't'l ? It. I. ..1. a. h,\c fa kB TWrj ?aun.ins in ui.ikiiih th. .Iia?,i.o*U until th.-prison ?a .u.i of Uangci, hu? mu do not look upon tit? danger es un*