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TIIK LIBF.)KMOORAC VntW ' _ Ld IM M ] ?ob ot. al ' I r - i ! I u. ???? uj?>- IM 11111111'.'?? BBB ??'. r" i M.I): ] T.ll? ?-1-llt.Clll.lll tt ' ' ' In,in Ouiin.-cticnt is ' lit ?In.. :i lu? u 1>i' v. .Ii 1 I ' ' nd >'. ii"ii "i?'" rlsi ' i ur?- ?n; ft led lo ail?In ss i , ti . I, I \ ? I II \>C III ', ' , , l. , l LI u.?- Convention I? cul email ii.?.. Delaware ?it* , i'v.'iipr?I eubmll lot*? dorlatoaat the (,'i ,,? .,. rlil.v ill fnamn not anuonnred)-l>t tte p ntlonj -t,., on* iM.iiit wht-rela thor Democrat* or . |. ? i as annsa i arapan torsnCosl trnp SEtmrnttmh rot. I lui ve no 14 vor.? to ii.kof tl-i ?< >.] ., ? 1 I ?u i?i-e to MS I".?' I"':'' f"> > ? U WSJ . ttllll lint to I>4? ? Mtl'cl.lsOd l'.V H ?A ?.nice-Timt i? i mm ] ajtfwk !? ' 'it tin- V 'I'!'' of tnvi-tit,'. I will I", lo i v. I ntn horn to .-lv.' mv !>o-t 1 I ' | towam of mv SSBBBaT. ? '? onlv br pi? illu-f of u.? , , tlui i i4tu:;. BBS r>>1 ?'iioc in i>< wr ..: | ? ,V?'..lll?.ll w.-.i ? w;i BOBB?I ?lit'?, a . i ? . ? I ,<? .?-ill. ii'il .trie 1. win, His sea - ' ??! .i ' -? ? tiieficUi. lotrr. wbi.i mor illy In chains. I* i' no! t , ? Hi? Y icri! ?... v. ? liiu-.iit in lue Im , -. . , ' ,( I , il :i ,. I ? ?ii . ? a .?.ii, under tha ??rbol oon?tltottonal ?Mnei i carbol ststntea (?.*-.-. l In alleged! i amen imo !.. Uirot? le i" I y I . ? thl? "i peuplol I H.k yon lu .,,,-i.-..?-,,.?r, ?Mili gBM tamas ?Ii ?rere | ?,f M.iir i> aee ni Mr. en t. ,, I Wll i! I' !??? Ill th?' Vi th il Ane i ? ' v. in? ti we ?re I 'in-ill nt tin fi iw?x i> fro ? I m till u p? ' ? _ ni . ..i" word ol ?.im.ii'l rr exped?! r w?r. witi mil n ? ; wii I ' 1.1V.u I'll? ? \ i OU. It Will III. IT' . pieU-nd ii (Kiwer nn 1er the r it t,... ui? nt- m ?lie Constitution , ttiiii un- Intended lo ci nah tl u iiie N..1 in, m. i Hi?' North muai I nit 1.1 p - ien, l appeal -..u,i? expreoei. ir ewe ?o? a tri<- M'li.j et. ii I' ? Ud i ij will i ,.t IUl'1 >i'll lo I . let lllMIIHH sl'llis ii thai .??'H in i?l iii 'i" "I t m-lii . L , .,,'HI-.,'|V, s. WI | l ? - mi?.i it I'j ' . nil, is tin. r - . ...i!i, Uon an eli ' I 1 ? ? il mone m -, i>\ l-c.leral l?u '. Unchain tin; mi-ai li.i.i.?'. Uie American peop ? y, u ni tuen nt ? .'? i Sttlt&tll ??Lo ???> miry. (A '? ' .?"ii arek w ont< . i ...i ,, i m .11. ?.-... You m?' a i two ? : tii- aa eaaeadmenl U I Why luaist u.i.i.i II I If ili ? i ,rc I, wny do yon r in mi l i> it i. cm forward, lor ihe purpoas . rt.iiii,' a plain, h ?.u?' .1 oi .?.?I?! i-siit. Iniw?. tyranny Hiid fieeilma b. ,\?.-.) i United forerumeul mi ?A .? 1 .u?".] Mr. President, 1 '111 wo .1 upon you, lor I hare broken dono rei serv. m no utu?r ?cause. [Applauee.] Ilrnu ? tllU ? "T ?'?i;'??l II illy Wllllifl Uli. Ii Uli 1? ' 1 l.l.'.l I II,IV Bui l do s... i. ?. i i."'iiiiiiii -, it v. ii i ' -)',?.ik ?? i.:i ii-t 0W1 \i'i' '? .?:: Air It?'"', HU.l I In .IV,' tlll-rn Will IK) ?,'I.HI? <ll' it "ii tic )..iii ol ti" K't'it ooni vi ihall ni'i ' If youi j . ititiit.-. it l o. ?i-l yn la in umt .m o ment i i? i -Ii i . . .i > f..rn.iil asseul .-.I'.l.lnl ?I, ins l . n .? III?- ?|ll?--i lele? upon ?? i.n ? i ?'.. nul pi opone to iti tain t ; A- i i.,i .?? ? u.i. tue i-uiuiilioii ut my 1,? altJ But I daaire 1 i. ? i u,. pro - -i agi ? t,ii?ji of tlie? i. n.. u .,? .?' a i? on-m u..m? u bi " ?'!? IliO bithjli.uuiilii'al l.?illi Willi lliC CollVcUlloU ? 'i minor advance I to tlie pi nt form and made s .^ i,...t sur Uli i ..?'i? o? opinion ,,,, up, and reTiewius tne proanaaofereati whto . il about h.i. ,i mi), r ii.t ubaiifea In polttioa ' I ' - ill si,Hi" \ ,:?' iti.- wi.o.i i ,i|, n m une hftly alllaiKBin Mi M? Kin ef Tr:it)f>'!-c.?I nslt th?? MBTt-MJ lias been extended t.? tn? teentl mien from otuei of tit? oouutrj f?. , iiii.ii ?. i,h? l Clinic, li v?. I tu \ ite a? r.? lu* i i oai own eon m leuiv's m our delega io i. aud u we hare noi i??-?-ii per iiiiti" i ii"'". we win bare f.v ; loa at utterance in a ?eniotratl. National Oonrentl.m loeakei naa euliad to orilar trwia ad parts t?l . m . i? .i a -i"i>t?.'..i ?. itii call-<>i i?r.nT. Ddrtun tne ooafoalon tbe r li ,,1 I,,-. u c ill ?1 It i ' i. aran h?m.,.i | .?t tne m ?orii-ineiit oi tne i im i.i.i.iti ptaWona ,,- i.? .;i tunnel j .' ? i . m So m. tbe pount.iy. ?-sii.-i-Mi!/ i.u- ?- ia, aud < oaeil ?.?tii hu appeal fur tbe in ivieo_oui o? luii Xtilu X Vil?, an i xv. ii Am u . n ,,?. Mr I'.i.u ni ... , i ow ]?roi?o?r?demand?s VOU) O.i LiiO lilalii qiiiti.u^, ?id lue Hum liaa 1,' Mr Itarksdale of Ml-siiKiiipi a-ked for the vot>- t?. lx Tbe i ? ? o. ? ? . ?j irntion ' . led on im- t (...) i i(i i I ... ! . .... : ... I.I. ,.?, , notii. fi man j . 'M ? N? l.ra.ka. 6 ? ......... IJ . C ? Ualifonda . u ? Nob Uuiapshira...? io ? . .. 1J ? .\. ?.-.), is, ). y ? .? ? ? .\ Y. Ik. TO ? i '? . c I MurtBUanduia. M - . 11 ii? w..rn .4? ? .a ?or? (.-.ui. ? ? lnUlsu^ ...0 ? j- iiisylvuiil.?.61 7 . - i.u 1 lili I. tl ? K..11H?. iu ? ?. -nth Carolina. 14 ? K*y.*i ? i. iHifiM'o.i . iw ? jexM. 16 ? . 1* - V luioiil. io ? ., . ?i ? -- ?i? t Vi._i ..? tt ?? %?- .M ,? . i, ,.i. io ? . lo ?_ . 1 ! Totiil.C70 M . ^8 i ' When tbe vote ?.f Del? Uli il.? T 11 I s .,,, m U,,, ?,,(|| w|l, ,,.. ?il ? I ? i it. ! io t..? ?Courent Ion, u? lv, i" lel ? -.' i i ..'?? rote its own ??? n "i. i ,ti. i i..i ui u^ [, rcaa ' i- ".it "I It is i.i-M S| , i-tlul tu n, la declared. ? t ( Hi !l..?loi;o OOlUe Ili^ia the ."in li,? .I. I? . at?-... . at und.Tstaii'l licit wh lo ? < ?, .mil -lion,?! n,;i?t uo iletnoBauaUoua until our . i Win u sailed by Um n 1? i lily ?.i 11., a? legation oast* the I'l'i.n willen II?, i,-. Is a < i,i Under tUsi rule, the luuturitjr of our ih u^a ? H'o 8 .it in favor of hiH4 S> I . r Hi",, i . .?? '?'.,,1011 V,U Im Hu- nl_l v.. ..... i .. I'tliill in in of ? ni in- vote I . i.i? ?i.,. ?.-.,...? . XI .t a?* ' 111, I'lir-.lalit i I thi rote of . mu. I deaire 10 -i; le , :? J 1 ?\,i- mil in iti "' ' BC-tHoll ., ?i i?, l?--.,.i?,ii. !? I ?? i >? m Um iliy. { mm ?if ' Ordei !' | I r, in ,l ?... i i v.uiu.1 li.iv, i, u my i ..i- u. lagaiMHi, bad I bad aa i i.ii i ' - r. II,,?' my volt-oil I hi? uiot luii ? ? ii tin- II in. I - i ? .- i.?n of . ..?? qui m.?n -.,? re hi mi - "i tn?- |.i,.? i,,, .. ?uuau ,?_!-' ,? ',.';,? I.i che? .........ii.ouM, bul 111. .. .,,;,,! m ' " u. ?oeuilualy ,?t 1,-aat, l" UkfeS 111.H i ... ? - ,, ?I |M , iri?o*e .?! .i . I .1,1 bar * ? *" " ?,?? | 1 A...I...UU tu iiil.,. I tbe rote as a I'lr,i. A VOICK I 1 ?i\l I in: ..l-.liMAWH ttor Ooffnuui ui . . ,,, ,,nv?.Jlt , ? I sheet II """" ...i the Seerei '?' LI.? ' !? . I It "I ^li" "? III .?hit wliilfi ?tMonanieetaa , r N'<- Tort arsferasei [ApiIbbbs.] , ? . . > ,iv i .Mil in?? ?.?per. i<* loll"?"?: ?.,?.. ,?. ..??..< OS. ?pp. Bt?4 "'"?I "?' .'nr?t?rr?. I? istasni'?__i?Bi?'l*''?~??'1 ?.""'?>"?? >*?"*?-i , a?. |? |.? l^??m? . llr..?rn. in ?.-*?? ? . ? ' "'? i"c*" "? ' . - . ?I?? -r ?h??*t .' , . ?., ?t.- - ?i iMtusars ? ,,?..,, .....nil i.i?i)(r.t*is?i.'?amiii_ 4-tmn ' lor Iba ' ' rr.i-aa .? ? . . I ? ... ktaemwaeae, 9 Una t, Jul.? s, lirrt. ha' I..TI50 f'.k raasmi kt. Mr nwf Bf iBdlaBBi ,| aBBBBB* t?> Hi' Prirtiiat, f os mt : im. ('?..M-ntion, Hie Iollov..iiKit.s?i Inticii : , . LTkatt - ' ..BTri.tniB do n??w ptoo-??J 1<? lb? ??>?? ft s'"|*? ?-.I . BtsdMlM f'T ? .?t,.? lbs i m-?! Mana |aip'.ui?-.j Tii).,, ..... nissndsii)Mr.Osa of New York Offered to mi .'nil bl nd'iitiK tlio win. 1.1. "nuil tl.i'l In t;,?-ir rotea f..r Prraldenl und VI? i"1? ildenl the riniirmuu of euch di I. galten snail rise In In- i'iio e and . "U tl.? ...'.' ?... lOU ??>?' ? . I" '? I i- ?...i.m? nl UIOUO ,"i'.: leren tbe rote ol men Bl iti." Mr Kiiy I iiceept tin? iuucridmeat. TM resolution us thus Bastad* d was ununimoUKly ii'i"i' >"i. Mi Baowboot "f Il'lnoid?I present. I ho nntne of -. irkaa. indu ite f? r Preatdoat ?,i ihc United State , |Oreal applause ] Tbe < ..i? ?i n ; ion proceeded to ?<>'<? lor n ?ati.n 'nfr for ? . . , wi'.li the following r? Alnl -?oftli? dolceiitlon from Ala ?,??,,, | Horace Or?ele* o1 N I York, i m- being in.- Bral rote east, tbe name of Horace ,,,,, , iiiodforth n tremendous burnt of applau ludienoe riaing and warin? bat??, btndknrcbiefs, and fana, the ladlMiii iho giiloiie? and biixo-jjoiuiuti iu in-' d?monstration. . . _ After a?rerai minut"?. of Interne excitement nad I, three rou.slug cbccra ??.r.? given for Horace Oreeley, and when the S.crotary announced tbe reoall ol tha rot? tbe ? bei ring ??..?? reaowsd. Arkaaaaa?The State tt Irkansai essti hsrUTSSBl aolid r??i Horace Ore? lej [Applanae ? ?Conne-ctiru I .- - ite of ('"iin-ciicnt ci-ts her 11 rotea for M" ? ol N I [Appla i? ., a ii Porreaeona peraooal to biinarlf. one mem. ber of our dclegat rote 1er a diff?rent per -m: iri'in what the l.iil'Olty tin? Avert opon i.s Senator Bayard ol our own st ?t-; but tbe majority ??r IT? ' mm ?i i i '. i ml hi i me to cast tbe rote of Delaware i r bar own ?on, the - a. i.....?ni, i ? rob -. [Applsuac.] i i of Florida custa ta voie, for .,r." ej and two b ?eorj ' of Georgia CSStB fourl.l.ur 18 Mite- for Horace Or?ele/. Iiiiiiols?Mr. President, Illinois It horn to oontt ber aid to aar? tbt eot i I than tu instalo a party ; the caet? I" r*1 rote? for tbe Philosoph? t, ?tatet uiau, and patriot, Horace Ol.lay. lOreal applanae.] i a Mr. Preeldi m. ii Hi?- m? lei? noy of tin-? great politicalrerolutlon, Indiana waa iiiniir?i to recognise ,.,,?1 H i 1 it. un; 11, v il,.im.m h; .mjl roOOf r Horace Oreeloy, tbe diatfnguisbed atateemi.I ifork, aa ? ni repreeentatire ol tbia great nom? ment i vo votea for lioraoo Urealey. [Oreal applanae.] Iowa casfg her 22 vote? unanimously for Horace -'<)? KinxiiK?I lau? nisii acted t>v the KaiMM d ?Ipf.i' to iwll tbe whole 10 rwtea of tbe Slats tor Horace Un I -vpplana. ]. Kentucky casts her 24 TOtSt for Huraco Grcclcy. [Anplans1 ]. ? .st- her K. rotea f,?r Horace Or. [Api.liiii.-. I. Malm the State of M rH Maryland-?The Stats of Maryland cast? In r is rotea ice <?ri' ley, Michigan caate her M rstBS, SI tbt will her ??' i .. ,v ?i,,-' ? ? ,i i- h . i" rotea for H.?,:" ley. Mi.s-1 alppl It is ins, i mi-,1 ?m 11.1- |i..ii!.n n, ;.,. ,.. ? b< ...i " Pi.?? ?? n."I ? .?i??', Wil ; " ;.. aatbawatebworda ..f tii? campaign, and east? bei m .-. i tii i ; .- i .i ; a pout h ..f i?. ace and food ? laej. Mi.-niiri-1 am Instructed bj tue delegation f roi "i y ? i t .4 I ' i ; B ?i , ii ?i lit ion thereto ! liai M ore the I irgi at maturity for 11 ? t... ? Ore. ley of an r,.ion. [Iiiitin i?' appl m- .| Nebraska oaa a ber all rot?a foi ii ?? New-Uampablre ctata bar Isa i otea for Horse i tpplause.] Mew-alarw)?*be delegation from Kew-Jeraey hare Insti m t? d ii.? t.,.'..- , ?., ? t - .. Jam. ? A I Delaware [great . ?ifiat?; Oroefoy <>i new-York. [Keuewed cheering.] A4 New-Yui k h a wi;ii Oor. Hoffman at tben bead, and for a moment tbe ,i.i,n was i?.?i. Ip ?found ulenoe reigned. Tnen tbe Convention roee,wlth ibree riii;:iiig ci.. Vew-York, followed i>.? turea more for Oor. Hoffin in. 1. , Hoff I -...?,;.. ..i.' waa renewed la erery qnarter of the l. ? - cheei l ?".? er. aud tba gall? i lea i idicnc? ! . ? ime n i? it- ? -? .;??. After three attempts to ..i i i SPCSCU Bl GOT. li.'i : ITAH? Mk. Pnasmi 11 u d <?? rtubh i o? .;..; i aun si nos : r v?.i? n,\ inteiiilnii, -, ? it wu? Um wiab of tbe Salaeatfoi wl'ich i repreooat, I ibwbM limply rise sad eaal tbe rota .f How-Tort without a ward of eoasaent, and I ??liiillld lliivt-ll'ihi r, ?I to tills iiitrntioll if it mi ln>l ft I for two things wblob bare takw pises nubla H o was tns deetarattoB sf ths ffsntlsaas (roso M ? 'luit Stats win gire h tbe in ? -v of anv h? ite in tbe T'nioii. [,rp planse.] l bare ?ircat respeel toc tbe mea wbo bare if ?em d ber. I hure great i ml men of ail paru.h wbo ii.ivr Inaugurated tbia great ' morement in thla country ? bul I tell them, and I leU yon, .un' i -l. them to lake it klndlj, th i v i *.i\o n larger makirity i..r Horace Oree). ? t i i..i roteawuichMi? ? ,?t, [T.'etnen.lua In i Tbere la another reaaon, I bare hea I a lb tbe rotea oaal in ra tins.? sing esel tot a gentle ?i whom I bars tbe high -i respect, but Mem to run'i ti? tbe general M-ntimentol tbe D?mocratie party, aad it i?. for that reaaon now ?that 1 aayaword. I deatara to aaake an appeal to the gentle aicn wbo ban east tbaao ?rotea, 'i.,.- D?mocratie party baa, t?.-?i.-i?-. r reapen*ibllitr fiiii-h n? it baa nerer be? n i to In the i , tin- country. Theooiaiiig tie. lion iBTolroa a ?.?.. ?tion of far unir? itu]i .-? lance titan thai ?>f mi re party t lumpb. It v, i I ?I? ?id.- ? In-tin r, for the future, w. ??re to hare in pulilio aU.iito tlio vti.e iiu.l p ,? i ?:? r.iio of the people ??r tin? aerflabneM ol personal g i?. ru? inent; wiiotiier our public anrraata uro .to bo, ?... m oi h h tin,?-', aabject to tin? people, or tba people,aa la laterfuaya, ?no to i??> antdeel to them. A ponton of oar opponents, reeognlsing tba abase of power,ootbe juri ?if tbeirowa party leadera,and tbe |i?-nis t,, wblcfa r? pnbllean rorernment la exposed by tbe .un i i n u.? m? ?it i in-1? t uii, bare brarely took? u awaj fr.mi party d nd, with an earn? ?.t and munlj - to tin people, ?.ti i ?,?.. ??ir tbe? highest offices In luu, pledged to protect ua la our rlgbta ol local gor r: meal :.d to -ii.|. the tea t' noy lo nn [tu 11 ?attoa oi power. la tas eeleetton ?>f these candldatca v,v wi ?i nol ' onsulie?! ; Kith ol tbem are taken from the ranks of oor political oppoaenta: no nnwortby bid la made for our support i we are asa ?i. la common with tbe real ?it tbe peupla, i?> gin I ?ese csudldstes our vete? i?ir tbe aake of tba prlnelpiee wbleh tti.-v n.? t t" defend and tba ? h?Ih the.v aa*-l t.? ai-iiicvc. 'i'h?? Democratic party being in nt ??luui ti, Marty .ball tua rotera of tba country, It look? like n gn-at aacrlflc? thai v?, ihonld fol? low, inst? ,i.l ,,i leu,,!,, f, m ? ( ?m,i,,,i, ii ,n,,vein, ut a the dangerwus amo Who ara aaw la bbwot. it Uaaacri? ii..- ??? ?iioiiiii ..u- i-u- iiniiiini?, aaaaual, aatriel i?,uiv u iiiiiiiiiiioti for t, e Preaiden? ?. h?? far as sty ows - ' ? la concerned, tbe >emocrala therein ham decided taat tbe welfare of the couutrj ilemsndi in. i. und th.y t. ii uh to auk ttiui ?ibisConvention make no atrii t port y nomination, bul In In ..i? It - preference lur ?u?'. ol in.- t???i tn ii? ta uiri'a.Jy m tin, n id, ji,,,i prefer? ence to lie, oi eonree, 1er i.??- oaa Bbieh is pledge?! to re and tieieuJ popular goreru ? ciiiralizatioii und d?h|?u!lHin, I wish ? . I ndi ol ..'uii Blatte i.? !..? .r In mind tba) wbea > ??? York r-. oiiinii m!.- tin- iuiiim-, abe beta f la eiuoal in aaakmi a aacriBec for tba good of tn? ?vnole, New York la a Democratic Stale; even during tL ol tbe wai >m and, r??r imir tbe time, s Uoiu Uorernori Bre times -c ???? the war we bare ? i'.ti'iiis. i,,,si \.ar, lroiii t?mpora oppou? nt- ? arried u,.- Btste bj a ?m ill msj? Ibepower ot the LeglaUturo, bul in? lr waiiugi tl power thua obtaluad was each taat tbe i in Sut? areaotlikelj ??, trasl in.m with il agau I . Dem?crata of Mi a York bare so need of n? ?. ? to enable tbem to keep power ,?i bonae, ?mL th? ?vii.-n tin-v a-. Demo ratafrom other parts ol i t>? tn maki- ttie escribe? ol all lalulngfrom l part) uoiiiiliaUnn, tbe] .i-v t.,|- n'.,,ii nn ae !l-ll n ,.iv, Tbe K.-piiiiii, an. bave eboaeo taeli 'i ?? u mor. m ; t ?m?-, tii?. In ?un,,, t are goiag la tbe rigkt dlreetlon. Tbrraeek tbe en i ?. > nook, to wit, the p.i ,.< i .alum or i ,;'i. r tbereettwa ol freepopulai gorernmenl The good of tbe oountr? re.julr.-s tin.i ,iii t, bo s, m t?ut ?mi ciniui.l aol toj doing, we iiiati? -.u?'???-, TJie iua.<? ol lim people ?4 e this, and wi here cannot pnraae anj other than ilmi m laalalalua bota ?i?' i.i wral ''? !? i 'H. 'i. Pisiform and Hi, ii i,.,, Hi., I s, ir, ?.m giutik' uK.uiist iba explicit, aim unanimous wi-Ii oi oui aeveral oonstitunu i- -. Tiie a i-optitnce ot tbe Liberal UepnbUran llckel bei ? l? un- work of tea Democratic m,."???-. u? simpir ropreseul tbem and ?-x i?i? u in? ir wni. There mi i ? uibnui ?l an i lutreuched In iglonan Admlnl iratlon wal Uatretebea its lang ? ?.i the Whole t..m. in ,?r.?sp, ,<.? |i?,vf.r wimh jm.i t ?nn., .if right, t?, tu?? peupla; usm^ lotouly tbsUouerul '??i?? l'liint-.iii as a tinu? taa mi uoraoual propel tiKHiK m it-nil ?uso ,iii the local aovei.mte ul thla iin^iit'.' tea - of In e in u ; ini? r i? i lug bj military iwwei wlin oar elections > eaapaartlng, at I - nun raprloe, tin Will Of lui il H? (uiflHt Ul,,,,'. It V. 1,1, n. v*.?i. in fa. i. up,.a iiiiui n frei dem. i ,,?? biare band of I. wtnl Kopablicaui bare made it Ibeir u "W in. ? ilang "Us power, altbough tn?- bead ni u la one arbom tin - ibenuelvea aided to plaoolu bis Btatlou. No time ?can safely be lost la ? i r in" effort lu four uni tbe opportunity fur ,, urerlng oui lost free? dom may be K" h I It la our duly to support the pi ,,t n iremeat,eTes tbouga v.. i .,., ? , , , ,, ,? i i..,,, , . lu.-ijo, earn? -t .? ,. ... i.^it, f ,p loa? no ?lfrsH? in ri ' ?" m af mere t i , pre, .-.iciic-1<> teaoare tlie aelfare of ?le-1 ?? tn t.i .> vw.l ?o into in,- rrc-i.lential cluilr rut li> 1 ..f ..iiy e, piblnsl on ol p. In ,'?'?- Til? rflela I jrrare to admit of sclicme?. t r oci-sn'inl atiiarweii lor iKii.'-in? ?i l'oaUtlnna, iiii'l t ni|M?titr>- aiIv__U i 11 a be ermbarrss i i ay ?u, tuiim-of obligi t , |..i,t. I. silora. 11- will owe lu- ti.ctlun pu mil ?-.?????, t> mi BPrMag "' the p?, Hi m I torn laara. nothing h.m ? nrri'ti to patea bin aader oliiJgailon to nt.y nl ut m ii lu the I'ci i"- ' ?<"' PHtly. 1. fur ti.-t.iv sdnill Hutu mv a-trtoa bad baea toatari 1 y ti..- i nu liiniiti OottT? iilt'ti, be ?meal out I i,hi, n,null,ne,i Hier,.. Brents bare proved tint CuurenUon v,.i. ta/j .r than I weuld bars beea. All W.000 D?mocratie v.U'-r? ?>-U af Mr. i.reel-: r, tie h lui- Unir Min J1..1I, t.- In- vv-ili taltkfuil/ ,, Hill 111 lirilctlce the ,1m 11 Hi' ??> 4lf lie I'l,II.T.II 1,11? i natl, aucl here, an?l bis own letftsr ef arei-j,ii ..' 'I first il." Tuen- I- I'?' liei-tl of Hl'eeeh?-? oi rmtoluilons to sxpreea Ike tea.-..,!?, i??r ike aw vi?i , b v.. Kit.tii i ,i a i" re. Tie people ab rl,ml Utter than WB OBB tell ItH'U' why I ses-ept Horace flieste* as an limit mi \ i,, dl-lfB fi. aawat the men BBS I. ii i, . ,i it ami tu re ?'." 11" "i ? ? latelllgeat, n sponsl ? "ii-iutiti mal Govern m< tit. 11 ? I i n, en. lull luise, iiihl till- tiiililic Mill f, iiriiiititi Outil ru!... ii,a mi.i Dantoerata, pronenaess tki rkok l.nnn t -din?. B/i ? not, It we wmilil, turn li.iek KwoepiDs ciiiieiit oi oplalen amoni our eonstlttte \>. ought nol tu di regard Inatreetloaa ho loudly pial ily cijireiwd A? Ike ntontiiji..-, *? oftkaltl ? . et tram New York, w mi tin- raeearreae ? ol i rerj ot ihi'iK. Hii.i baowlag tin' I nnei| < 400,000 i?t.iii,.iTiitif v-ot.r?? i?, sai Otate?, l sas! Ha vote lloiucu (.iixilty of Noer-Veik. Till 1141 |i i n. North t'srnllnii Klves her ci.;.. BJ rat (?roelt-y. p.Trnt p.].plan?,,..] Ohio-The MBSJBMSB from Ohio, et ton g Ii- tfir- f. III .Nuv i iiihel the vole of Ohm will lio 111 fain Iler.ic?, t.neli-y, ?nil imw unit.-d in heart) i;..o,l v nie to cast the voten of Ohio, 41 111 Ii.i.nli'l, 11..r ice t.rc I, y. | tppltVBs? 1 A votes in tie' ?Tiller-, liuiiy ! I'm fmm Ohio. Oregon ? ,u?is itei 6 vote.? loi Hora, e i.e.-?.y. Pans Tiran?a -OiMta M vote, for lloratu QrSBkJJ foi .1? icini.iii r?. Black, nuil i blaak< Khode Island Cmu h.-r h m.te- f,.r RnraM Qreel r | ,iii 11 < afnl.ii.! 14 vote? for Util net lin- |,-y. i -1,11,,-m ?? Mi. President, In lets tttao the nomination ol Uoraoc Qreetey and Orats Bruant l in, iiii.itt, t ,i,i Democnicy of Tenne.a?'*? ii-Henil?le,| Caarentlon. 'i are aas deebl und btaltam . relea tbrongkoul tbe UbIob as te wbtil tkeald i? Ike coin-, tie' i ?'iii.i'i .,'?>, arkaatks TBaaesaee Demoeracy, ttri plr it. ,'i fii'tii tka ti.uii? ut the lit i iiiit.i ; pplautel? took tue i-eeponslblllt/ of daelari Ihiil it v .n t.iti lilil? il'itv t.i ev.-ry natal in the lead i> support tbeClnelnaatl ticket |???i ti,'oa.| fwnaeoeee wss tin Brat t<? staag ika limul u wasextended at ci.ic.iiiiii'.i, mu? it iimv to-,11 ? atara repeal ? thit Blasa T^aneaaea, tken, take asa gtf ti.ii'c j'r??-ii<i.-iii-? (?? Ibis Uiiinii, rasts bet M votes : On c icy ot New-Turk ; ami i ssbbj b te sa] '?? i .t.,-,,, i i fresa IHssonrl ami t?- lae gentleman fr, r, v. fork, us Teme- tee tu Ike flrsl n, pat Ibis imll motl.-lie i>?i'?,i?-c- to enter tbe ?tontesi arltk tkeat, .1 live the canal?! its of tklt < : aves?oa a largas ami art ti, n cither. [Lai tlit'-i mu? ?p pit use.] Tea ,. eaata b, r if rotes foi II iru-e tire, ley. \ : iiiniit eaata kW 10 *t??tesfor Kensoe Oreeley. \ uta destres t" sla-rtalite ta Iks ateat empbal nanuer ker tronlial apnroTal of atd tyatpatl kici iiiovcnieiit i,f p.u .in eratlon wbioka t . Innatl, wblek la now pasbetl on bj great oatktvel 01 pablio aaaU?_e_t, aad arkteh v. 111 ?_? a c-hiriini.i ratification bj Ike brillant election liiun win. h vvc im? t? h.i'c In Novcinhir next ; Bad I am in Imp lied by tin- r, murks ?f tkB aentleatan front Ke fort (.Mr iii'iiiiin) to twjr a word to tktate ?aaatkata ga thiii'-n w ?m bava tl "w 1 Miiin itttlfl r.iiiit.iu stota part m this great movement. I want toaay to tbemtb Virginia al.I by them iimi tvntpitnited wlib tbesa Ute dark days ol toe past Vlrsrisla felt for then, ai .i? leu wttk iiicm Hi?.11. aad imw ni.- tka fdoftoas ttai of 11 better day i?. brlgbt nlng tbe atstern -ky, we appe to our tiicni-i in.m Mlsslaeippl, Kontueky, and all wbi re to euro? f"i?? ird tad ttuteuelr poaltloa ?it h v glnla: Bgkl tke Bgbl oui side by slio witk ber, and sha a lib in 1 m tka great trlumpk v. him ara uro to Luve tbepolls In Nuv, 11,????:? in xt. I \ iiilitn-''.] Amlnow, tbe ttrongeal et-ldeooe ein- can Ktrtoi am tympatky a t Iho n.ov i incut, Vn-Jtiiii- taolr? litl ii Soleb lui lloiu, i.r 11 ley of Nea Yuri. When tke tiiineoi Wc?it Virginia was calle?!, tho chai 111.111 et tke del ...iiion ?Midi Mr. I'ic-1'li nl : W \ -, Boa. Wilkam S. Ontesbet-kj tab? caattfi i:,i m-. t Pi c?,, ie nt nf tie- l.h it a - itet, Ultra ? Oreele nut l'ii-m-i? of ?thai In? tiiievv- ist.iiit |,.u i.v, tu-,un i., fteeires to pi ktonre u?o l ni,,i,,t..c ?Coutultutiou, ax i i,i..i . tsutent ol Ibc 1 1 - M . ' inet - .-? i ."? vol..4 for lou?e (in otof, rnll-t ill betas e.iiielmlinl, tie PlBBltaBBl 'I'? ci: in I'.el Ike rcbult of tie vote, which \t..?. 1 -: Till: ItlHI l.T. lur Ortete?;. Alabama. .: Arkansas.Il Ni . ?California .U Mevadi. C .I'l'tlCIlt .11 New lllIll|iMil]i'.i Hori'i ?.t Mea Jtrsoj. la.II Nsw-Ttrft.I Illinois.4j North '?iroliii 1.! I ml 1,?na.IB Obla....i I ...i .'?-' (ln.'iii:. k insas .10 I'l-Tni- >? v mi 1.: inky.-M Ithiiiic (aland. I. tn-'.?mi.I'l -until 1.11,1,111.1. Maine.14 l>nnee?at.I M m Taxas.1 it..vs Verntoni.1 1 -un.ri V rail 1. .?? Mi.1 m ... ?t..In W, -1 \ .1 ..',,.?. , [upj.1? viis. i.n ila.; rietitlerintj. ' itare, Bayard.c l'enu? Iran?s, ''lunlf. Kit riit.i, blank. ?Weat ?Irgtula, Itinck.9 ,,. m ei.,, til.mi.. 4| On Ii 1 ???>-, Baj 11 _ 'i' \\ hole lliitnli' r ot . ? ."W 11 ul .11 e (?ici, y n 1 ? 1,. il. [_r. ut appUoae I Jaaaas a. Bayard of De&laware. II je-reinlab 8. Blaeb of PemisyPania. II Wllllaan B. Oruesbeel <>i Ok-. 1 Bl ink. a i 11 K NOMINATIOM M UM |, NAMJiiJl'-. 'J'he Ifnn. W. A ?TsllSflS. Sf l'eliisylvaiii i ? Mr. I'real dent : r.-niei lv ,ii? 1, which i- not only in point nf popalS im., bad la tka lategrtty sad toigllg?__oa of her pentiie the nivotal male of the 1,'uioii in thin contest, asks to b, n..., .1. Hi. Walla, ? belag Intllstlnctly .icnid, timro were eric: ,.t ?? |. . ,,,i m," win n, on mi en :.iiiiin i.f ttie President In- iiilvnuci-d lu the Bt?kge, Bad ii/Uiii, n IklBl inaii'), .,; follows: in ohedli'iic" to iliviilcil pabl irnoBg tbl i)iin.ici-,i\ ol tke great -Commtnwealtl we rei.ent, t put ot tin- dideaatioti baa raatlUvtttea for ?ihegeatlB n..m abo, in ne, or lance with i ?c nil. ? and nssgea of n?, ora?Bisailoa, la noa it?. ?soniBaM ?u asea at Bart -mi ,ii tkua torepreeent. Iron tin ? cbara terlstlcs ol of toarking, aad of tbougttj an rt<w- to ehange; they lite cm. m I-ol 111?,venu n! .illil . 1. Of plir|i'me ami thev r-K.ii'i wltkdi? iitetaod insj on ..n.i depart nie leim im- doettines of t'.n- fath i ?>. itit-y hart Min m, r.-itMin ?in tkey -in util revert? ibeir traditlotu nr rlttieet fnr their lr. ? bai h retofore baet t?, cun.,,ii:i,cut nt Li.: ? .\ tv tl_?agkl ? ?' I,iiri,(i-i,', f Unir linii'l-; ?..ii. i lui tlteil orjrenlBation, for II u aretl tai i wl. .?t-.t aired la imt]? tuui,- ii. rxi em [applnus I, tkal u tii. non., ii* sud I. ? I i . t.'.. i ctiiiitu i ,andll . ?? I ? I ' ? ??? ? to lud i eipllae, [Applause.] [_ey will at - ,'t Ike raeali I Un of t.i, I,,-. l'-"lt tile blljrb ,.f tin It Imrty- has decre, 1, ..n,. la Octnln-r, "mler tke lead Of n etjtcr.ui,i n ..t min mai reputation, wltl cuncentrate tbeli fureea in un Invlnolble pbalaas Utal eh.ill raiitewltb deatroylna power i? dlsorgant d aad dlTtded em in.. Pennst l va ni?, fol lo m m? liai standard of tke DeBtocracj m the iiniiiis of il- I....W-1. Itdate.wsltatolsat. tiie ciliiiiiii le vu tei?. [Applau l ?m bebslf ,?f thf Pennsj Irania <1< I d_n, rjir, l Bore to m ike Ibe i Tbe motion of Mr. Walla loa te tbe nomination ef Mr. di.?..y,.ii'.n - . r. i 11 : . ,ih a rilcilii n! applaoae, tbe delri utas and -j?- i ttora wa\ n t tkelrbati andbandkereblefs, and manifest ngthi (treatetstenthu tlaani ; tin band mean while play Intr U.Battle Cry ol I'ii-uoiii," followed l?.v ' i. . ef.' l'uriiu'tlii <-x, iii'ineiii n tceae i?.i Wl Dooaa wot ,.i played al tho back pf t1 . rtd v>i.s louUl' cm , 1,-i. Tbe ,|i?esii,ui aras tksB pot I ? ? d tie motion was agreed t->, aitli on ? on? or tvvoui . lUtg \oien. (i.oit? i eke, i IBB. i MAi.i.oiiM. i"-, vt.,, rti ?M vr. The Pret-iit'iil- T!,. Bl ?', . iisgj B '" Ml tfe i-i,,l,- on the n,m..ii. ? ,.,.1 ; a i .lUil.iliile *??r ViiC rn ?-M. nt. Mi. l'liitnn of K .i l i ? ,. |Jjjtj| the rules Is? hi.?. Iicmli il, ?ml thnt B. UraJa Itiown |a noniliiiiti il ?i \ n ' fiesldent i?. a,. lau M I, d A mill loiiil ilieerliii' end cries of " Yes " aad "Its ' tSB im? mu waa wlthdrawD,ami tin.tarj pt?at*?seded ,? ??ini tka tul! m .-t.-ti? m, niiiiiii iii.i lu, uot t??; reaj ii. legations respoud I as - - : Ai.iii,ii...i i,ir ii i ; Bl a n. I Arlaasas?Tbe Chairman of tbe _>, c.-t> In i U iule,) lu? (ka ??<? al >..:.- ..t i......, J - Uro a n. ' It (irtit/Urowti. 1) viil, ?. < iitii-etii-iii?I'm r,, ,,i . ourl, 13 votes. Delaware las iho llou. Joba ,v : Ken tu, ?i. r, rates. i .,i ii. ftrHt7 Brerwa I Bak,S? ,.i ?. - . i .n t. ..... Iiiiin.i-, i ,ie CtM.ruiiui m ii,, delatratiun?1 h- h'u'o of t ? - bei 4t M.i. a fti ? t ... . i...... \ .?? ' II '", ' -i party??? bbbbwI It _t-a_Min Mtiaael ua in? i-, iri.c m Hction?l!. ..i u. Brown of Miaaoiul Like tie- he .H.m, im ?.?ni to .? ?back tic troplil t ot .si? lotj or to t" n.' lack ou bi-> ahVid. [Applan c i Indian r r B. tn it?, nrown, ,o vote;. i - i i n ?. tir.ii* Brown, it rot, -. K -jasas Pur B. O rat? Bl .?n, 10 K nun i.) rbe t'liifiiiiiun of thf ?i. ..- .t. ?o ? i? flrari BroWS of our rllali-, Mr. liiHtlinaii, ami we ?mi? luiu to t.i n mini i t ci.i.r.,,-1-,,?,i patriottam. i ' ???? that In thlaeampalau bi will be lapmi-leti . Ikegri daraty of the people. 1?.i m? say tu tin? ?.??iitleiiieii fi,?iu New York, Mnvnin, au?l Touuensee, that ... .n epttlu cual leu..-Hi to who eili.tii ?'lve the bta-_-| t in 11 T.tV. 811 pleilaofoi ibis ink.-t ?f i.i-c.-iey mei Brown the enitra white voto of th.. htttt.? and a ?treat iNUrl o\ UM black. I'.n ai ehei-ritiarl Pot 11. ( Itiown, %t v i. .m -im.?--Foi i!. Qrats liiuwu, ie roti <. Muh? Kir it. arnli Hrowu of Mi-'utn i, M rotot, in.I -I oi It tiialz Hr.iwti, lrt '. Mats u?-..i?, it-, t..r B, (Jratfl Browo. MictiiKi, i <-,,,ta tin- Mitra U rub i f.,i i; Orati Urown. ! i i -n It Ol it/. Ilrow n, in rotara - I'l" K >r II. ??rat/ Brawn, ir, rotes Misa .ti'i-Kn B. Qrata lii?iwn, bj v,,.??.,. .N.-.i, itka I'm it. UraU Brown of M ..o.irl, 6 rotes, id? for B. tirata Broa n, In i | \ ?tea m impeblre ? eats t ? r in retes f.,r n < ?rut/ Hrown. ? t . uiaats u vote? lor li. Utais Brawn, ?nil 'J bla ik v t ? N ? ?? " ' BStS her 70 vutca for BJ, Ur.iU lltoitn. ;t,i. .t ..- | ?:.., . .i-l, h.?. .?i i?|,., |?r It. Qf-aga Browu. Out?> umI, kSJ Ik \ utoi lu, 11, Uidi? Uiij?vi_ her i? rotea for n Oral ? Ttrown. Pennsylvania -TbeCbalrmaa of the l^lcirttirm?I an aoam ?? tha? Peoa#yIrania i iota her wi votas fur il. Oiata I ???,? , ???<? | Jlli ,<1.> 1 ,1 ?ml cast? lier S rote? for M Or\t7 flrnwn, r-.ii.Ui <'ai oliiia casts her H vow?? lor H. <*im<_ llro>? h H \'i?"-h fur 1t. ilrnl-? BroWa, , ,ts h'.r i? vu!?-? for II. <?r .:* Ilr.,wn. lo ? oie i fur it. Orata in ?a a v .. ?ts Leras vote? for B. Orata Brown | \p i la ,.., s rotea for H Orata Brows tad I ? ??.,.. . . ? .r i ? Bro " iBoss sdlfcssssBltof the vsts tn be ss - Tin?. BSBBM I'm u. Oratt Bran ? Ali?hum.? .ijfi MiifrfMiri ... . .*) ? ' ? .u N'-brsnk*. 6 'ii nits . i?j Nerittla.fl ? 'iint In in .l-j New-ll?m|.,lilrr. - II Plori la. i, New-Jeraey..? Ui-orgia.22 New-York. [ North Carolina.M 1 ii.liiiiit.u) Ohio.?4 1 " ??.it Dr.Koli .? Kanaa?.1,- Psnnsylranla.6? *"?"?'??>.31 itbode Isl.illd .S Umlsiaua.16 Month < aro Una.i? ?.....ii fcnneeeee.?t M "?d.IS.TexM.16 Mamtacbnat u-.?? vvnnont.10 ?_looli".n. .M ?ton? " Viridula. ?? MiwIlSUppI.1?. Wlsiwiuiill.SO , St tt'-ritia ?re, KtorenKon.C .N'?-w Jaiaey. blank.? ? ? ,;: ? ' ... ??? it PI .,. blank - i 1 or Vim |'r??!ili>nt -whole number of vote?, ...131 Por il. i ?ran Uiown. .,u li'l-Jnllli '.V. -,?v, u-. Hi "f K'.lltlll Uy ..... _ fi lilitiik vota? . It il. ameni ?.f - . ? ??re it ?p-.:. im Mr. Ohatmeri m Miailsaippl nun : .-mtue lion i?o made unanimous, \ .ii.. ?? itn ml ? dl -tlni? vnlne. Toe followingreeolattena werereadaad kdoal d H U rbomps ui ,,:<>.: * K'.itvd, Th.l'h? think, of till, CinTtuMw ha rt,en 1* Fr?*Wi<-k ? -i , fur Ilia (misi tout i,.f bis ssasislloBS bsiUlBf I ? v-. m ! CoaaltUs. Si tlif.r httili-imt??? ivl In Ii ? man; <-?mrt?,.. ? u> ibf-m .lonnj lb? tawi.'S af 11.? uvafsatis-a, ' a la Jska T. tee~ lot '."-i gritoitutu? tu? b? an Cotif?iuuu8 of bit U^ets . '?' ?!.??.', e.l? of i:.', f'orT?>nll.,n lie (??Tin to th? dBaBM . (Jofaralttea Ursrrad is asUiaf th? PiiaTlsSia. aid lo Jaba ST. PiTin in.! oili'rt of ib? llaltrnor* ? '?in. ni i it? Ut tlieir ?alustil? ?or . ?!. ..1. I?? Mr. 8.?u m. of Bomb ( Bratlaai H I ' 'I' ? ?' Oawalttlf .,,,? r. ir,.m?*twM Mr J..hj I I .,i :..r Haigsaal t--.?'"ii, ml to?- 0** Bass ? 11/ . ? It i* lbtr?iui? r?wi?ci L* bs t ?? flwisaal si I IBM si U.i? Ca. ?,;. am liy J. II. I.'.'.itonof Ohio: I ?i lb:, .'onT.n-.lon, on it? aiVj..?ir?i?n'-it. t. h'.nir of ta? niiininit.oii, t'.ii ,'.,, rail?, wi'l safari ?i( S IS l" BBS gr.iBt at .Irina t* ?b.rf mtr.btl. 1 Mr Smith ?.f V? riii.Pt : A'soler-?!, ihtlth? pncaof kiil'tmf th. nr,t Wtllan?) OtSIMSeC k? H I thai ilia lit?.? - r-,, r-.mU'i .?n Im? tb? tara* h? at tbi* p""?.iit CWftMisa cuaairraa ro bot tri ihicj ioidatbs. Mr. Iiinnk ni W m, on si n morad the foil ring : I ' I- ' I -.ii" fi? in ??.??, S;?' ? I.? i.tmtl (.> ?trail illas 1st Pi ?? l si . .1 '?'. - I ? of tb-' 'in,.il-,.un h-.ran * i in A'.- I Mr. Payne ol ?... .1 ntored tsal Presid? ni DooutUe be I to the. *'> notify the i.audidal-1 I'll.I be it ? ( au.i|i a i. nn ' un ? ???'., 1 ppoinl I laaaf .i'nwi : Jam?? K 11 .' f - I. 0 Hrkas ? ? h. Bneka?*TW ...:,r.ia?-i-J (J Oni . ? 1.(1 1 N"?..!?-.?;. I) M Nr? llsi.ip.bire?('. 0.1 . I ? D??lawsro-E. U Mtr?.a. rss/-A A. lit I/lurids-l' ?4' j N.w-Tork -Jaa?*tl>. Tbtrfr. Baatgle W. A. Hastias. North Ctir.liaa?A U . Miauls?A. II. Ml v I. A MeMaboa. I ?as?M ?! K.r. Oreron .- snit-W. A. W.l',.. i ! I ? Is l.itii l-A BptBfM. ? > -B. M,.n?ifflB. a>DsisMbb IssusCastl ,t l.ri'?a*v-J,ii,n (; Barak j. (alladif?. i'mm?A. Ba Mk Mir ItnJ-l'. r, I t -t (?..!un?on ' . ? I ,-.? t. Mtfii' rl -,'.-.-?,? H Bue?, M?-?l Viriiiiiia?Win. M. i.'1-iiimIs II ? -Wil us I. ., ., - it ?4 Hal Mi-. Dueaton ol Iflaaonii offered tbe folloi ' ? . lbs i'oi ., sad kbit IBAU ? i ????IT A ?VjUUnOB I'.l'T A MAV OT PKAOF.. Mi. JSSSM I f N'-w-Yoi'l. - In i.-nii; ? ? ?'!'.i':.ii that h m Just Iii-en OSBBSd, I bSf to call your H'.'nitien to nn imi.ln.t SOB?l en d with tin- piula ?l.-lpliia Convention, in contrast with the closing aceuea i.f th:.?. Wln-ii tt'i'r."ini:,iili.m of (?in. OffBBl VSS .Bade, '. ?t t.. thai body a pi-'ture of a man on boroobaek, tblatag in Iih militan boote and lu nil tas arraj ot ? w.u rlor chieftain. Toe a i wng reaoanded throagb that coo itirse, and tba publie men and actor? Ibero itood forth glimmering la ml tba raren ?.in.-, of bate and t ?i nil'. Mot oaa aentlmeat ot good will, not oae v. nui ni poaoe, ??ii, u ; I irad ?.i teal foiih to Ike country. In tbe i '."in: '"'I'll '. nf this Conrention there I pn s.m. ?i to you us lisa- ciiidiilai?: ot tlio DemooraUe p? 'y a pi nu American citisen, m bumble attire, but wltb a broad and radlaat braa a ooaatenanoe full of tmnuvo i? m ?-, apeaklnc peaea aad liaiaumj. aaS as puro and peofAmerloan character aa waa erei bora uiitr.? ?ill ball him aa tin nsaa wboae recoacillng genius uiall spaa tbe dlrldlng itream thai rolle between thi -1,'ii.iiM, and before twelre moatba 'i his admlula tratlon lu?< paaaod, th? dark ?nd blooty chasm win in. ti.i.ii, und tba Bow-aaada aartb wi.i in t l?e ,in ? ' ?? i \ '?'? liis',1.. foot?tep, and In tae future of thee o u n try wc will not i?'- able arnn to draw aeroaa tba ??.m.i:e ut .m Imaginary line that ahalldiride annnited peopli thai i;1 irt.T-4 aboretbaborlaon giree the promiaa of a bright mid untroubled morning. Dwao .1 Is, lib rsl and patriotic men of all pai ties, ball II ? ?. ?ii:n"i pi :?'.'. Beeosnislag it as hiu-Ii, a chord atra?a williu?.'< nd from a Bailed people, grand, and aweet .nul il aa the bells of Ifoacow, aa cleei aad ri .ouiidiuii; aaaJabUSe triiiii??4?t. (Appiau.?*.) fne reaolutlon of tbanaa to tbe Prealdent waa thru isly adopt) i. There ??.?> load calli for DoolltUs. A n;* BOBBS r?ciM KB. DOOUHfcB. The Pi"-I?l? ut 4.11'! : At tlii-hour it ?III Ml >><? SXfSStSl th if I rtlimil'I do more than lorcturn ni,- ni.r.? think 4 for tlie kind ni.u,hit In which ?ou huve i,-Ivi?ii etiiri-i.lon t?. yniir BypsaolattSB Of tag MSSfeSI m "f tas duties of the C'liair in ihi.4 impOBSlMS hour. I will not detain you Iiirtln r tbaa ' ? I I 1- IB I IbSl tf tki i'i"4?in^4 of Almighty f? > i. thn time fur wbleb, m our ? ?m? w?> h ire longed and prayed, n?r wbloh ns bare mads inun-, lasrt? ii,-.?? ;in i perfui 'm-1 ?"in'- lab ir; tin? time when the true erstem ?>i republloaa gorernaaeat shall be establisbed 'mut uii our land, and when tba blaealnga ?>r paaos Bball follow it ; thai time I- el h.imi; thai II i, oom La| ??ry MOB, und wo m??' th. h ,? .nnini? of Ite ''"Ui Ing here and now. [Applanae.] Oentlem u, I w.u not you l.y any further rem?rka, bal prooood st obm to the ."i"siii?, ..f in.? Ooareatlon. i:?-,. mums of thanks to the Secretarteaw re paaaed. The Bea?llng Clerk announced thai than would bo, la th. ereuin , it 8 o'clock, a grand ratidcation im-eUugat Monumeoi sqaarc ; and then, ou mniion,Iks ' ""? ? ut l:JO, aujnuiuod fine tiie. OENEEAL roLUH.iL HEWS --+. ?\l CAROLINA \\ i\ )N?. l.iMUBB IIBHili MBIB MllTiaill TO BK HELD. AVu.Mivf.r.v. N. C, July lO.-Tl.c Slate tiiii\.iss ?. cu'i-iii!,- SBBSBBl cxiiti ii.i nt. ?otb p.trti.'? nre MHSSJ tr. n? nduii?? cfforti. tSSMtsrlM Botitwell iiinl DalSBS Bill make ifSSOhSS for tlio Republicans lie? w.?k. TBS OSWSM ISlllM hSitS a grand mans meeting ut a ? M ui on the 12th, and uimtlier at Ilalelgh nn the ???Ii. MSasrs. i-Jiiir/,, Trunil.iill, 1'rank lil.ur, Tlniriuaii, and other illitli!i,-ii..-li'il VeakSCI are B-fSSSsA? Mhtttt nv| pr. par itl'Ui- have BBSS ?nude, find a luigo?uflicrlnir of the f?. <?).!.- finio all portion* of 111.? Htate is looked for nt bota i '?.uii. ne ?riv en r> count) la n? lag thoroughly la m ass? I. and la aonaa ol tbem oaadldatea are maktag two apeechea dally. The election takea place Anr.l, and u la thooghl lbs laat week of tbe eanvasa will be the mo?: ?Minn,,' ? vor known In the ?State. CAMTAKiN' NO'im Tin- lion. Robert fkewari of Cliitti-nnnco, M, .m i ..iinty, B i.i.wit .Ici tor front tlin Htalc, in 1.M.-I, ha? ? ?ire nui in favor of Greelej and Brown? Mr. BteW' art Mya there are many Orenler RapabUeaaa in Oaaaa Iota, I'.'i also gem-rally tbrougbuut tlio county. rJ'lio XIth AnsasUj District (Jrant Kopubli can Asaociatlon of tlii? city met at llroadway and Tweiity-llerd-?!. ISSl STSBtBC, BBVBBBBB A. liuucr? |?r.' tiding, and elected 90 new aiemben. JTadns Walts aad VV. P. Uaylotd made brtol addreaaM, enloglalng Pea. ,.i prulicling bis nt'le.ii.'ii next Nnv? iiii'cr. A i?i? (ley ;iml BlOWfl CWb linn lii'i'n formfil in tin- I-'iiiirK-ciitti Wsri, with the folluwini.' BflOSfSI Wil..-mi M,i....?nn, I'i??l?l?i,t ; J.uiK-4 Parlas, Vloe Praaldenti ITIUlaai KalUgaa, Beeratanr; Kartla it-y n .?ii,s, ii.;i.iii??: r??i. Ja mea ?Doyle, Chairman of ihe Kirrutlre i oiuiiiiu? e. 1 in- <lub BBBtbSM uv?r 2uu m?, ? " . 1 im New-Yorker Journal ot ycsteril.iy ?ay-1 : "Mr. STsSf, tho w. ll-known 0OSSMB Si,'.'itt of . - ailiiiiiili-tiiition, has b?.ou in thM ? ity MfStal laya, aad im? Bses sasntlsttac with th.? propnetora ol lka*V, F. SfaaiaZattnng and ?r tbe S. t ueatakrwl It i- stated tint Mi. Wulf la lattaded with tu?- lasaM of III? lll'.sUlll." The Ci-nniins af tli" XX' Ilil aasaasMy Dis, ii.ui? in, bare ergaalsaS a utoeamy ?nd iirown t empaiga CTab, aad asre eaaeted the Mtowtaa oslasre : rii-i<t?-iit, E. Bonita; Bccretary. John ?TbeU. tne bead ?iiiarter?. of tbe elab will be al Btalp*a Ball iu Turd are., betweea On? kttndn ?l ami t??? ni> tsooad and ""?? nnud ii i ind-l???'nt.? third Ma. Tin? lirst Greelcy in-e?iiK in Pitt-ki??ti, I?" uriic I'ouutj, l'.iin., wa? held at Ihe Town II .til. -?.atiir dnyereniug. An organ?zutlou was pff??ot???l a? follows: i'i, -i,I.-lit. i^.r.-u Dawey ; Plea Pn rtEBBS, 9 0. m ??"'?' : m pretary.J. W. Fieman; Tressorer. Wm, <?'?i.iii?-> ; BxM-utireOammlttee, II O. Deway, D. B. Koon, ? "? Morris, Boloiaon Hturiuvr.J. i.. Ball, Owen i?- u arla. r. V. I?...? >. Tin? (In!, now ii un i.-r?. I il, and ???Il ?louiul'sa be im 1114' d to .vm witliiu a Inw wick?. Tba Paris XAtrU 9ss%\ " Wim will ?ay hat? u'.. i ?hut ihn Ij'ulli-d rtttttfs will take the plan-of France MtbStrSl silk niniiiifa? Hirers of tlieworldl 'i'upi'.vo weelte tbe foiiowum fi?>-t : Mi?? mmit. daughter of tbe Presldentof tin- fjalted Btotea, during h.-r t..ut aaayin Parta, pwrcbaaaS la oaa abopalone lilki aad i ??.-. . ,.,, -i ,t . n inoa {ttfi ?I Tn tui-iiii ,\.i. n.i ini.i hoi dun alMsaroaaMIbsbisuns su i la-jo? m i'silj " .ULTIMO!!K KNTH?SIA8 ir/i ?n vin,; THS ROOT l?ir.>.ilKU MASS aaJaasTUtl IN Mo.NllMl. ,1 Q| -IINeWHINUKl? KkTHlISIA-iM ?i'KKCHMN r- '?nv. B/JU?'.. u o if v - ';k, Ol i |U? riHiRfiitAI'll TO TllK TB-W II/.kaTMOMaj Juif 10.-11 iJtiiniu.. gkfg iiein-e oi in r hiii.iiy nidorseia ni oi Gtreclej and i. Ii.r SB Immense BB?BBBSJrkBg "I 1 M P ",'io at a g l'ultll, iitiiii meet n.? lo nigi.i. , ' i l'iiln ., waltiag for t:..: SI Ii?>n n D?mocratie t.'oiin.ntiu*, ulihouKh thtlltl fsBlfkS o? votei.. have : u l)i-ruorr??:a ol ISS StlSlgklSSl SB tho past. iM,?re than ,1 month * nue, at Ik I-Ote oj?ei SSjBjBSStgaj SaaBBBBBBl l?y o? Cm m. Maryland, the woikof 'lie'', ( , i.vontloii iiidorseil Will11.11 enthusiii m (hat Ii il no chanco to ther BBJMtaag tkS ait,t,nie ,.f fpja |;.??tlinore Itcinncr Tho (l.ii.iiiiiiti Uekat and platform having kBBl BSBB, Bf takatt own party, BBBSSBBBt- 111 Convention their own r??y, tka llillimor- pBOpIO vv,int.".i Heoond i.i'tl. ,t; ,n, atul tlcy r.illini 1 liioii-.niU? Is? rejoice that tho Convention i'hown itiilf eo li'ioral and progressive so aen-iii'le ?" the need* und glorious oppoi tunitie? of hour, and to congratulate tho delegate* ami euch ot over the BssBiaasaa si rtelasy tkat Btasjiaaakptha thusiastio unanimity SB? tka proccollii's tot'ii), BBl tho great uprising of tkl BkMPBJ IkrOiJ rhOBt IkB ?"'??: in favor nf BSJBSS and I .-form 1 .c i'i ?? I.I.- \v,i) la - : ( 1 1.1 Moii.iliii'i.l -?,|ti -ie TkBSM Ullcd tho ?.?...un f.i'M tule ',, ii,. etui thousand; peopl ? vv "it iw.yi'ft r tning 111 aln to or e' 'J m fin:,: r f the CoVt ' ? i,e tntit',illy 0.1, ?'nciii'") v i", lagt sud Ma?lag 1 Jet? forming (ho names of tirer-i?? aatd Itr 1 in flaming lott? r? crowned with Mar? Tlm nai ?astataad bb hi h t?i;!? >?_? B?sci "(on tulion" c 1.1 ' - '. 1.'. 01 ; ?-> J BpOB It Tho Bteaalsg The lim: ly wa, that tac hop ?of tl .1 BBBB '1.. f'].- m .. ISBSBOS of th?? 1'? tiprii, ? candidato?, nominated to-day. A broad p'Vform I l,i-'?n etc tel in fr.'iit of th- Court Im is?? for the ?peak and tlm tiitnl, hut only ,1-,m ill part of the rroivd roi got ueai enough to llii.t bland to hoir, and the bathe. ot tbe Mi. (kail llnu-e, front?n;? upon tho BBBB wts aim) ocunplcd liy speakers. TI10 en'' tho meeting was in proportion |o iti BBBBSBB, Pent arks iBBtglBsi tkat tka bobbIb tttoa or Prosify nnd iirte would be re?>i ived by tlm Democrats with wry Incest a. , epieii ita a dose of m 'diiine, soon fourni ont il.nt Hi wcro totally mistaken. IkS Meeting eonl.l 1 Bl hi r , ? i 1 if, i--": uaj , ;i if tho BBl pnpalai Posionrallr load tot tka i ?anhri bad icetv IBS ti"-nt" I'mn. The name of Ureeh-y WBS PBSl arltkkssaTty eke era se o'ton as apafesa kp tka aaattai sna Iks l'inpi-r ol tkS assembly, n?, exhi'm "1 not only the in ;?: iin in tho tiktk aiidcomiii,as?s bsbobsj t Orowd, tli >??- -I tkat fio L?-.moor_tio une, uro gun latS tn ? c in . , ?1 w th vig ir, earnnntii''-?., 1.1, 1 good wi At alien I BJ e\ t..,v. Itintolph of N-vv .l-r-ey c-tl, 1 nt tin? prlactpal stand, and na that Bl U10 ief|Ucst of tho National Domorralic Kteo.ili Coiiimitlno kS was present to BrgBBlBS this gTSBl Oil lay and Brown fattkeatloa ateettog, VTbstevei mlgbt bars e?_stsd la tkapasl BaBsagDsataetallat'ota n, toil. 1 rja illenanf eigeflloney and policy. ?11 s?n : ire 1 >w untimely, nnpatoletie, end bbbbbb h,ry. Oor BandolpbBomlnalsl <?nv. Mptkaaf Mar 1 mil 1,a >PreSa?_BBt of the meetlag^ and the lollow.n;* Vu. I'l-c-itli nt .: Keeaae, bj cl fatiga ,i. gi v.h, M i ?. < ii 1? B Armstrong, Wls?, JobnH. Palmer, Mil blgaa John Martin, K.,ni', C. II. Berry, Wat. l-.. Niblack, lad., 1 B irk -1 de, Misa, vv. B. Brown,Tenn.? w", B, Tkiwabonrk,Msrada 'i ho?. I H:i|)i-.ii-k, v.4, Charles, Masen, i Pet? r M. Do?, Als , ti 1 ?kam V H S K. CiekTUI, Ai ?{., Cms. Il IgBt, H. Y. Win,1M liwin, c .1., Wm. Williame, M Y. N V. Bl ?pbenS, t ' , (?en. W. .Mct?oul?. ?.'tlO. (,'haa. llriiatiird, l> lawSlB M. K,-11v. (),i?,',n. c. K Dyke, iioi.ii (.'.-??. W. f.'i--, Delaware Odea Bowie, Marrlaud, Amaos spr?ncm- 11 i A.II. ,'oi'pui?, Qeorgla. Wat. AJkin,ivutb t;..roiiu.t. den. Phillip?, IliiRula ? .1. K. H igan. Texas. II. It. Mclieiirv, K. titiii'v. N, B. Bmitb, Vermont I. M. ?4iii,li-iii_". I...I1 i.n.'r .Ich? II ill, W. .1 \ ?, ti it. i,>;iiun, m ?m,-. o, autarke, Wi-, ?a i : n ,11 ,;,?V. w m im fjot Vl?y|.'. in l.ikin'? the-'aie), sun! : AsCinf Tlac iCoaSBBSBWI ,;i'i. Ii had talien no|?.ut i prlraary m ittaga or in tho Cntivcntion ap ts tin li"iir, but now, sinoo tho two SM t pol.tica orgntii/aimii? of tho eoiiiitry liare presented candidate, reproM'iitlnc (ho re-|K>etiro piiuciples of their party,II is tho duty of i vi y 1 iti/.cn lo ?1, BUS ami de ? .ai,- Badal v iii.-it party la lasjeaag to enlist. Bsw? \vi?jte BBtdki badal ":; 'it?"i tkaataaasilkaattata of the Na tin n il liemu.ratle party, and he wat tiolog to do M now. (Apptatiso.J The question t-t l.-tie It ThUroiiflt't is too narrow for one tolieiKate where ft ,-t.iml. on ene Hi't., ven hare Peder?! doinl usurpation, and personal Korernment On the otkei ?Ide ?re , ??m ^t 1 tut i,',. .1 Linuiietee?. Butt? rti?lit?, un.1 icj (Applanae.l Thereprraentntire ofthi (?i-.! u Qrant; the representative of 1 is ilmaie (jtoelev. ?iremi-niloiis applause.[ 1 fraiiKly : ? tli 't I 1 ever expected |0 000 tho day when I si,mil,1 tappeti HtMaoe Oreeiey; bal we bave to .lay K'vou luui a Deuiocratio tho ?? i laUJ [Langbter] with cv. Je'a in it, and if then wat oiii, apal of RadJealleai m Ins i?,i> we ha-re washed it oat (i,.'.ii>{h:"r.] Btdlcalt ten m that we dot. 't know when, Oreeiey is gointf to lead na, I111I suppose no at mit tint tin, I a ml Of (?roc II-y is an Uti ilncovc-.-i'. n ,.'r., vv.-kii,,\v vv hit the Ian.; of Q>| (I,.tiiKl?ter.] Wo know that it is ?aeopled vvltli political , or purses, and I'll...-.? upon the rlulits of a ireo people. No ekaatre from Klag Leg to niwaoa Oreeiey tan he WoraB, Tlm soouor we can got rid of shoulder? Btrapa and bull-puppery tke bettor. [Laugbtei 1 1 applause.l Horace Ureeley i? pledged to bring pesos and quietude to erery 11 eeldOj tie la pledgedto retl re the rovei um nt of liw to every oltisea, hiifli or low; BB is pleilited to In fna OOnoiliatlon and bai ,1 onv to erery Beellon er ont t oontry ami to ?iu all topii'inote ?pasoe ami prosperity st Imme, and to, bring honor sad teapeet frota ?very nation ataWead. [Applau ?) To-dajr oar work la but tmann To-morroa iinii the n rtda; yon hare yonrs to perform with fidel? ity to your cons lenca and to jour country. .-. I.hltll 09 GKN. ft. V. CAKKY. Cov. Whyte then introduced Oen. Samuel F. Carey of Ohio, who Hpolto of the disintt-itrntlon of political pnr tios eoiiserjueiit upon the change of lasue.?, and said it wat, sometimes diltlcult to determine where we stand. Out of H liadloiil St-uatois at tim t reaktug out ot the war, .?.x litvo dictl, 13 are tor Orunt. 10 for OSBSBBp,uud eg two H Is not known how Kiev at md. so things get iidgblllv mixed up. Former K.-bel aoliliers are now in tin, K.idical p. 11,y, anil many uistin??inshe?l sol 1.eis of tlm Union are foj DoraM Ureeley, aad oppoard to ?he aolldiaed d"spoiism to whli-h we are now BH4_b_g, Honest men, who \vci_ oppose?! totue BabaUtOB, Mpuaed to tin? Hout h w lien It attempted to separate the States ol tie Union, are now as earnestly opp ised to tke rmo of a military leader. The boaetoftks Orant Itopublirans Is that we have a Btrsag t?,?v. ruinent. We have a stioiiK Oovcri.nn ill when the President can appoint lWJ.OCO ofllce-holders from relatlin-hip and from pecuniary considerationa. Wo have a strong O01 .'i nment, 11 ttroBaj BouihlitaUtiB of railroad riaga, tlnevliiac rlnit*. and all sorts of rings, loi?, tli ink, the people are mltrhtler than ail the rnnrs Ifcat ?,111 be In "ined. i.n then m I tlniiiks to that Intnd of initrmU who irel nt ( iiieinn ill ami pal IB lioiiiimition c ttnl.d itc- vvhi'-e bonttsl v, n.teiiUenco, and Inti-Krity are n. ? all quettious, union men e port Horace (?rceley, li.'e.iiise lie has never lal'.ie.l IB to the Union. Tin? .-South .an ?apport Iloi.n e (.n. lev leciitsi: ne is mi lllu.tiiuiis exami.le of poaosaudgi u will to nu. 'lue negroet can aupport tlortoe Oreeiey hecaass ka ha? i?e\;u laas. Maai tor over tklrty ye.irn. SfSjajBg DK OOV. VANCR. Ex -Cov. I of Norili Carolina v. ?,11 ho next BBtBalSBr. lie aal.I 11 was tho Hint lime he bail ever BadBtkBiaa to Btftgnaa at one tune tin? people ef the United Ht.itea. Gov. TsaSB -aid his BBBSBBBJ for Riippoitln^ Horace Oreeiey were different from thoso of tint pooplo of the Nor Ii, who live iiinltr B' ajj in-? anil State ?oi ??icn.'iily, and who still havo thewntof halie .-? corpus 1,,-t v, ecu them and (IudkooiiS. I'.tlt the |?.i,|, 1 of the BOBtk i?r- li> log to K?'t "lit of in11 tile, and I bey are for au j man who wilt reliar? them [Applause.] The aviiheiu wagjoB Is stuck m the mini, aad tkry want it out. and tuey uu? |0?Ig to hitch 11,?r ice Ores-ley te it. tad w?_Je ha i,,iii? \im iii.-i p.i.ii. lim Oraot RepnliU ?tubavesab v erteil the toi, t it nt ion of the United BUtea, taspei led the wi it if ha hi a? corpil*, Hir.vere.l a I in, ml tac I tat fee? tiK'e ef Mats l.n.iits. Tkej have su onraged,-orrup tion in the Councils and unices of the n.i tiou. Tie y bare plumier d aad ?nttaad a belpleaa peoph-, and any pi'raou who lives In the BoUtB, who has ?my p.ili lot I-m m hi- he.iil, i, 111,'Xi'ii ?ablt II he il.ns not v.. ? :(?i iii'... ? ? - ( [Applaus, ] ''in- On mi par! ? has Altad the prisons with nuil who vv. i convicted l?y p.u-?o.i juries l.o?. Vance ?lid lie vv 11 i-.UIl,- tor ll.u.iee (.iceicy h Hill II It I.I b 'H I Bl ll.ieiill? till, lll-liri.e?. He tilo woiii.iiiai t'? winie n. Ika in the Boi itk. [ApplaM? j II. VV. UANN.V'S si-i.Ki-n n. W. Hi,-? Bl Indiana, ttM law BBMBBB Bl the I Ion lian. W. Vu ,: bIsBj wat tin? n. xt s| eak.i Inli-odii, .',1. BStJ hoot-oil In? -1.h hy ref? mug to the tact t?atlnrl Ik) WS bav,. bcii glTSfl and taker ou hoili BaBSg l?y Baeagts Ore, ley and the l?.,m,?cratlo Jiarty, ami If tito former hat dealt harder l-'ows than the hattet It hat BBBB I. c nt-. his arm w 1. t ie ?'.m-ei Re ! 1 I all lu- li?e font, it fo. tbe abolition of blab* BU-rarj and ha had araa tat bat tie, aad bow be ktlus aiib luu i?. m . 1 ?: . p?i ? n? n stauo th .r rigola lo tue white people-, lit? then told tin? BBdlSBes that in- bad BBSS] news from ;i. nil m. 1. The eautaet la thai nute whs to he a terer? oae, bat he was gjasl IS hs ah'.t, to ici 111? iu thai ii t> :."tl Inl.n, wo.ill elect (Ue lion. 'Illinois A. 11. nil ok- to be Ooreraoi ..f Uta Mee lit eloead ti? aup, aliag t?? IBass b?b IJeatajarau, ?vm? rsaal 1.?? la j lu Iu U? ?oiit.-t un,., 1 Uu? hanncr l?.-.lay uuftulod, not to o|,|?oae the m,, .n-,,, nt for ictorm, and r.'i an amustna aueo ,1. ?" ,1 'mu 1 a . 111.1 i 1 ol I -.111. 1 1U lite ti tl. m of k >. o lean., who pi-,??.. .1 I h it H U id c .11 .1 1.,.; help Ula Mil.- he vvouiu alva -u aid to l"o otuor. li - tiou viooosvU tutes "'?rs f.? R? Si BlSSBSS ?nd ?ovenv luciit ? ?? u sf ion* asaaa lOSBdBSfrai una ?nul t ? ' asStSBBN%lB ? " ital ia on a ai .??it 0i tba Vattoaal i>? me i -j-lt) i?.,,,..?-r,t? ?f ii,,,,,,,,,,,, :,.,,| r,,??, togetfe >r berffcaa "?, rv Sf III IS PSI US Btl listas ?n ?bof-'d ?n?l u. m*k.it_e u ? ?--.?.ii v pM nun h | |.ii-,?.irati'.ns 1 >r m ?re ,t iialwir? ?Conrrntloo, w'h, lid f bey i a tbe ?ir?-??.-'tt ?-..?niiir??,,, nf m of i aaeal ta Un- preatni t?..''- Unie n??>-r i, ?4 l?c??tl i-:'',; I .,, . Il . .?-l|..Tl HI I i" Ik.oarf lllfllfs ni .i-rciw iipp-tr h ?nd ..f W lahiiigtati Ile ???? Mr. ftatooer'a ip. e b . -h t,a Htatti i.'i'. ? - u,,, Administration T:.?- U'-.. n purttneai ?. .?? belt r. '11.0 linio . . ayaonj . it la? \, u i, -,- itmaot i- le m I iuto a * headquarters, and Ine ? ?y m?o a 'i he '.'??? Dei m '?-ni Li ? 11 .i imbecllitr so thai ? R??iwiMie:,?i to.,- ? i. <<i been obliged t.? orJei an Inrt-at ilion. i,,-n, i? the Treasurr Dep i , fbey bare.a I ian ahn Ire?) mil Ions of mon-jr locked up. . . itoa Iba besrr publie dfld Then r itinftr opaniog ia tM country, he said thai 'h. : - ? been formed party bad tfetsnalBed aot to ataad In tbe way of M aal ration si the eoaaB ? Oaa aaybody bealtate i.? ??wm-n ..uni *,i.l Qreeleey. the one ti lespot Um aad tbe other of pei onalllberty mil Mostitotienal goremmentl 11 ?? < I? ??? ?i i.y predio! ng tin- nntire sua ces? of the movement which had r???;eirei! MS? SS uu potas in Baltimore to-day. M 'i .?? point ?4 i ? ' ? id h "s tbreatenlag for aome time be y, *?"?'*..'??? lag tba p opte, .?o'i breakiag i, J promiu nt r ?. alii.r ? ' ? ? ' eoakf ??r tbe m n.iir HotaL TOE WEATHME Wut l?.-.i-M-iM">?r, i Orno? or tub dun* ??:?.?. OrrtOBB,! u/saBiBOTON, d ( ?July ii, 1ST! I ) Su'iofiats for tu? vatt i ?barometer lia* oontlnued fi'i?;'?>r over th.-.v w-Bagtaad, Middle, and W i rn Oull - .-. it i. high -t or. r ? i" Hii'ii \ ..?. tie ?Hat ?. i',?, uiy waatber and araaa ol rain, win fresh nruk aoutberly ^westerly winds, hare preralled n ''?io ca, sard ml o or tbs Qnlf Statee, with freah i i rlywiata. Teleg a for WtMintMday craning bars not ret beaa r-aoelrod from atail.?ns in the O no v, r and iroui M,.?..?ip|ii t?> Lake Michigan and weatw?rd.taa<l i?.i mldmcht, reports hare beea re?*elv?*d from reauayl vauiaand uou'h Bastsi n S -w v..r?{ to o? orgia nil, Probabilities, -.???in?1a probably prevail ov.-r tbe l,n f ->? ??<-. ; partially e ,j weatbei uu , aeutheriy to weeteii} winds i i ?? Atlantic States. Wester)) Binds aad clear and clearing i i i-tiie Middle ,-i .. , .. ? PAS8ENQEB8 SAILED. V?)?? ! ? ' | .'? - ? . Hurili*ri l>r. I .' ?V i, t i?-. ?. '.?' :>-,-? ' ll?ir? Us?',? Mr *?i?t M-? ih i . Mm V. !-??.???, Mr. ?i... Mi ?J. Mil. ??. Mr. aal Mrs. ' |M> ?4 ?? I ? .?IM. ? or-? Mr tul Mm. (i. II 15" "ill tn ' iw.i ebildrsa, M-. ?r ! M-, Jan, a I i ? a J l*_aa, i. o Kwo,.*, Mr. ?. ? . I N?w??Mt sn.l 4erT*?it, Mr. ??ul Mrs M!u vVrirk?, ? . I J Thi.rai'iu.n. Jim-, rh'T-p?.?!. K ? a I i M M.W Mrs, I! i 'l ' I-. H , : - ' ? Crook ?a tail tun Mr ?? ' ?' ?? -.I I? I! ?knk, H - i. Bs fa n, I! .S M.i-.n. Mr-. . , A Uva i is lrj'..i.:.::iiiiii. A M. Can 1er Mr. ?u,i Mn. H ri.,rt -, ?i? ? "1, M I . h?T ' - la, t u, M 1' . A II W? O W, H M , - Hi Bl Kr?. J L. Pail?n, Jlr? Kaittinl sail SSfTBat, l?r J.W. Mail.l. I?r .1 M. McCsrdr M*. ?n I Mr.. v H. Trawhi :,-, 'I ? ,1 ? P M oc,n d?. Mr? llirk?, Miss Hleks ?.???.-/? Urs, k r Util, J :i, ? ?V , !, I ,:, i ... . '. , , , . ... ? .an . y ?i H'-,'??, H. Jo?? t. W. Abcs, V.r.. I s.? 1. f Mm M Pallar, ?li?s N. W . , i'. k. >lr. I ogMssi'l ? - ? ? I. ? ?:? Il i? vir?. K. A lt..|s.,, Mr \ ,|. . Mr. 1t. K. Il.?m??. J II Hieb. Ml B I Urs*, M .. IbbIcs r-- Mr li H > . ??'.,',- M ? ? I , . . ? . ? Mr? ?.1. i> .owttu. . . .,i . *u4 Mr? ? n l t it?rais Mr M tato? B ? s, M-. I! P Fr,.,?. M .. pr? k. Mr J.? H ?-! M ? ? . s- v ,i eratAlf ?. is Ms ?-? 'I- ?? ? ? .-. B B ? . BaaM ... PA88EN0EE8 v toa ? ' ? i ? . , ? ? itUr Mit- ?? liari-r l?,.ti la, liman. W . 4! ? i Moa, i. C. Wslhrais. Bosb (lolsy, Br? M Mis i II ????.. J. V. i? is J l'-r-r, M. <> ' ?! ...-an D-nn,. Marri ??.-, M lia. ?; 1, hl .?I?. Wi? I. ,, ? -i .. i. R M. 'I' f. n ', M t? A. Tur nil. ' ? '?ir. ?1.4 Mrs. S.. . , . ? M. P .f, ' ? A?, t i.ruwiin*. _ LATEST SU il' NEWS, IbS tSW Ship Warn *ee Fifth /'?/'? I naaii :.i>. BUsns.'p ri.l.i! (I*. ? ' ' M ?ivl ?j?*sM. ka>aiitli ?t.lh wi?a tni pas? ... ftaaisa ..,??.. BSTSinssSBk ? SMsjbsUs Vu'ji.i?sr, Ul-?u'lf?'.l, l'l,il?l.-l,lu?, ?.lu ml*?, t* I,?il? la ' ?-'.?.i i.u* aiu.uu ?, Hartlai i ?n ftosmahlBsl'olia, W aoostln. ti. i lui? 1 .t bit . .1 <t i? I! iraaai L .. 1 r. i.... . . i-'.\, ? . ? ? <-t ....:>??'? .. . r , V4T.N11-S0US?:, cslni, ? \ti.Mi-7VKnrVf. r T '?,-.;! , ! . .- ?. Il ?1 i??SssTBSBis r?t., Lj nr.'-OBiuiier tarea,aal ' ?i? si A.i^r.a lui rsjitit? DOtffel 1C PORTS. no.^on Jn|r 10.?Ar. I -tu Tript'ii ; ?,(ll?, - 1*1? d. M?l??.?,i <B. Jnlv !'? ? '? ' ? fr??B '. i .? ? ? i ? . saSI. Jouuie K ?. Lllsf, i ?r i- .i . FOI ..-.'.s.' H?F?T Jolf W?Thr I!^;i ri! Trv ? . ... ag. 1)1 Ll>. BFRRtA?i-Io Brooulr?. Ju!/ ?, Msns Wo?4, ?ils af tWBne i.orr.iu i, ? ' ' ? '.- ? .1 V? f -.-?al ? ?rTK-i-a.iii ft '?? i.i-tt. lui li.- lu.??. ? ' le MsaSS, Uu l'I.uUib-it. III.UIAYI 0 T ??-'!!??? ?.- ?'. ? ? the Ctarilr e - . 4 1 M B M "' S? I ?-. ?? ?*'.l tr un In? lits ti-.uir-c, U But Houtiuu ?t., ut TLar.:?? ?? -r?^., ail o'?...k. Bnt.oB. Mass.. Canadi? and Engin!) p*p<'?t pleisc enfj HINT?Al lat*.s*o.,j>, : iott-, Th.iBt? II.??, ?Usai t.n of Ju?au as i ' aaa> Fui--r*l trtY.n-t *ill UV? il-.-* ?t Lia ato rt? i ?. iY*i *? '?huntJa.v, lllta m.' , at l ? ?PnKLP.S?At AbiLitK, Mav?. Jul? ?. ?t th? MB_MS tt ki? 4?t*f Un. M.ri? K. 8-sift, lassa M. PI Ils ?t* lorro'-rl? tMccit-.,? |.r . ? ? i. 4. vf Acaileis/tlSnij Slug, N Y. SCKAMTON-Al Baeai Batee, fl.-mas?;, T':-.?*li?. Jim**, ItrtlIL Scrtulon of Hcraotoii, IVi.n . n. Tie lui.i-r il ?il. . al t p ai. SHOIIDT?At PssksUn, ? blllrf J.i.ojili A. anl t'ir. I ? TilOMnQ-f fliiinalr. si S ? trifeof R.l?i*?.rvl 'J L BSSS aj 1 )?iua^-*il isi_ht? of "i 'aie lias? hntiikt, M. D. R. I t v,?. ?: .1 f '.-I '< ' ' 'I - 'il' I? ? fa? SUS I IBS lu,,? ni ou Kr.J.i, ?t .' - (al ?, ait?. WIH ?m A. T.. ases, s,, l'J y -i : WHITR-i>n?t?i 'iitt,, ?n'.'s-l? l'hn ? -?rs lui. rai >- .4 < .l?ara? i,. li ' ? Saccnil Nctitc3 No?r-Vorli IV? BNeBB HBBSO <" ?.iiniiif -,. aastaitsariat boos n ?siaaaoassti BXBOUi'l ?? ? IOKN COl'IIItANi?. J. IV. _. k. I. Hhlil ..s, ? '? ' AI.I .11 l> BIliK N> M h a HBBBI1 l'? Ail ?ouoiaiiii-atiosa sbMild bs *'l : JOHN ? " ' ' r UHC, kl' Altbbb ?Vi .BIMBO?, Saeretarr NmUobsI lib. rul Ucpubileas li lli:\i> '.im i i;i> oi.iMiAM I'1 i ? ABAMSSssfafsasSl i . I- .1 t-?"^ ?l_,sB? ts ni dis Nal ..?I ? o.u n.tiisls ?uok .*** h?. Y??, Jaa? M. lili. % _ ,. 1 |'l, ?S \. ' ?s?.?ni?. ii?N.?i R ?ii "? sa ' ... ,. A iMa dlaa l'om ?>? ?n? IlOltACh ?.;<>.- K? '' j. ., ravi? aaks Ap admira??! ' . u? U* ?aJ Iti-st, ?>?*' I"-1 *? ?**"?? ?? T;,..,-:i'nip Ni ?-'? |:,i?,i(t,.ii.i.?,..,--"" ? a. TUlSKU , ,.??.. U..u? IIB. .... "' INII.JsC I . ti - ? .-* ?-?' ssi.uau.-s ? , . Il il?* ? h ? Baa_aa v. ? asaaaaa,] ^... ' ?? K ______ Itrrrlrr III?" aad ? I, l M ?N A I ?? Is ???'? Ma... f*..?--? "l?M,;.u.l.?f l'IMI'i: ? n? ~ r.i.l.tim. ??? Noli.r. i M .'? *?,",,?!? :'-1,r,:,n'. ? _?^_? Psllllral lli.ntte?? ?' Ne! iirl'i.?.'?. J i"a?a"4l **?'* ?ralla, a II..IKH ?? ?R.-llAM'i ?-Pasar H. lio? Hi?. Ilrsdai-hef Ir, KK-MK'.I P K MA?il' OH ?rH?T'iO," ?'n.iB.p.k. maiii? ulthahjeaanl _ i.i ?l iikSMuiI' k MAI . Hl .i'-.?- *f?" ' r/T*;;': ? n--*' T"-14""?s ni0",#a' - i|;.-s.-H-i?bei a SlanAalW t lerine V,'.'"^"' ^ *"* ?a,U..,.^.o?K?-l' \.??V I'... H.? ?u-J .'.itou?. -Jl-tn garera f.? U* ?v.iaiia.4*. MB s^ 101 *UI.IV.4sSI . ?-? ?ill?*