twaken in the brcastaol many, howover well dh>
p.i*iMi, tim Bjrara aBfrahaaataa thu b BjoraaaBBaaal or
lnltnaT aarty aaaaaata% so Riaeh wouid atopat noth
:t BBBRBbaa ad .I'rt'Ctly to snsliiin in
idn ataraaa arha, hy th< it aarolttBg
Byntaaaaf plaadar, ware Ttokaalr haaadag aaYra tha
?t dlanadiB arhkh tbal leaialatioawaato ra
t of the very traaal of thal la_arlai
??ni. ha~< aaaa eaaataatb haasiaf aroaad
i ? ??? i; I pVl BBtBB for the i-xlivmesf
?.,. otbei Nit-w bat thal ayary aaah
.??bi he to rrive thmi a Baa b
' their fi'c d.'i-i t
rfffl v- ? .wt'.uTKii ivni IHB1RVBB.NM 01
m r ?..--?'?! they*aaraaaaat tha proteetioii of the
iiini th<- Hraa af laaea.t pereona I
do ii il k i IW. Bat I RR) c rtain that they value siich
,!'i as a pulitical m:i( himry to eontrol
balroA-b >\ i'an extenaioaof thatr plun
derrag lier-aa. Hon wfll thaaa lawa tarre thal pv*
wfll leara hy atndyiag tha bhrtary of tha
Bxarthdarinf the laat iha yaara 1 have been la
forined tliat at this meii?.'. m a CTtain pait OJ
Harth c imiiiia, orarBOfJ ladietBteatai raaai la Baaaa lotfi-dation. are held by the rtiil-'d
i ,>viT tha baada of bo
,.,;?!- I'nitheir Crteada t> Bxaha theat tjpte
? leii iniluenee at the Impeadbxg Btata
? laafaha fJhraarl aarty direct
i. ,t the raHng party Baaki i Maall ferl m
lt Mn this liirht ihit the tnaje?tv of
mrt aBateara to thaaa peoada,
ad to lifi theat af from thatrproatra
Maa. to i/niile th'-m ont of their ?-m>n? with B BBBI r
??us haud, aad to Baaha theaa laoh ap Io Iha aatto-al
baf Bfjaattea aad hdraeaa eejaal to aD i
not that. bai as tho ully and uliettor of the rabberfl
who riiH-k their bta . l. u- tha audaatayof a -
wiiicii (!r..i i> their i ? i bb, blaata thafar iRvaaa,
Maaaead >.'?< ? thi ir B-hnlea Baaeta their eatatatlee
and ooadeauM thaaa ta attat parerty, dlatraaa and
min. | t BeaanhUeaaawheae aataharaaaaa
ts-iili'oii-rv ii]!rdo!ilywith!i')rril.lfKu-K!iiv-t'.ii
aad arhaaa athti Ib aa~ataaf tn tha Btyaaarieaaf
partv m ltiagement. yon may look wlth BBTpl
thtaatetare. Taa maynot aaderataad thal thaaf
BB tullv invili ,i
i.\ iha -' . " Vi.u bbrbI Rrra aa if it ranr laal
Yini :i I . II 'W is it peaattla that BO wi-l;. (1 B came
abaald ii ? oarrtad aa by Ihe leadera of a party araal
toboa t ni Ihl grcat. nrineipl.-sT It wouid ba BB
-.'?-. had aattbaf party htOea andet Um eontrol
, RRBatajaojloBR as topnt party tue
ba haat paaaaialaa it arai aaafcaaad. Toa
miiit kaoar thal caipeabafajerdaai la aaaaadiagb
; kithfal i-.tin party, eatBead, perhaps, whea Ita lead?
BRJ Mpit kj -! i .'i.-lingover the apo-B, fall ont BBBOBf
it Uaaa npaa aarty kVxe_ty, aml it
praarhc* it 'i- RB politieal irospel. It reUea npon ttie
?,.-liry to eovera iiiull itudp of sins.
It aends n- lafBaBaataB-Taa to Ooagreai atrong
aRaaaah la aaatbai aa bbbbb af bbbJibjIUbb. Thay are
B aml mt.-t BaaJaaa BBppertara oftbe
Administration for ^al'ie receiv. R, Th.\v are the
tauapa ahraai raady ta Btarch forward
and baol.wanl. aml !?? wheel to the rieht and tothe
Itft.ii-. tho Admiiii>triition BBBBRtfl H direit.
areex'. ;itio:ii. BB tln-t. ai.' wlnt-'trows?but-Ihey B8B
f,w. v,'lui.-vi-r lagMatire i baaaa theAdmlniatx
n,ii ini. bBB np. ay araaabtar aaaaaa of pattiaan
tyraiiny iu ratirns or BBCiBgraaatha 8fpoaith>B af
tndepeiident Baaa is to !>? pal dawa, tii"-" boaaehold
tnwiiH BBB t)" C'umt-'.l oi). TIk-v f.iithfully aid the
Adiiiini.iti.iiion in iroverninir tin- coniittv, in BJOT*
erning you. For that they receive th.-ir patnunir.', pa'roua'.-e tho AdminMration aidl Bad
, BBBhaBfl in thdr St.-itea. Tlny ilistrihute tho
fjfncea ainong tlicir n-taincra who are rqnally f.nlh
lul. 'I iius tin y ( h'ime ihtcafl IhTOBgh
whoin ih.y rule the j?arty at boaaa Theaa RB BB
ue at their R rvico and thtouirh theBB at tha sorvn n
?f the A.'ininiiti'.ttioii. Thu.s tlns lyatCBB futiii-'ii-s
vot-i u.?'aaaxaaa dalefattaaa to Nationai Oaarea
tiona haUtat overwith enth'i?i;i?m for the renouii
n iii.m ol B-l l'le-i'li'iit. aud it i^ i\[iei t. il ta furni'di
-loctomi reaaa ba aaaahwaa haa ht jiower. I aaBpeet,
bowevt-r. it wili uot furniah cnouch. In tbomi-nn
iimecaipet BB| govcrnment, snatained by tha pat
ronageof the Government aml l?y tin-1 ..iintetiiim e
?f then.ling party. BBBaily plii-* RBtrada aad Ula ita
peahaaaaad yaa haaaal _tapah_aaaa arondat why
the late Behala wil) not baaaaM kryal eaoaah I
tho BjeaaaaVaaa ticket.
BBtBRBl IIIIIBnRT IRllRRlRIR tnta1_H TRR ?? ?-' N'
Ilut to methis aw-.tiia certain ; a? lOBf aa paitv UM
oendeni v ia inaintaimd bf aueh BBBBBM, aa long aa
BaMU-RBaalaaa- la tha anryaf haaaal aajrara>
ment. a.-. I'inir as tlieiutional RBBfaT BBfaan as thft
allv and ahttt ir of oomiption and rohharf la the
Soutb. that hi-artr re<:oiiciliatioii, that universil
reatoratioti of ciirdial BBB-Hg whieh this country
jtanilaHo RflR h in BRBd of and which cveiy patriotic
n rniist doaire with the anlorof hi^ aaai
jaunot anfl w ill not come. Aa loiit* aa B BfaBaBB pre
VBllswluch BBafaftBBJ the wi lian- ol a part af the
peoplo on the altar of party advautage, we shall l>c
met with diatrint aml alarin, for it Ls
not from nuch sourcea that atlection Bjainga
I ahoidd ba the laat man to cxnte BRbB
diatnint. aml 1 may say withoutboa-tiiig that I ha%e
donemy ahare toreniove it. And having done thu.
I uiay throw ihartafeBttibilttj laa the bilaia aaaa
thoei' who valnc the iKiaacsbiou of power more. thaa
RhBaaaaaaaUBhaaaBt of Ihabarh ahjaeta laa arhkh
that Rawar aaaaJd have been iiirected. I ehaiaa the
Adminiatration and thoee who eontrol the BepabU
, .ni t.arty that by their partisan Baaa-a-tBBB thej
havc ahowti tli. tii.-. Iveaadfaaay aaaHI ba at-taarage
anddevoiop thegoiKl lmpulsea bluiiihciiiii: Bt the
houtheii. paaaple, aai thaa to aatva Iha axaal pral* n of
aattenal ita aai kllatlotv I aaaart that thaa fai- thej baye
(ttaaptaitnted tbe bopaa aml ferfeltei tbe eoatdi
tin ataeill .n pcople. aml t'l.i' the '....wer tln-v wi.-ld baa
i,e,-o.n. i.atrrni.f goodandfruitmi oi daaaat ta t'l.i. ,
tmroTua ami oraaa ta-aaaoa TnK etrn bbbtio-,
Tin- parti-ati sc'.tl-lim'- whidl .-a^rim ert the li of ni HiaiBal il tha Baatb haa aharwa ua
.?>,i tiuii. n. y BO taaa RbajfaRly uiKin anothcr fleld. Thi
Baeafalaek .i to thia ftaaalataaiBllBa taa atbarangbre
{onu ?? ea wiu.h aad arept laaa tbi
.(n-nipt aai BBwarthy aaacara had te autke
a?y for te ttei BBOB. l'uWic acrvanta Wtre R) bt BBB If
Bwara laal the lateraata af th.- people aboeli be the
hiche.t oi,)f<t of tht tbattathe Bepnb
??,,| the r iiii.livirt.d (lci.'Ti'l. BBi thftl bOBt efToTta.
;,nd thal they had im rlghl te ehtha aa]
Bjaaatb raai thaaWeaaBaaaaei I Ihetarw.
iinuor aaai aaRf aaaaai ba taeei waaehaiwaii it w1
exixicU'.i .1 Iha I'rt'Mdeut that BB wouid InKpiraall wltu
..inpie. The Btat parbal af the aa_eiaael
wlicn t!.' '.,,.. ii.iii. nt Jiatlui..! | BRnBRaBMB-]
lyeita makc Drovtataa fer relaltaap aad aeaaaatal
Tavor.i . ..inn.t think ot withoiil ?ha:, we Bboald be niui lo foraat. BeBtewber.
Ing oaly the maiiy g,M'd appolntmeuta that
a>aie better thaa
iii* aaaiaiiktf But the itafraee of a aapottaai rmh
ecaiuialoiia tti_n uD.vttiine thlf BeaaMIe Iraawl of, I m ?
lx.i^ii a,hi(li tanglit eviry puhln- wiMiiit thal bBthe
(M?iiii,n o/ ti.. a_faf BBbnataaBa ne BaaBaa, ataRaat bb"
proprlaty, aihaaal bjta niiniai oaaailaalllBa to aatke
li-uMii/ ui.d Li? kii ,-:i,._ oonfartaale, waa tWRraei by
praetii .. ? tbi cbaxactat*aai in
u-K'it.v pf onr i-etltativiaa. Iwill aot "i the
cascri o? tmirt 77,i ii.i nt, Oefa 8, and iOwn
right tiih vuy, wblei t.Kiiij,,! ii."i
BMR anrt tl.e nunilier and niagnliude of whleh, l
ac?UBiulat*'il, haveaturtlee tiietax paytef peopte. Then
yiett tliinga ('... ply afl. etlnc <,,ir pu ,ie nmrHla. I
willgive au ln>tanc4 BhBBBRal i./mir tli. prm i?e Tin
apreaidiut, whu in hin inauKiiral udurea* Liul pi iniM-d
Aiutt_*.wouidhav. :.. iiiKH'i BaaaaajihawBi
of the iK-opk-, tflliu love w.tb a, hcluuit) wiiu-h Ue pm
.eued mui h taaaer tban aa*w? ,i. t.,,.,;,-.,,,,, -llk
jK;naihle inan that lt wa* not o. With tbe wU)
aof tbe peoph ?
tmi. rRRBR
1 rneaii BBI aeqiilHltlfti of fiant0 DOBtlBf . Bepledffai
_iBjaa>if inrouitt, h - aatyha worthy
of uoU> tUat hei-e for the flr^l toue tin- I'r. BBBHtlfa anle,
4le caiup ai-jHuar _a dipUonatie BBjaRBa of the lliutej
ajtaaaai thalaaatitaaBi I aay, laaifikfaaaaaaB ttiroiina hia
Biiaic oaakptathi ralai al ifaxata Daralnaaaatyaa i I i
use hih Ud-aaoee la o?b i tbal tha Rk a al
j>0?ij-i.4i! RepobUototha Ualtei atatea talahl ??
auoh a oa/ru ot vopularuj' i?_?o"M tha BRa-ban oi uu
arii-iwaanilKhl heneeeantri for Ita aociiiipliahinont. It
baa been aald that tbe ftaMldenl did not authome auch
apledire reeeonabte donbt that be live.l
tii.t.iili'and it la BO aecret lu OM**reaa drclfa tbal
ainoni* hiK cfforta to make the Hanto Doaalnae Mbeoi.
popular aniotiir uiemberH ?r Oougreaa, tbe patronaire
plaved hi- pait. "TbB u a graTO aaaertlon, and 1 bave
lxtterreii?on?for lt than mere ?inpicion. It ha-tre
qiientlv been charird thnt I would not have BUkde oppo
aitlon to Prealdent Graat could I have had all the pat
roBaae i o inled. l botoi Betteed tbe aaaorttoa, but
when tbe Prealdrmt hiinnclf mako* with r.'irir<l to mo
ii, lamo cbanre. aa be i* reported to bave done lo an
llll ivl. vv re.eiitly pnl'll-lie,1, I feel comjielled tO inake B
ctHt.-iiient ulneh bul for thia 1 Khoiild prohably
bave wlthhrld. M'li.n ibe s.mto bomlngo acbeme waa
pendiuR, two af.'till.-iii.n. lii aoinewhat mtlinate rclalhwia
witb lhe'wiii!.- Houae, carne to me, each oae feparately
? oi'ii ni.n; un aapporl to tbeprojeet,aadtalUog me tbat
leouldhaie aii tbc patioiiaite I wantcd ll I would aid
the Prealdent. ln .liiini.iry lant, havltur been hIhikI.t. d
by the Aduiiiil?lrati"ii proOB, and taimicil on tbo Booi "f
the Benate conrerning tbe mottvea of my oppoalUoB, 1
Inqntred of oae or tboae pentlenx a wbetber un ramarka
eoncerniuir. rbeBeato Doamlntoaebeaa an.l thcpafrotiairn
wcie autliorired by the rremdcnt. I qaetc UB
, ?<? ai bli reply, referriag to tin- aohject:
? u a*ardfng tbe ronveraatlon >ou rcfer to in your note,
i leiii.-inii. i- it aaa witb tbe ImowBrlge andeoaaenl jod
aft.-r i liMd n eoaToraatkOB altbhua (tba Pn itdentj tbal
I ci.lled tipiiu vou ini.i bad tin- co.iv.-r- .f..'ti you epoke
of. Mv iiiipre-sion al tbB tbaa K tbal ibe Piaaldaal ao
-ii.d rourauppati forhu BantoDotningoFcbojne,and
I in be on ...nii termi altb vou tbal your ?upporl
i oui.i be ohtained. I d" ao) now reaiember any p <rtn tt
I ir laiiffuajlc unrd at im lnlelw.w Witb tbo PlaaiOeO*,
ami woiihl uot baaarddolngbtm an Injastli e bj attempi
mirtoquolo froin meraory, bul tbe iinpreaaton tnade
iijmu mv mmil uv th. iiiteiviiiH waa ttaed aad .li-tim?:.
Thi- itaternent -.-. m- to ludioata tbal i baa .j
go "I i han." for inore potronatre than I ?
bad I coii.ln.lei to aerre tbc Prealdent at tbe oxpenae
<>f iny convicUon* oi fluty. If one of uh aaa a laa
market, II wa- uot I. Ilow lar anch were ear
rie.l. otiier- niav bf bottol BbB i" BU tbaa Bj aelf, bul
tbe abuae ol tn,- patronage appeared ln Ita inoal lud. i?u?
I01111 when the in.uniiatioii lurtbe iii-xl I'l-cnlential
k i ni baaaaaa a aaaatot al araaaa Bl aaab
tiitu aaaitoa BBfaaa baaoouaa roa cv-ir.
iu tii" aaaaa tbaa tba daaaaad for Oh H BorrBa Batei ?
had hiimii Wttb r,in>.Milur BBOO tiom th') JKJoplo. Bad
tou'iil a v..l. e ta tlie pr. B aad BB the II .or of 0*BTB**reOB.
n t ireat.iied toboaetaa a pppalar ary, aad eaabtaol
witb aafetybe dB*?a*afdad. Tba P^aatdaal toafcltaa,
iiml r.-'anii ? ' ? .-..m:iii.--.i.?:i w i- appointe I.
. oaa array of ralea aad n ejutattoea drawa bb, tba
aotonalp aad wllb a ejraad Boartal an
BPBBOff tocoiiiiii.'ii-e BB n reitain day, nnd now look at
thoeotiditionof tho fivil S.-rviec. ti IB. Ii-iller. OBOOf
, . --.i.-,iT*rt fa.-te-t fn.ii.i-. deelarad utTHaer
. a iiuiiii.ii.r. Ibe Oeneraldoea DOtaur
nrtae *ae tor tbB ClrllSerrlea ttefarai i" rawtalnly aa
irreata bambug aa(ien. Butler ean inakalt. Bbowiae
ib.- ol.le-i man aiuona aa, Doea h" rememberatlme
w\ieu tbe Clvll BerrBe ol Ibe ooaatiT waa
moie coiii]> n pollUeal toaehloe tbaa 11
l, | ,w j Doel be n member a Utne wlien tbe
arrpeared inore like a thorooghly .irili.-d
iiml di.-'iiilined or.-.rii/.ation ot Bolltloal Bgenta tbaa to
a tlme a-itbln tbe abole ran |
otaa recollectlon aben Ibe pnbbe Interaat waa more
Mhaii.el.?lv uv. iiaileil bv BOlltlOBl exi-'onoy f Bouie
.,, ii,,. pn tidi nt, fon ed oy tbe public rol. o io
showof deceocy, permltted lt to go ont tbal Wa
l.iolliei-iii-law Ca-ev, the Colleetor of CBatOBlBat Bew
Orleana, iiotoriuualj oaa ot tba aorai ofBoera ia tbe
servlce, bad been requeated to rcal ra. TUc bearl of tbo
coautry wan toucii.-d ny ko unh, ard of a thlm; aa ino
-il ot a l.iothet-iii -Uw. It wa?a Jo>oua MirprlM-.
lornothiiik .-? uied uoa Impoaalble. Woll, Ittaraedoai
a ? -i.i r aaa ImposaibB nt. ru If i" mabe tnerry oi
tii.. pubUe, a !>>w da. - .. ? i ? ai i it waa a.inoed tbat
a .1, iegatiun or polltii lann "roin Louiaiana had urgentn
requeati d Ihe Pretddenl toretaln bB brotber-ln-law < aaey
ui ..ili, e. Th- Preaiueat aoaooiooed, ol twitrae, wuhout a
inter! I? it Boeaaaa bo .r tbe PtOBldoBt'a i.rother
in-iaw I rbat, iimioiinieuiy, B a graal v.itue, bul I*eai*d
ana polltlclaua kaow another n irwn. Caaey m* Bllea
tbe ( uatoni'booae uith tbomaaager*ol poliOcal orguni
zati .1..-, win'. and bi u k, i uUectad ir.mi all p.rta uj tlie
BUte who draw pav iroin the tioiei iiiucnt, altbOUgb
their prineipal ami. m BOBie Inaianech, their on.v (.Up i
uon oouaiau iu raniniirf tlio poUUcal nriaobine ... tbe
Pn iddeot'i Intereal uoderGaae*'- dJroctlon, and Caaey -.
r.-moval would throw the whole maehiuery uil.i, ulfr
coufuaion. and tbua I taej atanda tbere napreguablo ln
bll offlce, a proud .uon iim-iit of 4ivil - i v.< ? K. f.irm
Cn il riervlee Kefonn aud ibis A.liiiini-tiatioii! l'li" LOtW
ile.iver Bal
lioH lllr: RI..NOMIN Vll.'N Ol' laa ritl>ll'iAT B l^
nu.. n:i>, and what U HB **B**BBlaSaCB POB B?
l.l.l.l IIO.N.
I., BOB whloh wrote the BBBBBaa laylu? boforo
-- tbe dtB BenrkafaajaBltaai araaaotdc] rol
wba i .t m -n. .1 aiioth. i papci. erdertai aaapeaatoa.
The old tralhc in olli, es'i witl.oiit a For
nionths aad iii'iiith-, aad from eaa aad af tba eoaatry ta
tbe otii.-r. taa wbaaa ofticiui fataa baa baaa aaaaaajrl ta
piiiiini.' airaa ta ai*aaaaa Bba paatp tata laaaaatJahattba <>f
ihe J', and at thin very inoinent the whole Clvil, a af tl"' < ountry, from tho Cabiuet Mini-ter 8WWB
to tba lueauent aaataBBtar, B coverted lata ii taal aadtt*.
cai ajwaaj la w.-ure tba PpaaafBatfa faBBatlaa. ihe
Vtti.rnev ti'-mral opent in.iny WOObh, lf BOt BKmtba,
tboueaadi . f mllei awaj from bla olB ?-. l, Bi bli Htata
ot Ore.K?n. Tba si-.r.-t.irv of the iiitcn.u- baa aJaioal lnv
,oiue .i atrraagat B thawalB >>f bla departioent. Tbe
s. i retary of tbe Treaaury baa tik.-n Ibe atnnip in nortb
Carollna toalnp ihe praBeaof bli maater. The M-ereiary
of tbe Navy, if i ara rightly laformed, alll aooa giYa I ba
oauao of hi'n eblef B llbe roanner tbe raoral aupport ol
ln-iriilis. an.l Ih" uiomv ot the (iaveiiiai.-iit. BI BB BTO
M?i r.-,l on ir,K>,l autbority, ." poared like aater int>> tbe
., ;i >ci wbal tbe eloquenl argency ol
Cabinel Mlulatera eannol aceonrpllab. I need nottell
yu what tbe Mlborilinatc otlic-r. ol the < iovernuiciit
are now ao arduo tl) engaaed ln. Bto t.? tbe
liufort.itiat.- plaoebolder win. darei tocill bBaoalbB
indto atteradouM aa totbe perfe. tion- of bia maa
t, i lle ?ili Hioii leain that men c.n be r. iorine.l ont
ofoffleoaa qnickljaa lato ii. CItII Serrlco Beform I
.\.vfr h.ive woiwaaa farortteaoi politl bl agentaDeea
k.-pt in proti! ihle an.l reaponBbB place* in bulderdefl.
? princlple and public opinlon K. rei bai the
poiiiii-al eouaeieaeeol tho offloe-bolderbeen laore m -
potl aili (ontroll. I: in vei ha- the ol tbe aatioual
? ve, througb tbe patronage, been more Inaeleptly
ttarnatBto tbi baelneaa of leglalattoa, aa well aa lato
tbe ucalpoUtBalpoliUoaol tbeatato,ofwhi bwebere
iu Mi--oni i have an Intereating t de t<> toll. Nerer bave
the offieera of tbe RepuWIe appolntedto tbe **-TTtta of
urtrj Bkora geoerally beoorae tbe aenraata "f a
party. and ofa man. Aad wben underanebcircuaiat in -
we be irof tbe fivil Bei*Hee H.-form laaugiirated by ilu
\.iu lin-tiation. WB have b rlfbt u> ooJI lt anJtupudeul
ia,. jery of tbe popular underaundlBh: b harfaced juaj
?rh i ?? aitempted np.m an ini' lilifent poeple; tin- proatl
luQouol a I'reat iliii-e. the Aiiniican people
will ihow their appreciatlon ol II i>y ooaaakeaiiag Ibe r.
forui at tbc tap.
m ...n.-dATion of thk aavaaiioiR pabtt.
Aiul >et, Bad a-. all tbB>e,lt in by no BMBBaB ihe
worit f.atuioof thecaae. Bad aa that pohcv may have
Im en which, throwlim' a-ido tho.^ moral aneiicies api to
brlap Bttb a (caitfal eaBtaaaaataa ot Bba aaal aBaaeBB in
.'h ami to reiinite the eountiy iu national foel
lui;, delivereil the Sonllieinp ople B**Of to pluii'l'T
,.,.. an.l rarraptorai taal aa tba Baada aradabaaaoaaap
baaa baaa wbBb dBfrraeed aarr pnbtte ma rlee; bad aa
th.- aaaaaa*aaaal af tbi pati*aaaaj?i aap have i?.,.?,
w-tii. ii, m tba hiu'tie-t plaaa, bB b aaaaaaaltstaa exj.niiie
of aeraabaeaa, etrotj to oorrard lerrbdaMon, and trani
I the arboli lervloe Into a Yaat politieal aic.-u v ;
had aa tbe conteiapt ol law au.l the rtolatlooaof tho
conatitntion niay have been, wbicb bave <rownlntoa
im.-t dangerouii babit unl." thi* Adtnlnlatratlon,
1 ir woiM aad of iiiiiuitely rnow aUrailng Im
nortiatbe circutnatanee that the Republlcan party,
;,, Mrr* nnoe ao nobie in ita hnpalaea and m
u ai leaa iu iu a.tion. baa been ao ooupBtely aubjogated
? tion and IB politieal inanagoniaa not
oaly to loao Ita ablllty to rl?e up agaimd aueb ml?deed4
and abnaea, but evea tbe apirit to ? Bertmlnata botwoen
riatbt aud wrona, aad call tbinaa by tbeir nnht aaiaoa.
wi-atevir wrouira and abnaea may ezlat they ean i?- eor
teeted aalonKaa wehav. tbo raaxace lo aeektbetrutb
,i,.l to r. ?eoe.ii.'/c ii. Bul a politieal partj ablcbfailato
n-cogulte ahuaei aa suoli bia loal tbe norai splutyto
: tin ni. iu v.-ry aseeiidencv v. iil tbonooforward
lu ihe way of Bue raform, l? tbal the eondltlnn
i.f th. Bi publl. ni partY under tin-. idinlnlatratton t Lel
aaaoi Bonw Kepublicane uadertook ln a ooaaplenoua
ui .i.-iw.iiii.i tbe abnaea of tlie UororniaeBl and
,0 ),,-,, . . V..I I. '..- li> .1,1, ),' I
bapa,of c.rtiiln debatea ta CoatTeaa laal aintar, wnleb
(traatli dBtarbod taa aqnaairaitp af abe pmnt ttamttttta,
nu. m.w raaa 11 aroai aet ia on iaiManaa.
yiosPraai aroa*ai tatba B<sw-Yart < Bataaa?aBaai an ra
uv,,-,,!, aad an B**aejt!aatBa iu?i-teduu. B/batbao.
peaodl Th"- men who d.-uouii.'e l the alm-icr- Wl rc v ili
Bad ii- UBPBMOa ami tialtors to th.- I;. j.uliln ,m party.
But the fOtee of the DOOpB inade tBOlf h.-anl. and after
niiu li inaiieiiverinir and wrati?lln? tlie Ailmiiil = tratlon
leadete pereelaod tbat ta tafaaa ?.. taoaaBBatlaa woui.i
be dangeioua, and I v\a< KTanted. But i."t oue of tlu
jui i, who bad (lenoiiueed the OBaB a.m ]>ut BB Ihe Cotn
rolttee. TB iBTratlfatloa aai ma.i.. a aaaaa of Baa
iiioiiv pllt the exi.-tenci of tdBBB evila Ix-yoml a dou'.t
Th. efforta ol uieuibera who v irtually oonatltoted tbeui
M iventhe attorneyaof theaeIti poweraereta valn. Tbe
iruth eoi.ld ii"i be eniuelv Hiuoiheivd. It wan .-l-arly
andberoudeavll eaublubed that bribtry and oorrup
tion ba.i prcvalled on a large icale; tbat tbo Cuitom
h.mi-e Mith ita lenion of olrloera. luul ln the iuo<t unicrii au.l 1 vi ai.ui. ..I v?a> beaB u-i-d Bl
,?..iei,i,.e,v to eonneet tbe poUMei of tbe BtaB
,,r New-York, and tbB iu the aaaaa af tba
I'i.,i i, ni- tbat a nioi-t aeaudalou* practlcf,
niicd tbe General Order bualneaB, br ynl. hthe in< roan
Lle eoiiimunitv wa*. imieileoaly pluodarad, aad wbicb
hud bi. I. tll UOUUCOd ...V th- liieiehalll-, bv
" 'X'i '?'nir'.lttc.-.a.ii. bv offleera of the Treaaury
Hei.irtiiicnt itvlf. waa ailll In fuil oaeration,and thal
t?o,.-.,., n.o,t la iietii.-.i by it aaa oneaf ti.e faTafltaa
oi ,), prealdent, Bnd, bavingacnulred tbBaoufce o uu
riVlteoni tfHin on tbe ^tr.?llu'lh ..fn c-eii. ra! IntrodiM tion,
v.iin.1. i.v the PreaidtMil blniaalt,taadntalBed biapoal
tinnwith mvaterloua powei aud a moat alugulai ?u. .-.-r
Lian- I eflort-lo.:.rre.l tbe -vil. All tbB tbe teart
uZ > ioade. BraT. wa* B be done 1 Tbe .
!.. i....i. ii- nport, wbicb li befon IB i ?.uti>.
ii i. a won.ieifui peiforruaace. rbat tberj aaa
i.iiih-1, nnd tbJoYlag couni aaareelp ba fiaataa.
Brlben aud IbieYing aara bad, but brlborj aud
tliinvirir had alwaya exBted. and now tberd aai
iiolHMjy in partlcular to hlaiiicfor it. Tbal th. Cllitom
I OUW haillieei, . oiitloll. I b) politieal liillue... . . nnd bad it-.-if ti li ln polltlei could uot w.-'l be deulod, hul
BaaMlalwapabaoai ao.and, aaaaaa, arbl fBoatd n"t ofn^
cen take part la pulilkaI Tbue tbe iiaii?toimaiioii of
tii" ? ii-tma boii-.- li,!.. a politlca] lu.u lilne v.a- lUChl
?ft.-r all, kii.I uolMidy w.i- t-. Iilu'iie, it.'l, an fof the aeBO
?laU of tba Ueaeral Ordor Uiaineaa, a#ini luile iireK.i
n. ij ba.Hl.,1, hul Un- ,-,:, Bll. ol llie aV I
ii.ii. Kiri.tioii aiul ti.e KefMiilinan parly harr been
BlauUtriioi Um iuuirooait i)v,rrt>iih livoivt J. ami, uu tho, R to Mame. Tb la I- a r.r t ???- A*" n ",
trati.BiteMmUtaeeaaeflt. A,,J,'V,V ' i , a
v-rv :i..e,.f themoatconclualTe W*t ln .oiO.a '' '; ? *
Storkiug. the favored parUe*. "^ ? ,h .*!' ',,",,',"
Uonaof tlie nyatem. ln tho Ueneral Order uuaim -a to
",,y bbb raaaaa ahm* ??aaiN.iaBJ
l i j-' ??-" bbb aalBB of anaa
tafreaehaaaaMiartaf Iba ftaaaa Barataa war rhe
men who BjTlKBll the Inqnlry BBBBI hal.l BB BB
toii... Kcpni'iitaii party. m aaaathja of their country.
BMaa BBBaataaa ot BdeaRaaeea aaaarally. MBttyaea
??.. i,r thaaa aaoiia aaaai the taaadal wa* amMlif
BIU_uilHTOftH? luvratuatiug Coniinittee. The Inqnlry
traeaaaie. Tbateattataay abaaai la thaahajraatbbbR.
ner the kkweeftha eaaafay reaatatlaa aaab *aie*
kaibeaa arataatatatally taaaaatai aadar taoti thal ta
.iireet vlolat n.n nf UM oclerK ol the \V;.r D.partinent
;,,,.,. i' had indulgei ln Indlrecl traoaai tloaa
?iwk .?i. K.en.h aaente, aai thal -Bdettha
eveiei t the .1. partuient !-._? n_aiitm.-a of
i.\\L h.i i.ei a>Brered te aaeb ajauata aftet they
.Mi. ? diieovered .... reebleaaly earlaaeerlitoi the
, ,,.?at,.,.ui atandlui ol the OyrerniaeBt, All thiaiwee
. ve Mi.i.-Hriv that bo aeeatblc maa oooldfeaMB.
1 i viiiai doaa tbe Coauaittee reportl Tbe oih.-n nt
ii..\v.i nt (i.e-'tinti the law f<-r ihemei ii ? -.
1 .'iMP-vk.J.'w beai wbal waa rortbe pnblBilat*-r*at,
liSaafotbeirdlreel tianaaettotia wltb freneb ageBU,
? ini'iaiifht K.iio uiiatiii.. illd do,aad iwbodj ta
,' ,? , ii order tomakeao plraeenta paBelaatoa aca
?Jbtowe are toldlbal lawi maybe rMletei, If la tbe
optaJoaaoftl.fBcera tbe riolatloB .re fkreBtai.ta
,,,,.? tbe oh.-ei van, e, Hinl B 'I'" tin.c Ol inl- > nal n.nal law
,.?Yl iil'.m vvhi. h. II appBod l" -un Ai .I...II.I ?' """??
wonldlaiawaa ont of roarl aarid tbe taugbter of the
BDlvarae. Bat at aar eoat tha Ad-atalataaRoB flBBal Ba
piot-. t.'.l.
un. BAI ai. AM> ni w OB1 BAIBI _-YBBTaOAaTOBB.
(,it..m ahaiaaa aare taada Baaiaattha Bee_alaryel
tl.e.Navy. All mv, .mumIioii R ol'.lcri-I. lt R Olearly
proveataat bepaiiaata taraa aaaa afaeeaaj lailreal
vi,.i af the aivaaai taawaaat oi a taaaata Bai ahal
Mtheraperl afta*OeaB-Rta* I Ba atarhere laaaeaatily
thaakjbi tae elafaaaat aajattabty aattttai la tho atoaay
?ii i uubbUbbI tba bta Ra biaaaaB aaaardlaaly. bfebedy
tn Maaae aai taa aiaaaaRarattaa R iRlaaaa. aaraala
OoTnraaieat oflfeera al Bew-Orleaae, aaa al arheatal
learttaiearto Ihe hearlof ihe Proatdent,are_barnd
wnhacaadaionaabnae ol efBetel nower ?"?;'?!'r"?
win..... I.t. .ol ti.. Btate, BBi otbor raaialily. ab
Inveatigation ia had. Pragroenti ol the teatiinony oniy
LaVereacbad tbe publie. B-aklng I Mrtaln tbattbe
ui.nnrv .. tcrrl'.ly daaaBflag '. >>"\. .''?"'
,,,.1 ta tba AiaxlrB-traUon, Aai ?bat*0?" J_J
,???,.?-.- .I..I ttdoeanol reportat "M. tryla, ...-.. ?
v,.tbei.letbataabodj lato biaajel?j bar_lnirthe,1 J.'.e.y. The aaake poltoyla i..ii.,w..,i w.tu n
Kard te the taqoiry lato tba d_iaippearaace uf impoi taat
odicial .1...?uui.?iii^tr.iiii tn- Wai Departmeat. 1 vaature
u?a tbe repori of nt-ltber oi tbeae two haTeatUa
Bo-.WLJrtbXb. before tbe^^^'^.^IJ:
,,?.,?.,,(,:, ?, ,-t reatralB tbelr . .1.1,..^y ainin-t.......
while. Ui tae bell. f that ibera ta aobady to bUme. Aad
ni!w ioea all tbi 1 atgaify 1 B/bal doea tt rneaa that
vvin-n tbe Bbua 1 of the toreraateal ?r tbe thorteomuiga
ol tae A.iiiiiui-ii? .11.111 .'"?.) lato qoeattaa, ayat?.
inati. wbitewaablaa N cuitivai.d aa aae oi the
.? 11,11. nav. aa a party iaty 1 Bhal doea II BMaa thal
,.? iv, ideui ...ncv.-.i aonagraatlj traaagreaa bu < i?a power ai be did waenordenngthenary t'?
pi'tcet tin. rolor nf Miiito DoaxlnBo by aaree of aata.
i,'.1.,-iaiD foreignaaaaUlant, and eveaagainatliU4?wn
aubJiH-U; tbat tbe Preaidenl m.iv evei ao wiUfulli rU>
late tbe lawa of ihe Und and tbe eommaodaof pnbllo
deconi 1 ? tbal tbe odieera oi the AdralDlatratloB may do
, -.-, 1 mi ai nal... v .111.1 uiachievtiua;| tbat tbe
?-,:,,? may h ahowa i-vcr aogro Itbat ttun
{,,,1 peiHi-iit , 1I1 illeaoed wuh tbe ebaraeel
party treaaaoa, aud aaery aaaree 01 un nmty aa
JiaiiBlcd 011 tho llool of (Joli|,T.i.->.s, BM well art
i,v- tbe partr preaa, to Jauttfj the wro_|a
comnltted, t 1 proteel tno guiliy partiea. m
eonceai the t,. thi,.w du-.i int-i tae eyea ei
thepc.oplol iloe.-. it iiiciii fiit J..11 aae eyea men
ot lii-h 11 iblic Btation, wbo in ijbl b piramuod to reapcot
tbemaelvM, opouty before tbe neople defead the aeaadala
ol j'lc.M'ici.ti.ii uepotiatn, a tbfiig ao dlagraceful 10 a Be
publl ? that no ui.ui with the iplrlt an 1 prl lt- Of BO Atner
,. ,.| ,11,/cii siiiriiti be able to ni Mition, and 1 ir leaa to ae
tend. im- hiiiiiiii.itinc fact wltbout feeliai tbe blaab ot
tiogle m hia i-heek*. Wnn doea ll nean, tldi ret k
n i."iuiiMit ottrnthaad rtfht, aai iaaaaay aa.i
uiit>, and in.inly pndcl
Tllt MBAMNli OK AXI. 1111 +
it bbb .aa thal tbe p ?rty i^ t,i be i tn i at aay aaaa. it
Baeeaa thal ?? party aa aeaaaBBBt, an,i aalatatai by i atb
a aalill. diiaaaaia aay iai rlf i *~~ partlaaa aaaaaaa, lt
Btaaaa that aetahar the reatetaMea af Hhl.B RaBtag
betweea tha a-aaaaatpaatiaaaaf the Axaerteaa aeapia
ib aaaifal ta aat aatfaaal aiiateai i aai aaffhre, nor .mr
ahiiTiciirt'nf that ayatiMii of w .ii.l.-.a.e BBhbeay and
BaaaaatbMB Bataaala ptaaalUag ta the aaaaa, nor taa
I I.,,-t'ty of UM I'oiislit' and lnwi af Bht ."I'.ntiy.
tha iBietaalB of the paaaBa aa they are haaai ap
in ,,? baheat umi Bauaeaaleal adailalatratloa
,,f j. inlic iilliir.-t, nor ev.-n th>- BCbtt BBi
bonoi ot tho Batloa, iinmt ttaai ia tt.?
way of tbe etloit to eh-cl i candl'late
aml to retaia partlaaa power. lt meanatbat aKepobil
i-aniiiii>i aot preentae te aerre bta eoaatry hy apeakmg
i ? ir.itii, ifbi toremain iagood party itaniunif.
lt meani that a aelflab party deipotUm baa dereloimd
Itaelf wbleb, by all the rraoarecaaf rewardaad*h
ini nt, apnciii io the law and aordid in-iunti nf bumao
nit'iic. dragooua the ambtUooa lato obedlaaee bj taa
of a faiMii -,i aml mbjagated pnblK opialon, and
attempta to drag lato Ita aet tha welPnaaaalag by artful
aml -v Mcin-itic i on. i-alni'-iit ol tbe irmli. aml by iraml
and dect-ptlon, a party deaputieui wbleb reii
,i, | trn,- reforai impoaalbte br Badona n
a parti-an dntv to whltewaab ahnaea, Inatead
of correctlng tbem; i<v obaeurlog oui moral appreoia
tmii of n>;iu aad wroag, aad leacbing ua to aeo in ?-. iti-h'.- tbeauprente rule of actlon. Doyoa waal to
diaoorer tbe fnli power ol deaiorallxatloa "f thal aea
|m,ii .iu an i tbe wbole degraiatioa of u- rtetloaa l I^Hik
at tbi in aa Ibey am ivin^- at tbe feet of Prealdrat (
I aboald prefer noi to >|..'..k of hln did ba boi ataad
tin !?? ut tae embodlment aud para#nifleatton of tha per
i i lona -v-ttcin wbleb derlrea ffoni hla imiivniiiaiuy
ii, |i, lt. i.iittni'le for hla Billtary
aervicea and reapoct for bla offlce ban looa reatralnei
inaiiy irom exprtaalag their raal oplaloaa eoaeerotac
inin.' I ib dl be tbe laal Btaa te forget, or to earp at tiio
~re?l -. ivk-eahe baa reodered Io tbe Belivf war Ihe
bouora h- haa w.m, tac laoreta be ha- ?_taered, aball aoi
l?- tnm-h-il. Bai now ba ii B nv.l t.thf.r and ba BBkl aa
toconUnoe blm al tha beadel the atrll goji innient or
thia Renublle. With thu qaeettoB hii l.nin-li lnoe im
th n i,, .io. Tbere are oe uatttaa to ba reaght, and no
? i . i"- t it. a. aad ii .w it h-' nm." u ity
to t-ii thi trntii eoneerntng blm, im we andi nt ni lt, i
shaii de ?> wuh Icanknen. i.ut m.t withoiit nioil.r_tioii.
raa t___a_aaBB*a Bt___aa_a errnaaeBanrr.
lieu. (.ralit canie into ntli M uinlcf .lniiniMalieria of
eltr.iot'llliary protni-e. He had, BB lienei .1 in Ciiief,
flliaatoi tho etaataa aparatlona of the war. Ilii Mireeaa
Btarei Bpaa btaa tba graBaada aad aaRaaa af aba
leyal peaafa, anti at Baaatlag ta Bai aaaaaaai foe a aaa*
eroin i apit.ilation h? ha.l lu a hiKh de*free wou cv. n
tin ii reaaeat BBi aaaaBfaai -. Xaare w.n taaaaaty a ataa
ln tbe mition to who-w. voieo they wonld lmve Btata
wllhagly Utteaof aaaa aa-Bee-ahiaa theat ta HthaaR to
the Un vitahlo, ln aeeotiimodatc theumlvea ln aaai f ulli
ti tin; li-iritiinali- reiulu of the war; to roHpeot the
rUrhta af tin-ir BBghbiaa baatetar haatble, and io
develop f'.r the eommoii .-?. > i laa opportaalRea pre
aented bjr the aew order of tblaga, aueb admonitlooa
belni ,i' I'.iii.piiii.ed hv aorda aai aein af coaclUatloa
:,ini g.i wlll. No tn a ii.ild bava doae Btore to rerlre
tinii beai aai i-oit paartoRe Impeteee; to qotet theli
appi, benaioua and _aaiire thfilr tu nda aa to tha cafetv of
tie n rigbta aa cltlxena; to uaai tbeai feel thal they
were aot to be the itep-childrea of the Republloito
iimpire tlnlit wlth m-w intirfM in Ui fert-Ma, thaa
neutxalUung their eld baart-baralaga aad aaiaaoaltiai,
nviuB tbe peaee ol Bkaaaarabla eoateatmeni
to tbelr cooatry, and reatorlog tbe loog-loai
. "I'liahty of tceiiiiif hetween Ibe dur rent parta of tba
I' I'lcHl-iii lirant'i poMtioii waa equalli furtu
imIi- ni other reepecta. Ba had never been
wltb partv ,-trife. lt. entaagienkenta.aaimoaitMa,and
reaaatme-ta, were foaourn te kha Beewei bia i-.-va
Uou to no pai ln -ul.ii -il Ol poiitn i in- i.i whom ln) iiii^-lit.
bara been bound h> adebtol tj-tltade. Ba wa. nol
berae aloft on tin- ahoalderof raetUm, wblle tae rery
oppoaitton be had to eaeoaater i- a eaailiale aaa .. ?
MiM-iltnl 111 tbe appre. . Uloii ol Um- aertiooa BB mi'l
leiitleiitl >'o PreatdeBl wouid baya had keea difll
initv to nv.rcouie iii relieyiBf tbe eoaatry or tim
oarae of BairawHBlaiai, atlBah, partlaaa rato,nih><
tributlngtbeofltoea of tae Oeyarnnatal witb a tlacle
ere to the troe lotenseU of Un publii lervloe, aad ia
tboi Inaugurat-U bla-Ai-atatattatton wuh a refonn
elevatlng tbe wbole toaa aad teoxpei ol our polllical
Hfa Bheiiln- n>.i'"li'ted fhn l'i c?nlenf ei I ehult, it ln i V
lie aali that the wbole peopta larroandei btaa with ?
luidiul ull.i of tlnil eoiiliil'iii., .itiil williugaia iu all Be
mik'ht do to glre tbe eouotry aaoi Borenuaeat Tbere
vi..- n.'t a BtatlBBBBB ln thu K-piibllf Wbo wonld
m.t bara baaa ready, aar, prouu, ba tarre
hlni Bl his BbIL Hu miKht bai bavo willod
ii to gathei t1"' *ary liowvi yi poiith-ai alaiott aai
virtne ai-i.iind tbe oounell boari of bta CBMni I to ald bl.
iiii-xiN-rioiiei-, hikI th. iiapoaitloB ol tba paaaitratbti la
bta fevor waa aach that from the rery rauu- af tha oa
poaltlon be mlgbt hare reHnforced hii mpportert, TUe
naBooatood raady to applaod erery Baoyetaeal ta tbe
lirei ttoii. Ti lupport wi A'iu.' itiou condurtn.1
. h prtnrlplea and faltbfullj aerviug an. h i,?h
Wiillld lmve h.-e.u Uot ollly tho duly hllt the ilell.lit Of
patrlotlo citixen. Areldeatal mtaukea a >uld bare
been read-ly haBBraa. Taa avldaaae ?l pure motlvea
i,n,i I, wonld bare eaalli alleo i .1 haciioua
rtaaaor. Itaiy, >ima tha Bifaa-BMlon af 'h- Uevera
liitnt no maii uui iin.r* powii tor BBai
uu watTt aaaa i m i i i
No fratlieut, aare perhaaa Waahlairtaa blaaaalf.waa
? Uv Md iiiid' r i inre tUtti rin^ ailKiiilci. und tln-n- R pi,.b
ai'iy not one wRaea |H-rfoiniant i? aRaaf Bi Baaea l-i,
i0iitra.1t to hia opportunltlea. Ta. re la aotblng ao upi io
d.ttrii' aba ayaa af Bm MaRttaia a- nniiiari atary. tvun
tluiiiie-t tliNiirulUK aabjaai annot eaally reilat ita ebiiriua.
w,- ai. f.iini nf h.-iievnm- laal ? ni.,ii abe.hea aaa.f-.i
lv couitnanded an iu in> bbbB Bl BhR) to go-irn a natmu,
hut that unlvcraality of RRaal i-. hut ranly met wuh.
l aaaaaaa bt tu timt a la aotta itii?itntatiee. Ttii ii aal
,i hai-h |iiilk' for (.,-n. lirant haa hii fuiliiiita
ln eointiKiil Wlth
Bei Bad reepoffalbllll ? - of civil adiaiaiatratlon. l Boabt
win-tu. i it baa i..?coiin ,,ini,. rOaai to ^^ llullll iS)l ,t
|Bc I'reHliIi-iiiv imTrn in onr tyatea of Uovrnnfjeiit.
Whi-n that hiith otBee waa preamitid to hlm he took ll aa
. __, *.t ....I..1 ... ur ...1 .....I ... . .
r, in-ii ...... ....*?. "...-. " -? ,-. - .-.,..., ... ii un im niua ii aa
a aort of natmual reward, an ai i omauiiatlea, a plaee la
wblob.aitei hla auUBarj axatvlta, ba adgbl aukEe ataa.
B.-lf lolnloitalile. 11 IH liilnd ai-oiu* to h_r? laeen hut
liit'u- dlaluilK-d hy tli(. -k al diitle.a _ud p.-rple_ina proh
ba?a| BB w .- to tahe bt hand. li oniy api?-ar
aomewbat atartilog al Miat ?ikIh that ?? ,,un of hi?
fi luuda, CoL l'?i n< y, on. n m/ui ni-d tim pul.ln . ln- abould
then na.' BlllrU il- II"- ' MOOBd l-iin on II,,- ^roniid
lliat i,ini uoiilil Uot piy in ponil ol el.lollnnnnt Tliia, i.ti view of Ihe aaaa wa? Ind^Mi qalte nini.ii ,|. nnt
U bo did uoi ioja uu tuo l'i i oiUi-uef aa an -cooiDrnoda
tion. heiiaturnllTdealri'd thal it iboaM BBl be ti l?ami*
bi.-it.e,i. nnd aotneofhlafrlenda wbo have rcadily cn
t.-redlnlohlaaplrlt aetnally ..?? th.n inercant lo aricu
,,at 11 . or of bia reeleetlon. Hla lirat d.ity wa*
" fo n bB r.idnet. Tba exHreiiei.-a of tha tlim-a
uraetitlrdemanded tbat be ahoald plck hla eoniUtutlonal
RiUlm-i-n from the ableat an.l moal eiilu'hi.-n. .1 ?tateamea
of le na I le aaked nobodv'i advlee. but ma.lo hla
neleU nhlnnelf. When tho Canlnet waa i,n,?,.,t,e, .1 tt
waa tlu >? iider "f U>? *orllJ' n'? """^ ?'??partiueBt
SaaMrViriventoalieraonal frlend hy way of enropll
ment ao.m to be exebwTged tOT a Baa re-pon.U,!.' and
Inore ?oinfurtable p.mltion. Ihe (fentleuiau appomted
K-tar-f^meTreiianrywaa al once dlaeoy.I..i
.ailUod bv law.aiidaaforthe Beerotarj Oltba Navy,
^- ?"" hv buf gherbf Phuadelpbla, be eald of blmaeli that
Le did uot know what bo waa Bt^intad for and bad
'',,,,, '.?.,. enouab to inalnt upon l>, Iur ipeedii* rellered
nfThh, troiiblcaome buaineaa, for wbicb he had neltber
ilineaa nor taate. In the coiirae of lltne nome ebangea
w re in"le. Met. who, by th-'ir H.d.-pcud.nt and
eniKhteto'd aenaeof doty.l.?'?'.? '" ""<'<"na inmble
Hon't' had 10 make rootu for oth.m whiiae aoeeMlou to
the cabiiiet roade that f-rttal oim.-il ol Btate at.ii more
v , nib-rful. It la ImpotalbB ta draw from tbe Badltloaa
of the OoYernraontatfrotatbeexlaewjtaa ot the U-paa
a irlnclpl.- ?r th.-iv of B polito .1 < ha.a. i.-r apoa
uhiili ao a Cablnet could have been ooiwtru.t.d.
Ii bowever llttle In Ita compeeltlon the greal^lnteri ita
of ti,.. ,-o.i.itrv -algbl bava beoa -wneulBB,,tfee I*ree1-Ieiit,
true to Ihe u. . oli.iiio-latloll Id. a. , oualllti-d bll own I oa
"?,,?,, l'T ti.e 010*1 lli.pi.rt illt |'0
Rltionanl Ihe tioTrrntuent whora be dealred U, pleaae. Wb0 |?le -"I h.lil Wllh tl.-ir companv. He looked
unoYltMtaiipereaaal bbbii. abBb .oucerucd uubody
A palnful but -till i-eluctant appi- Bl BOtOB WR
aawatag apaa tba aatada af aaaaa tbal tttaaaaMfaal of
tbB ajtaal l nm-in.nt aad taBaa lato taa aaada ti a tn
Mer. The distributlou of offleea waa now ln order, and
tTie PtaaaB ai i? aaa at eaea t.. *h..wi t tba ?raaeta ol bB
,,,h,-!ii pition.-. .-? ujioii BB ralafdtaa aad petaoanl
trtonda ii" bad atabaUiy aam baaad af BopatBai, aad
vi u- the laat niali M H- I ""' ta*NBBO? of
bb mafiit Baiardlay the Pwattaaay a* aa taaaaa.
luodatiout'i him. and ll* app.BBafBR MaBBftol mt
aouai proBerty, be did ntrl we Why beaboullnot 1b
rreaae Im own eomrorl witb II.Boea "r in,>>it.-. Ukewue did It not atrike hmi aa
?ia aiaiou. t .reward men aho bad atven buo raluable
nreaeuta with blghand reeponall.Ilrnltlea, llealmply
lik. J to plea-u tlmae who b.i.l pleaaed bim. Iiiatwa
all lle tt uiireaaouihie, th.-nfore, tbat. la tbe
?TatirJcaUon ol tbat doolre the opluloni of
i.boul.1 atand in hB way. He anrelT benered tbal Ibe
lauit nmi..- wl,, nu .1.iii.u' with tbbaga which belongod
to bim aud wero ao bBalnoia af tbeira. Nollbat did be
tlmt it rea-nialile. that the man lo whoin the Preeideooy
had been .,'iv.n aa a reward inould '"? bamperod by l"K,n
obeiru. tiona, aud wbeu ho Baad au oi.i and irtae itatate
ntamiiiiK lu tho way of tho appoiuttaent pf bB
Beeretary "f the Treaaury, and tho Tenure-of-OIBoe
acl Iroubled him lt. dhrrlbatlng tbe patronage,
im Kiinpiv Bald io fjaaaaaaa MJaai lapaal aaa ibaaa
BwaT" Tbal tba tapealvl auoh Bwa raigbt Bad tpvor)
inlai hiev-.Mi - ? laaequeucea, troubled biin llttle. Tiu-y
Ht.I in hia'.v.iv, iiii.l that waa enotii'li for him. .w",,li
aiter hin iiie.-.ion to pow.-r, he irave hla inlnd. not to
the eraat probleou tbe aoluttoa of whicb tbe poopB o
anxloualyluoked for, bul to a prajeetof bBown tbe
aeqtiraitlon of Banto Oomtsga A rabjeetof incblmport
;,i, . M Ihe in. ..ipoialluii with our Jiolltical -yatem of
it tropn-.c, oountry vthIi an uttoiiy beterogem .UB
,,,,,,,,., called for tbe Boel oareful au.l earueat
'?ouaideratiou. It ii bollared thal the Beoretary
,,[ m,,,. did not fafor th.? aoboaio, and tbe state
i>,.|iiMui..iit, wbooo otii.-c lt ia ta eoadaot aii tne dipio
iii ili, allnri of tho lioveniiiieiit, waa uneereinoiiiou-:y
?el aaide. Tbe Prealdoul coiameuced a peraonal negotl
bUob witb Baea, tbe rntar of Hanto Dotningo, whicb ba
iiiiiai-te.i io oui ol bli yotnf ablea do eaaap, aboi
h, bad I- a-,.!i tO believe eijual to bB 0W0. TtM eXtia
ordiuary elina.-iei- of lhl? pioeee.ini.' did BOt troiinlo
him. Ha wanted to have the unnir dono: and U>
do lt, an aido do cainp waa BOtlOf thau a
hocretarv of Mate. The ai.le de '.imp mido n
aort of a peraonal treaty between the two poteu
iu wlileli tho rie-oli at waa;.'.! to ptvpBiate
tba i.iu.i ol ' ..ii-.'i.--- i i tba b. aaiae ?f ihe loohy influ
enre. Tni- dtagraoeful eagagemenl wonld baYe r.-voit.-.l
tbe aenatMlltlea ol anj Prealdent barlng tbe dlgnlti of
bi- h.^ii oih.?<? i.i tba iionoi- of taa oatioa ai baart. But
Preeldeal <irani waaao tar froai diaapproriagol it thit,
iuitead ol uiarking tbat abB de i aup altb bui dupleaa
ui-.-, be oontlnued to emplor bim iu eonddeutlal mhuioua
tor tn.- a iiiia objaet. Bay, m eampuaaaa aitb th" Btlpo
l*t.oua of acraernont, ha aotaaiiy did deooead lo tbe rule
ot a lobbviat. Ibaveaeoa blaa B IbMeaaaatty aayaelf.
Iloweoill a I'l.'d.leiit lowcr him.aolf ao tar I Uny, il
iiobo.iv .?!-'? wanted Baato Deauago, ba dldi baaaiatoi I
tba un au- iiio-l eoiuteiiiil to Iim pi-.K li.-.ii lllllld.
i.ii. vvak rowaa oaaaaaa.
II,. went Itrther. BOOB, th. otU. r party t > tbe arr.iui;.!
ni.-nt. aata| in aaaaaa or kelaa anwom from pvaat***
arblob aaaht baaa apattai tba lebeaae Baa* Onatt ata*
eliii..] tlutt bB frieu.l BBB muat ta BBBBkta -d Bl any
Bftaa. Ti.e aaetbad wa* BbaatB, Bo araarail tba BTaTy
? it th.- Uuiti-.l Bl ktaa M tafabOf artlb ahot and aholl auy
BOdf who iincht BtBaaB ? BB, i'viiii if it l"i tl. it BBB I" i' ?
own nuiijccta. The war Hhlp* of tha Unlted .Statoa were
virtu.illy pli.'d at Ihe .li-po^al of a lon i,-u poU-uUte.
jlnl .tid h" onler BBB of withoiit tlie nuthoi,. | af
Cou-i-.aal Did li" not know that tho Ooaatttatloa
veata tbe war-makioa power m (X>a**reaa1 I'.t
hapa bo *l nl not know. At any rate
I,,. ,i,,| n,,t , ii, ii,. eoaaldered It hia baalneaa. Tne
H-naie, bi i "iiieini. voti', rejeotod tba treaty ol aaaoxa
tion The I'r.-ai leat, lu hia meaaago, told the Seuate tbat
thi-waa a Rteal follr, and k.-pt Ihe war-alnpa of tbO
Unlted Btatea at tbe dBpoealot D ..?*. with loatiacttona
io ihooi and al luehtei aa oeeaoloa ralgbl renuure. B a
lt at i i-t appe ... -I that there w.i- abeolutelj no hope f.?r
tbe proleet, ita opponeate beiBB *rappo**ted oy tbo ah ????
\ui, iu an people, he temporarUv abaa loaed it, uadoubt.
???Hy tatakeit upagaini! be abould be refflected. And
liow we aee the (Vll-tltUtlOll vimated ; a pTe.-edellt Mt
B/blefa if taken laaruBof cofaatitntlonal conatruotlon,
will place ihe !?? ic?. of the Repnblle al the mercr
of one BBBa'd Wbbaa or ainiutiou; the l'
(iiirnity dragged nito the .luit; tba baaor ?( th"
iiation -ii iii'.i- lt whai t To furtber a peraonal echeme
ol ihe Prealdent, la whieB aoTiody took any bul a neaa
tivo latereat; neltber tba Uabtaet, boi Coaaraaa, nor the
Aio.incjii people-not).ily but th.) Preaklent,biaaidea
ii.- oamp, aud a f.w ipeeuUtora of d.nk reputatlon.
What tne Prealdent'! rnotlrea were rn ao vmlentiy puab
iuk tbm aaboaia i da aai know. oaatBtaiy the aaala rei
?,,l: Wllh Which B? advoe ile.I it lll Inn BJOBBage, H'.it UM
i Monaof Banto Iiomlngo would pay thonatioual
del.t WH ao hiipiemely childiall a? to inake tbe vi-i V lauirh. ilnt he wanted it: an.l neit ,
. oii.atitulioli, nor tho ilixnity ol BB hiu'li OtBce, l.or the
bonor of tlio jiatloll ahould ntaud Iii tha Way of a taBBf
im waaaad
MAKItIO TI1K M.'HT (ir Tlll. I'l: BM *BB*OT,
I.ookiiur at the Prealdeney ia a reward, an .lecomtnu
d.itloii. why ?hould he not mik" BB n.oat of it 1 Th.ia
tn.) i-k.1 aaaaaarB .taeif to the t*ia*a>aeattalnb>tl, Ba
oceaaloiially recouimonded other lluni:-ln BBBf.
-Amneaty, < ivil Servieo Kcfortn, fln.uii ial,
aad aaaa. BtadbayiaaB*l tbeaa aMaea with aatf the
zeai iievoted ta Ha Baata DaaalaaaBqbeaBa, he aaaal
i,av.ib abRBBBaaai bbbb. Bal aa/bady aaarid ri.iicuio
Civ.l Befatta llefortn BBl call Amneaty B natlona! erlme,
wltboai Bataa aB B**#af There w.-m tba Bajteraaea
between a ti.nn* the Pieatdenl wanted, aad otbora ba
cared llttle aboul Anotaer tblng be waaB la bia reeleo
tion According to bia frlend Col. Foruer be muat h.ivo
B aecond t.-iin ta make the tliat on.- pay expeusea,
lle BaWtOd OUt with u ahow of iii.lepeii.le.nee from politi?
eal liiiliieiii-e whi.hiit tlrat Um people were luclined to
Bpplaud. .Niliner.iiia pointed .-tori.-a, souie tlll" BOd
Niim.t falae wero elreulatad aboattt Hut it w.ia mob
iIim tbal for hla fiilure BBOOOOa he nie.le.l or^an
ized partiaan .a.ipport. It waa had. Tlio n-qulrcl
ailiancei formed themaelvee by natural grariutlon.
Hoon we Bad him **arrounded by politieal aaanagi
Camerons. the Cbandlera, tbe Moitoua, tba Ctrakliaga,
Ihe lliltl,-!-. .V -., I". n I. Io ?!?> hia work If he would do
tbeira. n waa a aiatter ot Mnaeiuallty. Tbe IntereaU ol
Ihe l'K-l'lelit BOd Of polllle.ll elllcftalua lih'titill.'-l
themaelvee without diiil Blty, be aldlng with the Bzei u iiiiiiieiiee iii eoBtruUing tn. ir stutea for Ibeanaslvea,
aud they gl riag ani B oootrollbag tho paita for
l.iii. one hiin.l waah'd the other. Tlila waa gradually
dereloped lato ? ayatera, all eooperation beinr; welcome,
even aaoai aa tbal ol ?..-v. Ctaptaa, ta arbaaaaai Tiieru
x?,i.. oaoiTwaara people qfaoaie niiluenee wiilimr to
work tor a .?o.iaiii.T.itioii, oSt tboatbo ijaiaaa aaa*r**aata.
ully eXtellded U.itll Bl la-t Ihe calleUaea ol COB**reM H
well aa tlie Civll S.-rv i.e an.l the whole Repnbllcan party
tbioilifhout tbe land wer(.mpietely tnuler ita eoiitiol.
tiioi. party daapotuua kp-vt apwblaboobra.
tBod arerj i?.dy wao rofnoi i B abap ita aaaaaaadBda.
It aaVB btatb to a now aort of party orthodoxy, whoao
liiit lehi-t lt wa- thal t.i.iut muat uo,
The atrittcat fldeilty to Kcpubllcati priuclplea waa worth
notlnim' iinlean . oii|.l..l with U.lelity to ihe Upposl
tlon ta eim-tiiuteil huh tn-.n-m ii^.iiual Ih paitv,
(or Wbjob Ihcrowaa no BjBBItaW. BaB I llu.ui ??!-'? I BBtd
bo focatvoa tatt aai tbB. Ibbb th<' Bjaaap^ttaaa orwaniza
lioii haa aaaaaaa a peraonal party, abaolutely a ii.juxated
to the inteie-l. of one ilidivblual. A i{e|)unllciiu Adiuin
latratioii de/eiieral.-d to an filar iiiIiii* evt-nt B) BBfaOBBl
Koveiiiuieiit. Lel tbe Preatident do what be ploaara, be
tliula (o.nplete j.rot.-i tion ili bB falthfill paitv, and the
atinR af ii.iaouii aoTeraaaoal la Mtuetlraea f.-it very
ke?Ul) eV.ll Oi I .o I.llllllu!. 'i'ae l'I-.-|,'..lll dOat l.ol
Buarntheli l'.'..i',r ? "' t.--ti ?ometluioi Hi- uttuoat ra
t. i.nyof their!.1 aniilt, for hla neiilahne.aaladia
trowdiiRly frauk and liiK'-'inlotia. Thev vraut bim t? rtp
i? ai io im- baal adToatago, ban) l.? doaa not undemuiid
ahattbei Biean.aad ibe* have to aubuilt. L~i*y fead
that hia m pofi-iii ili.gia..-a ihe goveruuiaui, bul 111 eulte
of all th. pr. ten-ioiia of reform with whleh th.y *e. k 1..
. ,v,i Inui. iio.amiot Im-iiievaiie.l ii|H.ii lo leiuove any
ofhlartlativiialr.ini ?uioc. afaa uu.lor tk?imotoavOr
vatlug clrcumatancea. Be koepi nu biot ., i-m .aw
Ciaav ia olaee, a'thoii. h that man U uiiiv.r-illy ktrown
HA o..e of ihe- U.o?t worlhleaa oltleeia iu t Ita
lau.l lle ke, I- ln- liiothei ui-iaw llruuier, who m.i.le
he .llnl ui.ili aervlee of th. L'ult. .1 auu-i rldlculoua,
I (-..i'lib.^i, An.l". rlo.rwill not wronghim.
ll.- ,nu diam.?. one of bia kin*f...k. n i?r. Lampber, arbo
badtorealKU a piac.. iu ih? Ueveuue .?-iw.-0 n. tauiae
' uenee or grbea .wTndllnj ope,atioi,a In ipjus of
that tlie aiime man waa tbeti bv the Prealdent
to a i.Uee iu a laud ollla- ln Waniiiua-ioiiTerritorv, where
ha Imd > oiiirol "i a oo**aldawBiUe aiuount Of liovelliuiellt
nmney but when the lame Uuipber aBo lndulged lu a
frandiib nt u- "' pnblle funda, even tbe good h-urf nf
the I're-ldeul could uot hnld him. and ao one menUwr of
l!?. fauillj weul by the boar.l. liut he i.i tho
onlv on.- Win-tlor tbe fiithtul like ncpotlam or
BOt they muat do beat to d-fend lt. Neltlier
did tbe lU'.-t uiomiiiont ol Ihe falthfill liko
the ap,' iiiitiiie.ui oi ibo i eaiiraled l.uu ilurt>Uy ua foi
I,., i.,r ofii-ioiu-ln New-Tork. I have it on good au
tboriti thal Tom Mui pliy'n .ippointmeiir wan not prenaed
b> poUtnal Hul tlio 1'reiideut UkedTaaa
Murphl. l.uu .Miii|.h>'a ualm. w.i- . t" h.ui,
and by wai of ezpreaatna l.'a peraonal regard iml
frlendahlp Ihe I'leat.leut lu t*M Tom Miirptiy OolBetor" of
(juatoiua. Iluiuatb.) aflBHVld thal T nu Muriiliy re
,,,i I. 1 that acl ui I'leii.lilillai |. letcruea* by auccoaa
fully pulitni ihe politieal airea for fua frlend
(itiii UfRTBI --.:. oi- Tin: PAItBl I I
*I*bafaltbfalarealao d tn ?? i by the critlclafo tbe
pr* -i lenl 'prov ok-." i.y hia foudn.-s- fnr llght amu'aeuiout
aud bll apartlBg pr.e a.,ltlos. liut the Proaidunt ia uot
piirtlal to thn rarei of i;i)verninniit. The Prealdenoy waa
iablaiiplnlon notglv.-M to hlm that ba Bboald overwork
hlraaeir. Jio looner doea Congreaa adjoura tban he ta off
for TiOiig Rraneh, aaa hor la i-ager to aoBBpe from bla room. Ii, dei Idedly prefer* the dellght* of a
horae raoe to tbo tedloua work of a 0 iblnnt meetlng.
The aoerPtarlea, bBBBxai hy hla nxatnple. run away alao,
and ao wo baar from tlmo to tlme that the. Admmiitra
llon lt iinl ,.f tow n. 1 have actUiillv Mveu forcltfll luinlx
tera ta tae Oapttol ottbo Ratloa looklng foi tin i.ovcni
im nt ef tbe l.'i.itci atatee aa tot a taat. hii.i. or a borae
itrayed nr atotaa. Baeb - tinna- wai aever beard of la .".r btatory. Tho in-eat bnalneaa of the Oorernmenl baa
in'i'ii baaa ao eevaUerly -aali with. it R the cioheat up
pinai-h to tbe babtta of royal aonrta t_w couut.-ybaa
erer witaeaeed. aod the falthful do not liko to xc tin
Preafabaa) u*- BBteaaaafai bia own oomfort in ao bare
f.U'cd - inauner. But, 11a tbey eaiiuot prevent lt, tli y
have to detend lt, und they do lt wltb aelf i>.nTitlciugb?
riilam. Even Loiila Napoleon wua not iimre aUviahly
aarvai tban Uraal R hy hla meii. Neltber wa* I>mla Na
polimi, ui bla iniM'.iriuiic, miiri) etigorly doaerted tban
lirniit wili bo aa aaaa aa ba tabeataa. RathewlUba
prataed and obeyed aml lapported hy bii polltlcal troopa
in I'linr ni he liniili power tu I1I1 biiinla. I wiil not wroug
Prealdent Qreat, iio ia i>y uo BMaaa a awa
ati't of ini.|u;lv. He i* aluiply a mau who n__kea
uie of his liitfh iKiaitlnit t.i -uit. bU
own aoBfaateaoet n-iwdleaa of otber IntereiM. II
doea uot ait iu bta Bloatt aaartmlna aaarper. gtaoaitiy
pondcrlng how he may aubvart the tree niitltutiona of
tin- Republlc. Neltber ioea be poader bow be mav pre
m ivi- tiieni. iie aaaa imt paartor al all. Be almply
wauta to aarry ajaiah aad m tbe BaatoPo
mlu/ro oaae, tba Conatltntion bappena to >taml la bta
way, be juat walki orer tt n- doea aal BMantobreah
down the autln.rltv of tbe lawa. He atanply want* tbem
m,t to iiauip r bnu in bia dolnga. Ba not Bteaa ayetemetioelly to outraao the puhiie
aaaae of deeeaey by Bepottaai aml low aaaoclationa to
ooi i upt t ba aerytea and to degrade .mr i>oiii icel nf-. Be
oniy waata to avaha hla leleurea aad farorltea eomfort
Bble, to aaeoelate with bmb wbo are coogenial to blm,
and totake the beatcare of hla lnterei i Hela
not incip.llile nf iiceiiilon illv dol-g B BOOd IBlBg IL
pr.i.Mii giiod apiM.iniiiieiit to a bnil ? He "' ier tulnea
l mi. ll ,ii..i.i ? ? - that aft-ii -
go well, Eta own wetfare Inclti tad.
THE ra-RB-MBrfl kxi i t.t.Kvr IRIUIfORB.
The ery for Civil s, rvic" It.-fonii frowlag I If-Jaf, he
eaine rery near he, i.inlni' a Civil Bt rvice Kt forui' r. Ba
Btartai ptaaably attb aaai bttaaahaaa, ami aaald per
Baaa havc i arrnaf tln-ni oul h.i'l li" BOl BBB '1 II to bl *<?
btalatereette eeafttaltbe poMtteal aaaebBM bttheo-i
way for bii i.-c!-.-tiofi. Thetl the ah-nilnte eO-XB-tladOf
the civ ii Betrtae ataehiaary Bapaarei ta Bla ataeb Baore
un fui arUanrrtee Befantv. Be wonld prohably
h ive cnii-ciitc'l io let tin-Kn Klux RVW dlBf hy i
llrtiitati.iti, hut, t '.iiiMilenng hla intercit in tht j? nling
oaarpabra, ho did imt btaeh to ur?.; hla frteaia
in Caaareaa to eoatlaae la bta baadi
moat alarming power to anapend the writ or b
oorpua, wiiiie um own i. ? eel atapendlng. Heioeanot
meantoba _ deapot, nm be wauta to bare bta wiil.
Baeb ta the cbaracter of bta peraoaal goTernment. We
ihoald be dotng it too nach bonor h/ calling it <>?ar
imii. || ii in't bteplredbj aayaraad, lofty, aad taaa>
inladed aiiihitiou; uy the. Inaatlableieaire of ganlaa to
aad to UU ihe w-orld with tbe iplendor
.ii Bgreat aante, ltke thoseof Ja - Cawar aod Rapo
1,-nii. lt ta Bbadiaaiy barrea efRteaaaad origlaauty?
barren ol atrikliig aobierementa, rold "f noble .v-uti
n,. i.i.-, a .1 .. pirtng example. It la airnply dull and
heayy, h.upid and atuhhoni ln Ita nlflabneaa. Thme
who hiininiltud to tho rule oi ? o?ir aml NajMleoa
i oul l aay at Raal tbal thej Bi ra bowlog tin-ir beadi be?
fore tbe magnlflceni e of towi i m^- Inte loi t and wonder
fn! activiiy. li.u bere tbere ia Dothing to wann the
in .dl oi ? '" '"t
np oitr inoral ii .:nrc T.i ibant of 1'reaident
i.r.nit oan not gtye aa aa exrnae for tm a aaement tbat
he tiinii iu im peraoaal goyerament aaythlng to aimlre.
Bfe ?,?? iiothinc bai a mau who waata to poaaeaa an I ex
erclae power for hla own eoBvenienee. and ubm
whoae rule meana loaa ol aelf-reapeot. And
it la, thi? p i aoaal goyerament baa ia. eeedcd In ao rnrow
lac Ita eoii.i raaai tha ruimg party tbal taa latter eaa
ut-itin-r breatbe nor more except by peroita-ioa. lt baa
ao eomph-tely .ubjngated the wlll aniLcouacionce ol tbat
party taat la .t ont-oUua baa beoome dumh; tbat ?
lor the Coiiiiitiiiioii aud law 1: tintlovc oi initn. right,
andjuatice; tbat boaeataeal for tb pablh welfare aai
even the pinlc of ininli.i i l are ,?
preaieobjeci to preaerye pw ? i totbe baada al
oao mau.
mi-. ura '?k raa Baraatvtc aauuLfraaraa.
Aik thoaa ak > la th t p. . i ariaal
tha earreal af uiurpatiou aad eorraprtaa, aud thay win
tcllyuuthat tbcy fouud thaaBaatrae runnlngaKaltiat a
i-oiiihiuatloii of aaapoa-BB BBi BBbMlBBlea a? aaBB-UB a>
wall, iP-af to tlir- BBtWata of, ami inaeee.-.-ihle BB
sUainc As one of thaaa I Bara atood on tho laat of
C.m_TO.i?i!ivmdf, aud I know whernof I BBBjaR. I bara
atood tbeie, .stai-tl?:d Bt the .-tolid eyni. imu with whi. h,
to shieiti thaaa ta paaaa, tha bbobI <-v lieal RMta w-ero de
nlod, tbe iiioatobvioujicouislustun.i Hjcetcl, tho Ugbtof
triiib iti'lf turned into darkueaa. I have atiKjd thme,
BBBtasi at tint eowir.liy i-imr.i'.'c bota af deeperate
- witb wbleb, tojiutify the abuaea ri'i uuadi
tbe i.iiveiiiui-nt, pnnclplea were aet up inddoctrinea
Bdyaaeed aaeb a.i wouid aiaha v\>ry frtaai af
popuiar freedooi grow pale, aai tha fathara of
tberepubllo tara la tmir ajraTee, l bare atood tbere
o-erwbelmedwlthihatne aad a-dneaa attbeyeryde*
redation of BUkahood i aaw before aae. i bare tt.l
tbere, bowed down i?v the conrletloB thal umier Ibe
preaaiire of auco iBflueneee the atruggle foraoodfer
,r:,iii. i.i mual i.i.tea rain folly, aad that we ahail mi"d
havc to tlcht for the viry PXlatence of I'epiililleali lll?tl
i itioi.i fu, h u tbe rule whieb ut thia mouieiit oontrola
tbe Republlcan ilhiv, aai througb It tbe American
poopli- aml thii niie we an' a.ik- il 10 loiitmue.
Aa fiir mvaelf, I ahall aot belp ia doinglt, I eaaaot do
H lhavel.ii an luiinir.e aml falthful worker iu the
Renublicao r.niki from th? begiaaiag of my puhlic life,
i ? . politl il a--'" lation. were de ti to n? beart.
liut thia aenrile orgaalaation ta nol the Republlcan
party wbleb baimy allealaaea. leaaMta tim coun?
try froui a for.lirn laml. to eojoy ihe bleaainga nf rep i ?
licaii (.-overiilii. nt, aml to livc iu tbt nn'l... BTldl ??! I
ir.n in. i eaaaot aaerlBea both to a party wbleb baa
i?,.ii,e r.i.-c to itaelf. i have al way a belieaed tbat true
pro-r.n _rowrt out of a free and uanly conteat
uf oplniona, and i eannot ald ln Uc-tenlnx ronnd tha
Ame. peopta flut network of orgaaixed telflabneaa,
tbat an.iki.ih coil of power, whlcn la to ulfla arary [ree
aapiraUoo and to bind tbe peopta doarn toa aill boi their
own. lt n my pfOfOBBO i ..nv iclion thu mlwoik
imui Im- hioki'ii thro-gb, thu iMepottaai inil-t be de*
atreyed, the peopta uunt be inapirai oaea ntora wlth the
breatb of ludepeadeul oplnion. We mual bava the
.?in.ini Ip ition ot polltical I'oii'i ii-ni'c, and now i- the tlme
to .iiriKc Ln it. fiareyoa thoaghl of tt, bow a condl*
ti,n,,i thlufaanehaa now ?uirouuda ua could dovelop
Itaelf I It is uot a uew ntory.
ata raorta ao_aaa fimm bbbbb atatbt ano Rtata>
Braty patiei of gr> at afiart ami aixdtaaMal m tha Hia
of B liatiou is foilowed hy oueof apathy aud iudifferuuee.
It U then that l?il prccedctit-j ripen into vieiotia hahita
of thought, iuu> tame Beajafeaataat bt aaaaga into ateat*
laal tahaBaataa to the anogance of power, iu ouc aaaa,
into theaa aaaaaaa to vbtah aot aahlaai froe BMtltaataaM
miciiiiiiii. Baeb I eriod.1 tcnt tho splrit of a free people,
aad tbiaafb aaeb a aarBii aa barajaat baaa paaaaaB.
The civil war, with Ui K'lgantie cffort.i aud terrlblo corn
motions, bad put the eBBBRBBl of the people to
aa ouoitiiniia fctraln. The rei-ouatructioii poatad ltn
posed auother hiavy tax upou thu retiiiiiiiug activo
iutcreat lu puhlic affair.1. llaving arnved at a fair prom
lae nf lettlemeat, people, under a aenae of fatigue, were
Im lineil to let ttitnei fiiko tlicir eooree. They did imt
waut toalarm themaelve.i. The Ooaatltatloa un<ht ho
vlobkted and the lawa brukea. Thlaga aUaal be deaa
which at timei wouid havc provoked tbeflerceal
Indlgnatloa. Now they rceelred but a paaBng Botlee.
A part of the i-oiintry could be naoat ernelly oppreaaed
umi plondered. lu aindhur part people oouli be
nroii-cil oniy by what they enooaatered at
their ioore. They followed tho taai of party
liv bablt and without tiouhlesome d'.-criiulnation,
aad in incb a asaaoa nr apathy could tbe arbitrary ten
dcmiei of the Oorernmenl aaitheareed if politlelana
kmt tiioM- nnsabea In whleh party aml people w.r. to bo
led eapdvea, Bm, fortnnafely, the Amerleaa people
aleep neltber rery taat nor rery loaa They atr.-tc.iied
tbetr limiM and becawe a. u?iiiie of ttie.r fettaia. it waa
ii,.|. ed timc t ? wake up; tlme tbat the apell be brokeu.
Tbepaopla laaRBctlrely fail tbih, rtn.l tbaa oriainated
tim awvement wbieb ro-,o tato acttoa at Clacinnatl.
Determlned bmb elearei wltb a bouud tbe pri^m
aralta of party, and reeotred to ix- their own maatera.
Tiiin tha Clnelnnali Coareation ca. together.
That Couveatlou waa aot the product >>i im .
politlrl ,n-. There bave been but two p. t odi ln thi bl.
i.irvot thu RepabHe whan aneh an enterpnae waa poe
mhic. it hceo.uia aaaaaaaeedy wbea tba ,? pular aiind
bj made reatli M l?y profound dtacoutonl aud an nroproe
elble lnatlnct demaudlug a ihange. The Citn innati Cou
M'litloii Miriiur from that iintluct. W ith a-fon -.hlUar
rapldity tha uiov.iuent _a?iiined diina-aiona ur iM-veaai
tbe i-ipccuiioii-i of thoM- eudeavorud to ?five it
-luiic an l dlrectlon lt wonld uoi
tbe limlta of" a nelrot rlrcle, nor be bemdJ
,? i,v tbe .i.t.i.11 oi ih.* polltical iwforai BR
Byatante furatad ba Ra iral leadera. lt awapl uit-.
IU . un.iit ol, i.ut wayi of tinnkiiig ui
ln.uv thuiga, i.ut moeting tom-tber iu ouc tmpuiaa Io
ruiuitilhc wbwld A.mau |M-,.ple in tiic hon.M or
ut..,., iiiaii..'. ..mi fraternal feaiuw.and to aba-eon t_c
IH raonal govoruiueut and party ucooilaiii uow bow-ring
.v.-rtne country. A.-iiiuf npon tbat iinpnl-'. it pm,
ruriB Ita deolaratlan ei Ludependeaae fraia part) Bata,
?... i uii i.ttfl Bornce Oreeley and Urata RrowR aa
m" - a,;.!!.iai.- for tne Prealdeuey ..,.,1 V.,. Preaidenoy ef
tnr Uiiil.d Mtalra.
... i*iok k iitii/.'.i viKwa or wiiaT BTaJ POVK a, | I
ajRRBTI AMi Of Hli ni r>.
Fellow-. ,ii/<laa, it i* the i iHtom of piMic ^|?>iil,er. in
Blaettea eaakaatgaa ba asbaaat tbelr abota iBaaaajBi] "
ptetartag tha . u.iae tu.-y udvo, aai h* the ahaaaBR BBai,
aai that ot thaeaBBBaRa party aa tne abaalataarB That
.., t.n, i -h .ii imt i.-iii.w. __fl*-peeho! the ot'-.'? ?''>?
atlanal i aaaRi rattaa, i ahall npeak ,.t mr*** *llh"ut
rcieive Ihe ieeaBa al taeC_aelifaaB caareiittaa bare
decplv d.i-atUlli d nf tho.M' ?IC ","'1 Illlil ,ttrn"
aatt] Byataathlaai wuh laa BBBaaBBBt* i Bhoatd ba
raa raaai ta tha iratb aai B_Haa1 ta HIV ??? fediBga
dul I de.iv that thoaa iciult- w,n imt
t?iv to BM I BBi emleavoi -.1 B. Iift Bf
tbatCouTenUon to the verf htgheit apprertotton ?f Ita
dutMaandoWH.rtunltleeaaI?oiioelved tbetn. i da-atrei
tbal lUactloQahouldbf aot eal) aboye,. im
alao above auapioUm. 1 ? -'?'!. .1 "- '!?;? ??" '""n ?? 1""' \
BawellaaiUi_ndldateato be ancb tt,.t -v,-.) ,ni..ll
umi. in tba laud wiKild I tliein. not oniy aa au ai
iui ii-.c "f u .ii 'uai'.'' luedlatlon .. idml ri-lleffrom -a-ir
iab oartlaan rule ??ut alto aa a full gtiarantee uf the v i.
torv oi t'he luiv.lll.i.l WOOld furillill uh a.l-.ilii.atra
tn,i, apr-ToaehlBB the Ulaal of good governiueal
aa nearaabilniad wladom, nt? i ? ind i-arnrel
f_tortaT ean earrj 11 I deaired a platform, ihereffwe,
?..veiiiia'witiK'-i '?'?' '?" .-.on iiiltli-iH.nita
of tbe "ofoiiu ine IBJUUbllOan p irt.v itailda iu m .- I of,
a_a I , iiidldaloa Wbooi' kliovkli opiilioii.i iilnl puat BOU l_Ot
' ,i vvnl. "f tbem li Uaa Boeii puullaip
uowiwu, (wuu.-o vbau t,_o lotta taafortaajaj v( fir
p.-raojial attitude called for, that for lome aaafcB efter
the Ciucianati Conronlioa I raaardaod aHaat 1
tell you frankly tho motivea win. b (BBBBaaf ray
condm f. I rernalnod allent, not aa lf i bad under
the evlatllii? tii. u;n-.lam ea for a mnifl.- BBBeol
doubt.d tlie neceaalty of overtlinwlni; ti.?
iiiiijintoua power which now rtdea ua Uit
beeauae I thoiight. ?f a poaalblnty atlll u> ma,e Ul#
tnnvement all tbat it. could !?? de-ip-d to? 1"". and toun.'a
all the foreea which it ahouid bave Kathered under Ita
banuera for energetlc, harinonloiia und aucceeaful ...
otreration. II.ul I feaad that poaeibilltr to estaa, f
Mioui.i.on my parf. bave fearleaaly e?U*? rt. Tbat n
did notexBI beearne eleartoray mlnd aft.-r a earafaa,
iintur.', atiTioii" welirhinK of all tbe ? ... ....
? aairouadlaf u.J; and abaa I bad r. . i
tbat "oi.eai-i.m ( felt II my BB f '?' Ki
nPOB It With proinptlieaa BBd (1<< l-ion. lhil- laiu v a ln aayititc that ruy courno in tma campaln
haa not been llajhtly c.hoaen. I have aiilfen d i." I" r onal
f.. lln*. toeuler lato my dedaion. I have permlUed no
a to burry me on. I have Iuiik, and w th i i
Htixiety. eonaldered how I could rend.-r lio- I i t
to my couiiirv tbal lam capabtaof;aaaaaJel 1
more paialul atiii dy tbe dlaagream?ut of aonie v i
frtendi. My eonvtrtlona of dofyhare beea ..i >w
K'-owiii, bat now they aro d.-ar BBd tlim I i? ? i tbal I
aaa r.prht.and iieinK iitiit, I aaall ru akeod.
orant aaaaaa ..m ai a >
Wa baaa ibyaM ar oaa **f*aoaaata tbal aa I
tion iinder tho had of Ilorace (.n.i. , o? m? I
rriaraia. llratfbrratraa|aa taataIbtaaaBQ bad i.
Baa aa aaw, An.l, l.ytiic ?taaMBaaia ara aaaaa
people. who but recently fotnid ln Ilorace Ofaatoy iiio. li
|B pral-e, niaiiy i.ood niiallta a to adnilp'. b B v
bB l.omiiiation foi ll.e I're-id. m ,.1,...
he la the orlyln of all cv.I an.l the BBBB af
We will let lhat paa*. Aa to tin- pr,.-ja , ?
uudcr h'.a admitilatratlon : aiipj,
b" aoald aaa aa lattad apoo B earrj our r, ,
be baa t'lvi n by a. ,. ptll ? the ( im lllfl ,
ua hi- own pfagraramo of poiley, t ib ?. for i
tbal tbc ovi tthrow of that pai
dltion ..f aii reforml i ,? ,,, t,.,?,.. , .
fonn i an he thoueht of unl ! t ?
Wbal have you to hone for if. bv the reilerUoa nf
Prealdent <.rut, yoa prove tbal laek ib.i.ica ai ha?*i
? -a- cannol ouly Be done aith Itupun tj. liut tbat
ln aptb of th.m tbe lanetton of populat approval
atiii i?e aaeeoaefBlly nlaliaertl 6m roa ihim. ne ' >
i.i* ircakara rnd e4wrupt*oolata,vr tba AttaalaaaB t
which coiiiit, ii.tu,-i ,| them, ...- Ibe partj man i
wbe protectad tbem, will be matte bettei
lf they tacelve tbe enconratrement of ?u
you riuipl" einnuh to lieiitvc thal tbe
will relaa tbelr ia ,j 11 j a iboa ib
Hu.-ii un ii--?: ..a-t, tbelr i
? ia of no, aad tbat Ibey laaBy bold b i *
tbelr organisatlon bul tba Ameriean peoptolatl
lOW of th- ,1 haa I f I'o fOO ll
and inore - I .
have ibown ' "i reform i
aiiandoued by tba peapB; tbat ib> ir effu
doome i to f.nlur., and tbat tb ?
them entlrely atitai rcyl D?i yon
better iplrit lato ?. ir politieal llfe, wbm rou
yoiir pouliciaaa and puo.e m< n tbat Ibi -
th"V eaii do for tbelr OWn
of i icb partj raaa igera aa aaa raB i ' I
apmal to ronr aobei | idrrment, lf yo
reform,tbiaB tkeflral tblnga.Imi .
np tb innjug itlon of ln ln idual . on* , ? -
You muat inake. elbow-i.i inr I
aad a bao eooteat of opiBioa. i.?u *aaat pe
t ..ui partlaansblp wbicb kaowa none but -?
and t.'iida to maki niea mere parta ol >
rnilat prouiote with all tbfl BMtBBB ... v.. r ! r lb*l
unaettlinganddlalntagrattoaaf tbootd parti or.
10a eziatiug, ..nd no man of iinj ?
b ii deny tbat In thii reapeci the ' - ? ?"
nuti 1,-ioveiiiirat WUI tiiove a I'o*. ifm ?:
?ow aa. aaaaaBT, ik bmotbb iBBaaBBBt, wi
And now. I repeat, Mippoae Mr. ..... ley were di^ln B B
enoiu-'i to ta ik bB ptoaaa ,aad ta Byaa
toi.tiiiue iii. . B" BearaBaac, baaa raa aaa
abtotad wbal biibIIob ta waaal ta B I Oaaf II*a
(Jrant have aafoly induljred in Im BBfoBH m BB ?- bB Bl
the Bl BB1 IbllbfBl. olM-'lieiit, BBd w.lidilll' I |
BBB ' Btofl at hia BBB, in and ont. of Consreaa t?a BBtrtp
.tion eaaay BBaabai af which aaa arbippa i iui.?
ia ? taBaf that every mimlecd of the Admiiiiatr.ition
BBBt ta: | ofa .-al. .1. or wlilt' -w..-lie.l, fl .1. feiaied, for tba
sake of prece ,ving party aa.^ndetjcy. Ilut for BbBa Oeu.
Orant would aoon have become aware that the lv-i
dency meariH BaaBaaB and not pleanure. Tlie Jiial
crlticianiof the oppuaitioti would hav.iri.un.l bnu ta
powder. Ix-foro tbe necolld y.-ar of b.a Aduiinntratio...
andaaheieeo lenatble ol bia own ? I
aoon bave found it t>. iiit<rr-t lo mend bla
EvenOen. Uabca-k would, bave takd bim t.
And abere n> tbe OYer-falthful party ?.r. .:../. au ?
< ongreaa tbat Itr.OroeBy wouhl Bara al aB bbcIM Bal
tbe Begular BepobUeana who aaw are di
buatneaa, for they will belnthe oppoaltlon aud t.ev.i
violent rpi-m.a of virtue. Noi tba Uberala, tar bad
th.y be.-n InoUnod ta eorrnpt aad arbitrary pn
tn i-a they woul'l not have brok.-n looa.' tr. ia
(iraut, uuder whoni th.-y bad a t.-mpritu; opportual .
to mak" the aiibini--iou aud whitewaahliiK b
profltablO. Not the D.-imx-r a.-. rbrtaM ?
i-h saouab ta think that thev could i?t;i- tbi Ir p irtr tt.
toroal bv aiuei.iiii)* tba ataa of a Praaideat aat tbe r r- p
tative. No; tbe Cinclnnati candldata la th. I
dentiai ctiair will not be Ib b altaatioa to aa w.tii i.apu
nity. Kverv a'Tioiia errer on hia part will i-iill toiihtha
thuuderofa hundr.-d b.if.'iiea, and ta will have ne
bouaehold troopa to eorer bim waih tbelr oo*Um. i^-t
ronr uaaglnatara **oaotraet tba v..-v Ideal of a Preai
deut, and puf him ln hia place. Kven he would not ile-**
on a l?ed of roaea. The C'incUinati caudidale in lh?
Pn -i.i. ntial cbalr will have no party -.t bla oa. k, ui. . ? i
he win- tbe fivorof tbe Americau people, and be i in
wiu that favoroniy by deaervini; it. Tbu. the defeetwl
Prerident lirant and the IBOOBOa Ol tba < iiiciiinaii BMI
inciii will indced be tbe tlr-t condilion precedeut of i
fonn, fOr lt will reinove that thraldom whieh b i- luadn
ta. iiatioiial inpitoi a wblte-waabing Un .
Tbe impunity ol BatagorornBioat wiii be ... u
, r,,l. Tne Voi.-o ot lodepeudent eritlctam ?.i
rim: with rcfr -inni; freedom tbrouah tbe land tnd
,-lnke the eai ol Ihe hl^li.-.-t. The trutli will be le
tbe wi.uo Hoaaa aa w.-ii aa in tbe markei-pu. ??. .
in power win be.oiue aenalble egaiuol tbeir reapotwi
btlitlea,and tbo enlightened wUl of the people wl.l :-? i
pow.-r agaln in Ibe Oorernmeet, It wtll ue loea tbal If,
a.- hia rapponoeB prctend, Ilorace Oroelet wer.
or faltbleaa enougb to torgel bia profeaaioua eveu Un .
bla eieciioii wonid bo a **aia al Uaa aaaaaBbBi
But B lt true.aa ia repoitcl, that p.i-.tive lefoim, uiar
be aa llttle expe.ted iiinler'a BBaBtBl -tr ita.n aa
BadarOraafal Lataaaaa. laaatafbaaffal n f - ????
of tbe tarlil to a r.v. iiiie 1. a-;-. On tbat po.u*. I rhoutd
have been g*Bi M BM the Ciii.-inniti i.l.itforin moie i lear
nnd decided. The tariffr. -olutian Ll the oaiy BBB wl.lcli
I, from my point of Viow, tiud delicient. It NBMB RRRB
quection to tlie ConKrcaa Diatncta. Mi. OtaaBf Ba>
cl.ircH, ultln.Uith B I'io'i < tloin.d Blmonlf that ta BBB
atrictiv raayacl aaa wtB of tho aaaada, aa aaaaafaad
through Conifreaa. I will a.Imlt that tne .ii.niM,.u af
a pronounee.I Heveniie K.-toruicr would hav.- ?Teo
a inore viKorout. iiopol-e t<> tbat iiioveiiienf. But v.aii.i
ia tue luaoua wn> tbe frieatU of reform uauuul
puah tbelr efforta witb tbe aarae hopeol .-u. ??-- ... be
[,?,. t i, ia it ta" pn.-tp.-ci .oui He > ?ul bo
Mtronv'ei- IB Ui" BOXt COBgTOea than they h iv.' l? ?
tn.- laat Aud dooa ii"i tbe CinciuaaU
iiiov.iii.nt work powerfully in tbal dircclion I I. mav
look . uriolia, uot 10 aay BBBBfd, tbat fbe . h i:..e- af
Beveaee Betorm ihooia ix- promoted ... * ...... tnem
beaded by one ui Uie u.o.-t arenoaaoed Prote. tl iiitata.
but doea not eveiv i.odv kmiw that eaeb i- praeticalij
tba Bat, ami aw aat thoa.- wuoa.- pocketa are uoal
proUted bv huch proltctivo dutu-i pl i.uly BM
ami a.ikaowb ilge tbal lactl i>'t um t.uitr
ie' be wiati enougb t" 1. ani froui l eueud ?
Wbatbtoee it raeaa ibal tboae Protoctlonlt Of P. uiiayivauta, who piR irou aa tn, ir
Bupreme Beiux. tura agatnat liora.-,- Oroeley.ihe I
apoatle ol Ibefr i conomh al i r.-.-.l, and ?*> k n fuge under
ItowbafaoCtbe Qraal party I wbatdoea u meaataat
every uiouopolv ibat aucka tbe blflod ol t a people
kaaala beforo tbe lauie ibno. I ? koow
what they are dolng. Theycarn a aeaaltiv. inntimtin
tb, ii pocketa. Thev- are wal iwaretbattl
oi luc ir.-opie, allhouifh liea.b-d t.y ? Pnitectioii t.w.l!
tend ta rulieve tbe bui.len* ot Ibe peop
;,:.- etfually well aware tbal luonopoli im.u
ii.a Bureat aud nio-t natnral bulwark in a par y * ?
ouatrolBd i.y orgaaixeB aoldeiiBeee i;? ? kaaa tiuu
Prealdent Oraut i- v.-iy foud ol n.-li .... ? . lud*
witi not let bB friendi - id.-r if be . an pr< veutl*. w
then, B tbo lotereet of tboae wbo hav. I ? '
boartl l.aitwith Ibat perty under wbo
..r ibeoouuii h....
uiovnment wb. wb de teadei w,.,it tbe prediBclwna ol . ? l ? -
,!..,, 1,1.1V I,,- I Ui I..C1... I. - '
diati rti/inl puah their ehatuea. n. tead.- ?????* .
i,X. wh.. wonid .atter atarra th .o eat witn a m^j. n be
U.iiv. .mr Ol...
I r,.v... ,-.?r:noea,
fW it toii ?'.(- I'i. n, . " B
eriini nl -tll Kefo iu i i Ibe . I ... ..<ala
, ti l iiuu I, .. ? '-iMiet
froi.i the i I .- . ? , . i. ai
ti aj
par ili ai. I io ... : ii. .n ?.. ' ? - i
} by
Baa . n ?? kUaoa, abb.. k t me aBBj
i iu... htue than
it a/ai aroi I fai . ataadd ibere ua . ,u..
arool tbatuotbing i.iiuuiiiui a i dier
ihat a. i vi.- I.i- ii.1.1. -t- a" ba i.i,... ial. nd- aaaa lf
taat i calledrefuria.BBrefuna B aw raa. ' ? BBB
in ui .-. , ? i liavt ii.a itlui .... i i
cvi- 1 ii'oiu him. I | io?
- . iliad *ar
? <i ' oi i .n. ...i.i ib it. w b.i'i \ i I ) Ot
l'ia> Iiai a, te. , Ibal koW, ijrovi ' aoiO-lieeee
hraan wblch io mucb ul n.. ,, ,.,,..!/.. ..-. >.i our
piii. le aerviee baa iprunr, i- i ?' te ' ' ("aaiiav
Kil.i.ii. liut 1 -1. iil lu.ikc no II i ? i . i
li I'l -alciiliai'. IvOlUi kei'l l ?**?
otl. i- 11 KOod lailll (ol tiell l.r.inl, and I "a4' " *''k
ot It evernnre, I ahall nrv. r .lo i? airaln. W I u i^r
lr> li . v al. ii ol ll can II.I .1. 'a .' <|UUll. Muay
be, I pn fi i io lel tbi . ...ei .1..1' -l"'.'K ."' biuiaell. Hav
IBR i .. . ... of Cn i m.c ... "?'lUI v. ii uiu.o ?l
h.-aii. I thi- let'.a B M '? -' ? |
ii iii k raoa ibbatoi a hobr.
m l...i -. M.? C*. IdTO
I?..\:t Mi. : A- yon an iiuilo.ibl.illy .'Hiurr,
.. . iiir.ui
i.tct \it|.i 1 und. i liic iiittueui "? '?"1
fiii.-h.u.. -, i . iii .i. it y< '? ?"- > ?. t.-.i ?' :-' '?""*"
ui.i, m. . .- . I" I. ap| o ii . ,i i. '?"?"*
llope llllll ,,
lll lOIII' IC.
, ,. I|.IV?
t.oll, how lln . I n . -? t , i
11 ,'f , . I.' ..,:,. I, IM ' '
augKX'al, if it Ua v-i.ii-.iiu ? i ?