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,_4^#1. NEW-YORK TIII.RSI.AY. AU6UST I, IW* PRICE FOUR CBNT& V01- XXXll.I>u-.l,..'l. THK (.IIU) OAMPAIGN. ... i._Tiirsi._sTi. LTBBBAIi cowr.NTroN. UkUi'.i -BSEMBLACl tl LIBEKAI BEPCflUCABI AM> UKHOCBATfl AT OOLOMBra?8PKBCHF.8 fll tVDOl M'AI.l.lM-, t.i'V. BBOflTNi AND I fl 'INC. ll.V TH Bflflfl-I TO THR TKIfll ColomboBi W. H.?TW PflflBflctfltir flflBJ UharalBepa > i-tato f'niivention in*?i-li.hlid ir*. thi- i..r ii ..i oi OfllaaabflB,al li| e'eb-bthh Bnorimi.. hinl *a. H.-all.-d tooii!er tv Oaa. K. I.nnkcilii'fl. | .,, ,-I the I il'. ral BUtfl ('oiniii.ttic afle BB | tbal .!,..!_ I P Ba___B?ol Oeralaad Bad kr. 1-. >.->.-. -ci or l'i. aidi.t. aad flTafl. <? OmWAtU . . Olio, for Scnta-v. Th. I . ...!... Uu- Bm mi ? bai beea ? ? <? < rrilt? , ,,?_.. ai.d l*a tood r.pi.M':tativ.o. thi* Y.-u... i>.i....i...-.i rbaaflBaatlaalloafl aen i by ti,,ciiMjiti..... ahaa Judk.-- taa__fl_eaaB teraarfl -n rc Tl Ol Jl ma r-rAMMN... Mt Kmi.-M-cni/i Nr- 1 h< ? f ii.y B flBB. Iha. flflaai twei, l'i.::!. allv ai-o. lated. Lu! 1 thu *- l Imvi- tie\. r B_ n BB Bt] I. * < < mi'liiiK nteii n- fl ln fl la aaaflMa orar tbfl. tatolflflBBl aaaBBBblafla al 1 ?*, pattHflBfl. *?rr~? Um taa. Ibel that yaa bava eaaaa tagatbar, Raaablleaaa aad De?oerate, le Baflfl . . ...: ' iideavoriTie to IWflBfl our BBBB lar (iovenitiiiiit Irom tl.ia'.di.iii, lajiui: yaar flM l'r' ' fli. i - BBBB Iba aliar of voiir eoni.try. thaf Uiat \oiian no lot uit ? ot tr. i'.ed Bf lhat hifotl.V Mllm li la tba o__Ba?a?lag leatart of Iba mtn aarlldaa, Ih my Hk. I., j.iit.iiuii. raaba, aba. ta eaa lor tbethnataafl aoll aa tbe b m fliahaaaata ? Ibfl da-laaabjpaaat at WaabJnflton, i aaaaa af N our .tato eaattal ratifv tbe d. i ?,,i, r __y laaaaatfal aehu, ?flbflfl. la Ibfl '.->. tnmtti ti..,; nohl, i.anil. ?lu.. alter ardu.m a-id Ioi v" ( nti'uicd _fl aB-ktM la.fflt mamUirx BBi men to fc-.h :n, d? ( i.c '? !_.. ...i ahaolutleiu lu that Goven iui ut wholly unknown Ut the i ??? oi to be r. duci .1 ti ? Wi rnukl i ? a/lth i "f roj *A..niK-t th .mi. ? " i.- .i- n ? ..I a tnti.-u'i! tt.i.t i .,.!.? ,1, blatorj m. lou. as patrtot__ ? ro. oui.'i a a viitu.. IA11.U.1U vi.l..i;l ai bai r. Youhav. Bflflaaktofl] ont iba ?Bdpr, i_jd.-riooii..ut i.i.... tt aam -aat a. _..',t.-. - u> 0-. ; aaatary, aad aaiaaa lbe_ a J , ..,n.144'..f i4.t.rr, HiiiUci; orga?fl. ? karede-lned top ratbi bob_ I'rt-idi'in v ; /aa bBTB olnilted Io tniiLiiat. a IH'iom-rati' o-'l-riueililis. Vou hfl __ Repub touvt-iilloi i-ninl it.-.- the two L-.-i!t:.-in.-Ul(.iiiicd : . ibe Bral Dauiedoi whom haa been lor '. . BII Old Mi . York .md ll iii.ii'- Broai . : Wlij bave you, I i ",.'? dtnarilj ru e ui( u'a t-oiul - ?o L.r. iiri, to, vaui porti. aud ro.. lupport lo UM li wl U-_-,i auytbing a to aeaan reat I _??a bm '-? be youi i ?oee in*.- auawei to tbeae Interrojci M VM- b-.-ll.-V.. lt l" I'*' Ol IIO ll ??,n. m ;..i;:.-.t tlmt the jii - ral (..... imu. t.i - i.-d ; n.oi. ? *_?, ,. ..I by tbi, acta ol tluin bj 1. no . tbal i - - f the c unti. be rt-rorn -i Ull.t .Hil i lli Dl .'! lio L_ttl . urvn ( I u.i IhMiikfu i I ... d tu tne. Tin flflflMi/atioii ol I plot. d ;,-. i .'':.:,.- ' - aad As alalaut \ I. t arr, P M I Jaroa t I 11 L. - ? 1' |: i ? ? . .U-.L . . .-rara. .*r V, . > VI . (? I .1. !? - , U ln i W. L I. J- V J Moui J H I Ii ( ( ? - II i ' ? . , I r ? Tb. ?iid ono Ijim i.n ia l'i..'-? ? ? Ifltrlct, waa tticn apt*olo__ti whoa duij II waah toriui Blaeb .*? ioi PnaUlaal aud fl ol the Uuiiod Btab J1.14.T <(.?aiTTBE. ITA rorror.ti C ~. Mn fl i l Y M.(.r.i, VV. V. t ? ' t J K... ? ;. i. vi . Y. V. HrriiDg. J M A.l W-v, J. M llaut. ? , .1 11. l-t'l'-r. a n i ? uwelL .a. ar. a B Bn * Tbe Oeeveatkm 11 ' ;1 a a^eleefl p. iu. _rr___oofl bi -h>. . Tlu f'oTivention iea-*-i ini.lid ui 2 o'clock, ar.d vin* Ul Bflflfll 1 y thi 1'rcndei.t. Tbe aft.__* _0 I ti.. Baal T?taafl ot ihe BtataHeaaa,aa -- >. 11. t of tbt uu ? fi 'j'.'-. it laeea : auiid th<- raarlajted eanuoB aad tbfl fltaaleo. t^aid?. Lir. Wayai CbalrflBaafl- tht . repoi?id tbal Iba Oefla> i . ? id and Au_u>t TBk u.- . i ( ayabaflB lor K. nau.rinl i ? ( Bvaatlea aaaabaaaaly rntiiied tbt iou of tho (?? Botb gaatki?aa are e ^eafccra, and a_ aaafaai the eutin Btata Ore.liy aud Jitcwii. The tln-t i? a |Ueiao(rat. ?I the la.*U a Li.-ral 1. puhUcafl and edttOT al a flally K. i.ui.lnaii pafll r in (')< \elaud wh.i h flfl_r80l_l f.reeley. 'Wm. C (ionld, a o* tli, ?;, ? afltdt Orati Brnwt. and in'o:; tbbtthe iK-ople i?4-re,witttiui? tohearhlm I Bt 4 < tt ?? BBflflaaaflal Leani Braaa, Dr. Wayaa 0__?oM,T.M. Oray, W. V. Paeb, aud JaflflB CBUM. At 2J tbe t'ou. mitl)-<-returnca Wflfl Otft. BtaWB, Ool <?rf.-v.-i,or, aud Oen l*a.!ii{. Jaafla laa?Bafl Iflfla tafljaflaflad Qa*r. Braaa t-. un aflflcaihlflflti aa tbt ueit Tba _raaMaai of the I'lil. d Btat*-*, who BBOBM aa followfl: .-i-i y.i ji "i oot. BBoanr. VfeLLOV-CRIsaaB: I eauie here t" I l Btflfll a ratbai honie to U- i>r* hatrit U> witnepa your bMaflBtaMsa afl tbla lau.i.k.Ki. tbau lor the piirpose ol ad. ren-nif \ou ?yaelf. I bad uuderatood that you were to BafBaMfl aad diMiujcuikhed k? nthmeii ben- preaeut to addroh yotion ihla occaaiou, aud 1 had flattered _. ysclf that ! ?boi-d taaa th( BflMflflra fll liaU*uiug to them. I Li"' vi Bflflaafflhaaj Bava aol Baaa aaat la atu-ud, uitbi.unh tflhera of U.eui mil) addreaa you to-dav. l_t me aay ?Ba_Bwee_fll aflaa aaa aaa] Bfltal ptaaaaf. laaatai lataa fl?i-uatioii of tin wiiriii laaaaaai ttaaaavaai iit.-n- iba Peoul*; of tti( Htata of Ohio, lareely|repri aenti d from ?1 ktM-tiuuB, a* I uuderataud tbeiu to '?(? bere to-day _B| 1 r(^i.-t to hiiy tbat neltber my bealth uor atreugth - ??etj a? would Juidify me ln 4-nt4-rlnir upon at.) *ui h ??-rt. ei_iiiated with a vtry exteu-ied flpaa. h, oi. \. f ler?y.ln tbe 1-late ol K.utiieky, witb a IflBflJ nd*. Ohio hai* always beld acoutrolliuif poaitiou in tba tMMttfl of thia iiatlou. Whethd tbat flfllflSflatflfl fron, Ukr-ektuly bklaiK'.-d tempt-r ol her people. wbicb mak.-a tbtm aul.Hatjtially flflfl r,\>T< m ti'ativ.-r of the i? BhaBbali orwbatbae M ariflM raaaatbi ?? eouiuiaiidiiiK i-o-itiou and the !ar>*e eleetoial inii l?it abe .aaU. yet it ao hat.iM.-L- that her voioe ha* broa patonUal lo di Mi- creat Pre*ld( ntial conteaU of the pa>t. It would e4*uj tbat tbal ii.fl.i, nr. nu?!it uot to bfl l.-aaewd to d?>, a_l ii, tiiepn (4. i.i t-outeataha ia look.-d ui*on na. au 4jui.r1^rh ... tl.e nation wltb KTeat mt.rei't. Everythli,*j taat la done her. l-i loiwly ejiuvaaM-d aud acrutiuued. Tb*flrat uueati i. t,...l ,*--k_l i*. H(.W wlll Olno Ifo IU Ita ataaaat eoateat 1 I rf.y. tberefoi., it i? ? 'h *rn-at aiwUtloalioi, and |"< .i*.ur. that I ik_- you iiiitlmiiik* JOBr <*aiiva*a with ru. h a ?troug. baxd, aud viKiiroua aeud-ou aa you au uiakinat l.eie U*-da>. THK Ofl a BKT/ZB ADM1KI8TR1TIOB Bo f_i u ibe tjut.tioua tbat are belon- tbi- |*N,ple are uuMeti. *i,tm ladacae liaaU aabatoaliaUy ta thia, ahettar tt, ) vv Braaa, vi _ lr J II Uaa-M VV 11 An.i.J. IT J ? ) ( V. x . .-. li'ii,', .' K Barraata. or not .1 rtn.l Bfl BBBBiBll f'-r thflflfl-fl-C et the 0* <?'? BtfltflfltfllaaUU ... BUicB acsl _? _4____aa?liflB ??i viii!.-,4, betteraeeflflmUol thetroabb.tba tom*vr' ., i,.t;.i wtaOoaei ll.-eraitle*tbal **wtvTUnf*: ix 144,-t-i, ita .i.n r. i.t B-cttoaa, aaa aamae <"t-"' *ajrK ??,? ,t ti? ....,11,.; ot r?i,H thal baa oota ana .,? ,i, mm ymn, ihea iBa bbb <"?" *** JJJJ ,_,-r th.-ie. Iti. worthy of rcmark lhal ?'?, nucfltlon llll.l. a.- c.oi.i....,' '"'-,.,,,, h 4 , ,",,,,, 'l,? 1,-4- ll.,.l Oll'a.rtllllltV Ol 1'IUCtii. , liUtl,..4, !_.l,,| i? (..II 4 lt Ollt. ,,n, iiiation BOT A TflflOBT. It __Ukl l c Wl U to BflU Ifeflfl. to tbfl .,'-' atafl of the,?y cuBBltriaBtUere.bctl hu Ihaaaaflfll tt rOflfl-aj e?. ti, ,.,ll it m., is t.ot in.r, ly a B .,f tbeory, but II ie n QflflflttflB of ptafltfflfl i ?"(I I :?k v.-i, iu IBfl U*-l <'f PTflflUlfl, ia tl"' Ua*! Ut* bim toflfe ifl IBfl a-BB? Btatcfl ot ***?? ?,? ___-,? ,,?w BBI Bflfl lt BBBB fflBJ?af?l ,,i,-,, Bfl? f.i> tne fflUflj <.f ti..- ktrntat* ... ,.,.,., i tfl IflflBBrfBf ffflBflB ?un ,l"1"' whilo J. h?i tl-.' power of tii*- riaiionai 4?.4.i.,,... ,. ,_i -.'-.-..--i' lodefeateTm efforl ll Bafl i..a.u .4 t_,4,-ut-,it,.- M.-i.- wbere 't Bai i'V^"'1"1 ;" ___.i-....i order, eood *ovtrniueut, peaceful popula .,1 t? proeperity. ? '- riL'tit." mui applaflfle.] ricsan nvm oi ufl?aii? in wbbibib bbb 1I4M Witr.-s- Kl rnrly dflWfllllf in l_?Oki DflflfllBBBB, tfefl Seid wbere Um Jirxni.-*. rntao laaflflflflUyflfl. .. t-i. Ral BBBB. Wflfl more haras-.'d iti.'l Bflf rowed, perhapa, tbaa any B-bfrlfltbt Oahm. Wl-flflfli : mm ta r.. i.i.l !. -cV. i.t it to-day. Do you Bflflfl aaythtaa tbeifl of tba -fl-ragfli BBfl_oa tbi eilflflfld r aaytbiflfl tberi <?? Ihbrfl-Bg, ty.BOdB UlBKbOflflfl Ly tlu- riiillK.ii" .. PflW-YfltB ?t-tliciit tl:.- aiithoiity of BBUll IHBlflBllBlll Ar. tlictc <u v (,f ,- thut aro ho flttflUM m all tho tbal iin- ri.!''tl tttm Wflahlnalflfl by thv Admlnli tr;,' onintiu Old Domlnion I Here ia tbedawnin-toIJU ,,,i,?. Sort _', ln Ibe .:>.i. Btati otTenncaaee.tbal lou n 4..1- ,, i- rfeel bell on earthj l.?) ?-?>' tbere, where i i, riii-:ii i- ti-.w .--I. --ii-ii'ii. iiml youflnd aood order, jLing ol banda, froodly, amdly . Und tbe Btate rapidly renuiulna Ita fonn. r and proeperity ; yon Bad it bai put it- tiiiaiu.-- m order, and luin.i-i- nn i road-; , i i.n.l ii..iinn-of aiitair.. !, pn raili lo day la LfflstB < ..r.,im.i. IBI ri;l. Mlll TM KUBOI i-1. ',' ailil that if vi,a c< al.l gfl lurtlu r an.l _o to Ibfl nui, wbere, perbflp-, Iflfl poliey baa bafl ia u,,,-t Bappj trinaapb, y?fl __W-bl Bflfl Ibarfl, aai woald tboogb I do aot ,;>-.:?? lo ba io.t.-tfui of aqrflwa Btatfl, a ;l CO'.l.lltlOIl Bl IIDV Illltll,II iuo Yi.u woald -i " lally Ibal tba pt .-.t ..? before tht- BBtaa ta ...lutioi., Baa ? ? ? Hrtafa t"t- ibal ii" "? lewbowtob todiatarb ia reanlta. Toawillflnd tnai ., ,,; .,in...-I bj ? 4,-. . runtion, k .vii all Un - ocietj ,, -i m,.ii|. and riit.i.. int and iu -tbe i,i_i. ?n.v tbal . i.n 44 iii titid ii.iion- tbe wbite tn. ti l? lhl fj no aoltnoaitjr rrew ont of tbe war. rb-TBiflall on brotberly terrai j ??? u.i (?...;.;--> ,1 iu Indiutrtal poraoita, Tbeybari [0I ,,ii, i, ii,- i iin.i .-.- i-t tbc paat, ... .1 Aml you \4 ill tmil then . ti.r tbermore. if you would |>rot.. t the <.r< tl rat-.- in Uk ;r ir,-,-,1.-iii ..i.o ? .. iit.tli. iii.iiiii.-t to |,n.l< . 1 it: . iim; ii.- n , alao, tbat Libei tj ia ool <-i,,.. Id in ibe Couiiitution of tbe Btate, but flnaraateed bytbt ol .-in iniii-lr- .1 thouaand tt- a | Will llli.I li." l" i-l." f.. i ui|_ in .. ...,t 4m!1 I'lriiiil. tlu w ii.i-iii, iit ; yoil 44ill und the white men tbere preacblnatbe ann ,i iiuiii laben by tbe baad aa otberi are taken by tbe iiuiui; yon will ttnd tbeli oeri. ? iui. and tbat tbey bflTC all tbrooabtbat ii - ii at i.i . ti.. lf cl.iiii bi -. aad are to Lh 44tiiti:'. Bad tin a tbat tbey _;. \.. I e Unl -i >. CLplveraity oi ni.i ii... Pa ? may Ih ti-rmed, receired ? i. i rear, al lb. b ind. ol ? Democratle I . ? .:;.! ;. OOl Ol tb. tl 10 I I'I ., i. i . it, you t" i't. leiit tl..??-<? dUtinct. po-iili ' nd, and acainst tbe pollry ol Ibe Adminlitratlon on theotbir, and 44 i.i i. 4 .. t,, 44 bat i- ... il ith , <!t. it . ..ii-< IcnUotuly, do it ? , IN 1 NMIT1 44I1II THE Wlim t.. 1 i: K.44-, ni/.i st-: 1 woflM 4.11 Jiriaiiiy, if 1 I, lt llhlc, gfl OB flfltl th( Imt of Ibflafl rt-markH, anil umlii w 4,,u i.'.t OOl] thiit Ibl jiolicy Bt tba Atl i -, rai ti.. .-i.-ni.-iiti- of m? ., ? at work Bt tbfl Bofltb, Bflfl Bflflfl .. failur.- aml wby it h.i t(i a a f.i.i.ic, Bfli Ibal it could i,ot by ao.i poflaibllity i ,i, i , , ii iinttliiii. fltbflt Ibflfl B failiir.. I , llkfl to ibOW yoa fiirtl.t r:i.. k , tliat H i;,i m tba aatot] ol iba eolorad raea u thttt _raaeb-M aad ln tbi Ir freedom m eoaeamad it eaa eert r eonflletorbi rompaUhle with a 4iin aa*aiaal tba i?. i,ii* i trbenevei It la io aatajro-iifla-aad pat tin i. bj :. power outaide of itaell It wiii breedam ii boi tiiitv, aurb animofllty, flueb indirect aDtaaonlam aa 44 .. he fataJ to tbe eondition oi tbe blaeb, e~ea U it abould not t.m.'ti bu Uberty Itaelf. Bbi I i,a4,- mt* tnuo. M 1 ..,v t,- ,-.. ...... timt armtment, aad tberefore l tbaal yoa for your kimi attentlon iiiitiiL-iiii \< ry i-i'i. f and barrted Ii?Illark^ 1 bave made, aiiittiiift tbatImay b?v< aa opportaaiti before tbia eflBTBBfl i-< inlt'l ol - " tm "a.' 1 '.I" th.s I*' Bl fl nf Ol.,., au.l ol col na bflf ora tbe people in d-flbrenl leetiona aad ol en deavorlua to i>t. - ol to tbem v*. I belteve ia tbo trui i?,ii, v ihai ?ui laad our natloa t,, h frreatn-flfl wanby of ita fu'ttir. deatlny, ln -ontradlflilneUon lo tboae pollelea of tbe Admlnlfltration tbat 1 boneatly belleTO aro load lBglttor_la ati'i'i.r-'iiictioti. 1 iiiai.u yflfl,fflaUaaaea, lor your atfflUflfli Aft4-r uiiisic Bf tlie bflflflfl. OflL Wflfl. Offlfl-flflflfl of Bfl. I>.ui8, wa. lattfldaefld, aad addreflaad |h| ( ,i.4i iiti'.ii. f<'"l. (,i()M-v?-uori4 BBBBBB B, in full BBflfl the BflflOfld Pflffl of Tlll: ilillilNE.i l>r. dn-wold, ( huiruiaii of thfl Joiut ('oinitiitttf of tlu ( i-t,Miitiori. i.rcfitittd tho followiuic IBflUlflllOfl. which was niijiii,iii,..i.f.4 adflfltfld flltB thi,, rouiini: .'_??? is Bfl ??"'-''?'>' BBd BlflWB He tni ml. Tliat IMfl ' <.ii4'.-iitii.i..r.itltii h ai.d iBflflrMI lb. ;,,, ,,,,,,; tbe < .1" Hiiiitti. Bnltimore, aud f leveiaud ( on - in I,. ball of ih. I..-U.... iat- .....I Uta rai Repub ,. oblo W? pledflfl oi't unlted aapport lo Ibe noiiiiiicoH ?.t said Oonventlona,and t-ordially lnrlte the ,(?,(? iat.,,1, of aii cii leaao-tbe Btate wltboat recard i? previoua partv alBllatlona, wbo nu o|,)h,sciI totbe r, , ,,-,-ti, .; of Prflaideal Orant hli! th. polity of Ln Adn.i., kaflrattoa. A MflBBBflb was r? ml from <? M D. lil.tss- 4,f Cinctiiliati. Wbflbfld I-.-4 11 iiulh.iriz. <1 Ifl K-lid. r tbfl BflflTtflflfl fll ti.e iion (,n, j. I'uKti bb BBBflflhaffflau-fla thi- flaaaBfllafl, tienriiiii that Inn t-iK nui- *i,<-( ct> Bfl BMkdfl P iaiua. OBIfl, Hfl Coiivriitioii Ihea too- BlflflBflfl -Ul . tfl lot'k Iiiiu ( \. u laa.; BBBNOVi Ihfl ''"im uta 1, rflfltflflflflblflfl flt tfefl BBBl front of tl.< .tni. "-****--*-T*rlanb.bbbjI Um ibuBflflri of flaaaflfli Iha iuu*,<tat haBfla, .....i ttxt aaaaa P ? aflfltpalffl abiBk and wu* t?Ht4i to4,in,r |,v ti? |',,>,.). ni. Th, ?flflMBi i?-n)_h! is flflBflfldld B| (.ihui 1..,.? u Bfl BBfl lar_?-et as IflflabhMB ' 111 oi-.. flflflfl BaflflBB ball 1.11 ,,:ui?i,ub, and Ihfl wildtit nithiisiaiiti |.revaiii. Th. h,,,, .1 jj i?(_M,?, ?hfl ana ta taa >'-ar.. a Buflbliiaa -aataaaBlallii 11, Ihfl <.( iLiai As* Irom ti?. 1 ,?llJlv ?, ftnp hut who l? now f"1 '"" " I """ Bflflflfl, nui. ti? hnfl Bfflflhflfl toiiiiht. Ht in.'(I.' Bfl Bbfe 1 flflfl ifl., t,4i n? ,,,,. (,,.?. TfeiMBtT*-*-T who lo ad*ii..-1 -...-, ti,.-i,i 1,,.^ ??,. u, It iiitrodiic.d to Ifea Bbbbb flflfl BflaflflflB-age, aai ipaha as f,?. lawa, Bfla BfBBeB bfltfli iflpiaiflflflli BajpBMifli tBowaab AflBi SliK | I'l ('^s- *M\ato\\ VBuewaCBitaBBB 1 We i.av. 11.41.1. laaiBflfaaflflflfla. Uapa, iion. 4-x.-i.v-.ouuiy in Ofc-flatfl mt'fy tin-iiouiiua ttflflfl dr( flflflfl d at t mi BBBBBl ?"d Hnltiuior., and u, wta* i..11 tors for th* Ht_te at larir.. 1 U artlly thank y?u t?T the Bflflflfl you iia.i- di,i,i 11,, ii, flfeflflfl-BB flBBBBBflaBflj th. (le. ton. What is 11 lhal *? Bflflflfl ih< P-flfBl o.,w | What. aie tn. ir-r-u. 1. tiu.t have luirit aaunder th, Rrpuh li. nu paity, iiii.i unit.d mi BBBBf of .1* moit Intelligonl flMflflfeflBfl wllh late I'l'l""" "'"? tba DBBflarafly, u. foiilic*i afltivn, u not xu uatta I 1 Ii you wlll romparo the I'hllad. Iphla nnd f'ltirlimnti platfenaa vou w.n flBtaofalr mewar hta aaaattan. I'olitl.Hl eranda an. irenerally to ohaciii, rall.or tbaa-elaofl pouUeaJ "?*",l,,:-s-. ,N", "l"}" r..w1'1,1 '," ' "' n i!. in power n. iv be addhstod to, i.h piuifnrm i ilwavr. lllfi-d wlth virfuoUH und ortlio.lox ,,i,,titi,.|. - ThlH popular iipticvill I" cxplaiued l.> II,.- f..,-t tU.-it ll.o | A.!.,.,,, .nitioi. of (.'"? mani f't'li to BBtiafy lln- ...... .,, able ( \i" 11 ittona oi the people ln three Importaat mat ierM- Klr-t lt lm- Bira.??, iiy nmt mr ini-n- party pur iK,-(? v,id.'in'il ti"' h.each betweeo ahitoa audhiaeka, and tictwei-ii Un North and Boutb; taeateadU. ln, _._, ,-,| ,.,-n_ i of I. --'?""*-''i.,-, to.-oi.trali/., tii'ii tlur.i it Iiiih I'.-ciicoirupll.v adiniiilat.-r.d. l'<cnii cilialioii .li-i-4-i.tfikluutti..ii. umi refi.riii ,,ie llicr.-ore the i?u_iUna?ley-or^uUa?BiBJil Orant. Tbe Bret and cn itoiuict ol tbla coini "latioi. ot lurtii- latoattola tbat pei'ce whk-B Oea. Orant proalaed four yeara aaa, n.n i iii.d i" bIto. Heaee aad paodwlll betweea tt.o Nirtii uui Bouth, aad bttwten ibe wblte inan aod tha bhkcfl after tfl yeara ol wranBle ovei Blarery, fonryeara ,,t inteaBae war, and aereo of btttnr poHtb?1 atrtfa; paaee whlahoBea loaiecvad, aad tta aoaada ol paal itrlta enee taltiy hoah*_, aaed ootu aa?fl be braka. t B__-T1 4..SI.ITI..N (ii nn: m.i TU. Oaaflflaac tta eflaWUlh aal tbi Boath la day, more than ?araajaaiaflt?i Iba Wtflaflarvlafl BBaatBBMBt,aal withthn laaaflflflattVaaaarclca tt our faaag aaflaafl ahould lx- BBB far inure than a?aj>. Hut be holdit! lt*1 luilunliii I; many of tin- BtaBflfl baakraatfl i ?i Btn i Baa ntr. un ia BBBflaaaaataal pniage; ii. abtta i iiizciiN aaai tai flaaaaaflaaat*) if aal Bi, ilh naturallv klinlly BflMfefltaalaai h) the rohbera who hBTfl BtOflfl- Ibt llov. inn.. !tt- t>. h.'Ue thi* whit.H, <A 111, win in ihey iniiHt live in liariiiony if peaefl avefl rrrtata bapleaa land. BBd a atandlna arug la a_ r> B?4e lo i-iie.-k tiie bIkm kin. omtmgot wiiieii aiaal oaee tbe la .1'le ,11. i I-* ol l l'i" ial I'liloil- |..,li,> , .m.l Ibe -1'. .mii i retczta Ioi it? eontlnaaut i, whil o ei ..j. Oaa. Oraat ' l*it. am; ir*; ao.i bv flaaheea man aafl ??.. tUmay." Thin irflflea oi dcva.-i.itii.i. b iii in-ii i eeaaa while Uu OraatI?rt. bobbipower. Wbyl Baeaaae therobbera of the soutii are tba allleeol laat partj. aad by phinder nn.i |.ro-i nptio!. keep Un aobjojcated iMatofl u tbelr power, aad breed Ku-Klux outragea lo bold tbal pa rl ? d, in ma n t alao iii the Noi Ib, Ifla eoaatry _M_a for laat laarecooelltatioB,aad tor tt..- preapanty toHortbaad ir-outii wbleb it vmii iinnir. Tlu- uraal parti bb. Ita la i alone ataud ln tbe way. Ho ttmtot Ihepurpoacfl ,,i un- in nini i..i | i .ui bow be allegcil aa a uretext for auatalnlns tta Oraat partj aad ?i dtaaatraafl floatflara polny. llll IlKkKHUACT'W AOt?RABCfl X)f TIIK l'A-1 l-;v( r> - i-lutn.e io our limi-i nunut, wheibei niiht or wiotii:. e\|H-dii nt or hurttui. .--. it advnc.ited Bf j.urt v an iicri_8ar.v to h.,ni, tbfl pioper ii-iilti* tt Ibfl miii Bflfl tiiou ui-4 -.iiiipliah.-.l, nnd Imn licen imr.-.-.u >?-?!..f aocepted and acqult-M-ed in I.y tin juinia r.o y. IbaflBBd faith of tliat acti-iemeuee i-unnol lc impugned; it leevi deiieed l.v ihe liain.oiiioiiH netn.ii of tbe paity m cvc.iy eity , to\vi.(.lii|i. i-oiii.t.v. .in.i .-tat. itnoii-lioul our hroikd Kei'iililic. Ifl BflBBB?fl tfllfl BflBBBBlbfl UeuioiTaci BBBfl ilnnti'e BfaSBBJ tnr PiaflBB?t, and (Jralr llrown for ViK-l're-idcnt, ?ln> Bere BBODfl tbe fO-BU-Wt a.linc.i'.i ol lli. .iti.i-li.tlui-iitr, an.l !.;?' lin-.-l .l(ei.l..l opponenta ol ..ui party when tneae proraieed chanxat ln tta fnadaiaental laa were laaoee before the people. 'lli.-.l liaie iloin thifl lint nn iinh iilh-i-lin- to ic pehl tbelr oppoaltlon t>. Uu ailoptlon ol thoae amend meiiin - that oppoalUon whether alae ornotWBfl patrl otic ; nnd let il bfl dlHlini tiy uiidi iatood BO H.-mocrat lfl aahamadiol II Itai ha*..- dooe it to make plalo tm- pre exJatluK l.o t that tin m .nn, i..n,i. Bta are no longi i i- u. ? before Uie people, thal there thonld be aomore North ain! .-..iith, Whlte and l.lmk in Am. rn .1. pollUOB, nini timt i in- paaaion ? ,-f ti..- a ar ihould be bo longer need aa party eaplul to be fed aud fauued bybatcanil cloa, ini abould ooa dle aad ba f..r.-ott.ii. with a reatoraUon of peaca at tta Beata wtu aaaaa aa aad ol tue teadaney t>, lurther oeatrallaaUoB. Tta war foraed oa the country bythi Btali Rightatheofiatafl?ve undoe Btrenflth tot:.. r ral theory be< tkuae ol tne i ti relae bj tbe OoTernn itn proaoeutloo ol raal powen theretolon untu nol i.i.)-' and ol n..- momentum ..r tri nmpii nn, tiinii ii. v to (?( i.ti.iii/.itii.n haa itead iiy incr....-(<i. Tbrongh atTen yean ol l. - , -oiihiin, t.i ni the Keputillran party, wieldlag thea. aaw aad araal powera, la, uaturallj unouicb, ioth t<. i_111r tbelr ii-, .u.i anntfl prrtext* foi i Iaf mi. i. i tii. i.-i.t party auxtllariea. Undei ; K atruelloD rule tbe rkiutbern Btafla are -inklna Into nn re 'i. ii ItorlaJ d. i? ml' n- !? -? Btate powera alwaya 1 teretaedare growiac obeolete.aad poweni i ,i i. i.ii (iovi-riinn i.t in-\, i heretofore obuaied and nol Bilbln the flraate ol Ibe tmendmenta, are belni i ii./.. .1 aud . - i-i- ' Pr< '-,.'? .... i .i n.i iii i.v u.i- in.'i.t t.. -tor, these i- ml. n.'i' tooeni itop le_ialaUenoutaldeot tbe c..!.-n tiitit.n, or warrautod onlj iya looaeeonati . Ibe |,< ople ol tta ?-..;? ol all i ii, ,Ki - ti.c Bta. i in( ? ' RepuhllC, and <?" ? ' 4 ? ??? ?' n.ilrn: t II , - I eii-i-iioti-, Federal Inttrterencein the pollci - and thal pii laalU rule ,.t mlxed bmoimno and vii ., - ii.,. Boutb and dlaara. - tl?- nailon. In all meaauri -1- i rectmi lllatlon anJ di. > ntrallzaUen It la not propoaed and wlll nol he by tbe lu-in...i niiliiiv ordlatorl b alnale pr.vlalou oi tbe UonaUtuUou, ol of an* Of IU Ain cn. lm, i.t-, bul lo i ti . ut.- tlu i .in.i f.iit'iiinii. without q to ihe orlfljlnal expi - ii,. ,i i or n.iiiaiiiy ol their adoptlou. Bolara ..,,,, .j .,-i mi f .1 wi ,,,,-i, partj ito i'i ".it dbactlOB.bul notoui fltepb. V..11.1. .md hiii.|.-i ; to b rul! and ola iiii nt exeouUon oi tbe '. ,,1,-tiiiiiinii aa aaieBded tt wUl malutaiu Um rtflhta ot ,, ,i in tbe i-'iiln i-, t.,-i in thi ... IU' - ??? im _ - ',"?'?? 11 ii .si, aoa v 11 i.i b .-..*' Bflflaat. j-;,.,.. . ?,. pctypir im..!! t" i.aic aparaf <...v.-ni ?,,.?, -||,, . a baaa eaa__ rfag aa theee "f iin Ral..nn part.. aad BabaBg la tta pfetaal eaaUBBed IBpn m.i.-v. 'Mn vic.-of (onui.tioii l.-oin-f. i 'vhlch ita I,. ,?i, Oaa. Oraat, Ifl ?r?ely reapoaaihte. lt ij aal eaoBflb ta teeari ? paaa ObibibbbibI tbal Bt tkkt ibool i b? m.i ti - ' laal Brtbery, .,. loo, fiom laaaepMbHllj toaerrapl ii.tiui i.i,? aad tnm all BBaaoaaMe ?aai?toa of I,,iu ini '. iin" tbelr offleea fraat n.oiivi- thaa tb. it,:-,:..i ? ..d 'lo oi.i;.m pnritj n,, tbe bead ol thi OoTeraau Bl aiual exacl tb il H ,!.-? be -niiii'i bj aaenae of bouor wbicb wlll nn . ovi luapn lon. lf bia aubordlnatea ibuae tbi lr I - ??' malfea am oi bndi \.. . |de, be inuat remove them orthe Berrtee eannol i? ?*. pt pur?. lt !,. M.oii.-i.d ii?- i??|iii- iii.i-i r.-u.ow bim. No-a it i witb mi.'.i. I'.i.t lhat a ..uidnl dlacuaalon ..t tai lm purunce ot tbe nueetloo bel^^are the people wnulreB me tOBB] tbat trom III- llil.il_liriilli>li I" tlu-* lu-l i.?'..f lllH icrin ii- Prealdent, Uen. Oranl baa beeo anUty ol aeit. Indulgenoe and . i"-.1 and tovontlam ..f fmniiv, not ooij unparalleied i.ut unapproaehed ln tbe blatory ot tl.e Prealdcnev, and thua baa dearaded bU bljrb offloe and corrupted tbe publie tervlee. I will do( particulari?e, foi ti..- aubject u dlaaareeflble to anyoun and paluful to oae ano llbe my_ li feela thal Onuil reiidered a _t.-,.! aervlc to Ibe eonntn afl n moat ml. i,n,i ,,i? of Itaableflt L-.-...-I..I-. rpnyw th.- bad i. n.i.-rn \ of i.i-. manaKcmcui of tuepuuiie acrvlce, linaglne hla lanfl ol thouaauda of aubordlnatea rolk>win? h.* exampli. a. oepUnx raluahle pn _*nu arie. ll,, ,i anI'Miiitin. nt, and th.ii. ui.oi. enl.ili.- Inlo oltuo, OIIIukaubordlnateoffleea wltb theii n-.aiiw* Bfl IBI Bfl the atock of KlaBvea bolda out, aad ..wni.lni- the lawa nnd pubne aervloe in k> *- m*-' leav.-a of ahaeiie* lo their aoua to im-i-l foi ploaaure al the people - .\|.. i.-v iinw lona do nn, tinnk tta people aouH inbmll t?. tiu j..ii thi* la on v wbal Oaa Oraal haa done, and tne Bepubllean part, bare ln.oiaed aml aetenaea lt mhIi praeUeei are baleful, aad ar- doI t" '??? allowed to beeome reneral a.n? i> otneera tni-y abo iid be condi mned i.v the p. epk al tbla i'r. -.d. ntiai election. Tbe Prealdent la Uie fountaino! hooorlntrie publie aerviee, aod U tbe founuln beeome lnipure iim, wbole atreani i- corrupted, und if the people, ny rt-t-itt-i Ina (.. ii. Orant and r- InaUUng the ^?|.uiilu-au parti m power. Indorae Ihe carpet-tafl and Caatoni bouaerobbera and the praeUre of treatlna paWk Iraatfl a? i?r-oii,ii property, th? aerrloe wUl be oorruptod nwai top to toe, ..n.l pul.,1. oll,,,-ihl,.(oii?-,-\( iv vi h.K pluinler.-r*. BO IM ON-l-ll V V IN l.l:M(>( UATr, flTIllBTIM! (.ItlKl.kY I.ut Bl? ar. t..1.1 that Ii.-iiK,.rata flBBBBlBBflBIB.Qtafl l,j Mithoiil ai.amlonin. thclr UfllBfllplflfl B_M nnd there BBBfl ti our own party taki -thia vlew. I know two in for c( rUin, and QOB. Oflflfll. """k- bfl kaawfl in oea. Bm Oraal paaasaflfll ttmttto aaa??aaaly BBfl . iitlr.i-ia .nally ladflflflfl ablfl I" Bpaflt_B_ BBA wdt-l.tof uutbority d'ln am Ifl flflflB_Ja_B_fl_ Ifl. ebbrf ,.,ii.|,iaiiit l.reeley aml the (in. liu.ati j.latforiu d.i larc that ll.c um. iKlin-nl- iint" taOtajrad a.-|.artof UM OoaaUtatloB, w.n, me D__ko_raeydeelaradttata raaraco in Obio aad Ib uinio?i erery Btaaeol Ita i oioa It waa then called a Nea Dopartare, but waa in laal aa dcpiiitiire from auy prineipl.' oi p_._-m*kiu ol tbe n.uti. It wa-. a raeoa-itfaia of tbe aeoom plinhiil fart of the adopti'.n of Um aawnd inent- which the part. had oppoM-d whlh- jmikI Ina for dlaeaaalaa aad a. tim.. bai aan IkuukI l,V tlnll (l( votloli to tta I'oiintlliltioli to otwy and . *?( eiite wlu li ratltleil. It waa DO new deelarut. >n. I.m-i, laat year, la Um aaUUeal eaaaaalfla of Iflia, Oaa. ward BBd 'inv-'lf und othei-(1(( Ured tlie allieii.linilit- to be i,,,t .'-'th. ?< onrtit.itioii, aml there fore t<. obeyed and exeiuted ami oui Bpeeebea, aautteredaad publlahed. were lodoraedby tta oraaaa of th? party in Ota, aad i,,i md with bi.arty appi'ivnl hy tlu B-Bflaaa. *-*. tbere ia no di-paiiur.-, Old or tu-w, froiu Demoi tat ( prioclplea in r-uppnrtln. a i-undldate pled?:oil to n-ei?Kiila.* and execute tiu* aatainlataaia imt ttay tall aa Oreeley la ai, eiiemy of Htate nichta aml uu edvooate oi eaatrallBa timi. Ou t!..*> polut let ur* read fjnni hl* li tU-r accepliu},' tin- iioinlnntlnli: . _ I .ut.j.ri t.. , ,i, aolinn 'tm! lulu.Dil <,M._ati?- l? naiataia il' *.,?.., i.,|.U _ all r,i.rn., laal pumt) _M_fl atm al laaal. Ifa..f. r? nn.i .ni i.oi tt MBBabaaHaai tk.i d" afll ..ii-nir *t.,,.ii.i i_-14. ii?,i....i IM n.n l-ri lla? w.ll al L*l_-*a r..itioa .l,..u|.l I I..I....I, u|,:,*i.t.. tar ?.fr,u.i.l i.i atraaaal ttaaaam] um ibt iafli flrlnal r um n ?'llll r J..4 Itia lar.ail lll.r.l. f.Klllllria Wilh tli* |,al,li* ,,rd*r, anJ il.*t ib.r* .hall ka n ? I. Inal aaaart_Ua ul H.r n,i*r ..i |r. Baa i.i n.* .a.aial rui* aafl ataal, laal i aa, bai laal aaak I* l*'t haa la te?tta tha tlfkl* aafl i"*....-.* iha a-all _fla> af tt? laaatBaoB t.i aurl u..aua aa U,r ju l(,u. iii "I IU .>.. |r, 11. .tiall* I- in.t II.1H aoBBd (li.etrll.e . In, wc Bfl I ???uioeral ?> ik eaearUy ahabi b Jal al our paUtti al fuith hy aeailaat ina.. mu ii plaflfafll to Ihlapollcy I I.HI.KIl.r IN( AI'ABLE 4,f 1>lAIKIMMTT. Ab ; but we are told be baaln ih*. paal few year. fa \..,.(1 ineaBurea ineonalateut with ttaae avowal*; thut ln the atrlle now over lm arivocaud u..*aaurra wbleb bc now diaapprovea. W.ll, it, wuo of ua baa r.iii.iiiied ,lf exartly the aame oplnlon ai-iut ev.-ry oae of tbe great and diltti uit (|u. bim.iib wluili bave ruabed ou na for aetll. uient lu tbe Bee flaartb Pa*a. KOl-TII CAROLINA. Q-POeiNQ QATEEBtMG AT OoMTANY 8HOP8. I.M...I. OK TIIK PBOP-Jt?AM AXI MATI ;- ' i I UK- BT J0D6B HKRBI BOB, flaBATOBfl TU'l.'N kttV BCIIUBZi AND oxaaaa. IBY TKl.RfiKA-II T ) TIII'. TUBUBa'B.J OoB-Pun smoi'-, july IL?Tba UIbwbI mawi _B-a___a Bflflfl to ,i..y, ut ti? Mflflfl at OfliBflflf- warm 1 ..., tbfl ttflflb lOBI ih'ti.ils of *b--b aru Mtlll il. t'. <? Illllltlrtof all 44|li, ?,,. I.,||lill?r 44 itli tfefl Mflflfll BW?| "f MoitB ' '.ir.,li;ia. < lo-.-d Ihfl ??.ri.--.if Ihfl btfflflflt, '""st Bflfl" rciaful, aud mou eutbU-i_*U- ipttber___? cvcr '" '?' '" tlm BtatB. Fiom Ihfl BMBBBtflflflI I.. tin IBflaj -'i'1 f""" ""' Vireiula iiiic t., Uii- 1'jIuii-Uo Hflfe , tfefl CflflflUI Bll BBfl and Ubfltaa ?f Bflfltf tout.ty havo Bflflfl BBBfl f-llv aroiii-.l th.ui lli-v luiv.i BflflB Bflflflflfl flbflflfl tho Ila.ri.-i,:. ?BBBJBjgfl of imi,, WfefB th,- Bffldfef BBBflBB Ifeflflflflflflflfl haa never bceti c.jual.-d flince they b-came . ifi_<-ni. Tho meetiujc to-day i.u.r.- Bbflfl any prcvlou" flflfl tlu- ABpflB lo which tlnt! aro itirrcd Bf. TU* pflflBB, v.hl( ti Bflfl no BBfflB-BBflfl 4IZaaffl sil.'h Bflll tt 11 I - fi-tiii th, faet that th,- Norl1.1' Itailroatl Oa*t***t ban iti work-liiip. h.-r.-, an.l wblch Ih (UtuaBflA Bfl Ifefl nudnt ol a tlnniy populated ctMintry, u.-m Im-4-ii ai-ti-illy crowdcd to-day \aitli pronlo of BflflB BBBBB and all color*. To t. II ivhiro all lliesi- tlioi-taudri caiin- from would pflflflle any ou.-, eveu tLi-u.-h hi Ik- well acquuli.ted '.4iih tbt ct.uutry, and tu a BtraiiK'or th. y ,-uiu lo BflflBfll-Mfl Inm- tlu- very tptiuud. In tin- .4 1.i, r of a iwiKiilllccnt oak icrove, flucb flfl ln fonud in aluiost evt-iy North Carolinu, town, tho toiiku PIUC .tal.dV4.l-a 4 I, . tfl f?l tll.' ?|.ui..'lr, llll.l l..l..'.lUl th, -r.... Bflflflhflfl had Ba B |-flpfllt 11" wat '-.'oo paoBta. A rojH- ctt. t. bad bbbbbJ ii..- pflffl .... leeei BaU a doflea Baaaaa pawat, aad etkhUe flflflfl a haad-ad couuu-y Vflflflflfl and huclittti-ir,' hl.iuila. Tlnt -.. . Bfl i? Bfla BflflB Bl aaa .'iiiy in- .--.?.. ... Um Hi.uth, aad iflob aa Baai BflMflBflB Bfllfl IflflBB Uio lartt tl.nly fflflBB. BflflW?fl tiav.l P mil.-rt Wttb ? Bflflflfl ti am to BflflB B Bfl tttflfll BBflflflfll BBfl ii"i irom- t<> BBBfl*flWflf Iroiu Ihfl ,-ollH on ??I. .tion dai. an.l BBfl LifeflflflB BBTfl tsvrrythinir to gaiu By K.-'aiiiik- aai a fafl rflflk Juilt' Mi -iiiiu. i. ina.l.' Iim Iflflfl siM-ichof Ifefl flflflBpalgB BflflB ta <ay. ii,-fi.iirr.i tha flflflfflflflflboflt tfefl tokUV* ..( Ma-,, .ui.i aM BflflB BBBflBflBtly BB th.- BtBflflf fltBflfl BBM Inm . II, ha* u.a.Ie a i_ore couipleL- cauva.s than a:iy I-nvintii | lU'li'laf.-, Bat_g Into ab?flfll every couuty iu Iha Btatfl aad bbbN-Bb Ba asaafflaBai aa the BBBaar flflflflBTBf Ba ooflld, Ifeoflab Oflfl. CBldwflU bi ? |] BflVflt iciillv il ii to.4ii wheu it wan known lhat .Im.Ke Mt mii,on \van to Im- Uicrc. BB BflflflBB lo-daywai Bfl ai.i.- iti-t-ii-axioii ..f th.- (jtieiiioufl at i -if in Iba Btata aaa. i n, ,, ihort i.n! ??' i ?'?' r- tefflflflfl ta Bflttaaal BflflflUaaa Bflflflfl r Ti|,t.,n ? ia ... vi BflUfld BBflfl aiul iiiadi- a hliort ?peeeb, fall of wtt, -__flfe i>uf Iha <?.....i-anv U aoat BflBBar. After a booatt-fll BflBbfleaa Banfltar n.-hur?. wai mn idflead in-i ipokl in -ii'.>'..iiti'ii!y th.- MnBfl arfltfl aa in lu-f..:iir i ?;?,-, !..-=. tn tlii-t MflflB, Ifl tbfl n.i.i.-at of .nai t ibflwet efliflfl Bfi bal ia irefll ? - intfiot of tha pmylfj thafl lawflfl tfeaai toarai traai thoir flJloi BflflatfflT BflfeflBfl bad aaflahid-d, ipeeabai 44.i, ii,a,h-l.y .,.,4. Walkcr of Viia-iina, aiul tlw Ilon. Jeetah Tataat, 11., of thi4 state. DMORACEFUL /LD-f-MBTRATIOM 1 M VULOAB SPEBCBES BT EX-OOV. HARBIMAB an'I> .iiii Bfl vi' A ORAXT BAttM-t i i -PER8EC1 l IN., A lllilliAI. M...I. I?AHKAVOI mi.m- ioi: Nt. WITII TIIK KI.K ll"N Iitv TflUMBAl- TO TIIK TB-BOBB > G-E-xaaoBO, July H*?KotwHhataadinf tho ? pn a ni ti.f Adniini-ti'.itiou taaatWH tt te ta day, mn! im ? i:,i Im, in nt li. Id flflfl in a KT.-at BflrtM flfl, BSly Bflflflfl BBJ pflflflflflfl, "f all i...lit..:il , ,,i,,|,,, S-flflfl, praaaad. flflfl a b_bbbi flflflfl BflBBfli i * -flibflfl as aad all :,.,.. ;..,- apaeaan wan K--<i".. H_-Ti__a-i * I! -,;. -im. - and W. 1- Hali.-v, a iawy.-r fr..m Bflfeflbfliy. Hairini BB'fl -1" I l B Bflfl BB Bffflfll t" Ibfl PflflaflOBfl, pffl |?* ,'.!,.-?., aii-1 i_lii'.aii. <? U 'he BBflflflfll -1"1 BBflflBB-Btfld vviiii.-.-.. n.- -am ihfll ii i)fii.".'iat- aa Uta pflwflf tbej' v.,,,,,1 ,|,i .L-.iiy \-.itli tiu- ( ?U-IiUtl.a,! alii'l.'t iiirnM aai Bflbflflfll the OafarflBBflfll Hfl w,,ui,i BbBbb flbflfll fl aat U taaaa, aitl. in tlnl ' 4. t 1. i?mI BBTBthe BBflflBB-Bflflfl, Bfli Bfl feand flfl BflflB thmc. Ba BflBtflflfli it v..m aUtteaita ii.-..raa'i aflflrl lhat Botaat Qaeakty flfeaflld i"- thata* .iriiuitnl Bflfli t" BlBBfe Ifefl DflflBBflfflta partj mt.. i,i, , ea, Itatiilini: Bflfl bflflB BBflfltflfli into Ifea l" BBM ,,f Iha l.fii.o.rati.- party Wht r.- lurkn.l Ihfl flUflfl flCdflfltfl. Oea. Oraat bad BMflflthflflf tfefl rflflflnal ha bflefe, and ?a,uil,1 l,i- a !'-, Inl 14 Bfl Ullflbfltafllflg 11 '? Ibfl|m.i I. was a BlflflphflflBflflfl aiul iiii-4.ii-nt li.Ur mlxton of fleilptaral iiflBftaflfl aad palltlefll aaat, aad eoatflia-d aatblaa wbfltflflflffl* afflflflBBflt Oflfl nc*rro n-iiiarkfil that It wa*. Bfl k.h-iI a ni-nuou flfl hfl flflflfl Bflflfli, aml Ihfl flflflfl ft Iflflflfl1 BflB. Iflfl- it A uian iian.. .I Bfliaj BJhfl flflfl r..'. ntlv Bflfltll-fld U OlBBlb? lrj BBflflBflg 'lai ml th,- .-, ,-ul,,'f an olli. *. niu? t.,:nin. li iui yilN fn,in tlu- nt ..-,.-iTi-scnt .... aadeaTOtfl U raweB M ii,,i.i.e i.i,,i,v. wiuif flfl Iha BflflflBB aad ayaflklaa, ba p___41 u tt.f i"i' "f hi- boota,pat? pairof ?paetai laa on bli bosi . aad attt r fotai tbnaafe t'1" bbb il Marofldaatnl boala bb, Ba BecJarad Ibal Btr.Oraeley I ri-fuiiml uian. an.l Ibfll Wfeefl ).?? .'" Itt .1 l|?- MWfl '?! ll"' IflflflU "f bafl flc tion in Kflfltb ('..l"'.ina hi- \4.,..1.1 -ay: "ii? and tl-ll tfefl Bflflflfl Bflfl flflflfl BBflflfl t,,i Cil(l44ill." Tlns hiKh t.'I r.-mark Bflflflgfet forth abflflt atti-r tlu i-r lr.-i.i Ihfl ni.ria- aiul i>.iit' rant wbMaa, BBd pBfldflflfli ... Iba ?_?_-. "f all i>??<_? i'- ? i"'im- at baaaai UflfflflB, BflOej Iflflflfl u.i.. Uu . rnw.l of .,<-i.'fs ala.Kf iiuiiilnr of tlu aaaaa >.f tba baM Bbbm af __a-flflB-BBl?/IMBll_flaa*?.flfld th.- -.-ramiiii' tot tbaaa waa -.. r-Tcat ii* 'o totflf-flpt tb? a.j..iikiii-r f.-r .-i.ii...- liumU.-.-, .ui-1 flfldlfl WflflOfll] i.-.-t..i..l 1,4 tl,.- flfl-flOflfll iiit.-ri,-r.-uci- iif pStBBfl naii.-.l 11,n,l. i-,.ii. who has Im-.ii In.lictf.l for fl-flBB-BB a BBfllfl, aad rawaidfld by >Mih Iha pflflttlafl at kaataa t P Ihfl Slzth I)i-trut of North Carolina. WhUfl thfl Bflflfli IBB Wflfl (fttiiiK flfl a Bflflflfl BBBBfli CBIfl-fl JflflflflWBBflVlfflfl fruin tfefl tal.h I und Blflflfldfll -flflflflflfl bfl Bfld fltfltfld Ibfll ha wo.ii.i raflfl Bm ?????? <;t-.-.-i.-y- wha taaa __?____ tttt d'.tn. Thi- l- BBfl thinl linu- that Jo.i.s Bflfl Bflflfl * Ut Bfld hy iiu infiiriatf.l BtflWd "f Bl glflflB, jaaaab C Bflfltflti ? flMBBfeara Ifefl Oaltad Btfltaa S.-. -t.-t I-.-I4I. '?. who Wflfl .'..liifru.-.l in tho alMlil.'tioii of Di. lirutta.u froui Cauiida, Is ut i.r. Bfl nt m tliln town. .lleiter ii rejfiBttTr.l as :t votcr Bflflfli Bad BBB l???-n ov.r haa-dtoaaj Ihatha "Wflflbtttaa M s.-e ttai?__-_?! lhat Vflflli Bfeflfl-Bflffl hi" r'Kht to vote where Bfl i.lcaned." Bfl has pulilishfld Iflfl?9 ln thf- Adniiuntru Uon pflflBM of Un- ptflflfl Ifefl fflOflfl-flf notiit-: iii. BBflB BO-t-B. Aay pir-on or peraooa belnf deprired oa t ha daj fll (-in tion ,.f tba i loctlTfl iraachlfle lllegally, be be ..f i llbar poiitn .1 party, Ifl infltruetedto report bm Brtflvraaae ei ?ii.-i! to th.- i.n.l. !rai_9ed, wba a aatfeoriaed to lovroa-lgaa all aaobB-Bttera. J '?? Hi-ikii, u. s. i>ii>t. of jrflflttea,QiflflBflboBfl, b. 0, What Bflflfl thii ineant Are North Carolina vote- U 1h- itititiii.iaicd tn thi. way i Ifefl A_-fefl_a> U eflrrylaa a . tato flf. tion L.V Bflflb BMBflfl fl-D .'frl.iliilv Ifldflflfld ?BN t.. Un injiiry of (iriint'8 AduiiuiBtratiou thiin fl Bfl> fi-at aftor an bBBflfll tlght. SI'KCri.ATlON.S ON THK ELKCTION. TUE I.IHKKAL- (DS.IIIENT 4.K Vin..HI-1'IH.r-l iti.K DIBT-U-BimOM Of tiik vt>:'_.?Ai.vtiMs TKATION INTEUIKUENCK?KICAIT). BXTBCTBO KltoM TUE (iKANT MEN?MOKK PBB-BOO TION*1. |DT TBIi?*-**' TO THB TWnt'.NK | BAUDOB, -'"ly n.-<:<'?. D. M. H.arriiiK'or. (h.i.iiu.ui of Ifefl Ubflral Hlatf ('.ntral Ca'n.u.iU". rc tflfflfld th.s flfflfldfll from Bfeflflfl, ***** Bfl had haaa U ati.n.i ihfl i.-t graal aaMtlaf BflBt Ifeaaa d.i4 Ix.okn.|{ ov-.r tbc .'utlro fl.ld, aud J-BfltBg from letttri received up to th- laat inoiiieut, ho kfllfl very posllivo that th.- I-lhoral MaB. tirkrt wl l i?. ,.|,,t.d to-uiorrow l.y about 6,000 majonty. HU MMB fiom th.- W.-t.rn CBBBUll ar.' M M? *?* r,,,,,,_.-,i,..,. a, ih..-,'a:., to Tiu-TKiniNK from tbat poruou of the B.ate have been. f?*J~ I.??,.il nai... ar,- ,.ro?iU,,l lu cvory Mouutaln ONfltr. I, .hmaii ba ...... u.ur.'d tnat iu flfeBBBIBflt tmWeato ra (,?mlll.M ?, ??, BM. ihflBfl aro Bfl <?''??-''' ?u,-h, BBd iu ahout ball no MttMdB. IJnB. ??. ??-,? et Wtm flt BBM- cuntif. Bbwaja which railroad! eilend no BBBBB BBB Bfl BaflJtflB" ...itli rrtdfl] uft.-n.oon. aud from MflBB tt **** 441,1. h aro off tbo railroad llne*. uo ncwi can be ******* _t th.- nrarrat BflBBBBflffe "talloi. Mnre ,J?tur<'?r^ " would not ue aurprlfllnK l" BBfl larico uegro maJorlOea Ibe l.tlon-riMBDUtrlctaadtho BBB-flBB rouutle. K?i crally, froai ahlih the drat report* will ?BBBBBWflj ibould mliload tho oountry ai to tho rrault. ***** nngf-r li vrry poaitivo that the Llharalfl will earry a cod ai.i. r?l,i- majorlty of the conottea. Uo* B-**uriun tho eosiOfllfl evnuvi at bfU bfflaabflfl U th* -*aP> lature and tlir, rhnlre of a VUttti Ktatea Ben? ator. He alao BflflBbB that UM QtmA -BBB WEt not fllael more thim two, fNThar,*, nof ?MB IflBB aaa luiuiiM r of QtaajMflfl. Tta naaat flaabttol Weflial lathafl ln whleh ltulet.h ia .luated. 1 Bfl 1" BBI I ratlfl tmtaUtitf li.-r.' fl Bflaafl 1,1100, Imt if ih e_|.eted Iflflfl ttlamt MH) Lltarala will ratafta _attb,UM -dtaiab-radaa tmmhr data-, from pBBBBBBl flfl loral BBBB?IflflBtBBaa. The otber doabUfll i?-trflrl la tbal aaw wptaaaBfad Bf Br.Oaflfl, Tlie houiidaricH of the M trn t havc _ I n mUmtJti BBflBa tli. new Ap|>ortiniitniTit law, aml (.iirti-r, t lir- Uflfl Bfll caiidi'ialc. Im B_BSw_BI of flBBBBB Eniuila will lit* BflbBBfflBl hy the (irant ui. n la . vi ry i-oiiiity, aflpeclaU. iu _Mta ahere tta a larKaly predoB-laaia. Amafa-Mab. ba. baaaflaaflbi by tbfl l.lln ral Btfltfl < 'nliiuiitt,-..- aud bf Ibfl varioui ( Iflbfl to .lialli-n-.- I'V.-ry man wlio Btfl mpta to vote IDaflBlI) . XflaaBBBBB will not iK'drlvcnawai, BflflaWflfl threaU haw Baaa ouAoBy tiu- Vflaaral ofltetala for ita patyafli ?f ta _B.__.tl0g tii.ui. B-flflfl of th. Ul have ulro.ulv BUt overod eoiorod iiipoali-fl aai younif io aa aaflflff Bflfl flfta i.avf* reKi.Hter. .1 m _aflBBflflflial refla* Ita aaaaa al Baa negro wim found flfl fl- Ilntn in one cniinfy Bflfl BbBBfl elty preeinct* in t'liarlotte, y.-Ht. r.lav. ln I.n .i,.-" ro, Batt_-7. ?'.>-,.-.. i, Oatdabara. Ratoagh, Parflaaa^flai inanv Bttar flBBBBr, BBBB flflfll ot flflB?flBl who hav. t, radf-flo me not Iflflfl- fBflBB, have BBflB preparcd. and will l.e t.i-en to the polla for u*e. II Ih aiituipati (1 ttnt, B_BB-ftfl wll! bfl made lo lntlml diii. I.n,. nl-niid prcvent tl.rm fmi" < :.-illegal *.,,;,-. K waHforthinpiirpoaefl-al UtAtOi M-t.lfl Bl I Bfll Bar. bn flfleal Bflatat laaaad inn aatd flflfl n.< mm_-. The hiir.fiKad (ftrontery of thia and other miii i lar BtKflBBB. of F.-dcri'i flflahtli to interfen- m th.-ei.-.-tii.n Baaaaaaai graal (x< aaaaaal among flja paaaia la * twn pan tt tta Btata, it rdiouiii Im- uaa ?taflflfll thal ita I flitai Baaaaa \\\, i tlon law la not in for.c in anv part of thi- Mato, tbere bataa bb flfl. fltaflflta Ibaa HgflBfl Bttablt?ilfl bi Hnnii QtroBaa. t7att_I __t_aaa__lfl Baaa,ttaflaaara, no n-ht lo Mipefl?flfltflfl eli-ctmn. inv-in. Ue fi.iii-l-. or an,-. MBbaflBfl*, Afl i paaaa- thra.uj-'" OiaaaBBflre tliln inoniliiK l found the peoplo fljtflafl. __-_? (I (".er BBfl pabllea?oa efthta aadaa. Ibap aaa Iflfl. afl _flai aata their rigl.t-4, aml Hhould any .BlMMl Bflflflfl offlcial at to wlth the riu-htK flf the citl/.etiH, or t<> ar n-Ht any one withuut warrant, ta will taflflall witb n_idljr ;?-..,i,i;i-.-ti. tn.-siati-in'.v-. iflta BeUar_BflBbal Beatec and U. B. Coinu.l _.o,m r Ifeaflbfl al thi- l Hfl h.iw 'kl. d_ aaaaa tbaaaaatfafl Haatt la bb_b_baeal Ba hrttai Battea af ______ hy the pnhllcation of the un. iirrant.-d BBttflBfl tbfl. hav pnt out, and if tliey tavfl th.-y will ho pro i ii flfld flf <in-t af ome This lfl tx-li. *., dlo tatfel Ulflgalaafl] aaflBMfBaaa Baa araa ral baaa made hy the AiliiiiiiiHtratmii lo I airy an en-ctmii OtUmOt the people. The LlblialBOf North 0*mlln.iBBlf iflfllffl B f.ilr and hoiiCKt eh ett.ui to-im|RBW, BBi BBBM fll BBBfl lt ln flflttfl of AdliiltiiHtr.ition iut. tf.ri-nr-e. Tin-iiitiinl.latloii of eolored men w..n flM illiposed to rota tta Ubaral Uehef flttll eaadaaefl la rai laaa part- ..t the Stiite. I -aw a ik Kn> ln (iii-ron ('ounty. ye-t.-r.t 11 . wim bad taaa _ men wflfl .1 toaaa-Bll, ?rta_ aa Btat ara. to the pince of recistrntion. lli- Bflfl B___B WttO BBfl raee, aad tfle aaaaa of tta atn, k- aa aaaaaBaaflaaal tbal ta inadi- in- fhoui.i rate tac Heitbaea. BatoMof aaotber BOBTO, a aalgbtac of Ua. wbaafl erap of bbbb aaa this ptefl - it t<. tbfl -i-oiiii.i. Hfl Bad l.a.i aa peraoaal ililli.-ulty witb any MBB, and the. oniy Mippo-al'le aaaafl af tta oataafl araa tbaI Iba aaa bafl taflaee-. rt of Oreeley. The laa ? wiii votc tta Utaral th?et to_e_raa vvin ta ont l,y tlie loeal fintlioritiBfl lfl tbfl flS_r_M Of theirllghflk Jfldffl Mernraoii nturted IBBalalgfctbbl cvotiinir, and Iflinon liui-r-fui than Bret Bt itlll hobbi the opiu:tai ? ? hi-. fl_aJor__ in the Htafe will he from t.-t. ti.'.ii-atiii toflfteaatboaaaafl. H? fljaatt. laflltaaatal the BtflNBfll Bf I'tiited BfatCfl otR.lal.4 to faeilltatu traa4 aad Ulaaal ratea to_o_row, aml wfll proimhiy _ka Baaaa >top to bf?ic the _uiity um tt (flattea. Balelfh la rery galel tiu.- eraalaB. Ibi !..--??- tn Btmu laa ? BMettag la ii'.nt flf ti"' Chart Baaaa and tho Ubaralfl la tta Katrapa_?a Bafl. A ejaM flflattafl w aaUdpatad all ov.t tta Btate, Bateaa tto Oraal meu iiiakc MNDfl fllfllaitaaon The leafl_Bfl Administration men ..f Babflflb are Btaal I. BBWaHlad flflfll I Cfno a I.- Hiud to havc tcli-~apl.i.! t.. Wii>hin*;ton within a day or two that thfl Blatfl WBfl MBN to be lost to tbeui. WOEBIOE aSEWS. TIIE TEEATY OF _____8_T0_. HAKMdNV IN IIIK l'KdCl.l-I.INt.*- BBPOBI THE BOA-BD Of u.viuK-. (,h.M.\ a, Wtdii.-day, July :)1, 1872. is utiUiority tur tlu* siatitiiiiil that tlu n- i- coiiiplot.! ha. n.ony in the lloaril of Ai Lltratloil upon Iflfl Alal.iuna elaim . and a Bflaafl. flflflflBBBBl Bf nii qaeattaaa BflBfln tta Mflaaalfli BBfaaBBi within a f,-w weik-. i.kkai bbitaih. THE ??flflfl AN Kl.l-.KT?0(M KU ??I EXTKNDED i.? un. O-TIC?flfl Of riu. \ i --i.i.-. 1 ,,M.( N. Wcilne-ilay. July Jl, 1871. Tha Atiicriciiii tlei't, wiiich lias t>coii Cfll .?me BBflta al Portaawatb, fl flalafl to Oawaa, wbere it wlll t>e Inapeeted by tta Prraee and Priaaaflfl flf fl>ab_*,aad (i-.- -.-ii Vi' ton.i. Tli.' I'rineo of WOUt vnil BB* ? Eiear _d__ral4aflflfla flldea BBd taataol Iha atth r uiiir. n nf tba Beai ta taanaw? <>n PHflfld* flaattai aaafl viil Bfl cxteiid.-d to tbem by the Mayor of ciouth ainpt..;i._ CENTRAL AMEEKA. OOtTfl BICfl 10 POBCWABfl A \v vi.-\ i--il ?1'<> I.ITl. AI. Al'l-'AIHB Ifl SAl.VAllUi:?IIIK I1A.SS, Llfl i;.\i*i;iiiiH'K. A-iiswAi.i., Jtdj 21.?Tlu* Oovinmiint of Ui ? im- \ot<-.l au approprlaUoa of a_?aj to a ii. i . < f.war, to ta fltallOBfl- at I'uiit.i Ant-.a-. f'apt. Boaara tallad for Haa .art ta Ita Oaaaa Queen to-4lay to ,-onipii-ti- thfl piirehaaa. KDurin. tta kataaaear. ahaaaefl af Pl?rtaeat Qaaflalaa of Bal_t?or, ea Praabbaal Daeaaawaatnedaad aeflalltad. Onthe rataraof Preahbral Oaaflalea,tahatl him r.-ar teated and iBiprtaooed. Aa attempt waa flflafle to taaa Bnrate a r. *. "lutK'ii m th" Intenor, bnl it was oup pn --,d. Several peraona were kllled. riu- D. 8. eteamer _-__-__., with Ptaf. bflaaau and purtv ou l.oar.1, will nail to inorrow for Han rraoetaco. Tno l' B. ateamera Ca-iorabi und Bbiwbm are miii in Dorl Tta U B. ateamer Wyomlns b. lUU at Aflplnwall. tapl )', nii.-il of tlu- i-tii.ut BBfl r.-.iir. rted on tbe stb, but waa iiiUiaand after ii toa haare' baaariaaBflBaBfl, RASli BIBPOBTVEBB, THE KEall.T OE WAXCUOQ A GflUtJI TKOCES BIOH. TflB-B Hai tk, Jnly ;u.-Whilf a ebflfll pro aaeahai wa? paaalafl Ita fiaBrtflCUi Baafe th.-- innruing, atiraattag tta aHaattflaaltta flfl_aaaal that iu?titution, atiUafaflflfl_i la Iha baaflwafaad "to;.- tbe foiiowtujr inoin-y and ._flflflfl ; lurrency, .1,937; a thflflfl of J. S. it.-ieh ou tta l'ralriei ity Iiank for __7 ; and a rhfl - of 1....11 _ Uoaer,oa McKeea *v Wm-hall, lor|i,77l. Tho paj _cat of tbo cberk? haa b_M atopped. A SLS1 -S810N 1N MEMPIUS. Memi'iiih, July 31.?The City Bauk suspended Lvday. Ita iJahllitieaaro $66,000, but iu aaaeta are uu known. ?______________________. TEEEOIUril NOIES. _Miv. Nillie (jrikiit la now at Vk ima. _john Ilowlt?, Surveyor of tbe Port o| 8avBB? aal. "baa i*oJnr.1 bla rtalfualioa. . .Tho atreet oar trouldea at Bflfflflflflk bave _i IrrVr r*a**al, aod Iba afl >a u .alrt at aaaai. ....Prof. I). 0. Oilman of Yale Coll<_.o haa been clackr- Prtaidrnt of tbt L'aiftralt/ of Califoraia. _Frikiik Itop-orH and Manuel Suiflsie were bumetl lo flai? at baa Lraadru, OBL, day b*lot* ytaUnlar. .The recetptu from rnU*mal Ri>venae flOOroea for tb* aaatb tadla( i*ai.r_.r. aaaaaatad to 014,112,171. . 5ohn niBBjauIll ??e fio, waa killed at J.yna, yrittrila;. b; kb* rainnf of a aaad ktak, aadtr wbleb bt waaal work. Kleven lniiiilreil i>4>or coloriHl rbildren of Phila fl*lphia DarticipaUd ia an aiturttoa/taUrila;, to UocalaaJ, Baal ttu lauaal Park. ....Tlie (leorKia BaflflBB b_*i paaaed an ait to allow t rolortfl m*ii firMtal Irom tbt jury luU to ar|-ral lo ib* JtJjtt of Ut Huptnor laiartt. Hi-nrv 0. Kimli.ill. a brukenian, wan mn ov. r l.r art. .. ihi BalU?ar* K_lr__ d.iK.1 la r*bila4.lpbia, uu |__kj ui<lu, aod aad kolli laga rnubtd. Ht ditl imlatdty. Tho Btoakhaldara of tlie New-Vork and New n,i,i Kailroad airl al New H*r*o. ft_<rday aad ratitrd Ih* eooaoli italloa ol Ibat road wlth lit Hanford aod Ntw-Htffn** ....H. K. Wy_lB8Bf_?fl money rer.ivin. elerk for Aiia?a Kipr<? l'orai_ui? at OlaOBaaU. waa arrrwied rr.tarilar uo a ?Srj?3S_to_StT-t bad _?_, HflVkflf wbicb aa.OOOkaa ktta ratortrad. ....Tbe ReMance Tunnel and MiniiiR Company wai larwrpurattfl, frattrdaf. al Bak 1*1* 4.1, wltb a capilal a_<k of a*-4i,0_i. Lltyd Baaliaf t '? f <o?-??? _At tbn lirtliab Ooodwood raoee Bflflfl_flJ-f_ the (laadwoad ataktt w**w m br Hataa.lbaraa. Ibt aiaatr af Ibt Bortb fkt-*?I BBB- Kaaaa-afl aat aaaaafl, aad Kiuatiafl ikltd. ?yu-*a raa. Tb* brtUM al Oa atait aaa t M I -fjua_ B_taa*___. IU la I aj__ _-_-__, aafl?B1 aaaaai flflflflfll BABNAR_ya TRIAL. THK CA01 Of THI l-HMBCVriOM CLOBBP BOW TBB BtSCOBBD BBTflflBBPBBTBB POUTM-1L ,,l KHANs-ll.'KA'i. 1. ' LABI 09 lOT. I'AM tO Till DWOB PACIHC BAILBOAD DARXABD- B-BBPOlBBBILI-t POB IBfl BfB I I OK HIS a- .1.1*1 Bfl. lai nuflflura to the tbdmbbi BABATOOAi July '.'A.?Thfl ( for the mm* t "'ion i" ifea Mai >.f Iflflflfl I ir?fld aafl -Bb?d a> ?i : tn BBB-fflW t. '? -BtflBBfl will bflflfl Bfl BflflflBflflB. Iha Cniirt Bflflfli ti wiih a full flBB fldBflBB aml BB ? aflfl tiilaiit. Cflpl Ji.mei fi-vinr and ftommlfl I-.bll I. I'.iv.-t.;.' rt WflBfl ' SflflflflM tl ir. Uu- MMraflBd . tt ricf to ariicle XXX, and their te-ttiinony fui iiIb.ici anofhcr fltie llltntrailoti of BflaTflflfli*! muiin,, " Favor yoar fricnds and not your MB-flMMfl." In BBfl Bflflfl BB-Bflfl-ri fr.i-.i.l - Mr. PBlBflfd-B-flBflflB, ind hu ,1, ...-.., tr, i.-, r. -'-i-f th'it "friend" will cxrlt*? th* BBflflaflflflflM atlu.nratlon for iti lnten.1ity.an4l ronternpr for the ol.Ject of lt. In lhe Btflflt l?art of IfnV Mr. Hart.ard, th. n a IBflaK of the flJflflflflM Court, came bflflflffl flbfl flB8BBI M B BflflfllMflflfl Bfl flfe le< tlou. dtt-MBgh-. BflflBflflB '"-Ut -i-'htof the faet lhat '1 iiml Uu Brtfl I'.ii- wt re powerfal enouirb at tbat t un- almoal to put a < Ircui clown upon tbe tien.-h of the PflpreBM f'.-urt, he di.i uot deiplae the Influeoee thal flfllgfetbflflBflrtflfl by the humhleit aml the iiifaneet ?.f Inn a.ll.i r.nt-. 4-)n Oet. 31. imw, the day fll n-Klntry for thaf eleetion, leven Bcvetith Wanl n.fflai.s w< te ttrv'tted for Biflfljfli iflgaafltBa, oa bm am ttag "t tn.- aaw* <tay, (at.f. IffltBflWBfl Bf-rved with a writ of hal ,?-..- co: .n?, i iu 'l by Barnard, returnable forthwitli, at Mo 33 Bfeflt fflfl i.fy-Urit-it., BBfl JBtf-B own .?-. doneo. Thii, |a it not. I. flflaflBBfli at A late BflflB ?! BBa ni'-'.t. ptubflbly n tfmmtt, Bfeaa th.- Di.ttriet-Attorti.-t rotild not weii he informed of it, aad B Bflfl !"? Bad aa bbBbb at Bm bflflflflaa ami dni bbi <,f eafliflfl Bpflflfl> IBfl Bifl 1 f afeflflfl Utm, ,, <iwdBB BBa .ii-i.-i- waa -i.iV'i-i.f f" f_tflaay><BiflrBBflBi--BfBBa Jaiflflfl BBB BBTflT-BflTTfl F. II.-u,-. I-.te it nltfttt hrt went with Cflft Irrlflflflfld -Bfl BBflflfl pn-oti' rs to ffldflfl H.'iniiiPl'ri feflflBB, and while rh< ;?, 1. ?? BflflflBB BBl tfefl BBtflflBflfl. BBBBBBBfld BfltflMfl Bflflfli tflflfe flflfl WlB BB Bflfl1 fi.I fl- t-r-i-r f.r fh<- disiharR,- of th. ii. .u-.-tl. an.l away tlu-y, prohahly fully ti-tildoi IBM this Itflfl ml.lni-lit b) i-.f- safi-ly be cn s'rue.I as a h.nt whlab flray t'> flflflfl B tn.-coiinii-elortmn J, hi, Bflflflflflfl an.l Wu,. r-< hu.! ?-. Iflfl flflflfl tiv4-.ii ? plojradto Mafefldflfl " Jfldfi i-araai-i ia kmM,***,*** Ingtbfl V* "i. I'" ?' - ?-' BflBBi while flflflflBflBaBflflriy miflii.i ttt, BBflfl BBOBlfe IflflBBBMBy U **** iUrn.rt.V infii:-;i' y with IM at lhal thaa, eerwm au* Bha utattt ifo in ami aai af BaaflBfl l'a baflai -:.<i ii.< BrlaflBaB ? BflflflflB F. Clark 4ias next tflttfld Ifl IfltflBflflflBBfll ? ? Bflnaid'aatderaofl lb*UflBMB-BflBBflBflfl-flfld OflflUBBfly, Mr. rl.tik B an aldflll] BflflB-MBBfl, and an ni. ii af oi.i Behaal eflflr-ttaaaa. Bflftfld Bflflfl Pflflflflt n.'iitly flflflflflfltafl Wttb Bflflfly w,-;.lt!i\- rmlroad.i as ttt ? BC dir.i-tor, he wa8 BWMflflM v4ell fflBMBfli Bf pcflflttofll 4-?peri',!,.- u. Matfl BBfl-rMandlfl*rl| I \_.t fflflBflflfl BttttlHl flpflB IB I'iiioi. I'i- :.!? ."i'l 1 .ir.l- tt UbBBBflfl .'? ll Bfl. Mr 1 1 Btflflfli th.- piiiiit-i-ootii. as tle- stj-u-l, thaf h waa Bflfefflflflfld By tl??? flflflBflflfl '" i-r..Bflflfl BM BBlI Bflflhfl of thfl coiupaiiy now iu tbe company'g offlce In Bontoii, 1 i- l , addfl I 'I dar. not fatc- Uu- .-? ?po-BMitty of i.rinri.- tbefli Ifltfl th.- Btata wbfla BflflB ? U atlniliiistercl BflBBflW is here." Mr.'. t. BB ?BOflfflflflfflfl-Cflt-d MBflt flf flflfl tta? wBflfl?i B totat lO-Bfl BflflB?fl af thfl bflflflfl BfflB BOflflflflflfl li | lo flhflfll Th liniiifdiirely followin_ BBfl Bfl M Bt Jn.lU' Bflfflsid*! ardara, aad atoo la reamrd to itiflaal eapulHloi from tno Btata. ou tbe cr..-s -examiuat. Mr 1 bafraa a ri_i,l laquiry imo tbc ataltt ol ?? fr, ,t;r Mo'-liiff," tlu P. ? ? ,.: 1 i.r.tiiou which bullta jh,nu.11 of tbe Paeifie Railroad und. tiifii tbe Oompflny. Br. r.ti upou evldenoe mi Eflmote irom tbe real quoation al I A aturdy aud protracted (trtiBKle aroa. upon tbli i \tr Beacb eb-tmlng bia rtabl lo 'i" ?o i* a_fflaa?e t" t .-? uui-.ti.iii of tbo fti.-ff of Baraard'i ordera. XI* i' tii :i hait beea allowod lo adduc. ei Idonoe t.f tbal and ho tbouflbt be bad aa cood a rbrbt to do bo. Before he waa through, Mr Beacb exhlbited a littla of ti. taflto wbleh baa at Umea Injured bim witb th. Com redeotiog upou Ita ei ?? - Id allowlnjr the proaeciitl co into proof aa to the coi ieaplte bla earoeal obicitioii ar tbe tlme aad now. thf. BBBfl A- tfl iiAKNAi.i,'- BflBBBflflBB-UVV. What.'ver eireet hl? arcuiiicnt mav ii.ivi on thp inind of the ("int wflfl dlaalflfltal By JfldaaOiflfflr, aht BBBBflffli tfeflflfl-BI :- B .1" ."? with BB't. I , hi?4.\vn BflflBBBB Bflflfl tfefl flflflflBBBB at BB I ' ' Ciiirt." Mid he, "feflfl Iflflflfffld eTldence aa to the effe. of flfldflffl KTar.ted hy Ifldfljl Bfl-BBBfl. Ifeflflfl rulniK-i Bflfl aot Bflflfl Bflflfli flflflfl Ifefl BBbb Ibfll Bfl flflfl BtflBflBflBBb lat thfl. . tfeits aay fuifii.-r ttaa Bbflt M i- Ifefl Bflflfl af . UaaW fl bflfl api'li'd t.i ft>r t.rders iiaportant 11. BBflB BBflfl the rlshtd of Bfl__-BBj nnt fully t> (?,,ii-;,|.-r tbfl eOflaaflflflflflflB B has flfll Bflflfl itn ,li--i.-u to op< n up a trial upon Ibe BMfllia (lutai.if of the paporaBad facto known t-, <iuiuseif ppon wblch tpact. w. an not her. to try wbeth.-r tbi 1 paciflc l_iiii" ..1 Company In reloaina to award Ki*k tbi? ?took tbat bo elalmed to bave lubacrtbed for waa rlflht oi ?r..ii_-whether tbal waa ?? ralld ?__? rlpftoB or uot u 44.- . uu re-i upon tbal the trial would ?> eadli - judiw Baruard wa? apj eertain orden - ? eeedinaly lmportant as alleettng the tntereata of a areai itlon. He araatod tbem, and the qm itlou o. _ li wbether, after eouflidt-ring tn. papen lu ibe caat, !?? ai i..l uprightly MBladgc witb an rye lingle totbe pr. motton .-' tne endi ot (iifltlce, or arbetber eatra. rd orderi w. re gr -m. <t wbli t. 44uu?l n, their i.-miIis Ih- vi i> diaaatroua to tn. lutereaU ..inl flelfan of thfl paitj aaalafll wboa Ihey were dlrocted " Benator Barphj eoncBrred empbatloally with Judirf*, wa., Immtdlf-*1 ly afflerward _aid n.- aba-uld immo hia Tota upon tbo aueation whether tbeeft-ctol tb. li juuctioii was i-oi..-i.ii-i.-.i before lt wafl lf Hu fallod to eoflaidar It, he omittedoueol tt.e 1 dutlefl enjolued upon a ludge. 1 h? 4*ote 4\nr. tht u ? aad would probaolj bave been unaalmoufl bad not Nr. Beaeb aenttblj witUdiawn hi= claiui boflocfl aflflflflfl ha-i an'wercl. _ . _ , , Th-last wltnc-sof the 1l.1v wi.-, \ .1 1- Noab Davli \vii?,t- lefltimonj Judai barnard -,. .uid uave been pre* enttobear. rt relatod to a boaol >.nc? made b-tbe a. cu-i-.l to 'I.- '4 iDflaa ol tbe .'...' neafl iii:- flbleb Be, Barnard,got outof'tlaht placea,' aml .-;. immedUtelj fi,lio44li!i: lilustrauon, wnb li 44ould be amu-lug if r 4-.. ? not so vlllainoui and uncbalte Tbe lllufltraBOfl wa? taken fr.'in a haf m Barnard'i own exp.-ri.-iif.-, an.l, .1 true. BbOWl inn. 10 be not OOly B U1.4 rtiiu. Imt a 4 Th.- evldenee, altei diacuaaioo, was nd-ctad, and ordeiea to be fltricken out. rhc Court then adjourucd uutil lo ?BMTflW, at thi Bflflfli hour. WABBIBOTOB, A UNANdA-. IBICK? noriWK.1.1. CBXBD1XB nr BIB8BLF. [BI TKLKGRA. II TOTflBlBIBUflB 1 Wamum.ko', Vfldaaadfly, July ii. 1.17J. A little piece of rharp practn t Bflfl Ju.-t Bflflfl ifl tt bfljl -1 :ti the Treasury DafflrtBDi nt. which ihows th.- deiperato tactit* tfl which the Adnniiistr;itia,u ifl Iflflflrt?fll lo MBBB' talu its.-lf 11. tIti- pn-M-nt .aiiipaiirii. It BflflBM th it Ifea usual B-frBtfe'y 1 xlnbit af Ifec BfltBaal BBflflflfll for Ju.y ?flfeflfl > vciy BbflflrBM flfl B BBfl pul'li,' <l.t-t. To pr. vtiit any iiipiKi-cd (lai_iat;o wfelflfe ml_ht ari*' Bflflfl the piihlication of Uu- BBflfll monthly -ta'aa-u.ent Ifea pl.ti -u aaaeatvfld of nmint the iBaflflBt fund afisin>{ from Ifefl BflflB?fUflflflf flflflt-BBad tllflflfly into tlu- amount credited totho paymt-nt af Ibfl puhlie debt. This fuml ha. boen accumulatniK BbBN IflBI, and amounttd to n-v eral hundred thouiand doliar-. Bfllaw flCCBaphH au tboriied thlfl dlspofcition of th.-money. but, ou the flflfl ifl expreaflly pro\idt-d tbat it shall Ik- held _ul> Jt-ct to appropriatiou. Tbert- are honeit offlcials ln the Trcaiury Uepartment who do cot hesitau- to drclare tbat thia act li ootb fraudulent and wlthout exruie When Becretary, then Cougresiuian Boutwell, wa*> one 01 tho prlme proaecutors 111 Ifefl imueachUM-nt trial of Andrew Jobnaon, one of the hu/h crimrs aiul ii.ImI, meauor-lwhlch he allegcdairaitist the I*re?idpnt. wa*. tbat of corrupt interferenco with ele ctions; ln thu that ba geut aaeU-H of the te*-othte and Trtasury I). nienU into tho btaUs B-BflBaaflflfltBBi and that ti.,v made looir tour* aud mtiltitudinoua ipei-chei tn Ix hnlf or lhe 1'r.iideut'fl policy, at tlie -a.-iuie tluie drawiuK iroveti. meut pay, ft-r whicb uo otber M-rvlces were randai-d. To make (hia crluie and ,,utiap) more Klarinir 011 Johnion'i part, Routw,-'.. addBBI d tbe.luatauce of f*|Wfl Cahinet offlcers belug ]...'-, nt at a potiucai convention, whicb bad for ita ot.,, i tne ornauiiatiou of a party to sustaln tbe I'resldcnt'* flflUflf; a faet whieh," bo BflB acrve.d, "was unparral.elcd ln tbe politieal hihtory of lhe couutry." Iu vlew of the fa. t that uot ouly the Se< retary of the Treaa-iy, Pofltaiaater (ienerai, and Hecr. tary of the Iuterlor. to?rtber with tbc Commlaaioaer of lVuaioni and Auditor, and |flfl__B of roomfl wlthout number, have beeu actlvely euK_<i o* ln the h'orth Carolina oanvaafl 0111*half of (irant Mr. Bout welli vtews ln tbe paat on tbia H-d of l. u.ioeefl ara worth reproducl-f. To-morrow, the new be?r reflulationfl go into effeet. H?i-r statupi for oue thlrd barraJa haviuir been diep-aa. ,4 with, oiu- half barrel atanipe are now ret;.iire.l Tho new wblaky reculatlom weut into efftet to-day, and there baa been ao unprvcedeuted .leman.l for flUuuoa to, reaova abiakj plafled ln bond arxvt u ieao fl. I